

形式 10-Q

截至季度 2024年9月30日

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委員會文件號: 001-38495

鳳凰, AZ
(480) 581-8888


通過勾選標記確認登記人是否(1)在過去12個月內(或在登記人被要求提交此類報告的較短期限內)填寫了1934年證券交易法第13或15(d)條要求填寫的所有報告,以及(2)在過去90天內是否遵守此類填寫要求。 是的

通過勾選來驗證註冊人是否已在過去12個月內(或在註冊人被要求提交此類文件的較短期限內)以電子方式提交了根據S-t法規第405條(本章第232.405條)要求提交的所有交互數據文件。 是的




截至2024年10月28日,已有 60,867,055註冊人流通普通股的剩餘份額。




我們發現了財務報告內部控制的重大弱點,並在過去發現了其他重大弱點。如果我們無法補救這些材料 弱點,或者如果我們未來遇到額外的重大弱點或其他缺陷,或者未能維持有效的財務報告內部控制系統,我們可能無法準確或及時地報告我們的財務業績。

簡明綜合 資產負債表
現金及現金等價物$198,301 $464,715 
受限制現金和現金等值物3,374 1,224 
應收帳款,淨額51,773 17,974 
庫存76,076 62,588 
預付費用和其他易變現資產61,996 25,911 
易變現資產總額391,520 572,412 
受限制現金和現金等值物16,086 28,026 
長期存款17,256 14,954 
不動產、廠房和設備,淨值490,244 503,416 
無形資產,淨值52,130 85,860 
56,197 57,062 
商譽 5,238 
其他資產12,610 7,889 
總資產$1,036,043 $1,274,857 
應付帳款$57,161 $44,133 
應計費用和其他流動負債205,508 207,022 
債務和融資租賃負債,流動(包括美金63.2 億和$0 分別按公允價值計量)
73,111 8,950 
流動負債總額335,780 260,105 
長期債務和融資租賃負債,扣除流動部分270,018 269,279 
經營租賃負債6,806 4,765 
其他長期負債44,193 21,534 
總負債656,797 555,683 
優先股,美金0.0001 面值, 150,000,000 授權股份, 沒有 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日已發行和發行股票
普通股,美金0.0001 面值, 1,000,000,0001,600,000,000 分別於2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日授權的股份, 55,283,39644,336,100 分別截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日已發行和發行股票(1)
6 4 
借記資本公積3,931,702 3,790,401 
股東權益總額379,246 719,174 
負債和股東權益總額$1,036,043 $1,274,857 
(1) 已發行股票和已發行股票已進行調整,以反映2024年6月24日生效的一比三十(1比30)反向股票分割。參見注釋1, 呈列基準.

卡車銷售$24,847 $(2,368)$61,008 $19,693 
服務等 334 636 2,989 4,614 
總收入25,181 (1,732)63,997 24,307 
卡車銷售82,205 122,679 222,946 195,902 
服務等 4,919 1,092 15,295 4,236 
總收入成本87,124 123,771 238,241 200,138 
研發41,800 41,966 121,458 168,286 
銷售、一般和行政41,629 57,982 126,157 159,443 
33,419  33,419  
供應商押金損失 716  18,433 
總運營支出116,848 100,664 281,034 346,162 
剝離附屬公司的收益   70,849 
債務貧困損失(871) (3,184)(20,362)
所得稅開支 1 92 1 
173 (262)(865)(16,287)
已終止業務之虧損   (76,726)
取消合併已終止業務造成的損失   (24,935)
已終止業務淨虧損   (101,661)
每股基本和稀釋淨虧損 (1):
已終止業務淨虧損$ $ $ $(4.32)
51,388,962 28,573,800 47,553,460 23,544,174 
(1) 金額已進行調整,以反映2024年6月24日生效的一比三十(1比30)反向股票分割。參見注釋1, 呈列基準.

外幣兌換調整,扣除稅(195)145 (54)1,629 

截至2024年6月30日餘額48,473,984 $5 $3,876,034 $(3,352,465)$(21)$523,553 
為RSU獎勵發行股份94,722 — — — — — 
為轉換而發行的普通股 8.25%可轉換票據
9,257 — 75 — — 75 
4,600,695 1 26,185 — — 26,186 
2,104,738 — 20,807 — — 20,807 
股票補償— — 8,601 — — 8,601 
淨虧損   (199,781)— (199,781)
截至2024年9月30日餘額55,283,396 $6 $3,931,702 $(3,552,246)$(216)$379,246 
截至2023年12月31日餘額44,336,100 $4 $3,790,401 $(3,071,069)$(162)$719,174 
為RSU獎勵發行股份354,408 — — — — — 
為轉換而發行的普通股 8.25%可轉換票據
733,331 — 18,112 — — 18,112 
4,600,695 1 26,185 — — 26,186 
5,258,862 1 71,667 — — 71,668 
股票補償— — 25,337 — — 25,337 
淨虧損— — — (481,177)— (481,177)
截至2024年9月30日餘額55,283,396 $6 $3,931,702 $(3,552,246)$(216)$379,246 
(1) 金額已進行調整,以反映2024年6月24日生效的一比三十(1比30)反向股票分割。參見注釋1, 呈列基準.

截至2023年6月30日餘額25,643,344 $3 $2,944,578 $(2,421,772)$(93)$522,716 
股票期權的行使198,909 — 6,353 — — 6,353 
為RSU獎勵發行股份104,770 — — — — — 
根據股權分配協議發行的普通股,淨值922,096 — 53,139 — — 53,139 
4,470,054 — 139,250 — — 139,250 
2023年4月發行用於轉換Toggle可轉換票據的普通股2,415,293 — 115,152 — — 115,152 
出於或有股票考慮而收到的普通股(686,667)— (2)(69,937)— (69,939)
將可轉換票據轉換為權益中嵌入的轉換功能重新分類— — 241,851 — — 241,851 
股份支付獎勵從負債重新分類為權益— — 20,992 — — 20,992 
股份支付獎勵從權益重新分類為負債— — (8,395)— — (8,395)
股票補償— — 8,068 — — 8,068 
淨虧損— — — (425,764)— (425,764)
— — — — 145 145 
截至2023年9月30日餘額33,067,799 $3 $3,520,986 $(2,917,473)$52 $603,568 
(1) 金額已進行調整,以反映2024年6月24日生效的一比三十(1比30)反向股票分割。參見注釋1, 呈列基準.

截至2022年12月31日餘額17,097,850 $2 $2,562,904 $(2,034,850)$(1,577)$526,479 
股票期權的行使224,121 — 7,155 — — 7,155 
為RSU獎勵發行股份363,858 —  — —  
根據Tumim購買協議發行的普通股1,073,726 — 67,587 — — 67,587 
根據股權分配協議發行的普通股,淨值2,223,015 — 115,593 — — 115,593 
7,380,412 — 246,431 — — 246,431 
997,024 — 32,244 — — 32,244 
註冊直接發行的普通股1,979,167 1 63,155 — — 63,156 
2023年4月發行用於轉換Toggle可轉換票據的普通股2,415,293 115,152 — — 115,152 
出於或有股票考慮而收到的普通股(686,667)— (2)(69,937)— (69,939)
將可轉換票據轉換為權益中嵌入的轉換功能重新分類— — 241,851 — — 241,851 
股份支付獎勵從負債重新分類為權益— — 20,992 — — 20,992 
股份支付獎勵從權益重新分類為負債— — (10,401)— — (10,401)
股票補償— — 58,325 — — 58,325 
淨虧損— — — (812,686)— (812,686)
— — — — 1,629 1,629 
截至2023年9月30日餘額33,067,799 $3 $3,520,986 $(2,917,473)$52 $603,568 
(1) 金額已進行調整,以反映2024年6月24日生效的一比三十(1比30)反向股票分割。參見注釋1, 呈列基準.

減:已終止業務的損失 (101,661)
折舊及攤銷33,408 28,758 
股票補償25,337 68,916 
附屬公司淨虧損中的權益865 16,287 
金融工具重新評估6,284 195,132 
庫存減記56,587 64,500 
非現金利息費用11,906 72,846 
債務貧困損失3,184 20,362 
其他非現金活動5,674 3,888 
其他長期負債29,064 2,316 
21,398 20,742 

行使股票期權的收益 7,393 
Tumim購買協議下發行股票的收益 67,587 
73,464 115,027 
80,000 217,075 
發行融資義務的收益,扣除發行成本 53,548 
保險費融資收益4,598 5,223 
145,671 512,257 
現金及現金等值物,包括受限制現金及現金等值物,期末493,965 313,909 
期末現金及現金等值物,包括受限制現金及現金等值物$217,761 $392,100 
經營活動$ $(4,964)
投資活動 (1,804)
融資活動 (572)
已終止業務使用的現金淨額$ $(7,340)
支付利息的現金$13,859 $5,561 
收到的現金利息$12,141 $7,153 
高級可轉換票據轉換為普通股$26,186 $246,431 
轉化 8.25%可轉換票據
$18,112 $ 
購買不動產、廠房和設備包括在負債中$12,311 $13,551 
PIk興趣$11,135 $16,263 
$4,407 $10,982 
股權分配協議項下的應計佣金$1,844 $1,114 
將可轉換票據轉換為權益中嵌入的轉換功能重新分類$ $241,851 
2023年4月切換可轉換票據的轉換$ $115,152 
應計發行成本$ $300 
剝離附屬公司的或有股票對價$ $25,956 
嵌入式衍生品負債從2023年4月開始分叉Toggle可轉換票據$ $21,180 
$ $20,992 
某些股份獎勵從權益重新分類為負債$ $10,401 


某些前期餘額已重新分類,以符合簡明綜合財務報表及隨附附註中的本期列報方式。 A除非另有說明,否則美金金額以千為單位。
Tre FCEV卡車的預生產活動,包括製造準備、過程驗證、原型製造、貨運和庫存減記,均在公司的簡明綜合運營報表中記錄為研發活動。與生產開始相當,製造成本(包括與Tre FCEV卡車相關的勞動力和管理費用、設施成本以及庫存相關費用)從2023年第四季度開始計入收入成本。
2023年6月30日,根據一般轉讓(「轉讓」),公司轉讓了其子公司Romeo Power,Inc.的所有權。(「羅密歐」)對其所有有形和無形資產的權利、所有權和權益,但須遵守SG Service Co.的某些商定排除情況(統稱為「資產」),LLC以其作為羅密歐債權人利益的受託人(「受託人」)的唯一有限身份,並指定受託人作為羅密歐債權人利益的受託人,因此,截至2023年6月30日,受託人繼承了羅密歐在資產中的所有權利、所有權和權益。羅密歐截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月的運營運績報告為已終止業務。參見注釋9, 子公司去合併,以了解更多信息。除非另有特別說明,本季度報告中10-Q表格中對財務數據的所有引用均指公司的持續運營。
2024年6月24日,該公司對其普通股進行了一比三十(1比30)的反向股票拆分(「反向股票拆分」)。反向股票分拆於2024年6月5日在公司年度股東大會上獲得股東批准,2024年6月13日,公司董事會批准了反向股票分拆。與反向股票分拆同時,普通股授權股數從 1,600,000,0001,000,000,000.未經審計的簡明綜合財務報表中包含的所有對普通股、購買普通股的期權、限制性股票單位、股份數據、每股數據、有關可轉換票據的轉換率和價格以及相關信息的所有引用均已追溯調整,以反映反向股票拆分對所列所有期間的影響。
根據會計準則法典化(「ASC」)205-40,披露實體持續經營能力的不確定性(「ASC 205-40」) 公司已評估總體而言是否存在對公司在簡明綜合財務報表發布之日後一年內持續經營能力產生重大懷疑的條件和事件。

該公司打算採取各種策略來獲得未來運營所需的資金,例如繼續通過與花旗集團全球市場公司修訂和重述的股權分配協議獲得資本。(「花旗」),擔任銷售代理。參見注釋7, 資本結構.然而,訪問修訂和重述的股權分配協議的能力取決於公司普通股的市場價格和交易量,這無法得到保證,因此無法作為公司ASC 205-40分析的流動性來源。
如果公司無法獲得所需金額的資本,公司將被要求推遲、縮減或放棄其部分或全部開發計劃和運營,這可能會對公司的業務、財務狀況和運營結果造成重大損害。由於上述不確定性,公司ASC 205-40分析的結果是,公司在自這些簡明綜合財務報表發布之日起的未來十二個月內持續經營的能力存在重大疑問。此外,股權分配協議項下的可用資本金額不足以滿足公司的資本要求。
該公司將剩餘期限為三個月或以下的所有高流動性投資(包括貨幣市場基金)視為現金等值物。 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,公司擁有美金198.3 億和$464.7 分別為百萬現金和現金等值物。現金等值物和受限制現金等值物包括美金27.8 億和$29.8 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,分別有百萬筆高流動性投資。
截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,公司擁有美金19.5 億和$29.3 流動和非流動限制現金分別為百萬美金。受限制現金是指提款或使用受到限制的現金,由公司信用狀的證券化組成。參見注釋6, 債務和融資租賃負債, 瞭解更多詳細資訊。
現金及現金等價物$198,301 $464,715 $362,850 
受限制現金和現金等值物-流動3,374 1,224 1,224 
受限制現金和現金等值物-非流動16,086 28,026 28,026 
現金、現金等值物以及受限制現金和現金等值物$217,761 $493,965 $392,100 

$27,825 $ $ $27,825 
  63,158 63,158 
現金等值物-貨幣市場$29,839 $ $ $29,839 
$ $ $8,871 $8,871 
2022年6月,公司完成定向發行金額為美金200.0 無擔保本金總額百萬 8.00% / 11.00%以實物支付的可轉換高級票據(「PIK」)切換票據(「2022年6月切換可轉換票據」)。2023年4月11日,公司完成了美金的兌換(「兌換」)100.0 公司現有2022年6月Toggle可轉換票據本金總額為百萬美金,用於發行美金100.0 百萬本金總額 8.00% / 11.00% b系列可轉換高級PIk切換票據(「2023年4月切換可轉換票據」)。2023年4月Toggle可轉換票據根據日期為2023年4月11日的契約(「2023年4月Toggle可轉換票據契約」)發行。
此外,2023年6月,公司完成了定向發行金額為美金11.0 無擔保本金總額百萬 8.00% / 8.00% C系列可轉換高級PIk切換票據(「2023年6月切換可轉換票據」)。2023年6月Toggle可轉換票據根據日期為2023年6月23日的契約(「2023年6月Toggle可轉換票據契約」)發行。
由於在某些情況下臨時要求以現金結算轉換,2023年4月Toggle可轉換票據和2023年6月Toggle可轉換票據中嵌入的轉換功能被分開並以公允價值單獨確認,直到獲得納斯達克規則5635所設想的股東批准以增加授權股份的數量。經交易所,公司確認美金21.2 作為簡明綜合資產負債表上應計費用和其他流動負債中的衍生負債的嵌入轉換特徵的價值為百萬美金。
2023年第三季度,隨著股東於2023年8月3日批准增加授權股份數量,公司重新評估了從 2023年4月切換可轉換票據和2023年6月切換可轉換票據.截至2023年8月3日,轉換特徵符合所有股權分類標準,因此,衍生負債於2023年8月3日重新計量,並從應計費用和其他流動負債重新分類為簡明綜合資產負債表上的額外實繳資本。公平值變動

的衍生負債記錄在簡明綜合經營報表的其他費用中。 截至2023年9月30日止三個月和九個月,衍生負債的公允價值變化如下:
$29,340 $ 
估計公允價值變化212,511 220,671 
$ $ 
$32.70 - $102.00
$43.68 - $44.48
$43.68 - $44.48
3.76% - 4.58%
47.5% - 60%
14.9% - 20.1%
此外,2023年12月12日,該公司完成了承銷公開募股,金額為美金175.0 公司本金總額百萬 8.25% 2026年到期的綠色可轉換優先票據(「8.25%可轉換票據」)。的 8.25%可轉換票據是根據公司與美國銀行信託公司,全國協會(「受託人」)之間日期為2023年12月12日的一份契約發行的,並受該契約約束,該契約由公司與受託人之間日期為2023年12月12日的第一份補充契約補充。
嵌入的轉換功能 8.25%可轉換票據符合與主合同分離並按公允價值單獨確認的標準。該衍生工具在初始和後續期間均按公允價值計量,公允價值變動在簡明綜合經營報表的其他費用淨額中確認。書的自公告之日起 8.25%可轉換票據,公司認可美金47.3 作為簡明綜合資產負債表上應計費用和其他流動負債中的衍生負債的嵌入轉換特徵的價值為百萬美金。 截至九個月衍生負債公允價值變化 2024年9月30日 如下:

$7.40 - $31.20
4.10% - 5.47%
14.08% - 15.18%
責任分類獎勵-期末$2,006 $ 
以股份為基礎的付款獎勵重新分類為負債8,395 10,401 
公平值變動10,591 10,591 
負債分類獎勵-期末$ $ 
該公司根據平均歷史回報估計回報準備金,包括在經銷商協議終止的情況下。管理層認為,該估計準確反映了預期回報,但實際回報活動可能與估計不同。應計回報率約為 $4.4 億和$0.7 分別截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,並一般反映在簡明綜合資產負債表上的應計費用和其他流動負債中。如果準備金適用於有未償應收帳款餘額的卡車,則準備金反映為應收帳款淨額的減少。

2023年第三季度,該公司向國家公路交通安全管理局提出自願召回,r該公司的BEV卡車,與現有電池組的問題有關。該公司累計召回活動成本 $56.7其中 $34.9 已發生至2024年9月30日.該公司暫時暫停新BEV卡車發貨,直到其BEV卡車庫存使用替代電池組進行改造。 見注釋11, 承諾和意外情況,以了解更多信息。

應計保修-期間開始$77,266 $11,057 $78,946 $7,788 
19,274 172 44,353 4,245 
 61,848  61,848 
應計保修-期末$77,132 $70,328 $77,132 $70,328 
截至2024年9月30日,保修應計為美金34.1 百萬計入應計費用和其他流動負債以及美金43.0 簡明合併資產負債表上的其他長期負債為百萬美金。截至2023年12月31日,保修應計為美金65.7 百萬計入應計費用和其他流動負債以及美金13.2 簡明合併資產負債表上的其他長期負債為百萬美金。
根據ASC 280「分部報告」,經營分部被定義為企業的組成部分,其中有離散財務信息,首席運營決策者(「CODM」)定期評估這些信息,以決定如何分配資源和評估績效。本公司已 零部件、卡車業務部門和能源業務部門。卡車業務部門正在製造和銷售FCEV和BEV卡車,為卡車運輸行業提供或預計提供環保、具有成本效益的解決方案。能源業務部門正在開發和建設氫加油站網絡,以滿足公司客戶的氫燃料需求。該公司的執行長(也是執行長)將公司的運營作為單一報告單位以及單一運營和可報告部門做出決策並管理,以分配資源和評估財務業績。
當購買收購中支付的對價超過所收購的淨有形資產和已識別無形資產的公允價值時,公司記錄其善意。善意不會攤銷,而是每年或在事實和情況需要審查的情況下更頻繁地進行減損測試。該公司已確定有一個單一報告單位用於進行每年12月31日進行的善意減損測試。截至2024年9月30日的三個月內,公司股價和市值持續下跌,這是一個定性因素,表明報告單位的公允價值可能無法收回,因此需要根據ASC 350、善意及其他進行進一步的減損審查。
該公司截至2011年進行了中期減損審查 2024年9月30日, 這表明公司單一報告單元的公允價值超過了報告單元的公允價值。因此,公司確認了一項善意損失 $5.2期間 截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月內的簡明綜合經營報表的減損費用,代表報告單位的公允價值之間的差額,但以公司簡明綜合資產負債表上的善意的公允價值為限制。 參見注釋4, 善意和無形資產,淨.
公司必須使用ASC 350中無限壽命無形資產的指南,每年對其無限壽命無形資產進行減損測試。公司的評估包括首先評估定性因素,

期間 截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月,公司在簡明綜合經營報表的損失費用中確認了價值美金的損失28.2 百萬,代表公司無限期無形資產的公允價值之間的差額。看到 注4, 善意和無形資產,淨.
2024年第三季度,公司股價和市值的持續下跌表明公司的長期資產和有限壽命無形資產可能更有可能出現損害,因此需要根據ASC 360-10「持有和使用的長期資產的損害」進行可收回性評估。截至 2024年9月30日,公司進行了上述可收回性測試,並得出結論,所有資產組均被視為可收回,因此截至2024年9月30日止三個月和九個月內未確認任何損失。
2023年12月,FASb發布了ASO第2023-09號(「ASO 2023-09」)所得稅,以加強所得稅披露,以滿足投資者對有關實體全球運營中存在的稅收風險和機會的更多信息的請求。ASO 2023-09自2024年12月15日之後開始的年度有效,並且允許提前採用。公司計劃在截至2025年12月31日的年度採用ASO 2023-09,目前正在評估該會計準則更新對其合併財務報表和相關披露的影響。

原料$35,112 $32,889 
Work in process28,078 15,486 
成品4,695 8,206 
維修零件8,191 6,007 
總庫存$76,076 $62,588 
2023年第三季度,公司減記美金45.7 數百萬BEV庫存與現有電池組、電池和其他BEV零部件有關,由於公司自願召回,這些部件被視為過剩或過時。
$17,500 $ 
庫存押金16,939 4,843 
非貿易應收款項8,039 4,895 
預付費用5,715 7,573 
應收扣留款4,869 3,655 
預付保險費3,890 2,148 
2,893 1,154 
2,151 1,643 
預付費用和其他易變現資產總額$61,996 $25,911 

2024年9月30日 2023年12月31日
建築$240,861 $239,918 
在建工程105,718 135,994 
設備83,482 67,657 
工具62,114 39,389 
融資租賃資產41,072 37,504 
軟體8,689 8,649 
土地7,957 7,957 
其他6,871 6,409 
租賃物業裝修3,115 3,100 
示範車輛1,798 788 
不動產、廠房和設備,毛額561,677 547,365 
財產、廠房和設備總計,淨值$490,244 $503,416 
2024年第一季度,公司變更了模具預期使用壽命的會計估計。公司確定直線折舊,預計使用壽命爲 5 年比消耗法更能代表這些資產的估計經濟壽命。這一估計變更適用於2024年第一季度預期有效,並導致折舊經驗增加$的強度2.9 億和$8.5 三米和九米的百萬月結束 分別於2024年9月30日.爲 三個月及九個 截至 2024年9月30日,估計變更導致每股淨虧損增加美元0.06及$0.18,分別。
截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月折舊費用爲美元9.9 億和$15.1 分別爲百萬。截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日止九個月的折舊費用爲美元27.8 億和$23.9 分別爲百萬。
於2023年7月,本公司與Fortescue Future Industries(“FFI”)的全資附屬公司FFI Phoenix Hub Holdings,LLC簽訂會員權益及資產購買協議(“FFI購買協議”)。根據FFI購買協議的條款,FFI Phoenix Hub Holdings,LLC收購100%本公司的全資附屬公司菲尼克斯氫氣樞紐有限公司持有與菲尼克斯氫氣樞紐項目相關的資產,包括土地和在建資產。該公司出售了$24.4百萬根據第一次結賬,2023年第三季度的資產減值。該公司的收益是扣除$3.7上百萬的阻礙。於2024年第一季度,本公司根據FFI購買協議的條款完成了第二筆交易。該公司出售了$25.1百萬根據第二次結算,2024年第一季度的資產減少。該公司的收益是扣除美元后的淨額。3.7上百萬的阻礙。截至2024年9月30日,公司確認了美元4.9在第一次和第二次結清時的剩餘預提應收賬款在簡明綜合資產負債表上的預付和其他流動資產爲百萬美元。截至 2023年12月31日,公司確認爲美元3.7第一次結賬時預提應收賬款在綜合資產負債表上的預付和其他流動資產爲百萬美元。

$103,446 $91,330 
保修責任,當前34,112 65,703 
已收到的庫存尚未開具發票23,408 8,642 
其他應計費用14,435 6,894 
應計工資和工資相關費用8,242 3,254 
7,913 2,458 
無形資產的應計購買5,624 13,796 
應計外包工程服務5,441 4,207 
經營租賃負債,流動2,887 1,867 
應計費用和其他流動負債總額$205,508 $207,022 
4.善意和 無形資產,淨資產
S-WAY產品和平台許可證$50,000 $(17,857)$ $32,143 
FCPm許可證47,181  (28,181)19,000 
其他無形資產1,650 (663) 987 
$98,831 $(18,520)$(28,181)$52,130 
$5,238 $— $(5,238)$ 
S-WAY產品和平台許可證$50,000 $(12,500)$37,500 
FCPm許可證47,181  47,181 
其他無形資產1,650 (471)1,179 
$98,831 $(12,971)$85,860 
$5,238 $— $5,238 

截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日止三個月與無形資產相關的攤銷費用爲美元1.9 萬截至2024年和2023年9月30日止九個月與無形資產相關的攤銷費用 $5.5 億和$5.6 分別爲百萬。
由於截至三個月內公司股價和市值持續下跌 2024年9月30日,公司確定對其確定和不確定的長期資產進行減損評估是適當的。 截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月,公司確認了以下的減損費用 $33.4 FCPm許可證和善意價值百萬美元。參見注釋2, 重要會計政策摘要,以了解更多信息。
沃巴什谷資源有限責任公司20 %$56,197 $57,062 
$56,197 $57,062 
附屬公司淨利潤(虧損)中的權益 簡明 截至2024年和2023年9月30日止三個月和九個月的綜合經營報表如下:
尼古拉依維柯歐洲有限公司$ $ $ $(15,556)
沃巴什谷資源有限責任公司173 (262)(865)(731)
$173 $(262)$(865)$(16,287)
2020年4月,公司與依維柯SAP(“依維柯”)成爲一系列協議的締約方,在歐洲成立了合資企業Nikola依維柯Europe GmbH。該合資企業的業務位於德國烏爾姆,包括爲歐洲市場製造FCEV和BEV 8級卡車。
Nikola Iveco Europe GmbH被視爲可變利益實體(“VIE”),因爲在沒有額外次級財務支持的情況下,股本不足爲其活動提供資金。該公司不被視爲主要受益人,因爲根據協議條款,它無權指導對經濟表現最顯着影響的活動。因此,VIE採用權益法覈算。

在資產剝離完成時,公司確認了等於收到的對價與其在Nikola Iveco Europe GmbH投資中的基準之間的差額的收益,其中包括負債餘額爲美元11.4 對附屬公司的投資百萬美元,累計貨幣兌換損失爲美元1.5 萬在剝離結束時交付的許可軟件被確定代表使用許可軟件的權利,並且在剝離結束時交付的許可軟件時履行了履行義務。該公司在簡明綜合運營報表中確認了與終止承認其在Nikola Iveco Europe GmbH的基礎和交付許可軟件相關的收益,作爲剝離附屬公司的收益。 截至2023年9月30日的九個月內,公司確認收益爲美元70.8 剝離附屬公司的收益百萬美元,其中包括:
或有股票對價計入可變對價,並計入資產剝離結束時的總對價,因爲在解決或有事項後,該對價不太可能發生重大逆轉。2023年8月3日,軟件盡職調查被視爲成功,依維柯轉讓給公司 0.7 百萬股尼古拉普通股,這些股票立即被淘汰。公司在收到普通股後確認了簡明綜合資產負債表的累計赤字中的公允價值。或有股票對價的公允價值根據公司普通股的收盤價計量,公允價值變化在簡明綜合經營報表的其他費用淨額中確認。
公允價值-期末$28,428 $ 
資產剝離結束時確認的或有股票對價 25,956 
公平值變動41,509 43,981 
公允價值-期末$ $ 
2021年6月22日,公司與Wabash Valley Resources LLC(“WVR”)和賣家簽訂了會員權益購買協議(“MIPA”),根據該協議,公司購買了一份 20WVR %股權以換取美元25.0 現金及 56,079 公司普通股的股份。普通股對價是根據公司30天平均收盤價或美元計算的445.80 每股,公司發行 56,079 其普通股的股份。
公司利益 WVR按權益法覈算,並計入對公司附屬公司的投資 簡明 合併資產負債表。初始公允價值中包括基差美元55.5 由於投資成本與公司在WVR淨資產中所佔比例之間的差異,因此損失了100萬美元。基差主要由不動產、廠房和設備以及無形資產組成。

截至2024年9月30日,公司的最大損失風險爲美元56.7 百萬,代表公司股權和向WVR提供的貸款的賬面價值0.5
$63,158 $ 
融資租賃負債6,187 6,312 
保險費融資2,791 1,852 
本票827 699 
融資責任148 87 
債務和融資租賃負債,流動$73,111 $8,950 
切換可轉換票據$138,483 $124,061 
融資責任102,169 101,470 
融資租賃負債26,353 26,395 
1,226 15,047 
本票1,787 2,306 
長期債務和融資租賃負債,扣除流動部分$270,018 $269,279 
2022年6月切換可轉換票據$128,159 $125,669 
2023年6月切換可轉換票據10,324 11,136 
2,614 2,593 
保險費融資2,791 2,773 
1,226 644 
2022年6月,公司完成定向發行金額爲美元200.0 該公司2022年6月Toggle可轉換票據本金總額爲百萬美元,該票據將於2026年5月31日到期。2022年6月Toggle可轉換票據根據日期爲2022年6月1日的契約(“2022年6月Toggle可轉換票據契約”)發行。

公司可以選擇以現金支付Toggle可轉換票據的任何利息(“現金利息”),通過以到期利息的Toggle可轉換票據(“PIk利息”)的形式發行額外的Toggle可轉換票據,或其任何組合。Toggle可轉換票據的利息每半年支付一次。 每張Toggle可轉換票據的利率和付款日期總結如下:
就2022年6月Toggle可轉換票據而言,轉換率於2024年6月24日調整爲每1,000美元本金3.8120股,但在某些情況下須進行慣常反稀釋調整,這代表調整後的轉換價格約爲美元262.33 每股
對於2023年6月Toggle可轉換票據,兌換率於2024年6月24日調整爲等於(a)的金額 22.4809 除以(b)商,(i)其分子是(x)在該轉換之前尚未發行的2023年6月Toggle可轉換票據的初始本金額和(y)與2023年6月Toggle可轉換票據到期利息的PIk利息發行相關的資本化總額和(ii)其分母爲2023年6月Toggle可轉換票據的初始本金金額。
Toggle可轉換票據契約規定,在2026年2月28日之前,Toggle可轉換票據將僅在特定事件發生時和在某些時期內由持有人選擇兌換, 並將

公司不得在2025年6月1日之前贖回Toggle可轉換票據。公司可自行選擇在該日期或之後且在該日期之前贖回全部或部分Toggle可轉換票據 26到期日前的第一個預定交易日,現金購買價格等於待贖回的任何Toggle可轉換票據的本金總額加上應計和未付利息。
Toggle可轉換票據債券包括限制性契約,除特定例外情況外,限制公司及其子公司產生超過美元的有擔保債務的能力500.0 百萬美元,承擔其他子公司擔保,並出售爲Toggle可轉換票據提供擔保的任何子公司的股權。此外,Toggle可轉換票據債券包括習慣條款和契諾,包括某些違約事件,在此事件之後,持有人可能會加速據此發行的Toggle可轉換票據的到期,並導致其在加速後立即到期和應付。
2023年第二季度,美元兌換100.0 百萬2022年6月觸發可轉換票據以發行美元100.0 2023年4月的百萬Toggle可轉換票據被確定代表術語的重大變化,並應用了貧困會計法。公司確認債務消除損失爲美元20.4 截至2023年9月30日的九個月內爲百萬美元。作爲交易所評估的一部分,該公司將2023年4月Toggle可轉換票據的轉換功能分開,並確認衍生負債爲美元21.2 截至交易日,百萬美元,導致債務折扣調整。

2023年8月4日,2023年4月Toggle可轉換票據的持有人對所有未償還本金行使了轉換權。該公司選擇通過發行 2,415,293 普通股股份。由於轉換功能重新分類爲權益,剩餘未攤銷折扣在簡明綜合經營報表中確認爲利息費用淨額。
本金額$130,269 $123,478 $11,918 $11,460 
應計Pik利息4,816 1,170 238  
賬面淨值$128,159 $115,097 $10,324 $8,964 
截至2024年9月30日,2022年6月Toggle可轉換票據和2023年6月Toggle可轉換票據的實際利率爲 13.90%和17.24分別爲%。一債務貼現和發行成本的攤銷作爲利息費用的一部分報告,並在適用的Toggle可轉換票據期限內使用直線法計算,這與實際利率法接近。
合同利息費用$3,582 $3,219 $10,438 $12,464 
債務貼現和發行成本攤銷906 785 2,625 2,520 
總利息支出$4,488 $4,004 $13,063 $14,984 
合同利息費用$1,096 $3,562 
債務貼現和發行成本攤銷41,530 42,242 
總利息支出$42,626 $45,804 
合同利息費用$238 $220 $697 $240 
債務貼現和發行成本攤銷231 253 663 253 
總利息支出$469 $473 $1,360 $493 

2022年12月30日,該公司與其中指定的投資者簽訂了一份證券購買協議(“購買協議”),出售最多美元125.0 登記直接發售的優先可轉換票據(“購買協議票據”)初始本金金額爲百萬美元。購買協議 注意到 可轉換爲公司普通股股份,但須遵守某些條件和限制。該公司完成了出售美元的初步交易50.0 2022年12月30日購買協議票據(“A系列票據”)本金總額爲百萬美元。
初步成交後,公司簽訂了修訂後的證券購買協議(“修訂後的購買協議”),據此,公司於2023年3月17日完成了額外成交,出售美元25.0 購買協議票據(“b-1系列票據”)本金總額爲百萬美元,於2023年5月10日出售美元15.0 本金總額百萬 購買協議 票據(“b-2系列票據”),並於2023年5月25日出售美元12.1 購買協議票據(“b-3系列票據”)的本金總額爲百萬美元。
購買協議票據的購買價格爲 每1,000美元本金1,000美元。
每份購買協議票據的應計利息爲 5每年%,在每個日曆季度的第一個日曆日支付,A系列票據從2023年4月1日開始,b-1系列票據從2023年6月1日開始,b-2系列和b-3系列票據從2023年7月1日開始。利息可由公司選擇以現金或公司普通股股份或現金和普通股股份的組合支付。根據購買協議和經修訂購買協議發行的每份購買協議票據的到期日爲 一年 從發行。在購買協議票據進行任何轉換、贖回或其他償還時,“整整”金額等於該購買協議票據項下按當時實際利率應計的額外利息金額,假設該購買協議票據的未償還本金在該購買協議票據的到期日(包括該購買協議票據的到期日)仍未償還。
A系列筆記$179.250 $14.340 
系列b-1註釋$121.500 $14.340 
系列b-2註釋$64.200 $14.340 
系列b-3註釋$58.545 $14.340 

下表總結了截至九個月內購買協議票據的轉換 2023年9月30日:
發行用於轉換的普通股股份726,187 704,256 725,276 754,639 
本金餘額已轉換$50,000 $25,000 $15,000 $12,076 
整體利息轉換$2,500 $1,250 $750 $604 
平均轉換價格$72.30 $37.27 $21.72 $16.80 
公司選擇對 購買協議註釋 根據ASC 825下的公允價值選擇權。ASC 825-10-15-4規定了向金融工具提供的“公允價值選擇權”選擇(ASC 825-10-15-5未另行禁止),其中金融工具最初按其發行日期的估計公允價值計量,隨後在每個報告期日期按估計公允價值重新計量。該公司認爲,公允價值期權更好地反映了公司的基本經濟狀況 購買協議 Notes.購買協議票據於2023年第二季度完全轉換,購買協議於2023年第三季度終止。
2023年8月21日、公司訂立證券購買協議(“第二份 購買協議”)其中列出的投資者將出售高達 $325.0 按優先可轉換票據的初始本金金額計算(“第二份購買協議註釋”),在登記直接發行中。的 第二份購買協議註釋 (與第一份購買協議票據一起稱爲“優先可轉換票據”)可轉換爲公司普通股股份,但須遵守某些條件和限制。該公司完成了一項初始化收盤出售美元125.0 2023年8月21日第二份購買協議票據(“A-1系列票據”)本金總額爲百萬美元。
首次成交後,公司簽訂了補充契約,根據該契約,公司於2023年9月22日完成了額外成交,出售美元40.0 第二份購買協議票據(「A-2系列票據」)的本金總額爲百萬美元。
每份第二份購買協議票據的應計利息爲 5每年%,對於A-1系列票據和A-2系列票據,從2024年1月1日開始,每個日歷季度的第一個日歷日拖欠支付。根據第二份購買協議發行的每份第二份購買協議票據的到期日爲 一年 從發行開始,在某些情況下可以根據票據持有人的選擇延長。在第二份購買協議票據進行任何轉換、贖回或其他償還時,「整整」金額等於該第二份購買協議票據下按當時實際利率應計的額外利息金額,假設該第二份購買協議票據的未償本金在該第二份購買協議票據的到期日(包括該第二份購買協議票據的到期日)仍然未償。
2023年8月21日或之後的任何時間,兌換金額可隨時按兌換價兌換。 適用於每次發行第二份購買協議票據的參考價格和底價總結如下:
系列A-1註釋$88.200 $11.400 
系列A-2註釋$88.200 $11.400 

發行用於轉換的普通股股份4,279,353 190,701 
本金餘額已轉換$125,000 $7,619 
整體利息轉換$6,250 $381 
平均轉換價格$30.67 $41.95 
公司選擇根據ASC 825項下的公允價值選擇權對第二份購買協議票據進行會計覈算。第二份購買協議票據於2023年第三季度完全轉換,第二份購買協議於2024年第三季度終止。
2024年8月19日,Company簽訂了證券購買協議(“第三份 購買協議”)其中列出的投資者將出售高達 $160.0 按優先可轉換票據的初始本金金額計算(“第三份購買協議註釋”),在登記直接發行中。的 第三份購買協議註釋 (與第一份購買協議票據和第二份購買協議一起稱爲「優先可轉換票據」)可轉換爲公司普通股股份,但須遵守某些條件和限制。該公司完成了一項初始化收盤出售美元80.0 2024年8月19日第三份購買協議票據(「b-1系列票據」)本金總額爲百萬美元。

2024年8月19日或之後的任何時間,兌換金額可隨時按兌換價兌換。 適用於每次發行第三份購買協議票據的參考價格和底價總結如下:
$12.200 $1.620 
公司選擇根據ASC 825項下的公允價值選擇權對第三份購買協議票據進行會計處理。使用轉換後公允價值方法,公司確定發行時系列b-1票據的公允價值爲美元88.4 萬公司立即確認公允價值調整美元8.4 截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月的簡明綜合經營報表中的淨費用爲百萬美元。此外,公司認可美元4.9 利息費用爲100萬美元,扣除截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月的簡明綜合經營報表中的配售代理費和其他發行成本。截至2024年9月30日,公司確認美元63.2 未償還第三份購買協議票據的公允價值在簡明綜合資產負債表上顯示爲百萬美元。
2023年12月12日,公司完成了美元的銷售和發行175.0 百萬本金總額 8.25%可轉換票據。的 8.25%可轉換票據是公司的高級、無擔保債務。

如果某些構成根本性變化的公司事件發生在到期日之前,那麼,除某些現金合併的有限例外外,票據持有人可以要求公司回購其 8.25%現金回購價格等於本金額的可轉換票據 8.25%將回購的可轉換票據,加上截至(但不包括)基本變更回購日期的應計和未付利息(如果有)。根本性變化的定義包括涉及公司的某些業務合併交易以及有關公司普通股的某些退市事件。
嵌入的轉換功能 8.25%可轉換票據符合與主合同分離並按公允價值單獨確認的標準。參見注釋2, 重要會計政策摘要. 收到的總收益首先分配至分叉衍生負債的公允價值,其餘收益分配至主機,導致初始購買者債務折扣的調整。
公司認可美元122.1 發行後百萬 8.25%可轉換票據,扣除初始買家折扣美元47.3 百萬美元,債務發行成本爲美元5.6 萬未攤銷債務貼現和發行成本被報告爲從債券面值中直接扣除 8.25%可轉換票據。2023年期間,票據持有人 8.25%可轉換票據轉換本金總額爲美元153.4 發行百萬 5,683,038 公司普通股的股份。

下表總結了 8.25%期間可轉換票據 三個月和九個月結束 2024年9月30日:
發行用於轉換的普通股股份9,257 733,331 
本金餘額已轉換$250 $19,800 
$48 $4,579 
$174 $13,741 
$51 $(2,262)
債務部分的淨資產淨值 8.25%截至目前的可轉換票據 2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日 如下:
本金額$1,758 $21,558 
賬面淨額$1,226 $15,047 
之利息開支 8.25%可轉換票據 三個月及九個 截至 2024年9月30日並不重要。
2022年5月10日(「銷售日期」),公司簽訂了一份銷售協議(「銷售協議」),根據該協議,公司以購買價格出售了與公司位於亞利桑那州鳳凰城的總部相關的土地和房產52.5 萬截至銷售日期,$13.1 從與正在建設的總部部分相關的收益中扣除了100萬美元。根據銷售協議的條款,公司在整個施工完成過程中收到了剩餘收益。在出售的同時,公司簽訂了租賃協議(「租賃協議」),公司租回了與總部相關的土地和物業,初始期限爲 20 年與 擴展選項 7 每年。截至銷售日期,公司考慮 合理確定將行使延期選擇權。
由於該租賃被歸類爲融資租賃,因此買方不被視爲已獲得總部的控制權。因此,總部的出售不予確認,該物業和土地繼續在公司的簡明合併資產負債表中確認。截至銷售日期,公司記錄了美元38.3 百萬美元作爲公司簡明綜合資產負債表上的融資義務,代表已收到的收益扣除債務發行成本美元1.1 萬租賃協議條款下的租金付款採用實際利率法在利息支出和本金還款之間分配。此外,債務發行成本在租期內攤銷爲利息費用。
銷售日期之後至2024年9月30日,公司確認了額外的美元13.1 公司簡明合併資產負債表上與工程竣工相關的融資義務爲百萬美元。截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月,公司確認美元0.9 與融資義務利息和債務發行成本攤銷相關的利息費用百萬美元。截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日止九個月,公司確認美元2.7 與融資義務利息和債務發行成本攤銷相關的利息費用百萬美元。
2023年6月29日(「土地出售日期」),公司簽訂了一份銷售協議(「土地出售協議」),根據該協議,公司以購買價格出售了公司製造工廠所在地亞利桑那州柯立芝的土地50.4 萬在出售的同時,公司簽訂了租賃協議(“土地租賃

協議”),根據該協議,公司將土地租回,初始期限爲 99 年土地租賃協議授予公司在第五十次(50th)土地銷售日週年紀念日,價格等於公平市場價值中較高者,或 300購買價格的%。截至土地出售日期,公司認爲購買選擇權合理確定會被行使。
由於該租賃被歸類爲融資租賃,因此買方不被視爲已獲得該土地的控制權。因此,亞利桑那州柯立芝土地的出售不予確認,該土地繼續在公司的簡明綜合資產負債表中得到確認。截至土地出售日,公司記錄美元49.4 百萬美元作爲公司簡明綜合資產負債表上的融資義務,代表已收到的收益扣除債務發行成本美元1.0 萬土地租賃協議條款下的租金付款採用實際利率法在利息支出和本金還款之間分配。此外,債務發行成本在租期內攤銷爲利息費用。
截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月,公司確認了美元1.3 億和$3.9 與融資義務利息和債務發行成本攤銷相關的利息費用分別爲百萬美元。截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月,公司確認了美元1.3 與融資義務利息和債務發行成本攤銷相關的利息費用百萬美元。
2022年6月7日,公司以美元簽署了一份期票和一份主擔保協議(「主擔保協議」)50.0 百萬美元,規定利率爲 4.26%(「抵押票據」)。如主擔保協議中所述,抵押票據完全由某些個人財產資產抵押。抵押票據帶有 60 一個月期限,並於 60 同等連續拖欠的每月分期付款。
截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月,公司確認了美元0.2 億和$1.1 抵押票據的利息費用分別爲百萬美元。該公司於2023年第三季度償還了該期票。公司償還美元39.3 2023年第三季度爲百萬美元,代表抵押票據的未償還本金餘額。
2022年8月4日,公司簽署了一份期票和一份擔保協議,金額爲美元4.0 百萬美元,隱含利率爲 7.00%(「第二張抵押票據」)。如擔保協議中所述,第二張擔保票據完全由某些個人財產資產抵押。第二張抵押票據帶有 60 每月期限,支付日期 60 每月拖欠的同等分期付款。
公司簽署了保險費融資協議,根據該協議,公司爲某些年度保險費提供了美元的資金6.6 百萬,主要包括董事和高級職員保險的保費。應付保險費產生利息 2.95%,並於2023年3月27日到期。
2023年第二季度和第三季度,公司簽訂了額外的保險費融資協議,根據協議,公司爲某些年度保險費提供了美元的融資3.9 億和$1.2 分別爲百萬,主要包括董事和高級職員保險的保費。應付保險費各產生利息 6.64%,並於2024年3月27日到期。
2024年第二季度,公司簽署了一項額外保險費融資協議,根據該協議,公司爲某些年度保險費提供了美元的融資4.6 百萬,主要包括董事和高級職員保險的保費。應付保險費產生利息 6.99%,按月分期付款到期,到期日期爲2025年3月27日。

2024年第一季度,公司執行了一項美元3.0 截至2025年1月30日,與FFI購買協議相關的百萬信用證。 截至2024年9月30日, 沒有 信用證上已提取金額。
2023年第三季度,公司執行了一項美元1.2 百萬信用證以確保2024年9月14日之前的海關按金。該信用證隨後延長至2025年9月14日。截至2024年9月30日, 沒有 信用證上已提取金額。
2022年第二季度,結合租賃協議的簽署,公司簽署了價值美元的不可撤銷備用信用證12.5 百萬美元用於抵押公司的租賃義務。租賃協議隨後進行了修訂,將信用證金額增加至美元13.1 萬根據租賃協議,信用證的年度漲幅與基本租金漲幅相稱。信用證將在租賃協議到期時到期,但在滿足租賃協議中規定的某些條件後,信用證可能會減少或提前終止。
2021年第四季度,公司簽下了價值美元的不可撤銷備用信用證25.0 截至2024年12月31日,因與供應商執行產品供應協議而支付100萬美元。根據隨後的修訂,信用證金額減少至美元2.2 萬截至2024年9月30日, 信用證上尚未提取任何金額。
截至2024年9月30日,公司已授權 1,150,000,000 股票包括 1,000,000,000 指定爲普通股的股票和 150,000,000 指定爲優先股的股票。
截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,公司已 28,038 未執行的私人授權令。該公司承擔了VectoIQ Acquisition CORP.(「VectoIQ」)和Romeo之前分別發行的私人認購證,每份私人認購證均賦予註冊持有人購買的權利 價格爲美元的普通股份額345.00或$2,908.94 每股可調整。未執行的私人授權令並不重要。
2021年6月11日,公司與Tumim Stone Capital LLC(「Tumim」)簽訂了普通股購買協議(「第一份Tumim購買協議」)和註冊權協議(「註冊權協議」),根據該協議,Tumim承諾購買最多美元300.0 百萬股公司普通股,但須遵守第一份Tumim購買協議中規定的某些限制和條件。
根據第一份Tumim購買協議的條款,公司有權但沒有義務在第一份Tumim購買協議之日(「Tumim截止日期」)開始至下個月第一天的期間內向Tumim出售普通股。 36個月 圖米姆閉幕日期週年紀念日。購買價格計算爲 97正常交易時間內公司普通股成交量加權平均價格的% 自購買通知日期開始的連續交易日。
截至2023年9月30日的九個月內、公司出售 114,033 普通股,收益爲美元8.4 百萬美元,並於2023年第一季度終止了第一份Tumim購買協議。

2021年9月24日,公司與Tumim簽訂了第二份普通股購買協議(「第二份Tumim購買協議」)和註冊權協議,根據該協議,Tumim承諾購買最多美元300.0 百萬股公司普通股,但須遵守第二份Tumim購買協議中規定的某些限制和條件。
根據第二份Tumim購買協議的條款,公司有權但沒有義務在第二份Tumim購買協議之日(「第二份Tumim收盤日」)開始至下個月第一天的期間內向Tumim出售普通股。 36個月 第二個Tumim截止日期週年紀念日,前提是滿足某些條件。購買價格計算爲 97正常交易時間內公司普通股成交量加權平均價格的% 自購買通知日期開始的連續交易日。
期間 截至2023年9月30日的月份、該公司 出售 959,693 普通股股份,收益 $59.2 根據第二份Tumim購買協議的條款向Tumim出售,並於2023年第三季度終止了第二份Tumim購買協議.
2022年8月,公司與作爲銷售代理的花旗集團簽訂了股權分配協議,根據該協議,公司可以發行和出售其普通股,總最高發行價爲 $400.0百萬. 2023年8月,公司修訂並重述了與花旗作爲銷售代理的股權分配協議(修訂並重述至2024年5月,「股權分配協議」),據此,公司將總最高發行價提高了 $200.0 百萬,導致總髮行價高達美元600.0.
該公司向花旗支付的固定佣金率爲 2.5佔根據股權分配協議出售的股份發行總收益的%。 期間 三個月及九個 截至 2024年9月30日,公司出售 2,104,7385,258,862 股權分配協議項下的普通股,每股平均價格爲美元10.19 和$14.02,總收益 $21.5 億和$73.8d淨收益約爲美元20.8 億和$71.7 百萬,在美元之後0.7 億和$2.1 分別爲百萬。銷售代理佣金和其他發行成本。 在結束的三個月和九個月裏 2023年9月30日、公司出售 922,0962,223,015 股權分配協議項下的普通股,每股平均價格爲美元59.11 和$53.33分別爲總收益 $54.5 億和$118.6 一個d淨收益約爲美元53.1 億和$115.6 百萬,在美元之後1.4 億和$3.0 分別向銷售代理支付百萬美元的佣金。與股權分配協議相關產生的佣金反映爲公司額外繳入資本的減少 簡明 合併資產負債表。C公司簡明合併資產負債表上應計費用和其他流動負債中確認的遺漏是 $1.8 截至2024年9月30日和 非物質 截至2023年12月31日。
該公司售出 997,024 承銷公開發行(「公開發行」)中的普通股,發行價格爲美元33.60 每股公開發行於2023年4月4日結束,公司收到淨收益爲美元32.2 扣除承銷商折扣和發行成本後,百萬美元。
該公司與投資者(「投資者」)簽訂了股票購買協議,根據該協議,投資者同意購買最多美元100.0 在登記直接發行(「直接發行」)中購買的公司普通股百萬股,直接發行中購買的普通股股份的實際數量減少至根據公開發行的股份總數。直接發行於2023年4月11日結束,公司出售 1,979,167 公開發行價格爲美元的普通股33.60 每股向投資者支付淨收益爲美元63.2 扣除安置代理費和發行費用後,百萬美元。

2017年股票期權計劃(「2017年計劃」)規定向高管、員工、董事和顧問授予購買普通股的激勵和非合格期權。期權的授予價格不低於授予日期的公平市場價值,通常可在以下期間行使 四年 授予日期之後。期權通常會到期 十年 自授予之日起。2017年計劃下的傑出獎項繼續受2017年計劃的條款和條件約束。
尼古拉公司2020年股票激勵計劃(「2020年計劃」)規定向公司員工、外部董事和顧問授予激勵和非合格股票期權、限制性股票單位(「RSU」)、限制性股票獎勵、股票增值獎勵和現金獎勵。2020年計劃和Nikola Corporation 2020年員工股票購買計劃(「2020年ESPP」)在與VectoIQ的業務合併完成後立即生效。迄今爲止,公司董事會尚未根據ESPP授權任何發行。
截至2023年12月31日的未償還債務501,362 $40.74 3.64
在2024年9月30日未償還497,524 2.87
自2024年9月30日起已獲授權並可行使497,524 $41.10 2.87
公司基於市場授予 其執行人員的RSU,使他們有權在歸屬時獲得指定數量的公司普通股股份。賺取的股票數量可能介於 0%和200目標獎勵的百分比取決於公司在業績期結束時的業績。獎勵的績效條件基於公司普通股相對於廣大綠色能源公司的總股東回報(「TSB」)。
2024年第一季度,公司授予 20,000 向新高管頒發TLR獎,績效期結束日期爲 2025年12月31日. 2024年第二季度和第三季度,公司授予 366,300 TSB向其高管授予獎勵,績效期結束日期爲2026年12月31日。授予日期TLR獎勵的公允價值是使用蒙特卡羅模擬模型確定的,該模型利用了重要假設

包括股票波動性和無風險利率,並且在整個歸屬期內不會發生變化。TLR獎勵的授予日期公允價值確定爲美元11.0 百萬並在歸屬期內確認。 以下代表用於確定TLR獎勵授予日期公允價值的一系列重要假設:
$7.22 - $20.88
1.82 - 2.68
3.8% - 4.9%
115.2% - 118.5%

A summary of changes in market based RSUs are as follows:
Number of Market Based RSUs
Balance at December 31, 2023
Balance at September 30, 2024
收入成本$434 $414 $1,114 $1,813 
研發2,473 3,383 7,825 19,043 
銷售、一般和行政5,694 14,862 16,398 48,060 
基於股票的薪酬總支出$8,601 $18,659 $25,337 $68,916 
如注1中所討論的, 呈列基準2023年6月30日,公司轉讓了羅密歐對其所有有形和無形資產的所有權利、所有權和權益的所有權,但須遵守某些商定的除外規定。公司沒有收到與該轉讓相關的現金對價。

就取消綜合賬目而言,公司確認取消綜合賬目附屬公司的虧損爲美元24.9 百萬,在截至2023年9月30日止九個月的簡明綜合經營報表中計入取消合併已終止業務的虧損,包括以下各項:


The following represents the major components of loss from discontinued operations presented in the condensed consolidated statements of operations:

根據日期爲2021年12月21日的命令,該公司與美國證券交易委員會就美國證券交易委員會對該公司與2020年9月發表的一篇賣空者文章相關的調查達成和解。根據和解條款,該公司在不承認或否認SEC的調查結果的情況下同意支付美元125 百萬民事罰款。

第一個$25 已於2021年底支付了100萬美元的分期付款,其餘分期付款將每半年支付一次,直至2023年。正如公司於2021年11月4日向SEC提交的該季度10-Q表格季度報告中披露的那樣,該公司此前保留了截至2021年9月30日的季度和解全額。2022年7月,公司和SEC同意了替代付款計劃。該公司製作了p美元的付款1.5 2024年第一季度和第二季度爲百萬美元,支付美元0.8 2024年第三季度爲百萬美元,其餘付款計劃有待確定。截至2024年9月30日,公司已反映剩餘負債爲美元80.3 簡明合併的應計費用和其他流動負債百萬美元已登記的資產負債表。
該公司目前正在向米爾頓先生尋求報銷政府和監管機構調查對象的行爲所產生的費用和損害賠償。2023年10月20日,紐約州紐約仲裁小組判給該公司約美元165 一百萬美元加上針對米爾頓先生的仲裁程序的利息。該仲裁裁決已在美國亞利桑那特區地方法院得到確認,公司正在尋求追回。公司從交易對手方收回任何判決的能力得不到保證,並且可能導致無法收回。
本公司及其若干現任及前任高級職員及董事是美國亞利桑那州地區法院未決的綜合證券集體訴訟(「股東證券訴訟」)的被告。2020年12月15日,美國亞利桑那州地區法院合併了Lead案件下的訴訟Borteanu v. 尼古拉公司等人,不是的。Cv-20-01797-PXL-SPL,並任命Angelo Baio爲「首席原告」。2020年12月30日,美國第九巡迴上訴法院提交了一份訴狀,要求撤銷地區法院的主要原告命令,並指示法院任命另一名主要原告,案件編號20-73819。2021年7月23日,第九巡迴法院部分批准了曼達默斯請願書,撤銷了地區法院2020年12月15日的命令,並將案件發回地區法院重新評估首席原告的任命。2021年11月18日,法院任命尼古拉投資者集團II爲首席原告。2022年1月24日,主要原告提交了經修訂的綜合修訂集體訴訟起訴書,根據經修訂的1934年《證券交易法》(下稱《交易法》)第10(B)和20(A)節及其頒佈的第100億.5條提出索賠,其依據是新聞稿、公開文件和社交媒體中關於公司業務計劃和前景的據稱虛假和/或誤導性陳述和遺漏。2022年4月8日,被告採取行動駁回綜合修訂集體訴訟起訴書。2023年2月2日,法院做出裁決,在不構成偏見的情況下批准被告的駁回動議。因此,原告的申訴被全部駁回,並允許在2023年4月3日之前進行修改。2023年4月3日,原告提起第二次合併修訂集體訴訟。被告於2023年5月15日提出動議,要求駁回第二次合併修訂的集體訴訟申訴。2023年12月8日,法院部分批准和部分駁回了被告的駁回動議。2024年1月26日,公司和某些前高級管理人員和董事對第二次合併修訂的集體訴訟起訴書進行了答覆。2024年2月23日,雙方交換了初步披露。2024年5月17日,主要原告申請等級認證。2024年8月19日,被告提出反對首席原告提出的等級認證動議,並提出排除首席原告專家證詞的動議。2024年9月30日結束的被告排除動議簡報。2024年10月1日,主要原告提交了一份答辯書,進一步支持他們提出的等級認證動議。2024年10月25日,被告申請許可,對主要原告的答覆提出了書面答覆。這些動議目前懸而未決。

從2020年9月23日開始,據稱的股東派生訴訟已提交給美國特拉華州地區法院(比恩訴米爾頓等人案。案件編號1:20-cv-01277-una;Salguocar訴Girsky et.艾爾,案件1:20-cv-01404-una),據稱代表公司起訴公司的某些現任和前任董事,指控他們違反受託責任、違反《交易所法》第14(A)條以及嚴重管理不善。這個Byun訴訟還提出了不當得利和濫用控制權的索賠,而薩爾古卡爾訴訟帶來了對公司資產浪費的索賠。2020年10月19日,Byun行動被擱置到30在(A)股東證券訴訟因受到損害而被整體駁回;(B)被告對股東證券訴訟中的任何投訴提出答覆;或(C)原告和被告共同請求解除中止之後的幾天。2020年11月17日,Byun薩爾古卡爾行動被整合爲在Re Nikola Corporation衍生品訴訟中,鉛盒編號20-cv-01277-cfc。在其合併訴訟的命令中,法院適用了Byun 繼續採取鞏固行動。2023年1月31日,原告提出了修改後的投訴。
2020年12月18日,美國亞利桑那州地區法院提起了所謂的股東派生訴訟,Huhn訴Milton等人,第2號案件:20-cv-02437-dwl,據稱代表公司起訴公司的某些現任和前任董事,指控他們違反受託責任、違反《交易法》第14(A)條、不當得利,以及針對公司董事會成員、被告Jeff·烏本、內幕銷售和挪用信息。2021年1月26日,胡恩行動被擱置到30在(A)股東證券訴訟因受到損害而被全部駁回;(B)被告對股東證券訴訟中的任何投訴提出答辯;或(C)原告和被告共同請求解除中止之後的幾天。2024年4月5日,法院發佈了一項命令,進一步擱置訴訟:(A)直到原告和被告提出解除中止的聯合請求;或(B)在任何一方提出動議並提出好的理由後,當事人沒有同意解除中止;該命令還要求各方在命令發佈後每六個月提交一份聯合狀況報告,向法院提供有關股東證券訴訟和在Re Nikola Corporation衍生品訴訟,C.A.編號2022-0023-KJSm.2024年10月7日,雙方提交了一份聯合狀況報告,提供了最新情況。
On January 7, 2022, Barbara Rhodes, a purported stockholder of the Company, filed her Verified Stockholder Derivative Complaint in Delaware Chancery Court captioned Rhodes v. Milton, et al. and Nikola Corp., C.A. No. 2022-0023-KSJM (the “Rhodes Action”). On January 10, 2022, Zachary BeHage and Benjamin Rowe, purported stockholders of the Company, filed their Verified Shareholder Derivative Complaint in Delaware Chancery Court captioned BeHage v. Milton, et al. and Nikola Corp., C.A. No. 2022-0045-KSJM. (the “BeHage Rowe Action” and, together with the Rhodes Action, the "Related Actions"). These actions are against certain of the Company’s current and former directors and allege breach of fiduciary duties, insider selling under Brophy, aiding and abetting insider selling, aiding and abetting breach of fiduciary duties, unjust enrichment, and waste of corporate assets.
On February 1, 2022, the court consolidated the Rhodes Action and the BeHage Rowe Action as In re Nikola Corporation Derivative Litigation, C.A. No. 2022-0023-KJSM (the "Consolidated Chancery Action"). The Consolidated Chancery Action was stayed through February 2, 2022 on a combination of joint stipulations and court orders. Plaintiffs then filed a second amended complaint on February 14, 2023 (the “Second Amended Complaint”). On March 10, 2022, Michelle Brown and Crisanto Gomes, purported stockholders of the Company, filed their Verified Shareholder Derivative Complaint in Delaware Chancery Court captioned Brown v. Milton, et al. and Nikola Corp., C.A. No. 2022-0223-KSJM (the “Brown & Gomes Action”). The Brown & Gomes Action likewise alleges claims against certain of the Company’s current and former directors for purported breaches of fiduciary duty and unjust enrichment. On January 12, 2023, the parties entered into a stipulation consolidating the Brown & Gomes Action in the Consolidated Chancery Derivative Action. On May 3, 2023, each of the current and former director defendants moved to partially dismiss the Second Amended Complaint. Briefing concluded on August 25, 2023, and the court heard arguments on December 8, 2023. On April 9, 2024, the court issued an order, granting in part and denying in part the defendants’ motion to dismiss. Defendants’ deadline to answer the Complaint was August 9, 2024. On October 3, 2024, the court entered the parties' stipulation extending the deadline to answer the Complaint to December 6, 2024.
In addition, on March 8, 2021, the Company received a demand letter from a law firm representing a purported stockholder of the Company alleging facts and claims substantially the same as many of the facts and claims in the filed derivative shareholder lawsuit. The demand letter requests that the board of directors (i) undertake an independent internal investigation into certain board members and management’s purported violations of Delaware and/or federal law; and (ii)

對涉嫌違反信託規定的董事會和管理層成員提起民事訴訟。2021年4月,董事會成立了需求審查委員會,由獨立董事Bruce L.史密斯和瑪麗·L。Petrovich審查此類需求並向公司和聘請的獨立律師提供意見。需求審查委員會完成獨立內部調查後,建議董事會目前不對需求信採取任何行動。需求審查委員會的獨立法律顧問向發送需求信的股東的法律顧問提供了最新情況。無法保證所謂股東是否會就要求函中提出的索賠提起任何訴訟或針對公司提起任何訴訟,或者任何此類訴訟是否可能具有重大意義。
此外,2022年12月23日,公司收到了代表公司所謂股東Ed Lomont的律師事務所的另一封要求函,聲稱的事實和主張與提起的衍生品股東訴訟中的許多事實和主張基本相同。要求函要求董事會的要求審查委員會(I)對某些董事會成員和管理層據稱違反特拉華州和/或聯邦法律的行爲進行獨立的內部調查;以及(Ii)就涉嫌違反受託責任的行爲對這些董事會成員和管理層提起民事訴訟。2023年2月,董事會重新聘請由獨立董事布魯斯·L·史密斯和瑪麗·L·彼得羅維奇組成的需求審查委員會審查此類需求,並向公司提供意見並聘請獨立律師。要求審查委員會完成獨立的內部調查後,建議審計委員會此時不要對要求函採取任何行動。
On September 6, 2023, Lomont filed a Verified Stockholder Derivative Complaint in Delaware Chancery Court captioned Lomont v. Milton, et al., C.A. No. 2023-0908-KSJM (the “Lomont Action”) against certain of the Company’s current and former directors, alleging claims against those defendants for purported breaches of fiduciary duty, unjust enrichment, and contribution and indemnification. The Lomont Action alleges that the Company constructively and wrongfully refused Lomont’s demand that the Company bring claims against officers and directors. On February 21, 2024, the court entered the parties’ stipulation staying the action for six months. On September 16, 2024, the court entered the parties' stipulation staying the action for an additional two months.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company recorded an accrual for loss contingency within accrued expenses and other current liabilities on the condensed consolidated balance sheets in the aggregate amount of $17.5 million, which represents the Company's preliminary expectations for settlement, as well as a $17.5 million receivable for loss recovery within prepaid expenses and other current assets on the condensed consolidated balance sheets for the anticipated insurance proceeds related to the expected settlement.
On February 21, 2024, a purported shareholder derivative action was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware, captioned Roy v. Russell, et al., Case No. 1:24-cv-00230-UNA (the “Roy Action”), purportedly on behalf of the Company, against certain of the Company’s current and former officers and directors alleging violations of Section 14(a) of the Exchange Act, breach of fiduciary duty based on false statements; oversight, and insider trading; unjust enrichment; abuse of control; corporate waste; and gross mismanagement. On May 2, 2024, the court entered the parties' stipulation staying the action through the final resolution of the Tenneson Action, described below.
On April 23, 2024, the Company received a demand letter from a law firm representing a purported former stockholder of Romeo, Thomas Boisjolie, who says he received shares in the Company as part of the Company’s acquisition of Romeo. The demand letter alleges that certain former officers and directors of Romeo mismanaged the Romeo business and allegedly made false or misleading public statements about that business and about Romeo’s business combination with RMG Acquisition Corp., resulting among other things in the filing of a securities fraud action in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York entitled In re Romeo Power Inc. Securities Litigation, No. 1:21-cv-03362-LGS. The demand letter requested that the Company’s board of directors commence a civil action against those members of the Romeo board and management for alleged fiduciary breaches and other alleged misconduct. In July 2024, the board of directors of the Company formed a demand review committee, consisting of independent directors Carla Tully, John Vesco and Jonathan Pertchik, to review such demands and provide input to the Company; the demand review committee retained independent counsel and commenced its review. On August 15, 2024, and without waiting for the demand review committee to complete its review, Boisjolie filed suit a purported “double derivative complaint in the Delaware Court of Chancery entitled Boisjolie v. Selwood, et al., C.A. No. 2024-0852, against the following former officers and directors of Romeo: Lionel Selwood, Lauren Webb, Susan Brennan, Brady Ericson, Donald Gottwald, Philip Kassin, Robert Mancini, Timothy Stuart and Paul Williams; with Romeo and the Company as nominal defendants. The complaint does not seek any recovery against the Company but rather alleges that the

former officers and directors of Romeo should pay damages to the Company and to Romeo for the harms they have allegedly caused the Company and Romeo to suffer.
Tenneson Action
2023年10月13日,約翰·田尼森(John Tenneson)向美國亞利桑那特區地方法院提起所謂的證券集體訴訟,標題如下 滕尼森訴尼古拉等人案,案件號2:23-cv-02131-DJH(「田納西州訴訟」)。田納西州訴訟根據《交易法》第10(b)和20(a)條以及據此頒佈的100億5條規則,基於涉嫌虛假和/或誤導性陳述和新聞稿、公開文件、並在社交媒體上討論了公司與電池部件製造相關的安全和結構控制以及產品召回的可能性。2024年4月25日,亞利桑那州地區法院指定原告雷耶斯爲首席原告。2024年5月24日,主要原告提交了修改後的投訴。2024年7月25日,被告提出駁回訴訟,案情陳述於2024年8月29日結束。該動議目前正在等待中。
2023年3月2日,Lion Electric向亞利桑那州聯邦地區法院對該公司提起訴訟,指控該公司對Romeo Power,Inc.進行了侵權干預。/ Lion Electric的業務關係以及Lion對商業關係的業務預期。該公司否認這些指控,並打算大力捍衛此事。根據管理層目前已知的信息,截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,公司確認的估計負債爲美元1.5 簡明綜合資產負債表上的應計費用和其他流動負債爲百萬美元。
Smithers matter
On August 15, 2024, the Company received notice of a complaint filed by a former Nikola employee, against Smithers Tire & Automotive Testing Inc. (“Smithers”) for an injury sustained while working at a Smither’s facility. Smithers in turn filed a third-party action against Nikola that alleges breach of the lease agreement between Nikola and Smithers for failing to indemnify against the former employee's claims. Nikola disputes the contentions in the complaint and intends to fully defend the matter.
Commitments and Contingencies
FCPM License
In the third quarter of 2021, the Company entered into a fuel cell power module ("FCPM") license to intellectual property that will be used to adapt, further develop and assemble FCPMs. Payments for the license are due in installments ranging from 2022 to 2025. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Company accrued $5.6 million and $13.8 million, respectively, in accrued expenses and other current liabilities, $13.9 million and zero, respectively, in accounts payable, and zero and $5.5 million, respectively, in other long-term liabilities on the condensed consolidated balance sheets.

召回活動的累積金額基於管理層對結算此類物品最終所需金額的最佳估計。公司無法保證未來不會遇到重大索賠,也不會產生超出應計金額的重大費用來辯護或解決此類索賠。截至2024年9月30日及2023年12月31日,公司已crued $56.7 億和$65.8 分別爲百萬美元,其中公司在該日期產生索賠34.9 億和$3.0 分別涉及百萬d到召回活動。
截至2024年9月30日的九個月內,公司達成了多項長期承諾,主要與尚未開始的設施和氫能基礎設施租賃協議相關。與這些義務相關的未貼現付款是 $75.6 截至2024年9月30日.這些安排的條款範圍從 15
已終止業務淨虧損   (101,661)
加權平均流通股、基本股和稀釋股51,388,962 28,573,800 47,553,460 23,544,174 
已終止業務淨虧損$ $ $ $(4.32)

當潛在稀釋性股份的影響具有反稀釋性時,其被排除在稀釋淨虧損的計算之外。 以下未發行普通股等值股票被排除在所列期間每股稀釋淨虧損的計算之外,因爲將它們包括在內將具有反稀釋作用。
切換可轉換票據(按轉換後)743,875 693,448 743,875 693,448 
1,210,092 707,758 1,210,092 707,758 
65,111  65,111  
尚未行使之認股權證28,038 28,038 28,038 28,038 
股票期權,包括績效股票期權497,524 505,282 497,524 505,282 
1,429,842 566,726 1,429,842 566,726 
3,974,482 2,501,252 3,974,482 2,501,252 
2024年10月,公司發行總計 69,902 股權分配協議項下的普通股,總收益爲美元0.4
2024年10月,公司發行了總計 5,513,679 用於結算轉換的普通股股份 $26.2百萬 根據第三份購買協議票據的本金總額、整筆金額以及應計和未付利息。這導致公司總計發行 10,114,374 第三份購買協議票據項下的股份,是在未經股東批准的情況下根據第三份購買協議可發行的股份的最大金額。
該公司收到了總計 $33.7本金總額、整筆金額以及應計及未付利息,公司有義務以現金結算 $39.3百萬 (the「交易所上限贖回金額」)。持有人同意推遲結算交易所上限贖回金額,直至(x)發生任何破產違約事件(以較早者爲準)(定義見第三份購買協議票據),(y)如果公司和持有人共同同意將全部或部分交易所上限贖回金額兌換爲公司證券,僅就待交換的交易所上限贖回金額的適用部分而言,即該交易所之前的時間和(z)12月31日,2024年(或公司與持有人可能不時書面商定的其他日期)。因此,交易所上限贖回金額尚未到期。


Nikola™和HyLA是Nikola Corporation的商標。我們還在本報告中提及其他公司和組織的商標。
我們經營兩個業務部門:卡車和能源。卡車業務部門正在將FCEV和BEV 8級卡車商業化,這些卡車爲短途、中程和長途卡車交通行業提供或旨在提供環保、經濟高效的解決方案。能源業務部門正在開發氫燃料基礎設施以支持我們的FCEV卡車。
我們於2022年第一季度開始商業化生產Tre BEV,並於2023年第三季度開始商業化生產Tre FCEV,兩者均在我們位於亞利桑那州柯立芝的製造工廠進行。
· 將我們的重型卡車和其他產品商業化;
· 擴大和維護製造設施和設備;
· 投資爲我們保修期內的車輛提供維修服務,包括召回活動、維修和維修零件;
· 開發、部署和維護氫燃料基礎設施;
· 繼續投資我們的技術;
· 投資我們產品和服務的營銷和廣告、銷售和分銷基礎設施;
· 維護和改進我們的運營、財務和管理信息系統;
· 僱用和留住人員;

· 獲取、維護、擴大和保護我們的知識產權組合;以及
· 作爲上市公司運營。
我們需要大量的額外資本來製造和驗證我們的產品和服務,爲運營提供資金,並在可預見的未來履行義務。在我們能夠產生足夠的收入和正的毛利率之前,我們尋求通過現有現金、股票銷售、債務融資、戰略合作伙伴關係和許可安排的組合來爲我們的運營提供資金。我們未來資金需求的數額和時間將取決於許多因素,包括我們開發和驗證工作的速度和結果,對我們卡車和氫燃料的需求,以及費用水平等。我們估計,我們現有的財政資源僅足以支付我們預測的運營成本,並履行我們到2025年第一季度但不能超過2025年第一季度的義務。我們已經採取措施減少現金需求,以努力擴大我們的現金跑道,未來可能需要再次這樣做。如果我們不能獲得足夠的資金來支持我們的運營,我們的業務和運營結果將受到實質性的不利影響。見“風險因素-- 我們有虧損的歷史,預計在可預見的未來將產生巨額費用和持續虧損,人們對我們作爲一家持續經營的企業繼續經營的能力有很大的懷疑。“ 和「流動性和資本資源」。
我們於2022年3月在亞利桑那州柯立芝製造工廠開始商業生產,並於2022年第二季度開始銷售Tre BEV卡車。從2023年第三季度開始,Tre BEV的生產和銷售受到BEV卡車自願召回的顯着影響。
截至2024年9月30日,所有BEV卡車庫存均被歸類爲在製品庫存,因爲我們刪除了現有的電池組,並計劃對BEV庫存進行改造 替代 電池組。
以下是截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月內生產和發貨的Tre BEV卡車數量摘要,不包括Tre BEV退貨的影響:
2023年,我們將生產線轉型爲混合型號生產線,並於2023年第四季度開始發貨Tre FCEV。以下是截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月內生產和發貨的Tre FCEV卡車數量摘要:



卡車銷售$24,847 $(2,368)$27,215 (1149)%
服務等 334 636 (302)(47)%
總收入25,181 (1,732)26,913 (1554)%
卡車銷售82,205 122,679 (40,474)(33)%
服務等 4,919 1,092 3,827 350%
收入總成本87,124 123,771 (36,647)(30)%
毛損(61,943)(125,503)63,560 (51)%
研發41,800 41,966 (166)—%
銷售、一般和行政41,629 57,982 (16,353)(28)%
33,419 — 33,419 NM
供應商按金損失— 716 (716)(100)%
總運營支出116,848 100,664 16,184 16%
運營虧損(178,791)(226,167)47,376 (21)%
利息開支淨額(10,875)(52,680)41,805 (79)%
債務貧困損失(871)— (871)NM
(9,417)(146,654)137,237 (94)%
所得稅前虧損和附屬公司凈利潤(虧損)權益(199,954)(425,501)225,547 (53)%
所得稅開支— (1)NM
附屬公司凈利潤(損失)扣除權益前虧損(199,954)(425,502)225,548 (53)%
關聯公司凈利潤(虧損)中的權益173 (262)435 (166)%
持續經營淨虧損$(199,781)$(425,764)$225,983 (53)%
每股基本和稀釋淨虧損 (1):
持續經營淨虧損$(3.89)$(14.90)$11.01 (74)%
51,388,962 28,573,800 22,815,162 80%
(1) 金額已進行調整,以反映2024年6月24日生效的一比三十(1比30)反向股票分割。參見注釋1, 呈列基準.

截至2024年9月30日的三個月內,我們從88輛Tre FCEV發貨和2輛Tre BEV發貨中獲得收入,而截至2023年9月30日的三個月內,我們的收入爲3輛Tre BEV發貨。卡車銷售額從截至2023年9月30日的三個月的負240萬美元增加到截至2024年9月30日的三個月的2480萬美元,增長了2,720萬美元,增幅爲1149%。收入的增長主要與銷量的增長以及FCEV的平均售價高於BEV有關。截至2024年9月30日的三個月內,Tre BEV回報和預期回報增加630萬美元,部分抵消了這一增長。我們預計在召回改造完成後,將在未來重新銷售退回的BEV。

銷售、一般和行政費用減少了1,640萬美元(28%),從截至2023年9月30日止三個月的5800萬美元減少到截至2024年9月30日止三個月的4160萬美元。這一減少主要是由於截至2023年9月30日的三個月內,股票補償減少了920萬美元,以及與重新評估Tre BEV演示的使用壽命相關的折舊費用減少了890萬美元。法律費用增加150萬美元和其他一般企業費用淨增加部分抵消了減少的影響。

Comparison of Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
The following table sets forth our historical operating results for continuing operations for the periods indicated:
Nine Months Ended September 30,$%
(dollar amounts in thousands)
Truck sales$61,008 $19,693 $41,315 210%
Service and other 2,989 4,614 (1,625)(35)%
Total revenues63,997 24,307 39,690 163%
Cost of revenues:
Truck sales222,946 195,902 27,044 14%
Service and other 15,295 4,236 11,059 261%
Total cost of revenues238,241 200,138 38,103 19%
Gross loss(174,244)(175,831)1,587 (1)%
Operating expenses:
Research and development121,458 168,286 (46,828)(28)%
Selling, general, and administrative126,157 159,443 (33,286)(21)%
Impairment expense
33,419 — 33,419 NM
Loss on supplier deposits— 18,433 (18,433)(100)%
Total operating expenses281,034 346,162 (65,128)(19)%
Loss from operations(455,278)(521,993)66,715 (13)%
Other income (expense):
Interest expense, net(17,094)(71,262)54,168 (76)%
Gain on divestiture of affiliate— 70,849 (70,849)(100)%
Loss on debt extinguishment(3,184)(20,362)17,178 (84)%
Other expense, net
(4,664)(151,969)147,305 (97)%
Loss before income taxes and equity in net loss of affiliates(480,220)(694,737)214,517 (31)%
Income tax expense92 91 NM
Loss before equity in net loss of affiliates(480,312)(694,738)214,426 (31)%
Equity in net loss of affiliates(865)(16,287)15,422 (95)%
Net loss from continuing operations$(481,177)$(711,025)$229,848 (32)%
Basic and diluted net loss per share (1):
Net loss from continuing operations$(10.12)$(30.20)$20.08 (66)%
Weighted-average shares outstanding, basic and diluted(1)
47,553,460 23,544,174 24,009,286 102%
(1) Amounts have been adjusted to reflect the one-for-thirty (1-for-30) reverse stock split that became effective on June 24, 2024. See Note 1, Basis of Presentation.

Truck sales
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we derived revenue from 200 Tre FCEV shipments and 3 Tre BEV shipments, compared to 79 Tre BEVs shipped during the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Trucks sales increased by $41.3 million, or 210%, from $19.7 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $61.0 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The increase in revenue is attributed to the increase in sales volume and higher average selling price of FCEVs compared to BEVs. The increase was partially offset by an increase of $14.3 million in Tre BEV returns and expected returns during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. We expect to re-sell returned BEVs in future periods after retrofits for the recall are completed.
Service and other
Service and other revenues decreased by $1.6 million, or 35%, from $4.6 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $3.0 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The decrease was driven by a decline in charging product sales and service revenue and due to returns of charging units during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. This was partially offset by an increase of $2.7 million for sales of regulatory credits, and sales of hydrogen during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. We did not have sales of hydrogen or regulatory credits during the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
Cost of Revenues
Truck sales
Cost of revenues related to truck sales increased by $27.0 million, or 14%, from $195.9 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $222.9 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Cost of revenues increased primarily due to the increase in volume of trucks sold during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, higher costs related to production of FCEVs compared to BEVs, and higher warranty expense of $30.8 million due to higher volume and product mix. This was partially offset by the accrual of $61.8 million for estimated recall campaign costs and $45.7 million reserve for BEV battery pack and other components deemed excess and obsolete that was recognized during the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
Service and other
Cost of revenues related to service and other revenue increased by $11.1 million, or 261%, from $4.2 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $15.3 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The increase was primarily driven by a $3.7 million inventory reserve on charging products recognized during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 along with increases in direct material and dispensing costs associated with hydrogen sales.
Research and Development
Research and development expenses decreased by $46.8 million, or 28%, from $168.3 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $121.5 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. This decrease was primarily due to decreased spending on outside development, tooling, and expensed components related to FCEV prototype builds of $29.4 million, a decrease in stock compensation of $10.9 million, a decrease in personnel costs of $7.0 million, and decreases in travel and freight of $3.1 million. Decreases were partially offset by an increase of $1.8 million for depreciation and occupancy costs, and an increase of $1.8 million for other costs dedicated to research and development activities.
Selling, General, and Administrative
Selling, general, and administrative expenses decreased by $33.3 million, or 21%, from $159.4 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $126.2 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The decrease was driven by a reduction in stock based compensation of $31.7 million, a decrease in depreciation expense of $9.8 million, a decrease in personnel expenses of $7.8 million, and a decrease in legal expenses of $1.6 million. These decreases were partially offset by fees related to an equipment purchase cancellation of $15.6 million and a net increase in other general corporate expenses.

Impairment Expense
Impairment expense during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 represents a $28.2 million impairment charge related to our indefinite lived intangible asset and $5.2 million related to goodwill.
Loss on Supplier Deposits
Loss on supplier deposits during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 represents a loss on deposit for certain tooling and long-term supply agreements.
Interest Expense, net
Interest expense, net decreased by $54.2 million, or 76%, from $71.3 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $17.1 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Interest expense, net decreased due to a reduction of interest expense on the Toggle Convertible Notes, Senior Convertible Notes and collateralized notes of $59.7 million, and a decrease in interest income earned on our cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash and cash equivalents balances of $5.0 million. These were partially offset by issuance costs of $5.8 million related primarily to the issuance of Senior Convertible Notes during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, and an increase in interest on our financing obligations and finance leases of $4.7 million.
Gain on Divestiture of Affiliate
Gain on divestiture of affiliate was $70.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, representing the consideration for the divestiture of Nikola Iveco Europe GmbH and related License Agreement, in excess of the basis of our investment as of the divestiture date.
Loss on Debt Extinguishment
Loss on debt extinguishment decreased by $17.2 million, or 84%, from $20.4 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $3.2 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. During the nine months ended September 30, 2023, loss on debt extinguishment represented the loss on exchange of $100.0 million of June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes for the issuance of $100.0 million April 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the loss on debt extinguishment represents extinguishments of 8.25% Convertible Notes and Senior Convertible Notes converted during the period.
Other Expense, net
Other expense, net decreased by $147.3 million from $152.0 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $4.7 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The decrease is primarily attributed to a decrease in net losses from the revaluation of financial instruments of $144.9 million, along with a decrease of losses from the sale of assets and an increase in government grant income.
Income Tax Expense
Income tax expense was immaterial for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. We have accumulated net operating losses at the federal and state level and maintain a full valuation allowance against our net deferred taxes.
Equity in Net Loss of Affiliates
Equity in net loss of affiliates decreased by $15.4 million, from $16.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $0.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The decrease was driven by the divestiture of Nikola Iveco Europe GmbH during the second quarter of 2023.
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
In addition to our results determined in accordance with GAAP, we believe the following non-GAAP measures are useful in evaluating operational performance. We use the following non-GAAP financial information to evaluate ongoing operations and for internal planning and forecasting purposes. We believe that non-GAAP financial information, when taken collectively, may be helpful to investors in assessing operating performance.

EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA
“EBITDA” is defined as net loss from continuing operations before interest income or expense, income tax expense or benefit, and depreciation and amortization. “Adjusted EBITDA” is defined as EBITDA adjusted for stock-based compensation and other items determined by management. Adjusted EBITDA is intended as a supplemental measure of our performance that is neither required by, nor presented in accordance with, GAAP. We believe that the use of EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA provides an additional tool for investors to use in evaluating ongoing operating results and trends and in comparing our financial measures with those of comparable companies, which may present similar non-GAAP financial measures to investors. However, you should be aware that when evaluating EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA we may incur future expenses similar to those excluded when calculating these measures. In addition, our presentation of these measures should not be construed as an inference that our future results will be unaffected by unusual or non-recurring items. Our computation of Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures computed by other companies, because all companies may not calculate Adjusted EBITDA in the same fashion.
Because of these limitations, EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for performance measures calculated in accordance with GAAP. We compensate for these limitations by relying primarily on our GAAP results and using EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA on a supplemental basis. You should review the reconciliation of net loss from continuing operations to EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA below and not rely on any single financial measure to evaluate our business.
The following table reconciles net loss from continuing operations to EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands)
Net loss from continuing operations$(199,781)$(425,764)$(481,177)$(711,025)
Interest expense, net10,875 52,680 17,094 71,262 
Income tax expense— 92 
Depreciation and amortization11,720 16,996 33,408 28,758 
Impairment expense
33,419 — 33,419 — 
Stock-based compensation8,601 18,659 25,337 68,916 
Loss on supplier deposits— 716 — 18,433 
Gain on divestiture of affiliate— — — (70,849)
Loss on debt extinguishment871 — 3,184 20,362 
Loss / (gain) on disposal of assets
(237)— 2,921 — 
Equipment purchase cancellation
— — 15,613 — 
Revaluation of financial instruments8,431 145,717 6,284 151,151 
Regulatory and legal matters (1)
2,491 2,432 6,788 5,673 
Adjusted EBITDA$(123,610)$(188,563)$(337,037)$(417,318)
(1) Regulatory and legal matters include legal, advisory, and other professional service fees incurred in connection with the short-seller article from September 2020, and investigations and litigation related thereto.
Non-GAAP Net Loss and Non-GAAP Net Loss Per Share, Basic and Diluted
Non-GAAP net loss and non-GAAP net loss per share, basic and diluted are presented as supplemental measures of our performance. Non-GAAP net loss is defined as net loss from continuing operations, basic and diluted adjusted for stock

compensation expense and other items determined by management. Non-GAAP net loss per share, basic and diluted, is defined as non-GAAP net loss divided by weighted average shares outstanding, basic and diluted.
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands, except share and per share data)
Net loss from continuing operations$(199,781)$(425,764)$(481,177)$(711,025)
Impairment expense
33,419 — 33,419 — 
Stock-based compensation8,601 18,659 25,337 68,916 
Debt issuance costs for Senior Convertible Notes
4,890 — 4,890 — 
Loss on supplier deposits— 716 — 18,433 
Gain on divestiture of affiliate— — — (70,849)
Loss on debt extinguishment871 — 3,184 20,362 
Revaluation of financial instruments8,431 145,717 6,284 151,151 
Loss / (gain) on disposal of assets
(237)— 2,921 — 
Equipment purchase cancellation
— — 15,613 — 
Regulatory and legal matters(1)
2,491 2,432 6,788 5,673 
Non-GAAP net loss$(141,315)$(258,240)$(382,741)$(517,339)
Non-GAAP net loss per share, basic and diluted$(2.75)$(9.04)$(8.05)$(21.97)
Weighted average shares outstanding, basic and diluted51,388,962 28,573,800 47,553,460 23,544,174 
(1) Regulatory and legal matters include legal, advisory, and other professional service fees incurred in connection with the short-seller article from September 2020, and investigations and litigation related thereto.
Adjusted Free Cash Flow
We define "Adjusted free cash flow", a non-GAAP financial measure, as net cash flow from operating activities less purchases of property, plant and equipment. Adjusted free cash flow is intended as a supplemental measure of our performance that is neither required by, nor presented in accordance with, GAAP.
Our use of Adjusted free cash flow has limitations as an analytical tool and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for an analysis of our results under GAAP. First, Adjusted free cash flow is not a substitute for net cash flow from operating activities. Second, other companies may calculate Adjusted free cash flow or similarly titled non-GAAP financial measures differently or may use other measures to evaluate their performance, all of which could reduce the usefulness of Adjusted free cash flow as a tool for comparison. Additionally, the utility of Adjusted free cash flow is further limited as it does not reflect our future contractual commitments and does not represent the total increase or decrease in our cash balance for a given period. Because of these and other limitations, Adjusted free cash flow should be considered along with net cash flow from operating activities and other comparable financial measures prepared and presented in accordance with GAAP.

The following table presents a reconciliation of net cash flow from operating activities, the most directly comparable financial measure calculated in accordance with GAAP, to Adjusted free cash flow for each of the periods presented.
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands)
Most comparable GAAP measure:
Net cash used in operating activities
Net cash used in investing activities
Net cash provided by financing activities
98,080 188,119 145,671 512,257 
Non-GAAP measure:
Net cash used in operating activities
Purchases of property, plant and equipment(13,558)(20,690)(43,740)(108,409)
Adjusted free cash flow$(162,935)$(111,949)$(443,273)$(486,833)
Liquidity and Capital Resources
In accordance with the ASC 205-40, Disclosure of Uncertainties about an Entity’s Ability to Continue as a Going Concern (“ASC 205-40”), we have evaluated whether there are conditions and events, considered in the aggregate, that raise substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern within one year after the date that the condensed consolidated financial statements are issued.
As an early stage growth company, our ability to access capital is critical. Until we can generate sufficient revenue to cover our operating expenses, working capital and capital expenditures, we will need to raise additional capital. Additional stock financing may not be available on favorable terms and could be dilutive to current stockholders. Debt financing, if available, may involve restrictive covenants and dilutive financing instruments.
We intend to employ various strategies to obtain the required funding for future operations such as continuing to access capital through the Equity Distribution Agreement. However, the ability to access the Equity Distribution Agreement is dependent on our common stock trading volume and the market price of our common stock.
We have taken steps to reduce our cash requirements in an effort to extend our cash runway and may need to do so again in the future. If additional capital is not available to us when and in the amounts needed, we may have to significantly reduce our spending, delay, scale back, or abandon some or all of our operations and development programs, change our corporate structure or cancel planned activities and may not have sufficient resources to conduct our business, which would materially harm our business, financial condition and results of operations. The result of our ASC 205-40 analysis, due to uncertainties discussed above, is that there is substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern through the next twelve months from the date of issuance of these condensed consolidated financial statements. We estimate that our existing financial resources are only adequate to fund our forecasted operating costs and meet our obligations into, but not beyond, the first quarter of 2025.
Since inception, we financed our operations primarily from the sales of common stock, the business combination, redemption of warrants, and the issuance of debt. As of September 30, 2024, our principal sources of liquidity were our cash and cash equivalents in the amount of $198.3 million.
During the second quarter of 2022, we completed a private placement of $200.0 million aggregate principal amount of the June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes, which mature on May 31, 2026. Net proceeds from the issuance were $183.2 million. See Note 6, Debt and Finance Lease Liabilities, for additional details regarding conversions, interest and optional redemptions.
During the third quarter of 2022, we entered into an Equity Distribution Agreement with Citi, which was subsequently amended and restated during the third quarter of 2023, pursuant to which we can issue and sell shares of our common stock with an aggregate maximum offering price of $600.0 million. Through September 30, 2024, we sold an aggregate of 9,048,045

shares of common stock under the Equity Distribution Agreement, and received approximately $352.7 million in net proceeds from the Equity Distribution Agreement, after deduction of commissions to the sales agent and issuance fees. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, we sold 2,104,738 and 5,258,862 shares of common stock and received net proceeds of approximately $20.8 million and $71.7 million, respectively, after deduction of commissions to the sales agent and issuance fees. As of September 30, 2024, we had approximately $237.9 million remaining available under the Equity Distribution Agreement.
During the third quarter of 2024, we entered into a securities purchase agreement with an investor pursuant to which we may, subject to the terms and conditions of the agreement, issue and sell up to $160.0 million in initial principal amount of senior convertible notes (the "Third Purchase Agreement Notes") in a registered direct offering. We consummated an initial closing for the sale of $80.0 million in aggregate principal amount of Third Purchase Agreement Notes on August 19, 2024.
Short-Term Liquidity Requirements
As of September 30, 2024, our current assets were $391.5 million, consisting primarily of cash and cash equivalents of $198.3 million, inventory of $76.1 million and prepaid expenses and other current assets of $62.0 million, and our current liabilities were $335.8 million, primarily comprised of accrued expenses and accounts payable, which includes $80.3 million related to the SEC settlement and $34.1 million for the current portion of warranty reserves. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recognized net losses of $199.8 million and $481.2 million, respectively, and we experienced negative cash flow from operations of $399.5 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024.
Our short-term liquidity is expected to be utilized to execute our business strategy over the next twelve month period including (i) performing recall work related to the BEV recall, (ii) maintaining the Coolidge manufacturing facility, (iii) continuing to develop and maintain our energy infrastructure, and (iv) scaling the production, distribution, and servicing of the FCEV and BEV trucks. However, actual results could vary materially and negatively as a result of a number of factors, including:
our available capital and ability to raise sufficient capital to finance our business;
our ability to manage the costs of manufacturing and servicing the FCEV and BEV trucks and our ability to drive the cost down with our suppliers;
the amount and timing of cash generated from sales of our FCEV and BEV trucks and hydrogen infrastructure, and our ability to offer our products and services at competitive prices;
the costs of maintaining our manufacturing facility, hydrogen refueling assets and equipment;
our warranty claims experience should actual warranty claims differ significantly from estimates;
our BEV truck recall campaign costs and timing;
the scope, progress, results, costs, timing and outcomes of our ongoing validation and demos of our FCEV trucks;
the costs and timing of development and deployment of our hydrogen distribution dispensing and storage network;
our ability to attract and retain strategic partners for development and maintenance of our hydrogen dispensing and storage network and the related costs and timing;
our ability to service or repay our debt obligations as they become due or refinance these obligations;
the costs of maintaining, expanding and protecting our intellectual property portfolio, including potential litigation costs and liabilities;
the costs of general and administrative personnel, including accounting and finance, legal and human resources, as well as costs related to litigation, investigations, or settlements; and
other risks discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors."
For at least the next twelve months, we expect our principal demand for funds will be for our ongoing activities described above. In addition to those activities, our short term liquidity will be utilized to fund the current portion of non-

cancellable commitments including leases, purchase commitments, and debt obligations, including the Exchange Cap Redemption Amount as described in Note 13, Subsequent Events. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we entered various commitments primarily related to lease agreements for facilities and hydrogen fueling infrastructure which have not yet commenced. Undiscounted payments related to these obligations are $75.6 million as of September 30, 2024. See Note 11, Commitments and Contingencies, for additional details.
Other than those commitments described above, there have been no material changes to our short-term commitments as disclosed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as amended. See Note 5, Leases, Note 8, Debt and Finance Lease Liabilities, and Purchase Commitments within Note 14, Commitments and Contingencies, of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as amended, for additional details.
As of September 30, 2024, we anticipate that our capital expenditures for the remainder of fiscal year 2024 will be approximately $20.0 million. Actual capital expenditures will also be dependent on availability of capital as well as third party lead times.
Long-Term Liquidity Requirements
Until we can generate sufficient revenue and positive gross margins to cover operating expenses, working capital and capital expenditures, we expect to fund cash needs through a combination of equity and debt financing, and potentially through lease securitization, strategic collaborations, and licensing arrangements. If we raise funds by issuing equity or equity-linked securities, dilution to stockholders may result. Any equity or equity-linked securities issued may also provide for rights, preferences or privileges senior to those of holders of our common stock. If we raise funds by issuing debt securities, these debt securities would have rights, preferences and privileges senior to those of holders of our common stock. The terms of debt securities or other debt financing agreements could impose significant restrictions on our operations and may require us to pledge certain assets. The credit market and financial services industry have in the past, and may in the future, experience periods of upheaval that could impact the availability and cost of equity and debt financing.
Since the date of our incorporation, we have not engaged in any off balance sheet arrangements, as defined in the rules and regulations of the SEC. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, there have been no other material changes to our significant contractual obligations as previously disclosed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as amended.
As of September 30, 2024, our long-term liquidity requirements include debt repayments, lease arrangements, and long-term purchase commitments. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we entered various commitments primarily related to lease agreements for facilities and hydrogen fueling infrastructure which have not yet commenced. Undiscounted payments related to these obligations are $75.6 million as of September 30, 2024. See Note 11, Commitments and Contingencies, for additional details.
Other than those commitments described above, there have been no material changes to our long-term commitments as disclosed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as amended. See Note 5, Leases, Note 8, Debt and Finance Lease Liabilities, and Purchase Commitments within Note 14, Commitments and Contingencies, of our Annual Reporting on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as amended, for additional details.

Summary of Cash Flows
The following table provides a summary of cash flow data:
Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands)
Net cash used in operating activities$(399,533)$(378,424)
Net cash used in investing activities
Net cash provided by financing activities
145,671 512,257 

Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Our cash flows from operating activities are significantly affected by the growth of our business primarily related to manufacturing, research and development and selling, general and administrative activities. Our operating cash flows are also affected by our working capital needs to support personnel-related expenditures and fluctuations in accounts payable and other current assets and liabilities.
Net cash used in operating activities was $399.5 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The most significant component of our cash used during this period was net loss from continuing operations of $481.2 million, which included $56.6 million for inventory write downs, $33.4 million related to depreciation and amortization, $33.4 million related to impairment expense, $25.3 million related to stock-based compensation, $11.9 million non-cash interest expense, other non-cash charges of $18.9 million, and net cash outflows of $97.9 million from changes in operating assets and liabilities primarily driven by increases in inventory, accounts receivable, net and prepaid expenses and other current assets, partially offset by increases in other long-term liabilities.
Net cash used in operating activities was $378.4 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The most significant component of our cash used during this period was a net loss from continuing operations of $711.0 million, which included $195.1 million net losses on revaluation of financial instruments, gain on divestiture of affiliate of $70.8 million, $68.9 million related to stock-based compensation, $64.5 million inventory write downs, $72.8 million non-cash interest expense, other non-cash charges of $43.7 million and net cash outflows of $41.7 million from changes in operating assets and liabilities primarily driven by an increase in prepaid expenses and other current assets partially offset by a decrease in accounts receivable, net.
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Cash flows used in investing activities primarily relate to capital expenditures to support our growth, offset by proceeds from the sale of assets. Net cash used in investing activities is expected to continue as we maintain our truck manufacturing facility in Coolidge, Arizona, and develop our hydrogen infrastructure network.
Net cash used in investing activities was $22.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, which was due to $43.7 million in purchases of and deposits for capital equipment and investments, primarily for hydrogen infrastructure, partially offset by proceeds of $21.4 million related to the sale of assets.
Net cash used in investing activities was $55.6 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, which was primarily due to $108.4 million in purchases of and deposits for capital equipment, costs of expansion for our facilities, and investments in our hydrogen infrastructure and $3.0 million other investing outflows, partially offset by proceeds of $35.0 million related to the divestiture of Nikola Iveco Europe GmbH and proceeds of $20.7 million related to the sale of assets.
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Net cash provided by financing activities was $145.7 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, which was due to gross proceeds from the issuance of Senior Convertible Notes of $80.0 million, proceeds from the issuance of common stock under the Equity Distribution Agreement of $73.5 million, proceeds from the issuance of insurance premium financing of $4.6 million, partially offset by payments for coupon make whole premiums of $4.6 million, and other net finance outflows of $7.8 million.
Net cash provided by financing activities was $512.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, which was due to proceeds from the issuance of additional Senior Convertible Notes of $217.1 million, proceeds from the issuance of common stock under the Equity Distribution Agreement of $115.0 million, proceeds from the Tumim Purchase Agreements of approximately $67.6 million, net proceeds from the Direct Offering of $63.5 million, proceeds from the issuance of financing obligations of $53.5 million, proceeds from the Public Offering of $32.2 million, partially offset by other finance charges of $36.7 million.
Critical Accounting Estimates
Our discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations are based upon our financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with GAAP. These principles require us to make certain estimates and assumptions. These estimates and assumptions affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent

assets and liabilities, as of the balance sheet date, as well as reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Our most significant estimates and judgments involve valuation of our stock-based compensation for the fair value of market-based restricted stock units, derivative liabilities, assessments of impairment for long-lived assets, estimates related to our lease assumptions and revenue recognition, contingent liabilities, including litigation reserves, warranty reserves, including inputs and assumptions related to recall campaigns, and inventory valuation. Management bases its estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions believed to be reasonable, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities. Actual results could differ from those estimates, and the results may be material.
There have been no substantial changes to these estimates, or the policies related to them during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024. For a full discussion of these estimates and policies, see "Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates" in Item 7 of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as amended.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements
See Note 2 to our Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for more information about recent accounting pronouncements, the timing of their adoption, and our assessment, to the extent we have made one, of their potential impact on our financial condition and our results of operations.

We are exposed to a variety of market and other risks, including the effects of changes in interest rates, inflation, and foreign currency exchange rates, as well as risks regarding the availability of funding sources, hazardous events, and specific asset risks.
Interest Rate Risk
The market risk inherent in our financial instruments and our financial position represents the potential loss arising from adverse changes in interest rates. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had cash and cash equivalents of $198.3 million and $464.7 million, respectively. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had a cash and cash equivalents balance of $27.8 million and $29.8 million, respectively, which consisted of interest-bearing money market accounts for which the fair market value would be affected by changes in the general level of U.S. interest rates. However, due to the short-term maturities and the low-risk profile of our investments, an immediate 10% change in interest rates would not have a material effect on the fair market value of our cash and cash equivalents.
Foreign Currency Risk
For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, we recorded a loss of $1.7 million and a gain of $1.0 million, respectively, for foreign currency exchange adjustments. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, we recorded a loss of $0.6 million and a loss of $0.4 million, respectively, for foreign currency exchange adjustments.
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
We maintain a system of disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act")) designed to ensure that the information required to be disclosed by us in the reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the SEC, and is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our Chief Executive Officer (our principal executive officer) and Chief Financial Officer (our principal financial officer), as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
Our management, with the participation of our Chief Executive Officer and our Chief Financial Officer, has evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures under the Exchange Act as of September 30, 2024, the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Based on such evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and our Chief Financial Officer have concluded that, as of such date, our disclosure controls and procedures were not effective due to material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting, including a material weakness related to our information technology general controls ("ITGC") that was disclosed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, as amended.
Ongoing Remediation of Previously Identified Material Weakness
The aforementioned material weakness for ITGCs was first identified in 2022. With the oversight of senior management and our Audit Committee, we have identified controls and implemented our remediation plan to address the material weakness related to our ITGCs mentioned above. During 2023, we completed the following remedial actions.
Performed a risk assessment over the IT system that supports our financial reporting processes;
Hired consultants and key personnel with internal control experience with our IT system to drive remediation efforts;
Designed, developed, and deployed an enhanced ITGC framework, including the implementation of systems and tools to enable the effectiveness and consistent execution of these controls;
Developed a training program to address ITGCs and policies, including (i) educating control owners concerning the principles and requirements of each control, with a focus on those related to user access and change

management over IT systems impacting financial reporting; (ii) developing and maintaining documentation of underlying ITGCs to promote knowledge transfer upon personnel and function changes; and (iii) implementing an IT management review and testing plan to monitor ITGCs with a specific focus on systems supporting our financial reporting processes; and
Implemented enhanced system capabilities and business processes to manage and monitor key elements of the control framework. This includes segregation of duties, elevated user access review, change management, user provisioning and deprovisioning, and user access reviews.
We believe the measures described above will remediate the material weakness and strengthen our internal control over financial reporting. However, this material weakness will not be considered remediated until the applicable controls operate for a sufficient period of time and management has concluded through testing that the controls are operating effectively. We anticipate that the applicable remediation will be completed during fiscal year 2024. We are committed to continuing to improve our internal control processes, and, as we continue to evaluate and work to improve our internal control over financial reporting, we may take additional measures to address control deficiencies, or we may modify or enhance certain of the remediation measures described above.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
Other than the changes from our implementation of the remediation plans above, there were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting, as identified in connection with the evaluation required by Rule 13a-15(d) and Rule 15d-15(d) of the Exchange Act, that occurred during the three months ended September 30, 2024 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.


For a description of our material pending legal proceedings, see Note 11, Commitments and Contingencies, to the condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and to Note 14 to our audited consolidated financial statements in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as amended, which are incorporated by reference herein.
Risks Related to Our Business and Industry
We have a history of losses, expect to incur significant expenses and continuing losses for the foreseeable future, and there is substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern.
We incurred net losses of $966.3 million, $812.7 million and $481.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2023 and for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2024, respectively, and have an accumulated deficit of approximately $3.6 billion from the inception of Nikola Corporation, a Delaware corporation, prior to the merger with VectoIQ, or Legacy Nikola, through September 30, 2024. We believe that we will continue to incur operating and net losses each quarter until at least the time we begin to generate significant margin from our trucks, which may not happen. We have determined under our ASC 205-40 analysis, there is substantial doubt that we will have sufficient funds to satisfy our obligations through the next twelve months from the date of issuance of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. We currently estimate that our existing financial resources are only adequate to fund our forecasted operating costs and meet our obligations into, but not beyond, the first quarter of 2025. We have taken steps to reduce our cash requirements in an effort to extend our cash runway and may need to do so again in the future. In addition, these activities may harm our business.
Our ability to continue as a going concern is dependent on our ability to obtain the necessary financing to meet our obligations and repay our liabilities arising from the ordinary course of business operations when they become due. The outcome of these matters cannot be predicted with any certainty at this time. If we are unable to raise sufficient capital when needed, our business, financial condition and results of operations will be materially and adversely affected, and we will need to significantly modify or terminate our operations and our planned business activities. See “We need to raise additional capital to continue as a going concern, which capital may not be available to us when we need it. If we cannot raise additional capital when needed, our operations and prospects will be negatively affected.”
We intend to employ various strategies to obtain the required funding for future operations, including continuing to access capital through the Equity Distribution Agreement. However, the ability to access the Equity Distribution Agreement is dependent on our common stock trading volumes, and the market price of our common stock which cannot be assured and as a result cannot be included as a source of liquidity for our ASC 205-40 analysis.
Our potential future profitability is dependent upon the successful development and successful commercial introduction and acceptance of our trucks and our hydrogen solution platform, which may not occur.
We expect the rate at which we will incur losses to be high in future periods as we:
continue to validate and manufacture our trucks;
manufacture an available inventory of our FCEV trucks;
develop and deploy our hydrogen fueling solutions;
continue to equip and tool our manufacturing plant in Arizona;
build up inventories of materials and components for our trucks;
service trucks subject to the recall campaign;
expand our design, development, maintenance and repair capabilities;
continue our sales and marketing activities;

develop our distribution infrastructure; and
continue our general and administrative functions to support our operations.
Because we incur the costs and expenses from these efforts and other efforts before we receive any incremental revenue with respect thereto, if any, our losses in future periods will be significant. In addition, these efforts have and may continue to be more expensive than we currently anticipate and these efforts may not result in sufficient revenue if customers do not purchase or lease our trucks in sufficient volume, which would further increase our losses.
We need to raise additional capital to continue as a going concern, which capital may not be available to us when we need it. If we cannot raise additional capital when needed, our operations and prospects will be negatively affected.
Our business is capital-intensive. We currently estimate that our existing financial resources are only adequate to fund our forecasted operating costs and meet our obligations into, but not beyond, the first quarter of 2025. As a result, we need to raise additional capital in the short- and long-term to operate our business, scale or continue our manufacturing and continue to roll out our hydrogen fueling solutions, among other activities. We have and may continue to raise additional funds through the issuance of equity, equity-linked or debt securities, strategic partnerships, licensing arrangements, or through obtaining credit from government or financial institutions. This capital will be necessary to fund our ongoing operations, continue research, development and design efforts, improve infrastructure, introduce new vehicles, build hydrogen fueling solutions and undertake other business activities. Additional funds may not be available to us on a timely basis, in the amounts needed, on reasonable terms, or terms favorable to us, or at all. If we raise capital by issuing equity or equity-linked securities, significant dilution to our stockholders could result. Any equity or equity-linked securities issued also may provide for rights, preferences or privileges senior to those of holders of our common stock. The terms of debt securities issued or borrowings, if available, could impose significant restrictions on our operations and may require us to pledge certain assets. If we raise funds through collaborations and licensing arrangements, we might be required to relinquish significant rights to our technologies or products, or grant licenses on terms that are not favorable to us.
Further, the doubt regarding our ability to continue as a going concern may adversely affect our ability to obtain new financing on reasonable terms or at all. If we cannot raise additional capital when we need it, we may have to significantly reduce our spending, delay, scale back or cancel some or all of our planned business activities or operations, sell assets, or substantially change our corporate structure, and we may not have sufficient resources to conduct our business as planned. For example, in October 2024, we reduced our workforce in order to better align our staffing with our current needs. However, this reduction in force may result in unintended consequences and costs, such as loss of institutional knowledge, decreased morale, an adverse impact on our reputation and challenges in attracting new talent as well as retaining experienced employees in the future. It we cannot raise sufficient capital when needed, we may be forced to curtail or discontinue our operations, which could materially and adversely affect our financial condition, results of operations, business, and prospects. In addition, sales of a substantial number of shares of our common stock in the public market or the perception that these sales might occur, including pursuant to the Equity Distribution Agreement, could depress the market price of our common stock and could impair our ability to raise capital through the sale of additional equity securities.
We may be unable to adequately control the costs associated with our operations.
We require significant capital to develop and grow our business. We expect to continue to incur significant expenses which will impact our profitability, including research and development expenses, raw material procurement costs, leases, licenses, and sales and distribution expenses as we build our brand and market our trucks, and general and administrative expenses as we scale our operations. In addition, we expect to continue to incur significant costs in connection with our services, including building our hydrogen fueling solutions and honoring our maintenance commitments. We have and expect to continue to incur significant costs related to the recall of our battery electric trucks. Our ability to become profitable in the future will not only depend on our ability to successfully market our vehicles and other products and services, but also to control our costs. If we are unable to cost-efficiently design, manufacture, market, sell, distribute and service our trucks and cost-efficiently develop our hydrogen fueling solutions, our margins, profitability and prospects would be materially and adversely affected.
Our business model has yet to be tested and any failure to commercialize our strategic plans would have an adverse effect on our operating results and business, harm our reputation and could result in substantial liabilities that exceed our resources.
Investors should be aware of the difficulties normally encountered by a new enterprise, many of which are beyond our control, including substantial risks and expenses in the course of establishing or entering new markets, organizing operations

and undertaking successful marketing activities. The likelihood of our success must be considered in light of these risks, expenses, complications, delays and the competitive environment in which we operate. Our business plan may not be successful, and we may not be able to generate significant revenue, raise sufficient capital or operate profitably. We will continue to encounter risks and difficulties frequently experienced by early commercial stage companies, including scaling up our infrastructure and headcount, and may encounter unforeseen expenses, difficulties or delays in connection with our growth. In addition, as a result of the capital-intensive nature of our business, we expect to continue to sustain substantial operating expenses without generating sufficient revenue to cover expenditures. Any investment in our company is therefore highly speculative and could result in the loss of your entire investment.
Our limited operating history makes evaluating our business and future prospects difficult and may increase the risk of your investment.
You must consider the risks and difficulties we face as an early stage company with a limited operating history and a novel business plan. If we do not successfully address these risks, our business, prospects, operating results and financial condition will be materially and adversely harmed. We have a very limited operating history on which investors can base an evaluation of our business, operating results and prospects. We intend to derive substantially all of our revenue from the sale and lease of our vehicle platforms, which are still in the early stages of commercialization. Our revenue will also depend on the sale of hydrogen fuel. There are no assurances that we will be able to secure future business with the major trucking companies or with independent truck drivers.
It is difficult to predict our future revenue and appropriately budget for our expenses, and we have limited insight into trends that may emerge and affect our business. In the event that actual results differ from our estimates or we adjust our estimates in future periods, our operating results and financial position could be materially affected.
Our success is dependent upon the trucking market's willingness to adopt FCEV and BEV trucks.
Our success is highly dependent upon the adoption by the trucking market of hydrogen fuel cell and electric trucks, which adoption continues to take longer than we expected. If the market for our FCEV and BEV trucks does not develop at the rate or to the extent that we expect, our business, prospects, financial condition and operating results will be harmed. The market for hydrogen fuel cell and electric trucks is new and untested and is characterized by rapidly changing technologies, price competition, numerous competitors or potential competitors, evolving government regulation and industry standards and uncertain customer demands and behaviors.
Factors that may influence the adoption of hydrogen fuel cell and electric vehicles include:
perceptions about FCEV or BEV truck quality, safety, design, performance and cost, especially if adverse events or accidents occur that are linked to the quality or safety of hydrogen fuel cell or electric vehicles;
perceptions about vehicle safety in general, including the use of advanced technology, such as vehicle electronics, hydrogen fueling and storage and regenerative braking systems;
the decline of vehicle efficiency resulting from deterioration over time in the ability of the battery to hold a charge;
the availability of refueling infrastructure and associated costs;
concerns about the availability of hydrogen solutions, including those we have deployed and plan to develop and deploy, which could impede our ongoing efforts to promote FCEV trucks as a desirable alternative to diesel trucks;
improvements in the fuel economy of internal combustion engines;
the availability of service for hydrogen fuel cell or electric trucks;
volatility in the cost of energy, oil, gasoline and hydrogen;
government regulations and economic incentives promoting fuel efficiency and alternate forms of energy;
the availability of tax and other governmental incentives to purchase and operate hydrogen fuel cell and electric trucks or future regulation requiring increased use of nonpolluting trucks;

our ability to sell or lease trucks directly to businesses or customers dependent on state by state unique regulations and dealership laws;
the availability of tax and other governmental incentives to sell hydrogen;
perceptions about and the cost of hydrogen fuel cell; and
macroeconomic factors.
Additionally, we may become subject to regulations that may require us to alter the design of our trucks, which could negatively impact customer interest in our products.
Further, we sell our trucks to dealers in our network and rely on the dealers to sell them to end users. The end users of our trucks will need to continually assess their charging and fueling capacity and may need to build additional infrastructure prior to ordering or receiving trucks from dealers. In addition, dealers have and may continue to experience delays in receiving proceeds from the California Hybrid Zero Emission Truck and Voucher Incentive Program ("HVIP"), the New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program ("NYTVIP"), the New Jersey Zero-Emission Incentive Program ("NJZIP") or other government incentive programs, which many of our dealers are leveraging for the first time. To qualify for HVIP, NYTVIP or NJZIP, dealers are required to complete extensive training, initiate and complete applications for each sales order, and complete the voucher redemption process upon delivery to the end-user. There can be no assurances that our FCEV or BEV trucks will continue to qualify for these or other incentive programs, or that HVIP, NYTVIP and NJZIP incentives will remain in effect. Any reduction, termination or failure to qualify for incentives, or any repeal of, or modification to, HVIP, NYTVIP or NJZIP incentives, would result in increased prices for our trucks, which would harm our business.
The unavailability, reduction or elimination of government and economic incentives could have a material adverse effect on our business, prospects, financial condition and operating results.
We currently, and expect to continue to, benefit from certain government subsidies and economic incentives that support the development and adoption of our vehicles. Any reduction, elimination or discriminatory application of government subsidies and economic incentives because of policy changes, presidential administration changes, delays in promulgating regulations implementing new legislation, the reduced need for such subsidies and incentives due to the perceived success of electric vehicles or other reasons may result in the diminished competitiveness of the alternative fuel and electric vehicle industry generally or our FCEV and BEV trucks in particular. This could materially and adversely affect the growth of the alternative fuel vehicle markets and our business, prospects, financial condition and operating results.
These incentives include tax credits, rebates and other incentives for alternative energy production, alternative fuel and electric vehicles, including greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions credits under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s GHG Rule, the California Air Resources Board, California Transportation Commission ("CTC"), New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, and New Jersey Economic Development Authority, HVIP, NYTVIP, and NJZIP. There is no guarantee these programs will be available in the future. If these tax incentives and other benefits are not available or are reduced or otherwise limited in the future, our financial position could be harmed.
Additionally, while the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (the “IRA”) includes certain federal tax credits and other incentives for alternative energy production and alternative fuel, there is no guarantee these programs will be renewed or extended in the future or that we, our customers, our dealers, or their retail customers will qualify for the tax credits or incentives. If the IRA’s tax credits and incentives for our trucks are not available to us or truck purchasers in the future, our business, financial viability and prospects could be adversely affected. The IRA, when combined with other state-based incentives, such as HVIP or NYTVIP incentives, could reduce the overall cost of our truck and the fueling thereof, but the repeal or modification of such incentives could discourage potential purchasers from acquiring our trucks. These and other changes to tax laws and regulations, or interpretation thereof, in the United States or other tax jurisdictions in which we do business, could adversely impact our business, financial condition, and results of operations.
If we fail to manage our future growth effectively, we may not be able to market and sell our vehicles successfully.
Any failure to manage our growth effectively could materially and adversely affect our business, prospects, operating results and financial condition. Our future expansion is dependent on our ability to raise sufficient capital and may include:
forecasting production and revenue;

controlling expenses and investments in anticipation of expanded operations;
establishing or expanding validation, manufacturing, sales and service facilities;
continuing to develop our hydrogen fueling capabilities;
enhancing administrative infrastructure, systems and processes; and
hiring and training personnel, as production scales.
We may hire additional personnel as production scales, including manufacturing personnel and service technicians for our trucks. Because our trucks are based on a different technology platform than traditional internal combustion engines, individuals with sufficient training in alternative fuel and electric vehicles may not be available to hire, and as a result, we will need to expend significant time and expense training the employees we do hire.
We may face legal challenges in one or more states attempting to sell directly to fleets or end users, which could materially and adversely affect our costs.
Our business plan includes the sale of vehicles to our authorized dealers, and potentially, directly to fleets or end users. Most, if not all, states require a license to sell vehicles within the state. Many states prohibit manufacturers from directly selling vehicles to end users. In other states, manufacturers must operate a physical dealership within the state to deliver vehicles to end users. As a result, we may not be able to sell directly to end users in each state in the United States.
In many states, it is unclear if, as a manufacturer, we will be able to obtain permission to sell and deliver vehicles directly to end users. For end users located in states in which we are not allowed to sell or deliver vehicles, we will have to arrange alternate methods of delivery of vehicles. This could include selling to our dealers, who may subsequently sell to the end user, or delivering vehicles to adjacent or nearby states in which we are allowed to directly sell and ship vehicles, and arranging for the end user to transport the vehicles to their home states. These workarounds could add significant complexity and as a result, costs to our business.
We depend on our network of independent dealers for the sale of vehicles, face competition for dealers, and have little control over their activities.
Our primary sales conduit is expected to be through our dealer network. For the year ended December 31, 2023, we sold FCEV and BEV trucks to 10 dealers, with four dealers individually representing sales in excess of 10% of total revenue. For the three months ended September 30, 2024, we sold FCEV and BEV trucks to six dealers, with three dealers individually representing sales in excess of 10% of total revenue. Although we continue to seek to broaden our user base in both quantity and type of truck end users, we may continue to be dependent on a small number of dealers for a significant portion of our sales. The loss of a significant dealer, or a significant reduction in sales to any such dealer, could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.

訴訟和其他法律程序的結果,包括附註11所述的其他索賠,承諾和意外情況表10-Q和附註14列於本季度報告其他部分的簡明綜合財務報表,承諾和意外情況,在我們截至2023年12月31日的年度報告Form 10-k(經修訂)中,存在固有的不確定性,在部分或全部這些法律糾紛中做出不利的判決或和解可能會導致針對我們的實質性不利的金錢損害或禁令救濟。任何索賠或訴訟,即使得到完全賠償或投保,都可能損害我們的聲譽,並使我們更難在未來有效競爭或獲得足夠的保險。附註11所述的訴訟和其他法律程序,承諾和意外情況表10-Q和附註14列於本季度報告其他部分的簡明綜合財務報表,承諾和意外情況,在我們截至2023年12月31日止年度的Form 10-k年度報告中,經修訂的財務報表中的財務報表會受到未來發展的影響,管理層對該等事項的看法在未來可能會改變。

We have limited manufacturing experience and no experience to date in high volume manufacturing of our trucks. We do not know whether we will be able to develop efficient, automated, low-cost manufacturing capabilities and processes, and reliable and cost-effective sources of component supply, that will enable us to meet the quality, price, engineering, design and production standards, as well as the production volumes, required to successfully mass market our trucks. Even if we are successful in developing our high volume manufacturing capability and processes and reliably source our component supply, we do not know whether we will be able to do so in a manner that avoids significant delays and cost overruns, including as a result of factors beyond our control such as problems with suppliers and vendors, or in time to meet our vehicle commercialization schedules or to satisfy the requirements of end users. Any failure to develop and maintain such manufacturing processes and capabilities within our projected costs and timelines could have a material adverse effect on our business, prospects, operating results, and financial condition.

We may experience significant delays in the design, validation, and manufacture of our trucks, which could harm our business and prospects.
Any delay in the design, validation, and manufacture of our trucks could materially damage our brand, business, prospects, financial condition, and operating results. Vehicle manufacturers often experience delays in the design, validation, manufacture and commercial release of new products. To the extent there are delays in the manufacturing of our FCEV trucks, our prospects could be adversely affected as we may fail to grow our market share. Furthermore, we rely on third party suppliers for the provision and development of many of the key components and materials used in our vehicles, such as battery products. To the extent our suppliers experience any delays in providing us with or developing necessary components, we could experience delays in delivering on our timelines.
Increases in costs, disruption of supply or shortage of components and raw materials could harm our business.
We have and may continue to experience increases in the cost or a sustained interruption in the supply or shortage of raw materials and components, including, but not limited to, battery cells and packs, semiconductors, integrated circuits, hydrogen tanks, traction motors, traction inverters and modular fuelers. Any such increase or supply interruption have and may in the future materially negatively impact our business, prospects, financial condition and operating results.
We use various raw materials including aluminum, steel, carbon fiber, non-ferrous metals (such as copper), and cobalt. Prices for these raw materials fluctuate depending on market conditions and global demand and could adversely affect our business and operating results. For instance, we are exposed to multiple risks relating to price fluctuations for lithium-ion cells. These risks include:
disruption in the supply of cells due to quality issues or recalls by the battery cell manufacturers;
an increase in the cost of raw materials, such as cobalt, used in lithium-ion cells; and
the inability or unwillingness of current battery manufacturers to build or operate battery cell manufacturing plants to supply the numbers of lithium-ion cells required to support the growth of the electric vehicle industry as demand for such cells increases.
Any disruption in the supply of battery cells, semiconductors, or integrated circuits, has disrupted the production of our BEV trucks and may in the future, temporarily disrupt production of our BEV or FCEV trucks. For example, we have historically relied on a limited number of suppliers of battery products. The manufacturing process of battery products is complex, highly technical and can be affected by supply chain disruptions and component shortages. Separately, in 2023, one of our battery suppliers reorganized under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, and has since been acquired. We expect to continue sourcing battery products from this supplier. However, we are looking to source from alternative suppliers as well. Battery products are critical to our ability to manufacture and service our BEV and FCEV trucks in the quantities and on the timeframes we expect. If we cannot manufacture sufficient quantities of battery packs or source sufficient quantities from alternative manufacturers, we may experience delays in the manufacturing or servicing of our BEV and FCEV trucks. Our commercial production of FCEV trucks in 2023 was also affected by supply chain shortages, including shortages of hydrogen tanks, and these or other shortages have occurred and may occur in the future.
We rely on complex machinery for our operations and production involves a significant degree of risk and uncertainty in terms of operational performance and costs.
We rely on complex machinery for our operations and our production involves a significant degree of uncertainty and risk in terms of operational performance and costs. Our truck manufacturing plant consists of large-scale machinery combining many components. The manufacturing plant components are likely to suffer unexpected malfunctions from time to time and will depend on repairs and spare parts to resume operations, which may not be available when needed. Unexpected malfunctions of the manufacturing plant components may significantly affect the intended operational efficiency. Operational performance and costs can be difficult to predict and are often influenced by factors outside of our control, such as, but not limited to, scarcity of natural resources, environmental hazards and remediation, costs associated with decommissioning of machines, labor disputes and strikes, difficulty or delays in obtaining governmental permits, damages or defects in electronic systems, industrial accidents, fires, seismic activity and natural disasters. Should operational risks occur, they may result in the personal injury to or death of workers, the loss of production equipment, damage to manufacturing facilities, monetary losses, delays and unanticipated fluctuations in production, environmental damage, administrative fines, increased insurance costs and potential

legal liabilities, all of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, cash flows, financial condition or prospects.
If our manufacturing plant becomes inoperable, we will be unable to produce our trucks and our business will be harmed.
We produce all of our trucks at our manufacturing plant in Arizona. Our manufacturing plant and the equipment we use to manufacture our trucks would be costly to replace and could require substantial lead time to replace and qualify for use. Our manufacturing plant may be harmed or rendered inoperable by natural or man-made disasters, including earthquakes, flooding, fires, extreme temperatures and power outages, or by health epidemics, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which may render it difficult or impossible for us to manufacture our trucks for some period of time. The inability to produce our trucks or the backlog that could develop if our manufacturing plant is inoperable for even a short period of time may result in the loss of customers, loss of revenue or harm to our reputation. Although we maintain insurance for damage to our property and the disruption of our business, this insurance may not be sufficient to cover all of our potential losses and may not continue to be available to us on acceptable terms, if at all.
Our business may be subject to risks associated with construction, cost overruns and delays, and other contingencies that may arise while constructing or servicing a network of hydrogen fueling solutions, and such risks may increase in the future as we expand the scope of such services.
We and our strategic partners have and expect to continue to construct and service, or invest in the construction and servicing of, hydrogen fueling solutions. We expect to continue to undertake such construction or service with partners or contractors, which will require significant cash investments and has and may continue to require us and our partners to acquire or lease suitable land, obtain licenses or permits, that may require compliance with additional rules, working conditions, wage requirements and other union requirements, adding costs and complexity to a construction project. Additionally, we and our partners have limited experience in the engineering, procurement, construction and operation of hydrogen fueling solutions. If we and our partners are unable to provide timely, cost effective and quality construction-related services related to our hydrogen fueling solutions, there could be material adverse effects on our business, prospects, financial condition and operating results.
In addition, such construction and servicing is subject to oversight and regulation in accordance with state and local laws and ordinances relating to building codes, accessibility requirements, safety, environmental protection and related matters, and requires various local and other governmental approvals and permits that may vary by jurisdiction. All of the above has and may continue to cause delays or cost-overruns or may prevent construction or servicing of hydrogen fueling solutions. Meaningful delays or cost overruns, the ability to construct or operate fueling stations at desired locations, or the inability to construct or service hydrogen fueling solutions, could have a material adverse effect on our business, prospects, financial condition and operating results.
While we or our partners construct additional hydrogen fueling solutions, we are currently operating modular fueling solutions at strategic locations to provide fueling needs to FCEV purchasers and demonstrations. However, these modular fueling solutions are also subject to local laws and regulations, may not function as intended, may not produce sufficient quantity or be available at desired locations, in order to support the fueling needs of our customers.
We, our partners and other suppliers rely on complex technology to dispense hydrogen, which involves a significant degree of risk and uncertainty in terms of operational performance and costs.
We, our strategic partners and other suppliers rely on complex technology to dispense hydrogen. Hydrogen dispensing technology is in the early stages and involves a significant degree of uncertainty and risk in terms of operational performance and costs. The dispensing technology has and will continue to suffer non-performance or unexpected malfunctions given its maturity level and unproven uptime and will depend on repairs to resume operations, which will involve significant additional costs and may not be available or may not be available in a timely manner. Non-performance or malfunctions of the dispensing technology would significantly affect the intended operational efficiency of our or other suppliers' hydrogen fueling solutions. The inability of customers to procure hydrogen due to non-performance or malfunctions of the dispensing technology has and may continue to limit the use of their FCEV trucks and could have a material adverse effect on our business, prospects, financial condition or operating results.

We may not be able to source the hydrogen needed to establish our planned hydrogen fueling solutions in sufficient volumes or at favorable prices, or at all, or sell hydrogen to customers at prices at or above our cost.
As a key component of our business model, we intend to establish a series of hydrogen fueling solutions. We expect that hydrogen fuel will be sourced by third-party providers and delivered to fueling solutions. We have established hydrogen supply strategic partnerships intended to provide us with low carbon hydrogen. To the extent we are unable to source hydrogen, unable to source hydrogen in sufficient volumes, or unable to obtain hydrogen at favorable prices, we may be unable to establish these fueling solutions and severely limit the usefulness of our trucks, or, if we are still able to establish these solutions, we may be forced to sell hydrogen at a loss in order to meet our commitments. Under our customer agreements that provide for the sale of hydrogen, we currently sell hydrogen at a price below our cost, which negatively impacts our profitability, and we expect this to continue into the foreseeable future as we endeavor to accelerate adoption of FCEV technologies. We believe that the provision of hydrogen fueling solutions will be a significant driver for purchases or leases of our trucks, and therefore, the failure to establish and roll out hydrogen fueling solutions in accordance with our expectations would materially and adversely affect our business.
We may offer leasing options or other alternative structures to customers which would expose us to credit risk.
While we may offer leasing options of our trucks or other alternative structures to potential customers through a third-party financing partner, we can provide no assurance that a third-party financing partner would be able or willing to provide the leasing services on terms that we have stated in our published materials, or provide financing at all. Furthermore, offering a leasing alternative directly to fleets will expose us to risks commonly associated with the extension of credit. Credit risk is the potential loss that may arise from any failure in the ability or willingness of the counterparty to fulfill their contractual obligations when they become due. Competitive pressure and challenging markets may increase credit risk through leases to financially weak customers, extended payment terms and leases into new and immature markets. This could have a material adverse effect on our business, prospects, financial results and results of operations.
We face significant barriers to produce our trucks, and if we cannot successfully overcome those barriers, our business will be negatively impacted.
The trucking industry has traditionally been characterized by significant barriers to entry, including large capital requirements, investment costs of designing and manufacturing vehicles, long lead times to bring vehicles to market from the concept and design stage, the need for specialized design and development expertise, compliance with regulatory requirements, establishing a brand name and image and the need to establish sales, leasing, fueling and service locations. In addition, our trucks are based on a different technology platform and powered with alternative fuel and electric sources. If we are not able to overcome these barriers, our business, prospects, operating results and financial condition will be negatively impacted and our ability to grow our business will be harmed.
If our trucks fail to perform as expected, our ability to develop, market and sell or lease our alternative fuel and electric trucks could be harmed.
Our trucks have and may in the future contain defects in design and manufacture that may cause them not to perform as expected or may require repair. We currently have a limited frame of reference by which to evaluate the performance of our trucks upon which our business prospects depend. For example, our trucks use a substantial amount of software to operate which require modification and updates over the life of the vehicle. Software products are inherently complex and often contain defects and errors when first introduced. Our trucks also include components made by third parties. Such components have and may in the future contain defects, and require that we replace affected parts.
There can be no assurance that we will be able to detect and fix any defects in the trucks’ hardware or software prior to commencing sales. We announced a recall of our BEV trucks in August 2023 and may in the future experience recalls, which had and may continue to adversely affect our brand in our target markets and could adversely affect our business, prospects and results of operations. Our trucks may not perform consistent with end users' expectations or consistent with other vehicles which may become available. Any additional product defects or any other failure of our trucks to perform as expected could harm our reputation and result in adverse publicity, lost revenue, delivery delays, product recalls, product liability claims and significant warranty and other expenses, and could have a material adverse impact on our business, financial condition, operating results and prospects.

Insufficient warranty reserves to cover warranty claims could materially and adversely affect our business, prospects, financial condition and operating results.
We maintain warranty reserves to cover warranty-related claims. If our warranty reserves are inadequate to cover warranty claims on our vehicles, our business, prospects, financial condition and operating results could be materially and adversely affected. We may become subject to significant and unexpected warranty expenses. There can be no assurances that warranty reserves will be sufficient to cover all claims. Additionally, future warranty reserves for our FCEV trucks may be significant due to parts that utilize new technology and have limited operating history and suppliers that may not warranty these parts.
We face intense competition as a provider of FCEV and BEV Class 8 trucks, which competition could have an adverse effect on our business.
We face intense competition in FCEV and BEV Class 8 trucks, including from companies in our target markets with greater financial resources, more extensive development, manufacturing, marketing and service capabilities, greater brand recognition and a larger number of managerial and technical personnel. If competitors' trucks are brought to market before our trucks or are viewed as superior to or more reliable than our trucks, we may experience a reduction in potential market share.
Many of our current and potential competitors, particularly international competitors, have significantly greater financial, technical, manufacturing, marketing and other resources than we do and may be able to devote greater resources to the design, development, manufacturing, distribution, promotion, sale and support of their products.
We compete in a rapidly evolving and highly competitive industry, and a number of private and public companies have announced plans to offer or are offering FCEV and/or BEV trucks, including, but not limited to, companies such as Daimler, Volvo, Tesla, BYD, Peterbilt, XOS, Lion, Hyundai, Toyota, Hyzon, and others. Based on publicly available information, a number of these competitors have displayed prototype trucks and have announced target availability and production timelines, while others have launched products or pilot programs in some markets. In addition, we are aware that several potential competitors are currently manufacturing and selling Class 8 BEV trucks. While some competitors may choose to offer BEV trucks, others such as Hyundai, Toyota and Hyzon have announced that they offer or plan to offer FCEV trucks and invest in hydrogen stations for refueling. In addition, our principal competition for our trucks are manufacturers of trucks with internal combustion engines powered by diesel fuel.
We expect competition in our industry to intensify in the future in light of increased demand and regulatory push for alternative fuel and electric vehicles. We cannot provide assurances that our trucks will be among the first to market, or that competitors will not build hydrogen fueling stations that provide fueling at competitive locations and prices. Even if our trucks are among the first to market, we cannot ensure that fleets will choose our vehicles over those of our competitors, or over diesel powered trucks.
Developments in alternative technology or improvements in the internal combustion engine may adversely affect the demand for our trucks.
Significant developments in alternative technologies, such as advanced diesel, ethanol, or compressed natural gas or improvements in the fuel economy of the internal combustion engine, may materially and adversely affect our business and prospects in ways we do not currently anticipate. Other fuels or sources of energy may emerge as fleets’ preferred alternative to our truck platform. Any failure by us to develop new or enhanced technologies or processes, or to react to changes in existing technologies, could materially delay our development and introduction of new and enhanced alternative fuel and electric trucks, which could result in the loss of competitiveness of our trucks, decreased revenue and a loss of market share to competitors. Our research and development efforts may not be sufficient to adapt to changes in alternative fuel and electric vehicle technology. As technologies change, we plan to upgrade or adapt our trucks and introduce new models in order to continue to provide trucks with the latest technology, in particular battery cell technology.
We have limited experience servicing or repairing our vehicles. If we are unable to address the service requirements of end users, our business will be materially and adversely affected.
Because we recently started commercial production, we have limited experience servicing or repairing our vehicles. Servicing alternative fuel and electric vehicles is different than servicing vehicles with internal combustion engines and requires specialized skills, including high voltage training and servicing techniques. We utilize our dealer network and may decide to

partner with a third party to perform some or all of the maintenance on our trucks, and there can be no assurance that we will be able to enter into an acceptable arrangement with any such third-party provider. If we are unable to successfully address the service requirements of end users, our business and prospects will be materially and adversely affected.
In addition, the motor vehicle industry laws in many states require that service facilities be available to service vehicles physically sold from locations in the state. While we anticipate developing a service program that would satisfy regulators in these circumstances, the specifics of our service program are still in development, and at some point may need to be restructured to comply with state law, which may impact our business, financial condition, operating results and prospects.
Collaboration with strategic partners is subject to risks.
We have entered into collaborations and have announced planned collaborations with various parties, including with respect to hydrogen production and sourcing, providing service and maintenance and deployment of hydrogen fueling solutions. Discussions with our strategic partners are ongoing, a number of collaborations are subject to the parties' entry into definitive documentation, and terms of the agreements are subject to change. Consequently, there can be no assurance that we will enter into agreements on the terms initially contemplated, if at all, or that our agreements with our strategic partners will remain in place.
Collaboration with third parties is subject to risks with respect to operations that are outside our control. We could experience delays if our partners do not meet agreed upon timelines or experience capacity constraints. There are risks of potential disputes, disagreements or fallouts with partners and failure to perform under contracts or enforce contracts against the other party, and/or the potential terminations, or non-renewals, of such contracts, and the supply of hydrogen could be disrupted as a result. We may not be able to realize business or financial benefits of our strategic collaborations. We could be affected by adverse publicity related to our partners, whether or not such publicity is related to their collaboration with us, or adverse publicity related to our relationships with our partners. Our ability to successfully build a premium brand could also be adversely affected by perceptions about the quality of our partners’ products or by termination of our agreements with our partners. In addition, in situations where we rely on our partners and third parties to meet our quality standards, there can be no assurance that we will successfully maintain quality standards. In addition, our share of the earnings or losses of a collaborator may adversely affect our financial results, depending on the nature of the collaboration, including the discontinuation thereof.
We may be unable to enter into new agreements or extend existing agreements with strategic partners on terms and conditions acceptable to us and therefore may need to contract with other third parties or significantly add to our own production capacity. There can be no assurance that in such event we would be able to engage other third parties or establish or expand our own production capacity to meet our needs on acceptable terms or at all. The expense and time required to complete any transition, and to assure that vehicles or components manufactured at third party facilities comply with our quality standards and regulatory requirements, may be greater than anticipated. Any of the foregoing could adversely affect our business, results of operations, financial condition and prospects.
We are or may be subject to risks associated with strategic alliances or acquisitions.
We have entered into, and may in the future enter into additional, strategic alliances, including joint ventures or equity investments with various third parties to further our business purpose. These alliances subject us to a number of risks, including risks associated with sharing proprietary information, non-performance by the third party and increased expenses in establishing new, or maintaining current, strategic alliances, any of which may materially and adversely affect our business. We may have limited ability to monitor or control the actions of these third parties and, to the extent any of these strategic third parties suffer negative publicity or harm to their reputation from events relating to their business, we may also suffer negative publicity or harm to our reputation by virtue of our association with any such third party.
When opportunities arise, we may seek to acquire additional assets, products, technologies or businesses that are complementary to our existing business.
If we make any acquisitions, we may not be able to integrate these acquisitions successfully into our existing business, and we could assume unknown or contingent liabilities. Any future acquisitions by us also could result in significant write-offs or the incurrence of debt and contingent liabilities, any of which could harm our operating results. Integration of an acquired company also may require management resources that otherwise would be available for ongoing development of our existing business. We may not identify or complete these transactions in a timely manner, on a cost-effective basis, or at all, and we may not realize the anticipated benefits of any acquisition.

To finance any acquisitions, we have in the past and may in the future choose to issue shares of our common stock as consideration, which would dilute the ownership of our stockholders. In addition, it may be necessary for us to raise additional funds for acquisitions through public or private financings. Additional funds may not be available on terms that are favorable to us, or at all.
We acquired Romeo in October 2022. On June 30, 2023, pursuant to a general assignment (the “Assignment”), we transferred ownership of all of Romeo’s right, title and interest in and to all of its tangible and intangible assets, subject to certain agreed upon exclusions (collectively, the “Assets”) to SG Service Co., LLC, in its sole and limited capacity as Assignee for the Benefit of Creditors of Romeo (“Assignee”), and also designated Assignee to act as the assignee for the benefit of creditors of Romeo, such that, as of June 30, 2023, Assignee succeeded to all of Romeo’s right, title and interest in and to the Assets.
We have incurred losses as a result of the Assignment. For example, we recognized a loss of $24.9 million which is recorded in loss from deconsolidation of discontinued operations in the consolidated statements of operations for the year ended December 31, 2023. The carrying values of the assets and liabilities of Romeo were removed from the condensed consolidated balance sheets as of June 30, 2023. See Note 9, Deconsolidation of Subsidiary, to the condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for additional information.
We are currently subject to ongoing litigation related to, among other things, our acquisition of Romeo, and may in the future be subject to additional litigation related to Romeo. The Assignment does not have the effect of staying such litigation. Litigation and the time, cost and expenses associated with it could negatively impact our financial condition and results of operations.
We may not be able to consume minimum commitments under our “take or pay” agreements, which may have a material adverse impact on our business and prospects.
We have entered into agreements with certain suppliers of hydrogen that include “take or pay” terms. Take or pay terms obligate us to purchase a minimum quantity of hydrogen within certain time periods or make specified payments in lieu of such purchase. If we fail to secure adequate demand for hydrogen, we have and may continue to not be able to consume minimum commitments under these take or pay contracts, requiring payments to suppliers, which may have a material adverse impact on our business, financial condition and results of operations. See Note 14, Commitments and Contingencies, in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as amended, for additional information.
We are dependent on our suppliers, a significant number of which are single or limited source suppliers, and the inability of these suppliers to deliver necessary components of our vehicles at prices and volumes acceptable to us would have a material adverse effect on our business, prospects, and operating results.
While we seek to obtain components from multiple sources whenever possible, many of the components used in our vehicles are or will be purchased by us from a single source, especially with respect to hydrogen fuel cells and batteries. We refer to these component suppliers as our single source suppliers. For example, we entered into an agreement with Robert Bosch LLC (“Bosch”), whereby we committed to purchase certain component requirements for fuel cell power modules from Bosch beginning on June 1, 2023 until December 31, 2030. While we believe that we may be able to establish alternate supply relationships and can obtain or engineer replacement components for our single source components, we may be unable to do so in the short-term (or at all) at prices or quality levels that are favorable to us or that meet our requirements.
A significant benefit of our collaborations with manufacturing partners is the ability to leverage their respective existing assortment of parts, thereby decreasing our purchasing expenses. While these relationships give us access to use an existing supplier base with the hopes of accelerating procurement of components at favorable prices, there is no guarantee that this will be the case. In addition, we have and may in the future experience delays if our suppliers do not meet agreed upon timelines or experience capacity constraints.
Our vehicles' estimated range may not be achievable based on various external conditions, which may negatively influence potential end users' decisions whether to purchase our trucks.
We estimate the range of our Tre FCEV and Tre BEV vehicles to be up to 500 and 330 miles, respectively, before needing to recharge or refuel, depending on the type of vehicle. Actual range will vary depending on conditions such as external environment, average speed, number of stops, grade of routes, gross combined weight, trailer type, and driver behavior, among

others. Range specifications are subject to change. The perceived lack of sufficient range may negatively affect potential end users' decisions to buy or lease our trucks.
The battery efficiency of electric trucks and fuel cell efficiency of FCEV trucks will decline over time, which may negatively influence potential end users’ decisions whether to purchase our trucks.
Our vehicles' range will decline over time as the battery or fuel cell, as applicable, deteriorates. Other factors such as usage, time and stress patterns may also impact the ability to hold a charge, which would decrease our trucks’ range. Such deterioration and the related decrease in range may negatively influence potential end user decisions to purchase our trucks.
Our trucks make use of lithium-ion battery cells, which have been observed to catch fire or vent smoke and flame.
The battery packs within our trucks make use of lithium-ion cells. Lithium-ion cells can rapidly release the energy they contain by venting smoke and flames in a manner that can ignite nearby materials as well as other lithium-ion cells. While the battery pack is designed to contain any single cell’s release of energy without spreading to neighboring cells, a field or testing failure of our vehicles or other battery packs that we produce could occur, which could subject us to lawsuits, product recalls, or redesign efforts, all of which would be time consuming and expensive. For example, we announced a recall of our BEV trucks in August 2023 as a result of preliminary results of our battery pack thermal event investigations. The investigation was in response to a thermal event caused by a battery pack defect. Subsequent thermal events have also occurred. Also, negative public perceptions regarding the suitability of lithium-ion cells for automotive applications or any future incident involving lithium-ion cells, such as a vehicle or other fire, even if such incident does not involve our trucks, could seriously harm our business, and prospects.
In addition, we store a significant number of lithium-ion cells at our facility. Any mishandling of battery cells may cause disruption to the operation of our facility. While we have implemented safety procedures related to the handling of the cells, a safety issue or fire related to the cells could disrupt our operations. Any related damage or injury could lead to adverse publicity and potentially a safety recall. Moreover, any failure of a competitor’s electric vehicle or energy storage product may cause indirect adverse publicity for us and our products. Such adverse publicity could negatively affect our brand and harm our business, prospects, financial condition, and operating results.
We may face challenges related to perceptions of safety for commercial electric vehicles, especially if adverse events or accidents occur that are linked to the quality or safety of commercial electric vehicles.
An accident or safety incident involving one of our trucks may expose us to significant liability and a public perception that our trucks are unsafe or unreliable. For example, in June 2023, a fire started in one of our BEV trucks at our headquarters, which spread to other trucks parked nearby. As a result of the fire, all of the trucks affected became inoperable, and subsequent fires have occurred. Any accident or safety incident involving one of our trucks, even if fully insured, could harm our reputation and result in a loss of future demand if it creates a public perception that our trucks are unsafe or unreliable as compared to those offered by other manufacturers or other means of transportation. As a result, any accident or safety incident involving our trucks, or commercial electric vehicles of our competitors could directly or indirectly materially and adversely affect our business, prospects, financial condition, and operating results.
Any unauthorized control or manipulation of our vehicles’ systems could result in loss of confidence in us and our vehicles and harm our business.
Our trucks contain complex vehicle control and management systems and built-in data connectivity to accept and install periodic remote updates to improve or update functionality. We have designed, implemented and tested security measures intended to prevent unauthorized access to our information technology networks, our trucks and related systems. However, bad actors may attempt to gain unauthorized access to modify, alter and use such networks, trucks and systems to gain control of or to change our trucks’ functionality, user interface and performance characteristics, or to gain access to data stored in or generated by the truck. Future vulnerabilities could be identified and our efforts to remediate such vulnerabilities may not be successful. Any unauthorized access to or control of our trucks or their systems, or any unauthorized access to or loss of end user data, could result in risks to end users or failure of our systems, any of which could result in interruptions in our business, legal claims or proceedings. In addition, regardless of their veracity, reports of unauthorized access to our trucks, systems or data, as well as other factors that may result in the perception that our trucks, systems or data are capable of being hacked could negatively affect our brand and harm our business, prospects, financial condition, and operating results.

Interruption or failure of our information technology and communications systems could impact our ability to effectively provide our services.
We outfit our trucks with in-vehicle services and functionality that utilize data connectivity to monitor performance and timely capture opportunities for cost-saving preventative maintenance. The availability and effectiveness of our services depend on the continued operation of information technology and communications systems, many of which rely on services provided by third-party vendors. Our systems may be vulnerable to damage or interruption from, among others, fire, terrorist attacks, attacks by computer hackers or other cybersecurity risks, accidental software or hardware failures, natural disasters, power loss, telecommunications failures, computer viruses, computer denial-of-service attacks or other attempts to harm our systems. Our data centers or on-premises systems could also be subject to break-ins, sabotage and intentional acts of vandalism causing potential disruptions. Some of our systems are not fully redundant, and our disaster recovery and business continuity planning cannot account for all eventualities. Any problems with our cloud providers or colocation data centers could result in lengthy interruptions in our service. In addition, our trucks are highly technical and complex and may contain errors or vulnerabilities, which could result in interruptions in our business or the failure of our systems.
We are subject to substantial regulation and unfavorable changes to, or failure by us to comply with, these regulations could substantially harm our business and operating results.
Our alternative fuel and electric trucks, and the sale and servicing of motor vehicles in general, are subject to substantial regulation under international, federal, state, and local laws. We have and expect to continue to incur significant costs in complying with these regulations. Regulations related to the electric vehicle industry and alternative energy are currently evolving and we face risks associated with changes to these regulations, including but not limited to:
increased subsidies for corn and ethanol production, which could reduce the operating cost of vehicles that use ethanol or a combination of ethanol and gasoline; and
increased sensitivity by regulators to the needs of established motor vehicle manufacturers with large employment bases, high fixed costs and business models based on the internal combustion engine, which could lead them to pass regulations that could reduce the compliance costs of such established manufacturers or mitigate the effects of government efforts to promote alternative fuel vehicles.
To the extent laws change, our trucks may not comply with applicable international, federal, state or local laws, which would have an adverse effect on our business. Compliance with changing regulations could be burdensome, time consuming, and expensive. To the extent compliance with new regulations is cost prohibitive, our business, prospects, financial condition, and operating results would be adversely affected.
We are subject to various environmental laws and regulations that could impose substantial costs upon us and cause delays in operating our manufacturing facilities.
Our operations are subject to federal, state, and/or local environmental laws and regulations, including laws relating to the use, handling, storage, disposal and human exposure to hazardous materials. Environmental and health and safety laws and regulations can be complex, and we expect that we will be affected by future amendments to such laws or other new environmental and health and safety laws and regulations which may require us to change our operations, potentially resulting in a material adverse effect on our business, prospects, financial condition, and operating results. These laws can give rise to liability for administrative oversight costs, cleanup costs, property damage, bodily injury and fines and penalties. Capital and operating expenses needed to comply with environmental laws and regulations can be significant, and violations may result in substantial fines and penalties, third party damages, suspension of production or a cessation of our operations.
Contamination at properties we own and operate, we formerly owned or operated, or to which hazardous substances were sent by us, may result in liability for us under environmental laws and regulations, including, but not limited to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, which can impose liability for the full amount of remediation-related costs without regard to fault, for the investigation and cleanup of contaminated soil and ground water, for building contamination and impacts to human health and for damages to natural resources. The costs of complying with environmental laws and regulations and any claims concerning noncompliance, or liability with respect to contamination in the future, could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition or operating results. We may face unexpected delays in obtaining the required permits and approvals in connection with our manufacturing facilities that could require significant time

and financial resources and delay our ability to operate these facilities, which would adversely impact our business, prospects, and operating results.
We are subject to evolving laws, regulations, standards, policies, and contractual obligations related to data privacy and security, and any actual or perceived failure to comply with such obligations could harm our reputation and brand, subject us to significant fines and liabilities, or otherwise affect our business.
In the course of our operations, we collect, use, store, disclose, transfer and otherwise process personal information from our customers, truck end users, employees and third parties with whom we conduct business, including names, accounts, user IDs and passwords, and payment or transaction related information. Additionally, we use our trucks’ electronic systems to log information about each vehicle’s use in order to aid us in vehicle diagnostics, repair and maintenance. End users may object to the use of this data, which may increase our vehicle maintenance costs and harm our business and prospects. Possession and use of end users’ information in conducting our business may subject us to legislative and regulatory burdens that could require notification of data breaches, restrict our use of such information and hinder our ability to acquire new customers or market to existing customers. Non-compliance or a major breach of our network security and systems could have serious negative consequences for our business and future prospects, including possible fines, penalties and damages, reduced customer demand for our vehicles, and harm to our reputation and brand. We are subject to or affected by a number of federal, state, and local laws and regulations, as well as contractual obligations and industry standards, that impose certain obligations and restrictions with respect to data privacy and security and govern our collection, storage, retention, protection, use, processing, transmission, sharing and disclosure of personal information including that of our employees, customers and other third parties with whom we conduct business. These laws, regulations and standards may be interpreted and applied differently over time and from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and it is possible that they will be interpreted and applied in ways that may have a material and adverse impact on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
The global data protection landscape is rapidly evolving, and implementation standards and enforcement practices are likely to remain uncertain for the foreseeable future. We may not be able to monitor and react to all developments in a timely manner. The European Union adopted the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), which became effective in May 2018, and California adopted the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 ("CCPA"), which became effective in January 2020. Both the GDPR and the CCPA impose additional obligations on companies regarding the handling of personal data and provide certain individual privacy rights to persons whose data is collected. Compliance with existing, proposed and recently enacted laws and regulations (including implementation of the privacy and process enhancements called for under the GDPR and CCPA) can be costly, and any failure to comply with these regulatory standards could subject us to legal and reputational risks.
Specifically, the CCPA establishes a privacy framework for covered businesses, including an expansive definition of personal information and data privacy rights for California consumers. The CCPA includes a framework with potentially severe statutory damages for violations and a private right of action for certain data breaches. The CCPA requires covered businesses to provide California consumers with new privacy-related disclosures and new ways to opt-out of certain uses and disclosures of personal information. As we expand our operations, particularly in California, the CCPA may increase our compliance costs and potential liability. Some observers have noted that the CCPA could mark the beginning of a trend toward more stringent privacy legislation in the United States. Additionally, effective starting on January 1, 2023, the California Privacy Rights Act ("CPRA") significantly modifies the CCPA, including by expanding California consumers’ rights with respect to certain sensitive personal information. The CPRA also created a new state agency that will be vested with authority to implement and enforce the CCPA and the CPRA.
Other states have begun to propose similar laws. Compliance with applicable privacy and data security laws and regulations is a rigorous and time-intensive process, and we may be required to put in place additional mechanisms to comply with such laws and regulations, which could cause us to incur substantial costs or require us to change our business practices, including our data management practices, in a manner adverse to our business. In particular, certain emerging privacy laws are still subject to a high degree of uncertainty as to their interpretation and application. Failure to comply with applicable laws or regulations or to secure personal information could result in investigations, enforcement actions and other proceedings against us, which could result in substantial fines, damages and other liability as well as damage to our reputation and credibility, which could have a negative impact on revenues and profits.
We post publicly privacy policies and other documentation regarding our collection, processing, use and disclosure of personal information. Although we endeavor to comply with our policies and other documentation, we may at times fail to do so or may be perceived to have failed to do so. Moreover, despite our efforts, we may not be successful in achieving compliance if

our employees, contractors, service providers, vendors or other third parties fail to comply with our policies and documentation. Such failures could carry similar consequences or subject us to potential local, state and federal action if they are found to be deceptive, unfair or misrepresentative of our actual practices. Claims that we have violated individuals’ privacy rights or failed to comply with data protection laws or applicable privacy notices could, even if we are not found liable, be expensive and time-consuming to defend and could result in adverse publicity that could harm our business.
Most jurisdictions have enacted laws requiring companies to notify individuals, regulatory authorities and other third parties of security breaches involving certain types of data. Such laws may be inconsistent or may change or additional laws may be adopted. In addition, our agreements with certain customers or truck end users may require us to notify them in the event of a security breach. Such mandatory disclosures are costly, could lead to negative publicity, penalties or fines, litigation and our customers and truck end users losing confidence in the effectiveness of our security measures and require us to expend significant capital and other resources to respond to or alleviate problems caused by the actual or perceived security breach. Any of the foregoing could materially and adversely affect our business, prospects, operating results and financial condition.
We face risks associated with our international operations, including unfavorable regulatory, political, tax and labor conditions, which could harm our business.
We face risks associated with our international operations, including possible unfavorable regulatory, political, tax and labor conditions, which could harm our business. Although our operations are currently focused in the U.S., we have international operations and a subsidiary in Canada that is subject to the legal, political, regulatory and social requirements and economic conditions in this jurisdiction. Additionally, as part of our growth strategy, we intend to expand our truck sales, hydrogen supply, truck maintenance and repair services in North America. However, we have limited experience selling and servicing our vehicles in North America, and no experience to date selling and servicing our vehicles outside of the United States and Canada, and such expansion may require us to make significant expenditures, including the hiring of local employees and establishing facilities, in advance of generating any revenue. We are subject to a number of risks associated with international business activities that may increase our costs, impact our ability to sell our alternative fuel and electric trucks and require significant management attention. These risks include:
conforming our trucks to various international law and regulatory requirements where our trucks are sold, or homologation;
development and construction of our hydrogen fueling network;
difficulty in staffing and managing foreign operations;
difficulties attracting customers and fleets in new jurisdictions;
foreign government taxes, regulations and permit requirements, including foreign taxes that we may not be able to offset against taxes imposed upon us in the United States, and foreign tax and other laws limiting our ability to repatriate funds to the United States;
fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates and interest rates, including risks related to any interest rate swap or other hedging activities we undertake;
United States and foreign government trade restrictions, tariffs and price or exchange controls;
foreign labor laws, regulations and restrictions;
changes in diplomatic and trade relationships;
political instability, natural disasters, war or events of terrorism, including the current conflicts involving Ukraine and Russia and in the Middle East; and
the strength of international economies.
If we fail to successfully address these risks, our business, prospects, operating results and financial condition could be materially harmed.

Our ability to use net operating losses to reduce future tax payments may be limited by provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and may be subject to further limitation as a result of future transactions.
Sections 382 and 383 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), contain rules that limit the ability of a company that undergoes an ownership change, which is generally any cumulative change in ownership of more than 50% of its stock over a three-year period, to utilize its net operating loss and tax credit carryforwards and certain built-in losses recognized in the years after the ownership change. These rules generally operate by focusing on ownership changes involving stockholders who directly or indirectly own 5% or more of the stock of a company and any change in ownership arising from a new issuance of stock by the company. Generally, if an ownership change occurs, the yearly taxable income limitation on the use of net operating loss and tax credit carryforwards is equal to the product of the applicable long-term tax exempt rate and the value of our stock immediately before the ownership change. As a result, we may be unable to offset our taxable income with net operating losses, or our tax liability with credits, before these losses and credits expire.
In addition, it is possible that future transactions (including issuances of new shares of our common stock and sales of shares of our common stock and equity-linked securities) will cause us to undergo one or more additional ownership changes. In that event, we may not be able to use our net operating losses from periods prior to this ownership change to offset future taxable income in excess of the annual limitations imposed by Sections 382 and 383 of the Code.
We face risks related to health epidemics, which could have a material adverse effect on our business and results of operations.
We face various risks related to public health issues, including epidemics, pandemics, and other outbreaks. For example, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic included changes in consumer and business behavior, pandemic fears and market downturns, global supply chain constraints, and restrictions on business and individual activities, created significant volatility in the global economy and led to reduced economic activity. The spread of COVID-19 also created a disruption in the manufacturing, delivery and overall supply chain of vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, including us, and led to a global decrease in vehicle sales in markets around the world.
The pandemic resulted in government authorities implementing numerous measures to try to contain the virus, such as travel bans and restrictions, quarantines, stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders, and business shutdowns. These measures adversely impacted our employees and operations and the operations of our customers, suppliers, vendors and business partners, and negatively impacted our sales and marketing activities, the construction schedule of our hydrogen fueling solutions and our manufacturing plant in Arizona, and the production schedule of our trucks. For example, the headquarters of our former joint venture partner located in Italy was shut down for two months in 2020 due to COVID-19, and as a result, pilot builds for the BEV truck were delayed. In addition, various aspects of our business, manufacturing plant and hydrogen fueling solutions building process, cannot be conducted remotely.
Difficult macroeconomic conditions, such as decreases in per capita income and level of disposable income, increased and prolonged unemployment or a decline in consumer confidence due to the acceleration of inflation in the U.S. and the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as reduced spending by businesses, adversely affected the demand for our trucks. Under difficult economic conditions, potential purchasers may seek to reduce spending by forgoing our trucks for other traditional options. In addition, in this inflationary environment, end users were less likely to invest time and resources in considering alternative charging infrastructure, which affected demand for our trucks. Decreased demand for our trucks negatively affects our business.
We may not be able to obtain or agree on acceptable terms and conditions for all or a significant portion of the government grants, loans and other incentives for which we may apply.
We have received and expect to continue applying for federal and state grants, loans and tax incentives under government programs designed to stimulate the economy and support the production of alternative fuel and electric vehicles and related technologies, as well as the sale of hydrogen. We are initially focusing our efforts in California in part because of the incentives that are available. For example, in 2023, the CTC awarded us a grant under the Trade Corridor Enhancement Program ("TCEP") to build up to four heavy-duty hydrogen refueling stations across Southern California, subject to compliance with follow on requirements, including timing and completion of certain milestones. We anticipate that in the future there will be new opportunities for us to apply for grants, loans and other incentives from the United States, state and foreign governments. Our ability to obtain funds or incentives from government sources is subject to the availability of funds under applicable government programs, approval of our applications to participate in such programs and, in certain instances,

compliance with ongoing requirements. The application process for these funds and other incentives will likely be highly competitive. We cannot assure you that we will be successful in obtaining any additional grants, loans and other incentives or achieving the follow on requirements to receive funding of grants awarded. If we are not successful in obtaining any of these incentives and we are unable to find alternative sources of funding to meet our planned capital needs, our business and prospects could be materially and adversely affected.
Further, accepting funding from governmental entities or in-licensing patent rights from third parties that are co-owned with governmental entities may result in the U.S. government having certain rights, including so-called march-in rights, to such patent rights and any products or technology developed from such patent rights. When new technologies are developed with U.S. government funding, the U.S. government generally obtains certain rights in any resulting patents, including a nonexclusive license authorizing the U.S. government to use the invention for noncommercial purposes. These rights may permit the U.S. government to disclose our confidential information to third parties and to exercise march-in rights to use or to allow third parties to use our licensed technology. The U.S. government can exercise its march-in rights if it determines that action is necessary because we fail to achieve the practical application of government-funded technology, because action is necessary to alleviate health or safety needs, to meet requirements of federal regulations, or to give preference to U.S. industry. In addition, our rights in such inventions may be subject to certain requirements to manufacture products embodying such inventions in the United States. Any exercise by the U.S. government of such rights could harm our competitive position, business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
The evolution of the regulatory framework for autonomous vehicles is outside of our control and we cannot guarantee that our trucks will achieve the requisite level of autonomy to enable driverless systems.
There are currently no federal U.S. regulations pertaining to the safety of self-driving vehicles. However, the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration has established recommended guidelines. Certain states have legal restrictions on self-driving vehicles, and many other states are considering them. This patchwork increases the difficulty in legal compliance for our vehicles should we deploy autonomous driving features. Self-driving laws and regulations are expected to continue to evolve and may restrict autonomous driving features that we may deploy.
We may be subject to risks associated with autonomous driving technology.
Our trucks can be designed with connectivity for future installation of an autonomous hardware suite and we plan to partner with a third-party software provider in the future to potentially implement Level 2 ("L2") autonomous capabilities. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to identify a third party to provide the necessary hardware and software to enable driverless Level 4 or Level 5 autonomy in an acceptable timeframe, on terms satisfactory to us, or at all. Autonomous driving technologies are subject to risks and there have been accidents and fatalities associated with such technologies. The safety of such technologies depends in part on user interaction and users, as well as other drivers on the roadways, may not be accustomed to using or adapting to such technologies. To the extent accidents associated with our L2 autonomous driving systems occur, we could be subject to liability, negative publicity, government scrutiny and further regulation. Any of the foregoing could materially and adversely affect our results of operations, financial condition and growth prospects.
Unfavorable publicity, or a failure to respond effectively to adverse publicity, could harm our reputation and adversely affect our business.
As an early stage company, maintaining and enhancing our brand and reputation is critical to our ability to attract and retain employees, partners, customers and investors, and to mitigate legislative or regulatory scrutiny, litigation and government investigations.
Significant negative publicity has adversely affected our brand and reputation and our stock price. Negative publicity has and may in the future give rise to litigation and/or governmental investigations. Unfavorable publicity relating to us or those affiliated with us, including our former executive chairman and our vehicle recall in August 2023, has and may in the future adversely affect public perception of the company. Adverse publicity and its effect on overall public perceptions of our brand, or our failure to respond effectively to adverse publicity, could have a material adverse effect on our business.
The negative publicity has made it more difficult for us to attract and retain employees, partners, customers, and end users, reduced confidence in our products and services, harmed investor confidence and the market price of our common stock, invited legislative and regulatory scrutiny and resulted in litigation and governmental investigations and penalties. As a result, customers, potential customers, end users, potential end users, partners and potential partners have failed to award us additional

business, cancelled or sought to cancel existing contracts or otherwise, or direct future business to our competitors, and may in the future take similar actions, and investors may invest in our competitors instead of us. See Note 11, Commitments and Contingencies, to the condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and to Note 14, Commitments and Contingencies, in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as amended, for additional information.
The successful rehabilitation of our brand will depend largely on regaining a good reputation, meeting business milestones, satisfying the requirements of customers and end users, meeting our fueling commitments, maintaining a high quality of service, improving our compliance programs and continuing our marketing and public relations efforts. Expenses related to our brand promotion, reputation building, and media strategies have been significant and our efforts may not be successful. We anticipate that other competitors and potential competitors will expand their offerings, which will make maintaining and enhancing our reputation and brand increasingly more difficult and expensive. If we fail to successfully rehabilitate our brand in the current or future competitive environment or if events similar to the negative publicity occur in the future, our brand and reputation would be further damaged and our business may suffer.
Although we maintain insurance for the disruption of our business and director and officer liability insurance, these insurance policies will not be sufficient to cover all of our potential losses and may not continue to be available to us on acceptable terms, if at all.
Social media platforms present risks and challenges that could cause damage to our brand and reputation, and which could subject us to liability, penalties and other restrictive sanctions.
Social media platforms present risks and challenges that have resulted, and may in the future result in damage to our brand and reputation, and which could subject us to liability, penalties and other restrictive sanctions. Our internal policies and procedures regarding social media have not been, and may not in the future, be effective in preventing the inappropriate use of social media platforms, including blogs, social media websites and other forms of Internet-based communications. These platforms allow individuals access to a broad audience of consumers, investors and other interested persons. The considerable expansion in the use of social media over recent years has increased the volume and speed at which negative publicity arising from these events can be generated and spread, and we may be unable to timely respond to, correct any inaccuracies in, or adequately address negative perceptions arising from such coverage. The use of such platforms by our former officers and employees has adversely impacted, and could in the future adversely impact our costs, and our brand and reputation, and has resulted, and could in the future result in the disclosure of confidential information, litigation and regulatory inquiries. Any such litigation or regulatory inquiries may result in significant penalties and other restrictive sanctions and adverse consequences. In addition, negative or inaccurate posts or comments about us on social media platforms could damage our reputation, brand image and goodwill, and we could lose the confidence of our customers, end users, and partners, regardless of whether such information is true and regardless of any number of measures we may take to address them. We are currently party to litigation and regulatory proceedings related in part to social media statements. See Legal Proceedings in Note 11, Commitments and Contingencies, to the condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and to Note 14, Commitments and Contingencies, in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as amended, for additional information.
Risks Related to Our Intellectual Property
We may need to defend ourselves against patent or trademark infringement, or other intellectual property claims, which may be time-consuming and cause us to incur substantial costs.
Companies, organizations or individuals, including our competitors, may own or obtain patents, trademarks or other proprietary rights that would prevent or limit our ability to make, use, develop or sell our vehicles or components, which could make it more difficult for us to operate our business. We may receive inquiries from patent or trademark owners inquiring whether we infringe their proprietary rights. Companies owning patents or other intellectual property rights relating to battery packs, electric motors, fuel cells or electronic power management systems may allege infringement of such rights. In response to a determination that we have infringed upon a third party’s intellectual property rights, we may be required to do one or more of the following:
cease development, sales, or use of vehicles that incorporate the asserted intellectual property;
pay substantial damages;

obtain a license from the owner of the asserted intellectual property right, which license may not be available on reasonable terms or at all; or
redesign one or more aspects or systems of our trucks.
A successful claim of infringement against us could materially and adversely affect our business, prospects, operating results and financial condition. Any litigation or claims, whether valid or invalid, could result in substantial costs and diversion of resources.
We also have licensed patents and other intellectual property from third parties, including suppliers and service providers, and we may face claims that our use of this in-licensed technology infringes the intellectual property rights of others. In such cases, we will seek indemnification from our licensors. However, our rights to indemnification may be unavailable or insufficient to cover our costs and losses.
We may also face claims challenging our use of open source software and our compliance with open source license terms. While we monitor our use of open source software and try to ensure that none is used in a manner that would require us to disclose or license our proprietary source code or that would otherwise breach the terms of an open source agreement, such use could inadvertently occur, or could be claimed to have occurred. Any breach of such open source license or requirement to disclose or license our proprietary source code could harm our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
Our business may be adversely affected if we are unable to protect our intellectual property rights from unauthorized use by third parties.
Failure to adequately protect our intellectual property rights could result in our competitors offering similar products, potentially resulting in the loss of some of our competitive advantage, and a decrease in our revenue which would adversely affect our business, prospects, financial condition and operating results. Our success depends, at least in part, on our ability to protect our core technology and intellectual property. To accomplish this, we rely on a combination of patents, trade secrets (including know-how), employee and third-party nondisclosure agreements, copyright, trademarks, intellectual property licenses and other contractual rights to establish and protect our rights in our technology. We cannot guarantee that we have entered into such agreements with each party that may have or have had access to our trade secrets or proprietary information, including our technology and processes. In connection with our collaboration, partnership and license agreements, our rights to use licensed or jointly owned technology and intellectual property under such agreements may be subject to the continuation of and compliance with the terms of those agreements. In some cases, we may not control the prosecution, maintenance or filing of licensed or jointly owned patent rights, or the enforcement of such patents against third parties.
The protection of our intellectual property rights is important to our business and future opportunities. However, the measures we take to protect our intellectual property from unauthorized use by others may not be effective for various reasons, including the following:
any patent applications we submit may not result in the issuance of patents;
the scope of our issued patents may not be broad enough to protect our proprietary rights;
our issued patents may be challenged and/or invalidated by our competitors;
the costs associated with enforcing patents, confidentiality and invention agreements or other intellectual property rights may make aggressive enforcement impracticable;
current and future competitors may circumvent our patents; and
our in-licensed patents may be invalidated, or the owners of these patents may breach our license arrangements.
Patent, trademark, and trade secret laws vary significantly throughout the world. Some foreign countries do not protect intellectual property rights to the same extent as do the laws of the United States. Further, policing the unauthorized use of our intellectual property in foreign jurisdictions may be difficult. Therefore, our intellectual property rights may not be as strong or as easily enforced outside of the United States.

Our patent applications may not issue as patents, which may have a material adverse effect on our ability to prevent others from commercially exploiting products similar to ours.
We cannot be certain that we are the first inventor of the subject matter to which we have filed a particular patent application, or if we are the first party to file such a patent application. If another party has filed a patent application to the same subject matter as we have, we may not be entitled to the protection sought by the patent application. Further, the scope of protection of issued patent claims is often difficult to determine. As a result, we cannot be certain that the patent applications that we file will issue, or that our issued patents will afford protection against competitors with similar technology. In addition, our competitors may design around our issued patents, which may adversely affect our business, prospects, financial condition or operating results.
Risks Related to Our Convertible Indebtedness
We may not have sufficient cash flow from our business to pay our substantial debt, and we may not be able to refinance or restructure our debt.
As of September 30, 2024, an aggregate of $201.1 million of convertible debt was outstanding, consisting of $130.3 million, $11.9 million, $57.1 million and $1.8 million in aggregate principal amount of our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes, June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes, Third Purchase Agreement Notes and 8.25% Convertible Notes, respectively. As of December 31, 2023, $123.5 million, $11.5 million, and $21.6 million in aggregate principal amount of our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes, June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes and 8.25% Convertible Notes, respectively, were outstanding. The terms of our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes and June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes allow us to issue additional June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes and June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes, respectively, in lieu of paying cash interest thereon. In October 2024, we received conversion notices under the Third Purchase Agreement Notes for an aggregate of $33.7 million of aggregate principal amount, make-whole amount and accrued and unpaid interest, which we are obligated to settle in cash for $39.3 million (the "Exchange Cap Redemption Amounts") as we have already issued the maximum amount of shares that may be issued under the Third Purchase Agreement Notes without obtaining stockholder approval. The holder agreed to defer settlement of the Exchange Cap Redemption Amounts until the earlier of (x) the occurrence of any bankruptcy event of default, (y) if we and the holder mutually agree to exchange, in whole or in part, the Exchange Cap Redemption Amounts into securities of the Company, solely with respect to such applicable portion of the Exchange Cap Redemption Amount that is to be exchanged, the time immediately prior to such exchange and (z) December 31, 2024 (or such other date as we and the holder may mutually agree in writing from time to time). If the payment of the Exchange Cap Redemption Amounts is not paid, discharged, cured or waived as provided in the applicable indentures, the holders of our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes, June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes and the 8.25% Convertible Notes may have the right to accelerate such notes.
Our ability to repay principal and interest at maturity, to pay interest on or to refinance our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes, June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes, Third Purchase Agreement Notes, 8.25% Convertible Notes or any future indebtedness we may incur or to pay the Exchange Cap Redemption Amounts depends on our future performance, which is subject to economic, financial, competitive and other factors beyond our control. While, in lieu of paying cash interest on our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes and June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes, we have and may continue to elect to pay interest in kind, that election will increase the aggregate principal amount of those notes and in the case of our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes, could result in a further dilutive issuance of shares of our common stock if such notes are converted. Our business has not and may not in the future generate cash flow from operations sufficient to service our debt and make necessary capital expenditures, or repay our outstanding indebtedness. If we are unable to generate sufficient cash flow, we may be required to adopt one or more alternatives, such as selling assets, restructuring debt or obtaining additional equity capital on terms that may be onerous or highly dilutive. Our ability to refinance our indebtedness will depend on the capital markets and our financial condition at such time. We may not be able to engage in any of these activities or engage in these activities on desirable terms, which could result in a default on our debt obligations.
We may incur a substantial amount of debt or take other actions which would intensify the risks discussed above, and significant indebtedness may prevent us from taking actions that we would otherwise consider to be in our best interests.
We and our subsidiaries may be able to incur substantial additional debt in the future, subject to the restrictions contained in our debt instruments, some of which may be secured debt. The indentures governing our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes, June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes, Third Purchase Agreement Notes and 8.25% Convertible Notes do not

restrict us from incurring any unsecured debt; however, the indentures governing our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes and June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes allow us to incur secured debt of up to $500.0 million.
In addition, our indebtedness, combined with our other financial obligations and contractual commitments, could have other important consequences. For example, it could:
make us more vulnerable to adverse changes in general U.S. and worldwide economic, industry and competitive conditions and adverse changes in government regulation;
limit our flexibility in planning for, or reacting to, changes in our business and our industry;
place us at a disadvantage compared to our competitors who have less debt; and
limit our ability to borrow additional amounts for working capital and other general corporate purposes, including to fund possible acquisitions of, or investments in, complementary businesses, products, services and technologies.
Any of these factors could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We may not have the ability to raise the funds necessary to settle conversions of our convertible notes in cash or to repurchase the notes upon a fundamental change or change in control transaction, and our future debt may contain limitations on our ability to pay cash upon conversion or repurchase of the notes.
In addition to the Exchange Cap Redemption Amount referred to in “We may not have sufficient cash flow from our business to pay our substantial debt, and we may not be able to refinance or restructure our debt” above, we will be required to make cash payments to holders of our Third Purchase Agreement Notes with respect to any future conversions of the remaining outstanding Third Purchase Agreement Notes unless we first obtain stockholder approval to issue additional shares of common stock upon conversion. Holders of our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes and June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes have the right to require us to repurchase all or any portion of their notes upon the occurrence of a fundamental change or a change of control transaction as defined in those notes at a repurchase price equal to 100% of the capitalized principal amount of the notes to be repurchased, in the case of a fundamental change, or 130% of the capitalized principal amount of the notes to be repurchased, in the case of a change in control transaction, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any. Holders of 8.25% Convertible Notes have the right to require us to repurchase all or any portion of their notes upon the occurrence of a fundamental change or a change of control transaction as defined in those notes at a repurchase price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the notes to be repurchased in the case of a fundamental change plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any. In addition, upon conversion of our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes and June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes, unless we elect to deliver solely shares of our common stock to settle such conversion (other than paying cash in lieu of delivering any fractional share), we will be required to make cash payments in respect of the notes being converted. In addition, upon conversion of our 8.25% Convertible Notes, we will be required to deliver to the converting holder in cash a coupon make-whole premium in an amount equal to the present value of all regularly scheduled payments of interest due on each interest payment date of such notes until the maturity date thereof discounted based on United States treasuries plus 50 basis points. However, we may not have enough available cash or be able to obtain financing at the time we are required to make repurchases of notes surrendered therefor or notes being converted. In addition, our ability to repurchase our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes, June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes and 8.25% Convertible Notes, or to pay cash upon conversions of such notes may be limited by law, by regulatory authority or by agreements governing our future indebtedness. Our failure to repurchase our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes, June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes and 8.25% Convertible Notes at a time when the repurchase is required by the indenture that governs such notes or to pay any cash payable on future conversions of such notes as required by the indenture that governs such notes would constitute a default under such indenture. A default under any such indenture or the occurrence of the fundamental change itself could also lead to a default under agreements governing our existing or future indebtedness. If the repayment of the related indebtedness were to be accelerated after any applicable notice or grace periods, we may not have sufficient funds to repay the indebtedness, repurchase such notes or make cash payments upon conversions of such notes.
The conditional conversion feature of our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes and June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes, if triggered, may adversely affect our financial condition and operating results.
In the event the conditional conversion feature of each of our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes and June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes is triggered, holders of such notes will be entitled to convert such notes at any time during specified

periods at their option. If one or more holders elect to convert such notes, unless we elect to satisfy our conversion obligation by delivering solely shares of our common stock (other than paying cash in lieu of delivering any fractional share), we would be required to settle a portion or all of our conversion obligation through the payment of cash, which could adversely affect our liquidity. In addition, even if holders do not elect to convert such notes, we could be required under applicable accounting rules to reclassify all or a portion of the outstanding principal of such notes as a current rather than long-term liability, which would result in a material reduction of our net working capital.
Risks Related to Operating as a Public Company
We incur significant expenses and administrative burdens as a public company, which could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We incur significant legal, accounting, administrative and other costs and expenses as a public company. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (the "Sarbanes-Oxley Act"), including the requirements of Section 404, as well as rules and regulations subsequently implemented by the SEC, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 and the rules and regulations promulgated and to be promulgated thereunder, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and the securities exchanges, impose additional reporting and other obligations on public companies. Our management and other personnel need to devote a substantial amount of time to these compliance and disclosure obligations. If these requirements divert the attention of our management and personnel from other aspects of our business, they could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. Moreover, these rules and regulations applicable to public companies substantially increase our legal, accounting and financial compliance costs, require that we hire additional personnel and make some activities more time-consuming and costly. It may also be more expensive for us to obtain director and officer liability insurance.
We identified a material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting, and have identified other material weaknesses in the past. If we are unable to remediate these material weaknesses, or if we experience additional material weaknesses or other deficiencies in the future or otherwise fail to maintain an effective system of internal control over financial reporting, we may not be able to accurately or timely report our financial results.
Our management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting and for evaluating and reporting on the effectiveness of our system of internal control. As a public company, we are required by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to evaluate the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting. We must also include a report issued by our independent registered public accounting firm based on their audit of our internal controls over financial reporting.
In connection with our year-end assessment of internal control over financial reporting, we determined that, as of December 31, 2023, we did not maintain effective internal control over financial reporting because of a material weakness associated with ineffective ITGCs, in the areas of user access and change management for the IT systems that support our financial reporting processes. We believe that these control deficiencies were a result of insufficient training of personnel on the operation and importance of ITGCs and inadequate risk-assessment processes resulting in failure to identify and assess risks in IT environments that could impact internal control over financial reporting. Management also deemed ineffective certain automated and manual business process controls that are dependent on the affected ITGCs, because they could have been adversely impacted to the extent that they rely upon information and configurations from the affected IT system.
The material weakness for ITGCs was first identified in 2022. With the oversight of senior management and our audit committee, we have identified controls and implemented our remediation plan to address the material weakness related to our

ITGCs mentioned above. During the year ended December 31, 2023, we have completed the following remedial actions related to this material weakness:
Performed a risk assessment over the IT system that supports our financial reporting processes;
Hired consultants and key personnel with internal control experience with our IT system to drive remediation efforts;
Designed, developed, and deployed an enhanced ITGC framework, including the implementation of systems and tools to enable the effectiveness and consistent execution of these controls;
Developed a training program to address ITGCs and policies, including (i) educating control owners concerning the principles and requirements of each control, with a focus on those related to user access and change management over IT systems impacting financial reporting; (ii) developing and maintaining documentation of underlying ITGCs to promote knowledge transfer upon personnel and function changes; and (iii) implementing an IT management review and testing plan to monitor ITGCs with a specific focus on systems supporting our financial reporting processes; and
Implemented enhanced system capabilities and business processes to manage and monitor key elements of the control framework. This includes segregation of duties, elevated user access review, change management, user provisioning and deprovisioning, and user access reviews.
We believe the measures described above will remediate the material weakness and strengthen our internal control over financial reporting. However, this material weakness will not be considered remediated until the applicable controls operate for a sufficient period of time and management has concluded through testing that the controls are operating effectively. Our implementation of the measures described above occurred through the end of 2023, and as a result, there was not a sufficient period of time for the controls to be operating or tested to conclude a full assessment of their effectiveness. Although we have improved our controls intended to remediate this material weakness, we cannot be certain as to when or if remediation will be complete. Further, remediation efforts place a significant burden on management and add increased pressure to our financial and IT resources and processes. As a result, we may not be successful in making the improvements necessary to remediate the material weakness identified by management, be able to do so in a timely manner, or be able to identify and remediate additional control deficiencies, including material weaknesses, in the future. For further discussion of the material weaknesses identified and our remedial efforts, see Item 4. Controls and Procedures, included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, and Item 9A. Controls and Procedures of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as amended, for additional information.
We have also identified other material weaknesses in the past including, most recently in connection with the review of our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the three months ended September 30, 2023. That material weakness was a result of certain control deficiencies related to the precision of our review for the valuation and remeasurement of the embedded derivative liability of our Toggle Convertible Notes as of June 30, 2023 and September 30, 2023, and was remediated in 2023.
Any failure to maintain internal control over financial reporting could severely inhibit our ability to accurately report our financial condition or results of operations. The effectiveness of our controls and procedures may be limited by a variety of factors, including:
faulty human judgment and simple errors, omissions, or mistakes;
fraudulent action of an individual or collusion of two or more people;
inappropriate management override of procedures; and
the possibility that any enhancements to controls and procedures may still not be adequate to assure timely and accurate financial control.
Our ability to comply with the annual internal control report requirements will depend on the effectiveness of our financial reporting and data systems and controls across our company. We expect these systems and controls to involve significant expenditures and to become increasingly complex as our business grows. To effectively manage this complexity, we

will need to continue to improve our operational, financial, and management controls, and our reporting systems and procedures. Our inability to successfully remediate our existing or any future material weaknesses or other deficiencies in our internal control over financial reporting or any failure to implement required new or improved controls, or difficulties encountered in the implementation or operation of these controls, could harm our operating results and cause us to fail to meet our financial reporting obligations or result in material misstatements in our financial statements, which could adversely affect our liquidity and access to capital markets, our business and investor confidence in us, and our stock price.
Interest in our common stock from our significant base of retail and other individual investors could result in increased volatility in the market price of our common stock, which could have a material adverse impact on the market price of our common stock and your investment.
Retail and other individual investors, which make up a significant segment of our overall stockholder base, have played a significant role in recent market dynamics that have resulted in substantial increases and volatility in the market prices of “meme” stocks. The market prices and trading volumes of the common stock of certain “meme” stocks have experienced, and may continue to experience, extreme volatility. The rapid and substantial increases or decreases in the market prices of these “meme” stocks may be unrelated to operating performance, macroeconomic trends or industry fundamentals, and substantial increases in the value of such stocks may obscure the significant risks and uncertainties that the issuer faces. This volatility has been attributed, in part, to strong and atypical retail investor interest, including as may be expressed on financial trading and other social media sites and online forums.
We have in the past and may in the future experience significant interest in our common stock from such investors, and as a result the market price of our common stock has been and may continue to be volatile. There is no guarantee that we will benefit from such retail and individual investor interest, even if our business or financial performance is strong. If investor sentiment changes, this could have a material adverse impact on the market price of our common stock and your investment.
Retail and individual investor sentiment (including as may be expressed on financial trading and other social media sites and online forums) may also influence the amount and status of short interest in our common stock. This has and may in the future increase the likelihood of our common stock being the target of a “short squeeze,” particularly because a large proportion of our common stock has been in the past and may in the future be traded by short sellers. A short squeeze and/or focused investor trading in anticipation of a short squeeze has and may in the future lead to volatile price movements in shares of our common stock that may be unrelated or disproportionate to our operating performance or prospects. Or, if investors no longer believe a short squeeze is viable, the market price of our common stock may rapidly decline. Accordingly, investors that purchase shares of our common stock during a short squeeze may lose a significant portion of their investment.
Furthermore, short squeeze and/or other focused trading activity stemming from negative sentiment across our retail investor base could result in declines in the market price of our common stock such that our eligibility to remain listed on The Nasdaq Stock Market ("Nasdaq") may be adversely impacted, which could impair our ability to access the capital markets and otherwise raise capital in the future. See “General Risk Factors—If we fail to satisfy all applicable Nasdaq continued listing requirements, including the $1.00 minimum closing bid price requirement, our common stock may be delisted from Nasdaq, which could have an adverse impact on the liquidity and market price of our common stock.”
General Risk Factors
We have never paid dividends on our capital stock, and we do not anticipate paying dividends in the foreseeable future.
We have never paid dividends on any of our capital stock and currently intend to retain any future earnings to fund the growth of our business. Any determination to pay dividends in the future will be at the discretion of our board of directors, and will depend on our financial condition, operating results, capital requirements, general business conditions and other factors that our board of directors may deem relevant. As a result, capital appreciation, if any, of our common stock will be the sole source of gain for the foreseeable future.
Our stock price is volatile, and you may not be able to sell shares of our common stock at or above the price you paid.
The trading price of our common stock is volatile and has been and may in the future be subject to wide fluctuations in response to various factors, some of which are beyond our control. For example, the trading price of our common stock declined following the release of the short-seller article, which contains certain allegations against us. Other factors that have or may cause our stock price to fluctuate include, but are not limited to:

our progress on achievement of business milestones and objectives;
actual or anticipated fluctuations in operating results;
our need for additional capital;
failure to meet or exceed financial estimates and projections of the investment community or that we provide to the public;
issuance of new or updated research or reports by securities analysts or changed recommendations for our stock or the transportation industry in general;
announcements by us or our competitors of significant acquisitions, capital commitments or the entrance into or discontinuation of strategic partnerships, joint ventures or collaborations;
operating and share price performance of other companies that investors deem comparable to us;
recalls, including our BEV truck recall;
our focus on long-term goals over short-term results;
the timing and magnitude of our investments in our business;
actual or anticipated changes in laws and regulations affecting our business;
additions or departures of key management or other personnel;
disputes or other developments related to our intellectual property or other proprietary rights, including litigation;
our ability to market new and enhanced products and technologies on a timely basis;
sales of substantial amounts of our common stock, including sales by our directors, executive officers or significant stockholders or the perception that such sales could occur;
changes in our capital structure, including future issuances of securities or the incurrence of debt; and
general economic, political and market conditions.
In addition, the stock market in general, and Nasdaq in particular, has experienced extreme price and volume fluctuations that have often been unrelated or disproportionate to the operating performance of those companies.
In September 2020, an entity published an article containing certain allegations against us that we believe has negatively impacted the trading price of our common stock. The price of our common stock also decreased substantially following public announcements made by us. In addition, broad market and industry factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, may seriously affect the market price of our common stock, regardless of our actual operating performance.
Any investment in our common stock is subject to extreme volatility and could result in the loss of your entire investment. In addition, in the past, following periods of volatility in the overall market and the market price of a particular company’s securities, securities class action litigation has often been instituted against these companies. This litigation, which has and may in the future be instituted against us, could result in substantial costs and a diversion of our management’s attention and resources. See Legal Proceedings in Note 11, Commitments and Contingencies, to the condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and Note 14, Commitments and Contingencies, in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as amended, for additional information.
If we fail to satisfy all applicable Nasdaq continued listing requirements, including the $1.00 minimum closing bid price requirement, our common stock may be delisted from Nasdaq, which could have an adverse impact on the liquidity and market price of our common stock.
Our common stock is currently listed on Nasdaq, which has qualitative and quantitative continued listing requirements, including corporate governance requirements, public float requirements, and a $1.00 minimum closing bid price requirement.

On May 24, 2023, we received written notice from Nasdaq notifying us that we are not in compliance with the minimum bid price requirements set forth in Nasdaq listing rule 5450(a)(1) for continued listing on Nasdaq (the “Minimum Bid Price Requirement”). Nasdaq listing rule 5450(a)(1) requires listed securities maintain a minimum closing bid price of $1.00 per share, and Nasdaq listing rule 5810(c)(3)(A) provides that a failure to meet the minimum closing bid price requirement exists if the deficiency continues for a period of 30 consecutive business days. Based on the closing bid price of our common stock for the 30 consecutive business days prior to the date of the written notice, we did not meet the Minimum Bid Price Requirement. To regain compliance, the closing bid price of our common stock needed to be at least $1.00 per share for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days at any time prior to November 20, 2023. On June 29, 2023, we received notification from Nasdaq that we had regained compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement and, as a result, the matter of our noncompliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement had been closed.
On January 19, 2024, we received a subsequent notice from Nasdaq that we did not meet the Minimum Bid Price Requirement. To regain compliance, the closing bid price of our common stock must be at least $1.00 per share for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days within 180 days of the notice date, or by July 17, 2024, which may be extended if certain conditions are met. In connection with our failure to satisfy the Minimum Bid Price Requirement, we effected a one-for-thirty (1-for-30) reverse stock split (the "Reverse Stock Split") of our issued shares of common stock, and our common stock began trading on a reverse stock split-adjusted basis on June 25, 2024. On July 10, 2024, we received notification from Nasdaq that we had regained compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement and, as a result, the matter of our noncompliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement had been closed.
Although the Reverse Stock Split increased the market price of our common stock to above $1.00, allowing us to regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement, we cannot guarantee that the Reverse Stock Split will result in the trading price of our common stock remaining above the Minimum Bid Price Requirement, or that the Reverse Stock Split will result in a long-term increase in the market price of our common stock, which would be dependent on many factors, including general economic, market and industry conditions, our business and other factors.
If we are unable to maintain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement, or if we are unable to satisfy any of the other continued listing requirements, Nasdaq may take steps to delist our common stock. Delisting would have an adverse effect on the liquidity of our common stock, decrease the market price of our common stock, result in the potential loss of confidence by investors, suppliers, customers, end users, and employees, and fewer business development opportunities, and adversely affect our ability to obtain financing for our continuing operations. In addition, delisting would constitute a fundamental change under the indentures that govern our June 2022 Toggle Convertible Notes, June 2023 Toggle Convertible Notes and 8.25% Convertible Notes which could result in our being required to repurchase such notes. See "Risks Related to Our Convertible Indebtedness - We may not have the ability to raise the funds necessary to settle conversions of convertible notes in cash or to repurchase the notes upon a fundamental change or change in control transaction, and our future debt may contain limitations on our ability to pay cash upon conversion or repurchase of the notes."
Material impairment of indefinite or long-lived assets may adversely impact our results of operations.
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, we recorded impairment charges of $33.4 million related to our indefinite lived intangible assets and goodwill, resulting from a sustained decline in our stock price and market capitalization. If the future growth and operating results of our business are not in line with our expectations and/or our market capitalization continues to decline, this could further impact the assumptions and estimates used in calculating the recoverability and fair value of intangible and fixed assets. To the extent any additional future impairment occurs, the carrying value of the affected assets will be written down to an implied fair value and an impairment charge will be made on our condensed consolidated statements of operations. Such an impairment charge could materially and adversely affect our operating results.
If we are unable to attract and retain key employees and hire qualified management, technical and engineering personnel, our ability to compete could be harmed.
Our success depends, in part, on our ability to retain our key personnel. The unexpected loss of or failure to retain one or more of our key employees could adversely affect our business. For example, we have experienced a number of changes in management in the past few years.
Our success also depends, in part, on our continuing ability to identify, hire, attract, train and develop other highly qualified personnel, including management, technical and engineering personnel. Qualified individuals are in high demand,

particularly in the vehicle technology industry. Competition for individuals with experience designing, manufacturing and servicing electric vehicles is intense, and we may not be able to attract, integrate, train, motivate or retain additional highly qualified personnel in the future. Furthermore, our ability to hire, attract and retain them may depend on our ability to provide competitive compensation. We use equity awards to attract talented employees, but if the value of our common stock declines significantly, as it has in the recent past, and remains depressed, it may prevent us from recruiting and retaining qualified employees. We may not be able to attract, integrate, train or retain qualified personnel in the future. Additionally, we may not be able to hire new employees quickly enough to meet our needs. Our failure to do so could adversely affect our business and prospects, including the execution of our global business strategy.
Our certificate of incorporation provides, subject to limited exceptions, that the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware will be the sole and exclusive forum for certain stockholder litigation matters, which could limit our stockholders’ ability to obtain a favorable judicial forum for disputes with us or our directors, officers, employees or stockholders.
Our certificate of incorporation requires, to the fullest extent permitted by law, that derivative actions brought in our name, actions against directors, officers and employees for breach of fiduciary duty and other similar actions may be brought in the Court of Chancery in the State of Delaware or, if that court lacks subject matter jurisdiction, another federal or state court situated in the State of Delaware. Any person or entity purchasing or otherwise acquiring any interest in shares of our capital stock shall be deemed to have notice of and consented to the forum provisions in our certificate of incorporation. In addition, our certificate of incorporation and our amended and restated bylaws will provide that the federal district courts of the United States shall be the exclusive forum for the resolution of any complaint asserting a cause of action under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act.
In March 2020, the Delaware Supreme Court issued a decision in Salzburg et al. v. Sciabacucchi, which found that an exclusive forum provision providing for claims under the Securities Act to be brought in federals court is facially valid under Delaware law. It is unclear whether this decision will be appealed, or what the final outcome of this case will be. We intend to enforce this provision, but we do not know whether courts in other jurisdictions will agree with this decision or enforce it.
This choice of forum provision may limit a stockholder’s ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum that it finds favorable for disputes with us or any of our directors, officers, other employees or stockholders, which may discourage lawsuits with respect to such claims. Alternatively, if a court were to find the choice of forum provision contained in our certificate of incorporation to be inapplicable or unenforceable in an action, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such action in other jurisdictions, which could harm our business, operating results and financial condition.
If securities or industry analysts issue an adverse recommendation regarding our stock or do not publish research or reports about our company, our stock price and trading volume could decline.
The trading market for our common stock depends in part on the research and reports that equity research analysts publish about us and our business. We do not control these analysts or the content and opinions included in their reports. Securities analysts may elect not to provide research coverage of our company and such lack of research coverage may adversely affect the market price of our common stock. The price of our common stock could also decline if one or more equity research analysts downgrade our common stock, change their price targets, issue other unfavorable commentary or cease publishing reports about us or our business. For example, in September 2020, an entity published an article containing certain allegations against us that we believe has negatively impacted the trading price of our common stock. If one or more equity research analysts cease coverage of our company, we could lose visibility in the market, which in turn could cause our stock price to decline.
Certain of our warrants are accounted for as liabilities and the changes in value of our warrants could have a material effect on our financial results.
We are required to measure the fair value of certain of our warrants at the end of each reporting period and recognize changes in the fair value from the prior period in our operating results for the current period. As a result of the recurring fair value measurement, our financial statements and results of operations may fluctuate quarterly based on factors which are outside our control. We expect that we will recognize non-cash gains or losses due to the quarterly fair valuation of certain of our warrants and that such gains or losses could be material.

(c) Trading Plans
During the quarter ended September 30, 2024, no director or officer adopted or terminated any contract, instruction or written plan for the purchase or sale of securities of the Company pursuant to Rule 10b5-1(c) or any non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement (as defined in Regulation S-K Item 408(c)).


Exhibit No.Description
101.INSInline XBRL Instance.
101.SCHInline XBRL Extension Calculation Linkbase.
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase.
101.DEFInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase.
101.LABInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase.
101.PREInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase.
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL).
# Indicates management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.
^ In accordance with Item 601(b)(32)(ii) of Regulation S-K and SEC Release No. 34-47986, the certifications furnished in Exhibits 32.1 and 32.2 hereto are deemed to accompany this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and will not be deemed “filed” for purposes of Section 18 of the Exchange Act or deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing under the Exchange Act or the Securities Act except to the extent that the registrant specifically incorporates it by reference.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

By:/s/ Stephen J. Girsky
Stephen J. Girsky
President and Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer)
/s/ Thomas B. Okray
Thomas B. Okray
Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)
Date: October 31, 2024