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BBVA 2024年第三季度業績 10月31日
3Q24 收益 2 免責聲明本文檔僅供參考,不適用於 提供財務建議,因此不構成也不應將其解釋爲出售、交換或收購要約,或收購要約,收購上述任何公司發行的證券的要約邀請,或與任何公司簽訂合同 金融產品。任何購買或投資證券或合約任何金融產品的決定都必須完全基於公司爲此提供的與每種特定產品有關的信息作出 事項。本文件中包含的信息受發行人所有其他公開信息的約束,應與之一起閱讀。本文件包含構成或可能構成的前瞻性陳述 關於截至1995年的意圖、目標、預期或估計的 「前瞻性陳述」(根據1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》的 「安全港」 條款的定義) 本文的日期,包括與財務和未來目標相關的日期 非金融 性質(例如環境、社會或治理(「ESG」)績效目標)。前瞻性 陳述可以通過以下事實來識別:它們不涉及歷史或當前事實,而是包含 「相信」、「期望」、「估計」、「項目」、「預測」、「責任」 等詞語, 「打算」、「可能性」、「風險」、「VaR」、「目的」、「承諾」、「目標」、「目標」 以及這些表述的類似表述或變體。例如,它們包括 有關未來增長率或實現未來目標的聲明,包括與ESG績效相關的聲明。本文件中包含的信息反映了我們當前的期望和目標,這些期望和目標基於各種 假設、判斷和預測,包括 非金融 諸如與可持續性相關的考慮因素,這些考慮因素可能與其他公司使用的考慮因素不同且不可比較。 前瞻性陳述不能保證未來的業績,由於某些風險、不確定性和其他因素,實際業績可能與前瞻性陳述中的預期存在重大差異。這些因素包括 但不限於:(1) 市場狀況、宏觀經濟因素、國內和國際股市走勢、匯率、通貨膨脹和利率;(2) 監管和監督因素,政治和政府 指導方針、社會和人口因素;(3)我們的客戶、債務人或交易對手的財務狀況、信譽或償付能力的變化,例如違約率的變化,以及消費者支出、儲蓄的變化和 投資行爲以及我們信用評級的變化;(4)競爭壓力和我們爲此採取的行動;(5)我們的信息、運營和控制系統的表現以及我們適應技術變化的能力; (6)氣候變化和自然或自然現象的發生 人造的 災難,例如敵對行動的爆發或升級;以及 (7) 我們適當滿足任何 ESG 預期的能力,或 義務(與我們的業務、管理、公司治理、披露或其他方面相關)及其成本。在與我們的ESG績效相關的某些目標的特定情況下,例如脫碳目標或調整我們的目標 投資組合,這些目標的實現和進展將在很大程度上取決於客戶、政府和其他利益相關者等第三方的行動,因此可能會受到此類行動的實質性影響,或者不這樣做 以及其他不依賴BBVA的外部因素(包括但不限於新技術發展、監管發展、軍事衝突、氣候和能源危機的演變等)所致。因此, 這些目標可能會在未來進行修訂。前面各段中提到的因素可能導致未來的實際結果與預測、意圖、目標、目標或其他方面所列的結果有很大差異 本文件或其他過去或未來的文件中包含的前瞻性陳述。因此,結果,包括與ESG績效目標相關的結果等,可能與其中包含的陳述存在重大差異 前瞻性陳述。提醒本文件的收件人不要過分依賴此類前瞻性陳述。過去的表現或增長率並不代表未來的表現、業績或股價(包括 每股收益)。本文件中的任何內容都不應解釋爲對業績或未來收益的預測。BBVA 無意且沒有義務更新或修改本文件或任何其他文件的內容(如果有) 除非適用法律要求,否則其中所含信息的變化,包括任何此類文件中包含的前瞻性陳述,是由於此類文件發佈之日之後發生的事件或情況而導致的。這個 文件可能包含摘要信息或未經審計的信息,邀請其接收者查閱BBVA向股票市場監管機構提交的文件和公共信息,特別是 向西班牙證券交易委員會(CNMV)提交的招股說明書和定期信息以及表格上的年度報告 20-F 以及表格上的信息 6-K 那個 已向美國證券交易委員會提交。可能會禁止在其他司法管轄區分發本文件,持有本文件的收件人應自行負責告知自己以下信息: 並遵守任何此類限制。接受本文件即表示您同意受上述限制的約束。
3Q24盈利 3 BBVA再次報告了一個非常強勁的季度,淨可賺利潤(當前€M)增加26% -6.0% 3Q23 2Q24 3Q24每股收益(€)1 0.33 0.47 0.44 (1)按照IAS33計算。每股淨資產價值+股息(€ / 股2)增加16% +2.6% 9.23 9.47 8.13 3 0.683 0.39 8.84 8.79 2023年9月 2024年6月 九月二十四日 每股淨資產價值 / 每股股息(2)考慮的總股數:截至‘24年9月和6月,爲575,200萬股,截至‘23年9月,爲583,500萬股。(3)2024年4月支付的每股總分紅爲0.39歐元,2024年10月爲0.29歐元。3Q24盈利 4
3Q24 Earnings 4 Solid capital position and record profitability metrics CET1 RATIO (%) +9bps 12.84% 12.75% Target Range 11.5%-12.0% SREP Requirement 9.13% Jun-24 Sep-24 PROFITABILITY METRICS (%) 20.1 ROTE SPANISH 14.5 PEERS (1) EUROPEAN PEERS (2) 19.2 ROE 9M23 2023 9M24 (1) Spanish Peer Group: BKT, CABK, SAB, SAN and UNI. (2) European Peer Group: BARC, BNPP, CABK, CASA, DB, HSBC, ING, ISP, LBG, NDA, SAN, SG, UCG. Peers data as of 6M24. BBVA data as of 9M24.
3Q24 Earnings 6 3Q24 Profit & Loss BBVA GROUP (€M) Change Change 3Q24/3Q23 3Q24/2Q24 % % BBVA Group (€M) 3Q24 const. % const. % Net Interest Income 5,868 4 -9 0 -9 Net Fees and Commissions 1,912 28 13 8 -2 Net Trading Income 1,044 97 59 3 -6 Other Income & Expenses -107 -95 -87 -85 -67 Gross Income 8,716 28 10 5 -6 Operating Expenses -3,330 13 1 5 -4 Operating Income 5,386 40 16 6 -6 Impairment on Financial Assets -1,440 28 19 7 -3 Provisions and Other Gains and Losses -79 6 0 n.s. n.s. Income Before Tax 3,867 46 15 2 -11 Income Tax -1,135 15 -7 -6 -17 Non-controlling Interest -105 n.s. 88 -3 -32 Net Attributable Profit (reported) 2,627 57 26 7 -6
3Q24 Earnings 7 9M24 Profit & Loss BBVA GROUP (€M) Change 9M24/9M23 % 9M24 const. % Net Interest Income 18,861 14 6 Net Fees and Commissions 5,754 32 25 Net Trading Income 2,930 146 105 Other Income & Expenses -1,383 -28 -22 Gross Income 26,161 29 18 Operating Expenses -10,189 17 10 Operating Income 15,972 39 24 Impairment on Financial Assets -4,279 37 34 Provisions and Other Gains and Losses -46 -68 -73 Income Before Tax 11,647 42 23 Income Tax -3,659 30 14 Non-controlling Interest -366 n.s. n.s. Net Attributable Profit (reported) 7,622 44 28
3Q24 Earnings 8 Earnings Excellent revenue growth following a remarkable trend NET INTEREST INCOME (CONSTANT €M) +3.5% +0.0% 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 NET TRADING INCOME (CONSTANT €M) +97% +3.2% 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 NII growth driven by activity and customer spreads across the board, except for Argentina (growth ex-Argentina: +3.9% YoY and +3.7% QoQ) NTI driven by Global Markets and FX hedges NET FEES AND COMMISSIONS (CONSTANT €M) +28% +8.1% 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 GROSS INCOME (CONSTANT €M) +28% +5.4% 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 Outstanding fee income evolution levered on payments and asset management businesses Strong gross income growth levered on positive core revenues and lower hyperinflation impacts
3Q24 Earnings 9 Activity growth in Spain and Mexico provide resiliency for the future LOANS TOTAL GROWTH KEY SEGMENTS (YOY, CURRENT €) (YOY SEP-24, CURRENT €) SPAIN +4.6% +5.1% +1.5% -1.8% Consumer + Mid-sized SEP-23 SEP-24 Credit Cards companies LOANS TOTAL GROWTH KEY SEGMENTS (YOY, CONSTANT €) (YOY SEP-24, CONSTANT €) MEXICO +18.6% +15.8% +12.3% +11.2% SEP-23 SEP-24 Consumer + SMEs Credit Cards CUSTOMER FUNDS TOTAL GROWTH OFF BALANCE SHEET (YOY, CURRENT €) (YOY SEP-24, CURRENT €) +13.7% +6.3% +2.6% SEP-23 SEP-24 Off-BS Funds CUSTOMER FUNDS TOTAL GROWTH OFF BALANCE SHEET (YOY, CONSTANT €) (YOY SEP-24, CONSTANT €) +25.4% +15.4% +11.7% SEP-23 SEP-24 Off-BS Funds Note: Performing loans and Cust.Funds under management, excluding repos, according to local GAAP.
3Q24 Earnings 10 Continuous core revenue growth supported by activity acceleration NET INTEREST INCOME (CURRENT €M) +7.3% SPAIN NET INTEREST INCOME (CONSTANT €M) +8.3% MEXICO +6.2% 3Q23 2Q24 3Q24 NET FEES AND COMMISSIONS (CURRENT €M) +11% -2.1% 3Q23 2Q24 3Q24 NET FEES AND COMMISSIONS (CONSTANT €M) +6.6% +4.0% 3Q23 2Q24 3Q24
3Q24 Earnings 11 Cost control leading to widened jaws and further improving industry-leading efficiency POSITIVE JAWS (9M24 YOY, CONSTANT €) FOOTPRINT INFLATION1 29 21.1% + .4% 12M AVERAGE +16.6% Gross Operating Income Expenses (1) Weighted by operating expenses and excluding Venezuela. EFFICIENCY RATIO (COST-TO-INCOME, % CONSTANT €) -429bps 38.9 9M23 9M24
3Q24 Earnings 12 Asset quality metrics remain stable and within expectations FINANCIAL ASSETS IMPAIRMENTS NPL (CONSTANT €M) (CURRENT €BN) 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 Sep-23 Dec-23 Mar-24 Jun-24 Sep-24 COST OF RISK NPL & COVERAGE RATIOS (%, YTD) (%) COVERAGE NPL 9M23 12M23 3M24 6M24 9M24 Sep-23 Dec-23 Mar-24 Jun-24 Sep-24
3Q24 Earnings 13 Sound capital position above our target CET1 RATIO (%, BPS) +9bps +69 bps -37 bps -48 bps +25 bps 12.84% 12.75% Target Range 11.5%-12.0% SREP Requirement 9.13% Results Dividend RWAs Others1 Sep -24 Jun -24 accrual & AT1 (constant €) coupons OCTOBER INTERIM DIVIDEND €1,671 M ; €29 cts / sh2, ; +81% vs oct’23 (1) Includes, among others, FX and mark to market of HTC&S portfolios, minority interests, and a positive impact in OCI equivalent to the Net Monetary Position value loss in hyperinflationary economies registered in results. (2) Gross dividend per share paid on october 10th.
3Q24 Earnings 14 Excellent customer acquisition driven by digital NEW CUSTOMERS1 (BBVA GROUP, MILLION; % ACQUISITION THROUGH DIGITAL CHANNELS) DIGITAL 67% TOTAL DIGITAL 20% 9M19 9M20 9M21 9M22 9M23 9M24 ACTIVE CLIENTS2 55.3 M 76.9 M (1) Gross customer acquisition through own channels for retail segment. Excludes the US business sold to PNC for comparison purposes. (2) Active clients as of end of 2019 and September 2024.
3Q24 Earnings 15 Further advancing in sustainable business SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS (€ BILLION, ACCUMULATED DATA SINCE 2018) BY SEGMENT €71 Bn (€ BN) channeled in 9M24 Current target (2022) €276 Bn 300 €Bn YoY g rowth Channeled since 2018 71 +44% Revised target 9.3 Retail +41% (2021) 49 200 €Bn 6.6 Enterprises 23.8 +55% Initial target 15.3 (2018) 100 €Bn 27.2 37.4 CIB +38% 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 9M23 9M24 Note: Sustainable business channeling is considered to be any mobilization of financial flows, cumulatively, in relation with activities, clients or products considered to be sustainable or promoting sustainability in accordance with internal standards and market standards, existing regulations and best practices. The foregoing is understood without prejudice to the fact that said mobilization, both at an initial stage or at a later time, may not be registered on the balance sheet. To determine the financial flows channeled to sustainable business, internal criteria is used based on both internal and external information. It includes FMBBVA within retail segments.
3Q24 Earnings 16 We will clearly outperform our ambitious 2021-2024 goals COST-TO-INCOME ROTE1 TBV + DIVIDENDS (%) (%, ANNUALIZED) (€/SHARE, %) CAGR 2021-9M24 2021-24 CAGR 9M 9M 9M NEW TARGET CUSTOMERS2 SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS (MILLION CUMULATIVE) (€ BILLION, CUMULATIVE SINCE 2018) GOAL ACT UAL Current target Revised target Original target 9M 9M (1) Excluding discontinued operations and non-recurring results. (2) Target customers refers to those customers in which the bank wants to grow and retain, as they are considered valuable due to their assets, liabilities and/or transactionality with BBVA.
3Q24 Ea rnings 18 Spain PROFIT & LOSS (€M) ACTIVITY (SEP-24) Δ (%) Δ (%) €Bn YoY €Bn YoY 3Q24 9M24 +1.5% +6.3% vs. 3Q23 vs. 2Q24 vs. 9M23 Net Interest Income 1,620 7.3 0.5 4,831 19.2 Net Fees and Commissions 566 11.1 -2.1 1,711 6.7 Net Trading Income 209 130.1 37.4 567 83.7 Mortgages +1.2% Demand Other Income & Expenses 82 -10.8 -32.0 -6 -95.4 +1.1% Deposits Gross Income 2,477 12.5 0.5 7,103 21.8 Consumer + Credit Cards +4.6% Operating Expenses -825 4.0 0.9 -2,461 5.2 Operating Income 1,652 17.3 0.3 4,642 32.8 Very small businesses +0.7% Time +17.2% Mid-size companies +5.1% Deposits Impairment on Financial Assets -171 4.0 0.3 -506 25.0 Provisions and Other Gains and Losses -37 61.7 84.4 -89 19.7 Corporate + CIB Income Before Tax 1,444 18.2 -0.8 4,047 34.2 -0.7% Off-BS Funds +13.7% Public sector -1.6% Income Tax -367 5.3 -5.5 -1,179 26.8 Others +0.8% Net Attributable Profit (reported) 1,076 23.4 0.9 2,866 37.6 1 1 Lending Cust.Funds KEY RATIOS (1) Performing loans and Cust.Funds under management, excluding repos. CUSTOMER SPREAD (%) ASSET QUALITY RATIOS (%) Yield on â–° Robust loan growth with focus on consumer and mid-size Coverage loans companies, on the back of higher new origination flows across the board in 9M24. â–° Positive NII evolution supported by activity and disciplined NPL price management. Customer spread broadly flat QoQ. Customer Ratio spread â–° Solid fees driven by asset management, insurance and CIB. CoR â–° Contained expenses growth, with further improvement of the Cost (YtD) efficiency ratio to 34.6% in 9M24. â–° Stable asset quality metrics in 3Q. 3Q23 2Q24 3Q24 3Q23 2Q24 3Q24
3Q24 Earnings 19 Mexico PROFIT & LOSS (CONSTANT €M) ACTIVITY (SEP-24) (CONSTANT €) €Bn YoY Δ Constant (%) Δ Current (%) Δ Constant (%) €Bn YoY +15.4% 3Q24 vs. 3Q23 vs. 2Q24 9M24 vs. 9M23 vs. 9M23 +12.3% Net Interest Income 3,035 8.3 6.2 8,762 7.3 7.3 Net Fees and Commissions 628 6.6 4.0 1,846 13.6 13.5 Mortgages +9.3% Demand +10.3% Net Trading Income 225 254.2 27.2 606 57.8 57.8 Deposits Other Income & Expenses 162 36.3 3.6 427 42.0 42.0 Consumer % +16.6 Gross Income 4,051 13.3 6.7 11,641 11.1 11.1 Credit Cards Operating Expenses -1,176 8.2 1.0 -3,482 8.9 8.9 +14.6% Operating Income 2,875 15.6 9.2 8,160 12.1 12.1 SMEs % Time +18.6 Deposits +3.5% Impairment on Financial Assets -866 29.5 12.4 -2,356 29.0 28.9 Provisions and Other Gains and Losses -22 274.0 316.6 -39 n.s. n.s. Other Commercial +11.7% Off-BS +25.4% Income Before Tax 1,987 9.6 7.0 5,765 5.8 5.8 Funds Income Tax -535 8.4 8.7 -1,571 6.3 6.3 Net Attributable Profit Public sector +7.5% (reported) 1,451 10.0 6.4 4,193 5.6 5.6 Lending1 Cust.Funds1 KEY RATIOS (1) Performing loans and Cust.Funds under management, excluding repos, according to local GAAP. CUSTOMER SPREAD (%) ASSET QUALITY RATIOS (%) â–° Strong loan growth across the board (+2.9% QoQ). Sound lending momentum in retail, driven by Consumer (+4.5% QoQ) Yield on Coverage and SMEs (+6.3% QoQ). loans â–° Outstanding core revenues (+5.8% QoQ), levered on activity growth and effective price management, with higher customer spread in MXN in the quarter (+7 bps QoQ). spread â–° Expenses growth continued to decelerate. â–° Remarkable Cost to Income ratio at 29.9% 9M24. Cost (YtD) â–° CoR at 343 bps YtD, including provisioning needs related to the updated macro scenario adjustment under IFRS 9 models (319 pbs YTD ex-macro adjustment). 3Q23 2Q24 3Q24
3Q24 Earnings 20 Turkey PROFIT & LOSS (CURRENT €M) ACTIVITY (SEP-24) Δ Current (%) Δ Current (%) (CONSTANT €; BANK ONLY) €Bn YoY1 3Q24 9M24 FC -3.0% vs 3Q23 vs 2Q24 vs. 9M23 €Bn 1 Time -35.2 Net Interest Income 320 -46.7 -2.2 925 -41.5 YoY % Net Fees and Commissions 499 44.9 3.6 1,404 122.9 Net Trading Income 235 -41.9 -17.8 836 4.8 FC +17.3% Demand +2.0% Other Income & Expenses -109 -79.1 8.3 -328 -53.1 Of which: +47. TL 0% TL +44.4% Net Monetary Position (NMP) loss -284 -74.0 -17.3 -1,179 -35.2 CPI linkers revenues 212 -63.0 -19.9 916 -13.6 Commercial +2 4.4% Gross Income 946 13.8 -4.9 2,838 22.8 Time Operating Expenses -471 3.4 1.4 -1,380 31.7 +48.4% Operating Income 475 26.5 -10.5 1,458 15.4 Impairment on Financial Assets -181 n.s. 136.9 -333 295.0 Provisions and Other Gains and Losses 16 n.s. -65.9 98 n.s. Retail +63.5% Demand +28.6% Income Before Tax 310 2.9 -38.1 1,223 12.5 Income Tax -211 -56.8 -17.3 -709 7.8 Lending2 Cust.Funds2 Non-controlling Interest -17 n.s. -56.1 -81 26.6 (1) FC (foreign currency) evolution excluding FX impact. Net Attributable Profit (reported) 82 n.s. -60.4 433 18.5 (2) Performing loans and deposits under management, excluding repos, according to local GAAP. KEY RATIOS â–° TL loans slightly decline in real terms in 3Q. FC loan book growth focused on export loans. CUSTOMER SPREAD (%) ASSET QUALITY RATIOS (%) â–° NII remained under pressure due to high funding costs in TL. Coverage Fees continue to FC â–° grow, mainly due to higher payment fees, while NTI decreases QoQ, remaining at a strong level. NPL Ratio â–° Significantly lower hyperinflation adjustment YoY, thanks to the slowdown in the inflation rate. â–° Asset quality normalisation in line with expectations, due to TL CoR (YtD) higher net NPL entries in retail. Note: Inflation rate: 8.9% in 3Q24 vs 8.4% in 2Q24 and 49.4% YoY in Sep’24. 3Q23 2Q24 3Q24 3Q23 2Q24 3Q24
3Q24 Earn ings 21 South America NET ATTRIBUTABLE PROFIT (CURRENT €M) ACTIVITY (SEP-24) (CONSTANT €) €Bn YoY Δ Current (%) Δ Current (%) €Bn YoY +26.2% 3Q24 vs. 3Q23 vs. 2Q24 9M24 vs. 9M23 +13.7% Colombia +7.7% Colombia 34 85.9 -6.4 91 -18.9 Peru 63 47.3 -7.3 173 14.2 Colombia +0.8% Argentina 35 -3.4 -48.7 138 2.4 Other ¹ 22 -107.7 -26.1 69 -22.3 Peru +13. South America 155 22.2 -21.5 471 -3.4 6% Peru +5.7% (1) Other includes BBVA Forum (Chile), Venezuela and Uruguay. Argentina +283.1 Argentina +215.7% % KEY RATIOS Other +10.1% Other +11.3% Lending1 1 CUSTOMER SPREAD (%) COST OF RISK (YTD, %) Cust.Funds (1) Performing loans and Cust.Funds under management, excluding repos. Colombia: stable NAP in the quarter (constant €). Pre-provision profit growth is offset by higher impairments, aligned with the economic cycle and still high interest rates Peru: NAP growth in 9M24 driven by strong operating income (+13.4% YoY constant €). Improving risk metrics: impairments decrease in 3Q and CoR declines to 292 bps YtD. Argentina: NAP at 138 Mn€ in 9M24, fairly stable YoY (current €). The QoQ evolution is strongly affected by the NII decline, in a context of lower rates, partially offset by a lower hyperinflation adjustment. Note: Inflation rate ARG: 12.2% 3Q24 vs 18.6% in 2Q24 and 101.6% in 9M24 (vs 103.0% 9M23) 3Q23 2Q24 3Q24 3Q23 2Q24 3Q24
3Q24 Earnings 23 Takeaways BBVA once again Industry leading We will clearly reports a very outperform our strong quarter ambitious 2021-24 goals Outstanding shareholder value creation and profitability metrics Excellent core revenues evolution on the back of activity growth with fee income clearly outperforming Sabadell VTO: Pending final regulatory approvals; Value creation to all stakeholders
3Q24 Earnings 24 Annex 01 Net Attributable Profit evolution 02 Gross Income breakdown 03 P&L Accounts by business unit 04 Customer spread by country Stages breakdown by business 05 area 06 ALCO portfolio, NII sensitivity and LCRs & NSFRs CET1 Sensitivity to market 07 impacts CET1 evolution YtD & RWAs by 08 business area Book Value of the main 09 subsidiaries TBV per share & dividends 10 evolution 11 MREL 12 Digital metrics
3Q24 Earnings 25 01 Net Attributable Profit evolution
3Q24 Earnings 26 Net Attributable Profit evolution Business Areas Contribution to Group’s NAP 3Q24 YoY growth NET ATTRIBUTABLE PROFIT (BUSINESS AREAS CONTRIBUTION TO 3Q24 YOY GROWTH; CURRENT €M) +26% 3Q23 Spain Mexico Turkey South Rest of Corporate 3Q24 America Business Center NAP 3Q24 (€M) 1,076 1,335 82 155 167 -187 NAP growth (YoY) +23% -2% n.s. +22% +50% -20%
3Q24 Earnings 27 Business Areas Contribution to Group’s NAP 9M24 YoY growth NET ATTRIBUTABLE PROFIT (BUSINESS AREAS CONTRIBUTION TO 9M24 YOY GROWTH; CURRENT €M) +28% 9M23 Spain Mexico Turkey South Rest of Corporate 9M24 America Business Center NAP 9M24 (€M) 2,866 4.193 433 471 402 -744 NAP growth (YoY) +38% +6% +19% -3% +23% -42% 3Q24 Earnings 28 Gross Income breakdown
3Q24 Earnings 28 02 Gross Income brekdown
3Q24 Earnings 29 Gross Income breakdown 9M24 (€M, %) Rest of business 1,048 €M Spain South America 4% 7,103€M 3,865 €M 14% 27% Turkey 11% 2,838 €M 44% Mexic o 11,641 €M
3Q24 Earnings 30 03 P&L A ccounts by business unit P&L Accounts by business unit Rest of Business Corporate Center Turkey (hyperinflation adjustment) Argentina (including hyperinflation adjustment) Colombia Peru
3Q24 E arnings 31 Rest of Business—Profit & Loss PROFIT & LOSS (€M) Δ (%) Δ (%) 3Q24 vs 3Q23 vs 2Q24 9M24 vs 9M23 Net Interest Income 188 29.6 6.1 523 29.1 Net Fees and Commissions 81 36.2 14.9 219 14.1 Net Trading Income 100 29.4 8.3 304 21.3 Other Income & Expenses -1 n.s. n.s. 1 -64.7 Gross Income 369 29.0 7.8 1,048 23.0 Operating Expenses -174 17.3 6.2 -498 18.4 Operating Income 195 41.6 9.3 550 27.5 Impairment on Financial Assets 10 n.s. n.s. -36 48.2 Provisions and Other Gains and Losses 0 -98.6 n.s. -3 n.s. Income Before Tax 205 46.1 40.6 511 22.5 Income Tax -38 30.4 21.7 -109 20.9 Net Attributable Profit 167 50.2 45.7 402 22.9
3Q24 Earnings 32 Corporate Center—Profit & Loss PROFIT & LOSS (€M) (%) (%) 3Q24 vs 3Q23 vs 2Q24 9M24 vs 9M23 Net Interest Income -158 40.2 26.2 -359 41.8 Net Fees and Commissions -12 18.8 -37.1 -36 -9.8 Net Trading Income 133 n.s. -35.1 68 n.s. Other Income & Expenses 5 n.s. n.s. -6 n.s. Gross Income -33 -85.5 n.s. -332 -64.7 Operating Expenses -206 13.7 9.7 -561 2.4 Operating Income -239 -41.4 66.4 -893 -40.1 Impairment on Financial Assets 0 -89.9 -56.3 1 28.3 Provisions and Other Gains and Losses 2 n.s. -82.8 50 n.s. Income Before Tax -237 -42.8 79.8 -842 -43.5 Income Tax 46 -75.5 n.s. 97 -54.4 Non-controlling Interest 4 n.s. 45.9 1 -72.5 Net Attributable Profit -187 -20.3 -9.7 -744 -41.6
3Q24 Earnings 33 Turkey—hyperinflation adjustment PROFIT & LOSS (€M) 9M24 9M24 Hyperinflation (reported) (1) adjustment (2) Ex.Hyperinflation Net Interest Income 925 23 903 Net Fees and Commissions 1,404 29 1,375 Net Trading Income 836 27 809 Other Income & Expenses -328 -1,398 1,071 Gross Income 2,838 -1,320 4,158 Operating Expenses -1,380 -102 -1,278 Operating Income 1,458 -1,422 2,880 Impairment on Financial Assets -333 -2 -331 Provisions and Other Gains and Losses 98 52 46 Income Before Tax 1,223 -1,372 2,595 Income Tax -709 13 -722 Non-controlling Interest -81 191 -273 Net Attributable Profit 433 -1,167 1,601 (1) 9M24 reported figures calculated according to end of period FX. (2) Mainly includes: (i) the Net Monetary Position (NMP) loss in the Other Income heading (ii) re-expression of all P&L headings according to the inflation rate until end of period, (iii) amortization expenses after the non monetary assets revaluation, (iv) impact of applying the conversion exchange rate fixing instead of average.
3Q24 Earnings 34 Argentina—Profit & Loss, hyperinflation adjustment PROFIT & LOSS (€M) Δ (%) 9M24 9M24 Hyperinflation 3Q24 vs 3Q23 vs 2Q24 (reported) (1) adjustment (2) Ex.Hyperinflation Net Interest Income 431 -41.2 -46.4 2,098 227 1,871 Net Fees and Commissions 69 59.7 -1.2 196 13 183 Net Trading Income 64 18.9 -22.5 271 84 187 Other Income & Expenses -217 -55.5 -54.5 -1,423 -1,199 -223 Gross Income 347 1.1 -27.7 1,142 -875 2,017 Operating Expenses -214 -11.3 -16.1 -672 -77 -594 Operating Income 134 30.3 -40.8 470 -953 1,423 Impairment on Financial Assets -62 56.5 -28.5 -194 -14 -180 Provisions and Other Gains and Losses -5 n.s. n.s. -31 -10 -21 Income Before Tax 66 6.6 -54.9 245 -976 1,222 Income Tax -12 93.7 -68.9 -27 402 -429 Non-controlling Interest -18 -3.2 -51.8 -80 188 -268 Net Attributable Profit 35 -3.4 -48.7 138 -386 525 (1) 9M24 reported figures calculated according to end of period FX. (2) Mainly includes: (i) the Net Monetary Position (NMP) loss in the Other Income heading (ii) re-expression of all P&L headings according to the inflation rate until end of period, (iii) amortization expenses after the non monetary assets revaluation, (iv) impact of applying the conversion exchange rate fixing instead of average.
3Q24 Earnings 35 Colombia—Profit & Loss PROFIT & LOSS (€M CONSTANT) Δ (%) Δ (%) 3Q24 vs 3Q23 vs 2Q24 9M24 vs 9M23 Net Interest Income 245 17.3 -3.5 736 20.6 Net Fees and Commissions 28 -0.1 -15.1 90 -2.1 Net Trading Income 38 n.s. 64.9 86 31.0 Other Income & Expenses -1 -87.8 -67.2 -7 -38.5 Gross Income 310 37.9 1.1 904 19.6 Operating Expenses -131 4.8 -2.6 -408 11.5 Operating Income 180 79.1 4.0 496 27.3 Impairment on Financial Assets -127 34.1 5.7 -373 49.0 Provisions and Other Gains and Losses -2 n.s. n.s. -3 n.s. Income Before Tax 50 n.s. -3.1 120 -18.4 Income Tax -15 n.s. -8.4 -29 -1.7 Non-controlling Interest 0 n.s. 26.6 0 -97.1 Net Attributable Profit 36 116.8 -1.0 91 -26.6
3Q24 Earnings 36 Peru—Profit & Loss PROFIT & LOSS (€M CONSTANT) (%) (%) 3Q24 vs 3Q23 vs 2Q24 9M24 vs 9M23 Net Interest Income 345 4.0 -2.9 1,052 10.4 Net Fees and Commissions 72 7.8 -9.3 232 8.1 Net Trading Income 49 -0.3 -36.2 164 15.4 Other Income & Expenses -11 8.0 42.0 -29 -10.2 Gross Income 455 4.0 -9.7 1,418 11.1 Operating Expenses -169 4.5 3.6 -506 7.2 Operating Income 286 3.8 -16.0 912 13.4 Impairment on Financial Assets -87 -47.7 -47.5 -408 9.7 Provisions and Other Gains and Losses -29 n.s. n.s. -22 n.s. Income Before Tax 170 46.5 -10.7 482 9.8 Income Tax -36 43.2 -24.5 -112 0.7 Non-controlling Interest -71 43.2 -6.8 -197 10.9
3Q24 Earnings 37 BBVA 04 Customer Spread by country Net Attributable Profit 63 52.5 -5.4 173 15.3 Customer Spread by country
3Q24 Earnings 38 Customer spreads: quarterly evolution AVERAGE 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24 Spain 3.33% 3.42% 3.44% 3.44% 3.39% Turkey TL 0.51% 0.38% -0.74% -0.02% -0.33% Yield on Loans 4.01% 4.28% 4.35% 4.30% 4.25% Yield on Loans 20.20% 28.49% 33.02% 36.86% 38.47% Cost of Deposits -0.68% -0.86% -0.91% -0.87% -0.86% Cost of Deposits -19.69% -28.10% -33.76% -36.88% -38.80% Mexico MXN 12.70% 12.44% 12.47% 12.41% 12.48% Turkey FC1 9.32% 9.38% 9.28% 9.16% 8.84% Yield on Loans 15.63% 15.53% 15.62% 15.44% 15.50% Yield on Loans 9.53% 9.55% 9.44% 9.32% 9.00% Cost of Deposits -2.93% -3.09% -3.15% -3.03% -3.02% Cost of Deposits -0.21% -0.17% -0.16% -0.16% -0.16% Mexico FC1 6.52% 6.55% 6.44% 6.48% 6.12% Argentina 11.83% 26.70% 34.13% 30.56% 18.35% Yield on Loans 6.96% 7.17% 7.19% 7.24% 7.22% Yield on Loans 61.62% 73.33% 74.90% 52.35% 35.14% Cost of Deposits -0.45% -0.62% -0.74% -0.76% -1.10% Cost of Deposits -49.79% -46.63% -40.77% -21.79% -16.80% Colombia 4.50% 4.74% 5.10% 5.39% 5.42% Yield on Loans 13.87% 14.00% 13.75% 13.40% 12.99% Cost of Deposits -9.37% -9.26% -8.65% -8.01% -7.57% Peru 6.76% 6.81% 7.18% 7.19% 6.98% Yield on Loans 9.38% 9.45% 9.52% 9.33% 9.23% Cost of Deposits -2.62% -2.64% -2.34% -2.14% -2.25% (1) FC: Foreign
3Q24 Earnings 39 Customer spreads: YtD evolution AVERAGE 9M23 9M24 9M23 9M24 Spain 3.06% 3.42% Turkey TL 1.41% -0.34% Yield on Loans 3.59% 4.30% Yield on Loans 18.00% 36.29% Cost of Deposits -0.53% -0.88% Cost of Deposits -16.59% -36.64% Mexico MXN 12.66% 12.45% Turkey FC1 8.86% 9.08% Yield on Loans 15.44% 15.52% Yield on Loans 9.12% 9.24% Cost of Deposits -2.78% -3.07% Cost of Deposits -0.26% -0.16% Mexico FC1 6.24% 6.34% Argentina 14.52% 24.99% Yield on Loans 6.60% 7.22% Yield on Loans 56.26% 49.79% Cost of Deposits -0.36% -0.88% Cost of Deposits -41.74% -24.80% Colombia 4.27% 5.31% Yield on Loans 13.38% 13.38% Cost of Deposits -9.10% -8.07% Peru 6.48% 7.12% Yield on Loans 8.86% 9.36% Cost of Deposits -2.38% -2.24% FC: Foreign Currency.
3Q24 Earnings 40 BBVA 05 Stages breakdown by business areas
3Q24 Earnings 41 Stages breakdown by business areas 3Q24 Earnings 41 Stages breakdown by business areas CREDIT RISK BUSINESS BREAKDOWN BY AREA (SEP-24, € M) Gross Accumulated Gross Accumulated Gross Accumulated BBVA GROUP Exposure impairments SPAIN Exposure impairments MEXICO Exposure impairments Stage 1 407,658 2,083 Stage 1 174,455 462 Stage 1 79,620 1,067 Stage 2 38,423 1,824 Stage 2 20,742 614 Stage 2 6,345 561 Stage 3 15,327 7,550 Stage 3 7,964 3,380 Stage 3 2,403 1,280 Gross Accumulated SOUTH Gross Accumulated TURKEY Exposure impairments AMERICA Exposure impairments Stage 1 52,455 215 Stage 1 41,427 289 Stage 2 4,313 332 Stage 2 5,130 287 Stage 3 2,134 1,301 Stage 3 2,449 1,385 Gross Accumulated Gross Accumulated Gross Accumulated COLOMBIA Exposure impairments PERU Exposure impairments ARGENTINA Exposure impairments Stage 1 14,500 80 Stage 1 17,696 146 Stage 1 4,770 30 Stage 2 1,516 104 Stage 2 3,012 146 Stage 2 269 10 Stage 3 972 598 Stage 3 1,222 625 Stage 3 79 56
3Q24 Earnings 42 BBVA 06 ALCO Portfolio, Nill Sensitivity and LCRs & NSFRs ALCO Portfolio, NII Sensitivity and LCRs & NSFRs
3Q24 Earnings 43 ALCO Portfolio ALCO PORTFOLIO BREAKDOWN BY REGION (€ BN) Amor t Cost Fair Value (HTC) (HTC&S) (duration Sep-24 (€ BN) (€BN) incl. hedges) South America 0.3 6.1 1.4 years Turkey 6.5 2.5 4.1 years Mexico 4.5 10.2 2.8 years Euro 35.1 11.1 2.4 years (1) Spain 29.3 4.8 Italy 2.9 4.1 Rest 2.9 2.2 (1) Figures exclude SAREB senior bonds (€3.9bn as of Sep-23, €3.8bn as of Jun-24 and Sep-24) EURO ALCO PORTFOLIO MATURITY PROFILE EURO ALCO YIELD (€ BN) (Sep-24, %) 3 .1%
3Q24 Earnings 44 NII sensitivity to interest rates movements ESTIMATED IMPACT ON NII IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS TO PARALLEL INTEREST RATE MOVEMENTS (TO +/-100 BPS INTEREST RATES MOVEMENT, %) + -4% + -2.5% EURO BALANCE MEXICO SHEET Note: NII sensitivities to parallel interest rates movements as of Sep’24 for Euro balance sheet and Aug’24 for Mexico, using our dynamic internal model. Mexico NII sensitivity for +/-100 bps breakdown: MXN sensitivity c.+/-1.6%; USD sensitivity +/-0.9%.
3Q24 Earnings 45 Liquidity and funding ratios BBVA GROUP AND SUBSIDIARIES LCR & NSFR (SEP-24) LCR NSFR Loan To Total Group 184% / 150%1 130% Deposit BBVA, S.A. 180% 122% 87% Mexico 154% 130% 105% 2 167 Turkey % 157% 81% S. America 100% 00% 92% All countries (1) Using a more restrictive criterion on this ratio (limiting the LCRs of all of BBVA, S.A.’s subsidiaries to 100%), the resulting consolidated ratio reaches 150%. (2) Bank-only. Both LCR and NSFR significantly above the 100% requirements at a Group level and in all banking subsidiaries
3Q24 Earnings 46 3Q24 Earnings 07 CET 1 Sensitivity to market impacts CET1 Sensitivity to market impacts
3Q24 Earnings 47 CET1 Sensitivity to Market Impacts1 TO A 10% CURRENCY DEPRECIATION2 TO A 10% DECLINE IN TELEFONICA’S (OCT-24) SHARE PRICE -9 (SEP-24) MXN bps TRY -4bps -2 bps USD +18bps TO +100 BPS MOVEMENT IN THE TO +100 BPS MOVEMENT IN THE MEXICAN SOVEREIGN BOND SPANISH SOVEREIGN BOND (SEP-24) (SEP-24) -6 bps -10 bps (1) CET1 sensitivity considering the FL capital ratio as of September 30th, 2024 (2) This sensitivity does not include the cost of capital hedges, which are currently estimated at 3 bps per quarter for MXN and 3 bps per quarter for TRY.
3Q24 Earnings 48 08 CET1 evolutin ytD & RWA by business area
3Q24 Earnings 49 CET1 evolution YtD & RWAs by business area 3Q24 Earnings 49 Capital YtD evolution CET1 RATIO – BBVA GROUP YTD EVOLUTION (%, BPS) 1 1) Includes, among others, FX and mark to market of HTC&S portfolios, minority interests, and a positive impact in OCI equivalent to the Net Monetary Position value loss in hyperinflationary economies registered in results
3Q24 Earnings 50 Risk-weighted assets by business area Fully-Loaded RWAs Δ (%) Breakdown by business area (€M) Sep-23 Jun-24 Sep-24 vs. Sep-23 vs. Jun-24 Spain 117,109 121,668 123,356 5.3% 1.4% Mexico 88,290 94,157 87,381 -1.0% -7.2% Turkey 53,056 62,037 61,394 15.7% -1.0% South America 50,255 52,338 52,612 4.7% 0.5% Argentina 6,678 7,644 8,742 30.9% 14.4% Chile 2,176 1,971 2,118 -2.7% 7.5% Colombia 18,616 19,100 18,411 -1.1% -3.6% Peru 19,436 19,586 19,527 0.5% -0.3% Others 3,349 4,036 3,813 13.9% -5.5% Rest of business 35,087 39,434 40,969 16.8% 3.9% Corporate Center 14,177 13,545 13,808 -2.6% 1.9% BBVA Group 357,972 383,179 379,519 6.0% -1.0%
3Q24 Earnings 51 09 Book Value of the main subsidiaries
3Q24 Earnings 52 Book Value of the main subsidiaries 3Q24 Earnings 52 Book Value of the main subsidiaries1,2 € BN; SEP-24 Δ (%) QoQ Mexico 18.7 -3.4% Turkey 7.2 -0.8% Colombia 1.9 -1.2% Argentina 1.5 +2.1% Peru 1.5 +5.2% Uruguay 0.3 -2.8% Chile 0.3 +3.0% Venezuela 0.1 -6.3% (1) Includes the initial investment + BBVA’s undistributed results + FX impact + other valuation adjustments. The Goodwill associated to each subsidiary has been deducted from its Book Value (2) Turkey includes Garanti BBVA subsidiaries
3Q24 Earnings 53 10 TBV per share & dividends evolutin TBV per share & dividends evolution
3Q24 Earnings 54 Shareholders’ returns: TBV per share & dividends evolution TBV PER SHARE & DIVIDENDS (€ PER SHARE(1)) TBV Dividends +16% (2) (2) (2) (1) Total number of shares considered: 5,752m as of September-24 and June-24; 5,751m as of March-24 post-SBB execution, 5,834m as of December-23 and 5,835m as of September-23. (2) April 2024 dividend per share paid (0.39€) and October 2024 dividend per share paid (0.29€)
3Q24 Earnings 55 BBVA 11 MREL
MREL 3Q24 Earnings 56 Sound MREL position POSITION AS OF SEP-24 (% RWA1) MREL REQUIREMENT + CBR SUBORDINATION REQUIREMENT + CBR 28.82% 22.88% 26.44% CBR: 3.65% 3 .15 17 % 3 CBR: 3.65% MREL 22.79% S ubordination 13.50% 2 2 M-MDA Buffer 238 bps (5.2€bn) Subordination Buffer 573 bps (12.4€bn) Note: Preliminary Data. (1) Position as of September 2024 as % LRE: MREL 11.47% (vs 8.48% Requirement); Subordination 9.10% (vs 5.78% Requirement). (2) Own funds and eligible liabilities to meet both MREL in RWAs or subordination requirement in RWAs, as applicable, and the combined capital buffer requirement, which would be 3.65%, without prejudice to any other buffer that may apply at any time. Last MREL Requirement was received on March 27th, 2024. M-MDA buffer stands at 299bps (€16.3bn) in LRE. (3) Includes the update of the CCyB calculated on the basis of exposures as of Jun’24
3Q24 Earnings 57 c.80% of MREL eligible with subordination or to SNP 3Q24 12 Digital metrics
3Q24 Earnings 58 Digital metrics 3Q24 Earnings 58 Digital metrics mobile customers & digital sales MOBILE CUSTOMERS DIGITAL SALES—UNITS (MILLION CUSTOMERS, %) % OF TOTAL SALES YTD, # OF TRANSACTIONS) +24% DIGITAL SALES—PRV2 % OF TOTAL SALES YTD, PRV) CUSTOMER PENETRATION RATE1 68.2% 71.6% 74.1% (1) Mobile over active customers. (2) Product Relative Value as a proxy of lifetime economic representation of units sold.
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Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. | ||
Date: October 31, 2024 | ||
By: /s/ MªÁngeles Peláez Morón | ||
| ||
Name: MªÁngeles Peláez Morón | ||
Title: Head of Accounting & Regulatory Reporting |