EX-11.2 9 ea021888101ex11-2_brasilagro.htm SECURITIES TRADING POLICY OF BRASILAGRO





brasilagro – 巴西农业物业公司


1. 一般规则




在执行和解释证券交易政策时 brasilagro - 巴西农业财产公司, 以下术语定义如下:


人形机器人-电机控制器 或控股股东: 根据法律第6.404/76号及其后续修订,股东协议约束或受共同控制的股东或股东群体 有权控制公司。


股票 交易所: shall mean B3 S.A.– 巴西证券交易所以及公司证券在交易的任何其他证券交易所或有组织的场外交易市场;


·公司:应 意味 brasilagro – 巴西农业地产公司;


董事会: 即指公司的董事会;


审计委员会: 指如已设立并运作的公司审计委员会;


CVM: 指巴西证券交易委员会;


投资者 关系主管: 指公司根据CVm规定选举执行职责的董事;


材料 信息: 应指控股股东的任何决定、股东大会或公司管理层的决议或任何政治行政、技术、法律、业务或经济金融性质的行为或事实,这些行为或事实可能影响(i)其证券价格;(ii)投资者买入、卖出或持有证券的决定;或(iii)投资者行使作为证券持有人的权利的决定。 CVm 规则358/02第2条提及的例子也被视为重大事实;已修订;CVM 规则10/80: 应指CVM规则第10号,即1980年2月14日修订的有关上市公司收购自身证券以注销或持有以便随后出售的规则;


CVM 规则 358/02: 意指2002年1月3日修订的CVM规则358,涉及公开公司相关主要行为或事实的披露和使用,以及公开公司证券的交易等内容;


股票 期权或认股权: 指授予公司管理成员及其他雇员或其直接或间接控制的公司的股票期权或认股权,以获取或认购公司无面值普通股,根据股票期权计划或认股权计划而获得的。


相关人士: 应指公司、其直接或间接控制股东、董事会成员、执行董事会、审计委员会以及根据章程规定设立的任何其他具有技术或咨询职责的机构,或者承担公司、其控制公司和关联公司或受共同控制公司相同职责的任何人员因其在公司的职位、职能或头衔而知晓任何重要信息,以及明确受到证券交易政策约束的服务提供商和其他专业人士;







披露政策: 公司董事会批准的公司重要信息披露政策;


证券 交易政策: 指brasilagro - 巴西农业物业公司目前的证券交易政策;


回购计划: 指经董事会批准后由公司自身购买股份的任何计划;


个人 投资计划: 相关人士承诺书,自愿、不可撤销、不可逆转地在预先确定的日期或时间段,或在某些不受其控制的条件发生时,按照《CVm规则第358/02号》第15-A条的规定,投资或撤资某定额证券。


新市场规则: “shall”指的是2017年6月上市公司新市场规则的新版本,也是2017年9月巴西证券交易委员会全体通过的,并自2018年1月2日起生效;


关联 公司: 应指公司在不控制的情况下对其具有重大管理影响力的公司。重大 管理影响力应理解为参与公司的政治管理、业务和运营决策的权力,当一家公司持有另一家公司百分之十(10%)或更多的表决资本而无控制权时,也将被视为具有重大管理影响力;


受控公司: 指公司直接或通过其他受控公司拥有股东权益的公司,从而永久确保在股东大会决议中占多数投票权,并有选举大部分董事和高管的权力;


协议条款: 指由相关人士签署并由公司确认的正式文件,通过该文件,他们告知自己已了解证券交易政策中包含的规则,并承诺遵守这些规则,也要求受其影响的人,包括受控公司和关联公司或共同控制的公司,配偶和受抚养人员,不论是直接还是间接,遵守这些规则;


证券: 应指由公司发行的股份、债券、认股权证、收据、认购权以及与这些证券相关的衍生工具。




DFP: shall mean 标准财务报表 (标准财务报表)必须由根据发行人适用的会计准则准备的年度会计信息补充完整。 截止日期为发行人的公司年度结束后的三(03)个月,或者在公司年度结束时,《财经版》或知晓发行人股东,若该日期早于首次截止日期。








2. 范围


2.1 公司、控股股东、直接或间接的董事会成员、执行董事会成员、审计委员会成员以及根据公司章程规定或因其职务地位在公司、其控股公司、关联公司或共同控制公司内任何技术或咨询职责的机构的其他人,如有任何重要信息,以及公司认为必要或适当的服务提供商和其他专业人士,应当签署本证券交易政策的协议条款(根据 附表I 参与者,成为本文所述目的的关联人员。


2.2. Objective


2.2.1. The purpose of the present Securities Trading Policy is to set up the rules and procedures to be met by Related Persons and by the Company concerning trading of Securities, preserving the transparency in any such trades to all interested parties.


2.2.2. The rules of this Securities Trading Policy define periods in which the Related Persons should refrain from trading Securities, so as to avoid questioning regarding the undue use of Material Information not disclosed to the public pursuant to CVM Rule 358/02.


2.2.3. Any doubts concerning provisions of the present Securities Trading Policy, the applicable regulation issued by CVM and/or concerning ability to perform or not a given negotiation should be cleared out with the Investor Relations Officer.


2.3. Securities Trading Restrictions


2.3.1. The restrictions provided under this Policy apply to Securities, including transactions involving financing or leasing, performed by Related Persons on the market, as well as without the intermediation of an institution belonging to the distribution system.


2.3.2. Pursuant to CVM Rule 358/02, prior to the disclosure of Material Information to the market, no negotiation, rendering of counseling or assistance shall be allowed regarding Securities investment by Related Persons aware of any such Material Information.


2.3.3. The Related Persons shall ensure that those with whom they keep a trade, professional or trust relationship do not trade with Securities when accessing undisclosed Material Information. To that end, the Related Persons shall endeavor to have all those with access to Material Information to sign the Term of Agreement.




 Any individual or legal entity direct or indirectly bound to any Related Persons by any contract or agreement, of any nature, including Non-Disclosure and Restricted Use Agreements, orally or in writing, which has access to any Material Information related to the Company or companies controlled and/or under common control, shall not trade, pursuant to the applicable law, with Securities issued by the Company as long as he/she/it is in possession of any Material Information or for as long as the contract or agreement is valid and in full force.


2.3.4. The prohibition to trade with Securities shall also be applied to (a) the Related Persons whenever there is the intention to carry out the incorporation, total or partial spin-off, merger, transformation or corporate reorganization of the Company; and (b) Controlling Shareholders, whether direct or indirect, members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Executive Officers, whenever it is in course the purchase or sale of shares issued by the Company by the Company itself, its subsidiaries, affiliates or other company under common control, or there is an option or mandate for the same purpose, without prejudice to the exception to the prohibition provided for in item 2.4.2 below, on the dates when the Company is not acquiring or disposing of its own shares under a Program of Repurchase..


2.3.5. In the context of a Securities public offering and pursuant to Article 48 of CVM Rule No.. 400/2003, Related Persons shall not trade with Securities until the publication of the notice of completion of the offering.


2.3.6. The Related Persons shall be also forbidden to trade with Securities fifteen (15) days prior to the disclosure required by CVM of quarterly (ITR) and annual information (DFP) of the Company, except for what is provided for in Paragraph 3 of Article 15, of CVM Rule 358/02.


2.3.7. Related Persons leaving managing positions of the Company prior to the disclosure of Material Information originated during their management period shall not trade with Securities until (i) the end of a six (6) months period starting from the date of their dismissal/removal from such positions; or (ii) the disclosure, by the Company, of the Material Information to the market.


2.3.8. In the event any agreement or contract has been signed for the transfer of the Company’s control, or if any option or mandate has been granted for the same purpose, as well as if there is an intention to promote the incorporation, spin-off, partial spin-off, merging, transformation or corporate reorganizations, and while the transaction is not made public through the disclosure of material facts and/or information, the Board of Directors shall not be allowed to resolve on the purchase or sale by the Company of shares issued by itself.


2.3.9 Prohibitions concerning Securities trading provided for in sections 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 above shall be enforced until the disclosure of Material Information to the market. However, any such prohibitions shall be maintained, even after disclosure of Material Information whenever any Securities negotiations may interfere, in detriment to the Company or its shareholders, in the business conditions, act or fact related to the Material Information.








2.4. Exception to Trading Restrictions


2.4.1. Pursuant to CVM Rule No. 358/02, the Related Persons shall be allowed to trade with Securities in the events provided for in section 2.3.2 above, provided that such trading corresponds to the purchase of shares from the Company’s treasury, through a private transaction, arising from the exercise of the option to purchase according to the granting or exercising of an option to purchase shares (i.e. stock option plan) approved in a general shareholder’s meeting.


2.4.2. As further provided by CVM Rule No. 358/02, the direct or indirect Controlling Shareholders, Officers of the Company and the members of the Board of Directors may trade with Securities during the Program of Repurchase, provided that such negotiation occurs in dates or periods that the Company is not carrying out any negotiation with Securities. In the course of a Program of Repurchase, it shall be incumbent upon the Investor Relations Officer to inform previously, by means of a notice addressed to the direct or indirect Controlling Shareholders, Officers and members of Board of Directors, the dates or specific periods that will be permitted to negotiate with Securities in compliance with this Policy.


3. Individual Investment Plan (Plan)


3.1 The investment plan, provided in article 15-A of CVM Rule No. 358/02, are individual and optional.


3.2 The following are authorized to formalize investment plan: the controlling shareholders, members of audit committees, as well as of any board with technical or advisory functions, established by reason of a provision of the By-laws or, also, whoever that, by reason of their office, function, title or position in a publicly-held company, parent company, its subsidiaries or affiliates,, has knowledge of the information concerning such act or event of market relevance.


3.3 The investment plan allows the holder of the title to trade the securities when duly informed of relevant information not yet disclosed to the market, provided that the following conditions are observed:


a)Preliminary formalization of the Plan in writing to the Investor Relations Officer;


b)Establishment, on an irrevocable and undeniable basis, of the dates and amounts or quantities of business to be made;


c)A term of at least six (6) months in order for the plan, any possible amendments and cancellations thereto to take place;








d)Lack of existence of more than one (01) investment plan in force concurrent to the same Related Person;


e)Lack of transactions that cancel or alleviate the economic effects of the transactions to be carried out according to the investment plan; and


f)Validation, at least every six months, by the Board of Directors of the adhesion to the transactions made by the participant to the investment plan.


3.3.1 In relation to item “b” above, we emphasize the possibility of defining a set of parameters, such as for example, algorithms and formulas, that, once applied to the specific case, determine if the business transactions will be implemented or not and, in case they are, which date and the financial amount involved. In that case, however, all parameters shall be previously and objectively set, as well as irrevocable and irreversible, in order to eliminate the discretion exposed the participant in whether or not to carry the business in question.


3.3.2 In relation to item “e”, we emphasize the impossibility of performing transactions with derivative financial instruments for purposes of hedge of the commitment made by the participant in the investment plan.


3.4 The investment plan may also permit its holder to trade securities within fifteen (15) days prior to the disclosure of quarterly and annual information provided that the following is also observed:


a)that a schedule has been approved with a specific date for the disclosure of the quarterly and annual information (ITR and DFP forms); and


b)The plan requires the participants to revert to the Company any avoided losses or gains obtained from the trading deriving from any alteration in the dates for disclosure of the quarterly and annual information (ITR and DFP forms), as determined using reasonable criteria determined in the plan itself.


4. Third Parties Liability


4.1 The provisions set forth in this Securities Trading Policy shall not release the liability of third parties indirectly related to the Company that are aware of any Material Information.


5. Applicable Sanctions and Penalties


5.1 The Related Persons who have not complied with any provision of this Securities Trading Policy are subject to the legal sanctions and penalties provided in the Company's Code of Ethics, as well as applicable legal sanctions and penalties.








6. Amendment to The Policy


6.1 Any amendment to this Securities Trading Policy must be informed to the CVM and to the Stock Exchanges.


7. Term of The Policy


7.1 The present Securities Trading Policy shall be effective on the date of its approval by the Board of Directors and shall remain in force for an indeterminate term, or otherwise until further opposite resolution.


8. General Provision


8.1 The Related Persons and those acquiring this capacity shall sign the Term of Agreement according to the Form set forth in Exhibit I hereof.


8.2. The Company may set up additional securities non-trading periods other than those set forth in the present Securities Trading Policy, being only required to notify the Related Persons for this purpose.


8.3. Securities Trading by Related Persons during the non-trading periods, as set forth in the present Securities Trading Policy, may be authorized as an exception by the Board of Directors, upon express written request justifying the need for the trading.


8.4. Any breaches to this Securities Trading Policy verified by any Related Persons shall be immediately communicated to the Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, the President of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee.













I, [name and identification], [job or position], hereby state that I am aware of the terms and conditions of the Securities Trading Policy of Brasilagro – Companhia Brasileira de Propriedades Agrícolas (“Securities Trading Policy” and “Company”, respectively), approved by the Board of Directors on August 9, 2012, pursuant to CVM Rule 358/02, as amended, and the Novo Mercado Rule. I hereby formalize my adhesion to the Securities Trading Policy, committing to abide to all of its terms and conditions.


I further state that I am aware that any breach of the dispositions set forth in the Securities Trading Policy shall be considered a serious violation, for the purposes provided for in Paragraph 3, of Article 11, of Law No. 6385/76.


[place], [date]


