EX-10.1 2 udemy-10xq_exx101q32024.htm EX-10.1 Document
(2021年9月15日に採択および承認され、2021年10月28日より有効; 2023年5月12日、2023年11月16日、2024年5月15日、および2024年9月1日に修正あり)
Udemy, Inc.(以下「会社」)は、取締役会のメンバー(以下「取締役会」と取締役会メンバー「 」)は、会社の従業員でない取締役を引きつけ、維持し、報酬するための効果的な手段であると考えています(以下「外部取締役この社外取締役報酬ポリシー(以下、「その他」という)は、社外取締役に対する現金報酬および株式の付与に関する会社の方針を形式化することを意図しています。本ポリシーで定義されていない場合を除き、本ポリシーで使用される大文字の用語は、随時修正される会社の2021年株式報酬プランでその用語に与えられた意味を有します(または、当該株式報酬が付与される時点で当該プランが使用されていない場合は、その等価の用語または類似の用語に与えられた意味を有する時点で適用されるプラン、「プラン」という)。各社外取締役は、本ポリシーに基づいて受け取る株式報酬およびその他の現金報酬により生じる課税義務について、その責任を単独で負担します。


a.リテーナー賞各外部取締役は、カレンダーごとの現金リテーナー支払いの全額または一部を制限付株式ユニット(「リテーナーRSUs」、およびそのリテーナーRSUsの授与、 「リテーナー賞」)を、リテーナー賞が関連する適用現金リテーナー支払い金額と等しい付与時の価値を有するように選択することができる。ただし、生じた分数は最も近い全株に切り捨てられる(この選択を「リテーナーRSU選択」という)。リテーナー賞は、以下のセクション3で提供される特定の条件に従うものとする。
b.Retainer RSU選挙のメカニズムリテーナーRSU選挙は、取締役会または報酬委員会によって指定された形式および方法で、会社の法務部に提出する必要があります。 延期なくリテーナーRSU選挙を行わない個人は、リテーナー賞を受け取ることができず、代わりに該当する現金リテーナー支払いを受け取ります。 リテーナーRSU選挙は、以下のタイミング要件を満たす必要があります:
ii.年次選挙。 この段落の最後の文章に基づくものとして、カレンダー年の12月31日まで、または取締役会または報酬委員会が自己の裁量により設定するようなそれ以前の期限まで(「年次選挙締め切り」)、年次選挙締め切りの直前時点で社外取締役である個々の方は、翌カレンダー年に行われる予定のサービスに関連するキャッシュ・レテイナー支払いに関してレテイナーRSU選挙を行うことができます。また、それらのサービスの完了後に支払われる予定のもの(「年次選挙」)。年次選挙は、該当年次の年次選挙に関して、適用される年次

選挙の締め切りは、年次選挙の締め切りとして法的に有効になります。 総選挙締め切りを確実にするために、2024年の勤務に対する現金保有報酬の年次締め切りは、2023年12月31日になります。

3.Equity Compensation. Outside Directors will be eligible to receive all types of Awards (except Incentive Stock Options) under the Plan, including discretionary Awards not covered under this Policy. All grants of Awards to Outside Directors pursuant to Section 3 of this Policy will be automatic and nondiscretionary, except as otherwise provided herein, and will be made in accordance with the following provisions:
a.No Discretion. No person will have any discretion to select which Outside Directors will be granted any Awards under this Policy or to determine the number of Shares to be covered by such Awards, except as provided in Sections 3(e) and 10 below.
b.Initial Awards. Each individual who first becomes an Outside Director will be granted an award of Restricted Stock Units (an “Initial Award”) covering a number of Shares having a Value (as defined below) of $380,000, with any resulting fraction rounded down to the nearest whole Share. The Initial Award will be granted automatically on the first Trading Day on or after the date on which such individual first becomes an Outside Director (the first date as an Outside Director, the “Initial Start Date”), whether through election by the Company’s stockholders or appointment by the Board to fill a vacancy. If an individual was a member of the Board and also an employee, becoming an Outside Director due to termination of employment will not entitle the Outside Director to an Initial Award. Each Initial Award will be scheduled to vest as follows: One third (1/3rd) of the Shares subject to the Initial Award will be scheduled to vest each year following the grant date on the same day of the month as the grant date (or, if there is no corresponding day in a particular month, then the last day of that month), in each case subject to the Outside Director continuing to be an Outside Director through the applicable vesting date.
c.Annual Award. On the first Trading Day immediately following each Annual Meeting of the Company’s stockholders (an “Annual Meeting”), each Outside Director automatically will be granted an award of Restricted Stock Units (an “Annual Award”) covering

a number of Shares having a Value of $190,000; provided that the first Annual Award granted to an individual who first becomes an Outside Director will have a Value equal to the product of (A) $190,000 multiplied by (B) a fraction, (i) the numerator of which is the number of fully completed days between the applicable Initial Start Date and the date of the first Annual Meeting to occur after such individual first becomes an Outside Director, and (ii) the denominator of which is 365; and provided further that any resulting fraction shall be rounded down to the nearest whole Share. Each Annual Award will be scheduled to vest in full on the earlier of (i) the one-year anniversary of the grant date or (ii) the date of the next Annual Meeting following the grant date, in each case subject to the Outside Director continuing to be an Outside Director through the applicable vesting date.
d.Retainer Awards. Subject to Section 2(c) of this Policy, Retainer Awards will be granted on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31, as applicable, immediately following the end of the Fiscal Quarter for which the corresponding cash retainer payment was earned, except that if such date is not a trading day, the associated grant of the applicable Retainer Award shall occur on the next trading day following such date. Each Retainer Award will be fully vested on the date of grant.
e.Additional Terms of Initial Awards, Annual Awards and Retainer Awards. Each Initial Award, Annual Award and Retainer Award will be granted under and subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan and the applicable form of Award Agreement previously approved by the Board or its Compensation Committee, as applicable, for use thereunder. For purposes of this Policy, “Value” means the grant date fair value as determined in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, or such other methodology the Board or any committee of the Board designed by the Board with appropriate authority (the “Designated Committee”), as applicable, may determine prior to the grant of the applicable Award becoming effective. The Board or the Designated Committee, as applicable and in its discretion, may change and otherwise revise the terms of Initial Awards, Annual Awards and Retainer Awards granted under this Policy, including, without limitation, the number of Shares subject thereto and type of Award.
f.Deferral of Awards. Unless and until otherwise determined by the Board or the Compensation Committee, each Outside Director may elect to defer the delivery of the Shares subject to any Restricted Stock Units granted under this Policy pursuant to an Initial Award, Annual Award or Retainer Award that would otherwise be delivered to such Outside Director on or following the date such Award vests pursuant to the terms of this Section 3, as applicable (the “Deferral Election”). Any Deferral Election will be irrevocable, and will be subject to such rules, conditions and procedures as shall be determined by the Board or the Compensation Committee, in its sole discretion, which rules, conditions and procedures shall at all times comply with the requirements of Section 409A (as defined below), unless otherwise specifically determined by the Board or the Compensation Committee. Deferral Elections shall be made pursuant to a form of deferral election as approved by the Board or the Compensation Committee.

4.Other Compensation and Benefits. Outside Directors also may be eligible to receive other compensation and benefits, as may be determined by the Board or its Designated Committee, as applicable, from time to time.
5.Change in Control. In the event of a Change in Control, each Outside Director will fully vest in his or her outstanding Company equity awards as of immediately prior to a Change in Control, including any Initial Awards and Annual Awards, provided that the Outside Director continues to be an Outside Director through the date of the Change in Control.
6.Annual Compensation Limit. No Outside Director may be granted Awards with Values, and be provided cash retainers or fees, with amounts that, in any Fiscal Year, in the aggregate, exceed $750,000, provided that, in the Fiscal Year containing an Outside Director’s Initial Start Date, such limit will be increased to $1,500,000. Any Awards or other compensation provided to an individual for his or her services as an Employee, or for his or her services as a Consultant other than as an Outside Director, will be excluded for purposes of the foregoing limit.
7.Travel Expenses. Each Outside Director’s reasonable, customary, and properly documented out-of-pocket travel expenses to meetings of the Board and any of its committees, as applicable, will be reimbursed by the Company.
8.Code Section 409A. Except as provided otherwise in Section 2(c) of this Policy, in no event will cash compensation or expense reimbursement payments under this Policy be paid after the later of (a) the fifteenth (15th) day of the third (3rd) month following the end of the Company’s taxable year in which the compensation is earned or expenses are incurred, as applicable, or (b) the fifteenth (15th) day of the third (3rd) month following the end of the calendar year in which the compensation is earned or expenses are incurred, as applicable, in compliance with the “short-term deferral” exception under Code Section 409A. It is the intent of this Policy that this Policy and all payments hereunder be exempt or excepted from or otherwise comply with the requirements of Code Section 409A so that none of the compensation to be provided hereunder will be subject to the additional tax imposed under Code Section 409A, and any ambiguities or ambiguous terms herein will be interpreted to be so exempt or comply. In no event will the Company Group have any responsibility, liability, or obligation to reimburse, indemnify, or hold harmless an Outside Director or any other person for any taxes imposed, or other costs incurred, as a result of Code Section 409A.
9.Stockholder Approval. The Policy was approved by the Company’s stockholders prior to the Company’s initial public offering. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, the Policy will not be subject to approval by the Company’s stockholders, including, for the avoidance of doubt, as a result of or in connection with an action taken with respect to this Policy as contemplated in Section 10.
10.Revisions. The Board or any Designated Committee may amend, alter, suspend, or terminate this Policy at any time and for any reason. No amendment, alteration, suspension, or termination of this Policy will materially impair the rights of an Outside Director with respect to compensation that already has been paid or awarded, unless otherwise mutually agreed in writing

between the Outside Director and the Company. Termination of this Policy will not affect the Board’s or the Designated Committee’s ability to exercise the powers granted to it with respect to Awards granted pursuant to this Policy prior to the date of such termination, including without limitation such applicable powers set forth in the Plan.

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