
ワシントン D. C. 20549

」と 1934 年証券取引法第 13 条または第 15 条 ( d ) に基づく四半期ごとの報告
↓ ↓ 1934年証券取引法第13条又は15条に基づいて提出された移行報告
_____ から _____ への移行期間について
1725 3 丁目
サンフランシスコ, カリフォルニア州 94158
登録者が ( 1 ) 過去 12 ヶ月間に 1934 年の証券取引法第 13 条または第 15 条 ( d ) によって提出されるすべての報告書を提出したかどうか ( または登録者がそのような報告書を提出することを要求されたそれより短い期間 ) 、および ( 2 ) 過去 90 日間にそのような提出要件の対象となっていたかどうかをチェックマークで示す。 はい  」と 違います↓ ↓
再選択マークは、登録者が過去12ヶ月以内(または登録者がそのような文書の提出を要求されたより短い時間以内)に、S−T規則405条(本章232.405節)に従って提出を要求した各相互作用データファイルを電子的に提出したか否かを示すはい  」と いいえ ↓ ↓
登録者が大型加速申告会社,加速申告会社,非加速申告会社,小さな報告会社,あるいは新興成長型会社であることを再選択マークで示す。取引法第12 b-2条の規則における“大型加速申告会社”、“加速申告会社”、“小申告会社”、“新興成長型会社”の定義を参照されたい。
↓ ↓
↓ ↓
↓ ↓
↓ ↓
↓ ↓
登録者がシェル会社であるかどうかをチェックマークで示します ( 取引法規則 120 億 2 で定義されているように ) 。はい ↓ ↓ いいえ 」と
2024 年 10 月 28 日現在、登録者の発行済普通株式の株式数s 2,105,709,325.

財務諸表 ( 未監査 )
第1 A項

Form 10−Qに関するこの四半期報告書には、1995年の個人証券訴訟改革法に適合した前向きな陳述が含まれている。この10-Q表の四半期報告に含まれる歴史的事実に関する陳述を除いて、他のすべての陳述は、私たちの将来の経営結果或いは財務状況、業務戦略と計画及び将来の経営の管理目標に関する陳述を含み、すべて前向きな陳述である。場合によっては、“予想”、“信じ”、“考慮”、“継続”、“可能”、“推定”、“予想”、“目標”、“意図”、“可能”、“可能”、“進行中”、“計画”、“潜在”、“予測”、“プロジェクト”、“すべきである”を含むので、前向き陳述を識別することができる。“目標”、“将”または“将”またはこれらの語の否定または他の同様の用語またはフレーズ。これらの前向きな陳述は、以下の態様に関する陳述を含むが、これらに限定されない

実際の事件または結果は前向き陳述で表現されたものとは異なる可能性がある。したがって、あなたは未来の事件の予測として前向きな陳述に依存してはいけない。本四半期報告に含まれる展望性陳述は主に私たちの現在の未来の事件と傾向に対する予想と予測に基づいており、私たちはこれらの事件と傾向は私たちの業務、財務状況、経営業績、将来性、戦略と財務需要に影響を与える可能性があると考えている。これらの前向き陳述に記載されたイベントの結果は、“リスク要因”の節および本四半期報告Form 10-Qの他の部分に記載されたリスク、不確実性、仮説、および他の要因の影響を受ける。しかも、私たちは競争が激しく急速に変化する環境で運営されている。新しいリスクと不確定要素は時々出現し、著者らは本10-Q表の四半期報告中の展望性表現に影響を与える可能性のあるすべてのリスクと不確定要素を予測できない。展望性陳述に反映された結果、事件と状況は実現できない或いは発生する可能性があり、実際の結果、事件或いは状況は展望性陳述に記述された結果、事件或いは状況と大きく異なる可能性がある。
本四半期報告ではForm 10−Qに関する前向き陳述は発表日の状況のみを代表している。我々は、本Form 10-Q四半期報告書になされた任意の前向きな陳述を更新して、本Form 10-Q四半期報告日以降のイベントまたは状況を反映するか、または法律が別の要求がない限り、新しい情報、実際の結果、修正された予期または予期された事象の発生を反映する義務はない。私たちは私たちの展望声明で開示された計画、意図、または予想を実際に達成できないかもしれません。あなたは私たちの展望的声明に過度に依存してはいけません。

(In数百万円 ( 千円単位で反映される株式金額を除き、 1 株当たり金額 )
2023年12月31日まで2024 年 9 月 30 日現在
現金 · 現金同等物$4,680 $6,150 
短期投資727 2,913 
制限された現金と現金等価物805 933 
売掛金、予備金を差し引く#ドル91 と $83お別れします
3,404 3,719 
前払い費用と他の流動資産1,681 1,616 
流動資産総額11,297 15,331 
制限された現金と現金等価物1,519 1,920 
制限投資4,779 6,552 
投資する6,101 7,921 
権益法投資353 314 
財産と設備、純額2,073 1,982 
経営的リース使用権資産1,241 1,190 
無形資産、純額1,425 1,192 
グッドウィル8,151 8,086 
その他の資産1,760 2,629 
総資産$38,699 $47,117 
売掛金$790 $802 
短期保険預金2,077 2,523 
賃貸負債を経営し、流動190 178 
負債その他流動負債を計上しなければならない6,397 7,332 
流動負債総額9,454 10,835 
長期保険預金4,909 6,623 
長期債務,当期分を差し引く9,459 10,986 
非流動経営賃貸負債1,550 1,496 
その他長期負債645 638 
負債総額26,017 30,578 
償還可能な非持株権益654 946 
普通株、$0.00001 パー値、 5,000,000 両期間の株式認可、 2,071,144 そして 2,104,178 発行済株式と発行済株式は
追加実収資本42,264 42,825 
トータル Uber テクノロジーズ株式会社株主資本11,249 14,780 
償還不能の非支配権益779 813 
総株式12,028 15,593 
負債総額、償還可能な非支配権益および持分$38,699 $47,117 

(In数百万円 ( 千円単位で反映される株式金額を除き、 1 株当たり金額 )
9 月 30 日までの 3 ヶ月間9 月 30 日までの 9 ヶ月間
収益$9,292 $11,188 $27,345 $32,019 
収入コストは、減価償却や償却を含まず、以下の通りです5,626 6,761 16,400 19,417 
運営と支援683 687 1,987 2,054 
営業 · マーケティング941 1,096 3,421 3,128 
研究 · 開発797 774 2,380 2,324 
一般と行政646 630 2,079 2,525 
減価償却 · 償却205 179 620 542 
総コストと費用8,898 10,127 26,887 29,990 
営業収入394 1,061 458 2,029 
その他の収入,純額(52)1,851 513 1,593 
所得税引前利益及び持分法投資による利益 ( 損失 )176 2,769 493 3,216 
所得税準備金(40)158 80 244 
権益法投資収益3 (12)43 (28)
非支配権を含む純利益219 2,599 456 2,944 
マイナス : 非支配権益に起因する純損失 ( 税抜 )(2)(13)(2)(29)
Uber Technologies , Inc. による純利益。$221 $2,612 $458 $2,973 
Uber Technologies , Inc. に帰属する 1 株当たり純利益。普通株主 :
基本的な情報$0.11 $1.24 $0.23 $1.42 
薄めにする$0.10 $1.20 $0.20 $1.36 
普通株主に帰属する 1 株当たり純利益の計算に使用される加重平均株式 :
基本的な情報2,044,688 2,101,660 2,027,148 2,090,809 
薄めにする2,108,479 2,154,466 2,080,686 2,153,183 

連結損益計算書 ( 損益 )
9 月 30 日までの 3 ヶ月間9 月 30 日までの 9 ヶ月間
非支配権を含む純利益$219 $2,599 $456 $2,944 
外貨換算調整変動(37)27 (35)(22)
発行済債務証券への投資の未実現利益 ( 損失 ) の変動 28 (2)19 
その他総合収益(損失)、税引き後純額(37)55 (37)(3)
非支配権を含む総合利益182 2,654 419 2,941 
減 : 非支配権益に起因する包括損失(2)(13)(2)(29)
Uber Technologies , Inc. に帰属する総合利益。$184 $2,667 $421 $2,970 

(In millions, except share amounts which are reflected in thousands)
Redeemable Non-Controlling InterestsCommon StockAdditional Paid-In CapitalAccumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)Accumulated DeficitNon-Redeemable Non-Controlling InterestsTotal Equity
Balance as of December 31, 2022$430 2,005,486 $ $40,550 $(443)$(32,767)$734 $8,074 
Exercise of stock options— 1,208 — 5 — — — 5 
Stock-based compensation— — — 482 — — — 482 
Issuance of common stock for settlement of RSUs— 12,708 — — — — — — 
Shares withheld related to net share settlement— (208)— (7)— — — (7)
Foreign currency translation adjustment— — — — (155)— — (155)
Net income (loss)(11)— — — — (157)11 (146)
Balance as of March 31, 2023419 2,019,194  41,030 (598)(32,924)745 8,253 
Exercise of stock options— 1,859 — 10 — — — 10 
Stock-based compensation— — — 515 — — — 515 
Issuance of common stock for settlement of RSUs— 14,096 — — — — — — 
Issuance of common stock under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan— 4,078 — 85 — — — 85 
Shares withheld related to net share settlement— (76)— (3)— — — (3)
Repurchase of restricted common stock awards— (259)— — — — — — 
Unrealized gain (loss) on investments in available-for-sale debt securities, net of tax— — — — (2)— — (2)
Foreign currency translation adjustment— — — — 157 — — 157 
Net income (loss)(11)— — — — 394 11 405 
Balance as of June 30, 2023408 2,038,892  41,637 (443)(32,530)756 9,420 
Exercise of stock options— 1,185 — 9 — — — 9 
Stock-based compensation— — — 504 — — — 504 
Issuance of common stock for settlement of RSUs— 13,433 — — — — — — 
Shares withheld related to net share settlement— (73)— (3)— — — (3)
Foreign currency translation adjustment(1)— — — (37)— — (37)
Net income (loss)(13)— — — — 221 11 232 
Balance as of September 30, 2023$394 2,053,437 $ $42,147 $(480)$(32,309)$767 $10,125 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated financial statements.


(In millions, except share amounts which are reflected in thousands)
Redeemable Non-Controlling InterestsCommon StockAdditional Paid-In CapitalAccumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)Accumulated DeficitNon-Redeemable Non-Controlling InterestsTotal Equity
Balance as of December 31, 2023$654 2,071,144 $ $42,264 $(421)$(30,594)$779 $12,028 
Exercise of stock options— 2,421 — 18 — — — 18 
Stock-based compensation— — — 493 — — — 493 
Issuance of common stock for settlement of RSUs— 13,160 — — — — — — 
Shares withheld related to net share settlement— (478)— (36)— — — (36)
Unrealized loss on investments in available-for-sale debt securities, net of tax— — — — (8)— — (8)
Foreign currency translation adjustment(2)— — — (8)— — (8)
Recognition of non-controlling interest upon capital investment19 — — — — — — — 
Net income (loss)(20)— — — — (654)11 (643)
Other— — — 4 — — — 4 
Balance as of March 31, 2024651 2,086,247  42,743 (437)(31,248)790 11,848 
Exercise of stock options— 2,760 — 73 — — — 73 
Exercise of restricted stock units— 469 — — — — — — 
Stock-based compensation— — — 470 — — — 470 
Issuance of common stock for settlement of RSUs— 10,488 — — — — — — 
Issuance of common stock under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan— 2,893 — 103 — — — 103 
Shares withheld related to net share settlement— (68)— (5)— — — (5)
Repurchase of common stock— (4,838)— (326)— — — (326)
Unrealized gain (loss) on investments in available-for-sale debt securities, net of tax— — — — (1)— — (1)
Foreign currency translation adjustment(1)— — — (41)— — (41)
Net income (loss)(19)— — — — 1,015 12 1,027 
Other— — — 4 — — — 4 
Balance as of June 30, 2024631 2,097,951  43,062 (479)(30,233)802 13,152 
Exercise of stock options— 1,650 — 25 — — — 25 
Stock-based compensation— — — 452 — — — 452 
Issuance of common stock for settlement of RSUs— 9,924 — — — — — — 
Shares withheld related to net share settlement— (54)— (4)— — — (4)
Repurchase of common stock— (5,293)— (375)— — — (375)
Re-measurement of non-controlling interest338 — (338)— — — (338)

Unrealized gain (loss) on investments in available-for-sale debt securities, net of tax— — — 28 — — 28 
Foreign currency translation adjustment1 — — — 27 — — 27 
Net income (loss)(24)— — — — 2,612 11 2,623 
Other— — — 3 — — — 3 
Balance as of September 30, 2024$946 2,104,178 $ $42,825 $(424)$(27,621)$813 $15,593 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated financial statements.

(In millions)
Nine Months Ended September 30,
Cash flows from operating activities
Net income including non-controlling interests$456 $2,944 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization620 561 
Bad debt expense63 47 
Stock-based compensation1,466 1,377 
Deferred income taxes32 101 
Loss (income) from equity method investments, net(43)28 
Unrealized gain on debt and equity securities, net(610)(1,276)
Loss from sale of investment74  
Impairments of goodwill, long-lived assets and other assets77  
Unrealized foreign currency transactions156 173 
Change in assets and liabilities, net of impact of business acquisitions and disposals:
Accounts receivable(363)(388)
Prepaid expenses and other assets(1,181)(664)
Operating lease right-of-use assets141 137 
Accounts payable86 24 
Accrued insurance reserves1,616 2,161 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities334 488 
Operating lease liabilities(137)(157)
Net cash provided by operating activities2,762 5,387 
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchases of property and equipment(168)(198)
Purchases of non-marketable equity securities(42)(288)
Purchases of marketable securities(5,930)(9,745)
Proceeds from maturities and sales of marketable securities2,993 5,767 
Proceeds from sale of equity method investment721 17 
Other investing activities19 (163)
Net cash used in investing activities(2,407)(4,610)
Cash flows from financing activities
Issuance of term loans and notes, net of issuance costs1,121 3,972 
Principal repayment on term loan and notes(1,150)(1,986)
Principal repayments on Careem Notes(25) 
Principal payments on finance leases(118)(122)
Proceeds from the issuance of common stock under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan85 103 
Repurchases of common stock (697)
Other financing activities(54)40 
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities(141)1,310 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents(26)(88)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents188 1,999 

Cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents
Beginning of period6,677 7,004 
End of period$6,865 $9,003 
Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents to the condensed consolidated balance sheets
Cash and cash equivalents$4,448 $6,150 
Restricted cash and cash equivalents-current833 933 
Restricted cash and cash equivalents-non-current1,584 1,920 
Total cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents$6,865 $9,003 
Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information
Cash paid for:
Interest, net of amount capitalized$469 $399 
Income taxes, net of refunds170 242 
Non-cash investing and financing activities:
Finance lease obligations203 3 
Right-of-use assets obtained in exchange for lease obligations47 97 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed consolidated financial statements.

Note 1 – Description of Business and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Description of Business
Uber Technologies, Inc. (“Uber,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) was incorporated in Delaware in July 2010, and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. Uber is a technology platform that uses a massive network, leading technology, operational excellence and product expertise to power movement from point A to point B. Uber develops and operates proprietary technology applications supporting a variety of offerings on its platform (“platform(s)” or “Platform(s)”). Uber connects consumers (“Rider(s)”) with independent providers of ride services (“Mobility Driver(s)”) for ridesharing services, and connects Riders and other consumers (“Eaters”) with restaurants, grocers and other stores (collectively, “Merchants”) with delivery service providers (“Couriers”) for meal preparation, grocery and other delivery services. Riders and Eaters are collectively referred to as “end-user(s)” or “consumer(s).” Mobility Drivers and Couriers are collectively referred to as “Driver(s).” Uber also connects consumers with public transportation networks. Uber uses this same network, technology, operational excellence and product expertise to connect shippers (“Shipper(s)”) with carriers (“Carrier(s)”) in the freight industry. Uber is also developing technologies designed to provide new solutions to solve everyday problems.
Our technology is used around the world, principally in the United States (“U.S.”) and Canada, Latin America, Europe (excluding Russia), the Middle East, Africa, and Asia (excluding China and Southeast Asia).
Pending Acquisition of Foodpanda Taiwan
In May 2024, we entered into a definitive agreement with Delivery Hero SE (“Delivery Hero”) to acquire 100% ownership interest in Delivery Hero’s Foodpanda delivery business in Taiwan (“Foodpanda Taiwan”) for approximately $950 million in cash, on a cash and debt free basis, subject to certain adjustments. The transaction is subject to regulatory approval and other customary closing conditions, and is expected to close in the first half of 2025. In connection with the pending acquisition, we purchased ordinary shares of Delivery Hero. Refer to Note 3 – Investments and Fair Value Measurement for further details on the Delivery Hero investment.
Basis of Presentation
The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (“GAAP”) and applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) regarding interim financial reporting. The condensed consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2023 included herein was derived from the audited consolidated financial statements as of that date. Certain information and note disclosures normally included in the financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP have been condensed or omitted pursuant to such rules and regulations. As such, the information included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements and the related notes thereto as of and for the year ended December 31, 2023, included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K. The results for the interim periods are not necessarily indicative of results for the full year.
In the opinion of management, these financial statements include all adjustments, which are of a normal recurring nature, necessary for a fair statement of the financial position, results of operations, comprehensive income (loss), cash flows and the change in equity for the periods presented.
There have been no changes to our significant accounting policies described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed with the SEC on February 15, 2024 that have had a material impact on our condensed consolidated financial statements and related notes.
Prior period amounts on the condensed consolidated balance sheet, and notes thereto, have been reclassified to conform to the current period presentation. Certain insurance reserves in accrued and other current liabilities and other long-term liabilities were reclassified to short-term and long-term insurance reserves, respectively. These reclassifications had no impact on our previously reported total assets, total liabilities, results of operations, comprehensive income or net cash flows from operating, financing or investing activities.
Basis of Consolidation
Our condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Uber Technologies, Inc. and entities consolidated under the variable interest and voting models. All intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated. Refer to Note 13 – Variable Interest Entities for further information.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions, which affect the reported amounts in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Estimates are

based on historical experience, where applicable, and other assumptions which management believes are reasonable under the circumstances. On an ongoing basis, management evaluates estimates, including, but not limited to: fair values of investments and other financial instruments (including the measurement of credit or impairment losses); useful lives of amortizable long-lived assets; fair value of acquired intangible assets and related impairment assessments; impairment of goodwill; stock-based compensation; income taxes and non-income tax reserves; certain deferred tax assets and tax liabilities; insurance reserves; and other contingent liabilities. These estimates are inherently subject to judgment and actual results could differ from those estimates.
Recently Adopted Accounting Pronouncements
In June 2022, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued ASU 2022-03, “Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820): Fair Value Measurement of Equity Securities Subject to Contractual Sale Restrictions,” which clarifies that contractual sale restrictions are not considered in measuring fair value of equity securities and requires additional disclosures for equity securities subject to contractual sale restrictions. The standard is effective for public companies for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2023. We adopted the ASU on January 1, 2024. The additional required disclosures did not have a material impact on our condensed consolidated financial statements.
Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements Not Yet Adopted
In November 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-07, “Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures,” which will add required disclosures of significant expenses for each reportable segment, as well as certain other disclosures to help investors understand how the chief operating decision maker (“CODM”) evaluates segment expenses and operating results. The new standard will also allow disclosure of multiple measures of segment profitability, if those measures are used to allocate resources and assess performance. The amendments will be effective for public companies for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2023, and interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024. Early adoption is permitted. We are currently evaluating the impact of this accounting standard update on our consolidated financial statement disclosures.
In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, “Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures,” which requires disaggregated information about a reporting entity’s effective tax rate reconciliation as well as information on income taxes paid. The standard is intended to benefit investors by providing more detailed income tax disclosures that would be useful in making capital allocation decisions. The standard will be effective for public companies for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024. Early adoption is permitted. We are currently evaluating the impact of this accounting standard update on our consolidated financial statement disclosures.
Note 2 – Revenue
The following tables present our revenues disaggregated by offering and geographical region. Revenue by geographical region is based on where the transaction occurred. This level of disaggregation takes into consideration how the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows are affected by economic factors (in millions):
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Mobility revenue (1)
$5,071 $6,409 $14,295 $18,176 
Delivery revenue (1)
2,935 3,470 9,085 9,977 
Freight revenue1,286 1,309 3,965 3,866 
Total revenue$9,292 $11,188 $27,345 $32,019 
(1) We offer subscription memberships to end-users including Uber One, Uber Pass, Rides Pass, and Eats Pass (“Subscription”). We recognize Subscription fees ratably over the life of the pass. We allocate Subscription fees earned to Mobility and Delivery revenue on a proportional basis, based on usage for each offering during the respective period.
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
United States and Canada ("US&CAN")$4,940 $6,006 $15,201 $17,304 
Latin America ("LatAm")642 679 1,834 2,068 
Europe, Middle East and Africa ("EMEA")2,560 3,196 7,066 8,939 
Asia Pacific ("APAC")1,150 1,307 3,244 3,708 
Total revenue$9,292 $11,188 $27,345 $32,019 

Mobility Revenue
We derive revenue from fees paid by Mobility Drivers for the use of our platform(s) and related services to facilitate and complete Mobility services and, in certain markets, revenue from fees paid by end-users for connection services obtained via the platform. Mobility revenue also includes immaterial revenue streams such as our financial partnerships products.
Additionally, in certain markets where we are responsible for Mobility services, fees charged to end-users are also included in revenue, while payments to Drivers in exchange for Mobility services are recognized in cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization.
Delivery Revenue
We derive revenue for Delivery from Merchants’ and Couriers’ use of the Delivery platform and related service to facilitate and complete Delivery transactions and, in certain markets, revenue from fees paid by end-users for connection services obtained via the platform.
Additionally, in certain markets where we are responsible for Delivery services, delivery fees charged to end-users are also included in revenue, while payments to Couriers in exchange for Delivery services are recognized in cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization. Delivery also includes advertising revenue from sponsored listing fees paid by Merchants and brands in exchange for advertising services.
Freight Revenue
Freight revenue consists of revenue from freight transportation services provided to shippers.

Note 3 – Investments and Fair Value Measurement
Our investments on the condensed consolidated balance sheets consisted of the following (in millions):
As of
December 31, 2023September 30, 2024
Classified as short-term investments:
Marketable debt securities (1):
U.S. government and agency securities$253 $628 
Commercial paper288 864 
Corporate bonds181 1,412 
Certificates of deposit5 9 
Short-term investments$727 $2,913 
Classified as restricted investments:
Marketable debt securities (1):
U.S. government and agency securities$4,426 $5,511 
Commercial paper17 173 
Corporate bonds77 805 
Certificates of deposit259 63 
Restricted investments$4,779 $6,552 
Classified as investments:
Non-marketable equity securities:
Didi$2,245 $2,677 
Other (2)
329 635 
Marketable equity securities:
Grab1,806 2,036 
Aurora (3)
1,425 1,930 
Other170 512 
Note receivable from a related party (2)
126 131 
Investments$6,101 $7,921 
(1) Excluding marketable debt securities classified as cash equivalents and restricted cash equivalents.
(2) These balances include certain investments recorded at fair value with changes in fair value recorded in earnings due to the election of the fair value option of accounting for financial instruments.
(3) In connection with Aurora’s November 2021 initial public offering, we are subject to a lock-up agreement in which our ability to sell or transfer our shares in Aurora is partially restricted until November 2025.

Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis
The following table presents our financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis based on the three-tier fair value hierarchy (in millions):
As of December 31, 2023As of September 30, 2024
Level 1Level 2Level 3TotalLevel 1Level 2Level 3Total
Financial Assets
Money market funds$1,153 $ $ $1,153 $1,143 $ $ $1,143 
U.S. government and agency securities 4,840  4,840  6,406  6,406 
Commercial paper 351  351  1,462  1,462 
Corporate bonds 263  263  2,229  2,229 
Certificates of deposit 266  266  86  86 
Non-marketable equity securities      10 10 
Marketable equity securities3,401   3,401 4,478   4,478 
Note receivable from a related party  126 126   131 131 
Total financial assets$4,554 $5,720 $126 $10,400 $5,621 $10,183 $141 $15,945 
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we did not make any transfers into or out of Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.
Debt Securities
As of December 31, 2023, the amortized cost of our debt securities approximates fair value. We did not record any material unrealized gains or losses as of December 31, 2023.
The following table summarizes the amortized cost, unrealized gains and losses, and fair value of our debt securities (in millions):
 As of September 30, 2024
 Amortized CostUnrealized GainsUnrealized LossesFair Value
U.S. government and agency securities$6,391 $15 $ $6,406 
Commercial paper1,459 3  1,462 
Corporate bonds2,222 7  2,229 
Certificates of deposit86   86 
Total$10,158 $25 $ $10,183 
As of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024, there were no allowance for credit losses related to our debt securities. The weighted-average remaining maturity of our debt securities was less than one year as of September 30, 2024.
Derivatives Not Designated as Hedging Instruments
In the second quarter of 2024, we entered into financial derivative instruments, consisting of foreign currency contracts to mitigate the foreign currency exchange risk of our assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than the functional currency. We do not use derivatives for trading or speculative purposes. These instruments are recorded on the condensed consolidated balance sheets at fair value and classified within Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy. Gains and losses on the derivative instruments that are not designated as hedging instruments are recognized in other income (expense), net in the condensed consolidated statements of operations. The cash flows associated with our non-designated derivatives are classified in cash flows from investing activities on our condensed consolidated statements of cash flows.
As of September 30, 2024, the fair value of our outstanding derivative assets and liabilities were not material. Derivative assets are recorded in prepaid expenses and other current assets and derivative liabilities are recorded in accrued and other current liabilities on our condensed consolidated balance sheets.
We did not record any material realized or unrealized gains or losses for our financial derivative instruments during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024.
We have master netting arrangements with certain counterparties to our foreign currency exchange contracts, which are designed to reduce credit risk by permitting net settlement of transactions with the same counterparty. We have elected to present the derivative assets and derivative liabilities on a gross basis on our condensed consolidated balance sheets. As of September 30, 2024, there were no rights of set-off associated with our foreign currency exchange contracts.

The total notional amount of outstanding derivatives not designated as hedging instruments was $1.3 billion as of September 30, 2024.
Delivery Hero Investment
In May 2024, we paid $300 million to purchase approximately 8.4 million newly issued ordinary shares of Delivery Hero. In connection with the Delivery Hero investment, we entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Foodpanda Taiwan. Refer to Note 1 – Description of Business and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies for further details on the pending acquisition.
As of September 30, 2024, our investment in Delivery Hero was classified as a marketable equity security with a readily determinable fair value (Level 1) measured at fair value on a recurring basis. We recognized an unrealized gain of $141 million and $113 million on this investment in other income (expense), net in our condensed consolidated statements of operations during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively.
Fair Value Hierarchy
We measure our cash equivalents and certain investments at fair value. Level 1 instrument valuations are based on quoted market prices of the identical underlying security. Level 2 instrument valuations are obtained from readily available pricing sources for comparable instruments, identical instruments in less active markets, or models using market observable inputs. Level 3 instrument valuations are based on unobservable inputs and other estimation techniques due to the absence of quoted market prices, inherent lack of liquidity and the long-term nature of such financial instruments.
As of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024, our Level 3 non-marketable equity securities and note receivable from a related party primarily consist of common stock investments and convertible secured notes that may be converted into common or preferred stock in privately held companies without readily determinable fair values.
Depending on the investee’s financing activity in a reporting period, management’s estimate of fair value may be primarily derived from the investee’s financing transactions, such as the issuance of preferred stock to new investors. The price in these transactions generally provides the best indication of the enterprise value of the investee. Additionally, based on the timing, volume, and other characteristics of the transaction, we may supplement this information by using other valuation techniques, including the guideline public company approach. The guideline public company approach relies on publicly available market data of comparable companies and uses comparative valuation multiples of the investee’s revenue (actual and forecasted), and therefore, unobservable input used in this valuation technique primarily consists of short-term revenue projections.
Once the fair value of the investee is estimated, an option-pricing model (“OPM”), a common stock equivalent (“CSE”) method or a hybrid approach is employed to allocate value to various classes of securities of the investee, including the class owned by us. The model involves making assumptions around the investees’ expected time to liquidity and volatility.
An increase or decrease in any of the unobservable inputs in isolation, such as the security price in a significant financing transaction of the investee, could result in a material increase or decrease in our estimate of fair value. Other unobservable inputs, including short-term revenue projections, time to liquidity, and volatility are less sensitive to the valuation in the respective reporting periods, as a result of the primary weighting on the investee’s financing transactions. In the future, depending on the weight of evidence and valuation approaches used, these or other inputs may have a more significant impact on our estimate of fair value.
We determine realized gains or losses on the sale of equity and debt securities on a specific identification method.
Financial Assets Measured at Fair Value Using Level 3 Inputs
The following table presents a reconciliation of our financial assets measured and recorded at fair value on a recurring basis as of September 30, 2024, using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) (in millions):
Non-marketable Equity SecuritiesNote Receivable
Balance as of December 31, 2023$ $126 
Change in fair value
Included in earnings10 5 
Balance as of September 30, 2024$10 $131 
Assets Measured at Fair Value on a Non-Recurring Basis
Non-Financial Assets
Our non-financial assets, such as goodwill, intangible assets and property and equipment are adjusted to fair value when an impairment charge is recognized. Such fair value measurements are based predominantly on Level 3 inputs.
Non-Marketable Equity Securities
Our non-marketable equity securities are investments in privately held companies without readily determinable fair values. The

carrying value of our non-marketable equity securities are adjusted based on price changes from observable transactions of identical or similar securities of the same issuer (referred to as the measurement alternative) or for impairment. Any changes in carrying value are recorded within other income (expense), net in the condensed consolidated statements of operations. Certain non-marketable equity securities are classified within Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy because we estimate the fair value of these securities based on valuation methods, including the CSE and OPM methods, using the transaction price of similar securities issued by the investee adjusted for contractual rights and obligations of the securities we hold.
Didi Investment
As of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024, we measured the fair value of our Didi investment based on the closing share price of the Didi American Depositary Shares on the over-the-counter market as an observable transaction for similar securities. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, we recognized an unrealized gain of $132 million and $29 million, respectively, in other income (expense), net in our condensed consolidated statements of operations. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recognized an unrealized gain of $322 million and $432 million, respectively, in other income (expense), net in our condensed consolidated statements of operations.
We did not record any other material unrealized or realized gains or losses for our non-marketable equity securities measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2024.
The following table summarizes the total carrying value of our non-marketable equity securities measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis held, including cumulative unrealized upward and downward adjustments made to the initial cost basis of the securities (in millions):
As of
December 31, 2023September 30, 2024
Initial cost basis$1,727 $2,030 
Upward adjustments1,960 2,459 
Downward adjustments (including impairment)(1,113)(1,187)
Total carrying value at the end of the period$2,574 $3,302 
Note 4 – Equity Method Investments
The carrying value of our equity method investments were as follows (in millions):
As of
December 31, 2023September 30, 2024
Careem Technologies$300 $258 
Other53 56 
Total equity method investments$353 $314 
MLU B.V. Investment
During 2018, we closed a transaction that contributed the net assets of our Uber/CIS operations into a newly formed private limited liability company (“MLU B.V.”), with Yandex N.V. (“Yandex”) and us holding ownership interests in MLU B.V.
Sale of Our Remaining Interest in MLU B.V.
On April 21, 2023, we entered into and closed on a definitive agreement to sell our remaining 29% equity interest in MLU B.V. to Yandex for $703 million in cash and recognized an immaterial loss from this transaction recorded in other income (expense), net in our condensed consolidated statement of operations during the nine months ended September 30, 2023. After this transaction, we no longer had an equity interest in MLU B.V.
As part of our sale of our remaining interest in MLU B.V. to Yandex during the second quarter of 2023, we recognized an immaterial gain in other income (expense), net in our condensed consolidated statement of operations during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 related to an extinguished option we had granted to Yandex to acquire our remaining equity interest in MLU B.V.
Note 5 – Goodwill and Intangible Assets
The following table presents the changes in the carrying value of goodwill by segment for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 (in millions):

MobilityDeliveryFreightTotal Goodwill
Balance as of December 31, 2023$2,337 $4,369 $1,445 $8,151 
Foreign currency translation adjustment(60) (5)(65)
Balance as of September 30, 2024$2,277 $4,369 $1,440 $8,086 
Intangible Assets
The components of intangible assets, net were as follows (in millions, except years):
Gross Carrying ValueAccumulated AmortizationNet Carrying ValueWeighted Average Remaining Useful Life - Years
December 31, 2023
Consumer, Merchant and other relationships$1,800 $(697)$1,103 8
Developed technology890 (621)269 5
Trade name, trademarks and other154 (101)53 4
Intangible assets$2,844 $(1,419)$1,425 
Gross Carrying Value
Accumulated Amortization
Net Carrying Value
Weighted Average Remaining Useful Life - Years
September 30, 2024
Consumer, Merchant and other relationships$1,791 $(843)$948 8
Developed technology890 (677)213 4
Trade name, trademarks and other146 (115)31 4
Intangible assets$2,827 $(1,635)$1,192 
Amortization expense for intangible assets subject to amortization was $89 million and $73 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023 and 2024, respectively. Amortization expense for intangible assets subject to amortization was $274 million and $228 million for nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2024, respectively.
The estimated aggregate future amortization expense for intangible assets subject to amortization as of September 30, 2024 is summarized below (in millions):
Estimated Future Amortization Expense
Year Ending December 31,
Remainder of 2024$66 

Note 6 – Long-Term Debt and Revolving Credit Arrangements
Components of debt, including the associated effective interest rates and maturities were as follows (in millions, except for percentages):
As of
December 31, 2023September 30, 2024Effective Interest RatesMaturities
2030 Senior Note$ $1,250 4.5 %January 15, 2030
2034 Senior Note 1,500 4.9 %September 15, 2034
2054 Senior Note 1,250 5.4 %September 15, 2054
2030 Refinanced Term Loans1,986   %
2026 Senior Note (1)
1,500 1,500 8.1 %November 1, 2026
2027 Senior Note (2)
1,200 1,200 7.7 %September 15, 2027
2028 Senior Note500 500 7.0 %January 15, 2028
2029 Senior Note1,500 1,500 4.7 %August 15, 2029
2025 Convertible Notes1,150 1,150 0.2 %December 15, 2025
2028 Convertible Notes1,725 1,725 1.1 %December 1, 2028
Total debt9,561 11,575 
Less: unamortized discount and issuance costs(77)(89)
Less: current portion of long-term debt (2)
Total long-term debt$9,459 $10,986 
(1) On October 2, 2024, we exercised the call option to redeem the $1.5 billion 2026 Senior Note, with the redemption scheduled for November 1, 2024.
(2) On September 12, 2024, we exercised the call option for a partial redemption of the 2027 Senior Note. As a result, we reclassified the $500 million called for redemption from long-term debt to accrued and other current liabilities on our condensed consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2024. The partial redemption was completed on October 3, 2024.
2030, 2034, and 2054 Senior Notes
On September 9, 2024, we completed a registered public offering of $1.25 billion aggregate principal amount of our 4.30% Senior Note due on January 15, 2030 (the “2030 Senior Note”), $1.5 billion aggregate principal amount of our 4.80% Senior Note due on September 15, 2034 (the “2034 Senior Note”), and $1.25 billion aggregate principal amount of our 5.35% Senior Note due on September 15, 2054 (the “2054 Senior Note” and, together with the 2030 Senior Note and the 2034 Senior Note, the “Notes”). The Notes are our senior unsecured debt obligations and the entire principal amounts of the Notes are due at the respective maturity dates and therefore, the Notes are classified as long-term.
Interest on the 2030 Senior Note is payable semi-annually in arrears on January 15 and July 15 of each year at 4.30% per annum, beginning January 15, 2025. Interest on the 2034 Senior Note and 2054 Senior Note is payable semi-annually in arrears on March 15 and September 15 of each year at 4.80% and 5.35% per annum, respectively, beginning March 15, 2025.
The indentures governing the Notes contain customary covenants restricting our and certain of our subsidiaries’ ability to incur debt and incur liens, as well as certain financial covenants specified in the indentures. We were in compliance with all covenants as of September 30, 2024.
As of September 30, 2024, the fair value of the 2030 Senior Note, 2034 Senior Note, and 2054 Senior Note was $1.2 billion, $1.5 billion, and $1.2 billion, respectively, and was determined based on quoted prices in markets that are not active, which is considered a Level 2 valuation input.
2030 Refinanced Term Loans
In September 2024, we used a portion of the net proceeds from our Notes offering, discussed above, to repay, in full, all loans outstanding under our term loan agreement, of which approximately $1.97 billion aggregate principal amount was outstanding as of June 30, 2024. As a result, we recognized an immaterial loss on debt extinguishment for the three months ended September 30, 2024 in other income (expense), net in our condensed consolidated statements of operations.

In March 2023, we entered into two refinancing transactions pursuant to an amendment to the 2016 Senior Secured Term Loan Agreement. On March 3, 2023, we entered into a refinancing transaction under which we borrowed $1.75 billion (“First Closing”), the proceeds of which were used to repay in full the outstanding 2025 Refinanced Term Loan of $1.4 billion and $317 million of the outstanding 2027 Refinanced Term Loan. On March 14, 2023, we entered into the second refinancing transaction under which we borrowed $761 million (“Second Closing”), the proceeds of which were used to repay in full the outstanding 2027 Refinanced Term Loan. The Second Closing constituted an additional term loan in the same tranche as the First Closing (collectively, the “2030 Refinanced Term Loans”). In November 2023, we used a portion of the net proceeds from our 2028 Convertible Notes offering, described below, to pay down $500 million of our 2030 Refinanced Term Loans. The partial extinguishment did not result in any changes to the terms of our 2030 Refinanced Term Loans.
The 2030 Refinanced Term Loans had a maturity date of March 3, 2030. The interest rate for the 2030 Refinanced Term Loans was Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) subject to a floor of 0.00%, plus 2.75% per annum. The refinancing transactions qualified as both a debt modification and debt extinguishment. As a result, we recognized an immaterial loss on debt extinguishment during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 in other income (expense), net, in our condensed consolidated statement of operations. The refinancing transactions resulted in: (i) $1.1 billion cash inflow from the issuance of the 2030 Refinanced Term Loans, net of issuance costs, from new lenders and additional principal from existing lenders; (ii) a $1.1 billion cash outflow of principal payments on the 2025 Refinanced Term Loan and 2027 Refinanced Term Loan to exiting lenders and lower principal from existing lenders. The cash inflow and cash outflow were recorded within cash flows from financing activities in our condensed statement of cash flows during the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
2025 Convertible Notes
In December 2020, we issued $1.15 billion aggregate principal amount of 0% convertible senior notes due in 2025 (the “2025 Convertible Notes”), including the exercise in full by the initial purchasers of the 2025 Convertible Notes of their option to purchase up to an additional $150 million principal amount of the 2025 Convertible Notes. The 2025 Convertible Notes were issued in a private placement to qualified institutional buyers pursuant to Rule144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”). The 2025 Convertible Notes will mature on December 15, 2025, unless earlier converted, redeemed or repurchased.
Holders of the 2025 Convertible Notes may convert their notes at their option at any time prior to the close of business on the business day immediately preceding September 15, 2025 only under the following circumstances: (i) during any calendar quarter commencing after the calendar quarter ending on March 31, 2021 (and only during such calendar quarter), if the last reported sale price of our common stock for at least 20 trading days (whether or not consecutive) during a period of 30 consecutive trading days ending on, and including, the last trading day of the immediately preceding calendar quarter is greater than or equal to 130% of the conversion price on each applicable trading day; (ii) during the five business day period after any ten consecutive trading day period (the “2025 Convertible Notes measurement period”) in which the trading price (as defined in the indenture governing the 2025 Convertible Notes) per $1,000 principal amount of notes for each trading day of the 2025 Convertible Notes measurement period was less than 98% of the product of the last reported sale price of our common stock and the conversion rate on each such trading day; (iii) if we call such notes for redemption, at any time prior to the close of business on the scheduled trading day immediately preceding the applicable redemption date; or (iv) upon the occurrence of specified corporate events. On or after September 15, 2025 until the close of business on the second scheduled trading day immediately preceding the maturity date, holders may convert all or any portion of their notes at any time, regardless of the foregoing circumstances.
As of September 30, 2024, none of the conditions permitting the holders of the 2025 Convertible Notes to convert their notes early had been met. Therefore, the 2025 Convertible Notes are classified as long-term.
The initial conversion rate is 12.3701 shares of common stock per $1,000 principal amount of notes, equivalent to an initial conversion price of approximately $80.84 per share of common stock. The conversion rate will be subject to adjustment in some events but will not be adjusted for any accrued and unpaid special interest.
Upon conversion of the 2025 Convertible Notes, we will pay or deliver, as the case may be, cash, shares of our common stock or a combination of cash and shares of our common stock, at our election. We may redeem for cash all or any portion of the notes, at our option if the last reported sale price of our common stock has been at least 130% of the conversion price then in effect for at least 20 trading days (whether or not consecutive) during any 30 consecutive trading day period (including the last trading day of such period) ending on, and including, the trading day immediately preceding the date on which we provide notice of redemption at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the notes to be redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid special interest, if any, to, but excluding, the redemption date.
The indenture governing the 2025 Convertible Notes does not contain any financial or operating covenants or restrictions on the payments of dividends, the incurrence of indebtedness or the issuance or repurchase of securities by us or any of our subsidiaries.
The fair value of our 2025 Convertible Notes was $1.3 billion as of September 30, 2024 and was determined based on quoted prices in markets that are not active, which is considered a Level 2 valuation input.
Amendments to 2025 Convertible Notes

On November 24, 2023, we entered into the First Supplemental Indenture (the “First Supplemental Indenture”), to an indenture, dated as of December 11, 2020 (the “Base Indenture”), by and between us and the U.S. Bank Trust Company, National Association, as trustee, governing our outstanding 2025 Convertible Notes. Pursuant to the First Supplemental Indenture, we irrevocably elected (i) to eliminate our option to choose Physical Settlement (as defined in the Base Indenture) on any conversion of the 2025 Convertible Notes that occurs on or after the date of the First Supplemental Indenture, (ii) Cash Settlement or Combination Settlement (each as defined in the Base Indenture) as the Settlement Method of any conversion of the 2025 Convertible Notes and (iii) that, with respect to any Combination Settlement for a conversion of the 2025 Convertible Notes, the Specified Dollar Amount (as defined in the Base Indenture) that will be settled in cash per $1,000 principal amount of the 2025 Convertible Notes will be no lower than $1,000.
2028 Convertible Notes and Capped Call Transactions
2028 Convertible Notes
In November 2023, we issued $1.73 billion aggregate principal amount of 0.875% convertible senior notes due in 2028 (the “2028 Convertible Notes”), including the exercise in full by the initial purchasers of the 2028 Convertible Notes of their option to purchase up to an additional $225 million principal amount of the 2028 Convertible Notes. The 2028 Convertible Notes were issued in a private placement to qualified institutional buyers pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act. The interest is payable semi-annually in arrears on June 1 and December 1 of each year, beginning on June 1, 2024, and the notes will mature on December 1, 2028, unless earlier converted, redeemed or repurchased. The net proceeds from this offering were approximately $1.70 billion, after deducting the debt issuance costs. We used a portion of the net proceeds from this offering to fund the cost of entering into the capped call transactions, described below. Additionally, we used the remainder of the net proceeds, along with cash on hand, to redeem all of our outstanding 2025 Senior Notes and partially pay down our 2030 Refinanced Term Loans.
Holders of the 2028 Convertible Notes may convert their notes at their option at any time prior to the close of business on the business day immediately preceding September 1, 2028 only under the following circumstances: (i) during any calendar quarter commencing after the calendar quarter ending on March 31, 2024 (and only during such calendar quarter), if the last reported sale price of our common stock for at least 20 trading days (whether or not consecutive) during the period of 30 consecutive trading days ending on, and including, the last trading day of the immediately preceding calendar quarter is greater than or equal to 130% of the conversion price on each applicable trading day; (ii) during the five business day period after any ten consecutive trading day period (the “2028 Convertible Notes measurement period”) in which the trading price (as defined in the indenture governing the 2028 Convertible Notes) per $1,000 principal amount of notes for each trading day of the 2028 Convertible Notes measurement period was less than 98% of the product of the last reported sale price of our common stock and the conversion rate on each such trading day; (iii) if we call such notes for redemption, at any time prior to the close of business on the scheduled trading day immediately preceding the applicable redemption date; or (iv) upon the occurrence of specified corporate events. On or after September 1, 2028 until the close of business on the second scheduled trading day immediately preceding the maturity date, holders may convert all or any portion of their notes at any time, regardless of the foregoing circumstances.
As of September 30, 2024, none of the conditions permitting the holders of the 2028 Convertible Notes to convert their notes early had been met. Therefore, the 2028 Convertible Notes are classified as long-term.
The initial conversion rate is 13.7848 shares of the common stock per $1,000 principal amount of notes, equivalent to an initial conversion price of approximately $72.54 per share of the common stock. The conversion rate will be subject to adjustment in some events but will not be adjusted for any accrued and unpaid interest.
Upon conversion of the 2028 Convertible Notes, we must pay cash up to the aggregate principal amount of the notes to be converted and pay or deliver as the case may be, cash, shares of our common stock, or a combination of cash and shares of our common stock, at our election in respect of the remainder, if any, of our conversion obligation in excess of the aggregate principal amount of the notes being converted.
We may not redeem the notes prior to December 5, 2026. We may redeem for cash all or any portion of the notes, at our option, on or after December 5, 2026, if the last reported sale price of our common stock has been at least 130% of the conversion price then in effect for at least 20 trading days (whether or not consecutive) during any 30 consecutive trading day period (including the last trading day of such period) ending on, and including, the trading day immediately preceding the date on which we provide notice of redemption at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the notes to be redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to, but excluding, the redemption date.
The indenture governing the 2028 Convertible Notes does not contain any financial or operating covenants or restrictions on the payments of dividends, the incurrence of indebtedness or the issuance or repurchase of securities by us or any of our subsidiaries.
The fair value of our 2028 Convertible Notes was $2.2 billion as of September 30, 2024 and was determined based on quoted prices in markets that are not active, which is considered a Level 2 valuation input.
Capped Calls
In connection with the issuance of the 2028 Convertible Notes, we entered into privately negotiated capped call transactions (“the Capped Calls”) with certain of the initial purchasers of the 2028 Convertible Notes or their respective affiliates (the “option

counterparties”) at a cost of approximately $141 million. The Capped Calls cover, subject to anti-dilution adjustments, the number of shares of our common stock initially underlying the 2028 Convertible Notes. By entering into the Capped Calls, we expect to reduce the potential dilution to our common stock (or, in the event a conversion of the 2028 Convertible Notes is settled in cash, to reduce our cash payment obligation) in the event that at the time of conversion of the 2028 Convertible Notes the trading price of our common stock price exceeds the conversion price of the 2028 Convertible Notes.
The initial cap price of the Capped Calls was approximately $95.81 per share, which represents a premium of 75% over the last reported sale price of our common stock of $54.75 on the New York Stock Exchange on November 20, 2023, and is subject to certain adjustments under the terms of the Capped Calls. The Capped Calls were included in additional paid-in capital in the condensed consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2023, with no remeasurement in subsequent periods as it meets the conditions for equity classification.
Senior Notes
On September 12, 2024, we exercised the call option for a partial redemption of the 2027 Senior Note. As a result, we reclassified the $500 million called for redemption from long-term debt to accrued and other current liabilities on our condensed consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2024. The partial redemption was completed on October 3, 2024. In addition, on October 2, 2024, we exercised the call option to redeem the $1.5 billion 2026 Senior Note, with the redemption scheduled for November 1, 2024.
The 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029 Senior Notes (collectively “Senior Notes”) are guaranteed by certain of our material domestic restricted subsidiaries. The indentures governing the Senior Notes contain customary covenants restricting our and certain of our subsidiaries’ ability to incur debt and incur liens, as well as certain financial covenants specified in the indentures. We were in compliance with all covenants as of September 30, 2024.
The following table presents the fair values of our Senior Notes as of September 30, 2024, and were determined based on quoted prices in markets that are not active, which is considered a Level 2 valuation input (in millions):
As of September 30, 2024
2026 Senior Note$1,503 
2027 Senior Note1,223 
2028 Senior Note506 
2029 Senior Note1,488 
The following table presents the amount of interest expense recognized relating to the contractual interest coupon and amortization of the debt discount and issuance costs with respect to our long-term debt, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2024 (in millions):
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Contractual interest coupon$147 $124 $439 $371 
Amortization of debt discount and issuance costs4 4 14 12 
Total interest expense from long-term debt$151 $128 $453 $383 
Credit Agreement
On September 26, 2024, we entered into a Credit Agreement (the “Credit Agreement”) which replaced the existing Revolving Credit Facility initially entered into in 2015.
The Credit Agreement provides for $5.0 billion in aggregate amount of commitments for senior unsecured revolving loans, which will mature on September 26, 2029, unless otherwise extended in accordance with the terms of the Credit Agreement. The Credit Agreement provides that we may obtain, subject to the satisfaction of customary conditions, loans in U.S. Dollars or certain alternate currencies. Proceeds from any borrowings under the Credit Agreement may be used for general corporate purposes. The Credit Agreement is unsecured and is not guaranteed by any of our subsidiaries. The Credit Agreement contains customary covenants restricting our and certain of our subsidiaries’ ability to incur debt, incur liens, and undergo certain fundamental changes. The Credit Agreement also contains customary events of default. We were in compliance with all covenants in the Credit Agreement as of September 30, 2024.
Loans under the Credit Agreement will bear interest, at our option, at either the term SOFR rate (determined in accordance with the Credit Agreement) plus an initial margin of 1.00% per annum or the base rate (determined in accordance with the Credit Agreement) plus an initial margin of 0.00% per annum. The Credit Agreement has a commitment fee, which will initially accrue at a rate of 0.125% per annum, on the actual daily undrawn amount of the aggregate commitments of the lenders in respect to the Credit

Agreement. The applicable margin over the term SOFR rate and the base rate, as well as the commitment fee, will fluctuate based upon the ratings of our non-credit enhanced senior unsecured long-term debt.
At closing, approximately $413 million of letters of credit were issued under the Credit Agreement, transitioned from outstanding letters of credit under the existing Revolving Credit Facility. As of September 30, 2024, there was no balance outstanding on the Credit Agreement.
Revolving Credit Arrangements
We had a revolving credit agreement initially entered into during 2015 with certain lenders, which provided for $2.3 billion in credit maturing on June 13, 2023 (“Revolving Credit Facility”). On April 4, 2022, we entered into an amendment to our Revolving Credit Facility to, among other things, (i) provide for approximately $2.2 billion of revolving credit commitments, (ii) extend the maturity date for the commitments and loans from June 13, 2023 to April 4, 2027, (iii) reduce the minimum liquidity covenant from $1.5 billion to $1.0 billion, (iv) replace the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) based interest rate with a SOFR based interest rate, and (v) make certain other changes to the negative covenants under the amended revolving credit agreement. The Revolving Credit Facility may be guaranteed by certain of our material domestic restricted subsidiaries based on certain conditions. The credit agreement contained customary covenants restricting our and certain of our subsidiaries’ ability to incur debt, incur liens, and undergo certain fundamental changes, as well as maintain a certain level of liquidity specified in the contractual agreement. The credit agreement also contained customary events of default. The Revolving Credit Facility also contained restrictions on the payment of dividends. On July 28, 2023, we entered into a joinder agreement to our Revolving Credit Facility to add an incremental revolving loan lender and increase the available commitments under the Revolving Credit Facility by an aggregate principal amount of $250 million. The joinder agreement brought the total revolver capacity to approximately $2.5 billion.
In February 2023, Uber Freight Holding Corporation (“Freight Holding”) entered into a $300 million senior secured asset-based revolving credit facility guaranteed by the assets of Freight Holding. As of September 30, 2024, there was no balance outstanding on Freight Holding’s revolving credit facility.
Letters of Credit
For purposes of securing obligations related to leases, insurance contracts, and other contractual obligations, we also maintain an agreement for letters of credit. As of December 31, 2023, we had letters of credit outstanding of $975 million. The letters of credit that reduced the available credit under the previous Revolving Credit Facility were $287 million. As of September 30, 2024, we had letters of credit outstanding of $1.4 billion. The letters of credit that reduced the available credit under the new Credit Agreement were $414 million.

Note 7 – Supplemental Financial Statement Information
Prepaid Expenses and Other Current Assets
Prepaid expenses and other current assets were as follows (in millions):
As of
December 31, 2023September 30, 2024
Prepaid expenses$400 $467 
Other receivables717 468 
Other564 681 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets$1,681 $1,616 
Accrued and Other Current Liabilities
Accrued and other current liabilities were as follows (in millions):
As of
December 31, 2023September 30, 2024
Accrued legal, regulatory and non-income taxes$1,044 $1,435 
Accrued Drivers and Merchants liability1,996 2,080 
Accrued compensation and employee benefits710 554 
Income and other tax liabilities684 729 
Commitment to issue unsecured convertible notes in connection with Careem acquisition128 128 
Other1,835 2,406 
Accrued and other current liabilities$6,397 $7,332 
Other Long-Term Liabilities
Other long-term liabilities were as follows (in millions):
As of
December 31, 2023September 30, 2024
Deferred tax liabilities$56 $155 
Other589 483 
Other long-term liabilities$645 $638 
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
The changes in composition of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax, were as follows (in millions):
Foreign Currency Translation AdjustmentsUnrealized Gains (Losses) on Available-for-Sale Securities, Net of TaxTotal
Balance as of December 31, 2022$(443)$ $(443)
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications(175)(2)(177)
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (1)
140  140 
Other comprehensive income (loss)(35)(2)(37)
Balance as of September 30, 2023$(478)$(2)$(480)
(1) The amounts were reported as part of the loss from the sale of our remaining interest in MLU B.V., which was recorded in other income (expense), net in our condensed consolidated statements of operations during the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Refer to Note 4 – Equity Method Investments for further information.

Foreign Currency Translation AdjustmentsUnrealized Gains (Losses) on Available-for-Sale Securities, Net of TaxTotal
Balance as of December 31, 2023$(426)$5 $(421)
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications(22)19 (3)
Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)   
Other comprehensive income (loss)(22)19 (3)
Balance as of September 30, 2024$(448)$24 $(424)
Other Income (Expense), Net
The components of other income (expense), net were as follows (in millions):
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Interest income$130 $195 $324 $530 
Foreign currency exchange gains (losses), net(92)25 (185)(222)
Unrealized gain (loss) on debt and equity securities, net (1)
(96)1,664 610 1,276 
Loss from sale of investment (2)
Other, net6 (33)(162)9 
Other income (expense), net$(52)$1,851 $513 $1,593 
(1) During the three months ended September 30, 2023, unrealized loss on debt and equity securities, net represents changes in the fair value of our equity securities, primarily including: a $194 million unrealized loss on our Aurora investment, a $97 million unrealized loss on our Joby investment, partially offset by a $132 million unrealized gain on our Didi investment, and a $59 million unrealized gain on our Grab investment.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2023, unrealized gain on debt and equity securities, net represents changes in the fair value of our equity securities, primarily including: a $327 million unrealized gain on our Aurora investment, a $171 million unrealized gain on our Grab investment, a $79 million unrealized gain on our Joby investment, and a $29 million unrealized gain on our Didi investment.
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, unrealized gain on debt and equity securities, net represents changes in the fair value of our equity securities, primarily including: a $1.0 billion unrealized gain on our Aurora investment, a $322 million unrealized gain on our Didi investment, a $141 million unrealized gain on our Delivery Hero investment, and a $134 million unrealized gain on our Grab investment.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, unrealized gain on debt and equity securities, net represents changes in the fair value of our equity securities, primarily including: a $505 million unrealized gain on our Aurora investment, a $432 million gain on our Didi investment, a $230 million gain on our Grab investment, and a $113 million unrealized gain on our Delivery Hero investment.
(2) Refer to Note 4 – Equity Method Investments for further information.

Note 8 – Stockholders' Equity
Equity Compensation Plans
We maintain four equity compensation plans that provide for the issuance of shares of our common stock to our officers and other employees, directors, and consultants: the 2010 Stock Plan (the “2010 Plan”), the 2013 Equity Incentive Plan (the “2013 Plan”), the 2019 Equity Incentive Plan (the “2019 Plan”), and the 2019 Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the “ESPP”), which have all been approved by stockholders. Following our initial public offering (“IPO”) in May 2019, we have only issued awards under the 2019 Plan and the ESPP, and no additional awards will be granted under the 2010 and 2013 Plans. These plans provide for the issuance of incentive stock options (“ISOs”), nonqualified stock options (“NSOs”), stock appreciation rights (“SARs”), restricted stock awards, restricted stock units (“RSUs”), performance-based awards, and other awards (that are based in whole or in part by reference to our common stock).
Stock Option and SAR Activity
A summary of stock option and SAR activity for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 is as follows (in millions, except share amounts which are reflected in thousands, per share amounts, and years):
SARs Outstanding Number of SARsOptions Outstanding Number of SharesWeighted-Average Exercise Price Per ShareWeighted-Average Remaining Contractual Life (in years)Aggregate Intrinsic Value
As of December 31, 2023123 12,641 $20.03 2.79$535 
Granted 227 $81.03 
Canceled and forfeited (537)$32.47 
As of September 30, 202438 5,520 $24.52 3.36$283 
Vested and expected to vest as of September 30, 202438 4,494 $20.13 2.85$249 
Exercisable as of September 30, 202438 4,494 $20.13 2.85$249 
RSU Activity
The following table summarizes the activity related to our RSUs for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 (in thousands, except per share amounts):
Number of SharesWeighted-Average
 Grant-Date Fair
 Value per Share
Unvested and outstanding as of December 31, 202390,827 $34.49 
Granted26,562 $75.20 
Canceled and forfeited(7,768)$39.07 
Unvested and outstanding as of September 30, 202475,986 $46.88 
Stock-Based Compensation Expense
Stock-based compensation expense is allocated based on the cost center to which the award holder belongs. The following table summarizes total stock-based compensation expense by function (in millions):
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Operations and support$49 $50 $132 $171 
Sales and marketing24 23 74 68 
Research and development310 268 917 844 
General and administrative109 97 343 294 
Total$492 $438 $1,466 $1,377 
As of September 30, 2024, there was $3.4 billion of unamortized compensation costs related to all unvested awards. The unamortized compensation costs are expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of approximately 2.69 years.

The tax benefits recognized in the condensed consolidated statements of operations for stock-based compensation arrangements were not material during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2024.
Share Repurchase Program
In February 2024, our board of directors authorized the repurchase of up to $7.0 billion in shares of our outstanding common stock (the “Share Repurchase Program”). The timing, manner, price and amount of any repurchases are determined by the discretion of management, depending on market conditions and other factors. Repurchases may be made through open market purchases and accelerated share repurchases. The exact number of shares to be repurchased by us, if any, is not guaranteed. Depending on market conditions and other factors, these repurchases may be commenced or suspended at any time or periodically without prior notice.
During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, we repurchased, and subsequently retired, 5.3 million and 10.1 million shares of common stock, respectively, for $375 million and $701 million, respectively, including broker commissions and fees. As of September 30, 2024, we had $6.3 billion available to repurchase shares pursuant to the Share Repurchase Program.
The Inflation Reduction Act imposed a nondeductible 1% excise tax on the net value of certain stock repurchases. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the excise tax on net share repurchases was not material.
Note 9 – Income Taxes
We compute our quarterly income tax expense/(benefit) by using a forecasted annual effective tax rate and adjust for any discrete items arising during the quarter. We recorded an income tax expense/(benefit) of $(40) million and $80 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively, and $158 million and $244 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, the income tax expense/(benefit) was primarily driven by our foreign operations. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the income tax expense was primarily driven by the current tax on our earnings and the deferred U.S. tax impact related to our investments in Aurora, Didi, and Grab. The primary differences between the effective tax rate and the federal statutory tax rate are due to the valuation allowance on our U.S. and Netherlands' deferred tax assets and foreign tax rate differences.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the amount of gross unrecognized tax benefits increased by $185 million, of which an immaterial amount would impact the effective tax rate due to the valuation allowance against certain deferred tax assets.
We are subject to taxation in the U.S. and various state and foreign jurisdictions. We are also under routine examination by federal, various state and foreign tax authorities. We believe that adequate amounts have been reserved in these jurisdictions. To the extent we have tax attribute carryforwards, the tax years in which the attribute was generated may still be adjusted upon examination by the federal, state or foreign tax authorities to the extent utilized in a future period. For our major tax jurisdictions, the tax years 2004 through 2024 remain open; the major tax jurisdictions are the U.S., Brazil, Netherlands, and the United Kingdom (“UK”).
Although the timing of the resolution and/or closure of audits is highly uncertain, it is reasonably possible that the balance of gross unrecognized tax benefits could significantly change in the next 12 months. Given the number of years remaining subject to examination and the number of matters being examined, we are unable to estimate the full range of possible adjustments to the balance of gross unrecognized tax benefits. Any changes to unrecognized tax benefits recorded as of September 30, 2024 that are reasonably possible to occur within the next 12 months are not expected to be material.
In the event we experience an ownership change within the meaning of Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”), our ability to utilize net operating losses, tax credits and other tax attributes may be limited. The most recent analysis of our historical ownership changes was completed through September 30, 2024. Based on the analysis, we do not anticipate a current limitation on the tax attributes.
Based on available evidence, management believes it is not more-likely-than-not that the net U.S., Netherlands, and other non-material jurisdictions’ deferred tax assets will be fully realizable. In these jurisdictions, we have recorded a valuation allowance against net deferred tax assets. We regularly review the deferred tax assets for recoverability based on historical taxable income, projected future taxable income, excess tax benefits related to stock-based compensation, the expected timing of the reversals of existing taxable temporary differences and tax planning strategies by jurisdiction. Our judgment regarding future profitability may change due to many factors, including future market conditions and the ability to successfully execute our business plans and/or tax planning strategies.
Based on our assessment of current income and anticipated future earnings, there is a reasonable possibility that we will have sufficient evidence to release a significant portion of the valuation allowance in the U.S. within the next 12 months. However, our judgment regarding future earnings and the exact timing and amount of any valuation allowance release are subject to change due

to many factors, including future market conditions, the ability to successfully execute our business plans, and the amount of stock-based compensation tax deductions available in the future.
In addition, there is a reasonable possibility that we will have sufficient evidence to release a significant portion of the valuation allowance in the Netherlands within the next 12 months. However, our judgment regarding future earnings and the exact timing and amount of any valuation allowance release are subject to change due to many factors, including future market conditions and the ability to successfully execute our business plans.
Release of the valuation allowance would result in the recognition of net deferred tax assets on our consolidated balance sheet and would result in an income tax benefit in the period the release is recorded.
Note 10 – Net Income (Loss) Per Share
Basic net income (loss) per share is computed by dividing net income (loss) by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding for the periods presented. Diluted net income (loss) per share is computed by giving effect to all potential weighted average dilutive common stock. For diluted net income (loss) per share, the dilutive effect of outstanding awards is reflected by application of the treasury stock method and convertible securities by application of the if-converted method, as applicable.
We take into account the effect on consolidated net income (loss) per share of dilutive securities of entities in which we hold equity interests that are accounted for using the equity method.

The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted net income (loss) per share attributable to common stockholders (in millions, except share amounts which are reflected in thousands, and per share amounts):
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Basic net income per share:
Net income including non-controlling interests$219 $2,599 $456 $2,944 
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax(2)(13)(2)(29)
          Net income attributable to common stockholders$221 $2,612 $458 $2,973 
Basic weighted-average common stock outstanding2,044,688 2,101,660 2,027,148 2,090,809 
Basic net income per share attributable to common stockholders (1)
$0.11 $1.24 $0.23 $1.42 
Diluted net income per share:
     Net income attributable to common stockholders$221 $2,612 $458 $2,973 
Assumed net loss attributable to Uber Technologies, Inc. upon redemption of Freight Holding convertible common shares, non-controlling interest(14)(18)(42)(48)
Interest expense, amortization of debt discount and issuance costs of 2025 Convertible Notes1  2  
     Diluted net income attributable to common stockholders$208 $2,594 $418 $2,925 
     Number of shares used in basic net income per share computation2,044,688 2,101,660 2,027,148 2,090,809 
     Weighted-average effect of potentially dilutive securities:
Stock options10,056 4,042 10,262 5,686 
RSUs33,901 32,630 21,612 38,494 
Assumed common shares issued from outstanding RSAs189  104 50 
Warrants73 73 73 73 
Common shares issued for ESPP377 175 622 583 
Assumed redemption of Freight Holding convertible common shares, non-controlling interest2,648 1,495 4,318 1,701 
Assumed redemption of Freight Series A contingently redeemable preferred stock, non-controlling interest 12,070  13,466 
2025 Convertible Notes14,226  14,226  
Careem Notes2,321 2,321 2,321 2,321 
     Diluted weighted-average common stock outstanding2,108,479 2,154,466 2,080,686 2,153,183 
Diluted net income per share attributable to common stockholders (1)
$0.10 $1.20 $0.20 $1.36 
(1) Per share amounts are calculated using unrounded numbers and therefore may not recalculate.
The following potentially dilutive outstanding securities were excluded from the computation of diluted net income (loss) per share because their effect would have been anti-dilutive for the periods presented, or issuance of such shares is contingent upon the satisfaction of certain conditions which were not satisfied by the end of the period (in thousands):

Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Freight Series A contingently redeemable preferred stock17,511  17,511  
RSUs6,681 20,190 6,681 20,190 
Stock options614 227 546 227 
Shares committed under ESPP1,247 855 1,247 855 
Total26,053 21,272 25,985 21,272 

Note 11 – Segment Information and Geographic Information
We determine our operating segments based on how the chief operating decision maker (“CODM”) manages the business, allocates resources, makes operating decisions and evaluates operating performance.
Our three operating and reportable segments are as follows:
MobilityMobility products connect consumers with Drivers who provide rides in a variety of vehicles, such as cars, auto rickshaws, motorbikes, minibuses, or taxis. Mobility also includes activity related to our financial partnerships products and advertising.
Delivery offerings allow consumers to search for and discover local restaurants, order a meal, and either pick-up at the restaurant or have the meal delivered. In certain markets, Delivery provides offerings for grocery, alcohol, and convenience store delivery as well as select other goods. We refer to the grocery, alcohol, convenience and retail categories collectively as Grocery & Retail. Delivery also includes advertising.
Freight connects Carriers with Shippers on our platform, and gives Carriers upfront, transparent pricing and the ability to book a shipment. Freight also includes transportation management and other logistics services offerings.
For information about how our reportable segments derive revenue, as well as revenue grouped by offerings and geographical region, refer to Note 2 – Revenue.
Our segment operating performance measure is Segment Adjusted EBITDA. The CODM does not evaluate operating segments using asset information and, accordingly, we do not report asset information by segment. Segment Adjusted EBITDA is defined as revenue less the following expenses: cost of revenue, operations and support, sales and marketing, and general and administrative and research and development expenses associated with our segments. Segment Adjusted EBITDA also excludes non-cash items or items that management does not believe are reflective of our ongoing core operations (as shown in the table below).
The following table provides information about our segments and a reconciliation of total Segment Adjusted EBITDA to income from operations (in millions):
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Segment Adjusted EBITDA:
Mobility$1,287 $1,682 $3,517 $4,728 
Delivery413 628 1,030 1,744 
Total Segment Adjusted EBITDA1,687 2,291 4,497 6,420 
Reconciling items:
Corporate G&A and Platform R&D (1)
Depreciation and amortization(205)(179)(620)(542)
Stock-based compensation expense(492)(438)(1,466)(1,377)
Legal, tax, and regulatory reserve changes and settlements (2)
13  (82)(661)
Goodwill and asset impairments/loss on sale of assets(2) (85)3 
Acquisition, financing and divestitures related expenses(9)(8)(27)(16)
Gain on lease arrangement, net
1  4  
Restructuring and related charges(4)(4)(35)(20)
Income from operations$394 $1,061 $458 $2,029 
(1) Includes costs that are not directly attributable to our reportable segments. Corporate G&A also includes certain shared costs such as finance, accounting, tax, human resources, information technology and legal costs. Platform R&D also includes mapping and payment technologies and support and development of the internal technology infrastructure. Our allocation methodology is periodically evaluated and may change.
(2) Legal, tax, and regulatory reserve changes and settlements are primarily related to certain significant legal proceedings or governmental investigations related to worker classification definitions, or tax agencies challenging our non-income tax positions. These matters have limited precedent, cover extended historical periods and are unpredictable in both magnitude and timing, therefore

are distinct from normal, recurring legal, tax and regulatory matters and related expenses incurred in our ongoing operating performance.
Note 12 – Commitments and Contingencies
From time to time, we are a party to various claims, non-income tax audits and litigation in the normal course of business. As of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024, we had recorded aggregate liabilities of $1.0 billion and $1.4 billion, respectively, of which $336 million and $205 million, respectively, relate to non-income tax matters in accrued and other current liabilities on the condensed consolidated balance sheets for all of our legal, regulatory and non-income tax matters that were probable and reasonably estimable.
We are currently party to various legal and regulatory matters that have arisen in the normal course of business and include, among others, alleged independent contractor misclassification claims, Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”) claims, alleged background check violations, pricing and advertising claims, unfair competition claims, intellectual property claims, employment discrimination and other employment-related claims, Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) claims, data and privacy claims, securities claims, antitrust claims, challenges to regulations, and other matters. We have existing litigation, including class actions, Private Attorney General Act lawsuits, arbitration claims, and governmental administrative and audit proceedings, asserting claims by or on behalf of Drivers that Drivers are misclassified as independent contractors. In connection with the enactment of California State Assembly Bill 5 (“AB5”), we have received and expect to continue to receive - in California and in other jurisdictions - an increased number of misclassification claims. With respect to our outstanding legal and regulatory matters, based on our current knowledge, we believe that the ultimate amount or range of reasonably possible loss will not, either individually or in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect on our business, financial position, results of operations, or cash flows. The outcome of such legal matters is inherently unpredictable and subject to significant uncertainties. If one or more of these matters were resolved against us for amounts in excess of management's expectations, our results of operations, financial condition or cash flows could be materially adversely affected.
Driver Classification
California Attorney General Lawsuit
In January 2020, AB5 went into effect. AB5 codifies a test to determine whether a worker is an employee under California law. The test is referred to as the “ABC” test, and was originally handed down by the California Supreme Court in Dynamex Operations v. Superior Court in 2018. Under the ABC test, workers performing services for a hiring entity are considered employees unless the hiring entity can demonstrate three things: the worker (A) is free from the hiring entity’s control, (B) performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business, and (C) customarily engages in the independent trade, work or type of business performed for the hiring entity.
On May 5, 2020, the California Attorney General, in conjunction with the city attorneys for San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, filed a complaint in San Francisco Superior Court against Uber and Lyft, Inc. (“Lyft”). The complaint alleges drivers are misclassified, and seeks an injunction and monetary damages related to the alleged competitive advantage caused by the alleged misclassification of drivers.
On August 10, 2020, the Court issued a preliminary injunction order, prohibiting us from classifying drivers as independent contractors and from violating various wage and hour laws. The injunction was stayed pending appeal. On October 22, 2020, the Court of Appeal affirmed the lower court’s ruling, and we filed a petition for review of the decision with the California Supreme Court. The petition was based upon the passage of Proposition 22 by California voters in November 2020, and requested that the Court of Appeal opinion be vacated because AB5’s application to Uber was superseded by Proposition 22.
Proposition 22 was a state ballot initiative that provides a framework for drivers that use platforms like ours to qualify as independent workers. As a result of the passage of Proposition 22, Drivers are able to maintain their status as independent contractors under California law, and we and our competitors are required to comply with the provisions of Proposition 22. Proposition 22 went into effect on December 16, 2020.
The California Supreme Court declined the petition for review on February 10, 2021. The lawsuit was returned to the trial court following the appellate proceedings on February 22, 2021. On April 12, 2021, the California Attorney General, Uber and Lyft filed a stipulation to dissolve the preliminary injunction with the trial court. On April 16, 2021, the trial court signed an order granting the stipulation. Although the preliminary injunction has been dissolved, the lawsuit remains ongoing relating to claims by the California Attorney General for periods prior to enactment of Proposition 22. The parties petitioned to stay this matter pending coordination with other California employment related matters, which was granted and a coordination judge was assigned. The case had been stayed pending appeal of the denial of a motion to compel arbitration, however the California Supreme Court denied review on January 17, 2024, and the case was remitted back to the Superior Court on January 29, 2024 for further proceedings. On July 2, 2024, the Superior Court lifted the stay. We intend to continue to vigorously defend ourselves. Our chances of success on the merits are still uncertain and any reasonably possible loss or range of loss cannot be estimated.

Castellanos v. State (Constitutional Challenge to Proposition 22)
In addition, in January 2021, a petition was filed with the California Supreme Court by several drivers and a labor union alleging that Proposition 22 is unconstitutional, which was denied. The same drivers and labor union have since filed a similar challenge in California Superior Court, and in August 2021, the Alameda County Superior Court ruled that Proposition 22 is unconstitutional. On September 21, 2021, the State of California filed an appeal of that decision with the California Court of Appeal, and the Protect App-Based Drivers and Services organization, who intervened in the matter, has also filed an appeal. Oral argument was heard on December 13, 2022.
On March 13, 2023, the California Court of Appeal overturned the lower court’s ruling that Proposition 22 is unconstitutional, which means that Proposition 22 remains in effect. Service Employees International Union has petitioned the California Supreme Court for review. The California Supreme Court granted review on June 28, 2023, and oral argument was heard on May 21, 2024. On July 25, 2024, the Court unanimously upheld Proposition 22 as constitutional.
Massachusetts Attorney General Lawsuit
On July 9, 2020, the Massachusetts Attorney General filed a complaint in Suffolk County Superior Court against Uber and Lyft. The complaint alleges Drivers are employees, and are entitled to protections under the wage and labor laws. On June 27, 2024, the parties reached an agreement to resolve the matter, and the case was dismissed the same day. The amount accrued for the matter is recorded within accrued and other current liabilities on the condensed consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2024.
Swiss Social Security Rulings
Several Swiss administrative bodies have issued decisions in which they classify Drivers or Couriers as employees of Uber for social security or labor purposes. We are challenging each of them before the Social Security and Administrative Tribunals. On March 21, 2023, the Federal Tribunal ruled that Drivers who have used the Uber App in 2014 qualify as employees for social security purposes. The litigations with regards to the social security contributions are still pending for years 2014 to 2021. In October 2024, the Social Security authority decided that the changes to our 2023 model are not sufficient to classify drivers as independent contractors. We intend to file an appeal against this decision.
On June 3, 2022, the Federal Tribunal issued two rulings by which both Drivers and Couriers in the Canton of Geneva are classified as employees of Uber B.V., Uber Portier B.V. and Uber Switzerland GmbH. Following the ruling of the Federal Tribunal on Eats, the Social Security authorities claimed the payment of social security contributions since the launch of Uber Eats. We reached a settlement with the Canton of Geneva on Mobility with regards to social security implications.
The ultimate resolution of the matters before the social security authorities is uncertain and the amount accrued for those matters is recorded within accrued and other current liabilities on the condensed consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2024.
Other Driver Classification Matters
Additionally, we have received other lawsuits and governmental inquiries in other jurisdictions, and anticipate future claims, lawsuits, arbitration proceedings, administrative actions, and government investigations and audits challenging our classification of Drivers as independent contractors and not employees. We believe that our current and historical approach to classification is supported by the law and intend to continue to defend ourselves vigorously in these matters. However, the results of litigation and arbitration are inherently unpredictable and legal proceedings related to these claims, individually or in the aggregate, could have a material impact on our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. Regardless of the outcome, litigation and arbitration of these matters can have an adverse impact on us because of defense and settlement costs individually and in the aggregate, diversion of management resources and other factors.
State Unemployment Taxes
New Jersey Department of Labor
In 2018, the New Jersey Department of Labor (“NJDOL”) opened an audit reviewing whether Drivers were independent contractors or employees for purposes of determining whether unemployment insurance regulations apply from 2014 through 2018. The NJDOL made an assessment on November 12, 2019, against both Rasier and Uber. Both assessments were calculated through November 15, 2019, but only calculated the alleged contributions, penalties, and interests owed from 2014 through 2018. The NJDOL has provided several assessments from February through October 2021. We have submitted payment for the principal revised amount of the assessment and have since reached agreement on and paid the remaining amounts allegedly owed from 2014 through 2018.
The NJ DOL has initiated an audit for the period of 2019 through the second quarter of 2023. The ultimate resolution of the matter is uncertain, and the amount accrued for those matters is recorded within accrued and other current liabilities on the condensed consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2024.
California Employment Development Department
In 2014, the California employment development department (“CA EDD”) opened an audit to review whether drivers should be treated as employees or independent contractors. The department issued an assessment in 2016 for the periods of 2013 - 2015 and we

have since reached an agreement with the CA EDD for this period. In 2022, we received requests for information related to an audit of a subsequent period, which covers the fourth quarter of 2017 through the fourth quarter of 2020. We have also received an audit for the years 2018 - 2020 covering couriers who used the Postmates platform and received an assessment in June 2023. We are in the process of appealing the assessment. The ultimate resolution of the matter is uncertain, and the amount accrued for those matters is recorded within accrued and other current liabilities on the condensed consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2024.
Other Matters
IPO Securities Litigation
Beginning in September 2019, putative class actions were filed in California state and federal courts against us, our directors, certain of our officers, and the underwriters named in our IPO registration statement, alleging violations of securities laws in connection with our May 2019 IPO. Following dismissal of certain matters, the remaining actions have been consolidated in the Northern District of California, which granted Plaintiffs’ motion for class certification in July 2022. On April 24, 2024, the parties informed the court that they were negotiating a settlement agreement, and the court stayed the litigation. On July 19, 2024, the parties executed and publicly filed a settlement agreement, which remains subject to court approval. On August 9, 2024, the court granted preliminary approval of the settlement. The final approval hearing is scheduled for December 4, 2024. Separately, a shareholder filed a follow-on derivative action on behalf of the Company, against the same officers and directors, and that matter has been stayed since February 2021. The ultimate resolution of these matters is uncertain and the amount accrued is recorded within accrued and other current liabilities on the condensed consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2024.
Non-Income Tax Matters
We recorded an estimated liability for contingencies related to non-income tax matters and are under audit by various domestic and foreign tax authorities with regard to such matters.
The subject matter of these contingent liabilities and non-income tax audits primarily arise from the characterization for tax purposes of the transactions on the platform, as well as the application of certain employee benefits and employment and income taxes to our Drivers and Couriers. In jurisdictions with disputes connected to transactions on the platform, disputes involve the applicability of transactional taxes (such as sales tax, VAT, GST and similar taxes) or gross receipts taxes. In jurisdictions with disputes connected to employment or income taxes, disputes involve the applicability of withholding taxes related to employment taxes or back-up income tax withholding on payments made to Drivers, Couriers, and Merchants.
Our estimated liability is inherently subjective due to the complexity and uncertainty of these matters and the judicial processes in certain jurisdictions; therefore, the final outcome could be materially different from the estimated liability recorded.
United Kingdom
As of March 14, 2022, we modified our operating model in the UK, such that as of that date Uber UK is a merchant of transportation and is required to remit VAT. Uber UK is remitting VAT under the Value Added (Tour Operators) Order 1987 (“VAT Order 1987”), which allows for VAT remittance on a calculated margin, rather than on Gross Bookings.
We have received multiple assessments from the HMRC disputing our application of VAT Order 1987 for the period of March 2022 to March 2024, totaling approximately $1.4 billion (£1.1 billion) for unpaid VAT. Uber paid the assessments in order to proceed with the appeal process. The payments do not represent our acceptance of the assessments.
The payments made in 2023 and 2024 are recorded as a receivable in other assets on our condensed consolidated balance sheet because we believe that we will be successful in our appeal, upon which, the full amount of our payments will be returned to us with interest upon completion of the appeals process. We expect to receive additional assessments related to this matter and will be required to pay the assessments in order to continue with the appeals process. Any payments are expected to decrease operating cash flow and have no impact on our results of operations. We plan to vigorously defend our application of the VAT Order 1987 and are waiting to obtain hearing dates from the Tax Tribunal.
In May 2023, we received an assessment for 2019 and 2020 Driver social security contributions from the Brazilian Federal Revenue Bureau (“FRB”). We are contesting the assessment and we filed our administrative appeal with the FRB in June 2023. In April 2024, we received a positive decision from the FRB. This decision was appealed, and another positive decision to Uber was issued by the Court of Appeals in September 2024, maintaining the first instance decision. If the tax authorities in Brazil appeal this second positive decision, Uber will continue to defend its position.
Other Legal and Regulatory Matters
We have been or are currently subject to various government inquiries and investigations surrounding the legality of certain of our business practices, compliance with antitrust, anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws (including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) and other global regulatory requirements, labor laws, securities laws, data protection and privacy laws, consumer protection laws, environmental laws, and the infringement of certain intellectual property rights. We are investigating many of these matters and are

implementing a number of recommendations to our managerial, operational and compliance practices, as well as strengthening our overall governance structure. In many cases, we are unable to predict the outcomes and implications of these inquiries and investigations on our business, which could be time consuming, costly to investigate, and require significant management attention. Furthermore, the outcome of these inquiries and investigations could negatively impact our business, reputation, financial condition, and operating results, including possible fines and penalties and requiring changes to operational activities and procedures.
We have been and expect to continue to be subject to personal injury claims for compensation based on traffic accidents, deaths, injuries, or other incidents that are caused by Drivers, consumers, or third parties while using our platform, or even when Drivers, consumers, or third parties are not actively using our platform. Various plaintiffs have also coordinated and may in the future attempt to coordinate individual injury claims in various jurisdictions. We use a combination of third-party insurance and self-insurance mechanisms to provide for personal injury risks.
In the ordinary course of business, we often include standard indemnification provisions in our arrangements with third parties. Pursuant to these provisions, we may be obligated to indemnify such parties for losses or claims suffered or incurred in connection with their activities or non-compliance with certain representations and warranties made by us. In addition, we have entered into indemnification agreements with our officers, directors, and certain current and former employees, and our certificate of incorporation and bylaws contain certain indemnification obligations. It is not possible to determine the maximum potential loss under these indemnification provisions / obligations because of the unique facts and circumstances involved in each particular situation.
Note 13 – Variable Interest Entities
Consolidated VIEs
We consolidate variable interest entities (“VIEs”) in which we hold a variable interest and are the primary beneficiary. We are the primary beneficiary because we have the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact the economic performance of these VIEs. As a result, we consolidate the assets and liabilities of these VIEs.
Total assets included on the condensed consolidated balance sheets for our consolidated VIEs as of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024 were $3.5 billion and $3.3 billion, respectively. Total liabilities included on the condensed consolidated balance sheets for these VIEs as of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024 were $755 million and $786 million, respectively.
Uber Freight Holding Corporation
As of September 30, 2024, we own the majority of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Uber Freight Holding Corporation (“Freight Holding”) and report a non-controlling interest as further described in Note 14 – Non-Controlling Interests.
In February 2023, Freight Holding entered into a $300 million senior secured asset-based revolving credit facility guaranteed by the assets of Freight Holding and is considered non-recourse to us. As of September 30, 2024, there was no balance outstanding on Freight Holding’s revolving credit facility.
Unconsolidated VIEs
We do not consolidate VIEs in which we hold a variable interest but are not the primary beneficiary because we lack the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact the entities’ economic performance. We are exposed to these unconsolidated VIEs’ economic risks and rewards through the related carrying amount of assets and liabilities and any financial guarantees, which represent variable interests. Our carrying amounts of both assets and liabilities recognized on the condensed consolidated balance sheets related to unconsolidated VIEs were $575 million and $585 million as of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024, respectively. As of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024 our maximum exposure to loss was $686 million and $698 million, respectively. Our maximum exposure to loss includes the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities recognized on our condensed consolidated balance sheets related to the unconsolidated VIEs as well as an immaterial financial guarantee.
Neutron Holdings, Inc. (“Lime”) is incorporated in Delaware for the purpose of owning and operating a fleet of dockless e-bikes and e-scooters for short-term access use by consumers for personal transportation. In 2020, we entered into a series of transactions and agreements with Lime to divest our JUMP business and acquired ownership in Lime comprised of Lime Common Stock, Lime 1-C Preferred Stock, Lime 1-C Preferred Stock Warrants, and the Lime Convertible Note (collectively, the “2020 Lime Investments”).
On February 12, 2021 (the “Moove Closing Date”), we entered into and completed a series of agreements with Garment Investments S.L. dba Moove (“Moove”), a vehicle fleet operator in Spain. The series of agreements included (i) an equity investment, through preferred shares, in which Uber acquired a 30% minority interest in Moove from its current shareholders at closing and up to approximately $185 million contingent on future performance of Moove and certain other conditions through the eighth anniversary of the agreement, (ii) a term loan of $213 million to Moove, due February 2026, and (iii) a commercial partnership agreement. Also included in the agreements is an option for us to purchase common stock of Moove at fair value, beginning two years after the Moove

Closing Date. As of September 30, 2024, we have not exercised this option. After this series of agreements, Moove is considered a related party.
In February 2023, we entered into a settlement and amendment agreement (“Moove Settlement”) with Moove, a related party, to settle certain contingent considerations agreements. As a result of the Moove Settlement, we made an immaterial payment to Moove. The remaining contingent liability was recorded within accrued and other current liabilities on our condensed consolidated balance sheet and was not material. The contingent liability was paid in January 2024.
Our equity investment in Moove, through preferred shares, is accounted for as an investment in non-marketable equity securities included in investments on our condensed consolidated balance sheets. The term loan, of $307 million as of September 30, 2024, is accounted for as a loan receivable, carried at amortized cost, and included in other assets on our condensed consolidated balance sheets. Refer to Note 3 – Investments and Fair Value Measurement, Assets Measured at Fair Value on a Non-Recurring Basis, for additional information regarding our non-marketable equity securities.
Note 14 – Non-Controlling Interests
Freight Holding
As of both December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024, we owned 74% of our subsidiary Freight Holding’s capital stock, or 72% and 71%, respectively, on a fully-diluted basis. The minority stockholders of Freight Holding include, among others: (i) holders of Freight Holding’s Series A and A-1 Preferred Stock; (ii) holders of common equity awards issued under the employee equity incentive plans; and (iii) current and former employees who hold fully vested shares.
Freight Holding Supplier Financing Program
Freight Holding utilizes a third-party financial institution that allows our suppliers to be paid by the third-party financial institution earlier than the due date on the applicable invoice at a discounted price. In general, supplier invoices financed by the third-party financial institution are due for payment by Freight Holding within 30 days. As of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024, the liability related to the supplier financing program was immaterial and the amounts are included within accounts payable on the condensed consolidated balance sheets.
Certain Holders of Common Stock of Freight Holding
Certain minority common stockholders of our subsidiary Freight Holding, including individuals who hold shares obtained from the exercise of vested stock options issued under Freight Holding’s 2018 employee equity incentive plan, have put rights to sell increasing percentages of their equity interests at fair value to Freight Holding at specified periods of time ending in August 2025 through August 2027 that terminates upon the earliest of the closing of a liquidation transaction or an IPO of the subsidiary; provided, however, that former employees who hold shares will only have a one-time opportunity to exercise their put right to sell 100% of their equity interests for a specified period of time ending in August 2025. Should the put rights be exercised, they can be satisfied in either cash, Uber stock, or a combination of cash and Uber stock based upon our election.
As of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024, the minority common stockholders ownership in Freight Holding is classified as a redeemable non-controlling interest, because it is redeemable on an event that is not solely in our control. In the third quarter of 2024, the redeemable non-controlling interest related to these certain minority common stockholders of Freight Holding was deemed probable of becoming redeemable and re-measured to its estimated redemption value with an adjustment of $338 million.
Freight Series A Preferred Stock
In October 2020, Freight Holding entered into a Series A preferred stock purchase agreement (“2020 Freight Series A Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement”) with an outside investor (“2020 Freight Series A Investor”) to sell shares of Series A Preferred Stock (“Freight Series A”). Pursuant to the 2020 Freight Series A Preferred Stock Purchase Agreement, the 2020 Freight Series A Investor agreed to invest an aggregate of $500 million in Freight Holding, which occurred over two closings. The 2020 Freight Series A Investor is considered a related party to Freight Holding.
We do not attribute the pro rata share of the Freight Holding’s loss to the redeemable non-controlling interests in Series A Preferred shares of Freight Holding because these shares are entitled to a liquidation preference and therefore do not participate in losses that would cause their interest to be below the liquidation preference. Upon liquidation, these Freight Series A preferred stock are entitled to the greater of either (i) a 1.5x liquidation preference on their initial investment, as well as 6% continuously compounding cumulative dividends that will be paid before any distribution to common shareholders or (ii) the fair value of their investment (the “Freight Series A Liquidation Preference”). The dividend, along with any attributed prorated share of Freight Holding’s net income (if applicable), are included in net income (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax in our consolidated statements of operations.
The 2020 Freight Series A Investor’s Freight Series A preferred stock may be called by us at our option after October 2025 at the Freight Series A Liquidation Preference. Beginning after October 2023, if certain events have not occurred including Freight Holding consummating an IPO, 2020 Freight Series A Investor’s Freight Series A preferred stock could become redeemable by us at the

Freight Series A Liquidation Preference. Upon redemption, the 2020 Freight Series A Investor’s Freight Series A preferred stock would be settled in either cash or Uber common shares at our option.
On October 6, 2023, the 2020 Freight Series A Investor exercised their right to require that either Freight Holding conduct an IPO or we redeem them at the Freight Series A Liquidation Preference. Upon the redemption date in October 2024, we settled the 2020 Freight Series A Investor’s Freight Series A preferred stock in cash for $851 million.

The following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with our condensed consolidated financial statements and the related notes and other financial information included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and our audited consolidated financial statements included in our 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. In addition to historical consolidated financial information, the following discussion contains forward-looking statements that reflect our plans, estimates, and beliefs. Our actual results could differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. You should review the sections titled “Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” for a discussion of forward-looking statements and Part II, Item 1A, “Risk Factors” for a discussion of factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results described in or implied by the forward-looking statements contained in the following discussion and analysis and elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
We are a technology platform that uses a massive network, leading technology, operational excellence, and product expertise to power movement from point A to point B. We develop and operate proprietary technology applications supporting a variety of offerings on our platform. We connect consumers with providers of ride services, merchants as well as delivery service providers for meal preparation, grocery and other delivery services. Uber also connects consumers with public transportation networks. We use this same network, technology, operational excellence, and product expertise to connect Shippers with Carriers in the freight industry by providing Carriers with the ability to book a shipment, transportation management and other logistics services. We are also developing technologies designed to provide new solutions to solve everyday problems.
Driver Classification Developments
The classification of Drivers is currently being challenged in courts, by legislators and by government agencies in the United States and abroad. We are involved in numerous legal proceedings globally, including putative class and collective class action lawsuits, demands for arbitration, charges and claims before administrative agencies, and investigations or audits by labor, social security, and tax authorities that claim that Drivers should be treated as our employees (or as workers or quasi-employees where those statuses exist), rather than as independent contractors. Of particular note are proceedings in California, where on May 5, 2020, the California Attorney General, in conjunction with the city attorneys for San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, filed a complaint in San Francisco Superior Court (the “Court”) against Uber and Lyft, Inc., alleging that drivers are misclassified, and sought an injunction and monetary damages related to the alleged competitive advantage caused by the alleged misclassification of drivers.
To comply with Proposition 22, we have incurred and expect to incur additional expenses, including expenses associated with a guaranteed minimum earnings floor for Drivers, insurance for injury protection and subsidies for health care. We do not expect these changes will have a material impact on our business, results of operations, financial position, or cash flows.
If, as a result of legislation or judicial decisions, we are required to classify Drivers as employees, workers or quasi-employees where those statuses exist, we would incur significant additional expenses for compensating Drivers, including expenses associated with the application of wage and hour laws (including minimum wage, overtime, and meal and rest period requirements), employee benefits, social security contributions, taxes (direct and indirect), and potential penalties. Additionally, we may not have adequate Driver supply as Drivers may opt out of our platform given the loss of flexibility under an employment model, and we may not be able to hire a majority of the Drivers currently using our platform. Any of these events could negatively impact our business, results of operations, financial position, and cash flows.
For a discussion of risk factors related to how misclassification challenges may impact our business, result of operations, financial position and operating condition and cash flows, see the risk factor titled “-Our business would be adversely affected if Drivers were classified as employees, workers or quasi-employees” included in Part II, Item 1A, “Risk Factors”, and Note 12 – Commitments and Contingencies in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1, of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
In addition, if we are required to classify Drivers as employees, this may impact our current financial statement presentation including revenue, cost of revenue, incentives and promotions as further described in our significant and critical accounting policies in the section titled “Critical Accounting Estimates” and Note 1 in the section titled “Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements” included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.

Financial and Operational Highlights
Three Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change
% Change
(Constant Currency (1))
Monthly Active Platform Consumers (“MAPCs”) (2)
142 161 13 %
Trips (2)
2,441 2,868 17 %
Gross Bookings (2)
$35,281 $40,973 16 %20 %
Revenue$9,292 $11,188 20 %22 %
Income from operations$394 $1,061 169 %
Net income attributable to Uber Technologies, Inc.
$221 $2,612 **
Adjusted EBITDA (1), (2)
$1,092 $1,690 55 %
Nine Months Ended September 30,
20232024% Change
Net cash provided by operating activities (3)
$2,762 $5,387 95 %
Free cash flow (1), (3)
$2,594 $5,189 100 %
(1) See the section titled “Reconciliations of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” for more information and reconciliations to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure.
(2) See the section titled “Certain Key Metrics and Non-GAAP Financial Measures” for more information.
(3) Net cash provided by operating activities and free cash flow during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 reflected an approximately $622 million (£493 million) cash outflow related to the payment of an HMRC VAT assessment during the third quarter of 2023.
** Percentage not meaningful.
Highlights for the Third Quarter 2024
In the third quarter of 2024, our MAPCs were 161 million, growing 13% compared to the same period in 2023.
Overall Gross Bookings increased to $41.0 billion in the third quarter of 2024, up 16%, or 20% on a constant currency basis, compared to the same period in 2023. Mobility Gross Bookings grew 24% year-over-year, on a constant currency basis primarily due to an increase in Trip volumes. Delivery Gross Bookings grew 17% year-over-year, on a constant currency basis, primarily driven by an increase in Trip volumes. Freight Gross Bookings increased 2% year-over-year, on a constant currency basis.
Revenue was $11.2 billion, up 20% year-over-year, primarily attributable to an increase in Gross Bookings of 16%. The increase in Gross Bookings was primarily driven by an increase in Mobility and Delivery Trip volumes. The increase in revenue was partially offset by Mobility business model changes in some countries that classified certain sales and marketing costs as contra revenue, which negatively impacted Mobility revenue by $149 million.
Net income attributable to Uber Technologies, Inc. was $2.6 billion, which includes the favorable impact of a pre-tax unrealized gain on debt and equity securities, net of $1.7 billion primarily related to a $1.0 billion unrealized gain on our Aurora investment, a $322 million unrealized gain on our Didi investment, a $141 million unrealized gain on our Delivery Hero investment, and a $134 million unrealized gain on our Grab investment.
Adjusted EBITDA profit was $1.7 billion, up $598 million compared to the same period in 2023. Mobility Adjusted EBITDA profit was $1.7 billion, up $395 million compared to the same period in 2023. Delivery Adjusted EBITDA profit was $628 million, up $215 million compared to the same period in 2023.
We ended the quarter with $9.1 billion in unrestricted cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments. Subsequent to the third quarter of 2024, we redeemed $2.0 billion of our outstanding debt. We exercised the call option for a partial, $500 million redemption of the 2027 Senior Note, which was completed on October 3, 2024. In addition, on October 2, 2024, we exercised the call option to redeem the $1.5 billion 2026 Senior Note, with the redemption scheduled for November 1, 2024. For additional information, see Note 6 – Long-Term Debt and Revolving Credit Arrangements in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Components of Results of Operations
We generate substantially all of our revenue from fees paid by Drivers and Merchants for use of our platform. We have concluded

that we are an agent in these arrangements as we arrange for other parties to provide the service to the end-user. Under this model, revenue is net of Driver and Merchant earnings and Driver incentives. We act as an agent in these transactions by connecting consumers to Drivers and Merchants to facilitate a Trip, meal, grocery or other delivery service. In certain markets we are responsible for the Mobility or Delivery services (and in most markets we are responsible for the Freight services), and in these markets we present revenue from end-users and from Shippers on a gross basis, with the payments to Drivers and Carriers classified within cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization.
We would expect revenue to fluctuate on an absolute dollar basis for the foreseeable future based upon factors such as Trip volume, Driver supply, macroeconomic conditions, global travel activities and management pricing and promotional activities. During the year ended December 31, 2023, we implemented a business model change in certain major markets resulting in end-users becoming our customers. Promotions to end-users considered customers are recognized as contra-revenue while promotions to end-users not considered customers are recognized as sales and marketing expenses.
For additional discussion related to our revenue, see the section titled “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations - Critical Accounting Estimates - Revenue Recognition” as well as “Note 1 – Description of Business and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Revenue Recognition,” and “Note 2 – Revenue” to our audited consolidated financial statements included in our Annual Report Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and Note 2 – Revenue in this Quarterly Report in Form 10-Q.
Cost of Revenue, Exclusive of Depreciation and Amortization
Cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, primarily consists of costs incurred for certain Mobility and Delivery transactions where we are primarily responsible for Mobility and Delivery services and pay Drivers and Couriers for services, certain insurance costs related to our Mobility and Delivery offerings, costs incurred with Carriers for Uber Freight transportation services, credit card processing fees, bank fees, data center and networking expenses, mobile device and service costs, and amounts related to fare chargebacks and other credit card losses.
We expect that cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, will fluctuate on an absolute dollar basis for the foreseeable future in line with Trip volume changes on the platform.
Operations and Support
Operations and support expenses primarily consist of compensation expenses, including stock-based compensation, for employees that support operations in cities, including the general managers, Driver operations, platform user support representatives and community managers. Also included is the cost of customer support, Driver background checks and the allocation of certain corporate costs.
We would expect operations and support expenses to vary from period to period on an absolute dollar basis, but decrease as a percentage of revenue as we become more efficient in supporting platform users.
Sales and Marketing
Sales and marketing expenses primarily consist of advertising costs, product marketing costs, consumer discounts, promotions, credits and refunds provided to end-users who are not customers, compensation costs, including stock-based compensation to sales and marketing employees, and the allocation of certain corporate costs. We expense advertising and other promotional expenditures as incurred.
We would expect sales and marketing expenses to vary from period to period as a percentage of revenue due to timing of marketing campaigns.
During the year ended December 31, 2023, we implemented a business model change in certain major markets resulting in end-users becoming our customers. Promotions to end-users considered customers are recognized as contra-revenue while promotions to end-users not considered customers are recognized as sales and marketing expenses.
Research and Development
Research and development expenses primarily consist of compensation costs, including stock-based compensation, for employees in engineering, design and product development. Expenses also include ongoing improvements to, and maintenance of, existing products and services, and allocation of certain corporate costs. We expense substantially all research and development expenses as incurred.
We would expect research and development expenses to increase on an absolute dollar basis and vary from period to period as a percentage of revenue as we continue to invest in research and development activities relating to ongoing improvements to and maintenance of our platform offerings and other research and development programs.
General and Administrative
General and administrative expenses primarily consist of compensation costs, including stock-based compensation, for executive

management and administrative employees, including finance and accounting, human resources, policy and communications, legal, and certain impairment charges, as well as allocation of certain corporate costs, occupancy, and general corporate insurance costs. General and administrative expenses also include certain legal-related accruals and expenses.
We would expect general and administrative expenses to vary from period to period on an absolute dollar basis, but decrease as a percentage of revenue as we achieve improved fixed cost leverage and efficiencies in our internal support functions.
Depreciation and Amortization
Depreciation and amortization expenses primarily consist of depreciation on buildings, site improvements, computer and network equipment, software, leasehold improvements, furniture and fixtures, and amortization of intangible assets. Depreciation includes expenses associated with buildings, site improvements, computer and network equipment, and furniture, fixtures, as well as leasehold improvements. Amortization includes expenses associated with our capitalized internal-use software and acquired intangible assets.
Interest Expense
Interest expense consists primarily of interest expense associated with our outstanding debt, including accretion of debt discount and issuance costs. For additional detail related to our debt obligations, see Note 6 – Long-Term Debt and Revolving Credit Arrangements in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1, of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Other Income (Expense), Net
Other income (expense), net primarily includes the following items:
Interest income, which consists primarily of interest earned on our cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, restricted cash and cash equivalents and restricted investments.
Foreign currency exchange gains (losses), net, which consist primarily of remeasurement of transactions and monetary assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than the functional currency at the end of the period.
Unrealized gain (loss) on debt and equity securities, net, which consists primarily of gains (losses) from fair value adjustments relating to our marketable and non-marketable securities.
Other, net.
Provision for (Benefit from) Income Taxes
We are subject to income taxes in the United States and foreign jurisdictions in which we do business. These foreign jurisdictions have different statutory tax rates than those in the United States. Additionally, certain of our foreign earnings may also be taxable in the United States. Accordingly, our effective tax rate will vary depending on the relative proportion of foreign to domestic income, changes in the valuation allowance on our U.S. and Netherlands' deferred tax assets, and changes in tax laws.
Based on available evidence, management believes it is not more-likely-than-not that the net U.S., Netherlands, and other non-material jurisdictions’ deferred tax assets will be fully realizable. In these jurisdictions, we have recorded a valuation allowance against net deferred tax assets. We regularly review the deferred tax assets for recoverability based on historical taxable income, projected future taxable income, excess tax benefits related to stock-based compensation, the expected timing of the reversals of existing taxable temporary differences and tax planning strategies by jurisdiction. Our judgment regarding future profitability may change due to many factors, including future market conditions and the ability to successfully execute our business plans and/or tax planning strategies.
Based on our assessment of current income and anticipated future earnings, there is a reasonable possibility that we will have sufficient evidence to release a significant portion of the valuation allowance in the U.S. within the next 12 months. However, our judgment regarding future earnings and the exact timing and amount of any valuation allowance release are subject to change due to many factors, including future market conditions, the ability to successfully execute our business plans, and the amount of stock-based compensation tax deductions available in the future.
In addition, there is a reasonable possibility that we will have sufficient evidence to release a significant portion of the valuation allowance in the Netherlands within the next 12 months. However, our judgment regarding future earnings and the exact timing and amount of any valuation allowance release are subject to change due to many factors, including future market conditions and the ability to successfully execute our business plans.
Release of the valuation allowance would result in the recognition of net deferred tax assets on our consolidated balance sheet and would result in an income tax benefit in the period the release is recorded.
In addition, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has led international efforts among approximately 140 countries and taxing jurisdictions to propose and implement changes to numerous long-standing tax principles, including a framework that imposes a minimum tax rate of 15% in each taxing jurisdiction. Under this guidance, we will be required to determine a combined effective tax rate for all entities located in a jurisdiction. If the jurisdictional effective tax rate determined under these rules is less than

15%, a top-up tax will be due to bring the jurisdictional effective tax rate up to 15%. We are continuing to monitor the pending implementation of these rules by individual countries and the potential impact on our business. We expect the provisions effective in 2024 to have an insignificant impact on our tax obligations for 2024.
Income (Loss) from Equity Method Investments
Income (loss) from equity method investments primarily includes the results of our share of income or loss from our equity method investments.
Results of Operations
The following table summarizes our condensed consolidated statements of operations for each of the periods presented (in millions):
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Revenue$9,292 $11,188 $27,345 $32,019 
Costs and expenses
Cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization shown separately below 5,626 6,761 16,400 19,417 
Operations and support683 687 1,987 2,054 
Sales and marketing941 1,096 3,421 3,128 
Research and development797 774 2,380 2,324 
General and administrative646 630 2,079 2,525 
Depreciation and amortization205 179 620 542 
Total costs and expenses8,898 10,127 26,887 29,990 
Income from operations394 1,061 458 2,029 
Interest expense(166)(143)(478)(406)
Other income (expense), net(52)1,851 513 1,593 
Income before income taxes and income (loss) from equity method investments176 2,769 493 3,216 
Provision for (benefit from) income taxes(40)158 80 244 
Income (loss) from equity method investments(12)43 (28)
Net income including non-controlling interests219 2,599 456 2,944 
Less: net loss attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax(2)(13)(2)(29)
Net income attributable to Uber Technologies, Inc.$221 $2,612 $458 $2,973 
The following table sets forth the components of our condensed consolidated statements of operations for each of the periods presented as a percentage of revenue (1):

Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Revenue100 %100 %100 %100 %
Costs and expenses
Cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization shown separately below61 %60 %60 %61 %
Operations and support%%%%
Sales and marketing10 %10 %13 %10 %
Research and development%%%%
General and administrative%%%%
Depreciation and amortization%%%%
Total costs and expenses96 %91 %98 %94 %
Income from operations%%%%
Interest expense(2)%(1)%(2)%(1)%
Other income (expense), net(1)%17 %%%
Income before income taxes and income (loss) from equity method investments%25 %%10 %
Provision for (benefit from) income taxes— %%— %%
Income (loss) from equity method investments— %— %— %— %
Net income including non-controlling interests%23 %%%
Less: net loss attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax— %— %— %— %
Net income attributable to Uber Technologies, Inc.%23 %%%
(1) Totals of percentage of revenues may not foot due to rounding.
The following discussion and analysis is for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
Revenue$9,292 $11,188 20 %$27,345 $32,019 17 %
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Revenue increased $1.9 billion, or 20%, primarily attributable to an increase in Gross Bookings of 16%. The increase in Gross Bookings was primarily driven by an increase in Mobility and Delivery Trip volumes. The increase in revenue was partially offset by Mobility business model changes in some countries that classified certain sales and marketing costs as contra revenue, which negatively impacted Mobility revenue growth by $149 million.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Revenue increased $4.7 billion, or 17%, primarily attributable to an increase in Gross Bookings of 18%. The increase in Gross Bookings was primarily driven by an increase in Mobility and Delivery Trip volumes. The increase in revenue was partially offset by business model changes in some countries that classified certain sales and marketing costs as contra revenue, which negatively impacted revenue growth by $863 million and $713 million across Mobility and Delivery, respectively.

Cost of Revenue, Exclusive of Depreciation and Amortization
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
Cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization$5,626 $6,761 20 %$16,400 $19,417 18 %
Percentage of revenue61 %60 %60 %61 %
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, increased $1.1 billion, or 20%, mainly due to a $362 million increase in insurance expense primarily due to an increase in insurance rate per mile in our Mobility business, a $316 million increase in Driver payments and incentives that are recorded in cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, as a result of increased Mobility Gross Bookings in certain markets, a $169 million increase in Courier payments and incentives that are recorded in cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, as a result of increased Delivery Gross Bookings in certain markets, a $78 million increase in credit card processing costs, as a result of increased Gross Bookings, and a $32 million increase in Freight carrier payments.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, increased $3.0 billion, or 18%, mainly due to a $998 million increase in insurance expense primarily due to an increase in insurance rate per mile in our Mobility business, a $928 million increase in Driver payments and incentives that are recorded in cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, as a result of increased Mobility Gross Bookings in certain markets, a $492 million increase in Courier payments and incentives that are recorded in cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, as a result of increased Delivery Gross Bookings in certain markets, and a $217 million increase in credit card processing costs, as a result of increased Gross Bookings.
Operations and Support
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
Operations and support$683 $687 %$1,987 $2,054 %
Percentage of revenue%%%%
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Operations and support expenses increased $4 million, or 1%, primarily attributable to a $22 million increase in employee headcount costs, partially offset by a $14 million decrease in Driver background check costs and a $5 million decrease in other operating expenses.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Operations and support expenses increased $67 million, or 3%, primarily attributable to a $60 million increase in employee headcount costs, a $39 million increase in stock-based compensation, and a $13 million increase in external contractor expenses, partially offset by a $44 million decrease in Driver background check costs.
Sales and Marketing
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
Sales and marketing$941 $1,096 16 %$3,421 $3,128 (9)%
Percentage of revenue10 %10 %13 %10 %
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Sales and marketing expenses increased $155 million, or 16%, primarily attributable to a $91 million increase in consumer discounts, promotions, credits and refunds to $358 million compared to $267 million in the same period in 2023, and a $51 million increase in indirect advertising and marketing. The increase in consumer discounts, promotions, credits and refunds includes: a $239 million increase in consumer discounts, promotions, credits and refunds spend globally, partially offset by a decrease of $149 million, primarily attributed to Mobility business model changes in some countries that classified certain sales and marketing costs as contra revenue.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Sales and marketing expenses decreased $293 million, or 9%, primarily attributable to a $417 million decrease in consumer discounts, promotions, credits and refunds to $1.1 billion compared to $1.5 billion in the same period in 2023, partially offset by an $102 million increase in indirect advertising and marketing. The decrease in consumer discounts, promotions, credits and refunds includes: a decrease of $1.6 billion, primarily attributed to business model changes in some countries that classified certain sales and marketing costs as contra revenue, partially offset by a $1.2 billion increase in consumer discounts, promotions, credits and refunds spend globally.
Research and Development
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
Research and development$797 $774 (3)%$2,380 $2,324 (2)%
Percentage of revenue%%%%
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Research and development expenses decreased $23 million, or 3%, primarily attributable to a $42 million decrease in stock-based compensation, partially offset by a $19 million increase in employee headcount costs.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Research and development expenses decreased $56 million, or 2%, primarily attributable to a $73 million decrease in stock-based compensation, partially offset by a $15 million increase in employee headcount costs.
General and Administrative
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
General and administrative$646 $630 (2)%$2,079 $2,525 21 %
Percentage of revenue%%%%
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
General and administrative expenses decreased $16 million, or 2%, primarily attributable to a $12 million decrease in stock compensation, a $9 million decrease in other corporate expenses, and a $3 million decrease in employee headcount costs, partially offset by a $12 million increase in external contractor expenses.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
General and administrative expenses increased $446 million, or 21%, primarily attributable to a $362 million increase in legal-related accruals and expenses and a $73 million increase in other corporate expenses.
Depreciation and Amortization
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
Depreciation and amortization$205 $179 (13)%$620 $542 (13)%
Percentage of revenue%%%%
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Depreciation and amortization expenses decreased $26 million, or 13%, primarily attributable to a $24 million decrease in amortization and depreciation expenses due to various acquired intangible and fixed assets becoming fully amortized and depreciated during the period.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Depreciation and amortization expenses decreased $78 million, or 13%, primarily attributable to a $76 million decrease in amortization expenses due to various acquired intangible and fixed assets becoming fully amortized and depreciated during the period.

Interest Expense
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
Interest expense$(166)$(143)(14)%$(478)$(406)(15)%
Percentage of revenue(2)%(1)%(2)%(1)%
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Interest expense decreased by an immaterial amount.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Interest expense decreased by $72 million, or 15%, primarily attributable to the partial pay down of our 2030 Refinanced Term Loans and extinguishment of the 2025 Senior Notes in the last quarter of 2023. For additional information, see Note 6 – Long-Term Debt and Revolving Credit Arrangements in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Other Income (Expense), Net
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
Interest income$130 $195 50 %$324 $530 64 %
Foreign currency exchange gains (losses), net(92)25 **(185)(222)(20)%
Unrealized gain (loss) on debt and equity securities, net(96)1,664 **610 1,276 109 %
Loss from sale of investment— — **(74)— **
Other, net(33)**(162)**
Other income (expense), net$(52)$1,851 **$513 $1,593 211 %
Percentage of revenue(1)%17 %%%
** Percentage not meaningful.
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Interest income increased by $65 million primarily attributable to a larger investment portfolio compared to the same period in 2023.
Unrealized gain (loss) on debt and equity securities, net increased by $1.8 billion primarily due to changes in the fair value of our equity securities. During the three months ended September 30, 2023, unrealized loss on debt and equity securities, net, primarily includes: a $194 million unrealized loss on our Aurora investment; a $97 million unrealized loss on our Joby investment; partially offset by a $132 million unrealized gain on our Didi investment, and a $59 million unrealized gain on our Grab investment.
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, unrealized gain on debt and equity securities, net, primarily includes: a $1.0 billion unrealized gain on our Aurora investment; a $322 million unrealized gain on our Didi investment; a $141 million unrealized gain on our Delivery Hero investment, and a $134 million unrealized gain on our Grab investment. For additional information, refer to Note 3 – Investments and Fair Value Measurement in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1, of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Interest income increased by $206 million primarily attributable to a larger investment portfolio and higher yields compared to the same period in 2023.
Unrealized gain (loss) on debt and equity securities, net increased by $666 million primarily due to changes in the fair value of our equity securities. During the nine months ended September 30, 2023, unrealized gain on debt and equity securities, net primarily includes: $327 million unrealized gain on our Aurora investment; a $171 million unrealized gain on our Grab investment; a $79 million unrealized gain on our Joby investment, and a $29 million unrealized gain on our Didi investment.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, unrealized gain on debt and equity securities, net primarily includes: a $505 million unrealized gain on our Aurora investment; a $432 million gain on our Didi investment; a $230 million gain on our Grab investment, and a $113 million unrealized gain on our Delivery Hero investment. For additional information, refer to Note 3 –

Investments and Fair Value Measurement in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1, of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Provision for Income Taxes
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
Provision for (benefit from) income taxes$(40)$158 **$80 $244 205 %
Effective tax rate(23)%%16 %%
** Percentage not meaningful.
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Provision for income taxes increased by $198 million primarily driven by our foreign operations and the deferred U.S. tax impact related to our investments in Aurora and Didi.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Provision for income taxes increased by $164 million primarily driven by our foreign operations and the deferred U.S. tax impact related to our investments in Aurora, Didi, and Grab.
Income (loss) from Equity Method Investments
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
Income (loss) from equity method investments$$(12)**$43 $(28)**
Percentage of revenue— %— %— %— %
** Percentage not meaningful.
Three and Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Periods in 2023
The changes in income (loss) from equity method investments were not material.
Segment Results of Operations
We operate our business as three operating and reportable segments: Mobility, Delivery and Freight. For additional information about our segments, see Note 11 – Segment Information and Geographic Information in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
Mobility$5,071 $6,409 26 %$14,295 $18,176 27 %
Delivery2,935 3,470 18 %9,085 9,977 10 %
Freight1,286 1,309 %3,965 3,866 (2)%
Total revenue$9,292 $11,188 20 %$27,345 $32,019 17 %
Segment Adjusted EBITDA
Segment Adjusted EBITDA is defined as revenue less the following expenses: cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, operations and support, sales and marketing, and general and administrative and research and development expenses associated with our segments. Segment Adjusted EBITDA also excludes non-cash items, certain transactions that are not indicative of ongoing segment operating performance and/or items that management does not believe are reflective of our ongoing core operations. For additional information, see Note 11 – Segment Information and Geographic Information in the notes to the condensed

consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
Mobility$1,287 $1,682 31 %$3,517 $4,728 34 %
Delivery413 628 52 %1,030 1,744 69 %
Corporate G&A and Platform R&D (1)
Adjusted EBITDA (2)
$1,092 $1,690 55 %$2,769 $4,642 68 %
(1) Includes costs that are not directly attributable to our reportable segments. Corporate G&A also includes certain shared costs such as finance, accounting, tax, human resources, information technology and legal costs. Platform R&D also includes mapping and payment technologies and support and development of the internal technology infrastructure. Our allocation methodology is periodically evaluated and may change.
(2) See the section titled “Reconciliations of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” for more information and reconciliations to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure.
Mobility Segment
For the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, Mobility revenue increased $1.3 billion, or 26%, and Mobility Adjusted EBITDA profit increased $395 million, or 31%.
Mobility revenue increased primarily attributable to an increase in Mobility Gross Bookings of 17%, driven by an increase in Trip volumes. The increase in revenue was partially offset by business model changes in some countries that classified certain sales and marketing costs as contra revenue, which negatively impacted Mobility revenue growth by $149 million.
Mobility Adjusted EBITDA profit increased primarily attributable to an increase in Mobility Gross Bookings, partially offset by a $362 million increase in insurance expense primarily due to an increase in insurance rate per mile, a $316 million increase in Driver payments and incentives that are recorded in cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, a $60 million increase in network costs, a $50 million increase in credit card processing costs, and a $27 million increase in headcount costs.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, Mobility revenue increased $3.9 billion, or 27%, and Mobility Adjusted EBITDA profit increased $1.2 billion, or 34%.
Mobility revenue increased primarily attributable to an increase in Mobility Gross Bookings of 21%, driven by an increase in Trip volumes. The increase in revenue was partially offset by business model changes in some countries that classified certain sales and marketing costs as contra revenue, which negatively impacted Mobility revenue growth by $863 million.
Mobility Adjusted EBITDA profit increased primarily attributable to an increase in Mobility Gross Bookings, partially offset by a $998 million increase in insurance expense primarily due to an increase in insurance rate per mile, a $928 million increase in Driver payments and incentives that are recorded in cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, a $142 million increase in credit card processing costs, a $112 million increase in network costs, and a $105 million increase in headcount costs.
Delivery Segment
For the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, Delivery revenue increased $535 million, or 18%, and Delivery Adjusted EBITDA profit increased $215 million, or 52%.
Delivery revenue increased primarily attributable to an increase in Delivery Gross Bookings of 16%, driven by an increase in Trip volumes, and a 79% increase in advertising revenue.
Delivery Adjusted EBITDA profit increased primarily attributable to an increase in Delivery revenue including advertising, partially offset by a $169 million increase in Courier payments and incentives that are recorded in cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, a $57 million increase in insurance expense primarily due to an increase in miles driven, a $51 million increase in indirect advertising and marketing, and a $31 million increase in credit card processing costs.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, Delivery revenue increased $892 million, or 10%, and Delivery Adjusted EBITDA profit increased $714 million, or 69%.
Delivery revenue increased primarily attributable to an increase in Delivery Gross Bookings of 17%, driven by an increase in Trip volumes, and a 76% increase in advertising revenue. The increase in revenue was partially offset by business model changes in some countries that classified certain sales and marketing costs as contra revenue, which negatively impacted Delivery revenue growth by $713 million.

Delivery Adjusted EBITDA profit increased primarily attributable to an increase in Delivery revenue including advertising, partially offset by a $492 million increase in Courier payments and incentives that are recorded in cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, a $147 million increase in insurance expense primarily due to an increase in miles driven, an $83 million increase in credit card processing costs, and a $70 million increase in indirect advertising and marketing.
Freight Segment
For the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, Freight revenue increased $23 million, or 2%, and Freight Adjusted EBITDA declined $6 million, or 46%.
Freight revenue increased primarily attributable to a 2% increase in Freight Gross Bookings due to an increase in revenue per load.
Freight Adjusted EBITDA declined primarily attributable to a $32 million increase in Freight Carrier payments recorded in cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, partially offset by a $23 million increase in revenue and a $3 million decrease in external contractor expense.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, Freight revenue decreased $99 million, or 2%, and Freight Adjusted EBITDA remained flat.
Freight revenue decreased primarily attributable to a 3% decrease in Freight Gross Bookings due to lower revenue per load as a result of the challenging freight market cycle, partially offset by an increase in volume.
Freight Adjusted EBITDA remained flat, primarily attributable to a $99 million decrease in revenue partially offset by a $72 million decrease in Freight Carrier payments recorded in cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, and a $21 million decrease in other operating expenses.
Certain Key Metrics and Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Adjusted EBITDA, revenue growth rates in constant currency and free cash flow are non-GAAP financial measures. For more information about how we use these non-GAAP financial measures in our business, the limitations of these measures, and reconciliations of these measures to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures, see the section titled “Reconciliations of Non-GAAP Financial Measures.”
Monthly Active Platform Consumers. MAPCs is the number of unique consumers who completed a Mobility ride or received a Delivery order on our platform at least once in a given month, averaged over each month in the quarter. While a unique consumer can use multiple product offerings on our platform in a given month, that unique consumer is counted as only one MAPC. We use MAPCs to assess the adoption of our platform and frequency of transactions, which are key factors in our penetration of the countries in which we operate.
Trips. We define Trips as the number of completed consumer Mobility rides and Delivery orders in a given period. For example, an UberX Share ride with three paying consumers represents three unique Trips, whereas an UberX ride with three passengers represents one Trip. We believe that Trips are a useful metric to measure the scale and usage of our platform.

Gross Bookings. We define Gross Bookings as the total dollar value, including any applicable taxes, tolls, and fees, of: Mobility rides, Delivery orders (in each case without any adjustment for consumer discounts and refunds, Driver and Merchant earnings, and Driver incentives) and Freight revenue. Gross Bookings do not include tips earned by Drivers. Gross Bookings are an indication of the scale of our current platform, which ultimately impacts revenue.
Q4 2022Q1 2023Q2 2023Q3 2023Q4 2023Q1 2024Q2 2024Q3 2024
Mobility$14,894 $14,981 $16,728 $17,903 $19,285 $18,670 $20,554 $21,002 
Delivery14,315 15,026 15,595 16,094 17,011 17,699 18,126 18,663 
Freight1,540 1,401 1,278 1,284 1,279 1,282 1,272 1,308 
Adjusted EBITDA. See the section titled “Reconciliations of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” for our definition and a reconciliation of net income attributable to Uber Technologies, Inc. to Adjusted EBITDA.
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except percentages)20232024% Change20232024% Change
Adjusted EBITDA$1,092 $1,690 55 %$2,769 $4,642 68 %
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Adjusted EBITDA profit was $1.7 billion, improving $598 million from an Adjusted EBITDA profit of $1.1 billion from the same period in 2023. The improvement was primarily attributable to a $395 million increase in Mobility Adjusted EBITDA profit and a $215 million improvement in Delivery Adjusted EBITDA profit.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared with the Same Period in 2023
Adjusted EBITDA profit was $4.6 billion, improved $1.9 billion from an Adjusted EBITDA profit of $2.8 billion from the same period in 2023. The improvement was primarily attributable to a $1.2 billion increase in Mobility Adjusted EBITDA profit and a $714 million improvement in Delivery Adjusted EBITDA profit, partially offset by a $50 million increase in Corporate G&A and Platform R&D costs.

Reconciliations of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
We collect and analyze operating and financial data to evaluate the health of our business and assess our performance. In addition to revenue, net income (loss), income (loss) from operations, and other results under GAAP, we use Adjusted EBITDA, revenue growth rates in constant currency and free cash flow, which are described below, to evaluate our business. We use these non-GAAP financial measures for financial and operational decision-making and as a means to evaluate period-to-period comparisons. We believe that these non-GAAP financial measures provide meaningful supplemental information regarding our performance by excluding certain items that may not be indicative of our recurring core business operating results.
We believe that both management and investors benefit from referring to these non-GAAP financial measures in assessing our performance and when planning, forecasting, and analyzing future periods. These non-GAAP financial measures also facilitate management’s internal comparisons to our historical performance. We believe these non-GAAP financial measures are useful to investors both because (1) they allow for greater transparency with respect to key metrics used by management in its financial and operational decision-making and (2) they are used by our institutional investors and the analyst community to help them analyze the health of our business. Accordingly, we believe that these non-GAAP financial measures provide useful information to investors and others in understanding and evaluating our operating results in the same manner as our management team and board of directors. Our calculation of these non-GAAP financial measures may differ from similarly-titled non-GAAP measures, if any, reported by our peer companies. These non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered in isolation from, or as substitutes for, financial information prepared in accordance with GAAP.
Adjusted EBITDA
We define Adjusted EBITDA as net income (loss), excluding (i) income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income taxes, (ii) net income (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax, (iii) provision for (benefit from) income taxes, (iv) income (loss) from equity method investments, (v) interest expense, (vi) other income (expense), net, (vii) depreciation and amortization, (viii) stock-based compensation expense, (ix) certain legal, tax, and regulatory reserve changes and settlements, (x) goodwill and asset impairments/loss on sale of assets, (xi) acquisition, financing and divestitures related expenses, (xii) restructuring and related charges and (xiii) other items not indicative of our ongoing operating performance.
We have included Adjusted EBITDA in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q because it is a key measure used by our management team to evaluate our operating performance, generate future operating plans, and make strategic decisions, including those relating to operating expenses. Accordingly, we believe that Adjusted EBITDA provides useful information to investors and others in understanding and evaluating our operating results in the same manner as our management team and board of directors. In addition, it provides a useful measure for period-to-period comparisons of our business, as it removes the effect of certain non-cash expenses and certain variable charges.
Legal, tax, and regulatory reserve changes and settlements
Legal, tax, and regulatory reserve changes and settlements are primarily related to certain significant legal proceedings or governmental investigations related to worker classification definitions, or tax agencies challenging our non-income tax positions. These matters have limited precedent, cover extended historical periods and are unpredictable in both magnitude and timing, therefore are distinct from normal, recurring legal, tax and regulatory matters and related expenses incurred in our ongoing operating performance.
Limitations of Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation
Adjusted EBITDA has limitations as a financial measure, should be considered as supplemental in nature, and is not meant as a substitute for the related financial information prepared in accordance with GAAP. These limitations include the following:
Adjusted EBITDA excludes certain recurring, non-cash charges, such as depreciation of property and equipment and amortization of intangible assets, and although these are non-cash charges, the assets being depreciated and amortized may have to be replaced in the future, and Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect all cash capital expenditure requirements for such replacements or for new capital expenditure requirements;
Adjusted EBITDA excludes stock-based compensation expense, which has been, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future, a significant recurring expense in our business and an important part of our compensation strategy;
Adjusted EBITDA excludes certain restructuring and related charges, part of which may be settled in cash;
Adjusted EBITDA excludes other items not indicative of our ongoing operating performance;
Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect period-to-period changes in taxes, income tax expense or the cash necessary to pay income taxes;
Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect the components of other income (expense), net, which primarily includes: interest income; foreign currency exchange gains (losses), net; and unrealized gain (loss) on debt and equity securities, net; and

Adjusted EBITDA excludes certain legal, tax, and regulatory reserve changes and settlements that may reduce cash available to us.
 The following table presents a reconciliation of net income attributable to Uber Technologies, Inc., the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure, to Adjusted EBITDA for each of the periods indicated:
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)2023202420232024
Adjusted EBITDA reconciliation:
Net income attributable to Uber Technologies, Inc.$221 $2,612 $458 $2,973 
Add (deduct):
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interests, net of tax
(Income) loss from equity method investments
(3)12 (43)28 
Provision for (benefit from) income taxes(40)158 80 244 
Other (income) expense, net52 (1,851)(513)(1,593)
Interest expense166 143 478 406 
Income from operations
394 1,061 458 2,029 
Add (deduct):
Depreciation and amortization205 179 620 542 
Stock-based compensation expense492 438 1,466 1,377 
Legal, tax, and regulatory reserve changes and settlements(13)— 82 661 
Goodwill and asset impairments/loss on sale of assets
— 85 (3)
Acquisition, financing and divestitures related expenses27 16 
Gain on lease arrangement, net
(1)— (4)— 
Restructuring and related charges35 20 
Adjusted EBITDA$1,092 $1,690 $2,769 $4,642 
Constant Currency
We compare the percent change in our current period results from the corresponding prior period using constant currency disclosure. We present constant currency growth rate information to provide a framework for assessing how our underlying revenue performed excluding the effect of foreign currency rate fluctuations. We calculate constant currency by translating our current period financial results using the corresponding prior period’s monthly exchange rates for our transacted currencies other than the U.S. dollar.
Free Cash Flow 
We define free cash flow as net cash flows from operating activities less capital expenditures. The following table presents a reconciliation of free cash flow to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure for each of the periods indicated:
Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)20232024
Free cash flow reconciliation:
Net cash provided by operating activities$2,762 $5,387 
Purchases of property and equipment(168)(198)
Free cash flow$2,594 $5,189 

Liquidity and Capital Resources
Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)20232024
Net cash provided by operating activities$2,762 $5,387 
Net cash used in investing activities(2,407)(4,610)
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities(141)1,310 
Operating Activities
Net cash provided by operating activities was $5.4 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, primarily consisting of $2.9 billion of net income, adjusted for certain non-cash items, which primarily includes: $1.4 billion of stock-based compensation expense, and $561 million of depreciation and amortization expense; partially offset by $1.3 billion in unrealized gains on debt and equity securities, net. In addition, cash consumed by working capital decreased by $1.6 billion. The decrease in cash consumed by working capital was primarily driven by an increase in our accrued insurance reserves primarily due to liabilities recorded during the period exceeding claims paid out, and accrued expenses and other liabilities, partially offset by an increase in accounts receivable and prepaid expenses and other assets primarily due to tax matters recorded as a receivable in other assets described in the Non-Income Tax Matters section below.
Net cash provided by operating activities was $2.8 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily consisting of $456 million of net income, adjusted for certain non-cash items, which primarily includes: $1.5 billion of stock-based compensation expense; $620 million depreciation and amortization expense; $77 million in impairment of goodwill, long-lived assets and other assets; and a $74 million loss from sale of investment, partially offset by $610 million in unrealized gains from equity securities. In addition, cash consumed by working capital decreased by $496 million. The decrease in cash consumed by working capital was primarily driven by an increase in our accrued insurance reserves and accrued expenses and other current liabilities, partially offset by an increase in accounts receivable and prepaid expenses and other assets. In addition, net cash provided by operating activities reflects a cash outflow of £493 million (approximately $622 million) related to the payment of an HMRC VAT assessment during the third quarter of 2023. For additional information on this matter, refer to Note 12 – Commitments and Contingencies in the notes to condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1, of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Investing Activities
Net cash used in investing activities was $4.6 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, primarily consisting of purchases of marketable securities of $9.7 billion, purchases of non-marketable equity securities of $288 million, and $198 million in purchases of property and equipment, partially offset by proceeds from maturities and sales of marketable securities of $5.8 billion.
Net cash used in investing activities was $2.4 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily consisting of purchases of marketable securities of $5.9 billion and $168 million in purchases of property and equipment, partially offset by proceeds from maturities and sales of marketable securities of $3.0 billion and $721 million proceeds from the sale of an equity method investment.
Financing Activities
Net cash provided by financing activities was $1.3 billion for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, primarily consisting of: $3.97 billion in proceeds from the issuance of the Notes; $103 million in proceeds from the issuance of common stock under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan; partially offset by $1.97 billion relating to our extinguishment of the 2030 Refinanced Term Loans; $697 million of repurchases of common stock; and $122 million of principal payments of finance leases. For additional information on the Notes issuance and the extinguishment of the 2030 Refinanced Term Loans, see Note 6 – Long-Term Debt and Revolving Credit Arrangements in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Net cash used in financing activities was $141 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily consisting of $118 million of principal payments of finance leases, $25 million principal payments on Careem Notes and a $16 million net cash outflow related to our 2030 Refinanced Term Loans, comprised of (i) $1.1 billion cash inflow from the issuance of the 2030 Refinanced Term Loans, net of issuance costs, from new lenders and additional principal from existing lenders; (ii) a $1.1 billion cash outflow of principal payments on the 2025 Refinanced Term Loan and 2027 Refinanced Term Loan to exiting lenders and reduce principal owed to existing lenders. The total outflow was offset by $85 million in proceeds from the issuance of common stock under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan. For additional information on our 2030 Refinanced Term Loans, see Note 6 –

Long-Term Debt and Revolving Credit Arrangements in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Other Information
As of September 30, 2024, $2.8 billion of our $6.2 billion in cash and cash equivalents was held by our foreign subsidiaries. Cash held outside the United States may be repatriated, subject to certain limitations, and would be available to be used to fund our domestic operations. Repatriation of funds may result in immaterial tax liabilities.
We believe that our existing cash balance in the United States is sufficient to fund our working capital needs in the United States. We are in compliance with our debt and line of credit covenants as of September 30, 2024, including by meeting our reporting obligations. We also believe that our sources of funding and our available line of credit will be sufficient to satisfy our currently anticipated cash requirements including capital expenditures, working capital requirements, collateral requirements, potential acquisitions, potential prepayments of contested indirect tax assessments (“pay-to-play”), and other liquidity requirements through at least the next 12 months. We intend to continue to evaluate and may, in certain circumstances, take preemptive action to preserve liquidity.
Debt Redemptions
On September 12, 2024, we exercised the call option for a partial redemption of the 2027 Senior Note. As a result, we reclassified the $500 million called for redemption from long-term debt to accrued and other current liabilities on our condensed consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2024. The partial redemption was completed on October 3, 2024. In addition, on October 2, 2024, we exercised the call option to redeem the $1.5 billion 2026 Senior Note, with the redemption scheduled for November 1, 2024. For additional information, see Note 6 – Long-Term Debt and Revolving Credit Arrangements in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Share Repurchase Program
In February 2024, our board of directors authorized the repurchase of up to $7.0 billion in shares of our outstanding common stock (the “Share Repurchase Program”). The timing, manner, price and amount of any repurchases are determined by the discretion of management, depending on market conditions and other factors. Repurchases may be made through open market purchases and accelerated share repurchases. The exact number of shares to be repurchased by us, if any, is not guaranteed. Depending on market conditions and other factors, these repurchases may be commenced or suspended at any time or periodically without prior notice. As of September 30, 2024, we had $6.3 billion available to repurchase shares pursuant to the Share Repurchase Program. For additional information, see Note 8 – Stockholders' Equity in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Freight Series A Preferred Stock
On October 6, 2023, the 2020 Freight Series A Investor exercised their right to require that either Freight Holding conduct an IPO or we redeem them at the Freight Series A Liquidation Preference. Upon the redemption date in October 2024, we settled the 2020 Freight Series A Investor’s Freight Series A preferred stock in cash for $851 million. For additional information, see Note 14 – Non-Controlling Interests in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Non-Income Tax Matters
As of March 14, 2022, we modified our operating model in the UK, such that as of that date Uber UK is a merchant of transportation and is required to remit VAT. Uber UK is remitting VAT under the Value Added (Tour Operators) Order 1987 (“VAT Order 1987”), which allows for VAT remittance on a calculated margin, rather than on Gross Bookings.
We have received multiple assessments from the HMRC disputing our application of VAT Order 1987 for the period of March 2022 to March 2024, totaling approximately $1.4 billion (£1.1 billion) for unpaid VAT. Uber paid the assessments in order to proceed with the appeal process. The payments do not represent our acceptance of the assessments. The payments are recorded as a receivable in other assets on our condensed consolidated balance sheet because we believe that we will be successful in our appeal, upon which, the full amount of our payments will be returned to us with interest upon completion of the appeals process. We expect to receive additional assessments related to prior or future periods, which we will be required to pay in order to continue with the appeals process. Any payments are expected to decrease operating cash flow and have no impact on our results of operations. We plan to vigorously defend our application of the VAT Order 1987 and are waiting to obtain hearing dates from the Tax Tribunal.
We have non-cancelable commitments which primarily relate to network and cloud services and other items in the ordinary course of business. These amounts are determined based on the non-cancelable quantities to which we are contractually obligated.

As of September 30, 2024, there have been no material changes outside the ordinary course of business to the contractual obligations, as disclosed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Critical Accounting Estimates
Our condensed consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes have been prepared in accordance with GAAP. The preparation of these condensed consolidated financial statements requires us to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses, and related disclosures. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that we believe are reasonable under the circumstances. We evaluate our estimates and assumptions on an ongoing basis. Actual results may differ from these estimates. To the extent that there are material differences between these estimates and our actual results, our future financial statements will be affected.
For additional information about our critical accounting policies and estimates, see the disclosure included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K as well as Note 1 – Description of Business and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1, of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements
See Note 1 – Description of Business and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
We are exposed to market risks in the ordinary course of our business. These risks primarily include interest rate risk, investment risk, and foreign currency risk as follows:
Interest Rate Risk
As of June 30, 2024, we had approximately $1.97 billion in aggregate principal amount outstanding of the 2030 Refinanced Term Loans, which were floating rate notes carried at amortized cost and subject to interest rate risk. In September 2024, we fully repaid all loans outstanding under this term loan agreement. As a result, our primary exposure to market risks for changes in interest rates relate primarily to the new Credit Agreement of which we currently have no drawn amounts as of September 30, 2024. For additional information, see Note 6 – Long-Term Debt and Revolving Credit Arrangements in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
The fair value of our fixed rate notes will generally fluctuate with movements of interest rates, increasing in periods of declining rates of interest and declining in periods of increasing rates of interest. A hypothetical 100 basis point increase in interest rates would have increased the fair value of our notes by $513 million as of September 30, 2024.
Investment Risk
Our investment policy limits the amount of credit exposure with any one financial institution or commercial issuer. Cash deposits typically exceed insured limits and are placed with financial institutions around the world that we believe are of high credit quality. These deposits are in excess of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) insurance limits. There can be no assurance that our deposits in excess of the FDIC limits will be backstopped by the U.S., or that any bank or financial institution with which we do business will be able to obtain needed liquidity from other banks, government institutions or by acquisition in the event of a failure or liquidity crisis.
Our investment policy objective aims to preserve capital and meet liquidity requirements without significantly increasing risk. We had cash and cash equivalents including restricted cash and cash equivalents totaling $7.0 billion and $9.0 billion as of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024, respectively. Marketable debt securities classified as restricted investments and short-term investments totaled $9.5 billion as of September 30, 2024. As of September 30, 2024, our cash, cash equivalents, and marketable debt securities primarily consist of money market funds, cash deposits, U.S. government securities, U.S. government agency securities, and investment-grade corporate debt securities. We do not enter into investments for trading or speculative purposes. Investments in fixed rate securities carry a degree of interest rate risk. Changes in rates would primarily impact interest income due to the relatively short-term nature of our investments. A hypothetical 100 basis point change in interest rates would not have a material effect on our financial results.
We are exposed to certain risks related to the carrying amounts of investments in other companies, including our minority-owned, privately-held affiliates and public companies, compared to their fair value. We hold privately held investments in illiquid private company stock which are inherently difficult to value given the lack of publicly available information. We also hold equity securities with readily determinable fair values which are subject to equity price risk. These investments in privately-held affiliates and recently public companies may increase the volatility in our net income/(loss) in future periods due to changes in the fair value of these investments. In certain cases, our ability to sell these investments may be impacted by contractual obligations to hold the

securities for a set period of time after a public offering. As of September 30, 2024, the carrying value of our investments was $8.2 billion, including equity method investments.
Foreign Currency Risk
We transact business globally in multiple currencies. Our international revenue, as well as costs and expenses denominated in foreign currencies, expose us to the risk of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar. We are exposed to foreign currency risks related to our revenue and operating expenses denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. Accordingly, changes in exchange rates may negatively affect our future revenue and other operating results as expressed in U.S. dollars. Our foreign currency risk is partially mitigated as our revenue recognized in currencies other than the U.S. dollar is diversified across geographic regions and we incur expenses in the same currencies in such regions.
We have experienced and will continue to experience fluctuations in our net income/(loss) as a result of transaction gains or (losses) related to remeasurement of our asset and liability balances that are denominated in currencies other than the functional currency of the entities in which they are recorded. In the second quarter of 2024, we entered into foreign currency derivative contracts to mitigate the foreign currency exchange risk of our assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than the functional currency. These contracts reduce, but do not entirely eliminate, the impact of foreign currency exchange rate movements on our assets and liabilities.
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
We maintain disclosure controls and procedures that are designed to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed in reports that we file or submit under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”) is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and forms and that such information is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, as appropriate, to allow for timely decisions regarding required disclosure. As required by Rule 13a-15(b) under the Exchange Act, our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures as of the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Based upon that evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that, as of the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, our disclosure controls and procedures are effective at a reasonable assurance level.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
There were no changes to our internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the quarter ended September 30, 2024 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.
Inherent Limitations on Effectiveness of Controls
Our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, believes that our disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial reporting are designed to provide reasonable assurance of achieving their objectives and are effective at the reasonable assurance level. However, our management does not expect that our disclosure controls and procedures or our internal control over financial reporting will prevent or detect all error and fraud. Any control system, no matter how well designed and operated, is based upon certain assumptions and can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that its objectives will be met. Further, no evaluation of controls can provide absolute assurance that misstatements due to error or fraud will not occur or that all control issues and instances of fraud, if any, within our company have been detected.

We are a party to various legal actions and government investigations, and similar or other actions could be brought against us in the future. The most significant of these matters are described below.
Legal Proceedings Described in Note 12 – Commitments and Contingencies to Our Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
Note 12 – Commitments and Contingencies to our condensed consolidated financial statements for the quarter ended September 30, 2024 contained in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q includes information on legal proceedings that constitute material contingencies for financial reporting purposes that could have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position, liquidity or results of operations if they were resolved in a manner that is adverse to us. This item should be read in conjunction with Note 12 for information regarding the following material legal proceedings, which information is incorporated into this item by reference:
Driver Classification
State Unemployment Taxes
Legal Proceedings That Are Not Described in Note 12 – Commitments and Contingencies to Our Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements
In addition to the matters that are identified in Note 12 – Commitments and Contingencies to our condensed consolidated financial statements for the quarter ended September 30, 2024 contained in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, and incorporated into this item by reference, the following matters also constitute material pending legal proceedings, other than ordinary course litigation incidental to our business, to which we are or any of our subsidiaries is a party.
Australia Class Actions
In May 2019, an Australian law firm filed a class action in the Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia, against us and certain of our subsidiaries, on behalf of certain participants in the taxi, hire-car, and limousine industries. The plaintiff alleges that the Uber entities conspired to injure the group members during the period 2014 to 2017 by either directly breaching transport legislation or commissioning offenses against transport legislation by UberX Drivers in Australia. The claim alleges, in effect, that these operations caused loss and damage to the class representative and class members, including lost income and decreased value of certain taxi licenses. In March, April and October 2020, the same Australian law firm filed four additional class action lawsuits alleging the same claim. In March 2024, the class action was settled with no admission of liability by Uber. Such settlement is pending court approval.
Other Legal Proceedings
While it is not possible to determine the outcome of the legal actions, investigations, and proceedings brought against us, we believe that, except for the matters described above, the resolution of all such matters will not have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position or liquidity, but could be material to our consolidated results of operations in any one accounting period. We are currently involved in, and may in the future be involved in, legal proceedings, litigation, claims, and government investigations in the ordinary course of business. In addition, the nature of our business exposes us to claims related to the classification of Drivers and the compliance of our business with applicable law. This risk is enhanced in certain jurisdictions outside the United States where we may be less protected under local laws than we are in the United States. Although the results of the legal proceedings, claims, and government investigations in which we are involved cannot be predicted with certainty, we do not believe that the final outcome of these matters is reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, or operating results. Regardless of final outcomes, however, any such legal proceedings, claims, and government investigations may nonetheless impose a significant burden on management and employees and may come with costly defense costs or unfavorable preliminary and interim rulings.
Certain factors may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and results of operations. You should carefully consider the following risks, together with all of the other information contained in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, including the sections titled “Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and our financial statements and the related notes included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Any of the following risks could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition, operating results, or prospects and could cause the trading price of our common stock to decline, which would cause you to lose all or part of your investment. Our business, financial condition, operating results, or prospects could also be harmed by risks and uncertainties not currently known to us or that we currently do not believe are material.

Risk Factor Summary
The following are some of these risks, any of which could have an adverse effect on our business financial condition, operating results, or prospects.
Our business would be adversely affected if Drivers were classified as employees, workers or quasi-employees instead of independent contractors.
The mobility, delivery, and logistics industries are highly competitive, with well-established and low-cost alternatives that have been available for decades, low barriers to entry, low switching costs, and well-capitalized competitors in nearly every major geographic region.
To remain competitive in certain markets, we have in the past lowered, and may continue to lower, fares or service fees, and we have in the past offered, and may continue to offer, significant Driver incentives and consumer discounts and promotions.
We have incurred significant losses, including in the United States and other major markets. We expect our operating expenses to increase in the foreseeable future, and we may not maintain profitability.
If we are unable to attract or maintain a critical mass of Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers, whether as a result of competition or other factors, our platform will become less appealing to platform users.
Our business depends on retaining and attracting high-quality personnel, and continued attrition, future attrition, or unsuccessful succession planning could adversely affect our business.
Maintaining and enhancing our brand and reputation is critical to our business prospects. We receive significant media coverage, including negative publicity regarding our brand and reputation, and while we have taken significant steps to rehabilitate our brand and reputation, failure to maintain and enhance our brand and reputation will cause our business to suffer.
Our historical workplace culture and forward-leaning approach created operational, compliance, and cultural challenges and our efforts to address these challenges may not be successful.
If we are unable to optimize our organizational structure or effectively manage our growth, our financial performance and future prospects will be adversely affected.
Platform users may engage in, or be subject to, criminal, violent, inappropriate, or dangerous activity that results in major safety incidents, which may harm our ability to attract and retain Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers.
We are making substantial investments in new offerings and technologies, and may increase such investments in the future. These new ventures are inherently risky, and we may never realize any expected benefits from them.
We generate a significant percentage of our Gross Bookings from trips in large metropolitan areas, and these operations may be negatively affected by economic, social, weather, and regulatory conditions, public health concerns or other circumstances.
We may fail to offer autonomous vehicle technologies on our platform, fail to offer such technologies on our platform before our competitors, or such technologies may fail to perform as expected, may be inferior to those offered by our competitors, or may be perceived as less safe than those offered by competitors or non-autonomous vehicles.
We have experienced and may experience security or data privacy breaches or other unauthorized or improper access to, acquisition of, use of, disclosure of, alteration of or destruction of our proprietary or confidential data, employee data, or platform user data.
Cyberattacks, including computer malware, ransomware, viruses, denial of service attacks, account takeovers, spamming, phishing, and social engineering attacks could harm our reputation, business, and operating results.
Our growing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning may present additional risks, including risks associated with algorithm development or use, the tools and data sets used, and/or a complex, developing regulatory environment.
We are subject to climate change risks, including physical and transitional risks, and if we are unable to manage such risks, our business may be adversely impacted.
Increased attention to, and evolving expectations regarding, environment, social and governance and sustainability matters may impact our business, reputation and liabilities, including in the context of certain goals we have announced.

Occurrence of a catastrophic event, including but not limited to disease, a weather event, war, or terrorist attack, could adversely impact our business, financial condition and results of operation.
We rely on third parties maintaining open marketplaces to distribute our platform and to provide the software we use in certain of our products and offerings. If such third parties interfere with the distribution of our products or offerings or with our use of such software, our business would be adversely affected.
We will require additional capital to support the growth of our business, and this capital might not be available on reasonable terms or at all.
If we are unable to successfully identify, acquire and integrate suitable businesses, our operating results and prospects could be harmed, and any businesses we acquire may not perform as expected or be effectively integrated.
We may continue to be blocked from or limited in providing or operating our products and offerings in certain jurisdictions, and may be required to modify our business model in those jurisdictions as a result.
Our business is subject to numerous legal and regulatory risks that could have an adverse impact on our business and future prospects.
Our business is subject to extensive government regulation and oversight relating to the provision of payment and financial services.
We face risks related to our collection, use, transfer, disclosure, and other processing of data, which have resulted and may result in investigations, inquiries, litigation, fines, legislative and regulatory action, and negative press about our privacy and data protection practices.
If we are unable to protect our intellectual property, or if third parties are successful in claiming that we are misappropriating the intellectual property of others, we may incur significant expense and our business may be adversely affected.
The market price of our common stock has been, and may continue to be, volatile or may decline steeply or suddenly regardless of our operating performance, and we may not be able to meet investor or analyst expectations. You may not be able to resell your shares at or above the price you paid and may lose all or part of your investment.
Operational and Economic Risks Related to Our Business
Operational Risks
Our business would be adversely affected if Drivers were classified as employees, workers or quasi-employees.
The classification of Drivers is currently being challenged in courts, by legislators and by government agencies in the United States and abroad. We are involved in numerous legal proceedings globally, including putative class and collective class action lawsuits, demands for arbitration, charges and claims before administrative agencies, and investigations or audits by labor, social security, and tax authorities that claim that Drivers should be treated as our employees (or as workers or quasi-employees where those statuses exist), rather than as independent contractors. We believe that Drivers are independent contractors because, among other things, they can choose whether, when, and where to provide services on our platform, are free to provide services on our competitors’ platforms, and provide a vehicle to perform services on our platform. Nevertheless, we may not be successful in defending the classification of Drivers in some or all jurisdictions. Furthermore, the costs associated with defending, settling, or resolving pending and future lawsuits (including demands for arbitration) relating to the classification of Drivers have been and may continue to be material to our business.
In addition, more than 150,000 Drivers in the United States who have entered into arbitration agreements with us have filed (or expressed an intention to file) arbitration demands against us that assert similar classification claims. We have resolved the classification claims of a majority of these Drivers under individual settlement agreements. Furthermore, we are involved in numerous legal proceedings regarding the enforceability of arbitration agreements entered into with Drivers. If we are not successful in such proceedings, this could negatively impact the enforceability of arbitration agreements in other legal proceedings, which could have an adverse consequence on our business and financial condition.
Changes to foreign, state, and local laws governing the definition or classification of independent contractors, or judicial decisions regarding independent contractor classification, could require classification of Drivers as employees (or workers or quasi-employees where those statuses exist) and/or representation of Drivers by labor unions. For example, California’s Assembly Bill 5 became effective as of January 1, 2020. Government authorities and private plaintiffs have brought litigation asserting that Assembly Bill 5 requires Drivers in California to be classified as employees.
In November 2020, California voters approved Proposition 22, a California state ballot initiative that provides a framework for drivers that use platforms like ours for independent work. Proposition 22 went into effect in December 2020 and we expect that

Drivers will be able to maintain their status as independent contractors under California law and that we and our competitors will be required to comply with the provisions of Proposition 22. Although our stipulation to dissolve the California Attorney General’s preliminary injunction was granted in April 2021, that litigation remains pending, and we also may face liability relating to periods before the effective date of Proposition 22. The California Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Proposition 22; however, legal challenges, including constitutional challenges, to Proposition 22 may continue to be filed.
We face similar challenges in other jurisdictions within the United States and abroad. For example, in July 2020, the Massachusetts Attorney General filed a complaint against Uber and Lyft, alleging that drivers are misclassified, and seeking an injunction. That case was resolved in June 2024 with the understanding that drivers would continue to be classified as independent contractors. If we do not prevail in current litigation or similar actions that may be brought in the future, we may be required to treat Drivers as employees and/or make other changes to our business model in certain jurisdictions. If, as a result of legislation or judicial decisions, we are required to classify Drivers as employees, we would incur significant additional expenses for compensating Drivers, including expenses associated with the application of wage and hour laws (including minimum wage, overtime, and meal and rest period requirements), employee benefits, social security contributions, taxes (direct and indirect), and potential penalties. In this case, we anticipate significant price increases for Riders to offset these additional costs; however, we believe that the financial impact to Uber would be moderated by the likelihood of other industry participants being similarly affected. Additionally, we may not have adequate Driver supply as Drivers may opt out of our platform given the loss of flexibility under an employment model, and we may not be able to hire a majority of the Drivers currently using our platform. Further, any such reclassification would require us to fundamentally change our business model, and consequently have an adverse effect on our business, results of operations, financial position and cash flows.
Other examples of judicial decisions include a decision by the French Supreme Court that a driver for a third-party meal delivery service was under a “subordinate relationship” of the service, indicating an employment relationship, a decision by the French Supreme Court that reclassified an UberX Driver as an employee (which has been followed by inconsistent appellate decisions regarding employee status), decisions by several Swiss governmental bodies ruling that Drivers should be classified as employees for Swiss social security or regulatory purposes, a recent Spanish regulation of food delivery platforms that presumes employment status and a ruling in September 2021 by a Netherlands court that Mobility Drivers are employees within the meaning of the taxi collective bargaining agreement. As another example, in October 2024, Mexico’s President announced she will present a bill to amend Mexico’s Federal Labor Law and reclassify all mobility and delivery earners who make more than one minimum salary a month as employees, with traditional labor law rights, including sharing into the profits of the company.
In addition, reclassification of Drivers as employees, workers or quasi-employees where those statuses exist, have and could lead to groups of Drivers becoming represented by labor unions and similar organizations. For example, in May 2021, we formally recognized a UK driver union and in 2024, voters in Massachusetts will decide whether to adopt a ballot initiative allowing drivers to collectively bargain as independent contractors. If a significant number of Drivers were to become unionized and collective bargaining agreement terms were to deviate significantly from our business model, our business, financial condition, operating results and cash flows could be materially adversely affected. In addition, a labor dispute involving Drivers may harm our reputation, disrupt our operations and reduce our net revenues, and the resolution of labor disputes may increase our costs.
In addition, if we are required to classify Drivers as employees, workers or quasi-employees, this may impact our current financial statement presentation including revenue, cost of revenue, incentives and promotions as further described in our significant and critical accounting policies in the section titled “Critical Accounting Estimates” included in Part I, Item 2 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and Note 1 in the section titled “Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements” included in Part I, Item 1 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q as well as our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.

The mobility, delivery, and logistics industries are highly competitive, with well-established and low-cost alternatives that have been available for decades, low barriers to entry, low switching costs, and well-capitalized competitors in nearly every major geographic region. If we are unable to compete effectively in these industries, our business and financial prospects would be adversely impacted.

Our platform provides offerings in the mobility, delivery, and logistics industries. We compete on a global basis, and the markets in which we compete are highly fragmented. We face significant competition in each of the mobility and delivery industries globally and in the logistics industry in the United States and Canada from existing, well-established, and low-cost alternatives, and in the future we expect to face competition from new market entrants given the low barriers to entry that characterize these industries. In addition, within each of these markets, the cost to switch between products is low. Consumers have a propensity to shift to the lowest-cost or highest-quality provider; Drivers have a propensity to shift to the platform with the highest earnings potential; restaurants and other merchants have a propensity to shift to the delivery platform that offers the lowest service fee for their meals and other goods and provides the highest volume of orders; and Shippers and Carriers have a propensity to shift to the platform with the best price and most convenient service for hauling shipments.
Further, while we work to expand globally and introduce new products and offerings across a range of industries, many of our competitors remain focused on a limited number of products or on a narrow geographic scope, allowing them to develop specialized expertise and employ resources in a more targeted manner than we do. As we and our competitors introduce new products and offerings, and as existing products evolve, we expect to become subject to additional competition. In addition, our competitors may adopt certain of our product features, or may adopt innovations that Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers value more highly than ours, which would render our products less attractive or reduce our ability to differentiate our products. Increased competition could result in, among other things, a reduction of the revenue we generate from the use of our platform, the number of platform users, the frequency of use of our platform, and our margins.
We face competition in each of our offerings, including:
Mobility. Our Mobility offering competes with personal vehicle ownership and usage, which accounts for the majority of passenger miles in the markets that we serve, and traditional transportation services, including taxicab companies and taxi-hailing services, livery and other car services. In addition, public transportation can be a superior substitute to our Mobility offering and in many cases, offers a faster and lower-cost travel option in many cities. We also compete with other ridesharing companies, including certain of our minority-owned entities, for Drivers and riders, including Lyft, Ola, Didi, Grab, and Bolt.
Delivery. Our Delivery offering competes with numerous companies in the meal, grocery and other delivery space in various regions for Drivers, consumers, and merchants, including DoorDash, Deliveroo, Glovo, Instacart, Gopuff, Rappi, iFood, Delivery Hero, Just Eat Takeaway, and Amazon. Our Delivery offering also competes with restaurants, including those that offer their own delivery and/or take-away, meal kit delivery services, grocery delivery services, and traditional grocers.
Freight. Our Freight offering competes with global and North American freight brokers and managed transportation providers such as C.H. Robinson, Total Quality Logistics, RXO, XPO, Echo Global Logistics, DHL, and NEXT Trucking.
Many of our competitors are well-capitalized and offer discounted services, Driver incentives, consumer discounts and promotions, innovative products and offerings, and alternative pricing models, which may be more attractive to consumers than those that we offer. Further, some of our current or potential competitors have, and may in the future continue to have, greater resources and access to larger Driver, consumer, merchant, Shipper, or Carrier bases in a particular geographic market. In addition, our competitors in certain geographic markets enjoy substantial competitive advantages such as greater brand recognition, longer operating histories, larger marketing budgets, better localized knowledge, and more supportive regulatory regimes. As a result, such competitors may be able to respond more quickly and effectively than us in such markets to new or changing opportunities, technologies, consumer preferences, regulations, or standards, which may render our products or offerings less attractive. In addition, future competitors may share in the effective benefit of any regulatory or governmental approvals and litigation victories we may achieve, without having to incur the costs we have incurred to obtain such benefits.
As a result of certain divestitures, we are contractually restricted from competing with our current or former minority-owned entities with respect to certain aspects of our business, including in Russia/CIS through February 2025, Southeast Asia through one year after we dispose of all interests in Grab, and the Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan through two years after we dispose of all interests in Careem Technologies, while our minority-owned entities are not necessarily restricted from competing with us anywhere in the world. As our current and former minority-owned entities continue to expand their businesses, they may in the future compete with us in additional geographic markets. In addition, we are contractually restricted from competing with some of our majority-owned entities with respect to certain aspects of our business, including competing against Uber Freight with respect to freight brokerage.
Additionally, if we are unable to obtain regulatory approval of any acquisitions, we may not ultimately consummate such acquisitions, may be required to pay termination fees or may consummate them only in jurisdictions where antitrust approval is obtained. Further, in order to obtain regulatory approval of acquisitions, we may be required to divest all or part of our or the target company’s operations or agree to other remedies. Any such remedies could result in additional competition in some or all markets.

For all of these reasons, we may not be able to compete successfully against our current and future competitors. Our inability to compete effectively would have an adverse effect on, or otherwise harm, our business, financial condition, and operating results.
To remain competitive in certain markets, we have in the past lowered, and may continue to lower, fares or service fees, and we have in the past offered, and may continue to offer, significant Driver incentives and consumer discounts and promotions, which has adversely affected and may continue to adversely affect our financial performance.
To remain competitive in certain markets and generate network scale and liquidity, we have in the past lowered, and may continue to lower, fares or service fees, and we have offered and may continue to offer significant Driver incentives and consumer discounts and promotions. At times, in certain geographic markets, we have offered, and may continue to offer, Driver incentives that cause the total amount of the fare that a Driver retains, combined with the Driver incentives a Driver receives from us, to increase, at times meeting or exceeding the amount of Gross Bookings we generate for a given Trip. In certain geographic markets and regions, we do not have a leading category position, which may result in us choosing to further increase the amount of Driver incentives and consumer discounts and promotions that we offer in those geographic markets and regions. We cannot assure you that offering such Driver incentives and consumer discounts and promotions will be successful. Driver incentives, consumer discounts, promotions, and reductions in fares and our service fee have negatively affected, and will continue to negatively affect, our financial performance. Additionally, we rely on pricing models to calculate consumer fares and Driver earnings, which have been modified over time and will likely in the future be modified, and pricing models at times vary based upon jurisdiction. We cannot assure you that our pricing models or strategies will be successful in attracting consumers and Drivers. For example, changes we have made in California to the information that Drivers see in the application, as well as pricing and offer structure changes, adversely impacted usage of the application. If we are unable to successfully manage these and similar kinds of changes in the future, our business may be adversely impacted.
The markets in which we compete have attracted significant investments from a wide range of funding sources, and we anticipate that many of our competitors will continue to be highly capitalized. Moreover, certain of our stockholders have made substantial investments in certain of our competitors and may increase such investments, make new investments in other competitors, or enter into strategic transactions with competitors in the future. These investments or strategic transactions, along with other competitive advantages discussed above, may allow our competitors to compete more effectively against us and continue to lower their prices, offer Driver incentives or consumer discounts and promotions, or otherwise attract Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers to their platform and away from ours. Such competitive pressures may lead us to maintain or lower fares or service fees or maintain or increase our Driver incentives and consumer discounts and promotions. Ridesharing and certain other categories in which we compete are relatively nascent, and we cannot guarantee that they will stabilize at a competitive equilibrium that will allow us to maintain profitability.
We have incurred significant losses, including in the United States and other major markets. We expect our operating expenses to increase in the foreseeable future, and we may not maintain profitability.
We incurred operating losses of $3.8 billion and $1.8 billion in the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2022, respectively, and, as of September 30, 2024, we had an accumulated deficit of $27.6 billion. We will need to generate and sustain increased revenue levels and decrease proportionate expenses in future periods to achieve or maintain profitability in many of our largest markets, including in the United States, and even if we do, we may not be able to maintain or increase profitability. We may continue to incur losses in the near term as a result of substantial increases in our operating expenses, as we continue to invest in order to: increase the number of Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers using our platform through incentives, discounts, and promotions; expand within existing or into new markets; increase our research and development expenses; expand marketing channels and operations; hire additional employees; and add new products and offerings to our platform. These efforts may prove more expensive than we anticipate, and we may not succeed in increasing our revenue sufficiently to offset these expenses. Many of our efforts to generate revenue are new and unproven, and any failure to adequately increase revenue or contain the related costs could prevent us from attaining or increasing profitability. In addition, we sometimes introduce new products that we expect to add value to our overall platform and network but which we expect will generate lower Gross Bookings per Trip or a lower Revenue Margin. Further, we charge a lower service fee to certain of our largest chain restaurant partners on our Delivery offering to grow the number of Delivery consumers, which may at times result in a negative Revenue Margin with respect to those transactions after considering amounts collected from consumers and paid to Drivers. As we expand our offerings to additional cities, our offerings in these cities may be less profitable than the markets in which we currently operate. As such, we may not be able to maintain profitability in the near term, in accordance with our expectations, or at all. Additionally, we may not realize the operating efficiencies we expect to achieve as a result of our acquisition of Careem, Postmates or other acquired companies, and may continue to incur significant operating losses in the United States, Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan in the future. Even if we do experience operating efficiencies, our operating results may not improve, at least in the near term.
If we are unable to attract or maintain a sufficient number of Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers, whether as a result of competition or other factors, our platform will become less appealing to platform users, and our financial results would be adversely impacted.

Our success in a given geographic market significantly depends on our ability to develop our network scale and liquidity in that geographic market by attracting Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers to our platform. If Drivers choose not to offer their services through our platform, we may lack a sufficient supply of Drivers to attract consumers and merchants to our platform. We have experienced and expect to continue to experience Driver supply constraints in most geographic markets in which we operate. To the extent that we experience Driver supply constraints in a given market, we may need to increase or may not be able to reduce the Driver incentives that we offer without adversely affecting the supply liquidity that we experience in that market. Similarly, if Carriers choose not to offer their services through our platform or elect to use other freight brokers, we may lack a sufficient supply of Carriers in specific geographic markets to attract Shippers to our platform. Furthermore, if merchants choose to partner with other delivery services in a specific geographic market, or if merchants choose to engage exclusively with our competitors, other merchant marketing websites, or other delivery services, we may lack a sufficient variety and supply of restaurant and other merchant options, or lack access to the most popular restaurants, such that our Delivery offering will become less appealing to consumers and merchants. A significant amount of our Delivery Gross Bookings come from a limited number of large restaurant groups and other merchants, and this concentration increases the risk of fluctuations in our operating results and our sensitivity to any material adverse developments experienced by our significant restaurant partners. If platform users choose to use other ridesharing, meal delivery, or logistics services, we may lack sufficient opportunities for Drivers to earn a fare, Carriers to book a shipment, or restaurants to provide a meal, which may reduce the perceived utility of our platform. An insufficient supply of platform users would decrease our network liquidity and adversely affect our revenue and financial results. Although we may benefit from having larger scale and liquidity than some competitors, those network effects may not result in competitive advantages or may be overcome by smaller competitors. Maintaining a balance between supply and demand in any given area at any given time and our ability to execute operationally may be more important to service quality than the absolute size of the network. If our service quality diminishes or our competitors’ products achieve greater market adoption, our competitors may be able to grow at a quicker rate than we do and may diminish our network effect.
Our number of platform users may decline materially or fluctuate as a result of many factors, including, among other things, dissatisfaction with the operation of our platform, the price of fares, meals, and shipments (including a reduction in incentives), dissatisfaction with the quality of service provided by the Drivers and merchants on our platform, quality of platform user support, dissatisfaction with the merchant selection on Delivery, negative publicity related to our brand, including as a result of safety incidents and corporate reporting related to safety, perceived political or geopolitical affiliations, a pandemic or an outbreak of disease or similar public health concern, or fear of such an event, treatment of Drivers, perception that our culture has not fundamentally changed, dissatisfaction with changes we make to our products and offerings, or dissatisfaction with our products and offerings in general. In addition, if we are unable to provide high-quality support to platform users or respond to reported incidents, including safety incidents, in a timely and acceptable manner, our ability to attract and retain platform users could be adversely affected. If Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers do not establish or maintain active accounts with us, if a social media or other campaign encouraging users to cease use of our platform takes hold, if we fail to provide high-quality support, or if we cannot otherwise attract and retain a large number of Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers, our revenue would decline, and our business would suffer.
The number of Drivers and merchants on our platform could decline or fluctuate as a result of a number of factors, including Drivers ceasing to provide their services through our platform, passage or enforcement of local laws limiting our products and offerings, the low switching costs between competitor platforms or services, and dissatisfaction with our brand or reputation, pricing models (including potential reductions in incentives), ability to prevent safety incidents, or other aspects of our business. While we aim to provide an earnings opportunity comparable to that available in retail, wholesale, or merchant services or other similar work, we continue to experience dissatisfaction with our platform from a significant number of Drivers. In particular, as we aim to reduce Driver incentives to improve our financial performance, we expect Driver dissatisfaction will generally increase.
Often, we are forced to make tradeoffs between the satisfaction of various platform users, as a change that one category of users views as positive will likely be viewed as negative to another category of users. We also take certain measures to protect against fraud, help increase safety, and prevent privacy and security breaches, including terminating access to our platform for users with low ratings or reported incidents, and imposing certain qualifications for Drivers and merchants, which may damage our relationships with platform users or discourage or diminish their use of our platform. Further, we are investing in our autonomous vehicle strategy, which may add to Driver dissatisfaction over time, as it may reduce the need for Drivers. Driver dissatisfaction has in the past resulted in protests by Drivers in various regions, including India, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Such protests have resulted, and any future protests may result, in interruptions to our business. Continued Driver dissatisfaction may also result in a decline in our number of platform users, which would reduce our network liquidity, and which in turn may cause a further decline in platform usage. Any decline in the number of Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, or Carriers using our platform would reduce the value of our network and would harm our future operating results.
In addition, changes in Driver qualification and background-check requirements may increase our costs and reduce our ability to onboard additional Drivers to our platform. Our Driver qualification and background check process varies by jurisdiction, and there have been allegations, including from regulators, legislators, prosecutors, taxicab owners, and consumers, that our

background check process is insufficient or inadequate. With respect to Drivers who are only eligible to make deliveries through Delivery, our qualification and background check standards are generally less extensive than the standards for Drivers who are eligible to provide rides through our Mobility products. Legislators and regulators may pass laws or adopt regulations in the future requiring Drivers to undergo a materially different type of qualification, screening, or background check process, or that limit our ability to access information used in the background check process in an efficient manner, which could be costly and time-consuming. Required changes in the qualification, screening, and background check process (including any changes to such processes of Careem, Postmates or other acquired companies) could also reduce the number of Drivers in those markets or extend the time required to recruit new Drivers to our platform, which would adversely impact our business and growth. Furthermore, we rely on a single background-check provider in certain jurisdictions, and we may not be able to arrange for adequate background checks from a different provider on commercially reasonable terms or at all. The failure of this provider to provide background checks on a timely basis would result in our inability to onboard new Drivers or retain existing Drivers undergoing periodic background checks that are required to continue using our platform.
Maintaining and enhancing our brand and reputation is critical to our business prospects. We receive significant media coverage, including negative publicity regarding our brand and reputation, and while we have taken significant steps to rehabilitate our brand and reputation, failure to maintain or enhance our brand and reputation will cause our business to suffer.
Maintaining and enhancing our brand and reputation is critical to our ability to attract new employees and platform users, to preserve and deepen the engagement of our existing employees and platform users, and to mitigate legislative or regulatory scrutiny, litigation, government investigations, and adverse platform user sentiment.
We receive a high degree of negative media coverage around the world, which adversely affects our brand and reputation and fuels distrust of our company. Negative publicity, particularly related to the period prior to and through 2017, adversely affects our brand and reputation, makes it difficult for us to attract and retain platform users, reduces confidence in and use of our products and offerings, invites continued legislative and regulatory scrutiny, and results in additional litigation and governmental investigations. As a result, our competitors raised additional capital, increased their investments in certain markets, and improved their category positions and market shares, and may continue to do so.
In 2024, we released a third safety report, which provides the public with data related to reports of sexual assaults and other critical safety incidents claimed to have occurred on our platform in the United States. Public responses to our safety reports or any future safety reports or similar public reporting of safety incidents claimed to have occurred on our platform, which may include disclosure of reports provided to regulators and other government authorities, as well as public responses to any third-party assessments of our civil rights impact, may continue to result in positive and negative media coverage, increased regulatory scrutiny, and litigation, and could adversely affect our reputation with platform users. Further unfavorable media coverage and negative publicity could adversely impact our financial results and future prospects. As our platform continues to scale and becomes increasingly interconnected, resulting in increased media coverage and public awareness of our brand, future damage to our brand and reputation could have an amplified effect on our various platform offerings. Additionally, some of our acquired and majority-owned companies, including Careem, Postmates and Cornershop, have or will continue to use their own brands and/or operate their own apps in parallel with our brand and apps, and any damage or reputational harm to their brands could adversely impact our brand and reputation.
Our brand and reputation might also be harmed by events outside of our control. For example, we have licensed our brand in connection with certain divestitures and joint ventures, including to Yandex in Russia/CIS, and while we have certain contractual protections in place governing the use of our brand by these companies, we do not control these businesses, we are not able to anticipate their actions, and consumers may not be aware that these service providers are not controlled by us. Furthermore, if Drivers, merchants, or Carriers provide diminished quality of service, are involved in incidents regarding safety or privacy, engage in malfeasance, or otherwise violate the law, we may receive unfavorable press coverage and our reputation and business may be harmed. As a result, any of these third parties could take actions that result in harm to our brand, reputation, and consequently, our business.
While we have taken significant steps to rehabilitate our brand and reputation, the successful rehabilitation of our brand will depend largely on maintaining a good reputation, minimizing the number of safety incidents, continuing an improved culture and workplace practices, improving our compliance programs, continuing to invest in safety features and improvements, maintaining a high quality of service and ethical behavior, and continuing our marketing and public relations efforts. Our brand promotion, reputation building, and media strategies have involved significant costs and may not be successful. We anticipate that other competitors and potential competitors will expand their offerings, which will make maintaining and enhancing our reputation and brand increasingly more difficult and expensive. If we fail to successfully maintain our brand in the current or future competitive environment or if events occur in the future which negatively affect public perception of our company, our brand and reputation would be further damaged and our business may suffer.
Our historical workplace culture and forward-leaning approach created operational, compliance, and cultural challenges, and

a failure to address these challenges would adversely impact our business, financial condition, operating results, and prospects.
Our historical workplace culture and forward-leaning approach created significant operational and cultural challenges that have in the past harmed, and may in the future continue to harm, our business results and financial condition. Our prior failure to prioritize compliance has led to increased regulatory scrutiny globally. Although we have since made changes in our company’s cultural values and composition of our leadership team and have an ongoing commitment to promote transparency and collaboration, regulators may continue to perceive us negatively, which would adversely impact our business, financial condition, operating results, and prospects.
Our workforce and operations have grown substantially since our inception and we have in the past implemented several reductions in workforce. If we are unable to optimize our organizational structure or effectively manage our growth or any future reductions in workforce, our financial performance and future prospects will be adversely affected.
Since our inception, we have experienced rapid growth in the United States and internationally. This expansion increases the complexity of our business and has placed, and will continue to place, significant strain on our management, personnel, operations, systems, technical performance, financial resources, and internal financial control and reporting functions. We may not be able to manage our growth effectively, which could damage our reputation and negatively affect our operating results.
As of September 30, 2024, we had approximately 30,800 global employees, of whom approximately 17,800 were located outside the United States. The total number of our employees located outside the United States has increased and may continue to increase as we expand globally. Properly managing our growth will require us to continue to hire, train, and manage qualified employees and staff, including engineers, operations personnel, financial and accounting staff, and sales and marketing staff, and to improve and maintain our technology. If our new hires perform poorly, if we are unsuccessful in hiring, training, managing, and integrating new employees and staff, or if we are not successful in retaining our existing employees and staff, our business may be harmed. Moreover, in order to optimize our organizational structure, we have implemented several reductions in workforce and restructurings, and may in the future implement other reductions in workforce. Any reduction in workforce or restructuring may yield unintended consequences and costs, such as attrition beyond the intended reduction in workforce, the distraction of employees, or reduced employee morale and could adversely affect our reputation as an employer, which could make it more difficult for us to hire new employees in the future and increase the risk that we may not achieve the anticipated benefits from the reduction in workforce. Properly managing our growth or any reductions in workforce will require us to establish consistent policies across regions and functions, and a failure to do so could likewise harm our business.
Our failure to upgrade our technology or network infrastructure effectively to support our growth could result in unanticipated system disruptions, slow response times, or poor experiences for Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers. To manage the growth of our operations and personnel and improve the technology that supports our business operations, as well as our financial and management systems, disclosure controls and procedures, and internal controls over financial reporting, we will be required to commit substantial financial, operational, and technical resources. In particular, we will need to improve our transaction processing and reporting, operational, and financial systems, procedures, and controls. For example, due to our significant growth, especially with respect to our high-growth emerging offerings like Delivery and Freight, we face challenges in timely and appropriately designing controls in response to evolving risks of material misstatement. These improvements are and will be particularly challenging when we acquire new businesses with different systems. Our current and planned personnel, systems, procedures, and controls may not be adequate to support our future operations. If we are unable to expand our operations and hire additional qualified personnel in an efficient manner, or if our operational technology is insufficient to reliably service Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, or Carriers, platform user satisfaction will be adversely affected and may cause platform users to switch to our competitors’ platforms, which would adversely affect our business, financial condition, and operating results.
Our organizational structure is complex and will continue to grow as we add additional Drivers, consumers, merchants, Carriers, Shippers, employees, products and offerings, and technologies, and as we continue to expand globally. We will need to improve our operational, financial, and management controls as well as our reporting systems and procedures to support the growth of our organizational structure. We will require capital and management resources to grow and mature in these areas. If we are unable to effectively manage the growth of our business, the quality of our platform may suffer, and we may be unable to address competitive challenges, which would adversely affect our overall business, operations, and financial condition.
If platform users engage in, or are subject to, criminal, violent, inappropriate, or dangerous activity that results in major safety incidents, our ability to attract and retain Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers may be harmed, which could have an adverse impact on our reputation, business, financial condition, and operating results.
We are not able to control or predict the actions of platform users and third parties, either during their use of our platform or otherwise, and we may be unable to protect or provide a safe environment for Drivers and consumers as a result of certain actions by Drivers, consumers, merchants, Carriers, and third parties. Such actions may result in injuries, property damage, or loss of life for consumers and third parties, or business interruption, brand and reputational damage, or significant liabilities for us. Although we administer certain qualification processes for users of our platform, including background checks on Drivers through third-party service providers in the United States, these qualification processes and background checks may not expose all potentially relevant

information and are limited in certain jurisdictions according to national and local laws, and our third-party service providers where utilized may fail to conduct such background checks adequately or disclose information that could be relevant to a determination of eligibility. Further, the qualification and background check standards for Couriers are generally less extensive than those conducted for Mobility Drivers. In addition, we do not independently test Drivers’ driving skills. Consequently, we expect to continue to receive complaints from riders and other consumers, as well as actual or threatened legal action against us related to Driver conduct. We have also faced civil litigation alleging, among other things, inadequate Driver qualification processes and background checks, and general misrepresentations regarding the safety of our platform.
If Drivers or Carriers, or individuals impersonating Drivers or Carriers, engage in criminal activity, misconduct, or inappropriate conduct or use our platform as a conduit for criminal activity, consumers and Shippers may not consider our products and offerings safe, and we may receive negative press coverage as a result of our business relationship with such Driver or Carrier, which would adversely impact our brand, reputation, and business. There have been numerous incidents and allegations worldwide of Drivers, or individuals impersonating Drivers, sexually assaulting, abusing, kidnapping and/or fatally injuring consumers, or otherwise engaging in criminal activity while using our platform or claiming to use our platform. Furthermore, if consumers engage in criminal activity or misconduct while using our platform, Drivers and merchants may be unwilling to continue using our platform. In addition, certain regions where we operate have high rates of violent crime, which has impacted Drivers and consumers in those regions. For example, in Latin America, there have been numerous and increasing reports of Drivers and consumers being victimized by violent crime, such as armed robbery, violent assault, and rape, while taking or providing a trip on our platform. If other criminal, inappropriate, or other negative incidents occur due to the conduct of platform users or third parties, our ability to attract platform users may be harmed, and our business and financial results could be adversely affected.
Public reporting or disclosure of reported safety information, including information about safety incidents reportedly occurring on or related to our platform, whether generated by us or third parties such as media or regulators, may adversely impact our business and financial results.
Further, we may be subject to claims of significant liability based on traffic accidents, deaths, injuries, or other incidents that are caused by Drivers, consumers, or third parties while using our platform, or even when Drivers, consumers, or third parties are not actively using our platform. On a smaller scale, we may face litigation related to claims by Drivers for the actions of consumers or third parties. Furthermore, operating a motor vehicle is inherently dangerous. In addition, the growth of our Delivery offering has led to an increase in Couriers on two wheel vehicles such as scooters and bicycles, who are more vulnerable road users and face a more severe level of injury in the event of a collision than that faced while driving in a vehicle. For example, urban hazards such as unpaved or uneven roadways increase the risk and severity of potential injuries. In addition, Couriers, in particular those on two wheel vehicles predominantly in metropolitan areas, need to share, navigate, and at times contend with narrow and heavily congested roads occupied by cars, buses and light rail, especially during “rush” hours, all of which heighten the potential risk of injuries or death. Our auto liability and general liability insurance policies may not cover all potential claims to which we are exposed, and may not be adequate to indemnify us for all liability. These incidents may subject us to liability and negative publicity, which would increase our operating costs and adversely affect our business, operating results, and future prospects. Even if these claims do not result in liability, we will incur significant costs in investigating and defending against them. As we expand our products and offerings, this insurance risk will grow.
We are making substantial investments in new offerings and technologies, and may increase such investments in the future. These new ventures are inherently risky, and we may never realize any expected benefits from them.
We have made substantial investments to develop new offerings and technologies, and we intend to continue investing significant resources in developing new technologies, tools, features, services, products and offerings. For example, through our acquisition of Cornershop, a provider of online grocery delivery in several countries including Mexico and Chile, we expanded our Delivery offering to grocery delivery. Additionally, in October 2021, we acquired The Drizly Group, Inc. in order to further expand our Delivery offering to alcohol. In November 2021, our subsidiary Uber Freight acquired Transplace, expanding Uber Freight’s business through Transplace’s expertise in transportation management. We also plan to invest resources to develop offerings and technologies in the markets in which Postmates operate. If we do not spend our development budget efficiently or effectively on commercially successful and innovative technologies, we may not realize the expected benefits of our strategy. Our new initiatives also have a high degree of risk, as each involves nascent industries and unproven business strategies and technologies with which we have limited or no prior development or operating experience. Because such offerings and technologies are new, they will likely involve claims and liabilities (including, but not limited to, personal injury claims), expenses, regulatory challenges, and other risks, some of which we do not currently anticipate.
There can be no assurance that consumer demand for such initiatives will exist or be sustained at the levels that we anticipate, or that any of these initiatives will gain sufficient traction or market acceptance to generate sufficient revenue to offset any new expenses or liabilities associated with these new investments. It is also possible that products and offerings developed by others will render our products and offerings noncompetitive or obsolete. Further, our development efforts with respect to new products, offerings and technologies could distract management from current operations, and will divert capital and other resources from our

more established products, offerings and technologies. Even if we are successful in developing new products, offerings or technologies, regulatory authorities may subject us to new rules or restrictions in response to our innovations that could increase our expenses or prevent us from successfully commercializing new products, offerings or technologies. If we do not realize the expected benefits of our investments, our business, financial condition, operating results, and prospects may be harmed.
Our business is substantially dependent on operations outside the United States, including those in markets in which we have limited experience, and if we are unable to manage the risks presented by our business model internationally, our financial results and future prospects will be adversely impacted.
As of September 30, 2024, we operated in approximately 70 countries. We have limited experience operating in many jurisdictions outside of the United States and have made, and expect to continue to make, significant investments to expand our international operations and compete with local and other global competitors.
Conducting our business internationally, particularly in countries in which we have limited experience, subjects us to risks that we do not face to the same degree in the United States. These risks include, among others:
operational and compliance challenges caused by distance, language, and cultural differences;
the resources required to localize our business, which requires the translation of our mobile app and website into foreign languages and the adaptation of our operations to local practices, laws, and regulations and any changes in such practices, laws, and regulations;
laws and regulations more restrictive than those in the United States, including laws governing competition, pricing, payment methods, Internet activities, transportation services (such as taxis and vehicles for hire), transportation network companies (such as ridesharing), logistics services, payment processing and payment gateways, real estate tenancy laws, tax and social security laws, employment and labor laws, driver screening and background checks, licensing regulations, email messaging, privacy, location services, collection, use, processing, or sharing of personal information, ownership of intellectual property, and other activities important to our business;
competition with companies or other services (such as taxis or vehicles for hire) that understand local markets better than we do, that have pre-existing relationships with potential platform users in those markets, or that are favored by government or regulatory authorities in those markets;
differing levels of social acceptance of our brand, products, and offerings;
differing levels of technological compatibility with our platform;
exposure to business cultures in which improper business practices may be prevalent;
legal uncertainty regarding our liability for the actions of platform users and third parties, including uncertainty resulting from unique local laws or a lack of clear legal precedent;
difficulties in managing, growing, and staffing international operations, including in countries in which foreign employees may become part of labor unions, employee representative bodies, or collective bargaining agreements, and challenges relating to work stoppages or slowdowns;
fluctuations in currency exchange rates;
managing operations in markets in which cash transactions are favored over credit or debit cards;
regulations governing the control of local currencies that impact our ability to collect fares on behalf of Drivers and remit those funds to Drivers in the same currencies, as well as higher levels of credit risk and payment fraud;
adverse tax consequences, including the complexities of foreign value added and digital services tax systems, and restrictions on the repatriation of earnings;
increased financial accounting and reporting burdens, and complexities associated with implementing and maintaining adequate internal controls;
difficulties in implementing and maintaining the financial systems and processes needed to enable compliance across multiple offerings and jurisdictions;
import and export restrictions and changes in trade regulation;
political, social, and economic instability abroad, war, including the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and conflicts in the Middle East, terrorist attacks and security concerns in general, and societal crime conditions that harm or disrupt the global economy and/or can directly impact platform users;
public health concerns or emergencies, including pandemics and other highly communicable diseases or viruses,

outbreaks of which have from time to time occurred in various parts of the world in which we operate; and
reduced or varied protection for intellectual property rights in some markets.
These risks could adversely affect our international operations, which could in turn adversely affect our business, financial condition, and operating results.
We have limited influence over our minority-owned entities, which subjects us to substantial risks, including potential loss of value.
Our growth strategy has included the restructuring of our business and assets by divesting our business and assets in certain jurisdictions and partnering with and investing in local ridesharing, and delivery companies to participate in those markets rather than operate in those markets independently. Our growth strategy has also included the divestment of certain lines of business in their entirety, and not just in certain jurisdictions, and instead partnering and investing in our competitors in those lines of business. As a result, a significant portion of our assets includes minority ownership positions, including in Didi, Grab, Lime, and Aurora.
Our ownership in these entities involves significant risks that are outside our control. We are not represented on the management team or board of directors of Didi, and therefore we do not participate in its day-to-day management or the actions taken by the board of directors of Didi. We are not represented on the management teams of Grab, Lime or Aurora, and therefore do not participate in the day-to-day management of Grab, Lime or Aurora. Although we are represented on each of the boards of directors of Grab, Lime and Aurora, we do not have a controlling influence on those boards. As a result, the boards of directors or management teams of these companies may make decisions or take actions with which we disagree or that may be harmful to the value of our ownership in these companies. Additionally, these companies have expanded their offerings, and we expect them to continue to expand their offerings in the future, to compete with us in various markets throughout the world. While this could enhance the value of our ownership interest in these companies, our business, financial condition, operating results, and prospects would be adversely affected by such expansion into markets in which we operate.
Any material decline in the business of these entities would adversely affect the value of our assets and our financial results. Furthermore, the value of these assets is based in part on the market valuations of these entities, and weakened financial markets have adversely affected, and may in the future adversely affect such valuations. To the extent these businesses are or become publicly traded companies, volatility or fluctuations in the stock price of such companies could adversely impact our financial results. These positions could expose us to risks, litigation, and unknown liabilities because, among other things, these companies have limited operating histories in evolving industries and may have less predictable operating results; to the extent these companies are privately owned, limited public information is available and we may not learn all the material information regarding these businesses; are domiciled and operate in countries with particular economic, tax, political, legal, safety, regulatory and public health risks; are domiciled or operate in countries that may become subject to economic sanctions or foreign investment restrictions; depend on the management talents and efforts of a small group of individuals, and, as a result, the death, disability, resignation, or termination of one or more of these individuals could have an adverse effect on the relevant company’s operations; and will likely require substantial additional capital to support their operations and expansion and to maintain their competitive positions.
Further, we are contractually limited in our ability to sell or transfer these assets. For example, in connection with Aurora’s November 2021 initial public offering, we are subject to a 4-year lock-up with respect to our shares in Aurora. Furthermore, we may be required to sell these assets at a time at which we would not be able to realize what we believe to be the long-term value of these assets. For example, if we were deemed an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “Investment Company Act”), we may be required to sell some or all of such assets so that we would not be subject to the requirements of the Investment Company Act. Additionally, we may have to pay significant taxes upon the sale or transfer of these assets. Accordingly, we may never realize the value of these assets relative to the contributions we made to these businesses.
We may experience significant fluctuations in our operating results. If we are unable to achieve or sustain profitability, our prospects would be adversely affected and investors may lose some or all of the value of their investment.
Our operating results may vary significantly and are not necessarily an indication of future performance. These fluctuations may be a result of a variety of factors, some of which are beyond our control. In addition, we experience seasonal fluctuations in our financial results. For Mobility, we typically generate higher revenue in our fourth quarter compared to other quarters due in part to fourth quarter holiday and business demand, and typically generate lower revenue in our first quarter compared to other quarters due in part to less usage of our platform as holiday demand slows down. We have typically experienced lower quarter-over-quarter growth in Mobility trends in the first quarter. For Delivery, we expect to experience seasonal increases in our revenue in the fourth quarter compared to other quarters, although the historical growth of Delivery has masked these seasonal fluctuations. Our growth has made, and may in the future make, seasonal fluctuations difficult to detect. We expect these seasonal trends to become more pronounced over time as our growth slows. Other seasonal trends may develop or these existing seasonal trends may become more extreme, which would contribute to fluctuations in our operating results. In addition to seasonality, our operating results may fluctuate as a result of factors including our ability to attract and retain new platform users, increased competition in

the markets in which we operate, our ability to expand our operations in new and existing markets, our ability to maintain an adequate growth rate and effectively manage that growth, our ability to keep pace with technological changes in the industries in which we operate, changes in governmental or other regulations affecting our business, harm to our brand or reputation, and other risks described elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. As such, we may not accurately forecast our operating results. We base our expense levels and investment plans on estimates. A significant portion of our expenses and investments are fixed, and we may not be able to adjust our spending quickly enough if our revenue is less than expected, resulting in losses that exceed our expectations. If we are unable to achieve sustained profits, our prospects would be adversely affected and investors may lose some or all of the value of their investment.
If our growth slows more significantly than we currently expect, we may not be able to maintain profitability, which would adversely affect our financial results and future prospects.
We believe that our growth depends on a number of factors, including our ability to:
grow supply and demand on our platform;
increase existing platform users’ activity on our platform;
continue to introduce our platform to new markets;
provide high-quality support to Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers;
expand our business and increase our market share and category position;
compete with the products and offerings of, and pricing and incentives offered by, our competitors;
develop new products, offerings, and technologies;
identify and acquire or invest in businesses, products, offerings, or technologies that we believe could complement or expand our platform;
penetrate suburban and rural areas and increase the number of rides taken on our platform outside metropolitan areas;
reduce the costs of our Mobility offering to better compete with personal vehicle ownership and usage and other low-cost alternatives like public transportation, which in many cases can be faster or cheaper than any other form of transportation;
maintain existing local regulations in key markets where we operate;
enter or expand operations in some of the key countries in which we are currently limited by local regulations, such as Argentina, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and Spain; and
increase positive perception of our brand.
We may not successfully accomplish any of these objectives. In addition, circumstances that have accelerated the growth of our Delivery offering stemming from stay-at-home order demand related to the pandemic may not continue in the future. A softening of Driver, consumer, merchant, Shipper, or Carrier demand, whether caused by changes in the preferences of such parties, failure to maintain our brand, changes in the U.S. or global economies, pandemics, licensing fees in various jurisdictions, competition, or other factors, may result in decreased revenue or growth and our financial results and future prospects would be adversely impacted. We expect to continue to incur significant expenses, and if we cannot increase our revenue at a faster rate than the increase in our expenses, we will not achieve or maintain profitability.
We generate a significant percentage of our Gross Bookings from trips in large metropolitan areas and trips to and from airports. If our operations in large metropolitan areas or ability to provide trips to and from airports are negatively affected, our financial results and future prospects would be adversely impacted.
In 2023, we derived 20% of our Mobility Gross Bookings from five metropolitan areas—Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City in the United States, Sao Paulo in Brazil, and London in the United Kingdom. We experience strong competition in large metropolitan areas, which has led us to offer significant Driver incentives and consumer discounts and promotions in these large metropolitan areas. As a result of our geographic concentration, our business and financial results are susceptible to economic, social, weather, and regulatory conditions or other circumstances in each of these large metropolitan areas. Outbreaks of contagious diseases or other viruses could lead to a sustained decline in the desirability of living, working and congregating in metropolitan areas in which we operate. Any short-term or long-term shifts in the travel patterns of consumers away from metropolitan areas, due to health concerns regarding epidemics or pandemics could have an adverse impact on our Mobility Gross Bookings from these areas. An economic downturn, increased competition, or regulatory obstacles in any of these key metropolitan areas would adversely affect our business, financial condition, and operating results to a much greater degree than would the occurrence of such events in other areas. In addition, any changes to local laws or regulations within these key metropolitan areas

that affect our ability to operate or increase our operating expenses in these markets would have an adverse effect on our business. Furthermore, if we are unable to renew existing licenses or do not receive new licenses in key metropolitan areas where we operate or such licenses are terminated, any inability to operate in such metropolitan area, as well as the publicity concerning any such termination or non-renewal, could adversely affect our business, financial condition, and operating results.
Further, we expect that we will continue to face challenges in penetrating lower-density suburban and rural areas, where our network is smaller and less liquid, the cost of personal vehicle ownership is lower, and personal vehicle ownership is more convenient. If we are not successful in penetrating suburban and rural areas, or if we are unable to operate in certain key metropolitan areas in the future, our ability to serve what we consider to be our total addressable market would be limited, and our business, financial condition, and operating results would suffer.
In 2023, we generated 15% of our Mobility Gross Bookings from trips that either started or were completed at an airport. As a result of this concentration, our operating results are susceptible to existing regulations and regulatory changes that impact the ability of drivers using our platform to provide trips to and from airports. Sustained declines in air travel have in the past, and may in the future, suppress demand for airport-related Mobility and reduce our Mobility Gross Bookings from airport trips. For example, during the height of the pandemic, travel behavior changed and airline travel slowed, reducing the demand for Mobility to and from airports. Certain airports currently regulate ridesharing within airport boundaries, including by mandating that ridesharing service providers obtain airport-specific licenses, and some airports, particularly those outside the United States, have banned ridesharing operations altogether. Despite such bans, some Drivers continue to provide Mobility services, including trips to and from airports, despite lacking the requisite permits. Such actions may result in the imposition of fines or sanctions, including further bans on our ability to operate within airport boundaries, against us or Drivers. Additional bans on our airport operations, or any permitting requirements or instances of non-compliance by Drivers, would significantly disrupt our operations. In addition, if drop-offs or pick-ups of riders become inconvenient because of airport rules or regulations, or more expensive because of airport-imposed fees, the number of Drivers or consumers could decrease, which would adversely affect our business, financial condition, and operating results. While we have entered into agreements with most major U.S. airports as well as certain airports outside the United States to allow the use of our platform within airport boundaries, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to renew such agreements on favorable terms if at all, and we may not be successful in negotiating similar agreements with airports in all jurisdictions.
If we fail to offer autonomous vehicle technologies on our platform or fail to offer such technologies on our platform before our competitors, or if such technologies fail to perform as expected, are inferior to those offered by our competitors, or are perceived as less safe than those offered by competitors or non-autonomous vehicles, our financial performance and prospects would be adversely impacted.
We have invested, and we may continue to invest, substantial amounts in companies with whom we partner to offer autonomous vehicle technologies on our platform. For example, in January 2021, we completed the merger of our autonomous technologies business with Aurora, and included a $400 million investment in the combined company and a commercial agreement pursuant to which we and Aurora will collaborate with respect to the launch and commercialization of self-driving vehicles on our ridesharing network. Additionally, we have entered into commercial partnerships with various autonomous mobility and/or autonomous delivery companies. We believe that autonomous vehicle technologies may have the ability to meaningfully impact the industries in which we compete and that autonomous vehicles present substantial opportunities. Several companies other than Aurora, including Waymo, Cruise Automation, Tesla, Apple, Zoox (a subsidiary of Amazon), Motional, and Nuro, are developing autonomous vehicle technologies in the United States, either alone or through collaborations with car manufacturers, as are similar companies globally, and we expect that they will use such technology to further compete with us in the mobility, delivery, or logistics industries. Waymo has introduced a commercialized ridehailing fleet of autonomous vehicles on its own platform in addition to a fleet of autonomous vehicles that it makes available through our platform, and it is possible that our competitors could introduce autonomous vehicle offerings earlier than we will be able to offer autonomous vehicles on our platform or that our commercial partnerships could expire or that our autonomous vehicle partners could otherwise remove theirs from our platform. In the event that our competitors bring autonomous vehicles to market before we are able to offer autonomous vehicles on our platform, deploy their autonomous vehicles on ridesharing, delivery or logistics platforms other than ours, or their technology is or is perceived to be superior to the technology of parties with which we partner to offer autonomous vehicles on our platform, they may be able to leverage such technology to compete more effectively with us, which would adversely impact our financial performance and our prospects. For example, use of autonomous vehicles could substantially reduce the cost of providing ridesharing, delivery, or logistics services, which could allow competitors to offer such services at a substantially lower price as compared to the price available to consumers on our platform. If a significant number of consumers choose to use our competitors’ offerings over ours, our financial performance and prospects would be adversely impacted.
Autonomous vehicle technologies involve significant risks and liabilities. Collisions, including fatal collisions, have happened. Failures of autonomous vehicle technologies that we may offer on our platform or crashes involving autonomous vehicles using the technology of our partners, could generate substantial liability for us, create negative publicity about us, or result in regulatory scrutiny, all of which would have an adverse effect on our reputation, brand, business, prospects, and operating results.

Federal and state government regulations specifically designed to govern autonomous vehicle operation, testing and/or manufacture are developing. These regulations could include requirements that delay or limit our ability to offer autonomous vehicles on our platform. If regulations of this nature are implemented, we may not be able to offer autonomous vehicle technologies on our platform in the manner we expect, or at all. Further, if we or parties with which we partner to offer autonomous vehicle technologies are unable to comply with existing or new regulations or laws applicable to autonomous vehicles, we and our partners could become subject to substantial fines or penalties.
Our business depends on retaining and attracting high-quality personnel, and continued attrition, future attrition, or unsuccessful succession planning could adversely affect our business.
Our success depends in large part on our ability to attract and retain high-quality management, operations, engineering, and other personnel who are in high demand, are often subject to competing employment offers, and are attractive recruiting targets for our competitors. Challenges related to our historical culture and workplace practices and negative publicity we experience have in the past led to significant attrition and made it more difficult to attract high-quality employees. Our employees worked from home for almost two years in light of the pandemic, and although we have implemented our “return to office” plan, which includes a shift to a hybrid model where employees have flexibility to work from home, a hybrid model may create challenges, including challenges maintaining our corporate culture, productivity and availability of key personnel and other employees necessary to conduct our business, increasing attrition or limiting our ability to attract employees if individuals prefer to work full time at home or in the office. Future challenges related to our culture and workplace practices or additional negative publicity could lead to further attrition and difficulty attracting high-quality employees.
Future leadership transitions and management changes may cause uncertainty in, or a disruption to, our business, and may increase the likelihood of senior management or other employee turnover. The loss of qualified executives and employees, or an inability to attract, retain, and motivate high-quality executives and employees required for the planned expansion of our business, may harm our operating results and impair our ability to grow.
In addition, we depend on the continued services and performance of our key personnel, including our Chief Executive Officer Dara Khosrowshahi. We have entered into an employment agreement with Mr. Khosrowshahi, which is at-will and has no specific duration.
Our failure to put in place adequate succession plans for senior and key management roles or the failure of key employees to successfully transition into new roles, for example, as a result of reductions in workforce, organizational changes and attrition, could have an adverse effect on our business and operating results. The unexpected or abrupt departure of one or more of our key personnel and the failure to effectively transfer knowledge and effect smooth key personnel transitions has had and may in the future have an adverse effect on our business resulting from the loss of such person’s skills, knowledge of our business, and years of industry experience. If we cannot effectively manage leadership transitions and management changes in the future, our reputation and future business prospects could be adversely affected.
To attract and retain key personnel, we use equity incentives, among other measures. These measures may not be sufficient to attract and retain the personnel we require to operate our business effectively. Further, the equity incentives we currently use to attract, retain, and motivate employees may not be as effective as in the past, particularly if the value of the underlying stock does not increase commensurate with expectations or consistent with our historical stock price growth. If we are unable to attract and retain high-quality management and operating personnel, our business, financial condition, and operating results could be adversely affected. In addition, we rely heavily on equity as a component of compensation, which may not always align with the Company’s business and financial interests.
We have experienced, and may again experience security or privacy breaches or other unauthorized or improper access to, use of, disclosure of, alteration of or destruction of our proprietary or confidential data, employee data, or platform user data, which could cause loss of revenue, harm to our brand, business disruption, and significant liabilities.
We collect, use, and process a variety of personal data, such as email addresses, mobile phone numbers, profile photos, location information, drivers’ license numbers and Social Security numbers of Drivers, consumer payment card information, and Driver and merchant bank account information. As such, we are an attractive target of data security attacks by third parties and insiders. Any failure to prevent or mitigate security breaches or improper access to, or use, acquisition, disclosure, alteration or destruction of, any such data could result in significant liability and a material loss of revenue resulting from the adverse impact on our reputation and brand, a diminished ability to retain or attract new platform users, and disruption to our business. We rely on third-party service providers to host or otherwise process some of our data and that of platform users, and they have experienced, and may again experience, security and privacy incidents. Any failure by such third party to prevent or mitigate security breaches or improper access to, or use, acquisition, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of, such data could have similar adverse consequences for us.
Because the techniques used to obtain unauthorized access, disable or degrade services, or sabotage systems change frequently and are often unrecognizable until launched against a target, we may be unable to anticipate these techniques and implement

adequate preventative measures. Our servers, internal systems, and platform may be vulnerable to computer viruses or physical or electronic break-ins that our security measures may not detect. Individuals able to circumvent our security measures may misappropriate confidential, proprietary, or personal information held by or on behalf of us, disrupt our operations, damage our computers, or otherwise damage our business. In addition, we may need to expend significant resources to protect against security breaches or mitigate the impact of any such breaches, including potential liability that may not be limited to the amounts covered by our insurance.
Security breaches could also expose us to liability under various laws and regulations across jurisdictions and increase the risk of litigation and governmental investigation. We have been subject to security and privacy incidents in the past and may be again in the future. For example, in September 2022, we experienced a cybersecurity incident where an attacker accessed certain internal corporate systems, tools and data. In October and November of 2016, outside actors downloaded the personal data of approximately 57 million Drivers and consumers worldwide (the “2016 Breach”). The accessed data included the names, email addresses, mobile phone numbers, and drivers’ license numbers of approximately 600,000 Drivers, among other information. For further information on this incident, see the risk factors titled “—We currently are subject to a number of inquiries, investigations, and requests for information from the DOJ, other federal, state and local government agencies and other foreign government agencies, the adverse outcomes of which could harm our business” and “—We face risks related to our collection, use, transfer, disclosure, and other processing of data, which could result in investigations, inquiries, litigation, fines, legislative, and regulatory action, and negative press about our privacy and data protection practices,” below. As we expand our operations, we may also assume liabilities for breaches experienced by the companies we acquire. For example, in April 2018, Careem publicly disclosed and notified relevant regulatory authorities that it had been subject to a data security incident that allowed access to certain personal information of riders and drivers on its platform, as of January 14, 2018. If Careem becomes subject to liability as a result of this or other data security incidents, or if we fail to remediate this or any other data security incident that Careem or we experience, we may face harm to our brand, business disruption, and significant liabilities. In addition, in July 2020, Drizly publicly disclosed that it had been subject to a data security incident that allowed access to certain personal information of customers on its platform, and in November 2021 Drizly obtained final court approval of a settlement in a resulting class action litigation. Moreover, in January 2023, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (the “FTC”) announced a final order relating to the data security incident. If we fail to remediate this or any other data security incident that we experience, we may face harm to our brand, business disruption, and significant liabilities. Security and privacy incidents have led to, and may continue to lead to, additional regulatory scrutiny.
Cyberattacks, including computer malware, ransomware, viruses, denial of service attacks, account takeovers, spamming, phishing and social engineering attacks could harm our reputation, business, and operating results.
We rely heavily on information technology systems across our operations. Our information technology systems, including mobile and online platforms and mobile payment systems, administrative functions such as human resources, payroll, accounting, and internal and external communications, and the information technology systems of our third-party business partners and service providers, contain proprietary or confidential information related to business and personal data, including sensitive personal data, entrusted to us by platform users, employees, and job candidates, and make us a target for threat actors. Cyberattacks that leverage computer malware, ransomware, viruses, denial of service attacks, account takeovers, spamming, phishing, and social engineering have become more prevalent, have occurred on our systems in the past, and may occur on our systems in the future. Cyberthreats are constantly evolving and employing more sophisticated attack techniques. Our detection capabilities may not be sufficient to prevent or detect a sophisticated cyberattacker. Breaches of our facilities, network, applications, identity management solutions or data security have in the past and could in the future disrupt our business or the security of our systems and platforms, impair our ability to protect data, compromise confidential or technical business information harming our reputation or competitive position, result in theft or misuse of our intellectual property or other assets, subject us to regulatory scrutiny or legal liability, require us to allocate more resources to improve technologies, or otherwise adversely affect our reputation, business and operating results. In addition, our increase in hybrid and remote working arrangements may heighten the foregoing risks.
Various other factors may also cause system failures or security breaches, including power outages, catastrophic events, inadequate or ineffective redundancy, issues with upgrading or creating new systems or platforms, flaws in third-party software or services, intentional acts or errors by our employees or third-party service providers, or breaches in the security of these systems or platforms. For example, fraudsters may attempt to induce employees, contractors, or platform users to disclose information to gain access to our data or the data of platform users. If our incident response, disaster recovery, and business continuity plans do not resolve these issues in an effective manner, they could result in adverse impacts to our business operations and our financial results. Because of our prominence, the number of platform users, and the types and volume of personal data on our systems, we may be a particularly attractive target for such attacks. Although we have developed, and continue to develop, systems and processes that are designed to protect our data and that of platform users, and to prevent data loss, undesirable activities on our platform, and security breaches, we cannot guarantee that such measures will provide absolute security. Our efforts on this front may be unsuccessful as a result of, for example, software bugs or other technical malfunctions; employee, contractor, or vendor error or malfeasance; government surveillance; or other threats that evolve, and we may incur significant costs in protecting against or remediating cyberattacks. Any actual or perceived failure to maintain the performance, reliability, security, and availability of

our products, offerings, and technical infrastructure to the satisfaction of platform users and certain regulators would likely harm our reputation and result in loss of revenue from the adverse impact to our reputation and brand, disruption to our business, and our decreased ability to attract and retain Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers.
If we are unable to successfully introduce new or upgraded products, offerings, or features for Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers, we may fail to retain and attract such users to our platform and our operating results would be adversely affected.
To continue to retain and attract Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers to our platform, we will need to continue to invest in the development of new products, offerings, and features that add value for Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers and that differentiate us from our competitors. For example, in January 2020, we introduced a number of product changes in California intended to, among other things, provide Drivers with more information about rider destinations, trip distance, and expected fares, display prices more clearly, and allow users to select preferred Drivers, all of which are intended to further strengthen the independence of Drivers in California and protect their ability to work flexibly when using the Uber platform.
Developing and delivering new or upgraded products, offerings, and features is costly, and the success of such new products, offerings, and features depends on several factors, including the timely completion, introduction, and market acceptance of such products, offerings, and features. Moreover, any such new or upgraded products, offerings, or features may not work as intended or may not provide intended value to platform users. For example, some product changes in California have resulted in, and may continue to result in, reduced demand for rides and reduced supply of Drivers on our platform, Driver dissatisfaction, and adverse impacts on the operation of our platform. If we are unable to continue to develop new or upgraded products, offerings, and features, or if platform users do not perceive value in such new or upgraded products, offerings, and features, platform users may choose not to use our platform, which would adversely affect our operating results.
We track certain operational metrics and our category position with internal systems and tools, and our equity stakes in minority-owned entities with information provided by such minority-owned entities, and do not independently verify such metrics. Certain of our operational metrics are subject to inherent challenges in measurement, and real or perceived inaccuracies in such metrics may harm our reputation and negatively affect our business.
We track certain operational metrics, including key metrics such as MAPCs, Trips, Gross Bookings, and our category position, with internal systems and tools, and our equity stakes in minority-owned entities with information provided by such minority-owned entities, that are not independently verified by any third party and which may differ from estimates or similar metrics published by third parties due to differences in sources, methodologies, or the assumptions on which we rely. Our internal systems and tools have a number of limitations, and our methodologies for tracking these metrics may change over time, which could result in unexpected changes to our metrics, including the metrics we publicly disclose, or our estimates of our category position. If the internal systems and tools we use to track these metrics undercount or overcount performance or contain algorithmic or other technical errors, the data we report may not be accurate. While these numbers are based on what we believe to be reasonable estimates of our metrics for the applicable period of measurement, there are inherent challenges in measuring how our products are used across large populations globally. For example, we believe that there are consumers who have multiple accounts, even though we prohibit that in our Terms of Service and implement measures to detect and prevent that behavior. In addition, limitations or errors with respect to how we measure data or with respect to the data that we measure may affect our understanding of certain details of our business, which could affect our long-term strategies. If our operating metrics or our estimates of our category position or our equity stakes in our minority-owned entities are not accurate representations of our business, or if investors do not perceive our operating metrics or estimates of our category position or equity stakes in our minority-owned entities to be accurate, or if we discover material inaccuracies with respect to these figures, our reputation may be significantly harmed, and our operating and financial results could be adversely affected.
In certain jurisdictions, we allow consumers to pay for rides and meal or grocery deliveries using cash, which raises regulatory, operational, and safety concerns. If we do not successfully manage those concerns, we could become subject to adverse regulatory actions and suffer reputational harm or other adverse financial and accounting consequences.
In certain jurisdictions, including India, Brazil, and Mexico, as well as certain other countries in Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, we allow consumers to use cash to pay Drivers the entire fare of rides and cost of meal deliveries (including our service fee from such rides and meal or grocery deliveries). In 2023, cash-paid trips accounted for approximately 6% of our global Gross Bookings. This percentage may increase in the future, particularly in the markets in which Careem operates. The use of cash in connection with our technology raises regulatory, operational, and safety concerns. For example, many jurisdictions have specific regulations regarding the use of cash for ridesharing and certain jurisdictions prohibit the use of cash for ridesharing. Failure to comply with these regulations could result in the imposition of significant fines and penalties and could result in a regulator requiring that we suspend operations in those jurisdictions. In addition to these regulatory concerns, the use of cash with our Mobility products and Delivery offering can increase safety and security risks for Drivers and riders, including potential robbery, assault, violent or fatal attacks, and other criminal acts. In certain jurisdictions such as Brazil, serious safety

incidents resulting in robberies and violent, fatal attacks on Drivers while using our platform have been reported. If we are not able to adequately address any of these concerns, we could suffer significant reputational harm, which could adversely impact our business. Expanding cash payments to additional cities or countries could amplify these risks.
In addition, establishing the proper infrastructure to ensure that we receive the correct service fee on cash trips is complex, and has in the past meant and may continue to mean that we cannot collect the entire service fee for certain of our cash-based trips. We have created systems for Drivers to collect and deposit the cash received for cash-based trips and deliveries, as well as systems for us to collect, deposit, and properly account for the cash received, some of which are not always effective, convenient, or widely-adopted by Drivers. Creating, maintaining, and improving these systems requires significant effort and resources, and we cannot guarantee these systems will be effective in collecting amounts due to us. Further, operating a business that uses cash raises compliance risks with respect to a variety of rules and regulations, including anti-money laundering laws. If Drivers fail to pay us under the terms of our agreements or if our collection systems fail, we may be adversely affected by both the inability to collect amounts due and the cost of enforcing the terms of our contracts, including litigation. Such collection failure and enforcement costs, along with any costs associated with a failure to comply with applicable rules and regulations, could, in the aggregate, impact our financial performance.
Loss or material modification of our credit card acceptance privileges could have an adverse effect on our business and operating results.
In 2023, 69% of our Gross Bookings were paid by either credit card or debit card. As such, the loss of our credit card acceptance privileges would significantly limit our business model. We are required by our payment processors to comply with payment card network operating rules, including the Payment Card Industry (“PCI”) and Data Security Standard (the “Standard”). The Standard is a comprehensive set of requirements for enhancing payment account data security developed by the PCI Security Standards Council to help facilitate the broad adoption of consistent data security measures. Our failure to comply with the Standard and other network operating rules could result in fines or restrictions on our ability to accept payment cards. Under certain circumstances specified in the payment card network rules, we may be required to submit to periodic audits, self-assessments, or other assessments of our compliance with the Standard. Such activities may reveal that we have failed to comply with the Standard. If an audit, self- assessment, or other test determines that we need to take steps to remediate any deficiencies, such remediation efforts may distract our management team and require us to undertake costly and time consuming remediation efforts. In addition, even if we comply with the Standard, there is no assurance that we will be protected from a security breach. Moreover, the payment card networks could adopt new operating rules or interpret existing rules that we or our processors might find difficult or even impossible to follow, or costly to implement. In addition to violations of network rules, including the Standard, any failure to maintain good relationships with the payment card networks could impact our ability to receive incentives from them, could increase our costs, or could otherwise harm our business. The loss of our credit card acceptance privileges for any one of these reasons, or the significant modification of the terms under which we obtain credit card acceptance privileges, may have an adverse effect on our business, revenue, and operating results.
Our platform is highly technical, and any undetected errors could adversely affect our business.
Our platform is a complex system composed of many interoperating components and incorporates software that is highly complex. Our business is dependent upon our ability to prevent system interruption on our platform. Our software, including open source software that is incorporated into our code, may now or in the future contain undetected errors, bugs, or vulnerabilities. Some errors in our software code may only be discovered after the code has been released. Bugs in our software, third-party software including open source software that is incorporated into our code, misconfigurations of our systems, and unintended interactions between systems could result in our failure to comply with certain federal, state, or foreign reporting obligations, or could cause downtime that would impact the availability of our service to platform users. We have from time to time found defects or errors in our system and may discover additional defects in the future that could result in platform unavailability or system disruption. In addition, we have experienced outages on our platform due to circumstances within our control, such as outages due to software limitations. We rely on co-located data centers for the operation of our platform. If our co-located data centers fail, our platform users may experience down time. If sustained or repeated, any of these outages could reduce the attractiveness of our platform to platform users. In addition, our release of new software in the past has inadvertently caused, and may in the future cause, interruptions in the availability or functionality of our platform. Any errors, bugs, or vulnerabilities discovered in our code or systems after release could result in an interruption in the availability of our platform or a negative experience for Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers, and could also result in negative publicity and unfavorable media coverage, damage to our reputation, loss of platform users, loss of revenue or liability for damages, regulatory inquiries, or other proceedings, any of which could adversely affect our business and financial results.
Our growing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning may present additional risks, including risks associated with algorithm development or use, the tools and data sets used, and/or a complex, developing regulatory environment.
Our growing use of artificial intelligence (“AI”) (including machine learning) in our business and offerings presents additional risks. This technology presents a number of risks inherent in its use. AI algorithms or automated decision-making or processing of

data may be flawed and datasets may be insufficient or contain biased information, which can create inaccurate or discriminatory outcomes. AI tools and algorithms may use third-party AI with unclear intellectual property rights or interests. Intellectual property ownership and license rights, including copyright, of generative and other AI output, have not been fully interpreted by courts or regulations. Europe, the United States and other countries are enacting or may consider comprehensive legal compliance frameworks specifically for AI, which is a trend that may increase now that European lawmakers have passed the first such framework, the European Artificial Intelligence Act (“AI Act”), which came into effect in August 2024. Further, more specific AI-related laws and regulations have been enacted, and are expected to continue to be enacted, around the world. Any failure or perceived failure by us to comply with such requirements could have an adverse impact on our business. AI use or management by us or others, including certain decisions based (whether partially or solely) on automated processing or profiling, inappropriate or controversial data practices, or insufficient disclosures regarding machine learning and algorithms or AI-generated content, have impaired and could impair the acceptance of AI solutions or subject us to lawsuits, regulatory investigations or other harm, such as negative impacts to the value of our intellectual property or our brand. These and other deficiencies could also undermine the decisions, predictions or analysis AI applications produce, or lead to unintentional bias and discrimination, subjecting us to competitive harm, legal liability, and brand or reputational harm. The rapid evolution of AI may require us to allocate additional resources to help implement AI ethically in order to minimize unintended or harmful impacts, and may also require us to make additional investments in the development of proprietary datasets, machine learning models or other systems, which may be costly.
We are subject to climate change risks, including physical and transitional risks, and if we are unable to manage such risks, our business may be adversely impacted.
We face climate change related physical and transition risks, which include risks associated with market shifts toward more sustainable or renewable forms of energy and energy conservation. In the context of our business, this includes market shifts toward electric vehicles (“EVs”) and lower carbon business models, and potential increased energy costs. Physical climate change risks include risks related to extreme weather events or natural disasters, and include extreme storms and temperatures, flooding, droughts, freezes, wildfires, earthquakes and tsunamis, as well as chronic changes such as sea-level rise. Climate-related events, including the increasing frequency, severity and duration of extreme weather events and their impact on critical infrastructure in the United States and elsewhere, have the potential to disrupt our business, our third-party suppliers, and the business of merchants, Shippers, Carriers and Drivers using our platform, and may cause us to experience higher losses and additional costs to maintain or resume operations. While we and third parties may take various actions to mitigate business risks associated with climate change, this may require incurring substantial costs and may not be successful, due to, among other things, the uncertainty associated with the longer-term projections associated with managing climate risks. Additionally, we are or may become subject to emerging environmental and social laws and regulations, including climate policies such as regulations adopted in California in May 2021 requiring 90% of vehicle miles traveled by rideshare fleets in California to have been in zero emission vehicles by 2030, with interim targets beginning in 2023. In addition, Drivers may be subject to climate-related policies that indirectly impact our business, such as the Congestion Charge Zone and Ultra Low Emission Zone schemes adopted in London that impose fees on drivers in fossil-fueled vehicles, which may impact our ability to attract and maintain Drivers on our platform, and to the extent we experience Driver supply constraints in a given market, we may need to increase Driver incentives. Moreover, environmental and social laws and regulations, including climate regulations, are also increasing with a variety of stakeholders, including regulators seeking more information on related risks and impacts. For example, we are subject to regulation adopted in the European Union in December 2022, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, with targets beginning in 2024. In the United States, we are subject to regulation and legislation at the state level, for example California recently adopted climate-related disclosure legislation and other states are expected to do so, and at the federal level by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Additional regulation may require us to incur significant additional costs to comply, including the implementation of significant additional internal controls processes and procedures regarding matters that have not been subject to such levels of controls in the past, and impose increased oversight obligations on our management and board of directors, as well as require us to hire third party experts. Additional regulatory requirements may also end up exposing us to increased activism, litigation and enforcement. All of these risks may also impact our suppliers, business partners or customers, which may impact our business, financial condition, or results of operations.
Increased attention to, and evolving expectations regarding, environment, social and governance and sustainability matters may impact our business, reputation and liabilities, including in the context of certain goals we have announced.
We have taken, and may continue to take, certain environmental and social actions, including the establishment of environmental and social goals, including those that relate to climate change matters. Our ability to meet our environmental and social goals is dependent on many external factors, including such factors as rapidly changing regulations, governmental or political shifts, policies and related interpretation, action from policymakers and the wider auto industry, advances in technology such as battery storage, as well as the availability, cost and accessibility of EVs to Drivers, and the availability of EV charging infrastructure that can be efficiently accessed by Drivers; progress has been made, but without more aggressive action, we cannot achieve all of our goals. We have announced certain climate-related goals, including our goal to use 100% renewable electricity for our U.S. offices by 2025, our goal to have net zero climate emissions from corporate operations by 2030, our goal to be a net zero

company by 2040, and our goal to reduce unnecessary packaging waste from deliveries by 2030. In addition, our Supplier Code of Conduct sets environmental standards for our supply chain, and we recognize that there are inherent climate-related risks wherever business is conducted. All our climate change-related goals are intentionally challenging, and are therefore subject to risks, uncertainties, third party information or action, and conditions, many of which are outside of our control. Progressing towards our climate goals requires us to invest significant effort, resources, and management time, and circumstances may arise, including those beyond our control, that may require us to revise our timelines and/or climate goals. For example, the pandemic negatively impacted our ability to dedicate resources to make the progress on our climate goals that we initially anticipated. There can be no assurances that our goals will be achieved in the manner we currently intend or at all, and any failure or perceived failure to meet regulatory requirements related to climate change, or to meet our stated climate change goals (or other environmental and social goals) on the timeframe we announced, or at all, could have an adverse impact on our costs and ability to operate, result in litigation, as well as harm our brand, reputation, and consequently, our business.
In addition, all our environmental, social and governance disclosures, including our climate goals, are also subject to certain assumptions, estimations, methodologies, and third-party information that we believed to be reasonable at the time, but which may subsequently be determined to be erroneous, insufficient, or otherwise misaligned with stakeholder expectations. Any failure or perceived failure to satisfy evolving stakeholder expectations for environmental, social and governance practices and reporting may harm our reputation and impact relationships with certain investors and other stakeholders.
Furthermore, there are efforts by some stakeholders to reduce or limit companies’ efforts on certain environmental, social and governance related matters. Both advocates and opponents are increasingly resorting to a range of activism forms, including media campaigns and litigation, to advance their perspectives. To the extent we are subject to such activism, and we have been in the past, it may require us to incur costs or otherwise adversely impact our business. This and other stakeholder expectations will likely lead to increased compliance costs as well as scrutiny that could heighten all of the risks identified above and other similar risks.
General Economic Risks
Occurrence of a catastrophic event, including but not limited to disease, a weather event, war, or terrorist attack, could adversely impact our business, financial condition and results of operation.
Outbreaks of contagious disease and the impact of actions to mitigate such disease or pandemic, have adversely impacted and could in the future adversely impact our business, financial condition and results of operations. We also face risks related to health epidemics, outbreaks of contagious disease, and other adverse health developments. For example, the pandemic and responses thereto had an adverse impact on our business and operations, including, for example, by reducing the demand for our Mobility offerings globally, and affecting travel behavior and demand, as well as impacting Driver supply constraints. As another example, during the pandemic, to support social distancing, we temporarily suspended our shared rides offering globally.
We cannot predict the impact a catastrophic event, including disease, weather event, war or terrorist attack will have on our business, end-users’ behaviors, business partners and third-party vendors, and we may be adversely impacted as a result of the adverse impact our business partners and third-party vendors suffer. For example, concerns over the economic impact of the pandemic caused extreme volatility in financial markets, which adversely impacted our stock price and our ability to access capital markets, and any future pandemics or other catastrophic events may have a similar impact. In addition, the broader consequences of conflicts in the Middle East and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which may include additional international sanctions, embargoes, regional instability, and geopolitical shifts, increased tensions between the United States and countries in which we operate, and the extent of the conflict’s effect on the global economy, cannot be predicted. Any of these risks could materially affect our business or the value of our assets, which could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition, operating results, or the trading price of our common stock. The failure of a bank, or other adverse conditions impacting financial institutions at which we maintain balances, could adversely impact our liquidity and financial performance. There can be no assurance that our deposits in excess of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation limits will be backstopped by the U.S., or that any bank or financial institution with which we do business will be able to obtain needed liquidity from other banks, government institutions or by acquisition in the event of a failure or liquidity crisis. To the extent any of the foregoing or other catastrophic event adversely affects our business and financial results, it may also have the effect of heightening many of the other risks described in this “Risk Factors” section. Any of the foregoing factors, or other cascading effects that are not foreseeable, could adversely impact our business, financial performance and condition, and results of operations.
The impact of economic conditions, including the resulting effect on discretionary consumer spending, may harm our business and operating results.
Our performance is subject to economic conditions and their impact on levels of discretionary consumer spending. Some of the factors that have an impact on discretionary consumer spending include general economic conditions, unemployment, consumer debt, reductions in net worth, residential real estate and mortgage markets, taxation, energy prices, interest rates, consumer confidence, and other macroeconomic factors. A deterioration of general macroeconomic conditions, including slower growth or recession, inflation and higher interest rates, or decreases in consumer spending power may harm our results of

operations. For example, inflation has increased and is expected to increase our insurance costs. Consumer preferences tend to shift to lower-cost alternatives during recessionary periods and other periods in which disposable income is adversely affected. In such circumstances, consumers may choose to use one of our lower price-point products over a higher Gross Bookings per Trip offering, may choose to forgo our offerings for lower-cost personal vehicle or public transportation alternatives, or may reduce total miles traveled as economic activity decreases. Such a shift in consumer behavior may reduce our network liquidity and may harm our business, financial condition, and operating results. Likewise, small businesses that do not have substantial resources, including many of the merchants in our network, tend to be more adversely affected by poor economic conditions than large businesses. Further, because spending for food purchases from merchants is generally considered discretionary, any decline in consumer spending may have a disproportionate effect on our Delivery offering. If spending at many of the merchants in our network declines, or if a significant number of these merchants go out of business, consumers may be less likely to use our products and offerings, which could harm our business and operating results. Alternatively, if economic conditions improve, it could lead to Drivers obtaining additional or alternative opportunities for work, which could negatively impact the number of Drivers on our platform, and thereby reduce our network liquidity.
Increases in fuel, food, labor, energy, and other costs due to inflation and other factors could adversely affect our operating results.
Factors such as inflation, increased fuel prices, and increased vehicle purchase, rental, insurance, or maintenance costs, including increased prices of new and used vehicle parts as a result of recent global supply chain challenges, and increased fuel prices as result of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East, have and may continue to increase the costs incurred by Drivers and Carriers when providing services on our platform. Similarly, factors such as inflation, increased food costs, increased labor and employee benefit costs, increased rental costs, and increased energy costs may increase merchant operating costs, particularly in certain international markets, such as Egypt. Many of the factors affecting Driver, merchant, and Carrier costs are beyond the control of these parties. In many cases, these increased costs may cause Drivers and Carriers to spend less time providing services on our platform or to seek alternative sources of income. Likewise, these increased costs may cause merchants to pass costs on to consumers by increasing prices, which would likely cause order volume to decline, may cause merchants to cease operations altogether, or may cause Carriers to pass costs on to Shippers, which may cause shipments on our platform to decline. A decreased supply of Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, or Carriers on our platform would decrease our network liquidity, which could harm our business and operating results.
Dependencies on Third Parties
The successful operation of our business depends upon the performance and reliability of Internet, mobile, and other infrastructures that are not under our control.
Our business depends on the performance and reliability of Internet, mobile, and other infrastructures that are not under our control. Disruptions in Internet infrastructure or GPS signals or the failure of telecommunications network operators to provide us with the bandwidth we need to provide our products and offerings have interfered, and could continue to interfere with the speed and availability of our platform. If our platform is unavailable when platform users attempt to access it, or if our platform does not load as quickly as platform users expect, platform users may not return to our platform as often in the future, or at all, and may use our competitors’ products or offerings more often. In addition, we have no control over the costs of the services provided by national telecommunications operators. If mobile Internet access fees or other charges to Internet users increase, consumer traffic may decrease, which may in turn cause our revenue to significantly decrease.
Our business depends on the efficient and uninterrupted operation of mobile communications systems. The occurrence of an unanticipated problem, such as a power outage, telecommunications delay or failure, security breach, or computer virus could result in delays or interruptions to our products, offerings, and platform, as well as business interruptions for us and platform users. Furthermore, foreign governments may leverage their ability to shut down directed services, and local governments may shut down our platform at the routing level. Any of these events could damage our reputation, significantly disrupt our operations, and subject us to liability, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, and operating results. We have invested significant resources to develop new products to mitigate the impact of potential interruptions to mobile communications systems, which can be used by consumers in territories where mobile communications systems are less efficient. However, these products may ultimately be unsuccessful.
We rely on third parties maintaining open marketplaces to distribute our platform and to provide the software we use in certain of our products and offerings. If such third parties interfere with the distribution of our products or offerings or with our use of such software, our business would be adversely affected.
Our platform relies on third parties maintaining open marketplaces, including the Apple App Store and Google Play, which make applications available for download. We cannot assure you that the marketplaces through which we distribute our platform will maintain their current structures or that such marketplaces will not charge us fees to list our applications for download. For example, Apple Inc. requires that iOS apps obtain users’ permission to track their activities across third-party apps and websites. If

iOS users do not grant us such permission, our ability to target those users for advertisements and to measure the effectiveness of such advertisements may be adversely affected, which could decrease the effectiveness of our advertising, and increase our costs to acquire and engage users on our platform. We rely upon certain third parties to provide software for our products and offerings, including Google Maps for the mapping function that is critical to the functionality of our platform. We do not believe that an alternative mapping solution exists that can provide the global functionality that we require to offer our platform in all of the markets in which we operate. We do not control all mapping functions employed by our platform or Drivers using our platform, and it is possible that such mapping functions may not be reliable. If such third parties cease to provide access to the third-party software that we and Drivers use, do not provide access to such software on terms that we believe to be attractive or reasonable, or do not provide us with the most current version of such software, we may be required to seek comparable software from other sources, which may be more expensive or inferior, or may not be available at all, any of which would adversely affect our business.
Our business depends upon the interoperability of our platform across devices, operating systems, and third-party applications that we do not control.
One of the most important features of our platform is its broad interoperability with a range of devices, operating systems, and third-party applications. Our platform is accessible from the web and from devices running various operating systems such as iOS and Android. We depend on the accessibility of our platform across these third-party operating systems and applications that we do not control. Moreover, third-party services and products are constantly evolving, and we may not be able to modify our platform to assure its compatibility with that of other third parties following development changes. The loss of interoperability, whether due to actions of third parties or otherwise, could adversely affect our business.
We rely on third parties for elements of the payment processing infrastructure underlying our platform. If these third-party elements become unavailable or unavailable on favorable terms, our business could be adversely affected.
The convenient payment mechanisms provided by our platform are key factors contributing to the development of our business. We rely on third parties for elements of our payment-processing infrastructure to remit payments to Drivers, merchants, and Carriers using our platform, and these third parties may refuse to renew our agreements with them on commercially reasonable terms or at all. If these companies become unwilling or unable to provide these services to us on acceptable terms or at all, our business may be disrupted. For certain payment methods, including credit and debit cards, we generally pay interchange fees and other processing and gateway fees, and such fees result in significant costs. In addition, online payment providers are under continued pressure to pay increased fees to banks to process funds, and there is no assurance that such online payment providers will not pass any increased costs on to merchant partners, including us. If these fees increase over time, our operating costs will increase, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, and operating results.
In addition, system failures have at times prevented us from making payments to Drivers in accordance with our typical timelines and processes, and have caused substantial Driver dissatisfaction and generated a significant number of Driver complaints. Future failures of the payment processing infrastructure underlying our platform could cause Drivers to lose trust in our payment operations and could cause them to instead use our competitors’ platforms. If the quality or convenience of our payment processing infrastructure declines as a result of these limitations or for any other reason, the attractiveness of our business to Drivers, merchants, and Carriers could be adversely affected. If we are forced to migrate to other third-party payment service providers for any reason, the transition would require significant time and management resources, and may not be as effective, efficient, or well-received by platform users.
We currently rely on a small number of third-party service providers to host a significant portion of our platform, and any interruptions or delays in services from these third parties could impair the delivery of our products and offerings and harm our business.
We use a combination of third-party cloud computing services and co-located data centers in the United States and abroad. We do not control the physical operation of any of the co-located data centers we use or the operations of our third-party service providers. These third-party operations and co-located data centers may experience break-ins, computer viruses, denial-of-service attacks, sabotage, acts of vandalism, and other misconduct. These facilities may also be vulnerable to damage or interruption from power loss, telecommunications failures, fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and similar events. Our systems do not provide complete redundancy of data storage or processing, and as a result, the occurrence of any such event, a decision by our third-party service providers to close our co-located data centers without adequate notice, or other unanticipated problems may result in our inability to serve data reliably or require us to migrate our data to either a new on-premise data center or cloud computing service. This could be time consuming and costly and may result in the loss of data, any of which could significantly interrupt the provision of our products and offerings and harm our reputation and brand. We may not be able to easily switch to another cloud or data center provider in the event of any disruptions or interference to the services we use, and even if we do, other cloud and data center providers are subject to the same risks. Additionally, our co-located data center facility agreements are of limited durations, and our co-located data center facilities have no obligation to renew their agreements with us on commercially reasonable terms or at all. If we are unable to renew our agreements with these facilities on commercially reasonable terms, we may experience delays in the provision of our products and offerings until an agreement with another co-located data center is

arranged. Interruptions in the delivery of our products and offerings may reduce our revenue, cause Drivers, merchants, and Carriers to stop offering their services through our platform, and reduce use of our platform by consumers and Shippers. Our business and operating results may be harmed if current and potential Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers believe our platform is unreliable. In addition, if we are unable to scale our data storage and computational capacity sufficiently or on commercially reasonable terms, our ability to innovate and introduce new products on our platform may be delayed or compromised, which would have an adverse effect on our growth and business.
Our use of third-party open source software could adversely affect our ability to offer our products and offerings and subjects us to possible litigation.
We use third-party open source software in connection with the development of our platform. From time to time, companies that use third-party open source software have faced claims challenging the use of such open source software and their compliance with the terms of the applicable open source license. We may be subject to suits by parties claiming ownership of what we believe to be open source software, or claiming non-compliance with the applicable open source licensing terms. Some open source licenses require end-users who distribute or make available across a network software and services that include open source software to make available all or part of such software, which in some circumstances could include valuable proprietary code. While we employ practices designed to monitor our compliance with the licenses of third-party open source software and protect our valuable proprietary source code, we have not run a complete open source license review and may inadvertently use third-party open source software in a manner that exposes us to claims of non-compliance with the applicable terms of such license, including claims for infringement of intellectual property rights or for breach of contract. Furthermore, there is an increasing number of open-source software license types, almost none of which have been tested in a court of law, resulting in a dearth of guidance regarding the proper legal interpretation of such licenses. If we were to receive a claim of non-compliance with the terms of any of our open source licenses, we may be required to publicly release certain portions of our proprietary source code or expend substantial time and resources to re-engineer some or all of our software.
In addition, the use of third-party open source software typically exposes us to greater risks than the use of third-party commercial software because open-source licensors generally do not provide warranties or controls on the functionality or origin of the software. Use of open source software may also present additional security risks because the public availability of such software may make it easier for hackers and other third parties to determine how to compromise our platform. Additionally, because any software source code that we make available under an open source license or that we contribute to existing open source projects becomes publicly available, our ability to protect our intellectual property rights in such software source code may be limited or lost entirely, and we would be unable to prevent our competitors or others from using such contributed software source code. Any of the foregoing could be harmful to our business, financial condition, or operating results and could help our competitors develop products and offerings that are similar to or better than ours.
Financing and Transactional Risks
We will require additional capital to support the growth of our business, and this capital might not be available on reasonable terms or at all.
To continue to effectively compete, we will require additional funds to support the growth of our business and allow us to invest in new products, offerings, and markets. If we raise additional funds through further issuances of equity or convertible debt securities, our existing stockholders may suffer significant dilution, and any new equity securities we issue may have rights, preferences, and privileges superior to those of existing stockholders. Certain of our existing debt instruments contain, and any debt financing we secure in the future could contain, restrictive covenants relating to our ability to incur additional indebtedness and other financial and operational matters that make it more difficult for us to obtain additional capital with which to pursue business opportunities. For example, our existing debt instruments contain significant restrictions on our ability to incur additional secured indebtedness. We may not be able to obtain additional financing on favorable terms, if at all. If we are unable to obtain adequate financing or financing on terms satisfactory to us when required, our ability to continue to support our business growth and to respond to business challenges and competition may be significantly limited.
We have incurred a significant amount of debt and may in the future incur additional indebtedness. Our payment obligations under such indebtedness may limit the funds available to us, and the terms of our debt agreements may restrict our flexibility in operating our business.
As of September 30, 2024, we had total outstanding indebtedness of $11.6 billion aggregate principal amount. In addition, up to approximately $128 million of Careem Convertible Notes remain subject to future issuance to Careem stockholders as of September 30, 2024. Subject to the limitations in the terms of our existing and future indebtedness, we and our subsidiaries may incur additional debt, secure existing or future debt, or refinance our debt. In particular, we may need to incur additional debt to finance the purchase of autonomous vehicles, and such financing may not be available to us on attractive terms or at all.
We may be required to use a substantial portion of our cash flows from operations to pay interest and principal on our indebtedness. Such payments will reduce the funds available to us for working capital, capital expenditures, and other corporate

purposes and limit our ability to obtain additional financing for working capital, capital expenditures, expansion plans, and other investments, which may in turn limit our ability to implement our business strategy, heighten our vulnerability to downturns in our business, the industry, or in the general economy, limit our flexibility in planning for, or reacting to, changes in our business and the industry, and prevent us from taking advantage of business opportunities as they arise. We cannot assure you that our business will generate sufficient cash flow from operations or that future financing will be available to us in amounts sufficient to enable us to make required and timely payments on our indebtedness, or to fund our operations. To date, we have used a substantial amount of cash for operating activities, and we cannot assure you when we will begin to generate cash from operating activities in amounts sufficient to cover our debt service obligations.
In addition, under certain of our existing debt instruments, we and certain of our subsidiaries are subject to limitations regarding our business and operations, including limitations on incurring additional indebtedness and liens, limitations on certain consolidations, mergers, and sales of assets, and restrictions on the payment of dividends or distributions. Any debt financing secured by us in the future could involve additional restrictive covenants relating to our capital-raising activities and other financial and operational matters, which may make it more difficult for us to obtain additional capital to pursue business opportunities, including potential acquisitions or divestitures. Any default under our debt arrangements could require that we repay our loans immediately, and may limit our ability to obtain additional financing, which in turn may have an adverse effect on our cash flows and liquidity.
In addition, we are exposed to interest rate risk related to some of our indebtedness, which is discussed in greater detail under the section titled “Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations - Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk - Interest Rate Risk.”
We may have exposure to materially greater than anticipated tax liabilities.
The tax laws applicable to our global business activities are subject to uncertainty and can be interpreted differently by different companies. For example, we may become subject to sales tax rates in certain jurisdictions that are significantly greater than the rates we currently pay in those jurisdictions. Like many other multinational corporations, we are subject to tax in multiple U.S. and foreign jurisdictions and have structured our operations to reduce our effective tax rate. Currently, certain jurisdictions are investigating our compliance with tax rules. If it is determined that we are not compliant with such rules, we could owe additional taxes.
Certain jurisdictions, including Australia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the UK and other countries, require that we pay any assessed taxes prior to being allowed to contest or litigate the applicability of tax assessments in those jurisdictions. These amounts could materially adversely impact our liquidity while those matters are being litigated. This prepayment of contested taxes is referred to as “pay-to-play.” Payment of these amounts is not an admission that we believe we are subject to such taxes; even when such payments are made, we continue to defend our positions vigorously. If we prevail in the proceedings for which a pay-to-play payment was made, the jurisdiction collecting the payment will be required to repay such amounts and also may be required to pay interest.
Additionally, the taxing authorities of the jurisdictions in which we operate have in the past, and may in the future, examine or challenge our methodologies for valuing developed technology, which could increase our worldwide effective tax rate and harm our financial position and operating results. Furthermore, our future income taxes could be adversely affected by earnings being lower than anticipated in jurisdictions that have lower statutory tax rates and higher than anticipated in jurisdictions that have higher statutory tax rates, changes in the valuation allowance on our U.S. and Netherlands' deferred tax assets, or changes in tax laws, regulations, or accounting principles. We are subject to regular review and audit by both U.S. federal and state tax authorities, as well as foreign tax authorities, and currently face numerous audits in the United States and abroad. Any adverse outcome of such reviews and audits could have an adverse effect on our financial position and operating results. In addition, the determination of our worldwide provision for income taxes and other tax liabilities requires significant judgment by our management, and we have engaged in many transactions for which the ultimate tax determination remains uncertain. The ultimate tax outcome may differ from the amounts recorded in our financial statements and may materially affect our financial results in the period or periods for which such determination is made. Our tax positions or tax returns are subject to change, and therefore we cannot accurately predict whether we may incur material additional tax liabilities in the future, which could impact our financial position. In addition, in connection with any planned or future acquisitions, we may acquire businesses that have differing licenses and other arrangements that may be challenged by tax authorities for not being at arm’s-length or that are otherwise potentially less tax efficient than our licenses and arrangements. Any subsequent integration or continued operation of such acquired businesses may result in an increased effective tax rate in certain jurisdictions or potential indirect tax costs, which could result in us incurring additional tax liabilities or having to establish a reserve in our consolidated financial statements, and could adversely affect our financial results.
Changes in global and U.S. tax legislation may adversely affect our financial condition, operating results, and cash flows.

We are a U.S.-based multinational company subject to tax in multiple U.S. and foreign tax jurisdictions. We are unable to predict what other global or U.S. tax reforms may be proposed or enacted in the future or what effects such future changes would have on our business. Any such changes in tax legislation, regulations, policies or practices in the jurisdictions in which we operate could increase the estimated tax liability that we have expensed to date and paid or accrued on our balance sheet; affect our financial position, future operating results, cash flows, and effective tax rates where we have operations; reduce post-tax returns to our stockholders; and increase the complexity, burden, and cost of tax compliance. We could become subject to new or additional digital services taxes in one or more jurisdictions where we operate. The governments of countries in which we operate and other governmental bodies could make unprecedented assertions about how taxation is determined in their jurisdictions that are contrary to the way in which we have interpreted and historically applied the rules and regulations described above in our income tax returns filed in such jurisdictions. New laws could significantly increase our tax obligations in the countries in which we do business or require us to change the manner in which we operate our business. As a result of the large and expanding scale of our international business activities, many of these changes to the taxation of our activities could increase our worldwide effective tax rate and harm our financial position, operating results, and cash flows.
Our ability to use our net operating loss carryforwards and certain other tax attributes may be limited.
As of December 31, 2023, we had U.S. federal net operating loss carryforwards of $296 million that begin to expire in 2031 and $12.2 billion that have an unlimited carryover period. As of December 31, 2023, we had U.S. state net operating loss carryforwards of $8.8 billion that started expiring in 2023 and $1.9 billion that have an unlimited carryover period. As of December 31, 2023, we had foreign net operating loss carryforwards of $872 million that started expiring in 2024 and $18.6 billion that have an unlimited carryover period. Realization of these net operating loss carryforwards depends on our future taxable income, and there is a risk that our existing carryforwards could expire unused and be unavailable to offset future income tax liabilities, which could materially and adversely affect our operating results. In addition, under Sections 382 and 383 of the IRC, if a corporation undergoes an “ownership change,” generally defined as a greater than 50% change (by value) in its equity ownership over a three-year period, the corporation’s ability to use its pre-ownership change U.S. federal net operating loss carryforwards and other pre-ownership change U.S. federal tax attributes, such as research tax credits, to offset its post-ownership change income may be limited. Many U.S. states follow similar rules for restricting use of tax attributes after an ownership change. We may experience ownership changes in the future because of subsequent shifts in our stock ownership. As a result, if we earn net taxable income, our ability to use our pre-ownership change net operating loss carryforwards and other tax attributes to offset U.S. federal and state taxable income may be subject to limitations, which could potentially result in increased future tax liability to us.
We are exposed to fluctuations in currency exchange rates.
Because we conduct a significant and may conduct a growing portion of our business in currencies other than the U.S. dollar but report our consolidated financial results in U.S. dollars, we face exposure to fluctuations in currency exchange rates. As exchange rates vary, revenue, cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, operating expenses, other income and expense, and assets and liabilities, when translated, may also vary materially and thus affect our overall financial results. Although we have entered into and may in the future enter into hedging arrangements to manage foreign currency translation, such activity may not completely eliminate fluctuations in our operating results due to currency exchange rate changes. Hedging arrangements are inherently risky, and we have limited experience establishing hedging programs, which could expose us to additional risks that could adversely affect our financial condition and operating results.
If we are unable to successfully identify, acquire and integrate suitable businesses, our operating results and prospects could be harmed, and any businesses we acquire may not perform as expected or be effectively integrated.
As part of our business strategy, we have entered into, and expect to continue to enter into, agreements to acquire companies, form joint ventures, divest portions or aspects of our business, sell minority stakes in portions or aspects of our business, and acquire complementary companies or technologies. Competition within our industry for acquisitions of businesses, technologies, and assets is intense. As such, even if we are able to identify a target for acquisition, we may not be able to complete the acquisition on commercially reasonable terms, we may not be able to receive approval from the applicable competition authorities, or such target may be acquired by another company, including one of our competitors.
Further, negotiations for potential acquisitions or other transactions may result in the diversion of our management’s time and significant out-of-pocket costs. We may expend significant cash or incur substantial debt to finance such acquisitions, and such indebtedness may restrict our business or require the use of available cash to make interest and principal payments. In addition, we may finance or otherwise complete acquisitions by issuing equity or convertible debt securities, which may result in dilution to our stockholders, or if such convertible debt securities are not converted, significant cash outlays. If we fail to evaluate and execute acquisitions or other strategic transactions successfully or fail to successfully address any of these risks, our business, financial condition, and operating results may be harmed.
In addition, any businesses we acquire may not perform as well as we expect. Failure to manage and successfully integrate acquired businesses and technologies, including managing internal controls and any privacy, data security or AI risks associated

with such acquisitions, may harm our operating results and expansion prospects. For example, Careem has historically shared certain user data with certain government authorities, which conflicts with our global policies regarding data use, sharing, and ownership. We have maintained our data use, sharing, and ownership practices for both our business and Careem’s business, and doing so may cause our relationships with government authorities in certain jurisdictions to suffer, and may result in such government authorities assessing fines or penalties against us. The process of integrating an acquired company, business, or technology or acquired personnel into our company is subject to various risks and challenges, including:
diverting management time and focus from operating our business to acquisition integration;
disrupting our ongoing business operations;
platform user acceptance of the acquired company’s offerings;
implementing or remediating the controls, procedures, and policies of the acquired company;
integrating the acquired business onto our systems and ensuring the acquired business meets our financial reporting requirements and timelines;
retaining and integrating acquired employees, including aligning incentives between acquired employees and existing employees, managing cultural differences between acquired businesses and our business, as well as managing costs associated with eliminating redundancies or transferring employees on acceptable terms with minimal business disruption;
maintaining important business relationships and contracts of the acquired business;
integrating the brand identity of an acquired company with our own;
integrating companies that have significant operations or that develop products where we do not have prior experience;
liability for pre-acquisition activities of the acquired company;
litigation or other claims or liabilities arising in connection with the acquisition or the acquired company; and
impairment charges associated with goodwill, long-lived assets, investments, and other acquired intangible assets.
We have in the past and may in the future implement integration structures that do not fully integrate an acquired company’s operating functions. Such structures may delay the efficiencies that we expect to gain from the acquisition and our brand and reputation could be impacted by any damage or reputational harm to the acquired company’s brand.
In addition, our acquisition of Careem has increased our risks under the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) and other similar laws outside the United States. Our existing and planned safeguards, including training and compliance programs to discourage corrupt practices by such parties, may not prove effective, and such parties may engage in conduct for which we could be held responsible.
We may not receive a favorable return on investment for prior or future business combinations, and we cannot predict whether these transactions will be accretive to the value of our common stock. It is also possible that acquisitions, combinations, divestitures, joint ventures, or other strategic transactions we announce could be viewed negatively by the press, investors, platform users, or regulators, any or all of which may adversely affect our reputation and our business. Any of these factors may adversely affect our ability to consummate a transaction, our financial condition, and our operating results.
We cannot guarantee that our share repurchase program will be fully consummated or that it will enhance long-term stockholder value.
Although our board of directors has authorized a share repurchase program, the program does not obligate us to repurchase any specific dollar amount or to acquire any specific number of shares of our common stock. The timing, manner, price and amount of any repurchases are determined at the discretion of our management, depending on market conditions and other factors. We cannot guarantee that the program will be fully consummated or that it will enhance long-term stockholder value, and it may not prove to be the best use of our cash. The program could affect the trading price of our stock and increase volatility, and any announcement of a termination of this program may result in a decrease in the trading price of our stock. In addition, this program will reduce our cash reserves.

Legal and Regulatory Risks Related to Our Business
We may continue to be blocked from or limited in providing or operating our products and offerings in certain jurisdictions, and may be required to modify our business model in those jurisdictions as a result.
In certain jurisdictions, including expansion markets such as Argentina, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and Spain, our ridesharing business model has been blocked, capped, or suspended, or we have been required to change our business model, due primarily to laws and significant regulatory restrictions in such jurisdictions. In some cases, we have applied for and obtained licenses or permits to operate and must continue to comply with the license or permit requirements or risk revocation. In addition, we may not be able to maintain or renew any such license or permit. We cannot predict whether future regulatory decisions or legislation in other jurisdictions may embolden or encourage other authorities to take similar actions even where we are operating according to the terms of an existing license or permit.
Traditional taxicab and car service operators in various jurisdictions in the United States and abroad continue to lobby legislators and regulators to block our Mobility products or to require us to comply with regulatory, insurance, record-keeping, licensing, and other requirements to which taxicab and car services are subject. For example, in January 2019, we suspended our Mobility products in Barcelona after the regional government enacted regulations mandating minimum wait times before riders could be picked up by ridesharing drivers; in March 2021, we returned to Barcelona via taxis only. In December 2018, New York City’s Taxi and Limousine Commission implemented a per-mile and per-minute minimum trip payment formula, designed to establish a minimum pay standard, for drivers providing for-hire services in New York City, such as those provided by Drivers on our platform. These minimum rates took effect in February 2019. Since implementation, these regulations have had an adverse impact on our financial performance in New York City and may continue to do so in the future. In August 2018, the New York City Council voted to approve various measures to further regulate our business, including driver earning rules, licensing requirements, and a one-year freeze on new for-hire vehicle licenses for ridesharing services like those enabled via our platform; the freeze on for-hire vehicle licenses remains. Additionally, in November 2019, a ballot measure to impose a surcharge on ridesharing trips in San Francisco was passed by voters in San Francisco and such surcharge took effect on January 1, 2020. Also in January 2020, a new tax went into effect in Chicago that imposes a surcharge of up to $3 per ridesharing trip taken in Chicago. In addition, in March 2022, a Washington state bill was signed into law establishing a minimum pay standard for drivers providing services on our platform, and other jurisdictions have in the past considered or may consider regulations which would implement minimum wage requirements or permit drivers to negotiate for minimum wages while providing services on our platform. Similar legislative or regulatory initiatives are being considered or have been enacted in countries outside the United States. If other jurisdictions impose similar regulations, our business growth could be adversely affected.
In certain jurisdictions, we are subject to national, state, local, or municipal laws and regulations that are ambiguous in their application or enforcement or that we believe are invalid or inapplicable. In such jurisdictions, we may be subject to regulatory fines and proceedings and, in certain cases, may be required to cease operations altogether if we continue to operate our business as currently conducted, unless and until such laws and regulations are reformed to clarify that our business operations are fully compliant or such laws and regulations are determined to be invalid or inapplicable. For example, in September 2020, the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal issued a ruling against a group of drivers who used the Uber app, concluding that by driving for hire without a Hire Car Permit, they violated the local Road Traffic Ordinance. A judicial review process is pending. However, these developments may adversely affect our ability to offer ridesharing services and negatively impact our financial performance in Hong Kong. As another example, in January 2020, we ceased offering our Mobility products in Colombia after a Colombian court ruled that we violated local competition laws. In response, we appealed the decision, made certain changes to our Mobility products in Colombia and re-launched Mobility in Colombia in February 2020, and in June 2020, the Appeals Court of Bogota revoked its order to block Mobility products in Colombia. Furthermore, in certain of these jurisdictions, we continue to provide our products and offerings while we assess the applicability of these laws and regulations to our products and offerings or while we seek judicial, regulatory or policy changes to address concerns with respect to our ability to comply with these laws and regulations. Our decision to continue operating in these instances has come under investigation or has otherwise been subject to scrutiny by government authorities. Our continuation of this practice and other past practices may result in fines or other penalties against us and Drivers imposed by local regulators, potentially increasing the risk that our licenses or permits that are necessary to operate in such jurisdictions will not be renewed. Such fines and penalties have in the past been, and may in the future continue to be, imposed solely on Drivers, which may cause Drivers to stop providing services on our platform. In many instances, we make the business decision as a gesture of goodwill to pay the fines on behalf of Drivers or to pay Drivers’ defense costs, which, in the aggregate, can be in the millions of dollars. Furthermore, such business practices may also result in negative press coverage, which may discourage Drivers and consumers from using our platform and could adversely affect our revenue. In addition, we face regulatory obstacles, including those lobbied for by our competitors or from local governments globally, that have favored and may continue to favor local or incumbent competitors, including obstacles for potential Drivers seeking to obtain required licenses or vehicle certifications. In addition, an increasing number of municipalities have proposed delivery network fee caps with respect to our Delivery offering and caps on surge pricing with respect to our Mobility offering. We have incurred, and expect that we will continue to incur, significant costs in defending our right to operate in accordance with our business model in many jurisdictions.

To the extent that efforts to block or limit our operations are successful, or we or Drivers are required to comply with regulatory and other requirements applicable to taxicab and car services, our revenue and growth would be adversely affected.
Our business is subject to numerous legal and regulatory risks that could have an adverse impact on our business and future prospects.
As of December 31, 2023, our platform is available in more than 10,000 cities across approximately 70 countries. We are subject to differing, and sometimes conflicting, laws and regulations in the various jurisdictions in which we provide our offerings. A large number of proposals are before various national, regional, and local legislative bodies and regulatory entities, both within the United States and in foreign jurisdictions, regarding issues related to our business model. Certain proposals, if adopted, could significantly and materially harm our business, financial condition, and operating results by restricting or limiting how we operate our business, increasing our operating costs, and decreasing our number of platform users. We cannot predict whether or when such proposals may be adopted.
Further, existing or new laws and regulations could expose us to substantial liability, including significant expenses necessary to comply with such laws and regulations, and could dampen the growth and usage of our platform. For example, as we expand our offerings in new areas, such as non-emergency medical transportation, we may be subject to additional healthcare-related federal and state laws and regulations. Additionally, because our offerings are frequently first-to-market in the jurisdictions in which we operate, several local jurisdictions have passed, and we expect additional jurisdictions to pass, laws and regulations that limit or block our ability to offer our products to Drivers and consumers in those jurisdictions, thereby impeding overall use of our platform. We are actively challenging some of these laws and regulations and are lobbying other jurisdictions to oppose similar restrictions on our business, especially our ridesharing services. Further, because a substantial portion of our business involves vehicles that run on fossil fuels, laws, regulations, or governmental actions seeking to curb air pollution or emissions may impact our business. For example, in response to London’s efforts to cut emissions and improve air quality in the city (including the institution of a toxicity charge for polluting vehicles in the city center congestion zone and the introduction of an “Ultra Low Emissions Zone” that went into effect in April 2019), we have added a clean-air fee of 15 pence per mile to each trip on our platform in London, and plan to help Drivers on our platform fully transition to electric vehicles by 2025. Moreover, in May 2021, California adopted a regulation requiring 90% of vehicle miles traveled by rideshare fleets in California to have been in EVs by 2030, with interim targets beginning in 2023. Additionally, proposed ridesharing regulations in Egypt and other jurisdictions may require us to share certain personal data with government authorities to operate our app, which we may not be willing to provide. Our failure to share such data in accordance with these regulations may result in government authorities assessing significant fines or penalties against us or shutting down our or Careem’s app in Egypt on either a temporary or indefinite basis.
In addition, we are currently involved in litigation in a number of the jurisdictions in which we operate. We initiated some of these legal challenges to contest the application of certain laws and regulations to our business. Others have been brought by taxicab owners, local regulators, local law enforcement, and platform users, including Drivers and consumers. These include individual, multiple plaintiff, and putative class and class action claims for alleged violation of laws related to, among other things, transportation, competition, advertising, consumer protection, fee calculations, personal injuries, privacy, intellectual property, product liability, discrimination, safety, and employment. For example, in May 2019, a class action was filed against us and certain of our subsidiaries in the Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia on behalf of participants in the taxi, hire-car, limousine, and charter vehicle industry who were licensed to operate in particular regions of Australia during certain periods between April 2014 and August 2017. The class action alleges that we operated unlawfully in such regions during such periods. The class action was settled in principle with no admission of liability by Uber. In September 2024, a constitutional reform to the judiciary in Mexico was approved; secondary regulations are still pending, which are needed to assess the legal impact on our operations in Mexico. These legislative and regulatory proceedings, allegations, and lawsuits are expensive and time consuming to defend, and, if resolved adversely to us, could result in financial damages or penalties, including criminal penalties, incarceration, and sanctions for individuals employed by us or parties with whom we contract, which could harm our ability to operate our business as planned in one or more of the jurisdictions in which we operate, which could adversely affect our business, revenue, and operating results.
In addition, while we divested certain assets of our dockless e-bikes and e-scooters business to Lime in May 2020, consumers continue to have access to dockless e-bikes and e-scooters through our app. We expect dockless e-bikes and e-scooters to subject us to additional risks distinct from those relating to our other Mobility, Delivery and Freight offerings. For example, consumers using dockless e-bikes or e-scooters face a more severe level of injury in the event of a collision than that faced while riding in a vehicle, given the less sophisticated, and in some cases absent, passive protection systems on dockless e-bikes and e-scooters. The occurrence of real or perceived quality problems or material defects in current or future dockless e-bikes or e-scooters available via our app could result in negative publicity, market withdrawals, regulatory proceedings, enforcement actions, or lawsuits filed against us, particularly if consumers are injured.
Changes in, or failure to comply with, competition laws could adversely affect our business, financial condition, or operating results.
Competition authorities closely scrutinize us under U.S. and foreign antitrust and competition laws. An increasing number of

governments are enforcing competition laws and are doing so with increased scrutiny, including governments in large markets such as the EU, the United States, Brazil, and India, particularly surrounding issues of pricing parity, earnings parity, price-fixing, and abuse of market power. Many of these jurisdictions also allow competitors or consumers to assert claims of anti-competitive conduct. For example, complaints have been filed in several jurisdictions, including in the United States and Germany, alleging that our business practices violate applicable antitrust and/or competition laws. If one jurisdiction imposes or proposes to impose new requirements or restrictions on our business, other jurisdictions may follow. Further, any new requirements or restrictions, or proposed requirements or restrictions, could result in adverse publicity or fines, whether or not valid or subject to appeal.
In addition, governmental agencies and regulators may, among other things, prohibit future acquisitions, divestitures, or combinations we plan to make, impose significant fines or penalties, require divestiture of certain of our assets, or impose other restrictions that limit or require us to modify our operations, including limitations on our contractual relationships with platform users or restrictions on our pricing models. Such rulings may alter the way in which we do business and, therefore, may continue to increase our costs or liabilities or reduce demand for our platform, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, or operating results.
We expect that antitrust enforcement agencies (including the DOJ and the FTC) will continue to closely scrutinize merger activity, with a particular focus on the technology sector, and there can be no assurance that proposed, completed or future mergers, acquisitions and divestitures will not be the subject of an investigation or enforcement action by the DOJ, the FTC or another antitrust enforcement agency. Changes in antitrust laws globally, or in their interpretation, administration or enforcement, may limit our future acquisitions, divestitures, operations and growth.
Our business is subject to extensive government regulation and oversight relating to the provision of payment and financial services.
Most jurisdictions in which we operate have laws that govern payment and financial services activities. Regulators in certain jurisdictions may determine that certain aspects of our business are subject to these laws and could require us to obtain licenses to continue to operate in such jurisdictions. For example, our subsidiary in the Netherlands, Uber Payments B.V., is registered and authorized by its competent authority, De Nederlandsche Bank, as an electronic money institution. This authorization permits Uber Payments B.V. to provide payment services (including acquiring and executing payment transactions and money remittances, as referred to in the Revised Payment Services Directive (2015/2366/EU)) and to issue electronic money in the Netherlands. In addition, Uber Payments B.V. has notified De Nederlandsche Bank that it will provide such services on a cross-border passport basis into other countries within the EEA. Uber Payments UK Limited holds a similar license in the United Kingdom issued by the Financial Conduct Authority, as does UBR Pagos México, S.A. de C.V., Institución de Fondos de Pago Electrónico, issued by the Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores in Mexico. We continue to critically evaluate our options for seeking additional licenses and approvals in several other jurisdictions to optimize our payment solutions and support the future growth of our business. We could be denied such licenses, have existing licenses revoked, or be required to make significant changes to our business operations before being granted such licenses. If we are denied payment or other financial licenses or such licenses are revoked, we could be forced to cease or limit business operations in certain jurisdictions, including in the EEA, and even if we are able to obtain such licenses, we could be subject to fines or other enforcement action, or stripped of such licenses, if we are found to violate the requirements of such licenses. In some countries, it is not clear whether we are required to be licensed as a payment services provider. Were local regulators to determine that such arrangements require us to be so licensed, such regulators may block payments to Drivers, merchants, Shippers or Carriers. Such regulatory actions, or the need to obtain regulatory approvals, could impose significant costs and involve substantial delay in payments we make in certain local markets, any of which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, or operating results.
Payments made by platform users with payment instruments or payment accounts issued in jurisdictions such as the EEA, the UK and Mexico for services provided through our platform may be subject to Strong Customer Authentication (“SCA”) regulatory requirements. In many cases, SCA will require a platform user to engage in additional steps to authenticate each payment transaction. These additional authentication requirements in the EEA, UK and Mexico or similar requirements, such as tokenization, in other countries may make our platform user experience substantially less convenient, and such loss of convenience could meaningfully reduce the frequency with which platform users use our platform or could cause some platform users to stop using our platform entirely, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, operating results, and prospects. Further, as a result of implementing SCA, many payment transactions on our platform may fail to be authenticated due to platform users not completing all necessary authentication steps. Thus, in some cases, we may not receive payment from consumers in advance of paying Drivers for services received by those users. A substantial increase in the frequency with which we make Driver payments without having received corresponding payments from consumers could adversely affect our business, financial condition, operating results, and prospects.
In addition, laws related to money transmission and online payments are evolving, and changes in such laws could affect our ability to provide payment processing on our platform in the same form and on the same terms as we have historically, or at all. For example, changes to our business in Europe, combined with changes to the EU Payment Services Directive, caused aspects of our

payment operations in the EEA to fall within the scope of European payments regulation. As a result, one of our subsidiaries, Uber Payments B.V., is directly subject to financial services regulations (including those relating to anti-money laundering, terrorist financing, and sanctioned or prohibited persons) in the Netherlands and in other countries in the EEA where it conducts business. Effective July 1, 2020, we transitioned all our payment operations to the Uber Payments B.V. regulated entity in the EEA countries in which we are required to do so by the European payments regulations.
In addition, as we evolve our business or make changes to our business structure, we may be subject to additional laws or requirements related to money transmission, online payments, and financial regulation. These laws govern, among other things, money transmission, prepaid access instruments, electronic funds transfers, anti-money laundering, counter-terrorist financing, banking, systemic integrity risk assessments, security of payment processes, and import and export restrictions. Our business operations, including our payments to Drivers and merchants, may not always comply with these financial laws and regulations. Historical or future non-compliance with these laws or regulations could result in significant criminal and civil lawsuits, penalties, forfeiture of significant assets, or other enforcement actions. Costs associated with fines and enforcement actions, as well as reputational harm, changes in compliance requirements, or limits on our ability to expand our product offerings, could harm our business.
Further, our payment system is susceptible to illegal and improper uses, including fraud on our platform such as fraud against us or platform users, money laundering, terrorist financing, fraudulent sales of goods or services, and payments to sanctioned parties. We have invested and will need to continue to invest substantial resources to comply with applicable anti-money laundering and sanctions laws, and in certain jurisdictions, such as the EEA, the UK and Mexico to conduct appropriate risk assessments and implement appropriate controls as a regulated financial service provider. Government authorities may seek to bring legal action against us if our payment system is used for improper or illegal purposes or if our enterprise risk management or controls in certain jurisdictions such as the EEA, the UK and Mexico are not adequately assessed, updated, or implemented, and any such action could result in financial or reputational harm to our business.
We currently are subject to a number of inquiries, investigations, and requests for information from the DOJ, other federal, state and local government agencies and other foreign government agencies, the adverse outcomes of which could harm our business.
We are the subject of DOJ inquiries and investigations, as well as enforcement inquiries and investigations by other federal, state and local government agencies and other regulators abroad. Those inquiries and investigations cover a broad range of matters, including but not limited to, our business practices, such as fees, driver and courier earnings, consumer pricing, earner benefits, and related disclosures, policies and practices related to use of our platform by consumers with disabilities, relationships with third parties, data privacy practices, and data privacy and security incidents. These issues may continue to lead to costly and time-consuming regulatory investigations and litigation from other government entities, as well as potentially material fines and penalties imposed by other U.S. and international regulators. Investigations and enforcement actions from such entities, as well as continued negative publicity and an erosion of current and prospective platform users’ trust, could severely disrupt our business. In addition, in March 2022, Uber Technologies, Inc. and Uber B.V. were each fined €2.12 million by the Italian data protection authority for alleged privacy violations stemming from an investigation conducted in 2018.
We are also subject to inquiries and investigations by government agencies related to certain transactions we have entered into in the United States and other countries.
These government inquiries and investigations are time-consuming and require a great deal of financial resources and attention from us and our senior management. If any of these matters are resolved adversely to us, we may be subject to additional fines, penalties, and other sanctions, and could be forced to change our business practices substantially in the relevant jurisdictions. Any such determinations could also result in significant adverse publicity or additional reputational harm, and could result in or complicate other inquiries, investigations, or lawsuits from other regulators in future merger control or conduct investigations. Any of these developments could result in material financial damages or operational restrictions, and harm our business.
We face risks related to our collection, use, transfer, disclosure, and other processing of data, which could result in investigations, inquiries, litigation, fines, legislative and regulatory action, and negative press about our privacy and data protection practices.
The nature of our business exposes us to claims, including civil lawsuits in the United States such as those related to the 2016 Breach. These and any past or future privacy or security incidents could result in violation of applicable U.S. and international privacy, data protection, and other laws. Such violations subject us to individual or consumer class action litigation as well as governmental investigations and proceedings by federal, state, and local regulatory entities in the United States and internationally, resulting in exposure to material civil or criminal liability. Our data security and privacy practices have been the subject of inquiries from government agencies and regulators, not all of which are finally resolved. In April 2018, we entered into an FTC consent decree pursuant to which we agreed, among other things, to implement a comprehensive privacy program, undergo biennial third-party assessments, and not misrepresent how we protect consumer information through 2038. In October 2018, the

FTC approved the final settlement, which exposes us to penalties for, amongst other activities, future failure to report security incidents. In November and December 2018, UK, Dutch and French supervisory authorities imposed fines totaling approximately $1.6 million. We have also entered into settlement agreements with numerous state enforcement agencies. For example, in January 2016, we entered into a settlement with the Office of the New York State Attorney General under which we agreed to enhance our data security practices. In addition, in September 2018, we entered into stipulated judgments with the state attorneys general of all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia relating to the 2016 Breach, which involved payment of $148 million and assurances that we would enhance our data security and privacy practices. In addition, in March 2022, Uber Technologies, Inc. and Uber B.V. were each fined €2.12 million by the Italian data protection authority for alleged privacy violations stemming from an investigation conducted in 2018. Additionally, in July 2022, we entered into a non-prosecution agreement with the DOJ concerning its investigation into our handling of the 2016 Breach. Failure to comply with these and other orders could result in substantial fines, enforcement actions, injunctive relief, and other penalties that may be costly or that may impact our business. We may also assume liabilities for breaches experienced by the companies we acquire as we expand our operations. For example, in April 2018, Careem publicly disclosed and notified relevant regulatory authorities that it had been subject to a data security incident that allowed access to certain personal information of riders and drivers on its platform as of January 14, 2018. If Careem becomes subject to liability as a result of this or other data security incidents or if we fail to remediate this or any other data security incident that Careem or we experience, we may face harm to our brand, business disruption, and significant liabilities. In addition, in July 2020, Drizly publicly disclosed that it had been subject to a data security incident that allowed access to certain personal information of customers on its platform, and in November 2021 Drizly obtained final court approval of a settlement in a resulting class action litigation. Moreover, in January 2023, the FTC announced a final order relating to the data security incident. If we fail to remediate any other data security incident that we experience, we may face harm to our brand, business disruption, and significant liabilities. Our insurance programs may not cover all potential claims to which we are exposed and may not be adequate to indemnify us for the full extent of our potential liabilities. We may also be impacted by privacy or security incidents at third-party service providers. We rely on third-party service providers to host or otherwise process some of our data and that of platform users, and they have experienced, and may again experience, security and privacy incidents. Any failure by such third party to prevent or mitigate security breaches or improper access to, or use, acquisition, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of, such data could have similar adverse consequences for us.
This risk is enhanced in certain jurisdictions with stringent privacy laws and, as we expand our products, offerings, and operations domestically and internationally, we have been, and may continue to become, subject to amended or additional laws that impose substantial additional obligations related to data privacy and security. The EU adopted the GDPR in 2016, and it became effective in May 2018. The GDPR applies extraterritorially and imposes stringent requirements for controllers and processors of personal data. Such requirements include higher consent standards to process personal data, robust disclosures regarding the use of personal data, strengthened individual data rights, data breach requirements, limitations on data retention, strengthened requirements for special categories of personal data and pseudonymised (i.e., key-coded) data, and additional obligations for contracting with service providers that may process personal data. In addition, the GDPR contains a provision that individuals shall have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning them or similarly significantly affects them. Decisions based on AI or on automated processing of data, or insufficient disclosures regarding this processing, have and could impair our business and have and could subject us to lawsuits, regulatory investigations or other harm. The GDPR further provides that EU member states may institute additional laws and regulations impacting the processing of personal data, including (i) special categories of personal data (e.g., racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, and religious or philosophical beliefs) and (ii) certain decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling. Such additional laws and regulations could limit our ability to use and share personal or other data, thereby increasing our costs and harming our business and financial condition. Non-compliance with the GDPR (including any non-compliance by any acquired business) is subject to significant penalties, including fines of up to the greater of €20 million or 4% of total worldwide revenue, and injunctions against the processing of personal data. Other jurisdictions outside the EU are similarly introducing or enhancing privacy and data security laws, rules, and regulations, including for automated processing, decision making, and profiling, which will increase our compliance costs and the risks associated with non-compliance. For example, the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), which provided new privacy rights for consumers and new operational requirements for businesses, went into effect in January 2020. The CCPA includes a statutory damages framework and private rights of action against businesses that fail to comply with certain CCPA terms or implement reasonable security procedures and practices to prevent data breaches. Other U.S. states have adopted, and likely will continue to adopt, similar laws that provide new consumer privacy rights and business operational requirements. Brazil provides another example, having passed the General Data Protection Law (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais, or LGPD) in 2018, which is now in effect. These laws may be subject to amendments and regulations that may change over time, or result in additional follow-on laws such as the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”) passed in California in November 2020. For further information on risks related to our use of certain decisions based solely on automated processing or profiling, see the risk factor titled “—Our growing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning may present additional risks, including risks associated with algorithm development or use, the tools and data sets used, and/or a complex, developing regulatory environment.”

Additionally, we are subject to laws, rules, and regulations regarding cross-border transfers of personal data, including laws relating to transfer of personal data outside the EEA. We rely on transfer mechanisms permitted under these laws. Such mechanisms have received heightened regulatory and judicial scrutiny and have undergone modifications, and a 2020 decision by the Court of Justice of the European Union had cast doubt on the adequacy of all of the formerly-approved mechanisms for transferring personal data from countries in the EEA to certain other countries such as the United States. While in July 2023 the European Commission deemed a new EU-US Data Privacy Framework adequate for personal data transfers from the EU (and the rest of the EEA) to the US, this Framework has been challenged. If we cannot rely on existing mechanisms for transferring personal data from the EEA, the United Kingdom, or other jurisdictions, we may be unable to transfer personal data of Drivers, consumers, or employees in those regions, which could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and operating results, and has resulted in and may result in substantial fines, enforcement actions, litigation, injunctive relief, and other penalties that may be costly or that may impact our business. In addition, we may be required to disclose personal data pursuant to demands from government agencies, including from state and city regulators as a requirement for obtaining or maintaining a license or otherwise, from law enforcement agencies, and from intelligence agencies. This disclosure or potential disclosure may result in a failure or perceived failure by us to comply with privacy and data protection policies, notices, laws, rules, and regulations, could result in proceedings or actions against us in the same or other jurisdictions, and could have an adverse impact on our reputation and brand. In addition, Careem has historically shared certain user data with certain government authorities, which conflicts with our global policies regarding data use, sharing, and ownership. We expect to maintain our data use, sharing, and ownership practices for both our business and Careem’s business, and doing so may cause our relationship with government authorities in certain jurisdictions to suffer, and may result in such government authorities assessing fines or penalties against us. Further, if any jurisdiction in which we operate changes its laws, rules, or regulations relating to data residency or local computation such that we are unable to comply in a timely manner or at all, we may risk losing our rights to operate in such jurisdictions. This could adversely affect the manner in which we provide our products and offerings and thus materially affect our operations and financial results.
Such data protection laws, rules, and regulations are complex and their interpretation is rapidly evolving, making implementation and enforcement, and thus compliance requirements, ambiguous, uncertain, and potentially inconsistent. This includes, for example, those relating to the processing of data for purposes of advertising and profile creation, which are subject to evolving disclosure, choice, and consent requirements in the EU, US states, and other jurisdictions. Compliance with such laws may require changes to our data collection, use, transfer, disclosure, and other processing and certain other related business practices and may thereby increase compliance costs or otherwise adversely affect our operations. Additionally, any failure or perceived failure by us to comply with privacy and data protection policies, notices, laws, rules, orders and regulations could result in proceedings or actions against us by individuals, consumer rights groups, governmental entities or agencies, or others. We could incur significant costs investigating and defending such claims and, if found liable, significant damages. Further, these proceedings and any subsequent adverse outcomes may subject us to significant penalties and negative publicity. If any of these events were to occur, our business and financial results could be significantly disrupted and adversely affected.
Adverse litigation judgments or settlements resulting from legal proceedings in which we may be involved could expose us to monetary damages or limit our ability to operate our business.
We have in the past been, are currently, and may in the future become, involved in private actions, collective actions, investigations, and various other legal proceedings by Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, Carriers, employees, commercial partners, competitors or, government agencies, among others. We are subject to litigation relating to various matters including Driver classification, Drivers’ tips and taxes, the Americans with Disabilities Act, antitrust, securities, intellectual property infringement, privacy, unfair competition, workplace culture, safety practices, personal injury, and employment and human resources practices. The results of any such litigation, investigations, and legal proceedings are inherently unpredictable and expensive. Any claims against us, whether meritorious or not, could be time consuming, costly, and harmful to our reputation, and could require significant amounts of management time and corporate resources. If any of these legal proceedings were to be determined adversely to us, or we were to enter into a settlement arrangement, we could be exposed to monetary damages or be forced to change the way in which we operate our business, which could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and operating results.
In addition, we regularly include arbitration provisions in our terms of service with end-users. These provisions are intended to streamline the litigation process for all parties involved, as arbitration can in some cases be faster and less costly than litigating disputes in state or federal court. However, arbitration may become more costly for us, or the volume of arbitrations may increase and become burdensome. Further, the use of arbitration provisions may subject us to certain risks to our reputation and brand, as these provisions have been the subject of increasing public scrutiny. To minimize these risks, we have in the past and may in the future voluntarily limit our use of arbitration provisions, or we may be required to do so, in any legal or regulatory proceeding, either of which could increase our litigation costs and exposure in respect of such proceedings. For example, effective May 15, 2018, we ended mandatory arbitration of sexual misconduct claims by platform users and employees.
Further, with the potential for conflicting rules regarding the scope and enforceability of arbitration on a state-by-state basis, as

well as conflicting rules between state and federal law, some or all of our arbitration provisions could be subject to challenge or may need to be revised to exempt certain categories of protection. If our arbitration agreements were found to be unenforceable, in whole or in part, or specific claims were required to be exempted from arbitration, we could experience an increase in our litigation costs and the time involved in resolving such disputes, and we could face increased exposure to potentially costly lawsuits, each of which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, operating results, and prospects.
We have operations in countries known to experience high levels of corruption and were previously subject to, and may in the future be subject to, inquiries, investigations, and requests for information with respect to our compliance with a number of anti-corruption laws to which we are subject.
We have operations in, and have business relationships with, entities in countries known to experience high levels of corruption. We are subject to the FCPA and other similar laws outside the United States that prohibit improper payments or offers of payments to foreign officials, foreign political parties, or candidates for foreign political office for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business. U.S. and non-U.S. regulators alike continue to focus on the enforcement of these laws, and we may be subject to additional compliance requirements to identify criminal activity and payments to sanctioned parties. Our activities in certain countries with high levels of corruption enhance the risk of unauthorized payments or offers of payments by Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers or Carriers, employees, consultants, or business partners in violation of various anti-corruption laws, including the FCPA, even though the actions of these parties are often outside our control. Our acquisition of Careem may further enhance this risk because users of Careem’s platform and Careem’s employees, consultants, and business partners may not be familiar with, and may not have been previously subject to, these anti-corruption laws. In addition, our existing and future safeguards, including training and compliance programs to discourage these practices by such parties, may not prove effective, and such parties may engage in conduct for which we could be held responsible. Additional compliance requirements may compel us to revise or expand our compliance program, including the procedures we use to verify the identity of platform users and monitor international and domestic transactions.
Drivers may become subject to increased licensing requirements, and we may be required to obtain additional licenses or cap the number of Drivers using our platform.
Many Drivers currently are not required to obtain a commercial taxi or livery license in their respective jurisdictions. However, numerous jurisdictions in which we operate have conducted investigations or taken action to enforce existing licensing rules, including markets within Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region, and many others, including countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, have adopted or proposed new laws or regulations that require Drivers to be licensed with local authorities or require us or our subsidiaries to be licensed as a transportation company. Local regulations requiring the licensing of us or Drivers may adversely affect our ability to scale our business and operations. In addition, it is possible that various jurisdictions could impose caps on the number of licensed Drivers or vehicles with whom we may partner or impose limitations on the maximum number of hours a Driver may work, similar to recent regulations that were adopted in Spain and New York City, which have temporarily frozen new vehicle licenses for Drivers using platforms like ours. If we or Drivers become subject to such caps, limitations, or licensing requirements, our business and growth prospects would be adversely impacted.
We may be subject to liability for the means we use to attract and onboard Drivers.
We operate in an industry in which the competition for Drivers is intense. In this highly competitive environment, the means we use to onboard and attract Drivers may be challenged by competitors, government regulators, or individual plaintiffs. For example, putative class actions have been filed by individual plaintiffs against us for alleged violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, alleging, among other things, that plaintiffs received text messages from us regarding our Driver program without their consent or after indicating to us they no longer wished to receive such text messages. These lawsuits are expensive and time consuming to defend, and, if resolved adversely to us, could result in material financial damages and penalties, costly adjustments to our business practices, and negative publicity. In addition, we could incur substantial expense and possible loss of revenue if competitors file additional lawsuits or other claims challenging these practices.
Our business depends heavily on insurance coverage for Drivers and on other types of insurance for additional risks related to our business. If insurance carriers change the terms of such insurance in a manner not favorable to Drivers or to us, if we are required to purchase additional insurance for other aspects of our business, or if we fail to comply with regulations governing insurance coverage, our business could be harmed.
We use a combination of third-party insurance and self-insurance mechanisms, including a wholly-owned captive insurance subsidiary. Insurance related to our Mobility products may include third-party automobile, automobile comprehensive and collision, physical damage, and uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. We require Drivers to carry automobile insurance in most countries, and in many cases we also maintain insurance on behalf of Drivers. We rely on a limited number of ridesharing insurance providers, and should such providers discontinue or increase the cost of coverage, we cannot guarantee that we would be able to secure replacement coverage on reasonable terms or at all. In addition to insurance related to our products, we maintain other automobile insurance coverage for owned vehicles and employee activity, as well as insurance coverage for non-automotive

corporate risks including general liability, workers’ compensation, property, cyber liability, and director and officers’ liability. If our insurance carriers change the terms of our policies in a manner unfavorable to us or Drivers, our insurance costs could increase. The cost of insurance that we maintain on behalf of Drivers is higher in the United States and Canada than in other geographies. Further, if the insurance coverage we maintain is not adequate to cover losses that occur, we could be liable for significant additional costs.
In addition, we and our captive insurance subsidiary are party to certain reinsurance and indemnification arrangements that transfer a significant portion of the risk from the insurance provider to us or our captive insurance subsidiary, which could require us to pay out material amounts that may be in excess of our insurance reserves, including as a result of adverse legal proceedings, resulting in harm to our financial condition. Our insurance reserves include amounts for unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses for risks retained by us through our captive insurance subsidiary and other risk retention mechanisms. Such amounts are based on actuarial estimates, historical claim information, and industry data. While management believes that these reserve amounts are adequate, the ultimate liability could be in excess of our reserves. Insurance recoverables are recognized when we have entered into contracts which transfer risk recorded in our insurance reserves to third party insurance companies. We also have requirements to post collateral for current and future claim settlement obligations with certain of our insurance carriers, which may have a significant impact on our unrestricted cash and cash equivalents available for general business purposes.
We may be subject to claims of significant liability based on traffic accidents, injuries, or other incidents that are claimed to have been caused by Drivers who use our platform, even when those Drivers are not actively using our platform or when an individual impersonates a Driver. As we expand to include more offerings on our platform, our insurance needs will likely extend to those additional offerings, including Freight. As a result, our automobile liability and general liability insurance policies and insurance maintained by Drivers may not cover all potential claims related to traffic accidents, injuries, or other incidents that are claimed to have been caused by Drivers who use our platform, and may not be adequate to indemnify us for all liability that we could face. Even if these claims do not result in liability, we could incur significant costs in investigating and defending against them. If insurers become insolvent, they may not be able to pay otherwise valid claims in a timely manner or at all. If we are subject to claims of liability relating to the acts of Drivers or others using our platform, we may be subject to negative publicity and incur additional expenses, which could harm our business, financial condition, and operating results.
In addition, we are subject to local laws, rules, and regulations relating to insurance coverage which could result in proceedings or actions against us by governmental entities or others. Legislation has been passed in many U.S. jurisdictions that codifies these insurance requirements with respect to ridesharing. Additional legislation has been proposed in other jurisdictions that seeks to codify or change insurance requirements with respect to ridesharing. Further, service providers and business customers of Freight and Uber for Business may require higher levels of coverage as a condition to entering into certain key contracts with us. Any failure, or perceived failure, by us to comply with local laws, rules, and regulations or contractual obligations relating to insurance coverage could result in proceedings or actions against us by governmental entities or others. These lawsuits, proceedings, or actions may subject us to significant penalties and negative publicity, require us to increase our insurance coverage, require us to amend our insurance policy disclosure, increase our costs, and disrupt our business.
We may be subject to pricing regulations, as well as related litigation or regulatory inquiries.
Our revenue is dependent on the pricing models we use to calculate consumer fares and Driver earnings. Our pricing models, including dynamic pricing, have been, and will likely continue to be, challenged, banned, limited in emergencies, and capped in certain jurisdictions. For example, we have agreed to not calculate consumer fares in excess of the maximum government-mandated fares in all major Indian cities where legal proceedings have limited the use of surge pricing. Further, in 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii became the first U.S. city to pass legislation to cap surge pricing if increased rates exceed the maximum fare set by the city. Additional regulation of our pricing models could increase our operating costs and adversely affect our business. Furthermore, our pricing model has been the subject of litigation and regulatory inquiries related to, among other things, the calculation of and statements regarding consumer fares and Driver earnings (including rates, fees, surcharges, and tolls), as well as the use of surge pricing during emergencies and natural disasters. In addition, an increasing number of municipalities have proposed delivery network fee caps with respect to our Delivery offering and caps on surge pricing with respect to our Mobility offering. As a result, we may be forced to change our pricing models in certain jurisdictions, which could harm our revenue or result in a sub-optimal tax structure.

If we are unable to protect our intellectual property, or if third parties are successful in claiming that we are misappropriating the intellectual property of others, we may incur significant expense and our business may be adversely affected.
Our intellectual property includes the content of our website, mobile applications, registered domain names, software code, firmware, hardware and hardware designs, registered and unregistered trademarks, trademark applications, copyrights, trade secrets, inventions (whether or not patentable), patents, and patent applications. We believe that our intellectual property is essential to our business and affords us a competitive advantage in the markets in which we operate. If we do not adequately protect our intellectual property, our brand and reputation may be harmed, Drivers, consumers, merchants, Shippers, and Carriers could devalue our products and offerings, and our ability to compete effectively may be impaired.
To protect our intellectual property, we rely on a combination of copyright, trademark, patent, and trade secret laws, contractual provisions, end-user policies, and disclosure restrictions. Upon discovery of potential infringement of our intellectual property, we assess and when necessary, take action to protect our rights as appropriate. We also enter into confidentiality agreements and invention assignment agreements with our employees and consultants and seek to control access to, and distribution of, our proprietary information in a commercially prudent manner. The efforts we have taken and may take to protect our intellectual property may not be sufficient or effective. For example, effective intellectual property protection may not be available in every country in which we currently or in the future will operate. In addition, it may be possible for other parties to copy or reverse-engineer our products and offerings or obtain and use the content of our website without authorization. Further, we may be unable to prevent competitors or other third parties from acquiring or using domain names or trademarks that are similar to, infringe upon, or diminish the value of our domain names, trademarks, service marks, and other proprietary rights. Moreover, our trade secrets may be compromised by third parties or our employees, which would cause us to lose the competitive advantage derived from the compromised trade secrets. Further, we may be unable to detect infringement of our intellectual property rights, and even if we detect such violations and decide to enforce our intellectual property rights, we may not be successful, and may incur significant expenses, in such efforts. In addition, any such enforcement efforts may be time-consuming and may divert management’s attention. Further, such enforcement efforts may result in a ruling that our intellectual property rights are unenforceable or invalid. Any failure to protect or any loss of our intellectual property may have an adverse effect on our ability to compete and may adversely affect our business, financial condition, or operating results.
Companies in the Internet and technology industries, and other patent and trademark holders, including “non-practicing entities,” seeking to profit from royalties in connection with grants of licenses or seeking to obtain injunctions, own large numbers of patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets and frequently enter into litigation based on allegations of infringement or other violations of intellectual property rights. We have and may in the future continue to receive notices that claim we have misappropriated, misused, or infringed upon other parties’ intellectual property rights.
Furthermore, from time to time we may introduce or acquire new products, including in areas in which we historically have not operated, which could increase our exposure to patent and other intellectual property claims. In addition, we, and companies we acquired or in which we have an interest, have been sued, and may in the future be sued, for allegations of intellectual property infringement or threats of trade secret misappropriation. If a company we acquire or in which we have an interest loses rights to valuable intellectual property or is found to infringe third party intellectual property rights in such lawsuits, the value of our investment may materially decline.
Any intellectual property claim against us, regardless of merit, could be time consuming and expensive to settle or litigate, could divert our management’s attention and other resources, and could hurt goodwill associated with our brand. These claims may also subject us to significant liability for damages and may result in us having to stop using technology, content, branding, or business methods found to be in violation of another party’s rights. Further, certain adverse outcomes of such proceedings could adversely affect our ability to compete effectively in existing or future businesses.
We may be required or may opt to seek a license for the right to use intellectual property held by others, which may not be available on commercially reasonable terms, or at all. Even if a license is available, we may be required to pay significant royalties or license fees, which may increase our operating expenses. We may also be required to develop alternative non-infringing technology, content, branding, or business methods, which could require significant effort and expense and make us less competitive. If we cannot license or develop alternative technology, content, branding, or business methods for any allegedly infringing aspect of our business, we may be unable to compete effectively or we may be prevented from operating our business in certain jurisdictions. Any of these results could harm our operating results.
Our reported financial results may be adversely affected by changes in accounting principles.
The accounting for our business is complicated, particularly in the area of revenue recognition, and is subject to change based on the evolution of our business model, interpretations of relevant accounting principles, enforcement of existing or new regulations, and changes in SEC or other agency policies, rules, regulations, and interpretations, of accounting regulations. Changes to our business model and accounting methods could result in changes to our financial statements, including changes in revenue and expenses in any period, or in certain categories of revenue and expenses moving to different periods, may result in

materially different financial results, and may require that we change how we process, analyze, and report financial information and our financial reporting controls.
If we are deemed an investment company under the Investment Company Act, applicable restrictions could have an adverse effect on our business.
The Investment Company Act contains substantive legal requirements that regulate the manner in which “investment companies” are permitted to conduct their business activities. We believe that we have conducted our business in a manner that does not result in being characterized as an “investment company” under the Investment Company Act because we are primarily engaged in a non-investment company business. Although a significant portion of our assets constitute investments in non-controlled entities (including in China), referred to elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q as minority-owned entities, we believe that we are not an investment company as defined by the Investment Company Act. While we intend to conduct our operations such that we will not be deemed an investment company, such a determination would require us to initiate burdensome compliance requirements and comply with restrictions imposed by the Investment Company Act that would limit our activities, including limitations on our capital structure and our ability to transact with subsidiaries and other entities, which would have an adverse effect on our financial condition. To avoid such a determination, we may be required to conduct our business in a manner that does not subject us to the requirements of the Investment Company Act, which could have an adverse effect on our business. For example, we may be required to sell certain of our assets and pay significant taxes upon the sale or transfer of such assets.
Risks Related to Ownership of Our Common Stock
The market price of our common stock has been, and may continue to be, volatile or may decline steeply or suddenly regardless of our operating performance, and we may not be able to meet investor or analyst expectations. You may not be able to resell your shares at or above the price you paid and may lose all or part of your investment.
The market price of our common stock may fluctuate or decline significantly in response to numerous factors, many of which are beyond our control, including:
actual or anticipated fluctuations in MAPCs, Trips, Adjusted EBITDA, Free Cash Flow, Gross Bookings, revenue, or other operating and financial results;
announcements by us or estimates by third parties of actual or anticipated changes in the number of Drivers and consumers on our platform;
variations between our actual operating results and the expectations of our management, securities analysts, investors, the financial community;
changes in accounting principles or changes in interpretations of existing principles, which could affect financial results;
actions of securities analysts who initiate or maintain coverage of us, changes in financial estimates by any securities analysts who follow our company, or our failure to meet these estimates or the expectations of investors;
announcements by us or our competitors of significant products or features, technical innovations, acquisitions, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, or capital commitments;
negative media coverage or publicity;
changes in operating performance and stock market valuations of technology companies generally, or those in our industry in particular, including our competitors;
price and volume fluctuations in the overall stock market, including as a result of trends in the economy as a whole;
lawsuits threatened, filed, or decided against us;
developments in legislation or regulatory actions, including interim or final rulings by judicial or regulatory bodies (including any competition authorities blocking, delaying, or subjecting our pending acquisitions to significant limitations or restrictions on our ability to operate in one or more markets, or requiring us to divest our or any target company’s assets or businesses in one or more markets);
changes in accounting standards, policies, guidelines, interpretations, or principles;
any major change in our board of directors or management;
any safety incidents or public reports of safety incidents that occur on our platform or in our industry;
statements, commentary, or opinions by public officials that our product offerings are or may be unlawful, regardless of any interim or final rulings by judicial or regulatory bodies;

any trading activity in our share repurchase program; and
other events or factors, including those resulting from war, incidents of terrorism, natural disasters, public health concerns or epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters, or responses to these events.
In addition, price and volume fluctuations in the stock markets have affected and continue to affect many technology companies’ stock prices. Often, their stock prices have fluctuated in ways unrelated or disproportionate to the companies’ operating performance. In the past, stockholders have filed securities class action litigation following periods of market volatility. For example, beginning in September 2019, several putative class actions were filed in California state and federal courts against us, our directors, certain of our officers, and the underwriters named in our IPO registration statement alleging violations of securities laws in connection with our IPO. Securities litigation could subject us to substantial costs, divert resources and the attention of management from our business, and seriously harm our business. In addition, the occurrence of any of the factors listed above, among others, may cause our stock price to decline significantly, and there can be no assurance that our stock price would recover. As such, you may not be able to sell your shares at or above the price you paid, and you may lose some or all of your investment.
Delaware law and provisions in our amended and restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws could make a merger, tender offer, or proxy contest difficult, thereby depressing the trading price of our common stock.
Our amended and restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws contain provisions that could depress the trading price of our common stock by acting to discourage, delay, or prevent a change of control of our company or changes in our management that the stockholders of our company may deem advantageous. These provisions include the following:
our board of directors has the right to elect directors to fill vacancies created by the expansion of our board of directors or the resignation, death, or removal of a director, which prevents stockholders from being able to fill vacancies on our board of directors;
advance notice requirements for stockholder proposals, which may reduce the number of stockholder proposals available for stockholder consideration;
limitations on stockholder ability to convene special stockholder meetings, which could make it difficult for our stockholders to adopt desired governance changes;
prohibition on cumulative voting in the election of directors, which limits the ability of minority stockholders to elect director candidates; and
our board of directors is able to issue, without stockholder approval, shares of undesignated preferred stock, which makes it possible for our board of directors to issue preferred stock with voting or other rights or preferences that could impede the success of any attempt to acquire us.
Any provision of our amended and restated certificate of incorporation, amended and restated bylaws, or Delaware law that has the effect of delaying or deterring a change in control could limit the opportunity for our stockholders to receive a premium for their shares of our common stock, and could also affect the price that some investors are willing to pay for our common stock. In addition, under our existing debt instruments, we, and certain of our subsidiaries, are subject to certain limitations on our business and operations, including limitations on certain consolidations, mergers, and sales of assets. For information regarding these and other provisions, see the risk factor titled “-We have incurred a significant amount of debt and may in the future incur additional indebtedness. Our payment obligations under such indebtedness may limit the funds available to us, and the terms of our debt agreements may restrict our flexibility in operating our business.”
Sales, directly or indirectly, of shares of our common stock by existing stockholders could cause our stock price to decline.
Sales, directly or indirectly, of a substantial number of shares of our common stock, or the public perception that these sales might occur, could depress the market price of our common stock and could impair our ability to raise capital through the sale of additional equity securities. We may issue our shares of common stock or securities convertible or exchangeable into or exercisable for our common stock from time to time in connection with a financing, acquisition, investments or otherwise. Such issuances, including the issuance of additional shares of our common stock upon exercise of equity awards or conversion of our convertible notes, could result in substantial dilution to our existing stockholders and cause the trading price of our common stock to decline.
We do not intend to pay cash dividends for the foreseeable future.
We have never declared or paid cash dividends on our capital stock. We currently intend to retain any future earnings to finance the operation and expansion of our business, and we do not expect to declare or pay any cash dividends in the foreseeable future. In addition, certain of our existing debt instruments include restrictions on our ability to pay cash dividends. As a result, you may only receive a return on your investment in our common stock if the market price of our common stock increases.
Our amended and restated certificate of incorporation provides that the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware and, to the extent enforceable, the federal district courts of the United States of America are the exclusive forums for substantially all

disputes between us and our stockholders, which could limit our stockholders’ ability to obtain a favorable judicial forum for disputes with us or our directors, officers, or employees.
Our amended and restated certificate of incorporation provides that the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware is the exclusive forum for the following types of actions or proceedings under Delaware statutory or common law:
any derivative action or proceeding brought on our behalf;
any action asserting a breach of fiduciary duty;
any action asserting a claim against us or our directors, officers, or employees arising under the Delaware General Corporation Law, our amended and restated certificate of incorporation, or our amended and restated bylaws;
any action regarding our amended and restated certificate of incorporation or our amended and restated bylaws;
any action as to which the Delaware General Corporation Law confers jurisdiction to the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware; and
any action asserting a claim against us that is governed by the internal-affairs doctrine.
This provision would not apply to suits brought to enforce a duty or liability created by the Exchange Act or any other claim for which the U.S. federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction.
Our amended and restated certificate of incorporation provides that the federal district courts of the United States of America will be the exclusive forum for resolving any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act, subject to and contingent upon a final adjudication in the State of Delaware of the enforceability of such exclusive forum provision. Although the Delaware Supreme Court has held that such exclusive forum provisions are facially valid, courts in other jurisdictions may find such provisions to be unenforceable.
These exclusive-forum provisions may limit a stockholder’s ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum that it finds favorable for disputes with us or our directors, officers, or other employees, which may discourage lawsuits against us and our directors, officers, and other employees. If any other court of competent jurisdiction were to find either exclusive-forum provision in our amended and restated certificate of incorporation to be inapplicable or unenforceable, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving the dispute in other jurisdictions, which could seriously harm our business.
If we are unable to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting in the future, investors may lose confidence in the accuracy and completeness of our financial reports, and the market price of our common stock may be harmed.
As a result of being a public company, we are obligated to develop and maintain proper and effective internal controls over financial reporting, and any failure to maintain the adequacy of these internal controls may adversely affect investor confidence in our company and, as a result, the value of our common stock.
We are required, pursuant to Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (“Section 404”), to furnish an annual report by management on, among other things, the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting. In addition, our independent registered public accounting firm is required to attest to the effectiveness of our internal control over financial annually. We currently are required to disclose changes in internal control over financial reporting that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting on a quarterly basis.
The process of compiling the system and processing documentation necessary to perform the evaluation needed to comply with Section 404 is costly and challenging, and we may not be able to complete evaluation, testing, and any required remediation in a timely fashion. As our business continues to grow in size and complexity, we are improving our processes and infrastructure to help ensure we can prepare financial reporting and disclosures within the timeline required for a public company. During the evaluation and testing process of our internal controls, if we identify one or more material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting, we will be unable to assert that our internal control over financial reporting is effective.
We cannot assure you that there will not be material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting in the future, which may cause challenges in consistent performance and timely designing new controls. Any failure to maintain internal control over financial reporting could severely inhibit our ability to accurately report our financial condition or operating results. If we are unable to conclude that our internal control over financial reporting is effective, or if we or our independent registered public accounting firm determines we have a material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting, we could lose investor confidence in the accuracy and completeness of our financial reports, the market price of our common stock could decline, and we could be subject to sanctions or investigations by the stock exchange on which our securities are listed, the SEC or other regulatory authorities. Failure to remedy any material weakness in our internal control over financial reporting, or to implement or maintain these and other effective control systems, could also restrict our future access to the capital markets.


Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
The following table summarizes the share repurchase activity for the three months ended September 30, 2024:
Total Number of Shares Purchased
Average Price Paid Per Share (1)
Total Number of Shares Purchased as Part of Publicly Announced Program
Approximate Dollar Value of Shares That May Yet Be Purchased Under the Program (2)
 (in thousands)(in thousands)(in millions)
July 1, 2024 to July 31, 20241,027$68.63 1,027$6,605 
August 1, 2024 to August 31, 20241,785$70.75 1,785$6,478 
September 1, 2024 to September 30, 20242,481$71.84 2,481$6,300 
(1) Average price paid per share excludes broker commissions and fees.
(2) In February 2024, our board of directors authorized the repurchase of up to $7.0 billion in shares of our outstanding common stock. For additional information, refer to Note 8 – Stockholders' Equity in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements included in Part I, Item 1, of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
The documents listed in the Exhibit Index of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q are herein incorporated by reference or are filed with this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, in each case as indicated therein (numbered in accordance with Item 601 of Regulation S-K).

Exhibit Description
Incorporated by Reference
FormFile NumberExhibit
Filing Date

3.1August 6, 2024
001-389023.2February 15, 2024

4.1September 9, 2024
4.2September 9, 2024
4.3September 9, 2024
10.1September 27, 2024
101.INSXBRL Instance Document - the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document.
101.SCHXBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document.
101.CALXBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document.
101.DEFXBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document.
101.LABXBRL Taxonomy Extension Labels Linkbase Document.
101.PREXBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document.
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101).
* The certifications attached as Exhibit 32.1 that accompany this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q are deemed furnished and not filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and are not to be incorporated by reference into any filing of Uber Technologies, Inc. under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, whether made before or after the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, irrespective of any general incorporation language contained in such filing.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
Date: October 31, 2024By: /s/ Dara Khosrowshahi
 Dara Khosrowshahi
 Chief Executive Officer and Director
(Principal Executive Officer)
Date: October 31, 2024
By: /s/ Prashanth Mahendra-Rajah
Prashanth Mahendra-Rajah
 Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial Officer)