EX-10.01 2 flex-exx1001x9272024.htm EX-10.01 Document


不。 «GrantID»



本限制股份单位奖励协议(」协议」)由 [插入日期] 起制作并进入,(」生效日期」) 由新加坡公司 Flex 有限公司之间进行之间(」公司」),以及以下名称的参与者(」参与者」)。本文未定义的大写字词,应具有 Flex Ltd. 修订及重新修订 2017 年股票激励计划中所归属的含义 (下称「」)计划」)。参与者明白并同意此限制股份单位奖励(」瑞典大学奖」) 根据本计划和本协议的明确条款和条件,包括本协议附件 A 所载的任何国家特定条款,授予。参与者进一步同意受本计划的条款和条件以及本协议的条款和条件的约束。参与者确认收到计划的副本及计划的官方说明书。本计划副本及计划的官方招股章程可于本公司办事处索取,参与者同意该计划及计划的官方招股章程视为已交付给参与者。

1st 获得日期周年纪念日
2未定 获得日期周年纪念日的逾50%

1.授予 RSU 奖励.
(a) 解禁条件RSU奖项将根据上述设定的累积标准解冻,并向参与者发行股份。如果应用累积标准导致部分股份解冻,该股份将向下舍入至最接近的整股份。根据累积标准解冻并可发行的股份称为「已发行股份.”
(b) 服务终止股份赠与单位奖酬以及本协议规定的公司所有义务和参与者的权利,应于参与者的终止日期(按照计划所定义)或已分配和发行所有主体于股份赠与单位奖酬的日期早一者终止,或在股份赠与单位奖酬任何未获授予的部分被没收的情况下。 提供, 但是如果参与者无正当理由解雇(按照公司执行性遣散计划所定义),则(i)股份赠与单位奖酬及其下所有权利和义务将不会终止,并且(ii)股份赠与单位奖酬将立即按比例从授予日至无正当理由解雇日授予。
(c) 因死亡或残疾而终止服务尽管本协议中有任何相反之规定,如果参与者因死亡或残疾而终止服务,则(i)RSU奖励和一切权利义务将不会终止;以及(ii)RSU奖励将立即完全授予并变为百分之一百(100%)授予。

(d) 艾奥特通讯及发行已发行的股份公司应在已根据分红标准获得无限售股后尽快分配及发行无限售股。 公司无需承担分配及发行的义务,参与者对任何股份没有权利或拥有权,亦不会将股份分配及发行给参与者,直到满足分红标准为止。
(e) 无义务雇用在计划或本协议中的任何条款均不得赋予受益人继续受雇于公司或任何母公司、子公司或联属公司,或以任何方式限制公司或任何母公司、子公司或联属公司随时以有或无正当理由终止受益人的雇佣或服务关系。
(f) RSU奖项的不可转让性根据本协议或RSU奖项,参与者的权利均不得以遗嘱或继承与分配法外的方式转让。尽管上述,美国的参与者可以通过赠与或国内法令(而非转让以换取价值)或其他计划允许的方式,将RSU奖项转让或指派给家庭成员(计划中所定义)。本协议条款应对参与者的执行人、管理人、继受人和受让人具有约束力。
(g) 股权的特权参与者在适当的授权日期后,颁发并发行已授予股份前,将不具有股东的任何权利。
(h) 解释任何针对RSU奖励和本协议条款解释的争议应提交由参与者或公司提交委员会审查。该委员会对此类争议的解决将对公司和参与者具有最终并具约束力的效力。
2.1 参与者进行交付。参与者特此交付本协议给公司。
2.2 公司的交付公司将在授权后发出经过妥善执行的股份证书或其他文件,证明按照上述1.2条款指定的姓名核发的已获授权股份,前提是参与者在适用的授权日期前交付并执行了本协议,并通过了每个适用的授权日期期间一直受雇于公司或母公司、子公司或联属公司。
3.遵守法律和法规. 将股份发行及转让给参与者,须遵守并受公司和参与者遵守所有适用要求的约束,这些要求是在公司普通股可能挂牌的任何股份交易所或自动挂牌系统可能存在的当时进行发行或转让。参与者明白公司无义务向美国证券交易委员会、任何州、地方或外国证券委员会或任何股份交易所注册或合格股份以实现该合规遵循。
4.股东的权利. 根据本协议的条款和条件,参与者将拥有分配并发行给参与者的已获股份的所有权利,直至参与者处置这些已获股份为止。
5.1 停止转让指示参与方同意,为确保遵守本协议所施加的限制,公司可以向其转让代理发出适当的“停止转让”指示,并且如果公司管理自己的证券转让,可以在自己的记录中作出适当的注记以同样的效果。
5.2 拒绝转让公司不需要在其账簿上登记任何已经以违反本协议的任何规定出售或以其他方式转让的股份,也不需要将这些股份的所有者视为,或者给予投票或支付 分红派息 的权利给任何参与者或其他受让人。

6.1 税务义务.
(b) 在相关应税或扣税事件发生之前,在此之前,参与者应支付或做出令公司和/或雇主满意的安排,以满足所有与税收有关的项目。在这方面,参与者授权公司和/或雇主,或其各自的代理人,自行决定通过以下方式之一或结合方式来支付与税收有关的项目:(1) 从公司、雇主或公司的任何母公司或子公司支付给参与者的工资或其他现金补偿中扣除;或者(2) 从已获授权销售的一部分已获授权股票的净收益中扣除,无论是通过自愿销售还是通过公司安排的强制出售(代表参与者根据此授权);或者(3) 在 RSU 奖励解禁时发行的股票中扣除。
(c) 为了避免任何负面的会计处理,公司可能会考虑适用的最低法定预扣金额或其他适用的预扣税率来代扣或纳税相关项目。如果纳税相关项目的义务通过以股份代扣来履行,就税务目的而言,参与者被视为已经发行了所有的已取得股份,尽管有一部分股份仅用于支付由于参与计划而产生的纳税相关项目。
(d) 参与者应向公司或雇主支付与计划中参与未能通过本节先前描述的方式实现的但公司或雇主可能被要求扣除或报告的任何税务相关项目金额。如果参与者未能履行与税务相关项目相关义务,公司可以拒绝发行或交付已获授权的股份或股份出售收益。
6.2    股份处置参与者同意,除非参与者符合适用于股份处置的本协议的所有要求,否则参与者不得处置股份(除非本协议允许)。
7.控件性质. 在接受RSU奖励时,参与者确认并同意:

(C)在参与者服务终止的情况下(不论是否违反当地劳动法),根据计划,参与者对 RSU 奖励的授予(如果有的话)将在服务终止之日起生效终止;委员会将独家决定参与者何时不再为此 RSU 奖励目的提供有效服务。
8.未提供关于授予的建议公司未提供任何税务、法律或财务建议,也未就参与计划或 RSU 奖励实现后获得股票的销售向参与者提出任何建议。参与者特此被建议在采取与计划相关的任何行动之前,咨询其个人税务、法律和财务顾问。
(a) 参与者承认公司的业务和服务非常专业,公司客户、供应商和独立承包商的身份和特定需求并不为人所知,关于公司客户、供应商、独立承包商、服务、经营方式、政策、程序、销售、定价和成本的文件、记录和信息属于高度机密信息并构成商业秘密。参与者进一步承认,参与者向公司提供的服务已经或将会具有特殊和飞凡的性质,对公司具有独特价值,并且参与者已经或将会接触公司的商业秘密和机密信息,其丧失不可通过法律诉讼中的赔偿得到充分补偿。
(b) 参与者同意不得在履行参与者对公司的职责时使用、披露、上传、下载、复制、转移或删除任何机密信息,包括商业机密,除非在公司职责履行中有必要。保密信息” 意味着公司在其现有或计划中的业务中获得的信息,包括参与者在履行公司职责过程中开发的信息,其披露可能导致公司竞争或其他劣势。保密信息包括但不限于所有的信息。

11.Employee Non-Solicitation. The employee non-solicitation provisions contained in Section 11(a) apply to all Participants, and the provisions in Section 11(b) apply to all Participants except California employees. As used in this Section 11, “Company” includes any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate.
(a) Non-Solicitation of Employees During Employment. During the term of the Participant’s employment with the Company, the Participant will not, either on the Participant’s own account or for any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity (a) solicit, interfere with, or endeavor to cause any employee of the Company to leave employment with the Company; or (b) induce or attempt to induce any such employee to breach their obligations to the Company.
(b) Non-Solicitation of Employees After Employment. For a period of twelve (12) months following the date of the Participant’s separation from employment with the Company for any reason , the Participant will not, either on the Participant’s own account or for any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity, (a) solicit, interfere with, or endeavor to cause any employee of the Company to leave employment with the Company; (b) refer any employee of the Company to anyone outside of the Company for the purpose of that employee seeking, obtaining, or entering into an employment relationship and/or agreement to provide services; or (c) induce or attempt to induce any such employee to breach their obligations to the Company.
12.Customer Non-Solicitation. The customer non-solicitation provisions contained in Section 12(a) apply to all Participants, and the provisions in Section 12(b) apply to all Participants except California employees. As used in this Section 12, “Company” includes any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate.
(a) Non-Solicitation of Customers During Employment. During the term of the Participant’s employment with the Company, the Participant will not solicit, induce, or attempt to induce any past or current customer of the Company (i) to cease doing business, in whole or in part, with the Company; or (ii) to do business with any other person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity which performs services similar to or competitive with those provided by the Company.
(b) Non-Solicitation of Customers After Employment. For a period of twelve (12) months following the date of the Participant’s separation from employment with the Company for any reason, the Participant will not, either on the Participant’s own account or for any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity, either directly or through others, solicit, induce, or attempt to induce any past or current Customer (defined below) of the Company to terminate, reduce, or negatively alter his/her/its relationship with the Company or to do business with a Competing Company (defined below). The geographic scope of the covenants described in this Section 12 shall include any city, county, or state of the United States and any such other city, territory, country, or jurisdiction in which Participant has worked and/or performed services for the Company. For purposes of this Section 12, “Customer” means any person, company or entity that: (a) was a customer of the Company during the last two (2) years of Participant’s employment and/or at the time of the termination of Participant’s employment; or (b) was engaged in active negotiations with the Company relating to the purchase of services or products from the Company at any time during the two (2) years immediately prior to the termination of Participant’s employment. A “Customer” shall not include any customer that Participant did not solicit, service, or have business-related dealings with or receive Confidential Information about in the last two (2) years of Participant’s employment with the Company.

13.Non-Compete. The non-compete provision contained in this Section 13 applies to all Participants except California employees. As used in this Section 13, “Company” includes any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate. For a period of twelve (12) months following the date on which the Participant’s employment with the Company terminates for any reason, regardless of whether the termination is initiated by the Participant or the Company, the Participant agrees that the Participant will not: (A) provide services that are the same or similar in function or purpose to that which Participant performed for the Company to a Competing Company within the Restricted Area (defined below); (B) own (other than the ownership of five percent (5%) or less of the shares of a publicly traded company) or operate a business that is a competitor of the Company; or (C) provide services that are otherwise likely to result in the use or disclosure of the Company’s Confidential Information.
A “Competing Company” is a person or entity engaged in the provision of a product or service which competes with the products and services offered by the Company and as to which Participant (a) had business-related involvement or (b) received Confidential Information about during the last two (2) years of Participant’s employment with the Company. The “Restricted Area” means the Company’s area of legitimate competitive concern based on Participant’s responsibilities to Flex and knowledge of the Company’s Confidential Information and goodwill with customers, clients, business partners, dealers, and agents as it exists in view of all relevant facts and circumstances. If Participant is or was an employee with defined geographic responsibilities, the Restricted Area shall include all geographies over which Participant had assigned responsibilities during the last two (2) years of Participant’s employment with the Company.
14.Additional Post-Employment Restrictive Covenant Terms.
(a)Consideration. Participant acknowledges that s/he would not have received the benefits and consideration provided under this Agreement but for his/her agreement to abide by its Non-Disclosure, Non-Solicitation, and Non-Compete (collectively, “Post-Employment Restrictive Covenants”) terms and that Participant’s agreement to the Post-Employment Restrictive Covenants is a material component of the consideration for this Agreement. Participant understands that s/he has the right to consult with an attorney regarding the terms of this Agreement before signing it, and that s/he has had at least 14 days to review the Agreement.
(b)Subsequent Employment. Participant agrees that, while employed by the Company and for twelve (12) months thereafter, Participant will communicate the terms of the Post-Employment Restrictive Covenants to any person, firm, association, partnership, corporation, or other entity that Participant intends to become employed by, associated with or represent, or contract for, prior to accepting and engaging in such employment, contract, association and/or representation.
(c)Tolling. Participant agrees that the applicable Restricted Period shall be tolled and suspended during and for the pendency of any violation of the Post-Employment Restrictive Covenants’ terms and for the pendency of any legal proceedings to enforce these terms, and that all time that is part of or subject to such tolling and suspension shall not be counted toward the 12-month duration of the Restricted Period.
(d)Reasonable and Necessary. Participant agrees that the Post-Employment Restrictive Covenants set forth in Sections 11, 12 and 13 are reasonable and necessary for the protection of the Company’s legitimate business interest, that they do not impose a greater restraint than is necessary to protect the goodwill or other business interests of the Company, that they contain reasonable limitations as to time and scope of activity to be restrained, that they do not unduly restrict Participant’s ability to earn a living, and that they are not unduly burdensome to Participant.
(e)Judicial Modification. If any restriction set forth in Sections 11, 12 or 13 is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable because it extends for too long a period of time or over too great a range of activities or in too broad a geographic area, it shall be interpreted to extend only over the maximum period of time, range of activities or geographic area as to which it may be enforceable.
(f)Non-U.S. Country-Specific Provisions. The restrictions contained in Sections 12 and 13 do not apply to Participant if Participant works and resides in a country that mandates, as a non-waivable condition, continued pay during the Restricted Period, unless the Company advises the Participant that it will tender such pay, which shall be in the minimum amount required by applicable law.
15.Successors and Assigns. The Company may assign any of its rights under this Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Company. Subject to the restrictions on transfer set forth in this Agreement and in the Plan, this Agreement will be binding upon the Participant and the Participant’s heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns.
16.Governing Law; Venue; Severability. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the state where you reside, excluding that body of laws pertaining to conflict of laws. For purposes of litigating any dispute that arises directly or indirectly from the relationship of the parties evidenced by the RSU Award or this Agreement, the parties hereby submit to and consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state where you reside and agree that such litigation shall be conducted only in the applicable federal courts for the state where you reside, or if he issue cannot be adjudicated by federal courts, then the state

courts for the state where you reside. If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of law to be illegal or unenforceable, then such provision will be enforced to the maximum extent possible and the other provisions will remain fully effective and enforceable.
17.Notices. Any notice required to be given or delivered to the Company shall be in writing and addressed to the Vice President of Finance of the Company at its corporate offices at 847 Gibraltar Drive, Milpitas, California 95035. Any notice required to be given or delivered to the Participant shall be in writing and addressed to the Participant at the address indicated on the signature page hereto or to such other address as the Participant may designate in writing from time to time to the Company. All notices shall be deemed effectively given upon personal delivery, three (3) days after deposit in the United States mail by certified or registered mail (return receipt requested), one (1) business day after its deposit with any return receipt express courier (prepaid), or one (1) business day after transmission by facsimile.
18.Headings. The captions and headings of this Agreement are included for ease of reference only and will be disregarded in interpreting or construing this Agreement. All references herein to Sections will refer to Sections of this Agreement.
19.Language. If the Participant has received this Agreement or any other document related to the Plan translated into a language other than English and if the meaning of the translated version is different from the English version, the English version will control.
20.Electronic Delivery. The Company may, in its sole discretion, decide to deliver any documents related to current or future participation in the Plan by electronic means. The Participant hereby consents to receive such documents by electronic delivery and agrees to participate in the Plan through an on-line or electronic system established and maintained by the Company or a third party designated by the Company.
21.Exhibit A. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, the RSU Award shall be subject to any special terms and provisions as set forth in Exhibit A to this Agreement for the Participant’s country. Moreover, if the Participant relocates to one of the countries included in Exhibit A, the special terms and conditions for such country will apply to the Participant, to the extent the Company determines that the application of such terms and conditions is necessary or advisable in order to comply with local law or facilitate the administration of the Plan. Exhibit A constitutes part of this Agreement.
22.Code Section 409A. With respect to U.S. taxpayers, it is intended that the terms of the RSU Award will comply with the provisions of Section 409A of the Code and the Treasury Regulations relating thereto so as not to subject the Participant to the payment of additional taxes and interest under Section 409A of the Code, and this Agreement will be interpreted, operated and administered in a manner that is consistent with this intent. In furtherance of this intent, the Committee may adopt such amendments to this Agreement or adopt other policies and procedures (including amendments, policies and procedures with retroactive effect), or take any other actions, in each case, without the consent of the Participant, that the Committee determines are reasonable, necessary or appropriate to comply with the requirements of Section 409A of the Code and related U.S. Department of Treasury guidance. In that light, the Company makes no representation or covenant to ensure that the RSU Awards that are intended to be exempt from, or compliant with, Section 409A of the Code are not so exempt or compliant or for any action taken by the Committee with respect thereto.
23.Imposition of Other Requirements. The Company reserves the right to impose other requirements on the Participant’s participation in the Plan, on the RSU Award and on any Shares acquired under the Plan, to the extent the Company determines it is necessary or advisable in order to comply with local law or facilitate the administration of the Plan, and to require the Participant to sign any additional agreements or undertakings that may be necessary to accomplish the foregoing.
24.Remedies. In addition to all of the remedies otherwise available to the Company, the Company shall have the right to injunctive relief to restrain and enjoin any actual or threatened breach of Sections 10, 11, 12 and 13 of this Agreement. Participant further agrees that, in the event of a breach of Sections 10, 11, 12 and/or 13, (a) the Company shall be entitled to all of its remedies at law or in equity, including but not limited to monetary damages; (b) the Company shall be entitled to an accounting and repayment from Participant of all profits, compensation, commissions, remuneration or benefits that Participant directly or indirectly realized or may realize as a result of or in connection with any breach of the Post-Employment Restrictive Covenants, and such remedy shall be in addition to and not in limitation of any injunctive relief or other rights or remedies to which the Company may be entitled at law or equity. All of the Company’s remedies for breach of this Agreement shall be cumulative and the pursuit of one remedy will not be deemed to exclude any other remedies.
25.Entire Agreement; Recoupment.
(a)The Plan and this Agreement, together with all its Exhibits, constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersede all prior understandings and agreements, whether oral or written, between the parties hereto with respect to the specific subject matter hereof.

(b)In consideration of the grant of the RSU Award to the Participant, and notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, (i) the RSU Award shall be subject to cancellation, and (ii) any Shares issued or payments made pursuant to the RSU Award shall be subject to recovery, clawback and/or recoupment, in each case, (x) as set forth in Section 14.16 of the Plan pursuant to any clawback or similar policy that the Company adopts or amends (or has adopted or amended), or (y) as required under applicable law or any applicable requirement of any share exchange on which such Shares may be listed.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.



Terms and Conditions
This Exhibit A includes additional terms and conditions that govern the RSU Award granted to the Participant under the Plan if the Participant resides in one of the countries listed below. Certain capitalized terms used but not defined in this Exhibit A have the meanings set forth in the Plan and/or the Agreement.
This Exhibit A also includes information regarding exchange controls and certain other issues of which the Participant should be aware with respect to his or her participation in the Plan. The information is based on the securities, exchange control and other laws in effect in the respective countries as of July 2023. Such laws are often complex and change frequently. As a result, the Company strongly recommends that the Participant not rely on the information in this Exhibit A as the only source of information relating to the consequences of the Participant’s participation in the Plan because the information may be out of date at the time that the RSU Award vests and Shares are issued to the Participant or the Participant sells Shares acquired upon vesting of the RSU Award under the Plan.
In addition, the information contained herein is general in nature and may not apply to the Participant’s particular situation, and the Company is not in a position to assure the Participant of a particular result. Accordingly, the Participant is advised to seek appropriate professional advice (including for the avoidance of doubt legal and tax advice) as to how the relevant laws, regulations, guidance or any other similar rules in the Participant’s country may apply to his or her situation.
Finally, if the Participant is a citizen or resident of a country other than the one in which he or she is currently working or transfers employment after the Date of Grant, the information contained herein may not be applicable to the Participant.

Exchange Control Information. If the Participant holds Shares acquired under the Plan outside of Austria, the Participant must submit a report to the Austrian National Bank. An exemption applies if the value of the Shares as of any given quarter does not exceed €5,000,000. If the threshold is exceeded, quarterly obligations are imposed, with the reporting deadline being the fifteenth day of the month immediately following the end of a calendar quarter.
When the Participant sells Vested Shares issued under the Plan, there may be exchange control obligations if the cash received is held outside of Austria. If the transaction volume of all the Participant’s accounts abroad exceeds €3,000,000, the movements and balances of all accounts must be reported monthly, as of the last day of the month, on or before the fifteenth day of the following month.
Consumer Protection Information. To the extent that the provisions of the Austrian Consumer Protection Act are applicable to the Agreement and the Plan, the Participant may be entitled to revoke his or her acceptance of the Agreement if the conditions listed below are met:
If the Participant accepts the RSU Award outside of the business premises of the Company, the Participant may be entitled to revoke his or her acceptance of the Agreement, provided the revocation is made within fourteen days after the Participant accepts the Agreement.
The revocation must be in written form to be valid. It is sufficient if the Participant returns the Agreement to the Company or the Company’s representative with language that can be understood as the Participant’s refusal to conclude or honor the Agreement, provided the revocation is sent within the period set forth above.


Terms and Conditions
This provision replaces Section 9 of the Agreement:
The Participant understands that the Company may hold certain personal information about the Participant, including, but not limited to, the Participant’s name, home address and telephone number, date of birth, social insurance or other identification number, salary, nationality, job title, any Shares or directorships held in the Company or any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate, details of all RSU Awards or any other entitlement to Shares awarded, canceled, exercised, vested, unvested or outstanding in the Participant’s favor, and that the Company will process said data and other data lawfully received from any third party (“Personal Data”) for the exclusive purpose of managing and administering the Plan and complying with applicable laws and regulations. The Participant also understands that providing the Company with Personal Data is mandatory for compliance with laws and is necessary for the performance of the Plan and that the Participant’s refusal to provide Personal Data would make it impossible for the Company to perform its contractual obligations and may affect the Participant’s ability to participate in the Plan. Personal Data may be transferred to relevant parties for the purposes of managing the Plan, such as banks, other financial institutions or brokers involved in the management and administration of the Plan. More specifically, the Participant further understands that the Company and any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate will transfer Personal Data amongst themselves as necessary for the purpose of implementation, administration and management of the Participant’s participation in the Plan, and that the Company and any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate may each further transfer Personal Data to third parties assisting the Company in the implementation, administration and management of the Plan, including any requisite transfer of Personal Data to a broker or other third party with whom the Participant may elect to deposit any Vested Shares acquired under the Plan or any proceeds from the sale of such Shares. Such recipients may receive, possess, use, retain and transfer Personal Data in electronic or other form, for the purposes of implementing, administering and managing the Participant’s participation in the Plan. The Participant understands that these recipients may be acting as controllers or processors, as the case may be, according to applicable privacy laws, and that they may be located in or outside Brazil, such as in the United States and/or Singapore or elsewhere, in countries that may provide a different level of data protection as intended under Brazilian privacy law.
Participants can exercise their rights over their Personal Data at any time. The rights include access to their Personal Data, rectification of outdated Personal Data, information on the sharing of Personal Data with third parties, among others. Further information on how the Company processes Personal Data and how to contact the Company in case of doubts or requests are set out in the Company’s privacy notice, which is available at: https://flex.com/company/policies/privacy-policy.
Compliance with Law. By accepting the RSU Award, the Participant acknowledges his or her agreement to comply with applicable Brazilian laws and to pay any and all applicable taxes (including, but not limited to, income tax, social security contributions, capital gains taxes and foreign exchange taxes) associated with the RSU Award, the receipt of any dividends, and the sale of Vested Shares issued under the Plan.
Exchange Control Reporting Information. If the Participant is a resident or domiciled in Brazil, he or she will be required to submit an annual declaration of assets and rights held outside of Brazil to the Central Bank of Brazil if the aggregate value of such assets and rights (i.e., the Shares individually and/or together with any other assets or rights) is equal to or greater than US$1,000,000 (approximately BRL4,800,000 as of July 2023) as verified on December 31st of any given calendar year. Additionally, if said aggregate value of assets and rights held abroad by the Participant is equal to or greater than US$ 100,000,000 or its equivalent in other currencies (approximately BRL 480,000,000 as of July 2023), as verified on March 31st, June 30th and/or September 30th of any given calendar year, he or she will be required to submit one or more quarterly declarations to the Central Bank of Brazil, as applicable according to the dates and times defined by such authority. Foreign individuals holding Brazilian visas and residency authorizations are considered Brazilian residents for purposes of this reporting requirement and must declare at least the assets held abroad that were acquired subsequent to the Participant’s date of admittance as a resident of Brazil. Assets and rights that must be reported include Shares issued upon vesting of the RSU Award under the Plan.
Tax Reporting Information. Assets and rights held by the Participant (including the Shares) must also be declared and described in his or her annual individual income tax return in the section “Bens e Direitos”, subsections “Situação em 12.31.«year»“ and “Discriminação”.
Risk Factor. By accepting this RSU Award, the Participant hereby represents and acknowledges that investment in the Shares underlying the RSU Award involves a degree of risk. If the Participant elects to participate in the Plan, the Participant


should monitor their participation and consider all risk factors relevant to the vesting or delivery of the Shares acquired upon vesting of the RSU Award.
Terms and Conditions
French Language Provision. The following provision will apply if the Participant is a resident of Quebec:
The parties acknowledge that it is their express wish that the Agreement, as well as all documents, notices and legal proceedings entered into, given or instituted pursuant hereto or relating directly or indirectly hereto, be drawn up in English.
Les parties reconnaissent avoir exigé la rédaction en anglais de cette convention, ainsi que de tous documents, avis et procédures judiciaires, exécutés, donnés ou intentés en vertu de, ou liés directement ou indirectement à, la présente convention.
Termination of Service. This provision supplements Section 1.1(c) of the Agreement:
In the event of involuntary Termination of Service (whether or not in breach of local labor laws), the Participant’s right to receive and vest in the RSU Award under the Plan, if any, will terminate effective as of the date that is the earlier of: (1) the date the Participant receives notice of Termination of Service from the Company or the Employer, or (2) the date the Participant is no longer actively providing service by the Company or his or her Employer regardless of any notice period or period of pay in lieu of such notice required under local law (including, but not limited to, statutory law, regulatory law and/or common law); the Committee shall have the exclusive discretion to determine when the Participant no longer actively providing service for purposes of the RSU Award.
Data Privacy. This provision supplements Section 9 of the Agreement:
The Participant hereby authorizes the Company and the Company’s representatives to discuss with and obtain all relevant information from all personnel, professional or not, involved in the administration and operation of the Plan. The Participant further authorizes the Company, any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate and the Committee to disclose and discuss the Plan with their advisors. The Participant further authorizes the Company and any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate to record such information and to keep such information in the Participant’s employee file.
Grant of RSU Award. The RSU Award does not constitute compensation nor is in any way related to the Participant’s past services and/or employment to the Company, the Employer, and/or a Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate of the Company.
Terms and Conditions
Issuance of Vested Shares and Sale of Shares. This provision supplements Section 1.1(d) of the Agreement:
Due to local regulatory requirements, upon the vesting of the RSU Award, the Participant agrees to the immediate sale of any Vested Shares to be issued to the Participant upon vesting and settlement of the RSU Award. The Participant further agrees that the Company is authorized to instruct its designated broker to assist with the mandatory sale of such Vested Shares (on the Participant’s behalf pursuant to this authorization) and the Participant expressly authorizes the Company’s designated broker to complete the sale of such Vested Shares. The Participant acknowledges that the Company’s designated broker is under no obligation to arrange for the sale of the Vested Shares at any particular price. Upon the sale of the Vested Shares, the Company agrees to pay the Participant the cash proceeds from the sale, less any brokerage fees or commissions and subject to any obligation to satisfy Tax-Related Items.
Exchange Control Requirements. The Participant understands and agrees that, pursuant to local exchange control requirements, the Participant will be required to immediately repatriate the cash proceeds from the sale of Vested Shares underlying the RSU Award to China. The Participant further understands that, under local law, such repatriation of his or her cash proceeds may need to be effectuated through a special exchange control account established by the Company, any Parent, Subsidiary, Affiliate or the Employer, and the Participant hereby consents and agrees that any proceeds from the sale of Vested
Shares may be transferred to such special account prior to being delivered to the Participant. The Company is under no obligation to secure any exchange conversion rate, and the Company may face delays in converting the proceeds to local currency due to exchange control restrictions in China. The Participant agrees to bear any currency fluctuation risk between the time the Vested Shares are sold and the time the sale proceeds are distributed through any such special exchange account. The Participant further agrees to comply with any other requirements that may be imposed by the Company in the future in order to facilitate compliance with exchange control requirements in China. These requirements will not apply to non-PRC citizens.

Administration. The Company and its Parent, Subsidiary, Affiliate or the Employer shall not be liable for any costs, fees, lost interest or dividends or other losses the Participant may incur or suffer resulting from the enforcement of the terms of this Exhibit A or otherwise from the Company’s operation and enforcement of the Plan and the Agreement in accordance with the PRC law including, without limitation, any applicable local exchange control rules, regulations and requirements.
Data Privacy
(a)Data Collection and Usage. The Company collects, processes and uses personal data about the Participant, including but not limited to, the Participant’s name, home address, email address and telephone number, date of birth, social insurance number, passport or other identification number, salary, nationality, job title, any shares or directorships held in the Company, details of all awards, rights or any other entitlement to shares awarded, canceled, exercised, vested, unvested or outstanding in the Participant’s favor, which the Company receives from the Participant or the Employer. In order for the Participant to participate in the Plan, the Company will collect his or her personal data for purposes of allocating Vested Shares and implementing, administering and managing the Plan. The Company’s legal basis for the processing of the Participant’s personal data is based on the Participant’s consent, the necessity for Company’s performance of its obligations under the Plan and pursuant to the Company’s legitimate business interests, and the Participant hereby confirms and agrees that the Company shall be entitled to collect, process, use and cross-border transfer such personal data for the purpose of implementation of the Plan.
(b)Stock Plan Administration and Service Providers. The Company may transfer the Participant’s data to one or more third party stock plan service providers based in the U.S. and/or Singapore, which may assist the Company with the implementation, administration and management of the Plan. Such service provider(s) may open an account for the Participant to receive and trade Vested Shares. The Participant may be asked to acknowledge, or agree to, separate terms and data processing practices with the service provider(s).
(c)International Data Transfers. The Participant’s personal data will be transferred from the Participant’s country to the U.S. and/or Singapore, where the Company is based, and may be further transferred by the Company to the U.S. and/Singapore, where its service providers are based.
(d)Data Retention. The Company will use the Participant’s personal data only as long as necessary to implement, administer and manage the Participant’s participation in the Plan or as required to comply with legal or regulatory obligations, including under tax and securities laws. When the Company no longer needs the Participant’s personal data, which will generally be ten (10) years after the Participant participates in the Plan, the Company will delete such data, or make data anonymize such data on its systems. If the Company keeps the data longer, it would be to satisfy any applicable legal or regulatory obligations.
(e)Data Subject Rights. The Participant understands that he or she may have a number of rights under data privacy laws in China. Subject to the applicable data protection laws and regulations in China, as updated from time to time, such rights may include the right to (i) request access or copies of personal data processed by the Company, (ii) rectification of incorrect data, (iii) deletion of data, (iv) restrictions or reject on processing of data, (v) portability of data, (vi) lodge complaints with competent authorities in the Participant’s jurisdiction, (vii) request for an explanation on the data processing rules, and/or (viii) receive a list with the names and addresses of any potential recipients of the Participant’s personal data. To receive clarification regarding these rights or to exercise these rights, the Participant can contact his or her local human resources department.
Exchange Control Information. If the Czech National Bank notifies the Participant that he/she is considered by the Czech
National Bank as a statistically significant reporting person for the purpose of the balance of payments statistics, the Participant will need to file a notification to the Czech National Bank on an annual basis regarding the Shares held by such Participant.
Danish Stock Options Act. The Participant will receive an Employer Statement pursuant to the Danish Act on Stock Options.
Exchange Control/Tax Reporting Information. The Danish Tax Administration automatically receives information about brokerage accounts held with brokers or banks outside Denmark. As the Danish Tax Administration does not necessarily receive information about transactions made on foreign brokerage accounts on an ongoing basis, the numbers which appear in the Danish

Tax Administration’s e-self-service, TastSelv, may not be correct. The Participant has a duty to control the numbers in TastSelv no later than 1 July following the expiration of the foregoing income year. In the event the numbers are not correct, the Participant shall before 1 July correct and submit the correct numbers in the Danish Tax Administration’s e-self-service, TastSelv. In addition, the Participant shall contact the Danish Tax Administration and inform them about the following: (i) the name of the Shares purchased or sold, (ii) the number of Shares purchased or sold, (iii) the time the Shares were purchased or sold, (iv) the price per Share and (v) the total price paid for the Shares, including transaction costs, if any.
The Participant shall send the transaction information via the contact formula in the e-self-service, TastSelv, with documentation in the form of account statements from the broker or bank to be included.
Employee Non-Solicitation, Customer Non-Solicitation and Non-Compete. This provision supplements Sections 11, 12 and 13 of the Agreement:
The Participant acknowledges and agrees that After Employment Employee Non-Solicitation, Customer Non-Solicitation and Non-Compete obligations are not considered Post-Employment Non-Compete Agreements under the Finnish Employment Contracts Act and, therefore, the Participant is not entitled to any additional compensation for these obligations.
Nature of Grant. This provision supplements Section 7(f) of the Agreement:
Notwithstanding the above, the Participant has the right to make claims against the Employer on any matters relating to the possible employment relationship, unless otherwise agreed between the Employer and the Participant after the termination of employment.
Term and Conditions
Language Consent. By accepting the RSU Award, the Participant confirms having read and understood the documents relating to this grant (the Plan, the Agreement and this Exhibit A) which were provided in English language. The Participant accepts the terms of those documents accordingly.
En acceptant l’attribution, vous confirmez ainsi avoir lu et compris les documents relatifs à cette attribution (le Plan, le contrat et cette Annexe) qui ont été communiqués en langue anglaise. Vous acceptez les termes en connaissance de cause.
Nature of Grant. By accepting the RSU Award, the Participant acknowledges and agrees that, as provided for under the Plan and Agreement provisions, the grant of the RSU Award is discretionary in nature by the Company and as such may be amended, suspended or terminated by the Company at any time. It does not create any claim or entitlement to compensation or damages under the French employment agreement signed between the Participant and the Employer.
Non-Qualified status of the RSU Award. The RSU Award is not intended to qualify for the special tax and social security treatment in France applicable to shares granted for no consideration under Sections L. 225-197-1 to L 225-197-5 and Sections L. 22-10-59 and L. 22-10-60 of the French Commercial Code, as amended.
Foreign Account Reporting Notification. The Participant must report annually any shares and bank accounts he/she holds outside France, including the accounts that were opened, held, used and/or closed during the tax year, to the French tax authorities, on an annual basis on a special Form N° 3916, together with his/her personal income tax return. This specific reporting obligation applies also to securities accounts opened for the purpose of the grant of the RSU Award. Failure to report triggers a significant penalty.
Exchange Control Notification. Cross-border payments in excess of €12,500 must be reported on a monthly basis. If the Participant makes or receives a payment in excess of this amount, the Participant must report the payment to Bundesbank electronically using the “General Statistics Reporting Portal” (“Allgemeines Meldeportal Statistik”) available via Bundesbank’s website (www.bundesbank.de). If the Participant uses a German bank to effect a cross-border payment in excess of €12,500 in connection with the sale of Shares acquired under the Plan, the bank will make the report for the Participant. In addition, the Participant must report any (i) receivables or (ii) payables vis-à-vis foreigners exceeding in each case of (i) and (ii) a total amount of €5,000,000 at the end of the relevant calendar month. Finally, the Participant must report Shares on an annual basis in case the Participant holds at least 10% of the Shares or the total voting rights of the Company.
Foreign Asset/Account Reporting Notification. If the acquisition of Shares in the Company under the Plan leads to a so-called “qualified participation” at any point during the calendar year, the Participant will need to report the acquisition when filing the tax

return for the relevant year (at the latest 14 months after the end of such calendar year). A “qualified participation” is attained if (i) the acquisition costs of all participations in the Company exceed €150,000 (if the Participant owns 1% or more of the Company’s nominal share capital) or (ii) the participant holds Shares exceeding 10% of the nominal share capital of the Company.
Terms and Conditions
Tax Obligations. The following provisions supplement the “Vesting / Release” definition of the Agreement:
The applicable tax withholding and reporting shall be contingent on the closing prices of the Shares on the Release Date (Zuflusszeitpunkt). The 20-Day Closing Price Average shall be disregarded for the Participant.
Terms and Conditions
Warning: The RSU Award and Shares acquired upon vesting of the RSU Award do not constitute a public offering of securities under Hong Kong law and are available only to employees of the Company, its Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliates. The Agreement, including this Exhibit A, the Plan and other incidental communication materials have not been prepared in accordance with and are not intended to constitute a “prospectus” for a public offering of securities under the applicable securities legislation in Hong Kong. Nor have the documents been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. The RSU Award is intended only for the personal use of each eligible Employee of the Employer, the Company or any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate and may not be distributed to any other person.
Sale Restriction. Notwithstanding anything contrary in the Notice, the Agreement or the Plan, in the event the Participant’s RSU Award vests such that Vested Shares are issued to the Participant or his or her heirs and representatives within six months of the Date of Grant, the Participant agrees that the Participant or his or her heirs and representatives will not dispose of any Vested Shares acquired prior to the six-month anniversary of the Date of Grant.
Nature of Scheme. The Company specifically intends that the Plan will not be an occupational retirement scheme for purposes of the Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance.
Terms and Conditions
Employment related provisions. The Employer’s prior consent is required for the delivery of the Agreement between the Participant and the Company or any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate if it is not the Employer of the Participant.
Section 13 of the Agreement shall not be deemed as a non-compete agreement under Hungarian labour law; it is considered as a non-compete agreement concluded between the Company or any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate and the Participant on a contractual basis.
Exchange Control Information. The Participant must repatriate the proceeds from the sale of Vested Shares acquired under the Plan within 180 days after receipt. The Participant must maintain the foreign inward remittance certificate received from the bank where the foreign currency is deposited in the event that the Reserve Bank of India or the Employer requests proof of repatriation. It is the Participant’s responsibility to comply with applicable exchange control laws in India. This only applies to a Participant who qualifies as a person resident in India under the Indian foreign exchange laws.
Additionally, the Participant must inform their Employer of any divestment made by them in relation to the Vested Shares within 7 days of undertaking such divestment. This is to enable the Indian Employer to undertake the mandatory reporting of the investment and divestment made by the Participant(s) to the Reserve Bank in India in Form OPI.
Foreign Asset / Account Reporting Information. The Participant is required to declare any foreign bank accounts and any foreign financial assets (which includes Vested Shares held in the Participant’s offshore brokerage account) in the Participant’s annual tax return. It is the Participant’s responsibility to comply with this reporting obligation. Additionally, upon the event of any income arising to the Participant out of the Vested Shares, the Participant will be obligated to report such income in his / her annual tax return. This only applies to a Participant who is an ordinary resident of India under Indian tax law.

Terms and Conditions
Data Privacy: Section 9 of the Agreement is replaced by the following:
(a) The Employer or as the case may be the Company, its Parent, a Subsidiary or an Affiliate will collect, use and transfer as required among the aforementioned parties, in electronic or other form, the Participant’s personal data as described in this Agreement and any other RSU Award materials for the exclusive purpose of implementing, administering and managing the Participant’s participation in the Plan.
(b) The Participant understands that the Company and the Employer may hold certain personal information about the Participant, including, but not limited to, the Participant’s name, home address and telephone number, date of birth, social insurance number or other identification number, salary, nationality, job title, any Shares or directorships held in the Company, details of all RSU Awards or any other entitlement to Shares awarded, canceled, exercised, vested, unvested or outstanding in the Participant’s favor, for the exclusive purpose of implementing, administering and managing the Plan (“Data”).
(c) The Participant understands that Data will be transferred to the Company stock plan service provider as may be selected by the Company in the future, which is assisting the Company with the implementation, administration and management of the Plan. The Participant understands that the recipients of the Data may be located in the United States, Singapore or elsewhere, and that the recipients’ country (e.g., the United States or Singapore) may have different data privacy laws and protections from the Participant’s country. The Participant understands that he or she may request a list with the names and addresses of any potential recipients of the Data by contacting his or her local human resources representative. The Participant authorizes the Company, the Company stock plan service provider and any other possible recipients which may assist the Company (presently or in the future) with implementing, administering and managing the Plan to receive, possess, use, retain and transfer the Data, in electronic or other form, for the sole purpose of implementing, administering and managing his or her participation in the Plan. The Participant understands that Data will be held only as long as is necessary to implement, administer and manage the Participant’s participation in the Plan. The Participant understands that he or she may, at any time, view Data, request additional information about the storage and processing of Data, require any necessary amendments to Data or object to the processing of Data, in any case without cost, by contacting in writing his or her local human resources representative. The Participant understands, however, that objecting to processing of Data may affect the Participant’s ability to participate in the Plan. For more information on the consequences of an objection, the Participant understands that he or she may contact his or her local human resources representative.
Director Notification Obligation. Directors, shadow directors and secretaries of the Company’s Irish Subsidiary or Affiliate are subject to certain notification requirements under the Irish Companies Act. Directors, shadow directors and secretaries must notify the Irish Subsidiary or Affiliate in writing of their interest in the Company and the number and class of Shares or rights to which the interest relates within five days of the issuance or disposal of Shares or within five days of becoming aware of the event giving rise to the notification. This disclosure requirement also applies to any rights or Shares acquired by the director’s spouse or children (under the age of 18).
Reporting Obligations to the Irish Revenue Commissioners. The Company and/or the Employer have certain mandatory reporting obligations to the Irish Revenue Commissioners in relation to the operation of the Agreement and the Plan. The Participant acknowledges this obligation and agrees that the Company and/or the Employer may share certain information in relation to the RSU Reward and Vested Shares with the Irish Revenue Commissioners to satisfy this obligation.
Israeli Sub-Plan. The RSU Award is also subject to the Sub-Plan for Israeli Participants (the “Israeli Sub-Plan”) which is considered as a part of the Plan. The terms used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Plan or Israeli Sub-Plan. In the event of any conflict, whether explicit or implied, between the provisions of the Agreement and the Israeli Sub-Plan, the provisions set out in the Israeli Sub-Plan shall prevail. By accepting this RSU Award, the Participant acknowledges that a copy of the Israeli Sub-Plan has been provided to the Participant and agreed to the terms of such Israeli Sub-Plan.
Designation. If the Participant is an employee of an Employer, the RSU Award will be subject to the trustee capital gain tax treatment in accordance with the provisions of Section 102(b)(2) and 102(b)(3)of the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance [New Version], 5721-1961 (“Section 102” and “Capital Gains Route” and the “Ordinance”, respectively) and it has been designated as a 102 Award (as defined in the Israeli Sub-Plan), subject to compliance with the requirements under Section 102 and any associated rules or regulations, including the execution of the Agreement and the acknowledgments included below. In respect of Capital Gain

Award, the tax is only due upon sale of the underlying Shares or upon release of the underlying Shares from the holding or control of the Trustee.
If the Participant is an Israeli resident however is engaged by the Company or any other non-Israeli Subsidiary or is a consultant or service provider of the Company’s Israeli resident Subsidiary, the RSU Award will be subject to tax upon vesting and settlement in accordance with Section 3(i) of the Ordinance.
Trustee Arrangement. With respect to any Award under the Capital Gains Route - the RSU Award and the Shares issued upon settlement of such RSU Award, and/or any additional rights, including without limitation any right to receive any dividends or any Shares received as a result of an adjustment made under the Plan that may be granted in connection with the RSU Award (the “Additional Rights”), will be issued to the Trustee or placed under the control of the Trustee under a supervisory trustee arrangement for at least the period stated in Section 102 under the Capital Gains Route or any shorter period of time as determined by the Israeli Tax Authority (“Holding Period and the “ITA”, respectively). In the event the RSU Awards do not meet the requirements of Section 102, such RSU Awards and the underlying Shares shall not qualify for the favorable tax treatment under Section 102. In accordance with the requirements of Section 102 and the Capital Gains Route, during the Holding Period the Participant shall not sell or transfer the underlying Shares or the Additional Rights from the Trustee. Notwithstanding the above, if such sale or transfer occurs before the end of the Holding Period, the sanctions under Section 102 shall apply to and shall be borne by the Participant.
The Company makes no representations or guarantees that the RSU Award will qualify for favorable tax treatment and will not be liable or responsible if favorable tax treatment is not available under Section 102. Any RSU Award accelerated upon termination of employment in accordance with Article 10.2(b) of the Plan may be disqualified from the Capital Gains Route.
Any fees associated with any vesting, sale, transfer or any act in relation to the RSU Awards shall be borne by the Participant. The Trustee and/or the Company and/or any Subsidiary shall be entitled to withhold or deduct such fees from payments otherwise due to the Participant from the Company or any Subsidiary or the Trustee.
Taxes. In addition to the provisions included in the Agreement, it is clarified that any and all taxes imposed in respect of the RSU Awards and/or underlying Shares, including, but not limited to, the grant of the RSU Awards, and/or the vesting, exercise, transfer, waiver, or expiration of RSU Awards and/or underlying Shares, and/or the sale of underlying Shares, shall be borne solely by the Participant, and in the event of death, by the Participant’s heirs. The Company, any Subsidiary, the Trustee or anyone on their behalf shall not be required to bear the aforementioned tax, directly or indirectly, nor shall they be required to gross up such tax in the Participant’s salary or remuneration. The applicable tax shall be withheld from the proceeds of sale of underlying Shares or shall be paid to the Company or any Subsidiary or the Trustee by the Participant. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company or any Subsidiary or the Trustee shall be entitled to withhold tax as it deems necessary to comply with applicable law and to deduct any tax from payments otherwise due to the Participant from the Company or any Subsidiary or the Trustee. The ramifications of any future modification of applicable law regarding the taxation of the RSU Awards granted to the Participant shall apply to the Participant accordingly and the Participant shall bear the full cost thereof, unless such modified laws expressly provide otherwise.
Securities Law Notification. The Company has obtained an exemption from the requirements of filing a prospectus in Israel with respect to any grant under the Plan. Applicable documentation can be obtained by contacting the Participant’s local human resources department.
Additional Acknowledgments and Undertakings. In addition to the provisions set out in the Agreement, by accepting an RSU Award classified under the Capital Gains Route, the Participant also confirms that:
1.The Participant is familiar with and understands the provisions of Section 102 and any associated rules or regulations in general, and the tax arrangement under the Capital Gains Route in particular, and agrees to comply with such provisions, as amended from time to time.
2.The Participant agrees that RSU Awards and the Shares that may be issued in connection with the RSU Awards, will be held or controlled by a trustee under a supervisory trustee arrangement for at least the duration of the Holding Period, as determined in Section 102 under the Capital Gains Route.
3.The Participant agrees to the provisions of the trust deed signed between the Company and/or the Employer and the Trustee attached hereto.
4.The Participant understands that any release of such Shares from trust, or any sale of the Shares prior to the termination of the Holding Period constitutes a violation of the terms of Section 102 and agree to bear the relevant sanctions.
5.The Participant authorizes the Company and/or the Employer to provide the Trustee with any information required for the purpose of administrating the grant of the RSU Awards, including without limitation information about the Participant's RSU

Awards, income tax rates, salary bank account, contact details and identification number and any reasonable information required by the Trustee.
6.The Participant declares that he/she is a resident of the state of Israel for tax purposes and agree to notify the Company upon any change in the residence address and acknowledge that if he/she ceases to be an Israeli resident or if his/her engagement with the Company or any Subsidiary is terminated, the RSU Awards and underlying Shares shall remain subject to Section 102, the trust agreement, the Plan and grant document.
7.The Participant acknowledges, understands and agrees that the RSU Awards are an extraordinary, one-time benefit granted to the Participant, and does not create any contractual or other right to receive a future grant of RSU Awards.
The grant of the RSU Awards is conditioned upon the Participant signing all documents requested by the Company, the Employer or the Trustee.
Terms and Conditions
Data Privacy. This provision replaces Section 9 of the Agreement:
The Participant understands that as a Data Controller according to Art 4 Para 1.7 Reg. UE/2016/679 (“GDPR”) the Company and the Employer as the Privacy Representative of the Company in Italy (the “Controller”), may hold certain personal information about the Participant, including, but not limited to, the Participant’s name, home address and telephone number, date of birth, social insurance or other identification number, salary, nationality, job title, any Shares or directorships held in the Company or any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate, details of all RSU Awards or any other entitlement to Shares awarded, canceled, exercised, vested, unvested or outstanding in the Participant’s favor. The Company and the Employer inform the Participant as per Art. 12-13 GDPR that they will process said data and other data lawfully received from a third party (“Personal Data”) according to a level of security equal to that required by the GDPR or by the US Data Privacy Framework; Personal Data will be processed for the exclusive purpose of managing and administering the Plan (and so on the legal basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR) and complying with applicable laws, regulations and Community legislation (and so on the legal basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR). The Participant understands that Personal Data may also be transferred to the independent registered public accounting firm engaged by the Company, and also to the legitimate addressees under applicable laws. The Participant also understands that providing the Company with Personal Data is mandatory for compliance with laws and is necessary for the performance of the Plan and that the Participant’s refusal to provide Personal Data would make it impossible for the Company to perform its contractual obligations and may affect the Participant’s ability to participate in the Plan. The Participant understands that Personal Data will not be publicized, but it may be accessible by the Company and the Employer and within the Employer’s organization by its internal and external personnel in charge of processing, and by the data processor, if appointed. The updated list of processors and of the subjects to which Personal Data are communicated will remain available upon request at the Employer. Furthermore, Personal Data may be transferred to banks, other financial institutions or brokers involved in the management and administration of the Plan. The Participant further understands that the Company and any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate will transfer Personal Data amongst themselves as necessary for the purpose of implementation, administration and management of the Participant’s participation in the Plan, and that the Company and any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate may each further transfer Personal Data to third parties assisting the Company in the implementation, administration and management of the Plan, including any requisite transfer of Personal Data to a broker or other third party with whom the Participant may elect to deposit any Vested Shares acquired under the Plan or any proceeds from the sale of such Shares. Such recipients may receive, possess, use, retain and transfer Personal Data in electronic or other form, for the purposes of implementing, administering and managing the Participant’s participation in the Plan. The Participant understands that these recipients may be acting as controllers, processors or persons in charge of processing, as the case may be, according to applicable privacy laws, and that they may be located in or outside the European Economic Area, such as in the United States, Singapore or elsewhere, in countries that do not provide an adequate level of data protection as intended under Italian privacy law.
Should the Company exercise its discretion in suspending all necessary legal obligations connected with the management and administration of the Plan, it will delete Personal Data as soon as it has accomplished all the necessary legal obligations connected with the management and administration of the Plan. Otherwise, Personal Data will be processed for the entire period of the Participant’s employment relationship and for ten years thereafter or such longer period required to satisfy any applicable legal or regulatory obligations.
The Participant understands that Personal Data processing related to the purposes specified above shall take place under automated or non-automated conditions, anonymously when possible, that comply with the purposes for which Personal Data is collected and with confidentiality and security provisions as set forth by applicable laws and regulations, with specific reference to GDPR and Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.

The processing activity, including communication, the transfer of Personal Data abroad, including outside of the European Economic Area, as specified herein and pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, does not require the Participant’s consent thereto as the processing is necessary to performance of law and contractual obligations related to implementation, administration and management of the Plan. The Participant understands that, pursuant to Articles 13(2)(b) and (d), 15, 18, 19, 20 and 21 GDPR , he or she has the right at any moment to, including, but not limited to, (a) consult data and request that it be updated, corrected, supplemented, deleted or to object to or restrict its processing, as well as to request its portability, (b) submit a complaint to the Italian Data Protection Authority (the “Authority”), following the procedures and directions published on the Authority’s official website at www.garanteprivacy.it. In the event of a request to limit the processing of the data provided, to object to their processing, to their cancellation or to withdraw consent, the Data Controller may reserve the right to retain some of the Participant’s data to the extent that they are necessary for the “performance of the contract” or for the protection of its “legitimate interest” pursuant to section 7 of the Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and to obtain confirmation that Personal Data exists or not, access, verify its contents, origin and accuracy, delete, update, integrate, correct, blocked or stop, for legitimate reason, the Personal Data processing. To exercise privacy rights (which is not subject to any formal constraint and is free of charge), the Participant should contact the Employer. Furthermore, the Participant is aware that Personal Data will not be used for direct marketing purposes. In addition, Personal Data provided can be reviewed and questions or complaints can be addressed by contacting the Participant’s human resources department.
Plan Document Acknowledgement. The Participant acknowledges that the Participant has read and specifically and expressly approves the following sections of the Agreement: Section 1: Grant of RSU Award; Section 2: Delivery; Section 3: Compliance with Laws and Regulations; Section 4: Rights as Shareholder; Section 5: Stop-Transfer Orders; Section 6: Taxes and Disposition of Shares; Section 7: Nature of Grant; Section 8: No advice Regarding Grant; Section 10: Successors and Assigns; Section 11: Governing Law; Venue; Section 15: Electronic Delivery; Section 16: Exhibit A; Section 18: Imposition of Other Requirements; and the Data Privacy section of this Exhibit A.
Exchange Control Information. Without limiting in any way Participant’s obligations under the Agreement and/or the Plan (also with regard to Section 6: Taxes and Disposition of Shares and Section 8: No Advice Regarding Grant), to participate in the Plan, the Participant – whether he or she is an Italian resident – must comply with exchange control regulations in Italy. The Participant is required to report in his or her annual tax return: (a) any transfers of cash or Vested Shares to or from Italy; (b) any foreign investments or investments held outside of Italy at the end of the calendar year; and (c) the amount of the transfers to and from Italy which have had an impact during the calendar year on the Participant’s foreign investments or investments held outside of Italy. The Participant may be exempt from the requirement in (a) if the transfer or investment is made through an authorized broker resident in Italy, as the broker will generally comply with the reporting obligation on his or her behalf. Italian residents may be subject to tax on the value of financial assets held outside of Italy. The taxable amount will be the fair market value of the financial assets, assessed at the end of the calendar year.
Notice of Private Placement in Japan. Neither the RSU Award nor the Shares to be issued pursuant to the RSU Award have been or will be registered under Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan (the “FIEA”) in respect of this offering, because the offer or solicitation to acquire the RSU Award or the Shares hereunder meets the requirements for exemption from registration pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 3, Sub-Paragraph 2 “ha” of the FIEA.
Exchange Control/Tax Reporting Information. If the aggregate fair value of the Shares issued pursuant to the RSU Award is more than JPY 100,000,000, the reporting requirement is applicable under the Japanese foreign exchange rules. In addition, the Participant is required to report the details of any assets held outside of Japan as of December 31 (including the Shares acquired under the Plan) to the relevant tax authority by March 15 of the following year to the extent such assets have a total net fair market value in excess of JPY 50,000,000.
Exchange Control Information. If the Participant realizes US$500,000 (approximately KRW 632,500,000 as of July 2023) or more from the sale of Shares, Korean exchange laws require the Participant to repatriate the proceeds to Korea within eighteen months of the sale. In order for the Participant to dispose of its shares which have been originally procured by the Plan (the “Share Plan Shares”), according to the recently announced Korean Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) guideline in respect of sale and purchase of listed stocks of a foreign parent company which were procured via a share plan, the Participant is required to (1) open an account with a Korean securities company and (2) put a disposition order though a Korean securities company. Further, the Share Plan Shares are required to be deposited to a foreign depository which is linked to the Korea Securities Depository.

Malaysian Insider Trading. The Participant should be aware of the Malaysian insider-trading rules, which may impact his or her acquisition or disposal of Shares or rights to Shares under the Plan. Under the Malaysian insider-trading rules, the Participant is prohibited from selling Shares when he or she is in possession of information which is not generally available and which he or she knows or should know will have a material effect on the value of the Shares once such information is generally available.
Director Notification Obligation. If the Participant is a director of the Company’s Malaysian Subsidiary, he or she is subject to certain notification requirements under the Malaysian Companies Act. Among these requirements is an obligation to notify the Malaysian Subsidiary in writing when the Participant receives or disposes of an interest (e.g., RSU Award, Shares) in the Company or any related company. Such notifications must be made within 14 days of receiving or disposing of any interest in the Company or any related company.
Tax Responsibility of the Participant. The Participant is required to make an assessment by including the share benefit as income for the basis period in which the Shares are vested, report in the income tax return form of the Participant, the amount in respect of benefits from the Shares that have been vested, and ensure that income tax on that benefit is paid.
Terms and Conditions
The following provisions supplement Sections 6 and 7 of the Agreement:
Section 7
Modification. By accepting the RSU Award, the Participant understands and agrees that any modification of the Plan or the Agreement or its termination shall not constitute a change or impairment of the terms and conditions of employment.
Policy Statement. The RSU Award grant the Company is making under the Plan is unilateral and discretionary and, therefore, the Company reserves the absolute right to amend it and discontinue it at any time without any liability.
The Company, with registered offices at 2 Changi South Lane, Singapore 486123, is solely responsible for the administration of the Plan, and participation in the Plan and the grant of the RSU Award do not, in any way, establish an employment relationship between the Participant and the Company since he or she is participating in the Plan on a wholly commercial basis. The Participant expressly recognizes that the Plan and the grant of the RSU Award do not establish any rights between the Participant and his or her sole Employer (Availmed Servicios S.A. de C.V., Grupo Flextronics S.A. de C.V., Flextronics Servicios Guadalajara S.A. de C.V., Flextronics Servicios Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. or Flextronics Aguascalientes Servicios S.A. de C.V.), nor does it form part of the employment conditions and/or benefits provided by the Employer.
Plan Document Acknowledgment. By accepting the RSU Award, the Participant acknowledges that he or she has received copies of the Plan, has reviewed the Plan and the Agreement in their entirety, and fully understands and accepts all provisions of the Plan and the Agreement.
In addition, the Participant further acknowledges that he or she has read and specifically and expressly approves the terms and conditions in the Nature of Grant section of the Agreement, in which the following is clearly described and established: (i) participation in the Plan does not constitute an acquired right; (ii) the Plan and participation in the Plan is offered by the Company on a wholly discretionary basis; (iii) participation in the Plan is voluntary; and (iv) the Company and any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliates are not responsible for any decrease in the value of the Shares acquired upon vesting of the RSU Award.
No Entitlement for Claims or Compensation. The Participant hereby declares that he or she does not reserve any action or right to bring any claim against the Company or his or her Employer for any compensation or damages as a result of his or her participation in the Plan and therefore grants a full and broad release to the Employer, the Company and any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliates with respect to any claim that may arise under the Plan.
Spanish Translation
Términos y condiciones
Las siguientes disposiciones complementan las secciones 7 del Acuerdo:
Sección 7

Modificación: Al aceptar el Otorgamiento de Acciones por Bonificación, el Participante entiende y está de acuerdo en que cualquier modificación del Plan o del Acuerdo o su terminación, no constituirá un cambio o disminución de los términos y condiciones de empleo.
Declaración de Política: El Otorgamiento de Acciones por Bonificación que la Compañía efectúa conforme al Plan es de forma unilateral y discrecional y, por lo tanto, la Compañía se reserva el derecho absoluto de modificarlo y discontinuarlo en cualquier momento sin responsabilidad alguna para la Compañía.
La Compañía, con oficinas registradas en 2 Changi South Lane, Singapore 486123 es la única responsable de la administración del Plan y la participación en el Plan y el Otorgamiento de Acciones por Bonificación no establece de forma alguna una relación de trabajo entre el Participante y la Compañía, ya que su participación en el Plan es completamente comercial. El Participante expresamente reconoce que el Plan y el Otorgamiento de Acciones por Bonificación no establece ningún derecho entre el Participante y su único Empleador (Availmed Servicios S.A. de C.V., Grupo Flextronics S.A. de C.V., Flextronics Servicios Guadalajara S.A. de C.V., Flextronics Servicios México S. de R.L. de C.V. o Flextronics Aguascalientes S.A. de C.V., según sea el caso), ni tampoco forma parte de las condiciones laborales o beneficios provistos por el Empleador.
Conocimiento del Documento del Plan. Al aceptar el Otorgamiento de Acciones por Bonificación, el Participante reconoce que ha recibido copia del Plan, ha revisado el mismo, al igual que la totalidad del Acuerdo y que entiende y acepta completamente todas las disposiciones contenidas en el Plan y en el Acuerdo.
Además, el Participante reconoce que ha leído, y que aprueba específica y expresamente los términos y condiciones contenidos en la sección denominada Naturaleza del Otorgamiento, en la cual se encuentra claramente descrito y establecido lo siguiente: (i) la participación en el Plan no constituye un derecho adquirido; (ii) el Plan y la participación en éste es ofrecida por la Compañía de forma enteramente discrecional; (iii) la participación en el Plan es voluntaria; y (iv) la Compañía, así como su Matriz, Subsidiaria o Filiales no son responsables por cualquier disminución en el valor de las Acciones adquiridas por virtud del Otorgamiento de Acciones por Bonificación.
Derecho a Reclamaciones o Indemnizaciones. El Participante declara que no se reserva ninguna acción o derecho para interponer reclamo alguno en contra de la Compañía o su empleador por indemnización o daño alguno como resultado de su participación en el Plan y, en consecuencia, otorga el más amplio finiquito al Empleador, así como a la Compañía o su Matriz, Subsidiaria o Filiales con respecto a cualquier reclamo que pudiera originarse en virtud del Plan.
Securities Law Information. The Participant should be aware of the Dutch insider-trading rules, which may impact the sale of Shares acquired under the Plan. In particular, the Participant may be prohibited from effectuating certain transactions if the Participant has inside information about the Company.
Under Article 5:56 of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act, anyone who has “insider information” related to an issuing company is prohibited from effectuating a transaction in securities in or from the Netherlands. “Inside information” is defined as knowledge of specific information concerning the issuing company to which the securities relate or the trade in securities issued by such company, which has not been made public and which, if published, would reasonably be expected to affect the share price, regardless of the development of the price. The insider could be any Employee in the Netherlands who has inside information as described herein.
Given the broad scope of the definition of inside information, certain Employees working at a Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate in the Netherlands may have inside information and, thus, would be prohibited from effectuating a transaction in securities in the Netherlands at a time when the Participant has such inside information.
Terms and Conditions
Data Privacy. This provision replaces Section 9 of the Agreement:
The Participant understands that the Company and the Employer will process certain personal information about the Participant, including, but not limited to, the Participant’s name, home address and telephone number, date of birth, social insurance or other identification number, salary, nationality, job title, any Shares or directorships held in the Company or any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate, details of all RSU Awards or any other entitlement to Shares awarded, canceled, exercised, vested, unvested or outstanding in the Participant’s favor, and that the Company and the Employer will process said data and other data lawfully received from third party (“Personal Data”) for the purposes of managing and administering the Plan, the employment relationship and complying with applicable laws and regulations. The legal bases under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (the “GDPR”) are thus (i) the necessity for

performing a contract to which the Participant is party (Article 6 no. 1 b)); and (ii) the necessity for compliance with a legal obligation (Article 6 no 1 b)). The Participant also understands that providing the Company with Personal Data is mandatory for compliance with laws and is necessary for the performance of the Plan and that the Participant’s refusal to provide Personal Data would make it impossible for the Company to perform its contractual obligations and may affect the Participant’s ability to participate in the Plan. The Participant understands that Personal Data will not be publicized, but it may be accessible by the Employer as the Privacy Representative of the Company and within the Employer’s organization by its internal and external personnel in charge of processing, and by the data processor, if appointed. The updated list of processors and of the subjects to which Personal Data are communicated will remain available upon request at the Employer.
Furthermore, Personal Data may be transferred to banks, other financial institutions or brokers involved in the management and administration of the Plan. The Participant understands that Personal Data may also be transferred to the independent registered public accounting firm engaged by the Company, and also to the legitimate addressees under applicable laws.
The Participant further understands that the Company and any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate will transfer Personal Data amongst themselves as necessary for the purpose of implementation, administration and management of the Participant’s participation in the Plan, and that the Company and any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate may each further transfer Personal Data to third parties assisting the Company in the implementation, administration and management of the Plan, including any requisite transfer of Personal Data to a broker or other third party with whom the Participant may elect to deposit any Vested Shares acquired under the Plan or any proceeds from the sale of such Shares. Such recipients may receive, possess, use, retain and transfer Personal Data in electronic or other form, for the purposes of implementing, administering and managing the Participant’s participation in the Plan. The Participant understands that these recipients may be acting as controllers, processors or persons in charge of processing, as the case may be, according to applicable privacy laws, and that they may be located in or outside the European Economic Area, such as in the United States and/or Singapore or elsewhere, including countries that do not provide an adequate level of data protection. In the lack of an adequacy decision under Article 45 of the GDPR, the Employer and/or Company will rely on other safeguards, such as binding corporate rules or the Standard Contractual Clauses adopted according to the Commission Implementing Decision on standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
The Company and the Employer will process the Personal Data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the employment contract with the Participant, or for as long as it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which the Company and/or Employer is subject.
The Participant shall, according to Chapter III of the GDPR, have the right to, including, but not limited to, obtain confirmation that Personal Data exists or not, access, verify its contents, origin and accuracy, delete, update, integrate, correct, blocked or stop, for legitimate reason, the Personal Data processing, and to complain to the national data protection authority. To exercise privacy rights, the Participant should contact the Employer. In addition, Personal Data provided can be reviewed and questions or complaints can be addressed by contacting the Participant’s human resources department.
Terms and Conditions
Restriction on Type of Shares Issued. Due to tax regulations in Poland, as necessary, the Participant’s Vested Shares will be settled in newly issued Shares only. Treasury Shares will not be used to satisfy the RSU Award upon vesting.
Exchange Control Information. If the Participant remits foreign currency into or out of Romania (e.g., the proceeds from the sale of his or her Vested Shares), the Participant may be required to provide the Romanian bank assisting with the transaction with appropriate documentation explaining the source of the income.
Applicability. This provision supplements Section 13 of the Agreement (where applicable):
1. The Participant is forbidden to carry out in his/her own interest or a third party, directly or indirectly, dependent or independent activities in the fields of activity set forth in any confidentiality, non-competition, non-solicitation or similar agreement between the Participant and the Company or any Affiliate thereof, for the benefit of but not limited to any competitor of the Company (i.e., which has the same core business as the Company).
2. The non-competition clause in relation to the competing companies listed above produces its effects across such territories set forth in any confidentiality, non-competition, non-solicitation or similar agreement between the Participant and the Company or any Affiliate thereof.

3. The list of the companies mentioned above shall be supplemented automatically with the legal entities which have the same core business as the Company and, consequently, compete with it, entities which shall be incorporated across the aforementioned territories after signing the present agreement, as well as during the non-competition period mentioned below.
4. The Participant further undertakes during the non-competition period mentioned below not to:
- entice the clientele of the Company by making use of the relationships established with such clientele while being employed by the Company;
- entice any Participants of the Company for the purpose of setting up a competing company in order to attract the customers of the Company as well as not to entice any Participants of the Company in order to cause business disruption.
5. The non-competition clause produces its effects for a period of 12 months after termination of the individual employment agreement.
6. After the termination of the employment agreement and during the period of time mentioned above, the monthly non-competition compensation equals the price of the applicable Vested Share, but no less than 50% of the average gross salaries from the last 6 months prior to the termination date of the employment agreement shall be paid to the Participant in exchange of his or her compliance with the non-competition clause. In case the price obtained from the sale of the RSU is less than 50% of the average gross salaries from the last 6 months prior to the termination date of the individual employment agreement, the Company will pay the difference to maintain such level of compensation. The above-mentioned monthly compensation becomes due at the end of each month and is paid by bank transfer into an account indicated by the Participant.
7. In case of infringement against the non-competition clause, the Participant shall be obligated to return in full the amounts paid by the Company after the termination of the employment relationship as non-competition compensation and, as the case may be, to pay damages thus caused to the Company.
8. The Company may unilaterally waive the non-competition clause stipulated in the individual employment agreement at any moment prior to its entry into force based on a written notification sent by the Company to the Participant with regard to the denunciation of this clause.
Securities Law Information. The RSU Award is being granted to the Participant pursuant to the “Qualifying Person” exemption under section 273(1)(i) read with section 273(2) and (4) of the Singapore Securities and Futures Act 2001 (“SFA”). The Plan, the Agreement and the RSU Award have not been lodged or registered as a prospectus with the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
Selling Restrictions. The Participant should note that the Plan, the Agreement and any other document or material in connection with the offer or sale, or invitation for subscription or purchase, of the RSU Award and/or Shares may not be circulated or distributed, nor may the RSU Award and/or Shares be offered or sold, or be made the subject of an invitation for subscription or purchase, whether directly or indirectly, to persons in Singapore other than pursuant to, and in accordance with, the conditions of an exemption under any provision of Subdivision (4) of Division (1) of Part 13 (other than section 280) of the SFA. Any transfer and/or disposal of the RSU Award and/or Shares by the Participant (as may be allowed under the Plan and the Agreement and subject to compliance with applicable law) shall be subject to the condition that the foregoing restrictions shall be imposed on each and every transferee and purchaser, and subsequent transferee and purchaser, of the relevant RSU Award and/or Shares.
Notification under Section 309B(1) of the SFA. The RSU Award and Shares are prescribed capital markets products (as defined in the Singapore Securities and Futures (Capital Markets Products) Regulations 2018), being rights issued or proposed to be issued by a corporation in respect of its own stocks or shares and stocks or shares issued or proposed to be issued by a corporation, respectively, and Excluded Investment Products (as defined in MAS Notice SFA 04-N12: Notice on the Sale of Investment Products and MAS Notice FAA-N16: Notice on Recommendations on Investment Products).
Director Notification Obligation. If the Participant is a director (including an alternate director or shadow director) of the Company and/or a Singapore company that is a related corporation (as defined in the Singapore Companies Act 1967 (the “Singapore Companies Act”)) of the Company (the “Singapore Entity(ies)”), the Participant is subject to certain notification requirements under the Singapore Companies Act in connection with the grant of the RSU Award and the subsequent vesting of, and delivery of, Shares underlying the RSU Award. Among these requirements is an obligation to notify the Singapore Entity(ies) in writing when the Participant acquires an interest (e.g., RSU Award, Shares) in the Company. In addition, the Participant must notify the Singapore Entity(ies) in writing when the Participant sells Shares of the Company (including when the Participant sells Shares acquired under the Plan). Please contact the Company to obtain a copy of the notification form.

The Participant must give written notice to the Singapore Entity(ies) of the prescribed particulars relating to the RSU Award and Shares underlying the RSU Award within two business days after (a) the date on which the Participant became a director of the Singapore Entity(ies); or (b) the date on which the Participant became a registered holder of or acquired an interest in the RSU Award or Shares underlying the RSU Award.
Upon the vesting of the Shares underlying the RSU Award and the delivery of Shares to the Participant resulting in the Participant becoming a registered shareholder of the Company, there is a change in the nature of the interest the Participant holds from a beneficial interest arising contractually under the RSU Award to a legal interest as a registered shareholder of the Company. As a result, the Participant is required within two business days, to notify the Singapore Entity(ies) of this technical change in the nature of the Participant’s interest in the Shares of the Company, to enable the Singapore Entity(ies) to meet its statutory obligations and update its Register of Directors’ Shareholdings within three days of receiving the Participant’s notification.
In addition, the Participant must give written notice to the Singapore Entity(ies) of particulars of any change in respect of the prescribed particulars previously given in respect of the RSU Award or Shares underlying the RSU Award, including the consideration (if any) received as a result of the event giving rise to the change, upon say, a sale and transfer of the Shares, within two business days after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the change.
Terms and Conditions
Data Protection. The Participant acknowledges that:
(a)the personal data of the Participant as contained in each document and/or any other notice or communication given or received pursuant to the Plan and/or the Agreement, and/or which is otherwise collected from the Participant (or his or her authorized representative(s)), will be collected, used and disclosed by the Company and/or the relevant subsidiary for the purposes of implementing and administering the Plan, and in order to comply with any applicable laws, listing rules, take-over rules, regulations and/or guidelines;
(b)by participating in the Plan, the Participant also consents to the collection, use and disclosure of his or her personal data for all such purposes, including disclosure of personal data of the Participant held by the Company and/or the relevant subsidiary to any of their affiliates and/or to third party administrators who provide services to the Company (whether within or outside Singapore), and to the collection, use and further disclosure by such persons of such personal data for such purposes; and
(c)the Participant also warrants that where he or she discloses the personal data of third parties to the Company and/or the relevant subsidiary in connection with the Plan and/or the Agreement, he or she has obtained the prior consent of such third parties for the Company and/or the relevant subsidiary to collect, use and disclose their personal data for the above mentioned purposes, in accordance with any applicable laws, regulations and/or guidelines. The Participant shall indemnify the Company and/or the relevant subsidiary in respect of any penalties, liabilities, claims, demands, losses and damages as a result of the Participant’s breach of this warranty.
(d)to the extent that the Participant withdraws consent, the Company may use its discretion under the Agreement to terminate the RSU Award for no consideration.
For this purpose, the term “personal data” shall refer to any information and data which can be related directly or indirectly to an identifiable individual.
Exchange Control Information. Upon request of the Slovak National Bank, the Participant may need to file a notification in respect of Shares pursuant to the Plan he or she acquires.
Warning: The RSU Award and Shares acquired upon vesting of the RSU Award do not constitute a public offering of securities under South African law and are available only to employees of the Company, its Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliates. The Agreement, including this Exhibit A, the Plan and other incidental communication materials have not been prepared in accordance with and are not intended to constitute a “prospectus” for a public offering of securities under the South African Companies Act. It is to be noted that no documents been reviewed by any regulatory authority in South Africa. The RSU Award is intended only for the personal use of each eligible Employee of the Employer, the Company or any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate and may not be distributed to any other person.

Terms and Conditions
Notification Obligation. Directors and prescribed officers of the Company’s South African Subsidiary or Affiliate are subject to certain notification requirements under the South African Companies Act. Directors and prescribed officers must notify the South African Subsidiary or Affiliate in writing of their interest in the Company and the number and class of Shares or rights to which the interest relates as soon as practically possible and/or where relevant in relation to any decisions affecting the South African Subsidiary or Affiliate.
Insider Trading Notification. The Participant should be aware of the South African insider-trading rules, which may impact his or her acquisition or disposal of Shares or rights to Shares under the Plan. Under the South African insider-trading rules, the Participant is prohibited from selling Shares when he or she is in possession of information which is not generally available and which he or she knows or should know will have a material effect on the value of the Shares once such information is generally available.
Tax Obligations. The following provision supplements Section 6.1 of the Agreement:
By accepting the RSU Award, the Participant agrees to notify the Employer of the amount of any gain realized at vesting and settlement of the RSU Award. If the Participant fails to advise the Employer of the gain realized at vesting and settlement of the RSU Award, he or she may be liable for a fine.
Exchange Control Information. The Participant is solely responsible for complying with all exchange control laws in South Africa, and neither the Company nor the Employer will be liable for any fines or penalties resulting from the Participant’s failure to comply with South African exchange control laws. The Participant should notify their local bank within 30 days of receiving shares.
There are no country specific provisions.
Securities Law Information. In Switzerland, the grant of RSUs is exempt from the requirement to prepare and publish a prospectus under the Swiss Financial Services Act (“FINSA”). This document does not constitute a prospectus pursuant to the FINSA and no such prospectus has been or will be prepared for or in connection with the RSU Awards granted pursuant to the Plan. This document is neither subject to any governmental approval nor must be filed with any Swiss authorities.
Employment Law Information. The Plan and any RSU Award are made as and constitute a discretionary ex gratia payment (Gratifikation/Sondervergütung) within the meaning of Art. 322d of the Swiss Code of Obligation.
Tax Reporting Information.
(i) At grant. The Participant will receive an addendum to the annual salary statement, reporting the details of the RSU Award granted. The Participant is required to file such addendum with his/her tax return. Furthermore, the Participant is required to declare all RSU Awards granted under the Plan which should not be subject to the net wealth tax, but must be reflected “pro memoria” in the statement on bank accounts and securities (Wertschriftenverzeichnis) that the Participant is required to file with the annual tax return.
(ii) At vesting. The Participant will receive an addendum to the annual salary statement, reporting the taxable income realized upon vesting of the RSU Award. The Participant is required to declare such income in and to file the addendum with his/her tax return. Any Shares acquired upon vesting will be subject to the net wealth tax and must be reported in the statement on bank accounts and securities (Wertschriftenverzeichnis) that the Participant is required to file with the annual tax return.
Data Privacy; Transfer of personal data to the United States and/or Singapore. The Participant acknowledges and agrees that personal data will be transferred to the United States and/or Singapore and that there is a risk, in particular, that the rights provided for by Swiss (and EU data protection laws, as applicable) may only be guaranteed to a limited extent and that foreign authorities, i.e., authorities of the United States and/or Singapore may gain access to personal data with or without the Participant’s knowledge. Such access may also result in further tracking and/or observations by foreign authorities.
Securities Law Information. The RSU Award to be granted by the Company to the Participants of the Company or a Taiwan Subsidiary or Affiliate have not been and will not be registered or filed with, or approved by, the Financial Supervisory Commission and/or any other regulatory authorities of Taiwan pursuant to relevant securities laws and regulations and may not be sold, issued or

offered within Taiwan through a public offering or in circumstances which constitute an offer or a solicitation of an offer within the meaning of the Securities and Exchange Act or relevant laws and regulations of Taiwan that requires a registration or approval of the Financial Supervisory Commission and/or any other regulatory authorities of Taiwan. No person or entity in Taiwan has been authorized to offer or sell the RSU Award in Taiwan.
Exchange Control Information. The Participant may acquire and remit foreign currency (including proceeds from the sale of Shares) into and out of Taiwan up to US$5,000,000 (approximately TW$ 155,000,000 as of July 2023) per year for inward and outward remittances. On the contrary, the approval of the Central Bank of Taiwan would be required for making inward and outward remittances of foreign exchange that, in the aggregate, exceed the US$5,000,000 annual quota. If the transaction amount is TW$ 500,000 or more in a single transaction, the Participant must submit a Foreign Exchange Transaction Form and also provide supporting documentation to the satisfaction of the remitting bank.
Securities Law Information. Pursuant to Turkish capital markets legislation, the sale of shares in stock option plans of foreign companies to employees residing in Türkiye are not subject to filing or disclosure requirements in Türkiye, provided that: (i) such sale does not take place in Türkiye; (ii) it does not fall within the scope of any public offering in Türkiye (i.e., the transaction cannot be defined as a public offering); and (iii) any information to be provided to the employees does not contain any statements giving the impression of a public offering.
Terms and Conditions
Tax Obligations. The following provisions supplement Section 6.1 of the Agreement:
The Participant agrees that they are liable for all Tax-Related Items and hereby covenant to pay all such Tax-Related Items, as and when requested by the Company or, if different, the Participant’s Employer or by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (“HMRC”) (or any other tax authority or any other relevant authority). The Participant also agree to indemnify and keep indemnified the Company and, if different, the Participant’s Employer against any Tax-Related Items that they are required to pay or withhold or have paid or will pay to HMRC (or any other tax authority or any other relevant authority) on the Participant’s behalf.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Participant is a director or executive officer of the Company (within the meaning of Section 13(k) of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended), the amount of any income tax not collected from or paid by the Participant within ninety (90) days of the end of the U.K. tax year in which the event giving rise to the Tax-Related Items occurs may constitute a benefit to the Participant on which additional income tax and National Insurance contributions may be payable. The Participant understands that they will be responsible for reporting and paying any income tax due on this additional benefit directly to HMRC under the self-assessment regime and for paying to the Company and/or the Employer (as appropriate) the amount of any National Insurance contributions due on this additional benefit, which may also be recovered from the Participant through any means set forth in the “Tax Withholding” section of the Agreement.
In the event that the Participant has failed to make arrangements pursuant to the “Tax Withholding” section of the Agreement, for the amount so indemnified hereunder, the Participant shall pay to the Company (or such other affiliate, as the case may be) the balance in cash promptly on written demand and in any event within 60 days from the date on which any relevant amount indemnified is due to be accounted for to the applicable tax authority. If such payment is not made, the Participant shall also be liable to account to the Company or any affiliate for any additional liability that may arise to the Company or such other affiliate as a result of the operation of Section 222 of Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003.
National Insurance Contributions Acknowledgment. As a condition of participation in the Plan and the vesting of the RSU Award, the Participant agrees to accept any liability for secondary Class 1 National Insurance Contributions which may be payable by the Company and/or the Employer in connection with the RSU Award and any event giving rise to Tax-Related Items (the “Employer NICs”). To accomplish the foregoing, the Participant agrees to execute a joint election with the Company, the form of such joint election being formally approved by HMRC (the “Joint Election”), and any other required consent or election. The Participant further agrees to execute such other joint elections as may be required between the Participant and any successor to the Company and/or the Employer. The Participant further agrees that the Company and/or the Employer may collect the Employer NICs from the Participant by any of the means set forth in Section 6.1 of the Agreement.
If, at the election of the Company, the Participant does not enter into a Joint Election prior to vesting of the RSU Award or if approval of the Joint Election has been withdrawn by HMRC, the RSU Award shall become null and void without any liability to the Company and/or the Employer and the Company may choose not to issue or deliver Shares upon vesting of the RSU Award.

Subject to the laws of the jurisdiction that the Participant is resident in or otherwise subject to, this provision shall apply to any Participant who is resident in a jurisdiction or otherwise subject to the laws of a jurisdiction that is subject to or has implemented GDPR (as hereinafter defined) (as may be amended from time to time and any successor thereto).
For the execution of the Plan and the Agreement it is necessary to process personal data relating to the Participant, consisting of full name, address, position, employer, appraisals and bank account details, employment related data (“Personal Data”).
The Personal Data shall, upon participation in the Plan, be provided to the Company by the Participant and/or any relevant Affiliate or Subsidiary. The Personal Data shall be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and any applicable national GDPR implementation law, which may for the processing of special categories of personal data (additionally) require the Participant’s (explicit) consent thereto.
The following shall apply:
1.For the execution and administration of the Plan and the Agreement, the Personal Data shall be transferred and processed outside of the European Economic Area (“EEA”), which shall be based on article 49(1)b of the GDPR where such transfer is of an incidental nature and is necessary for the entering into and execution of the Agreement with the Participant. Otherwise, any data transfers between the Company and any of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates shall be based on adequate transfer mechanisms that are implemented within the Company and any Subsidiary or Affiliate, such as the EU Model Clauses.
2.The Personal Data shall solely be processed by the Company (or any of its legal successors) when such processing is necessary for the execution and administration of the Plan or the Agreement and ensuing rights and obligations. Without such processing the Participant cannot participate in the Plan. Furthermore, the Personal Data shall be processed by the Company to comply with its legal obligations and/or for the purposes of its legitimate interest(s) such as to establish, exercise or defend its rights and legal position, and to monitor compliance with the Plan.
3.The Personal Data can be shared by the Company, with other third parties and the competent supervisory authorities in order to comply with its obligations (such as to comply with a request or order), with advisors or lawyers, based on a legitimate business interest to request advice, exercise its rights or with (potential) business partners in the context of a contemplated sale or restructuring of the Company or any Subsidiary or Affiliate.
4.The Personal Data shall be retained for 5 years after participation in the Plan has been terminated, unless longer retention of the Personal Data is required, for example, based on a legal obligation or in order to establish, defend or exercise a legal position.
5.The Participant has the right to request from the Company (or any of its relevant legal successors), access to and, under circumstances to request rectification or erasure of the Personal Data or restriction of processing of their Personal Data or to object to such processing as well as the right to data portability. The Participant has the right to lodge a complaint with respect to the processing of the Personal Data with the competent data protection authority.
6.The Participant may contact the Company with any questions regarding the processing of the Personal Data, to invoke their data subject’s rights or to obtain a copy of the mechanism for the (international) transfer of the Personal Data under this Plan.