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匹兹堡,2024年10月31日 - 美国钢铁公司(纽交所:X)报告2024年第三季度净收益为11900万美元,每股稀释收益为0.48美元。调整后的净收益为14000万美元,每股稀释收益为0.56美元。与2023年第三季度的净收益29900万美元,每股稀释收益为1.20美元相比。调整后的2023年第三季度净收益为35000万美元,每股稀释收益为1.40美元。
美国钢铁总统兼首席执行官David b. Burritt在对公司第三季度业绩发表意见时表示,“第三季度调整后的EBITDA为31900万美元,表明尽管我们各个业务板块所经历的平均销售价格下降,但我们的业务模式仍具有韧性。北美平板轧制业务板块继续受益于强大的商业策略,利用多样化产品组合和有计划地增加我们服务的最终市场的合同销量。我们的迷你炼铁厂业务板块虽然受到市场定价下降的影响,在调整4000万美元的一次性开支项目后,实现了11%的EBITDA利润率。USSE盈利受益于一次性有利的CO分配调整,抵消了欧洲需求环境带来的压力。管材板块的盈利在第三季度表现疲软,低于预期,反映了较低的基准价格。”2 盈利较弱的第三季度,如预期所示,显示了欧洲需求环境的压力,对管材的盈利表现较差。”
在谈到公司的战略举措时,伯里特继续表示:“我们非常高兴地宣布,在Big River 2(“BR2”)获得了首捆钢卷,Big River团队预计将在第四季度开始向客户发货。我们很兴奋地在今天发布的投资者介绍中展示了BR2的照片。祝贺Big River团队安全交付超过40亿美元的增长资本投资,其中包括非取向(“NGO”)电工钢线和双Galvalume线。® 同时搭配我们增强的商业策略和最近的投资

©2024 美国钢铁。保留所有权利 www.ussteel.com 600 Grant Street


关于与日本钢铁公司的交易,Burritt指出:“我们仍在努力争取年底前完成交易。重要的是,在九月份,仲裁委员会裁定支持U.S. 钢铁公司在我们的基本劳资协议下。我们也很高兴看到日本钢铁公司作出额外承诺,将扩大现有的收益,包括从日本钢铁公司每年50000万美元的研发支出中转移技术和进一步创新,以进一步增强交易的优势。我们期待将这些好处传递给所有的利益相关者,特别是我们莫恩山谷和盖瑞工厂辛勤工作的男女,日本钢铁公司已承诺至少投资13亿美元,将总资本承诺提高至至少27亿美元。”
Q4 2024 Outlook
我们预计第四季度调整后的EBITDA在22500万美元和27500万美元之间。 我们的北美平板轧制部门业绩应该会略有下降,主要是由于该季度平均售价预期较低。 我们预计迷你厂部门业绩将有所改善,即使考虑到BR2的2500万美元的相关启动和一次性施工成本,预计平均销售价格会有所提高。 在欧洲,由于缺乏正面CO对结果的影响,以及需求和价格条件疲软,预计业绩会下降。 我们的管材部门结果应该与第三季度基本一致。2 分配且基础需求和定价条件疲软。 我们的管材部门结果应该与第三季度基本一致。
净销售额$3,853 $4,431 $12,131 $13,909 
平轧$106 $225 $323 $449 
迷你厂(28)42 99 186 
美国钢铁欧洲(13)13 25 
管材(4)87 82 476 
利息和所得税前的总部门收益$84 $348 $514 $1,134 
利息和所得税前收益$48 $277 $383 $1,030 
所得税(收益)费用(10)42 84 237 
净收益$119 $299 $473 $975 
每股稀释收益$0.48 $1.20 $1.88 $3.86 
调整后的净收益 (a)
$140 $350 $557 $1,028 
每股调整后净收益 (a)
$0.56 $1.40 $2.21 $4.07 
利息、税项、折旧和摊销前调整后盈利(EBITDA) (a)
$319 $578 $1,176 $1,809 
(a) 请参阅本文件的非通用会计准则财务指标部分,以了解这些金额的调解情况。

©2024美国钢铁保留所有权利 www.ussteel.com 600 Grant Street

初步补充 统计 (未经审计)
平均实现价格: (美元/净吨,除非另有说明) (a)
平板轧制993 1,036 1,030 1,045 
迷你厂800 901 880 898 
美国钢铁欧洲802 852 818 910 
美国钢铁欧洲(€/净吨)730 783 753 840 
管材1,805 2,927 2,062 3,422 
钢铁出货量(净吨数): (a)
平板轧制1,905 2,159 5,999 6,672 
微型钢厂602 561 1,732 1,807 
美国钢铁欧洲899 958 2,846 2,875 
管材110 104 333 346 
总钢铁出货量3,516 3,782 10,910 11,700 
迷你轧钢厂到平板轧制厂84 145 288 370 
平板轧制厂到迷你轧钢厂(生铁)83 95 248 210 
平板轧制厂到美国钢铁(煤 )— 174 258 632 
平板轧制2,107 2,390 6,290 7,312 
小型轧钢厂732 693 2,174 2,201 
美国钢铁欧洲970 990 3,029 3,295 
管材159 111 422 411 
熟钢生产能力利用率: (b)
平板轧钢63 %72 %63 %74 %
小型轧钢厂88 %83 %88 %89 %
美国钢铁欧洲77 %79 %81 %88 %
管材70 %49 %62 %61 %
资本支出 (单位:百万美元)
平板轧制 114 132 378 375 
迷你轧钢厂364 423 1,302 1,474 
美国钢铁欧洲27 24 82 66 
管材20 24 
其他业务— — — — 
10,500,000$511 $586 $1,782 $1,939 
(a) 不包括部门间的运输。
(b) 基于平板轧制1320万净吨、迷你轧机330万净吨、美国钢铁欧洲500万净吨和管材90万净吨的年度原钢生产能力。

©2024 U. S. Steel All Rights Reserved www.ussteel.com United States Steel Corporation

News Release
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Dollars in millions, except per share amounts)2024202320242023
Net Sales$3,853 $4,431 $12,131 $13,909 
Operating expenses (income):
Cost of sales3,448 3,838 10,742 11,952 
Selling, general and administrative expenses104 118 328 320 
Depreciation, depletion and amortization235 230 662 675 
Earnings from investees(17)(51)(76)(76)
Asset impairment charges— — 19 
Restructuring and other charges18 11 21 
Other losses (gains), net30 62 (17)
Total operating expenses3,805 4,154 11,748 12,879 
Earnings before interest and income taxes48 277 383 1,030 
Net interest and other financial benefits(61)(64)(174)(182)
Earnings before income taxes109 341 557 1,212 
Income tax (benefit) expense(10)42 84 237 
Net earnings119 299 473 975 
Less: Net earnings attributable to noncontrolling interests— — — — 
Net earnings attributable to United States Steel Corporation$119 $299 $473 $975 
Net earnings per share attributable to United States Steel Corporation Stockholders
        Basic$0.53 $1.34 $2.10 $4.33 
        Diluted$0.48 $1.20 $1.88 $3.86 
    Weighted average shares, in thousands
        Basic225,095 223,109 224,697 225,311 
        Diluted254,060 253,070 254,124 255,080 
    Dividends paid per common share$0.05 $0.05 $0.15 $0.15 

©2024 U. S. Steel All Rights Reserved www.ussteel.com United States Steel Corporation

News Release
Nine Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Dollars in millions)20242023
Increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash
Operating activities:
Net earnings$473 $975 
Depreciation, depletion and amortization662 675 
Asset impairment charges19 
Restructuring and other charges11 21 
Pensions and other postretirement benefits(99)(124)
Active employee benefit investments51 20 
Deferred income taxes141 275 
Working capital changes(204)227 
Income taxes receivable/payable(127)(86)
Other operating activities(216)(276)
Net cash provided by operating activities711 1,711 
Investing activities:
Capital expenditures(1,782)(1,939)
Proceeds from sale of assets
Other investing activities(5)— 
Net cash used in investing activities(1,784)(1,935)
Financing activities:
Issuance of long-term debt, net of financing costs 241 
Repayment of long-term debt(46)(69)
Common stock repurchased— (175)
Other financing activities(58)(50)
Net cash used in financing activities(104)(53)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash(3)
Net decrease in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash(1,173)(280)
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of year2,988 3,539 
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at end of period$1,815 $3,259 

©2024 U. S. Steel All Rights Reserved www.ussteel.com United States Steel Corporation

News Release
September 30,December 31,
(Dollars in millions)20242023
Cash and cash equivalents$1,773 $2,948 
Receivables, net1,649 1,548 
Inventories2,039 2,128 
Other current assets305 319 
Total current assets5,766 6,943 
Operating lease assets82 109 
Property, plant and equipment, net11,665 10,393 
Investments and long-term receivables, net830 761 
Intangibles, net421 436 
Goodwill920 920 
Other noncurrent assets949 889 
Total assets$20,633 $20,451 
Accounts payable and other accrued liabilities2,745 3,028 
Payroll and benefits payable321 442 
Short-term debt and current maturities of long-term debt163 142 
Other current liabilities223 336 
Total current liabilities3,452 3,948 
Noncurrent operating lease liabilities51 73 
Long-term debt, less unamortized discount and debt issuance costs4,068 4,080 
Employee benefits124 126 
Deferred income tax liabilities732 587 
Other long-term liabilities535 497 
United States Steel Corporation stockholders' equity11,578 11,047 
Noncontrolling interests93 93 
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity$20,633 $20,451 

©2024 U. S. Steel All Rights Reserved www.ussteel.com United States Steel Corporation

News Release
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
Net earnings and diluted net earnings per share attributable to United States Steel Corporation, as reported$119 $0.48 $299 $1.20 $473 $1.88 $975 $3.86 
Restructuring and other charges18 11 21 
Stock-based compensation expense10 14 37 37 
Asset impairment charges— — 19 
VEBA asset surplus adjustment(9)(6)(21)(36)
Environmental remediation charges11 
Strategic alternatives review process costs18 16 59 16 
Granite City idling costs— 14 — 14 
Other charges, net
Adjusted pre-tax net earnings to United States Steel Corporation146 365 583 1,044 
Tax impact of adjusted items (a)
Adjusted net earnings and diluted net earnings per share attributable to United States Steel Corporation$140 $0.56 $350 $1.40 $557 $2.21 $1,028 $4.07 
Weighted average diluted ordinary shares outstanding, in millions254.1 253.1 254.1 255.1 
(a) The tax impact of adjusted items for both the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, and 2023 were calculated using a blended tax rate of 24%.

Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Dollars in millions)2024202320242023
Reconciliation to Adjusted EBITDA
Net earnings attributable to United States Steel Corporation$119 $299 $473 975 
Income tax (benefit) expense(10)42 84 237 
Net interest and other financial benefits(61)(64)(174)(182)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense235 230 662 675 
EBITDA283 507 1,045 1,705 
Restructuring and other charges18 11 21 
Stock-based compensation expense10 14 37 37 
Asset impairment charges— — 19 
Environmental remediation charges11 
Strategic alternatives review process costs18 16 59 16 
Granite City idling costs— 14 — 14 
Other charges, net— 
Adjusted EBITDA$319 $578 $1,176 $1,809 
Net earnings margin (a)
3.1 %6.7 %3.9 %7.0 %
Adjusted EBITDA margin (a)
8.3 %13.0 %9.7 %13.0 %
(a) The net earnings and adjusted EBITDA margins represent net earnings or adjusted EBITDA divided by net sales.

©2024 U. S. Steel All Rights Reserved www.ussteel.com United States Steel Corporation

News Release
QuarterQuarterQuarterQuarterTotal of the
(Dollars in millions)2023202420242024Four Quarters
Net cash provided (used) by operating activities$389 $(28)$474 $265 $1,100 
Net cash used in investing activities(633)(645)(630)(509)(2,417)
Free cash flow(244)(673)(156)(244)(1,317)
Strategic capital expenditures425 468 468 346 1,707 
Investable free cash flow$181 $(205)$312 $102 $390 

©2024 U. S. Steel All Rights Reserved www.ussteel.com United States Steel Corporation

News Release
We present adjusted net earnings, adjusted net earnings per diluted share, earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA), adjusted EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA margin, which are non-GAAP measures, as additional measurements to enhance the understanding of our operating performance. We believe that EBITDA, considered along with net earnings, is a relevant indicator of trends relating to our operating performance and provides management and investors with additional information for comparison of our operating results to the operating results of other companies.
Adjusted net earnings and adjusted net earnings per diluted share are non-GAAP measures that exclude the effects of items that include: restructuring and other charges, stock-based compensation expense, asset impairment charges, VEBA asset surplus adjustment, environmental remediation charges, strategic alternatives review process costs, Granite City idling costs, tax impact of adjusted items and other charges, net (Adjustment Items). Adjusted EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA margins are also non-GAAP measures that exclude the effects of certain Adjustment Items. We present adjusted net earnings, adjusted net earnings per diluted share, adjusted EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA margin to enhance the understanding of our ongoing operating performance and established trends affecting our core operations by excluding the effects of events that can obscure underlying trends. U. S. Steel's management considers adjusted net earnings, adjusted net earnings per diluted share, adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA margin as alternative measures of operating performance and not alternative measures of the Company's liquidity. U. S. Steel’s management considers adjusted net earnings, adjusted net earnings per diluted share, adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA margin useful to investors by facilitating a comparison of our operating performance to the operating performance of our competitors. Additionally, the presentation of adjusted net earnings, adjusted net earnings per diluted share, adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA margin provides insight into management’s view and assessment of the Company’s ongoing operating performance because management does not consider the Adjustment Items when evaluating the Company’s financial performance. Adjusted net earnings, adjusted net earnings per diluted share, adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted EBITDA margin should not be considered a substitute for net earnings, earnings per diluted share or other financial measures as computed in accordance with U.S. GAAP and are not necessarily comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies.
We also present free cash flow, a non-GAAP measure of cash generated from operations after any investing activity and investable free cash flow, a non-GAAP measure of cash generated from operations after any investing activity adjusted for strategic capital expenditures. We believe that free cash flow and investable free cash flow provide further insight into the Company's overall utilization of cash. A condensed consolidated statement of operations (unaudited), condensed consolidated cash flow statement (unaudited), condensed consolidated balance sheet (unaudited) and preliminary supplemental statistics (unaudited) for U. S. Steel are attached.
This release contains information regarding the Company and Nippon Steel Corporation ("NSC") that may constitute “forward-looking statements,” as that term is defined under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other securities laws, that are subject to risks and uncertainties. We intend the forward-looking statements to be covered by the safe harbor provisions for forward-looking statements in those sections. Generally, we have identified such forward-looking statements by using the words “believe,” “expect,” “intend,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “project,” “target,” “forecast,” “aim,” “should,” “plan,” “goal,” “future,” “will,” “may” and similar expressions or by using future dates in connection with any discussion of, among other things, statements expressing general views about future operating or financial results, operating or financial performance, trends, events or developments that we expect or anticipate will occur in the future, anticipated cost savings, potential capital and operational cash improvements and changes in the global economic environment, the construction or operation of new or existing facilities or capabilities, statements regarding our greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals, as well as statements regarding the proposed transaction between the Company and NSC, including the timing of the completion of the transaction. However, the absence of these words or similar expressions does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not historical facts, but instead represent only the Company’s beliefs regarding

©2024 U. S. Steel All Rights Reserved www.ussteel.com United States Steel Corporation

News Release
future goals, plans and expectations about our prospects for the future and other events, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and outside of the Company’s or NSC’s control. It is possible that the Company’s or NSC’s actual results and financial condition may differ, possibly materially, from the anticipated results and financial condition indicated in these forward-looking statements. Management of the Company believes that these forward-looking statements are reasonable as of the time made. However, caution should be taken not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements because such statements speak only as of the date when made. In addition, forward looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company’s or NSC's historical experience and our present expectations or projections. Risks and uncertainties include without limitation: the ability of the parties to consummate the proposed transaction on a timely basis or at all; the timing, receipt and terms and conditions of any required governmental and regulatory approvals of the proposed transaction; the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstances that could give rise to the termination of the definitive agreement and plan of merger relating to the proposed transaction (the “Merger Agreement”); the risk that the parties to the Merger Agreement may not be able to satisfy the conditions to the proposed transaction in a timely manner or at all; risks related to disruption of management time from ongoing business operations due to the proposed transaction; certain restrictions during the pendency of the proposed transaction that may impact the Company’s ability to pursue certain business opportunities or strategic transactions; the risk that any announcements relating to the proposed transaction could have adverse effects on the market price of the Company’s common stock; the risk of any unexpected costs or expenses resulting from the proposed transaction; the risk of any litigation relating to the proposed transaction; the risk that the proposed transaction and its announcement could have an adverse effect on the ability of the Company or NSC to retain customers and retain and hire key personnel and maintain relationships with customers, suppliers, employees, stockholders and other business relationships and on its operating results and business generally; and the risk the pending proposed transaction could distract management of the Company. The Company directs readers to its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024 and Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and the other documents it files with the SEC for other risks associated with the Company’s future performance. These documents contain and identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. All information in this report is as of the date above. The Company does not undertake any duty to update any forward-looking statement to conform the statement to actual results or changes in the Company’s expectations whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.

Founded in 1901, United States Steel Corporation is a leading steel producer. With an unwavering focus on safety, the Company’s customer-centric Best for All® strategy is advancing a more secure, sustainable future for U. S. Steel and its stakeholders. With a renewed emphasis on innovation, U. S. Steel serves the automotive, construction, appliance, energy, containers, and packaging industries with high value-added steel products such as U. S. Steel’s proprietary XG3® advanced high-strength steel. The Company also maintains competitively advantaged iron ore production and has an annual raw steelmaking capability of 25.4 million net tons. U. S. Steel is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with world-class operations across the United States and in Central Europe. For more information, please visit www.ussteel.com.

©2024 U. S. Steel All Rights Reserved www.ussteel.com United States Steel Corporation