連絡先:キャスパー・チューダー、投資家部長 関係 — (508) 482-2429
ウォーターズコーポレーション(NYSE:WAT)が2024年第3四半期を発表 財務結果
• | 740ドルの売上100万件が予想を上回り、報告どおり4%、一定で4%増加しました 通貨 |
• | 商品は成長に戻り、経常収益は固定通貨ベースで一桁台の高成長を遂げました |
• | 報告されたすべての地域は、四半期に成長に戻りました。売上高は、以下の点を中心に、すべてのエンドマーケットで増加しました。 製薬と工業用 |
• | ギャップEPSは2.71ドルと 非GAAPベースの 2.93ドルのEPSを大幅に上回りました 堅調な業績と予想を上回る市況に牽引されたガイダンス |
• | 通年の売上高とEPSの予想を引き上げました。第4四半期には5~ 7% の通貨成長が見込まれます 四半期 |
マサチューセッツ州ミルフォード、2024年11月1日- ウォーターズコーポレーション(NYSE:WAT) 本日、2024年第3四半期の決算を発表しました。
2024年第3四半期の売上高は7億4,000万ドルで、2023年第3四半期の売上高7億1,200万ドルと比較して、報告によると 4% 増加しました。 通貨換算が売上に与える影響は最小限でした。
GAAPベースでは、2024年第3四半期の希薄化後1株当たり利益(EPS)は2.71ドルでしたが、 2023年の第3四半期は2.27ドルです。で 非GAAPベースの ベーシスでは、2023年第3四半期のEPSは2.84ドルでしたが、EPSは2.93ドルでした。これには、不利な外国為替による約2%の逆風が含まれます。
「新製品の採用と顧客の支出傾向の改善に支えられて、第3四半期には並外れた業績を上げました」とUdit Batra博士は言います。 ウォーターズコーポレーション社長兼最高経営責任者。「製薬および産業顧客への液体クロマトグラフィーの売上が好転したため、機器は予想よりも早く成長に戻りました。」
バトラ博士は続けます。「将来を見据えると、当社の堅調な商業執行、競争力のある製品ポートフォリオ、および優れた経営成績が私たちに与えてくれます。 ウォーターズの長期的な見通しには自信があります。」
2024年第3四半期には、医薬品市場への売り上げは、報告された数字で2%増加し、constant currencyでは3%増加しました。 産業市場への売り上げは、報告された数字で9%増加し、constant currencyでは7%増加しました。 学術および政府市場への売り上げは、報告された数字で2%増加し、constant currencyでは横ばいでした。
四半期中、機器システムの売上は、報告された数字で1%増加し、constant currencyでは増加しました。 サービスと精密化学品の組み合わせである継続的な収益は、報告された数字で6%増加し、constant currencyでは7%増加しました。
地域別では、アジアの売り上げは四半期に基づいて5%増加し、constant currencyでは6%増加しました。 米州の売り上げは、報告された数字で1%増加し、constant currencyでは増加しました。 ヨーロッパの売り上げは、報告された数字で6%増加し、constant currencyでは4%増加しました。
特に記載がない限り、売上成長と減少の割合は表記されています。 報告時 GAAPからの説明および調整 そして、そのような消極的なコメント-投資家たちのネガティブな反応を考慮すると、今日シャッターストックを売却するべきかどうかの問題が生じます。そして答えは:売却することはおすすめしません。 以下に結果が表として示され、会社のウェブサイトwww.waters.comの投資家向けページで見ることができます。
会社は通年2024年の売上ガイダンスを引き上げ、有機的な一定通貨売上成長率を以下の範囲で期待しています -0.9%売上高 調整後 EBITDA の-0.3%. 通貨換算により、通年の売上成長率が1.2%減少する見込みです。ワイアット取引からのM&A貢献は初めの4か半月をカバーし、通年報告売上に1.3%を追加しました。これにより、2024年通年の報告売上成長は以下の範囲で期待されています 四か半今後の一年商売のが範囲でしょう。 -0.8%売上高 調整後 EBITDA の-0.2%.
同社は、2024年の完全な年間eps予測も引き上げております そして、そのような消極的なコメント-投資家たちのネガティブな反応を考慮すると、今日シャッターストックを売却するべきかどうかの問題が生じます。そして答えは:売却することはおすすめしません。 範囲が11.67ドルから11.87ドルになるように変更されましたが、外国為替の影響による約3%の不利な相場が含まれています
以下の表を参照して、予測されるGAAPからの金融見通しについて そして、そのような消極的なコメント-投資家たちのネガティブな反応を考慮すると、今日シャッターストックを売却するべきかどうかの問題が生じます。そして答えは:売却することはおすすめしません。 全年の財務見通しについての調整については、以下の表を参照してください
会社は2024年第4四半期の一貫した通貨ベースの売上成長率を+5.0%から+7.0%の範囲で予測しています。通貨換算では第4四半期の売上成長率が減少することが予想されています。 四半期の売上成長率が1.7%減少する見込みです。結果として、2024年第4四半期の報告済み売上成長率は+3.3%から+5.3%の範囲内で予想されています。 会社は2024年第4四半期のEPSが$3.90から$4.10の範囲内であると想定しており、これには不利な外国為替による約3%の逆風が含まれています。
会社は第4四半期2024年の売上成長率を予測しています 第4四半期2024年 そして、そのような消極的なコメント-投資家たちのネガティブな反応を考慮すると、今日シャッターストックを売却するべきかどうかの問題が生じます。そして答えは:売却することはおすすめしません。 は、約3%の不利な外国為替による見積もられた逆風を含む、$3.90から$4.10の範囲内にあると想定されています。
下記の表を参照して、予測されたGAAPの調整について確認してください。 そして、そのような消極的なコメント-投資家たちのネガティブな反応を考慮すると、今日シャッターストックを売却するべきかどうかの問題が生じます。そして答えは:売却することはおすすめしません。 第四四半期の財務展望 quarter.
ウォーターズコーポレーションは、本日、2024年11月1日午前8時(東部標準時)に、2024年第3四半期決算電話会議をウェブキャストします。聞くには 電話をして、添付のスライドプレゼンテーションを見てください。 www.waters.com、「Waters について」セクションで「投資家向け情報」を選択し、「イベントとプレゼンテーション」に移動して、をクリックしてください 「ウェブキャスト。」リプレイは、2024年11月29日まで、同じウェブサイトでウェブキャストと電話(888)で視聴できます。 282-0031.
ウォーターズコーポレーション(NYSE: WAT)、 分析機器とソフトウェアの世界的リーダーであり、65年以上にわたり、生命、材料、食品、環境科学に役立つクロマトグラフィー、質量分析、熱分析の革新を開拓してきました。およそ7,500で 世界中の従業員を抱えるウォーターズは、15 の製造施設を含む 35 か国で直接事業を展開しており、100 か国以上で製品を提供しています。詳細については、以下をご覧ください www.waters.com.
非GAAPベースです 財務対策
このプレスリリースには、有機的固定通貨成長率、調整後営業利益、調整後純利益、調整後純利益、調整後などの財務指標が含まれています 希薄化後1株当たり利益とフリーキャッシュフローなど、考慮されるのは 「非GAAP」 適用される米国証券取引委員会の規則および規制に基づく財務措置です。これら 非GAAPベースの 財務指標は、米国の一般に認められた会計原則(GAAP)に従って作成された財務情報を補足するものであり、それに代わるものではないと考えるべきです。会社の これらの定義 非GAAPベースの 対策は、他の人が使用している同様のタイトルの測定値とは異なる場合があります。ザル 非GAAPベースの このプレスリリースで使用されている財務指標は 非常に変動しやすい、または予測が難しい特定の項目。会社は一般的にこれらを使います 非GAAPベースの 経営陣の財務上および業務上の意思決定を容易にするための財務対策、 会社の過去の経営成績の評価、競合他社の業績との比較、経営陣のインセンティブ報酬の決定を含みます。これら 非GAAPベースの 金融 指標は、GAAPの結果と対応するGAAP財務指標との調整と合わせて見ると、要因をより完全に理解できるようになる、会社の事業の各側面を見るための別の見方を反映しています。 会社の事業に影響を与える動向。なぜなら 非GAAPベースの 財務指標には、会社が報告する経営成績、経営成績を増加または減少させる項目の影響は含まれていません 投資家に会社の連結財務諸表と公開報告書全体を確認することを強くお勧めします。の調整 非GAAPベースの 一番の財務対策 直接比較可能なGAAP財務指標は、このリリースに添付されている表に含まれています。
このリリースには、将来の業績と出来事に関する「将来の見通しの」記述が含まれています。この目的のためには、以下の記述ではないすべての陳述 歴史的事実は将来の見通しに関する記述と見なすことができます。上記を制限することなく、「感じる」、「信じる」、「期待する」、「計画する」、「期待する」、「意図する」、「提案する」という言葉は、 「見た目」、「見積もり」、「プロジェクト」、および同様の表現は、否定的か肯定的かを問わず、将来の見通しに関する記述を識別することを目的としています。会社の実際の将来の業績は大きく異なる可能性があります 将来の見通しで説明した結果から
statements within this release for a variety of reasons, including and without limitation, risks related to, and expectations or ability to realize commercial success of the Wyatt transaction; the impact of this transaction on the Company’s business, anticipated progress on Waters’ research programs, development of new analytical instruments and associated software or consumables, manufacturing development and capabilities; the increased indebtedness of the Company as a result of the Wyatt transaction, the repayment of which could impact the Company’s future results, market prospects for its products and sales and earnings guidance; foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations potentially affecting translation of the Company’s future non-U.S. operating results, particularly when a foreign currency weakens against the U.S. dollar; current global economic, sovereign and political conditions and uncertainties, including the effect of new or proposed tariff or trade regulations as well as other new or changed domestic and foreign laws, regulations and policies; changes in inflation and interest rates; the impacts and costs of war, in particular as a result of the ongoing conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and in the Middle East, and the possibility of further escalation resulting in new geopolitical and regulatory instability; the Chinese government’s ongoing tightening of restrictions on procurement by government-funded customers; the Company’s ability to access capital, maintain liquidity and service the Company’s debt in volatile market conditions; risks related to the effects of any pandemic on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects; changes in timing and demand for the Company’s products among the Company’s customers and various market sectors, particularly as a result of fluctuations in their expenditures or ability to obtain funding; the ability to realize the expected benefits related to the Company’s various cost-saving initiatives, including workforce reductions and organizational restructurings; the introduction of competing products by other companies and loss of market share, as well as pressures on prices from competitors and/or customers; changes in the competitive landscape as a result of changes in ownership, mergers and continued consolidation among the Company’s competitors; regulatory, economic and competitive obstacles to new product introductions; lack of acceptance of new products and inability to grow organically through innovation; rapidly changing technology and product obsolescence; risks associated with previous or future acquisitions, strategic investments, joint ventures and divestitures, including risks associated with achieving the anticipated financial results and operational synergies; contingent purchase price payments and expansion of our business into new or developing markets; risks associated with unexpected disruptions in operations; failure to adequately protect the Company’s intellectual property, infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties and inability to obtain licenses on commercially reasonable terms; the Company’s ability to acquire adequate sources of supply and its reliance on outside contractors for certain components and modules, as well as disruptions to its supply chain; risks associated with third-party sales intermediaries and resellers; the impact and costs of changes in statutory or contractual tax rates in jurisdictions in which the Company operates as well as shifts in taxable income among jurisdictions with different effective tax rates, the outcome of ongoing and future tax examinations and changes in legislation affecting the Company’s effective tax rate; the Company’s ability to attract and retain qualified employees and management personnel; risks associated with cybersecurity and technology, including attempts by third parties to defeat the security measures of the Company and its third-party partners; increased regulatory burdens as the Company’s business evolves, especially with respect to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, among others, and in connection with government contracts; regulatory, environmental and logistical obstacles affecting the distribution of the Company’s products, completion of purchase order documentation and the ability of customers to obtain letters of credit or other financing alternatives; risks associated with litigation and other legal and regulatory proceedings; and the impact and costs incurred from changes in accounting principles and practices. Such factors and others are discussed more fully in the sections entitled “Forward-Looking Statements” and “Risk Factors” of the Company’s annual report
on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as well as in the sections entitled “Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” and “Risk Factors” of the Company’s quarterly reports on Form 10-Q for the quarterly periods ended March 30, 2024 and June 29, 2024, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), which discussions are incorporated by reference in this release, as updated by the Company’s future filings with the SEC. The forward-looking statements included in this release represent the Company’s estimates or views as of the date of this release and should not be relied upon as representing the Company’s estimates or views as of any date subsequent to the date of this release. Except as required by law, the Company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements.
Waters Corporation and Subsidiaries
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(In thousands, except per share data)
Three Months Ended | Nine Months Ended | |||||||||||||||
September 28, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
September 28, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Net sales |
$ | 740,305 | $ | 711,692 | $ | 2,085,673 | $ | 2,136,942 | ||||||||
Costs and operating expenses: |
Cost of sales |
301,655 | 291,407 | 851,685 | 876,863 | ||||||||||||
Selling and administrative expenses |
169,097 | 186,748 | 516,880 | 555,657 | ||||||||||||
Research and development expenses |
45,336 | 41,995 | 136,113 | 130,559 | ||||||||||||
Purchased intangibles amortization |
11,759 | 12,116 | 35,337 | 20,410 | ||||||||||||
Litigation provision |
1,326 | — | 11,568 | — | ||||||||||||
Operating income |
211,132 | 179,426 | 534,090 | 553,453 | ||||||||||||
Other (expense) income, net |
(338 | ) | 328 | 1,619 | 1,364 | |||||||||||
Interest expense, net |
(17,177 | ) | (26,559 | ) | (57,824 | ) | (56,174 | ) | ||||||||
Income from operations before income taxes |
193,617 | 153,195 | 477,885 | 498,643 | ||||||||||||
Provision for income taxes |
32,114 | 18,643 | 71,449 | 72,614 | ||||||||||||
Net income |
$ | 161,503 | $ | 134,552 | $ | 406,436 | $ | 426,029 | ||||||||
Net income per basic common share |
$ | 2.72 | $ | 2.28 | $ | 6.85 | $ | 7.21 | ||||||||
Weighted-average number of basic common shares |
59,367 | 59,093 | 59,314 | 59,061 | ||||||||||||
Net income per diluted common share |
$ | 2.71 | $ | 2.27 | $ | 6.83 | $ | 7.19 | ||||||||
Weighted-average number of diluted common shares and equivalents |
59,504 | 59,255 | 59,471 | 59,262 |
Waters Corporation and Subsidiaries
Reconciliation of GAAP to Adjusted Non-GAAP
Net Sales by Operating Segments, Products & Services, Geography and Markets
Three Months Ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023
(In thousands)
Constant | ||||||||||||||||||||
Three Months Ended | Percent | Impact of | Currency | |||||||||||||||||
September 28, 2024 | September 30, 2023 | Change | Currency | Growth Rate (a) | ||||||||||||||||
Waters |
$ | 655,652 | $ | 629,348 | 4 | % | 0 | % | 4 | % | ||||||||||
TA |
84,653 | 82,344 | 3 | % | 1 | % | 2 | % | ||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 740,305 | $ | 711,692 | 4 | % | 0 | % | 4 | % | ||||||||||
Instruments |
$ | 323,076 | $ | 319,431 | 1 | % | 0 | % | 1 | % | ||||||||||
Service |
278,294 | 263,611 | 6 | % | 0 | % | 6 | % | ||||||||||||
Chemistry |
138,935 | 128,650 | 8 | % | 0 | % | 8 | % | ||||||||||||
Total Recurring |
417,229 | 392,261 | 6 | % | (1 | %) | 7 | % | ||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 740,305 | $ | 711,692 | 4 | % | 0 | % | 4 | % | ||||||||||
Asia |
$ | 251,329 | $ | 238,228 | 5 | % | (1 | %) | 6 | % | ||||||||||
Americas |
279,136 | 275,479 | 1 | % | 0 | % | 1 | % | ||||||||||||
Europe |
209,840 | 197,985 | 6 | % | 2 | % | 4 | % | ||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 740,305 | $ | 711,692 | 4 | % | 0 | % | 4 | % | ||||||||||
Pharmaceutical |
$ | 430,138 | $ | 421,535 | 2 | % | (1 | %) | 3 | % | ||||||||||
Industrial |
227,740 | 209,449 | 9 | % | 2 | % | 7 | % | ||||||||||||
Academic & Government |
82,427 | 80,708 | 2 | % | 2 | % | 0 | % | ||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 740,305 | $ | 711,692 | 4 | % | 0 | % | 4 | % | ||||||||||
(a) | The Company believes that referring to comparable constant currency growth rates is a useful way to evaluate the underlying performance of Waters Corporation’s net sales. Constant currency growth, a non-GAAP financial measure, measures the change in net sales between current and prior year periods, excluding the impact of foreign currency exchange rates during the current period. See description of non-GAAP financial measures contained in this release. |
Waters Corporation and Subsidiaries
Reconciliation of GAAP to Adjusted Non-GAAP
Net Sales by Operating Segments, Products & Services, Geography and Markets
Nine Months Ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023
(In thousands)
Organic | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Constant | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nine Months Ended | Percent | Impact of | Impact of | Currency | ||||||||||||||||||||
September 28, 2024 | September 30, 2023 | Change | Currency | Acquisitions | Growth Rate (a) | |||||||||||||||||||
Waters |
$ | 1,840,112 | $ | 1,884,658 | (2 | %) | (1 | %) | 2 | % | (3 | %) | ||||||||||||
TA |
245,561 | 252,284 | (3 | %) | (1 | %) | 0 | % | (2 | %) | ||||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 2,085,673 | $ | 2,136,942 | (2 | %) | (1 | %) | 2 | % | (3 | %) | ||||||||||||
Instruments |
$ | 859,079 | $ | 964,380 | (11 | %) | 0 | % | 3 | % | (14 | %) | ||||||||||||
Service |
812,367 | 774,478 | 5 | % | (1 | %) | 1 | % | 5 | % | ||||||||||||||
Chemistry |
414,227 | 398,084 | 4 | % | (1 | %) | 0 | % | 5 | % | ||||||||||||||
Total Recurring |
1,226,594 | 1,172,562 | 5 | % | (1 | %) | 1 | % | 5 | % | ||||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 2,085,673 | $ | 2,136,942 | (2 | %) | (1 | %) | 2 | % | (3 | %) | ||||||||||||
Asia |
$ | 696,319 | $ | 745,932 | (7 | %) | (3 | %) | 1 | % | (5 | %) | ||||||||||||
Americas |
794,775 | 804,827 | (1 | %) | 0 | % | 3 | % | (4 | %) | ||||||||||||||
Europe |
594,579 | 586,183 | 1 | % | 2 | % | 2 | % | (3 | %) | ||||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 2,085,673 | $ | 2,136,942 | (2 | %) | (1 | %) | 2 | % | (3 | %) | ||||||||||||
Pharmaceutical |
$ | 1,220,092 | $ | 1,233,177 | (1 | %) | (1 | %) | 2 | % | (2 | %) | ||||||||||||
Industrial |
644,459 | 648,754 | (1 | %) | 0 | % | 1 | % | (2 | %) | ||||||||||||||
Academic & Government |
221,122 | 255,011 | (13 | %) | 1 | % | 2 | % | (16 | %) | ||||||||||||||
Total |
$ | 2,085,673 | $ | 2,136,942 | (2 | %) | (1 | %) | 2 | % | (3 | %) | ||||||||||||
(a) | The Company believes that referring to comparable organic constant currency growth rates is a useful way to evaluate the underlying performance of Waters Corporation’s net sales. Organic constant currency growth, a non-GAAP financial measure, measures the change in net sales between current and prior year periods, excluding the impact of foreign currency exchange rates during the current period and excluding the impact of acquisitions made within twelve months of the acquisition close date. See description of non-GAAP financial measures contained in this release. |
Waters Corporation and Subsidiaries
Reconciliation of GAAP to Adjusted Non-GAAP Financials
Three and Nine Months Ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023
(In thousands, except per share data)
Selling & Administrative Expenses(a) |
Research & Development Expenses |
Operating Income |
Operating Income Percentage |
Other (Expense) Income |
Income from Operations before Income Taxes |
Provision for Income Taxes |
Net Income |
Diluted Earnings per Share |
Three Months Ended September 28, 2024 |
$ | 182,182 | $ | 45,336 | $ | 211,132 | 28.5 | % | $ | (338 | ) | $ | 193,617 | $ | 32,114 | $ | 161,503 | $ | 2.71 | |||||||||||||||||
Adjustments: |
Purchased intangibles amortization (b) |
(11,759 | ) | — | 11,759 | 1.6 | % | — | 11,759 | 2,814 | 8,945 | 0.15 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Litigation provision (c) |
(1,326 | ) | — | 1,326 | 0.2 | % | — | 1,326 | 318 | 1,008 | 0.02 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Restructuring costs and certain other items (d) |
(1,194 | ) | — | 1,194 | 0.2 | % | — | 1,194 | 282 | 912 | 0.02 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Retention bonus obligation (f) |
(1,909 | ) | (636 | ) | 2,545 | 0.3 | % | — | 2,545 | 611 | 1,934 | 0.03 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted Non-GAAP |
$ | 165,994 | $ | 44,700 | $ | 227,956 | 30.8 | % | $ | (338 | ) | $ | 210,441 | $ | 36,139 | $ | 174,302 | $ | 2.93 | |||||||||||||||||
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 |
$ | 198,864 | $ | 41,995 | $ | 179,426 | 25.2 | % | $ | 328 | $ | 153,195 | $ | 18,643 | $ | 134,552 | $ | 2.27 | ||||||||||||||||||
Adjustments: |
Purchased intangibles amortization (b) |
(12,116 | ) | — | 12,116 | 1.7 | % | — | 12,116 | 2,901 | 9,215 | 0.16 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Restructuring costs and certain other items (d) |
(24,057 | ) | — | 24,057 | 3.4 | % | (651 | ) | 23,406 | 5,387 | 18,019 | 0.30 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acquisition related costs (e) |
(1,263 | ) | — | 1,263 | 0.2 | % | — | 1,263 | 303 | 960 | 0.02 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Retention bonus obligation (f) |
(5,725 | ) | (1,909 | ) | 7,634 | 1.1 | % | — | 7,634 | 1,832 | 5,802 | 0.10 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted Non-GAAP |
$ | 155,703 | $ | 40,086 | $ | 224,496 | 31.5 | % | $ | (323 | ) | $ | 197,614 | $ | 29,066 | $ | 168,548 | $ | 2.84 | |||||||||||||||||
Nine Months Ended September 28, 2024 |
$ | 563,785 | $ | 136,113 | $ | 534,090 | 25.6 | % | $ | 1,619 | $ | 477,885 | $ | 71,449 | $ | 406,436 | $ | 6.83 | ||||||||||||||||||
Adjustments: |
Purchased intangibles amortization (b) |
(35,337 | ) | — | 35,337 | 1.7 | % | — | 35,337 | 8,456 | 26,881 | 0.45 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Litigation provision and settlement (c) |
(11,568 | ) | — | 11,568 | 0.6 | % | — | 11,568 | 2,776 | 8,792 | 0.15 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Restructuring costs and certain other items (d) |
(10,680 | ) | — | 10,680 | 0.5 | % | — | 10,680 | 2,617 | 8,063 | 0.14 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Retention bonus obligation (f) |
(11,451 | ) | (3,817 | ) | 15,268 | 0.7 | % | — | 15,268 | 3,664 | 11,604 | 0.20 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted Non-GAAP |
$ | 494,749 | $ | 132,296 | $ | 606,943 | 29.1 | % | $ | 1,619 | $ | 550,738 | $ | 88,962 | $ | 461,776 | $ | 7.76 | ||||||||||||||||||
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 |
$ | 576,067 | $ | 130,559 | $ | 553,453 | 25.9 | % | $ | 1,364 | $ | 498,643 | $ | 72,614 | $ | 426,029 | $ | 7.19 | ||||||||||||||||||
Adjustments: |
Purchased intangibles amortization (b) |
(20,410 | ) | — | 20,410 | 1.0 | % | — | 20,410 | 4,852 | 15,558 | 0.26 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Restructuring costs and certain other items (d) |
(28,881 | ) | — | 28,881 | 1.4 | % | (651 | ) | 28,230 | 6,860 | 21,370 | 0.36 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acquisition related costs (e) |
(13,298 | ) | — | 13,298 | 0.6 | % | — | 13,298 | 3,191 | 10,107 | 0.17 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Retention bonus obligation (f) |
(8,368 | ) | (2,790 | ) | 11,158 | 0.5 | % | — | 11,158 | 2,678 | 8,480 | 0.14 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adjusted Non-GAAP |
$ | 505,110 | $ | 127,769 | $ | 627,200 | 29.4 | % | $ | 713 | $ | 571,739 | $ | 90,195 | $ | 481,544 | $ | 8.13 | ||||||||||||||||||
(a) | Selling & administrative expenses include purchased intangibles amortization and litigation provisions and settlements. |
(b) | The purchased intangibles amortization, a non-cash expense, was excluded to be consistent with how management evaluates the performance of its core business against historical operating results and the operating results of competitors over periods of time. |
(c) | Litigation provisions and settlement gains were excluded as these items are isolated, unpredictable and not expected to recur regularly. |
(d) | Restructuring costs and certain other items were excluded as the Company believes that the cost to consolidate operations, reduce overhead, and certain other income or expense items are not normal and do not represent future ongoing business expenses of a specific function or geographic location of the Company. |
(e) | Acquisition related costs include all incremental expenses incurred, such as advisory, legal, accounting, tax, valuation, and other professional fees. The Company believes that these costs are not normal and do not represent future ongoing business expenses. |
(f) | In connection with the Wyatt acquisition, the Company started to recognize a two-year retention bonus obligation that is contingent upon the employee’s providing future service and continued employment with Waters. The Company believes that these costs are not normal and do not represent future ongoing business expenses. |
Waters Corporation and Subsidiaries
Preliminary Condensed Unclassified Consolidated Balance Sheets
(In thousands and unaudited)
September 28, 2024 | December 31, 2023 | |||||||
Cash, cash equivalents and investments |
$ | 331,458 | $ | 395,974 | ||||
Accounts receivable |
669,534 | 702,168 | ||||||
Inventories |
518,994 | 516,236 | ||||||
Property, plant and equipment, net |
642,627 | 639,073 | ||||||
Intangible assets, net |
591,883 | 629,187 | ||||||
Goodwill |
1,306,593 | 1,305,446 | ||||||
Other assets |
450,531 | 438,770 | ||||||
Total assets |
$ | 4,511,620 | $ | 4,626,854 | ||||
Notes payable and debt |
$ | 1,826,248 | $ | 2,355,513 | ||||
Other liabilities |
1,082,273 | 1,121,000 | ||||||
Total liabilities |
2,908,521 | 3,476,513 | ||||||
Total stockholders’ equity |
1,603,099 | 1,150,341 | ||||||
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity |
$ | 4,511,620 | $ | 4,626,854 |
Waters Corporation and Subsidiaries
Preliminary Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Three and Nine Months Ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023
(In thousands and unaudited)
Three Months Ended | Nine Months Ended | |||||||||||||||
September 28, 2024 | September 30, 2023 | September 28, 2024 | September 30, 2023 | |||||||||||||
Cash flows from operating activities: |
Net income |
$ | 161,503 | $ | 134,552 | $ | 406,436 | $ | 426,029 | ||||||||
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: |
Stock-based compensation |
10,647 | 8,490 | 32,993 | 32,224 | ||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization |
47,507 | 47,807 | 143,250 | 117,845 | ||||||||||||
Change in operating assets and liabilities and other, net |
(15,077 | ) | (33,031 | ) | (60,695 | ) | (203,411 | ) | ||||||||
Net cash provided by operating activities |
204,580 | 157,818 | 521,984 | 372,687 | ||||||||||||
Cash flows from investing activities: |
Additions to property, plant, equipment and software capitalization |
(25,618 | ) | (38,047 | ) | (90,377 | ) | (119,044 | ) | ||||||||
Business acquisitions, net of cash acquired |
— | — | — | (1,285,907 | ) | |||||||||||
(Investments in) proceeds from unaffiliated companies |
(425 | ) | 651 | (1,489 | ) | 651 | ||||||||||
Net change in investments |
(8 | ) | (5 | ) | (44 | ) | (21 | ) | ||||||||
Net cash used in investing activities |
(26,051 | ) | (37,401 | ) | (91,910 | ) | (1,404,321 | ) | ||||||||
Cash flows from financing activities: |
Net change in debt |
(180,000 | ) | (125,181 | ) | (530,000 | ) | 929,601 | |||||||||
Proceeds from stock plans |
3,237 | 9,464 | 25,073 | 18,092 | ||||||||||||
Purchases of treasury shares |
(141 | ) | (692 | ) | (13,475 | ) | (70,433 | ) | ||||||||
Other cash flow from financing activities, net |
20 | 2,884 | 15,305 | 8,178 | ||||||||||||
Net cash used in financing activities |
(176,884 | ) | (113,525 | ) | (503,097 | ) | 885,438 | |||||||||
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents |
2,442 | (171 | ) | 8,461 | 2,081 | |||||||||||
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
4,087 | 6,721 | (64,562 | ) | (144,115 | ) | ||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period |
326,427 | 329,693 | 395,076 | 480,529 | ||||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period |
$ | 330,514 | $ | 336,414 | $ | 330,514 | $ | 336,414 | ||||||||
Reconciliation of GAAP Cash Flows from Operating Activities to Free Cash Flow (a)
Net cash provided by operating activities – GAAP |
$ | 204,580 | $ | 157,818 | $ | 521,984 | $ | 372,687 | ||||||||
Adjustments: |
Additions to property, plant, equipment |
and software capitalization |
(25,618 | ) | (38,047 | ) | (90,377 | ) | (119,044 | ) | ||||||||
Tax reform payments |
— | — | 95,645 | 72,101 | ||||||||||||
Litigation settlements (received) paid, net |
— | (375 | ) | 9,250 | (1,125 | ) | ||||||||||
Major facility renovations |
— | 3,291 | — | 12,151 | ||||||||||||
Payment of acquired Wyatt liabilities (b) |
— | — | — | 25,617 | ||||||||||||
Payment of Wyatt retention bonus obligation (c) |
— | — | 19,770 | — | ||||||||||||
Free Cash Flow - Adjusted Non-GAAP |
$ | 178,962 | $ | 122,687 | $ | 556,272 | $ | 362,387 | ||||||||
(a) | The Company defines free cash flow as net cash flow from operations accounted for under GAAP less capital expenditures and software capitalizations plus or minus any unusual and non recurring items. Free cash flow is not a GAAP measurement and may not be comparable to free cash flow reported by other companies. |
(b) | In connection with the Wyatt acquisition, the Company assumed certain obligations of Wyatt and paid those obligations immediately upon closing the transaction. The Company believes that the assumed obligations do not represent future ongoing business expenses. |
(c) | During the nine months ended September 28, 2024, the Company made its first retention payment under the Wyatt retention bonus program. The Company believes that these payments are not normal and do not represent future ongoing business expenses. |
Waters Corporation and Subsidiaries
Reconciliation of Projected GAAP to Adjusted Non-GAAP Financial Outlook
Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2024 |
Three Months Ended December 31, 2024 |
Range | Range | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Projected Sales |
Organic constant currency sales growth rate (a) |
(0.9 | %) | — | (0.3 | %) | 5.0 | % | — | 7.0 | % | ||||||||||||||
Impact of: |
Currency translation |
(1.2 | %) | — | (1.2 | %) | (1.7 | %) | — | (1.7 | %) | ||||||||||||||
Acquisitions |
1.3 | % | — | 1.3 | % | — | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
Sales growth rate as reported |
(0.8 | %) | — | (0.2 | %) | 3.3 | % | — | 5.3 | % | ||||||||||||||
Range | Range | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Projected Earnings Per Diluted Share |
GAAP earnings per diluted share |
$ | 10.55 | — | $ | 10.75 | $ | 3.72 | — | $ | 3.92 | ||||||||||||||
Adjustments: |
Purchased intangibles amortization |
$ | 0.60 | — | $ | 0.60 | $ | 0.15 | — | $ | 0.15 | ||||||||||||||
Litigation settlement |
$ | 0.15 | — | $ | 0.15 | $ | — | — | $ | — | ||||||||||||||
Restructuring costs and certain other items |
$ | 0.14 | — | $ | 0.14 | $ | — | — | $ | — | ||||||||||||||
Retention bonus obligation |
$ | 0.23 | — | $ | 0.23 | $ | 0.03 | — | $ | 0.03 | ||||||||||||||
Adjusted non-GAAP earnings per diluted share |
$ | 11.67 | — | $ | 11.87 | $ | 3.90 | — | $ | 4.10 | ||||||||||||||
(a) | Organic constant currency growth rates are a non-GAAP financial measure that measures the change in net sales between current and prior year periods, excluding the impact of foreign currency exchange rates during the current period and excluding the impact of acquisitions made within twelve months of the acquisition close date. These amounts are estimated at the current foreign currency exchange rates and based on the forecasted geographical sales in local currency, as well as an assessment of market conditions as of today, and may differ significantly from actual results. |
These forward-looking adjustment estimates do not reflect future gains and charges that are inherently difficult to predict and estimate due to their unknown timing, effect and/or significance.