EX-99.1 2 exh_991.htm EXHIBIT 99.1






2024年11月1日,摩纳哥 - costamare inc.(「costamare」或「公司」)(纽交所:CMRE)今天报告了截至2024年9月30日的第三季度(「2024年第三季度」)和九个月的未经审核财务业绩。


I.  盈利能力和流动性
 ·  2024年第三季度可供普通股股东使用的净利润为7550万美元(每股0.63美元)。
 ·  2024年第三季度调整后可供普通股股东使用的净利润1 为8070万美元(每股0.68美元)。
 ·  2024年第三季度流动性为101920万美元2.


II.  购买和出售活动


 ·  协议内容:


-收购2011年建造、179,546 吨载重量的干货船。 Nord Magnes (简称. Magnes)。 预计收购将于2024年第四季完结。


-2014年建造的61,090船载吨干散货船的收购, Alwine Oldendorff (待办。Alwine)。预计在2024年第四季完成收购。


-收购2015年建造、61,090吨载重的散装货船, August Oldendorff (tbr.2024年8月). 预计在2025年第一季完成收购。


 ·  结论为:


-2009年建成,满载58,018吨的干货船的出售, Oracle。 还债后的净售款为400万美元。


-此 2009 年建造、58,090 吨载重量的干散货船销售, 泰坦一号。 偿还债务后的净售款额为 1080万美元。


·  2012年建造,37019载重吨干货船的销售协议, 探索 (预计于2024年Q4完成销售)。预估扣除债务前,净销售收益为770万美元。


III.  自有船队包机更新 - 完全雇用货柜船队3


 ·  货柜船队的百分之百和百分之九十四4 分别锁定在2024年和2025年。



1 调整后可供普通股股东使用的净收入及相应每股数字皆为非GAAP措施,不应孤立使用或作为costamare根据美国通则会计准则(“GAAP”)提出的财务结果的替代。有关这些措施的定义和与GAAP按照计算和提出的最直接可比财务措施的调和,请参阅附件I。

2 包括我们在2013年5月15日签订的框架协议(签订及不时修订的「框架协议」)与York Capital Management Global Advisors LLC及其联属基金(统称为「York Capital」)之间船舶拥有公司持有的10万美元现金份额,在货运协议(「FFAs」)及燃油掉期相关的保证金存入2990万美元、短期投资于总值1830万美元的美国国库券和两个狩猎牌照计划资金中截至2024年9月30日尚有9420万美元未提取的资金。

3 请参阅99.2号附件中的货柜船队清单表,了解我们货柜船队船舶使用详细资讯。

4 以标准货柜货柜换算计算。






 ·  船队约23亿美元的合同收入,带的吞吐量加权期限为3.3年5.
 ·  与2024年第二季度财报一起,对七艘货柜船进行了前向固定,期间从14到34个月,增加收入为16600万美元。
 ·  自2024年第二季度财报公布以来,已订立了超过30项租约协议,涵盖所拥有的干货船队。


IV.  散装航运营运平台


 ·   Costamare Bulkers Inc.(CBI)目前已经将一批由56艘干货船组成的船队固定在定期包租上。


-34艘纽卡斯尔极大型/ 巨型货轮




 ·  固定船队的大部分在指数链结租赁协议上。更具体地说:






 ·  纽卡斯尔最和佳 / 大型和大荷兰系货柜船队剩余平均租赁期限分别为12和7个月。


V.  无抵押债券的全额预付款


 ·  全数支付其全资子公司Costamare Participations Plc.发行的10000万欧元无抵押债券总本金金额。


·  预付款将于2024年11月25日用现金支付。


VI.  新债务融资


 ·  四家欧洲金融机构承诺提供对干散货船队的融资/再融资,但需待最终文件确认。更具体而言:








 ·   约9420万美元可用于未来购买干货和货柜船只的融资,直至2025年12月。


 ·   直到2027年,没有任何有意义的债务到期。


VII.  租赁融资平台


 ·   控制尼普顿船舶租赁有限公司("NML")的股权。
 ·  costamare最高可达20000万美元的股权投资。
 ·  公司对NML的目前投资金额为12330万美元。
 ·  在我们认为强劲的项目支援下,专注于不断壮大的租赁平台,致力于32项船舶资产,总资金承诺超过41000万美元的资产。


VIII.  股息宣告


 ·   2024年10月1日,本公司宣布对普通股每股发放0.115美元的股息,拟定于2024年11月6日支付给截至2024年10月21日登记为普通股股东的人。



5 截至2024年10月31日。




 ·   2024年10月1日,公司宣布对B系列优先股每股支付0.476563美元股息,C系列优先股每股支付0.531250美元股息,D系列优先股每股支付0.546875美元股息,这些股息均将在2024年10月15日支付给截至2024年10月11日持股的股东。


Costamare Inc的财务长Gregory Zikos先生评论说:




In the containership sector, with idle vessels of less than 1%, the fleet can still be considered as ‘fully employed’. The market is split between the larger sizes which remain in limited supply, and smaller vessels where the availability of tonnage is greater. As the pool of bigger tonnage is unable to meet demand, charter rates continue to evolve at firm levels.


During the quarter we chartered 7 containerships at healthy levels. The new charter agreements are expected to generate incremental contracted revenues of above $165 million.


The containership fleet employment stands at 100% and 94% for 2024 and 2025, respectively. Total contracted revenues amount to $2.3 billion with a remaining time charter duration of 3.3 years.


On the dry bulk side, we progress with our strategy to renew the owned fleet and increase its average size; during the quarter we agreed to acquire two 2014 and 2015 built Ultramax vessels and one 2011-built Capesize ship, while progressing with the disposal of smaller tonnage.


CBI manages a fleet of 56 ships, the majority of which are on index-linked charter-in agreements. We have a long-term commitment to the sector, and we view the vessel-owning and the trading platform as highly complementary activities.


Finally, with regards to Neptune Maritime Leasing, the platform continues to grow with committed funding for 32 shipping assets, reflecting total funding commitments exceeding $410 million on the back of a healthy pipeline.”






Financial Summary



Nine-month period ended

September 30,


Three-month period ended

September 30,

(Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)  2023  2024  2023  2024
Voyage revenue  $1,011,968   $1,406,695   $397,256   $459,040 
Voyage revenue – related parties   -   $111,128    -   $79,352 
Total voyage revenue  $1,011,968   $1,517,823   $397,256   $538,392 
Accrued charter revenue (1)  $4,515   $(3,027)  $3,984   $(2,457)
Amortization of time-charter assumed  $(141)  $(383)  $(170)  $(239)
Total voyage revenue adjusted on a cash basis (2)  $1,016,342   $1,514,413   $401,070   $535,696 
Income from investments in leaseback vessels  $4,591   $17,668   $3,114   $6,249 
Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders (3)  $169,024   $247,348   $53,931   $80,722 
Weighted Average number of shares    121,059,768    119,129,429    118,107,881    119,577,920 
Adjusted Earnings per share (3)  $1.40   $2.08   $0.46   $0.68 
Net Income  $276,344   $284,418   $60,086   $78,871 
Net Income available to common stockholders  $258,094   $260,935   $53,287   $75,463 
Weighted Average number of shares   121,059,768    119,129,429    118,107,881    119,577,920 
Earnings per share  $2.13   $2.19   $0.45   $0.63 


(1) Accrued charter revenue represents the difference between cash received during the period and revenue recognized on a straight-line basis. In the early years of a charter with escalating charter rates, voyage revenue will exceed cash received during the period and during the last years of such charter cash received will exceed revenue recognized on a straight-line basis. The reverse is true for charters with descending rates. 

(2) Total voyage revenue adjusted on a cash basis represents Voyage revenue after adjusting for non-cash “Accrued charter revenue” recorded under charters with escalating or descending charter rates. However, Total voyage revenue adjusted on a cash basis is not a recognized measurement under U.S. GAAP. We believe that the presentation of Total voyage revenue adjusted on a cash basis is useful to investors because it presents the charter revenue for the relevant period based on the then current daily charter rates. The increases or decreases in daily charter rates under our charter party agreements of our fleet are described in the notes to the “Fleet List” tables in Exhibit 99.2.

(3) Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders and Adjusted Earnings per Share are non-GAAP measures. Refer to the reconciliation of Net Income to Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted Earnings per Share.


Non-GAAP Measures


The Company reports its financial results in accordance with U.S. GAAP. However, management believes that certain non-GAAP financial measures used in managing the business may provide users of these financial measures additional meaningful comparisons between current results and results in prior operating periods. Management believes that these non-GAAP financial measures can provide additional meaningful reflection of underlying trends of the business because they provide a comparison of historical information that excludes certain items that impact the overall comparability. Management also uses these non-GAAP financial measures in making financial, operating and planning decisions and in evaluating the Company’s performance. The tables below set out supplemental financial data and corresponding reconciliations to GAAP financial measures for the three-month and the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. Non-GAAP financial measures should be viewed in addition to, and not as an alternative for, voyage revenue or net income as determined in accordance with GAAP. Non-GAAP financial measures include (i) Voyage revenue adjusted on a cash basis (reconciled above), (ii) Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders and (iii) Adjusted Earnings per Share.





Exhibit I


Reconciliation of Net Income to Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders and Adjusted Earnings per Share



Nine-month period ended

September 30,


Three-month period ended

September 30,

(Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share and per share data)  2023  2024  2023  2024
Net Income  $276,344   $284,418   $60,086   $78,871 
Earnings allocated to Preferred Stock   (23,302)   (18,566)   (7,854)   (5,288)
Deemed dividend of Series E Preferred Stock   -    (5,446)   -    - 
Non-Controlling Interest   5,052    529    1,055    1,880 
Net Income available to common stockholders   258,094    260,935    53,287    75,463 
Accrued charter revenue   4,515    (3,027)   3,984    (2,457)
Deferred charter-in expense   -    300    -    (201)
General and administrative expenses - non-cash component   4,294    6,508    1,440    2,352 
Amortization of time-charter assumed   (141)   (383)   (170)   (239)
Realized gain on Euro/USD forward contracts   (536)   (787)   (301)   (299)
Vessel’s impairment loss   229    -    229    - 
Gain on sale of vessels, net   (118,046)   (3,348)   -    (2,234)
Loss on vessel held for sale   4,855    -    4,855    - 
(Gain) / Loss on sale of vessels, net, by jointly owned companies with York Capital included in equity gain on investments (1)   493    -    (1,572)   - 
Non-recurring, non-cash write-off of loan deferred financing costs   1,439    405    -    100 
(Gain) / Loss on derivative instruments, excluding realized (gain) / loss on derivative instruments (1)   13,828    (16,384)   (7,821)   8,053 
Other non-cash items   -    3,129    -    184 
Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders  $169,024   $247,348   $53,931   $80,722 
Adjusted Earnings per Share  $1.40   $2.08   $0.46   $0.68 
Weighted average number of shares   121,059,768    119,129,429    118,107,881    119,577,920 


Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders and Adjusted Earnings per Share represent Net Income after earnings allocated to preferred stock, deemed dividend of Series E Preferred Stock and Non-Controlling Interest, but before non-cash “Accrued charter revenue” recorded under charters with escalating or descending charter rates, deferred charter-in expense, amortization of time-charter assumed, loss on vessel held for sale, vessel’s impairment loss, realized gain on Euro/USD forward contracts, gain on sale of vessels, net , (gain)/loss on sale of vessels, net, by jointly owned companies with York Capital included in equity gain on investments, non-recurring, non-cash write-off of loan deferred financing costs, general and administrative expenses - non-cash component, (gain)/loss on derivative instruments, excluding realized (gain)/loss on derivative instruments and other non-cash items. “Accrued charter revenue” is attributed to the timing difference between the revenue recognition and the cash collection. However, Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders and Adjusted Earnings per Share are not recognized measurements under U.S. GAAP. We believe that the presentation of Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders and Adjusted Earnings per Share are useful to investors because they are frequently used by securities analysts, investors and other interested parties in the evaluation of companies in our industry. We also believe that Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders and Adjusted Earnings per Share are useful in evaluating our ability to service additional debt and make capital expenditures. In addition, we believe that Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders and Adjusted Earnings per Share are useful in evaluating our operating performance and liquidity position compared to that of other companies in our industry because the calculation of Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders and Adjusted Earnings per Share generally eliminates the effects of the accounting effects of capital expenditures and acquisitions, certain hedging instruments and other accounting treatments, items which may vary for different companies for reasons unrelated to overall operating performance and liquidity. In evaluating Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders and Adjusted Earnings per Share, you should be aware that in the future we may incur expenses that are the same as or similar to some of the adjustments in this presentation. Our presentation of Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders and Adjusted Earnings per Share should not be construed as an inference that our future results will be unaffected by unusual or non-recurring items.


(1)Items to consider for comparability include gains and charges. Gains positively impacting Net Income available to common stockholders are reflected as deductions to Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders. Charges negatively impacting Net Income available to common stockholders are reflected as increases to Adjusted Net Income available to common stockholders.