
表格 10-Q
截至2024年6月30日季度结束 2024年9月30日
从                   至过渡期间

委员会文件编号 001-09712
8410 West Bryn Mawr, 芝加哥, 伊利诺伊州 60631
注册人电话号码,含区号: (773) 399-8900
以勾号注明注册人 (1) 是否在过去 12 个月内提交了 1934 年证券交易法第 13 条或第 15 (d) 条所要求提交的所有报告(或在较短的时间内,注册人需要提交该等报告),以及 (2) 过去 90 天内已遵守该等申报要求。
在过去 12 个月内,注册人是否以电子方式提交所有根据《规例 S-t 规则 405 条》所需提交的互动数据档案(或在较短的时间内,而注册人须提交该等档案),以核取标记表示。
通过勾选标记指出注册人是大型加速申报器、加速申报器、非加速申报公司、较小的报告公司还是新兴成长公司。请参阅《交易法》第 120 亿条第 2 条中的「大型加速申报公司」、「加速申报公司」、「较小的报告公司」和「新兴增长公司」的定义。
如果是新兴成长公司,请以勾号标示注册人是否选择不使用延长过渡期来遵守根据《交易法》第 13 (a) 条所提供的任何新或经修订的财务会计准则。
以勾号标示注册人是否为外壳公司(如《交易法》第 120 亿 2 条所定义)。

2024年9月30日,发行人各类普通股的流通股份数目是 53 百万普通股,面值1美元,以及 33 百万A类普通股,面值1美元。



UScellular在整个覆盖范围内提供无线服务,并在其拥有的塔架上向第三方运营商租用塔架空间。 UScellular是Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. (TDS)的83%子公司。

2023年8月4日,TDS和UScellular宣布两家公司的董事会决定启动探讨UScellular各种战略选择的流程。2024年5月28日,UScellular宣布其董事会一致批准了由TDS、UScellular兆Mobile US, Inc.(t-Mobile)和USCC Wireless Holdings, LLC共同签署的证券购买协议(Securities Purchase Agreement),根据该协议,UScellular同意将其无线运营和部分频谱资产以440000万美元的购买价格出售给t-Mobile,并根据证券购买协议中指定的条件进行调整,其中支付方式包括现金和最多约200000万美元的债务承担。证券购买协议同时预见,将在结束日期生效的短期频谱管理租赁协议,据此t-Mobile将获得专属许可权,免费使用某些UScellular频谱资产一年,以继续无间断地为客户提供服务。交易预计将于2025年中期结束,需经监管机构批准并符合惯例结束条件。

于2024年10月17日,UScellular及UScellular的特定子公司与verizon communications inc(verizon)签订了一项许可购买协议(Verizon购买协议),以出售特定的AWS、蜂窝和PCS无线频谱牌照,并同意在交易完成前向verizon授予租赁该等牌照的特定权利,总收益为 $100000万。截至2024年9月30日,待出售的无线频谱牌照的帐面价值为 $58600万。该交易需经过监管机构批准及其他惯例的收盘条件,并取决于t-Mobile交易的结束以及t-Mobile短期频谱管理租赁协议的终止。


UScellular股东归属于净亏损分别为2024年9月30日结束的三个月和九个月分别为$7900万和$4400万。此净亏损包括一项与某些无线频谱许可证损失相关的非现金费用,金额为$13600万(扣除税收影响后的金额为$10200万),该费用在2024年9月30日结束的三个月内记录。有关这项损失的确定性是在审核和准备2024年9月30日财务报表时做出的。 请参见附注8-无形资产,以了解有关此损害的详细讨论。有关无线频谱许可损害金额,扣除税款后的调节,请参阅本MD&A中非GAAP财务指标补充资料。

5G 第五代无线科技,有助应对客户对数据服务需求的增长,并为需要高速度、可靠性以及低延迟的新服务创造机会。
账户 – 代表了一个或多个负责资金的个人或业务,该账户可能包括各种类型的连接,如手机和连接设备。
流失率 - 代表每月断开服务的连接百分比。这些比率代表各自时期的平均每月流失率。
共置 代表第三方无线运营商租赁或承租公司拥有的塔架空间。
连接设备 ─ 直接连接到UScellular网络的非手机设备。 连接设备包括平板电脑、可穿戴装置、调制解调器、固定无线装置和热点等产品。
税息折旧及摊销前溢利 -指的是本文件中始终使用的非通用会计原则指标调整后EBITDA(调整后息税折旧及摊销前利润)。请参阅本管理层讨论及分析之非通用财务指标补充资讯,以获取更多资讯。
自由现金流 – 非依据中国会计准则之指标,定义为营运活动之现金流入减去购置不动产、厂房和设备的支付现金以及软体授权协议的支付现金。参见本MD&A中与非依据中国会计准则之财务指标相关的补充资料,以获取更多资讯。
新增总量 - 代表在此期间内新增的所有新连接数,而不考虑在该期间内终止的连接数。
净增加(损失) - 代表在该期间内新增连接数的总量,扣除该期间内终止的连接数。
OIBDA ——指的是在本文件中始终使用的非适用公允会计准则的度量标准Adjusted OIBDA中的折旧、摊薄和贵金属利棠之前的营业利润。有关详细信息,请参见本MD&A中与非适用公允会计准则财务措施相关的补充资料。
账户的后付平均营业收入(后付ARPA) 后付ARPA是通过将总后付服务收入除以平均后付账户数再除以该时期的月数来计算的指标。
后付平均用户每月营收(后付ARPU) - 该指标通过将总后付服务营收除以平均后付连接数以及期间月数来计算。
零售连接板块 -与每位使用合约或预付客户启动的设备相关联的个别服务。连接与所有直接连接至UScellular网络的设备相关联。
塔架租用率 - 在每个塔架上测量的公司拥有的塔架上租用空间的平均租户数。
通用服务基金 (USF) ─ 一种由美国联邦通信委员会 (FCC) 管理的电信收费和支援支付系统,旨在推广美国的电信服务的普及。

金融概况 — UScellular
无线$896 $938 (4)%$2,722 $2,831 (4)%
59 57 %175 170 %
营业总收入922 963 (4)%2,799 2,906 (4)%
无线1,005 900 12 %2,784 2,770 %
40 38 %116 114 %
营业费用总计1,012 906 12 %2,802 2,789 
营业利益(损失)(90)57 N/M(3)117 N/M
未纳入合并实体的权益损益43 40 %123 121 %
利息和股息收入4 28 %9 17 %
总投资及其他费用(2)(7)80 %(5)(18)68 %
税前收入(亏损)(92)50 N/M(8)99 N/M
所得税费用(利益) (14)27 N/M29 56 (50)%
净利润(损失)(78)23 N/M(37)43 N/M
扣除:归属于非控制股权的净利润,税后1 — (19)%7 N/M
归属于UScellular股东的净利润(损失)$(79)$23 N/M$(44)$40 N/M
$222 $220 %$678 $624 %
$269 $263 %$810 $753 %
$120 $111 %$415 $462 (10)%
N/m - 百分比变化无意义

非控股权益标志了UScellular从具有非控制利益并采用权益法或净资产价值实用逃避的实体取得的净利润的份额。UScellular在洛杉矶SMSA有限合伙(LA合伙)的投资分别为2024年和2023年截至9月30日三个月的税前收入分别为1600万美元和1400万美元,以及截至2024年和2023年9月30日九个月的4800万美元和5200万美元。有关详细资讯,请参见基本报表附注中的附录9 — 对非合并实体的投资。


零售连线 - 期末
后付费3,999,000 4,159,000
预付费452,000 462,000
总计4,451,000 4,621,000

Q3 2024Q3 20232024年第三季度与2023年第三季度比较截至今年底2024年截至今年底2023年2024年至今与2023年至今的比较
手机84,000 84,000 220,000 260,000 (15)%
连接设备39,000 44,000 (11)%126,000 129,000 (2)%
总毛增加量123,000 128,000 (4)%346,000 389,000 (11)%
手机(28,000)(38,000)26 %(104,000)(92,000)(13)%
连接设备 3,000 N/M9,000 4,000 N/M
总净增加(减少)(28,000)(35,000)20 %(95,000)(88,000)(8)%
手机1.07 %1.11 %1.02 %1.06 %
连接设备2.47 %2.64 %2.49 %2.69 %
总流失率1.25 %1.30 %1.21 %1.26 %
N/m - 百分比变化无意义
$52.04 $51.11 2 %$51.81 $50.81 2 %
$131.81 $130.91 1 %$131.39 $130.64 1 %

财务概况 — 无线
零售服务$669 $687 (3)%$2,014 $2,065 (2)%
其他52 50 %154 149 %
服务收入721 737 (2)%2,168 2,214 (2)%
设备销售175 201 (13)%554 617 (10)%
营业总收入896 938 (4)%2,722 2,831 (4)%
系统操作(不包括下面报告的折旧、摊提和递增)193 199 (3)%582 597 (2)%
设备销售成本203 228 (11)%630 708 (11)%
销售,一般及行政费用316 324 (3)%953 995 (4)%
折旧、摊提和还本155 148 %466 456 %
许可证损失136 — N/M136 — N/M
资产处分溢(亏)损净额4 N/M13 14 (1)%
许可证销售及交换之(收益)亏损,净额(2)— N/M4 — N/M
营业费用总计1,005 900 12 %2,784 2,770 %
营业利益(损失)$(109)$38 N/M$(62)$61 N/M
$191 $190 %$583 $534 %
$191 $190 %$583 $534 %
$114 $106 %$400 $452 (12)%
N/m - 百分比变化无意义


零售服务- 适用于语音、数据和增值服务以及成本回收附加费的后付款和预付款费用
无线服务提供商在促销和价格上都采取积极策略,以吸引和留住客户。这包括传统运营商和有线无线公司。 美国蜂窝UScellular预计传统运营商的促销积极性将持续,有线无线公司和新进入者的价格压力在可预见的未来将增加。此外,其他无线服务提供商的网路与覆盖面更加发达,每位订户的成本也比美国蜂窝更低,这对美国蜂窝的竞争能力造成了负面影响,并可能在未来继续负面影响美国蜂窝的竞争能力。营运收入和营运收入(亏损)受到这些因素在当前和以前时期的负面影响,预计将在未来时期继续受到负面影响。

2024年9月30日结束的三个月和九个月内,系统运营费用下降,主要是由于2024年第一季度关闭3G Code Division Multiple Access(CDMA)网络的费用减少,部分抵消了出站漫游使用和维护、公用事业和基站设施费用的增加。
因2024年9月30日结束的三个月和九个月中的许可减损损失增加,原因是在2024年第三季度记录了 certain wireless spectrum licenses 的减损。详情请参见附注8 — 无形资产,关于此次减损的详细讨论。

塔架租赁率1.55 1.55 

财务概况 — 塔
第三方收入$26 $25 %$77 $75 %
公司间收入33 32 %98 95 %
塔架总收入59 57 %175 170 %
系统运营(不包括下面报告的折旧、摊提和折现)20 18 10 %58 55 %
销售,一般及行政费用8 (14)%24 25 (7)%
折旧、摊提和还本12 11 %33 34 (1)%
资产处分溢(亏)损净额 — N/M1 — N/M
营业费用总计40 38 %116 114 %
营收$19 $19 (1)%$59 $56 %
$31 $30 %$95 $90 %
$31 $30 %$95 $90 %
资本支出$6 $33 %$15 $10 61 %
N/m - 百分比变化无意义





UScellular通过其子公司拥有应收帐款证券化协议,该协议允许使用其设备分期付款应收款项进行证券化借款。s. 根据协议,金额可以从时间到时间借入、还款并再次借入,直到2025年9月。除非协议经修订以延长到期日,否则根据应收款项收款开始还款 于2025年10月。 在截至2024年9月30日的九个月内,UScellular根据协议借入4000万美元,并还款18800万美元。截至2024年9月30日,协议下的未偿还借款为200万美元,未使用的借款额度为44800万美元,取决于确保满足协议资产借款基准条款的担保品。
转动信贷协议、定期贷款协议、出口信贷融资协议和应收账款证券化协议要求UScellular遵守特定肯定和否定条款,其中包括可能限制可用借款额度的特定财务条款。 UScellular需要在任何财政季度结束时维持合并杠杆率不超过以下水平:自2024年4月1日至2025年3月31日为4.00比1.00;2025年4月1日及以后为3.75比1.00。 UScellular还需在任何财政季度结束时维持不低于3.00比1.00的合并利息覆盖率。 UScellular相信,截至2024年9月30日,所有这些财务条款都已符合。




2024 年评论
UScellular的现金、现金等价物和受限现金增加了$10900万。由于$3700万的净亏损经过$60000万的非现金项目调整以及自未合并实体收到的$10600万的分配(包括来自LA Partnership的$3700万的分配)和工作资本项目的变化,使得营运活动提供的净现金为$76100万,净现金增加了$9200万。工作资本的变化主要由于应收账款和存货余额的减少以及未来税款支付时间的调整所致,部分抵消了关联人员奖金和代理商回扣以及佣金的支付。

以下讨论涵盖了合并资产负债表中的某些标题及其变化。此讨论旨在强调重大变化,并非旨在完全协调这些变化。 2024年度中,资产负债表的显著变化如下:



EBITDA、调整后的EBITDA和调整后的OIBDA 被定义为根据下列协调所设置的项目调整的净利润(亏损)。 EBITDA、调整后的EBITDA 和调整后的OIBDA 不是根据美国通用会计准则下的财务表现指标,不应被视为净利润(亏损)或营运活动现金流量的替代指标,也不应被视为现金流量的指标或流动性的衡量标准。 UScellular并未意图暗示下列协调中所设置的任何此类项目为非递延、不常见或飞凡;这类项目将来可能发生。
调整后的EBITDA是向首席营运决策者报告的一项节段指标,用于评估各节段的表现。详细资讯请参见基本报表附注中的第13节 — 业务节段资讯。

净利润(损失)(GAAP)$(78)$23 $(37)$43 
所得税费用(利益) (14)27 29 56 
利息费用49 50 137 147 
折旧、摊提和还本167 159 499 490 
EBITDA(非GAAP)124 259 628 736 
与战略替代方案审查相关的费用7 28 
许可证损失136 — 136 — 
资产处分溢(亏)损净额4 14 14 
授权销售和交易损益(净额)(2)— 4 — 
调整后的EBITDA(非依据通用会计原则)269 263 810 753 
未纳入合并实体的权益损益43 40 123 121 
利息和股息收入4 9 
调整后OIBDA(非通用会计准则)222 220 678 624 
折旧、摊提和还本167 159 499 490 
与战略替代方案审查相关的费用7 28 
许可证损失136 — 136 — 
资产处分溢(亏)损净额4 14 14 
授权销售和交易损益(净额)(2)— 4 — 
营业利润(亏损)(GAAP)$(90)$57 $(3)$117 
EBITDA(非GAAP)$46 $186 $404 $517 
与战略替代方案审查相关的费用7 26 
许可证损失136 — 136 — 
资产处分溢(亏)损净额4 13 14 
授权销售和交易损益(净额)(2)— 4 — 
调整后的EBITDA和调整后的OIBDA(非GAAP)191 190 583 534 
折旧、摊提和还本155 148 466 456 
与战略替代方案审查相关的费用7 26 
许可证损失136 — 136 — 
资产处分溢(亏)损净额4 13 14 
授权销售和交易损益(净额)(2)— 4 — 
营业利润(亏损)(GAAP)$(109)$38 $(62)$61 

EBITDA(非GAAP)$31 $30 $92 $90 
与战略替代方案审查相关的费用 — 2 — 
(亏损) 资产处置收益 — 1 — 
调整后的EBITDA和调整后的OIBDA(非依照公共会计准则)31 30 95 90 
折旧、摊提和还本12 11 33 34 
与战略替代方案审查相关的费用 — 2 — 
资产处分溢(亏)损净额 — 1 — 
营业收入(根据通用会计准则GAAP)$19 $19 $59 $56 
营运活动之现金流量(根据GAAP)$761 $719 
自由现金流(非GAAP)$331 $237 
归属于UScellular股东的损益(按照GAAP标准)$(79)$23 $(44)$40 
许可证损失136 — 136 — 
对于受损许可证的可摊销税款益(34)— (34)— 
非依照普通会计原则调整的小计102 — 102 — 
归属于UScellular股东的净利润,不包括许可证减值费用(非依照普通会计原则)$23 $23 $58 $40 

UScellular根据GAAP准则准备其合并基本报表。UScellular的重要会计政策在《摘要会计政策摘要》、《营业收入认列》和《租赁》的详细说明中进行讨论,在UScellular截至2023年12月31日的10-k表格中的基本报表附注中包含。UScellular对关键会计政策和估计的应用在《管理对基本财务状况和营运结果的讨论》中进行了详细讨论,该讨论包含在截至2023年12月31日的UScellular 10-k表格中,并根据自10-k表格提交以来的发展做了更新。
作为2024年第二季度与t-Mobile签署证券购买协议的结果,UScellular将其历史上的单一计算单位划分为两个计算单位 — 根据证券购买协议出售的无线频谱许可证和保留的无线频谱许可证。在2024年第三季度,UScellular在努力实现对非受证券购买协议约束的频谱资产进行货币化的过程中,提供了新的证据,显示保留频谱对当前买家的最高和最佳使用方式应为分开的部分。因此,UScellular进一步将其无线频谱许可证计算单位从一个保留单位分成十一个单位,总计成为十二个计算单位。UScellular得出结论,2024年第三季度发生的事件和情况使UScellular相信五个计算单位的携带金额可能超过其各自的公允价值(即触发事件),因此,对这些单位进行了量化减损评估。对于其他计算单位并没有发生触发事件。
为了量化损失评估的目的,采用市场方法来评估评估并为五个被测试的单位的无线频谱许可的价值,使用主要通过行业基准、FCC拍卖数据和先例交易确定的一系列值。评估范围的中点被确定为每个计量单位的公允价值估计。根据这一评估,无线频谱许可的公允价值超过了它们各自的携带金额,这些金额范围从9%至80%的三个计量单位。对于两个计量单位,无线频谱许可的公允价值低于各自的携带金额,并并记录了一笔数百万美元的损失136 在2024年第三季度,UScellular的无线业务部门的损失中记录了一笔数百万美元的损失,归因于许可证损耗。这项损耗主要与保留的高频谱计量单位有关,其中包括28 GHz、37 GHz和39 GHz频带,截至2024年9月30日,其携带金额为16100万美元,扣除损耗后。这笔损耗是由上述计量单位的变化以及主要归因于高频谱的低公允价值,主要是由于与此频谱的运作相关的整个行业所遇到的挑战导致的。


TDS和UScellular已于2024年5月24日与t-Mobile和USCC Wireless Holdings, LLC签订了证券购买协议,据此,在其他事项之间,UScellular已同意将其无线业务和部分频谱资产卖给t-Mobile。此外,UScellular和UScellular的某些子公司已于2024年10月17日签订了Verizon购买协议以出售某些无线频谱许可证。不能保证证券购买协议或Verizon购买协议拟议的交易能够完成,或者UScellular将能够以双方同意的价格为其无线业务资产(不受证券购买协议或Verizon购买协议的约束)寻找买家。
Changes in various business factors, including changes in demand, consumer preferences and perceptions, price competition, churn from customer switching activity and other factors, could have an adverse effect on UScellular’s business, financial condition or results of operations.
A failure by UScellular to obtain access to adequate radio spectrum to meet current or anticipated future needs and/or to accurately predict future needs for radio spectrum could have an adverse effect on UScellular’s business, financial condition or results of operations.
Advances or changes in technology could render certain technologies used by UScellular obsolete, could put UScellular at a competitive disadvantage, could reduce UScellular’s revenues or could increase its costs of doing business.
Complexities associated with deploying new technologies present substantial risk and UScellular investments in unproven technologies may not produce the benefits that UScellular expects.
Costs, integration problems or other factors associated with acquisitions, divestitures or exchanges of properties or wireless spectrum licenses and/or expansion of UScellular’s business could have an adverse effect on UScellular’s business, financial condition or results of operations.

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A failure by UScellular to complete significant network construction and systems implementation activities as part of its plans to improve the quality, coverage, capabilities and capacity of its network, support and other systems and infrastructure could have an adverse effect on its operations.
Difficulties involving third parties with which UScellular does business, including changes in UScellular's relationships with or financial or operational difficulties, including supply chain disruptions, of key suppliers or independent agents and third-party national retailers who market UScellular’s services, could adversely affect UScellular's business, financial condition or results of operations.
A failure by UScellular to maintain flexible and capable telecommunication networks or information technologies, or a material disruption thereof, could have an adverse effect on UScellular’s business, financial condition or results of operations.
Financial Risk Factors
Uncertainty in UScellular’s or TDS' future cash flow and liquidity or the inability to access capital, deterioration in the capital markets, changes in interest rates, other changes in UScellular’s or TDS' performance or market conditions, changes in UScellular’s or TDS' credit ratings or other factors could limit or restrict the availability of financing on terms and prices acceptable to UScellular, which has required and could in the future require UScellular to reduce or delay its construction, development or acquisition programs, reduce the amount of wireless spectrum licenses acquired, divest assets or businesses, and/or reduce or cease share repurchases.
UScellular has a significant amount of indebtedness which could adversely affect its financial performance and in turn adversely affect its ability to make payments on its indebtedness, comply with terms of debt covenants and incur additional debt.
UScellular’s assets and revenue are concentrated in the U.S. wireless telecommunications industry. Consequently, its operating results may fluctuate based on factors related primarily to conditions in this industry.
UScellular has significant investments in entities that it does not control. Losses in the value of such investments could have an adverse effect on UScellular’s financial condition or results of operations.
Regulatory, Legal and Governance Risk Factors
Failure by UScellular to timely or fully comply with any existing applicable legislative and/or regulatory requirements or changes thereto could adversely affect UScellular’s business, financial condition or results of operations.
UScellular receives significant regulatory support, and is also subject to numerous surcharges and fees from federal, state and local governments – the applicability and the amount of the support and fees are subject to uncertainty, including the ability to pass through certain fees to customers, and this uncertainty could have an adverse effect on UScellular’s business, financial condition or results of operations.
Settlements, judgments, restraints on its current or future manner of doing business and/or legal costs resulting from pending and future litigation could have an adverse effect on UScellular’s business, financial condition or results of operations.
The possible development of adverse precedent in litigation or conclusions in professional or environmental studies to the effect that potentially harmful emissions from devices or network equipment, including but not limited to radio frequencies emitted by wireless signals, may cause harmful health or environmental consequences, including cancer, tumors or otherwise harmful impacts, or may interfere with various electronic medical devices or frequencies used by other industries, could have an adverse effect on UScellular's business, financial condition or results of operations.
Claims of infringement of intellectual property and proprietary rights of others, primarily involving patent infringement claims, could prevent UScellular from using necessary technology to provide products or services or subject UScellular to expensive intellectual property litigation or monetary penalties, which could have an adverse effect on UScellular’s business, financial condition or results of operations.
There are potential conflicts of interests between TDS and UScellular.
Certain matters, such as control by TDS and provisions in the UScellular Restated Certificate of Incorporation, may serve to discourage or make more difficult a change in control of UScellular or have other consequences.
General Risk Factors
UScellular has experienced, and in the future expects to experience, cyber-attacks or other breaches of network or information technology security of varying degrees on a regular basis, which could have an adverse effect on UScellular's business, financial condition or results of operations.
Disruption in credit or other financial markets, a deterioration of U.S. or global economic conditions or other events could, among other things, impede UScellular’s access to or increase the cost of financing its operating and investment activities and/or result in reduced revenues and lower operating income and cash flows, which would have an adverse effect on UScellular’s business, financial condition or results of operations.

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The impact of public health emergencies on UScellular's business is uncertain, but depending on duration and severity could have a material adverse effect on UScellular's business, financial condition or results of operations.

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Risk Factors
In addition to the information set forth in this Form 10-Q, you should carefully consider the factors discussed in Part I, “Item 1A. Risk Factors” in UScellular’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, which could materially affect UScellular’s business, financial condition or future results. The risks described in this Form 10-Q and the Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, may not be the only risks that could affect UScellular. Additional unidentified or unrecognized risks and uncertainties could materially adversely affect UScellular’s business, financial condition and/or operating results. Subject to the foregoing and other than the risk factors set forth below, UScellular has not identified for disclosure any material changes to the risk factors as previously disclosed in UScellular's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.
TDS and UScellular entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement dated as of May 24, 2024 with T-Mobile and USCC Wireless Holdings, LLC, pursuant to which, among other things, UScellular has agreed to sell its wireless operations and select spectrum assets to T-Mobile. In addition, UScellular, and certain subsidiaries of UScellular, entered into the Verizon Purchase Agreement on October 17, 2024 to sell certain wireless spectrum licenses. There is no guarantee that the transactions contemplated by the Securities Purchase Agreement or the Verizon Purchase Agreement will be able to be consummated or that UScellular will be able to find buyers at mutually agreeable prices for its spectrum assets not subject to the Securities Purchase Agreement or the Verizon Purchase Agreement.
On August 4, 2023, TDS and UScellular announced that the Boards of Directors of both companies decided to initiate a process to explore a range of strategic alternatives for UScellular. As part of this review, on May 28, 2024, UScellular announced that its Board of Directors unanimously approved the execution of the Securities Purchase Agreement pursuant to which, among other things, UScellular has agreed to sell its wireless operations and select spectrum assets to T-Mobile. The Securities Purchase Agreement also contemplates, among other things, a Short-Term Spectrum Manager Lease Agreement that will become effective at the closing date, which provides T-Mobile with an exclusive license to use certain UScellular spectrum assets at no cost for up to one-year for the purpose of providing continued, uninterrupted service to customers.
On October 17, 2024, UScellular, and certain subsidiaries of UScellular, entered into the Verizon Purchase Agreement to sell certain AWS, Cellular and PCS wireless spectrum licenses and agreed to grant Verizon certain rights to lease such licenses prior to the transaction close.
The transactions resulting from the strategic alternatives review are subject to regulatory approval, which UScellular may not be able to obtain on the terms or timeline currently contemplated, or at all. Similarly, UScellular may not be able to satisfy the other closing conditions applicable to each of the transactions, which in the case of the Verizon transaction include the closing of the T-Mobile transaction and the termination of the T-Mobile Short-Term Spectrum Manager Lease Agreement. In addition, UScellular may be unable to find buyers at mutually agreeable prices for its spectrum assets not subject to the Securities Purchase Agreement or the Verizon Purchase Agreement.
The uncertainty regarding the transactions and continued strategic alternatives review process could result in: a diversion of management's attention from UScellular's existing business; a failure to achieve financial and operating objectives; adverse effects on UScellular's financial condition or results of operations; a failure to retain key personnel, customers, business partners or contracts; and volatility in UScellular's stock price.
In addition, the strategic alternatives review process has already resulted in the incurrence of significant expense - this is expected to continue. The execution of the Securities Purchase Agreement impacted UScellular's units of accounting and asset groups for purposes of assessing wireless spectrum licenses and property, plant and equipment for impairment, but did not require an impairment assessment to be performed during the second quarter of 2024. During the third quarter of 2024, there were events and circumstances that impacted the units of accounting for purposes of assessing wireless spectrum licenses for impairment. UScellular performed a quantitative impairment assessment on certain units of accounting and recorded an impairment in the third quarter of 2024. There may be future events that could require an impairment assessment to be performed which may result in additional impairments. There can be no assurance that such comprehensive process, which is ongoing, will result in the transactions or any strategic alternative of any kind being successfully completed or that the process or any outcomes of the process will not have an adverse impact on UScellular's business or financial statements.

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UScellular receives significant regulatory support, and is also subject to numerous surcharges and fees from federal, state and local governments – the applicability and the amount of the support and fees are subject to uncertainty, including the ability to pass through certain fees to customers, and this uncertainty could have an adverse effect on UScellular’s business, financial condition or results of operations.
Telecommunications companies may be designated by states, or in some cases by the FCC, as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) to receive universal service support payments if they provide specified services in “high-cost” areas. UScellular has been designated as an ETC in certain states and received $92 million in high-cost support for service to high-cost areas in 2023. While there is uncertainty, UScellular expects regulatory support payments to decline in future periods, and there is no assurance that UScellular will qualify for future regulatory support programs. If regulatory support is discontinued or reduced from current levels, or if receipt of future regulatory support is contingent upon making certain network-related expenditures, this could have an adverse effect on UScellular’s business, financial condition or operating results and cash flows. Adding to this uncertainty are a series of court cases challenging the constitutionality of the universal service fund program that establishes and administers these regulatory support payments. On July 24, 2024, differing from earlier decisions at the Sixth and Eleventh Circuits, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit sitting in en banc review ruled that the universal service fund program is unconstitutional as currently administered, and remanded the case to the FCC. The FCC has filed a petition for certiorari with the Supreme Court. In addition, a working group within Congress is considering legislative reform of the universal service funding program, but has not yet released legislative text. This ruling may have significant adverse effects on the funding that UScellular receives from programs like USF high-cost support. Additionally, the ruling may have significant adverse effects on federal government supported programs that many of UScellular’s customers benefit from.
Telecommunications providers pay a variety of surcharges and fees on their gross revenues from interstate and intrastate services, including USF fees and common carrier regulatory fees. The division of services between interstate services and intrastate services, including the divisions associated with Federal USF fees, is a matter of interpretation and in the future may be contested by the FCC or state authorities. The FCC in the future also may change the basis on which Federal USF fees are charged. The Federal government and many states also apply transaction-based taxes to sales of telecommunications services and products and to purchases of telecommunications services from various carriers. In addition, state regulators and local governments have imposed and may continue to impose various surcharges, taxes and fees on telecommunications services. The applicability of these surcharges and fees to UScellular’s services is uncertain in many cases and periodically, state and federal regulators may increase or change the surcharges and fees UScellular currently pays. In some instances, UScellular passes through these charges to its customers. However, Congress, the FCC, state regulatory agencies or state legislatures may limit the ability to pass through transaction-based tax liabilities, regulatory surcharges and regulatory fees imposed on UScellular to customers. UScellular may or may not be able to recover some or all of those taxes from its customers and the amount of taxes may deter demand for its services or increase its cost to provide service.

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Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk
Market Risk
As of September 30, 2024, approximately 70% of UScellular's long-term debt was in fixed-rate senior notes and approximately 30% in variable-rate debt. Fluctuations in market interest rates can lead to volatility in the fair value of fixed-rate notes and interest expense on variable-rate debt.
The following table presents the scheduled principal payments on long-term debt, lease obligations, and the related weighted average interest rates by maturity dates at September 30, 2024.
Principal Payments Due by Period
Long-Term Debt Obligations1
Weighted-Avg. Interest Rates on Long-Term Debt Obligations2
(Dollars in millions)
Remainder of 2024$6.6 %
202520 6.6 %
2026268 6.5 %
2027158 6.5 %
2028286 7.0 %
Thereafter2,228 6.1 %
Total$2,965 6.3 %
1The total long-term debt obligation differs from Long-term debt in the Consolidated Balance Sheet due to unamortized debt issuance costs on all non-revolving debt instruments, unamortized discounts related to the 6.7% Senior Notes, and outstanding borrowings under the receivables securitization agreement, which principal repayments are not scheduled but are instead based on actual receivable collections.
2Represents the weighted average stated interest rates at September 30, 2024, for debt maturing in the respective periods.
See Note 3 — Fair Value Measurements in the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information related to the fair value of UScellular’s Long-term debt as of September 30, 2024.

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Financial Statements
United States Cellular Corporation
Consolidated Statement of Operations
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(Dollars and shares in millions, except per share amounts)
Operating revenues
Service$747 $762 $2,245 $2,289 
Equipment sales175 201 554 617 
Total operating revenues922 963 2,799 2,906 
Operating expenses
System operations (excluding Depreciation, amortization and accretion reported below)180 185 542 557 
Cost of equipment sold203 228 630 708 
Selling, general and administrative324 333 977 1,020 
Depreciation, amortization and accretion167 159 499 490 
Loss on impairment of licenses136  136  
(Gain) loss on asset disposals, net4 1 14 14 
(Gain) loss on license sales and exchanges, net(2) 4  
Total operating expenses1,012 906 2,802 2,789 
Operating income (loss)(90)57 (3)117 
Investment and other income (expense)
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated entities43 40 123 121 
Interest and dividend income4 3 9 8 
Interest expense(49)(50)(137)(147)
Total investment and other expense(2)(7)(5)(18)
Income (loss) before income taxes(92)50 (8)99 
Income tax expense (benefit)(14)27 29 56 
Net income (loss)(78)23 (37)43 
Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests, net of tax1  7 3 
Net income (loss) attributable to UScellular shareholders$(79)$23 $(44)$40 
Basic weighted average shares outstanding86 85 86 85 
Basic earnings (loss) per share attributable to UScellular shareholders$(0.92)$0.26 $(0.51)$0.47 

Diluted weighted average shares outstanding86 86 86 86 
Diluted earnings (loss) per share attributable to UScellular shareholders$(0.92)$0.26 $(0.51)$0.47 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

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United States Cellular Corporation
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(Dollars in millions)
Cash flows from operating activities
Net income (loss)$(37)$43 
Add (deduct) adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash flows from operating activities
Depreciation, amortization and accretion499 490 
Bad debts expense65 72 
Stock-based compensation expense37 14 
Deferred income taxes, net(35)41 
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated entities(123)(121)
Distributions from unconsolidated entities106 97 
Loss on impairment of licenses136  
(Gain) loss on asset disposals, net14 14 
(Gain) loss on license sales and exchanges, net4  
Other operating activities3 4 
Changes in assets and liabilities from operations
Accounts receivable30 30 
Equipment installment plans receivable12 20 
Inventory38 86 
Accounts payable12 (39)
Customer deposits and deferred revenues(4)(16)
Accrued taxes46 12 
Accrued interest8 7 
Other assets and liabilities(50)(35)
Net cash provided by operating activities761 719 
Cash flows from investing activities
Cash paid for additions to property, plant and equipment(399)(454)
Cash paid for licenses(17)(24)
Other investing activities1 14 
Net cash used in investing activities(415)(464)
Cash flows from financing activities
Issuance of long-term debt40 115 
Repayment of long-term debt(203)(395)
Repayment of short-term debt (60)
Tax payments for stock-based compensation awards(11)(6)
Repurchase of Common Shares(26) 
Distributions to noncontrolling interests(4)(2)
Cash paid for software license agreements(31)(28)
Other financing activities(2)(2)
Net cash used in financing activities(237)(378)
Net increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash109 (123)
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash
Beginning of period179 308 
End of period$288 $185 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

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United States Cellular Corporation
Consolidated Balance Sheet — Assets
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(Dollars in millions)
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents$272 $150 
Accounts receivable
Customers and agents, less allowances of $59 and $66, respectively
871 900 
Affiliated1 3 
Other, less allowances of $2 and $4, respectively
46 54 
Inventory, net161 199 
Prepaid expenses55 57 
Income taxes receivable 1 
Other current assets21 36 
Total current assets1,427 1,400 
Assets held for sale 15 
Licenses4,576 4,693 
Investments in unconsolidated entities478 461 
Property, plant and equipment
In service and under construction8,402 9,560 
Less: Accumulated depreciation and amortization5,898 6,984 
Property, plant and equipment, net2,504 2,576 
Operating lease right-of-use assets912 915 
Other assets and deferred charges619 690 
Total assets1
$10,516 $10,750 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

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United States Cellular Corporation
Consolidated Balance Sheet — Liabilities and Equity
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(Dollars and shares in millions, except per share amounts)
Current liabilities
Current portion of long-term debt$20 $20 
Accounts payable
Affiliated6 7 
Trade266 241 
Customer deposits and deferred revenues225 229 
Accrued taxes63 32 
Accrued compensation66 83 
Short-term operating lease liabilities139 135 
Other current liabilities124 154 
Total current liabilities909 901 
Deferred liabilities and credits
Deferred income tax liability, net719 755 
Long-term operating lease liabilities813 831 
Other deferred liabilities and credits579 565 
Long-term debt, net2,882 3,044 
Commitments and contingencies
Noncontrolling interests with redemption features16 12 
UScellular shareholders’ equity
Series A Common and Common Shares
Authorized 190 shares (50 Series A Common and 140 Common Shares)
Issued 88 shares (33 Series A Common and 55 Common Shares)
Outstanding 86 shares (33 Series A Common and 53 Common Shares) and 85 shares (33 Series A Common and 52 Common Shares), respectively
Par Value ($1.00 per share) ($33 Series A Common and $55 Common Shares)
88 88 
Additional paid-in capital1,764 1,726 
Treasury shares, at cost, 3 Common Shares
Retained earnings2,813 2,892 
Total UScellular shareholders' equity4,582 4,626 
Noncontrolling interests16 16 
Total equity4,598 4,642 
Total liabilities and equity1
$10,516 $10,750 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

1     The consolidated total assets as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, include assets held by consolidated variable interest entities (VIEs) of $1,047 million and $1,217 million, respectively, which are not available to be used to settle the obligations of UScellular. The consolidated total liabilities as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, include certain liabilities of consolidated VIEs of $24 million and $26 million, respectively, for which the creditors of the VIEs have no recourse to the general credit of UScellular. See Note 12 — Variable Interest Entities for additional information.

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United States Cellular Corporation
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
UScellular Shareholders
Series A
Common and
Total equity
(Dollars in millions)
June 30, 2024$88 $1,752 $(58)$2,893 $4,675 $15 $4,690 
Net income (loss) attributable to UScellular shareholders— — — (79)(79)— (79)
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests classified as equity
— — — —  1 1 
Repurchase of Common Shares— — (26)— (26)— (26)
Incentive and compensation plans— 12 1 (1)12 — 12 
September 30, 2024$88 $1,764 $(83)$2,813 $4,582 $16 $4,598 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Table of Contents
United States Cellular Corporation
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
UScellular Shareholders
Series A
Common and
Total equity
(Dollars in millions)
June 30, 2023$88 $1,710 $(80)$2,855 $4,573 $16 $4,589 
Net income (loss) attributable to UScellular shareholders— — — 23 23 — 23 
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests classified as equity
— — — —  1 1 
Incentive and compensation plans— 7 — — 7 — 7 
Distributions to noncontrolling interests— — — —  (1)(1)
September 30, 2023$88 $1,717 $(80)$2,878 $4,603 $16 $4,619 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


Table of Contents
United States Cellular Corporation
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
UScellular Shareholders
Series A
Common and
Total equity
(Dollars in millions)
December 31, 2023$88 $1,726 $(80)$2,892 $4,626 $16 $4,642 
Net income (loss) attributable to UScellular shareholders— — — (44)(44)— (44)
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests classified as equity— — — —  3 3 
Repurchase of Common Shares— — (26)— (26)— (26)
Incentive and compensation plans— 38 23 (35)26 — 26 
Distributions to noncontrolling interests— — — —  (3)(3)
September 30, 2024$88 $1,764 $(83)$2,813 $4,582 $16 $4,598 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


Table of Contents
United States Cellular Corporation
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
UScellular Shareholders
Series A
Common and
Total equity
(Dollars in millions)
December 31, 2022$88 $1,703 $(98)$2,861 $4,554 $16 $4,570 
Net income (loss) attributable to UScellular shareholders— — — 40 40 — 40 
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests classified as equity— — — —  2 2 
Incentive and compensation plans— 14 18 (23)9 — 9 
Distributions to noncontrolling interests— — — —  (2)(2)
September 30, 2023$88 $1,717 $(80)$2,878 $4,603 $16 $4,619 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

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United States Cellular Corporation
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

Note 1 Basis of Presentation
United States Cellular Corporation (UScellular), a Delaware Corporation, is an 83%-owned subsidiary of Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. (TDS).
The accounting policies of UScellular conform to accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP) as set forth in the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC). Unless otherwise specified, references to accounting provisions and GAAP in these notes refer to the requirements of the FASB ASC. The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of UScellular, subsidiaries in which it has a controlling financial interest, general partnerships in which UScellular has a majority partnership interest and certain entities in which UScellular has a variable interest that requires consolidation into the UScellular financial statements under GAAP. Intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated.
Certain numbers included herein are rounded to millions for ease of presentation; however, certain calculated amounts and percentages are determined using the unrounded numbers. These unaudited consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto included in UScellular’s Annual Report on Form 10-K (Form 10-K) for the year ended December 31, 2023.
The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements contain all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring items, unless otherwise disclosed) necessary for the fair statement of UScellular’s financial position as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, its results of operations and changes in equity for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, and its cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. The Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income was not included because comprehensive income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, equaled net income. These results are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the full year. UScellular has not changed its significant accounting and reporting policies from those disclosed in its Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Change in Reportable Segments
During the second quarter of 2024, UScellular modified its reporting structure due to the planned disposal of its wireless operations and, as a result, disaggregated its operations into two reportable segments – Wireless and Towers. This presentation reflects how UScellular's chief operating decision maker allocates resources and evaluates operating performance following this strategic shift. Prior periods have been updated to conform to the new reportable segments. See Note 13 — Business Segment Information for additional information about UScellular's segments.
Software License Agreements
Certain software licenses are recorded as acquisitions of property, plant and equipment and the incurrence of a liability to the extent that the license fees are not fully paid at acquisition, and are treated as non-cash activity in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows. Such acquisitions of software licenses that are not reflected as Cash paid for additions to property, plant and equipment were $8 million and $18 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Restricted Cash
UScellular presents restricted cash with cash and cash equivalents in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows. Restricted cash primarily consists of balances required under the receivables securitization agreement. See Note 11 — Debt for additional information related to the receivables securitization agreement. The following table provides a reconciliation of Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash reported in the Consolidated Balance Sheet to the total of the amounts in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(Dollars in millions)
Cash and cash equivalents$272 $150 
Restricted cash included in Other current assets16 29 
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash in the statement of cash flows$288 $179 

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Note 2 Revenue Recognition
Disaggregation of Revenue
In the following table, UScellular's revenues are disaggregated by type of service, which represents the relevant categorization of revenues for UScellular, and timing of recognition. Service revenues are recognized over time and Equipment sales are recognized at a point in time. 
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(Dollars in millions)
Revenues from contracts with customers:
Retail service$669 $687 $2,014 $2,065 
Other service52 50 154 149 
Service revenues from contracts with customers721 737 2,168 2,214 
Equipment sales175 201 554 617 
Total revenues from contracts with customers1
896 938 2,722 2,831 
Operating lease income1
26 25 77 75 
Total operating revenues$922 $963 $2,799 $2,906 
1Total revenues from contracts with customers represents revenues related to the Wireless segment and Operating lease income represents revenues related to the Towers segment.
Contract Balances
The following table provides balances for contract assets from contracts with customers, which are recorded in Other current assets and Other assets and deferred charges in the Consolidated Balance Sheet, and contract liabilities from contracts with customers, which are recorded in Customer deposits and deferred revenues and Other deferred liabilities and credits in the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
 September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(Dollars in millions) 
Contract assets$4 $4 
Contract liabilities$311 $331 

Revenue recognized related to contract liabilities existing at January 1, 2024 was $178 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024.

Transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations
The following table includes estimated service revenues expected to be recognized related to performance obligations that are unsatisfied (or partially unsatisfied) at the end of the reporting period. These estimates represent service revenues to be recognized when wireless services are delivered to customers pursuant to service plan contracts and under certain roaming agreements with other carriers. These estimates are based on contracts in place as of September 30, 2024 and may vary from actual results. As practical expedients, revenue related to contracts of less than one year, generally month-to-month contracts, and contracts with a fixed per-unit price and variable quantity, are excluded from these estimates. 
Service Revenues
(Dollars in millions)
Remainder of 2024$124 

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Contract Cost Assets
UScellular expects that commission fees paid as a result of obtaining contracts are recoverable, and therefore UScellular defers and amortizes these costs. As a practical expedient, costs with an amortization period of one year or less are expensed as incurred. The contract cost asset balance related to commission fees and other costs was $128 million and $127 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, and was recorded in Other assets and deferred charges in the Consolidated Balance Sheet. Deferred commission fees are amortized based on the timing of transfer of the goods or services to which the assets relate, typically the contract term. Amortization of contract cost assets was $21 million and $64 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and $23 million and $70 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively, and was included in Selling, general and administrative expenses.
Note 3 Fair Value Measurements
As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, UScellular did not have any material financial or nonfinancial assets or liabilities that were required to be recorded at fair value in its Consolidated Balance Sheet in accordance with GAAP.
The provisions of GAAP establish a fair value hierarchy that contains three levels for inputs used in fair value measurements. Level 1 inputs include quoted market prices for identical assets or liabilities in active markets. Level 2 inputs include quoted market prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets or quoted market prices for identical assets and liabilities in inactive markets. Level 3 inputs are unobservable. A financial instrument’s level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of any input that is significant to the fair value measurement. A financial instrument’s level within the fair value hierarchy is not representative of its expected performance or its overall risk profile and, therefore Level 3 assets are not necessarily higher risk than Level 2 assets or Level 1 assets.
As of September 30, 2024, UScellular recorded a net written call option at fair value, which was considered Level 3 within the fair value hierarchy. See Note 7 — Divestitures for additional information.
UScellular has applied the provisions of fair value accounting for purposes of computing the fair value of financial instruments for disclosure purposes as displayed below.
Level within the Fair Value Hierarchy
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Book Value
Fair Value
Book Value
Fair Value
(Dollars in millions)
Long-term debt2$2,937 $2,868 $3,099 $2,611 
Long-term debt excludes lease obligations, the current portion of Long-term debt and debt financing costs. The fair value of Long-term debt was estimated using various methods, including quoted market prices and discounted cash flow analyses.
The fair values of Cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash and short-term debt approximate their book values due to the short-term nature of these financial instruments.
Note 4 Equipment Installment Plans
UScellular sells devices to customers under equipment installment plans over a specified time period. For certain equipment installment plans, after a specified period of time or amount of payments, the customer may have the right to upgrade to a new device and have the remaining unpaid equipment installment contract balance waived, subject to certain conditions, including trading in the original device in good working condition and signing a new equipment installment contract.
The following table summarizes equipment installment plan receivables.
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(Dollars in millions)
Equipment installment plan receivables, gross$1,075 $1,151 
Allowance for credit losses(80)(90)
Equipment installment plan receivables, net$995 $1,061 
Net balance presented in the Consolidated Balance Sheet as:
Accounts receivable — Customers and agents (Current portion)$578 $577 
Other assets and deferred charges (Non-current portion)417 484 
Equipment installment plan receivables, net$995 $1,061 

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UScellular uses various inputs to evaluate the credit profiles of its customers, including internal data, information from credit bureaus and other sources. From this evaluation, a credit class is assigned to the customer that determines the number of eligible lines, the amount of credit available, and the down payment requirement, if any. These credit classes are grouped into four credit categories: lowest risk, lower risk, slight risk and higher risk. A customer's assigned credit class is reviewed periodically and a change is made, if appropriate. An equipment installment plan billed amount is considered past due if not paid within 30 days. The balance and aging of the equipment installment plan receivables on a gross basis by credit category were as follows:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Lowest Risk
Lower Risk
Slight Risk
Higher Risk
Lowest Risk
Lower Risk
Slight Risk
Higher Risk
(Dollars in millions)
Unbilled$934 $68 $13 $5 $1,020 $977 $88 $16 $4 $1,085 
Billed — current34 3 1  38 35 5 2 1 43 
Billed — past due10 4 2 1 17 12 7 3 1 23 
Total$978 $75 $16 $6 $1,075 $1,024 $100 $21 $6 $1,151 
The balance of the equipment installment plan receivables as of September 30, 2024 on a gross basis by year of origination were as follows:
(Dollars in millions)
Lowest Risk$1 $189 $395 $393 $978 
Lower Risk 8 26 41 75 
Slight Risk 1 4 11 16 
Higher Risk  2 4 6 
Total$1 $198 $427 $449 $1,075 
The write-offs, net of recoveries for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 on a gross basis by year of origination were as follows:
(Dollars in millions)
Write-offs, net of recoveries$(1)$15 $34 $6 $54 
Activity for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, in the allowance for credit losses for equipment installment plan receivables was as follows:
September 30, 2024September 30, 2023
(Dollars in millions)
Allowance for credit losses, beginning of period$90 $96 
Bad debts expense44 47 
Write-offs, net of recoveries(54)(58)
Allowance for credit losses, end of period$80 $85 
Note 5 Income Taxes
The effective tax rate on Income (loss) before income taxes for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 was 14.4% and (340.3)%, respectively. These effective tax rates reflect the impacts of recurring tax adjustments including nondeductible interest and compensation expenses as well as the discrete impact of the impairment of certain wireless spectrum licenses.
The effective tax rate on Income before income taxes for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 was 53.1% and 56.4%, respectively. These effective tax rates were higher than normal due primarily to the relatively low amount of Income before income taxes which increased the effective tax rate impact of recurring tax adjustments including nondeductible interest and compensation expenses, as well as discrete increases in state valuation allowances which reduced the net value of deferred tax assets.

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Note 6 Earnings Per Share
Basic earnings per share attributable to UScellular shareholders is computed by dividing Net income (loss) attributable to UScellular shareholders by the weighted average number of Common Shares outstanding during the period. Diluted earnings (loss) per share attributable to UScellular shareholders is computed by dividing Net income (loss) attributable to UScellular shareholders by the weighted average number of Common Shares outstanding during the period adjusted to include the effects of potentially dilutive securities. Potentially dilutive securities primarily include incremental shares issuable upon the exercise of outstanding stock options and the vesting of performance and restricted stock units, as calculated using the treasury stock method.
The amounts used in computing basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share attributable to UScellular shareholders were as follows:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(Dollars and shares in millions, except per share amounts)
Net income (loss) attributable to UScellular shareholders$(79)$23 $(44)$40 
Weighted average number of shares used in basic earnings (loss) per share86 85 86 85 
Effects of dilutive securities 1  1 
Weighted average number of shares used in diluted earnings (loss) per share86 86 86 86 
Basic earnings (loss) per share attributable to UScellular shareholders$(0.92)$0.26 $(0.51)$0.47 
Diluted earnings (loss) per share attributable to UScellular shareholders$(0.92)$0.26 $(0.51)$0.47 
Certain Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of stock options or vesting of performance and restricted stock units were not included in weighted average diluted shares outstanding for the calculation of Diluted earnings (loss) per share attributable to UScellular shareholders because their effects were antidilutive. The number of such Common Shares excluded was 3 million and 2 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and less than 1 million for both the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023.
Note 7 Divestitures
On August 4, 2023, TDS and UScellular announced that the Boards of Directors of both companies decided to initiate a process to explore a range of strategic alternatives for UScellular. On May 28, 2024, UScellular announced that its Board of Directors unanimously approved the execution of a Securities Purchase Agreement (Securities Purchase Agreement) by and among TDS, UScellular, T-Mobile US, Inc. (T-Mobile) and USCC Wireless Holdings, LLC, pursuant to which, among other things, UScellular has agreed to sell its wireless operations and select spectrum assets to T-Mobile for a purchase price, subject to adjustment as specified in the Securities Purchase Agreement, of $4,400 million, which is payable in a combination of cash and the assumption of up to approximately $2,000 million in debt. The Securities Purchase Agreement also contemplates, among other things, a Short-Term Spectrum Manager Lease Agreement that will become effective at the closing date, which provides T-Mobile with an exclusive license to use certain UScellular spectrum assets at no cost for up to one-year for the purpose of providing continued, uninterrupted service to customers. UScellular expects to present the wireless operations and select spectrum assets sold to T-Mobile as discontinued operations if and when the accounting criteria is met. The transactions are expected to close in mid-2025, subject to the receipt of regulatory approvals and the satisfaction of customary closing conditions.
On October 17, 2024, UScellular, and certain subsidiaries of UScellular, entered into a License Purchase Agreement (Verizon Purchase Agreement) with Verizon Communications Inc. (Verizon) to sell certain AWS, Cellular and PCS wireless spectrum licenses and agreed to grant Verizon certain rights to lease such licenses prior to the transaction close for total proceeds of $1,000 million. As of September 30, 2024, the book value of the wireless spectrum licenses to be sold was $586 million. The transaction is subject to regulatory approval and other customary closing conditions, and is contingent on the closing of the T-Mobile transaction and the termination of the T-Mobile Short-Term Spectrum Manager Lease Agreement.

The strategic alternatives review process is ongoing as UScellular seeks to opportunistically monetize its spectrum assets that are not subject to the Securities Purchase Agreement or the Verizon Purchase Agreement.

UScellular incurred third-party expenses related to the announced transactions and strategic alternatives review of $7 million and $28 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and $3 million for both the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, which are included in Selling, general and administrative expenses.

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UScellular also assessed whether the execution of the Securities Purchase Agreement constituted a significant change in the way it expects to operate its long-lived assets. Specifically, given the Securities Purchase Agreement, and UScellular's plan to divest of its wireless operations, UScellular expects to generate cash flows from the wireless operations separately from the retained business. Therefore, in the second quarter of 2024, UScellular bifurcated the historical single asset group into two asset groups – wireless and towers. At that time, UScellular also assessed whether an impairment test of its long-lived assets was required and determined that there was no triggering event present due to the factors just described that required a recoverability test to be performed. In the third quarter of 2024, UScellular re-assessed whether an impairment test of its long-lived assets was required considering the wireless spectrum license impairment and determined that there was no triggering event that required a recoverability test to be performed.
As part of the transaction, UScellular entered into a Put/Call Agreement with T-Mobile whereby T-Mobile has the right to call certain spectrum assets and UScellular has the right to put certain spectrum assets to T-Mobile for an aggregate agreed upon price of $106 million. The call option notice period started on May 24, 2024, and the put exercise period starts at the close of the broader transaction. There was no cash exchanged at the inception of the Put/Call Agreement. All license transfers pursuant to any put/call are subject to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approval. UScellular accounts for this instrument as a net written call option and records such option at fair value each reporting period unless/until such option is exercised or terminated. UScellular estimated the fair value of the net written call option at $6 million as of September 30, 2024, which was recorded to Other deferred liabilities and credits in the Consolidated Balance Sheet. The change in fair value is recorded to (Gain) loss on license sales and exchanges, net in the Consolidated Statement of Operations.
Note 8 Intangible Assets
Wireless Spectrum License Impairment
Wireless spectrum licenses represent a significant component of UScellular’s consolidated assets. Wireless spectrum licenses are considered to be indefinite-lived assets, and therefore, are not amortized but are tested for impairment annually or more frequently if there are events or circumstances that cause UScellular to believe that their carrying values exceed their fair values. Wireless spectrum licenses are tested for impairment at the level of reporting referred to as a unit of accounting.
As a result of executing the Securities Purchase Agreement with T-Mobile during the second quarter of 2024, UScellular bifurcated its historical single unit of accounting into two units of accounting – wireless spectrum licenses to be sold under the Securities Purchase Agreement and wireless spectrum licenses to be retained. During the third quarter of 2024, UScellular’s efforts to monetize its spectrum assets not subject to the Securities Purchase Agreement provided new evidence that the highest and best use of the retained spectrum to current buyers would be in separate tranches. As a result, UScellular further divided its wireless spectrum licenses units of accounting from one retained unit into eleven units, resulting in twelve total units of accounting. UScellular concluded that there were events and circumstances in the third quarter of 2024 that caused UScellular to believe the carrying values of five of the units of accounting may exceed their respective fair values (i.e. triggering event), and accordingly a quantitative impairment assessment was performed for those units. There was no triggering event for the other units of accounting.
A market approach was used for purposes of the quantitative impairment assessment to value the wireless spectrum licenses for the five units tested, using a range of values established largely through industry benchmarks, FCC auction data, and precedent transactions. The midpoint of the range was established as the estimate of fair value for each unit of accounting. Based on this valuation, the fair value of the wireless spectrum licenses exceeded their respective carrying values by amounts ranging from 9% to 80% for three of the units of accounting. For two of the units of accounting, the fair value of the wireless spectrum licenses was less than the respective carrying value, and a $136 million impairment was recorded to Loss on impairment of licenses in the Consolidated Statement of Operations within UScellular’s Wireless segment during the third quarter of 2024. The impairment loss was substantially all related to the retained high-band spectrum unit of accounting which includes the 28 GHz, 37 GHz and 39 GHz frequency bands, the carrying value of which was $161 million as of September 30, 2024, after the impairment loss. The impairment loss is driven by the change in the units of accounting described above combined with lower fair value primarily attributed to high-band spectrum as a result of industry-wide challenges encountered related to the operationalization of this spectrum.

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Note 9 Investments in Unconsolidated Entities
Investments in unconsolidated entities consist of amounts invested in entities in which UScellular holds a noncontrolling interest. UScellular’s Investments in unconsolidated entities are accounted for using the equity method, measurement alternative method or net asset value practical expedient method as shown in the table below. The carrying value of measurement alternative method investments represents cost minus any impairments plus or minus any observable price changes.
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(Dollars in millions)
Equity method investments$464 $448 
Measurement alternative method investments5 4 
Investments recorded using the net asset value practical expedient9 9 
Total investments in unconsolidated entities$478 $461 
The following table, which is based on unaudited information provided in part by third parties, summarizes the combined results of operations of UScellular’s equity method investments.
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(Dollars in millions)
Revenues$1,878 $1,805 $5,541 $5,369 
Operating expenses1,465 1,420 4,293 4,138 
Operating income413 385 1,248 1,231 
Other income (expense), net1 (13) (19)
Net income$414 $372 $1,248 $1,212 
Note 10 Asset Retirement Obligations
Asset retirement obligations are included in Other deferred liabilities and credits in the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, UScellular performed a review of the assumptions and estimated future costs related to asset retirement obligations. The results of the review and other changes in asset retirement obligations during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were as follows:
Asset Retirement Obligations
(Dollars in millions)
Balance at December 31, 2023$367 
Additional liabilities accrued4 
Revisions in estimated cash outflows9 
Disposition of assets(2)
Accretion expense15 
Balance at September 30, 2024$393 

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Note 11 Debt
Receivables Securitization Agreement
UScellular, through its subsidiaries, has a receivables securitization agreement that permits securitized borrowings using its equipment installment plan receivables. Amounts under the agreement may be borrowed, repaid and reborrowed from time to time until September 2025. Unless the agreement is amended to extend the maturity date, repayments based on receivable collections commence in October 2025. The outstanding borrowings bear interest at a rate of the lender's cost of funds (which has historically tracked closely to Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR)) plus 1.15%. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, UScellular borrowed $40 million and repaid $188 million under its receivables securitization agreement. As of September 30, 2024, the outstanding borrowings under the agreement were $2 million and the unused borrowing capacity was $448 million, subject to sufficient collateral to satisfy the asset borrowing base provisions of the agreement. As of September 30, 2024, the USCC Master Note Trust held $132 million of assets available to be pledged as collateral for the receivables securitization agreement.
Term Loan Agreements
In October 2024, UScellular repaid $40 million under its term loan agreement due July 2026.
Debt Covenants
The revolving credit agreement, term loan agreements, export credit financing agreement and receivables securitization agreement require UScellular to comply with certain affirmative and negative covenants, which include certain financial covenants that may restrict the borrowing capacity available. UScellular is required to maintain the Consolidated Leverage Ratio as of the end of any fiscal quarter at a level not to exceed the following: 4.00 to 1.00 from April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025; 3.75 to 1.00 from April 1, 2025 and thereafter. UScellular is also required to maintain the Consolidated Interest Coverage Ratio at a level not lower than 3.00 to 1.00 as of the end of any fiscal quarter. UScellular believes that it was in compliance as of September 30, 2024 with all such financial covenants.
Note 12 Variable Interest Entities
Consolidated VIEs
UScellular consolidates VIEs in which it has a controlling financial interest as defined by GAAP and is therefore deemed the primary beneficiary. UScellular reviews the criteria for a controlling financial interest at the time it enters into agreements and subsequently when events warranting reconsideration occur. These VIEs have risks similar to those described in the “Risk Factors” in this Form 10-Q and UScellular’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.
UScellular formed USCC EIP LLC (Seller/Sub-Servicer), USCC Receivables Funding LLC (Transferor) and the USCC Master Note Trust (Trust), collectively the special purpose entities (SPEs), to facilitate a securitized borrowing using its equipment installment plan receivables. Under a Receivables Sale Agreement, UScellular wholly-owned, majority-owned and unconsolidated entities, collectively referred to as “affiliated entities”, transfer device equipment installment plan contracts to the Seller/Sub-Servicer. The Seller/Sub-Servicer aggregates device equipment installment plan contracts, and performs servicing, collection and all other administrative activities related to accounting for the equipment installment plan contracts. The Seller/Sub-Servicer sells the eligible equipment installment plan receivables to the Transferor, a bankruptcy remote entity, which subsequently sells the receivables to the Trust. The Trust, which is bankruptcy remote and isolated from the creditors of UScellular, will be responsible for issuing asset-backed variable funding notes (Notes), which are collateralized by the equipment installment plan receivables owned by the Trust. Given that UScellular has the power to direct the activities of these SPEs, and that these SPEs lack sufficient equity to finance their activities, UScellular is deemed to have a controlling financial interest in the SPEs, and therefore consolidates them. All transactions with third parties (e.g., issuance of the asset-backed variable funding notes) will be accounted for as a secured borrowing due to the pledging of equipment installment plan contracts as collateral, significant continuing involvement in the transferred assets, subordinated interests of the cash flows, and continued evidence of control of the receivables. 
The following VIEs were formed to participate in FCC auctions of wireless spectrum licenses and to fund, establish, and provide wireless service with respect to any FCC wireless spectrum licenses won in the auctions:
Advantage Spectrum, L.P. (Advantage Spectrum) and Sunshine Spectrum, Inc., the general partner of Advantage Spectrum; and
King Street Wireless, L.P. (King Street Wireless) and King Street Wireless, Inc., the general partner of King Street Wireless.
These particular VIEs are collectively referred to as designated entities. The power to direct the activities that most significantly impact the economic performance of these VIEs is shared. Specifically, the general partner of these VIEs has the exclusive right to manage, operate and control the limited partnerships and make all decisions to carry on the business of the partnerships. The general partner of each partnership needs the consent of the limited partner, an indirect UScellular subsidiary, to sell or lease certain wireless spectrum licenses, to make certain large expenditures, admit other partners or liquidate the limited partnerships. Although the power to direct the activities of these VIEs is shared, UScellular has the most significant level of exposure to the variability associated with the economic performance of the VIEs, indicating that UScellular is the primary beneficiary of the VIEs. Therefore, in accordance with GAAP, these VIEs are consolidated into the UScellular financial statements.

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UScellular also consolidates other VIEs that are limited partnerships that provide wireless service. A limited partnership is a variable interest entity unless the limited partners hold substantive participating rights or kick-out rights over the general partner. For certain limited partnerships, UScellular is the general partner and manages the operations. In these partnerships, the limited partners do not have substantive kick-out or participating rights and, further, such limited partners do not have the authority to remove the general partner. Therefore, these limited partnerships also are recognized as VIEs and are consolidated into the UScellular financial statements under the variable interest model.
The following table presents the classification and balances of the consolidated VIEs’ assets and liabilities in UScellular’s Consolidated Balance Sheet.
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(Dollars in millions)
Cash and cash equivalents$49 $24 
Accounts receivable627 633 
Inventory, net4 4 
Other current assets17 30 
Licenses641 641 
Property, plant and equipment, net132 143 
Operating lease right-of-use assets49 48 
Other assets and deferred charges429 494 
Total assets$1,948 $2,017 
Current liabilities$36 $37 
Long-term operating lease liabilities43 42 
Other deferred liabilities and credits28 29 
Total liabilities1
$107 $108 
1    Total liabilities does not include amounts borrowed under the receivables securitization agreement. See Note 11 – Debt for additional information.
Unconsolidated VIEs
UScellular manages the operations of and holds a variable interest in certain other limited partnerships, but is not the primary beneficiary of these entities, and therefore does not consolidate them into the UScellular financial statements under the variable interest model.
UScellular’s total investment in these unconsolidated entities was $5 million and $6 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, and is included in Investments in unconsolidated entities in UScellular’s Consolidated Balance Sheet. The maximum exposure from unconsolidated VIEs is limited to the investment held by UScellular in those entities. 
Other Related Matters
UScellular made contributions, loans or advances to its VIEs totaling $295 million and $276 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, of which $253 million in 2024 and $244 million in 2023, are related to USCC EIP LLC as discussed above. UScellular may agree to make additional capital contributions and/or advances to these or other VIEs and/or to their general partners to provide additional funding for their operations or the development of wireless spectrum licenses granted in various auctions. UScellular may finance such amounts with a combination of cash on hand, borrowings under its revolving credit or receivables securitization agreements and/or other long-term debt. There is no assurance that UScellular will be able to obtain additional financing on commercially reasonable terms or at all to provide such financial support.
The limited partnership agreement of Advantage Spectrum also provided the general partner with a put option whereby the general partner may require the limited partner, a subsidiary of UScellular, to purchase its interest in the limited partnership. The put option was not exercised during the exercise period.

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Note 13 Business Segment Information
During the second quarter of 2024, UScellular modified its reporting structure due to the planned disposal of its wireless operations and, as a result, disaggregated its operations into two reportable segments – Wireless and Towers. This presentation reflects how UScellular's chief operating decision maker allocates resources and evaluates operating performance following this strategic shift. The Towers segment records rental revenue and the Wireless segment records a related expense when the Wireless segment uses company-owned towers to locate its network equipment, using estimated market pricing - this revenue and expense is eliminated in consolidation. Prior periods have been updated to conform to the new reportable segments.
Financial data for UScellular’s reportable segments for the three and nine month periods ended, or as of September 30, 2024 and 2023, is as follows. See Note 1 — Basis of Presentation for additional information.
Three Months Ended or as of September 30, 2024WirelessTowersIntra-company eliminationsUScellular Total
(Dollars in millions)    
Operating revenues    
Service$721 $59 $(33)$747 
Equipment and product sales175   175 
Total operating revenues896 59 (33)922 
System operations (excluding Depreciation, amortization and accretion reported below)193 20 (33)180 
Cost of equipment and products203   203 
Selling, general and administrative316 8  324 
Depreciation, amortization and accretion155 12  167 
Loss on impairment of licenses136   136 
(Gain) loss on asset disposals, net4   4 
(Gain) loss on license sales and exchanges, net(2)  (2)
Operating income (loss)(109)19  (90)
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated entities1
Interest and dividend income1
Interest expense1
Income (loss) before income taxes(92)
Income tax expense (benefit)1
Net income (loss)(78)
Add back:
Depreciation, amortization and accretion155 12  167 
Expenses related to strategic alternatives review7   7 
Loss on impairment of licenses136   136 
(Gain) loss on asset disposals, net4   4 
(Gain) loss on license sales and exchanges, net(2)  (2)
Interest expense1
Income tax expense (benefit)1
Adjusted EBITDA2
$191 $31 $ $269 
Investments in unconsolidated entities1
Total assets3
Capital expenditures$114 $6 $ $120 

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Three Months Ended or as of September 30, 2023WirelessTowersIntra-company eliminationsUScellular Total
(Dollars in millions)    
Operating revenues    
Service$737 $57 $(32)$762 
Equipment and product sales201   201 
Total operating revenues938 57 (32)963 
System operations (excluding Depreciation, amortization and accretion reported below)199 18 (32)185 
Cost of equipment and products228   228 
Selling, general and administrative324 9  333 
Depreciation, amortization and accretion148 11  159 
(Gain) loss on asset disposals, net1   1 
Operating income38 19  57 
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated entities1
Interest and dividend income1
Interest expense1
Income before income taxes50 
Income tax expense1
Net income23 
Add back:
Depreciation, amortization and accretion148 11  159 
Expenses related to strategic alternatives review3   3 
(Gain) loss on asset disposals, net1   1 
Interest expense1
Income tax expense1
Adjusted EBITDA2
$190 $30 $ $263 
Investments in unconsolidated entities1
Total assets3
Capital expenditures$106 $5 $ $111 

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Nine Months Ended or as of September 30, 2024WirelessTowersIntra-company eliminationsUScellular Total
(Dollars in millions)    
Operating revenues    
Service$2,168 $175 $(98)$2,245 
Equipment and product sales554   554 
Total operating revenues2,722 175 (98)2,799 
System operations (excluding Depreciation, amortization and accretion reported below)582 58 (98)542 
Cost of equipment and products630   630 
Selling, general and administrative953 24  977 
Depreciation, amortization and accretion466 33  499 
Loss on impairment of licenses136   136 
(Gain) loss on asset disposals, net13 1  14 
(Gain) loss on license sales and exchanges, net4   4 
Operating income (loss)(62)59  (3)
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated entities1
Interest and dividend income1
Interest expense1
Income (loss) before income taxes(8)
Income tax expense (benefit)1
Net income (loss)(37)
Add back:
Depreciation, amortization and accretion466 33  499 
Expenses related to strategic alternatives review26 2  28 
Loss on impairment of licenses136   136 
(Gain) loss on asset disposals, net13 1  14 
(Gain) loss on license sales and exchanges, net4   4 
Interest expense1
Income tax expense (benefit)1
Adjusted EBITDA2
$583 $95 $ $810 
Capital expenditures$400 $15 $ $415 

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Nine Months Ended or as of September 30, 2023WirelessTowersIntra-company eliminationsUScellular Total
(Dollars in millions)    
Operating revenues    
Service$2,214 $170 $(95)$2,289 
Equipment and product sales617   617 
Total operating revenues2,831 170 (95)2,906 
System operations (excluding Depreciation, amortization and accretion reported below)597 55 (95)557 
Cost of equipment and products708   708 
Selling, general and administrative995 25  1,020 
Depreciation, amortization and accretion456 34  490 
(Gain) loss on asset disposals, net14   14 
Operating income61 56  117 
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated entities1
Interest and dividend income1
Interest expense1
Income before income taxes99 
Income tax expense1
Net income43 
Add back:
Depreciation, amortization and accretion456 34  490 
Expenses related to strategic alternatives review3   3 
(Gain) loss on asset disposals, net14   14 
Interest expense1
Income tax expense1
Adjusted EBITDA2
$534 $90 $ $753 
Capital expenditures$452 $10 $ $462 

1Income and expense items below Operating income are not provided at the individual segment level for Wireless and Towers. These items are not included in the evaluation of operating performance of the segments, and therefore are reported for "UScellular Total".
2Adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization and accretion (Adjusted EBITDA) is a segment measure reported to the chief operating decision maker for purposes of assessing the segments' performance. Adjusted EBITDA is defined as net income, adjusted for the items set forth in the reconciliation above. UScellular believes Adjusted EBITDA is a useful measure of UScellular’s operating results before significant recurring non-cash charges, gains and losses, and other items as presented above as it provides additional relevant and useful information to investors and other users of UScellular’s financial data in evaluating the effectiveness of its operations and underlying business trends in a manner that is consistent with management's evaluation of business performance.
3Assets are not provided at the individual segment level for Wireless and Towers. The segments operate under a common capital structure, and management has historically considered its assets collectively as part of a combined wireless network.

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United States Cellular Corporation
Additional Required Information
Controls and Procedures
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
UScellular maintains disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the Exchange Act)) that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in its reports filed or submitted under the Exchange Act is processed, recorded, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms, and that such information is accumulated and communicated to UScellular’s management, including its principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as appropriate, to allow for timely decisions regarding required disclosure. In designing and evaluating the disclosure controls and procedures, management recognizes that any controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable assurance of achieving the desired control objectives.
As required by SEC Rules 13a-15(b), UScellular carried out an evaluation, under the supervision and with the participation of management, including its principal executive officer and principal financial officer, of the effectiveness of the design and operation of UScellular’s disclosure controls and procedures as of the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report. Based on this evaluation, UScellular’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer concluded that UScellular’s disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of September 30, 2024, at the reasonable assurance level.
Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
There have been no changes in internal controls over financial reporting that have occurred during the three months ended September 30, 2024, that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, UScellular’s internal control over financial reporting.
Legal Proceedings
On May 2, 2023, a putative stockholder class action was filed against TDS and UScellular and certain current and former officers and directors in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. An Amended Complaint was filed on September 1, 2023, which names TDS, UScellular, and certain current UScellular officers and directors as defendants, and alleges that certain public statements made between May 6, 2022 and November 3, 2022 (the potential class period) regarding, among other things, UScellular’s business strategies to address subscriber demand, violated Section 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The plaintiff seeks to represent a class of stockholders who purchased TDS equity securities during the potential class period and demands unspecified monetary damages.
On June 18, 2024, a stockholder derivative lawsuit was filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, Chancery Division against UScellular, certain TDS and UScellular directors and officers, and nominal defendant TDS. The derivative lawsuit takes issue with the same public statements made between May 6, 2022 and November 3, 2022, alleging that the fact that the statements were made was a breach of fiduciary duty on the part of the officer and director defendants, and bringing claims for indemnification and contribution against the officer and director defendants and UScellular. In addition to indemnification and contribution, the plaintiff seeks money damages and the implementation of certain governance proposals.
UScellular is unable at this time to determine whether the outcome of these actions would have a material impact on its results of operations, financial condition, or cash flows. UScellular intends to contest plaintiffs’ claims vigorously on the merits.
Refer to the disclosure under Legal Proceedings in UScellular’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, for additional information. Other than as described above, there have been no material changes to such information since December 31, 2023.

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Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds
In November 2009, UScellular announced by Form 8-K that the Board of Directors of UScellular authorized the repurchase of up to 1,300,000 additional Common Shares on an annual basis beginning in 2009 and continuing each year thereafter, on a cumulative basis. In December 2016, the UScellular Board amended this authorization to provide that, beginning on January 1, 2017, the increase in the authorized repurchase amount with respect to a particular year will be any amount from zero to 1,300,000 Common Shares, as determined by the Pricing Committee of the Board of Directors, and that if the Pricing Committee did not specify an additional amount for any year, such additional amount would be zero for such year. The Pricing Committee has not specified any increase in the authorization since that time. The Pricing Committee also was authorized to decrease the cumulative amount of the authorization at any time, but has not taken any action to do so at this time. The authorization provides that share repurchases will be made pursuant to open market purchases, block purchases in compliance with Rule 10b-18 of the Exchange Act or Rule 10b5-1 of the Exchange Act, or pursuant to accelerated share repurchase arrangements, prepaid share repurchases, private purchases, or otherwise, depending on market prices and other conditions. This authorization does not have an expiration date. UScellular did not determine to terminate the foregoing Common Share repurchase program, as amended, or cease making further purchases thereunder, during the third quarter of 2024.
The following table provides certain information with respect to all purchases made by or on behalf of UScellular, and any open market purchases made by any "affiliated purchaser" (as defined by the SEC) of UScellular, of UScellular Common Shares during the quarter covered by this Form 10-Q. The purchases below were made under a Rule 10b5-1 stock repurchase plan.
PeriodTotal Number of Shares PurchasedAverage Price Paid per ShareTotal Number of Shares Purchased as Part of Publicly Announced Plans or ProgramsMaximum Number of Shares that May Yet Be Purchased Under the Plans or Programs
July 1 - 31, 2024162,963$55.56 162,9631,763,978
August 1 - 31, 2024162,964$53.19 162,9641,601,014
September 1 - 30, 2024148,147$56.17 148,1471,452,867
Total for or as of the end of the quarter ended September 30, 2024474,074$54.94 474,0741,452,867
Other Information
Executive Severance Policy
On October 29, 2024, UScellular adopted a cash severance policy applicable to its executive officers (the “Executive Severance Policy”) that makes them eligible to receive severance pay in the event that their employment is terminated as a result of an “involuntary separation without cause.” In that event, subject to their execution and non-revocation of a release of claims in favor of UScellular and its parent and affiliates, they will be entitled to receive severance pay in a lump sum cash payment equal to one year of base pay at the time of separation. The Executive Severance Policy also provides UScellular with the discretion to provide the executive officers with additional benefits (e.g., prorated annual bonuses). The current executive officers subject to this policy are Douglas Chambers, Kevin Lowell and Michael Irizarry. Laurent Therivel’s compensation agreement, which addresses severance and has been previously disclosed, overrides the Executive Severance Policy in the event an involuntary termination of his employment.
For purposes of the Executive Severance Policy, an “involuntary separation without cause” is defined as the elimination of the executive officer’s position due to a strategic organizational change, such as a reduction in force, outsourcing or other restructuring where such executive officer has not been offered a position that is similar and/or comparably compensated with UScellular or with a new functional owner (whether or not such owner is affiliated with UScellular). If the executive officer accepts a similar position with the parent or an affiliate of UScellular that remains part of the same controlled group as Telephone and Data Systems, Inc., the executive officer will be eligible for severance under and subject to the terms of the Executive Severance Policy if their employment is involuntarily terminated within one year following the change of employer.
The Executive Severance Policy can be modified, altered or terminated at the Chairman’s discretion at any time for any reason.
The foregoing summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Executive Severance Policy, attached hereto as Exhibit 10.1 and incorporated herein by reference.
Rule 10b5-1 Trading Arrangements
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, none of UScellular’s directors or officers (as defined in Rule 16a-1(f) under the Exchange Act) has adopted or terminated a Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement or a non-Rule 10b5–1 trading arrangement (each as defined in Item 408 of Regulation S-K under the 1934 Act).

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Exhibit Number
Description of Documents
Exhibit 10.1
Exhibit 31.1
Exhibit 31.2
Exhibit 32.1
Exhibit 32.2
Exhibit 101.INSXBRL Instance Document - the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document.
Exhibit 101.SCH
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document
Exhibit 101.PRE
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Presentation Linkbase Document
Exhibit 101.CAL
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Calculation Linkbase Document
Exhibit 101.LAB
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Label Linkbase Document
Exhibit 101.DEFInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document
Exhibit 104Cover Page Interactive Data File - the cover page interactive data file does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the inline document.
*Pursuant to Item 601(b)(2) of Regulation S-K, certain exhibits, schedules and similar attachments have been omitted; exhibits, schedules and other attachments will be provided to the Securities and Exchange Commission upon request.

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Form 10-Q Cross Reference Index 
Item Number 
Page No.
Part I.Financial Information
28 - 32
36 - 45
1 - 22
Part II.Other Information

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
Date:November 1, 2024/s/ Laurent C. Therivel
Laurent C. Therivel
President and Chief Executive Officer
(principal executive officer)
Date:November 1, 2024/s/ Douglas W. Chambers
Douglas W. Chambers
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
(principal financial officer)