第一部分。限制性股票单位授予截至当前日期,依据本协议及W. R. Berkley Corporation 2018年股票激励计划的条款和控件(可能会不时修订,以下简称“计划”),公司特此授予受赠人附录A中列出的目标数量的限制股票单位(此处授予或实现的限制股票单位以下简称为“限制性股票单位”)。限制股票单位的部分将被指定为第一拨限制股票单位、第二拨限制股票单位和第三拨限制股票单位,如附录A所述。授予的限制股票单位数量代表如果公司在每个业绩期间达到ROE相对业绩的目标水平,将实现的限制股票单位数量。实现的限制股票单位数量,如有,是基于公司的实际ROE相对业绩而增加或减少,可能在0%到110%之间变动。每个限制股票单位代表有权根据本协议中规定的条款和条件接收一股股票。受赠人确认并承认限制股票单位不构成工资或以其他方式构成任何部分的报酬或福利,作为受赠人工作的补偿;而是,这一授予是作为补充的自愿性福利,向受赠人提供,以换取受赠人遵守本协议中规定的条款和条件。该授予由薪酬委员会管理(以下简称“委员会)公司董事会的。除了在本协议第23条中定义的资本化术语外,其余术语应参考计划中的含义。
b. 受赠人确认,如果受赠人选择违反或同意违反一个或多个义务,或参与不当行为,受赠人保留根据本节3(d)应当被没收、偿还或由公司收回的金额将与公司的利益相悖。受赠人承认,违反一个或多个义务或参与不当行为将与公司的利益相悖,违反本协议中公司为授予受限制股票单位而要求的条款和条件,并且如果受赠人不没收和偿还(且公司不寻求收回)所享有的利益将导致企业浪费。根据本协议没收、偿还或收回的任何金额都不构成实际或约定损害赔偿;相反,它们是公司为换取受赠人承诺遵守本协议中所列的条款和条件而提供的财务利益的没收、偿还或收回。在没有受赠人承诺遵守本协议中所列的条款和条件的情况下,公司不会授予受限制股票单位。公司针对实施本协议中所述的没收、偿还或收回条款的任何行动或不作为,不应减少、消除或以任何方式影响公司的权利。
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C. 本文中使用的术语“相关期间”是指从受赠人与公司或其一个附属公司开始雇佣关系的日期起算,至受赠人因任何原因终止雇佣关系后的一年结束的期间。
D. 本协议是对公司的额外补充,且不应取代或妨碍公司执行受赠人所绑定的包含关于离职活动的契约和/或义务的任何单独协议的条款以及其在适用法律下的其他权利。
(ii) 受益方由公司的附属机构雇用,或曾经被附属机构雇用,参与或指导与该附属机构进行、管理或支持的任何商业活动竞争的商业活动,在任何地理区域内 (x) 受益方代表该附属机构承担的职责或受益方收到、了解或定期接触到的保密信息,(y) 该附属机构在相关期间的全部或部分时间内进行、管理或支持商业活动的地区,
第5节。分红派息和分红派息等价物. No dividends or dividend equivalents shall accrue or be paid with respect to any outstanding unvested Restricted Stock Units. On the second Tuesday of each January, April, July and October (each, a “Dividend Equivalent Payment Date”) occurring during the period commencing on the Vesting Date and ending on the Settlement Date, the Grantee shall be paid an amount in cash, with respect to each vested Restricted Stock Unit then outstanding and held by such Grantee, equal to the aggregate cash dividends paid by the Company in respect of one share of Stock (the “股息税”) following the immediately prior Dividend Equivalent Payment Date, or with respect to the first Dividend Equivalent Payment Date only, on or following the Vesting Date; provided, however, that with respect to the first Dividend Equivalent Payment Date, no Dividend Equivalents shall be paid to the Grantee in respect of any cash dividends declared or paid by the Company prior to such Vesting Date. To the extent a cash dividend is paid by the Company on or prior to the Settlement Date but the Dividend Equivalent Payment Date relating thereto would not occur prior to the Settlement Date, the Dividend Equivalents relating thereto shall be paid to the Grantee on the Settlement Date. The Grantee’s right to future payments of Dividend Equivalents shall be subject to forfeiture, repayment and recapture to the same extent that the corresponding Restricted Stock Units are subject to forfeiture, repayment and recapture pursuant to Section 3.
第9节。Notice除非第3(g)条要求,每项根据本协议要求的通知应为书面形式,并应通过认证邮件或隔夜快递送达给其意图的当事方,地址由其不时在寄发给另一方的通知中指定,前提是,除非并直到其他地址被如此指定,受赠方向公司的所有通知应按本协议规定邮寄或送达至公司的主要办公地址,收件人为W. R. Berkley Corporation的人力资源高级副总裁(同时通过电子邮件发送副本(该副本本身不构成通知)至legalnotices@wrberkley.com),而公司向受赠方的所有通知可以亲自交给受赠方,或可以按本协议规定邮寄或送达至受赠方的最后知道地址,该地址在公司的记录中有所反映。
第19节。管辖法律. 本协议涉及向特拉华州公司(W. R. Berkley Corporation)提供限制性股票单位,这些单位在授予时提供了对普通股的名义权益,以促进该特拉华州公司的长期利益。该协议旨在同样适用于根据相同形式的限制性股票单位协议获得此类权益的所有受益人。此外,该计划受特拉华州法律的管辖,不考虑其法律冲突原则。除非在附录b中另有规定,否则本协议应根据特拉华州法律进行解释和解释,而不考虑其法律冲突原则。因本协议产生的任何争议或任何为执行或与本协议相关的行动的管辖权和审判地点将仅限于特拉华州法院,包括在特拉华州的联邦法院(如果存在联邦管辖权)。受益人特此不可撤销地同意特拉华州联邦和州法院的专属个人管辖权和地点,以解决因本协议产生或与之相关的任何争议,并不可撤销地放弃任何主张或论点,认为特拉华州法院是一个不方便或不当的论坛。在任何因本协议产生或与之相关的诉讼中,法院(包括适用的附录B中指定的任何法院)无权也不得进行 de novo 对委员会或公司所作的任何决定进行审查,而是被授权仅判断该决定是否为欺诈或恶意行为的结果。
A. 所有州. 受赠人被建议在接受本协议下的赠与之前咨询律师。 该附件b中包含的州法律参考并不意味着本协议构成非竞争协议。本协议中列出的义务是对受赠人所授予的利益的对价,并旨在保护公司的商业利益,包括商业机密、保密信息和关系。受赠人已获提供至少14天的时间在接受条款和条件之前审查本协议。如果受赠人的补偿未超过受赠人主要居住和工作的州所设定的任何适用最低工资标准,或根据法律的其他要求,则本协议不适用。
b. 加利福尼亚. 只要受赠人在加利福尼亚州工作或居住:(i) 本协议的任何条款或要求不得以与加利福尼亚州明文公共政策相悖的方式进行解释或解读;(ii) 第3(e)(i)和(ii)条款的义务在受赠人与公司或其附属公司终止就业或服务后将不再适用;(iii) 第3(e)(iv)和(v)条款仅限于受赠人在其行为中利用或披露商业秘密(按照适用法律的定义)时的情况;(iv) 第(3)(g)条的最后一句话不适用,其余内容仍然适用;(v) 第14条不适用;(vi) 第19条的第四、第五和第六句中的“特拉华州”一词应替换为“加利福尼亚州”。
C. 科罗拉多州. 只要受赠人主要在科罗拉多州居住和工作,并受科罗拉多州法律的约束:(i) 第3(e)(i)和(ii)条款的义务仅在离职后适用于保护公司的商业秘密,并且在受赠人签署本协议时以及第3(e)(i)或(ii)条款生效时,受赠人从公司或其附属公司获得的年化收入超过$123,750.00或科罗拉多州劳动标准和统计局调整的高薪工人门槛金额中的较大者;(ii) 第3(e)(iv)和(v)条款的义务仅在离职后适用于保护公司的商业秘密,并且在受赠人签署本协议时以及第3(e)(iv)或(v)条款生效时,受赠人从公司或其附属公司获得的年化收入超过$74,250.00或高薪工人门槛金额的60%中较大者;(iii) 第23(i)条中“保密信息”的定义应排除因受赠人的一般培训、知识、技能或经验而产生的信息,无论是通过工作获得还是以其他方式获得。
D. Illinois. For so long as Grantee primarily resides and works in Illinois and is subject to the laws of Illinois: (i) the Obligations in Sections 3(e)(i) and (ii) shall only apply post-employment if Grantee’s annualized earnings from the Company or its Affiliates at the time Grantee executes this Agreement exceed (a) $75,000.00 or (b) if Grantee executes this
Agreement after January 1, 2027, $80,000.00 per year; and (ii) if Grantee’s employment is terminated or furloughed as the result of business circumstances or governmental orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic or under circumstances that are similar to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Obligations in Sections 3(e)(i) and (ii) shall not apply unless the Company or its Affiliates compensates Grantee equivalent to Grantee’s base salary at the time of termination for the period of enforcement less compensation earned through subsequent employment during the period of enforcement. Grantee agrees that this Restricted Stock Unit grant is independent consideration for the Obligations.
E.马萨诸塞州。 For so long as Massachusetts General Laws Part I Title XXI Chapter 149 Section 24 L applies to the obligations of Grantee under this Agreement: (i) the Obligations in Sections 3(e)(i), (ii), (iv) and (v) shall only apply within any geographical area (x) where Grantee had responsibilities on behalf of the Company or its Affiliates or about which Grantee received Confidential Information during the Look Back Period and (y) in which the Company or its Affiliates is engaged in business; (ii) Sections 3(e)(i) and 3(e)(ii) are further limited to situations where Grantee is performing services that are the same as or similar in function or purpose to the services Grantee performed for the Company or its Affiliates during the Look Back Period and are not enforceable if the Grantee has been terminated without cause or laid off; (iii) the fourth, fifth, and sixth sentences of Section 19 are amended to replace “Delaware” with “Massachusetts”; and (iv) this Agreement is amended to add the following new Section 24:
SECTION 24. The Company and Grantee agree that the grant of the Restricted Stock Units to Grantee is fair and reasonable consideration for the obligations of Grantee in this Agreement. The Company and Grantee agree that the grant of the Restricted Stock Units is consideration for the Grantee’s compliance with the Obligations under Section 3(d) and Section 3(e)(i) and (ii) (as applicable) of this Agreement (as such Obligations are modified by Exhibit b hereto) during the duration of such Obligations. For the avoidance of doubt, Grantee has the right to consult with an attorney prior to accepting this grant. Grantee acknowledges that Grantee has been given at least ten business days to accept this grant.
F. 北达科他州. For so long as Grantee resides in and is subject to the laws of North Dakota: (i) no provision or requirement of this Agreement shall be construed or interpreted in a manner contrary to the express public policy of the State of North Dakota; (ii) the Obligations in Sections 3(e)(i) and (ii) shall not apply after Termination of Grantee’s employment or provision of services to the Company or its Affiliates; (iii) Sections 3(e)(iv) and (v) shall be limited to situations where Grantee is aided in his or her conduct by Grantee’s use or disclosure of trade secrets (as defined by applicable law); and (iv) the last sentence of Section (3)(g) shall not apply and the remainder of Section 3(g) shall apply.
G.俄克拉荷马. For so long as Grantee resides in and is subject to the laws of Oklahoma: (i) the Obligations in Sections 3(e)(i) and (ii) shall not apply after Termination of Grantee’s employment or provision of services to the Company or its Affiliates, and (ii) “Covered Business Partner” means any individual, company, or business entity (including, without limitation, any Client) with which the Company or its Affiliates has transacted business within the most recent
two years of Grantee’s employment with the Company or its Affiliates or such shorter period of time as employed (“Look Back Period”), and with which Grantee, or persons supervised by Grantee, had material business-related contact or about which Grantee had access to Confidential Information during the Look Back Period.
H. 波多黎各. 只要受赠人在波多黎各联邦(“波多黎各”)主要居住和工作,并受波多黎各法律的管辖:(i)第3(e)(i)和第3(e)(ii)节的义务仅适用于受赠人在离职前的一年内代表公司或其关联公司承担责任的波多黎各任何地理区域,或者在此期间受赠人接收或了解到机密信息;(ii)第3(e)(i)和第3(e)(ii)节进一步限制为受赠人提供的服务与其为公司或其关联公司提供的服务在功能或目的上相同或相似,或者需要应用受赠人在为公司或其关联公司提供服务期间所使用的相同或相似的专业知识或技能,(iii)第23(j)节修订为如下内容:“覆盖业务伙伴”指的是受赠人代表公司或其关联公司进行业务的任何个人、企业或实体(包括但不限于任何客户),受赠人曾经直接服务于这些人或实体,或者受赠人接收或了解到机密信息的情况,在受赠人与公司或其关联公司的最近两个年中或更短的工作期间内(即“回顾期”);以及(iv)本协议修订为增加以下新第24节:
I. 弗吉尼亚. 只要受让人在弗吉尼亚州主要居住和工作,并受弗吉尼亚州法律的约束:(i) 在受让人终止就业的前52周内,来自公司或其附属公司的平均周收入超过弗吉尼亚州的平均周工资(由弗吉尼亚就业委员会确定,2024年为1410美元),则第3(e)(i)和第3(e)(ii)条款的义务仅在离职后适用;(ii) 如果受让人未主动联系或招揽受保护的商业伙伴,则第3(e)(iv)和第3(e)(v)条款的义务在离职后不予适用。
J. 华盛顿州. 只要受让人在华盛顿州主要居住和工作,并受华盛顿州法律的约束:(a) 只有在受让人在执行本协议时来自公司或其附属公司的年化收入超过120,559.99美元(根据华盛顿HP 1450第5条每年调整)时,第3(e)(i)和第3(e)(ii)条款的义务才会在离职后适用;(b) 如果受让人在没有原因的情况下被终止雇佣或被解雇,除非公司或其附属公司在受让人终止后的一年内向受让人支付在终止时的基本工资减去受让人在此期间所获得的任何报酬,否则将不对受让人强制执行第3(e)(i)和第3(e)(ii)条款;(c) 第19条的第四、第五和第六句中的“特拉华州”应被替换为“华盛顿州”;(d) 第23(j)条修订为: