
表格 10-Q
AbCellera Biologics Inc.
2215 Yukon街
温哥华, BC
V5Y 0A1
公司电话号码,包括区号:(604) 559-9005
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截至2024年10月31日,注册人拥有 295,366,280 普通股,每股无面值,流通中。

第 1A 项。



第一部分 - 财务资讯
abcellera biologics inc。
现金及现金等价物$133,320 $126,640 
有价证券627,265 516,499 
现金及现金等价物以及有价证券总额760,585 643,139 
应收帐款及应计应收款30,590 31,373 
限制性现金25,000 25,000 
其他流动资产55,810 43,371 
全部流动资产871,985 742,883 
物业及设备,扣除折旧后净值287,696 331,263 
无形资产,扣除累计摊销120,425 52,577 
商誉47,806 47,806 
对股权法下之投资65,938 84,084 
其他长期资产94,244 134,215 
长期资产总额616,109 649,945 
资产总额$1,488,094 $1,392,828 
应付账款及其他流动负债$49,580 $53,773 
应付条件性考虑50,475 20,217 
逐步认列的收入18,958 5,578 
流动负债合计119,013 79,568 
营业租赁负债71,222 66,274 
逐步认列的收入8,195 8,100 
政府备供款项95,915 142,046 
应付条件性考虑4,913 4,441 
递延所得税负债30,612 12,781 
其他长期负债5,906 1,524 
长期负债总额216,763 235,166 
总负债335,776 314,734 
普通股: 面额,2023年12月31日和2024年9月30日最多授权股份: 290,824,970295,157,474 分别于2023年12月31日和2024年9月30日,发行并流通股数
753,199 772,832 
资本公积额额外增资121,052 155,354 
累积盈余279,787 151,140 
股东权益总额1,152,318 1,078,094 
总负债及股东权益$1,488,094 $1,392,828 

abcellera biologics inc。
(所有数字以美元计算。 金额以千为单位,除股票和每股数据外。)
研究费用$6,413 $6,289 $26,812 $21,516 
授权收入186 218 784 767 
里程碑支付  1,250 1,500 
营业总收入6,599 6,507 28,846 23,783 
37,917 40,969 127,036 121,183 
3,468 3,135 11,080 9,635 
14,369 19,147 45,025 56,691 
折旧、摊销和减损5,735 36,919 16,859 78,285 
营业费用总计61,489 100,170 200,000 265,794 
其他收入 (2,046)(17,937)(3,670)(48,564)
外币兑换调整439 841 (69)488 

abcellera biologics inc。

截至2023年12月31日的结余290,824,970$753,199 $121,052 $279,787 $(1,720)$1,152,318 
截至2024年3月31日的余额293,621,312$764,562 $127,990 $239,177 $(1,816)$1,129,913 
截至2024年6月30日的结余294,665,532$769,966 $140,828 $202,247 $(2,073)$1,110,968 
2024年9月30日的余额295,157,474$772,832 $155,354 $151,140 $(1,232)$1,078,094 
截至2022年12月31日的结余286,851,595$734,365 $74,118 $426,185 $(1,391)$1,233,277 
根据股票期权计划,发行的股份和限制性股票单位(“RSUs”)已发放 1,574,9198,451(7,962)– – 489
股份报酬费用– – 15,474– – 15,474
外币兑换调整– – – – (630)(630)
净损失– – – (40,110)– (40,110)
截至2023年3月31日之余额288,426,514$742,816 $81,630 $386,075 $(2,021)$1,208,500 
根据股票期权计划,发行的股份和限制性股票单位(“RSUs”)已发放762,9551,940 (1,606)  334 
股份报酬费用  16,399   16,399 
外币兑换调整    122 122 
净损失   (30,528) (30,528)
2023年6月30日账户余额289,189,469$744,756 $96,423 $355,547 $(1,899)$1,194,827 
根据股票期权计划发行的股份和受限股票单位("RSUs")已经被授予。588,1853,158 (2,901)  257 
股份报酬费用  15,862   15,862 
外币兑换调整    439 439 
净损失   (28,610) (28,610)
2023年9月30日账户余额289,777,654$747,914 $109,384 $326,937 $(1,460)$1,182,775 

abcellera biologics inc。
固定资产及设备折旧8,874 10,437 
无形资产摊销及减损7,985 67,848 
营运租赁权益资产摊销4,926 4,813 
股份报酬47,735 52,355 
对待定条件和投资的公平价值增益 (48,727)
应交所得税(应收)28,685 (8,709)
递延拨款收入30,377 30,671 
其他资产4,319 1,008 
交易型证券的处分收益642,913 735,989 
获得资助款项的收据15,023 29,150 
长期负债所得款项6,560 7,599 
行使股票期权所得1,080 1,580 
筹资活动提供的净现金6,591 8,627 
期初现金及现金等价物及限制性现金414,651 160,610 
期末现金及现金等价物及限制性现金$199,712 $153,930 
其他资产中包括的限制性现金2,290 2,290 
资产负债表中显示的现金、现金等价物和受限现金总额$197,422 $151,640 
应付帐款中的物业和设备12,948 15,989 
以营运租赁义务换取的使用权资产3,586 2,232 

abcellera biologics inc。
1. 业务性质
AbCellera Biologics Inc.(以下简称「公司」)的使命是更快地将更好的抗体药品带给患者,解决长期存在的问题,并改变抗体药品被发现的方式。公司旨在通过结合专业知识、技术和制造行业来建立一个抗体药品发现和开发引擎,将抗体治疗从靶点带至临床。公司利用这个引擎既与合作伙伴合作建立一个庞大且多样化的未来抗体药品的版税(及相等)股份组合,又开发自己的未来抗体药品管道。公司与各种规模的公司合作 - 从创新的生物技术公司到领先的药品公司 - 共同推动计划进入临床。.
2. 呈现基础
本公司附属的未经审核的中期简明综合财务报表按照美国通用会计准则("U.S. GAAP")和美国证券交易所("SEC")的规则和法规编制,以提供中期财务信息。因此,年终简明综合财务报表数据取自经过审核的财务报表,这些财务报表不包括所有完整财务报表所需的所有信息和附注。这些报表应当与该公司截至2023年12月31日的审计综合财务报表及相关附注一起阅读。
3. 重大会计政策

4. 每股净损失
公司在计算2024年和2023年三个月和六个月结束的稀释净亏损每股股东之前,分别从6,900,232和5,129,327的普通股等效物中排除,因为它们对期间呈现的净亏损有抗稀释影响。 50,081,069和页面。50,544,294 2023年9月30日结束的三个月和九个月可能普通股份 58,027,706和页面。58,543,314 2024年9月30日结束的三个月和九个月可能普通股份,因为包括它们将产生反稀释效果。
5. 资产和设备,净值
2023 年 12 月 31 日2024年9月30日
计算机$3,517 $5,365 
土地53,405 53,405 
建筑43,947 66,919 
实验室设备70,350 79,486 
租赁权改进73,944 96,487 
经营租赁使用权资产73,141 68,319 
财产和设备318,304 369,981 
财产和设备,净额$287,696 $331,263 
截至2023年12月31日和2024年9月30日,在房地产和设备中包括相应金额的租赁改进和在施工中的施工91.0万美元和93.0 百万美元和分别为百万美元的施工押金,尚未开始折旧。13.7万美元和15.4 在2023年9月30日结束的三个月和九个月内的房地产和设备折旧费用是百万美元3.1万美元和8.9 分别为$,和$百万3.8万美元和10.4 三个月和九个月截至的金额为几百万美元 2024年9月30日,分别.
6. 无形资产


2023 年 12 月 31 日2024年9月30日
执照38,433 26,861 11,572 38,433 28,723 9,710 
科技52,700 7,857 44,843 52,700 9,833 42,867 
IPR&D64,010  64,010    
155,143 34,718 120,425 91,133 38,556 52,577 
截至2024年9月30日,公司记录了一笔完全减值损失,金额为$32.0 百万美元(或每股$23.3百万(扣除递延所得税),与2020年收购Trianni所获得的IPR&D相关。减值是由于我们正在进行的内部项目优先级排序,导致中止开发下一代转基因小鼠。
2024年6月30日结束的季度,公司记录了与通过2021年收购TetraGenetics获得的IPR&D相关的全部减值准备,减值金额为$32.0 百万美元(或每股$23.7百万,扣除递延所得税),这是由于公司持续进行的内部项目优先级排序。有关TetraGenetics收购相关的计提考虑的详细影响在注释11中披露。
7. 股权投资和其他长期资产
公司已与Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center(MSK)签订了 两个 分别为 50在未来办公室和实验室总部的建设中,公司与Dayhu 创业公司和Beedie 创业公司形成了合资企业。截至2023年和2024年9月30日结束的三个和九个月,公司对两者中的任何一家创业公司的按比例计算的收入或损失金额均为不重大。

截至2023年12月31日和页面。2024年9月30日,股权投资余额为$42.11百万美元和42.8万美元。Dayhu合资公司的所有资产基本上由房产和设备组成。截至2023年12月31日和2024年9月30日,公司分别记录了一项租赁权利资产为$49.11百万美元和49.5万美元,以及一项营业租赁负债为$50.41百万美元和50.1分别与Dayhu JV的办公室租赁相关联,截至2023年9月30日的三个月和九个月,公司发生了租赁费用,金额分别为$1.31百万美元和4.0 百万和$1.31百万美元和4.0截至2024年9月30日的三个月和九个月,作为营业费用的一部分,向Dayhu JV付款,金额分别为$
截至2023年12月31日2024年9月30日,公司的应收贷款余额为加元$45.93000万欧元34.7百万)和加元$46.3一千一百万美元(1,100,000美元,减$1000美元的返还尽职调查费用)34.0 百万),分别直接与我们的合资伙伴Dayhu合并在其他长期资产中。

Beedie 合资企业
截至 2023年12月31日绘制费用,最初金额为百分之X的SOFR调整费用,设置为2024年9月30日。 股本投资余额是 $23.8百万$41.2百万分别由贝迪合资企业中的几乎所有资产组成的是财产和设备。
2023年12月31日2024年9月30日公司有一笔加元贷款应收余额 $18.4百万 ($13.9百万)和加元 $40.4百万 ($29.9百万直接与我们的合资伙伴Beedie分别签署了与土地和施工贷款相关的协议,这些协议已包含在其他长期资产中。
8. 其他流动资产和负债
应收税款$33,792 $31,863 
预付费用和其他22,018 11,508 
其他流动资产合计$55,810 $43,371 

应付账款及应计费用$28,603 $34,795 
经营租赁负债流动部分6,158 5,125 
工资负债7,707 5,992 
延迟政府贡献的当前部分7,112 7,861 
总应付账款和其他流动负债$49,580 $53,773 
9. 股东权益

截至2024年9月30日,2020年计划下可发行股票的数量为 33,842,104,其中包括2020年12月10日后失效的Pre-IPO计划授予的奖励。
研究和开发$7,796 $7,621 $23,370 $24,199 
销售和营销1,264 1,545 3,864 4,473 
一般和行政6,802 7,998 20,501 23,683 
$15,862 $17,164 $47,735 $52,355 
10. 营业收入
分解后的营业收入类别显示在简明综合损益表上。 各相应期间的递延收入如下:
递延收入$41,128 $33,890 $27,153 $13,678 
截至2023年9月30日的三个月和九个月,公司确认了营业收入分别为$4.11百万美元和11.0 百万和$5.91百万美元和18.9百万,2024年9月30日的三个月和九个月,在2022年12月31日和2023年12月31日作为递延收入的收入。

11. 金融工具
公司将其以公允价值计量的金融资产和负债分类为美国通用会计准则(U.S. GAAP)建立的三级层次结构,该结构根据用于计量公允价值的估值技术的输入优先考虑它们的可观察程度。公允价值层次结构的三个级别如下:第1级输入是在活跃市场上针对相同资产和负债的报价;第2级输入,除了包括在第1级内的报价之外,对于资产或负债来说是可以直接或间接观察到的;第3级输入在市场上不可观察。
2024年9月30日,公司还持有包含在其他长期资产中的非可流通证券,金额为$32.3百万(2023年12月31日 - $32.3百万)。这些非可流通证券按成本减少任何减值计量,再加上或减去由同一发行人的相同或类似投资在有序交易中发生的可观察价格变动导致的变化。在截至2024年9月30日的季度中,公司的一项非可流通证券被处置,导致一笔$16.5百万的确认收益计入其他收入。

Trianni(i)$20,027 $190 $20,217 
TetraGenetics(ii)$4,441 $ $4,441 

Trianni (i)$18,697 $1,520 $20,217 
TetraGenetics (ii)$36,691 $(32,250)$4,441 
i)关于业绩补偿支付的预估公平价值涉及一个特定客户许可证,该公平价值是通过估计在业绩补偿期间与该特定客户许可证相关的预期未来净现金流的支付来确定的。在价值开发中固有的重大假设包括我们从特定客户许可证收到的预计未来净收入的数量和时间,以及为衡量未来现金流内在风险而选择的折现率,该折现率约为 22.0%.
ii)估计未来成功里程碑支付的公正价值是通过估计与潜在里程碑事件相关的未来现金流进行的。重要假设包括预期未来现金流的数量和时间,通过考虑诸多因素包括成功概率进行风险调整,以%s折现。 12.8,即衡量未来现金流中固有风险的利率。在2024年6月30日结束的季度内,预期公司持续的内部项目优先次序对应支付的公允价值进行了调整,导致其他收入中确认的非现金公允价值收益减少了$32.4百万。

如第6条注释中所讨论,对TetraGenetics全额减值损失的估计公允价值被定为公允价值层次的第3级,并采用基于收入的方法确定,该方法基于概率调整后的未来预计税后现金流量的现值,这些现值归因于无形资产。在估计公允价值时所涉及的重要假设,从市场参与者的角度来看,包括一个概率调整后的成功率,直至通过临床试验的持续发展,未来营业收入,营运和开发成本,里程碑和监管成功,陈旧性和盈利能力。一个降低风险的贴现率为 12.8% TetraGenetics 使用了,以对与IPR&D相关的概率调整后的成功风险相关的税后现金流的现值。
作为公司现金管理策略的一部分,公司持有高信用质量的可流通证券,以支持公司目前的运营。截至2024年9月30日,我们的可流通证券至少被至少两家主要评级机构评为A-或更高(或等同)的评级,加权平均寿命约为 0.5.
美国政府机构$113,838 $ $ $113,838 
存入资金证明 120,297  120,297 
商业票据 48,484  48,484 
公司债券 128,973  128,973 
资产支持证券 104,907  104,907 
$113,838 $402,661 $ $516,499 
12. 承诺和 contingencies
根据协议,公司可能有义务在发生 certain 事件后进行研发和监管里程碑支付根据某些净销售目标,以低个位数到中二十位数为基础,公司将收到版税支付。 三个月和九个月截至2023年9月30日或2024年9月30日已支出的金额。
13. 政府贡献
政府捐款 1

2020年5月,公司从加拿大政府根据创新、科学和经济发展部(ISED)的战略创新基金(SIF)获得了基金承诺,总额为加拿大元($CAD)175.63000万欧元125.6百万),合称“政府贡献1”,旨在支持与治疗COVID-19相关的抗体发现的研究和开发工作,以及为抗击未来流行病威胁的抗体治疗制造科技和制造行业的基础设施。从成立至2024年9月30日,公司就加拿大政府的战略创新基金(SIF)支出了加拿大元($CAD)169.43000万欧元130.2百万)用于加拿大政府战略创新基金(SIF)支出的支出,在此期间,公司支出了加拿大元($CAD)58.73000万欧元46.1百万)和加元$110.73000万欧元84.1百万美元)分别对应协议中定义的第1和第2阶段。根据协议,协议第1阶段的支出以及该金额均不可退还,而基金第2阶段的偿还取决于在约定期限内实现特定营业收入门槛,如协议中规定的那样。截至2024年9月30日, 金额已计入与偿还条款相关的费用。
政府贡献 2
2023年5月,公司与加拿大政府和不列颠哥伦比亚政府签订了为期多年的捐赠协议,总计加元$300.03000万欧元222.3 百万),集体称为"政府捐赠2"。这些投资旨在在加拿大建立新的能力,通过第1阶段临床试验开发、制造和交付抗体药物给患者,并在转化科学、技术运营以及临床运营和研究方面建立专业知识。
加拿大政府已承诺最多加元225.03000万欧元166.7百万,其中加元56.23000万欧元41.6百万为不可退还,加元78.83000万欧元58.4百万为可退还,加元90.03000万欧元66.7百万美元)为有条件可偿还。可偿还和有条件可偿还金额都将于2033年开始偿还。可偿还资金可在 十五年 ,部分有条件可偿还款项的偿还基于公司营业收入在最多 十五年,最多为原有条件可偿还拨款的 1.4 倍。该协议将于2047年4月30日或最后一笔偿还款项的日期(以较晚者为准)到期,除非提前终止。自成立至2024年9月30日,公司已记录了加拿大元$57.23000万欧元42.4 百万)用于该资金。
不列颠哥伦比亚省政府已承诺最多加元75.03000万欧元55.6百万), 其中包括最高加元部分符合条件支出的部分补偿37.53000万欧元27.8百万) 用于支付分阶段的符合条件的制造行业投资 月内。2023年和2022年的三个和九个月期权授予均以授予日公司普通股的公允价值相等的行权价格授予,并且是非法定股票期权。;以及加元37.53000万欧元27.8百万)条件部分将在实现某些明确定义的里程碑时支付,包括在公司在不列颠哥伦比亚省进行某些临床试验活动时。最多可达加拿大元64.03000万欧元48.0百万)可能在2032年开始支付,在长达 十五年期间,制造行业总营业收入超过一定门槛时,可获得,协议将在2047年或最后一笔付款日(以协议规定方式提前终止除外)早于这两者之一之前结束。从成立至2024年9月30日,公司已记录了加拿大元37.23000万欧元27.6百万作为资金承诺的一部分。

加拿大政府贡献 1$13,378 $6,558 $76,046 $ $82,604 
加拿大政府贡献 216,176 6,735  32,629 39,364 
不列颠哥伦比亚政府贡献 222,575  26,952  26,952 
其他政府拨款 987   987 
2024年9月30日$52,129 $14,280 $102,998 $32,629 $149,907 
2023年12月31日$36,051 $14,811 $71,796 $16,420 $103,027 
当前$27,053 $4,351 $3,510 $ $7,861 
开多$25,076 $9,929 $99,488 $32,629 $142,046 
1 政府捐款按照加权平均寿命分摊到其他收入中 8年。
2 尚未计提任何金额,因为据估计条件不太可能发生。

事项2. 管理层对财务状况和经营成果的讨论与分析。
我们对市场趋势的预期; 和

我们专注于抗体药物的研发,并致力于改善发现和开发。 我们旨在通过结合专业知识、技术和基础设施,打造在将抗体治疗药物从靶点转化为临床测试方面的竞争优势。 我们深刻思考资本配置,并努力在最大程度上提升长期价值,同时减轻药物开发和公司扩展中固有的风险。我们寻找我们认为低风险投资建立技术和运营效率方面的机会,可以创造持续的竞争优势,并通过使生物制品药物开发更快速更高效来推动长期价值。. W我们深思资本配置,并努力最大化长期价值,同时降低药物开发和公司规模化中固有的风险。我们寻找我们认为在建立技术和运营效率方面的低风险投资机会,可以创造持续的竞争优势,并通过使生物制品药物开发更快速更高效来推动长期价值。

我们以一种旨在将合作伙伴的经济利益与我们自己的利益保持一致的方式来构建协议。我们有意与各种规模的公司合作,以 推动旨在将新抗体药物最佳想法带入临床的项目。 我们有助于针对传统上难以解决的靶点进行发现,并加速针对较不困难的靶点的项目。
公司已将两个由AbCellera领导的项目推进到IND启动研究阶段。 这些项目与公司的爱文思控股建立价值的策略相一致,即通过战略合作伙伴关系以及通过内部发现和开发潜在的首创和最佳疗法来构建价值。 我们已开始累计共计95个合作方启动的项目,并参与了下游-脑机,并且已经看到共计14种分子进入临床阶段,如下图所示。

2024-Q3 Business Metrics Chart JPEG.jpg


研究费用$6,413 $6,289 $26,812 $21,516 
许可收入186 218 784 767 
里程碑付款– – 1,250 1,500 
总收入6,599 6,507 28,846 23,783 
37,917 40,969 127,036 121,183 
研发$7,796 $7,621 $23,370 $24,199 
销售及营销费用1,264 1,545 3,864 4,473 
ZSCALER, INC.6,802 7,998 20,501 23,683 
现金及现金等价物133,320 126,640 
有价证券627,265 516,499 
总现金,现金等价物和市场证券760,585 643,139 
资产总额1,488,094 1,392,828 
股东权益合计1,152,318 1,078,094 
与战略合作伙伴合作。 我们在短期和长期内增加营业收入的潜力取决于成功地与战略合作伙伴合作。对于现有的战略合作伙伴,我们寻求扩展与他们的关系,共同合作开展由他们启动的额外项目,并为潜在的授权我们的内部项目奠定基础。我们的团队在决定与哪些合作伙伴合作时很慎重,专注于具有长期潜在产生重要价值机会。
我们合作伙伴成功开发和商业化我们发现的抗体。 我们估计,根据我们现有合同的条款和抗体药物开发历史成功率的估计,每个项目的潜在价值绝大部分代表着潜在的未来里程碑。

我们合作伙伴选择和启动发现项目的速率和时间。 一旦项目在合同下确定,合作伙伴必须提出目标并在我们开始对任何抗体进行发现研究之前就详细工作声明达成一致。这种选择和启动的速率和时间因合作伙伴而异。我们在合作关系中确认的研究费用取决于我们向合作伙伴交付用于开发的抗体,而合作伙伴在选择目标和达成工作声明方面的延迟将影响营业收入的确认。
成功从我们的内部项目中授权药物候选品。 我们相信我们的内部项目可能会产生对其他具有与我们自身能力相辅相成的药物开发人员感兴趣的药物候选品。在这些能力可以预期增强我们药物候选品价值的情况下,我们可能寻求授权。成功的授权协议可能产生大额的前期支付,以及后续的里程碑支付和版税。因此,我们的财务业绩可能会受到我们从内部项目中生产和授权此类药物候选品的能力的影响。
投资于优化我们的发现和开发引擎。 我们能够保持并扩大合作伙伴关系的能力取决于我们的发现和开发引擎为合作伙伴和我们内部项目带来的优势。我们打算通过投资于研究和开发,在计算、蛋白工程、免疫技术、基因工程啮齿动物和细胞系选型等领域不断改进和增加能力,以保持我们的领先地位。具体而言,我们目前正在完成对综合临床前开发和抗体制造的投资。我们还成功地执行了,并将继续寻找战略性技术收购以改进、扩展和深化我们在抗体发现和开发领域的能力和专业知识,或者提供机会将我们的业务拓展至相邻的治疗模式。我们打算继续投入资源来改进我们的发现差异化,这将影响我们的财务表现。
内部寻求药物发现和研发机会. 随着我们发现和研发引擎的能力日益成熟,我们越来越有能力自行追求有吸引力且经过验证的目标,例如在GPCR、离子通道和TCE领域。这类项目有潜力在存在重大医疗需求的适应症中产生首创类药物候选药,我们将全权拥有这些药物候选。我们计划在内部项目的临床前和最终临床发展阶段投入大量资源,这将影响我们的财务结果。每个项目的投资都存在风险,最终可能不会带来回报。
合作伙伴发起的项目从下游开始849513 %
诊所中的分子101440 %

MoleculeMost advanced stage合作伙伴Therapy areasProgram type
Bamlanivimab (LY-CoV555)Marketed, EUA*礼来公司传染病 - COVID-19由AbCellera发起; 合作伙伴主导
Bebtelovimab (LY-CoV1404)上市,EUA*礼来公司传染病 - COVID-19由AbCellera发起; 合作伙伴主导
TAk-920/DNL919第一阶段*Denali Therapeutics Inc. 公司神经学 - 阿尔茨海默病AbCellera合作伙伴发起的发现
ABD-147IND获批(快速通道和孤儿药品指定)Abdera Therapeutics肿瘤学AbCellera合作伙伴发起的发现
Ab-2100第1/2期Arsenal Bio肿瘤学Trianni许可
合作伙伴发起的项目从下游开始 代表我们有计划在下游-脑机成功中参与的独特伙伴发起项目数量,我们已经开始了发现工作。发现工作始于(i)我们收到足够试剂以开始抗体对目标物质的发现工作的那一天和(ii)项目启动会议召开的那一天的后一天。我们认为这一指标表明伙伴们选择和启动项目,以及由此带来的近期付款潜力。累计地,伙伴发起的具有下游参与的项目开启表示我们总共有机会从里程碑费用和版税(或相当的版税)中获得中至长期的营业收入。
诊所中的分子 代表独特分子数量的计数,其中一个研究性新药(IND),新动物药物(或在其他监管体制下等效)的申请已达到"开放"状态或基于我们或合作伙伴使用经许可的AbCellera技术发现的抗体而获得批准。对于我们不知道此类申请批准日期的情况下,将使用首次公布的临床试验日期来用于此指标的目的。我们视这一指标为我们短期和中期潜在的营业收入来源,以及长期潜在的里程碑费用和版税支付。


维京全球投资者 & ArrowMark合作伙伴多目标,多年免疫学。 2024年5月1日
prelude therapeutics 最多5个目标,多年肿瘤学2023年11月1日
RQ Biotechnology Ltd.Up to 3 targets, multi-yearInfectious disease2023年3月22日
雅培制药公司最多可达5个目标,多年未公开Marcum LLP同意。
Empirico 公司。2 个额外目标未透露2022年5月3日
Everest Medicines Ltd. 公司。最多 10 个目标,跨年度肿瘤学和未透露2021年9月22日
Moderna, Inc.高达6个目标,跨年度RNA编码抗体2021年9月15日
EQRx, Inc.多靶点,跨年度肿瘤学和免疫学(首次)2021年8月4日
Tachyon 公司。单一目标肿瘤学2021年8月3日
Empirico Inc.5 targets, multi-yearUndisclosed2021年4月14日
吉利德科学公司8 targets, multi-yearUndisclosed2021年4月1日
Abdera Therapeutics 公司9个目标,多年肿瘤学2021年1月14日
Invetx 公司多目标,多年动物保健2020年11月19日
未公开的 单一靶点双特异2020年6月3日*
UndisclosedMulti-target, multi-year细胞治疗September 25, 2019*
Gilead Sciences, Inc.Single targetInfectious disease成立 于

Autolus Therapeutics股份有限公司单一目标电芯疗法(CAR-T)2018年11月29日
Denali Therapeutics, Inc.单一目标神经系统疾病2018年6月12日
* 协议生效日期

截至9月30日的三个月改变 截至9月30日的九个月改变
20232024金额 % 20232024金额 %
研究费$6,413 $6,289 $(124)(2)%$26,812 $21,516 $(5,296)(20)%
许可收入186 218 32 17 %784 767 (17)(2)%
里程碑付款— — – %1,250 1,500 25020 %
总收入$6,599 $6,507 $(92)(1)%$28,846 $23,783 $(5,063)(18)%
20232024数量%20232024金额 %
研发37,917 40,969 3,052 %127,036 121,183 (5,853)(5)%
研发费用增加了 3.1百万美元,或关注 @EVERFI。8%截至2023年9月30日的三个月与截至2024年9月30日的三个月相比,研发支出反映了项目执行、平台开发、前向整合以及合作和内部项目投资持续增长,所有这些都有助于增加AbCellera发现和开发抗体的引擎的能力和容量。在总增长中, 0.6百万美元归因于与公司整体增长一致的与补偿相关的费用和2.5百万归属于达能品牌公司 建筑、耗材和服务支出,与公司整体增长一致。

研究和开发与截至2024年9月30日的九个月相比,开发支出较截至2023年9月30日的九个月减少了590万美元,降幅为(5)%。研发费用反映了项目执行、平台开发、向前整合以及对合作和内部计划的投资的持续增长,所有这些都有助于提高合作伙伴的能力和能力 Abcellera的抗体发现和开发引擎。减少归因于2023年第一季度对共同开发和内部计划的特定一次性投资约2,000万美元。总体减少被增加的部分抵消 620 万美元 在与薪酬相关的费用中,以及 810 万美元 设施、供应和服务支出的增加与公司的整体增长一致。
20232024数量%20232024金额 %
销售及营销费用3,468 3,135 (333)(10)%11,080 9,635 (1,445)(13)%
20232024数量%20232024金额 %
ZSCALER, INC.14,369 19,147 4,778 33 %45,025 56,691 11,666 26 %
20232024数量%20232024金额 %
折旧、摊销和减值5,735 36,919 31,184 544 %16,859 78,285 61,426 364 %
折旧、摊销和减值费用增加了 3120万美元,或关注 @EVERFI。544%,从2023年9月30日结束的三个月到2024年9月30日结束的三个月。增长主要是由于对通过2020年收购Trianni获得的IPR&D的全部减值准备,金额为3200万美元(或扣除递延所得税后2330万美元)。减值是由于我们正在进行的内部项目优先级确定导致放弃开发下一代转基因小鼠。
折旧、摊销和减值费用 从2023年9月30日结束的九个月到2024年9月30日结束的九个月,折旧、摊销和减值费用增加了6140万美元,增长了364%。除了上述Trianni IPR&D减值外,剩余增加主要与通过2021年收购TetraGenetics获得的IPR&D的账面价值3200万美元的完全减值损失(或扣除递延所得税后2370万美元)有关。 TetraGenetics的减值是由公司正在进行的内部项目优先级确定而引起的。

利息收入(10,740)(9,603)1,137 (11)%(31,278)(29,805)1,473 (5)%
利息收入减少了 110万美元,或关注 @EVERFI。(11)%,与2023年9月30日结束的三个月相比,相对于2024年9月30日结束的三个月减少了 150万美元,或(5)%,与2023年9月30日结束的九个月相比,相对于2024年9月30日结束的九个月减少了。 该减少主要是由于我们相应时期的平均现金及现金等价物以及可交易证券余额减少所致。
20232024数量%20232024金额 %
补助和激励措施(2,828)(3,491)(663)23 %(10,779)(10,076)703 (7)%
赠款和激励增加了 0.7百万美元,增长了23%, 从2023年9月30日结束的三个月到2024年9月30日结束的三个月相比增加了 0.7百万美元,或(7)%,从2023年9月30日结束的九个月到2024年9月30日结束的九个月相比减少了 这两个时期的变化主要受到与研究开发支出相关的活动驱动,这些支出符合政府计划在这一时期获得报销。
其他收入 (2,046)(17,937)(15,891)777 %(3,670)(48,564)(44,894)1223 %
其他收入增加了 1.59亿美元 截至2023年9月30日的三个月与截至2024年9月30日的三个月相比,其增长主要归因于1650万美元的一项确认收益,该收益是通过处置一笔不可交易证券获得的,部分偏差是由于对Trianni待定考虑的公允价值调整,以及由于加元和美元汇率波动导致的外汇损失。 1.65亿美元的一项确认收益 处置一笔不可交易证券所获得的利得,部分抵消了对Trianni待定考虑的公允价值调整和由于加元和美元汇率波动导致的汇率期货损失。
其他收入增加与2024年9月30日结束的九个月相比,2023年9月30日结束的九个月,其他收益减少了4490万美元。此外,根据上文的Tetragenetics 无形资产减值讨论,于2024年6月30日,即时收益的公允价值调整以反映公司正在进行的内部项目优先级的预期价值,导致3240万美元的非现金公允价值收益。剩余的 $16.5百万美元被确认的非可流通证券处置盈利部分抵消了对Trianni 即时收益的公允价值调整和由于加拿大和美元汇率波动导致的外汇损失。 非流通证券处置之所得的1650万美元部分被Trianni 即时收益的公允价值调整和由于加拿大和美元汇率波动而导致的汇兑损失部分抵消。
所得税收回(10,666)(11,525)(859)%(26,179)(24,919)1,260 (5)%
所得税追缴增加了 0.9 百万美元 从2023年9月30日结束的三个月,与2024年9月30日结束的三个月相比,减少了 130万美金来自2023年9月30日结束的九个月 相对于上期,销售和市场费用减少了 财务报表中的货币翻译调整 每个时期的运动是由当前净损失和有效所得税率的变化所推动的。


筹资活动6,591 8,627 
截至2023年9月30日的九个月,经营活动使用的净现金从2,430万美元增加至2024年9月30日的九个月的1.006亿美元。 经营活动中现金流量的增加归因于研发活动、项目执行以及对合作和内部项目的投资,以及包括应收账款和赠款在内的运营资本变动的增加。 公司已发行2019 ESPP下的股票,截至.
截至2023年9月30日结束的九个月,投资活动中使用的现金减少了1.968亿美元,到2024年9月30日结束的九个月,投资活动中提供的现金增加到8570万美元。投资活动中现金使用减少主要归因于2023年第一季度发生的特定一次性投资、获得的资助款项以及来自 市场证券的收入 公司已发行2019 ESPP下的股票,截至.

截至2023年9月30日的九个月, 融资活动提供的净现金为 660万美元和 2022年5月1日,根据Chestnut从公司董事会(“董事会”)辞职和在公司内担任的所有职位上的退休,这些股份的归属权被加速,其股份在该日期的总价值为$ 来自其他长期负债和应收账款支付的660万美元,抵消了普通股期权行使所得。截至2024年9月30日的九个月,融资活动提供的净现金为860万美元,因其他长期负债和股票期权行使所得。 liabilities and the exercise of stock options.
事项3. 关于市场风险的定量和定性披露。
事项4. 控制和程序。

公司将继续保护其知识产权,针对Bruker Cellular Analysis进行维权。针对Bruker的专利侵权诉讼目前处于事实发现阶段。2026年1月已安排进行为期八(8)天的陪审团审理。公司坚信案件的合理性,并将继续全球范围内执行其知识产权组合。
在有待处理的Sabariah Schrader,被执行人John William Schrader等诉Carl Lars Genghis Hansen等一案中,公司最近提交了一份申请通知,寻求将某些公司关联方从案件中开除。 尚未确定听证日期。 所有共同被告均已收到传票。 公司正在继续寻求出于管辖权不足而开除某些公司关联方。 关于此事并无其他活动。 公司认为原告的索赔在所有方面都是毫无根据且毫无意义的,并打算适当地捍卫自己。



营业收入来源于一项在单一合作伙伴关系中开发的化合物。2022年11月,FDA宣布分别不再授权bamlanivimab和bebtelovimab供紧急使用,因此,我们不再预计从与Eli Lilly公司销售我们的COVID-19抗体相关的特许权收入。自2022年以来,我们尚未产生任何特许权营收。目前,我们没有产生重大的定期营业收入,直到我们建立了重大的定期收入之时(如果有的话),我们将容易受制于营收的定期波动,这取决于我们进入合作协议的时间、合作伙伴启动发现项目的时间、合作伙伴实现发展里程碑或商业销售的时间,或者我们内部发现项目的进展情况,尤其涉及利用我们的发现和开发引擎发现的抗体的药物候选人。除非我们在合同下获得了进一步的项目,这些项目作为总和导致新的合作伙伴合同的定期和连续执行、研究发现活动、实现发展里程碑或启动商业销售,否则我们不预计会产生重大的定期收入。然而,我们无法预测我们合作协议项下的最低年度付款是否会超额,或者这些协议下任何里程碑的实现时间,如果实现的话。在某些情况下,我们在这些协议下支付给我们的时间和可能性取决于合作伙伴成功利用我们的发现和开发引擎发现的抗体,而这是我们无法控制的。由于这些因素,我们的经营结果可能会与我们的预测在季度间发生重大变化。

根据我们目前的业务计划,我们相信通过现有的现金及现金等价物、可流通证券、以及预期的经营活动现金流和政府捐款所获得的可用流动资金,将足以满足我们的营运资金和资本支出需求。 以及后续发展我们内部项目管线到IND所需的支出。虽然很难预测我们的资金需求,但我们不预期需要额外的外部资金在接下来的36个月内。 如果我们可用的现金资源连同我们预期的经营活动现金流不足以满足我们的流动性需求,包括因我们的抗体发现和开发引擎的需求下降,或其他风险在本季度报告中描述,在此报告之后至少36个月的时间内。我们可能需要在此之前通过发行股本或可转换债券、进入信贷机构或其他形式的第三方融资,或寻求其他债务融资,包括房地产和基于资产的融资,以便获得我们已经投资于我们公司总部和GMP工厂的重大投资,这些项目目前正在施工中。这种额外融资可能无法按照我们可接受的条件或根本无法获得。

我们可以通过多种方式筹集额外资金,但存在潜在风险。如果我们通过发行股权证券来筹集资金,会导致对我们股东的稀释。任何发行的优先股权证券也可能设定优先于我们普通股股东的权利、优先权或特权。如果我们通过发行债务证券来筹集资金,这些债务证券的权利、优先权和特权会优先于我们普通股股东。债务融资和优先股融资(如果可获得)也可能涉及协议,其中包括限制我们采取特定行动的契约,例如增加额外债务、出售或许可我们的资产、进行产品收购、进行资本支出或宣布分红。例如,我们与Strategic Innovation Fund(简称SIF)的协议要求我们在个人或公司(或两个或更多人同时行动)获得20%或更多的表决权证券的直接或间接有利所有权的情况下获得同意。如果未获得同意,协议可能会被终止,我们将有义务偿还SIF的全部或部分捐款金额。

our discovery and development engine’s ability to successfully identify therapeutic antibodies on the desired timeframes that can ultimately be used to prevent and treat diseases;
our ability to execute on our strategy to enter into new partnerships with new or existing partners and establish a robust internal pipeline of antibody discovery programs;
our ability to partner our internally developed pipeline;
our ability to increase awareness of the capabilities of our technology and solutions;
our partners’ and potential partners’ willingness to adopt new technologies;
whether our discovery and development engine reliably provides advantages over legacy and other alternative technologies and is perceived by customers to be cost effective;
the rate of adoption of our solutions by pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies of all sizes, government organizations and non-profit organizations and others;
prices we charge for our data packages and the discoveries that we make;
the relative reliability and robustness of our discovery and development engine;
our ability to develop new solutions for partners;
if competitors develop a platform that performs functional testing of cells at a greater throughput than us;
the timing and scope of any approval that may be required by the FDA, or any other regulatory body for drugs that are developed based on antibodies discovered by us;
the impact of our investments in innovation and commercial growth;
negative publicity regarding our or our competitors’ technologies resulting from defects or errors; and
our ability to further validate our technology through research and accompanying publications.

There can be no assurance that we will successfully address any of these or other factors that may affect the market acceptance of our discovery and development engine. If we are unsuccessful in achieving and maintaining market acceptance of our discovery and development engine, our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects could be adversely affected.
Failure to execute our business strategy could adversely impact our growth and profitability.
Our strategy focuses on the development of antibody-based drugs and improving the way these drugs are discovered and developed. Our strategy assumes a certain degree of capital and capacity growth development. Factors such as insufficient capital, inflation, supply chain interruptions, inadequate forecasting, increases in construction material costs, or labor shortages could interfere with the successful execution of our strategy and our ability to timely build infrastructure to satisfy capacity needs and support business growth. If we are unable to successfully execute on this strategy, this could negatively impact our future results of operations and market capitalization. For additional discussion of our business strategy, please see the section entitled “Item 1. Business” included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.
We allocate our resources to pursue a particular development candidate or indication and, as a result, may fail to capitalize on other development candidates or indications that may be more profitable or for which there is a greater likelihood of success.
We allocate our resources on certain research programs and development candidates. As a result, we may forgo or delay pursuit of opportunities with other development candidates or for our current development candidates in other indications that later prove to have greater commercial potential. Our resource allocation decisions may cause us to fail to capitalize on viable and profitable market opportunities. Our spend on current and future research and development programs and development candidates for specific indications may not yield any commercially viable drugs. If we do not accurately evaluate the commercial potential or target market for a particular development candidate, we may relinquish valuable rights to that candidate through collaboration, licensing or other commercialization opportunities.
If we cannot maintain and expand current partnerships and agreements and enter new partnerships that generate discovery programs for antibodies, our business could be adversely affected.
Our primary focus is on the discovery of antibodies for targets that are selected by our partners. Our partners then use the data packages provided by us to develop their own drug candidates without our involvement. As a result, our success depends on our ability to expand the number and scope of our partnerships. Many factors may impact the success of these partnerships, including our ability to perform our obligations, our partners’ satisfaction with our data packages, our partners’ ability to successfully develop, secure regulatory approval for and commercialize drug candidates using antibodies discovered using our discovery and development engine, our partners’ internal priorities (including fluctuations in research and developments budgets), our partners’ resource allocation decisions and competitive opportunities, disagreements with partners, the costs required of either party to the partnerships and related financing needs, and operating, legal and other risks in any relevant jurisdiction.
In our partnership programs, we maintain rights to large unique data sets that connect information at the level of single-cell measurements, DNA sequence and protein function. We use this data to create an accelerating flywheel of learning: data generation from our partnership business provides the basis for AI modules that lead to expanded capabilities and faster data generation which supports our partnership business. As a result, in addition to reducing our revenue or delaying the development of our future solutions, the loss of one or more of these relationships may reduce our exposure to such information, thus hindering our efforts to further our technological differentiation and improve our discovery and development engine. In certain of our partnership programs, we may elect to make additional investments in certain partnership agreements at progressive stages of preclinical development, clinical development, and commercialization in exchange for an increased share of product sales. Because of the inherent uncertainties in drug development described elsewhere in these Risk Factors, there can be no assurance that any additional investments we may elect to make would yield meaningful return, if at all.
We engage in conversations with companies regarding potential partnerships on an ongoing basis. These conversations may not result in a commercial agreement. Even if an agreement is reached, the resulting relationship may

not be successful, including due to our inability to discover any usable antibodies for the selected targets or the antibodies that we do discover may not be successfully developed or commercialized by our partners. In such circumstances, we would not generate any substantial revenues from such a collaboration in the form of discovery research fees, milestone payments, royalties or otherwise. Speculation in the biotechnology industry about our existing or potential partnerships can be a catalyst for adverse speculation about us, or our data packages, which can adversely affect our reputation and our business.
A reduction in demand and research and development activities by current and prospective partners may adversely affect our business.
Our business could be adversely affected by any significant decrease in drug research and development expenditures by pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, as well as by government agencies or private foundations. Similarly, economic factors and industry trends that affect our partners in these industries also affect their research and development budgets and, consequentially, our business as well.
Our partners include researchers at pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Our ability to continue to grow and win new business is dependent in large part upon the ability and willingness of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries to continue to spend on molecules in the non-clinical phases of research and development (and in particular discovery and development assessment) and to outsource the products and services we provide. Furthermore, our partners continue to search for ways to maximize the return on their investments with a focus on lowering research and development costs per drug candidate. Fluctuations in the expenditure amounts in each phase of the research and development budgets of these researchers and their organizations could have a significant effect on the demand for our products and services. Research and development budgets fluctuate due to changes in available resources, mergers of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, spending priorities (including available resources of our biotechnology partners, particularly those that are cash-negative, who may be highly focused on rationing their liquid assets in a challenging funding environment), general economic conditions, institutional budgetary policies and the impact of government regulations, including potential drug pricing legislation. Available funding for biotechnology partners in particular may be affected by the capital markets, investment objectives of venture capital investors and priorities of biopharmaceutical industry sponsors.
In recent periods, we have depended on a limited number of partners for our revenue, the loss of any of which could have an adverse impact on our business.
In recent periods, a limited number of partnerships accounted for a significant portion of our revenues. For example, royalty revenue for years ended December 31, 2021 and 2022, have come exclusively from our partnership with Lilly. Milestone payments have primarily come from our partnership with Lilly and all licensing revenue has come from the use of the Trianni platform for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2022, and 2023. Because a significant portion of our revenue in 2021 and 2022 was derived from sales of bamlanivimab and bebtelovimab, the reduction in sales of these compounds that we have experienced in recent periods have reduced or eliminated our royalty revenues attributed to sales of this compound. For example, we have not received any royalty revenues from our partnership with Lilly since December 31, 2022. If these reductions are not offset by increases in other sources of revenue, our results of operations for future periods may be materially and adversely affected.
Our existing partnerships cover a large number of current programs under contract, and therefore represent a large portion of potential downstream value. In addition, our partnership agreements are typically terminable at will with 90 days’ notice prior to identification of a target, after which point they may only be terminated for cause. As a result, if we fail to maintain our relationships with our partners or if any of our partners discontinue their programs, our future results of operations could be materially and adversely affected.

Development of a biological molecule is inherently uncertain, and it is possible that none of the antibody-drug candidates discovered using our antibody discovery and development engine that are further developed by us or our partners will receive marketing approval or become viable commercial products, on a timely basis, or at all.
We use our discovery and development engine to offer antibodies to partners who are engaged in antibody discovery and development. These partners include large cap pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies of all sizes and non-profit and government organizations. While we receive upfront payments generated through our receipt of technology access fees and discovery research fees for performing research activities for our partners, we estimate that the vast majority of the economic value of the contracts that we enter into with our partners is in the downstream payments that are payable if certain milestones are met or approved products are sold. As a result, our future growth is dependent on the ability of our partnerships to successfully develop and commercialize therapies based on antibodies discovered using our discovery and development engine. Due to our reliance on our partners, the risks relating to product development, regulatory clearance, authorization or approval and commercialization apply to us derivatively through the activities of our partners. While we believe our discovery and development engine is capable of identifying high quality antibodies, there can be no assurance that our partnerships will successfully develop, secure marketing approvals for and commercialize any drug candidates based on the antibodies that we discover. As a result, we may not realize the intended benefits of our partnerships. We initiated our partnering program in 2015 and have only had three AbCellera discovery programs and three Trianni programs result in milestone or royalty payments to us to date, and we have not yet had a program receive clinical marketing approval.
Due to the uncertain, time-consuming and costly clinical development and regulatory approval process, there may not be successful development of any drug candidates with the antibodies that we discover, or we and our partners may choose to discontinue the development of these drug candidates for a variety of reasons, including due to safety, risk versus benefit profile, exclusivity, competitive landscape, commercialization potential, production limitations or prioritization of their resources. It is possible that none of these drug candidates will ever receive regulatory approval and, even if approved, such drug candidates may never be successfully commercialized. For example, under our research agreement with Lilly, we are eligible to receive and have received payments upon the achievement of certain development milestones and are eligible to receive royalties resulting from sales of both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 products that incorporate antibodies we discovered. While we have received milestone and royalty payments from this collaboration, there can be no assurance that we will receive additional milestone payments or any royalties in the future. For example, in November 2022, the FDA announced bebtelovimab is no longer authorized for emergency use in the U.S., and Lilly and its authorized distributors have paused commercial distribution until further notice by the FDA. Furthermore, there can be no assurance that Lilly will be successful in its further development of bebtelovimab.
In addition, even if these drug candidates receive regulatory approval in the United States, the drug candidates may never obtain approval or commercialize such drugs outside of the United States, which would limit their full market potential and therefore our ability to realize their potential downstream value. Furthermore, approved drugs may not achieve broad market acceptance among physicians, patients, the medical community and third-party payors, in which case revenue generated from their sales would be limited. Likewise, we or our partners have to make decisions about which clinical stage and preclinical drug candidates to develop and advance, and we or our partners may not have the resources to invest in all of the drug candidates that contain antibodies discovered using our discovery and development engine, or clinical data and other development considerations may not support the advancement of one or more drug candidates. Decision-making about which drug candidates to prioritize involves inherent uncertainty, and our partners’ development program decision-making and resource prioritization decisions, which are outside of our control, may adversely affect the potential value of those partnerships. Additionally, subject to its contractual obligations to us, if one more of our partners is involved in a business combination, the partner might deemphasize or terminate the development or commercialization of any drug candidate that utilizes an antibody that we have discovered. If one of our strategic partners terminates its agreement with us, we may find it more difficult to attract new partners.
We are also subject to industry-wide FDA and other regulatory risk. The number of new drug applications, or NDAs, and biologics license applications, or BLAs, approved by the FDA varies significantly over time and if there were to be an extended reduction in the number of NDAs and BLAs approved by the FDA, the biotechnology industry would contract and our business would be materially harmed.

The failure to effectively advance, market and sell suitable drug candidates with the antibodies that we discover could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects, and cause the market price of our common shares to decline. In addition to the inherent uncertainty in drug development addresses above, our ability to forecast our future revenues may be limited.
The failure of our partners to meet their contractual obligations to us could adversely affect our business.
Our reliance on our partners poses a number of additional risks, including the risk that they may not perform their contractual obligations to us to our standards, in compliance with applicable legal or contractual requirements, in a timely manner or at all; they may not maintain the confidentiality of our proprietary information; and disagreements or disputes could arise that could cause delays in, or termination of, the research, development or commercialization of products using our antibodies or result in litigation or arbitration.
In addition, certain of our partners are large, multinational organizations that run many programs concurrently, and we are dependent on their ability to accurately track and make milestone payments to us pursuant to the terms of our agreements with them. Any failure by them to inform us when milestones are reached and make related payments to us could adversely affect our results of operations.
Moreover, some of our partners are located in markets subject to political and social risk, corruption, infrastructure problems and natural disasters, and are often subject to country-specific privacy and data security risk as well as burdensome legal and regulatory requirements. Any of these factors could adversely impact their financial condition and results of operations, which could impair their ability to meet their contractual obligations to us, which may have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We may be unable to manage our current and future growth effectively, which could make it difficult to execute on our business strategy.
Since our inception in 2012, we have experienced rapid growth and anticipate further growth in our business operations. This growth requires managing complexities across all aspects of our business, including complexities associated with increased headcount, integration of acquisitions, expansion of international operations, expansion of facilities, including our new GMP facility, execution on new lines of business and implementations of appropriate systems and controls to grow the business. Our growth has required significant time and attention from our management, and placed strains on our operational systems and processes, financial systems and internal controls and other aspects of our business.
We expect to continue to increase headcount and to hire more specialized personnel in the future as we grow our business. We will need to continue to hire, train and manage additional qualified scientists, engineers, laboratory personnel, client and account services personnel and sales and marketing staff and improve and maintain our technology to properly manage our growth. We may also need to hire, train and manage individuals with expertise that is separate, supplemental or different from expertise that we currently have, and accordingly we may not be successful in hiring, training and managing such individuals. For example, if our new hires perform poorly, if we are unsuccessful in hiring, training, managing and integrating these new employees, or if we are not successful in retaining our existing employees, our business may be harmed. Improving our technology and processes have required us to hire and retain additional scientific, engineering, sales and marketing, software, manufacturing, distribution and quality assurance personnel. We currently serve partners around the world and plan to continue to expand to new international jurisdictions as part of our growth strategy, which will lead to increased dispersion of our employees. Moreover, we may need to hire additional accounting, finance and other personnel in connection with our efforts to continue to comply with the requirements of being a public company. As a public company, our management and other personnel need to devote a substantial amount of time towards maintaining compliance with these requirements. A risk associated with maintaining this rate of growth, for example, is that we may face challenges integrating, developing and motivating our employee base.
We may not be able to maintain the quality, reliability or robustness of our discovery and development engine, or the expected turnaround times of our solutions and support, or to satisfy customer demand as we grow. Our ability to manage our growth properly will require us to continue to improve our operational, financial and management controls, as

well as our reporting systems and procedures. If we are unable to manage our growth properly, we may experience future weaknesses in our internal controls, which we may not successfully remediate on a timely basis or at all. To effectively manage our growth, we must continue to improve our operational and manufacturing systems and processes, our financial systems and internal controls and other aspects of our business and continue to effectively expand, train and manage our personnel. The time and resources required to improve our existing systems and procedures, implement new systems and procedures and to adequately staff such existing and new systems and procedures is uncertain, and failure to complete this in a timely and efficient manner could adversely affect our operations and negatively impact our business and financial results.
We have invested, and expect to continue to invest, in research and development efforts that further enhance our technology and platform. Such investments in technology are inherently risky and may affect our operating results. If the return on these investments is lower or develops more slowly than we expect, our revenue and operating results may suffer.
Since our inception, we have dedicated a substantial portion of our resources on the development of our engine and the technology that we incorporate to further enhance our antibody discovery and development engine, and our internal pipeline. These investments may involve significant time, risks, and uncertainties, including the risk that the expenses associated with these investments may affect operating results and that such investments may not generate sufficient technological advantage relative to alternatives in the market which would, in turn, impact revenues to offset liabilities assumed and expenses associated with these new investments. The industry in which we operate changes rapidly as a result of technological and drug developments, which may render our solutions less desirable. We believe that we must continue to invest a significant amount of time and resources in our discovery and development engine, and our internal pipeline, to maintain and improve our competitive position. If we do not achieve the benefits anticipated from these investments, if the achievement of these benefits is delayed, if our discovery and development engine is not able to accelerate the process of antibody discovery as quickly as we anticipate, or if our internal pipeline is not successful, our revenue and operating results may be adversely affected.
Our partners have significant discretion in determining when and whether to make announcements, if any, about the status of our partnerships, including about clinical developments and timelines for advancing collaborative programs, and the price of our common shares may decline as a result of announcements of unexpected results or developments.
Our partners have significant discretion in determining when and whether to make announcements about the status of our partnerships, including about preclinical and clinical developments and timelines for advancing antibodies discovered using our discovery and development engine. We do not plan to disclose the development status and progress of individual drug candidates of our partners, unless and until those partners do so first. Our partners may wish to report such information more or less frequently than we intend to or may not wish to report such information at all, in which case we would not report that information either. In addition, if partners choose to announce a collaboration with us, there is no guarantee that we will recognize research discovery fees in that quarter or even the following quarter, as such fees are not payable to us until our partner begins discovery activities. The price of our common shares may decline as a result of the public announcement of unexpected results or developments in our partnerships, or as a result of our partners withholding such information.
Our partners may not achieve projected discovery and development milestones and other anticipated key events in the expected timelines or at all, which could have an adverse impact on our business and could cause the price of our common shares to decline.
From time to time, we may make public statements regarding the expected timing of certain milestones and key events, as well as regarding developments and milestones under our partnerships, to the extent that our partners have publicly disclosed such information or permit us to make such disclosures. Certain of our partners have also made public statements regarding their expectations for the development of programs under partnership with us and they and other partners may in the future make additional statements about their goals and expectations for partnerships with us. The actual timing of these events can vary dramatically due to a number of factors such as delays or failures in our or our

current and future partners’ antibody discovery and development programs, the amount of time, effort, and resources committed by us and our current and future partners, and the numerous uncertainties inherent in the development of drugs. As a result, there can be no assurance that our partners’ current and future programs will advance or be completed in the time frames we or they expect. If our partners fail to achieve one or more of these milestones or other key events as planned, our business could be materially adversely affected and the price of our common shares could decline.
Our future success is dependent on the eventual approval and commercialization of products developed by our partners for which we have no control over the clinical development plan, regulatory strategy or commercialization efforts.
Our business model is dependent on the eventual progression of therapeutic candidates discovered or initially developed utilizing our discovery and development engine into clinical trials and commercialization. This requires us to attract partners and enter into agreements with them that contain obligations for the partners to pay us milestone payments as well as royalties on sales of approved products for the therapeutic candidates they develop that are generated utilizing our discovery and development engine. Given the nature of our relationships with our partners, we do not control the progression, clinical development, regulatory strategy or eventual commercialization, if approved, of these therapeutic candidates. As a result, our future success and the potential to receive milestones and royalties are entirely dependent on our partners’ efforts over which we have no control. Additionally, unless publicly disclosed by our partners, we do not have access to information related to our partners’ preclinical studies or clinical trial results, including serious adverse events, or ongoing communications with the FDA or other regulatory authorities regarding our partners’ development strategy, which limits our visibility into how such programs may be progressing. If our partners determine not to proceed with the future development of a drug candidate discovered or initially developed utilizing our discovery and development engine, or if they implement preclinical, clinical or regulatory strategies that ultimately do not result in the further development or approval of the therapeutic candidate, we will not receive the benefits of our partnerships, which may have a material and adverse effect on our operations.

We may not be able to file INDs or IND amendments to commence additional clinical trials on the timelines we expect, and even if we are able to, the FDA may not permit us to proceed.
We may not be able to file INDs for our internal pipeline candidates on the timelines we expect. For example, we may experience delays with IND-enabling studies or manufacturing delays. Moreover, we cannot be sure that submission of an IND will result in the FDA allowing further clinical trials to begin, or that, once begun, issues will not arise that suspend or terminate clinical trials. Additionally, even if such regulatory authorities agree with the design and implementation of the clinical trials set forth in an IND, we cannot guarantee that such regulatory authorities will not change their requirements in the future. These considerations also apply to new clinical trials we may submit as amendments to a new IND. Any failure to file INDs on the timelines we expect or to obtain regulatory approvals for our trials may prevent us from completing our clinical trials or commercializing our products on a timely basis, if at all.

We have no marketed proprietary products and have not yet independently started clinical development, which makes it difficult to assess our ability to independently develop future product candidates and monetize any resulting products.
As a company, we have no previous experience in advancing and completing clinical trials, and navigating and complying with the related regulatory requirements, including with respect to the submission of a New Drug Application, or NDA, or equivalent submission. We have not yet demonstrated our ability to independently conduct clinical development and obtain regulatory approval. To execute on our business plan, we will need to successfully reach agreement with multiple regulatory agencies on clinical and pre-clinical studies required for registration, execute our clinical development and manufacturing plans; and manage our spending as costs and expenses increase due to clinical trials, and regulatory approvals. If we are unsuccessful in accomplishing these objectives, we will not be able to develop any future product candidates independently and could fail to realize the potential advantages of doing so.

The life sciences and biotechnology platform technology market is highly competitive, and if we cannot compete successfully with our competitors, we may be unable to increase or sustain our revenue, or achieve profitability.
We face significant competition in the life sciences technology market. Our technologies address antibody therapeutic discovery and development challenges that are addressed by other platform technologies controlled by companies that have a variety of business models, including the development of internal pipelines of therapeutics, technology licensing, and the sale of instruments and devices. Examples of technical competition at different steps of our discovery and development engine include:
In the field of single-cell screening, companies that provide access to similar technologies such as Bruker, Twist Bioscience Corp, HiFiBio Inc., Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc., and Sphere Fluidics Ltd.
In antibody RepSeq, companies that provide access to similar technologies such as 10X Genomics Inc., Adaptive Biotechnologies Corp., Atreca Inc. and Distributed Bio Inc. (acquired by Charles River Laboratories in 2021)
In bispecific antibody engineering, from companies that provide access to similar technologies such as AbbVie Inc., Genmab A/S, Merus N.V. and Zymeworks Inc.
In discovery using genetically engineered rodents, companies that provide access to similar technologies such as Ablexis LLC, Crescendo Biologics Ltd., Harbour Antibodies BV, Kymab Ltd., Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc., Alloy Therapeutics LLC, and RenBio Inc.
We also face direct business competition from companies that provide antibody discovery services using technologies such as hybridoma and display. Companies with discovery business models that include downstream payments include Adimab LLC, Distributed Bio Inc. (acquired by Charles River Laboratories in 2021) and WuXi Biologics Inc. In addition, we compete with a variety of fee-for-service contract research organizations that provide services, in most cases using legacy technologies, that compete with one or more steps in our discovery and development engine. In addition, our partners may also elect to develop their workflows on legacy systems rather than rely on our discovery and development engine.
Our competitors and potential competitors may enjoy a number of competitive advantages over us. For example, these may include:
longer operating histories;
larger customer bases;
greater brand recognition and market penetration;
greater financial resources;
greater technological and research and development resources;
better system reliability and robustness;
greater selling and marketing capabilities; and
better established, larger scale and lower cost manufacturing capabilities.
As a result, our competitors and potential competitors may be able to respond more quickly to changes in customer requirements, devote greater resources to the development, promotion and sale of their platforms or instruments than we can or sell their platforms or instruments, or offer solutions competitive with our discovery and development engine and solutions at prices designed to win significant levels of market share. In addition, we may encounter challenges in marketing our solutions with our pricing model, which is structured to capture the potential downstream revenues associated with drug candidates that were discovered using our discovery and development engine. Our partners and potential partners may prefer one or more pricing models employed by our competitors that involve upfront payments rather than downstream revenues. We may not be able to compete effectively against these organizations.

In addition, competitors may be acquired by, receive investments from or enter into other commercial relationships with larger, well-established and well-financed companies. Certain of our competitors may be able to secure key inputs from vendors on more favorable terms, devote greater resources to marketing and promotional campaigns, adopt more aggressive pricing policies and devote substantially more resources to technology and platform development than we can. If we are unable to compete successfully against current and future competitors, we may be unable to increase market adoption and sales of our discovery and development engine, which could prevent us from increasing our revenue or sustaining profitability.
Our antibody discovery and development engine may not meet the expectations of our partners, which means our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects could suffer.
Our success depends on, among other things, the market’s confidence that our discovery and development engine is capable of substantially shortening the amount of time necessary to perform certain research activities as compared to the use of legacy and other alternative technologies, and will enable more efficient or improved pharmaceutical and biotechnology product development. For example, while we have in the past been able to identify a potential drug candidate for human testing within 90 days, there is no assurance that we will be able to do so on this timeframe again in the future, or at all. To date, we have only had three AbCellera discovery programs and three Trianni programs result in milestone or royalty payments to us. While our partnership with Lilly has produced bamlanivimab and bebtelovimab, antibodies for which Lilly was granted two EUAs by the FDA, we have not yet had a program receive full marketing approval. We also believe that pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are likely to be particularly sensitive to defects and errors in the use of our discovery and development engine, including if our engine fails to deliver meaningful acceleration of certain research timelines accompanied by results at least as good as the results generated using legacy or other alternative technologies. There can be no guarantee that our discovery and development engine will meet the expectations of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.
If we are unable to support demand for our antibody discovery and development engine, including ensuring that we have adequate teams and facilities to meet our current and future pipeline, or if we are unable to successfully manage our anticipated growth, our business could suffer.
As we initiate discovery programs and progress on internal programs, our operational capacity to execute such research activities may become strained. We may also need to purchase additional equipment, some of which can take several months or more to procure and set up. There is no assurance that the allocation of these resources, and investment in additional resources, will be successfully implemented and in a timely manner. For example, we are currently expanding our facilities in Vancouver, British Columbia. Such facilities require purpose-built buildings often with rezoning requirements. Such projects are typically long in duration and subject to delays. Failure to manage this growth could result in delays, higher costs, declining quality, and slower responses to competitive challenges. A failure in any one of these areas could make it difficult for us to meet market expectations for our data packages and could damage our reputation and the prospects for our business.
Our management uses certain key business metrics to evaluate our business, measure our performance, identify trends affecting our business, formulate financial projections and make strategic decisions and such metrics may not accurately reflect all of the aspects of our business needed to make such evaluations and decisions, in particular as our business continues to grow.
In addition to our consolidated financial results, our management regularly reviews a number of operating and financial metrics, including number of program starts, the trend of potential downstream revenue terms (milestones and royalties) of the portfolio, the performance of the portfolio in probability of success in achieving clinical milestones as compared to historical averages and the performance of the portfolio in the time taken to achieve clinical milestones, to evaluate our business, measure our performance, identify trends affecting our business, formulate financial projections and make strategic decisions. We believe that these metrics are representative of our current business; however, these metrics may not accurately reflect all aspects of our business and we anticipate that these metrics may change or may be substituted for additional or different metrics as our business grows and as we introduce new solutions. If our management fails to

review other relevant information or change or substitute the key business metrics they review as our business grows, their ability to accurately formulate financial projections and make strategic decisions may be compromised and our business, financial results and future growth prospects may be adversely impacted.
The sizes of the markets and forecasts of market growth for the demand of our antibody discovery and development engine and other of our key performance indicators are based on a number of complex assumptions and estimates and may be inaccurate.
We estimate annual total addressable markets and forecasts of market growth for our discovery and development engine, data packages and technologies. We have also developed a standard set of key performance indicators in order to enable us to assess the performance of our business in and across multiple markets, and to forecast future revenue. These estimates, forecasts and key performance indicators are based on a number of complex assumptions, internal and third-party estimates and other business data, including assumptions and estimates relating to our ability to generate revenue from the development of new workflows. While we believe our assumptions and the data underlying our estimates and key performance indicators are reasonable, there are inherent challenges in measuring or forecasting such information. As a result, these assumptions and estimates may not be correct and the conditions supporting our assumptions or estimates may change at any time, thereby reducing the predictive accuracy of these underlying factors and indicators. As a result, our estimates of the annual total addressable market and our forecasts of market growth and future revenue from technology access fees, discovery research fees, milestone payments or royalties may prove to be incorrect, and our key business metrics may not reflect our actual performance. For example, if the annual total addressable market or the potential market growth for our discovery and development engine is smaller than we have estimated or if the key business metrics we utilize to forecast revenue are inaccurate, it may impair our sales growth and have an adverse impact on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
We must adapt to rapid and significant technological change and respond to introductions of new products and technologies by competitors to remain competitive.
The industries we serve are characterized by significant enhancements and evolving industry standards. As a result, our and our partners’ needs are rapidly evolving. If we do not appropriately innovate and invest in new technologies, our discovery and development engine and internal pipeline may become less desirable in the markets we serve, our partners could move to new technologies offered by our competitors or engage in antibody discovery themselves, and the internal pipeline we invest in could be less successful. Without the timely introduction of new solutions and technological enhancements, our offerings will likely become less competitive over time, in which case our competitive position and operating results could suffer. Accordingly, we focus significant efforts and resources on the development and identification of new technologies and markets to further broaden and deepen our capabilities and expertise in antibody discovery and development. For example, to the extent we fail to timely introduce new and innovative technologies or solutions, adequately predict our partners’ needs or fail to obtain desired levels of market acceptance, our business may suffer and our operating results could be adversely affected.
We depend on our information technology systems, and any failure of these systems could harm our business.
We depend on information technology and telecommunications systems for significant elements of our operations, including our laboratory information management system, our computational biology system, our knowledge management system, our customer reporting, our discovery and development engine, our advanced automation systems, and advanced application software. We have installed, and expect to expand, a number of enterprise software systems that affect a broad range of business processes and functional areas, including for example, systems handling human resources, financial controls and reporting, contract management, regulatory compliance and other infrastructure operations. These implementations were expensive and required a significant effort in terms of both time and effort. In addition to the aforementioned business systems, we intend to extend the capabilities of both our preventative and detective security controls by augmenting the monitoring and alerting functions, the network design and the automatic countermeasure operations of our technical systems. These information technology and telecommunications systems support a variety of functions, including manufacturing operations, laboratory operations, data analysis, quality control, customer service and

support, billing, research and development activities, scientific and general administrative activities. A significant risk in implementing these systems, for example, is the integration and communication between separate IT systems.
Information technology and telecommunications systems are vulnerable to damage from a variety of sources, including telecommunications or network failures, malicious software, bugs or viruses, human acts and natural disasters. Moreover, despite network security and back-up measures, some of our servers are potentially vulnerable to physical or electronic break-ins, computer viruses and similar disruptive problems. Any disruption or loss of information technology or telecommunications systems on which critical aspects of our operations depend could have an adverse effect on our business and our reputation, and we may be unable to regain or repair our reputation in the future.
Upgrading and integrating our business systems could result in implementation issues and business disruptions.
In recent years, we have been and will continue updating and consolidating systems and automating processes in many parts of our business with a variety of systems, including in connection with the integration of acquired businesses and the implementation of a new enterprise resource planning software. The expansion and ongoing implementation of operational systems may occur at a future date based on value to the business. In general, the process of planning and preparing for these types of integrated, wide-scale implementations is extremely complex and are required to address a number of challenges, including information security assessment and remediation, data conversion, network and system cutover, user training, and integration with existing processes or systems. Incongruities in any of these areas could cause operational problems during implementation including inconsistent practices, delayed report and/or data shipments, missed sales, billing errors and accounting errors.
Security breaches, loss of data and other disruptions could compromise sensitive information related to our business or protected health information or prevent us from accessing critical information and expose us to liability, which could adversely affect our business and our reputation.
In the ordinary course of our business, we collect and store petabytes of sensitive data, including legally protected health information, personally identifiable information, intellectual property and proprietary business information owned or controlled by ourselves or our strategic partners. We manage and maintain our applications and data by utilizing a combination of on-site systems, managed data center systems and cloud-based data center systems. These applications and data encompass a wide variety of business-critical information, including research and development information, commercial information and business and financial information. We face four primary risks relative to protecting this critical information: loss of access risk, inappropriate disclosure risk, inappropriate modification risk and the risk of being unable to adequately monitor our controls over the first three risks.
Although we take measures to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or disclosure, our information technology and infrastructure and that of any third-party provider we may utilize, may be vulnerable to attacks by hackers or viruses or breached due to employee error, malfeasance or other disruptions. Any such breach or interruption could compromise our networks and the information stored there could be accessed by unauthorized parties, publicly disclosed, lost or stolen. Any such access, disclosure or other loss of information could result in legal claims or proceedings, liability under laws that protect the privacy of personal information, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), and regulatory penalties. Although we have implemented security measures and a formal enterprise security program to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data, there is no guarantee that we can protect our systems from breach. Unauthorized access, loss or dissemination could also disrupt our operations (including our ability to conduct our analyses, pay providers, conduct research and development activities, collect, process and prepare company financial information, provide information about any future products, and manage the administrative aspects of our business) and damage our reputation, any of which could adversely affect our business.
HIPAA, as amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (“HITECH”), and its implementing regulations, impose certain requirements relating to the privacy, security, transmission and breach reporting of individually identifiable health information upon entities subject to the law, such as health plans, healthcare clearinghouses and healthcare providers and their respective business associates that perform services for them that involve individually identifiable health information. Mandatory penalties for HIPAA violations can be significant, and criminal and

monetary penalties, as well as injunctive relief, may be imposed for HIPAA violations. Although drug manufacturers are not directly subject to HIPAA, prosecutors are increasingly using HIPAA-related theories of liability against drug manufacturers and their agents and we also could be subject to criminal penalties if we knowingly obtain individually identifiable health information from a HIPAA-covered entity in a manner that is not authorized or permitted by HIPAA.
Furthermore, in the event of a breach as defined by HIPAA, HIPAA regulations impose specific reporting requirements to regulators, individuals impacted by the breach and the media. Issuing such notifications can be costly, time and resource intensive, and can generate significant negative publicity. Breaches of HIPAA may also constitute contractual violations that could lead to contractual damages or terminations. In addition, U.S. states have enacted and are considering enacting laws relating to the protection of patient health and other data, which may be more rigorous than, or impose additional requirements beyond those required by, HIPAA. For example, the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), which became effective on January 1, 2020, gives California residents expanded rights to access and delete their personal information, opt out of certain personal information sharing and receive detailed information about how their personal information is used by requiring covered companies to provide new disclosures to California consumers (as that term is broadly defined) and provide such consumers new ways to opt-out of certain sales of personal information. The CCPA provides for civil penalties for violations as well as a limited private right of action for data breaches, which may increase the volume of data breach litigation. While limited CCPA exemptions may apply to portions of our business, the recency of the CCPA’s implementing regulations and the California Attorney General’s enforcement activity means our obligations under the CCPA could evolve in the future, which may increase our compliance costs and potential liability.
Further, a California ballot initiative, the California Privacy Rights Act, or CPRA, was passed by California voters on November 3, 2020. The CPRA, which became effective on January 1, 2023, creates additional obligations with respect to processing and storing personal information. Additionally, some observers have noted that the CCPA, as modified by the CPRA could mark the beginning of a trend toward more stringent privacy legislation in the U.S., which could increase our potential liability and adversely affect our business. Already, in the United States, we have witnessed significant developments at the state level. For example, Virginia, Utah, Colorado, and Connecticut have all enacted comprehensive consumer privacy laws. While these state laws incorporate many similar concepts of the CCPA and CPRA, there are also several key differences in the scope, application, and enforcement of the law that will change the operational practices of regulated businesses. The new laws will, among other things, impact how regulated businesses collect and process personal sensitive data, conduct data protection assessments, transfer personal data to affiliates, and respond to consumer rights requests.
A number of other states have proposed new privacy laws, some of which are similar to the above discussed recently passed laws. Such proposed legislation, if enacted, may add additional complexity, variation in requirements, restrictions and potential legal risk, require additional investment of resources in compliance programs, impact strategies and the availability of previously useful data and could result in increased compliance costs and/or changes in business practices and policies. The existence of comprehensive privacy laws in different states in the country would make our compliance obligations more complex and costly and may increase the likelihood that we may be subject to enforcement actions or otherwise incur liability for noncompliance.
We may also become subject to laws and regulations in non-U.S. countries covering data privacy and the protection of health-related and other personal information. In particular, the European Economic Area (“EEA”) has adopted data protection laws and regulations that impose significant compliance obligations. Laws and regulations in these jurisdictions apply broadly to the collection, use, storage, disclosure, processing and security of personal information that identifies or may be used to identify an individual, such as names, contact information, and sensitive personal data such as health data. These laws and regulations are subject to frequent revisions and differing interpretations, and have generally become more stringent over time.
The collection, use, storage, disclosure, transfer, or other processing of personal data regarding individuals in the EEA including personal health data, is subject to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“EU GDPR”) and similarly, processing of personal data regarding individuals in the UK is subject to the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the UK Data Protection Act 2018 (“UK GDPR” and together with the EU GDPR “GDPR”). The GDPR is wide-ranging in scope and imposes numerous requirements on companies that process personal data, including requirements relating to processing health and other sensitive data, obtaining consent of the individuals to whom the personal data relates, providing

information to individuals regarding data processing activities, implementing safeguards to protect the security and confidentiality of personal data, providing notification of data breaches, and taking certain measures when engaging third-party processors. The GDPR also imposes strict rules on the transfer of personal data to countries outside the EEA/UK, including the United States, and permits data protection authorities to impose large penalties for violations of the GDPR, including potential fines of up to €20 million (£17.5 million under UK GDPR) or 4% of annual global revenues, whichever is greater. The GDPR also confers a private right of action on data subjects and consumer associations to lodge complaints with supervisory authorities, seek judicial remedies, and obtain compensation for damages resulting from violations of the GDPR. In addition, the GDPR includes restrictions on cross-border data transfers of personal data to countries outside the EEA/UK that are not considered by the European Commission and UK government as providing “adequate” protection to personal data (“third countries”), including the United States. The GDPR may increase our responsibility and liability in relation to personal data that we process where such processing is subject to the GDPR, and we may be required to put in place additional mechanisms to ensure compliance with the GDPR, including as implemented by individual countries. Compliance with the GDPR is rigorous and time-intensive process that may increase our cost of doing business or require us to change our business practices, and despite those efforts, there is a risk that we may be subject to fines and penalties, litigation, and reputational harm in connection with our European activities.
To enable the transfer of personal data outside of the EEA or the UK, adequate safeguards (for example, the European Commission approved Standard Contractual Clauses (“SCCs”)) must be implemented in compliance with European and UK data protection laws. In addition, transfers made pursuant to the SCCs (and other similar appropriate transfer safeguards) need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis taking into account the legal regime applicable in the destination country, in particular regarding applicable surveillance laws and relevant rights of individuals with respect to the transferred personal data, to ensure an “essentially equivalent” level of protection to that guaranteed in the EEA in the jurisdiction where the data importer is based (“Transfer Impact Assessment”). On June 4, 2021, the EC issued new forms of standard contractual clauses for data transfers from controllers or processors in the EU/EEA (or otherwise subject to the GDPR) to controllers or processors established outside the EU/EEA. The new standard contractual clauses replace the standard contractual clauses that were adopted previously under the EU Data Protection Directive. The UK is not subject to the EC’s new standard contractual clauses but has published its own transfer mechanism, the International Data Transfer Agreement and International Data Transfer Addendum (“IDTA”), which enable transfers from the UK, and has also implemented a similar Transfer Impact Assessment requirement. We will be required to implement these new safeguards and carry out Transfer Impact Assessments when conducting restricted data transfers under the GDPR and doing so will require significant effort and cost, and may result in us needing to make strategic considerations around where EEA or UK personal data is stored and transferred, and which service providers we can utilize for the processing of EEA/UK personal data. On July 10, 2023, the European Commission adopted an adequacy decision for the new EU-US Data Privacy Framework (“DPF”), the new transatlantic framework designed to support transfers of personal data from the EU to companies in the US that self-certify compliance with the DPF’s privacy requirements, without having to implement additional safeguards. The DPF replaces the Privacy Shield, which was invalidated by the European Court of Justice in July 2020. As with the previous two transatlantic frameworks, it remains to be seen whether the DPF will withstand review by the European courts.
Although the UK is regarded as a third country under the EU GDPR, the European Commission has issued a decision recognizing the UK as providing adequate protection under the EU GDPR (“Adequacy Decision”) and, therefore, transfers of personal data originating in the EEA to the UK remain unrestricted. The UK government has confirmed that personal data transfers from the UK to the EEA remain free flowing. The UK Government has also now introduced a Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (“UK Bill”) into the UK legislative process. The aim of the UK Bill is to reform the UK’s data protection regime following Brexit. If passed, the final version of the UK Bill may have the effect of further altering the similarities between the UK and EEA data protection regime and threaten the UK Adequacy Decision from the EU Commission. This may lead to additional compliance costs and could increase our overall risk. The respective provisions and enforcement of the EU GDPR and UK GDPR may further diverge in the future and create additional regulatory challenges and uncertainties.
The interpretation and application of consumer, health-related and data protection laws in the United States, the EEA, and elsewhere are often uncertain, contradictory and in flux. Any failure or perceived failure to comply with federal, state or foreign laws or regulations, contractual or other legal obligations related to data privacy or data protection may result in claims, warnings, communications, requests or investigations from individuals, supervisory authorities or other

legal or regulatory authorities in relation to our processing of personal data. It is possible that these laws may be interpreted and applied in a manner that is inconsistent with our practices. If so, this could result in government-imposed fines or orders requiring that we change our practices, which could adversely affect our business. In addition, these privacy regulations vary between states, may differ from country to country, and may vary based on whether testing is performed in the United States or in the local country. Complying with these various laws could cause us to incur substantial costs or require us to change our business practices and compliance procedures in a manner adverse to our business.
Furthermore, the loss of clinical trial data from completed or future clinical trials could result in delays in our regulatory approval efforts and significantly increase our costs to recover or reproduce the data. Likewise, we rely on other third parties for the manufacture of our product candidates and to conduct clinical trials, and similar events relating to their computer systems could also have a material adverse effect on our business.
We may be unable to adequately protect our information systems from cyberattacks, which could result in the disclosure of confidential or proprietary information, including personal data, damage our reputation, and subject us to significant financial and legal exposure.
We rely on information technology systems that we or our third-party providers operate to process, transmit and store electronic information in our day-to-day operations. In connection with our product discovery efforts, we may collect and use a variety of personal data, such as names, mailing addresses, email addresses, phone numbers and clinical trial information. A successful cyberattack could result in the theft or destruction of intellectual property, data, or other misappropriation of assets, or otherwise compromise our confidential or proprietary information and disrupt our operations. Cyberattacks are increasing in their frequency, sophistication and intensity, and have become increasingly difficult to detect. We may not be able to anticipate all types of security threats, and we may not be able to implement preventive measures effective against all such security threats. The techniques used by cyber criminals change frequently, may not be recognized until launched, and can originate from a wide variety of sources, including outside groups such as external service providers, organized crime affiliates, terrorist organizations or hostile foreign governments or agencies. Cyberattacks could include industrial espionage, wire fraud and other forms of cyber fraud, the deployment of harmful malware, including ransomware, denial-of-service, social engineering fraud or other means to threaten data security, confidentiality, integrity and availability. A successful cyberattack could cause serious negative consequences for us, including, without limitation, the disruption of operations, the misappropriation of confidential business information, including financial information, trade secrets, financial loss and the disclosure of corporate strategic plans. Although we devote resources to protect our information systems, we realize that cyberattacks are a threat, and there can be no assurance that our efforts will prevent information security breaches that would result in business, legal, financial, or reputational harm to us, or would have a material adverse effect on our results of operations and financial condition. If we were to experience an attempted or successful cybersecurity attack of our information systems or data, the costs associated with the investigation, remediation and potential notification of the attack to counterparties, data subjects, regulators or others, including costs to deploy additional personnel and protection technologies, train employees, and engage third-party experts and consultants, could be material. Failure to report any such material cybersecurity incidents in a timely manner to the Securities Exchange Commission, on Form 8-K, may result in adverse impacts to our reputation. In addition, following any such attack, our remediation efforts may not be successful. Any failure to prevent or mitigate security breaches or improper access to, use of, or disclosure of our clinical data or patients’ personal data could result in significant liability under state, federal and international law and may cause a material adverse impact to our reputation, affect our ability to conduct new studies, and potentially disrupt our business.
The loss of any member of our senior management team or our ability to attract and retain talent across the Company, including senior management, could adversely affect our business.
We are highly dependent upon our senior management and other members of our management team as well as our senior scientists, software engineers and salespeople. Our success depends on the skills, experience and performance of key members of our senior management team, scientists, software engineers, salespeople and our other employees. The individual and collective efforts of our employees will be important as we continue to develop our discovery and development engine, and as we expand our commercial activities. The loss or incapacity of existing members of our executive management team could adversely affect our operations if we experience difficulties in hiring qualified

successors. While certain of our executive officers are party to employment contracts with us, we cannot guarantee their retention for any period of time beyond the applicable notice period.

Our research and development programs and laboratory operations depend on our ability to attract and retain highly skilled scientists and engineers. We may not be able to attract or retain qualified scientists and engineers in the future due to the competition for qualified personnel among life science businesses. We also face competition from universities and public and private research institutions in recruiting and retaining highly qualified scientific and engineering personnel. We may have difficulties locating, recruiting or retaining qualified salespeople and other employees. Recruiting and retention difficulties can limit our ability to support our research and development and sales programs. A key risk in this area, for example, is that certain of our employees are at-will, which means that either we or the employee may terminate their employment at any time.

Our restructuring and reorganization activities may be disruptive to our operations or ineffective.
In November 2023, we underwent restructuring to better align our efforts towards the clinical development of new antibody medicines for patients. Headcount was reduced by approximately 10% and the restructuring plans may yield unintended consequences, such as attrition beyond our intended reduction in workforce and reduced employee morale, which may cause our employees who were not affected by the reduction in workforce to seek alternate employment. We cannot be certain that any of our restructuring efforts will be successful, or that we will be able to realize other anticipated benefits, savings and improvements from our current restructuring plan. We may also discover that these restructuring measures will make it difficult for us to pursue new opportunities and initiatives and may require us to hire qualified replacement personnel, which may require us to incur additional and unanticipated costs and expenses. We may also take similar steps in the future as we seek to realize operating synergies, optimize our operations to achieve our target operating model and profitability objectives, respond to market forces or better reflect changes in the strategic direction of our business. Our failure to successfully accomplish any of the above activities and goals may have a material adverse impact on our business, financial condition and results of operations.
We have made technology acquisitions and expect to acquire businesses or assets or make investments in other companies or technologies that could negatively affect our operating results, dilute our shareholders’ ownership, increase our debt or cause us to incur significant expense.
We have made technology acquisitions and expect to pursue acquisitions of businesses and assets in the future. We also may pursue strategic alliances and joint ventures that leverage our technologies and industry experience to expand our offerings or distribution. Although we have acquired other businesses or assets in the past, we may not be able to find suitable partners or acquisition or asset purchase candidates in the future, and we may not be able to complete such transactions on favorable terms, if at all. The competition for partners or acquisition candidates may be intense, and the negotiation process will be time-consuming and complex. If we make any acquisitions, we may not be able to integrate these acquisitions successfully into our existing business, these acquisitions may not strengthen our competitive position, the transactions may be viewed negatively by partners or investors, we may be unable to retain key employees of any acquired business, relationships with key suppliers, manufacturers or partners of any acquired business may be impaired due to changes in management and ownership, and we could assume unknown or contingent liabilities. Any future acquisitions also could result in the incurrence of debt, contingent liabilities or future write-offs of intangible assets or goodwill, any of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects. Refer to Note 11 of these quarterly consolidated financial statements for additional information. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to fully recover the costs of any acquisition. Integration of an acquired company also may disrupt ongoing operations and require management resources that we would otherwise focus on developing our existing business. We may not realize the anticipated benefits of any acquisition, technology license, strategic alliance or joint venture. We also may experience losses related to investments in other companies, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects. Acquisitions may also expose us to a variety of international and business related risks, including intellectual property, regulatory laws, local laws, tax and accounting.

To finance any acquisitions or asset purchase, we may choose to issue securities as consideration, which would dilute the ownership of our shareholders. Additional funds may not be available on terms that are favorable to us, or at all. If the price of our common shares is low or volatile, we may not be able to acquire companies or assets using our securities as consideration.
Our business is subject to government regulation and the regulatory approval and maintenance process may be expensive, time-consuming and uncertain both in timing and in outcome, and certain agreements to which we are a party contain covenants and other obligations that constrain our business activities.
Our data packages are currently not subject to approval by the FDA. However, our business could in the future become subject to regulation by the FDA, or comparable international agencies.
For example, in May 2020, we announced that we received a commitment from the Government of Canada under Innovation, Science and Economic Development’s, or ISED, Strategic Innovation Fund, or SIF, of up to CAD $175.6 million ($125.6 million), the proceeds of which are being used to build a GMP facility in Vancouver, British Columbia, which will house our manufacturing and manufacturing support infrastructure. This facility, once completed, will become subject to various regulations, which could include regular inspections, certifications and audits. Further, in May 2023, we entered into multi-year contribution agreements where up to CAD $225.0 million ($166.7 million) and CAD $75.0 million ($55.6 million) was committed by the Government of Canada and the Government of British Columbia, respectively, to build new capabilities in Canada to develop, manufacture, and deliver antibody medicines to patients through Phase 1 clinical trials and build expertise in translational science, technical operations, and clinical operations and research. Such regulatory approval processes or clearances may be expensive, time-consuming and uncertain, and our failure to obtain or comply with such approvals and clearances could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition and operating results. In addition, changes to the current regulatory framework, including the imposition of additional or new regulations, including regulation of our data packages, could arise at any time, which may negatively affect our ability to obtain or maintain FDA or comparable regulatory approval of our data packages or future products, if required.
Our agreements with the Government of Canada and Government of British Columbia includes certain financial and non-financial covenants and other obligations in relation to the project, including restrictions on dividend payments that would prevent the Company from satisfying the obligations under the agreements, the maintenance of certain gross capital expenditures in Canada, certain research and development expenditures in Canada, and the achievement of certain headcount requirements in Canada. In addition, the Company has agreed to notice and consent rights to the counterparties upon certain events related to a change in control of the Company. Breach of the covenants and obligations under the respective agreements with the Government of Canada and British Columbia, subject to applicable cure, may result in suspending, or terminating funding under the respective agreements, demanding repayment of funding previously received and/or terminating the respective agreements, reputational damages that could impact future government relationships, and have adverse consequences on our business. We may not have enough available cash or be able to obtain financing at the time we are required to repay any such amounts.
Our billing and collections processing activities are time-consuming, and any delay in transmitting invoices or failure to comply with applicable billing requirements, could have an adverse effect on our future revenue.
Billing for our data packages can be time-consuming, as many of our partners are large pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies and engage various models for their accounts payable matters, including outsourcing to third parties. We may face increased risk in our collection efforts, including long collection cycles and the risk that we may never collect at all, which could require to write-off significant accounts receivable and recognize bad debt expenses, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
If our operating facilities become damaged or inoperable or we are required to vacate a facility, our ability to conduct and pursue our research and development efforts may be jeopardized.
We currently derive the majority of our revenue based upon scientific and engineering research and development and testing conducted in Vancouver, British Columbia. Our facilities and equipment could be harmed or rendered

inoperable or inaccessible by natural or man-made disasters or other circumstances beyond our control, including fire, earthquake, power loss, communications failure, war or terrorism, or another catastrophic event, such as a pandemic or similar outbreak or public health crisis, which may render it difficult or impossible for us to support our partners and develop updates, upgrades and other improvements to our discovery and development engine, advanced automation systems, and advanced application and workflow software for some period of time. The inability to address system issues could develop if our facilities are inoperable or suffers a loss of utilization for even a short period of time, may result in the loss of partners or harm to our reputation, and we may be unable to regain those partners or repair our reputation in the future. Furthermore, our facilities and the equipment we use to perform our research and development work could be unavailable or costly and time-consuming to repair or replace. It would be difficult, time-consuming and expensive to rebuild our facilities, to locate and qualify new facilities or license or transfer our proprietary technology to a third-party. Even in the event we are able to find a third-party to assist in research and development efforts, we may be unable to negotiate commercially reasonable terms to engage with the third-party.
We carry insurance for damage to our property and the disruption of our business, but this insurance may not cover all of the risks associated with damage or disruption to our business, may not provide coverage in amounts sufficient to cover our potential losses and may not continue to be available to us on acceptable terms, if at all.
Our insurance policies are expensive and protect us only from some business risks, which leaves us exposed to significant uninsured liabilities.
We do not carry insurance for all categories of risk that our business may encounter and our policies have limits and significant deductibles. Some of the policies we currently maintain include general liability, property, umbrella and directors’ and officers’ insurance.
Any additional insurance coverage we acquire in the future, may not be sufficient to reimburse us for any expenses or losses we may suffer. Moreover, insurance coverage is becoming increasingly expensive and in the future we may not be able to maintain insurance coverage at a reasonable cost or in sufficient amounts to protect us against losses. A successful liability claim, or series of claims, in which judgments exceed our insurance coverage could adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects, including preventing or limiting the use of our discovery and development engine to discover antibodies.
Operating as a public company makes it more difficult and more expensive for us to obtain director and officer liability insurance, and we may be required to accept reduced policy limits and coverage, seek alternative insurance options or incur substantially higher costs to obtain the same or similar coverage. As a result, it may be more difficult for us to attract and retain qualified people to serve on our board of directors, our board committees or as executive officers. Any significant uninsured liability may require us to pay substantial amounts, which would adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
Security breaches, loss of data and other disruptions could compromise sensitive information related to our business or prevent us from accessing critical information and expose us to liability, which could adversely affect our business and our reputation.
In the ordinary course of our business, we generate and store sensitive data, including research data, intellectual property and proprietary business information owned or controlled by ourselves or our employees, partners and other parties. We manage and maintain our applications and data utilizing a combination of on-site systems and cloud-based data centers. We utilize external security and infrastructure vendors to manage parts of our data centers. These applications and data encompass a wide variety of business-critical information, including research and development information, commercial information and business and financial information. We face a number of risks relative to protecting this critical information, including loss of access risk, inappropriate use or disclosure, accidental exposure, unauthorized access, inappropriate modification and the risk of our being unable to adequately monitor and audit and modify our controls over our critical information. This risk extends to the third-party vendors and subcontractors we use to manage this sensitive data or otherwise process it on our behalf. Further, to the extent our employees are working remotely, additional risks may arise as a result of depending on the networking and security put into place by the employees. The secure processing,

storage, maintenance and transmission of this critical information are vital to our operations and business strategy, and we devote significant resources to protecting such information. Although we take reasonable measures to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure, no security measures can be perfect and our information technology and infrastructure may be vulnerable to attacks by hackers or infections by viruses or other malware or breached due to employee erroneous actions or inactions by our employees or contractors, malfeasance or other malicious or inadvertent disruptions. Any such breach or interruption could compromise our networks and the information stored there could be accessed by unauthorized parties, publicly disclosed, lost or stolen. Any such access, breach, or other loss of information could result in legal claims or proceedings. Unauthorized access, loss or dissemination could also disrupt our operations and damage our reputation, any of which could adversely affect our business.
Growth of our international business exposes us to business, regulatory, political, operational, financial and economic risks associated with doing business outside of Canada and the United States.
We currently have entities in Canada, the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Doing business internationally involves a number of risks including:
multiple, conflicting and changing laws and regulations such as privacy regulations, tax laws, export and import restrictions, tariffs, economic sanctions and embargoes, employment laws, regulatory requirements and other governmental approvals, permits and licenses;
failure by us or our distributors to obtain approvals to conduct our business in various countries;
differing intellectual property rights;
complexities and difficulties in obtaining intellectual property protection, enforcing our intellectual property and defending against third-party intellectual property claims;
difficulties in staffing and managing foreign operations;
logistics and regulations associated with shipping systems and parts and components for systems, consumables and reagent kits, as well as transportation delays;
travel restrictions that limit the ability of marketing, presales, sales, services and support teams to service partners;
financial risks, such as longer payment cycles, difficulty collecting accounts receivable, the impact of local and regional financial crises on demand and payment for our data packages, and exposure to foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations;
international trade disputes that could result in tariffs and other protective measures;
natural disasters, political and economic instability, including wars, terrorism and political unrest, outbreak of disease, boycotts, curtailment of trade and other business restrictions; and
regulatory and compliance risks that relate to maintaining accurate information and control over sales and distributors’ activities that may fall within the purview of the Canadian Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act, or CFPOA, or U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, or FCPA, its books and records provisions, or its anti-bribery provisions.
Any of these factors could significantly harm our future international expansion and operations and, consequently, our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects. In addition, certain international markets are subject to significant political and economic uncertainty, including for example the effect of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Significant political and economic developments in international markets for which we intend to operate, or the perception that any of them could occur, creates further challenges for operating in these markets in addition to creating instability in global economic conditions.
Our business is subject to risks relating to foreign currency exchange rates.
We currently have entities in Canada, the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Substantially all of our revenue is paid in US dollars. We expect that our US dollar earned revenue will continue to account for a significant percentage of our total revenue for the foreseeable future.

Changes in foreign currency exchange rates, could materially adversely impact our results. Foreign currencies in which we record expenses could be subject to unfavorable exchange rates with the U.S. dollar, resulting in a reduction in the amount of cash flow (and an increase in the amount of expenses) that we recognize and causing fluctuations in reported financial results. We also carry foreign currency exposure associated with differences between where we conduct business, including receipt of government funding denominated in foreign currencies. For example, certain contracts are denominated in currencies other than the currency in which we incur expenses related to those contracts. Where expenses are incurred in currencies other than those in which contracts are priced, fluctuations in the relative value of those currencies could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations.
Our exposure to currency exchange rate fluctuations results from the currency translation exposure associated with the preparation of our consolidated financial statements, as well as from the exposure associated with transactions of our subsidiaries that are denominated in a currency other than the respective subsidiary’s functional currency. While our financial results are reported in U.S. Dollars, the financial statements of certain of our equity method investments are prepared using the local currency as the functional currency. During consolidation, these results are translated into U.S. Dollars by applying appropriate exchange rates. As a result, fluctuations in the exchange rate of the U.S. Dollar relative to the local currencies in which our equity method investments report could cause significant fluctuations in our reported results. Moreover, as exchange rates vary, our operating results may differ materially from our expectations. Adjustments resulting from financial statement translations are included as a separate component of shareholders’ equity.
Our business activities are subject to the FCPA and other anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws of the United States and other countries in which we operate, as well as U.S. and certain foreign export controls and trade sanctions. Violations of such legal requirements could subject us to liability.
We are subject to the FCPA, which among other things prohibits companies and their third-party intermediaries from offering, promising, giving or authorizing others to give anything of value, either directly or indirectly, to non-U.S. government officials for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business or securing any other improper advantage. The FCPA also requires public companies to make and keep books and records that accurately and fairly reflect the transactions of the corporation and to devise and maintain an adequate system of internal accounting controls. Companies in the biotechnology and biopharmaceutical field are highly regulated and therefore involve interactions with public officials, including officials of non-U.S. governments. Additionally, in many other countries, hospitals are owned and operated by the government, and doctors and other hospital employees would be considered foreign officials under the FCPA. We are also subject to the Canadian equivalent to the FCPA, the CFPOA. These laws are complex and far-reaching in nature, and, as a result, there is no certainty that all of our employees, agents or contractors will comply with such laws and regulations. Any violations of these laws, or allegations of such violations, could disrupt our operations, involve significant management distraction, involve significant costs and expenses, including legal fees, and could result in a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects. We could also suffer severe penalties, including criminal and civil penalties, disgorgement and other remedial measures.
In addition, our data packages may be subject to U.S. and foreign export controls and trade sanctions. Compliance with applicable regulatory requirements regarding the export of our data packages may create delays in us providing our data packages in international markets or, in some cases, prevent the export thereof to some countries altogether. Furthermore, U.S. export control laws and economic sanctions prohibit the shipment of certain products and services to countries, governments, and persons targeted by U.S. sanctions. If we fail to comply with export regulations and such economic sanctions, penalties could be imposed, including fines and/or denial of certain export privileges. Moreover, any new export restrictions, new legislation or shifting approaches in the enforcement or scope of existing regulations, or in the countries, persons, or products targeted by such regulations, could result in decreased use of our data packages by, or in our decreased ability to export our data packages to, existing or potential customers with international operations. Any decreased use of our data packages or limitation on our ability to export or sell our data packages would likely adversely affect our business.

We rely on a limited number of suppliers for laboratory equipment and materials and may not be able to find replacements or immediately transition to alternative suppliers.
We rely on a limited number of suppliers to provide certain consumables and equipment that we use in our operations, as well as reagents and other laboratory materials involved in the development of our technology. Fluctuations in the availability and price of materials and equipment could have an adverse effect on our ability to meet our development goals with our partners and thus our results from operations as well as future partnership opportunities. An interruption in the availability of raw materials or our laboratory operations could occur if we encounter delays, quality issues or other difficulties in securing these consumables, equipment, reagents or other materials, and if we cannot then obtain an acceptable substitute. In addition, while we believe suitable additional or alternative suppliers are available to accommodate our operations, if needed, any transition to new or additional suppliers may cause delays in our processing of samples or development and commercialization of our technology. Any such interruption could significantly affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and reputation.
We must continue to secure and maintain sufficient and stable supplies of raw materials. Any shortage of raw materials or materials necessary for our operations may adversely affect our business.
Unexpected shortages in raw materials or other materials and other unanticipated events could adversely affect our business, prospects, financial condition and results of operation.
In addition, as we grow, our existing suppliers may not be able to meet our increasing demand, and we may need to find additional suppliers. There is no assurance that we will always be able to secure suppliers who provide raw materials at the specification, quantity and quality levels that we demand (or at all) or be able to negotiate acceptable fees and terms of services with any such suppliers. Identifying a suitable supplier is an involved process that requires us to become satisfied with their quality control, responsiveness and service, financial stability and labor and other ethical practices. Even if we are able to expand existing sources, we may encounter delays and added costs as a result of the time it takes to train suppliers in our methods and quality control standards.
We historically have not entered into agreements with our suppliers but secure our raw materials and component parts we use in our equipment on a purchase order basis. Our suppliers may reduce or cease their supply of raw materials, component parts and outsourced services and products to us at any time in the future. If the supply of raw materials, component parts and the outsourced services and products is interrupted due to shortages or other reasons, our operations may be delayed. If any such event occurs, our operation and financial position may be adversely affected.
We use biological and hazardous materials that require considerable expertise and expense for handling, storage and disposal and may result in claims against us.
We work with materials, including chemicals, biological agents and compounds that could be hazardous to human health and safety or the environment. Our operations also produce hazardous and biological waste products. Federal, provincial, state and local laws and regulations govern the use, generation, manufacture, storage, handling and disposal of these materials and wastes. We are subject to periodic inspections by Canadian provincial and federal authorities to ensure compliance with applicable laws. Compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations is expensive, and current or future environmental laws and regulations may restrict our operations. If we do not comply with applicable regulations, we may be subject to fines and penalties.
In addition, we cannot eliminate the risk of accidental injury or contamination from these materials or wastes, which could cause an interruption of our commercialization efforts, research and development programs and business operations, as well as environmental damage resulting in costly clean-up and liabilities under applicable laws and regulations. In the event of contamination or injury, we could be liable for damages or penalized with fines in an amount exceeding our resources and our operations could be suspended or otherwise adversely affected. Furthermore, environmental laws and regulations are complex, change frequently and have tended to become more stringent. We cannot predict the impact of such changes and cannot be certain of our future compliance.

Our discovery and development engine, and internal programs, utilize various species of animals that could contract disease or die and could otherwise subject us to controversy and adverse publicity, which may interrupt our business operations or harm our reputation.
Our discovery and development engine utilizes animals to discover and produce antibodies. We cannot completely eliminate the risks of animals contracting disease, or a natural or man-made disaster that could cause death to valuable production animals, or those of the CRO that maintain our mouse colonies. We cannot make any assurance that we or our CROs will be able to contain or reverse any such instance of disease. Although we maintain backup colonies of our animals, disease or death on a broad scale could materially interrupt business operations as animals are a key part of our antibody discovery and development programs, which could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations and financial condition.
Further, genetic engineering and testing of animals has been the subject of controversy and adverse publicity. Animal rights groups and other organizations and individuals in the United States, the EU and other jurisdictions have attempted to stop animal testing activities by pressing for legislation and regulation in these areas and by disrupting these activities through protests and other means. To the extent the activities of these groups are successful, our research and development activities and the ability for us and our partners to use our discovery and development engine could be interrupted or delayed, our costs could increase and our reputation could be harmed.
Once completed, our manufacturing operations will be dependent upon third-party suppliers, including single source suppliers, making us vulnerable to supply shortages and price fluctuations, which could harm our business.
We are building a GMP facility in Vancouver, British Columbia, to house our manufacturing and manufacturing support infrastructure. We anticipate that some of the suppliers of critical components or materials for our processes may be single or sole source suppliers and the replacement of these suppliers or the identification and qualification of suitable second sources may require significant time, effort and expense, and could result in delays in production, which could negatively impact our business operations and revenue. There can be no assurance that our supply of components necessary for the operation of this facility will not be limited, interrupted, or of satisfactory quality or continue to be available at acceptable prices. In addition, loss of any critical component provided by a single source supplier could require us to change the design of our manufacturing process based on the functions, limitations, features and specifications of the replacement components.
In addition, several other non-critical components and materials that comprise our systems are currently manufactured by a single supplier or a limited number of suppliers. In many of these cases, we have not yet qualified alternate suppliers and rely upon purchase orders, rather than long-term supply agreements. A supply interruption or an increase in demand beyond our current suppliers’ capabilities could harm our ability to manufacture our systems unless and until new sources of supply are identified and qualified. Our reliance on these suppliers subjects us to a number of risks that could harm our business, including:
interruption of supply resulting from modifications to or discontinuation of a supplier’s operations;
delays in product shipments resulting from uncorrected defects, reliability issues, or a supplier’s variation in a component;
a lack of long-term supply arrangements for key components with our suppliers;
inability to obtain adequate supply in a timely manner, or to obtain adequate supply on commercially reasonable terms;
difficulty and cost associated with locating and qualifying alternative suppliers for our components in a timely manner;
a modification or change in a manufacturing process or part that unknowingly or unintentionally negatively impacts the operation of our systems;

production delays related to the evaluation and testing of products from alternative suppliers, and corresponding regulatory qualifications;
delay in delivery due to our suppliers prioritizing other customer orders over ours;
damage to our brand reputation caused by defective components produced by our suppliers;
increased cost of our warranty program due to product repair or replacement based upon defects in components produced by our suppliers; and
fluctuation in delivery by our suppliers due to changes in demand from us or their other partners.
Any interruption in the supply of components or materials, or our inability to obtain substitute components or materials from alternate sources at acceptable prices in a timely manner, could impair our ability to meet the demand of our partners, which would have an adverse effect on our business.
Although we expect business acquisitions will result in synergies and other benefits to us, we may not realize those benefits because of uncertainties related to certain assets acquired as a result of the acquisitions.
In November 2020 and September 2021, we consummated the Trianni and TetraGenetics acquisitions, respectively. If we are not able to optimize integration of TetraGenetics and Trianni, or if we change our planned use of in process research and development, we might not realize synergies and other benefits to us. In 2024, we recognized a full impairment charge of the Trianni and TetraGenetics in process research and development and there could be additional future impairments of the corresponding intangible asset, goodwill and valuation of the related contingent consideration recognized on acquisition of these businesses. Refer to Notes 6 and 11 of these quarterly consolidated financial statements for additional information.
Risks Related to Our Intellectual Property
If we are unable to obtain and maintain sufficient intellectual property protection for our technology, including our discovery and development engine, or if the scope of the intellectual property protection obtained is not sufficiently broad, our competitors could develop and commercialize technologies or a platform similar or identical to ours, and our ability to successfully sell our data packages may be impaired.
We rely on patent protection as well as trademark, copyright, trade secret and other intellectual property rights protection and contractual restrictions to protect our proprietary technologies, all of which provide limited protection and may not adequately protect our rights or permit us to gain or keep a competitive advantage. If we fail to protect our intellectual property, third parties may be able to compete more effectively against us. In addition, we may incur substantial litigation costs in our attempts to recover or restrict the use of our intellectual property.
To the extent our intellectual property offers inadequate protection, or is found to be invalid or unenforceable, we would be exposed to a greater risk of direct competition. If our intellectual property does not provide adequate coverage of our competitors’ products and services, our competitive position could be adversely affected, as could our business. Both the patent application process and the process of managing patent disputes can be time-consuming and expensive.
Our success depends in large part on our ability to obtain and maintain adequate protection of the intellectual property we may own solely and jointly with others or otherwise have rights to, particularly patents, in the United States, Canada and in other countries with respect to our discovery and development engine, our software and our technologies, without infringing the intellectual property rights of others.
We strive to protect and enhance the proprietary technologies that we believe are important to our business, including seeking patents intended to cover our discovery and development engine and related technologies and uses thereof, as we deem appropriate. Our patents and patent applications in the United States, Canada and certain foreign jurisdictions relate to our technology. However, obtaining and enforcing patents in our industry is costly, time-consuming and complex, and we may fail to apply for patents on important products and technologies in a timely fashion or at all, or we may fail to apply for patents in potentially relevant jurisdictions. There can be no assurance that the claims of our

patents (or any patent application that issues as a patent), will exclude others from making, using or selling our technology or technology that is substantially similar to ours. We also rely on trade secrets to protect aspects of our business that are not amenable to, or that we do not consider appropriate for, patent protection. In countries where we have not sought and do not seek patent protection, third parties may be able to manufacture and sell our technology without our permission, and we may not be able to stop them from doing so. We may not be able to file and prosecute all necessary or desirable patent applications, or maintain, enforce and license any patents that may issue from such patent applications, at a reasonable cost or in a timely manner. It is also possible that we will fail to identify patentable aspects of our research and development output before it is too late to obtain patent protection. We may not have the right to control the preparation, filing and prosecution of patent applications, or to maintain the rights to patents licensed to third parties. Therefore, these patents and applications may not be prosecuted and enforced in a manner consistent with the best interests of our business. We may incorrectly interpret the terms of intellectual property or licensing agreements, which could result in unexpected expenses to be incurred by the Company.
As of September 30, 2024, we owned or exclusively licensed over 80 issued or allowed patents and over 80 pending patent applications worldwide. We own registered trademarks and trademark applications for AbCellera, Celium, Orthomab, TetraGenetics, TetraExpress, Trianni, and the Trianni Mouse in the U.S., Canada, Australia and/or Europe. It is possible that none of our pending patent applications will result in issued patents in a timely fashion or at all, and even if patents are granted, they may not provide a basis for intellectual property protection of commercially viable products or services, may not provide us with any competitive advantages, or may be challenged and invalidated by third parties. It is possible that others will design around our current or future patented technologies. As a result, our owned and licensed patents and patent applications comprising our patent portfolio may not provide us with sufficient rights to exclude others from commercializing technology and products similar to any of our technology.
It is possible that in the future some of our patents, licensed patents and patent applications may be challenged at the United States Patent and Trademark Office, or USPTO, or in proceedings before the patent offices of other jurisdictions. We may not be successful in defending any such challenges made against our patents or patent applications. Any successful third-party challenge to our patents could result in loss of exclusivity or freedom to operate, patent claims being narrowed, the unenforceability or invalidity of such patents, in whole or in part, which could limit our ability to stop others from using or commercializing similar or identical technology and products, limit the duration of the patent protection of our technology, and increased competition to our business. We may have to challenge the patents or patent applications of third parties. The outcome of patent litigation or other proceeding can be uncertain, and any attempt by us to enforce our patent rights against others or to challenge the patent rights of others may not be successful, or, if successful, may take substantial time and result in substantial cost, and may divert our efforts and attention from other aspects of our business.
Any changes we make to our technology, including changes that may be required for commercialization or that cause them to have what we view as more advantageous properties may not be covered by our existing patent portfolio, and we may be required to file new applications and/or seek other forms of protection for any such alterations to our technology. There can be no assurance that we would be able to secure patent protection that would adequately cover an alternative to our technology.
The patent positions of life sciences companies can be highly uncertain and involve complex legal and factual questions for which important legal principles remain unresolved. No consistent policy regarding the breadth of claims allowed in such companies’ patents has emerged to date in the United States or elsewhere. Courts frequently render opinions in the biotechnology field that may affect the patentability of certain inventions or discoveries.
Changes in patent law in the United States and other jurisdictions could diminish the value of patents in general, thereby impairing our ability to protect our technology.
Changes in either the patent laws or in interpretations of patent laws in the United States or other countries or regions may diminish the value of our intellectual property. We cannot predict the breadth of claims that may be allowed or enforced in our patents or in third-party patents. We may not develop additional proprietary platforms, methods and technologies that are patentable.

Assuming that other requirements for patentability are met, prior to March 16, 2013, in the United States, the first to invent the claimed invention was entitled to the patent, while outside the United States, the first to file a patent application was entitled to the patent. On or after March 16, 2013, under the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, or the America Invents Act, enacted in September 16, 2011, the United States transitioned to a first inventor to file system in which, assuming that other requirements for patentability are met, the first inventor to file a patent application will be entitled to the patent on an invention regardless of whether a third-party was the first to invent the claimed invention. A third-party that files a patent application in the USPTO on or after March 16, 2013, but before us could therefore be awarded a patent covering an invention of ours even if we had made the invention before it was made by such third-party. This will require us to be cognizant of the time from invention to filing of a patent application. Since patent applications in the United States and most other countries are confidential for a period of time after filing or until issuance, we cannot be certain that we or our licensors were the first to either (i) file any patent application related to our technology or (ii) invent any of the inventions claimed in our or our licensor’s patents or patent applications.
The America Invents Act also includes a number of significant changes that affect the way patent applications will be prosecuted and also may affect patent litigation. These include allowing third-party submission of prior art to the USPTO during patent prosecution and additional procedures to attack the validity of a patent by USPTO administered post-grant proceedings, including post-grant review, inter partes review and derivation proceedings. Because of a lower evidentiary standard in USPTO proceedings compared to the evidentiary standard in United States federal courts necessary to invalidate a patent claim, a third-party could potentially provide evidence in a USPTO proceeding sufficient for the USPTO to hold a claim invalid even though the same evidence would be insufficient to invalidate the claim if first presented in a district court action. Accordingly, a third-party may attempt to use the USPTO procedures to invalidate our patent claims that would not have been invalidated if first challenged by the third-party as a defendant in a district court action. Therefore, the America Invents Act and its implementation could increase the uncertainties and costs surrounding the prosecution of our owned or in-licensed patent applications and the enforcement or defense of our owned or in-licensed issued patents, all of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
In addition, the patent position of companies in the biotechnology field is particularly uncertain. Various courts, including the United States Supreme Court have rendered decisions that affect the scope of patentability of certain inventions or discoveries relating to biotechnology. These decisions state, among other things, that a patent claim that recites an abstract idea, natural phenomenon or law of nature (for example, the relationship between particular genetic variants and cancer) are not themselves patentable. Precisely what constitutes a law of nature or abstract idea is uncertain, and it is possible that certain aspects of our technology could be considered natural laws. Accordingly, the evolving case law in the United States may adversely affect our and our licensors’ ability to obtain new patents or to enforce existing patents and may facilitate third-party challenges to any owned or licensed patents.
Issued patents covering our discovery and development engine could be found invalid or unenforceable if challenged.
The issuance of a patent is not conclusive as to its inventorship, scope, validity or enforceability. Some of our patents or patent applications (including licensed patents) may be challenged at a future point in time in opposition, derivation, reexamination, inter partes review, post-grant review or interference. Any successful third-party challenge to our patents in this or any other proceeding could result in the unenforceability or invalidity of such patents or amendment to our patents in such a way that they no longer cover our discovery and development engine, which may lead to increased competition to our business, which could harm our business. In addition, in patent litigation in the United States, defendant counterclaims alleging invalidity or unenforceability are commonplace. The outcome following legal assertions of invalidity and unenforceability during patent litigation is unpredictable. If a defendant were to prevail on a legal assertion of invalidity or unenforceability, we would lose at least part, and perhaps all, of the patent protection on certain aspects of our discovery and development engine. In addition, if the breadth or strength of protection provided by our patents and patent applications is threatened, regardless of the outcome, it could dissuade companies from collaborating with us to license, develop or commercialize current or future products.
We may not be aware of all third-party intellectual property rights potentially relating to our discovery and development engine. Publications of discoveries in the scientific literature often lag behind the actual discoveries, and patent applications in the United States and other jurisdictions are typically not published until approximately 18 months

after filing or, in some cases, not until such patent applications issue as patents. We or our licensors might not have been the first to make the inventions covered by each of our pending patent applications and we or our licensors might not have been the first to file patent applications for these inventions. There is also no assurance that all of the potentially relevant prior art relating to our patents and patent applications or licensed patents and patent applications has been found, which could be used by a third-party to challenge their validity, or prevent a patent from issuing from a pending patent application.
To determine the priority of these inventions, we may have to participate in interference proceedings, derivation proceedings or other post-grant proceedings declared by the USPTO that could result in substantial cost to us. The outcome of such proceedings is uncertain. No assurance can be given that other patent applications will not have priority over our patent applications. In addition, changes to the patent laws of the United States allow for various post-grant opposition proceedings that have not been extensively tested, and their outcome is therefore uncertain. Furthermore, if third parties bring these proceedings against our patents, we could experience significant costs and management distraction.
We rely on in-licenses from third parties. If we lose these rights, our business may be materially adversely affected, our ability to develop improvements to our discovery and development engine may be negatively and substantially impacted, and if disputes arise, we may be subjected to future litigation as well as the potential loss of or limitations on our ability to incorporate the technology covered by these license agreements.
We are party to a royalty-bearing license agreement with the University of British Columbia that grants us exclusive rights to exploit certain patent rights that are related to our systems. Through our acquisition of Lineage, we obtained an exclusive license from Stanford University to patents and patent applications directed toward immune repertoire sequencing. We may need to obtain additional licenses from others to advance our research, development and commercialization activities. Some of our license agreements impose, and we expect that any future exclusive in-license agreements will impose, various development, diligence, commercialization and other obligations on us. We may enter into agreements in the future, with other licensors under which we obtain certain intellectual property rights relating to our discovery and development engine. These agreements take the form of exclusive license or of actual ownership of intellectual property rights or technology from third parties. Our rights to use the technology we license are subject to the continuation of and compliance with the terms of those agreements. In some cases, we may not control the prosecution, maintenance or filing of the patents to which we hold licenses, or the enforcement of those patents against third parties.
Moreover, disputes may arise with respect to our licensing or other upstream agreements, including:
the scope of rights and obligations granted under the agreements and other interpretation-related issues;
the extent to which our systems and consumables, technology and processes infringe on intellectual property of the licensor that is not subject to the licensing agreement;
the sublicensing of patent and other rights under our collaborative development relationships;
our diligence obligations under the license agreements and what activities satisfy those diligence obligations;
the inventorship and ownership of inventions and know-how resulting from the joint creation or use of intellectual property by our licensors and us and our partners;
the interpretation of any financial obligation related to our in-licensing agreements; and
the priority of invention of patented technology.
In spite of our efforts to comply with our obligations under our in-license agreements, our licensors might conclude that we have materially breached our obligations under our license agreements and might therefore, including in connection with any aforementioned disputes, terminate the relevant license agreement, thereby removing or limiting our ability to develop and commercialize technology covered by these license agreements. If any such in-license is terminated, or if the licensed patents fail to provide the intended exclusivity, competitors or other third parties might have the freedom to market or develop technologies similar to ours. In addition, absent the rights granted to us under such license agreements, we may infringe the intellectual property rights that are the subject of those agreements, we may be subject to litigation by the licensor, and if such litigation by the licensor is successful we may be required to pay damages to our

licensor, or we may be required to cease our development and commercialization activities which are deemed infringing, and in such event we may ultimately need to modify our activities or technologies to design around such infringement, which may be time- and resource-consuming, and which may not be ultimately successful. Any of the foregoing could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
In addition, our rights to certain components of our discovery and development engine are licensed to us on a non-exclusive basis. The owners of these non-exclusively licensed technologies are therefore free to license them to third parties, including our competitors, on terms that may be superior to those offered to us, which could place us at a competitive disadvantage. Moreover, our licensors may own or control intellectual property that has not been licensed to us and, as a result, we may be subject to claims, regardless of their merit, that we are infringing or otherwise violating the licensor’s rights. In addition, certain of our agreements with third parties may provide that intellectual property arising under these agreements, such as data that could be valuable to our business, will be owned by the counterparty, in which case, we may not have adequate rights to use such data or have exclusivity with respect to the use of such data, which could result in third parties, including our competitors, being able to use such data to compete with us.
If we cannot acquire or license rights to use technologies on reasonable terms or if we fail to comply with our obligations under such agreements, we may not be able to commercialize new technologies or services in the future and our business could be harmed.
In the future, we may identify third-party intellectual property and technology we may need to license in order to engage in our business, including to develop or commercialize new technologies or services, and the growth of our business may depend in part on our ability to acquire, in-license or use this technology. However, such licenses may not be available to us on acceptable terms or at all. The licensing or acquisition of third-party intellectual property rights is a competitive area, and several more established companies may pursue strategies to license or acquire third-party intellectual property rights that we may consider attractive or necessary. These established companies may have a competitive advantage over us due to their size, capital resources and greater development or commercialization capabilities. In addition, companies that perceive us to be a competitor may be unwilling to assign or license rights to us. Even if such licenses are available, we may be required to pay the licensor in return for the use of such licensor’s technology, lump-sum payments, payments based on certain milestones such as sales volumes, or royalties based on sales of our discovery and development engine. In addition, such licenses may be non-exclusive, which could give our competitors access to the same intellectual property licensed to us. We may also need to acquire or negotiate licenses to patents or patent applications before or after introducing a new service. The acquisition and licensing of third-party patent rights is a competitive area, and other companies may also be pursuing strategies to acquire or license third-party patent rights that we may consider attractive. We may not be able to acquire or obtain necessary licenses to patents or patent applications. Even if we are able to obtain a license to patent rights of interest, we may not be able to secure exclusive rights, in which case others could use the same rights and compete with us.
In spite of our best efforts, our licensors might conclude that we have materially breached our license agreements and might therefore terminate the license agreements, thereby removing our ability to develop and commercialize technology covered by these license agreements. If these licenses are terminated, or if the underlying intellectual property fails to provide the intended exclusivity, competitors would have the freedom to seek regulatory approval of, and to market, technologies identical to ours. This could have a material adverse effect on our competitive position, business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects. Additionally, termination of these agreements or reduction or elimination of our rights under these agreements, or restrictions on our ability to freely assign or sublicense our rights under such agreements when it is in the interest of our business to do so, may result in our having to negotiate new or reinstated agreements with less favorable terms, or cause us to lose our rights under these agreements, including our rights to important intellectual property or technology or impede, or delay or prohibit the further development or commercialization of one or more technologies that rely on such agreements.
While we still face all of the risks described herein with respect to those agreements, we cannot prevent third parties from also accessing those technologies. In addition, our licenses may place restrictions on our future business opportunities.

In addition to the above risks, intellectual property rights that we license in the future may include sublicenses under intellectual property owned by third parties, in some cases through multiple tiers. The actions of our licensors may therefore affect our rights to use our sublicensed intellectual property, even if we are in compliance with all of the obligations under our license agreements. Should our licensors or any of the upstream licensors fail to comply with their obligations under the agreements pursuant to which they obtain the rights that are sublicensed to us, or should such agreements be terminated or amended, our ability to further commercialize our technology may be materially harmed.
Further, we may not have the right to control the prosecution, maintenance and enforcement of all of our licensed and sublicensed intellectual property, and even when we do have such rights, we may require the cooperation of our licensors and upstream licensors, which may not be forthcoming. Our business could be adversely affected if we or our licensors are unable to prosecute, maintain and enforce our licensed and sublicensed intellectual property effectively.
Our licensors may have relied on third-party consultants or collaborators or on funds from third parties such that our licensors are not the sole and exclusive owners of the patents and patent applications we in-license. If other third parties have ownership rights to patents or patent applications we in-license, they may be able to license such patents to our competitors, and our competitors could market competing products and technology. This could have a material adverse effect on our competitive position, business, financial conditions, results of operations and prospects.
Our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects could be materially and adversely affected if we are unable to enter into necessary agreements on acceptable terms or at all, if any necessary licenses are subsequently terminated, if the licensors fail to abide by the terms of the licenses or fail to prevent infringement by third parties, or if the acquired or licensed patents or other rights are found to be invalid or unenforceable. Moreover, we could encounter delays in the introduction of services while we attempt to develop alternatives. Defense of any lawsuit or failure to obtain any of these licenses on favorable terms could prevent us from commercializing products, which could harm our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
We may not be able to protect our intellectual property rights throughout the world.
Filing, prosecuting and defending patents on our discovery and development engine, software, systems, workflows and processes in all countries throughout the world would be prohibitively expensive, and our intellectual property rights in some countries outside the United States and Canada can be less extensive than those in the United States and Canada. In addition, the laws of some foreign countries do not protect intellectual property rights to the same extent as the laws of the United States and Canada, and even where such protection is nominally available, judicial and governmental enforcement of such intellectual property rights may be lacking. Whether filed in the United States or abroad, our patent applications may be challenged or may fail to result in issued patents. Further, we may encounter difficulties in protecting and defending such rights in foreign jurisdictions. Consequently, we may not be able to prevent third parties from practicing our inventions in some or all countries outside the United States and Canada, or from selling or importing products made using our inventions in and into the United States, Canada or other jurisdictions. For example, as a result of the Russia sanctions and the potential retaliatory acts from Russia, we may be unable to obtain patent rights to our Trianni and microfluidic platforms as well as bamlanivimab which are protected in other jurisdictions around the world. Competitors may use our technologies in jurisdictions where we have not obtained patent protection to develop their own platform or technologies and may also sell their products or services to territories where we have patent protection, but enforcement is not as strong as that in the United States and Canada. These platforms and technologies may compete with ours. Our patents or other intellectual property rights may not be effective or sufficient to prevent them from competing. In addition, certain countries have compulsory licensing laws under which a patent owner may be compelled to grant licenses to other parties. Furthermore, many countries limit the enforceability of patents against other parties, including government agencies or government contractors. In these countries, the patent owner may have limited remedies, which could materially diminish the value of any patents. In many foreign countries, patent applications and/or issued patents, or parts thereof, must be translated into the native language. If our patent applications or issued patents are translated incorrectly, they may not adequately cover our technologies; in some countries, it may not be possible to rectify an incorrect translation, which may result in patent protection that does not adequately cover our technologies in those countries.
Many companies have encountered significant problems in protecting and defending intellectual property rights in foreign jurisdictions. The legal systems of many other countries do not favor the enforcement of patents and other

intellectual property protection, particularly those relating to biotechnology, which could make it difficult for us to stop the misappropriation or other violations of our intellectual property rights including infringement of our patents in such countries. Proceedings to enforce our patent rights in foreign jurisdictions could result in substantial cost and divert our efforts and attention from other aspects of our business, could put our patents at risk of being invalidated or interpreted narrowly and our patent applications at risk of not issuing, and could provoke third parties to assert claims against us. We may not prevail in any lawsuits that we initiate, or that are initiated against us, and the damages or other remedies awarded, if any, may not be commercially meaningful. In addition, changes in the law and legal decisions by courts in the United States and Canada and foreign countries may affect our ability to obtain adequate protection for our technologies and the enforcement of intellectual property. Accordingly, our efforts to enforce our intellectual property rights around the world may be inadequate to obtain a significant commercial advantage from the intellectual property that we develop or license.
Intellectual property rights do not necessarily address all potential threats to our competitive advantage.
The degree of future protection afforded by our intellectual property rights is uncertain because intellectual property rights have limitations and may not adequately protect our business or permit us to maintain our competitive advantage. For example:
others may be able to make products that are similar to any product candidates we may develop or utilize similar technology but that are not covered by the claims of the patents that we license or may own in the future;
we, or our current or future collaborators, might not have been the first to make the inventions covered by the issued patents and pending patent applications that we license or may own in the future;
we, or our current or future collaborators, might not have been the first to file patent applications covering certain of our or their inventions;
others may independently develop similar or alternative technologies or duplicate any of our technologies without infringing our owned or licensed intellectual property rights;
it is possible that our pending patent applications or those that we may own in the future will not lead to issued patents;
issued patents that we hold rights to may be held invalid or unenforceable, including as a result of legal challenges by our competitors;
our competitors might conduct research and development activities in countries where we do not have patent rights and then use the information learned from such activities to develop competitive products for sale in our major commercial markets;
we cannot ensure that any patents issued to us or our licensors will provide a basis for an exclusive market for our commercially viable product candidates or will provide us with any competitive advantages;
we cannot ensure that our commercial activities or product candidates will not infringe upon the patents of others;
we cannot ensure that we will be able to further commercialize our technology on a substantial scale, if approved, before the relevant patents that we own or license expire;
we cannot ensure that any of our patents, or any of our pending patent applications, if issued, or those of our licensors, will include claims having a scope sufficient to protect our technology;
we may not develop additional proprietary technologies that are patentable;
the patents or intellectual property rights of others may harm our business; and
we may choose not to file a patent application in order to maintain certain trade secrets or know-how, and a third-party may subsequently file a patent covering such intellectual property.
Should any of these events occur, they could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.

If we are unable to protect the confidentiality of our information and our trade secrets, the value of our technology could be materially adversely affected and our business could be harmed.
We rely heavily on trade secrets and confidentiality agreements to protect our unpatented know-how, technology and other proprietary information, including parts of our discovery and development engine, and to maintain our competitive position. However, trade secrets and know-how can be difficult to protect. In addition to pursuing patents on our technology, we take steps to protect our intellectual property and proprietary technology by entering into agreements, including confidentiality agreements, non-disclosure agreements and intellectual property assignment agreements, with our employees, consultants, academic institutions, corporate partners and, when needed, our advisers. However, we cannot be certain that such agreements have been entered into with all relevant parties, and we cannot be certain that our trade secrets and other confidential proprietary information will not be disclosed or that competitors will not otherwise gain access to our trade secrets or independently develop substantially equivalent information and techniques. For example, any of these parties may breach the agreements and disclose our proprietary information, including our trade secrets, and we may not be able to obtain adequate remedies for such breaches. Such agreements may not be enforceable or may not provide meaningful protection for our trade secrets or other proprietary information in the event of unauthorized use or disclosure or other breaches of the agreements, and we may not be able to prevent such unauthorized disclosure, which could adversely impact our ability to establish or maintain a competitive advantage in the market. If we are required to assert our rights against such party, it could result in significant cost and distraction.
Monitoring unauthorized disclosure and detection of unauthorized disclosure is difficult, and we do not know whether the steps we have taken to prevent such disclosure are, or will be, adequate. If we were to enforce a claim that a third-party had illegally obtained and was using our trade secrets, it would be expensive and time-consuming, and the outcome would be unpredictable. In addition, some courts both within and outside the United States and Canada may be less willing, or unwilling, to protect trade secrets.
We also seek to preserve the integrity and confidentiality of our confidential proprietary information by maintaining physical security of our premises and physical and electronic security of our information technology systems, but it is possible that these security measures could be breached. If any of our confidential proprietary information were to be lawfully obtained or independently developed by a competitor or other third-party, absent patent protection, we would have no right to prevent such competitor from using that technology or information to compete with us, which could harm our competitive position. If any of our trade secrets were to be disclosed to or independently discovered by a competitor or other third-party, it could harm our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
We may be subject to claims that our employees, consultants or independent contractors have wrongfully used or disclosed confidential information of third parties or that our employees have wrongfully used or disclosed alleged trade secrets of their former employers.
We have employed and expect to employ individuals who were previously employed at universities or other companies. Although we try to ensure that our employees, consultants, advisors and independent contractors do not use the proprietary information or know-how of others in their work for us, we may be subject to claims that our employees, advisors, consultants or independent contractors have inadvertently or otherwise used or disclosed intellectual property, including trade secrets or other proprietary information of their former employers or other third parties, or to claims that we have improperly used or obtained such trade secrets. Litigation may be necessary to defend against these claims. If we fail in defending such claims, in addition to paying monetary damages, we may lose valuable intellectual property rights and face increased competition to our business. A loss of key research personnel work product could hamper or prevent our ability to commercialize potential technologies and solutions, which could harm our business. Even if we are successful in defending against these claims, litigation could result in substantial costs and be a distraction to management.
In addition, while it is our policy to require our employees and contractors who may be involved in the conception or development of intellectual property to execute agreements assigning such intellectual property to us, we may be unsuccessful in executing such an agreement with each party who, in fact, conceives or develops intellectual property that we regard as our own. The assignment of intellectual property rights may not be self-executing, or the assignment agreements may be breached, and we may be forced to bring claims against third parties, or defend claims that they may

bring against us, to determine the ownership of what we regard as our intellectual property. Any of the foregoing could harm our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
We may not be able to protect and enforce our trademarks and trade names, or build name recognition in our markets of interest thereby harming our competitive position.
The registered or unregistered trademarks or trade names that we own may be challenged, infringed, circumvented, declared generic, lapsed or determined to be infringing on or dilutive of other marks. We may not be able to protect our rights in these trademarks and trade names, which we need in order to build name recognition. In addition, third parties may in the future file for registration of trademarks similar or identical to our trademarks, thereby impeding our ability to build brand identity and possibly leading to market confusion. If they succeed in registering or developing common law rights in such trademarks, and if we are not successful in challenging such rights, we may not be able to use these trademarks to develop brand recognition of our discovery and development engine. In addition, there could be potential trade name or trademark infringement claims brought by owners of other registered trademarks or trademarks that incorporate variations of our registered or unregistered trademarks or trade names. Further, we have and may in the future enter into agreements with owners of such third-party trade names or trademarks to avoid potential trademark litigation which may limit our ability to use our trade names or trademarks in certain fields of business.
We have not yet registered certain of our trademarks in all of our potential markets, although we have registered AbCellera in the United States and Canada as well as certain of our trademarks outside of the United States and Canada. If we apply to register these trademarks in other countries, and/or other trademarks in the United States, Canada and other countries, our applications may not be allowed for registration in a timely fashion or at all; and further, our registered trademarks may not be maintained or enforced. In addition, opposition or cancellation proceedings may in the future be filed against our trademark applications and registrations, and our trademarks may not survive such proceedings. In addition, third parties may file first for our trademarks in certain countries. If they succeed in registering such trademarks, and if we are not successful in challenging such third-party rights, we may not be able to use these trademarks to market our technologies in those countries. If we do not secure registrations for our trademarks, we may encounter more difficulty in enforcing them against third parties than we otherwise would. If we are unable to establish name recognition based on our trademarks and trade names, we may not be able to compete effectively, which could harm our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects. And, over the long-term, if we are unable to establish name recognition based on our trademarks, then our marketing abilities may be materially adversely impacted.
We may be subject to claims challenging the inventorship of our patents and other intellectual property.
We or our licensors may be subject to claims that former employees, partners or other third parties have an interest in our owned or in-licensed patents, trade secrets or other intellectual property as an inventor or co-inventor. Litigation may be necessary to defend against these and other claims challenging inventorship of our or our licensors’ ownership of our owned or in-licensed patents, trade secrets or other intellectual property. If we or our licensors fail in defending any such claims, in addition to paying monetary damages, we may lose valuable intellectual property rights, such as exclusive ownership of, or right to use, intellectual property that is important to our systems, including our software, workflows, consumables and reagent kits. Even if we are successful in defending against such claims, litigation could result in substantial costs and be a distraction to management and other employees, and certain partners or partners may defer engaging with us until the particular dispute is resolved. Any of the foregoing could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
We are currently, and in the future may be, involved in litigation and other proceedings related to intellectual property, which could be time-intensive and costly and may adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
In recent years, there has been significant litigation in the United States and other jurisdictions involving intellectual property rights. We are and may in the future be involved with litigation or actions at the USPTO or the patent offices of other jurisdictions with various third parties that claim we or our partners using our solutions have

misappropriated, misused or infringed other parties’ intellectual property rights. We expect that the number of such claims may increase as our business and the level of competition in our industry segments grow. Any infringement claim, regardless of its validity, could harm our business by, among other things, resulting in time-consuming and costly litigation, diverting management’s time and attention from the development of the business, requiring the payment of monetary damages (including treble damages, attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses) or royalty payments, or result in potential or existing partners delaying purchases of our data packages or entering into engagements with us pending resolution of the dispute.
As we move into new markets and applications for our discovery and development engine, incumbent participants in such markets may assert their patents and other proprietary rights against us as a means of slowing our entry into such markets or as a means to extract substantial license and royalty payments from us. Our competitors and others may now and, in the future, have significantly larger and more mature patent portfolios than we currently have. In addition, future litigation may involve patent holding companies or other adverse patent owners who have no relevant product or service revenue and against whom our own patents may provide little or no deterrence or protection. Therefore, our commercial success may depend in part upon our ability to develop, manufacture, market and sell any products and services that we may develop and use without infringing, misappropriating or otherwise violating the intellectual property and proprietary rights of third parties, or the invalidity of such patents or proprietary rights.
Our research, development and commercialization activities may in the future be subject to claims that we infringe or otherwise violate patents or other intellectual property rights owned or controlled by third parties. There is a substantial amount of litigation and other patent challenges, both within and outside the United States and Canada, involving patent and other intellectual property rights in the biotechnology industry, including patent infringement lawsuits, interferences, oppositions and inter partes review proceedings before the USPTO, and corresponding foreign patent offices. Third parties may initiate legal proceedings against us or our licensor, and we or our licensor may initiate legal proceedings against third parties. The outcome of such proceedings would be uncertain and could have a material adverse effect on the success of our business. Numerous U.S., Canadian and foreign issued patents and pending patent applications, which are owned by third parties, exist in the fields in which we are developing our discovery and development engine. As the biotechnology industry expands and more patents are issued, the risk increases that our technologies may be subject to claims of infringement of the patent rights of third parties.
Additionally, the risks of being involved in such litigation and proceedings may increase if our technology nears commercialization. Numerous significant intellectual property issues have been litigated, are being litigated and will likely continue to be litigated, between existing and new participants in our existing and targeted markets, and one or more third parties may assert that our technologies infringe their intellectual property rights as part of a business strategy to impede our successful entry into or growth in those markets.
The legal threshold for initiating litigation or contested proceedings is low, so that even lawsuits or proceedings with a low probability of success might be initiated and require significant resources to defend. An unfavorable outcome in any such proceeding could require us to cease using the related technology or developing or commercializing our technology, or to attempt to license rights to it from the prevailing party, which may not be available on commercially reasonable terms, or at all.
Third parties may assert that we are employing their proprietary technology without authorization. We are also aware of issued U.S. patents and patent applications with subject matter related to our discovery and development engine, systems, workflows and processes, and there may be other related third-party patents or patent applications of which we are not aware.
It is possible that we are or may become aware of patents or pending patent applications that we think do not relate to our technology or that we believe are invalid or unenforceable, but that may nevertheless be interpreted to encompass our technology and to be valid and enforceable. Thus, we do not know with certainty that our technology, or our development and commercialization thereof, do not and will not infringe, misappropriate or otherwise violate any third-party’s intellectual property.

In addition, we may receive in the future, correspondence from third parties referring to the relevance of such third parties’ intellectual property to our technology, our workflows or our advanced automated systems, and we are currently engaged in litigation with such third parties (i.e. Bruker and Schrader). Because patent applications can take many years to issue, there may be currently pending patent applications which may later result in issued patents that our current or future programs or technologies may infringe. In addition, similar to what other companies in our industry have experienced, we expect our competitors and others may have patents or may in the future obtain patents and claim that making, having made, using, selling, offering to sell or importing our discovery and development engine, or the systems, workflows, consumables and reagent kits that comprise our discovery and development engine, infringes these patents. As to pending third-party applications, we cannot predict with any certainty which claims will issue, if any, or the scope of such issued claims. Additionally, pending patent applications that have been published can, subject to certain limitations, be later amended in a manner that could cover our discovery and development engine, including our systems, workflows, consumables and reagent kits. Under the applicable law of certain jurisdictions, the scope of a patent claim is determined by an interpretation of the law, the written disclosure in a patent and the patent’s prosecution history. Our interpretation of the relevance or the scope of a patent or a pending application may be incorrect, which may negatively impact our ability to market our technologies. We may incorrectly determine that our technologies are not covered by a third-party patent or may incorrectly predict whether a third-party’s pending application will issue with claims of relevant scope. Our determination of the expiration date of any patent in the United States or abroad that we consider relevant may be incorrect, which may negatively impact our ability to develop and market our technologies.
There can be no assurance that we will prevail in any suit initiated against us by third parties, successfully settle or otherwise resolve patent infringement claims. A court of competent jurisdiction could hold that third-party patents are valid, enforceable and infringed, which could materially and adversely affect our ability and the ability of our licensor to commercialize any technology we may develop and any other technologies covered by the asserted third-party patents. Third parties making claims against us may be able to obtain injunctive or other relief, which could block our ability to develop, commercialize and sell data packages, and could result in the award of substantial damages against us, including treble damages, attorney’s fees, costs and expenses if we are found to have willfully infringed. In the event of a successful claim of infringement against us, we may be required to pay damages and ongoing royalties, and obtain one or more licenses from third parties, or be prohibited from selling certain products or services. We may not be able to obtain these licenses on acceptable or commercially reasonable terms, if at all, or these licenses may be non-exclusive, which could result in our competitors and other third parties gaining access to the same intellectual property. In addition, we could encounter delays and incur significant costs in service introductions while we attempt to develop alternative processes, technologies or services, or redesign our technologies or services, to avoid infringing third-party patents or proprietary rights. Defense of any lawsuit or failure to obtain any of these licenses or to develop a workaround could prevent us from commercializing products or services, and the prohibition of sale or the threat of the prohibition of sale of any of our data packages could materially affect our business and our ability to gain market acceptance for our technologies. Furthermore, because of the substantial amount of discovery required in connection with intellectual property litigation or administrative proceedings, there is a risk that some of our confidential information could be compromised by disclosure.
In addition, our agreements with some of our partners, suppliers or other entities with whom we do business require us to defend or indemnify these parties to the extent they become involved in infringement claims, including the types of claims described above. We could also voluntarily agree to defend or indemnify third parties in instances where we are not obligated to do so if we determine it would be important to our business relationships. If we are required or agree to defend or indemnify third parties in connection with any infringement claims, we could incur significant costs and expenses that could adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
Any uncertainties resulting from the initiation and continuation of any litigation or administrative proceeding could have a material adverse effect on our ability to raise additional funds or otherwise have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, financial condition and prospects.
The outcome of our litigation with Bruker Cellular Analysis may adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
In July 2020, we filed a complaint against Bruker Cellular Analysis (formerly known as Berkeley Lights, Inc.; Berkeley Lights, Inc. rebranded itself as PhenomeX and was later acquired by Bruker Cellular Analysis) ("Bruker"), in the

United States District Court for the District of Delaware, alleging that Bruker infringed and continues to infringe, directly and indirectly, the following patents exclusively licensed by the Company, including U.S. Patent Nos. 10,107,812; 10,274,494; 10,466,241; 10,578,618; 10,697,962; 10,087,408; 10,421,936 and 10,704,018, by making, using, offering for sale, selling and/or importing Bruker's Beacon Optofluidic System. In August 2020, we filed an additional related complaint against Bruker in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware, alleging that Bruker infringed and continues to infringe, directly and indirectly, U.S. Patent Nos. 10,718,768; 10,738,270; 10,746,737 and 10,753,933. In September 2020, we filed another complaint against Bruker in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware, alleging that Bruker infringed and continues to infringe, directly and indirectly, U.S. Patent Nos. 10,775,376; 10,775,377 and 10,775,378. On December 3, 2020, the three lawsuits were transferred to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. In these lawsuits, we are seeking, among other things, a judgment of infringement, a permanent injunction and damages (including lost profits, a reasonable royalty, reasonable costs and attorney’s fees and treble damages for willful infringement). In February 2021, these lawsuits were consolidated. In 2021, Bruker filed Petitions for inter partes review of U.S. Patent Nos. 10,087,408, 10,421,936, and 10,738,270. The PTAB subsequently denied two Petition but instituted one Petition. Trial on the instituted Petition occurred in November 2022 and in January 2023, the PTAB issued its Final Written Decision with respect to U.S. Patent No. 10,087,408 rejecting all of Bruker's grounds of unpatentability and determining that none of the challenged claims are unpatentable. The PTAB issued a second written opinion denying Bruker's request for rehearing of its prior written decision. The patent infringement litigation against Bruker is currently in fact discovery. An eight (8) day jury trial has been scheduled for January 2026. On July 26, 2023, Bruker filed a Notice of Appeal in IPR2021-1249 matter to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. The appeal filed by Bruker regarding IPR2021-1249 to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit is pending oral argument with a date to be scheduled. The Company believes the IPR appeal is meritless and that the PTAB's decision will be upheld. The district court cases are continuing to move forward with discovery. A trial date has not been set.
In the event that Bruker were to prevail in the litigation against us, as a result of which Bruker could continue to sell its products, it could reduce our competitive advantage and differentiation in the market place, impairing our ability to bring in new business. Furthermore, Bruker may seek to invalidate the asserted patents during the litigation. If Bruker succeeds in invalidating the asserted patents, the strength of our intellectual property portfolio could be adversely affected and our ability to protect our technology, business and reputation or to generate licensing revenue from our intellectual property would be adversely impacted.
The outcome of our civil litigation with Schrader may adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
On October 14, 2022, the Estate of John Schrader and ImmVivos Pharmaceuticals Inc. filed a lawsuit naming as co-defendants the Company, some of its affiliates and Dr. Carl Hansen, the Company's CEO. The lawsuit was filed in the Supreme Court of British Columbia (Vancouver). The complaint alleges breach of an implied partnership or joint venture between Dr. John Schrader and Dr. Hansen and further alleges patent infringement of an issued Canadian patent (No. 2,655,511). The complaint seeks financial damages as well as other declarations. The Company recently filed a Notice of Application seeking to dismiss certain Company affiliates from the matter. No hearing date has been set. All co-defendants have been served. The Company is proceeding to seek dismissal of certain Company affiliates for lack of jurisdiction. No other activity is occurring with respect to this matter. The Company believes that Plaintiffs’ claim is meritless and frivolous in all respects and intends to defend itself appropriately.
Intellectual property litigation could cause us to spend substantial resources and distract our personnel from their normal responsibilities.
Litigation or other legal proceedings relating to intellectual property claims, even if resolved in our favor, may cause us to incur substantial costs and divert the attention of our management and technical personnel from their normal responsibilities in defending against any of these claims. Parties making claims against us may be able to sustain the costs of complex patent litigation more effectively than we can because they have substantially greater resources. Such litigation or proceedings could substantially increase our operating costs and reduce the resources available for development activities or any future sales, marketing, or distribution activities. We may not have sufficient financial or other resources to conduct such litigation or proceedings adequately. Some of our competitors may be able to sustain the costs of such

litigation or proceedings more effectively than we can because of their greater financial resources and more mature and developed intellectual property portfolios. Uncertainties resulting from the initiation and continuation of intellectual property proceedings could harm our ability to compete in the marketplace. In addition, because of the substantial amount of discovery required in connection with intellectual property litigation, there is a risk that some of our confidential information could be compromised by disclosure during this type of litigation. Any of the foregoing could harm our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
We may become involved in lawsuits to protect or enforce our intellectual property, which could be expensive, time consuming and unsuccessful and have a material adverse effect on the success of our business.
Third parties, including our competitors, could be infringing, misappropriating or otherwise violating our intellectual property rights. Monitoring unauthorized use of our intellectual property is difficult and costly. From time to time, we seek to analyze our competitors’ products and services, and may in the future seek to enforce our rights against potential infringement, misappropriation or violation of our intellectual property. However, the steps we have taken to protect our proprietary rights may not be adequate to enforce our rights as against such infringement, misappropriation or violation of our intellectual property. We may not be able to detect unauthorized use of, or take appropriate steps to enforce, our intellectual property rights. Any inability to meaningfully enforce our intellectual property rights could harm our ability to compete and reduce demand for our data packages.
Litigation may be necessary for us to enforce our patent and proprietary rights or to determine the scope, coverage and validity of the proprietary rights of others. We are currently engaged in a lawsuit with Bruker based upon our allegations of its infringement of our intellectual property rights and we may become involved in additional lawsuits in the future. We are also engaged in a civil lawsuit with Schrader based upon allegations of, among other things, infringement of their intellectual property. If we do not prevail in such legal proceedings, we may be required to pay damages, we may lose significant intellectual property protection for our technologies, such that competitors could copy our technologies and we could be forced to cease selling certain of our data packages. Any litigation that may be necessary in the future could result in substantial costs and diversion of resources and could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects. In any lawsuit we bring to enforce our intellectual property rights, a court may refuse to stop the other party from using the technology at issue on grounds that our intellectual property rights do not cover the technology in question. Further, in such proceedings, the defendant could counterclaim that our intellectual property is invalid or unenforceable and the court may agree, in which case we could lose valuable intellectual property rights. The outcome in any such lawsuits are unpredictable. Even if we do prevail in any future litigation related to intellectual property rights, the cost and time requirements of the litigation could negatively impact our financial results.
Obtaining and maintaining our patent protection depends on compliance with various required procedures, document submissions, fee payments and other requirements imposed by governmental patent agencies, and our patent protection could be reduced or eliminated for non-compliance with these requirements.
Periodic maintenance fees, renewal fees, annuity fees and various other governmental fees on issued United States and most foreign patents and/or applications will be due to be paid to the USPTO and various governmental patent agencies outside of the United States at several stages over the lifetime of the patents and/or applications in order to maintain such patents and patent applications. We have systems in place to remind us to pay these fees, and we engage an outside service and rely on our outside counsel to pay these fees due to non-U.S. patent agencies. The USPTO and various non-U.S. governmental patent agencies require compliance with a number of procedural, documentary, fee payment and other similar provisions during the patent application process. We employ reputable law firms and other professionals to help us comply, and in many cases, an inadvertent lapse can be cured by payment of a late fee or by other means in accordance with the applicable rules. However, there are situations in which non-compliance can result in abandonment or lapse of the patent or patent application, resulting in partial or complete loss of patent rights in the relevant jurisdiction. Non-compliance events that could result in abandonment or lapse of a patent or patent application include failure to respond to official actions within prescribed time limits, non-payment of fees and failure to properly legalize and submit formal documents. In such an event, if we or our licensors fail to maintain the patents and patent applications covering our products and technology our competitors may be able to enter the market with similar or identical products or technology without infringing our patents and this circumstance would have a material adverse effect on our business.

Patent terms may be inadequate to protect our competitive position on our technology for an adequate amount of time.
Patents have a limited lifespan. In the United States, if all maintenance fees are timely paid, the natural expiration of a patent is generally 20 years from its earliest U.S. non-provisional filing date. Various extensions may be available, but the life of a patent, and the protection it affords, is limited. Even if patents covering our discovery and development engine or technology are obtained, once the patent life has expired, we may be open to competition from others. If our discovery and development engine or technologies require extended development and/or regulatory review, patents protecting our discovery and development engine or technologies might expire before or shortly after we are able to successfully commercialize them. As a result, our owned and licensed patent portfolio may not provide us with sufficient rights to exclude others from commercializing processes or technologies similar or identical to ours.
Our use of open source software could compromise our ability to offer our data packages and subject us to possible litigation.
We use open source software in connection with our technology and computational engine of our platform, Celium. Companies that incorporate open source software into their technologies and services have, from time to time, faced claims challenging their use of open source software and compliance with open source license terms. As a result, we could be subject to lawsuits by parties claiming ownership of what we believe to be open source software or claiming noncompliance with open source licensing terms. Some open source software licenses require users who distribute software containing open source software to publicly disclose all or part of the source code to the licensee’s software that incorporates, links or uses such open source software, and make available to third parties for no cost, any derivative works of the open source code created by the licensee, which could include the licensee’s own valuable proprietary code. While we monitor our use of open source software and try to ensure that none is used in a manner that would require us to disclose our proprietary source code or that would otherwise breach the terms of an open source agreement, such use could inadvertently occur, or could be claimed to have occurred, in part because open source license terms are often ambiguous. There is little legal precedent in this area and any actual or claimed requirement to disclose our proprietary source code or pay damages for breach of contract could harm our business and could help third parties, including our competitors, develop technologies that are similar to or better than ours. Any of the foregoing could harm our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.
Some intellectual property that we have in-licensed may have been discovered through government funded programs and thus may be subject to federal regulations such as “march-in” rights, certain reporting requirements and a preference for U.S.-based companies. Compliance with such regulations may limit our exclusive rights, and limit our ability to contract with non-U.S. manufacturers.
Some of our intellectual property rights may have been generated through the use of U.S. government funding and are therefore subject to certain federal regulations. As a result, the U.S. government may have certain rights to intellectual property embodied in our technology pursuant to the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, or Bayh-Dole Act, and implementing regulations. These U.S. government rights in certain inventions developed under a government-funded program include a non-exclusive, non-transferable, irrevocable worldwide license to use inventions for any governmental purpose. In addition, the U.S. government has the right to require us or our licensors to grant exclusive, partially exclusive, or non-exclusive licenses to any of these inventions to a third-party if it determines that: (i) adequate steps have not been taken to commercialize the invention; (ii) government action is necessary to meet public health or safety needs; or (iii) government action is necessary to meet requirements for public use under federal regulations (also referred to as “march-in rights”). The U.S. government also has the right to take title to these inventions if we, or the applicable licensor, fail to disclose the invention to the government and fail to file an application to register the intellectual property within specified time limits. These time limits have recently been changed by regulation, and may change in the future. Intellectual property generated under a government funded program is also subject to certain reporting requirements, compliance with which may require us or the applicable licensor to expend substantial resources. To date, only our work in helping develop bamlanivimab may be subject to government funding or “march-in” rights. In addition, the U.S. government requires that any products embodying the subject invention or produced through the use of the subject invention be manufactured substantially in the United States. The manufacturing preference requirement can be waived if the owner of the intellectual property can show that reasonable but unsuccessful efforts have been made to grant licenses on similar terms to potential licensees that would

be likely to manufacture substantially in the United States or that under the circumstances domestic manufacture is not commercially feasible. This preference for U.S. manufacturers may limit our ability to contract with non-U.S. product manufacturers for products covered by such intellectual property. To the extent any of our future intellectual property is generated through the use of U.S. government funding, the provisions of the Bayh-Dole Act may similarly apply.
Risks Related to Ownership of Our Common Shares
If we fail to maintain proper and effective internal control over financial reporting, our operating results and our ability to operate our business could be harmed.
Ensuring that we have effective internal financial and accounting controls and procedures in place so that we can produce financial statements that are, in all material respects, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, on a timely basis is a costly and time-consuming effort that needs to be re-evaluated annually. We are also subject to the reporting and compliance requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended, or the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which require annual management assessment of the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting. Our internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
Implementing any appropriate changes to our internal controls may distract our officers and employees, entail substantial costs to modify our existing processes, and take significant time to complete. These changes may not, however, be effective in maintaining the adequacy of our internal controls, and any failure to maintain that adequacy, or consequent inability to produce accurate financial statements on a timely basis, could increase our operating costs and harm our business. In our efforts to maintain proper and effective internal control over financial reporting, we may discover significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting, which we may not successfully remediate on a timely basis or at all. Any failure to remediate any significant deficiencies or material weaknesses identified by us or to implement required new or improved controls, or difficulties encountered in their implementation, could cause us to fail to meet our reporting obligations or result in material misstatements in our financial statements. If we identify one or more material weaknesses in the future, it could result in an adverse reaction in the financial markets due to a loss of confidence in the reliability of our financial statements, which may harm the market price of our shares.
Future sales and issuances of our common shares or rights to purchase common shares, including pursuant to our Employee Share Option and Incentive Plan, or EIP, could result in additional dilution of the percentage ownership of our shareholders and could cause our share price to fall.
We expect that significant additional capital will be needed in the future to continue our planned operations, including expanded research and development activities, and costs associated with operating as a public company. To raise capital, we may sell common shares, convertible securities or other equity securities in one or more transactions at prices and in a manner we determine from time to time. If we sell common shares, convertible securities or other equity securities, investors may be materially diluted by subsequent sales. Such sales may also result in material dilution to our existing shareholders, and new investors could gain rights, preferences, and privileges senior to the holders of our common shares.
Pursuant to our incentive plan, our management is authorized to grant equity incentive awards to our employees, directors and consultants.
Initially, the aggregate number of our common shares that may be issued pursuant to share awards under the EIP was 21,280,000 shares. The number of common shares reserved for issuance under the EIP shall be cumulatively increased on January 1, 2022 and each January 1 thereafter by 5% of the total number of common shares outstanding on December 31 of the preceding calendar year or a lesser number of shares determined by our board of directors. Unless our board of directors elects not to increase the number of shares available for future grant each year, our shareholders may experience additional dilution, which could cause our share price to fall.

Raising additional capital may cause dilution to our existing shareholders, restrict our operations or require us to relinquish rights to our technologies.
We may seek additional capital through a combination of public and private equity offerings, debt financings, strategic partnerships and alliances and licensing arrangements. To the extent that we raise additional capital through the sale of equity or convertible debt securities, your ownership interest will be diluted, and the terms may include liquidation or other preferences that adversely affect your rights as a shareholder. The incurrence of indebtedness would result in increased fixed payment obligations and could involve certain restrictive covenants, such as limitations on our ability to incur additional debt, limitations on our ability to acquire or license intellectual property rights and other operating restrictions that could adversely impact our ability to conduct our business. If we raise additional funds through strategic partnerships and alliances and licensing arrangements with third parties, we may have to relinquish valuable rights to our technologies or grant licenses on terms unfavorable to us.
We do not intend to pay dividends on our common shares, so any returns will be limited to the value of our common shares.
We currently anticipate that we will retain future earnings for the development, operation, expansion and continued investment into our business and do not anticipate declaring or paying any cash dividends for the foreseeable future. In addition, we may enter into agreements that prohibit us from paying cash dividends without prior written consent from our contracting parties, or which other terms prohibiting or limiting the amount of dividends that may be declared or paid on our common shares. For example, our multi-year contribution agreements with the Government of Canada and the Government of British Columbia that we entered into in May 2023 contain restrictions on our ability to declare and pay dividends. Any return to shareholders will therefore be limited to the appreciation of their common shares, which may never occur.
Our principal shareholders and management own a significant percentage of our shares and will be able to exert significant influence over matters subject to shareholder approval.
Our executive officers, directors, and 5% shareholders beneficially currently own over twenty percent of our common shares in the aggregate, based on ownership information filed by such holders. Therefore, these shareholders have the ability to influence us through this ownership position. These shareholders may be able to determine all matters requiring shareholder approval. For example, these shareholders may be able to control elections of directors, amendments of our organizational documents or approval of any merger, sale of assets or other major corporate transaction. This may prevent or discourage unsolicited acquisition proposals or offers for our common shares that you may feel are in your best interest as one of our shareholders.
Sales of a substantial number of our common shares in the public market could cause our share price to fall significantly, even if our business is doing well.
Sales of a substantial number of our common shares in the public market could occur at any time. If our shareholders sell, or the market perceived that our shareholders intend to sell, substantial amounts of our common shares in the public market, the market price of our common shares could decline significantly.
We have filed registration statements on Form S-3 and on Form S-8 to register our common shares that are issuable pursuant to our equity incentive plans. Shares registered under Form S-8 will be available for sale in the public market subject to vesting arrangements and exercise of options.
Additionally, certain holders of our common shares have rights, subject to some conditions, to require us to file one or more registration statements covering their shares or to include their shares in registration statements that we may file for ourselves or other shareholders. If we were to register the resale of these shares, they could be freely sold in the public market. If these additional shares are sold, or if it is perceived that they will be sold, in the public market, the trading price of our common shares could decline.

We are governed by the corporate laws of Canada which in some cases have a different effect on shareholders than the corporate laws of the United States.
We are governed by the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia), or BCBCA, and other relevant laws, which may affect the rights of shareholders differently than those of a company governed by the laws of a U.S. jurisdiction, and may, together with our charter documents, have the effect of delaying, deferring or discouraging another party from acquiring control of our company by means of a tender offer, a proxy contest or otherwise, or may affect the price an acquiring party would be willing to offer in such an instance. The material differences between the BCBCA and Delaware General Corporation Law, or DGCL, that may have the greatest such effect include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) for certain corporate transactions (such as mergers and amalgamations or amendments to our articles) the BCBCA generally requires the voting threshold to be a special resolution approved by 66 2/3% of shareholders, or as set out in the articles, as applicable, whereas DGCL generally only requires a majority vote; and (ii) under the BCBCA a holder of 5% or more of our common shares can requisition a special meeting of shareholders, whereas such right does not exist under the DGCL. We cannot predict whether investors will find our company and our common shares less attractive because we are governed by foreign laws.
Our articles and certain Canadian legislation contain provisions that may have the effect of delaying, preventing or making undesirable an acquisition of all or a significant portion of our shares or assets or preventing a change in control.
Certain provisions of our articles and certain provisions under the BCBCA, together or separately, could discourage, delay or prevent a merger, acquisition or other change in control of us that shareholders may consider favorable, including transactions in which they might otherwise receive a premium for their common shares. These provisions include the establishment of a staggered board of directors, which divides the board into three groups, with directors in each group serving a three-year term. The existence of a staggered board can make it more difficult for shareholders to replace or remove incumbent members of our board of directors. As such, these provisions could also limit the price that investors might be willing to pay in the future for our common shares, thereby depressing the market price of our common shares. In addition, because our board of directors is responsible for appointing the members of our management team, these provisions may frustrate or prevent any attempts by our shareholders to replace or remove our current management by making it more difficult for shareholders to replace members of our board of directors. Among other things, these provisions include the following:
shareholders cannot amend our articles unless such amendment is approved by shareholders holding at least 66 2/3% of the shares entitled to vote on such approval;
our board of directors may, without shareholder approval, issue preferred shares in one or more series having any terms, conditions, rights, preferences and privileges as the board of directors may determine; and
shareholders must give advance notice to nominate directors or to submit proposals for consideration at shareholders’ meetings.
A non-Canadian must file an application for review with the Minister responsible for the Investment Canada Act and obtain approval of the Minister prior to acquiring control of a “Canadian business” within the meaning of the Investment Canada Act, where prescribed financial thresholds are exceeded. A reviewable acquisition may not proceed unless the Minister is satisfied that the investment is likely to be of net benefit to Canada. If the applicable financial thresholds were exceeded such that a net benefit to Canada review would be required, this could prevent or delay a change of control and may eliminate or limit strategic opportunities for shareholders to sell their common shares. Furthermore, limitations on the ability to acquire and hold our common shares may be imposed by the Competition Act (Canada). This legislation has a pre-merger notification regime and mandatory waiting period that applies to certain types of transactions that meet specified financial thresholds, and permits the Commissioner of Competition to review any acquisition or establishment, directly or indirectly, including through the acquisition of shares, of control over or of a significant interest in us.

Our articles designate specific courts in Canada and the United States as the exclusive forum for certain litigation that may be initiated by our shareholders, which could limit our shareholders’ ability to obtain a favorable judicial forum for disputes with us.
Pursuant to our articles, unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the courts of the Province of British Columbia and the appellate courts therefrom shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, be the sole and exclusive forum for: (a) any derivative action or proceeding brought on our behalf; (b) any action or proceeding asserting a claim of breach of fiduciary duty owed by any director, officer or other employee of ours to us; (c) any action or proceeding asserting a claim arising out of any provision of the BCBCA or our articles (as either may be amended from time to time); or (d) any action or proceeding asserting a claim or otherwise related to our affairs, or the Canadian Forum Provision. The Canadian Forum Provision will not apply to any causes of action arising under the Securities Act or the Exchange Act. In addition, our articles further provide that unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the United States District Court for the District of Delaware shall be the sole and exclusive forum for resolving any complaint filed in the United States asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act, or the U.S. Federal Forum Provision. In addition, our articles provide that any person or entity purchasing or otherwise acquiring any interest in our common shares is deemed to have notice of and consented to the Canadian Forum Provision and the U.S. Federal Forum Provision; provided, however, that shareholders cannot and will not be deemed to have waived our compliance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder.
The Canadian Forum Provision and the U.S. Federal Forum Provision in our articles may impose additional litigation costs on shareholders in pursuing any such claims. Additionally, the forum selection clauses in our amended articles may limit our shareholders’ ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum that they find favorable for disputes with us or our directors, officers or employees, which may discourage the filing of lawsuits against us and our directors, officers and employees, even though an action, if successful, might benefit our shareholders. In addition, while the Delaware Supreme Court ruled in March 2020 that federal forum selection provisions purporting to require claims under the Securities Act be brought in federal court are “facially valid” under Delaware law, there is uncertainty as to whether other courts, including courts in Canada and other courts within the U.S., will enforce our U.S. Federal Forum Provision. If the U.S. Federal Forum Provision is found to be unenforceable, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such matters. The U.S. Federal Forum Provision may also impose additional litigation costs on shareholders who assert that the provision is not enforceable or invalid. The courts of the Province of British Columbia and the United States District Court for the District of Delaware may also reach different judgments or results than would other courts, including courts where a shareholder considering an action may be located or would otherwise choose to bring the action, and such judgments may be more or less favorable to us than our shareholders.
Because we are a Canadian company, it may be difficult to serve legal process or enforce judgments against us.
We are incorporated and maintain operations in Canada. In addition, while certain of our directors and officers reside in the United States, many of them reside outside of the United States. Accordingly, service of process upon us may be difficult to obtain within the United States. Furthermore, because substantially all of our assets are located outside the United States, any judgment obtained in the United States against us, including one predicated on the civil liability provisions of the U.S. federal securities laws, may not be collectible within the United States. Therefore, it may not be possible to enforce those actions against us.
In addition, it may be difficult to assert U.S. securities law claims in original actions instituted in Canada. Canadian courts may refuse to hear a claim based on an alleged violation of U.S. securities laws against us or these persons on the grounds that Canada is not the most appropriate forum in which to bring such a claim. Even if a Canadian court agrees to hear a claim, it may determine that Canadian law and not U.S. law is applicable to the claim. If U.S. law is found to be applicable, the content of applicable U.S. law must be proved as a fact, which can be a time-consuming and costly process. Certain matters of procedure will also be governed by Canadian law. Furthermore, it may not be possible to subject foreign persons or entities to the jurisdiction of the courts in Canada. Similarly, to the extent that our assets are located in Canada, investors may have difficulty collecting from us any judgments obtained in the U.S. courts and predicated on the civil liability provisions of U.S. securities provisions.

If our estimates or judgments relating to our critical accounting policies prove to be incorrect or financial reporting standards or interpretations change, our results of operations could be adversely affected.
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States, or U.S. GAAP, requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes. We base our estimates on historical experience, known trends and events, and various other factors that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, as provided in “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations—Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates.” The results of these estimates form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities, including the determination of contingent liabilities, that are not readily apparent from other sources. Our results of operations may be adversely affected if our assumptions change or if actual circumstances differ from those in our assumptions, which could cause our results of operations to fall below the expectations of securities analysts and investors, resulting in a decline in the trading price of our common shares.
Additionally, we regularly monitor our compliance with applicable financial reporting standards and review new pronouncements and drafts thereof that are relevant to us. As a result of new standards, changes to existing standards and changes in their interpretation, we might be required to change our accounting policies, alter our operational policies, and implement new or enhance existing systems so that they reflect new or amended financial reporting standards, or we may be required to restate our published financial statements. Such changes to existing standards or changes in their interpretation may have an adverse effect on our reputation, business, financial position, and profit.
Our disclosure controls and procedures may not prevent or detect all errors or acts of fraud.
We are subject to certain reporting requirements of the Exchange Act. Our disclosure controls and procedures are designed to reasonably assure that information required to be disclosed by us in reports we file or submit under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to management, recorded, processed, summarized, and reported within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the SEC. We believe that any disclosure controls and procedures or internal controls and procedures, no matter how well conceived and operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the objectives of the control system are met. These inherent limitations include the realities that judgments in decision-making can be faulty, and that breakdowns can occur because of simple error or mistake. Additionally, controls can be circumvented by the individual acts of some persons, by collusion of two or more people or by an unauthorized override of the controls. Accordingly, because of the inherent limitations in our control system, misstatements or insufficient disclosures due to error or fraud may occur and not be detected.
If we or our non-U.S. subsidiary is a CFC there could be materially adverse U.S. federal income tax consequences to certain U.S. Holders of our common shares.
Each “Ten Percent Shareholder” (as defined below) in a non-U.S. corporation that is classified as a controlled foreign corporation, or a CFC, for U.S. federal income tax purposes generally is required to include in income for U.S. federal tax purposes such Ten Percent Shareholder’s pro rata share of the CFC’s “Subpart F income,” global intangible low taxed income, and investment of earnings in U.S. property, even if the CFC has made no distributions to its shareholders. Subpart F income generally includes dividends, interest, rents, royalties, gains from the sale of securities and income from certain transactions with related parties. In addition, a Ten Percent Shareholder that realizes gain from the sale or exchange of shares in a CFC may be required to classify a portion of such gain as dividend income rather than capital gain. An individual that is a Ten Percent Shareholder with respect to a CFC generally would not be allowed certain tax deductions or foreign tax credits that would be allowed to a Ten Percent Shareholder that is a U.S. corporation. Failure to comply with these reporting obligations may subject a Ten Percent Shareholder to significant monetary penalties and may prevent the statute of limitations with respect to such Ten Percent Shareholder’s U.S. federal income tax return for the year for which reporting was due from starting.
A non-U.S. corporation generally will be classified as a CFC for U.S. federal income tax purposes if Ten Percent Shareholders own, directly, indirectly, or constructively, more than 50% of either the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of such corporation entitled to vote or of the total value of the stock of such corporation. A “Ten Percent

Shareholder” is a United States person (as defined by the Code) who owns or is considered to own 10% or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote or 10% or more of the total value of all classes of stock of such corporation.
The determination of CFC status is complex and includes attribution rules, the application of which is not entirely certain. In addition, recent changes to the attribution rules relating to the determination of CFC status may make it difficult to determine our CFC status for any taxable year. In addition, those changes to the attribution rules may result in ownership of the stock of our non-U.S. subsidiaries being attributed to our U.S. subsidiaries, which could result in our non-U.S. subsidiaries being treated as CFCs and certain U.S. Holders of our common shares being treated as Ten Percent Shareholders of such non-U.S. subsidiary CFCs. In addition, it is possible that a shareholder treated as a U.S. person for U.S. federal income tax purposes will acquire, directly or indirectly, enough of our common shares to be treated as a Ten Percent Shareholder. We believe that we and our non-U.S. subsidiaries will not be treated as CFCs in the 2023 taxable year solely by virtue of direct or indirect ownership by Ten Percent Shareholders. However, we believe that our non-U.S. subsidiaries may be treated as CFCs in the 2023 taxable year due to attribution rules that deem constructive ownership by our U.S. subsidiaries. It is unclear whether we would be treated as a CFC in a subsequent taxable year. We cannot provide any assurances that we will assist holders of our common shares in determining whether we or any of our non-U.S. subsidiaries are treated as a CFC or whether any holder of the common shares is treated as a Ten Percent Shareholder with respect to any such CFC or furnish to any Ten Percent Shareholders information that may be necessary to comply with the aforementioned reporting and tax paying obligations.
U.S. Holders should consult their tax advisors with respect to the potential adverse U.S. tax consequences of becoming a Ten Percent Shareholder in a CFC, including the possibility and consequences of becoming a Ten Percent Shareholder in our non-U.S. subsidiaries that may be treated as CFCs due to the changes to the attribution rules. If we are classified as both a CFC and a PFIC (as defined below), we generally will not be treated as a PFIC with respect to those U.S. Holders that meet the definition of a Ten Percent Shareholder during the period in which we are a CFC (referred to as the “CFC/PFIC overlap rule”). A “U.S. Holder” is a holder who, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, is a beneficial owner of our common shares and is (i) an individual who is a citizen or resident of the United States, (ii) a corporation, or other entity taxable as a corporation, created or organized in or under the laws of the United States, any state therein or the District of Columbia, (iii) an estate the income of which is subject to U.S. federal income taxation regardless of its source or (iv) a trust if (1) a U.S. court is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust and one or more U.S. persons have authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust or (2) the trust has a valid election to be treated as a U.S. person under applicable U.S. Treasury Regulations. Recent proposed changes to PFIC regulations, if adopted, would expand the definition of “U.S. Holder” for purposes of the CFC/PFIC overlap rule and other PFIC rules, elections, and reporting requirements discussed below. The proposed regulations would require domestic partnerships and S-corporations to be treated as an aggregate of their partners or shareholders rather than as entities, which may result in such partners and shareholders to now be subject to the PFIC rules where they previously were not. It is unclear whether these proposed regulations may be adopted or if they will undergo further modifications before they are finalized. If adopted, it is also unclear when will be the effective date of the final regulations.
Our U.S. shareholders may suffer adverse tax consequences if we are characterized as a PFIC.
The rules governing passive foreign investment companies, or PFICs, can have adverse effects on U.S. Holders for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Generally, if, for any taxable year, at least 75% of our gross income is passive income (such as interest income), or at least 50% of the gross value of our assets (determined on the basis of a weighted quarterly average) is attributable to assets that produce passive income or are held for the production of passive income (including cash), we would be characterized as a PFIC for U.S. federal income tax purposes. The determination of whether we are a PFIC, which must be made annually after the close of each taxable year, depends on the particular facts and circumstances and may also be affected by the application of the PFIC rules, which are subject to differing interpretations. Our status as a PFIC will depend on the composition of our income and the composition and value of our assets (including goodwill and other intangible assets), which will be affected by how, and how quickly, we utilize any cash that was raised in any of our financing transactions. If we were a publicly traded CFC or not a CFC for any part of such year, the value of our assets generally may be determined by reference to the fair market value of our common shares, which may be volatile. Moreover, our ability to earn specific types of income that will be treated as non-passive for purposes of the PFIC rules is uncertain with respect to future years. We believe we were not classified as a PFIC during the taxable year ended

December 31, 2023. The determination of whether we are a PFIC is a fact-intensive determination made on an annual basis applying principles and methodologies that in some circumstances are unclear and subject to varying interpretation. Accordingly, we cannot provide any assurances regarding our PFIC status for any current or future taxable years.
If we are classified as a PFIC, a U.S. Holder would be subject to adverse U.S. federal income tax consequences, such as ineligibility for certain preferred tax rates on capital gains or on actual or deemed dividends, interest charges on certain taxes treated as deferred, and additional reporting requirements under U.S. federal income tax laws and regulations. A U.S. Holder may in certain circumstances mitigate adverse tax consequences of the PFIC rules by filing an election to treat the PFIC as a qualified electing fund, or QEF, or, if shares of the PFIC are “marketable stock” for purposes of the PFIC rules, by making a mark-to-market election with respect to the shares of the PFIC. U.S. Holders are urged to consult their own tax advisors regarding the potential consequences if we were or were to become classified as a PFIC, including the availability, and advisability, of, and procedure for, making QEF or mark-to-market elections.
Tax authorities may disagree with our positions and conclusions regarding certain tax positions, resulting in unanticipated costs, taxes or non-realization of expected benefits.
A tax authority may disagree with tax positions that we have taken, which could result in increased tax liabilities. For example, the Canada Revenue Agency, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service or another tax authority could challenge our allocation of income by tax jurisdiction and the amounts paid between our affiliated companies pursuant to our intercompany arrangements and transfer pricing policies, including amounts paid with respect to our intellectual property development. Similarly, a tax authority could assert that we are subject to tax in a jurisdiction where we believe we have not established a taxable connection, often referred to as a “permanent establishment” under international tax treaties, and such an assertion, if successful, could increase our expected tax liability in one or more jurisdictions. A tax authority may take the position that material income tax liabilities, interest and penalties are payable by us, in which case, we expect that we might contest such assessment. Contesting such an assessment may be lengthy and costly and if we were unsuccessful in disputing the assessment, the implications could increase our anticipated effective tax rate, where applicable.
Changes in tax law could adversely affect our business and financial condition.
The rules dealing with U.S. federal, state, and local and non-U.S. taxation are constantly under review by persons involved in the legislative process, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, the U.S. Treasury Department and other taxing authorities. Changes to tax laws or tax rulings, or changes in interpretations of existing laws (which changes may have retroactive application), could adversely affect us or holders of our common shares. These changes could subject us to additional income-based taxes and non-income taxes (such as payroll, sales, use, value-added, digital tax, net worth, property, and goods and services taxes), which in turn could materially affect our financial position and results of operations. Additionally, new, changed, modified, or newly interpreted or applied tax laws could increase our customers’ and our compliance, operating and other costs, as well as the costs of our products. In recent years, many such changes have been made, and changes are likely to continue to occur in the future. As we expand our business activities, any changes in the U.S. and non-U.S. taxation of such activities may increase our effective tax rate and harm our business, financial condition, and results of operations.
General Risk Factors
Impairment charges pertaining to goodwill, identifiable intangible assets or other long-lived assets from our mergers and acquisitions could have an adverse non-cash accounting impact on our results of operations.
The total purchase price pertaining to our acquisitions in recent years have been allocated to net tangible assets, identifiable intangible assets, in-process research and development and goodwill.
As part of our ongoing planned research and development activities, significant adverse changes to our plans due to internal and external factors out of our control (including general and industry economic conditions, prolonged decline in the market value of our common stock, and the probability of success of our partner-initiated and internal programs) would

increase the likelihood that we would record an impairment charge to our goodwill and/or intangible assets, which could have an adverse non-cash accounting impact on our results of operations. Refer to Note 19 of our 2023 annual consolidated financial statements, and Note 6 of these quarterly consolidated financial statements, for additional information.
Our employees, consultants and commercial partners may engage in misconduct or other improper activities, including non-compliance with regulatory standards and requirements, and insider trading.
We are exposed to the risk of fraud or other misconduct by our employees, consultants and commercial partners. Misconduct by these parties could include intentional failures to comply with the applicable laws and regulations in the United States, Canada and abroad, report financial information or data accurately or disclose unauthorized activities to us. These laws and regulations may restrict or prohibit a wide range of pricing, discounting and other business arrangements. Such misconduct could result in legal or regulatory sanctions and cause serious harm to our reputation. It is not always possible to identify and deter employee misconduct, and any other precautions we take to detect and prevent this activity may not be effective in controlling unknown or unmanaged risks or losses, or in protecting us from governmental investigations or other actions or lawsuits stemming from a failure to comply with these laws or regulations. If any such actions are instituted against us, and we are not successful in defending ourselves or asserting our rights, those actions could result in the imposition of significant civil, criminal and administrative penalties, which could have a significant impact on our business. Whether or not we are successful in defending against such actions or investigations, we could incur substantial costs, including legal fees and divert the attention of management in defending ourselves against any of these claims or investigations.
The market price of our common shares may be volatile, and you could lose all or part of your investment.
The trading price of our common shares is highly volatile and subject to wide fluctuations in response to various factors, some of which are beyond our control, including limited trading volume. These factors include:
actual or anticipated fluctuations in our financial condition and operating results, including fluctuations in our quarterly and annual results;
the introduction of new technologies or enhancements to existing technology by us or others in our industry;
our inability to establish additional collaborations;
departures of key scientific or management personnel;
announcements of significant acquisitions, strategic partnerships, joint ventures or capital commitments by us or our competitors;
our failure to meet the estimates and projections of the investment community or that we may otherwise provide to the public;
publication of research reports about us or our industry, or antibody discovery in particular, or positive or negative recommendations or withdrawal of research coverage by securities analysts;
changes in the market valuations of similar companies;
overall performance of the equity markets;
sales of our common shares by us or our shareholders in the future;
trading volume of our common shares;
disputes or other developments relating to proprietary rights, including patents, litigation matters and our ability to obtain patent protection for our technologies;
significant lawsuits, including patent or shareholder litigation;

general political and economic conditions, including those resulting from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the attendant sanctions, in addition to the conflict in Israel and the Gaza strip, as well as social and political unrest in the Middle East and the related impact on our business and the markets generally; and
other events or factors, many of which are beyond our control.
In addition, the stock market in general, and The Nasdaq Global Select Market and technology and life sciences companies in particular, have experienced extreme price and volume fluctuations that have often been unrelated or disproportionate to the operating performance of these companies. Broad market and industry factors may negatively affect the market price of our common shares, regardless of our actual operating performance. In the past, securities class action litigation has often been instituted against companies following periods of volatility in the market price of a company’s securities. This type of litigation, if instituted, could result in substantial costs and a diversion of management’s attention and resources, which would harm our business, financial condition and results of operations.
Requirements associated with being a public company could increase our costs significantly, as well as divert significant company resources and management attention.
As of this report, we are subject to the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act or the other rules and regulations of the SEC and any securities exchange relating to public companies. Sarbanes-Oxley, as well as rules subsequently adopted by the SEC and The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC, or Nasdaq, to implement provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley, impose significant requirements on public companies, including requiring establishment and maintenance of effective disclosure and financial controls and changes in corporate governance practices. Further, pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, the SEC has adopted additional rules and regulations in these areas, such as mandatory ‘‘say on pay’’ voting requirements that apply to us since we ceased to be an emerging growth company. Stockholder activism, the current political environment and the current high level of government intervention and regulatory reform may lead to substantial new regulations and disclosure obligations, which may lead to additional compliance costs and impact the manner in which we operate our business in ways we cannot currently anticipate. Compliance with the various reporting and other requirements applicable to public companies requires considerable time and attention of management. We cannot assure you that we will satisfy our obligations as a public company on a timely basis.
The rules and regulations applicable to public companies require substantial legal and financial compliance costs and make some activities time-consuming and costly. If these requirements divert the attention of our management and personnel from other business concerns, they could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. These costs decrease our net income or increase our net loss and may require us to reduce costs in other areas of our business. In addition, as a public company, it is more difficult or more costly for us to obtain certain types of insurance, including directors’ and officers’ liability insurance, and we may be forced to accept reduced policy limits and coverage or incur substantially higher costs to obtain the same or similar coverage. The impact of these events could also make it more difficult for us to attract and retain qualified personnel to serve on our board of directors, our board committees or as executive officers.
If securities or industry analysts do not publish research or publish inaccurate or unfavorable research about our business, our share price and trading volume could decline.
The trading market for our common shares will depend in part on the research and reports that securities or industry analysts publish about us or our business. If one or more of these analysts ceases coverage of our company or fails to publish reports on us regularly, demand for our shares could decrease, which might cause our share price and trading volume to decline.
Adverse developments affecting the financial services industry, such as actual events or concerns involving liquidity, defaults, or non-performance by financial institutions or transactional counterparties, could adversely affect the Company’s current and projected business operations and its financial condition and results of operations.

The majority of our cash and cash equivalents are maintained in high credit quality and liquid held for trading marketable securities, bank accounts and term deposits at Canadian banking institutions. Cash and cash equivalent held in depository accounts may exceed the C$100,000 Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation insurance limits. Actual events involving limited liquidity, defaults, non-performance or other adverse developments that affect financial institutions, transactional counterparties or other companies in the financial services industry or the financial services industry generally, or concerns or rumors about any events of these kinds or other similar risks, have in the past and may in the future lead to market-wide liquidity problems. For example, in the first quarter of 2023, a number of financial institutions in the U.S. were placed into receivership by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Any material loss that we may experience in the future could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and could materially impact our ability to pay our operational expenses or make other payments. Although we were not a depositor with any such financial institution placed into receivership, if the banking institutions that hold our deposits were to fail, we could lose all or a portion of those amounts held in excess of applicable insurance limitations. In such an event, our access to our cash in amounts adequate to finance our operations could be significantly impaired by the financial institutions with which we have arrangements directly facing liquidity constraints or failures.
In addition, if we were to borrow money in the future and if any of our lenders or counterparties to any such instruments were to be placed into receivership, we may be unable to access such funds. In addition, if any of our customers, suppliers or other parties with whom we conduct business are unable to access funds pursuant to such instruments or lending arrangements with such a financial institution, such parties’ ability to pay or perform their obligations to us or to enter into new commercial arrangements requiring additional payments to us or additional funding could be adversely affected.
Our access to funding sources and other credit arrangements in amounts adequate to finance or capitalize our current and projected future business operations could be significantly impaired by factors that affect our company, the financial institutions with which the Company has credit agreements or arrangements directly, or the financial services industry or economy in general. These factors could include, among others, events such as liquidity constraints or failures, the ability to perform obligations under various types of financial, credit or liquidity agreements or arrangements, disruptions or instability in the financial services industry or financial markets, or concerns or negative expectations about the prospects for companies in the financial services industry. These factors could involve financial institutions or financial services industry companies with which we have financial or business relationships, but could also include factors involving financial markets or the financial services industry generally.
The results of events or concerns that involve one or more of these factors could include a variety of material and adverse impacts on our current and projected business operations and our financial condition and results of operations. These could include, but may not be limited to, the following:
Delayed access to deposits or other financial assets or the uninsured loss of deposits or other financial assets;
Potential or actual breach of statutory, regulatory or contractual obligations, including obligations that require the Company to maintain letters of credit or other credit support arrangements; and
Termination of cash management arrangements and/or delays in accessing or actual loss of funds subject to cash management arrangements.

Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds.
Item 5. Other Information
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, none of the Company’s directors or officers (as defined in Rule 16a-1(f) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) adopted, terminated or modified a Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement or non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement (as such terms are defined in Item 408 of Regulation S-K).

Item 6. Exhibits.
The following exhibits are filed with this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q:
101.INS*Inline XBRL Instance Document – the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document.
101.SCH*Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document
101.CAL*Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document
101.DEF*Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document
101.LAB*Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document
104Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document
*    Filed herewith.
**    The certifications furnished in Exhibit 32.1 and 32.2 hereto are deemed to be furnished with this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and will not be deemed to be “filed” for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, except to the extent that the Registrant specifically incorporates them by reference
†    Certain provisions, schedules and/or similar attachments to this exhibit have been omitted pursuant to Item 601(a)(5) and/or Item 601(b)(10)(iv), as applicable, of Regulation S-K. The Registrant agrees to furnish an unredacted, supplemental copy (including any omitted schedule or attachment) to the Securities Exchange Commission upon request. Redactions and omissions entered by the Company are shown in black.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
AbCellera Biologics Inc.
Date: November 4, 2024
By:/s/ Carl L.G. Hansen
Carl L.G. Hansen, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer)
Date: November 4, 2024
By:/s/ Andrew Booth
Andrew Booth
Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial Officer)