The unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis except for certain financial instruments, which are stated at fair value.
These unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements reflect all adjustments which consist of normal recurring adjustments and accruals that are, in the opinion of management, necessary for a fair presentation of results. Interim results will fluctuate due to plant maintenance schedules, the seasonal demands for electricity and changes in energy prices. Consequently, interim condensed results are not necessarily indicative of annual results. TransAlta’s results are partly seasonal due
to the nature of the electricity market and related fuel costs.
These unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements were authorized for issue by the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee on behalf of TransAlta's Board of Directors (the "Board") on Nov. 4, 2024.
C. Significant Accounting Judgements and Key Sources of Estimation Uncertainty
The preparation of these unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements in accordance with IAS 34 requires management to use judgment and make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities. These estimates are subject to uncertainty. Actual results could differ from these estimates due to factors such as fluctuations in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, inflation and commodity prices, and changes in economic conditions, legislation and regulations.
In the process of applying the Company’s accounting policies, management has to make judgments and estimates about matters that are highly uncertain at the time the estimate is made and that could significantly affect the amounts recognized in the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements. Different estimates with respect to key variables used in the calculations, or changes to estimates, could potentially have a material impact on the Company’s financial position or performance.
The Level I, II and III classifications in the fair value hierarchy utilized by the Company are defined below. The fair value measurement of a financial instrument is included in only one of the three levels, the determination of which is based on the lowest level input that is significant to the derivation of the fair value. The Level III classification is the lowest level classification in the fair value hierarchy.
a. Level I
Fair values are determined using inputs that are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the Company has the ability to access at the measurement date.
b. Level II
Fair values are determined, directly or indirectly, using inputs that are observable for the asset or liability.
Fair values falling within the Level II category are determined through the use of quoted prices in active
markets, which in some cases are adjusted for factors specific to the asset or liability, such as basis, credit valuation and location differentials.
The Company’s commodity risk management Level II financial instruments include over-the-counter derivatives with values based on observable commodity futures curves and derivatives with inputs validated by broker quotes or other publicly available market data providers. Level II fair values are also determined using valuation techniques, such as option pricing models and interpolation formulas, where the inputs are readily observable.
White Rock East和White Rock West風電設施。這些VPPAs與將發電量銷售到美國西南電力池("SPP")市場上相應價格節點的操作,實現了每MWh的固定合同價格。在VPPAs下,如果SPP的定價低於固定合同價格,客戶需支付公司差額;如果SPP的定價高於固定合同價格,公司將差額退還客戶。客戶還有權獲得環境屬性的實際交付。VPPAs開始於2024年1月1日對White Rock West和2024年4月22日對White Rock East進行商業運營。
i. Commodity Price Risk Management – Proprietary Trading
The Company’s Energy Marketing segment conducts proprietary trading activities and uses a variety of instruments to manage risk, earn trading revenue and gain market information.
A Value at Risk ("VaR") measure gives, for a specific confidence level, an estimated maximum pre-tax loss that could be incurred over a specified period of time. VaR is used to determine the potential change in value of the Company’s proprietary trading portfolio, over a three-day period within a 95 per cent confidence level, resulting from normal market fluctuations. Changes in market prices associated with proprietary trading activities affect net earnings in the period that the price changes occur. VaR at Sept. 30, 2024, associated with the Company’s proprietary trading activities was $200萬 (Dec. 31, 2023 – $400萬).
ii. Commodity Price Risk – Generation
The generation segments utilize various commodity contracts to manage the commodity price risk associated with electricity generation, fuel purchases, emissions and byproducts, as considered appropriate. A Commodity
Exposure Management Policy is prepared and approved annually, which outlines the intended hedging strategies associated with the Company’s generation assets and related commodity price risks. Controls also include restrictions on authorized instruments, management reviews on individual portfolios and approval of asset transactions that could add potential volatility to the Company’s reported net earnings.
VaR at Sept. 30, 2024, associated with the Company’s commodity derivative instruments used in generation hedging activities was $1300萬 (Dec. 31, 2023 – $2300萬). For positions and economic hedges that do not meet hedge accounting requirements or for short-term optimization transactions such as buybacks entered into to offset existing hedge positions, these transactions are marked to the market value with changes in market prices associated with these transactions affecting net earnings in the period in which the price change occurs. VaR at Sept. 30, 2024, associated with these transactions was $800萬 (Dec. 31, 2023 – $1600萬). For the market risk related to long-term wind energy sales, which are backed by physical assets to effectively reduce our market risk, refer to the Level III measurements table and the related unobservable inputs and sensitivities in Note 10(B)(II).
(1)Letters of credit and cash and cash equivalents are the primary types of collateral held as security related to these amounts.
(2)Includes $26 million loans receivable included within other assets with counterparties that have no external credit rating.
The Company did not have material expected credit losses as at Sept. 30, 2024. The Company’s maximum exposure to credit risk at Sept. 30, 2024, without taking into account collateral held or right of set-off, is represented by the current carrying amounts of receivables and risk management assets as per the condensed consolidated statements of financial position. Letters of credit and cash are the primary types of collateral held as security related to these amounts. The maximum credit exposure to any one customer for commodity trading operations and hedging, including the fair value of open trading, net of any
collateral held, at Sept. 30, 2024, was $8200萬 (Dec. 31, 2023 – $2300萬).
III. Liquidity Risk
The Company has sufficient existing liquidity available to meet its upcoming debt maturities. The next major debt repayment is scheduled for September 2025. Our highly diversified asset portfolio, by both fuel type and operating region, and our long-term contracted asset base provide stability in our cash flows.
TransAlta Corporation
Liquidity risk relates to the Company’s ability to access capital to be used for capital projects, debt refinancing, proprietary trading activities, commodity hedging and general corporate purposes.
公司融資租賃應收款項包括Mount Keith 132kV擴建(2024年)、Northern Goldfields太陽能設施(2024年和2023年)、Poplar Creek熱電聯產設施(2024年和2023年),具體如下所示:
最低 租賃 收據
最低 租賃 收據
2024年第一季度,Mount Keith 132千伏擴建項目完成。因此,公司除去了建設中的資產並承認了4800萬美元的融資租賃應收款項。
13. 物業、廠房及設備
在2024年9月30日結束的三個月和九個月內,公司新增了分別為7400萬和20000萬美元的資產,主要與White Rock和Horizon Hill風力設施的在建資產有關,這些設施於2024年第一季度和第二季度投入使用,以及計劃的重大維護。正如註12所述,與Mount Keith 132千伏擴建相關的4800萬美元資產從建設中的資產中除去並於2024年第一季度承認為一筆融資租賃應收款。
The liability for pension and post-employment benefits and associated costs included in compensation expenses are impacted by estimates related to changes in key actuarial assumptions, including discount rates. The defined benefit obligation has decreased by $8 million to $147 million as at Sept. 30, 2024, from $155 million as at Dec 31, 2023.
The retail power contract liability represents an obligation arising from the purchase and sale agreement for customer retail contracts to deliver power, gas and power and gas
financial swaps. The retail power contract liabilities acquired represent certain off-market retail power customer contracts for which fair value was determined as the present value of the amount by which contract terms deviated from the terms that a market participant could have achieved at the closing date. The retail contract liability is amortized to depreciation over the remaining term of the contracts based on volumes that will be delivered each month.
17. Common Shares
A. Issued and Outstanding
TransAlta is authorized to issue an unlimited number of voting common shares without nominal or par value.
In connection with the Exchangeable Securities issued to Brookfield, the Investment Agreement entitles Brookfield to nominate two directors to the TransAlta Board. This allows Brookfield to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the Company and, as such, they are considered associates of the Company.
The Company may, in the normal course of operations, enter into transactions on market terms with associates that have been measured at exchange value and recognized in the condensed consolidated financial
statements, including power purchase and sale agreements, derivative contracts and asset management fees. Transactions and balances between the Company and associates do not eliminate. Refer to Note 25 and 35 of the 2023 audited annual consolidated financial statements.
Transactions with Brookfield include the following:
3 months ended Sept. 30
9 months ended Sept. 30
22. 後續事項
Sundance Unit 6暫停運作
2025年11月4日,公司向艾伯塔電氣系統操作員發出通知,指出Sundance Unit 6將於2025年4月1日暫停運作,視市場狀況而定,最長將暫停兩年。TransAlta保持彈性,一旦確保市場基本面或合同機會,便能重新啟用該被暫停運作的單元。該單元將繼續為即將到來的冬季開放並全面運作。