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_________________________________________________________________________執行版本DMS_US.362473592.16由Vishay Precision Group,Inc.及其之間的DMS第四次修訂和重述信貸協定。作為借款人,本文中指定的金融機構為貸款人,摩根大通銀行為代理人,國民協會,日期為2024年8月15日_____________________________________________________________________________J.P.Morgan Securities Wells Fargo Bank,作為聯合協調人的國家有限責任公司協會作為聯合協調人

-二--第1條定義..........................................................................................................2 1.1定義的術語。......................................................................................................2 1.2術語Generally...................................................................................................44 1.3利率;基準通知.............................................................45 1.4債務狀況。...........................................................................................451.5...................................................................................................信貸信函45 1.6分部..............................................................................................................46 1.7匯率;等值貨幣...............................................................46第二條LOANS...........................................................................................................47 2.1向借款人發放迴圈信貸貸款。..................................................................47 2.2借款Notice.................................................................................................49 2.3增加資源中心的承擔。...............................................................................50 2.4預留。..............................................................................................................52 2.5已預留。..............................................................................................................52 2.6貸款人的幾項義務。..............................................................................52 2.7附註。...................................................................................................................52 2.8向貸款人收取的費用。...................................................................................................52 2.9 Interest..................................................................................................................53 2.10成本增加;無法獲得。..........................................................................57 2.11目的.................................................................................................................62 2.12付款機制:借款人付款。...................................................62 2.13付款機制;貸款人付款。........................................................65 2.14稅。...................................................................................................................66 2.15緩解義務;替換貸款人。...............................................69 2.16默認Lenders...............................................................................................71 2.17額外的Borrowers...........................................................................................73 2.18已預留。..............................................................................................................74 2.19退還款項。.............................................................................................74 2.20銀行服務、互換協定和貸款人雙邊額度。.74第3條信用證..........................................................................................753.1信用證;一般....................................................................................75 3.2發出、修訂、延期通知書;某些條件......75 3.3到期日期....................................................................................................77

目錄(續)第III-3.4頁Participations........................................................................................................77 3.5報銷....................................................................................................77 3.6債務絕對...........................................................................................78 3.7支出Procedures.....................................................................................793.8中期利率.....................................................................................................79 3.9開證行...............................................的更換和辭職79 3.10現金抵押..........................................................................................793.11開證行向代理......................................................................提交報告80 3.12為附屬公司的賬戶發出的信用證......81 3.13信用證費用............................................................................................81.第四條條件........................................................................................................82 4.1有效的條件。................................................................................82 4.2截止日期付款。.......................................................................................85 4.3每筆貸款/信用證的要求。....................................................85第5條陳述和保證.......................................................86 5.1狀態。...................................................................................................................86 5.2權力和權威;可執行性。..................................................................87 5.3沒有違反協定;沒有衝突。.....................87 5.4記錄、可執行性和同意。..............................................................88 5.5業務範圍。................................................................................................88 5.6抵押品擔保權益。.............................................................................88 5.7訴訟;遵守法律;OFAC Requirements...................................88 5.8沒有繁重的協定;實質性協定。.. 5.9財產狀況。.........................................................................................許可證;知識產權。............................................................................ 5.11財產所有權;留置權。.....................................................................................預留90 5.12。..............................................................................................................90 5.13財務報表和預測。.................................................................90 5.14報稅表和付款;其他費用。..............................................................91 5.15財政年度。..........................................................................................................91

目錄(續)第IV-5.16頁美聯儲Regulations................................................................................91 5.17投資公司法。...................................................................................92 5.18符合ERISA......................................................................................92 5.19披露的準確性和完整性。.........................................................93 5.20資本充足率;償付能力。..........................................................................93 5.21沒有限制性條款。......................................................................94 5.22環境合規性。................................................................................94 5.23勞工事務。......................................................................................................95 5.24名經紀人。................................................................................................................95 5.25現有債務。.........................................................................................95 5.26反腐敗法和Sanctions...................................................................96 5.27供應協定。.............................................................................................96第六條報告要求和通知...............................................96 6.1財務數據和報告要求;對某些事件的通知。.96 6.2違約通知書。...............................................................................................98 6.3關於爭議和其他事項的通知。................................................................98 6.4 ERISA通告。....................................................................................................99 6.5其他。...................................................................................................100 6.6授權第三方提供資訊。.第一百條第七條金融公約................................................................................101 7.1槓桿率。..................................................................................................101 7.2利息保障Ratio......................................................................................101 7.3關於計算財務契約的附加規定。.第101條第8條商業公約..................................................................................103 8.1負債。......................................................................................................1038.2留置權;和許可證。...........................................................................................104 8.3投資、貸款、收購等..............................................................106 8.4限制支付。..........................................................................................108 8.5回租。................................................................................................109 8.6與關聯公司的交易。..............................................................................一百零九

目錄(續)第-v-8.7頁合併和處置。.................................................................................109 8.8存在。...........................................................................................................110 8.9遵紀守法。.......................................................................................1108.10繳稅和Claims............................................................................111 8.11稅務合併。.............................................................................................111 8.12遵守ERISA....................................................................................111 8.13保險。...........................................................................................................112 8.14物業的維護。................................................................................113 8.15記錄的保存;財政年度。...............................................................113 8.16檢查。..........................................................................................................113 8.17換文。............................................................................................113 8.18票。...............................................................................................................114 8.19業務類別。...............................................................................................114 8.20發行股票。.............................................................................................114 8.21檔案的更改。.......................................................................................114 8.22償還次級債務。............................................................114 8.23遵守美聯儲條例;使用收益。.114 8.24對某些限制性條款的限制。..................................................115 8.25環境Matters.......................................................................................115 8.26公司獨立性。.....................................................................................115 8.27有關附屬公司的某些義務。....................................................116 8.28進一步的Assurances.............................................................................................117 8.29 OFAC。................................................................................................................117 8.30《結案後契約》。....................................................................................117 8.31託管銀行...............................................................................................117條......................................................................................違約事件第九條1179.1違約事件。..............................................................................................117 9.2加速;補救。....................................................................................120 9.3抵押品收益。.......................................................................................121第10條機構............................................................................................................一百二十二

目錄(續)第-vi-10.1頁授權和操作。..................................................................................122 10.2代理人的信賴、責任限制等..................................................125 10.3發佈通信。..............................................................................126 10.4代理人個人。.....................................................................................128 10.5後續代理。................................................................................................128 10.6貸款人和開證行的認可。..129 10.7抵押品Matters...............................................................................................131 10.8信用招標。...................................................................................................132 10.9 ERISA的某些事項。.....................................................................................133 10.10洪水Laws.........................................................................................................134 10.11借款人通信。...............................................................................第135條第11條雜項...........................................................................................136 11.1通知;效力;電子通信。.136 11.2生存。.............................................................................................................138 11.3沒有默示豁免。..........................................................................................138 11.4可分割性。.......................................................................................................138 11.5修訂、豁免及同意。...............................................................139 11.6繼任者和Assigns......................................................................................141 11.7計算和財務數據。.......................................................................145 11.8描述性標題。........................................................................................145 11.9適用法律;司法管轄權等.....................................................................145 11.10最高合法利率。........................................................................146 11.11 Setoff....................................................................................................的權利147 11.12對應方;一體化;有效性;電子執行。.147 11.13某些資訊的處理;保密;廣告。.149 11.14費用;賠償;損害豁免。.............................................................150 11.15金額證明。..................................................................................152 11.16終止安全措施;部分解除安全措施。.152 11.17放棄陪審團審判。..........................................................................................153 11.18《愛國者法案公告》。.......................................................................................一百五十三

.153 11.20承認並同意接受受影響金融Institutions..........................................................................................................的自救155 11.21披露。.........................................................................................................155 11.22任命以求完美。..............................................................................155 11.23借款人的連帶責任。......................................................一百五十五

DMS_US.362473592.16第四次修訂和重述信貸協定本第四次修訂和重述信貸協定日期為2024年8月15日(經修訂、重述、補充和/或修改,不時修改本“協定”),由摩根大通銀行全國協會(“JPM”)作為開證行、貸款人和代理行、貸款人(下稱)、開證行(下稱)和特拉華州Vishay Precision Group,Inc.(連同該等其他人士,如有,如有)單獨簽訂。摩根大通作為貸款人和開證行的行政代理人,或根據本協定條款承擔該職務的任何繼承人或受讓人,在下文中稱為“代理人”。本協定中使用的某些大寫術語在第1條(定義)中定義。協定背景借款人通過其子公司從事與感測器、基於感測器的系統和基於箔技術的產品相關的業務,如電阻器、電阻感測器和基於感測器的系統,所有這些產品都適用於各種應用。於二零一零年十月十四日左右,借款人、代理人、若干貸款人及其他當事人訂立該特定信貸協定,該協定於二零一三年一月二十九日左右根據該等修訂及重訂信貸協定修訂及重述,並於2015年12月30日左右根據該第二次修訂及重訂信貸協定進一步修訂及重述,並於2020年3月20日左右根據該第三次修訂及重訂信貸協定進一步修訂及重述,並於2023年6月15日左右根據該修訂第1號至第三次修訂及重訂信貸協定(“現有信貸協定”)進一步修訂。藉此,借款人同意向借款人提供優先信貸。借款人已要求代理人和貸款人簽訂這份第四次修訂和重新簽署的信貸協定,根據該協定,貸款人向借款人提供本金總額不超過75,000,000美元的迴圈信貸安排以及信用證分貸款。借款人的子公司將從這一信貸安排中獲得實質性利益。因此,本協定規定的信貸安排將由借款人的國內子公司擔保,在某些情況下,當外國子公司從借款人那裡獲得資本時,應由某些外國子公司擔保,並由借款人子公司的股權以及貸款檔案中規定的借款人和子公司擔保人的物質資產(不包括不動產)擔保。












DMS_US.362473592.16-13-“CFC Holdco”:(A)根據美國、其任何州或哥倫比亞特區的法律成立的任何子公司,以及(B)除一個或多個CFCs的股權或不受重視的國內子公司外,沒有其他實質性資產的任何子公司。“法律變更”:在本協定簽訂之日後發生下列任何情況:(A)任何法律、規則、條例或條約的通過或生效;(B)任何政府當局對任何法律、規則、條例或條約或其行政、解釋、執行或適用的任何更改;或(C)任何貸款人或開證行(或就第2.10.2款(資本金要求)而言,由該貸款人的任何貸款辦事處或該貸款人或開證行的控股公司,如有)遵守任何請求、指導方針,任何政府當局在本協定日期後作出或發出的要求或指示(不論是否具有法律效力);但即使本協定有任何相反規定,(X)美國《多德-弗蘭克華爾街改革和消費者保護法》及其下的所有要求、規則、準則、要求或指令,或與之相關或在其實施過程中發佈的所有請求、規則、準則、要求或指令,以及(Y)由國際清算銀行、巴塞爾銀行監管委員會(或任何後續機構或類似機構)或美國或外國監管機構根據《巴塞爾協定III》銀行國際監管框架頒佈的所有請求、規則、準則、要求或指令,在任何情況下,無論頒佈日期如何,均應被視為法律上的變化。通過、發佈或實施。“控制權變更”:(A)任何個人或團體(1934年美國證券交易法第13(D)條所指,經修訂),除贊德曼集團成員所擁有的權益外,應在一系列或多項交易中獲得所有權或控制權,超過借款人普通股的50.1%或借款人有權在借款人或類似管理機構的董事會成員選舉中投票的50.1%的投票權;或(B)在證明任何負債或優先股權益的任何契據或其他文書下,須已發生“控制權變更”(或該契據或其他負債或優先股證所界定的相類詞語),使借款人有義務回購、贖回或償還其中所規定的全部或部分負債或股本;或(C)借款人與另一人合併或併入另一人,而借款人並非尚存的實體,或將其全部或實質上所有資產出售或處置予任何人;或(D)在任何連續兩年的期間內,在該期間開始時組成借款人董事局的個人(連同任何新董事,而該新董事是由該董事局選出的,或其提名由借款人的股東以50.1%的表決通過的,而該等新董事是在該期間開始時是董事的,或其選舉或選舉提名先前已獲如此批准)因任何理由而不再構成當時在任的董事會成員;或

DMS_US.362473592.16-14-(E)借款人的清算或解散。在本定義中,“有表決權的股票”是指持有者有權選舉多數公司董事或履行類似職能的人員的公司或其他實體的任何一個或多個類別的股本或其他所有權權益。《截止日期》:2024年8月15日。“截止日期公認會計原則”:第7.3.3(A)節(關於計算財務契約的附加規定)中規定的含義。“CME Term Sofr管理人”:CME Group Benchmark Administration Limited作為前瞻性Term Sofr管理人(或繼任管理人)。“眼鏡蛇”:《守則》49800億節和ERISA標題I副標題b第6部分的群體健康計劃持續覆蓋要求。“守則”:經修訂的1986年美國國稅法,以及根據其發佈的任何美國財政部法規、稅收裁決或技術資訊發佈。“抵押品”:指任何貸款方根據任何貸款檔案授予或聲稱授予擔保權益或其他留置權的任何類型的財產。“商業信用證風險”:在任何時候,(A)所有未提取的商業信用證未支取的總金額加上(B)尚未由借款人或其代表償還的與商業信用證有關的所有信用證支出的總金額。任何貸款人在任何時候的商業信用證風險敞口應為其當時商業信用證風險敞口總額的適用百分比。“承諾”:RC的承諾。“承諾費費率”:第2.8.1小節(未使用的承諾費)(B)段規定的含義。《商品交易法》:經修訂的《美國商品交易法》(《美國聯盟法典》第7編第1節及其後),以及由美國商品期貨交易委員會或繼承其職能的任何政府機構或機構頒佈的任何後續法規和任何法規。“通信”:統稱為任何貸款方或其代表根據任何貸款檔案或其中預期的交易提供的任何通知、要求、通信、資訊、檔案或其他材料,這些通知、要求、通信、資訊、檔案或其他材料由代理人、任何貸款人或任何開證行根據第10.3節(發佈通信)以電子通信方式分發,包括通過批准的電子平臺。“關聯所得稅”:對淨收入(無論面值多少)徵收或衡量的其他關聯稅,或者是特許經營稅或分支機構利潤稅。

“合併”:就任何個人及其任何指定的附屬公司而言,是指根據公認會計準則單獨列報每個此類個人的財務報表。“Corra”:由加拿大銀行(或任何後續管理人)管理和公佈的加拿大隔夜回購利率平均值。“Corra管理人”:加拿大銀行(或任何繼任管理人)。“Corra確定日期”:在“每日簡單Corra”的定義中規定的含義。“Corra匯率日”:在“每日簡單Corra”的定義中指定的含義。“聯合安排人”:統稱為摩根大通證券有限責任公司和富國銀行全國協會,各自以本協定項下共同安排人的身分。“每日簡單Corra”:對於任何一天(“Corra匯率日”),相當於(I)該Corra匯率日是RFR營業日的五(5)個工作日之前(I)如果該Corra匯率日是RFR營業日,該Corra匯率日或(Ii)如果該Corra匯率日不是RFR營業日,則緊接該Corra匯率日之前的RFR營業日(在每種情況下,該Corra由Corra管理人在Corra管理人的網站上公佈)之前的五(5)個RFR營業日的年費率。任何因CORA的變化而導致的每日簡易CORA的變化,將從CORA的該變化的生效日期起生效,而不會通知借款人。如果在下午5:00之前(多倫多時間)在任何給定的Corra確定日期,Corra管理人的網站上尚未公佈關於該Corra確定日期的Corra,並且尚未出現關於Daily Simple Corra的基準更換日期,則該Corra確定日期的Corra將是就Corra管理人網站上公佈的第一個RFR營業日公佈的Corra,只要之前的第一個RFR營業日不超過該Corra確定日期的五(5)個營業日。“每日簡易RFR”:就任何一天(“RFR利息日”)而言,年利率等於(I)英鎊、索尼婭的任何RFR貸款的五(5)個營業日之前的五(5)個營業日(A)如果該RFR利息日是RFR營業日,則為該RFR利息日,或(B)如果該RFR利息日不是RFR營業日,則為緊接該RFR利率日之前的RFR營業日,(Ii)美元,Daily Simple Sofr(在基準過渡事件和基準替換日期之後),以及(Iii)

DMS_US.362473592.16-16-加元,Daily Simple Corra(遵循基準過渡事件和相對於術語Corra的基準替換日期)。“每日簡單SOFR”:對於任何一天(“SOFR匯率日”),在(I)如果該SOFR匯率日是RFR營業日的情況下,該SOFR匯率日,或(Ii)如果該SOFR匯率日不是RFR營業日,則緊接在該SOFR匯率日之前的RFR營業日(在每種情況下,該SOFR由SOFR管理員在SOFR管理員的網站上公佈)之前五(5)個RFR營業日(該日為“SOFR確定日”)的年費率。因SOFR變更而導致的每日簡易SOFR的任何變更,應自SOFR的該變更生效之日起生效,而無需通知借款人。如果在下午5:00之前(紐約市時間)在緊接任何SOFR確定日期之後的第二個(第2個)RFR營業日,如果SOFR確定日期的SOFR沒有在SOFR管理人的網站上公佈,並且沒有發生關於每日簡單SOFR的基準更換日期,則該SOFR確定日期的SOFR將與SOFR管理人網站上公佈的前一個RFR營業日的SOFR相同。《債務人救濟法》:美國《破產法》、《破產與破產法》(加拿大)、《公司債權人安排法》(加拿大)和《清盤與重組法》(加拿大),每種情況下均經修訂,以及任何其他適用的州、省、地區或聯盟破產法以及所有其他清算、託管、破產、為債權人利益而轉讓、暫停、重新安排、接管、破產、重組或美國、加拿大或其他適用司法管轄區不時生效並影響債權人權利的類似債務人救濟法。包括任何法域的任何公司法,允許債務人獲得債權人對其債權的暫緩或妥協,幷包括據此制定的任何規則和條例。“違約”:在通知或時間流逝或兩者兼而有之的情況下,將成為違約事件的任何條件或事件。“違約率”:第2.9.6節規定的含義(違約率;滯納金)。“違約貸款人”:任何貸款人,如(A)在要求提供資金的日期的一(1)個營業日內,未能根據第2.2條(借款通知)的要求為其貸款的任何部分提供資金,除非該貸款人以書面形式通知代理人,這種不履行是由於該貸款人善意地確定尚未滿足提供資金的先決條件(特別指明幷包括特定違約(如有)),(B)未能在要求提供資金或支付資金的日期的兩(2)個工作日內,(I)為其參與信用證的任何部分提供資金,或(Ii)向任何貸款方支付本協定項下要求其支付的任何其他金額(貸款資金除外),(C)已以書面通知借款人或任何貸款方,或已發表公開聲明表明,其不打算或預期履行本協定項下的任何融資義務(除非該書面或公開聲明表明,該立場是基於該貸款人善意確定的一項先決條件(明確指出幷包括特定違約,如果有)無法根據本協定或一般根據承諾提供信貸的其他協定為貸款提供資金,(D)在以下情況下未能在三(3)個工作日內提出請求:












DMS_US.362473592.16-28-“許可協定”:日期為2010年7月6日的Vishay和Vishay Precision Group,Inc.之間的某些商標許可協定,以及日期為2010年7月6日的Vishay Dale Electronics,Inc.和Vishay Precision Group,Inc.之間的特定專利許可協定,均可不時進行修訂、重述或修改;前提是,任何此類修訂、重述或修改均應符合第8.2.4節(許可協定)的規定。“留置權”:對於任何資產、任何抵押、留置權、質押、不利債權、抵押、擔保權益、抵押或其他產權負擔,或具有設定擔保權益實際效力的任何其他類型的優惠安排。就本協定及其他貸款檔案而言,借款人或其任何附屬公司應被視為在留置權的規限下擁有其已收購或持有的任何資產,但須受賣方或出租人根據與該等資產有關的任何有條件出售協定、資本租賃或其他所有權保留協定的權益所規限。“流動資金”:(A)借款人及其子公司的無限制現金數額加上(B)可用RC承諾額減去(C)假定遣返費用的數額。“貸款檔案”:本協定、票據、附屬擔保、質押協定、擔保協定、知識產權抵押品協定以及根據本協定簽署、交付或存檔的任何及所有協定、檔案和文書,可不時予以修訂、重述、修改或補充。為清楚起見,利率保護協定、與銀行服務義務和貸款人雙邊額度有關的單據、信用證協定和信用證不是貸款單據,而是對掉期各方(在利率保護協定的情況下)、代理人、開證行、前述關聯公司或貸款人銀行服務提供者(在銀行服務義務的情況下)、開證行和貸款人(在信用證的情況下)以及代理人、代理人的關聯方或貸款人的雙邊提供人(在貸款人雙邊額度的情況下)所欠的義務,應以抵押品作擔保。“貸款方”:指本協定和任何其他貸款檔案的當事人,包括借款人和任何附屬擔保人,但不包括代理人、貸款人和開證行。“保證金股票”:t規則、U規則和X規則(以適用為準)所指的保證金股票。“主分離和分配協定”:Vishay和借款人之間日期為2010年6月22日的特定主分離和分配協定。“重大不利變化”:(A)借款人的業務、條件(財務或其他方面)、結果、經營或財產的任何重大不利變化;(B)任何貸款檔案的約束性、有效性或可執行性;






DMS_US.362473592.16-34-“收款人”:(A)代理人、(B)任何貸款人和(C)任何開證行。“參考時間”:就當時基準的任何設置而言,指(A)如果該基準是術語SOFR匯率,則為上午6:00。(紐約時間)在設定日期前兩(2)個美國政府證券營業日,(B)如果該基準是EURIBOR利率,則上午11:00。布魯塞爾時間:(C)如果基準為倫敦銀行間同業拆借利率,則為上午11:00。日本時間:(2)設定日期前兩(2)個工作日;(D)如果該基準的RFR為SONIA,則在該設定前四(4)個工作日;(E)如果在基準轉換事件和基準替換日期之後,關於SOFR期限匯率,該基準的RFR是每日簡單SOFR,則該基準的RFR之前四(4)個工作日是每日簡單SOFR,則在該設置之前四(4)個RFR工作日;(F)如果在關於CORA條款的基準轉換事件和基準替換日期之後,此類基準的RFR是Daily Simple Corra,然後是此類設置之前四(4)個工作日的RFR,(G)如果此類基準是Term Corra,則下午1:00。當地時間,即設定日期前兩(2)個工作日,以及(H)如果該基準不是期限SOFR利率、EURIBOR利率、Tibor利率、SONIA、Daily Simple SOFR、Daily Simple Corra或Term Corra中的任何一種,則由代理商以其合理的酌情決定權確定的時間。“登記冊”:第11.6.3節(登記冊)中規定的含義。“規則D”:指美國聯盟儲備委員會不時生效的規則D,以及根據該規則或其作出的所有官方裁決和解釋。“規則T”:聯盟儲備委員會的規則T,如不時生效的,以及根據該規則或其解釋作出的所有官方裁決和解釋。“規則U”:聯盟儲備委員會的規則U,不時生效,以及根據該規則或其解釋作出的所有官方裁決和解釋。“規則X”:美國聯盟儲備委員會不時生效的規則X,以及根據該規則或其解釋作出的所有官方裁決和解釋。“關聯方”:就任何人而言,此人的關聯方以及此人及其關聯方的合夥人、董事、成員、管理人員、受託人、僱員、代理人、管理人、經理、代表和顧問。“釋放”:釋放、溢出、排放、洩漏、抽水、注入、沉積、處置、排放、擴散、淋濾或移入或移出任何財產,包括有害物質在空氣、土壤、地表水、地下水或財產中的移動。“相關政府機構”:(I)對於以美元計價的貸款的基準替換,聯盟儲備委員會和/或NYFRB,或由美聯儲和/或NYFRB正式認可或召集的委員會,或在每一種情況下,其任何繼任者;(Ii)關於以英鎊計價的貸款的基準替換,英格蘭銀行或官方認可的委員會,或







DMS_US.362473592.16-41-“目標日”:T2(或者,如果該支付系統停止運行,則由代理商確定為合適的替代支付系統的其他支付系統)開放用於以歐元結算付款的任何一天。“稅務協定”:指Vishay和Vishay Precision Group,Inc.之間於2010年7月6日簽訂的某些稅務協定,該協定可能會被不時修訂、重述或修改;前提是,任何此類修改、重述或修改不得損害貸款人的利益。“稅”:任何政府當局徵收的所有現有或未來的稅、扣減、預提(包括備用預扣)、加值稅或任何其他貨物和服務、使用稅或銷售稅、評稅、費用或其他收費,包括適用於其的任何利息、附加稅或罰款。“期限基準”:用於任何貸款或借款時,是指此類貸款或構成此類借款的貸款是否按照調整後的期限SOFR利率、調整後的EURIBOR利率、調整後的Tibor利率或調整後的期限Corra利率確定的利率計息。“期限Corra”:對於以加元計價的任何期限基準借款,期限Corra的參考利率相當於適用利息期的當天(該日,“定期期限Corra確定日”),即該利息期第一天之前兩(2)個營業日,因為該利率是由Term Corra管理人公佈的;但是,如果截至下午1:00。(多倫多時間)於任何定期期限Corra釐定日,適用期間Corra管理人尚未公佈適用期間期間的Corra參考利率,且尚未出現有關期間Corra參考利率的基準替換日期,則期間Corra將為期間Corra管理人公佈該期間期間Corra決定日之前第一個營業日所公佈的該期間期間Corra參考利率,只要該之前第一個營業日不超過該定期期間Corra確定日之前五(5)個營業日。“Term Corra管理員”:Candeal Benchmark Administration Services Inc.、TSX Inc.或任何繼任管理員。“Term Corra通知”:代理人向貸款人和借款人發出的有關發生Term Corra重選事件的通知。“定期CORA重新選擇事件”:代理人確定:(A)已推薦相關政府機構使用定期CORA,(B)對定期CORA的管理對代理人來說在行政上是可行的,以及(C)先前已發生基準過渡事件,導致根據第2.10.7(A)節(替代利率)的基準替換,該基準不是定期CORA。“期限Corra參考匯率”:以Corra為基礎的前瞻性期限利率。

DMS_US.362473592.16-42-“術語SOFR確定日”:在“術語SOFR參考率”的定義中指定的含義。“期限SOFR利率”:對於以美元計價的任何期限基準借款和與適用利率期間相當的任何期限,期限SOFR參考利率為紐約時間上午6點左右,即該期限開始前兩(2)個美國政府證券營業日與適用利率期間相當的時間,該利率由芝加哥商品交易所期限SOFR管理人公佈。“期限SOFR參考利率”:對於任何日期和時間(該日為“期限SOFR確定日”),以及與適用利息期間相當的任何期限,由CME期限SOFR管理人發佈並被代理商識別為基於SOFR的前瞻性期限利率的年利率。如果在該條款SOFR確定日的下午5:00(紐約市時間),CME條款SOFR管理人尚未公佈適用期限的“條款SOFR參考利率”,並且尚未出現關於條款SOFR利率的基準替換日期,則只要該日是美國政府證券營業日,則該條款SOFR確定日的條款SOFR參考利率將是就CME條款SOFR管理人公佈的第一個美國政府證券營業日發佈的條款SOFR參考利率。只要美國政府證券營業日之前的第一個美國政府證券營業日不超過該條款確定日之前五(5)個美國政府證券營業日。“Tibor利率”:對於以日元計價的任何期限基準借款和任何利息期,Tibor利率在該利息期開始前兩(2)個工作日篩選利率。“Tibor Screen Rate”:由Ippan Shadan Hojin JBA Tibor Administration(或接管該利率管理的任何其他人)管理的東京銀行間同業拆借利率,顯示在路透社螢幕的DTIBOR01頁上(或者,如果該利率沒有出現在路透社頁面或螢幕上,則在顯示該利率的螢幕上的任何後續或替代頁面上,或在該其他資訊服務的適當頁面上,該資訊服務在下午1:00左右發佈由代理人不時選擇的利率)。日本時間在該利息期開始前兩(2)個工作日。“受讓人”:第8.7.1節(合併和合並)中規定的含義。“英國金融機構”:任何BRRD業務(根據英國審慎監管局頒佈的PRA規則手冊(不時修訂)下的定義)或屬於英國金融市場行為監管局頒佈的FCA手冊(不時修訂)IFPRU 11.6範圍內的任何個人,包括某些信用機構和投資公司,以及這些信用機構或投資公司的某些附屬公司。

DMS_US.362473592.16-43-“英國清算機構”:英格蘭銀行或任何其他負責英國金融機構清算的公共行政機構。“未調整基準替換”:指適用的基準替換,不包括相關的基準替換調整。“未償還的提款”:指根據信用證製作的提款,由於任何原因,借款人或其代表沒有得到償還,無論是通過借用RC貸款或其他方式。“未使用的承諾費”:第2.8.1款(未使用的承諾費)中規定的含義。“未使用的承諾費基數”:第2.8.1款(未使用的承諾費)中規定的含義。“美國政府證券營業日”:除(I)週六、(Ii)週日或(Iii)證券業和金融市場協會建議其成員的固定收益部門全天關閉以進行美國政府證券交易的任何一天。“美國人”:指本守則第7701(A)(30)節所界定的“美國人”。“美國安全協定”:第4.1.3節(安全協定)中規定的含義。“美國子公司質押”:第4.1.5(B)節(質押協定)中規定的含義。“美國子公司擔保”:第4.1.4節(擔保和擔保協定)中規定的含義。“Vishay”:Vishay Intertech,Inc.,一家特拉華州的公司,借款人及其子公司是從該實體剝離出來的。“富國銀行”:富國銀行,全國協會。“退出責任”:因完全或部分退出多僱主計劃而對多僱主計劃承擔的任何責任,這些術語在ERISA第四章副標題E第一部分中有定義。“扣繳代理人”:任何貸款方和代理人。“減記和轉換權力”:(A)就任何歐洲經濟區決議機構而言,該歐洲經濟區決議機構根據適用的歐洲經濟區成員國的自救立法不時具有的減記和轉換權力,這些減記和轉換權力在歐盟自救立法附表中有描述,以及(B)關於

DMS_US.362473592.16-44-適用的決議機構根據自救立法的任何權力,取消、減少、修改或改變任何英國金融機構的負債或產生該負債的任何合同或文書的形式,將該負債的全部或部分轉換為該人或任何其他人的股票、證券或義務,本條例旨在規定任何該等合約或文書的效力,猶如某項權利已根據該合約或文書行使一樣,或暫時吊銷與該等權力有關或附屬於該等權力的任何法律責任或該自救法例所賦予的任何權力的任何義務。“日元”或“人民幣”:日本的法定貨幣。“Zandman Party”:(A)Felix Zandman博士的遺產,(B)Ruta Zandman博士的遺產,(C)Felix Zandman博士或Ruta Zandman博士的後代,(D)為前述任何人的利益而設立的任何信託,以及(E)前述人獨有的任何實體。1.2一般術語。本協定中術語的定義應同樣適用於所定義術語的單數和複數形式。只要上下文需要,任何代詞都應包括相應的陽性、陰性和中性形式。“包括”、“包括”和“包括”應被視為後跟“但不限於”一詞。法律“一詞應解釋為指所有法規、規則、條例、法典和其他法律(包括根據這些法律作出的具有法律效力或受影響人員通常遵守的官方裁決和解釋)以及所有政府當局的所有判決、命令和法令。“遺囑”一詞應被解釋為與“應當”一詞具有相同的含義和效力。除非文意另有所指外:(A)本協定中對任何人的任何提及均應解釋為包括此人的繼任者和受讓人(受本協定對轉讓的任何限制的限制),就任何政府當局而言,應包括已繼承其任何職能的任何其他政府當局;(B)“本協定”、“本協定”和“本協定下文”以及類似含義的詞語應解釋為指本協定的整體,而不是本協定的任何特定規定;(C)本協定中對條款、節、展品和附表應被解釋為指本協定的條款和章節,以及展品和附表;(D)除非另有說明,否則本協定中任何法律或法規的任何定義或提及應指經不時修訂、重述、修改或補充的法律或法規(包括通過可比繼承法的繼承);(E)“資產”和“財產”應被解釋為具有相同的含義和效力,並指任何和所有有形和無形資產和財產,包括現金、證券、賬戶和合同權利;(F)本定義對任何協定、文書或其他檔案的任何定義或提及,應解釋為指不時修訂、重述、補充或以其他方式修改的該等協定、文書或其他檔案(受本定義所載對該等修訂、重述、補充或修改的任何限制的規限),及(G)任何定義中對“任何時間”或“任何期間”一詞的任何提及,應指該定義內所有計算或決定的相同時間或期間。儘管本協定有任何其他規定,本協定中使用的所有會計或財務條款均應予以解釋,並應對本協定中提及的所有金額和比率進行計算,而不影響根據《財務會計準則第159號報表》(或具有類似結果或效果的任何其他財務會計準則)作出的將借款人或其任何附屬公司的任何債務或其他負債按其定義的“公允價值”進行估值的任何選擇。




















DMS_US.362473592.16-84-4.1.11律師意見。代理人應已收到借款人、其子公司和其他貸款方的律師Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP對擬向代理人、開證行和貸款人提出的、截止日期為截止日期的交易的有利意見,其形式和內容應令代理人、開證行和貸款人滿意。4.1.12高級船員證書。4.1.13站位良好。代理人應已收到(A)每一借款人及附屬擔保人最近日期的良好資歷證書,證明其根據其註冊成立或組成所在國家的法律具有良好信譽,及(B)代理人於最近日期為借款人及附屬擔保人所接受的良好資歷證書或外國資格備案檔案,證明其根據其有資格開展業務的州的法律的良好信譽,若未能取得上述資格將不會合理地預期會導致重大不利變化。4.1.14留置權查冊。借款人應在代理人可接受的辦公室向代理人提交最近日期的統一商業代碼、稅收和判決留置權檢索,以及美國專利商標局和美國版權局最近日期的檢索,在每種情況下,關於借款人和每個附屬擔保人,均不顯示除允許留置權以外的任何留置權。4.1.15《愛國者法案》。4.1.16保險證據。代理人應已收到第8.13節(保險)要求的保險證據,以及貸款人應支付的損失和/或由此要求的附加保險條款和背書。4.1.17保留。。4.1.19知識產權抵押品協定。代理人應已收到修訂和重述的知識產權抵押品協定和/或補充知識產權抵押品協定(統稱為,以及根據本協定及其條款不時修訂、重述、修改或補充的任何其他知識產權抵押品協定),以便向美國專利商標局或美國版權局(視情況而定)提交



DMS_US.362473592.16-DMS_US.362473592.87-Schedule 5.1.2,對於每個借款方及其每個直接子公司(包括每個借款方及其每個直接子公司的股本)的任何股權或其他證券的發行、轉換、登記、投票、出售或轉讓,或對任何貸款方負有義務,不存在任何形式的優先購買權、要約、期權、權利、協定或承諾。其任何直接附屬公司或任何其他人士根據組織檔案或任何借款方或其任何直接附屬公司為一方或其任何一方可能受其約束的任何協定或其他文書,購買或贖回任何該等股權或其他證券。截至截止日期,借款人及其所有子公司在附表5.1.3中的組織結構圖在所有重要方面均真實無誤。於截止日期,借款人並無任何附屬公司,亦除附表5.1.3組織結構圖所披露者外,目前並無透過任何其他人士經營其全部或任何部分業務。每一貸款方都有簽署、交付和執行其所屬貸款檔案的條款和條款的公司、合夥、有限責任公司或其他類似權力,且每一此等人員均已採取一切必要的公司、合夥、有限責任公司或其他類似行動(包括法律或其各自組織檔案所要求的股東、成員或合夥人的任何同意),以授權簽署、交付和履行其所屬的貸款檔案。貸款檔案由作為貸款當事人的每一方簽署和交付時,構成或將構成該人根據其各自條款可強制執行的授權的、有效的和具有法律約束力的義務,但此種強制執行可能受到適用的債務人救濟法和一般衡平法的限制。5.3沒有違反協定;沒有衝突。










DMS_US.362473592.16-97-當前報告的季度末,以比較形式列出上一會計年度適當時期的相應數位和先前提交的預測中的相應數位,借款人的首席執行官或首席財務官經借款人的首席執行官或首席財務官證明(I)已按照公認會計準則編制(對會計政策的任何變更進行了合理詳細的討論),(Ii)公平地列報了借款人及其子公司在指定日期和期間的財務狀況和經營結果(受正常的經常性年終審計調整的限制)。不言而喻,註腳可以省略。6.1.2年度財務報表的交付;會計師資格證書。借款人應在切實可行的範圍內,在任何情況下,在借款人的每個財政年度結束後九十(90)天內,向貸款人提交:(A)經審計的綜合(和管理層編制的綜合)資產負債表、損益表和留存收益變動表,以及借款人及其子公司在剛剛結束的財政年度結束時的現金流量表,並經安永律師事務所、德勤律師事務所、普華永道律師事務所、普華永道律師事務所(無任何保留、修改或例外)認證(無任何保留、修改或例外),由借款人選擇並為代理人合理接受的畢馬威有限責任公司或其他國家認可的獨立註冊會計師;只要代理人同意德勤全球網路中的Brightman Almagor Zohar&Co.是可以接受的;以及(B)在適用的情況下,根據2002年薩班斯-奧克斯利法案第404條,由獨立註冊會計師出具的關於借款人內部控制的證明報告,表示不擔心導致該公司無法無限制、無限制或無修改地出具審計意見。6.1.3高級船員合格證明書的交付。如第6.1.1款(季度財務報表的交付)或第6.1.2款(年度財務報表的交付)所規定的,在實際可行的情況下,在借款人每個會計年度的每個季度結束後,但無論如何不遲於該季度或年度要求交付財務報表的日期。借款人應向貸款人提交一份由借款人的首席執行官或首席財務官(A)證明遵守第7條(財務契約)所列財務契諾的高級人員合規證書(會計師認證),並(B)證明在該證書出具之日,不存在違約事件,也不存在違約事件,或(如果存在任何此類違約或違約事件),說明其性質、存續期和借款人擬採取或已經採取的行動。6.1.4年度預算。在借款人每個會計年度開始後九十(90)天內,代理人應收到借款人的年度預算副本。6.1.5美國證券交易委員會備案檔案等。


DMS_US.362473592.16-99-損害,合理地預計,如果相反確定,將導致重大不利變化。6.3.2影響抵押品的條件。下列任何條件之一:(I)借款方的任何抵押品在正常業務過程之外轉移到完美證書中未指明的地點;(Ii)借款人或任何附屬擔保人根據貸款檔案(受允許的留置權和允許的完美限制的限制)不受有效和完善的第一優先權留置權約束的財產的收購;(Iii)借款人或任何附屬擔保人的名稱、企業實體類型或註冊管轄權的任何改變或借款人或任何附屬擔保人的首席執行官辦公室的任何地址的改變;或(Iv)合理預期會對代理人在貸款方抵押品上的擔保權益的扣押、完善或執行產生不利影響的任何其他情況。6.3.3重大不利變化。任何重大不利變化或任何事實或情況的存在,或任何事件的發生或未能發生,而該等事件可合理地預期會導致重大不利變化。6.3.4陳述和保證。本協定規定的陳述和保證所依據的事實或情況的任何變化,使該陳述和保證在任何實質性方面都是虛假的或誤導性的。6.3.5知識產權。在不限制借款人關於任何抵押品的任何其他通知義務的情況下,下列任何條件:(I)借款人或任何附屬擔保人擁有或許可的任何重大知識產權的所有權或使用權的任何變化;(Ii)構成抵押品的任何商標、服務商標、商業外觀、域名或版權申請或註冊,或任何專利申請或專利的地位的任何重大變化(只要任何貸款方可以在其商業判決中放棄任何非實質性知識產權或允許其失效,而無需通知代理人);(Iii)收到任何關於任何人侵犯或挪用借款人或任何附屬擔保人所擁有或許可的任何重大知識產權的資料;(Iv)收到與借款人或任何附屬擔保人所擁有或許可的任何重大知識產權有關的任何書面申索、要求或威脅,或提起任何法律程序;或(V)以任何方式影響或涉及借款人或任何附屬擔保人所擁有或許可的任何知識產權的任何其他重大不利變化。6.3.6根據某些檔案提出索賠的通知。任何一方對下列任何檔案提出的索賠或書面通知:(A)許可協定和(B)稅務協定。6.3.7實益所有權證明。借款人應及時通知代理人先前交付的任何受益所有權證明的任何變更。6.4 ERISA通知。借款人應:(A)在收到報告和通知後十(10)個工作日內,迅速向代理人交付借款人、其任何子公司或任何














DMS_US.362473592.16-133-應授權代表此種購置工具或這些購置工具按比例向每一有擔保當事人發放股權、合夥權益、有限合夥權益或會員權益,不論是股權、合夥權益、有限合夥權益或會員權益,均為股權、合夥權益、有限合夥權益或會員權益,均為股權、合夥權益、有限合夥權益或會員權益,並/或由此種購置工具發行的債務票據,而無需任何擔保當事人或購置工具採取任何進一步行動;及(V)在轉讓給購置工具的債務因任何理由(因另一投標較高或較佳)未被用於取得抵押品的情況下,由於分配給購置車的債務數額超過購置車出價或以其他方式貸記的債務數額,此種債務應自動按比例重新分配給有擔保的當事人,並按其在此類債務中的原始權益進行分配,任何購置款工具因此類債務而發行的股權和(或)債務工具應自動註銷,而無需任何有擔保的一方或任何購置款工具採取任何進一步行動。儘管如上文第(2)款所述,每一擔保當事人債務的應課稅部分被視為轉讓給一輛或多輛購置車輛,但每一擔保當事人應簽署代理人可能合理要求的有關擔保當事人(和/或擔保當事人將收到該購置車輛的權益或其發行的債務工具的任何指定人)的檔案和資訊,以便與組建任何購置車輛、制定或提交任何信貸投標或完成該信貸投標預期的交易有關。10.9某些ERISA很重要。(A)每一貸款人(X)自該人成為本協定的貸款方之日起,為代理人、每一共同安排人及其各自的關聯方的利益,而不是為借款人或任何其他貸款方的利益,向借款人或(Y)契諾作出陳述和擔保,自該人成為本協定的貸款方之日起至該人不再是本協定的貸款方之日,以下至少一項為真,且將為真:(I)該貸款人沒有在貸款、信用證或承諾書中使用一個或多個福利計劃的“計劃資產”(符合“計劃資產條例”的含義),(Ii)一個或多個PTE中規定的交易豁免,例如PTE 84-14(獨立合格專業資產管理人確定的某些交易的一類豁免),PTE 95-60(涉及保險公司普通賬戶的某些交易的一類豁免),PTE 90-1(涉及保險公司集合獨立賬戶的某些交易的一類豁免),PTE 91-38(涉及銀行集體投資基金的某些交易的類別豁免)或PTE 96-23(由內部資產管理人確定的某些交易的類別豁免)適用於此類貸款人進入、參與、管理和履行貸款、信用證、承諾書和本協定,(3)(A)此類貸款人是由“合格專業資產管理人”(PTE 84-14第VI部分所指的)管理的投資基金,(B)該合資格專業資產管理人代表該貸款人作出投資決定,以訂立、參與、管理及履行貸款、信用證、承諾

DMS_US.362473592.16-134-和本協定,(C)貸款、信用證、承諾和本協定的訂立、參與、管理和履行符合PTE 84-14第I部分(B)至(G)小節的要求,(D)就貸款人所知,就該貸款人進入、參與、管理和履行貸款、信用證、承諾和本協定而言,滿足第I部分(A)分段的要求,(B)此外,除非前一(A)款第(I)款就貸款人而言屬實,或該貸款人已提供前一(A)款第(Iv)款所規定的另一項陳述、擔保及契諾,否則該貸款人進一步(X)自該人成為本協定的貸款方之日起,至該人不再為本協定的貸款方之日起至該人不再為本協定的貸款方之日,作出(X)陳述及認股權證,而非:為免生疑問,借款人或任何其他貸款方或為了借款人或任何其他貸款方的利益,任何代理人、任何共同安排人或他們各自的任何關聯公司均不是該貸款人的抵押品或資產的受信人(包括與代理人保留或行使本協定項下的任何權利、任何貸款檔案或與本協定有關的任何檔案)的受信人。(C)代理人及各共同安排人特此告知貸款人,此等人士並不承諾就本協定擬進行的交易提供投資意見或以受信人身分提供建議,而此等人士在本協定所擬進行的交易中有經濟利益,因為此人或其關聯公司(I)可就貸款、信用證、承諾書、本協定及任何其他貸款檔案收取利息或其他付款;(Ii)如其延長貸款、信用證或承諾書或承諾書的款額,則可確認收益,信用證或該貸款人的承諾,或(Iii)可能收取與本協定擬進行的交易、貸款檔案或其他事項有關的費用或其他付款,包括結構費、承諾費、安排費、融資費、預付費用、承銷費、計價費、代理費、行政代理費或抵押品代理費、使用費、最低使用費、信用證費用、預付款、交易或替代交易費用、修改費、手續費、定期保費、銀行承諾費、破損費或其他提前解約費或其他類似上述的費用。10.10防洪法。摩根大通通過了內部政策和程式,以滿足適用的防洪法對受聯盟監管的貸款人的要求。然而,摩根大通提醒每一位貸款人和貸款參與者,根據《防洪法》,每個受聯盟監管的貸款機構(無論是作為貸款人還是貸款機構)都有責任確保自己遵守洪水保險的要求。












DMS_US.362473592.16-146-其中,在因任何貸款檔案、與此相關的交易引起或與之相關的任何訴訟或訴訟中,或為承認或執行任何判決,本合同的每一方都不可撤銷且無條件地同意,就任何此類訴訟或訴訟程式提出的所有索賠(以及針對代理人或其任何關聯方提出的任何此類索賠、交叉索賠或第三方索賠只能在該州法院審理和裁決),或在法律允許的範圍內,在該聯盟法院審理和裁決。本協定雙方同意,任何此類訴訟或程式的最終判決應為終局判決,並可在其他司法管轄區通過對判決的訴訟或法律規定的任何其他方式強制執行。本協定或任何其他貸款檔案中的任何規定均不影響代理人、任何開證行或任何貸款人在任何司法管轄區法院對任何貸款方或其財產提起與本協定或任何其他貸款檔案有關的任何訴訟或程式的任何權利,(Ii)放棄任何成文法、法規、普通法或其他規則、原則、法律限制、規定或類似規定,規定銀行分行、銀行機構或其他銀行辦事處在某些目的上被視為獨立的司法實體,包括《統一商法典》第4-106、4-A-105(1)(B)條,和5-116(B)、UCP 600第3條和ISP98規則2.02以及URDG 758第3(A)條,或(Iii)影響法院對任何開證行或任何信用證受益人、任何通知行、指定銀行或其項下收益的受讓人擁有或沒有個人管轄權的情況,或對任何非本協定當事方因該信用證引起的或與之有關的訴訟或影響其權利的任何訴訟的適當地點,無論該信用證是否包含其自身的管轄權提交條款。11.9.3放棄場地。每一貸款方在此不可撤銷且無條件地在其可能合法和有效的最大程度上放棄其現在或今後可能對因第11.9.2款(服從司法管轄權)所指的任何法院提起或與本協定或任何其他貸款檔案有關的任何訴訟、訴訟或程式提出的任何反對意見。本協定的每一方在法律允許的最大限度內,不可撤銷地放棄在任何此類法院維持此類訴訟或訴訟的不便法庭的辯護。11.9.4送達法律程序檔案。本合同各方不可撤銷地同意以第11.1款(通知、有效性、電子通信)中規定的方式送達程式檔案。本協定中的任何內容均不影響本協定任何一方以適用法律允許的任何其他方式送達程式的權利。11.10最高合法利率。即使本協定有任何相反規定,如果在任何時候,利率連同構成利息的所有金額,以及根據本協定保留、收取或用作補償因發放、談判或收取RC貸款而附帶的費用、服務或支出的金額,應被具有管轄權的法院、政府機構或仲裁庭視為超過根據適用法律允許貸款人向借款人收取的最高利率,如果該等利息、費用和支出超過適用法律允許的最高金額,則在該利率將被視為過高的時間內,應歸屬於該利率部分的每筆已支付款項中超過如此允許的最高利率的部分應被視為自願預付根據本協定和票據到期的未償還本金金額。如所用




DMS_US.362473592.16-150-每家貸款人承認,根據本協定向其提供的第11.13.1款(保密)中定義的資訊可能包括關於借款人及其關聯方或其各自證券的重要非公開資訊,並確認其已制定關於使用重大非公開資訊的合規程序,並將根據這些程式和適用法律(包括聯盟、省、地區和州證券法)處理此類重大非公開資訊。借款人或代理人根據本協定或在管理過程中提供的所有資訊,包括豁免和修改請求,都將是辛迪加級別的資訊,其中可能包含關於借款人、貸款方及其關聯方或其各自證券的重要非公開資訊。因此,每個貸款人向借款人和代理人表示,它在其行政調查問卷中確定了一個信用聯繫人,根據其合規程序和適用法律(包括聯盟、省、地區和州證券法),貸款人可能會收到可能包含重大非公開資訊的資訊。11.13.3營銷同意。借款人特此授權代理人及其聯屬公司(統稱“代理方”)自行承擔費用,在未經借款人事先批准的情況下,向Gold Sheet和其他類似的銀行貿易出版物提供與RC貸款有關的資訊,該等資訊應包括交易條款,包括(I)借款人的姓名、(Ii)本金貸款金額、(Iii)利率、(Iv)期限和(V)向銀團貸款人支付的承諾費和其他費用、其律師的身分以及通常在該等出版物中可找到的其他資訊。11.14費用;賠償;損害豁免。11.14.1費用和費用。借款人應支付(I)代理人及其附屬公司發生的所有合理的自付費用,包括代理人律師的合理費用、收費和支出(以及可能是代理人僱員的律師的費用、時間費用和支出),與本協定和其他貸款檔案的準備、談判、執行、交付和管理,或任何修訂、重述、修改或免除本協定或本協定的條款(無論據此或據此計劃的交易是否完成),包括與用於聯合或管理信貸安排的任何網站有關的費用,(Ii)開證行在開立、修改、續期或延期信用證或根據信用證要求付款時發生的所有合理的自付費用,(Iii)代理人、任何貸款人或任何開證行發生的所有自付費用,包括代理人、任何貸款人或任何開證行的律師費用、費用和支出(以及費用和時間




DMS_US.362473592.16-154-實際上可以聲明受紐約州和/或美國或美國任何其他州的法律管轄):(A)如果作為受支持的QFC的一方的承保實體(每個,“受保方”)受到美國特別決議制度下的訴訟,則該受支持的QFC的轉讓和該QFC信用支持的利益(以及在該受支持的QFC和該QFC信用支持中或之下的任何權益和義務,如果受支持的QFC和該QFC信用支持(以及財產上的任何該等權益、義務和權利)受美國或美國一個州的法律管轄,則從該受保方獲得該受支持的QFC或該QFC信用支持的任何財產權利的效力將與在美國特別決議制度下的轉移的效力相同。如果承保方或承保方的BHC法案附屬公司根據美國特別決議制度受到訴訟程式,則貸款檔案下可能適用於該受支持的QFC或任何可能對該受承保方行使的QFC信貸支持的違約權利被允許行使的程度不超過美國特別決議制度下可以行使的違約權利,如果受支持的QFC和貸款檔案受美國或美國一個州的法律管轄。在不限制前述規定的情況下,雙方理解並同意,各方關於違約貸款人的權利和補救措施在任何情況下都不影響任何承保方關於受支持的QFC或任何QFC信用支持的權利。(B)在本第11.19節中使用的下列術語具有以下含義:一方的“BHC法案附屬機構”是指該當事方的“附屬機構”(該術語根據美國法典第12編第1841(K)條定義並根據其解釋)。“承保實體”係指下列任何一項:(I)“承保實體”一詞在第12 C.F.R.§252.82(B)中定義並根據其解釋;(Ii)該術語在第12 C.F.R.§47.3(B)中定義並根據其解釋的“承保銀行”;或(Iii)該術語在第12 C.F.R.§382.2(B)中定義並根據其解釋的“承保金融服務機構”。“缺省權利”具有12 C.F.R.第252.81、47.2或382.1節中賦予該術語的含義,並應根據其解釋,視情況而定。“合格財務合同”的含義與“美國法典”第12編第5390(C)(8)(D)條中“合格財務合同”一詞的含義相同。






DMS_US.362473592.16附錄一覽表(證物和附表)附件A格式RC票據(§2.6)附件B格式預付款(RC貸款)(§2.2)附件C格式利息選擇請求(§2.8.4)附件D保留證據E保留證據F-1保留證據F-2(美國借款方)公司間本票保留證據G格式(§8.1.1(L))證據H保留證據I格式官員合規證書(§1.1)附件J分配和假設表格(§11.6.2(D))附件k-1格式的外國貸款人稅務證書(§2.14.6)附件k-2格式的美國稅務合格證書(§2.14.6)附件k-3格式的美國稅務合格證書(§2.14.6)附件k-4格式的(外國貸款人合夥企業)美國稅務合格證書(§2.14.6)附表1.1承諾表1.2現有信用證附表5.1.1組織和資格附表5.1.2股權表5.1.3借款人及其所有子公司的組織結構圖附表5.4記錄,可執行性和同意附表5.7訴訟;遵守法律;OFAC要求附表5.8無負擔協定;材料協定附表5.9財產條件附表5.10知識產權附表5.18 ERISA計劃附表5.22(D)環境附表5.23勞工事務附表5.25現有負債附表8.1.1某些債務附表8.2留置權附表8.6與關聯公司的交易附表8.11稅務合併附表8.30成交後契約

<img src=“https://www.sec.gov/akam/13/pixel_7edab3e7?a=dD0zNjk0MDAyODhlMDk0YzQxOTY4MjJiZDNkODNlNWQwODY3ODRmZWFjJmpzPW9mZg==”Style=“可見性:隱藏;位置:絕對;左側:-999px;頂部:-999px;”/>

DMS_US.362473592.16 -122- First, to payment of that portion of the Secured Obligations constituting fees, expenses (including expenses relating to attorneys' fees and other professionals' fees), indemnities and other amounts due to the Agent in its capacity as such; Second, to payment of that portion of the Secured Obligations constituting fees, expenses (including expenses relating to attorneys' fees and other professionals' fees), and indemnities then due to the Issuing Banks or the Lenders from the Borrower (other than in connection with Banking Services Obligations, Swap Agreement Obligations, or Lender Bilateral Lines); Third, to payment of that portion of the Secured Obligations constituting accrued and unpaid interest, ratably amongst the Secured Parties in proportion to the respective amounts described in this clause "Third" due to them; Fourth, to payment of that portion of the Secured Obligations constituting unpaid principal of the RC Loans, reimbursement obligations under Letters of Credit and to payment of an amount to the Agent equal to 105% of the aggregate LC Exposure, to be held as cash collateral for such Obligations, and to payment of any amounts owing in respect of Banking Services Obligations, Swap Agreement Obligations, and Lender Bilateral Lines up to and including the amount most recently provided to the Agent pursuant to Section 2.20 (Banking Services and Interest Rate Protection Agreements), ratably amongst the Lenders and the Agent in proportion to the respective amounts described in this clause "Fourth" due to them; Fifth, to payment of all other Secured Obligations, ratably amongst the Secured Parties in proportion to the respective amounts described in this clause "Fifth" due to them; and Finally, the balance, if any, after all of the Secured Obligations have been satisfied, to the Borrower or its applicable Subsidiary or as otherwise required by Law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Secured Obligations arising under Banking Services Obligations, Swap Agreement Obligations, or Lender Bilateral Lines shall be excluded from the application described above and paid in clause fourth if the Agent has not received written notice thereof, together with such supporting documentation as the Agent may have reasonably requested from the applicable provider of such Banking Services, Swap Agreements, or Lender Bilateral Lines. ARTICLE 10 AGENCY 10.1 Authorization and Action. (a) Each Lender, on behalf of itself and any of its Affiliates that are Secured Parties, and each Issuing Bank hereby irrevocably appoints the entity named as Agent in the heading of this Agreement and its successors and assigns to serve as the administrative agent and collateral agent under the Loan Documents and each Lender and each Issuing Bank authorizes the Agent to take such actions as agent on its behalf and to exercise such powers under this

DMS_US.362473592.16 -123- Agreement and the other Loan Documents as are delegated to the Agent under such agreements and to exercise such powers as are reasonably incidental thereto. In addition, to the extent required under the laws of any jurisdiction other than within the United States, each Lender and each Issuing Bank hereby grants to the Agent any required powers of attorney to execute and enforce any Loan Document governed by the laws of such jurisdiction on such Lender's or such Issuing Bank's behalf. Without limiting the foregoing, each Lender and each Issuing Bank hereby authorizes the Agent to execute and deliver, and to perform its obligations under, each of the Loan Documents to which the Agent is a party, and to exercise all rights, powers and remedies that the Agent may have under such Loan Documents. (b) As to any matters not expressly provided for herein and in the other Loan Documents (including enforcement or collection), the Agent shall not be required to exercise any discretion or take any action, but shall be required to act or to refrain from acting (and shall be fully protected in so acting or refraining from acting) upon the written instructions of the Requisite Lenders (or such other number or percentage of the Lenders as shall be necessary, pursuant to the terms in the Loan Documents), and, unless and until revoked in writing, such instructions shall be binding upon each Lender and each Issuing Bank; provided, however, that the Agent shall not be required to take any action that (i) the Agent in good faith believes exposes it to liability unless the Agent receives an indemnification and is exculpated in a manner satisfactory to it from the Lenders and the Issuing Banks with respect to such action or (ii) is contrary to this Agreement or any other Loan Document or applicable law, including any action that may be in violation of the automatic stay under any requirement of law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization or relief of debtors or that may effect a forfeiture, modification or termination of property of a Defaulting Lender in violation of any requirement of law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization or relief of debtors; provided, further, that the Agent may seek clarification or direction from the Requisite Lenders prior to the exercise of any such instructed action and may refrain from acting until such clarification or direction has been provided. Except as expressly set forth in the Loan Documents, the Agent shall not have any duty to disclose, and shall not be liable for the failure to disclose, any information relating to the Borrower, any other Loan Party, any Subsidiary or any Affiliate of any of the foregoing that is communicated to or obtained by the Person serving as Agent or any of its Affiliates in any capacity. Nothing in this Agreement shall require the Agent to expend or risk its own funds or otherwise incur any financial liability in the performance of any of its duties hereunder or in the exercise of any of its rights or powers if it shall have reasonable grounds for believing that repayment of such funds or adequate indemnity against such risk or liability is not reasonably assured to it. (c) In performing its functions and duties hereunder and under the other Loan Documents, the Agent is acting solely on behalf of the Lenders and the Issuing Banks (except in limited circumstances expressly provided for herein relating to the maintenance of the Register), and its duties are entirely mechanical and administrative in nature. The motivations of the Agent are commercial in nature and not to invest in the general performance or operations of the Borrower. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing: (i) the Agent does not assume and shall not be deemed to have assumed any obligation or duty or any other relationship as the agent, fiduciary or trustee of or for any Lender, any Issuing Bank, any other Secured Party or holder of any other obligation other than as expressly set forth herein and in the other Loan Documents, regardless of whether a Default or

DMS_US.362473592.16 -124- an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing (and it is understood and agreed that the use of the term "agent" (or any similar term) herein or in any other Loan Document with reference to the Agent is not intended to connote any fiduciary duty or other implied (or express) obligations arising under agency doctrine of any applicable law, and that such term is used as a matter of market custom and is intended to create or reflect only an administrative relationship between contracting parties); additionally, each Lender agrees that it will not assert any claim against the Agent based on an alleged breach of fiduciary duty by the Agent in connection with this Agreement and/or the transactions contemplated hereby; and (ii) nothing in this Agreement or any Loan Document shall require the Agent to account to any Lender for any sum or the profit element of any sum received by the Agent for its own account. (d) The Agent may perform any of its duties and exercise its rights and powers hereunder or under any other Loan Document by or through any one or more sub-agents appointed by the Agent. The Agent and any such sub-agent may perform any of their respective duties and exercise their respective rights and powers through their respective Related Parties. The exculpatory provisions of this Article shall apply to any such sub-agent and to the Related Parties of the Agent and any such sub-agent, and shall apply to their respective activities pursuant to this Agreement. The Agent shall not be responsible for the negligence or misconduct of any sub-agent except to the extent that a court of competent jurisdiction determines in a final and non-appealable judgment that the Agent acted with gross negligence or willful misconduct in the selection of such sub-agent. (e) No Co-Arranger shall have obligations or duties whatsoever in such capacity under this Agreement or any other Loan Document and shall incur no liability hereunder or thereunder in such capacity, but all such persons shall have the benefit of the indemnities provided for hereunder. (f) In case of the pendency of any proceeding with respect to any Loan Party under any federal, state or foreign bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar law now or hereafter in effect, the Agent (irrespective of whether the principal of any Loan or any reimbursement obligation in respect of any LC Disbursement shall then be due and payable as herein expressed or by declaration or otherwise and irrespective of whether the Agent shall have made any demand on the Borrower) shall be entitled and empowered (but not obligated) by intervention in such proceeding or otherwise: (i) to file and prove a claim for the whole amount of the principal and interest owing and unpaid in respect of the Loans, LC Disbursements and all other Obligations that are owing and unpaid and to file such other documents as may be necessary or advisable in order to have the claims of the Lenders, the Issuing Banks and the Agent (including any claim under Sections 2.8 (Fees to Lenders), 2.9 (Interest), 2.10 (Increased Costs; Unavailability), 2.14 (Taxes), and 11.14 (Expenses; Indemnity; Damage Waiver)) allowed in such judicial proceeding; and (ii) to collect and receive any monies or other property payable or deliverable on any such claims and to distribute the same;

DMS_US.362473592.16 -125- and any custodian, receiver, assignee, trustee, liquidator, sequestrator or other similar official in any such proceeding is hereby authorized by each Lender, each Issuing Bank and each other Secured Party to make such payments to the Agent and, in the event that the Agent shall consent to the making of such payments directly to the Lenders, the Issuing Banks or the other Secured Parties, to pay to the Agent any amount due to it, in its capacity as the Agent, under the Loan Documents (including under Section 11.14 (Expenses; Indemnity; Damage Waiver)). Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to authorize the Agent to authorize or consent to or accept or adopt on behalf of any Lender or Issuing Bank any plan of reorganization, arrangement, adjustment or composition affecting the Obligations or the rights of any Lender or Issuing Bank or to authorize the Agent to vote in respect of the claim of any Lender or Issuing Bank in any such proceeding. (g) The provisions of this Article are solely for the benefit of the Agent, the Lenders and the Issuing Banks, and, except solely to the extent of the Borrower's rights to consent pursuant to and subject to the conditions set forth in this Article, none of the Borrower or any Subsidiary, or any of their respective Affiliates, shall have any rights as a third party beneficiary under any such provisions. Each Secured Party, whether or not a party hereto, will be deemed, by its acceptance of the benefits of the Collateral and of the Guaranty of the Secured Obligations provided under the Loan Documents, to have agreed to the provisions of this Article. 10.2 Agent's Reliance, Limitation of Liability, Etc. (a) Neither the Agent nor any of its Related Parties shall be (i) liable for any action taken or omitted to be taken by such party, the Agent or any of its Related Parties under or in connection with this Agreement or the other Loan Documents (x) with the consent of or at the request of the Requisite Lenders (or such other number or percentage of the Lenders as shall be necessary, or as the Agent shall believe in good faith to be necessary, under the circumstances as provided in the Loan Documents) or (y) in the absence of its own gross negligence or willful misconduct (such absence to be presumed unless otherwise determined by a court of competent jurisdiction by a final and non-appealable judgment) or (ii) responsible in any manner to any of the Lenders for any recitals, statements, representations or warranties made by any Loan Party or any officer thereof contained in this Agreement or any other Loan Document or in any certificate, report, statement or other document referred to or provided for in, or received by the Agent under or in connection with, this Agreement or any other Loan Document or for the value, validity, effectiveness, genuineness, enforceability or sufficiency of this Agreement or any other Loan Document (including, for the avoidance of doubt, in connection with the Agent's reliance on any Electronic Signature transmitted by telecopy, emailed pdf. or any other electronic means that reproduces an image of an actual executed signature page) or for any failure of any Loan Party to perform its obligations hereunder or thereunder. (b) The Agent shall be deemed not to have knowledge of any (i) notice of any of the events or circumstances set forth or described in Sections 6.2 (Notice of Defaults), 6.3 (Notice of Disputes and Other Matters), or 6.4 (ERISA Notices) unless and until written notice thereof stating that it is a notice under such applicable Section in respect of this Agreement and identifying the specific clause under said Section is given to the Agent by the Borrower, or (ii) notice of any Default or Event of Default unless and until written notice thereof (stating that it is a "notice of Default" or a "notice of an Event of Default") is given to the Agent by the Borrower, a Lender or an Issuing Bank. Further, the Agent shall not be responsible for or have any duty to

DMS_US.362473592.16 -126- ascertain or inquire into (i) any statement, warranty or representation made in or in connection with any Loan Document, (ii) the contents of any certificate, report or other document delivered thereunder or in connection therewith, (iii) the performance or observance of any of the covenants, agreements or other terms or conditions set forth in any Loan Document or the occurrence of any Default or Event of Default, (iv) the sufficiency, validity, enforceability, effectiveness or genuineness of any Loan Document or any other agreement, instrument or document, (v) the satisfaction of any condition set forth in Article 4 or elsewhere in any Loan Document, other than to confirm receipt of items (which on their face purport to be such items) expressly required to be delivered to the Agent or satisfaction of any condition that expressly refers to the matters described therein being acceptable or satisfactory to the Agent, or (vi) the creation, perfection or priority of Liens on the Collateral. (c) Without limiting the foregoing, the Agent (i) may treat the payee of any promissory note as its holder until such promissory note has been assigned in accordance with Section 11.6 (Successors and Assigns), (ii) may rely on the Register to the extent set forth in Section 11.6 (Successors and Assigns), (iii) may consult with legal counsel (including counsel to the Borrower), independent public accountants and other experts selected by it, and shall not be liable for any action taken or omitted to be taken in good faith by it in accordance with the advice of such counsel, accountants or experts, (iv) makes no warranty or representation to any Lender or Issuing Bank and shall not be responsible to any Lender or Issuing Bank for any statements, warranties or representations made by or on behalf of any Loan Party in connection with this Agreement or any other Loan Document, (v) in determining compliance with any condition hereunder to the making of a Loan, or the issuance of a Letter of Credit, that by its terms must be fulfilled to the satisfaction of a Lender or an Issuing Bank, may presume that such condition is satisfactory to such Lender or Issuing Bank unless the Agent shall have received notice to the contrary from such Lender or Issuing Bank sufficiently in advance of the making of such Loan or the issuance of such Letter of Credit and (vi) shall be entitled to rely on, and shall incur no liability under or in respect of this Agreement or any other Loan Document by acting upon, any notice, consent, certificate or other instrument or writing (which writing may be a fax, any electronic message, Internet or intranet website posting or other distribution) or any statement made to it orally or by telephone and believed by it to be genuine and signed or sent or otherwise authenticated by the proper party or parties (whether or not such Person in fact meets the requirements set forth in the Loan Documents for being the maker thereof). 10.3 Posting of Communications. (a) The Borrower agrees that the Agent may, but shall not be obligated to, make any Communications available to the Lenders and the Issuing Banks by posting the Communications on IntraLinks™, DebtDomain, SyndTrak, ClearPar or via email or any other electronic system chosen by the Agent to be its electronic transmission system (the "Approved Electronic Platform"). (b) Although the Approved Electronic Platform and its primary web portal are secured with generally-applicable security procedures and policies implemented or modified by the Agent from time to time (including, as of the Closing Date, a user ID/password authorization system) and the Approved Electronic Platform is secured through a per-deal authorization method whereby each user may access the Approved Electronic Platform only on a

DMS_US.362473592.16 -127- deal-by-deal basis, each of the Lenders, each of the Issuing Banks and the Borrower acknowledges and agrees that the distribution of material through an electronic medium is not necessarily secure, that the Agent is not responsible for approving or vetting the representatives or contacts of any Lender that are added to the Approved Electronic Platform, and that there may be confidentiality and other risks associated with such distribution. Each of the Lenders, each of the Issuing Banks and the Borrower hereby approves distribution of the Communications through the Approved Electronic Platform and understands and assumes the risks of such distribution. (c) THE APPROVED ELECTRONIC PLATFORM AND THE COMMUNICATIONS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE". THE APPLICABLE PARTIES (AS DEFINED BELOW) DO NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE COMMUNICATIONS, OR THE ADEQUACY OF THE APPROVED ELECTRONIC PLATFORM AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM LIABILITY FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THE APPROVED ELECTRONIC PLATFORM AND THE COMMUNICATIONS. NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS OR FREEDOM FROM VIRUSES OR OTHER CODE DEFECTS, IS MADE BY THE APPLICABLE PARTIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMMUNICATIONS OR THE APPROVED ELECTRONIC PLATFORM. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AGENT, ANY CO- ARRANGER, OR ANY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE RELATED PARTIES (COLLECTIVELY, "APPLICABLE PARTIES") HAVE ANY LIABILITY TO ANY LOAN PARTY, ANY LENDER, ANY ISSUING BANK OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING DIRECT OR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSSES OR EXPENSES (WHETHER IN TORT, CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE) ARISING OUT OF ANY LOAN PARTY'S OR THE AGENT'S TRANSMISSION OF COMMUNICATIONS THROUGH THE INTERNET OR THE APPROVED ELECTRONIC PLATFORM. (d) Each Lender and each Issuing Bank agrees that notice to it (as provided in the next sentence) specifying that Communications have been posted to the Approved Electronic Platform shall constitute effective delivery of the Communications to such Lender for purposes of the Loan Documents. Each Lender and Issuing Bank agrees (i) to notify the Agent in writing (which could be in the form of electronic communication) from time to time of such Lender's or Issuing Bank's (as applicable) email address to which the foregoing notice may be sent by electronic transmission and (ii) that the foregoing notice may be sent to such email address. 10.3.2 Each of the Lenders, each of the Issuing Banks and the Borrower agrees that the Agent may, but (except as may be required by applicable law) shall not be obligated to, store the Communications on the Approved Electronic Platform in accordance with the Agent's generally applicable document retention procedures and policies. 10.3.3 Nothing herein shall prejudice the right of the Agent, any Lender or any Issuing Bank to give any notice or other communication pursuant to any Loan Document in any other manner specified in such Loan Document.

DMS_US.362473592.16 -128- 10.4 The Agent Individually. With respect to its Commitment, Loans and Letters of Credit, the Person serving as the Agent shall have and may exercise the same rights and powers hereunder and is subject to the same obligations and liabilities as and to the extent set forth herein for any other Lender or Issuing Bank, as the case may be. The terms "Issuing Banks", "Lenders", "Requisite Lenders" and any similar terms shall, unless the context clearly otherwise indicates, include the Agent in its individual capacity as a Lender, Issuing Bank or as one of the Requisite Lenders, as applicable. The Person serving as the Agent and its Affiliates may accept deposits from, lend money to, own securities of, act as the financial advisor or in any other advisory capacity for and generally engage in any kind of banking, trust or other business with, any Loan Party, any Subsidiary or any Affiliate of any of the foregoing as if such Person was not acting as the Agent and without any duty to account therefor to the Lenders or the Issuing Banks. 10.5 Successor Agent. (a) The Agent may resign at any time by giving thirty (30) days' prior written notice thereof to the Lenders, the Issuing Banks and the Borrower, whether or not a successor Agent has been appointed. Upon any such resignation, the Requisite Lenders shall have the right to appoint a successor Agent. If no successor Agent shall have been so appointed by the Requisite Lenders, and shall have accepted such appointment, within thirty (30) days after the retiring Agent's giving of notice of resignation, then the retiring Agent may, on behalf of the Lenders and the Issuing Banks, appoint a successor Agent, which shall be a bank with an office in New York, New York or an Affiliate of any such bank. In either case, such appointment shall be subject to the prior written approval of the Borrower (which approval may not be unreasonably withheld and shall not be required while an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing). Upon the acceptance of any appointment as Agent by a successor Agent, such successor Agent shall succeed to, and become vested with, all the rights, powers, privileges and duties of the retiring Agent. Upon the acceptance of appointment as Agent by a successor Agent, the retiring Agent shall be discharged from its duties and obligations under this Agreement and the other Loan Documents. Prior to any retiring Agent's resignation hereunder as Agent, the retiring Agent shall take such action as may be reasonably necessary to assign to the successor Agent its rights as Agent under the Loan Documents. (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this Section 10.5, in the event no successor Agent shall have been so appointed and shall have accepted such appointment within thirty (30) days after the retiring Agent gives notice of its intent to resign, the retiring Agent may give notice of the effectiveness of its resignation to the Lenders, the Issuing Banks and the Borrower, whereupon, on the date of effectiveness of such resignation stated in such notice, (i) the retiring Agent shall be discharged from its duties and obligations hereunder and under the other Loan Documents; provided that, solely for purposes of maintaining any security interest granted to the Agent under any Loan Document for the benefit of the Secured Parties, the retiring Agent shall continue to be vested with such security interest as collateral agent for the benefit of the Secured Parties, and continue to be entitled to the rights set forth in such Loan Document, and, in the case of any Collateral in the possession of the Agent, shall continue to hold such Collateral, in each case until such time as a successor Agent is appointed and accepts such appointment in accordance with this Section 10.5 (it being understood and agreed that the retiring Agent shall have no duty or obligation to take any further action under any Loan Document, including any action required to maintain the perfection of any such security interest), and (ii) the Requisite

DMS_US.362473592.16 -129- Lenders shall succeed to and become vested with all the rights, powers, privileges and duties of the retiring Agent; provided that (A) all payments required to be made hereunder or under any other Loan Document to the Agent for the account of any Person other than the Agent shall be made directly to such Person and (B) all notices and other communications required or contemplated to be given or made to the Agent shall directly be given or made to each Lender and each Issuing Bank. Following the effectiveness of the Agent's resignation from its capacity as such, the provisions of this ARTICLE 10, Subsection 2.14.3 (Indemnification by Borrower) and Section 11.14 (Expenses; Indemnity; Damage Waiver), as well as any exculpatory, reimbursement and indemnification provisions set forth herein or in any other Loan Document, shall continue in effect for the benefit of such retiring Agent, its sub-agents and their respective Related Parties in respect of any actions taken or omitted to be taken by any of them while the retiring Agent was acting as Agent and in respect of the matters referred to in the proviso under paragraph (a) above. 10.6 Acknowledgements of Lenders and Issuing Banks. (a) Each Lender and each Issuing Bank represents and warrants that (i) the Loan Documents set forth the terms of a commercial lending facility, (ii) in participating as a Lender, it is engaged in making, acquiring or holding commercial loans and in providing other facilities set forth herein as may be applicable to such Lender or Issuing Bank, in each case in the ordinary course of business, and not for the purpose of investing in the general performance or operations of the Borrower, or for the purpose of purchasing, acquiring or holding any other type of financial instrument such as a security (and each Lender and each Issuing Bank agrees not to assert a claim in contravention of the foregoing, such as a claim under the federal or state securities laws), (iii) it has, independently and without reliance upon the Agent, any Co-Arranger, or any other Lender or Issuing Bank, or any of the Related Parties of any of the foregoing, and based on such documents and information as it has deemed appropriate, made its own credit analysis and decision to enter into this Agreement as a Lender, and to make, acquire or hold Loans hereunder and (iv) it is sophisticated with respect to decisions to make, acquire and/or hold commercial loans and to provide other facilities set forth herein, as may be applicable to such Lender or such Issuing Bank, and either it, or the Person exercising discretion in making its decision to make, acquire and/or hold such commercial loans or to provide such other facilities, is experienced in making, acquiring or holding such commercial loans or providing such other facilities. Each Lender and each Issuing Bank also acknowledges that it will, independently and without reliance upon the Agent, any Co-Arranger, or any other Lender or Issuing Bank, or any of the Related Parties of any of the foregoing, and based on such documents and information (which may contain material, non- public information within the meaning of the United States securities laws concerning the Borrower and its Affiliates) as it shall from time to time deem appropriate, continue to make its own decisions in taking or not taking action under or based upon this Agreement, any other Loan Document or any related agreement or any document furnished hereunder or thereunder. (b) Each Lender, by delivering its signature page to this Agreement on the Closing Date, or delivering its signature page to an Assignment and Assumption or any other Loan Document pursuant to which it shall become a Lender hereunder, shall be deemed to have acknowledged receipt of, and consented to and approved, each Loan Document and each other document required to be delivered to, or be approved by or satisfactory to, the Agent or the Lenders on the Closing Date or the effective date of any such Assignment and Assumption or any other Loan Document pursuant to which it shall have become a Lender hereunder.

DMS_US.362473592.16 -130- (c) Each Lender and Issuing Bank hereby agrees that (x) if the Agent notifies such Lender or Issuing Bank that the Agent has determined in its sole discretion that any funds received by such Lender or Issuing Bank from the Agent or any of its Affiliates (whether as a payment, prepayment or repayment of principal, interest, fees or otherwise; individually and collectively, a "Payment") were erroneously transmitted to such Lender or Issuing Bank (whether or not known to such Lender or Issuing Bank), and demands the return of such Payment (or a portion thereof), such Lender or Issuing Bank shall promptly, but in no event later than one (1) Business Day thereafter (or such later date as the Agent may, in its sole discretion, specify in writing, return to the Agent the amount of any such Payment (or portion thereof) as to which such a demand was made in same day funds, together with interest thereon (except to the extent waived in writing by the Agent) in respect of each day from and including the date such Payment (or portion thereof) was received by such Lender or Issuing Bank to the date such amount is repaid to the Agent at the greater of the NYFRB Rate and a rate determined by the Agent in accordance with banking industry rules on interbank compensation from time to time in effect, and (y) to the extent permitted by applicable law, such Lender or Issuing Bank shall not assert, and hereby waives, as to the Agent, any claim, counterclaim, defense or right of set-off or recoupment with respect to any demand, claim or counterclaim by the Agent for the return of any Payments received, including without limitation any defense based on "discharge for value" or any similar doctrine. A notice of the Agent to any Lender or Issuing Bank under this Section 10.6 (Acknowledgements of Lenders and Issuing Banks) shall be conclusive, absent manifest error. (d) Each Lender and Issuing Bank hereby further agrees that if it receives a Payment from the Agent or any of its Affiliates (x) that is in a different amount than, or on a different date from, that specified in a notice of payment sent by the Agent (or any of its Affiliates) with respect to such Payment (a "Payment Notice") or (y) that was not preceded or accompanied by a Payment Notice, it shall be on notice, in each such case, that an error has been made with respect to such Payment. Each Lender and Issuing Bank agrees that, in each such case, or if it otherwise becomes aware a Payment (or portion thereof) may have been sent in error, such Lender or Issuing Bank shall promptly notify the Agent of such occurrence and, upon demand from the Agent, it shall promptly, but in no event later than one (1) Business Day thereafter (or such later date as the Agent may, in its sole discretion, specify in writing), return to the Agent the amount of any such Payment (or portion thereof) as to which such a demand was made in same day funds, together with interest thereon (except to the extent waived in writing by the Agent) in respect of each day from and including the date such Payment (or portion thereof) was received by such Lender or Issuing Bank to the date such amount is repaid to the Agent at the greater of the NYFRB Rate and a rate determined by the Agent in accordance with banking industry rules on interbank compensation from time to time in effect. (e) The Borrower and each other Loan Party hereby agrees that (x) in the event an erroneous Payment (or portion thereof) are not recovered from any Lender or Issuing Bank or Issuing Bank that has received such Payment (or portion thereof) for any reason, the Agent shall be subrogated to all the rights of such Lender or Issuing Bank with respect to such amount and (y) an erroneous Payment shall not pay, prepay, repay, discharge or otherwise satisfy any Obligations owed by the Borrower or any other Loan Party. (f) Each party's obligations under this Section 10.6 (Acknowledgements of Lenders and Issuing Banks) shall survive the resignation or replacement of the Agent or any

DMS_US.362473592.16 -131- transfer of rights or obligations by, or the replacement of, a Lender or Issuing Bank, the termination of the Commitments or the repayment, satisfaction or discharge of all Obligations under any Loan Document. (g) Each Lender hereby agrees that (i) it has requested a copy of each Report prepared by or on behalf of the Agent; (ii) the Agent (A) makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the completeness or accuracy of any Report or any of the information contained therein or any inaccuracy or omission contained in or relating to a Report and (B) shall not be liable for any information contained in any Report; (iii) the Reports are not comprehensive audits or examinations, and that any Person performing any field examination will inspect only specific information regarding the Loan Parties and will rely significantly upon the Loan Parties' books and records, as well as on representations of the Loan Parties' personnel and that the Agent undertakes no obligation to update, correct or supplement the Reports; (iv) it will keep all Reports confidential and strictly for its internal use, not share the Report with any Loan Party or any other Person except as otherwise permitted pursuant to this Agreement; and (v) without limiting the generality of any other indemnification provision contained in this Agreement, (A) it will hold the Agent and any such other Person preparing a Report harmless from any action the indemnifying Lender may take or conclusion the indemnifying Lender may reach or draw from any Report in connection with any extension of credit that the indemnifying Lender has made or may make to the Borrower, or the indemnifying Lender's participation in, or the indemnifying Lender's purchase of, a Loan or Loans; and (B) it will pay and protect, and indemnify, defend, and hold the Agent and any such other Person preparing a Report harmless from and against, the claims, actions, proceedings, damages, costs, expenses, and other amounts (including reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred by the Agent or any such other Person as the direct or indirect result of any third parties who might obtain all or part of any Report through the indemnifying Lender. 10.7 Collateral Matters. (a) Except with respect to the exercise of setoff rights in accordance with Section 11.11 (Right of Setoff) or with respect to a Secured Party's right to file a proof of claim in an insolvency proceeding, no Secured Party shall have any right individually to realize upon any of the Collateral or to enforce any Guaranty of the Secured Obligations, it being understood and agreed that all powers, rights and remedies under the Loan Documents may be exercised solely by the Agent on behalf of the Secured Parties in accordance with the terms thereof. In its capacity, the Agent is a "representative" of the Secured Parties within the meaning of the term "secured party" as defined in the UCC. In the event that any Collateral is hereafter pledged by any Person as collateral security for the Secured Obligations, the Agent is hereby authorized, and hereby granted a power of attorney, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Secured Parties any Loan Documents necessary or appropriate to grant and perfect a Lien on such Collateral in favor of the Agent on behalf of the Secured Parties. (b) In furtherance of the foregoing and not in limitation thereof, no arrangements in respect of Banking Services or Lender Bilateral Lines the obligations under which constitute Secured Obligations and no Swap Agreement the obligations under which constitute Secured Obligations, will create (or be deemed to create) in favor of any Secured Party that is a party thereto any rights in connection with the management or release of any Collateral or of the

DMS_US.362473592.16 -132- obligations of any Loan Party under any Loan Document. By accepting the benefits of the Collateral, each Secured Party that is a party to any Swap Agreement or any such arrangement in respect of Banking Services or Lender Bilateral Lines, as applicable, shall be deemed to have appointed the Agent to serve as Agent and collateral agent under the Loan Documents and agreed to be bound by the Loan Documents as a Secured Party thereunder, subject to the limitations set forth in this paragraph. (c) The Secured Parties irrevocably authorize the Agent, at its option and in its discretion, to subordinate any Lien on any property granted to or held by the Agent under any Loan Document to the holder of any Lien on such property that is permitted by clauses (c), (d), (e), (f), (i), or (j) of Subsection 8.2.1 (Liens; and Licenses – In General). The Agent shall not be responsible for or have a duty to ascertain or inquire into any representation or warranty regarding the existence, value or collectability of the Collateral, the existence, priority or perfection of the Agent's Lien thereon or any certificate prepared by any Loan Party in connection therewith, nor shall the Agent be responsible or liable to the Lenders or any other Secured Party for any failure to monitor or maintain any portion of the Collateral. 10.8 Credit Bidding. The Secured Parties hereby irrevocably authorize the Agent, at the direction of the Requisite Lenders, to credit bid all or any portion of the Obligations (including by accepting some or all of the Collateral in satisfaction of some or all of the Obligations pursuant to a deed in lieu of foreclosure or otherwise) and in such manner purchase (either directly or through one or more acquisition vehicles) all or any portion of the Collateral (a) at any sale thereof conducted under the provisions of the Bankruptcy Code of the United States, including under Sections 363, 1123 or 1129 of the Bankruptcy Code of the United States, or any similar laws in any other jurisdictions to which a Loan Party is subject, or (b) at any other sale, foreclosure or acceptance of collateral in lieu of debt conducted by (or with the consent or at the direction of) the Agent (whether by judicial action or otherwise) in accordance with any applicable law. In connection with any such credit bid and purchase, the Obligations owed to the Secured Parties shall be entitled to be, and shall be, credit bid by the Agent at the direction of the Requisite Lenders on a ratable basis (with Obligations with respect to contingent or unliquidated claims receiving contingent interests in the acquired assets on a ratable basis that shall vest upon the liquidation of such claims in an amount proportional to the liquidated portion of the contingent claim amount used in allocating the contingent interests) for the asset or assets so purchased (or for the equity interests or debt instruments of the acquisition vehicle or vehicles that are issued in connection with such purchase). In connection with any such bid (i) the Agent shall be authorized to form one or more acquisition vehicles and to assign any successful credit bid to such acquisition vehicle or vehicles (ii) each of the Secured Parties' ratable interests in the Obligations which were credit bid shall be deemed without any further action under this Agreement to be assigned to such vehicle or vehicles for the purpose of closing such sale, (iii) the Agent shall be authorized to adopt documents providing for the governance of the acquisition vehicle or vehicles (provided that any actions by the Agent with respect to such acquisition vehicle or vehicles, including any disposition of the assets or equity interests thereof, shall be governed, directly or indirectly, by, and the governing documents shall provide for, control by the vote of the Requisite Lenders or their permitted assignees under the terms of this Agreement or the governing documents of the applicable acquisition vehicle or vehicles, as the case may be, irrespective of the termination of this Agreement and without giving effect to the limitations on actions by the Requisite Lenders contained in Section 11.5 (Amendments, Waivers and Consents) of this Agreement), (iv) the Agent

DMS_US.362473592.16 -133- on behalf of such acquisition vehicle or vehicles shall be authorized to issue to each of the Secured Parties, ratably on account of the relevant Obligations which were credit bid, interests, whether as equity, partnership interests, limited partnership interests or membership interests, in any such acquisition vehicle and/or debt instruments issued by such acquisition vehicle, all without the need for any Secured Party or acquisition vehicle to take any further action, and (v) to the extent that Obligations that are assigned to an acquisition vehicle are not used to acquire Collateral for any reason (as a result of another bid being higher or better, because the amount of Obligations assigned to the acquisition vehicle exceeds the amount of Obligations credit bid by the acquisition vehicle or otherwise), such Obligations shall automatically be reassigned to the Secured Parties pro rata with their original interest in such Obligations and the equity interests and/or debt instruments issued by any acquisition vehicle on account of such Obligations shall automatically be cancelled, without the need for any Secured Party or any acquisition vehicle to take any further action. Notwithstanding that the ratable portion of the Obligations of each Secured Party are deemed assigned to the acquisition vehicle or vehicles as set forth in clause (ii) above, each Secured Party shall execute such documents and provide such information regarding the Secured Party (and/or any designee of the Secured Party which will receive interests in or debt instruments issued by such acquisition vehicle) as the Agent may reasonably request in connection with the formation of any acquisition vehicle, the formulation or submission of any credit bid or the consummation of the transactions contemplated by such credit bid. 10.9 Certain ERISA Matters. (a) Each Lender (x) represents and warrants, as of the date such Person became a Lender party hereto, to, and (y) covenants, from the date such Person became a Lender party hereto to the date such Person ceases being a Lender party hereto, for the benefit of, the Agent, and each Co-Arranger and their respective Affiliates, and not, for the avoidance of doubt, to or for the benefit of the Borrower or any other Loan Party, that at least one of the following is and will be true: (i) such Lender is not using "plan assets" (within the meaning of the Plan Asset Regulations) of one or more Benefit Plans in connection with the Loans, the Letters of Credit or the Commitments, (ii) the transaction exemption set forth in one or more PTEs, such as PTE 84-14 (a class exemption for certain transactions determined by independent qualified professional asset managers), PTE 95-60 (a class exemption for certain transactions involving insurance company general accounts), PTE 90-1 (a class exemption for certain transactions involving insurance company pooled separate accounts), PTE 91-38 (a class exemption for certain transactions involving bank collective investment funds) or PTE 96-23 (a class exemption for certain transactions determined by in-house asset managers), is applicable with respect to such Lender's entrance into, participation in, administration of and performance of the Loans, the Letters of Credit, the Commitments and this Agreement, (iii) (A) such Lender is an investment fund managed by a "Qualified Professional Asset Manager" (within the meaning of Part VI of PTE 84-14), (B) such Qualified Professional Asset Manager made the investment decision on behalf of such Lender to enter into, participate in, administer and perform the Loans, the Letters of Credit, the Commitments

DMS_US.362473592.16 -134- and this Agreement, (C) the entrance into, participation in, administration of and performance of the Loans, the Letters of Credit, the Commitments and this Agreement satisfies the requirements of sub-sections (b) through (g) of Part I of PTE 84-14 and (D) to the best knowledge of such Lender, the requirements of subsection (a) of Part I of PTE 84-14 are satisfied with respect to such Lender's entrance into, participation in, administration of and performance of the Loans, the Letters of Credit, the Commitments and this Agreement, or (iv) such other representation, warranty and covenant as may be agreed in writing between the Agent, in its sole discretion, and such Lender. (b) In addition, unless sub-clause (i) in the immediately preceding clause (a) is true with respect to a Lender or such Lender has provided another representation, warranty and covenant as provided in sub-clause (iv) in the immediately preceding clause (a), such Lender further (x) represents and warrants, as of the date such Person became a Lender party hereto, to, and (y) covenants, from the date such Person became a Lender party hereto to the date such Person ceases being a Lender party hereto, for the benefit of, the Agent, each Co-Arranger and their respective Affiliates, and not, for the avoidance of doubt, to or for the benefit of the Borrower or any other Loan Party, that none of the Agent, any Co-Arranger or any of their respective Affiliates is a fiduciary with respect to the Collateral or the assets of such Lender (including in connection with the reservation or exercise of any rights by the Agent under this Agreement, any Loan Document or any documents related to hereto or thereto). (c) The Agent and each Co-Arranger hereby informs the Lenders that each such Person is not undertaking to provide investment advice or to give advice in a fiduciary capacity, in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, and that such Person has a financial interest in the transactions contemplated hereby in that such Person or an Affiliate thereof (i) may receive interest or other payments with respect to the Loans, the Letters of Credit, the Commitments, this Agreement and any other Loan Documents (ii) may recognize a gain if it extended the Loans, the Letters of Credit or the Commitments for an amount less than the amount being paid for an interest in the Loans, the Letters of Credit or the Commitments by such Lender or (iii) may receive fees or other payments in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, the Loan Documents or otherwise, including structuring fees, commitment fees, arrangement fees, facility fees, upfront fees, underwriting fees, ticking fees, agency fees, administrative agent or collateral agent fees, utilization fees, minimum usage fees, letter of credit fees, fronting fees, deal-away or alternate transaction fees, amendment fees, processing fees, term out premiums, banker's acceptance fees, breakage or other early termination fees or fees similar to the foregoing. 10.10 Flood Laws. JPM has adopted internal policies and procedures that address requirements placed on federally regulated lenders under applicable Flood Laws. JPM, as administrative agent or collateral agent on a syndicated facility, will post on the applicable electronic platform (or otherwise distribute to each Lender in the syndicate) documents that it receives in connection with the Flood Laws. However, JPM reminds each Lender and Participant in the facility that, pursuant to the Flood Laws, each federally regulated Lender (whether acting as a Lender or Participant in the facility) is responsible for assuring its own compliance with the flood insurance requirements.

DMS_US.362473592.16 -135- 10.11 Borrower Communications. (a) The Agent, the Lenders and the Issuing Banks agree that, pursuant to procedures approved by the Agent, the Borrower may, but shall not be obligated to, make any Borrower Communications to the Agent through an electronic platform (including email) chosen by the Agent to be its electronic transmission system (the "Approved Borrower Portal"). As used in this Section 10.11, "Borrower Communications" means, collectively, any Borrowing Request, Interest Election Request, notice of prepayment, notice requesting the issuance, amendment or extension of a Letter of Credit or other notice, demand, communication, information, document or other material provided by or on behalf of any Loan Party pursuant to any Loan Document or the transactions contemplated therein which is distributed by the Borrower to the Agent through an Approved Borrower Portal, in each case to the extent arrangements for doing so have been approved by the Agent. (b) Although the Approved Borrower Portal and its primary web portal are secured with generally-applicable security procedures and policies implemented or modified by the Agent from time to time (including, as of the Closing Date, a user ID/password authorization system), each Lender, each Issuing Bank, and the Borrower acknowledges and agrees that (i) the distribution of material through an electronic medium is not necessarily secure, (ii) the Agent is not responsible for approving or vetting administrators, representatives, or contacts of the Borrower added to the Approved Borrower Portal, and (iii) there may be confidentiality and other risks associated with such distribution. Each Lender, each Issuing Bank, and the Borrower hereby approves distribution of Borrower Communications through the Approved Borrower Portal and understands and assumes the risks of such distribution. (c) THE APPROVED BORROWER PORTAL IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE". THE APPLICABLE PARTIES DO NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE BORROWER COMMUNICATIONS, OR THE ADEQUACY OF THE APPROVED BORROWER PORTAL AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM LIABILITY FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THE APPROVED BORROWER PORTAL AND THE BORROWER COMMUNICATIONS. NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS OR FREEDOM FROM VIRUSES OR OTHER CODE DEFECTS, IS MADE BY THE APPLICABLE PARTIES IN CONNECTION WITH THE BORROWER COMMUNICATIONS OR THE APPROVED BORROWER PORTAL. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APPLICABLE PARTIES HAVE ANY LIABILITY TO ANY LOAN PARTY, ANY LENDER, ANY ISSUING BANK OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING DIRECT OR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSSES OR EXPENSES (WHETHER IN TORT, CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE) ARISING OUT OF THE BORROWER'S TRANSMISSION OF BORROWER COMMUNICATIONS THROUGH THE INTERNET OR THE APPROVED BORROWER PORTAL. (d) Each Lender, each Issuing Bank and the Borrower agrees that the Agent may, but (except as may be required by applicable law) shall not be obligated to, store the Borrower Communications on the Approved Borrower Portal in accordance with the Agent's generally applicable document retention procedures and policies.

DMS_US.362473592.16 -136- (e) Nothing herein shall prejudice the right of the Borrower to give any notice or other communication pursuant to any Loan Document in any other manner specified in such Loan Document. ARTICLE 11 MISCELLANEOUS 11.1 Notices; Effectiveness; Electronic Communication. 11.1.1 Notices Generally. Except in the case of notices and other communications expressly permitted to be given by telephone, Electronic System or the Approved Borrower Portal (and subject in each case to Subsection 11.1.2 (Electronic Communications), all notices and other communications provided for herein shall be in writing and shall be delivered by hand or overnight courier service, mailed by certified or registered mail or sent by fax or email, as follows: (a) if to the Borrower or any Loan Party, to it at: Vishay Precision Group 3 Great Valley Parkway, Suite 150 Malvern, PA 19355 Attention: Steven Klausner, Treasurer Fax No.: 484-696-3533 Telephone No.: 484-321-5307 Email: Steven.Klausner@VPGSensors.com with a copy to: Vishay Precision Group 3 Great Valley Parkway, Suite 150 Malvern, PA 19355 Attention: Daniel Damstra, Esq., Director of Legal Services Fax No.: 484-321-5301 Telephone No.: 484-321-5324 Email: daniel.damstra@VPGSensors.com and a copy to: Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP 875 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022, Attention of Jonathan Homer Fax No.: 215-981-4750 Telephone No.: 212-704-6304 Email: jonathan.homer@troutman.com (b) if to the Agent, to it at: JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.

DMS_US.362473592.16 -137- 131 South Dearborn Street, Floor 04 Chicago, IL 60603 Attention: Loan and Agency Servicing Email: jpm.agency.cri@jpmorgan.com (c) if to an Issuing Bank or a Lender, to it at its address, fax number or email set forth in its Administrative Questionnaire. All such notices and other communications (A) sent by hand or overnight courier service, or mailed by certified or registered mail shall be deemed to have been given when received, (B) sent by fax shall be deemed to have been given when sent, provided that if not given during normal business hours for the recipient, such notice or communication shall be deemed to have been given at the opening of business on the next Business Day of the recipient, or (C) delivered through Electronic System, Approved Electronic Platform or Approved Borrower Portal, as applicable, to the extent provided in paragraph (b) below shall be effective as provided in such paragraph. In the event of a discrepancy between any telephonic and any written notice, the written notice shall control. Any Lender giving any notice to the Borrower shall send simultaneously a copy of such notice to the Agent. 11.1.2 Electronic Communications. Notices and other communications to the Borrower, any Loan Party, the Lenders, the Agent and the Issuing Banks hereunder may be delivered or furnished by using Electronic System, Approved Electronic Platform or Approved Borrower Portal, as applicable, and in each case pursuant to procedures approved by the Agent; provided that the foregoing shall not apply to notices pursuant to Section 2.13 (Mechanics of Payments; Lender Payments) or Section 3.5 (Reimbursement) unless otherwise agreed by the Agent and the applicable Lender. Each of the Agent and the Borrower (on behalf of the Loan Parties) may, in its discretion, agree to accept notices and other communications to it hereunder by Electronic System, Approved Electronic Platform or Approved Borrower Portal, as applicable, and in each case pursuant to procedures approved by it; provided that approval of such procedures may be limited to particular notices or communications. Unless the Agent otherwise proscribes, all such notices and other communications (i) sent to an email address shall be deemed received upon the sender's receipt of an acknowledgement from the intended recipient (such as by the "return receipt requested" function, as available, return email or other written acknowledgement), provided that if not given during the normal business hours of the recipient, such notice or communication shall be deemed to have been given at the opening of business on the next Business Day for the recipient, and (ii) posted to an Internet or intranet website shall be deemed received upon the deemed receipt by the intended recipient, at its email address as described in the foregoing clause (i), of notification that such notice or communication is available and identifying the website address therefor. 11.1.3 Change of Address, Etc. Any party hereto may change its address, fax number, or email address for notices and other communications hereunder by notice to the other parties hereto.

DMS_US.362473592.16 -138- 11.2 Survival. All covenants, agreements, representations and warranties made by the Loan Parties in the Loan Documents and in the certificates or other instruments delivered in connection with or pursuant to this Agreement or any other Loan Document shall be considered to have been relied upon by the other parties hereto and shall survive the execution and delivery of the Loan Documents and the making of any Loans and issuance of any Letters of Credit, regardless of any investigation made by any such other party or on its behalf and notwithstanding that the Agent, any Issuing Bank or any Lender may have had notice or knowledge of any Default or incorrect representation or warranty at the time any credit is extended hereunder, and shall continue in full force and effect as long as the principal of or any accrued interest on any Loan or any fee or any other amount payable under this Agreement is outstanding and unpaid or any Letter of Credit is outstanding and so long as the Commitments have not expired or terminated. The provisions of Sections 2.10 (Increased Costs; Unavailability), 2.9.5 (Breakage), 2.14 (Taxes), 2.18 (Returned Payments), 11.14 (Expenses; Indemnity; Damage Waiver), 11.16.1 (Termination of Security) and Article 10 (Agency) shall survive and remain in full force and effect regardless of the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, the repayment of the Loans, the expiration or termination of the Letters of Credit and the Commitments or the termination of this Agreement or any other Loan Document or any provision hereof or thereof. 11.3 No Implied Waivers. No failure or delay on the part of the Agent, any Issuing Bank or any Lender in exercising any right, power or privilege under the Loan Documents and no course of dealing between the Borrower or any of their Subsidiaries, on the one hand, and the Agent, any Issuing Bank or any Lender, on the other hand, shall operate as a waiver of any such right, power or privilege. No single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege under the Loan Documents, or any abandonment or discontinuance of steps to enforce such rights, powers or privileges, precludes any other or further exercise of any such right, power or privilege or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege. The rights and remedies expressly provided in the Loan Documents are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies that the Agent, any Issuing Bank or any Lender would otherwise have. No notice to or demand on the Borrower in any case shall entitle the Borrower to any other or further notice or demand in similar or other circumstances or shall constitute a waiver of the right of the Agent, any Issuing Bank or any Lender to take any other or further action in any circumstances without notice or demand. Any waiver of any provision of any Loan Document or consent to any departure by any Loan Party therefrom that is given shall be effective only if in writing and only for the limited purposes expressly stated in the applicable waiver. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the making of a Loan or issuance of a Letter of Credit shall not be construed as a waiver of any Default, regardless of whether the Agent, any Lender or any Issuing Bank may have had notice or knowledge of such Default at the time. 11.4 Severability. Every provision of the Loan Documents is intended to be severable. If any term or provision of the Loan Documents shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired thereby. Any invalidity, illegality or unenforceability of any term or provision of the Loan

DMS_US.362473592.16 -139- Documents in any jurisdiction shall not affect the validity, legality or enforceability of any such term or provision in any other jurisdiction. 11.5 Amendments, Waivers and Consents. 11.5.1 In General. Except as expressly set forth in Subsection 2.10.7 (Alternate Rate of Interest) and Section 2.3 (Increases in RC Commitment), this Agreement and the other Loan Documents may not be amended or modified except by a written instrument describing such amendment or modification executed by the Borrower and the Agent with the consent of the Lenders as provided in this Subsection 11.5.1. With the written consent of the Requisite Lenders, the Agent may, on behalf of the Lenders, enter into agreements that modify, amend or supplement this Agreement or any other Loan Document, and with such consent, the Agent may waive compliance with any provision of any of the Loan Documents, all as referred to in this Subsection 11.5.1. However, no such modification, amendment, supplement or waiver shall: (a) increase the maximum amount of the Commitment or reduce or forgive the principal amount of any Loan or LC Disbursement, in each case of any Lender without such Lender's written consent (including any such Lender that is a Defaulting Lender), (b) extend the Maturity Date or any scheduled date of payment of the principal amount of any Loan or LC Disbursement, or any date for payment of interest, fees, or other Obligations payable to any Lender, or reduce the amount of, waive, or excuse any such payment, in each case without such Lender's written consent (including any such Lender that is a Defaulting Lender), (c) reduce or forgive any interest payable hereunder (including any amendment or modification to the interest rate provisions hereof to decrease the rate of interest payable to any Lender) without such Lender's written consent (including any such Lender that is a Defaulting Lender); provided that the written consent of the Requisite Lenders, rather than the consent of all Lenders, shall be sufficient to waive imposition of the Default Rate pursuant to Subsection 2.9.6 (Default Rate; Late Fee) or amend or modify the financial covenants in this Agreement (or any defined terms used therein), (d) reduce or forgive the amount of the fees payable under Subsection 2.9.1 (Unused Commitment Fees) or any other fees payable to any Lender without such Lender's written consent (including any such Lender that is a Defaulting Lender), other than any fee payable solely to the Agent; provided that the written consent of the Requisite Lenders, rather than the consent of all Lenders, shall be sufficient to amend or modify the financial covenants in this Agreement (or any defined terms used therein), (e) change Subsection 2.12.5 (Sharing of Payments by Lenders) in a manner that would alter the manner in which payments are shared, without the written consent of each Lender directly and adversely affected thereby (other than any Defaulting Lender), (f) change Section 9.3 (Proceeds of Collateral) in a manner that would alter the order of application of proceeds of Collateral without the written consent of each Lender directly and adversely affected thereby (other than any Defaulting Lender),

DMS_US.362473592.16 -140- (g) amend, modify or waive the provisions of this Section 11.5 without each Lender's written consent (other than any Defaulting Lender), (h) amend or modify the definition of "Requisite Lenders" without each Lender's written consent (other than any Defaulting Lender), (i) release all or substantially all of the guaranties or all or substantially all of the Collateral that secures the Obligations without each Lender's written consent (other than any Defaulting Lender); provided, however, the Agent may without the consent of any Person release any guarantor or any Collateral granted pursuant to the Loan Documents and file UCC-3 termination statements or statements of amendment or take other appropriate action (i) as a court of competent jurisdiction may direct, (ii) in connection with a disposition (other than to the Borrower or any of the Subsidiaries of the Borrower) permitted under Subsection 8.7.2 (Sales and Other Dispositions) or as otherwise provided under the Loan Documents, or (iii) if, in accordance with this Agreement, cash proceeds from any sale or transfer of the Collateral are used to prepay outstanding sums due under this Agreement or are reinvested in the Borrower or any Subsidiary of the Borrower, (j) waive an Event of Default under Subsection 9.1.1 (Failure to Pay Principal or Reimbursement Obligations) or 9.1.2 (Failure to Pay Interest, Fees, Etc.) (other than in respect of the imposition of the Default Rate) after such Event of Default shall have occurred without each Lender's written consent (other than any Defaulting Lender) (but the Requisite Lenders may direct the Agent to forbear under such circumstances), or (k) except as provided in Subsection 10.7(c) (Collateral Matters), without the prior written consent of each Lender directly and adversely affected thereby, (x) subordinate, or have the effect of subordinating, the Obligations hereunder to any other Indebtedness, or (y) subordinate, or have the effect of subordinating, the Liens securing the Obligations to Liens securing any other Indebtedness. No such agreement shall (i) amend, modify or otherwise affect the rights or duties of the Agent or the Issuing Banks hereunder without the prior written consent of the Agent or each Issuing Bank, as the case may be (it being understood that any amendment to Section 2.16 (Defaulting Lenders) shall require the consent of the Agent and the Issuing Banks) or (ii) amend or modify the provisions of Article 3 without the prior written consent of the Agent and the Issuing Banks. 11.5.2 Exceptions. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 11.5 or anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, (a) any Lender that has requested that it not receive material, non-public information concerning the Borrower, and that is therefore unable or unwilling to vote with respect to an issue arising under this Agreement, will agree to vote, and will be deemed to have voted, its Commitment under this Agreement pro rata in accordance with the percentage of Commitments voted in favor of, and the percentage of Commitments voted against, any such issue under this Agreement. (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 11.5 or anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Agent may, with the consent of the

DMS_US.362473592.16 -141- Borrower only, amend, modify or supplement this Agreement or any of the other Loan Documents to cure any ambiguity, omission, mistake, defect or inconsistency. (c) The Agent may also amend Schedule 1.1 to reflect assignments entered into pursuant to Section 11.6 (Successors and Assigns). (d) each Lender hereby irrevocably authorizes the Agent on its behalf, and without its further consent (but with the consent of the Borrower and the Agent), to amend and restate this Agreement if, upon giving effect to such amendment and restatement, such Lender shall no longer be a party to this Agreement (as so amended and restated), the Commitments of such Lender shall have terminated, such Lender shall have no other commitment or other obligation hereunder and shall have been paid in full all principal, interest and other amounts owing to it or accrued for its account under this Agreement (and for the avoidance of doubt, such Lender will continue to have the rights that survive termination of this Agreement with respect to such Lender). 11.6 Successors and Assigns. 11.6.1 Successors and Assigns Generally. The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns permitted hereby (including any Affiliate of an Issuing Bank that issues any Letter of Credit), except that the Borrower may not assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the Agent and each Lender and no Lender may assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations hereunder except (a) to an Eligible Assignee in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 11.6.2 (Assignments by Lenders), (b) by way of participation in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 11.6.4 (Participations) or (c) by way of pledge or assignment of a security interest subject to the restrictions of Subsection 11.6.6 (Certain Pledges) (and any other attempted assignment or transfer by any party hereto shall be null and void). Nothing in this Agreement, expressed or implied, shall be construed to confer upon any Person (other than the parties hereto, their respective successors and assigns permitted hereby (including any Affiliate of an Issuing Bank that issues any Letter of Credit), Participants to the extent provided in Subsection 11.6.4 (Participations) and, to the extent expressly contemplated hereby, the Related Parties of each of the Agent, the Issuing Banks and the Lenders) any legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under or by reason of this Agreement. 11.6.2 Assignments by Lenders. Any Lender may at any time assign to one or more Eligible Assignees all or a portion of its rights and obligations under this Agreement (including all or a portion of its Commitment and the RC Loans at the time owing to it); provided that any such assignment shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) Minimum Amounts. (i) In the case of an assignment of the entire remaining amount of the assigning Lender's Commitment and the RC Loans at the time owing to it or in the case of an assignment to a Lender or an Affiliate of a Lender or an Approved Fund, no minimum amount need be assigned; and

DMS_US.362473592.16 -142- (ii) in any case not described in the preceding paragraph (i), the aggregate amount of the Commitment (which for this purpose includes RC Loans outstanding thereunder) or, if the applicable Commitment is not then in effect, the principal outstanding balance of the RC Loans of the assigning Lender subject to each such assignment (determined as of the date the Assignment and Assumption with respect to such assignment is delivered to the Agent or, if "Trade Date" is specified in the Assignment and Assumption, as of the Trade Date) shall not be less than $5,000,000, unless each of the Agent and, so long as no Default or Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, the Borrower otherwise consent (each such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed). (b) Pro Rata Assignment. Each assignment shall include a pro rata portion of such Lender's RC Commitment and RC Loans. (c) Required Consents. No consent shall be required for any assignment except to the extent required by paragraph (a) of this Subsection 11.6.2 and, in addition: (i) the consent of the Borrower (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld) shall be required unless (x) a Default or Event of Default has occurred and is continuing at the time of such assignment or (y) such assignment is to a Lender, an Affiliate of a Lender or an Approved Fund; provided that the Borrower shall be deemed to have consented to any such assignment unless it shall object thereto by written notice to the Agent within five (5) Business Days after having received notice thereof; and (ii) the consent of the Agent and the Issuing Banks (each such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) shall be required for assignments to a Person who is not a Lender, an Affiliate of a Lender or an Approved Fund; provided that no consent of an Issuing Bank shall be required if an Event of Default occurs with respect to the Borrower under Subsection 9.1.11 (Insolvency) and such Issuing Bank has no outstanding Letters of Credit at that time. (d) Assignment and Assumption. The parties to each assignment shall execute and deliver to the Agent an Assignment and Assumption, together with a processing and recordation fee of $5,000, and the assignee, if it is not a Lender, shall deliver to the Agent an Administrative Questionnaire. (e) No Assignment to Borrower. No such assignment shall be made to the Borrower or any of the Borrower's Affiliates or Subsidiaries. (f) No Assignment to Natural Persons. No such assignment shall be made to a natural person. Subject to acceptance and recording thereof by the Agent pursuant to Subsection 11.6.3 (Register), from and after the effective date specified in each Assignment and Assumption, the Eligible Assignee thereunder shall be a party to this Agreement and, to the extent of the interest assigned by such Assignment and Assumption, have the rights and obligations of a Lender under this Agreement, and the assigning Lender thereunder shall, to the extent of the interest assigned by such Assignment and Assumption, be released from its obligations under this Agreement (and, in the case of an Assignment and Assumption covering all of the assigning Lender's rights and

DMS_US.362473592.16 -143- obligations under this Agreement, such Lender shall cease to be a party hereto) but shall continue to be entitled to the benefits of Subsection 2.9.5 (Breakage), Section 2.10 (Increased Costs; Unavailability), Section 2.14 (Taxes) and Section 11.14 (Expenses; Indemnity; Damage Waiver) with respect to the facts and circumstances occurring prior to the effective date of such assignment. Any assignment or transfer by a Lender of rights or obligations under this Agreement that does not comply with this Subsection 11.6.2 shall be treated for purposes of this Agreement as a sale by such Lender of a participation in such rights and obligations in accordance with Subsection 11.6.4 (Participations). 11.6.3 Register. (a) The Agent, acting solely for this purpose as an agent of the Borrower, shall maintain at one of its offices in the United States a copy of each Assignment and Assumption delivered to it and a register for the recordation of the names and addresses of the Lenders, and the Commitments of, and principal amount (and stated interest) of the RC Loans and LC Disbursements owing to, each Lender pursuant to the terms hereof from time to time (the "Register"). The entries in the Register shall be conclusive, and the Borrower, the Agent, the Issuing Banks, and the Lenders may treat each Person whose name is recorded in the Register pursuant to the terms hereof as a Lender hereunder for all purposes of this Agreement, notwithstanding notice to the contrary. The Register shall be available for inspection by the Borrower, any Issuing Bank, and any Lender, at any reasonable time and from time to time upon reasonable prior notice. (b) Upon its receipt of a duly completed Assignment and Assumption executed by an assigning Lender and an assignee, the assignee's completed Administrative Questionnaire (unless the assignee shall already be a Lender hereunder), the processing and recordation fee referred to in Subsection 11.6.2(d) (Assignment and Assumption) and any written consent to such assignment required by Subsection 11.6.2(c) (Required Consents), the Agent shall accept such Assignment and Assumption and record the information contained therein in the Register; provided that if either the assigning Lender or the assignee shall have failed to make any payment required to be made by it pursuant to Section 3.4 (Participations), Section 3.5 (Reimbursement), Subsection 2.13.1 (Funding by Lenders; Presumption by Agent), Section 2.12.5 (Sharing of Payments by Lenders) or Subsection 11.14.3 (Reimbursement by Lenders), the Agent shall have no obligation to accept such Assignment and Assumption and record the information therein in the Register unless and until such payment shall have been made in full, together with all accrued interest thereon. No assignment shall be effective for purposes of this Agreement unless it has been recorded in the Register as provided in this paragraph. 11.6.4 Participations. (a) Any Lender may at any time, without the consent of, or notice to, the Agent, the Issuing Banks, or the Borrower, sell participations to one or more banks or other entities (other than a natural person or the Borrower or any of the Borrower's Affiliates or Subsidiaries) (each, a "Participant") in all or a portion of such Lender's rights and/or obligations under this Agreement (including all or a portion of its Commitment and/or the RC Loans owing to it); provided that (i) such Lender's obligations under this Agreement shall remain unchanged, (ii) such Lender shall remain solely responsible to the other parties hereto for the performance of such

DMS_US.362473592.16 -144- obligations, and (iii) the Borrower, the Agent, the other Lenders and the Issuing Banks shall continue to deal solely and directly with such Lender in connection with such Lender's rights and obligations under this Agreement. Each Lender that sells a participation shall, acting solely for this purpose as a non-fiduciary agent of the Borrower, maintain a register on which it enters the name and address of each Participant and the principal amounts (and stated interest) of each Participant's interest in the RC Loans or other obligations under the Loan Documents (the "Participant Register"); provided that no Lender shall have any obligation to disclose all or any portion of the Participant Register (including the identity of any Participant or any information relating to a Participant's interest in any Commitments, Loans, Letters of Credit or its other obligations under any Loan Document) to any Person except to the extent that such disclosure is necessary to establish that such Commitment, Loan, Letter of Credit or other obligation is in registered form under Section 5f.103-1(c) of the United States Treasury Regulations. The entries in the Participant Register shall be conclusive absent manifest error, and such Lender shall treat each Person whose name is recorded in the Participant Register as the owner of such participation for all purposes of this Agreement notwithstanding any notice to the contrary. For the avoidance of doubt, the Agent (in its capacity as Agent) shall have no responsibility for maintaining a Participant Register. Any Lender may furnish any information concerning the Borrower in its possession from time to time to prospective Participants; provided that such Lender shall require any such prospective Participants to agree in writing to maintain the confidentiality of such information as provided in Section 11.13 (Treatment of Certain Information; Confidentiality; Advertisement). For the avoidance of doubt, each Lender shall be responsible for the indemnity under Subsection 11.14.3 (Reimbursement by Lenders) with respect to any payments made by such Lender to its Participants. (b) Any agreement or instrument pursuant to which a Lender sells such a participation shall provide that such Lender shall retain the sole right to enforce this Agreement and to approve any amendment, restatement, modification or waiver of any provision of this Agreement; provided that such agreement or instrument may provide that such Lender will not, without the consent of the Participant, agree to any amendment, restatement, modification or waiver with respect to the matters specifically referred to in clauses (a), (b), (c), (d), and (i) of Section 11.5 (Amendments, Waivers and Consents) that affect such Participant. Subject to Subsection 11.6.5 (Limitations upon Participant Rights) below, the Borrower agrees that each Participant shall be entitled to the benefits of Subsection 2.9.5 (Breakage), Section 2.10 (Increased Costs; Unavailability) and Section 2.14 (Taxes) (subject to the requirements and limitations therein, including the requirements under Subsection 2.14.6 (Status of Lenders) (it being understood that the documentation required under Subsection 2.14.6 (Status of Lenders) shall be delivered to the participating Lender)) to the same extent as if it were a Lender and had acquired its interest by assignment pursuant to Subsection 11.6.2 (Assignments by Lenders); provided that such Participant (A) agrees to be subject to the provisions of Section 2.15 (Mitigation Obligations; Replacement of Lenders) and Section 2.12 (Mechanics of Payments; Borrower Payments) as if it were an assignee under Subsection 11.6.2 (Assignments by Lenders); and (B) shall not be entitled to receive any greater payment under Section 2.10 (Increased Costs; Unavailability) or Section 2.15 (Taxes), with respect to any participation, than its participating Lender would have been entitled to receive, except to the extent such entitlement to receive a greater payment results from a Change in Law that occurs after the Participant acquired the applicable participation. Each Lender that sells a participation agrees, at the Borrower's request and expense, to use reasonable efforts to cooperate with the Borrower to effectuate the provisions of Section 2.15.2 (Replacement of Lenders) with respect to any Participant. To the extent permitted by law, each Participant also

DMS_US.362473592.16 -145- shall be entitled to the benefits of Section 11.11 (Right of Setoff) as though it were a Lender, provided that such Participant agrees to be subject to Subsection 2.12.5 (Sharing of Payments by Lenders) as though it were a Lender. 11.6.5 Limitations upon Participant Rights. A Participant shall not be entitled to receive any greater payment under Section 2.10 (Increased Costs; Unavailability) than the applicable Lender would have been entitled to receive with respect to the participation sold to such Participant, unless the sale of the participation to such Participant is made with the Borrower's prior written consent. A Participant that would be a Foreign Lender if it were a Lender shall not be entitled to the benefits of Section 2.14 (Taxes) unless the Borrower is notified of the participation sold to such Participant and such Participant agrees, for the benefit of the Borrower, to comply with Subsection 2.14.6 (Status of Lenders) as though it were a Lender. Nothing in this Subsection 11.6.5 is intended to override limitations on Participants under Subsection 11.6.4 (Participations). 11.6.6 Certain Pledges. Any Lender may at any time pledge or assign a security interest in all or any portion of its rights under this Agreement to secure obligations of such Lender, including any pledge or assignment to secure obligations to a Federal Reserve Bank; provided that no such pledge or assignment shall release a Lender from any of its obligations hereunder or substitute any such pledgee or assignee for such Lender as a party hereto. 11.7 Calculations and Financial Data. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, calculations under this Agreement shall be made and financial data and terms referred to in this Agreement shall be prepared and interpreted both as to classification of items and as to amounts in accordance with GAAP. 11.8 Descriptive Headings. The descriptive headings of the several sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the meaning or construction of any of the provisions of this Agreement. 11.9 Governing Law; Jurisdiction; Etc. 11.9.1 Governing Law. This Agreement and the other Loan Documents (other than those containing a contrary express choice of law provision) shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the internal laws of the State of New York (excluding the laws applicable to conflicts or choice of law), but giving effect to federal laws applicable to national banks. Each of the Lenders and the Agent hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agrees that, notwithstanding the governing law provisions of any applicable Loan Document, any claims brought against the Agent by any Secured Party relating to this Agreement, any other Loan Document, the Collateral or the consummation or administration of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the law of the State of New York. 11.9.2 Submission to Jurisdiction. Each of the parties hereto hereby irrevocably and unconditionally submits, for itself and its property, to the exclusive jurisdiction of any U.S. federal or New York state court sitting in New York, New York, and any appellate court from any

DMS_US.362473592.16 -146- thereof, in any action or proceeding arising out of or relating to any Loan Documents, the transactions relating hereto or thereto, or for recognition or enforcement of any judgment, and each of the parties hereto hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agrees that all claims in respect of any such action or proceeding may (and any such claims, cross-claims or third party claims brought against the Agent or any of its Related Parties may only) be heard and determined in such state court or, to the extent permitted by law, in such federal court. Each of the parties hereto agrees that a final judgment in any such action or proceeding shall be conclusive and may be enforced in other jurisdictions by suit on the judgment or in any other manner provided by law. Nothing in this Agreement or any other Loan Document shall (i) affect any right that the Agent, any Issuing Bank or any Lender may otherwise have to bring any action or proceeding relating to this Agreement or any other Loan Document against any Loan Party or its properties in the courts of any jurisdiction, (ii) waive any statutory, regulatory, common law, or other rule, doctrine, legal restriction, provision or the like providing for the treatment of bank branches, bank agencies, or other bank offices as if they were separate juridical entities for certain purposes, including Uniform Commercial Code Sections 4-106, 4-A-105(1)(b), and 5-116(b), UCP 600 Article 3 and ISP98 Rule 2.02, and URDG 758 Article 3(a), or (iii) affect which courts have or do not have personal jurisdiction over any Issuing Bank or beneficiary of any Letter of Credit or any advising bank, nominated bank or assignee of proceeds thereunder or proper venue with respect to any litigation arising out of or relating to such Letter of Credit with, or affecting the rights of, any Person not a party to this Agreement, whether or not such Letter of Credit contains its own jurisdiction submission clause. 11.9.3 Waiver of Venue. Each Loan Party hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives, to the fullest extent it may legally and effectively do so, any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the laying of venue of any suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement or any other Loan Document in any court referred to in Subsection 11.9.2 (Submission to Jurisdiction). Each of the parties hereto hereby irrevocably waives, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the defense of an inconvenient forum to the maintenance of such action or proceeding in any such court. 11.9.4 Service of Process. Each party hereto irrevocably consents to service of process in the manner provided for notices in Section 11.1 (Notices; Effectiveness; Electronic Communication). Nothing in this Agreement will affect the right of any party hereto to serve process in any other manner permitted by applicable law. 11.10 Maximum Lawful Interest Rate. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, if, at any time, the rate of interest, together with all amounts that constitute interest and that are reserved, charged or taken hereunder as compensation for fees, services or expenses incidental to the making, negotiating or collecting of the RC Loans, shall be deemed by a court of law with competent jurisdiction, a governmental agency or a tribunal to exceed the maximum rate of interest permitted to be charged by the Lenders to the Borrower under applicable Law, if such interest, fees and expenses are in excess of the maximum amount permitted by applicable Law, then, during such time as such rate of interest would be deemed excessive, that portion of each sum paid attributable to that portion of such interest rate that exceeds the maximum rate of interest so permitted shall be deemed a voluntary prepayment of the unpaid principal amount due pursuant to this Agreement and the Notes. As used

DMS_US.362473592.16 -147- in this Section 11.10, the term "applicable law" shall mean the law in effect as of the date hereof; provided, however, that in the event there is a Change in Law that results in a higher permissible rate of interest, then this Agreement shall be governed by such new law as of its effective date. 11.11 Right of Setoff. If an Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, each Lender, each Issuing Bank, and each of their respective Affiliates is hereby authorized at any time and from time to time, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, to set off and apply any and all deposits (general or special, time or demand, provisional or final, in whatever currency) at any time held and other obligations (in whatever currency) at any time owing by such Lender, such Issuing Bank or any such Affiliate to or for the credit or the account of the Borrower or Subsidiary Guarantors against any and all of the obligations of such Person now or hereafter existing under this Agreement or any other Loan Document to such Lender or such Issuing Bank or their respective Affiliates, irrespective of whether or not such Lender, Issuing Bank, or Affiliate shall have made any demand under this Agreement or any other Loan Document and although such obligations of such Person may be contingent or unmatured or are owed to a branch or office or Affiliate of such Lender or Issuing Bank different from the branch or office or Affiliate holding such deposit or obligated on such indebtedness; provided that in the event that any Defaulting Lender shall exercise any such right of setoff, (x) all amounts so set off shall be paid over immediately to the Agent for further application in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.16 (Defaulting Lenders) and, pending such payment, shall be segregated by such Defaulting Lender from its other funds and deemed held in trust for the benefit of the Agent, the Issuing Banks, and the Lenders, and (y) the Defaulting Lender shall provide promptly to the Agent a statement describing in reasonable detail the obligations owing to such Defaulting Lender as to which it exercised such right of setoff. The applicable Lender, the applicable Issuing Bank or such Affiliate shall notify the Borrower and the Agent of such setoff or application; provided that any failure to give or any delay in giving such notice shall not affect the validity of any such setoff or application under this Section 11.11. The rights of each Lender, each Issuing Bank and their respective Affiliates under this Section 11.11 are in addition to other rights and remedies (including other rights of setoff) that such Lender or Issuing Bank or their respective Affiliates may have. ANY AND ALL RIGHTS TO REQUIRE ANY LENDER TO EXERCISE ITS RIGHTS OR REMEDIES WITH RESPECT TO ANY OTHER COLLATERAL THAT SECURES THE RC LOANS, PRIOR TO EXERCISING ITS RIGHT TO SET-OFF WITH RESPECT TO SUCH DEPOSITS, CREDITS OR OTHER PROPERTY OF THE BORROWER OR ANY GUARANTOR, ARE HEREBY KNOWINGLY, VOLUNTARILY AND IRREVOCABLY WAIVED. 11.12 Counterparts; Integration; Effectiveness; Electronic Execution. 11.12.1 Counterparts; Integration; Effectiveness. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts (and by different parties hereto in different counterparts), each of which shall constitute an original, but all of which when taken together shall constitute a single contract. This Agreement, the other Loan Documents and any separate letter agreements with respect to (i) fees payable to the Agent and (ii) increases or reductions of the Issuing Bank Sublimit of any Issuing Bank constitute the entire contract among the parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersede any and all previous agreements and understandings, oral or written, relating to the

DMS_US.362473592.16 -148- subject matter hereof. Except as provided in Article 4 (Conditions), this Agreement shall become effective when it shall have been executed by the Agent and when the Agent shall have received counterparts hereof that, when taken together, bear the signatures of each of the other parties hereto, and thereafter shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page of Delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page of (x) this Agreement, (y) any other Loan Document and/or (z) any document, amendment, approval, consent, information, notice (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any notice delivered pursuant to Section 11.1 (Notices; Effectiveness; Electronic Communication), certificate, request, statement, disclosure or authorization related to this Agreement, any other Loan Document and/or the transactions contemplated hereby and/or thereby (each an "Ancillary Document") that is an Electronic Signature transmitted by telecopy, emailed pdf. or any other electronic means that reproduces an image of an actual executed signature page shall be effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart of this Agreement, such other Loan Document or such Ancillary Document, as applicable. 11.12.2 Electronic Execution of Assignments. The words "execution," "signed," "signature," "delivery," and words of like import in or relating to this Agreement, any other Loan Document and/or any Ancillary Document shall be deemed to include Electronic Signatures, deliveries or the keeping of records in any electronic form (including deliveries by telecopy, emailed pdf. or any other electronic means that reproduces an image of an actual executed signature page), each of which shall be of the same legal effect, validity or enforceability as a manually executed signature, physical delivery thereof or the use of a paper-based recordkeeping system, as the case may be; provided that nothing herein shall require the Agent to accept Electronic Signatures in any form or format without its prior written consent and pursuant to procedures approved by it; provided, further, without limiting the foregoing, (i) to the extent the Agent has agreed to accept any Electronic Signature, the Agent and each of the Lenders shall be entitled to rely on such Electronic Signature purportedly given by or on behalf of the Borrower or any other Loan Party without further verification thereof and without any obligation to review the appearance or form of any such Electronic Signature and (ii) upon the request of the Agent or any Lender, any Electronic Signature shall be promptly followed by a manually executed counterpart. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Borrower and each other Loan Party hereby (A) agrees that, for all purposes, including without limitation, in connection with any workout, restructuring, enforcement of remedies, bankruptcy proceedings or litigation among the Agent, the Lenders, the Borrower and the other Loan Parties, Electronic Signatures transmitted by telecopy, emailed pdf. or any other electronic means that reproduces an image of an actual executed signature page and/or any electronic images of this Agreement, any other Loan Document and/or any Ancillary Document shall have the same legal effect, validity and enforceability as any paper original, (B) the Agent and each of the Lenders may, at its option, create one or more copies of this Agreement, any other Loan Document and/or any Ancillary Document in the form of an imaged electronic record in any format, which shall be deemed created in the ordinary course of such Person's business, and destroy the original paper document (and all such electronic records shall be considered an original for all purposes and shall have the same legal effect, validity and enforceability as a paper record), (C) waives any argument, defense or right to contest the legal effect, validity or enforceability of this Agreement, any other Loan Document and/or any Ancillary Document based solely on the lack of paper original copies of this Agreement, such other Loan Document and/or such Ancillary Document, respectively, including with respect to any signature

DMS_US.362473592.16 -149- pages thereto and (D) waives any claim against any Indemnitee for any Liabilities arising solely from the Agent's and/or any Lender's reliance on or use of Electronic Signatures and/or transmissions by telecopy, emailed pdf. or any other electronic means that reproduces an image of an actual executed signature page, including any Liabilities arising as a result of the failure of the Borrower and/or any other Loan Party to use any available security measures in connection with the execution, delivery or transmission of any Electronic Signature. 11.13 Treatment of Certain Information; Confidentiality; Advertisement. 11.13.1 Confidentiality. Each of the Agent, the Lenders and the Issuing Banks agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the Information (as defined below), except that Information may be disclosed (a) to its and its Affiliates' respective partners, directors, officers, employees and agents, including accountants, legal counsel and other advisors (it being understood that the Persons to whom such disclosure is made will be informed of the confidential nature of such Information and instructed to keep such Information confidential), (b) to the extent requested by any regulatory authority purporting to have jurisdiction over it (including any self-regulatory authority, such as the National Association of Insurance Commissioners), (c) to the extent required by applicable laws or regulations or by any subpoena or similar legal process, (d) to any other party hereto, (e) in connection with the exercise of any remedies hereunder or under any other Loan Document or any Interest Rate Protection Agreement with any Lender or any of its Affiliates or any action or proceeding relating to this Agreement or any other Loan Document or any Interest Rate Protection Agreement with any Lender or any of its Affiliates or the enforcement of rights hereunder or thereunder, (f) subject to an agreement containing provisions substantially the same as those of this Section, to (i) any assignee of or Participant in, or any prospective assignee of or Participant in, any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement or (ii) any actual or prospective counterparty (or its advisors) to any swap or derivative transaction relating to the Borrower and its obligations, (g) with the consent of the Borrower or (h) to the extent such Information (x) becomes publicly available other than as a result of a breach of this Section or (y) becomes available to the Agent, any Lender, any Issuing Bank or any of their respective Affiliates on a nonconfidential basis from a source other than the Borrower. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Lender may disclose Information, without notice to the Borrower, to governmental regulatory authorities in connection with any regulatory examination of such Lender or in accordance with such Lender's regulatory compliance policy. 11.13.2Information. For purposes of this Section 11.13, "Information" means all information received from the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries relating to the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries or any of their respective businesses, other than any such information that is available to the Agent, any Lender or any Issuing Bank on a nonconfidential basis prior to disclosure by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries; provided that, in the case of information received from the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries after the date hereof, such information is clearly identified at the time of delivery as confidential. Any Person required to maintain the confidentiality of Information as provided in this Section shall be considered to have complied with its obligation to do so if such Person has exercised the same degree of care to maintain the confidentiality of such Information as such Person would accord to its own confidential information.

DMS_US.362473592.16 -150- EACH LENDER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT INFORMATION AS DEFINED IN SUBSECTION 11.13.1 (CONFIDENTIALITY) FURNISHED TO IT PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT MAY INCLUDE MATERIAL NON-PUBLIC INFORMATION CONCERNING THE BORROWER AND ITS AFFILIATES AND THEIR RELATED PARTIES OR THEIR RESPECTIVE SECURITIES, AND CONFIRMS THAT IT HAS DEVELOPED COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES REGARDING THE USE OF MATERIAL NON-PUBLIC INFORMATION AND THAT IT WILL HANDLE SUCH MATERIAL NON-PUBLIC INFORMATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THOSE PROCEDURES AND APPLICABLE LAW, INCLUDING FEDERAL, PROVINCIAL, TERRITORIAL AND STATE SECURITIES LAW. ALL INFORMATION, INCLUDING REQUESTS FOR WAIVERS AND AMENDMENTS, FURNISHED BY THE BORROWER OR THE AGENT PURSUANT TO, OR IN THE COURSE OF ADMINISTERING, THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE SYNDICATE-LEVEL INFORMATION, WHICH MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL NON- PUBLIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE BORROWER, THE LOAN PARTIES AND THEIR RELATED PARTIES OR THEIR RESPECTIVE SECURITIES. ACCORDINGLY, EACH LENDER REPRESENTS TO THE BORROWER AND THE AGENT THAT IT HAS IDENTIFIED IN ITS ADMINISTRATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE A CREDIT CONTACT WHO MAY RECEIVE INFORMATION THAT MAY CONTAIN MATERIAL NON-PUBLIC INFORMATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ITS COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES AND APPLICABLE LAW, INCLUDING FEDERAL, PROVINCIAL, TERRITORIAL AND STATE SECURITIES LAWS. 11.13.3 Marketing Consent. The Borrower hereby authorizes the Agent and its affiliates (collectively, the "Agent Parties"), at their respective sole expense, and without any prior approval by the Borrower, to provide information relating to the RC Loans to Gold Sheets and other similar bank trade publications, with such information to consist of deal terms consisting of (i) the Borrower’s name, (ii) principal loan amounts, (iii) interest rates, (iv) term length and (v) commitment fees and other fees to the Lenders in the syndicate, the identity of their attorneys and other information customarily found in such publications. 11.14 Expenses; Indemnity; Damage Waiver. 11.14.1 Costs and Expenses. The Borrower shall pay (i) all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Agent and its Affiliates, including the reasonable fees, charges and disbursements of counsel for the Agent (and fees and time charges and disbursements for attorneys who may be employees of the Agent), in connection with the syndication of the credit facilities provided for herein, the preparation, negotiation, execution, delivery and administration of this Agreement and the other Loan Documents or any amendments, restatements, modifications or waivers of the provisions hereof or thereof (whether or not the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby shall be consummated) including costs associated with any websites used for the syndication or administration of the credit facility, (ii) all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Issuing Banks in connection with the issuance, amendment, renewal or extension of any Letter of Credit or any demand for payment thereunder, (iii) all out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Agent, any Lender or any Issuing Bank including the fees, charges and disbursements of any counsel for the Agent, any Lender or any Issuing Bank (and fees and time

DMS_US.362473592.16 -151- charges for attorneys who may be employees of the Agent, any Lender or any Issuing Bank), in connection with the enforcement or protection of its rights in connection with this Agreement and the other Loan Documents, including its rights under this Section, or in connection with the RC Loans made or Letters of Credit issued hereunder, including, all such out-of-pocket expenses incurred during any workout, restructuring or negotiations in respect of such RC Loans or Letters of Credit, and (iv) any civil penalty or fine assessed by the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control against, and all reasonable costs and expenses (including counsel fees and disbursements) incurred in connection with defense thereof by the Agent, any Issuing Bank or any Lender as a result of the funding of RC Loans, the issuance of Letters of Credit, the acceptance of payments or of Collateral due under the Loan Documents. 11.14.2 Indemnification by the Borrower. The Borrower shall indemnify the Agent (and any sub-agent thereof), each Lender, each Issuing Bank and each Related Party of any of the foregoing Persons (each such Person being called an "Indemnitee") against, and hold each Indemnitee harmless from, any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities and related expenses (including the fees, charges and disbursements of any counsel for any Indemnitee and fees and time charges and disbursements for attorneys who may be employees of any Indemnitee), incurred by or asserted against any Indemnitee by any third party or by the Borrower or any other Loan Party arising out of, in connection with, or as a result of (a) the execution or delivery of this Agreement, any other Loan Document or any agreement or instrument contemplated hereby or thereby, the performance by the parties hereto of their respective obligations hereunder or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby, (b) any RC Loan or Letter of Credit or the use or proposed use of the proceeds therefrom (including any refusal by an Issuing Bank to honor a demand for payment under a Letter of Credit if the documents presented in connection with such demand do not strictly comply with the terms of such Letter of Credit), (c) any actual or alleged presence or Release of Hazardous Substances on or from any property owned or operated by the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries, or any environmental liability related in any way to the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries, or (d) any actual or prospective claim, litigation, investigation or proceeding relating to any of the foregoing, whether based on contract, tort or any other theory whether brought by a third party or by the Borrower or any other Loan Party and regardless of whether any Indemnitee is a party thereto; provided that such indemnity shall not, as to any Indemnitee, be available to the extent that such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or related expenses (x) are determined by a court of competent jurisdiction by a final and nonappealable judgment to have resulted from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of such Indemnitee or (y) result from a claim brought by the Borrower or any other Loan Party against an Indemnitee for breach in bad faith of such Indemnitee's obligations hereunder or under any other Loan Document if the Borrower or such Loan Party has obtained a final and nonappealable judgment in its favor on such claim as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. This Subsection 11.14.2 shall not apply with respect to Taxes other than any Taxes that represent losses, claims, damages, etc. arising from any non-Tax claim. 11.14.3 Reimbursement by Lenders. To the extent that the Borrower fails to pay any amount required under Subsections 11.14.1 (Costs and Expenses) and 11.14.2 (Indemnification by the Borrower) to be paid by it to the Agent (or any sub-agent thereof), an Issuing Bank or any Related Party of any of the foregoing, each Lender severally agrees to pay to the Agent (or any such sub-agent) or any such Issuing Bank or any Related Party, as the case may be, such Lender's Applicable Percentage (determined as of the time that the applicable

DMS_US.362473592.16 -152- unreimbursed expense or indemnity payment is sought) of such unpaid amount (including any such unpaid amount in respect of the claim asserted by such Lender); provided that the unreimbursed expense or indemnified loss, claim, damage, liability or related expense, as the case may be, was incurred by or asserted against the Agent (or any such sub-agent) or an Issuing Bank in its capacity as such, or against any Related Party of any of the foregoing acting for the Agent (or any such sub-agent) or such Issuing Bank in connection with such capacity. The obligations of the Lenders under this Subsection 11.14.3 are subject to the provisions of Section 2.6 (Lenders' Obligations Several). 11.14.4 Waiver of Consequential Damages, Etc. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Borrower shall not assert, and each Borrower hereby waives, any claim against any Indemnitee, on any theory of liability, for special, indirect, consequential or punitive damages (as opposed to direct or actual damages) arising out of, in connection with, or as a result of, this Agreement, any other Loan Document or any agreement or instrument contemplated hereby, the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby, any RC Loan or Letter of Credit or the use of the proceeds thereof. No Indemnitee referred to in Subsection 11.14.2 (Indemnification by the Borrower) shall be liable for any damages arising from the use by unintended recipients of any information or other materials distributed by it through telecommunications, electronic or other information transmission systems in connection with this Agreement or the other Loan Documents or the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby. 11.14.5 Payments. All amounts due under this Section 11.14 shall be payable promptly after demand therefor. 11.15 Certification of Amounts. The certification by the Agent, an Issuing Bank or a Lender of the amount of liabilities, losses, costs, expenses, claims and/or charges pursuant to Section 11.14 (Expenses; Indemnity; Damage Waiver) shall be conclusive if such amounts have been computed or reached in a reasonable manner. 11.16 Termination of Security; Partial Release of Security. 11.16.1 Termination of Security. At such time as no Secured Party has any commitment to make financial accommodations to the Borrower pursuant to the terms hereof, all Secured Obligations have been paid and performed in full (other than (a) those expressly stated to survive termination of the Loan Documents and (b) contingent obligations as to which no claim has been asserted), and no Letters of Credit are outstanding (other than Letters of Credit that have been cash collateralized or for which other arrangements satisfactory to the applicable Issuing Bank have been made), then the security provided for in the Loan Documents shall terminate; provided that the security provided for in the Loan Documents shall be automatically reinstated without further action of any Loan Party if at any time any payment of any of the Secured Obligations is rescinded or must otherwise be returned by the Agent in connection with a proceeding under Debtor Relief Laws or otherwise, all as though such payment had not been made, and provided, further, that all indemnities of the Borrower and each other Loan Party contained in this Agreement or any other Loan Document shall survive and remain operative and in full force and effect regardless of the termination of such security. Without limiting any other exculpation

DMS_US.362473592.16 -153- provisions herein, the Agent shall incur no liability to any party for releasing Collateral based on information provided by the Borrower as to matters set forth in this Section 11.16. 11.16.2 Partial Release of Security. Effective upon the closing of a disposition of any Collateral to any Person (other than the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries) and the application of proceeds thereof in conformity with the provisions of this Agreement, the Lien of the Agent on the assets subject to such disposition shall terminate and upon receipt by the Agent of a certification to such effect from the chief financial officer of the Borrower, the security interest granted under the Loan Documents in the Collateral so disposed of shall terminate and the Agent shall deliver such releases as may be appropriate or reasonably requested; provided, however, the security interest granted under the Loan Documents in all remaining Collateral shall remain in full force and effect. 11.17 Waiver of Jury Trial. EACH PARTY HERETO HEREBY IRREVOCABLY WAIVES, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY LEGAL PROCEEDING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY OTHER LOAN DOCUMENT OR THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED HEREBY OR THEREBY (WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT OR ANY OTHER THEORY). EACH PARTY HERETO (A) CERTIFIES THAT NO REPRESENTATIVE, AGENT OR ATTORNEY OF ANY OTHER PERSON HAS REPRESENTED, EXPRESSLY OR OTHERWISE, THAT SUCH OTHER PERSON WOULD NOT, IN THE EVENT OF LITIGATION, SEEK TO ENFORCE THE FOREGOING WAIVER AND (B) ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT AND THE OTHER PARTIES HERETO HAVE BEEN INDUCED TO ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT AND THE OTHER LOAN DOCUMENTS BY, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THE MUTUAL WAIVERS AND CERTIFICATIONS IN THIS SECTION. 11.18 PATRIOT Act Notice. Each Lender that is subject to the requirements of the PATRIOT Act hereby notifies each Loan Party that pursuant to the requirements of the PATRIOT Act, it is required to obtain, verify and record information that identifies such Loan Party, which information includes the name and address of such Loan Party and other information that will allow such Lender to identify such Loan Party in accordance with the PATRIOT Act. 11.19 Acknowledgment Regarding Any Supported QFCs. To the extent that the Loan Documents provide support, through a Guaranty or otherwise, for Swap Agreements, or any other agreement or instrument that is a QFC (such support, "QFC Credit Support" and each such QFC a "Supported QFC"), the parties acknowledge and agree as follows with respect to the resolution power of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and Title II of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (together with the regulations promulgated thereunder, the "U.S. Special Resolution Regimes") in respect of such Supported QFC and QFC Credit Support (with the provisions below applicable notwithstanding that the Loan Documents and any Supported QFC

DMS_US.362473592.16 -154- may in fact be stated to be governed by the laws of the State of New York and/or of the United States or any other state of the United States): (a) In the event a Covered Entity that is party to a Supported QFC (each, a "Covered Party") becomes subject to a proceeding under a U.S. Special Resolution Regime, the transfer of such Supported QFC and the benefit of such QFC Credit Support (and any interest and obligation in or under such Supported QFC and such QFC Credit Support, and any rights in property securing such Supported QFC or such QFC Credit Support) from such Covered Party will be effective to the same extent as the transfer would be effective under the U.S. Special Resolution Regime if the Supported QFC and such QFC Credit Support (and any such interest, obligation and rights in property) were governed by the laws of the United States or a state of the United States. In the event a Covered Party or a BHC Act Affiliate of a Covered Party becomes subject to a proceeding under a U.S. Special Resolution Regime, Default Rights under the Loan Documents that might otherwise apply to such Supported QFC or any QFC Credit Support that may be exercised against such Covered Party are permitted to be exercised to no greater extent than such Default Rights could be exercised under the U.S. Special Resolution Regime if the Supported QFC and the Loan Documents were governed by the laws of the United States or a state of the United States. Without limitation of the foregoing, it is understood and agreed that rights and remedies of the parties with respect to a Defaulting Lender shall in no event affect the rights of any Covered Party with respect to a Supported QFC or any QFC Credit Support. (b) As used in this Section 11.19, the following terms have the following meanings: "BHC Act Affiliate" of a party means an "affiliate" (as such term is defined under, and interpreted in accordance with, 12 U.S.C. 1841(k)) of such party. "Covered Entity" means any of the following: (i) a "covered entity" as that term is defined in, and interpreted in accordance with, 12 C.F.R. § 252.82(b); (ii) a "covered bank" as that term is defined in, and interpreted in accordance with, 12 C.F.R. § 47.3(b); or (iii) a "covered FSI" as that term is defined in, and interpreted in accordance with, 12 C.F.R. § 382.2(b). "Default Right" has the meaning assigned to that term in, and shall be interpreted in accordance with, 12 C.F.R. §§ 252.81, 47.2 or 382.1, as applicable. "QFC" has the meaning assigned to the term "qualified financial contract" in, and shall be interpreted in accordance with, 12 U.S.C. 5390(c)(8)(D).

DMS_US.362473592.16 -155- 11.20 Acknowledgement and Consent to Bail-In of Affected Financial Institutions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Loan Document or in any other agreement, arrangement or understanding among any such parties, each party hereto acknowledges that any liability of any Affected Financial Institution arising under any Loan Document may be subject to the Write-Down and Conversion Powers of the applicable Resolution Authority and agrees and consents to, and acknowledges and agrees to be bound by: (a) the application of any Write-Down and Conversion Powers by the applicable Resolution Authority to any such liabilities arising hereunder which may be payable to it by any party hereto that is an Affected Financial Institution; and (b) the effects of any Bail-In Action on any such liability, including, if applicable: (i) a reduction in full or in part or cancellation of any such liability; (ii) a conversion of all, or a portion of, such liability into shares or other instruments of ownership in such Affected Financial Institution, its parent entity, or a bridge institution that may be issued to it or otherwise conferred on it, and that such shares or other instruments of ownership will be accepted by it in lieu of any rights with respect to any such liability under this Agreement or any other Loan Document; or (iii) the variation of the terms of such liability in connection with the exercise of the Write-Down and Conversion Powers of the applicable Resolution Authority. 11.21 Disclosure. Each Loan Party, each Lender and each Issuing Bank hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Agent and/or its Affiliates from time to time may hold investments in, make other loans to or have other relationships with, any of the Loan Parties and their respective Affiliates. 11.22 Appointment for Perfection. Each Lender hereby appoints each other Lender as its agent for the purpose of perfecting Liens, for the benefit of the Agent and the Secured Parties, in assets which, in accordance with Article 9 of the UCC or any other applicable law can be perfected only by possession or control. Should any Lender (other than the Agent) obtain possession or control of any such Collateral, such Lender shall notify the Agent thereof, and, promptly upon the Agent's request therefor shall deliver such Collateral to the Agent or otherwise deal with such Collateral in accordance with the Agent's instructions. 11.23 Joint and Several Liability of the Borrower. For the avoidance of doubt, the Borrower hereby confirms that the Borrower shall be jointly and severally liable, including under any and all Obligations or Secured Obligations of any other Loan Party.

[Signature Page to Fourth Amended and Restated Credit Agreement] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Borrower, the Agent, the Issuing Banks and the Lenders have caused this Agreement to be duly executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the date first above written. VISHAY PRECISION GROUP, INC. By: /s/ William M. Clancy Name: William M. Clancy Title: Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Corporate Secretary

[Signature Page to Fourth Amended and Restated Credit Agreement] JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, in its capacity as the Agent, an Issuing Bank and a Lender By: /s/ Christine Lathrop Name: Christine Lathrop Title: Executive Director

[Signature Page to Fourth Amended and Restated Credit Agreement] WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, in its capacity as an Issuing Bank and a Lender By: /s/ Thomas Collins Name: Thomas Collins Title: Vice President

[Signature Page to Fourth Amended and Restated Credit Agreement] HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, in its capacity as a Lender By: /s/ Fei Wang Name: Fei Wang Title: Relationship Manager

DMS_US.362473592.16 LIST OF ADDENDA (EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES) Exhibits Exhibit A Form of RC Note (§ 2.6) Exhibit B Form of Request for Advance (RC Loan) (§ 2.2) Exhibit C Form of Interest Election Request (§ 2.8.4) Exhibit D Reserved Exhibit E Reserved Exhibit F-1 Reserved Exhibit F-2 Reserved Exhibit G Form of Intercompany Promissory Note (of U.S. Loan Party) (§ 8.1.1(l)) Exhibit H Reserved Exhibit I Form of Officer's Compliance Certificate (§ 1.1) Exhibit J Form of Assignment and Assumption (§ 11.6.2(d)) Exhibit K-1 Form of Foreign Lender Tax Certificate (§ 2.14.6) Exhibit K-2 Form of U.S. Tax Compliance Certificate (§ 2.14.6) Exhibit K-3 Form of U.S. Tax Compliance Certificate (§ 2.14.6) Exhibit K-4 Form of U.S. Tax Compliance Certificate (of Foreign Lender Partnership) (§ 2.14.6) Schedules Schedule 1.1 Commitment Schedule 1.2 Existing Letters of Credit Schedule 5.1.1 Organization and Qualification Schedule 5.1.2 Stock Ownership Schedule 5.1.3 Organizational Chart of Borrower and all of its Subsidiaries Schedule 5.4 Recording, Enforceability and Consent Schedule 5.7 Litigation; Compliance with Laws; OFAC Requirements Schedule 5.8 No Burdensome Agreements; Material Agreements Schedule 5.9 Condition of Property Schedule 5.10 Intellectual Property Schedule 5.18 ERISA Plans Schedule 5.22(d) Environmental Schedule 5.23 Labor Matters Schedule 5.25 Existing Indebtedness Schedule 8.1.1 Certain Indebtedness Schedule 8.2 Liens Schedule 8.6 Transactions with Affiliates Schedule 8.11 Tax Consolidation Schedule 8.30 Post-Closing Covenants