
表格 10-Q
根据1934年证券交易法第13或15(d)条的规定,截至季度结束的季度报告 2024年9月30日
委员会文件号码   0-7818
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(616) 527-5820
The 纳斯达克资本市场所有板块
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请指示每一类发行人普通股在最近可行日期的流通股数:普通股,无面值, 20,894,078 a截至2024年11月4日。

三个月的精简综合损益表 有九起类似诉讼针对JAVELIN的要约收购和合并被提起,称违反信托责任,寻求公正补偿,包括但不限于,禁止交易的达成、撤销、解除已经交易的事项,以及发送费用、补贴成本,包括合理的律师费和费用。唯一的佛罗里达州诉讼从未向被告送达,该案件于2017年1月20日自愿撤回并关闭。2016年4月25日,马里兰法院颁布了一项命令,将马里兰案件合并成一起诉讼,标题为JAVELIN Mortgage Investment Corp.股东诉讼(案号24-C-16-001542),并指定一个马里兰案件的律师作为临时首席联合法律顾问。2016年5月26日,临时首席律师提交了经修订的钒化铁质量投诉,声称违反信托责任的集体索赔,教唆和共谋违反信托责任以及浪费。2016年6月27日,被告提出了驳回合并修订集体投诉申请的动议,声称未陈述可以获得救济的规定。在2017年3月3日,听证会召开了驳回动议,法院保留了裁定。法院数次推迟动议陈述的裁定。2024年2月14日,法院颁布裁定,支持被告的驳回动议,并驳回所有原告的权利,无需上诉。在2024年3月11日,原告提出了对法院裁定的上诉通知。2024年7月3日,原告自愿撤回之前提出的上诉通知。截至 九月 30、2024和2023年
综合收益简明综合损益表 三个月和 有九起类似诉讼针对JAVELIN的要约收购和合并被提起,称违反信托责任,寻求公正补偿,包括但不限于,禁止交易的达成、撤销、解除已经交易的事项,以及发送费用、补贴成本,包括合理的律师费和费用。唯一的佛罗里达州诉讼从未向被告送达,该案件于2017年1月20日自愿撤回并关闭。2016年4月25日,马里兰法院颁布了一项命令,将马里兰案件合并成一起诉讼,标题为JAVELIN Mortgage Investment Corp.股东诉讼(案号24-C-16-001542),并指定一个马里兰案件的律师作为临时首席联合法律顾问。2016年5月26日,临时首席律师提交了经修订的钒化铁质量投诉,声称违反信托责任的集体索赔,教唆和共谋违反信托责任以及浪费。2016年6月27日,被告提出了驳回合并修订集体投诉申请的动议,声称未陈述可以获得救济的规定。在2017年3月3日,听证会召开了驳回动议,法院保留了裁定。法院数次推迟动议陈述的裁定。2024年2月14日,法院颁布裁定,支持被告的驳回动议,并驳回所有原告的权利,无需上诉。在2024年3月11日,原告提出了对法院裁定的上诉通知。2024年7月3日,原告自愿撤回之前提出的上诉通知。-月期结束 九月 30、2024和2023年
基本报表有九起类似诉讼针对JAVELIN的要约收购和合并被提起,称违反信托责任,寻求公正补偿,包括但不限于,禁止交易的达成、撤销、解除已经交易的事项,以及发送费用、补贴成本,包括合理的律师费和费用。唯一的佛罗里达州诉讼从未向被告送达,该案件于2017年1月20日自愿撤回并关闭。2016年4月25日,马里兰法院颁布了一项命令,将马里兰案件合并成一起诉讼,标题为JAVELIN Mortgage Investment Corp.股东诉讼(案号24-C-16-001542),并指定一个马里兰案件的律师作为临时首席联合法律顾问。2016年5月26日,临时首席律师提交了经修订的钒化铁质量投诉,声称违反信托责任的集体索赔,教唆和共谋违反信托责任以及浪费。2016年6月27日,被告提出了驳回合并修订集体投诉申请的动议,声称未陈述可以获得救济的规定。在2017年3月3日,听证会召开了驳回动议,法院保留了裁定。法院数次推迟动议陈述的裁定。2024年2月14日,法院颁布裁定,支持被告的驳回动议,并驳回所有原告的权利,无需上诉。在2024年3月11日,原告提出了对法院裁定的上诉通知。2024年7月3日,原告自愿撤回之前提出的上诉通知。-月份结束 九月 30、2024和2023年
股东权益简明综合报表三个月及 有九起类似诉讼针对JAVELIN的要约收购和合并被提起,称违反信托责任,寻求公正补偿,包括但不限于,禁止交易的达成、撤销、解除已经交易的事项,以及发送费用、补贴成本,包括合理的律师费和费用。唯一的佛罗里达州诉讼从未向被告送达,该案件于2017年1月20日自愿撤回并关闭。2016年4月25日,马里兰法院颁布了一项命令,将马里兰案件合并成一起诉讼,标题为JAVELIN Mortgage Investment Corp.股东诉讼(案号24-C-16-001542),并指定一个马里兰案件的律师作为临时首席联合法律顾问。2016年5月26日,临时首席律师提交了经修订的钒化铁质量投诉,声称违反信托责任的集体索赔,教唆和共谋违反信托责任以及浪费。2016年6月27日,被告提出了驳回合并修订集体投诉申请的动议,声称未陈述可以获得救济的规定。在2017年3月3日,听证会召开了驳回动议,法院保留了裁定。法院数次推迟动议陈述的裁定。2024年2月14日,法院颁布裁定,支持被告的驳回动议,并驳回所有原告的权利,无需上诉。在2024年3月11日,原告提出了对法院裁定的上诉通知。2024年7月3日,原告自愿撤回之前提出的上诉通知。-月份期结束 九月 30、2024和2023年



第一部分 - 项目1.
September 30,
现金和存放在银行的款项$61,503 $68,208 
利息支出存款60,057 101,573 
现金及现金等价物121,560 169,781 
可供出售证券588,950 679,350 
持有至到期的证券(公允价值为$314,638 2024年9月30日和 $318,606 2023年12月31日 )
343,362 353,988 
联邦住房贷款银行和联邦储备银行股票,按成本核算16,099 16,821 
按公允价值计量的待售贷款14,029 12,063 
商业用途1,825,247 1,679,731 
抵押贷款1,511,400 1,485,872 
分期付款605,640 625,298 
贷款总额3,942,287 3,790,901 
净贷款3,884,843 3,736,243 
其他房地产和资产被回收资产净额781 569 
资产和设备,净值35,250 35,523 
银行拥有的人寿保险54,017 54,341 
按公允价值计量的资本化抵押贷款服务权40,204 42,243 
其他无形资产1,617 2,004 
商誉28,300 28,300 
应计利息和其他资产130,256 132,500 
总资产$5,259,268 $5,263,726 
非计息存款$1,023,739 $1,076,093 
储蓄和计息支票1,947,571 1,905,701 
相互的995,469 832,020 
时间620,446 524,325 
经纪人时间39,650 284,740 
存款总额4,626,875 4,622,879 
其他借款 50,026 
从属债务39,567 39,510 
次级债券39,779 39,728 
应计费用及其他负债100,678 107,134 
总负债4,806,899 4,859,277 
优先股,每股面值,200,000 A类普通股,每股面值为$
普通股,每股面值,500,000,000 股份授权;已发行并流通: 20,893,800 年9月30日及 20,835,633 股票数量:40,784,202
318,216 317,483 
保留盈余192,405 159,108 
股东权益合计452,369 404,449 
负债合计和股东权益总计$5,259,268 $5,263,726 
See notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements (Unaudited)

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
Three months ended September 30,Nine months ended September 30,
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
(In thousands, except per share amounts)
Interest Income
Interest and fees on loans$58,410 $51,419 $170,239 $143,392 
Interest on securities
Taxable4,502 5,865 14,466 17,668 
Tax-exempt3,404 3,409 10,195 9,775 
Other investments2,018 1,739 4,898 3,481 
Total Interest Income68,334 62,432 199,798 174,316 
Interest Expense
Deposits24,462 20,743 70,148 51,964 
Other borrowings and subordinated debt and debentures2,018 2,262 6,253 6,134 
Total Interest Expense26,480 23,005 76,401 58,098 
Net Interest Income41,854 39,427 123,397 116,218 
Provision for credit losses1,488 1,350 2,251 6,827 
Net Interest Income After Provision for Credit Losses40,366 38,077 121,146 109,391 
Non-interest Income
Interchange income4,146 4,100 10,698 10,660 
Service charges on deposit accounts3,085 3,309 8,894 9,300 
Net gains (losses) on assets
Mortgage loans2,177 2,099 4,874 5,475 
Equity securities at fair value
(8) 2,685  
Securities available for sale(145) (414)(222)
Mortgage loan servicing, net(3,130)2,668 1,686 7,068 
Other3,383 3,435 8,818 9,298 
Total Non-interest Income9,508 15,611 37,241 41,579 
Non-interest Expense
Compensation and employee benefits20,048 19,975 62,069 59,916 
Data processing3,379 3,071 9,891 8,953 
Occupancy, net1,893 1,971 5,853 5,975 
Interchange expense1,149 1,119 3,373 3,222 
Furniture, fixtures and equipment932 927 2,834 2,782 
FDIC deposit insurance664 677 2,141 2,209 
Loan and collection657 520 1,868 1,718 
Advertising581 360 1,860 1,286 
Legal and professional687 543 1,717 1,623 
Communications519 568 1,633 1,871 
Costs (recoveries) related to unfunded lending commitments113 451 (676)76 
Other1,961 1,854 5,546 5,610 
Total Non-interest Expense32,583 32,036 98,109 95,241 
Income Before Income Tax17,291 21,652 60,278 55,729 
Income tax expense3,481 4,109 11,949 10,405 
Net Income$13,810 $17,543 $48,329 $45,324 
Net Income Per Common Share
Basic$0.66 $0.84 $2.31 $2.16 
Diluted$0.65 $0.83 $2.29 $2.14 
See notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements (Unaudited)

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Three months ended
September 30,
Nine months ended
September 30,
(Unaudited - In thousands)
Net income$13,810 $17,543 $48,329 $45,324 
Other comprehensive income (loss)
Securities available for sale
Unrealized gains (losses) arising during period
11,822 (15,355)13,618 (1,592)
Accretion of net unrealized losses on securities transferred to held to maturity818 881 2,493 2,667 
Reclassification adjustments for losses included in earnings
145  414 222 
Unrealized gains (losses) recognized in other comprehensive income (loss) on securities available for sale
12,785 (14,474)16,525 1,297 
Income tax expense (benefit)
2,685 (3,040)3,470 272 
Unrealized gains (losses) recognized in other comprehensive income (loss) on securities available for sale, net of tax
10,100 (11,434)13,055 1,025 
Derivative instruments
Unrealized gains (losses) arising during period
2,744 (527)52 (940)
Reclassification adjustment for expense recognized in earnings390 72 1,005 224 
Unrealized gains (losses) recognized in other comprehensive income (loss) on derivative instruments
3,134 (455)1,057 (716)
Income tax expense (benefit)
658 (95)222 (150)
Unrealized gains (losses) recognized in other comprehensive income (loss) on derivative instruments, net of tax
2,476 (360)835 (566)
Other comprehensive income (loss)
12,576 (11,794)13,890 459 
Comprehensive income
$26,386 $5,749 $62,219 $45,783 
See notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements (Unaudited)

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Nine months ended September 30,
(Unaudited - In thousands)
Net Income$48,329 $45,324 
Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Net Cash From Operating Activities  
Proceeds from sales of equity securities at fair value
Proceeds from sales of loans held for sale279,046 273,766 
Disbursements for loans held for sale(276,535)(255,601)
Provision for credit losses2,251 6,827 
Deferred income tax expense (benefit)
Net deferred loan costs
149 285 
Net depreciation, amortization of intangible assets and premiums and accretion of discounts on securities and loans7,522 7,478 
Net gains on mortgage loans(4,874)(5,475)
Net gains on equity securities at fair value
Net losses on securities available for sale414 222 
Share based compensation1,744 1,670 
Increase in accrued income and other assets
Decrease in accrued expenses and other liabilities
Total Adjustments(1,547)13,464 
Net Cash From Operating Activities46,782 58,788 
Cash Flow Used in Investing Activities
Proceeds from the sale of securities available for sale39,431 278 
Proceeds from the sale of securities held to maturity previously charged off
Proceeds from maturities, prepayments and calls of securities available for sale66,039 89,315 
Proceeds from maturities, prepayments and calls of securities held to maturity 14,236 16,745 
Purchases of securities held to maturity(3,628)(1,740)
Purchases of Federal Home Loan Bank stock
Proceeds from the redemption of Federal Home Loan Bank stock722 1,310 
Net increase in portfolio loans (loans originated, net of principal payments)(163,731)(311,733)
Proceeds from the sale of portfolio loans14,807 51,481 
Proceeds from bank-owned life insurance889 905 
Proceeds from the sale of other real estate and repossessed assets822 598 
Proceeds from the sale of property and equipment
299 1,632 
Capital expenditures(3,941)(4,511)
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities
Cash Flow From (Used in) Financing Activities
Net increase in total deposits
3,996 206,543 
Net decrease in other borrowings
Proceeds from Federal Home Loan Bank Advances 135,000 
Payments of Federal Home Loan Bank Advances(50,000)(110,000)
Dividends paid(15,032)(14,535)
Proceeds from issuance of common stock 71 
Repurchase of common stock (4,963)
Share based compensation withholding obligation(1,011)(624)
Net Cash From (Used in) Financing Activities
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Period169,781 74,371 
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period$121,560 $127,461 
Cash paid during the period for  
Interest$78,720 $53,936 
Income taxes11,400 11,300 
Transfers to other real estate and repossessed assets864 604 
Right of use assets obtained in exchange for lease obligations2,354 1,146 
See notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements (Unaudited)

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Shareholders’ Equity
Comprehensive Loss
(Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)
Balances at July 1, 2024$317,676 $183,611 $(70,828)$430,459 
Net income, three months ended September 30, 2024— 13,810 — 13,810 
Cash dividends declared, $0.24 per share
— (5,016)— (5,016)
Share based compensation (issuance of 0 shares of common stock)
574 — — 574 
Share based compensation withholding obligation (withholding of 1,036 shares of common stock)
(34)— — (34)
Other comprehensive income
— — 12,576 12,576 
Balances at September 30, 2024$318,216 $192,405 $(58,252)$452,369 
Balances at July 1, 2023$318,241 $137,431 $(80,510)$375,162 
Net income, three months ended September 30, 2023— 17,543 — 17,543 
Cash dividends declared, $0.23 per share
— (4,817)— (4,817)
Repurchase of 88,401 shares of common stock
(1,693)— — (1,693)
Issuance of 0 shares of common stock
— — —  
Share based compensation (issuance of 0 shares of common stock)
624 — — 624 
Share based compensation withholding obligation (withholding of 1,443 shares of common stock)
(27)— — (27)
Other comprehensive loss— — (11,794)(11,794)
Balances at September 30, 2023$317,145 $150,157 $(92,304)$374,998 
Balances at January 1, 2024$317,483 $159,108 $(72,142)$404,449 
Net income, nine months ended September 30, 2024— 48,329 — 48,329 
Cash dividends declared, $0.72 per share
— (15,032)— (15,032)
Share based compensation (issuance of 102,324 shares of common stock)
1,744 — — 1,744 
Share based compensation withholding obligation (withholding of 40,986 shares of common stock)
(1,011)— — (1,011)
Other comprehensive income— — 13,890 13,890 
Balances at September 30, 2024$318,216 $192,405 $(58,252)$452,369 
Balances at January 1, 2023$320,991 $119,368 $(92,763)$347,596 
Net income, nine months ended September 30, 2023— 45,324 — 45,324 
Cash dividends declared, $0.69 per share
— (14,535)— (14,535)
Repurchase of 288,401 shares of common stock
(4,963)— — (4,963)
Issuance of 23,000 shares of common stock
71 — — 71 
Share based compensation (issuance of 86,763 shares of common stock)
1,670 — — 1,670 
Share based compensation withholding obligation (withholding of 31,483 shares of common stock)
(624)— — (624)
Other comprehensive income— — 459 459 
Balances at September 30, 2023$317,145 $150,157 $(92,304)$374,998 
See notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements (Unaudited)

1.    Preparation of Financial Statements
The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Certain information and note disclosures normally included in annual financial statements prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) have been condensed or omitted pursuant to those rules and regulations, although we believe that the disclosures made are adequate to make the information not misleading. The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements and notes for the year ended December 31, 2023 included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K.
In our opinion, the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements contain all the adjustments necessary to present fairly our consolidated financial condition as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, and the results of operations for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. The results of operations for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024, are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the full year. Certain reclassifications have been made in the prior period condensed consolidated financial statements to conform to the current period presentation. Our critical accounting policies include the determination of the allowance for credit losses (“ACL”) and the valuation of capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights. Refer to our 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K for a disclosure of our accounting policies.
2.    New Accounting Standards
In March 2020, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued Accounting Standards Update ("ASU") 2020-04, ‘‘Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848), Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting’’ and in December 2022 the FASB issued ASU 2022-06, "Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848), Deferral of the Sunset Date of Topic 848". These new ASUs provide temporary optional expedients and exceptions to GAAP guidance on contract modifications and hedge accounting to ease the financial reporting burdens of the expected market transition from LIBOR and other interbank offered rates to alternative reference rates. Entities can elect not to apply certain modification accounting requirements to contracts affected by reference rate reform, if certain criteria are met. Entities that make such elections would not have to remeasure contracts at the modification date or reassess a previous accounting determination. Entities can elect various optional expedients that would allow them to continue applying hedge accounting for hedging relationships affected by reference rate reform, if certain criteria are met.
We had formed a cross-functional project team to lead the transition from LIBOR to a planned adoption of reference rates which included Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”). We utilized the timeline guidance published by the Alternative Reference Rates Committee to develop and achieve internal milestones during the transitional period. We discontinued the use of new LIBOR-based loans as of December 31, 2021, according to regulatory guidelines. We also discontinued the use of new LIBOR based interest rate derivatives as of December 31, 2021. The amended guidance under Topic 848 and our ability to elect its temporary optional expedients and exceptions are effective for us through December 31, 2024.
In March, 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-02, "Investments - Equity Method and Joint Ventures (Topic 323): Accounting for Investments in Tax Credit Structures Using the Proportional Amortization Method (a consensus of the Emerging Issues Task Force)". This ASU expands the use of the proportional amortization method of accounting — currently allowed only for investments in low-income housing tax credit ("LIHTC") structures — to equity investments in other tax credit structures that meet certain criteria. Common tax credit programs that investors access via tax equity structures and that may now be eligible for application of the proportional amortization method include: new markets tax credits, historic rehabilitation tax credit programs, and renewable energy tax credit programs. This ASU takes effect in reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2023, with early adoption permitted. The adoption of this ASU on January 1, 2024, did not have a material impact on our Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
In November, 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-07, "Segment Reporting (Topic 323): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures". This ASU enhances disclosures of significant segment expenses by requiring entities to disclose significant segment expenses regularly provided to the chief operating decision maker, extend certain annual disclosures to interim periods, and permit more than one measure of segment profit or loss to be reported under certain conditions. This ASU takes effect for annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2023 and interim periods within fiscal years

beginning after December 15, 2024. Early adoption is permitted. We do not expect the adoption of this ASU to have a material impact on our Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
In December, 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, "Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures". This ASU modifies the rules on income tax disclosures to require entities to disclose (1) specific categories in the rate reconciliation, (2) the income or loss from continuing operations before income tax expense or benefit (separated between domestic and foreign) and (3) income tax expense or benefit from continuing operations (separated by federal, state and foreign). This ASU also requires entities to disclose their income tax payments to international, federal, state and local jurisdictions, among other changes. This ASU takes effect in reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2024, with early adoption permitted. We do not expect the adoption of this ASU to have a material impact on our Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

3.    Securities
Securities available for sale (“AFS”) consist of the following:
GainsLossesFair Value
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
U.S. agency$9,046 $3 $511 $8,538 
U.S. agency residential mortgage-backed83,116 66 7,091 76,091 
U.S. agency commercial mortgage-backed13,153  1,080 12,073 
Private label mortgage-backed80,409 261 4,067 76,603 
Other asset backed44,325 16 577 43,764 
Obligations of states and political subdivisions334,368 12 34,312 300,068 
Corporate74,216 1 3,360 70,857 
Trust preferred985  29 956 
Total$639,618 $359 $51,027 $588,950 
December 31, 2023   
U.S. agency$10,299 $5 $797 $9,507 
U.S. agency residential mortgage-backed90,195 3 8,981 81,217 
U.S. agency commercial mortgage-backed13,706  1,409 12,297 
Private label mortgage-backed93,527 249 7,307 86,469 
Other asset backed114,867 3 1,939 112,931 
Obligations of states and political subdivisions341,177 204 38,644 302,737 
Corporate79,296  6,046 73,250 
Trust preferred983  41 942 
Total$744,050 $464 $65,164 $679,350 

Securities held to maturity (“HTM”) consist of the following:
Loss (1)
UnrealizedFair Value
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
U.S. agency$24,863 $1,472 $ $26,335 $ $4,007 $22,328 
U.S. agency residential mortgage-backed102,733 8,933  111,666  20,019 91,647 
U.S. agency commercial mortgage-backed4,045 118  4,163  328 3,835 
Private label mortgage-backed7,344 218 1 7,563  557 7,006 
Obligations of states and political subdivisions157,525 5,653 17 163,195 129 15,895 147,429 
Corporate45,900 572 111 46,583  5,190 41,393 
Trust preferred952 44 4 1,000   1,000 
Total$343,362 $17,010 $133 $360,505 $129 $45,996 $314,638 
December 31, 2023
U.S. agency$25,768 $1,603 $ $27,371 $ $4,892 $22,479 
U.S. agency residential mortgage-backed108,770 9,715  118,485  23,849 94,636 
U.S. agency commercial mortgage-backed4,146 153  4,299  460 3,839 
Private label mortgage-backed7,302 302 4 7,608  854 6,754 
Obligations of states and political subdivisions161,352 6,879 33 168,264 88 18,807 149,545 
Corporate45,702 803 116 46,621 780 7,033 40,368 
Trust preferred948 48 4 1,000  15 985 
Total$353,988 $19,503 $157 $373,648 $868 $55,910 $318,606 
(1)Represents the remaining unrealized loss to be accreted on securities that were transferred from AFS to HTM on April 1, 2022.


Our investments' gross unrealized losses and fair values for securities AFS aggregated by investment type and length of time that individual securities have been at a continuous unrealized loss position follows:
Less Than Twelve MonthsTwelve Months or MoreTotal
Fair ValueUnrealized
Fair ValueUnrealized
Fair ValueUnrealized
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
U.S. agency$126 $ $7,839 $511 $7,965 $511 
U.S. agency residential mortgage-backed44  65,654 7,091 65,698 7,091 
U.S. agency commercial mortgage-backed  12,073 1,080 12,073 1,080 
Private label mortgage-backed933 1 74,478 4,066 75,411 4,067 
Other asset backed1,508 2 32,939 575 34,447 577 
Obligations of states and political subdivisions  300,068 34,312 300,068 34,312 
Corporate  69,360 3,360 69,360 3,360 
Trust preferred  956 29 956 29 
Total$2,611 $3 $563,367 $51,024 $565,978 $51,027 
December 31, 2023
U.S. agency$130 $ $8,453 $797 $8,583 $797 
U.S. agency residential mortgage-backed358 1 80,008 8,980 80,366 8,981 
U.S. agency commercial mortgage-backed  12,297 1,409 12,297 1,409 
Private label mortgage-backed6,285 356 79,507 6,951 85,792 7,307 
Other asset backed7,714 88 97,203 1,851 104,917 1,939 
Obligations of states and political subdivisions  301,038 38,644 301,038 38,644 
Corporate  73,249 6,046 73,249 6,046 
Trust preferred  942 41 942 41 
Total$14,487 $445 $652,697 $64,719 $667,184 $65,164 
Securities AFS in unrealized loss positions are evaluated quarterly for impairment related to credit losses. For securities AFS in an unrealized loss position, we first assess whether we intend to sell, or it is more likely than not that we will be required to sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost basis. If either of the criteria regarding intent or requirement to sell is met, the security’s amortized cost basis is written down to fair value through income. For securities AFS that do not meet this criteria, we evaluate whether the decline in fair value has resulted from credit losses or other factors. In making this assessment, we consider the extent to which fair value is less than amortized cost, adverse conditions specifically related to the security and the issuer and the impact of changes in market interest rates on the market value of the security, among other factors. If this assessment indicates that a credit loss exists, we compare the present value of cash flows expected to be collected from the security with the amortized cost basis of the security. If the present value of cash flows expected to be collected is less than the amortized cost basis for the security, a credit loss exists and an ACL is recorded, limited to the amount that the fair value of the security is less than its amortized cost basis. Any impairment that has not been recorded through an ACL is recognized in other comprehensive income (loss), net of applicable taxes. No ACL for securities AFS was needed at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Accrued interest receivable on securities AFS totaled $3.5 million and $4.6 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023,

respectively, and is excluded from the estimate of credit losses and is included in accrued income and other assets in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition.
U.S. agency, U.S. agency residential mortgage-backed and U.S. agency commercial mortgage-backed securities — at September 30, 2024, we had 27 U.S. agency, 107 U.S. agency residential mortgage-backed and 10 U.S. agency commercial mortgage-backed securities whose fair value is less than amortized cost. These securities are either explicitly or implicitly guaranteed by the U.S. government, are highly rated by major credit rating agencies, and have a long history of no credit losses. The unrealized losses are largely attributed to widening spreads to Treasury bonds and/or an increase in interest rates since acquisition.
Private label mortgage backed, other asset backed and corporate securities — at September 30, 2024, we had 76 private label mortgage backed, 53 other asset backed, and 71 corporate securities whose fair value is less than amortized cost. The unrealized losses are primarily due to credit spread widening and/or an increase in interest rates since acquisition.
Obligations of states and political subdivisions — at September 30, 2024, we had 312 municipal securities whose fair value is less than amortized cost. The unrealized losses are primarily due to an increase in interest rates since acquisition.
Trust preferred securities — at September 30, 2024, we had one trust preferred security whose fair value is less than amortized cost. This trust preferred security is a single issue security issued by a trust subsidiary of a bank holding company. The pricing of trust preferred securities has suffered from credit spread widening. This security is rated by a major rating agency as investment grade.
At September 30, 2024 management does not intend to liquidate any of the securities discussed above and it is more likely than not that we will not be required to sell these securities prior to recovery of these unrealized losses.
We recorded no credit related charges in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations related to securities AFS during the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
The ACL on securities HTM is a contra asset valuation account that is deducted from the carrying amount of securities HTM to present the net amount expected to be collected. Securities HTM are charged off against the ACL when deemed uncollectible. Adjustments to the ACL are reported in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations in provision for credit losses. We measure expected credit losses on securities HTM on a collective basis by major security type with each type sharing similar risk characteristics, and we consider historical credit loss information. Accrued interest receivable on securities HTM totaled $1.8 million and $1.8 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively and is excluded from the estimate of credit losses and is included in accrued income and other assets in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition. With regard to U.S. Government-sponsored agency and mortgage-backed securities (residential and commercial), all these securities are issued by a U.S. government-sponsored entity and have an implicit or explicit government guarantee; therefore, no allowance for credit losses has been recorded for these securities. With regard to obligations of states and political subdivisions, private label-mortgage-backed, corporate and trust preferred securities HTM, we consider (1) issuer bond ratings, (2) long-term historical loss rates for given bond ratings, (3) the financial condition of the issuer, and (4) whether issuers continue to make timely principal and interest payments under the contractual terms of the securities. Historical loss rates associated with securities having similar grades as those in our portfolio have been insignificant. During the first quarter of 2023, one corporate security (Signature Bank) defaulted resulting in a $3.0 million provision for credit losses and a corresponding full charge-off. Subsequent to this security's charge-off, a portion of its fair value had recovered and was subsequently sold during the first quarter of 2024 for $1.1 million during which period we recorded that amount as a recovery to the ACL. Despite this lone security loss, the long-term historical loss rates associated with securities having similar grades as those in our portfolio have been insignificant. Furthermore, as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, there were no past due principal and interest payments associated with these securities. At those same dates an allowance for credit losses of $133,000 and $157,000, respectively was recorded on non U.S. agency securities HTM based on applying the long-term historical credit loss rate, as published by credit rating agencies, for similarly rated securities.

On a quarterly basis, we monitor the credit quality of securities HTM through the use of credit ratings. The carrying value of securities HTM aggregated by credit quality follow:
of States
and Political
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
Credit rating:
AAA$7,344 $35,378 $ $ $42,722 
AA 103,090   103,090 
A 3,468 5,007  8,475 
BBB 655 35,991  36,646 
  1,958  1,958 
Non-rated 14,934 2,944 952 18,830 
Total$7,344 $157,525 $45,900 $952 $211,721 
December 31, 2023
Credit rating:
AAA$7,302 $36,629 $ $ $43,931 
AA 102,583   102,583 
A 3,172 6,923  10,095 
BBB 856 33,913  34,769 
BB  1,943  1,943 
Non-rated 18,112 2,923 948 21,983 
Total$7,302 $161,352 $45,702 $948 $215,304 


An analysis of the allowance for credit losses by security HTM type for the three months ended September 30 follows:
of States
and Political
(In thousands)
Balance at beginning of period$4 $31 $116 $4 $155 
Additions (deductions)   
Provision for credit losses(3)(14)(5) (22)
Recoveries credited to the allowance     
Securities HTM charged against the allowance     
Balance at end of period$1 $17 $111 $4 $133 
Balance at beginning of period$1 $39 $116 $4 $160 
Additions (deductions)
Provision for credit losses3 (6)(2) (5)
Recoveries credited to the allowance     
Securities HTM charged against the allowance     
Balance at end of period$4 $33 $114 $4 $155 

An analysis of the allowance for credit losses by security HTM type for the nine months ended September 30 follows:
of States
and Political
(In thousands)
Balance at beginning of period$4 $33 $116 $4 $157 
Additions (deductions)
Provision for credit losses(3)(16)(1,130) (1,149)
Recoveries credited to the allowance  1,125  1,125 
Securities HTM charged against the allowance     
Balance at end of period$1 $17 $111 $4 $133 
Balance at beginning of period$1 $39 $123 $5 $168 
Additions (deductions)
Provision for credit losses3 (6)2,991 (1)2,987 
Recoveries credited to the allowance     
Securities HTM charged against the allowance  (3,000) (3,000)
Balance at end of period$4 $33 $114 $4 $155 
The amortized cost and fair value of securities AFS and securities HTM at September 30, 2024, by contractual maturity, follow:
Securities AFSSecurities HTM
(In thousands)
Maturing within one year$21,647 $21,262 $7,457 $7,410 
Maturing after one year but within five years148,875 140,013 55,599 52,401 
Maturing after five years but within ten years45,741 41,401 94,300 82,813 
Maturing after ten years202,352 177,743 79,757 69,526 
418,615 380,419 237,113 212,150 
U.S. agency residential mortgage-backed83,116 76,091 111,666 91,647 
U.S. agency commercial mortgage-backed13,153 12,073 4,163 3,835 
Private label mortgage-backed80,409 76,603 7,563 7,006 
Other asset backed44,325 43,764   
Total$639,618 $588,950 $360,505 $314,638 
The actual maturity may differ from the contractual maturity because issuers may have the right to call or prepay obligations with or without call or prepayment penalties.

Gains and losses realized on the sale of securities AFS are determined using the specific identification method and are recognized on a trade-date basis. A summary of proceeds from the sale of securities AFS and gains and losses for the nine month periods ending September 30, follows:
(In thousands)
2024$39,431 $14 $428 
2023278  222 

During the second quarter of 2024 we acquired certain securities classified as equity securities at fair value consisting of Visa Inc. Class C common stock. These securities were all sold during the second and third quarters of 2024. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recognized gains (losses) on these equity securities of $(0.01) million and $2.7 million, respectively that are included in net gains (losses) on equity securities at fair value in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations. We had no equity securities at fair value during the same periods in 2023. See note #13.

4.    Loans
We estimate the ACL based on relevant available information from both internal and external sources, including historical loss trends, current conditions and forecasts, specific analysis of individual loans, and other relevant and appropriate factors. The allowance process is designed to provide for expected future losses based on our reasonable and supportable (“R&S”) forecast as of the reporting date. Our ACL process is administered by our Risk Management group utilizing a third party software solution, with significant input and ultimate approval from our Executive Enterprise Risk Committee. Further, we have established a current expected credit loss ("CECL") Forecast Committee, which includes a cross discipline structure with membership from Executive Management, Risk Management, Credit Administration and Accounting, which approves ACL model assumptions each quarter. Our ACL is comprised of three principal elements: (i) specific analysis of individual loans identified during the review of the loan portfolio, (ii) pooled analysis of loans with similar risk characteristics based on historical experience, adjusted for current conditions, R&S forecasts, and expected prepayments, and (iii) additional allowances based on subjective factors, including local and general economic business factors and trends, portfolio concentrations and changes in the size and/or the general terms of the loan portfolio.
The first ACL element (specific allocations) includes loans that do not share similar risk characteristics and are evaluated on an individual basis. We will typically evaluate on an individual basis loans that are on nonaccrual; commercial loans that have been modified resulting in a concession, for which the borrower is experiencing financial difficulties, and which are considered troubled loan modifications or with well defined weaknesses; and severely delinquent mortgage and installment loans. When we determine that foreclosure is probable or when repayment is expected to be provided substantially through the operation or sale of underlying collateral, expected credit losses are based on the fair value of the collateral at the reporting date, adjusted for estimated selling costs. For loans evaluated on an individual basis that are not determined to be collateral dependent, a discounted cash flow analysis is performed to determine expected credit losses.
The second ACL element (pooled analysis) includes loans with similar risk characteristics, which are broken down by segment, class, and risk metric. The Bank’s primary segments of commercial, mortgage, and installment loans are further classified by other relevant attributes, such as collateral type, lien position, occupancy status, amortization method, and balance size. Commercial classes are additionally segmented by risk rating, and mortgage and installment loan classes by credit score tier, which are updated at least semi-annually.
We utilize a discounted cash flow (“DCF”) model to estimate expected future losses for pooled loans. Expected future cash flows are developed from payment schedules over the contractual term, adjusted for forecasted default (probability of default), loss, and prepayment assumptions. We are not required to develop forecasts over the full contractual term of the financial asset or group of financial assets. Rather, for periods beyond which we are able to make or obtain R&S forecasts of expected credit losses, we revert to the long term average on a straight line or immediate basis, as determined by our CECL Forecast Committee, and which may vary depending on the economic outlook and uncertainty.
The DCF model for the mortgage and installment pooled loan segments includes using probability of default (“PD”) assumptions that are derived through regression analysis with forecasted US unemployment levels by credit score tier. We review a composite forecast of approximately 50 analysts as well as the Federal Open Market Committee (“FOMC”) projections in setting the unemployment forecast for the R&S period. The current ACL utilizes a one year R&S forecast followed by immediate reversion to the 75 year average unemployment rate. PD assumptions for the remaining segments are based primarily on historical rates by risk metric as defaults were not strongly correlated with any economic indicator. Loss given default (“LGD”) assumptions for the mortgage loan segment are based on a two year forecast followed by a two year straight line reversion period to the longer term average, while LGD rates for the remaining segments are the historical average for the entire period. Prepayment assumptions represent average rates per segment for a period determined by the CECL Forecast Committee and as calculated through the Bank’s Asset and Liability Management program.
Pooled reserves for the commercial loan segment are calculated using the DCF model with assumptions generally based on historical averages by class and risk rating. Effective risk rating practices allow for strong predictability of defaults and losses over the portfolio’s expected shorter duration, relative to mortgage and installment loans. Our rating system is similar to those employed by state and federal banking regulators.
The third ACL element (additional allocations based on subjective factors) is based on factors that cannot be associated with a specific credit or loan category and reflects our attempt to ensure that the overall ACL appropriately reflects a margin for the imprecision necessarily inherent in the estimates of expected credit losses. We adjust our quantitative model for certain qualitative factors to reflect the extent to which management expects current conditions and R&S forecasts to differ from the conditions that existed for the period over which historical information was evaluated. The qualitative framework reflects changes related to relevant data, such as changes in asset quality trends, portfolio growth and

composition, national and local economic factors, credit policy and administration and other factors not considered in the base quantitative model. We utilize a survey completed by business unit management throughout the Bank, as well as discussion with the CECL Forecast Committee to establish reserves under the qualitative framework.
An analysis of the allowance for credit losses by portfolio segment for the three months ended September 30, follows:
Commercial Mortgage Installment Subjective
(In thousands)
Balance at beginning of period$18,979 $20,731 $3,901 $12,630 $56,241 
Additions (deductions)   
Provision for credit losses1,082 (1,004)1,156 276 1,510 
Recoveries credited to the allowance101 131 479  711 
Loans charged against the allowance (26)(992) (1,018)
Balance at end of period$20,162 $19,832 $4,544 $12,906 $57,444 
Balance at beginning of period$16,284 $20,080 $4,315 $13,285 $53,964 
Additions (deductions)  
Provision for credit losses1,112 (170)(42)455 1,355 
Recoveries credited to the allowance178 112 467  757 
Loans charged against the allowance(24) (557) (581)
Balance at end of period$17,550 $20,022 $4,183 $13,740 $55,495 


An analysis of the ACL by portfolio segment for the nine months ended September 30, follows:
Commercial Mortgage Installment Subjective
(In thousands)
Balance at beginning of period$16,724 $21,386 $4,126 $12,422 $54,658 
Additions (deductions)    
Provision for credit losses3,199 (1,524)1,241 484 3,400 
Recoveries credited to the allowance239 270 1,597  2,106 
Loans charged against the allowance (300)(2,420) (2,720)
Balance at end of period$20,162 $19,832 $4,544 $12,906 $57,444 
Balance at beginning of period$13,817 $21,633 $4,290 $12,695 $52,435 
Additions (deductions)    
Provision for credit losses4,350 (1,835)280 1,045 3,840 
Recoveries credited to the allowance436 255 1,391  2,082 
Loans charged against the allowance(1,053)(31)(1,778) (2,862)
Balance at end of period$17,550 $20,022 $4,183 $13,740 $55,495 

Loans on non-accrual status and past due more than 90 days (“Non-performing Loans”) follow:
with no
for Credit
with an
for Credit
90+ and
Total Non-
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
Commercial and industrial (1)$ $50 $50 $ $50 
Commercial real estate     
1-4 family owner occupied - jumbo762  762  762 
1-4 family owner occupied - non-jumbo (2)2,417 394 2,811  2,811 
1-4 family non-owner occupied 197 197  197 
1-4 family - 2nd lien 519 519  519 
Resort lending 143 143  143 
Boat lending 149 149  149 
Recreational vehicle lending 400 400  400 
Other 117 117  117 
$3,179 $1,969 $5,148 $ $5,148 
Accrued interest excluded from total$— $— $— $ $ 
December 31, 2023
Commercial and industrial (1)$ $7 $7 $ $7 
Commercial real estate     
1-4 family owner occupied - jumbo544  544  544 
1-4 family owner occupied - non-jumbo (2)575 1,655 2,230 432 2,662 
1-4 family non-owner occupied 282 282  282 
1-4 family - 2nd lien 624 624  624 
Resort lending 143 143  143 
Boat lending 352 352  352 
Recreational vehicle lending 419 419  419 
Other 199 199  199 
Total$1,119 $3,681 $4,800 $432 $5,232 
Accrued interest excluded from total$— $— $— $ $ 
(1)Non-performing commercial and industrial loans exclude $0.009 million and $0.021 million of government guaranteed loans at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.
(2)Non-performing 1-4 family owner occupied – non jumbo loans exclude $2.093 million and $2.170 million of government guaranteed loans at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.

The following table provides collateral information by class of loan for collateral-dependent loans with a specific reserve. A loan is considered to be collateral dependent when the borrower is experiencing financial difficulty and the repayment is expected to be provided substantially through the operation or sale of collateral.
The amortized cost of collateral-dependent loans by class follows:
Collateral TypeAllowance
Credit Losses
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
Commercial and industrial$693 $5,321 $1,758 
Commercial real estate827  6 
1-4 family owner occupied - jumbo762   
1-4 family owner occupied - non-jumbo3,443  365 
1-4 family non-owner occupied87  31 
1-4 family - 2nd lien257  91 
Resort lending143  51 
Boat lending 89 32 
Recreational vehicle lending 271 96 
Other 65 23 
Total$6,212 $5,746 $2,453 
Accrued interest excluded from total$6 $37  
December 31, 2023
Commercial and industrial$565 $232 $224 
Commercial real estate   
1-4 family owner occupied - jumbo544   
1-4 family owner occupied - non-jumbo2,243  504 
1-4 family non-owner occupied211  178 
1-4 family - 2nd lien244  87 
Resort lending143  51 
Boat lending 297 105 
Recreational vehicle lending 303 107 
Other 102 36 
Total$3,950 $934 $1,292 
Accrued interest excluded from total$1 $  

An aging analysis of loans by class follows:
Loans Past DueLoans not
Past Due
30-59 days60-89 days90+ daysTotal
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
Commercial and industrial$44 $ $59 $103 $954,649 $954,752 
Commercial real estate    870,495 870,495 
1-4 family owner occupied - jumbo718  762 1,480 870,387 871,867 
1-4 family owner occupied - non-jumbo1,506 2,074 1,784 5,364 300,130 305,494 
1-4 family non-owner occupied74  87 161 172,533 172,694 
1-4 family - 2nd lien281 529 187 997 128,206 129,203 
Resort lending41  143 184 31,958 32,142 
Boat lending215 109 89 413 271,233 271,646 
Recreational vehicle lending688 121 271 1,080 231,987 233,067 
Other245 119 59 423 100,504 100,927 
Total$3,812 $2,952 $3,441 $10,205 $3,932,082 $3,942,287 
Accrued interest excluded from total$40 $33 $ $73 $13,263 $13,336 
December 31, 2023
Commercial and industrial$ $ $28 $28 $810,117 $810,145 
Commercial real estate    869,586 869,586 
1-4 family owner occupied - jumbo  544 544 858,692 859,236 
1-4 family owner occupied - non-jumbo1,763 742 1,431 3,936 297,236 301,172 
1-4 family non-owner occupied215 64 158 437 173,379 173,816 
1-4 family - 2nd lien241 139 215 595 115,437 116,032 
Resort lending 50 143 193 35,423 35,616 
Boat lending320 16 261 597 268,051 268,648 
Recreational vehicle lending414 35 280 729 251,123 251,852 
Other313 86 54 453 104,345 104,798 
Total$3,266 $1,132 $3,114 $7,512 $3,783,389 $3,790,901 
Accrued interest excluded from total$31 $17 $ $48 $12,452 $12,500 


During the three months ended September 30, 2024 there was one mortgage - 1-4 family owner occupied - non-jumbo loan modified as troubled loan modification totaling $0.08 million (0.1% of the total loan class). The troubled loan modification during the three months ended September 30, 2024 was due to a term extension that added 2.1 years to the life of the loan.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024 there were five mortgage - 1-4 family owner occupied - non-jumbo loans, one mortgage 1-4 family - 2nd lien loan, and one installment - other loan modified as troubled loan modifications totaling $0.51 million (0.1% of the total loan class), $0.07 million (0.1% of the total loan class), and $0.01 million (0.1% of the total loan class), respectively. All of the troubled loan modifications during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 related to term extensions and added a weighted average 4.9 years to the life of the loans.
One of the mortgage - 1-4 family owner occupied - non-jumbo loans modified during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 received a 3.625% interest rate reduction.
Of the loans modified during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, four are on non-accrual status totaling $0.4 million. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, there were no troubled loan modifications or subsequent defaults.
A loan is generally considered to be in payment default once it is 90 days contractually past due under the modified terms for commercial loans and installment loans and when four consecutive payments are missed for mortgage loans.
In order to determine whether a borrower is experiencing financial difficulty, we perform an evaluation of the probability that the borrower will be in payment default on any of its debt in the foreseeable future without the modification. This evaluation is performed under our internal underwriting policy.
Credit Quality Indicators – As part of our on-going monitoring of the credit quality of our loan portfolios, we track certain credit quality indicators including (a) risk grade of commercial loans, (b) the level of classified commercial loans, (c) credit scores of mortgage and installment loan borrowers, and (d) delinquency history and non-performing loans.
For commercial loans, we use a loan rating system that is similar to those employed by state and federal banking regulators. Loans are graded on a scale of 1 to 12. A description of the general characteristics of the ratings follows:
Rating 1 through 6: These loans are generally referred to as our “non-watch” commercial credits that include very high or exceptional credit fundamentals through acceptable credit fundamentals.
Rating 7 and 8: These loans are generally referred to as our “watch” commercial credits. These ratings include loans to borrowers that exhibit potential credit weakness or downward trends. If not checked or cured these trends could weaken our asset or credit position. While potentially weak, no loss of principal or interest is envisioned with these ratings.
Rating 9: These loans are generally referred to as our “substandard accruing” commercial credits. This rating includes loans to borrowers that exhibit a well-defined weakness where payment default is probable and loss is possible if deficiencies are not corrected. Generally, loans with this rating are considered collectible as to both principal and interest primarily due to collateral coverage.
Rating 10 and 11: These loans are generally referred to as our ‘‘substandard - non-accrual’’ and ‘‘doubtful’’ commercial credits. These ratings include loans to borrowers with weaknesses that make collection of the loan in full, on the basis of current facts, conditions and values at best questionable and at worst improbable. All of these loans are placed in non-accrual.
Rating 12: These loans are generally referred to as our “loss” commercial credits. This rating includes loans to borrowers that are deemed incapable of repayment and are charged-off.

The following tables summarize loan ratings by loan class for our commercial portfolio loan segment at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination YearRevolving
Cost Basis
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
Commercial and industrial
Non-watch (1-6)$112,067 $141,661 $143,097 $80,758 $80,824 $112,391 $245,614 $916,412 
Watch (7-8)10,234 2,195 3,623 2,846 3,112 1,262 9,055 32,327 
Substandard Accrual (9)2,385   530 281  2,758 5,954 
Non-Accrual (10-11)   47  12  59 
Total$124,686 $143,856 $146,720 $84,181 $84,217 $113,665 $257,427 $954,752 
Accrued interest excluded from total$441 $500 $394 $206 $367 $352 $1,181 $3,441 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 
Commercial real estate
Non-watch (1-6)$75,873 $233,643 $168,095 $79,711 $51,776 $176,405 $63,117 $848,620 
Watch (7-8)     4,461 16,587 21,048 
Substandard Accrual (9)   137  690  827 
Non-Accrual (10-11)        
Total$75,873 $233,643 $168,095 $79,848 $51,776 $181,556 $79,704 $870,495 
Accrued interest excluded from total$248 $692 $625 $197 $131 $638 $326 $2,857 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 
Total Commercial
Non-watch (1-6)$187,940 $375,304 $311,192 $160,469 $132,600 $288,796 $308,731 $1,765,032 
Watch (7-8)10,234 2,195 3,623 2,846 3,112 5,723 25,642 53,375 
Substandard Accrual (9)2,385   667 281 690 2,758 6,781 
Non-Accrual (10-11)   47  12  59 
Total$200,559 $377,499 $314,815 $164,029 $135,993 $295,221 $337,131 $1,825,247 
Accrued interest excluded from total$689 $1,192 $1,019 $403 $498 $990 $1,507 $6,298 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 

Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination YearRevolving
Cost Basis
(In thousands)
December 31, 2023
Commercial and industrial
Non-watch (1-6)$110,472 $152,715 $70,081 $47,644 $42,576 $97,960 $260,634 $782,082 
Watch (7-8)96 5,239 964 2,580 4,173 2,277 11,938 27,267 
Substandard Accrual (9)  547  21 4 196 768 
Non-Accrual (10-11)     28  28 
Total$110,568 $157,954 $71,592 $50,224 $46,770 $100,269 $272,768 $810,145 
Accrued interest excluded from total$239 $438 $132 $128 $120 $326 $1,327 $2,710 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $69 $25 $94 
Commercial real estate
Non-watch (1-6)$202,576 $169,230 $131,428 $29,684 $78,706 $176,265 $73,852 $861,741 
Watch (7-8)    2,322 5,523  7,845 
Substandard Accrual (9)        
Non-Accrual (10-11)        
Total$202,576 $169,230 $131,428 $29,684 $81,028 $181,788 $73,852 $869,586 
Accrued interest excluded from total$548 $685 $431 $73 $347 $661 $288 $3,033 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $960 $ $ $960 
Total Commercial
Non-watch (1-6)$313,048 $321,945 $201,509 $77,328 $121,282 $274,225 $334,486 $1,643,823 
Watch (7-8)96 5,239 964 2,580 6,495 7,800 11,938 35,112 
Substandard Accrual (9)  547  21 4 196 768 
Non-Accrual (10-11)     28  28 
Total$313,144 $327,184 $203,020 $79,908 $127,798 $282,057 $346,620 $1,679,731 
Accrued interest excluded from total$787 $1,123 $563 $201 $467 $987 $1,615 $5,743 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $960 $69 $25 $1,054 
For each of our mortgage and installment portfolio segment classes, we generally monitor credit quality based on the credit scores of the borrowers. These credit scores are generally updated semi-annually.

The following tables summarize credit scores by loan class for our mortgage and installment loan portfolio segments at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
Mortgage (1)
Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination YearRevolving
Cost Basis
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
1-4 family owner occupied - jumbo
800 and above$5,490 $13,269 $33,151 $55,928 $27,371 $13,199 $ $148,408 
750-79924,534 40,353 107,628 190,756 53,699 32,865  449,835 
700-7497,493 17,444 46,671 71,691 20,233 15,672 1,500 180,704 
650-6992,102 8,259 24,142 18,369 6,711 10,645  70,228 
600-649 2,184 5,722 532 2,902 2,412  13,752 
550-599 739 2,472 1,075    4,286 
500-549 488   2,784 1,382  4,654 
Under 500        
Total$39,619 $82,736 $219,786 $338,351 $113,700 $76,175 $1,500 $871,867 
Accrued interest excluded from total$171 $374 $633 $727 $279 $240 $12 $2,436 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $22 $ $ $ $ $22 
1-4 family owner occupied - non-jumbo
800 and above$4,087 $1,063 $13,507 $10,212 $3,910 $10,465 $5,033 $48,277 
750-7999,636 14,220 30,105 20,030 12,292 23,021 10,427 119,731 
700-7494,734 10,579 13,210 9,372 6,334 23,417 4,821 72,467 
650-6998,016 1,769 4,587 3,877 3,359 12,953 1,401 35,962 
600-649503  494 2,233 1,257 6,736 104 11,327 
550-599 213 565 565 1,384 5,369  8,096 
500-549  907 1,058 337 5,458 20 7,780 
Under 50087   66 657 1,044  1,854 
Total$27,063 $27,844 $63,375 $47,413 $29,530 $88,463 $21,806 $305,494 
Accrued interest excluded from total$83 $178 $207 $111 $78 $369 $183 $1,209 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $23 $ $22 $ $45 
1-4 family non-owner occupied
800 and above$2,227 $2,021 $5,418 $12,670 $2,265 $6,593 $1,389 $32,583 
750-79910,416 11,543 16,652 25,849 11,088 17,150 2,111 94,809 
700-7492,089 3,211 8,060 5,369 3,088 7,461 2,019 31,297 
650-69956 201 496 3,670 2,197 3,952 246 10,818 
600-649  61 580  1,072 109 1,822 
550-599     434 69 503 
500-549     817  817 
Under 500     45  45 
Total$14,788 $16,976 $30,687 $48,138 $18,638 $37,524 $5,943 $172,694 
Accrued interest excluded from total$62 $77 $116 $132 $50 $170 $51 $658 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $158 $ $158 

Mortgage - continued (1)
Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination YearRevolving
Cost Basis
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024 - continued
1-4 family - 2nd lien
800 and above$277 $457 $264 $260 $637 $912 $12,319 $15,126 
750-7992,084 2,591 2,467 3,189 2,228 3,240 42,368 58,167 
700-7491,457 1,077 1,967 806 549 2,843 27,820 36,519 
650-69925 293 498 653 474 1,598 10,644 14,185 
600-649 297 124 236 80 765 1,232 2,734 
550-599 78 38 69 39 628 399 1,251 
500-549 39 20   548 415 1,022 
Under 500     199  199 
Total$3,843 $4,832 $5,378 $5,213 $4,007 $10,733 $95,197 $129,203 
Accrued interest excluded from total$14 $19 $19 $12 $12 $55 $772 $903 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $3 $22 $25 
Resort lending
800 and above$ $ $ $416 $627 $4,892 $ $5,935 
750-799 40 584 570 105 12,439  13,738 
700-749  327 297 135 4,373  5,132 
650-699    389 5,611  6,000 
600-649    46 1,148  1,194 
550-599     57  57 
500-549     86  86 
Under 500        
Total$ $40 $911 $1,283 $1,302 $28,606 $ $32,142 
Accrued interest excluded from total$ $ $4 $4 $4 $156 $ $168 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $50 $ $50 
Total Mortgage
800 and above$12,081 $16,810 $52,340 $79,486 $34,810 $36,061 $18,741 $250,329 
750-79946,670 68,747 157,436 240,394 79,412 88,715 54,906 736,280 
700-74915,773 32,311 70,235 87,535 30,339 53,766 36,160 326,119 
650-69910,199 10,522 29,723 26,569 13,130 34,759 12,291 137,193 
600-649503 2,481 6,401 3,581 4,285 12,133 1,445 30,829 
550-599 1,030 3,075 1,709 1,423 6,488 468 14,193 
500-549 527 927 1,058 3,121 8,291 435 14,359 
Under 50087   66 657 1,288  2,098 
Total$85,313 $132,428 $320,137 $440,398 $167,177 $241,501 $124,446 $1,511,400 
Accrued interest excluded from total$330 $648 $979 $986 $423 $990 $1,018 $5,374 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $22 $23 $ $233 $22 $300 


Mortgage (1)
Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination YearRevolving
Cost Basis
(In thousands)
December 31, 2023
1-4 family owner occupied - jumbo
800 and above$6,299 $30,789 $63,377 $17,672 $4,503 $8,813 $1,084 $132,537 
750-79942,726 117,454 193,587 61,986 24,288 14,836 1,586 456,463 
700-74914,965 51,991 66,597 25,170 4,738 11,768 1,500 176,729 
650-69911,274 13,804 24,648 12,949 2,142 5,881  70,698 
600-6491,638 7,815 2,486 505 3,198 2,592  18,234 
550-599  527 1,908    2,435 
500-549 544  923  673  2,140 
Under 500        
Total$76,902 $222,397 $351,222 $121,113 $38,869 $44,563 $4,170 $859,236 
Accrued interest excluded from total$329 $669 $785 $299 $107 $156 $30 $2,375 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 
1-4 family owner occupied - non-jumbo
800 and above$2,280 $10,083 $7,780 $5,425 $2,802 $9,130 $3,029 $40,529 
750-79913,233 32,729 21,664 12,306 5,954 19,852 8,462 114,200 
700-74911,696 18,133 11,661 8,136 3,280 20,042 4,482 77,430 
650-6999,576 5,717 4,606 2,524 2,393 12,369 1,500 38,685 
600-649136 1,334 1,694 833 1,096 6,415 84 11,592 
550-599188 624 71 1,705 557 5,390 65 8,600 
500-549  1,335 998 413 4,077  6,823 
Under 500 311 462 272 518 1,750  3,313 
Total$37,109 $68,931 $49,273 $32,199 $17,013 $79,025 $17,622 $301,172 
Accrued interest excluded from total$153 $235 $119 $78 $56 $331 $139 $1,111 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $29 $ $29 
1-4 family non-owner occupied
800 and above$2,320 $6,026 $12,338 $3,474 $3,048 $6,030 $1,199 $34,435 
750-79910,937 16,635 28,051 11,545 6,709 13,400 3,498 90,775 
700-7493,904 7,013 8,825 4,145 667 6,719 2,095 33,368 
650-699216 1,879 1,844 2,543 197 3,521 277 10,477 
600-649 388 1,445  75 1,226 362 3,496 
550-599 61 52   873  986 
500-549     142  142 
Under 500     137  137 
Total$17,377 $32,002 $52,555 $21,707 $10,696 $32,048 $7,431 $173,816 
Accrued interest excluded from total$77 $125 $149 $60 $35 $146 $62 $654 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 



Mortgage - continued (1)
Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination YearRevolving
Cost Basis
(In thousands)
December 31, 2023 - (continued)
1-4 family - 2nd lien
800 and above$537 $156 $703 $389 $159 $1,153 $9,817 $12,914 
750-7992,260 2,879 2,359 2,341 898 3,084 38,277 52,098 
700-7491,895 1,243 1,464 324 224 2,348 25,849 33,347 
650-699425 285 182 519 302 1,869 8,945 12,527 
600-64951 107 97 67 37 563 1,886 2,808 
550-599 80 203  157 238 638 1,316 
500-549  12   487 331 830 
Under 500 19   77 61 35 192 
Total$5,168 $4,769 $5,020 $3,640 $1,854 $9,803 $85,778 $116,032 
Accrued interest excluded from total$19 $14 $10 $7 $6 $41 $707 $804 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $5 $ $5 
Resort lending
800 and above$ $ $99 $ $ $5,643 $ $5,742 
750-79941 817 910 858 179 12,649  15,454 
700-749 108 871 111  5,439  6,529 
650-699   316  6,219  6,535 
600-649   49  844  893 
550-599     267  267 
500-549     59  59 
Under 500     137  137 
Total$41 $925 $1,880 $1,334 $179 $31,257 $ $35,616 
Accrued interest excluded from total$ $4 $3 $4 $ $142 $ $153 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $120 $ $120 
Total Mortgage
800 and above$11,436 $47,054 $84,297 $26,960 $10,512 $30,769 $15,129 $226,157 
750-79969,197 170,514 246,571 89,036 38,028 63,821 51,823 728,990 
700-74932,460 78,488 89,418 37,886 8,909 46,316 33,926 327,403 
650-69921,491 21,685 31,280 18,851 5,034 29,859 10,722 138,922 
600-6491,825 9,644 5,722 1,454 4,406 11,640 2,332 37,023 
550-599188 765 853 3,613 714 6,768 703 13,604 
500-549 544 1,347 1,921 413 5,438 331 9,994 
Under 500 330 462 272 595 2,085 35 3,779 
Total$136,597 $329,024 $459,950 $179,993 $68,611 $196,696 $115,001 $1,485,872 
Accrued interest excluded from total$578 $1,047 $1,066 $448 $204 $816 $938 $5,097 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $154 $ $154 
(1)Credit scores have been updated within the last twelve months.

Installment (1)
Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
Boat lending
800 and above$7,364 $5,486 $9,270 $7,411 $4,120 $10,402 $44,053 
750-79923,978 30,812 29,384 25,314 12,030 27,440 148,958 
700-74910,748 11,009 12,029 10,082 4,108 10,049 58,025 
650-6992,496 2,441 2,879 3,264 1,254 3,061 15,395 
600-649 971 880 635 209 826 3,521 
550-599 88 227 252 75 394 1,036 
500-549 17 75 181 137 114 524 
Under 500 36    98 134 
Total$44,586 $50,860 $54,744 $47,139 $21,933 $52,384 $271,646 
Accrued interest excluded from total$172 $194 $130 $107 $48 $113 $764 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $8 $31 $8 $49 $53 $149 
Recreational vehicle lending
800 and above$1,669 $3,747 $9,836 $10,072 $3,569 $7,083 $35,976 
750-79910,758 12,372 36,098 33,234 9,720 16,312 118,494 
700-7494,168 5,496 14,956 17,670 4,615 5,986 52,891 
650-6991,314 2,357 4,286 5,324 1,353 1,864 16,498 
600-64972 456 1,856 1,863 247 665 5,159 
550-59922 201 266 897 85 291 1,762 
500-549 118 542 576 229 355 1,820 
Under 500  235 159 32 41 467 
Total$18,003 $24,747 $68,075 $69,795 $19,850 $32,597 $233,067 
Accrued interest excluded from total$67 $93 $176 $161 $43 $71 $611 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $42 $152 $322 $42 $109 $667 
800 and above$1,821 $1,091 $1,569 $1,149 $623 $1,001 $7,254 
750-7998,378 8,792 8,038 4,948 2,472 4,833 37,461 
700-74914,735 5,995 5,097 3,451 1,392 3,247 33,917 
650-69911,082 1,891 1,937 1,038 524 1,464 17,936 
600-649260 417 554 390 104 330 2,055 
550-5998 157 221 177 52 137 752 
500-5496 40 238 224 65 110 683 
Under 500 40 90 50  9 189 
Unknown680      680 
Total$36,970 $18,423 $17,744 $11,427 $5,232 $11,131 $100,927 
Accrued interest excluded from total$78 $70 $42 $24 $10 $65 $289 
Current period gross charge-offs$1,327 $69 $92 $17 $8 $91 $1,604 

Installment (1)
Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024 - continued
Total installment
800 and above$10,854 $10,324 $20,675 $18,632 $8,312 $18,486 $87,283 
750-79943,114 51,976 73,520 63,496 24,222 48,585 304,913 
700-74929,651 22,500 32,082 31,203 10,115 19,282 144,833 
650-69914,892 6,689 9,102 9,626 3,131 6,389 49,829 
600-649332 1,844 3,290 2,888 560 1,821 10,735 
550-59930 446 714 1,326 212 822 3,550 
500-5496 175 855 981 431 579 3,027 
Under 500 76 325 209 32 148 790 
Unknown680      680 
Total$99,559 $94,030 $140,563 $128,361 $47,015 $96,112 $605,640 
Accrued interest excluded from total$317 $357 $348 $292 $101 $249 $1,664 
Current period gross charge-offs$1,327 $119 $275 $347 $99 $253 $2,420 

Installment - continued (1)
Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year
(In thousands)
December 31, 2023
Boat lending
800 and above$6,110 $8,150 $8,250 $3,612 $4,061 $7,665 $37,848 
750-79934,174 35,921 29,665 16,329 13,173 21,432 150,694 
700-74915,593 15,042 11,859 4,481 4,757 7,279 59,011 
650-6993,652 3,029 4,277 1,545 1,237 2,842 16,582 
600-649281 432 808 268 171 620 2,580 
550-59985 344 229 139 108 335 1,240 
500-549 152 207 97  198 654 
Under 500     39 39 
Total$59,895 $63,070 $55,295 $26,471 $23,507 $40,410 $268,648 
Accrued interest excluded from total$216 $154 $132 $63 $58 $91 $714 
Current period gross charge-offs$ $53 $ $ $15 $53 $121 
Recreational vehicle lending
800 and above$3,168 $10,759 $11,568 $3,484 $3,838 $5,482 $38,299 
750-79915,677 41,037 39,113 13,025 8,415 11,934 129,201 
700-7496,481 18,630 20,161 5,243 3,689 4,460 58,664 
650-6992,524 5,108 6,073 1,706 936 1,157 17,504 
600-649713 724 1,573 394 308 429 4,141 
550-59990 304 973 71 249 383 2,070 
500-549 880 326 153 136 154 1,649 
Under 500 108 106 34 70 6 324 
Total$28,653 $77,550 $79,893 $24,110 $17,641 $24,005 $251,852 
Accrued interest excluded from total$112 $201 $189 $56 $44 $53 $655 
Current period gross charge-offs$28 $122 $192 $32 $81 $11 $466 
800 and above$1,599 $1,673 $1,633 $897 $582 $756 $7,140 
750-79911,782 11,017 6,600 3,557 1,622 4,077 38,655 
700-74916,717 6,564 5,013 2,268 1,047 3,361 34,970 
650-69912,483 2,997 1,494 627 266 1,390 19,257 
600-649515 605 395 138 107 410 2,170 
550-59949 329 294 35 53 176 936 
500-54998 260 246 43 31 72 750 
Under 500 97 65 14 57 38 271 
Unknown649      649 
Total$43,892 $23,542 $15,740 $7,579 $3,765 $10,280 $104,798 
Accrued interest excluded from total$101 $62 $34 $17 $10 $67 $291 
Current period gross charge-offs$1,677 $104 $44 $17 $12 $147 $2,001 
Total installment
800 and above$10,877 $20,582 $21,451 $7,993 $8,481 $13,903 $83,287 
750-79961,633 87,975 75,378 32,911 23,210 37,443 318,550 
700-74938,791 40,236 37,033 11,992 9,493 15,100 152,645 
650-69918,659 11,134 11,844 3,878 2,439 5,389 53,343 
600-6491,509 1,761 2,776 800 586 1,459 8,891 
550-599224 977 1,496 245 410 894 4,246 
500-54998 1,292 779 293 167 424 3,053 
Under 500 205 171 48 127 83 634 
Unknown649      649 
Total$132,440 $164,162 $150,928 $58,160 $44,913 $74,695 $625,298 
Accrued interest excluded from total$429 $417 $355 $136 $112 $211 $1,660 
Current period gross charge-offs$1,705 $279 $236 $49 $108 $211 $2,588 
(1)Credit scores have been updated within the last twelve months.

Foreclosed residential real estate properties included in other real estate and repossessed assets on our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition totaled $0.8 million and $0.6 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. Retail mortgage loans secured by residential real estate properties for which formal foreclosure proceedings are in process according to local requirements totaled $0.4 million and $0.6 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.

During the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2024, we sold $6.6 million and $14.7 million, respectively, of portfolio residential fixed rate mortgage loans servicing retained and recognized a gain on sale of $0.12 million and $0.25 million, respectively. During the nine month period ended September 30 2023, we sold $51.5 million of portfolio residential mortgage loans servicing retained and recognized a loss on sale of $0.15 million. These transactions were done primarily for asset/liability management purposes. No portfolio residential mortgage loans were sold during the three month period ended September 30, 2023.

5.    Shareholders’ Equity and Earnings Per Common Share
On December 19, 2023, our Board of Directors authorized a share repurchase plan (the “Repurchase Plan”) to buy back up to 1,100,000 shares of our outstanding common stock through December 31, 2024. Shares would be repurchased through open market transactions, though we could execute repurchases through other means, such as privately negotiated transactions. The timing and amount of any share repurchases will depend on a variety of factors, including, among others, securities law restrictions, the trading price of our common stock, regulatory requirements, potential alternative uses for capital, and our financial performance. During the nine month period ended September 30, 2024 there were no shares of common stock repurchased. During the nine month period ended September 30, 2023 repurchases were made totaling 288,401 shares of common stock, for an aggregate purchase price of $5.0 million.
A reconciliation of basic and diluted net income per common share follows:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(In thousands, except
per share data)
Net income$13,810 $17,543 $48,329 $45,324 
Weighted average shares outstanding (1)20,896 20,922 20,892 21,021 
Stock units for deferred compensation plan for non-employee directors182 163 178 157 
Performance share units34 21 27 17 
Effect of stock options3 8 3 12 
Weighted average shares outstanding for calculation of diluted earnings per share21,115 21,114 21,100 21,207 
Net income per common share
Basic (1)$0.66 $0.84 $2.31 $2.16 
Diluted$0.65 $0.83 $2.29 $2.14 
(1)Basic net income per common share includes weighted average common shares outstanding during the period and participating share awards.
Weighted average stock options outstanding that were not considered in computing diluted net income per common share because they were anti-dilutive were zero for the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

6.    Derivative Financial Instruments
We are required to record derivatives on our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition as assets and liabilities measured at their fair value. The accounting for increases and decreases in the value of derivatives depends upon the use of derivatives and whether the derivatives qualify for hedge accounting.
Our derivative financial instruments according to the type of hedge in which they are designated follows:
September 30, 2024
(Dollars in thousands)
Fair value hedge designation
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreement - commercial$5,745 4.6$239 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - securities available for sale148,895 3.111,259 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - installment100,000 2.7(1,741)
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - mortgage
150,000 2.8(2,779)
Interest rate cap agreements - securities available for sale40,970 3.6181 
Total$445,610 2.9$7,159 
Cash flow hedge designation
Interest rate floor agreements - commercial
$325,000 2.5$7,281 
No hedge designation
Rate-lock mortgage loan commitments$26,947 0.1$253 
Mandatory commitments to sell mortgage loans40,399 0.125 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - commercial492,129 5.2(1,313)
Pay-variable interest rate swap agreements - commercial492,129 5.21,313 
Total$1,051,604 4.9$278 

December 31, 2023
(Dollars in thousands)
Fair value hedge designation
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreement - commercial$6,033 5.4$349 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - securities available for sale148,895 3.915,287 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - installment100,000 3.4(1,228)
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - mortgage
100,000 4.3(2,131)
Interest rate cap agreements - securities available for sale40,970 4.3456 
Total$395,898 3.9$12,733 
Cash flow hedge designation
Interest rate floor agreements - commercial
$150,000 3.5$4,221 
No hedge designation
Rate-lock mortgage loan commitments18,081 0.1173 
Mandatory commitments to sell mortgage loans30,442 0.1(279)
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - commercial379,012 5.97,169 
Pay-variable interest rate swap agreements - commercial379,012 5.9(7,169)
Total$806,547 5.5$(106)

We have established management objectives and strategies that include interest-rate risk parameters for maximum fluctuations in net interest income and market value of portfolio equity. We monitor our interest rate risk position via simulation modeling reports. The goal of our asset/liability management efforts is to maintain profitable financial leverage within established risk parameters.

We have entered into pay-fixed interest rate swaps and caps to protect a portion of the fair value of a certain fixed rate commercial loan and certain mortgage and installment loans (‘‘Fair Value Hedge – Portfolio Loans’’). As a result, changes in the fair values of the pay-fixed interest rate swaps and caps are expected to offset changes in the fair values of the fixed rate portfolio loans due to fluctuations in interest rates. We record the fair values of Fair Value Hedge – Portfolio Loans in accrued income and other assets and accrued expenses and other liabilities on our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition. The hedged items (a fixed rate commercial loan and certain fixed rate mortgage and installment loans) are also recorded at fair value which offsets the adjustment to the Fair Value Hedge – Portfolio Loans. On an ongoing basis, we adjust our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition to reflect the then current fair values of both the Fair Value Hedge – Portfolio Loans and the hedged items. The related gains or losses are reported in interest income – interest and fees on loans in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations. During the second quarter of 2023 we terminated the interest rate cap that was previously hedging certain installment loans. The remaining unrealized gain on this terminated interest cap is being amortized into earnings over the original life of the interest rate cap.

We have entered into pay-fixed interest rate swap and interest rate cap agreements to protect a portion of the fair value of certain securities available for sale (‘‘Fair Value Hedge – AFS Securities’’). As a result, the change in the fair value of the pay-fixed interest rate swap and interest rate cap agreements is expected to offset a portion of the change in the fair value of the fixed rate securities available for sale due to fluctuations in interest rates. We record the fair value of Fair Value Hedge – AFS Securities in accrued income and other assets and accrued expenses and other liabilities on our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition. The hedged items (fixed rate securities available for sale) are also recorded at fair value which offsets the adjustment to the Fair Value Hedge – AFS Securities. On an ongoing basis, we adjust our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition to reflect the then current fair value of both the Fair Value Hedge – AFS Securities and the hedged item. The related gains or losses are reported in interest income – interest on securities – tax-exempt in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations.


We have entered into interest rate floor agreements to manage the variability in future expected cash flows of certain commercial loans (‘‘Cash Flow Hedge – Portfolio Loans’’). We record the fair value of Cash Flow Hedge – Portfolio Loans in accrued income and other assets and accrued expenses and other liabilities on our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition. The changes in the fair value of Cash Flow Hedge - Portfolio Loans are recorded in accumulated other comprehensive loss and are reclassified into the line item in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations in which the hedged items are recorded in the same period the hedged items affect earnings. It is anticipated that as of September 30, 2024, $0.2 million will be reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss on Cash Flow Hedge - Portfolio Loans into earnings as a reduction of interest and fees on loans over the next twelve months. The maximum term of any Cash Flow Hedge - Portfolio Loans at September 30, 2024 is 3.9 years.
Certain derivative financial instruments have not been designated as hedges. The fair value of these derivative financial instruments has been recorded on our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition and is adjusted on an ongoing basis to reflect their then current fair value. The changes in fair value of derivative financial instruments not designated as hedges are recognized in earnings
In the ordinary course of business, we enter into rate-lock mortgage loan commitments with customers (“Rate-Lock Commitments”). These commitments expose us to interest rate risk. We also enter into mandatory commitments to sell mortgage loans (“Mandatory Commitments”) to reduce the impact of price fluctuations of mortgage loans held for sale and Rate-Lock Commitments. Mandatory Commitments help protect our loan sale profit margin from fluctuations in interest rates. The changes in the fair value of Rate-Lock Commitments and Mandatory Commitments are recognized currently as part of net gains on mortgage loans in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations. We obtain market prices on Mandatory Commitments and Rate-Lock Commitments. Net gains on mortgage loans, as well as net income may be more volatile as a result of these derivative instruments, which are not designated as hedges.
We have a program that allows commercial loan customers to lock in a fixed rate for a longer period of time than we would normally offer for interest rate risk reasons. We will enter into a variable rate commercial loan and an interest rate swap agreement with a customer and then enter into an offsetting interest rate swap agreement with an unrelated party. The interest rate swap agreement fair values will generally move in opposite directions resulting in little or no net impact on our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations. All of the interest rate swap agreements - commercial in the table above with no hedge designation relate to this program.
We had entered into a no hedge designation pay-variable interest rate swap agreement in an attempt to manage the cost of certain funding liabilities. The changes in fair value of this no hedge pay-variable interest rate swap is recorded in non-interest expense-other in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations. This no hedge designation pay-variable interest rate swap agreement matured during the third quarter of 2023.

The following tables illustrate the impact that the derivative financial instruments discussed above have on individual line items in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition for the periods presented:
Fair Values of Derivative Instruments
Asset DerivativesLiability Derivatives
September 30,
December 31,
September 30,
December 31,
(In thousands)
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreementsOther assets$11,519 Other assets$15,636 Other liabilities$4,541 Other liabilities$3,359 
Interest rate cap agreementsOther assets181 Other assets456 Other liabilities Other liabilities 
Interest rate floor agreements
Other assets7,281 Other assets4,221 Other liabilities Other liabilities 
18,981 20,313 4,541 3,359 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments
Rate-lock mortgage loan commitmentsOther assets253 Other assets173 Other liabilities Other liabilities 
Mandatory commitments to sell mortgage loansOther assets25 Other assets Other liabilities Other liabilities279 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - commercialOther assets9,101 Other assets12,683 Other liabilities10,414 Other liabilities5,514 
Pay-variable interest rate swap agreements - commercialOther assets10,414 Other assets5,514 Other liabilities9,101 Other liabilities12,683 
19,793 18,370 19,515 18,476 
Total derivatives$38,774 $38,683 $24,056 $21,835 


The effect of derivative financial instruments on the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations follows:
Gain (Loss) Recognized in Other
Comprehensive Income (Effective Portion)
Location of Gain (Loss) Reclassified from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss into Income (Effective Portion)
Loss Reclassified from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss into Income (Effective Portion)Gain (Loss)
in Income
Three Month
Periods Ended
September 30,
Three Month
Periods Ended
September 30,
Location of
Gain (Loss)
in Income
Three Month
Periods Ended
September 30,
(In thousands)
Fair Value Hedges
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreement - commercial
Interest and fees on loans$(184)$96 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - securities available for sale
Interest on securities available for sale - tax - exempt(4,882)926 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - Installment
Interest and fees on loans(2,421)765 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - Mortgage
Interest and fees on loans(2,940)785 
Interest rate cap agreements - securities available for sale$(255)$(25)Interest on securities available for sale - tax - exempt$(57)$(55)Interest on securities available for sale - tax - exempt(119)39 
Interest rate cap agreements - installment  Interest and fees on loans  Interest and fees on loans  
Cash Flow Hedges
Interest rate floor agreements - commercial
$2,999 $(502)Interest and fees on loans$(333)$(17)Interest and fees on loans$(333)$(17)
No hedge designation
Rate-lock mortgage loan commitmentsNet gains on mortgage loans$111 $(147)
Mandatory commitments to sell mortgage loansNet gains on mortgage loans(122)238 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - commercialInterest income(15,031)$5,579 
Pay-variable interest rate swap agreements - commercialInterest income15,031 (5,579)
Pay-variable interest rate swap agreementNon-interest expense - other $ 

Gain (Loss) Recognized in Other
Comprehensive Income (Effective Portion)
Location of Gain (Loss) Reclassified from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss into Income (Effective Portion)
Loss Reclassified from Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss into Income (Effective Portion)Gain (Loss)
in Income
Nine Month
Periods Ended
September 30,
Nine Month
Periods Ended
September 30,
Location of
Gain (Loss)
in Income
Nine Month
Periods Ended
September 30,
(In thousands)
Fair Value Hedges
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreement - commercial
Interest and fees on loans$(110)$113 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - securities available for sale
Interest on securities available for sale - tax - exempt(4,028)550 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - Installment
Interest and fees on loans(513)1,362 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - Mortgage
Interest and fees on loans(648)785 
Interest rate cap agreements - securities available for sale$(194)$(438)Interest on securities available for sale - tax - exempt$(167)$(207)Interest on securities available for sale - tax - exempt(81)286 
Interest rate cap agreements - installment  Interest and fees on loans  Interest and fees on loans (14)
Cash Flow Hedges
Interest rate floor agreements - commercial
$246 $(502)Interest and fees on loans$(838)$(17)Interest and fees on loans$(838)$(17)
No hedge designation
Rate-lock mortgage loan commitmentsNet gains on mortgage loans$80 $916 
Mandatory commitments to sell mortgage loansNet gains on mortgage loans304 169 
Pay-fixed interest rate swap agreements - commercialInterest income(8,482)4,694 
Pay-variable interest rate swap agreements - commercialInterest income8,482 (4,694)
Pay-variable interest rate swap agreementNon-interest expense - other (12)
Total$384 $1,073 


7.    Goodwill and Other Intangibles
The following table summarizes intangible assets, net of amortization:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(In thousands)
Amortized intangible assets - core deposits$11,916 $10,299 $11,916 $9,912 
Unamortized intangible assets - goodwill$28,300  $28,300 
A summary of estimated core deposits intangible amortization at September 30, 2024 follows:
(In thousands)
Three months ending December 31, 2024129 
8.    Share Based Compensation
We maintain share based payment plans that include a non-employee director stock purchase plan and a long-term incentive plan that permits the issuance of share based compensation, including stock options and non-vested share awards. The long-term incentive plan, which is shareholder approved, permits the grant of additional share based awards for up to 0.4 million shares of common stock as of September 30, 2024. The non-employee director stock purchase plan permits the issuance of additional share based payments for up to 0.1 million shares of common stock as of September 30, 2024. Share based awards and payments are measured at fair value at the date of grant and are expensed over the requisite service period. Common shares issued upon exercise of stock options come from currently authorized but unissued shares.
A summary of restricted stock and performance stock units (“PSU”) granted pursuant to our long-term incentive plan follows:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Restricted stock81,35584,846
The shares of restricted stock and PSUs shown in the above table cliff vest after a period of three years. The performance criteria of the PSUs is split evenly between a comparison of (i) our total shareholder return and (ii) our return on average assets each over the three year period starting on the grant date to these same criteria over that period to an index of our banking peers.
Our directors may elect to receive all or a portion of their cash retainer fees in the form of common stock (either on a current basis or on a deferred basis) pursuant to the non-employee director stock purchase plan referenced above. Shares equal in value to that portion of each director’s fees that he or she has elected to receive in stock on a current basis are issued each quarter and vest immediately. Shares issued on a deferred basis are credited at the rate of 90% of the current

fair value of our common stock and vest immediately. During the nine month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 we issued 0.007 million and 0.014 million shares, respectively and expensed their value during those same periods.
Total compensation expense recognized for grants pursuant to our long-term incentive plan was $0.5 million and $1.6 million during the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and was $0.5 million and $1.4 million during the same periods in 2023, respectively. The corresponding tax benefit relating to this expense was $0.1 million and $0.3 million for the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2024, respectively and $0.1 million and $0.3 million for the same periods in 2023. Total expense recognized for non-employee director share based payments was $0.06 million and $0.18 million during the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and was $0.09 million and $0.27 million during the same periods in 2023, respectively. The corresponding tax benefit relating to this expense was $0.01 million and $0.04 million for the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2024, respectively and $0.02 million and $0.06 million during the same periods in 2023.
At September 30, 2024, the total expected compensation cost related to non-vested restricted stock and PSUs not yet recognized was $3.1 million. The weighted-average period over which this amount will be recognized is 1.9 years.
A summary of outstanding stock option grants and related transactions follows:
Number of
Term (Years)
(In thousands)
Outstanding at January 1, 202411,724$11.73 
Outstanding at September 30, 20246,141$14.24 2.5$117 
Vested and expected to vest at September 30, 20246,141$14.24 2.5$117 
Exercisable at September 30, 20246,141$14.24 2.5$117 
A summary of outstanding non-vested stock and related transactions follows:
of Shares
Grant Date
Fair Value
Outstanding at January 1, 2024269,233$22.93 
Outstanding at September 30, 2024265,846$24.38 

Certain information regarding options exercised during the periods follows:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(In thousands)(In thousands)
Intrinsic value$ $ $91 $299 
Cash proceeds received$ $ $ $148 
Tax benefit realized$ $ $19 $63 
9.    Income Tax
Income tax expense was $3.5 million and $4.1 million during the three month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively and $11.9 million and $10.4 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Our actual federal income tax expense is different than the amount computed by applying our statutory income tax rate to our income before income tax primarily due to tax-exempt interest income and tax-exempt income from the increase in the cash surrender value on life insurance. In addition, the three and nine month periods ending September 30, 2024 include reductions of $0.008 million and $0.117 million, respectively of income tax expense related to the impact of the excess value of stock awards that vested and stock options that were exercised as compared to the initial fair values that were expensed. These amounts during the same periods in 2023 were $0.003 million and $0.047 million, respectively.
We assess whether a valuation allowance should be established against our deferred tax assets based on the consideration of all available evidence using a “more likely than not” standard. The ultimate realization of this asset is primarily based on generating future income. We concluded at September 30, 2024, September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2023 that the realization of substantially all of our deferred tax assets continues to be more likely than not.
At both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had approximately $0.2 million, respectively, of gross unrecognized tax benefits. We do not expect the total amount of unrecognized tax benefits to significantly increase or decrease during the remainder of 2024.
10.    Regulatory Matters
Capital guidelines adopted by federal and state regulatory agencies and restrictions imposed by law limit the amount of cash dividends our Bank can pay to us. Under these guidelines, the amount of dividends that may be paid in any calendar year is limited to the Bank’s current year net profits, combined with the retained net profits of the preceding two years. Further, the Bank cannot pay a dividend at any time that it has negative undivided profits. As of September 30, 2024, the Bank had positive undivided profits of $209.0 million. It is not our intent to have dividends paid in amounts that would reduce the capital of our Bank to levels below those which we consider prudent or that would not be in accordance with guidelines of regulatory authorities.
We are also subject to various regulatory capital requirements. The prompt corrective action regulations establish quantitative measures to ensure capital adequacy and require minimum amounts and ratios of total, Tier 1, and common equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets and Tier 1 capital to average assets. Failure to meet minimum capital requirements can result in certain mandatory, and possibly discretionary, actions by regulators that could have a material effect on our interim condensed consolidated financial statements. In addition, capital adequacy rules include a common equity Tier 1 capital conservation buffer of 2.5% of risk-weighted assets that applies to all supervised financial institutions. To avoid limits on capital distributions and certain discretionary bonus payments we must meet the minimum ratio for adequately capitalized institutions plus the buffer. Under capital adequacy guidelines, we must meet specific capital requirements that involve quantitative measures as well as qualitative judgments by the regulators. The most recent regulatory filings as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, categorized our Bank as well capitalized and exceeding the minimum ratio for adequately capitalized institutions plus the capital conservation buffer. Management is not aware of any conditions or events that would have changed the most recent Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) categorization.

Our actual capital amounts and ratios follow (1):
Actual Minimum for
Adequately Capitalized
Minimum for
AmountRatio AmountRatio AmountRatio
(Dollars in thousands)
September 30, 2024
Total capital to risk-weighted assets
Consolidated$606,783 14.25 %$340,539 8.00 %NANA
Independent Bank552,577 13.00 340,134 8.00 $425,167 10.00 %
Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets
Consolidated$513,461 12.06 %$255,404 6.00 %NANA
Independent Bank499,317 11.74 255,100 6.00 $340,134 8.00 %
Common equity tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets
Consolidated$474,906 11.16 %$191,553 4.50 %NANA
Independent Bank499,317 11.74 191,325 4.50 $276,359 6.50 %
Tier 1 capital to average assets      
Consolidated$513,461 9.62 %$213,392 4.00 %NANA
Independent Bank499,317 9.36 213,370 4.00 $266,712 5.00 %
December 31, 2023      
Total capital to risk-weighted assets      
Consolidated$573,972 13.71 %$335,014 8.00 %NANA
Independent Bank521,374 12.46 334,673 8.00 $418,341 10.00 %
Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets      
Consolidated$481,569 11.50 %$251,260 6.00 %NANA
Independent Bank469,023 11.21 251,005 6.00 $334,673 8.00 %
Common equity tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets      
Consolidated$443,065 10.58 %$188,445 4.50 %NANA
Independent Bank469,023 11.21 188,254 4.50 $271,922 6.50 %
Tier 1 capital to average assets      
Consolidated$481,569 9.03 %$213,227 4.00 %NANA
Independent Bank469,023 8.80 213,180 4.00 $266,475 5.00 %
These ratios do not reflect a capital conservation buffer of 2.50% at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
NA - Not applicable

The components of our regulatory capital are as follows:
Consolidated Independent Bank
September 30,
December 31,
September 30,
December 31,
(In thousands)
Total shareholders' equity $452,369 $404,449 $476,780 $430,407 
Add (deduct) 
Accumulated other comprehensive (income) loss for regulatory purposes52,454 66,344 52,454 66,344 
Goodwill and other intangibles(29,917)(30,304)(29,917)(30,304)
CECL (1) 2,576  2,576 
Common equity tier 1 capital474,906 443,065 499,317 469,023 
Qualifying trust preferred securities38,555 38,504   
Tier 1 capital513,461 481,569 499,317 469,023 
Subordinated debt40,000 40,000   
Allowance for credit losses and allowance for unfunded lending commitments limited to 1.25% of total risk-weighted assets
53,322 52,403 53,260 52,351 
Total risk-based capital$606,783 $573,972 $552,577 $521,374 
We elected the three year CECL transition method for regulatory purposes.
11.    Fair Value Disclosures
FASB ASC topic 820 defines fair value as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in the principal or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. FASB ASC topic 820 also establishes a fair value hierarchy which requires an entity to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs when measuring fair value.
The standard describes three levels of inputs that may be used to measure fair value:
Level 1: Valuation is based upon quoted prices for identical instruments traded in active markets. Level 1 instruments include securities traded on active exchange markets, such as the New York Stock Exchange, as well as U.S. Treasury securities that are traded by dealers or brokers in active over-the-counter markets.
Level 2: Valuation is based upon quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in markets that are not active, and model-based valuation techniques for which all significant assumptions are observable in the market. Level 2 instruments include securities traded in less active dealer or broker markets.
Level 3: Valuation is generated from model-based techniques that use at least one significant assumption not observable in the market. These unobservable assumptions reflect estimates of assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Valuation techniques include use of option pricing models, discounted cash flow models and similar techniques.
We used the following methods and significant assumptions to estimate fair value:
Securities: Where quoted market prices are available in an active market, securities are classified as Level 1 of the valuation hierarchy. We currently do not have any Level 1 securities. If quoted market prices are not available for the specific security, then fair values are estimated by (1) using quoted market prices of securities with similar characteristics, (2) matrix pricing, which is a mathematical technique used widely in the industry to value debt securities without relying exclusively on quoted prices for specific securities but rather by relying on the securities’ relationship to other benchmark quoted prices, or (3) a discounted cash flow analysis whose significant fair value inputs can generally be verified and do

not typically involve judgment by management. These securities are classified as Level 2 of the valuation hierarchy and primarily include agency securities, private label mortgage-backed securities, other asset backed securities, obligations of states and political subdivisions, trust preferred securities, corporate securities and foreign government securities.
Loans held for sale: The fair value of mortgage loans held for sale, carried at fair value is based on agency cash window loan pricing for comparable assets (recurring Level 2).
Collateral dependent loans with specific loss allocations based on collateral value: From time to time, certain collateral dependent loans will have an ACL established. When the fair value of the collateral is based on an appraised value or when an appraised value is not available we record the collateral dependent loan as nonrecurring Level 3. These appraisals may utilize a single valuation approach or a combination of approaches including comparable sales and the income approach. Adjustments are routinely made in the appraisal process by the independent appraisers to adjust for differences between the comparable sales and income data available. Such adjustments can be significant and thus will typically result in a Level 3 classification of the inputs for determining fair value.
Other real estate: At the time of acquisition, other real estate is recorded at fair value, less estimated costs to sell, which becomes the property’s new basis. Subsequent write-downs to reflect declines in value since the time of acquisition may occur from time to time and are recorded in net gains on other real estate and repossessed assets, which is part of non-interest expense - other in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations. The fair value of the property used at and subsequent to the time of acquisition is typically determined by a third party appraisal of the property. These appraisals may utilize a single valuation approach or a combination of approaches including comparable sales and the income approach. Adjustments are routinely made in the appraisal process by the independent appraisers to adjust for differences between the comparable sales and income data available. Such adjustments can be significant and typically result in a Level 3 classification of the inputs for determining fair value.
Appraisals for both collateral-dependent loans and other real estate are performed by certified general appraisers (for commercial properties) or certified residential appraisers (for residential properties) whose qualifications and licenses have been reviewed and verified by us. Once received, an independent third party, or a member of our Collateral Evaluation Department (for commercial properties), or a member of our Special Assets Group (for residential properties) reviews the assumptions and approaches utilized in the appraisal as well as the overall resulting fair value in comparison with independent data sources such as recent market data or industry-wide statistics. We compare the actual selling price of collateral that has been sold to the most recent appraised value of our properties to determine what additional adjustment, if any, should be made to the appraisal value to arrive at fair value. For commercial and residential properties we typically discount an appraisal to account for various factors that the appraisal excludes in its assumptions. These additional discounts generally do not result in material adjustments to the appraised value.
Capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights: The fair value of capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights is based on a valuation model used by an independent third party that calculates the present value of estimated net servicing income. The valuation model incorporates assumptions that market participants would use in estimating future net servicing income. Certain model assumptions are generally unobservable and are based upon the best information available including data relating to our own servicing portfolio, reviews of mortgage servicing assumption and valuation surveys and input from various mortgage servicers and, therefore, are recorded as Level 3. Management evaluates the third party valuation for reasonableness each quarter as part of our financial reporting control processes.
Derivatives: The fair value of rate-lock mortgage loan commitments is based on agency cash window loan pricing for comparable assets and the fair value of mandatory commitments to sell mortgage loans is based on mortgage backed security pricing for comparable assets (recurring Level 2). The fair value of interest rate swap, interest rate cap and interest rate floor agreements are derived from proprietary models which utilize current market data. The significant fair value inputs can generally be observed in the market place and do not typically involve judgment by management (recurring Level 2).

Assets and liabilities measured at fair value, including financial assets for which we have elected the fair value option, were as follows:
Fair Value Measurements Using
Fair Value
in Active
(Level 1)
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024:
Measured at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis
Securities available for sale
U.S. agency$8,538 $ $8,538 $ 
U.S. agency residential mortgage-backed76,091  76,091  
U.S. agency commercial mortgage-backed12,073  12,073  
Private label mortgage-backed76,603  76,603  
Other asset backed43,764  43,764  
Obligations of states and political subdivisions300,068  300,068  
Corporate70,857  70,857  
Trust preferred956  956  
Loans held for sale, carried at fair value14,029  14,029  
Capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights40,204   40,204 
Derivatives (1)38,774  38,774  
Derivatives (2)24,056  24,056  
Measured at Fair Value on a Non-recurring Basis:
Collateral dependent loans (3)
Commercial and industrial4,253   4,253 
Commercial real estate132   132 
1-4 family owner occupied - non-jumbo662   662 
1-4 family non-owner occupied56   56 
1-4 family - 2nd lien166   166 
Resort lending92   92 
Boat lending57   57 
Recreational vehicle lending175   175 
Other42   42 
(1)Included in accrued income and other assets
(2)Included in accrued expenses and other liabilities
(3)Only includes individually evaluated loans with specific loss allocations based on collateral value.

Fair Value Measurements Using
Fair Value
in Active
(Level 1)
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
(In thousands)
December 31, 2023:
Measured at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis
Securities available for sale
U.S. agency$9,507 $ $9,507 $ 
U.S. agency residential mortgage-backed81,217  81,217  
U.S. agency commercial mortgage-backed12,297  12,297  
Private label mortgage-backed86,469  86,469  
Other asset backed112,931  112,931  
Obligations of states and political subdivisions302,737  302,737  
Corporate73,250  73,250  
Trust preferred942  942  
Loans held for sale, carried at fair value12,063  12,063  
Capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights42,243   42,243 
Derivatives (1)38,683  38,683  
Derivatives (2)21,835  21,835  
Measured at Fair Value on a Non-recurring Basis:    
Collateral dependent loans (3)
Commercial and industrial551   551 
1-4 family owner occupied - non-jumbo732   732 
1-4 family non-owner occupied33   33 
1-4 family - 2nd lien157   157 
Resort lending92   92 
Boat lending192   192 
Recreational vehicle lending196   196 
Other66   66 
(1)Included in accrued income and other assets
(2)Included in accrued expenses and other liabilities
(3)Only includes impaired loans with specific loss allocations based on collateral value.

Changes in fair values for financial assets which we have elected the fair value option for the periods presented were as follows:
Changes in Fair Values for the Nine
Month Periods Ended September 30 for
items Measured at Fair Value Pursuant
to Election of the Fair Value Option
Net Gains
on Assets
Servicing, net
in Fair
in Current
(In thousands)
Loans held for sale$215 $— $215 
Capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights— (4,995)(4,995)
Loans held for sale1,519 — 1,519 
Capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights— 456 456 
For those items measured at fair value pursuant to our election of the fair value option, interest income is recorded within the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations based on the contractual amount of interest income earned on these financial assets and dividend income is recorded based on cash dividends received.
The following represent impairment charges recognized during the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 relating to assets measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis:
Loans that are individually evaluated using the fair value of collateral for collateral dependent loans had a carrying amount of $5.6 million, which is net of a valuation allowance of $2.5 million at September 30, 2024, and had a carrying amount of $2.0 million, which is net of a valuation allowance of $1.3 million at December 31, 2023. The provision for credit losses included in our results of operations relating to collateral dependent loans was a net expense of $0.9 million and $0.2 million for the three month periods ending September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and a net expense of $2.0 million and $2.1 million for the nine month periods ending September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.


A reconciliation for all assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) follows:
Capitalized Mortgage Loan Servicing Rights
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(In thousands) (In thousands)
Beginning balance$44,406 $44,427 $42,243 $42,489 
Total gains (losses) realized and unrealized:
Included in results of operations(5,378)471 (4,995)456 
Included in other comprehensive loss    
Purchases, issuances, settlements, maturities and calls1,176 1,159 2,956 3,112 
Transfers in and/or out of Level 3    
Ending balance$40,204 $46,057 $40,204 $46,057 
Amount of total gains (losses) for the period included in earnings attributable to the change in unrealized gains (losses) relating to assets and liabilities still held at September 30
$(5,378)$471 $(4,995)$456 
The fair value of our capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights has been determined based on a valuation model used by an independent third party as discussed above. The significant unobservable inputs used in the fair value measurement of the capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights are discount rate, cost to service, ancillary income, float rate and prepayment rate. Significant changes in all five of these assumptions in isolation would result in significant changes to the value of our capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights. Quantitative information about our Level 3 fair value measurements measured on a recurring basis follows:
Range Weighted
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
Capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights$40,204 Present value of net servicing revenueDiscount rate
10.00% to 14.99%
10.25 %
Cost to service
$69 to $463
Ancillary income
20 to 30
Float rate3.53 %
Prepayment rate
6.56% to 29.02%
10.02 %
December 31, 2023
Capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights$42,243 Present value of net servicing revenueDiscount rate
10.00% to 14.27%
10.25 %
Cost to service
$70 to $442
Ancillary income
20 to 30
Float rate3.82 %
Prepayment rate
6.56% to 26.47%

Quantitative information about Level 3 fair value measurements measured on a non-recurring basis follows:
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
Collateral dependent loans
$4,385 Discounting financial statement and machinery and equipment appraised valuesDiscount rates used
40.0% to 50.0%
42.8 %
Sales comparison approachAdjustment for differences between comparable sales
(20.0)% to 35.0%
Mortgage and Installment(2)
1,250 Sales comparison approachAdjustment for differences between comparable sales
(12.7) to 21.7
December 31, 2023
Collateral dependent loans
Commercial$551 Sales comparison approachAdjustment for differences between comparable sales
(5.0)% to 6.0%
Mortgage and Installment(2)
1,468 Sales comparison approachAdjustment for differences between comparable sales
(4.1) to 10.5
$3.5 million of this amount primarily relates to one collateral dependent relationship credit. Collateral securing this relationship primarily included accounts receivable, inventory and machinery and equipment at September 30, 2024. Valuation techniques at September 30, 2024 included discounting financial statement values for accounts receivable and inventory and appraised values for machinery and equipment.
In addition to the valuation techniques and unobservable inputs discussed above, at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 certain collateral dependent installment loans totaling approximately $0.27 million and $0.45 million, respectively, are secured by collateral other than real estate. For the majority of these loans, we apply internal discount rates to industry valuation guides.
The following table reflects the difference between the aggregate fair value and the aggregate remaining contractual principal balance outstanding for loans held for sale for which the fair value option has been elected for the periods presented.
Fair Value
Difference Contractual
(In thousands)
Loans held for sale
September 30, 2024$14,029 $154 $13,875 
December 31, 202312,063 (61)12,124 

12.    Fair Values of Financial Instruments
Most of our assets and liabilities are considered financial instruments. Many of these financial instruments lack an available trading market and it is our general practice and intent to hold the majority of our financial instruments to maturity. Significant estimates and assumptions were used to determine the fair value of financial instruments. These estimates are subjective in nature, involving uncertainties and matters of judgment, and therefore, fair values may not be a precise estimate. Changes in assumptions could significantly affect the estimates.
Estimated fair values have been determined using available data and methodologies that are considered suitable for each category of financial instrument. For instruments with adjustable interest rates which reprice frequently and without significant credit risk, it is presumed that estimated fair values approximate the recorded book balances.

The estimated recorded book balances and fair values follow:
Fair Value Using
Fair ValueQuoted
in Active
(Level 1)
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
(In thousands)
September 30, 2024
Cash and due from banks$61,503 $61,503 $61,503 $ $ 
Interest bearing deposits60,057 60,057 60,057   
Securities available for sale588,950 588,950  588,950  
Securities held to maturity343,362 314,638  314,638  
Federal Home Loan Bank and Federal      
Reserve Bank Stock16,099 NANANANA
Net loans and loans held for sale3,898,872 3,732,864  14,029 3,718,835 
Accrued interest receivable18,809 18,809 134 5,339 13,336 
Derivative financial instruments38,774 38,774  38,774  
Deposits with no stated maturity (1)$3,850,142 $3,850,142 $3,850,142 $ $ 
Deposits with stated maturity (1)776,733 775,042  775,042  
Other borrowings     
Subordinated debt39,567 39,687  39,687  
Subordinated debentures39,779 39,733  39,733  
Accrued interest payable4,215 4,215 427 3,788  
Derivative financial instruments24,056 24,056  24,056  
December 31, 2023     
Cash and due from banks$68,208 $68,208 $68,208 $ $ 
Interest bearing deposits101,573 101,573 101,573   
Securities available for sale679,350 679,350  679,350  
Securities held to maturity353,988 318,606  318,606  
Federal Home Loan Bank and Federal      
Reserve Bank Stock16,821 NANANANA
Net loans and loans held for sale3,748,306 3,453,790  12,063 3,441,727 
Accrued interest receivable19,044 19,044 58 6,486 12,500 
Derivative financial instruments38,683 38,683  38,683  
Deposits with no stated maturity (1)$3,704,808 $3,704,808 $3,704,808 $ $ 
Deposits with stated maturity (1)918,071 914,404  914,404  
Other borrowings50,026 49,831  49,831  
Subordinated debt39,510 40,352  40,352  
Subordinated debentures39,728 38,103  38,103  
Accrued interest payable6,534 6,534 482 6,052  
Derivative financial instruments21,835 21,835  21,835  
Deposits with no stated maturity include reciprocal deposits with a recorded book balance of $878.832 million and $723.014 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. Deposits with a stated maturity include reciprocal deposits with a recorded book balance of $116.637 million and $109.006 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively.

The fair values for commitments to extend credit and standby letters of credit are estimated to approximate their aggregate book balance, which is nominal and therefore are not disclosed.
Fair value estimates are made at a specific point in time, based on relevant market information and information about the financial instrument. These estimates do not reflect any premium or discount that could result from offering for sale the entire holdings of a particular financial instrument.
Fair value estimates are based on existing on- and off-balance sheet financial instruments without attempting to estimate the value of anticipated future business, the value of future earnings attributable to off-balance sheet activities and the value of assets and liabilities that are not considered financial instruments.
Fair value estimates for deposit accounts do not include the value of the core deposit intangible asset resulting from the low-cost funding provided by the deposit liabilities compared to the cost of borrowing funds in the market.

13.    Contingencies

Pressures from various global and national macroeconomic conditions, including heightened inflation, uncertainty regarding future interest rates, foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations, recent adverse weather conditions, the continuation of the Russia-Ukraine and Middle East wars, the pending Presidential and Congressional elections, and potential governmental responses to these events, continue to create significant economic uncertainty.

The extent to which these pressures may impact our business, results of operations, asset valuations, financial condition, and customers will depend on future developments, which continue to be highly uncertain and difficult to predict. Material adverse impacts may include all or a combination of valuation impairments on our intangible assets, securities available for sale, securities held to maturity, loans, capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights or deferred tax assets.

We continue to closely monitor and analyze the higher risk segments within our portfolio, and senior management is cautiously optimistic that we are positioned to continue managing the impact of the varied set of risks and uncertainties currently impacting the global and U.S. economies. However, a high degree of uncertainty still exists with respect to the impact of these fluid macroeconomic conditions on the future performance of our loan portfolio and our financial results.
We are involved in various litigation matters in the ordinary course of business. At the present time, we do not believe any of these matters will have a significant impact on our interim condensed consolidated financial position or results of operations. The aggregate amount we have accrued for losses we consider probable as a result of these litigation matters is immaterial. However, because of the inherent uncertainty of outcomes from any litigation matter, we believe it is reasonably possible we may incur losses in addition to the amounts we have accrued. At this time, we estimate the maximum amount of additional losses that are reasonably possible is insignificant. However, because of a number of factors, including the fact that certain of these litigation matters are still in their early stages, this maximum amount may change in the future.
The litigation matters described in the preceding paragraph primarily include claims that have been brought against us for damages, but do not include litigation matters where we seek to collect amounts owed to us by third parties (such as litigation initiated to collect delinquent loans). These excluded, collection-related matters may involve claims or counterclaims by the opposing party or parties, but we have excluded such matters from the disclosure contained in the preceding paragraph in all cases where we believe the possibility of us paying damages to any opposing party is remote.
Visa Stock
On May 6, 2024, we exchanged 12,566 shares of Visa Inc. Class B-1 common stock (all of the Class B-1 shares we owned) for 2,493 shares of Visa Inc. Class C common stock and 6,283 shares of Visa Inc. Class B-2 common stock pursuant to an exchange offer conducted by Visa. Each Class C share automatically converts to 4 shares of Visa Inc. Class A common stock upon a transfer to anyone other than a Visa member or an affiliate of a Visa member. The Class B-2 shares have the same transfer restrictions as the transfer restrictions on the Class B-1 shares and can only be sold to other Class B shareholders.
Because of the very limited liquidity for the Class B-1 shares (prior to completion of the exchange offer) and uncertainty regarding the likelihood, ultimate timing, and eventual exchange rate for Class B-1 shares into Class A shares, we were carrying these shares at zero, representing cost basis less impairment. In light of the continued uncertainty regarding the likelihood, ultimate timing, and eventual exchange rate for Class B-2 shares into Class A shares, we are carrying the Class B-2 shares at zero, representing cost basis less impairment.
With the completion of the exchange, we recorded a gain related to the Class C shares of $2.677 million during the second quarter of 2024 based on the conversion privilege of those shares and the closing price of the Class A shares on May 3, 2024 (the exchange expiration date) of $268.49 per share. Subsequent to the exchange, we sold all 2,493 shares of our Class C shares for net proceeds of $2.685 million. We held no Class C shares at September 30, 2024.
As a condition to our participation in the exchange offer, we were required to enter into a Makewhole Agreement that will require us to reimburse Visa in certain circumstances if certain litigation in which Visa has been involved since 2008 results in damages significantly higher than Visa currently expects. Potential payments under the Makewhole Agreement are designed to equal the decline in value we would have experienced had we not participated in Visa’s exchange offer. Based on the disclosures that have been made by Visa regarding the status of this litigation and other circumstances

relating to the exchange offer and potential future, similar exchange offers, we believe the likelihood we will have to make any payments under the Makewhole Agreement is remote.

14.    Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (“AOCL”)
A summary of changes in AOCL follows:
Losses on
Losses on
to Securities
HTM (1)
Tax Effects
Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Derivative Instruments
(In thousands)
For the three months ended September 30,
Balances at beginning of period$(49,482)$(14,084)$(5,798)$(1,464)$(70,828)
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications9,340 646  2,168 12,154 
Amounts reclassified from AOCL
114   308 422 
Net current period other comprehensive income (loss)9,454 646  2,476 12,576 
Balances at end of period$(40,028)$(13,438)$(5,798)$1,012 $(58,252)
Balances at beginning of period$(57,695)$(16,811)$(5,798)$(206)$(80,510)
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications(12,130)696  (417)(11,851)
Amounts reclassified from AOCL
   57 57 
Net current period other comprehensive income (loss)(12,130)696  (360)(11,794)
Balances at end of period$(69,825)$(16,115)$(5,798)$(566)$(92,304)
For the nine months ended September 30,
Balances at beginning of period$(51,113)$(15,408)$(5,798)$177 $(72,142)
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications10,758 1,970  41 12,769 
Amounts reclassified from AOCL
327   794 1,121 
Net current period other comprehensive income (loss)11,085 1,970  835 13,890 
Balances at end of period$(40,028)$(13,438)$(5,798)$1,012 $(58,252)
Balances at beginning of period$(68,742)$(18,223)$(5,798)$ $(92,763)
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications
(1,258)2,108  (743)107 
Amounts reclassified from AOCL
175   177 352 
Net current period other comprehensive income (loss)
(1,083)2,108  (566)459 
Balances at end of period$(69,825)$(16,115)$(5,798)$(566)$(92,304)
(1)Represents the remaining unrealized loss to be accreted on securities that were transferred from AFS to HTM on April 1, 2022.

The disproportionate tax effects from securities AFS arose due to tax effects of other comprehensive income (“OCI”) in the presence of a valuation allowance against our deferred tax assets and a pretax loss from operations. Generally, the amount of income tax expense or benefit allocated to operations is determined without regard to the tax effects of other categories of income or loss, such as OCI. However, an exception to the general rule is provided when, in the presence of a valuation allowance against deferred tax assets, there is a pretax loss from operations and pretax income from other categories in the current period. In such instances, income from other categories must offset the current loss from operations, the tax benefit of such offset being reflected in operations. Release of material disproportionate tax effects from other comprehensive income to earnings is done by the portfolio method whereby the effects will remain in AOCL as long as we carry a more than inconsequential portfolio of securities AFS.
A summary of reclassifications out of each component of AOCL for the three months ended September 30 follows:
AOCL Component
Affected Line Item in Condensed
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(In thousands)
Unrealized losses on securities available for sale
Net losses on securities available for sale
(31)Income tax expense
$(114)Reclassifications, net of tax
Unrealized gains (losses) on derivative instruments
$390 Interest income
82 Income tax expense
$308 Reclassifications, net of tax
$(422)Total reclassifications for the period, net of tax
Unrealized losses on securities available for sale
Net losses on securities available for sale
 Income tax expense
$ Reclassifications, net of tax
Unrealized gains (losses) on derivative instruments
$72 Interest income
15 Income tax expense
$57 Reclassifications, net of tax
$(57)Total reclassifications for the period, net of tax



A summary of reclassifications out of each component of AOCL for the nine months ended September 30 follows:
AOCL Component
Affected Line Item in Condensed
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(In thousands)
Unrealized losses on securities available for sale
Net losses on securities available for sale
(87)Income tax expense
$(327)Reclassifications, net of tax
Unrealized gains (losses) on derivative instruments
$1,005 Interest income
211 Income tax expense
$794 Reclassifications, net of tax
$(1,121)Total reclassifications for the period, net of tax
Unrealized losses on securities available for sale
Net losses on securities available for sale
(47)Income tax expense
$(175)Reclassifications, net of tax
Unrealized gains (losses) on derivative instruments
$224 Interest income
47 Income tax expense
$177 Reclassifications, net of tax
$(352)Total reclassifications for the period, net of tax

15.    Revenue from Contracts with Customers
We account for revenue in accordance with ASC Topic 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers. We derive the majority of our revenue from financial instruments and their related contractual rights and obligations which for the most part are excluded from the scope of this topic. These sources of revenue that are excluded from the scope of this topic include interest income, net gains on mortgage loans, net gains (losses) on securities AFS, mortgage loan servicing, net and bank owned life insurance and were approximately 87.1% and 86.6% of total revenues for the nine month periods ending September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

Material sources of revenue that are included in the scope of this topic include service charges on deposit accounts, other deposit related income, interchange income and investment and insurance commissions and are discussed in the following paragraphs. Generally these sources of revenue are earned at the time the service is delivered or over the course of a monthly period and do not result in any contract asset or liability balance at any given period end. As a result, there were no contract assets or liabilities recorded as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.
Service charges on deposit accounts and other deposit related income: Revenues are earned on depository accounts for commercial and retail customers and include fees for transaction-based, account maintenance and overdraft services. Transaction-based fees, which includes services such as ATM use fees, stop payment charges and ACH fees are recognized at the time the transaction is executed as that is the time we fulfill our customer’s request. Account maintenance fees, which includes monthly maintenance services are earned over the course of a month representing the period over which the performance obligation is satisfied. Our obligation for overdraft services is satisfied at the time of the overdraft.
Interchange income: Interchange income primarily includes debit card interchange and network revenues. Debit card interchange and network revenues are earned on debit card transactions conducted through payment networks such as MasterCard and Accel. Interchange income is recognized concurrently with the delivery of services on a daily basis. Interchange and network revenues are presented gross of interchange expenses, which are presented separately as a component of non-interest expense.
Investment and insurance commissions: Investment and insurance commissions include fees and commissions from asset management, custody, recordkeeping, investment advisory and other services provided to our customers. Revenue is recognized on an accrual basis at the time the services are performed and generally based on either the market value of the assets managed or the services provided. We have an agent relationship with a third party provider of these services and net certain direct costs charged by the third party provider associated with providing these services to our customers.
Net (gains) losses on other real estate and repossessed assets: We record a gain or loss from the sale of other real estate when control of the property transfers to the buyer, which generally occurs at the time of an executed deed. If we were to finance the sale of other real estate to the buyer, we would assess whether the buyer is committed to perform their obligations under the contract and whether collectability of the transaction is probable. Once these criteria are met, the other real estate asset would be derecognized and the gain or loss on sale would be recorded upon the transfer of control of the property to the buyer. There were no other real estate properties sold during the nine month periods ending September 30, 2024 and 2023 that were financed by us.

Disaggregation of our revenue sources by attribute follows:
on Deposit
Three months ending September 30, 2024(In thousands)
Overdraft fees$2,378 $— $— $— $2,378 
Account service charges593 — — — 593 
ATM fees— 430 — — 430 
Other— 167 — — 167 
Overdraft fees114 — — — 114 
ATM fees— 13 — — 13 
Other— 114 — — 114 
Interchange income— — 4,146 — 4,146 
Asset management revenue— — — 458 458 
Transaction based revenue— — — 423 423 
Total$3,085 $724 $4,146 $881 $8,836 
Reconciliation to Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations:  
Non-interest income - other:     
Other deposit related income    $724 
Investment and insurance commissions   881 
Bank owned life insurance (1)    197 
Other (1)
Total    $3,383 
(1)Excluded from the scope of ASC Topic 606.

on Deposit
Three months ending September 30, 2023(In thousands)
Overdraft fees$2,090 $— $— $— $2,090 
Account service charges1,079 — — — 1,079 
ATM fees— 457 — — 457 
Other— 247 — — 247 
Overdraft fees140 — — — 140 
ATM fees— 13 — — 13 
Other— 109 — — 109 
Interchange income— — 4,100 — 4,100 
Asset management revenue— — — 488 488 
Transaction based revenue— — — 388 388 
Total$3,309 $826 $4,100 $876 $9,111 
Reconciliation to Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations:
Non-interest income - other:
Other deposit related income$826 
Investment and insurance commissions876 
Bank owned life insurance (1) 124 
Other (1) 1,609 
(1)Excluded from the scope of ASC Topic 606.

on Deposit
Nine months ending September 30, 2024(In thousands)
Overdraft fees$6,788 $— $— $— $6,788 
Account service charges1,787 — — — 1,787 
ATM fees— 1,225 — — 1,225 
Other— 603 — — 603 
Overdraft fees319 — — — 319 
ATM fees— 37 — — 37 
Other— 327 — — 327 
Interchange income— — 10,698 — 10,698 
Asset management revenue— — — 1,448 1,448 
Transaction based revenue— — — 1,075 1,075 
Total$8,894 $2,192 $10,698 $2,523 $24,307 
Reconciliation to Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations:  
Non-interest income - other:     
Other deposit related income    $2,192 
Investment and insurance commissions   2,523 
Bank owned life insurance (1)    566 
Other (1)
Total    $8,818 
(1)Excluded from the scope of ASC Topic 606.

on Deposit
Nine months ending September 30, 2023(In thousands)
Overdraft fees$6,770 $— $— $— $6,770 
Account service charges2,135 — — — 2,135 
ATM fees— 1,235 — — 1,235 
Other— 756 — — 756 
Overdraft fees395 — — — 395 
ATM fees— 35 — — 35 
Other— 312 — — 312 
Interchange income— — 10,660 — 10,660 
Asset management revenue— — — 1,389 1,389 
Transaction based revenue— — — 1,057 1,057 
Total$9,300 $2,338 $10,660 $2,446 $24,744 
Reconciliation to Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations:  
Non-interest income - other:     
Other deposit related income    $2,338 
Investment and insurance commissions   2,446 
Bank owned life insurance (1)    333 
Other (1)
Total    $9,298 
(1)Excluded from the scope of ASC Topic 606.
16.    Leases
We have entered into leases in the normal course of business primarily for office facilities, some of which include renewal options and escalation clauses. Certain leases also include both lease components (fixed payments including rent, taxes and insurance costs) and non-lease components (common area or other maintenance costs) which are accounted for as a single lease component as we have elected the practical expedient to group lease and non-lease components together for all leases. We have also elected not to recognize leases with original lease terms of 12 months or less (short-term leases) on our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition. Most of our leases include one or more options to renew. The exercise of lease renewal options is typically at our sole discretion and are included in our right of use (“ROU”) assets and lease liabilities if they are reasonably certain of exercise.
Leases are classified as operating or finance leases at the lease commencement date (we did not have any finance leases as of September 30, 2024). Lease expense for operating leases and short-term leases is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. The ROU assets represent our right to use an underlying asset for the lease term and lease liabilities represent our obligation to make lease payments arising from the lease. ROU assets and lease liabilities are recognized at the lease commencement date based on the estimated present value of the lease payment over the lease term.

As most of our leases do not provide an implicit rate, we use our incremental borrowing rate based on the information available at the lease commencement date in determining the present value of the lease payments.
The cost components of our operating leases follows:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(In thousands)(In thousands)
Operating lease cost$349 $359 $1,044 $1,080 
Variable lease cost10 24 32 72 
Short-term lease cost23 25 70 71 
Total$382 $408 $1,146 $1,223 
Variable lease costs consist primarily of taxes, insurance, and common area or other maintenance costs for our leased facilities.
Supplemental balance sheet information related to our operating leases follows:
September 30,
December 31,
(Dollars in thousands)
Lease right of use asset (1)$6,403 $4,911 
Lease liabilities (2)$6,620 $5,114 
Weighted average remaining lease term (years)7.246.03
Weighted average discount rate3.7 %2.7 %
(1)Included in Accrued income and other assets in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition.
(2)Included in Accrued expenses and other liabilities in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition.
Maturity analysis of our lease liabilities at September 30, 2024 based on required contractual payments follows:
(In thousands)
Three months ending December 31, 2024$347 
2029 and thereafter2,874 
Total lease payments7,694 
Less imputed interest(1,074)

Introduction. The following section presents additional information to assess the financial condition and results of operations of Independent Bank Corporation (“IBCP”), its wholly-owned bank, Independent Bank (the “Bank”), and their subsidiaries. This section should be read in conjunction with the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements. We also encourage you to read our 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). That report includes a list of risk factors that you should consider in connection with any decision to buy or sell our securities.
Overview. We provide banking services to customers located primarily in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. We also have a loan production office in Fairlawn, Ohio. As a result, our success depends to a great extent upon the economic conditions in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula.

Recent Developments. Pressures from various global and national macroeconomic conditions, including heightened inflation, uncertainty regarding future interest rates, foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations, recent adverse weather conditions, the continuation of the Russia-Ukraine and Middle East wars, the pending Presidential and Congressional elections, and potential governmental responses to these events, continue to create significant economic uncertainty. The extent to which these pressures may impact our business, results of operations, asset valuations, financial condition, and customers will depend on future developments, which continue to be highly uncertain and difficult to predict. Material adverse impacts may include all or a combination of valuation impairments on our intangible assets, securities available for sale ("AFS"), securities held to maturity ("HTM"), loans, capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights or deferred tax assets.

It is against this backdrop that we discuss our results of operations and financial condition for the third quarter of 2024 as compared to earlier periods.
Summary. We recorded net income of $13.8 million and $17.5 million during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The decrease in 2024 third quarter results as compared to 2023 is due primarily to a $5.7 unfavorable change in the fair value due to price of capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights that was partially offset by a $2.4 million increase in net interest income.
We recorded net income of $48.3 million and $45.3 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The increase in 2024 year-to-date results as compared to 2023 is primarily due to an increase in net-interest income and a decrease in the provision for credit losses that were partially offset by increases in non-interest expense and income tax expense and a decrease in non-interest income.
Key performance ratios
Three months ended September 30,Nine months ended September 30,
Net income (annualized) to
Average assets1.04 %1.34 %1.24 %1.19 %
Average shareholders’ equity12.54 %18.68 %15.42 %16.62 %
Net income per common share
Basic$0.66 $0.84 $2.31 $2.16 
Diluted0.65 0.83 2.29 2.14 

Net interest income. Net interest income is the most important source of our earnings and thus is critical in evaluating our results of operations. Changes in our net interest income are primarily influenced by our level of interest-earning assets and

the income or yield that we earn on those assets and the manner and cost of funding our interest-earning assets. Certain macro-economic factors can also influence our net interest income such as the level and direction of interest rates, the difference between short-term and long-term interest rates (the steepness of the yield curve) and the general strength of the economies in which we are doing business. Finally, risk management plays an important role in our level of net interest income. The ineffective management of credit risk and interest-rate risk in particular can adversely impact our net interest income.
Our net interest income totaled $41.9 million during the third quarter of 2024, an increase of $2.4 million, or 6.2% from the year-ago period. This increase primarily reflects a $93.6 million increase in average interest-earning assets and a 14 basis point increase in our tax equivalent net interest income as a percent of average interest-earning assets (the “net interest margin”).
For the first nine months of 2024, net interest income totaled $123.4 million, an increase of $7.2 million, or 6.2% from 2023. This increase primarily reflects a $145.3 million, or 3.0% increase in average interest-earning assets and a nine basis point increase in our net interest margin.
The increase in average interest-earning assets in both the three and nine month periods in 2024 as compared to the same periods in 2023 primarily reflects growth in commercial and mortgage loans funded from a decrease in securities available for sale and an increase in deposits.
The increases in our net interest margin during the three and nine month periods in 2024 is attributed to increases in interest income as a percent of average interest-earning assets ("Asset Yield") that were only partially offset by increases in interest expense as a percent of average interest-earning assets ("Cost of Funds"). These increases are primarily attributed to the increases in the federal funds rate since January of 2023. Our Asset Yield has been positively impacted by new loans being originated at higher rates than existing loans being paid off as well as a shift in earning asset mix from generally lower rate investment securities to higher rate loans while our Cost of Funds has been negatively impacted by changes in funding mix (such as shifting from non-interest bearing deposits to interest-bearing deposits and an increase in time deposits) as well as higher deposit pricing sensitivity to the increases in interest rates discussed above. This change in funding mix and pricing is expected to continue to impact our Cost of Funds during the fourth quarter of 2024. See Asset/liability management.
Our net interest income is also impacted by our level of non-accrual loans. In the third quarter and first nine months of 2024, non-accrual loans averaged $4.5 million and $4.1 million, respectively. In the third quarter and first nine months of 2023, non-accrual loans averaged $4.4 million and $4.0 million, respectively. In addition, in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 we had net recoveries of $0.12 million and $0.51 million, respectively of unpaid interest on loans placed on or taken off non-accrual or on loans previously charged-off compared to net recoveries of $0.09 million and $0.47 million, respectively, during the same periods in 2023.

Average Balances and Tax Equivalent Rates
Three Months Ended September 30,
InterestRate (2)Average
InterestRate (2)
(Dollars in thousands)
Taxable loans$3,901,370 $58,322 5.96 %$3,687,637 $51,352 5.54 %
Tax-exempt loans (1)8,584 111 5.14 6,897 85 4.89 
Taxable securities665,974 4,502 2.70 800,524 5,865 2.93 
Tax-exempt securities (1)267,776 3,539 5.29 270,687 3,593 5.31 
Interest bearing cash126,039 1,717 5.42 108,389 1,468 5.37 
Other investments16,099 301 7.48 18,074 271 5.95 
Interest Earning Assets4,985,842 68,492 5.48 4,892,208 62,634 5.10 
Cash and due from banks57,211 61,094 
Other assets, net232,570 238,812 
Total Assets$5,275,623 $5,192,114 
Savings and interest-bearing checking$2,763,558 15,621 2.25 $2,598,170 12,272 1.87 
Time deposits804,944 8,841 4.37 816,810 8,471 4.11 
Other borrowings121,182 2,018 6.64 139,199 2,262 6.45 
Interest Bearing Liabilities3,689,684 26,480 2.86 3,554,179 23,005 2.57 
Non-interest bearing deposits1,047,617 1,162,816 
Other liabilities100,245 102,452 
Shareholders’ equity438,077 372,667 
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity$5,275,623 $5,192,114 
Net Interest Income$42,012 $39,629 
Net Interest Income as a Percent of Average Interest Earning Assets3.37 %3.23 %
(1)Interest on tax-exempt loans and securities available for sale is presented on a fully tax equivalent basis assuming a marginal tax rate of 21%.


Average Balances and Tax Equivalent Rates
Nine Months Ended September 30,
InterestRate (2)
(Dollars in thousands)
Taxable loans$3,848,092 $169,974 5.90 %$3,579,569 $143,203 5.34 %
Tax-exempt loans (1)8,660 335 5.17 6,705 239 4.77 
Taxable securities691,327 14,466 2.79 834,924 17,668 2.82 
Tax-exempt securities (1)267,689 10,638 5.30 274,454 10,447 5.08 
Interest bearing cash97,941 3,994 5.45 71,355 2,769 5.19 
Other investments16,452 904 7.33 17,805 712 5.35 
Interest Earning Assets4,930,161 200,311 5.42 4,784,812 175,038 4.88 
Cash and due from banks54,481 59,163 
Other assets, net235,026 231,872 
Total Assets$5,219,668 $5,075,847 
Savings and interest-bearing checking$2,690,359 43,178 2.14 $2,550,973 31,644 1.66 
Time deposits825,984 26,970 4.37 745,983 20,320 3.64 
Other borrowings126,861 6,253 6.58 128,846 6,134 6.37 
Interest Bearing Liabilities3,643,204 76,401 2.80 3,425,802 58,098 2.27 
Non-interest bearing deposits1,053,719 1,184,548 
Other liabilities104,057 100,929 
Shareholders’ equity418,688 364,568 
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity$5,219,668 $5,075,847 
Net Interest Income$123,910 $116,940 
Net Interest Income as a Percent of Average Interest Earning Assets3.35 %3.26 %
(1)Interest on tax-exempt loans and securities available for sale is presented on a fully tax equivalent basis assuming a marginal tax rate of 21%.

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Dollars in thousands)
Net Interest Margin, Fully Taxable Equivalent ("FTE")
Net interest income$41,854 $39,427 $123,397 $116,218 
Add:  taxable equivalent adjustment158 202 513 722 
Net interest income - taxable equivalent$42,012 $39,629 $123,910 $116,940 
Net interest margin (GAAP) (1)3.35 %3.21 %3.34 %3.25 %
Net interest margin (FTE) (1)3.37 %3.23 %3.35 %3.26 %
Provision for credit losses. The provision for credit losses was an expense of $1.49 million and an expense of $1.35 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. During the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the provision for credit losses was an expense of $2.25 million and a expense of $6.83 million, respectively. The provision reflects our assessment of the allowance for credit losses (the “ACL”) taking into consideration factors such as loan growth, loan mix, levels of non-performing and classified loans, economic conditions and loan net charge-offs. While we use relevant information to recognize losses on loans, additional provisions for related losses may be necessary based on changes in economic conditions, customer circumstances and other credit risk factors. See “Portfolio Loans and asset quality” for a discussion of the various components of the ACL and their impact on the provision for credit losses in 2024.
The year-to-date provision for credit losses on loans in 2024 compared to 2023, decreased $0.44 million. The provision for credit losses on securities HTM in 2024 and 2023 was an expense (credit) of $(1.15) million and $2.99 million, respectively. The change in provision for credit losses on securities HTM reflects a charge-off in the first quarter of 2023 and a subsequent partial recovery during the first quarter of 2024 of one corporate security (Signature Bank). See “Securities” below and note #3 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
Non-interest income. Non-interest income is a significant element in assessing our results of operations. Non-interest income totaled $9.5 million during the third quarter of 2024 compared to $15.6 million in the third quarter of 2023. For the first nine months of 2024, non-interest income totaled $37.2 million compared to $41.6 million for the first nine months of 2023.

The components of non-interest income are as follows:
Non-Interest Income
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In thousands)
Interchange income$4,146 $4,100 $10,698 $10,660 
Service charges on deposit accounts3,085 3,309 8,894 9,300 
Net gains on assets
Mortgage loans2,177 2,099 4,874 5,475 
Equity securities at fair value(8)— 2,685 — 
Securities available for sale(145)— (414)(222)
Mortgage loan servicing, net(3,130)2,668 1,686 7,068 
Investment and insurance commissions882 875 2,524 2,446 
Bank owned life insurance197 124 566 333 
Other2,304 2,436 5,728 6,519 
Total non-interest income$9,508 $15,611 $37,241 $41,579 
Service charges on deposit accounts decreased by $0.2 million and $0.4 million in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024, respectively, compared to the same periods in 2023 due primarily to decreases in non-sufficient funds occurrences (and related fees).
Mortgage loan activity is summarized as follows:
Mortgage Loan Activity
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Dollars in thousands)
Mortgage loans originated$147,516 $172,914 $384,112 $446,450 
Mortgage loans sold (1)
117,037 115,269 289,395 321,140 
Net gains on mortgage loans2,177 2,099 4,874 5,475 
Net gains as a percent of mortgage loans sold  ("Loan Sales Margin")1.86 %1.82 %1.68 %1.70 %
Fair value adjustments included in the Loan Sales Margin0.46 (0.32)0.30 0.60 
(1) Mortgage loan sales in the third quarters of 2024 and 2023 include $6.6 million and zero, respectively, of portfolio loan transactions. Mortgage loan sales during the first nine months of 2024 and 2023 include $14.7 million and $41.2 million, respectively, of portfolio loan transactions. These transactions were performed for interest rate risk purposes.
Mortgage loans originated decreased in 2024 as compared to 2023 due primarily to higher mortgage loan interest rates in 2024 reducing this activity. Mortgage loans sold, excluding portfolio loan sales, were relative unchanged in 2024 as compared to 2023.
The volume of loans sold is dependent upon our ability to originate mortgage loans as well as the demand for fixed-rate obligations and other loans that we choose to not put into portfolio because of our established interest-rate risk parameters. (See “Portfolio Loans and asset quality.”) Net gains on mortgage loans are also dependent upon economic and competitive factors as well as our ability to effectively manage exposure to changes in interest rates and thus can often be a volatile part of our overall revenues.

Net gains on mortgage loans totaled $2.2 million and $2.1 million during the third quarters of 2024 and 2023, respectively. For the first nine months of 2024 and 2023, net gains on mortgage loans totaled $4.9 million and $5.5 million, respectively. The decrease from the prior year to date period was primarily due to a decrease in mortgage loans sold.
Our Loan Sales Margin is impacted by several factors including competition and the manner in which the loan is sold. Net gains on mortgage loans are also impacted by recording fair value accounting adjustments. Excluding these fair value accounting adjustments, the Loan Sales Margin would have been 1.40% and 2.14% in the third quarters of 2024 and 2023, respectively, and 1.38% and 1.10% for the comparative 2024 and 2023 year-to-date periods, respectively. The decline in the Loan Sales Margin (excluding fair value adjustments) in the third quarter of 2024 was generally due to lower primary-to-secondary market pricing spreads as market interest rates rose in 2024 (relative to 2023) which were impacted by the decrease in salable mortgage loan volumes.
Gain on equity securities at fair value totaled $2.7 million during the first nine months of 2024. This gain is the consequence of the exchange of our shares of Visa Class B-1 common stock on May 6, 2024 into a combination of Visa Class C common stock and Visa Class B-2 common stock. With the completion of this exchange, we were able to sell our Visa Class C common stock (as it was convertible into publicly traded Visa Class A common stock) while the Visa Class B-2 common stock continues to be held and carried at zero. See note #13 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
We recorded a net loss of $0.4 million and a net loss of $0.2 million on securities AFS for the first nine months of 2024 and 2023, respectively. We recorded no credit related charges in either 2024 or 2023 on securities AFS. See “Securities” below and note #3 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
Mortgage loan servicing, net, generated income (expense) of $(3.1) million and $2.7 million in the third quarters of 2024 and 2023, respectively. For the first nine months of 2024 and 2023, mortgage loan servicing, net, generated income of $1.7 million and $7.1 million, respectively. The significant variances in mortgage loan servicing, net are primarily due to changes in the fair value of capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights associated with changes in interest rates and the associated expected future prepayment levels and expected float rates.
Mortgage loan servicing, net activity is summarized in the following table:
Mortgage Servicing Revenue
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Mortgage loan servicing, net:(In thousands)
  Revenue, net $2,248 $2,197 $6,681 $6,612 
  Fair value change due to price$(4,155)$1,556 $(1,979)$3,364 
  Fair value change due to pay-downs$(1,223)$(1,085)$(3,016)$(2,908)
Total$(3,130)$2,668 $1,686 $7,068 
Activity related to capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights is as follows:
Capitalized Mortgage Loan Servicing Rights
Three months ended September 30,Nine months ended September 30,
(In thousands)
Balance at beginning of period$44,406 $44,427 $42,243 $42,489 
Originated servicing rights capitalized1,176 1,159 2,956 3,112 
Change in fair value(5,378)471 (4,995)456 
Balance at end of period$40,204 $46,057 $40,204 $46,057 

At September 30, 2024 we were servicing approximately $3.55 billion in mortgage loans for others on which servicing rights have been capitalized. This servicing portfolio had a weighted average coupon rate of 4.08% and a weighted average service fee of approximately 25.5 basis points. Capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights at September 30, 2024 totaled $40.2 million, representing approximately 113.2 basis points on the related amount of mortgage loans serviced for others.
Other income in the table above decreased by $0.1 million and $0.8 million in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024, respectively, compared to the same prior year periods. The decrease in the third quarter of 2024 was primarily due to the prior year including a one time gain on the sale of an office building and a decrease in certain internet banking fees no longer being charged that were partially offset by higher commercial loan swap fees. The decrease from the prior year to date period was primarily due to the prior year including one time gains on the sale of an office building and a purchase credit impaired loan as well as a decrease in certain internet banking fees no longer being charged.
Non-interest expense. Non-interest expense is an important component of our results of operations. We strive to efficiently manage our cost structure.
Non-interest expense increased by $0.5 million to $32.6 million and increased by $2.9 million to $98.1 million during the three- and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024, respectively, compared to the same periods in 2023.
The components of non-interest expense are as follows:
Non-Interest Expense
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In thousands)
Compensation$13,264 $13,054 $39,931 $39,846 
Performance-based compensation3,426 2,955 10,787 8,420 
Payroll taxes and employee benefits3,358 3,966 11,351 11,650 
Compensation and employee benefits20,048 19,975 62,069 59,916 
Data processing3,379 3,071 9,891 8,953 
Occupancy, net1,893 1,971 5,853 5,975 
Interchange expense1,149 1,119 3,373 3,222 
Furniture, fixtures and equipment932 927 2,834 2,782 
FDIC deposit insurance664 677 2,141 2,209 
Loan and collection657 520 1,868 1,718 
Advertising581 360 1,860 1,286 
Legal and professional687 543 1,717 1,623 
Communications519 568 1,633 1,871 
Taxes, licenses and fees347 225 891 659 
Director fees235 236 709 706 
Amortization of intangible assets129 136 387 410 
Provision for loss reimbursement on sold loans24 26 21 
Net (gains) losses on other real estate and repossessed assets14 (170)18 
Costs related to unfunded lending commitments113 451 (676)76 
Other1,212 1,249 3,703 3,796 
Total non-interest expense$32,583 $32,036 $98,109 $95,241 
Compensation and employee benefits expenses, in total, increased $0.1 million on a quarterly comparative basis and increased $2.2 million for the first nine months of 2024 compared to the same periods in 2023.

Compensation expense increased by $0.2 million and $0.1 million in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024, respectively, compared to the same periods in 2023. These comparative increases in 2024 were primarily due to salary increases that were predominantly effective on January 1, 2024 that were only partially offset by a decrease in mortgage lending and other retail personnel.
Performance-based compensation increased by $0.5 million and $2.4 million in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024, respectively, compared to the same periods in 2023. The increases were primarily due to higher expected incentive compensation payout for salaried and hourly employees.
Payroll taxes and employee benefits decreased by $0.6 million and $0.3 million in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024, respectively, compared to the same periods in 2023. The decreases were primarily due to decreases in employee medical insurance costs and a mortgage loan origination related incentive due to lower loan volumes.
Data processing expense increased by $0.3 million and $0.9 million in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024, respectively, compared to the same prior year periods due in part to core data processor annual asset growth and CPI related cost increases as well as new solutions implemented during this time frame.
Advertising increased by $0.2 million and $0.6 million in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024, respectively, compared to the same prior year periods due primarily to modifications in strategic marketing spend as well as costs related to certain website redesign initiatives.
Taxes licenses and fees increased by $0.1 million and $0.2 million in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024, respectively, compared to the same periods in 2023 due primarily to higher Michigan Corporate Income Tax expense as the result of an increase in tax base.
Costs (recoveries) related to unfunded lending commitments decreased by $0.3 million and $0.8 million in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024, respectively compared to the same prior year periods. These decreases are due to decreases in the changes to both the balance of lending commitments and the loss rates applied to those lending commitments.
Income tax expense. We recorded an income tax expense of $3.5 million and $11.9 million in the third quarter and the first nine months of 2024, respectively. This compares to an income tax expense of $4.1 million and $10.4 million in the third quarter and the first nine months of 2023, respectively. The changes in expense in the third quarter and first nine months of 2024 compared to the same periods in 2023 are primarily due to changes in pretax income.
Our actual income tax expense is different than the amount computed by applying our statutory income tax rate to our income before income tax primarily due to tax-exempt interest income, tax-exempt income from the increase in the cash surrender value on life insurance, and differences in the value of stock awards that vest and stock options that are exercised as compared to the initial fair values that were expensed.
We assess whether a valuation allowance should be established against our deferred tax assets based on the consideration of all available evidence using a “more likely than not” standard. The ultimate realization of this asset is primarily based on generating future income. We concluded at September 30, 2024 and 2023 and at December 31, 2023, that the realization of substantially all of our deferred tax assets continues to be more likely than not.
Summary. Our total assets decreased by $4.5 million during the first nine months of 2024. Loans, excluding loans held for sale, were $3.94 billion at September 30, 2024, compared to $3.79 billion at December 31, 2023. Commercial loans and mortgage loans each increased while installment loans decreased during the first nine months of 2024. (See “Portfolio Loans and asset quality.”) Securities available for sale and securities held to maturity together totaled $932.3 million at September 30, 2024, a decline of $101.1 million since December 31, 2023.
Deposits totaled $4.63 billion at September 30, 2024, an increase of $4.0 million from December 31, 2023. The increase in deposits from December 31, 2023, is due to increases in savings and interest-bearing checking, reciprocal and time deposits that were partially off set by a decrease in non-interest bearing deposits as well as scheduled maturities of brokered time deposits.
Securities. We maintain diversified securities portfolios, which include obligations of U.S. government-sponsored agencies, securities issued by states and political subdivisions, residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, corporate securities, trust preferred securities and foreign government securities (that are

denominated in U.S. dollars). We regularly evaluate asset/liability management needs and attempt to maintain a portfolio structure that provides sufficient liquidity and cash flow.
We believe that the unrealized losses on securities AFS are temporary in nature and are expected to be recovered within a reasonable time period. Based upon our liquidity and capital resources (as explained in more detail below under "Liquidity and capital resources"), we believe that we have the ability and intent to hold securities with unrealized losses to maturity or until such time as the unrealized losses reverse.(See “Asset/liability management.”)
On April 1, 2022, we transferred certain securities AFS with an amortized cost and unrealized loss at the date of transfer of $418.1 million and $26.5 million, respectively to securities HTM. The transfer was made at fair value, with the unrealized loss becoming part of the purchase discount which will be accreted over the remaining life of the securities. The other comprehensive loss component is separated from the remaining available for sale securities and is accreted over the remaining life of the securities transferred. Based upon our liquidity and capital resources (as explained in more detail below under "Liquidity and capital resources"), we believe that we have the ability and intent to hold these securities until they mature, at which time we would receive full value for these securities.
Securities Available for Sale
Securities available for sale(In thousands)
September 30, 2024$639,618 $359 $51,027 $588,950 
December 31, 2023744,050 464 65,164 679,350 
Securities Held to Maturity
Loss (1)
UnrealizedFair Value
(In thousands)
Securities held to maturity
September 30, 2024$343,362 $17,010 $133 $360,505 $129 $45,996 $314,638 
December 31, 2023353,988 19,503 157 373,648 868 55,910 318,606 
(1)Represents the remaining unrealized loss to be accreted on securities that were transferred from AFS to HTM on April 1, 2022.
Securities AFS in unrealized loss positions are evaluated quarterly for impairment related to credit losses. For securities AFS in an unrealized loss position, we first assess whether we intend to sell, or it is more likely than not that we will be required to sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost basis. If either of the criteria regarding intent or requirement to sell is met, the security’s amortized cost basis is written down to fair value through income. For securities AFS that do not meet this criteria, we evaluate whether the decline in fair value has resulted from credit losses or other factors. In making this assessment, we consider the extent to which fair value is less than amortized cost, adverse conditions specifically related to the security and the issuer and the impact of changes in market interest rates on the market value of the security, among other factors. If this assessment indicates that a credit loss exists, we compare the present value of cash flows expected to be collected from the security with the amortized cost basis of the security. If the present value of cash flows expected to be collected is less than the amortized cost basis for the security, a credit loss exists and an ACL is recorded, limited to the amount that the fair value of the security is less than its amortized cost basis. Any impairment that has not been recorded through an ACL is recognized in other comprehensive income (loss), net of applicable taxes. No ACL for securities AFS was needed at September 30, 2024. The decrease in unrealized losses during the first nine months of 2024 is primarily attributed to lower interest rates, pay downs of security balances, par reversion and the narrowing of certain interest rate spreads. See note #3 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included within this report for further discussion.
For securities HTM an ACL is maintained at a level which represents our best estimate of expected credit losses. This ACL is a contra asset valuation account that is deducted from the carrying amount of securities HTM to present the net amount

expected to be collected. Securities HTM are charged off against the ACL when deemed uncollectible. Adjustments to the ACL are reported in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations in provision for credit loss. We measure expected credit losses on securities HTM on a collective basis by major security type with each type sharing similar risk characteristics. With regard to U.S. Government-sponsored agency and mortgage-backed securities (residential and commercial), all these securities are issued by a U.S. government-sponsored entity and have an implicit or explicit government guarantee; therefore, no allowance for credit losses has been recorded for these securities. With regard to obligations of states and political subdivisions, private label-mortgage-backed, corporate and trust preferred securities HTM, we consider (1) issuer bond ratings, (2) long-term historical loss rates for given bond ratings, (3) the financial condition of the issuer, and (4) whether issuers continue to make timely principal and interest payments under the contractual terms of the securities. During the first quarter of 2023, one corporate security (Signature Bank) defaulted resulting in a $3.0 million provision for credit losses and a corresponding full charge-off. Subsequent to this security's charge-off, a portion of its fair value had recovered and was subsequently sold during the first quarter of 2024 for $1.1 million during which period we recorded that amount as a recovery to the ACL. See note #3 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included within this report for further discussion.
Sales of securities available for sale were as follows (See “Non-interest income.”):
Sales of Securities Available for Sale
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands)(In thousands)
Proceeds$2,158 $— $39,431 $278 
Gross gains— — 14 — 
Gross losses145 — 428 222 
Net gains (losses)$(145)$— $(414)$(222)
Equity Securities at Fair Value
On May 6, 2024, we exchanged 12,566 shares of Visa Inc. Class B-1 common stock (all of the Class B-1 shares we owned) for 2,493 shares of Visa Inc. Class C common stock and 6,283 shares of Visa Inc. Class B-2 common stock pursuant to an exchange offer conducted by Visa. With the completion of the exchange, we recorded a gain related to the Class C shares of $2.677 million based on the conversion privilege of those shares and the closing price of the Class A shares on May 3, 2024 (the exchange expiration date) of $268.49 per share. Subsequent to the exchange, we sold all of our Class C shares for net proceeds of $2.685 million. See note #13 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included within this report for further discussion.
Portfolio Loans and asset quality. In addition to the communities served by our Bank branch and loan production office network, our principal lending markets also include nearby communities and metropolitan areas. Subject to established underwriting criteria, we also may participate in commercial lending transactions with certain non-affiliated banks and make whole loan purchases from other financial institutions.
The senior management and board of directors of our Bank retain authority and responsibility for credit decisions and we have adopted uniform underwriting standards. Our loan committee structure and the loan review process attempt to provide requisite controls and promote compliance with such established underwriting standards. However, there can be no assurance that our lending procedures and the use of uniform underwriting standards will prevent us from incurring significant credit losses in our lending activities.
We generally retain loans that may be profitably funded within established risk parameters. (See “Asset/liability management.”) As a result, we may hold adjustable-rate and fixed rate jumbo mortgage loans as Portfolio Loans, while 15- and 30-year fixed-rate conforming mortgage loans are generally sold to mitigate exposure to changes in interest rates. (See “Non-interest income.”) The growth in mortgage loans during the first nine months of 2024 has primarily been attributed to the origination of adjustable-rate mortgage loans and advances on adjustable rate construction mortgage loans and home equity lines of credit. (See “Asset/liability management.”).

A summary of our Portfolio Loans follows:
September 30,
December 31,
(In thousands)
Real estate(1)
Residential first mortgages$1,282,066 $1,248,911 
Residential home equity and other junior mortgages172,545 157,006 
Construction and land development292,441 241,715 
Other(2)1,066,823 1,036,590 
Consumer599,732 619,374 
Commercial525,195 483,129 
Agricultural3,485 4,176 
Total loans$3,942,287 $3,790,901 
(1)Includes both residential and non-residential commercial loans secured by real estate.
(2)Includes loans secured by multi-family residential and non-farm, non-residential property.
Non-performing assets
September 30,
December 31,
(Dollars in thousands)
Non-accrual loans$7,250 $6,991 
Loans 90 days or more past due and still accruing interest— 432 
Subtotal7,250 7,423 
Less:  Government guaranteed loans2,102 2,191 
Total non-performing loans5,148 5,232 
Other real estate and repossessed assets781 569 
Total non-performing assets$5,929 $5,801 
As a percent of Portfolio Loans
Non-performing loans0.13 %0.14 %
Allowance for credit losses1.46 1.44 
Non-performing assets to total assets0.11 0.11 
Allowance for credit losses as a percent of non-performing loans1115.85 %1044.69 %
Non-performing loans have declined modestly as a percent of Portfolio Loans since year-end 2023, reflecting our ongoing collection efforts. Our collection and resolution efforts have generally resulted in a positive trend in non-performing loans.
Other real estate and repossessed assets totaled $0.78 million and $0.57 million at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively.
We will place a loan that is 90 days or more past due on non-accrual, unless we believe the loan is both well secured and in the process of collection. Accordingly, we have determined that the collection of the accrued and unpaid interest on any loans that are 90 days or more past due and still accruing interest is probable.
The following tables reflect activity in our ACL on loans, securities and unfunded lending commitments as well as the allocation of our ACL on loans.

Allowance for credit losses on loans and unfunded lending commitments
Nine months ended September 30,
(Dollars in thousands)
Balance at beginning of period$54,658$157 $5,504 $52,435$168 $5,080 
Additions (deductions)
Provision for credit losses3,400(1,149)— 3,8402,987 — 
Recoveries credited to allowance2,1061,125 — 2,082— — 
Assets charged against the allowance(2,720)— — (2,862)(3,000)— 
Additions included in non-interest expense— (676)— 76 
Balance at end of period$57,444$133 $4,828 $55,495$155 $5,156 
Net loans charged (recovered) against the allowance to average Portfolio Loans0.02 %0.03 %
Allocation of the Allowance for Credit Losses on Loans
September 30,
December 31,
(Dollars in thousands)
Specific allocations$2,452 $1,292 
Pooled analysis allocations42,086 40,944 
Additional allocations based on subjective factors12,906 12,422 
Total$57,444 $54,658 
Some loans will not be repaid in full. Therefore, an ACL on loans is maintained at a level which represents our best estimate of expected credit losses. Our ACL on loans is comprised of three principal elements: (i) specific analysis of individual loans identified during the review of the loan portfolio, (ii) pooled analysis of loans with similar risk characteristics based on historical experience, adjusted for current conditions, reasonable and supportable forecasts, and expected prepayments, and (iii) additional allowances based on subjective factors, including local and general economic business factors and trends, portfolio concentrations and changes in the size and/or the general terms of the loan portfolios. See note #4 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included within this report for further discussion on the ACL on loans.
While we use relevant information to recognize losses on loans, additional provisions for related losses may be necessary based on changes in economic conditions, customer circumstances and other credit risk factors.
The ACL increased $2.8 million to $57.4 million at September 30, 2024 from $54.7 million at December 31, 2023, and was equal to 1.46% and 1.44% of total Portfolio Loans at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively.
Since December 31, 2023, the ACL related to specific loans increased $1.2 million due primarily to one commercial loan addition during the first quarter of 2024. The ACL related to pooled analysis of loans and subjective factors increased $1.1 million and $0.5 million, respectively due primarily to loan growth.
Deposits and borrowings. Historically, the loyalty of our customer base has allowed us to price deposits competitively, contributing to a net interest margin that generally compares favorably to our peers. However, we still face a significant amount of competition for deposits within many of the markets served by our branch network, which limits our ability to materially increase deposits without adversely impacting the weighted-average cost of core deposits.

To attract new core deposits, we have implemented various account acquisition strategies as well as branch staff sales training. Account acquisition initiatives have historically generated increases in customer relationships. Over the past several years, we have also expanded our treasury management products and services for commercial businesses and municipalities or other governmental units and have also increased our sales calling efforts in order to attract additional deposit relationships from these sectors. We view long-term core deposit growth as an important objective. Core deposits generally provide a more stable and lower cost source of funds than alternative sources such as short-term borrowings. (See “Liquidity and capital resources.”)
Deposits totaled $4.63 billion and $4.62 billion at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively. The increase in deposits is primarily due to increases in savings and interest-bearing checking, reciprocal and time deposits that were partially off set by a decrease in non-interest bearing deposits as well as scheduled maturities of brokered time deposits. Reciprocal deposits totaled $995.5 million and $832.0 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. These deposits represent demand, money market and time deposits from our customers that have been placed through IntraFi Network. This service allows our customers to access multi-million dollar FDIC deposit insurance on deposit balances greater than the standard FDIC insurance maximum.
We cannot be sure that we will be able to maintain our current level of core deposits. In particular, those deposits that are uninsured may be susceptible to outflow. Data relating to our deposit portfolios (excluding brokered time) follows:
September 30,
December 31,
(Dollars in thousands)
Uninsured deposits (1) $1,056,791 $961,974 
Uninsured deposits as a percentage of deposits23.0 %22.2 %
Average deposit account size$21.91 $20.38 
Balance of top 100 largest depositors$1,144,474 $890,289 
Balance of top 100 depositors as a percentage of deposits, excluding brokered time deposits
24.9 %20.5 %
(1) These amounts exclude intercompany related deposits of $51.8 million and $51.2 million respectively. Uninsured deposits reported in our Call Report at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 totaled $1,108.6 million and $1,013.2 million, respectively.
We have also implemented strategies that incorporate using federal funds purchased, other borrowings and Brokered CDs to fund a portion of our interest-earning assets. The use of such alternate sources of funds supplements our core deposits and is also an integral part of our asset/liability management efforts.
Other borrowings, historically comprising primarily of FRB and FHLB borrowings, totaled zero and $50.0 million at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively.
As described above, we have utilized wholesale funding, including federal funds purchased, FHLB and FRB borrowings and Brokered CDs to augment our core deposits and fund a portion of our assets. At September 30, 2024, our use of such wholesale funding sources (including reciprocal deposits) amounted to approximately $1.04 billion, or 22.4% of total funding (deposits and all borrowings, excluding subordinated debt and debentures). Because wholesale funding sources are affected by general market conditions, the availability of such funding may be dependent on the confidence these sources have in our financial condition and operations. The continued availability to us of these funding sources is not certain, and Brokered CDs may be difficult for us to retain or replace at attractive rates as they mature. Our liquidity may be constrained if we are unable to renew our wholesale funding sources or if adequate financing is not available in the future at acceptable rates of interest or at all. Our financial performance could also be affected if we are unable to maintain our access to funding sources or if we are required to rely more heavily on more expensive funding sources. In such case, our net interest income and results of operations could be adversely affected.
We historically employed derivative financial instruments to manage our exposure to changes in interest rates. During the first nine months of 2024 and 2023, we entered into $136.0 million and $92.9 million (aggregate notional amounts), respectively, of interest rate swaps with commercial loan customers, which were offset with interest rate swaps that the Bank entered into with a broker-dealer. We recorded $1.52 million and $1.46 million of fee income related to these transactions during the first nine months of 2024 and 2023, respectively. See note #6 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included within this report for more information on our derivative financial instruments.

Liquidity and capital resources. Liquidity risk is the risk of being unable to timely meet obligations as they come due at a reasonable funding cost or without incurring unacceptable losses. Our liquidity management involves the measurement and monitoring of a variety of sources and uses of funds. Our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows categorize these sources and uses into operating, investing and financing activities. We primarily focus our liquidity management on maintaining adequate levels of liquid assets (primarily funds on deposit with the FRB and certain securities AFS) as well as developing access to a variety of borrowing sources to supplement our deposit gathering activities and provide funds for purchasing securities or originating Portfolio Loans as well as to be able to respond to unforeseen liquidity needs.
Our primary sources of funds include our deposit base, secured advances from the FHLB and FRB, federal funds purchased, borrowing facilities with other banks, and access to the capital markets (for Brokered CDs). At September 30, 2024, in addition to liquidity available from our normal operating, funding and investing activities we had unused credit lines with the FHLB and FRB of approximately $1.111 billion and $471.7 million, respectively. We also had approximately $771.3 million in fair value of unpledged securities AFS and HTM at September 30, 2024, which could be pledged for an estimated additional borrowing capacity at the FHLB and FRB of approximately $718.0 million.
At September 30, 2024, we had $698.5 million of time deposits that mature in the next 12 months. Historically, a majority of these maturing time deposits are renewed by our customers. Additionally, $3.85 billion of our deposits at September 30, 2024, were in account types from which the customer could withdraw the funds on demand. Changes in the balances of deposits that can be withdrawn upon demand are usually predictable and the total balances of these accounts have generally grown or have been stable over time as a result of our marketing and promotional activities. However, there can be no assurance that historical patterns of renewing time deposits or overall growth or stability in deposits will continue in the future.
We have developed contingency funding plans that stress test our liquidity needs that may arise from certain events such as an adverse change in our financial metrics (for example, credit quality or regulatory capital ratios). Our liquidity management also includes periodic monitoring that measures quick assets (defined generally as highly liquid or short-term assets) to total assets, short-term liability dependence and basic surplus (defined as quick assets less volatile liabilities to total assets). Policy limits have been established for our various liquidity measurements and are monitored on a quarterly basis. In addition, we also prepare cash flow forecasts that include a variety of different scenarios.
We believe that we currently have adequate liquidity at our Bank because of our cash and cash equivalents, our portfolio of securities AFS, our access to secured advances from the FHLB and FRB and our ability to issue Brokered CDs.
We also believe that the available cash on hand at the parent company (including time deposits) of approximately $47.0 million as of September 30, 2024, provides sufficient liquidity resources at the parent company to meet operating expenses, to make interest payments on the subordinated debt and debentures, and, along with dividends from the Bank, to pay projected cash dividends on our common stock.
Effective management of capital resources is critical to our mission to create value for our shareholders. In addition to common stock, our capital structure also currently includes subordinated debt and cumulative trust preferred securities.
September 30,
December 31,
(In thousands)
Subordinated debt$39,567 $39,510 
Subordinated debentures39,779 39,728 
Amount not qualifying as regulatory capital(791)(734)
Amount qualifying as regulatory capital78,555 78,504 
Shareholders’ equity
Common stock318,216 317,483 
Retained earnings192,405 159,108 
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)(58,252)(72,142)
Total shareholders’ equity452,369 404,449 
Total capitalization$530,924 $482,953 

In May 2020, we issued $40.0 million of fixed to floating subordinated notes with a ten year maturity and a five year call option. The initial coupon rate is 5.95% fixed for five years and then floats at the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (“SOFR”) plus 5.825%. These notes are presented in the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Condition under the caption “Subordinated debt” and the September 30, 2024, balance of $39.6 million is net of remaining unamortized deferred issuance costs of approximately $0.4 million that are being amortized through the maturity date into interest expense on other borrowings and subordinated debt and debentures in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations.
We currently have four special purpose entities with $39.8 million of outstanding cumulative trust preferred securities as of September 30, 2024. These special purpose entities issued common securities and provided cash to our parent company that in turn issued subordinated debentures to these special purpose entities equal to the trust preferred securities and common securities. The subordinated debentures represent the sole asset of the special purpose entities. The common securities and subordinated debentures are included in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition.
The FRB has issued rules regarding trust preferred securities as a component of the Tier 1 capital of bank holding companies. The aggregate amount of trust preferred securities (and certain other capital elements) are limited to 25 percent of Tier 1 capital elements, net of goodwill (net of any associated deferred tax liability). The amount of trust preferred securities and certain other elements in excess of the limit can be included in Tier 2 capital, subject to restrictions. At the parent company, all of these securities qualified as Tier 1 capital at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023.
Common shareholders’ equity increased to $452.4 million at September 30, 2024, from $404.4 million at December 31, 2023. The increase is primarily due to earnings retention and a decrease in accumulated other comprehensive loss. Our tangible common equity (“TCE”) totaled $422.5 million and $374.1 million, respectively, at those same dates. Our ratio of TCE to tangible assets was 8.08% and 7.15% at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively. TCE and the ratio of TCE to tangible assets are non-GAAP measures. TCE represents total common equity less goodwill and other intangible assets.
In December 2023, our Board of Directors authorized a 2024 share repurchase plan. Under the terms of the 2024 share repurchase plan, we are authorized to buy back up to 1,100,000, or approximately 5% of our outstanding common stock. There were no shares repurchased during the first nine months of 2024. During the first nine months of 2023, we repurchased 288,401 shares of common stock, for an aggregate purchase price of $5.0 million.
We currently pay a quarterly cash dividend on our common stock. These dividends totaled $0.72 per share and $0.69 per share in the first nine months of 2024 and 2023, respectively. We generally favor a dividend payout ratio between 30% and 50% of net income.
As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, our Bank (and holding company) continued to meet the requirements to be considered “well-capitalized” under federal regulatory standards (also see note #10 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included within this report).
Asset/liability management. Interest-rate risk is created by differences in the cash flow characteristics of our assets and liabilities. Options embedded in certain financial instruments, including caps on adjustable-rate loans as well as borrowers’ rights to prepay fixed-rate loans, also create interest-rate risk.
Our asset/liability management efforts identify and evaluate opportunities to structure our assets and liabilities in a manner that is consistent with our mission to maintain profitable financial leverage within established risk parameters. We evaluate various opportunities and alternate asset/liability management strategies carefully and consider the likely impact on our risk profile as well as the anticipated contribution to earnings. The marginal cost of funds is a principal consideration in the implementation of our asset/liability management strategies, but such evaluations further consider interest-rate and liquidity risk as well as other pertinent factors. We have established parameters for interest-rate risk. We regularly monitor our interest-rate risk and report at least quarterly to our board of directors.
We employ simulation analyses to monitor our interest-rate risk profile and evaluate potential changes in our net interest income and market value of portfolio equity that result from changes in interest rates. The purpose of these simulations is to identify sources of interest-rate risk. The simulations do not anticipate any actions that we might initiate in response to changes in interest rates and, accordingly, the simulations do not provide a reliable forecast of anticipated results. The simulations are predicated on immediate, permanent and parallel shifts in interest rates and generally assume that current loan and deposit pricing relationships remain constant. The simulations further incorporate assumptions relating to changes in customer behavior, including changes in prepayment rates on certain assets and liabilities. At September 30, 2024, our interest rate risk profile as measured by our longer term interest rate risk measure based on changes in economic value

indicates exposure to rising rates. This measure has decreased modestly from December 31, 2023 due to a decline in asset duration, an increase in liability duration and a higher base value. Asset duration declined given a shift in the asset mix to shorter duration loans. The increase in liability duration is due to modestly lower betas on some non-maturity deposit accounts and a favorable shift in deposit mix with a decline in low duration brokered time deposits combined with growth in higher duration deposits. In addition, at September 30, 2024 our simulation base-rate scenario for market value of portfolio equity increased from December 31, 2023 due primarily to an increase in the Bank’s tangible equity and an improvement in asset values given a decline in interest rates. We are carefully monitoring the change in our funding mix as well as the composition of our earning assets and the impact of potential future changes in interest rates on our changes in market value of portfolio equity and changes in net interest income. As a result, we may add some longer-term borrowings, may utilize derivatives (interest rate swaps, interest rate caps and interest rate floors) and may continue to sell some fixed rate jumbo and other portfolio mortgage loans in the future.
Change in Interest RatesMarket
Value of
Net Interest Margin(3)
(Dollars in thousands)
September 30, 2024
200 basis point rise$550,600 (11.39)%$179,300 1.36 %3.58 %1.13 %
100 basis point rise585,800 (5.73)178,500 0.90 3.57 0.85 
Base-rate scenario621,400 — 176,900 — 3.54 — 
100 basis point decline644,300 3.69 174,000 (1.64)3.48 (1.69)
200 basis point decline648,500 4.36 173,600 (1.87)3.47 (1.98)
December 31, 2023
200 basis point rise$447,600 (17.29)%$166,000 (2.06)%3.30 %(2.37)%
100 basis point rise494,500 (8.63)168,300 (0.71)3.35 (0.89)
Base-rate scenario541,200 — 169,500 — 3.38 — 
100 basis point decline582,800 7.69 169,000 (0.29)3.36 (0.59)
200 basis point decline603,200 11.46 167,800 (1.00)3.34 (1.18)
(1)Simulation analyses calculate the change in the net present value of our assets and liabilities, including debt and related financial derivative instruments, under parallel shifts in interest rates by discounting the estimated future cash flows using a market-based discount rate. Cash flow estimates incorporate anticipated changes in prepayment speeds and other embedded options.
(2)Simulation analyses calculate the change in net interest income under immediate parallel shifts in interest rates over the next twelve months, based upon a static statement of financial condition, which includes debt and related financial derivative instruments, and do not consider loan fees or loan origination costs.
(3)Simulation analyses calculate the change in tax equivalent net interest income as a percent of average interest-earning assets (the “net interest margin”) under immediate parallel shifts in interest rates over the next twelve months, based upon a static statement of financial condition, which includes debt and related financial derivative instruments, and do not consider loan fees or loan origination costs.
The aggregate amount we have accrued for losses we consider probable as a result of litigation matters is immaterial. However, because of the inherent uncertainty of outcomes from any litigation matter, we believe it is reasonably possible we may incur losses in addition to the amounts we have accrued. At this time, we estimate the maximum amount of additional losses that are reasonably possible is insignificant. However, because of a number of factors, including the fact that certain of these litigation matters are still in their early stages, this maximum amount may change in the future.

The litigation matters described in the preceding paragraph primarily include claims that have been brought against us for damages, but do not include litigation matters where we seek to collect amounts owed to us by third parties (such as litigation initiated to collect delinquent loans). These excluded, collection-related matters may involve claims or counterclaims by the opposing party or parties, but we have excluded such matters from the disclosure contained in the preceding paragraph in all cases where we believe the possibility of us paying damages to any opposing party is remote.
Accounting standards update. See note #2 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included elsewhere in this report for details on recently issued accounting pronouncements and their impact on our interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
Fair valuation of financial instruments. Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) Topic 820 - “Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures” (“FASB ASC Topic 820”) defines fair value as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in the principal or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date.
We utilize fair value measurements to record fair value adjustments to certain financial instruments and to determine fair value disclosures. FASB ASC Topic 820 differentiates between those assets and liabilities required to be carried at fair value at every reporting period (“recurring”) and those assets and liabilities that are only required to be adjusted to fair value under certain circumstances (“nonrecurring”). Equity securities at fair value, securities AFS, loans held for sale, carried at fair value, derivatives and capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights are financial instruments recorded at fair value on a recurring basis. Additionally, from time to time, we may be required to record at fair value other financial assets on a nonrecurring basis, such as loans held for investment and certain other assets. These nonrecurring fair value adjustments typically involve application of lower of cost or fair value accounting or write-downs of individual assets. See note #11 to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included within this report for a complete discussion on our use of fair valuation of financial instruments and the related measurement techniques.
Our accounting and reporting policies are in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and conform to general practices within the banking industry. Accounting and reporting policies for the ACL and capitalized mortgage loan servicing rights are deemed critical since they involve the use of estimates and require significant management judgments. Application of assumptions different than those that we have used could result in material changes in our consolidated financial position or results of operations. There have been no material changes to our critical accounting policies as disclosed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.

Item 3.
See applicable disclosures set forth in “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” in Item 2 under the caption “Asset/liability management.”
Item 4.
(a)Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures.
With the participation of management, our chief executive officer and chief financial officer, after evaluating the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a – 15(e) and 15d – 15(e)) for the period ended September 30, 2024, have concluded that, as of such date, our disclosure controls and procedures were effective.
(b)Changes in Internal Controls.
During the quarter ended September 30, 2024, there were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting that materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.

Part II
Item 1A. Risk Factors
There have been no material changes to the risk factors disclosed in Item 1A. Risk Factors of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds
The Company maintains a Deferred Compensation and Stock Purchase Plan for Non-Employee Directors (the "Plan") pursuant to which non-employee directors can elect to receive shares of the Company's common stock in lieu of fees otherwise payable to the director for his or her service as a director. A director can elect to receive shares on a current basis or to defer receipt of the shares, in which case the shares are issued to a trust to be held for the account of the director and then generally distributed to the director after his or her retirement from the Board. Pursuant to this Plan, during the third quarter of 2024, the Company issued 343 shares of common stock to non-employee directors on a current basis and 1,802 shares of common stock to the trust for distribution to directors on a deferred basis. These shares were issued on July 1, 2024 representing aggregate fees of $0.05 million. The shares on a current basis were issued at a price of $27.00 per share and the shares on a deferred basis were issued at a price of $24.30 per share, representing 90% of the fair value of the shares on the credit date. The price per share was the consolidated closing bid price per share of the Company's common stock as of the date of issuance, as determined in accordance with NASDAQ Marketplace Rules. The Company issued the shares pursuant to an exemption from registration under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933 due to the fact that the issuance of the shares was made on a private basis pursuant to the Plan.
The following table shows certain information relating to repurchases of common stock for the three-months ended September 30, 2024:
PeriodTotal Number of
Shares Purchased (1)
Average Price
Paid Per Share
Total Number of
Shares Purchased
as Part of a
Announced Plan
Number of
Shares Authorized
for Purchase
Under the Plan
July 2024242$31.35 1,100,000
August 202410133.88 1,100,000
September 2024— 1,100,000
Total343$32.10 1,100,000
(1) July and August represent shares withheld from the shares that would otherwise have been issued to certain officers in order to satisfy the tax withholding obligations resulting from the vesting of restricted stock.
Item 5. Other Information
During the period covered by this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, no director or officer of the Company adopted or terminated a "Rule 10b5-1 Trading Arrangement" or "Non-Rule 10b5‑1 Trading Arrangement," as each term is defined in Item 408(a) of Regulation S-K.

Item 6. Exhibits
(a)The following exhibits (listed by number corresponding to the Exhibit Table as Item 601 in Regulation S-K) are filed with this report:
Certificate of the Chief Executive Officer of Independent Bank Corporation pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (18 U.S.C. 1350).
Certificate of the Chief Financial Officer of Independent Bank Corporation pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (18 U.S.C. 1350).
Certificate of the Chief Executive Officer of Independent Bank Corporation pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (18 U.S.C. 1350).
Certificate of the Chief Financial Officer of Independent Bank Corporation pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (18 U.S.C. 1350).
101.INS Inline XBRL Instance Document (the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document)
101.SCH Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document
101.CAL Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document
101.DEF Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document
101.LAB Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document
101.PRE Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document
104Cover page interactive data file (formatted as inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101)

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
DateNovember 5, 2024By/s/ Gavin A. Mohr
Gavin A. Mohr, Principal Financial Officer
DateNovember 5, 2024By/s/ James J. Twarozynski
James J. Twarozynski, Principal Accounting Officer