
在 _______________ 到 ___________________ 的過渡期內
black stone minerals, L.P.
特拉華州 47-1846692
1001 Fannin Street, Suite 2020 
,(主要行政辦公地址) (郵政編碼)
(713) 445-3200
普通單位代表有限合夥人權益BSM請使用moomoo賬號登錄查看New York Stock Exchange
用勾選的方式表明註冊機構(1)在過去12個月內(或註冊機構必須提交此類報告的更短期限內)已提交交易所法案13或15(d)要求提交的所有報告,並且(2)過去90天一直受到此類提交要求的約束。Yes  沒有
用勾選的方式表明是否每12個月(或註冊機構要求提交和發佈此類文件的更短期限)已提交每個交互式數據文件,規定s-t(這一章的§232.405)。Yes  沒有
大型加速報告人 加速文件申報人
截至2024年11月1日,股份公司的普通股流通數量爲 210,694,933普通單位和14,711,219 公司所發行的B系列累積可轉換優先單位仍然待定。



第一部分 - 財務信息


現金及現金等價物$20,963 $70,282 
應收賬款68,119 82,253 
商品衍生資產18,147 38,273 
預付費用和其他流動資產2,026 2,319 
總流動資產109,255 193,127 
原油和天然氣資產按成本計量,採用成功努力法會計方法,包括未經證實的資產$943,916 和 $890,338 分別爲2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日
3,057,879 3,026,394 
油氣資產淨額1,095,265 1,064,495 
其他固定資產,減半數值折舊爲 $14,453 和 $14,163 分別爲2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日
1,031 1,007 
淨房地產與設備1,096,296 1,065,502 
遞延費用和其他長期資產7,266 8,255 
資產總計$1,212,817 $1,266,884 
應付賬款$3,742 $6,270 
應計負債13,913 17,003 
商品衍生品負債 1,229 
其他流動負債1,803 1,334 
流動負債合計19,458 25,836 
應計激勵報酬1,082 1,699 
商品衍生品負債3,008 81 
資產養老責任18,751 19,030 
其他長期負債2,217 2,893 
負債合計44,516 49,539 
承諾和 contingencies(見注 7)
合作伙伴權益 - B系列累計可轉換優先單位, 14,711 2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日尚未支付的單位
300,478 299,137 
合作伙伴的權益 - 普通合夥人權益  
合作伙伴的權益 - 普通單位, 210,688209,991 2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,分別爲開多
867,823 918,208 
總股本867,823 918,208 
總負債、中間資本和權益$1,212,817 $1,266,884 

石油和冷凝水銷售$63,999 $85,724 $209,112 $208,184 
天然氣和液化天然氣銷售37,039 48,815 115,543 147,857 
租賃獎金和其他收入2,143 2,180 10,480 8,682 
與客戶簽訂合同的收入103,181 136,719 335,135 364,723 
大宗商品衍生工具的收益(虧損)31,675 (26,922)14,838 36,652 
總收入134,856 109,797 349,973 401,375 
租賃運營費用2,422 2,615 7,433 8,149 
製作成本和從價稅12,369 16,441 38,876 41,952 
勘探費用2,562 1,711 2,579 1,719 
折舊、損耗和攤銷11,258 12,367 34,253 33,935 
一般和行政12,801 14,448 40,286 38,950 
增加資產報廢債務324 254 962 749 
出售資產(收益)虧損,淨額 (73) (73)
運營支出總額41,736 47,763 124,389 125,381 
運營收入(虧損)93,120 62,034 225,584 275,994 
利息和投資收益344 511 1,476 1,041 
其他收入(支出)(9)143 (101)(53)
其他收入總額(支出)(389)33 (604)(1,092)
淨收益(虧損)92,731 62,067 224,980 274,902 
歸屬於普通合夥人和普通單位的淨收益(虧損)$85,365 $56,817 $202,881 $259,152 
普通合夥人權益$ $ $ $ 
常用單位85,365 56,817 202,881 259,152 
 $85,365 $56,817 $202,881 $259,152 
每個普通單位(基本)$0.41 $0.27 $0.96 $1.23 
每普通單位(稀釋)$0.41 $0.27 $0.96 $1.22 
未償還普通單位的加權平均值(基本)210,687 209,982 210,680 209,963 
已發行普通股的加權平均值(攤薄)210,687 209,982 210,680 224,932 

2023年12月31日的餘額209,991 $918,208 
淨利潤中授予的限制性單位,扣除抵銷部分952 — 
基於股權的報酬— 5,431 
分佈。在根據本收據條款的規定結束本收據所體現的協議之前,託管人將在確定餘額之後以某種方式在底定時間向持有人分配或提供有關本美國存託憑證所體現的存入證券的任何現金股利、其他現金分派、股票分派、認購或其他權利或任何其他有關性質的分派,經過託管人在第十九條中描述的費用和支出的扣除或者付款,並扣除任何相關稅款; ,不過需要指出,託管人不會分配可能會違反1933年證券法或任何其他適用法律的分配,並且對於任何可能違反此類法律的情況,該人不會收到相應的保證。對於這種情況,託管人可以售出這樣的股份、認購或其他權利、證券或其他財產。如果託管人選擇不進行任何此類分配,則託管人只需要通知持有人有關其處置的事宜及任何此類銷售的收益,而任何以現金形式以外的方式通過託管人收到的任何現金股息或其他分配的,不受本第十二條的限制。託管人可以自行決定不分配任何分銷或者認購權,證券或者其他財產在行使時,託管人授權此類發行人可能不得在法律上向任何持有人或者處置此類權利,以及使任何發售此類權利且在託管人處出售這類權利的淨收益對這樣的持有人可用。任何由託管人出售的認購權、證券或者其他財產的銷售可能在託管人認爲適當的時間和方式進行,並且在這種情況下,託管人應將在第十九條中描述的費用和支出扣除後分配給持有人該淨收益以及在相應的代扣稅或其他政府收費中將,。— (99,899)
爲應計分配等價權益而向合作伙伴的權益收取費用— (595)
系列b累積可轉換優先單位的分配— (7,367)
— 63,927 
2024年3月31日的餘額210,656 $875,324 
發行普通股份用於物業收購64 1,039 
基於股權的報酬— 1,935 
分佈。在根據本收據條款的規定結束本收據所體現的協議之前,託管人將在確定餘額之後以某種方式在底定時間向持有人分配或提供有關本美國存託憑證所體現的存入證券的任何現金股利、其他現金分派、股票分派、認購或其他權利或任何其他有關性質的分派,經過託管人在第十九條中描述的費用和支出的扣除或者付款,並扣除任何相關稅款; ,不過需要指出,託管人不會分配可能會違反1933年證券法或任何其他適用法律的分配,並且對於任何可能違反此類法律的情況,該人不會收到相應的保證。對於這種情況,託管人可以售出這樣的股份、認購或其他權利、證券或其他財產。如果託管人選擇不進行任何此類分配,則託管人只需要通知持有人有關其處置的事宜及任何此類銷售的收益,而任何以現金形式以外的方式通過託管人收到的任何現金股息或其他分配的,不受本第十二條的限制。託管人可以自行決定不分配任何分銷或者認購權,證券或者其他財產在行使時,託管人授權此類發行人可能不得在法律上向任何持有人或者處置此類權利,以及使任何發售此類權利且在託管人處出售這類權利的淨收益對這樣的持有人可用。任何由託管人出售的認購權、證券或者其他財產的銷售可能在託管人認爲適當的時間和方式進行,並且在這種情況下,託管人應將在第十九條中描述的費用和支出扣除後分配給持有人該淨收益以及在相應的代扣稅或其他政府收費中將,。— (79,014)
爲應計分配等價權益而向合作伙伴的權益收取費用— (185)
系列b累積可轉換優先單位的分配— (7,366)
— 68,322 
2024年6月30日的餘額210,682 $859,987 
淨利潤中授予的限制性單位,扣除抵銷部分6 — 
基於股權的報酬— 1,726 
分佈。在根據本收據條款的規定結束本收據所體現的協議之前,託管人將在確定餘額之後以某種方式在底定時間向持有人分配或提供有關本美國存託憑證所體現的存入證券的任何現金股利、其他現金分派、股票分派、認購或其他權利或任何其他有關性質的分派,經過託管人在第十九條中描述的費用和支出的扣除或者付款,並扣除任何相關稅款; ,不過需要指出,託管人不會分配可能會違反1933年證券法或任何其他適用法律的分配,並且對於任何可能違反此類法律的情況,該人不會收到相應的保證。對於這種情況,託管人可以售出這樣的股份、認購或其他權利、證券或其他財產。如果託管人選擇不進行任何此類分配,則託管人只需要通知持有人有關其處置的事宜及任何此類銷售的收益,而任何以現金形式以外的方式通過託管人收到的任何現金股息或其他分配的,不受本第十二條的限制。託管人可以自行決定不分配任何分銷或者認購權,證券或者其他財產在行使時,託管人授權此類發行人可能不得在法律上向任何持有人或者處置此類權利,以及使任何發售此類權利且在託管人處出售這類權利的淨收益對這樣的持有人可用。任何由託管人出售的認購權、證券或者其他財產的銷售可能在託管人認爲適當的時間和方式進行,並且在這種情況下,託管人應將在第十九條中描述的費用和支出扣除後分配給持有人該淨收益以及在相應的代扣稅或其他政府收費中將,。— (79,008)
爲應計分配等價權益而向合作伙伴的權益收取費用— (247)
系列b累積可轉換優先單位的分配— (7,366)
— 92,731 
2024年9月30日結餘210,688 $867,823 

2022年12月31日的餘額209,407 $911,451 
淨利潤中授予的限制性單位,扣除抵銷部分914 — 
基於股權的報酬— 5,052 
分佈。在根據本收據條款的規定結束本收據所體現的協議之前,託管人將在確定餘額之後以某種方式在底定時間向持有人分配或提供有關本美國存託憑證所體現的存入證券的任何現金股利、其他現金分派、股票分派、認購或其他權利或任何其他有關性質的分派,經過託管人在第十九條中描述的費用和支出的扣除或者付款,並扣除任何相關稅款; ,不過需要指出,託管人不會分配可能會違反1933年證券法或任何其他適用法律的分配,並且對於任何可能違反此類法律的情況,該人不會收到相應的保證。對於這種情況,託管人可以售出這樣的股份、認購或其他權利、證券或其他財產。如果託管人選擇不進行任何此類分配,則託管人只需要通知持有人有關其處置的事宜及任何此類銷售的收益,而任何以現金形式以外的方式通過託管人收到的任何現金股息或其他分配的,不受本第十二條的限制。託管人可以自行決定不分配任何分銷或者認購權,證券或者其他財產在行使時,託管人授權此類發行人可能不得在法律上向任何持有人或者處置此類權利,以及使任何發售此類權利且在託管人處出售這類權利的淨收益對這樣的持有人可用。任何由託管人出售的認購權、證券或者其他財產的銷售可能在託管人認爲適當的時間和方式進行,並且在這種情況下,託管人應將在第十九條中描述的費用和支出扣除後分配給持有人該淨收益以及在相應的代扣稅或其他政府收費中將,。— (99,600)
爲應計分配等價權益而向合作伙伴的權益收取費用— (733)
系列b累積可轉換優先單位的分配— (5,250)
— 134,443 
2023年3月31日的餘額209,963 $939,867 
淨利潤中授予的限制性單位,扣除抵銷部分5 — 
基於股權的報酬— 2,076 
分佈。在根據本收據條款的規定結束本收據所體現的協議之前,託管人將在確定餘額之後以某種方式在底定時間向持有人分配或提供有關本美國存託憑證所體現的存入證券的任何現金股利、其他現金分派、股票分派、認購或其他權利或任何其他有關性質的分派,經過託管人在第十九條中描述的費用和支出的扣除或者付款,並扣除任何相關稅款; ,不過需要指出,託管人不會分配可能會違反1933年證券法或任何其他適用法律的分配,並且對於任何可能違反此類法律的情況,該人不會收到相應的保證。對於這種情況,託管人可以售出這樣的股份、認購或其他權利、證券或其他財產。如果託管人選擇不進行任何此類分配,則託管人只需要通知持有人有關其處置的事宜及任何此類銷售的收益,而任何以現金形式以外的方式通過託管人收到的任何現金股息或其他分配的,不受本第十二條的限制。託管人可以自行決定不分配任何分銷或者認購權,證券或者其他財產在行使時,託管人授權此類發行人可能不得在法律上向任何持有人或者處置此類權利,以及使任何發售此類權利且在託管人處出售這類權利的淨收益對這樣的持有人可用。任何由託管人出售的認購權、證券或者其他財產的銷售可能在託管人認爲適當的時間和方式進行,並且在這種情況下,託管人應將在第十九條中描述的費用和支出扣除後分配給持有人該淨收益以及在相應的代扣稅或其他政府收費中將,。— (99,734)
爲應計分配等價權益而向合作伙伴的權益收取費用— (471)
系列b累積可轉換優先單位的分配— (5,250)
— 78,392 
2023年6月30日的餘額209,968 $914,880 
淨利潤中授予的限制性單位,扣除抵銷部分18 — 
基於股權的報酬— 3,530 
分佈。在根據本收據條款的規定結束本收據所體現的協議之前,託管人將在確定餘額之後以某種方式在底定時間向持有人分配或提供有關本美國存託憑證所體現的存入證券的任何現金股利、其他現金分派、股票分派、認購或其他權利或任何其他有關性質的分派,經過託管人在第十九條中描述的費用和支出的扣除或者付款,並扣除任何相關稅款; ,不過需要指出,託管人不會分配可能會違反1933年證券法或任何其他適用法律的分配,並且對於任何可能違反此類法律的情況,該人不會收到相應的保證。對於這種情況,託管人可以售出這樣的股份、認購或其他權利、證券或其他財產。如果託管人選擇不進行任何此類分配,則託管人只需要通知持有人有關其處置的事宜及任何此類銷售的收益,而任何以現金形式以外的方式通過託管人收到的任何現金股息或其他分配的,不受本第十二條的限制。託管人可以自行決定不分配任何分銷或者認購權,證券或者其他財產在行使時,託管人授權此類發行人可能不得在法律上向任何持有人或者處置此類權利,以及使任何發售此類權利且在託管人處出售這類權利的淨收益對這樣的持有人可用。任何由託管人出售的認購權、證券或者其他財產的銷售可能在託管人認爲適當的時間和方式進行,並且在這種情況下,託管人應將在第十九條中描述的費用和支出扣除後分配給持有人該淨收益以及在相應的代扣稅或其他政府收費中將,。— (99,744)
爲應計分配等價權益而向合作伙伴的權益收取費用— (461)
系列b累積可轉換優先單位的分配— (5,250)
— 62,067 
2023年9月30日餘額209,986 $875,022 

淨收益(虧損)$224,980 $274,902 
折舊、損耗和攤銷34,253 33,935 
增加資產報廢債務962 749 
遞延費用的攤銷807 775 
商品衍生工具結算時收到的淨現金(已支付)36,480 65,658 
基於股權的薪酬6,765 8,412 
出售資產(收益)虧損,淨額 (73)
應收賬款14,206 48,146 
預付費用和其他流動資產293 (74)
經營活動提供的淨現金298,087 387,135 
出售石油和天然氣物業的收益2,795 73 
信貸額度下的借款33,000 64,000 
現金和現金等價物——期初70,282 4,307 
現金及現金等價物——期末$20,963 $56,030 
已付利息$1,180 $1,330 


注1 - 業務和報告基礎業務描述
Black Stone Minerals有限合夥公司(「BSM」或「合夥公司」)是一家公開交易的特拉華州有限合夥公司,擁有石油和天然氣礦物權益,這構成了絕大部分資產基礎。本合作公司的資產也包括非參與的專有權利和超限專有權益。這些權益,基本上是不承擔費用的,統稱爲「礦物和專有權益」。合作公司的礦物和專有權益位於美國本土的各個州,包括所有主要陸上產油盆地。合作公司還擁有特定石油和天然氣屬性的非經營工作權益。合作公司的普通單位在紐約證券交易所上市,代碼爲「BSM」。
black stone minerals有限合夥公司(「BSM」或「合夥公司」)是一家公開交易的特拉華州有限合夥公司,擁有組成絕大部分資產資產基礎的油氣礦權。 合作伙伴的資產還包括非參與的專有縱向權益和超額縱向權益。 這些權益通常不需要成本,統稱爲「礦權和縱向權益」。 合作伙伴的礦權和縱向權益位於 41 大陸美利堅合衆國(「美國」)的州份,包括所有主要陸上生產盆地。 該合作伙伴還擁有某些油氣物業的無操作工作權益。 合作伙伴的普通單位在紐約證券交易所交易,代碼是"BSm."
根據美國通行的會計準則("GAAP")以及美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)的規定,合夥企業附帶的未經審計的中期合併財務報表已經編制。這些未經審計的中期合併財務報表是根據10-Q 表格的說明編制的,因此不包括所有符合GAAP要求的財務報表披露內容。因此,請在閱讀上述未經審計的中期合併財務報表和相關附註時同時參考合夥企業2023年度報告("2023年度10-K表格報告")中包含的合併財務報表。
合夥企業評估其投資的重要條款,以確定應用於每項投資的會計方法。對於合夥企業持有少於%的所有權利益且沒有控制權或行使重大影響力的投資,將使用公允價值或成本減值進行覈算,如果公允價值不容易判斷。對於合夥企業行使控制權的投資,將進行合併,並將這些投資的非控股權益,既不直接也不間接歸屬於合夥企業的部分,作爲淨利潤(損失)和權益的一部分單獨呈現在附帶的未經審計的中期合併財務報表中。 20合夥企業評估其投資的重要條款,以確定應用於每項投資的會計方法。對於合夥企業持有少於%的所有權利益且沒有控制權或行使重大影響力的投資,將使用公允價值或成本減值進行覈算,如果公允價值不容易判斷。對於合夥企業行使控制權的投資,將進行合併,並將這些投資的非控股權益,既不直接也不間接歸屬於合夥企業的部分,作爲淨利潤(損失)和權益的一部分單獨呈現在附帶的未經審計的中期合併財務報表中。
《修訂和重新制定的2020年The Aaron's Company, Inc.股權和激勵計劃》,(參考到2024年5月16日提交給美國證券交易委員會的S-8表格附註4.3)。


附註2 - 重要會計政策摘要

與客戶合同收益$62,381 $77,560 
其他5,738 4,693 
總應收帳款$68,119 $82,253 

2023年11月,FASB發佈了ASU 2023-07《報告性分部披露的改進(主題280)》,更新了報告性分部披露要求,主要是通過增加關於重要分部費用的披露。此外,修訂內容爲僅有一個報告性分部的實體提供了新的分部披露要求。指引將於2023年12月15日後開始的財政年度以及2024年12月15日後開始的財政年度內的中期期間起生效,允許提前採用。合夥企業不計劃提前採用,並預計新指引不會對合夥企業的合併財務報表和相關披露產生重大影響。


附註3 -石油和天然氣資源屬性    
2024年9月30日結束的九個月內,合作伙伴從各個出售方以總計$的價格收購了主要是未經證實的海灣地區地塊中的油氣性質的礦產和王權利益。65.2 百萬,包括資本化的直接交易成本,並被視爲資產收購。支付的對價包括$64.2 百萬現金,由運營活動資助,以及$1.0百萬股權,通過發行基於收購日期日常單位的公開單位的公平價值而資助。
2024年第三季度,該合作伙伴與第三方運營商達成交易,該合作伙伴收到了約 天然氣在東得克薩斯州的租賃權 8,000 用約 在密西西比州未開發的淨礦產和皇家土地淨畝作爲交換,在東得克薩斯州的淨租賃權 51,000 廢除密西西比州的面積構成了未經證明的土地的部分處置,該交易未確認任何收益或損失。
在2020年和2021年,BSm與Aethon Energy簽訂了合資勘探協議("JEAs"),旨在開發德克薩斯州東部San Augustine縣和Angelina縣合作伙伴未開發的部分土地。協議規定Aethon每年需承諾最低數量的井,以換取降低的皇家費率和獨家進入BSM在合同區域的礦權和租賃土地。如果Aethon在特定程序年度鑽探超過最低承諾井數,Aethon可以通過超額井數減少未來程序年度的最低井數承諾,我們稱之爲"儲存"井。Aethon將儲存的井應用於減少其鑽探承諾的能力受到限制 或者 四個 取決於JEAs,合作伙伴的開發協議和相關的鑽探承諾涵蓋了其San Augustine縣土地的獨立開發協議和相關承諾,該土地與Angelina縣的開發協議和相關承諾無關。
根據JEAs,Aethon可以選擇在天然氣價格低於一定門檻時,暫時暫停其鑽井義務長達 連續的月份,最多 18 總共月份在任何 償還期 。在2023年12月,合作伙伴收到通知,Aethon正在行使JEAs下San Augustine和Angelina縣的暫停規定。


2024年9月,合作伙伴與Aethon簽署了信函協議,修改了聖奧古斯丁和安吉利娜縣的JEAs。在這些協議中,各方同意修改當前計劃年度鑽井計劃表,在每份JEAs下延長相應的計劃年度九個月,並撤消了超時規定的啓動。Aethon也放棄了其在該方面的權利 25,000 英畝,從原始JEAs中定義的雙方共同興趣區域中。在信函協議中描述的當前計劃年度履行期限滿足後,Aethon將在安吉利娜擁有十口儲備井,在聖奧古斯丁擁有一口儲備井。
原始的聖奧古斯丁JEA要求至少 五個營運部門:獵鷹創意集團、PDP、Sierra Parima、目的地運營和Falcon's Beyond Brands,所有這些板塊均爲可報告板塊。公司的首席營運決策者是執行主席和首席執行官,他們評估財務信息以做出營運決策、評估財務表現和分配資源。營運板塊基於產品線組織,對於我們的基於位置的娛樂板塊,根據地理位置組織。營運板塊的結果包括直接歸屬於板塊的成本,包括項目成本、工資和與工資有關的開支以及與業務板塊運營直接相關的間接費用。未分配的企業費用,包括高管、會計、財務、市場營銷、人力資源、法律和信息技術支持服務、審計、稅收企業法律開支的工資和相關福利,作爲未分配的企業開銷呈現,成爲報告板塊的總收入(虧損)和公司未經審計的彙總財務報表結果之間的調節項。 在2021年9月開始的初始計劃年度中鑽探井 10 在第二和第三個計劃年度中鑽探井,並且之後每年至少 12 從第四個計劃年度開始,每年至少 在截至2025年5月的當前(第三個)計劃年度中鑽探井,然後在計劃於2025年6月開始的第四個計劃年度和之後的每個計劃年度中至少 12 鑽探井。截至2024年9月30日,Aethon已經鑽探了 聖奧古斯丁JEA計劃第三年的水井。
原始的Angelina JEA要求最低鑽探 四個 在2020年10月開始的初步計劃年份中鑽探井 10 在第二年計劃中鑽探井,並且在此之後的每年開始於第三年計劃中 15 經修訂後,Angelina JEA現在規定每年至少 15 在截至2025年6月的當前(第四)計劃年中鑽探井,並隨後的每個計劃年份 四個 截至2024年9月30日,Aethon在Angelina JEA第四個計劃年中已經鑽探了井,其中兩口因機械問題被暫時廢棄並計劃進行封堵。
合作伙伴已經簽訂了Farmout安排,旨在減少其工作權益的資本支出,從而顯著降低其除礦權和皇家權益獲取之外的資本支出。根據這些協議,合作伙伴將其參與某些非運營工作權益機會的權利轉讓給外部資本提供方,同時保留這些權益的價值,以額外的皇家收入或保留的經濟權益形式保存價值。BSM目前的Farmout安排涵蓋了合作伙伴在東得克薩斯州San Augustine縣和Angelina縣由Aethon公司開發的工作權益份額。
2021年5月,合作伙伴與嘉楠科技簽訂了一項農場外包協議("嘉楠農場外包"),並在2021年12月,合作伙伴與Azul-SA,LLC("Azul")簽訂了一項農場外包協議("Azul農場外包")。 2022年4月,合作伙伴修改了嘉楠農場外包並與JWm Oil & Gas LLC("JWM")簽訂了一項農場外包協議("JWm農場外包")。 這些協議將持續一段時間,除非根據協議條款提前終止。 10年,除非根據協議條款提前終止。 JWm農場外包於2024年9月終止,合作伙伴預計將於2024年第四季度就JWm農場外包涵蓋的利益進入新的農場外包安排。合作伙伴的農場外包對手方有責任爲Aethon在初始項目年度鑽探的井進行開發資金,此後,對於每項農場外包協議的持續時間,他們有某些權利和期權來繼續爲合作伙伴的工作權益提供資金。農場外包對手方在合同範圍內由Aethon鑽探和運營的井中賺取合作伙伴工作權益的百分比。在農場外包協議下鑽探的所有井在付款前將獲得超越性地獎勵利益("ORRI"),並在支付後獲得增加的ORRI。


Brent Miller區域
嘉楠科技64.0 %32.0 %
Azul20.0 %10.0 %
Former JWm Interest16.0 %8.0 %
總計100.0 %50.0 %
Farmout 合作伙伴合夥企業工作權益的百分比以 8/8 爲基礎的最大百分比
迦南40.0 %10.0 %
阿祖爾50.0 %12.5 %
前 JwM 興趣小組10.0 %2.5 %
總計100.0 %25.0 %
2020年11月,合作伙伴與Pivotal簽署了一份農場轉讓協議("Pivotal Farmout")。Pivotal Farmout將持續至2028年4月,除非根據協議條款提前終止。Pivotal將獲得 100%的合作伙伴工作權益(在8/8份基礎上大約 12.5可以降低至0.75%每年25若不在合同區域內由Aethon鑽探和運營的井底上(按8/8比例計算),則Pivotal將按8/8比例獲得定額的百分之十。Pivotal有義務資助Aethon在初始計劃年度內鑽探的所有井眼的開發,並在此後,Pivotal有權利和期權來繼續資助基金會的工作權益直至Pivotal Farmout的到期。一旦Pivotal爲指定的一組井實現了特定的回報,合作伙伴將獲得該井組原始工作權益的大部分。
該合作伙伴沒有認定截至2024年和2023年9月30日的石油和天然氣資產減值。請查看"注5 - 公允價值計量"獲取更多信息。 沒有 對於截至2024年和2023年9月30日的九個月,合作伙伴沒有認定任何石油和天然氣資產減值。請參閱"注5 - 公允價值計量"以獲取更多信息。


合夥企業的衍生合約使其面臨信用風險,如果交易對手不履行可能對合夥企業商品衍生資產的公允價值產生不利影響。雖然合夥企業不要求其衍生合約交易對手提供抵押品,但合夥企業會根據情況評估這些交易對手的信用狀況。這種評估包括審查交易對手的信用評級和最新財務信息。截至2024年9月30日,合夥企業有 個交易對手,所有交易對手的評級均達到或超過穆迪的Baa2,並且是授信額度下的出借人。
商品衍生資產$19,178 $(1,031)$18,147 
遞延費用及其他長期資產3,458 (2,904)554 
 $22,636 $(3,935)$18,701 
商品衍生品負債$1,031 $(1,031)$ 
商品衍生品負債5,912 (2,904)3,008 
 $6,943 $(3,935)$3,008 
商品衍生資產$41,485 $(3,212)$38,273 
遞延費用及其他長期資產498 (126)372 
 $41,983 $(3,338)$38,645 
商品衍生工具負債$4,441 $(3,212)$1,229 
商品衍生工具負債207 (126)81 
 $4,648 $(3,338)$1,310 


Changes in the fair values of the Partnership’s derivative instruments (both assets and liabilities) are presented on a net basis in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations and consolidated statements of cash flows and consist of the following for the periods presented:
 Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments2024202320242023
(in thousands)
Beginning fair value of commodity derivative instruments$(5,118)$51,046 $37,335 $28,941 
Gain (loss) on oil derivative instruments25,444 (36,013)988 (21,232)
Gain (loss) on natural gas derivative instruments6,231 9,091 13,850 57,884 
Net cash paid (received) on settlements of oil derivative instruments3,852 (2,659)9,257 (4,431)
Net cash paid (received) on settlements of natural gas derivative instruments(14,716)(21,530)(45,737)(61,227)
Net change in fair value of commodity derivative instruments20,811 (51,111)(21,642)(29,006)
Ending fair value of commodity derivative instruments$15,693 $(65)$15,693 $(65)
The Partnership had the following open derivative contracts for oil as of September 30, 2024:
 Weighted Average Price (Per Bbl)Range (Per Bbl)
Period and Type of ContractVolume (Bbl)LowHigh
Oil Swap Contracts:    
Third Quarter190,000 $71.45 $67.00 $81.00 
Fourth Quarter570,000 71.45 67.00 81.00 
First Quarter555,000 $71.22 $70.02 $73.15 
Second Quarter555,000 71.22 70.02 73.15 
Third Quarter555,000 71.22 70.02 73.15 
Fourth Quarter555,000 71.22 70.02 73.15 
First Quarter120,000 $65.85 $65.52 $66.23 
Second Quarter120,000 65.85 65.52 66.23 
Third Quarter120,000 65.85 65.52 66.23 
Fourth Quarter120,000 65.85 65.52 66.23 



The Partnership had the following open derivative contracts for natural gas as of September 30, 2024:
 Weighted Average Price (Per MMBtu)Range (Per MMBtu)
Period and Type of ContractVolume (MMBtu)LowHigh
Natural Gas Swap Contracts:    
Fourth Quarter10,580,000 $3.55 $3.00 $3.76 
First Quarter10,800,000 $3.36 $3.02 $3.65 
Second Quarter10,920,000 3.36 3.02 3.65 
Third Quarter11,040,000 3.45 3.34 3.65 
Fourth Quarter11,040,000 3.45 3.34 3.65 
First Quarter7,200,000 $3.52 $3.50 $3.57 
Second Quarter7,280,000 3.52 3.50 3.57 
Third Quarter7,360,000 3.52 3.50 3.57 
Fourth Quarter7,360,000 3.52 3.50 3.57 
The Partnership entered into the following derivative contracts for oil subsequent to September 30, 2024:
 Weighted Average Price (Per Bbl)Range (Per Bbl)
Period and Type of ContractVolume (Bbl)LowHigh
Oil Swap Contracts:    
First Quarter60,000 $67.18 $67.00 $67.35 
Second Quarter60,000 67.18 67.00 67.35 
Third Quarter60,000 67.18 67.00 67.35 
Fourth Quarter60,000 67.18 67.00 67.35 
Fair value is defined as the amount at which an asset (or liability) could be bought (or incurred) or sold (or settled) in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Further, ASC 820, Fair Value Measurement, establishes a framework for measuring fair value, establishes a fair value hierarchy based on the quality of inputs used to measure fair value, and includes certain disclosure requirements. Fair value estimates are based on either (i) actual market data or (ii) assumptions that other market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability, including estimates of risk.
ASC 820 establishes a three-level valuation hierarchy for disclosure of fair value measurements. The valuation hierarchy categorizes assets and liabilities measured at fair value into one of three different levels depending on the observability of the inputs employed in the measurement. The three levels are defined as follows:
Level 1—Unadjusted quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in active markets.
Level 2—Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in non-active markets, and inputs that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly, for substantially the full term of the financial instrument.
Level 3—Inputs that are unobservable and significant to the fair value measurement (including the Partnership’s own assumptions in determining fair value).


A financial instrument’s categorization within the valuation hierarchy is based upon the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement. The Partnership’s assessment of the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgment and considers factors specific to the asset or liability. There were no transfers into, or out of, the three levels of fair value hierarchy for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
The carrying value of the Partnership's cash and cash equivalents, receivables, and payables approximate fair value due to the short-term nature of the instruments. The estimated carrying value of all debt as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 approximated the fair value due to variable market rates of interest. These debt fair values, which are Level 3 measurements, were estimated based on the Partnership’s incremental borrowing rates for similar types of borrowing arrangements, when quoted market prices were not available. The estimated fair values of the Partnership’s financial instruments are not necessarily indicative of the amounts that would be realized in a current market exchange.
Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis
The Partnership estimated the fair value of commodity derivative financial instruments using the market approach via a model that uses inputs that are observable in the market or can be derived from, or corroborated by, observable data. See "Note 4 - Commodity Derivative Financial Instruments" for additional information.
The following table presents information about the Partnership’s assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis: 
 Fair Value Measurements UsingEffect of Counterparty NettingTotal
 Level 1Level 2Level 3
 (in thousands)
As of September 30, 2024     
Financial Assets     
Commodity derivative instruments$ $22,636 $ $(3,935)$18,701 
Financial Liabilities     
Commodity derivative instruments$ $6,943 $ $(3,935)$3,008 
As of December 31, 2023     
Financial Assets     
Commodity derivative instruments$ $41,983 $ $(3,338)$38,645 
Financial Liabilities     
Commodity derivative instruments$ $4,648 $ $(3,338)$1,310 
Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value on a Non-Recurring Basis
Nonfinancial assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis include certain nonfinancial assets and liabilities as may be acquired in a business combination and measurements of oil and natural gas property values for assessment of impairment.
The determination of the fair values of proved and unproved properties acquired in business combinations are estimated by discounting projected future cash flows. The factors used to determine fair value include estimates of economic reserves, future operating and development costs, future commodity prices, timing of future production, and a risk-adjusted discount rate. The Partnership has designated these measurements as Level 3. The Partnership had no business combinations for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 or the year ended December 31, 2023. See "Note 3 - Oil and Natural Gas Properties".
Oil and natural gas properties are measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis using the income approach when assessing for impairment. Proved and unproved oil and natural gas properties are reviewed for impairment when events and circumstances indicate a possible decline in the recoverability of the carrying value of those properties. The factors used to determine fair value include estimates of proved reserves, future commodity prices, timing of future production, operating costs, future capital expenditures, and a risk-adjusted discount rate.


The Partnership’s estimates of fair value are determined at discrete points in time based on relevant market data. These estimates involve uncertainty, and cannot be determined with precision. There were no significant changes in valuation techniques or related inputs as of September 30, 2024 or December 31, 2023. There were no assets measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 or the year ended December 31, 2023.
The Partnership maintains a senior secured revolving credit agreement, as amended (the “Credit Facility”). The Credit Facility has an aggregate maximum credit amount of $1.0 billion and terminates on October 31, 2027. The commitment of the lenders equals the least of the aggregate maximum credit amount, the then-effective borrowing base, and the aggregate elected commitment, as it may be adjusted from time to time. The amount of the borrowing base is redetermined semi-annually, usually in October and April, and is derived from the value of the Partnership’s oil and natural gas properties as determined by the lender syndicate using pricing assumptions that often differ from the current market for future prices. The Partnership and the lenders (at the direction of two-thirds of the lenders) each have discretion to request a borrowing base redetermination one time between scheduled redeterminations. The Partnership also has the right to request a redetermination following the acquisition of oil and natural gas properties in excess of 10% of the value of the borrowing base immediately prior to such acquisition. The borrowing base is also adjusted if we terminate our hedge positions or sell oil and natural gas property interests that have a combined value exceeding 5% of the current borrowing base. In these circumstances, the borrowing base will be adjusted by the value attributed to the terminated hedge positions or the oil and natural gas property interests sold in the most recent borrowing base. The April 2023 borrowing base redetermination reaffirmed the borrowing base at $550.0 million. The subsequent redeterminations increased the borrowing base to $580.0 million in October 2023 and reaffirmed the borrowing base in April 2024 and November 2024. After each redetermination we elected to maintain cash commitments at $375.0 million. The next semi-annual redetermination is scheduled for April 2025.
The Partnership’s borrowings under the Credit Facility bear interest at a floating rate determined by the type of loan the Partnership has elected to take: a secured overnight financing rate ("SOFR") loan or a base-rate loan. Both types of loans bear interest at a reference rate plus a margin that varies with the amount of borrowings outstanding under the Credit Facility. The reference rate for SOFR loans is equal to SOFR as published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, adjusted for the borrowing term, plus 0.10%, which is referred to as Adjusted Term SOFR. The reference rate for base rate loans is the highest of (a) Wells Fargo’s prime commercial lending rate for that day, (b) the Federal Funds Rate in effect on that day plus 0.50%, and (c) the Adjusted Term SOFR for a one-month tenor, plus 1.00%. As of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024, the applicable margin for the base rate loans ranged from 1.50% to 2.50%, and the margin for SOFR loans ranged from 2.50% to 3.50%.
The Partnership is obligated to pay a quarterly commitment fee ranging from a 0.375% to 0.500% annualized rate on the unused portion of the borrowing base, depending on the amount of the borrowings outstanding in relation to the borrowing base. Principal may be optionally repaid from time to time without premium or penalty, other than customary SOFR breakage, and is required to be paid (a) if the amount outstanding exceeds the borrowing base, whether due to a borrowing base redetermination or otherwise, in some cases subject to a cure period, or (b) at the maturity date.
The weighted-average interest rate of the Credit Facility was 8.04% during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 7.36% for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023. Accrued interest is payable at the end of each calendar quarter or at the end of each interest period, unless the interest period is longer than 90 days, in which case interest is payable at the end of every 90-day period. The Credit Facility is secured by substantially all of the Partnership’s oil and natural gas production and assets.
The Credit Facility contains various limitations on future borrowings, leases, hedging, and sales of assets. Additionally, the Credit Facility requires the Partnership to maintain a current ratio of not less than 1.0:1.0 and a ratio of total debt to EBITDAX (Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization, and Exploration) of not more than 3.5:1.0. Distributions are not permitted if there is a default under the Credit Facility (including the failure to satisfy one of the financial covenants), if the availability under the Credit Facility is less than 10% of the lenders' commitments, or if total debt to EBITDAX is greater than 3.0. As of September 30, 2024, the Partnership was in compliance with all financial covenants in the Credit Facility.
There was no aggregate principal balance outstanding at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The unused portion of the available borrowings under the Credit Facility was $375.0 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.


Environmental Matters
The Partnership’s business includes activities that are subject to U.S. federal, state, and local environmental regulations with regard to air, land, and water quality and other environmental matters.
The Partnership does not consider the potential remediation costs that could result from issues identified in any environmental site assessments to be significant to the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements, and no provision for potential remediation costs has been recorded.
From time to time, the Partnership is involved in legal actions and claims arising in the ordinary course of business. The Partnership believes existing claims as of September 30, 2024 will be resolved without material adverse effect on the Partnership’s financial condition or operations. 
The table below summarizes incentive compensation expense recorded in the General and administrative line item of the consolidated statements of operations for the periods presented:
 Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
 (in thousands)
Cash—short and long-term incentive plans$1,498 $1,303 $3,883 $3,236 
Equity-based compensation—restricted common units1,006 976 2,967 2,872 
Equity-based compensation—restricted performance units621 2,282 2,050 3,968 
Board of Directors incentive plan550 519 1,748 1,572 
 Total incentive compensation expense
$3,675 $5,080 $10,648 $11,648 
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Partnership repurchased 291,163 common units at a weighted average price of $15.28 per unit for the purpose of satisfying tax withholding obligations upon the vesting of certain long-term incentive equity awards held by our executive officers and certain other employees. Specifically, when an employee's equity award vests, the Partnership withholds a portion of the units to cover the employee's tax liability.
Series B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Units
On November 28, 2017, the Partnership issued and sold in a private placement 14,711,219 Series B cumulative convertible preferred units representing limited partner interests in the Partnership for a cash purchase price of $20.39 per Series B cumulative convertible preferred unit, resulting in total proceeds of approximately $300.0 million.
The Series B cumulative convertible preferred units were initially entitled to quarterly distributions in an amount equal to 7.0% of the face amount of the preferred units per annum (the "Distribution Rate"). On November 28, 2023, the Distribution Rate was adjusted to 9.8% and will be readjusted every two years thereafter (each, a "Readjustment Date"). The rate set on each Readjustment Date is equal to the greater of (i) the distribution rate in effect immediately prior to the relevant Readjustment Date and (ii) the 10-year Treasury Rate as of such Readjustment Date plus 5.5% per annum; provided, however, that for any quarter in which quarterly distributions are accrued but unpaid, the then-distribution rate shall be increased by 2.0% per annum for such quarter. The Partnership cannot pay any distributions on any junior securities, including common units, prior to paying the quarterly distribution payable to the preferred units, including any previously accrued and unpaid distributions.
The Series B cumulative convertible preferred units may be converted by each holder at its option, in whole or in part, into common units on a one-for-one basis at the purchase price of $20.39, adjusted to give effect to any accrued but unpaid


accumulated distributions on the applicable Series B cumulative convertible preferred units through the most recent declaration date. However, the Partnership shall not be obligated to honor any request for such conversion if such request does not involve an underlying value of common units of at least $10.0 million based on the closing trading price of common units on the trading day immediately preceding the conversion notice date, or such lesser amount to the extent such exercise covers all of a holder's Series B cumulative convertible preferred units.
The Partnership has the option to redeem all or a portion (equal to or greater than $100 million) of the Series B cumulative convertible preferred units for a 90 day period beginning on each Readjustment Date at a redemption price of $20.39 per Series B cumulative convertible preferred unit, which is equal to par value.
The Series B cumulative convertible preferred units had a carrying value of $300.5 million, including accrued distributions of $7.4 million, as of September 30, 2024 and a carrying value of $299.1 million, including accrued distributions of $6.0 million, as of December 31, 2023. The Series B cumulative convertible preferred units are classified as mezzanine equity on the consolidated balance sheets since certain provisions of redemption are outside the control of the Partnership.
The Partnership applies the two-class method for purposes of calculating earnings per unit (“EPU”). The holders of the Partnership’s restricted common units have all the rights of a unitholder, including non-forfeitable distribution rights. As participating securities, the restricted common units are included in the calculation of basic earnings per unit. For the periods presented, the amount of earnings allocated to these participating units was not material.
Net income (loss) attributable to the Partnership is allocated to the Partnership’s general partner and the common unitholders in proportion to their pro rata ownership after giving effect to distributions, if any, declared during the period.
The Partnership assesses the Series B cumulative convertible preferred units on an as-converted basis for the purpose of calculating diluted EPU. The Partnership’s restricted performance unit awards are contingently issuable units that are considered in the calculation of diluted EPU. The Partnership assesses the number of units that would be issuable, if any, under the terms of the arrangement if the end of the reporting period were the end of the contingency period.


The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted earnings per common unit:
 Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
 (in thousands, except per unit amounts)
NET INCOME (LOSS)$92,731 $62,067 $224,980 $274,902 
Distributions on Series B cumulative convertible preferred units(7,366)(5,250)(22,099)(15,750)
General partner interest$ $ $ $ 
Common units85,365 56,817 202,881 259,152 
 $85,365 $56,817 $202,881 $259,152 
Numerator for basic EPU - Net income (loss) attributable to common unitholders$85,365 $56,817 $202,881 $259,152 
Effect of dilutive securities   15,750 
Numerator for diluted EPU - Net income (loss) attributable to common unitholders after the effect of dilutive securities$85,365 $56,817 $202,881 $274,902 
Denominator for basic EPU - weighted average common units outstanding (basic)210,687 209,982 210,680 209,963 
Effect of dilutive securities
Denominator for diluted EPU - weighted average number of common units outstanding after the effect of dilutive securities210,687 209,982 210,680 224,932 
Per common unit (basic)$0.41 $0.27 $0.96 $1.23 
Per common unit (diluted)$0.41 $0.27 $0.96 $1.22 

The following units of potentially dilutive securities were excluded from the computation of diluted weighted average units outstanding because their inclusion would be anti-dilutive:
 Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands)
Potentially dilutive securities (common units):
Series B cumulative convertible preferred units on an as-converted basis
15,072 14,969 15,072  


Common Units

The common units represent limited partner interests in the Partnership. The holders of common units are entitled to participate in distributions and exercise the rights and privileges provided to limited partners holding common units under the partnership agreement. 



The partnership agreement restricts unitholders’ voting rights by providing that any units held by a person or group that owns 15% or more of any class of units then outstanding, other than the limited partners in Black Stone Minerals Company, L.P. prior to the IPO, their transferees, persons who acquired such units with the prior approval of the board of directors of the Partnership's general partner (the "Board"), holders of Series B cumulative convertible preferred units in connection with any vote, consent or approval of the Series B cumulative convertible preferred units as a separate class, and persons who own 15% or more of any class as a result of any redemption or purchase of any other person's units or similar action by the Partnership or any conversion of the Series B cumulative convertible preferred units at the Partnership's option or in connection with a change of control, may not vote on any matter.

The partnership agreement generally provides that beginning on November 28, 2023 any distributions are paid each quarter in the following manner:
first, to the holders of the Series B cumulative convertible preferred units in an amount equal to 9.8% of the face amount of the preferred units per annum, subject to readjustment on each Readjustment Date; and
second, to the holders of common units.

The following table provides information about the Partnership's per unit distributions to common unitholders:
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Distributions declared and paid per common unit$0.3750 $0.4750 $1.2250 $1.4250 

Common Unit Repurchase Program
On October 30, 2023, the Board authorized a $150.0 million unit repurchase program, terminating its existing $75.0 million program authorized in 2018. The unit repurchase program authorizes the Partnership to make repurchases on a discretionary basis as determined by management, subject to market condition, applicable legal requirements, available liquidity, and other appropriate factors. The Partnership made no repurchases under this program for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The program is funded from the Partnership’s cash on hand or through borrowings under the credit facility. Any repurchased units are canceled.

On October 16, 2024, the Board approved a distribution for the three months ended September 30, 2024 of $0.375 per common unit. Distributions will be payable on November 15, 2024 to unitholders of record at the close of business on November 8, 2024.
Subsequent to September 30, 2024, the Partnership acquired mineral and royalty interests from various sellers for cash consideration of $12.6 million. These acquisitions were funded with cash from operating activities.

Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
The following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with our unaudited consolidated financial statements and notes thereto presented in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, as well as our audited consolidated financial statements and notes thereto included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 ("2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K"). This discussion and analysis contains forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including those set forth under “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” and “Part II, Item 1A. Risk Factors.”
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements and information in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q may constitute “forward-looking statements.” The words “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “intend,” “foresee,” “should,” “would,” “could,” or other similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, which are generally not historical in nature. These forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations and beliefs concerning future developments and their potential effect on us. While management believes that these forward-looking statements are reasonable as and when made, there can be no assurance that future developments affecting us will be those that we anticipate. All comments concerning our expectations for future revenues and operating results are based on our forecasts for our existing operations and do not include the potential impact of any future acquisitions. Our forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties (some of which are beyond our control) and assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from our historical experience and our present expectations or projections. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, those summarized below:
our ability to execute our business strategies;

the volatility of realized oil and natural gas prices;

the level of production on our properties;

the overall supply and demand for oil and natural gas, regional supply and demand factors, delays, or interruptions of production;

our ability to replace our oil and natural gas reserves;

general economic, business, or industry conditions, including slowdowns, domestically and internationally and volatility in the securities, capital or credit markets;

competition in the oil and natural gas industry;

the level of drilling activity by our operators particularly in areas such as the Shelby Trough where we have concentrated acreage positions;

the ability of our operators to obtain capital or financing needed for development and exploration operations;

title defects in the properties in which we invest;

the availability or cost of rigs, equipment, raw materials, supplies, oilfield services, or personnel;

restrictions on the use of water for hydraulic fracturing;

the availability of pipeline capacity and transportation facilities;

the ability of our operators to comply with applicable governmental laws and regulations and to obtain permits and governmental approvals;

federal and state legislative and regulatory initiatives relating to hydraulic fracturing;

future operating results;

future cash flows and liquidity, including our ability to generate sufficient cash to pay quarterly distributions;

exploration and development drilling prospects, inventories, projects, and programs;

operating hazards faced by our operators;

the ability of our operators to keep pace with technological advancements;

conservation measures and general concern about the environmental impact of the production and use of fossil fuels;

cybersecurity incidents, including data security breaches or computer viruses; and

certain factors discussed elsewhere in this filing.
For additional information regarding known material factors that could cause our actual results to differ from our projected results, please see “Risk Factors” in our 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K and in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements after the date they are made, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
We are one of the largest owners and managers of oil and natural gas mineral interests in the United States. Our principal business is maximizing the value of our existing portfolio of mineral and royalty assets through active management. We maximize value through marketing our mineral assets for lease and creatively structuring the terms on those leases to encourage and accelerate drilling activity. We believe our large, diversified asset base and long-lived, non-cost-bearing mineral and royalty interests provide for stable production and reserves over time, allowing the majority of generated cash flow to be distributed to unitholders. Alongside our primary focus on traditional revenue streams from our asset base, we will continue to explore the relevance of our assets in energy transition, including opportunities in renewable energy and carbon sequestration.
As of September 30, 2024, our mineral and royalty interests were located in 41 states in the continental United States, including all of the major onshore producing basins. These non-cost-bearing interests include ownership in approximately 68,000 producing wells. We also own non-operated working interests, a significant portion of which are on our positions where we also have a mineral and royalty interest. We recognize oil and natural gas revenue from our mineral and royalty and non-operated working interests in producing wells when control of the oil and natural gas produced is transferred to the customer and collectability of the sales price is reasonably assured. Our other sources of revenue include mineral lease bonus and delay rentals, which are recognized as revenue according to the terms of the lease agreements.
Recent Developments
Shelby Trough Development Update
In September 2024, we entered into letter agreements with Aethon Energy ("Aethon") to amend the Joint Exploration Agreements ("JEAs") in San Augustine and Angelina counties. In those agreements, the parties agreed to revise the current program year drill schedules under each JEA, to extend the respective program years by nine months, and to withdraw the invocation of the time-out provisions. Aethon also released its rights under 25,000 acres from the parties' area of mutual interest defined in the original JEAs. Upon the satisfaction of the current program year performance deadlines as described in the letter agreements, Aethon will have an inventory of ten banked wells in Angelina and one banked well in San Augustine.
Business Environment
The information below is designed to give a broad overview of the oil and natural gas business environment as it affects us.
Commodity Prices and Demand
Oil and natural gas prices have been historically volatile based upon the dynamics of supply and demand. To manage the variability in cash flows associated with the projected sale of our oil and natural gas production, we use various derivative

instruments, which have recently consisted of fixed-price swap contracts.
While oil inventories continued to decline in the third quarter of 2024, oil prices decreased during the period because of offsetting concerns that the market would continue to be oversupplied in 2025 without additional growth in demand. OPEC+ members' decision to delay production increases until December 2024 is expected to lead to further reductions in global inventories and is reflective of the lingering impact of rising global inventories experienced in 2023. Heightened geopolitical risk related to continued conflict in the Middle East has increased the possibility for future supply disruptions and price volatility. Natural gas prices decreased sharply in the fourth quarter of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 as a result of a large surplus of storage inventory. Less natural gas-directed drilling and production curtailments led to increased natural gas prices in the second quarter of 2024 which continued to recover in the third quarter of 2024 due to hot summer temperatures and the related increase in U.S. electricity demand across all sectors. An increase in LNG exports with the addition of capacity further added to natural gas price increases in the third quarter of 2024. Given the dynamic nature of these events, along with the volatile geopolitical conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, we cannot reasonably estimate how long these market conditions will persist. While we use derivative instruments to partially mitigate the impact of commodity price volatility, our revenues and operating results depend significantly upon the prevailing prices for oil and natural gas.
The following table reflects commodity prices at the end of each quarter presented:
Benchmark Prices1
Third QuarterSecond QuarterFirst QuarterThird QuarterSecond QuarterFirst Quarter
WTI spot oil price ($/Bbl)$68.75 $82.83 $83.96 $90.77 $70.66 $75.68 
Henry Hub spot natural gas ($/MMBtu)2.65 2.42 1.54 2.68 2.48 2.10 
1 Source: EIA
Rig Count
As we are not the operator of record on any producing properties, drilling on our acreage is dependent upon the exploration and production companies that lease our acreage. In addition to drilling plans that we seek from our operators, we also monitor rig counts in an effort to identify existing and future leasing and drilling activity on our acreage.
The following table shows the rig count at the end of each quarter presented:
U.S. Rotary Rig Count1
Third QuarterSecond QuarterFirst QuarterThird QuarterSecond QuarterFirst Quarter
Oil484 479 506 502 545 592 
Natural gas99 97 112 116 124 160 
Total587 581 621 623 674 755 
1 Source: Baker Hughes Incorporated
Natural Gas Storage
A substantial portion of our revenue is derived from sales of oil production attributable to our interests; however, the majority of our production is natural gas. Natural gas prices are significantly influenced by storage levels throughout the year. Accordingly, we monitor the natural gas storage reports regularly in the evaluation of our business and its outlook.
Historically, natural gas supply and demand fluctuates on a seasonal basis. From April to October, when the weather is warmer and natural gas demand is lower, natural gas storage levels generally increase. From November to March, storage levels typically decline as utility companies draw natural gas from storage to meet increased heating demand due to colder weather. In order to maintain sufficient storage levels for increased seasonal demand, a portion of natural gas production during the summer months must be used for storage injection. The portion of production used for storage varies from year to year depending on the demand from the previous winter and the demand for electricity used for cooling during the summer months. The U.S. Energy Information Administration ("EIA") estimates that natural gas inventories concluded the injection season in October 2024 at 3.9 Tcf, which is 4% higher than the five-year average.

The following table shows natural gas storage volumes by region at the end of each quarter presented:
Third QuarterSecond QuarterFirst QuarterThird QuarterSecond QuarterFirst Quarter
East846 660 363 847 643 335 
Midwest1,013 779 510 991 705 421 
Mountain283 239 162 239 173 80 
Pacific293 282 227 278 216 73 
South Central1,113 1,174 996 1,090 1,141 921 
Total3,548 3,134 2,258 3,445 2,878 1,830 
1 Source: EIA

Natural Gas Exports

Net natural gas exports averaged 11.5 Bcf per day during the third quarter of 2024, a 3% decrease from the 2023 average. The EIA forecasts average exports of 13.2 Bcf per day for the remainder of 2024 and 13.8 Bcf per day for 2025. The EIA forecast reflects assumptions that U.S. LNG exports will increase as LNG export projects come on line in late 2024 and mid-2025.

How We Evaluate Our Operations
We use a variety of operational and financial measures to assess our performance. Among the measures considered by management are the following:
volumes of oil and natural gas produced;
commodity prices including the effect of derivative instruments; and
Adjusted EBITDA and Distributable cash flow.
Volumes of Oil and Natural Gas Produced
In order to track and assess the performance of our assets, we monitor and analyze our production volumes from the various basins and plays that constitute our extensive asset base. We also regularly compare projected volumes to actual reported volumes and investigate unexpected variances.
Commodity Prices
Factors Affecting the Sales Price of Oil and Natural Gas
The prices we receive for oil, natural gas, and NGLs vary by geographical area. The relative prices of these products are determined by the factors affecting global and regional supply and demand dynamics, such as economic conditions, production levels, availability of transportation, weather cycles, and other factors. In addition, realized prices are influenced by product quality and proximity to consuming and refining markets. Any differences between realized prices and New York Mercantile Exchange ("NYMEX") prices are referred to as differentials. All our production is derived from properties located in the United States.
Oil. The substantial majority of our oil production is sold at prevailing market prices, which fluctuate in response to many factors that are outside of our control. NYMEX light sweet crude oil, commonly referred to as West Texas Intermediate ("WTI"), is the prevailing domestic oil pricing index. The majority of our oil production is priced at the prevailing market price with the final realized price affected by both quality and location differentials.
The chemical composition of oil plays an important role in its refining and subsequent sale as petroleum products. As a result, variations in chemical composition relative to the benchmark oil, usually WTI, will result in price adjustments, which are often referred to as quality differentials. The characteristics that most significantly affect quality differentials include the density of the oil, as characterized by its American Petroleum Institute (“API”) gravity, and the presence and concentration of impurities, such as sulfur.
Location differentials generally result from transportation costs based on the produced oil’s proximity to consuming and refining markets and major trading points.
Natural Gas. The NYMEX price quoted at Henry Hub is a widely used benchmark for the pricing of natural gas in the United States. The actual volumetric prices realized from the sale of natural gas differ from the quoted NYMEX price as a result of quality and location differentials. 
Quality differentials result from the heating value of natural gas measured in Btus and the presence of impurities, such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. Natural gas containing ethane and heavier hydrocarbons has a higher Btu value and will realize a higher volumetric price than natural gas which is predominantly methane, which has a lower Btu value. Natural gas with a higher concentration of impurities will realize a lower volumetric price due to the presence of the impurities in the natural gas when sold or the cost of treating the natural gas to meet pipeline quality specifications.
Natural gas, which currently has a limited global transportation system, is subject to price variances based on local supply and demand conditions and the cost to transport natural gas to end user markets.

We enter into derivative instruments to partially mitigate the impact of commodity price volatility on our cash generated from operations. From time to time, such instruments may include variable-to-fixed-price swaps, fixed-price contracts, costless collars, and other contractual arrangements. The impact of these derivative instruments could affect the amount of revenue we ultimately realize.
Our open derivative contracts consist of fixed-price swap contracts. Under fixed-price swap contracts, a counterparty is required to make a payment to us if the settlement price is less than the swap strike price. Conversely, we are required to make a payment to the counterparty if the settlement price is greater than the swap strike price. If we have multiple contracts outstanding with a single counterparty, unless restricted by our agreement, we will net settle the contract payments.
We may employ contractual arrangements other than fixed-price swap contracts in the future to mitigate the impact of price fluctuations. If commodity prices decline in the future, our hedging contracts will partially mitigate the effect of lower prices on our future revenue. Our open oil and natural gas derivative contracts as of September 30, 2024 are detailed in Note 4 - Commodity Derivative Financial Instruments to our unaudited consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report.
Pursuant to the terms of our Credit Facility, we are allowed to hedge certain percentages of expected future monthly production volumes equal to the lesser of (i) internally forecasted production and (ii) the average of reported production for the most recent three months.
We are allowed, but not required, to hedge, using swaps and collars with a term of no more than four years, up to 90% of our expected future volumes for the first 24 months, 70% for months 25 through 36, and 50% for months 37 through 48. As of September 30, 2024, we had hedged 75% and 71% of our available oil and condensate hedge volumes for 2024 and 2025, respectively. As of September 30, 2024, we had also hedged 77% and 79% of our available natural gas hedge volumes for 2024 and 2025, respectively.
We intend to continuously monitor the production from our assets and the commodity price environment, and will, from time to time, add additional hedges within the percentages described above related to such production. We do not enter into derivative instruments for speculative purposes.
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Adjusted EBITDA and Distributable cash flow are supplemental non-GAAP financial measures used by our management and external users of our financial statements such as investors, research analysts, and others, to assess the financial performance of our assets and our ability to sustain distributions over the long term without regard to financing methods, capital structure, or historical cost basis.
We define Adjusted EBITDA as net income (loss) before interest expense, income taxes, and depreciation, depletion, and amortization adjusted for impairment of oil and natural gas properties, if any, accretion of asset retirement obligations, unrealized gains and losses on commodity derivative instruments, non-cash equity-based compensation, and gains and losses on sales of assets, if any. We define Distributable cash flow as Adjusted EBITDA plus or minus amounts for certain non-cash operating activities, cash interest expense, distributions to preferred unitholders, and restructuring charges, if any.
Adjusted EBITDA and Distributable cash flow should not be considered an alternative to, or more meaningful than, net income (loss), income (loss) from operations, cash flows from operating activities, or any other measure of financial performance presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") in the United States as measures of our financial performance.
Adjusted EBITDA and Distributable cash flow have important limitations as analytical tools because they exclude some but not all items that affect net income (loss), the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure. Our computation of Adjusted EBITDA and Distributable cash flow may differ from computations of similarly titled measures of other companies.

The following table presents a reconciliation of net income (loss), the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure, to Adjusted EBITDA and Distributable cash flow for the periods indicated:
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands)
Net income (loss)$92,731 $62,067 $224,980 $274,902 
Adjustments to reconcile to Adjusted EBITDA:
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization11,258 12,367 34,253 33,935 
Interest expense724 621 1,979 2,080 
Income tax expense (benefit)39 (109)225 177 
Accretion of asset retirement obligations324 254 962 749 
Equity–based compensation2,177 3,777 6,765 8,412 
Unrealized (gain) loss on commodity derivative instruments(20,811)51,111 21,642 29,006 
(Gain) loss on sale of assets, net— (73)— (73)
Adjusted EBITDA86,442 130,015 290,806 349,188 
Adjustments to reconcile to Distributable cash flow:
Change in deferred revenue(1)(1)(3)(8)
Cash interest expense(453)(359)(1,172)(1,305)
Preferred unit distributions(7,366)(5,250)(22,099)(15,750)
Distributable cash flow$78,622 $124,405 $267,532 $332,125 


Results of Operations
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
The following table shows our production, revenue, and operating expenses for the periods presented:
 Three Months Ended September 30,
(Dollars in thousands, except for realized prices)
Oil and condensate (MBbls)
875 1,092 (217)(19.9)%
Natural gas (MMcf)1
15,369 16,980 (1,611)(9.5)%
Equivalents (MBoe)3,437 3,922 (485)(12.4)%
Equivalents/day (MBoe)37.4 42.6 (5.2)(12.2)%
Realized prices, without derivatives:
Oil and condensate ($/Bbl)$73.15 $78.50 $(5.35)(6.8)%
Natural gas ($/Mcf)1
2.41 2.87 (0.46)(16.0)%
Equivalents ($/Boe)$29.40 $34.30 $(4.90)(14.3)%
Oil and condensate sales$63,999 $85,724 $(21,725)(25.3)%
Natural gas and natural gas liquids sales1
37,039 48,815 (11,776)(24.1)%
Lease bonus and other income2,143 2,180 (37)(1.7)%
Revenue from contracts with customers103,181 136,719 (33,538)(24.5)%
Gain (loss) on commodity derivative instruments31,675 (26,922)58,597 217.7 %
Total revenue$134,856 $109,797 $25,059 22.8 %
Operating expenses:  
Lease operating expense$2,422 $2,615 $(193)(7.4)%
Production costs and ad valorem taxes12,369 16,441 (4,072)(24.8)%
Exploration expense2,562 1,711 851 49.7 %
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization11,258 12,367 (1,109)(9.0)%
General and administrative12,801 14,448 (1,647)(11.4)%
Other expense:
Interest expense724 621 103 16.6 %
1 As a mineral and royalty interest owner, we are often provided insufficient and inconsistent data on NGL volumes by our operators. As a result, we are unable to reliably determine the total volumes of NGLs associated with the production of natural gas on our acreage. Accordingly, no NGL volumes are included in our reported production; however, revenue attributable to NGLs is included in our natural gas revenue and our calculation of realized prices for natural gas.
Total revenue for the quarter ended September 30, 2024 increased compared to the quarter ended September 30, 2023. The increase in total revenue in the third quarter of 2024 is primarily due to a gain on our commodity derivative instruments compared to a loss in the corresponding prior period, which were partially offset by a decrease in natural gas, NGL, oil, and condensate sales.
Oil and condensate sales. Oil and condensate sales decreased for the quarter ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the corresponding period in 2023 primarily due to lower production volumes and realized commodity prices. The decrease in oil and condensate production was driven by reduced mineral and royalty production in the Permian Basin. Our mineral and royalty interest oil and condensate volumes accounted for 95% and 96% of total oil and condensate volumes for quarters ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

Natural gas and natural gas liquids sales. Natural gas and NGL sales decreased for the quarter ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the corresponding prior period. The decrease was due to lower realized commodity prices between the comparative periods and a reduction in production volumes. The decrease in natural gas and NGL production was driven by lower mineral and royalty production in the Haynesville/Bossier play trend. Mineral and royalty interest production accounted for 94% and 94% of our natural gas volumes for the quarters ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Gain (loss) on commodity derivative instruments. Cash settlements we receive represent realized gains, while cash settlements we pay represent realized losses related to our commodity derivative instruments. In addition to cash settlements, we also recognize fair value changes on our commodity derivative instruments in each reporting period. The changes in fair value result from new positions and settlements that may occur during each reporting period, as well as the relationships between contract prices and the associated forward curves. During the third quarter of 2024, we recognized a gain from our commodity derivative instruments compared to a loss in the same period in 2023. For the three months ended September 30, 2024, we recognized $10.9 million of realized gains and $20.8 million of unrealized gains from our oil and natural gas commodity contracts, compared to $24.2 million of realized gains and $51.1 million of unrealized losses in the same period in 2023. The unrealized gains on our commodity contracts during the third quarters of 2024 and the unrealized losses in the corresponding period in 2023 were primarily driven by changes in the forward commodity price curves for oil and natural gas.
Lease bonus and other income. When we lease our mineral interests, we generally receive an upfront cash payment, or a lease bonus. Lease bonus revenue can vary substantively between periods because it is derived from individual transactions with operators, some of which may be significant. Lease bonus and other income for the third quarter of 2024 was lower than the same period in 2023. Leasing activity in the Bakken/Three Forks made up the majority of lease bonus and other income for the third quarter of 2024, while the majority of the third quarter 2023 activity came from leasing activity in the Bakken/Three Forks and Haynesville/Bossier plays.
Operating Expenses
Lease operating expense. Lease operating expense includes recurring expenses associated with our non-operated working interests necessary to produce hydrocarbons from our oil and natural gas wells, as well as certain nonrecurring expenses, such as well repairs. Lease operating expense decreased for the quarter ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the same period in 2023, primarily due to lower nonrecurring service-related expenses, including workovers.
Production costs and ad valorem taxes. Production taxes include statutory amounts deducted from our production revenues by various state taxing entities. Depending on the regulations of the states where the production originates, these taxes may be based on a percentage of the realized value or a fixed amount per production unit. This category also includes the costs to process and transport our production to applicable sales points. Ad valorem taxes are jurisdictional taxes levied on the value of oil and natural gas minerals and reserves. Rates, methods of calculating property values, and timing of payments vary between taxing authorities. For the quarter ended September 30, 2024, production costs and ad valorem taxes decreased as compared to the quarter ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to lower production taxes stemming from lower commodity prices and decreased production volumes.
Exploration expense. Exploration expense typically consists of dry-hole expenses, payments for delay rentals where the Partnership is the lessee, and geological and geophysical costs, including seismic costs, and is expensed as incurred under the successful efforts method of accounting. For the quarter ended September 30, 2024, exploration expenses increased compared to the same period in 2023, primarily due to an increase in seismic purchases and delay rentals.
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization. Depletion is the amount of cost basis of oil and natural gas properties attributable to the volume of hydrocarbons extracted during a period, calculated on a units-of-production basis. Estimates of proved developed producing reserves are a major component of the calculation of depletion. We adjust our depletion rates semi-annually based upon mid-year and year-end reserve reports, except when circumstances indicate that there has been a significant change in reserves or costs. Depreciation, depletion, and amortization decreased for the quarter ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the same period in 2023 due to lower production volumes.
General and administrative. General and administrative expenses are costs not directly associated with the production of oil and natural gas and include expenses such as the cost of employee salaries and related benefits, office expenses, and fees for professional services. For the quarter ended September 30, 2024, general and administrative expenses decreased as compared to the same period in 2023, primarily due to a decrease in consulting costs and equity-based compensation, partially offset by an increase in salaries. The decrease in equity-based compensation was due to lower costs recognized for performance-based incentive awards resulting from downward movements in our common unit price during the quarter ended September 30, 2024 compared to upward movements in the corresponding prior period.

Interest expense. Interest expense in the third quarter of 2024 increased as compared to the corresponding period in 2023, with minimal average outstanding borrowings under our Credit Facility during each period. Interest expense for both periods primarily consisted of commitment fees and amortization of debt issuance costs.

Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
The following table shows our production, revenues, pricing, and expenses for the periods presented:
 Nine Months Ended September 30,
(Dollars in thousands, except for realized prices)
Oil and condensate (MBbls)2,751 2,731 20 0.7 %
Natural gas (MMcf)1
48,190 48,101 89 0.2 %
Equivalents (MBoe)10,783 10,748 35 0.3 %
Equivalents/day (MBoe)39.4 39.4 — — %
Realized prices, without derivatives:
Oil and condensate ($/Bbl)$76.01 $76.23 $(0.22)(0.3)%
Natural gas ($/Mcf)1
2.40 3.07 (0.67)(21.8)%
Equivalents ($/Boe)$30.11 $33.13 $(3.02)(9.1)%
Oil and condensate sales$209,112 $208,184 $928 0.4 %
Natural gas and natural gas liquids sales1
115,543 147,857 (32,314)(21.9)%
Lease bonus and other income10,480 8,682 1,798 20.7 %
Revenue from contracts with customers335,135 364,723 (29,588)(8.1)%
Gain (loss) on commodity derivative instruments14,838 36,652 (21,814)(59.5)%
Total revenue$349,973 $401,375 $(51,402)(12.8)%
Operating expenses:  
Lease operating expense$7,433 $8,149 $(716)(8.8)%
Production costs and ad valorem taxes38,876 41,952 (3,076)(7.3)%
Exploration expense2,579 1,719 860 50.0 %
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization34,253 33,935 318 0.9 %
General and administrative40,286 38,950 1,336 3.4 %
Other expense:
Interest expense1,979 2,080 (101)(4.9)%
1 As a mineral and royalty interest owner, we are often provided insufficient and inconsistent data on NGL volumes by our operators. As a result, we are unable to reliably determine the total volumes of NGLs associated with the production of natural gas on our acreage. Accordingly, no NGL volumes are included in our reported production; however, revenue attributable to NGLs is included in our natural gas revenue and our calculation of realized prices for natural gas.
Total revenue for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 decreased compared to the corresponding prior period. The decrease in total revenue is primarily due to a reduced gain on our commodity derivative instruments compared to the gain in the corresponding prior period and a decrease in natural gas and NGL sales, which were partially offset by an increase in oil and condensate sales.

Oil and condensate sales. Oil and condensate sales during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 slightly increased compared to the corresponding prior period primarily due to higher production volumes. Our mineral and royalty interest oil and condensate volumes accounted for 95% and 94% of total oil and condensate volumes for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Natural gas and natural gas liquids sales. Natural gas and NGL sales during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 decreased compared to the corresponding prior period due to lower realized commodity prices. Mineral and royalty interest production accounted for 94% and 94% of our natural gas volumes for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Gain (loss) on commodity derivative instruments. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recognized a reduced gain from our commodity derivative instruments as compared to the gain recognized for the same period in 2023. In the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recognized $36.4 million of realized gains and $21.6 million of unrealized losses from our oil and natural gas commodity contracts, compared to $65.7 million of realized gains and $29.0 million of unrealized losses in the same period in 2023. The unrealized losses on our commodity contracts during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and the corresponding period in 2023 were primarily driven by changes in the forward commodity price curves for oil and natural gas.
Lease bonus and other income. Lease bonus and other income for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was higher than the same period in 2023. Leasing activity in the Permian Basin, Bakken/Three Forks, and the Austin Chalk plays and proceeds from surface use waivers on our mineral acreage supporting solar development in Texas composed the majority of lease bonus and other income for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, while a substantial portion of the activity in the corresponding prior period came from leasing activity in the Bakken/Three Forks and Haynesville/Bossier plays.
Operating and Other Expenses
Lease operating expense. Lease operating expense decreased for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the same period in 2023, primarily due to lower nonrecurring service-related expenses, including workovers.
Production costs and ad valorem taxes. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, production costs and ad valorem taxes decreased as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to a decrease in production taxes from lower oil and natural gas commodity prices.
Exploration expense. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 exploration expenses increased compared to the same period in 2023, primarily due to an increase in seismic purchases and delay rentals.
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization. Depreciation, depletion, and amortization slightly increased for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the same period in 2023, primarily due to increased production volumes.
General and administrative. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, general and administrative expenses increased as compared to the same period in 2023, primarily due to higher professional costs related to outside legal fees, consulting costs for internal projects, and cash compensation, partially offset by a decrease in equity-based compensation. The increase in cash compensation was driven by increases in salaries and costs recognized under our short-term cash incentive plan. The decrease in equity-based compensation was due to lower costs recognized for performance-based incentive awards resulting from downward movements in our common unit price during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to upward movements in the corresponding prior period.
Interest expense. Interest expense was lower in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 than in the prior period primarily due to lower average outstanding borrowings under our Credit Facility.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
Our primary sources of liquidity are cash generated from operations and borrowings under our Credit Facility. Our primary uses of cash are for distributions to our unitholders, reducing outstanding borrowings under our Credit Facility, and for investing in our business. On November 28, 2023 the distribution rate for the Series B cumulative convertible preferred units was adjusted to 9.8% and will be readjusted every two years thereafter (each, a "Readjustment Date"). The rate set on each Readjustment Date is equal to the greater of (i) the distribution rate in effect immediately prior to the relevant Readjustment Date and (ii) the 10-year Treasury Rate as of such Readjustment Date plus 5.5% per annum. We have the option to redeem all or a portion (equal to or greater than $100 million) of the Series B cumulative convertible preferred units for a 90 day period beginning on each Readjustment Date at a redemption price of $20.39 per Series B cumulative convertible preferred unit, which is equal to par value. See "Note 9 - Preferred Units" to the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for additional information.
The Board has adopted a policy pursuant to which, at a minimum, distributions will be paid on each common unit for each quarter to the extent we have sufficient cash generated from our operations after establishment of cash reserves, if any, and after we have made the required distributions to the holders of our outstanding preferred units. However, we do not have a legal or contractual obligation to pay distributions on our common units quarterly or on any other basis, and there is no guarantee that we will pay distributions to our common unitholders in any quarter. The Board may change the foregoing distribution policy at any time and from time to time.
We intend to finance any future acquisitions with cash generated from operations, borrowings from our Credit Facility, and proceeds from any future issuances of equity and debt. Over the long-term, we intend to finance our working interest capital needs with our executed farmout agreements and internally generated cash flows, although at times we may fund a portion of these expenditures through other financing sources such as borrowings under our Credit Facility.
On October 30, 2023, the Board authorized a $150.0 million unit repurchase program which authorizes us to make repurchases on a discretionary basis. The program will be funded from our cash on hand or through borrowings under the Credit Facility. Any repurchased units will be cancelled. See "Note 11 – Common Units" to the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for additional information.
Cash Flows
The following table shows our cash flows for the periods presented: 
 Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands)
Cash flows provided by operating activities$298,087 $387,135 $(89,048)
Cash flows provided by (used in) investing activities(64,227)(4,946)(59,281)
Cash flows provided by (used in) financing activities(283,179)(330,466)47,287 
Operating Activities. Our operating cash flows are dependent, in large part, on our production, realized commodity prices, derivative settlements, lease bonus revenue, and operating expenses. Cash flows provided by operating activities decreased for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the same period of 2023. The decrease was primarily due to lower natural gas and NGL sales stemming from lower realized commodity prices and a reduction in cash received on the settlement of commodity derivatives in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period of 2023.
Investing Activities. Net cash used in investing activities in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 increased as compared to the same period of 2023. The increase was primarily due to acquisitions of oil and natural gas properties in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to minimal acquisition activity in the corresponding prior period.
Financing Activities. Cash flows used in financing activities decreased for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the same period of 2023. The decrease was primarily due to lower distributions paid to unitholders and no net repayments on our Credit Facility for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to net repayments for the nine months ended September 30, 2023.

Development Capital Expenditures
Our 2024 capital expenditure budget associated with our non-operated working interests is expected to be approximately $2.3 million, net of farmout reimbursements, of which $0.7 million has been invested in the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The majority of this capital is anticipated to be spent on workovers and recompletions on existing wells in which we own a working interest. Through September 30, 2024, we have also spent $1.8 million acquiring leases in areas around our drilling programs.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we acquired mineral and royalty interests that consisted of primarily unproved oil and natural gas properties from various sellers for an aggregate of $65.2 million, including capitalized direct transaction costs. The consideration paid consisted of $64.2 million in cash that was funded from operating activities and $1.0 million in equity that was funded through the issuance of common units of the Partnership based on the fair values of the common units issued on the acquisition dates. These acquisitions were considered asset acquisitions and were primarily located in the Gulf Coast land region. Our current commercial strategy includes the continuation of meaningful, targeted mineral and royalty acquisitions to complement our existing positions.
See "Note 3 – Oil and Natural Gas Properties" to the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for additional information.
Asset Exchange
In the third quarter of 2024, we closed on a transaction with a third-party operator whereby we received an oil and natural gas lease on approximately 8,000 net leasehold acres in East Texas in exchange for the assignment of approximately 51,000 undeveloped net mineral and royalty acres in Mississippi.
Credit Facility
We maintain a senior secured revolving credit agreement, as amended, (the "Credit Facility"). The Credit Facility has an aggregate maximum credit amount of $1.0 billion and terminates on October 31, 2027. The commitment of the lenders equals the least of the aggregate maximum credit amount, the then-effective borrowing base, and the aggregate elected commitment, as it may be adjusted from time to time. The amount of the borrowing base is redetermined semi-annually, usually in April and October. The April 2023 borrowing base redetermination reaffirmed the borrowing base at $550.0 million. The subsequent redeterminations increased the borrowing base to $580.0 million in October 2023 and reaffirmed the borrowing base in April 2024 and November 2024. After each redetermination we elected to maintain cash commitments at $375.0 million. The next semi-annual redetermination is scheduled for April 2025.
We are subject to various affirmative, negative, and financial maintenance covenants which pose limitations on future borrowings, leases, hedging, and sales of assets. As of September 30, 2024, we were in compliance with all debt covenants.
See "Note 6 – Credit Facility" to the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for additional information.
Contractual Obligations
As of September 30, 2024, there have been no material changes to our contractual obligations previously disclosed in our 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Critical Accounting Policies and Related Estimates
As of September 30, 2024, there have been no significant changes to our critical accounting policies and related estimates previously disclosed in our 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk 
Commodity Price Risk
Our major market risk exposure is the pricing of oil, natural gas, and NGLs produced by our operators. Realized prices are primarily driven by the prevailing global prices for oil and prices for natural gas and NGLs in the United States. Prices for oil,

natural gas, and NGLs have been historically volatile, and we expect this unpredictability to continue in the future. The prices that our operators receive for production depend on many factors outside of our or their control. To reduce the impact of fluctuations in oil and natural gas prices on our revenues, we use commodity derivative financial instruments to reduce our exposure to price volatility of oil and natural gas. The counterparties to the contracts are unrelated third parties. The contracts settle monthly in cash based on the difference between the fixed contract price and the market settlement price. The market settlement price is based on the NYMEX benchmark for oil and natural gas. We have not designated any of our contracts as fair value or cash flow hedges. Accordingly, the changes in fair value of the contracts are included in net income in the period of the change. See "Note 4 - Commodity Derivative Financial Instruments" and "Note 5 - Fair Value Measurements" to the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for additional information.
Commodity prices have been historically volatile based upon the dynamics of supply and demand. To estimate the effect lower prices would have on our reserves, we applied a 10% discount to the SEC commodity pricing for the three months ended September 30, 2024. Applying this discount results in an approximate 2.5% reduction of proved reserve volumes as compared to the undiscounted September 30, 2024 SEC pricing scenario.
Counterparty and Customer Credit Risk
Our derivative contracts expose us to credit risk in the event of nonperformance by counterparties. While we do not require our counterparties to our derivative contracts to post collateral, we do evaluate the credit standing of such counterparties as we deem appropriate. This evaluation includes reviewing a counterparty’s credit rating and latest financial information. As of September 30, 2024, we had seven counterparties, all of which were rated Baa2 or better by Moody’s and are lenders under our Credit Facility.
Our principal exposure to credit risk results from receivables generated by the production activities of our operators. The inability or failure of our significant operators to meet their obligations to us or their insolvency or liquidation may adversely affect our financial results. However, we believe the credit risk associated with our operators and customers is acceptable.
Interest Rate Risk
We have exposure to changes in interest rates on our indebtedness. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we had $1.8 million weighted average outstanding borrowings under our Credit Facility, bearing interest at a weighted average interest rate of 8.04%. The impact of a 1% increase in the interest rate on this amount of debt would have resulted in a de minimis increase in interest expense, and a corresponding decrease in our results of operations, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, assuming that our indebtedness remained constant throughout the period. We may use certain derivative instruments to hedge our exposure to variable interest rates in the future, but we do not currently have any interest rate hedges in place. 
Item 4. Controls and Procedures
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
As required by Rule 13a-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”), we have evaluated, under the supervision and with the participation of management of our general partner, including our general partner’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer, the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act) as of the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Our disclosure controls and procedures are designed to provide reasonable assurance that the information required to be disclosed by us in reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to management, including our general partner’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure and is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the SEC. Based upon that evaluation, our general partner’s principal executive officer and principal financial officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of September 30, 2024 to provide reasonable assurance.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting during the quarter ended September 30, 2024 that materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.

Item 1. Legal Proceedings
Due to the nature of our business, we are, from time to time, involved in routine litigation or subject to disputes or claims related to our business activities. In the opinion of our management, none of the pending litigation, disputes or claims against us, if decided adversely, will have a material adverse effect on our financial condition, cash flows, or results of operations.
Item 1A. Risk Factors
In addition to the other information set forth in this report, readers should carefully consider the risks under the heading “Risk Factors” in our 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. Except to the extent updated below, there has been no material change in our risk factors from those described in our 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. These risks are not the only risks that we face. Additional risks and uncertainties not currently known to us or that we currently deem to be immaterial may materially adversely affect our business, financial condition or results of operations.
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds

Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities

Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers
Item 5. Other Information

During the three months ended September 30, 2024, none of our directors or executive officers adopted or terminated a "Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement" or "non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement," as each term is defined in Item 408(a) of Regulation S-K.

Item 6. Exhibits
Exhibit Number Description
Certificate of Limited Partnership of Black Stone Minerals, L.P. (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.1 to Black Stone Minerals, L.P.’s Registration Statement on Form S-1 filed on March 19, 2015 (SEC File No. 333-202875)).
 Certificate of Amendment to Certificate of Limited Partnership of Black Stone Minerals, L.P. (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.2 to Black Stone Minerals, L.P.’s Registration Statement on Form S-1 filed on March 19, 2015 (SEC File No. 333-202875)).
 First Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of Black Stone Minerals, L.P., dated May 6, 2015, by and among Black Stone Minerals GP, L.L.C. and Black Stone Minerals Company, L.P., (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of Black Stone Minerals, L.P.’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on May 6, 2015 (SEC File No. 001-37362)).
Amendment No. 1 to First Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of Black Stone Minerals, L.P., dated as of April 15, 2016 (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of Black Stone Minerals, L.P.’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on April 19, 2016 (SEC File No. 001-37362)).
Amendment No. 2 to First Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of Black Stone Minerals, L.P., dated as of November 28, 2017 (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of Black Stone Minerals, L.P.’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on November 29, 2017 (SEC File No. 001-37362)).
Amendment No. 3 to First Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of Black Stone Minerals, L.P., dated as of December 11, 2017 (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of Black Stone Minerals, L.P.’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on December 12, 2017 (SEC File No. 001-37362)).
Amendment No. 4 to First Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of the Black Stone Minerals, L.P., dated as of April 22, 2020 (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of Black Stone Minerals, L.P.'s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on April 24, 2020 (SEC File No. 001-37362)).
Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of November 28, 2017, by and between Black Stone Minerals, L.P. and Mineral Royalties One, L.L.C. (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4.1 of Black Stone Minerals, L.P.’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on November 29, 2017 (SEC File No. 001-37362)).
 Certification of Chief Executive Officer of Black Stone Minerals, L.P. pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
 Certification of Chief Financial Officer of Black Stone Minerals, L.P. pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
 Certification of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Black Stone Minerals, L.P. pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
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^ Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
 By: Black Stone Minerals GP, L.L.C.,
its general partner
Date: November 5, 2024By: /s/ Thomas L. Carter, Jr.
   Thomas L. Carter, Jr.
   President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman
   (Principal Executive Officer)
Date: November 5, 2024By: /s/ Taylor DeWalch
   Taylor DeWalch
   Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer
   (Principal Financial Officer)