華盛頓特區 20549
根據1934年證券交易法第13或15(d)節的季度報告 |
根據1934年證券交易法第13或15(d)節的轉型報告書 |
(國家或其他管轄區的 公司成立或組織) | (IRS僱主 唯一識別號碼) |
a | ||
每一類的名稱 | 交易代碼 | 註冊交易所的每個名稱 |
請在以下勾選方框表示註冊人是否已在Regulation S-T Rule 405規定的前12個月(或在註冊人需要提交此類文件的較短期間內)提交了每個互動數據文件。
大型加速報告人 | ◻ | 加速文件申報人 | ◻ |
☒ | 更小的報告公司 | ||
新興增長公司 |
2024年第三季度 概要
2024年9月30日結束的三個月彙總如下,並在下面進一步討論 項目2-管理層對財務狀況和經營業績的討論和分析:
● | 2024年第三季度,位於墨西哥的Don David金礦(「DDGM」)生產和銷售了總共3,526盎司黃金當量(「AuEq」),包括1,357盎司黃金和181,434盎司白銀,平均銷售價格分別爲每盎司$2,561和$30.61。 |
● | 從第三季度開始,DDGm地下金剛石鑽探計劃取得了積極進展,有兩臺鑽機在運行。直到新的鑽井站點開發出來更進一步測試Three Sisters系統之前,鑽探的重點戰略性地轉移到了對Arista礦脈系統的西北延伸進行補充,目標是進一步定義、擴展和升級該區域的Marena North、Santa Cecilia和Splay 31礦脈的礦產資源。爲了保持現金流,補充鑽探在2024年8月1日暫停。評級控制鑽探在第三季度按計劃繼續進行,重點是最大化Arista和Switchback礦脈系統未來生產計劃中礦化的潛在經濟回報。 |
● | 本季度未發生任何失時事件,導致截至目前爲止的工傷頻率爲「零」,安全記錄。安全對公司至關重要。公司致力於在每個季度繼續保持其優異的記錄,並着力改進安全措施、意識和培訓。 |
● | Gold Resource Corporation及其子公司(「我們」,「我們的」,「我們的」或「公司」)截至2024年9月30日,經營資金爲610萬美元,現金爲140萬美元。 |
● | 淨損失爲1050萬美元,每股虧損0.11美元,主要原因是季度淨銷售額下降,因爲公司的生產受到關鍵採礦設備短缺和缺乏多個採礦面的影響,以及不利天氣條件的影響 挖礦和處理操作. |
● | 本季度考慮聯合產品抵免後,每盎司AuEq的總現金成本爲3560美金,考慮聯合產品抵免後,每盎司AuEq的總全成本爲5072美金。 (請參閱"第2項-管理討論與分析財務狀況和經營業績-非GAAP財務指標",以便將非GAAP指標與適用的GAAP指標進行調和). 第2項-管理層對財務狀況和業績的討論與分析-非GAAP措施 用於將非GAAP措施調整爲適用的GAAP措施,請參閱調解。 |
公司無法實現其生產預估數額,嚴重懷疑其作爲持續存在的能力。公司目前預計需要約$700萬用於獲得額外的採礦設備和磨粉升級。這些金額包括在磨粉設備方面約$250萬的升級,包括約$100萬用於安裝新的過濾器以增加過濾廠的產能,約$70萬用於獲得備用球齒輪。這些投資還包括約$450萬用於購置新的或低效設備,包括地下裝載機、螺栓機和鑽機。公司還預計需要約$800萬的運營資本,以便資助開發以進入Three Sisters和Splay 31系統,儘管並非所有資本立即需要。由於上述2024年生產挑戰,公司認爲礦山無法產生足夠的現金流來資助這些改進。公司正在評估各種融資期權,以在短期內資助這一開發。
第一部分 - 財務信息N
項目1. 基本報表s
截至 | 截至 | |||||
2021年9月30日 | 12月31日, | |||||
單張債券 | 2024 |
| 2023 | |||
資產 | ||||||
流動資產: | ||||||
現金及現金等價物 | $ | | $ | | ||
2,687,823 | | | ||||
淨存貨 | 5 | | | |||
預付費用和其他流動資產 | 7 | | | |||
總流動資產 | | | ||||
資產、廠房、礦山開發淨額 | 8 | | | |||
| 6 | | | |||
其他非流動資產 | 9 | | | |||
資產總額 | $ | | $ | |||
負債及股東權益 | ||||||
流動負債: | ||||||
應付賬款 | $ | | $ | | ||
礦權稅應付款淨額 | | | ||||
應計費用及其他流動負債 | 10 | | | |||
流動負債合計 | | | ||||
復墾和環境負債 | 12 | | | |||
黃金和白銀流轉協議責任 | 11 | | | |||
遞延所得稅負債,淨 | 6 | | | |||
或有事項考慮 | 13 | | | |||
其他非流動負債 | 10 | | | |||
負債合計 | | | ||||
承諾和 contingencies | 13 | |||||
股東權益: | ||||||
普通股-美元 | ||||||
| | |||||
額外實收資本 | | | ||||
累積赤字 | ( | ( | ||||
成本法下的庫藏股, | ( | ( | ||||
累計其他綜合損失 | ( | ( | ||||
股東權益合計 | | | ||||
負債和股東權益總計 | $ | | $ | |
截至2023年1月31日三個月的 | 截至九個月結束時 | |||||||||||
2021年9月30日 | 2021年9月30日 | |||||||||||
單張債券 | 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | |||||
淨銷售額 | 4 | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | |||
銷售成本: | ||||||||||||
生產成本 | | | | | ||||||||
折舊和攤銷 | | | | | ||||||||
修復和修補費用 | | | | | ||||||||
銷售成本合計 | | | | | ||||||||
我的毛損失 | ( | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||
成本和費用: | ||||||||||||
總務及行政管理費用 | | | | | ||||||||
墨西哥勘探支出 | | | | | ||||||||
密歇根 Back Forty 項目支出 | | | | | ||||||||
股票補償 | 17 | | ( | | | |||||||
其他費用,淨額 | 18 | | | | | |||||||
總成本和費用 | | | | | ||||||||
稅前虧損 | ( | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||
所得稅(收益)費用 | 6 | ( | ( | | ( | |||||||
淨損失 | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | ||||
每股普通股淨虧損: | ||||||||||||
每股普通股基本和稀釋淨虧損 | 19 | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | |||
加權平均股數: | ||||||||||||
基本和稀釋 | 19 | | | | |
截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月 | ||||||||||||||||||||
| 股數 |
| 面值爲 |
| 另行資本 |
| 留存收益 |
| 國庫 |
| 累積的 |
| 總計 | |||||||
2023年6月期末資產負債表 | | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | | |||||||
股票補償 | - | - | | - | - | - | | |||||||||||||
已發行的普通股用於歸屬的限制性股票單位 | | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||||
普通股發行,減去發行成本 (1) | | - | | - | - | - | | |||||||||||||
股票交付用於支付預留稅款 | ( | - | ( | - | - | - | ( | |||||||||||||
淨損失 | - | - | - | ( | - | - | ( | |||||||||||||
2023年9月30日餘額 | | $ | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | | |||||||
2024年6月30日的餘額 | | $ | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | | |||||||
股票補償 | - | - | | - | - | - | | |||||||||||||
普通股發行,扣除發行成本後淨額 (1) | | | | - | - | - | | |||||||||||||
淨損失 | - | - | - | ( | - | - | ( | |||||||||||||
2024年9月30日餘額 | | $ | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | |
(1) | 根據2017計劃的規定,本公司的普通股擁有的數量是經過授權的,拆股並股、分紅派息、派息、重組和其他類似交易或事件可能會對2017計劃進行調整。如果任何受獎勵的股票被沒收、到期、終止或以其他方式終止而未發行,該部分股票將再次可用於在2017計劃下發行。 |
截至2024年9月30日和2023年的九個月 | ||||||||||||||||||||
| 股數 |
| 面值爲 |
| 另行資本 |
| 留存收益 |
| 國庫 |
| 累積的 |
| 總計 | |||||||
2022年12月31日前餘額 | | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | | |||||||
股票補償 | - | - | | - | - | - | | |||||||||||||
已發行的普通股用於歸屬的限制性股票單位 | | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||||
發行普通股,扣除發行成本 (1) | | - | | - | - | - | | |||||||||||||
根據入股時應繳納的稅費而出售普通股 | ( | - | ( | - | - | - | ( | |||||||||||||
淨損失 | - | - | - | ( | - | - | ( | |||||||||||||
2023年9月30日餘額 | | $ | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | | |||||||
2023年12月31日餘額 | | $ | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | | |||||||
股票補償 | - | - | | - | - | - | | |||||||||||||
已發行的普通股用於已有限制的股票單位 | | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||||||||
普通股發行淨額,扣除發行成本 (1) | | | | - | - | - | | |||||||||||||
股份每股的投降以支付授予股票時應納稅款 | ( | - | ( | - | - | - | ( | |||||||||||||
淨損失 | - | - | - | ( | - | - | ( | |||||||||||||
2024年9月30日的餘額 | | $ | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | |
(1) | 根據2017計劃的規定,本公司的普通股擁有的數量是經過授權的,拆股並股、分紅派息、派息、重組和其他類似交易或事件可能會對2017計劃進行調整。如果任何受獎勵的股票被沒收、到期、終止或以其他方式終止而未發行,該部分股票將再次可用於在2017計劃下發行。 |
截至9月30日的九個月 | ||||||
單張債券 | 2024 |
| 2023 | |||
經營活動現金流量: | ||||||
淨損失 | $ | ( | $ | ( | ||
調整爲淨損失到經營活動現金流量淨使用: | ||||||
遞延所得稅支出(收益) | | ( | ||||
折舊和攤銷 | | | ||||
股票補償 | | | ||||
流動負債利息 | | | ||||
其他經營調整,淨額 | 21 | | | |||
經營性資產和負債變動: | ||||||
應收賬款 | ( | | ||||
存貨 | | | ||||
預付費用和其他流動資產 | ( | | ||||
其他非流動資產 | ( | - | ||||
應付賬款和其他應計負債 | | ( | ||||
現金結算的責任獎勵 | ( | - | ||||
採礦版稅和應付所得稅,淨額 | ( | ( | ||||
經營活動使用的淨現金流量 | ( | ( | ||||
投資活動現金流量: | ||||||
資本支出 | ( | ( | ||||
出售海事投資所得 | | - | ||||
投資活動產生的淨現金流出 | ( | ( | ||||
籌集資金的現金流量: | ||||||
來自ATM銷售的收入,扣除發行成本 | | | ||||
其他融資活動 | ( | ( | ||||
籌資活動產生的現金淨額 | | | ||||
匯率變動對現金及現金等價物的影響 | ( | ( | ||||
現金及現金等價物淨減少 | ( | ( | ||||
期初現金及現金等價物餘額 | | | ||||
期末現金及現金等價物 | $ | | $ | | ||
補充現金流信息 | ||||||
所得稅和礦業稅 | $ | | $ | |||
非現金投資或籌資活動: | ||||||
普通股份價值用於RSU贖回 | $ | | $ | | ||
應付賬款中資本支出餘額 | $ | | $ | | ||
設備融資餘額 | $ | | $ | - |
1. 基本報表的編制基礎
Gold Resource Corporation及其子公司(以下統稱「公司」)的簡明合併中期財務報表(「中期財務報表」)未經審計,並按照證券交易委員會(「SEC」)的規定編制。根據這些規定的允許,某些要求根據美國通用會計準則(「U.S. GAAP」)披露的信息和腳註已被壓縮或省略。然而,公司認爲包含的披露足以使所呈現的信息不會誤導。在管理層的意見中,這些中期財務報表的公平呈現所需的所有調整(包括正常循環調整)和披露已經包含在內。在這些中期財務報表中報告的結果不一定表示可能報告的整個年度的結果。這些中期財務報表應與截至2023年12月31日的年度審計合併財務報表一起閱讀,並納入公司在Form 10-k年度報告中包含的財務報表(「2023年度報告」)。年末資產負債表數據來源於經審計的財務報表。除非另有說明,與2023年度報告中所包含的經審計合併財務報表附註相比,腳註沒有發生實質性變化。
在報告中,2023財年的基本報表中的某些流動負債以及2023年的某些經營現金流已經重新分類,以符合今年的展示。這不會對先前呈現的總流動負債和總經營現金流產生影響。 基本報表 財年2023的基本報表中的某些經營現金流已經重新分類,以符合今年的展示。這並不會對之前呈現的總流動負債和總經營現金流產生影響。 壓縮的綜合中期現金流量表 這對之前呈現的總流動負債和總經營現金流沒有任何影響。
2. 新會計準則
FASB於2023年11月發佈了ASU 2023-07,即《分部報告(主題280):在2023年11月對可報告分部披露的改進》。修訂了可報告分部披露要求,包括年度和中期披露增量分部信息。披露增強內容包括有關通常提供給首席運營決策者並納入每個報告的分部利潤或損失指標中的重要分部費用的新披露,以及將分部營業收入與每個報告的分部利潤或損失指標聯繫起來的其他分部項目。ASU 2023-07的修訂自2023年12月15日之後開始的財政年度生效,並且自2024年12月15日之後開始的財政年度內的中期時段應用,適用於回顧性運用。允許提前採用。公司將於2024年12月31日年度財務報表中回顧性採納根據本修訂所需的分部披露。公司預計本更新對其合併財務報表和披露不會產生任何重大影響。
FASB於2023年12月發佈了ASU 2023-09,即《所得稅(主題740):對2023年12月所得稅披露的改進》。修訂了有關有效稅率調解和所得稅支付的所得稅披露要求。ASU 2023-09的修訂自2024年12月15日之後開始的財政年度生效,並且應用前瞻性。允許提前採用和修訂性運用這些修訂。公司目前正在評估本更新對其合併財務報表和披露的影響。
3. Going Concern
4. 營業收入
截至9月30日三個月的統計 | 截至9月30日的九個月 | |||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | |||||
(以千爲單位) | (以千爲單位) | |||||||||||
多瑞淨銷售 | ||||||||||||
黃金 | $ | - | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
白銀 | - | | | | ||||||||
Less: Refining charges | - | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||
Total doré sales, net | - | | | | ||||||||
精礦銷售 | ||||||||||||
黃金 | | | | | ||||||||
白銀 | | | | | ||||||||
銅 | | | | | ||||||||
鉛 | | | | | ||||||||
鋅 | | | | | ||||||||
減少:處理和精煉費用 | ( | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||
Total concentrate sales, net | | | | | ||||||||
已實現收益(損失)-嵌入式衍生工具, 由於每股普通股的發行價格可能高於每股普通股的賬面價值,因此您在此次購買中獲得的普通股的賬面價值可能會立即大幅稀釋,詳見下文的「稀釋」部分,以了解您在此次購買中要承受的稀釋情況。(1) | | ( | | | ||||||||
未實現(損失)收益 - 內含衍生工具,淨額 | ( | | ( | ( | ||||||||
淨銷售總額 | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | |
(1) | 銅、鉛和鋅是共同產品。在已實現的收益(損失)-嵌入式衍生工具淨額中,有 $ |
5. 存貨淨額
| 截至 |
| 截至 | |||
2021年9月30日 | 運營租賃負債: | |||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||
(以千爲單位) | ||||||
儲量 - 地下礦井 | $ | | $ | | ||
精礦 | | | ||||
Doré, net | | | ||||
小計 - 產品存貨 | | | ||||
物料和耗材 (1) | | | ||||
總計 | $ | | $ | |
(1) | 減去過時庫存準備 $ |
6. 所得稅
Mexico Mining Taxation
Mining entities in Mexico are subject to two mining duties, in addition to the
Company’s understanding that it meets these requirements, the Company pays a
In October 2023, the Company received a notification from the Mexican Tax Administration Services (「SAT」) with a sanction of
7. 預付費用和其他流動資產
| 截至 |
| 截至 | |||
2021年9月30日 | 運營租賃負債: | |||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||
(以千爲單位) | ||||||
預付供應商款 | $ | | $ | | ||
預付保險 | | | ||||
預付所得稅 | | | ||||
其他資產 | | | ||||
總計 | $ | | $ | |
8. 資產、設備和礦山開發淨值
| 截至 |
| 截至 | |||
2021年9月30日 | 運營租賃負債: | |||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||
(以千爲單位) | ||||||
資產退役費用(「ARO資產」) | $ | | $ | | ||
在建工程 | | | ||||
傢俱 | | | ||||
土地 | | | ||||
礦權 | | | ||||
輕型車輛和其他移動設備 | | | ||||
機械和設備 | | | ||||
磨坊設施和基礎設施 | | | ||||
礦業開發 | | | ||||
軟件和許可證 | | | ||||
小計 | | | ||||
累計折舊及攤銷費用 | ( | ( | ||||
總計 | $ | | $ | |
9. 其他非流動資產
| 截至 |
| 截至 | |||
2021年9月30日 | 運營租賃負債: | |||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||
(以千爲單位) | ||||||
海事投資 | $ | - | $ | | ||
綠光金屬投資 | | | ||||
其他非流動資產 | | | ||||
總計 | $ | | $ | |
Investment in Green Light Metals
10. 應計費用和其他負債
| 截至 |
| 截至 | |||
2021年9月30日 | 運營租賃負債: | |||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||
(以千爲單位) | ||||||
應計版稅支付 | $ | | $ | | ||
短期激勵計劃應計 | | | ||||
基於股票的補償責任-流動 | | | ||||
設備融資 | | - | ||||
員工利潤分享義務 | | | ||||
其他應付款項 | | | ||||
累計費用及其他流動負債總計 | $ | | $ | | ||
應計的非流動勞工義務 | $ | | $ | | ||
基於股份的報酬負債 | | | ||||
其他長期負債 | | | ||||
其他非流動負債總額 | $ | | $ | |
11. 黃金和白銀流動協議
以下表格顯示了公司截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日與Osisko Bermuda有限公司(Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd(tsx NYSE: OR)的全資子公司OBL)關於黃金和白銀流動協議相關的責任。
| 截至 |
| 截至 | |||
2021年9月30日 | 運營租賃負債: | |||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||
(以千爲單位) | ||||||
與黃金流量協議相關的責任 | $ | | $ | | ||
與白銀流量協議相關的負債 | | | ||||
總負債 | $ | | $ | |
流轉協議包含有關違約和安全性的慣例條款。如果公司違約根據流轉協議,包括未能在約定日期前實現商業生產,則可能需要償還按照與OBL約定的利率支付的存入資金以及累積利息。如果公司未能這樣做,OBL可能選擇作爲受抵押方執行其救濟措施,並佔有組成Back Forty項目的資產。
根據黃金流協議的條款,OBL將從Back Forty購買
通過一系列合同, Aquila與OBL執行了一項白銀供應協議,用於購買
12. 回收和整治
| 2024 |
| 2023 | |||
(以千爲單位) | ||||||
清理責任 - 期初餘額 | $ | | $ | | ||
外幣兌換收益或損失 | ( | | ||||
回收債務 - 期末餘額 | | | ||||
資產退役責任 - 期初餘額 (1) | | | ||||
估計變更 (1) | - | ( | ||||
阿奎拉井孔封堵責任 | - | | ||||
增值 | | | ||||
外幣兌換收益或損失 | ( | | ||||
資產養老責任 - 期末餘額 | | | ||||
期末總餘額 | $ | | $ | |
(1) | 2023年,公司更新了其關閉計劃研究,導致一 $ |
公司在2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的未折現清算義務爲 $
13. 承諾和事項
a. | C$ |
b. | C$ |
c. | C$ |
a. | C$ |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | |||
(以千爲單位) | ||||||
待決條件款項的期初餘額: | ||||||
目前的或可能的事項負債 | $ | - | $ | | ||
非流動的或可能的事項負債 | | | ||||
$ | | $ | | |||
價值變動 在當前情況下的有條件考慮 | $ | - | $ | ( | ||
價值變動 在非當前情況下的有條件考慮 | $ | ( | $ | | ||
待定對價的期末餘額: | ||||||
目前的或可能的事項負債 | $ | - | $ | - | ||
非流動的或有條件付款 | | | ||||
$ | | $ | |
通過在2021年12月10日收購 Aquila Resources Inc.,公司承擔了與 OBL 的黃金和白銀流互協議相關的重大責任。根據協議,OBL 總計預付了$
以與OBL達成一致的利率償還存入資金以及累積的利息。如果未能如約償還,OBL可能有權作爲擔保方執行其救濟措施並取得構成Back Forty Project的資產的所有權。
14. 股東權益
公司於2019年11月與H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC(「代理方」)簽訂的現場市場發行(「ATM」)協議,於2024年4月3日續約,根據協議,代理方同意充當公司就公司普通股不時發行和銷售的銷售代理,總銷售價格可達到
15. 金融衍生產品
由於集中銷售合同中的臨時定價條款,尚待最終結算的裝運中含有嵌入式衍生工具。每個報告期末,公司會根據遠期金屬價格對未結清的臨時發票進行按市值計價調整,以調整應收賬款和銷售額。請參閱 注意—20 公允價值計量 fo@microcaprodeo.com 項目1—未經審計的簡明合併中期財務報表及附註 , 以獲取有關調整應收賬款和營業收入的已實現和未實現盈虧的額外信息。
黃金 | 白銀 | 銅 | 鉛 | 鋅 | 總計 | |||||||||||||
| (盎司) |
| (盎司) |
| (tonnes) |
| (tonnes) |
| (tonnes) | |||||||||
根據合約 | ||||||||||||||||||
平均遠期價格 (每盎司或每噸) | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | |||||||||||||
Unsettled sales contracts value (以千爲單位) | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | $ | |
16. 僱員福利
2021年4月23日,在墨西哥《聯邦官方公報》上發佈了一項改革勞動外包的法令。該法令修改了外包條款,使運營公司不再可以從服務實體或第三方提供商那裏獲取用於執行核心業務功能的勞動資源。根據墨西哥法律,員工有權收到法定利潤分享(Participacion a los Trabajadores de las Utilidades或「PTU」)支付。員工應收到的現金支付總額應等於
17. 股票基礎報酬
The Company’s compensation program comprises three main elements: (1) base salary, (2) an annual short-term incentive plan (「STIP」) award which may be in the form of cash or Deferred Share Units (「DSUs」) with immediate vesting, and (3) long-term equity-based incentive compensation (「LTIP」) in the form of stock options, Restricted Share Units (「RSUs」), and Performance Share Units (「PSUs」).
The Gold Resource Corporation 2016 Equity Incentive Plan (the 「Incentive Plan」) allows for the issuance of up to
The Company’s STIP for its management team provides an annual award, which may be settled as a cash payable through the issuance of fully vested equity awards (such as fully vested stock grants or DSUs), or a combination of cash and stock awards (DSUs), upon achievement of specified performance metrics. As of September 30, 2024, the Company has a $
截至9月30日三個月的統計 | 截至9月30日的九個月 | |||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | |||||
(以千爲單位) | (以千爲單位) | |||||||||||
股票期權 | $ | - | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
限制性股票單位 | | | | | ||||||||
績效股份單位 | | ( | | ( | ||||||||
推遲的股票單位 | | ( | | ( | ||||||||
總計 | $ | | $ | ( | $ | | $ | |
| 股票 |
| 已授予和預期於2021年1月2日授予股份 | ||
截至2022年12月31日的持股期權 | | $ | | ||
已過期或被沒收 | ( | | |||
截至2023年9月30日未行使的認股權數量爲 | | $ | | ||
截至2023年12月未解決的 | | $ | | ||
授權 / 行使 / 放棄 | | | |||
截至2024年9月30日爲止 | | $ | | ||
自2024年9月30日起已授予和可行使 | | $ | |
| 限制性 |
| 總計 | ||
截至2022年12月31日尚未獲得的 | | $ | | ||
已行權 | | ||||
已投資但未贖回(遞延) | ( | ||||
已授予並已兌現 | ( | ||||
授予和沒收用於淨結算 | ( | ||||
被取消 | ( | ||||
截至2023年9月30日尚未獲得的 | | $ | | ||
2023年12月31日前尚未取得的 | | $ | | ||
已行權 | | ||||
作爲獎金的替代授予 | | ||||
已授予但尚未贖回(延遲) | ( | ||||
已獲得並贖回 | ( | ||||
已獲得並因淨結算而被沒收 | ( | ||||
被取消 | ( | ||||
截至2024年9月30日尚未投資 | | $ | |
| 表現 |
| 負債平衡 | ||
截至2022年12月31日的持股期權 | | $ | | ||
已行權 | | ||||
被取消 | ( | ||||
截至2023年9月30日未行使的認股權數量爲 | | $ | | ||
截至2023年12月未解決的 | | $ | | ||
已行權 | | ||||
被取消 | ( | ||||
償還了 | ( | ||||
截至2024年9月30日未完成 | | $ | |
| 延期支付 |
| 負債平衡 | ||
截至2022年12月31日未償清 | | $ | | ||
已行權 | | ||||
作爲代替袍金而授予 | | ||||
作爲行政獎金的替代 | | ||||
償還了 | ( | ||||
截至2023年9月30日爲止的未清款項 | | $ | | ||
截至2023年12月31日爲止,未解決的。 | | $ | | ||
作爲袍金的折衷授權 | | ||||
截至2024年9月30日爲止的未清金額 | | $ | |
18. 其他費用,淨
截至9月30日三個月的統計 | 截至9月30日的九個月 | |||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | |||||
(以千爲單位) | (以千爲單位) | |||||||||||
貨幣兌換未實現損失 (1) | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
貨幣兌換已實現損益(收益) | | ( | ( | | ||||||||
黃金和白銀圓形的實現和未實現的(收益)損失,淨 | ( | | ( | ( | ||||||||
投資銷售的實現虧損 (2) | | - | | - | ||||||||
固定資產處置損失 | - | - | - | | ||||||||
流動負債利息 | | | | | ||||||||
解僱費用 | | | | | ||||||||
其他(收益)費用 | ( | | | | ||||||||
總計 | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | |
(1) | Gains and losses due to changes in fair value are non-cash in nature until such time that they are realized through cash transactions. For additional information regarding the Company’s fair value measurements and investments, please see Note 20—Fair Value Measurement 在MF患者中Item 1—Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and Notes (unaudited) for additional information. |
(2) | On September 23, 2024, all the common shares of Maritime were sold in a private placement transaction for C$ |
截至2023年1月31日三個月的 | 截至九個月結束時 | |||||||||||
2021年9月30日 | 2021年9月30日 | |||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 | 2024 |
| 2023 | ||||||
分子: | ||||||||||||
淨損失(以千爲單位) | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | ||||
分母: | ||||||||||||
基本和攤薄加權平均普通股股數 | | | | | ||||||||
每股普通股基本和稀釋淨虧損 | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( |
20. 公允價值衡量
一級 | 在測量日可以獲得,用於相同無限制資產或負債的活躍市場內未經調整的報價價格; |
二級 | 在市場上報價不活躍或對資產或負債的完整期限具有觀察性的輸入,無論是直接還是間接的;以及 |
三級 | 需要對公允價值進行測量的價格或估值技術需要的輸入既對公允價值測量具有重要意義,又是不可觀察的(幾乎沒有市場活動支持)。 |
| 截至 | 截至 |
| |||||
2021年9月30日 | 12月31日, | Input Hierarchy Level | ||||||
2024 |
| 2023 | ||||||
(以千爲單位) | ||||||||
現金及現金等價物 | $ | | $ | | 一級 | |||
2,687,823 | $ | | $ | | 二級 | |||
投資於權益證券-海運 | $ | - | $ | | 一級 | |||
投資於股權證券-綠燈金屬 | $ | | $ | | 三級 |
現金及現金等價物: Cash and cash equivalents consist primarily of cash deposits and are valued at cost, approximating fair value.
應收賬款淨額: Accounts receivable, net include amounts due to the Company for deliveries of concentrates and doré sold to customers. Concentrate sales contracts provide for provisional pricing as specified in such contracts. These sales contain an embedded derivative related to the provisional pricing mechanism which is bifurcated and accounted for as a derivative. At the end of each reporting period, the Company records an adjustment to sales to reflect the mark-to-market of outstanding provisional invoices based on the forward price curve. Because these provisionally priced sales have not yet settled as of the reporting date, the mark-to-market adjustment related to these invoices is included in accounts receivable as of each reporting date.
At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Company had an unrealized gain of $
Investment in equity securities—Maritime2022年9月22日,公司在Maritime Resources corp.(逐筆明細代碼MAE.V)進行了C$投資
Investment in equity securities—Green Light Metals: Upon maturity on December 28, 2022, the Company received
Gains and losses related to changes in the fair value of embedded derivatives were included in the Company’s Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Operations, as shown in the following table (in thousands):
For the three months ended September 30, | For the nine months ended September 30, | Statements of Operations Classification | |||||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| |||||||
Note | (in thousands) | ||||||||||||||
Realized and unrealized derivative (loss) gain, net | 15 | $ | ( | $ | | $ | | $ | ( | Sales, net |
Realized/Unrealized Derivatives
The following tables summarize the Company’s realized/unrealized derivatives for the periods presented (in thousands):
| Gold |
| Silver |
| Copper |
| Lead |
| Zinc |
| Total | |||||||
For the three months ended September 30, 2024 | ||||||||||||||||||
Realized gain (loss) | $ | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||||
Unrealized (loss) gain | ( | ( | | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||||||
Total realized/unrealized derivatives, net | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | | $ | ( |
| Gold | Silver | Copper | Lead | Zinc | Total | ||||||||||||
For the three months ended September 30, 2023 | ||||||||||||||||||
Realized gain (loss) | $ | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | ||||||
Unrealized (loss) gain | ( | ( | | ( | | | ||||||||||||
Total realized/unrealized derivatives, net | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | - | $ | ( | $ | | $ | |
| Gold |
| Silver |
| Copper |
| Lead |
| Zinc |
| Total | |||||||
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 | ||||||||||||||||||
Realized gain | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||||
Unrealized (loss) gain | ( | ( | ( | | ( | ( | ||||||||||||
Total realized/unrealized derivatives, net | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | |
| Gold |
| Silver |
| Copper |
| Lead |
| Zinc |
| Total | |||||||
For the nine months ended September 30, 2023 | ||||||||||||||||||
Realized gain (loss) | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | | ||||||
Unrealized (loss) gain | ( | ( | ( | ( | | ( | ||||||||||||
Total realized/unrealized derivatives, net | $ | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( |
Gold Resource Corporation—Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and Notes (Unaudited)
21. Supplementary Cash Flow Information
Other operating adjustments and write-downs within net cash provided by operating activities on the Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 consisted of the following:
| For the nine months ended September 30, | |||||
2024 |
| 2023 | ||||
(in thousands) | ||||||
Unrealized gain on gold and silver rounds | $ | ( | $ | ( | ||
Unrealized foreign currency exchange loss | | | ||||
Unrealized loss on investments | | | ||||
Other | | | ||||
Total other operating adjustments, net | $ | | $ | |
Gold Resource Corporation—Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and Notes (Unaudited)
22. Segment Reporting
As of September 30, 2024 the Company has organized its operations into
The following table shows selected information from the Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets relating to the Company’s segments (in thousands):
| Oaxaca, |
| Michigan, |
| Corporate |
| Consolidated | |||||
As of September 30, 2024 | ||||||||||||
Total current assets | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
Total non-current assets (1) | | | | | ||||||||
Total assets | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
Total current liabilities | $ | | | | $ | | ||||||
Total non-current liabilities | | | | | ||||||||
Total shareholders’ equity | | | | | ||||||||
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
As of December 31, 2023 | ||||||||||||
Total current assets | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
Total non-current assets (1) | | | | | ||||||||
Total assets | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
Total current liabilities | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
Total non-current liabilities | | | | | ||||||||
Total shareholders’ equity | | | | | ||||||||
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | |
(1) | As of September 30, 2024, the total non-current assets included capital investments of $ |
Gold Resource Corporation—Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and Notes (Unaudited)
The following table shows selected information from the Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Operations relating to the Company’s segments (in thousands):
| Oaxaca, |
| Michigan, |
| Corporate |
| Consolidated | |||||
For the three months ended September 30, 2024 | ||||||||||||
Sales, net | $ | | $ | - | $ | - | $ | | ||||
Total mine cost of sales, including depreciation | | | | | ||||||||
Exploration expense | | | - | | ||||||||
Total other costs and expenses, including G&A | | | | | ||||||||
Income tax benefit | ( | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||
Net loss | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | ||||
Oaxaca, |
| Michigan, |
| Corporate |
| Consolidated | ||||||
For the three months ended September 30, 2023 | ||||||||||||
Sales, net | $ | | $ | - | $ | - | $ | | ||||
Total mine cost of sales, including depreciation | | | | | ||||||||
Exploration expense | | | - | | ||||||||
Total other costs and expenses, including G&A | | | | | ||||||||
Income tax benefit | ( | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||
Net loss | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( |
| Oaxaca, |
| Michigan, |
| Corporate |
| Consolidated | |||||
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 | ||||||||||||
Sales, net | $ | | $ | - | $ | - | $ | | ||||
Total mine cost of sales, including depreciation | | | | | ||||||||
Exploration expense | | | - | | ||||||||
Total other costs and expenses, including G&A | | | | | ||||||||
Income tax provision (benefit) | | | ( | | ||||||||
Net loss | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | ||||
For the nine months ended September 30, 2023 | ||||||||||||
Sales, net | $ | | $ | - | $ | - | $ | | ||||
Total mine cost of sales, including depreciation | | | | | ||||||||
Exploration expense | | | - | | ||||||||
Total other costs and expenses, including G&A | | | | | ||||||||
Income tax benefit | ( | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||
Net loss | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( | $ | ( |
Gold Resource Corporation—Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and Notes (Unaudited)
ITEM 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
The following discussion summarizes the results of operations of Gold Resource Corporation and its subsidiaries (“we,” “our,” “us,” or the “Company”) for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and compares those results with the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023. It also analyzes the Company’s financial condition as of September 30, 2024, and compares it to the financial condition as of December 31, 2023. This discussion should be read in conjunction with management’s discussion and analysis and the audited consolidated financial statements and footnotes contained in the 2023 Annual Report.
The discussion also presents certain non-GAAP financial measures that are important to management in its evaluation of the operating results, and which are used by management to compare the Company’s performance with what it perceives to be peer group mining companies and are relied on as part of management’s decision-making process. Management believes these measures may also be important to investors in evaluating the Company’s performance. For a detailed description of each of the non-GAAP financial measures and a reconciliation to GAAP financial measures, please see the discussion below under Non-GAAP Measures. Also see Forward-Looking Statements at the end of this Item 2 for important information regarding statements contained herein.
Gold Resource Corporation is a mining company that pursues gold, silver, and other metal projects that require reasonable capital requirements and could achieve high returns. DDGM is the Company’s cornerstone asset comprised of six contiguous land parcels. The Company’s focus is unlocking the significant upside potential of DDGM through optimization of the current operations, growing the existing resource by investing in exploration drilling, and identifying new opportunities near existing infrastructure. The primary mineral production comes from the Arista and Switchback underground mining areas. This mine and processing facilities can produce gold and silver doré as well as concentrates of copper, lead, and zinc.
The Back Forty Project, when developed, is expected to produce gold and silver doré and concentrates of copper and zinc bearing gold and silver. Optimization work related to metallurgy and the economic model was completed during the third quarter of 2023 and the Company filed the Back Forty Project Technical Report Summary (S-K 1300) on October 26, 2023. Results of the work indicate a more robust economic project with no planned impacts to wetlands that is more protective of the environment, which should facilitate a successful mine permitting process. The Company’s Board continues to evaluate its options with respect to unlocking the value of the Back Forty development project.
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Ground Support Inspection | DDGM faced a number of production challenges in the third quarter. Firstly, the typically arid region experienced several tropical storms that disrupted the material processing schedule due to increased rainfall. The high humidity levels further affected throughput and concentrate quality, resulting in customer payment delays. The operations team implemented process changes to minimize downtime and ensure continuity of operations for future wet weather-related disruptions. Secondly, the reduced availability of some of the critical mining equipment—used both underground and on the surface—impacted operational efficiency in the third quarter. To address this, replacement of old equipment is required, and the maintenance and engineering teams have developed action plans to improve, where possible, the readiness of this equipment. The Company is seeking additional capital for investment in new mining equipment. Lastly, geotechnical rehabilitation in Arista posed further slow-downs. Extensive rehabilitation efforts were undertaken in the third quarter to ensure the safety and accessibility of the production areas that have not been used for over two years. Critical support infrastructure was replaced and aligned with updated safety standards. This activity temporarily delayed access to these areas. Going forward, however, this work has positioned production with access to higher-grade material in the upcoming fourth quarter. The operations team continues to prioritize safety, efficiency, and continuous improvement in mitigating the impacts of these challenges and positioning the operation for stronger outcomes in the coming quarters. |
DDGM Exploration Update
The Company’s portfolio of properties that make up DDGM are located along a 55-kilometer stretch of the San Jose structural corridor in the Sierra Madre Sur mountain range. This northwest trending structural corridor spans three historic mining districts in the state of Oaxaca. Strategic planning and prioritization of regional surface exploration activities continues across several properties, aiming to define additional high-value drill targets and demonstrating the Company’s commitment to long-term investment in Oaxaca, Mexico.
Underground infill exploration drilling continued from accessible areas within the Arista mine using a dedicated contract diamond drill rig in the third quarter of 2024. Due to the lack of additional drill stations in the Three Sisters system, as a result of the age and condition of some of the critical mining equipment in use at the mine, as well as decreased cash due to prior production shortfalls, as discussed above, the focus of infill drilling strategically shifted to the northwest extension of the Arista vein system, targeting the Marena North, Santa Cecilia and Splay 31 veins. The goal of this drilling is to upgrade inferred resources to the measured and indicated categories in the Splay 31 vein, while also identifying additional inferred resources in the Santa Cecilia and Marena North veins. All veins within the northwest extension of the Arista vein system remain open along strike to the northwest as well as up- and down-dip. However, infill drilling was suspended on August 1, 2024 to conserve cash while a second diamond drill rig, owned and operated by DDGM, was allocated to grade control drilling which continued as planned during the third quarter. This drilling provided additional information and comfort with respect to the detailed geologic modeling and that the mine plan can deliver ore from each area of the mine with the highest possible net smelter return (“NSR”) to the process plant. Although the Company believes
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
this mine has significant potential to generate positive cash flow, based on the information to date from the new areas of the Three Sisters as well as other areas that have been discovered near the existing mining zones, the Company does not believe that the mine will generate sufficient free cash flow in the near term without the addition of these areas to the life-of-mine plan.
Despite the equipment unavailability and cash flow shortages described above, the underground exploration drill program continued to advance the Company’s 2024 exploration objectives of identifying and expanding new mineralization, while also defining and upgrading additional Mineral Resources identified during the previous drilling campaign. The third quarter drill results will be incorporated into a resource estimate update, scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2025. Preliminary calculations indicate a positive increase in tonnage and higher grades in the Three Sisters and Gloria vein systems. Following the completion of a planned 250 meters of exploration development on Level 3, which began in the third quarter of 2024, infill and expansion drilling will resume with the goal of expanding the Three Sisters and Gloria vein systems along strike to the north-west as well as up- and down-dip.
During the third quarter of 2024, six infill drill holes were completed for a total of 1,399 meters and 20 grade control drill holes were completed for a total of 1,395 meters. The positive initial drill results have validated the continued capital investment in exploration drilling to date in 2024 and underscored the area’s potential for future mineral resource expansion.
Exploration drilling in the third quarter of 2024 targeted the following zones at the Arista mine:
o | Infill drilling from Level 3 focused on the Marena North, Santa Cecilia and Splay 31 veins along the northwest extension of the Arista system, aiming to upgrade and expand the Mineral Resources in these areas. Due to their proximity to existing mine infrastructure, these areas offer efficient and shorter-haul access to near-term mine production opportunities. To date, drilling along the northern extension of the Arista vein system has identified mineralization over an additional 300 meters along strike to the northwest from the current mining limits, with structures remaining open along strike to the northwest, as well as up- and down-dip. |
o | Grade control drilling continued to focus on validating near-term production opportunities not previously realized within the mine. This included targeting the Sarabi and Selene veins in the Switchback system from Level 14.5, as well as successfully testing the Splay 31 and Splay 5 veins in the Arista system from Level 1 and Level 19, respectively. Definition of these zones allows mining operations increased flexibility in scheduling ore production for this area. |
Hole No. 524046: Splay 31 vein (253.08 – 258.40 m; 5.32 m). Arista system infill drilling Q3 2024. 2.66 m estimated true width at 3.04 g/t AuEq of $413/t NSR (1.54 g/t Au, 116 g/t Ag, 0.30% Cu, 11.33% Pb, 12.69% Zn) |
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
During the third quarter of 2024, regional exploration efforts focused on evaluating and prioritizing advanced stage projects along the 55-kilometer trend of the San Jose structural corridor. These projects include Alta Gracia, Margaritas, Chamizo, El Rey, and Jabali, within concessions controlled by DDGM (see map below). Additionally, prospects near the Arista mine are being re-evaluated for their near-term potential with the goal of defining priority near-mine drill targets.
Regional Geologic Map Showing Advanced Project and Prospect Locations and Exploration Concessions Controlled by Don David Gold Mine
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Results of Operations
Don David Gold Mine
Mine activities during the third quarter of 2024 included development and ore extraction from the Arista mine.
The following table summarizes certain production statistics about DDGM for the periods indicated:
For the three months ended September 30, | For the nine months ended September 30, | ||||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | ||||||
Arista Mine | |||||||||||||
Milled | |||||||||||||
Tonnes Milled | 83,690 | 116,626 | 276,266 | 346,857 | |||||||||
Grade | |||||||||||||
Average Gold Grade (g/t) | 0.54 | 1.52 | 1.27 | 1.82 | |||||||||
Average Silver Grade (g/t) | 83 | 73 | 91 | 85 | |||||||||
Average Copper Grade (%) | 0.19 | 0.32 | 0.28 | 0.35 | |||||||||
Average Lead Grade (%) | 1.01 | 1.29 | 1.09 | 1.56 | |||||||||
Average Zinc Grade (%) | 2.63 | 3.24 | 2.69 | 3.61 | |||||||||
Recoveries | |||||||||||||
Average Gold Recovery (%) | 65.1 | 77.9 | 76.7 | 79.7 | |||||||||
Average Silver Recovery (%) | 87.4 | 89.7 | 87.7 | 91.0 | |||||||||
Average Copper Recovery (%) | 57.4 | 74.5 | 71.7 | 77.0 | |||||||||
Average Lead Recovery (%) | 68.2 | 69.5 | 66.5 | 74.1 | |||||||||
Average Zinc Recovery (%) | 79.1 | 85.2 | 81.8 | 84.8 | |||||||||
Combined | |||||||||||||
Tonnes Milled (1) | 83,690 | 116,626 | 276,266 | 347,917 | |||||||||
Tonnes Milled per Day (2) | 1,244 | 1,557 | 1,293 | 1,455 | |||||||||
Metal production | |||||||||||||
Gold (ozs.) | 944 | 4,443 | 8,648 | 16,251 | |||||||||
Silver (ozs.) | 194,525 | 247,159 | 709,255 | 859,651 | |||||||||
Copper (tonnes) | 93 | 276 | 554 | 946 | |||||||||
Lead (tonnes) | 576 | 1,048 | 2,004 | 3,996 | |||||||||
Zinc (tonnes) | 1,741 | 3,223 | 6,071 | 10,629 | |||||||||
Metal produced and sold | |||||||||||||
Gold (ozs.) | 1,357 | 3,982 | 7,638 | 14,777 | |||||||||
Silver (ozs.) | 181,434 | 208,905 | 632,529 | 777,977 | |||||||||
Copper (tonnes) | 98 | 245 | 559 | 904 | |||||||||
Lead (tonnes) | 467 | 947 | 1,625 | 3,681 | |||||||||
Zinc (tonnes) | 1,473 | 2,571 | 4,926 | 8,772 | |||||||||
Percentage payable metal | |||||||||||||
Gold (%) | 144 | 90 | 88 | 91 | |||||||||
Silver (%) | 93 | 85 | 89 | 90 | |||||||||
Copper (%) | 105 | 89 | 101 | 96 | |||||||||
Lead (%) | 81 | 90 | 81 | 92 | |||||||||
Zinc (%) | 85 | 80 | 81 | 83 |
(1) | Based on actual days the mill operated during the period. |
(2) | The difference between what the Company reports as “ounces/tonnes produced” and “payable ounces/tonnes sold” is attributable to the difference between the quantities of metals contained in the concentrates the Company produces versus the portion of those metals actually paid for according to the terms of the Company’s sales contracts. Differences can also arise from inventory changes incidental to shipping schedules, or variances in ore grades and recoveries, which impact the amounts of metals contained in concentrates produced and sold. |
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Third quarter 2024 compared to third quarter 2023
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, total tonnes milled of 83,690 were 28% lower than in the same period in 2023. Metal production for gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc decreased by 79%, 21%, 66%, 45%, and 46%, respectively, during the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the same period last year. Although the lower tonnes processed and lower metal grades for all metals, with the exception of silver, were expected in the 2024 mine plan, the third quarter production was significantly impacted by the lack of availability of critical mining equipment and the lack of multiple faces to mine, in addition to the unfavorable weather conditions impacting the mining and processing operations.
Grades & Recoveries
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, all of the ore processed came from the Arista mine with an average gold grade of 0.54 g/t and silver grade of 83 g/t, compared to an average gold grade of 1.52 g/t and silver grade of 73 g/t, respectively, for the same period in 2023. For the three months ending September 30, 2024, the average gold grade was 64% lower and the average silver grade was 14% higher when compared to the same period in 2023. This reduction in grade is partly due to the additional dilution caused by mining narrower veins, as scheduled in the third quarter. As shown in the Technical Report Summary for DDGM incorporated by reference in the 2023 Annual Report (the “Technical Report Summary”), the ore grades are generally expected to decline over time in line with the life of mine average shown in the estimates of mineral reserves (as defined by subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K, “Mineral Reserve”) and mineral resources (as defined by subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K, “Mineral Resource”) tables contained therein (the “Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Tables”). As grades decline, recoveries are expected to decline as well. The Company’s base metals average grades during the three months ended September 30, 2024 were 0.19% for copper, 1.01% for lead, and 2.63% for zinc. The copper, lead, and zinc grades were lower by 41%, 22%, and 19%, respectively, as compared to same period in 2023.
Gold and silver recoveries for the three months ended September 30, 2024 were 65.1% and 87.4%, respectively, reflecting a 16% decrease for gold and a 3% decrease for silver over the same period in 2023. Copper, lead, and zinc recoveries for the three months ended September 30, 2024 were 57.4%, 68.2%, and 79.1%, respectively. Recoveries for copper, lead, and zinc in the three months ended September 30, 2024 when compared to the same period in 2023, declined by 23%, 2%, and 7%, respectively. During the three months ended September 30, 2024, metal recoveries were further impacted by filtration issues experienced in the processing plant during August and have since been resolved.
Year-to-date 2024 compared to year-to-date 2023
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, total tonnes milled of 276,266 were 20% lower than in the same period in 2023. Metal production for gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc decreased by 47%, 17%, 41%, 50%, and 43%, respectively, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to the same period last year. Although lower tonnes processed and lower metal grades for all metals, with the exception of silver, were expected in the 2024 mine plan, production was significantly impacted by the lack of availability of critical mining equipment and the lack of multiple faces to mine, especially in the third quarter, in addition to the unfavorable weather conditions impacting the mining and processing operations.
Grades & Recoveries
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, all of the ore processed came from the Arista system with an average gold grade of 1.27 g/t and silver grade of 91 g/t, compared to an average gold grade of 1.82 g/t and silver grade of 85 g/t, respectively, for the same period in 2023. To date in 2024, the average gold grade was 30% lower and the average silver grade 7% higher. As shown in the Technical Report Summary for DDGM incorporated by reference in the 2023
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Annual Report (the “Technical Report Summary”), the ore grades are generally expected to decline over time in line with the life of mine average shown in the estimates of mineral reserves (as defined by subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K, “Mineral Reserve”) and mineral resources (as defined by subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K, “Mineral Resource”) tables contained therein (the “Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Tables”). As grades decline, recoveries are expected to decline as well. The Company’s base metals average grades during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were 0.28% for copper, 1.09% for lead, and 2.69% for zinc. The copper, lead, and zinc grades were lower by 20%, 30%, and 25%, respectively, as compared to same period in 2023.
Gold and silver recoveries for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were 76.7% and 87.7%, respectively, reflecting a 4% decrease for gold and a 4% decrease for silver over the same period in 2023. Copper, lead, and zinc recoveries for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were 71.7%, 66.5%, and 81.8%, respectively. Recoveries for copper, lead, and zinc in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, when compared to the same period in 2023, declined by 7%, 10%, and 4%, respectively.
Sales Statistics
The following table summarizes certain sales statistics about DDGM operations for the periods indicated:
For the three months ended September 30, | For the nine months ended September 30, | |||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | |||||
Net sales (in thousands) | ||||||||||||
Gold | $ | 3,416 | $ | 7,690 | $ | 17,197 | $ | 28,529 | ||||
Silver | 5,424 | 4,919 | 17,333 | 18,202 | ||||||||
Copper | 917 | 2,049 | 5,099 | 7,792 | ||||||||
Lead | 918 | 2,060 | 3,342 | 7,807 | ||||||||
Zinc | 4,045 | 6,283 | 13,108 | 23,762 | ||||||||
Less: Treatment and refining charges | (1,394) | (2,788) | (4,416) | (9,300) | ||||||||
Realized and unrealized gain (loss) - embedded derivative, net | (54) | 339 | 1,093 | (205) | ||||||||
Total sales, net | $ | 13,272 | $ | 20,552 | $ | 52,756 | $ | 76,587 | ||||
Metal produced and sold | ||||||||||||
Gold (ozs.) | 1,357 | 3,982 | 7,638 | 14,777 | ||||||||
Silver (ozs.) | 181,434 | 208,905 | 632,529 | 777,977 | ||||||||
Copper (tonnes) | 98 | 245 | 559 | 904 | ||||||||
Lead (tonnes) | 467 | 947 | 1,625 | 3,681 | ||||||||
Zinc (tonnes) | 1,473 | 2,571 | 4,926 | 8,772 | ||||||||
Average metal prices realized (1) | ||||||||||||
Gold ($ per oz.) | $ | 2,561 | $ | 1,934 | $ | 2,309 | $ | 1,948 | ||||
Silver ($ per oz.) | $ | 30.61 | $ | 23.61 | $ | 28.06 | $ | 23.86 | ||||
Copper ($ per tonne) | $ | 8,832 | $ | 8,185 | $ | 9,260 | $ | 8,624 | ||||
Lead ($ per tonne) | $ | 2,065 | $ | 2,196 | $ | 2,080 | $ | 2,166 | ||||
Zinc ($ per tonne) | $ | 2,854 | $ | 2,195 | $ | 2,733 | $ | 2,648 | ||||
Gold equivalent ounces sold | ||||||||||||
Gold Ounces | 1,357 | 3,982 | 7,638 | 14,777 | ||||||||
Gold Equivalent Ounces from Silver | 2,169 | 2,550 | 7,687 | 9,529 | ||||||||
Total AuEq oz | 3,526 | 6,532 | 15,325 | 24,306 |
(1) | Average metal prices realized vary from the market metal prices due to final settlement adjustments from the Company’s provisional invoices when they are settled. The Company’s average metal prices realized will therefore differ from the average market metal prices in most cases. |
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Third quarter 2024 compared to third quarter 2023
Besides the expected lower tonnes mined and changes in metal grades and recoveries for the three months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to the same period in 2023, the results of which were considered in the 2024 guidance disclosed in the 2023 Annual Report, the key drivers of the production and financial results relate to the issues the Company faced especially in the third quarter of 2024, including the issues with equipment availability due to the age and condition of some of the critical mining equipment, the decreasing cash and working capital, and the unprecedented weather and high humidity affecting our sales and production.
Metal Sold
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, gold sales of 1,357 ounces, silver sales of 181,434 ounces, copper sales of 98 tonnes, lead sales of 467 tonnes, and zinc sales of 1,473 tonnes decreased by 66%, 13%, 60%, 51%, and 43%, respectively, as compared to the same period in 2023. The lower metal production was partially expected due to mine sequencing, but challenges with equipment availability, the lack of multiple faces to mine, and the unusually wet hurricane season at the mine site also negatively affected the Company’s metal sales and production.
Average metal prices realized
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, the average metal prices were $2,561 per ounce for gold, $30.61 per ounce for silver, $8,832 per tonne for copper, $2,065 per tonne for lead, and $2,854 per tonne for zinc. Compared to the same period in 2023, the average metal price for gold and silver increased by 32% and 30%, respectively. The average metal price for copper and zinc also increased by 8% and 30%, respectively, while the average metal price for lead decreased by 6%.
Year-to-date 2024 compared to year-to-date 2023
Besides the expected lower tonnes mined and changes in metal grades and recoveries for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to the same period in 2023, the results of which were considered in the 2024 guidance disclosed in the 2023 Annual Report, the key drivers of the production and financial results relate to the issues the Company faced in 2024, including the issues with equipment availability due to the age and condition of some of the critical mining equipment, the decreasing cash and working capital, and the unprecedented weather and high humidity affecting our sales and production. Narrower mining equipment would also be advantageous to reduce dilution.
Metal Sold
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, gold sales of 7,638 ounces, silver sales of 632,529 ounces, copper sales of 559 tonnes, lead sales of 1,625 tonnes, and zinc sales of 4,926 tonnes decreased by 48%, 19%, 38%, 56%, and 44%, respectively, as compared to the same period in 2023. The lower metal production was partially expected due to mine sequencing, but challenges with equipment availability, the lack of multiple faces to mine, the unusually wet hurricane season at the mine site, and decreased cash as a result of prior production shortfalls, also negatively affected the Company’s metal sales and production.
Average metal prices realized
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the average metal prices were $2,309 per ounce for gold, $28.06 per ounce for silver, $9,260 per tonne for copper, $2,080 per tonne for lead, and $2,733 per tonne for zinc. Compared to the same period in 2023, the average metal price for gold, silver, copper and zinc increased by 19%, 18%, 7%, and 3%, respectively, while the average metal price for lead decreased by 4%.
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Financial Measures
The following table summarizes certain financial data of the Company for the periods indicated:
For the three months ended September 30, | For the nine months ended September 30, | |||||||||||
2024 |
| 2023 | 2024 |
| 2023 | |||||||
(in thousands) | (in thousands) | |||||||||||
Doré and concentrate sales | $ | 14,720 | $ | 23,001 | $ | 56,079 | $ | 86,092 | ||||
Less: Treatment and refining charges | (1,394) | (2,788) | (4,416) | (9,300) | ||||||||
Realized/unrealized derivatives, net | (54) | 339 | 1,093 | (205) | ||||||||
Sales, net | 13,272 | 20,552 | 52,756 | 76,587 | ||||||||
Total cost of sales | 21,942 | 24,963 | 67,187 | 79,238 | ||||||||
Mine gross loss | (8,670) | (4,411) | (14,431) | (2,651) | ||||||||
Other costs and expenses, including taxes: | 1,825 | 2,930 | 27,819 | 10,309 | ||||||||
Net loss | $ | (10,495) | $ | (7,341) | $ | (42,250) | $ | (12,960) | ||||
Other Non-GAAP Financial Measures: | ||||||||||||
Total cash cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold (1) | $ | 3,560 | $ | 1,839 | $ | 2,184 | $ | 1,210 | ||||
Total consolidated all-in sustaining cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold (1) | $ | 5,072 | $ | 2,669 | $ | 3,037 | $ | 1,852 | ||||
Total all-in cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold (1) | $ | 5,347 | $ | 3,001 | $ | 3,194 | $ | 2,082 |
(1) | For a detailed description of each of the non-GAAP financial measures and a reconciliation to GAAP financial measures, please see the discussion below under Non-GAAP Measures. |
Third quarter 2024 compared to third quarter 2023
Sales, net
Net sales of $13.3 million for DDGM for the three months ended September 30, 2024 decreased by $7.3 million, or 35%, when compared to the same period in 2023. The decrease in 2024 net sales is the result of decreased production volumes as outlined in the sales statistics table above. Additionally, treatment and refining charges during the three months ended September 30, 2024, decreased by 50% as a result of the decline in third quarter 2024 production as compared to third quarter 2023 production.
Total cost of sales
Total cost of sales of $21.9 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 decreased by 12% from $25.0 million for the same period in 2023. The $3.1 million decrease was primarily related to a $1.8 million decrease in production cost and a $1.6 million decrease in depreciation expense. Production costs of $17.2 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 are 9% lower than the production costs of $19.0 million for the same period in 2023.
Mine gross (loss) profit
For the three months ended September 30, 2024, the Company had a mine gross loss of $8.7 million, compared to a mine gross loss of $4.4 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. Mine gross loss increased by $4.3 million, or 98%, compared to the same period in 2023. The increase in loss was primarily due to a $7.3 million, or 35% decrease in net sales, partially offset by a $1.8 million, or 9% decrease in production costs and a $1.6 million, or 28% decrease in depreciation and amortization expenses.
The relationship between sales and the cost of sales, and therefore mine gross profit, is not perfectly correlated to the tonnes of ore processed. While both sales and the cost of sales are impacted by the tonnes of ore processed, other factors, such as the grade of ore processed, metal commodity prices, and operating costs have a significant impact on mine gross profit. In the third quarter of 2024, the tonnes of ore processed decreased by 28%, and the total cost of sales decreased by
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
12% compared to the third quarter of 2023, due to a 22% lower cost per tonne processed; however, net sales decreased by 35%.
The Company expects grades to vary from period to period based upon the potential for unplanned changes to the annual mine plan. Such unplanned changes, related to equipment availability and access limitations, were encountered by the Company in the third quarter of 2024. Based on the current mineral reserve estimate, the gold grades are expected to trend downwards over time, toward the average grade of 1.29 g/t (exclusive of silver, copper, lead, and zinc contained grades). However, as mine development progresses and infill drilling occurs, opportunities to access upgraded resources or refine mining methods and reduce dilution may have a favorable impact on future mined ore grades and updated mineral reserve estimates.
Net loss
For the three months ended September 30, 2024, the Company recorded a net loss of $10.5 million, compared to a net loss of $7.3 million during the same period in 2023. The $3.2 million increase in net loss is mainly attributable to the 35% decrease in net sales.
Year-to-date 2024 compared to year-to-date 2023
Sales, net
Net sales of $52.8 million for DDGM for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 decreased by $23.8 million, or 31%, when compared to the same period in 2023. The decrease in 2024 net sales is the result of decreased sales volumes and lower realized metal prices for lead, as outlined in the sales statistics table above. Additionally, treatment and refining charges during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, decreased by 53% as a result of the decline in the 2024 production as compared to the 2023 production.
Total cost of sales
Total cost of sales of $67.2 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 decreased by 15% from $79.2 million for the same period in 2023. The $12.1 million decrease was primarily related to a $8.0 million decrease in production cost and a $5.3 million decrease in depreciation expense. Production costs of $51.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 are 14% lower than the production costs of $59.1 million for the same period in 2023.
Mine gross (loss) profit
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company had a mine gross loss of $14.4 million, compared to a mine gross loss of $2.7 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Mine gross loss increased by $11.7 million, or 433%, compared to the same period in 2023. The increase in loss was primarily due to a $23.8 million, or 31% decrease in net sales, partially offset by a $8.0 million, or 14% decrease in production costs and a $5.3 million, or 27% decrease in depreciation and amortization expenses.
The relationship between sales and the cost of sales, and therefore mine gross profit, is not perfectly correlated to the tonnes of ore processed. While both sales and the cost of sales are impacted by the tonnes of ore processed, other factors, such as the grade of ore processed, metal commodity prices, and operating costs have a significant impact on mine gross profit. In the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the tonnes of ore processed decreased by 20%, and the total cost of sales decreased by 15%, compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023; however, net sales decreased by 31%.
The Company expects grades to vary from period to period based upon the potential for unplanned changes to the annual mine plan. The gold grades are expected to trend downwards over time, toward the average grade of 1.29 g/t (exclusive of silver, copper, lead, and zinc contained grades), reflected in the Company’s mineral reserve estimate. However, as mine development progresses and infill drilling occurs, opportunities to access upgraded resources or refine mining methods and reduce dilution may have a favorable impact on future mined ore grades.
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Net loss
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company recorded a net loss of $42.3 million, compared to a net loss of $13.0 million during the same period in 2023. The $29.3 million increase in net loss is mainly attributable to the 31% decrease in net sales and the increased income tax expense due to the valuation allowance recorded during 2024 on the DDGM deferred tax assets.
Other Costs and Expenses, Including Taxes
For the three months ended September 30, | For the nine months ended September 30, | ||||||||||||
2024 |
| 2023 | 2024 |
| 2023 |
| |||||||
(in thousands) | (in thousands) | ||||||||||||
Other costs and expenses: | |||||||||||||
General and administrative expenses | $ | 1,293 | $ | 1,764 | $ | 2,975 | $ | 5,087 | |||||
Mexico exploration expenses | 767 | 1,540 | 1,850 | 3,974 | |||||||||
Michigan Back Forty Project expenses | 202 | 420 | 549 | 1,265 | |||||||||
Stock-based compensation | 203 | (102) | 647 | 502 | |||||||||
Other expense, net | 2,977 | 1,967 | 10,846 | 4,147 | |||||||||
Total other costs and expenses | 5,442 | 5,589 | 16,867 | 14,975 | |||||||||
Income tax (benefit) provision | (3,617) | (2,659) | 10,952 | (4,666) | |||||||||
Total other costs and expenses, including taxes | $ | 1,825 | $ | 2,930 | $ | 27,819 | $ | 10,309 |
Third quarter 2024 compared to third quarter 2023
General and administrative expenses: For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, general and administrative expenses were $1.3 million and $1.8 million, respectively. The 28% decrease in cost is due to the cost saving measures the Company implemented for 2024.
Mexico Exploration expenses: For the three months ended September 30, 2024, exploration expenses in DDGM totaled $0.8 million, compared to $1.5 million for the same period in 2023. Exploration activities in Oaxaca, Mexico, decreased compared to the same period in 2023 primarily due to the reduction in expansion drilling and underground exploration development.
Michigan Back Forty Project expenses: For the three months ended September 30, 2024, costs for the Back Forty Project were $0.2 million, compared to $0.4 million for the same period in 2023. The 50% decrease is due to the completion of the optimization work in the third quarter of 2023 and not actively progressing the project in 2024.
Stock-based compensation: Stock-based compensation increased by $0.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023. This increase is mainly due the decrease in share price in the third quarter of 2023, causing a credit to expense for the cash-settled liability instruments (DSUs and PSUs) in the third quarter of 2023.
Other expense, net: For the three months ended September 30, 2024, the Company incurred $3.0 million of other expenses, an increase of $1.0 million from the same period in 2023. This increase is largely driven by a $0.6 million interest increase on the streaming liabilities and a $0.6 million increase in unrealized currency exchange loss. Please see Note 18 - Other expense, net in Item 1—Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and Notes (unaudited) for additional details.
Income tax (benefit) provision: For the three months ended September 30, 2024, income tax benefit was $3.6 million, compared to a $2.7 million income tax benefit for the same period in 2023. The increase in income tax benefit for the three months ended September 30, 2024 is due to the higher loss before income taxes for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Year-to-date 2024 compared to year-to-date 2023
General and administrative expenses: For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, general and administrative expenses were $3.0 million and $5.1 million, respectively. The 42% decrease in cost is due to the cost saving measures the Company implemented for 2024.
Mexico Exploration expenses: For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, exploration expenses in DDGM totaled $1.9 million, compared to $4.0 million for the same period in 2023. Exploration activities in Oaxaca, Mexico, decreased compared to the same period in 2023 primarily due to the reduction in expansion drilling and underground exploration development because of the cost saving measures the Company implemented for 2024.
Michigan Back Forty Project expenses: For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, costs for the Back Forty Project were $0.5 million, compared to $1.3 million for the same period in 2023. The 62% decrease is due to the completion of the optimization work in the third quarter of 2023 and not actively progressing the project in 2024.
Stock-based compensation: Stock-based compensation increased by $0.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023. This increase is mainly due the higher share price decrease in 2023 affecting the cash-settled liability instruments (DSUs and PSUs).
Other expense, net: For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company incurred $10.8 million of other expenses, an increase of $6.7 million from the same period in 2023. This increase is largely driven by a $5.1 million interest increase on the streaming liabilities and a $1.6 million increase in unrealized currency exchange loss. Please see Note 18 - Other expense, net in Item 1—Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and Notes (unaudited) for additional details.
Income tax (benefit) provision: For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, income tax expense was $11.0 million, compared to $4.7 million income tax benefit for the same period in 2023. The increase in income tax expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 is due to the valuation allowance recorded during 2024 on the DDGM deferred tax assets.
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Other Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Third quarter 2024 compared to third quarter 2023
Total cash cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold: For the three months ended September 30, 2024, the total cash cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold is $3,560 compared to $1,839 for the same period in 2023. The increase in the total cash cost is due to the 38% lower co-product credits the Company received during the third quarter of 2024 and the 46% decrease in the total number of AuEq ounces sold, offset by a 50% decrease in total treatment and refining charges and a 9% decrease in production costs as a result of the decline in third quarter 2024 production as compared to third quarter 2023 production.
Total consolidated all-in sustaining cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold: For the three months ended September 30, 2024, the total consolidated all-in sustaining cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold was $5,072 as compared to $2,669 for the same period in 2023. The increase directly relates to the higher cash costs per ounce discussed above.
Total all-in cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold: For the three months ended September 30, 2024, the total all-in cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold was $5,347 compared to $3,001 for the same period in 2023. The increase is due to the higher all-in sustaining costs discussed above.
For a detailed description of each of the non-GAAP financial measures and a reconciliation to GAAP financial measures, please see the discussion below under Non-GAAP Measures.
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Year-to-date 2024 compared to year-to-date 2023
Total cash cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold: For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the total cash cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold is $2,184 compared to $1,210 for the same period in 2023. The increase is due to the 44% lower amount of co-product credits the Company received during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and the 37% decrease in the total number of AuEq ounces sold, offset by a 52% decrease in total treatment and refining charges and a 14% decrease in production costs as a result of the decline in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 production as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023 production.
Total consolidated all-in sustaining cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold: For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the total consolidated all-in sustaining cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold was $3,037 compared to $1,852 for the same period in 2023. The increase directly relates to the higher cash costs per ounce discussed above.
Total all-in cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold: For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the total all-in cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold was $3,194 compared to $2,082 for the same period in 2023. The increase is due to the higher all-in sustaining costs discussed above.
For a detailed description of each of the non-GAAP financial measures and a reconciliation to GAAP financial measures, please see the discussion below under Non-GAAP Measures.
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
2024 Sustaining and Growth Investments Summary
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 | 2024 full year guidance | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | ||||||||
Sustaining Investments: | |||||||||
Underground Development | $ | 3,812 | $ | 3,464 | |||||
Other Sustaining Capital | 2,711 | 1,485 | |||||||
Infill Drilling | 977 | 3,315 | |||||||
Surface and Underground Exploration Development & Other | 65 | 1,131 | |||||||
Subtotal of Sustaining Investments: | 7,565 | 9,395 | $ | 8.8 - 11.0 million | |||||
Growth Investments: | |||||||||
DDGM growth: | |||||||||
Surface Exploration / Other | 1,812 | 2,058 | |||||||
Underground Exploration Drilling | 38 | 1,916 | |||||||
Underground Exploration Development | - | 356 | |||||||
Back Forty growth: | |||||||||
Back Forty Project Optimization & Permitting | 549 | 1,265 | |||||||
Subtotal of Growth Investments: | 2,399 | 5,595 | $ | 3.2 - 5.2 million | |||||
Total Capital and Exploration: | $ | 9,964 | $ | 14,990 | $ | 12.0 - 16.2 million |
The Company’s year-to-date investment in Mexico in 2024 totaled $9.4 million. The Company’s investment in Mexico is focused on favorably impacting its environment, social, and governance programs while creating operational efficiencies and sustainability.
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Underground and Exploration Development:
Mine development during the third quarter of 2024 included ramps, access to different areas of the deposit, and ventilation shafts. A total of 19 meters of exploration development was completed on Level 3 during the third quarter of 2024 at a cost of $0.07 million in preparation for future drilling along strike to the northwest on the Three Sisters and Gloria vein systems. Drilling during the third quarter primarily utilized existing infrastructure developed in previous years. As part of ongoing safety initiatives, the Company also invested in additional ground support and improved ventilation for the mine. However, due to the continued reduction in equipment availability and the resulting decrease in production and cash, the Company has not been able to maintain its projected timeline for development of future production zones.
Underground contract drill rig; Level 3 – Arista Mine – Three Sisters / Gloria vein systems. |
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Non-GAAP Measures
Throughout this report, the Company has provided information prepared or calculated according to U.S. GAAP and have referenced certain non-GAAP performance measures that the Company believes will assist with understanding the performance of its business. These measures are based on precious metal gold equivalent ounces sold and include (i) cash cost after co-product credits per ounce and (ii) all-in sustaining cost after co-product credits (“AISC”) per ounce, and (iii) all-in cost after co-product credits per ounce. Because the non-GAAP performance measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed by U.S. GAAP, they may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. Accordingly, these measures should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for, measures of performance prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. These non-GAAP measures are not necessarily indicative of operating profit or cash flow from operations as determined under GAAP.
For financial reporting purposes, the Company reports the sale of base metals as part of its revenue. Revenue generated from the sale of base metals in the Company’s concentrates is considered a co-product of its gold and silver production for the purpose of calculating its total cash cost after co-product credits for DDGM. The Company periodically reviews its revenues to ensure that its reporting of primary products and co-products is appropriate. Because the Company considers copper, lead, and zinc to be co-products of its precious metal production, the value of these metals continues to be applied as a reduction to total cash costs in its calculation of total cash cost after co-product credits per precious metal gold equivalent ounce sold. Likewise, the Company believes identifying copper, lead, and zinc as co-product credits is appropriate due to their lower per unit economic value contribution compared to the precious metals and since gold and silver are the primary products it intends to produce.
Total cash cost after co-product credits is a measure developed by the Gold Institute to provide a uniform standard for industry comparison purposes, and it includes total cash cost before co-product credits, less co-product credits, or revenues earned from base metals.
AISC includes total cash cost after co-product credits plus other costs related to sustaining production, including allocated sustaining general and administrative expenses and sustaining capital expenditures. The Company determined sustaining capital expenditures as those capital expenditures that are necessary to maintain current production and execute the current mine plan. AISC is calculated based on the current guidance from the World Gold Council.
Total all-in cost after co-product credits includes total AISC as described above, plus other growth investments, including exploration expenses and non-sustaining capital expenditures.
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Reconciliations to U.S. GAAP
The table below present reconciliations between the most comparable GAAP measure of Total cost of sales to the non-GAAP measures of Cash cost after co-product credits, All-in sustaining cost after co-product credits for DDGM and for the Company, and All-in Cost after co-product credits for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Note | For the three months ended September 30, | For the nine months ended September 30, | |||||||||||
2024 |
| 2023 | 2024 |
| 2023 | ||||||||
(in thousands, except oz and per AuEq oz sold) | |||||||||||||
Total cost of sales (1) | $ | 21,942 | $ | 24,963 | $ | 67,187 | $ | 79,238 | |||||
Less: Depreciation and amortization (1) | (4,178) | (5,790) | (14,221) | (19,518) | |||||||||
Less: Reclamation and remediation (1) | (566) | (216) | (1,892) | (611) | |||||||||
Refining charges for Doré sales | 4 | - | 3 | 6 | 45 | ||||||||
Treatment and refining charges for Concentrate sales | 4 | 1,394 | 2,785 | 4,410 | 9,255 | ||||||||
Co-product credits: | |||||||||||||
Concentrate sales - Copper | 4 | (917) | (2,049) | (5,099) | (7,792) | ||||||||
Concentrate sales - Lead | 4 | (918) | (2,060) | (3,342) | (7,807) | ||||||||
Concentrate sales - Zinc | 4 | (4,045) | (6,283) | (13,108) | (23,762) | ||||||||
Realized loss (gain) for embedded derivatives - Copper | 20 | 48 | 38 | (79) | (8) | ||||||||
Realized (gain) loss for embedded derivatives - Lead | 20 | (46) | (19) | (39) | (167) | ||||||||
Realized (gain) loss for embedded derivatives - Zinc | 20 | (160) | 640 | (358) | 538 | ||||||||
Total cash cost after co-product credits | $ | 12,554 | $ | 12,012 | $ | 33,465 | $ | 29,411 | |||||
Gold equivalent (AuEq) ounces sold (oz) | 3,526 | 6,532 |
| 15,325 | 24,306 | ||||||||
Total cash cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold | $ | 3,560 | $ | 1,839 | $ | 2,184 | $ | 1,210 | |||||
Total cash cost after co-product credits from above | $ | 12,554 | $ | 12,012 | $ | 33,465 | $ | 29,411 | |||||
Sustaining Investments - Capital: | |||||||||||||
Underground Development (2) | 1,155 | 1,102 | 3,812 | 3,464 | |||||||||
Other Sustaining Capital (2) | 1,860 | 857 | 2,711 | 1,485 | |||||||||
Sustaining Investments - Capitalized Exploration: | |||||||||||||
Infill Drilling (2) | 191 | 1,530 | 977 | 3,315 | |||||||||
Surface and Underground Exploration Development & Other (2) | 63 | 52 | 65 | 1,131 | |||||||||
Reclamation and remediation (1) | 566 | 216 | 1,892 | 611 | |||||||||
DDGM all-in sustaining cost after co-product credits | $ | 16,389 | $ | 15,769 | $ | 42,922 | $ | 39,417 | |||||
AuEq ounces sold (oz) | 3,526 | 6,532 | 15,325 | 24,306 | |||||||||
DDGM all-in sustaining cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold | $ | 4,648 | $ | 2,414 | $ | 2,801 | $ | 1,622 | |||||
DDGM all-in sustaining cost after co-product credits from above | $ | 16,389 | $ | 15,769 | $ | 42,922 | $ | 39,417 | |||||
Corporate Sustaining Expenses: | |||||||||||||
General and administrative expenses (1) | 1,293 | 1,764 | 2,975 | 5,087 | |||||||||
Stock-based compensation (1) | 203 | (102) | 647 | 502 | |||||||||
Consolidated all-in sustaining cost after co-product credits | $ | 17,885 | $ | 17,431 | $ | 46,544 | $ | 45,006 | |||||
AuEq ounces sold (oz) | 3,526 | 6,532 | 15,325 | 24,306 | |||||||||
Total consolidated all-in sustaining cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold | $ | 5,072 | $ | 2,669 | $ | 3,037 | $ | 1,852 | |||||
Consolidated all-in sustaining cost after co-product credits from above | $ | 17,885 | $ | 17,431 | $ | 46,544 | $ | 45,006 | |||||
Underground Exploration Development (2) | - | 209 | - | 356 | |||||||||
Growth Investments - Exploration: | |||||||||||||
Mexico exploration expenses (1) | 767 | 1,540 | 1,850 | 3,974 | |||||||||
Michigan Back Forty Project expenses (1) | 202 | 420 | 549 | 1,265 | |||||||||
Total all-in cost after co-product credits | $ | 18,854 | $ | 19,600 | $ | 48,943 | $ | 50,601 | |||||
AuEq ounces sold (oz) | 3,526 | 6,532 | 15,325 | 24,306 | |||||||||
Total all-in cost after co-product credits per AuEq oz sold | $ | 5,347 | $ | 3,001 | $ | 3,194 | $ | 2,082 |
(1) | Refer to Item 1—Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and Notes (unaudited): Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Operations. |
(2) | Refer to Item 2—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations – 2024 Capital and Exploration Investment Summary and the previously filed Item 2—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations – 2023 Capital and Exploration Investment Summary. |
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
Trending Highlights
2023 | 2024 | |||||||
Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | ||
Operating Data | ||||||||
Total tonnes milled | 117,781 | 113,510 | 116,626 | 111,254 | 98,889 | 93,687 | 83,690 | |
Average Grade | - | |||||||
Gold (g/t) | 2.33 | 1.59 | 1.52 | 1.44 | 1.89 | 1.27 | 0.54 | |
Silver (g/t) | 94 | 86 | 73 | 85 | 88 | 102 | 83 | |
Copper (%) | 0.37 | 0.37 | 0.32 | 0.39 | 0.37 | 0.26 | 0.19 | |
Lead (%) | 1.73 | 1.64 | 1.29 | 1.39 | 1.25 | 1.00 | 1.01 | |
Zinc (%) | 3.88 | 3.72 | 3.24 | 2.95 | 2.82 | 2.59 | 2.63 | |
Metal production (before payable metal deductions) | ||||||||
Gold (ozs.) | 7,171 | 4,637 | 4,443 | 4,077 | 4,757 | 2,947 | 944 | |
Silver (ozs.) | 322,676 | 289,816 | 247,159 | 282,487 | 251,707 | 263,023 | 194,525 | |
Copper (tonnes) | 336 | 334 | 276 | 341 | 280 | 181 | 93 | |
Lead (tonnes) | 1,559 | 1,389 | 1,048 | 1,072 | 812 | 616 | 576 | |
Zinc (tonnes) | 3,837 | 3,569 | 3,223 | 2,884 | 2,310 | 2,020 | 1,741 | |
Metal produced and sold | ||||||||
Gold (ozs.) | 6,508 | 4,287 | 3,982 | 3,757 | 3,557 | 2,724 | 1,357 | |
Silver (ozs.) | 294,815 | 274,257 | 208,905 | 258,252 | 216,535 | 234,560 | 181,434 | |
Copper (tonnes) | 332 | 327 | 245 | 327 | 264 | 197 | 98 | |
Lead (tonnes) | 1,417 | 1,317 | 947 | 820 | 667 | 491 | 467 | |
Zinc (tonnes) | 3,060 | 3,141 | 2,571 | 2,182 | 1,682 | 1,771 | 1,473 | |
Average metal prices realized | ||||||||
Gold ($ per oz.) | $ 1,915 | $ 2,010 | $ 1,934 | $ 1,985 | $ 2,094 | $ 2,465 | $ 2,561 | |
Silver ($ per oz.) | $ 23.04 | $ 24.93 | $ 23.61 | $ 23.14 | $ 23.29 | $ 30.49 | $ 30.61 | |
Copper ($ per tonne) | $ 9,172 | $ 8,397 | $ 8,185 | $ 8,205 | $ 8,546 | $ 10,428 | $ 8,832 | |
Lead ($ per tonne) | $ 2,158 | $ 2,153 | $ 2,196 | $ 2,122 | $ 1,977 | $ 2,235 | $ 2,065 | |
Zinc ($ per tonne) | $ 3,195 | $ 2,485 | $ 2,195 | $ 2,516 | $ 2,483 | $ 2,871 | $ 2,854 | |
Gold equivalent ounces sold | ||||||||
Gold Ounces | 6,508 | 4,287 | 3,982 | 3,757 | 3,557 | 2,724 | 1,357 | |
Gold Equivalent Ounces from Silver | 3,547 | 3,402 | 2,550 | 3,011 | 2,408 | 2,901 | 2,169 | |
Total AuEq oz | 10,055 | 7,689 | 6,532 | 6,768 | 5,965 | 5,625 | 3,526 | |
Financial Data | ||||||||
Total sales, net (in thousands) | $ 31,228 | $ 24,807 | $ 20,552 | $ 21,141 | $ 18,702 | $ 20,782 | $ 13,272 | |
Production Costs (in thousands) | $ 19,850 | $ 20,302 | $ 18,957 | $ 17,034 | $ 16,108 | $ 17,768 | $ 17,198 | |
Production Costs/Tonnes Milled | $ 169 | $ 179 | $ 163 | $ 153 | $ 163 | $ 190 | $ 205 | |
Operating Cash Flows (in thousands) | $ 1,024 | ($ 551) | ($ 7,475) | $ 1,783 | $ 1,482 | ($ 63) | ($ 3,372) | |
Net loss (in thousands) | ($ 1,035) | ($ 4,584) | ($ 7,341) | ($ 3,057) | ($ 4,021) | ($ 27,734) | ($ 10,495) | |
Loss per share - basic | ($ 0.01) | ($ 0.05) | ($ 0.08) | ($ 0.03) | ($ 0.05) | ($ 0.30) | ($ 0.11) |
Liquidity and Capital Resources
As of September 30, 2024, working capital was $6.1 million, consisting of current assets of $22.0 million and current liabilities of $15.9 million. This represents a $9.1 million, or 60%, decrease from the working capital balance of $15.2 million as of December 31, 2023. The factors influencing the decrease in the Company’s working capital were the cash used in investing activities of $5.2 million and the $2.0 million cash outflows from operating activities, partially offset by $2.4 million cash inflows from financing activities due to sales through the ATM agreement, as reported in the Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows. The Company’s working capital balance fluctuates as it uses cash to fund its operations, financing, and investing activities, including exploration, mine development, and income taxes.
Long-term liabilities assumed with the Aquila acquisition, capital requirements to develop the Back Forty Project, and potential project financing may have an impact on liquidity in the long term. These long-term liabilities are contingent upon the approval of the Back Forty Project by the Company’s Board of Directors and securing project financing. Project
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
financing requirements will not be determined until the Company’s Board of Directors approves a decision to proceed on the Project. The Board continues to evaluate options that could lead to the development of the Project.
Cash and cash equivalents as of September 30, 2024 decreased to $1.4 million from $6.3 million as of December 31, 2023, a net decrease in cash of $4.9 million. The decrease is primarily due to $5.2 million cash used in investing activities and the $2.0 million cash used in operating activities, partially offset by the $2.4 million cash inflow from financing activities due to the ATM sales.
Of the $1.4 million cash balance as of September 30, 2024, $0.5 million was held in foreign subsidiaries, primarily held in U.S. dollar denominated accounts, with the remainder in foreign currencies readily convertible to U.S. dollars. DDGM’s primary source of liquidity is the sale of concentrates. DDGM has historically been self-sustaining and has been a source of cash for U.S. operations and projects. However, as a result of recent challenges encountered in mining and processing at DDGM, the Company is not currently generating positive cash flow from the Company’s mining operations.
Net cash used in operating activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, was $2.0 million, an 71% decrease compared to the $7.0 million net cash used in operating activities for the same period in 2023. While net sales decreased by 31% due to lower grades and lower recoveries for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, production costs only decreased by 14% due to the higher inflation.
Net cash used in investing activities of $5.2 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 decreased from $9.8 million from the same period in 2023. The decrease is mainly attributed to planned reduction in investing activities to preserve cash. Investing activities in both 2024 and 2023 are mainly attributable to continued reinvestment in DDGM.
Net cash provided by financing activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $2.4 million related to the ATM sales. Please see Note 14—Shareholders’ Equity in Item 1—Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and Notes (unaudited) above for additional information.
While current macro risk factors, such as economic uncertainties and supply chain interruptions have not had a significant adverse impact on exploration plans, results of operations, financial position, and cash flows during the current fiscal year, future impacts are unknown at this time.
Tonnes and grade, with respect to the Company’s mining operations at DDGM, have declined during 2024 and are below budget, especially in the third quarter. There are several factors that caused these declines. The Company has encountered significant issues with equipment availability due to the age and condition of some of the critical mining equipment in use at the mine. Due to the continued challenges with equipment availability and the decreased cash due to prior production shortfalls, the Company has not been able to maintain its projected timeline for development of future production zones. As a result, the Company is currently mining only one face at a time in areas that are accessible. The current lack of other available production zones has placed additional pressure on the Company’s ability to achieve its production estimates, as any problems encountered at the current production zone cannot be offset by producing elsewhere in the mine. In addition, the mill also experienced some mechanical issues and wet ore handling difficulties due to unusually high rain fall that resulted in lower throughput and a production shortfall. To minimize the mechanical issues and return the mine to a cash positive position, capital is necessary to replace some of the mining fleet and upgrade the mill.
The Company believes that the mine has significant potential to generate positive cash flow based on the information to date from the new areas of the Three Sisters as well as other areas that have been discovered near the existing mining zones. In order to develop access and better define these new areas, an investment must be made in the equipment and mine plan. Without the addition of these areas to the life-of-mine plan, the Company does not believe that the mine will generate sufficient free cash flow in the near term.
The Company’s inability to achieve its production estimates have created substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern. The Company currently anticipates that it will require approximately $7 million to obtain additional mining equipment and mill upgrades. These amounts include approximately $2.5 million in upgrades at the mill, including approximately $1.0 million to install a new filter to increase capacity in the filter plant and approximately $0.7
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
million to obtain a spare ball gear. These investments also include approximately $4.5 million in mining equipment to replace old or inefficient equipment, including underground loaders, bolters, and drills. The Company also expects to require approximately $8 million in working capital in order to fund the initial development to access the Three Sisters and Splay 31 systems, although not all of this capital will be required immediately. Due to the 2024 production challenges described above, the Company does not believe that the mine will generate sufficient cashflow to fund these improvements. The Company is evaluating various financing options in order to fund this development in the near term.
If the Company is unable to obtain this additional capital and successfully develop these new mining areas, the continued operation of the mine may not be possible beyond November 2024. If continued operation of the mine is not possible, the Company may be compelled to place the mine on “care and maintenance” status, which would likely trigger significant severance and other costs which the Company may not be able to pay.
Accounting Developments
For a discussion of recently adopted and recently issued accounting pronouncements, please see Note 2—New Accounting Pronouncements in Item 1—Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and Notes (unaudited) above.
Forward-Looking Statements
This report contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The Company uses the words “anticipate,” “continue,” “likely,” “estimate,” “expect,” “may,” “could,” “will,” “project,” “should,” “believe,” and similar expressions (including negative and grammatical variations) to identify forward looking statements. Such forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements regarding:
● | The Company’s strategy for significant future investment in Oaxaca, Mexico, and in Michigan, USA, for development and exploration activities; |
● | The Company’s expectations regarding future grades and recoveries from mining at DDGM; and its expectations regarding its ability to generate positive cash flow from future production at DDGM; |
● | Expectations regarding capital investment, exploration spending, and general and administrative costs, including the Company’s near-term estimates for the cost of additional mining equipment, mill upgrades and working capital; |
● | The Company’s anticipated near-term capital needs, and potential sources of capital; |
● | Future exploration plans at DDGM, including vein systems targeted for future exploration activity; |
● | Compliance with existing legal and regulatory requirements, including future asset reclamation costs; |
● | Estimates of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves; |
● | The Company’s expectations regarding whether dividends will be paid in the future; |
● | The Company’s ability to satisfy its obligations and other potential cash requirements over the next twelve months; and |
● | The expected timing and success of the Back Forty Project with respect to permitting, detailed engineering, and project financing. |
Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Rather, they are based only on the Company’s current beliefs, expectations, and assumptions regarding the future of its business, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy, and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict, and many of which are outside of the Company’s control. The Company’s actual results and financial condition
Gold Resource Corporation—Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
● | 公司能否籌集所需資本以可接受的條件或根本繼續我們的業務; |
● | 商品價格波動; |
● | 礦山抗議和工作停工; |
● | 岩石構造、斷層和裂縫、水流和可能的CO2氣體排放,或其他意想不到的地質挑戰; |
● | 業務和經濟條件的意外變化,包括供應鏈挑戰、通貨膨脹率以及它們對運營和資本成本的影響; |
● | 利率和貨幣兌換率的變化; |
● | 不利技術變革和網絡安全威脅; |
● | 公司運營成本和其他業務成本的不可預測增加; |
● | 土地獲取和材料、設備、用品、勞動力和監督、能源以及水資源的供應; |
● | 當前和未來可行性研究的結果; |
● | 鑽孔結果的解釋以及地質、品位和礦化物化的連續性; |
● | 私人訴訟或政府機構的監管行動; |
● | 諸如異常潮溼天氣、洪水、地震及任何其他自然災害等不可抗力因素; |
● | 涉礦概念和礦產儲量估算的固有不確定性;和 |
● | 以下將討論其他因素 Item 1A—Risk Factors fo@microcaprodeo.com Part II—Other Information, and under風險因素in the 2023 Annual Report. |
Many of these factors are beyond the Company’s ability to control or predict. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in its forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such expectations may prove to be materially incorrect due to known and unknown risks and uncertainties. You should not unduly rely on any of the Company’s forward-looking statements. These statements speak only as of the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Except as required by law, the Company is not obligated to publicly release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or developments. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to the Company and persons acting on its behalf are qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements contained in this section and elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
金融工具的效應對財務狀況和業績的影響 請參考說明10,公允價值計量,了解2024年6月30日和2023年12月31日時金融工具的資產負債表位置和公允價值。
公司簽訂的濃縮物銷售合同通常根據臨時化驗和價格向公司進行臨時付款。臨時定價的銷售合同包含一個要分離出來的衍生工具,用於會計目的。主合同是根據交付給客戶時的金屬報價確定的濃縮物銷售應收款項。衍生工具不能符合套期保值會計,每個結算前將其根據市場調整到營業收入中。在交付和最終結算日期之間金屬價格的變化將導致之前在交付時記錄的濃縮物銷售相關營業收入的調整。請參見 附註15—衍生工具 在 項目1—未經審計的簡明合併中期財務報表和附註 上述有關其他信息。
第二部分 - 其他信息N
ITEm 1A:風險因素
項目1A.風險因素 2023年年度報告的風險因素討論了公司已知的實質性風險因素,除了可能適用於任何發行人或發行的風險。除下文所述外,公司的風險因素未發生實質變化自2023年年度報告描述的風險。
項目2: 未註冊股票的銷售和募集資金的使用
ITEm 3: 對高級證券的違約。
第 4 項:礦山安全披露
項目 5: 其他信息