。 如果執行董事的僱傭解除 本條第3(b)款 或者 第3(c)節 並且,在執行人有資格並選擇繼續根據聯邦《COBRA》法案,29 U.S.C. § 1161獲得團體健康和牙科保險的情況下, 等。 序號。公司將在支付開始日期之後的一段時期內,根據 本條第3(b)款 或者 第3(c)節 支付開始日期(“福利續保期”), continue to pay the share of the premium for such coverage that is paid by the Company for active and similarly-situated employees who receive the same type of coverage. The remaining balance of any premium costs shall be paid by the Executive on a monthly basis for as long as, and to the extent that, the Executive remains eligible for COBRA continuation. Notwithstanding the above, in the event the Executive becomes eligible for health insurance benefits from a new employer during the Benefits Continuation Period, the Company’s obligations under this 第3(e)條 shall immediately cease and the Executive shall not be entitled to any additional monthly premium payments for health insurance coverage. Similarly, in the event the Executive becomes eligible for dental insurance benefits from a new employer during the Benefits Continuation Period, the Company’s obligations under this 第3(e)條 shall immediately cease and the Executive shall not be entitled to any additional monthly premium payments for dental insurance. The Executive hereby represents that the Executive will notify the Company in writing within three (3) days of becoming eligible for health or dental insurance benefits from a new employer during the Benefits Continuation Period.”
4. 原合同第5(b)款的修正. Section 5(b) of the Original Agreement is hereby amended and restated to read in its entirety as follows:
(ii) 第280G條款. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement to the contrary, if any payments or benefits provided for under the Agreement, together with any payments or benefits otherwise payable or provided to the Executive by the Company or Parent (or any of their respective subsidiaries or affiliates) or otherwise (A) constitute 「parachute payments」 within the meaning of Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “代碼”), and (B) would be subject to the excise tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code (the “消費稅”), then the Executive’s payments and benefits will be either (1) delivered in full or (2) delivered to such lesser extent which would result in no portion of such payments and benefits being subject to the Excise Tax, whichever of the foregoing amounts, taking into account the applicable federal, state and local income taxes and the Excise Tax, results in the receipt by the Executive on an after-tax basis, of the greatest amount of payments and benefits, even if the payments and benefits may still be taxable under Section 4999 of the Code. If clause (2) applies, the payments and benefits will be reduced by the Company in its reasonable discretion in the following order: (x) reduction of cash payments, which will occur in reverse chronological order with the cash payment owed on the latest date following the event triggering the Excise Tax being the first cash payment to be reduced; (y) cancellation of accelerated vesting of equity awards, which will occur in the reverse order of the date of grant for the equity awards (持受益所有權是根據SEC規則確定的。該信息並不一定表明任何其他目的的所有權。按照這些規則,在2023年5月12日後60天內(即通過任何期權或認股權的行使獲得的股票),被認爲是持有受益權並對計算該持有人擁有的股數和受益的股數所生效。, the vesting of the most recently granted equity awards will be reduced first); and (z) reduction of other employee benefits, which will occur in reverse chronological order with the benefit owed on the latest date following the event triggering the excise tax being the first benefit to be reduced. With respect to each of clauses (x)-(z) of this 第9(d)(ii)條款如果任何支付或福利構成《法典第409A條》所規定的「非合格遞延補償」,則首先將發生減少,不屬於「非合格遞延補償」的金額。如果相同類型的兩個或兩個以上的獎勵在同一日期授予,則與每個獎勵相關的「降落傘支付」將按比例減少。在任何情況下,執行人都不得對付款減少的順序行使任何決定權。在本次之下需要作出的任何決定將由《稅務輔導員》作出,其決定對執行人和公司具有最終和約束力。《稅務輔導員》可以就適用稅款進行合理的假設和近似估計,並且可以依靠就《法典第280G條》和《法典第4999條》的適用作出合理、誠信的解釋。公司和執行人將向《稅務輔導員》提供使《稅務輔導員》可以合理要求的信息,以作出本次決定。 第9(d)(ii)條款 公司(「董事會」)指定的獨立、公認的全國性稅務或會計公司將書面作出,其決定對員工和公司具有決定性和約束力。稅務顧問可以就適用稅款做出合理假設和近似值,並可以依賴於關於《法規第280G條和第4999條》的實質性、善意解讀。公司和員工將向稅務顧問提供稅務顧問可能合理請求的信息,以作出本《第9(d)(ii)》條款下的決定。稅務顧問”產品》,其決定將對執行人和公司具有最終和約束力。《稅務輔導員》可以就適用稅項進行合理的假設和近似估計,並且可以依靠就《法典第280G條》和《法典第4999條》的適用作出合理、誠信的解釋。公司和執行人將向《稅務輔導員》提供使《稅務輔導員》可以合理要求的信息,以作出本。 第9(d)(ii)節.”