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Commerce Bancshares, Inc.及其子公司

合并资产负债表于 2024年9月30日 (未经审计)和 2023年12月31日
综合收益表截至三个月和九个月 2024年9月30日2023(未经审计)
13周的现金流量表 有九起类似诉讼针对JAVELIN的要约收购和合并被提起,称违反信托责任,寻求公正补偿,包括但不限于,禁止交易的达成、撤销、解除已经交易的事项,以及发送费用、补贴成本,包括合理的律师费和费用。唯一的佛罗里达州诉讼从未向被告送达,该案件于2017年1月20日自愿撤回并关闭。2016年4月25日,马里兰法院颁布了一项命令,将马里兰案件合并成一起诉讼,标题为JAVELIN Mortgage Investment Corp.股东诉讼(案号24-C-16-001542),并指定一个马里兰案件的律师作为临时首席联合法律顾问。2016年5月26日,临时首席律师提交了经修订的钒化铁质量投诉,声称违反信托责任的集体索赔,教唆和共谋违反信托责任以及浪费。2016年6月27日,被告提出了驳回合并修订集体投诉申请的动议,声称未陈述可以获得救济的规定。在2017年3月3日,听证会召开了驳回动议,法院保留了裁定。法院数次推迟动议陈述的裁定。2024年2月14日,法院颁布裁定,支持被告的驳回动议,并驳回所有原告的权利,无需上诉。在2024年3月11日,原告提出了对法院裁定的上诉通知。2024年7月3日,原告自愿撤回之前提出的上诉通知。 截至 2024年9月30日2023(未经审计)


第一部分: 财务信息

项目 1. 基本报表

Commerce Bancshares, Inc.及其子公司

贷款$17,090,000 $17,205,479 
净贷款16,929,161 17,043,084 
持有待售贷款(其中包括$1,605,000 和 $1,585,000 2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日分别以公允价值计量的住房抵押贷款金额)
1,707 4,177 
可供出售债务,按公允价值计量(摊销成本为$9,954,054,000 和 $10,904,765,000了解。
9,167,681 9,684,760 
交易债务42,645 28,830 
股权57,115 12,701 
其他216,543 222,473 
总投资证券9,483,984 9,948,764 
联邦资金出售10 5,025 
通过回购协议购买的证券475,000 450,000 
利息收入存款与银行2,642,048 2,239,010 
现金和存放在银行的款项507,941 443,147 
资产和设备-净值469,986 469,059 
商誉146,539 146,539 
其他无形资产 - 净额13,722 14,179 
其他823,494 938,077 
资产总额$31,493,592 $31,701,061 
非利息人形机器人-轴承$7,396,153 $7,975,935 
储蓄、支票利息和货币市场15,216,557 14,512,273 
少于$100,000的存入资金证书1,113,962 930,432 
$100,000及以上的存入资金证书1,511,120 1,945,258 
存款总额25,237,792 25,363,898 
所有基金类型购买的联邦基金和出售证券的协议2,182,229 2,908,815 
其他借款10,201 1,404 
其他负债609,831 462,714 
负债合计28,040,053 28,736,831 
Commerce Bancshares, Inc.股东权益: 
授权190,000,000发行 131,064,418 在2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日均持有股份
655,322 655,322 
资本盈余3,154,300 3,162,622 
留存收益338,512 53,183 
公司买回的库存 2,425,152 于2024年9月30日持有的股票数量
611,546 2023年12月31日成本
Commerce Bancshares, Inc.股东权益合计3,432,081 2,944,116 
非控制权益21,458 20,114 
股东权益总计3,453,539 2,964,230 
负债和所有者权益总额$31,493,592 $31,701,061 

Commerce Bancshares, Inc.及其子公司
贷款利息和费用$270,086 $256,242 $802,226 $721,385 
存放待售贷款的利息和费用39 152 125 448 
投资证券利息62,694 69,245 199,398 214,091 
联邦基金销售的利息 45 37 639 
证券回购利息4,215 3,740 8,270 11,791 
银行存款利息收入35,034 31,738 90,096 70,328 
总利息收入372,068 361,162 1,100,152 1,018,682 
储蓄、支票账户和货币市场58,177 43,795 170,586 93,992 
存款证书低于$100,00011,073 15,499 31,787 27,049 
存款证书$100,000及以上16,603 18,942 51,591 39,985 
联邦基金购买的利息收入2,792 6,833 10,780 18,816 
有价证券出售的利息协议21,066 18,431 61,797 52,940 
其他借款利息6 9,115 12 36,192 
总利息支出109,717 112,615 326,553 268,974 
净利息收入262,351 248,547 773,599 749,708 
拨备9,140 11,645 19,395 29,572 
净利息收入减去信贷损失253,211 236,902 754,204 720,136 
信托费用54,689 49,207 158,085 141,800 
银行卡交易手续费47,570 46,899 141,977 143,278 
存款账户费用和其他费用25,380 23,090 74,856 67,475 
资本市场费用5,995 3,524 14,647 9,831 
消费券商服务4,619 3,820 13,505 13,582 
贷款费用和销售3,444 2,966 10,016 8,290 
其他17,328 13,443 47,031 43,910 
总非利息收入159,025 142,949 460,117 428,166 
投资证券收益(损失),净额3,872 4,298 6,846 7,384 
薪水和员工福利153,122 146,805 454,043 436,607 
数据处理和软件32,194 30,744 94,876 87,617 
净占用成本13,411 13,948 39,529 39,702 
专业及其他服务8,830 8,293 26,095 26,979 
市场营销7,278 6,167 16,670 18,006 
设备5,286 4,697 15,387 14,411 
物资和通讯4,963 4,963 14,343 14,178 
存款保险2,930 4,029 13,301 12,859 
其他9,586 8,364 41,267 29,369 
非利息支出总额237,600 228,010 715,511 679,728 
税前收入178,508 156,139 505,656 475,958 
减少所得税38,245 33,439 108,499 102,242 
净利润 140,263 122,700 397,157 373,716 
非控股利息支出(收入)较少2,256 2,104 6,934 5,879 
归属于Commerce Bancshares, Inc.的净利润$138,007 $120,596 $390,223 $367,837 
每股普通股净利润-基本$1.07 $.92 $3.01 $2.80 
每股普通股净利润-稀释$1.07 $.92 $3.00 $2.80 
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


Table of Contents
Commerce Bancshares, Inc. and Subsidiaries
For the Three Months Ended September 30For the Nine Months Ended September 30
(In thousands)2024202320242023
Net income$140,263 $122,700 $397,157 $373,716 
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax:
Net unrealized gains (losses) on available for sale debt securities215,550 (133,024)325,225 (72,440)
Change in pension loss100 199 453 738 
Unrealized gains (losses) on cash flow hedge derivatives15,263 (24,414)(11,170)(34,968)
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax230,913 (157,239)314,508 (106,670)
Comprehensive income (loss)371,176 (34,539)711,665 267,046 
Less non-controlling interest (income) expense2,256 2,104 6,934 5,879 
Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to Commerce Bancshares, Inc.$368,920 $(36,643)$704,731 $261,167 
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


Table of Contents
Commerce Bancshares, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Commerce Bancshares, Inc. Shareholders

(In thousands, except per share data)
Common StockCapital SurplusRetained EarningsTreasury StockAccumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)Non-Controlling InterestTotal
Balance June 30, 2024
$655,322 $3,153,107 $235,299 $(98,176)$(807,817)$20,600 $3,158,335 
Net income138,007 2,256 140,263 
Other comprehensive income (loss)230,913 230,913 
Distributions to non-controlling interest(1,398)(1,398)
Purchases of treasury stock(44,060)(44,060)
Issuance under stock purchase and equity
    compensation plans
Stock-based compensation4,280 4,280 
Cash dividends paid on common stock
     ($0.270 per share)
Balance September 30, 2024
$655,322 $3,154,300 $338,512 $(139,149)$(576,904)$21,458 $3,453,539 
Balance June 30, 2023
$629,319 $2,921,365 $211,358 $(58,389)$(1,036,295)$17,870 $2,685,228 
Net Income120,596 2,104 122,700 
Other comprehensive income (loss)(157,239)(157,239)
Distributions to non-controlling interest(2,105)(2,105)
Purchases of treasury stock(19,978)(19,978)
Sale of non-controlling interest of subsidiary8 (8) 
Issuance under stock purchase and equity
     compensation plans
Stock-based compensation4,317 4,317 
Cash dividends paid on common stock
     ($.257 per share)
Balance September 30, 2023
$629,319 $2,924,211 $298,297 $(76,888)$(1,193,534)$17,861 $2,599,266 
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Table of Contents
Commerce Bancshares, Inc. and Subsidiaries
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Commerce Bancshares, Inc. Shareholders

(In thousands, except per share data)
Common StockCapital SurplusRetained EarningsTreasury StockAccumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)Non-Controlling InterestTotal
Balance December 31, 2023
$655,322 $3,162,622 $53,183 $(35,599)$(891,412)$20,114 $2,964,230 
Net income390,223 6,934 397,157 
Other comprehensive income (loss)314,508 314,508 
Distributions to non-controlling interest(5,590)(5,590)
Purchases of treasury stock(124,603)(124,603)
Issuance under stock purchase and equity compensation plans(21,053)21,053  
Stock-based compensation12,731 12,731 
Cash dividends paid on common stock ($.810 per share)
Balance September 30, 2024
$655,322 $3,154,300 $338,512 $(139,149)$(576,904)$21,458 $3,453,539 
Balance December 31, 2022
$629,319 $2,932,959 $31,620 $(41,743)$(1,086,864)$16,286 $2,481,577 
Net income 367,837 5,879 373,716 
Other comprehensive income (loss)(106,670)(106,670)
Distributions to non-controlling interest(4,250)(4,250)
Purchases of treasury stock(56,541)(56,541)
Sale of non-controlling interest of subsidiary54 (54) 
Issuance under stock purchase and equity compensation plans(21,396)21,396  
Stock-based compensation12,594 12,594 
Cash dividends paid on common stock ($.771 per share)
Balance September 30, 2023
$629,319 $2,924,211 $298,297 $(76,888)$(1,193,534)$17,861 $2,599,266 
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


Table of Contents
Commerce Bancshares, Inc. and Subsidiaries
For the Nine Months Ended September 30
(In thousands)20242023
Net income$397,157 $373,716 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
  Provision for credit losses19,395 29,572 
  Provision for depreciation and amortization40,513 36,661 
  Amortization of investment security premiums, net2,781 13,345 
  Investment securities (gains) losses, net (A)(6,846)(7,384)
  Net (gains) losses on sales of loans held for sale (1,823)(705)
  Originations of loans held for sale(73,502)(40,470)
  Proceeds from sales of loans held for sale77,468 40,775 
  Net (increase) decrease in trading debt securities, excluding unsettled transactions(25,771)14,354 
  Purchase of interest rate floor derivative contracts (54,449)
  Stock-based compensation12,731 12,594 
  (Increase) decrease in interest receivable (4,878)(7,861)
  Increase (decrease) in interest payable(2,564)41,622 
  Increase (decrease) in income taxes payable 16,791 (52)
  Other changes, net263,062 (83,973)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities714,514 367,745 
Cash paid in acquisition, net of cash received (6,365)
Distributions received from equity-method investment 1,434 
Proceeds from sales of investment securities (A)1,272,927 1,141,949 
Proceeds from maturities/pay downs of investment securities (A)1,753,061 1,315,175 
Purchases of investment securities (A)(2,095,180)(190,637)
Net (increase) decrease in loans86,128 (849,375)
Securities purchased under agreements to resell(350,000) 
Repayments of securities purchased under agreements to resell325,000 375,000 
Purchases of premises and equipment(32,114)(72,563)
Sales of premises and equipment8,858 3,751 
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities968,680 1,718,369 
Net increase (decrease) in non-interest bearing, savings, interest checking and money market deposits(17,928)(2,995,739)
Net increase (decrease) in certificates of deposit(250,608)1,980,677 
Net increase (decrease) in federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase(726,586)(96,553)
FHLB short-term borrowings 2,250,000 
Repayments of FHLB borrowings (1,750,000)
Net increase (decrease) in other borrowings8,797 (6,083)
Purchases of treasury stock(123,558)(56,541)
Cash dividends paid on common stock and distributions to non-controlling interest(110,484)(101,160)
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities(1,220,367)(775,399)
Increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash462,827 1,310,715 
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of year2,687,283 897,801 
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at September 30
$3,150,110 $2,208,516 
Income tax payments, net$86,048 $97,018 
Interest paid on deposits and borrowings$329,117 $227,352 
Loans transferred to foreclosed real estate$1,138 $133 
(A) Available for sale debt securities, equity securities, and other securities.
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Restricted cash is comprised of cash collateral posted by the Company to secure interest rate swap agreements. This balance is included in other assets in the consolidated balance sheets and totaled $111 thousand at September 30, 2024. The Company had $130 thousand in restricted cash at September 30, 2023.

Table of Contents
Commerce Bancshares, Inc. and Subsidiaries
September 30, 2024 (Unaudited)
1. Principles of Consolidation and Presentation
The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Commerce Bancshares, Inc. and all majority-owned subsidiaries (the Company). Most of the Company's operations are conducted by its subsidiary bank, Commerce Bank (the Bank). The consolidated financial statements in this report have not been audited by an independent registered public accounting firm, but in the opinion of management, all adjustments necessary to present fairly the financial position and the results of operations for the interim periods have been made. All such adjustments are of a normal recurring nature. All significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated. Certain reclassifications were made to 2023 data to conform to current year presentation. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as of the date of the balance sheets and revenues and expenses for the periods. Actual results could differ significantly from those estimates. Management has evaluated subsequent events for potential recognition or disclosure. The results of operations for the nine month period ended September 30, 2024 are not necessarily indicative of results to be attained for the full year or any other interim period.

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (GAAP) for interim financial information and with the instructions to Form 10-Q adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Accordingly, the financial statements do not include all of the information and footnotes required by GAAP for complete financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, containing the latest audited consolidated financial statements and notes thereto.

2. Loans and Allowance for Credit Losses
Major classifications within the Company’s held for investment loan portfolio at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 are as follows:

(In thousands)
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Business$6,048,328 $6,019,036 
Real estate – construction and land1,381,607 1,446,764 
Real estate – business3,586,999 3,719,306 
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal3,043,391 3,026,041 
Consumer2,108,281 2,077,723 
Revolving home equity342,376 319,894 
Consumer credit card574,746 589,913 
Overdrafts4,272 6,802 
Total loans$17,090,000 $17,205,479 

Accrued interest receivable totaled $75.9 million and $71.9 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, and was included within other assets on the consolidated balance sheets. For the three months ended September 30, 2024, the Company wrote-off accrued interest by reversing interest income of $56 thousand and $1.5 million in the Commercial and Personal Banking portfolios, respectively. Similarly, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company wrote off accrued interest of $491 thousand and $4.6 million in the Commercial and Personal Banking portfolios, respectively. For the three months ended September 30, 2023, the Company reversed interest income of $237 thousand and $1.2 million in the Commercial and Personal Banking portfolios, respectively, and in the nine months ended September 30, 2023, reversed $313 thousand and $3.4 million in the Commercial and Personal Banking portfolios, respectively.

At September 30, 2024, loans of $3.6 billion were pledged at the Federal Home Loan Bank as collateral for borrowings and letters of credit obtained to secure public deposits. Additional loans of $2.8 billion were pledged at the Federal Reserve Bank as collateral for discount window borrowings.


Table of Contents
Allowance for credit losses
The allowance for credit losses is measured using an average historical loss model which incorporates relevant information about past events (including historical credit loss experience on loans with similar risk characteristics), current conditions, and reasonable and supportable forecasts that affect the collectability of the remaining cash flows over the contractual term of the loans. The allowance for credit losses is measured on a collective (pool) basis. Loans are aggregated into pools based on similar risk characteristics including borrower type, collateral type and expected credit loss patterns. Loans that do not share similar risk characteristics, primarily large loans on non-accrual status, are evaluated on an individual basis.

For loans evaluated for credit losses on a collective basis, average historical loss rates are calculated for each pool using the Company’s historical net charge-offs (combined charge-offs and recoveries by observable historical reporting period) and outstanding loan balances during a lookback period. Lookback periods can be different based on the individual pool and represent management’s credit expectations for the pool of loans over the remaining contractual life. In certain loan pools, if the Company’s own historical loss rate is not reflective of the loss expectations, the historical loss rate is augmented by industry and peer data. The calculated average net charge-off rate is then adjusted for current conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts. These adjustments increase or decrease the average historical loss rate to reflect expectations of future losses given a single path economic forecast of key macroeconomic variables including GDP, disposable income, various interest rates, unemployment rate, consumer price index (CPI) inflation rate, housing price index (HPI), commercial real estate price index (CREPI) and market volatility. The adjustments are based on results from various regression models projecting the impact of the macroeconomic variables to loss rates. The forecast is used for a reasonable and supportable period before reverting back to historical averages using a straight-line method. The forecast-adjusted loss rate is applied to the amortized cost of loans over the remaining contractual lives, adjusted for expected prepayments. The contractual term excludes expected extensions (except for contractual extensions at the option of the customer), renewals and modifications. Credit cards and certain similar consumer lines of credit do not have stated maturities and therefore, for these loan classes, remaining contractual lives are determined by estimating future cash flows expected to be received from customers until payments have been fully allocated to outstanding balances. Additionally, the allowance for credit losses considers other qualitative factors not included in historical loss rates or macroeconomic forecast such as changes in portfolio composition, underwriting practices, or significant unique events or conditions.


Table of Contents
Key assumptions in the Company’s allowance for credit loss model include the economic forecast, the reasonable and supportable period, forecasted macro-economic variables, prepayment assumptions and qualitative factors applied for portfolio composition changes, underwriting practices, or significant unique events or conditions. The assumptions utilized in estimating the Company’s allowance for credit losses at September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024 are discussed below.

Key AssumptionSeptember 30, 2024June 30, 2024
Overall economic forecast
Economic growth expected to remain steady with only a slight rise in unemployment rate
Inflation expected to move closer to the Federal Reserve's 2% target
Expected the Federal Reserve will cut rates every other meeting in 2025
Economic growth expected to slightly cool with no significant rise in layoffs or unemployment rate
Inflation expected to moderate
Expectations the Federal Reserve will start cutting rates in September 2024

Reasonable and supportable period and related reversion period
Reasonable and supportable period of one year
Reversion to historical average loss rates within two quarters using a straight-line method
Reasonable and supportable period of one year
Reversion to historical average loss rates within two quarters using a straight-line method
Forecasted macro-economic variables
Unemployment rate is 4.3% during the supportable forecast period
Real GDP growth ranges from 1.8% to 2.2%
BBB corporate yield from 4.9% to 5.0%
Housing Price Index from 320.5 to 328.1
Unemployment rate ranges from 4.0% to 4.2% during the reasonable and supportable forecast period
Real GDP growth ranges from 1.7% to 2.2%
BBB corporate yield from 5.0% to 5.4%
Housing Price Index from 321.2 to 327.1
Prepayment assumptions
Commercial loans
Pools ranging from 0% to 5%
Personal banking loans
Ranging from 7.9% to 22.9% for most loan pools
Consumer credit cards 66.6%
Commercial loans
Pools ranging from 0% to 5%
Personal banking loans
Ranging from 7.7% to 22.7% for most loan pools
Consumer credit cards 66.6%
Qualitative factors
Added qualitative factors related to:
Changes in the composition of the loan portfolios
Certain industries experiencing stress or emerging concerns within the portfolio
Loans downgraded to special mention, substandard, or non-accrual status
Certain portfolios where the model assumptions do not capture all identified loss risk
Added qualitative factors related to:
Changes in the composition of the loan portfolios
Certain industries experiencing stress or emerging concerns within the portfolio
Certain portfolios sensitive to unusually high rate of inflation and supply chain issues
Loans downgraded to special mention, substandard, or non-accrual status
Certain portfolios where the model assumptions do not capture all identified loss risk

The liability for unfunded lending commitments utilizes the same model as the allowance for credit losses on loans, however, the liability for unfunded lending commitments incorporates an assumption for the portion of unfunded commitments that are expected to be funded.

Sensitivity in the Allowance for Credit Loss model
The allowance for credit losses is an estimate that requires significant judgment including projections of the macro-economic environment. The forecasted macro-economic environment continuously changes which can cause fluctuations in the estimate of expected credit losses.

The current forecast projects continued low unemployment. It is expected that the Federal Reserve will cut rates at every other meeting next year.

Updated information on inflation and labor market trends could impact the Federal Reserve's decision on the timing and degree of rate reductions. The market's response to these events along with other economic, political, and social developments regionally, nationally, and even globally could significantly modify economic projections used in the estimation of the allowance for credit losses. The upcoming presidential election could result in policy changes that might also impact the estimation of the allowance for credit losses.


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Potential changes in any one economic variable may or may not affect the overall allowance because a variety of economic variables and inputs are considered in estimating the allowance, and changes in those variables and inputs may not occur at the same rate, may not be consistent across product types, and may have offsetting impacts to other changing variables and inputs.

A summary of the activity in the allowance for credit losses on loans and the liability for unfunded lending commitments for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, follows:

For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
(In thousands)CommercialPersonal Banking

CommercialPersonal Banking

Balance at beginning of period$107,217 $51,340 $158,557 $108,201 $54,194 $162,395 
Provision for credit losses on loans(63)11,924 11,861 (551)27,208 26,657 
   Loans charged off362 11,395 11,757 1,528 33,262 34,790 
   Less recoveries on loans255 1,923 2,178 925 5,652 6,577 
Net loan charge-offs (recoveries)107 9,472 9,579 603 27,610 28,213 
Balance September 30, 2024$107,047 $53,792 $160,839 $107,047 $53,792 $160,839 
Balance at beginning of period$19,363 $1,342 $20,705 $23,909 $1,337 $25,246 
Provision for credit losses on unfunded lending commitments(2,715)(6)(2,721)(7,261)(1)(7,262)
Balance September 30, 2024$16,648 $1,336 $17,984 $16,648 $1,336 $17,984 

For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
(In thousands)CommercialPersonal Banking

CommercialPersonal Banking

Balance at beginning of period$108,024 $50,661 $158,685 $103,293 $46,843 $150,136 
Provision for credit losses on loans5,201 8,142 13,343 10,203 24,952 35,155 
   Loans charged off2,664 9,262 11,926 3,263 26,549 29,812 
   Less recoveries on loans66 2,076 2,142 394 6,371 6,765 
Net loan charge-offs (recoveries)2,598 7,186 9,784 2,869 20,178 23,047 
Balance September 30, 2023$110,627 $51,617 $162,244 $110,627 $51,617 $162,244 
Balance at beginning of period$27,842 $1,393 $29,235 $31,743 $1,377 $33,120 
Provision for credit losses on unfunded lending commitments(1,724)26 (1,698)(5,625)42 (5,583)
Balance September 30, 2023$26,118 $1,419 $27,537 $26,118 $1,419 $27,537 

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Delinquent and non-accrual loans
The Company considers loans past due on the day following the contractual repayment date, if the contractual repayment was not received by the Company as of the end of the business day. The following table provides aging information on the Company’s past due and accruing loans, in addition to the balances of loans on non-accrual status, at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.

(In thousands)
Current or Less Than 30 Days Past Due

30 – 89
Days Past Due
90 Days Past Due and Still AccruingNon-accrual

September 30, 2024
Business$6,041,090 $6,388 $496 $354 $6,048,328 
Real estate – construction and land1,381,108 499   1,381,607 
Real estate – business3,563,683 8,372  14,944 3,586,999 
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal 3,016,598 17,048 8,601 1,144 3,043,391 
Consumer2,076,058 28,424 3,799  2,108,281 
Revolving home equity337,653 1,711 1,035 1,977 342,376 
Consumer credit card559,056 7,635 8,055  574,746 
Overdrafts4,030 242   4,272 
Total $16,979,276 $70,319 $21,986 $18,419 $17,090,000 
December 31, 2023
Business$5,985,713 $29,087 $614 $3,622 $6,019,036 
Real estate – construction and land1,446,764    1,446,764 
Real estate – business3,714,579 4,582 85 60 3,719,306 
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal 2,999,988 14,841 9,559 1,653 3,026,041 
Consumer2,036,353 38,217 3,153  2,077,723 
Revolving home equity315,483 1,564 870 1,977 319,894 
Consumer credit card574,805 7,525 7,583  589,913 
Overdrafts6,553 249   6,802 
Total $17,080,238 $96,065 $21,864 $7,312 $17,205,479 

At September 30, 2024, the Company had $2.0 million in non-accrual loans that had no allowance for credit loss, compared to $4.3 million in non-accrual loans that had no allowance for credit loss at December 31, 2023. The Company did not record any interest income on non-accrual loans during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

Credit quality indicators
The following table provides information about the credit quality of the Commercial loan portfolio. The Company utilizes an internal risk rating system comprised of a series of grades to categorize loans according to perceived risk associated with the expectation of debt repayment based on borrower specific information including, but not limited to, current financial information, historical payment experience, industry information, collateral levels and collateral types. The “pass” category consists of a range of loan grades that reflect increasing, though still acceptable, risk. A loan is assigned the risk rating at origination and then monitored throughout the contractual term for possible risk rating changes. Movement of risk through the various grade levels in the “pass” category is monitored for early identification of credit deterioration. The “special mention” rating is applied to loans where the borrower exhibits negative financial trends due to borrower specific or systemic conditions that, if left uncorrected, threaten its capacity to meet its debt obligations. The borrower is believed to have sufficient financial flexibility to react to and resolve its negative financial situation. It is a transitional grade that is closely monitored for improvement or deterioration. The “substandard” rating is applied to loans where the borrower exhibits well-defined weaknesses that jeopardize its continued performance and are of a severity that the distinct possibility of default exists. Loans are placed on “non-accrual” when management does not expect to collect payments consistent with acceptable and agreed upon terms of repayment.

All loans are analyzed for risk rating updates annually. For larger loans, rating assessments may be more frequent if relevant information is obtained earlier through debt covenant monitoring or overall relationship management. Smaller loans

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are monitored as identified by the loan officer based on the risk profile of the individual borrower or if the loan becomes past due related to credit issues. Loans rated Special Mention, Substandard or Non-accrual are subject to quarterly review and monitoring processes. In addition to the regular monitoring performed by the lending personnel and credit committees, loans are subject to review by a credit review department which verifies the appropriateness of the risk ratings for the loans chosen as part of its risk-based review plan.

The risk category of loans in the Commercial portfolio as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 are as follows:

Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year
(In thousands)20242023202220212020PriorRevolving Loans Amortized Cost BasisTotal
September 30, 2024
    Risk Rating:
       Pass$978,443 $1,039,903 $689,744 $436,950 $184,997 $390,233 $2,081,711 $5,801,981 
       Special mention17,777 10,098 9,521 21,123 156 2,187 65,461 126,323 
       Substandard2,922 15,055 11,514 2,563 6,100 8,974 72,542 119,670 
       Non-accrual1 80 1   272  354 
   Total Business:$999,143 $1,065,136 $710,780 $460,636 $191,253 $401,666 $2,219,714 $6,048,328 
Gross write-offs for the nine months ended September 30, 2024
$200 $245 $40 $ $ $17 $1,026 $1,528 
Real estate-construction
    Risk Rating:
       Pass$261,113 $440,772 $546,057 $92,990 $3,240 $2,821 $29,463 $1,376,456 
       Substandard2,414 2,737      5,151 
    Total Real estate-construction:$263,527 $443,509 $546,057 $92,990 $3,240 $2,821 $29,463 $1,381,607 
Gross write-offs for the nine months ended September 30, 2024
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 
Real estate-business
    Risk Rating:
       Pass$504,562 $676,908 $811,977 $460,716 $378,939 $398,500 $94,064 $3,325,666 
       Special mention681 15,500 18,047 14,351 2,217 1,522  52,318 
       Substandard1,294 24,735 32,143 16,342 4,041 115,414 102 194,071 
       Non-accrual    14,872 72  14,944 
   Total Real estate-business:$506,537 $717,143 $862,167 $491,409 $400,069 $515,508 $94,166 $3,586,999 
Gross write-offs for the nine months ended September 30, 2024
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 
Commercial loans
    Risk Rating:
       Pass$1,744,118 $2,157,583 $2,047,778 $990,656 $567,176 $791,554 $2,205,238 $10,504,103 
       Special mention18,458 25,598 27,568 35,474 2,373 3,709 65,461 178,641 
       Substandard6,630 42,527 43,657 18,905 10,141 124,388 72,644 318,892 
       Non-accrual1 80 1  14,872 344  15,298 
   Total Commercial loans:$1,769,207 $2,225,788 $2,119,004 $1,045,035 $594,562 $919,995 $2,343,343 $11,016,934 
Gross write-offs for the nine months ended September 30, 2024
$200 $245 $40 $ $ $17 $1,026 $1,528 


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Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year
(In thousands)20232022202120202019PriorRevolving Loans Amortized Cost BasisTotal
December 31, 2023
    Risk Rating:
       Pass$1,609,685 $839,511 $555,991 $273,138 $215,988 $257,177 $2,096,108 $5,847,598 
       Special mention19,639 3,412 19,489 643 412 2,485 43,054 89,134 
       Substandard5,256 8,666 6,891 20,854 1,422 10,235 25,358 78,682 
       Non-accrual 130 1,184   2,308  3,622 
   Total Business:$1,634,580 $851,719 $583,555 $294,635 $217,822 $272,205 $2,164,520 $6,019,036 
Gross write-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023$ $2,260 $57 $41 $ $ $1,393 $3,751 
Real estate-construction
    Risk Rating:
       Pass$476,489 $579,933 $295,841 $41,418 $498 $2,834 $31,670 $1,428,683 
       Special mention3,068 15,013      18,081 
    Total Real estate-construction:$479,557 $594,946 $295,841 $41,418 $498 $2,834 $31,670 $1,446,764 
Gross write-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 
Real estate- business
    Risk Rating:
       Pass$807,631 $1,063,189 $510,397 $433,030 $311,457 $325,738 $94,432 $3,545,874 
       Special mention16,650 8,619 451 884 9,253 733  36,590 
       Substandard2,952 18,463 27,914 17,430 11,636 58,387  136,782 
       Non-accrual     60  60 
   Total Real-estate business:$827,233 $1,090,271 $538,762 $451,344 $332,346 $384,918 $94,432 $3,719,306 
Gross write-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023$ $ $ $ $ $134 $ $134 
Commercial loans
    Risk Rating:
       Pass$2,893,805 $2,482,633 $1,362,229 $747,586 $527,943 $585,749 $2,222,210 $10,822,155 
       Special mention39,357 27,044 19,940 1,527 9,665 3,218 43,054 143,805 
       Substandard8,208 27,129 34,805 38,284 13,058 68,622 25,358 215,464 
       Non-accrual 130 1,184   2,368  3,682 
   Total Commercial loans:$2,941,370 $2,536,936 $1,418,158 $787,397 $550,666 $659,957 $2,290,622 $11,185,106 
Gross write-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023$ $2,260 $57 $41 $ $134 $1,393 $3,885 


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The credit quality of Personal Banking loans is monitored primarily on the basis of aging/delinquency, and this information is provided as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 below.

Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year
(In thousands)20242023202220212020PriorRevolving Loans Amortized Cost BasisTotal
September 30, 2024
Real estate-personal
       Current to 90 days past due$289,567 $400,647 $417,239 $493,672 $658,047 $763,703 $10,771 $3,033,646 
       Over 90 days past due73 1,343 1,545 1,883 1,795 1,962  8,601 
       Non-accrual  85 113  946  1,144 
   Total Real estate-personal:$289,640 $401,990 $418,869 $495,668 $659,842 $766,611 $10,771 $3,043,391 
Gross write-offs for the nine months ended September 30, 2024
$ $82 $96 $83 $ $22 $ $283 
       Current to 90 days past due$331,707 $408,155 $255,740 $184,678 $84,094 $67,457 $772,651 $2,104,482 
       Over 90 days past due585 383 513 161 116 285 1,756 3,799 
    Total Consumer:$332,292 $408,538 $256,253 $184,839 $84,210 $67,742 $774,407 $2,108,281 
Gross write-offs for the nine months ended September 30, 2024
$482 $2,173 $2,089 $1,017 $408 $214 $1,722 $8,105 
Revolving home equity
       Current to 90 days past due$ $ $ $ $ $ $339,364 $339,364 
       Over 90 days past due      1,035 1,035 
       Non-accrual      1,977 $1,977 
   Total Revolving home equity:$ $ $ $ $ $ $342,376 $342,376 
Gross write-offs for the nine months ended September 30, 2024
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 
Consumer credit card
       Current to 90 days past due$ $ $ $ $ $ $566,691 $566,691 
       Over 90 days past due      8,055 8,055 
   Total Consumer credit card:$ $ $ $ $ $ $574,746 $574,746 
Gross write-offs for the nine months ended September 30, 2024
$ $ $ $ $ $ $22,790 $22,790 
       Current to 90 days past due$4,272 $ $ $ $ $ $ $4,272 
    Total Overdrafts:$4,272 $ $ $ $ $ $ $4,272 
Gross write-offs for the nine months ended September 30, 2024
$2,084 $ $ $ $ $ $ $2,084 
Personal banking loans
       Current to 90 days past due$625,546 $808,802 $672,979 $678,350 $742,141 $831,160 $1,689,477 $6,048,455 
       Over 90 days past due658 1,726 2,058 2,044 1,911 2,247 10,846 21,490 
       Non-accrual  85 113  946 1,977 3,121 
   Total Personal banking loans:$626,204 $810,528 $675,122 $680,507 $744,052 $834,353 $1,702,300 $6,073,066 
Gross write-offs for the nine months ended September 30, 2024
$2,566 $2,255 $2,185 $1,100 $408 $236 $24,512 $33,262 

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Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year
(In thousands)20232022202120202019PriorRevolving Loans Amortized Cost BasisTotal
December 31, 2023
Real estate-personal
       Current to 90 days past due$455,703 $452,153 $533,313 $711,442 $257,159 $596,439 $8,620 $3,014,829 
       Over 90 days past due3,319 1,650 2,222 834 44 1,490  9,559 
       Non-accrual 261 167  157 1,068  1,653 
   Total Real estate-personal:$459,022 $454,064 $535,702 $712,276 $257,360 $598,997 $8,620 $3,026,041 
Gross write-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023$ $18 $ $ $ $23 $ $41 
       Current to 90 days past due$518,619 $340,104 $258,348 $127,208 $56,394 $51,302 $722,595 $2,074,570 
       Over 90 days past due391 210 194 24 54 421 1,859 3,153 
    Total Consumer:$519,010 $340,314 $258,542 $127,232 $56,448 $51,723 $724,454 $2,077,723 
Gross write-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023$926 $2,891 $1,939 $770 $376 $370 $1,051 $8,323 
Revolving home equity
       Current to 90 days past due$ $ $ $ $ $ $317,047 $317,047 
       Over 90 days past due      870 870 
       Non-accrual      1,977 $1,977 
   Total Revolving home equity:$ $ $ $ $ $ $319,894 $319,894 
Gross write-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023$ $ $ $ $ $ $11 $11 
Consumer credit card
       Current to 90 days past due$ $ $ $ $ $ $582,330 $582,330 
       Over 90 days past due      7,583 7,583 
   Total Consumer credit card:$ $ $ $ $ $ $589,913 $589,913 
Gross write-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023$ $ $ $ $ $ $24,105 $24,105 
       Current to 90 days past due$6,802 $ $ $ $ $ $ $6,802 
    Total Overdrafts:$6,802 $ $ $ $ $ $ $6,802 
Gross write-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023$3,803 $ $ $ $ $ $ $3,803 
Personal banking loans
       Current to 90 days past due$981,124 $792,257 $791,661 $838,650 $313,553 $647,741 $1,630,592 $5,995,578 
       Over 90 days past due3,710 1,860 2,416 858 98 1,911 10,312 21,165 
       Non-accrual 261 167  157 1,068 1,977 3,630 
   Total Personal banking loans:$984,834 $794,378 $794,244 $839,508 $313,808 $650,720 $1,642,881 $6,020,373 
Gross write-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023$4,729 $2,909 $1,939 $770 $376 $393 $25,167 $36,283 


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Collateral-dependent loans
The Company's collateral-dependent loans are comprised of large loans on non-accrual status. The Company requires that collateral-dependent loans are either over-collateralized or carry collateral equal to the amortized cost of the loan. The following table presents the amortized cost basis of collateral-dependent loans as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.

(In thousands)Business AssetsReal EstateOil & Gas AssetsTotal
September 30, 2024
  Real estate - business$ $14,872 $ $14,872 
Personal Banking:
  Revolving home equity 1,977  1,977 
Total$ $16,849 $ $16,849 
December 31, 2023
Business$1,183 $ $1,238 $2,421 
Personal Banking:
Revolving home equity 1,977  1,977 
Total$1,183 $1,977 $1,238 $4,398 

Other Personal Banking loan information
As noted above, the credit quality of Personal Banking loans is monitored primarily on the basis of aging/delinquency, and this information is provided in the table in the above section on "Credit quality indicators." In addition, FICO scores are obtained and updated on a quarterly basis for most of the loans in the Personal Banking portfolio. This is a published credit score designed to measure the risk of default by taking into account various factors from a borrower's financial history and is considered supplementary information utilized by the Company, as management does not consider this information in evaluating the allowance for credit losses on loans. The Bank normally obtains a FICO score at the loan's origination and renewal dates, and updates are obtained on a quarterly basis. Excluded from the table below are certain personal real estate loans for which FICO scores are not obtained because the loans generally pertain to commercial customer activities and are often underwritten with other collateral considerations. These loans totaled $167.7 million at September 30, 2024 and $168.9 million at December 31, 2023. The table also excludes consumer loans related to the Company's patient healthcare loan program, which totaled $225.2 million at September 30, 2024 and $211.3 million at December 31, 2023. As the healthcare loans are guaranteed by the hospital, customer FICO scores are not obtained for these loans. The personal real estate loans and consumer loans excluded below totaled less than 7% of the Personal Banking portfolio. For the remainder of loans in the Personal Banking portfolio, the table below shows the percentage of balances outstanding at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 by FICO score.


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   Personal Banking Loans
% of Loan Category
Real Estate - PersonalConsumerRevolving Home EquityConsumer Credit Card
September 30, 2024
FICO score:
Under 6002.3 %2.4 %2.0 %5.0 %
600 - 6592.3 3.9 3.1 12.1 
660 - 7197.8 13.4 10.3 29.0 
720 - 77920.7 22.3 23.9 26.7 
780 and over66.9 58.0 60.7 27.2 
Total100.0 %100.0 %100.0 %100.0 %
December 31, 2023
FICO score:
Under 6002.0 %2.5 %1.9 %4.7 %
600 - 6592.3 4.3 3.3 12.1 
660 - 7198.5 12.9 10.9 29.2 
720 - 77921.9 28.2 22.4 27.0 
780 and over65.3 52.1 61.5 27.0 
Total100.0 %100.0 %100.0 %100.0 %

Modifications for borrowers experiencing financial difficulty
When borrowers are experiencing financial difficulty, the Company may agree to modify the contractual terms of a loan to a borrower in order to assist the borrower in repaying principal and interest owed to the Company.

The Company's modifications of loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty are generally in the form of term extensions, repayment plans, payment deferrals, forbearance agreements, interest rate reductions, forgiveness of interest and/or fees, or any combination thereof. Commercial loans modified to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty are primarily loans that are substandard or non-accrual, where the maturity date was extended. Modifications on personal real estate loans are primarily those placed on forbearance plans, repayment plans, or deferral plans where monthly payments are suspended for a period of time or past due amounts are paid off over a certain period of time in the future or set up as a balloon payment at maturity. Modifications to certain credit card and other small consumer loans are often modified under debt counseling programs that can reduce the contractual rate or, in certain instances, forgive certain fees and interest charges. Other consumer loans modified to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty consist of various other workout arrangements with consumer customers.


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The following tables present the amortized cost at September 30, 2024 of loans that were modified during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and the amortized cost of at September 30, 2023 of loans that were modified during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023.

For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024

(Dollars in thousands)
Term ExtensionPayment DelayInterest Rate ReductionInterest/Fees Forgiven
Total% of Total Loan Category
September 30, 2024
Business$36,892 $ $ $ $ $36,892 0.6 %
Real estate – construction and land1,915     1,915 0.1 
Real estate – business70,091     70,091 2.0 
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal 42 4,024    4,066 0.1 
Consumer 720 30   750  
Consumer credit card  931   931 0.2 
Total $108,940 $4,744 $961 $ $ $114,645 0.7 %
For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
September 30, 2024
Business$54,608 $ $ $ $ $54,608 0.9 %
Real estate – construction and land1,915     1,915 0.1 
Real estate – business117,718     117,718 3.3 
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal42 6,586    6,628 0.2 
Consumer 720 84  44 848  
Consumer credit card  2,642   2,642 0.5 
Total$174,283 $7,306 $2,726 $ $44 $184,359 1.1 %

For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023

(Dollars in thousands)
Term ExtensionPayment DelayInterest Rate ReductionInterest/Fees Forgiven
Total% of Total Loan Category
September 30, 2023
Business$3,792 $ $ $ $ $3,792 0.1 %
Real estate – business56,552     56,552 1.6 
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal 45 773    818  
Consumer  49  31 80  
Consumer credit card  935 72  1,007 0.2 
Total $60,389 $773 $984 $72 $31 $62,249 0.4 %
For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
September 30, 2023
Business$16,705 $ $ $ $ $16,705 0.3 %
Real estate – business106,034     106,034 2.9 
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal289 3,313    3,602 0.1 
Consumer30 70 69  86 255  
Consumer credit card  1,967 485  2,452 0.4 
Total$123,058 $3,383 $2,036 $485 $86 $129,048 0.8 %

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The estimate of lifetime expected losses utilized in the allowance for credit losses model is developed using average historical experience on loans with similar risk characteristics, which includes losses from modifications of loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty. As a result, a change to the allowance for credit losses is generally not recorded upon modification. For modifications to loans made to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty that are placed on non-accrual status, the Company determines the allowance for credit losses on an individual evaluation, using the same process that it utilizes for other loans on non-accrual status. Modifications made to commercial loans which are not on non-accrual status for borrowers experiencing financial difficulty are collectively evaluated based on internal risk rating, loan type, delinquency, historical experience, and current economic factors. Modifications made to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty for personal banking loans which are not on non-accrual status are collectively evaluated based on loan type, delinquency, historical experience, and current economic factors.

If a loan to a borrower experiencing financial difficulty is modified and subsequently deemed uncollectible, the allowance for credit losses continues to be based on individual evaluation, if that loan is already on non-accrual status. For those loans, the allowance for credit losses is estimated using discounted expected cash flows or the fair value of collateral. If an accruing loan made to a borrower experiencing financial difficulty is modified and subsequently deemed uncollectible, the loan's risk rating is downgraded to non-accrual status and the loan's related allowance for credit losses is determined based on individual evaluation, or if necessary, the loan is charged off and collection efforts begin.

The following tables summarize the financial impact of loan modifications and payment deferrals during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023.

Term Extension
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 5 months.
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 3 months.
Real estate – construction and land
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 2 months.
Real estate – business
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 11 months.
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 12 months.
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 2 months.
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 6 months.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 5 months.
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 8 months.
Real estate – construction and land
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 2 months.
Real estate – business
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 11 months.
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 13 months.
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 5 months.
Extended maturity by a weighted average of 7 months.
Extended maturity by 10 years.


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Payment Delay
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal
Deferred certain payments by a weighted average of 15 years.
Deferred certain payments by a weighted average of 22 years.
Deferred certain payments by a weighted average of 19 years.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Real estate – personal
Deferred certain payments by a weighted average of 10 years.
Deferred certain payments by a weighted average of 20 years.
Deferred certain payments by a weighted average of 19 years.
Deferred certain payments by a weighted average of 71 months.

Interest Rate Reduction
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Personal Banking:
ConsumerReduced contractual interest rate from average 21% to 6%.Reduced contractual interest rate from average 21% to 6%.
Consumer credit cardReduced contractual interest rate from average 21% to 6%.Reduced contractual interest rate from average 21% to 6%.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Personal Banking:
ConsumerReduced contractual interest rate from average 21% to 6%.Reduced contractual interest rate from average 21% to 6%.
Consumer credit cardReduced contractual interest rate from average 21% to 6%.Reduced contractual interest rate from average 21% to 6%.

Forgiveness of Interest/Fees
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Personal Banking:
Consumer credit cardApproximately $5 thousand of interest and fees forgiven.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Personal Banking:
Consumer credit cardApproximately $33 thousand of interest and fees forgiven.

The Company had commitments of $9.4 million and $28.4 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, to lend additional funds to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty and for whom the Company has modified the terms of loans in the form of an interest rate reduction; an other-than-insignificant payment delay; forgiveness of principal, interest, or fees; or a term extension during the current reporting period.

The following tables provide the amortized cost basis at September 30, 2024 of loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty that had a payment default during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and were modified within the 12 months preceding the payment default, as well as the amortized cost basis at September 30, 2023 of loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty that had a payment default during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 and had been modified on or after January 1, 2023 (the date we adopted ASU 2022-02). For purposes of this disclosure, the Company considers "default" to mean 90 days or more past due as to interest or principal.


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For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024

(Dollars in thousands)
Term ExtensionPayment DelayInterest Rate ReductionInterest/Fees ForgivenTotalTerm ExtensionPayment DelayInterest Rate ReductionInterest/Fees ForgivenTotal
September 30, 2024
Business$14,872 $ $ $ $14,872 $14,872 $ $ $ $14,872 
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal  2,600   2,600  3,728   3,728 
Consumer  13  13   24  24 
Consumer credit card  251  251   536 20 556 
Total $14,872 $2,600 $264 $ $17,736 $14,872 $3,728 $560 $20 $19,180 
For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023

(Dollars in thousands)
Term ExtensionPayment DelayInterest Rate ReductionInterest/Fees ForgivenTotalTerm ExtensionPayment DelayInterest Rate ReductionInterest/Fees ForgivenTotal
September 30, 2023
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal $ $802 $ $ $802 $ $1,007 $ $ $1,007 
Consumer  19  19   30  30 
Consumer credit card  235 157 392   274 158 432 
Total $ $802 $254 $157 $1,213 $ $1,007 $304 $158 $1,469 

The following tables present the amortized cost basis at September 30, 2024 of loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty that had been modified within the previous 12 months as well as the amortized cost basis at September 30, 2023 of loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty that had been modified on or after January 1, 2023 (the date we adopted ASU 2022-02) through September 30, 2023.

(In thousands)
30-89 Days Past Due
90 Days Past DueTotal
September 30, 2024
Business$56,517 $86 $ $56,603 
Real estate – construction and land1,915   1,915 
Real estate – business102,846  14,872 117,718 
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal 3,220 1,151 2,601 6,972 
Consumer844 18 12 874 
Consumer credit card2,380 510 237 3,127 
Total $167,722 $1,765 $17,722 $187,209 

(In thousands)
30-89 Days Past Due
90 Days Past DueTotal
September 30, 2023
Business$16,705 $ $ $16,705 
Real estate – business106,034   106,034 
Personal Banking:
Real estate – personal 2,203 597 802 3,602 
Consumer209 27 19 255 
Consumer credit card1,534 526 392 2,452 
Total $126,685 $1,150 $1,213 $129,048 


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Loans held for sale
The Company designates certain long-term fixed rate personal real estate loans as held for sale, and the Company has elected the fair value option for these loans. The election of the fair value option aligns the accounting for these loans with the related economic hedges discussed in Note 11. The loans are primarily sold to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) and Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA). At September 30, 2024, the fair value of these loans was $1.6 million, and the unpaid principal balance was $1.6 million.

At September 30, 2024, none of the loans held for sale were on non-accrual status or 90 days past due and still accruing interest.
Foreclosed real estate/repossessed assets
The Company’s holdings of foreclosed real estate totaled $1.0 million and $270 thousand at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, and included in those amounts were $792 thousand and $270 thousand at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, of foreclosed residential real estate properties held as a result of obtaining physical possession. Personal property acquired in repossession, generally autos, totaled $2.3 million and $1.8 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Upon acquisition, these assets are recorded at fair value less estimated selling costs at the date of foreclosure, establishing a new cost basis. They are subsequently carried at the lower of this cost basis or fair value less estimated selling costs.

3. Investment Securities
Investment securities consisted of the following at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.

(In thousands)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Available for sale debt securities$9,167,681 $9,684,760 
Trading debt securities42,645 28,830 
Equity securities:
Readily determinable fair value48,262 5,723 
No readily determinable fair value8,853 6,978 
Federal Reserve Bank stock35,451 35,166 
Federal Home Loan Bank stock10,119 10,640 
Private equity investments170,973 176,667 
Total investment securities (1)
$9,483,984 $9,948,764 
(1)Accrued interest receivable totaled $29.7 million and $28.9 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, and was included within other assets on the consolidated balance sheets.

Most of the Company’s investment securities are classified as available for sale debt securities, and this portfolio is discussed in more detail below. The Company’s equity securities are also discussed below. Other investment securities include Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) stock, Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) stock, and investments in portfolio concerns held by the Company’s private equity subsidiary. FRB stock and FHLB stock are held for debt and regulatory purposes. Investment in FRB stock is based on the capital structure of the investing bank, and investment in FHLB stock is tied to the asset size of the borrowing bank and the level of borrowings from the FHLB. These holdings are carried at cost. The Company’s private equity investments are carried at estimated fair value.

Equity Securities
The Company’s equity securities portfolio includes mutual funds, common stock, and preferred stock with readily determinable fair values as well as equity securities with no readily determinable fair value. The Company has elected to measure equity securities with no readily determinable fair value at cost minus impairment, if any, plus or minus changes resulting from observable price changes for the identical or similar investment of the same issuer. At March 31, 2024, this portfolio included the Company’s 823,447 shares of Visa Inc. (“Visa”) Class B-1 common stock (formerly Class B common stock), which were held by Commerce Bancshares, Inc. The Company’s Visa Class B-1 shares had a carrying value of zero at March 31, 2024, as there had not been observable price changes in orderly transactions for identical or similar investments of the same issuer.


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On April 8, 2024, Visa announced the commencement of a public offering to permit the exchange of its Class B-1 common stock for a combination of shares of its Class B-2 common stock and its Class C common stock (“Exchange Offer”). The Company tendered all of its Visa Class B-1 shares pursuant to the Exchange Offer. On May 3, 2024, the Exchange Offer closed, and in exchange for its 823,447 shares of Visa Class B-1 common stock, the Company received 411,723 shares of Visa Class B-2 common stock (which will be convertible under certain circumstances, as further described below, into Visa’s publicly traded Class A common stock at an initial rate of 1.5875 shares of Class A common for each share of Class B-2 common stock, subject to adjustment) and 163,404 shares of Visa Class C common stock which will automatically convert into four shares of Visa's Class A common stock (subject to future adjustments for any stock splits, recapitalizations or similar transactions) upon any transfer to a person other than a Visa member or an affiliate of a Visa member.

As a condition of participating in the exchange, the Company entered into a Makewhole Agreement with Visa that provides for cash payments to Visa to the extent (if any) that future adjustments to the conversion ratio for the Visa Class B-2 common stock to Class A common stock cause such ratio to fall below zero. Changes to the conversion ratio occur when Visa deposits funds to a litigation escrow established by Visa to pay settlements for certain covered litigation that pre-dated Visa’s initial public offering, for which Visa has been effectively indemnified by Visa USA members through reductions to the conversion ratio for its Class B-1 common stock. The purpose of the Makewhole Agreement is to preserve the economic benefit of these adjustments to the Class B-1 conversion ratio for the benefit of Visa’s Class A and Class C common stockholders following the exchange. As further described in Visa’s related Issuer Tender Offer Statement on Schedule TO and Prospectus, each dated April 8, 2024, publicly filed with the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission, both the Makewhole Agreement and the related escrow fund and transfer restrictions on Visa’s Class B-1 common stock and the new Class B-2 common stock will terminate whenever the covered litigation is ultimately resolved, at which future date outstanding shares of Visa Class B-2 common stock will be convertible into shares of its Class A common stock at the then-applicable conversion ratio.

As a result of the exchange, the Company elected the measurement alternative approach for its Visa Class C common stock and marked the stock to fair value, recording a gain based on the conversion privilege of the Visa Class C common stock and the closing price of Visa Class A common stock. During the second quarter of 2024, the Company sold 436 thousand shares of Visa Class A common stock at an average price of $274.91, resulting in proceeds of $119.8 million. During the third quarter of 2024, the Company sold 218 thousand Visa Class A shares at an average price of $260.56, resulting of proceeds of $56.8 million. As of September 30, 2024, the Company has sold all of the Visa Class C shares it received from the Visa Exchange Offer. The Company’s Visa Class B-2 common stock will continue to be carried at cost of $0 as the Company elected the measurement alternative approach for these shares as well, and there are not observable price changes in orderly transactions for identical or similar investments of the same issuer for the Visa Class B-2 shares held by the Company.

Changes in equity investments with no readily determinable fair value for each period were as follows:
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(In thousands)20242024
Balance at beginning of period$65,780 $6,978 
Observable upward price adjustments 178,227 
Observable downward price adjustments(416)(416)
Impairment charges  
Sales of securities and other activity(56,511)(175,936)
Balance at end of period$8,853 $8,853 

Net gains and losses for the Company's equity securities portfolio during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were as follows:
Nine Months Ended September 30
(In thousands)2024
Net gains (losses) recognized during the period on equity securities$178,098 
Less: Net gains (losses) recognized during the period on equity securities sold during the period(176,755)
Net unrealized gains (losses) recognized during the reporting period on equity securities still held at the reporting date$1,343 


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Available for sale debt securities portfolio
The majority of the Company’s investment portfolio is comprised of available for sale debt securities, which are carried at fair value with changes in fair value reported in accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI). A summary of the available for sale debt securities by maturity groupings as of September 30, 2024 is shown below. The investment portfolio includes agency mortgage-backed securities, which are guaranteed by agencies such as FHLMC, FNMA, and Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), in addition to non-agency mortgage-backed securities, which have no guarantee but are collateralized by commercial and residential mortgages. Also included are certain other asset-backed securities, which are primarily collateralized by credit cards, automobiles, student loans, and commercial loans. These securities differ from traditional debt securities primarily in that they may have uncertain maturity dates and are priced based on estimated prepayment rates on the underlying collateral.
(In thousands)Amortized
U.S. government and federal agency obligations:
Within 1 year$351,471 $351,904 
After 1 but within 5 years1,409,595 1,421,048 
After 5 but within 10 years627,728 633,888 
Total U.S. government and federal agency obligations2,388,794 2,406,840 
Government-sponsored enterprise obligations:
After 5 but within 10 years4,747 4,493 
After 10 years50,686 41,006 
Total government-sponsored enterprise obligations55,433 45,499 
State and municipal obligations:
Within 1 year79,170 78,140 
After 1 but within 5 years362,816 344,045 
After 5 but within 10 years287,859 258,797 
After 10 years119,682 101,400 
Total state and municipal obligations849,527 782,382 
Mortgage and asset-backed securities:
  Agency mortgage-backed securities4,295,653 3,673,971 
  Non-agency mortgage-backed securities663,426 609,344 
  Asset-backed securities1,484,628 1,444,597 
Total mortgage and asset-backed securities6,443,707 5,727,912 
Other debt securities:
Within 1 year74,972 74,027 
After 1 but within 5 years81,414 76,980 
After 5 but within 10 years49,207 43,786 
After 10 years11,000 10,255 
Total other debt securities216,593 205,048 
Total available for sale debt securities$9,954,054 $9,167,681 

Investments in U.S. government and federal agency obligations include U.S. Treasury inflation-protected securities, which totaled $411.0 million, at fair value, at September 30, 2024. Interest earned on these securities increases with inflation and decreases with deflation, as measured by the non-seasonally adjusted Consumer Price Index (CPI-U). At maturity, the principal paid is the greater of an inflation-adjusted principal or the original principal.

Allowance for credit losses on available for sale debt securities
Securities for which fair value is less than amortized cost are reviewed for impairment. Special emphasis is placed on securities whose credit rating has fallen below Baa3 (Moody's) or BBB- (Standard & Poor's), whose fair values have fallen more than 20% below purchase price, or those which have been identified based on management’s judgment. These securities are placed on a watch list and cash flow analyses are prepared on an individual security basis. Certain securities are analyzed using a projected cash flow model, discounted to present value, and compared to the current amortized cost bases of the securities. The model uses input factors such as cash flow projections, contractual payments required, expected delinquency rates, credit support from other tranches, prepayment speeds, collateral loss severity rates (including loan to values), and various other information related to the underlying collateral. Securities not analyzed using the cash flow model are analyzed by reviewing credit ratings, credit support agreements, and industry knowledge to project future cash flows and any possible credit impairment.


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At September 30, 2024, the fair value of securities on this watch list was $814.5 million compared to $1.2 billion at December 31, 2023. Almost all of the securities included on the Company's watch list in the current quarter were experiencing unrealized loss positions due to the significant increase in interest rates and were analyzed outside of the cash flow model. At September 30, 2024, the securities on the Company's watch list that were not deemed to be solely related to increasing interest rates were securities backed by government-guaranteed student loans and are expected to perform as contractually required. As of September 30, 2024, the Company did not identify any securities for which a credit loss exists, and for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company did not recognize a credit loss expense on any available for sale debt securities.

The table below summarizes debt securities available for sale in an unrealized loss position, aggregated by length of loss period, for which an allowance for credit losses has not been recorded at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Unrealized losses on these available for sale securities have not been recognized into income because after review, the securities were deemed not to be impaired. The unrealized losses on these securities are primarily attributable to changes in interest rates and current market conditions. At September 30, 2024, the Company does not intend to sell the securities, nor is it anticipated that it would be required to sell any of these securities at a loss.

Less than 12 months12 months or longerTotal
(In thousands)
   Fair ValueUnrealized
Fair ValueUnrealized
Fair ValueUnrealized
September 30, 2024
U.S. government and federal agency obligations$359,913 $851 $357,083 $12,528 $716,996 $13,379 
Government-sponsored enterprise obligations   45,499 9,934 45,499 9,934 
State and municipal obligations7,676 476 756,489 66,715 764,165 67,191 
Mortgage and asset-backed securities:
   Agency mortgage-backed securities314 1 3,636,235 622,281 3,636,549 622,282 
   Non-agency mortgage-backed securities27  604,980 54,228 605,007 54,228 
   Asset-backed securities28,052 1,078 1,273,016 39,177 1,301,068 40,255 
Total mortgage and asset-backed securities28,393 1,079 5,514,231 715,686 5,542,624 716,765 
Other debt securities  205,048 11,545 205,048 11,545 
Total $395,982 $2,406 $6,878,350 $816,408 $7,274,332 $818,814 
December 31, 2023
U.S. government and federal agency obligations$51,585 $809 $714,400 $24,025 $765,985 $24,834 
Government-sponsored enterprise obligations  43,962 11,696 43,962 11,696 
State and municipal obligations24,022 760 1,167,607 148,478 1,191,629 149,238 
Mortgage and asset-backed securities:
   Agency mortgage-backed securities4,382 59 3,875,432 720,649 3,879,814 720,708 
   Non-agency mortgage-backed securities  1,152,045 173,526 1,152,045 173,526 
   Asset-backed securities19,086 156 2,081,293 93,076 2,100,379 93,232 
Total mortgage and asset-backed securities23,468 215 7,108,770 987,251 7,132,238 987,466 
Other debt securities  460,136 47,250 460,136 47,250 
Total $99,075 $1,784 $9,494,875 $1,218,700 $9,593,950 $1,220,484 

The entire available for sale debt portfolio included $7.3 billion of securities that were in a loss position at September 30, 2024, compared to $9.6 billion at December 31, 2023.  The total amount of unrealized loss on these securities was $818.8 million at September 30, 2024, a decrease of $401.7 million compared to the unrealized loss at December 31, 2023.  Securities with significant unrealized losses are discussed in the "Allowance for credit losses on available for sale debt securities" section above.


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For debt securities classified as available for sale, the following table shows the amortized cost, fair value, and allowance for credit losses of securities available for sale at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, and the corresponding amounts of gross unrealized gains and losses (pre-tax) in AOCI, by security type.

(In thousands)
Amortized CostGross
Allowance for Credit Losses
Fair Value
September 30, 2024
U.S. government and federal agency obligations$2,388,794 $31,425 $(13,379)$ $2,406,840 
Government-sponsored enterprise obligations55,433  (9,934) 45,499 
State and municipal obligations849,527 46 (67,191) 782,382 
Mortgage and asset-backed securities:
  Agency mortgage-backed securities4,295,653 600 (622,282) 3,673,971 
  Non-agency mortgage-backed securities663,426 146 (54,228) 609,344 
  Asset-backed securities1,484,628 224 (40,255) 1,444,597 
Total mortgage and asset-backed securities6,443,707 970 (716,765) 5,727,912 
Other debt securities216,593  (11,545) 205,048 
Total$9,954,054 $32,441 $(818,814)$ $9,167,681 
December 31, 2023
U.S. government and federal agency obligations$841,267 $81 $(24,834)$ $816,514 
Government-sponsored enterprise obligations55,658  (11,696) 43,962 
State and municipal obligations1,346,633 24 (149,238) 1,197,419 
Mortgage and asset-backed securities:
  Agency mortgage-backed securities4,621,821 233 (720,708) 3,901,346 
  Non-agency mortgage-backed securities1,331,288 136 (173,526) 1,157,898 
  Asset-backed securities2,200,712 5 (93,232) 2,107,485 
Total mortgage and asset-backed securities8,153,821 374 (987,466) 7,166,729 
Other debt securities507,386  (47,250) 460,136 
Total$10,904,765 $479 $(1,220,484)$ $9,684,760 

The following table presents proceeds from sales of securities and the components of investment securities gains and losses which have been recognized in earnings.

For the Nine Months Ended September 30
(In thousands)20242023
Proceeds from sales of securities:
Available for sale debt securities
$1,057,589 $1,101,782 
Equity securities
Other investments
38,558 40,167 
Total proceeds
$1,272,927 $1,141,949 
Investment securities gains (losses), net:
Available for sale debt securities:
Gains realized on sales$ $143 
Losses realized on sales(192,938)(8,587)
Equity securities:
 Gains (losses) on equity securities, net178,098 (757)
 Gains realized on sales
3,082 884 
 Losses realized on sales
Fair value adjustments, net 20,205 16,946 
Total investment securities gains (losses), net$6,846 $7,384 


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Net gains on investment securities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were mainly comprised of net gains of $178.1 million on equity investments and net gains in fair value of $20.2 million recorded on private equity investments. These gains were largely offset by net losses of $192.9 million on sales of available for sale securities.

Subsequent to the successful close of the Exchange Offer in early May 2024, the Company approved and executed a plan to reposition a portion of its available for sale debt securities portfolio during the second quarter of 2024 through the sale of securities with an amortized cost of $1.2 billion. The securities that the Company sold had a yield of approximately 2.1%, which resulted in a loss of $179.1 million, and the Company reinvested $928.8 million of the proceeds into U.S. Treasury securities yielding approximately 4.6%.

Pledged securities

At September 30, 2024, securities totaling $6.2 billion in fair value were pledged to secure public fund deposits, securities sold under agreements to repurchase, trust funds, and borrowings at the FRB and FHLB, compared to $7.5 billion at December 31, 2023. Except for obligations of various government-sponsored enterprises such as FNMA, FHLB and FHLMC, no investment in a single issuer exceeded 10% of stockholders’ equity.


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4. Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets
The following table presents information about the Company's intangible assets which have estimable useful lives.

September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(In thousands)
Gross Carrying AmountAccumulated AmortizationValuation AllowanceNet AmountGross Carrying AmountAccumulated AmortizationValuation AllowanceNet Amount
Amortizable intangible assets:
Core deposit premium$5,550 $(5,246)$ $304 $5,550 $(5,092)$ $458 
Mortgage servicing rights13,588 (3,770) 9,818 13,723 (3,602) 10,121 
Total $19,138 $(9,016)$ $10,122 $19,273 $(8,694)$ $10,579 

Aggregate amortization expense on intangible assets was $318 thousand and $344 thousand for the three month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $969 thousand and $1.1 million for the nine month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The following table shows the estimated annual amortization expense for the next five fiscal years. This expense is based on existing asset balances and the interest rate environment as of September 30, 2024. The Company’s actual amortization expense in any given period may be different from the estimated amounts depending upon the acquisition of intangible assets, changes in mortgage interest rates, prepayment rates and other market conditions.

 (In thousands)

Changes in the carrying amount of goodwill and other intangible assets for the nine month period ended September 30, 2024 are as follows:

(In thousands)GoodwillEasementCore Deposit PremiumMortgage Servicing Rights
Balance January 1, 2024
$146,539 $3,600 $458 $10,121 
Originations, net of disposals   512 
Amortization  (154)(815)
Balance September 30, 2024$146,539 $3,600 $304 $9,818 

Goodwill allocated to the Company’s operating segments at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 is shown below.

(In thousands)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Consumer segment$70,721 $70,721 
Commercial segment75,072 75,072 
Wealth segment746 746 
Total goodwill$146,539 $146,539 


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5. Guarantees
The Company, as a provider of financial services, routinely issues financial guarantees in the form of financial and performance standby letters of credit. Standby letters of credit are contingent commitments issued by the Company generally to guarantee the payment or performance obligation of a customer to a third party. While these represent a potential outlay by the Company, a significant amount of the commitments may expire without being drawn upon. The Company has recourse against the customer for any amount it is required to pay to a third party under a standby letter of credit. The letters of credit are subject to the same credit policies, underwriting standards and approval process as loans made by the Company. Most of the standby letters of credit are secured, and in the event of nonperformance by customers, the Company has rights to the underlying collateral, which could include commercial real estate, physical plant and property, inventory, receivables, cash and marketable securities.

Upon issuance of standby letters of credit, the Company recognizes a liability for the fair value of the obligation undertaken, which is estimated to be equivalent to the amount of fees received from the customer over the life of the agreement. At September 30, 2024, that net liability was $3.9 million, which will be accreted into income over the remaining life of the respective commitments. The contractual amount of these letters of credit, which represents the maximum potential future payments guaranteed by the Company, was $627.0 million at September 30, 2024.

The Company periodically enters into credit risk participation agreements (RPAs) as a guarantor to other financial institutions, in order to mitigate those institutions’ credit risk associated with interest rate swaps with third parties. The RPA stipulates that, in the event of default by the third party on the interest rate swap, the Company will reimburse a portion of the loss borne by the financial institution. These interest rate swaps are normally collateralized (generally with real property, inventories and equipment) by the third party, which limits the credit risk associated with the Company’s RPAs. The third parties usually have other borrowing relationships with the Company. The Company monitors overall borrower collateral and at September 30, 2024, believes sufficient collateral is available to cover potential swap losses. The RPAs are carried at fair value throughout their term with all changes in fair value, including those due to a change in the third party’s creditworthiness, recorded in current earnings. The terms of the RPAs, which correspond to the terms of the underlying swaps, range from 2 years to 15 years. At September 30, 2024, the fair value of the Company's guarantee liabilities for RPAs was $141 thousand, and the notional amount of the underlying swaps was $434.4 million. The maximum potential future payment guaranteed by the Company cannot be readily estimated but is dependent upon the fair value of the interest rate swaps at the time of default.


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6. Leases
The Company has net investments in direct financing and sales-type leases to commercial, industrial, and tax-exempt entities. These leases are included within business loans on the Company's consolidated balance sheets. The Company primarily leases various types of equipment, trucks and trailers, and office furniture and fixtures. Lease agreements may include options for the lessee to renew or purchase the leased equipment at the end of the lease term. The Company has elected to adopt the lease component expedient in which the lease and nonlease components are combined into the total lease receivable. The Company also leases office space to third parties, and these leases are classified as operating leases. The leases may include options to renew or expand the leased space, and currently the leases have remaining terms of 1 month to 14 years.

The following table provides the components of lease income.

For the Three Months Ended September 30For the Nine Months Ended September 30
(in thousands)2024202320242023
Direct financing and sales-type leases$9,409 $8,160 $27,464 $22,456 
Operating leases(a)
4,249 3,399 12,641 9,215 
Total lease income$13,658 $11,559 $40,105 $31,671 
(a) Includes rent from Tower Properties Company, a related party, of $20 thousand and $19 thousand for the three month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $58 thousand for both the nine month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.

7. Pension
The amount of net pension cost is shown in the table below:

For the Three Months Ended September 30For the Nine Months Ended September 30
(In thousands)2024202320242023
Service cost$97 $120 $290 $352 
Interest cost on projected benefit obligation1,062 1,146 3,287 3,461 
Expected return on plan assets(1,066)(1,035)(3,104)(3,037)
Amortization of prior service cost(45)(68)(136)(203)
Amortization of unrecognized net loss (gain)177 332 739 1,186 
Net periodic pension cost $225 $495 $1,076 $1,759 

All benefits accrued under the Company’s defined benefit pension plan have been frozen since January 1, 2011. During the first nine months of 2024, the Company made no funding contributions to its defined benefit pension plan and made minimal funding contributions to a supplemental executive retirement plan (the CERP), which carries no segregated assets.


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8. Common Stock *
Presented below is a summary of the components used to calculate basic and diluted income per share. The Company applies the two-class method of computing income per share, as nonvested share-based awards that pay nonforfeitable common stock dividends are considered securities which participate in undistributed earnings with common stock. The two-class method requires the calculation of separate income per share amounts for the nonvested share-based awards and for common stock. Income per share attributable to common stock is shown in the table below. Nonvested share-based awards are further discussed in Note 13.

For the Three Months Ended September 30For the Nine Months Ended September 30
(In thousands, except per share data)2024202320242023
Basic income per common share:
Net income attributable to Commerce Bancshares, Inc.$138,007 $120,596 $390,223 $367,837 
Less income allocated to nonvested restricted stock1,289 1,073 3,646 3,257 
  Net income allocated to common stock$136,718 $119,523 $386,577 $364,580 
Weighted average common shares outstanding127,826 129,904 128,440 130,061 
    Basic income per common share$1.07 $.92 $3.01 $2.80 
Diluted income per common share:
Net income attributable to Commerce Bancshares, Inc.$138,007 $120,596 $390,223 $367,837 
Less income allocated to nonvested restricted stock1,288 1,072 3,643 3,254 
  Net income allocated to common stock$136,719 $119,524 $386,580 $364,583 
Weighted average common shares outstanding127,826 129,904 128,440 130,061 
Net effect of the assumed exercise of stock-based awards - based on the treasury stock method using the average market price for the respective periods169 105 155 167 
Weighted average diluted common shares outstanding127,995 130,009 128,595 130,228 
    Diluted income per common share$1.07 $.92 $3.00 $2.80 

Unexercised stock appreciation rights of 361 thousand and 565 thousand for the three month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and 391 thousand and 359 thousand for the nine month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, were excluded from the computation of diluted income per common share because their inclusion would have been anti-dilutive.

* All prior year share and per share amounts in this note have been restated for the 5% common stock dividend distributed in December 2023.


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9. Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
The table below shows the activity and accumulated balances for components of other comprehensive income. Information about unrealized gains and losses on securities can be found in Note 3, and information about unrealized gains and losses on cash flow hedge derivatives is located in Note 11.

Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Securities (1)Pension Loss Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Cash Flow Hedge Derivatives (2)Total Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
(In thousands)
Balance January 1, 2024
$(915,001)$(13,596)$37,185 $(891,412)
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications to current earnings240,695  (6,199)234,496 
Amounts reclassified to current earnings from accumulated other comprehensive income 192,938 603 (8,693)184,848 
 Current period other comprehensive income (loss), before tax433,633 603 (14,892)419,344 
Income tax (expense) benefit(108,408)(150)3,722 (104,836)
 Current period other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax325,225 453 (11,170)314,508 
Balance September 30, 2024
$(589,776)$(13,143)$26,015 $(576,904)
Balance January 1, 2023
$(1,124,915)$(17,186)$55,237 $(1,086,864)
Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications to current earnings(105,030) (34,530)(139,560)
Amounts reclassified to current earnings from accumulated other comprehensive income8,444 983 (12,093)(2,666)
 Current period other comprehensive income (loss), before tax(96,586)983 (46,623)(142,226)
Income tax (expense) benefit24,146 (245)11,655 35,556 
 Current period other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax(72,440)738 (34,968)(106,670)
Balance September 30, 2023
$(1,197,355)$(16,448)$20,269 $(1,193,534)
(1) The pre-tax amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income to current earnings are included in "investment securities gains (losses), net" in the consolidated statements of income.
(2) The pre-tax amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income to current earnings are included in "interest and fees on loans" in the consolidated statements of income.

10. Segments
The Company segregates financial information for use in assessing its performance and allocating resources among three operating segments: Consumer, Commercial and Wealth. The Consumer segment consists of various consumer loan and deposit products offered through its retail branch network of approximately 140 locations.  This segment also includes indirect and other consumer loan financing businesses, along with debit and credit card loan and fee businesses.  The Commercial segment provides corporate lending (including the Small Business Banking product line within the branch network), leasing, and international services, along with business and governmental deposit products and commercial cash management services.  This segment also includes both merchant and commercial bank card products as well as the Commercial Tradable Products division, which sells fixed income securities, underwrites municipal bonds, and provides securities safekeeping and accounting services to its business and correspondent bank customers.  The Wealth segment provides traditional trust and estate planning, advisory and discretionary investment management, and brokerage services.  This segment also provides various loan and deposit related services to its private banking customers.

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The following table presents selected financial information by segment and reconciliations of combined segment totals to consolidated totals. There were no material intersegment revenues between the three segments. Management periodically makes changes to methods of assigning costs and income to its business segments to better reflect operating results. If appropriate, these changes are reflected in prior year information presented below. Net interest income allocated among the segments prior to 2024 has been restated to reflect a funds transfer pricing methodology change implemented on January 1, 2024 for all deposit types, except certificates of deposit. The new methodology moves from a rolling pool to a profitability range methodology. The new methodology more accurately reflects the profitability of affected deposits relative to current rates and removes most interest rate risk from business segments.

(In thousands)
ConsumerCommercialWealthOther/EliminationConsolidated Totals
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Net interest income$130,309 $135,511 $20,966 $(24,435)$262,351 
Provision for credit losses(9,526)(186)146 426 (9,140)
Non-interest income26,256 64,547 61,841 6,381 159,025 
Investment securities gains (losses), net   3,872 3,872 
Non-interest expense(85,952)(101,767)(40,059)(9,822)(237,600)
Income before income taxes$61,087 $98,105 $42,894 $(23,578)$178,508 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Net interest income$384,700 $387,387 $66,390 $(64,878)$773,599 
Provision for credit losses(27,451)(952)150 8,858 (19,395)
Non-interest income76,591 193,501 179,840 10,185 460,117 
Investment securities gains (losses), net   6,846 6,846 
Non-interest expense(248,478)(301,341)(118,512)(47,180)(715,511)
Income before income taxes$185,362 $278,595 $127,868 $(86,169)$505,656 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Net interest income$135,632 $128,173 $23,389 $(38,647)$248,547 
Provision for loan losses(7,048)(2,723)(1)(1,873)(11,645)
Non-interest income24,939 61,195 55,378 1,437 142,949 
Investment securities gains (losses), net   4,298 4,298 
Non-interest expense(82,322)(98,859)(38,912)(7,917)(228,010)
Income before income taxes$71,201 $87,786 $39,854 $(42,702)$156,139 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Net interest income$421,327 $393,318 $76,807 $(141,744)$749,708 
Provision for credit losses(19,784)(3,206)(14)(6,568)(29,572)
Non-interest income74,773 184,288 162,835 6,270 428,166 
Investment securities gains (losses), net   7,384 7,384 
Non-interest expense(243,004)(290,953)(119,019)(26,752)(679,728)
Income before income taxes$233,312 $283,447 $120,609 $(161,410)$475,958 

The information presented above was derived from the internal profitability reporting system used by management to monitor and manage the financial performance of the Company. This information is based on internal management accounting procedures and methods, which have been developed to reflect the underlying economics of the businesses. The methodologies are applied in connection with funds transfer pricing and assignment of overhead costs among segments. Funds transfer pricing was used in the determination of net interest income by assigning a standard cost (credit) for funds used (provided by) assets and liabilities based on their maturity, prepayment and/or repricing characteristics.

The segment activity, as shown above, includes both direct and allocated items. Amounts in the “Other/Elimination” column include activity not related to the segments, such as that relating to administrative functions, the investment securities portfolio, and the effect of certain expense allocations to the segments. The provision for credit losses in this category contains the difference between net loan charge-offs assigned directly to the segments and the recorded provision for credit loss expense. Included in this category’s net interest income are earnings of the investment portfolio, which are not allocated to a segment. Additionally, interest expense on the Company's brokered certificates of deposit is included in this column, as the Company's brokered certificates of deposit are not allocated to a segment.


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The performance measurement of the operating segments is based on the management structure of the Company and is not necessarily comparable with similar information for any other financial institution. The information is also not necessarily indicative of the segments' financial condition and results of operations if they were independent entities.

11. Derivative Instruments
The notional amounts of the Company’s derivative instruments are shown in the table below. These contractual amounts, along with other terms of the derivative, are used to determine amounts to be exchanged between counterparties and are not a measure of loss exposure. The Company's derivatives are not accounted for as accounting hedges except for the interest rate floors, as discussed below.

(In thousands)
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Interest rate swaps$2,059,186 $2,166,393 
Interest rate floors2,000,000 2,000,000 
Interest rate caps183,899 336,682 
Credit risk participation agreements618,186 653,887 
Foreign exchange contracts17,798 30,401 
 Mortgage loan commitments
9,788 3,004 
Mortgage loan forward sale contracts368 1,349 
Forward TBA contracts9,000 3,000 
Total notional amount$4,898,225 $5,194,716 

The largest group of notional amounts relate to interest rate swap contracts sold to commercial customers who wish to modify their interest rate sensitivity. The customers are engaged in a variety of businesses, including real estate, manufacturing, retail product distribution, education, and retirement communities. These interest rate swap contracts with customers are offset by matching interest rate swap contracts purchased by the Company from other financial institutions (dealers). Contracts with dealers that require central clearing are novated to a clearing agency who becomes the Company's counterparty. Because of the matching terms of the offsetting contracts, in addition to collateral provisions which mitigate the impact of non-performance risk, changes in fair value subsequent to initial recognition have a minimal effect on earnings.

Many of the Company’s interest rate swap contracts with large financial institutions contain contingent features relating to debt ratings or capitalization levels. Under these provisions, if the Company’s debt rating falls below investment grade or if the Company ceases to be “well-capitalized” under risk-based capital guidelines, certain counterparties can require immediate and ongoing collateralization on interest rate swaps in net liability positions or instant settlement of the contracts. The Company maintains debt ratings and capital well above these minimum requirements.

As of September 30, 2024, the Company held four interest rate floors indexed to 1-month SOFR to hedge the risk of declining interest rates on certain floating rate commercial loans. The floors have a combined notional value of $2.0 billion and are forward-starting. Each of the four interest rate floors has a six-year term and a notional amount of $500.0 million. In the event that the index rate falls below zero, the maximum rate that the Company can earn on the notional amount of each floor is limited to the strike rate. Information about the floors is provided in the table below.

Strike RateEffective DateMaturity Date
3.50 %July 1, 2024July 1, 2030
3.25 %November 1, 2024November 1, 2030
3.00 %March 1, 2025March 1, 2031
2.75 %July 1, 2025July 1, 2031

The premium paid for the floors totaled $90.2 million. At September 30, 2024, the maximum length of time over which the Company is hedging its exposure to lower rates is approximately 6.8 years. These interest rate floors qualified and were designated as cash flow hedges and were assessed for effectiveness using regression analysis. The change in the fair value of these interest rate floors is recorded in AOCI, net of the amortization of the premiums paid, which are recorded against interest and fees on loans in the consolidated statements of income. As of September 30, 2024, net deferred gains on the interest rate floors totaled $117.8 thousand (pre-tax) and were recorded in AOCI in the consolidated balance sheet. As of September 30,

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2024, it is expected that $10.7 million (pre-tax) interest rate floor premium amortization will be reclassified from AOCI into earnings over the next 12 months for the outstanding interest rate floors.

During the year ended December 31, 2020, the Company monetized three interest rate floors that were previously classified as cash flow hedges with a combined notional balance of $1.5 billion and an asset fair value of $163.2 million. As of September 30, 2024, the total realized gains on the monetized cash flow hedges remaining in AOCI was $34.6 million (pre-tax), which will be reclassified into interest income over the next 2.2 years. The estimated amount of net gains related to the cash flow hedges remaining in AOCI at September 30, 2024 that is expected to be reclassified into income within the next 12 months is $20.8 million.

The Company also contracts with other financial institutions, as a guarantor or beneficiary, to share credit risk associated with certain interest rate swaps through risk participation agreements. The Company’s risks and responsibilities as guarantor are further discussed in Note 5 on Guarantees. In addition, the Company enters into foreign exchange contracts, which are mainly comprised of contracts with customers to purchase or deliver specific foreign currencies at specific future dates.

Under its program to sell residential mortgage loans in the secondary market, the Company designates certain newly-originated residential mortgage loans as held for sale. Derivative instruments arising from this activity include mortgage loan commitments and forward loan sale contracts. Changes in the fair values of the loan commitments and funded loans prior to sale that are due to changes in interest rates are economically hedged with forward contracts to sell residential mortgage-backed securities in the to-be-announced (TBA) market. These forward TBA contracts are also considered to be derivatives and are settled in cash at the security settlement date.

The fair values of the Company's derivative instruments, whose notional amounts are listed above, are shown in the table below. Information about the valuation methods used to determine fair value is provided in Note 15 on Fair Value Measurements.

The Company's policy is to present its derivative assets and derivative liabilities on a gross basis on its consolidated balance sheets, and these are reported in other assets and other liabilities. In prior years, certain collateral posted to and from the Company's clearing counterparty has been applied to the fair values of the cleared swap. There was no reduction to positive or negative fair values of cleared swaps at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023.

 Asset DerivativesLiability Derivatives
Sept. 30, 2024Dec. 31, 2023Sept. 30, 2024Dec. 31, 2023
(In thousands)    
  Fair Value  Fair Value
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments:
   Interest rate floors$72,761 $78,960 $ $ 
Total derivatives designated as hedging instruments$72,761 $78,960 $ $ 
Derivative instruments not designated as hedging instruments:
   Interest rate swaps$26,288 $35,816 $(26,288)$(35,816)
   Interest rate caps87 1,391 (87)(1,391)
   Credit risk participation agreements105 77 (141)(194)
   Foreign exchange contracts403 534 (369)(479)
   Mortgage loan commitments192 89  (1)
   Mortgage loan forward sale contracts10 8   
   Forward TBA contracts16 1 (11)(18)
Total derivatives not designated as hedging instruments$27,101 $37,916 $(26,896)$(37,899)
Total$99,862 $116,876 $(26,896)$(37,899)

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The Company made an election to exclude the initial premiums paid on the interest rate floors from the hedge effectiveness measurement. Those initial premiums are amortized over the periods between the premium payment month and the contract maturity month. The pre-tax effects of the gains and losses (both the included and excluded amounts for hedge effectiveness assessment) recognized in the other comprehensive income from the cash flow hedging instruments and the amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income into income (both included and excluded amounts for hedge effectiveness measurement) are shown in the table below.

Amount of Gain or (Loss) Recognized in OCI
Location of Gain (Loss) Reclassified from AOCI into IncomeAmount of Gain (Loss) Reclassified from AOCI into Income
(In thousands)TotalIncluded ComponentExcluded ComponentTotalIncluded ComponentExcluded Component
For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Derivatives in cash flow hedging relationships:
Interest rate floors$23,168 $13,673 $9,495 Interest and fees on loans$2,816 $7,072 $(4,256)
Total$23,168 $13,673 $9,495 Total$2,816 $7,072 $(4,256)
For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Derivatives in cash flow hedging relationships:
Interest rate floors$(6,199)$3,565 $(9,764)Interest and fees on loans$8,693 $21,369 $(12,676)
Total$(6,199)$3,565 $(9,764)Total$8,693 $21,369 $(12,676)
For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Derivatives in cash flow hedging relationships:
Interest rate floors$(29,007)$ $(29,007)Interest and fees on loans$3,543 $7,459 $(3,916)
Total$(29,007)$ $(29,007)Total$3,543 $7,459 $(3,916)
For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Derivatives in cash flow hedging relationships:
Interest rate floors$(34,530)$ $(34,530)Interest and fees on loans$12,093 $22,358 $(10,265)
Total$(34,530)$ $(34,530)Total$12,093 $22,358 $(10,265)

The gain and loss recognized through various derivative instruments on the consolidated statements of income are shown in the table below.

Location of Gain or (Loss) Recognized in Consolidated Statements of Income Amount of Gain or (Loss) Recognized in Income on Derivatives

For the Three Months Ended September 30For the Nine Months Ended September 30
(In thousands)2024202320242023
Derivative instruments:
  Interest rate swapsOther non-interest income$239 $365 $1,562 $2,861 
  Interest rate capsOther non-interest income 23  23 
  Credit risk participation agreementsOther non-interest income 123 (214)107 
  Foreign exchange contractsOther non-interest income(42)122 (21)93 
  Mortgage loan commitmentsLoan fees and sales52 (23)105 35 
  Mortgage loan forward sale contractsLoan fees and sales1  1  
  Forward TBA contractsLoan fees and sales(141)63 (127)113 
Total$109 $673 $1,306 $3,232 

The following table shows the extent to which assets and liabilities relating to derivative instruments have been offset in the consolidated balance sheets. It also provides information about these instruments which are subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement, irrespective of whether they are offset, and the extent to which the instruments could potentially be offset. Also shown is collateral received or pledged in the form of other financial instruments, which is generally cash or marketable securities. The collateral amounts in this table are limited to the outstanding balances of the related asset or liability (after

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netting is applied); thus, amounts of excess collateral are not shown. Most of the derivatives in the following table were transacted under master netting arrangements that contain a conditional right of offset, such as close-out netting, upon default.

While the Company is party to master netting arrangements with most of its swap derivative counterparties, the Company does not offset derivative assets and liabilities under these agreements on its consolidated balance sheets. Collateral exchanged between the Company and dealer bank counterparties is generally subject to thresholds and transfer minimums, and usually consists of marketable securities. By contract, these may be sold or re-pledged by the secured party until recalled at a subsequent valuation date by the pledging party. For those swap transactions requiring central clearing, the Company posts cash or securities to its clearing agent. Collateral positions are valued daily, and adjustments to amounts received and pledged by the Company are made as appropriate to maintain proper collateralization for these transactions. Swap derivative transactions with customers are generally secured by rights to non-financial collateral, such as real and personal property, which is not shown in the table below.

Gross Amounts Not Offset in the Balance Sheet
(In thousands)Gross Amount RecognizedGross Amounts Offset in the Balance SheetNet Amounts Presented in the Balance SheetFinancial Instruments Available for OffsetCollateral
Net Amount
September 30, 2024
Derivatives subject to master netting agreements
$99,544 $ $99,544 $(10,865)$(76,526)$12,153 
Derivatives not subject to master netting agreements
318  318 
Total derivatives$99,862 $ $99,862 
Derivatives subject to master netting agreements
$26,435 $ $26,435 $(10,865)$ $15,570 
Derivatives not subject to master netting agreements
461  461 
Total derivatives$26,896 $ $26,896 
December 31, 2023
Derivatives subject to master netting agreements
$116,702 $ $116,702 $(3,930)$(107,492)$5,280 
Derivatives not subject to master netting agreements
174  174 
Total derivatives$116,876 $ $116,876 
Derivatives subject to master netting agreements
$37,300 $ $37,300 $(3,930)$ $33,370 
Derivatives not subject to master netting agreements
599  599 
Total derivatives$37,899 $ $37,899 

12. Resale and Repurchase Agreements
The Company regularly enters into resale and repurchase agreement transactions with other financial institutions and with its own customers. Resale and repurchase agreements are agreements to purchase/sell securities subject to an obligation to resell/repurchase the same or similar securities. They are accounted for as secured lending and collateralized borrowing (e.g. financing transactions), not as true sales and purchases of the underlying collateral securities. Some of the resale and repurchase agreements were transacted under master netting arrangements that contain a conditional right of offset, such as close-out netting, upon default. The security collateral accepted or pledged in resale and repurchase agreements with other financial institutions may be sold or re-pledged by the secured party, but is usually delivered to and held by third party trustees. The Company generally retains custody of securities pledged for repurchase agreements with its customers.


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The following table shows the extent to which resale agreement assets and repurchase agreement liabilities with the same counterparty have been offset on the consolidated balance sheets, in addition to the extent to which they could potentially be offset. Also shown is collateral received or pledged, which consists of marketable securities. The collateral amounts in the table are limited to the outstanding balances of the related asset or liability (after offsetting is applied); thus amounts of excess collateral are not shown.

Gross Amounts Not Offset in the Balance Sheet
(In thousands)Gross Amount RecognizedGross Amounts Offset in the Balance SheetNet Amounts Presented in the Balance SheetFinancial Instruments Available for OffsetSecurities Collateral Received/PledgedUnsecured Amount
September 30, 2024
Total resale agreements, subject to master netting arrangements
$475,000 $ $475,000 $ $(475,000)$ 
Total repurchase agreements, subject to master netting arrangements
2,068,599  2,068,599  (2,068,599) 
December 31, 2023
Total resale agreements, subject to master netting arrangements
$450,000 $ $450,000 $ $(450,000)$ 
Total repurchase agreements, subject to master netting arrangements
2,647,510  2,647,510  (2,647,510) 
The table below shows the remaining contractual maturities of repurchase agreements outstanding at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, in addition to the various types of marketable securities that have been pledged by the Company as collateral for these borrowings.

Remaining Contractual Maturity of the Agreements
(In thousands)Overnight and continuousUp to 90 daysGreater than 90 daysTotal
September 30, 2024
Repurchase agreements, secured by:
  U.S. government and federal agency obligations$164,610 $ $ $164,610 
  Government-sponsored enterprise obligations10,744   10,744 
  Agency mortgage-backed securities1,347,933 10,600 19,950 1,378,483 
  Non-agency mortgage-backed securities10,186   10,186 
  Asset-backed securities392,358 19,904 28,458 440,720 
  Other debt securities63,856   63,856 
   Total repurchase agreements, gross amount recognized$1,989,687 $30,504 $48,408 $2,068,599 
December 31, 2023
Repurchase agreements, secured by:
  U.S. government and federal agency obligations$170,293 $ $ $170,293 
  Government-sponsored enterprise obligations8,749   8,749 
  Agency mortgage-backed securities1,833,840 27,264 17,200 1,878,304 
  Non-agency mortgage-backed securities10,566   10,566 
  Asset-backed securities516,726 9,606 20,000 546,332 
  Other debt securities33,265   33,265 
   Total repurchase agreements, gross amount recognized$2,573,439 $36,870 $37,200 $2,647,509 


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13. Stock-Based Compensation
The Company issues stock-based compensation in the form of nonvested restricted stock and stock appreciation rights (SARs). Historically, most of the awards have been issued during the first quarter of each year. The stock-based compensation expense charged against income was $4.3 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 respectively, and $12.7 million and $12.6 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

Nonvested stock awards granted generally vest in 4 to 7 years and contain restrictions as to transferability, sale, pledging, or assigning, among others, prior to the end of the vesting period. Dividend and voting rights are conferred upon grant. A summary of the status of the Company’s nonvested share awards as of September 30, 2024, and changes during the nine month period then ended, is presented below.


Shares Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value
Nonvested at January 1, 20241,166,335 $58.48
Granted333,949 52.33
Nonvested at September 30, 20241,196,278 $58.13

SARs are granted with exercise prices equal to the market price of the Company’s stock at the date of grant. SARs vest ratably over 4 years of continuous service and have contractual terms of 10 years. All SARs must be settled in stock under provisions of the plan. In determining compensation cost, the Black-Scholes option-pricing model is used to estimate the fair value of SARs on date of grant. The current year per share average fair value and the model assumptions are shown in the table below.

Weighted per share average fair value at grant date$14.88 
Dividend yield
2.1 %
29.3 %
Risk-free interest rate
4.2 %
Expected term
6.0 years

A summary of SAR activity during the first nine months of 2024 is presented below.

(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)
Weighted Average Exercise Price
Weighted Average Remaining Contractual Term
Aggregate Intrinsic Value
Outstanding at January 1, 20241,023,321 $47.10 
Granted117,974 52.00 
Outstanding at September 30, 2024
896,302 $50.05 5.3 years$9,399 


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14. Revenue from Contracts with Customers
Revenue from contracts with customers, Accounting Standard Codification 606 ("ASC 606"), requires revenue recognition for the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, approximately 63% of the Company’s total revenue was comprised of net interest income, which is not within the scope of this guidance. Of the remaining revenue, those items that were subject to this guidance mainly included fees for bank card, trust, deposit account services and consumer brokerage services.

The following table disaggregates revenue from contracts with customers by major product line.

Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(In thousands)2024202320242023
Trust fees$54,689 $49,207 $158,085 $141,800 
Bank card transaction fees47,570 46,899 141,977 143,278 
Deposit account charges and other fees25,380 23,090 74,856 67,475 
Consumer brokerage services4,619 3,820 13,505 13,582 
Other non-interest income14,496 11,912 37,337 29,737 
Total non-interest income from contracts with customers146,754 134,928 425,760 395,872 
Other non-interest income (1)
12,271 8,021 34,357 32,294 
Total non-interest income$159,025 $142,949 $460,117 $428,166 
(1) This revenue is not within the scope of ASC 606, and includes fees relating to bond trading activities, loan fees and sales, derivative instruments, standby letters of credit and various other transactions.

For bank card transaction fees, nearly all of debit and credit card fees are earned in the Consumer segment, while corporate card and merchant fees are earned in the Commercial segment. The Consumer and Commercial segments contributed approximately 30% and 69%, respectively, of the Company's deposit account charge revenue. All trust fees and nearly all consumer brokerage services income were earned in the Wealth segment.    

The following table presents the opening and closing receivable balances for the nine month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 for the Company’s significant revenue from contracts with customers.

(In thousands)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023September 30, 2023December 31, 2022
Bank card transaction fees$15,701 $18,069 $15,160 $17,254 
Trust fees2,198 1,764 1,886 2,038 
Deposit account charges and other fees6,813 6,588 5,762 6,631 
Consumer brokerage services 8 74 949 

For these revenue categories, none of the transaction price has been allocated to performance obligations that are unsatisfied as of the end of a reporting period.


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15. Fair Value Measurements
The Company uses fair value measurements to record fair value adjustments to certain financial and nonfinancial assets and liabilities and to determine fair value disclosures. Various financial instruments such as available for sale debt securities, equity securities, trading debt securities, certain investments relating to private equity activities, and derivatives are recorded at fair value on a recurring basis. Additionally, from time to time, the Company may be required to record at fair value other assets and liabilities on a nonrecurring basis, such as mortgage servicing rights and certain other investment securities. These nonrecurring fair value adjustments typically involve lower of cost or fair value accounting or write-downs of individual assets.

Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Depending on the nature of the asset or liability, the Company uses various valuation techniques and assumptions when estimating fair value. For accounting disclosure purposes, a three-level valuation hierarchy of fair value measurements has been established. The valuation hierarchy is based upon the transparency of inputs to the valuation of an asset or liability as of the measurement date. The three levels are defined as follows:
Level 1 – inputs to the valuation methodology are quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in active markets.
Level 2 – inputs to the valuation methodology include quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets and liabilities in markets that are not active, and inputs that are observable for the assets or liabilities, either directly or indirectly (such as interest rates, yield curves, and prepayment speeds).
Level 3 – inputs to the valuation methodology are unobservable and significant to the fair value. These may be internally developed, using the Company’s best information and assumptions that a market participant would consider.
The valuation methodologies for assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring and non-recurring basis are described in the Fair Value Measurements note in the Company's 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. There have been no significant changes in these methodologies since then.


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Instruments Measured at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis
The table below presents the September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 carrying values of assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis. There were no transfers among levels during the first nine months of 2024 or the year ended December 31, 2023.

Fair Value Measurements Using
(In thousands)Total Fair ValueQuoted Prices in Active Markets for Identical Assets
(Level 1)
Significant Other Observable Inputs
(Level 2)
Significant Unobservable Inputs
(Level 3)
September 30, 2024
  Residential mortgage loans held for sale$1,605 $ $1,605 $ 
  Available for sale debt securities:
     U.S. government and federal agency obligations2,406,840 2,406,840   
     Government-sponsored enterprise obligations45,499  45,499  
     State and municipal obligations782,382  781,431 951 
     Agency mortgage-backed securities3,673,971  3,673,971  
     Non-agency mortgage-backed securities609,344  609,344  
     Asset-backed securities1,444,597  1,444,597  
     Other debt securities205,048  205,048  
  Trading debt securities42,645  42,645  
  Equity securities48,262 48,262   
  Private equity investments170,973   170,973 
  Derivatives *99,862  99,565 297 
  Assets held in trust for deferred compensation plan21,989 21,989   
  Total assets9,553,017 2,477,091 6,903,705 172,221 
  Derivatives *
26,896  26,755 141 
Liabilities held in trust for deferred compensation plan
21,989 21,989   
  Total liabilities$48,885 $21,989 $26,755 $141 
December 31, 2023
  Residential mortgage loans held for sale$1,585 $ $1,585 $ 
  Available for sale debt securities:
     U.S. government and federal agency obligations816,514 816,514   
     Government-sponsored enterprise obligations43,962  43,962  
     State and municipal obligations1,197,419  1,196,472 947 
     Agency mortgage-backed securities3,901,346  3,901,346  
     Non-agency mortgage-backed securities1,157,898  1,157,898  
     Asset-backed securities2,107,485  2,107,485  
     Other debt securities460,136  460,136  
  Trading debt securities28,830  28,830  
  Equity securities5,723 5,723   
  Private equity investments176,667   176,667 
  Derivatives *116,876  116,710 166 
  Assets held in trust for deferred compensation plan20,538 20,538   
  Total assets10,034,979 842,775 9,014,424 177,780 
  Derivatives *
37,899  37,704 195 
Liabilities held in trust for deferred compensation plan
20,538 20,538   
  Total liabilities$58,437 $20,538 $37,704 $195 
* The fair value of each class of derivative is shown in Note 11.


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The changes in the Company's Level 3 assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis are summarized as follows:

Fair Value Measurements Using
Significant Unobservable Inputs
(Level 3)

(In thousands)
State and Municipal Obligations
Private Equity
For the three months ended September 30, 2024
Balance June 30, 2024$953 $178,321 $179,274 
Total gains or losses (realized/unrealized):
Included in earnings 7,428 7,428 
Included in other comprehensive income *(2) (2)
Purchases of private equity investments 375 375 
Sale/pay down of private equity investments (15,139)(15,139)
Capitalized interest/dividends (12)(12)
Balance at September 30, 2024$951 $170,973 $171,924 
Total gains or losses for the three months included in earnings attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at September 30, 2024
$ $7,428 $7,428 
*Total gains or losses for the three months included in other comprehensive income attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at September 30, 2024
$(2)$ $(2)
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024
Balance January 1, 2024
$947 $176,667 $177,614 
Total gains or losses (realized/unrealized):
Included in earnings 20,205 20,205 
Included in other comprehensive income *3  3 
Discount accretion1  1 
Purchases of private equity investments 11,322 11,322 
Sale/pay down of private equity investments (37,103)(37,103)
Capitalized interest/dividends (118)(118)
Balance at September 30, 2024$951 $170,973 $171,924 
Total gains or losses for the nine months included in earnings attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at September 30, 2024
$ $10,480 $10,480 
*Total gains or losses for the nine months included in other comprehensive income attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at September 30, 2024
$3 $ $3 


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Fair Value Measurements Using
Significant Unobservable Inputs
(Level 3)

(In thousands)
State and Municipal Obligations
Private Equity
For the three months ended September 30, 2023
Balance at June 30, 2023
$920 $172,732 $173,652 
Total gains or losses (realized/unrealized):
Included in earnings 5,605 5,605 
Included in other comprehensive income *18  18 
Sale/pay down of private equity investments (13,342)(13,342)
Capitalized interest/dividends 327 327 
Balance at September 30, 2023$938 $165,322 $166,260 
Total gains or losses for the three months included in earnings attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at September 30, 2023
$ $5,605 $5,605 
*Total gains or losses for the three months included in other comprehensive income attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at September 30, 2023
$17 $ $17 
For the nine months ended September 30, 2023
Balance January 1, 2023
$1,841 $178,127 $179,968 
Total gains or losses (realized/unrealized):
Included in earnings 16,946 16,946 
Included in other comprehensive income *49  49 
Investment securities called(1,000) (1,000)
Discount accretion48  48 
Purchases of private equity investments 10,756 10,756 
Sale/pay down of private equity investments (40,834)(40,834)
Capitalized interest/dividends 327 327 
Balance at September 30, 2023$938 $165,322 $166,260 
Total gains or losses for the nine months included in earnings attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at September 30, 2023
$ $17,446 $17,446 
*Total gains or losses for the nine months included in other comprehensive income attributable to the change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at September 30, 2023
$27 $ $27 
* Included in "net unrealized gains (losses) on available for sale debt securities" in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income.

Gains and losses included in earnings for the Company's Level 3 assets and liabilities in the previous table are reported in the following line items in the consolidated statements of income:

(In thousands)Investment Securities Gains (Losses), Net
For the three months ended September 30, 2024
Total gains or losses included in earnings$7,428 
Change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at September 30, 2024
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024
Total gains or losses included in earnings $20,205 
Change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at September 30, 2024
For the three months ended September 30, 2023
Total gains or losses included in earnings $5,605 
Change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at September 30, 2023
For the nine months ended September 30, 2023
Total gains or losses included in earnings$16,946 
Change in unrealized gains or losses relating to assets still held at September 30, 2023


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Level 3 Inputs
The Company's Level 3 measurements at September 30, 2024, which employ unobservable inputs that are readily quantifiable, pertain to investments in portfolio concerns held by the Company's private equity subsidiaries. Information about these inputs is presented in the table below.

Quantitative Information about Level 3 Fair Value MeasurementsWeighted
Valuation TechniqueUnobservable InputRangeAverage*
Private equity investmentsMarket comparable companiesEBITDA multiple3.8-6.05.1
* Unobservable inputs were weighted by the relative fair value of the instruments.

Instruments Measured at Fair Value on a Nonrecurring Basis
For assets measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis during the first nine months of 2024 and 2023, and still held as of September 30, 2024 and 2023, the following table provides the adjustments to fair value recognized during the respective periods, the level of valuation inputs used to determine each adjustment, and the carrying value of the related individual assets or portfolios at September 30, 2024 and 2023.

Fair Value Measurements Using
(In thousands)

Fair Value
Quoted Prices in Active Markets for Identical Assets
(Level 1)
Significant Other Observable Inputs
(Level 2)
Significant Unobservable Inputs
(Level 3)
Total Gains (Losses) Recognized During the Nine Months Ended September 30
September 30, 2024
Collateral dependent loans$14,872 $ $ $14,872 $(2,646)
September 30, 2023
Collateral dependent loans$4,029 $ $ $4,029 $(2,059)
Long- lived assets1,894   1,894 (164)


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16. Fair Value of Financial Instruments
The carrying amounts and estimated fair values of financial instruments held by the Company are set forth below. Fair value estimates are made at a specific point in time based on relevant market information. They do not reflect any premium or discount that could result from offering for sale at one time the Company’s entire holdings of a particular financial instrument. Because no market exists for many of the Company’s financial instruments, fair value estimates are based on judgments regarding future expected loss experience, risk characteristics and economic conditions. These estimates are subjective, involve uncertainties, and cannot be determined with precision. Changes in assumptions could significantly affect the estimates.

The estimated fair values of the Company’s financial instruments and the classification of their fair value measurement within the valuation hierarchy are as follows at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023:

Carrying Amount
Estimated Fair Value at September 30, 2024

(In thousands)

Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Financial Assets
Business$6,048,328 $ $ $5,943,194 $5,943,194 
Real estate - construction and land
1,381,607   1,355,750 1,355,750 
Real estate - business
3,586,999   3,497,040 3,497,040 
Real estate - personal
3,043,391   2,673,302 2,673,302 
2,108,281   2,073,335 2,073,335 
Revolving home equity342,376   339,322 339,322 
Consumer credit card574,746   531,160 531,160 
4,272   4,160 4,160 
Total loans17,090,000   16,417,263 16,417,263 
Loans held for sale1,707  1,707  1,707 
Investment securities9,475,131 2,455,102 6,802,535 217,494 9,475,131 
Federal funds sold10 10   10 
Securities purchased under agreements to resell475,000   488,935 488,935 
Interest earning deposits with banks2,642,048 2,642,048   2,642,048 
Cash and due from banks507,941 507,941   507,941 
Derivative instruments99,862  99,565 297 99,862 
Assets held in trust for deferred compensation plan21,989 21,989   21,989 
       Total$30,313,688 $5,627,090 $6,903,807 $17,123,989 $29,654,886 
Financial Liabilities
Non-interest bearing deposits$7,396,153 $7,396,153 $ $ $7,396,153 
Savings, interest checking and money market deposits15,216,557 15,216,557   15,216,557 
Certificates of deposit2,625,082   2,670,740 2,670,740 
Federal funds purchased113,630 113,630   113,630 
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase2,068,599   2,071,881 2,071,881 
Other borrowings10,178 2,436 7,742  10,178 
Derivative instruments26,896  26,755 141 26,896 
Liabilities held in trust for deferred compensation plan21,989 21,989   21,989 
       Total$27,479,084 $22,750,765 $34,497 $4,742,762 $27,528,024 

Table of Contents
Carrying Amount
Estimated Fair Value at December 31, 2023

(In thousands)
Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Financial Assets
Business$6,019,036 $ $ $5,873,549 $5,873,549 
Real estate - construction and land
1,446,764   1,420,522 1,420,522 
Real estate - business
3,719,306   3,594,834 3,594,834 
Real estate - personal
3,026,041   2,568,026 2,568,026 
2,077,723   2,016,334 2,016,334 
Revolving home equity319,894   317,013 317,013 
Consumer credit card589,913   550,464 550,464 
6,802   6,649 6,649 
Total loans17,205,479   16,347,391 16,347,391 
Loans held for sale4,177  4,177  4,177 
Investment securities9,941,786 822,237 8,896,129 223,420 9,941,786 
Federal funds sold5,025 5,025   5,025 
Securities purchased under agreements to resell450,000   444,448 444,448 
Interest earning deposits with banks2,239,010 2,239,010   2,239,010 
Cash and due from banks443,147 443,147   443,147 
Derivative instruments116,876  116,710 166 116,876 
Assets held in trust for deferred compensation plan20,538 20,538   20,538 
       Total$30,426,038 $3,529,957 $9,017,016 $17,015,425 $29,562,398 
Financial Liabilities
Non-interest bearing deposits$7,975,935 $7,975,935 $ $ $7,975,935 
Savings, interest checking and money market deposits14,512,273 14,512,273   14,512,273 
Certificates of deposit2,875,690   2,916,627 2,916,627 
Federal funds purchased261,305 261,305   261,305 
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase2,647,510   2,650,951 2,650,951 
Other borrowings1,366  1,366  1,366 
Derivative instruments37,899  37,704 195 37,899 
Liabilities held in trust for deferred compensation plan20,538 20,538   20,538 
       Total$28,332,516 $22,770,051 $39,070 $5,567,773 $28,376,894 

17. Legal and Regulatory Proceedings
The Company has various legal proceedings pending at September 30, 2024, arising in the normal course of business. While some matters pending against the Company specify damages claimed by plaintiffs, others do not seek a specified amount of damages or are at early stages of the legal process. The Company records a loss accrual for all legal and regulatory matters for which it deems a loss is probable and can be reasonably estimated. Some matters, which are in the early stages, have not yet progressed to the point where a loss amount can be determined to be probable and estimable.


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The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and related notes and with the statistical information and financial data appearing in this report as well as the Company's 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. Results of operations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 are not necessarily indicative of results to be attained for any other period.

Forward-Looking Information
This report may contain "forward-looking statements" that are subject to risks and uncertainties and include information about possible or assumed future results of operations. Many possible events or factors could affect the future financial results and performance of the Company. This could cause results or performance to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. Words such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", variations of such words and other similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in, or implied by, such forward-looking statements. Readers should not rely solely on the forward-looking statements and should consider all uncertainties and risks discussed throughout this report. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. The Company does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect circumstances or events that occur after the date the forward-looking statements are made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Such possible events or factors include: changes in economic conditions in the Company's market area, changes in policies by regulatory agencies, governmental legislation and regulation, fluctuations in interest rates, changes in liquidity requirements, demand for loans in the Company's market area, changes in accounting and tax principles, estimates made on income taxes, competition with other entities that offer financial services, cybersecurity threats, and such other factors as discussed in Part I Item 1A - "Risk Factors" and Part II Item 7 - "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in the Company's 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. During the quarter ended September 30, 2024, there were no material changes to the Risk Factors disclosed in the Company's 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Critical Accounting Estimates and Related Policies
The Company has identified certain policies as being critical because they require management to make particularly difficult, subjective and/or complex judgments about matters that are inherently uncertain and because of the likelihood that materially different amounts would be reported under different conditions or using different assumptions. These estimates and related policies are the Company's allowance for credit losses and fair value measurement policies. A discussion of these estimates and related policies can be found in the sections captioned "Critical Accounting Policies" and "Allowance for Credit Losses on Loans and Liability for Unfunded Lending Commitments" in Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations included in the Company's 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. There have been no changes in the Company's application of critical accounting policies since December 31, 2023.


Table of Contents
Selected Financial Data
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
Per Share Data
   Net income per common share — basic$1.07 $.92 *$3.01 $2.80 *
   Net income per common share — diluted1.07 .92 *3.00 2.80 *
   Cash dividends on common stock.270 .257 *.810 .771 *
   Book value per common share26.90 19.90 *
   Market price59.40 45.70 *
Selected Ratios
(Based on average balance sheets)
   Loans to deposits (1)
69.93 %66.39 %70.17 %65.85 %
   Non-interest bearing deposits to total deposits29.92 31.05 29.98 33.23 
   Equity to loans (1)
19.18 15.90 18.02 16.00 
   Equity to deposits13.41 10.55 12.65 10.53 
   Equity to total assets10.68 8.40 10.11 8.31 
   Return on total assets1.80 1.49 1.71 1.53 
   Return on equity16.81 17.73 16.92 18.42 
(Based on end-of-period data)
   Non-interest income to revenue (2)
37.74 36.51 37.30 36.35 
   Efficiency ratio (3)
56.31 58.15 57.92 57.62 
   Tier I common risk-based capital ratio16.70 15.11 
   Tier I risk-based capital ratio
16.70 15.11 
   Total risk-based capital ratio 17.47 15.90 
   Tangible common equity to tangible assets ratio (4)
10.47 7.78 
   Tier I leverage ratio
12.31 10.87 
* Restated for the 5% stock dividend distributed in December 2023.
(1) Includes loans held for sale.
(2) Revenue includes net interest income and non-interest income.
(3) The efficiency ratio is calculated as non-interest expense (excluding intangibles amortization) as a percent of revenue.
(4) The tangible common equity to tangible assets ratio is a measurement which management believes is a useful indicator of capital adequacy and utilization.
It provides a meaningful basis for period to period and company to company comparisons, and also assists regulators, investors and analysts in analyzing the financial position of the Company. Tangible common equity and tangible assets are non-GAAP measures and should not be viewed as substitutes for, or superior to, data prepared in accordance with GAAP.

The following table is a reconciliation of the GAAP financial measures of total equity and total assets to the non-GAAP measures of total tangible common equity and total tangible assets.

September 30
(Dollars in thousands)20242023
Total equity$3,453,539 $2,599,266 
Less non-controlling interest21,458 17,861 
Less goodwill 146,539 146,539 
Less intangible assets*3,904 4,111 
Total tangible common equity (a)$3,281,638 $2,430,755 
Total assets$31,493,592 $31,376,692 
Less goodwill146,539 146,539 
Less intangible assets*3,904 4,111 
Total tangible assets (b)$31,343,149 $31,226,042 
Tangible common equity to tangible assets ratio (a)/(b)10.47 %7.78 %
* Intangible assets other than mortgage servicing rights.

Table of Contents
Results of Operations
  Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in thousands)20242023% change20242023% change
Net interest income (expense)$262,351 $248,547 5.6 %$773,599 $749,708 3.2 %
Provision for credit losses(9,140)(11,645)(21.5)(19,395)(29,572)(34.4)
Non-interest income159,025 142,949 11.2 460,117 428,166 7.5 
Investment securities gains (losses), net3,872 4,298 (9.9)6,846 7,384 (7.3)
Non-interest expense(237,600)(228,010)4.2 (715,511)(679,728)5.3 
Income taxes(38,245)(33,439)14.4 (108,499)(102,242)6.1 
Non-controlling interest income (expense)(2,256)(2,104)7.2 (6,934)(5,879)17.9 
Net income attributable to Commerce Bancshares, Inc.$138,007 $120,596 14.4 %$390,223 $367,837 6.1 %

For the quarter ended September 30, 2024, net income attributable to Commerce Bancshares, Inc. (net income) amounted to $138.0 million, an increase of $17.4 million, or 14.4%, compared to the third quarter of the previous year. For the current quarter, the annualized return on average assets was 1.80%, the annualized return on average equity was 16.81%, and the efficiency ratio was 56.31%. Diluted earnings per common share was $1.07 per share in the current quarter, an increase of 16.3% compared to $.92 per share in the third quarter of 2023, and did not change compared to $1.07 per share in the previous quarter.

Compared to the third quarter of last year, net interest income increased $13.8 million, or 5.6%, mainly due to an increase in interest income on loans of $13.8 million and a $10.5 million decrease in interest expense on borrowings. This increase in interest income was partly offset by an increase of $7.6 million in interest expense on deposits. The provision for credit losses decreased $2.5 million, or 21.5%, compared to the same quarter in the prior year. Non-interest income increased $16.1 million, or 11.2%, compared to the third quarter of 2023, mainly due to an increase in trust fees, gains on sales of real estate, capital market fees, and deposit account fees. Net gains on investment securities totaled $3.9 million in the current quarter compared to net gains of $4.3 million in the same quarter of last year. Securities gains in the current quarter primarily resulted from net gains of $2.0 million on sales of private equity investments and net gains in fair value of $7.4 million recorded on private equity investments. These gains were partly offset by net losses of $5.4 million on sales of available for sale debt securities. Non-interest expense increased $9.6 million, or 4.2%, over the third quarter of 2023, mainly due to increases in salaries and benefits expense, data processing and software expense, and marketing expense, partly offset by lower deposit insurance expense.

Net income for the first nine months of 2024 was $390.2 million, an increase of $22.4 million, or 6.1%, from the same period last year. Diluted earnings per common share was $3.00, an increase of 7.1% compared to $2.80 per share in the same period last year. For the first nine months of 2024, the annualized return on average assets was 1.71%, the annualized return on average equity was 16.92%, and the efficiency ratio was 57.92%. Net interest income increased $23.9 million, or 3.2%, over the same period last year. This growth was largely due to an increase of $80.8 million in interest income on loans, an increase of $19.8 million in interest earned on deposits with banks, and a $35.4 million decrease in interest expense on borrowings, partly offset by a $92.9 million increase in interest expense on deposits. The provision for credit losses was $19.4 million for the first nine months of 2024, compared to a provision of $29.6 million in the same period last year. Non-interest income increased $32.0 million, or 7.5%, from the first nine months of last year mainly due to higher trust fees, deposit account fees, and capital market fees. Non-interest expense increased $35.8 million, or 5.3%, over the first nine months of last year mainly due to increases in salaries expense, data processing and software expense, and litigation settlement expense.


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Net Interest Income
The following table summarizes the changes in net interest income on a fully taxable-equivalent basis, by major category of interest earning assets and interest bearing liabilities, identifying changes related to volumes and rates. Changes not solely due to volume or rate changes are allocated to rate.

Analysis of Changes in Net Interest Income
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 vs. 2023
 Change due toChange due to
(In thousands)


Interest income, fully taxable equivalent basis:
  Business$1,764 $5,603 $7,367 $7,256 $25,458 $32,714 
  Real estate - construction and land(2,224)858 (1,366)(524)6,369 5,845 
  Real estate - business(944)1,236 292 4,588 9,767 14,355 
  Real estate - personal516 2,760 3,276 2,161 8,255 10,416 
  Consumer408 3,481 3,889 1,003 14,176 15,179 
  Revolving home equity620 (77)543 1,537 590 2,127 
  Consumer credit card(160)287 127 (35)1,253 1,218 
  Overdrafts— — — — — — 
     Total interest on loans(20)14,148 14,128 15,986 65,868 81,854 
Loans held for sale(97)(16)(113)(307)(16)(323)
Investment securities:
  U.S. government and federal agency securities5,242 6,486 11,728 5,255 11,952 17,207 
  Government-sponsored enterprise obligations(1)— (214)(146)(360)
  State and municipal obligations(2,622)116 (2,506)(7,643)(836)(8,479)
  Mortgage-backed securities(5,589)(1,397)(6,986)(12,374)532 (11,842)
  Asset-backed securities(5,685)1,744 (3,941)(16,765)5,621 (11,144)
  Other securities2,439 (7,742)(5,303)6,994 (8,408)(1,414)
     Total interest on investment securities(6,216)(792)(7,008)(24,747)8,715 (16,032)
Federal funds sold(45)— (45)(610)(602)
Securities purchased under agreements to resell(1,242)1,717 475 (6,192)2,671 (3,521)
Interest earning deposits with banks3,082 214 3,296 14,978 4,790 19,768 
Total interest income(4,538)15,271 10,733 (892)82,036 81,144 
Interest expense:
  Savings(17)37 20 (67)99 32 
  Interest checking and money market1,518 12,844 14,362 3,345 73,217 76,562 
  Certificates of deposit of less than $100,000(4,340)(86)(4,426)1,734 3,004 4,738 
  Certificates of deposit of $100,000 and over(3,046)707 (2,339)5,067 6,539 11,606 
     Total interest on deposits(5,885)13,502 7,617 10,079 82,859 92,938 
Federal funds purchased(4,049)(4,041)(8,867)831 (8,036)
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase554 2,081 2,635 1,621 7,236 8,857 
Other borrowings(9,140)(14)(9,154)(37,024)11 (37,013)
Total interest expense(18,520)15,577 (2,943)(34,191)$90,937 $56,746 
Net interest income, fully taxable-equivalent basis$13,982 $(306)$13,676 $33,299 $(8,901)$24,398 

Net interest income in the third quarter of 2024 was $262.4 million, an increase of $13.8 million over the third quarter of 2023. On a fully taxable-equivalent (FTE) basis, net interest income totaled $264.6 million in the third quarter of 2024, up $13.7 million over the same period last year and up $60 thousand over the previous quarter. The increase in net interest income

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compared to the third quarter of 2023 was mainly due to higher interest income earned on loans (FTE) of $14.1 million and lower interest expense on borrowings of $10.6 million, partly offset by higher deposit interest expense of $7.6 million and lower investment securities interest income of $7.0 million. The increase in total interest earned on loans (FTE) was mainly the result of higher loan yields on most loan products, especially commercial loans, many of which have variable rates. Interest income on investment securities declined mainly due to lower average balances. Interest expense on borrowings decreased mainly due to lower average balances, while the increase in deposit interest expense was due to higher average rates paid, partly offset by lower average balances. The Company's net yield on earning assets (FTE) was 3.50% in the current quarter compared to 3.11% in the third quarter of 2023.

Total interest income (FTE) increased $10.7 million over the third quarter of 2023. Interest income on loans (FTE) was $271.8 million during the third quarter of 2024, an increase of $14.1 million, or 5.5%, over the same quarter last year. The increase in interest income over the same quarter of last year was primarily due to an increase of 33 basis points in the average rate earned and growth of $57.6 million in average loan balances. Most of the increase in interest income occurred in the business, personal real estate and consumer loan categories. The largest increase to interest income occurred in business loan interest, which grew $7.4 million due to a 40 basis point increase in the average rate earned, coupled with growth in average balances of $117.6 million, or 2.0%. Personal real estate loan interest income increased $3.3 million due to an increase of 37 basis points in the average rate earned and higher average balances of $55.1 million, or 1.8%. Consumer loan interest income grew $3.9 million due to a 67 basis point increase in the average rate earned and higher average balances of $27.2 million, or 1.3%. Business real estate loan interest income grew $292 thousand due to a 15 basis point increase in the average rate earned, partly offset by a decrease of $61.2 million, or 1.7%, in average loan balances. These increases in interest income were partly offset by a decrease in construction and land loan interest income of $1.4 million due to a decline of $108.3 million, or 7.2%, in average loan balances, partly offset by a 27 basis point increase in the average rate earned.

Interest income on investment securities (FTE) was $63.3 million during the third quarter of 2024, which was a decrease of $7.0 million from the same quarter last year. The decrease in interest income occurred mainly in interest earned on mortgage-backed securities which declined $7.0 million due to a $1.1 billion, or 17.5%, decrease in average balances and an 11 basis point decline in the average rate earned. In addition, the Company recorded a $286 thousand adjustment to premium amortization at September 30, 2024, which decreased income and reflected slightly faster forward prepayment speed estimates on mortgage-backed securities. This was lower than the $1.3 million adjustment increasing income in the same quarter last year. Interest income earned on asset-backed securities declined $3.9 million due to lower average balances of $1.0 billion, or 40.3%, partly offset by a 46 basis point increase in the average rate earned. Interest income earned on state and municipal obligations declined $2.5 million mainly due to a $534.9 million, or 38.4%, decrease in average balances. Interest earned on other securities decreased $5.3 million, mainly due to a $2.3 million dividend from a private equity investment received in the third quarter of 2023, coupled with a decline of $290.3 million, or 56.4%, in average balances of debt securities. These decreases to interest income were partly offset by growth in interest income on U.S. government and federal agency obligations of $11.7 million, driven by a 137 basis point increase in the average rate earned and higher average balances of $902.7 million, or 91.5%. Interest income related to the Company's U.S. Treasury inflation-protected securities, which is tied to the non-seasonally adjusted Consumer Price Index (CPI-U), decreased $1.8 million from the same quarter last year. Additionally, the average rate earned on investment securities during the three months ended September 30, 2024 increased 19 basis points over the same period in the prior year. The average balance of the total investment portfolio (excluding unrealized fair value adjustments on available for sale debt securities) was $10.0 billion in the third quarter of 2024, compared to $11.9 billion in the third quarter of 2023.

Interest income on securities purchased under agreements to resell increased $475 thousand over the same quarter last year, due to an increase of 145 basis points in the average rate earned, partly offset by a decline of $237.5 million, or 33.3%, in the average balance. Interest income on deposits at the Federal Reserve increased $3.3 million mainly due to an increase of $227.4 million, or 9.7%, in average deposit balances.

The average fully taxable-equivalent yield on total interest earning assets was 4.96% in the third quarter of 2024, up from 4.51% in the third quarter of 2023.

Total interest expense decreased $2.9 million compared to the third quarter of 2023 due to a decrease of $10.6 million in interest expense on borrowings, partly offset by a $7.6 million increase in interest expense on interest bearing deposits. Interest expense on other borrowings decreased $9.2 million due to a decrease of $684.8 million in average Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) borrowings. In addition, interest expense on federal funds purchased decreased $4.0 million mainly due to a $302.2 million decrease in the average balance, while interest expense on customer repurchase agreements increased $2.6 million mainly due to a 36 basis point increase in the average rate paid. The increase in deposit interest expense resulted mainly from an increase of $14.4 million in interest expense on interest checking and money market deposit accounts due to a 41 basis point increase in the average rate paid and an increase of $194.2 million, or 1.5%, in average balances. This increase was partly offset

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by a decrease in interest expense on certificates of deposit of $6.8 million mainly due to a $622.3 million, or 19.8%, decrease in average balances. The overall rate paid on total deposits increased 24 basis over the same quarter last year. The overall average rate incurred on all interest bearing liabilities was 2.22% and 2.12% in the third quarters of 2024 and 2023, respectively.

Net interest income (FTE) for the first nine months of 2024 was $780.5 million compared to $756.1 million for the same period in 2023. For the first nine months of 2024, the net interest margin was 3.46% compared to 3.16% for the same period in 2023.

Total interest income (FTE) for the first nine months of 2024 increased $81.1 million over the same period last year mainly due to higher interest income on loans (FTE) and balances at the Federal Reserve, partly offset by lower interest income on investment securities (FTE). Loan interest income (FTE) increased $81.9 million, or 11.3%, due to a 50 basis point increase in the average rate earned and a $410.7 million, or 2.5%, increase in average loan balances. Most of the increase occurred in the business, business real estate and consumer loan categories, but interest income in all loan categories increased mostly due to higher average rates earned. Interest income on investment securities (FTE) decreased $16.0 million due to a $2.2 billion decrease in average balances, partly offset by a 28 basis point increase in the average rate earned. Interest earned on mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities decreased $11.8 million and $11.1 million, respectively, due to lower average balances, partly offset by increases in the average rate earned. Interest earned on state and municipal obligations decreased $8.5 million due to declines in both the average balance and the average rate earned. These decreases in interest income on investment securities were partly offset by an increase in interest earned on U.S. government and federal agency obligations of $17.2 million, due to increases in both the average balance and the average rate earned. Interest income on securities purchased under agreements to resell decreased $3.5 million due to lower average balances, partly offset by higher average rates earned. Interest income on deposits at the Federal Reserve increased $19.8 million due to higher average balances and average rates earned.

Total interest expense for the first nine months of 2024 increased $56.7 million compared to the same period last year. Interest expense on deposits increased $92.9 million, due to a 72 basis point increase in the average rate paid and a $138.3 million increase in average balances. Interest expense on borrowings decreased $36.2 million, mainly due lower FHLB borrowings of $950.9 million. In addition, interest expense on federal funds purchased declined mainly due to lower average balances, while interest expense on customer repurchase agreements increased due to higher average rates and average balances. The overall cost of total interest bearing liabilities increased to 2.21% compared to 1.74% in the same period last year.

Summaries of average assets and liabilities and the corresponding average rates earned/paid appear on the last page of this discussion.


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Non-Interest Income
  Three Months Ended September 30Increase (Decrease)Nine Months Ended September 30Increase (Decrease)
(Dollars in thousands)20242023Amount% change20242023Amount% change
Trust fees$54,689$49,207$5,482 11.1 %$158,085$141,800$16,285 11.5 %
Bank card transaction fees47,57046,899671 1.4 141,977143,278(1,301)(.9)
Deposit account charges and other fees25,38023,0902,290 9.9 74,85667,4757,381 10.9 
Consumer brokerage services4,6193,820799 20.9 13,50513,582(77)(.6)
Capital market fees5,9953,5242,471 70.1 14,6479,8314,816 49.0 
Loan fees and sales3,4442,966478 16.1 10,0168,2901,726 20.8 
Other17,32813,4433,885 28.9 47,03143,9103,121 7.1 
Total non-interest income$159,025$142,949$16,076 11.2 %$460,117$428,166$31,951 7.5 %
Non-interest income as a % of total revenue*37.7 %36.5 %37.3 %36.4 %
* Total revenue includes net interest income and non-interest income.

The table below is a summary of net bank card transaction fees for the nine month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.

Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(Dollars in thousands)20242023$ change% change20242023$ change% change
Net debit card fees$11,377 $11,089 $288 2.6 %$33,165 $32,716 $449 1.4 %
Net credit card fees3,957 3,430 527 15.4 11,762 10,916 846 7.8 
Net merchant fees5,481 5,859 (378)(6.5)16,593 16,569 24 .1 
Net corporate card fees26,755 26,521 234 .9 80,457 83,077 (2,620)(3.2)
Total bank card transaction fees$47,570 $46,899 $671 1.4 %$141,977 $143,278 $(1,301)(.9)%

For the third quarter of 2024, total non-interest income amounted to $159.0 million compared to $142.9 million in the same quarter last year, which was an increase of $16.1 million, or 11.2%. The increase was mainly due to higher trust fees, capital market fees, deposit account fees and gains on the sales of real estate. Trust fees increased $5.5 million, or 11.1%, mainly due to growth of $4.5 million in private client trust fees. Bank card transaction fees for the current quarter grew $671 thousand, or 1.4%, over the same period last year. Net credit card fees increased $527 thousand and debit card fees increased $288 thousand mainly due to higher interchange fees and lower rewards expense. Net corporate card fees grew $234 thousand mainly due to lower rewards expense, while net merchant fees decreased $378 thousand mainly due to higher network expense. Compared to the third quarter of last year, deposit account fees increased $2.3 million, or 9.9%, mainly due to higher corporate cash management fees of $2.1 million. Consumer brokerage fees increased $799 thousand, mainly due to higher annuity fees, while capital market fees increased $2.5 million, or 70.1%, mainly due to higher trading securities income. Other non-interest income increased $3.9 million, or 28.9%, mainly due to an increase of $3.4 million in gains on the sales of real estate and an increase of $1.8 million in fair value adjustments was recorded on the Company's deferred compensation plan, which is held in a trust and recorded as both an asset and liability, affecting both other income and other expense. These increases were partly offset by lower tax credit sales income of $1.4 million.

Non-interest income for the first nine months of 2024 was $460.1 million compared to $428.2 million in the first nine months of 2023, which was an increase of $32.0 million, or 7.5%. The increase was mainly due to higher trust fees, deposit account fees and capital market fees. Trust fees increased $16.3 million, or 11.5%, mainly due to higher private client and institutional trust fees. Bank card transaction fees for the current year declined $1.3 million, or .9%, from the same period last year, mainly due to a decrease of $2.6 million in net corporate card fees, partly offset by an increase in net credit card fees of $846 thousand. Deposit account fees increased $7.4 million, or 10.9%, mainly due to higher corporate cash management fees. Capital market fees increased $4.8 million, or 49.0%, mainly due to higher trading securities and underwriting income, while loan fees and sales increased $1.7 million mainly due to higher loan commitment fees and mortgage banking revenue. Other non-interest income increased $3.1 million, or 7.1%, mainly due to higher gains on the sales of assets of $3.3 million and an increase of $1.9 million in cash sweep commissions. These increases were partly offset by declines in letter of credit fees of $2.3 million and swap fees of $1.6 million.

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Investment Securities Gains (Losses), Net
Three Months Ended September 30Nine Months Ended September 30
(In thousands)2024202320242023
Net gains (losses) on sales of available for sale debt securities$(5,395)$— $(192,938)$(8,444)
Net gains (losses) on equity securities(208)(67)178,098 (757)
Net gains (losses) on sales of private equity investments2,047 (1,240)1,481 (361)
Fair value adjustments on private equity investments7,428 5,605 20,205 16,946 
Total investment securities gains (losses), net$3,872 $4,298 $6,846 $7,384 

Net gains on investment securities, which were recognized in earnings during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, are shown in the table above. Net securities gains of $3.9 million were reported in the third quarter of 2024, compared to net gains of $4.3 million in the same period last year. The net gains in the third quarter of 2024 were mainly comprised of net gains in fair value of $7.4 million recorded on private equity investments and net gains of $2.0 million on the sales of private equity investments. These gains were partly offset by net losses of $5.4 million on sales of available for sale debt securities. The net gains on investment securities for the same quarter last year were primarily comprised of $5.6 million of net gains in fair value on the Company’s private equity investments, partially offset by a loss of $1.2 million on the sale of private equity investments.

Net gains on investment securities of $6.8 million were recognized in earnings for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to net gains of $7.4 million for the same period in 2023. Net gains in the first nine months of 2024 were mainly comprised of net gains of $178.1 million on equity investments and net gains in fair value of $20.2 million recorded on private equity investments, largely offset by net losses of $192.9 million on sales of available for sale securities. Net gains in the first nine months of 2023 were mainly comprised of net gains in fair value of $16.9 million on private equity investments, due to fair value adjustments, partially offset by losses of $8.4 million on sales of available for sale debt securities. The portion of private equity activity attributable to minority interests is reported as non-controlling interest in the consolidated statements of income and resulted in expense of $3.4 million during the first nine months of 2024 and expense of $3.3 million during the first nine months of 2023.

The Company's significant gains in equity securities for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 primarily relate to gains recorded on its shares of Visa, as described in Note 3, Investment Securities. Likewise, the $192.9 million losses realized on the Company's available for sale debt securities portfolio mainly relate to the successful execution of its planned available for sale debt security portfolio repositioning, in which the Company sold bonds with an amortized cost of $1.2 billion and subsequently reinvested the proceeds into higher yielding available for sale debt securities. Additional information about the Company's available for sale debt portfolio repositioning transactions is discussed in Note 3, Investment Securities.
Non-Interest Expense
  Three Months Ended September 30Increase (Decrease)Nine Months Ended September 30Increase (Decrease)
(Dollars in thousands)20242023Amount% change20242023Amount% change
Salaries and employee benefits$153,122 $146,805 $6,317 4.3 %$454,043 $436,607 $17,436 4.0 %
Data processing and software32,194 30,744 1,450 4.7 94,876 87,617 7,259 8.3 
Net occupancy13,411 13,948 (537)(3.9)39,529 39,702 (173)(.4)
Professional and other services8,830 8,293 537 6.5 26,095 26,979 (884)(3.3)
Equipment5,286 4,697 589 12.5 15,387 14,411 976 6.8 
Marketing7,278 6,167 1,111 18.0 16,670 18,006 (1,336)(7.4)
Supplies and communication4,963 4,963 — — 14,343 14,178 165 1.2 
Deposit insurance2,930 4,029 (1,099)(27.3)13,301 12,859 442 3.4 
Other9,586 8,364 1,222 14.6 41,267 29,369 11,898 40.5 
Total non-interest expense$237,600 $228,010 $9,590 4.2 %$715,511 $679,728 $35,783 5.3 %

Non-interest expense for the third quarter of 2024 amounted to $237.6 million, an increase of $9.6 million, or 4.2%, compared to expense of $228.0 million in the third quarter of last year. The increase in expense over the same period last year was mainly due to higher salaries and benefits expense, data processing and software expense and marketing expense, partly offset by lower deposit insurance expense. Salaries and employee benefits expense increased $6.3 million, or 4.3%, mainly due

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to higher full-time salaries expense of $3.5 million and incentive compensation expense of $2.2 million. Full-time equivalent employees totaled 4,711 at September 30, 2024, compared to 4,714 at September 30, 2023. Data processing and software expense increased $1.5 million, or 4.7%, mainly due to increased costs for service providers, and marketing expense increased $1.1 million, or 18.0%. Deposit insurance expense decreased $1.1 million which was partly the result of a $525 thousand accrual adjustment in the current quarter to the FDIC's special assessment. Other non-interest expense increased $1.2 million, or 14.6%, mainly due to an increase of $1.8 million in fair value adjustments recorded on the Company's deferred compensation plan.

Non-interest expense amounted to $715.5 million for the first nine months of 2024, an increase of $35.8 million, or 5.3%, over the first nine months of 2023. Salaries and benefits expense increased $17.4 million, or 4.0%, mainly due to higher full-time salaries expense, incentive compensation and payroll taxes. Data processing and software expense increased $7.3 million, or 8.3%, due to increased costs for service providers and higher bank card processing fees. Equipment expense increased $976 thousand, or 6.8%, mainly due to higher depreciation expense, while marketing expense decreased $1.3 million, or 7.4%. Other non-interest expense increased $11.9 million, or 40.5%, mainly due to litigation settlement expense of $10.0 million, net of insurance, and a $5.0 million donation to a related charitable foundation, both recorded in 2024, partly offset by deconversion expense of $2.1 million recorded in 2023.


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Provision and Allowance for Credit Losses on Loans and Liability for Unfunded Lending Commitments
 Three Months EndedNine Months Ended September 30
(In thousands)Sept. 30, 2024June 30, 2024Sept. 30, 202320242023
Balance at beginning of period$158,557 $160,465 $158,685 $162,395 $150,136 
   Provision for credit losses on loans11,861 7,849 13,343 $26,657 $35,155 
   Net loan charge-offs (recoveries):
        Business114 622 2,613 759 3,008 
        Real estate-construction and land — —  (115)
        Real estate-business(7)(8)(15)(156)(24)
Commercial net loan charge-offs (recoveries)107 614 2,598 603 2,869 
     Personal Banking:
        Real estate-personal128 79 (9)231 (26)
        Consumer2,759 1,804 1,797 6,546 4,345 
        Revolving home equity(152)(7)(1)(163)(47)
        Consumer credit card6,273 6,746 4,716 19,454 13,728 
        Overdrafts464 521 683 1,542 2,178 
Personal banking net loan charge-offs (recoveries)9,472 9,143 7,186 27,610 20,178 
Total net loan charge-offs (recoveries)9,579 9,757 9,784 28,213 23,047 
Balance at end of period$160,839 $158,557 $162,244 $160,839 $162,244 
Balance at beginning of period$20,705 $23,086 $29,235 $25,246 $33,120 
Provision for credit losses on unfunded lending commitments(2,721)(2,381)(1,698)(7,262)(5,583)
Balance at end of period17,984 20,705 27,537 17,984 27,537 

 Three Months EndedNine Months Ended September 30
Sept. 30, 2024June 30, 2024Sept. 30, 202320242023
Annualized net loan charge-offs (recoveries)*:
  Business.01 %.04 %.18 %.02 %.07 %
  Real estate-construction and land — —  (.01)
  Real estate-business — — (.01)— 
Commercial net loan charge-offs (recoveries) .02 .09 .01 .04 
Personal Banking:
  Real estate-personal.02 .01 — .01 — 
  Consumer.52 .34 .34 .41 .28 
  Revolving home equity(.18)(.01)— (.07)(.02)
  Consumer credit card4.46 4.91 3.32 4.65 3.28 
  Overdrafts33.81 43.15 50.73 34.32 60.54 
Personal banking net loan charge-offs (recoveries).62 .61 .48 .61 .46 
Total annualized net loan charge-offs (recoveries).22 %.23 %.23 %.22 %.18 %
* as a percentage of average loans (excluding loans held for sale)


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The following schedule provides a breakdown of the allowance for credit losses on loans (ACL) by loan class and the percentage of the allowance for credit losses to the related loan class at period end.

(Dollars in thousands)Sept. 30, 2024June 30, 2024Sept. 30, 2023
Credit Loss Allowance Allocation% of ACL to Loan CategoryCredit Loss Allowance Allocation% of ACL to Loan CategoryCredit Loss Allowance Allocation% of ACL to Loan Category
Business$43,710 .72 %$45,060 .74 %$48,030 .81 %
RE — construction and land29,736 2.15 29,920 2.14 32,383 2.10 
RE — business33,601 .94 32,237 .90 30,214 .83 
RE — personal10,426 .34 9,109 .30 10,882 .36 
Consumer11,309 .54 11,086 .52 11,426 .54 
Revolving home equity1,859 .54 1,789 .54 1,648 .54 
Consumer credit card30,047 5.23 29,201 5.15 27,536 4.79 
Overdrafts151 3.53 155 3.70 125 3.33 
Total$160,839 .94 %$158,557 .92 %$162,244 .95 %

To determine the amount of the allowance for credit losses on loans and the liability for unfunded lending commitments, the Company has an established process which assesses the risks and losses expected in its portfolios. This process provides an allowance based on estimates of allowances for pools of loans and unfunded lending commitments, as well as a second, smaller component based on certain individually evaluated loans and unfunded lending commitments. The Company's policies and processes for determining the allowance for credit losses on loans and the liability for unfunded lending commitments are discussed in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements and in the "Allowance for Credit Losses" discussion within Critical Accounting Estimates and Related Policies in Item 7 of the 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Net loan charge-offs in the third quarter of 2024 amounted to $9.6 million, compared to $9.8 million in the prior quarter and $9.8 million in the third quarter of last year. Compared to the same period last year, total net loan charge-offs in the third quarter of 2024 decreased $205 thousand and decreased $178 thousand from the previous quarter. The decrease over the prior year was mainly driven by a $2.5 million decrease in net charge-offs on business loans, partly offset by higher net charge-offs of $1.6 million and $962 thousand on consumer credit card and consumer loans, respectively. The decrease from the previous quarter was driven by decreases in net charge-offs on consumer credit card and business loans, partly offset by an increase in net charge-offs on consumer loans.

For the three months ended September 30, 2024, annualized net charge-offs on average consumer credit card loans were 4.46%, compared to 4.91% in the previous quarter and 3.32% in the same period last year. Consumer loan annualized net charge-offs in the current quarter amounted to .52%, compared to .34% in the prior quarter and .34% in the same period last year. In the third quarter of 2024, total annualized net loan charge-offs were .22%, compared to .23% in the previous quarter and .23% in the same period last year.

The provision for credit losses on loans was $11.9 million, which was a $1.5 million decrease over the $13.3 million provision recorded in the same period last year and a $4.0 million increase over the $7.8 million provision recorded at June 30, 2024. The decrease in the provision for credit losses on loans during the third quarter of 2024 over the same period last year was due to growth in the allowance for credit losses on loans in the third quarter of 2023.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, net loan charge-offs amounted to $28.2 million, which was a $5.2 million increase over the first nine months of 2023. The increase in net charge-offs on loans during the first nine months of 2024 was primarily driven by an increase in net charge-offs on consumer credit card and consumer loans, partly offset by lower net charge-offs on business loans. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, annualized net loan charge-offs on consumer credit card and consumer loans were 4.65% and .41%, respectively, compared to 3.28% and .28%, respectively, for the same period last year. The annualized net charge-offs on loans for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, were .22% and .18%.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the provision for credit losses on loans was $26.7 million, which was an $8.5 million decrease from the $35.2 million provision recorded in the same period last year. Changes in the provision are driven by changes in the estimate for the allowance for credit losses on loans. The decrease in the provision for credit losses on loans in the first nine months of 2024 compared to the same period last year was primarily due to a reduction of the allowance for credit losses on loans during 2024, caused in part by an improving economic forecast in 2024, whereas the allowance for

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credit losses on loans in the first nine months of 2023 was increasing due to a weakening economic forecast which included a mild recession. The decrease in the provision for credit losses on loans during the first nine months of 2024 compared to the same period in the prior year was partly offset by higher net charge-offs recorded in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the first nine months of 2023.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the allowance for credit losses on loans decreased by $1.6 million, compared to the allowance for credit losses on loans at December 31, 2023. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the allowance for credit losses on commercial loans decreased by $1.2 million, while the allowance for credit losses related to personal banking loans, including consumer credit card loans, decreased $402 thousand. The decrease in the allowance for credit losses on loans during the first nine months of 2024 was primarily the result of a slightly more optimistic economic forecast at September 30, 2024 and a decrease in outstanding loan balances, partially offset by an increase in the allowance related to loans risk-rated special mention, substandard, or non-accrual. The allowance for credit losses on loans was $160.8 million at September 30, 2024 and was .94%, .94% and .95% of total loans at September 30, 2024, December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2023, respectively.

In the current quarter, the provision for credit losses on unfunded lending commitments was a benefit of $2.7 million, compared to a benefit of $1.7 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the provision for credit losses on unfunded commitments was a benefit of $7.3 million compared to a benefit of $5.6 million in the first nine months of 2023. At September 30, 2024, the liability for unfunded lending commitments was $18.0 million, compared to $25.2 million at December 31, 2023 and $27.5 million at September 30, 2023. The liability decreased primarily due to decreases in unfunded lending commitment balances, coupled with improvement in loss rate assumptions for the Company's construction loans. The Company's unfunded lending commitments primarily relate to construction loans, and the Company's estimate for credit losses in its unfunded lending commitments utilizes the same model and forecast as its estimate for credit losses on loans. See Note 2 for further discussion of the model inputs utilized in the Company's estimate of credit losses.

The Company considers the allowance for credit losses on loans and the liability for unfunded commitments adequate to cover losses expected in the loan portfolio, including unfunded commitments, at September 30, 2024.

The allowance for credit losses on loans and the liability for unfunded lending commitments are estimates that require significant judgment including projections of the macro-economic environment. The Company utilizes a third-party macro-economic forecast that continuously changes due to economic conditions and events. These changes in the forecast cause fluctuations in the allowance for credit losses on loans and the liability for unfunded lending commitments. The Company uses judgment to assess the macro-economic forecast and internal loss data in estimating the allowance for credit losses on loans and the liability for unfunded lending commitments. These estimates are subject to periodic refinement based on changes in the underlying external and internal data.

Risk Elements of Loan Portfolio
The following table presents non-performing assets and loans which are past due 90 days and still accruing interest. Non-performing assets include non-accruing loans and foreclosed real estate. Loans are placed on non-accrual status when management does not expect to collect payments consistent with acceptable and agreed upon terms of repayment. Loans that are 90 days past due as to principal and/or interest payments are generally placed on non-accrual, unless they are both well-secured and in the process of collection, or they are personal banking loans that are exempt under regulatory rules from being classified as non-accrual.

(Dollars in thousands)
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Non-accrual loans$18,419 $7,312 
Foreclosed real estate1,050 270 
Total non-performing assets$19,469 $7,582 
Non-performing assets as a percentage of total loans.11 %.04 %
Non-performing assets as a percentage of total assets.06 %.02 %
Total loans past due 90 days and still accruing interest$21,986 $21,864 

Non-accrual loans totaled $18.4 million at September 30, 2024, an increase of $11.1 million from the balance at December 31, 2023. The increase occurred mainly in business real estate non-accrual loans, which increased $14.9 million. The increase was partly offset by a $3.3 million decrease in business non-accrual loans. At September 30, 2024, non-accrual loans

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were comprised of business real estate (81.1%), revolving home equity (10.7%), personal real estate (6.2%), and business (1.9%) loans. Foreclosed real estate totaled $1.0 million at September 30, 2024, an increase of $780 thousand compared to December 31, 2023. Total loans past due 90 days or more and still accruing interest totaled $22.0 million as of September 30, 2024, an increase of $122 thousand from December 31, 2023. Balances by class for non-accrual loans and loans past due 90 days and still accruing interest are shown in the "Delinquent and non-accrual loans" section in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements.

In addition to the non-performing and past due loans mentioned above, the Company also has identified loans for which management has concerns about the ability of the borrowers to meet existing repayment terms. They are classified as substandard under the Company's internal rating system. The loans are generally secured by either real estate or other borrower assets, reducing the potential for loss should they become non-performing. Although these loans are generally identified as potential problem loans, they may never become non-performing. Such loans totaled $319.4 million at September 30, 2024 compared with $216.4 million at December 31, 2023, resulting in an increase of $103.0 million, or 47.6%.

(In thousands)
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Potential problem loans:
  Business$119,784 $74,760 
  Real estate – construction and land5,151 — 
  Real estate – business194,369 140,800 
  Real estate – personal102 827 
Total potential problem loans$319,406 $216,387 

When borrowers are experiencing financial difficulty, the Company may agree to modify the contractual terms of a loan to a borrower in order to assist the borrower in repaying principal and interest owed to the Company. At September 30, 2024, the Company held $184.4 million of loans that had been modified during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. These loans are further discussed in the "Modifications for borrowers experiencing financial difficulty" section in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements.

Loans with Special Risk Characteristics
Management relies primarily on an internal risk rating system, in addition to delinquency status, to assess risk in the loan portfolio, and these statistics are presented in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements. However, certain types of loans are considered at high risk of loss due to their terms, location, or special conditions. Additional information about the major types of loans in these categories and their risk features are provided below. Information based on loan-to-value (LTV) ratios was generally calculated with valuations at loan origination date. The Company normally obtains an updated appraisal or valuation at the time a loan is renewed or modified, or if the loan becomes significantly delinquent or is in the process of being foreclosed upon.

Real Estate – Construction and Land Loans
The Company's portfolio of construction and land loans, as shown in the table below, amounted to 8.1% of total loans outstanding at September 30, 2024. The largest component of construction and land loans was commercial construction, which decreased $53.8 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. At September 30, 2024, multi-family residential construction loans totaled approximately $459.1 million, or 39.3%, of the commercial construction loan portfolio, compared to $414.6 million, or 33.9%, at December 31, 2023.

(Dollars in thousands)September 30,

% of Total
% of
December 31, 2023

% of Total
% of
Commercial construction$1,169,189 84.6 %6.8 %$1,222,961 84.5 %7.1 %
Residential construction111,225 8.1 .7 110,687 7.7 .6 
Residential land and land development58,032 4.2 .3 62,417 4.3 .4 
Commercial land and land development43,161 3.1 .3 50,699 3.5 .3 
Total real estate - construction and land loans$1,381,607 100.0 %8.1 %$1,446,764 100.0 %8.4 %


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Real Estate – Business Loans
Total business real estate loans were $3.6 billion at September 30, 2024 and comprised 21.0% of the Company's total loan portfolio. These loans include properties such as manufacturing and warehouse buildings, small office and medical buildings, churches, hotels and motels, shopping centers, and other commercial properties. At September 30, 2024, 33.4% of business real estate loans were for owner-occupied real estate properties, which have historically resulted in lower net charge-off rates than non-owner-occupied commercial real estate loans.

(Dollars in thousands)September 30,

% of Total
% of
December 31, 2023

% of Total
% of
Owner-occupied$1,196,519 33.4 %7.0 %$1,175,476 31.6 %6.8 %
Office523,253 14.6 3.1 489,320 13.2 2.8 
Industrial463,220 12.9 2.7 630,713 17.0 3.7 
Hotels312,371 8.7 1.8 292,941 7.9 1.7 
Multi-family310,255 8.6 1.8 256,657 6.9 1.5 
Retail309,622 8.6 1.8 366,693 9.9 2.1 
Farm188,781 5.3 1.1 195,981 5.3 1.1 
Senior living187,832 5.2 1.1 183,778 4.9 1.1 
Other95,146 2.7 .6 127,747 3.3 .8 
Total real estate - business loans$3,586,999 100.0 %21.0 %$3,719,306 100.0 %21.6 %

Information about the credit quality of the Company's business real estate loan portfolio as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 is provided in the table below.

(Dollars in thousands)PassSpecial MentionSubstandardNon-AccrualTotal
September 30, 2024
Owner-occupied$1,159,348 $6,974 $30,125 $72 $1,196,519 
Office453,360 17,641 52,252  523,253 
Industrial463,220    463,220 
Hotels312,371    312,371 
Multi-family298,141 10,986 1,128  310,255 
Retail294,122 15,500   309,622 
Farm184,531 1,002 3,248  188,781 
Senior living65,642  107,318 14,872 187,832 
Other94,931 215   95,146 
Total$3,325,666 $52,318 $194,071 $14,944 $3,586,999 
December 31, 2023
Owner-occupied$1,146,112 $10,376 $18,928 $60 $1,175,476 
Office489,320 — — — 489,320 
Industrial630,644 69 — — 630,713 
Hotels282,105 9,253 1,583 — 292,941 
Multi-family255,507 1,150 — — 256,657 
Retail349,321 15,500 1,872 — 366,693 
Farm195,981 — — — 195,981 
Senior living69,379 — 114,399 — 183,778 
Other127,505 242 — — 127,747 
Total$3,545,874 $36,590 $136,782 $60 $3,719,306 

Revolving Home Equity Loans
The Company had $342.4 million in revolving home equity loans at September 30, 2024 that were collateralized by residential real estate. Most of these loans (92.0%) are written with terms requiring interest-only monthly payments. These loans are offered in three main product lines: LTV up to 80%, 80% to 90%, and 90% to 100%. As of September 30, 2024, the

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outstanding principal of loans with an original LTV higher than 80% was $30.7 million, or 9.0% of the portfolio, compared to $32.3 million as of December 31, 2023. Total revolving home equity loan balances over 30 days past due were $4.7 million at September 30, 2024 and $4.4 million at December 31, 2023, and the outstanding balance of revolving home equity loans on non-accrual status was $2.0 million at both September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The weighted average FICO score for the total portfolio balance at September 30, 2024 is 785. At maturity, the accounts are re-underwritten, and if they qualify under the Company's credit, collateral and capacity policies, the borrower is given the option to renew the line of credit or convert the outstanding balance to an amortizing loan.  If criteria are not met, amortization is required, or the borrower may pay off the loan. During the remainder of 2024 through 2026, approximately 11% of the Company's current outstanding balances are expected to mature. Of these balances, approximately 82% have a FICO score of 700 or higher. The Company does not expect a significant increase in losses as these loans mature, due to their high FICO scores, low LTVs, and low historical loss levels.

Consumer Loans
Within the consumer loan portfolio are several direct and indirect product lines, which include loans for the purchase of automobiles, motorcycles, marine and RVs. Auto loans comprised 37.9% of the consumer loan portfolio at September 30, 2024, and outstanding balances for auto loans were $799.7 million and $820.3 million at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The balances over 30 days past due amounted to $11.1 million at September 30, 2024 and $9.5 million at December 31, 2023, respectively, and comprised 1.4% of the outstanding balances of these loans at September 30, 2024 and 1.2% at December 31, 2023. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, $260.6 million of new auto loans were originated, compared to $290.3 million during the first nine months of 2023.  At September 30, 2024, the automobile loan portfolio had a weighted average FICO score of 754, and net charge-offs on auto loans were .6% of average auto loans.

The Company's consumer loan portfolio also includes fixed rate home equity loans, typically for home repair or remodeling, and these loans comprised 10.8% of the consumer loan portfolio at September 30, 2024. Losses on these loans have historically been low, and the Company saw net recoveries of $78 thousand for the first nine months of 2024. Private banking loans comprised 34.6% of the consumer loan portfolio at September 30, 2024. The Company's private banking loans are generally well-collateralized, and at September 30, 2024 were secured primarily by assets held by the Company's trust department. The remaining portion of the Company's consumer loan portfolio is comprised of health services financing, motorcycles, marine and RV loans. Net charge-offs on private banking, health services financing, motorcycle and marine and RV loans totaled $3.2 million in the first nine months of 2024 and were .4% of the average balances of these loans at September 30, 2024.

Consumer Credit Card Loans
The Company offers low promotional rates on selected consumer credit card products. Out of a portfolio at September 30, 2024 of $574.7 million in consumer credit card loans outstanding, approximately $116.0 million, or 20.2%, carried a low promotional rate. Within the next six months, $48.2 million of these loans are scheduled to convert to the ongoing higher contractual rate. To mitigate some of the risk involved with this credit card product, the Company performs credit checks and detailed analysis of the customer borrowing profile before approving the loan application. Management believes that the risks in the consumer loan portfolio are reasonable and the anticipated loss ratios are within acceptable parameters.

Oil and Gas Energy Lending
The Company's energy lending portfolio is comprised of lending to the petroleum and natural gas sectors and totaled $262.2 million, or 1.5% of total loans at September 30, 2024, a decrease of $9.8 million from December 31, 2023, as shown in the table below.

(In thousands)
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Unfunded commitments at September 30, 2024
Extraction$199,521 $219,828 $150,218 
Mid-stream shipping and storage37,993 35,505 85,448 
Downstream distribution and refining8,151 8,890 39,620 
Support activities16,565 7,811 8,155 
Total energy lending portfolio$262,230 $272,034 $283,441 

Shared National Credits
The Company participates in credits of large, publicly traded companies which are defined by regulation as shared national credits, or SNCs. Regulations define SNCs as loans exceeding $100 million that are shared by three or more financial institutions. The Company typically participates in these loans when business operations are maintained in the local

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communities or regional markets and opportunities to provide other banking services are present. The balance of SNC loans totaled $1.6 billion and $1.5 billion at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. Additional unfunded commitments at September 30, 2024 totaled $2.4 billion.

Income Taxes
Income tax expense was $38.2 million in the third quarter of 2024, compared to $38.6 million in the second quarter of 2024 and $33.4 million in the third quarter of 2023. The Company's effective tax rate, including the effect of non-controlling interest, was 21.7% in the third quarter of 2024, unchanged from both the previous quarter, and the third quarter of 2023.

Financial Condition
Balance Sheet
Total assets of the Company were $31.5 billion at September 30, 2024 and $31.7 billion at December 31, 2023. Earning assets (excluding the allowance for credit losses on loans and fair value adjustments on debt securities) amounted to $30.5 billion at September 30, 2024 and $31.1 billion at December 31, 2023, and consisted of 56% in loans and 34% in investment securities at September 30, 2024.

At September 30, 2024, total loans decreased $115.5 million or .7%, compared to balances at December 31, 2023. The decrease was mainly due to declines in business real estate, construction and consumer credit card loans of $132.3 million, $65.2 million, and $15.2 million, respectively. These decreases were partly offset by an increase of $29.3 million in business loans, mainly due to growth in commercial and industrial lending and tax-free loan balances. In addition, personal real estate loans increased $17.4 million, while consumer loans, which includes automobile, private banking, health services financing, fixed rate home equity and other consumer loans, increased $30.6 million. Growth in consumer loans was mainly due to increases in private banking and health services financing loans, partially offset by a decline in auto loan balances.

Total available for sale debt securities, excluding fair value adjustments, decreased $950.7 million at September 30, 2024 compared to December 31, 2023. Purchases of available for sale debt securities during this period totaled $2.1 billion, offset by available for sale debt security sales, maturities and pay downs of $3.0 billion. The decline in available for sale debit securities was mainly the result of lower balances of mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities and state and municipal obligations, which decreased $326.2 million, $716.1 million, and $497.1 million, respectively, at September 30, 2024 compared to December 31, 2023. These decreases were partly offset by an increase of $1.5 billion in balances of U.S. government and federal agency obligations. At September 30, 2024, the duration of the available for sale investment portfolio was 4.0 years, and maturities and pay downs of approximately $1.6 billion are expected to occur during the next 12 months. The Company does not have any investment securities classified as held-to-maturity.

Total deposits at September 30, 2024 amounted to $25.2 billion, a decrease of $126.1 million compared to December 31, 2023. The decline in deposits largely resulted from a decrease in demand deposits, mainly in business demand deposits (decrease of $550.2 million). Additionally, certificate of deposit balances decreased $250.6 million while interest checking balances increased $723.2 million over balances at December 31, 2023. The Company’s borrowings totaled $2.2 billion at September 30, 2024, a decrease of $717.8 million from balances at December 31, 2023, mainly due to a decline in securities sold under agreements to repurchase.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
Liquidity Management
The Company’s most liquid assets include balances at the Federal Reserve Bank, federal funds sold, available for sale debt securities, and securities purchased under agreements to resell (resale agreements), as follows:

(In thousands)
September 30, 2024September 30, 2023December 31, 2023
Liquid assets:
  Balances at the Federal Reserve Bank$2,642,048 $1,847,641 $2,239,010 
  Federal funds sold10 2,735 5,025 
  Available for sale debt securities9,167,681 9,860,828 9,684,760 
  Securities purchased under agreements to resell475,000 450,000 450,000 
  Total$12,284,739 $12,161,204 $12,378,795 


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Interest earning balances at the Federal Reserve Bank, which have overnight maturities and are used for general liquidity purposes, totaled $2.6 billion at September 30, 2024 and increased $403.0 million from December 31, 2023. Federal funds sold, which are funds lent to the Company's correspondent bank customers with overnight maturities, totaled $10 thousand as of September 30, 2024. The fair value of the available for sale debt portfolio was $9.2 billion at September 30, 2024 and included an unrealized net loss of $786.4 million. The total net unrealized loss included net losses of $716.8 million on mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities and $67.2 million on state and municipal obligations.

Resale agreements totaled $475.0 million at September 30, 2024, with $125.0 million to mature in the next 12 months and the remaining amount to mature through 2029. Under these agreements, the Company lends funds to upstream financial institutions and holds marketable securities, safe-kept by a third-party custodian, as collateral. This collateral totaled $502.0 million in fair value at September 30, 2024.

The Company's available for sale debt securities portfolio has a diverse mix of high quality and liquid investment securities with a duration of 4.0 years at September 30, 2024. Approximately $1.6 billion of the Company's available for sale debt portfolio is expected to mature or pay down during the next 12 months, and these funds offer substantial resources to meet either new loan demand or offset potential reductions in the Company's deposit funding base. The Company pledges portions of its investment securities portfolio to secure public fund deposits, securities sold under agreements to repurchase, trust funds, letters of credit issued by the FHLB, and borrowing capacity at the FHLB and the Federal Reserve Bank. Total investment securities pledged for these purposes were as follows:

(In thousands)
September 30, 2024September 30, 2023December 31, 2023
Investment securities pledged for the purpose of securing:
  Federal Reserve Bank borrowings$917,340 $2,700,426 $2,636,523 
  FHLB borrowings and letters of credit1,238,975 301,406 301,617 
  Securities sold under agreements to repurchase *2,122,196 2,500,400 2,710,616 
  Other deposits and swaps1,876,968 2,082,807 1,818,092 
  Total pledged securities6,155,479 7,585,039 7,466,848 
  Unpledged and available for pledging2,986,267 2,264,732 2,211,243 
  Ineligible for pledging25,935 11,057 6,669 
  Total available for sale debt securities, at fair value$9,167,681 $9,860,828 $9,684,760 
* Includes securities pledged for collateral swaps outstanding at September 30, 2023.

The average loans to deposits ratio is a measure of a bank's liquidity, and the Company’s average loans to deposits ratio was 70.2% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Core customer deposits, defined as non-interest bearing, interest checking, savings, and money market deposit accounts totaled $22.6 billion and represented 89.6% of the Company's total deposits at September 30, 2024. These core deposits are normally less volatile, as they are often with customer relationships tied to other products offered by the Company, promoting long lasting relationships and stable funding sources. Core deposits increased $124.5 million at September 30, 2024 compared to December 31, 2023, primarily due to an increase in commercial deposits of $675.9 million, partly offset by decreases in consumer and wealth deposits of $286.1 million and $197.4 million, respectively. While the Company considers core consumer and wealth management deposits less volatile, corporate deposits could decline if interest rates increase significantly, encouraging corporate customers to increase investing activities, or if the economy deteriorates and companies experience lower cash inflows, reducing deposit balances. If these corporate deposits decline, the Company's funding needs may be met by liquidity supplied by investment security maturities and pay downs expected to total $1.6 billion over the next year, as noted above. In addition, as shown in the table of collateral available for future advances below, the Company has borrowing capacity of $6.4 billion through advances from the FHLB and the Federal Reserve.

Certificates of deposit of $100,000 or greater totaled $1.5 billion at September 30, 2024. These deposits are normally considered more volatile and higher costing, and comprised 6.0% of total deposits at September 30, 2024.

(In thousands)
September 30, 2024September 30, 2023December 31, 2023
Core deposit base:
 Non-interest bearing $7,396,153 $7,961,402 $7,975,935 
 Interest checking7,761,976 6,656,356 7,020,134 
 Savings and money market7,454,581 7,497,919 7,492,139 
 Total$22,612,710 $22,115,677 $22,488,208 


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Amid the banking sector's period of uncertainty during the second quarter of 2023, the Company issued several tranches of short-term brokered certificates of deposit totaling $1.2 billion, which all matured by December 31, 2023. During the third quarter of 2024, the Company issued $100.0 million of brokered certificates of deposit that mature in three months. The Company may occasionally issue brokered certificates of deposit to test the reliability of this potential funding source. While it is not clear how many brokered certificates of deposit the market would allow the Company to issue, the Company believes brokered certificates of deposits may be an additional, reliable source of liquidity during periods of stress in the banking industry.

Other important components of liquidity are the level of borrowings from third party sources and the availability of future credit. During 2024, the Company's outside borrowings have mainly been comprised of federal funds purchased and repurchase agreements, as follows:

(In thousands)
September 30, 2024September 30, 2023December 31, 2023
 Federal funds purchased$113,630 $506,355 $261,305 
 Securities sold under agreements to repurchase2,068,599 2,238,826 2,647,510 
 FHLB advances 500,000 — 
 Other debt10,201 3,589 1,404 
 Total$2,192,430 $3,248,770 $2,910,219 

Federal funds purchased, which totaled $113.6 million at September 30, 2024, are unsecured overnight borrowings obtained mainly from upstream correspondent banks with which the Company maintains approved lines of credit. At September 30, 2024, the Company had approved lines of credit totaling $3.7 billion. Since these borrowings are unsecured and limited by market trading activity, their availability may be less certain than collateralized sources of borrowings. Retail repurchase agreements are offered to customers wishing to earn interest in highly liquid balances and are used by the Company as a funding source considered to be stable, but short-term in nature. Repurchase agreements are collateralized by securities in the Company's investment portfolio. Total repurchase agreements at September 30, 2024 were comprised of non-insured customer funds totaling $2.1 billion, and securities pledged as collateral for these retail agreements totaled $2.1 billion at September 30, 2024. The Company also borrows on a secured basis through advances from the FHLB. The advances are generally short-term, fixed interest rate borrowings. There were no advances outstanding from the FHLB at September 30, 2024.
The Company pledges certain assets, including loans and investment securities, to both the FRB and the FHLB as security to establish lines of credit and borrow from these entities. Based on the amount and type of collateral pledged, the FHLB establishes a collateral value from which the Company may draw advances against the collateral. Additionally, this collateral is used to enable the FHLB to issue letters of credit in favor of public fund depositors of the Company. The FRB also establishes a collateral value of assets pledged and permits borrowings from the discount window. The following table reflects the collateral value of assets pledged, borrowings, and letters of credit outstanding, in addition to the estimated future funding capacity available to the Company at September 30, 2024.

September 30, 2024
(In thousands)

Federal Reserve

Total collateral value established by FHLB and FRB$3,400,935 $3,160,817 $6,561,752 
Letters of credit issued(118,465)— (118,465)
Available for future advances$3,282,470 $3,160,817 $6,443,287 


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The Company receives outside ratings from both Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s on both the consolidated company and its subsidiary bank, Commerce Bank. These ratings are as follows:

Standard & Poor’sMoody’s
Commerce Bancshares, Inc.
Issuer ratingA-
Rating outlookStable
Commerce Bank
Issuer ratingAA3
Baseline credit assessmenta2
Short-term ratingA-1P-1
Rating outlookStableStable

The Company considers these ratings to be indications of a sound capital base and strong liquidity and believes that these ratings would help ensure the ready marketability of its commercial paper, should the need arise. No commercial paper has been outstanding during the past ten years. The Company has no subordinated or hybrid debt instruments which would affect future borrowing capacity. Because of its lack of significant long-term debt, the Company believes that through its Commercial Tradable Products division or in other public debt markets, it could generate additional liquidity from sources such as jumbo certificates of deposit, privately placed corporate notes or other forms of debt.

The cash flows from the operating, investing and financing activities of the Company resulted in a net increase in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash of $462.8 million during the first nine months of 2024, as reported in the consolidated statements of cash flows in this report. Operating activities, consisting mainly of net income adjusted for certain non-cash items, provided cash flow of $714.5 million and have historically been a stable source of funds. Investing activities, which occur mainly in the loan and investment securities portfolios, provided cash of $968.7 million. Activity in the investment securities portfolio provided cash of $930.8 million from sales, maturities, and pay downs (net of purchases). This increase in investing cash flows was further supported by shrinking in the loan portfolio, which provided cash of $86.1 million. These increases were partly offset by purchases of securities under agreements to resell (net of repayments), which used cash of $25.0 million. Investing activities are somewhat unique to financial institutions in that, while large sums of cash flow are normally used to fund growth in investment securities, loans, or other bank assets, they are normally dependent on the financing activities described below. Financing activities used cash of $1.2 billion, largely resulting from a net decrease of $726.6 million in federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase along with net decreases in deposits of $268.5 million during the first nine months of 2024. Additionally, purchases of treasury stock and cash dividends (including distributions to non-controlling interest) used cash of $123.6 million and $110.5 million, respectively.

Capital Management
The Company met all capital adequacy requirements and had regulatory capital ratios in excess of the levels established for well-capitalized institutions at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, as shown in the following table.

(Dollars in thousands)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023Minimum Capital RequirementCapital Conservation Buffer
Minimum Ratios Requirement including Capital Conservation Buffer
Minimum Ratios
Banks *
Risk-adjusted assets$23,155,678 $24,216,527 
Tier I common risk-based capital3,866,554 3,693,089 
Tier I risk-based capital3,866,554 3,693,089 
Total risk-based capital4,045,526 3,881,024 
Tier I common risk-based capital ratio16.70 %15.25 %4.50 %2.50 %7.00 %6.50 %
Tier I risk-based capital ratio16.70 15.25 6.00 2.50 8.50 8.00 
Total risk-based capital ratio17.47 16.03 8.00 2.50 10.50 10.00 
Tier I leverage ratio12.31 11.25 4.00 N/A 4.00 5.00 
*Under Prompt Corrective Action requirements


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The Company is subject to a 2.5% capital conservation buffer, which is an amount above the minimum ratios under capital adequacy guidelines, and is intended to absorb losses during periods of economic stress. Failure to maintain the buffer will result in constraints on dividends, share repurchases, and executive compensation.

In the first quarter of 2020, the interim final rule of the Federal Reserve Bank and other U.S. banking agencies became effective, providing banks that adopted CECL (ASU 2016-13) during the 2020 calendar year the option to delay recognizing the estimated impact on regulatory capital until after a two year deferral period, followed by a three year transition period. In connection with the adoption of CECL on January 1, 2020, the Company elected to utilize this option. As a result, the two year deferral period for the Company extended through December 31, 2021. Beginning on January 1, 2022, the Company was required to phase in 25% of the previously deferred estimated capital impact of CECL, with an additional 25% to be phased in at the beginning of each subsequent year until fully phased in by the first quarter of 2025.

The Company maintains a treasury stock buyback program under authorizations by its Board of Directors (the Board) and periodically purchases stock in the open market. In April 2024, the Board approved the purchase of additional shares, bringing the total shares authorized for purchase to 5,000,000 at April 17, 2024. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company purchased 2,191,821 shares at an average price of $56.37 in open market purchases and through stock-based compensation transactions. At September 30, 2024, 3,615,176 shares remained available for purchase under the current Board authorization.

The Company's common stock dividend policy reflects its earnings outlook, desired payout ratios, the need to maintain adequate capital levels and alternative investment options. The Company paid a $.270 per share cash dividend on its common stock in the third quarter of 2024, which was a 5.1% increase compared to its 2023 quarterly dividend.

Material Cash Requirements, Commitments, Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements and Contingencies
The Company's material cash requirements include commitments for contractual obligations (both short-term and long-term), commitments to extend credit, and off-balance sheet arrangements. The Company's material cash requirements for the next 12 months are primarily to fund loan growth. Additionally, the Company will utilize cash to fund deposit maturities and withdrawals that may occur in the next 12 months. Other contractual obligations, purchase commitments, lease obligations, and unfunded commitments may require cash payments by the Company within the next 12 months, and these are further discussed in the Company's 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K. Further discussion of the Company's longer-term material cash obligations and sources for fulfilling those obligations is below.

In the normal course of business, various commitments and contingent liabilities arise that are not required to be recorded on the balance sheet. The most significant of these are loan commitments, which at September 30, 2024 totaled $15.0 billion (including $5.8 billion in unused, approved credit card lines). In addition, the Company enters into standby and commercial letters of credit. The contractual amount of standby and commercial letters of credit totaled $614.6 million and $3.5 million, respectively, at September 30, 2024. As many commitments expire unused or only partially used, these totals do not necessarily reflect future cash requirements. The allowance for these commitments is recorded in the Company’s liability for unfunded lending commitments within other liabilities on its consolidated balance sheets. At September 30, 2024, the liability for unfunded lending commitments totaled $18.0 million. See further discussion of the liability for unfunded lending commitments in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements.

The Company regularly purchases various state tax credits arising from third party property redevelopment. These credits are either resold to third parties at a profit or retained for use by the Company. During the first nine months of 2024, purchases and sales of tax credits amounted to $89.8 million and $76.1 million, respectively. Fees from sales of tax credits were $3.5 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $3.0 million in the same period last year. At September 30, 2024, the Company expected to fund outstanding purchase commitments of $72.5 million during the remainder of 2024 and had purchase commitments of $495.2 million that it expects to fund from 2025 through 2030.

The Company continued to maintain a strong liquidity position throughout the first nine months of 2024. Through the various sources of liquidity described above, the Company maintains a liquidity position that it believes will adequately satisfy its financial obligations.


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Segment Results
The table below is a summary of segment pre-tax income results for the first nine months of 2024 and 2023.

(Dollars in thousands)
Other/ Elimination
Consolidated Totals
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Net interest income$384,700 $387,387 $66,390 $838,477 $(64,878)$773,599 
Provision for credit losses(27,451)(952)150 (28,253)8,858 (19,395)
Non-interest income76,591 193,501 179,840 449,932 10,185 460,117 
Investment securities gains (losses), net    6,846 6,846 
Non-interest expense(248,478)(301,341)(118,512)(668,331)(47,180)(715,511)
Income before income taxes$185,362 $278,595 $127,868 $591,825 $(86,169)$505,656 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Net interest income$421,327 $393,318 $76,807 $891,452 $(141,744)$749,708 
Provision for credit losses(19,784)(3,206)(14)(23,004)(6,568)(29,572)
Non-interest income74,773 184,288 162,835 421,896 6,270 428,166 
Investment securities gains (losses), net— — — — 7,384 7,384 
Non-interest expense(243,004)(290,953)(119,019)(652,976)(26,752)(679,728)
Income before income taxes$233,312 $283,447 $120,609 $637,368 $(161,410)$475,958 
Increase (decrease) in income before income taxes:
   Amount$(47,950)$(4,852)$7,259 $(45,543)$75,241 $29,698 
   Percent(20.6)%(1.7)%6.0 %(7.1)%(46.6)%6.2 %
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, income before income taxes for the Consumer segment decreased $48.0 million, or 20.6%, compared to the first nine months of 2023. The decrease in income before income taxes was mainly due to a decline in net interest income of $36.6 million, or 8.7%, and increases in non-interest expense of $5.5 million, or 2.3%, and the provision for credit losses of $7.7 million. Net interest income declined mainly due to a $60.8 million increase in deposit interest expense. This decrease was partly offset by higher loan interest income of $18.1 million and a $6.3 million increase in net allocated funding credits assigned to the Consumer segment's loan and deposit portfolios. Non-interest income increased $1.8 million, or 2.4%, mainly due to higher net bank card fees (mainly credit and debit card fees), deposit account fees and mortgage banking revenue. Non-interest expense increased over the same period in the previous year mainly due to higher miscellaneous losses and allocated support costs for information technology and retail operations, partly offset by lower allocated management support costs. The increase in the provision for credit losses over the first nine months of 2023 was mainly due to higher consumer credit card and auto loan net charge-offs, partly offset by lower other vehicle and equipment loan net charge-offs.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, income before income taxes for the Commercial segment decreased $4.9 million, or 1.7%, compared to the same period in the previous year. This decrease was mainly due to lower net interest income and higher non-interest expense, partly offset by higher non-interest income and a decrease in the provision for credit losses. Net interest income decreased $5.9 million, or 1.5%, mainly due to lower net allocated funding credits of $27.4 million, coupled with higher interest expense on deposits and customer repurchase agreements of $28.3 million and $9.1 million, respectively. These decreases to income were partly offset by higher loan interest income of $58.4 million. Non-interest income increased $9.2 million, or 5.0%, over the previous year mainly due to growth in deposit account fees (mainly corporate cash management fees), capital market fees and loan commitment fees. These increases were partly offset by decreases in net bank card fees (mainly corporate card fees), letter of credit fees and swap fees. Non-interest expense increased $10.4 million, or 3.6%, mainly due to higher salaries and benefits expense and allocated servicing and support costs for commercial banking sales and administration, management and bank operations. These increases were partly offset by lower allocated commercial sales and payment support costs. The provision for credit losses declined $2.3 million from the same period last year, mainly due to lower commercial and industrial loan net charge-offs.


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Wealth segment pre-tax profitability for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 increased $7.3 million, or 6.0%, over the same period in the previous year. Net interest income decreased $10.4 million, or 13.6%, mainly due to a $19.2 million increase in deposit interest expense. This decrease was partly offset by an $8.0 million increase in loan interest income and an $852 thousand increase in net allocated funding credits. Non-interest income increased $17.0 million, or 10.4%, over the prior year largely due to higher private client and institutional trust fees and cash sweep commissions. Non-interest expense decreased $507 thousand, or .4%, mainly due to deconversion expense recorded in the prior year, partly offset by higher salaries and benefits expense. The provision for credit losses decreased $164 thousand from the same period last year due to lower revolving home equity loan net charge-offs.

The Other/Elimination category in the preceding table includes the activity of various support and overhead operating units of the Company, in addition to the investment securities portfolio and other items not allocated to the segments. In accordance with the Company’s transfer pricing procedures, the difference between the total provision for credit losses and total net charge-offs/recoveries is not allocated to a business segment and is included in this category. The pre-tax profitability in this category was $75.2 million higher than in the same period last year. Unallocated securities gains were $6.8 million in the first nine months of 2024 compared to gains of $7.4 million in 2023. Also, the unallocated provision for credit losses decreased $15.4 million, primarily driven by decreases in the provision for credit losses on loans and the liability for unfunded lending commitments, which are both not allocated to the segments for management reporting purposes. Net charge-offs are allocated to the segments when incurred for management reporting purposes. The provision for credit losses on loans in the first nine months of 2024 was $26.7 million, or $1.6 million lower than net charge-offs, due to a decrease in the allowance for credit losses on loans. In the comparable period last year, the provision for credit losses on loans was $35.2 million, or $12.1 million higher than net charge-offs, due to an increase in the allowance for credit losses on loans. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company's provision on unfunded lending commitments was a benefit of $7.3 million. Additionally, net interest income increased $76.9 million and non-interest income increased $3.9 million. The increase in net interest income was driven by decreases in interest expense on borrowings and deposits of $44.2 million and $15.4 million, respectively, and a $20.2 million decrease in net allocated funding credits. These increases to pre-tax profitability were partly offset by higher non-interest expense of $20.4 million.


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Regulatory Changes
Deposit Insurance
On November 16, 2023, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) issued a final rule to impose a special assessment to recover losses to the FDIC’s Deposit Insurance Fund following the failure of two financial institutions. The rule applies to all insured depository institutions and states that the special assessment would be collected at an annual rate of approximately 13.4 basis points for an anticipated total of eight quarterly assessment periods. Because the estimated loss pursuant to the systemic risk determination will be periodically adjusted, the FDIC could:
Cease collection early, if it has collected enough to recover actual or estimated losses;
Extend the special assessment collection period one or more quarters beyond the initial eight-quarter collection period, if actual or estimated losses exceed the amounts collected; and
Impose a final shortfall special assessment on a one-time basis after the receiverships for certain failed banks terminate, if actual losses exceed the amounts collected.

During the first quarter of 2024, the FDIC increased its estimate of losses to the Deposit Insurance Fund and in turn increased its estimated special assessment, announcing that the special assessment would come in the form of a June 2024 invoice based on its March 31, 2024 estimate loss in the Deposit Insurance Fund. The Company paid $2.0 million towards the special assessment in both June and September 2024 and has an accrual of $14.3 million at September 30, 2024 for FDIC special assessment liabilities.

SEC Climate Disclosure Rule
On March 6, 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted rules to enhance and standardize climate-related disclosures by public companies and in public offerings. This climate-related disclosure rule will have significant disclosure impact to the public companies affected, including the Company. Among many other items, this rule requires companies to disclose:
Climate-related risks that have had or are reasonably likely to have a material impact on the registrant’s business strategy, results of operations, or financial condition;
The actual and potential material impacts of any identified climate-related risks on the registrant’s strategy, business model, and outlook;
If, as part of its strategy, a registrant has undertaken activities to mitigate or adapt to a material climate-related risk, a quantitative and qualitative description of material expenditures incurred and material impacts on financial estimates and assumptions that directly result from such mitigation or adaptation activities;
Specified disclosures regarding a registrant’s activities, if any, to mitigate or adapt to a material climate-related risk including the use, if any, of transition plans, scenario analysis, or internal carbon prices;
Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, when material; and
Capitalized costs, expenditures, charges, and losses incurred as a result of severe weather events or other natural conditions.

However, in April 2024, the SEC issued an order to stay the rules pending judicial review, due to legal challenges to this mandate. The SEC has not issued an update since April 2024.


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Impact of Recently Issued Accounting Standards
Segment Reporting The FASB issued ASU 2023-07, "Segment Reporting (Topic 280) - Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures", in November 2023. The amendments require disclosure of significant segment expenses and other segment items on an annual and interim basis. Public entities are required to disclose significant expense categories and amounts for each reportable segment, as well as the amount and a description of the composition of other segment items. Significant expense categories are derived from expenses that are regularly provided to an entity’s chief operating decision-maker (“CODM”), and included in a segment’s reported measures of profit or loss. Public entities are also required to disclose the title and position of the CODM and explain how the CODM uses the reported measures of profit or loss in assessing segment performance and deciding how to allocate resources. This Update requires interim disclosures of certain segment-related disclosures that previously were only required annually. This Update requires annual disclosures for fiscal years beginning January 1, 2024 and interim disclosures for fiscal years beginning January 1, 2025. Early adoption is permitted. The Company is required to apply the amendments in this Update retrospectively to all prior periods presented in the financial statements. Other than the inclusion of additional disclosures, the adoption of this ASU is not expected to have a significant effect on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

Income Taxes The FASB issued ASU 2023-09, "Income Taxes (Topic 740) - Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures", in December 2023. The amendments in this Update require additional disclosures regarding the rate reconciliation and income taxes paid. This Update also removed certain existing disclosure requirements. This Update is effective for annual periods beginning January 1, 2025. Early adoption is permitted. The amendments in this Update should be applied on a prospective basis, though retrospective application is permitted. Other than the inclusion of additional disclosures, the adoption is not expected to have a significant effect on the Company's consolidated financial statements.

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Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Third Quarter 2024
Third Quarter 2023
(Dollars in thousands)
Average Balance
Interest Income/Expense
Avg. Rates Earned/Paid
Average BalanceInterest Income/ExpenseAvg. Rates Earned/Paid
$5,966,797 $92,471 6.17 %$5,849,227 $85,104 5.77 %
Real estate — construction and land1,400,563 29,704 8.44 1,508,850 31,070 8.17 
Real estate — business3,580,772 56,528 6.28 3,642,010 56,236 6.13 
Real estate — personal3,047,563 31,402 4.10 2,992,500 28,126 3.73 
Consumer2,129,483 35,519 6.64 2,102,281 31,630 5.97 
Revolving home equity335,817 6,490 7.69 304,055 5,947 7.76 
Consumer credit card559,410 19,697 14.01 564,039 19,570 13.77 
Overdrafts5,460   5,341 
Total loans17,025,865 271,811 6.35 16,968,303 257,683 6.02 
Loans held for sale2,448 39 6.34 5,714 152 10.55 
Investment securities:
U.S. government and federal agency obligations1,888,985 17,478 3.68 986,284 5,750 2.31 
Government-sponsored enterprise obligations55,583 331 2.37 55,676 331 2.36 
State and municipal obligations(A)
856,620 4,317 2.00 1,391,541 6,823 1.95 
Mortgage-backed securities5,082,091 24,956 1.95 6,161,348 31,942 2.06 
Asset-backed securities1,525,593 10,188 2.66 2,553,562 14,129 2.20 
Other debt securities224,528 1,166 2.07 514,787 2,268 1.75 
Trading debt securities(A)
47,440 539 4.52 35,044 451 5.11 
Equity securities(A)
85,118 951 4.44 12,230 711 23.06 
Other securities(A)
217,377 3,330 6.09 237,518 7,859 13.13 
Total investment securities9,983,335 63,256 2.52 11,947,990 70,264 2.33 
Federal funds sold12   2,722 45 6.56 
Securities purchased under agreements to resell474,997 4,215 3.53 712,472 3,740 2.08 
Interest earning deposits with banks2,565,188 35,034 5.43 2,337,744 31,738 5.39 
Total interest earning assets30,051,845 374,355 4.96 31,974,945 363,622 4.51 
Allowance for credit losses on loans(158,003)(158,335)
Unrealized gain (loss) on debt securities(961,695)(1,458,141)
Cash and due from banks361,854 295,711 
Premises and equipment, net481,301 463,828 
Other assets805,166 990,683 
Total assets$30,580,468 $32,108,691 
Interest bearing deposits:
Savings$1,303,675 214 .07 $1,436,149 194 .05 
Interest checking and money market13,242,398 57,963 1.74 13,048,199 43,601 1.33 
Certificates of deposit of less than $100,0001,055,683 11,073 4.17 1,423,965 15,499 4.32 
Certificates of deposit of $100,000 and over1,464,143 16,603 4.51 1,718,126 18,942 4.37 
Total interest bearing deposits17,065,899 85,853 2.00 17,626,439 78,236 1.76 
Federal funds purchased$206,644 $2,792 5.38 508,851 $6,833 5.33 
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase2,351,870 21,066 3.56 2,283,020 18,431 3.20 
Other borrowings(B)
496 6 4.81 685,222 9,160 5.30 
Total borrowings2,559,010 23,864 3.71 3,477,093 34,424 3.93 
Total interest bearing liabilities19,624,909 109,717 2.22 %21,103,532 112,660 2.12 %
Non-interest bearing deposits7,284,834 7,939,190 
Other liabilities405,490 367,741 
Equity3,265,235 2,698,228 
Total liabilities and equity$30,580,468 $32,108,691 
Net interest margin (FTE)$264,638 $250,962 
Net yield on interest earning assets3.50 %3.11 %
(A) Stated on a fully taxable-equivalent basis using a federal income tax rate of 21%.
(B) Interest expense capitalized on construction projects is not deducted from the interest expense shown above.

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Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Nine Months 2024
Nine Months 2023
(Dollars in thousands)
Average Balance
Interest Income/Expense
Avg. Rates Earned/Paid
Average BalanceInterest Income/ExpenseAvg. Rates Earned/Paid
$5,940,326 $271,895 6.11 %$5,754,947 $239,181 5.56 %
Real estate — construction and land1,448,033 91,046 8.40 1,456,986 85,201 7.82 
Real estate — business3,657,875 171,661 6.27 3,554,347 157,306 5.92 
Real estate — personal3,041,256 91,767 4.03 2,962,619 81,351 3.67 
Consumer2,113,267 103,323 6.53 2,089,524 88,144 5.64 
Revolving home equity328,060 18,881 7.69 300,502 16,754 7.45 
Consumer credit card558,403 58,633 14.03 558,741 57,415 13.74 
Overdrafts6,002   4,810 — — 
Total loans17,093,222 807,206 6.31 16,682,476 725,352 5.81 
Loans held for sale2,351 125 7.10 5,793 448 10.34 
Investment securities: 
U.S. government and federal agency obligations1,316,296 36,937 3.75 1,039,921 19,730 2.54 
Government-sponsored enterprise obligations55,623 992 2.38 66,056 1,352 2.74 
State and municipal obligations(A)
1,084,951 16,147 1.99 1,571,132 24,626 2.10 
Mortgage-backed securities5,511,120 85,860 2.08 6,309,586 97,702 2.07 
Asset-backed securities1,797,750 33,692 2.50 2,869,252 44,836 2.09 
Other debt securities363,677 5,402 1.98 521,187 7,204 1.85 
Trading debt securities(A)
44,839 1,645 4.90 42,392 1,494 4.71 
Equity securities(A)
75,193 2,658 4.72 12,340 2,140 23.19 
Other securities(A)
222,473 18,016 10.82 247,019 18,297 9.90 
Total investment securities10,471,922 201,349 2.57 12,678,885 217,381 2.29 
Federal funds sold738 37 6.70 16,262 639 5.25 
Securities purchased under agreements to resell373,544 8,270 2.96 787,070 11,791 2.00 
Interest earning deposits with banks2,202,444 90,096 5.46 1,816,210 70,328 5.18 
Total interest earning assets30,144,221 1,107,083 4.91 31,986,696 1,025,939 4.29 
Allowance for credit losses on loans(159,888)(155,870)
Unrealized gain (loss) on debt securities(1,168,558)(1,392,373)
Cash and due from banks303,877 306,441 
Premises and equipment, net479,544 448,168 
Other assets888,441 936,131 
Total assets$30,487,637 $32,129,193 
Interest bearing deposits:
Savings$1,322,148 605 .06 $1,500,666 573 .05 
Interest checking and money market13,206,726 169,981 1.72 13,076,565 93,419 .96 
Certificates of deposit of less than $100,0001,012,254 31,787 4.19 975,175 27,049 3.71 
Certificates of deposit of $100,000 and over1,517,154 51,591 4.54 1,367,560 39,985 3.91 
Total interest bearing deposits17,058,282 253,964 1.99 16,919,966 161,026 1.27 
Federal funds purchased$266,415 $10,780 5.40 $503,301 18,816 5.00 
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase2,372,816 61,797 3.48 2,302,289 52,940 3.07 
Other borrowings(B)
470 14 3.98 951,971 37,027 5.20 
Total borrowings2,639,701 72,591 3.67 3,757,561 108,783 3.87 
Total interest bearing liabilities19,697,983 326,555 2.21 %20,677,527 269,809 1.74 %
Non-interest bearing deposits7,303,728 8,421,754 
Other liabilities404,962 360,506 
Equity3,080,964 2,669,406 
Total liabilities and equity$30,487,637 $32,129,193 
Net interest margin (FTE)$780,528 $756,130 
Net yield on interest earning assets3.46 %3.16 %
(A) Stated on a fully taxable-equivalent basis using a federal income tax rate of 21%.
(B) Interest expense capitalized on construction projects is not deducted from the interest expense shown above.


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Interest rate risk management focuses on maintaining consistent growth in net interest income within Board-approved policy limits. The Company primarily uses earnings simulation models to analyze net interest income sensitivity to movement in interest rates. The Company performs monthly simulations that model interest rate movements and risk in accordance with changes to its balance sheet composition. For further discussion of the Company’s market risk, see the Interest Rate Sensitivity section of Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations included in the Company’s 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.

The table below shows the effects of gradual shifts in interest rates over a twelve month period on the Company’s net interest income versus the Company's net interest income in a flat rate scenario.  The simulation presents three rising rate scenarios and three falling rate scenarios, and in these scenarios, rates are assumed to change evenly over 12 months, while the balance sheet remains flat.

The Company utilizes this simulation both for monitoring interest rate risk and for liquidity planning purposes.  While the future effects of rising and falling rates on deposit balances cannot be known, the Company maintains a practice of running multiple rate scenarios, when relevant, to better understand interest rate risk and its effect on the Company’s performance. 

September 30, 2024June 30, 2024
 (Dollars in millions)
$ Change in
Net Interest
% Change in
Net Interest
$ Change in
Net Interest
% Change in
Net Interest
300 basis points rising$13.8 1.29 %$(7.2)(.67)%
200 basis points rising15.1 1.43 (9.0)(.84)
100 basis points rising14.6 1.37 (5.1)(.47)
100 basis points falling$(19.8)(1.86)%$(9.3)(.86)%
200 basis points falling(42.5)(4.00)(26.1)(2.44)
300 basis points falling(62.0)(5.83)(44.6)(4.16)

Under the simulation, in the three rising rate scenarios and three falling rate scenarios, interest rate risk is more asset sensitive when compared to the scenarios in the previous quarter. This change was primarily due to actions taken by the Federal Reserve to reduce short-term interest rates by 50 basis points. As short-term rates fall, deposit rates become less sensitive which resulted in larger declines in interest income in the falling rate scenarios and growth in interest income in the rising rate scenarios.

The comparison above provides insight into potential effects of changes in rates on net interest income.  The Company believes that its approach to interest rate risk has appropriately considered its susceptibility to both rising and falling rates and has adopted strategies which minimize the impact of interest rate risk.

An evaluation was performed under the supervision and with the participation of the Company's management, including the Company's Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the Company's disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) as of September 30, 2024. Based upon that evaluation, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that the Company's disclosure controls and procedures were effective. There were no changes in the Company's internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the last fiscal quarter that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company's internal control over financial reporting.


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The information required by this item is set forth in Part I, Item 1 under Note 17, Legal and Regulatory Proceedings.

The following table sets forth information about the Company's purchases of its $5 par value common stock, its only class of common stock registered pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

Total Number of Shares Purchased
 Average Price Paid per Share
Total Number of Shares Purchased as part of Publicly Announced Program
 Maximum Number that May Yet Be Purchased Under the Program
July 1 - 31, 2024128,289 $64.55 128,289 4,186,806 
August 1 - 31, 2024311,882 $61.73 311,882 3,874,924 
September 1 - 30, 2024259,748 $62.11 259,748 3,615,176 
Total699,919 $62.39 699,919 3,615,176 

The Company's stock purchases shown above were made under authorizations by the Board of Directors. Under the most recent authorization in April 2024 of 5,000,000 shares, 3,615,176 shares remained available for purchase at September 30, 2024.

During the three months ended September 30, 2024, none of the officers or directors of the Company adopted or terminated any contract, instruction or written plan for the purchase or sale of our securities that was intended to satisfy the affirmative defense conditions of Rule 10b5-1(c) or any “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement.”

The exhibits filed as part of this report and exhibits incorporated herein by reference to other documents are listed below.

3 - By-Laws, as amended, were filed in current report on Form 8-K (Commission file number 1-36502) dated October 30, 2024, and the same is hereby incorporated by reference.

31.1 — Certification of CEO pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

31.2 — Certification of CFO pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

32 — Certifications of CEO and CFO pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

101 — Interactive data files in Inline XBRL pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T: (i) the Consolidated Balance Sheets, (ii) the Consolidated Statements of Income, (iii) the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income, (iv) the Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity, (v) the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows and (vi) the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, tagged as blocks of text and in detail. The instance document does not appear in the interactive data file because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document.

104 — Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101)


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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Margaret M. Rowe
Date: November 6, 2024
Vice President & Secretary

Paul A. Steiner
Date: November 6, 2024
(Chief Accounting Officer)