廃止された事業は独立したセグメントとして運営され、Regulated Services Group 運営セグメントの運用に影響を及ぼしません。特定の企業サポート機能を共有し、企業の負債および株式資金を利益を得ています。この経営者による業績解説(MD&A)は、特に指摘がない限り、継続する事業の結果を反映しています。
Adjusted Net Earnings は、多くの投資家が使用する非GAAP財務指標で、一部の主に非現金の影響など、一般に現在の経済的影響を持たない不安定なアイテムの影響を受けずに業務の純利益を比較するために使用されます。 AQNは、過去の期首判断に関する当期税法の変更に伴う過去の期の調整に関する費用、執行役員の退職に伴うコスト、キャリーにおいて持分法に従って判断されない投資からの利益(損失)に含まれる過去の期の調整など、一般に再発生しないまたは普通でない項目を含む変動のあるアイテムによって作用しえるため、アナリストとプレゼンテーションが活用されることで、事業の基盤的なパフォーマンスの分析と提示が向上すると信じています。 Adjusted Net Earnings は、米国のGAAPによって決定された純利益を代表するものであり、これらの項目によってプラスまたはマイナスに影響を受ける可能性があります
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. - マネジメントディスカッション & アナリシス
AQNはーで設立されました 取引の完了時、New GMINがGMINとRGD株主に発行する普通株式数は、4対1の株式統合を行った場合と同等である(0.25 New GMIN普通株式がGMIN普通株式に対して、および0.07125 New GMIN普通株式がRGD普通株式に対して発行される[「交換比率」]) 2024年8月9日をもって、再生可能エネルギー事業の売却に関する取引契約の締結後、AQNは報告セグメントを見直し、戦略的重点と内部統治に合わせて修正しました。新しい報告セグメントは、会社が財務パフォーマンスを評価し、リソース配分に関する決定を下す方法に合致しています。AQNの業務は現在、次の3つのビジネスユニットに分かれています:規制サービスグループ、主に米国、カナダ、バミューダ、チリで規制された電気、水配給、汚水集約及び天然ガスユーティリティシステムおよび送配電業務を所有・運営する事業群、再生可能エネルギー事業売却の一環として売却されることはない水力事業グループ、および企業グループ」を構成しています。企業グループには、企業およびサービス会社、そしてアトランティカへの投資が含まれています。アトランティカへの投資は再生可能エネルギー事業売却の一環として売却されることはありませんが、別の取引により売却のプロセスが進行中です。アトランティカへの投資の売却は、会社にとって戦略的転換を象徴するものではないため、中断事業としての基準を満たしません。そのため、これまで企業グループに組み込まれました。旧再生可能エネルギー事業グループの運営セグメントは中断事業として報告され、報告セグメントとしてはもはや存在していません(未監査の四半期連結財務諸表第21号参照-事業取得および譲渡)。会社の活動を通じて、持続可能な配当と株価の上昇を支援するために収益とキャッシュフローの成長を目指しています。AQNは、これらの結果を達成する一方で、BBb平格の投資適格クレジット格付けと環境、社会、ガバナンスの要因に強く焦点を当てたビジネスリスクプロファイルを維持しようとしています。
•米国バミューダ電力会社(「BELCO」)、CalPeco、Empire Electric System、ニューヨークウォーター、パインブラフおよびパークウォーターシステムにおける新料金の導入により、Regulated Services Groupの営業利益が750万ドル増加。相殺されるのは:
•2024年6月20日にLiberty Development Energy Solutions b.V.(「保証ローン」)による債務として返済される30650万ドルの保証クレジット施設の再分類に伴う利息費の増加980万ドルの主要な要因となった利息費の増加による3380万ドルの純利益減少。その他の利益には非支配株主持分に起因する利息費の減少が相殺されます。ネット増加は、成長戦略をサポートするための借り入れの増加によるものです。
•a net increase in interest expense of $2160万 representing an increase in reported interest expense of $4140万, driven by higher interest rates as well as increased borrowings to support growth initiatives; partially offset by a decrease of $19.2 million in net earnings attributable to the non-controlling interest due to reclassification of the Margin Loan as debt from non-controlling interest; and
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•an increase in depreciation expense of $3310万, driven by additional capital invested by the Company.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, basic net earnings per common share and Adjusted Net Earnings per common share were also impacted by the issuance of an aggregate of 76,909,700 common shares in connection with the settlement of the Purchase contracts that were components of the Company’s outstanding Green Equity Units (see Caution Concerning Non-GAAP Measures and Note 10 to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements - Shareholder's capital).
Regulated Services Group 2024年9月30日時点で、およそ1,260,000の顧客接続に配電サービスを提供している料金規制ユーティリティを主に運営しており、電気、天然ガス、水および廃水部門に向けて顧客接続を提供しています。これは、2023年9月30日時点と比較して約2,000の顧客接続が増加しています。 2023年9月30日と比較して。
この表には、Regulated Services GroupのAdjusted EBITDAを収益との調整したものが含まれています。表の関連セクションは、未監査の中間総合損益計算書と共に読むべきであり、unction with the unaudited interim condensed consolidated statement of operations and ノート17 in the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements, "区分情報この付加的開示は、Adjusted EBITDAに関連する開示をより詳しく説明し、規制サービスグループの運営パフォーマンスに関連する追加情報を提供することを意図しています。投資家は、Adjusted EBITDAを収益の代替手段として解釈すべきではないことに注意されます。
On October 17, 2023, filed its revenue allowance application in which it requested a $5910万 increase for 2024 and 2025 based on a weighted average cost of capital of 10.13%. On May 30, 2024, the RA issued a final order authorizing a revenue increase of $3360万 for 2024 and 2025 based on a weighted average cost of capital of 7.79%. New base rates became effective August 1, 2024.
New York Water
On May 4, 2023, filed an application seeking an increase in revenues of $3970万 based on an ROE of 10% and an equity ratio of 50%. On May 31, 2024, the Staff of the Department of Public Service and the Company filed a joint proposal resolving all contested issues. On July 16, 2024, an evidentiary hearing was held on the joint proposal. On August 15, 2024, the Commission issued an order approving the joint proposal and authorizing a $3860万 increase in revenues over a three-year rate plan ($2630万 in Year 1, $610万 in Year 2 and $620万 in Year 3). New rates became effective September 1, 2024 and are being collected retroactive to April 1, 2024 through a make whole surcharge that will be in effect from September 1, 2024 through March 31, 2026.
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レートリクエスト (百万)
On December 20, 2023, filed an application seeking an increase in revenues of $530万 based on an ROE of 10.80% and an equity ratio of 54%. On April 24, 2024, Staff of the Illinois Commerce Commission ("ICC Staff") filed testimony recommending a $60万 rate decrease. On May 16, 2024, the Company filed updated rebuttal testimony revising its proposed revenue increase to $460万. On June 20, 2024, ICC Staff filed its rebuttal testimony recommending a base rate revenue increase of $210万, and the Company filed surrebuttal testimony revising its proposed revenue increase to $410万. A hearing was held on June 27, 2024. On July 25, 2024, the ICC Staff filed a legal brief recommending a revenue increase of $310万. On October 31, 2024, the ICC issued a final order approving a total increase of $320万 or 22.32% in base rate revenues. The rate increase reflects an approved rate of return of 7.54% that incorporates a ROE of 9.90% and long-term debt cost rate of 5.60%. New rates are anticipated to be effective no later than 30 days from the order date.
Midstates Gas
On February 9, 2024, filed an application seeking an increase in revenues of $1320万 based on an ROE of 10.80% and an equity ratio of 52.92%. On July 18, 2024, the Staff of the Missouri Public Service Commission and Office of the Public Counsel ("OPC") filed direct testimony. Staff proposed a base revenue increase of $440万 based on a 50% equity ratio and 9.45% ROE. OPC recommended a 47.5% equity ratio and 9.50% ROE. On August 22, 2024 the parties filed rebuttal testimony. On September 19, 2024 the parties filed surrebuttal testimony. On October 9, 2024, Staff filed a motion to suspend the procedural schedule and evidentiary hearing given that the parties reached a settlement resolving all issues. The parties filed a stipulation agreement on October 22, 2024 agreeing to an increase in annual distribution revenues of $910万. On November 6, 2024, the Commission unanimously voted to approve the settlement agreement, with a written order to follow.
On July 27, 2023, filed an application seeking an increase in revenues of $2750万 based on an ROE of 10.35% and an equity ratio of 55%. Temporary rates of $870万 were approved by the Commission on October 31, 2023. The temporary rate increase is retroactive to October 1, 2023. On February 5, 2024, the Company requested that the NHPUC stay the case until April 12, 2024 so that the Company can provide the Commission with a third-party review of the financial information upon which the revenue requirement is predicated. On February 16, 2024, the DOE filed a motion seeking to dismiss the case. On March 14, 2024 the Commission issued an order staying the case until June 7, 2024, so that it may contemplate the motion and so that the Company can provide the NHPUC with a third-party review of the financial information within the rate application. On April 17, 2024, the Company filed a proposed scope for the third-party review. On August 16, 2024 the DOE filed a status update informing NHPUC that the parties met to discuss a comprehensive settlement of all issues in the case and intend to more fully engage in settlement discussions once a settlement in the Granite State Electric case is reached.
Rio Rico Water & Sewer, Bella Vista Water, Beardsley Water, Cordes Lakes Water
On December 28, 2023, filed an application seeking an increase in revenues of $540万 based on an ROE of 10.95% and an equity ratio of 54%. On June 26, 2024, the Arizona Corporation Commission granted the Company's request to extend the procedural schedule with a hearing on the merits scheduled for March 24-28, 2025. Staff and intervenor testimony on non-rate design issues is due by December 20, 2024.
Park Water
2024年1月2日、ROEが9.35%、株式比率が57%に基づいて収益の増加を目指す申請を行いました。2024年7月24日、カリフォルニア公益事業委員会の公共擁護事務所は、2025年の収益の240万ドル減額を推奨する証言を提出しました。2024年9月23日、会社は900万ドルの収益増加を求める反論証言を提出しました。法廷所見は2024年12月に提出される予定です。2024年11月4日、カリフォルニアPUCのSmall Class A Water Utilitiesにおける資本コスト手続きにおいて、Park WaterのROEを9.57%に引き上げる提案された命令を発行しました。この提案については最終命令の発行が必要です。
Apple Valley Water
2024年1月2日、ROEが9.35%、株式比率が57%に基づいて収益の増加を目指す申請を行いました。2024年7月24日、カリフォルニア公益事業委員会(カリフォルニアPUC)の公共擁護事務所は、2025年の収益の390万ドル減額を推奨する証言を提出しました。2024年9月23日、会社は290万ドルの収益増加を求める反論証言を提出しました。法廷所見は2024年12月に提出される予定です。2024年11月4日、カリフォルニアPUCのSmall Class A Water Utilitiesにおける資本コスト手続きにおいて、Apple Valley WaterのROEを9.57%に引き上げる提案された命令を発行しました。この提案については最終命令の発行が必要です。
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. - 管理的議論および分析
料金リクエスト (百万)
On March 13, 2024, filed an application seeking an increase in revenues of $810万 based on an ROE of 10.62% and an equity ratio of 52.6%. On August 20, 2024 Staff filed direct testimony recommending an increase in annual revenues of $780万 based on an ROE of 9.45% and an equity ratio of 50%. The City of Bolivar recommended an increase in annual revenues of $750万. On September 27, 2024 the parties filed rebuttal testimony. Surrebuttal testimony was filed on October 24, 2024 and an evidentiary hearing is scheduled to begin November 18, 2024.
Arkansas Water
On March 14, 2024, filed an application seeking an increase in revenues of $230万 based on an ROE of 10.62% and an equity ratio of 52.5%. On August 27, 2024, Staff filed testimony recommending an annual revenue increase of $150万, based on an ROE of 9.80%. On September 24, 2024, the Company filed rebuttal testimony updating its proposed annual revenue increase to $180万. Surrebuttal testimony was filed by the parties on October 22, 2024 and the Company's surrebuttal testimony was filed on October 29, 2024. The evidentiary hearing is scheduled on November 21, 2024.
New Brunswick Gas
On April 15, 2024, filed an application seeking an increase in revenues of $160万 based on an ROE of 9.80% and an equity ratio of 45%. On August 16, 2024 The Office of the Public Intervenor filed testimony. On September 27, 2024 the Company filed rebuttal testimony. An evidentiary hearing was held on October 4, 7 and 8, 2024. A decision from the Board is expected in the fourth quarter of 2024.
CalPeco Electric
On September 20, 2024, filed an application seeking an increase in revenues of $3980万 based on an ROE of 11% and an equity ratio of 52.5%.
This table contains a reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to revenue for the Corporate Group. The relevant sections of the table are derived from and should be read in conjunction with the unaudited interim condensed consolidated statement of operations and ノート17 in the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements, "区分情報". This supplementary disclosure is intended to more fully explain disclosures related to Adjusted EBITDA and provides additional information related to the operating performance of the Corporate Group. Investors are cautioned that Adjusted EBITDA should not be construed as an alternative to revenue.
Primarily includes dividends from Atlantica of $2180万 and $2200万 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 respectively. The nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 includes dividends from Atlantica of $6540万 and $6560万 respectively.
For the three months ended September 30, 2024, depreciation expense totaled $9940万 as compared to $8830万 in the same period in 2023.
For the three months ended September 30, 2024, change in investments carried at fair value totaled a gain of $160万 as compared to a loss of $21240万 in the same period in 2023. The Company records certain of its investments, including Atlantica, using the fair value method and accordingly any change in the fair value of the investment is recorded in the consolidated statement of operations (see 注釈6 in the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements).
For the three months ended September 30, 2024, pension and post-employment non-service costs totaled $300万 as compared to $490万 in the same period in 2023. The decrease was primarily due to higher expected return on plan assets.
For the three months ended September 30, 2024, other net losses were $950万 as compared to $7420万 in the same period in 2023. The decrease was primarily due to securitization costs related to Empire Electric written off during the three months ended September 30, 2023 of $63.5 million. See ノート15 in the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
2024年9月30日までの3ヶ月間に、再生可能エネルギーグループは、2023年同期間の5580万ドルに対して28490万ドルの資本支出を行いました。2024年第3四半期における再生可能エネルギーグループの投資は、主にCarvers Creek Solar施設の以前未所有部分の取得、さらには様々なプロジェクトの開発および建設、既存の運用サイトにおける継続的なメンテナンス資本に関連しています。
2024年9月30日までの9ヵ月間に、再生可能エネルギーグループは、2023年同期間の28770万ドルに対して98330万ドルの資本支出を行いました。2024年の再生可能エネルギーグループの運用資産への投資は、主にShady Oaks II Wind施設、Sandy Ridge II Wind施設、New Market Solar施設、およびCarvers Creek Solar施設の以前未所有部分の取得、さらには様々なプロジェクトの開発および建設、既存の運用サイトにおける継続的なメンテナンス資本に関連しています。
2024年9月30日現在、規制サービスグループのシニア無担保シンジケート遅延引出期限付き期間施設(「規制サービス遅延引出期限付き期間施設」)は、Liberty Utilities(New York Water)Corp.の取得に関連して61040万ドルが引き出されていました。四半期終了後、規制サービス遅延引出期限付き期間施設は2024年10月25日の満期日に償還されました。
2024年第4四半期の配当宣言額は$0.0650 (C$0.0901) per Common Share
The Board has declared a fourth quarter 2024 dividend of $0.0650 per common share payable on January 15, 2025 to shareholders of record on December 31, 2024.
The Canadian dollar equivalent for the fourth quarter 2024 dividend is C$0.0901 per common share.
Changes in the level of dividends paid by AQN are at the discretion of AQN's Board of Directors (the "Board"), with dividend levels being reviewed periodically by the Board in the context of AQN's financial performance and growth prospects.
The previous four quarter U.S. and Canadian dollar equivalent dividends per common share have been as follows:
In addition, for the Regulated Services Group, costs resulting from interest rate increases may not be recoverable in whole or in part, and "regulatory lag" may cause a time delay in the payment to the Regulated Services Group of any such costs that are recoverable. Rising interest rates may also negatively impact the economics of development projects, acquisitions, dispositions and energy facilities, especially where project financing is being renewed or arranged.
As a result, fluctuations in interest rates could materially increase the Corporation's financing costs, limit the Corporation's options for financing or investment and adversely affect its results of operations, cash flows, key credit metrics, borrowing capacity and ability to implement its business strategy.
As at September 30, 2024, approximately 88% of debt outstanding in AQN and its subsidiaries was subject to a fixed rate of interest and as a result, such debt is not subject to significant interest rate risk in the short-term time horizon.
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. - Management Discussion & Analysis
Borrowings subject to variable interest rates can fluctuate significantly from month to month, quarter to quarter and year to year. AQN's target is to maintain a minimum of 85% fixed rate debt. As a result, the Company hedges the interest rate risk on its variable interest rate borrowings from time to time.
Based on amounts outstanding as at September 30, 2024, the impact to interest expense on variable rate loans from changes in interest rates are as follows:
The Corporation cannot provide assurance that the Canada Revenue Agency, the Internal Revenue Service or any other applicable taxation authority will agree with the tax positions taken by the Corporation, including with respect to claimed expenses and the cost amount of the Corporation's depreciable properties. A successful challenge by an applicable taxation
Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp. - Management Discussion & Analysis
authority regarding such tax positions could adversely affect the results of operations and financial position of the Corporation.
Development by the Corporation of renewable power generation facilities in the United States depends in part on federal tax credits and other tax incentives. The Inflation Reduction Act has extended and expanded certain energy credits, providing greater certainty regarding the availability of these credits on a going forward basis. However, the rules governing these tax credits still include technical requirements for credit eligibility. If the Corporation is unable to complete construction on current or planned projects within certain deadlines or satisfy certain new requirements relating to prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements, the reduced incentives or elimination of incentives may be insufficient to support continued development or may result in substantially reduced financial benefits from facilities that are completed. In addition, the Corporation has entered into certain tax equity financing transactions with financial partners for certain of its renewable power facilities in the United States, under which allocations of future cash flows to the Corporation from the applicable facility could be adversely affected in the event that there are changes in U.S. tax laws that apply to facilities previously placed in service.
Certain tax assumptions have been made by the Company in estimating the net proceeds to the Company of the pending Renewables sale and Atlantica sale. These assumptions may turn out to be incorrect or incomplete, which could reduce the net proceeds from such transactions to amounts lower than expected by the Company.
AQN's profitability could be impacted by inflation increases above long-term averages. The Regulated Services Group's facilities are subject to rate setting by its regulatory agencies. The time between the incurrence of costs and the granting of the rates to recover those costs by regulatory agencies is known as regulatory lag. As a result of regulatory lag, inflationary effects and timing delays may impact the ability to recover expenses and/or capital costs, and profitability could be impacted. In the event of significant inflation, the impact of regulatory lag on the Company would be increased. In order to mitigate this exposure, the Regulated Services Group seeks to obtain approval for regulatory constructs in the states in which it operates to allow for timely recovery of operating expenses and capital costs.
Development and construction projects could experience a decrease in expected returns as a result of increased costs. In an effort to mitigate the risk of inflation, the Company attempts to enter into fixed price construction agreements close to the time it enters into fixed price offtake agreements.
Litigation Risks and Other Contingencies
AQN and certain of its subsidiaries are involved in various litigation, claims and other legal and regulatory proceedings that arise from time to time in the ordinary course of business. Any accruals for contingencies related to these items are recorded in the financial statements at the time it is concluded that a material financial loss is likely and the related liability is estimable. Anticipated recoveries under existing insurance policies are recorded when reasonably assured of recovery.
Mountain View Fire
On November 17, 2020, a wildfire now known as the Mountain View Fire occurred in the territory of Liberty Utilities (CalPeco Electric) LLC ("Liberty CalPeco"). The cause of the fire remains in dispute, and CAL FIRE has not yet released its final report. There were 22 lawsuits filed that name certain subsidiaries of the Company as defendants in connection with the Mountain View Fire, as well as a non-litigation claim brought by the U.S. Department of Agriculture seeking reimbursement for alleged fire suppression costs and a notice from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management seeking damages for the alleged burning of public lands without authorization. Fifteen lawsuits were brought by groups of individual plaintiffs and a Native American group alleging causes of action including negligence, inverse condemnation, nuisance, trespass, and violations of Cal. Pub. Util. Code 2106 and Cal. Health and Safety Code 13007 (one of these 15 lawsuits also alleges the wrongful death of an individual and various subrogation claims on behalf of insurance companies). In six other lawsuits, insurance companies alleged inverse condemnation and negligence and seek recovery of amounts paid and to be paid to their insureds. In one other lawsuit, County of Mono, Antelope Valley Fire Protection District, and Bridgeport Indian Colony allege similar causes of action and seek damages for fire suppression costs, law enforcement costs, property and infrastructure damage, and other costs. Liberty CalPeco has resolved 20 of the lawsuits, and Liberty CalPeco is in the process of obtaining dismissals with prejudice of said lawsuits. Trial on the remaining two lawsuits is currently expected in January 2025. The likelihood of success in these lawsuits is uncertain. Liberty CalPeco intends to vigorously defend them. The Company accrued estimated losses of $17230万 for claims related to the Mountain View Fire, against which Liberty CalPeco has recorded recoveries through insurance of $11600万 and Wildfire Expense Memorandum Account of $5630万. The resulting net charge to earnings was $nil. The estimate of losses is subject to change as additional information becomes available. The actual amount of losses may be higher or lower than these estimates. While the Company may incur a material loss in excess of the amount accrued, the Company cannot estimate the upper end of the range of reasonably possible losses that may be incurred. The Company has wildfire liability insurance that was applied up to applicable policy limits.
Apple Valleyの土地収用手続き
2016年1月7日、Apple Valley町はLiberty Utilities(Apple Valley Ranchos Water)Corp.(「Liberty Apple Valley」)のユーティリティ資産の収用を求める訴訟を起こしました。2021年5月7日、裁判所はApple Valley町が収用によってApple Valley水システムを運営しようとする試みを否定する決定の暫定声明を出しました。この判決により、Liberty Apple Valleyが水システムの所有と運営を続けることがコミュニティの最良の利益であることが確認されました。2021年10月14日、裁判所は最終決定声明を出しました。裁判所は2021年11月12日に解散と判決の命令を署名および発行しました。2022年1月7日、町は裁判所によって下された判決の控訴通知を提出しました。2022年8月2日、裁判所はLiberty Apple Valleyに約1320万ドルの弁護士費用および訴訟費用の支払いを命じる判決を出しました。町はこの費用の控訴通知を2022年8月22日に提出しました。2024年9月11日、控訴裁判所はApple Valley町がLiberty Apple Valleyの資産を取得する権利を持たないという一審裁判所の判決を覆し、Liberty Apple Valleyへの弁護士費用の支払いを覆す暫定判決を出しました。暫定判決に関する口頭弁論は2024年12月3日に予定されています。口頭弁論が行われると、控訴裁判所は控訴に関する最終判決を出すまでに90日かかります。
Algonquin Power&Utilities Corp. - 経営に対する考察
1320万ドルの訴訟費用および訴訟費用をLiberty Apple Valleyに支払う判決を下した裁判所は2022年8月22日に町がこの費用の控訴通知を提出しました。2024年9月11日、控訴裁判所はApple Valley町がLiberty Apple Valleyの資産を取得する権利を持たないという一審裁判所の判決を覆し、Liberty Apple Valleyへの弁護士費用の支払いを覆す暫定判決を出しました。暫定判決に関する口頭弁論は2024年12月3日に予定されています。口頭弁論が行われると、控訴裁判所は控訴に関する最終判決を出すまでに90日かかります。