EX-99.(I) 2 ex99-i.htm OCTOBER 2024 MONTHLY REPORT















总净资产(百万美元)1 $260.18 每日平均交易股数2 72,144
每股资产净值1 $17.61 尚未处理的股票。3 14,771,862
收盘价2 $14.01 费用率 (4/30/2024) 1.34%
折扣 20.44% 投资组合换手率 (4/30/2024) 6.33%



Performance1 外币折算差额(2) 年化的
1个月 年累计销售量 1年 3年 5年 投资10年后的余额 15年
MXF市场价格 -5.69% -22.52% -2.10% 2.87% 5.24% -1.10% 4.74%
MXF资产净值 -5.47% -21.90% -3.14% 4.58% 6.48% 0.45% 4.70%
MSCI墨西哥指数 -4.57% -22.42% -2.14% 4.42% 5.75% -0.40% 3.30%




1 来源:Impulsora del Fondo México, S.C.的表现数据考虑了分配再投资。
2 来源:纽交所。股票交易量数据表示在美国一揽子市场中平均成交量。
3 2024年10月,基金未回购任何股份。







1 墨西哥Banorte金融集团 11.76% 6 西麦斯 4.25%
2 墨西哥FEMSA经济促进会 11.55% 7 葛兰玛 3.98%
3 墨西哥集团墨西哥 11.25% 8 Centro Norte机场集团 3.54%
4 墨西哥沃尔玛 8.44% 9 墨西哥金佰利集团 3.42%
5 阿美移动 5.46% 10 Sureste机场集团 3.39%



全球股票市场在2024年10月出现负回报。MSCI世界指数和MSCI新兴市场指数分别在该月下降了2.0%和4.4%。 在货币政策方面,欧洲央行将其主要再融资利率降低了25个基点至3.40%,而美联储和英格兰银行在2024年10月没有货币政策会议。道琼斯指数和标普500指数分别下降了1.3%和1.0%,而10年期国债收益率上升了50个基点至4.28%,美元升值了3.2%(以DXY指数衡量)。4) during October 2024. In Mexico, the MSCI Mexico Index decreased 4.6% and the Mexican peso depreciated 1.7% during the month to Ps. $20.04, whereas the Fund’s NAV decreased 5.5%, underperforming its benchmark. Global and domestic political concerns were behind the Mexican equity market negative performance during the month.


In local news, Mexico´s preliminary GDP5 for the third quarter of 2024 reported an annual increase of 1.5%, registering twelve consecutive quarters of growth. Mexican-listed companies reported strong financial results for the third quarter of 2024, with a notable profitability margin expansion; sales and Ebitda increased 9.2% and 16.2%, respectively. The International Monetary Fund renewed Mexico´s two-year Flexible Credit Line (“FCL”) at $350亿, highlighting that it continues to qualify for the FCL by virtue of its strong fundamentals, institutional policy frameworks and Mexico’s track record of economic performance and policy implementation, while Mexican authorities stated their intention to continue to treat the arrangement as precautionary.



The information presented in this report has been derived from the sources indicated. Neither The Mexico Fund, Inc. nor its Adviser, Impulsora del Fondo México, S.C., has independently verified or confirmed the information presented herein.



All performance shown is historical. Closed-end funds are traded on the secondary market through one of the stock exchanges. Shares of closed-end funds may trade above (premium) or below (discount) the NAV of the fund’s portfolio. The NAV is the value of an entity’s assets less the value of its liabilities. The Market Price is the current price at which an asset can be bought or sold. There is no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.



An investment in the Fund entails special risk considerations, including among others the risks of foreign investments, Mexican investments, market illiquidity and volatility, market corrections, risks associated with the Mexican economy, political factors and security, currency exchange rate fluctuations, NAV discount risk, foreign custody risk, dollar denominated investments risk and risks associated with the concentration of the Mexican equity market. 投资者在投资基金之前应考虑其投资目标、投资时间段和风险承受能力。基金的投资并不适合所有投资者,也并非旨在成为完整的投资计划。投资者在投资前应仔细审查和考虑基金的投资目标、风险、费用和支出。




4 DXY指数 计算美元相对于一篮子外汇的价值。
5 初步GDP数据的数字已进行季节调整。