本登記權協議(本「協議」)於2024年7月15日簽署,由特定參與人士(以下簡稱「參與人」),包括能源轉移LP,一家德拉華有限合夥企業(以下簡稱「註冊人」),按照附表I中的規定設定。協議”)於2024年11月1日簽訂,由佛羅里達州的Onity Group Inc.(以下簡稱“公司”), SHAP 2018-1, LLC,一個特拉華州有限責任公司(下簡稱“SHAPWaterfall Eden Master Fund, Ltd.、Waterfall Sandstone Fund, L.P.、Waterfall Rock Island, LLC和Waterfall Victoria Master Fund, Ltd.中的每一個都是“Waterfall基金全部協議稱爲「」。Waterfall基金”).
鑑於公司已向佛羅里達州國務卿文件的《Series b Perpetual Preferred Stock (the “優先股指定、偏好和規則的章程》,Series b Perpetual Preferred Stock (the “優先股指定、偏好和規則的章程)至公司修訂後的公司章程,設立了公司設計的一系列優先股,稱爲“Series b Perpetual Preferred Stock(優先股”);
“持有人” means the record holder of any Registrable Securities. In accordance with 第3.05節 of this Agreement, for purposes of determining the availability of any rights and applicability of any obligations under this Agreement, including for purposes of calculating the amount of Registrable Securities held by a Holder, a Holder’s Registrable Securities shall be aggregated together with all Registrable Securities held by other Holders who are Affiliates of such Holder.
A Registration Statement shall provide for the resale pursuant to any method or combination of methods legally available to, and requested by, the Selling Holders, including by way of an Underwritten Offering, if such an election has been made pursuant to 第2.03節 of this Agreement, and by way of Alternative Transactions. During the Effectiveness Period, the Company shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause a Registration Statement filed pursuant to this 第2.01(a)節 to remain effective, and to be supplemented and amended to the extent necessary (including post-effective amendments) to ensure that such Registration Statement is available or, if not available, that another registration statement is available for the resale of the Registrable Securities until the date on which all Registrable Securities have ceased to be Registrable Securities. Within two Business Days of the Effective Date of a Registration Statement, the Company shall notify the Selling Holders of the effectiveness of such Registration Statement. When effective, a Registration Statement (including the documents incorporated therein by reference) will comply as to form in all material respects with all
applicable requirements of the Securities Act and the Exchange Act and will not contain an untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading (in the case of any prospectus contained in such Registration Statement, in the light of the circumstances under which a statement is made). If the Managing Underwriter of any proposed Underwritten Offering of Registrable Securities determines in good faith that the inclusion of all of the Selling Holders’ Registrable Securities that the Selling Holders intend to include in such offering exceeds the number that can be sold in such offering without being likely to have an adverse effect on the price, timing or distribution of the Registrable Securities offered or the market for the Registrable Securities (such number, the “承銷發行最大發行規模在此承銷發行中所包含的可註冊證券的數量應當由主承銷商在其善意判斷中建議公司和持有人可以出售而不會產生這種不利影響數量決定,該數量應按照每位這樣的出售持有人持有的可註冊證券數量比例分配給這樣的出售持有人,或者按照這樣的出售持有人可能同意的其他方式分配。
儘管本協議中有其他約定,公司可以在書面通知所有將在註冊聲明中包含可註冊證券的持有方時延遲根據第2.01(a)條要求的註冊聲明的提交或生效,或者可能會中斷此類持有方使用任何註冊聲明或本協議中預定的其他註冊聲明(在這種情況下,持有方應在該註冊聲明或本協議中預定的其他註冊聲明生效後停止根據該註冊聲明或其他註冊聲明出售可註冊證券,但可以結算先前進行的任何可註冊證券銷售),如果公司(x)正在進行收購、合併、重組、處置或其他類似交易,並且公司善意確定公司追求或完成此類交易將受到任何此類交易的披露在該註冊聲明或其他註冊聲明中的影響,或者公司(y)發生了一些其他重大非公開事件,該事件在公司的善意判斷下,在那個時間進行披露將對公司產生重大不利影響; 不過 in no event, during any rolling twelve-month period, shall the filing or effectiveness of such Registration Statement be delayed, or such Selling Holders be suspended from selling Registrable Securities pursuant to such Registration Statement or other registration statement on more than two occasions, for more than 90 calendar days in any one instance, or for more than an aggregate of 120 calendar days. Upon disclosure of such information or the termination of the condition described above, the Company shall provide prompt notice, but in any event within two Business Days of
such disclosure or termination, to the Selling Holders whose Registrable Securities are included in such Registration Statement and shall promptly terminate any suspension of sales it has put into effect and shall take such other reasonable actions to permit registered sales of Registrable Securities as contemplated in this Agreement.
第2.03節 承銷發行.
In the event that any Holder or group of Holders (the “Electing Holders”) elect to sell their Registrable Securities in an Underwritten Offering which is expected to yield gross proceeds of at least $1000萬, the Company shall, upon request by the Electing Holders (such request, an “承銷安排通知保留承銷商,以允許選舉持有人通過承銷發行進行銷售; 不過 每個持有人及其關聯公司均有權選擇要求公司進行不超過兩次的承銷發行。儘管如前所述,如果根據情況減少了承銷發行的最高發行規模,則不視爲已發生承銷發行; 第2.01(a)節 即使選舉持有人尋求在此類註冊中包括的待登記證券不超過50%時,也不得視爲已發生承銷發行。向公司交付此類承銷發行通知後,公司應儘快(但在交付承銷發行通知給公司的日期後的五個工作日內)向所有其他持有人發出此類承銷發行通知,這些持有人隨後將自收到通知之日起的五個工作日內書面通知公司他們希望包括在此類承銷發行中的持有人持有的待登記證券數量。在公司收到相應的承銷發行通知後,由公司通知的任何持有人都可以參與此類承銷發行,但不應計入根據本協議要求的$1000萬待登記證券; 第2.03節 根據承銷發行通知請求承銷發行。根據本協議進行承銷發行時,承銷的大多數待登記證券持有人有權選擇主承銷商,但須經公司同意,公司不得無理拒絕、拖延或附加條件。根據本協議設想的承銷發行中,即賣出持有人蔘與的承銷發行,每個賣出持有人和公司都有責任進入包含通常出現在證券堅定承諾發行承銷協議中的陳述、契約、擔保以及其他權利和義務的承銷協議。除非該賣出持有人同意按照該承銷協議中規定的方式出售其待登記證券並完成並簽署根據該承銷協議條款合理要求的所有調查問卷、授權書、擔保和其他文件,否則任何賣出持有人不能參與此類承銷發行。每個賣出持有人均可選擇要求由公司向這些承銷商所作的所有陳述、擔保以及由公司對其履行的其他協議也對此賣出持有人進行規定並對這些承銷協議的義務也是其履行的前提條件。任何賣出持有人無需向公司或承銷商作出任何與之進行陳述、擔保或協議的義務,除非是關於該賣出持有人、其代表簽署該承銷協議的授權以及將被註冊的證券的提供和轉售方式及法律要求的其他任何陳述,或對公司或承銷商承擔任何擔保責任,除非另有規定在第2.08條中。如果任何賣出持有人不同意承銷條件,該賣出持有人可以通過向公司、選舉持有人和主承銷商發出通知來選擇退出; 不過 任何此類撤回必須在承銷發行定價時間之前的工作日前進行。沒有任何這樣的撤回或
(e) 在任何賣方持有人根據證券法需要交付相關說明書的任何時候,及時通知每位賣方持有人,(i) 關於註冊聲明的提交或本協議中包括的任何其他註冊聲明的提交或與之相關聯的預售說明書或說明書補充,或任何修訂或補充,以及就該註冊聲明或任何其他註冊聲明或任何關聯的預售說明書或說明書補充,該註冊聲明的生效情況; (ii) 有關SEC就任何前述提交方式發表的任何書面意見以及SEC要求就該註冊聲明或任何其他註冊聲明或任何預售說明書或說明書補充進行修訂或補充的任何書面請求;
(f) 在任何賣方持有人根據證券法需要交付相關說明書的任何時候,立即通知每位賣方持有人,(i) 由於發生了任何事件,使得本協議涉及的註冊聲明或任何其他註冊聲明中包含的預售說明書或說明書補充在當時情況下包含一項關於任何重大事實的不實陳述或遺漏了需要在其中陳述的任何重大事實或使該陳述在當時情況下變得具有誤導性(在其中包含任何預售說明書的情況下,在作出該陳述的情況下); (ii) SEC發佈或明確威脅發佈的任何停止令暫停該註冊聲明或本協議中包括的其他註冊聲明的生效,或啓動任何此類目的程序; 或 (iii) 公司收到與任何司法管轄區適用的證券法或蔚藍天法下的任何註冊證券資格暫停有關的通知。在提供該通知後,公司同意儘快修訂或補充說明書或說明書補充,或採取其他適當措施,以使預售說明書或說明書補充不包含任何關於重大事實的不實陳述或遺漏需要在其中陳述的重大事實或使該陳述在當時情況下不具有誤導性,並採取其他商業上合理的必要行動以消除停止令、暫停、威脅或與之相關的程序;
(d) 貢獻如果在本條款中規定的賠償對被保賠方不可用或不足以免除責任的情況下,每個賠償方應代替對被保賠方進行賠償,按比例貢獻由被保賠方支付或應支付的因此而發生的任何損失、索賠、損害或責任的金額,或對此而進行的任何行動,即 (i) 按照公司和配售代理商從證券的發行中獲得的相對利益適當的比例,或者 (ii) 如果適用法律不允許按照上述 (i) 條款提供的分配方式,即按照適當的比例反映公司和配售代理商在即導致上述損失、索賠、損害或責任的聲明或遺漏中的相對過失,以及任何其他相關的公平考慮因素。對於此次發行中公司和配售代理商分別獲得的相對利益,應被視爲與根據此協議購買的證券發行的總淨收益(在扣除費用之前)與公司在招股說明書封面上表格所列的相同比例,一方,以及配售代理商與此協議下的普通股購買所獲得的總折扣和佣金與招股說明書封面上表格所列的相同比例,另一方。相對過失應根據不真實或被聲稱不真實的重大事實陳述或遺漏或據稱遺漏與公司或配售代理商提供的信息有關,當事方的意圖,以及他們的相對知識、獲取信息的機會以及更正或防止此類陳述或遺漏的機會來確定。公司和配售代理商一致同意,如果按照該方式進行貢獻,將不公正和公平。 第2.08節。 如果法院或有權管轄的政府機構裁定任何賠償方不可獲得任何被保護方或者不足以使其免責,那麼每位此類賠償方應根據爲導致此類損失的言論或疏忽方在此類損失中的相對過失以及任何其他相關公平考量,適當地按比例爲導致此類損失的結果支付給或應付被保護方金額,以反映賠償方一方和被保護方另一方在涉及導致此類損失的言論或疏忽方面的相對過失,以及任何其他相關公平考量。 然而, that in no event shall such Selling Holder be required to contribute an aggregate amount in excess of the dollar amount of proceeds (net of Selling Expenses) received by such Selling Holder from the sale of Registrable Securities giving rise to such indemnification. The relative fault of the indemnifying party on the one hand and the indemnified party on the other shall be determined by reference to, among other things, whether the untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact or the omission or alleged omission to state a material fact has been made by, or relates to, information supplied by such party, and the parties’ relative intent, knowledge, access to information and
opportunity to correct or prevent such statement or omission. The parties hereto agree that it would not be just and equitable if contributions pursuant to this paragraph were to be determined by pro rata allocation or by any other method of allocation that does not take account of the equitable considerations referred to herein. The amount paid by an indemnified party as a result of the Losses referred to in the first sentence of this paragraph shall be deemed to include any legal and other expenses reasonably incurred by such indemnified party in connection with investigating, defending or resolving any Loss that is the subject of this paragraph. No person guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation (within the meaning of Section 11(f) of the Securities Act) shall be entitled to contribution from any Person who is not guilty of such fraudulent misrepresentation.
(e) 其他賠償。本條款應是本次交易所載明的任何單獨的保密協議的補充,而非替代;本款所要求的所有通知應根據本協議的第11.1節作出。 第2.08節。 shall be in addition to any other rights to indemnification or contribution that an indemnified party may have pursuant to law, equity, contract or otherwise.