manitex international报告
Bridgeview,伊利诺伊州,11月 7, 2024 – 纳斯达克:MNTX(纳斯达克代码)(“Manitex”或“公司”),作为领先的国际卡车起重机、专业工业设备和建筑设备租赁解决方案提供商,今天公布了2024年9月30日结束的三个月的财务业绩。 作为领先的国际卡车起重机、专业工业设备和建筑设备租赁解决方案提供商,旨在服务基础设施和建筑市场,Manitex International今天报告了截至2024年9月30日的三个月财务业绩。
• | 营业收入为6600万美元 |
• | 毛利润为1600万美元;毛利率为24.1% |
• | 净利润为40万美元;调整后净利润为180万美元,每股稀释后为0.09美元 |
• | 调整后的EBITDA为850万美元;调整后EBITDA利润率为12.8% |
• | 9月12日宣布与Tadano, Ltd.(“Tadano”)达成协议,每股以5.80美元的现金收购 |
Lifting Equipment Segment revenue was $57.3 million during the third quarter 2024, a decrease of 10.1%, versus the prior-year period. The revenue decrease was a result of the aforementioned lower sales of aerial work platforms and chassis sales.
Rental Equipment Segment revenue was $9.3 million in the third quarter 2024, an increase of 22.0% versus the prior year, driven by strong 终端市场 demand and investments in rental fleet growth.
Total gross profit was $16.0 million in the third quarter, a decrease of 3.4% from the prior-year period, as revenue headwinds were partially offset by lower material costs driven by supply chain initiatives and increased contribution from the Rental segment. As a result of these factors, gross profit margin increased 83 basis points to 24.1% during the third quarter 2024.
SG&A expense was $9.9 million for the third quarter, down from $10.5 million for the comparable period last year. R&D costs of $0.7 million were down from $0.9 million from last year.
Operating income was $4.4 million for the third quarter 2024, compared to $5.2 million for the same period last year. Third quarter 2024 results include transaction costs of $1.0 million related to the pending acquisition by Tadano. Third quarter operating margin was 6.7%, compared to 7.3% in the prior year period.
Net income was $0.4 million, or $0.02 per diluted share, for the third quarter 2024, compared to a net income of $1.7 million, or $0.08 per diluted share, for the same period last year.
调整后的EBITDA为2024年第三季度的850万美元,占销售额的12.8%,相比之下,去年同期调整后的EBITDA为850万美元,占销售额的11.9%。请参阅 非通用会计原则 附录中的对账清单。
于2024年9月12日,公司与Tadano有限公司(“Tadano”)签署了最终协议,同意接受其收购。 全现金 以1.23亿美元的股权价值和总交易价值达2.23亿美元进行交易,包括未清偿债务。
根据交易条款,manitex international股东将每股收到5.80美元现金。完成交易后,manitex international的股票将不再在纳斯达克或任何其他公开市场上交易。预计交易将于2025年第一季度初结束,需获得manitex international股东批准、获得监管机构批准和其他习惯的闭市条件。请查看下文关于“不作要约或招揽”、“有关并购的其他信息及其获取途径”和“有关招揽参与者的特定信息”以获取有关拟议合并和相关事宜的重要附加信息。
由于公司即将被Tadano收购,manitex international不再举办电话会议讨论其第三季度财务业绩,公司也不再提供财务指导。
非依据GAAP制订的财务信息 财务指标和其他事项
在本新闻稿中,我们提到各种 非GAAP (美国通用会计准则)财务指标,管理层用于评估运营业绩、建立内部预算和目标,并将公司的财务表现与这些预算和目标进行比较。 非GAAP公司定义的这些指标可能与其他公司披露的类似命名的指标不具可比性。虽然调整后的财务指标并非旨在取代包含在我们的简明综合财务报表中的任何展示,根据普遍接受的会计准则(GAAP),也不应被视为操作业绩的替代或资金流动性的替代衡量标准,但我们认为这些指标对于投资者评估我们的运营结果、资本支出和营运资金需求以及基础业务的持续表现是有用的。本新闻稿附有调整后的GAAP财务指标的调解。所有每股金额均按全摊薄基础计算。下文描述的季度金额未经审计,以美元千为单位报告,并截至所示日期。
Manitex International 是领先的移动卡车起重机、工业起重解决方案、空中作业平台、施工设备和租赁解决方案供应商,为普通建筑、起重公司和重工业提供服务。该公司在北美和欧洲设计和制造其产品,并通过全球独立经销商进行分销。我们的品牌包括Manitex,Pm,Oil & Steel,Valla 和 Rabern Rentals。
This communication relates to the proposed merger involving Manitex, Tadano and Lift SPC Inc. (“Merger Sub”)., whereby Merger Sub shall be merged with and into Manitex (the “proposed merger”), with Manitex as the surviving corporation. The proposed merger will be submitted to the shareholders of Manitex for their consideration at a special meeting of the shareholders. In connection therewith, Manitex intends to file relevant materials with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including a definitive proxy statement on Schedule 14A (the “definitive proxy statement”) which will be mailed or otherwise disseminated to Manitex’s shareholders when it becomes available, together with a proxy card, and a transaction statement on Schedule 13e-3 that will be filed jointly with Tadano. Manitex and Tadano may also file other relevant documents with the SEC regarding the proposed merger. INVESTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS ARE URGED, PRIOR TO MAKING ANY INVESTMENt OR VOTING DECISION, TO READ THE DEFINITIVE PROXY STATEMENt, SCHEDULE 13E-3 AND ANY OTHER RELEVANt DOCUMENTS FILED OR TO BE FILED WITH THE SEC CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE, BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANt INFORMATION ABOUt THE PROPOSED MERGER. Shareholders may obtain free copies of the definitive proxy statement, any amendments or supplements thereto, the Schedule 13e-3 filing and other documents containing important information about Manitex, Tadano and the proposed merger, once such documents are filed with the SEC, through the website maintained by the SEC at www.sec.gov. Free copies of the documents filed with the SEC can also be obtained on Manitex’s website at www.manitexinternational.com or by contacting Manitex’s Corporate Secretary at (708) 237-2052 或联系Manitex的代理律师InvestorCom LLC (877) 972-0090指Pagar.me作为不同类型客户的金融基础设施提供商的运营。proxy@investor-com.com。
This communication may be deemed to be solicitation material in respect of the proposed merger contemplated by the Merger Agreement.
Manitex, Tadano and certain of their directors, executive officers and employees may, under the rules of the SEC, be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies in connection with the proposed merger. Information regarding Manitex’s directors and executive officers is contained in Manitex’s definitive proxy statement on Schedule 14A for the 2024 annual meeting of shareholders, filed with the
SEC on April 29, 2024, the proxy statement supplement, which was filed with the SEC on June 18, 2024, and Manitex’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, which was filed with the SEC on February 29, 2024 and in subsequent documents filed with the SEC. Additional information regarding the participants in the proxy solicitation and a description of their direct or indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, will be included in the definitive proxy statement, Schedule 13e-3 and other relevant documents filed with the SEC regarding the proposed merger, if and when they become available. Free copies of these materials may be obtained as described in the preceding paragraph.
Safe Harbor Statement under the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This release contains statements that are forward-looking in nature which express the beliefs and expectations of management including statements regarding the Company’s expected results of operations or liquidity; statements concerning projections, predictions, expectations, estimates or forecasts as to our business, financial and operational results and future economic performance; and statements of management’s goals and objectives and other similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “plan,” “project,” “continuing,” “ongoing,” “expect,” “we believe,” “we intend,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” and similar expressions. Such statements are based on current plans, estimates and expectations and involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause the Company’s future results, performance or achievements to differ significantly from the results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These factors and additional information are discussed in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and statements in this release should be evaluated in light of these important factors. Although we believe that these statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, we cannot guarantee future results. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.
Paul Bartolai或Noel Ryan
Manitex International及其子公司
2024年9月30日 | 2023年12月31日 | |||||||
资产 | ||||||||
流动资产 |
现金 |
$ | 4,246 | $ | 9,269 | ||||
现金 - 受限制 |
215 | 212 | ||||||
应收账款(净额) |
47,275 | 49,118 | ||||||
其他应收款 |
1,394 | 553 | ||||||
存货(净额) |
84,180 | 82,337 | ||||||
预付费用和其他流动资产 |
3,725 | 4,084 | ||||||
总流动资产 |
141,035 | 145,573 | ||||||
截至2024年9月30日,减去累计折旧的固定资产总额为35000美元,分别为2023年12月31日的29751美元 |
51,696 | 49,560 | ||||||
营业租赁资产 |
7,344 | 7,416 | ||||||
无形资产(净值) |
9,897 | 12,225 | ||||||
商誉 |
37,551 | 37,354 | ||||||
递延所得税资产 |
3,358 | 3,603 | ||||||
资产总额 |
$ | 250,881 | $ | 255,731 | ||||
负债和股东权益 | ||||||||
流动负债 |
应付账款 |
$ | 44,012 | $ | 47,644 | ||||
应计费用 |
13,935 | 14,503 | ||||||
关联方应付款(净额) |
— | 27 | ||||||
循环期限信贷设施 |
1,820 | 2,185 | ||||||
应付票据(净额) |
21,087 | 23,343 | ||||||
融资租赁负债的流动部分 |
670 | 605 | ||||||
经营租赁偿还的当前部分 |
2,166 | 2,100 | ||||||
客户存款 |
2,155 | 2,384 | ||||||
流动负债合计 |
85,845 | 92,791 | ||||||
长期负债 |
循环期限信贷额度(净额) |
48,625 | 49,781 | ||||||
应付票据(净额) |
13,727 | 16,249 | ||||||
融资租赁负债(减去当前部分净额) |
2,272 | 2,777 | ||||||
经营租赁负债(减去当前部分净额) |
5,177 | 5,315 | ||||||
递延所得税负债 |
5,505 | 4,145 | ||||||
其他长期负债 |
3,473 | 4,989 | ||||||
长期负债总额 |
78,779 | 83,256 | ||||||
负债合计 |
164,624 | 176,047 | ||||||
承诺和 contingencies |
股权 |
优先股—授权股份150,000股,在2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日均未发行或流通 |
— | — | ||||||
普通股—无面值,授权发行25,000,000股,在2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日分别发行和流通20,397,358股和20,258,194股 |
135,274 | 134,328 | ||||||
共计实收资本资本金 |
5,670 | 5,440 | ||||||
赤字 |
(61,782 | ) | (65,982 | ) | ||||
累计其他综合损失 |
(3,675 | ) | (4,169 | ) | ||||
manitex国际股东应占权益 |
75,487 | 69,617 | ||||||
归属于非控股权益的权益 |
10,770 | 10,067 | ||||||
股东权益总计 |
86,257 | 79,684 | ||||||
负债和所有者权益总额 |
$ | 250,881 | $ | 255,731 | ||||
(以千为单位, 除每股和每股金额外)
三个月结束 9月30日, |
九个月结束 9月30日, |
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |||||||||||||
净利润 |
$ | 66,544 | $ | 71,331 | $ | 216,122 | $ | 212,736 | ||||||||
销售成本 |
50,519 | 54,746 | 166,053 | 166,806 | ||||||||||||
毛利润 |
16,025 | 16,585 | 50,069 | 45,930 | ||||||||||||
营业费用 |
研究开发费用 |
711 | 861 | 2,494 | 2,512 | ||||||||||||
销售,总务及管理费用 |
9,894 | 10,545 | 32,138 | 32,342 | ||||||||||||
交易成本 |
985 | — | 985 | — | ||||||||||||
营业费用总计 |
11,590 | 11,406 | 35,617 | 34,854 | ||||||||||||
营业利润 |
4,435 | 5,179 | 14,452 | 11,076 | ||||||||||||
其他费用收益 |
利息费用,净额 |
(2,082 | ) | (1,856 | ) | (5,715 | ) | (5,517 | ) | ||||||||
外币交易损失 |
(761 | ) | (883 | ) | (1,590 | ) | (1,656 | ) | ||||||||
其他费用收益 |
35 | 196 | 52 | (541 | ) | |||||||||||
其他费用总计 |
(2,808 | ) | (2,543 | ) | (7,253 | ) | (7,714 | ) | ||||||||
税前收入 |
1,627 | 2,636 | 7,199 | 3,362 | ||||||||||||
所得税费用 |
874 | 742 | 2,296 | 962 | ||||||||||||
净利润 |
753 | 1,894 | 4,903 | 2,400 | ||||||||||||
非控制权益净收益 |
326 | 194 | 703 | 243 | ||||||||||||
净利润归属于Manitex International, Inc.股东 |
$ | 427 | $ | 1,700 | $ | 4,200 | $ | 2,157 | ||||||||
每股收益 |
Basic |
$ | 0.02 | $ | 0.08 | $ | 0.21 | $ | 0.11 | ||||||||
摊薄后 |
$ | 0.02 | $ | 0.08 | $ | 0.21 | $ | 0.11 | ||||||||
加权平均流通股份 |
Basic |
20,397,358 | 20,252,114 | 20,350,315 | 20,193,696 | ||||||||||||
摊薄后 |
20,397,358 | 20,254,830 | 20,384,585 | 20,196,255 |
三个月结束 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2024年9月30日 | 2024年6月30日 | 2023年9月30日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
按照报告 | 调整后 | 如实汇报 | 调整后 | 如实汇报 | 调整后 | |||||||||||||||||||
净销售额 |
$ | 66,544 | $ | 66,544 | $ | 76,235 | $ | 76,235 | $ | 71,331 | $ | 71,331 | ||||||||||||
%相对于2024年第二季度的变化 |
(12.7 | %) | (12.7 | %) | ||||||||||||||||||||
%相对于2023年第三季度的变化 |
(6.7 | %) | (6.7 | %) | ||||||||||||||||||||
毛利率 |
16,025 | 16,025 | 17,161 | 17,161 | 16,585 | 16,585 | ||||||||||||||||||
毛利率%占净销售额 |
24.1 | % | 24.1 | % | 22.5 | % | 22.5 | % | 23.3 | % | 23.3 | % |
2024年9月30日 | 2024年6月30日 | 2024年3月31日 | 2023年12月31日 | 2023年9月30日 | ||||||||||||||||
持续经营的积压订单 |
97,277 | 115,811 | 154,182 | 170,286 | 196,872 | |||||||||||||||
与当前期间相比的变化 |
(16.0 | %) | (36.9 | %) | (42.9 | %) | (50.6 | %) |
Manitex International, Inc.股东应占净利润与调整后净利润的调解
三个月结束 | ||||||||||||
2024年9月30日 | 2024年6月30日 | 2023年9月30日 | ||||||||||
manitex international公司股东应占净利润 |
$ | 427 | $ | 1,490 | $ | 1,700 | ||||||
调整项目,包括净税收影响 |
1,372 | 713 | 1,222 | |||||||||
manitex international公司股东应占调整后净利润 |
$ | 1,799 | $ | 2,203 | $ | 2,922 | ||||||
加权稀释流通股数 |
20,397,358 | 20,392,756 | 20,254,830 | |||||||||
按照报告的每股摊薄收益 |
$ | 0.02 | $ | 0.07 | $ | 0.08 | ||||||
总每股收益影响 |
$ | 0.07 | $ | 0.04 | $ | 0.06 | ||||||
Adjusted diluted earnings per share |
$ | 0.09 | $ | 0.11 | $ | 0.14 |
三个月结束 | ||||||||||||
2024年9月30日 | 2024年6月30日 | 2023年9月30日 | ||||||||||
净利润 |
$ | 753 | $ | 1,719 | $ | 1,894 | ||||||
利息支出 |
2,082 | 1,840 | 1,856 | |||||||||
所得税费 |
874 | 1,178 | 742 | |||||||||
折旧与摊销费用 |
2,767 | 2,651 | 2,739 | |||||||||
$ | 6,476 | $ | 7,388 | $ | 7,231 | ||||||
调整: |
保修准备金 |
$ | 269 | $ | 360 | $ | 457 | ||||||
外汇期货 |
761 | 353 | 883 | |||||||||
交易成本 |
985 | — | — | |||||||||
养老金结算 |
— | — | (118 | ) | ||||||||
调整总额 |
$ | 2,015 | $ | 713 | $ | 1,222 | ||||||
Adjusted EBITDA |
$ | 8,491 | $ | 8,101 | $ | 8,453 | ||||||
销售额调整后的EBITDA占比 |
12.8 | % | 10.6 | % | 11.9 | % |
2024年9月30日 | 2024年6月30日 | 2023年9月30日 | ||||||||||
现金及现金等价物总额 |
$ | 4,461 | $ | 5,303 | $ | 4,876 | ||||||
应付票据-短期 |
$ | 21,087 | $ | 21,153 | $ | 18,640 | ||||||
融资租赁的当前部分 |
670 | 651 | 579 | |||||||||
长期应付票据 |
13,727 | 14,064 | 20,857 | |||||||||
融资租赁负债-长期 |
2,272 | 2,444 | 2,940 | |||||||||
循环信贷净额 |
50,445 | 50,923 | 48,259 | |||||||||
总债务 |
$ | 88,201 | $ | 89,235 | $ | 91,275 | ||||||
净债务 |
$ | 83,740 | $ | 83,932 | $ | 86,399 | ||||||