
表格 10-Q

截至本季度结束 2024年9月28日

                      天从发票日期计算,被视为商业合理。                      l

委员会档案编号: 001-31410

primo water公司演讲
安大略省 98-0154711
1150 Assembly Dr. 
(总部办公地址) (邮政编码)


每股普通股,每股无面额Primo Water纽约证券交易所

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Class A普通股 
每股普通股,每股无面额 160,395,822

目 录


项目 1。基本报表 (未经审计)
primo water 公司

净收益$511.4 $470.0 $1,448.4 $1,333.1 
销货成本180.6 166.7 508.3 480.0 
毛利润330.8 303.3 940.1 853.1 
销售、一般及管理费用262.3 244.8 776.1 726.0 
处分资产、厂房和设备亏损,净额1.3 1.6 4.1 3.8 
收购和整合费用8.2 2.4 26.6 6.0 
卖出物业利得 (5.3)(0.5)(5.3)
营收59.0 59.8 133.8 122.6 
其他收益(费用),净额1.1 (4.0)1.2 (3.7)
利息费用,净额5.8 17.8 25.0 54.8 
继续营运业务应税前收入52.1 46.0 107.6 71.5 
所得税支出13.9 12.3 37.4 21.0 
継续营业活动的净收益$38.2 $33.7 $70.2 $50.5 
中止营业的净利润(亏损),扣除所得税后(附注2)0.4 (0.3)9.4 10.0 
净利润$38.6 $33.4 $79.6 $60.5 
继续营业$0.24 $0.21 $0.44 $0.32 
已停业业项$ $ $0.06 $0.06 
净利润$0.24 $0.21 $0.50 $0.38 
继续营业$0.24 $0.21 $0.43 $0.32 
已停业业项$ $ $0.06 $0.06 
净利润$0.24 $0.21 $0.49 $0.38 
基础160,363 159,407 160,016 159,446 
稀释162,062 160,042 161,577 160,236 

primo water 公司

净利润$38.6 $33.4 $79.6 $60.5 
货币兑换调整1.7 2.5 (7.0)(4.7)
退休福利计划,税后 1
虚拟损失衍生工具,税后 2
(2.6) (1.8) 
全面其他综合(亏损)收益(0.9)2.5 (8.8)(4.1)
综合收益 $37.7 $35.9 $70.8 $56.4 
1    扣除税务影响后的净额 nil 15.10.2 分别于2023年9月30日结束的三个月和九个月,分别为___________及__________百万美元。
2    扣除2024年9月28日结束的三个月和九个月的税务影响后,金额为$0.9 百万美元和0.6 百万。


primo water 公司

现金及现金等价物$667.3 $507.9 
应收帐款,扣除$3,934和$3,564的折让金额,分别截至2024年6月30日和2023年12月31日。12.5 ($12.7 截至2023年12月30日)
185.8 156.0 
存货48.6 47.3 
预付费用及其他流动资产18.8 26.0 
已停业营运之流动资产77.8 128.7 
全部流动资产998.3 865.9 
不动产、厂房及设备净值544.1 556.5 
经营租赁使使用资产143.1 136.0 
商誉1,009.4 1,004.6 
无形资产,扣除累计摊销709.3 714.2 
其他长期资产,净额20.6 20.2 
已停业营运之非流动资产138.3 225.6 
资产总额$3,563.1 $3,523.0 
长期负债的当期到期$14.9 $14.2 
应付款及应计费用294.1 276.4 
目前营业租赁负债26.2 25.6 
已停业营运之流动负债90.9 109.9 
流动负债合计426.1 426.1 
长期负债1,268.8 1,270.8 
营运租赁负债129.4 124.0 
递延所得税负债142.0 144.2 
其他长期负债79.4 64.4 
已停业业务的长期负债34.5 52.2 
总负债2,080.2 2,081.7 
普通股, 面值 - 160,341,329 (2023年12月30日 - 159,480,638)已发行股份
1,311.1 1,288.6 
资本公积额额外增资91.2 90.6 
保留收益194.5 167.2 
Primo Water Corporation的总权益1,482.9 1,441.3 
负债加股东权益总额$3,563.1 $3,523.0 

primo water 公司

净收入$38.6 $33.4 $79.6 $60.5 
已停止业务的净收入(亏损),除了所得税0.4 (0.3)9.4 10.0 
持续营运净利润38.2 33.7 70.2 50.5 
折旧和摊销51.0 49.3 148.9 143.6 
融资费用摊销0.7 0.8 2.4 2.5 
基于股份的赔偿费用4.6 1.4 17.1 6.1 
延期所得税的预备(福利)1.6 (0.4)(1.4)6.1 
出售物业、工厂及设备损失净1.3 1.6 4.1 3.8 
物业出售收益 (5.3)(0.5)(5.3)
其他非现金项目1.4 (1.4)(1.2)(4.6)
应收帐款(25.3)14.6 (28.0)(4.2)
预付费用及其他流动资产4.4 3.8 4.9 5.7 
应付帐款及累计负债及其他负债19.3 29.1 43.4 14.3 
持续营运营活动所提供的现金净额91.0 126.7 255.7 222.2 
物业、工厂及设备销售所得的收益 0.2 0.2 0.4 
物业出售所得的收益 8.7 1.0 8.7 
其他投资活动 0.9 2.7 2.8 

短期借款收益 12.0  116.0 
短期借款支付 (88.0) (181.0)
发行普通股份0.8 1.0 17.5 5.7 
融资费用(0.9) (0.9) 
50,000 (2.6) (7.6)
已停止营运业务来自营运活动的净现金流入4.6 21.4 6.8 37.0 
被停止营运的投资活动提供的(使用的)净现金16.8 (12.6)75.9 (32.4)
已停业业务之净现金流入19.4 8.3 81.7 13.7 
汇率变动对现金的影响0.3 (1.5)(0.1)(0.1)
现金、现金等价物及受限现金的净增(减)55.6 11.0 140.6 (24.8)
期初现金及现金等价物及限制性现金615.5 86.8 530.5 122.6 
期末现金及现金等价物及限制性现金$671.1 $97.8 $671.1 $97.8 
现金及现金等价物和已停业业务之限制性现金,期末3.8 36.9 3.8 36.9 
持续营运的现金及现金等价物和限制性现金,期末$667.3 $60.9 $667.3 $60.9 
通过应付帐款、应计负债和其他负债增加房地产、厂房及设备$11.4 $11.0 $12.8 $11.7 
应付分红派息透过应付帐款和应计负债发行0.3 0.1 0.7 0.4 
融资租赁权之资产以租赁负债为代价获得1.5  5.1 0.1 
用于租赁义务交换的营运租赁使用资产2.7 2.1 29.5 16.0 
存货转移至不动产、厂房及设备0.5  2.1 8.5 
支付利息的现金$1.0 $4.4 $29.4 $40.1 
利息收入的现金9.1  19.9  
支付所得税净额的现金15.8  33.3 3.9 

Primo Water 公司
截至2024年6月29日的余额160,289 $1,310.2 $86.6 $170.6 $(113.0)$1,454.4 
净利润— — — 38.6 — 38.6 
其他全面损失,扣除税后净额— — — — (0.9)(0.9)
普通股份分红派息($0.09 每股普通股)
— — — (14.7)— (14.7)
基于股份的报酬— — 4.8 — — 4.8 
回购和取消普通股(2)(0.1)— — — (0.1)
普通股份发行-股权激励计划28 0.5 (0.2)— — 0.3 
普通股份发行-股息再投资计划2 0.1 — — — 0.1 
发行普通股份-员工股票购买计划24 0.4 — — — 0.4 
2024年9月28日结余160,341 $1,311.1 $91.2 $194.5 $(113.9)$1,482.9 
2023年12月30日结存159,481 $1,288.6 $90.6 $167.2 $(105.1)$1,441.3 
净利润— — — 79.6 — 79.6 
其他全面损失,扣除税后净额— — — — (8.8)(8.8)
普通股份分红派息($0.27 每普通股份)
— — — (43.9)— (43.9)
基于股份的报酬— — 17.5 — — 17.5 
回购和取消普通股(1,222)(11.9)— (8.4)— (20.3)
普通股份发行 - 权益激励计划1,986 32.8 (16.7)— — 16.1 
发行普通股份-股息再投资计划4 0.1 — — — 0.1 
发行普通股份-员工股票购买计划92 1.5 (0.2)— — 1.3 
2024年9月28日结余160,341 $1,311.1 $91.2 $194.5 $(113.9)$1,482.9 
2023年7月1日的结余159,240 $1,283.1 $88.4 $(16.9)$(88.8)$1,265.8 
净利润— — — 33.4 — 33.4 
其他综合收益,税后— — — — 2.5 2.5 
普通股份分红派息($0.08 每股普通股)
— — — (12.8)— (12.8)
基于股份的报酬— — 1.4 — — 1.4 
回购和取消普通股(47)(0.6)— — — (0.6)
普通股份发行 - 股权激励计划185 2.8 (2.1)— — 0.7 
普通股份发行 - 员工股票购买计划30 0.4 (0.1)— — 0.3 
截至2023年9月30日的结余159,408 $1,285.7 $87.6 $3.7 $(86.3)$1,290.7 
2022年12月31日结余159,752 $1,283.2 $91.3 $(9.4)$(82.2)$1,282.9 
净利润— — — 60.5 — 60.5 
其他全面损失,扣除税后净额— — — — (4.1)(4.1)
普通股份的分红派息($0.24 每股普通股)
— — — (38.6)— (38.6)
基于股份的报酬— — 6.7 — — 6.7 
回购和取消普通股(1,499)(13.6)— (8.8)— (22.4)
已发行的普通股份 - 股权激励计划1,064 14.8 (10.2)— — 4.6 
已发行的普通股份 - 股息再投资计划1 — — — — — 
已发行的普通股份 - 员工股票购买计划90 1.3 (0.2)— — 1.1 
截至2023年9月30日的结余159,408 $1,285.7 $87.6 $3.7 $(86.3)$1,290.7 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

Primo Water Corporation
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
Note 1 - Business and Recent Accounting Pronouncements
Description of Business
As used herein, “Primo,” “the Company,” “our Company,” “Primo Water Corporation,” “us,” or “our” refers to Primo Water Corporation, together with its consolidated subsidiaries.
Primo 是一家以北美为重点的纯水解决方案提供商,主要在大规格水类(定义为 3 加仑或更大)的经常收入模式下运营。这种业务策略通常被称为「剃须刀刀」,因为产品的初始销售会创造了经常购买互补消耗产品的用户基础。Primo 收入模式中的剃须刀是其业界领先的创新饮水机系列,销售通过大约 11,700 零售地点和在线以各种价格点进行。这些饮水机有助于增加家庭和企业的渗透率,从而推动定期购买 Primo 的刮胡刀产品或水解决方案。Primo 的刮胡刀产品包括直接水、换水和补水器。通过 Water Direct 业务,Primo 直接向客户提供可持续保湿解决方案,无论是在家中还是企业。通过其水交换业务,客户访问零售地点并购买一瓶预装水。消耗后,空瓶将在我们的回收中心展示器交换,这些机票提供购买新瓶的折扣优惠。水交换服务提供大约 18,100 零售地点。通过其补水业务,客户大约为空瓶补充 23,500 自助补充饮用水站。Primo 还在北美提供水过滤装置。
随附的未经审核的中期合并基本报表已按照Form 10-Q的指示和Regulation S-X的第10条款以及美国通用会计准则(“GAAP”)的规定编制,供中期财务报告之用。管理层认为,为确实反映我们的营运结果和中期期间财务状况的公允陈述,所有必要的调整(包括正常的经常性调整)已被包括在所报告的中期期间及中期负债表日期的财务状况中。2023年12月30日的合并资产负债表包括在此为来自于我们截至2023年12月30日的年度审核过的合并基本报表,该报告记载在我们2023 "年度报告的10-K表格中。这份10-Q季度报告应与2023年度审计合并基本报表和2023 年度报告中的附注一起阅读。在这些未经审核的中期合并基本报表中使用的会计政策与年度合并基本报表中使用的政策一致。
与BlueTriton Brands有待交易
2024年6月16日,primo water与Triton Water Parent, Inc.(一家根据德拉瓦州法律成立的公司,简称为“BlueTriton Brands”)、Triton US HoldCo, Inc.(一家根据德拉瓦州法律成立的公司,是BlueTriton Brands的全资子公司,简称为“NewCo”)、Triton Merger Sub 1, Inc.(一家根据德拉瓦州法律成立的公司,是NewCo的直接全资子公司,简称为“Merger Sub”)及1000922661 Ontario Inc.(一家根据安大略省法律组织的公司,是NewCo的直接全资子公司,简称为“Amalgamation Sub”)之间签署了一项合并安排协议和计划(经修订的“合并安排协议”)。该合并安排协议于2024年10月1日经修订。
安排协议书规定,根据其中列明的条款和条件,(i)合并子公司将通过法院批准的安排计划(“安排计划”)收购Primo Water的全部已发行和流通股份,以NewCo的股份作为交易所得,随即由公司和合并子公司进行合并,Primo Water作为NewCo的全资子公司存续(总称为“安排”),(ii)安排完成后,并购子公司将与BlueTriton Brands进行合并(“合并”),BlueTriton Brands作为NewCo的全资子公司存续,(iii)合并完成后,作为合并中完全整合交易的一部分,BlueTriton Brands身为合并中的存续公司,将与

进入NewCo(“次级合并”和与合并一起,称为“合并”,并与安排合并共同构成“BlueTriton交易”),NewCo将成为存续公司,并由此使公司和BlueTriton Brands旗下的全资子公司Triton Water Intermediate, Inc.成为NewCo的全资子公司。预计BlueTriton交易将于2024年11月8日左右结束,需满足「安排协议」下结束的最终条件。2024年11月4日,公司宣布“NewCo”的新公司名称为Primo Brands Corporation,预计在BlueTriton交易结束后将在纽约证券交易所以“PRMB”逐笔明细进行交易。有关BlueTriton交易相关风险和不确定性的信息,请参阅本季度报告表格10-Q中的第II部分第1A项风险因素。
2023年11月2日,Primo与Culligan集团的一家子公司签署了一份股权购买协议(“购买协议”),拟出售Carbon Luxembourg S.à.r.l.及其部分附属公司(“欧洲业务”)。2023年12月29日,Primo以总交易考虑为$百万完成了欧洲业务的出售,经惯例购买价格调整后,现金总额为$百万(“欧洲剥离”)。欧洲剥离不包括Primo在Aimia Foods Limited(“Aimia”)、Decantae Mineral Water Limited(“Decantae”)、Fonthill Waters Ltd(“Fonthill”)、John Farrer & Company Limited(“Farrers”)以及位于英国、以色列和葡萄牙的Eden Springs Netherlands b.V.业务的利益(统称为“其他国际业务”)。2024年6月7日,Primo出售了对Aimia和Farrers业务的持股,并于2024年7月3日出售了葡萄牙业务。欧洲业务和其他国际业务统称为“国际业务”。这些交易是2024年发生的几笔交易中的一部分,是董事会批准的计划的一部分,该计划旨在出售我们所有的国际业务,代表了我们业务运营上的战略转变。因此,国际业务在本文中被列为停业业务。575.0 百万美元,经习惯性购买价格调整后的现金总额为$百万(“欧洲剥离”)。565.9 2024年6月7日,Primo卖出了对Aimia和Farrers业务的持股,并于2024年7月3日卖出了葡萄牙业务。欧洲业务和其他国际业务统称为“国际业务”。这些交易是2024年发生的几笔交易中的一部分,是董事会批准的计划的一部分,该计划旨在出售我们所有的国际业务,代表了我们业务运营上的战略转变。因此,国际业务在本文中被列为停业业务。
欧洲出售之前,我们的业务透过以下报告部门运作: 两个 报告部门包括:(i) 北美地区,其中包括我们的DS Services of America, Inc.(“DSS”)、Aquaterra Corporation(“Aquaterra”)、Mountain Valley Spring Company(“Mountain Valley”)业务,以及(ii) 欧洲,其中包括Eden Springs Netherlands b.V.(“Eden Europe”)的欧洲业务,以及我们的Decantae和Fonthill业务。其他类别中包括Eden的以色列业务(“Eden Israel”),以及本季度售出的Aimia和Farrers业务,以及我们的企业监督功能和其他杂项费用。
在2023年第四季,我们审查并重新调整了我们的报告板块,以排除停止营运的业务,这反映了业务将由首席执行官负责管理并评估结果。在审查后,我们的报告板块是北美,其中包括我们的DSS、Aquaterra和Mountain Valley业务。其他类别包括我们的公司监督职能和其他杂项费用。将这些更改反映在所有已呈现期间的分段报告结果中。 一年。 我们的报告板块是北美,其中包括我们的DSS、Aquaterra和Mountain Valley业务。其他类别包括我们的公司监督职能和其他杂项费用。将这些更改反映在所有已呈现期间的分段报告结果中。

我们将与产品制造相关的成本记录在销售成本中。用于存储、准备和将产品从生产设施之间或从生产设施到分店位置或仓库的运输及处理成本记录在综合损益表的销售成本中。将产品从我们分店位置送达最终用户消费者的运输成本记录在综合损益表的销售、总务及行政费用("SG&A")中。从生产设施运送产品到客户位置所产生的其他成本反映在综合损益表的销售成本中。包含在SG&A费用中的运输及处理成本分别为三个月和截至2024年9月28日的百万美元,以及分别为截至2023年9月30日的百万美元。完成品库存成本包括直接人工和材料成本,以及可分摊给生产的适当份额的间接费用。131.2 百万美元和376.9 百万美元,分别为2024年9月28日和截至2024年9月28日的九个月,以及分别为2023年9月30日和截至2023年9月30日的九个月。117.3 百万美元和345.0 已完成之存货成本包括直接人工和材料成本,以及可分摊给生产的适当份额的间接费用。
我们使用汇率期货合约(“汇率期货合约”)来管理与我们€主要余额相关的汇率风险。450.0的三个月 3.875%债权人债券到期日为2028年10月31日(“2028年债券”)。外汇远期合约是一种协议,同意在未来某特定日期以预定汇率或价格买入或卖出一定数量的货币。所有衍生工具均按公允价值记录在合并资产负债表中。我们从对避险效果的评估中排除远期点,并在合并综合损益表的其他费用(收入)中以直线方式摊销这些远期点,摊销至衍生金融工具的寿命。被排除的组件的公允价值变化与其他费用(收入)之间的摊销金额之差异记录在合并资产负债表的累计其他综合损失(“AOCI”)中。我们不使用衍生金融工具进行交易或投机目的。我们透过要求我们的交易对手具有高信用标准来管理与衍生金融工具相关的信用风险。有关我们衍生金融工具的进一步资讯,请参阅合并财务报表附注13。
更新ASU 2023-06 – 揭露改善 - 应对SEC的揭露更新和简化计划的规范修订
更新ASU 2023-07 – 段报告(主题280)- 改进报告的可报告部门披露
更新ASU 2023-09 - 所得税(主题740) - 改进所得税披露

2024年第3季度更新 - 损益表 - 报告综合收益 - 费用分类揭露(子主题220-40):损益表费用的分类
附注二 - 在2062年第四季度开始,公司停用能源业务。
于2023年12月29日,公司完成欧洲卖出交易,合共交易代价为$575.0 百万美元,经习惯性购买价格调整后的现金总额为$百万(“欧洲剥离”)。565.9 百万(见基本报表附注1)。欧洲卖出交易不包括其他国际业务。这笔交易是2024年将发生的多项交易之首,属于董事会批准的计划的一部分,该计划旨在出售所有代表我们业务战略转型的国际业务。因此,国际业务在此列为所有期间呈报的停业营运。
2024年7月3日,公司以总交易考虑金额为$ 鎱3 million完成了对其葡萄牙业务的出售。19.2 高达$ 鎱 million的金额出售所带来的收益,已记录在2024年9月28日三个月和九个月结束时的综合损益表中的净利润(亏损)总额中,扣除已递延税款。7.7高达$ 鎱 million的金额出售所带来的收益,已记录在2024年9月28日三个月和九个月结束时的综合损益表中的净利润(亏损)总额中,扣除已递延税款。
在2024年9月28日结束的三个月和九个月内,分别记录了资产处分亏损$15.7 百万美元和16.2 发生在净利润(损失)的资产处分亏损中的净亏损数中,与公允价值变动相关的所得税净额与待售剩余企业的处置成本减下及携带值

净收益$55.0 $152.0 $208.2 $428.7 
销货成本22.9 68.8 108.3 198.7 
毛利润32.1 83.2 99.9 230.0 
销售、一般及管理费用24.1 70.5 73.9 210.5 
(亏损)处置不动产、厂房及设备的净利(损)(0.1)(0.1)0.9 0.2 
收购和整合费用 0.2  0.4 
来自已停业运营的营收净利8.1 12.6 25.1 18.9 
其他(收益)费用,净(1.3)10.6 (1.2)(0.5)
停止营业出售损失8.0  10.5  
利息费用,净额0.7 0.8 1.8 2.4 
Income from discontinued operations, before income taxes$0.7 $1.2 $14.0 $17.0 
所得税支出0.3 1.5 4.6 7.0 
停业营运的净收益(净损),税后$0.4 $(0.3)$9.4 $10.0 

现金及现金等价物$3.8 $22.6 
应收帐款,扣除$3,934和$3,564的折让金额,分别截至2024年6月30日和2023年12月31日。2.2 ($3.4 截至2023年12月30日)
59.5 67.4 
存货11.9 31.9 
预付费用及其他流动资产2.6 6.8 
已停业营运之流动资产$77.8 $128.7 
不动产、厂房及设备净值80.6 83.7 
经营租赁使使用资产28.5 37.9 
商誉24.5 48.5 
无形资产,扣除累计摊销28.4 61.5 
其他长期资产,净值 1
已停业营运之非流动资产$138.3 $225.6 
短期借款$19.7 $18.4 
长期负债的当期到期3.9 3.5 
应付款及应计费用63.8 83.4 
目前营业租赁负债3.5 4.6 
已停业营运之流动负债$90.9 $109.9 
长期负债7.7 9.2 
营运租赁负债22.0 33.6 
递延所得税负债0.5 7.0 
其他长期负债4.3 2.4 
已停业业务的长期负债$34.5 $52.2 
1 包括对其他国际业务减值的记录,以将其帐面价值降至公允价值减去卖出成本。
3号笔记本 - 营业收入

我们某些合约的性质会产生变量考虑,包括现金折扣、基于成交量的回扣、销售点促销以及其他优惠折扣给某些客户。对于所有促销方案和折扣,我们估计将授予客户的回扣或折扣并在开具发票时记录一笔应计。这些估计的回扣或折扣已纳入我们与客户合约的交易价格中,作为减少净收入的项目,并被纳入应付帐款中的累计销售奖励和综合资产负债表中的应计负债。这种方法与我们历史上估计和记录促销方案和折扣的方式保持一致。截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日,累计销售奖励分别为$12.1百万和$7.7 百万美元。
美国$493.2 $452.7 $1,396.2 $1,282.8 
加拿大18.2 17.3 51.9 50.3 
所有其他国家  0.3  
总计$511.4 $470.0 $1,448.4 $1,333.1 
注记4 - 股份报酬
截至2024年9月28日的九个月内,我们已授予 46,991 普通股,总授予日期公平价值约为$1.2百万给我们董事会非管理成员,根据经修订及重订的primo water公司股权激励计划。这些普通股是作为董事会年度董事酬金的考虑而发行的,并在发行时立即完全授予。
笔记5 - 利息支出,净
短期借债利息$0.4 $3.5 $1.5 $11.5 
长期负债利息13.0 12.9 38.8 38.8 
其他利息费用1.5 1.4 4.7 4.5 
利息收入(9.1) (20.0) 
总计$5.8 $17.8 $25.0 $54.8 
第六项注释 - 所得税
所得税费用为$13.9 百万美元的税前收入达到了$52.1 截至2024年9月28日止三个月的缴税费用为$百万,相较于$百万的缴税费用12.3 百万美元的税前收入达到了$46.0 在相同期前年度,缴税费用为$百万,税前收入达到了$百万。所得税支出为$37.4百万美元的税前收入达到了$107.6截至2024年9月28日止九个月的缴税费用为$百万,相较于$百万的缴税费用21.0 百万美元的税前收入达到了$71.5 可比去年同期的收入为百万美元。截至2024年9月28日的三个月和九个月的有效所得税率分别为 26.72024年6月30日和2023年12月31日的时间点,公司从Thrivel Earlier Detection Corporation(“Thrive”),Ashion Analytics,LLC(“Ashion”)和OmicEra的收购中记录的关于监管和产品开发里程碑的待定支付负债的公允价值总和为2.779亿和2.887亿美元。公司使用概率加权情境折现现金流模型评估预期的待定支付负债和相应的与监管和产品开发里程碑相关的负债的公允价值,该方法与预期待定支付负债的初始计量一致。每个潜在情境应用成功概率,然后通过现值因子计算折扣,得出相应的现值。时间的流逝以及草拟的里程碑实现时间,现值因子,实现度(如适用)和成功概率的变化可能导致公允价值测量的调整。与监管和产品开发里程碑相关的待定支付负债的公允价值是以2024年6月30日和2023年12月31日的加权平均成功概率和现值因子计算的,成功概率分别为%和%,现值因子分别为%和%。付款范围的预测财政年度范围为2025年至2031年。所使用的不可观察的输入值按待定支付负债的相对公允价值加权。 34.8%,分别与可比去年同期的 26.72024年6月30日和2023年12月31日的时间点,公司从Thrivel Earlier Detection Corporation(“Thrive”),Ashion Analytics,LLC(“Ashion”)和OmicEra的收购中记录的关于监管和产品开发里程碑的待定支付负债的公允价值总和为2.779亿和2.887亿美元。公司使用概率加权情境折现现金流模型评估预期的待定支付负债和相应的与监管和产品开发里程碑相关的负债的公允价值,该方法与预期待定支付负债的初始计量一致。每个潜在情境应用成功概率,然后通过现值因子计算折扣,得出相应的现值。时间的流逝以及草拟的里程碑实现时间,现值因子,实现度(如适用)和成功概率的变化可能导致公允价值测量的调整。与监管和产品开发里程碑相关的待定支付负债的公允价值是以2024年6月30日和2023年12月31日的加权平均成功概率和现值因子计算的,成功概率分别为%和%,现值因子分别为%和%。付款范围的预测财政年度范围为2025年至2031年。所使用的不可观察的输入值按待定支付负债的相对公允价值加权。 29.4%和%,相比之下。

附注7 - 普通股和每普通股净利润
2023 年 8 月 9 日,我们的董事会通过高达美元的股份购回计划50.0我们的百万股未偿还普通股。在二零二三年十二月二十九日完成欧洲抛售后,增加了美元25.0 百万股份购回授权,将股份购回授权总额修订为 $75.0 百万。截至二零二四年九月二十八日止九个月内,我们回购 932,896 普通股价格约 $15.9 根据此回购计划下的开放市场交易进行百万。有 没有 截至二零二四年九月二十八日止三个月内根据该计划购回股份。
2022年8月9日,我们的董事会批准了一项最高可达$的股票回购方案。100.0 百万我们的优先普通股。 12个月长达到2023年8月14日的期限结束。到2023年9月30日结束的九个月中,我们透过此回购计划在开放市场进行了约$的优先普通股回购。 1,272,612 百万美金的优先普通股。19.0 在此回购计划下,截至2023年9月30日完结的三个月内,我们回购了 股份。
基本每股净利润是通过将净利润除以期权呈现期间内未分配的加权平均普通股份数来计算的。稀释每股净利润是通过将净利润除以调整以包括期权行使、以实现利润为基础的限制性股票单位和以时间为基础的限制性股票单位的加权平均普通股份数来计算的,如果这些可以增加每股利润的话。 加权平均基本和稀释股份的组成如下所示:
加权平均数 - 普通股股份简单拥有160,363 159,407 160,016 159,446 
期权的稀释效应479 214 450 248 
基于绩效的限制性股票单位的稀释效应644  629 68 
基于时间的限制性股票单位的稀释效应576 421 482 474 
加权平均数 - 普通股股份摊薄后162,062 160,042 161,577 160,236 
股票期权 2,181  2,172 
基于绩效的限制性股票单位(RSUs) 1
1,156 1,150 1,156 1,150 
基于时间的限制性股票单位(RSUs) 2
1 基于对于这些奖励的目标的预估达成情况,基于表现的RSUs代表预计发行的股份数量。
2 基于已知员工保留信息,基于时间的RSUs代表预计发行的股份数。

Note 8 - 板块报告
在2023年第四季,我们回顾并重新调整了我们的报告部门,以排除停业营运中的企业。我们唯一的报告部门是北美,涵盖了DSS、Aquaterra和Mountain Valley Spring业务。其他类别包括我们的企业监督功能和其他杂项开支。
营业收入,净值 $511.2 $0.2 $511.4 
折旧与摊提50.5 0.5 51.0 
营业利益(损失)76.7 (17.7)59.0 
新增固定资产、厂房及设备33.7 0.1 33.8 
净收益$1,447.6 $0.8 $1,448.4 
折旧与摊提147.5 1.4 148.9 
营业利益(损失)201.0 (67.2)133.8 
新增固定资产、厂房及设备107.8 0.9 108.7 
净收益$469.8 $0.2 $470.0 
折旧与摊提48.9 0.4 49.3 
70.3 (10.5)59.8 
新增固定资产、厂房及设备34.1 0.2 34.3 
净收益$1,332.6 $0.5 $1,333.1 
折旧与摊提142.5 1.1 143.6 
营业利益(损失)162.3 (39.7)122.6 
新增固定资产、厂房及设备102.8 0.7 103.5 

直销水/水交换$384.8 $ $384.8 
水补充/水过滤66.4  66.4 
其他水 1
27.5  27.5 
饮水机18.7  18.7 
其他13.8 0.2 14.0 
总计$511.2 $0.2 $511.4 
直销水/水交换$1,092.4 $ $1,092.4 
水补充/水过滤186.2  186.2 
其他水 1
67.4  67.4 
饮水机48.7  48.7 
其他52.9 0.8 53.7 
总计$1,447.6 $0.8 $1,448.4 
水直接/水交换$356.2 $ $356.2 
补水 / 过滤水62.0  62.0 
其他水 1
13.6  13.6 
饮水机16.5  16.5 
其他21.5 0.2 21.7 
总计$469.8 $0.2 $470.0 
水直接/水交换$1,011.5 $ $1,011.5 
补水 / 过滤水169.6  169.6 
其他水 1
36.8  36.8 
饮水机45.9  45.9 
其他68.8 0.5 69.3 
总计$1,332.6 $0.5 $1,333.1 
1主要是Mountain Valley零售和餐馆营业收入。


Note 9 - 存货
原材料$27.7 $30.4 
成品9.7 6.8 
转售物品11.2 10.1 
总计$48.6 $47.3 
2020年3月6日,公司与Primo Water Holdings Inc.及其他特定附属借款人,公司的其他特定附属公司暂时指定为附属借款人,美国银行作为行政代理和抵押品代理及不时参与方的贷方订立了信贷协议(「信贷协议」)。
信贷协议提供了一个初始总承诺金额为$百万的优先担保循环信用设施。350.0 从时间到时间可以通过形式化为定期贷款或额外循环信用承诺的增量信贷扩展来增加循环信用设施。循环信用设施有一个到期日,包括信用证书和即期贷款次级设施。 在公司完成3.5亿美元的资本投资并新增维持5年的全职职位的条件下,可额外获得1850万美元可退还税款。 到期日并包括信用证书和即期贷款子设施。
于2024年7月11日,公司与授信协议达成第三修订协议,延长到2026年9月30日的到期日,并未改变初始总可使用额度为$,350.0 百万,(ii)将加元计值的欧元货币利率贷款基准利率从加拿大元报价利率(“CDOR”)转换为加拿大隔夜回购利率平均值(“CORRA”),并(iii)为BlueTriton交易特别股息豁免了有限支付契约限制。截至2024年9月28日,依据授信协议的借款按年利率计息,利率为(a)根据授信协议确定的欧元货币利率,加上适用的差额;或(b)根据授信协议确定的固定利率SOFR,加上适用的差额;(c)一个月的期间基准利率,即最高的三者之一(i)美国银行的基准利率,(ii) 0.5%高于联邦基金利率,以及(iii)根据授信协议确定的固定利率SOFR,为期一个月的利率期间,再加上 1.0%,再加上适用的差额,或(d)根据授信协议确定的替代货币每日或固定利率,再加上适用的差额。欧元货币、固定利率SOFR和替代货币利率贷款的适用差额范围为 1.375%。 2.000%,基准利率贷款的适用差额范围为 0.375%。 1.000%,具体取决于我们的综合总杠杆率。未使用的授信协议承诺将收取承诺费,范围从 0.20%。 0.30根据我们的综合总杠杆比率,年利率为%,按季度支付。
我们产生了$0.9 与美国通用会计准则下再现金信贷指债务协议第三修正案相关的数百万美元融资费用。新的融资费用以及之前未摊销的数百万美元循环信贷设施的推迟资金费用正在使用直线法摊销至循环信贷设施剩余期间。0.7 数百万美元之前未摊销的循环信贷设施推迟融资费用,将与循环信贷设施的剩余期限一起采用直线法摊销。
截至2024年9月28日, 转按信贷款项尚未偿还,65.6 以转按信贷款项发出的已核准信用保函尚未偿还,共计金额为$65.6 发出的转按信贷款项合计利用金额为$284.4 发出的转按信贷款项未利用金额为$,截至2024年9月28日。
截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日,循环信贷计划下未清偿借款的加权平均有效利率为 0.0%。有效利率基于我们的总可用性。

附注11 - 累积其他综合损益
(以百万美元为单位) 1
截至2024年6月29日的结余$0.8 $(0.8)$(113.0)$(113.0)
未重分类的OCI(4.2) 1.7 (2.5)
从AOCI重新分类的金额1.6   1.6 
当期净OCI(2.6) 1.7 (0.9)
截至2023年12月30日的余额$ $(0.8)$(104.3)$(105.1)
未重分类的OCI(6.7) (5.6)(12.3)
从其他综合收益重新分类的金额 4.9  (1.4)3.5 
当期净OCI(1.8) (7.0)(8.8)
截至2023年7月1日的结余$ $1.8 $(90.6)$(88.8)
未重分类的OCI  2.5 2.5 
当期净OCI  2.5 2.5 
2023年9月30日的结余$ $1.8 $(88.1)$(86.3)
截至2022年12月31日的资产负债表$ $1.2 $(83.4)$(82.2)
未重分类的OCI  (4.7)(4.7)
金额从综合收益重新分类  0.6  0.6 
当期净OCI 0.6 (4.7)(4.1)
2023年9月30日的结余$ $1.8 $(88.1)$(86.3)

汇率期货合约 1
$(1.6)$ $(4.9)$ 其他收益(费用),净额
$(1.6)$ $(4.9)$ 税后净额
公认的精算亏损 2
$ $ $ $(0.6)其他收益(费用),净额
$ $ $ $(0.6)税后净额
外币兑换价值变动 3
$ $ $1.4 $ 停止营业出售损失
本期的总重新分类金额$(1.6)$ $(3.5)$(0.6)税后净额
1截至2024年9月28日结束的三个月和九个月期间,分别从与汇率期货合约的有效性测试中排除的金额有关的AOCI重分类的亏损为$2.1 百万美元和6.6 发生的损失分别为百万美元,从其他开支(收入)净值中重新分类,作为合并营运报表上的其他费用(收入),损失的影响包括在此。损失的税收影响分别为$0.5 百万美元和1.7 分别记录于合并营运报表的所得税开支中的$百万损失的所得税影响。
附注12 - 承诺和条件
截至2024年9月28日和2023年12月30日,我们分别持有$65.6 百万美元和66.7 百万的不可撤销信用证。
2018年1月,我们出售了传统碳酸饮料和果汁业务,并继续为第三方业主提供合约付款担保。 两个 关于这些业务使用的特定房地产的第三方租赁业主。这些租赁已作为交易的一部分转让给买方,但我们的担保未经地主释放。 两个 租赁协议到期日为2027年和2028年。根据协议剩余期限内的租赁最低支付金额计算,未来未折现支付的最大潜在金额约为$8.6截至2024年9月28日,根据租赁协议的最低支付金额计算,我们保证的未来支付总额约为$,销售文件要求买家支付这些转让租赁的结束后义务,并且如果地主索偿,则需对我们进行补偿。买家还同意与房东协商释放我们的担保。我们目前不认为我们可能需要履行这些保证或基本义务中的任何一项。

第13条注释 - 避险交易和衍生金融工具
我们根据市场报价或价格模型,使用目前市场利率来估算衍生工具的公允价值。 衍生金融工具的名义金额不一定代表交易双方交换的金额,因此并非直接衡量我们面对上述金融风险的程度。 交换金额是根据名义金额及衍生工具的其他条款计算的,例如利率期货、外币汇率或其他金融指数。 我们不仅仅孤立地看待衍生工具的公平价值,而是将其与基础避险交易的公平价值或现金流量相关联。 我们所有的衍生工具都是具有流动市场的场外合约。
We have established strict counterparty credit guidelines and enter into transactions only with financial institutions of investment grade or better. We monitor counterparty exposures regularly and review promptly any downgrade in counterparty credit rating. We mitigate pre-settlement risk by being permitted to net settle for transactions with the same counterparty. To minimize the concentration of credit risk, we enter into derivative transactions with a portfolio of financial institutions. Based on these factors, we consider the risk of counterparty default to be minimal.
Fair Value Hedging Strategy
On January 2, 2024, we entered into foreign exchange contracts with a notional amount of €450.0 million ($502.1 million at exchange rates in effect on September 28, 2024) and a maturity date of October 31, 2025. We are utilizing the derivative financial instruments to hedge foreign exchange risk associated with our 2028 Notes.
We designated the foreign exchange contracts as fair value hedges. The foreign exchange contracts are recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets at fair value and changes in the fair value of the foreign exchange contracts are recorded in the same line as the hedged item, which is Other expense (income), net in the Consolidated Statements of Operations. We exclude forward points from our assessment of hedge effectiveness and amortize them on a straight-line basis over the life of the hedging instruments in Other expense (income), net in the Consolidated Statements of Operations. The difference between fair value changes of the excluded component and the amount amortized to Other expense (income), net is recorded in AOCI on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

The following amount was recorded on the Consolidated Balance Sheets related to hedged item as of September 28, 2024:
(in millions of U.S. dollars)September 28, 2024
Line Item in Consolidated Balance Sheets in Which the Hedged Item Is IncludedCarrying Amount of the Hedged Liability
Long-term debt 1
1Carrying amount is gross of unamortized debt issuance costs as of September 28, 2024.
The fair value of our derivative liabilities included in Other long-term liabilities as of September 28, 2024 was as follows:
(in millions of U.S. dollars)September 28, 2024
Derivative ContractAssetsLiabilities
Foreign exchange contracts$ $(1.3)
The amount of gains or (losses) recognized in Other expense (income), net in the Consolidated Statements of Operations for fair value hedging relationships, presented on a pre-tax basis, for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024 is shown in the table below:
(in millions of U.S. dollars)For the Three Months Ended September 28, 2024For the Nine Months Ended September 28, 2024
Foreign exchange contracts
Hedged Item$(20.5)$(2.6)
Derivative designated as hedging instrument$20.5 $7.7 
Amount reclassed from AOCI to expense (amortized)$(2.1)$(6.6)
The amount of gains or (losses), net of tax, recognized in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss) for fair value hedging relationships for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024 is shown in the table below:
(in millions of U.S. dollars)For the Three Months Ended September 28, 2024For the Nine Months Ended September 28, 2024
Foreign exchange contracts
Amount excluded from the assessment of effectiveness 1
1Amount is net of tax impact of $1.4 million and $2.3 million for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024, respectively.
There were no settlements of our derivative instruments during the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024.
Note 14 - Fair Value Measurements
FASB Accounting Standards Codification Topic 820, Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures defines fair value as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in the principal or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Additionally, the inputs used to measure fair value are prioritized based on a three-level hierarchy. This hierarchy requires entities to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs.

The three levels of inputs used to measure fair value are as follows:
Level 1—Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
Level 2—Observable inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1, such as quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets; quoted prices for identical or similar assets and liabilities in markets that are not active; or other inputs that are observable or can be corroborated by observable market data.
Level 3—Unobservable inputs that are supported by little or no market activity and that are significant to the fair value of the assets or liabilities. This includes certain pricing models, discounted cash flow methodologies and similar techniques that use significant unobservable inputs.
Our derivative assets and liabilities represent Level 2 instruments. Level 2 instruments are valued based on observable inputs for quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities in active markets. The fair value for the net derivative liabilities as of September 28, 2024 was $1.3 million. We had no derivative assets as of September 28, 2024.
Fair Value of Financial Instruments
The carrying amounts reflected in the Consolidated Balance Sheets for cash and cash equivalents, receivables, payables, short-term borrowings, and long-term debt approximate their respective fair values, except as otherwise indicated. The carrying values and estimated fair values of our significant outstanding debt as of September 28, 2024 and December 30, 2023 were as follows:
 September 28, 2024December 30, 2023
(in millions of U.S. dollars)Carrying
3.875% senior notes due in 2028 1,2
$498.0 $491.9 $494.6 $477.5 
4.375% senior notes due in 2029 1,2
743.8 717.3 742.8 683.1 
Total$1,241.8 $1,209.2 $1,237.4 $1,160.6 
1The fair values were based on the trading levels and bid/offer prices observed by a market participant and are considered Level 2 financial instruments.
2Carrying value of our significant outstanding debt is net of unamortized debt issuance costs as of September 28, 2024 and December 30, 2023.
Note 15 - Subsequent Events
On October 15, 2024, our Board of Directors declared a special dividend of $0.82 per share on common shares, payable in cash on November 21, 2024, to shareowners of record at the close of business on November 5, 2024, in connection with the previously announced BlueTriton Transaction.

Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
This Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations is intended to further the reader’s understanding of the consolidated financial condition and results of operations of our Company. It should be read in conjunction with the financial statements included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 30, 2023 (the “2023 Annual Report”). These historical financial statements may not be indicative of our future performance. This discussion contains a number of forward-looking statements, all of which are based on our current expectations and could be affected by the uncertainties and risks referred to under “Risk Factors” in Part I, Item 1A in our 2023 Annual Report and Part II. Item 1A. Risk Factors in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. As used herein, “Primo,” “the Company,” “Primo Water Corporation,” “we,” “us,” or “our” refers to Primo Water Corporation, together with its consolidated subsidiaries.
Primo is a leading North America-focused pure-play water solutions provider that operates largely under a recurring revenue model in the large format water category (defined as 3 gallons or greater). This business strategy is commonly referred to as “razor-razorblade” because the initial sale of a product creates a base of users who frequently purchase complementary consumable products. The razor in Primo’s revenue model is its industry leading line-up of innovative water dispensers, which are sold through approximately 11,700 retail locations and online at various price points. The dispensers help increase household and business penetration which drives recurring purchases of Primo’s razorblade offering or water solutions. Primo’s razorblade offering is comprised of Water Direct, Water Exchange, and Water Refill. Through its Water Direct business, Primo delivers sustainable hydration solutions direct to customers, whether at home or to businesses. Through its Water Exchange business, customers visit retail locations and purchase a pre-filled bottle of water. Once consumed, empty bottles are exchanged at our recycling center displays, which provide a ticket that offers a discount toward the purchase of a new bottle. Water Exchange is available in approximately 18,100 retail locations. Through its Water Refill business, customers refill empty bottles at approximately 23,500 self-service refill drinking water stations. Primo also offers water filtration units across North America.
Primo’s water solutions expand consumer access to purified, spring and mineral water to promote a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle while simultaneously reducing plastic waste and pollution. Primo is committed to its water stewardship standards and is proud to partner with the International Bottled Water Association in North America which ensure strict adherence to safety, quality, sanitation and regulatory standards for the benefit of consumer protection.
The markets in which we operate are subject to some seasonal variations. Our water delivery sales are generally higher during the warmer months. Our purchases of raw materials and related accounts payable fluctuate based upon the demand for our products. The seasonality of our sales volume causes our working capital needs to fluctuate throughout the year.
We conduct operations in Canada and we are subject to currency exchange risks to the extent that our costs are denominated in currencies other than those in which we earn revenues. As our financial statements are denominated in U.S. dollars, fluctuations in currency exchange rates between the U.S. dollar and the Canadian dollar have had and will continue to have an impact on our results of operations.
Pending Transaction with BlueTriton Brands
On June 16, 2024, Primo Water entered into an Arrangement Agreement and Plan of Merger (as amended, the “Arrangement Agreement”) by and among Primo Water, Triton Water Parent, Inc., a corporation incorporated under the laws of Delaware (“BlueTriton Brands”), Triton US HoldCo, Inc., a corporation incorporated under the laws of Delaware and a wholly-owned subsidiary of BlueTriton Brands (“NewCo”), Triton Merger Sub 1, Inc., a corporation incorporated under the laws of Delaware and direct, wholly‑owned subsidiary of NewCo (“Merger Sub”) and 1000922661 Ontario Inc., a corporation organized under the laws of the Province of Ontario and a direct, wholly‑owned subsidiary of NewCo (“Amalgamation Sub”). The Arrangement Agreement was amended on October 1, 2024.
The Arrangement Agreement provides that, subject to the terms and conditions set forth therein, (i) Amalgamation Sub will acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of Primo Water in a court-approved plan of arrangement (the “Plan of Arrangement”) in exchange for shares of NewCo, followed immediately by an amalgamation of the Company and Amalgamation Sub, with Primo Water surviving as a wholly-owned subsidiary of NewCo (collectively, the “Arrangement”), (ii) immediately following the Arrangement, Merger Sub will be merged with and into BlueTriton Brands (the “Merger”), with BlueTriton Brands surviving as a wholly-owned subsidiary of NewCo and (iii) immediately following the Merger, and as part of one integrated transaction with the Merger, BlueTriton Brands, as the surviving company in the Merger, will be merged with and into NewCo (the “Subsequent Merger” and, together with the Merger, the “Mergers” and, collectively with the Arrangement, the “BlueTriton Transaction”), with NewCo being the surviving corporation and (iv) as a result of the BlueTriton Transaction, the Company and Triton Water Intermediate, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of BlueTriton Brands, will be wholly-owned subsidiaries of NewCo. The BlueTriton Transaction is expected to close on or about November 8, 2024, subject satisfaction of the final conditions to closing under the Arrangement Agreement. On November 4, 2024, the Company

announced that the new company name for "NewCo" is Primo Brands Corporation, which is expected to begin trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker "PRMB" after closing of the BlueTriton Transaction. See Part II. Item 1A. Risk Factors in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for information about certain risks and uncertainties related to the BlueTriton Transaction.
International Business Sales
On November 2, 2023, Primo entered into a Share Purchase Agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) with a subsidiary of the Culligan Group providing for the sale of Carbon Luxembourg S.à.r.l. and certain of its subsidiaries (the "European Business"). On December 29, 2023, Primo completed the sale of the European Business for aggregate deal consideration of $575.0 million, adjusted for customary purchase price adjustments, resulting in total cash consideration of $565.9 million (the “European Divestiture”). The European Divestiture did not include Primo's interest in Aimia Foods Limited (“Aimia”), Decantae Mineral Water Limited (“Decantae”), Fonthill Waters Ltd (“Fonthill”), John Farrer & Company Limited (“Farrers”), and the portions of the Eden Springs Netherlands B.V. business located in the United Kingdom, Israel, and Portugal (collectively the "Other International Businesses"). On June 7, 2024, Primo sold its interest in the Aimia and Farrers businesses, and on July 3, 2024, Primo sold the Portugal business. The European Business and the Other International Businesses are collectively referred to as the "International Businesses." These deals are a part of several transactions occurring in 2024 as part of a Board-approved plan to sell all of our international businesses, representing a strategic shift in our operations. Accordingly, the International Businesses are presented herein as discontinued operations for all periods presented. See Note 2 to the interim unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information on discontinued operations. Unless otherwise noted, discussion within Item 2 relates to continuing operations.
At the beginning of 2023, our business operated through two reporting segments: (i) North America, which included our DS Services of America, Inc. (“DSS”), Aquaterra Corporation (“Aquaterra”), and Mountain Valley Spring Company (“Mountain Valley”) businesses, and (ii) Europe, which included the European business of Eden Springs Netherlands B.V. (“Eden Europe”), and our Decantae and Fonthill businesses. The Other category included the Israel business of Eden ("Eden Israel"), and our Aimia and Farrers businesses, as well as our corporate oversight function and other miscellaneous expenses.
As a result of the Board-approved plan to sell all of our International Businesses, during the fourth quarter of 2023, we reviewed and realigned our reporting segments to exclude the businesses within discontinued operations which reflects how the business will be managed and results will be evaluated by the Chief Executive Officer, who is the Company’s chief operating decision maker. Following such review, our one reporting segment is North America, which includes our DSS, Aquaterra, and Mountain Valley businesses. The Other category includes our corporate oversight function and other miscellaneous expenses. Segment reporting results have been recast to reflect these changes for all periods presented.
Impact of General Economic and Geopolitical Conditions
Our operations and supplier relationships expose us to risks associated with disruptions to global supply chains, labor shortages, inflation and the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and between Russia/Ukraine, all of which are likely to continue to create challenging conditions for our business through increased costs, increased employee attrition and vacancies, lower consumer spending, volatility in financial markets or other impacts. While we have taken steps to minimize the impact of these increased costs, global supply chain disruption may deteriorate and inflationary pressures may increase, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. To date, our operations in Israel have not been materially impacted by the Israel/Hamas war, though we continue to monitor the situation closely and prioritize the safety of our associates.
Divestiture Transactions
On July 3, 2024, the Company completed the sale of its Portugal business for aggregate deal consideration of $19.2 million, resulting in a gain on sale in the amount of $7.7 million which was recorded in Net income from discontinued operations, net of income taxes on the Consolidated Statements of Operations during the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024.
On June 7, 2024, the Company completed the sale of its Aimia and Farrers businesses for aggregate deal consideration of $75.5 million, resulting in a loss on sale in the amount of $2.0 million which was recorded in Net income from discontinued operations, net of income taxes on the Consolidated Statements of Operations during the nine months ended September 28, 2024.
On November 2, 2023, Primo entered into a Share Purchase Agreement providing for the sale of the European Business to a subsidiary of the Culligan Group. As described above, the European Divestiture closed on December 29, 2023.
Forward-Looking Statements
In addition to historical information, this report, and the reports and documents incorporated by reference in this report, may contain statements relating to future events and future results. These statements are “forward-looking” within the meaning

of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities legislation and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, future expectations and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements of Primo Water Corporation to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements that relate to projections of sales, cash flows, capital expenditures or other financial items, statements regarding our intentions to pay regular quarterly dividends on our common shares, and discussions of estimated future revenue enhancements and cost savings. These statements also relate to our business strategy, goals and expectations concerning our market position, future operations, margins, profitability, liquidity and capital resources. Generally, words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “endeavor,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “will,” “plan,” “predict,” “project,” “should” and similar terms and phrases are used to identify forward-looking statements in this report and in the documents incorporated in this report by reference. These forward-looking statements reflect current expectations regarding future events and operating performance and are made only as of the date of this report.
The forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance or events and, by their nature, are based on certain estimates and assumptions regarding interest and foreign exchange rates, expected growth, results of operations, performance, business prospects and opportunities and effective income tax rates, which are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. Material factors or assumptions that were applied in drawing a conclusion or making an estimate set out in forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, assumptions regarding management’s current plans and estimates. Although we believe the assumptions underlying these forward-looking statements are reasonable, any of these assumptions could prove to be inaccurate and, as a result, the forward-looking statements based on those assumptions could prove to be incorrect. Our operations involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside of our control, and any one or any combination of these risks and uncertainties could also affect whether the forward-looking statements ultimately prove to be correct. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those described in Part I, Item 1A “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in our 2023 Annual Report and those described from time to time in our future reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and Canadian securities regulatory authorities.
The following are some of the factors that could affect our financial performance, including but not limited to, sales, earnings and cash flows, or could cause actual results to differ materially from estimates contained in or underlying the forward-looking statements: 
our and BlueTriton Brands’ ability to complete the pending combination transaction on the anticipated terms and schedule;
the risk that disruptions from the transaction will harm our business;
our ability to compete successfully in the markets in which we operate;
our ability to manage supply chain disruptions and cost increases related to inflation;
fluctuations in commodity prices and our ability to pass on increased costs to our customers or hedge against such rising costs, and the impact of those increased prices on our volumes;
our ability to maintain favorable arrangements and relationships with our suppliers;
our ability to manage our operations successfully;
currency fluctuations that adversely affect exchanges between currencies, including the U.S. dollar and the Canadian dollar;
the impact on our financial results from uncertainty in the financial markets and other adverse changes in general economic conditions, including inflation, interest rates and tariffs;
any disruption to production at our manufacturing facilities;
our ability to maintain access to our water sources;
the impact of climate change on our business;
our ability to protect our intellectual property;
the seasonal nature of our business and the effect of adverse weather conditions;
the impact of national, regional and global events, including those of a political, economic, business and competitive nature such as the Russia/Ukraine war or conflict in the Middle East;
the impact of a pandemic, such as COVID-19, related government actions and the Company's strategy in response thereto on our business, financial condition and results of operations;

our ability to fully realize the potential benefit of transactions or other strategic opportunities that we pursue, including the BlueTriton Transaction;
our ability to realize revenue and cost synergies of our acquisitions due to integration difficulties and other challenges;
our exposure to intangible asset risk;
our ability to meet our obligations under our debt agreements, and risks of further increases to our indebtedness;
our ability to maintain compliance with the covenants and conditions under our debt agreements;
fluctuations in interest rates, which could increase our borrowing costs;
our ability to recruit, retain and integrate new management;
the impact of increased labor costs on our business;
our ability to renew our collective bargaining agreements from time to time on satisfactory terms;
disruptions in our information systems;
the potential occurrence of cyber-security breaches, cyber-security attacks and other technology outages and security incidents;
our ability to securely maintain our customers’ confidential or credit card information, or other private data relating to our employees or our company;
compliance with product health and safety standards;
liability for injury or illness caused by the consumption of contaminated products;
liability and damage to our reputation as a result of litigation or legal proceedings;
changes in the legal and regulatory environment in which we operate;
our ability to adequately address the challenges and risks associated with our operations and address difficulties in complying with complex and overlapping laws and regulations, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the U.K. Bribery Act of 2010;
our ability to utilize tax attributes to offset future taxable income;
the impact on our tax obligations and effective tax rate arising from changes in local tax laws or countries adopting more aggressive interpretations of tax laws;
our ability to maintain our quarterly dividend; or
credit rating changes.
We undertake no obligation to update any information contained in this report or to publicly release the results of any revisions to forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances of which we may become aware of after the date of this report. Undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements.
All future written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to us or persons acting on our behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the foregoing.
Non-GAAP Measures
In this report, we supplement our reporting of financial measures determined in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) by utilizing certain non-GAAP financial measures that exclude certain items to make period-over-period comparisons for our underlying operations before material charges. We exclude these items to better understand trends in the business. We exclude the impact of foreign exchange to separate the impact of currency exchange rate changes from our results of operations.
We also utilize earnings (loss) before interest expense, taxes, depreciation and amortization (“EBITDA”), which is GAAP net income (loss) before interest expense, net, expense (benefit) for income taxes, and depreciation and amortization. We consider EBITDA to be an indicator of operating performance. We also use EBITDA, as do analysts, lenders, investors, and others, because it excludes certain items that can vary widely across different industries or among companies within the same industry. These differences can result in considerable variability in the relative costs of productive assets and the depreciation and amortization expense among companies. We also utilize adjusted EBITDA, which is EBITDA excluding acquisition and integration costs, share-based compensation costs, impairment charges, foreign exchange and other (gains) losses, net, loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment, net, loss on extinguishment of long-term debt, (gain) loss on sale of business, (gain)

loss on sale of property, and other adjustments, net, as the case may be (“Adjusted EBITDA”). We consider Adjusted EBITDA to be an indicator of our operating performance. Adjusted EBITDA excludes certain items to make more meaningful period-over-period comparisons of our underlying operations before material charges.
Because we use these adjusted financial results in the management of our business and to understand underlying business performance, we believe this supplemental information is useful to investors for their independent evaluation and understanding of our business performance and the performance of our management. The non-GAAP financial measures described above are in addition to, and not meant to be considered superior to, or a substitute for, our financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP. In addition, the non-GAAP financial measures included in this report reflect our judgment of particular items, and may be different from, and therefore may not be comparable to, similarly titled measures reported by other companies.
Summary Financial Results
Net income from continuing operations for the three months ended September 28, 2024 (the "third quarter") and nine months ended September 28, 2024 (the "first nine months of 2024" or "year to date") was $38.2 million, or $0.24 per diluted share, and $70.2 million, or $0.43 per diluted common share, respectively, compared with net income from continuing operations of $33.7 million, or $0.21 per diluted share, and $50.5 million, or $0.32 per diluted common share, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively.
The following items of significance affected our financial results for the first nine months of 2024:
Net revenue increased to $1,448.4 million from $1,333.1 million in the prior year period, an increase of $115.3 million, or 8.6%, due primarily to pricing initiatives of $56.6 million and volume increases of $58.7 million from increased demand for products and services from residential and business customers;
Gross profit increased to $940.1 million from $853.1 million in the prior year period. Gross profit as a percentage of net revenue was 64.9% compared to 64.0% in the prior year period. The 90 basis point increase is due primarily to pricing initiatives and increased volume;
SG&A expenses increased to $776.1 million from $726.0 million in the prior year period due primarily to higher selling and operating costs supporting volume and revenue growth related primarily to labor cost increases of $31.0 million from the prior year period, insurance cost increases of $11.6 million from the prior year period, as well as an increase in share-based compensation of $10.9 million, partially offset by a decrease of $6.7 million related to professional fees in the prior year period not recurring in the current year period. SG&A expenses as a percentage of net revenue was 53.6% compared to 54.5% in the prior year period;
Acquisition and integration expenses increased to $26.6 million from $6.0 million in the prior year period due primarily to higher legal and other professional fees related to the BlueTriton Transaction compared to the prior year period, partially offset by lower integration costs compared to the prior year period. Acquisition and integration expenses as a percentage of revenue was 1.8% compared to 0.5% in the prior year period;
Gain on sale of property decreased to $0.5 million from $5.3 million in the prior year period due to lower gains resulting from sale transactions for owned real properties in the current year period compared to the prior year period;
Other expense, net was $1.2 million compared to Other income, net of $3.7 million in the prior year period due primarily to unrealized foreign exchange losses in the current period compared to unrealized foreign exchange gains in the prior year period and a favorable insurance settlement received in the prior year period;
Income tax expense was $37.4 million on pre-tax income of $107.6 million compared to income tax expense of $21.0 million on pre-tax income of $71.5 million in the prior year period due primarily to increased income in taxable jurisdictions.
Adjusted EBITDA increased to $331.5 million compared to $285.8 million in the prior year period due to the items listed above; and
Cash flows provided by operating activities was $255.7 million compared to cash flows provided by operating activities of $222.2 million in the prior year period. The $33.5 million increase was due primarily to improved earnings, excluding non-cash charges, partially offset by lower cash provided by working capital in the current year period relative the prior year period.

Results of Operations - Continuing Operations
The following table summarizes our Consolidated Statements of Operations as a percentage of revenue for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023:
 For the Three Months EndedFor the Nine Months Ended
 September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
(in millions of U.S. dollars)$%$%$%$%
Revenue, net511.4 100.0 470.0 100.0 1,448.4 100.0 1,333.1 100.0 
Cost of sales180.6 35.3 166.7 35.5 508.3 35.1 480.0 36.0 
Gross profit330.8 64.7 303.3 64.5 940.1 64.9 853.1 64.0 
Selling, general and administrative expenses262.3 51.3 244.8 52.1 776.1 53.6 726.0 54.5 
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment, net1.3 0.3 1.6 0.3 4.1 0.3 3.8 0.3 
Acquisition and integration expenses8.2 1.6 2.4 0.5 26.6 1.8 6.0 0.5 
Gain on sale of property  (5.3)(1.1)(0.5) (5.3)(0.4)
Operating income59.0 11.5 59.8 12.7 133.8 9.2 122.6 9.2 
Other expense (income), net1.1 0.2 (4.0)(0.9)1.2 0.1 (3.7)(0.3)
Interest expense, net5.8 1.1 17.8 3.8 25.0 1.7 54.8 4.1 
Income from continuing operations before income taxes52.1 10.2 46.0 9.8 107.6 7.4 71.5 5.4 
Income tax expense13.9 2.7 12.3 2.6 37.4 2.6 21.0 1.6 
Net income from continuing operations38.2 7.5 33.7 7.2 70.2 4.8 50.5 3.8 
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income taxes0.4 0.1 (0.3)(0.1)9.4 0.6 10.0 0.8 
Net income38.6 7.5 33.4 7.1 79.6 5.5 60.5 4.5 
Depreciation and amortization51.0 10.0 49.3 10.5 148.9 10.3 143.6 10.8 

The following table summarizes our net revenue, gross profit, SG&A expenses and operating income (loss) by reporting segment for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023:
 For the Three Months EndedFor the Nine Months Ended
(in millions of U.S. dollars)September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Revenue, net
North America$511.2 $469.8 $1,447.6 $1,332.6 
Other0.2 0.2 0.8 0.5 
Total$511.4 $470.0 $1,448.4 $1,333.1 
Gross profit
North America$330.6 $303.1 $939.5 $852.6 
Other0.2 0.2 0.6 0.5 
Total$330.8 $303.3 $940.1 $853.1 
Selling, general and administrative expenses
North America$251.6 $235.1 $733.0 $687.2 
Other10.7 9.7 43.1 38.8 
Total$262.3 $244.8 $776.1 $726.0 
Operating income (loss)
North America$76.7 $70.3 $201.0 $162.3 
Total$59.0 $59.8 $133.8 $122.6 

The following tables summarize net revenue by channel for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023:
For the Three Months Ended September 28, 2024
(in millions of U.S. dollars)North AmericaOtherTotal
Revenue, net
Water Direct/Water Exchange$384.8 $ $384.8 
Water Refill/Water Filtration66.4  66.4 
Other Water 1
27.5  27.5 
Water Dispensers18.7  18.7 
Other13.8 0.2 14.0 
Total$511.2 $0.2 $511.4 
For the Nine Months Ended September 28, 2024
(in millions of U.S. dollars)North AmericaOtherTotal
Revenue, net
Water Direct/Water Exchange$1,092.4 $ $1,092.4 
Water Refill/Water Filtration186.2  186.2 
Other Water 1
67.4  67.4 
Water Dispensers48.7  48.7 
Other52.9 0.8 53.7 
Total$1,447.6 $0.8 $1,448.4 
For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
(in millions of U.S. dollars)North AmericaOtherTotal
Revenue, net
Water Direct/Water Exchange$356.2 $— $356.2 
Water Refill/Water Filtration62.0 — 62.0 
Other Water 1
13.6 — 13.6 
Water Dispensers16.5 — 16.5 
Other21.5 0.2 21.7 
Total$469.8 $0.2 $470.0 
For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
(in millions of U.S. dollars)North AmericaOtherTotal
Revenue, net
Water Direct/Water Exchange$1,011.5 $— $1,011.5 
Water Refill/Water Filtration169.6 — 169.6 
Other Water 1
36.8 — 36.8 
Water Dispensers45.9 — 45.9 
Other68.8 0.5 69.3 
Total$1,332.6 $0.5 $1,333.1 
1Primarily Mountain Valley retail and on-premise revenue.

The following table summarizes our EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023:
For the Three Months EndedFor the Nine Months Ended
(in millions of U.S. dollars)September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Net income from continuing operations$38.2 $33.7 $70.2 $50.5 
Interest expense, net5.8 17.8 25.0 54.8 
Income tax expense13.9 12.3 37.4 21.0 
Depreciation and amortization51.0 49.3 148.9 143.6 
EBITDA$108.9 $113.1 $281.5 $269.9 
Acquisition and integration costs8.2 2.4 26.6 6.0 
Share-based compensation costs4.6 1.4 17.1 6.1 
Foreign exchange and other losses (gains), net1.2 (0.2)2.0 (0.1)
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment, net1.3 1.6 4.1 3.8 
Gain on sale of property (5.3)(0.5)(5.3)
Other adjustments, net0.5 (1.1)0.7 5.4 
Adjusted EBITDA$124.7 $111.9 $331.5 $285.8 
Three Months Ended September 28, 2024 Compared to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Revenue, Net
Net revenue increased to $511.4 million in the third quarter from $470.0 million in the prior year period, an increase of $41.4 million, or 8.8%, in the third quarter from the prior year period.
North America net revenue increased to $511.2 million in the third quarter from $469.8 million in the prior year period, an increase of $41.4 million, or 8.8%, due primarily to pricing initiatives of $17.8 million and volume increases of $23.6 million from increased demand for products and services from residential and business customers.
Other net revenue remained flat at $0.2 million in the third quarter compared to $0.2 million in the prior year period.
Gross Profit
Gross profit increased to $330.8 million in the third quarter from $303.3 million in the prior year period. Gross profit as a percentage of revenue was 64.7% in the third quarter compared to 64.5% in the prior year period.
North America gross profit increased to $330.6 million in the third quarter from $303.1 million in the prior year period, and gross profit as a percentage of revenue was 64.7% in the third quarter compared to 64.5% in the prior year period. The 20 basis point increase is due primarily to pricing initiatives and increased volume.
Other gross profit remained flat at $0.2 million in the third quarter compared to $0.2 million in the prior year period, and gross profit as a percentage of revenue was 100.0% in the third quarter compared to 100.0% in the prior year.
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
SG&A expenses increased to $262.3 million in the third quarter from $244.8 million in the prior year period. SG&A expenses as a percentage of revenue was 51.3% in the third quarter compared to 52.1% in the prior year period.
North America SG&A expenses increased to $251.6 million in the third quarter from $235.1 million in the prior year period due primarily to higher selling and operating costs that supported volume and revenue growth related primarily to labor cost increases of $11.8 million, increases in insurance costs of $3.1 million and increases in share-based compensation of $1.8 million from the prior year period.
Other SG&A expenses remained relatively flat at $10.7 million in the third quarter compared to $9.7 million in the prior year period.
Acquisition and Integration Expenses
Acquisition and integration expenses increased to $8.2 million in the third quarter from $2.4 million in the prior year period. Acquisition and integration expenses as a percentage of revenue was 1.6% in the third quarter compared to 0.5% in the prior year period.

North America acquisition and integration expenses remained relatively flat at $1.0 million in the third quarter compared to $1.4 million in the prior year period.
Other acquisition and integration expenses increased to $7.2 million in the third quarter compared to $1.0 million in the prior year period due primarily to increased legal and other professional fees in the current year period related to the BlueTriton Transaction.
Gain on Sale of Property
Gain on sale of property decreased to nil in the third quarter from $5.3 million in the prior year period. Gain on sale of property as a percentage of revenue was 0.0% in the third quarter compared to 1.1% in the prior year period.
The decrease was due to the completion of sale transactions for two of our owned real properties in the prior year period.
Operating Income
Operating income decreased to $59.0 million in the third quarter from $59.8 million in the prior year period.
North America operating income increased to $76.7 million in the third quarter from $70.3 million in the prior year period due to the items discussed above.
Other operating loss increased to $17.7 million in the third quarter from $10.5 million in the prior year period due to the items discussed above.
Other Expense (Income), Net
Other expense, net was $1.1 million for the third quarter compared to Other income, net of $4.0 million in the prior year period due primarily to unrealized foreign exchange losses in the current year period compared unrealized foreign exchange gains in the prior year period and a favorable insurance settlement received in prior year period.
Income Taxes
Income tax expense was $13.9 million in the third quarter compared to income tax expense of $12.3 million in the prior year period. The effective tax rate for the third quarter was 26.7% compared to 26.7% in the prior year period.
The effective tax rate for the third quarter remained consistent with the effective tax rate in the comparable prior year period.
The effective tax rate for the third quarter varied from the statutory tax rate due primarily to losses in tax jurisdictions for which no tax benefit was recognized due to existing valuation allowances and income in tax jurisdictions with tax rates lower than the Canadian statutory tax rate.
Nine Months Ended September 28, 2024 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Revenue, Net
Net revenue increased to $1,448.4 million for the year to date from $1,333.1 million in the prior year period, an increase of $115.3 million, or 8.6%, for the year to date from the prior year period.
North America net revenue increased to $1,447.6 million for the year to date from $1,332.6 million in the prior year period, an increase of $115.0 million, or 8.6%, due primarily to pricing initiatives of $56.6 million and volume increases of $58.7 million from increased demand for products and services from residential and business customers.
Other net revenue remained relatively flat at $0.8 million for the year to date compared to $0.5 million in the prior year period.
Gross Profit
Gross profit increased to $940.1 million for the year to date from $853.1 million in the prior year period. Gross profit as a percentage of revenue was 64.9% for the year to date compared to 64.0% in the prior year period.
North America gross profit increased to $939.5 million for the year to date from $852.6 million in the prior year period, and gross profit as a percentage of revenue was 64.9% for the year to date compared to 64.0% in the prior year period. The 90 basis point increase is due primarily to pricing initiatives and increased volume.
Other gross profit remained relatively flat at $0.6 million for the year to date compared to $0.5 million in the prior year period, and gross profit as a percentage of revenue was 75.0% for the year to date compared to 100.0% in the prior year period.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
SG&A expenses increased to $776.1 million for the year to date from $726.0 million in the prior year period. SG&A expenses as a percentage of revenue was 53.6% for the year to date compared to 54.5% in the prior year period.
North America SG&A expenses increased to $733.0 million for the year to date from $687.2 million in the prior year period due primarily to higher selling and operating costs that supported volume and revenue growth related primarily to labor increases of $31.0 million, increases in insurance costs of $11.6 million and increases in share-based compensation of $1.8 million from the prior year period.
Other SG&A expenses increased to $43.1 million for the year to date from $38.8 million in the prior year period due primarily to an increase in share-based compensation of $9.1 million, partially offset by a decrease of $6.7 million related to professional fees in the prior year period not recurring in the current year period.
Acquisition and Integration Expenses
Acquisition and integration expenses increased to $26.6 million for the year to date from $6.0 million in the prior year period. Acquisition and integration expenses as a percentage of revenue was 1.8% for the year to date compared to 0.5% in the prior year period.
North America acquisition and integration expenses decreased to $1.9 million for the year to date from $4.6 million in the prior year period due primarily to lower integration costs in the current year period.
Other acquisition and integration expenses increased to $24.7 million for the year to date compared to $1.4 million in the prior year period due primarily to increased legal and other professional fees in the current year related to the BlueTriton Transaction.
Gain on Sale of Property
Gain on sale of property decreased to $0.5 million for the year to date from $5.3 million in the prior year period. Gain on sale of property as a percentage of revenue was 0.0% for the year to date compared to 0.4% in the prior year period.
The decrease was due to lower gains resulting from sale transactions for owned real properties in the current year period compared to the prior year period.
Operating Income
Operating income increased to $133.8 million for the year to date from $122.6 million in the prior year period.
North America operating income increased to $201.0 million for the year to date from $162.3 million in the prior year period due to the items discussed above.
Other operating loss increased to $67.2 million for the year to date from $39.7 million in the prior year period due to the items discussed above.
Other Expense (Income), Net
Other expense, net was $1.2 million for the year to date compared to Other income, net of $3.7 million in the prior year period due primarily to unrealized foreign exchange losses in the current period compared to unrealized foreign exchange gains in the prior year period and a favorable insurance settlement received in prior year period.
Income Taxes
Income tax expense was $37.4 million for the year to date compared to income tax expense of $21.0 million in the prior year period. The effective tax rate for the year to date was 34.8% compared to 29.4% in the prior year period.
The effective tax rate for the year to date varied from the effective tax rate in the comparable prior year period due primarily to increased non-deductible expenses in the US.
The effective tax rate for the year to date varied from the statutory tax rate due primarily to losses in tax jurisdictions for which no tax benefit was recognized due to existing valuation allowances and income in tax jurisdictions with tax rates lower than the Canadian statutory tax rate.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
As of September 28, 2024, we had total debt of $1,283.7 million and $667.3 million of cash and cash equivalents compared to $1,285.0 million of debt and $507.9 million of cash and cash equivalents as of December 30, 2023.
Our operations and supplier relationships expose us to risks associated with disruptions to global supply chains and the ongoing Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Hamas wars, all of which are likely to continue to create challenging conditions for our

business, through increased costs, lower consumer spending, volatility in financial markets or other impacts. While we have taken steps to minimize the impact of these increased costs, global supply chain disruption may deteriorate, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows.
We believe that our level of resources, which includes cash on hand, borrowings under the credit agreement (the “Credit Agreement”) among the Company, as parent borrower, Primo Water Holdings Inc. and certain other subsidiary borrowers, certain other subsidiaries of the Company from time to time designated as subsidiary borrowers, Bank of America, N.A., as administrative agent and collateral agent, and the lenders from time to time party thereto, including the $350.0 million revolving credit facility (the "Revolving Credit Facility") and funds provided by our operations, will be adequate to fund cash outflows that have both a short- and long-term component. These cash flows will support our growth platform and include our expenses, capital expenditures, anticipated dividend payments, and debt service obligations. The Company regularly assesses its cash requirements and the available resources to fund these needs. Our ability to generate cash to meet our current expenses and debt service obligations will depend on our future performance. If we do not have enough cash to pay our debt service obligations, or if the Revolving Credit Facility or our outstanding notes were to become currently due, either at maturity or as a result of a breach, we may be required to take actions such as amending our Credit Agreement or the indentures governing our outstanding notes, refinancing all or part of our existing debt, selling assets, incurring additional indebtedness or raising equity. If we need to seek additional financing, there is no assurance that this additional financing will be available on favorable terms or at all.
As of September 28, 2024, there were no outstanding borrowings under the Revolving Credit Facility and outstanding letters of credit totaled $65.6 million, resulting in total utilization under the Revolving Credit Facility of $65.6 million. Accordingly, unused availability under the Revolving Credit Facility as of September 28, 2024 amounted to $284.4 million.
We earn substantially all of our consolidated operating income in subsidiaries located outside of Canada. We have not provided for federal, state, and foreign deferred income taxes on the undistributed earnings of our non-Canadian subsidiaries. We expect that these earnings will be permanently reinvested by such subsidiaries except in certain instances where repatriation attributable to current earnings results in minimal or no tax consequences.
We expect our existing cash and cash equivalents, cash flows and the issuance of debt to continue to be sufficient to fund our operating, investing, and financing activities. In addition, we expect our existing cash and cash equivalents and cash flows outside of Canada to continue to be sufficient to fund the operating activities of our subsidiaries.
A future change to our assertion that foreign earnings will be permanently reinvested could result in additional income taxes and/or withholding taxes payable, where applicable. Therefore, a higher effective tax rate could occur during the period of repatriation.
We may, from time to time, depending on market conditions, including without limitation whether our outstanding notes are then trading at a discount to their face amount, repurchase our outstanding notes for cash and/or in exchange for our common shares, warrants, preferred shares, debt, or other consideration, in each case in open market purchases and/or privately negotiated transactions. The amounts involved in any such transactions, individually or in the aggregate, may be material. However, the covenants in our Revolving Credit Facility subject such purchases to certain limitations and conditions.
A dividend $0.08 per common share was declared during each quarter of 2023 for an aggregate dividend payment of approximately $51.8 million. A dividend payment of $0.09 per common share was declared during each of the first, second, and third quarters of 2024 for an aggregate dividend payment of approximately $43.9 million. The Board also declared a special dividend of $0.82 per common share on October 15, 2024, to be paid on November 21, 2024.

The following table summarizes our cash flows for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023, as reported in our Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows in the accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements:
 For the Three Months EndedFor the Nine Months Ended
(in millions of U.S. dollars)September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Net cash provided by operating activities of continuing operations$91.0 $126.7 $255.7 $222.2 
Net cash used in investing activities of continuing operations(36.7)(28.6)(137.2)(122.7)
Net cash used in financing activities of continuing operations(18.4)(93.9)(59.5)(137.9)
Cash flows from discontinued operations:
Net cash provided by operating activities from discontinued operations4.6 21.4 6.8 37.0 
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities from discontinued operations16.8 (12.6)75.9 (32.4)
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities from discontinued operations(2.0)(0.5)(1.0)9.1 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash0.3 (1.5)(0.1)(0.1)
Net increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash55.6 11.0 140.6 (24.8)
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash, beginning of period615.5 86.8 530.5 122.6 
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash of continuing operations, end of period671.1 97.8 671.1 97.8 
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash from discontinued operations, end of period3.8 36.9 3.8 36.9 
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash of continuing operations, end of period$667.3 $60.9 $667.3 $60.9 
Operating Activities
Cash provided by operating activities was $255.7 million year to date compared to $222.2 million in the prior year period. The $33.5 million increase was due primarily to improved earnings, excluding non-cash charges, partially offset by lower cash provided by working capital in the current year period relative the prior year period.
Investing Activities
Cash used in investing activities was $137.2 million year to date compared to $122.7 million in the prior year period. The $14.5 million increase was due primarily to an a decrease in the proceeds from sale of property and an increase in additions to property, plant and equipment relative to the prior year period.
Financing Activities
Cash used in financing activities was $59.5 million year to date compared to $137.9 million in the prior year period. The $78.4 million decrease was due primarily to a decrease in net payments of short-term debt borrowings and an increase in the issuance of common shares relative to the prior year period.
Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
We have no off-balance sheet arrangements as of September 28, 2024.
Contractual Obligations
There were no material changes to our outstanding contractual obligations from amounts previously disclosed in our 2023 Annual Report.
Credit Ratings and Covenant Compliance
Credit Ratings
We have no material changes to the disclosure on this matter made in our 2023 Annual Report.

Covenant Compliance
Indentures Governing Our Outstanding Notes
Under the indentures governing our outstanding notes, we are subject to a number of covenants, including covenants that limit our and certain of our subsidiaries’ ability, subject to certain exceptions and qualifications, to (i) pay dividends or make distributions, repurchase equity securities, prepay subordinated debt or make certain investments, (ii) incur additional debt or issue certain disqualified stock or preferred stock, (iii) create or incur liens on assets securing indebtedness, (iv) merge or consolidate with another company or sell all or substantially all of our assets taken as a whole, (v) enter into transactions with affiliates and (vi) sell assets. The covenants are substantially similar across the series of notes. As of September 28, 2024, we were in compliance with all of the covenants under each series of notes. There have been no amendments to any such covenants of our outstanding notes since the date of their issuance.
Revolving Credit Facility
Under the Credit Agreement governing the Revolving Credit Facility, we and our restricted subsidiaries are subject to a number of business and financial covenants, including a consolidated secured leverage ratio and an interest coverage ratio. The consolidated secured leverage ratio must not be more than 3.50 to 1.00, with an allowable temporary increase to 4.00 to 1.00 for the quarter in which we consummate a material acquisition with a price not less than $125.0 million, for three quarters. The interest coverage ratio must not be less than 3.00 to 1.00. We were in compliance with these financial covenants as of September 28, 2024.
In addition, the Credit Agreement has certain non-financial covenants, such as covenants regarding indebtedness, investments, and asset dispositions. We were in compliance with all of the applicable covenants as of September 28, 2024.
On July 11, 2024, the Company entered into the Third Amendment to the Credit Agreement, which provides an exception to the restricted payments covenant for a one-time special dividend in conjunction with the BlueTriton Transaction.
Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
Common Share Repurchase Program
On August 9, 2023, our Board of Directors approved a share repurchase program for up to $50.0 million of our outstanding common shares. Upon the closing of the European Divestiture on December 29, 2023, an incremental $25.0 million share repurchase was authorized, revising the total share repurchase authorization to $75.0 million. For the nine months ended September 28, 2024, we repurchased 932,896 common shares for approximately $15.9 million through open market transactions under this repurchase plan. There were no shares repurchased under the program during the three months ended September 28, 2024.
On August 9, 2022, our Board of Directors approved a share repurchase program for up to $100.0 million of our outstanding common shares over a 12-month period that expired on August 14, 2023. For the nine months ended September 30, 2023, we repurchased 1,272,612 common shares for approximately $19.0 million through open market transactions under this repurchase plan. There were no shares repurchased under the program during the three months ended September 30, 2023.
Repurchased shares were subsequently canceled. Please refer to the table in Part II, Item 2 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
We paused our share repurchase program in light of the BlueTriton Transaction.
Tax Withholding
During the three months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023, an aggregate of 2,747 common shares and 46,989 common shares, respectively, were withheld from delivery to our employees to satisfy their respective tax obligations related to share-based awards.
Please refer to the table in Part II, Item 2 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Capital Structure
Since December 30, 2023, our equity has increased by $41.6 million. The increase was due to net income of $79.6 million, the issuance of common shares of $17.5 million, and share-based compensation costs of $17.5 million, partially offset by common shares repurchased and canceled of $20.3 million, common share dividend payments of $43.9 million and other comprehensive loss, net of tax of $8.8 million.

Dividend Payments
Common Share Dividend
On August 6, 2024, our Board of Directors declared a dividend of $0.09 per share on common shares, payable in cash on September 5, 2024, to shareowners of record at the close of business on August 22, 2024. The Board also declared a special dividend of $0.82 per common share on October 15, 2024, to be paid on November 21, 2024. We intend to pay a regular quarterly dividend on our common shares subject to, among other things, the best interests of our shareowners, our results of operations, cash balances and future cash requirements, financial condition, statutory regulations and covenants set forth in the Revolving Credit Facility and indentures governing our outstanding notes, as well as other factors that the Board of Directors may deem relevant from time to time.
Critical Accounting Policies
Our critical accounting policies require management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts in the Consolidated Financial Statements and the accompanying notes. These estimates are based on historical experience, the advice of external experts or on other assumptions management believes to be reasonable. Where actual amounts differ from estimates, revisions are included in the results for the period in which actual amounts become known. Historically, differences between estimates and actual amounts have not had a significant impact on our Consolidated Financial Statements.
Critical accounting policies and estimates used to prepare the Consolidated Financial Statements are discussed with the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors as they are implemented and on an annual basis.
We have no material changes to our Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates disclosure as filed in our 2023 Annual Report.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements
See Note 1 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for a discussion of recent accounting guidance.

Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk 
In the ordinary course of business, we are exposed to foreign currency, interest rate, commodity price, and credit risks. We hedge firm commitments or anticipated transactions and do not enter into derivatives for speculative purposes. We do not hold financial instruments for trading purposes. We have no material changes to the Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk as filed in our 2023 Annual Report.
Item 4. Controls and Procedures
Disclosure Controls and Procedures
The Company maintains disclosure controls and procedures as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”). The Company’s management, under the supervision and with the participation of the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, carried out an evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures as of September 28, 2024. Based upon this evaluation, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that, as of September 28, 2024, the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures are functioning effectively to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company in reports filed or submitted under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in SEC rules and forms, and accumulated and communicated to the Company’s management, including the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
In addition, our management carried out an evaluation, as required by Rule 13a-15(d) of the Exchange Act, with the participation of our Chief Executive Officer and our Chief Financial Officer, of changes in our internal control over financial reporting. Based on this evaluation, the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer concluded that there have been no changes in our internal control over financial reporting during our most recent fiscal quarter that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.


Item 1. Legal Proceedings
We are subject to various claims and legal proceedings with respect to matters such as governmental regulations, income taxes, and other actions arising out of the normal course of business. Management believes that the resolution of these matters will not have a material adverse effect on our financial position or results of operations.
Pursuant to SEC rules, we will disclose any proceeding in which a government authority is a party and that arises under any federal, state or local provisions enacted or adopted regulating the discharge of materials into the environment or primarily for the purpose of protecting the environment only where we believe that such proceedings, individually or in the aggregate, will result in monetary sanctions on us, exclusive of interest and costs, above $500,000 or is otherwise material to our financial position, results of operations, or cash flows.
Item 1A. Risk Factors
Except as described below, there have been no material changes to our risk factors since December 30, 2023. Please refer to our 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Primo Water's business relationships may be subject to disruption due to uncertainty associated with the BlueTriton Transaction, which could have an adverse effect on Primo Water's cash flows and financial position.
Parties with which Primo Water does business may experience uncertainty associated with the BlueTriton Transaction, including with respect to current or future business relationships with Primo Water following the completion of the BlueTriton Transaction. Primo Water’s relationships may be subject to disruption as persons with whom Primo Water has a business relationship may have concerns about a larger organization, or otherwise, and may delay or defer certain business decisions or might decide to seek to terminate, change or renegotiate their relationships with Primo Water or consider entering into business relationships with parties other than Primo Water. These disruptions could have a material adverse effect on the results of operations, cash flows and financial position of Primo Water following the completion of the BlueTriton Transaction, including an adverse effect on the parties’ ability to realize the expected benefits of the BlueTriton Transaction. The risk, and adverse effect, of any disruption could be exacerbated by a delay in the completion of or failure to complete the BlueTriton Transaction.
In addition, some amount of Primo Water management’s and employees’ attention will be directed toward the completion of the BlueTriton Transaction and thus will be diverted from their respective day-to-day operations. Further, the BlueTriton Transaction could cause disruptions to Primo Water’s business or business relationships, which could have an adverse impact on their results of operations. The pursuit of the BlueTriton Transaction and the preparation for the integration has placed and will continue to place a significant burden on management and internal resources. The diversion of management’s attention away from day-to-day business concerns could adversely affect Primo Water’s operations and financial results.
Conditions precedent to the BlueTriton Transaction may not be satisfied or waived or may take longer than expected.
The completion of the BlueTriton Transaction is subject to the satisfaction or waiver of a number of conditions. No assurance can be given that all conditions precedent to the BlueTriton Transaction will be satisfied or waived, nor can there be any certainty as to the timing of their satisfaction or waiver. Any delay in completing the BlueTriton Transaction could cause the parties not to realize, or to be delayed in realizing, some or all of the benefits that they expect to achieve if the BlueTriton Transaction is successfully completed within their expected time frame.
In addition, the completion of the BlueTriton Transaction by BlueTriton Brands is conditional on, among other things, no Primo Material Adverse Effect (as defined in the Arrangement Agreement) having occurred since the date of the Arrangement Agreement. There can be no certainty, nor can Primo Water provide any assurance, that these conditions will be satisfied or waived or, if satisfied or waived, when they will be satisfied or waived. If any of the conditions precedent to the BlueTriton Transaction are not met and BlueTriton Brands, in its sole discretion, does not waive these conditions on or before the date specified, it will not be obligated to complete the BlueTriton Transaction and either Primo Water or BlueTriton may then terminate the Arrangement Agreement.
Termination of the Arrangement Agreement could negatively impact Primo Water.
Each of Primo Water and BlueTriton Brands has the right, in certain circumstances, to terminate the Arrangement Agreement, in which case the BlueTriton Transaction will not be consummated. There is no certainty, nor can the parties provide any assurance that the Arrangement Agreement will not be terminated by Primo Water or BlueTriton Brands prior to the completion of the BlueTriton Transaction. If the Arrangement Agreement is terminated, Primo Water will not recognize the anticipated benefits of the BlueTriton Transaction and may be obligated to pay a termination fee of $105 million in connection with termination of the Arrangement Agreement. If the Arrangement Agreement is terminated in accordance with its terms and the BlueTriton Transaction is not consummated, the ongoing business of Primo Water may be adversely affected by a variety of

factors. Primo Water’s business may be adversely impacted by the failure to pursue other beneficial opportunities during the pendency of the BlueTriton Transaction, by the failure to obtain the anticipated benefits of completing the BlueTriton Transaction, by payment of certain costs relating to the BlueTriton Transaction, and by the focus of management on the BlueTriton Transaction for an extended period of time rather than on other strategic and operational opportunities. The market price of Primo Water shares might decline as a result of any such failures to the extent that the current market prices reflect a market assumption that the BlueTriton Transaction will be completed.
Primo Water may also be negatively impacted if the Arrangement Agreement is terminated and Primo Water’s Board of Directors seeks but is unable to find another business combination or strategic transaction offering equivalent or more attractive consideration than the consideration to be provided in the BlueTriton Transaction, or if the parties become subject to litigation related to entering into or failing to consummate the BlueTriton Transaction, including actions by the Primo shareowners against the directors and/or officers of Primo Water for breaches of fiduciary duty, or derivative actions brought by the Primo shareowners in the name of the Company.
We are subject to certain contractual restrictions while the proposed BlueTriton Transaction is pending.
The Arrangement Agreement restricts the Company from making certain acquisitions and divestitures, entering into, amending or terminating certain contracts, incurring certain indebtedness and expenditures, and repurchasing or issuing securities outside of existing equity award programs, and taking other specified actions until the earlier of the completion of the BlueTriton Transaction or the termination of the Arrangement Agreement. These restrictions may prevent Primo Water from pursuing attractive business opportunities that may arise prior to the completion of BlueTriton Transaction and could have the effect of delaying or preventing other strategic transactions. Adverse effects arising from the pendency of the BlueTriton Transaction could be exacerbated by any delays in consummation of the combination or the termination of the Arrangement Agreement.
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds
Share Repurchases
On August 9, 2023, our Board of Directors approved a share repurchase program for up to $50.0 million of our outstanding common shares. Upon the closing of the European Divestiture on December 29, 2023, an incremental $25.0 million share repurchase was authorized, revising the total share repurchase authorization to $75.0 million. For the three months ended September 28, 2024, we did not repurchase any outstanding common shares under this repurchase plan. We paused our share repurchase program in light of the BlueTriton Transaction.
Tax Withholding
The following table contains information about common shares that we withheld from delivering to employees during the three months ended September 28, 2024 to satisfy their respective tax obligations related to share-based awards.
Total Number of Common Shares PurchasedAverage Price
Paid per
Common Share
Total Number of Common Shares Purchased as Part of Publicly Announced Plans or ProgramsMaximum Number (or Dollar Value) of Common Shares that May Yet Be Purchased Under the Plans or Programs
June 30, 2024 - July 31, 2024 $ N/AN/A
August 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024 $ N/AN/A
September 1, 2024 - September 28, 20242,747 $23.84 N/AN/A
Item 5. Other Information
10b5-1 Plans
During the three months ended September 28, 2024, none of our directors or executive officers (as such term is defined in Rule 16a-1(f) promulgated under the Exchange Act) adopted or terminated any Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement or any non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement (as each term is defined in Item 408 of Regulation S-K).


Transaction Bonus
On August 29, 2024, the Compensation Committee delegated authority to Robbert Rietbroek to award transaction bonuses to David Hass and Marni Morgan Poe in an additional aggregate amount of up to $600,000 (collectively, the “Transaction Bonuses”) based on their efforts during the pendency of the Transaction or other factors. On November 5, 2024, Mr. Hass and Ms. Poe were each awarded a Transaction Bonus of $300,000, payable on the next regularly scheduled payroll date.
Item 6. Exhibits
Incorporated by ReferenceFiled or Furnished Herewith
Exhibit No.Description of ExhibitFormExhibitFiling DateFile No.
The following financial statements from Primo Water Corporation’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 28, 2024, filed November 7, 2024, formatted in Inline XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language): (i) Consolidated Statements of Operations, (ii) Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income, (iii) Consolidated Balance Sheets, (iv) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, (v) Consolidated Statements of Equity, (vi) Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101).*


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: November 7, 2024
/s/ David Hass
David Hass
Chief Financial Officer
(On behalf of the Company)
Date: November 7, 2024
/s/ Jason Ausher
Jason Ausher
Chief Accounting Officer
(Principal Accounting Officer)