一般释放和豁免索赔: Subject to the Protected Rights section below, to the fullest extent permitted by law, you on behalf of yourself, your heirs, family members, executors, estates, agents and assigns, or any controlled affiliate and any trust or other entity of which you or your heirs, estates or family directly or indirectly hold a majority beneficial interest, fully, finally, and forever release and discharge the Company and its owners, agents, officers, shareholders, employees, directors, attorneys, subscribers, subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, investors, and assigns (collectively “释放人”) of and from all claims and potential claims that may legally be waived by private agreement, whether known or unknown, whether specifically enumerated or not in this Agreement, which you have asserted or could assert against the Company arising out of or relating in any way to acts, circumstances, facts, transactions, or omissions based on facts occurring up to and including the date you sign this Agreement (the “已发布的索赔”). The Released Claims specifically include but are not limited to: claims under common law or equity; claims for additional compensation or benefits arising out of your employment or your separation from employment; wage and hour claims; unlawful discharge; breach of contract; breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing; fraud; violation of public policy; defamation; physical injury; emotional distress; equal pay; negligence; claims under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; the Civil Rights Act of 1991; 42 U.S.C. § 1981; the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act; the Employee Polygraph Protection Act; the anti-retaliation provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act or any other federal or state law regarding whistleblower retaliation; the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act; the Fair Credit Reporting Act; the Fair Labor Standards Act (except as prohibited by law); the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (“ADEA豪利); 较老员工福利保护
法案(OWBPA豪利); 员工退休收入安全保障法(ERISA豪利); 美国残疾人法; 工人调整和再培训通知法(WARN
《平等薪酬法案》;《家庭医疗假法案》;1866年《民权法案》;《怀孕歧视法案》;《孕妇工人公平法案》;《麻州工资法案》(m.G.L. c. 149, §§ 148等节);《麻州最低工资法》(m.G.L. c. 151);《麻州民权法案》;《麻州就业实践法案》;《麻州平权法》;《麻州平等薪酬法案》;麻州《有薪家庭医疗假法》反歧视条款;麻州《COVID-19紧急设法案》;麻州隐私法案;麻州育婴假法案;以及任何其他联邦、州或当地法律、宪法、规则、市政条例、命令和/或法规,包括其修订和各自的实施法规。 特此约定后续赔偿者拟为本第8条的第三方受益人,并应有权利、权力和权威执行本条款,犹如他们是本协议方之一。
公司将独家且永久拥有一切权利、所有权和利益(包括专利权、著作权、商业秘密权、掩膜电路权、商标权 sui generis 全球范围内的数据库权利和所有其他种类的权利)与顾问在提供服务或任何专有信息(如下所定义)相关联的所有发明(无论是否可被专利)、作品著作权、掩模作品、标志、设计、技术秘知、想法和信息(包括部分)或全部由顾问构思、创造或实施,并迅速将所有发明披露并提供给公司。顾问特此作出承诺并同意进行所有必要的譲让以实现前述所有权。顾问还应协助公司以公司的费用进一步证明、记录和完善此等譲让,以及完善、获得、保持、执行和辩护声称已被譲让的任何权利。顾问特此不可撤销地指定及任命公司为其代理人和代理律师,代表并代顾问行事,以执行和提交任何文件,以及进行一切其他合法允许的行动来促成前述事项,具有与由顾问签署同等法律效力。顾问特此确认,与发明相关的权利属公司的事实,即使公司在任何期间不行使该等权利,也不会被视为消失。创新发明” 顾问同意所有与提供服务有关的所有发明和所有其他商业、技术和财务信息(包括但不限于有关公司客户或员工的身份和信息)由顾问或代表顾问为之所研发、学习或获取,或以信托方式收到,皆构成“”。 顾问将保密并不披露或除在履行服务时使用任何专有信息。但是,顾问对于可以证明为或在不是由顾问的过错下变得公开、无任何限制地变得容易获取的信息,概不负有根据本段对该等信息的义务。此外,顾问了解本协议不影响其在18 USC第1833(b)(1)或(2)条下的豁免权,如下所示:
Consultant represents, warrants and covenants that: (i) the Services will be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner, in accordance with industry standards; (ii) the Services will conform to the requirements and/or specifications set forth in the corresponding Statement of Work; (iii) Consultant will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in the course of performing the Services; (iv) none of the Services or any part of this Agreement is or will be inconsistent with any obligation Consultant may have to others; (v) all work under this Agreement will be Consultant’s original work and (A) none of the Services or Inventions or any development, use, production, distribution or Exploitation thereof will infringe, misappropriate or violate any intellectual property or other right of any person or entity (including, without limitation, Consultant) and (B) no Invention will embody or incorporate or be linked with any third party software or other intellectual property (including, without limitation, any open source software) without the prior written consent of Company; (vi) Consultant has the full right to provide Company with the assignments and rights provided for herein; (vii) if Consultant’s work requires a license, Consultant has obtained that license and the license is in full force and effect; (viii) all past and existing employees, independent contractors/consultants and personnel of Consultant (and any other individual or entity) who have participated or will be participating in the Services or the creation or development of Inventions or had or will have access to Proprietary Information (“Contributors”) have executed written agreements pursuant to which Consultant has received sufficient rights to allow it to fully comply with its obligations under this Agreement (which agreements will include, without limitation, provisions pursuant to which each such Contributor has (A) assigned to Consultant free and clear of all liens and encumbrances his or her entire right, title and interest in and to all Inventions which are made or reduced to practice by the Contributor during his or her employment or engagement and (B) agreed to terms and conditions substantially similar to Section 2.2 of this Agreement not to disclose or use any proprietary rights, trade secrets or Proprietary Information learned or acquired during the course of such employment or engagement, including without limitation, any Services and/or Inventions) (each a “Contributor Agreement”); (ix) and to the extent requested by Company, in addition to Contributor Agreements, Consultant will have each Contributor sign (prior to any involvement in the Services or access to Proprietary Information) such documents directly with Company as Company may request from time to time with respect to intellectual property, proprietary information and other matters relevant to the Services; Consultant hereby acknowledges and agrees (A) that such documents will govern over (and that neither such documents nor performance thereof or compliance therewith will be deemed to breach) any conflicting or inconsistent provision of any agreement between Consultant and either Company or any such Contributor, and (B) that Company is also free to request and obtain such documents directly from any such Contributor); and (x) Consultant is an independent business and is either a sole proprietorship or duly organized, validly existing and in good standing as a corporation or other entity under the laws and regulations of its jurisdiction of incorporation or organization.
With respect to any Proprietary Information that constitutes personal data, personal information, personally identifiable information or similar information under applicable privacy or data security laws (collectively, “个人资讯”), Consultant shall not sell or share any Personal Information and shall refrain from taking any action that would cause any transfers of Personal Information to or from Consultant to qualify as a sale or sharing of Personal Information under applicable data protection laws. Consultant shall not collect, retain, share or use any Personal Information (i) except as necessary for the specific purpose of performing the Services for Company pursuant to this Agreement or in accordance with Company’s instructions, (ii) outside of the direct business relationship between Company and Consultant, or (iii) in a manner that would constitute using Personal Information for a commercial purpose other than the business purpose specified in this Agreement (including, but not limited to, combining Personal Information received from Company with other non-Company data or information). Consultant acknowledges and confirms that it does not receive any Personal Information from Company as consideration for any Services provided to Company and that all such Personal Information is received by Consultant for a business purpose specified in this Agreement. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, Consultant shall not have, derive or exercise any rights or benefits regarding Personal Information provided by Company. Consultant represents, warrants and covenants that it understands the requirements of and shall comply with all applicable data protection laws, including without limitation the California Consumer Privacy Act (Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.100 et seq.) as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act (the “今日的天气很好