
表格 10-Q
佣金文件號 001-40798
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300 N Valley Dr
Grants Pass,

(541) 955-4700


請勾選以下選項確認您的申報情況:(1)在過去12個月(或爲期更短的申報期),根據證券交易法第13或15(d)條款,申報人已提交所有所需申報;(2)申報人在過去90天內遵守了上述申報要求。Yes x沒有。o
請勾選以下選項確認您是否已在過去12個月(或爲期更短的申報期),根據規則405所述的《S-T條例》(本章第232.405條)提交了所有電子數據文件。Yes xo


第 1 項。
財務報表 (未經審計)
第 2 項。
第 3 項。
第 4 項。
第 1 項。
第 1A 項。
第 2 項。
第 3 項。
第 4 項。
第 5 項。
第 6 項。

在本第10-Q表格季度報告(本第10-Q表格)中使用的術語如下所示,除非另有說明或背景要求另作解釋。本第10-Q表格中提及的「Dutch Bros」,「公司」,「我們」,「我們」和「我們」的參考均指荷蘭兄弟公司及其合併子公司,除非背景表明另有情況。
在本10-Q表格的其他地方包含的相關於基本報表中附註9 - 債務的含義
TSG7A AIV VI Holdings, LLC和DG Coinvestor Blocker, LLC
Travis Boersma,我們的執行主席兼聯合創始人,及其保持投票控制的關聯實體。
Dutch Bros OpCoDutch Mafia,LLC,一家特拉華有限責任公司,是Dutch Bros Inc.的直接子公司。
Dutch Bros公司。
OpCo Units
Dutch Bros OpCo的A類普通單位,B類投票單位和C類投票單位,每個單位在OpCo有限責任公司協議中進一步定義,總共。
Pre-IPO阻止持有人TSG7 A AIV VI Holdings-A,L.P.和DG Coinvestor Blocker Aggregator,L.P.或根據某些重組稅收收入協議的條款指定的受讓人或繼任人。
每個 RSU 表示有權獲得一股公司普通股或者相同價值的股票,公司有自主選擇權。在董事會職務退休當天,RSU 將產生效力,只要任職時間至少爲兩年。該公司根據其限制性股票計劃授予了 RSU。
Dutch Bros,我們的Windmill logo (TOC1a.jpg), Dutch Bros藍色Rebel,以及我們的其他註冊和普通法交易名稱、商標和服務標記均爲Dutch Bros Inc的財產。所有在本10-Q表格中出現的商標、交易名稱和服務標記均爲其各自所有者的財產。僅供方便起見,在本10-Q表格中,商標和交易名稱可能被引用時未帶上 ® 和 ™ 符號,但這些引用不應被解釋爲各自所有者不會主張其權利。
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我們將網站用作材料公司信息的分銷渠道。關於我們公司的財務和其他重要信息定期發佈在我們的網站https://investors.dutchbros.com上,並可通過訪問「Investor Email Alerts」頁面https://investors.dutchbros.com/resources來訂閱您的電子郵件地址以自動接收與我們公司相關的電子郵件提醒和其他信息。本網站上的信息並未在此處合併,也不構成本10-Q表格的一部分。

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第一部分 財務信息
項目1. 基本報表
現金及現金等價物$281,134 $133,545 
2,687,823 10,362 9,124 
淨存貨38,381 46,953 
預付費用和其他流動資產12,168 15,637 
總流動資產342,045 205,259 
資產和設備,淨值662,759 542,440 
融資租賃的使用權資產,淨額。377,561 382,734 
經營租賃使用權資產,淨值301,896 199,673 
無形資產,淨額3,455 5,415 
商譽21,629 21,629 
遞延所得稅資產,淨值718,543 402,995 
其他長期資產3,628 3,865 
資產總額$2,431,516 $1,764,010 
應付賬款$31,880 $29,957 
39,106 31,405 
26,162 15,770 
其他流動負債5,962 6,423 
遞延收入35,738 30,349 
融資租賃負債的流動部分12,845 9,482 
經營租賃負債流動部分12,987 10,239 
開多次數15,746 4,491 
流動負債合計180,426 138,116 
遞延收入,減去當前部分淨額6,367 6,676 
金融租賃負債,減去流動部分369,206 367,775 
經營租賃負債,淨值超過流動資產293,474 191,419 
開多期債務,淨電流部分224,361 93,175 
605,003 290,920 
其他長期負債8 8 
負債合計1,678,845 1,088,089 
承諾和 contingencies(注意 15)

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優先股,$0.00010.00001 每股面值 - 20,000 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月,已發行和流通股份分別爲
A類普通股,$0.0005股,截至2024年4月30日和2024年1月31日,授權股票0.0005股;0.00001 每股面值 - 400,000 113,82369,958 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月,已發行和流通股份分別爲
1 1 
B類普通股,$0.000030.00001 每股面值 - 144,000 35,22760,629 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,已發行和流通的股份, 分別爲
C類普通股,每股面值$0.00001 每股面值 - 105,000 5,14235,864 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,已發行和流通的股份,分別
D類普通股,$1,502,069,787,110,690,2,215,526,2,362,119,2,329,012,2,474,671,12,921,641,11,871,854。0.00001 每股面值 - 42,000 10,669 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,已發行和流通的股份,分別y
506,785 379,391 
累計其他綜合收益310 544 
16,054 (15,592)
歸屬於荷蘭兄弟公司的股東權益總額。523,150 364,345 
非控股權益229,521 311,576 
股東權益總計752,671 675,921 
負債和所有者權益總額$2,431,516 $1,764,010 
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公司經營的門店$308,295 $236,472 $851,648 $630,588 
特許經營和其他29,917 28,035 86,581 81,065 
總收入338,212 264,507 938,229 711,653 
銷售成本248,161 189,323 686,048 519,482 
銷售、一般及行政費用57,536 50,490 161,866 148,128 
總成本和費用305,697 239,813 847,914 667,610 
經營活動所得收益32,515 24,694 90,315 44,043 
其他收入(費用)淨額764 (140)7,357 2,206 
稅前收入26,410 15,229 77,413 19,980 
所得稅費用4,698 1,828 17,330 6,259 
淨利潤$21,712 $13,401 $60,083 $13,721 
9,068 9,191 28,437 10,601 
$12,644 $4,210 $31,646 $3,120 
Basic$0.11 $0.07 $0.32 $0.05 
Diluted$0.11 $0.07 $0.32 $0.05 
Basic113,819 59,366 99,756 57,598 
Diluted114,252 60,214 100,070 57,598 

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淨利潤$21,712 $13,401 $60,083 $13,721 
衍生證券的公允價值變動(實現損益),淨額,淨利潤稅後費用(利益)爲$(247), $112, $(183),和$137,分別
(1,324)385 (537)659 
綜合收益20,388 13,786 59,546 14,380 
減:歸屬於非控股權益的綜合收益8,506 9,388 28,134 10,980 
荷蘭兄弟公司應歸屬的綜合收益$11,882 $4,398 $31,412 $3,400 
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Dutch Bros. Inc.股東權益
2024年6月30日結餘113,817 $1 35,227 $ 5,142 $  $ $504,657 $1,072 $3,410 $220,672 $729,812 
淨利潤— — — — — — — — — — 12,644 9,068 21,712 
— — — — — — — — — (762)— (562)(1,324)
股權補償費用— — — — — — — — 1,902 — — 1,059 2,961 
發行A類普通股以行使股權獎勵,扣除用於支付稅款和沒收的股票後的淨額6 — — — — — — — (36)— — (21)(57)
荷蘭兄弟公司OpCo A類普通單位交換的影響— — — — — — — 8 — — (8) 
其他股權相關交易的稅收影響— — — — — — — — 254 — — — 254 
支付給非控制權益持有人的分配— — — — — — — — — — — (687)(687)
2024年9月30日餘額113,823 $1 35,227 $ 5,142 $  $ $506,785 $310 $16,054 $229,521 $752,671 

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非控制權益 總股本
2023年12月31日的餘額69,958 $1 60,629 $1 35,864 $ 10,669 $ $379,391 $544 $(15,592)$311,576 $675,921 
— — — — — — — — — — 31,646 28,437 60,083 
— — — — — — — — (328)(234)— (303)(865)
股權補償費用— — — — — — — — 4,866 — — 3,354 8,220 
發行A類普通股以行使股權獎勵,扣除用於支付稅款和沒收的股票後的淨額71 — — — — — — — 1,831 — — (2,763)(932)
根據Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units交易後的二次發行,發行A類普通股,並放棄和註銷B、C和D類普通股。43,794 — (2,402)— (30,722)— (10,669)— — — — — — 
荷蘭兄弟公司OpCo A類普通單位交換的影響— — — — — — — — 110,093 — — (110,093) 
其他股權相關交易的稅收影響— — — — — — — — 254 — — — 254 
稅收可收回協議的影響— — — — — — — — 10,678 — — — 10,678 
B類普通股從Dutch Bros OpCo A類普通股分離,並被放棄和取消— — (23,000)(1)— — — — — — — — (1)
支付給非控制權益持有人的分配— — — — — — — — — — — (687)(687)
2024年9月30日餘額113,823 $1 35,227 $ 5,142 $  $ $506,785 $310 $16,054 $229,521 $752,671 

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 Dutch Bros. Inc.股東權益
2023年6月30日,餘額45,674 $1 64,699 $1 41,056 $ 12,411 $ $152,900 $905 $(18,400)$134,668 $270,075 
— — — — — — — — — — 4,210 9,191 13,401 
— — — — — — — — (168)188 — 197 217 
以股票爲基礎的補償— — — — — — — — 3,864 — — 5,834 9,698 
5 — — — — — — — — — — — — 
按照跟投發行出售的A類普通股發行,扣除發行費用的淨額13,269 — — — — — — — 330,098 — — — 330,098 
荷蘭兄弟OpCo A類普通單位收購效果— — — — — — — — (189,072)— — 189,072  
跟投發行的稅務影響— — — — — — — — 46,594 — — — 46,594 
其他股權相關交易的稅收影響— — — — — — — — 555 — — — 555 
2023年9月30日餘額58,948 1 64,699 1 41,056  12,411  344,771 1,093 $(14,190)$338,962 $670,638 
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Dutch Bros. Inc.股東權益
2022年12月31日的餘額45,544 $1 64,699 $1 41,056 $ 12,411 $ $145,613 $813 $(17,310)$122,858 $251,976 
— — — — — — — — — — 3,120 10,601 13,721 
— — — — — — — — (187)280 — 379 472 
以股票爲基礎的補償— — — — — — — — 10,609 — — 18,408 29,017 
按照股權獎勵授予歸屬的A類普通股發行,扣除爲稅金而扣留的股票135 — — — — — — — (661)— — (1,234)(1,895)
按照跟隨性發行出售的A類普通股發行,扣除發行成本13,269 — — — — — — — 330,098 — — — 330,098 
荷蘭兄弟OpCo A類普通股單位收購的影響— — — — — — — — (187,950)— — 187,950  
跟隨性發行的稅收影響— — — — — — — — 46,594 — — — 46,594 
其他股權相關交易的稅收影響— — — — — — — — 655 — — — 655 
2023年9月30日餘額58,948 $1 64,699 $1 41,056 $ 12,411 $ $344,771 $1,093 $(14,190)$338,962 $670,638 
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淨利潤$60,083 $13,721 
折舊和攤銷67,484 49,411 
非現金利息費用834 609 
以股票爲基礎的補償8,220 29,017 
延遲所得稅15,335 5,600 
Remeasurement gain on TRAs
非現金營業租賃成本11,334 8,363 
2,687,823 (1,238)2,830 
淨存貨8,572 (11,067)
預付費用和其他流動資產2,894 (943)
應付賬款3,236 3,429 
7,701 4,196 
9,804 3,894 
遞延收入5,080 (3,516)
經營活動產生的現金流量淨額184,195 94,906 
出售固定資產的收益9,606 271 
信貸額度收到的款項 90,000 
貸款額度支付 (202,705)
債務發行成本支付 (1,350)
支付推遲發行成本 (579)
籌資活動產生的現金淨額132,757 202,163 
現金及現金等價物淨增加額147,589 129,608 
現金及現金等價物期初餘額133,545 20,178 
現金及現金等價物期末餘額$281,134 $149,786 
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$29,125 $27,663 
1,824 1,447 
期末的固定資產和設備增加額13,155 14,207 
遞延發行成本已計提 523 
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注1 — 組織和背景
注2 — 報告基礎和重要會計政策摘要
注3 — 營業收入確認
注4 — 組織重新調整和重組
注5 — 存貨
注6 — 資產和設備
附註7 — 無形資產
附註8 — 租賃
附註9 — 債務
附註10 — 衍生金融工具
附註11 — 所得稅
附註12 — 股權激勵
附註13 — 非控股權益
附註14 — 每股收益
注意事項 15 — 承諾和或準備事項
注意事項 16 — 關聯交易
注意事項 17 — 分部報告
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注1 — 組織和背景
Dutch Bros 專注於經營和特許經營駕車咖啡店,以及咖啡、咖啡相關產品和配件的批發和分銷業務。截至2024年9月30日,有 950 個店鋪在運營中,在 18 個美國州,其中 645 個爲公司經營, 305 個爲特許經營。
Dutch Bros Inc.成立於2021年6月4日,是一家特拉華州公司,旨在促進IPO和其他相關交易,以繼續進行Dutch Bros OpCo的業務。Dutch Bros Inc.是Dutch Bros OpCo的唯一管理成員,負責運營和控制Dutch Bros OpCo的所有業務和事務。因此,Dutch Bros Inc.合併了Dutch Bros OpCo的財務結果,並報告代表其他Dutch Bros OpCo成員持有的Dutch Bros OpCo經濟利益的非控股權益。公司的財政年度截止日期爲12月31日。
截至2024年9月30日,Dutch Bros Inc. 持有 100.0%的表決權利益和 64.2%的經濟權益參與Dutch Bros OpCo。持續成員持有 的表決權利益,其餘 35.8%的經濟權益參與Dutch Bros OpCo。
注2 — 報告基礎和重要會計政策摘要
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2023年12月,FASB發佈了ASU No. 2023-09, 所得稅(主題740):改進所得稅披露。 本次更新的修訂旨在通過改善利潤稅披露的透明度和決策有用性,主要是通過對稅率調解和所支付所得稅信息的改進,具體要求(1)稅率調解信息中一致的類別和更大的細分,以及(2)按司法管轄區劃分的所支付所得稅信息。這些修訂適用於2024年12月15日後開始的上市公司的年度期間和2025年12月15日後開始的財政年度內的中期期間,並應按前瞻性基礎應用。允許提前採納,對尚未發佈的年度財務報表。公司目前正在評估該標準對其利潤稅披露的潛在影響,並預計將根據新指引提供更多詳細信息和披露。
2023年11月,FASB發佈了ASU 2023-07,該更新通過增強重要板塊支出的披露,改進了可報告板塊的披露要求。這個更新中的修正應在合併財務報表中呈現的所有之前期間中進行追溯,適用於2023年12月31日後開始的財政年度和2024年12月31日後的財政年度內的中期期間。早期實施是允許的。公司目前正在評估該指引對其簡明合併財務報表的潛在影響。 一段報告部份改進(Topic 280):改善可報告部份披露。 此更新中的修訂旨在通過增強對重要板塊費用的披露,從而改善報告的板塊披露要求。自2023年12月15日後開始的年度期間和2024年12月15日後開始的財年內的中期期間生效,允許提前採納。公衆實體應該在基本報表中對此更新的修訂進行追溯性的應用,適用於在基本報表中呈現的所有之前期間。通過過渡後,在之前期間披露的板塊費用類別和金額應該基於在採納期間識別並披露的重要板塊費用類別。公司已完成分析並確定了需要披露的重要板塊費用,主要是與公司運營店鋪板塊的銷售成本有關,從2024年的10-k表開始。新的標準預計不會對其合併財務報表產生實質性影響;然而,公司預計會根據新的指導方針提供額外的細節和披露。
注3 — 營業收入確認
公司經營的商店$308,295 $236,472 $851,648 $630,588 
特許經營28,694 26,691 82,545 76,860 
其他1,223 1,344 4,036 4,205 
總收入$338,212 $264,507 $938,229 $711,653 
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期初餘額$34,616 $26,904 
營業收入遞延-禮品卡激活、忠誠度應用加載,以及賺取的忠誠積分和獎勵312,963 255,782 
期末餘額39,567 25,542 
Less: current portion(35,316)(21,999)
遞延營業收入,減去當前部分,禮品卡和忠誠計劃$4,251 $3,543 
遞延營業收入還包括來自特許經營合作伙伴的未賺取初始特許費。 公司簡明合併資產負債表中報告的這些遞延收入如下:
除禮品卡和忠誠計劃外的遞延營業收入總額$2,538 $2,409 
Less: current portion(422)(412)
除禮品卡和忠誠計劃外,減去當前部分的遞延營業收入淨值$2,116 $1,997 
禮品卡兌換 1
$637 $553 $5,737 $4,742 
112 114 336 342 
1     金額不包括現金充值和與公司忠誠度獎勵計劃相關的交易。
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注4 — 組織重新調整和重組
2024 年 1 月 29 日,公司董事會批准了一項組織調整和重組計劃,以擴大公司在亞利桑那州菲尼克斯辦事處的支持業務。作爲這項大規模計劃的一部分,該公司將把部分支持中心工作人員從俄勒岡州Grants Pass總部遷至菲尼克斯辦公室,並預計到2025年1月1日左右 40公司支持運營人員總數的百分比將位於亞利桑那州的菲尼克斯。所有受影響的員工要麼獲得了繼續在菲尼克斯辦公室工作的機會,要麼獲得了遣散費;這些溝通已在2024年2月9日基本完成。該公司預計產生的總費用約爲 $18百萬到美元22與該舉措相關的百萬美元,包括 (i) 大約 $14百萬到美元18百萬美元的員工相關成本,包括搬遷、留用和過渡費用、解僱補助金以及重複的過渡工資和福利;以及 (ii) 大約 $4百萬美元的其他費用,包括諮詢費用和成本以及重複租金。預計幾乎所有估計費用都將導致當前和未來的現金支出。
$2,217 $9,710 
1,781 3,577 
3,998 13,287 
193 223 
193 223 
發生的總重組費用$4,191 $13,510 
截至2024年9月30日,在精簡合併資產負債表中,包括了企業重組成本的應計費用在應付賬款、應計薪酬和福利以及應計費用中。 以下表格總結了2024年9月30日截至的九個月內重組負債的活動情況:
$ $9,710 $(8,866)$844 
 3,577 (719)2,858 
員工相關總成本 13,287 (9,585)3,702 
 223 (221)2 
 223 (221)2 
$ $13,510 $(9,806)$3,704 
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注5 — 存貨
原材料$19,965 $28,523 
成品18,416 18,430 
總存貨$38,381 $46,953 
注6 — 資產和設備
有用生活 (年份)
2024 年 9 月 30 日2023 年 12 月 31 日
軟件3$10,252 $7,212 
設備和固定裝置37199,155 157,352 
租賃權改進51551,308 42,441 
建築物1020386,500 269,186 
土地不適用7,781 7,338 
飛機 1
不適用 9,195 
正在施工 2
167,962 166,054 
財產和設備,毛額822,958 658,778 
財產和設備,淨額$662,759 $542,440 
1     飛機和機庫及相關設備分別於2024年6月和2024年7月賣給了公司的聯合創始人。更多信息請參閱附註16 — 關聯方交易。
2    在建工程主要包括新店和現有店鋪的施工和設備成本,以及我們在德克薩斯州的新烘焙設施。
銷售成本$16,556 $11,157 $45,579 $30,403 
銷售、一般和管理費用373 408 841 1,235 
折舊費用總額$16,929 $11,565 $46,420 $31,638 
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附註7 — 無形資產
加權平均攤銷期 (年)
重新收購的特許經營權2.97$27,049 $27,049 
無形資產,淨額$3,455 $5,415 
銷售成本$508 $820 $1,960 $2,589 
附註8 — 租賃
十二月 31,
融資租賃融資租賃使用權資產,淨額$377,561 $382,734 
經營租賃經營租賃使用權資產,淨額301,896 199,673 
使用權資產總額$679,457 $582,407 
融資租賃融資租賃負債的流動部分$12,845 $9,482 
 融資租賃負債,扣除流動部分369,206 367,775 
經營租賃經營租賃負債的流動部分12,987 10,239 
 經營租賃負債,扣除流動部分293,474 191,419 
租賃負債總額 $688,512 $578,915 

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攤銷租賃權資產銷售成本$6,429 $5,726 $19,059 $15,169 
15 5 45 15 
租賃負債利息利息支出5,541 4,755 16,499 12,344 
11,985 10,486 35,603 27,528 
銷售成本7,656 4,887 20,568 14,061 
680 12 959 36 
8,336 4,899 21,527 14,097 
銷售成本1,747 990 4,871 3,434 
$22,068 $16,375 $62,001 $45,059 
來自融資租賃的運營現金流$16,499 $12,344 
來自經營租賃的運營現金流17,086 13,378 
爲來自融資租賃的現金流融資7,726 10,556 
融資租賃12,520 122,990 
運營租賃112,579 28,626 
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附註9 — 債務
2023年8月4日,公司修改了其與摩根大通銀行(JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.)簽訂的高級擔保信貸協議,該協議日期爲2022年2月28日(修訂後的2022年信貸協議),以將借貸能力提高至$150百萬,借貸總額達到$650百萬。2022年信貸協議包括一項$350百萬的循環信貸額度,一項最高可達$100百萬的定期貸款額度,以及一項最高可達$200百萬的延期提款定期貸款額度。2022年信貸協議還包括信用證和短期貸款的子額度,分別最高可達$50百萬美元和$15百萬。2022年信貸協議到期日爲2027年2月28日(到期日)。
公司需按季度支付承諾費,年利率在 0.20%和 0.45 %(根據公司的最高淨租賃調整總槓桿比率而定),基於(i)循環信用額度的平均每日未使用部分,以及(ii)延遲提款定期貸款額度的每日未提取金額。這些費用在公司的簡明合併運營報表中記錄爲利息費用。
2022年信貸額度包含財務條款,要求公司不得超過最大淨租金調整總槓桿率,並保持最低固定費用覆蓋率。2022年信貸額度還包含某些負債約束,其中限制了公司承擔額外債務、爲資產設定留置權、與其他公司合併或收購、進行其他投資、處置資產和作出限制性支付的能力。2022年信貸額度下的義務由Dutch Bros OpCo及其部分子公司擔保,並由擔保方的幾乎所有資產的首要完善的安保利益提供擔保。
截至2024年9月30日, no 公司的循環信貸額度透支金額爲$347.2 百萬美元可供借款,淨額爲$2.8 百萬美元的信用證擔保,並約$237.8百萬美元本金透支於到期貸款設施。截至2024年9月30日,到期貸款利率約爲 6.70%,不包括公司的利率掉期帶來的影響。截至該日期,該公司符合其財務契約。
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$237,813 $95,625 
3,022 3,022 
無擔保應付票據329 415 
總債務241,164 99,062 
Less: current portion(15,746)(4,491)
淨長期債務總額,不含流動部分$224,361 $93,175 
1    代表了失敗的出售-租賃安排。
2024年餘下的時間 $3,155 
2025 17,311 
2026 32,943 
2027 184,733 
此後 3,022 
附註10 — 衍生金融工具
公司與摩根大通銀行私人公司簽訂了一個收取-變量(收取腿)支付-固定(支付腿)利率互換合同。截至2024年9月30日,這項利率互換的名義金額約爲$64.8 百萬美元,用於套期保值2022年貸款機構信貸協議下的利率風險。該利率互換於2027年2月28日到期,支付腿的固定利率爲 2.67%,收取腿的利率爲一個月調整後的SOFR加上適用的按金。截至2024年9月30日,一個月調整後的SOFR爲 4.85%.
公司通常將所有利率互換合約指定爲現金流量套期保值,並相應地記錄利率互換的有效部分的公允價值變動在AOCI中,而不是在當期收益中,直到被套期保值的交易影響到收益。 截至2024年9月30日,公司預計在接下來的十二個月內將從AOCI中重新分類約$的收益。0.8 百萬美元到收益。
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利率掉期合約預付費用和其他流動資產$796 $1,371 
利率互換合同其他長期資產364 837 
將總衍生工具指定爲現金流量套期工具$1,160 $2,208 
$(1,111)$962 $673 $2,012 
損益表 - 利息支出,淨額
損益表 - 所得稅支出
247 (112)183 (137)
附註11 — 所得稅
所得稅支出$4,698 $1,828 $17,330 $6,259 
有效稅率17.8 %12.0 %22.4 %31.3 %
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附註12 — 股權激勵
(以千爲單位, 除每股金額外)限制性股票授予每股授予日期的加權平均合理價值
2023年12月31日餘額 1,283 $23.00 
歸屬 (1,283)23.00 
餘額,2024年9月30日  $ 
(以千爲單位, 除每股金額外)限制性股票單位每股授予日期的加權平均合理價值
2023年12月31日餘額 648 $35.99 
新的資助795 31.07 
歸屬 (102)43.71 
餘額,2024年9月30日1,203 $32.40 
(以千爲單位, 除每股金額外)截至2024年9月30日的九個月加權平均歸屬日期每股公允價值截至2023年9月30日的九個月加權平均歸屬日期每股公允價值
$39,752 $30.99 $36,451 $27.34 
3,197 31.34 6,039 27.08 
銷售成本$273 $ $637 $ 
銷售費用、一般費用和管理費用2,688 9,698 7,583 29,017 
$2,961 $9,698 $8,220 $29,017 
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截至2024年9月30日,與未歸屬限制性股票單位(RSUs)相關的總未確認股票補償爲$25.6 百萬,預計將按以下方式確認:
2024 年的剩餘時間 $3,538 
2025 12,114 
2026 8,363 
2027 1,609 
附註13 — 非控股權益
Dutch Bros Inc. 是 Dutch Bros OpCo 的唯一管理成員,因此將 Dutch Bros OpCo 的財務結果進行合併。公司報告了一個非控制性權益,代表其他成員在 Dutch Bros OpCo 中的經濟利益。OpCo LLC 協議規定,持有 Dutch Bros OpCo A 類普通單位的投資者可以不時要求 Dutch Bros OpCo 贖回所有或部分其 A 類普通單位,以換取新發行的 A 類普通股。 一份每個單位的兌換比例爲一比一。與任何贖回或交易相關,Dutch Bros Inc. 將收到相應數量的 Dutch Bros OpCo A 類普通單位,從而增加 Dutch Bros Inc. 對 Dutch Bros OpCo 的總擁有權。在 Dutch Bros Inc. 保持對 Dutch Bros OpCo 的控制性權益的情況下,Dutch Bros Inc. 在 Dutch Bros OpCo 中的所有權變動將被視爲股權交易。因此,其他成員對 Dutch Bros OpCo 的未來贖回或直接交易將導致所有權的變化,並減少記錄爲非控制性權益的金額,同時增加額外的實收資本。
下表總結了對Dutch Bros OpCo的所有權利益:
(以千爲單位)OpCo Units股權%
113,823 64.2 %
荷蘭兄弟公司OpCo持有的A類普通單位由非控制利益持有人持有。63,369 35.8 %
荷蘭兄弟公司OpCo持有的A類普通單位總計未流通。177,192 100.0 %
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歸屬於Dutch Bros Inc.的淨利潤。$12,644 $4,210 $31,646 $3,120 
(762)188 (234)280 
由於股權激勵增加的額外實收資本。1,902 3,864 4,866 10,609 
(36) 1,831 (661)
由於收購荷蘭兄弟OpCo A類普通股單位導致的額外資本增加(減少)
8 (189,072)110,093 (187,950)
對荷蘭兄弟公司所有權權益變動的總影響$13,756 $(180,810)$148,202 $(174,602)
適用報告期的加權平均持股比例被用來歸屬淨利潤給達奇兄弟公司和非控股權益持有人。 期間內非控股權益持有人的加權平均持股比例如下:
加權平均所有權百分比35.8 %64.1 %43.7 %64.8 %
根據OpCo LLC協議,Dutch Bros OpCo有義務向其成員進行某些與稅務義務相關的分配。 向成員支付的此類分配如下,截至當期結束時尚無應付金額。
$687 $ $687 $ 
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附註14 — 每股收益
淨利潤$21,712 $13,401 $60,083 $13,721 
9,068 9,191 28,437 10,601 
歸屬於Dutch Bros Inc.的淨利潤
$12,644 4,210 $31,646 $3,120 
(以千爲單位, 除每股金額外)2024202320242023
歸屬於Dutch Bros Inc.的淨利潤
$12,644 $4,210 $31,646 $3,120 
113,819 59,366 99,756 57,598 
$0.11 $0.07 $0.32 $0.05 
1 2023年及2024年6月之前的各期間,淨利潤每股以及加權平均股數計算中都包含了D類普通股。截至2024年6月,所有D類普通股已轉換爲A類普通股。
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(以千爲單位, 除每股金額外)2024202320242023
基本計算的未分配淨利潤$12,644 $4,210 $31,646 $3,120 
22 44 50  
未分配淨利潤的分配 $12,666 $4,254 $31,696 $3,120 
基本計算所使用的股份數量113,819 59,366 99,756 57,598 
 848 12  
433  302  
114,252 60,214 100,070 57,598 
$0.11 $0.07 $0.32 $0.05 
1 2023年及2024年6月之前的各期間,淨利潤每股以及加權平均股數計算中都包含了D類普通股。截至2024年6月,所有D類普通股已轉換爲A類普通股。
160 643 481 643 
反稀釋證券總額160 643 481 1,958 
注意事項 15 — 承諾和或準備事項
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公司定期向特許經營合作伙伴提供租金擔保。每年,公司確定是否需要記錄與這些擔保相關的負債。截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,公司分別爲特許經營合作伙伴的租金擔保約爲$1.3 百萬美元和美元1.4百萬,並未爲這些擔保建立任何負債,因爲從這些擔保產生的任何負債對簡明綜合財務報表不重大。
2023年11月3日,原告大衛·布里格斯在特拉華州切爾西法院(布里格斯訴狀)提起了一起股東權益訴訟。 布里格斯的訴訟將荷蘭兄弟公司列爲名義被告,並聲稱代表荷蘭兄弟公司對荷蘭兄弟公司的部分董事和高管提起對其的受託責任侵權行爲索賠,該索賠與下訴的美國紐約南區聯邦地區法院的集體訴訟基本相同,案件標題爲道格拉斯·雷因 個人及代表其他同類人士訴荷蘭兄弟公司等人(雷因案),聲稱根據經修訂後的1934年《證券交易法》第10(b)和第20(a)條規定提起對於於2021年11月10日至2022年5月11日之間 股票的期權投資者提起索賠。 2024年6月24日,雷因案法院完全駁回了被告的所有訴訟請求,並作出了有偏見的判決,領頭原告提起上訴的時間已過。
根據TRAs,Dutch Bros Inc.有合同義務支付非控股權益持有人 85%以荷蘭兄弟公司實際實現的任何稅收優惠金額的支付,或者在某些情況下被視爲實現,作爲某些交易的結果。截至2024年9月30日,Dutch Bros Inc.確認了與其根據TRAs的義務相關的605.0 百萬美元的負債。
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注意事項 16 — 關聯交易
$869 $9,545 
319 8,243 
$550 $1,302 
公司捐贈給由公司創立的非營利組織Dutch Bros Foundation,該組織爲咖啡農戶和當地社區提供慈善,並由我們的聯合創始人、公司副董事長兼首席法務官擔任董事會成員,公司副董事長擔任總裁的捐贈如下:
對荷蘭兄弟基金會的捐款$63 $63 $1,688 $189 
注意事項 17 — 分部報告
分部信息是根據公司CEO(也是CODm)管理的方式進行準備的,通過評估財務結果和做出關鍵的經營決策。公司CEO根據公司的財務表現進行評估 經營分部:公司經營店鋪和特許經營及其他。公司經營店鋪分部包括向客戶銷售咖啡店的銷售額。特許經營及其他分部包括向特許合作伙伴銷售豆類和產品,其中包括初始特許費、版稅和營銷費用。
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(以千爲單位)20242023 20242023
公司經營的門店$308,295 $236,472 $851,648 $630,588 
特許經營和其他29,917 28,035 86,581 81,065 
總收入338,212 264,507 938,229 711,653 
公司經營的門店239,918 179,480 658,950 492,645 
特許經營和其他8,243 9,843 27,098 26,837 
銷售總成本248,161 189,323 686,048 519,482 
公司經營的門店90,847 73,324 255,900 182,075 
特許經營和其他22,696 19,563 62,877 58,257 
總細分貢獻$113,543 $92,887 $318,777 $240,332 
公司經營的門店22,470 16,332 63,202 44,132 
特許經營和其他1,022 1,371 3,394 4,029 
23,492 17,703 66,596 48,161 
所有板塊 ¹
389 413 888 1,250 
23,881 18,116 67,484 49,411 
764 (140)7,357 2,206 
稅前收入$26,410 $15,229 $77,413 $19,980 
1 所有其他折舊和攤銷計入銷售、一般管理費用,並不計入部門貢獻計算中。所有其他折舊和攤銷計入銷售、一般管理費用,並不計入部門貢獻計算中。
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項目2. 管理討論與分析財務狀況和業績
您應該閱讀我們的基本報表以及本Form 10-Q中包含的其他地方的簡明綜合財務報表和相關附註,以及對我們的財務狀況和經營結果的以下討論和分析。本討論和分析中包含的一些信息或本文件其他地方提及的信息包括涉及風險、不確定性和假設的前瞻性陳述。您應該仔細閱讀本Form 10-Q的「前瞻性陳述」和「風險因素」部分,以討論可能導致實際結果與以下討論和分析中描述的結果有實質差異的重要因素。
Dutch Bros是一家快速增長的運營商-5g及特許經營商,專注於提供高質量、手工精製的飲品,達到無與倫比的速度和卓越的服務。1992年,由兄弟Dane和Travis Boersma創辦,Dutch Bros最初在俄勒岡州的格蘭茨帕斯使用雙頭濃縮咖啡機和推車開始。如今,我們相信,Dutch Bros是美國快速服務飲料行業中按網點數量計算增長最快的品牌之一。
1    在第一部分,第2項「管理層財務狀況和經營成果的討論與分析」中的「非公認會計原則財務指標」部分提供了公認會計原則與非公認會計原則結果的調節。

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公司經營的門店$308,295 $236,472 $851,648 $630,588 
特許經營和其他29,917 28,035 86,581 81,065 
總收入338,212 264,507 938,229 711,653 
銷售成本248,161 189,323 686,048 519,482 
銷售、一般及行政費用57,536 50,490 161,866 148,128 
總成本和費用305,697 239,813 847,914 667,610 
經營活動所得收益32,515 24,694 90,315 44,043 
其他收入(費用),淨額764 (140)7,357 2,206 
稅前收入26,410 15,229 77,413 19,980 
所得稅費用4,698 1,828 17,330 6,259 
淨利潤21,712 13,401 60,083 13,721 
淨利潤歸屬於非控制權益9,068 9,191 28,437 10,601 
歸屬於荷蘭兄弟公司的淨利潤。$12,644 $4,210 $31,646 $3,120 
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公司經營的商店$308,295 $236,472 $851,648 $630,588 
特許經營及其他29,917 28,035 86,581 81,065 
總收入338,212 264,507 938,229 711,653 
公司經營的商店239,918 179,480 658,950 492,645 
特許經營及其他8,243 9,843 27,098 26,837 
總銷售成本248,161 189,323 686,048 519,482 
公司經營的商店68,377 56,992 192,698 137,943 
特許經營及其他21,674 18,192 59,483 54,228 
毛利總額$90,051 $75,184 $252,181 $192,171 
公司經營的商店$22,470 $16,332 63,202 44,132 
特許經營及其他1,022 1,371 3,394 4,029 
所有其他 ¹
389 413 888 1,250 
折舊和攤銷總額$23,881 $18,116 $67,484 $49,411 
公司經營的商店90,847 73,324 255,900 182,075 
特許經營及其他22,696 19,563 62,877 58,257 
分部貢獻總額$113,543 $92,887 $318,777 $240,332 
其他收入(支出),淨額764 (140)7,357 2,206 
所得稅前收入$26,410 $15,229 $77,413 $19,980 
1 所有其他折舊和攤銷計入銷售、一般管理費用,並不計入部門貢獻計算中。包括在銷售、一般和管理費用中,並不是分部貢獻計算的一部分。
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重新開業 1
全系統平均單店銷售額 2
公司經營的門店平均營業額 2
系統內同店銷售額 3, 4
2.7 %4.0 %5.2 %2.1 %
票務 1.9 %9.5 %5.6 %7.6 %
交易 0.8 %(5.5)%(0.4)%(5.5)%
公司經營的同店銷售額 3
4.0 %2.8 %6.3 %0.5 %
車票 1.6 %9.1 %5.3 %7.6 %
交易 2.4 %(6.3)%1.0 %(7.1)%
全系統銷售 4
公司運營商店營業週數 5
加盟店營業週數 5
荷蘭獎勵交易佔總交易比例 6
67.2 %63.1 %66.8 %64.2 %
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 20242023 20242023
公司經營店收入308,295 100.0 236,472 100.0 851,648 100.0 630,588 100.0 
公司經營店毛利潤68,377 22.2 56,992 24.1 192,698 22.6 137,943 21.9 
公司經營店貢獻 7
90,847 29.5 73,324 31.0 255,900 30.0 182,075 28.9 
銷售、一般和管理費用57,536 17.0 50,490 19.1 161,866 17.3 148,128 20.8 
調整後的銷售、一般和行政費用 7
50,268 14.9 40,154 15.2 138,321 14.7 115,311 16.2 
淨利潤21,712 6.4 13,401 5.1 60,083 6.4 13,721 1.9 
調整後的 EBITDA 7
63,762 18.9 53,008 20.0 181,461 19.3 125,487 17.6 
1    2021年暫時關閉的商店重新開業。
2    AUV是根據任何過去12個月期間系統內和公司運營的店鋪的淨銷售額來確定的,這些店鋪至少開業15個月。AUV通過將系統內和公司運營店鋪的淨銷售額除以系統內和公司運營的店鋪總數來計算。管理層使用這一指標作爲店鋪增長和成熟地點未來預期的指標。
3    同店銷售反映了同比銷售的變化,適用於我們定義的可比店鋪基礎,即在報告期開始的第一天開放滿15個月或更長時間的店鋪。同店銷售可能會受到顧客交易次數和每次交易金額變化的影響。管理層將此指標作爲店鋪增長和未來擴展策略的指示。以下表格呈現了各個時期系統範圍內和公司經營的可比店鋪數量。
4    系統範圍內的銷售和系統範圍內的同店銷售是經營指標,包括公司經營門店的銷售和在可比期間內特許經營門店的銷售。特許經營銷售代表所有特許經營門店的銷售,並且是我們特許經營合作伙伴的收入。我們不將特許經營銷售記錄爲收入;然而,我們的特許權使用費收入和廣告基金的貢獻是根據特許經營銷售的百分比進行計算的。由於這些指標包括我們非合併特許經營合作伙伴報告給我們的銷售,因此這些指標應被視爲我們的GAAP報告結果的補充,而不是替代。管理層將這些指標用作我們系統整體財務健康、增長和未來擴展前景的因子。
6    Dutch Rewards是我們基於數字的獎勵計劃,僅通過Dutch Rewards應用程序獨家提供。 管理層將這一指標作爲客戶忠誠度、對我們Dutch Rewards應用程序的採用情況以及未來促銷計劃的指示。
7    在第I部分第2項「管理層對財務狀況和經營成果的討論與分析」的「非公認會計原則財務指標」部分提供了GAAP與非GAAP結果的調節。
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公司運營的Shop Results
公司經營店收入308,295 100.0 236,472 100.0 851,648 100.0 630,588 100.0 
飲料、食品和包裝成本78,06025.3 61,317 25.9 216,923 25.5 169,702 26.8 
勞動力成本85,14427.6 61,521 26.0 230,807 27.1 168,805 26.8 
租金和其他成本50,69316.4 36,126 15.3 136,466 16.0 99,327 15.8 
開業前費用3,5511.2 4,184 1.8 11,552 1.4 10,679 1.7 
折舊和攤銷22,4707.3 16,332 6.9 63,202 7.4 44,132 7.0 
公司運營商店的成本和費用239,91877.8 179,480 75.9 658,950 77.4 492,645 78.1 
公司經營店毛利潤68,37722.2 56,992 24.1 192,698 22.6 137,943 21.9 
公司經營店貢獻 1
90,847 29.5 73,324 31.0 255,900 30.0 182,075 28.9 
1    在第I部分第2項「管理層對財務狀況和經營成果的討論與分析」的「非公認會計原則財務指標」部分提供了GAAP與非GAAP結果的調節。
2024 v. 2023
202420232024 v. 2023
+    $6490萬來自尚未納入可比門店的公司經營店鋪。
+    700萬美元來自可比門店的同店銷售增長。
+    來自公司運營的商店的$19110萬尚未包含在可比商店基礎中。
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1    截至9月30日的三個月,同店可比基數分別爲438和310, 而截至2024年和2023年9月30日的九個月,同店可比基數分別爲370和246。可比同店基數包括成熟店面,我們將開放超過15個月的店面定義爲成熟店。
2024 v. 2023
202420232024 v. 2023
佔公司自營店收入的百分比25.3%25.9%不適用(60) 個點子25.5%26.8%不適用(130) 個點子
(以千爲單位,除基準點數外;未經審計)$ 基準點數
店鋪週數$16,586 10 
成交量120 — 
定價影響¹— (80)
其他37 10 
總變化$16,743 (60)
1    除非另有說明,本表及以下表格中的價格影響僅基於可比商店。
店鋪週數$48,793 — 
成交量468 — 
定價影響— (120)
總變化$47,221 (130)
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2024 v. 2023
202420232024 v. 2023
(以千爲單位,除基準點數外;未經審計)$ 基準點數
店鋪週數$17,086 30 
工資通脹7,510 240 
成交量97 — 
定價影響— (100)
總變化$23,623 160 
店鋪週數$49,752 10 
工資通脹17,747 210 
成交量364 — 
定價影響— (120)
總變化$62,002 30 
2024 v. 2023
202420232024 v. 2023
佔公司自營店收入的百分比16.4%15.3%不適用110 個點子16.0%15.8%不適用20個點子
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店鋪週數$10,954 40 
維修和維護2,028 70 
定價影響452 (40)
其他1,133 40 
總變化$14,567 110 
店鋪週數$31,308 20 
維修和維護3,823 40 
定價影響1,390 (50)
成交量123 — 
其他495 10 
總變化$37,139 20 
2024 v. 2023
202420232024 v. 2023
佔公司自營店收入的百分比1.2%1.8%不適用(60) 個點子1.4%1.7%不適用(30) 點子
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2024 v. 2023
202420232024 v. 2023
2024 v. 2023
202420232024 v. 2023
佔公司自營店收入的百分比22.2%24.1%不適用(190) 個點子22.6%21.9%不適用70個點子
公司經營店貢獻 1
佔公司自營店收入的百分比29.5%31.0%不適用(150)個點子30.0%28.9%不適用110 個點子
1    在第I部分第2項「管理層對財務狀況和經營成果的討論與分析」的「非公認會計原則財務指標」部分提供了GAAP與非GAAP結果的調節。
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2024 v. 2023
202420232024 v. 2023
+    210萬美元主要來自對加盟商銷售的產品,扣除成本和調整後的金額。
+    $120萬 由於在此期間開設了商店,店鋪營業額從幾周開始增長。
+    來自同一家商店銷售的20萬$。
+    350萬美元 來自商店的周銷售額,主要是由於期間商店的開業。
+    來自同一家店鋪的銷售額爲210萬美元。
-    $30萬主要來自銷售給特許經營商的產品,扣除成本和調整。
2024 v. 2023
202420232024 v. 2023
佔總收入的百分比17.0%19.1%不適用(210) 個點子17.3%20.8%不適用(350) 個點子
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+    從人力資本、流程和系統中投資990萬美元,以支持我們的營業收入增長。
+    420萬美元或因組織調整和重組成本而減少120個點子。
-    $700萬或210個點子來自較低的股權補償費用。
+    2200萬美元來自對人力資本、流程和系統的投資,以支持我們的營業收入增長。
+    $1350萬 或者 140 個點子來自於組織重組和結構調整的成本。
+    $150萬或與股權發行相關的費用20個點子。
-    $2140萬或230個點子來自較低的股權激勵費用。
-    $200萬或從某些法律爭議中節省20個點子的費用。
2024 v. 2023
202420232024 v. 2023
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2024 v. 2023
202420232024 v. 2023
(以千爲單位;未審計)202420232024 v. 2023
經營活動提供的淨現金$184,195 $94,906 $89,289 
融資活動提供的淨現金132,757 202,163 (69,406)
現金及現金等價物淨增加額$147,589 $129,608 $17,981 
期初的現金及現金等價物133,545 20,178 113,367 
期末現金及現金等價物$281,134 $149,786 $131,348 
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+    由於店鋪的年增長和銷售、一般及行政成本的槓桿效應,淨利潤增加。
+    營運資金管理。
+    與新公司運營的商店開設相關的資本支出投資。
-    我們2023年後續發行的收益。
+    在2023年償還我們的淨循環信貸設施。
+    2024年的延期提款定期貸款提前支取。
我們相信,經營活動提供的現金和2022年信貸便利的收益足以滿足我們的債務服務要求、租賃義務、OpCo LLC協議和TRAs要求的現金分配,以及至少未來12個月的營運資本義務。
經營租賃負債 —— 從新開始的租賃中增加了約19700萬元。
債務義務 — 淨增加了大約14200萬美元,主要是由於我們2022年信用設施下的延遲提款定期貸款的收入。
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2022年信貸協議下的義務由Dutch Bros Inc.的每個子公司擔保,並通過對擔保人幾乎所有資產的首要完善安防-半導體權益進行擔保。
見註釋9 — 債務和 註釋10 — 衍生金融工具,了解關於我們2022年信貸協議和利率互換合同的更多細節。
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EBITDA — 定義和/或計算
調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤(EBITDA)— 定義和/或計算
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與荷蘭兄弟公司授予和歸屬股票獎勵相關的非現金費用,包括 RSA 和 RSU,針對某些符合條件的員工。
TRAs 重新測量
公司運營店鋪毛利潤 68,377 22.2 56,992 24.1 192,698 22.6 137,943 21.9 
折舊和攤銷22,470 7.3 16,332 6.9 63,202 7.4 44,132 7.0 
公司經營店貢獻 90,847 29.5 73,324 31.0 255,900 30.0 182,075 28.9 
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淨利潤21,712 6.4 13,401 5.1 60,083 6.4 13,721 1.9 
折舊和攤銷23,881 7.1 18,116 6.8 67,484 7.2 49,411 6.9 
利息支出,淨 6,869 2.0 9,325 3.5 20,259 2.2 26,269 3.7 
所得稅費用4,698 1.4 1,828 0.7 17,330 1.8 6,259 0.9 
EBITDA 57,160 16.9 42,670 16.1 165,156 17.6 95,660 13.4 
基於股權的薪酬2,961 0.9 9,698 3.7 8,220 0.8 29,017 4.0 
— — — — 1,489 0.2 — — 
— — 225 0.1 75 — 600 0.1 
TRAs 重新計量— — 415 0.1 (5,687)(0.6)(1,740)(0.2)
法律程序— — — — — — 1,950 0.3 
(550)(0.2)— — (1,302)(0.1)— — 
3,998 1.2 — — 13,287 1.4 — — 
193 0.1 — — 223 — — — 
4,191 1.3 — — 13,510 1.4 — — 
調整後的 EBITDA 63,762 18.9 53,008 20.0 181,461 19.3 125,487 17.6 
57,536 17.0 50,490 19.1 161,866 17.3 148,128 20.8 
折舊和攤銷(389)— (413)(0.1)(888)(0.2)(1,250)(0.2)
— — — — (1,489)(0.2)— — 
— — (225)(0.1)(75)— (600)(0.1)
法律程序— — — — — — (1,950)(0.3)
(3,998)(1.2)— — (13,287)(1.4)— — 
(193)(0.1)— — (223)— — — 
(4,191)(1.3)— — (13,510)(1.4)— — 
50,268 14.9 40,154 15.2 138,321 14.7 115,311 16.2 
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事項3. 市場風險的定量和定性披露
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Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
As of September 30, 2024, under the supervision and with the participation of our management, including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, we evaluated the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures, as defined in Rule 13(a)-15(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the Exchange Act). Based on the evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer have concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of that date.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
There have been no changes during the three months ended September 30, 2024 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.
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We may, from time to time, be party to litigation and subject to claims incident to the ordinary course of business. As our company matures, we may become party to an increasing number of litigation matters and claims. The outcome of litigation and claims cannot be predicted with certainty, and the resolution of these matters could materially adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations, and growth prospects.
Please refer to NOTE 15 — Commitments and Contingencies under the heading “Legal Proceedings” for further information.
Summary of Risk Factors
Below is a summary of the principal factors that make an investment in our Class A common stock speculative or risky. This summary does not address all of the risks that we face. Additional discussion of the risks summarized in this summary, and other risks that we face, can be found below under the heading “Risk Factors” and should be carefully considered, together with other information in this Form 10-Q and our other filings with the SEC before making investment decisions regarding our Class A common stock.

Evolving consumer preferences and tastes or changes in consumer spending may adversely affect our business.
Our financial condition and quarterly results of operations are subject to, and may be adversely affected by, a number of factors, many of which are also largely outside our control and as such our results may fluctuate significantly and may not fully reflect the underlying performance of our business.
We may not be able to compete successfully with other shops, QSRs and convenience shops, including the growing number of coffee delivery options. Intense competition in the food service and restaurant industry could make it more difficult to expand our business and could also have a negative impact on our operating results if customers favor our competitors.
Our failure to manage our growth effectively could harm our business and operating results.
Our inability to identify, recruit, and retain qualified individuals for our shops could slow our growth and adversely impact our ability to operate.
Our shops are geographically concentrated in the Western United States, and we could be negatively affected by conditions specific to that region.
Interruption of our supply chain of coffee, flavored syrups or other ingredients, coffee machines and other restaurant equipment or packaging could affect our ability to produce or deliver our products and could negatively impact our business and profitability.
Increases or sustained inflation in the cost of high-quality arabica coffee beans, dairy, or other commodities or decreases in the availability of high-quality arabica coffee beans, dairy, or other commodities could have an adverse impact on our business and financial results.
Our success depends substantially on the value of our brand and failure to preserve its value could have a negative impact on our financial results.
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Food safety and quality concerns may negatively impact our brand, business, and profitability, our internal operational controls and standards may not always be met and our employees may not always act professionally, responsibly and in our and our customers’ best interests. Any possible instances or reports, whether true or not, of food and/or beverage-borne illness could reduce our sales.
Changes in the availability of and the cost of labor could harm our business.
Our culture has contributed to our success, and if we cannot maintain this culture as we grow, we could lose the high employee engagement fostered by our culture, which could harm our business.
Our Co-Founder continues to have significant influence over us, which could limit your ability to influence the outcome of matters submitted to stockholders for a vote.
We are a “controlled company” within the meaning of the New York Stock Exchange rules and, as a result, qualify for, and may rely on, exemptions and relief from certain corporate governance requirements. You do not have the same protections afforded to stockholders of companies that are subject to such requirements.
Our growth strategy depends in part on opening new shops in existing and new markets. We may be unsuccessful in opening new shops or establishing new markets, which could adversely affect our growth.
Our operating results and growth strategies are closely tied to the success of our franchise partners, and we have limited control with respect to their operations. Additionally, our franchise partners’ interests may conflict or diverge with our interests in the future, which could have a negative impact on our business.
We have previously identified and remediated material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting. If we fail to maintain effective internal controls, we may be unable to produce timely and accurate financial statements, and we may conclude that our internal control over financial reporting is not effective, which could adversely impact our investors’ confidence and our Class A common stock price.
Risk Factors
You should carefully consider the risks described below in addition to the other information set forth in this Form 10-Q, including “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations,” “Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk,” our consolidated financial statements and related notes in this Form 10-Q, before making an investment decision. If any of the risks and uncertainties described below occur, it could have a material adverse impact on our business, reputation, financial position, results of operations or cash flows, and the trading price of our Class A common stock. Although it is not possible to predict or identify all such risks and uncertainties, they may include, but are not limited to, the factors discussed below. The risks described herein are not the only risks we may face. Additional risks and uncertainties not currently known to us or that we currently deem to be immaterial may become material and adversely affect our business, reputation, financial condition, results of operations or cash flows, or the trading price of our Class A common stock. The risks relating to our business set forth in our 2023 Form 10-K, are set forth below and are unchanged substantively as of the date of this filing, except for those risks designated by an asterisk (*).
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Risks Related to Our Business
Evolving consumer preferences and tastes or changes in consumer spending may adversely affect our business.
Dutch Bros’ continued success depends on our ability to attract and retain customers. Our financial results could be adversely affected by a shift in consumer spending away from outside-the-home beverages, decreases in general discretionary consumer spending (including due to higher gas prices, inflation or lack of consumer confidence), lack of customer acceptance of new products (including due to price increases necessary to cover the costs of new beverages or higher input costs), brand perception (such as the existence or expansion of our competitors), platforms (such as features of our mobile application and changes in our loyalty rewards programs and initiatives), a reduction in individual car ownership, which in turn may reduce the usefulness and convenience of our drive-thru shops, or customers reducing their demand for our current offerings as new beverages are introduced. We may not be successful in introducing new products or new features to our mobile application that are adopted by our customers. Experimentation with and implementation of innovations in products and technologies may result in inefficiencies, such as a slowdown in our shop operations and traffic flow, disruption of workflows, technical glitches, disruption of current systems and technology, and negative customer experiences.
In addition, most of our beverages contain sugar, caffeine, dairy products, and other compounds, such as taurine and artificial coloring, the health effects of which are the subject of public and regulatory scrutiny, including the suggestion of linkages to a variety of adverse health effects. There is increasing consumer awareness of health risks that are attributed to ingredients we use, particularly in the United States, including obesity, increased blood pressure and heart rate, anxiety and insomnia, as well as increased consumer litigation based on alleged adverse health impacts attributed to the consumption of various food and beverage products. While we offer alternatives, including reduced sugar and sugar-free items, negative publicity or an unfavorable perception of the health effects of sugar, caffeine, or other ingredients in our products could significantly reduce the demand for our beverages and could harm our business.
*Our financial condition and results of operations are subject to, and may be adversely affected by, a number of factors, many of which are also largely outside our control.
Our results of operations will be subject to a number of factors and may vary significantly in the future as they have in the past, many of which are outside of our control, and may not fully reflect the underlying performance of our business. Factors that may cause fluctuations in our results of operations and key metrics include, without limitation, those listed elsewhere in this Risk Factors section and those listed below. Any one or more of the factors listed below or described elsewhere in this section could harm our business:
increases in real estate or labor costs in certain markets, which we have recently experienced;
changes in consumer preferences;
disruptions in our supply chain;
the impact of shortages or inflation on our cost of goods or labor, including construction labor, which we have recently seen;
changes in governmental laws and rules, including those regarding minimum wage, and approaches to taxation;
severe weather or other natural or man-made disasters affecting a large market or several closely located markets that may temporarily but significantly affect our business in such markets, including the price or availability of goods;
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labor discord or disruption, geopolitical events, social unrest, war, including repercussions of the war between Russia and Ukraine or the war between Israel and Hamas and the related risk of a larger regional conflict, terrorism, political instability or uncertainty, including the US presidential election, acts of public violence, boycotts, hostilities and social unrest, or resurgence of or new epidemics; and
adverse outcomes of litigation.
Our marketing programs may not be successful, and our new menu items and advertising campaigns may not generate increased revenues or profits.
We incur costs and expend resources in our marketing efforts on new menu items and advertising campaigns to raise brand awareness and attract and retain customers. For example, we engaged in 2023 in new marketing efforts, including “Fill-a-Tray” promotions. These initiatives may not be successful, resulting in expenses incurred without the benefit of higher revenue. Additionally, some of our competitors have substantially greater financial resources than we do, which enable them to spend significantly more on marketing, advertising, pricing and other initiatives. Should our competitors increase spending on marketing and advertising and other initiatives or our marketing funds decrease for any reason, or should our advertising, promotions and new menu items fail to reach our customers effectively and efficiently, for example if our marketing efforts do not continue to appeal to our current customers or are perceived negatively, there could be an adverse effect on our revenues and profits could decrease.
We may not be able to compete successfully with other coffee shops, QSRs, and convenience shops, including the growing number of coffee delivery options. Intense competition in the food service and restaurant industry could make it more difficult to expand our business and could also have a negative impact on our operating results if customers favor our competitors.
The food service and restaurant industry is intensely competitive. We expect competition in this market to continue to be intense as we compete on a variety of fronts, including convenience, taste, price, quality, service, and location. If our company-operated and franchised shops cannot compete successfully with other beverage and coffee shops, including Dunkin’, CosMc’s, Starbucks, other specialty coffee shops, drive-thru QSRs, and the growing number of coffee delivery options in new and existing markets, we could lose customers and our revenue could decline. Our company-operated and franchised shops compete with national, regional, and local coffee chains, QSRs, and convenience shops for customers, shop locations, and qualified management and other staff. Compared to us, some of our competitors have been in business longer, have greater brand recognition, or are better established in the markets where our shops are located or are planned to be located. In some markets that we may grow into, there are already well-funded competitors in the drive-thru coffee or beverage business that may challenge our ability to grow into those regions. Certain markets may limit the number of drive-thru businesses operating within their geographic region, which could negatively affect our ability to grow into those markets. Some of our competitors have substantially greater financial and other resources to devote to innovation in products, technology, and market and consumer data analytics, including integration, use, or offering of new technologies, including artificial intelligence. We may be unable to offer new or innovative products and technologies to our customers that are offered by our competitors, or there may be a delay in our ability to innovate or implement new technologies. Any of these competitive factors may harm our business.
Additionally, if our competitors begin to evolve their business strategies and adopt aspects of the Dutch Bros business model, such as our drive-thru convenience, digital ordering, and similar product offerings or branding, our customers may be drawn to those competitors for their beverage needs and our business could be harmed.
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*Our strategic initiatives and growth strategy may be unsuccessful which could adversely affect our business and financial results.
As of September 30, 2024, Dutch Bros had 950 shops across 18 states, of which 645 were company-operated and 305 were franchised. One of the key means to achieving our growth strategy will be through opening new shops and operating those shops on a profitable basis. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we opened 103 new company-operated shops, across 15 states. Our ability to open new shops is dependent upon a number of factors, many of which are beyond our control, including our and our franchise partners’ ability to:
identify available and suitable sites, specifically for drive-thru locations;
compete for such sites;
reach acceptable agreements regarding the lease of locations;
obtain or have available the financing required to acquire and operate a shop, including construction and opening costs, which includes access to build-to-suit leases and ground lease construction arrangements;
respond to unforeseen engineering or environmental problems with leased premises;
avoid the impact of inclement weather, natural disasters, and other calamities;
hire, train, and retain the skilled management and other employees necessary to meet staffing needs;
obtain, in a timely manner and for an acceptable cost, required licenses, permits, and regulatory approvals and respond effectively to any changes in local, state, or federal law and regulations, such as regulatory bans on new drive-thru businesses, that adversely affect our and our franchise partners’ costs or ability to open new shops; and
control construction and equipment cost increases for new shops and secure the services of qualified contractors and subcontractors in an increasingly competitive environment.
There is no guarantee that a sufficient number of suitable sites for shops will be available in desirable areas or on terms that are acceptable to us in order to achieve our growth plan. If we are unable to open new shops, or if existing franchise partners do not open new shops, or if shop openings are significantly delayed, our revenue or earnings growth could be adversely affected and our business may be harmed.
As part of our longer-term growth strategy, we expect to continue to enter into geographic markets in which we have little or no prior operating experience. The challenges of entering new markets include: adapting to local regulations or restrictions that may limit our ability to open new shops, restrictions on the use of certain branding, or increases in the cost of development; difficulties in hiring qualified personnel; unfamiliarity with local real estate markets and demographics; consumer unfamiliarity with our brand; and different competitive and economic conditions, consumer tastes, and discretionary spending patterns that are more difficult to predict or satisfy than in our existing markets. Consumer recognition of our brand has been important in the success of our shops in our existing markets, and we will need to build this recognition in new markets. Shops we open in new markets may take longer to reach expected sales and profit levels on a consistent basis and may have higher construction, occupancy, and operating costs than existing shops, thereby affecting our overall profitability. Any failure on our part to recognize or respond to these challenges may adversely affect the success of any new shops.
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New shops, once opened, may not be profitable or may close, and the increases in average per shop revenue and comparable sales that we have experienced in the past may not be indicative of future results.
We plan to continue to open additional company-operated Dutch Bros shops in markets, including in markets where we have little or no operating experience. The target customer base of our shops varies by location, depending on a number of factors, including population density, other local coffee and convenience beverage distributors, area demographics, and geography. Our results have been, and in the future may continue to be, significantly impacted by the timing of new shop openings, which is subject to a number of factors, many of which are outside of our control, including landlord delays, delays due to scarcity of construction labor, associated pre-opening costs, and operating inefficiencies, as well as changes in our geographic concentration due to the opening of new shops. We have typically incurred the most significant portion of pre-opening expenses associated with a given shop within the three months preceding the opening of the shop. Due to the impact of inflation and other factors, we are experiencing increased costs in connection with new shops. Our experience has been that labor and operating costs associated with a newly opened shop for the first several months of operation are materially greater than what can be expected after that time, both in aggregate dollars and as a percentage of sales. Our new shops commonly take three months or more to reach planned operating levels due to inefficiencies typically associated with new shops, including the training of new personnel, new market learning curves, inability to hire sufficient qualified staff, and other factors. We may incur additional costs in new markets, particularly for transportation and distribution, which may impact sales and the profitability of those shops. Accordingly, the volume and timing of new shop openings may have a material adverse impact on our profitability.
Some of Dutch Bros’ shops open with an initial start-up period of higher-than-normal sales volumes and related costs, which subsequently decrease to stabilized levels. In new markets, the length of time before average sales for new shops stabilize is less predictable and can be longer as a result of our limited knowledge of these markets and consumers’ limited awareness of our brand. In addition, we do not expect our AUV and comparable sales to continue to increase at the rates achieved over the past several years. Our ability to operate new shops profitably and increase average shop revenue and comparable shop sales will depend on many factors, some of which are beyond our control, including:
consumer awareness and understanding of the Dutch Bros brand;
general economic conditions, such as inflation, which can affect shop traffic, local labor costs, and prices we pay for the beverage and other supplies we use;
consumption patterns and beverage preferences that differ from region to region;
changes in consumer preferences and discretionary spending, which we have seen impacted recently by factors such as inflation;
difficulties obtaining or maintaining adequate relationships with distributors or suppliers in new markets;
increases or continued elevation in prices for commodities, including coffee, milk, and flavored syrups;
inefficiency in our labor costs as the staff gains experience;
competition, either from our competitors in the food service and restaurant industry or our own shops;
temporary and permanent site characteristics of new shops;
changes in government regulation;
our ability to hire, motivate, and retain qualified employees who share our values; and
other unanticipated increases in costs, including costs of construction materials and trade labor, any of which could give rise to delays or cost overruns.
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If our new shops do not perform as planned or close, our business and future prospects could be harmed. In addition, an inability to achieve our expected average shop revenue could harm our business.
Additionally, opening new shops in existing markets may negatively impact sales at our, and our franchise partners’, existing shops. The consumer target area of our shops varies by location, depending on a number of factors, including population density, other local retail and business attractions, area demographics, and geography. Our core business strategy anticipates achieving an ideal AUV through multiple mid-volume shops in a single region to infill and reduce the number of high-volume shops in order to provide continued efficient service. However, existing shops could also make it more difficult to build our and our franchise partners’ consumer base for a new shop in the same market. Sales transfer between our shops may be significant in the future as we continue to expand our operations, and we expect it will have an impact on our sales growth, which could, in turn, harm our business.
As we expand, we may not be able to maintain our current average shop sales and our business may be harmed. Although we target specified operating and financial metrics, new shops may never meet these targets or may take longer than anticipated to do so. Any new shop we open may never become profitable or achieve operating results similar to those of our existing shops, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, or results of operations.
*Our failure to manage our growth effectively could harm our business and operating results.
We have experienced rapid growth. The growth and expansion of our business may place a significant strain on our management, operational, and financial resources. As we expand our business, it is important that we continue to maintain a high level of customer service and satisfaction which may place a significant strain on our management, sales and marketing, administrative, financial, and other resources. We may not be able to respond in a timely basis to all the changing demands that our planned expansion will impose on management and on our existing infrastructure, or be able to hire or retain the necessary management and broistas, which could harm our business. Further, if we are not able to continue to provide high quality customer service as a result of these demands, our reputation, as well as our business, could be harmed, including by a decline in financial performance. If we experience a decline in financial performance, we may decrease the number of or discontinue new Dutch Bros shop openings, or we may decide to close shops that we are unable to operate in a profitable manner.
We are required to manage multiple relationships with various strategic partners, our franchise partners, customers, and other third parties. In the event of further growth of our operations or in the number of our third-party relationships, our existing management systems, financial and management controls, and information systems may not be adequate to support our planned expansion and allow for us to accurately monitor and predict changes in our costs and customer demand. Additionally, we may face challenges of integrating, developing, training, and motivating a rapidly growing employee base in our various shops and maintaining our company culture across multiple offices and shops. In January 2024, we announced shifting approximately 40% of our total support staff to our Phoenix, Arizona office by January 1, 2025. In connection with our reorganization, we experienced increased turnover of support staff employees unable or unwilling to relocate to Arizona and may see further increased turnover in our support functions, which could potentially lead to inefficiencies, such as operational delays or disruptions and increased labor costs. In addition, increased turnover of support staff employees could make it difficult to retain other employees necessary to maintain an effective system of internal controls, including internal control over financial reporting, and timely file periodic reports with the SEC. Our ability to manage our growth effectively will require us to continue to enhance our systems, procedures and controls, and to locate, hire, train, and retain management and broistas, particularly in new markets which may require significant capital expenditures.
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*Damage to our brand or reputation or negative publicity could negatively impact our business.
Our reputation and the quality of our Dutch Bros brand are critical to our business and success in existing markets and will be critical to our success as we enter new markets. We believe that we have built our reputation on the high quality of our hand-crafted beverages and service, our commitment to our customers and our strong employee culture, and we must protect and grow the value of our brand in order for us to continue to be successful. Any incident that erodes consumer loyalty for our brand could significantly reduce its value and damage our business.
We may, from time to time, be faced with negative publicity, including on social media, regardless of its accuracy, relating to: beverage quality; pricing; the safety, sanitation and welfare of our shops; customer complaints or litigation alleging illness or injury; health inspection scores; integrity of our or our suppliers’ or franchise partners’ food processing, employment practices, and other policies, practices and procedures; or employee relationships and welfare; the appearance of our shops on third-party delivery platforms that may contain inaccurate menu pricing and extended delivery times; related parties, such as our Co-Founder, and their reputation, public perception, or actions, whether or not related to Dutch Bros; or other matters. Negative publicity may adversely affect us, regardless of whether the allegations are substantiated or whether we are determined to be responsible. In addition, the negative impact of adverse publicity relating to one shop may extend far beyond the shop involved, to affect some or all of our other shops, including our franchise partner shops. The risk of negative publicity is particularly great with respect to our franchise partner shops because we are limited in the manner in which we can regulate them, especially on a real-time basis, and negative publicity from our franchise partners’ shops may also significantly impact company-operated shops. A similar risk exists with respect to beverage businesses unrelated to us if customers mistakenly associate such unrelated businesses with our operations. Employee claims against us based on, among other things, wage and hour violations, discrimination, harassment or wrongful termination may also create not only legal and financial liability but also negative publicity that could adversely affect us and divert our financial and management resources that would otherwise be used to benefit the future performance of our operations. These types of employee claims could also be asserted against us, on a co-employer theory, by employees of our franchise partners. A significant increase in the number of these claims or an increase in the number of successful claims could harm our business.
Additionally, social media platforms and similar devices, including blogs, social media websites and other forms of internet-based communications provide individuals with access to a broad audience of consumers and other interested persons. The availability of information on social media platforms is virtually immediate as is its impact. Many social media platforms immediately publish the content their subscribers and participants can post, often without filters or checks on accuracy of the content posted. The opportunity for dissemination of information, including inaccurate information, is seemingly limitless and readily available. Information concerning us may be posted on such platforms at any time. Such platforms could be used for or result in polarizing campaigns or movements involving our brand. Information posted may be adverse to our interests or may be inaccurate, each of which may harm our performance, prospects, or business. The harm may be immediate without affording us an opportunity for redress or correction.
Ultimately, the risks associated with any such negative publicity or incorrect information cannot be completely eliminated or mitigated and may harm our business.
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Our inability to identify, recruit, and retain qualified individuals for our shops could slow our growth and adversely impact our ability to operate.
Our success also depends substantially on the contributions and abilities of our broistas on whom we rely to give customers a superior experience and elevate our brand. At Dutch Bros, it’s about having fun and giving customers our special brand of “Dutch Luv,” growing our people, and forming genuine relationships with our customers. Accordingly, our success depends in part upon our ability to attract, motivate, and retain a sufficient number of qualified operators, all of whom come from within our system, and broistas to meet the needs of our existing shops and to staff new shops. Some of our broistas advance to become operators and when they do, their prior positions need to be filled. We aim to hire warm, friendly, motivated, caring, self-aware, and intellectually curious individuals, who are excited and committed to championship performance, remarkable and enriching hospitality, embodying our culture and actively growing themselves and our brand. A sufficient number of qualified individuals to fill these positions and qualifications may be in short supply in some communities. Competition in these communities for qualified staff is high and may require us to pay higher wages and provide greater benefits, especially if there is improvement in regional or national economic conditions. We place a heavy emphasis on the qualification and training of our personnel and spend a significant amount of time and money on training our employees. Any inability to recruit and retain qualified individuals may result in higher turnover and increased labor costs, and could compromise the quality of our service, all of which could adversely affect our business. Any such inability could also delay the planned openings of new shops and could adversely impact our existing shops. Any such inability to retain or recruit qualified employees, increased costs of attracting qualified employees or delays in shop openings could harm our business.
We are subject to the risks associated with leasing space subject to long-term non-cancelable leases and, with respect to the real property that we own, owning real estate.
Our leases generally have initial terms of 15 years with renewal options. Shop leases provide for a specified annual rent, typically at a fixed rate for the first five years, with incremental escalations thereafter, and which may contain Consumer Price Index increases and other escalators. Generally, our leases are “net” leases, which require us to pay all the cost of insurance, taxes, maintenance and utilities. We generally cannot terminate these leases without incurring substantial costs. Additional sites that we lease are likely to be subject to similar long-term non-cancelable leases. If an existing or future shop is not profitable, and we decide to close it, we may nonetheless be committed to perform our obligations under the applicable lease including, among other things, paying the base rent for the balance of the lease term. In addition, as each of our leases expires, we may fail to negotiate renewals, either on commercially acceptable terms or at all, which could cause us to close shops in desirable locations. Also, because we sometimes purchase real property for various shop locations, we are subject to all the risks generally associated with owning real estate, including changes in the investment climate for real estate, demographic trends and supply or demand for the use of the shops, which may result from competition from similar restaurants in the area as well as strict, joint and several liability for environmental contamination at or from the property, regardless of fault.
*Our operating results and growth strategies are closely tied to the success of our franchise partners and we have limited control with respect to their operations. Additionally, our franchise partners’ interests may conflict or diverge with our interests in the future, which could have a negative impact on our business.
As of September 30, 2024, approximately 32% of our shops were operated by Dutch Bros’ franchise partners and, because of this, we depend on the financial success and cooperation of our franchise partners for our success. Our franchise partners are independent business operators and are not our employees, and as such we have limited control over how our franchise partners run their businesses, and their inability to operate successfully could adversely affect our operating results.
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We receive royalties, franchise fees, contributions to our marketing development fund, and other fees from our franchise partners. Additionally, we sell proprietary products to our franchise partners at a markup over our cost to produce. We have established operational standards and guidelines for our franchise partners; however, we have limited control over how our franchise partners’ businesses are run, including day to day operations. Even with these operation standards and guidelines, the quality of franchised Dutch Bros shops may be diminished by any number of factors beyond our control. Consequently, our franchise partners may not successfully operate shops in a manner consistent with our standards and requirements, such as quality, service, and cleanliness, or may not hire and train qualified shop managers, broistas and other shop personnel or may not implement marketing programs and major initiatives such as shop remodels or equipment or technology upgrades, which may require financial investment. Even if such unsuccessful operations do not rise to the level of breaching the related franchise documents, they may be attributed by customers to our Dutch Bros brand and could have a negative impact on our business.
Our franchise partners may not be able to secure adequate financing to open or continue operating their Dutch Bros shops. If they incur too much debt or if economic or sales trends deteriorate such that they are unable to repay existing debt, our franchise partners could experience financial distress or even bankruptcy. If a significant number of our franchise partners become financially distressed, it could harm our operating results through reduced royalty revenue, marketing fees, and proprietary product sales, and the impact on our profitability could be greater than the percentage decrease in these revenue streams.
While we are responsible for ensuring the success of our entire system of shops and for taking a longer-term view with respect to system improvements, our franchise partners have individual business strategies and objectives, which might conflict with our interests. Our franchise partners may from time to time disagree with us and our strategies and objectives regarding the business or our interpretation of our respective rights and obligations under the franchise agreement and the terms and conditions of the franchise partner relationship. This may lead to disputes with our franchise partners and we expect such disputes to occur from time to time in the future as we continue to have franchises. Such disputes may result in legal action against us. To the extent we have such disputes, the attention, time and financial resources of our management and our franchise partners will be diverted from our shops, which could harm our business even if we have a successful outcome in the dispute.
Actions or omissions by our franchise partners in violation of various laws may be attributed to us or result in negative publicity that affects our overall brand image, which may decrease consumer demand for our products. Franchise partners may engage in online activity via social media or activity in their personal lives that negatively impacts public perception of our franchise partners, our operations or our brand as a whole. This activity may negatively affect franchise partners’ sales and in turn impact our revenue.
In addition, various state and federal laws govern our relationship with our franchise partners and our potential sale of a franchise. A franchise partner and/or a government agency may bring legal action against us based on the franchisee/franchisor relationships that could result in the award of damages to franchise partners and/or the imposition of fines or other penalties against us.
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*Our shops are geographically concentrated in the Western United States, and we could be negatively affected by conditions specific to that region.
As of September 30, 2024, our company-operated and franchised shops in the Western United States represent approximately 70% of our total shops. Adverse changes in demographic, unemployment, economic, regulatory, or weather conditions in the Western United States, including recent significant increases in gas prices, have harmed, and may continue to harm, our business. As a result of our concentration in this market, we have been, and in the future may be, disproportionately affected by these adverse conditions compared to other chain beverage shops with a more expansive national footprint. For example, in recent years, wildfires spread across most western states causing poor air quality which reduced consumers’ willingness to venture outside their homes and, we believe, reduced our AUVs, and any future wildfires may have a similar impact. If we experience wildfires, such wildfires may also damage shops and the communities in which they operate which could decrease demand for our products. For example, in 2018 a wildfire partially destroyed a town in northern California and damaged one of our shops. In addition to rebuilding costs, prolonged economic recovery within affected communities may have a negative impact on our results of operations. In addition, until our roasting facility in Texas is operating at full capacity, our roasting operations are concentrated in this region and may experience closures or be subject to damage due to adverse weather conditions occurring in the Western United States. For example, in 2022 our roasting facility was temporarily under a “Level 1 - Be Ready” evacuation alert due to the Rum Creek Fire. Future wildfires may result in actual evacuations and closures, which would disrupt our operations and may harm our business.
*Interruption of our supply chain of coffee, flavored syrups or other ingredients, coffee machines, and other restaurant equipment or packaging could affect our ability to produce or deliver our products and could negatively impact our business and profitability.
Any material interruption in our supply chain, such as material interruption of the supply of coffee, flavored syrups, dairy, coffee machines, cans for our Dutch Bros. Blue Rebel energy drink, and other restaurant equipment or packaging, including any packaging for our for our proprietary products, for any reason, including: the casualty loss of our roasting facility; interruptions in service by our third-party logistic service providers or common carriers that ship goods within our distribution channels; trade restrictions, such as increased tariffs or quotas, embargoes or customs restrictions; pandemics; social or labor unrest; acts of terrorism; natural disasters; or political disputes and military conflicts could have a negative material impact on our business and our profitability. For example, in 2005, our roasting facility burned and our costs increased as we replaced these operations by purchasing coffee from other roasters and paying for contract roasting to cover for the shortage in our own supply, and, in 2021, there were global delays in shipping due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additionally, most of our beverages and other products are sourced from a wide variety of domestic and international business partners and we rely on these suppliers to provide high quality products and to comply with applicable laws. For certain products, we may rely on one or very few suppliers, such as for our proprietary Dutch Bros. Blue Rebel energy drinks, where we rely on relationships with our co-packers, Portland Bottling Co. and Lieb Foods, LLC to blend, package, label, and warehouse these drinks. Sales of Dutch Bros. Blue Rebel accounted for approximately 27% of our systemwide net sales in the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Failures by our co-packers or any of our other suppliers or distributors to meet our standards, provide products in a timely and efficient manner, or comply with applicable laws is beyond our control. Failures by a supplier could have a direct negative impact that would harm our business by reducing our and our franchise partners’ sales, which would reduce income from direct sales and royalties.
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We have experienced disruptions in our supply chain for certain products including cups, canning supplies, lids, espresso machines and restaurant equipment parts, and certain building materials and supplies. While we have, to this point, been able to find acceptable replacements or substitutes or prepurchase certain materials or items, this may not always be possible, especially if supply chains continue to suffer disruptions for extended periods of time. If we are unable to source critical or proprietary supplies, find acceptable replacements or substitutes, or adapt our construction strategies effectively, we may be unable to sustain our growth, and it may negatively affect our business and profitability. Finding acceptable replacements or substitutes may require trial and error that could cause losses or delays. If construction and building materials are not of the quality or durability we typically require, this may lead to increased maintenance costs or even business interruption for necessary repairs or replacements in the future. If we are unable to locate sufficient building or construction materials, or to successfully scale our construction and new shop opening operations, we may not be able to achieve our stated growth objectives.
*Increases or sustained inflation in the cost of high-quality arabica coffee beans, dairy, or other commodities or decreases in the availability of high-quality arabica coffee beans, dairy, or other commodities could have an adverse impact on our business and financial results.
The availability and prices of coffee beans, dairy, and other commodities are subject to significant volatility. We purchase, roast, and sell high-quality whole bean arabica coffee beans and related coffee products. The high-quality arabica coffee of the quality we seek tends to trade on a negotiated basis at a premium above the “C” price. This premium depends upon the supply and demand at the time of purchase and the amount of the premium can vary significantly. Increases in the “C” coffee commodity price increase the price of high-quality arabica coffee and also impact our ability to enter into fixed-price purchase commitments. We frequently enter into supply contracts whereby the quality, quantity, delivery period, and other negotiated terms are agreed upon, but the date, and therefore price, at which the base “C” coffee commodity price component will be fixed has not yet been established.
The supply and price of coffee we purchase can also be affected by multiple factors in the producing countries, such as weather (including the potential effects of climate change), natural disasters, crop disease, general increase in farm inputs and costs of production, inventory levels, political and economic conditions, and the actions of certain organizations and associations that have historically attempted to influence prices of green coffee through agreements establishing export quotas or by restricting coffee supplies. Speculative trading in coffee commodities can also influence coffee prices. The price of coffee increased significantly in 2022, and has remained elevated, including during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Because of the significance of coffee beans to our operations, combined with our ability to only partially mitigate future price risk through purchasing practices and hedging activities, increases in the cost of high-quality arabica coffee beans could have a material adverse impact on our profitability. In addition, if we are not able to purchase sufficient quantities of green coffee due to any of the above factors or to a worldwide or regional shortage, we may not be able to fulfill the demand for our coffee, which could have a material adverse impact on our profitability.
We also purchase significant amounts of dairy products, particularly milk, to support the needs of our shops. For example, in 2022, there were material increases in dairy costs and such dairy costs remained elevated through, and increased further in, the third quarter of 2024. If dairy costs further increase, this could harm our business. Additionally, and although less significant to our operations than coffee or dairy, other commodities, including but not limited to cocoa, plant-based “milks,” tea, sugar, syrups, energy and packaging material, such as plastics, corrugate, and canning materials, are important to our operations, and may be subject to increased costs, which could negatively impact our margins. For example, the cost of sugar increased significantly in 2022, 2023, and through the third quarter of 2024, and the cost of cocoa significantly increased in the first half of 2024 and remained elevated through the third quarter of 2024.
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Increases in the cost of other commodities, such as petroleum, may increase the cost of our packing materials, or lack of availability, whether due to supply shortages, delays or interruptions in processing, may impact consumer spending, or could otherwise harm our business. For example, in 2022, we believe fluctuating increases in gas prices negatively impacted consumer discretionary spending, particularly in the Western United States where such increases were relatively higher and where our shops are geographically concentrated.
If we fail to offer high-quality customer experience, our business and reputation will suffer.
Numerous factors may impact a customer’s experience which may in turn impact the likelihood of such customer returning. Those factors include service, convenience, taste, price, quality, location of our shops, and brand image. In addition to providing high quality hand-crafted beverages, we empower our employees to provide an enhanced customer experience. Our broistas put customer needs first and we give them the flexibility required to build genuine, meaningful connections that keep our customers returning for more. From remembering our regulars by name and knowing their customary order, to having treats ready for the four-legged members of the family, or by offering a free drink to someone having a rough day—there is a hint of magic in the details of the Dutch Bros experience that leads to recurring, loyal customers. As we grow, it may be difficult for us to identify, recruit, train, and manage enough people with the right skills, talent, and attitude to provide this enhanced customer experience.
If we fail to maintain adequate operational and financial resources, particularly if we continue to grow rapidly, we may be unable to execute our business plan or maintain high levels of service and customer satisfaction.
Our continuous growth and expansion have placed, and may continue to place, significant demands on our management and our operational and financial resources. Our organizational structure is becoming more complex as we scale our operational, financial, and management controls, as well as our reporting systems and procedures. As we continue to grow, we face challenges of integrating, developing, training, and motivating a rapidly growing employee base in our various shops and maintaining our company culture across multiple offices and shops, and within our hybrid remote and remote workforce. Certain members of our management have not previously worked together for an extended period of time, and some do not have prior experience managing a public company, which may affect how they manage our growth. If we fail to manage our anticipated growth and change in a manner that preserves the key aspects of our corporate culture, the quality of our beverages and services may suffer, which could negatively affect our brand and reputation and harm our ability to attract users, employees, and organizations.
To manage growth in our operations and personnel, we need to continue to grow and improve our operational, financial, and management controls and our reporting systems and procedures. We will require significant capital expenditures and the allocation of valuable management resources to grow and change in these areas. Our expansion has placed, and our expected future growth will continue to place, a significant strain on our management, customer experience, research and development, sales and marketing, administrative, financial, and other resources.
In addition, as we expand our business, it is important that we continue to maintain a high level of customer service and satisfaction. As our customer base continues to grow, we will need to expand our customer service and other personnel, which will require more complex management and systems. If we are not able to continue to provide high levels of customer service, our reputation, as well as our business could be harmed.
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*We have a limited history of operating with a dispersed workforce and the long-term impact on our financial results and business operations are uncertain.
In January 2024, we announced shifting approximately 40% of our total support staff to our Phoenix, Arizona office by January 1, 2025. In addition, effective September 3, 2024, all employees who are not classified as remote were required to begin working in-person at either our Grants Pass or Pheonix offices at least four days a week. Our management and support functions are now working out of multiple offices and, in some cases, continuing to work remotely.
We have a limited history of operating with a dispersed workforce and the impact on our financial results and business operations remains uncertain, particularly in the near term. Additionally, there is no guarantee that we will realize any anticipated benefits to our business from our in-person and remote workforce, such as any cost savings or operational efficiencies.
Our ongoing return to in-person work in-office and maintenance of a dispersed workforce may make it increasingly difficult to manage our business and adequately oversee our employees and business functions, potentially resulting in harm to our company culture, increased employee attrition, the loss of key personnel, difficulty in properly classifying employees, and harm to the growth of our business. We may also experience an increased risk of privacy and data security breaches and incidents involving our information technology networks and systems and data processing as more of our employees utilize network connections outside our premises or network, including working at home, while in transit, and in public locations.
The mobility of our remote workers may also subject us to an increased risk of regulatory claims if our remote employees establish a nexus for our business in unanticipated jurisdictions. This could cause us to be subject to tax and employment claims in the applicable jurisdiction. Any of these factors could adversely affect our financial condition and operating results.
*We are increasingly dependent on information technology and our ability to process data in order to operate and sell our products, and if we (or the third parties with whom we work) are unable to protect against software and hardware vulnerabilities, service interruptions, data corruption, cyber-based attacks, ransomware, fraud, or security breaches, or if we (or the third parties with whom we work) fail to comply with our commitments and assurances regarding the privacy and security of such data, our operations could be disrupted, our ability to provide our products could be interrupted, our reputation may be harmed and we may be exposed to liability and loss of customers and business.
We rely on information technology networks and systems and data processing: to market; to sell and deliver our products; to fulfill orders; to collect, receive, store, process, generate, use, transfer, disclose, make accessible, protect, secure, dispose of and share (Process or Processing) personal information, confidential or proprietary information, financial information and other sensitive information (collectively, Sensitive Information); to manage a variety of business processes and activities; for financial reporting purposes; to operate our business; to process orders; to accept payments using credit cards and debit cards; to accept payments using the Dutch Rewards mobile app; for legal purposes; and to comply with regulatory, legal and tax requirements.
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Our (and those of the third parties with whom we work) information technology networks and systems, and the Processing of Sensitive Information they perform, may be vulnerable to data security and privacy threats, cyber and otherwise. These threats are becoming increasingly difficult to detect and come from a variety of sources, including traditional computer “hackers,” threat actors, “hacktivists,” personnel (such as through theft or misuse), organized criminal threat actors, sophisticated nation states, and nation-state supported actors. Some threat actors now engage and are expected to continue to engage in cyberattacks, including without limitation nation-state actors for geopolitical reasons and in conjunction with military conflicts and defense activities. During times of war and other major conflicts, we and the third parties with whom we work may be vulnerable to a heightened risk of these attacks, including retaliatory cyberattacks that could materially disrupt our systems and operations, supply chain, and ability to market, produce, sell, and distribute our products.
The risk of unauthorized circumvention of our security measures or those of the third parties with whom we work has been heightened by advances in computer and software capabilities and the increasing sophistication of actors who employ complex techniques, including, without limitation, “phishing” or social engineering incidents (including deep fakes, which are becoming increasingly difficult to detect), ransomware, extortion, account takeover attacks, personnel misconduct or error, denial or degradation of service attacks, malicious code (such as viruses or worms), supply-chain attacks, software bugs, adware, attacks enhanced or facilitated by artificial intelligence, or malware. In particular, severe ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly prevalent and can lead to significant interruptions in our operations, loss of Sensitive Information and income, reputational harm, and diversion of funds. Extortion payments may alleviate the negative impact of a ransomware attack, but we may be unwilling or unable to make such payments due to, for example, applicable laws or regulations prohibiting such payments. We may also experience server malfunctions, software or hardware failures, telecommunications failures, or loss of data or other information technology assets. Further, security incidents experienced by other companies may also be leveraged against us. For example, credential stuffing attacks are becoming increasingly common and sophisticated actors can mask their attacks, making them increasingly difficult to identify and prevent. It may be difficult and/or costly to detect, investigate, mitigate, contain, and remediate a security incident. Our efforts to do so may not be successful. Actions taken by us or the third parties with whom we work to detect, investigate, mitigate, contain, and remediate a security incident could result in outages, data losses, and disruptions of our business. Threat actors may also gain access to other networks and systems after a compromise of our networks and systems.
We rely upon third parties service providers and technologies to operate critical business systems to process Sensitive Information in a variety of contexts, including, without limitation, third-party payment processors, point of sale and order management systems, encryption and authentication technology, human resources systems including scheduling, payroll and compliance systems, internet service providers, enterprise resource planning and financial systems, document management and storage, employee email, our Dutch Rewards mobile app, and other functions. Our ability to monitor these third parties’ information security practices is limited, and these third parties may not have adequate information security measures in place. If these third parties experience a security incident or other interruption, we could experience adverse consequences. While we may be entitled to damages if the third parties with whom we work fail to satisfy their privacy or security-related obligations to us, any award may be insufficient to cover our damages, or we may be unable to recover such award. In addition, supply-chain attacks have increased in frequency and severity, and we cannot guarantee that third parties’ infrastructure in our supply chain or in the third parties with whom we work supply chains have not been compromised.
While we have implemented security measures designed to protect against security incidents, our security measures (and those of the third parties with whom we work) may not be adequate to prevent or detect service interruption, system failure data loss, fraud or theft, or other material adverse consequences. Moreover, we take steps designed to detect, mitigate, and remediate vulnerabilities in our information systems (such as our hardware or software and those of the third parties with whom we work). We may not, however, detect and remediate all such vulnerabilities, including on a timely basis.
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Vulnerabilities could be exploited and result in a security incident. We expect similar issues to arise in the future as the Dutch Rewards mobile app is more widely adopted, and as we continue to expand the features and functionality of the Dutch Rewards mobile app.
Any of the previously identified or similar threats could cause a security incident or other interruption that could result in unauthorized, unlawful, or accidental acquisition, modification, destruction, loss, alteration, encryption, disclosure of, or access to Sensitive Information or our information technology networks and systems (or those of the third parties with whom we work).
We may expend significant resources or modify our business activities to try to protect against such security incidents and/or fraud. Certain data privacy and security obligations may require us to implement and maintain specific security measures, industry-standard, or reasonable security measures to protect our information technology networks and systems and Sensitive Information. Despite our efforts to protect our information technology networks and systems, and our Processing of Sensitive Information, no security solution, strategy, or measures can address all possible security threats and/or fraud. Additionally, Sensitive Information of the Company or our customers could be leaked, disclosed, or revealed as a result of or in connection with our employees’, personnel’s, or vendors’ use of generative artificial intelligence (“AI”) technologies.
Applicable data privacy and security obligations may require us, or we may voluntarily choose, to notify relevant stakeholders of security incidents including affected individuals, customers, regulators, and investors. Such disclosures are costly, and the disclosure or the failure to comply with such requirements could lead to adverse consequences. If we or a third party with whom we work experiences a security incident or are perceived to have experienced a security incident, we may experience adverse consequences, including reputational harm, costly litigation (including class action litigation), material contract breaches, liability, settlement costs, loss of sales, disruption in our ability (or that of third parties with whom we work) to process payments, regulatory scrutiny, actions or investigations, a loss of confidence in our business, systems and Processing of Sensitive Information, a diversion of management’s time and attention, and significant fines, penalties, assessments, fees and expenses.
Additionally, the costs to respond to a security incident and/or to mitigate any security vulnerabilities that may be identified could be significant, and our efforts to address these problems may not be successful. These costs include, but are not limited to, retaining the services of cybersecurity providers; compliance costs arising out of existing and future cybersecurity, data protection and privacy laws and regulations; and costs related to maintaining redundant networks, data backups and other damage-mitigation measures. We could be required to fundamentally change our business activities and practices in response to a security incident or related regulatory actions or litigation, which could have an adverse effect on our business.
We may not have adequate insurance coverage for handling security incidents, including fines, judgments, settlements, penalties, costs, attorney fees and other impacts that arise out of incidents or breaches. If the impacts of a security incident, or the successful assertion of one or more large claims against us that exceeds our available insurance coverage, or results in changes to our insurance policies (including premium increases or the imposition of large deductible or co-insurance requirements), it could harm our business. In addition, we cannot be sure that our existing insurance coverage will continue to be available on acceptable terms or that our insurers will not deny coverage as to all or part of any future claim or loss. Our contracts may not contain limitations of liability, and even where they do, there can be no assurance that limitations of liability in our contracts are sufficient to protect us from liabilities, damages, or claims related to our data privacy and security obligations. Moreover, our information security risks are likely to increase as we continue to expand, grow our customer base, and process, store, and transmit increasingly large amounts of personal and/or Sensitive Information. In addition to experiencing a security incident, third parties may gather, collect, or infer Sensitive Information about us from public sources, data brokers, or other means that reveals competitively sensitive details about our organization and could be used to undermine our competitive advantage or market position.
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Pandemics or disease outbreaks have had, and may continue to have, an effect on our business and results of operations.
Pandemics or disease outbreaks, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have impacted and may continue to impact customer traffic at our Dutch Bros shops and may make it more difficult to staff our shops and, in more severe cases, may cause a temporary inability to obtain supplies and may increase commodity costs. The extent of the impact of pandemics or disease outbreaks on our business, operations, and development timelines and plans will depend on the specifics of any particular pandemic or disease outbreak that cannot be predicted at this time.
Our operations have been, and may continue to be, disrupted when employees or employees of our franchise partners are suspected of having a communicable disease or other illnesses since this requires us or our franchise partners to quarantine some or all such employees and close and disinfect our impacted shops. If a significant percentage of our workforce or the workforce of our franchise partners are unable to work, including because of illness or travel or government restrictions, like quarantine requirements, in connection with pandemics or disease outbreaks, our operations may be negatively impacted, potentially materially adversely affecting our business, liquidity, financial condition, or results of operations.
Our success is heavily reliant on our franchise partners and another pandemic may cause financial distress for certain franchise partners that have been or will be impacted, such as those partners who were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of distress, our franchise partners may not be able to meet their financial obligations as they come due, including the payment of royalties, rent, or other amounts due to us. For example, in the past, this has led to write-offs of amounts we had due from our franchise partners beyond amounts we have reserved, as well as decreased future collections from franchise partners. Franchise partners’ financial distress has also led to, and may continue to lead to, permanent shop closures and delayed or reduced new franchise partner development which would further harm our results and liquidity going forward. Further, in some cases, we are contingently liable for franchise partner lease obligations, and a failure by a franchise partner to perform its obligations under such lease could result in direct payment obligations for us.
While we have developed and continue to develop plans to help mitigate the potential negative impact of a pandemic, these efforts may not be effective, and any protracted economic downturn will likely limit the effectiveness of our efforts. Accordingly, it is not possible for us to predict the duration and extent to which this will affect our business at this time. There is no guarantee that a future outbreak of COVID-19 or any other widespread epidemics will not occur, or that the global economy will recover to pre-pandemic levels, either of which could seriously harm our business.
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*Unstable market and economic conditions may have serious adverse consequences on our business and financial condition.
The global credit and financial markets have experienced extreme volatility and disruptions (including as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and actual or perceived changes in interest rates, continued economic inflation, and failures of financial institutions), which has included severely diminished liquidity and credit availability, declines in consumer confidence, prolonged weak consumer demand, a decrease in consumer discretionary spending, declines in economic growth, high inflation, uncertainty about economic stability, and increases in unemployment rates. The financial markets and the global economy may also be adversely affected by the current or anticipated impact of military conflict, including the war between Russia and Ukraine and the war between Israel and Hamas, terrorism, or other geopolitical events, including the US presidential election. Sanctions imposed by the United States and other countries in response to such conflicts, including the war in Ukraine, may also continue to adversely impact the financial markets and the global economy, and any economic countermeasures by the affected countries or others could exacerbate market and economic instability. There can be no assurance that further deterioration in credit and financial markets and confidence in economic conditions will not occur. Our general business strategy may be adversely affected by any such economic downturn, volatile business environment, or continued unpredictable and unstable market conditions, including disruption to customer demand and our ability to purchase necessary supplies on acceptable terms, if at all. If the current equity and credit markets deteriorate, it may make any necessary debt or equity financing more difficult, more costly, and more dilutive. Failure to secure any necessary financing in a timely manner and on favorable terms could have a material adverse effect on our growth strategy, financial performance, and stock price, and could require us to delay or abandon growth plans. In addition, there is a risk that one or more of our current suppliers, manufacturers, or other partners may not survive an economic downturn, which could directly affect our ability to attain our operating goals on schedule and on budget.
Risks Related to Our Brand
Our success depends substantially on the value of our brand and failure to preserve its value could have a negative impact on our financial results.
Our success depends in large part upon our and our franchise partners’ ability to maintain and enhance our corporate reputation and the value and perception of our brand. Brand value is based in part on consumer perceptions on a variety of subjective qualities. To be successful in the future, particularly outside of the Western United States where the Dutch Bros brand may be less well-known, we believe we must preserve, grow, and leverage the value of our brand across interactions.
Business incidents, whether isolated or recurring and whether originating from us or our business partners, that erode consumer trust can significantly reduce brand value, potentially trigger boycotts of our shops, or result in civil or criminal liability and can have a negative impact on our financial results. Such incidents include actual or perceived breaches of privacy, contaminated products, broistas infected with communicable diseases, or other potential incidents discussed in this Risk Factors section. The impact of such incidents may be exacerbated if they receive considerable publicity, including rapidly through social or digital media (including for malicious reasons), or result in litigation. Consumer demand for our products and our brand equity could diminish significantly if we, our employees, franchise partners, or other business partners fail to preserve the quality of our products, act or are perceived to act in an unethical, illegal, racially-biased, unequal or socially irresponsible manner, including with respect to the sourcing, content or sale of our products, service and treatment of customers at Dutch Bros shops, or the use of customer data for general or direct marketing or other purposes. Additionally, if we fail to comply with laws and regulations, publicly take controversial positions or actions or fail to deliver a consistently positive consumer experience in each of our markets, including by failing to invest in the right balance of wages and benefits to attract and retain employees that represent the brand well or foster an inclusive and diverse environment, our brand value may be diminished.
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Moreover, our success depends in large part upon our ability to maintain our corporate reputation. For example, the reputation of our Dutch Bros brand could be damaged by claims or perceptions about the quality or safety of our ingredients or beverages or the quality or reputation of our suppliers, distributors, or franchise partners or by claims or perceptions that we, our franchise partners, or other business partners have acted or are acting in an unethical, illegal, racially-biased, or socially irresponsible manner or are not fostering an inclusive and diverse environment, regardless of whether such claims or perceptions are substantiated. Our corporate reputation could also suffer from negative publicity or consumer sentiment regarding Dutch Bros’ action or inaction or brand imagery, or a real or perceived failure of corporate governance or misconduct by any officer or any employee or representative of us or a franchise partner. Our corporate reputation could suffer from negative publicity or consumer sentiment regarding our charitable giving practices, campaigns, and marketing around such campaigns, including any change to our charitable giving practices or long-standing giveback days (“Drink One for Dane,” “Dutch Luv,” and “Buck for Kids”). We empower our operators and franchise partners to create their own local, shop-specific giveback programs within their communities. If the recipient of discretionary donations is subject to negative publicity or consumer sentiment, Dutch Bros could experience the same. Any such incidents (even if resulting from actions of a competitor or franchise partner) could cause a decline directly or indirectly in consumer confidence in, or the perception of, our Dutch Bros brand and/or our products and reduce consumer demand for our products, which would likely result in lower revenue and profits.
*The increased public and government focus on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) matters or our reporting of such matters could negatively impact our business.
There has been an increased public focus, including from the United States federal and state governments, on ESG matters, including with respect to climate change, greenhouse gases, water resources, packaging and waste, animal health and welfare, deforestation, and land use. We are working to manage the risks and costs to us, our franchise partners and our supply chain associated with these types of ESG matters, however, there is no assurance that such efforts will result in the intended effective management of such risks and costs. In addition, as the result of such heightened public focus on ESG matters, we may face increased pressure to provide expanded disclosure, make or expand commitments, set targets, or establish additional goals and take actions to meet such goals, in connection with such ESG matters. For example, the state of California recently enacted Senate Bill 253 and Senate Bill 261, as amended by Senate Bill 219, referred to as the Climate Accountability Package, which requires certain companies doing business in California to report on various ESG matters, including greenhouse gas emissions. These matters and our efforts to address them could expose us to market, operational, reputational, and execution costs or risks.
As ESG best practices and reporting standards continue to develop, we may incur increasing costs relating to ESG monitoring and reporting and complying with ESG initiatives. For example, California recently enacted Assembly Bill 1305 (AB 1305). AB 1305 creates new annual disclosure requirements regarding substantiation of certain climate-related statements, and, if we report these types of climate-related statements in the future, could increase our compliance and reporting costs. Additionally, the SEC recently adopted rules designed to enhance and standardize climate-related disclosures, which have been stayed pending judicial review. If these rules or other climate-related disclosure rules become effective, they may significantly increase our compliance and reporting costs and may also result in disclosures that certain investors or other stakeholders deem to negatively impact our reputation and/or that harm our stock price. In the event that we communicate certain initiatives or goals regarding ESG matters in the future, we could fail, or be perceived to fail, in our achievement of such initiatives or goals, or we could be criticized for the scope of such initiatives or goals. If we fail to satisfy the expectations of certain investors and other stakeholders or our initiatives are not executed as planned, our business, financial condition, results of operations, and prospects may be adversely affected.
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We may not be able to adequately protect our intellectual property, including trademarks, trade names, and service marks, which, in turn, could harm the value of our brand and adversely affect our business.
Our ability to implement our business plan successfully depends in part on our ability to further build brand recognition using our trademarks, service marks, proprietary products, and other intellectual property, including our name and logos and the unique character and atmosphere of our Dutch Bros shops. We rely on U.S. and foreign trademark, copyright, and trade secret laws, as well as license agreements, nondisclosure agreements, and confidentiality and other contractual provisions to protect our intellectual property. Nevertheless, our competitors may develop similar marks, menu items, and concepts, and adequate remedies may not be available in the event of an unauthorized use or disclosure of our trade secrets and other intellectual property.
The success of our business depends on our continued ability to use our existing trademarks, trade names, and service marks to increase brand awareness and further develop our brand as we expand into new markets. We have registered and applied to register trademarks and service marks in the United States and in foreign jurisdictions. We may not be able to adequately protect our trademarks and service marks, and our competitors and others may successfully challenge the validity and/or enforceability of our trademarks and service marks and other intellectual property. There can also be no assurance that pending or future trademark applications will be approved in a timely manner or at all, or that such registrations will effectively protect our brand names and trademarks.
Additionally, the steps we have taken to protect our intellectual property in the United States and internationally may not be adequate. If our efforts to maintain and protect our intellectual property are inadequate, or if any third party misappropriates, dilutes, or infringes on our intellectual property, the value of our brand may be harmed, which could have a material adverse effect on our business and might prevent our brand from achieving or maintaining market acceptance. Even with our own franchise partners, whose activities are monitored and regulated through our franchise agreements, we face risk that they may refer to or make statements about our Dutch Bros brand that do not make proper use of our trademarks or required designations, that improperly alter trademarks or branding, or that are critical of our brand or place our brand in a context that may tarnish our reputation. This may result in dilution of, or harm to, our intellectual property or the value of our brand.
We may also from time to time be required to institute enforcement action, including litigation, to enforce and preserve the value of our trademarks, service marks and other intellectual property. Such litigation could result in substantial costs and diversion of resources and could negatively affect our sales, business, profitability, and prospects regardless of whether we can successfully enforce our rights.
Third parties may oppose our trademark and service mark applications, or otherwise challenge our use of the trademarks and service marks. This risk may increase as we enter new markets with localized competitors. In the event that these or other intellectual property rights are successfully challenged, we could experience brand dilution or be forced to rebrand our products, which would result in loss of brand recognition and would require us to devote resources to advertising and marketing new brands. Third parties may also assert that we infringe, misappropriate, or otherwise violate their intellectual property and may sue us for intellectual property infringement. Even if we are successful in these proceedings, we may incur substantial costs, and the time and attention of our management and other personnel may be diverted in pursuing these proceedings. If a court finds that we infringe a third party's intellectual property, we may be required to pay damages and/or be subject to an injunction. With respect to any third-party intellectual property that we use or wish to use in our business (whether or not asserted against us in litigation), we may not be able to enter into licensing or other arrangements with the owner of such intellectual property at a reasonable cost or on reasonable terms.
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Food safety and quality concerns may negatively impact our brand, business, and profitability, our internal operational controls and standards may not always be met, and our employees may not always act professionally, responsibly, and in our and our customers’ best interests. Any possible instances or reports, whether true or not, of food and/or beverage-borne illness could negatively affect our brand and reduce our sales.
Incidents or reports, whether true or not, of food-borne or water-borne illness or other food safety issues, food contamination or tampering, employee hygiene and cleanliness failures, or improper employee conduct at our shops could lead to product liability or other claims. Such incidents or reports could negatively affect our brand and reputation as well as our business, revenue, and profits. Similar incidents or reports occurring at coffee and convenience shops unrelated to us could likewise create negative publicity, which could negatively impact consumer behavior towards us.
We cannot guarantee to customers that our internal controls and training will be fully effective in preventing all food-borne illnesses. New illnesses resistant to our current precautions may develop in the future, or diseases with long incubation periods could arise, that could give rise to claims or allegations on a retroactive basis. One or more instances of food-borne illness in one of our company-operated or franchised shops could negatively affect sales at all our shops if highly publicized. This risk exists even if it were later determined that the illness was wrongly attributed to one of our shops. Additionally, even if food-borne illnesses were not identified at our shops, our sales could be adversely affected if instances of food-borne illnesses at other coffee and beverage chains were highly publicized.
If we, our franchise partners, or our vendors are unable to protect our customers’ credit and debit card data or confidential information in connection with processing the same or confidential employee information, we could be exposed to data loss, litigation, liability, and reputational damage.
Our business requires the collection, transmission and retention of large volumes of customer and employee data, including credit and debit card numbers and other personally identifiable information, in various information technology systems that we maintain and in those maintained by third parties with whom we contract to provide services. The integrity and protection of that customer and employee data is critical to us.
We are subject to rules governing electronic funds transfers, including the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) as discussed further below. Such rules could change or be reinterpreted to make it difficult or impossible for us to comply. If we (or a third party processing payment card transactions on our behalf) suffer a security breach affecting payment card information, we may have to pay onerous and significant fines, penalties and assessments arising out of the major card brands’ rules and regulations, contractual indemnifications or liability contained in merchant agreements and similar contracts, and we may lose our ability to accept payment cards as payment for transactions, which could materially impact our operations and financial performance.
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The information, security and privacy requirements imposed by governmental regulation are increasingly demanding. Our systems may not be able to satisfy these changing requirements and customer and employee expectations or may require significant additional investments or time in order to do so. Efforts to hack or breach security measures, failures of systems or software to operate as designed or intended, viruses, operator error or inadvertent releases of data all threaten our and our service providers' information systems and records. A breach in the security of our information technology systems or that of our service providers could lead to an interruption in the operation of our systems, resulting in operational inefficiencies and a loss of profits. For example, in 2014, our online store and our customers were the victims of a security breach and as a result a few thousand of our customer’s personal information records were exposed. Additionally, a significant theft, loss or misappropriation of, or access to, customers’ or other proprietary data or other breach of our information technology systems could result in fines, legal claims or proceedings, including regulatory investigations and actions, or liability for failure to comply with privacy and information security laws, which could disrupt our operations, damage our reputation and expose us to claims from customers and employees, any of which could harm our business.
We are subject to payment-related fraud and an increase in or failure to deal effectively with fraud, fraudulent activities, fictitious transactions, or illegal transactions would materially and adversely affect our business, results of operations, and financial condition.
We process a significant volume of credit and debit card transactions on a daily basis through our point of sale and order management systems and our Dutch Rewards mobile app. We have in the past, and may again in the future, be the victim of fraudulent transactions arising out of the actual or alleged theft of credit or debit card information through such systems. Such instances have and can lead to the reversal of payments received by us for such payments, referred to as a “chargeback.” We have been and will likely continue to be liable for chargebacks and other costs and fees related to fraudulent transactions. Our ability to detect and combat such fraudulent transactions, which have become increasingly common and sophisticated, could be adversely impacted by the emergence and innovation of new technology platforms, including mobile and other devices. We expect that technically knowledgeable criminals will continue to attempt to circumvent our anti-fraud systems. In addition, the payment card networks have rules around acceptable chargeback ratios. If we are unable to effectively combat the use of fraudulent or stolen credit cards, we may be subject to fines and higher transaction fees or be unable to continue to accept card payments because payment card networks have revoked our access to their networks, any of which would materially adversely impact our business, results of operations, and financial condition. We may also be subject to lawsuits, regulatory investigations, or other proceedings relating to these types of incidents.
Further, payments systems we use are susceptible to potentially illegal or improper uses, including money laundering, transactions in violation of economic and trade sanctions, corruption and bribery, terrorist financing, customer account takeovers, or the facilitation of other illegal activity. Use of our payments systems for illegal or improper uses could subject us to claims, lawsuits, and government and regulatory investigations, inquiries, or requests, which could result in liability and reputational harm for us. We have taken measures to detect and reduce fraud and illegal activities, but these measures need to be continually improved and may add friction to our payment processes. These measures may also not be effective against fraud and illegal activities, particularly new and continually evolving forms of circumvention. If these measures do not succeed in reducing fraud, our business, results of operations, and financial condition would be materially and adversely affected.
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Risks Related to People and Culture
Changes in the availability of and the cost of labor could harm our business.
Our business could be harmed by increases in labor costs, including those increases triggered by inflation, regulatory actions regarding wages, scheduling and benefits, and increased health care and workers’ compensation insurance costs, which, in a retail business such as ours, are some of our most significant costs. In particular, our broistas are typically paid wage rates at or based on the applicable federal, state, or local minimum wage, and increases in the applicable minimum wage have in the past and will increase labor costs. From time to time, legislative proposals are made to increase the minimum wage at the federal, state, and local level, such as Assembly Bill 1228 in California, which created a minimum wage of $20 per hour for fast food workers, effective April 1, 2024, among other provisions. As federal, state, or other applicable minimum wage rates increase, we may be required to increase not only the wage rates of minimum wage broistas or other employees, but also the wages paid to other hourly employees. As part of our focus on building long-term customer loyalty, we do not typically expect our customers to bear the entire burden of increased labor and commodity costs and, when possible, we do not increase prices in order to pass increased labor or commodity costs on to customers, as we believe such price increases would negatively impact our brand and consumer loyalty. If we do not increase prices to cover increased labor or commodity costs, or if such increase is delayed, this is likely to result in lower revenue, and may also reduce margins.
Furthermore, the successful operation of our business depends upon our, and our franchise partners’, ability to attract, motivate, and retain a sufficient number of qualified employees. From time to time, there may be a shortage of qualified employees in certain of the communities in which we operate or to which we expand. Shortages may make it increasingly difficult and expensive to attract, train, and retain the services of a satisfactory number of qualified employees, which could delay the planned openings of new company-operated and franchised shops and adversely impact the operations and profitability of existing shops. Changing conditions beyond our control could affect the desirability of working in our shops, such as increases in extreme heat or cold, wildfire smoke, and other extreme weather events that make working outdoors or in a limited space more difficult. Furthermore, competition for qualified employees, particularly in markets where such shortages exist, could require us to pay higher wages, which could result in higher labor costs. Accordingly, if we and our franchise partners are unable to recruit and retain sufficiently qualified individuals, our business could be harmed.
Additionally, the growth of our business can make it increasingly difficult to locate and hire sufficient numbers of key employees, to maintain an effective system of internal controls for a dispersed chain, and to train employees to deliver consistently high-quality hand-crafted beverages and customer experiences, which could materially harm our business and results of operations. In addition, growth and the addition of new shops may result in inefficiencies in our staffing, which can increase overtime costs or otherwise impact profitability.
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*We depend on our executive officers and other key employees, and the loss of one or more of these employees or an inability to attract and retain other highly skilled employees could harm our business.
Our success depends largely upon the continued services of our executive officers and other key employees, and the hiring and retention of additional executives and other key personnel. We rely on our leadership team in the areas of finance, marketing, sales, customer experience, and selling, general and administrative. As we look to expand our business and strengthen the depth of our senior management team, we expect there will be changes in our executive management team resulting from the hiring or departure of executives, which could disrupt our business. In January 2024, our prior Chief Executive Officer, Joth Ricci, transitioned and Christine Barone was appointed as our Chief Executive Officer. In addition, in April 2024, Brian Maxwell transitioned from the role of our Chief Operating Officer to the newly created role of Vice Chair, and Sumi Ghosh was appointed President of Operations, and in May 2024, our prior Chief Financial Officer, Charley Jemley, transitioned into the role of Strategic Advisor and Joshua Guenser was appointed as our Chief Financial Officer. Changes in our executive management team may also cause disruptions in, and harm to, our business. The loss of one or more of our executive officers or key employees could harm our business.
Dutch Bros continues to be led by our Executive Chairman and Co-Founder, Travis Boersma, who plays an important role in driving our culture, determining the strategy, and executing against that strategy across the Company. If Mr. Boersma’s services became unavailable to Dutch Bros for any reason, it may be difficult or impossible for us to find an adequate replacement, which could cause us to be less successful in maintaining our culture and developing and effectively executing on our company strategies.
Our culture has contributed to our success, and if we cannot maintain this culture as we grow, we could lose the high employee engagement fostered by our culture, which could harm our business.
At Dutch Bros, we believe our people-first culture is a critical component of our success and customer loyalty. The success of this differentiated people-first culture and serving hand-crafted, high-quality beverages through the convenience of a premium drive-thru experience has helped us enter new markets and rapidly open new shops. We have invested substantial time and resources in developing pathways for our employees to create their own compelling future, which we believe has fostered the positive, people-first culture that defines our organization and is enjoyed by our customers. We have built out our leadership team with an expectation of protecting this culture, an emphasis on shared values and a commitment to diversity and inclusion. In January 2024, we announced shifting approximately 40% of our total support staff to our Phoenix, Arizona office by January 1, 2025, which may create additional challenges maintaining our corporate culture. As we continue to develop and expand across the United States, we will need to maintain our culture among a larger number of employees dispersed in various geographic regions. Any failure to preserve our company culture could negatively affect our future success, including our ability to retain and recruit personnel, and result in a loss of customer loyalty.
Unionization activities may disrupt our operations and affect our profitability.
Although none of our employees are currently covered under collective bargaining agreements, our employees may elect to be represented by labor unions in the future. If a significant number of our employees were to become unionized and collective bargaining agreement terms were significantly different from our current compensation arrangements, it could adversely affect our business, financial condition, or results of operations. In addition, one or more labor disputes involving some or all of our employees may harm our reputation, disrupt our operations and reduce our revenue, and resolution of disputes may increase our costs. Further, if we enter into a new market with unionized construction companies, or the construction companies in our current markets become unionized, construction and build out costs for new shops in such markets could materially increase.
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Risks Related to Regulation and Litigation
Changes in statutory, regulatory, accounting, and other legal requirements, including changes in accounting principles generally accepted in the United States, could potentially impact our operating and financial results.
We are subject to numerous statutory, regulatory, and legal requirements. Our operating results could be negatively impacted by developments in these areas due to the costs of compliance in addition to possible government penalties and litigation in the event of deemed noncompliance. Changes in the regulatory environment in the area of food safety, wage and hour laws, among others, could potentially impact our operations and financial results.
Generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (GAAP) are subject to interpretation by the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the SEC, and various bodies formed to promulgate and interpret appropriate accounting principles. A change in these principles or interpretations could have a significant effect on our reported financial results, and could affect the reporting of transactions completed before the announcement of a change.
Moreover, while we believe that we maintain insurance customary for businesses of our size and type, there are types of losses we may incur that cannot be insured against or that we believe are not economically reasonable to insure. Such losses could harm our business.
Fluctuations in our tax obligations and effective tax rate and realization of our deferred tax assets may result in volatility of our operating results and adversely affect our financial condition.
We are subject to taxes by the U.S. federal, state, and local tax authorities, and our tax liabilities will be affected by the allocation of expenses to differing jurisdictions. We record tax expense based on our estimates of future payments, which may include reserves for uncertain tax positions in multiple tax jurisdictions, and valuation allowances related to certain net deferred tax assets. At any one time, many tax years may be subject to audit by various taxing jurisdictions. The results of these audits and negotiations with taxing authorities may affect the ultimate settlement of these issues. We expect that throughout the year there could be ongoing variability in our quarterly tax rates as events occur and exposures are evaluated. Our future effective tax rates could be subject to volatility or adversely affected by a number of factors, including:
changes in the valuation of our deferred tax assets and liabilities;
expected timing and amount of the release of any tax valuation allowance;
changes in tax laws, regulations, or interpretations thereof; or
future earnings being lower than anticipated in jurisdictions where we have lower statutory tax rates and higher than anticipated earnings in jurisdictions where we have higher statutory tax rates.
In addition, our effective tax rate in a given financial statement period may be materially impacted by a variety of factors including but not limited to changes in the mix and level of earnings, varying tax rates in the different jurisdictions in which we operate, fluctuations in the valuation allowance, or by changes to existing accounting rules or regulations. Further, tax legislation may be enacted in the future which could negatively impact our current or future tax structure and effective tax rates. We may be subject to audits of our income, sales, and other transaction taxes by U.S. federal, state, and local taxing authorities. Outcomes from these audits could have an adverse effect on our operating results and financial condition.
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We are subject to many federal, state, and local laws with which compliance is both costly and complex.
The food service and restaurant industry is subject to extensive federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including those relating to health care reform, building and zoning requirements, and the preparation and sale of food and beverages for consumption. Such laws and regulations are subject to change from time to time. Our failure to comply with these laws and regulations as they evolve could adversely affect our operating results. Typically, licenses, permits, and approvals under such laws and regulations must be renewed annually and may be revoked, suspended, or denied renewal for cause at any time if governmental authorities determine that our conduct violates applicable regulations. Difficulties or failure to maintain or obtain the required licenses, permits, and approvals could adversely affect our existing shops and delay or result in our decision to cancel the opening of new shops, which would adversely affect our business.
The development and operation of a shop depends, to a significant extent, on the selection of suitable sites for drive-thrus, which are subject to unique permitting, zoning, land use, environmental, traffic, and other regulations and requirements. We are also subject to licensing and regulation by state and local authorities relating to health, sanitation, safety, and fire standards.
We are subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act and various other federal, state and local laws that regulate the wages and hours of employees. These laws commonly apply a strict liability standard so that even inadvertent noncompliance can lead to claims, government enforcement actions, and litigation. These laws vary from state to state and are subject to frequent amendments and judicial interpretations that can require rapid adjustments to operations. Insurance coverage for violations of these laws is costly and sometimes is not available. Changes to these laws can adversely affect our business by increasing labor and compliance costs. The failure to comply with these laws could adversely affect our business as a result of costly litigation or government enforcement actions.
We are also subject to a variety of other employee relations laws including Family and Medical Leave Act of 1933 and state leave laws, employment discrimination laws, predictive scheduling laws, occupational health and safety laws and regulations, and the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, to name a few. Together, these many laws and regulations present a thicket of compliance obligations and liability risks. As we grow, our compliance efforts in these areas will continue to increase, which may result in additional costs and affect our results from operations. Changes to these laws and regulations may increase these costs beyond our expectations or predictions, which would adversely affect our business operations and financial results. Violations of these laws could lead to costly litigation or governmental investigation or proceedings.
We are subject to compliance obligations of the Food Safety Modernization Acts (FSMA). Under FSMA, we are required to develop and implement a Food Safety Plan for our roasting operations. While we are not currently required to implement a FSMA Food Safety Plan or a Hazard Analysis and Critical Points system (HACCP) in our shops, many states have required restaurants to develop and implement HACCP, and the United States government continues to expand the sectors of the food industry that must adopt and implement HACCP. Additionally, our suppliers may initiate or otherwise be subject to food recalls that may impact the availability of certain products, result in adverse publicity or require us to take actions that could be costly for us or otherwise impact our business.
We are subject to the Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA), which, among other things, requires our shops to meet federally mandated requirements for the disabled. The ADA prohibits discrimination in employment and public accommodations on the basis of disability. Under the ADA, we could be required to expend funds to modify our shops to provide service to, or make reasonable accommodations for the employment of, disabled persons. In addition, our employment practices are subject to the requirements of the Immigration and Naturalization Service relating to citizenship and residency.
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In addition, our franchise activities are subject to laws enacted by a number of states and rules and regulations promulgated by the Franchise Trade Commission (the FTC). Failure to comply with new or existing franchise laws, rules, and regulations in any jurisdiction or to obtain required government approvals could negatively affect our franchising activities and our relationships with our franchisees.
The impact of current laws and regulations, the effect of future changes in laws or regulations that impose additional requirements and the consequences of litigation relating to current or future laws and regulations, or our inability to respond effectively to significant regulatory or public policy issues, could increase our compliance and other costs of doing business and, therefore, have an adverse effect on our results of operations. Failure to comply with the laws and regulatory requirements of federal, state, and local authorities could result in, among other things, revocation of required licenses, administrative enforcement actions, fines, and civil and criminal liability. In addition, certain laws, including the ADA, could require us to expend significant funds to make modifications to our shops if we failed to comply with applicable standards. Compliance with all these laws and regulations can be costly and can increase our exposure to litigation or governmental investigations or proceedings.
*We (and the third parties with whom we work) are subject to stringent and changing laws, regulations, industry standards, contractual obligations, policies, and other obligations related to data privacy and security. The actual or perceived failure by us or the third parties with whom we work to comply with such obligations, may harm our business, financial condition and results of operations, and prospects.
We Process Sensitive Information to provide our products and services and other business functions. Our Processing activities may subject us to numerous data privacy and security obligations, such as various laws, regulations, guidance, industry standards, external and internal privacy and security policies, contracts, and other obligations that govern data privacy, security, and Processing of personal information by us and the third parties with whom we work.
Data privacy and security have become a significant issue in the United States. The legal and regulatory framework for data privacy and security issues is rapidly evolving and is expected to increase our compliance costs and exposure to liability. The number and scope of data privacy and security obligations is changing, subject to differing applications and interpretations, and may be inconsistent among jurisdictions, or in conflict with other obligations. We expect that there will continue to be new data privacy and security obligations, and any significant change to data privacy and security obligations could increase compliance costs for us and the third parties with whom we work.
In the United States, federal, state, and local governments have enacted numerous data privacy and security laws, including data breach notification laws, personal data privacy laws, consumer protection laws (e.g., Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act), and other similar laws (e.g., wiretapping laws). For example, these include the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended (the CCPA), other state, local, and federal laws relating to data privacy and security, and rules and regulations promulgated under the authority of the Federal Trade Commission. In the past few years, numerous states in the United States—including California, Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, Oregon, New Hampshire, and Utah—have enacted comprehensive privacy laws that impose certain obligations on covered businesses, including providing specific disclosures in privacy notices and affording residents with certain rights concerning their personal information. As applicable, such rights may include the right to access, correct, or delete certain personal information, and to opt-out of certain data processing activities, such as targeted advertising, profiling, and automated decision-making. The exercise of these rights may impact our business and ability to provide our products and services. These laws also impose stricter requirements for processing certain personal information, including sensitive personal data, such as data protection impact assessments. These state laws allow for statutory fines for noncompliance. For example, the CCPA applies to personal information of consumers, business representatives, and employees who are California residents, and requires businesses to provide specific disclosures in privacy notices and honor requests of California residents to exercise certain privacy rights.
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The CCPA provides for fines of up to $7,500 per intentional violation and allows private litigants affected by certain data breaches to seek to recover potentially significant statutory damages. In addition, other data privacy and security laws have been proposed at the federal, state, and local levels in recent years, which could further complicate compliance efforts. We expect additional comprehensive privacy laws to be enacted. Compliance with data privacy and security laws or regulations may be challenging and cost- and time-intensive, and may require us to modify our data processing practices and policies and to incur substantial costs and potential liability in an effort to comply with such legislation.
In addition, we are subject to the terms of our external and internal privacy and security policies, marketing materials, and other statements, such as compliance with certain certifications, industry standards, publications and frameworks and contractual obligations to third parties related to data privacy, security and Processing of Sensitive Information. If these policies, materials or statements are found to be deficient, lacking in transparency, deceptive, unfair, or misrepresentative of our practices, we may be subject to investigation, enforcement actions by regulators or other adverse consequences.
We are also contractually subject to data privacy and security obligations, including contractual obligations to indemnify and hold harmless third parties from the costs or consequences of non-compliance with data privacy laws or other obligations and to comply with industry standards adopted by industry groups. We may become subject to new data privacy and security contractual obligations in the future. Additionally, because we accept payments using credit cards and debit cards, we are subject to the PCI DSS. The PCI DSS requires companies to adopt certain measures to ensure the security of cardholder information, including using and maintaining firewalls, adopting proper password protections for certain devices and software, and restricting data access. Noncompliance with the PCI DSS can result in penalties ranging from $5,000 to $100,000 per month by credit card companies, litigation, damage to our reputation, and revenue losses. We may also rely on third parties to process payment card data, and those third parties may be subject to PCI DSS. Our business may be negatively affected if these third parties are fined or suffer other consequences as a result of PCI DSS noncompliance (or perceived noncompliance).
Furthermore, we rely on a variety of marketing techniques and practices, including email and social media marketing, online targeted advertising, and cookie-based Processing, to sell our products and services and to attract new customers. We, and the third parties with whom we work, may be subject to various current and future obligations that govern marketing and advertising practices. For example, the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (CAN-SPAM) and the TCPA impose specific requirements on communications with customers. Additionally, the TCPA imposes various consumer consent requirements and other restrictions on certain telemarketing activity and other communications with consumers by phone, fax or text message. TCPA violations can result in significant financial penalties, including penalties or criminal fines imposed by the Federal Communications Commission or fines of up to $1,500 per violation imposed through private litigation or by state authorities.
Our employees and personnel may use AI technologies to perform their work, and the disclosure and use of personal information in generative AI technologies is subject to various data privacy laws and other privacy obligations. Governments have passed and are likely to pass additional laws regulating generative AI. Our use of this technology could result in additional compliance costs, regulatory investigations and actions, and lawsuits. If we are unable to use generative AI, it could make our business less efficient and result in competitive disadvantages.
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We may at times fail to comply with applicable data privacy and security obligations, or may be perceived to have failed to do so. Moreover, despite our efforts, we may not be successful in achieving compliance if our employees, partners, or other third parties with whom we work do not comply with applicable data privacy and security obligations. Any failure (or perceived failure) by us or a third party with whom we work to comply with applicable data privacy and security obligations could subject us to litigation (including class claims), mass arbitration demands, claims, proceedings, actions or investigations by governmental entities, authorities, private parties, or regulators; additional reporting requirements and/or oversight; bans on Processing personal information; and orders to destroy or not use personal information. In particular, plaintiffs have become increasingly active in bringing privacy-related claims against companies, including class claims and mass arbitration demands. Some of these claims allow for the recovery of statutory damages on a per-violation basis, and, if viable, carry the potential for monumental statutory damages, depending on the volume of data and the number of violations. Any of the foregoing could result in an adverse consequences, including increase our compliance and operational costs; limit our ability to market our products or services and attract new and retain current customers; result in reputational harm; lead to a loss of customers; reduce the use of our products or services; cause us to incur significant costs, expenses, and fees (including attorney fees); cause a material adverse impact to business operations or financial results; and otherwise result in other material harm to our business.
We and our franchise partners are subject to extensive government regulations that could result in claims leading to increased costs and restrict our ability to operate franchises.
We and our franchise partners are subject to extensive government regulation at the federal, state and local government levels, including by the FTC. These include, but are not limited to, regulations relating to the preparation and sale of beverages, zoning and building codes, franchising, land use, and employee, health, sanitation and safety matters. We and our franchise partners are required to obtain and maintain a wide variety of governmental licenses, permits and approvals. Local authorities may suspend or deny renewal of our governmental licenses if they determine that our operations do not meet the standards for initial grant or renewal. Difficulty or failure in obtaining them in the future could result in delaying or canceling the opening of new shops and thus could harm our business. Any such failure could also subject us to liability from our franchise partners.
Additionally, governmental authorities may adopt broad standards for determining when two or more entities may be deemed joint employers of the same employees. For example, the National Labor Relations Board passed a rule in October 2023, broadening the standards applicable to establishing a joint employer relationship and Congress has a legislation proposal in process that could shift more liability for franchise partner employment practices onto franchisors. The federal PRO Act would codify the Browning-Ferris decision that redefined joint employment to include a broader category of conduct by the franchisor. If the proposed or similar laws or rules come into effect, it could increase the possibility of Dutch Bros being held liable for our franchise partners’ employment practices.
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*Beverage and restaurant companies have been the target of class action lawsuits and other proceedings that are costly, divert management attention and, if successful, could result in our payment of substantial damages or settlement costs.
Our business is subject to the risk of litigation by employees, customers, competitors, landlords, or neighboring businesses, suppliers, franchise partners, stockholders, or others through private actions, class actions, administrative proceedings, regulatory actions, or other litigation. For example, in March 2023, a putative class action lawsuit was filed alleging that Dutch Bros Inc. and certain of its executive officers made false or misleading statements about the impact of commodity inflation on our financial results for the first quarter of 2022. See “Litigation Related to Securities Claims” in NOTE 15 — Commitments and Contingencies to the condensed consolidated financial statements, included elsewhere in this Form 10-Q for more information. While all claims in the above-described putative class action lawsuit were dismissed by the court with prejudice, the outcome of litigation, particularly class action and regulatory actions, is difficult to assess or quantify. In recent years, beverage and restaurant companies have also been subject to lawsuits, including class action lawsuits, alleging violations of federal and state laws regarding workplace and employment matters, discrimination, and similar matters. A number of these lawsuits have resulted in the payment of substantial damages by the defendants. Similar lawsuits have been instituted from time to time alleging violations of various federal and state wage and hour laws regarding, among other things, employee meal deductions, overtime eligibility of assistant managers and failure to pay for all hours worked. Any such lawsuits in which Dutch Bros, Dutch Bros OpCo, or any subsidiary thereof is named as a party may result in substantial expenses and/or damages, even if such lawsuits may ultimately be decided in our favor.
Occasionally, our customers file complaints or lawsuits against us alleging that we are responsible for some illness or injury they suffered at or after a visit to one of our shops, including actions seeking damages resulting from food-borne illness or accidents in our shops. We also could be subject to a variety of other claims from third parties arising in the ordinary course of our business, including contract claims. The food service and restaurant industry has also been subject to a growing number of claims that their menus and actions have led to the obesity of certain of their customers.
Occasionally, we and our franchise partners are involved in disputes with neighbors, government officials, and landlords over the lines of cars attempting to visit our shops. These disputes have led to and could lead to the loss or changing of locations, changes to hours and operations, and costly litigation. If we are unable to reach agreement in future disputes or to alleviate pressure on certain shops by building additional shops or making operational changes, we may be required to close locations or alter operations at some locations. Lost sales and royalty payments caused by such closures or alterations, plus increased expenses from litigation, would harm our business.
Regardless of whether any claims against us are valid or whether we are liable, claims may be expensive to defend and may divert time and money away from our operations. In addition, they may generate negative publicity, which could reduce customer traffic and sales. Although we maintain what we believe to be adequate levels of insurance, insurance may not be available at all or in sufficient amounts to cover any liabilities with respect to these or other matters. A judgment or other liability in excess of our insurance coverage for any claims or any adverse publicity resulting from claims could harm our business.
Legislation and regulations requiring the display and provision of nutritional information for our menu offerings, and new information or attitudes regarding diet and health or adverse opinions about the health effects of consuming our menu offerings, could affect consumer preferences and negatively impact our business, financial condition, and results of operations.
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Government regulation and customer consumption habits may impact our business as a result of changes in attitudes regarding diet and health or new information regarding the health effects of consuming our menu offerings. These changes have resulted in, and may continue to result in, the enactment of laws and regulations that impact the ingredients and nutritional content of our menu offerings, or laws and regulations requiring us to disclose the nutritional content of our food offerings.
For example, a number of states, counties, and cities have enacted menu labeling laws requiring multi-unit restaurant operators to disclose certain nutritional information to customers, or have enacted legislation restricting the use of certain types of ingredients in food sold at restaurants. Furthermore, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (the PPACA) establishes a uniform, federal requirement for certain restaurants to post certain nutritional information on their menus. Specifically, the PPACA amended the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to require certain chain restaurants to publish the total number of calories of standard menu items on menus and menu boards, along with a statement that puts this calorie information in the context of a total daily calorie intake. The PPACA also requires covered restaurants to provide to consumers, upon request, a written summary of detailed nutritional information for each standard menu item, and to provide a statement on menus and menu boards about the availability of this information. The PPACA further permits the Food and Drug Administration to require covered restaurants to make additional nutrient disclosures, such as disclosure of trans-fat content. An unfavorable report on, or reaction to, our menu ingredients, the size of our portions or the nutritional content of our menu items could negatively influence the demand for our offerings.
We cannot make any assurances regarding our ability to effectively respond to changes in customer health perceptions or our ability to successfully implement the nutrient content disclosure requirements and to adapt our menu offerings to trends in drinking and consumption habits. The imposition of menu-labeling laws could have an adverse effect on our results of operations and financial position, as well as the food service and restaurant industry in general.
Risks Related to Our Organizational Structure
*Dutch Bros Inc. is a holding company, and its only material asset is its interest in Dutch Bros OpCo. Accordingly, Dutch Bros Inc. is dependent upon distributions from Dutch Bros OpCo to pay its taxes and expenses (including payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements) and to pay dividends.
Dutch Bros Inc. is a holding company, and has no material assets other than its ownership of OpCo Units. Dutch Bros Inc. has no independent means of generating revenue or cash flow, and its ability to pay taxes, operating expenses and dividends in the future, if any, will be dependent upon the financial results and cash flows of Dutch Bros OpCo and its subsidiaries and distributions received from Dutch Bros OpCo. There can be no assurance that Dutch Bros OpCo and its subsidiaries will generate sufficient cash flow to make such distributions, or that applicable state law and contractual restrictions, including negative covenants in our debt instruments, will permit such distributions.
We anticipate that Dutch Bros OpCo will continue to be treated as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes and, as such, generally will not be subject to any entity-level U.S. federal income tax. Instead, taxable income will be allocated to holders of Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units. Accordingly, Dutch Bros Inc. will incur income taxes on its allocable share of any net taxable income of Dutch Bros OpCo and will also incur expenses related to its operations, including payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements, which we expect could be significant. Furthermore, Dutch Bros Inc.’s economic interest in Dutch Bros OpCo will increase over time as the Continuing Members redeem or exchange their Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units for shares of Class A common stock or cash, and, accordingly, Dutch Bros Inc.’s allocable share of Dutch Bros OpCo’s net taxable income is expected to increase over time.
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The OpCo LLC Agreement generally requires Dutch Bros OpCo to make pro rata cash distributions to the holders of Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units, including Dutch Bros Inc., in amounts sufficient to (i) fund each holder’s tax obligations in respect of allocations of taxable income from Dutch Bros OpCo and (ii) cover Dutch Bros Inc.’s operating expenses, including payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements. However, Dutch Bros OpCo’s ability to make such distributions may be subject to various limitations and restrictions, such as restrictions on distributions that would either violate any contract or agreement to which Dutch Bros OpCo or its subsidiaries is then a party, including debt agreements, or any applicable law, or that would have the effect of rendering Dutch Bros OpCo insolvent. In addition, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, liability for adjustments to a partnership’s tax return can be imposed on the partnership itself in certain circumstances, absent an election to the contrary. Dutch Bros OpCo could be subject to material liabilities pursuant to adjustments to its partnership tax returns if, for example, its calculations or allocations of taxable income or loss are incorrect, which also could limit Dutch Bros OpCo’s ability to make distributions to Dutch Bros Inc.
If Dutch Bros Inc. does not have sufficient funds to pay taxes or other liabilities or to fund its operations, we may have to borrow funds, which could materially adversely affect our liquidity and financial condition and subject us to various restrictions imposed by any such lenders. To the extent that Dutch Bros Inc. is unable to make payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements for any reason, such payments generally will be deferred and will accrue interest until paid; provided, however, that nonpayment for a specified period may constitute a material breach of a material obligation under the Tax Receivable Agreements and therefore accelerate payments due under the Tax Receivable Agreements. In addition, if Dutch Bros OpCo does not have sufficient funds to make distributions, Dutch Bros Inc.’s ability to declare and pay cash dividends will also be restricted or impaired.
*Dutch Bros OpCo may make distributions of cash to Dutch Bros Inc. in excess of the amounts used by Dutch Bros Inc. to make distributions to its stockholders and pay its expenses (including taxes and payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements). In certain circumstances, such excess cash could cause the value of a share of Class A common stock to be deemed to increase relative to the value of a Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common unit, and if actions are not taken to address this issue the Continuing Members could benefit disproportionately from any additional value of a share of Class A common stock attributable to such cash if they exercise their redemption or exchange rights.
Distributions required under the OpCo LLC Agreement from Dutch Bros OpCo to Dutch Bros Inc. may in certain periods exceed Dutch Bros Inc.’s liabilities, including tax liabilities, obligations to make payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements, and other expenses. Dutch Bros Inc.’s board of directors will, subject to applicable restrictions in any contract or agreement, including debt agreements, or any applicable law, determine from time to time the use of any such cash in excess of its liabilities so accumulated, which may include, among other uses, holding such cash balance in Dutch Bros Inc., purchasing additional Class A common units, lending such cash to Dutch Bros OpCo for operations, or using such cash to pay dividends on its Class A common stock. Dutch Bros Inc. has no obligation to distribute such cash to its stockholders and may be restricted from making such distributions to its stockholders. See “Restrictions imposed by our outstanding indebtedness and any future indebtedness may limit our ability to operate our business, execute our growth strategy, and finance our future operations or capital needs or engage in other business activities.”
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If future cash distributions from Dutch Bros OpCo exceed Dutch Bros Inc.’s liabilities and Dutch Bros Inc. retains such excess cash balance, the shares of Class A common stock may be deemed to increase in value relative to the Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units. If there is an increase in the relative value of a share of Class A common stock, Continuing Members could be viewed as disproportionately benefiting because the OpCo LLC Agreement and our certificate of incorporation provide that each Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common unit may be redeemed or exchanged for one share Class A common stock. For example, Continuing Members could disproportionately benefit in instances where they have received a tax distribution from Dutch Bros OpCo and subsequently redeem or exchange Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units for shares of Class A common stock on a one-to-one basis when the value of the Class A common stock is increased relative to the Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units as a result of Dutch Bros Inc. retaining any cash distribution from Dutch Bros OpCo in excess of Dutch Bros Inc.’s liabilities. If Dutch Bros Inc. retains such excess cash, we may implement measures to mitigate any arguable disproportionate benefits to Continuing Members and to maintain the equal value of Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units relative to the shares of Class A common stock into which they are exchangeable. Such measures may require consent from Continuing Members, amendment to the OpCo LLC Agreement or our amended and restated certificate of incorporation or approvals required under our governing documents, third-party agreements, including our debt agreements, or applicable law. No assurance can be given that we will be able to obtain the required consents or approvals or that we will be able to maintain the equal value of Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units and corresponding shares of Class A common stock at all times. To the extent we are unable to fully eliminate any value disparity, our Continuing Members may arguably disproportionately benefit if they acquire shares of Class A common stock in redemption or exchange of their Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units.
The Tax Receivable Agreements with the Continuing Members and Pre-IPO Blocker Holders require Dutch Bros Inc. to make cash payments to them in respect of certain tax benefits to which it may become entitled, and such payments may be substantial.
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In connection with the IPO, Dutch Bros Inc. entered into the Tax Receivable Agreements with the Continuing Members and the Pre-IPO Blocker Holders, as applicable. These Tax Receivable Agreements provide for the payment by Dutch Bros Inc. to such Continuing Members and Pre-IPO Blocker Holders of 85% of the benefits, if any, that Dutch Bros Inc. is deemed to realize (calculated using certain assumptions) as a result of certain tax attributes and benefits covered by the Tax Receivable Agreements. The Exchange Tax Receivable Agreement provides for the payment by Dutch Bros Inc. to the Continuing Members of 85% of the benefits, if any, that Dutch Bros Inc. is deemed to realize (calculated using certain assumptions) as a result of (i) Dutch Bros Inc.’s allocable share of existing tax basis attributable to certain assets of Dutch Bros OpCo and its subsidiaries (including assets that will eventually be subject to depreciation or amortization once placed in service) at the time of any redemption or exchange of Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units (including certain transactions in connection with the IPO) which tax basis is allocated to such redeemed or exchanged Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units acquired by Dutch Bros Inc., (ii) adjustments that will increase the tax basis of the tangible and intangible assets of the Dutch Bros OpCo and its subsidiaries as a result of Dutch Bros Inc.’s taxable acquisition of Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units from the Continuing Members in connection with the IPO and in connection with future redemptions or exchanges of Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units for shares of Class A common stock (or a corresponding amount of cash), (iii) disproportionate allocations (if any) of tax benefits to Dutch Bros Inc. under Section 704(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code), as a result of Dutch Bros Inc.’s earlier acquisition of other Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units in connection with the IPO and (iv) certain other tax benefits, including tax benefits attributable to payments under the Exchange Tax Receivable Agreement. The Reorganization Tax Receivable Agreement provides for the payment by Dutch Bros Inc. to Pre-IPO Blocker Holders of 85% of the benefits, if any, that Dutch Bros Inc. is deemed to realize (calculated using certain assumptions) as a result of (i) existing tax basis and certain adjustments to the tax basis of certain assets of Dutch Bros OpCo and its subsidiaries, in each case, that are attributable to Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units acquired by Dutch Bros Inc. from the Blocker Companies in connection with the IPO, (ii) certain tax attributes of the Blocker Companies (including net operating losses, capital losses, research and development credits, work opportunity tax credits, excess Section 163(j) limitation carryforwards, charitable deductions, foreign Tax credits and any Tax attributes subject to carryforward under Section 381 of the Code), and (iii) certain other tax benefits, including tax benefits attributable to payments under the Reorganization Tax Receivable Agreement.
In each case, these increases in Dutch Bros Inc.’s allocable share of existing tax basis, the tax basis adjustments generated over time, and the application of Section 704(c) of the Code, may increase (for tax purposes) depreciation and amortization deductions allocated to Dutch Bros Inc. and, therefore, may reduce the amount of tax that Dutch Bros Inc. would otherwise be required to pay in the future. Actual tax benefits realized by Dutch Bros Inc. may differ from tax benefits calculated under the Tax Receivable Agreements as a result of the use of certain assumptions in the Tax Receivable Agreements, including the use of an assumed weighted-average state and local income tax rate to calculate tax benefits. The payment obligations under the Tax Receivable Agreements are an obligation of Dutch Bros Inc., but not of Dutch Bros OpCo. While the amount of existing tax basis, the anticipated tax basis adjustments, the application of Section 704(c) of the Code, and the actual amount and utilization of tax attributes, as well as the amount and timing of any payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements, will vary depending upon a number of factors, including the timing of redemptions and exchanges, the price of shares of our Class A common stock at the time of redemptions and exchanges, the extent to which such redemptions and exchanges are taxable, and the amount and timing of our income, we expect that as a result of the size of the transfers and increases in the tax basis of the tangible and intangible assets of Dutch Bros OpCo and our possible utilization of tax attributes, including existing tax basis attributable to Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units acquired in connection with the IPO, the payments that Dutch Bros Inc. may make under the Tax Receivable Agreements may be substantial. The payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements are not conditioned upon continued ownership of Dutch Bros Inc. by the exchanging holders of Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units or the Pre-IPO Blocker Holders.
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Payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements will be based on the tax reporting positions that we determine, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or another tax authority may challenge all or part of the tax basis increases, as well as other related tax positions we take, and a court could sustain such challenge. The Continuing Members and Pre-IPO Blocker Holders will not reimburse Dutch Bros Inc. for any payments previously made under the Tax Receivable Agreements if such basis increases or other tax benefits are subsequently disallowed, except that any excess payments made by Dutch Bros Inc. to the Continuing Members and Pre-IPO Blocker Holders will be netted against future payments that it might otherwise be required to make to them under the applicable Tax Receivable Agreements. However, a challenge to any tax benefits initially claimed may not arise for a number of years following the initial time of such payment or, even if challenged early, such excess cash payment may be greater than the amount of future cash payments that Dutch Bros Inc. might otherwise be required to make under the terms of the Tax Receivable Agreements and, as a result, there might not be sufficient future cash payments against which the prior payments can be fully netted. The applicable U.S. federal income tax rules are complex and factual in nature, and there can be no assurance that the IRS or a court will not disagree with our tax reporting positions. As a result, in certain circumstances Dutch Bros Inc. may make payments to the Continuing Members and Pre-IPO Blocker Holders under the Tax Receivable Agreements in excess of its actual cash tax savings. Therefore, payments could be made under the Tax Receivable Agreements in excess of the tax savings that we realize in respect of the tax attributes with respect to the Continuing Members and Pre-IPO Blocker Holders that are the subject of the Tax Receivable Agreements.
In certain cases, payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements may be accelerated and/or significantly exceed the actual benefits Dutch Bros Inc. realizes in respect of the tax attributes subject to the Tax Receivable Agreements.
Dutch Bros Inc.’s payment obligations under the Tax Receivable Agreements may be accelerated in the event of certain changes of control or certain material breaches of material obligations and will be accelerated in the event it elects to terminate the Tax Receivable Agreements early. The accelerated payments will relate to all relevant tax attributes that may subsequently be available to Dutch Bros Inc. The accelerated payments required in such circumstances will be calculated by reference to the present value (at a discount rate equal to the lesser of (i) 6.5% per annum and (ii) one year LIBOR, or its successor rate, plus 100 “basis points”) of all future payments that the Continuing Members and Pre-IPO Blocker Holders would have been entitled to receive under the Tax Receivable Agreements, and such accelerated payments and any other future payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements will utilize certain valuation assumptions, including that Dutch Bros Inc. will have sufficient taxable income to fully utilize the deductions arising from the increased tax deductions and tax basis and other benefits related to entering into the Tax Receivable Agreements and sufficient taxable income to fully utilize any remaining net operating losses subject to the Tax Receivable Agreements on a straight line basis over the shorter of the statutory expiration period for such net operating losses and the five-year period after the early termination or change of control.
Accordingly, it is possible that the actual cash tax benefits realized by Dutch Bros Inc. may be significantly less than the corresponding Tax Receivable Agreement payments or that payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements may be made years in advance of the actual realization, if any, of the anticipated future tax benefits. There may be a material negative effect on our liquidity if the payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements exceed the actual cash tax benefits that Dutch Bros Inc. realizes in respect of the tax attributes subject to the Tax Receivable Agreements and/or payments to us from Dutch Bros OpCo are not sufficient to permit Dutch Bros Inc. to make payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements after it has paid taxes and other expenses. We may need to incur additional indebtedness to finance payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements to the extent our cash resources are insufficient to meet our obligations under the Tax Receivable Agreements as a result of timing discrepancies or otherwise, and these obligations could have the effect of delaying, deferring or preventing certain mergers, asset sales, other forms of business combinations, or other changes of control.
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The acceleration of payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements in the case of certain changes of control may impair our ability to consummate change of control transactions or negatively impact the value received by owners of our Class A common stock.
The Tax Receivable Agreements provide that upon certain mergers, asset sales or other forms of business combination, or certain other changes of control, Dutch Bros Inc.’s (or its successor’s) obligations with respect to the Tax Receivable Agreements would be based on certain assumptions, including that we (or our successor) would have sufficient taxable income to fully utilize the benefits arising from the increased tax deductions and tax basis and other benefits covered by the Tax Receivable Agreements. Consequently, it is possible, in these circumstances, that the actual cash tax savings realized by us may be significantly less than the corresponding tax benefit payments under the Tax Receivable Agreements. Dutch Bros Inc.’s accelerated payment obligations and/or assumptions adopted under the Tax Receivable Agreements in the case of a change of control may impair our ability to consummate a change of control transactions or negatively impact the value received by owners of our Class A common stock in a change of control transaction.
If we were deemed to be an investment company under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the 1940 Act), as a result of our ownership of Dutch Bros OpCo, applicable restrictions could make it impractical for us to continue our business as contemplated and could have a material adverse effect on our business.
Under Sections 3(a)(1)(A) and (C) of the 1940 Act, a company generally will be deemed to be an “investment company” for purposes of the 1940 Act if (i) it is, or holds itself out as being, engaged primarily, or proposes to engage primarily, in the business of investing, reinvesting or trading in securities or (ii) it engages, or proposes to engage, in the business of investing, reinvesting, owning, holding or trading in securities and it owns or proposes to acquire investment securities having a value exceeding 40% of the value of its total assets (exclusive of U.S. government securities and cash items) on an unconsolidated basis. We do not believe that we are an “investment company,” as such term is defined in either of those sections of the 1940 Act.
As the sole managing member of Dutch Bros OpCo, we control and operate Dutch Bros OpCo. On that basis, we believe that our interest in Dutch Bros OpCo is not an “investment security” as that term is used in the 1940 Act. However, if we were to cease participation in the management of Dutch Bros OpCo or if Dutch Bros OpCo itself becomes an investment company, our interest in Dutch Bros OpCo, as applicable, could be deemed an “investment security” for purposes of the 1940 Act.
We and Dutch Bros OpCo intend to conduct our operations so that we will not be deemed an investment company. If it were established that we were an unregistered investment company, there would be a risk that we would be subject to monetary penalties and injunctive relief in an action brought by the SEC, that we would be unable to enforce contracts with third parties, and that third parties could seek to obtain rescission of transactions undertaken during the period it was established that we were an unregistered investment company. If we were required to register as an investment company, restrictions imposed by the 1940 Act, including limitations on our capital structure and our ability to transact with affiliates, could make it impractical for us to continue our business as contemplated and could have a material adverse effect on our business.
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Risks Related to Ownership of Our Class A Common Stock
*Additional stock issuances (including pursuant to the redemption or exchange of Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units from our Continuing Members) could result in significant dilution to our stockholders and cause the trading price of our Class A common stock to decline.
We may issue our capital stock or securities convertible into our capital stock from time to time in connection with financing our business operations and growth, to repay debt, or for acquisitions, investments, or otherwise (including pursuant to the redemption or exchange of Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units from our Continuing Members). Any such issuances could result in substantial dilution to our existing stockholders and cause the trading price of our Class A common stock to decline.
In particular, following the issuance of shares of Class A common stock in connection with the redemption or exchange of Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units from our Continuing Members (together with the cancellation of any shares of our Class B common stock or Class C common stock paired with such units), such shares of Class A common stock will have the same economic rights as other shares of Class A common stock. For example, in each of February, March, and June 2024, we facilitated a registered underwritten public offering of shares of our Class A common stock by our Sponsor. In connection with such offerings, our Sponsor exchanged an aggregate of approximately 19 million Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units and converted an aggregate of approximately 6 million shares of our Class D common stock for approximately 25 million shares of our Class A common stock.
The trading price of our Class A common stock may be volatile, and you could lose all or part of your investment.
The price of our Class A common stock may be volatile and could be subject to fluctuations in response to various factors, some of which are beyond our control. These fluctuations could cause you to lose all or part of your investment in our Class A common stock. Factors that could cause fluctuations in the trading price of our Class A common stock include the risk factors set forth in this section as well as the following:
price and volume fluctuations in the overall stock market from time to time;
volatility in the trading prices and trading volumes of competitors’ stocks;
changes in operating performance and stock market valuations of other companies generally, or those in our industry in particular;
sales of shares of our Class A common stock by us or our stockholders, including the Continuing Members;
failure of securities analysts to maintain coverage of us, changes in financial estimates by securities analysts who follow our company, or our failure to meet these estimates or the expectations of investors;
changes in our financial, operating or other metrics, regardless of whether we consider those metrics as reflective of the current state or long-term prospects of our business, and how those results compare to securities analyst expectations, including whether those results fail to meet, exceed or significantly exceed securities analyst expectations, particularly in light of the significant portion of our revenue derived from a limited number of customers;
announcements by us or our competitors of new products or services;
the public’s reaction to our press releases, other public announcements, and filings with the SEC;
rumors and market speculation involving us or other companies in our industry;
actual or anticipated changes in our results of operations or fluctuations in our results of operations;
actual or anticipated developments in our business, our competitors’ businesses, or the competitive landscape generally;
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litigation involving us, our industry or both, or investigations by regulators into our operations or those of our competitors;
actual or perceived privacy or data security incidents;
developments or disputes concerning our intellectual property or other proprietary rights;
announced or completed acquisitions of businesses, franchises or other assets by us or our competitors;
new laws or regulations or new interpretations of existing laws or regulations applicable to our business;
changes in accounting standards, policies, guidelines, interpretations or principles;
any significant change in our management; and
general political and economic conditions and slow or negative growth of our markets.
In addition, in the past, following periods of volatility in the overall market and in the market price of a particular company’s securities, securities class action litigation has often been instituted against these companies. For example, in March 2023, a putative class action lawsuit was filed alleging that Dutch Bros Inc. and certain of its executive officers made false or misleading statements about the impact of commodity inflation on our financial results for the first quarter of 2022. See “Litigation Related to Securities Claims” in NOTE 15 — Commitments and Contingencies to the condensed consolidated financial statements, included elsewhere in this Form 10-Q for more information. This litigation, and other litigation, if instituted against us, could result in substantial costs and a diversion of our management’s attention and resources.
*The multi-class structure of our common stock has the effect of concentrating voting control with our Co-Founder, limiting your ability to influence corporate matters.
Each share of our Class A common stock entitles its holder to one vote on all matters on which stockholders are entitled to vote generally. Our shares of Class B common stock have no economic rights but each share entitles its holder to ten votes (or such lower number as required to prevent the holders of Class B common stock from holding, in the aggregate, 80% or more of the aggregate voting power of Dutch Bros Inc. at any time) for so long as the aggregate number of outstanding shares of our Class B common stock represents at least 5% of the total outstanding shares of common stock, and thereafter, one vote per share on all matters on which stockholders are entitled to vote generally. All of our Class B common stock are held by certain Continuing Members affiliated with our Co-Founder.
Prior to the Secondary Offering in June 2024, our shares of Class C common stock and Class D common stock entitled its holder to three votes for each share (for so long as the aggregate number of outstanding shares of our Class C common stock and Class D common stock represents at least 5% of the total outstanding shares of common stock, and thereafter, one vote per share) on all matters on which stockholders are entitled to vote generally. As a result of the Secondary Offering in June 2024, the aggregate number of outstanding shares of our Class C common stock and Class D common stock represent less than 5% of the total outstanding shares of common stock. All of the outstanding shares of Class D common stock were converted into an equal number of shares of Class A common stock in June 2024 and there are no shares of Class D common stock outstanding. Pursuant to our amended and restated certificate of incorporation, our board of directors fixed September 30, 2024 as the date the number of votes per share of the remaining outstanding shares of Class C common stock was reduced to one vote per share. Our shares of Class C common stock have no economic rights. All of our Class C common stock are held by certain Continuing Members affiliated with our Sponsor.
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The difference in voting rights could adversely affect the value of our Class A common stock by, for example, delaying or deferring a change of control or if investors view, or any potential future purchaser of our company views, the superior voting rights of the Class B common stock to have value. Because of the ten-to-one voting ratio between our Class B common stock, on the one hand, and our Class A common stock on the other hand, our Co-Founder, as the holder of all of our Class B common stock, will continue to control a majority of the combined voting power of our common stock and therefore be able to control all matters submitted to our stockholders so long as the shares held by our Co-Founder collectively represent at least a majority of the total voting power. This concentrated control will limit or preclude the ability of holders of Class A common stock to influence corporate matters for the foreseeable future.
As a public company utilizing a multi-class capital structure, FTSE Russell and Standard & Poor’s will not include our stock in their indices. Affected indices include the Russell 2000 and the S&P 500, S&P MidCap 400 and S&P SmallCap 600, which together make up the S&P Composite 1500. Our multi-class capital structure makes us ineligible for inclusion in certain indices, and as a result, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds and other investment vehicles that attempt to passively track these indices will not be investing in our Class A common stock. In addition, we cannot assure you that other stock indices will not take similar actions. Given the sustained flow of investment funds into passive strategies that seek to track certain indices, exclusion from certain stock indices would likely preclude investment by many of these funds and would make our Class A common stock less attractive to other investors. As a result, the trading price and volume of our Class A common stock could be adversely affected.
*Our Co-Founder continues to have significant influence over us, which could limit your ability to influence the outcome of matters submitted to stockholders for a vote.
As of September 30, 2024, our Co-Founder beneficially owned approximately 73.2% of the combined voting power of our Class A common stock, Class B common stock, and Class C common stock (as of September 30, 2024, no Class D common stock was outstanding). Each share of Class A common stock entitles the holder to one vote and each share of Class B common stock entitles the holder to ten votes (for so long as the aggregate number of outstanding shares of our Class B common stock represents at least 5% of the total outstanding common stock, and thereafter, one vote per share, provided that the number of votes per share may be adjusted from time to time in accordance with our amended and restated certificate of incorporation, as required to prevent the holders of Class B common stock from holding, in the aggregate, 80% or more of the aggregate voting power of Dutch Bros Inc. at any time). Thus, our Co-Founder exercises control over all corporate actions requiring stockholder approval, irrespective of how our other stockholders may vote, including the election and removal of directors and the size of our board of directors, any amendment of our certificate of incorporation or bylaws or the approval of any merger or other significant corporate transaction, including a sale of substantially all our assets. It is possible that our Co-Founder’s interests may not align with the interests of our other stockholders.
Our Co-Founder owned approximately 32.9% of the Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units as of September 30, 2024. Because he holds some of his ownership interest in our business directly in Dutch Bros OpCo, rather than through Dutch Bros Inc., our Co-Founder may have conflicting interests with holders of shares of our Class A common stock. For example, if Dutch Bros OpCo makes distributions to Dutch Bros Inc., the non-managing members of Dutch Bros OpCo will also be entitled to receive such distributions pro rata in accordance with their ownership of Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units and their preferences as to the timing and amount of any such distributions may differ from those of our public stockholders. Our Co-Founder may also have different tax positions from Dutch Bros Inc. that could influence his decisions regarding whether and when to dispose of assets, especially in light of the existence of the Tax Receivable Agreements, whether and when to incur new or refinance existing indebtedness and whether and when Dutch Bros Inc. should terminate the Tax Receivable Agreements and accelerate its obligations thereunder. In addition, the structuring of future transactions may take into consideration our pre-IPO owners’ (pre-IPO Dutch Bros OpCo unitholders and Pre-IPO Blocker Holders) tax or other considerations even where no similar benefit would accrue to us.
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*We are a “controlled company” within the meaning of the New York Stock Exchange rules and, as a result, qualify for, and may rely on, exemptions and relief from certain corporate governance requirements. You do not have the same protections afforded to stockholders of companies that are subject to such requirements.
As of September 30, 2024, our Co-Founder beneficially owned approximately 73.2% of the combined voting power of our Class A common stock, Class B common stock, and Class C common stock. As a result, we are a “controlled company” within the meaning of the New York Stock Exchange corporate governance standards. Under these corporate governance standards, a company of which more than 50% of the voting power in the election of directors is held by an individual, group or another company is a “controlled company” and may elect not to comply with certain corporate governance requirements. For example, controlled companies are not required to have:
a board that is composed of a majority of “independent directors,” as defined under the New York Stock Exchange rules;
a compensation committee that is composed entirely of independent directors; and
director nominations be made, or recommended to the full board of directors, by its independent directors, or by a nominations/governance committee that is composed entirely of independent directors.
We have in the past, and may in the future, utilize one or more of these exemptions until we are no longer eligible for them. Accordingly, you do not have the same protections afforded to stockholders of companies that are subject to all the corporate governance requirements of the New York Stock Exchange.
Certain of our directors have in the past and may in the future have relationships with our Sponsor, which may cause conflicts of interest with respect to our business.
Certain of our directors have in the past been, and may in the future be, affiliated with our Sponsor. Such Sponsor-affiliated directors have fiduciary duties to us and, in addition, have duties to our Sponsor. As a result, such a director may face real or apparent conflicts of interest with respect to matters affecting both us and our Sponsor, whose interests may be adverse to ours in some circumstances.
Additionally, our amended and restated certificate of incorporation provides that we renounce any interest or expectancy in, or in being offered an opportunity to participate in, business opportunities that are from time to time available to Sponsor and of its officers, directors, agents, stockholders, members, partners, affiliates and subsidiaries and each such party shall not have any obligation to offer us those opportunities unless presented to one of our directors or officers in his or her capacity as a director or officer.
*Future sales of shares of our Class A common stock could cause the market price of our Class A common stock to decline.
Sales of a substantial number of shares of our Class A common stock in the public market, or the perception that these redemptions, exchanges or sales might occur, could depress the market price of our Class A common stock and could impair our ability to raise capital through the sale of additional equity securities. Many of our existing equity holders have substantial unrecognized gains on the value of the equity they hold based upon the price per share of the IPO, and therefore they may take steps to sell their shares or otherwise secure the unrecognized gains on those shares.
Subject to the terms of the OpCo LLC Agreement, as of September 30, 2024, an aggregate of 63,368,730 Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units may be redeemed or exchanged for shares of our Class A common stock. Any shares we issue upon redemption or exchange of Dutch Bros OpCo Class A common units will be “restricted securities” as defined in Rule 144 and may not be sold in the absence of registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (Securities Act) unless an exemption from registration is available, including the exemptions contained in Rule 144.
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However, all such shares are now eligible for resale in the public market, subject, in the case of shares held by our affiliates, to volume, manner of sale, and other limitations under Rule 144.
Our trading price and trading volume could decline if securities or industry analysts do not publish research about our business, or if they publish unfavorable research.
The trading market for our Class A common stock relies in part on the research and reports that equity research analysts publish about us or our business. A lack of adequate research coverage may harm the liquidity and trading price of our Class A common stock. We do not have any control over the content and opinions included in their reports. The trading price of our Class A common stock could decline if one or more equity research analysts downgrade our stock or publish other unfavorable commentary or research. If one or more equity research analysts cease coverage of our company, or fail to regularly publish reports on us, the demand for our Class A common stock could decrease, which in turn could cause our trading price or trading volume to decline.
General Risks
Our results may fluctuate significantly and may not meet our expectations or those of investors or securities analysts.
Our results of operations, including the levels of our revenue, deferred revenue, working capital, and cash flows, may vary significantly in the future, such that period-to-period comparisons of our results of operations may not be meaningful. Our financial results may fluctuate due to a variety of factors, many of which are outside of our control and may be difficult to predict, including, but not limited to:
changes in consumer tastes and nutritional and dietary trends;
successful identification and acquisition of appropriate sites to timely develop and expand our number of profitable shops;
protection of our brand and reputation;
dependence on a small number of suppliers, including for roasting;
expectations regarding our future operating and financial performance;
the size of our addressable markets, market share, and market trends;
effective management and continued growth of our workforce and operations;
our ability to attract, retain, and motivate skilled personnel, including key members of our senior management;
generation of projected same shop sales growth;
the sufficiency of our cash, cash equivalents, and investments to meet our liquidity needs;
dependence on long-term non-cancelable leases;
our employees and the status of our workers;
our inability to maintain good relationships with our franchising partners;
the timing and amount of deferred expenses related to the maintenance of company-operated shops;
the effects of seasonal trends on our results of operations;
our vulnerability to global financial market conditions, including the continuing effects from the recent recession;
adverse weather conditions in local or regional areas where our shops are located; and
our realization of any benefit from our organizational structure net of expenses associated with the same (including our obligations under the Tax Receivable Agreements).
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Any one or more of the factors above may result in significant fluctuations in our results of operations, which may negatively impact the trading price of our Class A common stock. You should not rely on our past results as an indicator of our future performance.
*Our outstanding indebtedness could materially adversely affect our financial condition and our ability to operate our business, pursue our growth strategy, and react to changes in the economy or industry.
As of September 30, 2024, we had $237.8 million outstanding under our term loan facility. In addition, subject to certain restrictions under the 2022 Credit Facility, we may incur additional debt.
Our debt could have important consequences to you, including the following:
it may be difficult for us to satisfy our obligations, including debt service requirements under our outstanding debt, resulting in possible defaults on and acceleration of such indebtedness;
we may need to issue additional Class A common stock to fund the repayment of our debt, which would result in additional dilution to existing investors and may cause our stock price to decline;
our ability to obtain additional financing for working capital, capital expenditures, debt service requirements, or other general corporate purposes may be impaired;
a substantial portion of cash flow from operations may be dedicated to the payment of principal and interest on our debt, therefore reducing our ability to use our cash flow to fund our operations, capital expenditures, future business opportunities, acquisitions, and other general corporate purposes;
we are more vulnerable to economic downturns and adverse industry conditions and our flexibility to plan for, or react to, changes in our business or industry is more limited;
our ability to capitalize on business opportunities and to react to competitive pressures, as compared to our competitors, may be compromised due to our level of debt; and
our ability to borrow additional funds or to refinance debt may be limited.
Furthermore, all of our debt under our 2022 Credit Facility bears interest at variable rates, which may increase from time to time. If these rates were to increase significantly, whether because of an increase in market interest rates or a decrease in our creditworthiness, our ability to borrow additional funds may be reduced and the risks related to our substantial debt would intensify.
*Restrictions imposed by our outstanding indebtedness and any future indebtedness may limit our ability to operate our business, execute our growth strategy, and finance our future operations or capital needs or engage in other business activities.
The covenants under our 2022 Credit Facility restrict our ability, among other things, to:
incur additional debt;
grant liens on assets;
sell or dispose of assets;
merge with or acquire other companies, or make other investments;
enter into sale and leaseback transactions and swap agreements;
liquidate or dissolve ourselves;
engage in businesses that are not in a related line of business; or
pay dividends or make other distributions.
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For example, our 2022 Credit Facility generally requires that any tax distributions received by Dutch Bros Inc. that exceed its actual tax liability and operating expenses generally must be reinvested into Dutch Bros OpCo, which restricts our ability to distribute such cash to our stockholders or to retain such cash in Dutch Bros Inc. for other uses.
In addition, our 2022 Credit Facility contains financial covenants that require us not to exceed a maximum net lease-adjusted total leverage ratio and maintain a minimum fixed charge coverage ratio. Our ability to comply with these financial covenants can be affected by events beyond our control, and we may not be able to satisfy them.
A breach of any of the covenants in the 2022 Credit Facility could result in an event of default, which could trigger acceleration of our indebtedness and may result in the acceleration of or default under other debt we may incur in the future, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, and financial condition. In the event of such event of default under our 2022 Credit Facility, the applicable lenders could elect to terminate their commitments and declare all outstanding loans, together with accrued and unpaid interest and any fees and other obligations, to be due and payable, and/or exercise their rights and remedies under the loan documents governing our 2022 Credit Facility or any applicable law. Our obligations under the 2022 Credit Facility are guaranteed by our subsidiaries and secured by substantially all of our and such subsidiary guarantors’ assets.
If we were unable to repay or otherwise refinance these loans when due, the applicable lenders could proceed against the collateral granted to them to secure such indebtedness, which could force us into bankruptcy or liquidation. In the event the applicable lenders accelerate the repayment of our loans, we and our subsidiaries may not have sufficient assets to repay such indebtedness. Any acceleration of amounts due under our 2022 Credit Facility or the exercise by the applicable lenders of their rights and remedies would likely have a material adverse effect on our business.
As a result of these restrictions, we may be:
limited in how we conduct our business;
unable to raise additional debt or equity financing to operate during general economic or business downturns; or
unable to compete effectively or to take advantage of new business opportunities.
These restrictions may affect our ability to grow in accordance with our strategy.
Furthermore, the terms of any future indebtedness we may incur could have further additional restrictive covenants. We may not be able to maintain compliance with these covenants in the future, and in such event, we cannot assure you that we will be able to obtain waivers from the lenders or amend the covenants.
We are vulnerable to interest rate risk with respect to our debt, and swap agreements entered into to manage such risk may not effectively limit our exposure.
We are subject to interest rate risk in connection with our 2022 Credit Facility, which carries interest at a floating rate. We have, and may in the future, use interest rate swap agreements to fix all or a portion of our variable rate debt in order to manage interest rate risk. We may not be successful in structuring such agreements to manage our risks effectively in the future, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations. There can be no assurance that we can develop and implement a strategy that can effectively insulate us from risks associated with interest rate fluctuations, or that our swap agreements will have the desired beneficial impact. We might be subject to additional costs, such as transaction or termination fees, if we terminate these arrangements.
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We have previously identified and remediated material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting. If we fail to maintain effective internal controls, we may be unable to produce timely and accurate financial statements, and we may conclude that our internal control over financial reporting is not effective, which could adversely impact our investors’ confidence and our Class A common stock price.
In connection with the audit of our consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2022, our management and auditors determined that material weaknesses existed in the internal control over financial reporting because we did not have effective controls over (1) change management of system configurations in two IT environments, and (2) the accounting for breakage estimates related to our Dutch Rewards loyalty program. A material weakness is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control over financial reporting such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of our annual or interim consolidated financial statements will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis.
Although we have implemented measures designed to improve our internal control over financial reporting and remediated these material weaknesses, we cannot assure you that the measures we have taken to date will be sufficient to avoid potential future material weaknesses.
If we identify new material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting, if we are unable to comply with the requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, if we are unable to conclude that our internal control over financial reporting is effective, or if our independent registered public accounting firm is unable to express an opinion as to the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting, investors may lose confidence in the accuracy and completeness of our financial reports and the market price of our common stock could be negatively affected. As a result of such failures, we could also become subject to investigations by the New York Stock Exchange, the SEC or other regulatory authorities, and become subject to litigation from investors and stockholders, which could harm our reputation and financial condition or divert financial and management resources from our regular business activities.
A failure to establish and maintain an effective system of disclosure controls and internal control over financial reporting, could adversely affect our ability to produce timely and accurate financial statements or comply with applicable regulations.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires, among other things, that we maintain effective disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial reporting. We are continuing to develop and refine our disclosure controls and other procedures that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by us in the reports that we will file with the SEC is recorded, processed, summarized, and reported within the time periods specified in SEC rules and forms and that information required to be disclosed in reports under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to our principal executive and financial officers. We are also continuing to improve our internal control over financial reporting. For example, as we prepared to become a public company, we worked to improve the controls around our key accounting processes and our quarterly close process, and we have hired additional accounting and finance personnel to help us implement these processes and controls. In order to maintain and improve the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial reporting, we have expended, and anticipate that we will continue to expend, significant resources, including accounting-related costs and investments to strengthen our accounting systems.
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Our current controls and any new controls that we develop may become inadequate because of changes in conditions in our business. In addition, changes in accounting principles or interpretations could also challenge our internal controls and require that we establish new business processes, systems, and controls to accommodate such changes. We have limited experience with implementing the systems and controls that are necessary to operate as a public company, as well as adopting changes in accounting principles or interpretations mandated by the relevant regulatory bodies. Additionally, if these new systems, controls, or standards and the associated process changes do not give rise to the benefits that we expect or do not operate as intended, it could adversely affect our financial reporting systems and processes, our ability to produce timely and accurate financial reports, or the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting. Moreover, our business may be harmed if we experience problems with any new systems and controls that result in delays in their implementation or increased costs to correct any post-implementation issues that may arise.
Further, deficiencies in our disclosure controls and internal control over financial reporting have been and may be discovered in the future. Any failure to develop or maintain effective controls or any difficulties encountered in their implementation or improvement could harm our results of operations or cause us to fail to meet our reporting obligations and may result in a restatement of our consolidated financial statements for prior periods. Any failure to implement and maintain effective internal control over financial reporting also could adversely affect the results of periodic management evaluations and annual independent registered public accounting firm attestation reports regarding the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting that we are required to include in our periodic reports filed with the SEC. Ineffective disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial reporting could also cause investors to lose confidence in our reported financial and other information, which would likely have a negative effect on the trading price of our Class A common stock. In addition, if we are unable to continue to meet these requirements, we may not be able to remain listed on the New York Stock Exchange. As a public company, we are required to provide an annual management report on the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting, and make a formal assessment of the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting in compliance with the SEC rules that implement Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Our independent registered public accounting firm is required to formally attest to the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting. Our independent registered public accounting firm has issued and may in the future issue a report that is adverse in the event it is not satisfied with the level at which our internal control over financial reporting is documented, designed, or operating. Any failure to maintain effective disclosure controls and internal control over financial reporting could harm our business, results of operations, and financial condition and could cause a decline in the trading price of our common stock.
We may engage in merger and acquisition activities or strategic partnerships, which could require significant management attention, disrupt our business, dilute stockholder value, and adversely affect our business, results of operations, and financial condition.
As part of our business strategy to grow our business, we have in the past and may in the future make investments or acquisitions in, or enter into strategic partnerships with, other companies, including acquisitions of franchises from our franchise partners. The identification of suitable acquisition or partnership candidates can be difficult, time-consuming, and costly, and we may not be able to complete acquisitions or partnerships on favorable terms, if at all. These acquisitions or partnerships may not ultimately strengthen our competitive position or achieve the intended goals of such acquisition or partnership, and any acquisitions or partnerships we complete could be viewed negatively by customers or investors. We may encounter difficult or unforeseen expenditures in integrating an acquisition or partnership. In addition, if we fail to successfully integrate such acquisitions, assets, technologies, or personnel associated with such acquisitions or partnerships into our company, the business and results of operations of the combined company would be adversely affected.
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These transactions may disrupt our ongoing operations, divert management from their primary responsibilities, subject us to additional liabilities, increase our expenses, subject us to increased regulatory requirements, cause adverse tax consequences or unfavorable accounting treatment, expose us to claims and disputes by stockholders and third parties, and adversely impact our business, financial condition, and results of operations. We may not successfully evaluate or utilize the acquired assets and accurately forecast the financial impact of an acquisition or partnership transaction, including accounting charges. We may have to pay cash for any such acquisition or partnership which would limit other potential uses for our cash. If we incur debt to fund any such acquisition or partnership, such debt may subject us to material restrictions in our ability to conduct our business, result in increased fixed obligations, and subject us to covenants or other restrictions that would decrease our operational flexibility and impede our ability to manage our operations. If we issue a significant amount of equity securities in connection with future acquisitions or partnerships, existing stockholders’ ownership would be diluted.
*We may need additional capital, and we cannot be sure that additional financing will be available.
Prior to our IPO, we financed our operations and capital expenditures primarily through sales of OpCo Units that are convertible into our capital stock and debt financing. Thereafter, we have financed our operations and capital expenditures primarily through the sale of Dutch Bros Inc. Class A common stock and debt financing. For example, in September 2023, we raised additional capital through the sale and issuance of approximately 13.3 million shares of our Class A common stock in an underwritten public offering. In the future, we may raise additional capital through additional equity or debt financings to support our business growth, to respond to business opportunities, challenges, or unforeseen circumstances, to repay our debt, or for other reasons. On an ongoing basis, we are evaluating sources of financing and may raise additional capital in the future. Our ability to obtain additional capital will depend on our development efforts, business plans, investor demand, operating performance, the condition of the capital markets, and other factors. We cannot assure you that additional financing will be available to us on favorable terms when required, or at all. If we raise additional funds through the issuance of equity, equity-linked or debt securities, those securities may have rights, preferences or privileges senior to the rights of existing stockholders, and existing stockholders may experience dilution. Further, if we are unable to obtain additional capital when required, or are unable to obtain additional capital on satisfactory terms, our ability to continue to support our business growth or to respond to business opportunities, challenges, or unforeseen circumstances would be adversely affected.
If a financial institution holding our funds fails, we may not be able to pay our operational expenses or make other payments, which could adversely impact our liquidity and financial performance. Deterioration of financial markets may result in our inability to borrow on favorable terms, which could adversely impact our ability to pursue our growth and other strategic initiatives.
We regularly maintain cash balances at financial institutions in amounts exceeding the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance limit. If a financial institution in which we hold such funds fails, or is subject to significant adverse conditions in the financial or credit markets, we could lose all or a portion of our uninsured funds, or be subject to a delay in accessing all or a portion of our funds. If we are unable to access all or a significant portion of our funds for any extended period of time, we may not be able to pay our operational expenses or make other payments, including to our vendors and employees, and we may be subject to other operational challenges, any of which could adversely impact our liquidity and financial performance. In addition, any inability of our franchisees, suppliers, distributors, or other third parties to meet their contractual obligations to the Company because of similar risks could adversely impact our business and financial performance.
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Despite the steps taken to date by the FDIC to protect depositors, the follow-on effects of the events surrounding the March 2023 failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank and the pressures on other financial institutions and the broader financial services industry are unknown and could include failures of other financial institutions or wide-ranging liquidity shortages. In the event of a sustained deterioration of financial market liquidity, we may be unable to borrow from financial institutions on favorable terms, or at all, which could adversely impact our ability to pursue our growth strategy and fund strategic initiatives.
Our amended and restated certificate of incorporation provides that the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware and, to the extent enforceable, the federal district courts of the United States of America will be the exclusive forums for substantially all disputes between us and our stockholders, which could limit our stockholders’ ability to obtain a favorable judicial forum for disputes with us or our directors, officers, or employees.
Our amended and restated certificate of incorporation provides that, unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware is the exclusive forum for the following types of actions or proceedings under Delaware statutory or common law:
any derivative claim or cause of action brought on our behalf;
any claim or cause of action for a breach of fiduciary duty owed by any of our current or former directors, officers, or other employees to us or our stockholders;
any claim or cause of action against us or any of our current or former directors, officers, or other employees arising out of or pursuant to any provision of the Delaware General Corporation Law, our amended and restated certificate of incorporation or our amended and restated bylaws (as each may be amended from time to time);
any claim or cause of action seeking to interpret, apply, enforce or determine the validity of our amended and restated certificate of incorporation or our amended and restated bylaws (as each may be amended from time to time, including any right, obligation, or remedy thereunder);
any claim or cause of action as to which the Delaware General Corporation Law confers jurisdiction to the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware; and
any claim or cause of action against us or any of our current or former directors, officers, or other employees governed by the internal affairs doctrine.
This provision would not apply to suits brought to enforce a duty or liability created by the Exchange Act or any other claim for which the U.S. federal courts have exclusive jurisdiction. In addition, our amended and restated certificate of incorporation provides that, unless we consent in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the federal district courts of the United States of America shall be the exclusive forum for the resolution of any complaint asserting a cause or causes of action arising under the Securities Act, including all causes of action asserted against any defendant to such complaint. For the avoidance of doubt, this provision is intended to benefit and may be enforced by us, our officers and directors, the underwriters to any offering giving rise to such complaint, and any other professional entity whose profession gives authority to a statement made by that person or entity and who has prepared or certified any part of the documents underlying such offering. If a court were to find either choice of forum provision contained in our amended and restated certificate of incorporation to be inapplicable or unenforceable in an action, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such action in other jurisdictions. For example, the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware recently determined that the exclusive forum provisions of federal district courts of the United States of America for resolving any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act is not enforceable.
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These choices of forum provisions may limit a stockholder’s ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum that it finds favorable for disputes with us or our directors, officers, or other employees. While the Delaware courts have determined that such choice of forum provisions are facially valid, a stockholder may nevertheless seek to bring a claim in a venue other than those designated in the exclusive forum provisions, and there can be no assurance that such provisions will be enforced by a court in those other jurisdictions. We note that investors cannot waive compliance with the federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder.
Additionally, our amended and restated certificate of incorporation provides that any person or entity holding, owning, or otherwise acquiring any interest in any of our securities shall be deemed to have notice of and consented to these provisions.
*Provisions in our corporate charter documents and under Delaware law may prevent or frustrate attempts by our stockholders to change our management or hinder efforts to acquire a controlling interest in us, and the market price of our Class A common stock may be lower as a result.
There are provisions in our amended and restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws that may make it difficult for a third party to acquire, or attempt to acquire, control of our company, even if a change in control was considered favorable by our stockholders.
Our charter documents also contain other provisions that could have an anti-takeover effect, such as:
permitting the board of directors to establish the number of directors and fill any vacancies and newly created directorships;
providing that directors may only be removed pursuant to the provisions of Section 141(k) of the Delaware General Corporation Law;
prohibiting cumulative voting for directors;
requiring super-majority voting to amend some provisions in our amended and restated bylaws;
authorizing the issuance of “blank check” preferred stock that our board of directors could use to implement a stockholder rights plan;
eliminating the ability of stockholders to call special meetings of stockholders; and
our multi-class common stock structure as described above.
Moreover, because we are incorporated in Delaware, we are governed by the provisions of Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, which prohibit a person who owns 15% or more of our outstanding voting stock from merging or combining with us for a period of three years after the date of the transaction in which the person acquired in excess of 15% of our outstanding voting stock, unless the merger or combination is approved in a prescribed manner. Any provision in our amended and restated certificate of incorporation or our amended and restated bylaws or Delaware law that has the effect of delaying or deterring a change in control could limit the opportunity for our stockholders to receive a premium for their shares of our Class A common stock and could also affect the price that some investors are willing to pay for our Class A common stock.
Catastrophic events may disrupt our business.
Labor discord or disruption, geopolitical events, social unrest, war, including repercussions of the recent war between Russia and Ukraine and the war between Israel and Hamas, terrorism, political instability, acts of public violence, boycotts, hostilities and social unrest, and other health pandemics that lead to avoidance of public places or cause people to stay at home could harm our business.
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Additionally, natural disasters or other catastrophic events may cause damage or disruption to our operations, international commerce, and the global economy, and thus could harm our business. In particular, the west coast wildfires and wildfire smoke and extreme weather conditions in other areas in which we operate, such as hurricanes, high winds, and flooding in Texas and other states, water scarcity or drought in California and other states, extreme heat and cold, snow or ice storms, and other extreme weather events across the country, and disease outbreaks or pandemics, including the reactions of governments, markets, and the general public, may result in a number of adverse consequences for our business, operations, and results of operations, many of which are beyond our control. We rely on the stable provision of utilities such as power and water that are subject to disruption or increased costs due to such events, which may cause significant operational disruptions or our operating costs to increase significantly. In the event of a major earthquake, hurricane, or catastrophic event such as drought, fire, power loss, telecommunications failure, cyber-attack, war, or terrorist attack, we may be unable to continue our operations and may endure system interruptions, property loss, reputational harm, breaches of data security, and loss of critical data, all of which would harm our business, results of operations, and financial condition. Our drive-thru model relies heavily on the ability of customers to safely drive to and from our shops, which can be negatively affected by extreme weather. Such extreme weather events may affect traffic to our shops and may have a harmful effect on the local economy, decreasing the demand for our products. For example, we experienced shop closures as a result of hurricanes in Texas and Florida during the third quarter of 2024. In addition, the insurance we maintain would likely not be adequate to cover our losses resulting from disasters or other business interruptions.
Economic and business factors that are largely beyond our control may adversely affect consumer behavior and the results of our operations.
Our business is dependent upon consumer discretionary spending, which may be affected by general economic conditions that are beyond our control. For example, increasing and sustained inflation, international, domestic and regional economic conditions, consumer income levels, financial market volatility, a slow or stagnant pace of economic growth, rising energy costs, rising interest rates, social unrest, and governmental, political, and budget concerns, uncertainty, or divisions may have a negative effect on consumer confidence and discretionary spending. For example, the federal government provided relief from student loan payments beginning in March 2020, and extended such relief multiple times through September 2023, when loan payments resumed. This and similar governmental acts could have significant impact on consumer discretionary spending. A significant decrease in our customer traffic or average value per transaction without a corresponding decrease in costs would put downward pressure on margins and would negatively impact our financial results.
There is also a risk that if negative economic conditions or uncertainty persist for a long period of time or worsen, consumers may make long-lasting changes to their discretionary purchasing behavior, including less frequent discretionary purchases on a more permanent basis or there may be a general downturn in our industry. These and other macroeconomic factors could have an adverse effect on our sales, profitability, or shop development and expansion plans, which could harm our results of operations and financial condition. These factors also could cause us to, among other things, reduce the number and frequency of new shop openings or close shops.
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Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
The following table summarizes purchases of Class A common stock during the three months ended September 30, 2024:
Total Number of Shares Purchased 1
Weighted-Average Price Paid Per ShareTotal Number of Shares Purchased as Part of Publicly Announced Plans or ProgramsMaximum Number (or Approximate Dollar Value) of Shares that May Yet Be Purchased Under the Plans or Programs
July 1 - 31, 20241,350$41.85N/AN/A
August 1 - 31, 2024
September 1 - 30, 2024
1    In connection with the vesting of RSUs granted pursuant to the Dutch Bros Inc. 2021 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended, shares of Class A common stock are delivered to Dutch Bros by employees to satisfy tax withholding obligations.
Not applicable.
Rule 10b5-1 Trading Arrangements
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(a) Exhibits.
The following exhibits are included herein or incorporated herein by reference:
Incorporated by Reference
Exhibit NumberDescriptionFormFile No.ExhibitFiling DateFiled Herewith
3.18-K001-407983.1September 17, 2021
3.2S-1333-2589883.4August 20, 2021
4.1S-1/A333-2589884.1September 13, 2021
101.INSXBRL Instance DocumentX
101.SCHXBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema DocumentX
101.CALXBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase DocumentX
101.DEFXBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase DocumentX
101.LABXBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase DocumentX
101.PREXBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase DocumentX
Cover Page with Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL with applicable taxonomy extension information contained in Exhibits 101)
† Management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.
*    The certifications furnished in Exhibit 32.1 hereto are deemed to accompany this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and will not be deemed "filed" for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, except to the extent that the registrant specifically incorporates it by reference.
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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
November 7, 2024By:
/s/ Christine Barone
Christine Barone
Chief Executive Officer and President
(Principal Executive Officer)
November 7, 2024By:
/s/ Joshua Guenser
Joshua Guenser
Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)
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