根据1934年证券交易法第13或15(d)条款的季度报告 | |
截至季度结束日期的财务报告 | |
或者 | |
根据1934年证券交易法第13或15(d)条进行的过渡报告 | |
过渡期从 _____________ 到 _____________ |
(国家或其他管辖区的 公司注册或组织 |
(联邦税号 | |
主执行办公室地址 | 邮政编码 |
每一类的名称 | 交易标志 | 在其上注册的交易所的名称 | ||
The 证券交易所 | ||||
The 股票市场 |
(1) 在过去12个月内按照1934年证券交易所法案第13或15(d)条的规定提交了所有要求提交的报告
(或者针对注册者需要提交这些报告的更短期间,也属于这类报告),以及(2) 已经受到这类提交要求的影响
请打勾表示注册者是大型加速文件提交者、加速文件提交者、非加速文件提交者、较小的报告公司还是新兴增长公司。 请参阅《交易所法规》第120亿.2条中“大型加速文件提交者”、“加速文件提交者”、“较小的报告公司”和“新兴增长公司”的定义。
大型加速申报者 ☐ | 加速归档者 ☐ |
小型报告公司 | |
新兴成长公司 |
请用勾号指示注册者是否为壳公司(按《交易所法》第12(b)-2条定义)。是 ☐ 否
2024年季度报告 10-Q表格
目 录
页码 | ||
财务报表第一部分 | ||
项目 1。 | 基本报表 | 4 |
简明资产负债表 | 4 | |
简明营运状况陈述 | 5 | |
准要报告的股东权益变动表 | 6 | |
现金流量缩表 | 7 | |
基本报表附注 | 8 | |
项目2。 | 管理层对财务状况和业绩的讨论与分析 | 20 |
第3项目。 | 市场风险的定量和定性披露。 | 33 |
项目 4。 | 内部控制及程序 | 33 |
其他资讯第二部分 | ||
项目 1。 | 法律诉讼 | 34 |
第1项事项 | 风险因素 | 34 |
项目2。 | 股票权益的未注册销售和资金用途 | 34 |
第3项目。 | 优先证券违约 | 34 |
项目 4。 | 矿业安全披露 | 34 |
项目5。 | 其他信息 | 34 |
第六项。 | 展品 | 35 |
签名 | 37 |
2 |
除非另有声明或情境另有要求,“auddia”,“我们”,“我们的”和“公司”一词指的是Delaware公司Auddia Inc。
前瞻性陈述 既不是历史事实,也不是未来表现的保证,仅基于我们当前对未来业务、未来计划和战略、预测、预期事件和趋势、经济及其他未来 控件的信念、期望和假设。由于前瞻性陈述涉及未来,它们受固有的不确定性、风险和变化的影响,这些变化难以预测,并且其中许多超出了我们的控制。因此,您不应依赖于这些 前瞻性陈述。可能导致我们的实际结果和财务状况与前瞻性陈述中指示的结果有重大差异的重要因素包括但不限于以下几点:
· | 我们现有现金的充足性,以满足未来12个月的工作资金和资本支出需求,以及我们对额外资本的需求; | |
· | 我们从新的软件服务中产生营业收入的能力; | |
· | 我们有限的营业历史; | |
· | 我们维持适当有效的内部财务控制的能力; | |
· | 我们作为持续经营企业运营的能力; | |
· | 法律、政府法规和政策及其财报解读的变更; | |
· | 我们获得并维持知识产权保护的能力; | |
· | 我们平台或产品中的错误、故障或漏洞的风险; | |
· | 我们吸引和留住合格员工及关键人员的能力; | |
· | 我们有效管理快速增长和组织变革的能力; | |
· | 安全漏洞、网络攻击和网络中断的可能性,包括数据安全和隐私泄露、数据丢失和业务中断; | |
· | 我们遵守数据隐私法律和规定; | |
· | 我们以具有成本效益的方式开发和维护品牌的能力;以及 | |
· | 其他在本季度报告和年度报告第一部分第1A项“风险因素”中列出的因素; 表格10-K 截至2023年12月31日的年度。 |
3 |
第一部分 – 财务信息
项目1. | 基本报表 |
Auddia Inc.
2024年9月30日 | 2023年12月31日 | |||||||
(未经审计) | ||||||||
资产 | ||||||||
流动资产: | ||||||||
现金及现金等价物 | $ | $ | ||||||
应收账款,净额 | ||||||||
预付资产 | ||||||||
其他流动资产 | ||||||||
总流动资产 | ||||||||
非流动资产: | ||||||||
房产和设备,扣除累计折旧 | ||||||||
无形资产,扣除累计摊销 | ||||||||
软件开发成本,扣除累计摊销 | ||||||||
经营租赁使用权资产 | ||||||||
递延发行成本 | ||||||||
总非流动资产 | ||||||||
总资产 | $ | $ | ||||||
负债和股东权益 | ||||||||
流动负债: | ||||||||
应付账款和应计负债 | $ | $ | ||||||
应付相关方的票据,扣除债务发行费用 | ||||||||
当前经营租赁负债部分 | ||||||||
股票奖励负债 | ||||||||
总流动负债 | ||||||||
非流动经营租赁负债 | ||||||||
总负债 | ||||||||
承诺和或有事项(注释5) | ||||||||
股东权益: | ||||||||
B系列优先股 - $ | 面值, 和 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,发行在外的股份分别为||||||||
普通股 - $ | 面值, 已授权 和 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,发行在外的股份分别为||||||||
额外实收资本 | ||||||||
累计亏损 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
总股东权益 | ||||||||
总负债和股东权益 | $ | $ |
4 |
Auddia Inc.
截至三个月 | 截至九个月 | |||||||||||||||
九月三十日 | 九月三十日 | |||||||||||||||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |||||||||||||
营业收入 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ||||||||||||
营业费用: | ||||||||||||||||
直接服务成本 | ||||||||||||||||
销售和市场营销 | ||||||||||||||||
研究和开发 | ||||||||||||||||
一般管理费用 | ||||||||||||||||
折旧和摊销 | ||||||||||||||||
总营业费用 | ||||||||||||||||
运营损失 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
其他费用: | ||||||||||||||||
利息支出 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
Warrants 公允价值变动 | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||
其他费用总计 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
税前亏损 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||
所得税准备 | ||||||||||||||||
净损失 | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||||
归属于普通股股东的每股净亏损 | ||||||||||||||||
基本和稀释 | $ | ) | $ | ) | $ | ) | $ | ) | ||||||||
加权平均流通普通股股数 | ||||||||||||||||
基本和稀释 |
5 |
Auddia Inc.
B系列优先股 | 普通股 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
数量 股 | 面值 | 数量 股 | 面值 | 额外 实收资本 | 累积 赤字 | 总计 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
截至2023年12月31日的余额 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ | |||||||||||||||||||||
发行普通股,扣除成本后 | – | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
发行成本 | – | – | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
基于股份的补偿 | – | – | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
净损失 | – | – | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
余额,2024年3月31日 | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
发行普通股,扣除成本后 | – | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
系列B优先股及Warrants的发行 | – | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
将债务转换为股权 | – | – | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
发行成本 | – | – | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
基于股份的补偿 | – | – | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
净损失 | – | – | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
余额,2024年6月30日 | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
发行普通股,扣除成本后 | – | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
限制性股票单位的发行 | – | ( | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
资本化分红派息 | – | – | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
发行成本 | – | – | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
基于股份的补偿 | – | – | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
净损失 | – | – | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
余额,2024年9月30日 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ |
B系列优先股 | 普通股 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
数量 股 | 面值 | 数量 股 | 面值 | 额外 实收资本 | 累积 赤字 | 总计 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
截至2022年12月31日的余额 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ | |||||||||||||||||||||
限制性股票单位和权证的行使 | – | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
基于股份的补偿 | – | – | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
净损失 | – | – | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
余额,2023年3月31日 | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
发行普通股,扣除成本后 | – | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
发行权益证 | – | – | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
基于股份的补偿 | – | – | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
股权激励负债的重估 | – | – | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
净损失 | – | – | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
截至2023年6月30日的余额 | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
基于股份的补偿 | – | – | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
股权激励的重估 | – | – | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
净损失 | – | – | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
截至2023年9月30日的余额 | $ | $ | $ | $ | ( | ) | $ |
6 |
Auddia Inc.
截至9月30日的九个月 | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
经营活动产生的现金流: | ||||||||
净损失 | $ | ( | ) | $ | ( | ) | ||
调整净亏损与经营活动产生的净现金提供(使用)之间的差异: | ||||||||
与债务发行成本相关的财务费用 | ||||||||
折旧和摊销 | ||||||||
基于股份的补偿费用 | ||||||||
Warrants 公允价值变动 | ||||||||
使用权资产的摊销 | ||||||||
资产和负债的变化: | ||||||||
应收账款 | ( | ) | ||||||
预付资产 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
其他流动资产 | ( | ) | ||||||
应付账款和应计负债 | ||||||||
租赁负债 | ( | ) | ||||||
净现金流出活动 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
投资活动的现金流: | ||||||||
购买房地产和设备 | ( | ) | ||||||
软件资本化 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
投资活动中使用的净现金 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
融资活动产生的现金流: | ||||||||
发行优先股的费用 | ( | ) | ||||||
以股份为基础的薪酬负债的净结算 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
相关方债务的收益,扣除原始发行折扣 | ||||||||
相关方债务的偿还 | ( | ) | ||||||
优先股的发行收益,扣除发行费用 | ||||||||
发行普通股的收益,扣除发行成本 | ||||||||
融资活动提供的净现金 | ||||||||
现金净减少 | ||||||||
年初现金 | ||||||||
现金及受限现金,期末余额 | $ | $ | ||||||
现金流信息的补充披露: | ||||||||
支付的利息 | $ | $ | ||||||
支付的税款 | $ | $ | ||||||
非现金活动的补充披露: | ||||||||
递延发行成本的重新分类 | $ | $ | ||||||
资本化分红派息 | $ | $ | ||||||
原始发行折扣及关联方债务的期权发行 | $ | $ | ||||||
与关联方票据相关的期权发行 | $ | $ | ||||||
使用权资产和经营租赁负债的承担 | $ | $ |
7 |
Auddia Inc.
Note 1 – Description of Business, Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Description of Business
Auddia Inc., (the “Company”, “Auddia”, “we”, “our”) is a technology company that is reinventing how consumers engage with audio through the development of a proprietary AI platform for audio and innovative technologies for podcasts. The Company is incorporated in Delaware and headquartered in Colorado.
Basis of Presentation
The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America (“GAAP”).
Interim Financial Information
The condensed financial statements of the Company included herein have been prepared, without audit, pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP have been condensed or omitted from this Quarterly Report, as is permitted by such rules and regulations. The condensed balance sheet as of December 31, 2023 has been derived from the financial statements included in the Company’s annual report on Form 10-K. Accordingly, these condensed financial statements should be read in conjunction with the financial statements and notes thereto included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K. The results for any interim period are not necessarily indicative of results for any future period. The Company recorded all adjustments necessary for a fair statement of the results for the interim period and all such adjustments are of a normal recurring nature.
Reverse Stock Split
The Company filed an amendment to its Certificate of Incorporation with the Secretary of State in Delaware which became effective as of 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time on February 26, 2024. As a result, every twenty-five (25) issued shares of common stock were automatically combined into one share of common stock.
Shares of the Company’s common stock were assigned a new CUSIP number (05072K 206) and began trading on a split-adjusted basis on February 27, 2024.
The reverse stock split did not change the authorized number of shares of the Company’s common stock. No fractional shares were issued and any fractional shares resulting from the reverse stock split were rounded up to the nearest whole share. Therefore, stockholders with less than 25 shares received one share of stock.
All stock amounts have been retrospectively adjusted to account for the reverse stock split. The reverse stock split applies to the Company’s outstanding warrants, stock options and restricted stock units. The number of shares of common stock into which these outstanding securities are convertible or exercisable were adjusted proportionately as a result of the reverse stock split. The exercise prices of any outstanding warrants or stock options were also proportionately adjusted in accordance with the terms of those securities and the Company’s equity incentive plans.
8 |
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
The condensed financial statements include some amounts that are based on management’s best estimates and judgments. The most significant estimates relate to valuation of capital stock, warrants and options to purchase shares of the Company’s common stock, and the estimated recoverability and amortization period for capitalized software development costs. These estimates may be adjusted as more current information becomes available, and any adjustment could be significant.
Risks and Uncertainties
The Company is subject to various risks and uncertainties frequently encountered by companies in the early stages of development. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, its limited operating history, competition from other companies, limited access to additional funds, dependence on key personnel, and management of potential rapid growth. To address these risks, the Company must, among other things, develop its customer base; implement and successfully execute its business and marketing strategy; develop follow-on products; provide superior customer service; and attract, retain, and motivate qualified personnel. There can be no guarantee that the Company will be successful in addressing these or other such risks.
Emerging Growth Company Status
The Company is an emerging growth company, as defined in the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012 (the “JOBS Act”). Under the JOBS Act, emerging growth companies can delay adopting new or revised accounting standards issued subsequent to the enactment of the JOBS Act until such time as those standards apply to private companies. The Company has elected to use this extended transition period to comply with certain new or revised accounting standards that have different effective dates for public and private companies.
Going Concern
The Company had cash and cash equivalents of $
As a result of the Company’s recurring losses from operations, and the need for additional financing to fund its operating and capital requirements, there is uncertainty regarding the Company’s ability to maintain liquidity sufficient to operate its business effectively, which raises substantial doubt as to the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern within one year after the date the financial statements are issued. Management has plans to mitigate the conditions or events that raise substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern, such as the White Lion equity line of credit (refer to Note 7) and additional future financing agreements. However, management cannot provide any assurances that the Company will be successful in accomplishing any of its plans. These financial statements do not include any adjustments related to the recoverability and classification of assets or the amounts and classification of liabilities that might be necessary should the Company be unable to continue as a going concern. The Company’s current level of cash is not sufficient to execute the business plan. For the foreseeable future, the Company will incur significant operating expenses, capital expenditures and working capital funding that will deplete cash on hand during the first quarter of 2025.
9 |
Cash and Cash Equivalents
The Company had cash on hand of $
The Company considers all highly liquid instruments
purchased with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents. The Company had cash equivalents of $
The Company maintains cash deposits at several
financial institutions, which are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up to $250,000. The Company’s cash balance
may at times exceed these limits. As of September 30, 2024, the Company had approximately $
Software Development Costs
The Company accounts for costs incurred in the development of computer software as software research and development costs until the preliminary project stage is completed, management has committed to funding the project, and completion and use of the software for its intended purpose is probable.
The Company ceases capitalization of development costs once the software has been substantially completed and is available for its intended use. Software development costs are amortized over a useful life estimated by the Company’s management of three years. Costs associated with significant upgrades and enhancements that result in additional functionality are capitalized. Capitalized costs are subject to an ongoing assessment of recoverability based on anticipated future revenues and changes in software technologies.
Unamortized capitalized software development costs
determined to be in excess of anticipated future net revenues are considered impaired and expensed during the period of such determination.
The Company determined that
Revenue Recognition
Revenue will be measured according to Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 606, Revenue – Revenue from Contracts with Customers, and will be recognized based on consideration specified in a contract with a customer, and excludes any sales incentives and amounts collected on behalf of third parties. The Company will recognize revenue when a performance obligation is satisfied by transferring control over a service or product to a customer. The Company will report revenues net of any tax assessed by a governmental authority that is both imposed on, and concurrent with, a specific revenue-producing transaction between a seller and a customer in the condensed statements of operations. Collected taxes will be recorded within Other current liabilities until remitted to the relevant taxing authority.
10 |
Subscriber revenue will consist primarily of subscription fees and other ancillary subscription-based revenues. Revenue will be recognized on a straight-line basis when the performance obligations to provide each service for the period are satisfied, which is over time as our subscription services are continuously available and can be consumed by customers at any time. There is no revenue recognized for unpaid trial subscriptions.
Customers may pay for the services in advance of the performance obligation and therefore these prepayments would be recorded as deferred revenue. The deferred revenue will be recognized as revenue in the statement of operations as the services are provided.
The Company accounts for share-based compensation arrangements with employees, directors, and consultants and recognizes the compensation expense for share-based awards based on the estimated fair value of the awards on the date of grant in accordance with ASC 718.
Compensation expense for all share-based awards is based on the estimated grant-date fair value and recognized in earnings over the requisite service period (generally the vesting period). The Company records share-based compensation expense related to non-employees over the related service periods.
Certain share-based compensation awards include a net-share settlement feature that provides the grantee an option to withhold shares to satisfy tax withholding requirements and are classified as a share-based compensation liability. Cash paid to satisfy tax withholdings is classified as financing activities in the condensed statements of cash flows.
The Company account for warrants as equity-classified instruments, based on an assessment of the warrant’s specific terms and applicable authoritative guidance in ASC 480, Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity (“ASC 480”) and ASC 815, Derivatives and Hedging (“ASC 815”). The assessment considers whether the warrants are freestanding financial instruments pursuant to ASC 480, meet the definition of a liability pursuant to ASC 480, and whether the warrants meet all of the requirements for equity classification under ASC 815, including whether the warrants are indexed to the Company’s own Common Stock, among other conditions for equity classification. This assessment, which requires the use of professional judgment, is conducted at the time of warrant issuance and as of each subsequent quarterly period end date while the warrants are outstanding.
connection with the amendment to the Secured Bridge Notes (see Note 4), the Company converted $
Certain prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current period presentation. The reclassifications did not have an impact on net loss as previously reported.
11 |
Note 2 – Property & Equipment, Intangible Assets, and Software Development Costs
Property and equipment and software development costs consisted of the following as of:
9月30日 2024 | 12月31日 2023 | |||||||
计算机和设备 | $ | $ | ||||||
家具 | ||||||||
累计折旧 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
总物业及设备,净值 | $ | $ | ||||||
域名 | $ | $ | ||||||
累计摊销 | ( | ) | ||||||
总无形资产净额 | $ | $ | ||||||
软件开发成本 | $ | $ | ||||||
累计摊销 | ( | ) | ( | ) | ||||
总的软件开发成本,净额 | $ | $ |
注释 3 – 应付账款和累计负债
九月三十日 2024 | 12月31日 2023 | |||||||
应付账款和应计负债 | $ | $ | ||||||
应付信用卡 | ||||||||
应计利息 | ||||||||
应付账款和应计负债总额 | $ | $ |
12 |
注意 4 – 应付相关方的票据,扣除债务发行成本
During April 2023, the
Company entered into an additional Secured Bridge Note (the “New Note”) financing with the same accredited investor and significant
existing shareholder. The New Note had a principal amount of $
In connection with the
New Note financing, the Company issued
During April 2023, the
Company also modified the terms of the Prior Note and cancelled the original
In May of 2023, the Company
renegotiated with the lender an extension of the maturity date of the Prior Note for six months to November 2023 with an increased annual
interest rate of 20% and issued an additional
On July 31, 2023, the
Company extended the maturity date of the New Note to November 30, 2023. In connection with such extension,
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As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023,
the balance of the Prior Note, net of debt issuance costs, was $
On April 9, 2024, the Company and the investor entered into an Amendment and Waiver Agreement relating to the Bridge Notes.
The Company agreed to
pay $
On April 26, 2024, the
Company repaid $
Effective April 9, 2024,
the Investor converted $
The Rollover Securities
consist of (i)
The number of Prefunded Warrants was determined by dividing the Rollover Amount by $1.967. The number of Non-Prefunded Warrants is equal to the number of Prefunded Warrants (i.e. 100% warrant coverage). The Non-Prefunded Warrants have a price adjustment provision which will adjust the exercise price downward in the event that the Company issues equity securities in the future at an effective per share price below the then current exercise price. In order to assure compliance with applicable Nasdaq rules, the Non-Prefunded Warrants shall not be exercisable for six months following the date of issue.
The Company issued to
the Investor
The Non-Prefunded Warrants
and Fee Warrants had a total valuation of $
The Company agreed to
adjust the exercise price of the Investor’s Existing Warrants from $
The Investor will not be able to receive shares upon exercise of any of the foregoing securities, unless prior stockholder approval is obtained, if (i) the number of shares to be issued would exceed 20% of the Company’s outstanding number of shares at a discount to the applicable Nasdaq Minimum Price or (ii) the number of shares to be issued would result in in a Change of Control within the meaning of Nasdaq Rule 5635(b).
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Note 5 – Commitments and Contingencies
Operating Lease
On March 25, 2024, the Company entered into a
new 37-month operating lease commencing on April 1, 2024 with two separate two year renewal options. The monthly base rent for months
two through 14 is $2,456, increasing to $3,070 for months 15 through 26, and ending at $3,684 for months 27 through 37. Rent expense,
as part of general and administrative expenses in the condensed statement of operations, was $
In the normal course of business, the Company is party to litigation from time to time. The Company maintains insurance to cover certain actions and believes that resolution of such litigation will not have a material adverse effect on the Company. There are no active litigations as of the date the financial statements were issued. However, a pre-IPO investor has contacted the Company claiming damages caused by alleged acts and omissions arising from a private financing by the Company. No complaint has been filed by the investor. The alleged damages asserted by the investor are less than approximately $300,000. The outcome of the complaint was neither probable or estimable as of the date the financial statements were issued, therefore, no accrual has been made.
NASDAQ Deficiencies
On November 21, 2023,
the Company received a written notice from Nasdaq indicating that it was not in compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b)(1), which
requires companies listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market to maintain a minimum of $2,500,000 in stockholders’ equity for continued
listing (the “Stockholders’ Equity Requirement”). In the Company’s quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the period
ended September 30, 2023, the Company reported stockholders’ equity of $
On January 30, 2024, the Panel granted the Company’s request for an exception to Nasdaq’s listing rules until April 22, 2024, to demonstrate compliance with all applicable continued listing requirements for the Nasdaq Capital Market.
On April 16, 2024, the Company received a letter from Nasdaq granting an exception to the Exchange’s listing rules until May 20, 2024, to demonstrate compliance with Listing Rule 5550(b)(1) (the “Equity Rule”).
On May 24, 2024, the Company received a letter from Nasdaq indicating that the Company has regained compliance with the equity requirement in Listing rule 5550(b) (1) (the Equity Rule”.) The Company will be subject to a Mandatory Panel Monitor for a period of one year from the date of the letter in accordance with application of Listing Rule 5815(d)(4)(B).
The Nasdaq listing rules require listed securities to maintain a minimum bid price of $1.00 per share. On October 16, 2024, the Company received a written notice from Nasdaq indicating that it was not in compliance with the $1.00 minimum bid price requirement set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2) for continued listing. The Bid Price Notice does not result in the immediate delisting of the Company’s common stock from the Nasdaq Capital Market. The Bid Price Notice indicated that the Company has 180 calendar days (or until April 14, 2025) in which to regain compliance.
The Company’s receipt of these Nasdaq letters does not affect the Company’s business, operations or reporting requirements with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
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Stock Options
The following table presents the activity for stock options outstanding:
Options | Weighted Average Exercise Price | |||||||
Outstanding - December 31, 2023 | $ | |||||||
Granted | ||||||||
Forfeited/canceled | ( | ) | ||||||
Exercised | ||||||||
Outstanding – September 30, 2024 | $ |
Options | Weighted Average Exercise Price | |||||||
Outstanding - December 31, 2022 | $ | |||||||
Granted | ||||||||
Forfeited/canceled | ( | ) | ||||||
Exercised | ||||||||
Outstanding – September 30, 2023 | $ |
The following table presents the composition of options outstanding and exercisable:
Options Outstanding** | Options Exercisable** | |||||||||||||||||||
Exercise Prices | Number | Price | Life* | Number | Price* | |||||||||||||||
$67.56 | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||
$72.39 | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||
$106.50 | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||
$69.75 | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||
$44.75 | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||
$30.25 | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||
$9.90 | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||
$6.25 | $ | $ | ||||||||||||||||||
Total – September 30, 2024 |
* | |
** | The Company’s options summarized above have been retroactively restated for the effect of the 25-for-1 reverse stock split. |
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Restricted Stock Units
The following table presents the activity for restricted stock units outstanding:
Restricted Stock Units | Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value | |||||||
Outstanding - December 31, 2023 | $ | |||||||
Granted | ||||||||
Forfeited/canceled | ||||||||
Vested/issued | ( | ) | ||||||
Outstanding – September 30, 2024 | $ |
Restricted Stock Units | Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value | |||||||
Outstanding - December 31, 2022 | $ | |||||||
Granted | ||||||||
Forfeited/canceled | ( | ) | ||||||
Vested/issued | ( | ) | ||||||
Outstanding – September 30, 2023 | $ |
The Company recognized share-based compensation expense related to stock options and restricted stock units of $
and $ for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $ and $ for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The remaining unvested share-based compensation expense of $ is expected to be recognized over the next 39 months.
Note 7 – Equity Financings
Equity Line Sales of Common Stock
On November 14, 2022, the Company entered into a Common Stock Purchase Agreement (the “White Lion Purchase Agreement”) with White Lion Capital, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company (“White Lion”) for an equity line facility.
In April and June 2023,
the Company closed on three sales of Common Stock under the White Lion Purchase Agreement. As a result, the Company issued an aggregate
Any proceeds that the Company receives under the White Lion Purchase Agreement are expected to be used for working capital and general corporate purposes.
The White Lion Purchase Agreement prohibits the Company from issuing and selling any shares of common stock to White Lion to the extent such shares, when aggregated with all other shares of our common stock then beneficially owned by White Lion, would cause White Lion’s beneficial ownership of common stock to exceed 9.99% (the “Beneficial Ownership Cap”).
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The Company recognized all offering costs related to the equity line of credit as deferred offering costs in accordance with the guidance in ASC 835-30-S45.
Replacement Equity Line with White Lion
On November 6, 2023, the Company entered into a new Common Stock Purchase Agreement and a related registration rights agreement with White Lion. Pursuant to the new Common Stock Purchase Agreement, the Company has the right, but not the obligation to require White Lion to purchase, from time to time until December 31, 2024, up to $10,000,000 in aggregate gross purchase price of newly issued shares of the Company’s common stock, subject to certain limitations and conditions set forth in the Common Stock Purchase Agreement. In connection with the new Common Stock Purchase Agreement, the parties agreed to terminate the previous Common Stock Purchase Agreement with White Lion.
During the nine months
ended September 30, 2024, the Company closed on several sales of Common Stock under the White Lion Purchase Agreement. As a result, the
Company issued an aggregate of
$2.3 Million Convertible Preferred Stock and Warrants Financing
On April 23, 2024, the
Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with accredited investors for a convertible preferred stock and warrants financing.
The Company received $
At the closing, the Company
The proceeds of this financing, together with other available cash resources, were used to repay outstanding debt and for general corporate purposes.
Holders of the Series B Preferred Stock will be entitled to dividends in the amount of 10% per annum, payable quarterly. The Company has the option to pay dividends on the Series B Preferred Stock in additional shares of Common Stock. The Company also has the option to cumulate or “capitalize” the dividends, in which case the accrued dividend amount shall be added to the stated value of each share of Series B Preferred Stock. As of September 30, 2024, the Company has elected to capitalize all dividends declared.
The following table presents the activity for warrants outstanding:
Warrants | Weighted Average Exercise Price | |||||||
Outstanding - December 31, 2023 | $ | |||||||
Granted | ||||||||
Forfeited/cancelled/restored | ( | ) | ||||||
Exercised | ||||||||
Outstanding – September 30, 2024 | $ |
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Note 8 – Leases under ASC 842
The Company leases certain office space under
operating leases for use in operations. The Company recognizes operating lease expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Management
determines if an arrangement is a lease at contract inception. Lease and non-lease components are accounted for as a single component
for all leases. Operating lease right to use (“ROU”) assets and liabilities are recognized at the lease commencement date
based on the present value of the future lease payments over the expected lease term, which includes optional renewal periods if the Company
determines it is reasonably certain that the option will be exercised. As the operating lease does not provide an implicit rate, the discount
rate used in the present value calculation represents the incremental borrowing rate determined using information available at the commencement
date. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company recorded operating lease expense of $
September 30, 2024 | ||||
Weighted-average remaining lease term | ||||
Weighted-average discount rate |
The following is a maturity analysis of the annual undiscounted cash flows reconciled to the carrying value of the operating lease liabilities as of September 30, 2024:
Years Ended December 31, | ||||
2024 | $ | |||
2025 | ||||
2026 | ||||
2027 | ||||
Less imputed interest | ( | ) | ||
Total | $ |
Note 9 – Subsequent Events
Management evaluated subsequent events and transactions that occurred after the balance sheet date, up to the date that the financial statements were issued. Based upon this review, other than as set forth below, management did not identify any subsequent events that would have required adjustment or disclosure in the financial statements.
The Nasdaq listing rules require listed securities to maintain a minimum bid price of $1.00 per share. On October 16, 2024, the Company received a written notice from Nasdaq indicating that it was not in compliance with the $1.00 minimum bid price requirement set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2) for continued listing. The Bid Price Notice does not result in the immediate delisting of the Company’s common stock from the Nasdaq Capital Market. The Bid Price Notice indicated that the Company has 180 calendar days (or until April 14, 2025) in which to regain compliance.
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Item 2. | Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations |
The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the unaudited condensed financial statements and related notes included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report and our audited financial statements and related notes thereto included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, which was filed with the SEC on April 1, 2024. This discussion and analysis and other parts of this Quarterly Report contain forward-looking statements based upon current beliefs, plans and expectations that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions, such as statements regarding our plans, objectives, expectations, intentions and projections. Our actual results and the timing of selected events could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of several factors, including those set forth under Part II, Item 1A, “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in this Quarterly Report. You should carefully read the “Risk Factors” section of this Quarterly Report and of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, to gain an understanding of the important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from our forward-looking statements. Please also see the section entitled “Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements.”
Auddia is a technology company headquartered in Boulder, CO that is reinventing how consumers engage with audio through the development of a proprietary AI platform for audio and innovative technologies for podcasts. Auddia is leveraging these technologies within its industry-first audio Superapp, faidr (previously known as the Auddia App).
faidr gives consumers the opportunity to listen to any AM/FM radio station with commercial breaks replaced with personalized audio content, including popular and new music, news, and weather. The faidr app represents the first-time consumers can combine the local content uniquely provided by AM/FM radio with commercial-free and personalized listening many consumers demand from digital-media consumption. In addition to commercial-free AM/FM, faidr includes podcasts – also with ads removed or easily skipped by listeners – as well as exclusive content, branded faidrRadio, which includes new artist discovery, curated music stations, and Music Casts. Music Casts are unique to faidr. Hosts and DJs can combine on-demand talk segments with dynamic music streaming, which allows users to hear podcasts with full music track plays embedded in the episodes.
Auddia has also developed a differentiated podcasting capability with ad-reduction features and also provides a unique suite of tools that helps podcasters create additional digital content for their podcast episodes as well as plan their episodes, build their brand, and monetize their content with new content distribution channels. This podcasting feature also gives users the ability to go deeper into the stories through supplemental, digital content, and eventually comment and contribute their own content to episode feeds.
The combination of AM/FM streaming and podcasting, with Auddia’s unique, technology-driven differentiators, addresses large and rapidly growing audiences.
We have developed our AI platform on top of Google’s TensorFlow open-source library that is being “taught” to know the difference between all types of audio content on the radio. For instance, the platform recognizes the difference between a commercial and a song and is learning the differences between all other content to include weather reports, traffic, news, sports, DJ conversation, etc. Not only does the technology learn the differences between the various types of audio segments, but it also identifies the beginning and end of each piece of content.
We are leveraging this technology platform within our premium AM/FM radio listening experience through the faidr App. The faidr App is intended to be downloaded by consumers who will pay a subscription fee in order to listen to any streaming AM/FM radio station and podcasts, all with commercial interruptions removed from the listening experience, in addition to the faidrRadio exclusive content offerings. Advanced features will allow consumers to skip any content heard on the station and request audio content on-demand. We believe the faidr App represents a significant differentiated audio streaming product, or Superapp, that will be the first to come to market since the emergence of popular streaming music apps such as Pandora, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, etc. We believe that the most significant point of differentiation is that in addition to ad-free AM/FM streaming and ad-reduced podcasts, the faidr App is intended to deliver non-music content that includes local sports, news, weather, traffic and the discovery of new music alongside exclusive programming. No other audio streaming app available today, including category leaders like TuneIn, iHeart, and Audacy, can compete with faidr’s full product offerings.
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We launched an MVP version of faidr through several consumer trials in 2021 to measure consumer interest and engagement with the App. The full app launched on February 15, 2022, and included all major U.S. radio stations in the US. In February 2023, we added faidrRadio, our exclusive content offerings, to the app. Podcasts were added to the app for the iOS version before the end of Q1 2023 as planned and added to the Android app in May of 2023.
We also developed a testbed differentiated podcasting capability called Vodacast, which leveraged technologies and proven product concepts to differentiate its podcasts offering from other competitors in the radio-streaming product category.
With podcasting growing and predicted to grow at a rapid rate, the Vodacast podcast platform was conceptualized to fill a void in the emerging audio media space. The platform was built to become the preferred podcasting solution for podcasters by enabling them to deliver digital content feeds that match the audio of their podcast episodes, and by enabling podcasters to make additional revenue from new digital advertising channels, subscription channels, on-demand fees for exclusive content, and through direct donations from their listeners.
Throughout 2023 and 2024, Auddia has been migrating their podcasting capabilities into the flagship faidr app bringing the advanced podcasting functionality from Vodacast into faidr as part of the overall strategy to build a single audio Superapp. In July 2024, Auddia sunsetted the Vodacast app. Podcast functionality continues to be developed in faidr and in August 2024, we released our Forward+ and Chapter Visualization into our differentiated AI Podcast Player which delivers ad-reduction controls to a listener.
Today, podcasters do not have a preference as to where their listeners access their episodes, as virtually all listening options (mobile apps and web players) deliver only their podcast audio. By creating significant differentiation on which they can make net new and higher margin revenue, we believe that podcasters will promote faidr to their listeners, thus creating a powerful, organic marketing dynamic.
One innovative and proprietary part of Auddia’s podcast capabilities, originally presented on their Vodacast differentiated podcasting capability, is the availability of tools to create and distribute an interactive digital feed, which supplements podcast episode audio with additional digital. These content feeds allow podcasters to tell deeper stories to their listeners while giving podcasters access to digital revenue for the first time. Podcasters will be able to build these interactive feeds using The Podcast Hub, a content management system that was originally developed and trialed as part of Auddia’s Vodacast platform, which also serves as a tool to plan and manage podcast episodes. The digital feed activates a new digital ad channel that turns every audio ad into a direct-response, relevant-to-the-story, digital ad, increasing the effectiveness and value of their established audio ad model. The feed also presents a richer listening experience, as any element of a podcast episode can be supplemented with images, videos, text and web links. This feed will appear fully synchronized in the faidr mobile App, and it also can be hosted and accessed independently (e.g., through any browser), making the content feed universally distributable.
Over time, users will be able to comment, and podcasters will be able to grant some users publishing rights to add content directly into the feed on their behalf. This will create another first for podcasting, a dialog between creator and fan, synchronized to the episode content. The interactive feed for podcasts has been developed and tested on Vodacast and is expected to be another differentiator added into faidr for podcast listeners later in 2025.
The podcast capabilities within faidr will also introduce a unique and industry first multi-channel, highly flexible set of revenue channels that podcasters can activate in combination to allow listeners to choose how they want to consume and pay for content. “Flex Revenue” allows podcasters to continue to run their standard audio ad model and complement those ads with direct response enabled digital ads in each episode content feed, increasing the value of advertising on any podcast. “Flex Revenue” will also activate subscriptions, on-demand fees for content (e.g., listen without audio ads for a micro payment fee) and direct donations from listeners. Using these channels in combination, podcasters can maximize revenue generation and exercise higher margin monetization models, beyond basic audio advertising. “Flex Revenue” and the initial inclusion of the new revenue channels that come with it will be added to podcasting in the faidr app, and the first elements of this new monetization capability is expected to be commercially available in 2025, beginning with subscription plans to access ad-reduction in podcasts.
The faidr mobile App is available today through the iOS and Android App stores.
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We have funded our operations with proceeds from the February 2021 IPO, Series A warrants exercised in July 2021 and common share issuance during June of 2023. We obtained debt financing through a related party during November 2022 and April 2023. We sold common shares during April 2023, June 2023, and during the first and second quarters of 2024 pursuant to our equity line facility. Lastly, we entered into a securities purchase agreement with accredited investors for convertible preferred stock and warrants financing. Since our inception, we have incurred significant operating losses. As of September 30, 2024, we had an accumulated deficit of $87,003,511. Our ability to generate product revenue sufficient to achieve profitability will depend heavily on the successful development and commercialization of one or more of our Apps. We expect that our expenses and capital requirements will increase substantially in connection with our ongoing activities, particularly if and as we:
· | nationally launch our faidr App and as we continue training our proprietary AI technology and make product enhancements; | |
· | continue to develop and expand our technology and functionality to advance the faidr app; | |
· | rollout our product on a national basis, which will include increasing our sales and marketing costs related to the promotion of our products. faidr promotion will include a combination of a) purchasing ads directly from broadcasters or b) participating broadcasters to promote without purchasing ads, but sharing a portion of subscription proceeds based on listening activity on those stations; | |
· | continue to pursue and complete potential acquisitions of other companies; | |
· | hire additional business development, product management, operational and marketing personnel; | |
· | continue market studies of our products; and | |
· | add operational and general administrative personnel which will support our product development programs, commercialization efforts and our transition to operating as a public company. |
As a result, we will need substantial additional funding to support our continuing operations and pursue our growth strategy. Until such time as we can generate significant revenue from product sales, if ever, we expect to finance our operations through the sale of equity, debt financings or other capital sources, which may include collaborations with other companies or other strategic transactions. We may be unable to raise additional funds or enter into such other agreements or arrangements when needed on favorable terms, or at all. If we fail to raise capital or enter into such agreements as and when needed, we may have to significantly delay, scale back or discontinue the development and commercialization of one or more of our product candidates.
Because of the numerous risks and uncertainties associated with product development, we are unable to predict the timing or amount of increased expenses or when or if we will be able to achieve or maintain profitability. Even if we are able to generate product sales, we may not become profitable. If we fail to become profitable or are unable to sustain profitability on a continuing basis, then we may be unable to continue our operations at planned levels and be forced to reduce or terminate our operations.
As of September 30, 2024, we had cash and cash equivalents of $3,773,827. We secured approximately $10.4 million in additional financing during 2024. We will need additional funding to complete the development of our full product line and scale products with a demonstrated market fit. Management has plans to secure such additional funding. However, if we are unable to raise capital when needed or on acceptable terms, we would be forced to delay, reduce, or eliminate our technology development and commercialization efforts.
To accelerate user acquisition, revenue, and cash flow, we have explored numerous potential acquisition targets of AM/FM streaming aggregators over the past year and a half and will continue to explore new opportunities.
Recent Developments
Mergers and Acquisitions Strategy
We are exploring various merger and acquisition options as part of a broader strategy which aims to scale the business more rapidly; accelerate user adoption and subscriber growth; enter new markets (international); and open new pathways toward raising capital. The overall strategy focuses on three areas: (1) acquiring users of a radio-streaming app, (2) bringing our proprietary ad-free products to the acquired userbase to generate significant subscription revenue, and (3) bringing together other differentiated features into the larger audio Superapp platform.
We incurred $426,572 in costs related to evaluating potential acquisitions during the nine months ended September 30, 2024.
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RFM Acquisition
On January 26, 2024, we entered into a Purchase Agreement (the “RFM Purchase Agreement”), pursuant to which we agreed to acquire RadioFM (the “RFM Acquisition”), which is currently a component of both AppSmartz and RadioFM (partnerships under common control). The aggregate consideration for the RFM Acquisition is $13,000,000 (plus $2,000,000 in contingent consideration if certain post-close milestones are reached), in addition to the assumption of certain liabilities, as may be adjusted pursuant to the terms of the RFM Purchase Agreement.
In March 2024, the parties mutually agreed to terminate the RFM Purchase Agreement.
Nasdaq Deficiency Notices
On November 21, 2023, we received a written notice from Nasdaq indicating that we are not in compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b)(1), which requires companies listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market to maintain a minimum of $2,500,000 in stockholders’ equity for continued listing (the “Stockholders’ Equity Requirement”). In our quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 2023, we reported stockholders’ equity of $2,415,012, and, as a result, did not satisfy Listing Rule 5550(b)(1). Nasdaq’s November written notice had no immediate impact on the listing of our common stock. Our hearing with the Panel occurred on January 18, 2024 and addressed all outstanding listing compliance matters, including compliance with the Stockholders’ Equity Notice as well as compliance with the Bid Price Requirement.
On January 30, 2024, the Panel granted the Company’s request for an exception to Nasdaq’s listing rules until April 22, 2024, to demonstrate compliance with all applicable continued listing requirements for the Nasdaq Capital Market.
On April 16, 2024, the Company received a letter from Nasdaq granting an exception to the Exchange’s listing rules until May 20, 2024, to demonstrate compliance with Listing Rule 5550(b)(1) (the “Equity Rule”.)
On May 24, 2024, we received a letter from Nasdaq indicating that we had regained compliance with the equity requirement in Listing rule 5550(b) (1) (the Equity Rule”.) We will be subject to a Mandatory Panel Monitor for a period of one year from the date of the letter in accordance with application of Listing Rule 5815(d)(4)(B).
The Nasdaq listing rules require listed securities to maintain a minimum bid price of $1.00 per share. On October 16, 2024, we received a written notice from Nasdaq indicating that we were not in compliance with the $1.00 minimum bid price requirement set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2) for continued listing. The Bid Price Notice does not result in the immediate delisting of our common stock from the Nasdaq Capital Market. The Bid Price Notice indicated that we have 180 calendar days (or until April 14, 2025) in which to regain compliance.
Reverse Share Split
The Company filed an amendment to its Certificate of Incorporation with the Secretary of State in Delaware which became effective as of 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time on February 26, 2024. As a result, every twenty-five (25) issued shares of common stock were automatically combined into one share of common stock.
Shares of the Company’s common stock were assigned a new CUSIP number (05072K 206) and began trading on a split-adjusted basis on February 27, 2024.
The reverse stock split did not change the authorized number of shares of the Company’s common stock. No fractional shares were issued and any fractional shares resulting from the reverse stock split were rounded up to the nearest whole share. Therefore, stockholders with less than 25 shares received one share of stock.
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The reverse stock split applied to the Company’s outstanding warrants, stock options and restricted stock units. The number of shares of common stock into which these outstanding securities are convertible or exercisable were adjusted proportionately as a result of the reverse stock split. The exercise prices of any outstanding warrants or stock options were also proportionately adjusted in accordance with the terms of those securities and the Company’s equity incentive plans.
Impact of Inflation
We have recently experienced higher costs across our business as a result of inflation, including higher costs related to employee compensation and outside services. We expect inflation to continue to have a negative impact throughout 2024, and it is uncertain whether we will be able to offset the impact of inflationary pressures in the near term.
Components of our results of operations
Operating expenses
Direct costs of services
Direct cost of services consists primarily of costs incurred related to our technology and development of our Apps, including hosting and other technology related expenses. We expect our direct costs of services to increase in the future as we continue to develop and enhance our technology related to the faidr and podcasting Apps.
Sales and marketing
Our sales and marketing expenses consist primarily of salaries, direct to consumer promotional spend and consulting services, all of which are related to the sales and promotion performed during the period. We expect our sales and marketing expenses to fluctuate period by period as we release new upgrades and enhancements within our Apps and look to generate revenue through customer acquisition, retention, and subscription conversion.
Research and development
Since our inception, we have focused significant resources on our research and development activities related to the software development of our technology. We account for costs incurred in the development of computer software as software research and development costs until the preliminary project stage is completed, management has committed to funding the project, and completion and use of the software for its intended purpose is probable. We cease capitalization of development costs once the software has been substantially completed and is available for its intended use. Software development costs are amortized over a useful life estimated by our management of three years. Costs associated with significant upgrades and enhancements that result in additional functionality are capitalized. Capitalized costs are subject to an ongoing assessment of recoverability based on anticipated future revenues and changes in software technologies. Unamortized capitalized software development costs determined to be in excess of anticipated future net revenues are impaired and expensed during the period of such determination. We expect to continue to incur research and development expenses and capitalization in the future as we continue to develop and enhance our faidr and podcasting Apps.
General and administrative
Our general and administrative expenses consist primarily of salaries and related costs, including payroll taxes, benefits, stock-based compensation, and professional fees related to auditing, tax, general legal services, and consulting services. We expect our general and administrative expenses to continue to increase in the future as we right-size our operating activities and prepare for commercialization of our products and support our operations as a public company, including increased expenses related to legal, accounting, insurance, regulatory and tax-related services associated with maintaining compliance with exchange listing and Securities and Exchange Commission requirements, directors and officers liability insurance premiums and investor relations activities.
Other income and expense
The other income and expense category primarily consists of interest expense attributed to the debt and conversion features of the Notes payable to related party.
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Results of operations
Comparison of the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
The following table summarizes our results of operations:
Three Months Ended | ||||||||||||||||
September 30, 2024 | September 30, 2023 | Change $ | Change % | |||||||||||||
Revenue | $ | – | $ | – | – | 0.0% | ||||||||||
Operating expenses: | ||||||||||||||||
Direct cost of services | 54,916 | 43,470 | 11,446 | 26.3% | ||||||||||||
Sales and marketing | 282,450 | 316,297 | (33,847 | ) | -10.7% | |||||||||||
Research and development | 233,085 | 227,133 | 5,952 | 2.6% | ||||||||||||
General and administrative | 881,439 | 777,496 | 103,943 | 13.4% | ||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | 495,960 | 465,166 | 30,794 | 6.6% | ||||||||||||
Total operating expenses | 1,947,850 | 1,829,562 | 118,288 | 6.5% | ||||||||||||
Loss from operations | (1,947,850 | ) | (1,829,562 | ) | (118,288 | ) | 6.5% | |||||||||
Other expense: | ||||||||||||||||
Interest expense | (1,578 | ) | (286,920 | ) | 285,342 | -99.4% | ||||||||||
Change in fair value of warrants | – | – | (0 | ) | 100.0% | |||||||||||
Total other expense | (1,578 | ) | (286,920 | ) | 285,342 | -99.5% | ||||||||||
Loss before income taxes | (1,949,428 | ) | (2,116,482 | ) | 167,054 | -7.9% | ||||||||||
Provision for income taxes | – | – | – | 0.0% | ||||||||||||
Net loss | $ | (1,949,428 | ) | $ | (2,116,482 | ) | 167,054 | -7.9% |
Total revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 were $0 as we continue to develop and enhance our faidr and podcasting Apps to establish new revenue streams.
Direct cost of services
Direct cost of services increased $11,446 or 26.3% from $43,470 for the three months ended September 30, 2023 compared to $54,916 for the three months ended September 30, 2024. This increase was primarily the result of an increase in hosting costs and music service costs.
Sales and marketing
Sales and marketing expenses decreased by $33,847 or (10.7%) from $316,297 for the three months ended September 30, 2023 to $282,450 for the three months ended September 30, 2024, which was primarily attributed to reduced marketing promotion costs associated with the national launch of the faidr app as the quarter was focused on ASO optimization. We expect our sales and marketing expenses to fluctuate period by period as we release new upgrades and enhancements within our faidr App and look to generate revenue through customer acquisition, retention, and subscription conversion.
Research and development
Research and development expenses increased by $5,952 or 2.6% from $227,133 for the three months ended September 30, 2023 to $233,085 for the three months ended September 30, 2024, which was primarily due to an increase in capitalized R&D expenses, partially offset by a decrease in content creator fees.
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General and administrative
General and administrative expenses increased by $103,943 or 13.4% from $777,496 for the three months ended September 30, 2023 compared to $881,439 for the three months ended September 30, 2024. The change was primarily driven by an increase in consulting, legal, and public company fees associated with the 2024 equity offerings.
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization expenses increased by $30,794 or 6.6% from $465,166 for the three months ended September 30, 2023 compared to $495,960 for the three months ended September 30, 2024. The increase is entirely related to the increased amortization of our faidr and podcasting Apps.
Other expense, net
Total other expenses decreased by $285,342 or (99.5%) from $286,920 for the three months ended September 30, 2023 to $1,578 for the three months ended September 30, 2024. Interest expense decreased by $285,342 due to the repayment of notes payable to related party in April 2024.
Comparison of the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
The following table summarizes our results of operations:
Nine Months Ended | ||||||||||||||||
September 30, 2024 | September 30, 2023 | Change $ | Change % | |||||||||||||
Revenue | $ | – | $ | – | – | 0.0% | ||||||||||
Operating expenses: | ||||||||||||||||
Direct cost of services | 153,316 | 130,809 | 22,507 | 17.2% | ||||||||||||
Sales and marketing | 645,713 | 765,176 | (119,463 | ) | -15.6% | |||||||||||
Research and development | 558,180 | 617,622 | (59,442 | ) | -9.6% | |||||||||||
General and administrative | 2,826,563 | 2,596,831 | 229,732 | 8.8% | ||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | 1,473,088 | 1,350,820 | 122,268 | 9.1% | ||||||||||||
Total operating expenses | 5,656,860 | 5,461,258 | 195,602 | 3.6% | ||||||||||||
Loss from operations | (5,656,860 | ) | (5,461,258 | ) | (195,602 | ) | 3.6% | |||||||||
Other expense: | ||||||||||||||||
Interest expense | (170,933 | ) | (1,133,398 | ) | 962,465 | -84.9% | ||||||||||
Change in fair value of warrants | (632,388 | ) | – | (632,388 | ) | 100.0% | ||||||||||
Total other expense | (803,321 | ) | (1,133,398 | ) | 330,077 | -29.1% | ||||||||||
Loss before income taxes | (6,460,181 | ) | (6,594,656 | ) | 134,475 | -2.0% | ||||||||||
Provision for income taxes | – | – | – | 0.0% | ||||||||||||
Net loss | $ | (6,460,181 | ) | $ | (6,594,656 | ) | 134,475 | -2.0% |
Total revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 were $0 as we continue to develop and enhance our faidr and podcasting Apps to establish new revenue streams.
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Direct cost of services
Direct cost of services increased $22,507 or 17.2% from $130,809 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 compared to $153,316 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. This increase was primarily the result of an increase in hosting costs and data subscription fees.
Sales and marketing
Sales and marketing expenses decreased by $119,463 or (15.6%) from $765,176 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $645,713 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, which was primarily attributed to reduced marketing promotion costs associated with the national launch of the faidr app. We expect our sales and marketing expenses to fluctuate period by period as we release new upgrades and enhancements within our Apps and look to generate revenue through customer acquisition, retention, and subscription conversion.
Research and development
Research and development expenses decreased by $59,442 or (9.6%) from $617,622 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $558,180 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, which was primarily due to lower consulting and content creator fees.
General and administrative
General and administrative expenses increased by $229,732 or 8.8% from $2,596,831 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 compared to $2,826,563 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The increase was primarily driven by an increase in salary expense and professional fees to support compliance requirements related to potential acquisitions and equity offerings, partially offset by lower stock compensation expense.
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation and amortization expenses increased by $122,268 or 9.1% from $1,350,820 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 compared to $1,473,088 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The increase is entirely related to the increased amortization of our faidr and podcasting Apps.
Other expense, net
Total other expenses decreased by $330,077 or (29.1%) from $1,133,398 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to $803,321 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Interest expense decreased by $962,465 due to the repayment of notes payable to related party in April 2024. Interest expense was offset by $632,388 due to the change in the fair value of the notes payable converted to equity.
Liquidity and capital resources
Sources of liquidity
We have incurred operating losses since our inception and have an accumulated deficit as a result of ongoing efforts to develop and commercialize our faidr and podcasting Apps. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had cash and cash equivalents of $3,773,827 and $804,556, respectively. We have working capital in the amount of approximately $3.4 million as of September 30, 2024. We anticipate that operating losses and net cash used in operating activities will increase over the next 12 months as we continue to develop and market our products. We secured $10.4 million of additional financing in 2024, which enabled us to pay down $2.75 million in connection with the Secured Bridge Notes and will only be sufficient to fund our current operating plans into the first quarter of 2025. The Company has based these estimates, however, on assumptions that may prove to be wrong. We will need additional funding to complete the development of our full product line and scale products with a demonstrated market fit. Management has plans to secure such additional funding. If we are unable to raise capital when needed or on acceptable terms, we would be forced to delay, reduce, or eliminate our technology development and commercialization efforts.
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Interim Bridge Financings
As previously disclosed, on November 14, 2022, we entered into a Secured Bridge Note (“Prior Note”) financing with one of our accredited investors, a significant existing shareholder of the Company. We received $2,000,000 of gross proceeds from the Prior Note financing.
On April 17, 2023, we entered into an additional Secured Bridge Note (“New Note”) financing with the same accredited investor from the Prior Note financing. We received $750,000 of gross proceeds from the New Note financing. The New Note was issued with a principal amount of $825,000, 10% interest rate and a maturity date on July 31, 2023. The New Note is secured by a lien on substantially all of our assets. At maturity of the New Note, the accredited investor, or our lender, has the option to convert any original issue discount and accrued but unpaid interest into shares of our common stock at a fixed conversion price of $15.25 per share.
In connection with the New Note financing, we issued 26,000 common stock warrants to the accredited investor with a five-year term and a fixed $15.25 per share exercise price, from which 13,000 of these common stock warrants are exercisable immediately. The remaining 13,000 common stock warrants would only become exercisable if the maturity date of the New Note is extended in accordance with the terms of the New Note. As of July 31, 2023, we extended the maturity date of the New Note to November 30, 2023. Upon the July 31, 2023 extension, the interest rate on the New Note increased to 20% from 10%, and the remaining portion of the 13,000 common stock warrants became exercisable. As of November 30, 2023, we extended the maturity date of the Prior Note and New Note to March 31, 2024. All terms of the Prior Note and New Note, such as interest rate and exercisable common stock warrants remained the same. The accredited investor did not exercise the common stock warrants as of December 31, 2023 or subsequent to December 31, 2023 and as of the date of this filing.
Further, in connection with the New Note financing, the parties agreed to make certain amendments to the Prior Note financing. Specifically, the parties agreed to cancel the 12,000 common stock warrants issued as part of the prior financing and, in lieu of the cancelled warrants, issued the investor common stock warrants for 24,000 common shares with an exercise price of $15.25 per common share and a five-year term. From the newly issued 24,000 common stock warrants, 12,000 common stock warrants were exercisable immediately, while the other 12,000 common stock warrants became exercisable at the time of extension of the maturity date of the Prior Note during May of 2023.
In order for the accredited investor to receive common shares from a conversion or exercise of the common stock warrants, an approval is required from the shareholders, if the number of common shares to be issued to the accredited investor, when aggregated with all other shares of common stock beneficially or deemed beneficially owned by the accredited investor would (i) result in the investor owning more than the Beneficial Ownership Limitation (as defined below), as determined in accordance with Section 13 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or (ii) otherwise constitute a Change of Control within the meaning of Nasdaq Rule 5635(b). The “Beneficial Ownership Limitation” shall be 19.99% of the number of shares of the common stock outstanding immediately prior to the proposed issuance of shares of common stock.
On April 9, 2024, we entered into an Amendment and Waiver Agreement with the Investor relating to the Bridge Notes.
We agreed to pay $2.75 million in cash to the Investor in repayment of the principal of the Bridge Notes (exclusive of the $275,000 of original issue discount on the Bridge Notes) shortly after the closing of one or more equity financings with total gross proceeds to us of not less than $6,000,000.
On April 26, 2024, we repaid $2.75 million of principal on our Secured Bridge Notes.
Effective April 9, 2024, the Investor converted $911,384, which is equal to the (i) unpaid accrued interest on the Bridge Notes plus (ii) the OID on the Bridge Notes, into equity securities.
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The Rollover Securities consist of (i) 463,337 Prefunded Warrants with a per share exercise price of $0.001 per share and (ii) 463,337 Non-Prefunded Warrants with a per share exercise price equal to $1.967. As of the date and time of the Amendment and Waiver Agreement, the Nasdaq Minimum Price (as defined in the applicable Nasdaq listing rules) for our common stock was $1.966.
The number of Prefunded Warrants was determined by dividing the Rollover Amount by $1.967. The number of Non-Prefunded Warrants is equal to the number of Prefunded Warrants (i.e. 100% warrant coverage). The Non-Prefunded Warrants have a price adjustment provision which will adjust the exercise price downward in the event that we issue equity securities in the future at an effective per share price below the then current exercise price. In order to assure compliance with applicable Nasdaq rules, the Non-Prefunded Warrants shall not be exercisable for six months following the date of issue.
We issued to the Investor 50,000 Fee Warrants with a five-year term as a loan extension fee. The exercise price of these additional Fee Warrants is $1.967. The Fee Warrants have a price adjustment provision which will adjust the exercise price downward in the event that we issue equity securities in the future at an effective per share price below the then current exercise price. In order to assure compliance with applicable Nasdaq rules, the Fee Warrants shall not be exercisable for six months following the date of issue.
We agreed to adjust the exercise price of the Investor’s Existing Warrants from $15.25 (after adjustment for the recent reverse stock) to $1.967 per share.
The Investor will not be able to receive shares upon exercise of any of the foregoing securities, unless prior stockholder approval is obtained, if (i) the number of shares to be issued would exceed 20% of our outstanding number of shares at a discount to the applicable Nasdaq Minimum Price or (ii) the number of shares to be issued would result in in a Change of Control within the meaning of Nasdaq Rule 5635(b).
Equity Line Sales of Common Stock
On November 14, 2022, we entered into a Common Stock Purchase Agreement (the “White Lion Purchase Agreement”) with White Lion Capital, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company (“White Lion”) for an equity line facility.
On April 17 and April 20, 2023, we closed on two sales of Common Stock under the White Lion Purchase Agreement. We issued an aggregate of 1,962,220 common shares and received aggregate proceeds of approximately $1.12 million.
Replacement Equity Line with White Lion
On November 6, 2023, we entered into a new Common Stock Purchase Agreement and a related registration rights agreement with White Lion. Pursuant to the new Common Stock Purchase Agreement, we have the right, but not the obligation to require White Lion to purchase, from time to time until December 31, 2024, up to $10,000,000 in aggregate gross purchase price of newly issued shares of our common stock, subject to certain limitations and conditions set forth in the Common Stock Purchase Agreement. In connection with the new Common Stock Purchase Agreement, the parties agreed to terminate the previous Common Stock Purchase Agreement with White Lion.
Through September 30, 2024, we have sold 4,815,263 shares to White Lion for total proceeds of $8,176,048. We currently have effective registration statements that registers for resale by White Lion up to 2,200,090 remaining shares of common stock that we may issue to White Lion under the Equity Line Purchase Agreement. After White Lion has acquired shares under the Equity Line Purchase Agreement, it may sell all, some or none of those shares. Sales to White Lion by us pursuant to the Equity Line Purchase Agreement may result in substantial dilution to the interests of other holders of our common stock.
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Cash Flow Analysis
Our cash flows from operating activities have historically been significantly impacted by our investment in sales and marketing to drive growth, and research and development expenses. Our ability to meet future liquidity needs will be driven by our operating performance and the extent of continued investment in our operations. Failure to generate sufficient revenues and related cash flows could have a material adverse effect on our ability to meet our liquidity needs and achieve our business objectives.
The following table summarizes the statements of cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Nine Months Ended September 30, | ||||||||
2024 | 2023 | |||||||
Net cash provided by (used in): | ||||||||
Operating activities | $ | (3,803,324 | ) | $ | (3,404,954 | ) | ||
Investing activities | (799,535 | ) | (743,208 | ) | ||||
Financing activities | 7,572,130 | 4,686,406 | ||||||
Change in cash | $ | 2,969,271 | $ | 538,244 |
Operating activities
Cash used in operating activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was ($3,803,324), primarily resulting from our net loss of ($6,460,181) and change in working capital of $112,262, offset by non-cash charges of $2,544,594 related to depreciation and amortization, share based compensation expense, and the change in fair value of warrants. Cash used in operating activities for both periods consisted of personnel-related expenditures, marketing and promotion costs, and public company administrative support costs such as legal and other professional support services.
Cash used in operating activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, was ($3,404,954), primarily resulting from our net loss of ($6,594,656) and change in working capital of $188,517 related to an increase in accounts payable and accrued liabilities, offset by non-cash charges of $3,001,184 related to depreciation and amortization, share based compensation expense, and finance charges associated with the debt issuance costs of the Secured Bridge Notes. Cash used in operating activities for both periods consisted of personnel-related expenditures, marketing and promotion costs, and public company administrative support costs such as legal and other professional support services.
Investing activities
Cash used in investing activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was ($799,535), consisting of the capitalization of software development expenses and purchase of computer equipment.
Cash used in investing activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was ($743,208), consisting entirely of capitalization of software development expenses.
Financing activities
Cash provided by financing activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $7,572,130, which consisted of cash proceeds from the issuance of common shares of $8,176,048 and cash proceeds from the issuance of preferred shares of $2,238,575. This was partially offset by the repayment of the note payable to related party of $2,750,000, payment of offering costs of $72,807 and net settlement of share-based compensation liability of $19,686.
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Cash provided by financing activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was $4,686,406 and related primarily to cash proceeds from the issuance of common shares of $4,016,521 and proceeds from related party debt of $750,000.
Funding Requirements
We historically have incurred significant losses and negative cash flows from operations since our inception and had an accumulated deficit of $87,003,511 and $80,543,330 as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had cash and cash equivalents of $3,773,827 and $804,556, respectively. Our cash is comprised primarily of demand deposit accounts and money market funds. We secured $10.4 million of additional financing in 2024, which enabled us to pay down $2.75 million in connection with the Secured Bridge Notes and will only be sufficient to fund our current operating plans into the first quarter of 2025. We have based these estimates, however, on assumptions that may prove to be wrong. We will need additional funding to complete the development of our full product line and scale products with a demonstrated market fit. Management has plans to secure such additional funding. If we are unable to raise capital when needed or on acceptable terms, we would be forced to delay, reduce, or eliminate our technology development and commercialization efforts.
We expect our expenses to increase in connection with our ongoing activities, particularly as we continue the development, and marketing and promotion of faidr. In addition, we expect to continue to incur additional costs associated with operating as a public company, including legal, accounting, investor relations and other expenses. Our future funding requirements will depend on many factors, including, but not limited to:
· | the scope, progress, results, and costs related to the market acceptance of our products; | |
· | the ability to attract podcasters and content creators to faidr and retain listeners on the platform; | |
· | the costs, timing, and ability to continue to develop our technology; | |
· | effectively addressing any competing technological and market developments; and | |
· | avoiding and defending against intellectual property infringement, misappropriation and other claims. |
Contractual Obligations
The following table summarizes our contractual obligations as of September 30, 2024, and the effects that such obligations are expected to have on our liquidity and cash flows in future periods:
Payments due by period | ||||||||||||||||||||
Total | Less Than 1 Year | 1 - 3 Years | 4 - 5 Years | More Than 5 Years | ||||||||||||||||
Operating lease commitments: | ||||||||||||||||||||
Office lease (1) | $ | 98,233 | $ | 32,540 | $ | 65,693 | $ | – | $ | – | ||||||||||
Total operating lease commitments | $ | 98,233 | $ | 32,540 | $ | 65,693 | $ | – | $ | – |
(1) | Represents minimum payments due for the lease of office space. |
Off-balance sheet arrangements
We did not have during the periods presented, and we do not currently have, any off-balance sheet arrangements, as defined in the rules and regulations of the SEC.
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Critical Accounting Estimates
Our financial statements and accompanying notes have been prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The preparation of these financial statements requires us to make estimates, judgments and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues, costs and expenses, and related disclosures. On an ongoing basis, we continually evaluate our estimates and assumptions believed to be reasonable under current facts and circumstances. Actual amounts and results may materially differ from these estimates made by management under different assumptions and conditions.
Certain accounting policies that require significant management estimates and are deemed critical to our results of operations or financial position, are described below. Accordingly, these are the policies we believe are the most critical to aid in fully understanding and evaluating our financial condition and results of operations.
Software Development Costs
The Company accounts for costs incurred in the development of computer software as software research and development costs until the preliminary project stage is completed, management has committed to funding the project, and completion and use of the software for its intended purpose is probable. The Company ceases capitalization of development costs once the software has been substantially completed and is available for its intended use. Software development costs are amortized over a useful life estimated by the Company’s management of three years. Costs associated with significant upgrades and enhancements that result in additional functionality are capitalized. Capitalized costs are subject to an ongoing assessment of recoverability based on anticipated future revenues and changes in software technologies. Unamortized capitalized software development costs determined to be in excess of anticipated future net revenues are impaired and expensed during the period of such determination.
Equity-based compensation
Certain of our employees and consultants have received grants of common shares in our company. These awards are accounted for in accordance with guidance prescribed for accounting for equity-based compensation. Based on this guidance and the terms of the awards, the awards are equity classified. The common shares receive distributions if any in an order of priority in accordance with our limited liability company agreement.
The fair value of each award is determined using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model which values options based on the stock price at the grant date, the expected life of the option, the estimated volatility of the stock, and the risk-free interest rate over the expected life of the option. The expected volatility was determined considering comparable companies historical stock prices as a peer group for the fiscal year the grant occurred and prior fiscal years for a period equal to the expected life of the option. The risk-free interest rate was the rate available from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank with a term equal to the expected life of the option. The expected life of the option was estimated based on a mid-point method calculation.
Prior to our IPO in February 2021, we were a private company with no active public market for our common equity. Therefore, we have periodically determined the overall value of our company and the estimated per share fair value of our common equity at their various dates using contemporaneous valuations performed with the assistance of a third-party specialist and in accordance with the guidance outlined in the American Institute of CPA’s Practice Aid.
Emerging growth company and smaller reporting company status
The Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012 permits an “emerging growth company” such as us to take advantage of an extended transition period to comply with new or revised accounting standards applicable to public companies until those standards would otherwise apply to private companies. We have elected to not “opt out” of this provision and, as a result, we will adopt new or revised accounting standards at the time private companies adopt the new or revised accounting standard and will do so until such time that we either (i) irrevocably elect to “opt out” of such extended transition period or (ii) no longer qualify as an emerging growth company.
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We are also a “smaller reporting company” meaning that the market value of our stock held by non-affiliates is less than $700 million and our annual revenue was less than $100 million during the most recently completed fiscal year. We may continue to be a smaller reporting company if either (i) the market value of our stock held by non-affiliates is less than $250 million or (ii) our annual revenue was less than $100 million during the most recently completed fiscal year and the market value of our stock held by non-affiliates is less than $700 million. If we are a smaller reporting company at the time we cease to be an emerging growth company, we may continue to rely on exemptions from certain disclosure requirements that are available to smaller reporting companies. Specifically, as a smaller reporting company we may choose to present only the two most recent fiscal years of audited financial statements in our Annual Report on Form 10-K and, similar to emerging growth companies, smaller reporting companies have reduced disclosure obligations regarding executive compensation.
Item 3. | Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk |
We are a smaller reporting company as defined by Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act and are not required to provide the information required under this item.
Item 4. | Controls and Procedures |
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Our management, with the participation of our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) of the Exchange Act) as of the end of the period covered by this report. Based on that evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures as of the end of the period covered by this report were effective after taking remedial actions to address the material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting reported in prior filings. The Company’s disclosure controls and procedures are designed to provide reasonable assurance that information required to be disclosed by us in reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act (i) is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms; and (ii) accumulated and communicated to management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, as appropriate, to allow timely discussions regarding required disclosure. We believe that a control system, no matter how well designed and operated, cannot provide absolute assurance that the objectives of the control system are met, and no evaluation of controls can provide absolute assurance that all control issues and instances of fraud, if any, within a company have been detected.
Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
Management has been actively engaged in remediating the material weaknesses discussed in our Form 10-K for the period ended December 31, 2023 filed with SEC on April 1, 2024. The following remedial actions have been taken during the nine months ended September 30, 2024:
· | Completed the internal control documentation along with engaging outside consultants to assist in the design, implementation and documentation of internal controls to address the relevant risks; | |
· | Performed risk-based scoping activities to identify key business processes, and engaged an outside internal control specialist team to assist in designing, documenting, and implementing internal controls to address relevant risks; | |
· | Implemented the internal control procedures identified in the scoping and documentation processes; | |
· | Hired additional accounting resources with appropriate levels of experience, including a new Chief Financial Officer in 2023; and | |
· | Continue to engage outside consultants to ensure that the appropriate level of knowledge and experience is applied based on risk and complexity of transactions and tasks under review. |
The process of implementing an effective financial reporting system is a continuous effort that requires us to anticipate and react to changes in our business and the economic and regulatory environments and to expend significant resources to maintain a financial reporting system that is adequate to satisfy our reporting obligations. As we continue to evaluate and take actions to improve our internal control over financial reporting, we may take additional actions to address control deficiencies or modify certain of the remediation measures described above.
We believe the above actions will be effective in remediating the material weaknesses described above and we will continue to devote significant time and attention to these remedial efforts.
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Item 1. | Legal Proceedings |
From time to time, we are involved in various disputes, claims, suits, investigations, and legal proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. We believe that the resolution of current pending legal matters will not have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations or cash flows. Nonetheless, we cannot predict the outcome of these proceedings, as legal matters are subject to inherent uncertainties, and there exists the possibility that the ultimate resolution of these matters could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations or cash flows. For additional information, see “Note 5. Commitments and Contingencies” to our financial statements included in this Form 10-Q.
Item 1A. | Risk Factors |
In addition to the information set forth in this Form 10-Q, you should carefully consider the risk factors disclosed under the heading “Risk Factors” in Part I, Item 1A of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. There have been no material changes to our risk factors from those included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Item 2. | Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds |
Not applicable.
Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities
We did not repurchase any of our equity securities during the quarter ended September 30, 2024.
Item 3. | Defaults Upon Senior Securities |
Item 4. | Mine Safety Disclosures |
Item 5. | Other Information |
During the
quarter ended September 30, 2024, no director or officer of the Company
34 |
Item 6. | Exhibits |
The exhibits required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K and Item 15(b) of this Quarterly Report are listed in the Exhibit Index below. The exhibits listed in the Exhibit Index are incorporated by reference herein.
35 |
101.INS | Inline XBRL Instance Document (the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document) | |
101.SCH | Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document | |
101.CAL | Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document | |
101.DEF | Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document | |
101.LAB | Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document | |
101.PRE | Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document | |
104 | Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted in IXBRL, and included in exhibit 101). |
# | Indicates management contract or compensatory plan. |
** | Certain information contained in this Exhibit has been redacted and appears as “XXXXX” as the disclosure of same would be a disadvantage to the Registrant in the marketplace |
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Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
By: | /s/ Michael Lawless | |
Michael Lawless President, Chief Executive Officer, Director |
By: | /s/ John Mahoney | |
John Mahoney Chief Financial Officer |
Date: November 7, 2024
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