
表格 10-Q

(Mark One)

加利福尼亞街600號, 1800套房
(主要營業地址,包括郵政編碼), 加利福尼亞州 94108

(415) 580-6900


用勾號標識: (1) 在過去的12個月內,提交了《證券交易法》第13條或第15(d)條所要求提交的所有報告。(或對於註冊者要求提交這些報告的更短期間)(2) 在過去的90天內一直遵守報告要求。  Yes      否  

用複選標記表明註冊人是否在過去 12 個月內(或者在要求註冊人提交此類文件的較短時間內)以電子方式提交了根據第 S-T 法規(本章第 232.405 節)第 405 條要求提交的所有交互式數據文件。是的  沒有



請通過勾選表示,標明公司是否爲外殼公司(根據證券交易法12b-2規則定義)。是    否  

截至2024年11月1日,註冊人普通股的流通股數爲 224,339,374.






























您不應當將前瞻性陳述視為對未來事件的預測。雖然我們認為這些前瞻性陳述所反映的預期是合理的,但我們無法保證未來結果、活動水平、表現或在這些前瞻性陳述中反映的事件和情況將會實現或發生。此外,我們或其他任何人都不承擔對這些前瞻性陳述的準確性和完整性負責。我們不承諾於此季度報告Form 10-Q之日期後出於任何原因公開更新任何前瞻性陳述,以將這些陳述調整為實際結果或我們期望的變化,除非法律要求。













不服從現行或未來與數據隱私和安防(包括安防事件)相關之法律、法規、合約、自律計劃、標準及其他義務,可能會損害我們的業務。 未遵守或實際或被認為未能遵守這些義務可能會增加我們產品/服務的成本,限制其使用或採用,並對我們的營運業績和業務產生負面影響。




Sunrun Inc.
現金$533,863 $678,821 
限制性現金476,606 308,869 
應收賬款(扣除$信用虧損準備)17,024 15.119,042 截至2024年9月30日及2023年12月31日止)
182,513 172,001 
存貨342,348 459,746 
預付費用及其他流動資產67,132 262,822 
全部流動資產1,602,462 1,882,259 
限制性現金148 148 
太陽能能源系統,淨額14,427,903 13,028,871 
物業及設備,扣除折舊後淨值134,613 149,139 
商譽3,122,168 3,122,168 
其他資產2,817,029 2,267,652 
總資產 (1)
$22,104,323 $20,450,237 
應付賬款$244,184 $230,723 
43,871 35,180 
應計費用及其他負債410,488 499,225 
流動部分递延收入120,991 128,600 
待定補助金,當前部分8,165 8,199 
融資租賃負債,當期部分26,532 22,053 
無追索權債務,當前部分236,227 547,870 
通過融資負債,當前部分1,050 16,309 
流動負債合計1,091,508 1,488,159 
透過分期收入取得的未來收入,减去当前部分1,171,925 1,067,461 
待定補助金,扣除當前部分188,589 195,724 
融資租賃負債,扣除當前部分74,627 68,753 
可轉換高級票據603,510 392,867 
授信額度392,524 539,502 
非追索債務,扣除當前部分11,219,898 9,191,689 
過渡性融資負債,扣除當前部分 278,333 
其他負債212,091 190,866 
递延所得税负债115,258 122,870 
負債總額 (1)
15,069,930 13,536,224 
可贖回的非控制權益。633,817 676,177 
優先股,面額$0.01,授權股數為5,000,000股,發行且流通股數為截至2024年6月30日和2023年12月31日之184,668,188股和181,364,180股。0.0001 面值—已授權的 200,000 2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的股份; 於2024年9月30日及2023年12月31日期間已發行並流通的股份
0.010.0001 面值—已授權的 2,000,000 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日;已發行和流通中的股份, 224,087219,392 股份截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,分別
22 22 
資本公積額額外增資6,707,031 6,609,229 
其他綜合收益累計額37,189 54,676 
股東權益總額5,278,033 5,230,228 
非控制權益1,122,543 1,007,608 
總股本6,400,576 6,237,836 
總負債、可贖資產及股東權益$22,104,323 $20,450,237 


1)截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,公司的綜合資產中包括$12,715,551 15.111,538,540相應地,作為變量利益實體(VIEs)的資產只能用於清償VIEs的負債。這些資產包括太陽能系統,分別截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日淨額為$11,568,737 15.110,469,093相應地,現金截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日分別為$375,111 15.1254,522相應地,受限現金截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日分別為$52,033 15.148,169分別為:截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的應收賬款淨額為$96,476 15.176,249分別為:截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的存貨為$94,883 15.1150,065分別為:截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的預付費用和其他流動資產為$8,199 15.1161,414分別為:截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的其他資產為$520,112 15.1379,028,分別為。截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,公司的合併負債中包括$2,315,398 15.12,417,984,分別屬於對公司沒有追索權的VIE的負債。這些負債包括2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的應付帳款$5,816 15.112,187,分別;截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,應包含發放給非控制權益人和可贖回非控制權益的支付$43,872 15.135,181,分別;截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,應包含應計費用和其他流動負債$38,168 15.1185,766營業收入分別為2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的$779,372 15.1708,413非追索債務分別為2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的$1,430,320 15.11,459,621其他負債分別為2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的$17,850 15.116,816,分別為。

Sunrun Inc.
客戶協議和獎勵$405,861 $316,528 $1,116,653 $865,151 
太陽能系統和產品銷售131,312 246,653 402,574 878,072 
總收入537,173 563,181 1,519,227 1,743,223 
客戶協議和獎勵的成本308,382 283,742 876,581 789,334 
125,312 234,274 411,591 824,830 
銷售和行銷162,490 176,349 466,411 574,061 
研究與開發8,180 5,039 30,510 14,153 
一般及行政60,587 53,254 173,082 163,957 
 1,158,000  1,158,000 
營運開支總額664,951 1,910,658 1,958,175 3,524,335 
其他(費用)收入(淨額)(82,598)77,673 71,710 93,744 
(13,803)29,846 (26,953)(11,096)
基本223,695 217,344 222,078 216,029 
稀釋223,695 217,344 222,078 216,029 



Sunrun Inc.
金融工具未實現(虧損)收益,扣除所得稅後淨額(50,708)62,021 3,568 71,412 
其他綜合(損失)收益(57,395)54,499 (17,487)52,124 


Sunrun Inc.

2024年6月30日餘額$635,865 223,298 $22 $6,653,582 $94,584 $(1,382,443)$5,365,745 $1,046,862 $6,412,607 
行使股票期權— 106 — 976 — — 976 — 976 
發行受限制股票單位,扣除稅款後的淨額— 683  — — —  —  
股份報酬— — — 26,249 — — 26,249 — 26,249 
 — — — — — — 494,569 494,569 
分配給非控制權益和可贖回非控制權益(17,330)— — — — — — (47,460)(47,460)
15,282 — — — — (83,766)(83,766)(343,704)(427,470)
收購非控制權益 — — 26,224 — — 26,224 (27,724)(1,500)
其他綜合損失,扣除稅款後淨額— — — — (57,395)— (57,395)— (57,395)
$633,817 224,087 $22 $6,707,031 $37,189 $(1,466,209)$5,278,033 $1,122,543 $6,400,576 

2023年6月30日結餘$609,573 217,044 $22 $6,546,814 $64,734 $(14,116)$6,597,454 $988,090 $7,585,544 
行使股票期權— 55 — 283 — — 283 — 283 
發行受限股份單位,扣除稅款代扣後淨額— 615  — — —  —  
股份報酬— — — 27,654 — — 27,654 — 27,654 
非控股權益投資和可贖回非控股權益的貢獻149,998 — — — — — — 205,004 205,004 
分配給非控制權益和可贖回非控制權益(17,132)— — — — — — (35,653)(35,653)
淨損失(51,220)— — — — (1,069,459)(1,069,459)(350,259)(1,419,718)
收購非控制權益(7,770)— — 677 — — 677 (27,361)(26,684)
其他綜合收益,扣除稅後淨額— — — — 54,499 — 54,499 — 54,499 
$683,449 217,714 $22 $6,575,428 $119,233 $(1,083,575)$5,611,108 $779,821 $6,390,929 


Sunrun Inc.

$676,177 219,392 $22 $6,609,229 $54,676 $(1,433,699)$5,230,228 $1,007,608 $6,237,836 
— 521 — 3,579 — — 3,579 — 3,579 
扣除稅款後發行的限制股份單位— 3,324  — — —  —  
— 850 — 8,374 — — 8,374 — 8,374 
— — — 97,576 — — 97,576 — 97,576 
16,435 — — — — — — 1,274,051 1,274,051 
(51,146)— — — — — — (195,937)(195,937)
1,565 — — — — (32,510)(32,510)(924,321)(956,831)
限價看漲交易— — — (38,365)— — (38,365) (38,365)
收購非控制權益(9,214)— — 26,638 — — 26,638 (38,858)(12,220)
其他全面損失,扣除所得稅後— — — — (17,487)— (17,487)— (17,487)
$633,817 224,087 $22 $6,707,031 $37,189 $(1,466,209)$5,278,033 $1,122,543 $6,400,576 

$609,702 214,184 $21 $6,470,194 $67,109 $170,798 $6,708,122 $861,193 $7,569,315 
— 580 — 3,601 — — 3,601 — 3,601 
— 2,203 1 — — — 1 — 1 
— 747 — 10,549 — — 10,549 — 10,549 
— — — 85,938 — — 85,938 — 85,938 
169,993 — — — — — — 942,548 942,548 
(51,512)— — — — — — (122,670)(122,670)
淨損失(24,723)— — — — (1,254,373)(1,254,373)(868,339)(2,122,712)
(20,011)— — 5,146 — — 5,146 (32,911)(27,765)
其他綜合收益,淨額(扣除所得稅)— — — — 52,124 — 52,124 — 52,124 
$683,449 217,714 $22 $6,575,428 $119,233 $(1,083,575)$5,611,108 $779,821 $6,390,929 


減值和攤銷,減去延期資助的攤銷458,533 388,645 
商譽減值 1,158,000 
股票補償費用83,956 84,226 
通過融資義務所產生的利息8,837 14,642 
衍生品未實現收益(損失)2,311 (80,121)
其他非現金項目105,259 142,434 
存貨117,398 122,103 
應付賬款36,379 (56,271)
應計費用及其他負債76,406 (24,487)
遞延收入97,465 59,360 
州稅收抵免款項,回收淨額5,203 4,033 
信貸額度收到的款項305,556 651,398 
發行無追索擔保債務所得3,364,956 3,189,480 
來自流通過融資和其他義務的收入,淨額4,795 6,712 
來自非控制權益和可贖回非控制權益的收益1,290,486 1,112,541 
與基於股票獎勵活動相關的淨收益11,953 14,152 
籌資活動產生的現金淨額2,439,185 2,655,674 
現金及受限制現金的淨變動22,779 (1,078)
期初現金和限制性現金987,838 953,023 
期末現金和受限制的現金$1,010,617 $951,945 
支付的利息現金$423,839 $313,027 
支付的所得稅費用$ $ 
購買太陽能系統和賬面應付款及應計費用中包括的固定資產$59,658 $74,885 
以新融資租賃負債換取的資產的使用權$35,507 $64,308 



sunrun直接獲取客戶,並通過與各種太陽能和戰略合作伙伴(「合作伙伴」)的關係獲取客戶。項目由sunrun或sunrun的合作伙伴建造,大部分由公司擁有。sunrun的客戶與太陽能系統利用協議(「客戶協議」)簽署協議,通常具有 20 或者 25 年限。sunrun在客戶協議期間監控、維護和保險項目。公司還銷售電池儲存設備以及太陽能系統和產品,如面板、支架和由客戶生成的太陽能潛在客戶。
公司成立了各種子公司(「基金」)來爲項目的開發提供資金。這些基金按有限責任公司的結構組建,從外部投資者獲得融資,並在總購買或總租賃協議下從Sunrun購買或租賃項目。該公司目前在其投資基金中使用6種法律結構,分別稱爲:(i)透過式融資義務;以及(ii)合夥翻轉。 兩個 所有基金類型中的法律結構,分別稱爲:(i) 通過式融資義務,以及 (ii) 合作伙伴翻轉。

附帶的未經審計的合併財務報表已按照美國通用會計準則(「GAAP」)及證券交易委員會 (「SEC」) 有關中期財務報告的適用規則和法規編制在管理層意見中,包括所有必要的正常往復性調整,以便公正呈現公司的中期財務報表根據相關規則和法規,按照GAAP編制的財務報表通常包括某些信息和註釋披露的內容被壓縮或省略。因此,這些未經審計的簡明合併財務報表應與公司年度報告中包含的合併財務報表和相關注釋一起閱讀,該年度報告是截至2023年12月31日止的10-k表格。截至2024年9月30日止的九個月的結果不一定代表截至2024年12月31日結束的財政年度或其他未來時期的結果。
合併財務報表反映了公司及其子公司的帳戶和業務,包括公司擁有控制金融利益的所有基金類型。控制金融利益所有權的典型條件是持有實體多數投票權益。然而,通過不涉及持有多數投票權益的安排,例如VIEs,也可能存在控制金融利益。根據《財務會計準則委員會(FASB)財務會計準則書目題810(「ASC 810」)》的規定,公司合併任何其擔任主要受益人的VIE。如ASC 810所定義,主要受益人是具有(1)具有指導最顯著影響VIE經濟表現的活動的權力和(2)吸收VIE損失的義務或具有權利收到可能對VIE具有重大意義的好處的當事方。公司定期評估與其VIE的關係,以確定其是否繼續是主要受益人。合併財務報表反映了合併的VIE的資產和負債。所有公司內交易和餘額在合併中已被消除。 整合公司將會計準則編碼主題810(「ASC 810」)規定,合併任何其作爲主要受益人的VIE。按ASC 810定義,主要受益人是具有(1)指導最顯著影響VIE經濟表現的活動權力和(2)吸收VIE損失的義務或有權收到對VIE可能具有重要意義的好處的一方。公司持續評估與其VIE的關係,以判斷其是否繼續成爲主要受益人。合併財務報表反映了合併的VIE的資產和負債。所有公司間交易和餘額在合併中已被消除。

公司在加利福尼亞州爲其辦公空間租賃了一個子租約,該租約於2023年11月開始,最初租約期至2026年1月。該租約替代了同一地址於2022年1月開始的租約,最初租約期至2024年1月(於2024年1月結束)。此外,該公司還租用其他租期少於十二個月的空間;因此,在資產負債表上不承認此租約爲營運租約。之一 營業細分是具有業務活動的一個操作事項,爲客戶提供太陽能服務和產品。公司的首席經營決策者(「CODM」)是其首席執行官,他在合併基礎上管理操作,以分配資源。在評估績效和分配資源時,CODm查看以合併基礎呈現的財務信息。 之一
客戶協議$368,641 $289,678 $1,030,859 $789,256 
激勵37,220 26,850 85,794 75,895 
客戶協議和激勵措施。405,861 316,528 1,116,653 865,151 
太陽能系統47,189 135,476 167,535 566,861 
產品銷售84,123 111,177 235,039 311,211 
太陽能系統和產品銷售。太陽能系統和非潛在客戶業務銷售的成本包括太陽能系統安裝和產品銷售的直接和間接材料和人工成本。同時還包括工程設計成本、預估保修費用、運費、分攤的公司管理費用、車輛折舊成本以及與供應鏈、物流、運營管理、安全和質量控制相關的人員成本。潛在客戶業務的成本包括與生成客戶潛在業務相關的直接響應廣告活動成本。131,312 246,653 402,574 878,072 
總收入$537,173 $563,181 $1,519,227 $1,743,223 


   現金 $678,821 $740,508 
   受限制現金,流動和長期309,017 212,515 
總計$987,838 $953,023 
現金 $533,863 $643,787 
限制性現金,流動和開多期476,754 308,158 
總計$1,010,617 $951,945 
  2024年9月30日 2023年12月31日
客戶應收款項$190,548 $186,537 
其他應收款8,989 4,506 
總計$182,513 $172,001 
商譽代表了購買價格超過獲取資產和承擔負債的公允價值的部分。商譽至少每年進行減值檢查,或者在事件或情況變化表明賬面價值可能會受損時進行檢查。公司已確定其運營爲報告單位,公司的商譽記錄在企業級別。 之一 公司每個財政年度的10月1日或者發生或變化會表明商譽可能會受損時,進行商譽的年度減值測試。在評估商譽減值時,公司根據FASB ASC 350章節使用定性和必要時的定量方法。 商譽公司還考慮其企業價值,必要時使用貼現現金流模型,其中包括假設和估計,包括公司未來的財務表現,加權平均資本成本和對當前實施稅法的解釋。
可能表明減值並要求公司進行定量減值測試的情況包括公司財務業績或企業價值相對於淨賬面價值的顯著下降,以及公司股價持續低於其賬面價值,同時伴隨可比上市公司的估值或收購溢價下降。公司以估計的公允價值方法測試商譽減值。 之一 由於公司市值持續下降,在考慮控制溢價後低於股東權益賬面價值,公司於2023年9月30日記錄了與其商譽回收性有關的減值損失,報告單位使用估計的公允價值方法進行商譽減值測試。 之一 在減值損失後,公司報告單位的公允價值約等於其估計的賬面價值。截至2023年12月31日,未發生額外減值。 之一 報告單位的估計承載值接近於其公允價值。2023年12月31日之前未發生額外減值。


截至2022年12月31日,遞延收入的期初餘額爲$1.1 截至2022年12月31日,營業收入爲數百億美元。遞延收入包括以下內容(以千計算):
已收到的款項淨額$927,422 $873,137 
融資組件餘額77,829 72,289 
1,005,251 945,426 
已收到的付款,淨額272,417 237,800 
融資成分餘額15,248 12,835 
287,665 250,635 
總計$1,292,916 $1,196,061 

截至2024年9月30日的三個月中,公司分別確認了營業收入$百萬,截至2024年和2023年的九個月中,公司分別確認了營業收入$百萬。41.5萬美元和31.0 截至2024年9月30日的三個月中,公司分別確認了營業收入$十億,其中截至2024年9月30日的九個月中,公司將預計確認約103.7萬美元和84.729,063 29.5 十億美元的營業收入。 5%,年度確認預計不會在未來 10 年內有顯著變化,因爲現有客戶協議的絕大多數至少還有 10 剩餘年數,在公司的住宅太陽能能源系統客戶協議下,平均年齡小於 月內。2023年和2022年的三個和九個月期權授予均以授予日公司普通股的公允價值相等的行權價格授予,並且是非法定股票期權。 由於公司在過去幾年經歷了顯著增長。這些現有合同上的年度認可將在客戶協議的中點之後逐漸下降,大約是 10 年,因爲典型的 20- 25年初期限屆滿後,客戶協議的收入來源主要由客戶協議提供連續訪問功能太陽能系統和銷售由公司的太陽能系統產生的SREC給第三方組成。
Level 1—輸入是測量日期當天在活躍市場上相同資產或負債的未調整報價;



某些資產按非經常性基礎上的公允價值進行衡量。這些資產也可以不按持續基礎上的公允價值進行衡量,但只在某些情況下才會進行公允價值調整。這些資產可以包括商譽,在商譽減值時會減記至公允價值,而其使用三級輸入。 當資產因減值而減記至公允價值時,除非發生進一步減值,否則不會隨後調整至公允價值。
公司在當地公用事業公司批准運營("PTO")或如果不需要公用事業公司批准,則在日常運營開始日期時開始確認營業收入。營業收入確認不一定要等到現金收款。對於包括每月固定費用的客戶協議,顧客有權獲得系統產生的所有電力,並且公司的責任是持續提供正常運作的太陽能能源系統的客戶協議,公司以滿足其履行義務的時間均勻地確認營業收入,這與客戶協議的初始期限相對應。對於按千瓦時收取固定價格的客戶協議,公司的責任是從太陽能能源系統提供電力,收入的確認基於合同規定的價格生成的實際電力量。客戶協議通常有一個初始期限的 20 或者 25 年。在初始合同期滿後,客戶協議通常會自動每年續訂或續訂 五個營運部門:獵鷹創意集團、PDP、Sierra Parima、目的地運營和Falcon's Beyond Brands,所有這些板塊均爲可報告板塊。公司的首席營運決策者是執行主席和首席執行官,他們評估財務信息以做出營運決策、評估財務表現和分配資源。營運板塊基於產品線組織,對於我們的基於位置的娛樂板塊,根據地理位置組織。營運板塊的結果包括直接歸屬於板塊的成本,包括項目成本、工資和與工資有關的開支以及與業務板塊運營直接相關的間接費用。未分配的企業費用,包括高管、會計、財務、市場營銷、人力資源、法律和信息技術支持服務、審計、稅收企業法律開支的工資和相關福利,作爲未分配的企業開銷呈現,成爲報告板塊的總收入(虧損)和公司未經審計的彙總財務報表結果之間的調節項。 年。

產品銷售包括太陽能板、支架系統、逆變器、銷售給經銷商的其他太陽能產品、屋頂維修和客戶線索。 產品銷售收入在控制權轉移時、發貨時或提供服務時確認。客戶線索收入,包括在產品銷售中,是在交付線索時確認。
2023年10月,FASB發佈了ASU 2023-06,以修訂會計準則規範(「ASC」)中各種話題的某些披露和呈現要求。這些修訂使得ASC中的要求與SEC公佈的某些披露要求從Regulation S-X和Regulation S-k中移除的要求相一致。 ASC中每個修改過的主題的生效日期即爲SEC從Regulation S-X或Regulation S-k中移除相關披露要求的生效日期。不允許提前採用。公司不預計ASU將對其財務報表和相關披露產生重大影響。 信息披露改進 — 會計準則修訂以響應SEC的信息披露更新和簡化倡議,修改了各種話題的披露或展示要求,這將使用戶能夠更容易地比較受SEC現有披露要求約束的實體與先前不受SEC要求約束的實體,並將FASB會計準則法規與SEC的規定進行調整。ASU中的這些修訂在相關披露從S-X或S-K法規中實質性移除時生效,禁止提前採納。公司目前正在評估修訂的條款及其對未來合併財務報表的影響。
2023年11月,FASB發佈了ASU 2023-07,分部報告(主題 280):報告服務部門(主題 280)變更披露方式,通過升級對意義重大的分部費用的披露來改進分部報告披露要求。該準則適用於 2023 年 12 月 15 日之後的財年和 2024 年 12 月 15 日之後的財年間隔期。該準則必須適用於財務報表中呈現的所有期間的追溯。該公司目前正在評估該標準對合並財務報表的影響。擴展了關於上市實體報告分部的披露,並要求提供有關報告分部費用、中期分部利潤或虧損的增強信息,以及上市實體的CODm如何使用報告的分部利潤或虧損信息來評估分部業績和

2023年12月,FASB發佈了ASU 2023-09,所得稅(主題740):改進所得稅披露。該標準要求上市的業務實體在每年披露稅率調節表的特定類別,併爲滿足數量門限的調節項目提供其他信息(如果這些調節項目的影響相當於或大於將稅前收入(或損失)與適用的法定所得稅率相乘所得金額的5%)。它還要求所有實體每年披露按聯邦、州和外國稅種分解的所支付的所得稅(扣除退款),以及按所支付的所得稅(扣除退款)在個別司法管轄區分解的金額,當所支付的所得稅(扣除退款)相當於或大於所支付的總所得稅(扣除退款)的5%時。最後,該標準取消了要求所有實體披露未識別稅務負債餘額在未來12個月內合理可能變動範圍的性質和估計,或聲明無法估算範圍的要求。該標準對公司自2026年1月1日開始的年度適用。可以提前採納該標準。該標準應以前瞻性基礎應用。允許追溯適用。公司目前正在評估該標準可能對其財務報表產生的影響。該標準擴展了實體所得稅率協調錶中的披露,以及關於在美國和國外司法管轄區繳納的現金稅。這項會計準則將於2024年12月15日後開始的財政年度生效,允許提前採納。公司目前正在評估這項指南以及它可能對財務報表披露產生的影響。
2024年3月,SEC發佈了最終規則33-11275和34-99678 - 增強和規範針對投資者的氣候相關披露。該規則要求註冊人提供與氣候相關風險、治理和風險管理策略以及極端天氣事件和第1和第2範圍溫室氣體排放的財務影響有關的標準披露。該規則要求在2025年至2033年之間分階段實施。2024年4月,SEC宣佈暫緩其最終的氣候披露規則,以等待司法審查。公司目前正在評估該規則對其未來的合併財務報表的影響。

注3. 公允價值計量
截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,應收賬款、應付賬款、應計費用和應付非控股利潤分配的賬面價值接近公允價值,因其短期性質而屬於二級層次。 債務工具的賬面價值和公允價值如下(以千爲單位):
追索債務$996,034 $1,152,113 $932,369 $844,727 
優先債務4,135,861 4,125,315 4,114,134 4,082,994 
從屬債務2,638,532 2,573,620 2,219,573 2,131,994 
證券化債務4,681,732 4,562,296 3,405,852 3,191,542 
總計$12,452,159 $12,413,344 $10,671,928 $10,251,257 

利率掉期$ $78,060 $ $78,060 
總計$ $78,060 $ $78,060 
利率掉期$ $87,101 $ $87,101 
總計$ $87,101 $ $87,101 
2023 年 12 月 31 日
第 1 級第 2 級第 3 級總計
利率互換$ $132,734 $ $132,734 
總計$ $132,734 $ $132,734 
利率互換$ $60,401 $ $60,401 
總計$ $60,401 $ $60,401 
以上餘額分別記在合併資產負債表中的其他資產和其他負債中,除了$23.1萬美元和55.5 百萬分別記在預付費用和其他流動資產中,截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日。

原材料$304,647 $413,410 
在製品37,701 46,336 
總計$342,348 $459,746 

注5. 太陽能系統,淨值
太陽能系統設備成本$13,816,521 $12,558,996 
逆變器和電池2,366,478 1,845,580 
太陽能系統總計16,182,999 14,404,576 
添加:施工中827,558 789,466 
50$14,427,903 $13,028,871 


公司根據持續基礎上對其固定資產的預計使用壽命進行估計,並通過前瞻性調整折舊費用來識別預計使用壽命的任何變化。2024年6月30日結束的三個月內,公司完成了對其電池設備的評估,其中包括獨立工程報告的審查,並確定其電池的使用壽命比用於計算折舊的預估使用壽命更長。因此,自2024年4月1日起,公司更改了其預估使用壽命,以反映這些資產將繼續投入使用的預估期限。以前電池的預估使用壽命爲 10 年,已增加至 15 年。這一估計變更對截至2024年9月30日的三個和九個月的折舊費用產生影響,但影響不大。就2024年12月31日結束的年度來看,對於截至2024年4月1日生效的電池投入使用,公司估計折舊的影響將達到$14.0百萬。公司記錄了截至2024年9月30日的九個月內與太陽能系統有關的折舊費用分別爲$146.2萬美元和128.0 分別爲截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月的百萬美元,以及分別爲截至2024年和2023年9月30日的九個月的$431.3萬美元和365.4 百萬,分別爲2024年和2023年。折舊費用減少了遞延撥款的攤銷$2.0 截至2024年9月30日和2023年的三個月,都爲兩百萬美元,再加上$6.1萬美元和6.2 截至2024年9月30日和2023年,分別爲百萬美元。

獲取合同成本 - 客戶協議$1,946,323 $1,565,098 
我們的基金投資者通常根據產能估算向我們提供資金。我們用於計算與某些投資基金相關的預付款的模型,將根據每個投資基金在服役於所有適用的太陽能系統之後的固定日期或協商日期(通常在適用期的第一年內)更新,以反映在該日期下存在的某些指定條件,包括租賃的設備的最終系統規模,成本,以及投入使用的時間。在某些情況下,這些調整模型還將納入任何法律變化,包括任何費率降低(因此降低了折舊的利益)。由於這種調整,適用的付款金額將被重新調整,我們可能有義務退還投資者的預付款的一部分或爲投資基金提供額外資產的貢獻。此外,我們某些基金投資者在一定時間後有權要求我們購買他們在投資基金中的利益,一般以固定購買價格或回購時的公允市價中較高者爲價格。我們可能需要進行的任何重要退款、資本貢獻或購買可能會對我們的流動性或財務狀況產生負面影響。2,481 2,481 
未計費應收賬款622,583 468,379 
股權投資132,579 132,563 
經營租賃權使用資產82,717 91,635 
其他259,800 180,834 
總計$2,817,029 $2,267,652 
履行債務需要大量現金來滿足某些契約和支付義務,我們可能無法從業務中獲得足夠的現金流來償還大量債務,可能被迫採取其他措施來滿足我們在負債下的義務,這可能無法成功。20.9萬美元和13.5 分別爲截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月的百萬美元,以及分別爲截至2024年和2023年9月30日的九個月的$55.2萬美元和39.5 截至2024年和2023年9月30日的九個月,銷售和營銷在綜合營運報表中分別爲百萬美元。


員工應付薪酬$123,400 $93,414 
應計利息110,390 92,881 
營業租賃負債28,356 29,572 
其他應計費用148,342 283,358 
總計$410,488 $499,225 

2024 年 9 月 30 日2023 年 12 月 31 日
未使用的借款容量 (1)
2024 年 9 月 30 日的加權平均利率 (2)
2023 年 12 月 31 日的加權平均利率 (2)
合同利率 (3)
信貸額度 (4)
$392,524 $539,502 $ 9.01%8.89%
SOFR +3.25% - 3.75%
2027 年 3 月
2026年到期的可轉換優先票據 (5)
133,228397,642 %%
2026 年 2 月
2030年到期的可轉換優先票據 (6)
483,187   4.00%%
2030 年 3 月
追索權債務總額1,008,939 937,144  
追索權債務總額,淨額996,034 932,369  
無追索權債務 (7)
優先循環和延期提款貸款 (8)
1,779,300 1,886,300 162,700 7.91%7.59%
SOFR +2.35%- 3.10%
2027 年 3 月-2028 年 2 月
2,357,004 2,226,343  6.89%6.26%
4.66% - 6.93%; SOFR +1.85% - 2.25%
2026 年 9 月-2054 年 1 月
次級循環貸款和延遲提款貸款 (8)
25,350 146,000  14.27%12.01%
SOFR +9.10%
2027 年 3 月
次級貸款 (10)(11)
2,660,026 2,110,693  9.51%9.18%
7.00% - 10.75%; SOFR +6.50% - 6.90%
2026 年 6 月-2042 年 1 月
4,757,218 3,450,794  5.08%4.61%
2.27% - 6.60%
2048 年 4 月-2059 年 10 月
無追索權債務總額11,578,898 9,820,130 162,700 
無追索權債務總額,淨額11,456,125 9,739,559 162,700 
債務總額,淨額$12,452,159 $10,671,928 $162,700 

(2)反映加權平均的合同未對沖利率。請參見注釋9, 衍生品 用於套期保值的利率。

(4)融資設施(「設施」)於2024年2月進行了修改,最高承諾金額爲$447.5 百萬美元,由公司的幾乎所有未負擔資產以及公司某些子公司的所有權利益作抵押。根據信貸協議規定,可將設施下的借款指定爲基礎利率貸款或期限SOFR貸款,受到一定的條款和條件約束。基礎利率貸款的利息按年計息,利率爲總餘額佔總承諾金額的百分比加上(a)聯邦基金利率加 2.25可以降低至0.75%每年2.75%,(b)根據管理代理人不時確定的利率作爲其首要利率,並通知公司,(c)當天生效期爲一個月的調整後的SOFR利率(如下所定義)加 0.50%,(或如果當天不是工作日,則爲前一個工作日)加 1.00%,(d) 0.00%。期限SOFR貸款的利率按年計息,爲 3.25可以降低至0.75%每年3.75根據總未償餘額佔總承諾加總的百分比來確定(乙)較大者爲(i) 0.00和(ii)根據CME Group Benchmark Administration Ltd或其繼任者公佈的與適用利率週期相當的前瞻期利率(基於SOFR),加上(x)與適用利率期相當的一月利率, 0.11448,(2)如果適用利率期爲三個月, 0.26161或(c)如果適用利率期爲六個月, 0.42826(根據條款(b)的利率,稱爲「調整後的SOFR利率」)。此貸款措施的到期日已自2024年9月30日起自動延長至2027年3月1日,因爲公司在可轉換債務儲備帳戶中保留了足以償還2024年9月30日已發行的所有0%高級可轉換票據的存款,並且該公司在結束時符合其季度流動性契約。該貸款措施受到各種限制性契約的約束,如完成和提交經審計的合併財務報表,保持最低修正利息保障比率、最低修正流動比率、最大修正槓桿比率和最低無擔保現金餘額,每季度進行測試。截至2024年9月30日,該公司符合所有債務契約。
(5)該類別下於2026年到期的可轉換優先票據(「2026年票據」),未清餘額爲美元133.2 截至2024年9月30日,百萬美元將不計入定期利息,2026年票據的本金也不會累積。在與公司未能履行契約規定的報告義務有關的特定情況下,或者如果2026年票據不能按照契約的要求自由交易,則2026年票據可能會產生特殊利息。除非公司提前回購、公司贖回或根據其條款進行兌換,否則2026年的票據將於2026年2月1日到期。票據的初始轉換率爲公司普通股的8.4807股,面值美元0.0001 每股2026年票據本金爲1,000美元,相當於初始轉換價格約爲美元117.91 每股。兌換率將在某些特定事件發生時進行調整,但不會根據任何應計和未付的特別利息進行調整。此外,在發生整體基本面變化或發行贖回通知時,在某些情況下,對於選擇轉換與此類基本面變更或贖回通知相關的2026年票據的持有人,公司將把轉換率增加多股股份。2026年票據上記錄的債務折扣將攤銷爲利息支出,實際利率爲 0.57%。截至2024年9月30日,美元7.6迄今爲止,數百萬美元的債務折扣已攤銷至利息支出。在2026年票據的發行方面,公司與某些初始購買者和/或其各自的關聯公司進行了私下協商的上限看漲期權交易(「2026年上限看漲期權」),成本約爲美元28.0 百萬。截至2021年3月31日,2026年的上限看漲期權被歸類爲權益,計入股東權益中的額外實收資本。2026年的上限看漲期權的初始行使價均約爲美元117.91 每股,但須進行某些調整,這與2026年票據的初始轉換價格相對應。2026年上限看漲期權的初始上限價格爲美元157.22 每股。2026年上限看漲期權的承保範圍約爲反稀釋調整 3.4百萬股普通股。如果根據2026年上限看漲期權衡量的普通股每股市場價格高於2026年上限看漲期權的行使價,則2026年的上限看漲期權通常將減少2026年票據轉換後對普通股的潛在稀釋幅度和/或抵消公司需要支付的超過2026年票據本金的任何現金支付(視情況而定)到上限。但是,如果根據2026年上限看漲期權衡量的普通股每股市場價格超過2026年上限看漲期權的上限價格,則在每種情況下,只要普通股的每股市場價格超過上限價格,就會出現稀釋和/或抵消這種潛在的現金支付。2026年上限看漲期權的最後部分計劃於2026年1月29日到期。截至2024年9月30日,所有轉換標準均未得到滿足。

(6)本類別下截至2024年9月30日的可轉換到期2030年優先票據(「2030票據」以及與2026票據一起被稱爲「票據」)的未償餘額爲$483.2 百萬,將按每年% 4.00的常規利率付息,2030年票據的本金金額不會增值。在涉及公司未能遵守契約項下的報告義務或者若2030年票據未能按照契約要求自由交易的特定情況下,2030年票據可能會承擔特殊利息。2030年票據將於2030年3月1日到期,除非公司回購、贖回或根據其條款在到期前轉換。2030年票據的初始轉換比率爲公司每$1,000本金面值的2030年票據可換股61.3704股普通股,面值爲$0.0001 每股,相當於初始轉換價格約爲每股$16.29 。轉換比率將根據特定事件發生進行調整,但不會因任何未計提和未支付的特殊利息而進行調整。此外,在發生權益基本變更或發出贖回通知時,在某些情況下,公司將增加轉換比率,以用於選擇在與該權益基本變更或贖回通知相關聯的情況下轉換其2030年票據的持有人的額外股份數目。對2030年票據記錄的債務折讓以有效利率 4.51%進行攤銷至利息費用。截至2024年9月30日,債務折讓金額$1.1 已攤銷至截至目前爲止的利息費用。與2030年票據發行相聯繫,公司與初步認購商及/或其各自關聯方之間進行了私下協商的上限看漲交易(「2030上限看漲」),成本約爲$38.4 將其分類爲股權,並截至2024年9月30日記錄到股東權益中的股本帳戶中。每個2030上限看漲都有初始行使價格約爲$16.29 每股,根據一定調整,對應2030票據的初始轉換價格。2030頭寸看漲的初始上限價格爲$22.37 每股。2030頭寸看漲覆蓋,根據防稀釋調整,約 29.7 百萬股普通股。預計2030頭寸看漲通常將減少普通股在任何轉換2030票據和/或抵銷公司需要支付的現金支付金額(如有)時的潛在稀釋,假設:市場每股普通股價格(根據2030頭寸看漲衡量)高於2030頭寸看漲的行權價,該抵銷受限於上限。然而,如果市場每股普通股的價格(根據2030頭寸看漲衡量)超過2030頭寸看漲的上限價格,則會產生稀釋和/或將不會抵消這些潛在的現金支付,情況是:當時市場每股普通股價格超過上限價。2030頭寸看漲的最終組成部分定於2030年2月27日到期。截至2024年9月30日,未滿足任何轉換標準。
(8)根據該類聚合設施的條款,公司可根據適用的借款基數,最多提取總本金額$2.8 在當時可用的借款基礎上,公司可以借入高達十億美元的循環借款。
(9)該類別下的固定利率貸款總未償餘額爲$895.5 1000萬美元截至2024年9月30日。
(10)該類貸款的未償餘額爲$149.3 截至2024年9月30日,該筆貸款的未償餘額爲1000萬美元,其中包括一個看跌期權,可以在2036年開始行使,要求公司在2037年11月30日償還全部貸款。
(11)此類別下具有浮動利率的貸款總未償餘額爲$637.7 1000萬美元截至2024年9月30日。


Senior and Subordinated Debt Facilities
Each of the Company’s senior and subordinated debt facilities contain customary covenants, including the requirement to maintain certain financial measurements and provide lender reporting. Each of the senior and subordinated debt facilities also contain certain provisions in the event of default that entitle lenders to take certain actions including acceleration of amounts due under the facilities and acquisition of membership interests and assets that are pledged to the lenders under the terms of the senior and subordinated debt facilities. The facilities are non-recourse to the Company and are secured by net cash flows from Customer Agreements or inventories less certain operating, maintenance and other expenses that are available to the borrower after distributions to tax equity investors, where applicable. Under the terms of these facilities, the Company’s subsidiaries pay interest and principal from the net cash flows available to the subsidiaries. The Company was in compliance with all debt covenants as of September 30, 2024.
Non-Recourse Financings
In connection with each of the Company’s non-recourse debt (including securitized loans), assets (consisting of membership interests in project companies that own photovoltaic systems and related Customer Agreements) were contributed by the Company to special purpose subsidiaries of the Company (each a “Non-Recourse Borrower”). Each of such financings contains customary covenants including the requirement to provide reporting to the indenture trustee or collateral agent and, if applicable, ratings agencies. Each of the financings also contains certain provisions which entitle the indenture trustee or collateral agent to take certain actions upon the occurrence of an event of default, including acceleration of amounts due under the facilities and the foreclosure on the assets of the Non-Recourse Borrower that are pledged to the lenders under the terms thereof. The facilities are non-recourse to the Company and are secured by first priority security interests by each Non-Recourse Borrower in favor of the indenture trustee or collateral agent in all of the Non-Recourse Borrower’s assets including the cash flows from Customer Agreements which are available to each Non-Recourse Borrower after giving effect to certain operating, maintenance and other expenses and, where applicable, distributions to tax equity investors. As a result of such security interests, the assets of each Non-Recourse Borrower are not available to the creditors of the Company unless and until distributions from such entities are made to the Company as permitted under the applicable facility documentation. Under the terms of these financings, each Non-Recourse Borrower pays interest and principal from such net cash flows. The Company was in compliance with all debt covenants as of September 30, 2024.

Note 9. Derivatives
Interest Rate Swaps
The Company uses interest rate swaps to hedge variable interest payments due on certain of its term loans and aggregation facility. These swaps allow the Company to incur fixed interest rates on these loans and receive payments based on variable interest rates with the swap counterparty based on SOFR (daily, one month, three month) on the notional amounts over the life of the swaps. In the second quarter of 2023, the Company entered into bilateral agreements with its swap counterparties to transition the remaining portion of its swaps to SOFR. The Company made various elections under FASB ASC Topic 848, Reference Rate Reform, related to changes in critical terms of the hedging relationships due to reference rate reform to not result in a de-designation of these hedging relationships. As of September 2023, all of the Company’s interest rate swap agreements were indexed to SOFR. In December 2023, the Company started using interest rate swaptions to protect against adverse fluctuations in interest rates prior to expected future draws on the Company’s floating-rate facilities, at which point the Company enters into long-term interest rate hedges.

The interest rate swaps have been designated as cash flow hedges. The credit risk adjustment associated with these swaps is the risk of non-performance by the counterparties to the contracts. In the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the hedge relationships on the Company’s interest rate swaps have been assessed as highly effective as the quarterly assessment performed determined changes in cash flows of the derivative instruments have been highly effective in offsetting the changes in the cash flows of the hedged items, are expected to be highly effective in the future and the critical terms of the interest rate swaps match the critical terms of the underlying forecasted hedged transactions. Accordingly, changes in the fair value of these derivatives are recorded as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income, net of income taxes. Changes in the fair value of these derivatives are subsequently reclassified into earnings, and are included in interest expense, net in the Company’s statements of operations, in the period that the hedged forecasted transactions affect earnings. To the extent that the hedge relationships are not effective, changes in the fair value of these derivatives are recorded in other expenses, net in the Company’s statements of operations on a prospective basis.
The Company’s master netting and other similar arrangements allow net settlements under certain conditions. When those conditions are met, the Company presents derivatives at net fair value. As of September 30, 2024, the information related to these offsetting arrangements were as follows (in thousands):
Instrument DescriptionGross Amounts of Recognized Assets / LiabilitiesGross Amounts Offset in the Consolidated Balance SheetNet Amounts of Assets / Liabilities Included in the Consolidated Balance Sheet
Notional Amount (1)
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments$69,160 $ $69,160 $907,105 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments(2)
8,900 (313)8,587 696,435 
Total derivative assets$78,060 $(313)$77,747 $1,603,540 
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments$(8,434)$ $(8,434)$492,216 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments(78,667)313 (78,354)1,736,820 
Total derivative liabilities$(87,101)$313 $(86,788)$2,229,036 
Total$(9,041)$ $(9,041)$3,832,576 

(1)    Comprised of 55 interest rate swaps which effectively fix the SOFR portion of interest rates on outstanding balances of certain loans under the senior and securitized sections of the debt footnote table (see Note 8, Indebtedness) at 0.31% to 4.53% per annum. These swaps mature from August 13, 2027 to January 31, 2043.

(2)    Includes 13 interest rate swaptions which effectively fix the SOFR portion of interest rates on future outstanding balances of certain loans under the senior revolving section of the debt footnote table (see Note 8, Indebtedness) at 3.42% to 4.19% per annum. These swaptions expire from October 2, 2024 to December 4, 2024 with potential underlying swaps maturing on February 2, 2043.

As of December 31, 2023, the information related to these offsetting arrangements were as follows (in thousands):
Instrument DescriptionGross Amounts of Recognized Assets / LiabilitiesGross Amounts Offset in the Consolidated Balance SheetNet Amounts of Assets / Liabilities Included in the Consolidated Balance SheetNotional Amount
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments$97,321 $(5)$97,316 $1,416,686 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments35,413 (5,246)30,167 1,695,495 
Total derivative assets$132,734 $(5,251)$127,483 $3,112,181 
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments(5,963)5 (5,958)324,042 
Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments(54,438)5,246 (49,192)809,785 
Total derivative liabilities$(60,401)$5,251 $(55,150)$1,133,827 
Total$72,333 $ $72,333 $4,246,008 
The losses (gains) on derivatives designated as cash flow hedges recognized into other comprehensive income (loss), before tax effect, consisted of the following (in thousands):
Three months ended September 30,
Derivatives designated as cash flow hedges:
   Interest rate swaps$48,297 $(79,261)
Nine months ended September 30,
Derivatives designated as cash flow hedges:
   Interest rate swaps$(11,160)$(92,306)

The (losses) gains on derivatives financial instruments recognized into the consolidated statements of operations, before tax effect, consisted of the following (in thousands):
Three months ended September 30,
Interest expense, netOther expense, netInterest expense, netOther income, net
Derivatives designated as cash flow hedges:
   Interest rate swaps:
      Gains reclassified from Accumulated other comprehensive income (“AOCI”) into income$(9,098)$ $(10,274)$ 
Derivatives not designated as cash flow hedges:
   Interest rate swaps:
     Gains (losses) recognized into income
 86,596  (81,461)
         Total (losses) gains$(9,098)$86,596 $(10,274)$(81,461)
Nine months ended September 30,
Interest expense, netOther income, netInterest expense, netOther expense, net
Derivatives designated as cash flow hedges:
   Interest rate swaps:
      Gains reclassified from Accumulated other comprehensive income (“AOCI”) into income$(28,647)$ $(26,345)$ 
Derivatives not designated as cash flow hedges:
   Interest rate swaps:
      Gains (losses) recognized into income 9,790  (99,133)
         Total (losses) gains$(28,647)$9,790 $(26,345)$(99,133)
All amounts in AOCI in the consolidated statements of redeemable noncontrolling interests and equity relate to derivatives, refer to the consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss). The net gain on derivatives includes the tax effect of nil and $14.5 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and nil and $13.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
During the next 12 months, the Company expects to reclassify $12.9 million of net gains on derivative instruments from accumulated other comprehensive income to earnings. There were 37 undesignated derivative instruments recorded by the Company as of September 30, 2024.

Note 10. Pass-Through Financing Obligations

The Company’s pass-through financing obligations (“Financing Obligations”) arise when the Company leases solar energy systems to Fund investors who are considered commercial customers under a master lease agreement, and these investors in turn are assigned the Customer Agreements with customers. The Company receives all of the value attributable to the accelerated tax depreciation and some or all of the value attributable to the other incentives. Given the assignment of operating cash flows, this arrangement is accounted for as Financing Obligations. The Company also sells the rights and related value attributable to the Commercial ITC to these investors.

Under the Financing Obligation arrangement, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company finances the cost of solar energy systems with investors for an initial term of seven years. The solar energy systems are subject to Customer Agreements with an initial term of typically 20 years that automatically renews annually, or for a term of five years. These solar energy systems are reported under the line item solar energy systems, net in the

consolidated balance sheets. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the cost of the solar energy systems placed in service under the Financing Obligation arrangements was $58.4 million and $692.3 million, respectively. The accumulated depreciation related to these assets as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 was $11.3 million and $191.5 million, respectively. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company retired four of its financing obligations and terminated the associated leases for $253.9 million, which resulted in a gain on debt extinguishment of $49.5 million.
The investors make a series of large up-front payments and subsequent smaller quarterly payments (lease payments) to the subsidiary of the Company. The Company accounts for the payments received from the investors under the Financing Obligation arrangement as borrowings by recording the proceeds received as Financing Obligations on its consolidated balance sheets, and cash provided by financing activities in its consolidated statements of cash flows. This Financing Obligation is reduced over a period of approximately seven years, by customer payments under the Customer Agreements. In addition, funds paid for the Commercial ITC value upfront are initially recorded as a refund liability and recognized as revenue as the associated solar energy system reaches PTO. The Commercial ITC value, if any, is reflected in cash provided by operations on the consolidated statements of cash flows. The Company accounts for the Customer Agreements consistent with the Company’s revenue recognition accounting policies as described in Note 2, Summary of Significant Accounting Policies.
Interest is calculated on the Financing Obligations using the effective interest rate method. The effective interest rate, which is adjusted on a prospective basis, is the interest rate that equates the present value of the estimated cash amounts to be received by the investor over the lease term with the present value of the cash amounts paid by the investor to the Company, adjusted for amounts received by the investor. The Financing Obligation is nonrecourse once the associated assets have been placed in service and all the contractual arrangements have been assigned to the investor.
Under the Financing Obligation, the investor has a right to extend its right to receive cash flows from the customers beyond the initial term in certain circumstances.
Under the Financing Obligation, the Company is responsible for services such as warranty support, accounting, lease servicing and performance reporting to customers. As part of the warranty and performance guarantee with the customers in applicable Funds, the Company guarantees certain specified minimum annual solar energy production output for the solar energy systems leased to the customers, which the Company accounts for as disclosed in Note 2, Summary of Significant Accounting Policies.


Note 11. VIE Arrangements
The Company consolidated various VIEs at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The carrying amounts and classification of the VIEs’ assets and liabilities included in the consolidated balance sheets are as follows (in thousands):
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Current assets
Cash$375,111 $254,522 
Restricted cash52,033 48,169 
Accounts receivable, net96,476 76,249 
Inventories94,883 150,065 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets8,199 161,414 
Total current assets626,702 690,419 
Solar energy systems, net11,568,737 10,469,093 
Other assets520,112 379,028 
Total assets$12,715,551 $11,538,540 
Current liabilities
Accounts payable$5,816 $12,187 
Distributions payable to noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests
43,872 35,181 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities38,168 185,766 
Deferred revenue, current portion58,561 54,103 
Non-recourse debt, current portion68,844 270,460 
Total current liabilities215,261 557,697 
Deferred revenue, net of current portion720,811 654,310 
Non-recourse debt, net of current portion1,361,476 1,189,161 
Other liabilities17,850 16,816 
Total liabilities$2,315,398 $2,417,984 
The Company holds one variable interest in a nonconsolidated VIE established as a result of a pass-through Fund arrangement as further explained in Note 10, Pass-Through Financing Obligations. The Company does not have material exposure to losses as a result of its involvement with the VIE in excess of the amount of the pass-through financing obligation recorded in the Company’s consolidated financial statements. The Company is not considered the primary beneficiary of these VIE.

Note 12. Redeemable Noncontrolling Interests
During certain specified periods of time, noncontrolling interests in certain funding arrangements have the right to put all of their membership interests to the Company. During a specific period of time, the Company has the right to call all membership units of the related redeemable noncontrolling interests.


Note 13. Stock-Based Compensation
Stock Options
The following table summarizes the activity for all stock options under all of the Company’s equity incentive plans for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 (shares and aggregate intrinsic value in thousands):
Number of OptionsWeighted Average Exercise PriceWeighted Average Remaining Contractual LifeAggregate Intrinsic Value
Outstanding at December 31, 20234,243 $17.19 4.85$31,762 
Outstanding at September 30, 20243,535 $19.08 4.75$19,514 
Options vested and exercisable at September 30, 20243,176 $17.57 4.45$19,514 
Restricted Stock Units
The following table summarizes the activity for all restricted stock units (“RSUs”) under all of the Company’s equity incentive plans for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 (shares in thousands):
Number of AwardsWeighted Average Grant Date Fair Value
Unvested balance at December 31, 20238,449 $22.16 
Granted8,840 14.05 
Canceled / forfeited(1,171)18.74 
Unvested balance at September 30, 202412,793 $16.76 
Warrants for Strategic Partners

The Company has issued warrants for up to 846,943 shares of its common stock to certain strategic partners (calculated using the respective quarter of grant’s closing stock price). The exercise price of each warrant is $0.01 per share, and 13,939 warrants were exercised during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. There were 47,810 warrants exercised during the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The Company recognized stock-based compensation expense of nil and $1.1 million during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and nil and $3.2 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, under performance and time-based warrants.
Employee Stock Purchase Plan

Under the Company’s 2015 Employee Stock Purchase Plan (“ESPP”), as amended, eligible employees are offered shares bi-annually through a 24-month offering period with six-month purchase periods. Each purchase period begins on the first trading day on or after May 15 and November 15 of each year. Employees may purchase a limited number of shares of the Company’s common stock via regular payroll deductions at a discount of 15% of the lower of the fair market value of the Company’s common stock (i) on the first trading date of each offering period or (ii) on the exercise date. Employees may deduct up to 15% of payroll, with a cap of $25,000 of fair market value of the Company’s common stock in any calendar year and 10,000 shares of the Company’s common stock per employee per purchase period.

Stock-Based Compensation Expense
The Company recognized stock-based compensation expense, including ESPP expenses, in the consolidated statements of operations as follows (in thousands):
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Cost of customer agreements and incentives$2,143 $2,335 $6,388 $6,224 
Cost of solar energy systems and product sales
463 1,153 1,552 4,415 
Sales and marketing11,453 14,096 38,444 43,808 
Research and development1,117 405 8,191 1,299 
General and administration11,816 9,734 29,381 28,480 
Total$26,992 $27,723 $83,956 $84,226 
During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, stock-based compensation expense capitalized to solar energy systems, net in the Company’s consolidated balance sheets was $2.4 million and $7.5 million, respectively, and was $3.4 million and $8.6 million during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively.

Note 14. Income Taxes    

The income tax rate for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was 3.2% and (2.1)%, respectively, and for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was 2.7% and 0.5%, respectively. The differences between the actual consolidated effective income tax rate and the U.S. federal statutory rate were primarily attributable to the allocation of losses on noncontrolling interests, income tax benefit from transferring investment tax credits, income tax expense related to the valuation allowance, and the goodwill impairment charge in 2023.

The Company sells solar energy systems to investment Funds. As the investment Funds are consolidated by the Company, the gain on the sale of the assets has been eliminated in the consolidated financial statements, however gains on sale are recognized for tax purposes and the tax effects of which, both current and deferred, are included in the Company’s income tax provision.

The Company enters into investment tax credit transfer (each, an "ITC" and collectively, the "ITCs") agreements with third-party transferees to transfer to such third-parties, for cash, the ITCs generated by certain solar energy systems that have been or will be placed in service. The Company accounts for its share of ITC transfer proceeds under ASC 740, Income Taxes, as a reduction of income tax expense in the consolidated statement of operations during the year in which the credits arise (i.e., the flow-through method) and the tax equity investor’s share is distributed upon receipt. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 the Company recognized income tax benefit to the Company of $13.8 million and $32.4 million, respectively. There was no such comparable activity recognized in the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023.

Note 15. Commitments and Contingencies
Letters of Credit
As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Company had $32.4 million and $37.0 million, respectively, of unused letters of credit outstanding, which each carry fees of 0.50% - 3.25% per annum and 0.50% - 3.25% per annum, respectively.
Certain tax equity funds and debt facilities require the Company to maintain an aggregate amount of $35.0 million of unencumbered cash and cash equivalents at the end of each month.

Purchase Commitment
The Company entered into purchase commitments, which have the ability to be canceled without significant penalties, with multiple suppliers to purchase $125.4 million of photovoltaic modules, inverters and batteries by the end of the first quarter of 2025.
Warranty Accrual
The Company accrues warranty costs when revenue is recognized for solar energy systems sales, based on the estimated future costs of meeting its warranty obligations. Warranty costs primarily consist of replacement costs for supplies and labor costs for service personnel since warranties for equipment and materials are covered by the original manufacturer’s warranty (other than a small deductible in certain cases). As such, the warranty reserve is immaterial in all periods presented. The Company makes and revises these estimates based on the number of solar energy systems under warranty, the Company’s historical experience with warranty claims, assumptions on warranty claims to occur over a systems’ warranty period and the Company’s estimated replacement costs. A warranty is provided for solar energy systems sold. However, for the solar energy systems under Customer Agreements, the Company does not accrue a warranty liability because those systems are owned by consolidated subsidiaries of the Company. Instead, any repair costs on those solar energy systems are expensed when they are incurred as a component of customer agreements and incentives costs of revenue.
Commercial ITC Indemnification
The Company is contractually committed to compensate its investors for any losses that they may suffer in certain limited circumstances resulting from reductions in Commercial ITCs, including any reduction in depreciable basis. Generally, such obligations would arise as a result of reductions to the value of the underlying solar energy systems as assessed by the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”). The Company set the purchase prices and claimed values based on fair market values determined with the assistance of an independent third-party appraisal with respect to the systems that generate Commercial ITCs (and the associated depreciable basis) that are passed-through to, and claimed by, the Fund investors. In April 2018, the Company purchased an insurance policy providing for certain payments by the insurers in the event there is a final determination (including a judicial determination) that reduced the Commercial ITCs and depreciation claimed in respect of solar energy systems sold or transferred to most Funds through April 2018, or later, in the case of Funds added to the policy after such date. In general, the policy indemnifies the Company and related parties for additional taxes (including penalties and interest) owed in respect of lost Commercial ITCs, depreciation, gross-up costs and expenses incurred in defending such claim, subject to negotiated exclusions from, and limitations to, coverage. The Company purchased similar additional insurance policies in January 2021, October 2022, and May 2023.

At each balance sheet date, the Company assesses and recognizes, when applicable, the potential exposure from this obligation based on all the information available at that time, including any audits undertaken by the IRS. The IRS is auditing one of the Company’s investors in an audit involving a review of the fair market value determination of the Company’s solar energy systems in the investment fund, which is covered by the Company’s 2018 insurance policy. If this audit results in an adverse final determination, the Company may be subject to an indemnity obligation to its investor, which may result in certain limited out-of-pocket costs and potential increased insurance premiums in the future.


The Company is subject to certain legal proceedings, claims, investigations, and administrative proceedings in the ordinary course of its business. The Company records a provision for a liability when it is both probable that the liability has been incurred and the amount of the liability can be reasonably estimated. The Company evaluates the adequacy of its legal reserves based on its assessment of many factors, including interpretations of the law and assumptions that ultimately may or may not be correct about the future outcome of each case based on available information. These provisions, if any, are reviewed at least quarterly and adjusted to reflect the impacts of negotiations, settlements, rulings, advice of legal counsel, and other information and events pertaining to a particular case. Depending on the nature and timing of any such proceedings that may arise, an unfavorable resolution of a matter could materially affect the Company’s future consolidated results of operations, cash flows, or financial position in a particular period.

In the normal course of business, the Company has from time to time been named as a party to various legal claims, actions, or complaints. While the outcome of these matters cannot currently be predicted with certainty,

the Company does not currently believe that the outcome of any of these claims will have a material adverse effect, individually or in the aggregate, on its consolidated financial position, results of operations, or cash flows.

Note 16. Net Income (Loss) Per Share
Basic net income (loss) per share is computed by dividing net income (loss) attributable to common stockholders by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during the period. Diluted net income (loss) per share is computed by dividing net income (loss) attributable to common stockholders by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during the period adjusted to include the effect of potentially dilutive securities. Potentially dilutive securities are excluded from the computation of dilutive EPS in periods in which the effect would be antidilutive.
The computation of the Company’s basic and diluted net loss per share is as follows (in thousands, except per share amounts):
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Net loss attributable to common stockholders$(83,766)$(1,069,459)$(32,510)$(1,254,373)
Weighted average shares used to compute net loss per share attributable to common stockholders, basic223,695 217,344 222,078 216,029 
Weighted average effect of potentially dilutive shares to purchase common stock    
Weighted average shares used to compute net loss per share attributable to common stockholders, diluted223,695 217,344 222,078 216,029 
Net loss per share attributable to common stockholders

The following shares were excluded from the computation of diluted net income (loss) per share as the impact of including those shares would be anti-dilutive (in thousands):
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Outstanding stock options1,315 1,516 1,755 1,529 
Unvested restricted stock units2,568 8,663 7,924 6,840 
Convertible Senior Notes (if converted)30,783 3,392 14,976 2,262 
Total34,666 13,571 24,655 10,631 


Note 17. Related Party Transactions

Advances Receivable—Related Party

Net amounts due from direct-sales professionals were $15.6 million and $10.1 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The Company provided a reserve of $2.7 million and $2.4 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, related to advances to direct-sales professionals who have terminated their employment agreement with the Company.


Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
You should read the following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations together with the unaudited consolidated financial statements and related notes thereto included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. This discussion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Our actual results could differ materially from those discussed below. Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include those identified below and those discussed in the section titled “Risk Factors” included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.


Sunrun’s (the “Company,” “our,” “we”) mission is to connect people to the cleanest energy on earth. Sunrun transformed the solar industry in 2007 by removing financial barriers and democratizing access to locally-generated, renewable energy. Today, Sunrun is the nation’s leading provider of clean energy as a subscription service, offering residential solar and storage with no upfront costs. Sunrun’s innovative products and solutions can connect homes to the cleanest energy on earth, providing them with energy security, predictability, and peace of mind. Sunrun also manages energy services that benefit communities, utilities, and the electric grid while enhancing customer value.

We are engaged in the design, development, installation, sale, ownership and maintenance of residential solar energy systems (“Projects”) in the United States. We provide clean, solar energy typically at savings compared to traditional utility energy. Our primary customers are residential homeowners. We also offer battery storage along with solar energy systems to our customers in select markets and sell our services to certain commercial developers through our multi-family and new homes offerings. After inventing the residential solar service model and recognizing its enormous market potential, we have built the infrastructure and capabilities necessary to rapidly acquire and serve customers in a low-cost and scalable manner. Today, our scalable operating platform provides us with a number of unique advantages. First, we are able to drive distribution by marketing our solar service offerings through multiple channels, including our diverse partner network and direct-to-consumer operations. This multi-channel model supports broad sales and installation capabilities, which together allow us to achieve capital-efficient growth. Second, we are able to provide differentiated solutions to our customers that, combined with a great customer experience, we believe will drive meaningful margin advantages for us over the long term as we strive to create the industry’s most valuable and satisfied customer base.

Our core solar service offerings are provided through our lease and power purchase agreements, which we refer to as our “Customer Agreements,” and which provide customers with simple, predictable pricing for solar energy that is insulated from rising retail electricity prices. They also provide customers who opt for storage offerings the benefit of increased resiliency from backup energy and enhanced energy management capabilities. While customers have the option to purchase a solar energy system outright from us, most of our customers choose to buy solar as a service from us through our Customer Agreements without the significant upfront investment of purchasing a solar energy system. With our solar service offerings, we install solar energy systems on our customers’ homes and provide them with the solar power produced by those systems for typically a 20- or 25-year initial term. In addition, we monitor, maintain and insure the system during the term of the contract. In exchange, we receive predictable cash flows from high credit quality customers and qualify for tax and other benefits. We finance portions of these tax benefits and cash flows through tax equity, non-recourse debt and project equity structures in order to fund our upfront costs, overhead and growth investments. We develop valuable customer relationships that can extend beyond this initial contract term and provide us an opportunity over time to integrate additional solar, battery storage, electrification and distributed power plant offerings into a smart solution for each home and community. Since our founding, we have continued to invest in a platform of services and tools to enable large scale operations for us and our partner network, and these partners include solar integrators, sales partners, installation partners and other strategic partners. The platform includes processes and software, as well as fulfillment and acquisition of marketing leads. We believe our platform empowers new market entrants and smaller industry participants to profitably serve our large and underpenetrated market without making the significant investments in technology and infrastructure required to compete effectively against established industry players. Our platform provides the support for our multi-channel model, which drives broad customer reach and capital-efficient growth.
Delivering a differentiated customer experience is core to our strategy. We emphasize a customized solution, including a design specific to each customer’s home and pricing configurations that typically drive both customer savings and value to us. We believe that our passion for engaging our customers, developing a trusted brand, and providing a customized solar service offering resonates with our customers who are accustomed to a traditional residential power market that is often overpriced and lacking in customer choice.

We have experienced substantial growth in our business and operations since our inception in 2007, as well as through our acquisition of Vivint Solar on October 8, 2020. As of September 30, 2024, we operate the largest fleet of residential solar energy systems in the United States. We have a Networked Solar Energy Capacity of 7,288 megawatts as of September 30, 2024, which represents the aggregate megawatt production capacity of our solar energy systems that have been recognized as deployments, from our inception through the measurement date. Gross Earning Assets as of September 30, 2024 were approximately $16.8 billion. Please see the section entitled “Key Operating Metrics” for more details on how we calculate Networked Solar Energy Capacity and Gross Earning Assets.
We also have a long track record of attracting low-cost capital from diverse sources, including tax equity and debt investors. Since inception we have raised tax equity investment funds to finance the installation of solar energy systems.
Market & Macroeconomic Environment

Our business and financial performance also depend on worldwide economic conditions. We face global macroeconomic challenges, particularly in light of increases and volatility in interest rates, uncertainty in markets, inflationary trends, navigating complex and evolving regulatory and tax frameworks, and the dynamics of the global trade environment. During fiscal year 2023 and the first nine months of fiscal 2024, we observed market uncertainty, increasing inflationary pressures, rising interest rates, the market impacts of proposed or newly enacted regulatory frameworks in markets within which we do business and within our industry, supply constraints, and bank failures. In particular, rising interest rates, including recent historic increases starting in 2021, have resulted and may continue to result in a decrease in our advance rates, reducing the proceeds we receive from certain investment funds. Because our financing structure is sensitive to volatility in interest rates, higher rates increase our cost of capital and may decrease the amount of capital available to us to finance the deployment of new solar energy systems. These market dynamics, some of which we expect will continue into the foreseeable future, have impacted and may continue to impact our business and financial results.

In December 2022, California made changes to its net metering policy by adopting Net Billing Tariff (“NBT”), which presents a significant change to the rate structure for new California customers, and has partially limited the financial attractiveness of our offerings in certain regions of the state, particularly for solar-only systems. However, under this new policy, the value proposition of storage offerings is significantly enhanced. We believe that California will be predominantly a solar plus storage market going forward and the vast majority of California sales now consist of either our Sunrun Shift product or our backup battery offerings. As the demand for solar plus storage offerings grows, we anticipate facing additional operational challenges associated with the complexity of deploying storage solutions. For example, solar plus storage offerings tend to have longer cycle times due to factors such as lengthened permitting and inspection times and potential need of a main panel upgrade. Any such factors that extend the timeframes from customer signature to installation have historically resulted in increased operational challenges and correspondingly lower realization rates, and any future instances may continue to do so. Accordingly, this may adversely affect our financial performance, as well as the timing and magnitude of our installations and the recognition of the associated revenue.

Under the new NBT framework, the value proposition of our products is best understood when customers compare the combined costs of their utility bill along with their Sunrun solar and storage bill, due to the impact of time-of-use rates and export rates. The solar industry in California is adjusting from selling based on the value of solar-only to a more complicated rate design with NBT. We believe the best customer offering is one that pairs solar and storage, although it may be more confusing to customers when compared to solar-only offerings from competitors. This dynamic may result in less sales efficacy so long as customers continue to be presented with inferior, but simpler, solar-only offerings and as a result, may harm our business, financial condition, and results of operations, and may also harm the reputation of the solar industry in California at large.

Since implementation of NBT, originations in California have continued to be below levels prior to the transition for us and across the residential solar industry. Without further increases in originations, our new installations in California may continue to decline compared to prior periods, which could have a material adverse effect on our business operations and financial performance.

We have also recently seen new market entrants paying significantly higher turnkey prices and sales commissions than prevailing industry norms. Although we believe this to be an economically unsustainable practice, in the short term, it has contributed to increased competition in the industry.


The Opportunity of Home Electrification and a Clean, Resilient Grid
The United States is on the precipice of a once-in-a-generation transformation of our energy system. The decarbonization of the American economy will require powering our energy supply, including our homes, appliances and automobiles, with clean energy. Sunrun’s next goal and chapter of growth is to be the go-to company for clean and reliable home electrification, providing our customers with affordable renewable energy throughout their homes and our communities with a cleaner, more resilient grid.

We intend to pursue these opportunities on a variety of fronts, and we continue to pursue the development of our grid services business, creating virtual power plants that lead to a cleaner, more resilient grid. In collaboration with grid managers, we can deploy our battery systems where they will add the most value for utilities, the grid, and customers. We are actively delivering demand response and capacity services to meet operational needs in multiple geographies, and partnering with grid managers to build a more resilient electricity system that integrates the new energy technologies customers want.

We believe the electrification of U.S. households with renewable energy, and the accompanying development of an inter-connected, smart grid will provide a number of market opportunities beyond our traditional solar and battery storage offerings, including EV chargers, battery retrofits, re-powered or expanding systems, home energy management services, and other home electrification products. Additionally, we believe our omni-channel model and geographic reach provides us with the capabilities to execute on these opportunities in a variety of markets.

To further expand such future upsell and retrofit opportunities, from time to time, we may pursue acquisitions of previously installed solar systems. While we do not expect such acquisitions to represent a material portion of our growth on an annual basis, we plan to pursue such transactions opportunistically. For instance, in the third quarter of fiscal 2021, we completed a strategic transaction that added approximately 2,000 Customers and 13 MW of Networked Solar Energy Capacity.

In sum, we believe the electrification of the U.S. economy with renewable energy presents an unprecedented economic opportunity, as well as our country’s best path to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Through these electrification opportunities and our grid services business, we aim to be the consumer brand synonymous with repowering our customers’ homes with renewable energy and providing a pathway to a cleaner, healthier future.

2024 Election

As a result of the recent election, we are in a period of transition in both the White House and Congress. The policy implications of these political shifts remain uncertain, and we may face changes or delays in policies that affect our business, including those related to federal tax credits, tariffs, and other regulatory measures. Any delay, reduction, or elimination in the implementation of policies that support the residential solar industry, such as the Investment Tax Credit and adders under the Inflation Reduction Act, could have an adverse effect on our business. Additionally, the election outcome could contribute to a higher interest rate environment, which may further negatively impact our operations and financing costs. While it is difficult to predict specific outcomes at this time, we expect a period of regulatory and policy uncertainty in the near term. However, we believe our diversified business model and flexible operational framework position us to adapt to potential changes in the regulatory landscape and will continue to build on the robust bi-partisan support for residential solar policy.

Investment Funds
Our Customer Agreements provide for recurring customer payments, typically over 20 or 25 years, and the related solar energy systems are generally eligible for Commercial ITCs, accelerated tax depreciation and other government or utility incentives. Our financing strategy is to monetize these benefits at a low weighted average cost of capital. This low cost of capital enables us to offer attractive pricing to our customers for the energy generated by the solar energy system on their homes. Historically, we have monetized a portion of the value created by our Customer Agreements and the related solar energy systems through investment funds. These assets are attractive to fund investors due to the long-term, recurring nature of the cash flows generated by our Customer Agreements, the high credit scores of our customers, the fact that energy is a non-discretionary good and our low loss rates. In addition, fund investors can receive attractive after-tax returns from our investment funds due to their ability to utilize

Commercial ITCs, accelerated depreciation and certain government or utility incentives associated with the funds’ ownership of solar energy systems.
As of September 30, 2024, we had 62 active investment funds, which are described below. We have established different types of investment funds to implement our asset monetization strategy. Depending on the nature of the investment fund, cash may be contributed to the investment fund by the investor upfront or in stages based on milestones associated with the design, construction or interconnection status of the solar energy systems. The cash contributed by the fund investor is used by the investment fund to purchase solar energy systems. The investment funds either own or enter into a master lease with a Sunrun subsidiary for the solar energy systems, Customer Agreements and associated incentives. We receive on-going cash distributions from the investment funds representing a portion of the monthly customer payments received. We use the upfront cash, as well as on-going distributions to cover our costs associated with designing, purchasing and installing the solar energy systems. In addition, we also use debt, equity and other financing strategies to fund our operations. The allocation of the economic benefits between us and the fund investor and the corresponding accounting treatment varies depending on the structure of the investment fund.
We currently utilize two legal structures in our investment funds, which we refer to as: (i) pass-through financing obligations, and (ii) partnership flips. We reflect pass-through financing obligations on our consolidated balance sheet as a pass-through financing obligation. We record the investor’s interest in partnership flips as noncontrolling interests or redeemable noncontrolling interests. If redemption is at our option, we record the investor’s interest as a noncontrolling interest and account for the interest using the hypothetical liquidation at book value (“HLBV”) method. If the investor has the option to put their interest to us, we record the investor’s interest as a redeemable noncontrolling interest at the greater of the HLBV and the redemption value.
The table below provides an overview of our current investment funds (dollars in millions):
 Pass-Through Financing ObligationsPartnership Flip
ConsolidationOwner entity consolidated, tenant entity not consolidatedSingle entity, consolidated
Balance sheet classificationPass-through financing obligationRedeemable noncontrolling interests and noncontrolling interests
Revenue from Commercial ITCs
Recognized on the permission to operate (“PTO”) dateNone
Method of calculating investor interest
Effective interest rate methodGreater of HLBV or redemption value
Liability balance as of September 30, 2024
$1.1 N/A
Noncontrolling interest balance (redeemable or otherwise) as of September 30, 2024
For further information regarding our investment funds, including the associated risks, see Part II, Item 1A. Risk Factors— “Our ability to provide our solar service offerings to customers on an economically viable basis depends in part on our ability to finance these systems with fund investors who seek particular tax and other benefits”, Note 10, Pass-Through Financing Obligations, Note 11, VIE Arrangements, and Note 12, Redeemable Noncontrolling Interests to our consolidated financial statements appearing elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.


Key Operating Metrics
The following operating metrics are used by management to evaluate the performance of the business. Management believes these metrics provide investors with helpful information to determine the economic performance of the business activities in a period that would otherwise not be observable from historic GAAP measures. We regularly review a number of metrics, including the following key operating metrics, to evaluate our business, measure our performance, identify trends affecting our business, formulate financial projections and make strategic decisions. Some of our key operating metrics are estimates that are based on our management’s beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available to management. Although we believe that we have a reasonable basis for each of these estimates, we caution you that these estimates are based on a combination of assumptions that may prove to be inaccurate over time. Any inaccuracies could be material to our actual results when compared to our calculations. Please see the section titled “Risk Factors” in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for more information. Furthermore, other companies may calculate these metrics differently than we do now or in the future, which would reduce their usefulness as a comparative measure.

Networked Solar Energy Capacity represents the aggregate megawatt production capacity of our solar energy systems, whether sold directly to customers or subject to executed Customer Agreements (i) for which we have confirmation that the systems are installed, subject to final inspection; or (ii) in the case of certain system installations by our partners, for which we have accrued at least 80% of the expected project cost (inclusive of acquisitions of installed systems). Systems that have met these criteria are considered to be deployed. We believe it is helpful to investors to evaluate networked solar energy capacity added during the period in order to measure the growth of our business as a whole, whether sold directly to customers or subject to executed Customer Agreements.

Gross Earning Assets is calculated as Gross Earning Assets Contracted Period plus Gross Earning Assets Renewal Period.

Gross Earning Assets Contracted Period represents the present value of the remaining net cash flows (discounted at 6%) during the initial term of our Customer Agreements as of the measurement date. It is calculated as the present value of cash flows (discounted at 6%) we expect to receive from Subscribers in future periods, after deducting expected operating and maintenance costs based on the service agreements underlying each fund, equipment replacements costs, distributions to tax equity partners in partnership flip structures, and distributions to project equity investors. We include cash flows we expect to receive in future periods from tax equity partners, government incentive and rebate programs, contracted sales of solar renewable energy credits, and awarded net cash flows from grid service programs with utility or grid operators.

Gross Earning Assets Renewal Period is the forecasted net present value we would receive upon or following the expiration of the initial Customer Agreement term but before the 30th anniversary of the system’s activation (either in the form of cash payments during any applicable renewal period or a system purchase at the end of the initial term), for Subscribers as of the measurement date. We calculate the Gross Earning Assets Renewal Period amount at the expiration of the initial contract term assuming either a system purchase or a renewal, forecasting only a 30-year customer relationship (although the customer may renew for additional years, or purchase the system), at a contract rate equal to 90% of the customer’s contractual rate in effect at the end of the initial contract term. After the initial contract term, our Customer Agreements typically automatically renew annually or for a five year term and the rate is initially set at up to a 10% discount to then-prevailing utility power prices.

Subscribers represent the cumulative number of Customer Agreements for systems that have been recognized as deployments through the measurement date.

Customers represent the cumulative number of deployments, from our inception through the measurement date. We believe that it is helpful to investors to evaluate customers added during the period in order to measure the growth of our business as a whole.

Gross Earning Assets is forecasted as of a specific date. It is forward-looking, and we use judgment in developing the assumptions used to calculate it. Factors that could impact Gross Earning Assets include, but are not limited to, customer payment defaults, or declines in utility rates or early termination of a contract

in certain circumstances, including prior to installation. We believe it is useful for investors to evaluate the future expected cash flows from all customers that have been deployed through the respective measurement date, less estimated costs to maintain such systems and estimated distributions to tax equity partners in partnership flip structures, and distributions to project equity investors. Various assumptions are made when calculating these metrics. Gross Earning Assets utilize a 6% unlevered discount rate (weighted average cost of capital or “WACC”) to discount future cash flows to the present period. Furthermore, this metric assumes that customers renew after the initial contract period at a rate equal to 90% of the rate in effect at the end of the initial contract term. For Customer Agreements with 25-year initial contract terms, a 5-year renewal period is assumed. For a 20-year initial contract term, a 10-year renewal period is assumed. In all instances, we assume a 30-year customer relationship, although the customer may renew for additional years, or purchase the system. Estimated cost of servicing assets has been deducted and is estimated based on the service agreements underlying each fund.

 As of September 30,
Networked Solar Energy Capacity (megawatts)7,2886,462
 As of September 30,
 (in thousands)
Gross Earning Assets Contracted Period$12,964,438 $10,064,328 
Gross Earning Assets Renewal Period3,815,274 3,235,066 
Gross Earning Assets$16,779,712 $13,299,394 

The tables below provide a range of Gross Earning Asset amounts if different default, discount and purchase and renewal assumptions were used.
Gross Earning Assets Contracted Period:
 As of September 30, 2024
 Discount rate
Default rate4%5%6%7%8%
 (in thousands)
5%$15,060,780 $13,742,642 $12,598,730 $11,601,639 $10,728,777 
0%$15,523,626 $14,153,111 $12,964,438 $11,928,938 $11,022,983 
Gross Earning Assets Renewal Period:
 As of September 30, 2024
 Discount rate
Purchase or Renewal rate4%5%6%7%8%
 (in thousands)
80%$4,884,907 $4,011,357 $3,308,350 $2,740,204 $2,279,136 
90%$5,631,096 $4,625,014 $3,815,274 $3,160,800 $2,629,609 
100%$6,377,283 $5,238,669 $4,322,196 $3,581,394 $2,980,080 


Total Gross Earning Assets:
 As of September 30, 2024
 Discount rate
Purchase or Renewal rate4%5%6%7%8%
 (in thousands)
80%$20,408,533 $18,164,468 $16,272,788 $14,669,141 $13,302,119 
90%$21,154,722 $18,778,125 $16,779,712 $15,089,737 $13,652,591 
100%$21,900,908 $19,391,779 $17,286,634 $15,510,332 $14,003,063 

Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates
Our discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations are based upon our financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (“GAAP”). GAAP requires us to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses and related disclosures. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances. In many instances, we could have reasonably used different accounting estimates, and in other instances, changes in the accounting estimates are reasonably likely to occur from period to period. Actual results could differ significantly from our estimates. Our future financial statements will be affected to the extent that our actual results materially differ from these estimates. For further information on all of our significant accounting policies, see Note 2, Summary of Significant Accounting Policies of our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed on February 21, 2024.
We believe that policies associated with our principles of consolidation, revenue recognition, goodwill, impairment of long-lived assets, provision for income taxes, business combinations and calculation of noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests have the greatest impact on our consolidated financial statements. Therefore, we consider these to be our critical accounting policies and estimates.

Revenue Recognition
We recognize revenue when control of goods or services is transferred to customers, in an amount that reflects the consideration we expect to be entitled to in exchange for those goods or services.
Customer Agreements and Incentives Revenue. Customer agreements and incentives revenue is primarily comprised of revenue from our Customer Agreements and sales of Commercial ITCs and SRECs to third parties.
We begin to recognize revenue from a Customer Agreement when PTO for the applicable solar energy system is given by the local utility company or on the date daily operation commences if utility approval is not required. For Customer Agreements that include a fixed fee per month which entitles the customer to any and all electricity generated by the system, we recognize revenue evenly over the time that we satisfy our performance obligations over the initial term of Customer Agreements. For Customer Agreements that charge a fixed price per kilowatt hour, revenue is recognized based on the actual amount of power generated at rates specified under the contracts. Customer Agreements typically have an initial term of 20 or 25 years. After the initial contract term, our Customer Agreements typically automatically renew annually or for a five year term.
We also apply for and receive SRECs associated with the energy generated by our solar energy systems and sell them to third parties in certain jurisdictions. SREC revenue is estimated net of any variable consideration related to possible liquidated damages if we were to deliver fewer SRECs than contractually committed, and is generally recognized upon delivery of the SRECs to the counterparty.
Certain upfront payments related to Customer Agreements and SRECs are deemed to have a financing component, and therefore increase both revenue and interest expense by the same amount over the term of the related agreement. The additional revenue is included in the total transaction price to be recorded over the term of the agreement and is recognized based on the timing of the delivery. The interest expense is recognized based upon an amortization schedule which typically decreases throughout the term of the related agreement.

For pass-through financing obligation funds, the value attributable to the Commercial ITCs is recognized in the period a solar system is granted PTO, at which point we have met our obligation to the investor. The Commercial ITCs are subject to recapture under the Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) if the underlying solar energy system either ceases to be a qualifying property or undergoes a change in ownership within five years of its placed-in-service date. The recapture amount decreases on the anniversary of the PTO date. We have not historically incurred a material recapture of Commercial ITCs, and do not expect to experience a material recapture of Commercial ITCs in the future.
Consideration from customers is considered variable due to the performance guarantee under Customer Agreements and liquidated damage provisions under SREC contracts in the event minimum deliveries are not achieved. Customer Agreements with a performance guarantee provide a credit to the customer if the system’s cumulative production, as measured on various PTO anniversary dates, is below our guarantee of a specified minimum. Revenue is recognized to the extent it is probable that a significant reversal of such revenue will not occur. If our estimate of the future production shortfall amount for Customer Agreements with a performance guarantee was 10% higher, the additional reduction to revenue in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 would have been less than $3.7 million. Our estimated production shortfall reduced revenue during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 by $7.2 million more than the prior year’s period. We have historically estimated an immaterial amount of liquidated damages pursuant to SREC contracts, and actual damages have not been materially different from estimates, nor material in amount during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Solar Energy Systems and Product Sales. Solar energy systems sales are revenue from the sale of solar energy systems directly to customers. We generally recognize revenue from solar energy systems sold to customers when the solar energy system passes inspection by the authority having jurisdiction, which inspection generally occurs after installation but prior to PTO, at which time we have met the performance obligation in the contract. For solar energy system sales that include delivery obligations up until interconnection to the local power grid with permission to operate, we recognize revenue at PTO. Certain solar energy systems sold to customers include fees for extended warranty and maintenance services. These fees are recognized over the life of the service agreement.
Product sales revenue consists of revenue from the sale of solar panels, inverters, racking systems, roof repair, and other solar energy products sold to resellers, as well as the sale of customer leads to third parties, including our partners and other solar providers. Product sales revenue is recognized when control is transferred, generally upon shipment, or as services are delivered. Customer lead revenue is recognized at the time the lead is delivered.
Goodwill represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed. Goodwill is reviewed for impairment at least annually or whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may be impaired. We have determined that we operate as one reporting unit and our goodwill is tested for impairment at the enterprise level. We perform our annual impairment test of goodwill on October 1 of each fiscal year or whenever events or circumstances change or occur that would indicate that goodwill might be impaired. When assessing goodwill for impairment, we use qualitative and if necessary, quantitative methods in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 350, Goodwill. We also consider our enterprise value and if necessary, a discounted cash flow model, which involves assumptions and estimates, including our future financial performance, weighted average cost of capital and interpretation of currently enacted tax laws.

Circumstances that could indicate impairment and require us to perform a quantitative impairment test include a significant decline in our financial results, a significant decline in our enterprise value relative to our net book value, a sustained decline in our stock price, or an unanticipated change in competition or our market share and a significant change in our strategic plans. A sustained decrease in the price of our common stock is one of the qualitative factors to be considered as part of an impairment test when evaluating whether events or changes in circumstances may indicate that it is more likely than not that a potential goodwill impairment exists. Due to the continued sustained decline in our market capitalization after consideration of a control premium below the book value of equity, we recorded an impairment charge as of September 30, 2023 related to the recoverability of our goodwill for our one reporting unit. After the impairment charge, the fair value of our one reporting unit approximated its estimated carrying value. As of October 1, 2023, we conducted our annual goodwill impairment test. The test concluded that no additional impairment had occurred during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2023.

Should, among other events and circumstances, industry conditions deteriorate, the outlook for future operating results and cash flow decline or regulations change, costs of equity or debt capital increase, valuations for comparable public companies or comparable acquisition valuations decrease, or our market capitalization experience a further sustained decline below its book value, we may need to further reassess the recoverability of goodwill in future periods. As of September 30, 2024, there were no indicators of goodwill impairment that would require an interim goodwill impairment test.
Impairment of Long-Lived Assets
The carrying values of our long-lived assets, including solar energy systems, are periodically reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value of these assets may not be recoverable or that the useful life is shorter than originally estimated. Factors that we consider in deciding when to perform an impairment review would include significant negative industry or economic trends, and significant changes or planned changes in our use of the assets. Recoverability of these assets is measured by comparison of the carrying value of each asset group to the future undiscounted cash flows the asset is expected to generate over its remaining life. If the asset is considered to be impaired, the amount of any impairment is measured as the difference between the carrying value and the fair value of the impaired asset. If the useful life is shorter than originally estimated, we amortize the remaining carrying value over the new shorter useful life. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, there were no indicators of impairment and therefore no cash flow analysis was performed.
Noncontrolling Interests and Redeemable Noncontrolling Interests
Our noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests represent fund investors’ interests in the net assets of certain investment funds, which we consolidate, that we have entered into in order to finance the costs of solar energy facilities under Customer Agreements. We have determined that the provisions in the contractual arrangements of the investment funds represent substantive profit-sharing arrangements, which gives rise to the noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests. We have further determined that for all but two of these arrangements, the appropriate methodology for attributing income and loss to the noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests each period is a balance sheet approach using the HLBV method.
Attributing income and loss to the noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests under the HLBV method requires the use of various inputs to calculate the amounts that fund investors would receive upon a hypothetical liquidation. Changes in these inputs, including change in tax rates, can have a significant impact on the amount that fund investors would receive upon a hypothetical liquidation.
We classify certain noncontrolling interests with redemption features that are not solely within our control outside of permanent equity on our consolidated balance sheets. Redeemable noncontrolling interests are reported using the greater of their carrying value at each reporting date as determined by the HLBV method or their estimated redemption value in each reporting period. Estimating the redemption value of the redeemable noncontrolling interests requires the use of significant assumptions and estimates such as projected future cash flows at the time the redemption feature can be exercised.

We determine the net income (loss) attributable to common stockholders by deducting from net income (loss), the net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests in these funds. The net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests represents the fund investors’ allocable share in the results of operations of these investment funds. For these funds, we have determined that the provisions in the contractual arrangements represent substantive profit-sharing arrangements, where the allocations to the partners sometimes differ from the stated ownership percentages. We have further determined that, for these arrangements, the appropriate methodology for attributing income and loss to the noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests each period is a balance sheet approach using the HLBV method. Under the HLBV method, the amounts of income and loss attributed to the noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests in the consolidated statements of operations reflect changes in the amounts the fund investors would hypothetically receive at each balance sheet date under the liquidation provisions of the contractual provisions of these funds, assuming the net assets of the respective investment funds were liquidated at the carrying value determined in accordance with GAAP. The fund investors’ interest in the results of operations of these investment funds is initially determined by calculating the difference in the noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests’ claim under the HLBV method at the start and end of each reporting period, after taking into account any contributions and distributions between the fund and the fund investors and subject to the redemption provisions in certain funds.
The calculation of HLBV does not require estimates since each HLBV calculation is based upon the liquidation provisions of each fund’s contractual agreement. The calculation of the redeemable noncontrolling interest balance involves estimates such as a discount rate used in net present value calculations, and customer default rates. If the assumptions used for each of these were 10% higher, the impact to the aggregate redeemable noncontrolling interest balance as of September 30, 2024 would be a reduction of $21.6 million.

Results of Operations
The results of operations presented below should be reviewed in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
 Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
 (in thousands, except per share data)
Customer agreements and incentives$405,861 $316,528 $1,116,653 $865,151 
Solar energy systems and product sales131,312 246,653 402,574 878,072 
Total revenue537,173 563,181 1,519,227 1,743,223 
Operating expenses:  
Cost of customer agreements and incentives308,382 283,742 876,581 789,334 
Cost of solar energy systems and product sales
125,312 234,274 411,591 824,830 
Sales and marketing162,490 176,349 466,411 574,061 
Research and development8,180 5,039 30,510 14,153 
General and administrative60,587 53,254 173,082 163,957 
Goodwill impairment
— 1,158,000 — 1,158,000 
Total operating expenses664,951 1,910,658 1,958,175 3,524,335 
Loss from operations(127,778)(1,347,477)(438,948)(1,781,112)
Interest expense, net(215,615)(171,288)(614,981)(471,163)
Other (expense) income, net(82,598)77,673 71,710 93,744 
Loss before income taxes(425,991)(1,441,092)(982,219)(2,158,531)
Income tax (benefit) expense
(13,803)29,846 (26,953)(11,096)
Net loss(412,188)(1,470,938)(955,266)(2,147,435)
Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests
Net loss attributable to common stockholders$(83,766)$(1,069,459)$(32,510)$(1,254,373)
Net loss per share attributable to common stockholders
Weighted average shares used to compute loss per share attributable to common stockholders
Basic223,695 217,344 222,078 216,029 
Diluted223,695 217,344 222,078 216,029 


Comparison of the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Three Months Ended September 30,Change
(in thousands)
Customer agreements$368,641 $289,678 $78,963 27 %
Incentives37,220 26,850 10,370 39 %
Customer agreements and incentives405,861 316,528 89,333 28 %
Solar energy systems47,189 135,476 (88,287)(65)%
Products84,123 111,177 (27,054)(24)%
Solar energy systems and product sales131,312 246,653 (115,341)(47)%
Total revenue$537,173 $563,181 $(26,008)(5)%
Customer Agreements and Incentives. The $79.0 million increase in Revenue from Customer Agreements was primarily due to new systems placed in service in the period from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024, plus a full quarter of revenue recognized in 2024 for systems placed in service in the third quarter of 2023 versus only a partial amount of such revenue related to the period in which the assets were in service in 2023. Revenue from incentives consisted primarily of sales of SRECs. The $10.4 million increase related to the timing and volume of SREC sales, which were responsive to market conditions.
Solar Energy Systems and Product Sales. Revenue from solar energy systems sales decreased by $88.3 million compared to the prior year primarily due to an increase in the proportion of customers choosing to enter into a Customer Agreement versus purchasing a system outright using a loan for cash or using a third party loan, likely due to increased interest rates. Product sales decreased by $27.1 million, primarily due to the lower average sales price of solar energy products, as well as lower sales volume of solar energy products to installers of solar energy systems compared to the prior year, due to easing of supply chain constraints.
Operating Expenses
 Three Months Ended September 30,Change
 (in thousands)
Cost of customer agreements and incentives$308,382 $283,742 $24,640 %
Cost of solar energy systems and product sales
125,312 234,274 (108,962)(47)%
Sales and marketing162,490 176,349 (13,859)(8)%
Research and development8,180 5,039 3,141 62 %
General and administrative60,587 53,254 7,333 14 %
Goodwill impairment
— 1,158,000 (1,158,000)100 %
Total operating expenses$664,951 $1,910,658 $(1,245,707)(65)%
Cost of Customer Agreements and Incentives. The $24.6 million increase in Cost of customer agreements and incentives was primarily due to the new systems placed in service in the period from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024, plus a full quarter of costs recognized in the third quarter of 2024 for systems placed in service in the third quarter of 2023 versus only a partial amount of such expenses related to the period in which the assets were in service in 2023.
The Cost of customer agreements and incentives decreased to 76% of revenue from customer agreements and incentives during the three months ended September 30, 2024, from 90% during the three months ended September 30, 2023. This decrease is primarily due to customer pricing increases catching up to costs.

Cost of Solar Energy Systems and Product Sales. The $109.0 million decrease in Cost of solar energy systems and product sales was primarily due to the corresponding net decrease in the solar energy systems and product sales discussed above.
The Cost of solar energy systems and product sales remained consistent at 95% of revenue from Solar energy systems and product sales during the three months ended September 30, 2024, when compared with the three months ended September 30, 2023.
Sales and Marketing Expense. The $13.9 million decrease in Sales and marketing expense was primarily attributable to decreases in headcount driving lower employee compensation and costs to acquire customers through our sales lead generating partners. Included in Sales and marketing expense is $20.9 million and $13.5 million of amortization of costs to obtain Customer Agreements for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Research and Development Expense. The $3.1 million increase in Research and development expense was primarily attributable to an increase in headcount driving higher employee compensation costs.
General and Administrative Expense. The $7.3 million increase in General and administrative expenses was primarily attributable to information technology related consulting costs, as well as an increase in stock-based compensation costs.
Goodwill Impairment. The $1.2 billion decrease in Goodwill impairment expense related to an impairment charge of $1.2 billion that was a result of an interim impairment test performed during the three months ended September 30, 2023, with no such comparable charge in the three months ended September 30, 2024.
Non-Operating Expenses, net
 Three Months Ended September 30,Change
 (in thousands)
Interest expense, net$(215,615)$(171,288)$(44,327)26 %
Other (expense) income, net$(82,598)$77,673 $(160,271)(206)%
Interest Expense, net. The increase in Interest expense, net of $44.3 million was primarily related to additional non-recourse debt entered into subsequent to September 30, 2023. Included in net interest expense is $8.8 million and $7.9 million of non-cash interest recognized under Customer Agreements that have a significant financing component for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

Other (Expense) Income, net. The decrease in other income, net of $160.3 million related primarily to losses on derivatives.
Income Tax (Benefit) Expense    
 Three Months Ended September 30,Change
 (in thousands)
Income tax (benefit) expense
$(13,803)$29,846 $(43,649)(146)%

The increase in income tax (benefit) expense of $43.6 million is primarily attributable to increased losses allocable to the controlling interest (excluding the goodwill impairment charge in 2023), increased benefit from transferring investment tax credits, and increased expense related to the valuation allowance on federal net operating losses in the current year compared to prior year.

Net Loss Attributable to Noncontrolling Interests and Redeemable Noncontrolling Interests
 Three Months Ended September 30,Change
 (in thousands)
Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests
$(328,422)$(401,479)$73,057 (18)%
Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests was primarily the result of an addition of 7 new investment funds since September 30, 2023, for which the HLBV method was used in determining the amount of net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests. Investment funds generally allocate more loss to the noncontrolling interest in the first several years after fund formation.

Comparison of the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Nine Months Ended September 30,Change
(in thousands)
Customer agreements$1,030,859 $789,256 $241,603 31 %
Incentives85,794 75,895 9,899 13 %
Customer agreements and incentives1,116,653 865,151 251,502 29 %
Solar energy systems167,535 566,861 (399,326)(70)%
Products235,039 311,211 (76,172)(24)%
Solar energy systems and product sales402,574 878,072 (475,498)(54)%
Total revenue$1,519,227 $1,743,223 $(223,996)(13)%
Customer Agreements and Incentives. The $241.6 million increase in Revenue from Customer Agreements was primarily due to new systems placed in service in the period from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024, plus a full nine months of revenue recognized in 2024 for systems placed in service in the first nine months of 2023 versus only a partial amount of such revenue related to the period in which the assets were in service in 2023. Revenue from incentives consisted primarily of sales of SRECs. The $9.9 million increase related to the timing and volume of SREC sales, which were responsive to market conditions.
Solar Energy Systems and Product Sales. Revenue from solar energy systems sales decreased by $399.3 million compared to the prior year primarily due to an increase in the proportion of customers choosing to enter into a Customer Agreement versus purchasing a system outright using a loan, likely due to increased interest rates. Product sales decreased by $76.2 million, primarily due to the lower average sales price of solar energy products, as well as lower sales volume of solar energy products to installers of solar energy systems compared to the prior year, due to easing of supply chain constraints and wind-down of AEE business.

Operating Expenses
 Nine Months Ended September 30,Change
 (in thousands)
Cost of customer agreements and incentives$876,581 $789,334 $87,247 11 %
Cost of solar energy systems and product sales
411,591 824,830 (413,239)(50)%
Sales and marketing466,411 574,061 (107,650)(19)%
Research and development30,510 14,153 16,357 116 %
General and administrative173,082 163,957 9,125 %
Goodwill impairment
— 1,158,000 (1,158,000)(100)%
Total operating expenses$1,958,175 $3,524,335 $(1,566,160)(44)%
Cost of Customer Agreements and Incentives. The $87.2 million increase in Cost of customer agreements and incentives was primarily due to the new systems placed in service in the period from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024, plus a full nine months of costs recognized in 2024 for systems placed in service in the nine months of 2023 versus only a partial amount of such expenses related to the period in which the assets were in service in 2023.
The Cost of customer agreements and incentives decreased to 79% of revenue from customer agreements and incentives during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, from 91% during the nine months ended September 30, 2023. This decrease is primarily due to customer pricing increases catching up to costs.
Cost of Solar Energy Systems and Product Sales. The $413.2 million decrease in Cost of solar energy systems and product sales was primarily due to the corresponding net decrease in the solar energy systems and product sales discussed above.
The Cost of solar energy systems and product sales increased to 102% of revenue from solar energy systems and product sales during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, from 94% during the nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily as the result of a $22.1 million increase in inventory reserves recorded in the first quarter of fiscal 2024 related to the wind-down of the AEE Solar operations.
Sales and Marketing Expense. The $107.7 million decrease in Sales and marketing expense was primarily attributable to decreases in headcount driving lower employee compensation and costs to acquire customers through our sales lead generating partners. Included in Sales and marketing expense is $55.2 million and $39.5 million of amortization of costs to obtain Customer Agreements for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
Research and Development Expense. The $16.4 million increase in Research and development expense was primarily attributable to an increase in headcount driving higher employee compensation costs, as well as an increase in support related consulting costs.
General and Administrative Expense. The $9.1 million increase in General and administrative expenses was primarily related to an increase in information technology related consulting costs, when compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
Goodwill Impairment. The $1.2 billion decrease in Goodwill impairment expense related to an impairment charge of $1.2 billion that was a result of an interim impairment test performed during the nine months ended September 30, 2023, with no such comparable charge in the nine months ended September 30, 2024.


Non-Operating Expenses, net
 Nine Months Ended September 30,Change
 (in thousands)
Interest expense, net$(614,981)$(471,163)$(143,818)31 %
Other income, net$71,710 $93,744 $(22,034)(24)%
Interest Expense, net. The increase in Interest expense, net of $143.8 million was primarily related to additional non-recourse debt entered into subsequent to September 30, 2023. Included in net interest expense is $25.7 million and $23.0 million of non-cash interest recognized under Customer Agreements that have a significant financing component for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

Other Income, net. The decrease in Other income, net of $22.0 million related primarily to an increase in losses on derivatives during the nine months ended September 30, 2024.
Income Tax Benefit    
 Nine Months Ended September 30,Change
 (in thousands)
Income tax benefit$(26,953)$(11,096)$(15,857)143 %

The increase in income tax benefit of $15.9 million is primarily attributable to reduced losses allocable to the controlling interest (excluding the goodwill impairment charge in 2023), increased benefit from transferring investment tax credits, and increased expense related to the valuation allowance on federal net operating losses in the current year compared to prior year.
Net Loss Attributable to Noncontrolling Interests and Redeemable Noncontrolling Interests
 Nine Months Ended September 30,Change
 (in thousands)
Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests
Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests and redeemable noncontrolling interests was primarily the result of an addition of 7 new investment funds since September 30, 2023, for which the HLBV method was used in determining the amount of net loss attributable to noncontrolling interests. Investment funds generally allocate more loss to the noncontrolling interest in the first several years after fund formation.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
As of September 30, 2024, we had cash of $533.9 million, which consisted of cash held in checking and savings accounts with financial institutions. We finance our operations mainly through a variety of financing fund arrangements that we have formed with fund investors, cash generated from our sources of revenue and borrowings from secured credit facilities arrangements with syndicates of banks and from secured, long-term non-recourse loan arrangements. In 2023, we received $1.0 billion of new commitments on secured credit facilities arrangements with syndicates of banks and $0.8 billion of commitments from secured, long-term non-recourse loan arrangements. Our principal uses of cash are funding our business, including the costs of acquisition and installation of solar energy systems, satisfaction of our obligations under our debt instruments and other working capital requirements. As of September 30, 2024, we had outstanding borrowings of $392.5 million on our $447.5 million credit facility maturing in March 2027. In February 2024, we amended one of our subsidiary’s senior secured credit facility to, among other things, increase the total commitments from $1.8 billion to $2.4 billion and extend the maturity date from April 2025 to April 2028. In July 2024, we amended the same senior secured credit facility to

increase total commitments from $2.4 billion to $2.6 billion. In February 2024, we amended our bank line of credit to, among other things, reduce the total commitments from $600.0 million to $447.5 million, and to extend the maturity date from January 2025 to November 2025. As of September 30, 2024, this maturity date was automatically extended to March 1, 2027, due to us maintaining funds on deposit in a collateral account equal to an amount sufficient to repay at the scheduled maturity all of our 0% Senior Convertible Notes due 2026 that are outstanding as of September 30, 2024 and being otherwise in compliance with our quarter-end liquidity covenant.
Additionally, we have purchase commitments, which have the ability to be canceled without significant penalties, with multiple suppliers to purchase $125.4 million of photovoltaic modules, inverters and batteries by the end of the first quarter of 2025. In February 2024, we issued $475.0 million of convertible senior notes with a maturity date of March 1, 2030, for net proceeds of approximately $470.1 million. Our business model requires substantial outside financing arrangements to grow the business and facilitate the deployment of additional solar energy systems. The solar energy systems that are operational are expected to generate a positive return rate over the term of the Customer Agreement, typically 20 or 25 years. However, in order to grow, we will continue to be dependent on financing from outside parties. If financing is not available to us on acceptable terms if and when needed, we may be required to reduce planned spending, which could have a material adverse effect on our operations. While there can be no assurances, we anticipate raising additional required capital from new and existing investors. We believe our cash, investment fund commitments and available borrowings as further described below will be sufficient to meet our anticipated cash needs for at least the next 12 months. We believe we will meet longer-term expected future cash requirements and obligations through a combination of cash flows from operating activities, available cash balances, and available credit via our credit facilities. The following table summarizes our cash flows for the periods indicated:
 Nine Months Ended September 30,
 (in thousands)
Consolidated cash flow data:  
Net cash used in operating activities
Net cash used in investing activities(1,908,612)(1,952,019)
Net cash provided by financing activities2,439,185 2,655,674 
Net change in cash and restricted cash$22,779 $(1,078)
Operating Activities
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we used $507.8 million in net cash from operating activities. The driver of our operating cash outflow consisted of the cost of our revenue, as well as sales, marketing and general and administrative costs. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, our operating cash outflows were $344.1 million from our net loss excluding non-cash and non-operating items. Changes in working capital resulted in a net cash outflow of $163.7 million.

During the nine months ended September 30, 2023, we used $704.7 million in net cash from operating activities. The driver of our operating cash outflow consisted of the cost of our revenue, as well as sales, marketing and general and administrative costs. During the nine months ended September 30, 2023, our operating cash outflows were $481.2 million from our net loss excluding non-cash and non-operating items. Changes in working capital resulted in a net cash inflow of $223.5 million.
Investing Activities
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we used $1.9 billion in cash in investing activities. The majority was used to design, acquire and install solar energy systems and components under our long-term Customer Agreements.

During the nine months ended September 30, 2023, we used $2.0 billion in cash in investing activities. The majority was used to design, acquire and install solar energy systems and components under our long-term Customer Agreements.
Financing Activities
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we generated $2.4 billion from financing activities. This was primarily driven by $1.6 billion in net proceeds from debt, $816.6 million in net proceeds from fund investors, $12.0 million in net proceeds from stock-based awards activity, and $5.2 million in proceeds from state tax credits, net of recapture, offset by $21.4 million in acquisition of noncontrolling interests and $20.6 million in repayments under finance lease obligations.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2023, we generated $2.7 billion from financing activities. This was primarily driven by $1.8 billion in net proceeds from debt, $945.7 million in net proceeds from fund investors, $14.2 million in net proceeds from stock-based awards activity, and $4.0 million in proceeds from state tax credits, net of recapture, offset by $46.3 million in acquisition of noncontrolling interests and $16.8 million in repayments under finance lease obligations.

Debt and Investment Fund Commitments
As of September 30, 2024, we had committed and available capital of approximately $405.2 million that may only be used to purchase and install solar energy systems. We intend to establish new investment funds in the future, and we may also use debt, equity or other financing strategies to finance our business. For a discussion of the terms and conditions of debt instruments and changes thereof in the period, refer to Note 8, Indebtedness, to our consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements
See Note 2, Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, to our consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

We are exposed to certain market risks in the ordinary course of our business. Our primary exposure includes changes in interest rates because certain borrowings bear interest at floating rates based on SOFR, plus a specified margin. We sometimes manage our interest rate exposure on floating-rate debt by entering into derivative instruments to hedge all or a portion of our interest rate exposure in certain debt facilities. We do not enter into any derivative instruments for trading or speculative purposes. Changes in economic conditions could result in higher interest rates, thereby increasing our interest expense and operating expenses and reducing funds available for capital investments, operations and other purposes. For quantitative and qualitative disclosures about market risk, see Item 7A, “Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk,” of our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed on February 21, 2024. Our exposures to market risk have not changed materially since December 31, 2023.

Item 4. Controls and Procedures
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
We carried out an evaluation, under the supervision and with the participation of our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and our Chief Financial Officer, of the effectiveness of our “disclosure controls and procedures” (as such term is defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act) as of the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

In connection with that evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and our Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective and designed to provide reasonable assurance that the information required to be disclosed is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms as of September 30, 2024. As such term is defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and

15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act, “disclosure controls and procedures” means controls and other procedures of a company that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by a company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms. Disclosure controls and procedures include, without limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by a company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to the company’s management, including its principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. Management recognizes that any controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable assurance of achieving their objectives and management necessarily applies its judgment in evaluating the cost-benefit relationship of possible controls and procedures.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
There was no change in our internal control over financial reporting identified in connection with the evaluation required by Rules 13a-15(d) and 15d-15(d) of the Exchange Act that occurred during the period covered by this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.


Item 1. Legal Proceedings.
See Note 15, Commitments and Contingencies, to our consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

Item 1A. Risk Factors.

Investing in our common stock involves a high degree of risk. You should carefully consider the risks and uncertainties described below, together with all of the other information in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, including the section titled “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and our consolidated financial statements and related notes, before making a decision to invest in our common stock. The risks and uncertainties described below may not be the only ones we face. If any of the risks actually occur, our business, financial condition, results of operations, cash flows and prospects could be materially and adversely affected. In that event, the market price of our common stock could decline, and you could lose part or all of your investment.

Risks Related to the Solar Industry

The solar energy industry is an emerging market which is constantly evolving and may not develop to the size or at the rate we expect.

The solar energy industry is an emerging and constantly evolving market opportunity. We believe the solar energy industry is still developing and maturing, and we cannot be certain that the market will grow to the size or at the rate we expect. For example, we have experienced increases in cancellations of our Customer Agreements in certain geographic markets during various periods in our operating history. Any future growth of the solar energy market and the success of our solar service offerings depend on many factors beyond our control, including recognition and acceptance of the solar service market by consumers, the pricing of alternative sources of energy, a favorable regulatory environment, the continuation of expected tax benefits and other incentives, and our ability to provide our solar service offerings cost effectively. If the markets for solar energy do not develop to the size or at the rate we expect, our business may be adversely affected.

Solar energy has yet to achieve broad market acceptance and depends in part on continued support in the form of rebates, tax credits, and other incentives from federal, state and local governments. Additionally, there have been significant changes in the residential solar policy and pricing framework in California, which is one of our key markets and represents over 45% of our customer base. Changes to California’s net metering policy adopted in December 2022, with the new billing regime implemented in April 2023, present a significant change to the financial benefits California customers receive from our solar systems and may limit the financial attractiveness of our offerings in this market, particularly for solar-only systems. Originations in California are below levels prior to the NBT transition, and without further increases in originations, our new installations in California may continue to decline compared to prior periods, which could have a material adverse effect on our business operations and financial performance. Further, if support diminishes materially for solar policy related to rebates, tax credits, bill crediting, or other incentives, our ability to obtain external financing on acceptable terms, or at all, could be materially adversely affected. These types of funding limitations could lead to inadequate financing support for the anticipated growth in our business. Furthermore, growth in residential solar energy depends in part on macroeconomic conditions, retail prices of electricity and customer preferences, each of which can change quickly. Declining macroeconomic conditions, including in job markets and residential real estate markets, could contribute to instability and uncertainty among customers and impact their financial wherewithal, credit scores or interest in entering into long-term contracts, even if such contracts would generate immediate and long-term savings.

Furthermore, market prices of retail electricity generated by utilities or other energy sources could decline for a variety of reasons, as discussed further below. Any declines in macroeconomic conditions, changes in retail prices of electricity or changes in customer preferences would adversely impact our business.

Achieving net zero emissions by 2050 will require an unprecedented transformation of American energy systems and the adoption of a wide variety of clean energy, storage, and home electrification solutions. Our successful deployment of such products will depend on several factors outside our control, including shifting market conditions and policy frameworks. Our failure to adapt to changing market conditions, to compete successfully with existing or new competitors, and to adopt new or enhanced offerings could limit our growth and have a material adverse effect on our business and prospects.

We have historically benefited from declining costs in our industry, and our business and financial results may be harmed as a result of recent and any continued increases in costs associated with our solar service offerings and any failure of these costs to continue declining as we currently expect. If we do not reduce our cost structure in the future, our ability to continue to be profitable may be impaired.

Declining costs related to raw materials, manufacturing and the sale and installation of our solar service offerings have been a key driver in the pricing of our solar service offerings and, more broadly, customer adoption of solar energy. While historically the prices of solar panels and raw materials have declined, the cost of solar panels and raw materials have at times increased and may increase in the future, and such products’ availability could decrease, due to a variety of factors, including supply chain disruptions, inflation, tariffs and trade barriers, export regulations, geopolitical conflicts, regulatory or contractual limitations, industry market requirements, and changes in technology and industry standards.

For example, on April 24, 2024, new antidumping (“AD”) and countervailing duty (“CVD”) petitions were filed against Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. AD and CVD measures (typically, in the form of tariffs) are used to remedy the economic advantage created by unfair foreign pricing and government subsidies. The U.S. Department of Commerce (“Commerce”) is responsible for investigating dumping and subsidization. Preliminary determinations in the AD investigations are expected to be released around November 27, 2024. Importers would then be required to pay cash deposits (estimated duties) on entries of cells and modules from the subject countries. Preliminary determinations in CVD investigations were issued on October 1, 2024 with Commerce finding injury and imposing CVD levels that averaged from 8-10% (with specific rates varying depending on the country and the company investigated). If Commerce determines that “critical circumstances” exist, they will order the retroactive collection of duty deposits for entries made during the 90-day period before the publication date of the preliminary determination.

Similarly, on February 4, 2022, the Biden Administration announced a four-year extension of the 2018 tariffs imposed in response to a petition filed under Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974 (the “Section 201 Tariffs”). The Biden Administration set the Section 201 Tariffs at 14.75%, with a modest rate reduction each year. The decision exempted bifacial modules from the tariffs as well as 5 GW of imported solar cells each year. On May 16, 2024, the Biden Administration announced the removal of the exemption for bifacial modules and those products are now subject to the Section 201 Tariffs.

In August 2021, an anonymous group of U.S. solar manufacturers filed petitions with Commerce alleging that Chinese companies were evading antidumping and countervailing duty orders on crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells and modules, which are used in the production of solar panels. Ultimately, Commerce objected to the anonymous nature of the petition, and it expired. Subsequently, on February 8, 2022, Auxin Solar, a U.S.-based solar panel manufacturer, submitted a petition to Commerce to request country-wide circumvention inquiries pursuant to Section 781(b) of the Tariff Act of 1930 concerning crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells and modules assembled in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia using Chinese inputs. On April 1, 2022, Commerce initiated the inquiries, and, after conducting an investigation, issued a preliminary decision on December 2, 2022, recommending that the Biden Administration impose tariffs on certain solar panel imports from the Southeast Asian countries. However, prior to Commerce issuing its preliminary decision, the Biden Administration in June 2022 issued Presidential Proclamation 10414, which paused the collection of any new anti-dumping or countervailing duty of certain solar cells and modules imported from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam until June 2024. In December 2023, Auxin Solar, a U.S.-based solar panel manufacturer filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn the regulations implementing Presidential Proclamation 10414 and overturn the Biden Administration’s moratorium on additional duties and tariffs on certain solar cells and modules imported from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, or Vietnam. In addition, with the expiration of Presidential Proclamation 10414, panel prices may increase.

In addition, U.S. laws and regulations intended to prevent the importation of goods manufactured with forced labor has and could continue to affect our business operation and supply chain, including the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act and the withhold release order (“WRO”) that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) issued on June 24, 2021 applicable to certain silica-based products manufactured in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. Intensive examinations, withhold release orders, and related governmental procedures have resulted in supply chain and operational delays throughout the industry, and we have implemented policies and procedures to maintain compliance and minimize delays. These and similar trade restrictions that may be imposed in the future could cause delivery and installation delays, and restrict the global supply of polysilicon and solar products. This could result in near-term demand for available solar energy systems despite higher costs, increased costs of polysilicon and the overall cost of solar energy systems, and equipment shortages, potentially reducing overall demand for and limiting the supply of our products and services.


We cannot predict what actions may ultimately be taken with respect to tariffs or trade relations between the United States and other countries, which products may be subject to such actions, or what actions may be taken by other countries in retaliation. The tariffs described above, the adoption and expansion of trade restrictions, the occurrence of a trade war, or other governmental action related to tariffs, trade agreements or related policies have the potential to adversely impact our supply chain and access to equipment, and our costs and ability to economically serve certain markets. Any such cost increases or decreases in availability could slow our growth and cause our financial results and operational metrics to suffer. We cannot predict whether, and to what extent, U.S. trade policies will change in the future and cannot ensure that additional tariffs or other restrictive measures will not continue or increase.

We face competition from traditional energy companies as well as solar and other renewable energy companies.

The solar energy industry is highly competitive and continually evolving as participants strive to distinguish themselves within their markets and compete with large utilities. We believe that our primary competitors are the established utilities that supply energy to homeowners by traditional means. We compete with these utilities primarily based on price, predictability of price, and the ease by which homeowners can switch to electricity generated by our solar service offerings. If we cannot offer compelling value to customers based on these factors, then our business and revenue will not grow. Utilities generally have substantially greater financial, technical, operational and other resources than we do. As a result of their greater size, utilities may be able to devote more resources to the research, development, promotion and sale of their products or respond more quickly to evolving industry standards and changes in market conditions than we can. Furthermore, these competitors are able to devote substantially more resources and funding to regulatory and lobbying efforts.

Utilities could also offer other value-added products or services that could help them compete with us even if the cost of electricity they offer is higher than ours. In addition, a majority of utilities’ sources of electricity are non-solar, which may allow utilities to sell electricity more cheaply than we can. Moreover, regulated utilities are increasingly seeking approval to “rate-base” their own residential solar and battery businesses. Rate-basing means that utilities would receive guaranteed rates of return for their solar and battery businesses. This is already commonplace for utility-scale solar projects and commercial solar projects. While few utilities to date have received regulatory permission to rate-base residential solar or storage, our competitiveness would be significantly harmed should more utilities receive such permission because we do not receive guaranteed profits for our solar service offerings.

We face competition from other residential solar service providers, and we also may face competition from new entrants into the market as a result of the passage of the IRA and its impacts and benefits to the solar industry. Some of these competitors may have a higher degree of brand name recognition, differing business and pricing strategies, lower barriers to entry into the solar market, and greater capital resources than we have, as well as extensive knowledge of our target markets. If we are unable to establish or maintain a consumer brand that resonates with customers, maintain high customer satisfaction, or compete with the pricing offered by our competitors, our sales and market share position may be adversely affected, as our growth is primarily dependent on originating new customers. We also face competitive pressure from companies that may offer lower-priced consumer offerings than we do.

In addition, we compete with companies that are not regulated like traditional utilities but that have access to the traditional utility electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure. These energy service companies are able to offer customers electricity supply-only solutions that are competitive with our solar service offerings on both price and usage of solar energy technology while avoiding the long-term agreements and physical installations that our current fund-financed business model requires. This may limit our ability to attract customers, particularly those who wish to avoid long-term contracts or have an aesthetic or other objection to putting solar panels on their roofs.

Furthermore, we face competition from purely finance-driven nonintegrated competitors that subcontract out the installation of solar energy systems, from installation businesses (including solar partners) that seek financing from external parties, from large construction companies and from electrical and roofing companies. In addition, local installers that might otherwise be viewed as potential solar partners may gain market share by being able to be the first providers in new local markets. Some of these competitors may provide energy at lower costs than we do. Finally, as declining prices for solar panels and related equipment has resulted in an increase in consumers purchasing instead of leasing solar energy systems, we face competition from companies that offer consumer loans for these solar panel purchases.

As the solar industry grows and evolves, we will continue to face existing competitors as well as new competitors who are not currently in the market (including those resulting from the consolidation of existing competitors) that achieve significant developments in alternative technologies or new products such as storage solutions, EV chargers, loan products, or other programs related to third-party ownership. Our failure to adapt to changing market conditions, to compete successfully with existing or new competitors and to adopt new or enhanced technologies could limit our growth and have a material adverse effect on our business and prospects.

A material drop in the retail price of utility-generated electricity or electricity from other sources would harm our business, financial condition, and results of operations.

A customer’s decision to buy solar energy from us often stems from a desire to lower electricity costs. Decreases in the retail prices of electricity from utilities or other energy sources would harm our ability to offer competitive pricing and could harm our business. The price of electricity from utilities could decrease as a result of:

the construction of a significant number of new power generation plants, including nuclear, coal, natural gas or renewable energy technologies;

the construction of additional electric transmission and distribution lines;

a reduction in the price of natural gas or other natural resources;

energy conservation technologies and public initiatives to reduce electricity consumption;

development of new energy technologies that provide less expensive energy, including storage; and

utility rate adjustments and customer class cost reallocation.

A reduction in utility electricity prices would make the purchase of our solar service offerings less attractive. If the retail price of energy available from utilities were to decrease due to any of these or other reasons, we would be at a competitive disadvantage. As a result, we may be unable to attract new customers and our growth would be limited.

The production and installation of solar energy systems depends heavily on suitable meteorological and environmental conditions. If meteorological or environmental conditions are unexpectedly unfavorable, the electricity production from our solar service offerings may be below our expectations, and our ability to timely deploy new systems may be adversely impacted.

The energy produced and revenue and cash flows generated by a solar energy system depend on suitable solar and weather conditions, both of which are beyond our control. Furthermore, components of our systems, such as panels and inverters, could be damaged by severe weather or natural catastrophes, such as hailstorms, tornadoes, fires, or earthquakes. In these circumstances, we generally would be obligated to bear the expense of repairing the damaged solar energy systems that we own. Sustained unfavorable weather or environmental conditions also could unexpectedly delay the installation of our solar energy systems, leading to increased expenses and decreased revenue and cash flows in the relevant periods. Extreme weather conditions, as well as the natural catastrophes that could result from such conditions, can severely impact our operations by delaying the installation of our systems, lowering sales, and causing a decrease in the output from our systems due to smoke or haze. Weather patterns could change, making it harder to predict the average annual amount of sunlight striking each location where our solar energy systems are installed. This could make our solar service offerings less economical overall or make individual systems less economical. Any of these events or conditions could harm our business, financial condition, and results of operations.

Climate change may have long-term impacts on our business, our industry, and the global economy.

Climate change poses a systemic threat to the global economy and will continue to do so until our society transitions to renewable energy and decarbonizes. While our core business model seeks to accelerate this transition to renewable energy, there are inherent climate-related risks to our business operations. Warming temperatures throughout the United States, and in California, our biggest market, in particular, have contributed to extreme weather, intense drought, and increased wildfire risks. These extreme weather events have the potential to disrupt our business, our third-party suppliers, and our customers, and may cause us to incur additional operational

costs. They can also cause a decrease in the output from our systems due to smoke or haze. Additionally, if weather patterns significantly shift due to climate change, it may be harder to predict the average annual amount of sunlight striking each location where our solar energy systems are installed. This could make our solar service offerings less economical overall or make individual systems less economical.

Natural disasters and extreme weather events associated with climate change have impacted our operations by delaying the installation of our systems, leading to increased expenses and decreased revenue and cash flows. For instance, the series of twelve atmospheric river weather events that deluged the western United States in 2023, resulted in prolonged, intense downpour of rain and high wind gusts, and put home roofs under acute stress. As a result, we have seen a larger than usual number of damage claims in 2023, which have resulted in higher associated costs. Continued increases in similar types of extreme weather events may harm our business, financial condition, and results of operations.

Our corporate mission is to connect people to the cleanest energy on earth, and we seek to mitigate these climate-related risks not only through our core business model and sustainability initiatives, but also by working with organizations who are also focused on mitigating their own climate-related risks.

Risks Related to Our Operating Structure and Financing Activities

We need to raise capital to finance the continued growth of our operations and solar service business. If capital is not available to us on acceptable terms, as and when needed, our business and prospects would be materially and adversely impacted. In addition, our business is affected by general economic conditions and related uncertainties affecting markets in which we operate. Volatility in current economic conditions could adversely impact our business, including our ability to raise financing.

Our future success depends on our ability to raise capital at acceptable terms from third parties to grow our business. To date, we have funded our business principally through low-cost tax equity investment funds. If we are unable to establish new investment funds when needed, or upon desirable terms, the growth of our solar service business would be impaired. Changes in tax law or changes in the interpretation of existing tax law could also affect our ability to establish such tax equity investment funds, impact the terms of existing or future funds, or reduce the pool of capital available for us to grow our business.

The passage of the IRA, which extended subsidies for various renewable energy technologies, is expected to lead to additional demands for tax equity. As a result, availability of tax equity may present constraints to our growth and harm our financial performance. In addition, terms for tax equity funds, including the realization of tax credit value through potential structures that utilize transferability of the ITC, may not be at terms we view as favorable.

During the first quarter of 2024, we transitioned a large portion of our funding from a traditional tax equity framework (where tax equity funding is typically provided at or before installation) to a tax credit transfer framework under the IRA’s transferability provisions (where the timing of tax equity or cash equity funding can be dependent on the timing of the transfer of the tax credits, which occurs in arrears following the date the associated solar system is placed in service). Under this new transferability framework, any transfers of tax credits that occur in arrears can occur in a range from monthly up to a year or more following the date the associated solar system is placed in service. As a result, the timing of tax equity and/or cash equity funding can be delayed, which may adversely impact our business and operations and may cause volatility to our cash flows as we have an increased mix of transferability funds.

The contract terms in certain of our existing investment fund documents contain various conditions with respect to our ability to draw on financing commitments from the fund investors, including conditions that restrict our ability to draw on such commitments if an event occurs that could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the fund or, in some instances, us. If we are not able to satisfy such conditions due to events related to our business, a specific investment fund, developments in our industry, including tax or regulatory changes, or otherwise, and as a result, we are unable to draw on existing funding commitments, we could experience a material adverse effect on our business, liquidity, financial condition, results of operations and prospects. If any of the investors that currently invest in our investment funds decide not to invest in future investment funds to finance our solar service offerings due to general market conditions, concerns about our business or prospects, decreased appetite for tax benefits or any other reason, or materially change the terms under which they are willing to provide future financing, we would need to identify new investors to invest in our investment funds and our cost of capital may increase.

In addition, our business and results of operations are materially affected by conditions in the global capital markets and the economy. A general slowdown or volatility in current economic conditions, the level of U.S. national debt, currency fluctuations, unemployment rates, the availability and cost of credit, the U.S. housing market, tariffs, trade wars, inflation levels, interest rates, energy costs, and concerns over a slowing economy or other factors, could adversely affect our business, including our ability to raise financing.

There can be no assurance that we will be able to continue to successfully access capital in a manner that supports the growth of our business. Certain sources of capital may not be available in the future, and competition for any available funding may increase. We cannot be sure that we will be able to maintain necessary levels of funding without incurring high funding costs, unfavorable changes in the terms of funding instruments or the liquidation of certain assets. If we are unable to continue to offer a competitive investment profile, we may lose access to these funds or they may only be available on less favorable terms than those provided to our competitors or currently provided to us. If we are unable to arrange new or alternative methods of financing on favorable terms, our business, liquidity, financial condition, results of operations, and prospects could be materially and adversely affected.

Volatility and increases in interest rates raise our cost of capital and may adversely impact our business.

While interest rates had been at long-term historic lows during large parts of our operating history, they increased in recent years, and may continue to increase in the future. Rising interest rates, including the historic increases starting in 2021, have resulted and may continue to result in a decrease in our advance rates, reducing the proceeds we receive from certain investment funds. Because our financing structure is sensitive to volatility in interest rates, higher rates increase our cost of capital and decrease the amount of capital available to us to finance the deployment of new solar energy systems. Additionally, we have selectively increased pricing in many markets in prior years in response to higher interest rates, and may do so in the future, which may impact the overall attractiveness of our offerings to potential new customers. Our future success depends on our ability to raise capital from fund investors and obtain secured lending to help finance the deployment of our solar service offerings. Part of our business strategy is to seek to reduce our cost of capital through such financing arrangements to improve our margins, offset reductions in government incentives and maintain the price competitiveness of our solar service offerings. Rising base interest rates or credit spreads, which have been, and may continue to be, worsened by inflation, an economic recession, or other variables, may have an adverse impact on our ability to offer attractive pricing on our solar service offerings to customers, which could negatively impact sales of our solar energy offerings and our cash flows. Because we typically enter into interest rate swaps shortly after the installation of a system, we are subject to higher interest rate risk between customer pricing through system installation, which may cause volatility to our cash flows.

The majority of our cash flows to date have been from solar service offerings under Customer Agreements that have been monetized under various investment fund structures. One of the components of this monetization is the present value of the payment streams from customers who enter into these Customer Agreements. If the rate of return required by capital providers, including debt providers, rises as a result of a rise in interest rates, it will reduce the present value of the customer payment stream and consequently reduce the total value derived from this monetization. Any measures that we could take to mitigate the impact of rising interest rates could ultimately have an adverse impact on the value proposition that we offer customers.

We expect to incur substantially more debt in the future, which could intensify the risks to our business.

We and our subsidiaries expect to incur additional debt in the future, subject to the restrictions contained in our debt instruments. Some of our existing debt arrangements restrict our ability to incur additional indebtedness, including secured indebtedness, and we may be subject to similar restrictions under the terms of future debt arrangements. These restrictions could inhibit our ability to pursue our business strategies. Increases in our existing debt obligations would further heighten the debt related risk discussed above.

Furthermore, there is no assurance that we will be able to enter into new debt instruments on acceptable terms or at all. If we were unable to satisfy financial covenants and other terms under existing or new instruments, or obtain waivers or forbearance from our lenders, or if we were unable to obtain refinancing or new financings for our working capital, equipment, and other needs on acceptable terms if and when needed, our business would be adversely affected.


We may be required to make payments or contribute assets to our investors upon the occurrence of certain events, including one-time reset or true-up payments or upon the exercise of a redemption option by one of our tax equity investors.

Our investors in our tax equity investment funds typically advance capital to us based on, among other things, production capacity estimates. The models we use to calculate prepayments in connection with certain of our tax equity investment funds are updated at a fixed date occurring after placement in service of all applicable solar energy systems or an agreed upon date (typically within the first year of the applicable term) to reflect certain specified conditions, as they exist at such date including the ultimate system size of the equipment that was sold or leased to the tax equity investment fund, the cost thereof, and the date the equipment went into service. In some cases, these true-up models also incorporate any changes in law, which would include any reduction in rates (and thus any reduction in the benefits of depreciation). As a result of this true-up, applicable payments are resized, and we may be obligated to refund a portion of the tax equity investor’s prepayments or to contribute additional assets to the tax equity investment fund. In addition, certain of our tax equity fund investors have the right to require us to purchase their interests in the tax equity investment funds after a set period of time, generally at a price equal to the greater of a set purchase price or fair market value of the interests at the time of the repurchase. Any significant refunds, capital contributions, or purchases that we may be required to make could adversely affect our liquidity or financial condition.

Loan financing developments could adversely impact our business.

The third-party ownership structure, which we bring to market through our solar service offerings, continues to be the predominant form of system ownership in the residential solar market in many states. However, with the development of new loan financing products, we have seen a modest shift from leasing and power purchase arrangements to outright purchases of the solar energy system by the customer (i.e., a customer purchases the solar energy system outright instead of leasing the system or buying power from us). Continued increases in third-party loan financing products and outright purchases could result in the demand for long-term Customer Agreements to decline, which would require us to shift our product focus to respond to the market trend and could have an adverse effect on our business. The majority of our customers have historically chosen our solar service offerings as opposed to buying a solar energy system outright. Our financial model is impacted by the volume of customers who choose our solar service offerings, and an increase in the number of customers who choose to purchase solar energy systems (whether for cash or through third-party financing) may harm our business and financial results.

Servicing our debt requires a significant amount of cash to comply with certain covenants and satisfy payment obligations, and we may not have sufficient cash flow from our business to pay our substantial debt and may be forced to take other actions to satisfy our obligations under our indebtedness, which may not be successful.

We have substantial amounts of debt, including our convertible senior notes (“Notes”), our credit facility and the non-recourse debt facilities entered into by our subsidiaries, as discussed in more detail in the section titled “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and our consolidated financial statements, in each case, included in this periodic report. Our ability to make scheduled payments of the principal of, to pay interest on or to refinance our indebtedness depends on our future performance, which is subject to economic, financial, competitive, and other factors beyond our control. Our business may not continue to generate cash flow from operations in the future sufficient to service our debt and make necessary capital expenditures to operate our business. If we are unable to generate such cash flow, we may be required to adopt one or more alternatives, such as selling assets, restructuring debt or obtaining additional equity capital on terms that may be onerous or highly dilutive. Our ability to timely repay or otherwise refinance our indebtedness will depend on the capital markets and our financial condition at such time. We may not be able to engage in any of these activities or engage in these activities on desirable terms, which could result in a default on our debt obligations and negatively impact our financial condition and prospects.

Indebtedness under certain of our Senior and Subordinated Debt Facilities and our other credit facilities accrue interest at variable interest rates based on the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (or other benchmark rates based thereof, collectively, “SOFR”).

In certain of our debt facilities accruing interest based on SOFR, daily changes in the rate have, on occasion, been more volatile than daily changes in comparable benchmark or market rates, and SOFR over time may bear little or no relation to the historical actual or historical indicative data. Additionally, some of our credit

facilities based on SOFR include a credit spread adjustment on SOFR due to LIBOR representing an unsecured lending rate while SOFR represents a secured lending rate. In addition, ARRC has imposed certain curbs on interdealer trading in SOFR derivatives, which reduce market liquidity and may raise hedging costs for us as end-users. The possible volatility of SOFR as the LIBOR replacement rate, the addition of credit spread adjustment in certain of our facilities, and potential illiquidity in SOFR derivative markets could result in higher borrowing costs for us, which would adversely affect our financial condition, and results of operations.

We may not have the ability to raise the funds necessary to settle conversions of the Notes in cash or to repurchase the Notes upon a fundamental change, and our future debt may contain limitations on our ability to pay cash upon conversion or repurchase of the Notes.

The Notes will have the right to require us to repurchase all or a portion of their Notes upon the occurrence of a fundamental change under the indenture, which includes certain events such as a change of control, before the maturity date at a fundamental change repurchase price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the Notes to be repurchased, plus accrued and unpaid special interest, if any. In addition, upon conversion of the Notes, unless we elect to deliver solely shares of our common stock to settle such conversion (other than paying cash in lieu of delivering any fractional share), we will be required to make cash payments in respect of the Notes being converted. However, we may not have enough available cash or be able to obtain financing at the time we are required to make repurchases of Notes surrendered therefor or pay cash for Notes being converted. In addition, our ability to repurchase the Notes or to pay cash upon conversions of the Notes may be limited by law, by regulatory authority or by agreements governing our indebtedness at the time.

Our failure to repurchase Notes at a time when the repurchase is required by the indenture governing such Notes or to pay any cash payable on future conversions of the Notes as required by the indenture would constitute a default. A default under the indenture or the fundamental change itself could also lead to a default under agreements governing our existing or future indebtedness. If the repayment of the related indebtedness were to be accelerated after any applicable notice or grace periods, we may not have sufficient funds to repay the indebtedness and repurchase the Notes or make cash payments upon conversions thereof.

We are subject to counterparty risk with respect to the capped call transactions.

In connection with our issuance of the convertible senior notes due 2026 in January 2021 and the convertible senior notes due 2030 in February 2024, we entered into privately negotiated capped call transactions (the “Capped Call transactions”) with certain financial institutions (the “option counterparties”). The option counterparties are financial institutions or affiliates of financial institutions, and we will be subject to the risk that one or more of such option counterparties may default under the Capped Call transactions. Our exposure to the credit risk of the option counterparties will not be secured by any collateral. If any option counterparty becomes subject to bankruptcy or other insolvency proceedings, with respect to such option counterparty’s obligations under the relevant Capped Call transaction, we will become an unsecured creditor in those proceedings with a claim equal to our exposure at that time under such transaction. Our exposure will depend on many factors but, generally, an increase in our exposure will be positively correlated to an increase in our common stock market price and in the volatility of the market price of our common stock. In addition, upon a default by any of the option counterparties, we may suffer adverse tax consequences and dilution with respect to our common stock. We can provide no assurance as to the financial stability or viability of any of the option counterparties.

Risks Related to Regulation and Policy

The customer value proposition for distributed solar, storage, and home electrification products is influenced by a number of factors, including, but not limited to, the retail price of electricity, the valuation of electricity not consumed on site and exported to the grid, the rate design mechanisms of customers’ utility bills, various policies related to the permitting and interconnection costs of our products to homes and the grid, the availability of incentives for solar, batteries, and other electrification products, and other policies which allow aggregations of our systems to provide the grid value. Significant changes to any of these factors may impact the competitiveness of our service offerings to customers.

The value proposition of our solar and storage offering, as well as our other related home electrification offerings, such as the electric vehicle charging station, is impacted by several factors outside of our control including, but are not limited to, the retail price of electricity, the valuation of electricity not consumed on site but exported to the grid, the rate design mechanisms of customers’ utility bills, various policies related to the permitting and interconnection costs of our products to homes and the grid, the availability of incentives for solar, batteries, and other electrification products, and other policies which allow aggregations of our systems to provide the grid

value. For over two decades across the United States, utilities, their trade associations, fossil fuel interests, and some other stakeholders not aligned with a decentralized grid have been challenging many legislative and regulatory policies that enhance the customer value proposition of residential solar and storage.

In connection with the value attributed to exported electricity, net metering (“NEM”) has traditionally been the main policy mechanism to measure and value exported electricity sent back to the grid in the markets within which we do business. That value has always varied depending on the retail price of power in a certain market, substantial differences in rate design per market, and NEM market specific differences, including detail around how to carry over NEM credits, whether or not to cap the amount of net metered solar in a specific market, or how a specific market values the exported electricity. A substantial majority of the markets in which we operate have implemented NEM policies, allowing end customers to receive credits for the electricity not consumed on site and exported to the grid.

Some states, including our largest market of California, have moved away from the traditional retail NEM credit structure of paying the full retail rate for exported electricity, and instead, such states have chosen to value excess generation by customers’ solar systems in different ways. In 2016, the Arizona Corporation Commission (“ACC”) replaced retail NEM with a declining fixed export rate. In 2017, Nevada implemented a reduced credit step down to NEM credits over time. Hawaii, a state with extremely high distributed solar penetration, effectively ended NEM in 2016 and has since become a solar plus battery market, with programs that utilize additional values from aggregated distributed resources, including rooftop solar paired with batteries, to support grid needs. At the end of 2024, Illinois is set to transition from traditional retail NEM to a Smart Solar Billing tariff, which includes an upfront payment to value the benefits solar brings to the distribution system paired with a time-varying export rate that can be responded to by utilizing solar paired with batteries. Many states across the United States have traditionally set limits on the amount of rooftop solar that can be exported for retail credit and there is a long legislative and regulatory history of those limitations being extended in various states, including California, New Jersey, Illinois, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Our ability to sell our solar service offerings may be adversely impacted by the failure to extend existing limits or “caps” to retail NEM or the elimination of other existing policies that value exported electricity to the grid. On April 26, 2022, Florida Governor DeSantis vetoed legislation that would have established a threshold date and percentage trigger when retail NEM could have faced declines in the immediate export rate in Florida. New Jersey currently has no NEM cap but reached a threshold that triggers regulatory review of its NEM policy, which will proceed over the next two years. Recently, the Fiscal Oversight and Management Board of Puerto Rico filed a lawsuit that would require the Puerto Rico Energy Board in 2025 to review and determine the future of NEM, which could revise or reverse Puerto Rico’s Act 10, which had unanimously extended NEM through 2031.

Most notably, as a result of the finalization of the NEM proceeding on December 15, 2022 by the California Public Utilities Commission (“CPUC”), California moved to a NBT structure in which exported electricity is no longer valued at the retail rate and is instead valued by the state’s “avoided cost” annual calculations, which substantially decreases the credit allocated to an exported electron during the day. The final California NEM decision rejected a very controversial solar-specific fixed charge and rejected the creation of new non-bypassable charges, minimum bills, and grid participation charges for solar and solar plus storage customers. Additionally, the final California NEM decision made no retroactive changes to legacy NEM 1.0 or 2.0 California customers. In April 2023, new California solar customers located in areas serviced by investor-owned utilities (“IOU”) began applying for service under the new NBT. Also, in April 2023, the California IOUs and other parties filed initial proposals that would represent the highest fixed charges in the United States. In a June 2023 ruling, the CPUC indicated that it will approve by July 2024 guidelines for future development and implementation of income-graduated fixed charges, but the implementation of the first iteration of these charges is not expected to occur until late 2026. In May 2024, the CPUC approved a final decision instituting a fixed charge of $24.15/month for most customers of the three major investor-owned utility territories, with no change in existing income-tiers. The decision added a smaller fixed monthly charge of $6/month and $12/month respectively for the two-tiers of existing low-income customers.

The final California NEM decision presents a significant change to the residential solar market in California. Under this new framework, storage paired with solar has a heightened value proposition to customers, and we have seen an increased demand for our solar plus storage offerings, thereby increasing the importance of procuring a variety of battery storage products and potentially accentuating supply chain risks related to battery storage systems. The new NBT pricing framework may also result in the introduction of new product offerings and pricing structures by our competitors throughout the solar and utilities industries, and has led to our introduction of Sunrun Shift™, our home solar subscription offering that maximizes the value of solar energy under California’s NBT by increasing self-consumption during peak hours when rates are highest and reducing low-value exports back to the grid through the use of a new storage configuration. This may also result in increased competition and uncertainty regarding the demand for such new products and offerings, which may adversely impact our business and results of

operations. Recently, California Governor Newsom issued an executive order directing the CPUC and other state agencies to evaluate and report on efforts to address rising electricity costs, and the potential impact of this executive order is still unclear.

Electric utility statutes and regulations and changes to such statutes or regulations may present technical, regulatory and economic barriers to the purchase and use of our solar service offerings that may significantly reduce demand for such offerings.

Federal, state, and local government statutes and regulations concerning electricity heavily influence the market for our solar service offerings and are constantly evolving. These statutes, regulations, and administrative rulings relate to electricity pricing, net metering, consumer protection, incentives, taxation, competition with utilities and the interconnection of homeowner-owned and third party-owned solar energy systems to the electrical grid. These statutes and regulations are constantly evolving. Governments, often acting through state utility or public service commissions, change and adopt different rates for residential customers on a regular basis and these changes can have a negative impact on our ability to deliver savings, or energy bill management, to customers.

In addition, many utilities, their trade associations, and fossil fuel interests in the country, which have significantly greater economic, technical, operational, and political resources than the residential solar industry, are currently challenging solar-related policies, which may have the effect of reducing the competitiveness of residential solar energy. Any adverse changes in solar-related policies could have a negative impact on our business and prospects.

Regulations and policies related to rate design could deter potential customers from purchasing our solar service offerings, reduce the value of the electricity our systems produce, and reduce any savings that our customers could realize from our solar service offerings.

All states regulate investor-owned utility retail electricity pricing. In addition, there are numerous publicly owned utilities and electric cooperatives that establish their own retail electricity pricing through some form of regulation or internal process. These regulations and policies could deter potential customers from purchasing our solar service offerings. For example, some utilities in states such as Arizona and Utah have sought and secured rate design changes that reduce the credit for residential solar exports to below the retail rate and impose new charges for rooftop solar customers. Utilities in additional states may follow suit. Such rate changes can include changing rates to charge lower volume-based rates—the rates charged for kilowatt hours of electricity purchased by a residential customer—while raising unavoidable fixed charges that an end customer is subject to when they purchase solar energy from third parties, and levying charges on homeowners based on their point of maximum demand during a month (referred to as “demand charge”). For example, the Arizona Public Service Company offers residential demand charge rate plans and if our solar customers have subscribed to those plans, they may not realize typical savings from our offerings. These forms of rate design could adversely impact our business by reducing the value of the electricity our solar energy systems produce compared to retail net metering, and reducing any savings customers realize by purchasing our solar service offerings. These proposals could continue or be replicated in other states. In addition to changes in general rates charged to all residential customers, utilities sometimes have proposed solar-specific charges (which may be fixed charges, capacity-based charges, or other rate charges). Any of these changes could materially reduce the demand for our offerings and could limit the number of markets in which our offerings are competitive with electricity provided by the utilities.

We are not currently regulated as a utility under applicable laws, but we may be subject to regulation as a utility in the future or become subject to new federal and state regulations for any additional solar service offerings we may introduce in the future.

Most federal, state, and municipal laws do not currently regulate us as a utility. As a result, we are not subject to the various regulatory requirements applicable to U.S. utilities. However, federal, state, local or other applicable regulations could place significant restrictions on our ability to operate our business and execute our business plan by prohibiting or otherwise restricting our sale of electricity. These regulatory requirements could include restricting our sale of electricity, as well as regulating the price of our solar service offerings. For example, the New York Public Service Commission and the Illinois Power Agency have issued orders requiring registration of distributed energy providers in certain ways similar to energy service companies, which increases the regulatory compliance burden for us in such states. If we become subject to the same regulatory authorities as utilities in other states or if new regulatory bodies are established to oversee our business, our operating costs could materially increase and we may not be able to execute on our business plans.

Our business depends in part on the regulatory treatment of third-party-owned solar energy systems.

Our Customer Agreements are third-party ownership arrangements. Sales of electricity by third parties face regulatory challenges in some states and jurisdictions. These challenges pertain to issues such as whether third-party-owned systems qualify for the same rebates, tax exemptions or other non-tax incentives available for homeowner-owned solar energy systems, whether third-party-owned systems are eligible at all for these incentives, whether our Customer Agreements are properly characterized as leases or PPAs, and whether third-party-owned systems are eligible for net metering and the associated significant cost savings. Texas and Connecticut clarified through legislation that third-party-owned residential solar systems would be treated the same as customer-owned systems, and would qualify for the existing residential solar property tax exemption. Additionally, Virginia passed legislation in the spring of 2024 that clarified leased systems are allowed. Adverse regulatory treatment of third-party ownership arrangements could reduce demand for our solar service offerings, adversely impact our access to capital and cause us to increase the price we charge customers for energy.

Interconnection limits or circuit-level caps imposed by regulators may significantly reduce our ability to sell electricity from our solar service offerings in certain markets or slow interconnections, harming our growth rate and customer satisfaction scores.

Interconnection rules establish the circumstances in which rooftop solar will be connected to the electricity grid. Interconnection limits or circuit-level caps imposed by regulators may curb our growth in key markets. Utilities throughout the country have different rules and regulations regarding interconnection and some utilities cap or limit the amount of solar energy that can be interconnected to the grid. Our systems do not provide power to customers until they are interconnected to the grid, and some relevant laws and regulations in certain markets may considerably slow the timing of interconnection, which may in turn impact the system production and our business and sales results.

Interconnection regulations are based on claims from utilities regarding the amount of solar energy that can be connected to the grid without causing grid reliability issues or requiring significant grid upgrades. Although recent rulings from the Hawaii Utilities Commission have helped resolve some problems, historically, interconnection limits or circuit-level caps have slowed the pace of our installations in Hawaii. Similar interconnection limits could slow our future installations in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Colorado, New Jersey, or other markets, harming our growth rate and customer satisfaction scores. Similarly, the California, Illinois, and Hawaii Public Utilities Commissions require the activation of some advanced inverter functionality to head off presumed grid reliability issues, which may require more oversight of the operation of the solar energy systems over time, but may also help ensure circuits remain open or interconnection costs remain low. Interconnection constraints and limits may hamper our ability to sell our offerings in certain markets and increase our costs, adversely affecting our business, operating results, financial condition, and prospects. We expect utility requirements to incorporate these advanced functions provided by the IEEE 1547-2018/UL-1741 SB inverters and that they will become more commonplace. Additional states are expected to adopt the usage of advanced inverters to align with California’s anticipated requirement that all new systems use inverters certified to the new UL 1741 SB standard. This requirement became effective in March 2023. All of our vendors are certified to this standard.

Risks Related to Our Business Operations

Our growth depends in part on the success of our relationships with third parties, including our solar partners.

A key component of our growth strategy is to develop or expand our relationships with third parties. For example, we are investing resources in establishing strategic relationships with market players across a variety of industries, including large retailers, to generate new customers. These programs may not roll out as quickly as planned or produce the results we anticipated. A significant portion of our business depends on attracting and retaining new and existing solar partners. Negotiating relationships with our solar partners, investing in due diligence efforts with potential solar partners, training such third parties and contractors, and monitoring them for compliance with our standards require significant time and resources and may present greater risks and challenges than expanding a direct sales or installation team. If we are unsuccessful in establishing or maintaining our relationships with these third parties, our ability to grow our business and address our market opportunity could be impaired. Even if we are able to establish and maintain these relationships, we may not be able to execute on our goal of leveraging these relationships to meaningfully expand our business, brand recognition and customer base. This would limit our growth potential and our opportunities to generate significant additional revenue or cash flows.

We and our solar partners depend on a limited number of suppliers of solar panels, batteries, and other system components to adequately meet anticipated demand for our solar service offerings. Any shortage,

bottlenecks, delay, detentions, or component price change from these suppliers, or the acquisition of any of these suppliers by a competitor, could result in sales and installation delays, cancellations, and loss of market share.

We and our solar partners purchase solar panels, inverters, batteries, and other system components from a limited number of suppliers, making us susceptible to quality issues, shortages, bottlenecks, and price changes. If we or our solar partners fail to develop, maintain and expand our relationships with these or other suppliers, we may be unable to adequately meet anticipated demand for our solar service offerings, or we may only be able to offer our systems at higher costs or after delays. If one or more of the suppliers that we or our solar partners rely upon to meet anticipated demand ceases or reduces production, we may be unable to quickly identify alternate suppliers or to qualify alternative products on commercially reasonable terms, and we may be unable to satisfy this demand.

The acquisition of a supplier by one of our competitors could also limit our access to such components and require significant redesigns of our solar energy systems or installation procedures and have a material adverse effect on our business.

In particular, there is a limited number of suppliers of inverters, which are components that convert electricity generated by solar panels into electricity that can be used to power the home. For example, once we design a system for use with a particular inverter, if that type of inverter is not readily available at an anticipated price, we may incur delays and additional expenses to redesign the system. Further, the inverters on our solar energy systems generally carry only ten year warranties. If there is an inverter equipment shortage in a year when a substantial number of inverters on our systems need to be replaced, we may not be able to replace the inverters to maintain proper system functioning or may be forced to do so at higher than anticipated prices, either of which would adversely impact our business.

Similarly, there is a limited number of suppliers of batteries. Once we design a system for use with a particular battery, if that type of battery is not readily available from our supplier, we may incur delays and additional expenses to install the system or be forced to redesign the system. Cost and mass production of battery cells depends in part upon the prices and availability of raw materials such as lithium, nickel, cobalt and/or other metals. The prices for these materials fluctuate and their available supply may be unstable, depending on market conditions and global demand for these materials. For example, as a result of increased global production of electric vehicles and energy storage products, global demand has increased for lithium-ion battery cells, which may cause challenges for our battery suppliers, including delays or price volatility. Any such delays or reduced availability of battery cells (or other component materials) may impact our sales and operating results. Further, these risks may increase as market demand for our solar and battery offering grows. Any reduced availability of these batteries may impact our growth, and any increases in their prices may reduce our profitability if we cannot recoup such costs through increased prices. Our inability to meet demand and any product price increases may harm our brand, growth, prospects and operating results.

There have also been periods of industry-wide shortage of key components, including solar panels, batteries and inverters, in times of rapid industry growth or regulatory change. Further, new or unexpected changes in rooftop fire codes or building codes may require new or different system components to satisfy compliance with such newly effective codes or regulations, which may not be readily available for distribution to us or our suppliers. The manufacturing infrastructure for some of these components has a long lead time, requires significant capital investment and relies on the continued availability of key commodity materials, potentially resulting in an inability to meet demand for these components and, as a result, could negatively impact our ability to install systems in a timely manner. Additionally, any decline in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar compared to the functional currency of our component suppliers could increase our component prices. Any of these shortages, delays or price changes could limit our growth, cause cancellations or adversely affect our operating margins, and result in loss of market share and damage to our brand.

Human rights issues in foreign countries and the U.S. government response to them could also disrupt our supply chain and operations. In particular, the WRO issued by the CBP on June 24, 2021 applicable to certain silica-based products manufactured in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, and any other allegations regarding forced labor in China and U.S. trade regulations to prohibit the importation of any goods derived from forced labor, could affect our operations. Further, the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act that President Biden signed into law on December 23, 2021, which took effect on June 21, 2022, has affected, and may continue to affect, our supply chain and operations. Intensive examinations, withhold release orders, and related governmental procedures have resulted in supply chain and operational delays throughout the industry, and we have implemented policies and procedures to maintain compliance and minimize delays. These and other similar trade restrictions that

may be imposed in the future could cause delivery and installation delays, and restrict the global supply of polysilicon and solar products. This, coupled with the passage of the IRA, could result in near-term demand for available solar energy systems despite higher costs, as well as increased costs of polysilicon and the overall cost of solar energy systems, potentially reducing overall demand for our products and services.

In addition, our supply chain and operations (or those of our partners) could be subject to events beyond our control, such as earthquakes, wildfires, flooding, hurricanes, tsunamis, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, droughts, tornadoes, the effects of climate change and related extreme weather, public health issues and pandemics, war, terrorism, government restrictions or limitations on trade, and geo-political unrest and uncertainties, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the current armed conflict in Israel and the Gaza Strip. We currently do not, and do not plan to in the future, source any products, materials, components, parts, or services directly from providers in these regions. As a result, we do not anticipate any material impacts to our supply chain directly arising from these conflicts at this time.

As the primary entity that contracts with customers, we are subject to risks associated with construction, cost overruns, delays, customer cancellations, regulatory compliance, and other contingencies, any of which could have a material adverse effect on our business and results of operations.

We are a licensed contractor in certain communities that we service, and we are ultimately responsible as the contracting party for every solar energy system installation. We may be liable, either directly or through our solar partners, to customers for any damage we cause to them, their home, belongings, or property during the installation of our systems. For example, we, either directly or through our solar partners, frequently penetrate customers’ roofs during the installation process and may incur liability for the failure to adequately weatherproof such penetrations following the completion of construction. In addition, because the solar energy systems we or our solar partners deploy are high voltage energy systems, we may incur liability for any failure to comply with electrical standards and manufacturer recommendations.

For example, on December 2, 2020, the California Contractors State License Board (the “CSLB”) filed an administrative proceeding against us and certain of our officers related to an accident that occurred during an installation by one of our affiliate channel partners, Horizon Solar Power, which held its own license with the CSLB. On November 8, 2021, the parties entered into a stipulated settlement imposing citations and withdrawing the administrative proceeding with additional conditions. We consistently denied wrongdoing concerning the allegations in the administrative proceeding and made no admissions of wrongdoing incident to the settlement. We could face other similar claims or proceedings in the future, which, if not resolved favorably, could potentially result in fines, public reprimand, probation, or the suspension or revocation of certain of our licenses.

Completing the sale and installation of a solar energy system requires many different steps including a site audit, completion of designs, permitting, installation, electrical sign-off and interconnection. Customers may cancel their Customer Agreement, subject to certain conditions, during this process until commencement of installation, and we have experienced increased customer cancellations in certain geographic markets during certain periods in our operating history. We or our solar partners may face customer cancellations, delays or cost overruns which may adversely affect our or our solar partners’ ability to ramp up the volume of sales or installations in accordance with our plans. These cancellations, delays or overruns may be the result of a variety of factors, such as labor shortages or other labor issues, defects in materials and workmanship, adverse weather conditions, transportation constraints, construction change orders, site changes or roof conditions, geographic factors, extended permitting and inspection times and other unforeseen difficulties or any other factors that may extend the timing to install, any of which could lead to increased cancellation rates, reputational harm and other adverse effects. For example, some customer orders are canceled after a site visit if we determine that a customer needs to make repairs to or install a new roof, or that there is excessive shading on their property. Additionally, as the demand for solar plus storage offerings grows, we anticipate facing additional operational challenges associated with the complexity of deploying storage solutions that tend to have longer cycle times due to factors such as lengthened permitting and inspection times and potential need of a main panel upgrade. Any such factors that extend the timeframes from customer signature to installation or increased project complexity may result in increased operational challenges and correspondingly lower realization rates. If we continue to experience increased customer cancellations, our financial results may be materially and adversely affected. In addition, the current macroeconomic environment, including rising interest rates, instability in financial markets and bank failures, may impact our ability to engage with new customers and expand our relationships with existing customers. If our customers are materially negatively impacted by these factors, our business could be negatively impacted.

Policy can impact solar installation completion timelines. For example, in fall 2022, California passed SB 379, which imposes a required timeline for cities and counties to implement an online, automated solar permitting platform like SolarAPP+. Cities with populations over 50,000 and counties with populations over 150,000 were

required to have instant, online, automated residential solar and storage permitting as of September 30, 2023, which may increase the speed at which we install solar systems. The remaining, smaller jurisdictions were required to implement instant, online residential solar and storage permitting by September 30, 2024.

In addition, the installation of solar energy systems and other energy-related products requiring building modifications are subject to oversight and regulation in accordance with national, state and local laws and ordinances relating to building, fire and electrical codes, safety, environmental protection, utility interconnection and metering, and related matters. We also rely on certain of our and our partners’ employees to maintain professional licenses in many of the jurisdictions in which we operate, and our failure to employ properly licensed personnel could adversely affect our licensing status in those jurisdictions. It is difficult and costly to track the requirements of every individual authority having jurisdiction over our installations and to design solar energy systems to comply with these varying standards. Any new government regulations or utility policies pertaining to our systems may result in significant additional expenses to us and our customers and, as a result, could cause a significant reduction in demand for our solar service offerings.

We have a variety of stringent quality standards that we apply in the selection, supervision, and oversight of our third-party suppliers and solar partners. We exercise oversight over our partners through written agreements requiring compliance with the laws and requirements of all jurisdictions, including regarding safety and consumer protections, by oversight of compliance with these agreements, and enforced by termination of a partner relationship for failure to meet those obligations. However, because our suppliers and partners are third parties, ultimately, we cannot guarantee that they will follow our standards or ethical business practices, such as fair wage practices and compliance with environmental, safety and other local laws, despite our efforts to hold them accountable to our standards. A lack of demonstrated compliance could lead us to seek alternative suppliers or contractors, which could increase our costs and result in delayed delivery or installation of our products, product shortages or other disruptions of our operations. Violation of labor or other laws by our suppliers and solar partners or the divergence of a supplier’s or solar partner’s labor or other practices from those generally accepted as ethical in the United States or other markets in which we do business could also attract negative publicity for us and harm our business, brand and reputation in the market.

If we fail to manage our recent and future growth effectively, we may be unable to execute our business plan, maintain high levels of customer service, or adequately address competitive challenges.

We have experienced significant growth in recent periods and we intend to continue to expand our business within existing markets, such as Puerto Rico, and in a number of new locations in the future, and with our product offerings, such as EV chargers. This growth has placed, and any future growth may continue to place, a significant strain on our management, operational and financial infrastructure. In particular, we have been in the past, and may in the future, be required to expand, train and manage our growing employee base and solar partners. Our management will also be required to maintain and expand our relationships with customers, suppliers, and other third parties and attract new customers and suppliers, as well as to manage multiple geographic locations.

In addition, our current and planned operations, personnel, systems and procedures might be inadequate to support our future growth and may require us to make additional unanticipated investment in our infrastructure, including additional costs for the expansion of our employee base and our solar partners as well as marketing and branding costs. Our success and ability to further scale our business will depend, in part, on our ability to manage these changes in a cost-effective and efficient manner. If we cannot manage our growth, we may be unable to take advantage of market opportunities, execute our business strategies or respond to competitive pressures. This could also result in declines in quality or customer satisfaction, increased costs, difficulties in introducing new solar service offerings or other operational difficulties. Any failure to effectively manage growth could adversely impact our business, operating results, financial condition, and reputation.

We typically bear the risk of loss and the cost of maintenance, repair and removal on solar energy systems that are owned or leased by our investment funds.

We typically bear the risk of loss and are generally obligated to cover the cost of maintenance, repair and removal for any solar energy system that we sell or lease to our investment funds. At the time we sell or lease a solar energy system to an investment fund, we enter into a maintenance services agreement where we agree to operate and maintain the system for a fixed fee that is calculated to cover our future expected maintenance costs. If our solar energy systems require an above-average amount of repairs or if the cost of repairing systems were higher than our estimate, we would need to perform such repairs without additional compensation. If our solar energy systems, more than 45% of which were located in California as of September 30, 2024, are damaged as the result of a natural disaster beyond our control, losses could exceed or be excluded from, our insurance policy limits,

and we could incur unforeseen costs that could harm our business and financial condition. We may also incur significant costs for taking other actions in preparation for, or in reaction to, such events. We purchase property insurance with industry standard coverage and limits approved by an investor’s third-party insurance advisors to hedge against such risk, but such coverage may not cover our losses.

Product liability claims against us could result in adverse publicity and potentially significant monetary damages.

If our solar service offerings, including our racking systems, photovoltaic modules, batteries, inverters, or other products, injured someone, we would be exposed to product liability claims. Because solar energy systems and many of our other current and anticipated products are electricity-producing devices, it is possible that customers or their property could be injured or damaged by our products, whether by product malfunctions, defects, improper installation or other causes. We rely on third-party manufacturing warranties, warranties provided by our solar partners and our general liability insurance to cover product liability claims and have not obtained separate product liability insurance. Our solar energy systems, including our photovoltaic modules, batteries, inverters, and other products, may also be subject to recalls due to product malfunctions or defects. Any product liability claim we face could be expensive to defend and divert management’s attention. The successful assertion of product liability claims against us could result in potentially significant monetary damages that could require us to make significant payments, as well as subject us to adverse publicity, damage our reputation and competitive position and adversely affect sales of our systems and other products. In addition, product liability claims, injuries, defects or other problems experienced by other companies in the residential solar industry could lead to unfavorable market conditions to the industry as a whole, and may have an adverse effect on our ability to attract customers, thus affecting our growth and financial performance.

Our business is concentrated in certain markets, putting us at risk of region-specific disruptions.

As of September 30, 2024, California represented over 45% of our customer base. This concentration of our customer base and operational infrastructure could lead to our business and results of operations being particularly susceptible to adverse economic, regulatory, political, weather and other conditions in this market and in other markets that may become similarly concentrated, in particular the east coast, where we have seen significant growth recently. Recent changes to net metering policy and the tariff structure in California in December 2022 have created additional uncertainty and challenges, given the size of our customer base in California. Originations in California continue to be below levels prior to the NBT transition, and without further increases in originations, our new installations in California may continue to decline compared to prior periods, which could have a material adverse effect on our business operations and financial performance.

Our corporate and sales headquarters are located in San Francisco, California, an area that has a heightened risk of earthquakes and nearby wildfires. We may not have adequate insurance, including business interruption insurance, to compensate us for losses that may occur from any such significant events. A significant natural disaster, such as an earthquake or wildfire, or a public health crisis, such as a pandemic, or civil unrest could have a material adverse impact on our business, results of operations and financial condition. In addition, acts of terrorism or malicious computer viruses could cause disruptions in our or our solar partners’ businesses or the economy as a whole. To the extent that these disruptions result in delays or cancellations of installations or the deployment of our solar service offerings, our business, results of operations and financial condition would be adversely affected.

Changes to the applicable laws and regulations governing direct-to-home sales and marketing may limit or restrict our ability to effectively compete.

We utilize a direct-to-home sales model as a primary sales channel and are vulnerable to changes in laws and regulations related to direct sales and marketing that could impose additional limitations on unsolicited residential sales calls and may impose additional restrictions such as adjustments to our marketing materials and direct-selling processes, and new training for personnel. If additional laws and regulations affecting direct sales and marketing are passed in the markets in which we operate, it would take time to train our sales professionals to comply with such laws, and we may be exposed to fines or other penalties for violations of such laws. If we fail to compete effectively through our direct-selling efforts, our financial condition, results of operations and growth prospects could be adversely affected.


Expanding and maintaining new sales channels and affiliate channel partner networks could be costly and time-consuming. As we enter new channels and establish new partnerships, we could be at a disadvantage relative to other companies who have more history in these spaces.

As we continue to grow and expand our sales channels and affiliate channel partner networks, we may encounter challenges and additional costs.

With respect to developing our sales channels, such as direct-to-home, homebuilder, retail, and e-commerce channels and adapting to a remote selling model, we have incurred and may continue to incur significant costs. In addition, we may not initially or ever be successful in utilizing these new channels. Furthermore, we may not be able to compete successfully with companies with a historical presence in such channels, and we may not realize the anticipated benefits of entering such channels, including efficiently increasing our customer base and ultimately reducing costs. Entering new channels also poses the risk of conflicts between sales channels. If we are unable to successfully compete in new channels, our operating results and growth prospects could be adversely affected.

If we fail to maintain or expand our affiliate channel partner relationships, we may be unable to adequately meet anticipated demand for our solar service offerings, or we may only be able to offer our systems at higher costs or after delays. Further, if the terms, including geographic scope, exclusivity, pricing, duration, or other key terms of our agreements with our solar partners are substantially altered, it may impact our operational results and financial performance.

Obtaining a sales contract with a potential customer does not guarantee that the potential customer will not decide to cancel or that we will not need to cancel due to a failed inspection, which could cause us to generate no revenue despite incurring costs and adversely affect our results of operations.

Even after we secure a sales contract with a potential customer, we (either directly or through our solar partners) must perform an inspection to ensure the home, including the rooftop, meets our standards and specifications. If the inspection finds repairs to the rooftop are required in order to satisfy our standards and specifications to install the solar energy system, and a potential customer does not want to make such required repairs, we would lose that anticipated sale. In addition, per the terms of our Customer Agreements, a customer maintains the ability to cancel before commencement of installation, subject to certain conditions. Any delay or cancellation of an anticipated sale could materially and adversely affect our financial results, as we may have incurred sales-related, design-related, and other expenses and generated no revenue.

The value of our solar energy systems at the end of the associated term of the lease or PPA may be lower than projected, which may adversely affect our financial performance and valuation.

We depreciate the costs of our solar energy systems over their estimated useful life of 35 years. At the end of the initial typically 20- or 25-year term of the Customer Agreement, customers may choose to purchase their solar energy systems, ask to remove the system at our cost or renew their Customer Agreements. Customers may choose to not renew or purchase for any reason, including pricing, decreased energy consumption, relocation of residence, or switching to a competitor product.

Furthermore, it is difficult to predict how future environmental regulations may affect the costs associated with the removal, disposal or recycling of our solar energy systems. If the value in trade or renewal revenue is less than we expect, we may be required to recognize all or some of the remaining unamortized costs. This could materially impair our future results of operations.

We are exposed to the credit risk of customers and payment delinquencies on our accounts receivables.

Our Customer Agreements are typically for 20 or 25 years and require the customer to make monthly payments to us. Accordingly, we are subject to the credit risk of customers. As of September 30, 2024, the average FICO score of our customers under a Customer Agreement with a monthly payment schedule remained at or above 740, which is generally categorized as a “Very Good” credit profile by the Fair Isaac Corporation. However, this may decline to the extent FICO score requirements under future investment funds are relaxed. While customer defaults have been immaterial to date, we expect that the risk of customer defaults may increase as we grow our business. Due to the immaterial amount of customer defaults to date, our reserve for this exposure is minimal, and our future exposure may exceed the amount of such reserves. If we experience increased customer credit defaults, our revenue and our ability to raise new investment funds could be adversely affected. If economic conditions worsen, certain of our customers may face liquidity concerns and may be unable to satisfy their payment obligations to us on

a timely basis or at all, which could have a material adverse effect on our financial condition and results of operations.

We may not realize the anticipated benefits of past or future investments, strategic transactions, or acquisitions, and integration of these acquisitions may disrupt our business and management.

We have in the past and may in the future, acquire companies, Project pipelines, Projects, SRECs, products, or technologies or enter into joint ventures or other strategic transactions. For example, we completed the acquisition of Vivint Solar on October 8, 2020. Also, in July 2020, we announced a venture with SK E&S Co., Ltd. and other affiliated companies focused on home electrification. We may not realize the anticipated benefits of past or future investments, strategic transactions, or acquisitions, and these transactions involve numerous risks that are not within our control. These risks include the following, among others:

failure to satisfy the required conditions and otherwise complete a planned acquisition, joint venture or other strategic transaction on a timely basis or at all;

legal or regulatory proceedings, if any, relating to a planned acquisition, joint venture or other strategic transaction and the outcome of such legal proceedings;

difficulty in assimilating the operations, systems, and personnel of the acquired company, especially given our unique culture;

difficulty in effectively integrating the acquired technologies or products with our current products and technologies;

difficulty in maintaining controls, procedures and policies during the transition and integration;

disruption of our ongoing business and distraction of our management and employees from other opportunities and challenges due to integration issues;

difficulty integrating the acquired company’s accounting, management information and other administrative systems;

inability to retain key technical and managerial personnel of the acquired business;

inability to retain key customers, vendors and other business partners of the acquired business;

inability to achieve the financial and strategic goals for the acquired and combined businesses;

incurring acquisition-related costs or amortization costs for acquired intangible assets that could impact our results of operations;

significant post-acquisition investments which may lower the actual benefits realized through the acquisition;

potential failure of the due diligence processes to identify significant issues with product quality, legal, and financial liabilities, among other things;

moderating and anticipating the impacts of inherent or emerging seasonality in acquired customer agreements;

potential inability to assert that internal controls over financial reporting are effective; and

potential inability to obtain, or obtain in a timely manner, approvals from governmental authorities, which could delay or prevent such acquisitions.

Our failure to address these risks, or other problems encountered in connection with our past or future investments, strategic transactions, or acquisitions, could cause us to fail to realize the anticipated benefits of these acquisitions or investments, cause us to incur unanticipated liabilities, and harm our business generally. Future

acquisitions could also result in dilutive issuances of our equity securities, the incurrence of debt, contingent liabilities, amortization expenses, incremental expenses or the write-off of goodwill, any of which could harm our financial condition or results of operations, and the trading price of our common stock could decline.

From time to time, we may pursue acquisitions of previously installed solar systems to further expand future solar and storage upsell and retrofit opportunities. While we do not expect such acquisitions to represent a material portion of our growth on an annual basis, we plan to pursue such transactions opportunistically. We may not realize the anticipated benefits of such transactions, and these transactions involve numerous risks that are not within our control.

Mergers and acquisitions are inherently risky, may not produce the anticipated benefits and could adversely affect our business, financial condition or results of operations.

If we are unsuccessful in developing and maintaining our proprietary technology, including our BrightPath software, our ability to attract and retain solar partners could be impaired, our competitive position could be harmed and our revenue could be reduced.

Our future growth depends on our ability to continue to develop and maintain our proprietary technology that supports our solar service offerings, including our design and proposal software, BrightPath. In addition, we rely, and expect to continue to rely, on licensing agreements with certain third parties for aerial images that allow us to efficiently and effectively analyze a customer’s rooftop for solar energy system specifications. In the event that our current or future products require features that we have not developed or licensed, or we lose the benefit of an existing license, we will be required to develop or obtain such technology through purchase, license or other arrangements. If the required technology is not available on commercially reasonable terms, or at all, we may incur additional expenses in an effort to internally develop the required technology. In addition, our BrightPath software was developed, in part, with U.S. federal government funding. When new technologies are developed with U.S. government funding, the government obtains certain rights in any resulting patents, including a nonexclusive license authorizing the government to use the invention for non-commercial purposes. These rights may permit the government to disclose certain confidential information related to BrightPath to third parties and to exercise “march-in” rights to use or allow third parties to use our patented technology. We are also subject to certain reporting and other obligations to the U.S. government in connection with funding for BrightPath. If we are unable to maintain our existing proprietary technology, our ability to attract and retain solar partners could be impaired, our competitive position could be harmed and our revenue could be reduced.

Disruptions to our solar production metering solution could negatively impact our revenue and increase our expenses.

Our ability to monitor solar energy production for various purposes depends on the operation of our metering solution. We could incur significant expense and disruption to our operations in connection with failures of our metering solution, including meter hardware failures and failure or obsolescence of the cellular technology that we use to communicate with those meters. For example, many of our meters operate on either the 3G or 4G cellular data networks, which are expected to sunset before the term of our Customer Agreements, and newer technologies we use today may become obsolete before the end of the term of Customer Agreements entered into now. Upgrading our metering solution may cause us to incur significant expense. Additionally, our meters communicate data through proprietary software, which we license from our metering partners. Should we be unable to continue to license, on agreeable terms, the software necessary to communicate with our meters, it could cause a significant disruption in our business and operations.

Problems with product quality or performance may cause us to incur warranty expenses and performance guarantee expenses, may lower the residual value of our solar energy systems and may damage our market reputation and cause our financial results to decline.

Customers who enter into Customer Agreements with us are covered by production guarantees and roof penetration warranties. As the owners of the solar energy systems, we or our investment funds receive a warranty from the inverter and solar panel manufacturers, and, for those solar energy systems that we do not install directly, we receive workmanship and material warranties as well as roof penetration warranties from our solar partners. Furthermore, one or more of our third-party manufacturers or solar partners could cease operations and no longer honor these warranties, leaving us to fulfill these potential obligations to customers, or such warranties may be limited in scope and amount, and may be inadequate to protect us. We also provide a performance guarantee with

certain solar service offerings pursuant to which we compensate customers on an annual basis if their system does not meet the electricity production guarantees set forth in their agreement with us. Customers who enter into Customer Agreements with us are covered by production guarantees equal to the length of the term of these agreements, typically 20 or 25 years. We may suffer financial losses associated if significant performance guarantee payments are triggered.

Because of our limited operating history and the length of the term of our Customer Agreements, we have been required to make assumptions and apply judgments regarding a number of factors, including our anticipated rate of warranty claims and the durability, performance and reliability of our solar energy systems. Our assumptions could prove to be materially different from the actual performance of our systems, causing us to incur substantial expense to repair or replace defective solar energy systems in the future or to compensate customers for systems that do not meet their production guarantees. Product failures or operational deficiencies also would reduce our revenue from power purchase or lease agreements because they are dependent on system production. Any widespread product failures or operating deficiencies may damage our market reputation and adversely impact our financial results.

Our business may be harmed if we fail to properly protect our intellectual property, and we may also be required to defend against claims or indemnify others against claims that our intellectual property infringes on the intellectual property rights of third parties.

We believe that the success of our business depends in part on our proprietary technology, including our software, information, processes and know-how. We rely on copyright, trade secret and patent protections to secure our intellectual property rights. Although we may incur substantial costs in protecting our technology, we cannot be certain that we have adequately protected or will be able to adequately protect it, that our competitors will not be able to utilize our existing technology or develop similar technology independently, that the claims allowed with respect to any patents held by us will be broad enough to protect our technology or that foreign intellectual property laws will adequately protect our intellectual property rights. Moreover, we cannot be certain that our patents provide us with a competitive advantage. Despite our precautions, it may be possible for third parties to obtain and use our intellectual property without our consent. Unauthorized use of our intellectual property by third parties, and the expenses incurred in protecting our intellectual property rights, may adversely affect our business. In the future, some of our products could be alleged to infringe existing patents or other intellectual property of third parties, and we cannot be certain that we will prevail in any intellectual property dispute. In addition, any future litigation required to enforce our patents, to protect our trade secrets or know-how or to defend us or indemnify others against claimed infringement of the rights of third parties could harm our business, financial condition, and results of operations.

We use “open source” software in our solutions, which may require that we release the source code of certain software subject to open source licenses or introduce vulnerabilities into our software that could become exploitable and expose sensitive data, either of which could subject us to possible litigation or other actions that could adversely affect our business.

We utilize software that is licensed under so-called “open source,” “free” or other similar licenses. Open source software is made available to the general public on an “as-is” basis under the terms of a non-negotiable license. We currently combine our proprietary software with open source software but not in a manner that we believe requires the release of the source code of our proprietary software to the public. However, our use of open source software may entail greater risks than use of third-party commercial software. Open source licensors generally do not provide warranties or other contractual protections regarding infringement claims or the quality of the code, which could introduce vulnerabilities that could be exploited and lead to the loss of sensitive or protected data. In addition, if we combine our proprietary software with open source software in a certain manner, we could, under certain open source licenses, be required to release the source code of our proprietary software to the public. This would allow our competitors to create similar offerings with lower development effort and time.

We may also face claims alleging noncompliance with open source license terms or infringement or misappropriation of proprietary software. These claims could result in litigation, require us to purchase a costly license or require us to devote additional research and development resources to change our software, any of which would have a negative effect on our business and results of operations. In addition, if the license terms for open source software that we use change, we may be forced to re-engineer our solutions, incur additional costs or discontinue the use of these solutions if re-engineering cannot be accomplished on a timely basis. Few courts have interpreted open source licenses, and there is a risk that these licenses could be construed in a way that could impose unanticipated conditions or restrictions on our ability to use our proprietary software. We cannot guarantee

that we have incorporated or will incorporate open source software in our software in a manner that will not subject us to liability or in a manner that is consistent with our current policies and procedures.

Any security breach, unauthorized access or disclosure, or theft of data, including personal information, we, our third-party service providers, and suppliers gather, store, transmit, and use, or other hacking, cyber-attack, phishing attack, and unauthorized intrusions into or through our systems or those of our third party service providers, could harm our reputation, subject us to claims, litigation, financial harm, and have an adverse impact on our business.

In the ordinary course of business, we, our third-party providers upon which we rely, and our suppliers collect, receive, store, transmit, process, and use proprietary, confidential, and sensitive data, including the personal information of customers, such as names, addresses, email addresses, credit information and other housing and energy use information, as well as the personal information of our employees. Unauthorized disclosure of such proprietary, confidential, or sensitive data, including personal information, whether through a breach of our or those of our third-party service providers and suppliers systems by an unauthorized party, including, but not limited to hackers, threat actors, sophisticated nation-states, nation-state-supported actors, personnel theft or misuse of information, or otherwise, could harm our business. Some actors now engage and are expected to continue to engage in cyber-attacks, including without limitation nation-state actors for geopolitical reasons and in conjunction with military conflicts and defense activities. During times of war and other major conflicts, we, the third parties upon which we rely, and our customers may be vulnerable to a heightened risk of these attacks, including retaliatory cyber-attacks, that could materially disrupt our systems and operations, supply chain, and ability to produce, sell and distribute our goods and services.

In addition, we, our third-party service providers upon which we rely, and our suppliers may be subject to a variety of evolving threats, such as computer malware (including as a result of advanced persistent threat intrusions), ransomware, malicious code (such as viruses or worms), social engineering (including through deep fakes, which may be increasingly more difficult to identify as fake, and phishing attacks), telecommunications failures, denial-of-service attacks, credential stuffing attacks, credential harvesting, personnel misconduct or error, supply-chain attacks, software bugs, server malfunctions, software or hardware failures, loss of data or other information technology assets, adware, natural disasters and extreme weather events, general hacking, and other similar threats. Cybersecurity threats have become more prevalent, and could impact our systems and those of our third parties in the future. Our team members who work remotely pose increased risks to our information technology systems and data, because many of them utilize network connections outside our premises that are less secure.

Applicable data privacy and security obligations may require us to notify relevant stakeholders, including affected individuals, customers, regulators, and investors, of security incidents. Such disclosures are costly, and the disclosure or the failure to comply with such requirements could lead to adverse consequences. Inadvertent disclosure of confidential data, such as personal information, or if a third party were to gain unauthorized access to this type of data in our possession, has resulted in, and could result in future claims or litigation arising from damages suffered by those affected, government enforcement actions (for example, investigations, fines, penalties, audits, and inspections), additional reporting requirements and/or oversight, indemnification obligations, reputational harm, interruptions in our operations, financial loss, and other similar harms. In addition, we could incur significant costs in complying with the multitude of federal, state and local laws, and applicable independent security control frameworks, regarding the unauthorized disclosure of personal information.

While we have implemented security measures designed to protect against security incidents, there can be no assurance that these measures will be effective. Finally, any perceived or actual unauthorized disclosure of such information, unauthorized intrusion, or other cyberthreat could harm our reputation, substantially impair our ability to attract and retain customers, interrupt our operations, and have an adverse impact on our business.

We rely on third-party service providers and technologies to operate critical business systems to process sensitive information in a variety of contexts, including, without limitation, cloud-based infrastructure, encryption and authentication technology, employee email, and other functions. Our ability to monitor these third parties’ information security practices is limited, and these third parties may not have adequate information security measures in place. If our third-party service providers experience a security incident or other interruption, we could experience adverse consequences. While we may be entitled to damages if our third-party service providers fail to satisfy their privacy or security-related obligations to us, any award may be insufficient to cover our damages, or we may be unable to recover such award.

Our contracts may not contain limitations of liability, and even where they do, there can be no assurance that limitations of liability in our contracts are sufficient to protect us from liabilities, damages, or claims related to our data privacy and security obligations. While we currently maintain cybersecurity insurance, such insurance may not

be sufficient to cover us against claims, and we cannot be certain that cyber insurance will continue to be available to us on economically reasonable terms, or at all, or that any insurer will not deny coverage as to any future claim.

We are, and may become, subject to stringent and evolving U.S. and foreign laws, regulations, and rules, contractual obligations, industry standards, policies and other obligations related to data privacy and security. Many of these laws and regulations are subject to change and uncertain interpretation, and could result in claims, increased cost of operations, or otherwise harm our business.

In the ordinary course of business, we process personal data and other sensitive information, including proprietary and confidential business data, trade secrets, intellectual property, and sensitive third-party data. Our data processing activities subject us to numerous data privacy and security obligations, such as various laws, regulations, guidance, industry standards, external and internal privacy and security policies, contractual requirements, and other obligations relating to data privacy and security. Obligations related to data privacy and security (and consumers’ data privacy expectations) are quickly changing, becoming increasingly stringent, and creating uncertainty. Additionally, these obligations may be subject to differing applications and interpretations, which may be inconsistent or conflict among jurisdictions. Preparing for and complying with these obligations requires us to devote significant resources, which may necessitate changes to our services, information technologies, systems, and practices, and to those of any third parties that process personal data on our behalf.

In the United States, federal, state, and local governments have enacted numerous data privacy and security laws, including data breach notification laws, personal data privacy laws, consumer protection laws, and other similar laws. For example, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (“TCPA”) imposes various consumer consent requirements and other restrictions on certain telemarketing activity and other communications with consumers by phone, fax, or text message, and violations of the TCPA violations can result in significant financial penalties, including penalties or criminal fines imposed by the Federal Communications Commission or fines of up to $1,500 per violation imposed through private litigation or by state authorities.

In the past few years, numerous U.S. states—including California, Colorado, Utah, Virginia, and Connecticut —have enacted comprehensive data privacy and security laws that impose certain obligations on covered businesses, including providing specific disclosures in privacy notices and affording residents with certain rights concerning their personal data. As applicable, such rights may include the right to access, correct, or delete certain personal data, and to opt-out of certain data processing activities, such as targeted advertising, profiling, and automated decision-making. The exercise of these rights may impact our business and ability to provide our products and services. Certain states also impose stricter requirements for processing certain personal data, including sensitive information. These state laws allow for statutory fines for noncompliance. For example, the CCPA applies to personal data of consumers, business representatives, and employees who are California residents, and requires businesses to provide specific disclosures in privacy notices and honor requests of such individuals to exercise certain privacy rights. The CCPA provides for fines of up to $7,500 per intentional violation and allows private litigants affected by certain data breaches to recover significant statutory damages. These developments further complicate compliance efforts, and increase legal risk and compliance costs for us, the third parties upon whom we rely, and our customers.

In addition to data privacy and security laws, we are or may become contractually subject to industry standards adopted by industry groups, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (“PCI DSS”). Noncompliance by us or third parties on whom we rely with PCI-DSS can result in penalties ranging from $5,000 to $100,000 per month by credit card companies, litigation, damage to our reputation, and revenue losses.

We publish privacy policies, marketing materials and other statements, regarding data privacy and security. If these policies, materials, or statements are found to be deficient, lacking in transparency, deceptive, unfair, or misrepresentative of our practices, we may be subject to investigation, enforcement actions by regulators or other adverse consequences. We may at times fail (or be perceived to have failed) in our efforts to comply with our data privacy and security obligations. Moreover, despite our efforts, our personnel or third parties on whom we rely may fail to comply with such obligations, which could negatively impact our business operations. If we or the third parties on which we rely fail, or are perceived to have failed, to address or comply with applicable data privacy and security obligations, we could face significant consequences, including but not limited to: government enforcement actions (e.g., investigations, fines, penalties, audits, inspections), litigation (including class-action claims), mass arbitration claims, additional reporting requirements and/or oversight, bans on processing personal data, and orders to destroy or not use personal data.

Information technology systems are a critical component of our long-term competitive strategy, and if we fail to timely and responsibly implement, adopt, and innovate in response to rapidly evolving technological developments, including the use of artificial intelligence, our ability to compete, financial condition, and operating results could be adversely impacted.


Our ability to compete effectively requires our continued investment in technology to ensure we provide ongoing value to our current and potential customers and operate efficiently. However, there are many uncertainties in newly emerging technologies and if we are unable to integrate and introduce new technologies, products, and services effectively, our ability to compete may be adversely affected and our business could be materially harmed.

Whether we compete effectively may also be impacted by our ability to accurately anticipate and effectively respond to the risks and opportunities presented by the disruptions and developments of emerging and newly available technologies, including artificial intelligence (“AI”). We may not be successful in anticipating or responding to these developments on a timely and cost-effective basis, and if the rate at which we adopt and the ways in which we apply new technologies lags or differs negatively in meaningful ways from our competitors, our business could be adversely affected.

In particular, generative AI and other new and emerging technologies present a number of inherent risks and incorporating them into our information technology infrastructure, products, and services responsibly is crucial to maintaining and strengthening our competitive position in the market. For example, AI technologies may create unintended biases, accuracy issues, and discriminatory outcomes that could lead to errors in our decision-making, product development or other business activities, which could have a negative impact on our business, operating results and financial condition. Further, the unauthorized use of AI technologies by our employees, third-party providers, or our suppliers pose additional risks relating to data privacy and security, including the potential exposure of our confidential information to unauthorized recipients. Use of AI tools could result in future claims or litigation related to unauthorized access to or use of confidential information and failure to comply with open source software requirements.

Damage to our brand and reputation or failure to expand our brand would harm our business and results of operations.

We depend significantly on our brand and reputation for high-quality solar service offerings, engineering and customer service to attract customers and grow our business. If we fail to continue to deliver our solar service offerings within the planned timelines, if our solar service offerings do not perform as anticipated or if we damage any customers’ properties or cancel Projects, our brand and reputation could be significantly impaired. We also depend greatly on referrals from customers for our growth. Therefore, our inability to meet or exceed customers’ expectations would harm our reputation and growth through referrals. We have at times focused particular attention on expeditiously growing our direct sales force and our solar partners, leading us in some instances to hire personnel or partner with third parties who we may later determine do not fit our company culture and standards. Given the sheer volume of interactions our direct sales force and our solar partners have with customers and potential customers, it is also unavoidable that some interactions will be perceived by customers and potential customers as less than satisfactory and result in complaints. If we cannot manage our hiring and training processes to limit potential issues and maintain appropriate customer service levels, our brand and reputation may be harmed and our ability to grow our business would suffer. In addition, if we were unable to achieve a similar level of brand recognition as our competitors, some of which may have a broader brand footprint, more resources and longer operational history, we could lose recognition in the marketplace among prospective customers, suppliers and partners, which could affect our growth and financial performance. Our growth strategy involves marketing and branding initiatives that will involve incurring significant expenses in advance of corresponding revenue. We cannot assure you that such marketing and branding expenses will result in the successful expansion of our brand recognition or increase our revenue. We are also subject to marketing and advertising regulations in various jurisdictions, and overly restrictive conditions on our marketing and advertising activities may inhibit the sales of the affected products.

A failure to hire and retain a sufficient number of employees and service providers in key functions would constrain our growth and our ability to timely complete customers’ projects and successfully manage customer accounts.

To support our growth, we need to hire, train, deploy, manage and retain a substantial number of skilled employees, engineers, installers, electricians, sales and project finance specialists. Competition for qualified personnel in our industry is increasing, particularly for skilled personnel involved in the installation of solar energy systems. We have in the past been, and may in the future be, unable to attract or retain qualified and skilled installation personnel or installation companies to be our solar partners, which would have an adverse effect on our business. We and our solar partners also compete with the homebuilding and construction industries for skilled labor. As these industries grow and seek to hire additional workers, our cost of labor may increase. The unionization of the industry’s labor force could also increase our labor costs. Shortages of skilled labor could significantly delay a

project or otherwise increase our costs. Because our profit on a particular installation is based in part on assumptions as to the cost of such a project, cost overruns, delays or other execution issues may cause us to not achieve our expected margins or cover our costs for that project. In addition, because we are headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, we compete for a limited pool of technical and engineering resources that requires us to pay wages that are competitive with relatively high regional standards for employees in these fields. Further, we need to continue to expand upon the training of our customer service team to provide high-end account management and service to customers before, during and following the point of installation of our solar energy systems. Identifying, and recruiting qualified personnel and training them requires significant time, expense and attention. It can take several months before a new customer service team member is fully trained and productive at the standards that we have established. If we are unable to hire, develop and retain talented technical and customer service personnel, we may not be able to realize the expected benefits of this investment or grow our business.

In addition, to support the growth and success of our direct-to-consumer channel, we need to recruit, retain and motivate a large number of sales personnel on a continuing basis. We compete with many other companies for qualified sales personnel, and it could take many months before a new salesperson is fully trained on our solar service offerings. If we are unable to hire, develop and retain qualified sales personnel or if they are unable to achieve desired productivity levels, we may not be able to compete effectively.

If we or our solar partners cannot meet our hiring, retention and efficiency goals, we may be unable to complete customers’ Projects on time or manage customer accounts in an acceptable manner or at all. Any significant failures in this regard would materially impair our growth, reputation, business and financial results. If we are required to pay higher compensation than we anticipate, these greater expenses may also adversely impact our financial results and the growth of our business.

Regulators may limit the type of electricians qualified to install and service our solar and battery systems in California, which may result in workforce shortages, operational delays, and increased costs.

In June 2023, the CSLB initiated a formal rule proposal to allow solar installers (C-46 license holders) to continue to install energy storage systems less than 80 kWh when “incidental and supplemental” to the installation of a PV system, but would require the use of a C-10 license holder for repair and retrofit work. The proposed rule was adopted by the CSLB on April 18, 2024. The Office of Administrative Law approved the proposed rule on June 5, 2024, and the rule was set to be effective as of October 1, 2024. However, there is currently a preliminary injunction in the case and the CSLB is enjoined from taking any action to enforce or implement the regulation pending resolution of the case. The energy storage systems that we install in the residential market typically do not exceed 80 kWh.

While our workforce includes workers operating under both C-10 and C-46 licenses in California, there are a limited number of C-10 certified electricians in the state and we are required to have each jobsite staffed with a Commercial Journeyperson or Residential Wireman (if it is a residential job) if any electrical work is being performed under a C-10, which may result in workforce shortages, operational delays, and increased costs. Obtaining a C-10 license can be an extended process, and the timing and cost of having a large number of our C-46 licensed Solar Contractors seek such additional qualification is unclear. A significant portion of our customer base is in California, and as the state deals with growing wildfire risk and grid instability, an increasing number of our customers are choosing our solar and battery offerings. If we are unable to hire, develop and retain sufficient certified electricians, our growth of solar and battery customers in California may be significantly constrained, which would negatively impact our operating results. We have actively managed our workforce in anticipation of these changing contractor regulations by signing up Electrical Trainees in all of our California branches and through on the job training plus enrollment in schooling we have had many of our trainees become Journeypersons as well.

Our workforce has led the industry in safely installing solar and battery systems for tens of thousands of customers across the country, and we intend to work with regulators, industry partners, and stakeholders to grow the solar and battery market throughout California.

The loss of one or more members of our senior management or key employees may adversely affect our ability to implement our strategy.

We depend on our experienced management team, and the loss of one or more key executives could have a negative impact on our business. With any change in leadership, there is a risk to organizational effectiveness and employee retention as well as the potential for disruption to our business. None of our key executives or our key employees are bound by employment agreements for any specific term, and we may be unable to replace key members of our management team and key employees in the event we lose their services. Integrating new

employees into our management team could prove disruptive to our operations, require substantial resources and management attention and ultimately prove unsuccessful. An inability to attract and retain sufficient managerial personnel who have critical industry experience and relationships could limit or delay our strategic efforts, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and results of operations.

We are subject to legal proceedings, regulatory inquiries and litigation, and we have previously been, and may in the future be, named in additional legal proceedings, become involved in regulatory inquiries or be subject to litigation in the future, all of which are costly, distracting to our core business and could result in an unfavorable outcome, or a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations, or the trading price for our securities.

We are involved in legal proceedings and receive inquiries from government and regulatory agencies from time to time. In the event that we are involved in significant disputes or are the subject of a formal action by a regulatory agency, we could be exposed to costly and time-consuming legal proceedings that could result in any number of outcomes. Although outcomes of such actions vary, any current or future claims or regulatory actions initiated by or against us, whether successful or not, could result in significant costs, costly damage awards or settlement amounts, injunctive relief, increased costs of business, fines or orders to change certain business practices, significant dedication of management time, diversion of significant operational resources, or otherwise harm our business.

If we are not successful in our legal proceedings and litigation, we may be required to pay significant monetary damages, which could hurt our results of operations. Lawsuits are time-consuming and expensive to resolve and divert management’s time and attention. Although we carry general liability insurance, our insurance may not cover potential claims or may not be adequate to indemnify us for all liability that may be imposed. We cannot predict how the courts will rule in any potential lawsuit against us. Decisions in favor of parties that bring lawsuits against us could subject us to significant liability for damages, adversely affect our results of operations and harm our reputation.

A failure to comply with laws and regulations relating to our interactions with current or prospective residential customers could result in negative publicity, claims, investigations, and litigation, and adversely affect our financial performance.

Our business involves transactions with customers. We and our solar partners must comply with numerous federal, state and local laws and regulations that govern matters relating to our interactions with customers, including those pertaining to data privacy and security, consumer financial and credit transactions, home improvement contracts, warranties and direct-to-home solicitation, along with certain rules and regulations specific to the marketing and sale of residential solar products and services. These laws and regulations are dynamic and subject to potentially differing interpretations, and various federal, state and local legislative and regulatory bodies may expand current laws or regulations, or enact new laws and regulations, regarding these matters. Changes in these laws or regulations or their interpretation could dramatically affect how we do business, acquire customers, and manage and use information we collect from and about current and prospective customers and the costs associated therewith. We strive to comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to our interactions with residential customers. It is possible, however, that these requirements may be interpreted and applied in a manner that is inconsistent from one jurisdiction to another and may conflict with other rules or our practices. Noncompliance with any such laws or regulations, or the perception that we or our solar partners have violated such laws or regulations or engaged in deceptive practices that could result in a violation, could also expose us to claims, proceedings, litigation and investigations by private parties and regulatory authorities, as well as substantial fines and negative publicity, each of which may materially and adversely affect our business. We have incurred, and will continue to incur, significant expenses to comply with such laws and regulations, and increased regulation of matters relating to our interactions with residential customers could require us to modify our operations and incur significant additional expenses, which could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and results of operations.

Any investigations, actions, adoption or amendment of regulations relating to the marketing of our products to residential consumers could divert management’s attention from our business, require us to modify our operations and incur significant additional expenses, which could have an adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and results of operations or could reduce the number of our potential customers.


We cannot ensure that our sales professionals and other personnel will always comply with our standard practices and policies, as well as applicable laws and regulations. In any of the numerous interactions between our sales professionals or other personnel and our customers or potential customers, our sales professionals or other personnel may, without our knowledge and despite our efforts to effectively train them and enforce compliance, engage in conduct that is or may be prohibited under our standard practices and policies and applicable laws and regulations. Any such non-compliance, or the perception of non-compliance, has exposed us to claims and could expose us to additional claims, proceedings, litigation, investigations, or enforcement actions by private parties or regulatory authorities, as well as substantial fines and negative publicity, each of which may materially and adversely affect our business and reputation. We have incurred, and will continue to incur, significant expenses to comply with the laws, regulations and industry standards that apply to us.

Compliance with occupational safety and health requirements and best practices can be costly, and noncompliance with such requirements may result in potentially significant penalties, operational delays and adverse publicity.

The installation of solar energy systems requires our employees and employees of our solar partners to work with complicated and potentially dangerous electrical and utility systems. The evaluation and installation of our energy-related products also require these employees to work in locations that may contain potentially dangerous levels of asbestos, lead or mold or other substances. We also maintain large fleets of vehicles that these employees use in the course of their work. There is substantial risk of serious illness, injury, or death if proper safety procedures are not followed. Our operations are subject to regulation under OSHA and equivalent state laws. Changes to OSHA requirements, or stricter interpretation or enforcement of existing laws or regulations, could result in increased costs. If we fail to comply with applicable OSHA regulations, even if no work-related serious illness, injury, or death occurs, we may be subject to civil or criminal enforcement and be required to pay substantial penalties, incur significant capital expenditures, or suspend or limit operations. Any accidents, citations, violations, illnesses, injuries or failure to comply with industry best practices may subject us to adverse publicity, damage our reputation and competitive position and adversely affect our business.

If our products do not work as well as planned or if we are unsuccessful in developing and selling new products or in penetrating new markets, our business, financial condition, and results of operations could be adversely affected.

Our success and ability to compete are dependent on the products that we have developed or may develop in the future. There is a risk that the products that we have developed or may develop may not work as intended, or that the marketing of the products may not be as successful as anticipated. The development of new products generally requires substantial investment and can require long development and testing periods before they are commercially viable. We intend to continue to make substantial investments in developing new products and it is possible that we may not develop or acquire new products or product enhancements that compete effectively within our target markets or differentiate our products based on functionality, performance or cost and thus our new technologies and products may not result in meaningful revenue. In addition, any delays in developing and releasing new or enhanced products could cause us to lose revenue opportunities and potential customers. Any technical flaws in product releases could diminish the innovative impact of our products and have a negative effect on customer adoption and our reputation. If we fail to introduce new products that meet the demands of our customers or target markets or do not achieve market acceptance, or if we fail to penetrate new markets, our business, financial conditions and results of operations could be adversely affected.

We have incurred losses and may be unable to sustain profitability in the future.

We have incurred net losses in the past and may continue to incur net losses as we increase our spending to finance the expansion of our operations, expand our installation, engineering, administrative, sales and marketing staffs, increase spending on our brand awareness and other sales and marketing initiatives, make significant investments to drive future growth in our business and implement internal systems and infrastructure to support our growth. We do not know whether our revenue will grow rapidly enough to absorb these costs and our limited operating history makes it difficult to assess the extent of these expenses or their impact on our results of operations. Our ability to sustain profitability depends on a number of factors, including but not limited to:

growing our customer base;


reducing our operating costs by lowering our customer acquisition costs and optimizing our design and installation processes and supply chain logistics;

finding investors willing to invest in our investment funds on favorable terms;

maintaining or further lowering our cost of capital;

reducing the cost of components for our solar service offerings;

growing and maintaining our affiliate channel partner network;

maintaining high levels of product quality, performance, and customer satisfaction; and

growing our direct-to-consumer business to scale.

Even if we do sustain profitability, we may be unable to achieve positive cash flows from operations in the future.

Our results of operations may fluctuate from quarter to quarter, which could make our future performance difficult to predict and could cause our results of operations for a particular period to fall below expectations, resulting in a decline in the price of our common stock.

Our quarterly results of operations are difficult to predict and may fluctuate significantly in the future. We have experienced seasonal and quarterly fluctuations in the past and expect these fluctuations to continue. However, given that we are operating in a rapidly changing industry, those fluctuations may be masked by our recent growth rates and thus may not be readily apparent from our historical results of operations. As such, our past quarterly results of operations may not be good indicators of future performance.

In addition to the other risks described in this “Risk Factors” section, as well as the factors discussed in the “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” section, the following factors, among others, could cause our results of operations and key performance indicators to fluctuate:

the expiration, reduction or initiation of any governmental tax rebates, tax exemptions, or incentives;

significant fluctuations in customer demand for our solar service offerings or fluctuations in the geographic concentration of installations of solar energy systems;

changes in financial markets, which could restrict our ability to access available and cost-effective financing sources;

seasonal, environmental or weather conditions that impact sales, energy production, and system installations;

the amount and timing of operating expenses related to the maintenance and expansion of our business, operations and infrastructure;

announcements by us or our competitors of new products or services, significant acquisitions, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, or capital-raising activities or commitments;

changes in our pricing policies or terms or those of our competitors, including utilities;

changes in regulatory policy related to solar energy generation;

the loss of one or more key partners or the failure of key partners to perform as anticipated;

actual or anticipated developments in our competitors’ businesses or the competitive landscape;

actual or anticipated changes in our growth rate;


general economic, industry and market conditions beyond our control, such as bank failures, the COVID-19 pandemic, inflationary pressures, other macroeconomic factors, and associated economic downturn; and

changes to our cancellation rate.

In the past, we have experienced seasonal fluctuations in sales and installations, particularly in the fourth quarter. This has been the result of decreased sales through the holiday season and weather-related installation delays. Our incentives revenue is also highly variable due to associated revenue recognition rules, as discussed in greater detail in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. Seasonal and other factors may also contribute to variability in our sales of solar energy systems and product sales. For these or other reasons, the results of any prior quarterly or annual periods should not be relied upon as indications of our future performance. In addition, our actual revenue or key operating metrics in one or more future quarters may fall short of the expectations of investors and financial analysts. If that occurs, the trading price of our common stock could decline and you could lose part or all of your investment.

Our actual financial results may differ materially from any guidance we may publish from time to time.

We have in the past provided, and may from time to time provide, guidance regarding our future performance that represents our management’s estimates as of the date such guidance is provided. Any such guidance is based upon a number of assumptions with respect to future business decisions (some of which may change) and estimates that, while presented with numerical specificity, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, and competitive uncertainties and contingencies (many of which are beyond our control, including those related to the COVID-19 pandemic, inflationary pressures, geopolitical conflict, bank failures, other macroeconomic factors, and associated economic downturn). Guidance is necessarily speculative in nature, and it can be expected that some or all of the assumptions that inform such guidance will not materialize or will vary significantly from actual results. Our ability to meet deployment volume, cost, net present value or any other forward-looking guidance is impacted by a number of factors including, but not limited to, the number of our solar energy systems purchased outright versus the number of our solar energy systems that are subject to long-term Customer Agreements, changes in installation costs, the availability of additional financing on acceptable terms, changes in the retail prices of traditional utility generated electricity, the availability of rebates, tax credits and other incentives, changes in policies and regulations including net metering and interconnection limits or caps, the availability of solar panels and other raw materials, as well as the other risks to our business that are described in this section. Accordingly, our guidance is only an estimate of what management believes is realizable as of the date such guidance is provided. Actual results may vary from such guidance and the variations may be material. Investors should also recognize that the reliability of any forecasted financial data diminishes the farther in the future that the data is forecast. In light of the foregoing, investors should not place undue reliance on our financial guidance, and should carefully consider any guidance we may publish in context.

The requirements of being a public company may strain our resources, divert management’s attention and affect our ability to attract and retain qualified board members and officers.

We are subject to the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act, the listing requirements of the Nasdaq Stock Market and other applicable rules and regulations, including, among other requirements, U.S. laws regarding requirements to disclose efforts to identify the origin and existence of certain “conflict minerals.” Compliance with these rules and regulations has increased our legal and financial compliance costs, made some activities more difficult, time-consuming or costly and increased demand on our systems and resources. The Exchange Act requires, among other things, that we file annual, quarterly and current reports with respect to our business and results of operations and maintain effective disclosure controls and procedures and internal controls over financial reporting. Maintaining our disclosure controls and procedures and internal controls over financial reporting in accordance with this standard requires significant resources and management oversight. As a result, management’s attention may be diverted from other business concerns, which could harm our business and results of operations. Although we have already hired additional employees to comply with these requirements, we may need to hire more employees in the future, which will increase our costs and expenses.

Risks Related to Taxes and Accounting

Our ability to provide our solar service offerings to customers on an economically viable basis depends in part on our ability to finance these systems with fund investors who seek particular tax and other benefits.

Our solar service offerings have been eligible for federal investment tax credits, U.S. Treasury grants, and other tax benefits. We have relied on, and will continue to rely on, tax equity investment funds, which are financing

structures that monetize a substantial portion of those benefits, in order to finance our solar service offerings. If, for any reason, we are unable to continue to monetize those benefits through these arrangements, we may be unable to provide and maintain our solar service offerings for customers on an economically viable basis.

The availability of this tax-advantaged financing depends upon many factors, including:

our ability to compete with other solar energy companies for the limited number of potential fund investors, each of which has limited funds and limited appetite for the tax benefits associated with these financings;

the state of financial and credit markets;

changes in the legal or tax risks associated with these financings; and

legislative or regulatory changes or decreases to these incentives, including forthcoming final regulations from the U.S. Treasury regarding the Section 48 investment tax credit and the “tech-neutral” Section 48E Clean Electricity Investment Tax Credit.

The federal government currently offers a Commercial ITC under Section 48(a) of the Code, for the installation of certain energy properties, including solar power and storage facilities owned for business purposes. The Commercial ITC was extended and expanded upon by the IRA, which was signed into law by President Biden on August 16, 2022. The IRA also created several ITC “bonus credits” to further incentivize various types of solar and storage facilities.

Our inability to operationalize these tax credits, avail ourselves of IRA benefits in a timely fashion, or ensure the facilities we intend to qualify under the ITC bonus credits satisfy the applicable requirements could impact our ability to compete, and compromise or eliminate opportunities to financially benefit from these tax credits, which would adversely impact our business. The U.S. Department of the Treasury is in various stages of issuing guidance on the ITC bonus credits.

Forthcoming further regulations and guidance on the ITC bonus credits and allocation process will be necessary to determine whether, to what extent, and when we may benefit from the bonus credits, and our ability to incorporate them into our business operations, which will be further impacted by when the U.S. Treasury promulgates additional guidance and the official regulations. The U.S. Treasury is expected to issue proposed and/or final rules on the Energy Communities Bonus Credit, the Domestic Content Bonus Credit and the Clean Electricity Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program in late 2024 or early 2025.

The federal government also currently offers a Residential Clean Energy Credit, for the installation of certain solar power facilities owned by residential taxpayers, which is applicable to customers who purchase a solar energy system outright as opposed to entering into a Customer Agreement.

We and our tax equity partners have claimed and expect to continue to claim ITCs with respect to qualifying solar energy projects. However, the application of law and guidance regarding ITC eligibility to the facts of particular solar energy projects is subject to a number of uncertainties, in particular with respect to the new IRA provisions for which U.S. Treasury regulations (“Treasury Regulations”) will continue to be forthcoming, and there can be no assurance that the IRS will agree with our approach in the event of an audit. The U.S. Treasury is expected to continue issuing Treasury Regulations and additional guidance with respect to the application of the newly enacted IRA provisions, and the IRS and U.S. Treasury may modify existing guidance, possibly with retroactive effect. For example, on November 17, 2023 the U.S. Treasury published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) titled “Definition of Energy Property and Rules Applicable to the Energy Credit,” which will update the rules and regulations of the Section 48 ITC. Additionally, on January 1, 2025, the ITC framework of Section 48 that the solar industry has historically relied upon will shift to the “tech-neutral” Section 48E Clean Electricity Investment Tax Credit. This transition may create uncertainty regarding the implementation of Section 48E and any potential U.S. Treasury guidance related to obtaining ITCs under this new framework, which may cause delays or potentially adverse impacts on our business. Any of the foregoing items could reduce the amount of ITCs available to us and our tax equity partners. In this event, we could be required to indemnify tax equity partners for disallowed ITCs, adjust the terms of future tax equity partnerships, or seek alternative sources of funding for solar energy projects, each of which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.

Future reductions in the Commercial ITC and any further legislative reductions or changes to the Commercial ITC may impact the attractiveness of solar energy to certain tax equity investors and could potentially

harm our business. Obtaining tax equity funding (and tax equity funding on advantageous terms) also may become more challenging. Additionally, the benefits of the Commercial ITC have historically enhanced our ability to provide competitive pricing for customers. Reductions in, eliminations of or expirations of governmental incentives such as the Residential Clean Energy Credit could reduce the number of customers who choose to purchase our solar energy systems.

Additionally, potential investors must remain satisfied that the structures that we offer make the tax benefits associated with solar energy systems available to these investors, which depends on the investors’ assessment of the tax law, the absence of any unfavorable interpretations of that law and the continued application of existing tax law and interpretations to our funding structures. Changes in existing law or interpretations of existing law by the IRS and/or the courts could reduce the willingness of investors to invest in funds associated with these solar energy systems. Moreover, reductions to the corporate tax rate may reduce the appetite for tax benefits overall, which could reduce the pool of available funds. Accordingly, we cannot provide assurances that this type of financing will continue to be available to us. New investment fund structures or other financing mechanisms may become available, but if we are unable to take advantage of these fund structures and financing mechanisms, we may be at a competitive disadvantage. If, for any reason, we are unable to finance our solar service offerings through tax-advantaged structures or if we are unable to realize or monetize Commercial ITCs or other tax benefits, we may no longer be able to provide our solar service offerings to new customers on an economically viable basis, which would have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and operations.

If the IRS makes determinations that the creditable basis of our solar energy systems is materially lower than what we have claimed, we may have to pay significant amounts to our fund investors, and our business, financial condition, and prospects may be materially and adversely affected.

We and our fund investors claim the Commercial ITC in amounts based on the purchase price paid by our funds for our solar energy systems (i.e., the funds’ basis in the solar energy systems, or creditable basis). Such purchase prices are based on the fair market value of our systems as determined pursuant to independent appraisals obtained by us. With respect to Commercial ITCs, the IRS may on audit determine that the creditable basis for our solar energy systems is lower than the amount determined by the appraisal and accordingly argue that the tax credits previously claimed must be reduced. If the creditable basis is determined in these circumstances to be less than what we or our tax equity investment funds reported, we may owe our fund investors an amount equal to the amount by which the ITCs are reduced (including any interest and penalties), plus any costs and expenses associated with a challenge to that valuation. We could also be subject to tax liabilities, including interest and penalties. If the IRS further disagrees now or in the future with the amounts we or our tax equity investment funds reported regarding the creditable or depreciable basis of our solar energy systems, it could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, and prospects.

We have purchased insurance policies insuring us and related parties for additional taxes owed in respect of lost Commercial ITCs, depreciation, gross-up costs and expenses incurred in defending the types of claims described above. However, these policies only cover certain investment funds and have negotiated exclusions from, and limitations to, coverage and therefore may not cover us for all such lost Commercial ITCs, taxes, costs and expenses.

The IRS is auditing one of our investors in an audit involving a review of the fair market value determination of our solar energy systems in the investment fund, which is covered by our 2018 insurance policy. If this audit results in an adverse final determination, we may be subject to an indemnity obligation to our investor, which may result in certain limited out-of-pocket costs and potential increased insurance premiums in the future.

Our business currently depends on the availability of utility rebates, tax credits and other benefits, tax exemptions and exclusions, and other financial incentives on the federal, state, and/or local levels. We may be adversely affected by changes in, and application of, these laws or other incentives to us, and the expiration, elimination or reduction of these benefits could adversely impact our business.

Our business depends on government policies that promote and support solar energy and enhance the economic viability of owning solar energy systems. U.S. federal, state and local governmental bodies provide incentives to owners, distributors, installers and manufacturers of solar energy systems to promote solar energy. These incentives include Commercial ITCs and Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit, as discussed above, as well as other tax credits, rebates and SRECs associated with solar energy generation. Some markets, such as New Jersey and Maryland, currently utilize SRECs. SRECs can be volatile and their value could decrease over time as the supply of SREC-producing solar energy systems installed in a particular market increases. We rely on these

incentives to lower our cost of capital and to attract investors, all of which enable us to lower the price we charge customers for our solar service offerings. These incentives have had a significant impact on the development of solar energy but they could change at any time, especially after changes in the Administration or Congress. These incentives may also expire on a particular date, when the allocated funding is exhausted, or be reduced, terminated or repealed without notice. The financial value of certain incentives may also decrease over time.

In December 2017, significant federal tax legislation was enacted, including a change to the corporate tax rate (the “Tax Act”). As part of the Tax Act, the current corporate income tax rate was reduced, and there were other changes including limiting or eliminating various other deductions, credits and tax preferences. This reduction in the corporate income tax rate may have reduced appetite for the Commercial ITC and depreciation benefits available with respect to solar facilities. The IRA implemented a corporate alternative minimum tax of 15% of financial statement income (subject to certain adjustments) for companies that report over $1 billion in profits to shareholders; similar to existing law, business credits (including Commercial ITCs) are limited to 75% of income in excess of $25,000 (with no limit against the first $25,000). We cannot predict whether and to what extent the U.S. corporate income tax rate will change as a result of the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. Congress is constantly considering changes to the tax code. For example, on June 13, 2023, the House Ways & Means Committee passed legislation (H.R. 3938) that, if it became law, would eliminate the IRA’s Section 48E Clean Electricity Investment Credit, which is scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2025. Further limitations on, or elimination of, the tax benefits that support the financing of solar energy under current U.S. law could significantly impact our ability to raise tax equity investment funds or impact the terms thereof, including the amount of cash distributable to our investors. Similarly, any unfavorable interpretations of tax law by the IRS and/or the courts with respect to our financing structures could reduce the willingness of investors to invest in our funds associated with any such structure.

Any effort to overturn federal and state laws, regulations or policies that are supportive of solar energy generation or that remove costs or other limitations on other types of energy generation that compete with solar energy projects could materially and adversely affect our business.

Our business model also relies on multiple tax exemptions offered at the state and local levels. For example, some states have property tax exemptions that exempt the value of solar energy systems in determining values for calculation of local and state real and personal property taxes. State and local tax exemptions can have sunset dates, triggers for loss of the exemption, and can be changed by state legislatures and other regulators, and if solar energy systems were not exempt from such taxes, the property taxes payable by customers would be higher, which could offset any potential savings our solar service offerings could offer. Similarly, if state or local legislatures or tax administrators impose property taxes on third-party owners of solar energy systems, solar companies like us would be subject to higher costs.

In general, we rely on certain state and local tax exemptions that apply to the sale of equipment, sale of power, or both. These state and local tax exemptions can expire, can be changed by state legislatures, or their application to us can be challenged by regulators, tax administrators, or court rulings, and such changes could adversely impact our business and the profitability of our offerings in certain markets.

We may be subject to adverse California property tax consequences.

The State of California provides an exclusion (the “Solar Exclusion”) from the assessment of California property taxes for qualifying “active solar energy systems” installed as fixtures before January 1, 2027, provided such systems are locally rather than centrally assessed (“Eligible Property”). However, the Solar Exclusion is not a permanent exclusion from the assessment of property tax. Once a change in ownership of the Eligible Property occurs, the Eligible Property may be subject to reassessment and California property taxes may become due.

Vivint Solar, through certain of its subsidiaries, owns solar energy systems that constitute Eligible Property (the “California PV Systems”). To the extent Vivint Solar or its subsidiaries are considered the tax owners of the California PV Systems for purposes of the California Revenue and Tax Code, our acquisition of Vivint Solar may constitute a change of control of the California PV Systems, triggering the loss of the Solar Exclusion and the imposition of California property taxes, which could adversely affect our business.

If we are unable to maintain effective disclosure controls and internal controls over financial reporting, investors may lose confidence in the accuracy and completeness of our financial reports and, as a result, the value of our common stock may be materially and adversely affected.


We are required, pursuant to the Exchange Act, to furnish a report by management on, among other things, the effectiveness of our internal controls over financial reporting. This assessment includes disclosure of any material weaknesses, if any, identified by our management in our internal controls over financial reporting. We are continuing to develop and refine our disclosure controls and improve our internal controls over financial reporting. We have expended, and anticipate that we will continue to expend, significant resources in order to maintain and continuously look for ways to enhance existing effective disclosure controls and procedures and internal controls over financial reporting. Our current controls and any new controls that we develop may become inadequate because of changes in conditions in our business, which presents additional complexities relating to the design and implementation of our disclosure controls and internal control over financial reporting. In addition, we or our independent accounting firm may identify weaknesses and deficiencies that we may not otherwise identify in a timely manner in the future. If we are not able to complete the work required under Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on a timely basis for future fiscal years, our annual report on Form 10-K may be delayed or deficient. Because of the inherent limitations in all control systems, no evaluation of controls can provide absolute assurance that misstatements due to error or fraud will not occur or that all control issues and instances of fraud will be detected.

We cannot guarantee that our internal controls over financial reporting will prevent or detect all errors and fraud. The risk of errors is increased in light of the complexity of our business and investment funds. For example, we must deal with significant complexity in accounting for our fund structures and the resulting allocation of net (loss) income between our stockholders and noncontrolling interests under the HLBV method as well as the income tax consequences of these fund structures. As we enter into additional investment funds, which may have contractual provisions different from those of our existing funds, the analysis as to whether we consolidate these funds, the calculation under the HLBV method, and the analysis of the tax impact could become increasingly complicated. This additional complexity could require us to hire additional resources and increase the chance that we experience errors in the future.

If we are unable to assert that our internal controls over financial reporting is effective, we could lose investor confidence in the accuracy and completeness of our financial reports, which would cause the price of our common stock to decline. In addition, we could become subject to investigations by Nasdaq, the SEC or other regulatory authorities, which could require additional management attention and which could adversely affect our business.

Our reported financial results may be affected, and comparability of our financial results with other companies in our industry may be impacted, by changes in the accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.

Generally accepted accounting principles in the United States are subject to change and interpretation by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”), the SEC, and various bodies formed to promulgate and interpret appropriate accounting principles. A change in these principles or interpretations could have a significant effect on our reported financial results and on the financial results of other companies in our industry, and may even affect the reporting of transactions completed before the announcement or effectiveness of a change. Other companies in our industry may be affected differently by the adoption of new accounting standards, including timing of the adoption of new accounting standards, adversely affecting the comparability of financial statements.

Our ability to use our net operating loss carryforwards and certain other tax attributes may be limited.

As of December 31, 2023, we had U.S. federal and state net operating loss carryforwards (“NOLs”) of approximately $720.7 million and $3.3 billion, respectively, which begin expiring in varying amounts in 2028 and 2024, respectively, if unused. Our U.S. federal and certain state NOLs generated in tax years beginning after December 31, 2017 total approximately $2.0 billion and $357.1 million, respectively, have indefinite carryover periods, and do not expire. Under Sections 382 and 383 of the Code, if a corporation undergoes an “ownership change,” the corporation’s ability to use its pre-change NOLs and other pre-change tax assets, such as tax credits, to offset its post change income and taxes may be limited. In general, an “ownership change” occurs if there is a cumulative change in our ownership by “5% stockholders” that exceeds 50 percentage points over a rolling three-year period. Similar rules may apply under state tax laws. Additionally, states may impose other limitations on the use of NOLs and tax credit carryforwards. Any such limitations on our ability to use our NOLs and other tax assets could adversely impact our business, financial condition, and results of operations. We have performed an analysis to determine whether an ownership change under Section 382 of the Code had occurred and determined no ownership changes were identified as of December 31, 2023.


We may be required to record an impairment expense on our goodwill.

We are required under generally accepted accounting principles to test goodwill for impairment at least annually or when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may be impaired. Factors that can lead to impairment of goodwill include significant adverse changes in the business climate and actual or projected operating results, declines in the financial condition of our business and sustained decrease in our stock price. During the third quarter of fiscal 2023, we performed an interim quantitative assessment as of September 30, 2023 related to the recoverability of our goodwill for our one reporting unit as a result of a material sustained decline in our stock price. We concluded that the fair value of our one reporting unit did not exceed its carrying value as of September 30, 2023 and recorded an impairment of $2.0 billion in our consolidated statements of operations. As of October 1, 2023, we conducted our annual goodwill impairment test. The test concluded that no additional impairment had occurred during the fourth quarter of 2023. Since our annual impairment test of goodwill for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, we have not identified any indicators of goodwill impairment that would require an interim goodwill impairment test.

It is possible that we could recognize further goodwill impairment losses in the future if, among other factors:

there are further sustained declines in our stock price;

valuations for comparable companies or comparable acquisitions valuations deteriorate
the cost of equity or debt capital increases; or

the outlook for future cash flows for our reporting unit deteriorates due to but not limited to, increased competition, changes to discount rate, downward forecast revisions, restricted plans or changes in state and federal regulations affecting our business.

For further information regarding the assessment please see Note 2, Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

Risks Related to Ownership of Our Common Stock

Our executive officers, directors and principal stockholders continue to have substantial control over us, which will limit your ability to influence the outcome of important matters, including a change in control.

Our executive officers, directors and each of our stockholders who beneficially own 5% or more of our outstanding common stock and their affiliates, in the aggregate, beneficially own approximately 47.1% of the outstanding shares of our common stock, based on the number of shares outstanding as of December 31, 2023. As a result, these stockholders, if acting together, will be able to influence or control matters requiring approval by our stockholders, including the election of directors and the approval of mergers, acquisitions or other extraordinary transactions. They may also have interests that differ from yours and may vote in a way with which you disagree and which may be adverse to your interests. This concentrated control may have the effect of delaying or preventing a change in control of our company, could deprive our stockholders of an opportunity to receive a premium for their capital stock and might ultimately affect the market price of our common stock.

The market price of our common stock has been and may continue to be volatile, and you could lose all or part of your investment in our common stock.

The trading price of our common stock has been volatile since our initial public offering, and is likely to continue to be volatile. Factors that could cause fluctuations in the market price of our common stock include the following:

price and volume fluctuations in the overall stock market from time to time;

volatility in the market prices and trading volumes of companies in our industry or companies that investors consider comparable;

changes in operating performance and stock market valuations of other companies generally, or those in our industry in particular;

sales of shares of our common stock by us or our stockholders;

failure of securities analysts to maintain coverage of us, changes in financial estimates by securities analysts who follow us, or our failure to meet these estimates or the expectations of investors;

the financial projections we may provide to the public, any changes in those projections or our failure to meet those projections;

announcements by us or our competitors of new products or services;

the public’s reaction to our press releases, other public announcements and filings with the SEC;

rumors and market speculation involving us or other companies in our industry;

actual or anticipated changes in our results of operations;

changes in tax and other incentives that we rely upon in order to raise tax equity investment funds;

actual or perceived data privacy or security incidents;

our ability to protect our intellectual property and other proprietary rights;

changes in the regulatory environment and utility policies and pricing, including those that could reduce any savings we are able to offer to customers;

actual or anticipated developments in our business, our competitors’ businesses or the competitive landscape generally;

litigation involving us, our industry or both, or investigations by regulators into our operations or those of our competitors;

announced or completed acquisitions of businesses or technologies by us or our competitors;

new laws or regulations or new interpretations of existing laws or regulations applicable to our business;

changes in accounting standards, policies, guidelines, interpretations or principles;

major catastrophic events, global armed conflicts or civil unrest;

negative publicity, including accurate or inaccurate commentary or reports regarding us, our products, our sales professionals or other personnel, or other third parties affiliated with us, on social media platforms, blogs, and other websites;

any significant change in our management; and

general economic conditions including instability in financial markets and bank failures, and slow or negative growth of our markets.

Further, the stock markets have experienced price and volume fluctuations that have affected and continue to affect the market prices of equity securities of many companies. These fluctuations often have been unrelated or disproportionate to the operating performance of those companies. In addition, the stock prices of many renewable energy companies have experienced fluctuations that have often been unrelated to the operating performance of those companies. These broad market and industry fluctuations, as well as general economic, political and market conditions such as recessions, government shutdowns, interest rate changes, or international currency fluctuations, has, and may continue to, cause the trading price of the Notes and our common stock to decline. In the past, following periods of volatility in the overall market and the market price of a particular company’s securities, securities class action litigation has often been instituted against these companies. We are party to litigation that could result in substantial costs and a diversion of our management’s attention and resources.

Sales of a substantial number of shares of our common stock in the public market, including by our existing stockholders, could cause our stock price to fall.

Sales of a substantial number of shares of our common stock in the public market, or the perception that these sales might occur, could depress the market price of our common stock and could impair our ability to raise capital through the sale of additional equity securities. We are unable to predict the effect that these sales and others may have on the prevailing market price of our common stock.

In addition, certain of our stockholders, including SK E&S Co., Ltd. and other affiliated companies as well as certain stockholders who received shares as a result of our acquisition of Vivint Solar, have registration rights that would require us to register shares of our capital stock owned by them for public sale in the United States. We have also filed a registration statement to register shares of our common stock reserved for future issuance under our equity compensation plans, including shares underlying equity awards assumed in connection with our acquisition of Vivint Solar. Subject to the satisfaction of applicable exercise periods and applicable volume and restrictions that apply to affiliates, the shares of our common stock issued upon exercise of outstanding options will become available for immediate resale in the public market upon issuance.

Future sales of our common stock may make it more difficult for us to sell equity securities in the future at a time and at a price that we deem appropriate. These sales also could cause the market price of our common stock to decline and make it more difficult for you to sell shares of our common stock.

Anti-takeover provisions contained in our restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws, as well as provisions of Delaware law, could impair a takeover attempt.

Our restated certificate of incorporation, amended and restated bylaws and Delaware law contain provisions that could have the effect of rendering more difficult, delaying, or preventing an acquisition deemed undesirable by our board of directors and therefore depress the trading price of our common stock. Among other things, our restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws include provisions:

authorizing “blank check” preferred stock, which could be issued by our board of directors without stockholder approval and may contain voting, liquidation, dividend and other rights superior to our common stock;

limiting the liability of, and providing indemnification to, our directors and officers;

limiting the ability of our stockholders to call and bring business before special meetings;

requiring advance notice of stockholder proposals for business to be conducted at meetings of our stockholders and for nominations of candidates for election to our board of directors; and

controlling the procedures for the conduct and scheduling of board of directors and stockholder meetings.

These provisions, alone or together, could delay or prevent hostile takeovers and changes in control or changes in our management.

As a Delaware corporation, we are also subject to provisions of Delaware law, including Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation law, which prevents certain stockholders holding more than 15% of our outstanding capital stock from engaging in certain business combinations without approval of the holders of at least two-thirds of our outstanding capital stock not held by such stockholder. Any provision of our restated certificate of incorporation, amended and restated bylaws or Delaware law that has the effect of delaying or preventing a change in control could limit the opportunity for our stockholders to receive a premium for their shares of our capital stock and could also affect the price that some investors are willing to pay for our common stock.

Provisions contained in our restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws limit the ability of our stockholders to call special meetings and prohibit stockholder action by written consent.

Our restated certificate of incorporation provides that our stockholders may not take action by written consent. Instead, any such actions must be taken at an annual or special meeting of our stockholders. As a result, our stockholders are not able to take any action without first holding a meeting of our stockholders called in accordance with the provisions of our amended and restated bylaws, including advance notice procedures set forth in our amended and restated bylaws. Our amended and restated bylaws further provide that special meetings of our

stockholders may be called only by a majority of our board of directors, the chairman of our board of directors, our Chief Executive Officer or our President. As a result, our stockholders are not allowed to call a special meeting. These provisions may delay the ability of our stockholders to force consideration of a stockholder proposal, including a proposal to remove directors.

Provisions contained in our restated certificate of incorporation and amended and restated bylaws could preclude our stockholders from bringing matters before meetings of stockholders and delay changes in our board of directors.

Our amended and restated bylaws provide advance notice procedures for stockholders seeking to bring business before, or nominate candidates for election as directors at, our annual or special meetings of stockholders. In addition, our restated certificate of incorporation provides that stockholders may remove directors only for cause. Any amendment of these provisions in our amended and restated bylaws or restated certificate of incorporation would require approval by holders of a majority of our then outstanding capital stock. These provisions could preclude our stockholders from bringing matters before annual or special meetings of stockholders and delay changes in our board of directors.

Our amended and restated bylaws provide that a state or federal court located within the State of Delaware will be the sole and exclusive forum for substantially all disputes between us and our stockholders, which could limit our stockholders’ ability to obtain a favorable judicial forum for disputes with us or our directors, officers or employees.

Our amended and restated bylaws provide that, unless we consent to the selection of an alternative forum, the sole and exclusive forum for (i) any derivative action or proceeding brought on our behalf, (ii) any action asserting a claim of breach of fiduciary duty owed by any of our directors, officers or other employees to us or to our stockholders, (iii) any action asserting a claim arising pursuant to any provision of the Delaware General Corporation Law or (iv) any action asserting a claim governed by the internal affairs doctrine shall be a state or federal court located within the state of Delaware, in all cases subject to the court’s having personal jurisdiction over the indispensable parties names as defendants. The choice of forum provision may limit a stockholder’s ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum that it finds favorable for disputes with us or our directors, officers or other employees, which may discourage such lawsuits against us and our directors, officers and other employees. In addition, our amended and restated bylaws also provide that, unless we consent to the selection of an alternative forum, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the federal district courts of the United States of America shall be the sole and exclusive forum for the resolution of any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the Securities Act. If a court were to find the choice of forum provisions contained in our amended and restated bylaws to be inapplicable or unenforceable in an action, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such action in other jurisdictions, which could harm our business, results of operations and financial condition.

If securities or industry analysts cease publishing research or reports about us, our business, our market or our competitors, or if they adversely change their recommendations regarding our common stock, the market price of our common stock and trading volume could decline.

The market for our common stock is influenced by the research and reports that securities or industry analysts publish about us, our business, our market or our competitors. If any of the analysts who cover us adversely change their recommendations regarding our common stock, or provide more favorable recommendations about our competitors, the market price of our common stock would likely decline. If any of the analysts who cover us cease coverage of our company or fail to regularly publish reports on us, we could lose visibility in the financial markets, which in turn could cause the market price of our common stock and trading volume to decline.

We do not expect to declare any dividends in the foreseeable future, so investors may need to rely on sales of our common stock after price appreciation, which may never occur or only occur at certain times, as the only way to realize any future gains on their investment.

We do not anticipate declaring any cash dividends to holders of our common stock in the foreseeable future. In addition, our credit agreements contain restrictions on payments of cash dividends. Consequently, investors may need to rely on sales of our common stock after price appreciation, which may never occur or only occur at certain times, as the only way to realize any future gains on their investment. Investors seeking cash dividends should not purchase shares of our common stock.


Additional issuances of our capital stock or equity-linked securities could result in dilution to our stockholders.

We may issue additional equity securities to raise capital, make acquisitions or for a variety of other purposes. For example, in connection with the acquisition of Vivint Solar, we issued 0.55 shares of our common stock for each share of Vivint Solar’s common stock owned prior to the acquisition, which resulted in dilution to our stockholders. Additional issuances of our capital stock may be made pursuant to the exercise or conversion of new or existing convertible debt securities (including the Notes), warrants, stock options or other equity incentive awards to new and existing service providers. Any such issuances will result in dilution to existing holders of our stock. We also rely on equity-based compensation as an important tool in recruiting and retaining employees. The amount of dilution due to equity-based compensation of our employees and other additional issuances of our common stock or securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for our common stock could be substantial, and the market price of our common stock could decline.

The Capped Call transactions may negatively affect the value of our common stock.

In connection with the issuance of the Notes, we entered into the Capped Call transactions with the option counterparties. The Capped Call transactions are expected generally to reduce the potential dilution to our common stock upon any conversion of Notes and/or offset any cash payments we are required to make in excess of the principal amount of converted Notes, as the case may be, with such reduction and/or offset subject to a cap.

The option counterparties or their respective affiliates may modify their hedge positions by entering into or unwinding various derivatives with respect to our common stock and/or purchasing or selling our common stock or other securities of ours in secondary market transactions prior to the maturity of the Notes (and are likely to do so during the observation period for conversions of Notes following November 1, 2025 for the 2026 Notes or December 1, 2029 for the 2030 Notes or following any repurchase of Notes by us). This activity could also cause or avoid an increase or a decrease in the market price of our common stock.

The potential effect, if any, of these transactions and activities on the market price of our common stock will depend in part on market conditions and cannot be ascertained at this time.

Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities


During our last fiscal quarter, some of our directors and officers (as defined in Rule 16a-1(f) under the Exchange Act) adopted or terminated the contracts, instructions or written plans for the purchase or sale of our securities as noted below.

On August 16, 2024, Paul Dickson, our President and Chief Revenue Officer, terminated a trading plan for the sale of the Company’s common stock that is intended to satisfy the affirmative defense of Rule 10b5-1(c). The trading plan was set to expire on August 15, 2025 and provided for the following transactions, each of which was based upon the Company’s stock price reaching certain price thresholds: (i) the exercise of up to 140,250 stock options and the sale of the underlying shares of common stock, and (ii) the sale of up to 63,266 shares of common stock. Subsequently on August 26, 2024, Mr. Dickson adopted a trading plan for the sale of the Company’s common stock that is intended to satisfy the affirmative defense of Rule 10b5-1(c). The trading plan is set to expire on November 28, 2025 and provides for the following transactions, each of which is subject to the Company's stock price reaching certain price thresholds: (i) the exercise of up to 222,852 stock options and the sale of the underlying shares of common stock, and (ii) the sale of up to 159,233 shares of common stock.


The documents listed in the Exhibit Index of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q are incorporated by reference or are filed with this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, in each case as indicated therein (numbered in accordance with Item 601 of Regulation S-K).


Incorporated by Reference
Exhibit DescriptionFormFile No.ExhibitFiling DateFiled Herewith
Credit Agreement, dated as of April 20, 2021, by and among Sunrun Luna Portfolio 2021, LLC, as Borrower, Atlas Securitized Products Holdings, L.P., as Administrative Agent, Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Collateral Agent and Paying Agent, and the Lenders and Funding Agents party thereto from time to time, as amended by the Amendment to the Credit Agreement, dated as of May 5, 2021, the Second Amendment to Credit Agreement, dated as of October 8, 2021, the Third Amendment to Credit Agreement, dated as of March 23, 2022, Fourth Amendment to Credit Agreement and First Amendment to Amended and Restated Custodial Agreement, dated as of May 10, 2023, the Fifth Amendment to Credit Agreement and First Amendment to Transaction Management Agreement, dated as of December 27, 2023, the Sixth Amendment to the Credit Agreement, dated as of February 16, 2024, and the Seventh Amendment to the Credit Agreement, dated as of July 31, 2024.
101.INSXBRL Instance Document - the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document.
101.SCHXBRL Taxonomy Schema Linkbase Document.
101.CALXBRL Taxonomy Definition Linkbase Document.
101.DEFXBRL Taxonomy Calculation Linkbase Document.
101.LABXBRL Taxonomy Labels Linkbase Document.
101.PREXBRL Taxonomy Presentation Linkbase Document.
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as inline XBRL with applicable taxonomy extension information contained in Exhibits 101.INS, 101.SCH, 101.CAL, 101.DEF, 101.LAB, and 101.PRE)


The certifications attached as Exhibit 32.1 that accompany this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q are deemed furnished and not filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and are not to be incorporated by reference into any filing of Sunrun Inc. under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, whether made before or after the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, irrespective of any general incorporation language contained in such filing.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: November 7, 2024By:/s/ Mary Powell
Mary Powell
Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer)
By:/s/ Danny Abajian
Danny Abajian
Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)