a. 章节 4.1 (列车 1 环保 许可证 合规性 担保) 应该 失败 更新 每 the 根据附件1中提供的红线标记进行变更单。
b. 章节 4.2 (列车 2 Environmental Permit Compliance Guarantee) shall be updated per 这 附件2中提供的红线标记变更单。
•附件1 - 附件 t,第4.1节(1号列车环保许可合规保证),第4.1节的红线标记变更。
•附件2 - 附件 t,第4.2节(2号列车环保许可合规保证),第4.2节的红线标记变更。
1)原合同价款为 $8,658,280,000
2)净变动已经授权的之前变更单(见附录1) $ 527,129,511
3)此变更订单之前的合同价格为$ 9,185,409,511
4)综合设备价格将是 保持不变 由此变更订单
金额为$ 0
5)综合劳动力和技能价格将是 保持不变 由此变更订单
金额为$ 0
6)总体设备、劳动力和技能价格将为 不变
通过此变更订单金额为$ 0
7)包括此变更订单在内的新合同价格将为$ 9,185,409,511
以下关键日期已修改 (列出所有已修改的关键日期;如果没有关键日期被修改,请插入N/A):
关键日期为 无将通过增加减少 不适用 天。
关键日期为 不适用 因此,根据此更改订单日期 N/A Days after NTP.
(list all Key Dates that are modified by this Change Order using the format set forth above)
The Guaranteed Date of N/A will be (increased)(decreased) by N/A Days.
保证日期为 不适用 故变更订单的生效日期为 不适用 NTP后的天数
附有已更新的附表 E-1,其中将反映并突出本变更订单中同意的关键日期调整 N/A
对其他变更标准的影响 (如果没有变化或影响,请插入N/A;如有必要,请附加额外文档)
对支付时间表的影响(包括如适当的支付里程碑):N/A 对最大累积支付时间表的影响:N/A
对最低可接受标准的影响: N/A
对绩效保证的影响: N/A
对设计依据的影响: N/A
Impact on the Total Reimbursement Amount: N/A
Any other impacts to obligation or potential liability of Contractor or Owner under the EPC Agreement: N/A
[A]这个变更订单 此废止只影响接收之际便执行的本授权委托书。 constitute a full and final settlement and accord and satisfaction of all effects of the changes reflected in this Change Order upon the Change Criteria and shall 被视为对承包商进行全面补偿。首字母: 证券期货条例 承包商 AT 所有者
[B]根据 Section 6.4 of the Agreement, this Change Order 被视为 constitute a full and final settlement and accord and satisfaction of all effects of the change reflected in this Change Order upon the Change Criteria and shall not be deemed to compensate Contractor fully for such change. Initials: Contractor Owner
The Key Date for N/A as of the date of this Change Order therefore is N/A Days after NTP.
(list all Key Dates that are modified by this Change Order using the format set forth above)
保证日期为 不适用 将增加(减少) 不适用 天。
保证日期为 不适用 因此,自此变更订单生效日起的保证日期为 N/A Days after NTP.
(list all Guaranteed Dates that are modified by this Change Order using the format set forth above)
Attached to this Change Order is an updated Schedule E-1 which shall reflect and highlight any adjustment(s) to the Key Dates agreed to in this Change Order. N/A
Impact to other Changed Criteria: (如果没有变化或影响,请插入N/A;如有必要,请附加额外文档)
Impact on Payment Schedule (including, as applicable, Payment Milestones):
最低验收标准的影响: 不适用 绩效保证的影响: 不适用 设计基础的影响: N/A
Impact on the Total Reimbursement Amount: N/A
Any other impacts to obligation or potential liability of Contractor or Owner under the EPC Agreement: N/A
[A]这个变更订单 此废止只影响接收之际便执行的本授权委托书。 constitute a full and final settlement and accord and satisfaction of all effects of the changes reflected in this Change Order upon the Change Criteria and 应视为 被视为对承包商进行充分补偿