EX-3.3 10 pets-20240930xexx33thirdam.htm EX-3.3 文件




为了本计划的目的,以下术语应具有以下含义:    定义1
第二条办事处    1
第2.1节    总部及业务办事处    1
第2.2节    注册办公室    1
第三条 股东    2
第3.1节    年度会议    2
Section 3.2    特别会议    2
第3.3节    特别会议地点    2
第3.4节    会议通知    3
第3.5节    放弃通知    3
第3.6节    确定记录日期    4
第3.7节    股东大会会议名单    4
第3.8节    远程通信方式进行会议5
第3.9节    法定人数    5
第3.10节    股份投票权6
第3.11节    所需投票7
第3.12节    会议进行方式8
第3.13节    选举监察员 8
第3.14节    代理人9
第3.15节    股东提名和提案的提前通知9
第3.16节    股东未开会行动19
第3.17节    接受显示股东行动的工具22
第3.18节    股东提名包括在公司的代理材料中23
第四条 董事会33
第4.1节    一般权力和人数33
第4.2节    任期33
第4.3节    解职34
第4.4节    董事竞选失败34
第4.5节    辞职34
第4.6节    董事会任期交替安排34
第4.7节    职位空缺34
第4.8节    薪酬35
第4.9节    定期会议安排35
第4.10节    特别会议35
第4.11节    通知    35

第4.12节    豁免通知35
第4.13节    法定人数和表决36
第4.14节    会议行为 36
第4.15节    委员会36
第4.16节    领导董事37
第4.17节    免开会决议37
第5条官员    37
第5.1节    必需官员; 官员职责    37
第5.2节    选举和任期    38
第5.3节    罢免    38
第5.4节    辞职    38
第5.5节    空缺    38
第5.6节    主席    38
第5.7节    薪水    38
第6条合同、支票和存款    39
第6.2节购买限制。根据3.2(c)节的规定,参与者的认购受限。以下是是它的限制:    合同39
第6.2节限制。参与者的购买受到3.2(c)节的调整和以下限制的限制:    支票、汇票等39
股票数量。在报价日期时,每个适格员工都可以参加该认购期,在该认购期内购买股票的股权购买权。根据第6.2节所载的限制,该股权购买权适用的股票数量将由将购买价格除以参与者帐户的余额所得到的整数股票数量确定。    存款    39
第七条 股票证书;股利和分配39
第7.1节    股份证书的形式和内容39
第7.2节    无证券股份40
第7.3节    股份以及其他证券的转让限制40
第7.4节    股东的优先认购权40
第7.5节    股东分配40
第8条 印章41
第8.1节    印章41
第9条 赔偿41
第9.1节    提供赔偿41
第10条 修正42
第10.1节    有权修改公司章程42
第10.2节    董事会修正42
第10.3节    董事会修订章程43
第10.4节    章程增加董事会法定人数或投票要求43

第11条 其他条款43
第11.1条    适用佛罗里达法律43
第11.2节    财年43
第11.3条    与公司章程冲突43
第11.4条    部分无效性43
第11.5条    争议解决专属地43



公司“” 表示PetMed Express,Inc.,一个佛罗里达州的公司。
行动“” 表示佛罗里达商业公司法,可能随时修改,或任何后续立法。
提供姓名全称、身份证号或公司注册号、地址、白天的电话号码以及代表、代理人和助手的信息。 助手的数量不得超过两个。为便于进入年度股东大会,通知应在适当的情况下附有授权书、注册证书和其他授权文件。“”指书面通知,包括但不限于电子传输的通知。如果向同一地址的股东发送单份书面通知,通知即生效,如法律允许。
第2条 注册办事处; 注册代理人

第2.2节注册办公室根据法案要求在佛罗里达州保留的公司注册办事处,如果位于佛罗里达州,可能但不必须与主要办事处相同,注册办事处的地址可以由董事会或注册代理随时更改。 公司注册代理的营业办事处应与注册办事处相同。


第3.1节年度会议。我们的股东年度会议将在根据我们章程指定的日期举行。必须向有权投票的每个股东邮寄书面通知,最少在会议日期之前10天,最多在会议日期之前60天。根据董事会自行决定的方式以远程通讯的方式或通过代理人出席的股份持有人出席股东会议,持有已发行且流通的股份的股东的人数构成持有资格的全部发行和流通的股份的大多数,以在持有正股的股东的挂名下进行证书编制即可实现股东会议上的业务交易的法定最低出席人数。董事会只能召开特别会议。除适用法律或我们公司章程规定的情况外,由所有出席或代表在会议中出席的股票的持有人的投票而决定的所有董事选举应按照表决权的多数来决定,所有其他问题都应按照所有在会议上出席或代表在会议上出席的股票的持有权的表决权多数赞成或反对并在有足够出席质权人的情况下进行及时的股东大会表决,除非适用法律、我们公司章程或我们章程规定。股东年度会议应由董事会指定日期、时间和地点举行,目的是选举董事,以及处理可能出现在会议上的其他业务。 董事会可以自行决定,按照法案第607.0701节规定,决定股东年度会议不在任何地点举行,而可以单纯通过远程通信进行。
第3.2节    特殊会议。
(a)    由董事或董事長或主席召集董事会、董事局主席、首席董事(如有)或总裁可以召集股东特别会议,无论任何目的。
(b)    由股东召集如果持有代表拟在拟议的特别会议上进行表决的全部投票权的不少于十分之一(10%)的股东签署、日期并交付给秘书一个或多个书面要求举行会议的要求,并描述一个或多个拟举行会议目的,提供根据公司章程第3.15(b)和/或第3.15(c)条款的提交股东要求者应提交的信息,以及遵守公司章程第3.15条款中包含或参考的其他程序和要求,包括但不限于第3.15(d)条款,以及公司章程其他地方。为此而进行 。根据该章程这一 条款和目的。 为了确定股东符合请求召开特别会议的资格,该公司普通股股东所拥有的股份数量的计算方法应与《章程》中规定的符合资格持有人的股份所有权的确定方法相同。 第3.18(c)(iv)节 如果,在公司秘书收到股东适当请求召开股东特别会议后,此后任何时候不再有持有足够数量股份的股东的有效请求,使股东有权要求召开特别会议的数量不足,无论是因为被撤销的请求还是其他原因,董事会可以自行决定取消特别会议(或者,如果特别会议尚未召开,可以要求董事会主席或公司秘书不召开此类会议)。公司应在按照本章程交付给公司的股东的任何有效要求之后的六十天内公告召开特别会议。

(a)    内容和递送.
(i) 公司应在股东年度大会和特别股东大会的地点(如有)、日期、时间和远程通讯方式(如有)之前不少于10天、不多于会议日期前60天发出通知。特别会议的通知还应明确会议召开的目的或目的。除非法律或公司章程(“ 公司章程”所要求否则)公司章程”):
(A) 只有有权在会议上投票的股东才需要收到股东大会通知;
(B) 年度大会通知无需指明召开会议的目的或目的。
(ii) 向股东发出的通知必须以书面形式进行,并可以通过亲自、由股东授权的电子方式、邮寄或其他交付方式的方式进行,每种情况下都是由总裁、秘书或召集会议的官员或人员亲自或指示。 如果通过邮寄发送,则通知应在预付邮费的情况下寄存到美国邮政,邮寄地址应为公司股东记录中股东的地址,寄出后即生效。
(b)    延期会议通知。如果股东年度会议或特别会议延期至不同的日期、时间或地点,则如果在会议休会前宣布了新的日期、时间或地点,则公司不需要通知新的日期、时间或地点;但是,如果必须确定或确定了会议的新登记日期,则公司应向截至新登记日期的有资格收到会议通知的股东通知会议的延期。
(c)    在特定情况下无需通知。尽管本 第3.4节,但在以下情况下无需向股东通知股东会议:(1)已向股东发送了连续两次年度股东会议的年度报告和代理声明,或(2)在十二个月内向股东以美国邮政第一类邮件寄送了全部或至少两张证券股息或利息的支票,并被退回无法投递。一旦公司收到了此类股东新地址以供输入公司股份过户簿,公司向任何此类股东通知股东会议的义务将得到恢复。
(a)    书面弃权股东可以在通知规定的会议日期和时间之前或之后放弃法案或这些公司章程要求的任何通知。弃权

(b)    出席弃权股东亲自出席或通过代理出席会议,即放弃对以下所有内容的异议:(1)关于会议通知不足或有瑕疵的通知,除非股东在会议开始时对召开会议或在会议上进行业务提出异议;以及(2)会议上考虑的与会议通知中所描述目的或目的不符的特定事项,除非股东在提出该事项时表示反对考虑该事项。
(a)    普通董事会可以事先确定一个日期作为股东权益的记录日期,以确定有资格收到股东会通知、有权投票或采取其他行动的股东。董事会确定的记录日期不得早于通过确定记录日期决议的日期,也不得晚于股东会或行动需要确定股东的日期的七十天前。
(b)    特别会议决定有资格要求召开特别股东大会的股东的记录日期应为第一位股东向公司交付要求的日期的营业结束时。
(c)    股东通过书面同意采取行动股东可在未召开会议的情况下采取行动时,用于确定享有权益的股东的记录日期应根据公司章程确定 第3.16节 本确立章程的情况。
(d)    董事会未确定股东大会日期如果董事会未确定用于确定年度或特别股东大会通知和投票的股东享有权益的记录日期,则该记录日期应为向股东交付有关通知的前一天的营业结束时间。
(a)    准备和可用性在确定股东会议的记录日期后,公司应编制所有有权收到会议通知的股东姓名的按字母顺序排列的名单(如果董事会设定了不同的记录日期以确定有权在会议上投票的股东,还应编制所有有权在会议上投票的股东姓名按字母顺序排列的名单)。名单应按股份类别或系列排列,如有,并显示每位股东的地址和持有的股份数量。这样的名单应在会议之前的十天内或记录日期和会议日期之间较短的时间内供任何股东检查,会议期间持续,可在总公司,会议通知中标明的会议举行地的地点,或者若有的话,在公司的转让代理处或注册处办公室查阅。股东或其代理人或律师可以根据书面要求在其可检查的这一时期内,根据法案的要求,在其自费的情况下,在工作时间内检查名单。

在其可供检查的这一时期内,由于" 第3.7节公司应在会议期间将股东名册提供给股东,并且任何股东或其代理人或律师均可在会议期间或其休会期间的任何时间查阅名册。
(b)    初步证据股东名册为有权查阅股东名册或在股东会议上投票的股东身份的初步证据。
(c)    未遵守规定如果未实质性遵守本 第3.7节 ,或者如果公司拒绝在会议前或会议期间允许股东或其代理人或律师查阅股东名册,任何未能获得此类访问的股东,无论亲自出席会议还是通过代理,均要求,会议应休会,直到满足这些要求为止。
(d)    行动的有效性不受影响拒绝或未能准备或提供股东名单不影响在股东会议上采取的任何行动的有效性。
第3.8节通过远程通信进行会议董事会可以制定指导方针和程序,供未亲自出席股东年度或特别会议的股东和代理持有人参与会议,并被视为亲自出席(如下定义),投票,沟通并在远程通信的情况下几乎同时阅读或听取会议程序。 董事会可以制定程序和指导方针,以完全通过远程通信进行年度或特别会议,而不是在指定地点举行会议。
第3.9节 法定人数。
(a)    什么构成法定人数股份享有独立投票权的投票组仅在该事项上的股份达到法定人数时,才能在会议上采取行动。如果公司只有一类股票流通,该类财产将构成独立的投票组,用于此目的。 第3.9节除非法案另有规定,对该事项有权进行投票的多数票数构成对该投票组采取行动所需的法定人数。在股东大会上建立法定人数后,股东的随后撤回,以使有权在会议上投票的股份数量低于所需法定人数,不应影响会议上所采取的任何行动或该会议的休会的有效性。

(b)    股份存在一旦某股份代表会议的任何目的,除了反对召开会议或在会议上进行业务之外,该股份被视为出席会议的余下时间以及任何该会议的休会,除非必须为休会的会议设置或必须设置新的股东名册日期。
(c)    法定人数缺席时休会. Where a quorum is not present, the holders of a majority of the shares represented and who would be entitled to vote at the meeting if a quorum were present may adjourn such meeting from time to time.
第3.10节Voting Entitlement of Shares.
(a)    Unless the Articles of Incorporation or the Act provide otherwise, each outstanding share, regardless of class, is entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote at a meeting of shareholders. Only shares are entitled to vote.
(b)    The shares of the Corporation are not entitled to vote if they are owned, directly or indirectly, by a second corporation, domestic or foreign, and the first corporation owns, directly or indirectly, a majority of shares entitled to vote for directors of the second corporation.
(c)    This 第3.10节 does not limit the power of the Corporation to vote any shares, including its own shares, held by it in a fiduciary capacity.
(d) 可赎回股份不享有对任何事项的投票权,并在寄给持有人关于赎回通知并存入足以赎回此类股份的金额给银行、信托公司或其他金融机构后,将不被视为未偿付,此后将不被视为未偿付,借此不可撤销地承诺支付持有人赎回价值以换取股份。
(e) 另一家法人机构(无论是国内还是国外)名下持有的股份,可以按照公司股东章程规定由该公司股东指定的官员、代理人或代理投票,若没有适用规定,则由公司股东董事会指定的人员,若公司股东未进行任何指定或存在相互冲突的指定,公司股东的董事会主席、总裁、任一副总裁、秘书及财务总监,按此顺序,将被认为完全授权来对这些股份进行投票。
(f) 由管理人、执行人、监护人、个人代表或保护人持有的股份,可以由他或她本人或代理投票,无需将这些股份转移至他或她的名下。 由受托人名下持有的股份,可以由他或她本人或代理投票,但未经将这些股份转移到其名下或其提名人名下,任何受托人均不得有权对其持有的股份进行投票。

(g) 由接收人、破产清算程序的受托人或债权人利益受让人持有或控制的股份,可以由其投票,无需将其转移至其名下。
(h) 如果一股或多股以两人或两人以上的名义登记,无论是否为受托人、合伙关系成员、共有人、按份共有人、全部共有人或其他形式,或者如果两人或两人以上在同一股份上具有相同的受托人关系,除非公司秘书被提供相反通知并提供所委任或建立关系的文件或命令副本证明其中有这样规定,否则关于投票的行为产生以下效果:
(i) 如果只有一人投票,无论是亲自或代理,其行为都具有约束力;
(ii) 如果有多人投票,无论是亲自或代理,多数所投票决定具有约束力;
(iii) 如果有多人投票,无论是亲自或代理,但在某特定事项上票数平局,每一方都有权按比例投票涉及的股份或股份;
(iv) 如果提交的文件或命令显示任何此类共有物产权不均等,根据本款的目的,多数或票数平局应指权益占多数或票数平局;
(v) 本款原则适用于代理、放弃权、同意或反对的行使,以及为了确认法定人数出席的目的;
(vi) 须受 第3.10(i)章节,未包含在此的任何内容都不得阻止托管人或其他以受托人名义持有登记股份的负责人指示该负责人按照托管人或其受托人的指示进行投票。该负责人可以根据托管人或其受托人的指示投票,而无需将股份转让至托管人或其受托人的名下。
(i) 公司可以设立一个程序,该程序会被公司视为股东,并将其登记在代名人名下的股份的受益所有人。该认可的程度可由该程序确定。该程序可能规定 (a) 适用于哪些代名人类型; (b) 公司承认在受益所有人中的权利或特权; (c) 代名人选择该程序的方式; (d) 选择该程序时必须提供的信息; (e) 选择该程序有效的时期;以及 (f) 权利和义务的其他方面。

(a)    除董事选举外的其他事项。如果存在法定人数,除了选举董事会成员的情况外,对某事项的表决将在投票赞成该事项的票数超过投票反对该事项的票数的情况下获得批准,除非法案或公司章程要求更多的肯定票数。
(b)    董事选举.
(i)每位有权在董事选举中投票的股东有权为受选董事人数相等的人投票,并拥有的股份。除非公司章程另有规定,否则董事的选举应以书面投票方式进行。如果董事会授权,书面投票的要求可以通过电子传输提交的投票进行满足,前提是这样的电子传输必须包含或与授权股东或代理持有人授权的信息一起提交。 股东没有权利累积其董事票权。

(a)    任命. At all meetings of shareholders, a shareholder or attorney- in-fact for a shareholder may vote the shareholder’s shares in person or by proxy. If an appointment form expressly provides, any proxy holder may appoint, in writing, a substitute to act in his or her place. A shareholder or attorney-in-fact for a shareholder may appoint a proxy to vote or otherwise act for the shareholder by signing an appointment form or by electronic transmission. As provided by Section 607.0722 of the Act, any type of electronic transmission appearing to have been, or containing or accompanied by such information or obtained under such procedures to reasonably ensure that the electronic transmission was, transmitted or authorized by such person is a sufficient appointment, subject to the verification requested by the Corporation under 第3.17节 of these Bylaws and Section 607.0724 of the Act. The appointment may be signed by any reasonable means, including, but not limited to, facsimile or electronic signature. Any copy, facsimile transmission or other reliable reproduction of the writing or electronic transmission of the appointment may be substituted or used in lieu of the original writing or electronic transmission for any purpose for which the original writing or electronic transmission could be used if the copy, facsimile transmission or other reproduction is a complete reproduction of the entire original writing or electronic transmission. Any shareholder directly or indirectly soliciting proxies from other shareholders must use a proxy card color other than white, which shall be reserved for the exclusive use of the Board of Directors.
(b)    When Effective. An appointment of a proxy is effective when received by the Secretary or other officer or agent of the Corporation authorized to tabulate votes. An appointment is valid for up to eleven months unless a longer or shorter period is expressly provided in the appointment form. An appointment of a proxy is revocable by the shareholder

(a)    年度股东大会在股东年度大会上,只有已经适当提交的董事选举提名和其他业务方可进行。除非在第3.18节另有规定,要在年度大会上适当提出提名或其他业务,必须:
(i) 在公司会议通知书(或其任何补充通知)中指明(或根据董事会(或其授权委员会)的指示或授权办理的);
(ii) 如果未在公司会议通知书(或其中的任何补充通知)中指明,否则由董事会或其授权的委员会根据其指示或授权提前提交提名或其他业务;或
(iii) 否则经股东亲自出席并遵守这一规定以及其他适用的章程要求和程序在年会上恰当提出 第3.15节 并遵守这些章程要求和程序。
除非根据第3.18节规定,在股东要求在年会上提名候选人或提议其他业务以便适当进行后,股东必须: (A) 作为公司记录日期股东在董事会设定的用于确定有权收到年会通知和投票的股东,以及在该会议时(及任何推迟、休会、重定或继续之后), (B) 作为股东记录日期在股东按照此规定提供通知时,(C)有权在选举每位被提名个人的会议上投票以及对任何股东提议的其他业务进行表决, (D) 亲自出席适用的年会(及任何推迟、休会、重定或继续之后),以及(E)在所有适用方面遵守本章程所规定的要求和程序,包括本 第3.15节, (D) 亲自出席适用的年会(及任何推迟、休会、重定或继续之后),以及(E)在所有适用方面遵守本章程所规定的要求和程序,包括本 第3.15节和适用法律的其他要求。 第3.15节,和适用法律的其他要求。
为了这个目的 第3.15节, (A) “亲自出席“”应指 如果股东提名拟作为董事或其他事项参加股东大会的候选人,或者如果 提名股东(如下所定义) 不是个人,是该等合格代表 提案股东, shall appear in person at such meeting of shareholders (unless such meeting is held by means of the Internet or other electronic technology in which case the Proposing Shareholder or, if applicable, its qualified representative shall be present at such meeting by means of the Internet or other electronic technology); and (B) 所有板块” shall mean (i) if the shareholder is a corporation, any duly authorized officer of such corporation; (ii) if the shareholder is a limited liability company; any duly

authorized member, manager or officer of such limited liability company; (iii) if the shareholder is a partnership, any general partner or person who functions as general partner for such partnership; (iv) if the shareholder is a trust, the trustee of such trust; or (v) if the shareholder is an entity other than the foregoing, the persons acting in such similar capacities as the foregoing with respect to such entity.
In addition, any proposal of business (other than the nomination of persons for election to the Board of Directors) must be a proper matter for shareholder action. Without qualification or limitation, for business (including, but not limited to, director nominations) to be properly brought before an annual meeting by a shareholder pursuant to these Bylaws, the shareholder or shareholders of record intending to propose the business (together with any (i) any beneficial owner of any shares of the Corporation’s Common Stock owned of record or beneficially by such shareholder (other than a shareholder that is a depositary), (ii) any Affiliate or Associate (within the meaning of Rule 120亿.2 of the Exchange Act) of such record or beneficial shareholder or shareholders, (iii) any participant (as defined in paragraphs (a)(ii)-(vi) of Instruction 3 to Item 4 of Schedule 14A) with such record or beneficial shareholder or shareholders in any solicitation of proxies contemplated by the shareholder’s notice delivered to the Corporation pursuant to this Section 3.15, and (iv) any person who may be deemed to be a member of a “group” (as such term is used in Rule 13d-5 of the Exchange Act) with such record or beneficial shareholder or shareholders (or any of their respective Affiliates or Associates) with respect to the shares of the Corporation’s Common Stock, regardless of whether such person is disclosed as a member of a “group” in a Schedule 13D or an amendment thereto filed with the SEC relating to the Corporation, the “提案股东”) must have given timely and proper notice thereof (including, in the case of nominations, the completed and signed questionnaire, representation and agreement required by Section 3.15(b)(v) of these Bylaws), and timely updates and supplements thereof, in each case in proper form, in writing to the Secretary even if such matter is already the subject of any notice to the shareholders or Public Disclosure from the Board of Directors. In addition to such shareholder complying with the applicable provisions of Rule 14a-19, including, without limitation, any interpretative guidance relating thereto issued from time to time by the Staff of the SEC (as defined below) (collectively, “第14a-19规则”) promulgated under the Exchange Act (as defined below), as applicable, to be timely, a Proposing Shareholder’s notice for an annual meeting must be delivered to or mailed and received at the Principal Office: (x) not later than the close of business on the 90th day, nor earlier than the close of business on the 120th day, in advance of the anniversary of the previous year’s annual meeting if such meeting is to be held on a day which is not more than 30 days in advance of the anniversary of the previous year’s annual meeting or not later than 60 days after the anniversary of the previous year’s annual meeting; and (y) with respect to any other annual meeting of shareholders, including in the event that no annual meeting was held in the previous year, not earlier than the close of business on the 120th day prior to the annual meeting and not later than the close of business on the later of: (1) the 90th day prior to the annual meeting and (2) the close of business on the tenth day following the first date of Public Disclosure of the date of such meeting. In no event shall the adjournment, recess, or postponement of an annual meeting or the Public Disclosure or other announcement thereof, commence a new time period (or extend any time period) for the giving of a shareholder’s notice pursuant to these Bylaws. For the purposes of this 第3.15节, (A) “业务关闭“”代表当地时间下午5:00,在公司总部所在地

尽管本协议中的任何规定 第3.15节 相反,如果董事会决定增加董事会董事的人数,并且公司在前一年度年度股东大会首个周年之前至少100天内没有公开披露此举措或明确增加董事会规模的大小,则根据本规定所要求的股东通知将被视为及时。 第3.15(a)节 对于该年度股东大会,应视为及时,但仅就该增加引起的任何新董事职位的提名及仅对于在董事会规模扩增之前曾向公司提交符合本规定,在符合本条款的年度股东大会上的董事提名的股东而言。 第3.15节 若能在公司首次公开披露之日起10日内向总部秘书处提交,股东通知将被视为及时。此外,为了及时提交,股东通知还应根据需要进行更新和补充,以使该通知所提供或要求的信息在会议记录日期和会议前10天的日期时为真实和正确,并且应在会议日期或会议休会、休会或推迟之前五天内提供更新和补充。
(b)    格雷戈里・D・ 对于根据《第3.15(a)(iii)条》提名任何人或人士竞选董事会成员,股东提名的通知应提交给秘书,包括或包括(以下统称为“ 第3.15(a)(iii)条 或者 第3.15(d)节提名信息”):
(i) 提名通知中提名人的姓名、年龄、电子邮件地址、办公地址和居住地址;
(ii) 每位提名人的主要职业或职业;

(iii) 所需信息 第3.15(b)(vi)(B)节通过(M) 下面的替换为“每位董事候选人”;
(iv) 有关每位提名人的其他信息,该信息将被要求在代理人征求投票选举该提名人为董事竞选(即使没有涉及董事竞选),或者根据《交易所法》第14(a)节的要求披露的其他信息;
(v) 关于所提名候选人的背景和资质的书面调查问卷(该调查问卷由提供股东通知的推荐股东事先书面要求秘书提供,并且在收到该请求后十天内秘书应向该股东提供),以及由每位提名人签署的书面声明和协议,承认该人:
(A)    consents to (1) being named by the Proposing Shareholder submitting the shareholder notice as its nominee for election as a director, (2) being named in any proxy statement relating to such meeting and applicable proxy cards as a nominee, and (3) serving as a director if elected; and
(B)    makes the following representations: (1) that the director nominee has read and, if elected as a director of the Corporation, agrees to adhere to the Corporation’s Corporate Governance Guidelines, Corporate Code of Business Conduct & Ethics, and any other of the Corporation’s policies or guidelines applicable to directors, including with regard to securities trading; (2) will comply with all applicable rules of the SEC, all applicable rules of any securities exchanges upon which the Corporation’s securities are listed, the Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws, and all applicable fiduciary duties under state law; (3) is not now subject to any governmental law, regulation, order, decree, or sanction that could prohibit or limit such director nominee’s service on the Board of Directors or any committee thereof; (4) that the director nominee is not and will not become a party to any agreement, arrangement, or understanding with, and has not given any commitment or assurance to, any person or entity as to how such person, if elected as a director of the Corporation, will act or vote on any issue or question (a “投票承诺”) that has not been disclosed to the Corporation or any Voting Commitment that could limit or interfere with such person’s ability to comply, if elected as a director of the Corporation, with such person’s fiduciary duties under applicable law; (5) that the director nominee is not and will not become a party to any agreement, arrangement, or understanding with any person or entity other

than the Corporation with respect to any direct or indirect compensation, reimbursement, or indemnification (“"补偿安排"指与公司以外的任何人或实体进行的任何直接或间接的补偿支付或其他财务协议、安排或理解,包括与公司的候选人、提名人、服务人员或董事身份相关的任何直接或间接的补偿、报销或赔偿;”) that has not been disclosed to the Corporation in connection with such person’s nomination for director or service as a director; and (6) that the director nominee, if elected as a director of the Corporation, intends to serve the entire term until the next annual meeting; and
(vi) 关于提名股东:
(A) 根据公司记录列明提名股东及如有的受益所有人的姓名和地址,以及代表其进行提名的受益所有人拥有的公司股份的种类和数量;
(B) (1)提名股东(有权及记录上)拥有的公司股份类别和数量,以及如有的代表提名的受益所有人所拥有的公司股份(应根据 第3.15(b)(vi)(A)款第3.15(b)(vi)(B)款 在本处称为“ 股东信息”), (2) any profits interest, option, warrant, convertible security, stock appreciation right, or similar right with an exercise or conversion privilege or a settlement payment or mechanism at a price related to any class or series of shares of the Corporation or with a value derived, in whole or in part, from the value of any class or series of shares of the Corporation, or any derivative or synthetic arrangement having the characteristics of a long position in any class or series of shares of the Corporation, or any contract, derivative, swap or other transaction or series of transactions designed to produce economic benefits and risks that correspond substantially to the ownership of any class or series of shares of the Corporation, including, without limitation, where the value of such contract, derivative, swap or other transaction or series of transactions is determined by reference to the price, value or volatility of any class or series of shares of the Corporation, whether or not such instrument, contract or right shall be subject to settlement in the underlying class or series of shares of the Corporation, through the delivery of cash or other property, or otherwise, and without regard to whether a Proposing Shareholder may have entered into transactions that hedge or mitigate the economic effect of such instrument, contract or right, or any other direct or indirect opportunity to profit or share in any profit derived from any increase or decrease in the value of shares of the Corporation (any of the foregoing, a “衍生工具”) which are, directly or indirectly, owned beneficially or of record by any Proposing Shareholder or to which any Proposing Shareholder is a party, in each case for clauses (1) and (2), as of the date of the Proposing Shareholder’s notice, and (3) a representation that the Proposing Shareholder will notify the Corporation in writing of the class and number of such shares owned of record and

beneficially and/or any or Derivative Instruments held by such Proposing Shareholder as of the record date for the meeting within five business days after the record date for such meeting;
(C) 提名股东或其代表提名人选时,就提名与股东本人或受益所有人之间或其任何关联方之间可能存在的任何协议、安排或谅解(包括任何相关人士的姓名),并声明提名股东将在会议记录日期之后的五个工作日内以书面形式通知公司任何在会议记录日期时有效的协议、安排或谅解;
(D) 提名股东的通知书日期之日起,描述提名股东或其代表提名人选时,就提名股东或其代表受益所有人之间或其任何关联方可能已经进入的任何协议、安排或谅解(包括任何衍生品或空头头寸、利润权益、期权、套期交易和借入或出借的股票),其目的或意图是为了减轻损失、管理风险或受益于股价变动,或增加或减少该人或其任何关联方对公司股票的表决权,并声明提名股东将在会议记录日期之后的五个工作日内以书面形式通知公司任何在会议记录日期时有效的协议、安排或谅解;
(E) 提名股东声明自己是有资格在会议上投票的公司股东记录持有人,并打算亲自出席会议以提名通知中指定的人选,和/或将该通知中包含的其他事项提前提交到会议上(如适用),并承认若该提名股东未亲自出席会议以提名所提名的候选人或将该通知中包含的其他事项提前提交到会议(如适用),公司无需针对该会议就该事项或所提名的候选人进行表决,尽管公司可能已收到有关此类表决的委托书;
(F)    any proxy, contract, agreement, arrangement, understanding, or relationship pursuant to which any Proposing Shareholder has any right to vote, or has granted a right to vote, any class or series of shares of the Corporation;

(G)    any significant equity interests or any Derivative Instruments in any principal competitor of the Corporation held by any Proposing Shareholder;
(H)    any direct or indirect interest of any Proposing Shareholder in any contract, agreement, arrangement, understanding, or relationship with the Corporation, any affiliate of the Corporation or any principal competitor of the Corporation (including, without limitation, in any such case, any employment agreement, collective bargaining agreement or consulting agreement);
(I)    any material pending or threatened action, suit or proceeding in which any Proposing Shareholder is or is reasonably expected to be made, a party or material participant involving the Corporation or any of its officers or directors;
(J)    all information that would be required to be set forth in a Schedule 13D filed pursuant to Rule 13d-1(a) or an amendment pursuant to Rule 13d-2(a) if such a statement were required to be filed under the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder by the Proposing Shareholder;
(K)    any other information relating to the Proposing Shareholder that would be required to be disclosed in a proxy statement and form of proxy or other filings required to be made in connection with solicitations of proxies for, as applicable, the proposal and/or for the election of directors in a contested election pursuant to Section 14 of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder (the disclosures to be made pursuant to the foregoing Sections 3.15(b)(vi)(B)(2)通过(K) are referred to as “可披露利益”; provided, however, that Disclosable Interests shall not include any such disclosures with respect to the ordinary course business activities of any broker, dealer, commercial bank, trust company or other nominee who is a Proposing Shareholder solely as a result of being the shareholder directed to prepare and submit the notice required by these Bylaws on behalf of a beneficial owner);
(L)    a representation by such Proposing Shareholder as to the accuracy of the information set forth in such notice; and
(M)    for a shareholder soliciting proxies in support of nominees (other than those nominated by the Board of Directors), a representation that the Proposing Shareholder and any such beneficial owner intend or are part of a group that intends to solicit proxies from shareholders in support of its nominees in accordance with Rule 14a-19, including delivery of a proxy statement and form of proxy, of at least sixty-seven

percent (67%) of the voting power of shares entitled to vote on the election of directors.
The Corporation may require any Proposing Shareholder and/or proposed nominee to furnish, within five business days after such request by the Corporation, such other information as it may reasonably require to determine the eligibility or suitability of such proposed nominee to serve as an independent director of the Corporation or that could be material to a reasonable shareholder’s understanding of the independence, or lack thereof, of such nominee, including under the listing standards of each securities exchange upon which the Corporation’s securities are listed, any applicable rules of the SEC, any publicly disclosed standards used by the Board of Directors in selecting nominees for election as a director and for determining and disclosing the independence of directors, including those applicable to a director’s service on any of the committees of the Board of Directors, or the requirements of any other laws or regulations applicable to the Corporation. If requested by the Corporation, any supplemental information required under this paragraph shall be provided within five business days after it has been requested by the Corporation. The Corporation may also request that a proposed nominee submit to a background check, which may include interviews by the Board of Directors or any committee thereof, and any proposed nominee shall comply with such request within five business days after such request by the Corporation.
(c)    其他股东提案除董事提名外的所有业务,提议股东通知秘书,必须详细说明提议股东拟在会议上提出的每个事项:

(vi) 公司董事会或其授权委员会指示的通知中规定的信息 第3.15(b)(vi)条 前述条款不适用于根据政策并符合适用法律的现有交易计划出售公司证券的情况。
(d)    股东特别会议。只有我们的总裁(如果适用)或我们的董事会的决议才能召开我们的股东特别会议。。特别股东大会只能进行已得到妥善提前呈报的事项。要使业务得到妥善提前呈报,必须符合以下条件:(i)在公司董事会或其授权委员会指示的会议通知中(或其任何补充)指明;(ii)如果并未在由公司董事会或其授权委员会指示的会议通知中(或其任何补充)指明,否则由公司董事会或其授权委员会授权的人员合适地在特别股东大会之前提前呈报;或(iii)由亲自出席的股东在符合的情况下要求召开特别股东大会,并符合中引用或包含的通知和其他程序和要求。 如果与引领投资者相关的交易如期完成,公司应偿还/或支付引领投资者在交易文件和交易中实际产生的所有法律、尽职调查、行政和其他开销和费用(包括费用、第三方咨询或咨询性费用以及法律、会计和其他开销和费用),最高为 283,000 美元。在其他情况下,各方将各自承担交易文件和交易本身所产生或将产生的所有实际支出和费用。 第3.15节股东大会的董事会可以在董事会召集的特别会议上提名董事候选人,该会议上将根据公司会议通知选举董事。
(ii)在董事会确定董事将在该特别会议上选举的情况下,该特别会议上任何亲自到场的公司股东均可提名,该股东(A)是董事会确定的用于确定有资格收到通知并参加特别会议的股东记录日的公司股东,(股东提供的通知在) 第3.15节(b) 如果与引领投资者相关的交易如期完成,公司应偿还/或支付引领投资者在交易文件和交易中实际产生的所有法律、尽职调查、行政和其他开销和费用(包括费用、第三方咨询或咨询性费用以及法律、会计和其他开销和费用),最高为 283,000 美元。在其他情况下,各方将各自承担交易文件和交易本身所产生或将产生的所有实际支出和费用。 第3.15(d)条款 被提名者已交予秘书,并且在该会议期间(及任何延期、休会、重新安排或继续),(B)有权在会议上投票选举每位被提名者,并且(C)遵守本章程及其他规定的通知和程序要求。 3.15节包括但不限于第3.15(b)部分以及本章程其他地方 并遵守适用法律的任何要求,包括但不限于《万亿证券交易法》。
如果公司召开股东特别会议,目的是选举一个或多个董事加入董事会,则有权在董事选举中投票的任何股东可以提名人选出任公司会议通知中指定的职位,前提是该股东向秘书提交符合 第3.15(b)节的股东通知 在该特别会议前120天的营业结束时间之后且不晚于:(x)在该特别会议前90天的结束时间;或(y)特别会议日期首次进行公开披露及提名人员日期后第十天的营业结束时间。

(e)不遵守规定的影响。只有按照本文件规定的程序提名的人员才有资格在公司股东会议上被选举为董事。在任何情况下,股东不得根据本文件提出更多的董事候选人提名通知,以便在适当会议上根据股东选举的候选人(作为候补或其他方式)的数量。只有按照本文件规定的程序和要求在会议之前提出的其他业务可以在会议上进行。 第3.15节 或者 第3.18节 。只有按照本文件规定的程序提名的人员才有资格在公司股东会议上被选举为董事。在任何情况下,股东不得根据本文件提出更多的董事候选人提名通知,以便在适当会议上根据股东选举的候选人(作为候补或其他方式)的数量。只有按照本文件规定的程序和要求在会议之前提出的其他业务可以在会议上进行。 第3.15节 选择的董事候选人(作为候补或其他方式)的数量大于适用会议上股东选举的董事数。只有按照本文件规定的程序和要求在开会前提出的其他业务可以在会上进行。 第3.15节 或者 第3.18节如适用。如果任何提名未按照本章程提名或提出 第3.15节 或者 第3.18节如适用,或其他业务未按照本章程提出或提出 第3.15节, or any Proposing Shareholder breaches, or takes any action contrary to, any of the representations, undertakings, or commitments made in the shareholder notice it delivers to the Corporation or any of the documents submitted in connection therewith, then except as otherwise required by applicable law, the chair of the meeting shall have the power and duty to declare that such nomination shall be disregarded and/or that such proposed other business shall not be transacted notwithstanding that proxies in respect of such nominations or other business may have been received by the Corporation. Notwithstanding anything in these Bylaws to the contrary, unless otherwise required by law, if a Proposing Shareholder intending to propose business or make nominations at an annual meeting or propose a nomination at a special meeting pursuant to this 第3.15节 does not provide the information required under this 第3.15节 to the Corporation, including the updated information required by Section 3.15(b)(vi)(B), Section 3.15(b)(vi)(C), and 第3.15(b)(vi)(D)节 在离开金录日期的五个工作日内或者在会议上未亲自出席的提名股东提出提议的,不得考虑该业务或提名,尽管公司可能已收到有关该业务或提名的代理人。
(f)规则14a-8. 这款电动三轮车提供了卓越的舒适度和支撑作用,减轻了骑手的背部和关节的压力。它是寻求轻松骑行体验而不影响性能和效率的人的绝佳选择。后置电机可以在加减速时更好地控制和操纵,而前叉悬挂可最小化不平的路面对车辆的冲击。此三轮车还配备了5英寸液晶屏、EB 2.0照明系统、可折叠车把、胖胎、后差速器和停车刹车。此外,它还有一个拖车管,可以轻松地搬运大货物。还有一个适用于身材较矮的骑手的Mini版本。第3.15节第3.18节 如果股东已经按照《证券交易法》第14a-8条规定并遵守规则,且仅打算在年度或特别会议上提出提案,其通知公司股东意图的规定不适用于此。 第3.15节 也不 第3.18节 不影响股东要求在提交给证券交易委员会(SEC)的任何代理声明中包含提案的权利,也不影响公司根据《证券交易法》第14a-8条以及SEC工作人员的解释、指导和无效性声明有选择地省略提案的权利。
(g)第14a-19规则. 尽管有关本条款的规定如上所述 第3.15节, unless otherwise required by law, (i) no shareholder proposing nominations pursuant to this 第3.15节 shall solicit proxies in support of director nominees other than the Corporation’s nominees unless such shareholder has complied with Rule 14a-19 in connection with the solicitation of such proxies, including the timely provision of the required notices to the

Corporation and (ii) if any such shareholder (A) provides notice pursuant to Rule 14a-19(b) and (B) subsequently fails to comply with the requirements of Rule 14a-19(a)(2) and Rule 14a-19(a)(3), including the provision of the required notices thereunder to the Corporation in a timely manner, or fails to timely provide reasonable evidence sufficient to satisfy the Corporation that such shareholder has met the requirements of Rule 14a-19(a)(3) in accordance with clause (z) of the following sentence, then the Corporation shall treat any proxies or votes solicited for such shareholder’s candidates as abstentions rather than votes for such shareholder’s candidates. If any shareholder providing notice as to nominations pursuant to this 第3.15节 provides notice pursuant to Rule 14a-19(b), then such shareholder shall (x) promptly notify the Corporation if it subsequently fails to comply with the requirements of Rule 14a-19(a)(2) and Rule 14a-19(a)(3), (x) if Rule 14a-19(c) applies, comply with Rule 14a-19(c) by notifying the Secretary in writing at the Principal Office within two business days of the change of intention and (z) if it has not provided a notice to the Corporation under clause (x) or (y), deliver to the Corporation, no later than seven business days prior to the applicable meeting, reasonable evidence that it has met the requirements of Rule 14a-19(a)(3).
(a)    书面同意书要求。公司法要求在股东的任何年度或特别股东大会上采取的任何行动,如有一个或一个以上的描述所采取行动的书面同意书,且(i)应该由记录日期上的持有人(根据设立的记录日期)签名, 第3.16(b)节 (“本登记声明”) 由特立软件股份有限公司,一家德拉华州股份公司 (以下简称为“本公司”) 提交,目的是为了注册其额外的7,184,563股A类普通股,每股面值$0.0001 (以下简称为“A类普通股”), 以及在特立软件股份有限公司 2022年股权激励计划下可发行股份的1,436,911股A类普通股,注(下文简称为“A类普通股”)。书面同意书记录日期在那些在场并投票的所有有表决权的未归属公司的股份的股东大会上,拥有不低于授权或采取此类行动所需的最低票数的未归属公司的股份的股东,指定的书面同意必须:(i)通过将书面同意交至主要办公室、公司的主要营业地点、秘书或公司其他记载股东大会相关议题的记录簿的其他高级职员或代理人;(ii)通过亲手递送或通过通过要求回执的挂号信或挂号信交送。每份书面同意应当载明签署同意的每个股东的签署日期,除非在此所要求的方式交付的日期之内,签署该共同行动的股东数量所要求的书面同意在最早日期之60天内由递送至公司,否则不得有效执行所述书面同意中提及的公司行动。 第3.16节仅有在书面同意记录日期的股东方可在无须召开会议的情况下以书面形式表决公司行动。
未经限制,任何记录股东寻求通过书面同意授权或采取任何行动的股东在要求董事会先行书面确定一书面同意记录日期以确定有权采取此类行动的股东时,应首先以书面形式向公司主要执行办公室的秘书妥善递送或邮寄并由其接收。在收到任何此类股东的妥善形式要求并且且符合此 第3.16(b)节 的条件后,董事会应在收到妥善形式且符合此有关任何该等股东的请求后的10天内,通过决议确定一书面同意记录日期,以确定有权采取此类行动的股东,该日期不得晚于通过该决议的日期之后的10天。

董事会通过了设定登记日期。如果在收到此类请求后的10天内,董事会未通过设定登记日期的决议,则:(i) 决定股东有权同意该行动的书面同意登记日期,在适用法律未要求董事会先行采取行动时,应为向公司递交构成适用比例的公司流通股份并列明已采取或拟采取行动的有效签署书面同意的日期,并以本章程描述的方式递交给公司的第一个日期。 第3.16节(ii) 决定股东有权同意该行动的书面同意登记日期,在适用法律要求董事会先行采取行动时,应为董事会通过采取该先行行动的决议的营业结束时的日期。
(c) 为了符合本章程的目的,股东请求董事会确定书面同意登记日期应载明: 第3.16节(i)至于每位征询人员(如下定义),股东信息(如
第3.15(b)(vi)(B)条款所定义) , except that for purposes of this 第3.16节 the term “Soliciting Person” shall be substituted for the term “Proposing Shareholder” in all places it appears in Section 3.15(b)(vi)(A)Section 3.15(b)(vi)(B);
(ii)    As to each Soliciting Person, any Disclosable Interests (as defined in Section 3.15(b)(vi)(K),但为了本目的,将“征询人”一词替换为所有出现的“提议股东” 第3.16节 章节3.15(b)(vi)(B)(2)中的所有地方 中的一条规定通过(K) 及根据披露 章节3.15(b)(vi)(B)(2)中的一条规定通过(K) 就拟采取的行动或行动应以书面同意书形式进行);
(iii) 关于拟采取的行动或行动:(A)行动或行动的简要描述、采取该行动或行动的原因以及每个征求意见者对该行动或行动的任何重大利益,(B)股东将以书面同意书表决的决议文本,以及(C)所有协议、安排和理解的合理详细描述(x)征求意见者之间的协议或安排,以及(y)征求意见者与其他人之间的协议或安排(包括他们的姓名),与请求或该等行动有关; and
(iv) 如果提议通过书面同意书选举董事,则提议股东提议通过书面同意书选举为董事的每个人的候选人信息。

(d)    In connection with an action or actions proposed to be taken by written consent in accordance with this 第3.16节, the shareholder or shareholders seeking such action or actions shall further update and supplement the information previously provided to the Corporation in connection therewith, if necessary, so that the information provided or required to be provided pursuant to this 第3.16节 shall be true and correct as of the record date for determining the shareholders eligible to take such action and as of the date that is five business days prior to the date the consent solicitation is commenced, and such update and supplement shall be delivered to, or mailed and received by, the Secretary at the principal executive offices of the Corporation not later than five business days after the record date for determining the shareholders eligible to take such action (in the case of the update and supplement required to be made as of the record date), and not later than three business days prior to the date that the consent solicitation is commenced (in the case of the update and supplement required to be made as of five business days prior to the commencement of the consent solicitation). For the avoidance of doubt, the obligation to update and supplement as set forth in this paragraph or any other section of these Bylaws shall not limit the Corporation’s rights with respect to any deficiencies in any written consent provided by a shareholder, extend any applicable deadlines hereunder or enable or be deemed to permit a shareholder who has previously submitted a written consent hereunder to amend or update any proposal, including by changing or adding nominees, matters, business or proposed resolutions.
(e)    Notwithstanding anything in these Bylaws to the contrary, no action may be taken by the shareholders by written consent except in accordance with this 第3.16节. If the Board of Directors shall determine that any request to fix a Written Consent Record Date or to take shareholder action by written consent was not properly made in accordance with this 第3.16节,或者寻求采取此类行动的股东未能遵守本 第3.16节,则董事会无需确定书面同意登记日期,任何通过书面同意采取的行动均应根据适用法律的规定视为无效。除了本 第3.16节 至于寻求通过书面同意采取行动的股东,每名征求人应遵守适用法律的所有要求,包括交易法的所有要求。关于此类行动,征求人应

(h)    与股东大会投票具有相同效力根据此书面同意签署的同意书 第3.16节 具有会议投票效果,可以在任何文件中描述为如此。每当根据此书面同意采取行动时,经同意的股东的书面同意或被任命计算此类同意的检验员的书面报告应归档于股东会议程序记录。 第3.16节接受表明股东行动的文件。如果在投票、同意、放弃或委托书上签名的名称与股东的名称相符,则公司如诚信行事,可以接受该投票、同意、放弃或委托书,并将其视为股东的行为。如果在投票、同意、放弃或委托书上签名的名称与股东的名称不相符,则公司如诚信行事,可以接受该投票、同意、放弃或委托书,并将其视为股东的行为,若其中任何以下情形适用:
(a) 股东是法人实体,且签署的名称据称为该实体的官员或代理人的名称;
(b) 签署的名称据称代表着股东的行政人员、执行人员、监护人、个人代表或受益人,如果公司要求,与投票、同意、放弃或代理任命相关的接受公司认可的受益人身份证明书被提供;
(c) 签署的名称据称代表着股东的破产接管人、受托人或债权人利益受让人,如果公司要求,与投票、同意、放弃或代理任命相关的公司认可的此身份证明被提供;
(d) 签署的名称据称代表着股东的质权人、实益所有人或委托人,如果公司要求,公司接受的受托人签署代表股东的授权证明被提供,以便进行投票、同意、放弃或代理任命;或
(e) 两个或两个以上的人是作为共有人或受益人的股东,签署的姓名据称至少代表一个共有人的姓名且签署人似乎代表所有共有人行事。

(a)    在代理声明中包含被提名人根据本条款的规定,对于股东年度大会,公司应在其委托声明和委托表格中,除了任何由董事会或其委员会提名的候选人外,还应包括名称和必需信息(在第2.9(b)节中定义)的人员。 第3.18节根据相关提名通知书(如下定义),公司应在任何年度股东大会的代理声明中包括:
(i)任何人员提名的姓名(“提名人”)董事会董事,该名称也应包括在公司的年度股东大会的代理表和选票上,由任何符合条件的持有人(如下定义)或最多20名符合条件的持有人团体(对于团体来说,分别和集体地,由董事会或其委托人员,善意行事,判定已达到并遵守本文所述的所有适用条件和程序。 第3.18节 (such Eligible Holder or group of Eligible Holders being a “提名股东”);
(ii) 根据证监会规定或任何其他适用法律、规则或法规要求包括在代理声明中的被提名人和提名股东的披露;以及
(iii) 由提名股东在提名通知中包括在支持被提名人竞选公司董事会的代理声明中的任何声明(受限但不限于, 第3.18(e)(ii)条),如果这类声明不超过500字。
尽管本协议中另有规定,公司可就任何被提名人进行股东征求意见,并在其年度股东大会的代理声明中包括公司或董事会决定在代理声明中包括与被提名人提名有关的任何其他信息,包括但不限于反对提名的声明和根据本 第3.18节.
(b)    提名人数上限.
公司无需在股东年会的任何代理材料中包含超过在提名通知截至日之前在任董事人数的20%的被提名人数 第3.18(d)条 (“本登记声明”) 由特立软件股份有限公司,一家德拉华州股份公司 (以下简称为“本公司”) 提交,目的是为了注册其额外的7,184,563股A类普通股,每股面值$0.0001 (以下简称为“A类普通股”), 以及在特立软件股份有限公司 2022年股权激励计划下可发行股份的1,436,911股A类普通股,注(下文简称为“A类普通股”)。最后计算日:

提名日期”), rounded down to the nearest whole number, but not less than two (the “最大数量普通股”). The Maximum Number for a particular annual meeting shall be reduced by (A) Nominees nominated by a Nominating Shareholder for that annual meeting whose nomination is subsequently withdrawn after the Nominating Shareholder is notified by the Corporation that the Nominees will be included in the Corporation’s proxy statement and proxy card for the annual meeting, (B) Nominees nominated by a Nominating Shareholder for such annual meeting pursuant to this 第3.18节 that the Board of Directors itself decides to nominate for election at such annual meeting, (C) the number of directors in office as of the Final Nomination Date who had been Nominees nominated by a Nominating Shareholder with respect to any of the preceding two annual meetings (including any Nominee who had been counted at any such annual meeting pursuant to the immediately preceding clause (B)) whose reelection at the upcoming annual meeting is being recommended by the Board of Directors and (D) any director candidate for whom the Corporation shall have received one or more valid shareholder notices (whether or not subsequently withdrawn) nominating such person for election to the Board of Directors pursuant to 第3.15节, other than any such director referred to in this clause (D) who at the time of such annual meeting will have served as a director continuously, as a nominee of the Board of Directors, for at least two annual terms, but only to the extent the Maximum Number after such reduction with respect to this clause (D) equals one. If one or more vacancies for any reason occurs on the Board of Directors after the Final Nomination Date but before the date of the annual meeting and the Board of Directors resolves to reduce the size of the Board of Directors in connection with the occurrence of the vacancy or vacancies, then the Maximum Number shall be calculated based on the number of directors in office as so reduced.
(ii) 任何提名人根据本条款提交多个被提名人的,应根据提名人希望这些被提名人在年度股东大会上被选入公司代理人声明的顺序对这些被提名人进行排名。 第3.18节 的被提名人超过最大数,则应排序这些被提名人,以便在代表该年度股东大会的公司代理人声明中选择这些被提名人。 第3.18节 为任何年度股东大会提交的被提名人数超过最大数,则符合本 第3.18节 条件的排名最高的被提名人将成为提名人。 第3.18节 from each Nominating Holder will be selected for inclusion in the Corporation’s proxy statement until the Maximum Number is reached, going in order of the amount (largest to smallest) of the shares of common stock of the Corporation disclosed as owned in each Nominating Shareholder’s Nomination Notice.
(iii)    If, after the Final Nomination Date, (A) the Corporation is notified, or the Board of Directors or its designee, acting in good faith, determines, that (1) a Nominating Shareholder has failed to satisfy or to continue to satisfy the eligibility requirements described in 第3.18(c)节, (2) any of the

representations and warranties made in the Nomination Notice cease to be true and accurate in all material respects (or omit a material fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading) or (3) any material violation or breach occurs of the obligations, agreements, representations or warranties of the Nominating Shareholder or the Nominee under this 第3.18节, (B) a Nominating Shareholder or any qualified representative thereof does not appear at the annual meeting to present any nomination submitted pursuant to this 第3.18节或提名股东撤回提名,或(C)被提名人因此成为公司代理声明中资格不合适, 第3.18节 或死亡,成为残疾或因其他原因被禁止被提名并在公司担任董事,或不愿意或不能担任公司董事,无论是在公司确定是否在公司的年度股东大会之前还是之后确定代理声明为股东提供之前,则忠实行事,情况下董事会或其指定人,然后忽略提名股东或提名人提名,应视情况而定,不会对提名对象进行投票(尽管可能已向公司收到有关该投票的委托书),提名股东无法以任何方式纠正任何阻止提名提名的缺陷,公司(1) 可以在其代理说明书和任何投票用纸或代理表中省略被忽视的被提名人和有关该被提名人的任何信息(包括提名股东支持的声明),公司已决定不列入其代理声明和代理卡的其他被提名人,并由提名股东或任何其他提名人提出的任何后续或替代提名人,并且(2) 可以以其他方式向其股东通知,包括但不限于通过修订或补充其代理说明书或投票用纸或代理表,说法被提名人将不包括为提名人在代理声明中或在任何投票用纸或代理表上,并且不会在年度会议上对其进行投票。
(c)    股东提名资格.
(i)“提名股东”是指既是公司普通股的股份的记录持有者满足本如果:您在期权交换提议开始时是Vincerx的雇员或者为Vincerx提供服务的顾问之一(各自称为“雇员”);第3.18(c)部分的资格要求的人 在指定的三年期间内持续 第3.18(c)(ii)款 或(B)在第3.18(c)款提及的时间段内向公司秘书提供连续拥有这些股票的证据,并以董事会或其指定人员善意行事的形式和实质确定将被视为交换法案第14a-8(b)(2)规定的股东提案目的的可接受证据(或任何后续规定)。 第3.18(c)款,符合交换法案第14a-8(b)(2)规定的股东提案的目的。
只有符合此要求的资格持有人或最多20位资格持有人,才可以按照本提名。 第3.18节 如果个人或

group (in the aggregate) has continuously owned at least the Minimum Number (as defined below) of shares of the Corporation’s common stock throughout the three-year period preceding and including the date of submission of the Nomination Notice and continues to own at least the Minimum Number through the date of the annual meeting. A group of funds under common management and investment control shall be treated as one Eligible Holder for purposes of such limitation if such Eligible Holder shall provide together with the Nomination Notice documentation reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation that demonstrates that the funds are under common management and investment control. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event of a nomination by a group of Eligible Holders, any and all requirements and obligations applicable to an individual Eligible Holder that are set forth in this 第3.18节, including the minimum holding period, shall apply to each member of such group; provided, however, that the Minimum Number shall apply to the ownership of the group in the aggregate, and a breach of any obligation, agreement, representation or warranty under this 第3.18节 by any member of a group shall be deemed a breach by the Nominating Shareholder. If any shareholder withdraws from a group of Eligible Holders at any time prior to the annual meeting, then the group of Eligible Shareholders shall only be deemed to own the shares held by the remaining members of the group and if, as a result of such withdrawal, the Nominating Shareholder no longer owns the Minimum Number of shares of the Corporation’s common stock, then the nomination shall be disregarded as provided in Section 3.18(b)(iii).
(iii)    The “最低数量公司普通股的”股份意味着公司在提交提名通知书之前向SEC提交的任何文件中所给出的截至最近日期的未解决普通股的数量的3%。
(iv)为了这个目的 第3.18节,符合资格的持有人只“拥有”公司普通股的未解决股份,对于这些股份,符合资格的持有人具有:
(A) 具有这些股份的全部投票和投资权利;和
(B) 持有这些股票的全部经济利益(包括盈利机会和风险损失)。

衍生工具或类似工具或协议,这些工具或协议的任何一方是以该公司的普通股的未解决股份的名义金额或价值为基础,无论任何情况下该工具或协议是否有,或者打算具有,(x)以任何方式,任何程度或任何未来时间减少符合资格持有人或其任何附属公司对这种股份的全部投票权或指导投票的权利和/或(y)对由符合资格持有人或其任何附属公司通过保持完全经济所有权而产生的任何收益或损失进行对冲,抵消或改变。符合资格持有人拥有通过提名人或其他中介持有的股份,只要符合资格持有人保留有权指示有关如何投票以选举董事的股份的权利并拥有这些股份的全部经济利益。在任何符合资格持有人以代理人,授权书或其他类似工具或安排委派任何投票权,并随时可撤销的期间内,符合资格持有人对股份的所有权将被视为继续存在。在符合资格持有人借出此类股份期间,符合资格持有人有权在五个工作日通知后撤回此类借出股份,当公司通知任何符合资格持有人的提名人将被纳入公司的代理声明和委托书中的年度会议时,回收此类借出股份(受本条款的约束) 第3.18节在股东大会日期前拥有这些股份并持有这些股份。 "拥有"、"拥有"、"所有权"和其他"拥有"一词的变体应具有对应的含义。对于这些目的,公司的流通股是否"拥有"应由董事会决定。
(d)    提名通知。为了在此目的上提名候选人 第3.18节,提名股东必须向秘书书面发送及时的通知。要及时,提名股东的通知应在首先的董事会日期纪要中设定的日期一周年之前不少于120天且不超过150天收到,作为公司首次向其股东提供明确的委托材料的日期,作为前一个年会的日期;但是,如果年会召开的日期比前一届年会的第一个年会纪念日提前30天或延后30天以上,则提名股东的通知要及时,必须在秘书收到后不晚于提名通知的日期结束商业。

年会或第一次公开披露这类年会日期的第十天后,任何年会的休会、休会或推迟都不可开始提名通知的新时间段(或延长任何时间段)。为了符合规定,提名股东就此向秘书的通知 第3.18节 shall include all of the following information and documents (collectively, the “提名通知”):
(i)    a Schedule 14N (or any successor form) relating to the Nominee, completed and filed with the SEC by the Nominating Shareholder as applicable, in accordance with SEC rules;
(ii)    a written notice of the nomination of such Nominee that includes the following additional information, agreements, representations and warranties by the Nominating Shareholder (including each group member):
(A)    the information and representations that would be required to be set forth in a shareholder’s notice of a nomination for the election of directors pursuant to 第3.15节;
(B)    the details of any relationship that existed within the past three years and that would have been described pursuant to Item 6(e) of Schedule 14N (or any successor item) if it existed on the date of submission of the Schedule 14N;
(C)    a representation and warranty that the shares of common stock of the Corporation owned by the Nominating Shareholder were acquired in the ordinary course of business and not with the intent or objective to influence or change control of the Corporation and are not being held with the purpose or effect of changing control of the Corporation or to gain a number of seats on the Board of Directors that exceeds the maximum number of nominees that shareholders may nominate pursuant to this 第3.18节;
(D)    a representation and warranty that the Nominating Shareholder satisfies the eligibility requirements set forth in Section 3.18(c) and has provided evidence of ownership to the extent required by Section 3.18(c)(i);
(E)    a representation and warranty that the Nominating Shareholder will continue to satisfy the eligibility requirements described in Section 3.18(c) 直至年度股东大会的日期;
(F) 提供保证,提名股东未提名也不会提名其他人员参加董事会董事选举,除了根据这份提名书所提名的候选人; 第3.18节;

(G) 提供保证,关于提名股东持续拥有公司普通股最低数量的意愿,直至年度股东大会的日期;
(H) 提供保证,提名股东不会参与并且不会成为他人“征求委任”(根据《证券交易法》第14a-1(l)条解释的含义,不涉及《14a-(l)(2)(iv)条例》中的例外情况)(或任何后继法规),与年度股东大会有关,除了其提名人或董事会的任何提名人;
(I) 提供保证,提名股东在与年度股东大会选举候选人有关的股东代理征求活动中不会使用除公司代理卡之外的任何代理卡;
(J) 提供保证,被提名人的董事会选举提名,或者被选举后的董事会成员,不会违反适用州或联邦法律或公司证券交易所的规定;
(K) 提供保证,被提名人(1)符合公司证券交易所的规定独立条件,(2)符合公司证券交易所规定的审计委员会和薪酬委员会独立要求,(3)符合《证券交易法》第160亿.3条规定中的“非雇员董事”定义(或任何后继规定),以及(4)未且不曾受到《1933年证券法》修正案下规定的规定》是否对提名人的能力或诚信评估具有实质影响,或未且不曾受到《交易法》Regulation S-k条例401(f)项目或任何后继规定中指定的事件影响,不考虑该事件是否对提名人的能力或诚信评估有实质影响;
(L) 提名人在提名通知书提交前三年内作为雇员、顾问、代理人、官员或董事担任任何竞争对手(如下所定义)的职位的详细情况;
(1)    “竞争者” 意味着个人、企业或任何其他从事销售或公开宣布其意图从事销售任何竞争产品或服务(如下所定义)的实体或企业。
(2)    “竞争产品或服务” 意味着任何与公司开发、制造或销售的产品或服务竞争的产品或服务,或正在开发且将与公司开发、制造或销售的产品或服务竞争的产品或服务。

(M) 如果需要,提名人当选为董事会成员的声明,该声明不得超过500字,并完全符合《交换法》第14条和在该基础上制定的规则和法规,包括其下的第14a-9条款;并
(N) 对于由一组人提名的情况,所有组成员指定一个组成员接收公司的通讯、通知和询问,并被授权代表所有成员处理与提名相关的事项,包括撤回提名;
(iii) 根据董事会或其代表视为令人满意的形式执行的协议,该协议由诚信行事的提名股东(包括每个团体成员)同意:
(A) 遵守所有适用的法律、规则和法规,涉及提名、征集和选举。
(B) 提交任何书面征求意见或任何与公司股东有关的书面沟通,无论涉及公司的一个或多个董事或董事候选人或任何被提名人,以及是否根据规则或法规要求进行此类提交,或者这类材料是否可以根据任何规则或法规获得豁免;
(C) 承担因提名股东、其关联公司和联营公司或其各自代理人与公司、其股东或与提名或选举董事有关的其他任何人进行的沟通(包括不限于提名通知)、或提供给公司的事实、声明或其他信息而可能出现的任何实际或被指控的法律或监管违规行为所产生的所有责任 (在团体成员提名时由所有团体成员一并和数额相等承担);
(D) 在与由提名股东根据本协议提交的任何提名有关的威胁性或正在进行的诉讼、行政程序或调查中,赔偿并使净化(在团体成员提名时与所有其他团体成员一并承担)公司及其董事、高管和员工个别遭受的任何责任、损失、损害、费用或其他成本(包括律师费)。

无论是法律诉讼、行政程序还是调查,根据提名股东根据本协议提交的任何提名而针对公司或公司的任何董事、高管或员工,产生的或与之相关的任何诉讼、行政程序或调查, 第3.18节 或者提名股东未能遵守,或者违反其在本协议项下的义务、协议或声明,或被指称未能遵守,或者被指称违反 第3.18节;
在提名通知中包含的任何信息,或者提名股东(包括关于任何集团成员的)向公司、其股东或任何其他人发出的任何其他与提名或选举有关的沟通,若停止真实准确至关重要,或者遗漏了必要的重大事实以使所作陈述不具误导性,或者提名股东(包括任何集团成员)未能继续满足 第3.18(c)节,在任何情况下都应立即(且在发现此类错误陈述、遗漏或未能之后的48小时内)通知公司和任何其他接收者有关此前提供信息中的错误陈述或遗漏,并提供纠正错误陈述或遗漏所需的信息和/或通知公司未能继续满足 第3.18(c)节相关资格要求的情况,应知道提供任何此类通知不应被视为纠正任何缺陷或限制公司根据本文规定在其代理材料中省略被提名人的权利 第3.18节;以及帮助孩子们跟踪他们夏季口腔卫生习惯的材料。

(D)在候选人向公司、股东或与提名或选举有关的任何其他人提供的任何信息或沟通在所有重大方面不再真实准确或省略必要使之不误导的重要事实的情况下(并在发现此类错误陈述、省略或失败后的48小时内),候选人将告知公司以及任何接收此类沟通的其他人有关先前提供的信息中的错误陈述或遗漏以及需要纠正错误陈述或遗漏的信息,如有;应理解,提供任何此类通知不应被视为纠正任何缺陷或限制公司依据本 第3.18节.
根据本条款3.4(d)所要求的信息和文件应为以下内容:(1)适用于团队成员的信息应由每个团队成员提供并签署;(2)适用于提名股东或团队成员(如果是实体)的Schedule 14N的6(c)和6(d)事项指示1所规定的人员提供。提名通知应被视为于提交日提交,提交日是指提供本条款3.4(d)中所提到的所有信息和文件的日期。 第3.18(d)条款 应分别与每个组成员就适用于组成员的信息而签署,并且应分别就日程14N表的第6(c)和(d)项的第1说明指定的人员就提名股东或是实体组成员而适用而提供。 任职通知应被视为于提及《本 第3.18(d)条款》中所指信息和文件的所有内容提交的日期 已被交付给公司秘书,或通过邮件发送并由公司秘书收到。
(i)    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this 第3.18节, the Corporation may omit from its proxy statement and any ballot or form of proxy any Nominee and any information concerning such Nominee (including a Nominating Shareholder’s statement in support), and no vote on such Nominee will occur (notwithstanding that proxies in respect of such vote may have been received by the Corporation), and the Nominating Shareholder may not, after the Final Nomination Date, cure in any way any defect preventing the nomination of the Nominee, if:

(A)    the Corporation receives a notice pursuant to 第3.15节 that a shareholder intends to nominate a person for election to the Board of Directors at the annual meeting;
(B)    the Board of Directors or its designee, acting in good faith, determines that such Nominee’s nomination or election to the Board of Directors would result in the Corporation violating or failing to be in compliance with these Bylaws, or any applicable law, rule or regulation to which the Corporation is subject, including any rules or regulations of any stock exchange on which the Corporation’s securities are traded;
(C)    the Nominee was nominated for election to the Board of Directors pursuant to this 第3.18节 at one of the Corporation’s two preceding annual meetings and either (i) withdrew or became ineligible or unavailable for election at any such annual meeting or (ii) received a vote of less than 25% of the shares of common stock of the Corporation entitled to vote for such Nominee; or
(D)    the Nominee has been, within the past three years, an officer or director of a competitor, as defined for purposes of Section 8 of the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914, as amended.
(ii)    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this 第3.18节, the Corporation may omit from its proxy statement, or may supplement or correct, any information, including all or any portion of the statement in support of the Nominee included in the Nomination Notice, if the Board of Directors or its designee, acting in good faith, determines that:
(B) 这些信息直接或间接抹黑、质疑人物品德、诚信或个人声誉,或直接或间接对任何人的不当、非法或不道德行为或关联提出无事实基础的控诉;
(C) 在代理声明中包含这些信息将违反SEC规则或任何其他适用的法律、规则或法规。

第4条 股份

(a)    All corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of, and the business and affairs of the Corporation managed under the direction of, the Board of Directors, a majority of whom shall be Independent Directors. For purposes of this 第4.1节, “独立董事” shall mean a person other than an officer or employee of the Corporation or its subsidiaries or any other individual having a relationship which, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, would interfere with the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities of a director.
(b)    The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than three (3) nor more than eleven (11) individuals, which numbers may be increased or decreased from time to time by amendment to these Bylaws by a majority of the directors or by an affirmative shareholder vote. Subject to the foregoing, the number of directors shall be established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors. If the terms of the directors are staggered under 第4.6节 of these Bylaws, any increase or decrease in the number of directors shall be allocated proportionately among the classes. Any decrease in the number of directors shall not prematurely shorten the term of any incumbent director.
(c)    限制条件董事必须是年满十八岁或以上的自然人,但不必是佛罗里达州的居民。
4.2节    任期每个董事的任期将在其选举后的下一次股东年会上到期,或者直到其继任者当选并具备资格为止,除非根据第4.6 节将其任期错开。 第4.6 节。
第4.4节Failed Director Election. Any director who fails to receive the requisite number of votes for reelection shall be required to promptly tender his or her resignation to the Board of Directors. The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors shall make a recommendation to the Board of Directors on whether to accept or reject the offer of resignation, or whether other action should be taken. In reaching its decision, the Board of Directors will consider the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee’s recommendation and may consider any other factors it deems relevant, which may include the director’s qualifications, the director’s past and expected future contributions to the Corporation, the overall composition of the Board of Directors and committees of the Board of Directors, whether accepting the tendered resignation would cause the Corporation to fail to meet any

applicable rule or regulation (including the NASDAQ listing standards and the requirements of the federal securities laws) and the percentage of outstanding shares represented by the votes cast at the meeting. The director who tenders his or her offer of resignation shall not participate in the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee’s recommendation or the Board of Director’s decision. The Board of Directors will act on the resignation within ninety (90) days following certification of the shareholder vote for the meeting and will promptly disclose its decision and rationale as to whether to accept the resignation (or the reasons for rejecting the resignation, if applicable) in a filing with the SEC or by other public announcement.
第4.5节辞职. A director may resign at any time by delivering written notice to the Board of Directors or its Chairman or Vice Chairman (if any), or to the Corporation. A director’s resignation is effective when the notice is delivered unless the notice specifies a later effective date.
(a)    谁可以填补空缺除非以下规定,董事会出现任何空缺时,包括由于董事人数增加而导致的空缺,可以由董事会剩余董事中不足董事会法定人数的多数投票填补,也可以由股东填补。根据前述句子选举的任何董事将任职直至公司的下一届年度会议。如果董事首先填补空缺,则股东对该空缺将不再享有进一步权利,如果股东首先填补空缺,董事对该空缺将不再享有任何权利。
(b)    根据投票团体选出的董事每当任何投票团体的股东有权根据公司章程选出一个或多个董事类别时,该类别的空缺可以由该投票团体的股东或该投票团体选出的在任董事中的多数人或由其选出的唯一留任董事填补。如果由该投票团体选出的董事已无在任者,除非公司章程另有规定,否则未经该投票团体选出的董事可以填补空缺。
(c)    未来的空缺将在特定日期发生的空缺,因为辞职在稍后日期生效或其他原因,可以在空缺发生之前填补,但新任董事直到空缺发生后才能上任。

第4.9节定期会议. The Board of Directors may provide the date, time, and place, either within or without the State of Florida, for the holding of regular meetings of the Board of Directors without notice. Such meetings may also be remotely held as provided by Section 4.14(d).
第4.10节特别会议. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the Chairman of the Board, the Vice Chairman (if any), the Lead Director (if any), the President or one-third of the members of the Board of Directors. The person or persons calling the meeting may fix any place, either within or without the State of Florida, as the place for holding any special meeting of the Board of Directors, and if no other place is fixed, the place of the meeting shall be the Principal Office. Such meetings may also be remotely held as provided by Section 4.14(d).
第4.11节提供姓名全称、身份证号或公司注册号、地址、白天的电话号码以及代表、代理人和助手的信息。 助手的数量不得超过两个。为便于进入年度股东大会,通知应在适当的情况下附有授权书、注册证书和其他授权文件。董事会特别会议必须提前至少两天通知会议的日期、时间和地点。通知无需描述特别会议的目的。公司可以通过董事同意的电子方式向董事会召开的常规或特别会议通知,方式需经董事授权。

(a)    主持人董事会应从其成员中选出一名董事会主席,负责主持董事会会议。如果主席是公司的员工,则董事会可以从其成员中选出一名董事长,负责主持董事会的执行会议,公司或其任何子公司的员工在场。主席,在其缺席时,董事会主席(如有),在其缺席时,副主席(如有),在其缺席时,总裁,在其缺席时,一名副总裁(如有),在其缺席时,由在场董事选择的任何董事将召开董事会会议并担任会议主席。
(b)    会议记录公司秘书应担任董事会所有会议的秘书,但在秘书缺席时,主持会议的人可以任命在场的任何其他人担任会议的秘书。准备并分发董事会任何定期或特别会议的记录给每位董事。
(c)    Adjournments董事会大多数在场董事,不论是否有法定人数,均可将董事会会议延期至另一时间和地点。对未在场董事的任何延期会议通知应送达给这些董事,并且,除非在延期时公布延期会议的时间和地点,否则也应送达给其他董事。
(d)    电话会议或类似方式参与董事会可允许任何董事或全部董事通过任何通讯方式参加常规或特别会议,或者通过这种方式进行会议,使所有参与的董事在会议期间能够同时互相听到对方的声音,包括虚拟会议。以这种方式参加会议的董事被视为亲自出席会议。
(a)    批准或建议向股东提交根据法案要求股东批准的行动或提案;
(b)    fill vacancies on the Board of Directors or any committee thereof;
(c)    adopt, amend, or repeal these Bylaws; or

(d)    authorize or approve the reacquisition of shares unless pursuant to a general formula or method specified by the Board of Directors.
Except as otherwise provided by the SEC or NASDAQ, each committee must have one or more members, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors, by resolution adopted in accordance with this 第4.15节, may designate one or more directors as alternate members of any such committee, who may act in the place and stead of any absent member or members at any meeting of such committee. The Board of Directors may adopt a charter for any such committee specifying requirements with respect to committee chairs and membership, responsibilities of the committee, the conduct of meetings and business of the committee and such other matters as the Board may designate. In the absence of a committee charter or a provision of a committee charter governing such matters, the provisions of these Bylaws which govern meetings, notice and waiver of notice, and quorum and voting requirements of the Board of Directors apply to committees and their members as well.
第4.16节    领导董事如果董事会指定一位主席董事来主持董事会执行会议,董事会可以通过决议决定将额外职责交给主席董事,包括充当董事会与公司高级管理人员之间的联络人,并协助制定董事会会议议程。
第4.17节无会议行动 董事会或董事会委员会要求或允许在会议上进行的任何行动,如果由全体董事或委员会成员采取,则可以在无需开会的情况下进行。该行动应有一个或多个具体描述所采取行动的书面同意,由每位董事或委员会成员签署,并由公司保留。除非同意书规定不同生效日期,否则最后一位董事或委员会成员签署同意书时即生效。在任何文件中,此类行动签署的同意书具有在会议上的投票效应,并可如此描述。 第4.17节 即生效。此类同意书签署具有在会议上的投票效应,并可在任何文件中描述为此类投票。


第5.7节 公司主要官员的薪金应根据董事会或其授权委员会不时确定,任何官员不得因为其也是公司董事而阻止他或她领取此类薪金。



(a) 股份可以但不一定必须由证书代表。除非法案或另一部法规明确规定,股东的权利和义务无论股份是否由证书代表都是相同的。
(b) 至少,每张股份证书须在其正面注明:
(i) 发行公司的名称以及该公司根据佛罗里达州法律组织成立;
(ii) 发行对象的名称;
(iii) 股份的数量和类别,以及证书所代表的系列的指定,如果有的话。
(c) 如果发行的股份属于不同类别或同一类别内的不同系列,则必须概述适用于每一类别的名称、相对权利、偏好和限制,以及为每个系列确定的权利、偏好和限制的变化(和董事会确定将来系列变化的权限),详见每张证书的正面或背面。 或者,每张证书的正面或背面可以醒目地声明,公司将根据请求无偿向股东提供有关信息的完整声明。
(d) 每张股份证书:

(i) 必须由董事会指定的一名或多名官员手动签署(或用图章为签名);和
(ii) 可以盖公司印章或其签名图章。
(e) 如果签发(手动签名或用图章签名)股份证书的人在证书发行时不再担任职务,证书仍然有效。
(a) 董事会可以授权发行任何或所有类别或系列的股份,而无需出具证书。该授权不会影响已由证书代表的股份,直到其被归还给公司。
(b) 股份发行或转让后,公司应在合理时间内向股东发送根据法案所需包含在证书上的信息的书面声明。
第7.3节     股份和其他证券的转让限制。
(a) 公司章程、公司章程、股东协议或股东与公司之间的协议可以对公司股份的转让或登记转让施加限制。除非这些股份的持有人是限制协议的一方或投票支持限制,否则该限制不会影响在采纳限制之前发行的股份。
(b) 如果限制经本 第7.3节并按照法案的规定进行,包括具有法案所述的适当目的。
(a) 公司的股东没有优先购买未发行股份的权利。
(a) 董事会可以授权公司向股东分配利润,但须遵守公司章程和法案的任何限制。
(b) 如果董事会不确定确定股东享有分配权利的记录日期(不涉及公司股份的购买、赎回或其他收购),则应为董事会授权分配的日期。





(a)    如果公司在设立时受限于法律规定的有限期限,则可延长公司的存续期;
(b)    删除初始董事的姓名和地址;
(c)    如果已向佛罗里达州国务司提交了一份变更声明,则可删除公司章程中初始注册代理或注册办公室的姓名和地址;
(d)    删除公司章程中仅具有历史意义的任何其他信息;
(e)    如果公司仅发行了该类别股的股份,则可将每个已发行和未发行的该类别股转换为更多的整股;
(f)    如果该类别或系列股根据《法案》第607.0602条的规定获得授权,且尚未发行该类别或系列股,可以删除对该类别或系列股的授权;
(g)    通过将名称中的“公司”、“有限公司”或“公司”,或缩写“公司”、“公司”或“有限公司”替换为名称中的类似词或缩写词,或添加、删除或更改名称的地理属性来更改公司名称;或
(h) 根据法案明确允许不需要股东行动的其他变更。

(a) 为董事会规定更高法定人数或选举要求的章程可以修改或废除:
(i) 如果最初由股东通过,只能由股东修改。


第11.5节纠纷解决的专属论坛除非公司书面同意选择替代论坛,否则(a)任何基于当前或前任董事、高管、雇员或股东依据佛罗里达州法律承担职责的违规的索赔,(b)代表公司提起的任何派生诉讼或程序,(c)声称根据法案、公司章程或这些章程提起的索赔(以上述任何内容可能随时修订),或(d)在不包括上述段落 (a)、(b) 或 (c) 的持续内务原则下主管该论点的索赔,应当是位于佛罗里达州的州法院(或者如果佛罗里达州内没有有管辖权的州法院,则应当是位于佛罗里达州南区的联邦地方法院)。在不违反适用法律的情况下,除非公司书面同意选择替代论坛,美利坚合众国的联邦地方法院应当是解决声称根据1933年修正的证券法提出的诉讼理由的投诉的唯一和专属论坛。购买、持有或以其他方式取得公司股权的任何个人或实体应被视为已了解并同意本 第11.5条.