
フォーム 10-Q
xSECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934のセクション13または15(d)に基づく四半期報告書
_____________________ から _____________________ までの移行期間を対象としています
(I.R.S. 雇用主識別番号)
590 Plant Road,
 Dresden, ニューヨーク
登録者の電話番号(地域コードを含む): (315) 536-2359
各クラスの名称取引シンボル 登録されている各取引所の名称
普通株式、$0.0001 名目額GREEナスダックグローバルセレクトマーケット
本登録者が、前述の12か月間(あるいは登録者が当該報告書を提出しなければならなかった短い期間)において、証券取引法第13条または15条(d)で定められた提出すべき報告書を全て提出したかどうかをチェックマークで示し、(2) 本登録者が過去90日間にわたってその提出要件に従っていたかどうかを示します。はい x✓印を付しませんでした場合、登録者の内部統制に関するマネジメント評価を報告するよう求められたことを意味します。o
規則405に基づき提出が必要なすべてのインタラクティブファイルを、申請者が前12か月間(またはこの期間より短い場合、申請者がそのようなファイルを提出する必要があった期間)に電子的に提出したかどうかを チェックマークで示してください。はい xいいえ o
新しいまたは改訂された財務会計基準に従うための拡張期間を使用しないことを選択した場合は、新興成長企業である場合、エクステンデッドトランジション期間を利用しないことを示すために、チェックマークを付けてください。 o
本登録者が取引所法12b-2条で定義されるシェル企業である場合、はいoいいえ x
2024年11月6日現在、申告者は保有していた 8,424,415 普通株式のシェア、1株あたりの指定金額が0.0001ドルで発行済みで、 2,733,394 1株の普通株式b種株、1株あたりの金額は$0.0001で発行済みです。


見通し表明には、多くのリスク、不確実性、および仮定が存在します。実際の結果がそのような見通し表明に示された通りにならない要因や要因には、Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc.(以下「Greenidge」、「会社」、「私たち」、「我々」、「われわれ」とも呼ばれます)が証券取引委員会(「SEC」)に提出した最新の10-KフォームのパートI、アイテム1Aに記載された内容を含むがこれらに限定されない要因や要因が含まれています。リスクファクター最近のGreenidge Generation Holdings Inc.の10-Kフォームに記載された内容、およびこの四半期報告書10-Qに記載された内容に加えて、セキュリティ取引委員会("SEC")に提出される今後の報告書にも随時記載される内容を注意深く確認すべきです。これらのリスクを考慮して、Greenidgeの将来に向けた見通し表明を検討してください。

第1部 財務情報
現金及び現金同等物(制限がかけられた現金を含む)$7,570 $13,312 
デジタル資産3,845 347 
売掛金 1,212 358 
前払費用およびその他の流動資産1,776 3,864 
排出量と炭素オフセットクレジット5,474 5,694 
未決済の法人税等946 857 
流動資産合計20,823 24,432 
有形固定資産、正味額30,396 45,095 
その他の長期資産1,477 1,652 
総資産59,880 71,179 
支払調整2,557 3,495 
未払いの排出コスト6,146 10,520 
未払費用4,171 6,116 
短期のenvironmental pass負債1,613 363 
売却予定の流動負債314 483 
流動負債合計17,001 20,977 
新規買債務、繰延財務手数料相殺後69,535 68,710 
環境関連負債28,616 29,866 
その他の長期負債2,777 2,650 
負債合計117,929 122,203 
優先株式、1株当たりの額 $0.0001, 20,000,000株$300,000,000株式を認可し、なし未行使
普通株式、割当資本金 1株の額 $0.0001, 500,000,000株$300,000,000株式を認可し、10,671,337 そして 9,131,252 2024年9月30日および2023年12月31日に発行済みかつ未発行普通株式
1 1 
追加の資本金328,129 319,992 
普通株式の申し込み満期 (698)
総負債および株主の赤字合計$59,880 $71,179 

Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc.
(in thousands, except per share data)
9月30日までの3か月間 9月30日までの9ヶ月間
データセンターホスティング$6,490 $12,136 $22,247 $28,740 
仮想通貨のマイニング3,267 6,602 15,041 17,033 
電力とキャパシティ2,594 2,141 7,118 4,973 
EPCmコンサルティングサービス  335  
合計売上高12,351 20,879 44,741 50,746 
売上原価 - データセンターホスティング(減価償却を除く)4,941 9,432 16,644 20,830 
売上原価 - cryptocurrencyマイニング(減価償却を含む)2,599 4,458 9,504 10,639 
売上原価 - 電力およびキャパシティ(減価償却を含む)1,764 1,465 4,607 4,762 
売上原価 - EPCmコンサルティングサービス(減価償却を含む)  183  
販売・一般管理費用3,730 6,662 13,394 22,724 
減価償却費用3,390 3,383 9,909 10,368 
有形固定資産の価値の減損 4,000 169 4,000 
デジタル資産の利益(156) (204) 
資産売却損益693  661 (1,752)
環境責任の再評価 1,600  1,600 
総運営費用および費用16,961 31,000 54,867 73,171 
ワラント資産の公正価値の変動  (420) 
デジタル資産の売却益   398 
その他の費用、純額   (4)
所得税の利益を得る(118) (118) 
外国通貨の為替調整 (12)(3)15 

中断された事業からの1株あたり損失、ベーシックおよび希薄化後 (0.15) (0.11)
希薄化後の平均株式数10,652 7,262 10,040 6,341 

(単位: 千、シェア・データを除く)
支払い - 内訳
2002年に設立されたKingSett Capitalは、機関投資家と超高純資産のクライアントとの共同投資で、持続可能でプレミアムなリスク加重リターンを提供する、カナダをリードするプライベートエクイティ不動産会社です。KingSettは、グローバル不動産サステナビリティベンチマーク(GRESB)調査において、リストに掲載されていない同業種の純財産部門で第1位、北アメリカの多様化したオフィス/リストに掲載されていない純財産部門で第2位にランクインし、持続可能性への取り組みが評価されました。業界のリーダーとして、KingSettは不動産セクターを前進させ、様々な不動産物件、開発、共同事業、住宅ローンの新しい投資機会を探し続けることに専念しています。
2024年1月1日の残高9,131,252 $1 $319,992 $(698)$(345)$(369,974)$(51,024)
ASU 2023-08の採択に伴う累積効果調整— — — — — 22 22 
株式報酬費用 — — 1,070 — — — 1,070 
有価証券購入契約に関連する株式の発行450,300 — 1,133 — — — 1,133 
新株発行の発行費を差し引いた純額45,269 — 340 698 — — 1,038 
制限付き株式の賞与の発行159,357 — — — — — — 
有価証券購入契約に関連するワラントの発行— — 4,866 — — — 4,866 
外国通貨の為替調整— — — — (3)— (3)
最終損失— — — — — (3,944)(3,944)
2024年3月31日の残高9,786,178 1 327,401  (348)(373,896)(46,842)
株式報酬費用 — — 311 — — — 311 
普通株式の発行(優先資金付与ワラントの行使に伴う)810,205 — — — — — — 
制限株式の授与発行27,604 — — — — — — 
最終損失— — — — — (5,568)(5,568)
2024年6月30日の残高10,623,987 1 327,712  (348)(379,464)(52,099)
株式報酬費用 — — 417 — — — 417 
制限株式の授与発行47,350 — — — — — — 
最終損失— — — — — (6,367)(6,367)
2024年9月30日の残高10,671,337 $1 $328,129 $ $(348)$(385,831)$(58,049)

2023年1月1日の残高4,625,278 $ $293,774 $ $(357)$(340,464)$(47,047)
株式報酬費用 — — 481 — — — 481 
新株発行の発行費を差し引いた純額1,211,926 1 8,095 — — — 8,096 
差し控え株式の配当、差し引き9,275 — — — — — — 
行使されたストックオプションからの受取金133,333 — 1,000 — — — 1,000 
外国通貨の為替調整— — — — 17 — 17 
最終損失— — — — — (8,171)(8,171)
2023年3月31日の残高5,979,812 1 303,350  (340)(348,635)(45,624)
株式報酬費用 — — 568 — — — 568 
株式の発行、発行コストを控除した純額1,253,434  3,320 — — — 3,320 
制限株式の授与、差し押さえを控除した純額3,368 — — — — — — 
外国通貨の為替調整— — — — 10 — 10 
最終損失— — — — — (10,042)(10,042)
2023年6月30日の残高7,236,614 1 307,238  (330)(358,677)(51,768)
株式報酬費用 — — 482 — — — 482 
株式の発行、発行コストを控除した純額73,825 — 310 — — — 310 
差し引かれた手当を除く、制限付き株式の授与42 — — — — — — 
外国通貨の為替調整— — — — (12)— (12)
最終損失— — — — — (14,239)(14,239)
2023年9月30日の残高7,310,481 $1 $308,030 $ $(342)$(372,916)$(65,227)

減価償却費用9,909 10,368 
元本に付加された債務利子 1,212 
債務発行コストの減価償却825 2,137 
有形固定資産の価値の減損169 4,000 
資産売却損益661 (1,752)
Environmental負債の再評価 1,600 
株式報酬費用 1,798 1,531 
普通株式で支払われた専門家料金 250 
売掛金 346 2,421 
排出量と炭素オフセットクレジット220 (337)
デジタル資産 348 
前払金およびその他の資産1,668 (1,801)
その他の長期負債 4,713 
229 (458)
資産の売却による入金1,878 600 
普通株式の発行による受取高(発行費用相殺済み)1,038 11,475 
債務の元本返済 (6,809)
継続する事業活動からの財務活動による純現金フロー7,038 4,666 
中止された事業活動による投資活動からの純現金フロー 3,325 
現金、現金同等物および制限付き現金―期初13,312 15,217 
現金、現金同等物および制限付き現金―期末$7,570 $10,687 

1. ビジネスの組織と概要
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc.およびその子会社(以下総称して、「グリニッジ」または「当社」といいます)は、縦統合型のcryptocurrencyデータセンターおよび発電会社を所有および運営しています。当社は、ニューヨーク州トーリーの施設(以下「ニューヨーク施設」といいます)およびミシシッピ州コロンビアの施設(以下「ミシシッピ施設」といいます)を所有・運営し、ノースダコタ州アンダーウッドのレンタル施設(以下「ノースダコタ施設」といいます)を運営し、サウスカロライナ州スパータンバーグの施設を所有・運営しています。 当社は、第三者所有のビットコインマイニング機器に対するホスティング、電力、技術サポートサービスを提供することにより米ドルで収益を上げ、グローバルビットコインネットワークをASIC(アプリケーション固有集積回路)コンピュータ(「ASICs」または「マイナー」とも呼ばれる)でサポートし、これによりビットコインを報酬や取引手数料として稼ぎ、所持しているビットコインを短期ホスティング契約を通じて当社のサイトまたは第三者のホスティングサイトで運用することで収益を上げています。 獲得したビットコインは米ドルと交換されるか、当社のビットコイン保有戦略に基づいて財務資産として保持されます。 当社は、米国ニューヨーク独立系統運用者(「NYISO」)電力網に接続された106メガワット(「MW」)発電施設も所有・運営しています。 ニューヨークのデータセンターで「メーターの奥で」使用される電力に加えて、当社は発電所が稼働しているすべての時間に、電力をNYISOに販売し、卸売電力市場の相場と電力需要に基づいて販売する電力量を増減させます。
2. 主要な会計方針の概要
会社は、すべての期間にわたってSupport.com ビジネスの運用を中止された事業として反映しています。詳細については、ノート3を参照してください。中止された事業特に記載がない限り、会社の簡易連結 財務諸表の注意事項全般に記載されている金額および開示事項は、継続する事業にのみ関連し、中止された事業は除外されています。
財務諸表会計基準委員会("FASB")による会計基準の改正("ASU")2014-15に準拠し、財務諸表提出時の持続可能性に関する財務諸表 – Going Concernについて、会社の経営陣は今回の財務諸表発行日から1年以内に会社がGoing Concernとして存続できるかどうかのリスクがある条件や事象を評価しました。会社の連結財務諸表はGoing Concernとして継続すると想定して作成されています。会社は過去に運営赤字および運用キャッシュ・フローのマイナスを計上してきました。これらの要因により、会社がGoing Concernとして存続できる能力について重大な疑念が抱かれています。
ビットコインのハルビングは2024年4月19日に起こり、採掘者に配布されるビットコインの採掘報酬の減少により、会社の将来のキャッシュフローに悪影響を及ぼしており、今後も及ぼす可能性があります。保険、一般管理費、資本支出を含むビジネスの運営固定コストや、会社のデータセンターを運営するための変数入力コストは、会社の継続的な運営およびポジティブなキャッシュフローの生成能力に重要な影響を与えています。2023年および2024年初頭に市場が改善を示した一方で、ハルビングやビットコインと天然ガスの市場価格の変動など、将来のキャッシュフロー予測に影響を与え得る要素を会社は評価し続けています。Going concern不確実性への対応として、経営陣が取った措置は

2023年と2024年に、資産、現金及び現金同等物、その他の流動資産を改善するための特定の措置を実施し、詳細は以下に記載しています。2024年9月30日、会社は資産$7.6 百万ドル、現金、制限付き現金及び現金同等物、その他の流動資産を13.3 $百万も含め、キャンセルされた投与量に関連する$百万も含め、合計契約価値が減少しました。3.8 残高$8.9 百万ドル、支払勘定、契約義務、未払費用、排出負債が6.1 百万ドル、現在売却予定の流動負債$0.3 百万ドル、および将来12ヶ月間における環境責任の見積もり額が$1.6 百万ドルで、これにより運転資本は$3.8 2024年9月30日現在、百万ドル
さらに、会社は$を保有しています6.1次の12か月で予定されている利払いは、 今後利益を上げることや、将来的に必要な資金調達を行うことに依存しています。通常のビジネス運営から発生する債務を支払うため、会社が収益を上げるか、または必要な資金調達を行う必要があります。流動性を改善するために、会社は以下の取引を完了したり進行中です。
2022年9月、Greenidgeは普通株式の売買契約である改正されたATm契約に関する協定書に署名した。この契約は2022年9月19日付であり、当事者には同社の普通株式に関連する米国市場での売買を取り扱うb. Riley Securities, Inc.(以下「b. Riley Securities」)およびNorthland Securities, Inc.が含まれています。2022年10月1日から2024年11月6日までの間に、総額$からの純利益を受け取りました。20.7契約ATm契約のもとで、普通株式の売却により、2022年10月1日から2024年11月6日までの間に、億ドルの純収益が発生しました。詳細については、Note 9「株主資本の赤字」を参照してください。
2023年1月30日、会社はNYDIG ABL LLC(以下「NYDIG」)およびb. Riley Commercial Capital, LLC(以下「b. Riley Commercial」)と債務再編契約を締結しました。NYDIGの債務の再編により、2023年に支払われる残高の主資金残高の利息支払いは$2.0百万です。この債務サービスの減少は、2021年および2022年の主要設備ファイナンス契約に基づき2023年に求められる主資金および利息支払いの$62.7百万よりもはるかに低くなっております。2021年および2022年に再融資された両ファイナンス契約に関する詳細については、2024年4月10日に提出された年次報告書10-kの注釈5「債務」を参照してください。
2023年11月9日、会社はサウスカロライナ施設の売却を完了し、NYDIGとのレバレッジ取引を成立させました。南カロライナ州の鉱業施設とおおよそエーカーの分割された不動産をNYDIGに売却する代わりに、会社は以下のような合計金額で合意しました。 44 エーカーの分割された不動産 22 エーカー281000万ドル
およそ$1,000,000の現金支払い4.5 百万ドルと
サウスカロライナ施設の売却完了後、会社は引き続きおよそエーカーの土地を所有しております 153 サウスカロライナにおいて用地売却のために分類されております
NYDIGホスティング契約に参加して以来、会社は自社所有のマイナーを展開する機会を特定しています。2023年3月、会社はConifex Timber Inc.(「Conifex」)とホスティング契約を締結し、Conifexが再生可能エネルギーを利用してグリニッジにホスティングサービスを提供します(「Conifexホスティング契約」)。 2023年4月、Core Scientific, Inc.(「Core」)とホスティング契約を締結し、Coreは施設でグリニッジ所有のビットコインマイナーをホストおよび運用します(「Coreホスティング契約」、およびNYDIGホスティング契約とConifexホスティング契約とともに、「ホスティング契約」といいます)。2024年5月31日、Coreホスティング契約に基づくグリニッジとCoreの間で締結された唯一の注文は、その条件に従って終了し、Coreはもはやグリニッジ所有のビットコインマイナーをホストまたは運用していません。 その結果、会社はCoreがホストしたマイナーをCoreホスティング契約の一環として自己マイニング運用を行うサイトに展開しました。

2024年4月10日、会社はミシシッピー州コロンバスに位置する約◼️エーカーの土地を購入しました。 12 平方フィート以上の工業倉庫スペースを含む土地を含んでいます。 73,000 会社は2024年第2四半期にその物件に▲ MWのマイナーを展開しました。 7.5 ノースダコタ州における▼ MWのマイニングキャパシティーリースと共に追加のマイナーを展開しました。 7.5 契約期間が▽でエネルギーを供給してくれます。 5年 会社はこれらのデータセンターの追加が2024年以降も会社の利益と流動性を向上させると信じています。
2024年2月12日、会社はArmistice Capital Master Fund Ltd.(「アーミスティス」)と証券購入契約(「SPA」)を締結しました。SPAに基づき、アーミスティスは会社の普通株式の株式および株券を購入しました。これにより、アーミスティスは会社の普通株式の株式を購入する資格を持つ預託済みの普通株式の株券も取得しました。さらに、会社はアーミスティスに対し、2024年8月14日に開始される、随時、追加で会社の普通株式を取得する権利を与える普通株式の株券を発行しました。SPAにより、純利益は$の収益をもたらしました。6.0百万。詳細については、第9号「株主資本の赤字」を参照してください。
2021年9月15日、2022年4月7日に修正され、グリニッジはb. ライリー・プリンシパル・キャピタル合同会社(「b. ライリー・プリンシパル」)と株式購入契約(「株式購入契約」)を締結しました。株式購入契約に基づき、Greenidgeはb. Riley Principalに最大$で売却する権利を有していました500 クラスA普通株式の100万株。ただし、一定の制限があり、株式購入契約の特定の条件を満たすことを条件として、随時 24-2022年4月28日(「2022年4月の発効日」)から始まる1か月間。2022年4月の発効日から2024年4月28日まで、当社は総額$の収益を受け取りました8.0 百万、割引を差し引いたもの、そのうち$0.3 2024年1月1日から2024年4月28日までに100万件が受領されました。詳細については、注記9「株主の赤字」を参照してください。株式購入契約は、2024年4月28日にその条件に従って自動的に終了します。
2024年7月30日、Greenidgeは普通株式購入契約(以下「普通株式購入契約」という)および関連する登録権利契約をb. Riley Principal Capital II, LLC(以下「b. Riley Principal II」という)と締結しました。これにより、Greenidgeは特定の制限と普通株式購入契約の特定条件の達成を条件に、b. Riley Principal IIに対して、普通株式約$まで売る権利を有します。20普通株式購入契約の期間中、時間の経過とともに、一定の制限と普通株式購入契約の特定条件の達成を条件に、GreenidgeはそのAクラス普通株式の最大$百万株をb. Riley Principal IIに売却する権利を有します。 36か月間 普通株式購入契約期間中については、詳細については「株主資本の欠損」(Note 9)を参照してください。
老後生活または現金による買い戻しや株式または債務との交換による優先株の取得、公開市場での買収、非公開交渉を通じた取引その他により、またはそれ以外により。 そのような買戻しや交換、ある場合は、我々が判断し、市況、流動性要件、契約上の制約およびその他の要因に依存します。かかる金額は重要であり、発行株式の程度に関しては希釈的となる可能性があります。
会社の次の12ヶ月間に利用可能な現金資源の見積もりは、2024年4月のハーフィング以降に経験したビットコインマイニングの経済状況が同等かそれ以上であることに依存しています。 ビットコイン価格の上昇は、採掘された1ビットコインあたりに稼得される売上高を増加させることで、会社の利益になります。 ビットコインを採掘する難易度の増加は、会社に不利な影響を与え、採掘できるビットコインの数が減少します。 電気代、天然ガス代、排出権のコストが増加すると、ビットコインの採掘コストが上昇し、会社に不利な影響を与えます。 会社は引き続き流動性を改善するためのオプションを導入する取り組みを続けていますが、これらの取り組みが成功するという保証はできず、ビットコイン価格の大幅な下落、設備を運営するために必要な許認可の取得と遵守に失敗する可能性、ニューヨーク施設のTitle V空気質許可書、および11月14日の停止(以下で定義されている)の有効期限後のその許可の一時的または恒久的な失効、またはそのような取得や遵守のための会社のコスト、仮想通貨に関する規制変更、エネルギー費用の増加やその他のマクロ経済状況、および会社の年次報告書で特定されたその他の事項に関するPartI、Item1A "リスクファクター"およびこの四半期報告書に記載されている記載事項で、会社の流動性が負の影響を受ける可能性があります。

会社の重要な会計方針については、2023年12月31日に終了する年のForm 10-Kで提出された会社の連結財務諸表に記載されている重要な会計方針の概要(Note 2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies)に記載されています。
ハッシュの計算を行う代わりに、会社はマイニングプールオペレーター理論上が受け取る暗号通貨報酬の一部のシェアを受け取る権利があります(マイニングプールオペレーターへの手数料を差し引いた取引価格の削減としてネットされます)。 Greenidgeの分割シェアは、会社がマイニングプールオペレーターに対して行ったハッシュ計算の割合に基づいており、現在のアルゴリズムを解決する際にすべてのマイナーが貢献した合計ハッシュ計算量から24時間の期間中に計算されます。 FPPS支払い式に基づいて計算された日々の収益は、午前0時〜午前0時のUTC時間で計算され、UTC午前1時にプールメンバーの口座に入金されます。プールは、毎日午前9時から午後5時のUTC時刻の間に、Greenidgeの口座の暗号通貨残高を会社が指定したデジタルウォレットに送り、Greenidgeが新たに獲得したビットコインを自動的に売却するまでの数分以内に着金します。これは、Greenidgeがビットコインの保有戦略に関連して新たに獲得したビットコインを保持することを決定しない限りです。

契約がキャンセルされた場合、会社はキャンセル後に提供する残りの商品やサービスがあるかどうかを評価します。提供すべき残りの商品やサービスがある場合、会社はASC 606のガイダンスに従います。提供すべき残りの商品やサービスがない場合、会社は受け取った対価が返金可能かどうかを検討します。受け取った対価が返金可能である場合は返金 pass賠償責任を認識し、そうでない場合は受け取った対価の売上高を認識します。
会社は2024年第2四半期に有効日が2024年1月1日のASU 2023-08を採用しました。 ASU 2023-08の採用により、会社はビットコインの主要市場と判断し、通常取引を行っているアクティブトレーディングプラットフォームのUTC終値を基に各報告期のデジタル資産を公正価値で計測しています。
リメジャーによる増減額は、連結損益計算書および包括利益計算書のデジタル資産の損益に含まれています。 ビットコインの売却による増減額もまた、ビットコインの帳簿価額と現金収入との差を、先入れ先出法に基づいて算定されるものとし、連結損益計算書および包括利益計算書のデジタル資産の損益に含まれています。
ASU 2023-08の採用前、会社はデジタル資産を無形資産として取り扱い、有限の有用性寿命を持たず、無形資産の減価償却は行われないが、毎年またはさらに頻繁に、特定のイベントや状況の変化が、無限寿命資産に損耗が生ずる可能性を示している場合に評価を受けていました。会社は各期において、主にアクティブな取引所の提示価格の減少などのイベントや状況の変化を特定し、デジタル資産が損耗した可能性が高くなっているかどうかを判断する分析を実施していました。デジタル資産は、時期において最低のイントラデイ提示価格を超えている場合に損耗したと見なされました。提示価格に関して、会社は主要市場からの日次取引データを使用していました。続発する損耗損失の元本の払い戻しは許可されませんでした。

2023年11月、FASbはASU No. 2023-07を発行しました。この改訂により、重要なセグメント費用の開示を強化することにより、報告対象セグメント開示要件が改善されました。この改訂は、連結財務諸表に提示されたすべての前期に遡及的に適用する必要があり、2023年12月31日以降開始する財務年度および2024年12月31日以降開始する財務年度内の中間期間に効力を発揮します。早期採用は認められます。当社は、この指針が当社の要約連結財務諸表に与える潜在的な影響を現在評価しています。 報告区分(トピック280):報告区分の開示の改善ASU 2023-07は、公的機関のセグメント開示を拡大し、セグメントの利益または損失の各報告指標内に含まれている主要なセグメント関連費用の開示、その他のセグメント項目の構成の金額および説明、報告セグメントの利益または損失および資産の途中開示を要求しています。このガイダンスは、2023年12月15日以降に開始する会計年度に有効となり、2024年12月15日以降に開始する会計年度内の四半期にも適用され、追溯的に適用する必要があります。前倒し適用が認められています。会社は現在、このガイダンスを評価して、連結財務諸表の開示に与える影響を判断しています。
2023年12月、FASBはASU No. 2023-09を発行しました。 財務諸表 (Topic 740): 財務諸表開示の改善. ASU 2023-09では、事業体の実効税率調整と管轄区分けごとの所得税支払いに関する特定カテゴリの開示が、年次ベースで主に求められます。追加される開示は、先行的または後方的な方式で提示されることができます。このASUは、2024年12月15日以降の会計年度に適用され、早期適用が認められています。会社は現在、このASUの適用が連結財務諸表と開示に与える影響を評価しています。
2024年3月、FASbはASU 2024-01を発行しました。 報酬 - 株式報酬(テーマ718):利益配当や類似の報酬の対象利用範囲の適用. ASU 2024-01は、収益配当などについてのASC 718の適用範囲を具体例を追加することで明確にします。このガイダンスは2024年12月15日以降の年次期間およびそれらの年次期間内の中間期間に効力を発揮します。早期採用が許可されています。会社は現在、このガイダンスの影響を判断するために検討していますが、それが連結財務諸表および関連する開示に与える影響が重大であるとは予想していません。
2024年3月、FASbはASU 2024-02を発行しました。 見直し改善 - コンセプトステートメントへの言及の削除に関する改正が施行された。ASU 2024-02は、さまざまなコンセプトステートメントへの言及を削除します。このASUは2024年12月15日以降の決算年度に適用されます。ASUの修正は前向きまたは後戻りで適用できます。会社は現在、この指針を評価して影響を判断していますが、その影響が連結財務諸表および関連する開示に与える影響は実質的でないと予想されています。
2023年12月、FASBはASU No. 2023-08「無形資産-資産の価値やその他-暗号資産(サブトピック350-60):暗号資産の会計および開示に関するASU 2023-08」を発行しました。これは暗号資産の会計および開示を改善することを意図しています。修正により、条件を満たす暗号資産は、毎回の報告期間ごとに変更を当期純利益として認識する必要があります。採用時には、採用年の年初に損益剰余金の開示残高に累積効果調整を行います。このガイダンスは2024年12月15日以降開始する会計年度およびその会計年度内の中間期に適用され、早期採用が許可されています。会社は2024年1月1日からASU 2023-08を採用することを選択しました。採用の結果、会社は2024年1月1日時点で保有していたビットコインの公正価値を認識した結果、2024年1月1日時点の累積調整額を約$で記録しました。 累積欠損 百万0.02 百万の残高


3. 廃止された事業および売却予定の資産

ビジネスは、行動を承認する権限を持つ経営陣が売却または事業からの撤退を計画することを確約すると、次の12か月以内に売却または撤退が現在の公正価値に合理的な価格またはコストで発生するとき、売却予定として分類されます。 その他の一定の基準が満たされた場合。 売却予定として分類されたビジネスは、帳簿価額と推定公正価値から売却コストを差し引いた金額のうち、小さい方に記録されます。 ビジネスの帳簿価額が推定公正価値から売却コストを差し引いた金額を超える場合、損失が認識され、適切な報告期間ごとに更新されます。



前払費用およびその他の流動資産$30 $47 
売却のために保有されている流動資産30 47 
その他の資産456 454 
新規買期間資産456 454 
支払調整8 21 
未払費用306 462 
売却予定の流動負債$314 $483 



9月30日までの3か月間 9月30日までの9ヶ月間
売上高$ $378 $ $4,223 
売上原価 - サービスその他(摩耗及び償却を除く) (957) (4,425)
合併その他のコスト (154) (684)
資産の売却益   4,162 
売却予定資産に分類された資産の評価(損失) 1,135 11 (600)
その他の収益・損失 (127)12 (107)

2024年9月30日までの3か月間における、中止された業務からの会社の有効な所得税率は、 0% および 0対応して、2024年9月30日までの9か月間における中止された業務からの所得税率は 0% および 0予定通り、これらの年利はそれぞれ、3.84%、3.36%です。

2024年9月、会社はサウスカロライナ州スパータンバーグに所有する残りの土地を売却する意向書に調印しました。サウスカロライナ州の土地は、2024年9月30日現在、$の持ち株価値で長期資産として提示されています。7.2 百万ドルの残り、2024年9月30日時点で売却予定の長期資産として運用されています。
4. 固定資産
植物のインフラ関連10$1,522 $1,367 
鉱夫333,553 32,195 
マイナー設備インフラ関連1012,705 8,154 
土地N/A1,952 7,679 
機器545 45 
建設中N/A1,102 6,229 
50,879 55,669 
$30,396 $45,095 



5. 債務
1,350,438 436,576 489,732 3,020,551 1.5
優先無担保ノーツ2021年10月/2021年12月2026年10月8.5 %$72,200 $72,200 $72,200 
総負債72,200 72,200 
簿価における合計負債69,535 68,710 
長期借入金、流動部分の繰延手数料を差し引いた純額$69,535 $68,710 
会社は$の利息負債を負担しました。1.8 百万ドルと$3.0 これらの支払可能性の条件に従って、2024年と2023年の9月30日までの3か月間でそれぞれ$発生しました5.4 百万ドルと$9.7 これらの支払可能性の条件に従って、2023年12月31日をもって消滅したこれらの支払い可能性およびその他の資金調達に関連して、2024年9月30日までの9か月間でそれぞれ$発生しました
会社は、2023年10月31日以降2024年10月31日のいずれかの時点で、現金で全額または一部を返済することができ、その際の価格は剰余、ただし償還の日を含まない金利の支払いに対して等しい金額である 1022024年10月31日以降2025年10月31日の間のいずれかの時点で、現金で全額または一部を償還することができ、その際の価格は剰余、ただし償還の日を含まない金利の支払いに対して等しい金額である 1012025年10月31日以降満期の前に、現金で全額または一部を償還することができ、その際の価格は剰余、ただし償還の日を含まない金利の支払いに対して等しい金額である 100また、会社は、任意の時点で、全額、ただし一部ではなく、一定のコントロール変更の発生時に、償還価格として償還日を含まない元本額に剰余の利息を加算した金額の等しい割合で債券を償還することができる 100.5一定の統制の変更イベントの発生時に、会社は、元金額に剰余の利息を加算した金額に等しい価格で、全額で、一部ではなく、任意の時点で、債券を償還することができる

債務発行費の未償還割引を含む$2.7$百万の売上高を認識しました3.5$ミリオンは2024年9月30日および2023年12月31日時点で、それぞれ含まれています。会社の公開債券の公正価値の見積もりは、上位無抵当ノートの公正価値を表し、 8.50%満期2026年10月の上位優先保証ノートの見積もりは、報告日の時点での市場価格を使用して測定されました。このような証券は、レベル1の情報源を使用して評価されました。
6. 1株当たり利益
基本加重平均発行済株式数10,652 7,262 10,040 6,341 
希薄化後の加重平均発行済株式10,652 7,262 10,040 6,341 
非継続事業による1株当たり損失、基本損失、希薄化後0.00 (0.15)0.00 (0.11)

7. 株式報酬制度
2021年2月、Greenidgeは株式インセンティブプランを採用し、予約しました 383,111 本プラン(「2021年エクイティプラン」)に基づいて発行されるクラスA普通株式。従業員および非従業員取締役に適用されます。2023年4月、株主は当社の2021年エクイティプランの修正と修正を承認しました。これにより、プランに基づくあらゆる目的で発行できるクラスA普通株式の最大総株式数を次の方法で増やすことができます。 500,000 クラスA普通株式の 383,111883,111 クラスA普通株式の株式、およびストックオプションおよび株式評価権以外のアワードに関連して付与されたクラスA普通株式の株式を、本プランに基づいて利用可能な株式の総数にカウントしないようにするには 当該報奨に関連して付与されたクラスA普通株式1株につき、クラスA普通株式。2022年10月に、当社は登録しました 307,684 不適格ストックオプション誘因付与の権利確定および行使時に発行用に留保された、2021年の株式プラン以外のクラスA普通株式。
制限付き株式報酬("RSA")は、通常、付与時から範囲内でのベスティングが可能です 上限総元本$百万ドルの、上限なしの期間でのシニア無担保債務の借り入れクレジット施設(「Term Loan Facility」とともに、「Credit Facilities」といいます); 期間ごとにベスティングできるのが一般的です 3年間 期間にわたって徐々に行使できるようになります
RSAおよびRSU付与の価値は、付与日の公正市場価額に基づいて測定され、必要な勤務期間にわたって償却されます。2024年9月30日時点で、未行使の制限株式権に関連する未認識の総報酬費用は約$0.4百万で、残存の加重平均配当期間が約 1.15年数。
[オプション] 加重平均
2023年12月31日時点で未払い458,982 $16.59 
付与されました25,000 $3.00  
2024年9月30日に未処理です482,892$15.79 8.17$ 
2024年9月30日に行使可能です234,372$23.13 7.67$ 
普通株式オプションの付与価値は、付与日の公正市場価値に基づいて測定され、必要な奉仕期間をかけて償却されます。2024年9月30日時点で、未発行の普通株式オプションに関連する未認識報酬費用は約XXドルであり、残りの加重平均取得期間の見込みは約XX万の認識されていない総報酬費用が残っています。1.0 発行済普通株式オプションに関連する合計未認識の報酬費用は、およそXX百万ドルで、残存する加重平均取得期間は約XX万総合計期間です。 1.54年数。

2024年4月26日、会社は元従業員との離脱契約を締結し、未行使のオプションの獲得を早めるための投稿後の行使期間を延長することを許可しました。株式オプションの修正により、2024年9月30日までの9か月間において追加の補償費用が$0.2 発生し、これはBlack-Scholesオプション価格モデルを使用して計算されました。Black-Scholesの評価には、リスクフリーレートが 4.67%、期待される寿命が 8.46 年、行使価格が$13.20で、年率化された変動が 133.96%、および配当率が使用されました。 0%.
会社は2024年および2023年9月30日終了の3か月間に$の株式報酬費用を認識し、2024年および2023年9月30日終了の9か月間にそれぞれ$の株式報酬費用を認識しました。株式報酬費用は、未確認の要約された貸借対照表と包括損益計算書の売上、一般および管理費に含まれています。0.4 百万ドルと$0.5 会社は2024年および2023年9月30日終了の3か月間にそれぞれ$百万の株式報酬費用を認識し、2024年および2023年9月30日終了の9か月間にそれぞれ$百万の株式報酬費用を認識しました。1.8 百万ドル $1.5 株式報酬費用は、未確認の要約された貸借対照表と包括損益計算書の売上・一般および管理費に含まれています。2024年および2023年9月30日終了の9か月間にそれぞれ$百万の株式報酬費用が含まれています。
8. 所得税
2024年9月30日終了の3か月および9か月間の実効税率は税制上の率の21%を下回る、税利益がでした。これは、会社が繰延税金資産に完全な評価引当金を認識しているためです。また、2023年の確定申告の完了時にニューヨーク州所得税債権について調整が行われました。会社は引き続き繰延税金資産の回収可能性を評価し、収益性の低下が続いているため、今期に発生したすべての繰延税金資産については引き続き評価引当金が認識されるべきと結論づけました。 2% および 1それぞれ、会社は繰延税金資産に完全な評価引当金を認識しているため、2023年の確定申告完了時にニューヨーク州の所得税債権についての調整が行われたことから、法定税率の21%より低い%が報告されました。継続的な収益性の低下により、2024年9月30日終了の3か月間における繰延税金資産に対して評価引当金の認識が継続されるべきであるとの結論に至り、その結果、1000万ドルの税利益が得られました。 2を、売上高として認識する見込みです。その金額は$0.12024年9月30日終了の3か月間における1000万ドルの利益は、会社の2023年の確定申告完了時にニューヨーク州の所得税債権についての調整の結果でした。
2023年9月30日までの3か月と9か月の実効税率は、 0%であり、持続的な収益性の低下のため、21%の法定税率よりも低い水準でした。 企業は、四半期中に発生したいかなる遅延税資産についても引き下げ債権引当金を引き続き認識すべきだと結論付けました。 その結果、2023年9月30日までの3か月および9か月間の米国事業の税引前損失に対する税引き減免が記録されました。 なし 当期純利益なし
9. 株主資本の赤字
b.Riley Principal Capital, LLCとの株式購入契約
2021年9月15日、2022年4月7日に修正され、Greenidgeはb. Riley Principalと普通株式の株式購入契約を締結しました。株式購入契約に基づき、Greenidgeはb. Riley Principalに対して最大$500 発行済普通株式について、一定の制約および株式購入契約の指定条件の達成に応じて、随時、 242022年4月28日からの-か月間、時折売る権利を有していました。
株式購入契約に関連して、Greenidgeはb. Riley Principalと登録権利契約を締結しました。契約に基づき、Greenidgeは普通株式普通株式発行のための登録声明を準備し、提出することに同意しました。登録声明は2022年4月の有効日に有効となり、株式購入契約の下で発行されるGreenidgeの普通株式の投資家による転売に関連しています。 572,095 株式購入契約に関連して、GreenidgeのクラスA普通株式の株式の転売について
2022年4月の効力発生日から2024年4月28日まで、Greenidgeは普通株式をb. Riley Principalに発行しました。 549,285 株式購入契約に基づき、Greenidgeは総額$百万のA類普通株式を発行しました。8.0 割引後の金額で、そのうち無償の株式が百万ドルの売上高で発行されました。 45,269 2024年1月1日から2024年4月28日の間に、割引後の金額で百万ドルの売上高がある数の株式が発行されました。0.3 2024年1月1日から2024年4月28日まで、割引後の金額で百万ドルの売上高がある数の株式が発行されました。株式購入契約は、2024年4月28日にその規定に従って自動的に終了しました。
普通株式購入契約 b.ライリープリンシパルキャピタルII、LLC

2024年7月30日、Greenidgeはb. Riley Principal II、b. Riley Principalの関連会社と普通株式購入契約を締結しました。普通株式購入契約に基づき、Greenidgeは2024年9月24日以降の期間中にb. Riley Principal IIに最大$まで売る権利を有します。20普通株式購入契約の期間中、時間の経過とともに、一定の制限と普通株式購入契約の特定条件の達成を条件に、GreenidgeはそのAクラス普通株式の最大$百万株をb. Riley Principal IIに売却する権利を有します。 36か月間 2024年9月24日から開始する期間。
普通株式購入契約に関連して、Greenidgeはb. Riley Principal IIと登録権利契約を締結しました。これにより、Greenidgeは普通株式購入契約のもとで発行されるGreenidgeのクラスA普通株式のb. Riley Principal IIによる再販登録を準備し、提出することに同意しました。2024年9月24日(「有効日」と呼ぶ)、登録声明が有効となり、関連して再販売するためのGreenidgeのクラスA普通株式の株式が含まれます。 7,300,000 普通株式購入契約に関連して、GreenidgeのクラスA普通株式の株式の中の株式について、GreenidgeのクラスA普通株式の再販売に関するもの。
効力発生日から2024年11月6日まで、Greenidgeは普通株式購入契約に基づいて株式を発行しました。 424,156 純利益額は米ドルです1.0 そのうち、資本化されたものは$です。 なし 株式は2024年9月30日までの3か月と9か月で発行されました。
2022年9月19日に改正された2022年10月3日、Greenidgeは、Greenidgeの普通株式の株式に関連して、b. RileyおよびNorthlandとATm契約を締結しました。ATm契約の下、b. Rileyは、Greenidgeから売却を要求されたGreenidgeの普通株式を、ATm契約に定められた条件の下、b. Rileyの通常の取引および販売の慣行に従って、売却するために商業的に合理的な努力をします。市場の需要に従って、GreenidgeはATm契約に従って販売される株式のタイミング、価格、株式数を変更する裁量を持っています。b. Rileyは、証券法の下に公布されたRule 415(a)(4)で定義されている"市場での公開公開"と見なされる法律で許可されるどんな方法でも、会社の普通株式を販売することができます。Greenidgeは、ATm契約に従って販売代理として行動するサービスに対して、b. Rileyに売上代理人として支払う手数料を上限まで支払います。 3.0%の総売上代理売買手数料として、ATm契約の下で売られる全普通株式の総売上代金の中で、グリニッジはそのサービス手数料を支払います。ATm契約の条件に従って売却する株式を登録する登録声明に基づき、Greenidgeは最大累計募集価格が$22,800,000.
2022年10月1日から2024年11月6日まで、GreenidgeはATm契約に基づいて株式を発行しました。 4,167,463 純収益のために、総額$の株式を発行しました20.7$百万のうち、 なし 株式が発行されたのは2024年9月30日までの3か月または9か月間で、そのうち
2024年2月12日、会社はアーミスティスとSPAを締結しました。このSPAに従い、アーミスティスは、(i) 普通株式のシェア」と(ii) 事前資金調達型の普通株式購入ワラント(「事前資金調達型ワラント」)をシェア購入しました 450,300 (「シェア」)の会社のクラスA普通株式、および(ii) 会社のクラスA普通株式のシェア(「事前資金調達型ワラントシェア」)を 810,205 、シェアと事前資金調達型ワラントシェアあたりの購入価格は1株あたり$4.76百万ドル、非常配当は、6.0株あたり$0.0001 百万ドル、事前資金調達型ワラントシェアあたりの行使価格を考慮すると、会社は純利益を受け取りました。6.0百万ドル。最初の権利行使日が2024年2月14日であった事前資金調達型ワラントは、2024年9月30日までの9ヵ月間で全面行使され、結果として株を発行しました 810,205 会社はさらに、アーミスティスに 5日間2024年8月14日から、Armisticeが時折最大 株の会社の普通株式を取得する権利のある「休戦ワラント」 1,260,505 シェアの行使価格が$と株の倍数である、「権利行使価格」について、時折会社の普通株式を取得できる普通株式購入権(以下「休戦ワラント」という)5.25 $シェア(以下「ワラントシェア」という)で時折会社の普通株式を取得できる
前財源確保進呈書と停戦進呈書は、追加支払資本内の永久株主資本の構成要素として分類され、相対的公正価値割り当て方法を使用して発行日に記録されました。会社は前財源確保進呈書を発行時に評価し、その売価が公正価値に近いと結論づけ、売却の純利益を停戦進呈書と前財源確保進呈書に比例して割り当て、および前財源確保進呈書に約$2.0百万が割り当てられ、これは追加支払資本の構成要素として記録されました。会社はブラック-ショールズ-マートンオプション価格モデルを使用して停戦進呈書の価値を評価し、$2.8百万が割り当てられ、追加支払資本の構成要素として記録されました。ASC 505-20-30-3に類推して、会社は保有利益への課金を記録していたでしょうが、会社が赤字状態であるため、追加支払資本の構成要素として記録されました。

2023年12月のウォランツ180,000180,000$7.00 2024年12月11日
Feburuary 2024 Warrants1,260,5051,260,505$5.25 2029年8月14日
10. コミットメント及びコンティンジェンシー

会社は時々、ビジネスの通常業務に起因するさまざまな訴訟や法的手続きに関与する可能性があります。ただし、訴訟は固有の不確実性に影響を受け、そのような問題で不利な結果が生じ、会社のビジネスに損害を与える場合があります。この注記10で明示されていない限り、「コミットメントとコンディション―法的問題", t会社は、現在、ビジネス、財務状態、または業績に重大な影響を及ぼすと思われる訴訟またはクレームについて把握していません。
Title V空気許可更新訴訟

2022年6月下旬、ニューヨーク州環境保護局(以下「NYSDEC」)は、当社のニューヨーク施設のTitle Vエアー許可の更新を否認することを発表しました。2022年7月にNYSDECに対して、NYSDECの決定に対する聴聞会を求める通知を提出しました。2023年9月、聴聞会を主宰する行政裁判官は各当事者の地位および聴聞会で審理すべき問題に関する決定を下しました。その後、当社はNYSDECに仲裁手続きを停止するよう求める旅館とともに、そのような決定に異議を申し立てる中間的な控訴を提出しました。2024年5月8日、NYSDECへの中間的な控訴および裁定手続きを求める申立ては最終的に否認され、2022年6月のTitle Vエアー許可の非更新がNYSDEC第7地域の地域別主任によって確認されたことにより、NYSDECの決定は司法審査を求めて最終的なものとなりました。2024年8月15日、我々は、ニューヨーク州最高裁判所、イェーツ郡(以下「裁判所」)に対してニューヨーク施設の更新申請に対するNYSDECの否定に関する宣言的および差止め救済を求める訴状(Article 78)を提出し、NYSDECの2022年6月の更新申請の否認および2024年5月8日におけるNYSDEC第7地域主任によるその否定の確認を取り消すこと、及びエアー許可の取り消しに基づいたNYSDECのニューヨーク気候リーダーシップ及び地域保護法の解釈に関する一定の宣言的判決を出すこと、及びNYSDECに対し、ニューヨーク施設の企業活動停止を要求しないよう差し止めることを含むいくつかの事項に関連した救済を求めました。2024年8月20日、当社は、Ny裁判所に要請令による命令(以下「TROリクエスト」という)を提出し、Article 78手続きの間は当該施設が運営を継続できるようにする一時的な差し止めと仮処分を求めました。TROリクエストを提出した後、GreenidgeとNYSDECはTROリクエストに関する審議日程に同意し、2024年10月下旬に裁判所で行われた審理の前にヒアリングを行いました。合意に基づく審理日程に関連して、NYSDECは11月1日まで(以下「11月1日停止」という)空気汚染源を停止させる必要がないこと、および当該空気汚染源を機能停止させる必要がないこと、またはTitle Vエアー許可を11月1日まで降伏させる必要がないことに同意しました。2024年10月29日、裁判所で審理が行われ、企業とNYSDECの間で11月1日までの停止延長に関する覚書が記録され、合意に達しました。



会社は、ニューヨーク州トーリー町にある自社敷地内の石炭灰池の閉鎖に関連するCCR負債が発生しています。ASC 410-30に従い、会社は2024年9月30日および2023年12月31日時点でそれぞれ$の負債を負っています。CCRsは連邦および州の要件の対象となります。2023年10月に、会社は石炭灰池の使用を正式に停止するために必要な手順を完了しました。これが発生した後、会社は2028年11月までに石炭灰池のCCRの改修を完了することが義務付けられており、作業は次の段階で行われます。17.3現在の見積もりは、閉鎖と事後処理費用の見積もり、支出のタイミング、エスカレーション要因、および許可の要件を含むさまざまな仮定に基づいています。環境負債に関する追加の調整は、CCRに関する改修要件の変更によって定期的に発生する可能性があり、これにより見積もりと仮定に実質的な変更が生じることがあります。 5年の次の段階で作業を進めます。

会社は全面許可を受けた埋立地を所有し、同時に浸出液処理施設としても機能しています。ASC 410-30、環境義務("ASC 410-30")に従い、会社は2024年9月30日および2023年12月31日現在で環境負債を$の記録しています12.9NYSDECの要件に従い、埋立地を所有する会社は、埋立地の運用停止後の閉鎖コストや経費をカバーするための信託を設立することが義務付けられており、信託の代わりに責任の支払いを保証する信用状を維持する交渉を行うこともできます。見積りは、閉鎖および閉鎖後の費用見積り、支出のタイミング、エスカレーション要因、および付与された許可の要件などを含むさまざまな仮定に基づいています。環境負債の追加調整は、見積りや仮定の変更により定期的に発生する可能性があります。責任は、浄化費用やおおよその定期的な期間を通じて仮定される閉鎖後コストを基に、年間インフレ率がを仮定して算出されています NCM破産に関する注記。2023年4月11日、NCMは米国テキサス州南地区裁判所において、米国における同社の大多数の映画館のインシアター広告プロバイダーとしてのNCMの呼称で破産を申請しました。 2023年8月7日に効力を持った事業再生計画(「Plan」)に従い、NCMは同社の契約を再遵守することを約束しました。同時に、NCMは、行われた年次一般ユニット調整の一環として、16581829株の普通株式(「NCM普通株式」)を発行しました。しかし、Planの規定および株式の再編成に基づき、NCM普通株式は直ちに消去されました。会社は、米国テキサス南地区の連邦地裁に控訴を提起し、同計画の一部であり、会社に付与されていなかった他の当事者との劇場サービス契約の条件の変更や、NCM普通株の取り消しの裁判所の命令に異議を唱えています。会社は、破産の影響は会社にとって実質的な影響を与えるとは考えていません。 期間と、年間インフレ率がを仮定しています 2.4%.


会社は2020年9月にエンパイア・パイプライン・インコーポレイテッドと契約を締結し、1日あたり天然ガスの輸送を提供する。 15,000 deカルテルム量の天然ガス、およそ1か月あたり$0.2百万。契約は2030年9月に終了し、当初の 12 契約期間後、いずれかの当事者によって月単位で解約することができる。 10年間 期間にわたって徐々に行使できるようになります
11. 濃度
会社は、2024年と2023年が終了する9月30日までの3か月間において、会社の売上高の%を占める1つのホスティング顧客がいます。 53% および 582024年と2023年が終了する9月30日までの9か月間において、会社の売上高の%を占める1つのホスティング顧客があります。 50% および 572024年と2023年が終了する9月30日までの3か月間において、会社の売上高の%、同様に2024年と2023年が終了する9月30日までの9か月間において、会社の売上高の%を占めています。
自社の採掘事業において、Greenidgeは採掘プールオペレーターを顧客とみなしています。Greenidgeはこれまで契約の下で運営されてきた限られた数のプールオペレーターを使用してきました。 1日 企業のプールオペレーターの売上高は、2024年と2023年の9月30日までの3か月間の売上高の約%を占め、 26% および 32%は、それぞれ2024年と2023年の9月30日までの9か月間の売上高の%を占めていました。 34% および 31
会社には売上高のうちの%を占める主要な顧客であるNYISOが1つあります 21% および 102024年9月30日および2023年9月30日に終了した3か月間の売上高の%、および 16% および 102024年9月30日および2023年9月30日に終了した9か月間の売上高の%、それぞれ
会社には、売上高の約%を占める1つの天然ガスの仕入先がありました。 33% および 192024年9月30日および2023年9月30日に終了した3か月間の売上高に対してそれぞれ、売上高の割合が%であり、 36% および 262024年9月30日および2023年9月30日に終了した9か月間の売上高に対してそれぞれ、売上高の割合が%でした。

会社は以前、自己採掘事業の主要なホスティングサービスの提供業者を1社だけ有しており、売上高の約 %を占めていました。 0% および 242024年および2023年9月30日終了の3か月間の売上高におけるコストの約 %、および 12% および 152024年および2023年9月30日終了の9か月間の売上高におけるコストの約 %を占めていました。2024年9月30日終了の9か月間において、自己採掘事業の主要なホスティングサービス提供業者との契約が終了しました。その結果、会社は、ホストのサイトで運営されていたマイナーを、自己採掘事業の一環として運営するサイトに展開しました。
12. 関係者間取引
Atlas Holdings LLC、当社の支配株主である関係者(以下、「アトラス」と総称し、関連会社を含む)、は2024年9月30日および2023年12月31日に金融機関から$の為替信用状を取得しました。この為替信用状は、当社の埋立地環境trust債務の現在価値を保証しています。詳細については、ノート10「コミットメントおよび不測の事態」を参照してください。5.0 Atlas Holdings LLC、当社の支配株主である関係者(以下、「アトラス」と総称し、関連会社を含む)、は2024年9月30日および2023年12月31日に金融機関から$の為替信用状を取得しました。この為替信用状は、当社の埋立地環境trust債務の現在価値を保証しています。詳細については、ノート10「コミットメントおよび不測の事態」を参照してください。
アトラスは、2024年9月30日および2023年12月31日に、帝国パイプライン社(以下、「帝国」という)に支払うための金融機関からの信用状を、$の金額で保有しています。3.6 企業が帝国と締結したパイプライン連携プロジェクトに関連する費用の支払いを行わない場合、企業が帝国に支払うべき契約金に応じた信用状がアトラスにあります(「注記10、『契約と不確実性』」を参照)。コミットメントおよびコンティンジェンシー」という注記を参照してください。).
2024年4月10日、会社はミシシッピー州コロンバスに位置する約◼️エーカーの土地を購入しました。 12 平方フィート以上の工業倉庫スペースを含む土地を含んでいます。 73,000 モータス・ピボット・インクの子会社から工業倉庫スペースを$購入した。購入価格は百万ドルで、2024年9月30日時点の9か月間に支払われた。1.45この物件は追加の電力容量に我々へのアクセスを提供しています。 32.5 取引は2024年4月に成立し、2024年9月30日時点ではその敷地にマイナーを展開しています。承認した 8.5 MWのマイナーを2024年9月30日時点までにその物件に展開しています。
13. 補足の貸借対照表およびキャッシュ・フロー情報


電気の保証金$588 $ 
前払い保険315 2,818 
ワラント資産57 477 
その他816 569 
総計$1,776 $3,864 
未払利息$1,026 $1,026 
3,145 5,090 
総計$4,171 $6,116 
ASU 2023-08の採択に伴う累積効果調整$22 $ 
資産および設備の購入は支払い勘定にあります$174 $1,581 
普通株式が貸し手に修正手数料として発行されました$ $1,000 
機器の売却は、債権の交換として行われました$1,200 $ 
資産の取引による債務の減少$ $49,950 
債務削減のためのクーポンの交換$ $1,152 
債務削減のための設備預金の交換$ $7,381 
債務元本に積み立った利息を追加$ $592 
運用リース債務と交換して取得された使用権資産$156 $ 
$4,603 $5,714 

14. デジタル資産
2024年9月30日現在の私たちのビットコイン保有量を示す表 および2023年12月31日時点での金額(千単位、ビットコイン保有額を除く):
ビットコインの保有ベース$3,721 $347 
ビットコインの公正価値$3,845 $369 
キャリー基準は、企業がマイニング活動を通じてビットコインを獲得する時点でのビットコインの評価を表します。 8.7 2023年12月31日時点で保有していたビットコインの帳簿価額は、ASU 2023-08の適用前に「コストマイナス減損」基準に基づいて決定されました。
公平な価値での初期残高$961 $369 
追加3,267 15,041 
デジタル資産の利益(損失)156 204 
終了残高$3,845 $3,845 

15. 公正価値
会社はASCトピック820のガイダンスに従います。 公正価値計測資産および負債の公正価値を定期的および非定期的に測定する際には、観測可能なおよび観測不可能なインプットに基づいた3段階の階層が使用され、公正価値が算出されます。会社は公正価値に到達するために観測可能なインプットを最大限活用し、観測不可能なインプットの使用を可能な限り最小限に抑える評価手法を使用しています。会社は主要な市場または最も有利な市場における資産または負債の価格設定に市場参加者が使用するであろう仮定に基づいて公正価値を決定しています。公正価値測定において市場参加者の仮定を考慮する際には、観測可能なインプットと観測不可能なインプットを区別するため、以下の公正価値の階層が設けられており、これらはそれぞれ以下のレベルに分類されます:
レベル1の入力: 測定日に報告エンティティがアクセス可能な同一の資産または負債についての活発な市場での未調整の価格見積もり。

派生負債 - 先物買付契約レベル2レベル3総計
ワラント資産$ $ $477 $477 
派生負債 - 先物買付契約レベル2レベル3総計
デジタル資産$3,845 $ $ $3,845 
ワラント資産$ $ $57 $57 
ウォラント資産の公正価値は、ブラック・ショールズ・マートン・オプション価格モデルを利用して推定されました。ブラック・ショールズ・マートン・オプション価格モデルへの入力には、重要な未観測の入力が含まれていました。 以下の表は、レベル3公正価値入力に関する数量情報を提供しています。
株価$3.10 $4.83 
無リスク金利5.21 %5.14 %
変動67.09 %172.64 %
予想配当利回り % %

多くの主張があり、私はすべてを調べていなかったので、判断を下しませんでした。ただし、確認した特定の項目は、事実に基づいているように見えました。なし 2024年9月30日までの3か月間に発生した減損損失と、340万ドルの減損損失4.02023年9月30日までの3か月間に340万ドルの減損損失が発生した。2024年9月30日までの9か月間に、会社は固定資産および設備の340万ドルの減損損失を認識した。0.2340万ドルの減損損失が発生した4.02023年9月30日までの9か月間には、不動産投資に関する減価償却費が1百万ドル含まれていました。

16. 今後の事象
On October 14, 2024, the Company received written notice from the Listing Qualifications Department of The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”) notifying the Company that, based on the staff’s review of the market value of publicly held shares (the “MVPHS”) of the Company’s Class A common stock, for 30 consecutive business days, the Company no longer complied with Nasdaq’s minimum MVPHS requirement of at least $15,000,000 for continued listing on The Nasdaq Global Select Market. The notice provided that the Company had 180 days, or until April 14, 2025, to regain compliance with the minimum MVPHS requirement for 10 consecutive business days.

On October 25, 2024, the Company received written notice from Nasdaq notifying the Company that the staff has determined that for the 10 consecutive business days preceding October 25, 2024, the Company’s MVPHS has been $15,000,000 or greater. Accordingly, the Company has regained compliance with Nasdaq’s minimum MVPHS requirement for continued listing on The Nasdaq Global Select Market, and the staff indicated that the matter has been closed.
Exchange Agreements
On October 24, 2024 and November 5, 2024, the Company entered into privately negotiated exchange agreements, pursuant to which it issued an aggregate of 57,582 shares of the Company's Class A common stock, in exchange for $0.3 million aggregate principal amount of its 8.50% Senior Notes due October 2026.


Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
The following discussion should be read together with the audited financial statements and the related notes thereto of Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc., together with its consolidated subsidiaries ("Greenidge" or the “Company”) for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K and the unaudited interim financial statements and related notes thereto of the Company for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. This discussion contains certain forward-looking statements that reflect plans, estimates and beliefs and involve numerous risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those described in the “Risk Factors” disclosed in Item 1A to Part I of Greenidge's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, and “Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” sections of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Actual results may differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. For purposes of this section, “Greenidge“, “the Company,” “we,” “us” and “our” refer to Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. together with its consolidated subsidiaries. You should carefully read “Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
We own cryptocurrency datacenter operations in the Town of Torrey, New York (the "New York Facility"), the Town of Columbia, Mississippi (the "Mississippi Facility"), lease property for purposes of operating a cryptocurrency datacenter in the Town of Underwood, North Dakota (the "North Dakota Facility") and previously owned and operated a facility in Spartanburg, South Carolina (the "South Carolina Facility", and, collectively, the "facilities"). The New York Facility is a vertically integrated cryptocurrency datacenter and power generation facility with an approximately 106 megawatt ("MW") nameplate capacity, natural gas power generation facility. We generate revenue from four primary sources: (1) datacenter hosting, which we commenced on January 30, 2023, (2) cryptocurrency mining, (3) power and capacity, and (4) engineering procurement and construction management.
We generate all the power we require for operations in the New York Facility, where we enjoy relatively lower market prices for natural gas due to our access to the Millennium Gas Pipeline price hub. We believe our competitive advantages include efficiently designed mining infrastructure and in-house operational expertise that we believe is capable of maintaining a higher operational uptime of miners. We are mining bitcoin and hosting bitcoin miners, which contributes to the security and transactability of the bitcoin ecosystem while concurrently supplying power to assist in meeting the power needs of homes and businesses in the region served by our New York Facility.
Our datacenter operations consists of approximately 29,200 miners with approximately 3.1 EH/S of combined capacity for both datacenter hosting and cryptocurrency mining, of which 18,200 miners or 1.8 EH/s, is associated with datacenter hosting and 11,000 miners, or 1.3 EH/s is associated with our cryptocurrency mining. In 2023, prior to the South Carolina transaction, our datacenter operations consisted of approximately 42,300 miners with approximately 4.6 EH/s of combined capacity for both datacenter hosting and cryptocurrency mining, of which 32,100 miners, or 3.4 EH/s, were associated with datacenter hosting and 10,200 miners, or 1.2 EH/s, were associated with Greenidge’s cryptocurrency mining.
Recent Developments
In the first nine months of 2024, Greenidge made significant efforts to reduce costs, leading to selling, general and administrative expense reductions of $9.3 million compared to the same period in 2023. Greenidge also reported a reduction in overall operating costs for its Bitcoin mining operations in the third quarter of 2024, when compared to the same period of 2024, while expanding its footprint.
On April 10, 2024, we closed on the purchase of a parcel of land containing approximately 12 acres located in Columbus, Mississippi, including over 73,000 square feet of industrial warehouse space, from a subsidiary of Motus Pivot Inc., a portfolio company of Atlas, our controlling shareholder and a related party. The purchase price was $1.45 million, all of which was paid during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. This property provides us with access to 32.5 MW of additional power capacity. The transaction closed in April 2024, and we deployed 8.5 MW of miners on the property as of September 30, 2024. We have also deployed additional miners in conjunction with a 7.5 MW mining capacity lease in North Dakota, which has a term of five years and provides us with energy to power mining.
Our successful execution of the June 2024 planned maintenance outage of the New York Facility and relocation of owned miners from third-party operated sites to Company-operated facilities in the second quarter of 2024 resulted in our miners being non-operational for a period. We anticipate such actions will positively impact its profitability in the near term by reducing operational costs and maintaining elevated uptime levels. We also continue to explore additional opportunities to further streamline operations and improve efficiency across its business units.


In July 2024, we announced the launch of our Pod X portable cryptocurrency mining infrastructure solution, which is deployed at our facilities across the United States and reflects a culmination of our experience in maintaining optimal temperature control and uptime using portable mining equipment.
On August 1, 2024, we announced our new bitcoin self-mining retention strategy, which enables us to accumulate bitcoin from our owned miners in order to increase our bitcoin holdings.
Discontinued Operations
The contract with Support.com’s largest customer expired on December 31, 2022 and was not renewed. As a result, we have classified the Support.com business as held for sale and discontinued operations in these condensed consolidated financial statements as a result of management and the board of directors making a decision to pursue alternatives for the Support.com business and to strictly focus on its cryptocurrency mining, datacenter hosting and power generation operations. See Note 3, "Discontinued Operations" of our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for additional information.
Title V Air Permit
In late June 2022, NYSDEC announced its denial of the Title V Air Permit renewal for our New York Facility. We filed a notice with NYSDEC in July 2022 requesting a hearing on NYSDEC’s decision. In September 2023, the administrative law judge presiding over the hearing issued a ruling with respect to the status of the parties and certain issues to be adjudicated in the hearing. We submitted an interim appeal with NYSDEC thereafter challenging such ruling with a motion to stay the broader appeals process while the interim appeal was being resolved. On May 8, 2024, our interim appeal to NYSDEC and request for an adjudicatory hearing were ultimately denied, and the June 2022 non-renewal of our Title V Air Permit was affirmed by NYSDEC’s Regional Director for Region 7, which rendered NYSDEC’s decision final for purposes of seeking judicial review.

On August 15, 2024, we filed a verified petition and complaint pursuant to Article 78 of the New York Civil Practice Law and Rules against NYSDEC in the New York Supreme Court, Yates County (the "Court"), seeking declaratory and injunctive relief relating to NYSDEC's denial of our renewal application for our New York Facility, including, among other things, to (i) annul NYSDEC's June 2022 denial of our renewal application and the May 8, 2024 affirmation of such denial by NYSDEC's Regional Director for Region 7, (ii) issue certain declaratory judgments with respect to NYSDEC's interpretation of the New York Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act on which the denial of our renewal application was predicated, and (iii) enjoin NYSDEC from taking any action to request that the New York Facility cease operations.

On August 20, 2024, we submitted a motion to the Court by Order to Show Cause seeking a temporary restraining and preliminary injunction (the “TRO Request”) permitting the Facility to continue operations during the pendency of the Article 78 proceeding. Subsequent to submission of the TRO Request, Greenidge and NYSDEC agreed to a briefing schedule with the respect to the TRO Request, with a hearing before the Court expected to occur in late October 2024. In connection with the agreed-upon briefing schedule, NYSDEC agreed that Greenidge does not need to (i) cease operations of any air contamination sources located at the New York Facility, (ii) render such air contamination sources inoperable, or (iii) relinquish the Title V Air Permit until November 1, 2024, which was subsequently extended through November 14, 2024 (the “November 14 Stay”). We expect that the Court will render a decision on the TRO Request or, alternatively, our Article 78 challenge of the denial of the permit renewal application in total, prior to the expiration of the November 14 Stay.
This challenge has, and will continue, to cause us to incur additional costs and result in the diversion of management attention, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. We expect that the judicial proceedings related to the challenge of NYSDEC’s denial of our Title V Air Permit renewal application may take a number of years to fully resolve, and there can be no assurance that our efforts will be successful. Our inability to secure a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction to allow the New York Facility to continue operating during the pendency of the litigation or to otherwise succeed in securing a renewal of our Title V Air Permit for the New York Facility could have a material adverse effect on us and our ability to continue operating as a going concern. See Note 2, “Summary of Significant Accounting Policies,” in the Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.


Results from Continuing Operations - Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
The following table (in thousands) sets forth key components of our results from continuing operations and should be read in conjunction with our condensed consolidated financial statements and related notes. All comparisons below refer to the three months ended September 30, 2024 versus the three months ended September 30, 2023, unless otherwise specified.
Three Months Ended September 30,Variance
Datacenter hosting$6,490 $12,136 $(5,646)(47)%
Cryptocurrency mining3,267 6,602 (3,335)(51)%
Power and capacity2,594 2,141 453 21 %
Total revenue12,351 20,879 (8,528)(41)%
Cost of revenue (exclusive of depreciation)9,304 15,355 (6,051)(39)%
Selling, general and administrative3,730 6,662 (2,932)(44)%
Depreciation3,390 3,383 — %
Impairment of long-lived assets— 4,000 (4,000)(100)%
Gain on digital assets(156)— (156)N/A
Loss on sale of assets693 — 693 N/A
Remeasurement of environmental liability— 1,600 (1,600)(100)%
Total operating costs and expenses16,961 31,000 (14,039)(45)%
Operating loss(4,610)(10,121)5,511 (54)%
Interest expense, net(1,832)(3,040)1,208 (40)%
Total other expense, net(1,832)(3,040)1,208 (40)%
Loss from continuing operations before income taxes(6,442)(13,161)6,719 (51)%
Benefit from income taxes(118)— (118)N/A
Net loss from continuing operations$(6,324)$(13,161)$6,837 (52)%
Adjusted Amounts (a)
Adjusted operating loss from continuing operations$(3,917)$(3,852)$(65)%
Adjusted operating margin from continuing operations(31.7)%(18.4)%
Adjusted net loss from continuing operations$(5,631)$(6,892)$1,261 (18)%
Other Financial Data (a)
EBITDA (loss) from continuing operations$(1,220)$(6,738)$5,518 (82)%
as a percent of revenues(9.9)%(32.3)%
Adjusted EBITDA (loss) from continuing operations$(110)$13 $(123)(946)%
as a percent of revenues(0.9)%0.1 %
(a)Adjusted Amounts and Other Financial Data are non-GAAP performance measures. A reconciliation of reported amounts to adjusted amounts can be found in the "Non-GAAP Measures and Reconciliations" section of this Management’s Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A").


Key Metrics
The following table provides a summary of key metrics related to the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Three Months Ended September 30,Variance
$ in thousands, except $ per MWh and average bitcoin price20242023$%
Datacenter hosting$6,490 $12,136 $(5,646)(47)%
Cryptocurrency mining3,267 6,602 (3,335)(51)%
Power and capacity2,594 2,141 453 21 %
Total revenue$12,351 $20,879 $(8,528)(41)%
Components of revenue as % of total
Datacenter hosting53 %58 %
Cryptocurrency mining26 %32 %
Power and capacity21 %10 %
Total revenue100 %100 %
Datacenter hosting115,307 187,843 (72,536)(39)%
Cryptocurrency mining48,859 66,502 (17,643)(27)%
Power and capacity42,554 46,008 (3,454)(8)%
Revenue per MWh
Datacenter hosting$56 $65 $(9)(14)%
Cryptocurrency mining$67 $99 $(32)(32)%
Power and capacity$61 $47 $14 30 %
Cost of revenue (exclusive of depreciation)
Datacenter hosting$4,941 $9,432 $(4,491)(48)%
Cryptocurrency mining$2,599 $4,458 $(1,859)(42)%
Power and capacity$1,764 $1,465 $299 20 %
EPCM consulting services$— $— $— N/A
Cost of revenue per MWh (exclusive of depreciation)
Datacenter hosting$43 $50 $(7)(14)%
Cryptocurrency mining$53 $67 $(14)(21)%
Power and capacity$41 $32 $28 %
Cryptocurrency Mining Metrics
Bitcoins produced:
Datacenter hosting113622(509)(82)%
Cryptocurrency mining53235(182)(77)%
Total bitcoins produced166857(691)(81)%
Average bitcoin price$61,023 $28,086 $32,937 117 %
Average active hash rate (EH/s) Company-owned miners791,533 1,069,816 (278,283)(26)%
Average active hash rate (EH/s) Hosted miners1,663,884 2,829,274 (1,165,390)(41)%
Average difficulty85.9 T53.8 T32.1 T60 %


On January 30, 2023, upon entering into the NYDIG Hosting Agreement, we transitioned the majority of the capacity of our owned datacenter facilities to datacenter hosting operations. In November 2023, we sold the South Carolina Facility, which was part of our datacenter hosting operations. We entered into hosting arrangements at third party sites for the majority of our remaining owned miners in the second quarter of 2023. In the second quarter of 2024, the hosting agreements to operate miners at third party sites were terminated. As a result, we deployed miners operated at the host’s sites to our own self-mining sites. At September 30, 2024, Greenidge datacenter operations consisted of approximately 29,200 miners with approximately 3.1 EH/s of combined capacity for both datacenter hosting and cryptocurrency mining, of which 18,200 miners, or 1.8 EH/s, is associated with datacenter hosting and 11,000 miners, or 1.3 EH/s, is associated with Greenidge’s cryptocurrency mining.

Cryptocurrency mining revenue

For our cryptocurrency mining revenue, we generate revenue in the form of bitcoin by earning bitcoin as rewards and transaction fees for supporting the global bitcoin network with application-specific integrated circuit computers ("ASICs" or "miners") owned or leased by the Company. Our cryptocurrency mining revenue decreased $3.3 million, or 51%, to $3.3 million. We estimate that approximately 77% of the decrease was due to increases in the global bitcoin mining difficulty factor and the bitcoin halving that occurred in April 2024, which was partially offset by 26% due to the increase in the average price of bitcoin. Bitcoin mining difficulty was 60% higher compared to the prior year due to increases in the difficulty index associated with the complexity of the algorithmic solution required to create a block and receive a bitcoin award, the average bitcoin price was 117% higher and our average hash rate decreased 26%. The decline in average hashrate is attributable to the Company's focus on maximizing profitability by prioritizing operations of its most efficient miners, curtailing operations of less efficient miners during periods of decreased profitability, and the ongoing efforts to redeploy miners previously hosted at third party locations.

The miners associated with Greenidge’s cryptocurrency mining were comprised as follows:

Vendor and Model
Number of Miners
Bitmain S194,000 
Bitmain S19 Pro2,000 
Bitmain S19j Pro900 
Bitmain S19 XP3,600 
Bitmain S19 Hydro200 
Bitmain S21 Pro300 

As of September 30, 2024, our fleet of miners ranged in age from 0.1 to 3.1 years and had an average age of approximately 2.3 years. We do not have scheduled downtime for our miners. When we have unscheduled downtime, we may from time to time replace a miner with a substitute miner in order to minimize overall fleet downtime. As of September 30, 2024, our fleet of miners ranged in efficiency from approximately 15.0 to 34.0 joules per terahash (“J/TH”) and had an average efficiency of 27.1 J/TH.

The table below presents the average cost of mining each bitcoin for the three months ended September 30, 2024:

Cost of Mining - Analysis of Costs to Mine One BitcoinThree Months Ended September 30, 2024
Cost to mine one bitcoin(1)
Value of each bitcoin mined(2)
Cost to mine one bitcoin as % of value of bitcoin mined79.6 %
(1) Computed as cost of revenue of cryptocurrency mining divided by number of bitcoins produced from cryptocurrency mining.
(2) Computed as cryptocurrency mining revenue divided by number of bitcoins produced from cryptocurrency mining.


Datacenter hosting revenue

On January 30, 2023, we entered into the NYDIG Hosting Agreement to provide datacenter hosting services. Under the NYDIG Hosting Agreement, we generate revenue from a reimbursement fee that covers the cost of power and direct costs associated with management of the mining facilities, a hosting fee and a gross profit-sharing arrangement. The arrangement covers substantially all of our current mining capacity at the New York Facility and the South Carolina Facility during the 2023 comparative period, prior to the sale of the facility on November 15, 2023. We generated revenue of $6.5 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and $12.1 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. This decrease of $5.6 million was mainly due to the sale of the South Carolina Facility and partially offset by a 117% increase in price of bitcoin. In addition, we managed approximately 1.7 EH/s of average active hash rate in our hosting services, of which produced approximately 113 bitcoins.
Power and capacity revenue
Power and capacity revenue at our New York Facility is earned when we sell capacity and energy and ancillary services to the wholesale power grid managed by the New York Independent System Operator ("NYISO"). Through these sales, we earn revenue in three streams, including: (1) power revenue received based on the hourly price of power, (2) capacity revenue for committing to sell power to the NYISO when dispatched and (3) other ancillary service revenue received as compensation for the provision of operating reserves. Our power and capacity revenue increased $0.5 million, or 21%, to $2.6 million during the three months ended September 30, 2024. We estimate that higher average power and capacity prices caused revenue increases of approximately 29%, which was partially offset by lower power and capacity sales volume of 8%, as compared to the prior period.
Cost of revenue (exclusive of depreciation)
Three Months Ended September 30,Variance
$ in thousands20242023$%
Datacenter hosting$4,941 $9,432 $(4,491)(48)%
Cryptocurrency mining2,599 4,458 (1,859)(42)%
Power and capacity1,764 1,465 299 20 %
Total cost of revenue (exclusive of depreciation)$9,304 $15,355 $(6,051)(39)%
As a percentage of total revenue75.3 %73.5 %
Total cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation, decreased $6.1 million, or 39%, to $9.3 million during the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the prior year period. We estimate the decrease is comprised of approximately 22% due to the lower utilization of electricity involved in production as a result of the sale of our South Carolina facility in the fourth quarter of 2023 and 17% due to our transition away from third party hosting service agreements for our own miners, lower natural gas and electricity charges, and lower MWh power consumption by our power plant and operating miner fleet.
Our New York Facility allocates its cost of revenue between datacenter hosting, cryptocurrency mining and power and capacity based on their respective MWh consumption on a pro rata basis.
Selling, general and administrative expenses
Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased $2.9 million, or 44%, to $3.7 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the prior year period. The main drivers of the decrease in selling, general and administrative expenses were:
Total insurance expense decreased approximately $1.0 million in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the prior year period, as a result of a decline in coverage costs related to umbrella, property, and liability policies due to a lower asset base;

Total payroll and benefits and other employee costs decreased approximately $0.8 million in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the prior year period, as a result of declines in employee expenses related to the corporate overhead cost reduction efforts that occurred in 2023 as well as a decrease in incentive compensation;


Decrease of approximately $0.8 million due to reductions in professional fees and consulting expenses caused by reductions in discretionary costs and higher regulatory costs in the prior year period associated with permit renewals and environmental matters at the New York Facility;

Total administrative overhead costs decreased approximately $0.2 million in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the prior year period, primarily related to reduced spending on information technology and business development; and

Total stock compensation decreased approximately $0.1 million in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the prior year period, as a result of a decline in amortized expense relating to RSUs with a higher grant date fair value, as well as a decline in amortized expense relating to options granted in prior periods.
There was no change in depreciation expense for the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the prior year period.
Gain on digital assets
We recognized a gain on digital assets of $0.2 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 as a result of measuring digital assets at fair value due to our adopting ASU 2023-08 on January 1, 2024. There was no gain or loss on digital assets as a result of measuring digital assets at fair value for the three months ended September 30, 2023.
Loss on sale of assets
We recognized a loss on the sale of assets of $0.7 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 as a result of selling long-lived assets. There was no gain or loss on the sale of assets for the three months ended September 30, 2023.
Operating (loss) income from continuing operations
We reported an operating loss for the three months ended September 30, 2024 of $4.6 million compared with an operating loss of $10.1 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023. The favorable variance of $5.5 million is primarily related to the decrease in impairment expense of $4.0 million, as well as additional cost savings related to selling, general, and administrative expenses.
Adjusted loss from operations was $3.9 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to adjusted loss from operations of $3.9 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023. The adjusted loss from operations was driven by the same factors described above impacting loss from operations. A reconciliation of reported amounts to adjusted amounts can be found in the "Non-GAAP Measures and Reconciliations" section of this MD&A.
Total other expense, net
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, Greenidge incurred a decrease of $1.2 million, or 40%, to $1.8 million of other expense due to a reduction in interest expense of $1.2 million. The decrease is a result of the reductions in debt that occurred in the first and fourth quarters of 2023.
Benefit from income taxes
Our effective tax rate for the three months ended September 30, 2024 was a 2% benefit which was lower than the statutory rate of 21% because we have a full valuation allowance on deferred tax assets, as well as an adjustment for the New York State income tax receivable upon completion of the 2023 tax return. We recorded and will continue to carry a full valuation allowance against our gross deferred tax assets that will not reverse against deferred tax liabilities within the scheduled reversal period. The 2%, or $0.1 million benefit for the three months ended September 30, 2024 was the result of an adjustment for the New York State income tax receivable upon completion of our 2023 tax return.
Our effective tax rate for the three months ended September 30, 2023 was 0%, which was lower than the statutory rate of 21% due to a full valuation allowance on deferred tax assets.

Net loss from continuing operations
As a result of the factors described above, Greenidge incurred a net loss of $6.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to a net loss of $13.2 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023.
On an adjusted basis, excluding the impact of a gain on sale of assets and debt restructure costs, adjusted net loss during the three months ended September 30, 2024 would have been $5.6 million as compared to $6.9 million in the same period in 2023. Adjusted net loss is a non-GAAP performance measure. A reconciliation of reported amounts to adjusted amounts can be found in the "Non-GAAP Measures and Reconciliations" section of this MD&A.
Loss from discontinued operations
We have reported the Support.com business as discontinued operations in the consolidated financial statements. Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax net of tax decreased $1.0 million, or 96%, to $0.0 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024. The decrease is primarily related to the closing of operations.
Non-GAAP Measures and Reconciliations
The following non-GAAP measures are intended to supplement investors’ understanding of our financial information by providing measures which investors, financial analysts and management use to help evaluate our operating performance. Items which we do not believe to be indicative of ongoing business trends are excluded from these calculations so that investors can better evaluate and analyze historical and future business trends on a consistent basis. Definitions of these non-GAAP measures may not be comparable to similar definitions used by other companies. These results should be considered in addition to, not as a substitute for, results reported in accordance with United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("U.S. GAAP").
EBITDA (loss) from continuing operations and Adjusted EBITDA (loss) from continuing operations
"EBITDA from continuing operations" is defined as earnings from continuing operations before taxes, interest, and depreciation and amortization. "Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations" is defined as EBITDA from continuing operations adjusted for stock-based compensation and other special items determined by management, including, but not limited to business expansion costs, gain on sale of assets and debt restructuring costs as they are not indicative of business operations. Adjusted EBITDA is intended as a supplemental measure of our performance that is neither required by, nor presented in accordance with, U.S. GAAP. Management believes that the use of EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA provides an additional tool for investors to use in evaluating ongoing operating results and trends and in comparing our financial measures with those of comparable companies, which may present similar non-GAAP financial measures to investors. However, you should be aware that when evaluating EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA, we may incur future expenses similar to those excluded when calculating these measures. In addition, our presentation of these measures should not be construed as an inference that its future results will be unaffected by unusual or non-recurring items. Our computation of Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures computed by other companies, because all companies may not calculate Adjusted EBITDA in the same fashion.
Because of these limitations, EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for performance measures calculated in accordance with U.S. GAAP. We compensate for these limitations by relying primarily on our U.S. GAAP results and using EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA on a supplemental basis. You should review the reconciliation of net loss (income) to EBITDA (loss) and Adjusted EBITDA below and not rely on any single financial measure to evaluate our business. The reported amounts in the table below are from our Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations in our Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

Three Months Ended September 30,Variance
Adjusted operating (loss) income from continuing operations
Operating loss from continuing operations$(4,610)$(10,121)$5,511 (54)%
Impairment of long-lived assets— 4,000 (4,000)(100)%
Loss on sale of assets693 — 693 N/A
Remeasurement of environmental liability— 1,600 $(1,600)(100)%
Restructuring costs— 669 (669)(100)%
Adjusted operating loss from continuing operations$(3,917)$(3,852)$(65)%
Adjusted operating margin(31.7 %)(18.4 %)
Adjusted net loss from continuing operations
Net loss from continuing operations$(6,324)$(13,161)$6,837 (52)%
Impairment of long-lived assets, after tax— 4,000 (4,000)(100)%
Loss on sale of assets, after tax693 — 693 N/A
Remeasurement of environmental liability, after tax— 1,600 (1,600)(100)%
Restructuring costs, after tax— 669 (669)(100)%
Adjusted net loss from continuing operations$(5,631)$(6,892)$1,261 (18)%
EBITDA (loss) and Adjusted EBITDA (loss) from continuing operations
Net loss from continuing operations$(6,324)$(13,161)$6,837 (52)%
Benefit from income taxes(118)— (118)N/A
Interest expense, net1,832 3,040 (1,208)(40)%
Depreciation3,390 3,383 — %
EBITDA (loss) from continuing operations(1,220)(6,738)5,518 (82)%
Stock-based compensation417 482 (65)(13)%
Loss on sale of assets693 — 693 N/A
Remeasurement of environmental liability— 1,600 (1,600)(100)%
Restructuring costs— 669 (669)(100)%
Impairment of long-lived assets— 4,000 (4,000)(100)%
Adjusted EBITDA (loss) from continuing operations$(110)$13 $(123)(946)%
Revenue per MWh for datacenter hosting, cryptocurrency mining and power and capacity are used by management to consider the extent to which we may generate electricity to either produce cryptocurrency or sell power to the New York wholesale power market. Cost of revenue (excluding depreciation) per MWh represents a measure of the cost of natural gas, emissions credits, payroll and benefits and other direct production costs associated with the MWhs produced to generate the respective revenue category for each MWh utilized. Depreciation expense is excluded from the cost of revenue (exclusive of depreciation) per MWh metric; therefore, not all cost of revenues for datacenter hosting, cryptocurrency mining and power and capacity are fully reflected. To the extent any other cryptocurrency datacenters are public or may go public, the cost of revenue (exclusive of depreciation) per MWh metric may not be comparable because some competitors may include depreciation in their cost of revenue figures.


Results from Continuing Operations - Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
The following table (in thousands) sets forth key components of our results from continuing operations and should be read in conjunction with our condensed consolidated financial statements and related notes. All comparisons below refer to the nine months ended September 30, 2024 versus the nine months ended September 30, 2023, unless otherwise specified.
Nine Months Ended September 30,Variance
Datacenter hosting$22,247 $28,740 $(6,493)(23)%
Cryptocurrency mining15,041 17,033 (1,992)(12)%
Power and capacity7,118 4,973 2,145 43 %
EPCM consulting services335 — 335 N/A
Total revenue44,741 50,746 (6,005)(12)%
Cost of revenue (exclusive of depreciation)30,938 36,231 (5,293)(15)%
Depreciation9,909 10,368 (459)(4)%
Selling, general and administrative13,394 22,724 (9,330)(41)%
Impairment of long-lived assets169 4,000 (3,831)(96)%
Gain on digital assets(204)— (204)N/A
Loss (gain) on sale of assets661 (1,752)2,413 (138)%
Remeasurement of environmental liability— 1,600 (1,600)(100)%
Total operating costs and expenses54,867 73,171 (18,304)(25)%
Operating loss(10,126)(22,425)12,299 (55)%
Interest expense, net(5,439)(9,725)4,286 (44)%
Gain on sale of digital assets— 398 (398)(100)%
Change in fair value of warrant asset(420)— (420)N/A
Other expense, net— (4)(100)%
Total other expense, net(5,859)(9,331)3,472 (37)%
Loss from continuing operations before income taxes(15,985)(31,756)15,771 (50)%
Benefit from income taxes(118)— (118)N/A
Net loss from continuing operations$(15,867)$(31,756)$15,889 (50)%
Adjusted Amounts (a)
Adjusted operating loss from continuing operations$(9,296)$(15,746)$6,450 (41)%
Adjusted operating margin from continuing operations(20.8)%(31.0)%
Adjusted net loss from continuing operations$(14,617)$(25,077)$10,460 (42)%
Other Financial Data (a)
EBITDA (loss) from continuing operations$(637)$(11,663)$11,026 (95)%
as a percent of revenues(1.4)%(23.0)%
Adjusted EBITDA (loss) from continuing operations$2,411 $(3,453)$5,864 (170)%
as a percent of revenues5.4 %(6.8)%
(a)Adjusted Amounts and Other Financial Data are non-GAAP performance measures. A reconciliation of reported amounts to adjusted amounts can be found in the "Non-GAAP Measures and Reconciliations" section of this MD&A.

Key Metrics
The following table provides a summary of key metrics related to the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
Nine Months Ended September 30,Variance
$ in thousands, except $ per MWh and average bitcoin price20242023$%
Datacenter hosting$22,247 $28,740 $(6,493)(23)%
Cryptocurrency mining15,041 17,033 (1,992)(12)%
Power and capacity7,118 4,973 2,145 43 %
EPCM consulting services335 — 335 N/A
Total revenue$44,741 $50,746 $(6,005)(12)%
Components of revenue as % of total
Datacenter hosting50 %57 %
Cryptocurrency mining33 %33 %
Power and capacity16 %10 %
EPCM consulting services%— %
Total revenue100 %100 %
Datacenter hosting326,968 413,983 (87,015)(21)%
Cryptocurrency mining139,767 161,285 (21,518)(13)%
Power and capacity117,321 99,723 17,598 18 %
Revenue per MWh
Datacenter hosting$68 $69 $(1)(1)%
Cryptocurrency mining$108 $106 $%
Power and capacity$61 $50 $11 22 %
Cost of revenue (exclusive of depreciation)
Datacenter hosting$16,644 $20,830 $(4,186)(20)%
Cryptocurrency mining$9,504 $10,639 $(1,135)(11)%
Power and capacity$4,607 $4,762 $(155)(3)%
EPCM consulting services$183 $— $183 N/A
Cost of revenue per MWh (exclusive of depreciation)
Datacenter hosting$51 $50 $%
Cryptocurrency mining$68 $66 $%
Power and capacity$39 $48 $(9)(19)%
Cryptocurrency Mining Metrics
Bitcoins produced:
Datacenter hosting532 1,541 (1,009)(65)%
Cryptocurrency mining261 684 (423)(62)%
Total bitcoins produced793 2,225 (1,432)(64)%
Average bitcoin price$60,028 $26,350 $33,678 128 %
Average active hash rate (EH/s) Company-owned miners790,142 882,130 (91,988)(10)%
Average active hash rate (EH/s) Hosted miners1,637,777 2,113,051 (475,274)(22)%
Average difficulty82.6 T47.9 T34.7 T72 %


On January 30, 2023, upon entering into the NYDIG Hosting Agreement, we transitioned the majority of the capacity of our owned datacenter facilities to datacenter hosting operations. In November 2023, we sold the South Carolina Facility, which was part of our datacenter hosting operations. We entered into hosting arrangements at third party sites for the majority of our remaining owned miners in the first and second quarters of 2023. In the second quarter of 2023, the hosting agreements to operate miners at third party sites were terminated. As a result, we deployed miners operated at the host’s site to our own self-mining sites. At September 30, 2024, Greenidge datacenter operations consisted of approximately 29,200 miners with approximately 3.1 EH/s of combined capacity for both datacenter hosting and cryptocurrency mining, of which 18,200 miners, or 1.8 EH/s, is associated with datacenter hosting and 11,000 miners, or 1.3 EH/s, is associated with Greenidge’s cryptocurrency mining.

Cryptocurrency mining revenue

For our cryptocurrency mining revenue, we generate revenue in the form of bitcoin by earning bitcoin as rewards and transaction fees for supporting the global bitcoin network with ASICs owned or leased by us. Our cryptocurrency mining revenue decreased $2.0 million, or 12%, to $15.0 million. We estimate that approximately 66% of the decrease was due to the increase in the global bitcoin mining difficulty factor and the bitcoin halving that occurred in April 2024, which was partially offset by 54% due to the increase in the average price of bitcoin. Bitcoin mining difficulty was 72% higher compared to the prior year due to increases in the difficulty index associated with the complexity of the algorithmic solution required to create a block and receive a bitcoin award, the average bitcoin price was 128% higher and our average hash rate decreased 10%. The decline in average hashrate is attributable to the Company's focus on maximizing profitability by prioritizing operations of its most efficient miners, curtailing operations of less efficient miners during periods of decreased profitability, and the ongoing efforts to redeploy miners previously hosted at third party locations.

The miners associated with Greenidge’s cryptocurrency mining were comprised as follows:

Vendor and Model
Number of Miners
Bitmain S194,000 
Bitmain S19 Pro2,000 
Bitmain S19j Pro900 
Bitmain S19 XP3,600 
Bitmain S19 Hydro200 
Bitmain S21 Pro300 

As of September 30, 2024, our fleet of miners ranged in age from 0.1 to 3.1 years and had an average age of approximately 2.3 years. We do not have scheduled downtime for our miners. When we have unscheduled downtime, we may from time to time replace a miner with a substitute miner in order to minimize overall fleet downtime. As of September 30, 2024, our fleet of miners ranged in efficiency from approximately 15.0 to 34.0 J/TH and had an average efficiency of 27.1 J/TH.

The table below presents the average cost of mining each bitcoin for the nine months ended September 30, 2024:

Cost of Mining - Analysis of Costs to Mine One BitcoinNine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Cost to mine one bitcoin(1)
Value of each bitcoin mined(2)
Cost to mine one bitcoin as % of value of bitcoin mined63.2 %
(1) Computed as cost of revenue of cryptocurrency mining divided by number of bitcoins produced from cryptocurrency mining.
(2) Computed as cryptocurrency mining revenue divided by number of bitcoins produced from cryptocurrency mining.

Datacenter hosting revenue

On January 30, 2023, we entered into the NYDIG Hosting Agreement to provide datacenter hosting services. Under the NYDIG Hosting Agreement, we generate revenue from a reimbursement fee that covers the cost of power and direct costs associated with management of the mining facilities, a hosting fee and a gross profit-sharing arrangement. The arrangement covers substantially all of our current mining capacity at the New York Facility and the South Carolina Facility during the 2023 comparative period, prior to the sale of the facility on November 15, 2023. We generated revenue of $22.2 million for the first nine months of 2024 and $28.7 million for the first nine months of 2023. Approximately $10.0 million of this decrease is a result of the sale of the South Carolina in November 2023, which was partially offset by an increase in the price of bitcoin during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the prior year. In addition, we managed approximately 1.7 EH/s of average active hash rate in our hosting services, of which produced approximately 532 bitcoins.
Power and capacity revenue
Power and capacity revenue at our New York Facility is earned when we sell capacity and energy and ancillary services to the wholesale power grid managed by the NYISO. Through these sales, we earn revenue in three streams, including: (1) power revenue received based on the hourly price of power, (2) capacity revenue for committing to sell power to the NYISO when dispatched and (3) other ancillary service revenue received as compensation for the provision of operating reserves.
Our power and capacity revenue increased $2.1 million, or 43%, to $7.1 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. We estimate higher average power and capacity prices and higher power and capacity sales volume caused revenue increases of approximately 25% and 18%, respectively, as compared to the prior period.
Cost of revenue (exclusive of depreciation)
Nine Months Ended September 30,Variance
$ in thousands20242023$%
Datacenter hosting$16,644 $20,830 $(4,186)(20)%
Cryptocurrency mining9,504 10,639 (1,135)(11)%
Power and capacity4,607 4,762 (155)(3)%
EPCM consulting services183 — 183 N/A
Total cost of revenue (exclusive of depreciation)$30,938 $36,231 $(5,293)(15)%
As a percentage of total revenue69.1 %71.4 %
Total cost of revenue, exclusive of depreciation, decreased $5.3 million, or 15%, to $30.9 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the prior year period. We estimate the decrease is comprised of approximately 7% due to higher natural gas costs for Datacenter Hosting, as well as revenue share expense. This was partially offset by 18% due to the decrease in electricity utilization within production, mainly as a result of the sale of the facility in South Carolina, along with 4% due to the reduction in monthly hosting fees paid to third parties for hosting Company-owned miners.
The New York Facility allocates its cost of revenue between datacenter hosting, cryptocurrency mining and power and capacity based on their respective MWh consumption on a pro rata basis.
Selling, general and administrative expenses
Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased $9.3 million, or 41%, to $13.4 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the prior year period. The main drivers of the decrease in selling, general and administrative expenses were:
Total payroll and benefits and other employee costs decreased approximately $4.0 million in the first nine months of 2024 compared to the prior year period, as a result of declines in employee expenses related to the corporate overhead cost reduction efforts that occurred in 2023 as well as a decrease in incentive compensation;


Decrease of approximately $2.9 million due to reductions in professional fees and consulting expenses caused by reductions in discretionary costs and higher regulatory costs in the prior year period associated with permit renewals and environmental matters at the New York Facility;

Total insurance expense decreased approximately $1.7 million in the first nine months of 2024 compared to the prior year period, as a result of declines in coverage costs related to umbrella, property, and liability policies due to a lower asset base; and

Total restructuring costs decreased approximately $0.7 million in the first nine months of 2024 compared to the prior year period, mainly as a result of non-recurring restructuring costs incurred in the prior year
Depreciation expense decreased $0.5 million, or 4%, to $9.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the prior year period, due to a lower asset base resulting from the sale of the South Carolina Facility in 2023.
Gain on digital assets
We recognized a gain on digital assets of $0.2 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as a result of measuring digital assets at fair value due to us adopting ASU 2023-08 on January 1, 2024. There was no gain or loss on digital assets as a result of measuring digital assets at fair value for the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
Loss (gain) on sale of assets
We recognized a loss on the sale of assets of $0.7 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 which was primarily as a result of selling long-lived assets. During the nine months ended September 30, 2023, we recognized a gain on the sale of assets of $1.8 million for the sale of certain credits and coupons, including the $1.2 million of coupons transferred to NYDIG as part of the debt restructuring.
Operating (loss) income from continuing operations
We reported an operating loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 of $10.1 million compared with an operating loss of $22.4 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The favorable variance of $12.3 million is primarily related to significant cost savings in selling, general, and administrative expenses, as well as a $3.8 million decrease in impairment of long-lived assets and a $1.6 million decrease in remeasurement on environmental liability.
Adjusted loss from operations was $9.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to adjusted loss from operations of $15.7 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The adjusted loss from operations was driven by the same factors described above impacting loss from operations. A reconciliation of reported amounts to adjusted amounts can be found in the "Non-GAAP Measures and Reconciliations" section of this MD&A.
Total other expense, net
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we incurred a decrease of $3.5 million, or 37%, to $5.9 million of other expense, mainly due to a reduction in interest expense of $4.3 million and partially offset by a change in fair value of warrant asset of $0.4 million and decrease of $0.4 million in gain on sale of digital assets. The decrease in interest expense is a result of the reductions in debt that occurred in the first and fourth quarters of 2023.
Benefit from income taxes
Our effective tax rate for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was a 1% benefit which was lower than the statutory rate of 21% because we have a full valuation allowance on deferred tax assets, as well as an adjustment for the New York State income tax receivable upon completion of the 2023 tax return. We recorded and will continue to carry a full valuation allowance against our gross deferred tax assets that will not reverse against deferred tax liabilities within the scheduled reversal period. The 1%, or $0.1 million benefit for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was the result of an adjustment for the New York State income tax receivable upon completion of our 2023 tax return.
Our effective tax rate for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was 0%, which was lower than the statutory rate of 21% primarily due to state income taxes and tax benefits associated with stock-based compensation.

Net loss from continuing operations
As a result of the factors described above, Greenidge incurred a net loss of $15.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to a net loss of $31.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
On an adjusted basis, excluding the impact of a gain on sale of assets and debt restructure costs, adjusted net loss during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 would have been $14.6 million as compared to $25.1 million in the same period in 2023. Adjusted net loss is a non-GAAP performance measure. A reconciliation of reported amounts to adjusted amounts can be found in the "Non-GAAP Measures and Reconciliations" section of this MD&A.
Loss from discontinued operations
We have reported the Support.com business as discontinued operations in the consolidated financial statements. Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax decreased $0.7 million, or 98%, to $0.01 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The decrease is primarily related to the closing of operations.

Non-GAAP Measures and Reconciliations
Nine Months Ended September 30,Variance
Adjusted operating (loss) income from continuing operations
Operating loss from continuing operations$(10,126)$(22,425)$12,299 (55)%
Impairment of long-lived assets169 4,000 (3,831)(96)%
Loss (gain) on sale of assets661 (1,752)2,413 (138)%
Remeasurement of environmental liability— 1,600 (1,600)(100)%
Restructuring costs— 2,831 (2,831)(100)%
Adjusted operating loss from continuing operations$(9,296)$(15,746)$6,450 (41)%
Adjusted operating margin(20.8 %)(31.0 %)
Adjusted net loss from continuing operations
Net loss from continuing operations$(15,867)$(31,756)$15,889 (50)%
Impairment of long-lived assets, after tax169 4,000 (3,831)(96)%
Loss (gain) on sale of assets661 (1,752)2,413 (138)%
Remeasurement of environmental liability, after tax— 1,600 (1,600)(100)%
Change in fair value of warrant asset, after tax420 — 420 N/A
Restructuring costs, after tax— 2,831 (2,831)(100)%
Adjusted net loss from continuing operations$(14,617)$(25,077)$10,460 (42)%
EBITDA (loss) and Adjusted EBITDA (loss) from continuing operations
Net loss from continuing operations$(15,867)$(31,756)$15,889 (50)%
Benefit from income taxes(118)— (118)N/A
Interest expense, net5,439 9,725 (4,286)(44)%
Depreciation9,909 10,368 (459)(4)%
EBITDA (loss) from continuing operations(637)(11,663)11,026 (95)%
Stock-based compensation1,798 1,531 267 17 %
Loss (gain) on sale of assets661 (1,752)2,413 (138)%
Remeasurement of environmental liability— 1,600 (1,600)(100)%
Change in fair value of warrant asset, after tax420 — 420 N/A
Restructuring costs— 2,831 (2,831)(100)%
Impairment of long-lived assets169 4,000 (3,831)(96)%
Adjusted EBITDA (loss) from continuing operations$2,411 $(3,453)$5,864 (170)%
Revenue per MWh for datacenter hosting, cryptocurrency mining and power and capacity are used by management to consider the extent to which we may generate electricity to either produce cryptocurrency or sell power to the New York wholesale power market. Cost of revenue (excluding depreciation) per MWh represents a measure of the cost of natural gas, emissions credits, payroll and benefits and other direct production costs associated with the MWhs produced to generate the respective revenue category for each MWh utilized. Depreciation expense is excluded from the cost of revenue (exclusive of depreciation) per MWh metric; therefore, not all cost of revenues for datacenter hosting, cryptocurrency mining and power and capacity are fully reflected. To the extent any other cryptocurrency datacenters are public or may go public, the cost of revenue (exclusive of depreciation) per MWh metric may not be comparable because some competitors may include depreciation in their cost of revenue figures.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
On September 30, 2024, we had cash and cash equivalents of $7.6 million. To date, we have primarily relied on debt and equity financing to fund our operations, including meeting ongoing working capital needs. Our management took certain actions during 2023 and during the first nine months of 2024 to improve our liquidity.
As discussed in Item 1, "Business—Corporate History and Structure" of our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on April 10, 2023, we entered into a debt restructuring agreement with our primary lender, NYDIG. We restructured our debt by transferring ownership of miners, previously secured by the MEFAs, under the Purchase Agreement along with the rights to credits and coupons to NYDIG and reduced our debt and accrued interest balance with NYDIG from $75.8 million to $17.3 million.
We also entered into the NYDIG Hosting Agreement with NYDIG affiliates. The terms of the NYDIG Hosting Agreement require NYDIG affiliates to pay a hosting fee that covers the cost of power and direct costs associated with management of the mining facilities as well as a gross profit-sharing arrangement. This allows us to participate in profit upside, but reduces our downside risk of bitcoin price deterioration and cost increases related to natural gas.
In addition to revenue generated from hosting arrangements, we continue to operate Company-owned miners at our own facilities, including migrating miners from third-party hosting providers to our recent expansion sites in North Dakota and Mississippi. On May 31, 2024, the only order entered into between Greenidge and Core pursuant to the Core Hosting Agreement terminated pursuant to its terms and all Greenidge-owned miners previously hosted by Core were redeployed at Greenidge-owned sites. We expect the migration of miners to Greenidge-owned sites will increase the profitability of Company-owned miners.
We continue to own approximately 153 acres of land in South Carolina, which has been classified as held for sale. We anticipate the sale of the land to generate proceeds that will improve our liquidity within the next twelve months.
On December 11, 2023, we entered into an Equity Exchange Agreement (the “Equity Exchange Agreement”) with Infinite Reality, Inc. (“Infinite Reality”), pursuant to which, among other things, (i) we issued to Infinite Reality a one-year warrant to purchase 180,000 shares of our Class A common stock at an exercise price of $7.00 per share, the proceeds of which, upon exercise, are required to be used for the development of a proposed new data center contemplated by a Master Services Agreement entered into between us and Infinite Reality on December 11, 2023, and (ii) we issued 180,000 shares of our Class A common stock to Infinite Reality, which shares for purposes of the Equity Exchange Agreement, were valued at $8.33 per share, or an aggregate value of approximately $1.5 million. In addition, Infinite Realty issued to Greenidge a one-year common stock purchase warrant, pursuant to which we have the right to purchase up to 235,754 shares of common stock of Infinite Reality, par value $0.001 per share (“Infinite Reality Common Stock”), at an exercise price of $5.35 per share, and Infinite Reality issued to us 280,374 shares of Infinite Reality Common Stock.
We continued to improve our liquidity position in the first nine months of 2024. On February 12, 2024, we entered into a securities purchase agreement (the “Armistice SPA”) with Armistice Capital Master Fund Ltd. (“Armistice”). Pursuant to the Armistice SPA, Armistice purchased (i) 450,300 shares of Class A common stock (the “SPA Shares”), and (ii) a pre-funded warrant (the “Pre-Funded Warrant”) to purchase 810,205 shares of Class A common stock (the “Pre-Funded Warrant Shares”). The per share purchase price of the SPA Shares and the Pre-Funded Warrant Shares was $4.76, resulting in aggregate gross proceeds of $6.0 million, and after giving effect to the exercise price of $0.0001 per Pre-Funded Warrant Share, we received net proceeds of $6.0 million. In addition, we issued to Armistice a five-year warrant to purchase up to 1,260,505 shares of Class A common stock, exercisable commencing on August 14, 2024 at an exercise price of $5.25 per share.
Despite these improvements to our financial condition, our management expects that we will require additional capital in order to fund our expenses and to support our working capital needs and remaining debt servicing requirements. Management continues to assess different options to improve our liquidity which include, but are not limited to:
a sale of our remaining real estate in South Carolina and/or sale of the remaining miner infrastructure equipment inventory, which was not used in previous expansions.
issuances of equity, including but not limited to issuances under the Common Stock Purchase Agreement and/or the ATM Agreement.
retirement or purchase of our outstanding debt through cash purchases and/or exchanges for equity or debt, in open-market purchases, privately negotiated transactions or otherwise. Such repurchases or exchanges, if any will be upon such terms and at such prices as we may determine, and will depend on prevailing market conditions, our liquidity requirements, contractual restrictions and other factors. The amounts involved may be material and to the extent equity is issued, dilutive.

The Company believes it will be successful in certain efforts to improve liquidity that will allow it to extend cash resources for at least the next twelve months, contingent on factors outlined below which continue to present significant uncertainty regarding the Company's financial condition.
Our operating cash flows generated by mining, hosting, and power are affected by several factors including the price of bitcoin, bitcoin mining difficulty, and the costs of electricity, natural gas, and emissions credits. Increases in the price of bitcoin benefit us by increasing the amount of revenue earned for each bitcoin mined. Increases in the difficulty to mine a bitcoin adversely affect us by decreasing the number of bitcoin we can mine. Increases in the costs of electricity, natural gas, and emissions credits adversely affect us by increasing the cost to mine bitcoin. In April 2024, a bitcoin halving occurred, which decreased the reward for successfully placing a block from 6.25 bitcoin to 3.125 bitcoin. There are no assurances that favorable changes in the price of bitcoin will occur as a result of the bitcoin halving to offset the decrease in mining revenues as a result therefrom. Therefore, the most recent bitcoin halving has had and may continue to have a material adverse effect on the profitability of our future self-mining and hosting operations. While we continue to work to implement options to improve liquidity, we can provide no assurance that these efforts will be successful and our liquidity could be negatively impacted by factors outside of our control, in particular, significant decreases in the price of bitcoin or increases in the difficulty of mining bitcoin, our inability to procure and comply with the permits and licenses required to operate our facilities, including the Title V Air Permit for the New York Facility and the possibility of a temporary or permanent loss of such permit following the expiration of the November 14 Stay, or the cost to us of such procurement or compliance, regulatory changes concerning cryptocurrency, increases in energy costs or other macroeconomic conditions and other matters identified in Item 1A, "Risk Factors" in our Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2023 and in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Given this uncertainty regarding our financial condition over the next 12 months from the date these financial statements were issued, we have concluded that there is substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time. The consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.
Contractual Obligations and Commitments
The following table summarizes our contractual obligations and other commitments at September 30, 2024, and the years in which these obligations are due:
$ in thousandsTotal
Debt payments$86,008 $1,534 $84,474 $— $— 
Leases193 20 75 78 20 
Environmental obligations30,229 100 11,120 11,006 8,003 
Natural gas transportation11,376 474 3,792 3,792 3,318 
Total$127,806 $2,128 $99,461 $14,876 $11,341 
The debt payments included in the table above include the principal and interest amounts due. The lease payments include fixed monthly rental payments and exclude any variable payments. Environmental obligations are based on estimates subject to various assumptions including, but not limited to, closure and post-closure cost estimates, timing of expenditures, escalation factors, and requirements of granted permits. Additional adjustments to the environment liability may occur periodically due to potential changes in remediation requirements regarding coal combustion residuals which may lead to material changes in estimates and assumptions.

Summary of Cash Flow
The following table provides information about our net cash flow for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
 Nine Months Ended
September 30,
$ in thousands20242023
Net cash used for operating activities from continuing operations
Net cash used for investing activities from continuing operations(4,432)(10,352)
Net cash provided by financing activities from continuing operations7,038 4,666 
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents from discontinued operations
Net change in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of year
13,312 15,217 
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at end of period
$7,570 $10,687 
Operating Activities
Net cash used for operating activities was $8.2 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to net cash used of $0.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The variance in the operating cash flow during the first nine months of 2024 as compared to 2023 was driven primarily by the purchase of additional Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative ("RGGI") credits in Q1 2024, which was required to settle the accrued emissions liability for the three-year control period ended December 31, 2023, as well as the advantageous change in net loss.
Investing Activities
Net cash used in investing activities was $4.4 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to $10.4 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease is primarily related to $4.0 million of lower purchases of and deposits for property and equipment as compared to the prior year due to the lower miner purchases and increase in proceeds from the sale of long-lived assets of $1.3 million.
Financing Activities
Net cash provided by financing activities was $7.0 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to $4.7 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The increase is primarily related to the increase of $6.0 million of proceeds from the issuance of common stock and pre-funded warrant, along with the $6.8 million elimination of principal payments on debt due to its restructuring. These increases were partially offset by a $10.4 million reduction in sales of Class A common stock under the Company’s ATM Agreement.
Financing Arrangements
See Note 5, "Debt," and Note 9, "Stockholder’s Deficit" in the Notes to our Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for details regarding our financing arrangements for further details regarding our financing arrangements.
Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates
The most significant accounting estimates involve a high degree of judgment or complexity. Management believes the estimates and judgments most critical to the preparation of our condensed consolidated financial statements and to the understanding of our reported financial results include those made in connection with environmental obligations. Management evaluates its policies and assumptions on an ongoing basis.
Our significant accounting policies related to these accounts in the preparation of our condensed consolidated financial statements are described under the heading “Management Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations – Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. See Note 2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies in Part I, Item 1 herein, which describes changes to the critical accounting policies and methods used in the preparation of our condensed consolidated financial statements.

Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements
Emerging Growth Company Status
We qualify as an “emerging growth company” under the Jumpstart our Business Startups Act ("JOBS Act"). As a result, we are permitted to, and intend to, rely on exemptions from certain disclosure requirements. For so long as we are an emerging growth company, we will not be required to:
have an auditor report on our internal controls over financial reporting pursuant to Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act;
comply with any requirement that may be adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding mandatory audit firm rotation or a supplement to the auditor’s report providing additional information about the audit and the financial statements (i.e., an auditor discussion and analysis);
submit certain executive compensation matters to shareholder advisory votes, such as “say-on-pay,” “say-on-frequency” and pay ratio; and
disclose certain executive compensation related items such as the correlation between executive compensation and performance and comparisons of the CEO’s compensation to median employee compensation.
In addition, Section 107 of the JOBS Act also provides that an emerging growth company can take advantage of the extended transition period provided in Section 7(a)(2)(B) of the Securities Act for complying with new or revised accounting standards.
In other words, an emerging growth company can delay the adoption of certain accounting standards until those standards would otherwise apply to private companies. We have elected to take advantage of the benefits of this extended transition period. Its financial statements may therefore not be comparable to those of companies that comply with such new or revised accounting standards.
We will remain an “emerging growth company” for up to five years, or until the earliest of (i) the last day of the first fiscal year in which our total annual gross revenues exceed $1.235 billion, (ii) the date that we become a “large accelerated filer” as defined in Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act, which would occur if the market value of our Class A common stock that are held by non-affiliates exceeds $700 million as of the last business day of our most recently completed second fiscal quarter, or (iii) the date on which we have issued more than $1 billion in non-convertible debt during the preceding three year period.
Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
Not required for smaller reporting companies.
Item 4. Controls and Procedures
Our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, have conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of disclosure controls and procedures (as such term is defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended), as of the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Based on that evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded as of September 30, 2024, that the disclosure controls and procedures are effective in ensuring that all material information required to be filed in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q has been recorded, processed, summarized and reported when required and the information is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
There have not been any changes in our internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the third quarter of 2024 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.

Item 1. Legal Proceedings
From time to time, we may become involved in various lawsuits and legal proceedings that arise in the ordinary course of business. However, litigation is subject to inherent uncertainties, and an adverse result in such matters may arise and harm our business. We are currently not aware of any such legal proceedings or claims that we believe will have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition or operating results, other than as described below. For information on legal proceedings, refer to Note 10, "Commitments and Contingencies—Legal Matters," in our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.
Title V Air Permit Renewal Litigation
As previously disclosed, on August 20, 2024, Greenidge Generation LLC, our wholly owned subsidiary, submitted a motion to the Court by Order to Show Cause seeking a TRO Request permitting the New York Facility to continue operations during the pendency of the Article 78 proceeding, which seeks declaratory and injunctive relief relating to the Department's Denial.

Subsequent to the submission of the TRO Request, on August 23, 2024, we and the Department agreed to a briefing schedule with respect to the TRO Request, with a hearing before the Court which occurred on October 29, 2024. In connection with the agreed-upon briefing schedule, the Department agreed that we do not need to (i) cease operations of any air contamination sources located at the New York Facility, (ii) render such air contamination sources inoperable, or (iii) relinquish the Title V Air Permit until November 1, 2024, which was subsequently extended through November 14, 2024 by stipulation on the record at the October 29, 2024 hearing. We expect that the Court will render a decision on the TRO Request or, alternatively, our Article 78 challenge of the Department's Denial in total, prior to the expiration of the November 14 Stay.

Item 1A. Risk Factors
In evaluating our company and our business, you should carefully consider the risks and uncertainties described in Part I, Item 1A, “Risk Factors” in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K together with updates to those risk factors or new risk factors contained in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q below and any other information in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, including our condensed consolidated financial statements and the related notes and in the section titled “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations”. The occurrence of one or more of the events or circumstances described in these risk factors, alone or in combination with other events or circumstances, may have a material adverse effect on our business, reputation, revenue, financial condition, results of operations and future prospects, in which case the market price of our common stock could decline. Unless otherwise indicated, reference in this section and elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q to our business being adversely affected, negatively impacted or harmed will include an adverse effect on, or a negative impact or harm to, our business, reputation, financial condition, results of operations, revenue and our future prospects. The material and other risks and uncertainties included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K, summarized above in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and described below are not intended to be exhaustive and are not the only ones we face. Additional risks and uncertainties not presently known to us or that we currently deem immaterial may also impair our business operations. This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q also contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Our actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including the risks described below. Certain statements in the Risk Factors below are forward-looking statements. See the section titled “Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements”.
Our business is subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, which illuminate challenges that we face in connection with the successful implementation of our strategy and the growth of our business. Our business, prospects, financial condition or operating results could be harmed by any of these risks, as well as other risks not currently known to us or that we currently consider immaterial. There have been no material changes to the risk factors identified in our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, other than as set forth below.
The bitcoin reward for successfully uncovering a block most recently halved in April 2024 and will halve again several times in the future, and bitcoin value may not adjust to compensate us for the reduction in the rewards we receive from our bitcoin mining efforts.

Halving is a process designed to control the overall supply and reduce the risk of inflation in cryptocurrencies using a proof of work consensus algorithm. At a predetermined block, the bitcoin mining reward is cut in half, hence the term "halving." For bitcoin, the reward was initially set at 50 bitcoin currency rewards per block, which was cut in half to 25 on November 28, 2012 at block 210,000, then to 12.5 on July 9, 2016 at block 420,000, and then again to 6.25 on May 11, 2020 at block 630,000. The most recent halving for bitcoin occurred on April 19, 2024 at block 840,000 and the reward was reduced to 3.125. The next halving is expected to occur in spring 2028. This process will reoccur until the total amount of bitcoin currency rewards issued reaches 21 million, which is expected to occur around the year 2140.

Bitcoin has had a history of price fluctuations around the halving of its rewards, and we can provide no assurance that any price change will be favorable or would compensate for the reduction in bitcoin mining reward in connection with a halving. If the award of bitcoin or a proportionate decrease in bitcoin mining difficulty does not follow these anticipated halving events, the revenue we earn from our cryptocurrency datacenter operations would see a corresponding decrease, and we may not have an adequate incentive to continue bitcoin mining.

We have material environmental liabilities, and costs of compliance with existing and new environmental laws could have a material adverse effect on us.
We and our affiliates are subject to extensive environmental regulation by governmental authorities, including the United States Environmental Protection Agency (the "EPA"), and state environmental agencies such as the NYSDEC and/or attorneys general, and have material environmental liabilities, including a coal combustion ("CCR") residual liability of $17.3 million as of December 31, 2023 associated with the closure of a coal ash point located on the New York Facility property and an environmental liability of $12.9 million as of December 31, 2023 associated with the Lockwood Hills Landfill. See "BusinessGovernmental RegulationEnvironmental Liability" and Note 10, "Commitments and ContingenciesEnvironmental Liabilities", in the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. We may incur significant additional costs beyond those currently contemplated to comply with these regulatory requirements. If we fail to comply with these and future regulatory requirements, we could be forced to reduce or discontinue operations or become subject to administrative, civil, or criminal liabilities and fines.
In 2015, EPA finalized federal regulations (the “CCR Rule”) that establish technical requirements for the disposal of CCR. The EPA recently published revisions to the CCR Rule, effective November 8, 2024 (the “revised CCR regulations”). The revised CCR regulations impose certain compliance and other obligations on certain previously unregulated CCR sites. The revised CCR regulations require, among other things, electric utilities and independent power producers to investigate and identify previously unregulated CCR sites and demonstrate that the sites were closed in accordance with the closure performance standards in the CCR Rule. The required investigation is conducted in phases, with the Phase 1 report due on February 9, 2026. Any required closure obligation would commence on May 8, 2029, unless exceptions apply that would defer the closure obligation to a permitting process. In accordance with the revised CCR regulations, phased evaluations of the Lockwood Hills and Greenidge Generation facilities will be conducted to determine if any previously unregulated CCR sites must be addressed under the new regulation. We make no assurances as to the status of any CCR sites at either facility that could be subject to regulation under the revised CCR regulations.

Additionally, the EPA has recently finalized or proposed several regulatory actions establishing new requirements for control of certain air emissions from certain sources, including electricity generation facilities. In the future, the EPA may also propose and finalize additional regulatory actions that may adversely affect our existing generation facilities or our ability to cost-effectively develop new generation facilities. We can provide no assurance that the currently installed emissions control equipment at the natural gas-fueled generation facilities owned and operated by us will satisfy the requirements under any future EPA or state environmental regulations. Future federal and/or state regulatory actions could require us to install significant additional emissions control equipment, resulting in potentially material costs of compliance for our generation units, including capital expenditures, higher operating and fuel costs, and potential production curtailments. These costs could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations and financial condition.
Existing environmental regulations could be revised or reinterpreted, new laws and regulations could be adopted or become applicable to us or our facilities, and future changes in environmental laws and regulations could occur, including potential regulatory and enforcement developments related to air emissions, all of which could result in significant additional costs beyond those currently contemplated to comply with existing requirements. Any of the foregoing could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations and financial condition.
We may not be able to obtain or maintain all required environmental regulatory approvals. For example, in June 2022, NYSDEC denied our application to renew a Title V Air Permit for the continued operation of our natural gas power

generation facility in the Town of Torrey, New York. In July 2022, we appealed the denial and requested an administrative adjudicatory hearing with NYSDEC, however, in May 2024, our appeal to NYSDEC and request for an adjudicatory hearing were ultimately denied and the June 2022 non-renewal of our Title V Air Permit was affirmed by NYSDEC’s Regional Director for Region 7.

A hearing was held on October 29, 2024, in the New York State Supreme Court, Yates County, on our previously disclosed TRO Request allowing our New York Facility to continue operations pending a final, non-appealable outcome regarding our Article 78 challenge of NYSDEC’s denial of our Title V Air Permit renewal application filed on August 15, 2024. In connection with such hearing, we and NYSDEC entered into a stipulation on the record to extend a stay of NYSDEC's shut down order from November 1, 2024 to November 14, 2024, at such time we expect the Court to render a decision on our TRO Request, or, alternatively, our Article 78 challenge of the denial of the permit renewal application in total. There can be no assurance that our efforts will be successful. If there is a delay in obtaining any required environmental regulatory approvals, if we fail to obtain, maintain, or comply with any such approval, or if an approval is retroactively disallowed or adversely modified, the operation of our generation facilities could be stopped, disrupted, curtailed, or modified or become subject to additional costs. Any such stoppage, disruption, curtailment, modification, or additional costs could have a material adverse effect on our results of operations and financial condition.

In addition, we may be responsible for any on-site liabilities associated with the environmental condition of facilities that we have acquired, leased, developed, or sold, regardless of when the liabilities arose and whether they are now known or unknown. In connection with certain acquisitions and sales of assets, we may obtain, or be required to provide, indemnification against certain environmental liabilities. Another party could, depending on the circumstances, assert an environmental claim against us or fail to meet its indemnification obligation to us. Such event could have an adverse effect on our results of operations and financial condition.
The properties utilized by us in our cryptocurrency datacenter and hosting may experience damage, including damage not covered by insurance.
Our current cryptocurrency datacenter operations in the Town of Torrey, New York are, and any future cryptocurrency datacenter operations that we establish or host will be, subject to a variety of risks relating to physical condition and operation, including:
the presence of construction or repair defects or other structural or building damage;
any noncompliance with or liabilities under applicable environmental, health or safety regulations or requirements or building permit requirements;
any damage resulting from natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, floods and windstorms;
damage caused by criminal actors, such as cyberattacks, vandalism, sabotage or terrorist attacks; and
claims by employees and others for injuries sustained at our properties.
Any of these could render our cryptocurrency datacenter, hosting and/or power generation operations inoperable, temporarily, or permanently, and the potential impact on our business is currently magnified because we operate the majority of our cryptocurrency datacenter operations from a single location. The security and other measures we take to protect against these risks may be insufficient or unavailable. Apart from $15 million in coverage of our bitcoin mining equipment, which is subject to certain deductibles, our power plant property is not insured by any third party insurance provider and our ability to self-insure may not be adequate to cover the losses we suffer as a result of the aforementioned risks, which could materially adversely impact our results of operations and financial condition.
Our issuance of a significant number of additional shares of Class A common stock in connection with any future financings, acquisitions, investments, commercial arrangements, under our stock incentive plans, or otherwise will dilute all other shareholders and our stock price could decline as a result.
In July 2024, we entered into the Common Stock Purchase Agreement with B. Riley Principal II pursuant to which we issued an aggregate of 7,300,000 shares of Class A common stock for a 36-month period beginning on the Effective Date. We issued 424,156 shares under the Common Stock Purchase Agreement through the date of filing.
In 2022, we entered into an At Market Issuance Sales Agreement with B. Riley Securities, pursuant to which we issued an aggregate of 4,167,463 shares of Class A common stock through the date of filing.


In December 2023, we entered into the Equity Exchange Agreement with Infinite Reality under which we issued 180,000 shares of Class A common stock, and a 1-year warrant to purchase 180,000 shares of Class A common stock.
In February 2024, we entered into the Armistice SPA, pursuant to which we issued 450,300 shares of Class A common stock as SPA Shares, the Pre-Funded Warrant to purchase 810,205 shares of Class A common stock, which has been exercised in full, and the Armistice Warrant to purchase up to 1,260,505 shares of Class A common stock. We may continue to raise capital by selling shares of Class A common stock, or instruments convertible or exercisable for Class A common stock, through future equity offerings.

In addition, we have issued equity compensation pursuant to our 2021 Equity Plan, as amended and restated, and certain inducement grants, and shares of Class A common stock in exchange for our debt pursuant to certain privately negotiated exchange agreements, as described under Note 16, “Subsequent Events—Exchange Agreements".

We cannot predict what effect, if any, actual or potential future sales of our Class A common stock will have on the market price of our Class A common stock. Sales of substantial amounts of our Class A common stock in the public market, or the perception that such sales could occur, could materially adversely affect the market price of our Class A common stock.

A significant portion of our total outstanding shares of Class A common stock are or will be registered for resale or will become eligible for resale under Rule 144, and may be sold into the market in the future. This could cause the market price of our Class A common stock to drop significantly, even if our business is doing well.

Sales of a substantial number of our Class A common stock could occur at any time. These sales, or the perception in the market that the holders of a large number of shares intend to sell shares, could reduce the market price of our Class A common stock.

As of the date of this filing, we have registered in a registration statement on Form S-1 up to 7,300,000 shares of Class A common stock issuable pursuant to the Common Stock Purchase Agreement that may be resold from time to time, over a 36-month period beginning on the Effective Date, by B. Riley Principal II, in a registration statement on Form S-8 up to 307,684 shares of Class A common stock issuable upon the vesting and exercise of non-qualified stock option inducement grants, in two registration statements on Form S-8 an aggregate of up to 1,324,532 shares of Class A common stock that may be delivered from time to time pursuant to past and future awards under our 2021 Equity Plan, as amended and restated, and in a registration statement on Form S-3 up to 2,521,010 shares of Class A common stock issuable pursuant to the SPA that may be resold from time to time by Armistice.

As the shares of Class A common stock registered or to be registered pursuant to these registration statements can be freely sold in the public market, the market price of our Class A common stock could decline if the stockholders sell their shares or are perceived by the market as intending to sell them.

In addition, we have issued 180,000 shares of Class A common stock and a 1-year warrant to purchase 180,000 shares of Class A common stock to Infinite Reality as restricted securities in private placements under Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act, which shares became eligible for resale under Rule 144 under the Securities Act after a six-month holding period.
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds
Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities
Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures
Not applicable.
Item 5. Other Information
Not applicable.

Item 6. Exhibits
The exhibits listed on the Exhibit Index are filed or furnished as part of this Quarterly Report.
Exhibit Index
Exhibit No.Description
101Interactive data files pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T: (i) the Balance Sheets, (ii) the Statements of Operations, (iii) the Statements of Cash Flows and (iv) the Notes to Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101).
*Furnished herewith.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc.
Date: November 7, 2024
/s/ Jordan Kovler
Jordan Kovler
Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer)
Date: November 7, 2024
/s/ Christian Mulvihill
Christian Mulvihill
Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)