

表格 10-Q

截至2024年6月30日季度結束 2024年9月30日


委員會檔案編號: 001-39613

ARRAY logo.jpg


3901 Midway Place NE阿爾伯克基新墨西哥87109


(如與上次報告不同,列明前名稱、前地址及前財政年度) 無可奉告


請用勾選標記表示,登記公司在過去12個月內(或登記公司需要提交這些報告的較短期間內)是否已提交《1934年證券交易所法》第13條或第15(d)條規定應提交的所有報告,並且在過去90天內是否需要遵守這些提交要求。 ☒ ☐ 否

請用勾選表示是否申報人在過去12個月內(或申報人需要提交此類檔案的較短時期內)已按照《S-t法規405條》(本章節232.405條)的規定提交了應提交的每份互動數據文件。 ☒ ☐ 否



請以勾選標示方式表示,公司是否屬於外殼公司(依照《交易所法》第1202條的定義)。 ☐ 是

截至2024年11月4日, 151,942,981 每股普通股,票面價值0.001美元,已發行並流通。

Array Technologies, Inc.

第一部分 - 財務資訊

Array Technologies, Inc.
縮短的綜合資產負債表 (未經審計)

現金及現金等價物$332,372 $249,080 
應收帳款,扣除$3,934和$3,564的折讓金額,分別截至2024年6月30日和2023年12月31日。6,614 15.13,824、分別
282,117 332,152 
存貨195,697 161,964 
預付費用和其他92,096 89,085 
全部流動資產902,282 832,281 
不動產、廠房及設備淨值27,629 27,893 
商譽250,873 435,591 
其他無形資產淨值301,599 354,389 
透過權益法之投資15,716 15,870 
其他資產65,005 40,717 
資產總額$1,563,104 $1,706,741 
應付賬款$149,202 $119,498 
應付費用及其他負債48,952 70,211 
應計保固準備金1,503 2,790 
應付所得稅1,437 5,754 
逐步認列的收入112,618 66,488 
當前分期款待量1,873 1,427 
當前償還部分債務28,055 21,472 
其他流動負債31,248 48,051 
流動負債合計374,888 335,691 
遞延所得稅負債55,253 66,858 
經濟條件,減去當前部分6,792 8,936 
其他長期負債16,885 20,428 
長期保固3,889 3,372 
長期負債,除了當期部分淨額648,318 660,948 
總負債1,106,025 1,096,233 

Array Technologies, Inc.
縮短的綜合資產負債表 (未經審計) (續)
每股面額為$的可贖回永續優先股0.001 面額為0.0001; 500,000 已授權; 453,674432,759 於2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日分別發行的股票;清算優先權為$493.1 兩個日期之間皆有百萬。
392,592 351,260 
首選股票為$。0.001 面值 - 4,500,000 授權股份為 於各自日期發行。
普通股份的货币0.001 面值 - 1,000,000,000 授權股份為 151,934,046151,242,120 股票於各自日期發行
151 151 
資本公積額額外增資308,347 344,517 
股東權益總額64,487 259,248 
負債總額、可贖回的永續優先股和股東權益$1,563,104 $1,706,741 


Array Technologies, Inc.
綜合損益表 (未審核)

營業收入$231,406 $350,438 $640,575 $1,234,936 
產品和服務收入成本149,452 259,419 410,299 892,696 
開發科技之攤銷3,639 3,640 10,918 10,918 
總營業成本153,091263,059421,217 903,614 
毛利潤78,315 87,379 219,358 331,322 
總務與行政40,149 37,432 114,904 115,825 
條件性考慮變動的公允價值(39)190 (271)2,232 
折舊與攤提8,880 9,552 27,384 29,361 
商譽減損162,000  162,000  
營業費用總計210,990 47,174 304,017 147,418 
(132,675)40,205 (84,659)183,904 
利息收入4,223 3,425 12,685 6,124 
外幣兌營業 (虧損) / 淨收益(106)207 (1,073)273 
(虧損) 稅前收入
(137,504)30,327 (100,527)154,802 
所得稅支出3,850 7,229 12,964 36,904 
(141,354)23,098 (113,491)117,898 
優先股分紅和增值14,080 13,091 41,332 38,359 
$(155,434)$10,007 $(154,823)$79,539 
基礎$(1.02)$0.07 $(1.02)$0.52 
稀釋$(1.02)$0.07 $(1.02)$0.52 
基礎151,923 151,068 151,691 150,865 
稀釋151,923 152,323 151,691 152,083 


Array Technologies, Inc.
綜合收益(損失)簡明綜合損益表 (未審核)

$(141,354)$23,098 $(113,491)$117,898 
17,910 (22,495)(45,100)15,289 
綜合(虧損)淨收益 $(123,444)$603 $(158,591)$133,187 
(1) 外幣調整無稅務影響。


Array Technologies, Inc.

2024年6月30日餘額446 $378,512 — $— 151,875 $151 $320,379 $(102,367)$(18,200)$199,963 
股權報酬— — — — 59 — 2,060 — — 2,060 
與股權報酬解約有關的稅款扣減— — — — — — (12)— — (12)
優先累積股利加增值7 14,080 — — — — (14,080)— — (14,080)
— — — — — — — (141,354)— (141,354)
外幣兌換— — — — — — — — 17,910 17,910 
2024年9月30日結餘453 $392,592 — $— 151,934 $151 $308,347 $(243,721)$(290)$64,487 


Array Technologies, Inc.
償回性永續優先股和股東權益簡明合併變動報表 (續)
2023年6月30日的餘額419 $324,838 — $— 151,049 $151 $364,710 $(172,670)$46,209 $238,400 
以股票爲基礎的補償— — — — 22 — 3,383 — — 3,383 
優先累積分紅加增值7 13,091 — — — — (13,091)— — (13,091)
淨利潤— — — — — — — 23,098 — 23,098 
其他綜合收益— — — — — — — (22,495)(22,495)
2023年9月30日結餘426 $337,929 — $— 151,071 $151 $355,002 $(149,572)$23,714 $229,295 

Array Technologies公司。
總彙可贖回永續優先股和股東權益變動表 (續)
2023年12月31日結餘爲432 $351,260 — $— 151,242 $151 $344,517 $(130,230)$44,810 $259,248 
以股票爲基礎的補償— — — — 692 — 6,896 — — 6,896 
與股權激勵補償獲得有關的稅收代扣— — — — — — (1,734)— — (1,734)
首選累積分紅加增值21 41,332 — — — — (41,332)— — (41,332)
— — — — — — — (113,491)— (113,491)
外幣翻譯— — — — — — — — (45,100)(45,100)
2024年9月30日的餘額453 $392,592 — $— 151,934 $151 $308,347 $(243,721)$(290)$64,487 


Array Technologies, Inc.
可贖回永續優先股和股東權益變動綜合報表 (續)
2022年12月31日結存餘額406 $299,570 — $— 150,513 150 383,176 (267,470)8,425 124,281 
以股票爲基礎的補償— — — — 558 1 11,694 — — 11,695 
優先累積股息加增值及承諾費用20 38,359 — — — — (39,868)— — (39,868)
淨利潤— — — — — — — 117,898 — 117,898 
外幣翻譯— — — — — — — — 15,289 15,289 
2023年9月30日結餘426 $337,929 — $— 151,071 $151 $355,002 $(149,572)$23,714 $229,295 


Array Technologies, Inc.
簡明的綜合現金流量表 (未經審計)

壞賬準備金3,415 (117)
折舊和攤銷29,015 30,318 
已開發技術的攤銷10,918 10,918 
債務折扣和發行成本的攤銷4,652 9,123 
基於股權的薪酬6,851 11,695 
保修條款36 451 
減記庫存2,481 4,587 
應收賬款41,865 (6,364)
應付賬款33,705 14,443 
遞延收入47,120 (78,165)
經營活動提供的淨現金96,394 137,974 
6,409 (11,615)
A系列股票發行成本 (1,509)
發行其他債務的收益19,024 60,516 

Array Technologies, Inc.
簡明合併現金流量量表 (未審核) (續)
現金及現金等價物淨變動83,292 40,109 
期初現金及現金等價物249,080 133,901 
現金及現金等價物期末餘額$332,372 $174,010 
支付利息的現金$29,666 $36,136 
支付所得稅現金(扣除退稅後)$25,220 $36,797 
備註於A級優先股上的分紅派息$20,914 $19,567 


Array Technologies, Inc.

1.    組織、業務和跨期調整

Array Technologies, Inc.(以下簡稱「公司」),前身爲ATI Intermediate Holdings, LLC,是一家成立於2018年12月的特拉華州公司,爲ATI Investment Parent, LLC(「前母公司」)的全資子公司。2020年10月14日,公司將公司從特拉華州有限責任公司轉換爲特拉華州公司,並將公司名稱更改爲Array Technologies, Inc。


2.    重要會計政策之摘要

附表中的未經審計的簡明綜合財務報表已根據美國通用會計準則(「U.S. GAAP」)按照美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)的規定和法規以權責發生制編制。未經審計的中期財務報表已按照審計的年度財務報表的同一基礎進行編制,並據管理層的意見,反映了爲揭示中期報告期間結果的公允陳述所必需的所有調整,其中僅包括正常的再發生調整。截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月的結果並不能完全反映2024年12月31日結束的年度或任何其他中期期間,或任何未來的年度或期間的預期結果。2023年12月31日資產負債表包含在這裏的資產負債表源自該日期的審計財務報表。某些披露內容已從中期財務報表中進行了簡化或省略。這些簡明綜合財務報表應與我們於2024年2月28日提交給SEC的關於截至2023年12月31日的年度報告表格10-K中包含的公司審計綜合財務報表一起閱讀。編制這些簡明綜合財務報表和附註需要管理層進行影響報告金額的估計和假設。實際結果可能與這些估計有實質性差異。

除非另有明確說明或上下文另有要求,「公司」、「我們」、「我們的」、「Array」和「Array Technologies」一詞均指Array Technologies公司及其主體公司,而「簡明合併財務報表」一詞指的是本季度報告中包含的附表未經審計的簡明合併財務報表。




2023年的營業收入,不包括巴西增值稅優惠稅收(ICMS),該稅項已重新分類並列入產品和服務營業成本中,適用於所有報告期。截至2023年9月30日的九個月內,巴西ICMS增值稅優惠金額爲XX百萬美元。19.9 百萬美元,已被納入產品和服務營業成本中。


2024年6月,我們剝離了 100%的優先股權益投資,該私人公司於2021年購買。我們於2024年7月出售獲得了12.0百萬美元的收益。 No 由此交易產生了盈利或虧損。

商譽代表了企業合併中的轉讓對價超過所獲取資產和負債的預計公允價值的部分。 無形資產的計量基準是併購日的各自公允價值,可能在計量期內進行調整,該期間最長可達併購日後一年。公司不攤銷商譽,而是每年進行商譽減值測試,或者如果事件或情況的變化表明資產受損的可能性大於不受損,可能更頻繁地進行測試。 可能導致每年或中期進行商譽減值評估的觸發事件包括歷史或預期營業收入、營業利潤或現金流下降,以及公司股價或市值持續下降等因素。

商譽使用定性評估或定量方法進行減值測試,以判斷報告單位的公允價值是否大於其賬面價值。 定性評估評估包括宏觀經濟狀況、行業特定和公司特定考量、法律和監管環境以及歷史表現等因素。 如果公司無法確定報告單位的公允價值是否大於其賬面價值,將執行定量評估。 定量方法比較報告單位的估計公允價值與其賬面價值,包括商譽。 如果報告單位的估計公允價值小於報告單位的賬面價值,則指示減值,併爲差異確認減值損失。


在截至2024年9月30日的三個月內,公司確定了某些減值因子,因此進行了中期數量化商譽減值測試,導致商譽減值金額爲$162.0百萬。請參閱 附註5 - 商譽與其他無形資產獲得更多信息。






公司在研發新產品及對現有產品進行重大增強的過程中產生研發成本。研發成本主要包括與內部工程師團隊、第三方顧問、材料和間接費用相關的人員成本。在相應產品準備投入商業生產之前,公司將這些成本視爲費用支出。 研發支出爲$1.6萬美元和2.0 ,分別在截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月內認定爲$百萬和$百萬5.3萬美元和6.4 百萬。

2022年8月16日頒佈了2022年通貨膨脹減少法案(「IRA」),其中包括許多綠色能源稅收優惠。45X愛文思控股製造業生產稅收抵免(「45X Credit」)作爲IRA的一部分得以確立。45X Credit是一項按單位計稅的稅收抵免,該抵免隨時間而得,每當製造商在國內生產和銷售乾淨能源組件時都將獲得。公司已經並將繼續與生產45X Credit符合條件的零部件的製造商達成協議,這些協議中製造商同意分享部分因Array採購而獲得的利益,以「供應商回扣」的形式。

公司將這些供應商返點視爲供應商產品購買價格的減少,因此在庫存銷售之前,這些返點將被視爲庫存成本的減少,公司在合併運營報表中將這些返點視爲產品和服務營業成本的減少。 截至2024年9月30日,公司尚未收到的供應商返點應收款爲$91.6RP Finance的合併54.3 百萬美元已包括在預付費用和其他(流動)中,而$37.3 百萬美元已包括在其他資產(非流動)中。截至2023年12月31日,公司尚未收到的供應商返點應收款爲$48.4 百萬美元已包括在預付費用和其他中。

公司根據IRA設立的45X高級製造生產抵稅,在IAS 20《政府補助的核算和披露》中作爲降低生產成本的一部分。來自45X高級製造抵稅的生產成本降低額被排除在聯邦和州收入稅之外。稅收抵免包含在2024年9月30日所列的預付款和其他資產中的簡明合併資產負債表中。



2023年12月,FASB發佈了ASU 2023-09,收入稅(主題740): 對收入稅披露的改進,要求披露分解的所支付的收入稅,規定了有效稅率協調的標準類別,並修改了其他與所得稅相關的披露。該標準將於公司截至於2025年12月31日的財年生效,允許提前採納。公司不打算提前採納這一報告標準,並預計在採納後不會產生實質影響。

2023年11月,財務會計準則委員會(「FASB」)發佈了ASU 2023-07《分部報告(第280號課題):改進可報告分部披露》,該ASU中的修訂將要求上市實體披露重要分部費用和其他分部項目,並在中間期間提供關於一個可報告分部的利潤或損失以及資產的所有披露,而這些內容目前要求年度披露。僅有一個可報告分部的上市實體還將被要求提供新披露和ASC 280要求的所有披露。該指南將在開始於




在發行時, 公司評估了根據SPA發行的工具的會計處理,並確定首次交割中發行的A系列股份和普通股,以及預付遠期合同和看跌期權是獨立的工具,歸類爲權益。在2023年第一季度,公司重新考慮了看跌期權的條款,並得出結論,應該將其作爲獨立的衍生工具資產以公允價值進行會計處理,後續的公允價值調整在收益中確認。在2023年第四季度,經與美國證券交易委員會首席會計師辦公室的工作人員協商後,公司得出結論,最初的權益會計分類是正確的。因此,公司將截至2023年9月30日的九個月內確認的衍生資產重新分類爲權益的減少,並撤銷相關的公允價值調整。


Management evaluated the above misstatements and concluded they were not material to the nine months ended September 30, 2023, individually or in aggregate.

The following tables reflect the effects of the correction on all affected line items of the Company’s previously reported condensed consolidated financial statements to be presented as comparative in the Form 10-Q for the nine months ended September 30, 2024:

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (unaudited)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
(in thousands)
As Previously ReportedAdjustmentsAs CorrectedAs Previously ReportedAdjustmentsAs Corrected
Change in fair value of derivative assets
$116 $(116)$ $(1,140)$1,140 $ 
Total other income (expense)
(9,762)(116)(9,878)(30,242)1,140 (29,102)
Income (loss) before income tax expense30,443 (116)30,327 153,662 1,140 154,802 
Income tax expense (benefit)
7,229  7,229 39,508 (2,604)36,904 
Net income (loss)
23,214 (116)23,098 114,154 3,744 117,898 
Net income (loss) to common shareholders
10,123 (116)10,007 75,795 3,744 79,539 
Income per common share
$0.07 $ $0.07 $0.50 $0.02 $0.52 
$0.07 $ $0.07 $0.50 $0.02 $0.52 

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss) (unaudited)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
(in thousands)
As Previously ReportedAdjustmentsAs CorrectedAs Previously ReportedAdjustmentsAs Corrected
Net income (loss)
$23,214 $(116)$23,098 $114,154 $3,744 $117,898 
Comprehensive income (loss)
$719 $(116)$603 $129,443 $3,744 $133,187 


Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Redeemable Perpetual Preferred Stock and Stockholders’ Equity (unaudited)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
(in thousands)
Additional Paid-In CapitalAccumulated DeficitTotal Stockholders’ Equity
As Previously Reported
Balance at June 30, 2023
$417,624 $(176,530)$287,454 
Net income
 23,214 23,214 
Balance at September 30, 2023
407,916 (153,316)278,465 
Balance at June 30, 2023
(52,914)3,860 (49,054)
Net loss
As Corrected
Balance at June 30, 2023
364,710 (172,670)238,400 
Net income
 23,098 23,098 
Balance at September 30, 2023
$355,002 $(149,572)$229,295 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
(in thousands)Additional Paid-In CapitalAccumulated DeficitTotal Stockholders’ Equity
As Previously Reported
Balance at December 31, 2022
$383,176 $(267,470)$124,281 
Correction of the Capped Call and Put Option errors
52,914  52,914 
Net income
 114,154 114,154 
Balance at September 30, 2023
407,916 (153,316)278,465 
Correction of the Capped Call and Put Option errors
(52,914) (52,914)
Net income
 3,744 3,744 
As Corrected
Balance at December 31, 2022
383,176 (267,470)124,281 
Correction of the Capped Call and Put Option errors
Net income
 117,898 117,898 
Balance at September 30, 2023
$355,002 $(149,572)$229,295 

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (unaudited)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
(in thousands)As Previously ReportedAdjustmentsAs Corrected
Net income
$114,154 $3,744 $117,898 
Deferred tax expense (benefit)
284 (2,612)(2,328)
Change in fair value of derivative assets
1,140 (1,140) 
Income tax payable
$(738)$8 $(730)

3.    Inventories

Inventories consisted of the following (in thousands):
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Raw materials$47,389 $86,614 
Finished goods148,308 75,350 
Inventories$195,697 $161,964 

The Company values a portion of its inventory using the moving average cost method that approximates the first-in, first-out method (“FIFO”). As of September 30, 2024, inventory valued using moving average cost and FIFO was $154.6 million and $41.1 million, respectively. As of December 31, 2023, inventory valued using moving average cost and FIFO, was $129.5 million and $32.5 million, respectively.

4.    Property, Plant and Equipment, Net

Property, plant and equipment consisted of the following (in thousands, except useful lives):
Estimated Useful Lives (Years)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
LandN/A$1,647 $1,634 
Buildings and land improvements
9,504 9,344 
Manufacturing equipment728,099 22,962 
Furniture, fixtures and equipment
4,900 4,770 
Vehicles5625 688 
3,879 3,114 
Construction in progressN/A2,941 6,199 
Total51,595 48,711 
Less: accumulated depreciation(23,966)(20,818)
Property, plant and equipment, net$27,629 $27,893 

Depreciation expense was $1.3 million and $0.7 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, of which $0.7 million and $0.4 million, respectively, was included in cost of product and service revenue and $0.6 million and $0.3 million, respectively, was included in depreciation and amortization on the accompanying condensed consolidated statements of operations.


Depreciation expense was $3.3 million and $1.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, of which $1.6 million and $1.0 million, respectively, was included in cost of product and service revenue and $1.7 million and $0.9 million, respectively, was included in depreciation and amortization on the accompanying condensed consolidated statements of operations.

5.    Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets, Net

Changes in the carrying amount of goodwill by operating segment during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, consisted of the following (in thousands):
Array Legacy Operations
STI OperationsTotal
Beginning balance
$69,727 $365,864 $435,591 
Foreign currency translation (22,718)(22,718)
Impairment charge
Ending balance (1)
$69,727 $181,146 $250,873 
(1) Goodwill attributable to Array Legacy Operations is net of cumulative impairments of $51.9 million.

During the three months ended September 30, 2024, the Company experienced a sustained decline in its stock price, which hit a 52-week low during the quarter, resulting in a decrease in market capitalization. In addition, the Company updated its long-term projections for the Company’s reporting units and further evaluated the execution risk associated with the Company’s projections. As a result, the Company identified indicators of impairment related to the Company’s reporting units. Management, with the assistance of a third-party valuation specialist, performed an interim quantitative goodwill impairment test of the Array Legacy Operations and STI Operations reporting unit as of September 30, 2024.

The fair value of the Array Legacy Operations and STI Operations reporting unit were determined using the income approach and then compared to the Guideline publicly traded companies (“GPC”) marketplace EBITDA multiples to corroborate the fair value of the reporting unit. As a result of these tests, the Company recorded an impairment of goodwill of $162.0 million related to STI Operations based on an estimated fair value of the STI Operations reporting unit of $455.9 million. Subsequent to recording the impairment of goodwill, the Company reconciled the overall market capitalization of the Company, within a reasonable range, to the sum of the estimated fair values of both of the Company’s reporting units. The estimated fair value of the Array Legacy Operations reporting unit was significantly higher than the carrying balance of the reporting unit.

The significant assumptions used in determining the fair value of the STI Operations reporting unit primarily relate to the revenue growth rate, the forecasted EBITDA margin, and the selected discount rate used in the discounted cash flow model under the income approach. Under the GPC method, the selection of EBITDA multiple to be used requires significant judgement. To the extent that the discount rate used in determining the present value of our cash flows increases, if we do not meet the cash flow projections for the reporting unit, or GPC multiples in the future decrease, additional impairment charges may be recorded in the future. In addition, a further decrease in the Company’s common stock share price and market capitalization could be an indication that there has been a further decrease in the fair value of the Company’s reporting units.


Long Lived Assets
As discussed above, there were indicators of impairment that required an interim impairment test for the Legacy Array and STI Operations reporting units. Management considered these events to be a triggering event requiring the long-lived assets associated with the STI Operations reporting unit be tested for impairment (which includes the amortizable intangible assets) as of September 30, 2024. Because the sum of future undiscounted cash flows for the underlying asset groups indicated that the carrying amount of the asset groups were recoverable, no impairment charge was recorded. The difference between the undiscounted cash flows of the Company’s reporting groups and carrying balance of its reporting groups was significant as of September 30, 2024.

As of September 30, 2024, no events or circumstances were noted that would indicate the carrying amount of any of Legacy Array’s asset groups may not be recoverable.

Other Intangible Assets, Net
Other intangible assets consisted of the following (in thousands, except useful lives):
Estimated Useful Lives (Years)September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Developed technology14$203,800 $203,800 
Computer software31,245 5,267 
Customer relationships10320,489 336,134 
Backlog150,605 54,438 
Trade name2026,000 27,061 
Total amortizable intangibles602,139 626,700 
Accumulated amortization:
Developed technology119,822 108,905 
Computer software522 1,274 
Customer relationships136,354 115,444 
Backlog50,605 54,322 
Trade name3,537 2,666 
Total accumulated amortization310,840 282,611 
Total amortizable intangibles, net291,299 344,089 
Trade name10,300 10,300 
Total other intangible assets, net$301,599 $354,389 

Amortization expense related to intangible assets was $11.9 million and $12.8 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, of which $3.6 million was included in amortization of developed technology, a component of cost of revenue, in both periods and $8.3 million and $9.2 million, respectively, was included in depreciation and amortization, on the accompanying condensed consolidated statements of operations.


Amortization expense related to intangible assets was $36.6 million and $39.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, of which $10.9 million was included in amortization of developed technology, a component of cost of revenue, in both periods and $25.7 million and $28.4 million, respectively, was included in depreciation and amortization, on the accompanying condensed consolidated statements of operations.

Estimated future amortization expense of intangible assets as of September 30, 2024, is as follows (in thousands):
Remainder of 2024$11,987 

6.    Income Taxes

The Company follows guidance under ASC Topic 740-270 Income Taxes, which requires that an estimated annual effective tax rate is applied to year-to-date ordinary income (loss). At the end of each interim period, the Company estimates the effective tax rate expected to be applicable for the full fiscal year. The tax effect of discrete items is recorded in the quarter in which the discrete events occur.

The Company recorded income tax expense of $3.9 million and $7.2 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and an expense of $13.0 million and $36.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The income tax expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was favorably impacted by lower profits in non-US jurisdictions and additional tax credits recorded during the period. This was partially offset by legislative changes in Brazil where a local tax incentive is no longer being exempt from Federal income tax beginning in 2024. Additionally, tax expense of $0.5 million related to equity-based compensation, was recorded discretely. No tax benefit was recorded on the goodwill impairment recorded in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, as the goodwill is non-deductible for income tax purposes. The tax expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, was unfavorably impacted by higher income reported in non-U.S. jurisdictions, offset by a tax benefit of $1.2 million related to equity-based compensation recorded discretely.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, no reserves for uncertain tax positions have been recorded. The Company will continue to monitor this position each interim period.


7.    Debt

The following table summarizes the Company’s total debt (in thousands):
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Senior Secured Credit Facility:
Term loan facility$234,950 $238,175 
Revolving credit facility  
Total secured credit facility234,950 238,175 
Convertible notes425,000 425,000 
Other debt33,038 39,889 
Total principal692,988 703,064 
Unamortized discount and issuance costs, total(16,615)(20,644)
Current portion of debt(28,055)(21,472)
Total long-term debt, net of current portion$648,318 $660,948 

Senior Secured Credit Facility
On October 14, 2020, the Company entered into a credit agreement (as amended, the “Credit Agreement”) governing the Company’s senior secured credit facility, consisting of (i) a $575 million senior secured 7-year term loan facility (the “Term Loan Facility”) and (ii) a $200 million senior secured 5-year revolving credit facility (the “Revolving Credit Facility” and, together with the Term Loan Facility, the “Senior Secured Credit Facility”). The Credit Agreement was amended on February 23, 2021 (the “First Amendment”), on February 26, 2021 (the “Second Amendment”) and again on March 2, 2023 (the “Third Amendment”).

Revolving Credit Facility
The Company had no outstanding balance under the Revolving Credit Facility at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. At September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 the Company had $16.4 million and $24.8 million, respectively, in standby letters of credit, and $183.6 million and $175.2 million, respectively, available to withdraw. In accordance with the Third Amendment, the Revolving Credit Facility pays interest at the Company’s election, at either (x) for SOFR Loans at Adjusted Term SOFR (as defined in the Credit Agreement) plus 3.25% or (y) for Base Rate Loans at the higher of the Prime Rate, one half of 1.00% above the Federal Funds Rate or the Adjusted Term SOFR for one-month interest period, after giving effect to any floor plus 1.00%, plus 2.25%.

Term Loan Facility
The outstanding balance on the Term Loan Facility was $235.0 million and $238.2 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. The Term Loan Facility is presented in the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheets, net of debt discount and issuance costs of $8.7 million and $11.3 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. In accordance with the Third Amendment, the Term Loan Facility pays interest at the Company’s election, at either (x) for SOFR Loans at Adjusted Term SOFR (subject to a floor of 0.50%) plus 3.25% or (y) for Base Rate Loans at the higher of the Prime Rate, one half of 1.00% above the Federal Funds Rate or the Adjusted Term SOFR for one-month interest period, after giving effect to any floor plus 1.00%, plus 2.25%. The debt discount and issuance costs

are being amortized using the effective interest method and the effective interest rate of the Term Loan Facility as of September 30, 2024, was 10.20%. The Term Loan Facility has an annual excess cash flow calculation, for which the prescribed formula did not result in requiring the Company to make an advance principal payment for the year ended December 31, 2023.

Convertible Notes
On December 3, 2021 and December 9, 2021, the Company completed a $425 million private offering ($375 million and $50 million, respectively), of its 1.00% Convertible Senior Notes due 2028 (the “Convertible Notes”), resulting in proceeds of $413.3 million ($364.7 million and $48.6 million, respectively), after deducting the original issue discount of 2.75%. The Convertible Notes were issued pursuant to an indenture, dated December 3, 2021, between the Company and U.S. Bank National Association, as trustee.

The Convertible Notes are senior unsecured obligations of the Company and will mature on December 1, 2028, unless earlier converted, redeemed, or repurchased. The Convertible Notes bear interest at a rate of 1.00% per year, payable semiannually in arrears on June 1 and December 1 of each year, beginning on June 1, 2022. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the principal balance of the Convertible Notes was $425.0 million with unamortized discount and issuance costs of $8.0 million and $9.4 million, respectively, for a net carrying amount of $417.0 million and $415.6 million, respectively.

The conversion rate for the Convertible Notes was initially 41.9054 shares of the Company’s common stock per $1,000 principal amount of Convertible Notes, which was equivalent to an initial conversion price of approximately $23.86 per share of common stock or 10.1 million shares of common stock. The Convertible Notes were not convertible during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, and none have been converted to date. Also, given that the average market price of the Company’s common stock has not exceeded the exercise price since inception, there was no dilutive impact for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024.

Capped Calls
In connection with the issuances of the Convertible Notes, the Company paid $52.9 million, in aggregate, to enter into capped call option agreements to reduce the potential dilution to holders of the Company’s common stock after a conversion of the Convertible Notes. Specifically, upon the exercise of the capped call instruments issued pursuant to the agreements (the “Capped Calls”), the Company would receive shares of its common stock equal to approximately 17.8 million shares (a) multiplied by (i) the lower of $36.0200 or the then-current market price of its common stock, less (ii) the applicable exercise price, $23.86, and (b) divided by the then-current market price of its common stock. The results of this formula are that the Company would receive more shares as the market price of its common stock exceeds the exercise price and approaches the cap, which was initially, and remains currently, $36.02 per share.

Consequently, if the Convertible Notes are converted, then the number of shares to be issued by the Company would be effectively partially offset by the shares of common stock received by the Company under the Capped Calls as they are exercised. The formula above would be adjusted in the event of certain specified extraordinary events affecting the Company, including: a merger; a tender offer; nationalization, insolvency or delisting of the Company’s common stock; changes in law; failure to deliver; insolvency filing; stock splits, combinations, dividends, repurchases or similar events; or an announcement of certain of the preceding actions.


The Company can also elect to receive the equivalent value of cash in lieu of shares of common stock upon settlement, except in certain circumstances. The Capped Calls expire on December 1, 2028, and terminate upon the occurrence of certain extraordinary events such as a merger, tender offer, nationalization, insolvency, delisting, event of default, a change in law, failure to deliver, an announcement of certain of these events, or an early conversion of the Convertible Notes. Although intended to reduce the net number of shares of common stock issued after a conversion of the Convertible Notes, the Capped Calls were separately negotiated transactions, are not a part of the terms of the Convertible Notes, and do not affect the rights of the holders of the Convertible Notes. See Note 2 – Summary of Significant Accounting Policies for information regarding the accounting for the Capped Calls.

Other Debt
Other debt consists of the debt obligations of STI (“Other Debt”) and the $33.0 million balance is denominated in Euros. Interest rates on other debt range from 3.63% to 4.53% annually.

8.    Redeemable Perpetual Preferred Stock

Series A Redeemable Perpetual Preferred Stock
The Company entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement (the “SPA”) with certain investors (the “Purchasers”) pursuant to which, on August 11, 2021, the Company issued 350,000 shares of its newly designated Series A Redeemable Perpetual Preferred Stock (the “Series A Shares”) and 7,098,765 shares of the Company’s common stock for an aggregate purchase price of $346.0 million (the “Initial Closing”). Further, pursuant to the SPA, on September 27, 2021, the Company issued and sold to the Purchasers 776,235 shares of common stock for an aggregate purchase price of $776 (the “Prepaid Forward Contract”). The Company used the net proceeds from the initial Closing to repay the $102.0 million outstanding balance under its existing Revolving Credit Facility and prepay $100.0 million of the Company’s Term Loan Facility. The Series A Shares have no maturity date.

The Put Option included in the SPA required the Purchasers to purchase up to an additional 150,000 shares of Series A Shares and up to 3,375,000 shares of common stock (or up to 6,100,000 shares of common stock in the event of certain price-related adjustments) until June 30, 2023, subject to certain equitable adjustments pursuant to any stock dividend, stock split, stock combination, reclassification or similar transaction, for an aggregate purchase price up to $148.0 million (the “Delayed Draw Commitment” or the “Put Option”). The Put Option expired effective June 30, 2023.

On January 7, 2022, pursuant to the Put Option, the Company issued and sold to the Purchasers 50,000 shares of Series A Shares and 1,125,000 shares of the Company’s common stock in an additional closing for an aggregate purchase price of $49.4 million (the “Additional Closing”).

The Company has classified the Series A Shares as temporary equity and is accreting the carrying amount to its full redemption amount from the date of issuance to the earliest redemption date using the effective interest method. Such accretion totaled $20.4 million and $18.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

On or prior to the fifth anniversary of the Initial Closing, the Company may pay dividends on the Series A Shares either in (i) cash at the then-applicable Cash Regular Dividend Rate (as defined below), (ii) through

accrual to the Liquidation Preference at the Accrued Regular Dividend Rate of 6.25% (the “Permitted Accrued Dividends”), or (iii) a combination thereof. Following the fifth anniversary of the Initial Closing, dividends are payable only in cash. To the extent the Company does not declare such dividends and pay in cash following the fifth anniversary of the Initial Closing, the dividends accrue to the Liquidation Preference (“Default Accrued Dividends”) at the then-applicable Cash Regular Dividend Rate plus 200 basis points. In the event there are Default Accrued Dividends outstanding for six consecutive quarters, the Company, at the option of the holders of the Series A Shares, will pay 100% of the amount of Default Accrued Dividends by delivering to such holder a number of shares of the Company’s common stock equal to the quotient of (i) the amount of Default Accrued Dividends divided by (ii) 95% of the 30-day VWAP of the Company’s common stock (“Non-Cash Dividend”).

The “Cash Regular Dividend Rate” of the Series A Shares means (i) initially, 5.75% per annum on the Liquidation Preference and (ii) increased by (a) 50 basis points on each of the fifth, sixth and seventh anniversaries of the Initial Closing and (b) 100 basis points on each of the eighth, ninth and tenth anniversaries of the Initial Closing. The “Accrued Regular Dividend Rate” on the Series A Shares means 6.25% per annum on the Liquidation Preference.

As used herein, “Liquidation Preference” means, with respect to the Series A Shares, the initial liquidation preference of $1,000 per share, plus accrued dividends of such share at the time of the determination.

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company accrued dividends on the Series A Shares at the Accrued Regular Dividend rate of 6.25% totaling $20.9 million. As of September 30, 2024, total accrued and unpaid dividends were $53.7 million.

The Series A Shares have similar characteristics of an “Increasing Rate Security” as described by SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin Topic 5Q, Increasing Rate Preferred Stock. As a result, the discount on Series A Shares is considered an unstated dividend cost that is amortized over the period preceding commencement of the perpetual dividend using the effective interest method, by charging imputed dividend cost against retained earnings, or additional paid in capital in the absence of retained earnings, and increasing the carrying amount of the Series A Shares by a corresponding amount. Accordingly, the discount is amortized over five years using the effective yield method.

During the three months ended June 30, 2023, the Company paid the Purchasers a per annum cash commitment fee totaling $1.5 million on the unpurchased portion of the Put Option. The Put Option expired effective June 30, 2023.


9.    Revenue

The Company disaggregates its revenue from contracts with customers by sales recorded over time and sales recorded at a point in time. The following table presents the Company’s disaggregated revenues (in thousands):    
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Over-time revenue$174,128 $321,154 $508,062 $1,120,526 
Point in time revenue57,278 29,284 132,513 114,410 
Total revenue$231,406 $350,438 $640,575 $1,234,936 

Contract Balances
The timing of revenue recognition, billings and cash collections results in billed accounts receivable, unbilled receivables (“contract assets”), and deferred revenue (“contract liabilities”) on the condensed consolidated balance sheets. The majority of the Company’s contract amounts are billed as work progresses, in accordance with agreed-upon contractual terms, which generally coincide with the shipment of one or more phases of the project. For certain customer contracts, billing can occur in advance of shipment, resulting in contract liabilities. Billing sometimes occurs subsequent to revenue recognition, resulting in contract assets. The changes in contract assets and the corresponding amounts recorded in revenue relate to fluctuations in the timing and volume of billings.

Contract assets consisting of unbilled receivables are recorded within accounts receivable, net on the condensed consolidated balance sheets on a contract-by-contract basis at the end of the reporting period and consisted of the following (in thousands):
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Unbilled receivables$77,492 $102,603 

The Company also receives advances or deposits from its customers, before revenue is recognized, resulting in contract liabilities recorded within Deferred revenue. The changes in contract liabilities relate to advanced orders and payments received by the Company.

Contract liabilities are recorded on a contract-by-contract basis and consisted of the following at the end of each reporting period (in thousands):
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Deferred revenue$112,618 $66,488 

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company converted $37.6 million in deferred revenue to revenue, which represented 56.7% of the prior year’s deferred revenue balance. Included in deferred revenue as of December 31, 2023 are cash advances for signed contracts that begin several months subsequent to receiving the advance. In addition, deferred revenue includes paid extended warranty, that can be recognized upon expiration of the warranty.


Bill-and-Hold Arrangements
Revenue recognized for the Company’s federal investment tax credit (“ITC”) contracts and standalone system component sales is recorded at a point in time and recognized when obligations under the terms of the contract with the Company’s customer are satisfied. Generally, this occurs with the transfer of control of the asset, which is typically upon delivery to the customer in line with shipping terms.

In certain situations, the Company recognizes revenue under a bill-and-hold arrangement with its customers. An example of such a situation is when customers purchase material prior to the start of construction of a solar project in order to meet the Five Percent Safe Harbor test to qualify for the ITC. Because the customers lack sufficient storage capacity to accept a large amount of material prior to the start of construction, they request that the Company keep the product in its custody. All bill-and-hold inventory is bundled or palletized in the Company’s warehouses, separately identified as not belonging to the Company and ready for immediate transport to the customer project upon request. Additionally, title and risk of loss has passed to the customer and the Company does not have the ability to use the product or direct it to another customer.

During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company recognized zero and $1.9 million, respectively, in revenue from one customer for the sale of goods and services under bill-and-hold arrangements. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, the Company recognized zero and $22.8 million, respectively, in revenue from one customer for the sale of goods and services under bill-and-hold arrangements.

Remaining Performance Obligations
As of September 30, 2024, the Company had $466.9 million of remaining performance obligations. The Company expects to recognize revenue on 94% of these performance obligations in the next twelve months.

10.    Earnings Per Share

The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted (loss) income per share (in thousands, except per share amounts):
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Net (loss) income
$(141,354)$23,098 $(113,491)$117,898 
Less: preferred dividends and accretion14,080 13,091 41,332 38,359 
Net (loss) income to common shareholders
$(155,434)$10,007 $(154,823)$79,539 
Weighted average shares151,923 151,068 151,691 150,865 
(Loss) income per share$(1.02)$0.07 $(1.02)$0.52 
Effect of restricted stock and performance awards 1,255  1,219 
Weighted average shares151,923 152,323 151,691 152,083 
Income per share$(1.02)$0.07 $(1.02)$0.52 


Since the Company was in a loss position for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, basic net loss per share to common shareholders is the same as diluted net loss per share to common stockholders, as the inclusion of all potential shares of common stock outstanding would have been anti-dilutive. At September 30, 2024 and 2023, 3,834,690 and 34,634 respectively, of common stock equivalents were excluded from the calculation of diluted net loss per share to common stockholders, as they had an antidilutive effect.

There were no potentially dilutive common shares issuable pursuant to the Convertible Notes for both the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, as the average market price of the Company’s common stock has not exceeded the exercise price since their issuance.

11.    Commitments and Contingencies

Legal Proceedings
The Company, in the normal course of business, is subject to claims and litigation. The Company reviews the status of each matter and assesses its potential financial exposure. If the potential loss from any claim or legal proceeding is considered probable and the amount can be reasonably estimated, the Company would accrue a liability for the estimated loss.

On May 14, 2021, a putative class action was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York against the Company and certain officers and directors alleging violations of Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Rule 10b-5, promulgated thereunder, and Sections 11, 12(a)(2) and 15 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1933 (“Plymouth Action”). The complaint alleges misstatements and/or omissions in the Company’s registration statements and prospectuses related to the Company’s October 2020 initial public offering (“IPO”), the Company’s December 2020 offering, and the Company’s March 2021 offering during the putative class period of October 14, 2020 through May 11, 2021. A consolidated amended class action complaint was filed on December 7, 2021, with additional allegations regarding misstatements and/or omissions in: (1) in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K and associated press release announcing results for the fourth quarter and full fiscal year 2020; and (2) in the Company’s November 5, 2020, and March 9, 2021, earnings calls.

On June 30, 2021, a substantially similar second putative class action was filed in the Southern District of New York against the Company and certain officers and directors alleging violations of Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Rule 10b-5, promulgated thereunder, and Sections 11 and 15 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1933 (“Keippel Action”), which was consolidated with the Plymouth Action.

All Defendants in the Plymouth Action, including the Company, moved to dismiss the consolidated amended complaint. On May 19, 2023, the Court granted the Company’s motion to dismiss and, on July 5, 2023, denied a request from the Plymouth Action plaintiffs for leave to amend the consolidated amended complaint and dismissed the Plymouth Action in its entirety with prejudice.

On August 4, 2023, the lead plaintiffs filed a notice of appeal of the Court’s dismissal of the consolidated amended complaint to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. After full briefing, the Court of Appeals heard oral argument on June 26, 2024 and the case is pending decision by the Court.

On July 16, 2021, a verified derivative complaint was filed in the Southern District of New York against certain officers and directors of the Company. The complaint alleges: (1) violations of Section 14(a) of the Securities

Exchange Act of 1934 for misleading proxy statements, (2) breach of fiduciary duty, (3) unjust enrichment, (4) abuse of control, (5) gross mismanagement, (6) corporate waste, (7) aiding and abetting breach of fiduciary duty, and (8) contribution under sections 10(b) and 21D of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. On July 30, 2021, a second verified derivative complaint was filed in the Southern District of New York against certain officers and directors of the Company. The complaint alleges: (1) violations of Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for causing the issuance of a false/misleading proxy statement, (2) breach of fiduciary duty, and (3) aiding and abetting breaches of fiduciary duty.

On August 24, 2021, the Southern District of New York derivative actions were consolidated and the Court appointed co-lead counsel. The consolidated cases remain stayed pending the outcome of the appeal of the Plymouth Action.

On August 3, 2022, a verified derivative complaint was filed in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware against certain officers and directors of the Company, asserting claims for: (1) breach of fiduciary duty and (2) unjust enrichment. On August 11, 2022, a second verified derivative complaint was filed against certain officers and directors of the Company Court of Chancery, asserting claims for: (1) breach of fiduciary duty; (2) aiding and abetting breaches of fiduciary duty; (3) waste of corporate assets; (4) unjust enrichment; (5) insider selling; and (6) aiding and abetting insider selling.

On September 2, 2022, the Chancery Court derivative cases were consolidated and the Court appointed co-lead counsel. The consolidated cases have been stayed pending the outcome of the appeal of the Plymouth Action.

At this time the Company believes that the likelihood of any material loss related to these matters is remote given the preliminary stage of the claims and strength of the Company’s defenses. The Company has not recorded any material loss contingency in the condensed consolidated balance sheets as of September 30, 2024.

Commercial Supplier Settlement
During March 2024, the Company reached a settlement with one of its vendors, in which the Company received $4.0 million in the form of a one-time $2.6 million cash payment due immediately, and $1.4 million in credits with the vendor which can be applied by the Company to future orders from the respective vendor. If the Company does not utilize all of the credits by January 2026, it will receive a one-time cash payment from the vendor for the remaining unused credit balance. As of March 31, 2024, the Company recognized $4.0 million in Prepaid and other expenses, net on the condensed consolidated balance sheet and for the three months ended March 31, 2024, a $4.0 million reduction to Cost of revenue on the condensed consolidated statement of operations.

The Company is party to various other legal proceedings, claims, governmental and/or regulatory inspections, inquiries and investigations arising out of the ordinary course of its business. The Company believes that, there are no other proceedings or claims pending against it, the ultimate resolution of which could have a material adverse effect on its financial condition or results of operations. In all cases, at each reporting period, the Company evaluates whether or not a potential loss amount or a potential range of loss is probable and reasonably estimable under ASC 450, Contingencies (ASC 450). Legal costs are expensed as incurred. It is

possible that future results for any particular quarter or annual period may be materially affected by changes in our assumption or the effectiveness of the Company’s strategies relating to these proceedings.

Contingent Consideration
Tax Receivable Agreement
Concurrent with the Former Parent’s acquisition of Array Technologies Patent Holdings Co., LLC on July 8, 2016, the Company’s operating subsidiary, Array Tech, Inc. (f/k/a Array Technologies, Inc.), entered into a Tax Receivable Agreement (the “TRA”) with the former majority shareholder of Array. The TRA is valued based on the future expected payments under the agreement. The TRA provides for the payment by Array Tech, Inc., to the former owners for certain federal, state, local and non-U.S. tax benefits deemed realized in post-closing taxable periods by Array Tech, Inc., from the use of certain deductions generated by the increase in the tax value of the developed technology. The TRA is accounted for as contingent consideration and subsequent changes in fair value of the contingent liability are recognized in contingent consideration on the condensed consolidated statements of operations. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the fair value of the TRA was $8.7 million and $10.4 million, respectively.

Estimating the amount of payments that may be made under the TRA is by nature imprecise. The significant fair value inputs used to estimate the future expected TRA payments to the former owners include the timing of tax payments, a discount rate, book income projections, timing of expected adjustments to calculate taxable income and the projected rate of use for attributes defined in the TRA.

Payments made under the TRA consider tax positions taken by the Company and are due within 125 days following the filing of the Company’s U.S. federal and state income tax returns under procedures described in the agreement. The current portion of the TRA liability is based on tax returns. The TRA will continue until all tax benefit payments have been made or the Company elects early termination under the terms described in the TRA.

The following table summarizes the activity related to the estimated TRA liability (in thousands):
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
Beginning balance$8,704 $9,429 $10,363 $8,587 
Payments  (1,427)(1,200)
Fair value adjustment(39)190 (271)2,232 
Ending balance$8,665 $9,619 $8,665 $9,619 

The TRA liability requires significant judgment and is classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.

Surety Bonds
As of September 30, 2024, the Company posted surety bonds in the total amount of $198.2 million. The Company is required to provide surety bonds to various parties as required for certain transactions initiated during the ordinary course of business to guarantee the Company’s performance in accordance with contractual or legal obligations. These off-balance sheet arrangements do not adversely impact the Company’s liquidity or capital resources.


12.    Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The carrying values and estimated fair values of the Company’s debt financial instruments were as follows (in thousands):
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Carrying ValueFair ValueCarrying ValueFair Value
Convertible Notes$417,049 $314,500 $415,632 $416,500 

The fair value of the Convertible Notes is estimated using Level 2 inputs, as they are not registered securities nor listed on any securities exchange but may be traded by qualified institutional buyers.

The fair value of the Term Loan Facility and Other Debt is estimated using Level 2 inputs. The carrying values of the Term Loan Facility outstanding under the Senior Secured Credit facility recorded in the condensed consolidated balance sheets approximate fair value due to the variable nature of the interest rates.

Other Debt with an aggregate carrying value of $33.0 million, consists only of variable rate obligations. The carrying value of these variable rate obligations approximate fair value due to the variable nature of the interest rates.

13.    Equity-Based Compensation

2020 Equity Incentive Plan
On October 14, 2020, the Company’s 2020 Equity Incentive Plan (the “2020 Plan”) became effective. The 2020 Plan authorized 6,683,919 new shares, subject to adjustments pursuant to the 2020 Plan.

Restricted Stock Units
Pursuant to the 2020 Plan, the Company grants restricted stock units (“RSUs”) to employees and members of the Company’s board of directors. The fair value of the RSUs is determined using the market value of the Company’s common stock on the grant date.

RSU activity under the 2020 Plan during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, was as follows:
Number of SharesWeighted Average Grant Date Fair Value
Outstanding non-vested, December 31, 20231,670,509 $15.44 
Shares granted2,176,206 9.55 
Shares vested(708,036)15.45 
Shares forfeited(318,594)14.16 
Outstanding non-vested, September 30, 20242,820,085 $11.01 


Performance Stock Units
The Company has granted performance stock units (“PSUs”) to certain employees. The PSUs cliff vest after three years and upon meeting certain revenue and adjusted EPS targets. The PSUs also contain a modifier based on the total stock return (“TSR”) compared to a certain index which modifies the number of PSUs that vest. The PSUs were valued using a Monte-Carlo simulation method on the date of grant based on the U.S. Treasury Constant Maturity rates. The following assumptions were used in the Monte Carlo simulation for computing the grant date fair value of the PSUs issued during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Volatility79 %90 %
Risk-free interest rate4.62 %3.74 %
Dividend yield % %

PSU activity under the 2020 Plan during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, was as follows:
Number of SharesWeighted Average Grant Date Fair Value
Outstanding non-vested, December 31, 2023692,473 $14.54 
Shares granted586,316 11.74 
Shares vested  
Shares forfeited(264,184)15.35 
Outstanding non-vested, September 30, 20241,014,605 $12.60 

For three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company recognized $2.0 million and $3.4 million, respectively, in equity-based compensation costs. For nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company recognized $6.9 million and $11.9 million, respectively, in equity-based compensation costs. At September 30, 2024, the Company had $24.9 million of unrecognized compensation costs related to RSUs and PSUs, which are expected to be recognized over 2.2 years and 2.3 years, respectively.

Deferred Compensation Plan
On May 21, 2024, the Human Capital Committee (the “Committee”) of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Array Technologies, Inc. adopted the Array Tech, Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan (the “Plan”). The Plan is a non-qualified deferred compensation plan intended to comply with Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”). Participation in the Plan is voluntary and is currently available to U.S. employees of the Company and its subsidiaries at the level of Vice President and above.

The Plan allows participants to defer up to 50% of their base salary and/or up to 100% of their cash incentive compensation. There is no maximum dollar limit on the amount that may be deferred by a participant in any year.

In addition, the Company will make a matching contribution to the Plan in respect of cash compensation that could not be recognized under the Company’s 401(k) plan due to the Code Section 401(a)(17) compensation limit ($0.3 million for 2024). The Plan matching contribution will be equal to the matching contribution for the Company’s 401(k) plan for the applicable year. Under the terms of the Plan, the Company may also provide discretionary contributions to participants annually as determined by the Committee. The participants are 100%

vested in the amount they defer, and any Company contributions will vest fully on the second anniversary of the date on which the Company contribution was made.

Compensation deferred pursuant to the Plan, along with any Company contributions to the Plan, may be invested by participants in various investment fund vehicles, which mirror the investment fund vehicles offered to participants as part of the Company’s 401(k) plan.

Compensation deferred pursuant to the Plan will be distributed in accordance with elections made by the participant. Participants may elect to receive distributions upon a separation from service or a specified date in the form of a lump sum payment or annual installment payments for up to ten years, for distributions following a separation from service, or five years, for distributions upon a specified date. Compensation deferred pursuant to the Plan may also be distributed in the form of a lump sum benefit in the event of the participant’s death, disability, or unforeseeable emergency that results in “severe financial hardship,” as contemplated by Section 409A of the Code.

The Plan does not require the Company to establish any trust, escrow account, or other mechanism to hold the participant deferrals and Company contributions. The obligations of the Company under the Plan are general unsecured obligations.

The Company may amend the Plan at any time, except that no such amendment or termination may adversely affect a participant’s right with respect to the amount of the participant’s accounts as of the date of such amendment or termination. The Company may terminate the Plan at any time, in accordance with the requirements of Section 409A of the Code, and pay the participants their vested amounts in a single lump sum or on a schedule determined by the Committee.

14    Segment Reporting

ASC 280 Segment Reporting establishes standards for reporting information about operating segments. Operating segments are defined as components of an enterprise about which separate financial information is available that is evaluated regularly by the chief operating decision maker in deciding how to allocate resources and in assessing performance. Historically, the Company managed its business on the basis of one operating and reportable segment. Concurrent with the acquisition of STI in January 2022, the Company began operating as two segments; Array Legacy Operations and STI Operations.

The following table provides a reconciliation of certain financial information for the Company’s reportable segments to information presented in its condensed consolidated financial statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 (in thousands):

數組遺留操作$160,266 $244,857 $459,807 $895,322 
STI操作71,140 105,581 180,768 339,614 
總計$231,406 $350,438 $640,575 $1,234,936 
數組遺留操作$65,726 $58,233 $192,118 $241,019 
STI運營12,589 29,146 27,240 90,303 
總計$78,315 $87,379 $219,358 $331,322 

15    後續事件

2024年5月,Array Technologies, Inc.(「Array」,承租人)與GDC陽光有限責任公司(「GDC」,出租人)簽訂了一份爲期13年半(162 個月)的新制造業和辦公設施位於新墨西哥州伯納利約縣的三重淨租賃協議(「NNN期限租賃」)。除其他事項外,Array將負責支付個人財產稅,如果有的話,以及有關設施和實物財產的全部不動產稅,該實物財產受NNN期限租賃約束。該NNN期限租賃以出租人成功融資修建該設施的交割爲條件。 2024年10月16日,出租人完成融資,因此租賃協議生效。承租人有權選擇續簽租約, $244,200,將在歸屬期內按比例確認。.

這座新的混合使用、通用施工的設施將於建成後約 216,000 平方英尺,三方租賃期將在多個事件的最早發生時開始,包括出租人完成建築工程,預計將在2025年第四季度發生。

關於這份NNN期租賃以及公司計劃收購與新設施相關的機械和設備,GDC和公司與Bernalillo County(「縣」)進行了一系列與減稅計劃相關的交易。這些交易對公司的合併財務報表沒有淨影響。減稅計劃提供有效消除 75%的房地產稅和 100%的個人財產稅,該稅應由公司和GDC在NNN期租賃期間繳納給縣,並且減免 100%的銷售和使用稅,該稅將由公司和GDC因購買和使用機械設備而產生。


事項2. 管理層對財務狀況和經營成果的討論與分析。

以下討論和分析應與我們的未經審計的簡明合併基本報表以及本季度報告形式10-Q(以下簡稱「本季度報告」)中包含的相關附註和其他財務信息一起閱讀,同時還應與截至2023年12月31日的年度審計財務報表及相關附註,以及包含在截至2023年12月31日的年度報告形式10-k中的財務狀況及經營成果的管理層討論和分析一起閱讀(以下簡稱「2023年年度報告」)。 本文中提到的「公司」、「Array」、「我們」或「我們」等術語,除非另有說明,否則均指Array Technologies,Inc及其全資子公司。 除歷史財務信息外,以下討論和分析還包含涉及風險、不確定性和假設的前瞻性聲明。由於許多因素,包括在本季度報告中討論的「前瞻性聲明」和「風險因素」一節中討論的因素,我們具體結果和特定事件的時間可能與這些前瞻性聲明中預期的結果有實質性差異,此外,還包括2024年6月30日以及我們2023年年度報告中的本季度報告形式10-Q。


前瞻性聲明涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和可能導致我們的實際結果、業績或成就與前瞻性聲明所表達或暗示的任何未來結果、業績或成就有實質不同的其他因素。 鑑於這些不確定性,您不應過度依賴前瞻性聲明。此外,前瞻性聲明僅代表我們管理層在本報告日期的信念和假設。 您應在理解我們的實際未來結果可能與我們期望的結果有實質不同的情況下閱讀本報告。









收購STI Norland
2022年1月11日,我們完成了對STI的收購,導致本公司持有STI全部股權。類似於Array Legacy運營,STI通過向西班牙、巴西、美國和南非等全球市場的客戶設計、製造和銷售其大型太陽能跟蹤系統,從而產生營業收入。STI的整合使我們能加速國際擴張,並更好地滿足發展中國家(尤其是拉丁美洲和非洲)對大型太陽能項目不斷增長的全球需求。

在2023年12月31日結束的三個月內,公司與SEC首席會計官辦公室工作人員進行了磋商,並在與工作人員磋商後,公司得出結論,即公司不需要對其2023年3月31日結束的三個月內進行的有關其Capped Calls和其看跌期權的歷史會計處理進行變更。因此,公司選擇恢復其歷史會計處理,並撤銷在2023年3月31日結束的三個月內記錄的累積追溯調整,以及在2023年中間期間記錄的任何後續公允價值調整分錄。詳見 註釋2 - 重要會計政策摘要.


宏觀經濟因素。 巴西雷亞爾急速貶值,同時巴西市場能源存在價格壓力。由於這些因素,許多太陽能項目的電力購買協議(PPAs)的經濟案例對我們的客戶變得不太吸引。這些項目的許多開發商現在都在重新協商這些PPAs的定價,導致項目出現延遲。



45X 信用










更廣泛地說,已提出了一項法案,將使得國內公司更容易獲得反傾銷和反補貼調查中的肯定裁定。如果通過,提議的USICA/America COMPETES法案可能導致未來成功的請願,限制來自亞洲和其他地區的進口。

此外,在2023年10月,一家美國鋁擠壓商聯盟和一個勞工工會對來自十五個國家的鋁擠壓件提起AD/CVD案件。美國商務部根據申訴發起了調查。我們跟蹤器中的某些元件,包括某些夾具、U形連接件和人形機器人-軸承座,是使用擠壓鋁製成的。2024年9月,美國商務部發布了針對來自多個國家的鋁擠壓件的最終裁定。2024年10月30日,美國國際貿易委員會投票決定在其未決AD/CVD調查中未發現損害,這意味着美國商務部的AD/CVD命令不會生效。 請願人聯盟仍可就美國國際貿易委員會的決定提出上訴,我們將繼續監控上訴程序的進展。如果美國國際貿易委員會的決定在上訴中被推翻,AD/CVD命令的實施可能會對我們的業務、財務狀況和運營結果造成負面影響。





We also utilize metrics related to price and cost of goods sold per MW, including average selling price (“ASP”) and cost per watt (“CPW”). ASP is calculated by dividing total applicable revenues by total applicable MWs, whereas CPW is calculated by dividing total applicable costs of goods sold by total applicable MWs. These metrics enable us to evaluate trends in pricing, manufacturing cost, and customer profitability.

Key Components of Our Results of Operations
The following discussion describes certain line items in our consolidated statements of operations.

We generate revenue from the sale of solar tracking systems, parts, software, and services. Our customers include EPCs, utilities, solar developers, and independent power producers. For each individual solar project, we enter into a contract with our customers covering the price, specifications, delivery dates, and warranty for the products being purchased, among other things. Our contractual delivery period for the tracker system and parts can vary from days to several months. Contracts can range in value from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of dollars.

Our revenue is affected by changes in the volume and ASPs of solar tracking systems purchased by our customers. The quarterly volume and ASP of our systems is driven by the supply of, and demand for, our products, changes in project mix between module type and wattage, geographic mix of our customers, strength of competitors’ product offerings, commodity prices and availability of government incentives to the end-users of our products.

Our revenue growth is dependent on continued growth in the size and number of solar energy projects installed each year, as well as our ability to maintain market share in each geography where we compete, expand our global footprint to new and evolving markets, grow our production capabilities to satisfy demand, and continue

to develop and introduce new innovative products that integrate emerging technologies and the performance requirements of our customers.

A majority of our revenue is recognized over time as work progresses, and for single performance obligations, we use an input measure, the cost-to-cost method, to determine progress. We review and update the contract related estimates on an ongoing basis and recognize adjustments for any project specific facts and circumstances that could impact the measurement of the extent of progress, such as the total costs to complete the contracts, under the cumulative catch-up method. Due to the relatively short duration of our outstanding performance obligations, and our ability to estimate the remaining costs to be incurred, which are substantially all material costs covered under our material supply agreements with our suppliers, we have not recorded any material catch-up adjustments for the periods presented that would have impacted revenues or EPS related to revisions in our measurement of remaining progress of our performance obligations.

Cost of Revenue and Gross Profit
Cost of revenue consists primarily of product costs, including raw materials, purchased components, salaries, wages and benefits of manufacturing personnel, freight, tariffs, customer support, product warranty, amortization of developed technology, and depreciation of manufacturing and testing equipment. Our product costs are affected by (i) the underlying cost of raw materials, including steel and aluminum, (ii) component costs, including electric motors and gearboxes, (iii) technological innovation, and (iv) economies of scale and improvements in production processes and automation. We may experience disruptions to our supply chain and increased material and freight costs like those experienced in 2021 and 2022 during the COVID-19 pandemic. When possible, we modify our production schedules and processes to mitigate the impact of these disruptions and cost increases on our margins. We do not currently hedge against changes in the price of our raw materials.

Gross profit may vary from quarter to quarter and is primarily affected by our volume, ASPs, product costs, project mix, customer mix, geographical mix, commodity prices, logistics rates, warranty costs, and seasonality.

Inflation Reduction Act Vendor Rebates
On August 16, 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (“IRA”) was enacted into law, which includes numerous green energy credits. The 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Tax Credit (“45X Credit”) was established as part of the IRA. The 45X Credit is a per-unit tax credit that is earned over time for each clean energy component domestically produced and sold by a manufacturer. We have, and will continue to, enter into arrangements with manufacturing vendors that produce 45X Credit eligible parts, in which the vendors agree to share a portion of the benefit received related to our purchases, in the form of “Vendor Rebates.”

We account for these Vendor Rebates as a reduction of the purchase prices of the vendors’ products and therefore a reduction in the cost of inventory until the inventory is sold, at which time we recognize such rebates as a reduction of cost of product and service revenue on the condensed consolidated statements of operations. Rebates related to purchases that were made prior to the execution of the agreements are deferred and recognized as a reduction of the prices of future purchases.

Operating Expenses
General and administrative expense consists primarily of salaries, benefits, and equity-based compensation related to our executive, sales, engineering, finance, human resources, information technology, and legal personnel, as well as travel, facility costs, marketing, bad debt provision, and professional fees. The majority of our sales in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, were in the U.S.; however, in January 2022, we expanded our international operations with the STI Acquisition. We currently have a sales presence

in the U.S., Spain, Brazil, South Africa, Australia, and the U.K. We intend to continue to expand our sales presence and marketing efforts to additional countries.

Contingent consideration consists of the changes in fair value of the tax receivable agreement (“TRA”) entered into with a former indirect stockholder, concurrent with the acquisition of Patent LLC by Former Parent. The TRA liability was recorded at fair value as of July 8, 2016 (the “Patent Acquisition Date”) and subsequent changes in the fair value are recognized in earnings. For discussion and analysis of the TRA see Note 11 – Commitments and Contingencies.

Depreciation consists of costs associated with property, plant and equipment not used in manufacturing of our products. We expect that as we continue to grow both our revenue and our general and administrative personnel, we may require some additional property, plant and equipment to support this growth resulting in additional depreciation expense.

Amortization consists of the expense recognized over the expected period of use of our customer relationships, contractual backlog, and STI trade name intangible assets. Amortization related to certain acquired intangible assets is recorded as Total cost of revenue under the caption "Amortization of developed technology."

Non-Operating Expenses
Interest income consists of interest earned on our cash and cash equivalents balance.

Interest expense consists of interest and other charges paid in connection with our Senior Secured Credit Facility, the Convertible Notes, and Other Debt held by our STI Operations.

We are subject to U.S. federal, state and non-U.S. income taxes. As we expand into additional foreign markets, we may be subject to additional foreign tax.

Reportable Segments
Subsequent to the acquisition of STI, the Company began reporting its results of operations in two segments; the Array Legacy operating segment and the newly acquired STI Legacy operating segment (“STI Legacy Operations”) pertaining to legacy STI operations. The segment amounts included in this Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis are presented on a basis consistent with our internal management reporting. Additional information on our reportable segments is contained in Note 14 – Segment Reporting in the accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements.


Results of Operations
The following table sets forth our consolidated statement of operations (in thousands, except percentages):
Three Months Ended September 30,Increase/(Decrease)Nine Months Ended September 30,Increase/(Decrease)
Revenue$231,406 $350,438 $(119,032)(34)%$640,575 $1,234,936 $(594,361)(48)%
Cost of revenue
Cost of product and service revenue149,452 259,419 (109,967)(42)%410,299 892,696 (482,397)(54)%
Amortization of developed technology3,639 3,640 (1)— %10,918 10,918 — — %
Total cost of revenue153,091263,059(109,968)(42)%421,217903,614(482,397)(53)%
Gross profit78,315 87,379 (9,064)(10)%219,358 331,322 (111,964)(34)%
Operating expenses
General and administrative40,149 37,432 2,717 %114,904 115,825 (921)(1)%
Change in fair value of contingent consideration(39)190 229 121 %(271)2,232 2,503 112 %
Depreciation and amortization8,880 9,552 (672)(7)%27,384 29,361 (1,977)(7)%
Goodwill impairment162,000 — (162,000)(100)%162,000 — 162,000 (100)%
Total operating expenses210,990 47,174 163,816 347 %304,017 147,418 156,599 106 %
(Loss) income from operations
(132,675)40,205 (172,880)(430)%(84,659)183,904 (268,563)(146)%
Other loss, net(682)(446)(236)53 %(1,662)(127)(1,535)1209 %
Interest income4,223 3,425 798 23 %12,6856,124 6,561 107 %
Foreign currency (loss) gain, net(106)207 (313)(151)%(1,073)273 (1,346)(493)%
Interest expense(8,264)(13,064)4,800 37 %(25,818)(35,372)(9,554)(27)%
Total other expense, net(4,829)(9,878)5,049 51 %(15,868)(29,102)(13,234)(45)%
(Loss) income before income tax expense
(137,504)30,327 (167,831)(553)%(100,527)154,802 (255,329)(165)%
Income tax expense3,850 7,229 (3,379)(47)%12,964 36,904 (23,940)(65)%
Net (loss) income
$(141,354)$23,098 $(164,452)(712)%$(113,491)$117,898 $(231,389)(196)%

The following table provides details on our operating results by reportable segment for the respective periods (in thousands, except percentages):
Three Months Ended September 30,Increase/(Decrease)Nine Months Ended September 30,Increase/(Decrease)
Array Legacy Operations$160,266 $244,857 $(84,591)(35)%$459,807 $895,322 $(435,515)(49)%
STI Operations71,140 105,581 (34,441)(33)%180,768 339,614 (158,846)(47)%
Total$231,406 $350,438 $(119,032)(34)%$640,575 $1,234,936 $(594,361)(48)%
Gross Profit
Array Legacy Operations$65,726 $58,233 $7,493 13 %$192,118 $241,019 $(48,901)(20)%
STI Operations12,589 29,146 (16,557)(57)%27,240 90,303 (63,063)(70)%
Total$78,315 $87,379 $(9,064)(10)%$219,358 $331,322 $(111,964)(34)%

Comparison of the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

Consolidated revenue decreased $119.0 million, or 34%, for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023, primarily driven by lower revenue from Array Legacy Operations of 35% and STI Operations of 33%.

Array Legacy Operations revenue decreased by $84.6 million, or 35%, for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023 primarily driven by a decrease of approximately 35% in volume.

Revenue from STI Operations decreased by $34.4 million, or 33% for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was primarily driven by a decrease of approximately 13% in volume, a decrease of approximately 12% in average selling prices and a foreign currency impact of approximately 7%.

Consolidated revenue decreased $594.4 million, or 48%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily driven by lower revenue from Array Legacy Operations of 49% and STI Operations of 47%.

Array Legacy Operations revenue decreased by $435.5 million, or 49%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily driven by a decrease of approximately 46% in volume and a decrease of approximately 5% in average selling prices.

Revenue from STI Operations decreased by $158.8 million, or 47% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was primarily driven by a decrease of approximately 31% in volume, a decrease of approximately 19% in average selling prices and a foreign currency impact of approximately 3%.


Cost of Revenue and Gross Profit
Consolidated cost of revenue decreased by $110.0 million, or 42%, for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023, in line with lower revenue, combined with lower input costs per watt, resulting from supply chain and engineering cost control initiatives and the realization of 45X benefits associated with torque tubes and structural fasteners.

Consolidated gross profit decreased by $9.1 million, or 10%, for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. Gross Margin increased to 34% for the three months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to 25% during the same period in the prior year.

Array Legacy Operations gross profit increased by $7.5 million, or 13%, for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. Gross margin increased to 41% from 24% for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The increase in gross margin was driven by the realization of 45X benefits associated with torque tubes and structural fasteners during the quarter.

STI Operations gross profit decreased by $16.6 million, or 57%, for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. Gross margin for STI Operations decreased to 18% from 28% for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, driven primarily by a decline in average selling prices of approximately 12%, partially offset by lower commodity prices.

Consolidated cost of revenue decreased by $482.4 million, or 53%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023, in line with lower revenues and the realization of 45X benefits associated with torque tubes and structural fasteners.

Consolidated gross profit decreased by $112.0 million, or 34%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Gross margin increased to 34% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to 27% during the same period in the prior year.

Array Legacy Operations gross profit decreased by $48.9 million, or 20%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Gross margin at Array Legacy Operations increased to 42% from 27% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The increase in gross margin was driven by the realization of 45X benefits associated with torque tubes and structural fasteners. In addition, the Company also recognized a one-time $4.0 million settlement with one of our vendors during the first quarter of 2024, which was recorded as a reduction of cost of product and service revenue.

STI Operations gross profit decreased by $63.1 million, or 70%, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Gross margin for STI Operations decreased to 15% from 27% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, in line with lower revenue and a decrease in average selling prices of 19%, partially offset by lower commodity prices.

Operating Expenses
Consolidated general and administrative expenses for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 increased by $2.7 million, or 7%, and decreased by $0.9 million, or 1%, respectively, compared to the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023. The increase during the third quarter of 2024 was primarily due to an increase of $2.0 million in legal and other professional fees, an increase of $1.6 million in an allowance

for credit risk related to one customer in Brazil, partially offset by lower personnel expenses as a result of lower stock-based compensation expense and lower headcount.

General and administrative expenses decreased during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 due to $4.4 million of lower personnel expenses as a result lower stock-based compensation expense and lower headcount, partially offset by an increase of $3.4 million in an allowance for credit risk related to a limited number of customers in Brazil.

Change in the fair value of contingent consideration for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 resulted in a loss of $39 thousand and a gain of $0.3 million, respectively, compared to the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023.

Consolidated depreciation and amortization expense for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 decreased by $0.7 million, or 7%, and $2.0 million, or 7%, respectively, compared to the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was primarily due to certain assets acquired becoming fully amortized.

During the three months ended September 30, 2024, the Company identified certain indicators of impairment, which resulted in an impairment of goodwill of $162.0 million. See Note 5 – Goodwill and Other Intangibles for additional information.

Interest Income
Consolidated interest income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 increased by $0.8 million, or 23%, and $6.6 million, or 107%, respectively, compared to the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily as a result of higher cash on hand and higher yields on our cash management program.

Interest Expense
Consolidated interest expense for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 increased by $4.8 million, or 37%, and $9.6 million, or 27%, respectively, compared to the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to the impact of the $74.3 million of principal pay downs on our Term Loan Facility during 2023. These pay downs were the result of focused efforts to decrease our outstanding debt balance with free cash flows from operations.

Income Tax Expense
Consolidated income tax expense for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 decreased by $3.4 million, or 47%, and $23.9 million, or 65%, respectively, compared to the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023. The Company recorded income tax expense of $3.9 million and $13.0 million, respectively, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to income tax expense of $7.2 million and $36.9 million, respectively, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023.

Our effective tax rate was (2.8)% and (12.9)% for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, and 23.8% for both the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023.

No tax benefit was recorded from the goodwill impairment recorded for the three months ended September 30, 2024 as the goodwill is non-deductible for income tax purposes. Our effective tax rate, excluding the impact of the goodwill impairment was 15.7% and 21.1% for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024. The tax expense for the three months ended September 30, 2024, was favorably impacted by lower profits in non-

US jurisdictions and additional tax credits recorded during the period. This is partially offset by legislative changes in Brazil where a local tax incentive is no longer exempt from federal income tax beginning in 2024. Tax expense for the three months ended September 30, 2023 was unfavorably impacted by higher income reported in non-U.S. jurisdictions.

The Company recorded income tax expense of $13.0 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to an expense of $36.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Income tax expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was favorably impacted by lower profits in non-US jurisdictions and additional tax credits recorded during the period. This was partially offset by legislative changes in Brazil where a local tax incentive is no longer exempt from federal income tax beginning in 2024. Additionally, tax expense of $0.5 million related to equity-based compensation, was recorded discretely. Tax expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was unfavorably impacted by higher income reported in non-U.S. jurisdictions, offset by a tax benefit of $1.2 million related to equity-based compensation, recorded discretely.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
Divestiture of Investment in Equity Securities

現金流 (以千爲單位)
$96,394 $137,974 
投資活動產生的淨現金流出6,409 (11,615)
現金及現金等價物淨變動額$83,292 $40,109 



公司不斷監視和審查其流動性狀況和資金需求。管理層相信公司未來產生經營現金流的能力和其Senior Secured Credit Facility下可用的借款額度將足以滿足其未來的流動性需求。




2024年9月30日結束的九個月,投資活動提供的淨現金爲640萬美元,其中1200萬美元 與私人公司股權投資出售相關,部分爲560萬美元購買的固定資產和設備,淨處置後。






有關A股的更多信息,請參閱 備註8 – 可贖回永續優先股基本報表附註

有關我們債務義務的討論,請參閱 附註7 - 債務 本季度報告中包含的簡明綜合基本報表。


我們需要根據普通業務中啓動的特定交易要求向各方提供按金,以確保我們履行合同或法律義務。 截至2024年9月30日,我們已累計發佈大約19820萬美元的按金。 這些資產負債表之外的安排不會對我們的流動性或資本資源產生不利影響。



公司報告單位公平價值確定所使用的重要假設主要涉及營業收入增長率、預測的EBITDA利潤率和所用的折現率,這些假設應用於收入法下的貼現現金流模型。 在GPC方法下,選擇要使用的EBITDA倍數需要進行重大判斷。 在確定現金流的現值所使用的折現率增加的程度,如果公司未達到報告單位的現金流預測,或未來GPC倍數減少, 額外的 可能會在未來記錄減值損失。此外,公司普通股股價和市值在持續一段時間內進一步下跌 可能表明公司報告單位的公平價值進一步下降。

用於確定STI運營估計公允價值的最重要假設是折現率假設。 折現率提高100個點子可能導致遞增


有關我們關鍵會計估計的進一步討論,請參閱我們於2023年12月31日結束的年度10-k表格中提交給SEC的《第II部分,項目7. 管理層對財務狀況和運營的討論和分析》。 在該年度10-k表格中披露的重要會計估計沒有發生其他重大變化。 10-k表格中除上述披露外沒有發生其他重大變化。

請參閱 註釋2 - 重要會計政策摘要 請參閱我們的基本報表,了解新制定和最近發佈的會計準則採納的討論。

事項3. 關於市場風險的定量和定性披露。












控制活動 - (STI):在2024年第二季度,我們爲巴西業務實施了企業資源規劃系統(「ERP」),從而使我們有能力實施自動化控制和普通信息技術控制,這將減少對手工控制的依賴。






請參閱規則13d-7(b)以獲取應抄送副本的其他各方。附註11 - 承諾與控件 在我們的簡明綜合基本報表中「法律訴訟」條目下,報告了有關法律訴訟和相關事項。除了在我們的簡明綜合基本報表附註11中描述的訴訟外,我們可能不時參與業務日常運作中產生的索賠。據我們所知,在我們的簡明綜合基本報表附註11中描述的案件之外,目前沒有任何重大法律訴訟、政府行動、調查或索賠正在針對我們進行或涉及我們,該等事項在我們管理層看來,不會對我們的業務和財務狀況造成重大不利影響。


除非如下規定,並且在本季度報告中披露的其他事實信息涉及此類風險因素(包括但不限於所討論的事項, 第一部分,項目2,「管理討論與分析財務狀況和經營成果」),在我們的第一部分,項目1A中披露的風險因素未發生重大變化 2013年12月31日提交給SEC的年度報告;.



例如,在2018年1月,美國根據1974年《貿易法》第201條對進口太陽能模塊和電池徵收關稅。最初的關稅爲30%,逐年減少至15%。儘管這項關稅並不直接適用於我們進口的元件,但可能會通過影響太陽能項目的財務可行性而間接影響我們,從而可能減少對我們產品的需求。 2022年2月4日,拜登總統將安全保障關稅延長4年,起初爲14.75%,並逐年降低到2026年的14%,並指示美國貿易代表與加拿大和墨西哥就太陽能產品的貿易達成協議。 2022年7月7日,美國和加拿大簽署了一份非約束性諒解備忘錄,美國同意暫停將安全保障關稅適用於2022年2月1日起進口的加拿大晶體硅光伏電池。 儘管這項關稅並不直接適用於我們進口的元件,但可能會通過影響太陽能項目的財務可行性而間接影響我們,從而可能減少對我們產品的需求。此外,在2018年7月,美國根據1974年《貿易法》第301條對從中國進口的一長串產品徵收了10%的關稅,其中包括逆變器和功率優化器,該關稅於2018年9月24日生效。 2019年6月,美國貿易代表將這些關稅的稅率從10%提高到25%。 儘管這些關稅並不直接適用於我們的產品,但可能會影響使用我們產品的太陽能項目,從而可能導致意外延誤或減少對我們產品的需求。











項目3. 面對高級證券的違約情況





我們的董事和高管不時可能會制定購買或出售我們證券的計劃。這些計劃可能旨在滿足《證券交易法》第10b5-1條款的積極抗辯條件,或可能構成非第10b5-1條款交易安排(如《S-K規定》408(c)項中定義)。截至2024年9月30日三個月結束時,我們的董事或高管沒有采取任何此類計劃或交易安排。 採納,修訂或 終止 任何此類計劃或交易安排。







Array Technologies, Inc.

作者:Kevin G. Hostetler日期:2024年11月7日
Kevin G. Hostetler