
フォーム 10-Q
四半期 1934年の証券取引所法第13条または第15条に基づく報告
移行期間:             から             まで




440サウスチャーチストリート, スイート700
シャーロット, ノースカロライナ
登録者の電話番号(地域コードを含む): (704) 377-8855


本登録者が、前述の12か月間(あるいは登録者が当該報告書を提出しなければならなかった短い期間)において、証券取引法第13条または15条(d)で定められた提出すべき報告書を全て提出したかどうかをチェックマークで示し、(2) 本登録者が過去90日間にわたってその提出要件に従っていたかどうかを示します。はい ✓印を付しませんでした場合、登録者の内部統制に関するマネジメント評価を報告するよう求められたことを意味します。

規則405に基づき、本章の§232.405に規定されている対話型データファイルを、過去12か月間(またはそのようなファイルを提出する義務があった期間の短い場合)に電子提出したかどうかをチェックマークで示してください。はい ✓印を付しませんでした場合、登録者の内部統制に関するマネジメント評価を報告するよう求められたことを意味します。

註記:登録者が大幅な加速ファイラー、加速ファイラー、非加速ファイラー、小規模報告会社、または新興成長企業であるかどうかを示してください。Exchange Act 第1202条の「大幅な加速ファイラー」、「加速ファイラー」、「小規模報告会社」、「新興成長企業」の定義については、参照してください。

12b-2の規定に定義されるシェル企業である場合は、チェックマークを付けてください。 はい✓印を付しませんでした場合、登録者の内部統制に関するマネジメント評価を報告するよう求められたことを意味します。

2024年11月4日時点で、登録者は 164,114,099普通株式30,189,637株が発行済みでした。

パート 2。その他の情報

このフォーム10-Qに含まれる四半期報告書には、1995年の民事訴訟改革法に基づく前向きな声明が含まれています。これらの前向きな声明は、「予測する」、「信じる」、「継続する」、「可能性がある」、「推定する」、「期待する」、「意図する」、「ありそう」、「可能性のある」、「予測する」、「計画する」、「潜在的」、「予測する」、「プロジェクトする」、「すべき」、「目標」、「意志」、および各々の否定形又はそれ以外の様々な又は比較可能な用語を用いて一般的に特定されます。この四半期報告書に含まれる歴史的事実以外のすべての声明、当社の戦略、将来の運営、将来の財務状況、将来の売上高、見込まれるコスト、見通し、トレンド、経営管理目標、会計基準やガイダンスの影響、減損費用、および見込まれる市場成長を含む声明は前向きな声明です。特に前向きな声明には、次のような声明が含まれます:(i)当社の戦略、見通し、成長見込み;(ii)当社の運営目標及び財務目標、配当方針;(iii)一般の経済トレンドと業種・市場のトレンド;(iv)当社の店舗やビジネスユニットの統合、又はこれらを成功裏に統合する能力に関連するリスク及びコスト;(v)一般受け入られた会計原則の適正な適用、これらは非常に複雑で多くの主観的な仮定、見積もり、判断を含む;(vi)我々が運営する競争環境。前向きな声明は歴史的事実に基づくものではなく、現在の期待と仮定を表し、経済や他の将来の状況に関する我々の見解を含み、実際の結果、業績、成果が前向きな声明によって明示または暗示される将来の結果、業績、成果と著しく異なる可能性のある既知または未知のリスク、不確実要素、及びその他の重要な要因が含まれています。これらの不確実性を考慮すると、これらの前向きな声明に過度の依存を置くべきではありません。全てのリスクを予測または特定することはできません。これらのリスクには、2023年12月30日までの財政年度に関するForm 10-kに記載される「リスク要因」と題されたセクションに記載されているリスク要因、並びに証券取引委員会へのその他の提出物に記載されているリスク要素が含まれます。これらの不確実性を考慮すると、これらの前向きな声明に過度の依存を置くべきではありません。


第一部 財務情報
第1項 財務諸表(未確定)
フランチャイズのロイヤルティおよび料金$49,475 $47,362 $144,549 $140,682 
会社運営店の売上高388,132 389,041 1,157,269 1,159,685 
独立運営店の売上高49,959 43,582 163,286 157,647 
広告貢献26,823 27,121 75,804 73,547 
供給品およびその他の収益77,290 73,928 234,563 218,791 
総売上高591,679 581,034 1,775,471 1,750,352 
会社運営店の費用242,073 262,282 738,300 762,731 
自律運営店舗の費用29,382 25,773 90,693 87,095 
広告費用26,823 27,121 75,804 73,547 
供給およびその他の費用35,790 38,816 112,560 118,188 
販売費及び一般管理費149,766 123,012 387,291 332,155 
買収関連費用(606)1,667 1,459 7,264 
店舗開設コスト1,476 1,372 3,679 3,774 
減価償却費および償却費43,357 45,639 131,219 129,256 
善意の減損 850,970  850,970 
資産減損損失およびリース解除費用24,111 111,239 55,934 117,450 
営業費用合計552,172 1,487,891 1,596,939 2,482,430 
営業利益39,507 (906,857)178,532 (732,078)
金利費用、純額43,677 41,292 119,245 120,304 
外貨取引損失、純765 2,980 5,767 3 
債務の繰上償却損失205  205  
その他の費用、純額44,647 44,272 125,217 120,307 
税引き前(損失)利益(5,140)(951,129)53,315 (852,385)
法人所得税費用(利益)9,807 (151,818)33,842 (120,572)
最終(損失)収益$(14,947)$(799,311)$19,473 $(731,813)
Basic$(0.09)$(4.82)$0.12 $(4.40)
希薄化後$(0.09)$(4.83)$0.12 $(4.41)
Basic159,804 162,398 159,743 162,698 
希薄化後159,804 162,398 160,713 162,698 


最終(損失)収益$(14,947)$(799,311)$19,473 $(731,813)
外貨翻訳調整21,212 (26,043)2,629 (8,527)
キャッシュ・フロー・ヘッジからの未実現損益(税引前利益(損失))の金額8), $21, $14, $0それぞれ
558 (281)(924)(259)
12 (27)2 (15)
その他包括利益(損失)合計21,782 (26,351)1,707 (8,801)
総包括所得(損失)合計6,835 (825,662)21,180 (740,614)
非支配株主に帰属する包括損失 (13)  
ドリブン・ブランズ・ホールディングスに帰属する包括利益(損失)$6,835 $(825,649)$21,180 $(740,614)


(千人, シェアおよび株式金額を除く) シェア金額を除く)
現金及び現金同等物$204,181 $176,522 
制限付き現金4,414 657 
売掛金および受取手形の純額171,887 151,259 
在庫69,857 83,171 
前払金及びその他の資産37,483 46,714 
未決済の法人税等18,429 15,928 
売却予定資産185,985 301,229 
広告基金の資産、制限付き54,939 45,627 
流動資産合計747,175 821,107 
その他の資産116,046 56,565 
有形固定資産、正味額1,418,352 1,438,496 
運用リース契約に基づく資産1,362,917 1,389,316 
未払コミッション6,955 6,312 
無形資産 純額677,277 739,402 
のれん1,427,467 1,455,946 
繰延税資産3,627 3,660 
総資産$5,759,816 $5,910,804 
支払調整$78,759 $67,526 
未払費用およびその他の負債254,341 242,171 
法人税支払企業1,016 5,404 
長期借入金の短期部分32,872 32,673 
収入税債務債権 56,001 
広告ファンド pass負債26,668 23,392 
流動負債合計393,656 427,167 
新規買債務2,732,572 2,910,812 
繰延税金負債164,713 154,742 
オペレーティングリース債務1,311,895 1,332,519 
法人税の未収収益133,611 117,915 
前払収益31,750 30,507 
長期の増加費用とその他の負債28,812 30,419 
負債合計4,797,009 5,004,081 
Verplichtingen en risico's(注12)
优先股 $0.01の帳簿価額; 100,000,000株式を承認済み; なし 発行済または未払いの
普通株式、1株当たり0.001ドルの割額株式、承認済み株式総数900,000,000株、発行済み株式577,806,659株、2023年12月31日時点での流通株式540,387,949株、発行済み株式577,805,623株、2023年3月31日時点での流通株式545,459,814株、追加資本金0.01 普通株式 — 権限付き 株式発行額 $ 普通株式 - 資本金、 900,000,000 承認済み株式: その他 164,113,794163,965,231 発行済み株式; 分別
1,641 1,640 
追加の資本金1,687,948 1,652,401 
ドリブン・ブランズ・ホールディングスに帰属する株主資本の総額962,807 906,079 
非支配株主持分 644 
株主資本の合計962,807 906,723 
負債及び株主資本の合計$5,759,816 $5,910,804 


 $  $ 
期初残高164,082,430 $1,641 167,366,561 $1,674 
従業員株式購入プランに関連して発行された株式29,432 — 56,188 1 
株式報酬のオプション行使または権利確定のために発行されたシェア1,932 — 169,784 1 
自己株式の取得— — (3,601,694)(36)
受限制股奖的没收— — (31,614)(1)
期間終了時の残高164,113,794 $1,641 163,959,225 $1,639 
期初残高$1,674,766 $1,637,945 
シェアベースの報酬費用12,798 2,681 
ストック・オプションの行使— 4,737 
従業員持株購入プランに関連して発行された株式402 1,468 
期間終了時の残高$1,687,948 $1,646,831 
自己株式の取得— (49,920)
その他の包括的収入(損失)21,782 (26,338)
期初残高$ $644 
その他包括損失— (13)
期間終了時の残高$ $631 
総株主資本 $962,807 $880,927 



優先株、$0.01 シェアあたりの額面価値
 $  $ 
普通株式、$0.01 シェアあたりの額面価値
期首残高163,965,231 $1,640 167,404,047 $1,674 
従業員持株購入制度に関連して発行された株式73,196 — 82,546 1 
株式報酬制度の行使/権利確定に対して発行された株式174,953 2 348,087 3 
株式の自社株買い— — (3,601,694)(36)
期末残高164,113,794 $1,641 163,959,225 $1,639 
期首残高$1,652,401 $1,628,904 
シェアベースの報酬費用35,641 9,730 
ストックオプションの行使— 6,117 
従業員株式購入プランに関連する株式の発行904 2,080 
期末残高$1,687,948 $1,646,831 
(累積赤字) 留保利益
自社株買い— (49,920)
当期純利益(損失)19,473 (731,813)
その他の包括的収入(損失)1,707 (8,801)
期首残高$644 $631 
期末残高$ $631 
株主資本合計$962,807 $880,927 



当期純利益(損失)$19,473 $(731,813)
減価償却および償却131,219 129,256 
のれんの減損 850,970 
シェアベースの報酬費用35,641 9,730 
外国通貨取引による損失8,744 3,706 
貸倒引当金費用5,759 1,244 
資産減損の費用及びリースの終了55,934 117,450 
繰延資金調達費用及び債券割引の償却7,240 6,287 
クラウドコンピューティングの償却3,436 991 
繰延所得税引当金13,571 (134,266)
その他、純額3,219 23,441 
在庫1,337 (12,531)
前払金およびその他の資産7,648 (3,909)
繰延コミッション642 658 
遅延収益1,248 1,961 
買掛金11,504 24,913 
未払費用およびその他の負債27,359 (29,442)
営業活動による現金流入208,508 212,033 
売却リースバック取引からの収益17,944 172,230 
ビジネスおよび固定資産の売却または処分からの収益255,548 2,837 
投資活動による現金の提供(使用)51,426 (361,207)
回転信用枠と短期借入金からの収益46,000 335,000 
シェアの自己株式取得 (49,956)
株式オプションの行使 6,117 
その他、純額 (322)
現金に対する為替レート変動の影響71 365 
現金、現金等価物、制限された現金、および広告ファンド資産に含まれる現金の純変化、制限された33,344 (959)

期間開始時の現金及び現金同等物176,522 227,110 
広告Fundの資産に含まれる現金、制限付き、期首38,537 32,871 
制限付き現金、期間の初め657 792 
現金、現金同等物、制限付き現金、および広告Fundの資産に含まれる現金、制限付き、期首215,716 260,773 
期間終了時の現金及び現金同等物204,181 211,280 
広告Fundの資産に含まれる現金、制限付き、期末40,465 47,877 
制限付き現金、期間の終わり4,414 657 
現金、現金同等物、制限付き現金、および広告Fundの資産に含まれる現金、制限付き、期末$249,060 $259,814 
補足的なキャッシュフローディスクロージャー - 非現金項目:
未払費用及びその他の負債に含まれる資本支出$16,742 $24,855 
未払費用及びその他の負債に含まれる繰延報酬1,705 9,275 
補足的なキャッシュフローディスクロージャー - 支払った現金:
期限満了日(以下で定義)において、加速、償還その他(それぞれ本契約の条件に従って)元本が支払期日が来た際に支払い、セクション2に記載された未払い元本に関して定期的に利息を支払うこと、および適用されるデフォルトレートに基づく利息(以下「$111,304 $120,261 
所得税27,771 18,586 



注 1—ビジネスの説明
Driven Brands Holdings Inc. とその子会社(総称して「当社」)はデラウェア州の企業であり、Driven Brands、Inc. およびShine Holdco(英国)Limited(総称して「Driven Brands」)の親持株会社です。Driven Brandsは、北米最大の自動車サービス会社で、成長を続けており、フランチャイズも充実しています。 5,100 全域のフランチャイズ、独立運営、および会社運営の拠点 49 米国の州と 13 他の国。同社には、Take 5 Oil Changeなど、有名なブランドのポートフォリオがあります®、テイクファイブカーウォッシュ®、マイネケカーケアセンター®、マカコ®、カースター®、オートグラスナウ®、および1-800-ラジエーターとエアコン® 自動車サービス業界で競争しています。
会社は、会社のIPOの発効日以前の期間に関連する特定の税務上の利益を利用できると予想しており、これは当社のIPO前の株主に起因しています。会社は以前に税務受取契約に入り、これにより当社のIPO前の株主が受け取る権利を持つことを提供しました。 85%の金額のキャッシュセービングが、実際に会社が実現するか、または売却する米国およびカナダの連邦、州、地方、および州の所得税について支払われます。税務受取契約は、会社のIPOの日から有効となりました。56 2023年12月30日現在、現行の税務受取負債を$として記録し、134百万と$118 2024年9月28日および2023年12月30日現在、非現行の税務受取負債を$として記録しました。382024年に税務受取契約に基づいて約$を支払いました。
注 2— 重要な会計方針の概要
2024年9月28日に終了した9か月間には、前年に由来する未監査の連結貸借対照表及び連結損益計算書への調整が含まれています。この調整により、流動資産が減少し、販売費、一般管理費が$ 百万増加しました。3.7会社は、前期の財務諸表に対する調整の重要性を評価し、当期に調整を記録し、調整の影響が当期及び前期の財務諸表に対して重要ではないと結論しました。

2023年8月に、取締役会は会社の普通株式を最大$50百万ドル買い戻すプログラム(「シェア買い戻しプログラム」)を承認しました。2023年9月30日に終了した3か月と9か月の間に、会社は約$ 3,601,694 株の普通株式を買い戻し、約$50百万ドルで、1株あたりの平均価格は$13.87です。全ての買い戻しは市場での取引で行われました。2023年9月30日時点で、会社はシェア買い戻しプログラムに基づくすべての株式の購入を完了しました。
レベル 1: 入力は、報告主体が測定日でアクセスできる同一の資産または負債のアクティブな市場での(調整されていない)価格です;
レベル 2: レベル1において、直接または間接的に資産または負債に対して観測可能な、引用価格以外の入力。
レベル3: 資産または負債の非観察可能な入力。非観察可能な入力は、公正価値を測定するために使用され、観察可能な入力が利用できない範囲で利用されるため、測定日付において資産または負債に対する市場活動がほとんど、あるいは全くない状況を許容します。
(千単位)レベル 1レベル 2合計
その他の資産に記録されたデリバティブ資産$ $1,464 $1,464 
未払費用およびその他の負債に記録されたデリバティブ負債 247 247 
(千単位)レベル 1レベル 2合計
その他資産に計上されたデリバティブ資産 285 285 
発生費用およびその他負債に計上されたデリバティブ負債 493 493 
長期負債$2,802,419 $2,673,945 $2,977,996 $2,800,011 
2023年11月、FASBはASU 2023-07を発行しました、 報告可能セグメントの開示改善。 この基準は、最高経営意思決定者に定期的に提供される重要なセグメント費用のセグメント開示要件を強化します。

2023年12月、FASBはASU 2023-09を発行しました。 所得税の開示に関する改善。 このASUは、所得税の開示の透明性を向上させ、カテゴリーを一貫させ、税率調整の情報をより詳細に分解し、管轄区域ごとの納税額を分解する内容を含みます。このASUは、2024年12月15日以降に始まる年次期間に対して有効であり、まだ発行されていないか発行が可能な年次財務諸表に対して早期採用が許可されます。会社は、このガイダンスが統合財務諸表および関連の開示に与える影響を評価しています。


会社は完成しました 一つ メンテナンスセグメント内での買収と 一つ 2024年9月28日に終了した9か月間に、洗車セグメント内の国際洗車事業を買収しました。 二つ サイトと 一つ それぞれ、取得した現金と引き受けた負債を差し引いた現金対価の合計で、ドル未満です2百万。

会社は完了しました 2023年9月30日までの9ヶ月間に、保守セグメント内での買収を 行いました。これらの買収の合計現金対価は、取得した現金と引き受けた負債を差し引くと、約$8 百万ドルです。
会社は完了しました 2023年9月30日終了の9ヶ月間で、洗車部門内での買収を 4 行いました。これらの買収に対する合計現金対価は、取得した現金および引き受けた負債を除くと、約$15 百万を差し引いた額を受け取りました。
会社は完了しました 2 2023年9月30日までの9か月間に塗料、衝突及びガラス部門での買収を行い、 2 サイト数が表されています。これらの買収のための総現金対価は、取得した現金及び引き受けた負債を差し引いて、約$6 百万ドルです。
会社は、現在入手可能な情報に基づいて、取得した資産および負債の公正価値を取得日現在で評価しました。会社が取得した資産の公正価値および引き受けた負債を確定する際、測定期間中に追加の購入価格調整が記録される可能性があります。 2023年の取得における取得した資産および引き受けた負債の仮の金額は以下のとおりです。

2023 ペイント、衝突 & ガラスセグメント
(千単位)塗装、衝突 & ガラス

繰延対価は通常、取得契約の条件がすべて満たされた後、取得の締結日から6か月後に支払われます。 1年 会社は、2024年9月28日および2023年9月30日現在で、それぞれ取得に関連する繰延対価を$2百万と$9百万保有していました。会社は、2024年9月28日および2023年9月30日の各9か月間で、以前の取得に関連する繰延対価を約$1 百万円であり、$27万支払いました。繰延対価は、支払い時に投資活動内に記録されます。
会社は2024年9月28日および2023年9月30日終了の3か月および9か月の期間中に、$未満の取引コストを発生させました。1 会社は2024年9月28日および2023年9月30日終了の3か月および9か月の期間中に、$未満の取引コストを発生させました。
終了した3か月間 2024年9月28日までの間に、当社はプラットフォームサービスセグメント内で、PH Vitres D’Autoブランドの下に主に運営されるカナダの流通ビジネスの売却を完了し、約$78 百万の購入価格であった。この売却には、ビジネスに関連する実質的なすべての資産および負債が含まれており、さらに$13百万の割り当てられたのれんが含まれ、2024年9月28日までの未監査の連結業務報告書において販売、一般及び管理費におけるビジネスの売却において$3百万の利益が生じた。売却代金の約$47百万は未償還の担保付き優先債の一部を返済するために使用され、残りは主に未償還のタームローンの一部に返済されるために使用された。
2024年9月28日までの9ヶ月間に、会社は 9ヶ月 ペイント、衝突、ガラス部門の会社運営店舗をフランチャイズに$18百万で売却しました。会社は特定の店舗資産を売却し、9$6百万のペイント、衝突、ガラスののれんを売却時のセグメントの公正価値に基づいて配賦し、2024年9月28日までの未監査の連結損益計算書で販売、一般、管理費用内の事業売却による$
ノート 4— 顧客との契約からの売上高
2024年9月28日および2023年12月30日時点での契約を取得するための資本化コストは$7 百万円であり、$6 百万であり、連結貸借対照表の繰延コミッション内に表示されています。1会社は2024年9月28日までの3ヵ月および9ヵ月間でそれぞれ$百万未満のコストを認識しました。1百万と$1会社は2023年9月30日までの3ヵ月および9ヵ月間でそれぞれ$百万未満を認識し、期間の初めに契約資産として記録されました。
契約負債は主に繰延フランチャイズ料金と繰延開発料金で構成されています。32百万と$312024年9月28日および2023年12月30日現在、当社の契約負債は、総合貸借対照表の繰延売上高に表示される$ 百万でした。1百万と$1 当社は2024年9月28日および2023年9月30日終了の3ヶ月間に契約負債に関連して$ 百万未満の売上高を認識しました。2 百万円であり、$4 当社は2024年9月28日および2023年9月30日終了の9ヶ月間に契約負債に関連して$ 百万の売上高を認識しました。.
報告可能なセグメントに加えて、会社の連結財務結果には「企業及びその他」の活動が含まれます。企業及びその他は、広告収入に関連するコストを負担しますおよび費用、ならびにファイナンス、IT、人事、法務、サプライチェーン、その他のサポートサービスに関連する共有サービスコストを含みます。企業及びその他の活動には、プラットフォームサービスセグメントから塗装、衝突 & ガラスおよびメンテナンスセグメントへの特定の社内取引を排除するために必要な調整も含まれます。

衝突 &
フランチャイズのロイヤリティおよび手数料$14,699 $ $25,095 $9,681 $ $49,475 
会社運営の店舗売上高231,05090,451 65,380 1,251  388,132 
独立運営の店舗売上高 49,959    49,959 
広告基金への拠出    26,823 26,823 
供給およびその他の売上高32,438 1,765 18,477 41,286 (16,676)77,290 
総収益$278,187 $142,175 $108,952 $52,218 $10,147 $591,679 
セグメント調整後EBITDA$96,666 $25,563 $34,703 $22,467 $(39,144)$140,255 
フランチャイズのロイヤリティと手数料$14,566 $ $23,799 $8,997 $ $47,362 
直営店舗の売上高204,460 98,132 85,207 1,242  389,041 
独立運営店舗の売上高 43,582    43,582 
広告Fundへの寄付    27,121 27,121 
供給およびその他の売上高25,333 1,099 20,408 45,695 (18,607)73,928 
総収益$244,359 $142,813 $129,414 $55,934 $8,514 $581,034 
セグメント調整後EBITDA$85,483 $20,494 $32,545 $22,396 $(37,496)$123,422 
衝突 &
フランチャイズのロイヤリティと手数料$45,917 $ $74,202 $24,430 $ $144,549 
直営店の売上高682,730 275,889 195,412 3,238  1,157,269 
独立運営店の売上高 163,286    163,286 
広告基金への寄付    75,804 75,804 
供給とその他の売上高89,176 4,625 57,751 139,617 (56,606)234,563 
総売上高$817,823 $443,800 $327,365 $167,285 $19,198 $1,775,471 
セグメント調整後EBITDA$291,037 $88,469 $100,695 $67,649 $(122,156)$425,694 

衝突 &
フランチャイズのロイヤリティと手数料$41,224 $ $74,627 $24,831 $ $140,682 
会社運営の店舗売上高605,393 302,193 248,796 3,303  1,159,685 
独立運営の店舗売上高 157,647    157,647 
広告基金への貢献    73,547 73,547 
供給およびその他の売上高67,737 4,708 59,952 137,171 (50,777)218,791 
総売上高$714,354 $464,548 $383,375 $165,305 $22,770 $1,750,352 
セグメント調整後EBITDA$242,528 $101,303 $109,052 $61,923 $(119,149)$395,657 

(損失) 税引前利益$(5,140)$(951,129)$53,315 $(852,385)
減価償却および償却43,357 45,639 131,219 129,256 
金利費用、純額43,677 41,292 119,245 120,304 
(606)1,667 1,459 7,264 
6,426 1,486 16,263 6,113 
店舗開設コスト1,476 1,372 3,679 3,774 
1,022 991 3,436 991 
12,798 2,681 35,641 9,730 
765 2,980 5,767 3 
 850,970  850,970 
36,275 125,473 55,465 119,637 
205  205  
セグメント調整後EBITDA$140,255 $123,422 $425,694 $395,657 
(a)     監査されていない連結損益計算書に反映された取得費用で構成されており、法的、コンサルティングおよびその他の手数料、ならびに該当期間中に完了した取得に関連して発生した費用、および取得に関連して発生した在庫合理化費用が含まれています。将来的にはその他の取得に関連して同様の費用が発生することを予想しており、GAAPにおいては、取得に関連するそのような費用は発生時に費用として計上されます。
(b)    戦略的変革イニシアチブに関連する第三者のコンサルティング費用、専門家費用、法的費用および非再発的な給与関連コストを含む、個別の項目とプロジェクトコストで構成されている。
(c) クラウドコンピューティングの契約に関連する非現金の償却費用を含みます。
(d) 現金以外の株式報酬費用を表します。
(f) カーウォッシュセグメントにおけるのれんの減損に関連しています。参照してください 注記 6 追加情報については。
(g)    売却リースバックに関する損益、特定の固定資産の減損および閉鎖または業績不振の場所に関連する運営リースの使用権資産、販売のために保有されている資産、リース終了日の前に閉鎖された店舗に関連するリース終了コストおよびその他のコストに関係します。 注記 6 追加情報については。
(h) カナダの流通ビジネスの売却に伴い、会社のシニア担保ノートの部分的な返済に関連して発生した費用を表します。

注 6— 売却予定の資産と減損
2023年中、経営陣は米国の洗車事業に関する戦略的レビューを実施しました。これには、店舗のパフォーマンス、競争環境、売上高と費用の最適化機会、資本要件の評価などが含まれますが、これに限定されません。この戦略的レビューの結果、経営陣は閉鎖の承認をしました。 29 店舗数を減少させ、新たに運営される店舗の開設を停止し、会社が利用しない資産と設備を販売するためのマーケティングを開始しました。これらの行動により、資産と設備から売却用資産への転送が行われ、資産の減損損失が発生しました。111 2023年9月30日までの三ヶ月および九ヶ月の間に、売却用資産、資産と設備、および使用権資産に関連して、$の減損損失が発生しました。
2023年の評価の結果や、2023年第三四半期の株価の下落を含むその他の定性的および定量的要因をもとに、経営陣は、会社ののれんと無期限の無形資産に対してステップワンの定量分析を必要とするトリガーイベントが発生したと判断しました。中間減損分析の結果に基づき、米国のカージャ洗浄事業セグメントの帳簿価額は公正価値を上回っており、全額ののれん減損費用を計上しました$851 2023年9月30日終了の三か月および九か月の間に、百万ドルの減損費用を計上しました。残りの報告単位の公正価値はその帳簿価額を上回っており、のれん減損はありませんでした。各報告単位の公正価値は、収益アプローチと市場アプローチの評価手法の組み合わせを使用して決定されました。
2024年9月28日までの9か月間、経営陣は売却のために保有している不動産の価値を引き上げ続け、その結果、売却のために保有している資産が$に増加しました。79百万。経営陣は売却のために保有している資産に含まれるすべての資産の公正価値を評価し、その結果、2024年9月28日までの3か月間と9か月間でそれぞれ$の減損が発生しました。11 百万円であり、$41 百万。また、2024年9月28日までの9か月間に、会社は売却し、 48 資産を売却し、2024年9月28日までの3か月間と9か月間でそれぞれ$の純利益を得ました。1 百万円であり、$12 百万。会社は引き続き、売却のために保有している資産の公正価値を評価し続け、これにより追加の減損が発生する可能性があります。

注意 7 — 長期負債
シリーズ2018-1証券化優先債/シニア債、クラスA-2$ $259,188 
シリーズ2019-1証券化優先債/シニア債、クラスA-2275,926 285,000 
シリーズ2019-2証券化優先債/シニア債、クラスA-2254,945 263,313 
シリーズ2020-1証券化優先債/シニア債、クラスA-2163,519 168,875 
シリーズ2020-2証券化優先債/シニア債、クラスA-2422,673 436,500 
2021-1年シリーズの証券化優先債/シニア債、クラスA-2425,966 439,875 
2022-1年シリーズの証券化優先債/シニア債、クラスA-2349,068 360,438 
タームローンファシリティ390,000 491,250 
リボルビングクレジットファシリティ223,000 248,000 
その他の債務 (a)
23,009 25,557 
総負債2,802,419 2,977,996 
総新規買負債、純額$2,732,572 $2,910,812 
(a) 主にファイナンスリース義務から成り立っています。
シリーズ2019-3 変数資金証券化優先債
2019年12月、Driven Brands Funding, LLC(「発行体」)は、シリーズ2019-3変数資金シニア債、クラスA-1(「2019 VFN」)を回転額$115百万で発行しました。2019 VFNのコミットメントは2022年7月に期限が切れる予定で、オプションの 1年 延長が可能でした。2023年7月、会社は2回目の 1年 延長オプションを行使しました。2023年7月1日現在、借入金はベースレートに適用可能なマージンを加算した金利、または担保付きオーバーナイトファイナンスレート(「SOFR」)に適用可能な期間調整を加えた金利が適用されます。2024年7月に、2019 VFNは以下に記載されている2024 VFNにリファイナンスされました。
2022-1年の証券化優先債の発行に関連して、発行者とDriven Brands Canada Funding Corporation(共同発行者)は、条件が満たされた場合に共同発行者の選択でアクセスできる、$の金額の2022-1年シリーズA-1クラス債も発行しました。135百万。
2024年7月に、共同発行者は$275百万円の2024-1クラスA-2証券化シニア債(以下「2024-1シニア債」といいます)を発行し、固定金利の 6.372%の年率で利息が付くものです。2024-1シニア債は、2054年10月に最終法的満期日を迎え、2031年10月に返済予定日を設定しています。2024-1シニア債は共同発行者のほぼすべての資産によって担保され、共同発行者および各子会社によって保証されています。2024-1シニア債からの収益は主に、会社の2018-1クラスA-2証券化シニア債(以下「2018-1シニア債」といいます)の返済に使用されました。会社は、2024-1シニア債の発行に関連して第三者に対して$2百万円の費用が発生し、監査されていない連結損益計算書の利息費用、純額に含まれています。
2024-1年シリーズ 変数資金調達の優先債/シニア債
2024年7月、共同発行者はシリーズ2024-1の変数資金優先債、クラスA-1(「2024 VFN」)を未回収金額で発行しました$400百万。2024 VFNの最終法的償還期限は2054年10月です。2024 VFNの約束は2029年10月に満了する予定で、延長オプションがあります。 2 1年 2024 VFNは共同発行者のほぼすべての資産によって担保されており、共同発行者およびそれぞれの子会社によって保証されています。借入はベースレートに適用されるマージンまたはSOFRに適用されるマージンを加えた金利がかかります。2024年9月28日現在、2024 VFNの未払い額はなく、$26百万の未払いの信用状があり、これが2024 VFNの借入可能額を減少させました。

2021年5月、ドリブン・ホールディングスLLC(「借り手」)は、デラウェア州の有限責任会社であり、ドリブン・ブランズ・ホールディングスの間接的な完全子会社が、ファイナンシャルインスティテューションズのグループとの間で与信契約を締結し、回転信用枠(「リボルビング・クレジット・ファシリティ」)を確保しました。この契約は合計で最大$ 百万の金額を提供し、満期日は2026年5月(「与信契約」)です。2023年6月に、与信契約が修正され、2023年7月以降の借入金は、基準金利に適用マージンを加算した金利またはSOFRに適用期限調整を加えた金利が適用されます。リボルビング・クレジット・ファシリティには、利用可能な未使用残高に基づく定期的なコミットメントフィーと四半期ごとの管理手数料も含まれています。300
2024年9月28日現在で、回転信用枠には$が未払いとして残っていました。223 2024年9月28日までの9か月間に$の借入があり、462024年9月28日までの9か月間に$の返済が行われました。71返済が行われました。
ノート8 — リース
2024年9月28日までの9ヶ月間において、当社は 12 米国内のさまざまな場所でメンテナンス物件を合計$17 百万を売却しました。2023年9月30日までの9ヶ月間において、当社は 10 メンテナンスと 38 自動車洗車物件を米国内のさまざまな場所で合計$171 百万で売却しました。これらの取引の締結と同時に、当社はそれに基づいて不動産を再リースするさまざまな運営リース契約を締結しました。これらのリース契約はそれぞれ初期期間が 16 に関して 20 年です。当社は、更新が合理的に確実に行われると見なされない限り、リース期間の決定にオプション期間を含めません。会社は$の運営リース使用権資産と運営リース負債を記録しました。13 百万円であり、$13 それぞれ2024年9月28日現在で百万ドルであり、$132 百万円であり、$132 それぞれ2023年9月30日現在で、これらのリース契約に関連して百万ドル。会社は$2 百万円であり、$5 2024年9月28日終了の3ヶ月および9ヶ月でそれぞれ百万ドルの利益を計上し、$未満の損失があり、$1 百万ドルの利益がありました。25 2023年9月30日までの3か月及び9か月でそれぞれ百万ドル。
営業リースで使用される営業キャッシュフロー$127,495 $108,232 
ファイナンスリースに使用される営業キャッシュフロー150 866 
ファイナンスリースに使用されるファイナンスキャッシュフロー297 1,056 
ノート9 — シェアベースの報酬
会社は2024年9月28日に終了した3か月間に新しい賞を授与しました。 596,700 制限付き株式ユニット(「RSU」)と 139,684 業績株式ユニット(「PSU」)です。 1,548,230 RSUおよび 1,215,468 会社は2024年9月28日に終了した9か月間に新しい賞を授与しました。PSUを含めています。
アワードは、各権利確定日に従業員が継続して勤務することを条件として、権利が確定する資格があります。RSUは毎年、記念日に割安で権利確定します。通常 二つ-または 3年間 ピリオド。PSUのベストは 3年間 公演期間。権利が確定するPSUの数は、会社が特定の業績目標を達成するかどうかにかかっています。1つは業績条件、もう1つは市場条件です。権利が確定するPSU株の数はさまざまです 0% から 200業績レベルに基づく、当初の助成金の割合。特定の報奨は権利確定要件を満たす可能性が高いと考えられるため、当社は費用の計上を開始しました。RSUとPSUの両方で、譲受人の継続的なサービスが何らかの理由で終了した場合、譲受人は終了日現在、権利が確定していないユニットのすべての権利、所有権、および持分を失うものとします。
2024年9月28日までの3ヶ月間に付与された合計RSU、成果連動型PSU、および市場連動型PSUの公正価値は$8 百万、$1 百万ドル、そして$1 百万でした。2024年9月28日までの9ヶ月間に付与された合計RSU、成果連動型PSU、および市場連動型PSUの公正価値は$21 百万円となりました。 $10 百万と $9 百万でした。会社はRSUおよび成果連動型PSUの公正価値を、付与日における会社の株価に基づいて算定しました。

2.4 - 2.8
2.6 - 2.8
3.89% - 4.65%
3.65% - 4.51%
49.2% - 54.1%
37.9% - 38.8%
42.6% - 49.2%
60.2% - 60.3%
当社は、2024年10月31日に終了した3か月および9か月の期間中にESPPに関連する$13 百万円であり、$36 2024年9月28日に終了した3ヶ月および9ヶ月間に、それぞれ数百万ドルのシェアベースの報酬費用が発生し、$3 百万円であり、$10 2023年9月30日に終了した3ヶ月および9ヶ月間に、販売、一般および管理費用の未監査の連結損益計算書にそれぞれ数百万ドルが含まれています。シェアベースの報酬費用の増加は主に2023年の第4四半期におけるIPO前の報酬の修正に関連しています。
注意10—(損失) 一株当たりの利益
当社は、二クラス法を使用して、基本および希薄化後の(損失)1株当たり利益を計算します。 次の表は、普通株主に帰属する基本および希薄化後の1株当たり利益の計算を示しています。
純損失(収入) $(14,947)$(799,311)$19,473 $(731,813)
減少:参加証券に帰属する純(損失)利益、基本(316)(16,670)412 (15,354)
参加証券後の純(損失)利益、基本(14,631)(782,641)19,061 (716,459)
発行済みの加重平均普通株式数159,804 162,398 159,743 162,698 
基本(損失)1株当たり利益$(0.09)$(4.82)$0.12 $(4.40)

純損失(収入) $(14,947)$(799,311)$19,473 $(731,813)
控除: 優先証券に帰属するネット(損失)収入、希薄化後 (60)(15,051)78 (13,753)
優先証券後のネット(損失)収入、希薄化後$(14,887)$(784,260)$19,395 $(718,060)
発行済みの加重平均普通株式数159,804 162,398 159,743 162,698 
株式報酬の希薄化効果  970  
調整後の加重平均普通株式発行済み株式数159,804 162,398 160,713 162,698 
希薄化後(損失)1株当たり利益$(0.09)$(4.83)$0.12 $(4.41)
会社は、まだ満たされていない業績条件に依存する業績賞を持っており、そのため、2024年9月28日に終了した3ヶ月および9ヶ月の加重平均株式の計算から除外されました。 1,887,842 2024年9月28日に終了した3ヶ月および9ヶ月の株式数 4,661,630 2023年9月30日に終了した3ヶ月および9ヶ月の株式数。

セキュリティの数 (千単位で)
制限付き株式ユニット575 516 738 480 
ストックオプション1,740 1,740 1,740 1,704 
合計2,315 2,256 2,478 2,184 
2023年10月までのデータで訓練されています。10 2024年9月28日締切の3か月間での所得税費用は、$百万でした。152 2023年9月30日締切の3か月間での所得税の利益は$百万でした。190.82024年9月28日締切の3か月間の実効所得税率は(%)で、主に特定の国内地域において、実現される可能性が低い所得税の繰越しに対する評価引当金の認識、非控除性のシェアベースの報酬、および前税収入に関連する州税によって推進されました。 16.02023年9月30日締切の3か月間の所得税率は%でした。
所得税の費用は$34 百万であり、2024年9月28日終了の9か月間に対して、2023年9月30日終了の9か月間では所得税の利益が$121 百万でした。2024年9月28日終了の9か月間の実効税率は 63.5%であり、主にそれが実現される可能性が低い特定の国内地域での所得税の繰越に対する評価引当金の認識、非控除のシェアベースの報酬、および課税前の所得に関連する州税によって影響を受けています。 14.12023年9月30日終了の9か月間の%に対して。
さまざまな訴訟、行政手続き、監査、請求に対して当社は対象となっています。これらの訴訟のいくつかは集団訴訟を主張しており、 substantial damages を求めています。訴訟損失の偶発債務については、発生する可能性が高く、合理的に見積もることができるため、引当金を計上する必要があります。管理部門は定期的に保険の控除額を評価し、弁護士と共に訴訟情報を分析し、保留中の法的手続きに関連する損失経験を評価しています。損失が発生可能と見なされ、その金額が合理的に見積もることができる場合に、損失の最良の見積もりを記録します。損失が発生可能で、最良の見積もりが範囲内にない場合は、訴訟または請求に関連する最小の見積もり負債を記録します。追加情報が入手可能になると、潜在的な負債を再評価し、必要に応じて引当金を修正します。すべての訴訟のディフェンスに関連する法的手数料および経費は、その手数料および経費が発生した時点で経費として計上されます。訴訟および請求の解決に関する不確実性のため、最終的な結果は見積もりと大きく異なる可能性があります。
ジェネシー郡従業員老後生活制度対ドリブン・ブランズ・ホールディングス社、その他。 – 2023年12月22日、ジェネシー郡従業員老後生活制度は、ノースカロライナ州西部地区の米国地方裁判所(以下「裁判所」)に、会社および現役と元の会社の幹部(以下「個人被告」)に対し、会社による証券取引法第10条(b)項およびルール100億5の違反、ならびに個人被告による証券取引法第20条(a)項の違反を主張する代表的集団訴訟を提起した。ジェネシー郡従業員老後生活制度、オークランド郡従業員老後生活制度、およびオークランド郡自主的な従業員受益者協会(総称して「ミシガンすべて投信」)は、リード原告としての任命を申請した。ミシガンすべて投信は、2021年10月27日から2023年8月1日までの間に会社の株式を購入した株主の集団を代表すると主張している。2024年5月31日、裁判所はミシガンすべて投信をリード原告として任命した。2024年8月13日、ミシガンすべて投信は修正訴状を提出し、2024年10月14日に会社は修正訴状の却下を求める動議を提出した。会社は不正行為の主張に異議を唱え、訴訟に対して積極的に防御する意向を示している。この提出日現在で、いかなる潜在的な不利な結果の可能性や範囲についての評価は行われていない。

Other than the matter described above, as of September 28, 2024, there are no current proceedings or litigation matters involving the Company or its property that we believe would have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position or cash flows, although they could have a material adverse effect on our operating results for a particular reporting period.


The following discussion and analysis for Driven Brands Holdings Inc. and Subsidiaries (“Driven Brands,” “the Company,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) should be read in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements and the related notes to our consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this quarterly report. We operate on a 52 or 53-week fiscal year, which ends on the last Saturday in December. The three months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023 were both 13 weeks periods. The nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023 were both 39 week periods.
Driven Brands is the largest automotive services company in North America with a growing and highly-franchised base of more than 5,100 locations across 49 U.S. states and 13 other countries. Our scaled, diversified platform fulfills an extensive range of core retail and commercial automotive needs, including paint, collision, glass, and repair services, as well as a variety of high-frequency services, such as oil changes and car washes.
We have continued to grow our base of consistent recurring revenue by adding new franchised and company-operated stores and same store sales growth. Driven Brands generated net revenue of approximately $592 million and $1.8 billion during the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024, respectively, an increase of 2% and 1%, respectively, compared to the prior year comparative periods, and system-wide sales of approximately $1.6 billion and $4.9 billion during the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024, respectively, an increase of 2% and 3% from the prior year comparative periods.
Although we have continued to experience total Company same store sales growth for 15 consecutive quarters through our diversified customer base and service offerings, we have experienced and expect to continue experiencing softening demand across several of our segments, primarily as a result of inflationary pressures, increased competition, industry dynamics, and negative weather patterns, including hurricanes.
Q3 2024 Three Months Ended Highlights and Key Performance Indicators
(as compared to same period in the prior year, unless otherwise noted)
Net revenue increased 2% to $592 million, driven by higher product and service revenue due to an increase in system-wide sales, net new store growth, and a positive impact from foreign exchange.
Consolidated same store sales increased 1%.
The Company added 56 net new stores during the quarter.
Net loss decreased $784 million to $15 million or $0.09 loss per diluted share, primarily relating to decreased impairment charges, net new store growth, and improved margins across the Paint, Collision & Glass, Car Wash, and Platform Services segments, partially offset by increased employee related benefit costs, including share-based compensation expense, reduced margins within the Maintenance segment, and increased income tax expense.
Adjusted Net Income (non-GAAP) increased 40% to $42 million or $0.26 per diluted share. The increase was primarily due to net new store growth, and margin improvements across the Paint, Collision & Glass, Car Wash, and Platform Services segments, partially offset by increased employee related benefit costs and reduced margins within the Maintenance segment.
Adjusted EBITDA (non-GAAP) increased 14% to $139 million. The increase was primarily due to net new store growth and margin improvements across the Paint, Collision & Glass, Car Wash, and Platform Services segments, partially offset by increased employee related benefit costs and reduced margins within the Maintenance segment.
Q3 2024 Nine Months Ended Highlights and Key Performance Indicators
(as compared to same period in the prior year, unless otherwise noted)
Net revenue increased 1% to $1,775 million, driven by higher product and service revenue due to an increase in system-wide sales, net new store growth, and a positive impact from foreign exchange.
Consolidated same store sales increased less than 1%.
The Company added 121 net new stores during the first nine months of 2024.
Net Income increased $751 million to $19 million or $0.12 per diluted share, primarily relating to decreased impairment charges in the current period, net new store growth, improved operating margins within the Maintenance, Platform Services, and Paint, Collision & Glass segments, and increased gains relating to the sale of assets and businesses, partially

offset by increased employee related benefit costs, including share-based compensation expense, increased income tax expense, and reduced margins within the Car Wash segment.
Adjusted Net Income (non-GAAP) increased 20% to $138 million or $0.84 per diluted share. The increase was primarily due to net new store growth and margin improvements within our Maintenance, Platform Services, and Paint, Collision & Glass segments as well as decreased interest expense, partially offset by increased employee related benefit costs and reduced margins within the Car Wash segment.
Adjusted EBITDA (non-GAAP) increased 8% to $422 million. The increase was primarily due to net new store growth and improved margins within our Maintenance, Platform Services, and Paint, Collision & Glass segments, partially offset by increased employee related benefit costs and reduced margins within the Car Wash segment.
Key Performance Indicators
Key measures that we use in assessing our business and evaluating our segments include the following:
System-wide sales. System-wide sales represent the total of net sales for our franchised, independently-operated, and company-operated stores. This measure allows management to better assess the total size and health of each segment, our overall store performance, and the strength of our market position relative to competitors. Sales at franchised stores are not included as revenue in our results from operations, but rather, we include franchise royalties and fees that are derived from sales at franchised stores.
Store count. Store count reflects the number of franchised, independently-operated, and company-operated stores open at the end of the reporting period. Management reviews the number of new, closed, acquired, and divested stores to assess net unit growth and drivers of trends in system-wide sales, franchise royalties and fees revenue, company-operated store sales, and independently-operated store sales.
Same store sales. Same store sales reflect the change in sales year-over-year for the same store base. We define the same store base to include all franchised, independently-operated, and company-operated stores open for comparable weeks during the given fiscal period in both the current and prior year, which may be different from how others define similar terms. This measure highlights the performance of existing stores, while excluding the impact of new store openings and closures and acquisitions and divestitures.
Segment Adjusted EBITDA. We define Segment Adjusted EBITDA as earnings before interest expense, net, income tax expense, and depreciation and amortization, with further adjustments for acquisition related costs, equity compensation, loss on debt extinguishment, foreign currency transaction related gains or losses, store opening costs, cloud computing amortization, and certain non-recurring and non-core, infrequent or unusual charges. Segment Adjusted EBITDA is a supplemental measure of operating performance of our segments and may not be comparable to similar measures reported by other companies. Segment Adjusted EBITDA is a performance metric utilized by our Chief Operating Decision Maker to allocate resources to and assess performance of our segments. Refer to Note 5 in our consolidated financial statements for a reconciliation of income before taxes to Segment Adjusted EBITDA for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023.


The following table sets forth our key performance indicators for the three and nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023:
Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
(in thousands, except store count or as otherwise noted)September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
System-Wide Sales
System-Wide Sales by Segment:
Maintenance$535,942 $502,482 $1,571,046 $1,429,049 
Car Wash140,410 141,714 439,175 459,840 
Paint, Collision & Glass857,210 845,644 2,601,490 2,554,216 
Platform Services108,194 119,199 301,982 327,911 
     Total$1,641,756 $1,609,039 $4,913,693 $4,771,016 
System-Wide Sales by Business Model:
Franchised Stores$1,203,665 $1,176,416 $3,593,138 $3,453,684 
Company-Operated Stores388,132 389,041 1,157,269 1,159,685 
Independently-Operated Stores49,959 43,582 163,286 157,647 
     Total $1,641,756 $1,609,039 $4,913,693 $4,771,016 
Store Count
Store Count by Segment:
Maintenance1,899 1,732 1,899 1,732 
Car Wash1,107 1,133 1,107 1,133 
Paint, Collision & Glass1,897 1,920 1,897 1,920 
Platform Services206 208 206 208 
     Total5,109 4,993 5,109 4,993 
Store Count by Business Model:
Franchised Stores3,078 2,977 3,078 2,977 
Company-Operated Stores1,312 1,301 1,312 1,301 
Independently-Operated Stores719 715 719 715 
     Total5,109 4,993 5,109 4,993 
Same Store Sales %
Maintenance3.0 %9.1 %4.0 %10.8 %
Car Wash1.8 %(4.0%)(3.4 %)(6.7 %)
Paint, Collision & Glass1.3 %8.6 %0.7 %13.3 %
 Total consolidated1.1 %6.4 %0.8 %8.6 %
Segment Adjusted EBITDA
Maintenance$96,666 $85,483 $291,037 $242,528 
Car Wash25,563 20,494 88,469 101,303 
Paint, Collision & Glass34,703 32,545 100,695 109,052 
Platform Services22,467 22,396 67,649 61,923 
Adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of net revenue by segment
Maintenance34.7 %35.0 %35.6 %34.0 %
Car Wash18.0 %14.4 %19.9 %21.8 %
Paint, Collision & Glass31.9 %25.1 %30.8 %28.4 %
Platform Services43.0 %40.0 %40.4 %37.5 %
Total consolidated23.5 %21.0 %23.8 %22.4 %


Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Information
To supplement our consolidated financial statements prepared and presented in accordance with GAAP, we use certain non-GAAP financial measures throughout this quarterly report, as described further below, to provide investors with additional useful information about our financial performance, to enhance the overall understanding of our past performance and future prospects and to allow for greater transparency with respect to important metrics used by our management for financial and operational decision-making.
Non-GAAP financial measures have limitations in their usefulness to investors because they have no standardized meaning prescribed by GAAP and are not prepared under any comprehensive set of accounting rules or principles. In addition, non-GAAP financial measures may be calculated differently from, and therefore may not be directly comparable to, similarly titled measures used by other companies. As a result, non-GAAP financial measures should be viewed as supplementing, and not as an alternative or substitute for, our consolidated financial statements prepared and presented in accordance with GAAP.
Adjusted Net Income/Adjusted Earnings per Share. We define Adjusted Net Income as net income calculated in accordance with GAAP, adjusted for acquisition related costs, equity compensation, loss on debt extinguishment, cloud computing amortization, and certain non-recurring, non-core, infrequent or unusual charges, amortization related to acquired intangible assets, and the tax effect of the adjustments. Adjusted Earnings Per Share is calculated by dividing Adjusted Net Income by the weighted average shares outstanding. Management believes this non-GAAP financial measure is useful because it is a key measure used by our management team to evaluate our operating performance, generate future operating plans, and make strategic decisions.


The following table provides a reconciliation of Net (Loss) Income to Adjusted Net Income and Adjusted Earnings per Share:
Adjusted Net Income /Adjusted Earnings per Share
Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
(in thousands, except per share data)September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Net (loss) income $(14,947)$(799,311)$19,473 $(731,813)
Acquisition related costs(a)
(606)1,667 1,459 7,264 
Non-core items and project costs, net(b)
6,426 1,486 16,263 6,113 
Cloud computing amortization(c)
1,022 991 3,436 991 
Share-based compensation expense(d)
12,798 2,681 35,641 9,730 
Foreign currency transaction loss, net(e)
765 2,980 5,767 
Goodwill impairment(f)
— 850,970 — 850,970 
Asset sale leaseback (gain) loss, net, impairment and closed store expenses(g)
36,275 125,473 55,465 119,637 
Loss on debt extinguishment (h)
205 — 205 — 
Amortization related to acquired intangible assets(i)
5,980 9,252 19,528 23,564 
Valuation allowance for deferred tax asset(j)
7,941 — 9,196 — 
Adjusted net income before tax impact of adjustments55,859 196,189 166,433 286,459 
Tax impact of adjustments(k)
Adjusted net income$41,759 $29,869 $137,890 $114,676 
(Loss) earnings per share
Basic$(0.09)$(4.82)$0.12 $(4.40)
Diluted$(0.09)$(4.83)$0.12 $(4.41)
Adjusted earnings per share
Basic$0.27 $0.18 $0.84 $0.69 
Diluted$0.26 $0.18 $0.84 $0.68 
Weighted average shares outstanding
Basic159,804 162,398 159,743 162,698 
Diluted159,804 162,398 160,713 162,698 
Weighted average shares outstanding for Adjusted Net Income
Basic159,804 162,398 159,743 162,698 
Diluted161,113 165,850 160,713 166,557 

Adjusted EBITDA. We define Adjusted EBITDA as earnings before interest expense, net, income tax expense, and depreciation and amortization, with further adjustments for acquisition related costs, equity compensation, loss on debt extinguishment, cloud computing amortization, and certain non-recurring, non-core, infrequent or unusual charges. Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to similarly titled metrics of other companies due to differences in methods of calculation. Management believes this non-GAAP financial measure is useful because it is a key measure used by our management team to evaluate our operating performance, generate future operating plans, and make strategic decisions.


The following table provides a reconciliation of Net (Loss) Income to Adjusted EBITDA:
Adjusted EBITDA
Three Months EndedNine Months Ended
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Net (loss) income $(14,947)$(799,311)$19,473 $(731,813)
Income tax expense 9,807 (151,818)33,842 (120,572)
Interest expense, net43,677 41,292 119,245 120,304 
Depreciation and amortization43,357 45,639 131,219 129,256 
EBITDA81,894 (864,198)303,779 (602,825)
Acquisition related costs(a)
(606)1,667 1,459 7,264 
Non-core items and project costs, net(b)
6,426 1,486 16,263 6,113 
Cloud computing amortization(c)
1,022 991 3,436 991 
Share-based compensation expense(d)
12,798 2,681 35,641 9,730 
Foreign currency transaction loss, net(e)
765 2,980 5,767 
Goodwill impairment(f)
— 850,970 — 850,970 
Asset sale leaseback (gain) loss, net, impairment and closed store expenses(g)
36,275 125,473 55,465 119,637 
Loss on debt extinguishment (h)
205 — 205 — 
Adjusted EBITDA$138,779 $122,050 $422,015 $391,883 
(a) Consists of acquisition costs as reflected within the unaudited consolidated statements of operations, including legal, consulting and other fees, and expenses incurred in connection with acquisitions completed during the applicable period, as well as inventory rationalization expenses incurred in connection with acquisitions. We expect to incur similar costs in connection with other acquisitions in the future and, under GAAP, such costs relating to acquisitions are expensed as incurred and not capitalized.
(b)     Consists of discrete items and project costs, including third party consulting and professional fees associated with strategic transformation initiatives as well as non-recurring payroll-related costs.
(c) Includes non-cash amortization expenses relating to cloud computing arrangements.
(d)     Represents non-cash share-based compensation expense.
(e)    Represents foreign currency transaction (gains) losses, net that primarily related to the remeasurement of our intercompany loans as well as gains and losses on cross currency swaps and forward contracts.
(f)     Relates to a goodwill impairment within the Car Wash segment. Refer to Note 6 for additional information.
(g)     Relates to (gains) losses, net on sale leasebacks, impairment of certain fixed assets and operating lease right-of-use assets related to closed and underperforming locations, assets held for sale, and lease exit costs and other costs associated with stores that were closed prior to the respective lease termination dates.
(h)     Represents charges incurred related to the Company’s partial repayment of Senior Secured Notes in conjunction with the sale of its Canadian distribution business.
(i)    Consists of amortization related to acquired intangible assets as reflected within depreciation and amortization in the unaudited consolidated statement of operations.
(j)    Represents valuation allowances on income tax carryforwards in certain domestic jurisdictions that are not more likely than not to be realized.
(k)     Represents the tax impact of adjustments associated with the reconciling items between net income and Adjusted Net Income, excluding the provision for uncertain tax positions and valuation allowance for certain deferred tax assets. To determine the tax impact of the deductible reconciling items, we utilized statutory income tax rates ranging from 9% to 36% depending upon the tax attributes of each adjustment and the applicable jurisdiction.


Results of Operations for the Three Months Ended September 28, 2024 Compared to the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Net Loss
We recognized a net loss of $15 million, or $0.09 loss per diluted share, for the three months ended September 28, 2024 compared to a net loss of $799 million, or $4.83 loss per diluted share, for the three months ended September 30, 2023. The improvement of approximately $784 million was primarily due to the following:
a non-cash goodwill impairment charge in the prior year period of $851 million;
non-cash asset impairment charges of $24 million in the current period relating to assets held for sale as well as property and equipment and right-of-use assets at closed stores compared to $111 million in the prior year period, which primarily related to Car Wash assets including approved store closures, underperforming stores, and assets held for sale;
positive same store sales across all segments, net new store openings, primarily within the Maintenance segment, and operating margin improvements within the Paint, Collision & Glass, Car Wash, and Platform Services segments; and
a positive impact from foreign exchange.
These increases were partially offset by:
an increase in tax expense of $162 million, primarily relating to impairment charges in the prior year;
increased payroll and employee benefit costs, including $10 million of additional share-based compensation expense primarily relating to the modification of pre-IPO awards in the fourth quarter of 2023; and
decreased operating margins within the Maintenance segment.
Adjusted Net Income
Adjusted net income was $42 million, or $0.26 per diluted share, for the three months ended September 28, 2024 compared to $30 million, or $0.18 per diluted share, for the three months ended September 30, 2023. This increase of $12 million was primarily due to the following:
positive same store sales across all segments, net new store openings, primarily within the Maintenance segment, and operating margin improvements within the Paint, Collision & Glass, Car Wash, and Platform Services segments; and
a positive impact from foreign exchange.
The increases were partially offset by:
increased payroll and employee benefit costs; and
decreased operating margins within the Maintenance segment.
Adjusted EBITDA
Adjusted EBITDA was $139 million for the three months ended September 28, 2024 compared to $122 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. The increase of $17 million in Adjusted EBITDA was primarily due to:
positive same store sales across all segments, net new store openings, primarily within the Maintenance segment, and operating margin improvements within the Paint, Collision & Glass, Car Wash, and Platform Services segments.
The increase was partially offset by:
increased payroll and employee benefit costs; and
decreased operating margins within the Maintenance segment.

To facilitate the review of our results of operations, the following tables set forth our financial results for the periods indicated. All information is derived from the unaudited Consolidated Statements of Operations. Certain percentages presented in this section have been rounded, therefore, totals may not equal the sum of the line items in the tables below.
Net Revenue
Three Months Ended
(in thousands)
September 28, 2024% of Net RevenuesSeptember 30, 2023% of Net Revenues
Franchise royalties and fees$49,475 8.3 %$47,362 8.1 %
Company-operated store sales388,132 65.7 %389,041 67.0 %
Independently-operated store sales49,959 8.4 %43,582 7.5 %
Advertising fund contributions26,823 4.5 %27,121 4.7 %
Supply and other revenue77,290 13.1 %73,928 12.7 %
    Total net revenue$591,679 100.0 %$581,034 100.0 %
Franchise Royalties and Fees
Franchise royalties and fees increased $2 million, or 4%, primarily due to the addition of 101 net new franchised stores and increased franchise system-wide sales of $27 million, or 2%, driven by franchise same store sales growth within the Paint, Collision & Glass and Maintenance segments, partially offset by decreased franchise system-wide sales within the Platform Services Segment.
Company-operated Store Sales
Company-operated store sales decreased less than $1 million of which $20 million and $8 million related to a decrease in the Paint, Collision & Glass and Car Wash segments, respectively, partially offset by an increase of $27 million within the Maintenance segment. The sales decrease in the Paint, Collision & Glass segment was primarily associated with the sale of nine company-operated stores to a franchisee in the current year, as well as decreased company-operated same store sales due to reduced volume. The decrease in Car Wash sales is primarily due to a decrease in company-operated same store sales primarily relating to lower volume from our retail customers as a result of unfavorable weather conditions, partially offset by an increase in membership revenue. The sales increase in the Maintenance segment was primarily due to same store sales growth and 71 net new company-operated stores. In total, the Company added 11 net new company-operated stores year-over-year.
Independently-operated Store Sales
Independently-operated store sales (comprised entirely of sales from the international car wash locations) increased by $6 million, or 15%, primarily due to same store sales growth as a result of improved price realization, new product offerings, and favorable impacts from foreign exchange.
Advertising Fund Contributions
Advertising fund contributions remained flat primarily due to franchise system-wide sales mix. Our franchise agreements typically require the franchisee to pay continuing advertising fund fees based on a percentage of franchisee gross sales or a stated fee.
Supply and Other Revenue
Supply and other revenue increased $3 million, or 5%, primarily from growth in product and service revenue within the Maintenance segment as a result of an increase in system-wide sales and net store growth, partially offset by decreased volume within the Paint, Collision & Glass segment and the sale of our Canadian distribution business in the current period.

Operating Expenses
Three Months Ended
(in thousands)
September 28, 2024% of Net RevenuesSeptember 30, 2023% of Net Revenues
Company-operated store expenses$242,073 40.9 %$262,282 45.1 %
Independently-operated store expenses29,382 5.0 %25,773 4.4 %
Advertising fund expenses26,823 4.5 %27,121 4.7 %
Supply and other expenses35,790 6.0 %38,816 6.7 %
Selling, general, and administrative expenses
149,766 25.3 %123,012 21.2 %
Acquisition related costs(606)(0.1 %)1,667 0.3 %
Store opening costs1,476 0.2 %1,372 0.2 %
Depreciation and amortization43,357 7.3 %45,639 7.9 %
Goodwill impairment— — %850,970 146.5 %
Asset impairment charges and lease terminations24,111 4.1 %111,239 19.1 %
    Total operating expenses$552,172 93.3 %$1,487,891 256.1 %
Company-operated Store Expenses
Company-operated store expenses decreased $20 million, or 8%, primarily due to improved labor efficiency, reduced property related expenses, and lower inventory costs in the current period.
Independently-operated Store Expenses
Independently-operated store expenses (comprised entirely of expenses from the international car wash locations) increased $4 million, or 14%, primarily related to variable costs associated with the increase in sales and increased rent charges.
Advertising Fund Expenses
Advertising fund expenses remained flat which is commensurate to advertising fund contributions during the period. Advertising fund expenses generally trend consistent with advertising fund contributions.
Supply and Other Expenses
Supply and other expenses decreased $3 million, or 8%, due to lower inventory and payroll costs, primarily relating to the sale of our Canadian distribution business in the current period.
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
Selling, general and administrative expenses increased $27 million, or 22%, primarily due to increased payroll and employee benefit costs, including $10 million of additional share-based compensation expense primarily relating to the modification of pre-IPO awards in the fourth quarter of 2023, marketing expenses, closed store expenses, and third-party legal and professional fees. This increase was partially offset by decrease in the loss on sale or disposal of assets of $8 million in the current period compared to a $14 million loss in the prior year period.
Acquisition Related Costs
Acquisition related costs decreased $2 million, or 136%, primarily due to decreased acquisition activity in the current period and changes in estimates.
Store Opening Costs
Store opening costs increased by less than $1 million, primarily associated with Take 5 Oil Change (“Take 5 Oil”) new store openings in the current period compared with store opening costs associated with our Take 5 Oil and U.S. glass business in the prior period.

Depreciation and Amortization
Depreciation and amortization expense decreased $2 million, or 5%, primarily relating to a one-time adjustment of $4 million for property and equipment placed in service in the prior year quarter.
Goodwill Impairment
Goodwill impairment charge of $851 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023 is directly attributable to our Car Wash segment. For more information, refer to Note 6 in our consolidated financial statements included in this 10-Q.

Asset Impairment Charges and Lease Terminations

Asset impairment charges and lease terminations decreased $87 million for the three months ended September 28, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. During the three months ended September 28, 2024, impairment charges were primarily related to assets held for sale as well as assets associated with closed stores within the Car Wash segment. During the three months ended September 30, 2023, asset impairment charges were primarily related to property and equipment and right-of-use assets relating to 29 stores management approved for closure, underperforming stores, and assets held for sale or abandoned within the Car Wash segment. For more information, refer to Note 6 in our consolidated financial statements included within this Form 10-Q.
Interest Expense, Net
Three Months Ended
(in thousands)
September 28, 2024% of Net RevenuesSeptember 30, 2023% of Net Revenues
Interest expense, net$43,677 7.4 %$41,292 7.1 %
Interest expense, net increased $2 million, or 6%, primarily due to costs associated with the issuance of the 2024-1 Senior Notes of $2 million as well as the increased fixed rate of 6.372% associated with the 2024-1 Senior Notes issued in July 2024 compared to the fixed rate of 4.739% associated with Series 2018-1 Senior Notes, which was repaid concurrently with the issuance of the 2024-1 Senior Notes, partially offset by reduced Term Loan interest as a result of principal payments of $101 million in the current year.
Foreign Currency Transaction Loss, Net
Three Months Ended
September 28, 2024% of Net RevenuesSeptember 30, 2023% of Net Revenues
Foreign currency transaction loss, net$765 0.1 %$2,980 0.5 %
The foreign currency transaction loss for the three months ended September 28, 2024 was primarily comprised of a loss on foreign currency hedges of $2 million, partially offset by a gain of $1 million on transaction gains in our foreign operations. The foreign currency transaction gain for the three months ended September 30, 2023 was primarily comprised of transaction losses in our foreign operations of $5 million, partially offset by a gain of $2 million on foreign currency hedges.
Loss on Debt Extinguishment
Three Months Ended
(in thousands)
September 28, 2024% of Net RevenuesSeptember 30, 2023% of Net Revenues
Loss on debt extinguishment$205 — %$— — %
Represents charges incurred related to the Company’s partial repayment of Senior Secured Notes in conjunction with the sale of its Canadian distribution business.

Income Tax Expense (Benefit)
Three Months Ended
(in thousands)
September 28, 2024% of Net RevenuesSeptember 30, 2023% of Net Revenues
Income tax expense (benefit)$9,807 1.7 %$(151,818)(26.1 %)
Income tax expense was $10 million for the three months ended September 28, 2024 compared to an income tax benefit of $152 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. The effective income tax rate for the three months ended September 28, 2024 was (190.8%) primarily driven by the recognition of valuation allowances on income tax carryforwards in certain domestic jurisdictions that are not more likely than not to be realized, non-deductible share-based compensation, and state taxes related to pre-tax income compared to 16.0% for the three months ended September 30, 2023.
Results of Operations for the Nine Months Ended September 28, 2024 Compared to the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Net Income (Loss)
We recognized net income of $19 million, or $0.12 per diluted share, for the nine months ended September 28, 2024, compared to a net loss of $732 million, or $4.41 loss per diluted share, for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The improvement of approximately $751 million was primarily due to the following:
a non-cash goodwill impairment charge in the prior year period of $851 million;
non-cash asset impairment charges of $56 million in the current period, which primarily related to assets held for sale as well as property and equipment and right-of-use assets at closed stores in the current period compared to $117 million in the prior year period, which primarily related to Car Wash assets including store closures, underperforming stores, and assets held for sale;
a net gain of $8 million primarily comprised of the sale of assets held for sale, a gain on the sale of of our Canadian distribution business, and sale leaseback transactions, partially offset primarily by the disposals of property and equipment in our Car Wash business during the nine months ended September 28, 2024 compared to a loss of $2 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2023; and
positive same store sales within the Maintenance and Paint, Collision & Glass segments, net new store openings, primarily within the Maintenance segment, and operating margin improvements within the Maintenance, Paint, Collision & Glass, and Platform Services segments.
These increases were partially offset by:
increased tax expense of $154 million, primarily relating to impairment charges in the prior year;
increased payroll and employee benefit costs, including $26 million of additional share-based compensation expense primarily relating to the modification of pre-IPO awards in the fourth quarter of 2023;
an unfavorable impact from foreign exchange of $6 million;
increased marketing expenditures; and
decreased operating margins within the Car Wash segment.
Adjusted Net Income
Adjusted net income was $138 million for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 compared to $115 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. This increase of $23 million was primarily due to the following:
positive same store sales within the Maintenance and Paint, Collision & Glass segments, net new store openings, primarily within the Maintenance segment, and operating margin improvements within the Maintenance, Paint, Collision & Glass, and Platform Services segments.
The increases were partially offset by:
increased payroll and employee benefit costs and marketing expenditures; and
decreased operating margins within the Car Wash segment.
Adjusted EBITDA
Adjusted EBITDA was $422 million for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 compared to $392 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The increase of $30 million was primarily due to:

positive same store sales within the Maintenance and Paint, Collision & Glass segments, net new store openings, primarily within the Maintenance segment, and operating margin improvements within the Maintenance, Paint, Collision & Glass, and Platform Services segments.
The increase was partially offset by:
increased payroll and employee benefit costs and marketing expenditures; and
decreased operating margins within the Car Wash segment.
To facilitate the review of our results of operations, the following tables set forth our financial results for the periods indicated. All information is derived from the consolidated statements of operations. Certain percentages presented have been rounded to the nearest number, therefore, totals may not equal the sum of the line items in the tables below.
Net Revenue
Nine Months Ended
(in thousands)
September 28, 2024% of Net RevenuesSeptember 30, 2023% of Net Revenues
Franchise royalties and fees$144,549 8.1 %$140,682 8.0 %
Company-operated store sales1,157,269 65.2 %1,159,685 66.3 %
Independently-operated store sales163,286 9.2 %157,647 9.0 %
Advertising fund contributions75,804 4.3 %73,547 4.2 %
Supply and other revenue234,563 13.2 %218,791 12.5 %
    Total net revenue$1,775,471 100.0 %$1,750,352 100.0 %
Franchise Royalties and Fees
Franchise royalties and fees increased $4 million, or 3%, primarily due to the addition of 101 net new franchised stores and an increase in franchise system-wide sales of $139 million, or 4%, driven by franchise same store sales growth within the Paint, Collision & Glass and Maintenance segments, partially offset by decreased franchise system-wide sales within the Platform Services Segment.
Company-Operated Store Sales
Company-operated store sales decreased $2 million, or less than 1%, of which approximately $53 million and $26 million related to a decrease in the Paint, Collision & Glass and Car Wash segments, respectively, partially offset by an increase of $77 million in the Maintenance segment. The sales decrease in the Paint, Collision & Glass segment was primarily driven by revenue associated with the sale of nine company-operated stores to a franchisee in the current period as well as decreased volume. The decrease in Car Wash sales is primarily due to the net reduction of 30 company-operated stores and a decrease in same store sales primarily relating to lower volume. The sales increase in the Maintenance segment was primarily due to same store sales growth and 71 net new company-operated stores. In aggregate, the Company added a net 11 company-operated stores year-over-year.
Independently-Operated Store Sales
Independently-operated store sales (comprised entirely of sales from the international car wash locations) increased $6 million, or 4%, due to same store sales growth as a result of improved price realization, new product offerings, and favorable impacts from foreign exchange.
Advertising Fund Contributions
Advertising fund contributions increased by $2 million, or 3%, primarily due to an increase in franchise system-wide sales of approximately $139 million, or 4%, from same store sales growth and an additional 101 net new franchise stores. Our franchise agreements typically require the franchisee to pay continuing advertising fund fees based on a percentage of the franchisee’s gross sales or a stated fee.
Supply and Other Revenue
Supply and other revenue increased $16 million, or 7%, primarily due to growth in product and service revenue within the Maintenance and Platform Services segments as a result of an increase in system-wide sales and net store growth, partially offset by decreased volume within the Paint, Collision & Glass segment and the sale of our Canadian distribution business in the current period.

Operating Expenses
Nine Months Ended
(in thousands)
September 28, 2024% of Net RevenuesSeptember 30, 2023% of Net Revenues
Company-operated store expenses$738,300 41.6 %$762,731 43.6 %
Independently-operated store expenses90,693 5.1 %87,095 5.0 %
Advertising fund expenses75,804 4.3 %73,547 4.2 %
Supply and other expenses112,560 6.3 %118,188 6.8 %
Selling, general, and administrative expenses
387,291 21.8 %332,155 19.0 %
Acquisition related costs1,459 0.1 %7,264 0.4 %
Store opening costs3,679 0.2 %3,774 0.2 %
Depreciation and amortization131,219 7.4 %129,256 7.4 %
Goodwill impairment— — %— 850,970 48.6 %
Asset impairment charges and lease terminations55,934 3.2 %117,450 6.7 %
    Total operating expenses$1,596,939 89.9 %$2,482,430 141.8 %
Company-Operated Store Expenses
Company-operated store expenses decreased $24 million, or 3%, primarily due to lower inventory costs and labor efficiency, partially offset by increased rent and property related expenses.
Independently-Operated Store Expenses
Independently-operated store expenses (comprised entirely of expenses from the international car wash locations) increased $4 million, or 4%, due to variable costs associated with the increase in sales.
Advertising Fund Expenses
Advertising fund expenses increased $2 million, or 3%, which is commensurate with the increase to advertising fund contributions during the period. Advertising fund expenses generally trend consistent with advertising fund contributions.
Supply and Other Expenses
Supply and other expenses decreased $6 million, or 5%, due to decreased payroll costs, primarily relating to the sale of our Canadian distribution business in the current period.
Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses
Selling, general, and administrative expenses increased $55 million, or 17%, primarily due to increased payroll and employee benefit costs, including $26 million of additional share-based compensation expense primarily relating to the modification of pre-IPO awards in the fourth quarter of 2023, marketing expenses, closed store expenses, and third-party legal and professional fees. This increase was partially offset by a gain on the sale or disposal of assets and businesses of $8 million in the current period compared to a $2 million loss in the prior year period.
Acquisition Related Costs
Acquisition related costs decreased $6 million, or 80%, due to decreased acquisition activity in the current year compared to the prior year.
Store Opening Costs
Store opening costs remained flat primarily as the Company continues to open Take 5 Oil company-operated stores as well as undergo brand conversions of previously acquired locations.
Depreciation and Amortization
Depreciation and amortization expense increased $2 million, or 2%, due to additional fixed assets, primarily related to Take 5 Oil site development.

Goodwill Impairment
Goodwill impairment charge of $851 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023 is directly attributable to our Car Wash segment. For more information, refer to Note 6 in our consolidated financial statements included in this 10-Q.
Asset Impairment Charges and Lease Terminations
Asset impairment charges and lease terminations decreased by $62 million for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. During the nine months ended September 28, 2024, impairment charges were primarily related to assets held for sale as well as assets associated with closed stores within the Car Wash segment. During the nine months ended September 30, 2023, impairment charges were primarily related to property and equipment and right-of-use assets relating to 29 stores management approved for closure, underperforming stores, and assets held for sale or abandoned within the Car Wash segment. For more information, refer to Note 6 in our consolidated financial statements included within this Form 10-Q.
Interest Expense, Net
Nine Months Ended
(in thousands)
September 28, 2024% of Net RevenuesSeptember 30, 2023% of Net Revenues
Interest expense, net$119,245 6.7 %$120,304 6.9 %
Interest expense, net decreased $1 million, or 1%, primarily due to reduced Term Loan interest as a result of principal payments of $101 million in the current year, partially offset by increased interest and costs associated with the 2024-1 Senior Notes.
Foreign Currency Transaction Loss, Net
Nine Months Ended
(in thousands)
September 28, 2024% of Net RevenuesSeptember 30, 2023% of Net Revenues
Foreign currency transaction loss, net$5,767 0.3 %$— %
The foreign currency transaction loss for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 was primarily comprised of transaction losses in our foreign operations of $9 million, partially offset by a gain on foreign currency hedges of $3 million. The foreign currency transaction gain for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was primarily comprised of transaction losses in our foreign operations of $4 million, partially offset by a gain of $4 million on foreign currency hedges.

Loss on Debt Extinguishment
Nine Months Ended
(in thousands)
September 28, 2024% of Net RevenuesSeptember 30, 2023% of Net Revenues
Loss on Debt Extinguishment$205 — %$— — %
Represents charges incurred related to the Company’s partial repayment of Senior Secured Notes in conjunction with the sale of its Canadian distribution business.

Income Tax Expense (Benefit)
Nine Months Ended
(in thousands)
September 28, 2024% of Net RevenuesSeptember 30, 2023% of Net Revenues
Income tax expense (benefit)$33,842 1.9 %$(120,572)(6.9 %)
Income tax expense was $34 million for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 compared to an income tax benefit of $121 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The effective tax rate for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 was 63.5% primarily driven by the recognition of valuation allowances on income tax carryforwards in certain domestic jurisdictions that are not more likely than not to be realized, non-deductible share-based compensation and state taxes related to pre-tax income compared to 14.1% for the nine months ended September 30, 2023.

Segment Results of Operations for the Three Months Ended September 28, 2024 Compared to the Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
We assess the performance of our segments based on Segment Adjusted EBITDA, which is defined as earnings before interest expense, net, income tax expense, and depreciation and amortization, with further adjustments for acquisition related costs, store opening and closure costs, straight-line rent, equity compensation, loss on debt extinguishment, cloud computing amortization, and certain non-recurring, non-core, infrequent or unusual charges. In addition, shared services costs are not allocated to these segments and are included in Corporate and Other. Segment Adjusted EBITDA is a supplemental measure of the operating performance of our segments and may not be comparable to similar measures reported by other companies.
Three Months Ended20242023
(in thousands, unless otherwise noted)
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023% Net Revenue For Segment% Net Revenue For Segment
Franchise royalties and fees$14,699 $14,566 5.3 %6.0 %
Company-operated store sales231,050 204,460 83.0 %83.6 %
Supply and other revenue32,438 25,333 11.7 %10.4 %
     Total revenue$278,187 $244,359 100.0 %100.0 %
Segment Adjusted EBITDA
$96,666 $85,483 34.7 %35.0 %
System-Wide Sales
Franchised stores$304,892 $298,022 $6,870 2.3 %
Company-operated stores231,050 204,460 26,590 13.0 %
     Total System-Wide Sales$535,942 $502,482 $33,460 6.7 %
Store Count (in whole numbers)
Franchised stores1,204 1,108 96 8.7 %
Company-operated stores695 624 71 11.4 %
     Total Store Count1,899 1,732 167 9.6 %
Same Store Sales %3.0 %9.1 %
Maintenance revenue increased $34 million, or 14%, for the three months ended September 28, 2024, as compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. Company-operated store sales increased by $27 million, or 13%, primarily due to same store sales growth and 71 net new company-operated stores. Supply and other revenue increased by $7 million, or 28%, primarily due to higher system-wide sales from franchised stores and product mix. Franchise royalties and fees increased less than $1 million, or 1%, primarily due to a $7 million, or 2%, increase in franchise system-wide sales from same store sales growth and 96 net new franchised stores.
Maintenance Segment Adjusted EBITDA increased $11 million, or 13%, primarily due to new store growth and same store sales growth.


Car Wash
Three Months Ended20242023
(in thousands, unless otherwise noted)
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023% Net Revenue For Segment% Net Revenue For Segment
Company-operated store sales$90,451 $98,132 63.7 %68.7 %
Independently-operated store sales49,959 43,582 35.1 %30.5 %
Supply and other revenue1,765 1,099 1.2 %0.8 %
     Total revenue$142,175 $142,813 100.0 %100.0 %
Segment Adjusted EBITDA
$25,563 $20,494 18.0 %14.4 %
System-Wide Sales
Company-operated stores$90,451 $98,132 $(7,681)(7.8 %)
Independently-operated stores49,959 43,582 6,377 14.6 %
     Total System-Wide Sales$140,410 $141,714 $(1,304)(0.9 %)
Store Count (in whole numbers)
Company-operated stores388 418 (30)(7.2 %)
Independently-operated stores719 715 0.6 %
     Total Store Count1,107 1,133 (26)(2.3 %)
Same Store Sales %1.8 %(4.0 %)

Car Wash Segment revenue decreased by less than $1 million, driven by an $8 million decrease in company-operated store sales primarily due to a decrease in company-operated same store sales primarily relating to lower volume from our retail customers as a result of unfavorable weather conditions, partially offset by an increase in membership revenue. Independently-operated store sales increased $6 million due to same store sales growth as a result of improved price realization, new product offerings, and favorable impacts from foreign exchange.
Car Wash is comprised of car wash sites throughout the U.S., Europe, and Australia with varying geographical, economical, and political factors, which could impact the results of the business. Our U.S. Car Wash locations have experienced softening demand, increased competitive pressures, and negative weather patterns, which have contributed to negative company-operated same store sales and could result in future asset impairment charges.
Car Wash Segment Adjusted EBITDA increased by $5 million, or 25%, primarily driven by positive same store sales within our independently-operated stores and improved inventory cost management, partially offset by decreased same store sales within company-operated stores and increased rent and marketing expenses.


Paint, Collision & Glass
Three Months Ended20242023
(in thousands, unless otherwise noted)
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023% Net Revenue For Segment% Net Revenue For Segment
Franchise royalties and fees$25,095 $23,799 23.0 %18.4 %
Company-operated store sales65,380 85,207 60.0 %65.8 %
Supply and other revenue18,477 20,408 17.0 %15.8 %
     Total revenue$108,952 $129,414 100.0 %100.0 %
Segment Adjusted EBITDA
$34,703 $32,545 31.9 %25.1 %
System-Wide Sales
Franchised stores$791,830 $760,437 $31,393 4.1 %
Company-operated stores65,380 85,207 (19,827)(23.3 %)
     Total System-Wide Sales$857,210 $845,644 $11,566 1.4 %
Store Count (in whole numbers)
Franchised stores1,669 1,662 0.4 %
Company-operated stores228 258 (30)(11.6 %)
     Total Store Count1,897 1,920 (23)(1.2 %)
Same Store Sales %1.3 %8.6 %
Paint, Collision & Glass revenue decreased $20 million, or 16%, for the three months ended September 28, 2024, as compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. Company-operated store sales decreased $20 million, or 23%, driven by revenue associated with the sale of nine company-operated stores to a franchisee in the current year, as well as decreased same store sales due to reduced volume. Supply and other revenue decreased $2 million, or 9%, primarily due to decreased volume. Franchise royalties and fees increased $1 million, or 5%, primarily due to a $31 million, or 4%, increase in franchise system-wide sales, a net increase of 7 franchise stores, and positive franchise same store sales.
Paint, Collision & Glass Segment Adjusted EBITDA increased $2 million, or 7%, primarily due to growth in franchise revenue and improved labor efficiency.


Platform Services

Three Months Ended20242023
(in thousands, unless otherwise noted)
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023% Net Revenue For Segment% Net Revenue For Segment
Franchise royalties and fees$9,681 $8,997 18.5 %16.1 %
Company-operated store sales1,251 1,242 2.4 %2.2 %
Supply and other revenue41,286 45,695 79.1 %81.7 %
     Total revenue$52,218 $55,934 100.0 %100.0 %
Segment Adjusted EBITDA
$22,467 $22,396 43.0 %40.0 %
System-Wide Sales
Franchised stores$106,943 $117,957 $(11,014)(9.3 %)
Company-operated stores1,251 1,242 0.7 %
     Total System-Wide Sales$108,194 $119,199 $(11,005)(9.2 %)
Store Count (in whole numbers)
Franchised stores205 207 (2)(1.0 %)
Company-operated stores— — %
     Total Store Count206 208 (2)(1.0 %)
Platform Services revenue decreased $4 million, or 7%, primarily due to the sale of our Canadian distribution business during the quarter, partially offset by an increase in total Company system-wide sales of $33 million, or 2%, which resulted in increased product purchases by franchisees and company-operated stores, primarily within the Maintenance segment.
Platform Services Segment Adjusted EBITDA remained flat primarily due to increased supply revenue related to the Maintenance segment offset by the EBITDA relating to the sale of our Canadian distribution business during the quarter.


Segment Results of Operations for the Nine Months Ended September 28, 2024 Compared to the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
We assess the performance of our segments based on Segment Adjusted EBITDA, which is defined as earnings before interest expense, net, income tax expense, and depreciation and amortization, with further adjustments for acquisition related costs, store opening and closure costs, equity compensation, loss on debt extinguishment, cloud computing amortization, and certain non-recurring, non-core, infrequent or unusual charges. Shared services costs are not allocated to these segments and are included in Corporate and Other. Segment Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to similarly titled metrics of other companies due to differences in methods of calculation.
Nine Months Ended20242023
(in thousands, unless otherwise noted)
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023% Net Revenue For Segment% Net Revenue For Segment
Franchise royalties and fees$45,917 $41,224 5.6 %5.8 %
Company-operated store sales682,730 605,393 83.5 %84.7 %
Supply and other revenue89,176 67,737 10.9 %9.5 %
     Total net revenue$817,823 $714,354 100.0 %100.0 %
Segment Adjusted EBITDA
$291,037 $242,528 35.6 %34.0 %
System-Wide Sales
Franchised stores$888,316 $823,656 $64,660 7.9 %
Company-operated stores682,730 605,393 77,337 12.8 %
     Total System-Wide Sales$1,571,046 $1,429,049 $141,997 9.9 %
Store Count (in whole numbers)
Franchised stores1,204 1,108 96 8.7 %
Company-operated stores695 624 71 11.4 %
     Total Store Count1,899 1,732 167 9.6 %
Same Store Sales %4.0 %10.8 %
Maintenance net revenue increased $103 million, or 14%, driven primarily by a $77 million increase in company-operated store sales from same store sales growth and 71 net new company-operated stores. Supply and other revenue increased by $21 million, or 32%, primarily due to higher system-wide sales. Franchise royalties and fees increased by $5 million, or 11%, primarily due to a $65 million, or 8%, increase in franchise system-wide sales from same store sales growth and 96 net new franchise stores.
Maintenance Segment Adjusted EBITDA increased $49 million, or 20%, primarily due to net new store growth, same store sales growth, cost management, and operational leverage.


Car Wash
Nine Months Ended20242023
(in thousands, unless otherwise noted)
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023% Net Revenue For Segment% Net Revenue For Segment
Company-operated store sales$275,889 $302,193 62.2 %65.1 %
Independently-operated store sales163,286 157,647 36.8 %33.9 %
Supply and other revenue4,625 4,708 1.0 %1.0 %
     Total net revenue$443,800 $464,548 100.0 %100.0 %
Segment Adjusted EBITDA
$88,469 $101,303 19.9 %21.8 %
System-Wide Sales
Company-operated stores$275,889 $302,193 $(26,304)(8.7 %)
Independently-operated stores163,286 157,647 5,639 3.6 %
     Total System-Wide Sales$439,175 $459,840 $(20,665)(4.5 %)
Store Count (in whole numbers)
Company-operated stores388 418 (30)(7.2 %)
Independently-operated stores719 715 0.6 %
     Total Store Count1,107 1,133 (26)(2.3 %)
Same Store Sales %(3.4 %)(6.7 %)
Car Wash segment net revenue decreased $21 million, or 4%, driven primarily by a $26 million, or 9%, decrease in company-operated store sales from the net reduction of 30 company-operated stores during the prior 12 months and a decrease in same store sales primarily relating to lower volume. Independently-operated store sales increased $6 million due to same store sales growth as a result of improved price realization, new product offerings, and favorable impacts from foreign exchange.
Car Wash is comprised of car wash sites throughout the U.S., Europe, and Australia with varying geographical, economical, and political factors, which could impact the results of the business. Our U.S. Car Wash locations have experienced softening demand, increased competitive pressures, and negative weather patterns, which have contributed to negative company-operated same store sales and could result in future asset impairment charges.
Car Wash Segment Adjusted EBITDA decreased by $13 million, or 13%, primarily driven by decreased same store sales within company-operated stores, partially offset by positive same store sales within the independently operated stores and improved inventory cost management.

Paint, Collision & Glass
Nine Months Ended20242023
(in thousands, unless otherwise noted)
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023% Net Revenue For Segment% Net Revenue For Segment
Franchise royalties and fees$74,202 $74,627 22.7 %19.5 %
Company-operated store sales195,412 248,796 59.7 %64.9 %
Supply and other revenue57,751 59,952 17.6 %15.6 %
     Total net revenue$327,365 $383,375 100.0 %100.0 %
Segment Adjusted EBITDA
$100,695 $109,052 30.8 %28.4 %
System-Wide Sales
Franchised stores$2,406,078 $2,305,420 $100,658 4.4 %
Company-operated stores195,412 248,796 (53,384)(21.5 %)
     Total System-Wide Sales$2,601,490 $2,554,216 $47,274 1.9 %
Store Count (in whole numbers)
Franchised stores1,669 1,662 0.4 %
Company-operated stores228 258 (30)(11.6 %)
     Total Store Count1,897 1,920 (23)(1.2 %)
Same Store Sales %0.7 %13.3 %
Paint, Collision & Glass net revenue decreased $56 million, or 15%, for the nine months ended September 28, 2024, as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Company-operated store sales decreased $53 million, or 21%, primarily driven by revenue associated with the sale of nine company-operated stores to a franchisee in the current period as well as decreased same store sales due to reduced volume. Franchise royalties and fees remained flat primarily due to a decrease in average royalty rates, partially offset by a $101 million, or 4%, increase in franchise system-wide sales generated by same store sales growth.
Paint, Collision & Glass Segment Adjusted EBITDA decreased $8 million, or 8%, primarily due to decreased volume associated with company-operated stores as well as the Adjusted EBITDA associated with the nine company-operated stores sold to a franchisee in the current year, partially offset by an improvement in operating margin.

Platform Services
Nine Months Ended20242023
(in thousands, unless otherwise noted)
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023% Net Revenue For Segment% Net Revenue For Segment
Franchise royalties and fees$24,430 $24,831 14.6 %15.0 %
Company-operated store sales3,238 3,303 1.9 %2.0 %
Supply and other revenue139,617 137,171 83.5 %83.0 %
     Total net revenue$167,285 $165,305 100.0 %100.0 %
Segment Adjusted EBITDA
$67,649 $61,923 40.4 %37.5 %
System-Wide Sales
Franchised stores$298,744 $324,608 $(25,864)(8.0 %)
Company-operated stores3,238 3,303 (65)(2.0 %)
     Total System-Wide Sales$301,982 $327,911 $(25,929)(7.9 %)
Store Count (in whole numbers)
Franchised stores205 207 (2)(1.0 %)
Company-operated stores— — %
     Total Store Count206 208 (2)(1.0 %)
Platform Services net revenue increased $2 million, or 1%, driven primarily by an increase in total Company system-wide sales of $4.9 billion in the current year compared to $4.8 billion in the prior year, which resulted in increased product purchases by franchisees and company-operated stores.
Platform Services Segment Adjusted EBITDA increased $6 million, or 9%, primarily driven by a combination of revenue growth and cost management.


Financial Condition, Liquidity and Capital Resources
Sources of Liquidity and Capital Resources
Cash flow from operations, supplemented with our long-term borrowings and revolving credit facilities, have been sufficient to fund our operations while allowing us to make strategic investments to grow our business. We believe that our sources of liquidity and capital resources will be adequate to fund our operations, acquisitions, company-operated store development, other general corporate needs, and the additional expenses we expect to incur for at least the next twelve months. We expect to continue to have access to the capital markets at acceptable terms. However, this could be adversely affected by many factors including macroeconomic factors, a downgrade of our credit rating, or a deterioration of certain financial ratios.
Driven Brands Funding, LLC (the “Issuer”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, and Driven Brands Canada Funding Corporation (along with the Issuer, the “Co-Issuers”) are subject to certain quantitative covenants related to debt service coverage and leverage ratios in connection with our securitization senior notes. Our Term Loan Facility and Revolving Credit Facility also have certain qualitative covenants. As of September 28, 2024, the Co-Issuers and Driven Holdings were in material compliance with all such covenants under their respective credit agreements.
On July 29, 2024, the Company issued $275 million of 2024-1 Senior Notes as well as replaced the 2019 VFN with a $400 million 2024 VFN. Proceeds from the 2024-1 Senior Notes were primarily used to repay the Company’s 2018-1 Senior Notes. See Note 7 to our consolidated financial statements for additional information regarding the Company’s debt.
At September 28, 2024, the Company had total liquidity of $655 million, which included $204 million in cash and cash equivalents and $374 million and $77 million of undrawn capacity on its 2024 VFN and Revolving Credit Facility, respectively. This does not include the additional $135 million Series 2022-1 Class A-1 Notes that expand our variable funding note borrowing capacity when the company elects to exercise it, assuming certain conditions continue to be met.
The following table illustrates the main components of our cash flows for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 and September 30, 2023:
Nine Months Ended
(in thousands)
September 28, 2024September 30, 2023
Net cash provided by operating activities$208,508 $212,033 
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities51,426 (361,207)
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities(226,661)147,850 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash71 365 
Net change in cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash, and restricted cash included in advertising fund assets$33,344 $(959)

In the third quarter 2024 earnings release on October 31, 2024, we reported net cash provided by operating activities of $175 million, and net cash provided by investing activities of $85 million, for the nine months ended September 28, 2024. Both amounts have been revised to reflect the actual cash movement during the nine months ended September 28, 2024.

Operating Activities
Net cash provided by operating activities was $209 million for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 compared to $212 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was primarily due to costs associated with improvements to our IT infrastructure, including the ERP implementation, offset by net working capital improvements during the nine months ended September 28, 2024.
Investing Activities
Net cash provided by investing activities was $51 million for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 compared to $361 million used in investing activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The increase was due primarily due to a $263 million decrease in capital expenditures, $256 million proceeds from the sale or disposal of businesses and fixed assets, primarily consisting of $161 million from the sale of assets held for sale, $78 million from the sale of our Canadian distribution business, and $18 million from the sale of nine company-operated collision stores to a franchisee, as well as a $51 million decrease in net cash paid for acquisitions, partially offset by a $154 million decrease in proceeds from sale leaseback transactions.
Financing Activities
Net cash used in financing activities was $227 million for the nine months ended September 28, 2024 primarily related to repayments of long-term debt, including finance leases, of $427 million, Tax Receivable Agreement payments of $38 million,

net repayments on the Revolving Credit facility of $25 million and debt issuance costs of $10 million, partially offset by the 2024-1 Senior Notes issuance of $275 million. Net cash provided by financing activities was $148 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 primarily related to net debt borrowings on the Revolving Credit Facility of $215 million, partially offset by share repurchases of $50 million, and repayments of long-term debt, including finance leases of $23 million. See Note 7 to our consolidated financial statements for additional information regarding the Company’s debt.
Tax Receivable Agreement
We expect to be able to utilize certain tax benefits which are related to periods prior to the effective date of the Company’s initial public offering, which we therefore attribute to our existing shareholders. We expect that these tax benefits (i.e., the Pre-IPO and IPO-Related Tax Benefits) will reduce the amount of tax that we and our subsidiaries would otherwise be required to pay in the future. We have entered into a Tax Receivable Agreement which provides our Pre-IPO shareholders with the right to receive payment by us of 85% of the amount of cash savings, if any, in U.S. and Canadian federal, state, local, and provincial income tax that we and our subsidiaries actually realize as a result of the utilization of the Pre-IPO and IPO-Related Tax Benefits or divests. The Company recorded a current tax receivable liability of $56 million as of December 30, 2023 and a non-current tax receivable liability of $134 million and $118 million as of September 28, 2024 and December 30, 2023, respectively, on the consolidated balance sheets. We made payments of approximately $38 million under the Tax Receivable Agreement in 2024.
For purposes of the Tax Receivable Agreement, cash savings in income tax will be computed by reference to the reduction in the liability for income taxes resulting from the utilization of the Pre-IPO and IPO-Related Tax Benefits. The term of the Tax Receivable Agreement commenced upon the effective date of the Company’s initial public offering and will continue until the Pre-IPO and IPO-Related Tax Benefits have been utilized, accelerated, or expired.
Because we are a holding company with no operations of our own, our ability to make payments under the Tax Receivable Agreement is dependent on the ability of our subsidiaries to make distributions to us. The securitized debt facility may restrict the ability of our subsidiaries to make distributions to us, which could affect our ability to make payments under the Tax Receivable Agreement. To the extent that we are unable to make payments under the Tax Receivable Agreement because of restrictions under our outstanding indebtedness, such payments will be deferred and will generally accrue interest. As of July 1, 2023, interest accrues at the Base Rate plus an applicable margin or SOFR plus an applicable term adjustment plus 1.0%. To the extent that we are unable to make payments under the Tax Receivable Agreement for any other reason, such payments will generally accrue interest at a rate of SOFR plus an applicable term adjustment plus 5.0% per annum until paid.
Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates
Our significant accounting policies are more fully described in Note 2 of the consolidated financial statements presented in our Form 10-K for the year ended December 30, 2023. There have been no material changes to our critical accounting policies from those disclosed in our Form 10-K for the year ended December 30, 2023.
Application of New Accounting Standards
See Note 2 of the consolidated unaudited financial statements for a discussion of recently issued accounting standards applicable to the Company.
Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
Refer to the Company’s annual report for the year ended December 30, 2023 for a complete discussion of the Company’s market risk. There have been no material changes in the Company’s market risk from those disclosed in the Company’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 30, 2023.

Item 4. Controls and Procedures
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Our management, with the participation of our CEO and CFO, has evaluated the design effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a- 15(e) and 15d- 15(e) under the Exchange Act), as of September 28, 2024. The term “disclosure controls and procedures,” means controls and other procedures of a company that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by a company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and forms. Disclosure controls and procedures include, without limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed by a company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to the company’s management, including its principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. Management recognizes that any controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable assurance of achieving their objectives and management necessarily applies its judgment in evaluating the cost-benefit relationship of possible controls and procedures. Based on evaluation of the design of our disclosure controls and procedures as of September 28, 2024, our CEO and CFO have concluded that as of such date, our disclosure controls and procedures were designed effectively and will provide a reasonable level of assurance.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
During the three months ended September 28, 2024, the Company implemented a new cloud-based enterprise resource planning (“ERP”) system including modules for general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, fixed assets, cash management, indirect procurement, supply chain and inventory management, and consolidations for the majority of our business operations. We will continue to evaluate business units and processes utilizing systems other than the new ERP system for transition in future periods. As a result of the ERP implementation, certain internal controls over financial reporting have been automated, modified, or implemented to address the new control environment and processes associated with the ERP system.
With the exception of the implementation of the ERP modules outlined above, there were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the most recently completed quarter ended September 28, 2024 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.

Part II.    Other Information

Item 1.    Legal Proceedings
Information relating to this item is included within Note 12 of our financial statements included elsewhere within this Form 10-Q.
Item 1A. Risk Factors
For a discussion of risk factors that could adversely affect our results of operations, financial condition, business reputation or business prospects, we refer you to Part I, Item 1A "Risk Factors" included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 30, 2023.
Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds
Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities
Item 5. Other Information
(c) Trading Plans
During the three months ended September 28, 2024, no director or Section 16 officer adopted or terminated any Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangements or non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangements (in each case, as defined in Item 408(a) of Regulation S-K).

Item 6. Exhibits.

Exhibit NumberExhibit Description
101.INS*XBRL Instance Document
101.SCH*XBRL Schema Document
101.CAL*XBRL Calculation Linkbase Document
101.DEF*XBRL Definition Linkbase Document
101.LAB*XBRL Label Linkbase Document
101.PRE*XBRL Presentation Linkbase Document
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101)
*Filed herewith.
Indicates management contract or compensatory plan.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Date: November 7, 2024

By:/s/ Jonathan Fitzpatrick
Name:Jonathan Fitzpatrick
Title:President and Chief Executive Officer
By:/s/ Michael Beland
Name:Michael Beland
Title:Senior Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer