EX-99.2 3 ea021875001ex99-2_bionomics.htm SCHEME BOOKLET, DATED NOVEMBER 8, 2024





バイオノミックス · リミテッド



提案買収に関する手配案 Bionomics Limited普通株式は、Nefuloria Treateutics Inc.によって所有される(ACN 075 582 740)。


生物学部役員は一致してあなたに投票することを提案します 独立専門家はこの計画を支持しているが、独立専門家は依然としてこの計画がBionomics株主の最適な利益に合致していると考えている。




この計画のパンフレットをどのように処理するかについて何か質問がありましたら、法律、財務、税務、あるいは他の専門顧問にお問い合わせください。この計画に関連する一般的な問題があれば、月曜日から5日午前8時30分から午後5時(シドニー時間)までBionomics株主情報専用線1300 850 505(オーストラリア国内)または+61 3 9415 4000(オーストラリア国外)に電話してください。




オーストラリア生物学法律顧問   アメリカ生物学法律顧問









この計画パンフレットは重要です。バイオテクノロジーの株主は この計画についてどのように投票するかを決める前に、この計画パンフレットをよく読んでください。


本計画のパンフレットの目的は説明です 計画、計画を考慮し、実施する方法(例えば、計画のすべての条件に適合するか、または (許可される場合)、決定時にBionomics株主に規定されたまたは他の重要な情報を提供する どのようにその計画に投票するか。本文書は、会社法第412条(1)に要求される関連事項を含む この計画に参加します。


本計画パンフレットは本章で要求された開示文書ではありません 会社法第6 Dまたは第7.9部。会社法第708条(17)には,証券要約は必要ないと規定されている 会社法第5.1部の妥協又は手配に基づいて投資家に開示され、会議で承認される “会社法”第411条または(1 A)条の命令により保有される。


もしあなたがBionomics株をすべて売却した場合(上述したように含む) アメリカ預託株式)は、本計画のパンフレットを気にしないでください。




BionomicsはBionomicsを準備する責任がありました 情報です。含まれる生態に関する情報および生態と生態主任の意図,観点と意見 この計画では、パンフレットはBionomicsによって書かれ、Bionomicsによって担当されている。ネフロリアの関連会社は またはそのそれぞれの役員、上級管理職、従業員、またはコンサルタントは任意の生物学的情報を確認しており、誰も仮定していない。 どんな生物学的情報の正確性や完全性にもどんな責任がある。


ネヴトリアは新しいファリア島の準備を一人で担当してきた 情報です。本計画パンフレットには、ネバダに関する資料やネバダの意向、意見、意見が掲載されている。 内フロリアによって準備され、ネフトリアが担当している。生物学や関連機関会社やそれぞれの 取締役、上級管理者、従業員、またはコンサルタントは、内フトリア情報のいずれかを確認しました。彼らは何の責任も負いません。 どんなNeveloria情報の正確性や完全性を保証する。


独立専門家Findex Corporation Finance(Aust)Ltd 独立した専門家の報告書を作成し、その報告書に責任を負う。“生物学”“ネフリヤ”またはそのそれぞれの 関連団体法人又はそのそれぞれの取締役、高級職員、従業員又は顧問は“独立報”に対していかなる責任があるか 専門家が報告する。独立専門家の報告書は添付ファイルAに掲載されている。











Neuphoria の情報



















付属書 A — 独立専門家報告書


附属書 b — スキーム


付属書 C — Deed Poll


附属書 D — 計画会議の通知








株式登記簿による代理人書、委任状、法人代表者の任命の受領期限 (




(i)2024 年 12 月 10 日 ( 火 ) 午前 8 時 30 分 ( シドニー時間 )


(ii)スキーム会合における投票資格の決定の時間及び日程 (




(iv)2024 年 12 月 10 日 ( 火 ) 午後 5 時 ( シドニー時間 )







(vi)2024 年 12 月 12 日 ( 木 ) 午前 8 時 30 分 ( シドニー時間 )




(viii)2024 年 12 月 13 日 ( 金 )


(ix)選出 日付 : 株式登記簿が参加を希望する小規模小包保有者から投票を受けなければならない最終日 販売施設で、または以前の選挙を撤回します


(x)2024 年 12 月 13 日 ( 金 ) 午後 5 時




(xii)2024 年 12 月 16 日月曜午後 3 時


(xiii)ADS 帳簿のクローズ ( 発行停止 · 取消 )


(xiv)2024 年 12 月 13 日金曜日




(xvi)2024 年 12 月 16 日月曜日


(xvii)記録日 : スキームの検討資格を決定する時間と日付


2024 年 12 月 17 日火曜日午後 5 時 ( シドニー時間 )




2024 年 12 月 24 日火曜日


もし加入を選択したいなら、完成しなければなりません。 選挙用紙に戻します立候補は選択可能で,選挙表を返さなければ参加しないだろう 融資を売却して、あなたは計画対価格としてニューフォリアの株式を獲得します。その基礎は他のすべての生物株主と同じです。 (この計画が発効したとする)。


販売メカニズムへの加入を選択するかどうかの決定と 1.3.







原因は…。 その計画に賛成票を投じる


































ピーター·デイビスさんを除いてどの生物学の役員も生物学を持っています Bionomics取締役および従業員に発表されたBionomicsに関連する従業員株式計画のオプションに基づいて。生物学学部主任 Bionomicsオプションを持っている人はBionomicsとNeveloriaとオプション交換協定を締結することを要求され、Neveloriaを得るだろう。 合意下のオプションは、任意の他の生物オプション所有者の場合と同様である(かつ同じ条項で)。合意の条項 Bionomicsオプションは、その計画によって影響されるか、またはトリガされるべき帰属条件を含まない。ピーター·デイビスさん、誰が知っていますか? 生物学的オプションを持たず,これらの手配にもかかわらず生物学的取締役を持つことが適切であると考えられる 案決議について提案された代替案は,生態系の運営と管理における役割,生態系を考慮したものである 株主は彼らの計画決議案に対する意見を理解することを望んでいる。生態系責任者たちも 彼らに計画決議案について提案させます。






更に 情報




















連邦裁判所に送られた 承認されていないもの







そこでも働いています。 計画参加者の税務結果かもしれない。


以下の項目に関連するリスクの詳細開示 計画は10節に示す


また、この計画が承認されて実施されなければ、 あなたはBionomicsの株主として、Bionomicsビジネスの将来の財務業績に参加し、継続します。 オーストラリアの法規に準拠した重複コストを含むBionomicsビジネスに関連する特定のリスクから制限されています アメリカの法律や他の一般的な危険もあります10.4節では,その計画が継続されない場合のリスクについて概説する。




バイオ ノ ミ クス


( f ) の




: 株主総会でバイオノミクスの承認を取得しました。








スキームの裁判所承認 :


裁判所は、第 2 回裁判所の日付にスキームを承認する法人法第 411 条 ( 4 ) ( b ) に基づく命令を下します。









( h ) 2
ASIC への受注 10
: スキームを承認する裁判所命令の事務コピーは、会社法第 411 条 ( 10 ) の規定に従って、終了日またはその前に ASIC に提出されます。 11
両方とも 12
バイオノミクス 13


1. 規制許可 16
2. : スキームを実施するために政府機関から必要とされるすべての承認または同意 ( 法人法第 411 条 ( 4 ) ( b ) に基づくスキーム裁判所の承認を除く ) は、得られた ( または得られたとみなされる ) であり、第 2 回裁判所日の午前 8 時までに撤回されない ( 22
3. 規制許可 31
4. 両方とも 33
5. 理由: 39
6. 端末.端末 47
7. 説明する. 終止権の帰属 50
8. 違反行為 62
9. もう一方が本計画の実施に重大な違反をした場合 合意は,終了したい一方が他方に書面通知を出しており,違約は10業務内で救済されていない. 通知日の日数 73
10. 自動的に終了する 76
11. 生物科学技術株主は計画会議で承認されなかった 78
12. 互いに同意する 90
13. BionomicsとNeveloriaは両方の書面合意を通じて終わらせることができる。 103


計画実施協定における保証 111
“計画実施協定”によると BionomicsとNeveloriaはそれぞれそれぞれの組織について一連の陳述と保証を相手に提供する そして彼らは取引を提案する背景で相手に情報を提供する。この計画の第9条 実施協定にはこのような保証と陳述が含まれている。 112
計画参加者のこの計画の下での保証 135
この計画の効果は全ての計画参加者が この計画に反対票を投じた人たちと投票していない人たちを含めて、新フォローリャ州に許可されたとみなされるだろう(そして許可されている)。 Bionomicsは計画参加者のエージェントとエージェントとしてNeveloriaに保証する): 136
この計画に基づいて新福ロリアのすべてのBionomics株式を譲渡し,実施日に十分な配当金とを納付した. 財産権の負担はありません 154






彼らはBionomics株(追加のいかなる権利と権利を含む)を売却して譲渡する十分な権力と能力を持っている。 同等株式)は同計画に基づいて新フォロリアに売却される。 この計画は添付ファイルbに掲載されています。
販売施設もしあなたが資格を満たしていない海外株主や選挙人なら 小包所持者は、あなたに送ったはずの全計画価格を販売代理に送ります。 あなたの被著名人は信託形式で、販売メカニズムを通じて販売して、あなたは比例ですべてを共有して販売することができます。 販売メカニズムを通じて販売された案の代価。資格を満たしていない海外株主と選挙の小株主が獲得する 収益を販売する。Bionomicsは、Neveloria株の売却に関連するすべてのブローカーおよび関連コスト、費用、または費用を以下の方法で支払います。 資格を満たしていない海外株主を代表し、小宗地所有者を選出する販売手配。) 1300 月曜日から金曜日の午前 8 時 30 分から午後 5 時 ( シドニー時間 ) の間、 850 505 ( オーストラリア国内 ) または + 61 3 941 5 4000 ( オーストラリア国外 )
合併貸借対照表以下は、バイオノミクスの連結残高の概要です。 2024 年 6 月 30 日と 2023 年 6 月 30 日に終了した年度のシート。) バイオノミックス · リミテッド
連結貸借対照表 六月三十日
資産 流動資産:
現金 · 現金同等物 売掛金、非貿易
前払いの保険料 流動資産総額
財産と設備、純額 無形資産、純額
経営的リース使用権資産 制限現金
グッドウィル 総資産
負債と株主権益 流動負債:
売掛金 費用とその他の流動負債を計算しなければならない























株主権益:/ 2024 年 6 月 30 日発行済普通株式 2,38 4,53 9,964 株、 2023 年 6 月 30 日発行済普通株式 1,46 8,73 5,424 株。




累積その他の包括損失 ( 税抜 )






総負債と株主権益連結営業決算書その他の総合損益以下は、バイオノミクスの連結報告書の概要です。 2024 年 6 月 30 日および 2023 年 6 月 30 日を末日とする年度の営業利益およびその他の総合利益 ( 損失 ) について


バイオノミックス · リミテッド


連結業績計算書その他総合 損益 ( 損失 )











研究 · 開発 一般と行政1
総運営費 運営損失
その他の収入: 利子収入,純額
外国為替取引の利益 ( 損失 ) 研究開発奨励賞
公正価値調整による利益 ( 損失 ) その他の収入合計,純額
所得税前損失 所得税割引
純損失 その他総合(赤字)収入:
外国為替換算の未実現利益 ( 損失 ) その他総合利益 ( 損失 ) 合計 :
総合損失 1 株当たり純損失ベースおよび希釈額






r 以下は、バイオノミクスの連結ステートメントの概要です 2024 年 6 月 30 日と 2023 年 6 月 30 日を末日とする年度のキャッシュフローの
r 六月三十日まで
r 経営活動のキャッシュフロー:
r 純損失
r 純損失と経営活動で使用される現金純額の調整:
r 株式ベースの報酬

































ADS 株式および ADS 事前資金付きワラントの売却による収益 ( 発行費用を引いた 130万ドル )


ADS 株式の売却収益 ( 発行コストを差し引いた 110万ドル )


付随の ADS ワラントの売却収益











現金の調整、現金 年末の現金制限と同等額現金 · 現金同等物制限現金




補足キャッシュフローデータ :






スピリドン パパペトロプロス · バン · D



アラン デヴィッド · フィッシャー


ペテロ マイルズ · ウィンストン · デイヴィス2



ジェーン ライアン3


デイヴィッド イアン · ウィルソン詳細 これらの個人は、セクション 7.6 ( a ) に見ることができます。



2AS このスキーム小冊子の発行時点におけるニューフォリアの上級経営陣は以下のとおりです。





スピリドン パパペトロプロス · バン · D代表取締役社長兼最高経営責任者



ティム 銅


nningham— 最高財務責任者、財務担当者、秘書


7.5 ( c ) 項の詳細については、 Cunningham 氏 資格と経験。資本 構成


Neuphoria は米国デラウェア州で法人化されており、 施行日以前に株主を持つ必要がない ( そして持っていない ) 。最後の実現可能なネウフォリアの資本構造 日付は以下のとおりです。




数字 認可株式のニューフォリア株式 .


普通株式 3,000 万株を承認します (


つまり発行可能 ) 株式は残っていないNeuphoria 優先株株式300 万株の優先株式が承認されます (




発行可能 ) 。




実施時の Neuphoria のプロフォーマ資本構造 日付は 9.4 節に記載されています。


/s/ Neuphoria 取締役の Neuphoria 株式および Bionomics 株式への関心  
Neuphoria 株式の利益  
誰もニュウフォリアに興味がない スキームブックレットの日付の株式。  









1.1Neuphoria 取締役の利益のために バイオノミクスの株式については、セクション 12.1 ( b ) を参照してください。




このスキームに別段の定めがある場合を除く。 小冊子、いいえ :生物学 オーストラリア以外の国の納税住民の株主です(彼らも住民であるかどうかにかかわらず、あるいは臨時の オーストラリアの住民はその国の法律の下でこの計画の税金結果を考慮しなければならない 滞在権、そしてオーストラリアの法律に基づいて。このような論評はオーストラリア税法だけを扱っている。


この税務概要はオーストラリアに基づいています 所得税、商品及びサービス税及び税法並びに関連法規、裁決又はそのような税法の司法又は行政解釈 本計画日パンフレットです。






1.2資本プロジェクト保有バイオテック株の処分 オーストラリア住民Bionomics株主からNeveloriaに譲渡されて構成資本利益税(




)イベントA 1は、 所得税目的のための資本収益または損失(任意の提供可能な一時転回減免の制限を受ける)。


(i)CGTの活動時間はBionomics株主になります 計画(すなわち実施日)に基づいてその生物学的株式を新フォロリア州に譲渡する


(ii)資本利得または資本の計算 損失(CGT反転減免は含まれない)


(iii)生物学 株主は以下のように貢献するだろう



A 資本収益とは,その生態製品の販売から得られる資本収益のことである これらの生物学的株式のコストベースよりも大きい株式





CGT反転を適用することに依存します 救済は,その生物株式を売却して資本収益を得る生物株主は純額を含むことを要求される 税入利息における当該入利子年度の資本収益(あればある)を評価しなければならない。この点で納税者の資本収益と資本損失は 1年間、Bionomics株および任意の他の関連CGT事件からの収入は、純資本があるかどうかを決定するためにまとめられた。 収益や純資本損失。


いかなる純資本収益も計上される Bionomics株主の課税所得は、所得税を払わなければならないかもしれない。純資本損失は差し引くことができない 所得税のための他の収入は、未来の資本利益を相殺するために繰り越すことができる。Bionomicsの株主が会社であれば 特定の損失規則が適用される。これらの規則は、今年度または以降の収入年度に資本損失を相殺する能力を制限する可能性がある。







エコ株のコストベース Bionomics株主は、通常、Bionomics株式を買収するために支払われた金額と、与えられた任意の財産の時価とを含む。 買収及び処分のいずれかの差し引くことのできない付帯コスト(例えば、仲買費用及び法律費用)を加える。生技株のコストベースを下げる 生物株主の持株比率は計算で異なるにもかかわらず、コストベースに類似した方法で決定されるだろう。 コストベースの存在は関連生物株主の状況に依存する。どこだ? CGT反転解放圧は選択されていないか、または提供されていない


どこだ? CGT展示期間の減免を選択していないか、またはBionomics株主が以下の条項に従ってBionomics株を売却することに関連している この計画は以下の場合に適用されるべきである



(d)♪the the the 生技株主の生技の資本収益または資本損失を処分する 生物株主の純資本を計算する際には,株式が考慮される 実施日の収入年度の収益が発生する。



♪the the the 受け取った新フォレリア株1株当たりのコストベースの第1要素(すなわち案対価格) 以下の事項について与えられるBionomics株式の時価に等しい額としなければならない 実施日に決定した新フォリア株を買収する。



♪the the the 新フォリア株式の買収日は実施日となる。この期日は 将来発生するCGT活動にCGT割引を適用することと関連している。 ニューフォリアの株と関係があります。


持っている 新しいフォラドリアの株を売っています





配当をする. ニューフォリアの株について


1.31つは オーストラリアの住民株主は


彼らの新しいフォロリア州から受け取った配当金の総額を含まなければなりません 所得年度に関する課税所得に占めるシェア。


(a)外国の源泉徴収税を納めたところ Neveloria株から得られたいかなる配当についても、オーストラリア住民株主は払い戻しができない外国を要求することができる可能性がある 所得税を相殺し、それを使用して、関連年度における彼らの納税義務(いくつかの制限を受けている)を減らす。将来的にはニューフォロリア株を売却する


(i)もしオーストラリアの住民株主が その後、そのNefororia株を売却すると、CGT事件が発生し、資本収益や損失を招く可能性がある。コストベースと購入日 Neveloriaの株、及びCGT割引の資格を申請することは、上述したとおりである。






§非オーストラリア人のBionomics株主には 納税住民(条件を満たしていない海外株主を含む)は、以下の条件を満たす場合、その生物株式を売却することはCGT結果を生じるべきではない。 “生物学”は




(ii)♪the the the 非住民Bionomics株主が保有するBionomics株は“オーストラリア課税財産”とみなされる


(iii)♪the the the 非住民生物株主は経営中に保有する生物株を保有している オーストラリアの常設機関を通じて


♪the the the 非住民生物株主とは以前選択されたことです 生物科学技術の株式が停止した時、その資本収益や資本損失を気にしない オーストラリアの税務住民です





(iv)♪the the the 非住民Bionomics株主が保有するBionomics株は“間接オーストラリア人”です 不動産権益“。


(b)この計画のパンフレットの日付生物学 Bionomicsの株式は“間接的なオーストラリア不動産利益”を構成すべきではないと考えている。 Bionomicsの価値は主にオーストラリアの不動産利益に起因するものではない。生態学的に考慮しない上で Bionomics株主が保有するBionomics株は“間接的なオーストラリア不動産利益”を構成し、オーストラリアの 外国人住民のCGT源泉徴収制度は適用されてはならない。したがって,計画審議からいかなる金額も差し押さえることを要求してはならない この条例第14-D分節に基づいて署長に支払われた


(i)“1953年税務管理法”外国人住民にとっては CGT減納。


(ii)2024~25年に連邦政府として 予算では、連邦政府は非住民付加価値税制度を改革すると表明し、この制度は1から始まる。 2025年7月。このような改革には“オーストラリア課税財産”の定義を拡大するための措置が含まれている。基にする 既存の指導意見によると,これらの措置はBionomicsの株式構成“間接オーストラリアレアル”を招くことはないと予想される 財産権益“本計画パンフレットの日までに、法律草案はまだ発表されていない。しかしなんといっても 実施日が2025年7月1日までであれば、上記現行税法は引き続き適用されなければならない。新フロリア株を保有して処分する


(iii)非住民株主で受け取りました このような株主たちは一般的に彼らのオーストラリア株に配当金を含める必要がない。 入利子年度については税入利息を評価しなければならない。非住民株主処分 彼らのNeveloria株では、これは通常、Neveloria株を前提とした資本収益や資本損失を引き起こさない。 処分時には“オーストラリアの課税財産”ではない。


(iv)印紙税Bionomics株主はオーストラリア印紙税を納めてはいけません 以下の事項に関連する:




1.4オーストラリア司法管区の土地所有者義務条項については、新フォルフォリア州は“土地所有者”とはみなされていない。 そして









Findex Corporation Finance(Aust)Ltdは独立した専門家である;


ComputerShare Investor Services Pty Limitedはオーストラリアの主要株式登録所である。






1.5Computer Share Trust Company,N.A.は米国の支店株式登録所としている.


Findex企業融資(オーストラリア)株式会社も この計画パンフレットがASICに登録される前に、そのペアが含まれることは取得され、撤回されていない この計画における独立専門家の報告パンフレット、報告の形式と内容、 本計画パンフレットは,その出現形式と背景でこの報告書に資料を提供する。


ネヴァリアも与えてくれました撤回もしませんでした 本計画パンフレットがASICに登録された時間、フォームに新しいフォレヴォリア情報が含まれていることへの書面同意および それに含まれるコンテキスト、および本計画パンフレットにおける新しいフォレヴォリア情報への以下の形式およびコンテキストのすべての参照 彼らが現れた。ハミルトン·ロックも以前に渡したし撤回もしなかった 本計画パンフレットがASICに登録された時間、及び本計画パンフレット第11条に加入することに対する書面同意 この計画が税務に及ぼす影響を要約する。免責声明


以上述べた人は誰もいない 許可あるいは手配はこの計画のパンフレットを発行して、この計画のパンフレット内に何の他の陳述をすることができないと主張します。 上記のような身分でなされた陳述と、その人が同意を示す範囲内で行われた陳述は、上記のとおりである。4法律で許容されている最大範囲では 上述の者はいかなる責任も負わず,何の陳述もしないし,何に対してもしない. この計画のパンフレットの一部です。




生物学とニューフォラファリアはそれぞれ 株式登録所や投資家関係コンサルタントは、計画実施中に閣下の個人資料を収集する可能性があります。 個人情報には、Bionomics株主の名前、連絡先、証券が持っている詳細な情報、および Bionomics株主が計画会議で代理人,会社代表,あるいは代理人の者名を委任した。


個人情報を集めるのは この計画を実施する主な目的。生物科学技術株主は個人とそれに関連する他の個人である 上述したように収集された個人情報は、収集されたそれに関連する個人情報にアクセスするいくつかの権利を有する。この種の個人は株主に連絡しなければならない 月曜日から金曜日の午前8時30分から午後5時まで、問い合わせホットライン1300 850 505(オーストラリア国内)または+61 3 9415 4000(オーストラリア国外)です。 (シドニー時間)、もし彼らが個人情報へのアクセスを要求したい場合。バイオテクノロジー社の株主任命 個人がその代表,会社代表又は受託代表者として計画会議で投票する場合は,関連事項を当該個人に通知しなければならない. 以上概説した。株式登録簿の写しを閲覧して取得する権利


1.7Bionomics株主は 各生物株主の名称及び住所その他いくつかの詳細が記載されている株式登録簿を閲覧する。 Bionomicsの株主には、無料です。


Bionomicsの株主にも権利があります 所定額を超えない費用(ある場合)を支払った後、株式登録簿の写しを請求する。


Bionomicsの株主はこれらの権利を持っています 会社法第百七十三条による。海外販売制限


法律はこの本の配布を制限する可能性があります オーストラリア国外の計画パンフレットとこの計画パンフレットを持っている人は何でもいいです。 このような制限。このような制限を守らないいかなる行為も適用された証券法に違反する可能性がある。Bionomicsはすべての責任を免除します そのような者へ。有名な人や受託者や受託者としてBionomics株主が奨励されています 続けるべきです。登録するための行動はまだありません オーストラリア以外の任意の管轄区域では、本計画のパンフレット又はその計画の任意の態様の資格を満たしている。本計画のパンフレットは構成されておりません どんな司法管轄区域でも新しいフロリア株を要約することは、そこでは不法になるだろう。特に、本計画パンフレットは配布してはいけません。 許可された範囲内でなければ、オーストラリア以外のいかなる国でも提供または販売してはならない 下です。


カナダNeveloria株はNeveloria in Relianceから発行される 各省·地域における募集説明書及び適用されるカナダ証券法の登録要件を免除する カナダのです。


カナダには証券委員会の審査や何もありません この文書やその計画の利点を通じた方法。




本計画パンフレットは規制された目論見ではありません 欧州連合(EU)欧州議会と欧州連合理事会第2017/1129号(“目論見説明書条例”)。だから、 その計画のパンフレットはなく、EUのどの証券監督管理機関にも登録または承認されないだろう。だから、 この計画のパンフレットはEU内で販売したり交換したりしてはならないし,Neveloria株を売却したり交換したりすることもできない. 株式募集説明書規則に基づいて目論見書を発表する必要がない場合。


1.8株式募集規約第1(4)条によると、 EUの各加盟国でのNeveloria株の見積もりは限られている
















ノースカロライナ州シティバンクADS ホルダー


バイオノミクス ADS の保有者です








1.12ASX Limited 。






バイオ ノ ミ クス


1.13Bionomics Limited ( ACN 075 58 2 740 ) 。


Bionomics ADS







2.180 株のバイオノミクス株式を代表するアメリカ預託株式




このスキーム小冊子の日付におけるバイオノミクスの取締役会。 バイオノミクスディレクター このスキーム · ブックレットの時点でバイオノミクスのディレクターです。
バイオノミクスとその子会社。 バイオノミクス歴史財務情報スキームの実施後の Neuphoria と Bionomics グループの合併。). 制御する
法人法第 50 条 AA に規定されている。 “会社法” 2001年“会社法”
( Cth 。 会社規程 2001 年法人規則
( Cth ) 。

裁判所.裁判所ニューサウスウェールズ州最高裁判所またはその他の管轄権を有する裁判所 DRS ステートメント


ノイフォリア株式の登録および所有権を証書 ( すなわち、未証明 ) 形式で証明する直接登録システムステートメントを意味します。
ディード · ポルト
付属書 C に記載されているスキームに関連して、 Neuphoria によって実行された 2024 年 10 月 23 日付の文書投票。



スキームに関連して使用される場合、法人法第 411 条 ( 10 ) に基づき、スキームに関連して法人法第 411 条 ( 4 ) ( b ) に基づいて行われた裁判所の命令の発効。発効日スキームが発効する日付です。




行権価格はそれに取って代わる生物オプションの行権価格(オーストラリアドル単位)に取引所を乗じたものに等しい 割合;そして同じ程度付与されて同じ条項を持っている 帰属については、その代替としての関連生物学的オプションについては、提案取引によって生じるものを無視することが帰属とみなされる。定義されている 用語.用語




Neveloriaは実行することで 計画と






施行日後最初の営業日午後5:00。 関連法人団体 “会社法”が与えた意味を持っている。





関連日付 “計画実施プロトコル”における計画条件については, “計画実施プロトコル”で指定された弁済日または時間は、日付または時間が指定されていない場合は、 2回目の開廷日、またはNefororiaとBionomicsとの間で合意されたこの時間および日付の延長。 計画中の計画条件については,指定された日時 (あれば)。
イーストウッド SA 506 3
+ 61 8 8150 7400 www.bionomics.com.au オーストラリア人法律顧問
    ハミルトン · ロック    
    レベル 42 、オーストラリアスクエア、 ジョージ通り 264 号    
    シドニー, NSW 2000 www.hamiltonlocke.com.au    
    米国法律顧問 リモン法    
    レベル 2 、 50 ブリッジストリート シドニー, NSW 2000    
    www.rimonlaw.com インディペンデント専門家    
Findex コーポレートファイナンス (Aust) Ltd

レベル 42 、 600 Bourke Street メルボルン VIC 3000www.findex.com.au


共有レジストリ 5


Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
    レベル 5 , 115 グレンフェル通り アデレイド SA 5000    
    オーストラリア www.computershare.com/au    
    役員.取締役 デイヴィッド · イアン · ウィルソン    
    アラン · デイビッド · フィッシャー スピリドン · パパペトロプロス    
    ジェーン · ライアン ピーター · マイルズ · ウィンストン · デイヴィス    
    会社の秘書 ラジエフ · チャンドラ    

  スケジュール 1  
関連するオーストラリア語の比較 アメリカ合衆国法 エリア バイオノミクス ADS の株主の権利
Neuphoria 株式の保有者の権利




DGCLは通常Neveloriaのような会社で購入を許可しています または株主の承認なしに、合法的に償還可能な資金から流通株を償還することができる








* ニューフォリア州の州都は被害を受けていない 彼らはそんな考えを持っている。 購入や償還は新フォロリア州の首都に被害を与えることはない
* 買い取り価格が新福瑞亜が株式償還を選択できる価格を超えないこと
中国政府は直ちに行動した。 そのような償還の後、Neveloriaは、1つまたは複数の株式カテゴリまたは一連の1つまたは複数の流通株を持たなければならない。 完全な投票権を持たなければならない。 株式譲渡·転回
以下の場合にのみ,その帳簿上で内フロリア株の譲渡を行うことができる 登録所有者又は当該所有者の受権者により許可され,当該等の株式が証明書によって代表される場合は,返送されたとき その株の1枚以上の証明書と任意の税金の納付。

ネバダ州は合法的なものを認めて実行するかもしれません 譲渡に対する制限。 DGCLによって提供される。










会社の定款によると役員 会社法に基づいて利益から配当を発表することができ、会社が支払うことを許可するか、または貸方に記入することができる そのメンバーにこのような配当を与える。.


配当を発表する前に役員は 満足しているのは

四半期ごとに フォーム 10—Q の報告書;  

流れ フォーム 8—K に開示する必要がある重要な情報を含む報告書。



会社名 インサイダー報告と

プロキシ ステートメント


Neuphoria は、以下の米国連邦証券法の対象となります。 継続的な開示義務に関連してスキームの実施。


米国の証券法とナスダック上場規則は一般的に要求します Neuphoria の株式の価値または影響力に影響を及ぼすと合理的に予想される重要な情報の一般公開 投資家の決定。


米国連邦証券法は、ニューフォリアに公表を要求する SEC とは



年間 フォーム 10—K のレポート 四半期ごとに フォーム 10—Q の報告書;

流れ フォーム 8—K に開示する必要がある重要な情報を含む報告書。


会社名 インサイダー報告と


プロキシ ステートメント



オーストラリアの法律によると、その会社は準備しなければならない オーストラリア政府が制定した財務報告基準に基づいて財務諸表を作成する 会計基準委員会です。


会社が“外国会社”の地位を失ったから 2024年7月1日から、当社は米国公認会計原則に基づいて財務勘定を作成しなければならない。






監査役 会社登録の日から1か月以内に核数師を委任するが,会社が株主総会で核数師を委任した場合は例外である. 監査役です。 他の監査人を任命したりします 監査役の任期は次のいずれかまでである


♪the the the 監査役はASICの同意を得て辞任した


♪the the the


♪the the the 核数師は亡くなりました



♪the the the

♪the the the ♪the the the 会社は棚卸しをしている.

併設 A. 独立専門家の報告書


[This Bionomics が提出したスキームブックレットには付属は空白のままです 米国証券取引委員会 ( US Securities and Exchange Commission ) による Form 8—k の添付資料として、独立専門家報告書を閲覧するには、 Bionomics ’ Web サイトでのバージョン]

併設 b — スキーム
スキーム アレンジメント

バイオノミクス 限定


ACN 0 7 5 8 2 740

スキーム 参加者

スキーム アレンジメントの


アンダー 法人法第 411 条の

バイオノミクス 限定

ACN 075 582 740 オーストラリアで設立され、登録事務所は 200 Greenhill です。 Road , Eastwood South Australia 5063 (


バイオ ノ ミ クス



各々 記録の時点でバイオノミクスの全額支払済普通株式の保有者として登録された人 日付、除外株主以外 (





プログラム参加者 ザ 当事者は以下のとおり合意します。 定義 解釈と

否則 反対の意図が現れると次の意味が当てはまります






ADS 預託者

Citibank , N. A. を意味します。
ADS ホールダー バイオノミクス ADS の保有者を意味します 1.2(c)


オーストラリア証券投資委員会 ( Australian Securities & Investments Commission )


バイオノミクス ADS 「米国預託株式」は、 Nasdaq でティッカーコード「 BNOX 」で取引される 180 株のバイオノミクス株式を表す各米国預託株式を意味します。


バイオノミクス 共有




バイオノミクス 株主




ビジネス デー


アデレードにおける銀行の一般銀行業務が開業している日 ( 土曜日、日曜日または祝日を除く ) を意味します。 南オーストラリア州またはデラウェア州、アメリカ合衆国。






企業 法案


記録する. 日取り

施行日後の第二営業日の午後七時、又は以下の任意のその他の日(発効日後)をいう。 双方はその計画に基づいて計画を考慮する権利を得る権利があることを決定するための記録日となるだろう。

登録する. 生物学会会員名簿のこと。

登録されている 住所.住所





販売する. 施設 第6.4条に基づいて行われる施設をいう。
生物と計画参加者との間の計画案を指し、この案によると、すべての計画株式が譲渡される 本計画第6条に述べた“会社法”第5.1部によると、本計画の考慮を考慮するために、 ただし,裁判所が会社法第411条(6)条に基づいて行ったまたは規定された任意の改正または条件によって規定されなければならない この計画第10条によると、彼らはBionomicsとNeveloriaの書面で承認された。

案. パンフレット


“計画実施協定”に基づいて作成され、各当事者の同意を得て(合理的に行動する)情報を指す 裁判所によって承認され、その計画に関連する計画参加者に送られる。

案. 考慮事項
計画参加者については,計画参加者に発行される新株数を指す 6.2条で述べたとおりである。

案. 協定を実行する



案. 会議
裁判所が会社条例第411条(1)の命令により開催した生物株主総会をいう。 その計画を考えるために行動する。

案. 参加者



主題.主題. 第4.2条によれば、本計画は、会社法第411条(10)に基づいて発効した日から施行される。
端部 日取り

これが 発効日が終了日または前になければ、計画は失効し、もはや効力または効果を持たない。


実施する. Of計画


提出する. ASICの裁判所命令


もし…。 本計画第3.1条に掲げる事前条件(本計画第3.1(D)及び3.1(E)条に記載の事前条件を除く 計画),Bionomicsは会社法411(10)条に従ってASICに提出しなければならない できるだけ早く本計画を承認する裁判所の命令を下すが,どうしても遅れてはならない 裁判所はこの計画の日付やNefororiaとBionomicsが書面で合意されたより遅い時間を承認した。

接続する. 生物科学技術株の登録と
開ける 実施日ですが、計画対価の規定に適合しなければなりません。計画株式の対価は 本計画と新フォロリア州はBionomicsに本計画条項の書面確認対価格を提供した  
♪the the the 計画株式、計画株式に付加されたすべての権利及び権利 実施の日にはネフローリアに移されますこれ以上は必要ありません 任意の計画参加者の行動(Bionomicsによってエージェントやエージェントとして行われる行為は除く 本計画第8条下の計画参加者)について: 生物学 ネバダに完成した株式計画譲渡書を提出した 計画に参加した人数は ネフロリア 株式譲渡手続きを行い、生物科学技術会社に登録する。 そして





AS 正式に署名された株式計画譲渡を受けた後,生物は実行可能な範囲内でできるだけ早くしなければならない 譲渡されたすべての計画株式について,登録簿に新富力の名称を登録する 本計画の条項によると、ネバダ州にあります。 権利.権利 計画考慮事項 開ける 実施日は、計画株式を新フォロレアに譲渡する代償として、計画参加者一人に権利があります。 本計画第6条に基づいて、その1株当たりの計画株式に関する計画対価を徴収する。
タイトル Bionomicsの権利と

主題.主題. 本計画第6条に予想される計画株式の対価を提供することは,実施の日から計算する Bionomics登録の前に、Neveloriaはその計画に基づいてそれに譲渡された計画株式を実益的に享受する。 この計画株式の保有者として、当社は株主名簿に新フロリアの株主として登録する。


案. 参加者協議

はい。 本計画は,各計画参加者がその計画株式,及びそれに付随するすべての権利及び権利の譲渡に同意する 本計画の条項に基づき、当該等計画株式に譲渡する。


保証付き. 計画どおり参加者


個々 計画参加者は新フォロリアに保証され、以下の会社の代理人および代理人としてBionomicsを許可したとみなされ、新フォレリアに保証される。 本条5.6条によると、計画参加者:

もし…。 本方式で示される通知、譲渡、送信申請、指示、または他の通信は、Bionomicsに郵送で送信される。 通常郵送中または日時以外の日時(あれば)は,受信とはみなされない. それは実際にBionomicsの登録事務室またはBionomics株式登録所で受け取った。


意外なことに 遺漏

♪the the the 事故の漏れは、計画会議通知または任意のBionomics株主が当該等の通知を受けていない場合は、適用されない。 裁判所は,計画会議や計画会議の議事手順を無効にするように命令することができる.
一般情報 ミュータントは 変更と条件 生物学 内フロリアの同意を経て、その大弁護士または弁護士がすべての人を代表して同意することができる。 裁判所が適用に適していると考えている本計画の任意の変更、変更、または条件に関する。
さらに進む. 生態学的役割 生物学 すべてのファイルが実行され、必要または有利なすべての事項が実行される(それ自身を代表し、各計画参加者を代表する)。 この計画の下での義務を履行します。 権威.権威. 確認します
個々 計画に参加した人の中で: 取り返しのつかないように BionomicsとNeveloriaが必要で有利で付随的なすべてのことをすることに同意する。 この計画を推進すること確認します。 この計画は生物学とすべての計画参加者(そうしない人を含む)を制約します 計画会議に出席するか、その会議に投票しないか、またはその計画に反対票を投じる 会議)は、いかなる不一致の範囲内でも、法律の許容範囲内で、覆すことができる “生物学的構成”です違います。 誠実に行動する際の法的責任 もしなければ BionomicsでもNeveloriaでも、計画された合意の下での双方の権利を損なう。 本計画を実行する際には,何かしてもしない場合にも,法的責任を負わなければならない.
判を押す 職責

ネフロリア 本計画に関連するすべての印紙税(任意の罰金、罰金、および利息を含む)が支払われます。


統治する. 法律.法律


統治する. 法律と司法管轄権

これが ファイルおよび本ファイルの標的によるものまたは本ファイルの標的に関するいかなる論争も その文書はオーストラリア南オーストラリア州の法律によって管轄されている。
個々 一方はその国の裁判所の非排他的管轄権に従っています そのような法律手続きによって引き起こされた、あるいはそのような法律手続きに関連するいかなる法律手続きについても、彼らに控訴する 本文書のテーマ。

奉仕 ド キュ メント


な し 他の 送 達 方法を 妨げ 、 この 文書 に関連 した 訴訟 における 文書 は 、 下 記 に 記載 された 当事 者の 住 所 へ 配 達 または 残 された もの :


バイオ ノ ミ クス




200 Green h ill Road , East wood SA 50 6 3








注意してください Sp yr idon “ Sp yr os ” Pap ap etr opo ulos 万 . D - CEO コピーされました
ガ イ · サン ダー ソン 、 ハ ミ ルト ン · ロ ック

住 所 :


Level 42 , Australia Square , 26 4 George Street , Sydney NS W 2000


guy . s and erson @hamiltonlocke.com.au

ノ イ フォ リア


住 所 :


100 Summit Dr , Bur ling ton , MA 0 18 03 USA





Sp yr idon “ Sp yr os ” Pap ap etr opo ulos 万 . D - CEO



ア ンド リュー · ライ リー R imon



Level 2 , 50 Bridge Street , シ ド ニー NS W 2000

ア ンド リュー · リー リーrimonlaw.com


併 設 Poll C - De ed


デ イ ド 投票

ネ ウ フォ リア 株式 会社 セ ラ ピ ュ ティ クス
A デ ラ ウェア 州 企業

で 好 意 の


ス キ ーム 参加 者



2024 年 10 月 23 日 制作





差出人: ネ ウ フォ リア 株式 会社 セ ラ ピ ュ ティ クス , 登録 事務所 は 100 Summit Dr . , バー リ ントン 、 マ サ チュー セ ッツ 州 0 18 0 3 USA (
ノ イ フォ リア

バイオ ノ ミ クス




200 Green h ill Road , East wood SA 50 6 3








Sp yr idon “ Sp yr os ” Pap ap etr opo ulos 万 . D - CEO 。



ガ イ · サン ダー ソン 、 ハ ミ ルト ン · ロ ック
住 所 :  
レベル 42 、 オーストラリア 広 場



guy . s and erson @hamiltonlocke.com.au

ネ ウ フォ リア
住 所 :

100 Summit Dr , Bur ling ton , MA 0 18 03 USA



Sp yr idon “ Sp yr os ” Pap ap etr opo ulos 万 . D - CEO 。

コピーされましたア ンド リュー · ライ リー 、 リ モン住所:


Level 2 , 50 Bridge Street , Sydney NS W 2000









3.andre w . re illy @rimonlaw.com


3.1実行 済み


世 論 調査 としての 行為


実行 済み




ニュー フォ リア セ ラ ピ ュ ティ クス 株式 会社


3.2設立 地の 法律 及び 構成 文書 に従って


/ s / スピリドン · パパペトロプロス


ス ピ リ ドン Pap ap etr opo ulos ヴァ ン . D


チーフ 執行役員


併 設 D - ス キ ーム ミー ティング の 通知


3.3バイオ ノ ミ クス 限定


AC N の 0 75 58 2 740


お 知らせ 2024 年 10 月 28 日に ニュー サ ウス ウェ ールズ 州 最高 裁判所 の 命令 により 、 憲法 4 11 条 ( 1 ) に 基づ き 、


企業 2001 年 法


Details about the permitted methods of voting are set out in section 3.4 and in the Notice of Scheme Meeting contained in Annexure D of this Scheme Booklet.


3.4How to vote


Voting on the Scheme Resolution will be conducted by way of a poll.


If you are a Bionomics Shareholder entitled to vote at the Scheme Meeting, you may vote:


(a)online: by attending and voting via Bionomics’ online meeting platform located at https://meetnow.global/MCKR7AV;





(b)by proxy: by lodging your Proxy Form (in one of the ways set out in the explanatory notes in the Notice of Scheme Meeting) so that it is received by 8.30am (Sydney time) on Tuesday 10 December 2024;


(c)by attorney: by appointing an attorney to attend the Scheme Meeting and vote on your behalf, using a duly executed power of attorney so that it is received by 8.30am (Sydney time) on Tuesday 10 December 2024; or


(d)by corporate representative: in the case of a body corporate, appointing a body corporate representative to attend the Scheme Meeting and vote on your behalf, using a duly executed certificate of appointment of body corporate representative.


Further information on how to vote using each of these methods is contained in the Notice of Scheme Meeting contained in Annexure D to this Scheme Booklet.


The Scheme will not be implemented unless the Scheme Resolution is approved at the Scheme Meeting by the Requisite Majorities.


3.5Voting information for ADS Holders


ADS Holders as at a voting record date set by the ADS Depositary and notified by the ADS Depositary may instruct the ADS Depositary how to vote the number of deposited Bionomics Shares that their Bionomics ADSs represent. The ADS Depositary will notify registered ADS Holders of the Scheme Meeting and will send or make voting materials available to ADS Holders. Those materials will describe the matters to be voted on at the Scheme Meeting and explain how ADS Holders may instruct the ADS Depositary how to vote. ADS Holders that hold Bionomics ADSs through brokers or other securities intermediaries will receive notice and must give their instructions through their securities intermediaries. For instructions to be valid, they must reach the ADS Depositary by a date set by the ADS Depositary. The ADS Depositary will try, as far as practicable, subject to applicable laws and Bionomics’ constitution, to vote or to have its agent vote the deposited Bionomics Shares as instructed by ADS Holders. In any event, the ADS Depositary will not exercise any discretion in voting deposited Bionomics Shares and will only vote as instructed.


Except by instructing the ADS Depositary as described above, ADS Holders will not be able to exercise voting rights directly unless they surrender their Bionomics ADSs, withdraw their underlying Bionomics Shares and arrange to receive those Bionomics Shares into their securities account in Australia (which is a process that typically takes one or two Business Days to complete). If ADS Holders wish to do this, but do not have a securities account in Australia, then they should contact their financial intermediary to make appropriate arrangements to receive the underlying Bionomics Shares before the Record Date.







4.Considerations relevant to your vote


The Bionomics Board unanimously recommends that Bionomics Shareholders vote in favour of the Scheme.


In making this recommendation, the Bionomics Board has considered the information contained in:


section 4.1 (reasons to vote in favour of the Scheme);


section 4.2 (potential reasons to vote against the Scheme);


section 4.3 (other key considerations relevant to voting on the Scheme); and


sections 10 and 11 (risk factors and taxation implications).


Bionomics Shareholders should seek professional advice on their individual circumstances, as appropriate.


4.1Reasons to vote in favour of the Scheme


This section summarises the reasons why the Bionomics Board has determined to unanimously recommend that Bionomics Shareholders vote in favour of the Scheme, provided that the Independent Expert continues to conclude that the Scheme is in the best interests of Bionomics Shareholders.


(a)Your Directors recommend the Scheme


Your Directors unanimously recommend that Shareholders vote in favour of the Scheme subject to the Independent Expert continuing to conclude that the Scheme is in the best interest of Shareholders.


Each Director who holds or controls Bionomics Shares intends to vote those Shares in favour of the Scheme at the Scheme Meeting, subject to the same qualification. The interests of Bionomics Directors are disclosed in section 12.1 of this Scheme Booklet. Bionomics Shareholders should have regard to these interests when considering how to vote on the Scheme Resolution, including the recommendations on the Scheme Resolution which appear throughout this Scheme Booklet.6


(b)The Independent Expert has concluded that the Scheme is in the best interest of Shareholders


The Independent Expert, Findex Corporate Finance (Aust) Ltd, has concluded that the Scheme is in the best interest of Shareholders.



6Each Bionomics Director, other than Mr Peter Davies, holds Bionomics Options pursuant to the employee equity plan involving Bionomics Options issued to directors and employees of Bionomics. Bionomics Directors who hold Bionomics Options will be asked to enter into an Options Exchange Agreement with Bionomics and Neuphoria and will receive Neuphoria Options under the agreement, as would be the case with (and on identical terms as) any other holder of Bionomics Options. The terms of the Bionomics Options do not contain any vesting conditions that will be affected or triggered by the Scheme. Mr Peter Davies, who does not hold Bionomics Options, considers that, despite these arrangements, it is appropriate for the Bionomics Directors who hold Bionomics Options to make a recommendation on the Scheme Resolution given their role in the operation and management of Bionomics, and that Bionomics Shareholders would wish to know their views in relation to the Scheme Resolution. Those Bionomics Directors also consider that it is appropriate for them to make recommendations on the Scheme Resolution.





In reaching this view, the Independent Expert has concluded that the advantages of the Scheme do outweigh the disadvantages and accordingly the Scheme is in the best interest of the Shareholders. In particular, the Independent Expert considered:


the advantages and disadvantages of the Scheme;


other factors which it considered to be relevant to Shareholders in their assessment (including, among others, tax implications for Shareholders, implementation costs related to the Proposed Transaction and protection of Shareholders under the new jurisdiction); and


the position of Shareholders should the Scheme not proceed.


The Independent Expert’s Report is set out in Annexure A and Shareholders are encouraged to read it in full.


(c)Alignment with leading industry peers


The Directors believe that re-domiciling and listing on Nasdaq will enable the Combined Group to align more closely with other prominent US pharmaceutical companies that are listed on Nasdaq. The Directors consider that this alignment can enhance the Combined Group’s visibility and reputation within the industry.


(d)US corporate structure could increase attractiveness to potential strategic partners or acquirers


The Directors believe that, with a US parent company, the Combined Group could be more attractive to potential US strategic partners or acquirers.


(e)Improved marketability to US institutional investors


The Directors believe that re-domiciling to the United States will make the Combined Group more attractive to US institutional investors, who often prefer to invest in US companies. In addition, US institutional investors are likely to prioritise US companies with a clear regulatory pathway and a higher likelihood of FDA approval. This increased investor interest can help provide ongoing capital to continue to fund the Combined Group’s clinical research initiatives, support regulatory submissions, and advance the development of its pharmaceutical products.


(f)Increased attractiveness to a broader US investor pool who previously could not invest in non-US companies


The Directors consider that US investors generally prefer investments in common stock of US companies rather than ADSs of non-US companies. As a domestic US company, the Combined Group can offer US investors the opportunity to invest directly in Neuphoria shares of common stock, providing them with their desired ownership structure.


This can attract a broader range of US investors who prefer the transparency, voting rights, and economic benefits associated with holding common stock. By accommodating this preference, the Combined Group aims to enhance investor participation and strengthen its relationship with US shareholders.


(g)Lower compliance and auditing costs


Until 1 July 2024, Bionomics qualified as a “foreign private issuer” (as defined in Rule 405 under the US Securities Act of 1933) and, as a result, was able to take advantage of certain reduced disclosure and other requirements as an SEC-registrant with securities listed on Nasdaq. Since that date, Bionomics must report like a US company while, as an Australian public company, still being required to comply with reporting requirements under the Corporations Act. As a result, the regulatory and compliance costs to Bionomics have increased.





A re-domiciliation via the Scheme will eliminate significant Australian compliance costs, including avoiding the need to prepare financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as well as US generally accepted accounting principles.


(h)Eliminate administrative fees payable under Bionomics’ American Depositary Receipt program


Under our Depositary Agreement with Citibank N.A., Bionomics has incurred significant costs related to the program through which the ADSs are issued. Such costs would cease upon completion of the re-domiciliation as the depositary program would be terminated. In addition, the Depositary currently charges ADS holders an annual fee of US$0.05 per ADS. This charge and other fees charged to investors by depositary will be eliminated upon completion of the re-domiciliation.


(i)Enhanced regulatory pathway


The Directors believe that re-domiciling and listing on Nasdaq will better facilitate the Combined Group’s engagement with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and streamline the regulatory pathway for its pharmaceutical products. Being a US company and operating under a US regulatory jurisdiction may provide the Combined Group with better access to FDA resources, guidance, and expertise, expediting the approval process for its clinical trials and potential product registrations.


4.2Potential reasons to vote against the Scheme


Although the Bionomics Board has determined to unanimously recommend that Bionomics Shareholders vote in favour of the Scheme, Bionomics Shareholders should consider the following reasons to potentially vote against the Scheme before making a decision on how to vote.


(a)You may disagree with your Directors’ unanimous recommendations or the Independent Expert’s conclusions


All of your Directors and the Independent Expert have concluded that the Scheme is in the best interest of Bionomics Shareholders.7 These conclusions do not take into account your personal interests and circumstances, and so you may not believe that the Scheme in in your best interest. Alternatively, you may weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the Scheme differently and so reach a different conclusion to the Directors and Independent Expert.


(b)Changing to a new jurisdiction and the differences in shareholders’ rights and obligations as a shareholder of a US domiciled company


On implementation of the Scheme, Bionomics Shareholders (other than Ineligible Overseas Shareholders or Electing Small Parcel Holders) will become holders of Neuphoria Shares. Neuphoria, as a company incorporated in the State of Delaware, will not be subject to any of the provisions of the Corporations Act (which Bionomics is currently subject to) and instead will be subject to the Delaware General Corporation Law.



7Each Bionomics Director, other than Mr Peter Davies, holds Bionomics Options pursuant to the employee equity plan involving Bionomics Options issued to directors and employees of Bionomics. Bionomics Directors who hold Bionomics Options will be asked to enter into an Options Exchange Agreement with Bionomics and Neuphoria and will receive Neuphoria Options under the agreement, as would be the case with (and on identical terms as) any other holder of Bionomics Options. The terms of the Bionomics Options do not contain any vesting conditions that will be affected or triggered by the Scheme. Mr Peter Davies, who does not hold Bionomics Options, considers that, despite these arrangements, it is appropriate for the Bionomics Directors who hold Bionomics Options to make a recommendation on the Scheme Resolution given their role in the operation and management of Bionomics, and that Bionomics Shareholders would wish to know their views in relation to the Scheme Resolution. Those Bionomics Directors also consider that it is appropriate for them to make recommendations on the Scheme Resolution.





The rights of holders of Neuphoria Shares, including those living outside the United States, will be primarily governed by the laws of the United States and the corporate law of the State of Delaware as well as the Neuphoria Charter Documents.


As a result of this, certain Shareholders may decide that they do not wish to become a shareholder of a Delaware domiciled company and would prefer to remain a shareholder of an Australian company.


Currently, Bionomics Shareholders residing in Australia wishing to take action to enforce the provisions of Bionomics’ constitution or the securities laws applicable to Bionomics may take action in Australian courts and applying Australian law. After the implementation of the Scheme, such actions in respect of Neuphoria will be determined in accordance with the laws of the United States and the State of Delaware. An Australian shareholder will be entitled to seek enforcement of applicable laws in the same manner as a shareholder residing in the United States.


A non-exhaustive comparison of the rights of holders of Bionomics Shares (which are also the underlying securities of the ADSs) and the rights of holders of Neuphoria Shares is set out in Schedule 1.


(c)The potential tax consequences of the Scheme may not suit your current financial position or tax circumstances


Implementation of the Scheme may have adverse tax implications for you depending on your individual circumstances. Similar to an investment in Bionomics ADSs, an investment in Neuphoria Shares involves US income tax considerations. Following implementation of the Scheme, US and non-US holders of Neuphoria Shares may be subject to US tax and reporting requirements like an investment in shares of other US companies. Please refer to Section 11 for a general overview of certain United States and Australian tax implications of the Scheme.


All Shareholders are advised to seek independent professional advice about their particular circumstances including, for non-Australian Shareholders, the foreign tax consequences.


(d)Although the exchange ratio is fixed at one Neuphoria Share for every 2,160 Bionomics Shares, the exact value of the Scheme Consideration if issued is not certain and will depend on the price at which the Neuphoria Shares trade on Nasdaq after the Implementation Date.


Under the terms of the Scheme, Bionomics Shareholders on the Share Register as at the Record Date will be issued one Neuphoria Share for every 2,160 Bionomics Shares they hold (rounded to the nearest whole Neuphoria Share). The exact value of this Scheme Consideration that would be realised by individual Bionomics Shareholders will depend on the price at which Neuphoria Shares trade on Nasdaq after the Implementation Date.


In addition, the Sale Agent will be issued the Neuphoria Shares that would otherwise be issued in the name of Ineligible Overseas Shareholders or Electing Small Parcel Holders and will sell them as soon as reasonably practicable after the Implementation Date. Although the quantum of these sales is expected to be limited, it is possible that such sales may exert downward pressure on the share price of Neuphoria Shares during the applicable period. Moreover, the price that may be realised by the sale of these shares will depend on matters including prevailing market conditions and the willingness of buyers to acquire Neuphoria shares.





(e)There could be a more litigious environment under Delaware corporate law


Neuphoria may be exposed to increased litigation as a Delaware corporation because the corporate legal environment is generally more litigious in the United States compared to Australia.


Shareholders of a Delaware corporation are entitled to commence class action suits on their own behalf and on behalf of any other similarly situated shareholders to enforce an obligation owed to shareholders directly where the requirements for maintaining a class action under Delaware law have been met. There is a risk that any material or costly dispute or litigation could adversely affect the Combined Group’s reputation, financial performance or value.


(f)Costs of implementing the Proposed Transaction


Bionomics estimates the cost of implementing the re-domiciliation as being approximately A$900,000 (excluding GST). These are one-off costs that have mostly already been incurred by Bionomics. In addition, Citibank, N.A., as depositary for Bionomics’ American Depositary Receipt program, has demanded a significant amount of fees be paid in connection with the re-domiciliation. While Bionomics believes the demand is excessive, there is uncertainty as to how much Bionomics might be required to pay.


4.3Other key considerations in relation to voting on the Scheme


Bionomics Shareholders should also consider the following additional considerations in determining how to exercise their vote at the Scheme Meeting:


(a)The Scheme may be implemented even if you vote against the Scheme or do not vote at all. It is an “all-or-nothing” proposal


Even if you vote against the Scheme or do not vote at all, the Scheme may still be implemented if it is approved by the Requisite Majority of Bionomics Shareholders and the Court and all of the other Scheme Conditions to the Scheme are either satisfied or waived. If this occurs:


(i)the Scheme will bind all Bionomics Shareholders, including those who did not vote on the Scheme Resolution and those who voted against it;


(ii)on the Implementation Date, your Bionomics Shares will be transferred to Neuphoria and you will receive the Scheme Consideration;


(iii)Bionomics will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Neuphoria; and


(iv)Neuphoria will apply to list on Nasdaq.


(b)Conditionality of the Scheme


Implementation of the Scheme is subject to the satisfaction or waiver of a number of Scheme Conditions. If the Scheme Conditions are not satisfied or waived by their Relevant Dates, the Scheme will not proceed (in which case Bionomics Shareholders will not receive the Scheme Consideration or any other amount to which they would be entitled under the Scheme)).





(c)Implications for Bionomics Shareholders if the Scheme is not implemented


(i)(No Scheme Consideration): If the Scheme is not implemented, each Bionomics Shareholder will retain their Bionomics Shares and will not receive any Scheme Consideration.


(ii)(Remain listed): If the Scheme is not implemented, Bionomics Shareholders will continue to be exposed to the risks and benefits of owning Bionomics Shares.


(d)Deemed warranties by Scheme Participants


The effect of the Scheme is that all Scheme Participants, including those who vote against the Scheme and those who do not vote, will be deemed to have warranted to Neuphoria (and have authorised Bionomics to warrant to Neuphoria as agent and attorney for the Scheme Participant), that, as at the Implementation Date, their Bionomics Shares are fully paid and free from all encumbrances and that the Scheme Participant has the power to sell their Bionomics Shares to Neuphoria under the Scheme. The terms of the warranties are set out in clause 6 of the Scheme Implementation Agreement and are summarised in section 5.8 of this Scheme Booklet. The Scheme is set out in Annexure B.


You should ensure that these warranties can be given by you prior to, and remain correct as at, the Implementation Date.


(e)You may need a brokerage account which allows trading of US stocks if you want to sell your Neuphoria Shares


If you are a Bionomics Shareholder (other than the Australian custodian for the ADS Depositary) and you are not an Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or Electing Small Parcel Holder and you wish to sell your Neuphoria Shares, you would be required to obtain a brokerage account which allows you to trade US stocks, such as Neuphoria Shares, on Nasdaq. If you do not wish to sell your Neuphoria Shares but wish to simply hold them, you will not need to set up a brokerage account.


ADS Holders could use a broker to trade Neuphoria Shares just as they do currently to trade Bionomics ADSs.


If you are a Bionomics Shareholder, to open a brokerage account for your Neuphoria Shares, you should select a brokerage platform which offers the ability to hold and trade US stocks if you do not have one already. Several Australian brokers (including a number of discount online brokers) offer this ability. While Bionomics cannot provide a specific broker recommendation, the Australian Securities Exchange has a listing of online Australian brokers on its website at https://www.asx.com.au/investors/start-investing/find-a-broker-adviser/full-service-and-online-brokers which you could consider as a starting point to choose a broker who offers the ability to hold and trade US stocks.


The instructions of your selected platform should be followed to open a brokerage account (if you do not already have one), but typically this will involve opening an online account (unless it is a platform associated with your bank, in which case account opening may be simpler), providing your personal and financial information and entering into an agreement for broker services with the provider.







5.Implementation of the Scheme




The Scheme is a scheme of arrangement under Part 5.1 of the Corporations Act. A scheme of arrangement is commonly used to give effect to re-domiciliation of a company to an overseas jurisdiction.


The key terms of the Scheme, if approved and implemented, will involve:


(a)the acquisition by Neuphoria on the Implementation Date of all Bionomics Shares not already held by Neuphoria as at the Record Date; and



the provision of the Scheme Consideration to Scheme Participants (other than Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders) who hold Bionomics Shares at the Record Date.


This section explains the steps involved in implementing the Scheme (a copy of which is contained in Annexure B).


If the Scheme becomes Effective, Bionomics will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Neuphoria and will request Nasdaq to have the Bionomics ADSs delisted as soon as possible after the Implementation Date. Neuphoria will be admitted to the official list of Nasdaq and the Neuphoria Shares will be listed on Nasdaq.


5.2Steps in implementing the Scheme


(a)Scheme Implementation Agreement


On 1 October 2024, Bionomics and Neuphoria entered into the Scheme Implementation Agreement which sets out each of Bionomics and Neuphoria’s rights and obligations in connection with the implementation of the Scheme.


Certain key aspects of the Scheme Implementation Agreement are summarised in this section 5 of this Scheme Booklet. The Scheme Implementation Agreement (excluding annexures) can be accessed on a current report on Form 8-K that was filed with the SEC on 2 October 2024. It may be accessed at the following link: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1191070/000121390024084175/0001213900-24-084175-index.html


The Scheme Implementation Agreement does not contain provisions regarding the treatment of Small Parcel Holders as described in this Scheme Booklet, although the Scheme of Arrangement does implement those procedures and has the consent of Neuphoria.


(b)Deed Poll


On 23 October 2024, Neuphoria executed the Deed Poll in favour of each Scheme Participant, pursuant to which Neuphoria agreed to perform its obligations under the Scheme and to otherwise comply with the Scheme as if Neuphoria was a party to the Scheme.


The key obligation of Neuphoria under the Scheme is to provide the Scheme Consideration to each Scheme Participant subject to satisfaction or waiver of the Scheme Conditions.


A copy of the Deed Poll is set out in Annexure C.





(c)Scheme Meeting


On 8 November 2024, the Court ordered that Bionomics convene a meeting of Bionomics Shareholders to consider and vote on the Scheme. The Court ordered that the Scheme Meeting be held at 8.30am (Sydney time), which is 4.30pm on Thursday 12 December 2024 (New York time).


Instructions on how to attend and vote at the Scheme Meeting are set out in section 3 of this Scheme Booklet and in the Notice of Scheme Meeting in Annexure D.


No endorsement by the Court


The fact that under section 411(1) of the Corporations Act the Court ordered that a meeting of the Bionomics Shareholders be convened by Bionomics to consider and vote on the Scheme does not mean that the Court:


has formed any view as to the merits of the proposed Scheme or as to how Bionomics Shareholders should vote (on this matter, Bionomics Shareholders must reach their own decision); or


has prepared, or is responsible for, the content of this Scheme Booklet.


Required majority to pass resolutions


For the Scheme to be implemented, it is necessary that the Requisite Majority of Bionomics Shareholders vote in favour of the resolution to approve the Scheme at the Scheme Meeting.


If the Requisite Majority of Bionomics Shareholders approve the Scheme at the Scheme Meeting, the result of the Scheme Meeting will be announced during the Scheme Meeting.


(d)Second Court Hearing


In order to become Effective, the Scheme (with or without modification) must be approved by an order of the Court at the Second Court Hearing in accordance with section 411(4)(b) of the Corporations Act.


Apply for approval


If the Scheme is approved at the Scheme Meeting by the Requisite Majority, Bionomics intends to apply to the Court for the necessary orders approving the Scheme.


The Court has an overriding discretion whether or not to approve the Scheme under section 411(4)(a)(ii)(A) of the Corporations Act and can, for example, disregard the Headcount Test. Bionomics reserves the right to apply to the Court at the Second Court Hearing to approve the Scheme even if the Headcount Test is not satisfied.


If the Scheme is approved at the Scheme Meeting by the Requisite Majority, but not subsequently approved by the Court at the Second Court Hearing, then the Scheme will not proceed.


Opposing the Scheme


Each Bionomics Shareholder has the right to seek leave to appear at Court at the Second Court Hearing and be heard in respect of the Scheme.





The Second Court Hearing is scheduled to be held at 3.00pm on Monday 16 December 2024 in the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Information on attending the Second Court Hearing will be released on Bionomics’ website if the Scheme is approved by Bionomics Shareholders at the Scheme Meeting.


If you want to object to approval of the Scheme by the Court at the Second Court Hearing, you must file with the Court and serve on Bionomics a notice of appearance in the prescribed form together with any affidavit that you propose to rely on at the hearing.


The notice of appearance and affidavit must be served on Bionomics at its address for service at least three days before the Second Court Hearing. The postal address for service is 200 Greenhill Road, Eastwood SA 5063, Australia.


(e)Record date


Determination of entitlement to Scheme Consideration


Bionomics Shareholders (other than Excluded Shareholders, Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders) will be entitled to receive the Scheme Consideration under the Scheme if they are registered as holders of Bionomics Shares on the Record Date.


The Record Date is currently proposed to be 5.00pm (Sydney time) on Tuesday 17 December 2024.


In this Scheme Booklet, Bionomics Shareholders as at the Record Date (other than Excluded Shareholders) are referred to as ‘Scheme Participants’.


From the Record Date (and other than for Neuphoria following the Implementation Date), the Share Register will close for transfers and all holding statements for Bionomics Shares (other than holding statements in favour of Neuphoria) will cease to have effect as documents of title. Each entry on the Share Register on the Record Date will cease to have any effect other than as evidence of entitlement to the Scheme Consideration.


(f)Effective Date


If the Court approves the Scheme at the Second Court Hearing, Bionomics will (pursuant to section 411(10) of the Corporations Act) lodge with ASIC the office copy of the Court order approving the Scheme. Bionomics intends to lodge the office copy of the Court order with ASIC on the Effective Date, which is expected to be Monday 16 December 2024.


If the Scheme Conditions are satisfied or waived, the Scheme will legally come into effect on the Effective Date.


If the Scheme has not become Effective or the relevant Scheme Conditions have not been satisfied or waived by 31 January 2025 or such later date as Bionomics and Neuphoria agree in writing (being the End Date), the Scheme will lapse and be of no further force or effect.


(g)Implementation Date


The Implementation Date of the Scheme is the date which is 5 Business Days after the Record Date or such other date as agreed by Bionomics and Neuphoria. The Implementation Date is currently proposed to be Tuesday 24 December 2024.





If the Scheme becomes Effective, on the Implementation Date:


all Bionomics Shares held by Scheme Participants will be transferred to Neuphoria without any further action required by Scheme Participants;


all Scheme Participants (other than Ineligible Overseas Shareholders, Electing Small Parcel Holders and the Australian custodian of the ADS Depositary) and the ADS Depositary will receive the Scheme Consideration. Holders of Neuphoria Shares will have their names entered on the Neuphoria Register;


Bionomics will enter the name of Neuphoria in the Share Register in respect of the Bionomics Shares;


Neuphoria will procure that the ADS Depositary delivers (by way of exchange) such Neuphoria Shares to the ADS Holders on the basis of one Neuphoria Share for every 12 Bionomics ADSs held on the Record Date; and


Bionomics will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Neuphoria.


More information about the provision of the Scheme Consideration on the Implementation Date is set out in section 6.3 of this Scheme Booklet.


(h)Listing of Neuphoria


If the Scheme becomes Effective, Neuphoria will apply to Nasdaq to list its shares, with effect from the close of trading on the Effective Date.


(i)Trading in Neuphoria Shares


Neuphoria will seek confirmation from the Nasdaq that, from the Business Day after the Effective Date (or any later date as Nasdaq requires), the Neuphoria Shares will be listed for quotation on the official list of Nasdaq. Neuphoria has requested that Nasdaq grant approval for use of the Nasdaq ticker symbol “NEUP”.


The Neuphoria Shares are expected to commence trading promptly after Implementation Date.


The exact number of Neuphoria Shares to be issued to each Scheme Participant (other than Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders) will not be known until after the Record Date and will not be confirmed to each relevant Scheme Participant until they receive their holding statements following the Implementation Date. It is the responsibility of each relevant Scheme Participant to confirm their holdings of Neuphoria Shares (as applicable) before they trade them, to avoid the risk of committing to sell more than will be issued to them.


(j)Existing shareholder instructions to Bionomics


Except for tax file numbers and except as prohibited by law, all instructions, notifications or elections by each Bionomics Shareholder to Bionomics that are binding or deemed binding between the Bionomics Shareholder and Bionomics, relating to Bionomics, Bionomics Shares, including instructions, notifications or elections relating to the receipt of notices or other communications from Bionomics (including by email) will be deemed from the Implementation Date (except to the extent determined otherwise by Neuphoria in its sole discretion) to be made by the Scheme Participant to Neuphoria, and to be a binding instruction, notification or election to, and accepted by Neuphoria in respect of any Neuphoria Shares provided to that Scheme Participant until and unless that instruction, notification or election is revoked or amended in writing addressed to Neuphoria or its agent (including the share registry).





5.3Scheme Conditions


The Scheme will not proceed unless all the Scheme Conditions are satisfied or waived (if capable of being waived) in accordance with the Scheme Implementation Agreement or Scheme (as applicable).


The Scheme Conditions are set out in clause 3.1 of the Scheme Implementation Agreement and clause 3.1 of the Scheme.


The Scheme Conditions are summarised below. Capitalised terms in the table below are defined in the Scheme Implementation Agreement.



Party entitled to
Responsibility to
  (e)        Orders convening Scheme Meeting:  The Court orders the convening of the Scheme Meeting under section 411(1) of the Corporations Act. Both Bionomics
  (f)         Bionomics Shareholder Approval:  Bionomics Shareholder Approval is obtained at the Scheme Meeting. Bionomics Bionomics
  (g)        Court approval of Scheme:  The Court makes orders under section 411(4)(b) of the Corporations Act approving the Scheme on the Second Court Date. Both Bionomics
  (h)        Order lodged with ASIC:  An office copy of the Court orders approving the Scheme is lodged with ASIC as contemplated by section 411(10) of the Corporations Act on or before the End Date. Both Bionomics
  (i)         Regulatory Consents:  All approvals or consents required from any Government Agency to implement the Scheme (other than the approval of the Court of the Scheme under section 411(4)(b) of the Corporations Act) are obtained (or deemed obtained) and not withdrawn by 8.00 am on the Second Court Date (Regulatory Consents). Both In respect of each agreed consent, waiver or approval, the party who has the legal obligation to obtain it
  (j)         Nasdaq approval for listing:  Prior to 8.00 am on the Second Court Date, Nasdaq has confirmed it has no objections to listing on Nasdaq of Neuphoria Shares, subject to official notice of issuance following implementation and any customary conditions. Neuphoria Neuphoria
  (k)        Independent Expert’s report:  The Independent Expert issues its report before the date on which the Scheme Booklet is provided to ASIC and the Independent Expert concludes that the Scheme is in the best interest of Bionomics Shareholders (and does not change that conclusion prior to 8.00 am on the Second Court Date). Both Bionomics





5.4Status of Scheme Conditions


As at the date of this Scheme Booklet, neither Bionomics nor Neuphoria is aware of any circumstances which would cause any Scheme Conditions not to be satisfied or any termination right to be enlivened.


A statement about the status of Scheme Conditions will be made at the commencement of the Scheme Meeting.


5.5If the Scheme does not proceed


If the Scheme does not proceed, Bionomics Shareholders will continue to hold Bionomics Shares and will not receive the Scheme Consideration.


Bionomics will be liable to pay certain transaction costs relating to the Scheme regardless of whether the Scheme proceeds. If the Scheme is implemented, additional costs will be incurred.


5.6Termination of the Scheme Implementation Agreement


The circumstances in which the Scheme Implementation Agreement can be terminated are set out in full in clause 10 of the Scheme Implementation Agreement.


Below is a summary of the termination rights of the parties under the Scheme Implementation Agreement:


Cause for

Description of termination right
Breach Where the other party is in material breach of the Scheme Implementation Agreement, the party wishing to terminate has given the other party written notice and the breach has not been remedied within 10 Business Days of the date of the notice
Automatic termination Bionomics shareholder approval is not obtained at the Scheme Meeting
Mutual agreement Bionomics and Neuphoria may terminate by mutual agreement in writing.





5.7Warranties in Scheme Implementation Agreement


Under the Scheme Implementation Agreement, Bionomics and Neuphoria each provide a range of representations and warranties to the other in relation to their respective organisations and operations as well as their provision of information to the other in the context of the Proposed Transaction. Clause 9 of the Scheme Implementation Agreement contains these warranties and representations.


5.8Warranties by Scheme Participants under the Scheme


The effect of the Scheme is that each Scheme Participant, including those who vote against the Scheme and those who do not vote, will be deemed to have warranted to Neuphoria (and to have authorised Bionomics to warrant to Neuphoria as agent and attorney for the Scheme Participant) that:


all their Bionomics Shares which are transferred to Neuphoria under the Scheme are, as at the Implementation Date, fully paid and free from all encumbrances; and


they have full power and capacity to sell and to transfer their Bionomics Shares (including any rights and entitlements attaching to those shares) to Neuphoria under the Scheme.


The Scheme is set out in Annexure B.


5.9Sale Facility


If you are an Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or an Electing Small Parcel Holder, the entire Scheme Consideration that would otherwise have been issued to you will be issued to the Sale Agent, as your nominee on trust, for sale through the Sale Facility and you will be paid a pro rata share of the net proceeds from the sale of all Scheme Consideration sold through the Sale Facility. Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders will be paid the proceeds of sale. Bionomics will pay all brokerage and related costs, levies or fees associated with the sale of Neuphoria Shares through the Sale Facility on behalf of Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders.


The Sale Agent will sell the Neuphoria Shares in such manner, at such price and on such other terms as the Sale Agent determines in good faith.


The Sale Facility will operate as follows:


a)as soon as reasonably practicable, but no more than eight weeks after the Implementation Date, the Sale Agent will arrange for the sale of all the Neuphoria Shares issued to it, held for the benefit of Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders. The sales will be effected in such manner, at such price and on such other terms as the Sale Agent determines in good faith and at the sole risk of the Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders; and


b)Bionomics will pay all brokerage and related costs, levies or fees associated with the sale of Neuphoria Shares through the Sale Facility.


c)the Sale Agent will then remit the sale proceeds in US dollars, to Neuphoria which will then account to each Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders for their pro rata share of the net aggregated sale proceeds in Australian dollars or New Zealand dollars (as applicable), converted using the prevailing AUD/USD or AUD/NZD exchange rate (as applicable). Interest will not be paid on any sale proceeds.





Each Ineligible Overseas Shareholder and each Electing Small Parcel Holder will be paid their pro rata share of the net sale proceeds on an averaged basis so that all Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders will be paid the same price per Neuphoria Share (subject to rounding down to the nearest whole cent) in Australian dollars or New Zealand dollars (as applicable), after conversion from US dollars.


The actual price received by an Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or an Electing Small Parcel Holder for their Neuphoria Shares that are sold under the Sale Facility may be more or less than the actual price that is received by the Sale Agent for those Neuphoria Shares. Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders will be paid (in their pro rata proportions) the proceeds of the sale of their Neuphoria Shares as soon as practicable after implementation of the Scheme, by either:


a)where an Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or an Electing Small Parcel Holder has, before the Record Date, made a valid election in accordance with the requirements of the share registry to receive dividend payments from Bionomics by electronic funds transfer, to a bank account nominated by the Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or Electing Small Parcel Holder, paying, or procuring the payment of, the relevant amount in Australian currency by electronic means in accordance with that election; or


b)by Global Wire Payment Service, if an Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or an Electing Small Parcel Holder has elected to receive payments electronically in their local currency using the share registry’s Global Wire Payment Service;


c)for an Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or an Electing Small Parcel Holder with a registered address in New Zealand, by making a deposit in New Zealand currency into an account notified by the Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or an Electing Small Parcel Holder to Bionomics and recorded in the Share Register as at the Record Date; or


d)dispatching, or procuring the dispatch of, a cheque for the relevant amount in Australian currency to the Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or an Electing Small Parcel Holder by prepaid post to their address as shown in the Bionomics share register (as at the Record Date), such cheque being drawn in the name of the Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or an Electing Small Parcel Holder (in the case of joint holders, the cheque will be drawn in the name of the joint holders).


Payment of the proceeds to each Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or each Electing Small Parcel Holder (in their pro rata proportions) in the manner set out above satisfies in full Neuphoria’s obligations to the Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or the Electing Small Parcel Holder under the Scheme in respect of the Scheme Consideration.


For Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or each Electing Small Parcel Holder with a registered address in New Zealand who have not provided their bank account details, their payment will be withheld pending receipt of their valid bank account details or dealt with in accordance with applicable unclaimed money legislation.


If an Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or an Electing Small Parcel Holder wishes to verify and/or update their bank account details, they can do this online at www.investorcentre.com/au or by contacting the share registry prior to the Record Date. If the Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or the Electing Small Parcel Holder has already registered, they can log in using their User ID and password. If the Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or an Electing Small Parcel Holder is not a member, they will need their Securityholder Reference Number to register. The new user registration process requires an account verification code to be mailed to the Shareholder’s registered address as an additional layer of security to protect their security holding. Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders should allow sufficient time for delivery of the verification code so that they can update their bank account details before the Record Date.







6.Scheme Consideration


This section provides information regarding the Scheme Consideration that is relevant for Bionomics Shareholders.




Pursuant to the Scheme:


holders of fully paid ordinary shares in Bionomics (“Bionomics Shares”) will be entitled to receive one share of common stock in Neuphoria (“Neuphoria Share”) for every 2,160 Bionomics Shares held on the Record Date;


the ADS Depositary (who holds Bionomics Shares for the benefit of the ADS Holders through their Australian custodian) will be directly issued one Neuphoria Share for every 2,160 Bionomics Shares held on behalf of the ADS Depositary on the Record Date by their Australian custodian; and


Neuphoria will procure that the ADS Depositary delivers (by way of exchange) such Neuphoria Shares to the ADS Holders on the basis of one Neuphoria Share for every 12 Bionomics ADSs held on the Record Date.


Such a consolidation of share capital is considered appropriate following advice from two investment banks concerning an appropriate pricing model for an ambitious and emerging biotechnology research and development company. If the company were to apply the ratio proposed above to its current share price, the estimated Nasdaq share price would be approximately US$2.40 per share as of the Last Practicable Date. Furthermore, any reorganisation of capital does not affect the value of the company nor shareholder position.


See section 8.6 for a detailed description of the rights attaching to Neuphoria Shares. See also Schedule 1 for a comparison of the Australian and US legal regimes regarding rights of holders of Bionomics Shares and Neuphoria Shares (respectively), which will be relevant to your consideration as to whether to vote in favour of the Scheme.


Holders of Bionomics Options and Bionomics Warrants will be asked to exchange those convertible securities for equivalent options and warrants in Neuphoria based on the same exchange ratio as the Scheme ratio.


The adjustments for all Bionomics Warrants and Bionomics Options which are exchanged into Neuphoria Warrants or Neuphoria Options (respectively) will be the standard adjustment on a consolidation, which is to reduce the number of warrants or options by a factor of 2,160 (in the case of options over shares) or 12 (in the case of warrants over ADSs), and to increase the exercise price of the warrant or option in the inverse of that same ratio. The same rounding rules that apply to fractional shares in the Scheme will apply to the Neuphoria Options and Neuphoria Warrants issued.


6.2Entitlement to Scheme Consideration


Scheme Participants, being Bionomics Shareholders whose names appear on the Share Register as at the Record Date (5.00pm (Sydney time) on Tuesday 17 December 2024) (other than Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders), will be entitled to receive the Scheme Consideration under the Scheme.





The Scheme does not preclude you from selling your Bionomics ADSs on market for cash, if you wish, provided you do so before close of trading on Nasdaq on the Implementation Date (currently expected to be Tuesday 24 December 2024).


If you sell your Bionomics ADSs on market for cash, as referred to above, you:


will not be entitled to receive the Scheme Consideration; and


may incur a brokerage charge.


Dealings on or prior to the Record Date


For the purpose of establishing the persons who are entitled to participate in the Scheme, dealings in Bionomics Shares will only be recognised if:


(a)in the case of requests to convert ADSs to Bionomics Shares, the person is registered in the Share Register as the holder of the relevant Bionomics Shares on or before the Record Date; and


(b)in all other cases, registrable transmission applications or transfers in respect of those dealings are received on or before 5.00pm on the Effective Date.


Bionomics will not accept for registration or recognise any transfer or transmission application received after such times or received before such times but not in registrable or actionable form.


Dealings after the Record Date


For the purpose of determining entitlements to Scheme Consideration, Bionomics will maintain the Share Register in accordance with the terms of the Scheme and the Share Register in this form will solely determine entitlements to the Scheme Consideration.


As from the Record Date (other than for Neuphoria after the Implementation Date), each entry current on the Share Register will cease to have effect except as evidence of entitlement to the Scheme Consideration in respect of the Bionomics Shares relating to that entry.


All statements of holding in respect of Bionomics Shares will cease to have effect after the Record Date as documents of title in respect of those shares (other than statements of holdings in favour of Neuphoria).


6.3Provision of the Scheme Consideration


Neuphoria has entered into the Deed Poll under which Neuphoria covenants in favour of Scheme Participants to provide the Scheme Consideration in accordance with the Scheme.


If the Scheme becomes Effective, Neuphoria must issue the Neuphoria Shares (as applicable) to each Scheme Participant entitled to receive the Scheme Consideration under the Scheme. Neuphoria must enter the name of the Scheme Participant in Neuphoria’s register of Shareholders as the holder of those Neuphoria Shares on the Implementation Date.


6.4Fractional entitlements


Any entitlements to a fraction of a Neuphoria Share arising under the calculation of Scheme Consideration will be rounded up or down to the nearest Neuphoria Share (and if the fractional entitlement would include one-half of a Neuphoria Shares, the entitlement will be rounded up).





If rounding would result in a Bionomics Shareholder receiving zero Neuphoria Shares, their entitlement will be rounded up to one Neuphoria Share.


6.5Small Parcel Holders


As part of the Scheme, Small Parcel Holders will by default receive Neuphoria Shares on the same basis as all other Scheme Participants unless they opt in to participate in the Sale Facility (becoming an Electing Small Parcel Holder), in which case they will be paid a pro rata share of the proceeds of sale of those Neuphoria Shares.


Each Small Parcel Holder will be entitled to elect to participate in the Sale Facility by completing the Election Form and returning it in accordance with the instructions on the Election Form so that it is received by the Share Registry by 5:00 pm on Friday, 13 December 2024. An election under this clause 6.5 must be made in accordance with the terms and conditions on the Election Form.


Small Parcel Holders who have submitted an Election Form and then wish to withdraw their election and to not participate in the Sale Facility can do so by requesting a Small Parcel Holder Election Withdrawal Form from the Shareholder Information Line and completing and returning the Small Parcel Holder Election Withdrawal Form in accordance with the instructions on that form, such that it is received by the Share Registry by 5:00 pm on Friday, 13 December 2024.


Small Parcel Holders can only make an election in relation to all (and not only some) of the Scheme Shares held by them. If a Shareholder holds one or more parcels of Bionomics Shares as trustee or nominee for, or otherwise on account of, another person, that Shareholder may not make separate elections in respect of each of those parcels. In order to make separate elections, the trustee or nominee must first establish distinct holdings on the Share Register in respect of each parcel of Bionomics Shares and must make a separate election (using a separate Small Parcel Holder Election Form) in respect of each such parcel of Bionomics Shares. However, the trustee or nominee may not accept instructions from an underlying beneficiary to make an election unless it is in respect of all parcels of Bionomics Shares held by the trustee or nominee on behalf of that beneficiary, and the underlying beneficiary has confirmed to the trustee or nominee that its aggregated beneficial and legal holding of Bionomic Share is fewer than 200,000 Bionomics Shares as of the Record Date.


6.6Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders


Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders will participate in the Scheme on the same basis as all other Scheme Participants. However, Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders will not receive the Neuphoria Shares to which they would otherwise be entitled under the Scheme. Instead, the Neuphoria Shares that Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders would otherwise be entitled to will be issued to the Sale Agent who will sell them on Nasdaq as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event no more than eight weeks after the Implementation Date, at such market price on Nasdaq at the time of sale. Refer to Section 5.9 for more information about the Sale Facility.


6.7Tax consequences


A general guide to the Australian and US consequences for Scheme Participants is set out in section 11 of this Scheme Booklet. This guide is not intended to provide specific tax advice in respect of the individual circumstances of any Scheme Participants, who should obtain their own independent professional tax advice.







7.Information about Bionomics


7.1Responsibility for information


The information set out in this section was prepared by Bionomics, which is responsible for the information contained in this section.


7.2Corporate history


Bionomics is an Australian corporation registered in South Australia and its ordinary shares, in the form of American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”), have been trading in the United States since listing on the Nasdaq Global Market in December 2021. Each ADS represents 180 ordinary shares of Bionomics. Bionomics has approximately 3,500 shareholders and 500 ADS holders.




Bionomics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel, allosteric ion channel modulators designed to transform the lives of patients suffering from serious central nervous system (“CNS”) disorders with high unmet medical need. Ion channels serve as important mediators of physiological function in the CNS and the modulation of ion channels influences neurotransmission that leads to downstream signaling in the brain. The α7 nicotinic acetylcholine (“ACh”) receptor (“α7 receptor”) is an ion channel that plays an important role in driving emotional responses and cognitive performance. Utilizing our expertise in ion channel biology and translational medicine, we are developing orally active small molecule negative allosteric modulators (“NAMs”) to treat anxiety and stressor-related disorders. In addition, through a long-standing strategic partnership with Merck & Co., Inc., in the United States and Canada (“MSD”), we are also developing positive allosteric modulators (“PAMs”) of the α7 receptor to treat cognitive dysfunction. Bionomics’ pipeline also includes preclinical assets that target Kv3.1/3.2 and Nav1.7/1.8 ion channels being developed for CNS conditions of high unmet need. 


We are advancing our lead product candidate, BNC210, an oral, proprietary, selective NAM of the α7 receptor, for the chronic treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”) and the acute treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder (“SAD”). There remains a significant unmet medical need for the over 27 million patients in the United States alone suffering from SAD and PTSD.


Current pharmacological treatments include certain antidepressants and benzodiazepines, and there have been no new FDA approved therapies in these indications in nearly two decades. These existing treatments have multiple shortcomings, such as a slow onset of action of antidepressants, and significant side effects of both classes of drugs, including abuse liability, addiction potential and withdrawal symptoms. BNC210 has been observed in our clinical trials to have a fast onset of action and clinical activity without the limiting side effects seen with the current standard of care.





In September 2023, we announced the results of the Phase 2b ATTUNE study, which was a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted in a total of 34 sites in the United States and the United Kingdom, with 212 enrolled patients, randomized 1:1 to receive either twice daily 900 mg BNC210 as a monotherapy (n=106) or placebo (n=106) for 12 weeks. The trial met its primary endpoint of change in Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (“CAPS-5”) total symptom severity score from baseline to Week 12 (p=0.048). A statistically significant change in CAPS-5 score was also observed at Week 4 (p=0.016) and at Week 8 (p=0.015). Treatment with BNC210 also showed statistically significant improvement both in clinician-administered and patient self-reporting in two of the secondary endpoints of the trial. Specifically, BNC210 led to significant improvements at Week 12 in depressive symptoms (p=0.041) and sleep (p=0.039) as measured by Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (“MADRS”) and Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), respectively. BNC210 also showed signals and trends across visits in the other secondary endpoints including the clinician and patient global impression - symptom severity (“CGI-S”, “PGI-S”, respectively) and the Sheehan Disability Scale (“SDS”). In July 2024, we announced a positive outcome of an End-of-Phase 2 meeting with FDA that provides a potential path to New Drug Application (“NDA”) submission for BNC210 for PTSD that alongside the positive Phase 2b ATTUNE trial includes a single additional Phase 3 trial. This Phase 3 trial will evaluate two dose levels of BNC210 in a 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with a 52-week open-label extension. Start-up activities for a planned Phase 3 trial of BNC210 in PTSD are underway. We plan to initiate the Phase 3 trial in PTSD in the second half of 2025, contingent upon having sufficient capital on hand. Although the FDA has denied our initial Breakthrough Therapy designation application, we are considering a rebuttal in the future. The approval process for the BNC210 PTSD program is not expected to be impeded, as we have already received Fast-Track designation for both the PTSD and SAD programs.


We have completed our Phase 2 PREVAIL trial for BNC210 for the acute treatment of SAD. While PREVAIL narrowly missed its primary endpoint, as measured by the change from baseline to the average of the Subjective Units of Distress Scale (“SUDS”) scores during a 5-minute Public Speaking Challenge in the BNC210-treated patients when compared to placebo, the December 2022 topline data readout revealed encouraging trends in the prespecified endpoints. The findings did indicate a consistent trend toward improvements across primary and secondary endpoints and a favorable safety and tolerability profile consistent with previously reported results. These results supported a post-hoc in-depth analysis of the full dataset to better understand the potential of the drug and guide late-stage trial design. In October 2023, we announced a positive outcome of an End-of-Phase 2 meeting with FDA that enables advancement of BNC210 into Phase 3 studies in SAD. Start-up activities for a planned Phase 3 trial of BNC210 in SAD are underway. In July 2024, we announced the initiation of patient screening for the Phase 3 AFFIRM-1 trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of BNC210 for the acute, as-needed treatment of SAD. AFFIRM-1 targets enrollment of 330 adult patients with SAD at clinical sites in the United States. It is a multi-center, double-blind, two-arm, parallel group, placebo-controlled trial. Participants will be randomized 1:1 to receive a single dose of 225 mg BNC210 or matched placebo about one hour before speaking in public. The primary endpoint will compare BNC210 to placebo using the SUDS to measure self-reported anxiety levels during a public speaking task. Secondary efficacy endpoints include the Clinical and Patient Global Impression (“CGI” and “PGI”, respectively) scales and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (“STAI”). Topline results from the AFFIRM-1 trial are expected in the third quarter of 2025.


The Company’s expertise in ion channels and approach to developing allosteric modulators have been validated through its strategic partnership with MSD for our α7 receptor PAM program, which targets a receptor that has garnered significant attention for treating cognitive deficits. This partnership enables Bionomics to maximize the value of its ion channel and chemistry platforms and develop transformative medicines for patients suffering from cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.





Below is a summary of our non-partnered BNC210 CNS pipeline, which shows the current status and expected topline data:



Below is a summary of the status of the programs under our collaboration relationships:



Below is a summary of the status of the programs under our preclinical programs:



For further information about Bionomics’ business, see Item 1 (Business) to its 2024 annual report on Form 10-K that was filed with the SEC on 30 September 2024. It may be accessed on Bionomics’ website (https://ir.bionomics.com.au/financials-filings/sec-filings) and the SEC’s website (www.sec.gov).


7.4Corporate structure


Bionomics Inc., incorporated in Delaware, is a fully owned subsidiary of Bionomics Limited. Bionomics Limited has no other subsidiaries.


7.5Directors, company secretary and senior management


This section provides details of the Bionomics Directors and key management personnel of Bionomics as at the date of this Scheme Booklet.




Spyridon Papapetropoulos


Spyridon Papapetropoulos, M.D. has served as our President and Chief Executive Officer since January 2023. Dr. Papapetropoulos is an experienced biopharmaceutical executive, a recognized neuroscientist/neurologist, and change agent with a 25-year career focused on CNS disorders. He has held various positions of increasing responsibility at CNS-focused start-up/small, medium specialty and large biopharma companies. Since 2020, he was the Chief Medical Officer of Vigil Neuroscience Inc, a Nasdaq-listed biopharmaceutical company developing a pipeline of neuroimmune targeted therapeutics for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. Prior to joining Vigil, he served as Chief Development Officer, and SVP, Head of Development at Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc., CEO at SwanBio Therapeutics, and EVP of Research & Development and Chief Medical Officer at Cavion. Before Cavion, he held senior/executive positions at Biogen Inc., Allergan plc, Pfizer Inc., and Teva Pharmaceuticals Inc. Dr. Papapetropoulos has filed multiple INDs and has overseen a broad spectrum of CNS biopharmaceutical development programs (small molecules, biologics, gene therapy), leading to successful regulatory filings (>20 INDs and multiple NDAs/BLAs) and new product launches worldwide. Dr. Papapetropoulos received his MD and PhD in Greece from the University of Patras, School of Medicine and before joining the biopharmaceutical industry served as faculty at the Department of Neurology of the University of Miami, School of Medicine.





David Ian Wilson


David Wilson has served as a member of our board of directors since June 2016. He has served as the Chairman and CEO of WG Partners LLP, an investment banking boutique advising life sciences companies on corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, and capital raising, since November 2011. Prior to WG Partners LLP, Mr. Wilson worked at Piper Jaffray in various roles from 2001 to 2011, including CEO of European Operations, Chairman of the Global Healthcare Team and a Member of the Global Operating Board. He was also a Managing Director of ING Investment Banking from 1999 to 2001 and the Head of Small Companies Corporate Finance at Deutsche Bank from 1998 to 1999. He is currently on the board of directors of several privately held companies, including CS Pharmaceuticals Limited, a pharmaceutical company based in the United Kingdom, since July 2021. Mr. Wilson received his Bachelors degree from the University of Cambridge. Mr. Wilson’s experience in corporate finance and capital raising in the healthcare industry contributed to our board of directors’ conclusion that he should serve as a director of our company.


Alan David Fisher


Alan Fisher, a member of the Board since September 2016 was appointed Non-Executive Chair of the Board, effective from July 2023. He is also Chair of the Audit and Risk Management Committee and a member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Mr. Fisher has served as the Managing Director of Fisher Corporate Advisory Pty Ltd since 1997, where he advises public and private companies on mergers and acquisitions, public and private equity raisings, business restructuring and strategic advice. He currently serves on the board of ASX-listed investment company Thorney Technologies Limited (Non-Executive Director – Chair of Audit and Risk Management Committee), since 2016. Mr. Fisher served as a Corporate Finance Partner of Coopers & Lybrand from 1985 to 1997. Mr. Fisher received his B.Com., Accounting from the University of Melbourne, Australia and is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants. Mr. Fisher’s experience as a biopharmaceutical board member and with financing and related transactions across industries contributed to our board of directors’ conclusion that he should serve as a director of our company.


Jane Ryan


Jane Ryan, Ph.D. has served as a member of our board of directors since October 2020. Dr. Ryan is a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee and Chair of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Since January 2014, Dr. Ryan has provided executive level advisory services to biotechnology companies in connection with capital raising, business development, and mergers and acquisitions. Dr. Ryan currently serves as a non-executive director of Viral Vector Manufacturing Facility Pty Ltd. She previously served as commercial and product development advisor to BCAL Diagnostics, a cancer diagnostics company listed on the ASX. From 2014 to 2017, Dr. Ryan served as the CEO of Sementis Ltd., a public company (unlisted) developing vaccine technology. Prior to that, Dr. Ryan was an executive and division leader of product development at Biota Holdings, a biotechnology company listed on the ASX and Nasdaq, where she provided oversight to Biota Holdings’ development portfolio and programs, including the negotiation and winning of a $231 million advanced development contract with the government of the United States. From 2018 to 2023, Dr. Ryan served as director of Anatara Life Sciences, an ASX-listed company. Dr. Ryan has served as a director of IDT Australia Limited since January 2022, a listed company. She is also a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She received her B.Sc. from the Australia National University, her Ph.D. from Macquarie University and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Columbia University. Dr. Ryan’s knowledge of our business and experience as a biopharmaceutical executive and board member contributed to our board of directors’ conclusion that she should serve as a director of Bionomics.





Peter Miles Winston Davies


Peter Miles Winston Davies has served as a member of our board of directors since July 2021, and since June 2024 was appointed as a member of our Audit & Risk Management Committee. Mr. Davies worked at Apeiron Investment Group Ltd in the Healthcare team from 2021 to 2022. Prior to that, Mr. Davies was at Rothschild & Co. from 2006 to 2021. Mr. Davies received his Masters Degree from The University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Mr. Davies’ experience in the healthcare industry includes mergers and acquisitions, strategic advisory, capital raisings and restructuring transactions.


(b)Company Secretary


Rajeev Chandra – Company Secretary


Rajeev Chandra has served as our Company Secretary since September 2023. Mr. Chandra was previously CFO and Company Secretary of a listed ASX company and has held multiple roles, including as Financial Controller, and National Sales and Country Manager in healthcare company Johnson & Johnson. He presently serves as a Company Secretary of multiple entities. Mr. Chandra is an Australian Chartered Accountant, a Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia and holds an MBA from Deakin University, Australia and a Bachelor of Commerce from Auckland University in New Zealand.


(c)Management team


Spyridon Papapetropoulos – President and CEO


Spyridon Papapetropoulos, M.D. has served as our President and Chief Executive Officer since January 2023. Dr. Papapetropoulos is an experienced biopharmaceutical executive, a recognized neuroscientist/neurologist, and change agent with a 25-year career focused on CNS disorders. He has held various positions of increasing responsibility at CNS-focused start-up/small, medium specialty and large biopharma companies. Since 2020, he was the Chief Medical Officer of Vigil Neuroscience Inc, a Nasdaq-listed biopharmaceutical company developing a pipeline of neuroimmune targeted therapeutics for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. Prior to joining Vigil, he served as Chief Development Officer, and SVP, Head of Development at Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc., CEO at SwanBio Therapeutics, and EVP of Research & Development and Chief Medical Officer at Cavion. Before Cavion, he held senior/executive positions at Biogen Inc., Allergan plc, Pfizer Inc., and Teva Pharmaceuticals Inc. Dr. Papapetropoulos has filed multiple INDs and has overseen a broad spectrum of CNS biopharmaceutical development programs (small molecules, biologics, gene therapy), leading to successful regulatory filings (>20 INDs and multiple NDAs/BLAs) and new product launches worldwide. Dr. Papapetropoulos received his MD and PhD in Greece from the University of Patras, School of Medicine and before joining the biopharmaceutical industry served as faculty at the Department of Neurology of the University of Miami, School of Medicine.





Tim Cunningham – Chief Financial Officer


Tim Cunningham has served as our Chief Financial Officer since July 2023 through a consulting agreement entered into between the Company and Danforth Advisors LLC, or Danforth. He has served as a Chief Financial Officer Consultant at Danforth, a strategic finance and operations firm with a focus on life sciences companies, since September 2020, where he provides chief financial officer consulting services to both public and private pharma and biotechnology companies. Prior to joining Danforth, Mr. Cunningham served as Chief Financial Officer at Organogenesis (Nasdaq:ORGO), where he took the company public and helped raise over $250 million in equity and debt financing to facilitate the company’s growth. He has held leadership positions with several different public and private companies over the course of his career, which began at KPMG in NY followed by PwC Boston. Mr. Cunningham holds an MBA from Boston University, a BS in Accounting from Boston College and is a CPA in the state of Florida.


Liz Doolin – Vice President Clinical Development


Ms Doolin has over 25 years international experience in drug discovery, clinical and life sciences research. She joined Bionomics Limited in 2008 to lead the early clinical development program for BNC210, a small molecule with therapeutic potential for anxiety disorders, and trauma and stressor-related disorders including PTSD. Ms Doolin currently leads Bionomics’ clinical programs across central nervous system disorders and oncology, including three novel investigational drugs in Phase 1 and 2 clinical development. In addition to her extensive clinical research experience in Australia, Ms Doolin has a strong immunology and biotechnology research background, as well as biopharmaceutical development and GMP manufacturing experience, gained in New Zealand and the UK.


7.6Capital structure


(a)Capital structure table


As at the Last Practicable Date, the capital structure of Bionomics is as set out below:


Bionomics security Number on issue



Of these, 3,325,373,980 ordinary shares are in ADS form and held by approximately 500 ADS Holders, and 189,548,884 ordinary shares are not represented by ADSs and are held by approximately 3,500 shareholders.


Bionomics ordinary shares are held on trust for Bionomics ADS Holders by Citicorp Nominees Pty Ltd, as custodian for Citibank NA, as the ADS depositary.


Options under Employee Equity Plan 97,424,330 ordinary shares issuable upon exercise of outstanding options, of which options to issue 63,580,498 new ordinary shares were vested.  These options are held by 47 persons, who are existing or former employees and directors of Bionomics.

      A pre-funded warrant originally to purchase up to 6,279,905 ADSs (representing 1,130,382,900 ordinary shares), which have been exercised in full as outlined in section 7.6(b); and


      An accompanying 5-year warrant to purchase up to 12,652,572 ADSs (representing 2,277,462,960 ordinary shares).


These Bionomics Warrants will not be exercised in such a way that would increase the interest of the holder to above a 9.99% interest in Bionomics, as explained in section 7.6(b).






Bionomics does not have any other type of securities on issue.


(b)Terms of Bionomics Options and Bionomics Warrants


Bionomics currently has 97,424,330 options on issue, which are held by existing or former employees and directors. These options have a wide variety of terms, with exercise prices ranging from $0.0321 to $0.5125 per share, and with expiry dates between 4 November 2024 and 16 December 2031.


The Bionomics Warrants consisted of a pre-funded warrant that had an exercise price of US$0.01 per ADS and an accompanying 5-year warrant to purchase up to 12,652,572 ADSs at an exercise price of US$0.99 per ADS. The holder of the Warrants may not exercise the Bionomics Warrants if such exercise would take the holder’s beneficial ownership of Bionomics Shares above 9.99%.


The Bionomics Warrants were issued by Bionomics to Armistice Capital Master Fund Ltd (Armistice), a US-based institutional investor, in June 2024. Armistice is the only holder of Bionomics Warrants.


Armistice partially exercised the pre-funded warrants in July, August and September 2024, as set out below. The pre-funded warrants have been exercised in full and there are no pre-funded warrants outstanding.


in July 2024, 1,439,905 ADSs (representing 259,182,900 ordinary shares) were issued to Armistice upon its partial exercise of the pre-funded warrant;


in August 2024, 1,600,000 ADSs (representing 288,000,000 ordinary shares) were issued to Armistice upon its partial exercise of the pre-funded warrant;


in September 2024, 1,033,000 ADSs (representing 185,940,000 ordinary shares) were issued to Armistice upon its partial exercise of the pre-funded warrant; and


In October 2024, 2,207,000 ADSs (representing 397,260,000 ordinary shares) were issued to Armistice upon its partial exercise of the pre-funded warrant.


Armistice has assured Bionomics that it has not, and will not, exceed a 9.99% interest in Bionomics. Bionomics understands that only after Armistice sells Bionomics ADSs on Nasdaq, it acquires additional Bionomics ADSs via exercise of a Warrant, thus maintaining an interest of approximately 9.99% (but no more). This is consistent with US market practice. If Armistice were to exceed 10%, then it would be viewed as an “affiliate” under US securities law and, as an affiliate, it would be subject to US reporting requirements and limitations on trading that are applicable to officers and directors of the issuer. Any transfer by Armistice to a related body or associate would be subject to the same combined 9.99% limit.


To the best of Bionomics’ knowledge, Armistice has not exceeded a 9.99% relevant interest in Bionomics shares at any time.


Neuphoria will issue replacement Neuphoria Warrants to Armistice in exchange for the Bionomics Warrants currently issued to it by Bionomics, with appropriate adjustments for the terms of the Scheme including the exchange ratio. The Neuphoria Warrants will be subject to the same restriction on acquiring an interest above 9.99% in Neuphoria.





(c)Substantial holders in Bionomics


The following table sets out the beneficial ownership of Bionomics Shares of as of October 7, 2024, based on information known to Bionomics. It is taken from the Form 10-K filed by Bionomics with SEC on 30 September 2024 and an amendment to Schedule 13D filed by Apeiron with the SEC on 7 October 2024.


The term “beneficial ownership” under US securities law is broad and includes affiliates (ie persons under common control) such as related bodies and associates so as to comprise a calculation which is equivalent to a substantial holder disclosure for Corporations Act purposes. The US law definition of “beneficial ownership” generally provides that a person has beneficial ownership of a security if he, she or it possesses sole or shared voting or investment power over that security, including options and warrants that are exercisable within 60 days. This includes the holder of the security and its affiliates (ie, related bodies and associates).


Name of beneficial owner Number of Shares Beneficially Owned Percentage of shares
Apeiron Investment Group Ltd 276,490,501 8.87%
Armistice Capital, LLC 311,454,520 9.99%


Bionomics is not aware of any other person with a relevant interest of 5% or more in its shares.


7.7Historical financial information


(a)Basis of preparation


The historical financial information of Bionomics includes audited financial statements for the financial years ended 30 June 2024 and 30 June 2023, which are summarised in sections 7.7(b), 7.7(c) and 7.7(d)


(the Bionomics Historical Financial Information). The accompanying notes to the financial statements should be read in conjunction with the summarised financial information in sections 7.7(b), 7.7(c) and 7.7(d) and are contained in the Bionomics Historical Financial Information, which can be accessed as set out below.


The Bionomics Historical Financial Information is contained in Item 15 of Form 10-K of Bionomics for the period up to 30 June 2024, filed with SEC on 30 September 2024, which may be accessed on the SEC’s website (www.sec.gov) and Bionomics’ website (https://ir.bionomics.com.au/financials-filings/sec-filings).


The Bionomics Historical Financial Information is also contained in sections 5.7 – 5.8 of the Independent Expert Report, as set out in Annexure A.


If you would like to request a copy of the Bionomics Historical Financial Information to be emailed to you, please contact the Shareholder Information Line on 1300 850 505 (within Australia) or +61 3 9415 4000 (outside Australia) on Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.00pm (Sydney time).





(b)Consolidated Balance Sheet


Below is a summary of Bionomics’ consolidated balance sheets for the years ended 30 June 2024 and 30 June 2023.


Bionomics Limited

Consolidated Balance Sheets


   June 30, 
   2024   2023 
Current assets:        
Cash and cash equivalents  $12,608,109   $12,103,047 
Accounts receivable, non-trade   126,884    426,087 
Prepaid insurance expense   458,765    797,478 
Total current assets   13,193,758    13,326,612 
Property and equipment, net   1,994    2,522 
Intangible assets, net   5,467,522    6,130,253 
Operating lease right-of-use assets   216,975    330,478 
Restricted cash   78,826    78,897 
Goodwill   8,690,018    8,694,186 
Total assets  $27,649,093   $28,562,948 
Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity          
Current liabilities:          
Accounts payable  $2,243,662   $1,439,291 
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities   1,463,421    1,185,567 
Operating lease liability   121,990    113,930 
Total current liabilities   3,829,073    2,738,788 
Operating lease liability, net of current portion   117,628    239,835 
Contingent consideration   587,762    2,456,199 
Deferred tax liability   963,540    1,102,713 
Accompanying warrants liability   4,657,832    - 
Other non-current liabilities   2,886    14,850 
Total liabilities   10,158,721    6,552,385 
Commitments and contingencies (Note 17)          
Shareholders’ equity:          
Ordinary shares, no par value; 2,384,539,964 and 1,468,735,424 shares issued and outstanding at June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively   -    - 
Additional paid in capital   198,481,038    187,554,251 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of tax   (3,013,595)   (3,058,783)
Accumulated deficit   (177,977,071)   (162,484,905)
Total Shareholders’ equity   17,490,372    22,010,563 
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity  $27,649,093   $28,562,948 





(c)Consolidated statements of operations and other comprehensive income (loss)


Below is a summary of Bionomics’ consolidated statements of operations and other comprehensive income (loss) for the years ended 30 June 2024 and 30 June 2023.


Bionomics Limited

Consolidated Statements of Operations and Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)


   Year Ended June 30, 
   2024   2023 
Operating expenses:        
Research and development  $9,417,785   $13,071,705 
General and administrative  8,474,591   8,911,271 
Total operating expenses   17,892,376    21,982,976 
Loss from operations   (17,892,376)   (21,982,976)
Other income:          
Interest income, net   220,097    323,158 
(Loss) gain on foreign currency transactions   (209,842)   308,852 
Research and development incentive award   95,215    422,742 
Gain (loss) on fair value adjustments   2,207,420    (592,627)
Total other income, net   2,312,890    462,125 
Loss before income taxes   (15,579,486)   (21,520,851)
Income tax benefit   87,320    139,174 
Net loss   (15,492,166)   (21,381,677)
Other comprehensive (loss) income:          
Unrealized gain (loss) on foreign currency translation   45,188    (1,036,633)
Total other comprehensive income (loss):   45,188    (1,036,633)
Comprehensive loss  $(15,446,978)  $(22,418,310)
Net loss per share—basic and diluted  $(0.01)  $(0.02)
Weighted-average common shares outstanding—basic and diluted   1,797,606,532    1,468,735,424 





(d)Consolidated statements of cash flows


Below is a summary of Bionomics’ consolidated statements of cash flows for the years ended 30 June 2024 and 30 June 2023. 


   Year Ended June 30, 
   2024   2023 
Cash flows from operating activities:        
Net loss  $(15,492,166)  $(21,381,677)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities:          
Share-based compensation   814,808    1,345,309 
Depreciation and amortization expense   662,991    663,192 
Non-cash rent expense   113,503    115,123 
Change in fair value of accompanying warrant liability   (338,983)   - 
Change in fair value of contingent consideration   (1,868,437)   592,627 
Effect of foreign currency remeasurement   (27,350)   (556,782)
Changes in assets and liabilities:          
Accounts receivable, non-trade   299,203    4,137,199 
Prepaid insurance expense   338,713    173,975 
Accounts payable   804,371    374,176 
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities   277,854    138,079 
Operating lease liability   (114,147)   (107,808)
Deferred tax liability   (139,173)   (139,173)
Other non-current liabilities   (11,964)   8,041 
Net cash used in operating activities   (14,680,777)   (14,637,720)
Cash flows from financing activities:          
Proceeds from sale of ADS shares and ADS pre-funded warrants, net of issue costs of $1.3 million   10,111,979    - 
Proceeds from sale of ADS shares, net of issue costs of $1.1 million   -    3,858,451 
Proceeds from the sale of accompanying ADS warrants   4,996,815    - 
Net cash provided in financing activities   15,108,794    3,858,451 
Effect of exchange rate on changes on cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash   76,974    (243,822)
Net increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash   428,017    (10,779,269)
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash, beginning of period   12,181,944    23,205,035 
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash, end of period  $12,686,935   $12,181,944 
Reconciliation of cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at end of year:          
Cash and cash equivalents  $12,608,109   $12,103,047 
Restricted cash   78,826    78,897 
Total cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash  $12,686,935   $12,181,944 
Supplemental cash flow data:          
Cash paid for interest expense  $31,516   $- 
Cash paid for income tax expense  $51,853   $- 





7.8Material changes in Bionomics’ financial position


To the knowledge of the members of the Bionomics Board, the financial position of Bionomics as at the Last Practicable Date has not materially changed since the financial year ended 30 June 2024, other than:


(a)in the ordinary course of trading; and


(b)as a result of generally known market conditions.


7.9Bionomics Directors’ intentions for the business of Bionomics


If the Scheme is implemented, it is intended by Neuphoria that the existing Bionomics Board will remain the same, as will its assets and operations.


Neuphoria’s intentions regarding Bionomics’ business, assets and employees if the Scheme is implemented are set out in section 9.7 of this Scheme Booklet.


If the Scheme is not implemented, the Bionomics Directors intend to continue to operate Bionomics in the ordinary course of business.




Bionomics is not aware of any material litigation, either in progress or proposed, to which it is a party.


7.11Further information


Bionomics is a “disclosing entity” for the purposes of the Corporations Act and is subject to regular reporting and disclosure obligations under the Corporations Act. These obligations require Bionomics to notify the ASIC of periodic financial information, and information about specified matters and events as they arise for the purpose of the ASIC making that information publicly available. As an unlisted disclosing entity, Bionomics is subject to Corporations Act requirements which require (subject to some exceptions) continuous disclosure of any information that Bionomics has that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of Bionomics Shares. Bionomics is also required to lodge various documents with ASIC.


Bionomics is also subject to the reporting and disclosure requirements applicable to US companies under the Exchange Act. See Schedule 1 for further information.


Copies of documents lodged with ASIC by Bionomics may be obtained from ASIC. Copies of documents filed with the SEC are available on its EDGAR system.







8.Information about Neuphoria




Neuphoria is a new company that was recently incorporated in the US State of Delaware for purposes of the re-domiciliation. Neuphoria would become the successor issuer to Bionomics and the Neuphoria shares would be listed on Nasdaq, replacing the ADSs of Bionomics.


8.2Directors and senior management


As at the date of this Scheme Booklet, the Directors of Neuphoria are as follows:


Spyridon Papapetropoulos, M.D.


Alan David Fisher


Peter Miles Winston Davies


Jane Ryan


David Ian Wilson


Details of these individuals can be found in Section 7.6(a).


As at the date of this Scheme Booklet, the senior management of Neuphoria are as follows:


Spyridon Papapetropoulos, M.D. – President and Chief Executive Officer


Tim Cunningham - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Secretary


See Section 7.5(c) for details of Mr Cunningham’s qualifications and experience.


8.3Capital structure


Neuphoria is incorporated in Delaware, US, and as such it is not required to have (and does not have) any shareholders prior to the Implementation Date.


The capital structure of Neuphoria at the Last Practicable Date is set out below:


Neuphoria security

Number of authorised shares
Neuphoria Shares 30,000,000 shares of common stock are authorised (ie, available for issuance);
no shares are outstanding
Neuphoria Shares of preferred stock 3,000,000 shares of preferred stock are authorised (ie, available for issuance);
no shares are outstanding


The pro forma capital structure of Neuphoria at the Implementation Date is set out in section 9.4.


8.4Neuphoria Director’s interests in Neuphoria Shares and Bionomics Shares


(a)Interests in Neuphoria Shares


No person has any interest in Neuphoria Shares at the date of the Scheme Booklet.





(b)Interests in Bionomics Shares


For the interests of Neuphoria Directors in the shares of Bionomics, please see Section 12.1(b).


(c)Disclosure of interests


Except as otherwise provided in this Scheme Booklet, no:


(i)Neuphoria Director or proposed director of Neuphoria;


(ii)person named in this Scheme Booklet as performing a function in a professional, advisory or other capacity in connection with the preparation or distribution of this Scheme Booklet for or on behalf of Neuphoria;


(iii)promoter, stockbroker or underwriter of Neuphoria or the Combined Group,


(together the Interested Persons) holds, or held at any time during the two years before the date of this Scheme Booklet any interests in:


(iv)the formation or promotion of Neuphoria;


(v)property acquired or proposed to be acquired by Neuphoria in connection with the formation or promotion of Neuphoria or the offer of Neuphoria Shares under the Scheme; or


(vi)the offer of Neuphoria Shares under the Scheme.


(d)Disclosure of fees and other benefits


Except as otherwise disclosed in this Scheme Booklet, Neuphoria has not paid or agreed to pay any fees, or provided or agreed to provide any benefit:


(i)to a director or proposed director of Neuphoria to induce them to become or qualify as a director of Neuphoria;


(ii)for services provided by any Interested Persons in connection with:


(A)the formation or promotion of Neuphoria or the Combined Group; or


(B)the offer of Neuphoria Shares under the Scheme.


8.5Choice of Jurisdiction


The Board considers that the State of Delaware is an appropriate jurisdiction for the domicile of Neuphoria. More than 50% of the public companies listed on Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange are incorporated in Delaware. In addition, Delaware provides a well-developed body of law defining the fiduciary duties and decision-making processes expected of boards of directors in a variety of contexts, including evaluating potential and proposed corporate takeover offers and business combinations.


Bionomics’s aim is to redomicile the Bionomics group to the United States and obtain the advantages of Neuphoria being a US company. Neuphoria has adopted a customary form of by-laws for a Delaware corporation that it believes is appropriate for a Nasdaq-listed company. A description of a number of the key differences between the Australian and Delaware corporate legal regimes and their implications for shareholders of Neuphoria is set out in Schedule 1 of this Scheme Booklet.





8.6Neuphoria Shares


Neuphoria Shares will generally confer the same rights as Bionomics Shares. Certain differences exist due to the facts explained below.


Neuphoria Shares will have shareholder rights governed by different corporate documents and different laws than those governing the Shares. The primary corporate documents governing Neuphoria shareholder rights will be Neuphoria’s Charter Documents, rather than Bionomics’s constitution. The primary laws governing Neuphoria shareholder rights will be the corporate law of the State of Delaware and the US federal securities law, rather than Australian law.


Neuphoria will not be governed by the Corporations Act or other Australian laws by which Bionomics is currently governed. Neuphoria will be subject to the Delaware General Corporation Law.


Key differences between the rights of the Neuphoria Shares and the Bionomics Shares and further details on the differences between Neuphoria’s governing documents and governing laws and Bionomics’s governing documents and governing laws are set out in Schedule 1.


8.7Summary of the Neuphoria Charter Documents and Rights of Neuphoria Shareholders Neuphoria


Neuphoria is incorporated under the laws of the US State of Delaware and the rights of shareholders will be governed by the laws of Delaware, including the Delaware General Corporation Law, as well as the Neuphoria Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the Neuphoria Bylaws (collectively, “Charter Documents”).


Common Stock


The Neuphoria Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation will authorise the issuance of up to 30,000,000 shares of common stock.


Shareholders will be entitled to one vote per share on all matters submitted to a vote of shareholders, and the Neuphoria Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation will not provide for cumulative voting in the election of directors. Shareholders will receive pro-rata any dividends declared by the Neuphoria Board out of funds legally available. In the event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of Neuphoria, shareholders will be entitled to share pro-rata in all assets remaining after payment of, or provision for, any liabilities.


Preferred Stock


Under the Neuphoria Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, the Neuphoria Board will have the authority, without further action by shareholders, to issue up to 3,000,000 shares of preferred stock in one or more series, to establish from time to time the number of shares to be included in each such series, to fix the dividend, voting and other rights, preferences and privileges of the shares of preferred stock of each wholly unissued series and any qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereon, and to increase or decrease the number of shares of preferred stock of any such series.


The Neuphoria Board may authorise the issuance of preferred stock with voting or conversion rights that could adversely affect the voting power or other rights of shareholders. The issuance of preferred stock, while providing flexibility in connection with possible acquisitions and other corporate purposes, could have the effect of delaying, deferring or preventing a change in control and may adversely affect the market price of Neuphoria’s common stock and the voting and other rights of shareholders.





Board structure


Classified Neuphoria Board: The Neuphoria Charter Documents will establish a classified Neuphoria Board consisting of three classes of directors, with staggered three-year terms. Only one class of directors will be elected at each annual meeting of shareholders, with the other classes continuing for the remainder of their respective three-year terms.


Election and removal of directors: The Neuphoria Charter Documents will provide that directors will be elected by a plurality vote. Directors may be removed only for cause by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least two-thirds of the votes that all shareholders would be entitled to cast in an annual election of directors.


Number of directors: The Neuphoria Charter Documents will provide that the number of directors on the Neuphoria Board will be determined from time to time solely by resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the total number of directors then authorised.


Neuphoria Board vacancies: Unless otherwise provided by law or the Neuphoria Charter Documents, any newly created directorship or any vacancy occurring in the Neuphoria Board for any cause may be filled by a majority of the remaining members of the Neuphoria Board, even if such majority is less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining director (and not by shareholders), and any director so chosen shall hold office for the remainder of the full term of the class of directors to which the new directorship was added or in which the vacancy occurred and until his or her successor has been elected and qualified, subject, however, to such director’s earlier death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or removal.


Neuphoria Board committees: The Neuphoria Board may designate one or more committees, each consisting of one or more directors. Except as otherwise required by law or the Neuphoria Charter Documents, any such committee, to the extent provided in the resolution of the Neuphoria Board establishing such committee, may exercise all the powers and authority of the Neuphoria Board in the management of the business and affairs of Neuphoria. Standing committees of the Neuphoria Board will consist of an audit committee, a compensation committee, and a nominating and corporate governance committee.


Special meetings of the Neuphoria Board: Special meetings of the Neuphoria Board may be called at any time by the Chairman of the Neuphoria Board, the Chief Executive Officer, or a majority of the directors then in office.


Director liability and indemnification


Limitation of liability of directors and officers: To the fullest extent permitted by the Delaware General Corporation Law, a director of Neuphoria will not be personally liable to Neuphoria or its shareholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty owed to Neuphoria and its shareholders.


Indemnification of directors and officers: Neuphoria will indemnify any person for any proceeding by reason of being a director or officer of Neuphoria or, while a director or officer, is or was serving at the request of Neuphoria as a director, officer, employee, agent or trustee of another corporation or of a partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise if such proceeding or part thereof was authorised by the Neuphoria Board. The right to indemnification covers all expense, liability and loss actually and reasonably incurred or suffered by such indemnitee in connection with such proceeding. It also includes the right to be paid by Neuphoria the expenses (including attorney’s fees) incurred in defending or otherwise participating in any such proceeding in advance of its final disposition, provided, however, that an advancement of expenses will be made only upon delivery to Neuphoria of an undertaking, by or on behalf of the indemnitee, to repay all amounts so advanced if it will ultimately be determined by final judicial decision from which there is no further right to appeal that the indemnitee is not entitled to be indemnified for the expenses.





Shareholder meetings


Notice of shareholder meetings: Written notice stating the place, if any, date and time of each meeting of shareholders, the record date for determining shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting (if such date is different from the record date for shareholders entitled to notice of the meeting), the means of remote communications, if any, by which shareholders and proxyholders may be deemed to be present in person and vote at such meeting, if the meeting is to be held solely by means of remote communications, the means for accessing the list of shareholders, and, in case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called will, unless otherwise provided by law or the Neuphoria governing documents, be delivered not less than 10 nor more than 60 days before the date of the meeting, to each shareholder entitled to vote at such meeting as of the record date for determining shareholders entitled to notice of the meeting.


Shareholder proposals: No business may be transacted at an annual meeting of shareholders, other than business that is either: (i) specified in the Neuphoria notice of meeting delivered pursuant to the Neuphoria Bylaws; (ii) properly brought before the annual meeting by or at the direction of the Neuphoria Board; or (iii) otherwise properly brought before the annual meeting by any shareholder of Neuphoria who is entitled to vote at the meeting, who complies with the notice procedures set forth in the bylaws and who is a shareholder of record at the time such notice is delivered to the Secretary of Neuphoria.


Requirements for advance notification of shareholder proposals: The Neuphoria Bylaws will establish advance notice procedures with respect to shareholder proposals and the nomination of candidates for election as directors. A shareholder must: (i) give timely notice thereof in proper written form to the Secretary of Neuphoria; and (ii) the business must be a proper matter for shareholder action. To be timely, a shareholder’s notice must be received by the Secretary at the principal executive offices of Neuphoria not less than 90 or more than 120 days before the meeting. The public announcement of an adjournment or postponement of an annual meeting shall not commence a new time period (or extend any time period) for the giving of a shareholder’s notice. Additionally, a shareholder must provide information pursuant to the advance notice provisions in the Neuphoria Bylaws.


Shareholder nominations of candidates for election as directors: Nominations of persons for election to the Neuphoria Board may be made at an annual meeting of shareholders, or at any special meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of electing directors as set forth in the Neuphoria notice of such special meeting: (i) by or at the direction of the Neuphoria Board; or (ii) by any shareholder of Neuphoria who is entitled to vote at the meeting, who complies with the notice procedures set forth in the Neuphoria Bylaws and who is a shareholder of record at the time such notice is delivered to the Secretary of Neuphoria.


Requirements of advance notice for shareholder nominations: For a nomination to be made by a shareholder, such shareholder must have given timely notice thereof in proper written form to the Secretary. To be timely, a shareholder’s notice to the Secretary must be received by the Secretary at the principal executive offices of Neuphoria: (i) in the case of an annual meeting, not later than the close of business not less than 90 days nor more than 120 days prior to the first anniversary of the preceding year’s annual meeting or, if the number of directors to be elected to the Neuphoria Board is increased and the first public announcement naming all of the nominees for directors or specifying the size of the increased Neuphoria Board is less than 10 days prior to the last day a shareholder may deliver a notice in accordance with the above, the close of business on the 10th day following the day on which public announcement of the date of such meeting is first made; and (ii) in the case of a special meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of electing directors, not later than the close of business on the 10th day following the day on which public announcement of the date of the special meeting is first made by Neuphoria. In no event shall the public announcement of an adjournment or postponement of an annual meeting or special meeting commence a new time period (or extend any time period) for the giving of a shareholder’s notice. Additionally, a shareholder must provide information pursuant to the advance notice provisions in the Neuphoria Bylaws.





No shareholder ability to call special meetings: The Neuphoria Charter Documents provide that only the Neuphoria Board may be able to call special meetings of shareholders and only those matters set forth in the notice of the special meeting may be considered or acted upon at a special meeting of shareholders.


Other provisions with anti-takeover effects


Issuance of undesignated preferred stock: Under the Neuphoria Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, the Neuphoria Board will have the authority, without further action by shareholders, to issue undesignated preferred stock with rights and preferences, including voting rights, designated from time to time by the Neuphoria Board. The existence of authorised but unissued shares of preferred stock enables the Neuphoria Board to make it more difficult to attempt to obtain control of Neuphoria by means of a merger, tender offer, proxy contest or otherwise.


No written consent of shareholders: The Neuphoria Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation will provide that all shareholder actions be taken by a vote of shareholders at an annual or special meeting, and that shareholders may not take any action by written consent in lieu of a meeting.


Amendments to certificate of incorporation and bylaws: Any amendment to the Neuphoria Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation will be required to be approved by a majority of the Neuphoria Board as well as, if required by law or the Neuphoria Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, a majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote on the amendment and a majority of the outstanding shares of each class entitled to vote thereon as a class, except that the amendment of provisions to Neuphoria Board classification, shareholder action, certificate amendments, and liability of directors must be approved by not less than two-thirds of the outstanding shares entitled to vote on the amendment, voting together as a single class. Any amendment to the Neuphoria Bylaws will be required to be approved by either a majority of the Neuphoria Board or not less than two-thirds of the outstanding shares entitled to vote on the amendment, voting together as a single class.


Section 203 opt-out: Section 203 of the Delaware General Corporation Law prohibits a Delaware corporation from engaging in a business combination specified in the statute with an interested shareholder (as defined in the statute) for a period of three years after the date of the transaction in which the person first becomes an interested shareholder, unless the business combination is approved in advance by a majority of the independent directors or by the holders of at least two-thirds of the outstanding disinterested shares. Neuphoria has elected to opt out of Section 203. See Schedule 1 for more information regarding takeover provisions in US law.


These provisions are designed to enhance the likelihood of continued stability in the composition of the Neuphoria Board and its policies, to discourage certain types of transactions that may involve an actual or threatened acquisition of Neuphoria and to reduce its vulnerability to an unsolicited acquisition proposal. These provisions are also designed to discourage certain tactics that may be used in proxy fights. However, these provisions could have the effect of discouraging others from making tender offers for Neuphoria Shares and, as a consequence, they may also reduce fluctuations in the market price of Neuphoria Shares that could result from actual or rumoured takeover attempts.





Exclusive forum selection clause


The Neuphoria Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation will provide that, unless Neuphoria consents in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the sole and exclusive forum to the fullest extent permitted by law for: (1) any derivative action or proceeding brought on behalf of Neuphoria; (2) any action asserting a breach of fiduciary duty owed by any director, officer or other employee to Neuphoria or its shareholders; (3) any action asserting a claim against Neuphoria or any director or officer or other employee arising pursuant to the Delaware General Corporation Law; (4) any action to interpret, apply, enforce or determine the validity of the Neuphoria Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation or the Neuphoria Bylaws; or (5) any other action asserting a claim that is governed by the internal affairs doctrine, shall be the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware (or another state court or the federal court located within the State of Delaware if the Court of Chancery does not have or declines to accept jurisdiction), in all cases subject to the court’s having jurisdiction over indispensable parties named as defendants. In addition, the Neuphoria Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation will provide that the federal district courts of the United States will be the exclusive forum for resolving any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the US Securities Act, but the forum selection provisions will not apply to claims brought to enforce a duty or liability created by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These provisions may have the effect of discouraging lawsuits against Neuphoria or its directors or officers. Although the Neuphoria Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation contains the choice of forum provisions described above, it is possible that a court could find that such provisions are inapplicable for a particular claim or action or that such provisions are unenforceable.


8.8Changes in financial reporting and reporting obligations


If the Scheme proceeds, a different financial reporting regime will apply with respect to Neuphoria’s accounts. Neuphoria will not report under both IFRS and US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) as Bionomics did but will instead report solely in accordance with US GAAP.


Bionomics’ board of directors considers there is no reason to believe that there would be a material difference in reported results under the different accounting principles. The Board believes users of the accounts will continue to understand the content of the accounts after the completion of the re-domiciliation.


8.9Reporting obligations of Neuphoria following implementation of the Proposed Transaction


A detailed comparison of the reporting regimes in the US and Australia and how these differences may affect Bionomics’ accounts is set out in Schedule 1. Bionomics Shareholders should note that the comparison in Schedule 1 is not an exhaustive statement of all relevant financial reporting principles and is intended as a general guide only.


In connection with the implementation of the Scheme and the listing of Neuphoria Shares on Nasdaq, Neuphoria will become subject to the reporting requirements of the US Securities Exchange Act and will be required to file annual, quarterly and current reports, proxy statements and other information with the SEC in addition to its reporting requirements under the Nasdaq listing rules. Affiliates of Neuphoria will also be subject to the short-swing profit disclosure and recovery provisions of Section 16 of the US Securities Exchange Act.


8.10Use of funds


No funds are being raised under the Scheme.







The Scheme Consideration will not be subject to escrow restrictions.


8.12Employee incentive scheme


In connection with the re-domicile, the board of directors of Neuphoria Therapeutics Inc. will adopt the Neuphoria Therapeutics Inc. 2024 Equity Incentive Plan (the Neuphoria Stock Plan). If the Neuphoria Stock Plan is implemented, holders of Bionomics Options will receive, under the Neuphoria Stock Plan, options to purchase one share of common stock of Neuphoria for every 2,160 Bionomics Options cancelled and on terms which mirror, to the extent possible, their existing Bionomics Options.


The following summary of the Neuphoria Stock Plan is qualified in its entirety by the specific language of the Neuphoria Stock Plan. A copy of the Neuphoria Stock Plan can be obtained by contacting Bionomics. All capitalised terms used in this section are as defined in the Neuphoria Stock Plan unless otherwise stated.




The purpose of the Neuphoria Stock Plan is to provide a means through which Neuphoria and its affiliates may attract and retain key personnel and whereby directors, employees, and consultants of Neuphoria and its affiliates can acquire an equity interest in Neuphoria, thereby strengthening their commitment to the success of Neuphoria and aligning their interests with Neuphoria’s shareholders. The Neuphoria Stock Plan permits the grant of stock options (both nonstatutory stock options and incentive stock options), stock appreciation rights, restricted stock, restricted stock units, stock bonuses, and performance awards (collectively the Awards).


(b)Authorised Shares


Subject to adjustment provisions in the Neuphoria Stock Plan, the board of directors of Neuphoria may reserve an appropriate number of Neuphoria Shares for issuance under the Neuphoria Stock Plan and such Neuphoria Shares may consist of authorised but unissued or reacquired shares or any combination thereof.


(c)Share Counting


If (i) any stock option or stock appreciation right granted under the Neuphoria Stock Plan is exercised through the tendering of Neuphoria Shares (either actually or by attestation) or by the withholding of Shares by Neuphoria, or (ii) tax or deduction liabilities arising from an Award are satisfied by the tendering of Neuphoria Shares (either actually or by attestation) or by the withholding of Shares by Neuphoria, then in each case the Shares tendered or withheld shall be added to the Shares available for grant under the Neuphoria Stock Plan on a one-for-one basis. Shares underlying Awards under the Neuphoria Stock Plan that are forfeited, cancelled, expire unexercised, or are settled in cash are available again for Awards under the Neuphoria Stock Plan on a one-for-one basis.


(d)Certain Adjustments


In the event that any dividend or other distribution (whether in the form of cash, shares, other securities, or other property), recapitalisation, stock split, reverse stock split, reorganisation, merger, consolidation, split-up, spin-off, combination, repurchase, or exchange of Neuphoria Shares or other securities, or other change in corporate structure affecting the shares occurs, the administrator, in order to prevent diminution or enlargement of the benefits or potential benefits intended to be made available under the Neuphoria Stock Plan, will adjust the number and class of shares that may be delivered under the Neuphoria Stock Plan and/or the number, class, and price of shares covered by each outstanding Award. In the event of a proposed dissolution or liquidation of Neuphoria, the administrator will notify each participant as soon as practicable prior to the effective date of such proposed transaction. To the extent it has not been previously exercised, an Award will terminate immediately prior to the consummation of such proposed action.







The board of directors of Neuphoria or a committee thereof has the authority to administer the Neuphoria Stock Plan, provided that different committees may administer the Neuphoria Stock Plan with respect to different groups of participants. The administrator’s authority includes the powers to, in its discretion: (i) designate participants; (ii) determine the type or types of Awards to be granted to a participant; (iii) determine the number of Neuphoria Shares to be covered by, or with respect to which payments, rights, or other matters are to be calculated in connection with, Awards; (iv) determine the form of Award agreement and the terms and conditions of any Award; (v) determine whether, to what extent, and under what circumstances Awards may be settled or exercised in cash, Neuphoria Shares, other securities, other Awards or other property, or cancelled, forfeited, or suspended and the method or methods by which Awards may be settled, exercised, cancelled, forfeited, or suspended; (vi) determine whether, to what extent, and under what circumstances the delivery of cash, Neuphoria Shares, other securities, other Awards or other property and other amounts payable with respect to an Award shall be deferred either automatically or at the election of the participant or of the administrator; (vii) interpret, administer, reconcile any inconsistency in, correct any defect in and/or supply any omission in the Neuphoria Stock Plan and any instrument or agreement relating to, or Award granted under, the Neuphoria Stock Plan; (viii) establish, amend, suspend, or waive any rules and regulations and appoint such agents as the administrator shall deem appropriate for the proper administration of the Neuphoria Stock Plan; (ix) accelerate the vesting or exercisability of, payment for or lapse of restrictions on, Awards, including, but not limited to, upon a qualifying termination; (x) to institute and determine the terms and conditions of an exchange program; provided, however, that the administrator shall not implement an exchange program without the approval of the holders of a majority of the Neuphoria Shares that are present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote at any annual or special meeting of Neuphoria’s shareholders; (xi) to settle all controversies regarding the Neuphoria Stock Plan and Awards granted under it; (xii) to submit any amendment to the Neuphoria Stock Plan for stockholder approval, including, but not limited to, amendments to the Neuphoria Stock Plan intended to satisfy the requirements of Section 422 of the US Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code) regarding Incentive Stock Options; (xiii) to adopt such procedures and sub-plans as are necessary or appropriate to permit participation in the Neuphoria Stock Plan by employees, directors or consultants who are foreign nationals or employed outside the United States (provided that committee approval will not be necessary for immaterial modifications to the Neuphoria Stock Plan or any award agreement that are required for compliance with the laws of the relevant foreign jurisdiction); and (xiv) make any other determination and take any other action that the committee deems necessary or desirable for the administration.




Awards may be granted to employees, directors and other service providers of Neuphoria or any present or future subsidiary corporation or other affiliated entity of Neuphoria. Incentive stock options may be granted only to employees who, as of the time of grant, are employees of Neuphoria or any subsidiary corporation.





(g)Stock Options


A stock option may be granted as an incentive stock option or a nonqualified stock option. The exercise price for an incentive stock option may not be less than the fair market value of the Neuphoria Shares subject to the stock option on the date the stock option is granted (or less than 110% of the fair market value of the Neuphoria Shares if the participant owns Neuphoria Shares possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of Neuphoria Shares (a Ten Percent Stockholder). Stock options will not be exercisable after the expiration of 10 years from the date of grant (or five years, in the case of an incentive stock option issued to a Ten Percent Stockholder). Each Award agreement will set forth the number of Neuphoria Shares subject to each stock option, the vesting terms and the acceptable form of consideration for exercising the stock option, including the method of payment. As the administrator determines, such consideration may consist entirely of cash, check, promissory note, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, Neuphoria Shares, cashless exercise, net exercise, such other consideration and method of payment to the extent permitted by applicable laws or any combination of the foregoing.


(h)Stock Appreciation Rights (‘SARs’)


A stock appreciation right, or SAR, is a right that entitles the participant, upon exercise of the SAR, to receive, in cash or Neuphoria Shares or a combination thereof, as determined by the administrator, value equal to or otherwise based on the excess of (i) the fair market value of a specified number of Neuphoria Shares at the time of exercise over (ii) the strike price of the SAR, as established by the administrator on the date of grant. SARs will not be exercisable after the expiration of 10 years from the date of grant. Each Award agreement will set forth the number of Neuphoria Shares subject to the SAR, the vesting schedule applicable to the SAR, including any performance conditions, and other terms and conditions of the SAR.


(i)Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units


Restricted stock awards are the grant of Neuphoria Shares of which issuance, retention, vesting and/or transferability is subject during specified periods of time to such conditions (including continued employment) and terms as the administrator deems appropriate. Restricted stock units, or RSUs, are an Award denominated in units under which the issuance of Neuphoria Shares (or cash payment in lieu thereof) is subject to the satisfaction of such conditions (including continued employment) and terms as the administrator deems appropriate. Each Award agreement evidencing a grant of restricted stock or RSUs will set forth the terms and conditions of each Award, including vesting and forfeiture provisions, transferability and, if applicable, right to receive dividends or dividend equivalents. Generally, unless the administrator provides otherwise, holders of restricted stock will be entitled to receive all dividends and other distributions paid with respect to such Neuphoria Shares, provided that if any such dividends or distributions are paid in Neuphoria Shares, the Neuphoria Shares will be subject to the same restrictions on transferability and forfeitability as the restricted stock with respect to which they were paid.


(j)Performance Awards


Performance awards are the grant of Neuphoria Shares, the issuance, retention, vesting and/or transferability of which is subject to the satisfaction of specific performance criteria set by the administrator at the time of grant. Each Award agreement evidencing a grant of a performance award will set forth the terms and conditions of each Award, including the performance criteria, forfeiture provisions, transferability and, if applicable, right to receive dividends or dividend equivalents.


(k)Stock Bonuses


Stock bonuses are Awards payable in cash or Neuphoria Shares, the grant, issuance, retention, vesting and/or transferability of which is subject during specified periods of time to such conditions (including continued employment) and terms as the administrator deems appropriate. Each Award agreement evidencing a stock bonus will set forth the terms and conditions of each Award, including vesting and forfeiture provisions, transferability and, if applicable, right to receive dividends or dividend equivalents.





(l)Transferability of Awards


Unless determined otherwise by the administrator, Awards may not be sold, pledged, assigned, hypothecated, or otherwise transferred in any manner other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution, and may be exercised, during the lifetime of the participant only by the participant.


(m)Change in Control


Under the Neuphoria Stock Plan, a Change in Control is defined to include a person acquiring more than 50% of the voting stock of Neuphoria, a sale of substantially all its assets and a merger in which holders of Neuphoria Shares do not own more than 50% of the voting stock of the combined business.


Unless provided otherwise in an Award agreement or other written agreement between a participant and Neuphoria or an affiliate or by the Neuphoria board of directors at the time of grant of an Award, in the event of a Change in Control the administrator may, in its sole discretion: (i) cancel Awards for a cash payment or Share issuance equal to their fair value (as determined in the sole discretion of the administrator), (ii) provide for the issuance of substitute or replacement awards, (iii) terminate stock options without providing accelerated vesting, (iv) immediately vest the unvested portion of any Award and provide a period for exercise, or (v) take any other action with respect to the Awards the administrator deems appropriate. The treatment of Awards upon a Change in Control may vary among participants and types of Awards in the administrator’s sole discretion. Awards subject to performance goals shall be settled upon a Change in Control based upon the extent to which the performance goals underlying such Awards have been achieved as determined in the sole discretion of the administrator.




Prior to the delivery of any Neuphoria Shares or cash pursuant to an Award, Neuphoria may deduct or withhold from any and all payments made under the Neuphoria Stock Plan, or to require the participant to remit to Neuphoria an amount sufficient to satisfy federal, state, local, foreign or other taxes (including the participant’s US Federal Insurance Contributions Act obligations), if any, required by law to be withheld by Neuphoria with respect to an Award or the Neuphoria Shares acquired pursuant thereto.


(o)Termination and Amendment, Term


The Neuphoria board of directors may at any time amend, alter, suspend or terminate the Neuphoria Stock Plan, provided that shareholder approval will be obtained for any Neuphoria Stock Plan amendment to the extent necessary and desirable to comply with applicable laws. No amendment, alteration, suspension or termination of the Neuphoria Stock Plan will impair the rights of any participant, unless mutually agreed otherwise between the participant and the administrator. Termination of the Neuphoria Stock Plan will not affect the administrator’s ability to exercise the powers granted to it under the Neuphoria Stock Plan with respect to Awards granted under the Stock Plan prior to the date of such termination. The Neuphoria Stock Plan will become effective upon its adoption by the Neuphoria board of directors and, unless sooner terminated, will continue in effect for a term of 10 years from the effective date of the Neuphoria Stock Plan.

8.13Interests in Bionomics Shares and Benefits


Neuphoria holds no Bionomics Shares as at the date of this Scheme Booklet.


8.14No other material information known to Neuphoria


Except as disclosed elsewhere in this Scheme Booklet, so far as Neuphoria is aware, as at the date of the Scheme Booklet, there is no other information that is:


material to the making of a decision by a Bionomics Shareholder whether or not to vote in favour of the Scheme; and


known to Neuphoria, at the date of lodging this Scheme Booklet with ASIC for registration, which has not previously been disclosed to Bionomics Shareholders.







9.Overview of the Combined Group


9.1Responsibility for information


The information set out in this section was prepared by Bionomics and Bionomics is responsible for the information contained in this section.


9.2Overview of the Combined Group


The Combined Group will represent a continuation of the assets, operations, management and strategy of Bionomics. The disclosures elsewhere in this Scheme Booklet regarding those matters will be equally applicable to the Combined Group, except to the extent a different position is described in this Section 9.


9.3Board and management of the Combined Group




It is intended that if the Scheme is implemented, the Neuphoria Board will be the same as the current members of the Bionomics Board of Directors.


A summary of the qualifications and experience of each current and incoming director is set out in section 8.2.


(b)Senior management


The Combined Group will continue to be led by Bionomics’ current senior executive team consisting of Spyridon Papapetropoulos, Tim Cunningham, and Liz Doolin.


9.4Capital structure


(a)Pro forma capital structure table


Post-implementation of the Scheme, the percentage shareholdings in Neuphoria will be the same as the percentage beneficial shareholdings in Bionomics at the Record Date (other than in relation to the Bionomics Shares to be sold through the Sale Facility). Neuphoria will be the sole shareholder of Bionomics from the Implementation Date.


The pro forma capital structure of Neuphoria at the Implementation Date is set out below.


Neuphoria security Number on issue
Neuphoria Shares 1,627,279
Shares of preferred stock nil
Neuphoria Options 45,103 options, exercisable into Neuphoria Shares
Neuphoria Warrants 1,054,381 warrants to purchase 1,054,381 Neuphoria Shares




Post-implementation numbers are subject to rounding


The holder of the Neuphoria Warrants may not exercise the warrants if such exercise would take the holder’s beneficial ownership of Bionomics Shares above 9.99%.





(b)Substantial holders in Neuphoria


The substantial shareholders of Neuphoria on the Implementation Date will be the same as the substantial shareholders in Bionomics (assuming no changes to their shareholdings occur prior to the Record Date), as set out in section 7.6(c).


9.5Corporate governance


The corporate governance policies of Neuphoria must comply with Nasdaq listing rules and will be substantially the same as Bionomics’ corporate governance policies. For information about Bionomics’ corporate governance policies, see Item 10 (Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance) to its 2024 annual report on Form 10-K that was filed with the SEC on 30 September 2024. It may be accessed on the SEC’s website (www.sec.gov) and Bionomics’ website (https://ir.bionomics.com.au/financials-filings/sec-filings).


9.6Strategic rationale for the Scheme


The acquisition of Bionomics by Neuphoria is expected to enhance the Combined Group and provide a number of benefits. In particular, it is expected that the Scheme will (if implemented) provide benefits including:


reducing compliance costs by ceasing to have reporting obligations as an Australian public company;


increasing the Combined Group’s visibility and reputation in the pharmaceutical industry;


increasing attractiveness to potential investors;


simplifying the corporate structure and reducing compliance costs;


increasing the potential investor pool; and


enhanced regulatory pathways through direct access to FDA resources:


9.7Neuphoria’s intentions for the business, assets and employees of Bionomics


This section sets out the current intentions of Neuphoria in relation to the Combined Group if the Scheme is implemented. These intentions are based on facts and information known to Neuphoria at the time of preparing this Scheme Booklet that concern Neuphoria and Bionomics as well as the general economic and business environment and are statements of current intention only and, accordingly, may vary as new information becomes available or circumstances change.




If the Scheme is implemented, Neuphoria intends to continue the business of Bionomics in a similar manner as it is currently operating.




Bionomics’ assets are described in detail in Section 7, and implementation of the Scheme will not change the composition of those assets or the strategy of the Combined Group in relation to those assets.




Neuphoria’s current view is to retain all employees of Bionomics on their current terms.


If any current Bionomics employees are made redundant, where appropriate having regard to the positions held by any relevant employees, Neuphoria will attempt to identify opportunities for alternative employment. If any employee is made redundant, they will receive all entitlements in compliance with applicable legislative awards or contractual requirements and they will be paid any redundancy amounts in accordance with their legal entitlements.





(d)Capital raising


Neuphoria has no immediate to medium-term intention to raise further capital following the Scheme by issuing common stock.


Neuphoria has not issued any preferred stock and has no immediate to medium-term intention to issue any preferred stock following the Scheme.


However, as a biopharmaceutical company, Bionomics may need to raise additional funding from time to time as part of the normal course of its operations. If the Scheme is implemented, Neuphoria and Bionomics may engage in capital raising activities for the Combined Group in the future, as they deem necessary. This may include equity and/or debt funding.


9.8Dividend policy


If the Scheme is implemented, the payment of future dividends to shareholders of the Combined Group will be at the discretion of the directors of Neuphoria and will be a function of a number of factors including general business conditions, the operating results and financial condition of the Combined Group, its strategy, future funding requirements including an assessment of the capital required for new investments, compliance with debt facilities, capital management initiatives, taxation considerations, any contractual, legal or regulatory restrictions on the payment of dividends by the Combined Group and any other factors the directors of the Combined Group may consider relevant.


9.9Prospects of the Combined Group


The prospects and strategy of Bionomics and its assets are detailed in Section 7, and those aspects will continue to apply to the assets and business of the Combined Group.







10.Risk factors




This section describes certain key risks associated with the Scheme. It outlines:


(a)risks relating to the Scheme;


(b)specific risks relating to the Combined Group; and


(c)risks to Bionomics Shareholders if the Scheme does not proceed.


The outline of risks in this section is a summary only and should not be considered exhaustive. This section does not attempt to set out every risk that may be associated with an investment in Bionomics, Neuphoria or the Combined Group now or in the future. The occurrence or consequences of some of the risks described in this section may be partially or completely outside the control of Bionomics, Neuphoria or the Combined Group.


10.2Risks relating to the Scheme


(a)The exact value of the Scheme consideration is not certain


Under the terms of the Scheme, subject to exceptions in relation to Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders, Bionomics Shareholders will receive one Neuphoria Share for every 2,160 Bionomics Shares they hold. The exact value of the Scheme Consideration that would be realised by individual Shareholders will be dependent on the price at which the Neuphoria Shares trade on Nasdaq after the Implementation Date.


(b)In addition, the Sale Agent will be issued Neuphoria Shares attributable to certain Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders under the Scheme and will sell them on market as soon as reasonably practicable after the Implementation Date. It is possible that such sales may exert downward pressure on the Combined Group’s share price during the applicable period. In any event, there is no guarantee regarding the prices that will be realised by the Sale Agent or the future market price of the Neuphoria Shares. Future market prices may be either above or below current or historical market prices.


(c)Contract risk


The Scheme or the issue of Neuphoria Shares upon implementation of the Scheme may be deemed (under contracts to which Bionomics or its subsidiaries are a party) to result in a change of share ownership event in respect of Bionomics that allows the counterparty to review or terminate the contract as a result of the change, or the issue of shares by Neuphoria, upon implementation of the Scheme. If the counterparty to any such contract were to validly seek to renegotiate or terminate the contract on that basis, this may have a material adverse effect on the financial performance of the Combined Group, depending on the relevant contracts. Based on Bionomics’ due diligence and enquiries of current key contractual counterparties, Bionomics does not expect that any of its material contracts will be terminated as a result of the Proposed Transaction.


(d)Scheme Implementation Agreement may be terminated


Each of Bionomics and Neuphoria has the right to terminate the Scheme Implementation Agreement in certain circumstances as set out in section 5.6 of this Scheme Booklet. Accordingly, there is no certainty that the Scheme Implementation Agreement will not be terminated by either Bionomics or Neuphoria before the implementation of the Scheme.





(e)Court Approval


There is a risk that the Court may not approve the Scheme, either at all or in the form proposed, or the Court’s approval of the Scheme may be delayed. In particular, if there is a material change in circumstances between the Scheme Meeting and the Second Court Date, the Court will take the change into account in deciding whether it should approve the Scheme. If there is a material change of sufficient importance so as to materially alter the Scheme, there is a risk that the Court may not approve the Scheme on the Second Court Date.


(f)Transaction costs may vary


Transaction costs and other costs incurred (or which are expected to be incurred by Bionomics) in relation to the successful implementation of the Proposed Transaction are currently estimated at approximately $900,000 (exclusive of GST). In addition, Citibank, N.A., as depositary for Bionomics’ American Depositary Receipt program, has demanded a significant amount of fees be paid in connection with the re-domiciliation. Bionomics believes Citibank’s initial demand was excessive and currently expects to pay fees of approximately US$100,000 to Citibank for its services as depositary in connection with the re-domiciliation. There can be no assurance as to the final amount of fees and if not resolved commercially, then, like any contract dispute, it could be resolved through litigation although this is not expected by Bionomics to be necessary.


(g)Tax consequences for Bionomics Shareholders


If the Scheme proceeds, there may be tax consequences for Scheme Participants. Similar to an investment in Bionomics ADSs, an investment in Neuphoria Shares involves US income tax considerations. Following implementation of the Scheme, US and non-US holders of Neuphoria Shares may be subject to US tax and reporting requirements like an investment in shares of other US companies.


General information on the Australian and US tax consequences of the Scheme is set out in section 11 of this Scheme Booklet.


(h)Other risks


Additional risks and uncertainties not currently known to Bionomics or Neuphoria may also have a material adverse effect on the business of Bionomics, Neuphoria or the Combined Group and the information set out above does not purport to be, nor should it be construed as representing, an exhaustive list of the risks of Bionomics, Neuphoria or the Combined Group.


10.3Risks relating to the operations of the Combined Group


For information about risk factors relating to the operations of Bionomics’ and the Combined Group, see Item 1A (Risk Factors) to Bionomics’ 2024 annual report on Form 10-K that was filed with the SEC on 30 September 2024. It may be accessed on the SEC’s website (www.sec.gov) and Bionomics’ website (https://ir.bionomics.com.au/financials-filings/sec-filings).

10.4Risks if the Scheme does not proceed


If the Scheme does not proceed, Bionomics will continue on a standalone basis and Bionomics Shareholders will retain their Bionomics Shares and will not receive any Scheme Consideration. In these circumstances, there is a risk that Bionomics ADSs may trade below their current market price.

In addition, if Scheme does not proceed, then Bionomics will continue to be subject to duplicative costs and requirements under U.S. and Australian law. For instance, effective July 2024, Bionomics must prepare financial statements in compliance with both GAAP and Australian Accounting Standards (which are consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards) and the two sets of financial statements will be audited by two different auditors under two different auditing standards.


If the Scheme is not implemented, Bionomics expects to pay an aggregate of approximately $900,000 (excluding GST) in transaction costs in connection with the Scheme. These transaction costs are primarily payable to Bionomics financial, legal, tax and accounting advisors, the Independent Expert, the Share Registry, and ASIC and Court filing fees.









11.1United States federal taxation implications


The following is a summary of certain material US federal income tax consequences of the (i) Scheme and (ii) post Scheme ownership and disposition of Neuphoria Shares. This summary is based upon the Code, final, temporary and proposed US Treasury regulations promulgated thereunder, published guidance and court decisions, each as in effect on the date hereof, all of which are subject to change, or changes in interpretation, possibly with retroactive effect. In addition, this discussion is based in part upon the provisions in the Deposit Agreement entered into with the ADS Depositary and the assumption that each obligation in the Deposit Agreement and any related agreements will be performed according to its terms.


The following summary assumes the Scheme will be consummated as described in this Scheme Booklet and applies only to Bionomics Shareholders and ADS Holders that hold their Bionomics Shares, or Bionomics ADSs, and that will hold their Neuphoria Shares received respectively pursuant to the Scheme, as “capital assets” within the meaning of Section 1221 of the Code (generally, property held for investment). This summary does not address all aspects of US federal income taxation that may be relevant to a Bionomics Shareholder or ADS Holder in light of such Bionomics Shareholder’s or ADS Holder’s particular circumstances, including any tax consequences arising under the Medicare contribution tax on net investment income, the alternative minimum tax, or to any Bionomics Shareholder or ADS Holder subject to special treatment under the Code, including, but not limited to:


a person who directly, indirectly or constructively owns 10 percent or more of the Bionomics Shares and/or Bionomics ADSs;


financial institutions or broker-dealers;


mutual funds;


tax-exempt organisations (including private foundations);


insurance companies;


dealers in securities or foreign currencies;


traders in securities who elect to use a mark-to-market method of accounting;


controlled foreign corporations and their shareholders, or any foreign corporation with respect to which there are one or more “United States shareholders” within the meaning of Section 951(b) of the Code;


passive foreign investment companies and their shareholders;


United States expatriates and certain former United States citizens or long-term residents;


“S” corporations, partnerships and their partners, or other entities or arrangements classified as partnerships for United States federal income tax purposes, grantor trusts, or other passthrough entities (and investors therein);


Bionomics Shareholders who acquired their Bionomics Shares or ADS Holders who acquired their Bionomics ADSs through the exercise of options or otherwise as compensation;


Bionomics Shareholders who hold their Bionomics Shares or ADS Holders who hold their Bionomics ADSs (or Neuphoria Shares after the Scheme) as part of a hedge, straddle, constructive sale, conversion transaction, or other integrated transaction for United States federal income tax purposes;





a person that is or may have been liable for alternative minimum tax;


regulated investment companies;


real estate investment trusts;


investors subject to special tax accounting rules as a result of any item of gross income with respect to the Bionomics ADSs or common stock being taken into account in an applicable financial statement; or


Bionomics Shareholders or ADS Holders that have a functional currency other than the United States dollar.


In addition, this summary does not address any aspect of foreign (except as otherwise provided herein) state, local, alternative minimum, estate, gift or other tax law that may be applicable to a holder. This summary is intended to provide only a general summary of certain material United States federal income tax consequences of the Scheme to holders of Bionomics Shares or Bionomics ADSs. The United States federal income tax laws are complex and subject to varying interpretation. Accordingly, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may not agree with the tax consequences described in this Scheme Booklet, and there is no assurance that the IRS’s position would not be sustained in a court.


This discussion is for informational purposes only and is not tax advice. Bionomics Shareholders and ADS Holders should consult their own tax advisor regarding the United States federal, state, local, non-US and other tax consequences to them of the receipt of Neuphoria Shares in exchange for the Bionomics Shares or Bionomics ADSs pursuant to the Scheme and the ownership and disposition thereof.


For purposes of this summary, a “US Holder” includes a beneficial owner of Bionomics Shares or Bionomics ADSs that is, for United States federal income tax purposes:


an individual who is a citizen or resident of the United States;


a corporation, created in, or organised under the laws of, the United States or any state thereof or the District of Columbia;


an estate the income of which is includible in gross income for United States federal income tax purposes regardless of its source; or


a trust (i) the administration of which is subject to the primary supervision of a United States court and which has one or more United States persons who have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust or (ii) that has made a valid election to be treated as a United States person under the Code.


If a partnership (or other entity treated as a “tax transparent” entity for United States tax purposes) is the beneficial owner of Bionomics Shares or Bionomics ADSs, the tax treatment of a partner in the partnership (or interest holder in the “tax transparent” entity) will generally depend on the status of the partner (or interest holder) and the activities of the partnership (or “tax transparent” entity). In general, for United States federal income tax purposes, US Holders of Bionomics ADSs will be treated as the beneficial owners of the underlying Bionomics Shares represented by the Bionomics ADSs.


A Non-US Holder is a beneficial owner (other than a partnership) of Bionomics Shares or Bionomics ADSs that is not a US Holder (defined above). The following summary assumes that a Non-US Holder does not have a trade or business (or permanent establishment) in the United States.





As holders of Bionomics ADSs are treated as the beneficial owners of the underlying Bionomics Shares represented by the Bionomics ADSs, we refer to holders of both Bionomics Shares and Bionomics ADSs as Shareholders for purposes of the discussion that follows.


(a)Material US Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Scheme


The exchange of Bionomics Shares or Bionomics ADSs for Neuphoria Shares, respectively, pursuant to the Scheme, is intended to be treated as a transfer to which Section 351 of the Code applies and/or as a reorganisation described in Section 368(a) of the Code in which no gain or loss is recognised to Bionomics, Neuphoria, US Holders or Non-US Holders. This summary assumes that the exchange of Bionomics Shares or ADSs for Bionomics Shares, respectively, pursuant to the Scheme will be treated as a transfer to which Section 351 of the Code applies and/or a reorganisation described in Section 368(a) of the Code.


(i)US Holders


(A)Passive Foreign Investment Company


The Code provides special, generally adverse, rules regarding sales, exchanges and other dispositions of the stock of a passive foreign investment company (PFIC). A foreign (non-US) corporation will be treated as a PFIC for any taxable year if at least 75% of its gross income for the taxable year is passive income or at least 50% of its gross assets during the taxable year, based on a quarterly average and generally by value, produce or are held for the production of passive income. Passive income for this purpose generally includes, among other things, dividends, interest, rents, royalties, gains from commodities and securities transactions and gains from assets that produce passive income. In determining whether a foreign corporation is a PFIC, a pro-rata portion of the income and assets of each corporation in which it owns, directly or indirectly, at least a 25% interest (by value) is taken into account.


Depending upon the value and the nature of Bionomics’ assets and income over time, Bionomics could be classified as a “passive foreign investment company”, or “PFIC”, for United States federal income tax purposes. Based on Bionomics’ income and assets, Bionomics believes that it was not a PFIC for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024. In general, unless an exception applies, gain (but not loss) must be recognised upon the disposition of PFIC stock by a US shareholder in connection with a nonrecognition transaction, notwithstanding that such transfer may otherwise be eligible for nonrecognition treatment. Exceptions to such gain recognition on transfers of PFIC stock include (i) certain transfers to US persons, (ii) certain transfers which result in the transferring US shareholder holding an indirect ownership interest in the PFIC, and (iii) if the transferring US shareholder timely made a valid QEF or mark-to-market election with respect to the PFIC. If a disposition of PFIC stock in a nonrecognition transaction to which such an exception would apply but for the fact that cash is received in addition to stock, gain is generally recognised to the extent of the cash received. If an exception to gain recognition applies, a US shareholder will generally be subject to additional information reporting requirements.


Upon the completion of the Scheme, Bionomics expects that the PFIC regime and associated implications discussed above will no longer be relevant to the Neuphoria Holders. This is because US Holders will then directly own Neuphoria Shares or in Neuphoria, which will be treated as a United States corporation and therefore not subject to the PFIC rules. Furthermore, PFIC status of any of the Neuphoria non-US subsidiaries could only be attributed to any of the US Holders if such shareholder owned 50 percent or more of the outstanding Neuphoria Shares, which is not expected to occur.


US Holders are urged to contact their own tax advisor regarding Bionomics’ status as a PFIC, including the impact of such PFIC status on their taxation as a result of participation in the Scheme, reporting requirements and the application of the PFIC rules in light of each US Holder’s particular circumstances.





(B)Exchange of Bionomics Shares or Bionomics ADSs for or Neuphoria Shares and Receipt of Neuphoria Shares


A US Holder will generally not recognise any gain or loss on the exchange of Bionomics Shares or Bionomics ADSs for Neuphoria Shares


US Holders will have an aggregate adjusted United States federal tax basis in the Neuphoria Shares or received pursuant to the Scheme equal to their aggregate adjusted United States federal tax basis in the Bionomics ADSs or Bionomics Shares surrendered. Thus, to the extent a US Holder has a loss in its Bionomics ADSs or Bionomics Shares, such loss generally will be preserved. The holding period for Neuphoria Shares or received pursuant to the Scheme will generally include the holding period of Bionomics ADSs or Bionomics Shares surrendered pursuant to the Scheme.


(ii)Non-US Holders


(A)Exchange of Bionomics Shares or Bionomics ADSs for or Neuphoria Shares and Receipt of Neuphoria Shares


Non-US Holders will generally not recognise any gain or loss as a result of the Scheme, except that Non-US Holders that receive cash (upon the sale of their Neuphoria Shares because they are Ineligible Overseas Shareholders or Electing Small Parcel Holders) may recognise a gain or loss, if any, if Neuphoria is considered a “United States real property holding corporation” (USRPHC) within the meaning of Section 897 of the Code, immediately after the Scheme. Bionomics expects Neuphoria to be a USRPHC immediately after the Scheme. Subject to the considerations described in “Non-US Holders – Sale or Other Disposition of Neuphoria Shares” below, any gain recognised by a Non-US Holder with respect to the receipt of cash upon the sale of Neuphoria Shares will generally not be subject to United States federal income taxation.


Non-US Holders are urged to contact their own tax advisor regarding the reporting requirements and information statements that could potentially be applicable with respect to the Scheme and any consequences, including penalties, potentially applicable as a result of a failure to meet such requirements.


Non-US Holders will have an aggregate adjusted United States federal tax basis in the Neuphoria Shares received pursuant to the Scheme equal to their aggregate adjusted United States federal tax basis in the Bionomics Shares or Bionomics ADSs surrendered. The holding period for Neuphoria Shares received pursuant to the Scheme will generally include the holding period of Bionomics Shares or Bionomics ADSs surrendered pursuant to the Scheme.


(b)Material US Federal Income Tax Consequences of Holding and Disposing of Neuphoria Shares Post-Scheme


(i)US Holders


(A)Sale or Other Disposition of Neuphoria Shares


A US Holder will generally recognise gain or loss on a sale or other disposition of Neuphoria Shares equal to the difference, if any, between the fair market value of the Neuphoria Shares sold and such US Holder’s adjusted US federal tax basis in the Neuphoria Shares. Such gain or loss will generally be capital gain or loss. If the US Holder has a holding period in the Neuphoria Shares sold of more than one year, such capital gain or loss will be long-term capital gain or loss. Generally, for US Holders who are individuals (as well as certain trusts and estates), long-term capital gains are subject to US federal income tax at preferential rates. The deductibility of capital losses is subject to significant limitations.





(B)Distributions on Neuphoria Shares


Distributions, if any, paid on Neuphoria Shares will be treated as dividends to the extent of Neuphoria’s current and accumulated earnings and profits. Amounts treated as dividends will generally be includable in a US Holder’s gross income in the year actually or constructively received. Any amount distributed in excess of Neuphoria’s current earnings and profits will first be treated as a tax-free return of capital to the extent of a US Holder’s basis in the Neuphoria Shares with respect to which the distribution was received. Amounts in excess of a US Holder’s basis in the Neuphoria Shares will be treated as capital gain subject to the treatment described above in “Sale or Other Disposition of Neuphoria Shares.” Generally, for US Holders who are individuals (as well as certain trusts and estates), dividends paid by us will be subject to US federal income tax at preferential rates.


(C)Information Reporting and Backup Withholding


US backup withholding tax and information reporting requirements will generally apply to payments to non-corporate holders of Neuphoria Shares. Information reporting will apply to payments of dividends on, and to proceeds from the disposition of, Neuphoria Shares by a paying agent within the United States to a US Holder, other than US Holders that are exempt from information reporting and properly certify their exemption. A paying agent within the United States will be required to withhold at the applicable statutory rate, currently 24%, in respect of any payments of dividends on, and the proceeds from the disposition of, Neuphoria Shares within the United States to US Holders (other than US Holders that are exempt from backup withholding and properly certify their exemption) if the holder fails to furnish its correct taxpayer identification number or otherwise fails to comply with applicable backup withholding requirements. US Holders who are required to establish their exempt status generally must provide a properly completed IRS Form W-9.


Backup withholding is not an additional tax. Amounts withheld as backup withholding may be credited against a US Holder’s US federal income tax liability. A US Holder generally may obtain a refund of any amounts withheld under the backup withholding rules in excess of such US Holder’s US federal income tax liability by filing the appropriate claim for refund with the IRS in a timely manner and furnishing any required information.


(ii)Non-US Holders


(A)Sale or Other Disposition of Neuphoria Shares


If Neuphoria is considered a “United States real property holding corporation” (“USRPHC” within the meaning of Section 897 of the Code) or has been a USRPHC in the 5 year period ending on the date of sale or other disposition then, absent an exception, the gain of a Non-US Holder, if any, on the sale of Neuphoria Shares will be treated as effectively connected with the conduct of a US trade or business. We expect that Neuphoria will be treated as a USRPHC immediately after the Scheme. Assuming so and except as described below for certain 5% or less shareholders, Non-US Holders will be subject to US federal income taxation on any gain treated as effectively connected with the conduct of a US trade or business at the rates generally applicable to US persons. Additionally, a purchaser of Neuphoria Shares from a Non-US Holder may withhold 15% of the purchase price.





Gain recognised by Non-US Holders who have directly, indirectly, and constructively owned 5 percent or less of the outstanding Neuphoria Shares during the 5-year period ending on the date of any sale or disposition will generally not be treated as effectively connected with a US trade or business and will therefore not be subject to US taxation as described immediately above, provided that Neuphoria Shares are regularly traded on an established securities market. Neuphoria Shares generally will be considered to be regularly traded on an established securities market if they are regularly quoted by brokers or dealers making a market in such interests. If the Neuphoria Shares are not considered regularly traded, then the exception for Non-US Holders who have owned 5 percent or less of the Neuphoria Shares described above will not be applicable.


(B)Distributions on Neuphoria Shares


Distributions, if any, paid on Neuphoria Shares will be treated as dividends to the extent of Neuphoria’s current and accumulated earnings and profits. Any amount distributed in excess of Neuphoria’s current earnings and profits will first be treated as a tax-free return of capital to the extent of a US Holder’s basis in the Neuphoria Shares with respect to which the distribution was received. Amounts in excess of a US Holder’s basis in the Neuphoria Shares will be treated as capital gain subject to the treatment described above in “Sale or Other Disposition of Neuphoria Shares.”


Dividends paid to a Non-US Holder will generally be subject to withholding tax at a 30% rate unless the Non-US Holder is eligible for the benefits of an income tax treaty that provides for a reduced rate of withholding and such Non-US Holder establishes its eligibility for the reduced rate by providing a valid Form W-8BEN or Form W-8BEN-E (or other applicable documentation). If a Non-US Holder is eligible for a reduced rate of withholding, such Non-US Holder may file a refund claim with the IRS for a refund of any amounts withheld in excess of such reduced rate.


Although distributions that are treated as a return of capital or as capital gain are generally not subject to withholding, distributions from USRPHCs are generally subject to withholding. As noted above, it is anticipated that Neuphoria will be treated as a USRPHC immediately after the Scheme. Accordingly, it is anticipated that Neuphoria will withhold 15% of any amount distributed that is not a dividend. Non-US Holders can file a US tax return and claim a refund of any amount withheld with respect to a return of capital distribution or a capital gain distribution (to the extent the amount withheld exceeds such Non-US Holder’s tax due). Certain Non-US Holders may be entitled to an Australian foreign income tax offset (“FITO”) with respect to any amounts of tax withheld.


(C)Information Reporting and Backup Withholding


Payments to Non-US Holders of dividends on Neuphoria Shares will generally not be subject to backup withholding, and payments of proceeds made to Non-US Holders by brokers upon a sale of Neuphoria Shares will generally not be subject to information reporting or backup withholding, in each case so long as the Non-US Holder certifies its non-resident status (and Neuphoria or its paying agent do not have actual knowledge or reason to know that the Non-US Holder is a US person or that the conditions of any other exemption are not, in fact, satisfied) or otherwise establishes an exemption. The certification procedures to claim a reduced rate of withholding under an income tax treaty described above in “Distributions on Neuphoria Shares” will generally satisfy the certification requirements necessary to avoid backup withholding. Copies of information returns with respect to dividends that are filed with the IRS may also be made available to tax authorities of the country in which the Non-US Holder resides.





Backup withholding is not an additional tax. Amounts withheld as backup withholding may be credited against a Non-US Holder’s US federal income tax liability. A Non-US Holder generally may obtain a refund of any amounts withheld under the backup withholding rules in excess of such Non-US Holder’s US federal income tax liability by filing the appropriate claim for refund with the IRS in a timely manner and furnishing any required information.


(D)Additional FATCA Withholding


Withholding taxes may be imposed under Sections 1471 to 1474 of the Code (commonly referred to as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act or “FATCA”) on certain types of payments made to non-US financial institutions and certain other non-US entities. Specifically, a 30% withholding tax may be imposed on payments of dividends if paid to a “foreign financial institution” or a “non-financial foreign entity” (each as defined in the Code), unless (1) the foreign financial institution enters into an agreement with the United States Department of the Treasury to undertake certain diligence and reporting obligations, (2) the non-financial foreign entity either certifies it does not have any “substantial United States owners” (as defined in the Code) or furnishes identifying information regarding each substantial United States owner, or (3) the foreign financial institution or non-financial foreign entity otherwise qualifies for an exemption from these rules. If the payee is a foreign financial institution which entered into the agreement in (1) above, the diligence and reporting requirements include, among other things, that it undertake to identify accounts held by certain “specified United States persons” or “United States owned foreign entities” (each as defined in the Code), annually report certain information about such accounts, and withhold 30% on certain payments to non-compliant foreign financial institutions and certain other account holders. An intergovernmental agreement governing FATCA between the United States and an applicable foreign country may modify the requirements described in this paragraph.


The FATCA withholding tax will apply to all “withholdable payments” (as defined in the Code) without regard to whether the beneficial owner of the payment would otherwise be entitled to an exemption from or reduction of withholding tax pursuant to an applicable tax treaty with the United States or under other provisions of the Code. Non-US Holders are urged to consult their tax advisors regarding the potential application of withholding under FATCA to their investment in Neuphoria Shares.




11.2Australian taxation implications


The following is a general description of the Australian tax consequences of the Scheme (assuming it is implemented) for Bionomics Shareholders. It does not consider the tax consequences that may arise on the exchange of Bionomics Options and Bionomics Warrants for equivalent options and performance rights in Neuphoria.


The following description does not constitute tax advice and should not be relied upon as such. It is based upon the Australian tax law and administrative practice in effect at the date of this Scheme Booklet. It is general in nature and is not intended to be an authoritative or complete statement of the laws applicable to the particular circumstances of a Bionomics Shareholder. Bionomics Shareholders are advised to seek their own independent professional tax advice in relation to their own particular circumstances.





The comments set out below are relevant only to those Bionomics Shareholders who hold their Bionomics Shares on capital account. The description does not apply to Bionomics Shareholders who:


acquired their Bionomics Shares pursuant to an employee share scheme arrangement;


are financial institutions, insurance companies, partnerships, tax exempt organisations, dealers in securities, Bionomics Shareholders who change their tax residency while holding the shares or are subject to special tax rules;


hold their Bionomics Shares for the purposes of speculation or a business of dealing in securities (e.g. as trading stock);


hold their shares on revenue account or are subject to the taxation of financial arrangements rules in Division 230 of the ITAA 1997 in relation to gains and losses on their Bionomics Shares;


are non-residents of Australia who hold their Bionomics Shares in relation to carrying on a business at or through a permanent establishment in Australia; or


acquired or are deemed to have acquired their Bionomics Shares before 20 September 1985.


Bionomics Shareholders who are tax residents of a country other than Australia (whether or not they are also residents, or are temporary residents, of Australia for tax purposes) should take into account the tax consequences of the Scheme under the laws of their country of residence, as well as under Australian law. These comments relate to Australian tax law only.


This tax summary is based on Australian income tax, GST and duty law and relevant regulations, rulings or judicial or administrative interpretations of such tax laws as at the date of this Scheme Booklet.


(a)Australian resident shareholders


(i)Capital Gains Tax


The disposal of Bionomics Shares held on capital account to Neuphoria by an Australian resident Bionomics Shareholder will constitute a capital gains tax (CGT) event A1 and may result in a capital gain or loss for income tax purposes (subject to any scrip for scrip roll-over relief that may be available).


The time of the CGT event will be when the Bionomics Shareholders transfer their Bionomics Shares to Neuphoria under the Scheme (i.e. the Implementation Date)


Calculation of capital gain or capital loss (apart from CGT roll-over relief)


Bionomics Shareholders will make:


a capital gain to the extent that their capital proceeds from the disposal of their Bionomics Shares are greater than the cost base of those Bionomics Shares; or


a capital loss to the extent that the capital proceeds are less than the reduced cost base of those Bionomics Shares.





Subject to choosing to apply CGT roll-over relief, a Bionomics Shareholder who makes a capital gain on the disposal of their Bionomics Shares will be required to include the net capital gain (if any) for that income year in their assessable income. In this regard, capital gains and capital losses of a taxpayer in a year of income from Bionomics Shares and any other relevant CGT events are aggregated to determine whether there is a net capital gain or net capital loss.


Any net capital gain is to be included in a Bionomics Shareholder’s assessable income, and is potentially subject to income tax. A net capital loss may not be deducted against other income for income tax purposes, but may be carried forward to offset future capital gains. Where a Bionomics Shareholder is a company, certain specific loss rules apply. These rules may limit the ability to offset capital losses in a current or later income year.


Cost base of Bionomics Shares


The cost base of the Bionomics Shares of a Bionomics Shareholder will generally include the amount paid, and the market value of any property given, to acquire the Bionomics Shares, plus any non-deductible incidental costs of acquisition and disposal (e.g. brokerage fees and legal costs).


The reduced cost base of the Bionomics Shares of a Bionomics Shareholder will be determined in a similar manner to the cost base, although some differences in the calculation of reduced cost base do exist depending on the relevant Bionomics Shareholder’s circumstances.


Capital proceeds


The capital proceeds for the disposal of the Bionomics Shares of a Bionomics Shareholder will be the Scheme Consideration, which should be equal to the market value of the Neuphoria Shares received under the Scheme.


CGT discount


Individuals, complying superannuation entities or trustees that have held their Bionomics Shares for at least 12 months (excluding the date of acquisition and disposal) may be entitled to benefit from the CGT discount to reduce the amount of any capital gain derived (after application of capital losses) from the disposal of their Bionomics Shares by:


50% in the case of individuals and trusts (for trustees, the ultimate availability of the discount for the beneficiaries of a trust will depend on the particular circumstances of the beneficiaries); or


33⅓% for complying superannuation entities.


The CGT discount will not be available to a Bionomics Shareholder that is a company or otherwise considered a corporate tax entity. Bionomics Shareholders who are trustees should seek their own independent professional advice on how the CGT discount provisions will apply to them and the trust’s beneficiaries.





(ii)CGT roll-over relief


Bionomics Shareholders who make a capital gain on the disposal of their Bionomics Shares under the Scheme may choose to apply CGT roll-over relief to the extent they receive Neuphoria Shares in respect of their Bionomics Shares.


If CGT roll-over relief is available and chosen by a Bionomics Shareholder, the capital gain realised from the disposal of the particular Bionomics Shares will be disregarded. Consequently, the disregarded capital gain is excluded from the calculation of the net capital gains or the carry-forward capital loss balance of the Bionomics Shareholder.


Whether a Bionomics Shareholder has made the choice to apply CGT roll-over is generally evidenced by the way in which that Bionomics Shareholder prepares their income tax return. There is no need to lodge a separate notice with the ATO.


Where a Bionomics Shareholder has chosen CGT roll-over relief, the following should apply:


The first element of the cost base of the Neuphoria Shares received as Scheme Consideration should be equal to the proportion of the cost base of their original Bionomics Shares that were exchanged for Scheme Consideration.


The Neuphoria Shares will be taken to be acquired at the time their Bionomics Shares were originally acquired (for the purpose of any subsequent disposal of the Neuphoria Shares and the application of the CGT discount).


The benefit of choosing CGT roll-over relief will depend upon the individual circumstances of each Bionomics Shareholder.


(iii)Where CGT roll-over relief is not chosen or available


Where CGT roll-over relief is not chosen or is not available in relation to a Bionomics Shareholder’s disposal of Bionomics Shares under the Scheme, the following should apply:


The capital gain or capital loss from the disposal of the Bionomics Shareholder’s Bionomics Shares will be taken into account in calculating the Bionomics Shareholder’s net capital gain for the income year in which the Implementation Date occurs.


The first element of the cost base of each Neuphoria Share (i.e. the Scheme Consideration) received should be an amount equal to the market value of the Bionomics Shares given in respect of acquiring the Neuphoria Share, as determined on the Implementation Date.


The acquisition date of the Neuphoria Shares will be the Implementation Date. This date will be relevant for any future application of the CGT discount with respect to CGT events occurring in relation to the Neuphoria Shares.


(iv)Holding and disposing of Neuphoria Shares


Dividends on Neuphoria Shares


An Australian resident shareholder will generally have to include the gross amount of any dividend received from their Neuphoria Shares in their assessable income for the relevant income year.


Where foreign withholding tax has been paid on any dividend received from the Neuphoria Shares, the Australian resident shareholder may be able to claim a non-refundable foreign income tax offset and use it to reduce their tax liabilities in the relevant year (subject to certain limits).





Future disposal of Neuphoria Shares


Where an Australian resident shareholder subsequently disposes of their Neuphoria Shares, a CGT event will arise which may give rise to a capital gain or loss.


The cost base and acquisition date of the Neuphoria Shares, and eligibility to claim the CGT discount, are described above.


(b)Non-resident shareholders


(i)Capital Gains Tax


For Bionomics Shareholders who are not Australian tax residents (including Ineligible Overseas Shareholders), the disposal of their Bionomics Shares should have no CGT consequences if the Bionomics Shares are not “taxable Australian property”.


The Bionomics Shares held by a non-resident Bionomics Shareholder will be “taxable Australian property” where:


the non-resident Bionomics Shareholder holds their Bionomics Shares in carrying on a business at or through a permanent establishment in Australia;


the non-resident Bionomics Shareholder is an individual who has previously made an election to disregard a capital gain or capital loss in respect of their Bionomics Shares when they ceased to be an Australian tax resident; or


the Bionomics Shares held by the non-resident Bionomics Shareholder are “indirect Australian real property interests”.


As at the date of this Scheme Booklet, Bionomics considers that Bionomics Shares should not constitute “indirect Australian real property interests” on the basis that the value of Bionomics is not principally attributable to Australian real property interests.


On the basis that Bionomics does not consider that the Bionomics Shares held by Bionomics Shareholders would constitute “indirect Australian real property interests”, Australia’s foreign resident CGT withholding regime should not apply. Accordingly, no amount should be required to be withheld from the Scheme Consideration and paid to the Commissioner pursuant to Subdivision 14-D of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 in respect of foreign resident CGT withholding.


We note that as part of the 2024-25 Federal Budget, the Federal Government indicated that it would introduce reforms to the non-resident CGT regime which will commence starting 1 July 2025. These reforms include measures that seek to expand the definition of “taxable Australian property”. Based on the guidance available, it is not expected that these measures would result in Bionomics Shares constituting “indirect Australian real property interests” although as at the date of this Scheme Booklet, draft legislation has not been introduced. However, in any event, provided that the Implementation Date occurs before 1 July 2025 then the existing tax law outlined above should continue to apply.


(ii)Holding and disposing Neuphoria Shares


Where a non-resident shareholder receives a dividend in respect of their Neuphoria Shares, those shareholders will generally not have to include the amount within their Australian assessable income for the relevant income year.


Where a non-resident shareholder disposes of their Neuphoria Shares, this will generally not give rise to a capital gain or a capital loss, provided that the Neuphoria Shares are not “taxable Australian property” at the time of disposal.





(c)Stamp duty


No Australian stamp duty should be payable by Bionomics Shareholders in relation to:


(i)the disposal of their Bionomics Shares to Neuphoria under the Scheme; or


(ii)on the issue of Neuphoria Shares to Bionomics Shareholders in exchange for their Bionomics Shares, provided that:


(1)Neuphoria is not considered a ‘landholder’ for the purposes of the landholder duty provisions in any Australian jurisdiction; and


(2)no Bionomics Shareholder alone, or with associated or related persons or with any persons (whether they are associated or related persons), commence to hold an interest of more than 50% in Neuphoria under the Scheme.


(d)Goods and Services Tax


No GST should be payable by the Bionomics Shareholders in respect of their disposal of Bionomics Shares nor their acquisition of Neuphoria Shares under the Scheme.


Bionomics Shareholders who are registered for GST may not be entitled to input tax credits (or only entitled to reduced input tax credits) for any GST incurred on costs associated with their participation in the Scheme. Bionomics Shareholders should seek independent advice in relation to the impact of GST on their individual circumstances. 







12.Additional information


This section sets out additional information required to be disclosed to Bionomics Shareholders pursuant to the Corporations Act and the Corporations Regulations, together with other information that may be of interest to Bionomics Shareholders.


12.1Interests of Bionomics Directors


(a)Bionomics Directors


The Bionomics Directors as at the date of lodgement of this Scheme Booklet for registration by ASIC were:


Bionomics Board
David Ian Wilson Director
Alan David Fisher Director
Spyridon Papapetropoulos President and Chief Executive Officer
Jane Ryan Director
Peter Miles Winston Davies Director


(b)Interests of Bionomics Directors in Bionomics securities


The following table shows the marketable securities of Bionomics owned by, or on behalf of, each Bionomics Director, or in which they have a Relevant Interest, as at the Last Practicable Date:


Bionomics Director Bionomics Shares Bionomics options
Alan David Fisher 100,000 300,000
David Ian Wilson 251,939 300,000
Jane Ryan 0 500,000
Spyridon Papapetropoulos 5,999,940 27,067,015
Peter Miles Winston Davies 269,984 0


No Director of Bionomics holds Bionomics Shares in ADS form, or any Bionomics Warrants.


The Directors of Bionomics who hold Bionomics Shares will be Scheme Participants and receive Scheme Consideration in respect of the Bionomics Shares which they hold, as will be the case in respect of all other Scheme Participants.


All Bionomics Board members who hold Bionomics Shares intend to vote in favour of the Scheme in respect of all Bionomics Shares in which they have a Relevant Interest, subject to the Independent Expert continuing to conclude that the Scheme is in the best interests of Bionomics Shareholders.





(c)Dealings of Bionomics Directors in Bionomics Shares


No Bionomics Director has acquired or disposed of a Relevant Interest in any Bionomics Shares in the four-month period ending on the date immediately prior to the date of this Scheme Booklet.


(d)Interests of Bionomics Directors in Neuphoria


Spyridon Papapetropoulos is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Neuphoria.


No Bionomics Director has a Relevant Interest in Neuphoria and no such persons are otherwise entitled to such securities as at the date of this Scheme Booklet.


12.2Interests of Bionomics in Neuphoria Shares


Bionomics does not hold any Neuphoria Shares as at the date of this Scheme Booklet.


12.3Interests of Neuphoria in Bionomics Shares


(a)Interests of Neuphoria in marketable securities of Bionomics


As at the date of this Scheme Booklet, Neuphoria does not hold any ordinary shares in Bionomics.


(b)Dealings of Neuphoria Directors in Bionomics securities


No Neuphoria Director acquired or disposed of a Relevant Interest in any Bionomics Shares in the four-month period ending on the date immediately before the date of this Scheme Booklet.


(c)Interests of Neuphoria Directors in marketable securities of Bionomics


Spyridon Papapetropoulos is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Bionomics. As at the date of this Scheme Booklet, Dr Papapetropoulos has a Relevant Interest in 5,999,940 Bionomics Shares, being 0.67%. The nature of Dr Papapetropoulos’ Relevant Interest in Bionomics Shares is set out in the table below.


Registered holder Nature of Relevant
Number of Bionomics
Spyridon Papapetropoulos Direct holding 5,999,940


No other Neuphoria Director has a Relevant Interest in any Bionomics Shares and no such persons are otherwise entitled to such securities as at the date of this Scheme Booklet.


12.4Benefits and agreements


(a)Payments in connection with retirement from office


Other than as disclosed in this Scheme Booklet there is no payment or other benefit that is proposed to be made or given to any Bionomics Director or secretary or executive officer of Bionomics (or any of its Related Bodies Corporate) as compensation for the loss of, or as consideration for or in connection with their retirement from, office in Bionomics or any of its Related Bodies Corporate in connection with, or that is materially affected by the implementation of, the Scheme.





(b)No collateral benefits offered by Neuphoria in the last four months


Other than as disclosed in this Scheme Booklet, during the four-month period before the date of this Scheme Booklet, neither Neuphoria, an Neuphoria Director or any associate of Neuphoria gave, or offered to give or agreed to give a benefit to another person which was likely to induce the other person or an associate of the other person to:


(i)vote in favour of the Scheme; or


(ii)dispose of any Bionomics Shares (as applicable),


which benefit was not offered to all Bionomics Shareholders.


(c)Agreements or arrangements with Bionomics Directors in connection with, or conditional on, the outcome of the Scheme


There are no agreements or arrangements made between any Bionomics Director and another person in connection with, or conditional on, the outcome of the Scheme other than as disclosed in this Scheme Booklet or in their capacity as a Bionomics Shareholder.


(d)Payments and benefits to Bionomics Directors, secretaries and executive officers in connection with the Scheme


Other than as disclosed in this Scheme Booklet, no Bionomics Director, secretary or executive officer of Bionomics (or any of its Related Bodies Corporate) has agreed to receive, or is entitled to receive, any payment or benefit from Neuphoria which is conditional on, or is related to, the Scheme, other than in their capacity as a Bionomics Shareholder.


(e)Interests of Bionomics Directors in Neuphoria contracts


Other than as described in this Scheme Booklet, no Bionomics Director has an interest in any contract entered into by Neuphoria.


12.5Creditors of Bionomics


The Scheme, if implemented, is not expected to materially prejudice Bionomics’ ability to pay its creditors as it involves the acquisition of securities in Bionomics for consideration provided by a third party. No material new liability is expected to be incurred by Bionomics because of the implementation of the Scheme. Bionomics has paid and is paying all of its creditors within normal terms and is solvent and trading in an ordinary commercial manner.


12.6Transaction costs


Bionomics will incur external transaction costs in connection with the Scheme. Certain of these costs are conditional on the Scheme proceeding, and if the Scheme is implemented these will effectively be borne by Neuphoria who will have acquired Bionomics from implementation.


If the Scheme is implemented, Bionomics expects to pay an aggregate of approximately $900,000 (excluding GST) in external transaction costs in connection with the Scheme. These transaction costs are primarily payable to Bionomics financial, legal, tax and accounting advisors, the Independent Expert, the Share Registry and ASIC and Court filing fees.





12.7ASIC relief


It is not envisaged that any ASIC relief will be required for the purposes of the Scheme and no ASIC relief was required for the issue of this Scheme Booklet.


12.8Disclosures and consents




The following parties have given and have not withdrawn, before the time of registration of this Scheme Booklet by ASIC, their written consent to be named in this Scheme Booklet in the form and context in which they are named:


Neuphoria Therapeutics Inc.;


Hamilton Locke as Australian legal adviser to Bionomics;


Rimon as US legal adviser to Bionomics;


Findex Corporate Finance (Aust) Ltd as the Independent Expert; and


Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited as the principal Share Registry in Australia.


Computershare Trust Company, N.A. as the branch Share Registry in the United States.


Findex Corporate Finance (Aust) Ltd has also given and has not withdrawn, before the time of registration of this Scheme Booklet with ASIC, its written consent to the inclusion of its Independent Expert’s Report in this Scheme Booklet in the form and context in which it is included and to all references in this Scheme Booklet to that report in the form and context in which they appear.


Neuphoria has also given and has not withdrawn, before the time of registration of this Scheme Booklet with ASIC, its written consent to the inclusion of the Neuphoria Information in the form and context in which it is included and to all references in this Scheme Booklet to the Neuphoria Information in the form and context in which they appear.


Hamilton Locke has also given and has not withdrawn, before the time of registration of this Scheme Booklet with ASIC, its written consent to the inclusion of section 11 of this this Scheme Booklet being the outline of the taxation implications of the Scheme.




None of the persons referred to above has authorised or caused the issue of this Scheme Booklet and does not make or purport to make any statement in this Scheme Booklet other than those statements made in the capacity and to the extent the person has provided its consent, as referred to above.


To the maximum extent permitted by law, each person referred to above disclaims all liability in respect of, makes no representation regarding and takes no responsibility for any part of this Scheme Booklet.


12.9Privacy and personal information


Bionomics and Neuphoria, their respective share registries and investor relations advisers may collect personal information about you in the process of implementing the Scheme. The personal information may include the names, contact details and details of the security holdings of Bionomics Shareholders, and the names of individuals appointed by Bionomics Shareholders as proxies, corporate representatives or attorneys at the Scheme Meeting.





The personal information is collected for the primary purpose of implementing the Scheme. Bionomics Shareholders who are individuals and the other individuals in respect of whom personal information is collected as outlined above have certain rights to access the personal information collected in relation to them.


Such individuals should contact the Shareholder Information Line at 1300 850 505 (within Australia) or +61 3 9415 4000 (outside Australia) on Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.00pm (Sydney time) in the first instance if they wish to request access to that personal information. Bionomics Shareholders who appoint an individual as their proxy, corporate representative or attorney to vote at the Scheme Meeting should inform that individual of the matters outlined above.


12.10Right to inspect and obtain copies of the Share Register


Bionomics Shareholders have the right to inspect the Share Register which contains the name and address of each Bionomics Shareholder and certain other prescribed details relating to Bionomics Shareholders, without charge.


Bionomics Shareholders also have the right to request a copy of the Share Register upon payment of a fee (if any) up to a prescribed amount.


Bionomics Shareholders have these rights by virtue of section 173 of the Corporations Act.


12.11Foreign selling restrictions


Law may restrict the distribution of this Scheme Booklet outside of Australia and persons who come into possession of this Scheme Booklet should seek advice on and observe any such restrictions. Any failure to comply with such restrictions may contravene applicable securities law. Bionomics disclaims all liabilities to such persons. Bionomics Shareholders who are nominees, trustees or custodians are encouraged to seek independent advice as to how they should proceed.


No action has been taken to register or qualify this Scheme Booklet or any aspect of the Scheme in any jurisdiction outside of Australia. This Scheme Booklet does not constitute an offer of Neuphoria Shares in any jurisdiction in which it would be unlawful. In particular, this Scheme Booklet may not be distributed to any person, and the Neuphoria Shares and may not be offered or sold, in any country outside Australia except to the extent permitted below.




The Neuphoria Shares will be issued by Neuphoria in reliance upon exemptions from the prospectus and registration requirements of the applicable Canadian securities law in each province and territory of Canada.


No securities commission in Canada has reviewed or in any way passed upon this document or the merits of the Scheme.


European Union (excluding Austria)


This Scheme Booklet is not a prospectus under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (the “Prospectus Regulation”). Therefore, the Scheme Booklet has not been, and will not be, registered with or approved by any securities regulator in the European Union. Accordingly, this Scheme Booklet may not be made available, nor may the Neuphoria Shares be offered for sale or exchange, in the European Union except in circumstances that do not require the obligation to publish a prospectus under the Prospectus Regulation.





In accordance with Article 1(4) of the Prospectus Regulation, an offer of Neuphoria Shares in each member state of the European Union is limited:


to persons who are “qualified investors” (as defined in Article 2(e) of the Prospectus Regulation);


to fewer than 150 other natural or legal persons (excluding France); and


in any other circumstance falling within Article 1(4) of the Prospectus Regulation.


Investors in the Netherlands should note:



Hong Kong


WARNING: The contents of this Scheme Booklet have not been reviewed or approved by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. You are advised to exercise caution in relation to the Scheme. If you are in any doubt about any of the contents of this Scheme Booklet, you should obtain independent professional advice.


This Scheme Booklet does not constitute an offer or invitation to the public in Hong Kong to acquire or subscribe for or dispose of any securities. This Scheme Booklet also does not constitute a prospectus (as defined in section 2(1) of the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap. 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong)) or notice, circular, brochure or advertisement offering any securities to the public for subscription or purchase or calculated to invite such offers by the public to subscribe for or purchase any securities, nor is it an advertisement, invitation or document containing an advertisement or invitation falling within the meaning of section 103 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).


Accordingly, unless permitted by the securities laws of Hong Kong, no person may issue or cause to be issued this Scheme Booklet in Hong Kong, other than to persons who are “professional investors” (as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance and any rules made thereunder) or in other circumstances that do not constitute an offer to the public within the meaning of the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance.


No person may issue or have in its possession for the purposes of issue, this Scheme Booklet or any advertisement, invitation or document relating to these securities, whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere, which is directed at, or the contents of which are likely to be accessed or read by, the public in Hong Kong (except if permitted to do so under the securities laws of Hong Kong) other than any such advertisement, invitation or document relating to securities that are or are intended to be disposed of only to persons outside Hong Kong or only to professional investors.


Copies of this Scheme Booklet may be issued to Bionomics shareholders in Hong Kong in a manner that does not constitute any issue, circulation or distribution of this Scheme Booklet, or any offer or an invitation in respect of these securities, to the public in Hong Kong. This Scheme Booklet is for the exclusive use of Bionomics shareholders in connection with the Scheme. No steps have been taken to register or seek authorisation for the issue of this Scheme Booklet in Hong Kong.





This Scheme Booklet is confidential to the person to whom it is addressed and no person to whom a copy of this Scheme Booklet is issued may issue, circulate, distribute, publish, reproduce or disclose (in whole or in part) this Scheme Booklet to any other person in Hong Kong or use for any purpose in Hong Kong other than in connection with consideration of the Scheme by Bionomics shareholders.




This Scheme Booklet may only be distributed in Jersey to shareholders of Bionomics. No offer or invitation to subscribe for Neuphoria Shares may be made to the public in Jersey.




This Scheme Booklet has not been and will not be filed, registered, or approved by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan or any other governmental authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Neuphoria Shares will not be offered or distributed within the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Furthermore, this Scheme Booklet is being distributed solely to shareholders Bionomics and is not intended for public advertisement.




Neuphoria Shares are being offered in Mexico only to less than 100 persons and may not be publicly offered or sold in Mexico.


This Scheme Booklet does not constitute a public offering of Neuphoria Shares under Mexican law and, therefore, the offer of Neuphoria Shares is not subject to obtaining the prior authorization of the National Banking and Securities Commission (Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores) nor the registration of the New Shares with the Mexican National Registry of Securities (Registro Nacional de Valores).


New Zealand


This Scheme Booklet is not a New Zealand disclosure document and has not been registered, filed with or approved by any New Zealand regulatory authority under or in accordance with the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 or any other New Zealand law. The offer of Neuphoria Shares under the Scheme is being made to existing shareholders of Bionomics in reliance upon the Financial Markets Conduct (Incidental Offers) Exemption Notice 2021 and, accordingly, this Scheme Booklet may not contain all the information that a disclosure document is required to contain under New Zealand law.




This Scheme Booklet has not been approved by, or registered with, any Norwegian securities regulator under the Norwegian Securities Trading Act of 29 June 2007 no. 75, as amended. Accordingly, this Scheme Booklet shall not be deemed to constitute an offer to the public in Norway within the meaning of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


The Neuphoria Shares may not be offered or sold in Norway except:


to “professional clients” (as defined in the Norwegian Securities Trading Act);


to fewer than 150 non-professional clients; or


in any other circumstances provided that such offer of securities does not result in a requirement for the registration or the publication of a prospectus pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.







This Scheme Booklet and any other document relating to the Scheme have not been, and will not be, registered as a prospectus with the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Scheme is not regulated by any financial supervisory authority in Singapore. Accordingly, statutory liabilities in connection with the contents of prospectuses under the Securities and Futures Act 2001 (the “SFA”) will not apply.


This Scheme Booklet and any other document relating to the Scheme may not be made the subject of an invitation for subscription, purchase or receipt, whether directly or indirectly, to persons in Singapore except pursuant to exemptions in Subdivision (4) Division 1, Part 13 of the SFA, including the exemption under section 273(1)(c) of the SFA, or otherwise pursuant to, and in accordance with the conditions of, any other applicable provisions of the SFA.


Any offer is not made to you with a view to Neuphoria Shares being subsequently offered for sale to any other party in Singapore. You are advised to acquaint yourself with the SFA provisions relating to on-sale restrictions in Singapore and comply accordingly.


This Scheme Booklet is being furnished to you on a confidential basis and solely for your information and may not be reproduced, disclosed, or distributed to any other person. Any investment referred to in this Scheme Booklet may not be suitable for you and it is recommended that you consult an independent investment advisor if you are in doubt about such investment.


Neither Bionomics nor Neuphoria is in the business of dealing in securities or holds itself out, or purports to hold itself out, to be doing so. As such, Bionomics and Neuphoria are neither licensed nor exempted from dealing in securities or carrying out any other regulated activities under the SFA or any other applicable legislation in Singapore.


South Africa


The Scheme does not constitute an offer of securities to the public in terms of the South African Companies Act and accordingly, this Scheme Booklet does not, nor is it intended to, constitute a prospectus prepared and registered under the Companies Act. This Scheme Booklet may be distributed, and the Neuphoria Shares issued, in South Africa only to existing shareholders of Bionomics.


South Korea


Neither Bionomics nor Neuphoria are making any representation with respect to the eligibility of any recipients of this Scheme Booklet to acquire the Neuphoria Shares under the laws of the Republic of Korea, including the Foreign Exchange Transaction Act and regulations thereunder. The Neuphoria Shares have not been, and will not be, registered under the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act of Korea (“FSCMA”) and therefore may not be offered or sold in Korea or to any resident of Korea or to any persons for re-offering or resale in Korea or to any resident of Korea (as defined under the Foreign Exchange Transaction Act of Korea and its enforcement decree), except as permitted under the applicable laws and regulations of Korea.


Accordingly, the Shares may not be offered or sold in Korea other than (i) to “accredited investors” (as defined in the FSCMA) or (ii) in other circumstances that do not constitute an offer to the public within the meaning of the FSCMA.







The Neuphoria Shares may not be publicly offered in Switzerland and will not be listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange or on any other stock exchange or regulated trading facility in Switzerland. Neither this Scheme Booklet nor any other offering material relating to the Neuphoria Shares constitutes a prospectus or a similar notice as such terms are understood pursuant to art. 35 of the Swiss Financial Services Act (FinSA) or the listing rules of any stock exchange or regulated trading facility in Switzerland. Neither this Scheme Booklet nor any other offering material relating to the Neuphoria Shares may be publicly distributed or otherwise made publicly available in Switzerland.


Neither this Scheme Booklet nor any other offering material relating to the Neuphoria Shares have been, or will be, filed with or approved by any Swiss regulatory authority or authorized review body. In particular, this Scheme Booklet will not be filed with, and the offer of Neuphoria Shares will not be supervised by, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).


This Scheme Booklet may be distributed in Switzerland only to existing shareholders of Bionomics and is not for general circulation in Switzerland.


United Kingdom


Neither this Scheme Booklet nor any other document relating to the Scheme has been delivered for approval to the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom and no prospectus (within the meaning of section 85 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, as amended (“FSMA”)) has been published or is intended to be published in respect of the Neuphoria Shares.


This Scheme Booklet does not constitute an offer of transferable securities to the public within the meaning of the UK Prospectus Regulation or the FSMA. Accordingly, this Scheme Booklet does not constitute a prospectus for the purposes of the UK Prospectus Regulation or the FSMA.


Any invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity (within the meaning of section 21 FSMA) received in connection with the issue or sale of the Neuphoria Shares has only been communicated or caused to be communicated and will only be communicated or caused to be communicated in the United Kingdom in circumstances in which section 21(1) FSMA does not apply to Bionomics or Neuphoria.


In the United Kingdom, this Scheme Booklet is being distributed only to, and is directed at, persons (i) who fall within Article 43 (members of certain bodies corporate) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotions) Order 2005, or (ii) to whom it may otherwise be lawfully communicated (together “relevant persons”). The investments to which this Scheme Booklet relates are available only to, and any invitation, offer or agreement to purchase will be engaged in only with, relevant persons. Any person who is not a relevant person should not act or rely on this Scheme Booklet.


United States


Bionomics and Neuphoria intend to rely on an exemption from the registration requirements of the US Securities Act of 1933 provided by Section 3(a)(10) thereof in connection with the consummation of the Scheme and the issuance of Neuphoria Shares. Approval of the Scheme by an Australian court will be relied upon by Bionomics and Neuphoria for purposes of qualifying for the Section 3(a)(10) exemption.


US shareholders of Bionomics should note that the Scheme is made for the securities of an Australian company in accordance with the laws of Australia. The Scheme is subject to disclosure requirements of Australia that are different from those of the United States.





It may be difficult for you to enforce your rights and any claim you may have against Bionomics arising under US federal securities laws since Bionomics is located in Australia and several of its directors and officers reside outside the United States. You may not be able to sue Bionomics or its directors or officers in Australia for violations of the US securities laws. It may be difficult to compel Bionomics to subject itself to a US court’s judgment.


The Scheme Booklet has not been filed with or reviewed by the US Securities and Exchange Commission or any state securities authority and none of them has passed upon or endorsed the merits of the Scheme or the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the Scheme Booklet. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offence.


The Neuphoria Shares to be issued pursuant to the Scheme have not been, and will not be, registered under the US Securities Act or the securities laws of any US state or other jurisdiction. The Scheme is not being made in any US state or other jurisdiction where it is not legally permitted to do so.


12.12Interests of advisors


Other than as set out in this Scheme Booklet, no person named in this Scheme Booklet as performing a function in a professional, advisory or other capacity in connection with the preparation or distribution of this Scheme Booklet holds, or held at any time during the last two years before the date of this Scheme Booklet, any interest in:


(a)the formation or promotion of Bionomics; or


(b)any property acquired or proposed to be acquired by Bionomics in connection with its formation or promotion or in connection with the Scheme.




If the Scheme is implemented, the amount of the external fees and expenses expected to be incurred by Bionomics in connection with the Scheme, including the fees and expenses of any financial advisers, lawyers, accountants, Share Registry and filing fees, is estimated at approximately $900,000 (excluding GST).


If the Scheme is not implemented and the Scheme Implementation Agreement is terminated as at the date of this Scheme Booklet, Bionomics expects to pay approximately the same amount because these are largely one off costs that have already been incurred.


12.14Status of regulatory Scheme Conditions


The regulatory approvals that are Scheme Conditions are set out in section 5.3 of this Scheme Booklet. As at the Last Practicable Date, the following regulatory approvals that are Scheme Conditions are still outstanding:


No Condition
Scheme Conditions

ASIC approval


Before 8.00am on the Second Court Date, ASIC issues or provides any consents or approvals, or has done any other acts, which the parties agree are reasonably necessary or desirable to implement the Scheme, and those consents, approvals or other acts have not been withdrawn or revoked at that time.



Shareholder approval


The Scheme is approved by Bionomics Shareholders at the Scheme Meeting by the majorities required under section 411(4)(a)(ii) of the Corporations Act.



Court approval


The Court makes orders under section 411(4)(b) of the Corporations Act approving the Scheme.






12.15Supplementary information


Bionomics will issue a supplementary document to this Scheme Booklet if it becomes aware of any of the following between the date of lodgement of this Scheme Booklet for registration by ASIC and the Effective Date:


(a)a material statement in this Scheme Booklet is materially false or misleading;


(b)a material omission from this Scheme Booklet;


(c)a significant change affecting a matter included in this Scheme Booklet; or


(d)a significant new matter has arisen and it would have been required to be included in this Scheme Booklet if it had arisen before the date of lodgement of this Scheme Booklet for registration by ASIC.


Depending on the nature and timing of the changed circumstances and subject to obtaining any relevant approvals, Bionomics may circulate and publish any supplementary document by:


(a)placing an advertisement in a prominently published newspaper which is circulated generally throughout Australia; or


(b)posting the supplementary document on Bionomics’ website at https://www.bionomics.com.au.


as Bionomics, in its absolute discretion, considers appropriate, subject to any approval that may be required from the Court.


12.16Actions by Bionomics and Neuphoria


If Court orders approving the Scheme are obtained, the board of directors of Bionomics and the board of directors of Neuphoria will take or procure the taking of the steps required for the Scheme to be implemented. These will include the following:


(a)Bionomics will lodge with ASIC an office copy of the Court order approving the Scheme, under section 411(10) of the Corporations Act, and the Scheme will become Effective;


(b)on the Implementation Date:


(i)all of the Bionomics Shares held by Bionomics Shareholders on the Record Date will be transferred to Neuphoria and in exchange, each Bionomics Shareholder (other than Ineligible Overseas Shareholders or Electing Small Parcel Holders) will be issued the Scheme Consideration; and


(ii)the Sale Agent will receive the Scheme Consideration from Neuphoria (or an agent of Neuphoria) in respect of the Bionomics Shares held on the Record Date by all Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and all Electing Small Parcel Holders. Neuphoria will procure that the Sale Agent sells those Neuphoria Shares within eight weeks following the Implementation Date. The Sale Agent must then promptly remit the proceeds of the sale of those securities to Neuphoria which will then remit such proceeds to Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders. Bionomics will pay all brokerage and related costs, levies or fees associated with the sale of Neuphoria Shares through the Sale Facility;


(iii)Bionomics will enter the name of Neuphoria in the share register of Bionomics as the holder of the Bionomics Shares;


(iv)Neuphoria will procure that the ADS Depositary delivers (by way of exchange) such Neuphoria Shares to the ADS Holders on the basis of one Neuphoria Share for every 12 Bionomics ADSs held on the Record Date;





(c)as soon as possible after the Implementation Date, Bionomics will be removed from the official list of Nasdaq; and


(d)on or as soon as possible after the Implementation Date, Neuphoria will be admitted to the official list of Nasdaq and the Neuphoria Shares will be admitted for official quotation by Nasdaq.


12.17Trading in Neuphoria Shares on Nasdaq


Trading of Neuphoria Shares on Nasdaq is expected to commence promptly following the Implementation Date. The actual dates will be announced to Nasdaq and also published on the website of Bionomics / Neuphoria.


Neuphoria will procure the dispatch of DRS Statements to Scheme Participants who are not Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders in respect of the Neuphoria Shares those Scheme Participants are entitled as soon as practicable after the Implementation Date.


Scheme Participants (other than Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders) will be able to trade their Neuphoria Shares immediately upon receipt of their DRS Statement after the Implementation Date. Shareholders should note that they will not be able to trade their Neuphoria Shares before receiving their DRS Statement.


ADS Holders should use a broker to trade Neuphoria Shares just as they do currently to trade Bionomics ADSs. Several Australian brokers (including a number of discount online brokers) now offer the ability to trade US stocks including Bionomics ADSs, as well as Neuphoria Shares following completion of the Scheme. Bionomics Shareholders who are not Ineligible Overseas Shareholders or Electing Small Parcel Holders should obtain a brokerage account which allows them to sell US stocks if they wish to sell their Neuphoria Shares, as set out in section 4.3(e).


The highest price of a Bionomics ADS on Nasdaq in the twelve months prior to the Last Practicable Date was US$2.84and the lowest price of a Bionomics ADS on Nasdaq in the twelve months prior to the Last Practicable Date was US$0.177.


Current and historical market prices for the Bionomics ADSs (listed on Nasdaq under the ticker “BNOX”) can be found on the Nasdaq website at www.nasdaq.com/market-activity.





12.18Delisting of Bionomics


It is intended that Bionomics will request the removal of Bionomics ADSs from quotation on Nasdaq with effect from as soon as possible after the Implementation Date. In particular, Neuphoria will be the successor issuer of Bionomics for purposes of Bionomics’ Nasdaq listing.


On or as soon as possible after the Implementation Date, it is expected that Neuphoria will be admitted to the official list of Nasdaq and the Neuphoria Shares will be admitted, respectively, for official quotation by Nasdaq.


12.19Lodgement of Scheme Booklet


The Scheme Booklet was given to ASIC in accordance with section 411(2)(b) of the Corporations Act. ASIC takes no responsibility for the content of this Scheme Booklet.


12.20No other material information


Except as disclosed elsewhere in this Scheme Booklet, there is no other information that is material to the making of a decision by a Bionomics Shareholder whether or not to vote in favour of the Scheme (as applicable) which is known to any Bionomics Director and which has not previously been disclosed to Bionomics Shareholders at the date of lodging this Scheme Booklet with ASIC for registration.











The meaning of the terms used in this Scheme Booklet are set out below:


Accounting Standards

(a)   the accounting standards made by the Australian Accounting Standards Board in accordance with the Corporations Act, and the requirements of that Act relating to the preparation and content of accounts; and


(b)   generally accepted accounting principles that are consistently applied in Australia, except those inconsistent with the standards or requirements referred to in paragraph (a).

ADS American Depositary Shares
ADS Depositary Citibank, N.A.
ADS Holder a holder of Bionomics ADSs.
ASIC Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
ASX ASX Limited.
ATO the Australian Taxation Office.
Bionomics Bionomics Limited (ACN 075 582 740).
Bionomics ADS an American Depositary Share representing 180 Bionomics Shares
Bionomics Board the board of directors of Bionomics as at the date of this Scheme Booklet.
Bionomics Director a director of Bionomics as at the date of this Scheme Booklet.
Bionomics Group Bionomics and its Subsidiaries.
Bionomics Historical Financial Information has the meaning given in section 7.7 of this Scheme Booklet.
Bionomics Information

the information contained in this Scheme Booklet other than:


(a)     the Neuphoria Information; and


(b)     the Independent Expert’s Report.


Bionomics Option an option to acquire by way of issue one Bionomics Share.
Bionomics Share a fully paid ordinary share in Bionomics.
Bionomics Shareholder each person who is registered as the holder of a Bionomics Share in the Share Register from time to time.





Bionomics Shareholder Information Line the information telephone line that Bionomics Shareholders can contact for further information about the Scheme, being 1300 850 505 (within Australia) or +61 3 9415 4000 (outside Australia) on Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.00pm (Sydney time).
Bionomics Warrant a right to be issued one Bionomics Share upon satisfaction of conditions set forth in such Warrant.
Business Day a day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday or bank holiday in Sydney, Australia and, to the extent any action must be taken in relation to Nasdaq, a day on which Nasdaq is operating but excludes a day that is a Saturday, Sunday, bank holiday or public holiday in New York, United States.
Combined Group the combination of the Neuphoria and the Bionomics Group following implementation of the Scheme.
Control has the meaning given in Section 50AA of the Corporations Act.
Corporations Act Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Corporations Regulations Corporations Regulations 2001 (Cth).
Court the Supreme Court of New South Wales, or other court of competent jurisdiction.
DRS Statement means direct registration system statement evidencing registration and ownership of Neuphoria Shares in book-entry (i.e. uncertificated) form.
Deed Poll the deed poll dated 23 October 2024 executed by Neuphoria in relation to the Scheme as set out in Annexure C.
Effective when used in relation to the Scheme, the coming into effect, under section 411(10) of the Corporations Act, of the order of the Court made under section 411(4)(b) of the Corporations Act in relation to the Scheme.
Effective Date the date on which the Scheme becomes Effective.
Electing Small Parcel Holder means a Small Parcel Holder who has made a valid election to participate in the Sale Facility pursuant to the Small Parcel Holder Election Form, and whose valid election was received before 5:00pm two business days prior to the Record Date.
End Date

the later of:


(a)           31 January 2025; or


(b)           such other date and time agreed in writing between Neuphoria and Bionomics.


Exchange Ratio

(a)           1 Neuphoria Share for every 2,160 Bionomics Shares held; or


(b)           1 Neuphoria Share for every 12 Bionomics ADSs held.






Excluded Shareholder Neuphoria and any of its subsidiaries.
First Court Date the date the Court first hears the application to order the convening of the Scheme Meeting under section 411(1) of the Corporations Act or, if the application is adjourned or subject to appeal for any reason, the day on which the adjourned application is heard.
First Court Hearing the Court hearing on the First Court Date.
Government Agency a government, government department or a governmental, semi-governmental, administrative, statutory or judicial entity, agency, authority, commission, department, tribunal, or person charged with the administration of a law or agency, whether in Australia or elsewhere, including ASIC, Nasdaq and any self-regulatory organisation established under statute.
Headcount Test the requirement under section 411(4)(a)(ii)(A) of the Corporations Act that the resolution to approve the Scheme at the Scheme Meeting is passed by a majority in number of Bionomics Shareholders present and voting, either in person or by proxy.
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards.
Implementation Date the fifth Business Day following the Record Date or such other date as Bionomics and Neuphoria agree.
Independent Expert an expert, independent of the parties, engaged by Bionomics to prepare the Independent Expert’s Report, being Findex Corporate Finance (Aust) Ltd.
Independent Expert’s Report the report of the Independent Expert, as set out in Annexure A.
Ineligible Overseas Shareholder a Bionomics Shareholder whose address as shown in the Bionomics Share Register is located outside Australia, Canada, European Union (excluding Austria), Hong Kong, Jersey, Kazakhstan, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, South  Korea, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States unless Neuphoria is satisfied that it is permitted to issue Neuphoria Shares to that Bionomics Shareholder under the Scheme in compliance with the laws of that jurisdiction, without having to comply with any governmental approval or other consent or registration, filing or other formality which in each case Neuphoria reasonably regards as unduly onerous.
ITAA 1997 the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth).
Last Practicable Date 31 October 2024, being the last practicable day before finalising the information in this Scheme Booklet.





Neuphoria means Neuphoria Therapeutics Inc., a Delaware corporation.
Neuphoria Board the board of directors of Neuphoria, being comprised of, as at the date of this Scheme Booklet, the individuals listed in section 8.2 of this Scheme Booklet.
Neuphoria Directors the directors of Neuphoria, being, as at the date of this Scheme Booklet, the individuals listed in section 8.2 of this Scheme Booklet.
Neuphoria Information the information regarding Neuphoria provided by Neuphoria to Bionomics for inclusion in this Scheme Booklet, being the information contained in sections 8 and 12.3 of this Scheme Booklet (including the information contained in those sections as summarised in section 2 of this Scheme Booklet), except to the extent it pertains to Bionomics.
Neuphoria Register the register of shareholders of Neuphoria maintained by or on behalf of Neuphoria.
Neuphoria Share a share of common stock of Neuphoria.
Neuphoria Shareholder each person who is registered in the Neuphoria Register as a holder of Neuphoria Shares.
Neuphoria Option an option to acquire a Neuphoria Share, which is to be issued to Bionomics Option holders under the Options Exchange Agreements.
Neuphoria Warrant each Warrant to acquire Neuphoria Shares to be issued to the Bionomics Warrant holder under the Warrants Exchange Agreement.
Non-Electing Small Parcel Holder means a Small Parcel Holder who is not an Electing Small Parcel Holder.
Options Exchange Agreement an agreement to be entered into between Bionomics, Neuphoria and a holder of Bionomics Options under which the holder’s Bionomics Options are cancelled in exchange for the Options Exchange Consideration, conditional upon the Scheme becoming Effective.
Options Exchange Consideration

the consideration to be provided by Neuphoria to a Bionomics Option holder under the terms of the Options Exchange Agreement for the cancellation and replacement of their Bionomics Options:


(a)          comprised of such number of Neuphoria Options as determined by applying the Exchange Ratio;


(b)          have an exercise period equal to the unexpired exercise period of the relevant Bionomics Option it replaces;


(c)          an exercise price equal to the exercise price of the Bionomics Option it replaces (in Australian dollars), multiplied by the Exchange Ratio; and


be vested to the same extent and have the same terms as to vesting as the relevant Bionomics Option it replaces, ignoring any deemed vesting which arises by reason of the Proposed Transaction.






Proposed Transaction

(a)          the proposed acquisition by Neuphoria of all the shares in Bionomics through the implementation of, and in accordance with, the Scheme; and


(b)          all associated transactions and steps contemplated by the Scheme Implementation Agreement.


Proxy Cut-Off Date the last day on or before which proxies must be lodged for the Scheme Meeting, being 48 hours before the commencement of the Scheme Meeting.
Proxy Form the proxy form for the Scheme Meeting, which accompanies this Scheme Booklet.
Record Date 5:00pm on the 1st Business Day after the Effective Date.
Related Body Corporate has the meaning given in the Corporations Act.
Relevant Date

in relation to a Scheme Condition in the Scheme Implementation Agreement, the date or time specified in the Scheme Implementation Agreement for its satisfaction or, if no date or time is specified, 8.00am on the Second Court Date, or such extension of that time and date as agreed between Neuphoria and Bionomics.


In relation to a Scheme Condition in the Scheme, the date or time specified in the Scheme for its satisfaction (if any).


Relevant Interest has the meaning given in the Corporations Act.
Requisite Majority

in respect of the Scheme, approval by:


(a)   more than 50% in number of Bionomics Shareholders present and voting (unless the Court otherwise orders); and


(b)   at least 75% of the total number of votes cast on the Scheme Resolution by Bionomics Shareholders.


Sale Agent means a person appointed by Neuphoria to sell the Neuphoria Shares that would otherwise be issued to or for the benefit of Ineligible Overseas Shareholders or Electing Small Parcel Holders under the terms of the Scheme.
Sale Facility means the facility to be made available to Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders, under which Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders will have their Scheme Consideration sold on their behalf by the Sale Agent and have the proceeds of sale remitted to them.





Scheme the proposed scheme of arrangement under Part 5.1 of the Corporations Act between Bionomics and Scheme Participants, a copy of which is contained in Annexure B.
Scheme Booklet this document that constitutes the Explanatory Booklet referred to in the Scheme Implementation Agreement in respect of the Scheme to be approved by the Court and despatched to Bionomics Shareholders and includes the annexures to this document.
Scheme Conditions the conditions set out in clause 3.2 of the Scheme Implementation Agreement and clause 3.1 of the Scheme.
Scheme Consideration the number of Neuphoria Shares to be issued to each Scheme Participant under the Scheme, calculated by reference to the Exchange Ratio.
Scheme Implementation Agreement the Scheme Implementation Agreement dated 1 October 2024 between Neuphoria and Bionomics relating to implementation of the Scheme, as filed with the SEC as Exhibit 2.1 to Bionomics’ Current Report on Form 8-K on 2 October 2024, and which can be accessed on SEC’s website at www.sec.gov or Bionomics’ website at www.bionomics.com.au.
Scheme Meeting the meeting of Bionomics Shareholders ordered by the Court to be convened under section 411(1) of the Corporations Act to consider and vote on the Scheme and includes any meeting convened following any adjournment or postponement of that meeting.
Scheme Participant a Bionomics Shareholder as at the Record Date, other than Excluded Shareholders.
Scheme Resolution the resolution set out in the Notice of Scheme Meeting set out in Annexure D.
SEC the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
Second Court Date the first day on which an application made to the Court for an order under section 411(4)(b) of the Corporations Act approving the Scheme is heard or scheduled to be heard or, if the application is adjourned for any reason, the date on which the adjourned application is heard or scheduled to be heard.
Second Court Hearing the Court hearing on the Second Court Date.
Share Register

the register of shareholders maintained by Bionomics under section 168(1) of the Corporations Act, comprised of the Australian principal and United States branch share registers.


Share Registry

Australian principal share registry: Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited (ACN 078 279 277).


United States branch share registry: Computershare Trust Company, N.A.






Small Parcel Holder

means a Shareholder who:


(a)           is not an Ineligible Overseas Shareholder; and


(b)           holds fewer than 200,000 Bionomics Shares on the Record Date.


Small Parcel Holder Election Form means the form made available with the Scheme Booklet, which Small Parcel Holders may complete and return to the Share Registry to opt in to participating in the Sale Facility and be treated as Electing Small Parcel Holders.


Small Parcel Holder Election Withdrawal Form means the form to be completed and returned to the Share Registry by an Electing Small Parcel Holder who has submitted a Small Parcel Holder Election Form and wishes to withdraw their election to opt in to participating in the Sale Facility.


A Small Parcel Holder Election Withdrawal Form can be requested by contacting the Shareholder Information Line.


Subsidiary has the meaning given to that term in section 46 of the Corporations Act.
Third Party a person other than a Neuphoria or a Bionomics Group member.
Warrants Exchange Agreement an agreement to be entered into between Bionomics, Neuphoria and the holder of Bionomics Warrants under which the holder’s Bionomics Warrants are cancelled in exchange for the Warrants Exchange Consideration, in each case conditional upon the Scheme becoming Effective.
Warrants Exchange Consideration

the consideration to be provided by Neuphoria to the Bionomics Warrants holder under the terms of the Warrants Exchange Agreement for the cancellation and replacement of its Bionomics Warrants:


(a)          comprised of such number of Neuphoria Warrants as determined by applying the Exchange Ratio;


(b)          have a vesting and exercise period equal to the unexpired vesting and exercise period of the relevant Bionomics Warrant it replaces; and


be vested to the same extent and have the same terms as to vesting as the relevant Bionomics Warrant it replaces, ignoring any deemed vesting which arises by reason of the Proposed Transaction.


Voting Entitlement Time the date for determining voting eligibility at the Scheme Meeting, being 5.00pm on Tuesday 10 December 2024.







In this Scheme Booklet, unless the context otherwise appears:


(a)words and phrases have the same meaning (if any) given to them in the Corporations Act, unless inconsistent with the meaning given in this section;


(b)words importing a gender include any gender;


(c)words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa;


(d)where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, other parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or phrase have corresponding meanings;


(e)an expression importing a natural person includes any company, partnership, joint venture, association, corporation or other body corporate and vice versa;


(f)a reference to a section or annexure is a reference to a section of or an annexure to this Scheme Booklet as relevant;


(g)a reference to any statute, regulation, proclamation, ordinance or by law includes all statutes, regulations, proclamations, ordinances or by laws amending, varying, consolidating or replacing it and a reference to a statute includes all regulations, proclamations, ordinances and by laws issued under that statute;


(h)headings and bold type are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of this Scheme Booklet;


(i)a reference to time is a reference to time is to Sydney time, unless otherwise indicated;


(j)a reference to writing includes facsimile transmissions; and


(k)a reference to dollars, $, cents, ¢ and currency is a reference to the lawful currency of the Commonwealth of Australia.





Corporate Directory


Bionomics Limited

ACN 075 582 740


200 Greenhill Road
Eastwood SA 5063


+61 8 8150 7400



Australian Legal adviser


Hamilton Locke

Level 42, Australia Square,

264 George Street,

Sydney, NSW 2000




US Legal adviser


Rimon Law

Level 2, 50 Bridge Street

Sydney, NSW 2000



Independent Expert


Findex Corporate Finance (Aust) Ltd
Level 42, 600 Bourke Street
Melbourne VIC 3000




Share Registry


Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited

Level 5, 115 Grenfell Street

Adelaide SA 5000







David Ian Wilson


Alan David Fisher


Spyridon Papapetropoulos


Jane Ryan


Peter Miles Winston Davies



Company Secretary


Rajeev Chandra











Schedule 1




Area Rights of holders of Shares in Bionomics ADSs Rights of holders of Neuphoria Shares
Share capital

The Corporations Act does not:


     prescribe the minimum amount of share capital that the Company should have;


     prescribe a minimum issue price for each share in the Company; or


     require the Company to place a maximum limit on the share capital for which its members may apply.


Australian law does not contain any concept of authorised capital or par value per share.


The issue price of shares is set by the directors of the Company collectively at the time of each issue.


A public company cannot hold shares in itself or shares “in treasury” other than in limited prescribed circumstances.

Neuphoria’s certificate of incorporation authorises the issue of up to 33,000,000 shares, of which 30,000,000 are designated as common stock, par value US$0.00001 per share, and 3,000,000 shares are designated as preferred stock, par value US$0.00001 per share.





Area Rights of holders of Shares in Bionomics ADSs Rights of holders of Neuphoria Shares
Issues of additional shares

The Company’s constitution authorises the Board to allot and issue shares in the Company to persons, including members, directors or employees of the Company on such terms and with such rights as the Board determines.


The issue of securities to directors and other related parties of the Company is regulated under the Corporations Act. Generally, various requirements must be met for such an issue, including shareholder approval, unless the issue falls within a specified exception.


There are also restrictions on issuing securities where the Company is subject to a takeover or where a majority shareholder has notified the Company of its intention to call a general meeting to appoint or remove directors.

If all the shares authorised in Neuphoria’s certificate of incorporation have not been issued, then the board of directors may issue shares in such manner, for such consideration and on such terms as the board of directors may determine, without shareholder approval, not exceeding the number authorised with shares.


Under the Nasdaq listing rules, shareholder approval is required for certain significant issuances of Neuphoria securities, including issuances in excess of 20% of the voting power or number of shares outstanding before the issuance (or 5% in the case of certain related parties), issuances of company securities that will result in a change in control and issuances in connection with a new or materially amended equity compensation arrangement for officers, directors, employees or consultants.

Pre-emption rights The Company’s constitution does not provide any pre-emptive rights in respect of transfers or issues of Shares. Neuphoria’s certificate of incorporation and bylaws do not provide any pre-emptive rights in respect of transfers or issues of shares of common stock or preferred stock.
Issues of preference and/or redeemable shares Subject to the Corporations Act, the Company’s constitution authorises preference shares to be issued on terms that they are, or at the option of the Company are liable, to be redeemed. Shares of preferred stock may be issued by the Neuphoria board of directors from time to time in one or more series. The board of directors is also authorised to establish from time to time the number of shares to be included in each such series, and to fix the designations, powers, preferences, and relative, participating, optional or other rights, if any, and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions, if any, of the shares of each such series.
Share certificates

The Company’s constitution provides that the Directors may determine not to issue a share certificate or may determine to cancel a certificate without issuing any certificate in its place, if that determination is not contrary to the Corporations Act.


Where the Directors make such a determination, a member shall have the right to receive such statements of the holdings of the member as are required to be distributed under the Corporations Act.

Shares in Neuphoria may be represented by certificates. The board of directors may provide by resolutions that certain series of shares shall be uncertificated.





Area Rights of holders of Shares in Bionomics ADSs Rights of holders of Neuphoria Shares
Buy back of shares

The Corporations Act allows the Company to buy-back its own shares through a specific buy-back procedure provided that:


     the buy-back does not materially prejudice the Company’s ability to pay its creditors; and


     the Company follows the procedures set out in the Corporations Act.


The buy-back procedure which includes the form of shareholder approval (for example, ordinary, special or unanimous resolutions), notice period and disclosure to be given to the shareholders, depends on the type of buy back.


In accordance with the Corporations Act and the Listing Rules, the Company may buy back shares (in accordance with certain additional disclosure and timetable requirements).

The DGCL generally permits a company such as Neuphoria to purchase or redeem its outstanding shares out of funds legally available for that purpose without obtaining shareholder approval, provided that:


     the capital of Neuphoria is not impaired;


     such purchase or redemption would not cause the capital of Neuphoria to become impaired;


     the purchase price does not exceed the price at which the shares are redeemable at the option of Neuphoria; and


     immediately following any such redemption Neuphoria must have outstanding one or more shares of one or more classes or series of stock, which shares must have full voting powers.

Transfer/transmission of shares Under the Company’s constitution, securities in the Company are generally freely transferable.

Transfers of shares of Neuphoria must be made on its books only upon authorisation by the registered holder or by such holder’s attorney, and if such shares are represented by a certificate, upon surrender of the certificate or certificates for such shares and the payment of any taxes.


Neuphoria may recognise and enforce any lawful restriction on transfer. Transfers may also be made in any manner authorised by Neuphoria (or its authorised transfer agent) and permitted by the DGCL.





Area Rights of holders of Shares in Bionomics ADSs Rights of holders of Neuphoria Shares
Dividends and distributions

Under the Company’s constitution, the Directors may declare a dividend out of profits in accordance with the Corporations Act and may authorise the payment or crediting by the Company to its members of such dividend.


Before declaring a dividend, the Directors should be satisfied that:


     the Company’s assets exceed its liabilities immediately before the dividend is declared and the excess is sufficient for the payment of the dividend;


     the payment of the dividend is fair and reasonable to the Company’s shareholders as a whole;


     the payment of the dividend is made out of the profits of the Company; and


     the payment of the dividend does not materially prejudice the Company’s ability to pay its creditors.

Under the DGCL, the board of directors of Neuphoria is permitted to declare and pay dividends to shareholders either:


     out of Neuphoria’s surplus, which is defined to be the net assets less statutory capital; or


     if no surplus exists, then out of the net profits for the fiscal year in which the dividend is declared and/or the preceding fiscal year, provided that the capital of the corporation is not less than the aggregate amount of the capital represented by the corporation’s outstanding shares of all classes having a preference on distribution of assets.


Holders of shares of common stock are entitled to receive dividends when and as declared by Neuphoria board out of funds legally available for that purpose.


Under Neuphoria’s certificate of incorporation, subject to the rights of the holders of any outstanding series of preferred stock, the holders of shares of common stock are entitled to receive any dividends to the extent permitted by law when, as and if declared by the board of directors of Neuphoria.

Voting rights

The Company’s constitution provides that:


     each member entitled to vote may vote in person or by proxy, attorney or representative;


     on a show of hands, every person present who is a member or a proxy, attorney or a representative of a member has one vote; and


     on a poll, every person present who is a member or a proxy, attorney or representative of a member shall, in respect of each fully paid share held by him, or in respect of which he or she is appointed a proxy, attorney or representative have one vote for the share, but in respect of partly paid shares, shall have a fraction of a vote for each partly paid share.


Further, if the Corporations Act requires that some members are not to vote on a resolution or that votes cast by some members be disregarded in order for the resolution to have the intended effect, and the notice of meeting at which the resolution was proposed states that fact, the Company must not count any votes purported to be cast by those members.

The certificate of incorporation and bylaws of Neuphoria provide that each holder of common stock is entitled to one vote for each share of common stock held by such holder on all matters on which shareholders generally are entitled to vote.





Area Rights of holders of Shares in Bionomics ADSs Rights of holders of Neuphoria Shares
Variation of rights

The Company’s constitution provides that if at any time the Company’s share capital is divided into different classes of shares, the rights attached to any class may (unless otherwise provided by the terms of issue of the shares in that class) be varied or abrogated in any way with the consent in writing of the holders of 75% of the issued shares in that class, or with the sanction of a special resolution passed at a separate meeting of the holders of the shares of that class.


The Corporations Act provides that where shareholders in an affected class do not all agree (whether by resolution or written consent) to the:


     variation or cancellation of their rights; or


     a modification to the Company’s constitution to allow rights to be varied or cancelled,


shareholders with at least 10% of the votes in the affected class may apply to the court (within a limited time frame) to have the variation, cancellation or modification set aside.


Subject to the shares’ terms of issue, the rights attached to a class of shares are not deemed varied by the issue of further shares of that class.


Under the DGCL, any amendment to Neuphoria’s certificate of incorporation requires approval by holders of the outstanding shares of a particular class if that amendment would:


     increase or decrease the aggregate number of authorized shares of that class;


     increase or decrease the par value of the shares of that class; or


     alter or change the powers, preferences or special rights of the shares of that class so as to affect them adversely.


If an amendment would alter or change the powers, preferences or special rights of one or more series of any class so as to adversely affect that series without adversely affecting the entire class, then only the shares of the series so affected shall be considered a separate class and entitled to such separate class approval of the proposed amendment.


Neuphoria’s certificate of incorporation may be amended or repealed by:


     Neuphoria at any time and from time to time, consistent with the DGCL; and


     the affirmative vote of at least 66.7% of the voting power of the shares outstanding and entitled to vote thereon, voting together as a single class in the matters specified therein.


Neuphoria’s bylaws may be amended or repealed by the board of directors or by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least 66.7% of the voting power of the shares outstanding and entitled to vote thereon, voting together as a single class.





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Continuous disclosure

As an unlisted disclosing entity, Bionomics is subject to Corporations Act requirements which require (subject to some exceptions) lodgement with ASIC of notices regarding any information that Bionomics has, and that a reasonable person would expect to have a material effect on the price or value of Bionomics Shares.


The Company must comply with all the filing and reporting requirements like a US company under US securities laws because it has lost its status as a “foreign private issuer” on 1 July 2024.


In particular, the Company must file:


     annual reports on Form 10-K;


     quarterly reports on Form 10-Q;


     current reports containing material information required to be disclosed on Form 8-K;


     company insider reports; and


     proxy statement.

Neuphoria will be subject to US federal securities laws following the implementation of the Scheme in relation to its continuous disclosure obligations.


US securities laws and Nasdaq listing rules will generally require disclosure to the public of any material information that would reasonably be expected to affect the value of Neuphoria’s shares or influence investors’ decisions.


US federal securities laws will require Neuphoria to publicly file with the SEC:


     annual reports on Form 10-K;


     quarterly reports on Form 10-Q;


     current reports containing material information required to be disclosed on Form 8-K;


     company insider reports; and


     proxy statement.

Powers of the board and matters that require shareholder approval

The Company’s constitution grants the Board the power to manage the Company’s business.


The Corporations Act provides that the following matters (among others and in addition to others set out in this table) require shareholder approval, and are therefore not within the powers of the Board:


     removal of directors;


     appointment of an auditor;


     amending or changing the constitution; and


     adopting a new company name.


Neuphoria’s bylaws grant the board of directors the power to manage or direct Neuphoria’s business and affairs, and to exercise all the powers of the corporation, except as otherwise provided by the DGCL or in the certificate of incorporation.


At any meeting of Neuphoria board, all matters are determined by the vote of a majority of the directors present. Action may also be taken by Neuphoria board without a meeting if all members thereof consent thereto in writing or by electronic transmission.


The DGCL and Neuphoria’s bylaws provide that the following matters require shareholder approval:


     election and removal of directors; and


     amending and repealing the certificate of incorporation.





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Director duties

Under Australian law, the Directors of the Company have a wide range of both general law and statutory duties to the Company.


These duties are of a fiduciary nature and include the duty to:


     act in good faith in the best interests of the Company as a whole;


     act for a proper purpose;


     not improperly use information or their position;


     exercise care, skill and diligence; and


     avoid actual or potential conflicts of interest.

Under Delaware law, the directors of Neuphoria have fiduciary obligations, including the duty of care and the duty of loyalty. The duty of care requires directors to inform themselves of all reasonably available material information before making business decisions on behalf of Neuphoria and to act with requisite care in discharging their duties to Neuphoria. The duty of loyalty requires directors to act in good faith and in Neuphoria’s best interests.

Compensation of directors

The Company’s constitution provides that the remuneration of the non-executive Directors will not be more than the aggregate fixed sum which is determined by general meeting, or until so determined, such sum as determined by the Directors,


and the remuneration will accrue from day to day.


Under the Company’s constitution the remuneration of the executive Directors:


     will, subject to the provisions of any contract between each of them and the Company, be fixed by the Directors; and


     must not be by way of commission on, or percentage of, operating revenue.


Termination or retirement benefits to directors and other officers of the Company are subject to restrictions under the Corporations Act.

Neuphoria’s bylaws provide that directors may receive such compensation, if any, for their services on the board of directors and its committees, and such reimbursement of expenses, as may be fixed or determined by resolution of the board of directors.





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Transactions involving directors or other related parties (including large shareholders)

The Corporations Act prohibits the Company from giving a director (or other related party (including a shareholder who controls the Company) a financial benefit unless either:


     the Company obtains shareholder approval (in compliance with the Corporations Act requirements) and gives the benefit within 15 months after approval; or


     giving the financial benefit falls within a specific exception set out in the Corporations Act (eg, a benefit given on arms’ length terms or a benefit constituting reasonable remuneration or reimbursement of an officer or employee of the Company).


Directors, when entering into transactions with the Company, are subject to the Australian common law and statutory duties to avoid actual and potential conflicts of interest.


There are also disclosure requirements and voting restrictions imposed on directors under the Corporations Act on matters involving a material personal interest.


Subject to the Corporations Act, under the Company’s constitution a director may:


     hold any other office or place of profit in or in relation to the Company (except that of auditor) in conjunction with his or her office of Director and on such terms as to remuneration or otherwise as the Directors shall approve;


     become a shareholder in or director of or hold any office or place of profit in or in relation any company promoted by the Company or in which the Company may be interested, whether as to vendor, shareholder or otherwise; and

Under the DGCL, no contract or transaction between Neuphoria and one or more of its directors, or between Neuphoria and any other corporation, partnership, association or other organisation in which one or more of its directors are directors or officers or have a financial interest will be void or voidable solely for that reason, or solely because the relevant director is present at or participates in Neuphoria board or committee meeting that authorises the contract or transaction, or solely because the vote of the relevant director is counted for that purpose, if:


     the material facts as to the director’s relationship or interest, and as to the contract or transaction, are disclosed or known to the board of directors or committee, and the board of directors or committee in good faith authorises the contract or transaction by the affirmative votes of a majority of the disinterested directors, even though the disinterested directors be less than a quorum; or


     the material facts as to the director’s relationship or interest and as to the contract or transaction are disclosed or known to Neuphoria shareholders entitled to vote thereon, and the contract or transaction is specifically approved in good faith by vote of the shareholders; or


     the contract or transaction is fair to Neuphoria as of the time that it is authorised, approved or ratified by the board of directors, committee or shareholders.


Under US federal securities law, Neuphoria would be required to disclose related party transactions, including those with directors.





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       in all respects act as a Director in relation to any contract or arrangement in which he or she is interested, including in relation to the execution of the contract or agreement or the use of the Company’s common seal, but he or she may not vote in relation to any contract or proposed contract or arrangement in which he or she has directly or indirectly a material interest and in that respect he or she shall comply with the requirements of the Corporations Act.  
Number and nomination of directors



As an unlisted public company in Australia, the Company must have:


     no fewer than 3 directors (not counting alternate directors);


     at least 2 directors ordinarily resident in Australia;


     at least one secretary; and


     at least one secretary must ordinarily reside in Australia.


The Company’s constitution provides that the Directors can determine the number of Directors, subject to there being not less than 3 Directors and not more than 12 Directors.


The Company in general meeting can increase or reduce the number of Directors, subject to there being not less than 3 Directors.

The board of directors consists of such number of directors as is determined from time to time by resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors.




In order to nominate directors at an annual meeting, a shareholder must provide the Secretary of Neuphoria with advance written notice of his or her intent to make the nomination not earlier than the 120th day, nor later than the 90th day, prior to the first anniversary of the date of the preceding year’s annual meeting, except that if no annual meeting was held in the previous year or the date of the annual meeting is more than 30 days earlier or 60 days later than such anniversary date, notice must be received not earlier than the close of business 120 days prior to the date of the annual meeting and not later than the close of business on the later of the 90th day before such annual meeting or the 10th day following the date on which public announcement of the date of such meeting is first made.





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Under the Company’s constitution, a person other than a Director seeking re-election shall be eligible for election as a Director at any general meeting unless that person or some shareholder intending to propose that person has given notice in accordance with the Company’s constitution.


Nominations of persons for election to the board of directors may be made at a special meeting of shareholders pursuant to a notice of meeting: (i) by or at the direction of the board of directors (or any authorised committee thereof); or (ii) provided that one or more directors are to be elected at such meeting, by any shareholder who is a shareholder of record at the time the notice is delivered to the Secretary of Neuphoria, who is entitled to vote at the meeting and upon such election and who delivers notice in writing setting forth the information required by the bylaws. Any shareholder entitled to vote in such election of directors may nominate a person or persons (as the case may be) for election to such position(s) as specified in the notice of meeting, if the notice required under the bylaws shall be delivered to the Secretary of Neuphoria at its principal executive offices not earlier than the close of business on the 120th day prior to such special meeting and not later than the close of business on the later of the 90th day prior to such special meeting or the 10th day following the date on which public announcement of the date of the special meeting and of the nominees proposed by the board of directors to be elected at such meeting is first made by Neuphoria.
Removal of directors

The shareholders of the Company may remove a director from office by passing an ordinary resolution to do so at a general meeting.


Under the Corporations Act, a notice of intention to move the resolution must be given to the Company at least 2 months before the meeting is to be held. However, if the Company calls a meeting after the notice of intention is given, the meeting may pass the resolution even though the meeting is held less than 2 months after the notice of intention is given. The director is entitled to put their case to members and to receive a copy of the notice.


The Company’s constitution further provides that a person will automatically cease to be a Director if that person (among other things):


     becomes of unsound mind;

Removal of directors


The DGCL provides that, subject to the rights of the holders of any series of preferred stock, directors may be removed with or without cause by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the voting power of all of the outstanding shares of capital stock, or of a single class or series, entitled to vote generally in the election of directors, voting together as a single class, unless the board of directors is classified into one, two or three classes.


Under Neuphoria’s bylaws, subject to the rights of the holders of shares of preferred stock, any director, or the entire board of directors, may be removed from office at any time, but only for cause and only by the affirmative vote of at least 66 2/3% of the voting power of the shares outstanding and entitled to vote.





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     retires from office;


     becomes bankrupt; or


     becomes disqualified by law from being a direct (under the Corporations Act or otherwise).


Cessation of director’s appointment


While the DGCL does not provide for an automatic cessation of a director’s appointment, Section 223 implies directors may cease to be such for any cause, including death and resignation.


Casual vacancies The Board may appoint a person to be a director at any time, subject to not exceeding the maximum number of directors. Any director so appointed holds office until the next annual general meeting (and is eligible for-re-election and is not taken into account in deciding the rotation or retirement of directors. Neuphoria’s certificate of incorporation and bylaws provide that, subject to the rights of the holders of any outstanding series of preferred stock, and unless otherwise required by law, any vacancies in the board of directors resulting from death, resignation, retirement, disqualification, removal from office or other cause shall be filled solely by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining directors then in office, even though less than a quorum, or by the sole remaining director, and any director so chosen shall hold office until the next election of the class for which such director shall have been chosen and until his or her successor shall have been duly elected and qualified.
Rotation of directors The Company’s constitution provides that at every annual general meeting one-third of the directors must retire from office, as well as any other director who has been in office for three years or more since that directors’ last election or re-election (provided that the Company has 3 or more directors). The Company’s constitution provides that directors required to retire are those who have been longest in office since last being elected.

Neuphoria’s certificate of incorporation provides that, subject to the rights of the holders of shares of preferred stock, the board of director shall be divided into three classes designated Class I, Class II and Class Ill. Class I directors initially serve until the first annual meeting of shareholders; Class II directors initially serve until the second annual meeting of shareholders; and Class Ill directors initially serve until the third annual meeting of shareholders.


Commencing with the first annual meeting of shareholders, directors of each class the term of which shall then expire shall be elected to hold office for a three-year term and until the election and qualification of their respective successors in office.


The board of directors is authorised to assign members of the board of directors already in office to Class I, Class II or Class Ill, with such assignment becoming effective as of the initial effectiveness of the certificate of incorporation.






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Directors’ indemnity

The Corporations Act prohibits the indemnification of persons against the following specific liabilities incurred as an officer or auditor of the Company:


     owed to the Company or a related body corporate;


     for a pecuniary penalty order or a compensation order under the Corporations Act; or


     owed to someone other than the Company or a related body corporate and did not arise out of conduct in good faith.


Further, the Corporations Act prohibits an indemnity for legal costs incurred in defending an action for a liability incurred as an officer or auditor of the Company in specific circumstances including where an officer is found to have a liability for which they could not be indemnified or found guilty in criminal proceedings, or where the grounds for a court order have been made out (in proceedings brought by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission or a liquidator).


Payments by the Company of insurance premiums which cover conduct involving a wilful breach of duty in relation to the Company or a breach of a director’s statutory duty not to improperly use their position or improperly use information is also prohibited under the Corporations Act.

Neuphoria’s bylaws provide that, to the fullest extent permitted by the DGCL, Neuphoria will indemnify, and advance expenses to, a director or officer in an action brought by reason of the fact that the director or officer is or was a director or officer of Neuphoria, or is, or was, serving at the request of Neuphoria as a as a director, officer, employee, agent or trustee of another corporation or of a partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, against all expenses, liability and loss actually or reasonably incurred or suffered by such person.


Neuphoria may maintain insurance, at its expense, to protect itself and any director, officer, employee or agent of Neuphoria or another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise against any expense, liability or loss, whether or not Neuphoria would have the power to indemnify such person against such expense, liability or loss under the DGCL.


Directors’ liability Under the Corporations Act, there is a general prohibition on a company or a related body corporate exempting officers from any liability incurred as an officer of the company.

Under the DGCL, Neuphoria may include in its certificate of incorporation a provision eliminating the personal liability of a director to the company or its shareholders for monetary damages for a breach of fiduciary duty as a director.





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However, the provision may not eliminate liability for:


     breach of the director’s duty of loyalty;


     acts or omissions not in good faith or which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of the law;


     unlawful payment of dividends;


     unlawful purchases or redemptions of shares; or


     any transaction from which the director derived an improper personal benefit.


Neuphoria’s certificate of incorporation provides that, to the fullest extent permitted by the DGCL, a director shall not be personally liable to the corporation or its shareholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director.


Corporate governance

The structures of the Company’s Board and the Company’s corporate policies as a whole, must comply with the requirements of the Corporations Act in relation to corporate governance.


As the Company lost its status as a “foreign private issuer” under US securities law on 1 July 2024, the Company must also comply with the corporate governance requirements under the rules of the SEC and Nasdaq.


Neuphoria’s board structure, the independence of its board members, the existence and composition of its various board committees and its corporate policies as a whole must comply with Delaware law and, when the corporation is listed on Nasdaq, Neuphoria must also comply with the corporate governance requirements under the Nasdaq listing rules and US federal securities laws.
Insider trading Under the Corporations Act, any person who possesses price sensitive information relating to the Company or its securities is prohibited (subject to exceptions) from buying or selling those securities or procuring others do so, or from communicating the information to third parties. US federal securities laws generally prohibit any person who possesses material non-public information relating to Neuphoria or its securities from buying or selling those securities or procuring others to do so, or from communicating the material non-public information to third parties.





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Quorum of shareholders

Under the Company’s constitution, the quorum for a general meeting of Shareholders is 2 Shareholders entitled to vote.


As the Company is subject to Nasdaq’s corporate governance standards, the applicable quorum for a general meeting is also subject to a quorum of 33 1/3 % of the outstanding shares of the Company.


Under Neuphoria bylaws, at any meeting of shareholders, one-third of the voting power of the shares outstanding and entitled to vote at the meeting, present in person or represented by proxy, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; provided, however, that where a separate vote by a class or series is required, a majority of the voting power of the shares of such class or series outstanding and entitled to vote on that matter, present in person or represented by proxy, shall constitute a quorum entitled to take action with respect to such matter.
AGM Under the Corporations Act, the annual general meeting of the Company is required to be held at least once every calendar year and within 5 months after the end of each financial year (unless an extension is granted by ASIC). Under Neuphoria bylaws, the annual meeting of shareholders for the election of directors to succeed those whose terms expire and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting, shall be held at such place, if any, on such date, and at such time as the board of directors shall fix. The board of directors may postpone, reschedule or cancel any annual meeting of shareholders previously scheduled by the board of directors.
Notice of shareholders meetings

Under the Company’s constitution and the Corporations Act, not less than 28 days’ notice of a general meeting must be given to Shareholders.


The notice of a meeting must specify the date, time and place of the meeting and state the general nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting.


The notice shall be given not less than 10 nor more than 60 days before the date on which the meeting is to be held, to each shareholder entitled to vote at such meeting. In the case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called also shall be set forth in the notice.
Calling meetings

Under the Corporations Act, a general meeting of Shareholders may be called by individual directors, or by Shareholders holding at least 5% of the total votes that may be cast at the meeting.


Additionally, under the Company’s constitution, the Board is given the power to convene a general meeting at any time.

Under the DGCL, a director or shareholder of Neuphoria may petition the Court of Chancery of Delaware for an order compelling the holding of an annual meeting if:


     no annual meeting has been held, or no action by written consent to elect directors in lieu of an annual meeting has been taken, for a period of 30 days after the date designated for the annual meeting; or





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     no date for an annual meeting has been designated for a period of 13 months after the latest to occur of Neuphoria’s organisation, the last annual meeting or the last action by written consent to elect directors in lieu of an annual meeting.


Under the certificate of incorporation of Neuphoria, except as required by law or provided by any preferred stock designation, a special meeting of shareholders may only be called by the board of directors.


Under the Nasdaq listing rules, Neuphoria will be required to hold an annual meeting within a year of its fiscal year end.

Shareholder proposed resolutions Under the Corporations Act, Shareholders holding at least 5% of the votes that may be cast at a general meeting, or at least 100 Shareholders who are entitled to vote at the meeting may, by written notice to the Company, propose a resolution for consideration at the next general meeting occurring more than two months after the date of their notice. Any shareholder can propose a resolution with respect to the election of a director or any other matter. In addition, a shareholder can propose any resolution if such shareholder has notified Neuphoria of his or her intention to present the proposal at an annual or special meeting in compliance with Rule 14a-8 under the Exchange Act and such proposal has been included in a proxy statement that has been prepared by Neuphoria to solicit proxies for such meeting.
Ordinary and special resolutions at meetings An ordinary resolution at a general meeting is passed by a majority of votes cast by those present and voting (ie, more than 50%) while a special resolution typically requires the approval of not less than 75% of those present and voting at the meeting. All corporate actions to be taken by vote of the shareholders shall be authorised by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the voting power of the shares present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote on the subject matter, and where a separate vote by a class or series is required, if a quorum of such class or series is present, such act shall be authorised by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the voting power of the shares of such class or series present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote on the subject matter.





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Business at annual meetings

Under the Corporations Act, the business of an annual general meeting may include any of the following, even if not referred to in the notice of meeting:


     consideration of the annual financial report, directors’ report (including remuneration report) and auditor’s report;


     advisory (non-binding) resolution to adopt the remuneration report, with the rule that if 25% or more of the shareholders vote against its adoption in 2 consecutive years, a resolution to spill the board is put to shareholders at that second meeting (two strikes rule);


     election of directors;


     appointment of the auditor; and


     fixing the auditor’s remuneration.

Under Neuphoria’s bylaws, the business of an annual general meeting may include the election of the directors, any matter proposed by shareholders under the procedures set forth under the bylaws, and any matter proposed by shareholders included in Neuphoria’s proxy statement in compliance with Rule 14a-8 under the Exchange Act.
Attending meetings

Shareholders entitled to vote at a meeting of Shareholders can attend and vote by:


     attending the shareholder meeting and voting in person;


     appointing an attorney to attend the Shareholder meeting and vote on their behalf, or, in the case of corporate shareholders, a corporate representative to attend the meeting and vote on its behalf; or


     appointing a proxy to attend the shareholder meeting and vote on their behalf.

Every shareholder entitled to vote for directors, or on any other matter, shall have the right to do so either in person or by one or more persons authorised to act for such shareholder by proxy.





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Derivative action

Under Australian common law, Shareholders do not have the right to bring a common law action on behalf of the Company.


Under the Corporations Act, a statutory derivative action may be instituted by a shareholder, former shareholder or person entitled to be registered as a shareholder. In all cases, leave of the court is required. Such leave will be granted if:


     it is probable that the company will not itself bring the proceedings or properly take responsibility for them;


     the applicant is acting in good faith;


     it is in the best interests of the company;


     there is a serious question to be tried; and




o     at least 14 days before making the application, the applicant gave written notice to the company of the intention to apply for leave and of the reasons for applying; or


     it is otherwise appropriate for the court to grant leave.

The DGCL permits a Neuphoria shareholder to bring a derivative action on behalf of Neuphoria if those in control of Neuphoria have failed to assert a claim belonging to Neuphoria.


Derivative actions have certain standing and eligibility requirements, including that the plaintiff in the action must generally have been a shareholder of the company at the time that the act complained of occurred and must maintain his or her status as a shareholder of the company throughout the course of the litigation. Derivative plaintiffs must have previously made a demand on the directors of the company to assert the corporate claim, unless such a demand would have been futile.


Relief from oppression Under the Corporations Act, any shareholder can bring an action in cases of conduct which is either contrary to the interests of Shareholders as a whole, or oppressive to, unfairly prejudicial to, or unfairly discriminatory against, any Shareholders in their capacity as a shareholder, or themselves in a capacity other than as a shareholder. Former Shareholders can also bring an action if it relates to the circumstances in which they ceased to be a shareholder. The DGCL contains no equivalent statutory provisions. However, Delaware law may provide judicial remedies to shareholders in comparable circumstances.
Statutory rights of action for misrepresentations Under the Corporations Act, any Shareholder who suffers loss as a result of misleading or deceptive conduct relating to securities can bring an action against the person engaged in the conduct. Similarly, any shareholder who suffers loss as a result of a misleading or deceptive statement contained in a disclosure document (i.e. a prospectus) can bring an action against the company, any director or the underwriter to the offer made through the disclosure document. The DGCL contains no equivalent statutory provisions. However, the DGCL provides judicial remedies for the violations by directors of their fiduciary obligations, including the duty of care and the duty of loyalty.





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Inspection of books Under the Corporations Act, a shareholder must obtain a court order to obtain access to the Company’s books and records.

The DGCL provides each Neuphoria shareholder with the right to inspect, to make copies of and to take extracts from, certain books and records of Neuphoria for any proper purpose during normal business hours upon the shareholder making a sworn written demand, stating the purpose of his or her inspection.


The books and records subject to a shareholders’ right of inspection include Neuphoria’s stock ledger, Neuphoria’s list of shareholders and certain other books and records of Neuphoria and its subsidiaries.

Financial records and reports

Under the Corporations Act, the Company must report annually to its members, which report must include a financial report, directors’ report (which includes the remuneration report) and the auditor’s report on the financial report for each relevant year.


The Company must also file quarterly and annual reports with the SEC in compliance with the reporting obligations under the US Securities Exchange Act and in compliance with US GAAP.

Neuphoria will be required to file quarterly and annual reports with the SEC, in compliance with the reporting obligations under the Exchange Act. These reports also require Neuphoria to disclose financial statements in compliance with US GAAP with respect to the relevant reporting period.

Under the Corporations Act any acquisition by a person of a “relevant interest” in a “voting share” of the Company is restricted where, because of a transaction, that person or someone else’s percentage “voting power” in the Company increases above 20% (or, where the person’s voting power was already above 20% and below 90%, increases in any way at all).


There is an exception from these restrictions where the shares are acquired under takeover offers made under the Corporations Act to all shareholders (which must be on the same terms for all the Company Shareholders (subject to minor exceptions) and which must comply with the timetable and disclosure requirements of the Corporations Act).

Neuphoria is not subject to any equivalent statutory provision. While Section 203 of the DGCL restricts certain business combinations with interested shareholders, under its certificate of incorporation, Neuphoria has elected that it shall not be governed by, or otherwise subject to, Section 203 of the DGCL. Under Section 251 of the DGCL, the board of directors of a target corporation may adopt a resolution approving an agreement of merger or consolidation and declaring its advisability. Such agreement must be submitted to the shareholders for consideration and is subject to approval by a majority of the outstanding shares of the corporation entitled to vote.





Area Rights of holders of Shares in Bionomics ADSs Rights of holders of Neuphoria Shares

There are also other exceptions from the 20% limit for acquisitions made through permitted gateways such as acquisitions with shareholder approval or “creeping” by acquiring up to 3% every 6 months (if throughout the 6 months before the acquisition the person has had voting power in the company of at least 19%).


The purpose of these provisions is to attempt to ensure that the shareholders in the target company have a reasonable and equal opportunity to share in any premium for control and that they are given reasonable time and enough information to assess the merits of the proposal.


In addition, the Company is also subject to the same takeover (“tender offer”) rules under the Exchange Act as Neuphoria following the Company’s loss of status as a “foreign private issuer” on 1 July 2024. See “Takeovers” for Neuphoria for more details on the applicable tender offer rules under the Exchange Act.


Under Delaware case law, in the context of a takeover, management and directors have fiduciary obligations to act in good faith, with due care and loyalty, in what they believe to be the best interests of the corporation and the shareholders. Directors and management are not obligated to negotiate with third parties, or to sell the corporation, if a good faith, informed decision is made that it would be in the corporation’s best interests to reject the negotiation. The degree of judicial scrutiny of the actions taken by the directors and management will be more rigorous depending on whether defensive tactics have been employed against a hostile takeover bid and whether directors and management have an interest in rejecting the takeover bid.


In addition to Delaware law, US federal securities law applies to tender (or takeover) offers for securities of SEC-registrants. Whether a “tender offer” exists depends on the applicability of an eight-factor test developed under case law:


(i)           an active and widespread solicitation of public shareholders for the securities of an issuer;


(ii)          a solicitation is made for a substantial percentage of the issuer’s securities;


(iii)        the offer to purchase is made at a premium over the prevailing market price;


(iv)        the terms of the offer are firm rather than negotiable;


(v)         the offer is contingent on the tender of a fixed number of shares, often subject to a fixed maximum number to be purchased;


(vi)        the offer is open only for a limited period of time;





Area Rights of holders of Shares in Bionomics ADSs Rights of holders of Neuphoria Shares

(vii)        the offeree is subjected to pressure to sell his or her security; and


(viii)       public announcements of a purchasing program concerning the target issuer precede or accompany a rapid accumulation of large amounts of the target issuer’s securities.


Regulation 14D under the Exchange Act includes rules for the conduct of tender offers for equity securities registered under the Exchange Act. This includes a “best price” rule that is meant to provide equal treatment to all holders of securities in a tender offer, which can involve cash and/or securities as consideration.


Regulation 14E under the Exchange Act sets forth requirements and anti-fraud rules that apply to all tender offers, including the following:


●     Tender offer must be open at least 20 business days. The tender offer must be open for at least 20 business days from the date first published or sent to shareholders;


     10-day extension requirement/or material change. If the percentage of securities sought is increased (by more than 2% of outstanding shares) or is decreased, or the consideration offered or the dealer’s soliciting fee is increased or decreased, then the tender offer must remain open for at least ten business days from the date the increase or decrease is first published or sent to shareholders;


     Prompt payment requirement. The consideration offered must be paid to tendering shareholders (or securities deposited must be returned) “promptly” after the termination of the tender offer. The term “promptly” is generally understood to mean within three business days;


●     Notice of extension of tender offer requirement. If the tender offer period is extended, the offeror must issue a notice of the extension by press release or public announcement, including disclosure of the approximate number of securities tendered to date;





Area Rights of holders of Shares in Bionomics ADSs Rights of holders of Neuphoria Shares

●     Transactions on the basis of non-public information prohibited. If any person has taken substantial steps to commence or has commenced a tender offer, it is unlawful for any other person to purchase or sell the securities subject to the tender offer while the person is in possession of material non-public information related to the tender offer (which that person knows or ought to know is non-public and has been acquired from the issuer or a director, officer or employee or person acting on behalf of the issuer);


●     Purchases outside of a tender offer prohibited. A “covered person” must not directly or indirectly purchase or arrange to purchase securities subject to a tender offer except as part of the tender offer, from the time of public announcement until the expiration of the tender offer. A “covered person” includes the offeror, its affiliates and the dealer- manager, or any of their advisors whose compensation is dependent upon completion of the tender offer. Certain transactions are excepted from the prohibition.

Disclosure of substantial holdings Not applicable to unlisted disclosing entities

The Exchange Act requires any person to file a Schedule 13D who acquires beneficial ownership of more than 5% of a voting class of the equity securities of an SEC-registrant. Beneficial ownership is defined as holding voting or investment power, directly or indirectly.


The Exchange Act requires a person to file a Schedule 13G under the same circumstances which trigger the obligation to file a Schedule 13D except the person acquires beneficial ownership with no purpose to influence or change control of the issuer.





Area Rights of holders of Shares in Bionomics ADSs Rights of holders of Neuphoria Shares

Any person who holds more than 20% of a voting class of equity securities must file a Schedule 13D.


The requirement to file Schedule 13D and Schedule 13G applies not only to US domestic listed issuers, such as Neuphoria, but also to foreign private issuers, such as the Company, listed on a US stock exchange. Thus, this requirement will not impose any new obligations on Neuphoria Shareholders.


Winding up

Under Australian law, an insolvent company may be wound up by a liquidator appointed by either creditors or the court. Directors cannot use their powers after a liquidator has been appointed. If there are funds left over after payment of the costs of the liquidation, and payments to other priority creditors, including employees, the liquidator will pay these to unsecured creditors. The Shareholders rank behind the creditors.


Under Australian law, shareholders of a solvent company may decide to wind up the company if the directors are able to form the view that the company will be able to pay its debts in full within 12 months after the commencement of the winding-up. A meeting at which a decision is made to wind up a solvent company requires at least 75% of votes cast by the shareholders present and voting.


The Company’s constitution states that if the Company is wound up and there is a surplus, the liquidator may, with the sanction of a special resolution, divide among the Shareholders in kind, the whole or any part of the property of the Company representing that surplus, and may for that purpose set whatever value the liquidator considers fair on any property to be so divided and determine how the division should be carried out.

The DGCL permits the board of directors to authorise the dissolution of a company if:


     a majority of the directors in office adopt a resolution to approve dissolution at a board meeting called for that purpose;


     holders of a majority of the issued and outstanding shares entitled to vote on the matter adopt a resolution to approve dissolution at a shareholders’ meeting called for that purpose; and


     a certificate of dissolution is filed with the Delaware Secretary of State.


The DGCL also permits shareholders to authorise the dissolution of a company without board action if:


     all of the shareholders entitled to vote on the matter provide written consent to dissolution; and


     a certificate of dissolution is filed with the Delaware Secretary of State.





Area Rights of holders of Shares in Bionomics ADSs Rights of holders of Neuphoria Shares
Restricted securities and mandatory lock up periods   Offers and sales of securities in the United States must be registered under the US Securities Act unless an exemption under the US Securities Act is available. In the case of an exempt transaction, the securities offered are deemed to be “restricted securities” and can be reoffered and resold only pursuant to the requirements of Rule 144 or Regulation S under the US Securities Act.

Under Australian law, the Company must prepare its financial accounts and present its financial statements in accordance with the financial reporting standards determined by the Australian Accounting Standards Board.


Since the Company lost its status as a “foreign private issuer” on 1 July 2024, The Company must prepare financial accounts in accordance with US GAAP.


As a company incorporated under the law of a US state, Neuphoria must prepare its financial accounts and present its financial statements in accordance with US GAAP.

Under the Corporations Act, a company must appoint an auditor within one month after the day on which the company is registered, unless the company, at a general meeting, has appointed an auditor. The auditor holds office until the company’s first annual general meeting, where the appointment is confirmed by the members or another auditor is appointed.


The auditor holds office until one of the following occurs:


     the auditor obtains ASIC consent to resign;


     the auditor is removed by the company;


     the auditor is deceased;


     the auditor ceases to be capable of acting as an auditor;


     the auditor ceases to be an auditor; or


     the company is being wound up.


In accordance with the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Neuphoria must appoint auditors that are registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.





Annexure A – Independent Expert’s Report










[This annexure is left blank in the Scheme Booklet filed by Bionomics as an exhibit to a Form 8-K with the US Securities and Exchange Commission; to view the Independent Expert’s Report, please see the version on Bionomics’ website]





Annexure B – Scheme





Scheme of Arrangement



Bionomics Limited

ACN 075 582 740




Scheme Participants







Under section 411 of the Corporations Act




(1)Bionomics Limited ACN 075 582 740 formed in Australia whose registered office is at 200 Greenhill Road, Eastwood South Australia 5063 (Bionomics); and


(2)Each person registered as a holder of fully paid ordinary shares in Bionomics as at the Record Date, other than Excluded Shareholders (Scheme Participants).




1.Definitions and interpretation




Unless the contrary intention appears, these meanings apply:


ADS means an American Depositary Share.


ADS Depositary means Citibank, N.A.


ADS Holder means a holder of Bionomics ADSs.


ASIC means the Australian Securities & Investments Commission.


Bionomics ADS means each American Depositary Share, representing 180 Bionomics Shares and which trade on Nasdaq under the ticker code “BNOX”.


Bionomics Share means each fully paid ordinary share in Bionomics.


Bionomics Shareholder means each person entered in the Register as a holder of Bionomics Shares.


Business Day means a day (other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday) on which banks are open for general banking business in Adelaide, South Australia or Delaware, United States.


Completion means completion of the implementation of the Scheme on the Implementation Date.


Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).


Court means Supreme Court of New South Wales or such other court of competent jurisdiction as the parties may agree in writing.


Deed Poll means the deed poll dated 23 October 2024 executed by Neuphoria substantially in the form of Annexure D of the Scheme Booklet or as otherwise agreed by Neuphoria and Bionomics under which Neuphoria covenants in favour of each Scheme Participant to perform its obligations under this Scheme.


Effective means the coming into effect, under section 411(10) of the Corporations Act, of the order of the Court made under section 411(4)(b) of the Corporations Act in relation to the Scheme, but in any event at no time before an office copy of the order of the Court is lodged with ASIC.


Effective Date means the date on which the Scheme becomes Effective.


Electing Small Parcel Holder means a Small Parcel Holder who has made a valid election to opt in and participate in the Sale Facility.


Encumbrance means any security for the payment of money or performance of obligations, including a mortgage, charge, lien, pledge, trust, power or title retention or flawed deposit arrangement and any “security interest” as defined in sections 12(1) or 12(2) of the PPSA or any agreement to create any of them or allow them to exist.





End Date means the Sunset Date, including any extension to that date, as defined in the Scheme Implementation Agreement.


Excluded Shareholder means Neuphoria and any of its subsidiaries.


Implementation Date means the fifth Business Day following the Record Date or such other date as the parties agree in writing.


Ineligible Overseas Shareholder means a Bionomics Shareholder:


(a)who is (or is acting on behalf of) a resident of a jurisdiction other than a Permitted Jurisdiction; or


(b)whose address shown in the Register is a place outside a Permitted Jurisdiction,


unless Neuphoria and Bionomics jointly determine that it is lawful and not unduly onerous and not unduly impracticable to issue that Bionomics Shareholder with Neuphoria Shares when the Scheme becomes Effective and it is lawful for that Bionomics Shareholder to participate in the Scheme by the law of such other place as a Bionomics Shareholder may be resident or located.


Nasdaq means the Nasdaq Global Market.


Neuphoria means Neuphoria Therapeutics Inc., a Delaware corporation.


Neuphoria Share means a share of common stock in Neuphoria.


New Neuphoria Shares means Neuphoria Shares to be issued under the Scheme as Scheme Consideration.


Permitted Jurisdiction means Australia, Canada, European Union (excluding Austria), Hong Kong, Jersey, Kazakhstan, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, South Korea, the United Kingdom, the United States and any other jurisdictions mutually agreed by Bionomics and Neuphoria.


PPSA means the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth).


Record Date means 7.00 pm on the second Business Day following the Effective Date, or any other date (after the Effective Date) agreed by the parties to be the record date to determine entitlements to receive Scheme Consideration under the Scheme.


Register means the register of members of Bionomics.


Registered Address means, in relation to a Bionomics Shareholder, the address shown in the Register.


Sale Facility means the facility to be conducted in accordance with clause 6.4.


Scheme means this scheme of arrangement between Bionomics and Scheme Participants under which all of the Scheme Shares will be transferred to Neuphoria under Part 5.1 of the Corporations Act as described in clause 6 of this Scheme, in consideration for the Scheme Consideration, subject to any amendments or conditions made or required by the Court pursuant to section 411(6) of the Corporations Act to the extent they are approved in writing by Bionomics and Neuphoria in accordance with clause 10 of this Scheme.





Scheme Booklet means the information prepared in accordance with the Scheme Implementation Agreement and agreed by the parties (acting reasonably) to be approved by the Court and despatched to Scheme Participants in relation to the Scheme.


Scheme Consideration in relation to a Scheme Participant means the number of New Neuphoria Shares to be issued to the Scheme Participant as described in clause 6.2.


Scheme Implementation Agreement means the scheme implementation agreement dated 1 October 2024 between Bionomics and Neuphoria under which, amongst other things, Bionomics has agreed to propose this Scheme to Bionomics Shareholders, and each of Neuphoria and Bionomics has agreed to take certain steps to give effect to this Scheme.


Scheme Meeting means the meeting of Bionomics Shareholders to be convened as ordered by the Court under section 411(1) of the Corporations Act, to consider the Scheme.


Scheme Participant means each Bionomics Shareholder as at the Record Date (taking into account registration of all registrable transfers and transmission applications received at Bionomics’ share registry by the Record Date) other than an Excluded Shareholder.


Scheme Record Date means 7.00 pm on the second Business Day after the Effective Date, or such other date (after the Effective Date) as Bionomics and Neuphoria may agree in writing.


Scheme Share means a Bionomics Share held by a Scheme Participant as at the Record Date and, for the avoidance of doubt, includes any Bionomics Shares issued on or before the Record Date.


Second Court Date means the first day on which the Court hears the application for an order under section 411(4)(b) of the Corporations Act approving the Scheme or, if the application is adjourned or subject to appeal for any reason, the first day on which the adjourned or appealed application is heard.


Share Scheme Transfer means, for each Scheme Participant, a duly completed and executed proper instrument of transfer of the Scheme Shares held by that Scheme Participant for the purposes of section 1071B of the Corporations Act, which may be a master transfer of all Scheme Shares.


Small Parcel Holder means a Scheme Participant who holds fewer than 200,000 Bionomics Shares as at the Scheme Record Date.


1.2General interpretation


Headings and labels used for definitions are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation. Unless the contrary intention appears, in this document:


(a)the singular includes the plural and vice versa;


(b)a reference to a document includes any agreement or other legally enforceable arrangement created by it (whether the document is in the form of an agreement, deed or otherwise);


(c)a reference to a document also includes any variation, replacement or novation of it;


(d)the meaning of general words is not limited by specific examples introduced by “including”, “for example”, “such as” or similar expressions;


(e)a reference to “person” includes an individual, a body corporate, a partnership, a joint venture, an unincorporated association and an authority or any other entity or organisation;


(f)a reference to a particular person includes the person’s executors, administrators, successors, substitutes (including persons taking by novation) and assigns;





(g)a reference to a time of day is a reference to Sydney, Australia, time;


(h)a reference to dollars, $ or A$ is a reference to the currency of Australia;


(i)a reference to any legislation includes regulations under it and any consolidations, amendments, re-enactments or replacements of any of them;


(j)a reference to a group of persons is a reference to any 2 or more of them jointly and to each of them individually;


(k)a reference to any thing (including an amount) is a reference to the whole and each part of it;


(l)a period of time starting from a given day or the day of an act or event, is to be calculated exclusive of that day;


(m)if a party must do something under this document on or by a given day and it is done after 5.00 pm on that day, it is taken to be done on the next day; and


(n)if the day on which a party must do something under this document is not a Business Day, the party must do it on the next Business Day.






Bionomics is:


(a)An unlisted public company limited by shares; and


(b)incorporated in Australia and registered in South Australia.




Neuphoria is:


(a)An unlisted non-public corporation; and


(b)incorporated in Delaware, United States.


2.3If Scheme becomes Effective


If this Scheme becomes Effective:


(a)in consideration of the transfer of each Scheme Share to Neuphoria, Bionomics will procure Neuphoria to provide the Scheme Consideration to each Scheme Participant in accordance with the terms of this Scheme;


(b)all Scheme Shares will be transferred to Neuphoria on the Implementation Date; and


(c)Bionomics will enter the name of Neuphoria in the Register in respect of all Scheme Shares transferred to Neuphoria in accordance with the terms of this Scheme.


2.4Scheme Implementation Agreement


Bionomics and Neuphoria have agreed by executing the Scheme Implementation Agreement to implement the terms of this Scheme.





2.5Deed Poll


(a)Neuphoria has executed the Deed Poll for the purpose of covenanting in favour of the Scheme Participants to perform (or procure the performance of) its obligations as contemplated by this Scheme, including to provide the Scheme Consideration.


(b)Bionomics undertakes in favour of each Scheme Participant to enforce the Deed Poll against Neuphoria on behalf of and as agent and attorney for the Scheme Participants.


3.Conditions precedent


3.1Conditions precedent to Scheme


This Scheme is conditional on, and will have no force or effect until, the satisfaction of each of the following conditions precedent:


(a)as at 8.00 am on the Second Court Date, the Deed Poll not having been terminated;


(b)as at 8.00 am on the Second Court Date, all of the conditions precedent in clause 3.1 of the Scheme Implementation Agreement having been satisfied or waived in accordance with the terms of the Scheme Implementation Agreement, other than the conditions in clauses 3.1(c) (Court approval of Scheme) and 3.1(d) (Order lodged with ASIC);


(c)the Court having approved this Scheme, with or without any modification or condition, pursuant to section 411(4)(b) of the Corporations Act, and if applicable, Bionomics and Neuphoria having accepted in writing any modification or condition made or required by the Court under section 411(6) of the Corporations Act;


(d)lodgement with ASIC of an office copy of the order of the Court approving the Scheme pursuant to section 411(10) of the Corporations Act; and


(e)the coming into effect, pursuant to section 411(10) of the Corporations Act, of the orders of the Court made under section 411(4)(b) of the Corporations Act (and, if applicable, section 411(6) of the Corporations Act) in relation to this Scheme.


3.2Conditions precedent and operation of clause 5


The satisfaction of each condition of clause 3.1 of this Scheme is a condition precedent to the operation of clause 5 of this Scheme.


3.3Certificate in relation to conditions precedent


(a)Bionomics and Neuphoria must provide to the Court on the Second Court Date a certificate confirming (in respect of matters within their knowledge) whether or not all of the conditions precedent set out in clause 3.1 of this Scheme (other than the conditions precedent in clauses 3.1(c), 3.1(d) and 3.1(e) of this Scheme) have been satisfied or waived as at 8.00 am on the Second Court Date.


(b)The certificate referred to in this clause 3.3 will constitute conclusive evidence of whether the conditions precedent referred to in clause 3.1 of this Scheme (other than the conditions precedent in clauses 3.1(c), 3.1(d) and 3.1(e) of this Scheme) have been satisfied or waived as at 8.00 am on the Second Court Date.




4.1Effective Date


Subject to clause 4.2, this Scheme will come into effect pursuant to section 411(10) of the Corporations Act on and from the Effective Date.





4.2End Date


This Scheme will lapse and be of no further force or effect if the Effective Date does not occur on or before the End Date.


5.Implementation of Scheme


5.1Lodgement of Court orders with ASIC


If the conditions precedent set out in clause 3.1 of this Scheme (other than the conditions precedent in clauses 3.1(d) and 3.1(e) of this Scheme) are satisfied, Bionomics must lodge with ASIC in accordance with section 411(10) of the Corporations Act an office copy of the Court order approving this Scheme as soon as possible, and in any event by no later than 4.00 pm on the first Business Day after the day on which the Court approves this Scheme or such later time as Neuphoria and Bionomics agree in writing.


5.2Transfer and registration of Bionomics Shares


On the Implementation Date, but subject to the provision of the Scheme Consideration for the Scheme Shares in accordance with clause 6 of this Scheme and Neuphoria having provided Bionomics with written confirmation of the provision of the Scheme Consideration:


(a)the Scheme Shares, together with all rights and entitlements attaching to the Scheme Shares as at the Implementation Date, will be transferred to Neuphoria without the need for any further act by any Scheme Participant (other than acts performed by Bionomics as attorney and agent for Scheme Participants under clause 8 of this Scheme) by:


(i)Bionomics delivering to Neuphoria a duly completed and executed Share Scheme Transfer executed on behalf of the Scheme Participants; and


(ii)Neuphoria duly executing the Share Scheme Transfer and delivering it to Bionomics for registration; and


(b)as soon as practicable after receipt of the duly executed Share Scheme Transfer, Bionomics must enter the name of Neuphoria in the Register in respect of all Scheme Shares transferred to Neuphoria in accordance with the terms of this Scheme.


5.3Entitlement to Scheme Consideration


On the Implementation Date, in consideration for the transfer to Neuphoria of the Scheme Shares, each Scheme Participant will be entitled to receive the Scheme Consideration in respect of each of their Scheme Shares in accordance with clause 6 of this Scheme.


5.4Title and rights in Bionomics Shares


Subject to the provision of the Scheme Consideration for the Scheme Shares as contemplated by clause 6 of this Scheme, on and from the Implementation Date, Neuphoria will be beneficially entitled to the Scheme Shares transferred to it under the Scheme, pending registration by Bionomics of Neuphoria in the Register as the holder of the Scheme Shares.


5.5Scheme Participants’ agreements


Under this Scheme, each Scheme Participant agrees to the transfer of their Scheme Shares, together with all rights and entitlements attaching to those Scheme Shares, in accordance with the terms of this Scheme.





5.6Warranty by Scheme Participants


Each Scheme Participant warrants to Neuphoria and is deemed to have authorised Bionomics to warrant to Neuphoria as agent and attorney for the Scheme Participant by virtue of this clause 5.6, that:


(a)all their Scheme Shares (including any rights and entitlements attaching to those shares) transferred to Neuphoria under the Scheme will, as at the date of the transfer, be fully paid and free from all Encumbrances; and


(b)they have full power and capacity to sell and to transfer their Scheme Shares (including any rights and entitlements attaching to those shares) to Neuphoria under the Scheme.


5.7Transfer free of Encumbrances


To the extent permitted by law, all Bionomics Shares (including any rights and entitlements attaching to those shares) which are transferred to Neuphoria under this Scheme will, at the date of the transfer of them to Neuphoria, vest in Neuphoria free from all Encumbrances and interests of third parties of any kind, whether legal or otherwise, and free from any restrictions on transfer of any kind not referred to in this Scheme.


5.8Nomination of acquirer subsidiary


If Neuphoria nominates a Neuphoria Nominee (as defined in clause 4.3 of the Scheme Implementation Agreement) to acquire Bionomics Shares under the Scheme references to the transfer of Scheme Shares to Neuphoria and the entering of Neuphoria into the Register, will be read as references to Neuphoria Nominee.


6.Scheme Consideration


6.1Issue of consideration under the Scheme


On the Implementation Date, Bionomics must procure that, in consideration for the transfer to Neuphoria of the Bionomics Shares, Neuphoria issues to the Scheme Participants (or to the nominee in the case of Ineligible Overseas Shareholders or Electing Small Parcel Holders, in accordance with clause 6.4) the Scheme Consideration in accordance with this clause 6.


6.2Scheme Consideration


(a)In consideration of the Bionomics Shareholders transferring their Bionomics Shares to Neuphoria at Completion, Neuphoria will, on the Implementation Date and immediately upon transfer of the Bionomics Shares to Neuphoria, issue to each Bionomics Shareholder (other than the Australian custodian for the ADS Depositary and each Ineligible Overseas Shareholder and each Electing Small Parcel Holder) one Neuphoria Share for every 2,160 Bionomics Shares held by the Bionomics Shareholder on the Scheme Record Date.


(b)In the case of the Bionomics Shareholder who holds Bionomics Shares on behalf of the ADS Depositary, being the Australian custodian for the ADS Depositary, Neuphoria will, on the Implementation Date and immediately prior to the transfer of the Bionomics Shares to Neuphoria:


(i)issue one Neuphoria Share to the ADS Depositary for every 2,160 Scheme Shares held by the Australian custodian for the ADS Depositary; and


(ii)procure the ADS Depositary to then, subject to compliance by the ADS Holder within the terms of the arrangements pursuant to which the ADS Depositary acts as depositary for ADS Holders, deliver (by way of exchange) such Neuphoria Shares to the ADS Holders on the basis of one Neuphoria Share for every 12 Bionomics ADSs held by the ADS Holder on the Record Date.





(c)Where a Bionomics Shareholder would otherwise be entitled to a fraction of a Neuphoria Share as part of its Scheme Consideration, the Neuphoria Share entitlement will be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number (and if a fractional entitlement would include one-half of a Neuphoria Share, then the entitlement will be rounded up). If rounding would result in a Bionomics Shareholder receiving zero Neuphoria Shares, their entitlement will be rounded up to one Neuphoria Share.


6.3Scheme Participants’ agreements


Under this Scheme, each Scheme Participant (and the nominee on behalf of the Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders) irrevocably:


(a)agrees to become a shareholder of Neuphoria, to have their name entered in the Neuphoria register, accepts the Neuphoria Shares issued to them and agrees to be bound by the Neuphoria’s charter documents;


(b)agrees and acknowledges that the issue of Neuphoria Shares in accordance with clause 6.2 or the payment under clause 6.4 (as applicable) constitutes satisfaction of all that person’s entitlements under this Scheme;


(c)acknowledges that the Scheme binds Bionomics and all of the Scheme Participants from time to time (including those who do not attend the Scheme Meeting and those who do not vote, or vote against this Scheme, at the Scheme Meeting); and


(d)consents to Bionomics and Neuphoria doing all things and executing all deeds, instruments, transfers or other documents as may be necessary or desirable to give full effect to this Scheme and the transactions contemplated by it.


6.4Sale Facility


Where a Scheme Participant is an Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or an Electing Small Parcel Holder, such Scheme Participant authorises Neuphoria to:


(a)issue to a nominee appointed by Neuphoria any New Neuphoria Shares to which an Ineligible Overseas Shareholder or an Electing Small Parcel Holder would otherwise be entitled to (Relevant Neuphoria Shares);


(b)procure, as soon as reasonably practicable after the Implementation Date, and in no event no more than 30 days after the Implementation Date, that the nominee:


(i)sells or procures the sale of all of the Relevant Neuphoria Shares issued to the nominee pursuant to clause 6.4(a), in the ordinary course of trading on Nasdaq at such price as the nominee determines in good faith; and


(ii)remits to Neuphoria the proceeds of sale (Bionomics will pay all brokerage and related costs, levies or fees associated with the sale of Neuphoria Shares through the Sale Facility); and


(c)promptly after the last sale of the Relevant Neuphoria Shares in accordance with clause 6.4(b)(i), pay to each Ineligible Overseas Shareholder and Electing Small Parcel Holder an amount equal to the proportion of the proceeds of sale received by Neuphoria under clause 6.4(b)(ii) to which that Ineligible Overseas Shareholder and Electing Small Parcel Holder is entitled, in full satisfaction of their entitlement to the Relevant Neuphoria Shares.


Neither Bionomics nor Neuphoria make any assurance or representation as to the amount of proceeds of sale to be received by Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders under the Sale Facility. Both Bionomics and Neuphoria expressly disclaim any fiduciary duty to the Ineligible Overseas Shareholders and Electing Small Parcel Holders which may arise in connection with the Sale Facility.





6.5Shares to rank equally


Neuphoria covenants in favour of Bionomics (in its own right and on behalf of the Scheme Participants) that:


(a)the New Neuphoria Shares will rank equally in all respects with all existing Neuphoria Shares;


(b)it will do everything reasonably necessary to ensure that trading in the New Neuphoria Shares commences by the first Business Day after the Implementation Date; and


(c)on issue, each New Neuphoria Share will be fully paid and free from any Encumbrance.


6.6Joint holders


In the case of Bionomics Shares held in joint names:


(a)any Neuphoria Shares to be issued under this Scheme must be issued and registered in the names of the joint holders and entry in the Neuphoria register of members must take place in the same order as the holders’ names appear in the Register; and


(b)any document required to be sent under this Scheme, will be forwarded to either, at the sole discretion of Bionomics, the holder whose name appears first in the Register as at the Record Date or to the joint holders.


7.Dealings in Scheme Shares


7.1Determination of Scheme Participants


To establish the identity of the Scheme Participants, dealings in Scheme Shares will only be recognised by Bionomics if registrable transmission applications or transfers in registrable form in respect of those dealings are received on or before the Record Date at the place where the Register is kept.




Bionomics must register any registrable transmission applications or transfers of the Scheme Shares received in accordance with clause 7.1 of this Scheme on or before the Record Date.


7.3No disposals after Effective Date


(a)If this Scheme becomes Effective, a holder of Scheme Shares (and any person claiming through that holder) must not dispose of or purport or agree to dispose of any Scheme Shares or any interest in them after the Effective Date in any way except as set out in this Scheme and any such disposal will be void and of no legal effect whatsoever.


(b)Bionomics will not accept for registration or recognise for any purpose any transmission, application or transfer in respect of Scheme Shares received after the Record Date (except a transfer to Neuphoria pursuant to this Scheme and any subsequent transfer by Neuphoria or its successors in title).


7.4Maintenance of Bionomics Register


For the purpose of determining entitlements to the Scheme Consideration, Bionomics will maintain the Register in accordance with the provisions of this clause 7.4 until the Scheme Consideration has been issued to the Scheme Participants and Neuphoria has been entered in the Register as the holder of all the Scheme Shares. The Register in this form will solely determine entitlements to the Scheme Consideration.





7.5Effect of certificates and holding statements


Subject to provision of the Scheme Consideration and registration of the transfer to Neuphoria contemplated in clauses 5.2 and 7.4 of this Scheme, any statements of holding in respect of Scheme Shares will cease to have effect after the Record Date as documents of title in respect of those shares (other than statements of holding in favour of Neuphoria and its successors in title). After the Record Date, each entry current on the Register as at the Record Date (other than entries in respect of Neuphoria or its successors in title) will cease to have effect except as evidence of entitlement to the Scheme Consideration.


7.6Details of Scheme Participants


Within three Business Days after the Record Date, Bionomics will ensure that details of the names, Registered Addresses and holdings of Scheme Shares for each Scheme Participant, as shown in the Register at the Record Date are available to Neuphoria in such form as Neuphoria reasonably requires.


8.Power of attorney


Each Scheme Participant, without the need for any further act by any Scheme Participant, irrevocably appoints Bionomics and each of its directors and secretaries (jointly and each of them individually) as its attorney and agent for the purpose of:


(a)executing any document necessary or expedient to give effect to this Scheme including the Share Scheme Transfer; and


(b)enforcing the Deed Poll against Neuphoria,


and Bionomics accepts such appointment.




9.1No deemed receipt


If a notice, transfer, transmission application, direction or other communication referred to in this Scheme is sent by post to Bionomics, it will not be taken to be received in the ordinary course of post or on a date and time other than the date and time (if any) on which it is actually received at Bionomics’ registered office or at the office of the registrar of Bionomics Shares.


9.2Accidental omission


The accidental omission to give notice of the Scheme Meeting or the non-receipt of such a notice by any Bionomics Shareholder will not, unless so ordered by the Court, invalidate the Scheme Meeting or the proceedings of the Scheme Meeting.




10.1Variations, alterations and conditions


Bionomics may, with the consent of Neuphoria (which cannot be unreasonably withheld), by its counsel or solicitor consent on behalf of all persons concerned to any variations, alterations or conditions to this Scheme which the Court thinks fit to impose.


10.2Further action by Bionomics


Bionomics will execute all documents and do all things (on its own behalf and on behalf of each Scheme Participant) necessary or expedient to implement, and perform its obligations under, this Scheme.





10.3Authority and acknowledgement


Each of the Scheme Participants:


(a)irrevocably consents to Bionomics and Neuphoria doing all things necessary or expedient for or incidental to the implementation of this Scheme; and


(b)acknowledges that this Scheme binds Bionomics and all Scheme Participants (including those who do not attend the Scheme Meeting or do not vote at that meeting or vote against the Scheme at that meeting) and, to the extent of any inconsistency and to the extent permitted by law, overrides the constitution of Bionomics.


10.4No liability when acting in good faith


Without prejudice to the parties’ rights under the Scheme Implementation Agreement, neither Bionomics nor Neuphoria, nor any of their respective officers, will be liable for anything done or omitted to be done in the performance of this Scheme in good faith.


10.5Stamp duty


Neuphoria will pay all stamp duty (including any fines, penalties and interest) payable in connection with this Scheme.


11.Governing law


11.1Governing law and jurisdiction


(a)This document and any dispute arising out of or in connection with the subject matter of this document is governed by the laws of South Australia, Australia.


(b)Each party submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that state, and courts of appeal from them, in respect of any proceedings arising out of or in connection with the subject matter of this document.


11.2Serving documents


Without preventing any other method of service, any document in an action in connection with this document may be served on a party by being delivered or left at that party’s address set out below:




  Address: 200 Greenhill Road, Eastwood SA 5063
  Email: spyros@bionomics.com.au
  Attention: Spyridon “Spyros” Papapetropoulos, M.D - CEO
  Copy to: Guy Sanderson, Hamilton Locke
  Address: Level 42, Australia Square, 264 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
  Email: guy.sanderson@hamiltonlocke.com.au




  Address: 100 Summit Dr, Burlington, MA 01803 USA
  Email: spyros@bionomics.com.au
  Attention: Spyridon “Spyros” Papapetropoulos, M.D - CEO
  Copy to: Andrew Reilly, Rimon
  Address: Level 2, 50 Bridge Street, Sydney NSW 2000
  Email: andrew.reilly@rimonlaw.com





Annexure C – Deed Poll


Deed Poll


Neuphoria Therapeutics Inc.

a Delaware corporation


in favour of


Scheme Participants





THIS DEED POLL is made on 23 October 2024




(1)Neuphoria Therapeutics Inc., a Delaware corporation whose registered office is at 100 Summit Dr, Burlington, MA 01803 USA (Neuphoria);


in favour of


(2)Each person registered as a holder of fully paid ordinary shares in Bionomics Limited (ACN 075 582 740) (Bionomics) as at the Record Date, other than Excluded Shareholders (the Scheme Participants).




(A)The directors of Bionomics have resolved that Bionomics should propose the Scheme.


(B)The effect of the Scheme will be that all Scheme Shares will be transferred to Neuphoria.


(C)Bionomics and Neuphoria have entered into the Scheme Implementation Agreement.


(D)In the Scheme Implementation Agreement, Neuphoria agreed (amongst other things) to provide the Scheme Consideration to the Scheme Participants, subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions.


(E)Neuphoria is entering into this deed poll for the purpose of covenanting in favour of Scheme Participants to perform its obligations in relation to the Scheme.




1.Definitions and interpretation




Unless the contrary intention appears, these meanings apply:


ADS Depositary means Citibank, N.A.


Authorised Officer means a director or secretary of a party or any other person nominated by a party to act as an Authorised Officer for the purposes of this document.


Bionomics Share means an issued fully paid ordinary share in Bionomics.


Bionomics Shareholder means each person who is registered in the register of shareholders of Bionomics as a holder of Bionomics Shares.


Scheme Implementation Agreement means the scheme implementation agreement dated 1 October 2024 between Bionomics and Neuphoria under which, amongst other things, Bionomics has agreed to propose the Scheme to Bionomics Shareholders, and each of Neuphoria and Bionomics has agreed to take certain steps to give effect to the Scheme.


Scheme means the proposed scheme of arrangement between Bionomics and Scheme Participants under which all the Scheme Shares will be transferred to Neuphoria under Part 5.1 of the Corporations Act, substantially in the form of Annexure A to this deed poll, or as otherwise agreed by Neuphoria and Bionomics, subject to any amendments or conditions made or required by the Court pursuant to section 411(6) of the Corporations Act, to the extent they are approved in writing by Bionomics and Neuphoria in accordance with clause 10 of the Scheme.


All other words and phrases used in this document have the same meaning as given to them in the Scheme or the Scheme Implementation Agreement, as applicable.





1.2General interpretation


Clause 1.2 of the Scheme applies to this document.


1.3Nature of deed poll


Neuphoria acknowledges that this document may be relied on and enforced by any Scheme Participant in accordance with its terms even though the Scheme Participants are not a party to it.


2.Conditions precedent and termination


2.1Conditions precedent


Neuphoria’s obligations under clause 4 are subject to the Scheme becoming Effective.




Neuphoria’s obligations under this document will automatically terminate and the terms of this document will be of no further force or effect if:


(a)the Scheme has not become Effective on or before the End Date; or


(b)the Scheme Implementation Agreement is terminated in accordance with its terms.


2.3Consequences of termination


If this document is terminated under clause 2.2, then, in addition and without prejudice to any other rights, powers or remedies available to Scheme Participants:


(a)Neuphoria is released from its obligations to further perform this document except those obligations contained in clause 7.2 and any other obligations which by their nature survive termination; and


(b)each Scheme Participant retains the rights, powers or remedies they have against Neuphoria in respect of any breach of this document which occurs before it is terminated.


3.Performance of obligations generally


Neuphoria will comply with its obligations under the Scheme Implementation Agreement and do all acts and things necessary or desirable on its part to give full effect to the Scheme.


4.Scheme Consideration


4.1Compliance with Scheme obligations generally


Subject to clause 2, Neuphoria covenants in favour of Scheme Participants to observe and perform the steps attributed to it under, and otherwise to comply with, the Scheme as if it were named as a party to the Scheme and do all acts and things necessary to give effect to the Scheme.


4.2Provision of Scheme Consideration


(a)Subject to clause 2, Neuphoria undertakes that it will on the Implementation Date, issue to each Scheme Participant (or to a nominee appointed by Neuphoria in respect of Ineligible Overseas Shareholders, Electing Small Parcel Holders or to the ADS Depositary in the case of a Bionomics Shareholder who holds Bionomics Shares on behalf of the ADS Depositary) the Scheme Consideration in accordance with clause 6 of the Scheme.


(b)The Neuphoria Shares to be issued under the Scheme will be validly issued and fully paid up and will rank equally in all respect with all other Neuphoria Shares on issue as at the Implementation Date.





5.Representations and warranties


Neuphoria represents and warrants that:


(a)(status) it has been incorporated or formed in accordance with the laws of its place of incorporation or formation, is validly existing under those laws and has power and authority to own its assets and carry on its business as it is now being conducted;


(b)(power) it has power to enter into this document, to comply with its obligations under it and exercise its rights under it;


(c)(no contravention) the entry by it into, its compliance with its obligations and the exercise of its rights under, this document do not and will not conflict with:


(i)its constituent documents or cause a limitation on its powers or the powers of its directors to be exceeded;


(ii)any law binding on or applicable to it or its assets; or


(iii)any Encumbrance or document binding on or applicable to it;


(d)(authorisations) it has in full force and effect each authorisation necessary for it to enter into this document, to comply with its obligations and exercise its rights under it, and to allow them to be enforced;


(e)(validity of obligations) its obligations under this document are valid and binding and are enforceable against it in accordance with its terms; and


(f)(solvency) is not insolvent (within the meaning given in section 95A(2) of the Corporations Act).


6.Continuing obligations


This document is irrevocable and, subject to clause 2, remains in full force and effect until:


(a)Neuphoria has fully performed its obligations under this document; or


(b)the earlier termination of this document under clause 2.2.






If the Scheme becomes Effective, Neuphoria agrees to pay all costs in respect of the Scheme (including, in connection with the transfer of Bionomics Shares to Neuphoria in accordance with the terms of the Scheme) except for amounts covered by clause 7.2.


7.2Stamp duty and registration fees




(a)agrees to pay or reimburse all stamp duty, registration fees and similar taxes payable or assessed as being payable in connection with this document or any other transaction contemplated by this document (including any fees, fines, penalties and interest in connection with any of these amounts); and


(b)indemnifies each Scheme Participant against, and agrees to reimburse and compensate it, for any liability in respect of stamp duty under clause 7.2(a).







Notices and other communications in connection with this document must be in writing. They must be sent to the address or email address and marked for the attention of the person to whom the notice is given. If the intended recipient has notified changed contact details, then communications must be sent to the changed contact details.






A provision of this document or any right created under it may not be varied, altered or otherwise amended unless:


(a)the variation is agreed to by Bionomics and Neuphoria in writing; and


(b)the Court indicates that the variation, alteration or amendment would not itself preclude approval of the Scheme,


in which event Neuphoria must enter into a further deed poll in favour of the Scheme Participants giving effect to the variation, alteration or amendment.


9.2Partial exercising of rights


Unless this document expressly states otherwise, if Neuphoria does not exercise a right, power or remedy in connection with this document fully or at a given time, it may still exercise it later.


9.3Remedies cumulative


The rights, powers and remedies in connection with this document are in addition to other rights, powers and remedies given by law independently of this document.


9.4Assignment or other dealings


Neuphoria and each Scheme Participant may not assign or otherwise deal with its rights under this document or allow any interest in them to arise or be varied without the consent of Neuphoria and Bionomics.


9.5Further steps


Neuphoria agrees to do anything including executing all documents and do all things (on its own behalf or on behalf of each Scheme Participant) necessary or expedient to give full effect to this document and the transactions contemplated by it.


10.Governing law and jurisdiction


10.1Governing law and jurisdiction


This document and any dispute arising out of or in connection with the subject matter of this document is governed by the laws of South Australia, Australia. Neuphoria submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State, and courts of appeal from them, in respect of any proceedings arising out of or in connection with the subject matter of this document.





10.2Serving documents


Without preventing any other method of service, any document in an action in connection with this document may be served on Neuphoria by being delivered or left at Neuphoria’s address set out in below:


  Address: 200 Greenhill Road, Eastwood SA 5063
  Email: spyros@bionomics.com.au
  Attention: Spyridon “Spyros” Papapetropoulos, M.D - CEO
  Copy to: Guy Sanderson, Hamilton Locke
  Address: Level 42, Australia Square
  Email: guy.sanderson@hamiltonlocke.com.au
  Address: 100 Summit Dr, Burlington, MA 01803 USA
  Email: spyros@bionomics.com.au
  Attention: Spyridon “Spyros” Papapetropoulos, M.D - CEO
  Copy to: Andrew Reilly, Rimon
  Address: Level 2, 50 Bridge Street, Sydney NSW 2000
  Email: andrew.reilly@rimonlaw.com


EXECUTED as a deed poll.


EXECUTED by Neuphoria Therapeutics Inc. pursuant to its constituent documents and laws of its place of incorporation:
/s/ Spyridon Papapetropoulos  

Spyridon Papapetropoulos, M.D

Chief Executive Officer






Annexure D – Notice of Scheme Meeting































Bionomics Limited


ACN 075 582 740


Notice is hereby given that by an order of the Supreme Court of New South Wales made on 28 October 2024 pursuant to section 411(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act) a meeting of the holders of ordinary shares in Bionomics Limited ACN 075 582 740 (Bionomics) will be held as a virtual only meeting on Thursday 12 December 2024 at 8.30am (Sydney time) at https://meetnow.global/MCKR7AV.


Purpose of meeting


The purpose of the meeting is to consider and, if thought fit, to agree to a scheme of arrangement (with or without any modifications, alterations or conditions agreed in writing between Bionomics and Neuphoria Therapeutics Inc., a company incorporated in the US state of Delaware (Neuphoria) and approved by the Court or any modifications, alterations or conditions as are thought just by the Court to which Bionomics and Neuphoria agree in writing) to be made between Bionomics and Bionomics’ ordinary shareholders (Scheme), to effect the acquisition of Bionomics by Neuphoria.


To enable you to make an informed voting decision, further information about the Scheme is set out in the accompanying explanatory statement (for the purposes of section 412(1) of the Corporations Act) which, together with this Notice of Meeting, forms part of this Scheme Booklet.


Business of the meeting


Resolution – Approval of the Scheme of Arrangement


To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution in accordance with section 411(4)(a)(ii) of the Corporations Act:


“That, pursuant to and in accordance with section 411 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth):


(a)the scheme of arrangement proposed between Bionomics Limited and the holders of its fully paid ordinary shares (Scheme), the terms of which are contained in and more particularly described in the Scheme Booklet (of which this Notice of Meeting forms part) is approved (with or without any modifications, alterations or conditions agreed in writing between Bionomics and Neuphoria and approved by the Court or any modifications, alterations or conditions as thought just by the Court to which Bionomics and Neuphoria agree in writing); and


(b)the directors of Bionomics are authorised, subject to the terms of the Scheme Implementation Agreement:


(i)to agree to any modifications, alterations or conditions with Neuphoria;


(ii)to agree to any modifications, alterations or conditions as are thought just by the Court; and


(iii)subject to approval of the Scheme by the Court, to implement the Scheme with any such modifications, alterations or conditions.”


By order of the Board


/s/ Rajeev Chandra  
Rajeev Chandra  
Company Secretary  
Bionomics Limited  


11 November 2024





Explanatory Notes


The following notes describe the ways in which a Shareholder may vote at the Scheme Meeting if they are not voting by attending the virtual meeting.


Voting by Proxy


(a)Votes at the Scheme Meeting may be given by proxy, attorney or representative.


(b)Each Shareholder has a right to appoint one or two proxies.


(c)A proxy need not be a Shareholder of Bionomics.


(d)Where a Shareholder is entitled to cast two or more votes, the Shareholder may appoint two proxies and may specify the proportion of number of votes each proxy is appointed to exercise.


(e)If a Shareholder appoints two proxies, and the appointment does not specify the proportion or number of the Shareholder’s votes, each proxy may exercise half of the votes. If a Shareholder appoints two proxies, neither proxy may vote on a show of hands.


(f)A proxy must be signed by the Shareholder or his or her attorney who has not received any notice of revocation of the authority. Proxies given by corporations must be signed in accordance with the corporation’s constitution and the Corporations Act.


(g)To be effective, Proxy Forms must be received by the Company’s share registry (Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd) no later than 48 hours before the commencement of the Scheme Meeting, being no later than 8.30am (Sydney time) on Tuesday 10 December 2024.


Australian principal share register - Completed proxy forms can be sent:


(a)by mail to Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited, GPO Box 1282, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia


(b)by facsimile to Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited from within Australia on 1800 783 447 and from outside Australia on +61 3 9473 2555;


(c)online, by visiting www.investorvote.com.au and following the instructions on the website; or


(d)for Intermediary Online subscribers only (custodians), please visit www.intermediaryonline.com to submit your voting intentions.


Online proxy voting


(a)Shareholders can cast their vote online by visiting www.investorvote.com.au (and by following the instructions set out on the website).


Shareholders who elected to receive their Notice of Meeting and Proxy Form electronically and have provided Computershare with their email address will have received an e-mail with a link to the Computershare online voting site.


(b)Shareholders will need a specific six-digit Control Number to vote online. This number is located on the front of the Proxy Form sent to Shareholders who were not included in the email broadcast.


If a proxy form is completed under power of attorney or other authority, the power of attorney or other authority, or a certified copy of the power of attorney or other authority, must accompany the completed proxy form unless the power of attorney or other authority has previously been noted by the Share Registry.


Any proxy received after 8.30am (Sydney time) on Tuesday 10 December 2024 will not be valid for the Scheme Meeting.





United States branch share register – Shareholders may submit their proxy by:


(a)mail to PO Box 43101, Providence, RI 02940-5067, United States.


How to participate in the Meeting


You can participate in the Meeting online using your smartphone, tablet or computer.


To participate:


1) Go to the following website: https://meetnow.global/MCKR7AV.


2) Click on ‘Join Meeting Now’.


3) Enter your Securityholder Reference Number (SRN). Proxyholders will need to contact Computershare prior to the Meeting to obtain their login details.


4) Enter your postcode registered to your holding if you are an Australian Shareholder. If you are an overseas Shareholder, select the country of your registered holding from the drop-down list.


5) Accept the Terms and Conditions and ‘Click Continue’.


Online registration will open one hour before the Meeting. You can view the Meeting live and also ask questions and cast direct votes at the appropriate times while the meeting is in progress.


Follow the instructions on the screen to view the Meeting, ask a question and cast your vote. We have also prepared a detailed Computershare Meeting Online User Guide which is available at www.computershare.com.au/virtualmeetingguide.


You do not need to be a Shareholder or proxyholder to view the Meeting online. Access the Meeting using the above website address and select the option to register as a ‘Guest’.


Only Shareholders who validly login to the online Meeting can ask questions and vote. If you are a Shareholder and wish to lodge your vote in advance of the Meeting, you can do so online at www.investorvote.com.au.


Entitlement to vote


It has been determined that the time for determining eligibility to vote at the Scheme Meeting is 5.00pm (Sydney time) on Tuesday 10 December 2024. Only those Bionomics Shareholders entered on the Register at that time will be entitled to attend and vote at the Scheme Meeting, either in person, by proxy or attorney, or in the case of a corporate Bionomics Shareholder, by a body corporate representative.


Corporate Representative


Any corporate Shareholder who has appointed a person to act as its corporate representative at the Scheme Meeting should provide that person with a certificate or letter executed in accordance with the Corporations Act authorising him or her to act as that company’s representative. The authority may be sent to Computershare in advance of the Scheme Meeting.


How the Chair will vote Undirected Proxies


The Chair of the Scheme Meeting intends to vote undirected proxies in favour of the Scheme Resolution.