
表格 10-Q
在截至的季度期間 2024 年 9 月 30 日


拉里默街1800號,1800套房, 丹佛, 科羅拉多州 80202
(303) 285-9200


請勾選表示:(1)根據1934年證券交易法第13或15(d)條的要求,在過去12個月內(或者Registrant被要求提交此類報告的更短時期內)已提交所有需要提交的報告;並且(2)過去90天內一直受到此類報告要求的約束。Yes 應發行的股張的股票代碼(若於港交所上市) (注1,注5和6)
請勾選以指示,註冊人是否在過去12個月內(或註冊人需要提交此類文件的較短期間內)通過電子方式提交了根據《S-T法規》第405條規定需要提交的每個互動數據文件。 Yes 應發行的股張的股票代碼(若於港交所上市) (注1,注5和6)

請用複選標記來表明註冊申請者是否是殼公司(由《證券交易法》第120億.2條定義)。是 應發行的股張的股票代碼(若於港交所上市) (注1,注5和6)

指出截至最近實際日期股票註冊人各類普通股的流通數量:截至2024年11月4日,註冊人擁有流通 42,885,498 普通股,每股面值爲$1.00。


現金和存放在銀行的款項$228,719 $275,554 
與其他銀行的利息-bearing存款和其他短期投資359,675 47,459 
現金及現金等價物588,394 323,013 
其他金融機構的定期存款1,050 1,240 
按公允價值計量(成本爲$4,395,743 於2024年9月30日分別爲$5,100,344 在2023年12月31日
4,057,335 4,646,891 
持有至到期投資,扣除信用損失準備金$0 分別於2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日持有(公允價值爲$844,296 在2024年9月30日,和$816,399 在2023年12月31日
839,623 838,241 
其他投資成本69,511 91,277 
待售貸款 5,071 
持有至到期日11,440,917 12,068,645 
應收貸款淨額11,334,120 11,946,079 
房地產、傢俱和設備淨值145,276 177,001 
持有待售的房地產、傢俱和設備 9,864 4,069 
其他房地產業淨額6,805 12,548 
商譽576,005 576,005 
核心存款無形資產淨額 14,157 18,415 
人壽保險的現金贖回價值199,998 197,085 
其他430,155 574,772 
資產總計$18,272,293 $19,411,707 
需求$4,009,218 $4,500,304 
儲蓄8,926,192 8,805,597 
時間2,017,806 2,895,813 
存款總額14,953,216 16,201,714 
借款546,219 622,255 
期限債務373,324 372,396 
應計費用及其他負債259,161 282,225 
負債合計16,131,920 17,478,590 
優先股 (面值 $1 每股;已授權 188,500188,500 2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的股份; 2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日均已發行或流通
E系列固定利率重設非累積永續優先股(面值 $1 每股; 11,500 已授權股數在2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日均是 11,500 已發行且流通股數在2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日均爲
110,705 110,705 
普通股(面值 $1 每股; 60,000,000 2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日授權的股份數目爲 ;發行 42,883,865 於2024年9月30日的股數爲 42,688,008 在2023年12月31日發行的股份
42,884 42,688 
資本剩餘1,098,837 1,090,740 
保留盈餘1,252,247 1,141,501 
其他綜合損失累計額 (364,300)(452,517)
股東權益合計2,140,373 1,933,117 
負債和所有者權益總計$18,272,293 $19,411,707 

貸款利息和費用$192,506 $182,394 $587,328 $505,136 
應稅的51,116 54,800 145,511 168,948 
免稅5,979 6,584 18,062 18,990 
聯邦基金銷售的利息 3  3 
在其他金融機構存款的利息收入4,193 1,651 10,244 4,833 
總利息收入253,794 245,432 761,145 697,910 
贖回Baskets的日元數量。如果Trust的日元被提取以支付Trust的開支,需要創建籃子或在籃子贖回時發生的,用於表示Baskets的日元數量的代幣的日元數量可能會隨着時間的推移而逐漸減少。82,976 92,744 247,609 231,617 
借款利息7,378 1,167 25,727 4,437 
Interest on term debt (includes $(247) and $(63) of interest income related to derivatives reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $(457和$638 of interest (income) expense related to derivatives reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively)
5,543 5,765 16,956 16,756 
總利息支出95,897 99,676 290,292 252,810 
淨利息收益157,897 145,756 470,853 445,100 
撥備6,276 1,516 16,270 9,969 
扣除授信虧損後的淨利息收入151,621 144,240 454,583 435,131 
服務費及手續費17,100 18,553 51,127 55,316 
貸款服務費收入111 278 349 1,403 
信託費用5,272 4,734 15,847 15,810 
券商和保險佣金853 692 2,501 2,065 
資本市場費用 2,116 1,845 5,003 8,331 
證券損失淨額(包括$9,299和$59 分別於2024年和2023年截至9月30日的三個月內,重新分類的淨安全(損失)收益爲$(19,855) and $(1,370),再分別重新分類到2024年和2023年截至9月30日的九個月內的其他綜合收入累計淨安全損失爲$(
股權證券未實現的淨收益377 13 605 165 
對可供出售的貸款出售的淨收益 905 104 3,786 
銀行持有人壽保險收入1,107 858 3,610 3,042 
其他非利息收入1,576 619 5,289 2,489 
總非利息收入18,992 28,383 64,862 90,875 
薪水和員工福利62,742 62,262 191,817 186,510 
佔用率6,318 6,438 19,843 20,338 
傢俱和設備2,062 2,720 6,554 8,698 
專業費用17,448 13,616 48,351 41,607 
FDIC保險評估3,035 3,313 11,344 9,627 
廣告1,937 1,633 4,663 6,670 
核心存款無形資產攤銷1,345 1,625 4,258 5,128 
其他房地產和貸款追收費用395 481 1,422 984 
資產銷售/估值的損益,淨額(26,419)108 (26,012)(2,149)
收購,整合和重組成本2,026 2,429 9,374 5,994 
合夥企業對稅收項目的投資222 1,136 938 1,828 
其他非利息支出14,816 15,292 43,214 46,307 
總非利息支出85,927 111,053 315,766 331,542 
稅前收入84,686 61,570 203,679 194,464 
所得稅(包括$(5,729和$9,877 的所得稅(費用)福利,分別於2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日結束的三個月內,以及$5,352 和 $19,253 的所得稅福利,分別於2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日結束的九個月內,重新分類自其他綜合收益累積額中
20,533 13,479 48,077 44,181 
淨利潤64,153 48,091 155,602 150,283 
普通股東可獲得的淨利潤$62,140 $46,078 $149,564 $144,245 
基本每股收益-普通股$1.45 $1.08 $3.49 $3.38 
每股攤薄收益-普通股$1.44 $1.08 $3.47 $3.37 
每股宣佈的現金分紅$0.30 $0.30 $0.90 $0.90 

(Dollars in thousands)
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
NET INCOME$64,153 $48,091 $155,602 $150,283 
Changes in available for sale ("AFS") securities:
Net change in unrealized loss on securities104,064 (128,987)95,190 (106,378)
Reclassification adjustment for net losses (gains) on hedged AFS securities (34,374)36,362 (5,825)65,872 
Reclassification adjustment for net losses (gains) realized in net income9,299 (59)19,855 1,370 
Income tax benefit (expense)(19,715)22,943 (26,968)8,388 
Other comprehensive income (loss) on AFS securities59,274 (69,741)82,252 (30,748)
Changes in securities held to maturity:
Net amortization of unrealized losses on securities transferred from AFS2,707 2,893 8,100 8,401 
Income tax expense(676)(709)(1,799)(2,462)
Other comprehensive income on held to maturity securities2,031 2,184 6,301 5,939 
Change in cash flow hedges:
Net change in unrealized gain on derivatives   1,952 
Reclassification adjustment for net losses (gains) on derivatives realized in net income(247)(63)(457)638 
Income tax benefit (expense)60 22 121 (613)
Other comprehensive income (loss) on cash flow hedges(187)(41)(336)1,977 
Other comprehensive income (loss)61,118 (67,598)88,217 (22,832)
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS)$125,271 $(19,507)$243,819 $127,451 
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

(Dollars in thousands)
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Net income$155,602 $150,283 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization13,423 15,467 
Provision for credit losses16,270 9,969 
Net amortization of premium on securities12,670 23,332 
Securities losses, net19,573 1,532 
Unrealized gain on equity securities, net(605)(165)
Stock based compensation8,247 7,742 
Loans originated for sale (122,764)
Proceeds on sales of loans held for sale5,175 138,603 
Net gains on sale of loans held for sale(104)(3,762)
Decrease (increase) in accrued interest receivable6,967 (9,203)
Decrease in prepaid expenses4,580 964 
(Decrease) increase in accrued interest payable(8,562)46,697 
Capitalization of servicing rights (24)
(Gain) loss on sales/valuations of assets, net(26,012)(2,149)
Net excess tax expense from stock based compensation(189)(115)
Income from fair value hedge activity772  
Other, net105,946 140,670 
Purchase of time deposits in other financial institutions190  
Proceeds from the sale of securities available for sale128,872 331,196 
Proceeds from the maturity of and principal paydowns on securities available for sale748,070 480,362 
Proceeds from the maturity of and principal paydowns on securities held to maturity7,322 2,325 
Proceeds from the maturity of time deposits in other financial institutions  250 
Proceeds from the sale, maturity of, redemption of and principal paydowns on other investments50,144 13,255 
Purchase of securities available for sale(204,864)(276,635)
Purchase of other investments(28,096)(28,851)
Net decrease (increase) in loans247,337 (505,924)
Purchase of bank owned life insurance policies(223)(226)
Proceeds from sale of mortgage servicing rights 6,714 
Capital expenditures and investments(1,199)(5,701)
Proceeds from the sale of premises, furniture and equipment1,955 4,446 
Net cash expended in divestitures(176,764) 
Proceeds on sale of OREO and other repossessed assets10,224 5,672 

(Dollars in thousands)
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Net decrease in demand deposits$(359,349)$(908,527)
Net increase (decrease) in savings deposits 404,939 (1,239,480)
Net (decrease) increase in time deposit accounts(762,215)1,735,991 
Net decrease in borrowings(50,545)(285,255)
Proceeds from Bank Term Funding Program advances500,000  
Proceeds from short-term FHLB advances643,309 617,391 
Repayments of short-term FHLB advances(1,164,495)(315,619)
Repayments of term debt (740)
Proceeds from issuance of common stock1,643 1,527 
Dividends paid(44,627)(44,340)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents265,381 (15,092)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year323,013 363,087 
Supplemental disclosures: 
Cash paid for income/franchise taxes$25,190 $47,240 
Cash paid for interest299,899 206,113 
Loans transferred to OREO5,215 12,776 
Transfer of premises from premises, furniture and equipment, net, to premises, furniture and equipment held for sale 8,478 4,091 
Transfer of premises from premises, furniture and equipment held for sale to premises, furniture and equipment, net350 5,825 
Dividends declared, not paid 2,434 2,141 
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)
Heartland Financial USA, Inc. Stockholders' Equity
Accumulated Other Comprehensive LossTotal
Balance at June 30, 2023$110,705 $42,645 $1,087,358 $1,193,522 $(575,240)$1,858,990 
Comprehensive income (loss)48,091 (67,598)(19,507)
Cash dividends declared:
Preferred, $175.00 per share
Common, $0.30 per share
Issuance of 11,759 shares of common stock
11 60 71 
Stock based compensation849 849 
Balance at September 30, 2023$110,705 $42,656 $1,088,267 $1,226,740 $(642,838)$1,825,530 
Balance at January 1, 2023$110,705 $42,467 $1,080,964 $1,120,925 $(620,006)$1,735,055 
Comprehensive income (loss)150,283 (22,832)127,451 
Cash dividends declared:
Preferred, $525.00 per share
Common, $0.90 per share
Issuance of 188,909 shares of common stock
189 (439)(250)
Stock based compensation7,742 7,742 
Balance at September 30, 2023$110,705 $42,656 $1,088,267 $1,226,740 $(642,838)$1,825,530 
Balance at June 30, 2024$110,705 $42,852 $1,096,619 $1,203,092 $(425,418)$2,027,850 
Comprehensive income (loss)64,153 61,118 125,271 
Cash dividends declared:
Preferred, $175.00 per share
Common, $0.30 per share
Issuance of 31,685 shares of common stock
32 80 112 
Stock based compensation2,138 2,138 
Balance at September 30, 2024$110,705 $42,884 $1,098,837 $1,252,247 $(364,300)$2,140,373 
Balance at January 1, 2024$110,705 $42,688 $1,090,740 $1,141,501 $(452,517)$1,933,117 
Comprehensive income (loss)155,602 88,217 243,819 
Cash dividends declared:
Preferred, $525.00 per share
Common, $0.90 per share
Issuance of 195,857 shares of common stock
196 (150)46 
Stock based compensation8,247 8,247 
Balance at September 30, 2024$110,705 $42,884 $1,098,837 $1,252,247 $(364,300)$2,140,373 
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



The interim unaudited consolidated financial statements contained herein should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K of Heartland Financial USA, Inc. ("HTLF") filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") on February 23, 2024. Footnote disclosures to the interim unaudited consolidated financial statements which would substantially duplicate the disclosure contained in the footnotes to the audited consolidated financial statements have been omitted.

The financial information included herein has been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles for interim financial reporting and has been prepared pursuant to the rules and regulations for reporting on Form 10-Q and Rule 10-01 of Regulation S-X. Such information reflects all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring adjustments), that are, in the opinion of management, necessary for a fair presentation of the financial position and results of operations for the periods presented. The results of the interim period ended September 30, 2024, are not necessarily indicative of the results expected for the year ending December 31, 2024.

On April 28, 2024 (the “Signing Date”), HTLF entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the “Merger Agreement”) with UMB Financial Corporation, a Missouri corporation (“UMB”) and Blue Sky Merger Sub Inc., a Delaware corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of UMB (“Blue Sky Merger Sub”). The Merger Agreement provides that, upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth therein, (i) Blue Sky Merger Sub will merge with and into HTLF (the “Merger”), with HTLF surviving the Merger as a wholly owned subsidiary of UMB (the “Surviving Entity”) and (ii) immediately following the effective time of the Merger (the “Effective Time”) and as part of a single, integrated transaction, the Surviving Entity will merge with and into UMB (the “Second Merger”, and together with the Merger, the “Mergers”), with UMB surviving the Second Merger (the “Surviving Corporation”). On the day immediately following the closing date of the Mergers, UMB will cause HTLF’s wholly owned banking subsidiary, HTLF Bank, to merge with and into UMB’s wholly owned banking subsidiary, UMB Bank, National Association (the “Bank Merger”), with UMB Bank, National Association continuing as the surviving bank in the Bank Merger. The Merger Agreement was unanimously approved by the Board of Directors of each of HTLF and UMB.

Upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Merger Agreement, at the Effective Time, each share of common stock, par value $1.00 per share, of HTLF (“HTLF Common Stock”) issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time, other than certain shares held by UMB or HTLF, will be converted into the right to receive 0.55 shares (the “Exchange Ratio,” and such shares, the “Merger Consideration”) of common stock, $1.00 par value, of UMB (“UMB Common Stock”) and cash in lieu of fractional shares. At the Effective Time, each share of 7.00% Fixed-Rate Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series E, par value $1.00 per share of HTLF (the “HTLF Preferred Stock”), issued and outstanding immediately before the Effective Time will be converted into the right to receive one share of a newly created series of preferred stock of UMB (“UMB Preferred Stock”) with such rights, preferences, privileges and powers (including voting powers) as set forth in the Certificate of Designations attached as an exhibit to the Merger Agreement.

Earnings Per Share

Basic earnings per share is determined using net income available to common stockholders and weighted average common shares outstanding. Diluted earnings per share is computed by dividing net income available to common stockholders by the weighted average common shares and assumed incremental common shares issued. Amounts used in the determination of basic and diluted earnings per share for the three- and nine- months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, are shown in the table below, dollars and number of shares in thousands, except per share data:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Net income attributable to HTLF$64,153 $48,091 
Preferred dividends(2,013)(2,013)
Net income available to common stockholders$62,140 $46,078 
Weighted average common shares outstanding for basic earnings per share43,000 42,761 
Assumed incremental common shares issued upon vesting of outstanding restricted stock units195 52 
Weighted average common shares for diluted earnings per share43,195 42,813 
Earnings per common share — basic$1.45 $1.08 
Earnings per common share — diluted$1.44 $1.08 
Number of antidilutive common stock equivalents excluded from diluted earnings per share computation 204 
Number of antidilutive stock options excluded from diluted earnings per share computation3158 
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Net income $155,602 $150,283 
Preferred dividends(6,038)(6,038)
Net income available to stockholders$149,564 $144,245 
Weighted average common shares outstanding for basic earnings per share42,908 42,681 
Assumed incremental common shares issued upon vesting of outstanding restricted stock units172 89 
Weighted average common shares for diluted earnings per share43,080 42,770 
Earnings per common share — basic$3.49 $3.38 
Earnings per common share — diluted$3.47 $3.37 
Number of antidilutive common stock equivalents excluded from diluted earnings per share computation 107 
Number of antidilutive stock options excluded from diluted earnings per share computation 53 62 

Subsequent Events - HTLF has evaluated subsequent events that may require recognition or disclosure through the filing date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q with the SEC.

In early October, HTLF terminated the interest rate swaps designated as fair value hedges with initial notional amounts totaling $838.1 million which were primarily designed to provide protection against unrealized securities losses. Additionally in early October, HTLF terminated the interest rate swaps designated as fair value hedges with total original notional amounts of $2.50 billion which were used to convert certain long-term fixed rate loans to floating rates to hedge interest rate risk exposure. The $1.8 million net fair value basis will be amortized over the remaining life of the underlying assets.

In early November, HTLF paid off the $500.0 million advance from the Bank Term Funding Program ("BTFP"). The BTFP advance was obtained during the first quarter of 2024 and was due in 2025, prepayable at any time without penalty. HTLF Bank pledged $501.8 million of securities to support the borrowings as of September 30, 2024.

Effect of New Financial Accounting Standards

ASU 2023-02
In March 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-02 "Investments-Equity Method and Joint Ventures (Topic 323): Accounting for Investments in Tax Credit Structures Using the Proportional Amortization Method (a consensus of the Emerging Issues Task Force)." ASU 2023-02 expands the permitted use of the proportional amortization method, which is currently only available to low-income housing tax credit investments, to other tax equity investments if certain conditions are met. Under the proportional amortization method, the initial cost of an investment is amortized in proportion to the income tax benefits received and both the amortization of the investment and the income tax benefits received are recognized as a component of income tax expense. This ASU was effective on January 1, 2024. HTLF has elected to use the proportional amortization method for investments in low-income housing projects. The amendments in this ASU do not have a material impact on the results of operations or financial position.

ASU 2023-06
In October 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-06, "Disclosure Improvements: Codification Amendments in Response to the SEC's Disclosure Update and Simplification Initiative." The amendments in this Update modify the disclosure or presentation requirements of a variety of Topics in the Codification. Certain of the amendments represent clarifications to, or technical corrections of, the current requirements. Each amendment in the ASU will only become effective if the SEC removes the related disclosure or presentation requirement from its existing regulations by June 30, 2027. The amendments in this ASU are not expected to have a material impact on the results of operations or financial position.

ASU 2023-07
In November 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-07, "Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures" to improve disclosure requirements, primarily through enhanced disclosures about significant segment expenses. This update does not change how a public entity identifies its operating segments; however, it does require that an entity that has single reportable segment provide all the disclosures required by the amendments in this update. The amendments in this update are effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2023, and interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024. A public entity should apply the amendments in this update retrospectively to all prior periods presented in the consolidated financial statements. Early adoption is permitted. We currently have one reportable operating segment. This ASU will not impact our consolidated financial statements and will have minimal impact to our disclosures, requiring identification of the chief operating decision maker and the information used to make operating decisions and to allocate resources.

ASU 2023-09
In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, “Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures” that require public business entities to annually disclose (1) specific categories in their rate reconciliation; (2) additional information for reconciling items that meet a quantitative threshold; (3) the amount of income taxes paid (net of refunds received) disaggregated by federal, state, and foreign taxes; (4) the amount of income taxes paid (net of refunds received) disaggregated by individual jurisdictions in which the income taxes paid that meet a quantitative threshold; (5) income (or loss) from continuing operations before income tax expense (or benefit) disaggregated between domestic and foreign; and (6) income tax expense (or benefit) from continuing operations disaggregated by federal, state, and foreign. The ASU eliminates the requirement to disclose the nature and estimate of the range of the reasonably possible change in the unrecognized tax benefits balance in the next 12 months and to disclose the cumulative amount of each type of temporary difference when a deferred tax liability is not recognized because of the exceptions to comprehensive recognition of deferred taxes related to subsidiaries and corporate joint ventures. For public business entities, the amendments are effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2024. Early adoption is permitted for annual financial statements that have not yet been issued or made available for issuance. The amendments should be applied on a prospective basis, but retrospective application is permitted. HTLF is currently evaluating the impact of the standard and does not anticipate it will have a significant impact on the results of operations, financial position, or liquidity.

Qualified Affordable Housing Investments

HTLF uses the proportional amortization method for investments in low-income housing projects. HTLF’s net investments in low-income housing projects were $5.2 million and $5.9 million as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively, and are included in other assets in the consolidated balance sheets.

With respect to HTLF’s investment in low-income housing projects for the quarter ended September 30, 2024, we recognized income tax credits and other income tax benefits of $257,000 and $33,000, respectively. The total income tax benefits of $290,000 are partially offset in the “income taxes” item in the consolidated statements of income by $235,000 of investment amortization recognized, for a net income tax benefit of $55,000. The cash flows related to the total income tax benefits are presented in the following line items in the consolidated statement of cash flows:

$55,000 Net Income Tax Benefit, in the "Net income" line item in operating activities;
$235,000 Investment Amortization, in the "Other, net" line item, which is an adjustment to reconcile net income to cash from operating activities;
$257,000 Tax Credits, in the "Other, net" line item, which is also an adjustment to reconcile net income to cash from operating activities; and
$33,000 Other Tax Benefits Recognized, in the "Other, net" line item, which is also an adjustment to reconcile net income to cash from operating activities.
There was no non-income-tax-related activity or impairment losses related to the low-income housing investments this reporting period.

With respect to HTLF’s investment in low-income housing projects for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recognized income tax credits and other income tax benefits of $770,000 and $98,000, respectively. The total income tax benefits of $868,000 are partially offset in the “income taxes” item in the consolidated statements of income by $704,000 of investment amortization recognized, for a net income tax benefit of $164,000. The cash flows related to the total income tax benefits are presented in the following line items in the consolidated statement of cash flows:
$164,000 Net Income Tax Benefit, in the "Net income" line item in operating activities;
$704,000 Investment Amortization, in the "Other, net" line item, which is an adjustment to reconcile net income to cash from operating activities;
$770,000 Tax Credits, in the "Other, net" line item, which is also an adjustment to reconcile net income to cash from operating activities; and
$98,000 Other Tax Benefits Recognized, in the "Other, net" line item, which is also an adjustment to reconcile net income to cash from operating activities.
There was no non-income-tax-related activity or impairment losses related to the low-income housing investments this reporting period.


The amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses, and estimated fair values of debt securities available for sale and equity securities with a readily determinable fair value that are carried at fair value as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, are summarized in the table below, in thousands:
September 30, 2024    
U.S. treasuries$7,999 $12 $(48)$7,963 
U.S. agencies11,540  (100)11,440 
Obligations of states and political subdivisions831,693 41 (91,110)740,624 
Mortgage-backed securities - agency1,529,857 54 (184,934)1,344,977 
Mortgage-backed securities - non-agency1,274,395 4,627 (42,326)1,236,696 
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - agency71,504  (8,971)62,533 
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - non-agency394,298 28 (6,385)387,941 
Asset-backed securities129,896  (7,166)122,730 
Corporate bonds122,444  (2,130)120,314 
Total debt securities4,373,626 4,762 (343,170)4,035,218 
Equity securities with a readily determinable fair value22,117 — — 22,117 
Total$4,395,743 $4,762 $(343,170)$4,057,335 
December 31, 2023
U.S. treasuries$32,459 $ $(341)$32,118 
U.S. agencies14,724  (194)14,530 
Obligations of states and political subdivisions839,754 25 (98,534)741,245 
Mortgage-backed securities - agency1,620,409 13 (226,793)1,393,629 
Mortgage-backed securities - non-agency1,616,414 363 (87,649)1,529,128 
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - agency76,076  (11,288)64,788 
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - non-agency526,974  (12,116)514,858 
Asset-backed securities232,140  (14,770)217,370 
Corporate bonds120,338  (2,169)118,169 
Total debt securities5,079,288 401 (453,854)4,625,835 
Equity securities with a readily determinable fair value21,056 — — 21,056 
Total$5,100,344 $401 $(453,854)$4,646,891 

The amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses and estimated fair values of held to maturity securities as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, are summarized in the table below, in thousands:
September 30, 2024    
Obligations of states and political subdivisions$839,623 $9,913 (5,240)$844,296 
Total$839,623 $9,913 $(5,240)$844,296 
December 31, 2023
Obligations of states and political subdivisions$838,241 $3,622 $(25,464)$816,399 
Total$838,241 $3,622 $(25,464)$816,399 

As of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, HTLF had $24.1 million and $28.0 million, respectively, of accrued interest receivable, which is included in other assets on the consolidated balance sheets. HTLF does not consider accrued interest receivable in the carrying amount of financial assets held at amortized cost basis or in the allowance for credit losses calculation.

The amortized cost and estimated fair value of investment securities carried at fair value at September 30, 2024, by contractual maturity, are as follows, in thousands. Expected maturities will differ from contractual maturities because issuers may have the right to call or prepay obligations with or without penalties.
September 30, 2024
Amortized CostEstimated Fair Value
Due in 1 year or less$6,008 $5,941 
Due in 1 to 5 years57,089 55,615 
Due in 5 to 10 years28,718 26,262 
Due after 10 years881,861 792,523 
Total debt securities973,676 880,341 
Mortgage and asset-backed securities3,399,950 3,154,877 
Equity securities with a readily determinable fair value 22,117 22,117 
Total investment securities$4,395,743 $4,057,335 

The amortized cost and estimated fair value of debt securities held to maturity at September 30, 2024, by contractual maturity, are as follows, in thousands. Expected maturities will differ from contractual maturities because issuers may have the right to call or prepay obligations with or without penalties.
September 30, 2024
Amortized CostEstimated Fair Value
Due in 1 year or less$5,723 $5,770 
Due in 1 to 5 years96,350 97,899 
Due in 5 to 10 years223,032 227,641 
Due after 10 years514,518 512,986 
Total debt securities$839,623 $844,296 

As of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, securities with a carrying value of $3.47 billion and $2.63 billion, respectively, were pledged to secure public and trust deposits, short-term borrowings and for other purposes as required or permitted by law.

Gross gains and losses realized related to the sales of securities carried at fair value for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, are summarized as follows, in thousands:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Proceeds from sales$31,036 $44,457 $128,872 $331,196 
Gross security gains 803  1,286 
Gross security losses9,299 744 19,855 2,656 

The following table summarizes, in thousands, the amount of unrealized losses, defined as the amount by which cost or amortized cost exceeds fair value, and the related fair value of investments with unrealized losses in the securities portfolio as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023. The investments were segregated into two categories: those that have been in a continuous unrealized loss position for less than 12 months and those that have been in a continuous unrealized loss position for 12 months or more. The reference point for determining how long an investment was in an unrealized loss position was September 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022, respectively.

Debt securities available for saleLess than 12 months12 months or longerTotal
September 30, 2024
U.S. treasuries$ $  $4,955 $(48)1 $4,955 $(48)1 
U.S. agencies   11,440 (100)4 11,440 (100)4 
Obligations of states and political subdivisions1,690 (10)3 732,155 (91,100)146 733,845 (91,110)149 
Mortgage-backed securities - agency   1,338,682 (184,934)158 1,338,682 (184,934)158 
Mortgage-backed securities - non-agency738 (7,756)1 666,901 (34,570)29 667,639 (42,326)30 
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - agency   62,533 (8,971)15 62,533 (8,971)15 
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - non-agency7,708 (106)1 375,513 (6,279)13 383,221 (6,385)14 
Asset-backed securities91,131 (4,334)3 31,599 (2,832)4 122,730 (7,166)7 
Corporate bonds   54,768 (2,130)6 54,768 (2,130)6 
Total temporarily impaired securities$101,267 $(12,206)8 $3,278,546 $(330,964)376 $3,379,813 $(343,170)384 
December 31, 2023
U.S. treasuries$2,985 $(12)1 $26,138 $(329)3 $29,123 $(341)4 
U.S. agencies   14,530 (194)4 14,530 (194)4 
Obligations of states and political subdivisions1,440 (65)1 736,653 (98,469)150 738,093 (98,534)151 
Mortgage-backed securities - agency194 (2)2 1,392,769 (226,791)166 1,392,963 (226,793)168 
Mortgage-backed securities - non-agency415,934 (24,568)12 902,291 (63,081)35 1,318,225 (87,649)47 
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - agency   64,788 (11,288)17 64,788 (11,288)17 
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - non-agency   507,044 (12,116)16 507,044 (12,116)16 
Asset-backed securities148,063 (9,723)4 69,307 (5,047)7 217,370 (14,770)11 
Corporate bonds61,031 (111)1 57,138 (2,058)8 118,169 (2,169)9 
Total temporarily impaired securities$629,647 $(34,481)21 $3,770,658 $(419,373)406 $4,400,305 $(453,854)427 
Securities held to maturityLess than 12 months12 months or longerTotal
September 30, 2024
Obligations of states and political subdivisions$ $  $359,221 $(5,240)66 $359,221 $(5,240)66 
Total temporarily impaired securities$   $359,221 $(5,240)66 $359,221 (5,240)66 
December 31, 2023
Obligations of states and political subdivisions$145,471 $(3,706)23 $569,691 $(21,758)126 $715,162 $(25,464)149 
Total temporarily impaired securities$145,471 $(3,706)23 $569,691 $(21,758)126 $715,162 $(25,464)149 

HTLF reviews each security in the investment securities portfolio on a quarterly basis for potential credit losses, taking into consideration numerous factors, and the relative significance of any single factor can vary by security. Some factors HTLF may consider include changes in security ratings, financial condition of the issuer, and security and industry specific economic conditions. With regard to debt securities, HTLF may also evaluate payment structure, whether there are defaulted payments or expected defaults, prepayment speeds and the value of any underlying collateral. For certain debt securities in unrealized loss positions, HTLF prepares cash flow analyses to compare the present value of cash flows expected to be collected from the security with the amortized cost basis of the security.

The unrealized losses on HTLF's commercial mortgage, mortgage and asset-backed securities are the result of changes in market interest rates or widening of market spreads subsequent to HTLF's purchase of the securities. The losses are not related to concerns regarding the underlying credit of the issuers or the underlying collateral. It is expected that the securities will not be settled at a price less than the amortized cost of the investment. Because the decline in fair value is attributable to changes in interest rates or widening market spreads and not credit quality, and because, as of September 30, 2024, HTLF has the intent and ability to hold these investments until a market price recovery or to maturity and does not believe it will be required to sell the securities before maturity, no credit losses were recognized on these securities during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.

The unrealized losses on HTLF's obligations of states and political subdivisions available for sale are the result of changes in market interest rates or widening of market spreads subsequent to the initial purchase of the securities. Management monitors the published credit ratings of these securities and the stability of the underlying municipalities. Because the declines in fair value are attributable to changes in interest rates or widening market spreads due to insurance company downgrades and not underlying credit quality, and because, as of September 30, 2024, HTLF has the intent and ability to hold these investments until a market price recovery or to maturity and does not believe it will be required to sell the securities before maturity, no credit losses were recognized on these securities during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.
The following table summarizes, in thousands, the carrying amount of HTLF's held to maturity debt securities by investment rating as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, which are updated quarterly and used to monitor the credit quality of the securities:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
AAA$99,869 $88,550 
AA, AA+, AA-562,582 583,816 
A+, A, A-149,549 139,658 
BBB19,762 20,133 
Not Rated7,861 6,084 
Total $839,623 $838,241 

Included in other investments were shares of stock in Federal Home Loan Bank (the "FHLB") at an amortized cost of $2.2 million at September 30, 2024, and $25.8 million at December 31, 2023.

HTLF Bank is required by federal law to maintain FHLB stock as a member of the FHLB. These equity securities are "restricted" in that they can only be sold back to the respective institutions from which they were acquired or another member institution at par. Therefore, the FHLB stock is less liquid than other marketable equity securities, and the fair value approximates amortized cost. HTLF considers its FHLB stock as a long-term investment that provides access to competitive products and liquidity. HTLF evaluates impairment in these investments based on the ultimate recoverability of the par value and, at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, did not consider the investments to be impaired.


Loans as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, were as follows, in thousands:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Loans receivable held to maturity:  
Commercial and industrial$3,503,093 $3,652,047 
Paycheck Protection Program ("PPP")1,582 2,777 
Owner occupied commercial real estate2,489,697 2,638,175 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate2,455,396 2,553,711 
Real estate construction1,119,922 1,011,716 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate701,211 919,184 
Residential real estate707,984 797,829 
Consumer462,032 493,206 
Total loans receivable held to maturity11,440,917 12,068,645 
Allowance for credit losses(106,797)(122,566)
Loans receivable, net$11,334,120 $11,946,079 

As of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, HTLF had $60.1 million and $65.4 million, respectively, of accrued interest receivable, which is included in other assets on the consolidated balance sheets. HTLF does not consider accrued interest receivable in the allowance for credit losses calculation.

The following table shows the balance in the allowance for credit losses at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, and the related loan balances, disaggregated on the basis of measurement methodology, in thousands. If a loan no longer shares similar risk characteristics with other loans in the pool, it is evaluated on an individual basis and is not included in the collective evaluation. Lending relationships on nonaccrual with $500,000 or more of total exposure are individually assessed using a collateral dependency calculation. All other loans are collectively evaluated for losses.

Allowance For Credit LossesGross Loans Receivable Held to Maturity
Individually Evaluated for Credit LossesCollectively Evaluated for Credit LossesTotalLoans Individually Evaluated for Credit LossesLoans Collectively Evaluated for Credit Losses Total
September 30, 2024
Commercial and industrial$3,185 $20,234 $23,419 $18,428 $3,484,665 $3,503,093 
PPP     1,582 1,582 
Owner occupied commercial real estate2 13,249 13,251 2,633 2,487,064 2,489,697 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate4,447 12,972 17,419 10,108 2,445,288 2,455,396 
Real estate construction22 35,458 35,480 697 1,119,225 1,119,922 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate2,277 1,526 3,803 18,204 683,007 701,211 
Residential real estate 5,355 5,355 727 707,257 707,984 
Consumer 8,070 8,070  462,032 462,032 
Total$9,933 $96,864 $106,797 $50,797 $11,390,120 $11,440,917 
December 31, 2023
Commercial and industrial$18,425 $22,254 $40,679 $41,847 $3,610,200 $3,652,047 
PPP    2,777 2,777 
Owner occupied commercial real estate 17,156 17,156 30,400 2,607,775 2,638,175 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate 17,249 17,249  2,553,711 2,553,711 
Real estate construction56 28,717 28,773 697 1,011,019 1,011,716 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate1,932 2,360 4,292 6,700 912,484 919,184 
Residential real estate 5,845 5,845 741 797,088 797,829 
Consumer 8,572 8,572  493,206 493,206 
Total$20,413 $102,153 $122,566 $80,385 $11,988,260 $12,068,645 

The following tables show the amortized cost basis as of September 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, of the loans modified during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty by loan category and type of concession granted, dollars in thousands.
Loan Modifications Made to Borrowers Experiencing Financial Difficulty
Term ExtensionTerm Extension and Interest Only Payments Term Extension and Interest Rate Reduction
For the Three Months Ended
September 30, 2024
Cost Basis
% of Loan
Cost Basis
% of Loan
Cost Basis
% of Loan
Commercial and industrial$1,068 0.03 %$  %$  %
Real estate construction86 0.01     
Agricultural and agricultural real estate      
Total$1,154 0.01 %$  %$  %

Loan Modifications Made to Borrowers Experiencing Financial Difficulty
Term ExtensionTerm Extension and Interest Only PaymentsTerm Extension and Interest Rate Reduction
For the Three Months Ended
September 30, 2023
Cost Basis
% of Loan
Cost Basis
% of Loan
Cost Basis
% of Loan
Commercial and industrial$  %$  %$  %
Real estate construction      
Agricultural and agricultural real estate1,992 0.24     
Total$1,992 0.02 %$  %$  %
Loan Modifications Made to Borrowers Experiencing Financial Difficulty
Term ExtensionTerm Extension and
Interest Only Payments
Term Extension and Interest Rate Reduction
For the Nine Months Ended
September 30, 2024
Cost Basis
% of Loan
Cost Basis
% of Loan
Cost Basis
% of Loan
Commercial and industrial$1,285 0.04 %$  %$  %
Owner occupied commercial real estate      
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate614 0.03  0   
Real estate construction86 0.01   3,116 0.28 
Residential real estate1,347 0.19     
Consumer163 0.04   
Total$3,495 0.03 %$  %$3,116 0.03 %
Loan Modifications Made to Borrowers Experiencing Financial Difficulty
Term ExtensionTerm Extension and
Interest Only Payments
Term Extension and Interest Rate Reduction
For the Nine Months Ended
September 30, 2023
Cost Basis
% of Loan
Cost Basis
% of Loan
Cost Basis
% of Loan
Commercial and industrial$4,233 0.12 %$  %$  %
Owner occupied commercial real estate  5,043 0.21   
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate      
Real estate construction1,453 0.14     
Agricultural and agricultural real estate3,546 0.42     
Residential real estate741 0.09     
Total$9,973 0.08 %$5,043 0.04 %$  %

The following tables describe the financial effect of the modifications made to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty in the nine months ending September 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023.
For the Nine Months Ended
September 30, 2024
Weighted Average
Term Extension
Weighted Average
Term Extension and Interest Only Payments (Months)
Weighted Average Term Extension and Interest Rate Reduction (Months)
Commercial and industrial800
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate13025
Real estate construction1300
Residential real estate400
For the Nine Months Ended
September 30, 2023
Weighted Average
Term Extension
Weighted Average
Term Extension and Interest Only Payments (Months)
Weighted Average Term Extension and Interest Rate Reduction (Months)
Commercial and industrial800
Owner occupied commercial real estate0120
Real estate construction600
Agricultural and agricultural real estate1100
Residential real estate1200

At September 30, 2024, there were no unfunded commitments to extend credit to the borrowers experiencing financial difficulty.

HTLF had no loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty that had a payment default during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, that had been modified in the twelve-month period prior to the default.
HTLF closely monitors the performance of the loans that are modified to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty to understand the effectiveness of its modification efforts. The following tables show the performance of loans that have been modified in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, dollars in thousands.
Accruing Loans
Past Due
Past Due
90 Days or
Past Due
Total Past DueCurrentNonaccrual
September 30, 2024
Commercial and industrial$ $ $ $ $1,285 $ 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate 614  614   
Real estate construction    3,116 86 
Residential real estate 1,347  1,347   
Consumer     163 
Total$ $1,961 $ $1,961 $4,401 $249 
Accruing Loans
Past Due
Past Due
90 Days or
Past Due
Total Past DueCurrentNonaccrual
September 30, 2023
Commercial and industrial$ $ $ $ $4,233 $ 
Owner occupied commercial real estate    5,043  
Real estate construction     1,453 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate    3,546  
Residential real estate     741 
Total$ $ $ $ $12,822 $2,194 

HTLF's internal rating system is a series of grades reflecting management's credit risk assessment, based on its analysis of the borrower's financial condition. The "pass" category consists of all loans that are not in the "nonpass" category and consists of a range of loan grades that reflect increasing, though still acceptable, risk. Movement of risk through the various grade levels in the pass category is monitored for early identification of credit deterioration and risk rating migration analysis.

The "nonpass" category consists of watch, substandard, doubtful and loss rated loans. The "watch" rating is attached to loans where the borrower exhibits negative trends in financial circumstances due to borrower specific or systemic conditions that, if left uncorrected, threaten the borrower's capacity to meet its debt obligations. The borrower is believed to have sufficient financial flexibility to react to and resolve its negative financial situation. These credits are closely monitored for improvement or deterioration.

The "substandard" rating is assigned to loans that are inadequately protected by the current net worth and repaying capacity of the borrower and that may be further at risk due to deterioration in the value of collateral pledged. Well-defined weaknesses jeopardize liquidation of the debt. These loans are still considered collectible; however, a distinct possibility exists that HTLF will sustain some loss if deficiencies are not corrected. Substandard loans may exhibit some or all of the following weaknesses: deteriorating financial trends, insufficient earnings, inadequate debt service capacity, excessive debt and/or lack of liquidity.

The "doubtful" rating is assigned to loans where identified weaknesses in the borrowers' ability to repay these loans make collection or liquidation in full, on the basis of existing facts, conditions and values, highly questionable and improbable. These borrowers are usually in default, lack liquidity, capital, and the resources necessary to remain as an operating entity. Specific pending events, such as capital injections, liquidations or perfection of liens on additional collateral, may strengthen the credit, thus deferring the rating of the loan as "loss" until the exact status of the loan can be determined. The "loss" rating is assigned to loans considered uncollectible. HTLF had no loans classified as "loss" or "doubtful" as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023.

The following table shows the risk category of loans by loan category, year of origination and charge-offs as of September 30, 2024, in thousands:
As of September 30, 2024Amortized Cost Basis of Term Loans by Year of Origination
202420232022202120202019 and PriorRevolvingTotal
Commercial and industrial
Pass$414,619 $408,974 $566,449 $244,760 $153,020 $343,559 $1,068,024 $3,199,405 
Watch 13,954 54,206 48,302 12,535 2,173 6,583 105,711 243,464 
Substandard 7,179 3,200 15,092 1,086 5,652 2,865 25,150 60,224 
Commercial and industrial total$435,752 $466,380 $629,843 $258,381 $160,845 $353,007 $1,198,885 $3,503,093 
Commercial and industrial charge-offs$ $28 $14,391 $813 $3,299 $2,358 $9,328 $30,217 
Pass$ $ $ $1,402 $22 $ $ $1,424 
Watch   158    158 
PPP total $ $ $ $1,560 $22 $ $ $1,582 
PPP charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 
Owner occupied commercial real estate
Pass$118,081 $397,969 $480,966 $698,709 $200,112 $345,593 $38,270 $2,279,700 
Watch6,316 5,595 67,107 1,421 2,811 41,544 3,346 128,140 
Substandard 23,318 30,964 2,764 10,547 14,264  81,857 
Owner occupied commercial real estate total$124,397 $426,882 $579,037 $702,894 $213,470 $401,401 $41,616 $2,489,697 
Owner occupied commercial real estate charge-offs$ $ $87 $ $247 $88 $ $422 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate
Pass$112,658 $462,424 $626,077 $381,385 $169,602 $438,111 $16,734 $2,206,991 
Watch11,021 65,250 61,380 20,632 2,825 27,428  188,536 
Substandard720  134 8,149 362 50,504  59,869 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate total$124,399 $527,674 $687,591 $410,166 $172,789 $516,043 $16,734 $2,455,396 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 

As of September 30, 2024Amortized Cost Basis of Term Loans by Year of Origination
202420232022202120202019 and PriorRevolvingTotal
Real estate construction
Pass$126,889 $343,871 $374,867 $81,057 $7,059 $8,969 $6,850 $949,562 
Watch   40,782 63,207 166   104,155 
Substandard 9,375 56,656 11 12 65 86 66,205 
Real estate construction total$126,889 $353,246 $472,305 $144,275 $7,237 $9,034 $6,936 $1,119,922 
Real estate construction charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate
Pass$74,398 $109,176 $175,308 $92,490 $48,115 $49,247 $117,190 $665,924 
Watch188 1,940 807 273 31 802 7,012 11,053 
Substandard731 1,136 8,610 1,619 121 12,017  24,234 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate total$75,317 $112,252 $184,725 $94,382 $48,267 $62,066 $124,202 $701,211 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate charge-offs$ $12 $9,321 $17 $12 $167 $648 $10,177 
Residential real estate
Pass$34,859 $56,401 $145,289 $209,388 $61,100 $162,320 $18,401 $687,758 
Watch44 1,841 1,174 1,457 2,479 4,545 171 11,711 
Substandard 773 833 3,161 366 3,382  8,515 
Residential real estate total $34,903 $59,015 $147,296 $214,006 $63,945 $170,247 $18,572 $707,984 
Residential real estate charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $182 $ $182 
Pass$27,040 $33,375 $48,793 $27,657 $2,780 $6,461 $307,812 $453,918 
Watch353 663 366 141 20 862 2,248 4,653 
Substandard169 158 254 182 190 1,283 1,225 3,461 
Consumer total$27,562 $34,196 $49,413 $27,980 $2,990 $8,606 $311,285 $462,032 
Consumer charge-offs$12 $95 $183 $245 $17 $86 $1,982 $2,620 
Total Pass$908,544 $1,812,190 $2,417,749 $1,736,848 $641,810 $1,354,260 $1,573,281 $10,444,682 
Total Watch31,876 129,495 219,918 99,824 10,505 81,764 118,488 691,870 
Total Substandard 8,799 37,960 112,543 16,972 17,250 84,380 26,461 304,365 
Total Loans$949,219 $1,979,645 $2,750,210 $1,853,644 $669,565 $1,520,404 $1,718,230 $11,440,917 
Total charge-offs$12 $135 $23,982 $1,075 $3,575 $2,881 $11,958 $43,618 

The following table shows the risk category of loans by loan category and year of origination as of December 31, 2023, in thousands.
As of December 31, 2023Amortized Cost Basis of Term Loans by Year of Origination
202320222021202020192018 and PriorRevolvingTotal
Commercial and industrial
Pass$608,030 $779,218 $333,900 $187,406 $78,455 $327,775 $1,159,397 $3,474,181 
Watch 20,694 19,788 257 3,631 2,398 2,953 28,749 78,470 
Substandard 20,171 12,658 2,636 5,447 18,535 7,489 32,460 99,396 
Commercial and industrial total$648,895 $811,664 $336,793 $196,484 $99,388 $338,217 $1,220,606 $3,652,047 
Commercial and industrial charge-offs$245 $794 $680 $1,425 $563 $1,949 $2,966 $8,622 
Pass$ $ $2,591 $50 $ $ $ $2,641 
Watch  89     89 
Substandard  47     47 
PPP total $ $ $2,727 $50 $ $ $ $2,777 
PPP charge-offs$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 

As of December 31, 2023Amortized Cost Basis of Term Loans by Year of Origination
202320222021202020192018 and PriorRevolvingTotal
Owner occupied commercial real estate
Pass$443,683 $547,898 $799,978 $225,257 $225,405 $224,608 $41,072 $2,507,901 
Watch8,052 25,947 13,114 2,662 8,115 7,553  65,443 
Substandard31,904 10,489 2,268 11,609 6,390 2,171  64,831 
Owner occupied commercial real estate total$483,639 $584,334 $815,360 $239,528 $239,910 $234,332 $41,072 $2,638,175 
Owner occupied commercial real estate charge-offs$ $802 $ $5 $ $63 $ $870 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate
Pass$480,683 $656,824 $423,420 $203,330 $262,541 $251,499 $26,978 $2,305,275 
Watch71,400 34,651 8,237 3,834 27,345 57,083  202,550 
Substandard5,043 952 1,391  4,238 34,262  45,886 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate total$557,126 $692,427 $433,048 $207,164 $294,124 $342,844 $26,978 $2,553,711 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate charge-offs$ $52 $ $29 $399 $147 $ $627 
Real estate construction
Pass$283,519 $468,646 $176,604 $9,889 $11,048 $3,405 $6,486 $959,597 
Watch 629 33,220 9,418 72  65  43,404 
Substandard 8,522  107   86 8,715 
Real estate construction total$284,148 $510,388 $186,022 $10,068 $11,048 $3,470 $6,572 $1,011,716 
Real estate construction charge-offs$284 $ $ $32 $ $ $ $316 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate
Pass$152,665 $208,375 $114,798 $67,006 $28,247 $43,663 $260,941 $875,695 
Watch2,245 16,257 293 622 70 349 427 20,263 
Substandard12 7,616 1,649 4 855 12,591 499 23,226 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate total$154,922 $232,248 $116,740 $67,632 $29,172 $56,603 $261,867 $919,184 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate charge-offs$ $ $ $9 $ $1 $5,309 $5,319 
Residential real estate
Pass$71,470 $177,564 $241,362 $73,029 $42,526 $155,899 $19,534 $781,384 
Watch171 973 945 659 158 4,845  7,751 
Substandard741 150 3,400 464 290 3,649  8,694 
Residential real estate total $72,382 $178,687 $245,707 $74,152 $42,974 $164,393 $19,534 $797,829 
Residential real estate charge-offs$ $59 $124 $ $ $ $ $183 
Pass$45,595 $62,900 $35,459 $7,731 $3,663 $6,109 $324,218 $485,675 
Watch730 84 694 21 41 644 2,060 4,274 
Substandard80 308 401 75 159 1,769 465 3,257 
Consumer total$46,405 $63,292 $36,554 $7,827 $3,863 $8,522 $326,743 $493,206 
Consumer charge-offs$2 $246 $154 $27 $19 $112 $3,117 $3,677 
Total Pass$2,085,645 $2,901,425 $2,128,112 $773,698 $651,885 $1,012,958 $1,838,626 $11,392,349 
Total Watch103,921 130,920 33,047 11,501 38,127 73,492 31,236 422,244 
Total Substandard 57,951 40,695 11,792 17,706 30,467 61,931 33,510 254,052 
Total Loans$2,247,517 $3,073,040 $2,172,951 $802,905 $720,479 $1,148,381 $1,903,372 $12,068,645 
Total charge-offs$531 $1,953 $958 $1,527 $981 $2,272 $11,392 $19,614 

Included in the nonpass loans at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, were $158,000 and $136,000, respectively, of nonpass PPP loans as a result of risk ratings on non-PPP related credits. HTLF's risk rating methodology assigns a risk rating to

the whole lending relationship. HTLF has no allowance recorded related to the PPP loans because of the 100% government guarantee through the United States Small Business Administration.

Changes in credit risk are monitored on a continuous basis as part of relationship management, and changes in risk ratings are made when credit quality improves or deteriorates in accordance with HTLF's credit risk rating framework. All individually assessed loans are reviewed at least annually.

As of September 30, 2024, HTLF had $918,000 of loans secured by residential real estate property that were in the process of foreclosure.

The following table sets forth information regarding accruing and nonaccrual loans at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
Accruing Loans
Past Due
Past Due
90 Days or
Past Due
CurrentNonaccrualTotal Loans
September 30, 2024
Commercial and industrial$3,367 $509 $832 $4,708 $3,472,413 $25,972 $3,503,093 
PPP    1,582  1,582 
Owner occupied commercial real estate1,503 103  1,606 2,482,680 5,411 2,489,697 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate6 903  909 2,444,229 10,258 2,455,396 
Real estate construction3,707 13,105  16,812 1,102,948 162 1,119,922 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate1,058   1,058 679,795 20,358 701,211 
Residential real estate2,010 1,483  3,493 699,183 5,308 707,984 
Consumer1,402 334  1,736 458,650 1,646 462,032 
Total loans receivable held to maturity$13,053 $16,437 $832 $30,322 $11,341,480 $69,115 $11,440,917 
December 31, 2023
Commercial and industrial$1,738 $126 $2,203 $4,067 $3,601,165 $46,815 $3,652,047 
PPP94 53  147 2,630  2,777 
Owner occupied commercial real estate205 2,664 74 2,943 2,603,640 31,592 2,638,175 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate875   875 2,552,469 367 2,553,711 
Real estate construction332   332 1,010,601 783 1,011,716 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate121  12 133 909,841 9,210 919,184 
Residential real estate2,082 273 21 2,376 790,367 5,086 797,829 
Consumer2,257 150 197 2,604 489,029 1,573 493,206 
Total loans receivable held to maturity$7,704 $3,266 $2,507 $13,477 $11,959,742 $95,426 $12,068,645 

Loans delinquent 30 to 89 days as a percent of total loans were 0.26% at September 30, 2024, compared to 0.09% at December 31, 2023.

HTLF recognized $0 of interest income on nonaccrual loans during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023. As of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, HTLF had $28.7 million and $52.5 million of nonaccrual loans with no related allowance, respectively.


Changes in the allowance for credit losses on loans for the three- and nine- months ended September 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, were as follows, in thousands:
Owner Occupied Commercial
Real Estate
Non-Owner Occupied Commercial Real EstateReal Estate
Agricultural and Agricultural
Real Estate
Real Estate
Balance at June 30, 2024$44,800 $14,714 $13,697 $32,210 $8,905 $5,036 $7,499 $126,861 
Charge-offs(22,006)(25)  (9,302)(182)(622)(32,137)
Recoveries440 1  5   2,756 3,202 
Provision (benefit)185 (1,439)3,722 3,265 4,200 501 (1,563)8,871 
Balance at September 30, 2024$23,419 $13,251 $17,419 $35,480 $3,803 $5,355 $8,070 $106,797 
Owner Occupied Commercial
Real Estate
Non-Owner Occupied Commercial Real EstateReal Estate
Agricultural and Agricultural
Real Estate
Real Estate
Balance at December 31, 2023$40,679 $17,156 $17,249 $28,773 $4,292 $5,845 $8,572 $122,566 
Charge-offs(30,217)(422)  (10,177)(182)(2,620)(43,618)
Recoveries1,172 1  5 9 105 4,281 5,573 
Provision (benefit)11,785 (3,484)170 6,702 9,679 (413)(2,163)22,276 
Balance at September 30, 2024
$23,419 $13,251 $17,419 $35,480 $3,803 $5,355 $8,070 $106,797 

Owner Occupied Commercial
Real Estate
Non-Owner Occupied Commercial Real EstateReal Estate
Agricultural and Agricultural
Real Estate
Real Estate
Balance at June 30, 2023$29,396 $14,709 $17,976 $28,246 $3,511 $7,644 $9,716 $111,198 
Charge-offs(1,344) (607) (10) (2,003)(3,964)
Recoveries167 1  7   127 302 
Provision (benefit)77 (36)(85)726 903 (537)1,624 2,672 
Balance at September 30, 2023$28,296 $14,674 $17,284 $28,979 $4,404 $7,107 $9,464 $110,208 
Owner Occupied Commercial
Real Estate
Non-Owner Occupied Commercial Real EstateReal Estate
Agricultural and Agricultural
Real Estate
Real Estate
Balance at December 31, 2022$29,071 $13,948 $16,539 $29,998 $2,634 $7,711 $9,582 $109,483 
Charge-offs(6,481)(19)(636) (5,319)(59)(3,214)(15,728)
Recoveries2,007 113  26 11 19 1,592 3,768 
Provision (benefit)3,699 632 1,381 (1,045)7,078 (564)1,504 12,685 
Balance at September 30, 2023$28,296 $14,674 $17,284 $28,979 $4,404 $7,107 $9,464 $110,208 

Management allocates the allowance for credit losses by pools of risk within each loan portfolio. The total allowance for credit losses is available to absorb losses from any segment of the loan portfolio. The provision expense in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was reduced by $2.9 million due to the sale of Rocky Mountain Bank loans amounting to $343.8 million.

Changes in the allowance for credit losses for unfunded commitments for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, were as follows:
For the Three Months Ended September 30,
Balance at June 30, $13,057 $18,636 
Provision (benefit)(2,595)(1,156)
Balance at September 30,$10,462 $17,480 
For the Nine Months Ended September 30,
Balance at December 31, $16,468 $20,196 
Provision (benefit)(6,006)(2,716)
Balance at September 30,$10,462 $17,480 


HTLF had goodwill of $576.0 million at both September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023. HTLF conducts an annual internal assessment of the goodwill both at the consolidated level and at the reporting unit level as of September 30, as well as when required due to triggering events related to the uncertainty of the value of the goodwill on HTLF's balance sheet. HTLF conducted its annual internal assessment of the goodwill at HTLF or HTLF's reporting units as of September 30. There was no goodwill impairment as of the most recent assessment.

The gross carrying amount of other intangible assets consisted of core deposit intangibles and the associated accumulated amortization at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, are presented in the table below, in thousands:
 September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Amortizing intangible assets:    
Core deposit intangibles$101,185 $87,028 $14,157 $101,185 $82,770 $18,415 
Total$101,185 $87,028 $14,157 $101,185 $82,770 $18,415 

The following table shows the estimated future amortization expense for amortizable intangible assets, in thousands:
 Core Deposit Intangibles
Three months ending December 31, 2024$1,333 
Year ending December 31,


HTLF uses derivative financial instruments as part of its interest rate risk management strategy, which may include interest rate swaps, fair value hedges, risk participation agreements, caps, floors, and collars. HTLF's current strategy includes the use of interest rate swaps as well as back-to-back loan swaps to assist customers in managing their interest rate risk while executing offsetting interest rate swaps with dealer counterparties.

HTLF's objectives are to add stability to its net interest margin and to manage its exposure to movements in interest rates. The contract or notional amount of a derivative is used to determine, along with the other terms of the derivative, the amounts to be exchanged between the counterparties. HTLF is exposed to credit risk in the event of nonperformance by counterparties to financial instruments. HTLF minimizes this risk by entering into derivative contracts that contain collateral posting provisions with counterparties that meet HTLF’s credit standards. HTLF has not experienced any losses from nonperformance by these counterparties. HTLF monitors counterparty risk in accordance with the provisions of ASC 815. HTLF was required to post $44.2 million of collateral at September 30, 2024, compared to $27.7 million as of December 31, 2023, related to derivative financial instruments. HTLF's counterparties were required to pledge $17.7 million at September 30, 2024, compared to $44.8 million at December 31, 2023.

HTLF's derivative and hedging instruments are recorded at fair value on the consolidated balance sheets. See Note 7, "Fair Value," for additional fair value information and disclosures.

Cash Flow Hedges
In 2021, one interest rate swap terminated, and the debt was converted to variable rate subordinated debentures. HTLF recognized all remaining cash payments related to the terminated derivatives in the first quarter of 2024 and reclassified the remaining cash payments from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) to interest expense.

In the first quarter of 2023, HTLF terminated its interest rate swap agreement, which effectively converted $500.0 million of variable rate loans to fixed rate loans. For the next twelve months, HTLF estimates cash payments and reclassification from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) to interest income will total $982,000.

HTLF had no derivative instruments designated as cash flow hedges at September 30, 2024.
The table below identifies the gains and losses recognized on HTLF's terminated derivative instruments designated as cash flow hedges for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, in thousands:

Effective Portion
Recognized in OCIReclassified from AOCI into Income
Amount of Gain (Loss)CategoryAmount of Gain (Loss)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024
Interest rate swap$ Interest income$247 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Interest rate swap$ Interest income$457 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Interest rate swap $ Interest income$63 
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Interest rate swap $1,952 Interest income$(638)

Fair Value Hedges
HTLF uses interest rate swaps to convert certain long term fixed rate loans to floating rates to hedge interest rate risk exposure. HTLF also uses interest rate swaps to mitigate the risk of changes in the fair market value of certain municipal and mortgage-backed securities. The changes in the fair values of derivatives that have been designated and qualify for fair value hedge accounting are recorded in the same line item in the consolidated statements of income as the changes in the fair value of the hedged items attributable to the risk being hedged.

HTLF uses statistical regression to assess hedge effectiveness, both at the inception of the hedge as well as on a continual basis. The regression analysis involves regressing the periodic change in the fair value of the hedging instrument against the periodic changes in the fair value of the asset being hedged due to changes in the hedge risk.

During 2023, HTLF entered into interest rate swaps designated as fair value hedges with initial notional amounts totaling $838.1 million primarily designed to provide protection for unrealized securities losses against the impact of higher mid-to-long term interest rates. HTLF also executed interest rate swaps designated as fair value hedges with total original notional amounts of $2.50 billion to convert certain long-term fixed rate loans to floating rates to hedge interest rate risk exposure using the portfolio layer method, which allows HTLF to designate as the hedged item a stated amount of the assets that are not expected to be affected by prepayments, defaults and other factors that would affect the timing and amount of cash flow.

The table below identifies the fair value of the interest rate swaps designated as fair value hedges and the balance sheet category of the interest rate swaps as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
Fair ValueBalance Sheet Category
September 30, 2024
Interest rate swaps-loans receivable held to maturity$20 Other assets
Interest rate swaps-securities carried at fair value17,181 Other assets
Interest rate swaps-loans receivable held to maturity29,808 Other liabilities
December 31, 2023
Interest rate swaps-loans receivable held to maturity$5,027 Other assets
Interest rate swaps-securities carried at fair value23,182 Other assets
Interest rate swaps-loans receivable held to maturity27,554 Other liabilities

The table below identifies the carrying amount of the hedged assets and cumulative amount of fair value hedging adjustment included in the carrying amount of the hedged assets that are designated as fair value hedge accounting relationships at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
Location in the Consolidated
Balance Sheet
Carrying Amount of
the Hedged Assets
Cumulative Amount of Fair Value
Hedging Adjustment Included in
Carrying Amount of Hedged Assets
September 30, 2024
Interest rate swapLoans receivable held to maturity$2,531,741 $31,291 
Interest rate swapSecurities carried at fair value 756,044(15,218)
December 31, 2023
Interest rate swapLoans receivable held to maturity$2,525,261 $24,652 
Interest rate swapSecurities carried at fair value786,716(20,979)

The table below identifies the net impact to interest income recognized on HTLF's fair value hedges specific to the fair value remeasurements and the income statement classification where it is recorded in comparison to the total amount of interest income presented on the consolidated statements of income for the three- and nine- months ended September 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, in thousands:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Gain (loss) recognized in interest income and fees on loans $6 $(375)$21 $(371)
Total amount of interest and fees on loans192,506 182,394 587,328 505,136 
Gain (loss) recognized in interest income on securities-taxable452 (1,126)64 (1,052)
Total amount of interest on securities-taxable51,116 54,800 145,511 168,948 

The table below identifies the effect of fair value hedge accounting on the consolidated statements of income, in thousands:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Hedged item (loans receivable held to maturity)$42,060 $(11,144)$6,661 $(24,026)
Hedged item (securities carried at fair value)34,374 (36,362)5,825 (65,872)
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments on loans receivable held to maturity(42,054)10,769 (6,640)23,655 
Derivatives designated as hedging instruments on securities carried at fair value(33,922)35,236 (5,761)64,820 

Embedded Derivatives
HTLF has fixed rate loans with embedded derivatives. These loans contain terms that affect the cash flows or value of the loan similar to a derivative instrument, and therefore are considered to contain an embedded derivative. The embedded derivatives are bifurcated from the loans because the terms of the derivative instrument are not clearly and closely related to the loans. The embedded derivatives are recorded at fair value on the consolidated balance sheets as a part of other assets, and changes in the fair value are a component of noninterest income. The table below identifies the notional amount, fair value and balance sheet category of the embedded derivatives at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
Notional AmountFair ValueBalance Sheet Category
September 30, 2024
Embedded derivatives $2,248 $26 Other assets
December 31, 2023
Embedded derivatives $2,391 $61 Other assets

The table below identifies the gains and losses recognized on HTLF's embedded derivatives for the three- and nine- months ended September 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, in thousands:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Gain (loss) recognized in other noninterest income on embedded derivatives$(36)$20 $(35)$(17)

Back-to-Back Loan Swaps
HTLF has loan interest rate swap relationships with customers to assist them in managing their interest rate risk. Upon entering into these loan swaps, HTLF enters into offsetting positions with counterparties in order to minimize interest rate risk to HTLF. These back-to-back loan swaps qualify as free standing financial derivatives with the fair values reported in other assets and other liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets. Any gains and losses on these back-to-back swaps are recorded in noninterest income on the consolidated statements of income, and for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, no gain or loss was recognized. HTLF recognized $1.8 million and $4.3 million in fee income related to executing back-to-back loan swaps for customers for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively, compared to $3.1 million and $5.1 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively.

The table below identifies the balance sheet category and fair values of the derivative instruments designated as loan swaps at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
Balance Sheet
September 30, 2024
Customer interest rate swaps$2,002,260 $58,740 Other assets
Customer interest rate swaps2,002,260 (58,740)Other liabilities
December 31, 2023
Customer interest rate swaps$1,672,729 $56,634 Other assets
Customer interest rate swaps1,672,729 (56,634)Other liabilities

Other Free Standing Derivatives
HTLF acquired undesignated interest rate swaps in 2015. These swaps were entered into primarily for the benefit of customers seeking to manage their interest rate risk and are not designated against specific assets or liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets or forecasted transactions and therefore do not qualify for hedge accounting in accordance with ASC 815. These swaps are carried at fair value on the consolidated balance sheets as a component of other liabilities, with changes in the fair value recorded as a component of other noninterest income.

The table below identifies the balance sheet category and fair values of HTLF's other free standing derivative instruments not designated as hedging instruments at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
 Notional AmountFair ValueBalance Sheet Category
September 30, 2024
Undesignated interest rate swaps$2,248 $(26)Other liabilities
December 31, 2023
Undesignated interest rate swaps$2,391 $(61)Other liabilities

HTLF recognizes gains and losses on other free standing derivatives in two separate income statement categories. Interest rate lock commitments and forward commitments are recognized in net gains on sale of loans held for sale and undesignated interest rate swaps are recognized in other noninterest income. As of the balance sheet dates presented above there were no interest rate lock commitments or forward commitments. The table below identifies the gains and losses recognized in income on HTLF's other free standing derivative instruments not designated as hedging instruments for the three- and nine- months ended September 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, in thousands:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Interest rate lock commitments (mortgage)$ $(352)$ $(70)
Forward commitments (4) 87 
Undesignated interest rate swaps36 9 35 26 


HTLF utilizes fair value measurements to record fair value adjustments to certain assets and liabilities and to determine fair value disclosures. Securities carried at fair value, which include available for sale, trading securities and equity securities with a readily determinable fair value, and derivatives are recorded in the consolidated balance sheets at fair value on a recurring basis. Additionally, from time to time, HTLF may be required to record at fair value other assets on a nonrecurring basis such as loans held for sale, loans held to maturity and certain other assets including, but not limited to, commercial servicing rights and other real estate owned. These nonrecurring fair value adjustments typically involve application of the lower of cost or fair value accounting or write-downs of individual assets.

Fair Value Hierarchy

Under ASC 820, assets and liabilities are grouped at fair value in three levels, based on the markets in which the assets and liabilities are traded and the reliability of the assumptions used to determine fair value. These levels are:

Level 1 — Valuation is based upon quoted prices for identical instruments in active markets.

Level 2 — Valuation is based upon quoted prices for similar instruments in active markets, or similar instruments in markets that are not active, and model-based valuation techniques for all significant assumptions are observable in the market.

Level 3 — Valuation is generated from model-based techniques that use at least one significant assumption not observable in the market. These unobservable assumptions reflect estimates of assumptions that market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Valuation techniques include use of option pricing models, discounted cash flow models and similar techniques.

The following is a description of valuation methodologies used for assets and liabilities recorded at fair value on a recurring or non-recurring basis.

Securities Available for Sale and Held to Maturity
Securities available for sale are recorded at fair value on a recurring basis. Securities held to maturity are generally recorded at cost. Fair value measurement is based upon quoted prices, if available. If quoted prices are not available, fair values are measured using independent pricing models or other model-based valuation techniques such as the present value of future cash flows, adjusted for the security's credit rating, prepayment assumptions and other factors such as credit loss assumptions. Level

1 securities include those traded on an active exchange, such as the New York Stock Exchange, as well as U.S. Treasury securities. Level 2 securities include U.S. government and agency securities, mortgage and asset-backed securities and private collateralized mortgage obligations, municipal bonds and corporate debt securities. On a quarterly basis, a secondary independent pricing service is used for the securities portfolio to validate the pricing from HTLF's primary pricing service.

Equity Securities with a Readily Determinable Fair Value
Equity securities with a readily determinable fair value generally include Community Reinvestment Act mutual funds and are classified as Level 2 due to the infrequent trading of these securities. The fair value is based on the price per share.

Loans Held for Sale
Loans held for sale are carried at the lower of cost or fair value on an aggregate basis. The fair value of loans held for sale is based on what secondary markets are currently offering for portfolios with similar characteristics. As such, HTLF classifies loans held for sale subjected to nonrecurring fair value adjustments as Level 2.

Loans Held to Maturity
HTLF does not record loans held to maturity at fair value on a recurring basis. However, from time to time, certain loans are considered collateral dependent and an allowance for credit losses is established. The fair value of individually assessed loans is measured using the fair value of the collateral. In accordance with ASC 820, individually assessed loans measured at fair value are classified as nonrecurring Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.

Premises, Furniture and Equipment Held for Sale
HTLF considers third party appraisals less estimated disposal costs, as well as independent fair value assessments from realtors or persons involved in selling bank premises, furniture and equipment, in determining the fair value of particular properties held for sale. Accordingly, the valuation of premises, furniture and equipment held for sale is subject to significant external and internal judgment. HTLF periodically reviews premises, furniture and equipment held for sale to determine if the fair value of the property, less disposal costs, has declined below its recorded book value and records any adjustments accordingly. Premises, furniture and equipment held for sale are classified as nonrecurring Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy.

Derivative Financial Instruments
HTLF's current interest rate risk strategy includes cash flow hedges and interest rate swaps. The valuation of these instruments is determined using widely accepted valuation techniques including discounted cash flow analysis on the expected cash flows of each derivative. This analysis reflects the contractual terms of the derivatives, including the period to maturity, and uses observable market-based inputs, including interest rate curves and implied volatilities. To comply with the provisions of ASC 820, HTLF incorporates credit valuation adjustments to appropriately reflect both its own nonperformance risk and the respective counterparty's nonperformance risk in the fair value measurements. In adjusting the fair value of its derivative contracts for the effect of nonperformance risk, HTLF has considered the impact of netting any applicable credit enhancements, such as collateral postings, thresholds, mutual puts, and guarantees.

Although HTLF has determined that the majority of the inputs used to value its derivatives fall within Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy, the credit valuation adjustments associated with its derivatives utilize Level 3 inputs, such as estimates of current credit spreads to evaluate the likelihood of default by itself and its counterparties. However, as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, HTLF has assessed the significance of the impact of the credit valuation adjustments on the overall valuation of its derivative positions and has determined that the credit valuation adjustments are not significant to the overall valuation of its derivatives. As a result, HTLF has determined that its derivative valuations in their entirety are classified in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.

Other Real Estate Owned
Other real estate owned ("OREO") represents property acquired through foreclosures and settlements of loans. Property acquired is carried at the fair value of the property at the time of acquisition (representing the property's cost basis), plus any acquisition costs, or the estimated fair value of the property, less disposal costs. HTLF considers third party appraisals, as well as independent fair value assessments from realtors or persons involved in selling OREO, in determining the fair value of particular properties. Accordingly, the valuation of OREO is subject to significant external and internal judgment. HTLF periodically reviews OREO to determine if the fair value of the property, less disposal costs, has declined below its recorded book value and records any adjustments accordingly. OREO is classified as nonrecurring Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.

The table below presents HTLF's assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands, aggregated by the level in the fair value hierarchy within which those measurements fall:
Total Fair ValueLevel 1Level 2Level 3
September 30, 2024
Securities available for sale
U.S. treasuries$7,963 $7,963 $ $ 
U.S. agencies11,440  11,440  
Obligations of states and political subdivisions740,624  740,624  
Mortgage-backed securities - agency1,344,977  1,344,977  
Mortgage-backed securities - non-agency1,236,696  1,236,696  
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - agency62,533  62,533  
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - non-agency387,941  387,941  
Asset-backed securities122,730  122,730  
Corporate bonds120,314  120,314  
Equity securities with a readily determinable fair value 22,117  22,117  
Derivative financial instruments(1)
75,967  75,967  
Total assets at fair value$4,133,302 $7,963 $4,125,339 $ 
Derivative financial instruments(2)
$88,574 $ $88,574 $ 
Total liabilities at fair value$88,574 $ $88,574 $ 
December 31, 2023
Securities available for sale
U.S. treasuries$32,118 $32,118 $ $ 
U.S. agencies14,530  14,530  
Obligations of states and political subdivisions741,245  741,245  
Mortgage-backed securities - agency1,393,629  1,393,629  
Mortgage-backed securities - non-agency1,529,128  1,529,128  
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - agency64,788  64,788  
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - non-agency514,858  514,858  
Asset-backed securities217,370  217,370  
Corporate bonds118,169  118,169  
Equity securities with a readily determinable fair value21,056  21,056  
Derivative financial instruments(1)
84,904  84,904  
Total assets at fair value$4,731,795 $32,118 $4,699,677 $ 
Derivative financial instruments(2)
$84,249 $ $84,249 $ 
Total liabilities at fair value$84,249 $ $84,249 $ 
(1) Includes interest rate swaps, fair value hedges, embedded derivatives and back-to-back loan swaps.
(2) Includes fair value hedges, back-to-back loan swaps and free standing derivatives.

The tables below present HTLF's assets that are measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
Fair Value Measurements at
September 30, 2024
TotalQuoted Prices in
Active Markets for
Identical Assets
(Level 1)
Significant Other
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
Date (Gains)
Collateral dependent individually assessed loans:
Commercial and industrial$15,242 $ $ $15,242 $20,563 
Owner occupied commercial real estate2,631   2,631 (23)
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate5,661   5,661  
Real estate construction675   675  
Agricultural and agricultural real estate15,927   15,927 9,269 
Residential real estate727   727  
Total collateral dependent individually assessed loans$40,863 $ $ $40,863 $29,809 
Loans held for sale$ $ $ $ $ 
Other real estate owned6,805   6,805  
Premises, furniture and equipment held for sale9,864   9,864 2,136 

Fair Value Measurements at
December 31, 2023
TotalQuoted Prices in
Active Markets for
Identical Assets
(Level 1)
Significant Other
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
Date (Gains)
Collateral dependent individually assessed loans:
Commercial and industrial$23,422 $ $ $23,422 $554 
Owner occupied commercial real estate30,400   30,400  
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate     
Real estate construction642   642  
Agricultural and agricultural real estate4,768   4,768 5,309 
Residential real estate741   741  
Total collateral dependent individually assessed loans$59,973 $ $ $59,973 $5,863 
Loans held for sale$5,071 $ $5,071 $ $ 
Other real estate owned12,548   12,548 2,967 
Premises, furniture and equipment held for sale4,069   4,069 2,786 

The following tables present additional quantitative information about assets measured at fair value on a recurring and nonrecurring basis and for which HTLF has utilized Level 3 inputs to determine fair value, in thousands:
Fair Value at
Range (Weighted
Other real estate owned$6,805 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Premises, furniture and equipment held for sale9,864 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Collateral dependent individually assessed loans:
Commercial and industrial15,242 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Owner occupied commercial real estate2,631 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate5,661 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Real estate construction 675 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Agricultural and agricultural real estate15,927 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Residential real estate727 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
(1) Third party appraisals are obtained and updated at least annually to establish the value of the underlying asset, but the disclosure of the unobservable inputs used by the appraisers would not be meaningful because the range will vary widely from appraisal to appraisal.
(2) Discounts applied to the appraised values primarily include estimated sales costs, but also consider the age of the appraisal, changes in local market conditions and changes in the current condition of the collateral.
Fair Value at 12/31/2023Valuation
Range (Weighted Average)
Other real estate owned$12,548 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Premises, furniture and equipment held for sale4,069 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Collateral dependent individually assessed loans:
Commercial and industrial23,422 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Owner occupied commercial real estate30,400 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Real estate construction 642 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Agricultural and agricultural real estate4,768 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
Residential real estate741 Modified appraised valueThird party appraisal(1)
Appraisal discount
(1) Third-party appraisals are obtained and updated at least annually to establish the value of the underlying asset, but the disclosure of the unobservable inputs used by the appraisers would not be meaningful because the range will vary widely from appraisal to appraisal.
(2) Discounts applied to the appraised values primarily include estimated sales costs, but also consider the age of the appraisal, changes in local market conditions and changes in the current condition of the collateral.

The table below is a summary of the estimated fair value of HTLF's financial instruments (as defined by ASC 825) as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands. The carrying amounts in the following tables are recorded in the consolidated balance sheets under the indicated captions. In accordance with ASC 825, the assets and liabilities that are not financial instruments are not included in the disclosure, including the value of premises, furniture and equipment, premises, furniture and equipment held for sale, OREO, goodwill, and other intangibles and other liabilities.

HTLF does not believe that the estimated information presented herein is representative of the earnings power or value of HTLF. The following analysis, which is inherently limited in depicting fair value, also does not consider any value associated with either existing customer relationships or the ability of HTLF to create value through loan origination, deposit gathering or fee generating activities. Many of the estimates presented herein are based upon the use of highly subjective information and assumptions and, accordingly, the results may not be precise. Management believes that fair value estimates may not be comparable between financial institutions due to the wide range of permitted valuation techniques and numerous estimates which must be made. Furthermore, because the disclosed fair value amounts were estimated as of the balance sheet date, the amounts actually realized or paid upon maturity or settlement of the various financial instruments could be significantly different.
Fair Value Measurements at
September 30, 2024
Quoted Prices in
Active Markets for
Identical Assets
(Level 1)
Significant Other
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
Financial assets:
Cash and cash equivalents$588,394 $588,394 $588,394 $ $ 
Time deposits in other financial institutions1,050 1,050 1,050   
Carried at fair value4,057,335 4,057,335 7,963 4,049,372  
Held to maturity839,623 844,296  844,296  
Other investments
69,511 69,511  69,511  
Loans held for sale     
Loans, net:
Commercial and industrial3,479,674 3,309,913  3,294,671 15,242 
PPP 1,582 1,582  1,582  
Owner occupied commercial real estate2,476,446 2,333,179  2,330,548 2,631 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate2,437,977 2,336,488  2,330,827 5,661 
Real estate construction 1,084,442 1,085,637  1,084,962 675 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate697,408 644,749  628,822 15,927 
Residential real estate702,629 621,419  620,692 727 
Consumer453,962 438,892  438,892  
Total Loans, net
11,334,120 10,771,859  10,730,996 40,863 
Cash surrender value on life insurance199,998 199,998  199,998  
Derivative financial instruments(1)
75,967 75,967  75,967  
Financial liabilities:
Demand deposits
4,009,218 4,009,218  4,009,218  
Savings deposits
8,926,192 8,926,192  8,926,192  
Time deposits
2,017,806 2,017,806  2,017,806  
Borrowings546,219 546,219  546,219  
Term Debt373,324 375,240  375,240  
Derivative financial instruments(2)
88,574 88,574  88,574  
(1) Includes interest rate swaps, fair value hedges, embedded derivatives and back-to-back loan swaps.
(2) Includes fair value hedges, back-to-back loan swaps and undesignated interest rate swaps.

Fair Value Measurements at
December 31, 2023
Quoted Prices in
Active Markets for
Identical Assets
(Level 1)
Significant Other
(Level 2)
(Level 3)
Financial assets:
Cash and cash equivalents$323,013 $323,013 $323,013 $ $ 
Time deposits in other financial institutions1,240 1,240 1,240   
Carried at fair value4,646,891 4,646,891 32,118 4,614,773  
Held to maturity838,241 816,399  816,399  
Other investments
91,277 91,277  91,277  
Loans held for sale5,071 5,071  5,071  
Loans, net:
Commercial and industrial3,611,368 3,396,628  3,373,206 23,422 
PPP2,777 2,777  2,777  
Owner occupied commercial real estate2,621,019 2,444,540  2,414,140 30,400 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate2,536,462 2,393,931  2,393,931  
Real estate construction982,943 979,105  978,463 642 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate914,892 839,572  834,804 4,768 
Residential real estate791,984 687,428  686,687 741 
Consumer484,634 465,686  465,686  
Total Loans, net
11,946,079 11,209,667  11,149,694 59,973 
Cash surrender value on life insurance197,085 197,085  197,085  
Derivative financial instruments(1)
84,904 84,904  84,904  
Financial liabilities:
Demand deposits
4,500,304 4,500,304  4,500,304  
Savings deposits
8,805,597 8,805,597  8,805,597  
Time deposits
2,895,813 2,895,813  2,895,813  
Borrowings622,255 622,255  622,255  
Term Debt372,396 374,017  374,017  
Derivative financial instruments(2)
84,249 84,249  84,249  
(1) Includes interest rate swaps, fair value hedges, embedded derivatives and back-to-back loan swaps.
(2) Includes fair value hedges, back-to-back loan swaps and undesignated interest rate swaps.

Cash and Cash Equivalents — The carrying amount is a reasonable estimate of fair value due to the short-term nature of these instruments.

Time Deposits in Other Financial Institutions — The carrying amount is a reasonable estimate of fair value due to the short-term nature of these instruments.

Securities — For equity securities with a readily determinable fair value and debt securities either held to maturity, available for sale or trading, fair value equals quoted market price, if available. If a quoted market price is not available, fair value is estimated using quoted market prices for similar securities.

Other Investments — Fair value measurement of other investments, which consists primarily of FHLB stock, are based on their redeemable value, which is at cost due to the restrictions placed on their transferability. The market for these securities is restricted to the issuer of the stock and subject to impairment evaluation.

Loans — The fair value of loans is determined using an exit price methodology. The exit price estimation of fair value is based on the present value of the expected cash flows. The projected cash flows are based on the contractual terms of the loans, adjusted for prepayments and a discount rate based on the relative risk of the cash flows. Other considerations include the loan type, remaining life of the loan and credit risk.

The fair value of individually assessed or impaired loans is measured using the fair value of the underlying collateral. The fair value of loans held for sale is estimated using quoted market prices.

Cash surrender value on life insurance — Life insurance policies are held on certain officers. The carrying value of these policies approximates fair value as it is based on the cash surrender value adjusted for other charges or amounts due that are probable at settlement. As such, HTLF classifies the estimated fair value of the cash surrender value on life insurance as Level 2.

Derivative Financial Instruments — The fair value of all derivatives is estimated based on the amount that HTLF would pay or would be paid to terminate the contract or agreement, using current rates and prices, and, when appropriate, the current creditworthiness of the counterparty.

Deposits — The fair value of demand deposits, savings accounts and certain money market deposits is the amount payable on demand at the reporting date. The fair value of fixed maturity certificates of deposit is estimated using the rates currently offered for deposits of similar remaining maturities. If the fair value of the fixed maturity certificates of deposit is calculated at less than the carrying amount, the carrying value of these deposits is reported as the fair value.

Borrowings and Term Debt Rates currently available to HTLF for debt with similar terms and remaining maturities are used to estimate fair value of existing debt.

Commitments to Extend Credit, Unused Lines of Credit and Standby Letters of Credit — Based upon management's analysis of the off balance sheet financial instruments, there are no significant unrealized gains or losses associated with these financial instruments based upon review of the fees currently charged to enter into similar agreements, taking into account the remaining terms of the agreements and the present creditworthiness of the counterparties.


Under its 2024 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the "Plan"), HTLF's Compensation and Human Capital Committee, (the "Compensation Committee"), may grant non-qualified and incentive stock options, stock appreciation rights, stock awards, restricted stock, restricted stock units and cash incentive awards. The Plan was approved by stockholders in May 2024 and replaces the 2020 Long-Term Incentive Plan. The Plan has authorized a total of 2,460,000 shares of common stock for issuance, of which 1,477,236 shares of common stock were available as of September 30, 2024, for issuance of future awards to employees and directors of, and service providers to, HTLF or its subsidiaries.

The cost of each award is based upon its fair value estimated on the date of grant and recognized in the consolidated statements of income over the vesting period of the award. The fair market value of restricted stock and restricted stock units is based on the fair value of the underlying shares of common stock on the date of grant. Forfeitures are accounted for as they occur.

HTLF's income tax expense included $189,000 and $115,000 during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively, related to the exercise, vesting and forfeiture of equity-based awards.

Restricted Stock Units
The Plan permits the Compensation Committee to grant restricted stock units ("RSUs"). The time-based RSUs are generally granted in the first quarter of each year and represent the right, without payment, to receive shares of HTLF common stock on a specified date in the future. Generally, the time-based RSUs vest over three years in equal installments in March of each of the three years following the year of the grant.

The Compensation Committee has also granted three-year performance-based RSUs, generally in the first quarter of each year. These performance-based RSUs will be earned based on satisfaction of performance targets for the three-year performance period as defined in the RSU agreement. These performance-based RSUs or a portion thereof vest after measurement of performance in relation to the performance targets.

The time-based RSUs (and performance-based RSUs to the extent earned) also vest upon death, disability, a "qualified retirement" (as defined in the RSU agreement), or upon certain terminations of employment related to a change in control.

All of HTLF's RSUs will be settled in common stock upon vesting. Most RSUs granted after March 2023 accrue dividend equivalents, which are paid in cash without interest only upon vesting. Dividend equivalents with respect to RSUs forfeited are also forfeited. RSUs granted prior to March 2023 are not entitled to dividend equivalents.

A summary of the RSUs outstanding as of September 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, and changes during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, follows:
SharesWeighted-Average Grant Date
Fair Value
SharesWeighted-Average Grant Date
Fair Value
Outstanding at January 1,466,105 $47.21 424,086 $46.15 
Granted340,855 34.61 272,465 45.33 
Vested(203,582)44.11 (175,313)41.74 
Forfeited(68,620)45.78 (42,091)46.25 
Outstanding at September 30,
534,758 $40.54 479,147 $47.29 

Total compensation costs recorded for RSUs were $8.0 million and $7.4 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. As of September 30, 2024, there were $10.3 million of total unrecognized compensation costs related to the Plan for RSUs that are expected to be recognized through 2027.

Stock Options
The Plan provides the Compensation Committee the authority to grant stock options. During the year ended December 31, 2022, 64,518 options were granted, and the fair value of the options granted was determined using the Black-Scholes valuation model. The options granted generally vest over the first four years in equal installments on the anniversary date of the grant. The options may also vest upon death, disability, upon a change in control or upon a "qualified retirement" as defined in the stock option agreement.

The exercise price of the stock options was established by the Compensation Committee, but the exercise price may not be less than the fair market value of the shares on the date the options are granted.

A summary of the status of stock options as of September 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, and changes during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, follows:
SharesWeighted Average
 Exercise Price
SharesWeighted Average
 Exercise Price
Outstanding January 1,58,066 $48.79 64,518 $48.79 
Forfeited(5,161)48.79 (6,452)48.79 
Outstanding at September 30,52,099 48.79 58,066 48.79 
Options exercisable at September 3012,418 $48.79  $ 

At September 30, 2024, the options had a weighted average remaining contractual life of 8.17 years. The intrinsic value of the vested options as of September 30, 2024 was $98,000. The intrinsic value of the options exercised during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, was $1,000. The total fair value of the options that vested during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, was $0. Total compensation costs recorded for stock options during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 were $151,000 and $165,000, respectively. As of September 30, 2024, there were $279,000 of total unrecognized compensation costs related to the Plan for options that are expected to be recognized through 2026.


This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q (including any information incorporated herein by reference) contains, and future oral and written statements of Heartland Financial USA, Inc. ("HTLF") and its management may contain, forward-looking statements within the meaning of such term in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act") with respect to the business, financial condition, results of operations, plans, objectives and future performance of HTLF. Any statements about HTLF's expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not historical facts and may be forward-looking. Forward-looking statements may include information about possible or assumed future results of HTLF's operations or performance, and may be based upon beliefs, expectations and assumptions of HTLF's management. These forward-looking statements are generally identifiable by the use of words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "plan," "intend," "estimate," "project," "may," "will," "would," "could," "should," "view," "opportunity," "potential," or other similar expressions. Although HTLF has made these statements based on management's experience and best estimate of future events, the ability of HTLF to predict results or the actual effect or outcomes of plans or strategies is inherently uncertain, and there may be events or factors that management has not anticipated. Therefore, the accuracy and achievement of such forward-looking statements and estimates are subject to a number of risks, many of which are beyond the ability of management to control or predict, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in its forward-looking statements. These factors, which HTLF currently believes could have a material adverse effect on its operations and future prospects include, among others, those described below and in the risk factors in HTLF's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including the "Risk Factors" section under Item 1A of Part I of the company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and subsequent Quarterly Reports filed on Form 10-Q:
Economic and Market Conditions Risks, including risks related to the deterioration of the U.S. economy in general and in the local economies in which HTLF conducts its operations and future civil unrest, natural disasters, pandemics and governmental measures addressing them, climate change and climate-related regulations, persistent inflation, higher interest rates, recession, supply chain issues, labor shortages, terrorist threats or acts of war;
Credit Risks, including risks of increasing credit losses due to deterioration in the financial condition of HTLF's borrowers, changes in asset and collateral values due to climate and other borrower industry risks, which may impact the provision for credit losses and net charge-offs;
Liquidity and Interest Rate Risks, including the impact of capital market conditions, interest rate changes and changes in monetary policy on our borrowings and net interest income;
Risks related to the Merger, the fluctuation of the market value of the merger consideration, risks related to combining our businesses, including expenses related to the Merger and integration of the combined entity, risks that the Merger may not occur, and the risk of litigation related to the Merger;
Operational Risks, including processing, information systems, cybersecurity, vendor, business interruption, and fraud risks;
Strategic and External Risks, including economic, political, and competitive forces impacting our business; and
Legal, Compliance and Reputational Risks, including regulatory and litigation risks.

For information regarding factors that could affect the Company's results of operations, financial condition and liquidity, see the risk factors disclosed in the "Risk Factors" sections above and in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and Quarterly Reports filed on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2024.

These risks and uncertainties should be considered in evaluating forward-looking statements made by HTLF or on its behalf, and undue reliance should not be placed on these statements. There can be no assurance that other factors not currently anticipated by HTLF will not materially and adversely affect the company's business, financial condition and results of operations. All statements in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, including forward-looking statements, speak only as of the date they are made. HTLF does not undertake and specifically disclaims any obligation to publicly release the results of any revisions which may be made or to correct or update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of such statements or to reflect the occurrence of anticipated or unanticipated events or to otherwise update any statement in light of new information or future events. Further information concerning HTLF and its business, including additional factors that could materially affect HTLF’s financial results, is included in the company’s filings with the SEC.


The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. These estimates are based upon historical experience and on various other

assumptions that management believes are reasonable under the circumstances. Among other things, the estimates form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. The estimates and judgments that management believes have the most effect on HTLF's reported financial position and results of operations are described as critical accounting policies in the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. There have been no significant changes in the critical accounting estimates or the assumptions and judgments utilized in applying these estimates since December 31, 2023.


Heartland Financial USA, Inc. is a Denver, Colorado-based bank holding company operating under the brand name "HTLF". HTLF's banks (referred to herein collectively as the "Banks", "Bank Markets") serve customers in the West, Southwest, and Midwest regions. HTLF is committed to serving the banking needs of privately owned businesses, their owners, executives and employees. Its core commercial business is supported by a strong retail banking operation, in addition to a diversified line of financial services including treasury management, wealth management and investments. As of September 30, 2024, HTLF operated under 10 local bank brands through a total of 107 locations.

HTLF's results of operations depend primarily on net interest income, which is the difference between interest income from interest-earning assets and interest expense on interest-bearing liabilities. Noninterest income, which includes service charges and fees, loan servicing income, trust fees, brokerage and insurance commissions, capital markets fees, net securities gains/(losses), net gains on sale of loans held for sale, and income on bank owned life insurance, also affects the results of operations. HTLF's principal operating expenses, aside from interest expense, consist of the provision for credit losses, salaries and employee benefits, occupancy, furniture and equipment costs, professional fees, FDIC insurance assessments, advertising, core deposit intangibles amortization, other real estate and loan collection expenses, (gains)/losses on sales/valuation of assets, partnership investment in tax credit projects and acquisition, integration and restructuring costs.

Overview of Third Quarter and Year to Date results as of September 30, 2024

HTLF reported the following results for the quarter ended September 30, 2024, compared to the quarter ended September 30, 2023:
Net income available to common stockholders of $62.1 million compared to $46.1 million, an increase of $16.1 million or 35%.
Earnings per diluted common share of $1.44 compared to $1.08, an increase of $0.36 or 33%.
Adjusted earnings available to common stockholders (non-GAAP) of $50.6 million or $1.17 per diluted common share compared to $48.1 million or $1.12 per diluted common share.
Gain on sale, net, of $29.7 million due to the sale of Rocky Mountain Bank branches in Montana.
Loss on security sales of $9.5 million.
Loss on fixed assets of $2.9 million due to branch closures and write-downs on properties listed for sale.
Net interest income of $157.9 million compared to $145.8 million, an increase of $12.1 million or 8%.
Total revenue of $176.9 million compared to $174.1 million, an increase of $2.8 million or 2%.
Annualized return on average assets of 1.38% compared to 0.94%. Adjusted annualized return on average assets (non-GAAP) of 1.14% compared to 0.98%.
Annualized return on average common equity of 12.60% compared to 10.47%. Adjusted annualized return on average common equity (non-GAAP) of 10.27% compared to 10.92%.
Annualized return on average tangible common equity (non-GAAP) of 18.32% compared to 16.32%. Adjusted annualized return on average tangible common equity (non-GAAP) of 14.98% compared to 17.02%.

HTLF reported the following results for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023 :
Net income available to common stockholders of $149.6 million compared to $144.2 million, an increase of $5.3 million or 4%.
Earnings per diluted common share of $3.47 compared to $3.37, an increase of $0.10 or 3%.
Adjusted earnings available to common stockholders (non-GAAP) of $152.7 million or $3.54 per diluted common share compared to $148.3 million or $3.47 per diluted common share.
Net interest income of $470.9 million compared to $445.1 million, an increase of $25.8 million or 6%.
Total revenue of $535.7 million compared to $536.0 million, a decrease of $260,000 or less than 1%.

Annualized return on average assets of 1.10% compared to 1.00%. Adjusted annualized return on average assets (non-GAAP) of 1.12% compared to 1.02%
Annualized return on average common equity of 10.59% compared to 11.28%. Adjusted annualized return on average common equity (non-GAAP) of 10.81% compared to 11.60%.
Annualized return on average tangible common equity (non-GAAP) of 15.77% compared to 17.82%. Adjusted annualized return on average tangible common equity (non-GAAP) of 16.09% compared to 18.31%.

For the third quarter of 2024, net interest margin was 3.73% (3.78% on a fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP), compared to 3.68% (3.73% on a fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) for the second quarter of 2024, and 3.14% (3.18% on a fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) for the third quarter of 2023. For the first nine months of 2024, net interest margin was 3.65% (3.69% on a fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) compared to 3.23% (3.27% on a fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) for the first nine months of 2023.

The efficiency ratio was 48.58% (57.98% on an adjusted fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) for the third quarter of 2024 compared to 63.77% (59.95% on an adjusted fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) for the same quarter of 2023. For the first nine months of 2024, the efficiency ratio was 58.94% (58.16% on an adjusted fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) compared to 61.86% (58.98% on an adjusted fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) for the first nine months of 2023.

Total assets were $18.27 billion at September 30, 2024, a decrease of $1.14 billion or 6% since December 31, 2023. Securities represented 27% and 29% of total assets at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. Total loans held to maturity were $11.44 billion at September 30, 2024, compared to $12.07 billion at December 31, 2023, a decrease of $627.7 million or 5%. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank loans sold of $343.8 million, total loans decreased $283.9 million or 2% since year-end 2023.

The total allowance for lending related credit losses was $117.3 million or 1.02% of total loans at September 30, 2024, compared to $139.0 million or 1.15% of total loans at December 31, 2023.

Total deposits were $14.95 billion as of September 30, 2024, compared to $16.20 billion at December 31, 2023, a decrease of $1.25 billion or 8%. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank total deposits sold of $531.9 million, total deposits decreased $716.6 million or 4% since year-end 2023. As of September 30, 2024, 68% of HTLF's deposits were insured or collateralized.

Total equity was $2.14 billion at September 30, 2024, compared to $1.93 billion at December 31, 2023. Book value per common share was $47.33 at September 30, 2024, compared to $42.69 at year-end 2023. The unrealized loss on securities available for sale including the unrealized gain on the fair value security hedges, net of applicable taxes, was $365.1 million at September 30, 2024, compared to an unrealized loss of $453.7 million, net of applicable taxes, at December 31, 2023.

Refer to "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" for additional information on the usage and presentation of the foregoing non-GAAP measures, and refer to the financial tables under "Financial Highlights" for the reconciliations to the most directly comparable GAAP measures.

2024 Developments

Rocky Mountain Bank Sale
HTLF Bank closed on the sale of the Rocky Mountain Bank branches in Montana in mid-July to two purchasers, which included loans of $343.8 million, deposits of $531.9 million and fixed assets of $13.8 million. The gain on sale, net, of $29.7 million was realized in the third quarter of 2024.

Subsequent Events
In early October, in response to favorable market conditions, HTLF terminated the interest rate swaps designated as fair value hedges with initial notional amounts totaling $838.1 million which were primarily designed to provide protection against unrealized securities losses. Additionally, in early October, in response to favorable market conditions, HTLF terminated the interest rate swaps designated as fair value hedges with total original notional amounts of $2.50 billion which were used to convert certain long-term fixed rate loans to floating rates to hedge interest rate risk exposure. The $1.8 million net fair value basis will be amortized over the remaining life of the underlying assets.

In early November, HTLF paid off the $500.0 million advance from the BTFP with cash and cash equivalents. The BTFP advance was obtained during the first quarter of 2024 and was due in 2025, prepayable at any time without penalty. HTLF Bank pledged $501.8 million of securities to support the borrowings as of September 30, 2024.

(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Interest income$253,794 $245,432 $761,145 $697,910 
Interest expense95,897 99,676 290,292 252,810 
Net interest income157,897 145,756 470,853 445,100 
Provision for credit losses6,276 1,516 16,270 9,969 
Net interest income after provision for credit losses151,621 144,240 454,583 435,131 
Noninterest income18,992 28,383 64,862 90,875 
Noninterest expenses85,927 111,053 315,766 331,542 
Income taxes20,533 13,479 48,077 44,181 
Net income64,153 48,091 155,602 150,283 
Preferred dividends(2,013)(2,013)(6,038)(6,038)
Net income available to common stockholders$62,140 $46,078 $149,564 $144,245 
Adjusted earnings available to common stockholders (non-GAAP)(1)
$50,634 $48,101 $152,669 $148,342 
Annualized return on average assets1.38 %0.94 %1.10 %1.00 %
Adjusted annualized return on average assets (non-GAAP)(1)
1.14 0.98 1.12 1.02 
Annualized return on average common equity (GAAP)12.60 10.47 10.59 11.28 
Adjusted annualized return on average common equity (non-GAAP)(1)
10.27 10.92 10.81 11.60 
Annualized return on average tangible common equity (non-GAAP)(1)
18.32 16.32 15.77 17.82 
Adjusted annualized return on average tangible common equity (non-GAAP)(1)
14.98 17.02 16.09 18.31 
Annualized ratio of net charge-offs/(recoveries) to average loans0.99 0.12 0.43 0.14 
Annualized net interest margin (GAAP)3.73 3.14 3.65 3.23 
Annualized net interest margin, fully tax-equivalent (non-GAAP)(1)
3.78 3.18 3.69 3.27 
Efficiency ratio (GAAP)48.58 63.77 58.94 61.86 
Adjusted efficiency ratio, fully tax-equivalent (non-GAAP)(1)
57.98 59.95 58.16 58.98 
Annualized ratio of total noninterest expenses to average assets (GAAP)1.85 2.18 2.23 2.20 
Annualized ratio of core expenses to average assets (non-GAAP)(1)
2.35 2.08 2.30 2.12 
(1) Refer to "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" for additional information on the usage and presentation of these non-GAAP measures, and refer to these financial tables for the reconciliations to the most directly comparable GAAP measures.

(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)As of and For the Quarter Ended
Investments$4,966,469 $5,098,718 $5,327,801 $5,576,409 $6,408,156 
Loans held for sale— 348,761 352,744 5,071 6,262 
Loans receivable held to maturity11,440,917 11,608,309 11,644,641 12,068,645 11,872,436 
Allowance for credit losses 106,797 126,861 123,934 122,566 110,208 
Total assets18,272,293 18,812,670 19,132,827 19,411,707 20,129,793 
Total deposits
14,953,216 14,956,590 15,302,166 16,201,714 17,100,993 
Term debt373,324 372,988 372,652 372,396 372,059 
Common equity2,029,668 1,917,145 1,868,128 1,822,412 1,714,825 
Book value per common share (GAAP)$47.33 $44.74 $43.66 $42.69 $40.20 
Tangible book value per common share (non-GAAP)(1)
33.57 30.94 29.81 28.77 26.23 
ASC 320 effect on book value per common share(8.78)(10.82)(11.18)(11.00)(16.27)
Common shares outstanding, net of treasury stock42,883,865 42,852,180 42,783,670 42,688,008 42,656,303 
Tangible common equity ratio (non-GAAP)(1)
8.14 %7.28 %6.88 %6.53 %5.73 %
(1) Refer to "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" for additional information on the usage and presentation of these non-GAAP measures, and refer to these financial tables for the reconciliations to the most directly comparable GAAP measures.

(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)As of and For the Quarter Ended
Reconciliation of Tangible Book Value Per Common Share (non-GAAP)
Common stockholders' equity (GAAP)$2,029,668 $1,917,145 $1,868,128 $1,822,412 $1,714,825 
Less goodwill576,005 576,005 576,005 576,005 576,005 
Less core deposit intangibles, net14,157 15,501 16,923 18,415 20,026 
Tangible common stockholders' equity (non-GAAP)$1,439,506 $1,325,639 $1,275,200 $1,227,992 $1,118,794 
Common shares outstanding, net of treasury stock$42,883,865 $42,852,180 $42,783,670 $42,688,008 $42,656,303 
Common stockholders' equity (book value) per share (GAAP)47.33 44.74 43.66 42.69 40.20 
Tangible book value per common share (non-GAAP)33.57 30.94 29.81 28.77 26.23 
Reconciliation of Tangible Common Equity Ratio (non-GAAP)
Tangible common stockholders' equity (non-GAAP)$1,439,506 $1,325,639 $1,275,200 $1,227,992 $1,118,794 
Total assets (GAAP)$18,272,293 $18,812,670 $19,132,827 $19,411,707 $20,129,793 
    Less goodwill576,005 576,005 576,005 576,005 576,005 
    Less core deposit intangibles, net14,157 15,501 16,923 18,415 20,026 
Total tangible assets (non-GAAP)$17,682,131 $18,221,164 $18,539,899 $18,817,287 $19,533,762 
Tangible common equity ratio (non-GAAP)8.14 %7.28 %6.88 %6.53 %5.73 %
(1) Computed on a tax-equivalent basis using an effective tax rate of 21%.
(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)For the Quarter Ended
September 30,
For the Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Reconciliation of Annualized Return on Average Tangible Common Equity (non-GAAP)
Earnings available to common stockholders (GAAP)$62,140 $46,078 $149,564 $144,245 
Plus core deposit intangibles amortization, net of tax(2)
1,022 1,240 3,236 3,908 
Earnings available to common stockholders excluding intangible amortization (non-GAAP)$63,162 $47,318 $152,800 $148,153 
Average common equity (GAAP)$1,962,334 $1,746,818 $1,886,454 $1,710,230 
Less average goodwill576,005 576,005 576,005 576,005 
Less average core deposit intangibles, net14,814 20,821 16,208 22,501 
Average tangible common equity (non-GAAP)$1,371,515 $1,149,992 $1,294,241 $1,111,724 
Annualized return on average common equity (GAAP)12.60 %10.47 %10.59 %11.28 %
Annualized return on average tangible common equity (non-GAAP)18.32 16.32 15.77 17.82 
Reconciliation of Annualized Net Interest Margin, Fully Tax-Equivalent (non-GAAP)
Net interest income (GAAP)$157,897 $145,756 $470,853 $445,100 
Plus tax-equivalent adjustment(1)
2,010 2,152 5,981 6,497 
Net interest income, fully tax-equivalent (non-GAAP)$159,907 $147,908 $476,834 $451,597 
Average earning assets16,838,131 18,439,010 17,254,023 18,451,907 
Annualized net interest margin (GAAP)3.73 %3.14 %3.65 %3.23 %
Annualized net interest margin, fully tax-equivalent (non-GAAP)(1)
3.78 3.18 3.69 3.27 
Net purchase accounting discount accretion on loans included in annualized net interest margin0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 

(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)For the Quarter Ended
September 30,
For the Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Reconciliation of Adjusted Efficiency Ratio (non-GAAP)
Net interest income (GAAP)$157,897 $145,756 $470,853 $445,100 
Tax-equivalent adjustment(1)
2,010 2,152 5,981 6,497 
Fully tax-equivalent net interest income159,907 147,908 476,834 451,597 
Noninterest income (GAAP)18,992 28,383 64,862 90,875 
Securities (gains)/losses, net9,520 114 19,573 1,532 
Unrealized gain on equity securities, net(377)(13)(605)(165)
Adjusted revenue (non-GAAP)$188,042 $176,392 $560,664 $543,839 
Total noninterest expenses (GAAP)$85,927 $111,053 $315,766 $331,542 
Core deposit intangibles amortization1,345 1,625 4,258 5,128 
Partnership investment in tax credit projects222 1,136 938 1,828 
(Gain)/loss on sales/valuation of assets, net(26,419)108 (26,012)(2,149)
Acquisition, integration and restructuring costs2,026 2,429 9,374 5,994 
FDIC special assessment(267)— 1,151 — 
Core expenses (non-GAAP)$109,020 $105,755 $326,057 $320,741 
Efficiency ratio (GAAP)48.58 %63.77 %58.94 %61.86 %
Adjusted efficiency ratio, fully tax-equivalent (non-GAAP)57.98 59.95 58.16 58.98 
Reconciliation of Annualized Ratio of Core Expenses to Average Assets (non-GAAP)
Total noninterest expenses (GAAP)$85,927 $111,053 $315,766 $331,542 
Core expenses (non-GAAP)109,020 105,755 326,057 320,741 
Average assets$18,439,910 $20,207,920 $18,924,862 $20,182,808 
Total noninterest expenses to average assets (GAAP)1.85 %2.18 %2.23 %2.20 %
Core expenses to average assets (non-GAAP)2.35 2.08 2.30 2.12 
Acquisition, integration and restructuring costs
Salaries and employee benefits$58 $94 $689 $261 
Furniture and equipment52 — 105 — 
Professional fees1,674 1,617 7,990 3,619 
Advertising— 178 — 522 
Other noninterest expenses242 540 590 1,592 
Total acquisition, integration and restructuring costs$2,026 $2,429 $9,374 $5,994 
After tax impact on diluted earnings per common share(1)
$0.04 $0.04 $0.17 $0.11 

(Dollars in thousands, except per share data)For the Quarter Ended
September 30,
For the Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Reconciliation of Adjusted Earnings (non-GAAP)
Net income/(loss)$64,153 $48,091 $155,602 $150,283 
(Gain)/loss from sale of securities9,520 114 19,573 1,532 
(Gain)/loss on sales/valuation of assets, net(26,419)108 (26,012)(2,149)
Acquisition, integration and restructuring costs2,026 2,429 9,374 5,994 
FDIC special assessment(267)— 1,151 — 
Total adjustments(15,140)2,651 4,086 5,377 
Tax effect of adjustments(2)
3,634 (628)(981)(1,280)
Adjusted earnings$52,647 $50,114 $158,707 $154,380 
Preferred dividends(2,013)(2,013)(6,038)(6,038)
Adjusted earnings available to common stockholders$50,634 $48,101 $152,669 $148,342 
Plus core deposit intangibles amortization, net of tax(2)
1,022 1,240 3,236 3,908 
Earnings available to common stockholders excluding intangible amortization (non-GAAP)$51,656 $49,341 $155,905 $152,250 
Reconciliation of Adjusted Annualized Return on Average Assets
Average assets$18,439,910 $20,207,920 $18,924,862 $20,182,808 
Adjusted annualized return on average assets (non-GAAP)1.14 %0.98 %1.12 %1.02 %
Reconciliation of Adjusted Annualized Return on Average Common Equity
Average common stockholders' equity (GAAP)$1,962,334 $1,746,818 $1,886,454 $1,710,230 
Adjusted annualized return on average common equity (non-GAAP)10.27 %10.92 %10.81 %11.60 %
Reconciliation of Adjusted Annualized Return on Average Tangible Common Equity
Average tangible common equity (non-GAAP)$1,371,515 $1,149,992 $1,294,241 $1,111,724 
Adjusted annualized return on average tangible common equity (non-GAAP)14.98 %17.02 %16.09 %18.31 %
Reconciliation of Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Common Share
Weighted average shares outstanding-diluted43,195,25742,812,56343,080,42242,769,872
Adjusted diluted earnings per common share$1.17 $1.12 $3.54 $3.47 
(1) Computed on a tax-equivalent basis using an effective tax rate of 21%.
(2) Tax effect is calculated based on the respective periods’ year-to-date effective tax rate excluding the impact of discrete items.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures
This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q contains references to financial measures which are not defined by generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"). Management believes the non-GAAP measures are helpful for investors to analyze and evaluate HTLF's financial condition and operating results. However, these non-GAAP measures have inherent limitations and should not be considered a substitute for operating results determined in accordance with GAAP. Additionally, because non-GAAP measures are not standardized, it may not be possible to compare the non-GAAP measures presented in this section with other companies' non-GAAP measures. Reconciliations of each non-GAAP measure to the most directly comparable GAAP measure may be found in the financial tables above.

The non-GAAP measures presented in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, management's reason for including each measure and the method of calculating each measure are presented below:
Adjusted earnings available to common stockholders and adjusted diluted earnings per common share, adjusts net income for the loss/(gain) from sale of securities, and other non-operating expenses as well as the tax effect of those transactions. Management believes these measures enhance the comparability net income available to common stockholders as it reflects adjustments commonly made by management, investors and analysts to evaluate the ongoing operations and enhance comparability with the results of prior periods.
Adjusted annualized return on average assets, adjusts net income for the loss/(gain) from sale of securities, and other non-operating expenses as well as the tax effect of those transactions. Management believes this measure enhances the comparability of annualized return on average assets as it reflects adjustments commonly made by management, investors and analysts to evaluate the ongoing operations and enhance comparability with the results of prior periods.
Adjusted annualized return on average common equity, adjusts net income for the loss/(gain) from sale of securities, and other non-operating expenses as well as the tax effect of those transactions. Management believes this measure enhances the comparability of annualized return on average assets as it reflects adjustments commonly made by management, investors and analysts to evaluate the ongoing operations and enhance comparability with the results of prior periods.
Tangible book value per common share is total common equity less goodwill and core deposit and customer relationship intangibles, net, divided by common shares outstanding, net of treasury. This measure is included as it is considered to be a critical metric to analyze and evaluate use of equity, financial condition and capital strength.
Tangible common equity ratio is total common equity less goodwill and core deposit and customer relationship intangibles, net, divided by total assets less goodwill and core deposit and customer relationship intangibles, net. This measure is included as it is considered to be a critical metric to analyze and evaluate financial condition and capital strength.
Annualized return on average tangible common equity is net income excluding intangible amortization calculated as (1) net income excluding tax-effected core deposit and customer relationship intangibles amortization, divided by (2) average common equity less goodwill and core deposit and customer relationship intangibles, net. This measure is included as it is considered to be a critical metric to analyze and evaluate use of equity, financial condition and capital strength.
Adjusted annualized return on average tangible common equity, adjusts net income available to common stockholders for the loss/(gain) from sale of securities, and other non-operating expenses as well as the tax effect of those transactions. Management believes this measure enhances the comparability of annualized return on average assets as it reflects adjustments commonly made by management, investors and analysts to evaluate the ongoing operations and enhance comparability with the results of prior periods.
Net interest income, fully tax-equivalent, is net income adjusted for the tax-favored status of certain loans and securities. Management believes this measure enhances the comparability of net interest income arising from taxable and tax-exempt sources.
Annualized net interest margin, fully tax-equivalent, adjusts net interest income for the tax-favored status of certain loans and securities. Management believes this measure enhances the comparability of net interest income arising from taxable and tax-exempt sources.
Adjusted efficiency ratio, fully tax-equivalent, expresses adjusted noninterest expenses as a percentage of fully tax-equivalent net interest income and adjusted noninterest income. This adjusted efficiency ratio is presented on a tax-equivalent basis which adjusts net interest income and noninterest expenses for the tax favored status of certain loans, securities, and tax credit projects. Management believes the presentation of this non-GAAP measure provides supplemental useful information for proper understanding of the financial results as it enhances the comparability of income and expenses arising from taxable and nontaxable sources and excludes specific items as noted in the reconciliation contained in this Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Annualized ratio of core expenses to average assets adjusts noninterest expenses to exclude specific items noted in the reconciliation. Management includes this measure as it is considered to be a critical metric to analyze and evaluate controllable expenses related to primary business operations.


Net Interest Margin and Net Interest Income
HTLF's management seeks to optimize net interest income and net interest margin through the growth of earning assets and customer deposits while managing asset and liability positions because they are key indicators of HTLF's profitability.

Net interest income is the difference between interest income on earning assets and interest expense paid on interest-bearing liabilities. As such, net interest income is affected by changes in volumes and yields on earning assets and the volume and rates paid on interest-bearing liabilities. Net interest margin is the ratio of net interest income to average earning assets.

For the Quarters ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Net interest margin, expressed as a percentage of average earning assets, was 3.73% (3.78% on a fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) for the third quarter of 2024 compared to 3.14% (3.18% on a fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) for the third quarter of 2023. Net interest margin included 2 basis points and 1 basis point of net purchase accounting discount amortization for the quarter ended September 30, 2024, and 2023, respectively. HTLF's net interest margin may be impacted in future periods as a result of market pressures to increase deposit pricing due to competition. Management anticipates utilizing cash flow from the investment portfolio to pay down wholesale deposits and short-term borrowings, which would positively impact net interest margin.

Total interest income and average earning asset changes for the third quarter of 2024 compared to the third quarter of 2023 were:
Total interest income was $253.8 million compared to $245.4 million, an increase of $8.4 million or 3% and primarily attributable to an increase in yields on average earning assets. During the third quarter of 2024, HTLF recorded $5.3 million in additional interest income for a security that paid off.
Total interest income on a tax-equivalent basis (non-GAAP) was $255.8 million, an increase of $8.2 million or 3%, from $247.6 million. Subsequent to September 30, 2024, the fair value hedges were terminated in favorable market conditions in early October. HTLF recorded $10.3 million of interest income associated with the fair value hedges in the third quarter of 2024 in comparison to $5.6 million in the third quarter of 2023. As a result of the fair value hedge terminations, no additional interest income related to fair value hedges will be recorded.
Average earning assets decreased $1.60 billion or 9% to $16.84 billion compared to $18.44 billion, primarily due to the sale of $865.4 million of securities during the fourth quarter of 2023, $108.4 million of securities sold during the second quarter of 2024, and $40.3 million of securities sold during the third quarter of 2024. The proceeds were utilized to pay down high-cost wholesale deposits and borrowings.
The average rate on earning assets increased 71 basis points to 6.04% compared to 5.33%, primarily due to recent interest rate increases on earning assets.

Total interest expense and average interest-bearing liability changes for the third quarter of 2024 compared to the third quarter of 2023 were:
Total interest expense was $95.9 million, a decrease of $3.8 million from $99.7 million, primarily due to a decrease in average interest-bearing liabilities.
The average interest rate paid on interest-bearing liabilities increased 17 basis points to 3.18% from 3.01%.
Average interest-bearing deposits decreased $1.65 billion or 13% to $11.03 billion from $12.68 billion.
The average interest rate paid on interest-bearing deposits decreased 4 basis points to 2.86% from 2.90%.
Average borrowings and term debt increased $478.2 million to $953.9 million from $475.7 million, and the average interest rate paid on borrowings decreased 39 basis points to 5.39% compared to 5.78%.

Net interest income changes for the third quarter of 2024 compared to the third quarter of 2023 were:
Net interest income totaled $157.9 million compared to $145.8 million, an increase of $12.1 million or 8%.
Net interest income on a tax-equivalent basis (non-GAAP) totaled $159.9 million compared to $147.9 million, which was an increase of $12.0 million or 8%.

For the Nine Months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Net interest margin, expressed as a percentage of average earning assets, was 3.65% (3.69% on a fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) during the first nine months of 2024, compared to 3.23% (3.27% on a fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) during the first nine months of 2023. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, net interest margin included 2 basis points of net purchase accounting discount amortization.

Total interest income and average earning asset changes for the first nine months of 2024 compared to the first nine months of 2023 were:
Total interest income was $761.1 million, an increase of $63.2 million or 9% from $697.9 million, primarily attributable to an increase in yields on average earning assets. Interest income on investments and loans recognized from derivatives was $30.3 million during the first nine months of 2024 compared to $10.2 million during the first nine months of 2023, an increase of $20.1 million.
Total interest income on a tax-equivalent basis (non-GAAP) was $767.1 million, an increase of $62.7 million or 9% from $704.4 million. As previously stated, subsequent to September 30, 2024, the fair value hedges were terminated in favorable market conditions in early October. HTLF recorded $29.9 million of interest income associated with the fair value hedges in the first nine months of 2024 in comparison to $10.2 million in the first nine months of 2023. As a result of the fair value hedge terminations, no additional interest income related to fair value hedges will be recorded.
Average earning assets decreased $1.20 billion or 6% to $17.25 billion compared to $18.45 billion, primarily due to the sale of $865.4 million of securities during the fourth quarter of 2023, $108.4 million of securities sold during the second quarter of 2024, and $40.3 million of securities sold during the third quarter of 2024.
The average rate on earning assets increased 84 basis points to 5.94% compared to 5.10%, primarily due to recent increases in market interest rates.

Total interest expense and average interest-bearing liability changes for the first nine months of 2024 compared to the first nine months of 2023 were:
Total interest expense was $290.3 million, an increase of $37.5 million from $252.8 million, primarily due to increases in the average interest rate paid on average interest-bearing liabilities, partially offset by decreases in average interest-bearing liabilities.
The average interest rate paid on interest-bearing liabilities increased 54 basis points to 3.14% compared to 2.60%.
Average interest-bearing deposits decreased $1.20 billion or 10% to $11.28 billion from $12.48 billion, which was primarily attributable to a decrease in wholesale and institutional deposits. Average wholesale and institutional deposits totaled $940.8 million for the first nine months of 2024 compared to $2.79 billion for the first nine months of 2023.
The average interest rate paid on interest-bearing deposits was 2.93% for the first nine months of 2024 compared to 2.48% for the first nine months of 2023, an increase of 45 basis points.
Average borrowings and term debt increased $564.1 million to $1.07 billion from $510.3 million, and the average interest rate paid on borrowings was 5.31% compared to 5.55%.

See "Analysis of Average Balances, Tax-Equivalent Yields and Rates" for additional information relating to net interest income on a fully tax-equivalent basis, which is not defined by GAAP.

HTLF attempts to manage its balance sheet to minimize the effect that a change in interest rates has on its net interest income. Management continues to work toward improving both its earning assets and funding mix through targeted organic growth strategies, which management believes will result in additional net interest income. In addition, management continually monitors the balance sheet position for opportunities to increase net interest income. HTLF models and reviews simulations using various improving and deteriorating interest rate scenarios to assist in monitoring its exposure to interest rate risk. Based on these simulations, HTLF management considers actions necessary to maintain a balanced and manageable interest rate posture. Item 3 of Part I of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q contains additional information about the results of the most recent net interest income simulations. Note 6 to the consolidated financial statements included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q contains a detailed discussion of the derivative instruments utilized to manage its interest rate risk.

The following tables set forth certain information relating to average consolidated balance sheets and reflect the yield on average earning assets and the cost of average interest-bearing liabilities for the periods indicated, in thousands. Such yields and costs are calculated by dividing income or expense by the average balance of assets or liabilities. Average balances are derived from daily balances, and nonaccrual loans and loans held for sale are included in each respective loan category. Assets that receive favorable tax treatment are evaluated on a tax-equivalent basis assuming a federal income tax rate of 21%. Tax-favored assets generally have lower contractual pre-tax yields than fully taxable assets. A tax-equivalent yield is calculated by adding the tax savings to the interest earned on tax favored assets and dividing this amount by the average balance of the tax favorable assets.

For the Quarter Ended
September 30, 2024June 30, 2024September 30, 2023
Earning Assets
Taxable$4,254,529 $51,116 4.78 %$4,490,407 $47,381 4.24 %$5,726,057 $54,800 3.80 %
768,483 7,313 3.79 759,234 7,383 3.91 881,162 8,085 3.64 
Total securities5,023,012 58,429 4.63 5,249,641 54,764 4.20 6,607,219 62,885 3.78 
Interest on deposits with other banks and short-term investments355,394 4,193 4.69 194,824 3,045 6.29 142,301 1,651 4.60 
Federal funds sold— — — — — — 152 7.83 
Commercial and industrial(1)
3,531,206 65,972 7.43 3,638,004 69,469 7.68 3,610,677 63,001 6.92 
PPP loans1,759 1.13 2,242 1.26 3,948 11 1.11 
Owner occupied commercial real estate2,527,006 35,189 5.54 2,615,504 37,028 5.69 2,412,501 30,127 4.95 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate2,474,036 39,536 6.36 2,519,346 39,272 6.27 2,586,011 38,779 5.95 
Real estate construction 1,106,387 22,878 8.23 1,093,399 21,770 8.01 1,027,544 19,448 7.51 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate757,745 11,536 6.06 879,707 13,390 6.12 822,957 12,582 6.07 
Residential real estate725,901 9,110 4.99 776,821 9,454 4.89 827,402 9,482 4.55 
Consumer460,959 8,956 7.73 485,266 9,421 7.81 509,024 9,615 7.49 
Less: allowance for credit losses(125,274)— — (123,319)— — (110,726)— — 
Net loans11,459,725 193,182 6.71 11,886,970 199,811 6.76 11,689,338 183,045 6.21 
Total earning assets16,838,131 255,804 6.04 %17,331,435 257,620 5.98 %18,439,010 247,584 5.33 %
Nonearning Assets1,601,779 1,711,927 1,768,910 
Total Assets$18,439,910 $19,043,362 $20,207,920 
Interest-bearing Liabilities
Savings$8,842,494 $59,307 2.67 %$8,834,746 $55,440 2.52 %$8,737,581 $49,195 2.23 %
Time deposits2,189,861 23,669 4.30 2,372,653 25,059 4.25 3,945,371 43,549 4.38 
Borrowings580,707 7,378 5.05 881,738 10,825 4.94 103,567 1,167 4.47 
Term debt373,158 5,543 5.91 372,820 5,564 6.00 372,112 5,765 6.15 
Total interest-bearing liabilities11,986,220 95,897 3.18 %12,461,957 96,888 3.13 %13,158,631 99,676 3.01 %
Noninterest-bearing Liabilities
Noninterest-bearing deposits4,116,589 4,355,521 4,824,861 
Accrued interest and other liabilities264,062 251,943 366,905 
Total noninterest-bearing liabilities4,380,651 4,607,464 5,191,766 
Stockholders' Equity2,073,039 1,973,941 1,857,523 
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity$18,439,910 $19,043,362 $20,207,920 
Net interest income, fully tax-equivalent (non-GAAP)(1)(3)
$159,907 $160,732 $147,908 
Net interest spread(1)
2.86 %2.85 %2.32 %
Net interest income, fully tax-equivalent to total earning assets (non-GAAP)(1)(3)
3.78 %3.73 %3.18 %
Interest-bearing liabilities to earning assets71.18 %71.90 %71.36 %
(1) Computed on a tax-equivalent basis using an effective tax rate of 21%.
(2) Nonaccrual loans and loans held for sale are included in the average loans outstanding.
(3) Refer to "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" for additional information on the usage and presentation of these non-GAAP measures, and refer to the financial tables under "Financial Highlights" for the reconciliations to the most directly comparable GAAP measures.

For the Nine Months Ended
September 30, 2024September 30, 2023
Earning Assets
Taxable$4,469,258 $145,511 4.35 %$5,927,026 $168,948 3.81 %
768,782 22,079 3.84 899,613 23,611 3.51 
Total securities5,238,040 167,590 4.27 6,826,639 192,559 3.77 
Interest-bearing deposits with other banks and other short-term investments268,122 10,244 5.10 133,910 4,833 4.83 
Federal funds sold— — — 51 7.86 
Commercial and industrial(1)
3,603,668 202,426 7.50 3,547,256 169,552 6.39 
PPP loans 2,195 19 1.16 6,718 61 1.21 
Owner occupied commercial real estate2,583,886 107,734 5.57 2,355,545 84,927 4.82 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate2,514,452 118,657 6.30 2,459,965 105,111 5.71 
Real estate construction1,087,280 65,497 8.05 1,051,298 56,107 7.14 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate838,395 38,682 6.16 835,673 36,191 5.79 
Residential mortgage764,515 28,699 5.01 840,143 28,138 4.48 
Consumer476,967 27,578 7.72 506,143 26,925 7.11 
Less: allowance for loan losses(123,497)— — (111,434)— — 
Net loans11,747,861 589,292 6.70 11,491,307 507,012 5.90 
Total earning assets17,254,023 767,126 5.94 %18,451,907 704,407 5.10 %
Nonearning Assets1,670,839 1,730,901 
Total Assets$18,924,862 $20,182,808 
Interest-bearing Liabilities
Savings$8,828,973 $169,414 2.56 %$9,130,980 $128,372 1.88 %
Time deposits2,447,293 78,195 4.27 3,344,434 103,245 4.13 
Borrowings701,548 25,727 4.90 138,157 4,437 4.29 
Term debt372,826 16,956 6.08 372,094 16,756 6.02 
Total interest-bearing liabilities12,350,640 290,292 3.14 %12,985,665 252,810 2.60 %
Noninterest-bearing Liabilities
Noninterest-bearing deposits4,306,899 5,092,200 
Accrued interest and other liabilities270,164 284,008 
Total noninterest-bearing liabilities4,577,063 5,376,208 
Equity1,997,159 1,820,935 
Total Liabilities and Equity$18,924,862 $20,182,808 
Net interest income, fully tax-equivalent (non-GAAP)(1)(3)
$476,834 $451,597 
Net interest spread(1)
2.80 %2.50 %
Net interest income, fully tax-equivalent (non-GAAP) to total earning assets(1)(3)
3.69 %3.27 %
Interest-bearing liabilities to earning assets71.58 %70.38 %
(1) Computed on a tax-equivalent basis using an effective tax rate of 21%.
(2) Nonaccrual loans and loans held for sale are included in the average loans outstanding.
(3) Refer to "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" for additional information on the usage and presentation of these non-GAAP measures, and refer to the financial tables under "Financial Highlights" for the reconciliations to the most directly comparable GAAP measures.

The following tables present the dollar amount of changes in interest income and interest expense for the major components of interest earning assets and interest-bearing liabilities, in thousands, and quantify the changes in interest income and interest expense related to changes in the average outstanding balances (volume) and those changes caused by fluctuating interest rates. For each category of interest earning assets and interest-bearing liabilities, information is provided on changes attributable to (i) changes in volume, calculated by multiplying the difference between the average balance for the current period and the average balance for the prior period by the rate for the prior period, and (ii) changes in rate, calculated by multiplying the difference between the rate for the current period and the rate for the prior period by the average balance for the prior period. The unallocated change has been allocated pro rata to volume and rate variances.

Three Months Ended
September 30, 2024 Compared to September 30, 2023
Change Due to
September 30, 2024 Compared to June 30, 2024
Change Due to
September 30, 2023 Compared to September 30, 2022
Change Due to
Volume RateNet VolumeRateNetVolumeRateNet
Earnings Assets/Interest Income
Investment securities:
  Taxable$(57,908)$54,224 $(3,684)$(13,041)$16,776 $3,735 $(23,787)$32,939 $9,152 
(2,542)1,770 (772)505 (575)(70)(2,705)2,988 283 
Interest-bearing deposits2,508 32 2,540 5,628 (4,482)1,146 (2,330)2,900 570 
Federal funds sold(1)(2)(3)— — — — 
(20,867)31,004 10,137 (5,418)(1,211)(6,629)12,520 47,099 59,619 
Total earning assets (78,810)87,028 8,218 (12,326)10,508 (1,818)(16,302)85,929 69,627 
Liabilities/Interest Expense
Interest-bearing deposits:
  Savings588 9,524 10,112 58 3,809 3,867 (11,602)47,890 36,288 
  Time deposits(19,102)(778)(19,880)(3,330)1,940 (1,390)14,053 27,245 41,298 
Borrowings6,040 171 6,211 (5,149)1,702 (3,447)(566)1,373 807 
Term debt105 (327)(222)37 (58)(21)1,346 1,353 
Total interest-bearing liabilities(12,369)8,590 (3,779)(8,384)7,393 (991)1,892 77,854 79,746 
Net interest income $(66,441)$78,438 $11,997 $(3,942)$3,115 $(827)$(18,194)$8,075 $(10,119)
(1) Computed on a tax-equivalent basis using an effective tax rate of 21%.
(2) Nonaccrual loans and loans held for sale are included in average loans outstanding.
Nine Months Ended
September 30, 2024 Compared to
September 30, 2023 Change
Due to
September 30, 2023 Compared to
September 30, 2022 Change
Due to
VolumeRateNet VolumeRateNet
Earnings Assets/Interest Income
Investment securities:
Taxable$(55,407)$31,970 $(23,437)$(14,500)$67,082 $52,582 
(4,521)2,989 (1,532)(3,069)4,055 986 
Interest-bearing deposits5,116 294 5,410 (1,510)4,628 3,118 
Federal funds sold(1)(2)(3)— 
11,613 70,667 82,280 40,865 130,651 171,516 
Total earning assets(43,200)105,918 62,718 21,786 206,419 228,205 
Liabilities/Interest Expense
Interest-bearing deposits:
Savings(6,985)48,027 41,042 (1,923)109,622 107,699 
Time deposits(30,572)5,522 (25,050)20,972 78,281 99,253 
Borrowings20,579 711 21,290 60 3,883 3,943 
Term debt36 164 200 4,974 4,976 
Total interest-bearing liabilities(16,942)54,424 37,482 19,111 196,760 215,871 
Net interest income$(26,258)$51,494 $25,236 $2,675 $9,659 $12,334 
(1) Computed on a tax-equivalent basis using an effective tax rate of 21%.
(2) Nonaccrual loans and loans held for sale are included in average loans outstanding.

Provision For Credit Losses

The allowance for credit losses is established through provision expense to provide, in management's opinion, an appropriate allowance for credit losses. The following table shows the components of provision for credit losses for the three- and nine- months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, in thousands:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Provision expense for credit losses-loans$8,871 $2,672 $22,276 $12,685 
Provision (benefit) expense for credit losses-unfunded commitments(2,595)(1,156)(6,006)(2,716)
Total provision expense$6,276 $1,516 $16,270 $9,969 

The provision expense for credit losses for loans was $8.9 million for the third quarter of 2024, which was an increase of $6.2 million from provision expense of $2.7 million recorded in the third quarter of 2023. The provision expense for the third quarter of 2024 compared to the third quarter of 2023 was impacted by several factors, including:
The third quarter of 2024 was impacted by a nonperforming food manufacturing syndication loan currently in bankruptcy proceedings. HTLF recorded a charge-off of $19.2 million for this credit during the third quarter of 2024, of which $10.0 million was reserved for in a prior period.
Changes in credit quality as indicated by nonpass loans as a percentage of total loans. Nonpass loans totaled $996.2 million or 9% of total loans at September 30, 2024 and $945.8 million or 8% of total loans at June 30, 2024. Nonpass loans totaled $535.7 million or 5% of total loans at September 30, 2023 and $568.2 million or 5% of total loans at June 30, 2023.

The provision expense for credit losses for loans was $22.3 million for the first nine months of 2024, which was an increase of $9.6 million from the provision expense of $12.7 million for the first nine months of 2023. The provision expense for the first nine months of 2024 compared to the first nine months of 2023 was impacted by several factors, including:
Net charge-offs of $38.0 million were recorded for the first nine months of 2024.
Changes in credit quality as indicated by nonpass loans as a percentage of total loans. Nonpass loans were 9% of total loans at September 30, 2024 and 6% of total loans at December 31, 2023. Nonpass loans were 5% of total loans at September 30, 2023 and 5% of total loans at December 31, 2022.

The size of the loan portfolio, the levels of organic loan growth including government guaranteed loans, changes in credit quality and the variability that can occur in the factors, including the impact of economic conditions, are all considered when determining the appropriateness of the allowance for credit losses and will contribute to the variability in the provision for credit losses from quarter to quarter. For additional details on the specific factors considered in establishing the allowance for credit losses, refer to the discussion of critical accounting estimates set forth in Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations contained in HTLF's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, "Allowance For Credit Losses" and "Provision for Credit Losses" in Item 2 of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and Note 4, "Allowance for Credit Losses," to the consolidated financial statements included herein.

Management believes that the allowance for credit losses as of September 30, 2024, was at a level commensurate with the overall risk exposure of the loan portfolio. However, deterioration in economic conditions, including a recession, could cause certain borrowers to experience difficulty and impede their ability to meet debt service. Due to the uncertainty of future economic conditions, including ongoing concerns regarding higher interest rates, supply chain challenges, workforce shortages and wage pressures, the provision for credit losses could be volatile in future quarters.

Noninterest Income
The tables below show noninterest income for the three- and nine- months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, in thousands:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
 20242023Change% Change
Service charges and fees$17,100 $18,553 $(1,453)(8)%
Loan servicing income111 278 (167)(60)
Trust fees5,272 4,734 538 11 
Brokerage and insurance commissions853 692 161 23 
Capital markets fees2,116 1,845 271 15 
Securities (losses) gains, net(9,520)(114)(9,406)(8,251)
Unrealized (loss) gain on equity securities, net377 13 364 (2,800)
Net gains on sale of loans held for sale— 905 (905)(100)
Income on bank owned life insurance1,107 858 249 29 
Other noninterest income1,576 619 957 155 
  Total noninterest income$18,992 $28,383 $(9,391)(33)%

Nine Months Ended
September 30,
20242023Change% Change
Service charges and fees$51,127 $55,316 $(4,189)(8)%
Loan servicing income349 1,403 (1,054)(75)
Trust fees15,847 15,810 37 — 
Brokerage and insurance commissions2,501 2,065 436 21 
Capital markets fees 5,003 8,331 (3,328)(40)
Securities losses, net(19,573)(1,532)(18,041)1,178 
Unrealized gain/(loss) on equity securities, net605 165 440 (267)
Net gains on sale of loans held for sale104 3,786 (3,682)(97)
Income on bank owned life insurance3,610 3,042 568 19 
Other noninterest income5,289 2,489 2,800 112 
  Total noninterest income$64,862 $90,875 $(26,013)(29)%

Total noninterest income was $19.0 million during the third quarter of 2024 compared to $28.4 million during the third quarter of 2023, a decrease of $9.4 million or 33%. Total noninterest income was $64.9 million for the first nine months of 2024 compared to $90.9 million for the first nine months of 2023, a decrease of $26.0 million or 29%. Notable changes in noninterest income categories for the three- and nine- months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 are as follows:

Service charges and fees
The following tables summarize the changes in service charges and fees for the three- and nine- months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, in thousands:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
20242023Change% Change
Service charges and fees on deposit accounts$5,969 $5,431 $538 10 %
Overdraft fees 776 3,184 (2,408)(76)
Customer service and other service fees 77 94 (17)(18)
Credit card fee income7,868 7,551 317 
Debit card income2,410 2,293 117 
Total service charges and fees $17,100 $18,553 $(1,453)(8)%
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
20242023Change% Change
Service charges and fees on deposit accounts$17,972 $15,571 $2,401 15 %
Overdraft fees 2,877 9,248 (6,371)(69)
Customer service and other service fees 259 280 (21)(8)
Credit card fee income22,660 23,462 (802)(3)
Debit card income7,359 6,755 604 
Total service charges and fees $51,127 $55,316 $(4,189)(8)%

The decrease in service charges and fees on deposit accounts in both the three- and nine months periods was primarily attributable to the decrease in consumer NSF and overdrafts fees. In December 2023, in response to industry changes related to the consumer overdraft fees, HTLF modified its consumer deposit product and fee structure, including overdraft fees. As a result, management anticipated a decline in overdraft fees during 2024 and future periods.

Loan servicing income
Loan servicing income includes the fees collected for the servicing of commercial, agricultural, and mortgage loans, which depend upon the aggregate outstanding balances of these loans. In the first quarter of 2023, First Bank & Trust, a division of HTLF Bank, sold its mortgage servicing rights portfolio. As a result, loan servicing income declined $1.1 million or 75%, to $349,000 for the first nine months of 2024 from $1.4 million for the first nine months of 2023.

Trust fees
Trust fees totaled $5.3 million for the third quarter of 2024 compared to $4.7 million for the same quarter of 2023, an increase of $538,000 or 11%. For the first nine months of 2024, trust fees totaled $15.8 million compared to $15.8 million for the first nine months of 2023, an increase of $37,000 or less than 1%. The increase in both the three- and nine months periods was primarily attributable to an increase in the fair market value of trust assets.

Capital markets fees
Capital markets fees totaled $2.1 million for the third quarter of 2024 compared to $1.8 million for the same quarter of 2023, an increase of $271,000 or 15%. Syndication income increased $55,000 or 21% to $315,000 for the third quarter of 2024 compared to $260,000 for the same quarter of 2023. Swap fee income increased $215,000 or 14% to $1.8 million for the third quarter of 2024 compared to $1.6 million for the third quarter of 2023.

For the first nine months of 2024, capital markets fees totaled $5.0 million, a decrease of $3.3 million or 40% from $8.3 million for the first nine months of 2023. Syndication income decreased $962,000 or 58% to $695,000 for the first nine months of 2024 compared to $1.7 million for the first nine months of 2023. Swap fee income decreased $2.4 million or 35% to $4.3 million for the first nine months of 2024 compared to $6.7 million for the first nine months of 2023.

Capital markets fees vary, in part, based upon the size of the transaction and are recognized upon the closing of the transaction.

Securities (losses) gains, net
For the third quarter of 2024, net security losses totaled $9.5 million compared to net losses of $114,000 for the third quarter of 2023, a change of $9.4 million. For the first nine months of 2024, net security losses totaled $19.6 million compared to net losses of $1.5 million during the first nine months of 2023, a change of $18.0 million. HTLF sold $108.4 million of securities during the second quarter of 2024 and $40.3 million of securities during the third quarter of 2024. The sales reduced CRE exposure to improve the risk and liquidity profile of the Bank and the proceeds were utilized to pay down high-cost wholesale deposits and borrowings.

Net gains on sale of loans held for sale
For the third quarter of 2024, net gains on sale of loans held for sale totaled $0, from $905,000 in the same quarter of 2023. For the first nine months of 2024, net gains on sale of loans held for sale totaled $104,000 compared to $3.8 million for the first nine months of 2023, a decrease of $3.7 million or 97%. The decrease was attributable to residential mortgage loans no longer being sold to the secondary market as HTLF ceased originating mortgage loans.

Income on bank owned life insurance
Income on bank owned life insurance totaled $1.1 million for the third quarter of 2024, an increase of $249,000 or 29%, from $858,000 recorded in the third quarter of 2023. For the first nine months of 2024, income on bank owned life insurance totaled $3.6 million, an increase of $568,000 from $3.0 million for the first nine months of 2023. The increase was attributable to market value changes in bank-owned policies.

Other noninterest income
Other noninterest income totaled $1.6 million for the third quarter of 2024 compared to $619,000 for the same quarter of 2023, an increase of $957,000 or 155%. For the first nine months of 2024, other noninterest income was $5.3 million compared to $2.5 million for the first nine months of 2023, an increase of $2.8 million or 112%. During the first nine months of 2024, HTLF recognized $1.5 million in income associated with the assets in the deferred compensation plan, an increase of $1.0 million from $449,000 for the first nine months of 2023.

Noninterest Expenses

The tables below show noninterest expenses for the three- and nine- months ended September 30, 2024, and 2023, in thousands:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
 20242023Change% Change
Salaries and employee benefits$62,742 $62,262 $480 %
Occupancy6,318 6,438 (120)(2)
Furniture and equipment2,062 2,720 (658)(24)
Professional fees17,448 13,616 3,832 28 
FDIC insurance assessments3,035 3,313 (278)(8)
Advertising1,937 1,633 304 19 
Core deposit amortization1,345 1,625 (280)(17)
Other real estate and loan collection expenses395 481 (86)(18)
Losses/(gain) on sales/valuations of assets, net(26,419)108 (26,527)24,562 
Acquisition, integration and restructuring costs2,026 2,429 (403)(17)
Partnership investment in tax credit projects222 1,136 (914)(80)
Other noninterest expenses14,816 15,292 (476)(3)
Total noninterest expenses$85,927 $111,053 $(25,126)(23)%
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
 20242023Change% Change
Salaries and employee benefits$191,817 $186,510 $5,307 %
Occupancy19,843 20,338 (495)(2)
Furniture and equipment6,554 8,698 (2,144)(25)
Professional fees48,351 41,607 6,744 16 
FDIC insurance assessments11,344 9,627 1,717 18 

Nine Months Ended
September 30,
 20242023Change% Change
Advertising4,663 6,670 (2,007)(30)
Core deposit and customer relationship intangibles amortization4,258 5,128 (870)(17)
Other real estate and loan collection expenses1,422 984 438 45 
Loss/(gain) on sales/valuations of assets, net(26,012)(2,149)(23,863)1,110 
Acquisition, integration and restructuring costs9,374 5,994 3,380 56 
Partnership investment in tax credit projects938 1,828 (890)(49)
Other noninterest expenses43,214 46,307 (3,093)(7)
Total noninterest expenses$315,766 $331,542 $(15,776)(5)%

For the third quarter of 2024, noninterest expenses totaled $85.9 million compared to $111.1 million for the third quarter of 2023, a decrease of $25.1 million or 23%. For the first nine months of 2024, noninterest expenses totaled $315.8 million compared to $331.5 million during the first nine months of 2023, a decrease of $15.8 million or 5%.

Notable changes in noninterest expense categories for the three- and nine- months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 are as follows:

Salaries and employee benefits
Salaries and employee benefits totaled $62.7 million for the third quarter of 2024 compared to $62.3 million for the third quarter of 2023, an increase of $480,000 million or 1%. For the first nine months of 2024, salaries and employee benefits totaled $191.8 million compared to $186.5 million for the first nine months of 2023, an increase of $5.3 million or 3%. The increase was attributable to higher benefit costs including incentive compensation and healthcare expenses partially offset by a reduction of full-time equivalent employees. Full-time equivalent employees totaled 1,725 at September 30, 2024 compared to 1,965 at September 30, 2023, a decrease of 240 or 12%.

Professional fees
Professional fees totaled $17.4 million for the third quarter of 2024 compared to $13.6 million for the third quarter of 2023, an increase of $3.8 million or 28%. For the first nine months of 2024, professional fees totaled $48.4 million compared to $41.6 million for the first nine months of 2023, an increase of $6.7 million or 16%. The increase was primarily driven by an increase in legal expenses, including those associated with special asset loans.

FDIC insurance assessments
FDIC insurance assessments totaled $3.0 million for the third quarter of 2024 compared to $3.3 million for the third quarter of 2023, a decrease of $278,000 or 8%. For the first nine months of 2024, FDIC insurance assessments totaled $11.3 million compared to $9.6 million for the first nine months of 2023, an increase of $1.7 million or 18%. The increase was attributable to a one-time special assessment expense of $1.2 million in the first nine months of 2024. This special assessment is in addition to the $8.1 million HTLF recorded in the fourth quarter of 2023 based upon additional FDIC expected losses.

Advertising expenses totaled $1.9 million for the third quarter of 2024, an increase of $304,000 or 19% from $1.6 million for the third quarter of 2023. For the first nine months of 2024, advertising expenses totaled $4.7 million compared to $6.7 million for the first nine months of 2023, a decrease of $2.0 million or 30%. The expenses were elevated in 2023 primarily due to the deposit acquisition campaigns that were launched during that time.

Losses (gain) on sales/valuations of assets, net
Net gains on sales/valuations of assets were $26.4 million for the third quarter of 2024 compared to net losses of $108,000 for the third quarter of 2023. For the first nine months of 2024, net gains on sales/valuations of assets totaled $26.0 million compared to net gains of $2.1 million for the first nine months of 2023, primarily due to the sale of Rocky Mountain Bank, a division of HTLF Bank, in the third quarter of 2024, which generated a gain on sale, net, of $29.7 million.

Acquisition, integration and restructuring costs
Acquisition, integration and restructuring costs totaled $2.0 million for the third quarter of 2024, a decrease of $403,000 or 17% from $2.4 million for the third quarter of 2023. For the first nine months of 2024, acquisition, integration and restructuring costs totaled $9.4 million compared to $6.0 million for the first nine months of 2023, an increase of $3.4 million or 56%. The increase in 2024 is primarily due to expenses related to the pending UMB merger and the sale of the Rocky Mountain Bank branches.

Other noninterest expenses
Other noninterest expenses totaled $14.8 million in the third quarter of 2024 compared to $15.3 million in the third quarter of 2023, a decrease of $476,000 or 3%. For the first nine months of 2024, other noninterest expenses totaled $43.2 million compared to $46.3 million for the first nine months of 2023, a decrease of $3.1 million or 7%. The decrease is primarily attributable to HTLF's reduced operating footprint.

Efficiency Ratio

During the third quarter of 2024, the efficiency ratio was 48.58% (57.98% on an adjusted efficiency ratio, fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) compared to 63.77% (59.95% on an adjusted efficiency ratio, fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) for the third quarter of 2023.

During the first nine months of 2024, the efficiency ratio was 58.94% (58.16% on an adjusted fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) compared to 61.86% (58.98% on an adjusted fully tax-equivalent basis, non-GAAP) for the first nine months of 2023.

HTLF continues to pursue strategies to improve operational efficiency.

Income Taxes

The effective tax rate was 24.25% for the third quarter of 2024, compared to 21.89% for the third quarter of 2023. The following items impacted the third quarter 2024 and 2023 tax calculations:
Solar energy tax credits of $0 compared to $844,000.
Federal low-income housing tax credits of $257,000 compared to $311,000.
New markets tax credits of $90,000 compared to $90,000.
Historic rehabilitation tax credits of $282,000 compared to $362,000.
Tax-exempt interest income as a percentage of pre-tax income of 8.92% compared to 13.14%.
Tax benefit of $140,000 compared to a tax expense of $41,000 resulting from the vesting of restricted stock units.
Tax expense of $1.1 million compared to $1.6 million resulting from the disallowed interest expense related to tax-exempt loans and securities.

The effective tax rate was 23.60% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to 22.72% for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The following items impacted HTLF's tax calculation for the first nine months of 2024 and 2023:
Solar energy tax credits of $306,000 compared to $1.2 million.
Federal low-income housing tax credits of $770,000 compared to $932,000.
New markets tax credits of $270,000 compared to $270,000.
Historic rehabilitation tax credits of $845,000 compared to $787,000.
Tax-exempt interest income as a percentage of pre-tax income of 11.05% compared to 12.57%.
Tax expense of $189,000 compared to $115,000 resulting from the vesting of restricted stock units.
Tax expense of $3.2 million compared to $3.6 million resulting from the disallowed interest expense related to tax-exempt loans and securities.


Total assets were $18.27 billion at September 30, 2024, a decrease of $1.14 billion or 6% from $19.41 billion at December 31, 2023. Securities represented 27% and 29% of total assets at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively.


Total loans held to maturity were $11.44 billion at September 30, 2024, and $12.07 billion at December 31, 2023, a decrease of $627.7 million or 5%. Excluding the impact of Rock Mountain Bank, loans held to maturity decreased $283.9 million or 2% since year-end 2023.

The following table shows the changes in loan balances by loan category since December 31, 2023, in thousands:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023Change% Change
Commercial and industrial$3,503,093 $3,652,047 $(148,954)(4)%
Paycheck Protection Program ("PPP")1,5822,777(1,195)(43)
Owner occupied commercial real estate2,489,6972,638,175(148,478)(6)
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate2,455,3962,553,711(98,315)(4)
Real estate construction1,119,9221,011,716108,206 11 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate701,211919,184(217,973)(24)
Residential mortgage707,984797,829(89,845)(11)
Consumer 462,032493,206(31,174)(6)
Total loans held to maturity $11,440,917 $12,068,645 $(627,728)(5)%

Significant changes by loan category at September 30, 2024 compared to December 31, 2023 included:
Commercial and industrial loans decreased $149.0 million or 4% to $3.50 billion compared to $3.65 billion. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank loans sold of $71.2 million, commercial and business lending decreased $77.8 million or 2%.
Owner occupied commercial real estate decreased $148.5 million or 6% to $2.49 billion compared to $2.64 billion. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank loans sold of $72.0 million, owner occupied commercial real estate lending decreased $76.5 million or 3%.
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate decreased $98.3 million or 4% to $2.46 billion compared to $2.55 billion. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank loans sold of $59.2 million, owner occupied commercial real estate lending decreased $39.1 million or 2%.
Real estate construction loans increased $108.2 million or 11% to $1.12 billion compared to $1.01 billion. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank loans sold of $11.1 million, construction loans increased $119.3 million or 12%.
Agricultural and agricultural real estate loans decreased $218.0 million or 24% to $701.2 million compared to $919.2 million. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank loans sold of $67.3 million, agricultural and agricultural real estate loans decreased $150.7 million or 16%.
Residential mortgage loans decreased $89.8 million or 11% to $708.0 million compared to $797.8 million. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank loans sold of $31.0 million, residential mortgage loans decreased $58.9 million or 7%.
Consumer loans decreased $31.2 million or 6% to $462.0 million compared to $493.2 million. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank loans sold of $31.9 million, consumer loans increased $699,000 or less than 1%.

The table below presents the composition of the loan portfolio as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Loans receivable held to maturity:
Commercial and industrial$3,503,093 30.62 %$3,652,047 30.26 %
PPP1,5820.01 2,7770.02 
Owner occupied commercial real estate2,489,69721.76 2,638,17521.86 
Non-owner occupied commercial real estate2,455,39621.46 2,553,71121.16 
Real estate construction1,119,9229.79 1,011,7168.38 
Agricultural and agricultural real estate701,211 6.13 919,184 7.62 
Residential mortgage707,984 6.19 797,829 6.61 
Consumer462,032 4.04 493,206 4.09 
Gross loans receivable held to maturity11,440,917 100.00 %12,068,645 100.00 %
Allowance for credit losses-loans (106,797)(122,566) 
Loans receivable, net$11,334,120  $11,946,079 

The following table provides detail on owner occupied commercial real estate loans classified by industry diversification as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Health Care and Social Assistance$532,070 21.37 %$483,073 18.31 %
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing409,028 16.43 438,244 16.61 
Manufacturing244,048 9.80 277,755 10.53 
Retail Trade275,005 11.05 307,543 11.66 
Other Services (except Public Administration)185,508 7.45 197,260 7.48 
Wholesale Trade141,299 5.68 149,310 5.66 
Construction127,606 5.13 161,746 6.13 
Accommodation and Food Services110,386 4.43 121,268 4.60 
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation86,481 3.47 90,325 3.42 
All Other$378,266 15.19 $411,651 15.60 
Total$2,489,697 100.00 %$2,638,175 100.00 %

The following table provides geographic diversification detail on owner occupied commercial real estate loans by bank division location as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Colorado$571,570 22.97 %$516,354 19.56 %
Illinois292,847 11.76 298,076 11.30 
Arizona294,525 11.83 297,759 11.29 
California307,272 12.34 314,135 11.91 
Wisconsin229,604 9.22 250,069 9.48 
Texas207,621 8.34 236,592 8.97 
Iowa162,383 6.52 195,491 7.41 
Minnesota162,618 6.53 158,278 6.00 
New Mexico157,085 6.31 159,401 6.04 
Kansas/Missouri104,172 4.18 119,395 4.53 
Montana— — 92,625 3.51 
Total$2,489,697 100.00 %$2,638,175 100.00 %

The following table provides detail on non-owner occupied commercial real estate loans classified by industry diversification as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Office$418,740 17.07 %$424,671 16.63 %
Retail428,024 17.43 432,084 16.91 
Hospitality341,132 13.89 406,516 15.92 
Medical281,504 11.46 329,306 12.90 
Multifamily309,168 12.59 294,097 11.52 
Logistics/distribution262,254 10.68 258,389 10.12 
Industrial flex/other217,890 8.87 230,167 9.01 
Self-Storage119,003 4.85 115,731 4.53 
Restaurant54,871 2.23 52,820 2.07 
Other22,810 0.93 9,930 0.39 
Total$2,455,396 100.00 %$2,553,711 100.00 %

The following table provides geographic diversification detail on non-owner occupied commercial real estate loans by bank division location as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Colorado$601,941 24.52 %$593,688 23.25 %
Arizona300,823 12.25 280,144 10.97 
New Mexico263,780 10.74 275,083 10.77 
California242,451 9.87 234,182 9.17 
Illinois245,734 10.01 244,000 9.55 
Minnesota224,169 9.13 216,458 8.48 
Texas200,569 8.17 224,571 8.79 
Kansas/Missouri135,731 5.53 148,126 5.80 
Iowa138,182 5.63 137,055 5.37 
Wisconsin102,016 4.15 124,093 4.86 
Montana— — 76,311 2.99 
Total$2,455,396 100.00 %$2,553,711 100.00 %

The shift to work-from-home and hybrid work arrangements has caused decreased utilization of and demand for office space. HTLF is actively monitoring its exposure to office space in the non-owner occupied commercial real estate portfolio and securities portfolio. As of September 30, 2024:
Outstanding loans totaling $418.7 million were collateralized by non-owner occupied office space, which represents 3.7% of the total loans held to maturity, and the average loan size was $1.6 million.
The nonaccrual rate for loans collateralized by office space was 2.4%.
The collateral consists primarily of multi-tenant, non-central business district properties.


The process utilized by HTLF to determine the appropriateness of the allowance for credit losses is considered a critical accounting practice. The allowance for credit losses represents management's estimate of lifetime losses in the existing loan portfolio. For additional details on the specific factors considered in determining the allowance for credit losses, refer to the critical accounting estimates section of HTLF's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.

Total Allowance for Lending Related Credit Losses

The total allowance for lending related credit losses was $117.3 million at September 30, 2024, which was 1.02% of loans, compared to $139.0 million or 1.15% of loans at December 31, 2023. The following table shows, in thousands, the components of the allowance for lending related credit losses as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023:
September 30, 2024
December 31, 2023
Amount% of AllowanceAmount% of Allowance
Quantitative$96,878 82.62 %$102,004 73.37 %
Qualitative/Economic Forecast20,381 17.38 37,030 26.63 
Total $117,259 100.00 %$139,034 100.00 %

Quantitative Allowance
The quantitative allowance decreased $5.1 million or 5% to $96.9 million or 83% of the total allowance for lending related credit losses at September 30, 2024, compared to $102.0 million or 73% of the total allowance at December 31, 2023. The following items impacted the quantitative allowance at September 30, 2024:
Specific reserves for individually assessed loans totaled $9.9 million at September 30, 2024, a decrease of $10.5 million or 51%, from $20.4 million at December 31, 2023.
Nonpass loans totaled $996.2 million or 9% of the total loan portfolio, which was an increase of $319.9 million or 47%, from nonpass loans of $676.3 million or 6% of the total loan portfolio at December 31, 2023.

Qualitative Allowance/Economic Forecast
The qualitative allowance totaled $20.4 million or 17% of the total allowance for lending related credit losses at September 30, 2024, compared to $37.0 million or 27% at December 31, 2023. The decrease in the qualitative allowance was driven by the improvement of the GDP forecast provided by Moody's.

HTLF has access to various third-party economic forecast scenarios provided by Moody's, which are updated quarterly in HTLF's methodology. HTLF continued to use a one year reasonable and supportable forecast period. At September 30, 2024, Moody's September 9, 2024, baseline forecast scenario was utilized, and management considered other downside forecast scenarios in addition to the baseline forecast to support the macroeconomic outlook used in the allowance for credit losses calculation.

Allowance for Credit Losses-Loans
The tables below present the changes in the allowance for credit losses for loans during the three- and nine- months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, in thousands:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Balance at beginning of period$126,861 $111,198 
Provision for credit losses8,871 2,672 
Recoveries on loans previously charged off3,202 302 
Charge-offs on loans(32,137)(3,964)
Balance at end of period$106,797 $110,208 
Allowance for credit losses for loans as a percent of loans0.93 %0.93 %
Annualized ratio of net charge-offs/(recoveries) to average loans0.99 0.12 

Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Balance at beginning of period$122,566 $109,483 
Provision for credit losses22,276 12,685 
Recoveries on loans previously charged off5,573 3,768 
Charge-offs on loans(43,618)(15,728)
Balance at end of period$106,797 $110,208 
Allowance for credit losses for loans as a percent of loans0.93 %0.93 %
Annualized ratio of net charge-offs to average loans0.43 0.14 

The allowance for credit losses for loans totaled $106.8 million at September 30, 2024, compared to $122.6 million at December 31, 2023, and $110.2 million at September 30, 2023. The allowance for credit losses for loans at September 30, 2024, was 0.93% of loans compared to 1.02% of loans at December 31, 2023. The following items impacted the allowance for credit losses for loans for the nine months ended September 30, 2024:
Net charge-offs for the first nine months of 2024 totaled $38.0 million compared to net charge-offs of $12.0 million for the first nine months of 2023, an increase of $26.1 million.
Provision expense for the first nine months of 2024 totaled $22.3 million. Provision expense was primarily impacted in the third quarter of 2024 by a nonperforming food manufacturing syndication loan that had a charge-off of $19.2 million, of which $10.0 million was reserved for in a prior period.

The following tables show, in thousands, the changes in the allowance for unfunded commitments for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Balance at beginning of period$13,057 $18,636 
Provision (benefit) for credit losses(2,595)(1,156)
Balance at end of period$10,462 $17,480 
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Balance at beginning of period$16,468 $20,196 
Provision (benefit) for credit losses(6,006)(2,716)
Balance at end of period$10,462 $17,480 

The allowance for unfunded commitments totaled $10.5 million as of September 30, 2024, compared to $16.5 million as of December 31, 2023, and $17.5 million as of September 30, 2023. The decrease in the allowance for unfunded commitments in the first nine months of 2024 was primarily due to a reduction of $82.9 million in unfunded commitments for construction loans, which carry the highest loss rate. Total unfunded commitments decreased $684.5 million or 15% to $3.94 billion at September 30, 2024, compared to $4.63 billion at December 31, 2023.


The internal rating system for the credit quality of HTLF's loans is a series of grades reflecting management's risk assessment, based on its analysis of the borrower's financial condition. The "pass" category consists of all loans that are not in the "nonpass" category and categorized into a range of loan grades that reflect increasing, though still acceptable, risk. Movement of risk through the various grade levels in the pass category is monitored for early identification of credit deterioration. For more information on this internal rating system, see Note 3, "Loans" of the consolidated financial statements in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

The nonpass loans totaled $996.2 million or 9% of total loans as of September 30, 2024, compared to $676.3 million or 6% of total loans as of December 31, 2023. As of September 30, 2024, the nonpass loans consisted of approximately 69% watch loans

and 31% substandard loans compared to approximately 62% watch loans and 38% substandard loans as of December 31, 2023. The percent of nonpass loans on nonaccrual status as of September 30, 2024, was 7%.

The table below presents the amounts of nonperforming loans and other nonperforming assets on the dates indicated, in thousands:
September 30,December 31,
Nonaccrual loans$69,115 $51,304 $95,426 $58,231 
Loans contractually past due 90 days or more832 511 2,507 273 
Total nonperforming loans69,947 51,815 97,933 58,504 
Other real estate6,805 14,362 12,548 8,401 
Other repossessed assets— — 26 
Total nonperforming assets$76,752 $66,178 $110,481 $66,931 
Nonperforming loans to total loans0.61 %0.44 %0.81 %0.51 %
Nonperforming assets to total loans plus repossessed property0.67 0.56 0.91 0.59 
Nonperforming assets to total assets0.42 0.33 0.57 0.33 

The schedules below summarize the changes in nonperforming assets during the three- and nine- months ended September 30, 2024, in thousands:
Real Estate
June 30, 2024$103,786 $7,533 $— $111,319 
Loan foreclosures(105)105 — — 
Net loan charge-offs(28,935)— — (28,935)
New nonperforming loans25,441 — — 25,441 
Reduction of nonperforming loans(1)
(30,240)— — (30,240)
OREO/Repossessed assets sales proceeds— (391)— (391)
OREO/Repossessed assets write-downs, net— (442)— (442)
September 30, 2024$69,947 $6,805 $— $76,752 
(1) Includes principal reductions and transfers to performing status.
Real Estate
December 31, 2023$97,933 $12,548 $— $110,481 
Loan foreclosures(5,216)5,205 11 — 
Net loan charge-offs(38,045)— — (38,045)
New nonperforming loans79,257 — — 79,257 
Reduction of nonperforming loans(1)
(63,982)— — (63,982)
OREO/Repossessed assets sales proceeds— (10,215)(9)(10,224)
OREO/Repossessed assets write-downs, net— (733)(2)(735)
September 30, 2024$69,947 $6,805 $— $76,752 
(1) Includes principal reductions and transfers to performing status.

Total nonperforming assets were $76.8 million or 0.42% of total assets at September 30, 2024, compared to $110.5 million or 0.57% of total assets at December 31, 2023. Nonperforming loans were $69.9 million at September 30, 2024, compared to $97.9 million at December 31, 2023, which represented 0.61% and 0.81% of total loans at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively. At September 30, 2024, approximately $48.2 million or 69% of HTLF's nonperforming loans had individual loan balances exceeding $1.0 million and represented loans to 14 borrowers. The portion of the nonperforming nonresidential real estate loans covered by government guarantees totaled $6.9 million and $10.3 million at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively.

Other real estate owned, net, decreased $5.7 million or 46% to $6.8 million at September 30, 2024 from $12.5 million at December 31, 2023.


The composition of the securities portfolio is managed to meet liquidity needs while maximizing the return on the portfolio within the established HTLF risk appetite parameters and in consideration of the impact it has on HTLF's asset/liability position. Securities represented 27% and 29% of total assets at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively. Total securities carried at fair value as of September 30, 2024, were $4.06 billion, a decrease of $589.6 million or 13% from $4.65 billion at December 31, 2023.

HTLF sold $108.4 million of securities during the second quarter of 2024 and sold $40.3 million of securities during the third quarter of 2024, resulting in a pre-tax loss of $19.4 million.

As of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, securities with a carrying value of $3.47 billion and $2.63 billion, respectively, were pledged to secure public and trust deposits, short-term borrowings and for other purposes as required or permitted by law. As of September 30, 2024, approximately $1.41 billion of securities remained available to pledge.

The table below presents the composition of the securities portfolio, including securities carried at fair value, held to maturity securities, net of allowance for credit losses, and other, by major category, as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
U.S. treasuries$7,963 0.16 %$32,118 0.58 %
U.S. agencies11,440 0.23 14,530 0.26 
Obligations of states and political subdivisions1,580,247 31.82 1,579,486 28.32 
Mortgage-backed securities - agency1,344,977 27.08 1,393,629 24.99 
Mortgage-backed securities - non-agency1,236,696 24.90 1,529,128 27.42 
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - agency62,533 1.26 64,788 1.16 
Commercial mortgage-backed securities - non-agency387,941 7.81 514,858 9.23 
Asset-backed securities122,730 2.47 217,370 3.90 
Corporate bonds120,314 2.42 118,169 2.12 
Equity securities with a readily determinable fair value22,117 0.45 21,056 0.38 
Other securities 69,511 1.40 91,277 1.64 
Total securities$4,966,469 100.00 %$5,576,409 100.00 %

HTLF's securities portfolio had an expected modified duration of 6.63 years as of September 30, 2024, and 6.38 years as of December 31, 2023.

At September 30, 2024, HTLF had $69.5 million of other securities, including Federal Home Loan Bank ("FHLB") stock. These securities are recorded on the consolidated balance sheets in Securities: Other investments, at cost.


Total deposits were $14.95 billion as of September 30, 2024, compared to $16.20 billion at December 31, 2023, a decrease of $1.25 billion or 8%. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank deposits sold of $531.9 million, deposits decreased $716.6 million or 4% since year-end 2023. As of September 30, 2024, 68% of HTLF's deposits were insured or collateralized. Total uninsured deposits were $5.78 billion or 39% of total deposits as of September 30, 2024.

HTLF maintains a granular and diverse deposit base. As of September 30, 2024, no Bank Market represented more than 16% of total customers deposits, and no major industry represented more than 11% of total commercial customer deposits.

The following table shows the changes in deposit balances by deposit type since year-end 2023, in thousands:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023Change% Change
Demand-customer$4,009,218 $4,500,304 $(491,086)(11)%
Savings-customer8,713,228 8,411,240 301,988 
Savings-wholesale and institutional212,964 394,357 (181,393)(46)
  Total savings 8,926,192 8,805,597 120,595 
Time-customer1,628,856 1,944,884 (316,028)(16)
Time-wholesale388,950 950,929 (561,979)(59)
  Total time2,017,806 2,895,813 (878,007)(30)
Total deposits$14,953,216 $16,201,714 $(1,248,498)(8)%
Total customer deposits$14,351,302 $14,856,428 $(505,126)(3)%
Total wholesale and institutional deposits601,914 1,345,286 (743,372)(55)%
Total deposits$14,953,216 $16,201,714 $(1,248,498)(8)%

Total customer deposits were $14.35 billion as of September 30, 2024 compared to $14.86 billion at December 31, 2023, which was a decrease of $505.1 million or 3%. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank customer deposits sold of $531.9 million, customer deposits increased $26.7 million. Significant customer deposit changes by category at September 30, 2024, compared to December 31, 2023, included:
Customer demand deposits decreased $491.1 million or 11% to $4.01 billion compared to $4.50 billion. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank customer demand deposits sold of $131.7 million, customer demand deposits decreased $359.3 million or 8%.
Customer savings deposits increased $302.0 million or 4% to $8.71 billion compared to $8.41 billion. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank customer savings deposits sold of $284.3 million, customer savings deposits increased $586.3 million or 7%.
Customer time deposits decreased $316.0 million or 16% to $1.63 billion compared to $1.94 billion. Excluding the Rocky Mountain Bank customer time deposits sold of $115.8 million, customer time deposits decreased $200.2 million or 10%.

Management helps customers facilitate additional FDIC insurance through Insured Cash Sweep ("ICS") products and Certificates of Deposit Registry Service ("CDARS") products. At September 30, 2024, HTLF had $601.9 million of wholesale and institutional deposits, of which $213.0 million was included in savings deposits and $389.0 million was included in time deposits. At December 31, 2023, HTLF had $1.35 billion of wholesale and institutional deposits, of which $394.4 million of wholesale savings and institutional deposits and $950.9 million was included in time deposits.

Wholesale and institutional deposits at September 30, 2024 include $389.0 million or 3% of total deposits, of brokered deposits, of which $389.0 million was included in brokered time deposits and $0 was included in ICS. Wholesale and institutional deposits at December 31, 2023, included $1.16 billion, or 7% of total deposits, of brokered deposits, of which $951.9 million was included in brokered time deposits and $210.7 million included in ICS.

HTLF has established policies with respect to the use of brokered deposits to limit the amount of brokered deposits as a percentage of total deposits and the HTLF Asset/Liability Committee monitors the use of brokered deposits on a regular basis, including interest rates and the total volume of such deposits in relation to total deposits. As of September 30, 2024, the level of brokered deposits was well within the internal policy limit of 20% of total assets. HTLF has established risk limits for the level of uninsured deposits to total deposits and uninsured and collateralized deposits to total deposits as well as deposit concentration limits for the largest one, five and 100 customers, and has been in compliance with those internal requirements for the periods presented.

The table below presents the composition of deposits by category as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Demand-customer$4,009,218 26.81 %$4,500,304 27.78 %
Savings-customer8,713,228 58.28 8,411,240 51.92 
Savings-wholesale and institutional212,964 1.42 394,357 2.43 
Time-customer1,628,856 10.89 1,944,884 12.00 
Time-wholesale388,950 2.60 950,929 5.87 
Total$14,953,216 100.00 %$16,201,714 100.00 %


Borrowings were as follows as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023Change % Change
Retail repurchase agreements$28,549 $42,447 $(13,898)(33)%
Advances from the FHLB— 521,186 (521,186)(100)
Bank term funding program500,000 — 500,000 100 
Other borrowings 17,670 58,622 (40,952)(70)
Total$546,219 $622,255 $(76,036)(12)%

Borrowings generally include federal funds purchased, securities sold under agreements to repurchase, swap margin payable, short-term FHLB advances, Bank Term Funding Program ("BTFP") and discount window borrowings from the Federal Reserve Bank. These funding sources are utilized in varying degrees depending on their pricing and availability. HTLF Bank owns FHLB stock in the FHLB of Topeka, enabling HTLF Bank to borrow funds for short-term or long-term purposes under a variety of programs. Borrowings totaled $546.2 million at September 30, 2024, compared to $622.3 million at December 31, 2023, a decrease of $76.0 million or 12%.

The BTFP is a Federal Reserve Bank program created in the first quarter of 2023 to assist banks in meeting the liquidity needs of depositors. The BTFP ceased extending new loans on March 11, 2024. During the first quarter of 2024, HTLF Bank utilized the BTFP to obtain a $500.0 million advance due in January 2025; prepayable at any time without penalty. HTLF Bank pledged $501.8 million of securities to support the borrowings as of September 30, 2024.

HTLF Bank provides retail repurchase agreements to customers as a cash management tool. Although the aggregate balance of these retail repurchase agreements is subject to variation, the account relationships represented by these balances are principally local. The balances of retail repurchase agreements were $28.5 million at September 30, 2024, compared to $42.4 million at December 31, 2023, a decrease of $13.9 million or 33%.

Other borrowings, which include a swap margin payable account, was $17.7 million at September 30, 2024, compared to $58.6 million at December 31, 2023, a decrease of $41.0 million or 70%. Swap margin payable was $17.7 million at September 30, 2024, compared to $44.8 million at December 31, 2023, a decrease of $27.2 million or 61%.

HTLF extended its revolving credit line agreement with an unaffiliated bank on September 14, 2024. This revolving credit line agreement, which has $100.0 million of borrowing capacity, is included in borrowings, and the primary purpose of this credit line agreement is to provide liquidity. No advances occurred on this line during the first nine months of 2024, and the outstanding balance was $0 at both September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023. The credit agreement contains specific financial covenants which HTLF complied with as of September 30, 2024.


The outstanding balances of term debt net of discount and issuance costs amortization as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, in thousands:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023Change% Change
Trust preferred securities$150,010 $149,288 $722 — %
Contracts payable— 80 (80)(100)
Subordinated notes223,314 223,028 286 — 
Total$373,324 $372,396 $928 — %

A schedule of HTLF's trust preferred securities outstanding excluding deferred issuance costs as of September 30, 2024, is as follows, in thousands:
Interest Rate as
of 9/30/2024(1)
Heartland Financial Statutory Trust IV$10,310 03/17/20042.75% over LIBOR7.95%03/17/203412/17/2024
Heartland Financial Statutory Trust V20,619 01/27/20061.33% over LIBOR6.8904/07/203601/07/2025
Heartland Financial Statutory Trust VI20,619 06/21/20071.48% over LIBOR6.6909/15/203712/15/2024
Heartland Financial Statutory Trust VII18,042 06/26/20071.48% over LIBOR6.7609/01/203712/01/2024
Morrill Statutory Trust I9,534 12/19/20023.25% over LIBOR8.1712/26/203212/26/2024
Morrill Statutory Trust II9,282 12/17/20032.85% over LIBOR8.0512/17/203312/17/2024
Sheboygan Statutory Trust I6,944 09/17/20032.95% over LIBOR8.1509/17/203312/17/2024
CBNM Capital Trust I4,645 09/10/20043.25% over LIBOR8.4612/15/203412/15/2024
Citywide Capital Trust III6,702 12/19/20032.80% over LIBOR8.3212/19/203301/23/2025
Citywide Capital Trust IV4,569 09/30/20042.20% over LIBOR7.5609/30/203411/23/2024
Citywide Capital Trust V12,818 05/31/20061.54% over LIBOR6.7507/25/203612/15/2024
OCGI Statutory Trust III3,033 06/27/20023.65% over LIBOR9.2109/30/203212/30/2024
OCGI Capital Trust IV5,610 09/23/20042.50% over LIBOR7.7112/15/203412/15/2024
BVBC Capital Trust II7,389 04/10/20033.25% over LIBOR8.7604/24/203301/24/2025
BVBC Capital Trust III9,894 07/29/20051.60% over LIBOR6.4709/30/203512/30/2024
Total trust preferred securities$150,010      
(1) Effective weighted average interest rate as of September 30, 2024, was 7.88%.


The Federal Reserve Board, which supervises bank holding companies, has adopted capital adequacy guidelines that are used to assess the adequacy of capital of a bank holding company. Under Basel III, HTLF will be required to hold a conservation buffer above the adequately capitalized risk-based capital ratios; however, the transition provisions related to the conservation buffer have been extended indefinitely.

The most recent notification from the FDIC categorized HTLF and HTLF Bank as well capitalized under the regulatory framework for prompt corrective action. There are no conditions or events since that notification that management believes have changed the categorization of any of these entities.

HTLF's capital ratios are calculated in accordance with Federal Reserve Board instructions and are required regulatory financial measures. The following table illustrates the capital ratios and the Federal Reserve Board's current capital adequacy guidelines for the dates indicated, in thousands. Although the capital conservation buffer requirement transition provisions have been extended indefinitely, the table below also indicates the fully-phased in capital conservation buffer requirements.

(to Risk-
Tier 1
(to Risk-
Common Equity
Tier 1
(to Risk-
Tier 1
(to Average Assets)
September 30, 202416.34 %13.44 %12.66 %10.77 %
Minimum capital requirement8.00 6.00 4.50 4.00 
Well capitalized requirement10.00 8.00 6.50 5.00 
Minimum capital requirement, including fully-phased in capital conservation buffer10.50 8.50 7.00 N/A
Risk-weighted assets$14,316,449 $14,316,449 $14,316,449 N/A
Average assetsN/AN/AN/A$17,859,033 
December 31, 202314.53 %11.69 %10.97 %9.44 %
Minimum capital requirement8.00 6.00 4.50 4.00 
Well capitalized requirement10.00 8.00 6.50 5.00 
Minimum capital requirement, including fully-phased in capital conservation buffer10.50 8.50 7.00 N/A
Risk-weighted assets$15,399,653 $15,399,653 $15,399,653 N/A
Average assetsN/AN/AN/A$19,082,733 

Retained earnings available for the payment of dividends to HTLF from HTLF Bank totaled approximately $900.0 million and $743.3 million at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively, under the most restrictive minimum capital requirements. Retained earnings available for the payment of dividends to HTLF from HTLF Bank while remaining above the well capitalized levels totaled approximately $615.1 million and $436.9 million at September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively. These dividends are the principal source of funds to pay dividends on HTLF's common and preferred stock and to pay interest and principal on its debt.

As of September 30, 2024, management believes regulatory capital ratio buffers would withstand any changes in regulatory rules that require the inclusion of unrealized losses in the total investment portfolio and remain well capitalized.

On June 26, 2020, HTLF issued and sold 4.6 million depositary shares, each representing a 1/400th interest in a share of 7.00% Fixed-Rate Reset Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series E. The depositary shares are listed on The Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol "HTLFP." If declared, dividends are paid quarterly in arrears at a rate of 7.00% per annum beginning on October 15, 2020. For the dividend period beginning on the first reset date of July 15, 2025, and for dividend periods beginning every fifth anniversary thereafter, each a reset date, the rate per annum will be reset based on a recent five-year treasury rate plus 6.675%. The earliest redemption date for the preferred shares is July 15, 2025. Dividends payable on common shares are subject to quarterly dividends payable on these outstanding preferred shares at the applicable dividend rate.

On August 8, 2022, HTLF filed a universal shelf registration statement with the SEC to register debt or equity securities. This shelf registration statement, which was effective immediately, provides HTLF with the ability to raise capital, subject to market conditions and SEC rules and limitations, if the board of directors decides to do so. This registration statement permits HTLF, from time to time, in one or more public offerings, to offer debt securities, subordinated notes, common stock, preferred stock, depositary shares, warrants, rights or units of any combination of these securities. The amount of securities that may be offered was not specified in the registration statement, and the terms of any future offerings are to be established at the time of the offering. The registration statement expires on August 8, 2025.


Commitments and Contractual Obligations
Commitments to extend credit are agreements to lend to a customer as long as there is no violation of any condition established in the contract. Commitments generally have fixed expiration dates or other termination clauses and may require payment of a fee. Since many of the commitments are expected to expire without being drawn upon, the total commitment amounts do not necessarily represent future cash requirements. HTLF Bank evaluates the creditworthiness of customers to which they extend a credit commitment on a case-by-case basis and may require collateral to secure any credit extended. The amount of collateral obtained is based upon management's credit evaluation of the customer. Collateral held varies, but may include accounts receivable, inventory, property, plant and equipment and income-producing commercial properties. Standby letters of credit and

financial guarantees are conditional commitments issued by HTLF Bank to guarantee the performance of a customer to a third party. Those guarantees are primarily issued to support public and private borrowing arrangements. The credit risk involved in issuing letters of credit is essentially the same as that involved in extending loan facilities to customers. At September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, commitments to extend credit totaled $3.95 billion and $4.62 billion, respectively. Standby letters of credit totaled $41.5 million at September 30, 2024, and $56.4 million at December 31, 2023.

At September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, HTLF Bank had $783.4 million and $917.0 million, respectively, of standby letters of credit with the respective FHLB to secure public funds and municipal deposits.

Contractual obligations and other commitments were disclosed in HTLF's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. There have been no material changes to HTLF's contractual obligations and other commitments since the Annual Report on Form 10-K was filed.

There are certain legal proceedings pending against HTLF and its subsidiaries at September 30, 2024, that are ordinary routine litigation incidental to business.

Derivative Financial Instruments
HTLF considers and uses derivative financial instruments as part of its interest rate risk management strategy, which may include interest rate swaps, fair value hedges, risk participation agreements, caps, floors and collars. In the first quarter of 2023, HTLF terminated cash flow hedges that were effectively converting $500.0 million of variable rate loans to fixed rate loans. In the second and third quarter of 2023, HTLF continued the strategy of using derivatives by entering into fair value hedges to manage the exposure to changes in the fair value on $2.5 billion of our loan portfolio and $838.1 million of our investment portfolio. See "2024 Developments" for the subsequent event regarding the termination of the interest rate swaps designated as fair value hedges. See Note 6 to the consolidated financial statements included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for additional information on derivative financial instruments.


Liquidity refers to the ability to maintain a cash flow that is adequate to meet maturing obligations and existing commitments, to withstand fluctuations in deposit levels, to fund operations and to provide for customers’ credit needs. The liquidity of HTLF principally depends on cash flows from operating activities, investment in and maturity of assets, changes in balances of deposits and borrowings and its ability to borrow funds in the money or capital markets.

At September 30, 2024, HTLF had $588.4 million of cash and cash equivalents, time deposits in other financial institutions of $1.1 million and securities carried at fair value of $4.06 billion. Management expects the securities portfolio to produce principal cash flows of approximately $752.6 million over the next twelve months.

Management of investing and financing activities, and market conditions, determine the level and the stability of net interest cash flows. Management attempts to mitigate the impact of changes in market interest rates to the extent possible, so that balance sheet growth is the principal determinant of growth in net interest cash flows.

HTLF Bank's FHLB membership gives management the ability to borrow funds for short- and long-term purposes under a variety of programs. Borrowing balances depend on commercial cash management and smaller correspondent bank relationships and, as a result, will normally fluctuate. Management believes these balances to be stable sources of funds and has tested drawing on these sources. In the event of short-term liquidity needs, HTLF Bank may purchase federal funds from correspondent banks and may also borrow from the Federal Reserve Bank.

Additional funding is provided by term debt and borrowings. As of September 30, 2024, HTLF had $373.3 million of term debt outstanding, which is an important funding source because of its multi-year borrowing structure.

HTLF's current liquidity strategy includes using overnight borrowings and reducing wholesale deposits. The use of overnight borrowings provides flexibility to make repayments on demand. As of September 30, 2024, pledged securities totaled $3.47 billion. As of September 30, 2024, approximately $1.41 billion of securities remained available to pledge.

The following table shows the source of funding, balance outstanding and available borrowing capacity as of September 30, 2024, dollars in thousands:
As of September 30, 2024
Federal Reserve Discount Window$— $2,062,746 
Bank Term Funding Program500,000 — 
Federal Home Loan Bank — 1,762,914 
Federal Funds — 265,000 
Wholesale deposits/brokered CDs388,951 3,252,091 
Total$888,951 $7,342,751 

HTLF strives to fund loan growth with the least expensive source of deposits, sales of securities or borrowings. Excluding any sales which management may pursue from time to time, the securities portfolio is expected to produce principal cash flows of approximately $752.6 million over the next twelve months, which could be used to fund loan growth, as well as reduce wholesale deposits. Additionally, growing customer deposits will continue to be a focus. HTLF offers the ICS and CDARS products accessed through the Intrafi network of financial institutions, which helps to reduce the amount of pledged securities.

On a consolidated basis, HTLF maintains a large balance of short-term securities that, when combined with cash from operations, management believes are adequate to meet its funding obligations.

At the parent company level, routine funding requirements consist primarily of dividends paid to stockholders, debt service on revolving credit arrangements and trust preferred securities, repayment requirements under other debt obligations and payments for acquisitions. The parent company obtains the funding to meet these obligations from dividends paid by HTLF Bank and the issuance of debt and equity securities.

At September 30, 2024, the parent company had cash of $312.2 million. Additionally, HTLF has a revolving credit agreement with an unaffiliated bank, which was extended most recently on September 14, 2024. The revolving credit agreement has $100.0 million of maximum borrowing capacity, of which none was outstanding at September 30, 2024. This credit agreement contains specific financial covenants, all of which HTLF complied with as of September 30, 2024.

The ability of HTLF to pay dividends to its stockholders depends upon dividends paid to HTLF by HTLF Bank. HTLF Bank is subject to statutory and regulatory restrictions on the amount they may pay in dividends. To maintain acceptable capital ratios at HTLF Bank, certain portions of their retained earnings are not available for the payment of dividends.

HTLF has filed a universal shelf registration statement with the SEC that provides HTLF the ability to raise both debt and capital, subject to SEC rules and limitations, if HTLF's board of directors decides to do so. This registration statement expires in August 2025.

Management believes that cash on hand, cash flows from operations and cash availability under existing borrower programs and facilities will be sufficient to meet any recurring and additional operating cash needs in 2024.


Market risk is the risk of loss arising from adverse changes in market prices and rates, including the risk that our net income will be materially impacted by changes in interest rates. HTLF's market risk is comprised primarily of interest rate risk resulting from HTLF Bank's core banking activities of lending and deposit gathering.

HTLF uses an interest rate management process to measure market risk and manage exposure within policy limits approved by the HTLF Board of Directors. Exposure to market risk is reviewed on a regular basis by HTLF Bank’s Asset/Liability Committee as well as HTLF's and HTLF Bank's management and Board of Directors.

HTLF's balance sheet market risk profile is measured and reviewed at least quarterly. As part of the review, interest rate sensitivity analysis is performed, which simulates changes in net interest income in response to various hypothetical interest rate scenarios capturing asset and liability pricing mismatches over a one-year and two-year time horizon. Increasing net interest income in a rising rate environment would indicate that asset-related income will increase faster than liability-related expense over the simulation period.

The core interest rate risk analysis utilized by HTLF examines the balance sheet under many interest rate scenarios including shocks, ramps, yield curve twists, market-based, as well as those that may be deemed extreme or highly unlikely. We use a net interest income ("NII") simulation model to measure the estimated changes in NII that would result over various time horizons from immediate and sustained changes in interest rates. This model is an interest rate risk management tool, and the results are not necessarily an indication of our future net interest income. The model has inherent limitations, and these results are based on a given set of rate changes and assumptions at a point in time. Key assumptions in the analysis include balance sheet growth, product mix-shift, the repricing behavior of interest-bearing deposits (i.e., deposit betas), behavior of deposits with indeterminate maturities, prepayment assumptions on financial instruments with embedded options such as loans and investment securities, as well as cash flow reinvestment assumptions.

The base scenario assumes a static balance sheet and static interest rates as of September 30, 2024, no changes to product mix shift and cash flow reinvestment at current market interest rates. HTLF also assumes a correlation, referred to as a deposit beta, with respect to interest-bearing deposits, as the rates paid to deposit holders change at a different pace when compared with changes in average benchmark interest rates. Generally, time deposits are assumed to have a high correlation, while other interest-bearing accounts are assumed to have a lower correlation. The model assumes interest-bearing deposits reprice at 51% and total deposits reprice at 38% in an up rate scenario and that interest-bearing deposits reprice at 50% and total deposits reprice at 37% in a down rate scenario, as compared to the change in benchmark interest rates. The majority of our loans are variable rate and are assumed to reprice in accordance with their contractual terms. Some loans and investment securities include the opportunity of prepayment (embedded options) and the simulation model uses prepayment assumptions to estimate these accelerated cash flows and reinvests the proceeds at current simulated yields Changes that could vary significantly from HTLF's assumptions include loan and deposit growth or contraction, loan and deposit pricing, changes in the mix of earning assets or funding sources, and future asset/liability management decisions, all of which may have significant effects on our net interest income.

Key assumptions are monitored at least annually or as needed, as part of the sensitivity analysis and back testing framework. When appropriate and applicable assumptions are recalibrated taking into consideration, among other factors, the impact of a full interest rate cycle on the balance sheet. In 2023, HTLF recalibrated certain prepayment assumptions and updated cash flow characteristics. None of the changes were material to the simulation model.

The following table presents the most recent simulation of net interest income at September 30, 2024, in thousands. The interest rate scenarios assume parallel instantaneous changes to interest rate levels by 100 and 200 basis points.

 Net Interest
% Change
From Base
Year 1 
Down 200 Basis Points$492,378 (17.89)%
Down 100 Basis Points542,233 (9.58)
Up 100 Basis Points653,164 8.92 
Up 200 Basis Points705,189 17.59 
Year 2
Down 200 Basis Points$492,041 (20.98)%
Down 100 Basis Points554,579 (10.94)
Up 100 Basis Points674,641 8.34 
Up 200 Basis Points721,074 15.80 

As of September 30, 2024, HTLF's through the cycle deposit beta (calculated by taking the change in company deposit rates compared to the benchmark federal funds target rate over a period of time) for customer deposits was approximately 36% for all customer deposits and 39% including both customer and wholesale and institutional deposits. As of September 30, 2024, HTLF's through the cycle beta excluding noninterest-bearing accounts was approximately 50% for customer deposits and 53% including both customer and wholesale and institutional deposits. As of December 31, 2023, HTLF's through the cycle beta for customer deposits was approximately 31% for all customer deposits and 37% including both customer and wholesale and institutional deposits. As of December 31, 2023, HTLF's through the cycle beta excluding noninterest-bearing accounts was approximately 45% for customer deposits and 51% including both customer and wholesale and institutional deposits. HTLF compares actual deposit betas to the betas utilized in the net interest margin simulation models to monitor model performance and to monitor our deposits in comparison with market competition. Management also uses deposit betas to understand the risk to net interest income in various interest rate environments.

We use derivative financial instruments to manage the impact of changes in interest rates on our future interest income or interest expense. We are exposed to credit-related losses in the event of nonperformance by the counterparties to these derivative instruments but believe we have minimized the risk of these losses by entering into the contracts with large, stable financial institutions. The estimated fair market values of these derivative instruments are presented in Note 7 to the consolidated financial statements.

We enter into financial instruments with off balance sheet risk in the normal course of business to meet the financing needs of our customers. These financial instruments include commitments to extend credit and standby letters of credit. These instruments involve, to varying degrees, elements of credit and interest rate risk in excess of the amount recognized in the consolidated balance sheets. Commitments to extend credit are agreements to lend to a customer as long as there is no violation of any condition established in the contract relating to the commitment. Commitments generally have fixed expiration dates and may require collateral from the borrower. Standby letters of credit are conditional commitments issued by HTLF to guarantee the performance of a customer to a third-party up to a stated amount and with specified terms and conditions. These commitments to extend credit and standby letters of credit are not recorded on the balance sheet until the loan is made or the letter of credit is issued.


Based on an evaluation, as of the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, under the supervision and with the participation of management, including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer have concluded that:
HTLF's disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) and Rule 15d-15(e) promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) were effective.
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, there have been no changes in internal controls over financial reporting (as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the internal controls over financial reporting.



There are certain legal proceedings pending against HTLF and its subsidiaries at September 30, 2024, that are ordinary routine litigation incidental to HTLF's business.


For information regarding factors that could affect the Company's results of operations, financial condition and liquidity, see the risk factors disclosed in the "Risk Factors" section in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and Quarterly Reports filed on Form 10-Q for the quarters ended March 31, 2024 and June 30, 2024.


On March 17, 2020, the board of directors authorized management to acquire and hold up to 5% of capital or $101.5 million as of September 30, 2024, as treasury shares at any one time. HTLF and its affiliated purchasers made no purchases of its common stock during the quarter ended September 30, 2024.




Not applicable




101Financial statement formatted in Inline Extensible Business Reporting Language: (i) the Consolidated Balance Sheets, (ii) the Consolidated Statements of Income, (iii) the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income, (iv) the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, (v) the Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity, and (vi) the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
104Cover page formatted in Inline Extensible Business Reporting Language
(1) Filed or furnished herewith


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned there unto duly authorized.

/s/ Bruce K. Lee
By: Bruce K. Lee
President and Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer and Duly Authorized Officer)
/s/ Kevin L. Thompson
By: Kevin L. Thompson
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial Officer and Duly Authorized Officer)
/s/ Janet M. Quick
By: Janet M. Quick
Executive Vice President and Deputy Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Accounting Officer and Duly Authorized Officer)
Dated: November 8, 2024