Rebecca R. Eckert
(502) 329-2000
毛利润增长48%; 营业收入、每股收益和订单上升
肯塔基州路易斯维尔市(2024年11月12日) – Sypris Solutions, Inc. (纳斯达克/GM: SYPR) 今日报告了截至2024年9月29日的第三季度财务业绩。
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本季度营业收入同比增长6.2%,其中Sypris Electronics增长13.6%,Sypris Technologies增长0.7%。订单同比增长6.5%,年初至今同比增长13.4%,反映出两家业务均取得了积极增长。 |
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公司毛利润较去年同期增长48.0%,按顺序增长6.0%,而毛利率分别扩大了480个基点和90个基点。 |
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每股收益增至0.02美元,高于去年同期每股收益0.03美元的亏损,以及按顺序每股收益0.00美元。 |
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Sypris Electronics的营业收入增长了13.6%,反映了最近宣布与为电子战、海底通信、飞机和导弹航空电子市场提供服务的客户签订合同的积极影响。订单同比增长了14.2%。 |
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Sypris Technologies的毛利润同比激增150.9%,环比增长34.6%,毛利率分别扩大了1,130个基点和360个基点。能源产品订单同比增长了11.8%。 |
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在本季度,Sypris Technologies宣布与全球最大商用车制造商之一达成了长期独家供应协议的延长。该协议规定了Sypris的Ultra®轮轴轴套的继续使用,用于大中型货车的组件中。 |
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公司更新了2024年全年展望,预计营业收入同比增长10%,位于之前指导的较低端,这是由于今年三个Sypris Electronics项目出现了暂时性生产延迟。我们仍然预计毛利率将增加100-125个基点。 |
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“We were pleased with the year-over-year revenue growth at Sypris Electronics,” commented Jeffrey t. Gill, President and Chief Executive Officer. “The backlog at Sypris Electronics exceeds $10000万 and is expected to support growth through the remainder of 2024 and beyond. Customer funding has already been secured for a significant portion of these key programs, which enables us to procure inventory under multi-year purchase orders to mitigate future supply chain issues.
“Demand from Sypris Technologies customers serving the automotive, commercial vehicle, sport utility and off-highway markets has remained relatively stable, with new product line shipments offsetting the anticipated cyclical decline for the commercial vehicle market. We believe that the market diversification Sypris Technologies has accomplished over recent years by adding new programs in the automotive, sport-utility and off-highway markets will help offset some of this decline.
“Orders for our energy products increased during the period, and additional opportunities for growth may exist with new global projects in support of increasing LNG demand. We are also actively pursuing applications for our products in adjacent markets including CO2 capture to further diversify our industry and customer portfolios.”
Sypris Technologies
Sypris Technologies的营业收入为2024年第三季度1950万美元,而去年同期为1930万美元,反映出期间能源出货增加,部分抵消商用车市场的周期性下降。2024年第三季度毛利润为370万美元,占营业收入的18.8%,而2023年同期为150万美元,占营业收入的7.5%。2024年第三季度的毛利润受到有利产品结构和有利汇率的影响。
Sypris Electronics
Sypris Electronics的营业收入为2024年第三季度1620万美元,而去年同期为1420万美元。对接续项目的增加出货促使营收增长。2024年第三季度的毛利润为230万美元,占营业收入的14.3%,而2023年同期为260万美元,占营业收入的18.1%,主要是由于新项目产生的额外人工和间接成本以及产品结构不利。
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关于Sypris Solutions
Sypris Solutions是一家多元化制造和工程服务公司,为国防、运输、通信和能源行业提供服务。有关Sypris Solutions的更多信息,请访问其网站: www.sypris.com.
本新闻稿包含 “声明” statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements include our plans and expectations of future financial and operational performance. Each forward-looking statement herein is subject to risks and uncertainties, as detailed in our most recent Form 10-k and Form 10-Q and other SEC filings. Briefly, we currently believe that such risks also include the following: the fees, costs and supply of, or access to, debt, equity capital, or other sources of liquidity; our failure to achieve and maintain profitability on a timely basis by steadily increasing our revenues from profitable contracts with a diversified group of customers, which would cause us to continue to use existing cash resources or require us to sell assets to fund operating losses; volatility of our customers’ forecasts and our contractual obligations to meet current scheduling demands and production levels, which may negatively impact our operational capacity and our effectiveness to integrate new customers or suppliers, and in turn cause increases in our inventory and working capital levels; the termination or non-renewal of existing contracts by customers; dependence on, retention or recruitment of key employees and highly skilled personnel and distribution of our human capital; risks of foreign operations, including foreign currency exchange rate risk exposure, which could impact our operating results; cost, quality and availability or lead times of raw materials such as steel, component parts (especially electronic components), natural gas or utilities including increased cost relating to inflation; the cost, quality, timeliness, efficiency and yield of our operations and capital investments, including the impact of inflation, tariffs, product recalls or related liabilities, employee training, working capital, production schedules, cycle times, scrap rates, injuries, wages, overtime costs, freight or expediting costs; unanticipated or uninsured product liability claims, disasters, public health crises, losses or business risks; our failure to successfully complete final contract negotiations with regard to our announced contract “订单”, “wins” 或 “奖项”我们对几个关键客户、第三方供应商和子供应商的依赖;延误或减少可能由于长时间持续决议或美国政府关闭而导致的支出减少,从而降低Sypris Electronics提供产品和服务的支出;新技术的不利影响或其他竞争压力,增加我们的成本或侵蚀我们的利润率;以可接受条件和足够覆盖范围提供保险的成本和供应;特别是在我们的Toluca工厂发生机器和设备故障、迁移或更换时的费用;遵守审计、监管或合同义务的费用;养老金评估、医疗保健或其他福利成本;我们对来自石油和汽车市场客户的收入依赖,消费者对减少与温室气体排放相关的环境影响和提高车辆燃油经济性的压力不断增加;我们未能成功赢得新业务或开发新产品或改进现有产品,或未能为我们的产品开拓新市场;战争、地缘政治冲突、恐怖主义或政治不确定性,或因俄乌战争或以色列和加沙冲突而导致的干扰,包括因国际制裁、外汇波动和其他经济影响而产生的;库存估值风险,包括手头原材料或零部件的过多、或过时估值或价格侵蚀,或其他潜在的资产或递延成本的减值、不可收回或摊销;劳工关系;罢工;工会谈判;涉及政府、供应商、客户、员工、债权人、股东、产品责任、保修或环境索赔的争议或诉讼;未能充分投保或确定产品责任、环境或其他可保险风险;与先前拥有的物业相关的环境索赔的费用;我们未能为我们的发明或其他知识产权充分申请专利或保护,以免受潜在竞争者影响,这可能会严重影响我们在选择市场中的竞争能力;许可证、安全许可、或其他法律权利相关的变化,以及在所需时运营、管理我们的工作人员或导入和出口;网络安全威胁和中断,包括针对我们的系统以及我们与进行业务往来的第三方供应商和其他方的勒索软件攻击,所有这些在地缘冲突和其他不确定性事件,如乌克兰冲突中可能更为突出;全职会计人员的成本和可用性,具有技术会计知识以执行、审查和批准财务报表结算和报告过程的所有方面;我们维持纳斯达克上市标准最低收盘出价价格合规的能力;拥有我们普通股的相关风险,包括波动加剧;对公共卫生紧急情况的潜在公共政策反应,包括美国或外国政府的立法或限制可能影响我们的运营或供应链;或未知的风险和不确定性。除法律要求外,我们不承担更新前瞻性声明的义务。
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sypris solutions, 公司。 |
财务亮点 |
(以千为单位,每股金额除外) |
截至三个月 |
九月二十九日, |
10月1日, |
2024 |
2023 |
(未经审计) |
收入 |
$ | 35,657 | $ | 33,581 | ||||
净利润(损失) |
$ | 390 | $ | (555 | ) | |||
每股普通股收益(亏损): |
基本 |
$ | 0.02 | $ | (0.03 | ) | |||
摊薄 |
$ | 0.02 | $ | (0.03 | ) | |||
加权平均股数: |
基本 |
22,088 | 21,880 | ||||||
摊薄 |
22,415 | 21,880 |
截至九个月 |
九月二十九日, |
10月1日, |
2024 |
2023 |
(未经审计) |
收入 |
$ | 106,731 | $ | 101,488 | ||||
净亏损 |
$ | (1,815 | ) | $ | (517 | ) | ||
每股普通股亏损: |
基本 |
$ | (0.08 | ) | $ | (0.02 | ) | ||
摊薄 |
$ | (0.08 | ) | $ | (0.02 | ) | ||
加权平均股数: |
基本 |
22,011 | 21,848 | ||||||
摊薄 |
22,011 | 21,848 |
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Sypris解决方案公司。 |
截至2020年6月30日和2019年6月30日三个月和六个月的营业额 |
(以千为单位,除每股数据外) |
截至三个月 |
截至九个月 |
九月二十九日, |
10月1日, |
九月二十九日, |
10月1日, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
(未经审计) |
(未经审计) |
净营业收入: |
Sypris Technologies |
$ | 19,469 | $ | 19,337 | $ | 55,660 | $ | 58,895 | ||||||||
赛普莱斯电子 |
16,188 | 14,244 | 51,071 | 42,593 | ||||||||||||
总净收入 |
35,657 | 33,581 | 106,731 | 101,488 | ||||||||||||
销售成本: |
赛普莱斯科技 |
15,808 | 17,878 | 47,229 | 52,790 | ||||||||||||
赛普莱斯电子 |
13,870 | 11,663 | 44,998 | 35,827 | ||||||||||||
销售总成本 |
29,678 | 29,541 | 92,227 | 88,617 | ||||||||||||
毛利润: |
赛普莱斯科技 |
3,661 | 1,459 | 8,431 | 6,105 | ||||||||||||
Sypris Electronics |
2,318 | 2,581 | 6,073 | 6,766 | ||||||||||||
总毛利润 |
5,979 | 4,040 | 14,504 | 12,871 | ||||||||||||
销售、一般及行政费用 |
4,250 | 4,170 | 12,876 | 11,619 | ||||||||||||
营业利润(亏损) |
1,729 | (130 | ) | 1,628 | 1,252 | |||||||||||
利息费用,净额 |
546 | 127 | 1,468 | 531 | ||||||||||||
其他费用,净额 |
246 | 199 | 781 | 783 | ||||||||||||
税前收入(亏损) |
937 | (456 | ) | (621 | ) | (62 | ) | |||||||||
所得税费用,净额 |
547 | 99 | 1,194 | 455 | ||||||||||||
净利润(损失) |
$ | 390 | $ | (555 | ) | $ | (1,815 | ) | $ | (517 | ) | |||||
每股普通股收益(亏损): |
基本 |
$ | 0.02 | $ | (0.03 | ) | $ | (0.08 | ) | $ | (0.02 | ) | |||||
摊薄 |
$ | 0.02 | $ | (0.03 | ) | $ | (0.08 | ) | $ | (0.02 | ) | |||||
每股普通股宣布的分红派息 |
$ | - | $ | - | $ | - | $ | - | ||||||||
加权平均股数: |
基本 |
22,088 | 21,880 | 22,011 | 21,848 | ||||||||||||
摊薄 |
22,415 | 21,880 | 22,011 | 21,848 |
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Sypris解决方案公司。 |
合并资产负债表 |
(以千为单位,除股份数据外) |
九月二十九日, |
2023年12月31日, |
2024 |
2023 |
(未经审计) |
(备注) |
资产 | ||||||||
流动资产: |
现金及现金等价物 |
$ | 8,215 | $ | 7,881 | ||||
应收账款,净额 |
12,373 | 8,929 | ||||||
存货净额 |
67,333 | 77,314 | ||||||
其他流动资产 |
11,457 | 9,743 | ||||||
总流动资产 |
99,378 | 103,867 | ||||||
物业、厂房和设备,净值 |
13,914 | 17,133 | ||||||
经营租赁使用权资产 |
4,012 | 3,309 | ||||||
其他资产 |
4,309 | 5,033 | ||||||
总资产 |
$ | 121,613 | $ | 129,342 | ||||
负债和股东权益 |
流动负债: |
应付账款 |
$ | 22,630 | $ | 26,737 | ||||
应计负债 |
50,813 | 56,232 | ||||||
经营租赁负债,当前部分 |
882 | 1,068 | ||||||
融资租赁负债,流动部分 |
1,467 | 1,327 | ||||||
设备融资债务,流动部分 |
522 | 618 | ||||||
营运资本信用额度 |
500 | 500 | ||||||
应付票据-关联方,流动部分 |
2,000 | - | ||||||
总流动负债 |
78,814 | 86,482 | ||||||
经营租赁负债,净值超过流动资产 |
3,552 | 2,642 | ||||||
融资租赁负债,扣除流动部分净额 |
1,133 | 1,852 | ||||||
设备融资义务净额,不含当前部分 |
959 | 1,333 | ||||||
应付票据-关联方,净额不含当前部分 |
6,984 | 6,484 | ||||||
其他负债 |
11,999 | 8,082 | ||||||
总负债 |
103,441 | 106,875 | ||||||
股东权益: |
优先股,每股面值$0.01,授权发行975,150股; 未发行股份 |
- | - | ||||||
优先股A系列,每股面值$0.01,授权发行24,850股; 未发行任何股份 |
- | - | ||||||
普通股,无表决权,每股面值$0.01,授权发行10,000,000股; 未发行任何股份 |
- | - | ||||||
普通股,每股面值$0.01,授权发行30,000,000股; 2024年发行23,041,523股,流通股份为23,022,010股,2023年发行22,465,485股,流通股份为22,459,649股 |
230 | 224 | ||||||
追加实收资本 |
156,772 | 156,242 | ||||||
累积赤字 |
(118,747 | ) | (116,932 | ) | ||||
累计其他综合损失 |
(20,083 | ) | (17,067 | ) | ||||
库藏股,2024年19,513股,2023年5,835股 |
- | - | ||||||
股东权益总额 |
18,172 | 22,467 | ||||||
总负债和股东权益 |
$ | 121,613 | $ | 129,342 |
注意:2023年12月31日的资产负债表是根据该日期的审计合并财务报表推导而来,但不包括美国普遍接受的会计原则需要的所有信息和附注,以形成完整的财务报表。 |
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Sypris解决方案公司。 |
合并现金流量表 |
(以千为单位) |
截至九个月 |
九月二十九日, |
10月1日, |
2024 |
2023 |
(未经审计) |
经营活动现金流量: |
净亏损 |
$ | (1,815 | ) | $ | (517 | ) | ||
调整为净损失到经营活动现金流量净使用: |
折旧和摊销 |
2,449 | 2,392 | ||||||
递延所得税 |
39 | (56 | ) | |||||
基于股票的薪酬费用 |
660 | 615 | ||||||
Deferred loan costs amortized |
6 | 3 | ||||||
超额和过时库存条款 |
591 | (22 | ) | |||||
非现金租赁费用 |
898 | 667 | ||||||
其他非现金项目 |
413 | 178 | ||||||
养老金计划的捐赠 |
(580 | ) | (10 | ) | ||||
运营资产和负债的变化: |
应收账款 |
(3,606 | ) | (2,845 | ) | ||||
存货 |
8,642 | (34,146 | ) | |||||
预付款和其他资产 |
(2,116 | ) | (464 | ) | ||||
应付账款 |
(3,986 | ) | 7,841 | |||||
应计负债及其他负债 |
(1,903 | ) | 18,195 | |||||
用于经营活动的净现金 |
(308 | ) | (8,169 | ) | ||||
投资活动现金流量: |
资本支出 |
(666 | ) | (1,890 | ) | ||||
投资活动中使用的净现金 |
(666 | ) | (1,890 | ) | ||||
融资活动的现金流: |
设备融资义务收益 |
430 | 210 | ||||||
营运资金信用额度所得款项 |
- | 500 | ||||||
与他方应付款项的款项来源 |
2,500 | - | ||||||
金融租赁义务的本金支付 |
(1,006 | ) | (845 | ) | ||||
设备融资债务的本金偿还 |
(471 | ) | (387 | ) | ||||
关于应付票据-关联方的本金偿还 |
- | (2,500 | ) | |||||
间接回购股份以支付最低法定税款 |
(127 | ) | (104 | ) | ||||
筹集资金的净现金流量 |
1,326 | (3,126 | ) | |||||
汇率变动对现金余额的影响 |
(18 | ) | (54 | ) | ||||
现金及现金等价物的净增加(减少) |
334 | (13,239 | ) | |||||
期初现金及现金等价物余额 |
7,881 | 21,648 | ||||||
期末现金及现金等价物 |
$ | 8,215 | $ | 8,409 |
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