10 13.56 2,499 13.99 24.39 24.88 0 0 2.1 6.5 4 3.9 3 1.2 4 3.8 7 5.9 18 14.8 0 0 在对 Motapa 进一步审查后,旧废料储存设施(先前包括在复修责任)中,并不在喀里多尼亚索偿区内。后来,该仓库设施被排除在复康责任足迹之外。如需详细资讯,请参阅注 20。 Caledonia 向 Blanket Mine 和 Bilboes 60 岁以上的指定员工授予自愿性付款,作为退休福利,预计在 2024 财政年度将导致预期流出 2.100 万美元(不包括未受影响的股份支付奖励)。集团相关退休金被分类为行政开支。 消耗品商店包括一笔金额($1,793)(2023 年 12 月 31 日:(1,793 美元)),用于预备与目前使用中的工厂和设备不兼容的物品的过时库存。 Caledonia 的一位顾问于 2024 年 6 月 14 日签署其期权行使通知,以每股期权股 7.35 美元的行使价购买 5,000 股。该股份于 2024 年 7 月 5 日发行,当他的付款收到喀里多尼亚的银行账户中。 另外,由于矿山寿命(「LoM」)估计的变化为 2041 年,因为停运资产的估计变动为 722 元(2023 年:1,962 元)。 便利贷款被视为股权工具,因此不被视为应收贷款。 该太阳能发电厂于 2023 年 2 月 2 日完全启用,并签订了卡莱多尼亚矿业股份有限公司与喀里多尼亚矿业服务(私人)有限公司销售该太阳能发电厂的销售协议。太阳能发电厂的折旧已于 2023 年 2 月 2 日开始,加勒多尼亚矿业服务(私人)有限公司与全面矿山之间的电力购买协议生效。从 2023 年 9 月 28 日起,该太阳能发电厂被归类为持有待售。 2022 年 12 月,喀里多尼亚董事会批准了一项建议,让 Caledonia 矿业服务(私人)有限公司(拥有太阳能发电厂)根据贷款票据工具(「债券」)发行最高价值 12 亿美元的贷款票据。该决定是为了优化集团的资本结构,并为津巴布韦金融市场提供额外的债务工具。有关这些贷款票据的更多资讯,请参阅注 21.1。 估计的变化是由于全面矿山的 Lom 延长至 2041 年(即包括推断资源,并根据管理层对 Lom 的最佳估计,包括最新钻井结果的内部估计为基础)。 中介汇款税(「IMTT」)在津巴布韦在以电子方式或任何其他方式转账实体货币时征收税,每次在津巴布韦进行的交易收取 2%。 截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日的黄金工作进度余额为 1,320 盎司(2023 年 12 月 31 日:3,057 盎司)。 在对 Motapa 进一步审查后,旧废料储存设施(先前包括在复修责任)中,并不在喀里多尼亚索偿区内。后来,太岭仓库被排除在复修责任足迹之外。 根据 IAS19 雇员福利计算。 00007660112024-01-012024-09-30 ISO417: 美元 00007660112024-07-012024-09-30 00007660112023-07-012023-09-30 00007660112023-01-012023-09-30 ISO417: 美元xbrli: 股份 00007660112024-09-30 00007660112023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:发行资本成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-全部:交易差异保留在转换成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:资本保留会员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:股份支付保留会员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:保留资格成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-全部:家长成员之股权资本持有人2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:非控制权益成员2022-12-31 00007660112022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:发行资本成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-全部:交易差异保留在转换成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:资本保留会员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:股份支付保留会员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:保留资格成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-全部:家长成员之股权资本持有人2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:非控制权益成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:发行资本成员2023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-全部:交易差异保留在转换成员2023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:资本保留会员2023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:股份支付保留会员2023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:保留资格成员2023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-全部:家长成员之股权资本持有人2023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:非控制权益成员2023-09-30 00007660112023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:发行资本成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-全部:交易差异保留在转换成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:资本保留会员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:股份支付保留会员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:保留资格成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-全部:家长成员之股权资本持有人2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:非控制权益成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:发行资本成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-全部:交易差异保留在转换成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:资本保留会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:股份支付保留会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:保留资格成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-全部:家长成员之股权资本持有人2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:非控制权益成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:发行资本成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-全部:交易差异保留在转换成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:资本保留会员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:股份支付保留会员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:保留资格成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-全部:家长成员之股权资本持有人2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:非控制权益成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 期限贷款成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 期限贷款成员2023-07-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 期限贷款成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 期限贷款成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 摩塔名称2024-07-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 摩塔名称2023-07-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 摩塔名称2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 摩塔名称2023-01-012023-09-30 00007660112024-06-30 00007660112023-06-30 xbrli: 纯 00007660112012-02-202012-02-20 0000766011CMCL: 无成员2012-02-202012-02-20 0000766011CMCL: 弗雷米罗成员2012-02-202012-02-20 0000766011CMCL: 投注会员2012-02-202012-02-20 0000766011CMCL: 社区信任成员2012-02-202012-02-20 00007660112017-06-23 00007660112017-06-232017-06-23 0000766011CMCL: 投注会员2024-01-012024-06-30 00007660112012-02-20 00007660112020-01-20 00007660112018-11-052018-11-05 xbrli: 股份 00007660112020-01-202020-01-20 0000766011CMCL: 无成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 无成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 无成员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 社区信任成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 社区信任成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 社区信任成员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 投注会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 投注会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 投注会员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 设施贷款成员IFRS-完整:股份支付保留会员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 设施贷款成员IFRS-完整:股份支付保留会员2022-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 设施贷款成员IFRS-完整:股份支付保留会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 设施贷款成员IFRS-完整:股份支付保留会员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 设施贷款成员IFRS-完整:股份支付保留会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 设施贷款成员IFRS-完整:股份支付保留会员2023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 比尔博斯金会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 比尔博斯金会员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 货币津巴布韦黄金 ZIG 成员2024-04-05 0000766011CMCL: 货币津巴布币转换为黄金 ZIG 成员2024-04-05 0000766011CMCL: 货币津巴布韦黄金 ZIG 成员2024-09-26 0000766011CMCL: 货币津巴布韦黄金 ZIG 成员2024-09-27 0000766011CMCL: 货币津巴布韦黄金 ZIG 成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 货币津巴布韦黄金 ZIG 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 货币津巴布尔特格斯成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011SRT: 其他货币成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 货币津巴布尔特格斯成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011SRT: 其他货币成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 总收款手提款相应成员CMCL: 扎尔会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 总收款手提款相应成员CMCL: 美元成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 美元计价现金会员CMCL: 扎尔会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 美元计价现金会员CMCL: 美元成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: ZIG 计价现金会员CMCL: 扎尔会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: ZIG 计价现金会员CMCL: 美元成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 英镑兑现金会员CMCL: 扎尔会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 英镑兑现金会员CMCL: 美元成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:交易和其他可收款单位成员CMCL: 扎尔会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:交易和其他可收款单位成员CMCL: 美元成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:交易及其他可付款单位成员CMCL: 扎尔会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:交易及其他可付款单位成员CMCL: 美元成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 计价的应收款项和应付款项成员CMCL: 扎尔会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 计价的应收款项和应付款项成员CMCL: 美元成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 收款手提款所需 1 个会员CMCL:货币风险增强成员百分之四十五2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 贸易及其他可收款项成员CMCL:货币风险增强成员百分之四十五2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 交易及其他付款会员CMCL:货币风险增强成员百分之四十五2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:货币风险增强成员百分之四十五2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 收款手提款所需 1 个会员CMCL: 货币风险减少 45% 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 贸易及其他可收款项成员CMCL: 货币风险减少 45% 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 交易及其他付款会员CMCL: 货币风险减少 45% 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 货币风险减少 45% 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:下部分月份CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整资料:国际标准CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:下部分月份CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整资料:国际标准CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 生产成本成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 生产成本成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:下部分月份CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整资料:国际标准CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩:二零二零二年一月成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩:二零二零二年一月成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:二零二一年一月成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:二零二一年一月成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:二零二二年一月成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:二零二二年一月成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011商业委员会:2023 年 4 月成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011商业委员会:2023 年 4 月成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:二零二零二一年一月一一一一日CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:二零二零二一年一月一一一一日CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011产品分类:2021 年 5 月 14 日会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011产品分类:2021 年 5 月 14 日会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:六月一二零二一年度成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:六月一二零二一年度成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:六月一四二零二一年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:六月一四二零二一年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩:2021 年 9 月 6 日会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩:2021 年 9 月 6 日会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩:二零二零二一年九月成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩:二零二零二一年九月成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011产品分类:十月一二零二一年度会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011产品分类:十月一二零二一年度会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011产品编号:十月一一一一二零二一年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011产品编号:十月一一一一二零二一年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011商业委员会:十一月一二二二零二一年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011商业委员会:十一月一二二二零二一年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011中国标准委员会:十二月 12021 年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011中国标准委员会:十二月 12021 年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:二零二二年一月一一一一零二年度CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:二零二二年一月一一一一零二年度CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:一月一二二二二二年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:一月一二二二二二年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成员:五月一三日二零二年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成员:五月一三日二零二年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:六月一二二年度成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:六月一二二年度成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩:七月一二二二年度会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩:七月一二二二年度会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011产品分类:十月一二二二二年度会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011产品分类:十月一二二二二年度会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:四月 72023 年会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:四月 72023 年会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成立名称:五月 152023 年会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成立名称:五月 152023 年会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:六月 12023 年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:六月 12023 年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:六月 72023 年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:六月 72023 年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011产品分类:八月 102023 年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011产品分类:八月 102023 年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩:九月一二零二三年度会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩:九月一二零二三年度会员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011产品编号:三百三十二三年十月成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011产品编号:三百三十二三年十月成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:四月八日二零二四成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:四月八日二零二四成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:六月 102024 年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:六月 102024 年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩单位:六月一七二四年度成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩单位:六月一七二四年度成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011总成绩:七月一二零二四年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011总成绩:七月一二零二四年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011商业分类:八月 122024 年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011商业分类:八月 122024 年成员CMCL: 效能共用单位 PSUS 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:下部分月份CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整资料:国际标准CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 生产成本成员CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 生产成本成员CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2022-01-24 0000766011CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2023-04-07 0000766011CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2024-04-08 0000766011CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2024-05-13 0000766011CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2022-01-242022-01-24 0000766011CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2023-04-072023-04-07 0000766011CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2024-04-082024-04-08 0000766011CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2024-05-132024-05-13 雷之塔:物品 0000766011CMCL: 股权清算限制股份单位成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 股权清算限制股份单位成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 股权清算限制股份单位成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 太阳能标注成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 太阳能标注成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 可调节目标记2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 可调节目标记2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 比尔博斯金会员2022-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 摩塔名称2022-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 恶意成员2022-12-31 0000766011CMCL: GG 成员2022-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 萨比瓦明2022-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 阿伯康会员2022-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 情人节月2022-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 比尔博斯金会员2023-01-012023-12-31 00007660112023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 摩塔名称2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 恶意成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: GG 成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 萨比瓦明2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 阿伯康会员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 情人节月2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 比尔博斯金会员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 摩塔名称2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 恶意成员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: GG 成员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 萨比瓦明2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 阿伯康会员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 情人节月2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 比尔博斯金会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 摩塔名称2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 恶意成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: GG 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 萨比瓦明2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 阿伯康会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 情人节月2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 比尔博斯金会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 摩塔名称2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 恶意成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: GG 成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 萨比瓦明2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 阿伯康会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 情人节月2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:土地及建筑成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整资产:资产权成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:开采资产成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 资产建造和停用资产成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 植物和设备成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:设备和配件成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:机动车成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 太阳能植物成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:土地及建筑成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整资产:资产权成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:开采资产成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 资产建造和停用资产成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 植物和设备成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:设备和配件成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:机动车成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 太阳能植物成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:土地及建筑成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整资产:资产权成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:开采资产成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 资产建造和停用资产成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 植物和设备成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:设备和配件成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:机动车成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 太阳能植物成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:土地及建筑成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整资产:资产权成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:开采资产成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 资产建造和停用资产成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 植物和设备成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:设备和配件成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:机动车成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 太阳能植物成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:土地及建筑成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整资产:资产权成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:开采资产成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 资产建造和停用资产成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 植物和设备成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:设备和配件成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员IFRS-完整:机动车成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员CMCL: 太阳能植物成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:总承担金额成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:建筑进行成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:建筑进行成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:土地及建筑成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整资产:资产权成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:开采资产成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 资产建造和停用资产成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 植物和设备成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:设备和配件成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:机动车成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 太阳能植物成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员2022-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:土地及建筑成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整资产:资产权成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:开采资产成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 资产建造和停用资产成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 植物和设备成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:设备和配件成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:机动车成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 太阳能植物成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:土地及建筑成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整资产:资产权成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:开采资产成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 资产建造和停用资产成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 植物和设备成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:设备和配件成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:机动车成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 太阳能植物成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:土地及建筑成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整资产:资产权成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:开采资产成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 资产建造和停用资产成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 植物和设备成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:设备和配件成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:机动车成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 太阳能植物成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:土地及建筑成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整资产:资产权成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:开采资产成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 资产建造和停用资产成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 植物和设备成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:设备和配件成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员IFRS-完整:机动车成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员CMCL: 太阳能植物成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:累积折旧摊销和配对成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:土地及建筑成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整资产:资产权成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:开采资产成员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 资产建造和停用资产成员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 植物和设备成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:设备和配件成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:机动车成员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 太阳能植物成员2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:土地及建筑成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整资产:资产权成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:开采资产成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 资产建造和停用资产成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 植物和设备成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:设备和配件成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:机动车成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 太阳能植物成员2024-09-30 总量:盎司 0000766011CMCL: 南非营运会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 南非营运会员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子CMCL: 货币美元成员CMCL: 津巴布韦营运会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子CMCL: 货币美元成员CMCL: 津巴布韦营运会员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子CMCL: 货币津巴布韦黄金 ZIG 成员CMCL: 津巴布韦营运会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子CMCL: 货币津巴布韦黄金 ZIG 成员CMCL: 津巴布韦营运会员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子CMCL: 货币津巴布尔特格斯成员CMCL: 津巴布韦营运会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子CMCL: 货币津巴布尔特格斯成员CMCL: 津巴布韦营运会员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL:中央银行成员的超出支机制2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:斯坦比克银行会员超出牌设施2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 定期贷款租车银行每月2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:环保银行成员超出草设施2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 内德银行津巴布月2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子2023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:非流动资产或出售集团分类为销售月份CMCL: 遮罩子2023-09-282023-09-28 0000766011IFRS-完整:非流动资产或出售集团分类为销售月份IFRS-全部:出售主要附属公司成员CMCL: 加勒多尼亚矿业服务私人委员会员2024-10-012024-10-01 0000766011IFRS-完整:非流动资产或出售集团分类为销售月份IFRS-全部:出售主要附属公司成员CMCL: 加勒多尼亚矿业服务私人委员会员2024-10-01 0000766011IFRS-全部:普通股成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:优惠股票成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:发行资本成员CMCL: 给员工会员的付款2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:发行资本成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011CMCL: 比尔博斯金有限公司资产IFRS-完整:发行资本成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011IFRS-完整:发行资本成员CMCL: 给员工会员的付款2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:发行资本成员CMCL: 股权计算绩效单位组成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-全部:普通股成员IFRS-完整:发行资本成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-全部:普通股成员IFRS-完整:发行资本成员2024-06-142024-06-14 0000766011CMCL:关于停用的修复和复修费用的供应2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL:关于停用的修复和复修费用的供应2022-12-31 0000766011CMCL:关于停用的修复和复修费用的供应2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:关于停用的修复和复修费用的供应2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011CMCL:关于停用的修复和复修费用的供应2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:解除服务恢复和复康成本的规定:福尔马利格林和比尔博成员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL:解除服务恢复和复康成本的规定:福尔马利格林和比尔博成员2022-12-31 0000766011CMCL:复原和复修费用的预备工作2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:复原和复修费用的预备工作2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011CMCL:解除服务恢复和复康成本的准备表单一致成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:解除服务恢复和复康成本的准备表单一致成员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011CMCL:比尔博集团成员的解除服务复原和复修费用的准备2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:比尔博集团成员的解除服务复原和复修费用的准备2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011CMCL:解除服务恢复和复康成本的规定:福尔马利格林和比尔博成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:解除运营恢复和复修费用的规定成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:解除运营恢复和复修费用的规定成员2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL:比尔博集团成员的解除服务复原和复修费用的准备2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:比尔博集团成员的解除服务复原和复修费用的准备2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL:复原和复修费用的预备工作2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:复原和复修费用的预备工作2023-12-31 0000766011CMCL:解除服务恢复和复康成本的准备表单一致成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL:解除服务恢复和复康成本的准备表单一致成员2023-12-31 0000766011产品管理系统:太阳能贷款注释 2023 年 2 月 3 日会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011产品管理系统:太阳能贷款注释 2023 年 2 月 3 日会员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 摩塔名称2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 摩塔名称2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011产品管理系统:太阳能贷款注释 2023 年 2 月 3 日会员2024-09-30 0000766011产品管理系统:太阳能贷款注释 2023 年 2 月 3 日会员2023-12-31 0000766011产品管理系统:太阳能贷款注释 2023 年 2 月 3 日会员2023-02-02 外线:Y 0000766011产品管理系统:太阳能贷款注释 2023 年 2 月 3 日会员2023-02-022023-02-02 0000766011产品管理系统:太阳能贷款注释 2023 年 2 月 3 日会员CMCL: 加勒多尼亚矿业服务私人委员会员2023-12-31 0000766011产品管理系统:太阳能贷款注释 2023 年 2 月 3 日会员CMCL: 加勒多尼亚矿业服务私人委员会员2022-12-31 0000766011产品管理系统:太阳能贷款注释 2023 年 2 月 3 日会员CMCL: 加勒多尼亚矿业服务私人委员会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011产品管理系统:太阳能贷款注释 2023 年 2 月 3 日会员CMCL: 加勒多尼亚矿业服务私人委员会员2023-01-012023-12-31 0000766011产品管理系统:太阳能贷款注释 2023 年 2 月 3 日会员CMCL: 加勒多尼亚矿业服务私人委员会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 南非营运会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 比尔博斯金会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 评估和调查资产成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:排除金额成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:材料协调项目成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 南非营运会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 比尔博斯金会员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 评估和调查资产成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:排除金额成员2024-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:材料协调项目成员2024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 南非营运会员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 比尔博斯金会员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:排除金额成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:材料协调项目成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 遮罩子2023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 南非营运会员2023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 比尔博斯金会员2023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 评估和调查资产成员2023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:排除金额成员2023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-完整:材料协调项目成员2023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 评估和调查资产成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 真实打印机成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 真实打印机成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: AEG会成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: AEG会成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 史东金融有限公司会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0000766011CMCL: 史东金融有限公司会员2023-01-012023-09-30 0000766011IFRS-全部:主要资产成员购买CMCL: 投入选项 1 成员2024-10-04 0000766011IFRS-全部:主要资产成员购买CMCL: 投入选项 1 成员2024-10-042024-10-04 0000766011CMCL:分配给业主成员2024-11-012024-11-30

Exhibit 99.1


Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc




To the Shareholders of Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc:


Management has prepared the information and representations in this interim report. The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements of Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) have been prepared in accordance with IFRS Accounting Standards, as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IFRS”) and, where appropriate, these statements include some amounts that are based on best estimates and judgment. Management has determined such amounts on a reasonable basis in order to ensure that the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects.


The accompanying Management Discussion and Analysis (“MD&A”) also includes information regarding the impact of current transactions, sources of liquidity, capital resources, operating trends, risks and uncertainties. Actual results in the future may differ materially from our present assessment of this information because future events and circumstances may not occur as expected.


The Group maintains adequate systems of internal accounting and administrative controls, within reasonable cost. Such systems are designed to provide reasonable assurance that relevant and reliable financial information are produced.


Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal controls over financial reporting (“ICOFR”). Any system of ICOFR, no matter how well designed, has inherent limitations. Therefore, even those systems determined to be effective can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to financial statement preparation and presentation.


At September 30, 2024 management evaluated the effectiveness of the Group’s ICOFR and concluded that such ICOFR was effective based on the criteria outlined in the Internal Control Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission.


The Board of Directors, through its Audit Committee, is responsible for ensuring that management fulfills its responsibilities for financial reporting and internal control. The Audit Committee is composed of four independent non-executive directors. This Committee meets periodically with management, the external auditor and internal auditor to review accounting, auditing, internal control and financial reporting matters.


These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements have not been audited by the Group’s independent auditor.


The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the period ended September 30, 2024 were approved by the Board of Directors and signed on its behalf on November 11, 2024.


(Signed) J.M. Learmonth (Signed) C.O. Goodburn
Chief Executive Officer   Chief Financial Officer






Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


For the


Three months ended


Nine months ended


September 30,


September 30,















      46,868   41,187   135,503   107,653 


      (2,422)  (2,207)  (6,831)  (5,650)

Production costs

  6   (21,085)  (20,452)  (60,505)  (61,028)


  13   (4,048)  (4,385)  (12,106)  (10,049)

Gross profit

      19,313   14,143   56,061   30,926 

Net foreign exchange loss

  7   (3,129)  (257)  (9,282)  (2,334)

Administrative expenses

  8   (3,954)  (2,889)  (10,229)  (11,890)

Net derivative financial instrument expense

      (20)  (102)  (496)  (590)

Equity-settled share-based expense

  9.2   (279)  (233)  (785)  (564)

Cash-settled share-based expense

  9.1   (422)  (27)  (479)  (298)

Other expenses

  10   (2,814)  (701)  (4,078)  (2,800)

Other income

      16   62   365   127 

Operating profit

      8,711   9,996   31,077   12,577 

Finance income

  11   7   21   16   30 

Finance cost

  11   (831)  (529)  (2,360)  (2,362)

Profit before tax

      7,887   9,488   28,733   10,245 

Tax expense

      (4,600)  (3,777)  (12,281)  (8,552)

Profit for the period

      3,287   5,711   16,452   1,693 

Other comprehensive income


Items that are or may be reclassified to profit or loss


Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations

      629   (79)  663   (778)

Total comprehensive income for the period

      3,916   5,632   17,115   915 

Profit (loss) attributable to:


Owners of the Company

      2,267   4,506   12,827   (1,036)

Non-controlling interests

      1,020   1,205   3,625   2,729 

Profit for the period

      3,287   5,711   16,452   1,693 

Total comprehensive income attributable to:


Owners of the Company

      2,896   4,427   13,490   (1,814)

Non-controlling interests

      1,020   1,205   3,625   2,729 

Total comprehensive income for the period

      3,916   5,632   17,115   915 

Earnings (loss) per share


Basic earnings (loss) per share ($)

      0.12   0.24   0.66   (0.07)

Diluted earnings (loss) per share ($)*

      0.12   0.24   0.66   (0.07)


* Diluted earnings (loss) per share restated for September 2023 (polaris.brighterir.com/public/caledonia_mining/news/rns_tool/story/xe153zw).


The accompanying notes on pages 6 to 29 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


On behalf of the Board: “J.M. Learmonth”- Chief Executive Officer and “C.O. Goodburn”- Chief Financial Officer.




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Consolidated statements of financial position

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)




September 30,


December 31,


As at










Exploration and evaluation assets

  12   95,830   94,272 

Property, plant and equipment

  13   183,663   179,649 

Deferred tax asset

      310   153 

Total non-current assets

      279,803   274,074 

Income tax receivable

      70   1,120 


  14   22,732   20,304 

Derivative financial assets


Trade and other receivables

  15   9,651   9,952 


  16   6,717   2,538 

Cash and cash equivalents

  17   7,204   6,708 

Assets held for sale

  18   13,483   13,519 

Total current assets

      59,857   54,229 

Total assets

      339,660   328,303 

Equity and liabilities


Share capital

  19   165,408   165,068 


      139,029   137,819 

Retained loss

      (58,407)  (63,172)

Equity attributable to shareholders

      246,030   239,715 

Non-controlling interests

      25,834   24,477 

Total equity

      271,864   264,192 



Deferred tax liabilities

      6,101   6,131 


  20   9,562   10,985 

Loans and borrowings - long term portion


Loan notes - long term portion

  21   8,282   6,447 

Cash-settled share-based payment - long term portion

  9.1   583   374 

Lease liabilities - long term portion

      8   41 

Total non-current liabilities

      26,307   23,978 

Cash-settled share-based payment - short term portion

  9.1   1,081   920 

Income tax payable

      2,244   10 

Lease liabilities - short term portion

      94   167 

Loan notes - short term portion

  21   855   665 

Trade and other payables

  22   22,278   20,503 

Overdraft and term loans

  17   14,839   17,740 

Liabilities associated with assets held for sale

  18   98   128 

Total current liabilities

      41,489   40,133 

Total liabilities

      67,796   64,111 

Total equity and liabilities

      339,660   328,303 


The accompanying notes on pages 6 to 29 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Consolidated statements of changes in equity

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)






Share capital


Foreign currency translation reserve


Contributed surplus


Equity-settled share-based payment reserve


Retained loss




Non-controlling interests (NCI)


Total equity


Balance December 31, 2022

      83,471   (9,787)  132,591   14,997   (50,222)  171,050   22,409   193,459 

Transactions with owners:


Dividends declared

      -   -   -   -   (8,752)  (8,752)  (1,512)  (10,264)

Share-based payments:


- Shares issued on settlement of incentive plan awards

  9.1   351   -   -   -   -   351   -   351 

- Equity-settled share-based expense

  9.2   -   -   -   564   -   564   -   564 

Shares issued:


- Equity raise (net of transaction cost)

  19   15,658   -   -   -   -   15,658   -   15,658 

- Bilboes acquisition

      65,677   -   -   -   -   65,677   -   65,677 

Total comprehensive income:

      -   -   -   -   -             

(Loss) profit for the period

      -   -   -   -   (1,036)  (1,036)  2,729   1,693 

Other comprehensive income for the period

      -   (778)  -   -   -   (778)  -   (778)

Balance at September 30, 2023

      165,157   (10,565)  132,591   15,561   (60,010)  242,734   23,626   266,360 

Balance December 31, 2023

      165,068   (10,409)  132,591   15,637   (63,172)  239,715   24,477   264,192 

Transactions with owners:


Dividends declared

      -   -   -   -   (8,062)  (8,062)  (2,268)  (10,330)

Share-based payments:


- Shares issued on settlement of incentive plan awards

  9   303   -   -   -   -   303   -   303 

- Equity-settled share-based expense

  9.2   -   -   -   547   -   547   -   547 

Shares issued:


- Options exercised

      37   -   -   -   -   37   -   37 

Total comprehensive income:


Profit for the period

      -   -   -   -   12,827   12,827   3,625   16,452 

Other comprehensive income for the period

      -   663   -   -   -   663   -   663 

Balance at September 30, 2024

      165,408   (9,746)  132,591   16,184   (58,407)  246,030   25,834   271,864 


Note   19                             


The accompanying notes on pages 6 to 29 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Consolidated statements of cash flows

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)




Three months ended September 30,


Nine months ended September 30,












Cash inflow from operations

  23   11,407   16,963   38,930   17,629 

Interest received

      7   21   16   30 

Finance costs paid

  25.1   (781)  (331)  (2,064)  (1,762)

Tax paid

  25.2   (6,042)  (2,158)  (8,318)  (4,504)

Net cash inflow from operating activities

      4,591   14,495   28,564   11,393 

Cash flows used in investing activities


Acquisition of property, plant and equipment

  25.3   (6,751)  (9,573)  (17,389)  (20,175)

Acquisition of exploration and evaluation assets

      (245)  (597)  (1,408)  (880)

Acquisition of put options

         (1)  (408)  (812)

Net cash used in investing activities

      (6,996)  (10,171)  (19,205)  (21,867)

Cash flows from financing activities


Dividends paid

  25.4   (3,430)  (2,801)  (9,062)  (8,118)

Payment of lease liabilities

      (39)  (36)  (114)  (108)

Shares issued – equity raise (net of transaction cost)

  19            15,658 

Proceeds from long term loans

      1      2,033    

Repayments of term loans

      (262)     (262)   

Loan notes - Motapa payment

         (563)     (7,250)

Loan notes - solar bond issue receipts (net of transaction cost)

  21         1,939   7,000 

Net cash (used in) from financing activities

      (3,730)  (3,400)  (5,466)  7,182 

Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents

      (6,135)  924   3,893   (3,292)

Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents

      (134)  (1,209)  (496)  (1,396)

Net cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period

      (1,366)  (2,907)  (11,032)  1,496 

Net cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period

      (7,635)  (3,192)  (7,635)  (3,192)


The accompanying notes on pages 6 to 29 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Reporting entity


Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc (“Caledonia” or the “Company”) is a company domiciled in Jersey, Channel Islands. The Company’s registered office address is B006 Millais House, Castle Quay, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands.


These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements as at and for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 are of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”). The Group’s primary involvement is in the operation of a gold mine and the exploration and development of mineral properties for precious metals.


Caledonia’s shares are listed on the NYSE American LLC stock exchange (symbol – “CMCL”). Depository interests in Caledonia’s shares are admitted to trading on AIM of the London Stock Exchange plc (symbol – “CMCL”). Caledonia listed on the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange (“VFEX”) (symbol – “CMCL”) on December 2, 2021. Caledonia voluntarily delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange (the “TSX”) on  June 19, 2020. After the delisting the Company remains a Canadian reporting issuer and has to comply with Canadian securities laws until it demonstrates that Canadian shareholders represent less than 2% of issued share capital.




Basis of preparation



Statement of compliance


These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting and do not include all the information required for full annual financial statements. Accordingly, certain information and disclosures normally included in the annual financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS Accounting Standards, as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IFRS”) have been omitted or condensed. Selected explanatory notes are included to explain events and transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in the financial position and performance of the Group since the last annual consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2023.



Basis of measurement


These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis except for:


cash-settled share-based payment arrangements measured at fair value on grant and re-measurement dates;


equity-settled share-based payment arrangements measured at fair value on the grant date; and


derivative financial assets measured at fair value.



Functional currency


These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are presented in United States Dollar (“$” or “US Dollars” or “USD”), which is also the functional currency of the Company. All financial information presented in US Dollars has been rounded to the nearest thousand, unless indicated otherwise. Refer to note 7 for changes to Zimbabwean real-time gross settlement, bond notes or bond coins (“RTGS$”), the Zimbabwe Gold (“ZiG”) and its effect on the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income.



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Use of accounting assumptions, estimates and judgements


In preparing these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements, management has made accounting assumptions, estimates and judgements that affect the application of the Group’s accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates. Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Changes in estimates are recognised prospectively. Key accounting assumptions, estimates and judgements applied in the preparation of the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements are consistent with those applied in the preparation of the audited annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023.




Material accounting policies


The same accounting policies and methods of computation, except as included below, have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements as compared to the Group’s annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023. In addition, the accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the Group.




Blanket Zimbabwe Indigenisation Transaction


On February 20, 2012 the Group announced it had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) with the Minister of Youth, Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment of the Zimbabwean Government pursuant to which the Group agreed that indigenous Zimbabweans would acquire an effective 51% ownership interest in the Zimbabwean company owning the Blanket Mine (also referred to herein as “Blanket” or “Blanket Mine” as the context requires) for a paid transactional value of $30.09 million. Pursuant to the above, members of the Group entered into agreements with each indigenous shareholder to transfer 51% of the Group’s ownership interest in Blanket Mine whereby it:


sold a 16% interest to the National Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Fund (“NIEEF”) for $11.74 million;

sold a 15% interest to Fremiro Investments (Private) Limited (“Fremiro”), which is owned by indigenous Zimbabweans, for $11.01 million;

sold a 10% interest to Blanket Employee Trust Services (Private) Limited (“BETS”) for the benefit of present and future managers and employees for $7.34 million. The shares in BETS are held by the Blanket Mine Employee Trust (“Employee Trust”) with Blanket Mine’s employees holding participation units in the Employee Trust; and

donated a 10% ownership interest to the Gwanda Community Share Ownership Trust (“Community Trust”). In addition, Blanket Mine paid a non-refundable donation of $1 million to the Community Trust.


The Group facilitated the vendor funding of these transactions which is repaid by way of dividends from Blanket Mine. 80% of dividends declared by Blanket Mine are used to repay such loans and the remaining 20% unconditionally accrues to the respective indigenous shareholders. Following a modification to the interest rate on June 23, 2017, outstanding balances on these facilitation loans attract interest at a rate of the lower of a fixed 7.25% per annum payable quarterly or 80% of the Blanket Mine dividend in the quarter. The timing of the loan repayments depends on the future financial performance of Blanket Mine and the extent of future dividends declared by Blanket Mine. The Group related facilitation loans were transferred as dividends in specie intra-group and now the loans and most of the interest thereon is payable to the Company.




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Blanket Zimbabwe Indigenisation Transaction (continued)


Accounting treatment


The directors of Caledonia Holdings Zimbabwe (Private) Limited (“CHZ”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, performed an assessment using the requirements of IFRS 10: Consolidated Financial Statements (IFRS 10). It was concluded that CHZ should consolidate Blanket Mine after the indigenisation. The subscription agreements with the indigenous shareholders have been accounted for accordingly as a transaction with non-controlling interests and as a share-based payment transaction.


The subscription agreements, concluded on February 20, 2012, were accounted for as follows:


Non-controlling interests (“NCI”) were recognised on the portion of shareholding upon which dividends declared by Blanket Mine will accrue unconditionally to equity holders as follows:



20% of the 16% shareholding of NIEEF;



20% of the 15% shareholding of Fremiro; and



100% of the 10% shareholding of the Community Trust.

This effectively means that NCI was initially recognised at 16.2% of the net assets of Blanket Mine, until the completion of the transaction with Fremiro, whereby the NCI reduced to 13.2% (see below).

The remaining 80% of the shareholding of NIEEF and Fremiro was recognised as NCI to the extent that their attributable share of the net asset value of Blanket Mine exceeds the balance on the facilitation loans, including interest.

The transaction with BETS is accounted for in accordance with IAS 19 Employee Benefits (profit sharing arrangement) as the ownership of the shares does not ultimately pass to the employees. The employees are entitled to participate in 20% of the dividends accruing to the 10% shareholding in Blanket Mine if they are employed at the date of such distribution. To the extent that 80% of the attributable dividends exceeds the balance on the BETS facilitation loan, they will accrue to the employees at the date of such declaration.

BETS is an entity effectively controlled and consolidated by Blanket Mine. Accordingly, the shares held by BETS are effectively treated as treasury shares in Blanket Mine and no NCI is recognised.


Fremiro purchase agreement


On November 5, 2018 the Company and Fremiro entered into a sale agreement for Caledonia to purchase Fremiro’s 15% shareholding in Blanket Mine. On January 20, 2020 all substantive conditions to the transaction were satisfied. The Company issued 727,266 shares to Fremiro for the cancellation of their facilitation loan and purchase of Fremiro’s 15% shareholding in Blanket Mine. The transaction was accounted for as a repurchase of a previously vested equity instrument. As a result, the Fremiro share of the NCI of $3,600 was derecognised, shares were issued at fair value, the share-based payment reserve was reduced by $2,247 and the Company’s shareholding in Blanket Mine increased to 64% on the effective date.




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Blanket Zimbabwe Indigenisation Transaction (continued)


Blanket Mines indigenisation shareholding percentages and facilitation loan balances





Effective interest & NCI recognised


NCI subject to facilitation loan


Balance of facilitation

loan #




September 30, 2024


December 31, 2023



  16%  3.2%  12.8%  7,139   8,489 

Community Trust

  10%  10.0%  0.0%      


  10%  -*   -*   3,866   4,908 
   36%  13.2%  12.8%  11,005   13,397 



The shares held by BETS are effectively treated as treasury shares (see above).


Accounted for under IAS19 Employee Benefits.


Facilitation loans are accounted for as equity instruments and are accordingly not recognised as loans receivable.


The balance on the facilitation loans is reconciled as follows:







Balance at January 1

  13,397   15,026 

Interest incurred

  440   259 

Dividends used to repay loan

  (2,832)  (1,888)

Balance at September 30

  11,005   13,397 




Production costs







Blanket Mine

  58,020   50,170 

Salaries and wages

  22,560   20,416 

Consumable materials

  18,940   16,485 

Electricity costs

  10,902   8,993 


  806   856 

Share-based expense (note 9)

  782   435 

On mine administration

  2,586   1,658 


  1,037   807 

Solar operations and maintenance services

  300   323 

Pre-feasibility exploration costs

  107   197 


  2,485   10,858 

Salaries and wages

  866   2,323 

Consumable materials

  584   7,079 

Electricity costs

  380   516 

Share-based expense (note 9)


On mine administration

  609   940 
   60,505   61,028 



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Net foreign exchange loss


The 2024 Monetary Policy Statement issued by the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (“RBZ”) on April 5, 2024, replaced the RTGS$ with a new currency that co-circulates with other foreign currencies in the Zimbabwean economy, named Zimbabwe Gold (“ZiG”). The ZiG was introduced at a rate of ZiG13.56:US$1 on April 5, 2024 and all RTGS$ balances were converted from RTGS$ to ZiG using an exchange rate of ZiG1: RTGS$2,499.


The official exchange rate of the ZiG weakened from ZiG13.99:US1 to ZiG:US$24.39 on September 27, 2024 and further weakened to ZiG24.88 on September 30, 2024 resulting in significant foreign exchange losses on the ZiG-denominated VAT and Bullion sales receivables (as indicated in the table below).


The retention threshold on gold receipts remained unchanged and gold producers continue to receive 75% of their revenues in US Dollars and the balance in ZiG. The table below illustrates the effect the weakening of the ZiG, RTGS$ and other foreign currencies had on the consolidated statement of profit or loss.























Unrealised foreign exchange (losses) gains

  (671)     (841)  (1,512)     1,648   829   2,477 

Taxation and VAT

  (328)        (328)     3,318      3,318 


  (343)     (841)  (1,184)     (1,670)  829   (841)

Realised foreign exchange (losses) gains

  (955)  (6,792)  (23)  (7,770)     (4,860)  49   (4,811)

Bullion sales receivable

  (368)  (1,437)     (1,805)     (2,526)     (2,526)

Cash and cash equivalents

  (2)  (3,006)  (23)  (3,031)     (278)  (5)  (283)

Taxation and VAT receivables

  (363)  (1,644)     (2,007)     (66)     (66)

Trade and other payables

  (222)  (705)     (927)     (1,990)  54   (1,936)

Net foreign exchange (losses) gains

  (1,626)  (6,792)  (864)  (9,282)     (3,212)  878   (2,334)



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Net foreign exchange loss (continued)


Sensitivity analysis


As a result of the Group’s monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies which is different to the functional currency of the underlying entities, the profit or loss and equity in the underlying entities could be affected by movements between the functional currency and the foreign currency. The table below indicates consolidated monetary assets/(liabilities) in the Group that have a different functional currency and foreign currency.







Functional currency




Cash and cash equivalents

  62   174 

USD denominated

  61   - 

ZiG denominated

  -   172 

GBP denominated

  1   2 

Trade and other receivables - ZiG denominated

  -   3,835 

Trade and other payables - ZiG denominated

  -   (358)
   62   3,651 


A strengthening of the ZiG to the US Dollar exchange rate by 45% will affect the cash flows, profit or loss and financial position (in USD) as indicated below, assuming all other variables remain constant for the period to September 30, 2024 or on the date as applicable.



ZiG strengthening by 45%


Consolidated statement of financial position:


Cash and cash equivalents


Trade and other receivables


Trade and other payables


Impact on the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income:


Foreign exchange gains




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Net foreign exchange loss (continued)


Sensitivity analysis (continued)


A weakening of the ZiG to the US Dollar exchange rate by 45% will affect the cash flows, profit or loss and financial position (in USD) as indicated below, assuming all other variables remain constant for the period to September 30, 2024 or on the date as applicable.



ZiG weakening by 45%


Consolidated statement of financial position:


Cash and cash equivalents


Trade and other receivables


Trade and other payables


Impact on the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income:


Foreign exchange losses





Administrative expenses







Investor relations

  364   492 

Audit fee

  182   211 

Advisory services fees

  1,289   4,104 

Listing fees

  441   677 

Directors fees – Company

  511   480 

Directors fees – Blanket

  53   42 

Employee costs

  5,592   4,262 

Employee costs – settlements group


Other office administration cost

  196   267 

Information technology and communication cost – Group related

  206   203 

Management liability insurance

  679   676 

Travel costs

  602   476 
   10,229   11,890 





Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Share-based payments



Cash-settled share-based payments


Restricted Share Units and Performance Units


Certain management and employees within the Group are granted Restricted Share Units (“RSUs”) and Performance Units (”PUs”) pursuant to provisions of the 2015 Omnibus Equity Incentive Compensation Plan (“OEICP”). All RSUs and PUs were granted and approved at the discretion of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.


RSUs vest three years after grant date given that the service conditions of the relevant employees have been fulfilled. The value of the vested RSUs is the number of RSUs vested multiplied by the fair market value of the Company’s shares, as specified by the OEICP, on the date of settlement.


PUs have a performance condition, determined on their grant date, based on gold production, average normalised controllable cost per ounce of gold, resource development at Blanket Mine, financing and construction of Bilboes sulphide project and a performance period of one to three years. The number of PUs that vest will be the relevant portion of the PUs granted multiplied by the performance multiplier, which will reflect the actual performance in terms of the performance conditions compared to expectations on the date of the award.


RSU holders are entitled to receive dividends over the vesting period. Such dividends will be reinvested in additional RSUs at the then applicable share price. PUs have rights to dividends only after they have vested.


RSUs and PUs allow for settlement of the vesting date value in cash or, subject to conditions, shares issuable at fair market value or a combination of both at the discretion of the unitholder.


The fair value of the RSUs at the reporting date was based on the Black Scholes option valuation model less the fair value of the expected dividends during the vesting period multiplied by the performance multiplier expectation. The fair value of the PUs at the reporting date was based on the Black Scholes option valuation model. At the reporting date it was assumed that there is a 95%-106% probability that the performance conditions will be met and therefore a 95%-106% (2023: 93%-100%) average performance multiplier was used in calculating the estimated liability.


The liability as at September 30, 2024 amounted to $1,664 ( December 31, 2023: $1,294). Included in the liability as at September 30, 2024 is an amount of $665 (2023: $435) that was expensed and classified as production costs; refer to note 6.


The cash-settled share-based expense for PUs for the period amounted to $479 (2023: $298). During the period PUs to the value of $83 were settled in share capital (net of employee tax) (2023: $351) with the employee tax portion recognised in profit or loss.



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Share-based payments (continued)



Cash-settled share-based payments (continued)


Restricted Share Units and Performance Units (continued)


The following assumptions were used in estimating the fair value of the cash-settled share-based payment liability on:



September 30, 2024


December 31, 2023






Risk free rate

  3.81%  3.88%

Fair value (USD)

  14.96   12.20 

Share price (USD)

  14.96   12.20 

Performance multiplier percentage

  95% - 106%  93-100%


  0.83   0.90 
January exercise price – 2020 awards (USD)  -   13.10 
January exercise price – 2021 awards (USD)  11.89   13.10 
January exercise price – 2022 awards (USD)  11.89   13.10 
April exercise price – 2023 awards (USD)  10.87   - 


Share units granted: 





Grant - January 11, 2021

  35,341   56,244 

Grant - May 14, 2021

  482   964 

Grant - June 1, 2021

  375   1,310 

Grant - June 14, 2021

  199   398 

Grant - September 6, 2021

  229   458 

Grant - September 20, 2021

  230   460 

Grant - October 1, 2021

  508   1,016 

Grant - October 11, 2021

  225   450 

Grant - November 12, 2021

  923   1,846 

Grant - December 1, 2021

  225   900 

Grant - January 11, 2022

  41,383   75,198 

Grant - January 12, 2022

  556   825 

Grant - May 13, 2022

  1,894   2,040 

Grant - June 1, 2022


Grant - July 1, 2022

  1,899   2,375 

Grant - October 1, 2022

  1,800   2,024 

Grant - April 7, 2023

  73,462   79,521 

Grant - May 15, 2023


Grant - June 1, 2023

  617   617 

Grant - June 7, 2023

  572   572 

Grant - August 10, 2023

  5,514   5,514 

Grant - September 1, 2023

  1,617   1,617 

Grant - October 3, 2023

  14,258   14,258 

Grant - April 8, 2024


Grant - June 10, 2024


Grant - June 17, 2024


Grant - July 1, 2024


Grant - August 12, 2024


Settlements/ terminations

  (154,510)  (68,171)

Total awards outstanding

  202,516   182,314 




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Share-based payments (continued)



Equity-settled share-based payments




PUs which are classified as equity-settled (i.e. there is no option to vest in cash) (“EPUs”) have a performance condition, determined on their grant date, based on gold production, average normalised controllable cost per ounce of gold, resource development at Blanket Mine, financing and construction of Bilboes sulphide project and a performance period of three years. The number of EPUs that vest will be the relevant portion of the EPUs granted multiplied by the performance multiplier, which will reflect the actual performance in terms of the performance conditions compared to expectations on the date of the award.


EPUs have rights to dividends only after they have vested.


The shares issued are subject to a minimum holding period of until at least the first anniversary of the EPUs vesting date. The fair value of the EPUs at the reporting date was based on the Black Scholes option valuation model less the fair value of the expected dividends during the vesting period multiplied by the performance percentage. At the reporting date it was assumed that there is a 47% - 105% probability that the performance conditions will be met and therefore a 47% - 105% performance multiplier was used in calculating the expense. The equity-settled share-based expense for EPUs as at September 30, 2024 amounted to $384 (2023:  $564). An amount of  $163 (2023: $Nil) was expensed and classified as production costs; refer to note 6.


The following assumptions were used in estimating the fair value of the equity-settled share-based payment that are in issue on:


Grant date


January 24, 2022


April 7, 2023


April 8, 2024


May 13, 2024


Number of units - remaining at reporting date

  113,693   80,773   125,433   14,771 

Share price (USD) - grant date

  11.50   16.91   10.95   10.01 

Fair value (USD) - grant date

  10.15   15.33   9.53   10.02 

Performance multiplier percentage at grant date

  100%  100%  100%  100%



Equity Restricted Share Units


RSUs which are classified as equity-settled (i.e. there is no option to vest in cash) (“ERSUs”) vest on the date as specified in the RSUs agreement given that the service conditions of the relevant employees have been fulfilled. The value of the vested RSUs is the number of RSUs vested multiplied by the fair market value of the Company’s shares, as specified by the OEICP, on the date of settlement.


ERSU holders are entitled to receive dividends over the vesting period. Such dividends will be reinvested in additional ERSUs at the then applicable share price. The fair value of the RSUs at the reporting date was based on the Black Scholes option valuation model less the fair value of the expected dividends during the vesting period multiplied by the performance multiplier expectation.



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Share-based payments (continued)



Equity-settled share-based payments (continued)


Equity Restricted Share Units (continued)


The following assumptions were used in estimating the fair value of the equity-settled share-based payment that are in issue on:


Grant date


May 13, 2024


Vesting date


September 30, 2024


Number of units - remaining at reporting date


Share price (USD) - grant date


Fair value (USD) - grant date


Performance multiplier percentage at grant date



The equity-settled share-based expense for ERSUs as at September 30, 2024 amounted to $401 (2023: $Nil). During the period ERSUs to the value of $220 were settled in share capital (net of employee tax) with the employee tax portion recognised in profit or loss.



Other expenses







Intermediated Money Transaction Tax*

  969   999 

Community and social responsibility cost

  988   923 

Retirement benefits @


Impairment of property, plant and equipment (note 13)

   4,078   2,800 



Intermediated Money Transfer Tax ("IMTT”) is tax chargeable in Zimbabwe on transfer of physical money, electronically or by any other means and charged at 2% per transaction performed in Zimbabwe.


Caledonia awarded discretionary payments to selected employees at Blanket Mine and Bilboes over 60 years of age as retirement benefits that are expected to result in an expected outflow of $2.1m in fiscal 2024 (excluding Share-based payment awards granted that remained unaffected). Group related retirements were classified as administrative expenses.




Finance income and finance cost







Finance income received - Bank

  16   30 

Unwinding of rehabilitation provision - Blanket (note 20)

  198   279 

Unwinding of rehabilitation provision - Solar


Finance cost - Leases

  7   15 

Finance cost - Overdraft and short term loans

  1,359   1,076 

Finance cost - Solar loan notes payable (note 21.1)

  624   373 

Finance cost - Motapa loan notes payable


Finance cost - Long term loans

   2,360   2,362 



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Exploration and evaluation assets



Bilboes Gold
















Balance at January 1, 2023

     7,844   5,626   3,723   294   27   65   17,579 

Acquisition costs:


- Bilboes Gold

  73,198                     73,198 

Decommissioning asset estimation adjustment

     1,466   152               1,618 

Exploration costs:


- Consumables and drilling

     903   102               1,005 

- Contractor

     2                  2 

- Labour

     377   111               488 

- Power

        7               7 

- Other

  375                     375 

Balance at December 31, 2023

  73,573   10,592   5,998   3,723   294   27   65   94,272 

Decommissioning asset estimation adjustment*

     (899)                 (899)

Exploration costs:


- Consumables and drilling

     1,266   19               1,285 

- Contractor

     14   5               19 

- Labour

     421      51            472 

- Power

     2   3               5 

- Other

  609   67                  676 

Balance at September 30, 2024

  74,182   11,463   6,025   3,774   294   27   65   95,830 



After further review of the Motapa claims the old tailings storage facility, previously included in the rehabilitation liability,  is not within the Caledonia claims area. The tailing storage facility was subsequently excluded from the rehabilitation liability footprint. Refer to note 20 for more information.



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Property, plant and equipment





and buildings


Right of

use assets


Mine development, infrastructure and other


Assets under construction and decommissioning assets



and equipment


Furniture and



Motor vehicles







Balance at January 1, 2023

  15,194   525   82,154   46,453   70,485   1,563   3,314   14,138   233,826 


           28,276   538   335   294   163   29,606 


        (872)     (36)           (908)


              (33)           (33)

Reallocate to assets held for sale

                       (14,301)  (14,301)

Reallocations between asset classes

  1,492      37,116   (39,099)  491             

Foreign exchange movement

     (24)     (2)     (37)  (3)     (66)

Balance at December 31, 2023

  16,686   501   118,398   35,628   71,445   1,861   3,605      248,124 


        128   15,151   790   53         16,122 


                 (3)  (128)     (131)

Reallocations between asset classes

        14,048   (13,504)  (544)            

Foreign exchange movement

     22      24      41   3      90 

Balance at September 30, 2024

  16,686   523   132,574   37,299   71,691   1,952   3,480      264,205 



Included in additions is the change in estimate for the decommissioning asset of ($722) (2023: $1,962) due to change in the Life of Mine (“LoM”) estimate to 2041.


The solar plant was fully commissioned on February 2, 2023 and the sale agreement between Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc and Caledonia Mining Services (Private) Limited was concluded for the sale of the solar plant.  Depreciation on the solar plant commenced on February 2, 2023 and the power purchase agreement, between Caledonia Mining Services (Private) Limited and Blanket Mine, became effective. From September 28, 2023 the solar plant is classified as held for sale.

In December 2022, the Caledonia board approved a proposal for Caledonia Mining Services (Private) Limited (which owns the solar plant) to issue loan notes pursuant to a loan note instrument (“bonds”) up to a value of $12 million. The decision was taken in order to optimise the capital structure of the Group and provide additional debt instruments to the Zimbabwean financial market. Refer to note 21.1 for more information on these loan notes.




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Property, plant and equipment (continued)


Accumulated depreciation and Impairment losses


Land and buildings


Right of

use assets


Mine development, infrastructure and other


Assets under construction and decommissioning assets


Plant and equipment


Furniture and fittings


Motor vehicles


Solar plant




Balance at January 1, 2023

  8,350   230   12,368   693   29,257   1,100   2,845      54,843 

Depreciation for the year

  1,012   124   5,459   93   6,573   185   258   782   14,486 

Accumulated depreciation for assets reallocated to assets held for sale

                       (782)  (782)

Accumulated depreciation impairments

        (21)     (10)           (31)

Foreign exchange movement

     (9)           (30)  (2)     (41)

Balance at December 31, 2023

  9,362   345   17,806   786   35,820   1,255   3,101      68,475 

Depreciation for the period

  830   95   5,345   70   5,471   131   164      12,106 


                 (2)  (95)     (97)

Foreign exchange movement

     20            35   3      58 

Balance at September 30, 2024

  10,192   460   23,151   856   41,291   1,419   3,173      80,542 

Carrying amounts


At December 31, 2023

  7,324   156   100,592   34,842   35,625   606   504      179,649 

At September 30, 2024

  6,494   63   109,423   36,443   30,400   533   307      183,663 



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)








December 31,


Consumable stores*

  21,508   18,001 

Gold in progress @

  1,224   2,303 
   22,732   20,304 



Included in consumables stores is an amount of ($1,793) ( December 31, 2023: ($1,793)) for provision for obsolete stock for items that are not compatible with plant and equipment currently in use.


Gold work in progress balance as at September 30, 2024 consists of 1,320 ounces ( December 31, 2023: 3,057 ounces).




Trade and other receivables





December 31,


Bullion sales receivable

  4,171   5,403 

VAT receivables

  5,234   4,259 

Deposits for stores, equipment and other receivables

  43   290 

Other financial assets

   9,651   9,952 


The carrying value of trade receivables is considered a reasonable approximation of fair value and are short term in nature. No provision for expected credit losses was recognised in the current or prior period as none of the debtors were past due and there has been no doubtful debt on debtors. Up to the date of approval of these financial statements all of the outstanding bullion sales receivable were settled in full. The Company allocated the VAT receivables equating to $1.8 million in the period against liabilities due for the period Quarterly Payment Dates (“QPD’s”) administrated by the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority.









December 31,


Caledonia Mining South Africa (Proprietary) Limited (“CMSA”) suppliers

  1,398   527 

Blanket Mine third party suppliers - USD

  2,196   808 

Blanket Mine third party suppliers - ZiG


Blanket Mine third party suppliers - RTGS$


Other prepayments

  327   265 
   6,717   2,538 



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Cash and cash equivalents





December 31,


Bank balances

  7,204   4,252 

Restricted cash


Cash and cash equivalents

  7,204   6,708 

Bank overdrafts and short term loans used for cash management purposes

  (14,839)  (17,740)

Net cash and cash equivalents

  (7,635)  (11,032)


  Loan initiated 












September 30, 2024

Overdraft facilities and term loans


Stanbic Bank - ZiG




June 2025


On demand


ZiG6.5 million



Stanbic Bank - USD


June 2024


June 2025


On demand


$4 million


$3.9 million



March 2024


March 2027


On demand


$3 million


$1.2 million

Ecobank - USD 


March 2024


February 2025


On demand


$4 million


$3.8 million

Nedbank Zimbabwe - USD 


April 2024


April 2025


On demand


$7 million


$5.9 million

        $18 million $14.8 million


Assets and liabilities associated with assets held for sale





December 31,


Non-current assets held for sale


Solar plant

  13,483   13,519 

Liabilities associated with assets held for sale


Site restoration liability

  98   128 


In the second quarter of 2023 management embarked on a marketing process to locate a buyer for the Company’s solar plant located next to Blanket Mine. Various offers were received and a counterparty with a non-binding offer was given exclusivity to further negotiate the sale of the plant after proving their ability to operate and fund solar plants of similar size and complexity in Africa. The offer was received from a reputable global renewable energy operator and management is in an advanced stage of executing agreements to sell the solar plant. It is proposed that the new owners will exclusively supply Blanket with electricity from the plant, on a take-or-pay basis and in doing so secure Blanket’s future power supply. This has the benefit of realising a cash profit on the sale of the plant and generate cash for reinvestment in our gold projects. In addition, management can focus on Caledonia’s core business of gold mining.


On September 28, 2023 the Board approved for management to negotiate the sale of the solar plant with the potential buyer. The assets were available for sale in their condition on September 28, 2023 and therefore met the criteria to be classified as held for sale.


Management determined the value of the solar plant as the lower of the fair value less cost to sell and the carrying amount. The proceeds of the disposal are expected to substantially exceed the carrying amount of the related net assets and accordingly no impairment losses have been recognised on the classification of the solar plant. The asset was classified as property, plant and equipment before the reclassification to assets held for sale.



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Assets and liabilities associated with assets held for sale (continued)


The change in estimate for the liability held for sale is mainly due to the Blanket Mine’s LoM that was extended to 2041 (that is inclusive of inferred resources and is based on an internal estimate representing management’s best estimate of the LoM inclusive of the latest drilling results).


Caledonia announced on October 1, 2024 that it has signed a conditional sale agreement for the entire issued share capital of its Zimbabwe subsidiary, Caledonia Mining Services (Private) Limited ("CMS"), which owns and operates the 12.2MWac solar plant that supplies power to Blanket Mine. CMS is to be sold to CrossBoundary Energy Holdings ("CBE") for $22.4 million, subject to the fulfilment of outstanding conditions precedent. The purchase consideration of $22.4 million is payable in cash, and the power generation of the solar plant will continue to be sold to Blanket Mine by way of a power purchase agreement. Upon completion of the sale, Caledonia will realise a pre-tax profit of $8.1 million on the $14.3 million construction cost of the solar plant.




Share capital




Unlimited number of ordinary shares of no par value.

Unlimited number of preference shares of no par value.


Issued ordinary shares


Number of fully paid shares




January 1, 2023

  12,833,126   83,471 

Shares issued:


- share-based payment - employees (note 9.1(a))

  24,389   351 

- equity raise

  1,207,514   15,569 

- Bilboes Gold Limited acquisition

  5,123,044   65,677 

December 31, 2023

  19,188,073   165,068 

Shares issued:


- share-based payment - employees (note 9.1(a))

  6,787   83 

- share-based payment - employees (note 9.2(b))

  14,694   220 

- options exercised*

  5,000   37 

September 30, 2024

  19,214,554   165,408 



A consultant of Caledonia signed his option exercise notice on June 14, 2024 to purchase 5,000 shares at the exercise price of $7.35 per option share.



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)





Site restoration


Site restoration relates to the estimated cost of closing down the mines and projects and represent the site and environmental restoration costs, estimated to be paid as a result of mining activities or previous mining activities. For the Blanket Mine site restoration costs are capitalised in property, plant and equipment with an increase in the provision at the net present value of the estimated future and inflated cost of site rehabilitation. Subsequently the capitalised cost is amortised over the life of the mine and the provision is unwound over the period to estimated restoration. For properties in the exploration and evaluation phase, such as the Bilboes, Maligreen and Motapa projects, site restoration costs are capitalised in exploration and evaluation assets with an increase in the provision at the undiscounted value of the estimated cost of site rehabilitation. Subsequently the costs capitalised are not amortised and the provision is not unwound.


Reconciliation of site restoration provision


September 30, 2024


December 31, 2023


Blanket Mine


Balance January 1

  4,766   2,823 

Unwinding of discount (note 12)

  198   109 

Change in estimate (Blanket) (note 13)*

  (722)  1,834 


  4,242   4,766 

Motapa, Maligreen and Bilboes


Balance January 1

  6,219   135 

Change in estimate (Motapa) (note 12)@

  (899)  1,466 

Change in estimate (Maligreen) (note 12)


Acquisition - Bilboes



  5,320   6,219 

Total balance

  9,562   10,985 




  9,562   10,985 
   9,562   10,985 



The change in estimate is due the Blanket Mine’s LoM that was extended to 2041 (that is inclusive of inferred resources and it based on an internal estimate representing management’s best estimate of the LoM inclusive of the latest drilling results).


After further review of the Motapa claims the old tailings storage facility, previously included in the rehabilitation liability,  is not within the Caledonia claims area. The tailing storage facility was subsequently excluded from the rehabilitation liability footprint.


The discount rate in calculating the present value of the Blanket Mine provision is 4.19% (2023: 4.14%) and is based on a risk-free rate and cash flows are estimated at an average 2.14% inflation (2023: 2.40%). The gross rehabilitation costs, before discounting, amounted to $5,950 (2023: $5,629) for Blanket Mine as at September 30, 2024.


The undiscounted gross rehabilitation costs for exploration and evaluation assets as at September 30, 2024, amounted to $4,466 (2023: $4,466) for Bilboes Holdings, $567 (2023: $1,466) for Motapa and $287 (2023: $287) for Maligreen.



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Loan note instruments


Loan note instruments - finance costs






Solar loan notes

  21.1   624   373 

Motapa loan notes

       624   992 


Loan note instruments - financial liabilities




December 31,


Solar loan notes

  21.1   9,137   7,112 
       9,137   7,112 


      855   665 


      8,282   6,447 
       9,137   7,112 



Solar loan notes


Following the commissioning of Caledonia’s wholly owned solar plant on February 2, 2023, the decision was taken to optimise the capital structure of the Group and provide additional debt instruments to the Zimbabwean financial market by way of issuing loan notes pursuant to a loan note instrument (“bonds”). The bonds were issued by the Zimbabwean registered entity owning the solar plant, Caledonia Mining Services (Private) Limited. The bonds carry a fixed interest rate of 9.5% payable bi-annually and have a tenure of 3 years from the date of issue. The bond repayments are guaranteed by the Company. $9 million of bonds were in issue at the date of approval of these financial statements. All bonds were issued to Zimbabwean registered commercial entities. Subsequently these bonds were transferred to Caledonia Holdings Zimbabwe (Private) Limited (“CHZ”) a subsidiary of the Company, except for the bond issued in April 2024 that were directly issued to CHZ.


A summary of the bonds is as follows:





December 31,


Opening balance


Amounts received

  2,000   7,000 

Transaction costs

  (61)  (105)

Finance cost accrued

  624   549 

Repayment - finance cost paid

  (538)  (332)

Closing balance

  9,137   7,112 






Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Trade and other payables





December 31,


Trade payables

  4,283   6,166 

Electricity accrual

  3,871   2,676 

Audit fee

  314   395 

Dividends due

  2,422   1,048 

Other payables

  990   692 

Financial liabilities

  11,880   10,977 

Production and management bonus accrual - Blanket Mine

  (2)  214 

Other employee benefits - other

  1,844   2,229 

Other employee benefits - settlements

  -   1,588 

Leave pay

  3,898   2,655 

Bonus provision

  591   190 


  4,067   2,650 

Non-financial liabilities

  10,398   9,526 


  22,278   20,503 


Cash flow information


Non-cash items and information presented separately on the statements of cash flows statement:







Operating profit

  31,077   12,577 

Adjustments for:


Impairment of property, plant and equipment (note 13)


Unrealised foreign exchange gains (note 7)

  1,512   (2,477)

Fair value loss on derivative instruments

  496   590 

Cash-settled share-based expense (note 9.1)

  479   298 

Share-based expense included in production costs (note 6)

  828   435 

Cash portion of cash-settled share-based expense

  (691)  (1,695)

Equity-settled share-based expense (note 9.2)

  785   564 

Cash portion of equity-settled share-based expense (note 9.2(b))


Depreciation (note 13)

  12,106   10,049 

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment


Cash generated from operations before working capital changes

  46,445   21,219 


  (2,278)  516 


  (2,591)  3,253 

Trade and other receivables

  (514)  (3,537)

Trade and other payables

  (2,132)  (3,822)

Cash generated from operations

  38,930   17,629 




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Operating Segments


Information about reportable segments


For the nine months ended September 30, 2024




South Africa


Bilboes oxide mine


E&E projects


Inter-group eliminations adjustments


Corporate and other reconciling amounts





  132,850      2,653            135,503 

Inter-segmental revenue

     12,155         (12,155)      


  (6,698)     (133)           (6,831)

Production costs

  (57,696)  (11,009)  (2,485)     10,698   (13)  (60,505)


  (12,692)  (102)        721   (33)  (12,106)

Net foreign exchange (loss) gain

  (8,353)  245   (64)     (65)  (1,045)  (9,282)

Administrative expenses

  (698)  (2,577)  (30)  (7)  7   (6,924)  (10,229)

Net derivative financial instrument expense

                 (496)  (496)

Equity-settled share-based expense

                 (785)  (785)

Cash-settled share-based expense

                 (479)  (479)

Other expenses

  (3,908)     (170)           (4,078)

Other income

  160   1   1      (8)  211   365 

Management fee

  (2,373)  2,373                

Finance income

     467         (1,770)  1,319   16 

Finance cost

  (2,579)  (5)  (296)  (82)  1,768   (1,166)  (2,360)

Profit (loss) before tax

  38,013   1,548   (524)  (89)  (804)  (9,411)  28,733 

Tax expense

  (11,361)  (459)  (5)     20   (476)  (12,281)

Profit (loss) after tax

  26,652   1,089   (529)  (89)  (784)  (9,887)  16,452 


As at September 30, 2024




South Africa


Bilboes oxide mine


E&E projects


Inter-group eliminations adjustments


Corporate and other reconciling amounts




Segment assets:


Non-Current (excluding intercompany)

  192,327   1,001      95,042   (5,246)  (3,321)  279,803 

Current (excluding intercompany, including Assets held for sale)

  53,973   4,162      957   (1,714)  2,479   59,857 

Expenditure on evaluation and exploration assets (note 12)

           2,457         2,457 

Expenditure on property, plant and equipment (note 13)

  16,573   220         (673)  2   16,122 

Assets held for sale (note 18)

  13,483                  13,483 

Intercompany balances

  47,079   19,783   436      (194,207)  126,909    




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Operating Segments (continued)


Information about reportable segments (continued)


As at September 30, 2024




South Africa


Bilboes oxide mine


E&E projects


Inter-group eliminations adjustments


Corporate and other reconciling amounts




Segment liabilities:


Current (excluding intercompany)

  (33,403)  (3,089)     (2,202)     (2,795)  (41,489)

Non-current (excluding intercompany)

  (20,707)        (5,033)  24   (591)  (26,307)

Intercompany balances

  (16,310)  (36,719)     (75,077)  194,207   (66,101)   


For the nine months ended September 30, 2023




South Africa


Bilboes oxide mine


E&E projects


Inter-group eliminations adjustments


Corporate and other reconciling amounts





  103,151      4,502            107,653 

Inter-segmental revenue

     11,072         (11,072)      


  (5,424)     (226)           (5,650)

Production costs

  (49,696)  (10,668)  (10,825)     10,161      (61,028)


  (10,642)  (105)  (21)     750   (31)  (10,049)

Net foreign exchange (loss) gain

  (3,069)  (154)  (89)     (35)  1,013   (2,334)

Administrative expenses

  (124)  (2,444)  (2,068)     7   (7,261)  (11,890)

Net derivative financial instrument expense

                 (590)  (590)

Equity-settled share-based expense

                 (564)  (564)

Cash-settled share-based expense

              434   (732)  (298)

Other expenses

  (1,935)     (865)           (2,800)

Other income

  94   22            11   127 

Management fee

  (2,479)  2,479                

Finance income

     30               30 

Finance cost

  (2,561)  326   (1)     2   (128)  (2,362)

Profit (loss) before tax

  27,315   558   (9,593)     247   (8,282)  10,245 

Tax expense

  (7,869)  (251)  (89)     (43)  (300)  (8,552)

Profit (loss) after tax

  19,446   307   (9,682)     204   (8,582)  1,693 


As at September 30, 2023




South Africa


Bilboes oxide mine


E&E projects


Inter-group eliminations adjustments


Corporate and other reconciling amounts




Segment assets:


Non-Current (excluding intercompany)

  182,522   926      88,722   (5,276)  (1,081)  265,813 

Current (excluding intercompany)

  48,300   2,999      463   (1,709)  4,471   54,524 

Expenditure on evaluation and exploration assets 

           75,252         75,252 

Expenditure on property, plant and equipment 

  30,701   248   872      (2,222)  (11,438)  18,161 

Assets held for sale 

  13,397                  13,397 

Intercompany balances

  43,146   15,323   (114)     (142,366)  84,011    



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Operating Segments (continued)


Information about reportable segments (continued)


As at September 30, 2023




South Africa


Bilboes oxide mine


E&E projects


Inter-group eliminations adjustments


Corporate and other reconciling amounts




Segment liabilities:


Current (excluding intercompany)

  (29,723)  (2,130)     365      (4,278)  (35,766)

Non-current (excluding intercompany)

  (12,153)  (17)     (5,755)  (7)  (279)  (18,211)

Intercompany balances

  (23,859)  (34,402)     (6,884)  142,366   (77,221)   


Major customer


Revenues received from Fidelity amounted to $38,714 (2023: $59,510) for the nine months ended September 30, 2024.


The Group has made $91,755 (2023: $48,143) of sales to AEG and $5,034 (2023: $Nil) to Stonex Financial Limited up to September 30, 2024, representing 40,379 ounces (2023: 30,193 ounces) and 2,253 (2023: Nil) respectively. Management believes this new sales mechanism reduces the risk associated with selling and receiving payment from a single refining source in Zimbabwe. It may allow for the Company to raise debt funding secured against offshore gold sales.


The Bullion trade receivables outstanding have been paid in full, after the period end.




Supplemental disclosure of cash flow items



Three months ended September 30,


Nine months ended September 30,









25.1        Finance cost paid                

Finance cost (note 11)

  831   529   2,360   2,362 

Net loan note movements

  (43)  49   (86)  (306)

Non cash - Unwinding of rehabilitation provision (note 20)

     (243)  (198)  (279)

Non cash - Unwinding of liabilities held for sale

  (5)     (5)   

Non cash - Finance cost on leases

  (2)  (4)  (7)  (15)

Finance cost paid

  781   331   2,064   1,762 
25.2        Tax Paid                

Opening balance of net income tax payable

  3,878   2,408   (1,110)  1,284 

Current tax expense

  3,986   2,847   11,530   6,762 

Acquisition of Bilboes Gold tax liability


Foreign currency movement

  352   (256)  72   (711)

Closing balance of net income tax payable

  (2,174)  (2,841)  (2,174)  (2,841)

Tax paid

  6,042   2,158   8,318   4,504 




Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Supplemental disclosure of cash flow items (continued)



Three months ended September 30,


Nine months ended September 30,









25.3        Acquisition of property, plant and equipment                


  6,686   9,042   16,122   18,161 

Net property, plant and equipment included in prepayments

  261   (531)  923   687 

Net property, plant and equipment included in trade and other payables

  (50)  588   (378)  882 

Change in estimate for decommissioning asset - adjustment capitalised in property, plant and equipment (note 20)

  (146)  474   722   445 

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment

  6,751   9,573   17,389   20,175 
25.4        Dividends paid                

Opening balance dividends due

  1,608   4,058   1,048   1,883 

Dividends declared

  4,201   2,686   10,330   10,264 

Dividends declared and outstanding BETS

  43   (85)  106   (171)

Closing balance dividends due

  (2,422)  (3,858)  (2,422)  (3,858)

Dividends paid

  3,430   2,801   9,062   8,118 




Subsequent events



Put options


In October 2024 the Company purchased the below put options to hedge its gold price risk:


Purchase date

Ounces hedged

Strike price

Period of hedge

October 4, 2024

12,000 oz (4,000 p.m.)


October to December 2024


The Asian put options were entered into to protect the Company against gold prices lower than the strike price over the period hedged. The options are “out-of-the-money" put options which lock in a minimum price over the number of ounces that are subject to the hedge for an initial option price. These arrangements carry no further financial obligations, such as margin calls.





Dividends of $2.7 million were declared by the Company during November 2024 and will be paid in December 2024.



Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)



Additional information


DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS at November 11, 2024





  J. L. Kelly (2) (3) (5) (7)

  M. Learmonth (4) (5) (6) (7)

  Non-executive Director

  Chief Executive Officer

  Connecticut, United States of America

  Jersey, Channel Islands


  J. Holtzhausen (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

  C.O. Goodburn (5) (6)

  Chairman Audit Committee

  Chief Financial Officer

  Non-executive Director

  Johannesburg, South Africa

  Cape Town, South Africa



  A. Chester (6) (7)

  M. Learmonth (4) (5) (6) (7)

  General Counsel, Company Secretary and Head of

  Chief Executive Officer

  Risk and Compliance

  Jersey, Channel Islands

  Jersey, Channel Islands


  N. Clarke (3) (4) (5) (7)

  J. Mufara (4) (5) (6) (7)

  Non-executive Director

  Chief Operating Officer

  East Molesey, United Kingdom

  Johannesburg, South Africa


           G. Wildschutt (1) (3) (5) (7)


  Non-executive Director

  (1) Audit Committee

  Johannesburg, South Africa

  (2) Compensation Committee

           G. Wylie (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

  (3) Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee

  Non-executive Director

  (4) Technical Committee

  Malta, Europe

  (5) Strategic Planning Committee


  (6) Disclosure Committee

  V. Gapare (4) (5) (7)

  (7) ESG Committee

  Executive Director


  Harare, Zimbabwe


  T. Gadzikwa (1) (2) (3) (5)


  Non-executive Director


  Johannesburg, South Africa





Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

For the period ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

(in thousands of United States Dollars, unless indicated otherwise)


Additional information


CORPORATE DIRECTORY as at November 11, 2024





Mourant Ozannes (Jersey)

Head and Registered Office

22 Grenville Street

Caledonia Mining Corporation Plc

St Helier

B006 Millais House


Castle Quay

Channel Islands

St Helier


Jersey JE2 3NF

Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (Canada)


Suite 4100, Scotia Plaza

South Africa

40 King Street West

Caledonia Mining South Africa Proprietary Limited

Toronto, Ontario M5H 3Y4

No. 1 Quadrum Office Park                                                


Constantia Boulevard



Memery Crystal LLP (United Kingdom)

South Africa

165 Fleet Street


London EC4A 2DY


United Kingdom

Caledonia Holdings Zimbabwe (Private) Limited


P.O. Box CY1277

Dorsey & Whitney LLP (US)

Causeway, Harare

TD Canada Trust Tower


Brookfield Place


161 Bay Street

Capitalisation (November 11, 2024)

Suite 4310

Authorised:                                        Unlimited

Toronto, Ontario

Shares, Warrants and Options Issued:

M5J 2S1

Shares:                                               19,214,554


Options:                                             10,000


Gill, Godlonton and Gerrans (Zimbabwe)


Beverley Court

NYSE American - Symbol “CMCL”

100 Nelson Mandela Avenue

AIM - Symbol “CMCL”

Harare, Zimbabwe

VFEX - Symbol “CMCL”


Bowman Gilfillan Inc (South Africa)


11 Alice Lane



Level 11


1 Churchill Place


Canary Wharf


London E14 5HP



BDO South Africa Incorporated


Wanderers Office Park

Cavendish Securities PLC

52 Corlett Drive

One Bartholomew Close

Illovo 2196


South Africa


Tel: +27(0)10 590 7200

Tel: +44 20 7220 0500





Capital Market Communication Limited (Camarco)

150 Royall Street,

APCO Worldwide


Floor 5, 40 Strand

Massachusetts, 02021

London WC2N 5RW

Tel: +1 800 736 3001 or +1 781 575 3100 

Tel: +44 20 3757 4980