在授予當日。 入職PSU獎項受時間和績效薪賠影響,時間薪賠將在授予日起3年間等額分期。 績效根據所述獲得 附錄B入職PSU獎項將適用於2021年全權計劃和公司標準的績效股本單位協議書,其中修改第2(d)條以規定當( x )在無變更控制情況下流失離職時,您將立即按時解凍安排於您離職日期後擬定解凍的下個款項,並且( y )當在或在變更控制後2年內流失離職時,入職PSU獎項的時間解凍將完全加速,並根據控制變更日期時公司股票價值單獨解凍。
8501 Williams Road | Estero, FL 33928 | (239) 301-7000
/s/ SD
Sandeep Dube 起
Sandeep Dube
If your employment with the Company and its affiliates is terminated without Cause (as defined on 附件 A), or if you terminate your employment for Good Reason, as defined on 附件 A), and provided you sign and do not timely revoke a release of claims provided to you by the Company, you will be entitled to the greater of the separation benefits for which you are eligible under the severance plan applicable to you as of the termination of your employment and the following separation benefits: (i) payment of 1.5 times the sum of your (x) base annual salary, and (y) target annual bonus opportunity, in each case as in effect on the date of your termination (but without giving effect to any reductions that gave, or would give, rise to Good Reason), paid in 36 equal bi-weekly installments on the Company’s regular payroll cycles, beginning on the first regular payroll date that follows the date the release of claims has become fully effective and irrevocable in accordance with its terms; (ii) payment of a pro rata portion of the annual bonus that would have been payable to you, if any, based on actual achievement of performance metrics for the entire plan year, pro-rated based on the portion of the year you were employed prior to the date of termination for Good Reason, and paid at the same time as such bonuses are otherwise generally paid to the Company’s executives, and in any event no later than March 15 of the year following the end of the applicable performance period; (iii) payment of up to $25,000 for executive outplacement services; and (iv) the Company will provide you (and your eligible dependents) with continued medical, health, dental, vision, and accident insurance coverage at the same level and same cost to you in effect as of your date of termination for Good Reason, for 18 months.
Upon any termination of your employment, you shall be paid or provided any then-accrued but unpaid base salary and reimbursable business expenses in accordance with the applicable Hertz expense reimbursement policy, as well as any accrued but unpaid vacation in accordance with the Hertz vacation policy. In addition, any rights or benefits that are earned and vested shall be paid or provided to you in accordance with the terms of the applicable benefit plan or program (including, without limitation, the 2021 Omnibus Plan (or its successor) and any award agreements issued thereunder).
此外,您有資格在離職後第30天之後的第一個月份開始為Hertz Income Savings Plan(401k)(“40.1萬計劃”)做出貢獻。根據40.1萬計劃文件,Hertz將與您的貢獻(包括稅前和Roth稅後的貢獻)進行一對一的配對,您貢獻的符合薪資(如40.1萬計劃中定義)的前3%以及您貢獻的下一2%的符合薪資將按照每元1.5美元進行配對。在符合資格有資格貢獻到401(k)時,公司配對開始,您對40.1萬計劃的貢獻和公司撤回的任何相關投資收益始終享有100%的擁有權。
c.“合理理由” means, without Executive’s prior written consent, (A) reduction by the Company of Executive’s base salary or target annual bonus in a manner that is not consistent with a broad-based reduction applicable to all members of the senior management team, (B) a material diminution in Executive’s title, duties or responsibilities, or (C) a change in Executive’s reporting relationship such that he no longer reports to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Good Reason will exist only if (i) Executive delivers written notice to the Company of the existence of an action that could constitute Good Reason within 30 days of Executive’s knowledge of
8501 Williams Road | Estero, FL 33928 | (239) 301-7000
示例1:假設公司在開始日期首週年達到10.00美元的股價指標。在這種情況下,20%的PSU(100,000股)將獲得績效,並且具有績效資格的PSU中的33.33%也將獲得時間性獎勵。因此,33,333 PSUs(即500,000 PSUs x 20% x 33.33%)將在該日期完全獲得。在繼續與公司僱用執行的情況下,在授予日的接下來兩個周年日,另有33,333 PSUs將獲得時間性獎勵,即使公司的股價跌至10.00美元以下。
示例2:假設與例1相同的情況,並且公司在授予日的第二周年獲得12.50美元的股價指標。在這種情況下,40%的PSU(200,000股)將獲得績效,並且具有績效資格的PSU中的66.66%也將獲得時間性獎勵。因此,133,333 PSU(即500,000 PSUs x 40% x 66.66%)將在該日期完全獲得。在繼續與公司僱用執行的情況下,在授予日的下一周年日,將另外獲得66,667 PSUs的時間性獎勵,即使公司的股價跌至12.50美元以下。