如果一家新興成長型公司,請用勾選標記表示該申報人已選擇不使用根據證交所法案13(a)條款提供的任何新的或修訂過的財務會計準則的延長過渡期。 ☐
2013計劃 | 2013年股票激勵計劃 |
2020年計劃 | 2020年股票激勵計劃 |
2023 Form 10-K | Annual Report on Form 10-k for the year ended December 31, 2023 |
2027債券 | $50000萬 of 6.875% senior notes due April 2027, issued in March 2019 |
2027 Notes Tender Offer | $20000萬 partial redemption of the 2027 Notes, completed in August 2024 |
2028年債券 | $80000萬的6.25%償還期限為2028年4月的優先票據中,其中$50000萬於2019年12月發行,$30000萬於2020年12月發行 |
2032年註釋 | $70000萬的6.625%償還期限為2032年9月的優先票據,於2024年8月發行 |
修正及重新簽訂的信用協議 | 日期為2023年5月16日的修訂和重述信用協議,修訂和重述日期為2017年3月30日的信用協議,管理信用額度 |
archrock,我們,我們,我們 | archrock, Inc.,獨立地及與其全資子公司一起 |
archrock ELT | archrock ELt LLC,archrock的間接全資子公司 |
ASU | 會計準則更新 |
信貸設施 | 11億美元以資產為基礎的循環信貸,到期日為2028年5月,根據修訂的和重訂的信貸協議進行管理,經修訂 |
ECOTEC | Ecotec International Holdings, LLC |
ESPP | 員工股票購買計劃 |
證券交易所法案 | 1934年修訂後的證券交易法 |
金融會計準則委員會 | 金融會計準則委員會 |
修訂後的第一修訂和修訂後的信貸協議 | 2024年8月28日生效之第一修改協議,修改了修訂後的信貸協議 |
基本報表 | 本季度報告第10-Q表格中第I項「財務報表」的簡明綜合基本報表 |
GAAP | 美國通用會計原則 |
GHG | 溫室氣體(例如二氧化碳、甲烷和水蒸氣) |
Hilcorp | Hilcorp Energy Company |
Ionada | Ionada PLC |
2024年7月股本發售 | 公開包銷發行,由archrock出售約1270萬股普通股,於2024年7月完成 |
LIBOR | 倫敦銀行同業拆息利率 |
場外交易 | 場外交易,就售後服務零件和元件而言 |
證券交易委員會 | 美國證券交易委員會 |
銷售與行政支出 | 銷售、總務和行政費用 |
股份回購計劃 | 由我們的董事會於2023年4月27日批准的股份回購計劃,允許我們在十二個月內回購高達5000萬美元的優先普通股,在其到期前於2024年4月25日延長24個月,並將授權的股份回購金額補充至5000萬美元。 |
TOPS | Total Operations and Production Services, LLC,是由阿波羅全球管理某些聯屬公司管理的投資組合公司。 |
TOPS收購 | 根據2024年8月30日完成的交易(“收購日期”),由archrock、archrock ELt、TOPS Pledge1、LLC、TOPS Pledge2、LLC及有限目的下的TOPS Holdings、LLC於2024年7月22日訂立的某特定購買及出售協議,archrock收購了TOPS發行並未支付的全部股權 |
SOFR | 隔夜拆款利率 |
美國。 | 美利堅合眾國 |
WACC | 資本的加權平均成本 |
此類前瞻性陳述可能面臨各種風險和不確定性,可能導致與本10-Q表格日期預期不符的實際結果。雖然我們認為這些前瞻性陳述所反映的期望是基於合理假設的,但無法保證這些期望將被證實正確。已知可能導致我們的實際結果與這些前瞻性陳述反映的期望不符的重要因素包括我們2023年10-K表格中描述的風險因素以及我們不時在美國證券交易委員會的申報案件中披露的風險因素,這些資料可通過我們的網站 或美國證券交易委員會的網站 獲得。 www.archrock.com 和美國證券交易委員會的網站獲取 www.sec.gov這些風險因素包括但不限於無法實現TOPS收購所預期的好處和整合TOPS的困難;收購風險,包括TOPS收購,可能降低我們向普通股東分配資金的能力;與流行病和其他公共衛生危機相關的風險;通脹增加;持續國際衝突和緊張局勢;與我們業務相關的風險;競爭壓力;無法以經濟上可接受的條件進行收購;未來支付分紅的不確定性;與大量債務及我們的債務協議相關的風險;無法取得資本和信貸市場的資金,或以負擔得起的條件借款以獲得額外資本;無法資助購買額外壓縮設備;容易受到利率上升的影響;與LIBOR淘汰相關的不確定性;我們客戶財務狀況惡化的風險;與我們最重要客戶流失相關的風險;對我們合約運營服務協議續約的不確定性;有失去管理或運營人員風險;依賴特定供應商和容易受到產品短缺和價格上漲的影響;信息技術和網絡安全概念風險;稅務風險;法律和監管風險,包括與氣候和環境、社會和治理相關的風險。
第一部分. 財務資料
項目1 基本報表
Archrock, Inc。
| 2024年9月30日 |
| 2023年12月31日 | |||
資產 |
| ||
流動資產: |
| ||
現金及現金等價物 | $ | | $ | | ||
應收帳款,扣除抵減後 $ |
| |
| | ||
存貨 |
| |
| | ||
其他流動資產 |
| |
| | ||
全部流動資產 |
| |
| | ||
不動產、廠房及設備淨值 |
| |
| | ||
營業租賃使用權資產 |
| |
| | ||
商譽 | | — | ||||
無形資產,扣除累計攤銷 |
| |
| | ||
Contract costs, net |
| |
| | ||
递延税款贷项 |
| |
| | ||
其他資產 |
| |
| | ||
已停業營運之非流動資產 |
| |
| | ||
資產總額 | $ | | $ | | ||
負債及股東權益 |
| ||
流動負債: |
| ||
應付帳款,交易 | $ | | $ | | ||
應計負債 |
| |
| | ||
递延收入 |
| |
| | ||
流動負債合計 |
| |
| | ||
長期負債 |
| |
| | ||
运营租赁负债 |
| |
| | ||
递延所得税负债 |
| |
| | ||
其他負債 |
| |
| | ||
停止運作的業務 的非流動負債 |
| |
| | ||
總負債 |
| |
| | ||
承諾事項和或附帶條件(注8) |
| ||
股權: |
| ||
優先股: $ |
| ||||
普通股: $ |
| |
| | ||
資本公積額額外增資 |
| |
| | ||
累積虧損 |
| ( |
| ( | ||
庫藏股: |
| ( |
| ( | ||
總股本 |
| |
| | ||
負債加股東權益總額 | $ | | $ | |
Archrock, Inc。
| 截至三個月的結束 | 截至九個月的結束 | ||||||||||
九月三十日, | 九月三十日, | |||||||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | |||||
營業收入: |
| ||||
合同運營 | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
售後服務 |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
營業總收入 |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
銷貨成本,不包括折舊和攤銷 |
| |||||||||||
合約運營 |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
售後服務 |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
銷售總成本,不包括折舊和攤銷 |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
銷售、總務和行政費用 |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
折舊和攤銷 |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
長期資產及其他資產減值 |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
重组费用 | — | | — | | ||||||||
債務撲滅損失 | | — | | — | ||||||||
利息支出 |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
交易相關費用 | | — | | — | ||||||||
資產出售收益,淨額 | ( | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||
其他收益(費用),淨額 |
| ( |
| ( |
| ( |
| | ||||
税前收入 |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
所得税费用 |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
凈利潤 | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
每普通股基本及稀釋每股收益 | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
加權平均在外流通股數: |
| ||||
基本 |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
稀釋 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Archrock, Inc。
額外 | |||||||||||||||||||
普通股 | 實收 | 累積 | 庫藏股 | ||||||||||||||||
| 金額 | 股份 |
| 資本 |
| 虧損 | 金額 | 股份 | 總計 | ||||||||||
2023年6月30日結餘 | $ | | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | ( | $ | | |||||||
收回的股份 | — | — |
| — |
| — | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||||
股份被扣押與股權獎勵的淨結算相關 | — | — |
| — |
| — |
| ( | ( |
| ( | ||||||||
現金分紅($ | — | — |
| — |
| ( |
| — | — |
| ( | ||||||||
根據ESPP發行的股份 | — | |
| |
| — |
| — | — |
| | ||||||||
股份基礎薪酬,扣除沒收部分後的淨額 | — | — |
| |
| — |
| — | ( |
| | ||||||||
凈利潤 | — | — |
| — |
| |
| — | — |
| | ||||||||
2023年9月30日的結餘 | $ | | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | ( | $ | | |||||||
截至2024年6月30日的結存 | $ | | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | ( | $ | | |||||||
收回的股份 | — | — |
| — |
| — | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||||
股份與權益獎勵淨利潤相關的扣留 | — | — |
| — |
| — |
| ( | ( |
| ( | ||||||||
現金分紅派息($ | — | — |
| — |
| ( |
| — | — |
| ( | ||||||||
根據ESPP發行的股份 | — | |
| |
| — |
| — | — |
| | ||||||||
基於股票的報酬,扣除被沒收的部分 | — | |
| |
| — |
| — | ( |
| | ||||||||
普通股發行的淨收益 | | | | — | — | — |
| | |||||||||||
發行股份以進行TOPS收購 | | | | — | — | — |
| | |||||||||||
凈利潤 | — | — |
| — |
| |
| — | — |
| | ||||||||
2024年9月30日的餘額 | $ | | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | ( | $ | | |||||||
額外 | |||||||||||||||||||
普通股 | 已付款 | 累積 | 庫務股票 | ||||||||||||||||
| 金額 | 股票 |
| 資本 |
| 赤字 | 金額 | 股票 | 總計 | ||||||||||
二零二二年十二月三十一日結餘 | $ | | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | ( | $ | | |||||||
股份回購 | — | — |
| — |
| — | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||||
與股權獎項淨額結算有關的預扣股份 | — | — |
| — |
| — | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||||
現金股息 ($ | — | — |
| — |
| ( |
| — | — |
| ( | ||||||||
根據 ESPP 發行的股份 | | |
| |
| — |
| — | — |
| | ||||||||
基於股票賠償(扣除沒收 | | |
| |
| — |
| — | ( |
| | ||||||||
淨收入 | — | — |
| — |
| |
| — | — |
| | ||||||||
二零二三年九月三十日止餘額 | $ | | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | ( | $ | | |||||||
二零二三年十二月三十一日結餘 | $ | | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | ( | $ | | |||||||
股份回購 | — | — |
| — |
| — | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||||
與股權獎項淨額結算有關的預扣股份 | — | — |
| — |
| — |
| ( | ( |
| ( | ||||||||
現金股息 ($ | — | — |
| — |
| ( |
| — | — |
| ( | ||||||||
根據 ESPP 發行的股份 | — | |
| |
| — |
| — | — |
| | ||||||||
基於股票賠償(扣除沒收 | | |
| |
| — |
| — | ( |
| | ||||||||
發行普通股所得款項淨額 | | | | — | — | — | | ||||||||||||
為收購 TOPS 而發行的股份 | | | | — | — | — | | ||||||||||||
淨收入 | — | — |
| — |
| |
| — | — |
| | ||||||||
二零二四年九月三十日止餘額 | $ | | | $ | | $ | ( | $ | ( | ( | $ | | |||||||
Archrock, Inc。
截至九個月的結束 | ||||||
September 30, | ||||||
| 2024 |
| 2023 | |||
經營活動現金流量: |
| ||||
凈利潤 | $ | | $ | | ||
調整淨利潤以達經營活動所提供之淨現金流量: |
| ||
折舊和攤銷 |
| |
| | ||
長期資產及其他資產減值 |
| |
| | ||
非現金重組費用 | — | | ||||
投資於非合併聯屬公司之公允價值變動未實現收益 | — | | ||||
存貨減損 |
| |
| | ||
營運租賃權益資產攤銷 | | | ||||
未來融資成本攤銷 | | | ||||
債券溢價攤銷 | ( | ( | ||||
Amortization of capitalized implementation costs | | | ||||
債務撲滅損失 | | — | ||||
股份報酬支出 |
| |
| | ||
信用損失準備(受益) |
| |
| ( | ||
資產出售收益,淨額 |
| ( |
| ( | ||
延遲所得稅支出 |
| |
| | ||
合同成本攤銷 | | | ||||
推遲認列於收入的營業收入 | ( | ( | ||||
營運資產和負債的變化: |
| ||||
應收帳款淨額 | ( | ( | ||||
存貨 | | ( | ||||
其他資產 | ( | ( | ||||
合約成本 | ( | ( | ||||
應付帳款及其他負債 | ( | | ||||
預收收入 | | | ||||
其他 | ( | | ||||
經營活動產生的淨現金流量 |
| |
| | ||
投資活動之現金流量: |
| ||
資本支出 |
| ( |
| ( | ||
出售財產、設備及其他資產所得款項 |
| |
| | ||
保險及其他賠償款項收入 | | | ||||
支付TOPS收購款後,扣除取得現金 | ( | — | ||||
投資未納入合併財務報表的實體 | ( | ( | ||||
投資活動中使用的淨現金 |
| ( |
| ( | ||
來自籌資活動的現金流量: |
| ||
長期借款 |
| |
| | ||
償還長期債務 |
| ( |
| ( | ||
2032年調整票據發行所得 | | — | ||||
2027年債券的部分償還 | ( | — | ||||
償還債務發行成本 |
| ( |
| ( | ||
分紅派息給股東 |
| ( |
| ( | ||
購回普通股 | ( | ( | ||||
現金及現金等價物與受限現金—期初 | ( | ( | ||||
普通股發行的淨收益 | | — | ||||
員工股票認購計劃下發行股票所得 |
| |
| | ||
籌資活動提供的淨現金 |
| |
| ( | ||
現金及現金等價物的淨增加(減少) |
| |
| ( | ||
期初現金及現金等價物 |
| |
| | ||
現金及現金等價物期末餘額 | $ | | $ | | ||
披露非現金投資交易補充資料: | ||||||
根據TOPS收購協議發行archrock普通股 | $ | | $ | — |
2. 近期的會計發展
2023年12月,FASB發布了ASU 2023-09《所得稅(主題740):改善所得稅披露》,該標準將要求進行顯著的額外披露,主要著重於所得稅支付和稅率協調表的披露。ASU 2023-09將於2024年12月15日後開始的財政年度以及2025年12月15日後開始的財政年度內的中期期間生效,應以前瞻性方式應用,並具有回顧性選擇。允許提前採納。我們正在評估採用ASU 2023-09對我們合併財務報表和相關披露將產生的影響。
2023年11月,財務會計準則委員會發布了ASU 2023-07,即《節段報告(第280號主題):改善可報告節段披露》,該準則將要求對每個可報告節段的重大費用進行披露,以及其他一些披露以幫助投資者了解首席營運決策者如何評估節段費用和營運結果。ASU 2023-07還將允許披露多種節段盈利能力的指標,如果這些指標用於資源分配和評估績效的話。ASU 2023-07將對2023年12月15日後開始的財政年度及2024年12月15日後開始的財政年度內的中期時段起生效,並應採取溯及力原則進行申報,除非不切實際。可提前採納。我們正在評估採納ASU 2023-07對我們節段披露所產生的影響。我們預計採納ASU 2023-07對我們的合併財務報表不會造成重大影響。
業務合併 - 合資企業的成立
2023年8月,FASB發佈了ASU 2023-05,以減少實踐中的多樣性,併爲合資企業的投資者提供決策有用的信息,要求合資企業在成立時應用一種新的會計基礎。通過應用一種新的會計基礎,合資企業將在成立日期以公允價值確認和初始計量其資產和負債,公允價值計量的例外情況與業務合併指南一致。ASU 2023-05對所有成立日期在2025年1月1日或之後的合資企業的成立具有前瞻性生效。此外,2025年1月1日之前成立的合資企業可以選擇追溯適用該修訂,前提是它有足夠的信息來做到這一點。允許在未發佈或未提供發佈的任何中期或年度期間提前採用,無論是前瞻性還是追溯性。我們預計ASU 2023-05的採用將不會對我們的合併基本報表產生影響。
3. 業務交易
The TOPS Acquisition was accounted for using the acquisition method of accounting, which requires, among other things, assets acquired and liabilities assumed to be recorded at their fair value on the acquisition date. The excess of the consideration transferred over those fair values is recorded as goodwill. The preliminary allocation of the purchase price, which is subject to certain adjustments, was based upon preliminary valuations. Our estimates and assumptions are subject to change upon the completion of management’s review of the final valuations. We are in the process of finalizing valuations related to property, plant and equipment, identifiable intangible assets and goodwill. Post-closing adjustments to the purchase price could impact future depreciation and amortization as well as income tax expense. The final valuation of net assets acquired is expected to be completed as soon as practicable, but no later than one year from the acquisition date.
The following table summarizes the preliminary purchase price allocation based on the estimated fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed as of the acquisition date:
(以千爲單位) |
| ||
現金 |
| $ | |
應收賬款 | | ||
存貨 | | ||
其他流動資產 | | ||
物業、廠房及設備 | | ||
經營租賃使用權資產 | | ||
商譽 | | ||
無形資產 | | ||
其他資產 | | ||
交易應付賬款 | ( | ||
應計負債 | ( | ||
經營租賃負債 | ( | ||
其他負債 | ( | ||
購買價格 | $ | |
稅務或有資產及 indemnification 資產
截至三個月 | 九個月結束 | |||||
(以千爲單位) | 2024年9月30日 |
| 2024年9月30日 | |||
其他營業費用 3,571 2,452 2,806 45.6% 27.3%(1) | $ | | $ | | ||
與補償相關的費用 (2) | | |||||
其他費用 | | |||||
總交易相關費用 | $ | | $ | |
(1) | 專業費用包括法律、顧問、諮詢和其他費用。 |
(2) | 補償相關費用包括與員工保留和與收購相關的其他補償安排相關的金額。付款在不同時間到期,包括在內的 |
以下表格列出了Cornerstone重組,Cornerstone收購和RP Finance合併對Rafael,Cornerstone和RP Finance的假設合併後運營結果,假設這些事件在2022年8月1日同時發生,並於2024年4月30日和2023年4月30日進行。
● | 與TOPS收購相關的員工保留和其他補償相關安排的影響; |
● | 我們會計政策的應用,並調整TOPS的結果,以反映自2023年1月1日起假設對不動產、廠房及設備和無形資產的公允價值調整所需的額外折舊和攤銷費用; |
● | 由於2032年票據、2027年票據招標要約以及對修改和重新制定的信貸協議的第一次修訂而產生的利息支出; |
● | the exclusion of $ |
● | 根據預估的混合法定稅率對調整的所得稅影響 |
截至三個月 | 九個月結束 | |||||||||||
九月三十日, | 九月30日, | |||||||||||
(以千爲單位) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | ||||
營業收入 | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
歸屬於archrock股東的淨利潤 | | | | |
4. 庫存
九月30日 | 12月31日, | |||||
(以千爲單位) | 2024 | 2023 | ||||
零部件和耗材 | $ | | $ | | ||
進行中的工作 |
| |
| | ||
存貨 | $ | | $ | |
5. 物業、廠房和設備淨值
| 九月30日, |
| 十二月31日, | |||
(以千爲單位) | 2024 | 2023 | ||||
壓縮設備、設施和其他艦隊資產 | $ | | $ | | ||
土地和建築物 |
| |
| | ||
運輸和商店設備 |
| |
| | ||
電腦硬件和軟件 |
| |
| | ||
其他 |
| |
| | ||
物業、廠房及設備 |
| |
| | ||
累計折舊 |
| ( |
| ( | ||
物業、廠房和設備,淨值 | $ | | $ | |
6. 對未納入的聯營企業的投資
7. 長期債務
(以千爲單位) |
| 2024年9月30日 |
| 2023年12月31日 | ||
信貸設施 | $ | | $ | | ||
未償還的本金 | |
| — | |||
未攤銷的債務發行成本 | ( |
| — | |||
| — | ||||
未償還本金 |
| |
| | ||
未攤銷債券溢價 | |
| | |||
未攤銷的債務發行成本 |
| ( |
| ( | ||
| |
| | |||
剩餘本金 | |
| | |||
未攤銷的債務發行成本 | ( |
| ( | |||
| | ||||
長期債務 | $ | | $ | |
● | 提高信貸額度從 $ |
● | 將用於發行擺動線貸款的信貸額度比例從 $ |
● | 將現金支配觸發閾值金額從 $ |
● | 將某些金融機構添加爲信用額度工具的貸款人; |
● | 加入成爲Archrock Services, L.P.新成立的全資子公司的擔保人和出借人,並 |
● | 修改我們所受制約的某些其他契約條款。 |
● | 將信貸設施的到期日從2024年11月8日延長至2028年5月16日(如果在該日期還有2027年票據和2028年票據的任何部分尚未償還,則到2026年12月2日或2027年12月3日); |
● | 將參考利率從LIBOR更改爲SOFR,使得信貸設施下的借款根據我們的選擇,利息爲基準利率或SOFR利率加上適用的差額; |
● | 增加用於發放搖盪線貸款的信貸額度部分從 $ |
During the second quarter of 2023, we incurred $
As of September 30, 2024, there were $
8. 承諾和或有事項
此外,鑑於我們在工傷賠償和員工醫療索賠方面基本上是自我承擔的,因爲我們在這些風險方面承擔了相對較高的事故免賠額,根據已知事實、歷史趨勢和行業平均水平,我們進行損失預估並根據實際情況提取準備金。 我們的離岸資產的財產損害也是自保的。
Litigation and Claims
In the ordinary course of business, we are involved in various pending or threatened legal actions. While we are unable to predict the ultimate outcome of these actions, we believe that any ultimate liability arising from any of these actions will not have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position, results of operations or cash flows, including our ability to pay dividends. However, because of the inherent uncertainty of litigation and arbitration proceedings, we cannot provide assurance that the resolution of any particular claim or proceeding to which we are a party will not have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position, results of operations or cash flows, including our ability to pay dividends.
9. Stockholders’ Equity
July 2024 Equity Offering
On July 24, 2024, Archrock sold, pursuant to a public underwriting offering,
TOPS Acquisition
On August 30, 2024, we completed the TOPS Acquisition and issued
Share Repurchases
Share Repurchase Program
On April 27, 2023, our Board of Directors authorized a share repurchase program that allowed us to repurchase up to $
Shares Withheld to Cover
The 2020 Plan and 2013 Plan allow us to withhold shares upon vesting of restricted stock at the then-current market price to cover taxes required to be withheld on the vesting date.
The following table summarizes shares repurchased:
| Three Months Ended | Nine Months Ended | ||||||||||||||||
September 30, 2024 | September 30, 2024 | |||||||||||||||||
(dollars in thousands, except per share amounts) | Total Number of Shares Repurchased | Average Price per Share | Total Cost of Shares Repurchased | Total Number of Shares Repurchased | Average Price per Share | Total Cost of Shares Repurchased | ||||||||||||
Shares repurchased under the Share Repurchase Program | | $ | | $ | | | $ | | $ | | ||||||||
Shares withheld related to net settlement of equity awards | | | | | | | ||||||||||||
Total | | $ | | $ | | | $ | | $ | | ||||||||
| Three Months Ended | Nine Months Ended | ||||||||||||||||
September 30, 2023 | September 30, 2023 | |||||||||||||||||
(dollars in thousands, except per share amounts) | Total Number of Shares Repurchased | Average Price per Share | Total Cost of Shares Repurchased | Total Number of Shares Repurchased | Average Price per Share | Total Cost of Shares Repurchased | ||||||||||||
Shares repurchased under the Share Repurchase Program | | $ | | $ | | | $ | | $ | | ||||||||
Shares withheld related to net settlement of equity awards | | | | | | | ||||||||||||
Total | | $ | | $ | | | $ | | $ | |
Cash Dividends
The following table summarizes our dividends declared and paid in each of the quarterly periods of 2024 and 2023:
| Dividends per |
| ||||
(dollars in thousands, except per share amounts) |
| Common Share |
| Dividends Paid | ||
2024 |
| ||
Q3 | $ | | $ | | ||
Q2 | | | ||||
Q1 | | | ||||
2023 |
| ||
Q4 | $ | | $ | | ||
Q3 |
| |
| | ||
Q2 |
| |
| | ||
Q1 |
| |
| |
10. Revenue from Contracts with Customers
The following table presents our revenue from contracts with customers by segment and disaggregated by revenue source:
Three Months Ended | Nine Months Ended | |||||||||||
September 30, | September 30, | |||||||||||
(in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | ||||
Contract operations: |
| ||||||||
$ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | |||||
| |
| |
| |
| | |||||
Over |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
Other (1) |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
Total contract operations revenue (2) |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
Aftermarket services: |
| ||||
Services |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
OTC parts and components sales |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
Other | | — | | — | ||||||||
Total aftermarket services revenue (3) |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
Total revenue | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | |
See Note 17 (“Segment Information”) for further details.
Performance Obligations
As of September 30, 2024, we had $
(in thousands) |
| Total | ||||||||||||||||
Remaining performance obligations | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | |
We do not disclose the aggregate transaction price for the remaining performance obligations for aftermarket services as there are no contracts with customers with an original contract term that is greater than one year.
Contract Assets and Liabilities
Contract Assets
As September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, our receivables from contracts with customers, net of allowance for credit losses, were $
Allowance for Credit Losses
Our allowance for credit losses balance changed as follows during the nine months ended September 30, 2024:
(in thousands) |
| ||
Balance at beginning of period |
| $ | |
Provision for credit losses | | ||
Write-offs charged against allowance | ( | ||
Balance at end of period | $ | |
Contract Liabilities
Freight billings to customers for the transport of compression assets, customer-specified modifications of compression assets and milestone billings on aftermarket services often result in a contract liability. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, our contract liabilities were $
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we deferred revenue of $
11. Long-Lived and Other Asset Impairment
We review long-lived assets, including property, plant and equipment and identifiable intangibles that are being amortized, for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances, including the removal of compressors from our active fleet, indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable.
Compression Fleet
We periodically review the future deployment of our idle compression assets for units that are not of the type, configuration, condition, make or model that are cost efficient to maintain and operate. Based on these reviews, we determine that certain idle compressors should be retired from the active fleet. The retirement of these units from the active fleet triggers a review of these assets for impairment, and as a result of our review, we may record an asset impairment to reduce the book value of each unit to its estimated fair value. The fair value of each unit is estimated based on the expected net sale proceeds compared to other fleet units we recently sold, a review of other units recently offered for sale by third parties or the estimated component value of the equipment we plan to use.
In connection with our review of our idle compression assets, we evaluate for impairment idle units that were culled from our fleet in prior years and are available for sale. Based on that review, we may reduce the expected proceeds from disposition and record additional impairment to reduce the book value of each unit to its estimated fair value.
The following table presents the results of our compression fleet impairment review as recorded in our contract operations segment:
Three Months Ended | Nine Months Ended | |||||||||||
September 30, | September 30, | |||||||||||
(dollars in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | ||||
Idle compressors retired from the active fleet |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
Horsepower of idle compressors retired from the active fleet |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
$ | | $ | | $ | | $ | |
See Note 15 (“Fair Value Measurements”) for further details.
12. Restructuring Charges
During the first quarter of 2023, a plan to further streamline our organization and more fully align our teams to improve our customer service and profitability was approved by management. We did
The following table presents restructuring charges incurred by segment:
| Contract | Aftermarket | ||||||||||
(in thousands) | Operations | Services | Other(1) | Total | ||||||||
Three months ended September 30, 2023 | ||||||||||||
Organizational restructuring | $ | — | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
Total restructuring charges | $ | — | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
Nine months ended September 30, 2023 | ||||||||||||
Organizational restructuring | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
Total restructuring charges | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | |
(1) | Represents expense incurred within our corporate function and not directly attributable to our segments. |
The following table presents restructuring charges incurred by cost type:
Three Months Ended | Nine Months Ended | |||||
September 30, | September 30, | |||||
(in thousands) | 2023 |
| 2023 | |||
Organizational Restructuring | ||||||
Severance costs | $ | | $ | | ||
Consulting costs | — | | ||||
Total restructuring costs | $ | | $ | |
13. Income Taxes
Valuation Allowance
The amount of our deferred tax assets considered realizable could be adjusted if projections of future taxable income are reduced or objective negative evidence in the form of a three-year cumulative loss is present or both. Should we no longer have a level of sustained profitability, excluding nonrecurring charges, we will have to rely more on our future projections of taxable income to determine if we have an adequate source of taxable income for the realization of our deferred tax assets, namely net operating loss, interest expense limitation and tax credit carryforwards. This may result in the need to record a valuation allowance against all or a portion of our deferred tax assets.
Effective Tax Rate
The year-to-date effective tax rate for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 differed significantly from our statutory rate primarily due to state taxes, unrecognized tax benefits and the limitation on executive compensation offset by the benefit from equity-settled long-term incentive compensation.
Unrecognized Tax Benefits
As of September 30, 2024, we believe it is reasonably possible that $
14. Earnings Per Common Share
Basic earnings per common share is computed using the two-class method, which is an earnings allocation formula that determines earnings per share for each class of common stock and participating security according to dividends declared and participation rights in undistributed earnings. Under the two-class method, basic earnings per common share is determined by dividing net income, after deducting amounts allocated to participating securities, by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Participating securities include unvested restricted stock and stock-settled restricted stock units that have nonforfeitable rights to receive dividends or dividend equivalents, whether paid or unpaid. During periods of net loss, only distributed earnings (dividends) are allocated to participating securities, as participating securities do not have a contractual obligation to participate in our undistributed losses.
Diluted earnings per common share is computed using the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding adjusted for the incremental common stock equivalents attributed to outstanding performance-based restricted stock units and stock to be issued pursuant to our ESPP unless their effect would have been anti-dilutive.
The following table shows the calculation of net income attributable to common stockholders, which is used in the calculation of basic and diluted earnings per common share, potential shares of common stock that were included in computing diluted earnings per common share and the potential shares of common stock issuable that were excluded from computing diluted earnings per common share as their inclusion would have been anti-dilutive:
Three Months Ended | Nine Months Ended | |||||||||||
September 30, | September 30, | |||||||||||
(in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | ||||
Net income | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
Less: Allocation of earnings to participating securities |
| ( |
| ( |
| ( |
| ( | ||||
Net income attributable to common stockholders | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
Less: Allocation of earnings to cash or share settled restricted stock units | ( | — | ( | — | ||||||||
Diluted net income attributable to common stockholders | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
Weighted-average common shares outstanding used in basic earnings per common share | | | | | ||||||||
Effect of dilutive securities: | ||||||||||||
Performance-based restricted stock units | | | | | ||||||||
ESPP shares | | | | | ||||||||
Weighted-average common shares outstanding used in diluted earnings per common share | | | | |
15. Fair Value Measurements
Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value on a Recurring Basis
Investment in ECOTEC
As of September 30, 2024, we owned a
The fair value determination of this investment primarily consisted of unobservable inputs, which creates uncertainty in the measurement of fair value as of the reporting date. The significant unobservable inputs used in the fair value measurement, which was valued through an average of an income approach (discounted cash flow method) and a market approach (guideline public company method), are the WACC and the revenue multiples. Significant increases (decreases) in these inputs in isolation would result in a significantly higher (lower) fair value measurement.
Additional quantitative information related to the significant unobservable inputs are as follows:
Significant | Three Months Ended | Three Months Ended | |||||||||||||
Unobservable | September 30, 2024 | September 30, 2023 | |||||||||||||
Inputs | Range | Median | Range | Median | |||||||||||
Valuation technique: |
| ||||||||||||||
Discounted cash flow | WACC | ||||||||||||||
Guideline public company | Revenue multiple |
The reconciliation of changes in the fair value of our investment in ECOTEC is as follows:
Three Months Ended | Nine Months Ended | |||||||||||
September 30, | September 30, | |||||||||||
(in thousands) | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | ||||||||
Balance at beginning of period |
| $ | |
| $ | | $ | |
| $ | | |
Purchases of equity interests | | — | | | ||||||||
Unrealized loss (1) | ( | |||||||||||
Balance at end of period | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | |
(1) | Included in , net in our unaudited condensed consolidated statement of operations. |
Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value on a Nonrecurring Basis
Investment in Ionada
As of September 30, 2024, we had a fully diluted ownership equity interest in Ionada of
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recorded nonrecurring fair value measurements related to our idle compressors. Our estimate of the compressors’ fair value was primarily based on the expected net sale proceeds compared with other fleet units we recently sold and/or a review of other units recently offered for sale by third parties, or the estimated component value of the equipment we plan to use. We discounted the expected proceeds, net of selling and other carrying costs, using a weighted-average disposal period of
(in thousands) | September 30, 2024 | December 31, 2023 | ||||||
Impaired compressors | $ | | $ | |
The significant unobservable inputs used to develop the above fair value measurements were weighted by the relative fair value of the compressors being measured. Additional quantitative information related to our significant unobservable inputs follows:
| Range |
| Weighted Average (1) | |
Estimated net sale proceeds: | ||||
As of September 30, 2024 | $ | $ | ||
As of December 31, 2023 | $ | $ |
(1) | Calculated based on an estimated discount for market liquidity of |
See Note 11 (“Long-Lived and Other Asset Impairments”) for further details.
Other Financial Instruments
The carrying amounts of our cash, accounts receivable and accounts payable approximate fair value due to the short-term nature of these instruments.
The carrying amount of borrowings outstanding under our Credit Facility approximates fair value due to the variable interest rate. The measurement of the fair value of these outstanding borrowings is a Level 3 measurement.
The fair value of our fixed rate debt is estimated using yields observable in active markets, which are Level 2 inputs, and was as follows:
(in thousands) |
| September 30, 2024 |
| December 31, 2023 | ||
Carrying amount of fixed rate debt (1) | $ | | $ | | ||
| |
| |
16. Related Party Transactions
During both the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, we made purchases of $
From August 2019 to present, our Board of Directors has included a member affiliated with our customer Hilcorp or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Revenue from Hilcorp was $
17. Segment Information
We manage our business segments primarily based on the type of product or service provided. We have
We evaluate the performance of our segments based on adjusted gross margin, defined as revenue less cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, for each segment. Segment revenue includes only sales to external customers.
Summarized financial information for our reporting segments is shown below:
| Contract |
| Aftermarket |
| |||||
(in thousands) |
| Operations |
| Services |
| Total | |||
Three months ended September 30, 2024 |
| |||
Revenue | $ | | $ | | $ | | |||
Adjusted gross margin |
| |
| |
| | |||
Three months ended September 30, 2023 |
| |||
Revenue | $ | | $ | | $ | | |||
Adjusted gross margin |
| |
| |
| | |||
Nine months ended September 30, 2024 |
| |||
Revenue | $ | | $ | | $ | | |||
Adjusted gross margin |
| |
| |
| | |||
Nine months ended September 30, 2023 |
| |||
Revenue | $ | | $ | | $ | | |||
Adjusted gross margin |
| |
| |
| |
The following table reconciles total adjusted gross margin to income before income taxes:
Three Months Ended |
| Nine Months Ended | ||||||||||
September 30, | September 30, | |||||||||||
(in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | ||||
Total adjusted gross margin | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | | ||||
Less: |
| ||||
Selling, general and administrative |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
Depreciation and amortization |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
Long-lived and other asset impairment |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
Restructuring charges | — | | — | | ||||||||
Debt extinguishment loss | | — | | — | ||||||||
Interest expense |
| |
| |
| |
| | ||||
Transaction-related costs | | — | | — | ||||||||
Gain on sale of assets, net | ( | ( | ( | ( | ||||||||
Other expense (income), net |
| ( |
| ( |
| ( |
| | ||||
Income before income taxes | $ | | $ | | $ | | $ | |
The following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto included in this Form 10-Q and in conjunction with our 2023 Form 10-K.
We are an energy infrastructure company with a pure-play focus on midstream natural gas compression. We are a premier provider of natural gas compression services, in terms of total compression fleet horsepower, to customers in the energy industry throughout the U.S., and a leading supplier of aftermarket services to customers that own compression equipment in the U.S. We operate in two business segments: contract operations and aftermarket services. Our contract operations services primarily include designing, sourcing, owning, installing, operating, servicing, repairing and maintaining our owned fleet of natural gas compression equipment to provide natural gas compression services to our customers. In our aftermarket services business, we sell parts and components and provide operations, maintenance, overhaul and reconfiguration services to customers who own compression equipment.
Recent Business Developments
TOPS Acquisition
On August 30, 2024, we completed the TOPS Acquisition whereby we acquired all of the issued and outstanding equity interests in TOPS, including a fleet of approximately 580,000 horsepower for aggregate consideration consisting of $869.1 million in cash and 6,873,650 shares of common stock with an acquisition date fair value of $139.1 million. The cash portion of the purchase price was funded with proceeds from the July 2024 Equity Offering, the 2032 Notes offering and borrowings under the Credit Facility. See Note 3 (“Business Transactions”) for further details.
2032 Notes
On August 26, 2024, we completed a private offering of $700.0 million aggregate principal amount of 6.625% senior notes due September 2032 and received net proceeds of $690.3 million after deducting issuance costs. The $9.7 million of issuance costs were recorded as deferred financing costs within long-term debt in our condensed consolidated balance sheets and are being amortized to interest expense in our condensed consolidated statement of operations over the term of the notes. A portion of the net proceeds was used to fund a portion of the cash consideration for the TOPS Acquisition, the 2027 Notes Tender Offer and to repay borrowings outstanding under our Credit Facility. See Note 7 (“Long-Term Debt”) for further details.
2027 Notes Tender Offer
In connection with the TOPS Acquisition and offering of the 2032 Notes, we completed a concurrent cash tender offer of $202.0 million, which reflects approximately 101% of the aggregate principal amount of the tendered 2027 Notes and $0.2 million of agent and legal fees. On the date of tender, the net carrying value of the tendered 2027 Notes was $198.8 million and we recorded a debt extinguishment loss of $3.2 million in our condensed consolidated statements of operations. See Note 7 (“Long-Term Debt”) for further details.
July 2024 Equity Offering
On July 24, 2024, Archrock sold, pursuant to a public underwriting offering, 12,650,000 shares, including 1,650,000 shares pursuant to an over-allotment option. Archrock received net proceeds of $255.7 million, after deducting underwriting discounts, commissions and offering expenses. Proceeds from this equity offering were used to fund a portion of the TOPS Acquisition.
Operating Highlights
Three Months Ended | Nine Months Ended |
| ||||||||
September 30, | September 30, |
| ||||||||
(horsepower in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
Total available horsepower (at period end)(1) |
| 4,418 |
| 3,773 |
| 4,418 |
| 3,773 | |
Total operating horsepower (at period end)(2) | 4,179 |
| 3,608 |
| 4,179 |
| 3,608 | |||
Average operating horsepower(3) | 3,757 |
| 3,593 |
| 3,668 |
| 3,539 | |||
Horsepower utilization: |
| ||||
Spot (at period end) | 95 | % | 96 | % | 95 | % | 96 | % | ||
Average | 95 | % | 95 | % | 95 | % | 94 | % |
(1) | Defined as idle and operating horsepower. Includes new compressors completed by third-party manufacturers that have been delivered to us. |
(2) | Defined as horsepower that is operating under contract and horsepower that is idle but under contract and generating revenue such as standby revenue. |
(3) | Includes operating horsepower as of September 30, 2024 for compressors acquired in the TOPS Acquisition. |
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Management uses a variety of financial and operating metrics to analyze our performance. These metrics are significant factors in assessing our operating results and profitability and include the non-GAAP financial measure of adjusted gross margin.
We define adjusted gross margin as total revenue less cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization. Adjusted gross margin is included as a supplemental disclosure because it is a primary measure used by our management to evaluate the results of revenue and cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, which are key components of our operations. We believe adjusted gross margin is important because it focuses on the current operating performance of our operations and excludes the impact of the prior historical costs of the assets acquired or constructed that are utilized in those operations, the indirect costs associated with our SG&A activities, our financing methods and income taxes. In addition, depreciation and amortization may not accurately reflect the costs required to maintain and replenish the operational usage of our assets and therefore may not portray the costs of current operating activity. As an indicator of our operating performance, adjusted gross margin should not be considered an alternative to, or more meaningful than, gross margin, net income (loss) or any other measure presented in accordance with GAAP. Our adjusted gross margin may not be comparable to a similarly titled measure of other entities because other entities may not calculate adjusted gross margin in the same manner.
Adjusted gross margin has certain material limitations associated with its use as compared to net income. These limitations are primarily due to the exclusion of SG&A, depreciation and amortization, long-lived and other asset impairments, restructuring charges, debt extinguishment loss, interest expense, transaction-related costs, gain on sale of assets, net, other expense (income), net and provision for income taxes. Because we intend to finance a portion of our operations through borrowings, interest expense is a necessary element of our costs and our ability to generate revenue. Additionally, because we use capital assets, depreciation expense is a necessary element of our costs and our ability to generate revenue and SG&A is necessary to support our operations and required corporate activities. To compensate for these limitations, management uses this non-GAAP measure as a supplemental measure to other GAAP results to provide a more complete understanding of our performance.
The following table reconciles net income to adjusted gross margin:
Three Months Ended | Nine Months Ended | |||||||||||
September 30, | September 30, | |||||||||||
(in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | ||||
Net income | $ | 37,516 | $ | 30,858 | $ | 112,473 | $ | 71,996 | ||||
Selling, general and administrative |
| 34,059 |
| 28,558 |
| 96,887 |
| 83,632 | ||||
Depreciation and amortization |
| 48,377 |
| 42,155 |
| 135,065 |
| 123,546 | ||||
Long-lived and other asset impairment |
| 2,509 |
| 2,922 |
| 9,478 |
| 8,383 | ||||
Restructuring charges | — | 592 | — | 1,554 | ||||||||
Debt extinguishment loss | 3,181 | — | 3,181 | — | ||||||||
Interest expense |
| 30,179 |
| 28,339 |
| 85,372 |
| 83,550 | ||||
Transaction-related costs | 9,220 | — | 11,002 | — | ||||||||
Gain on sale of assets, net | (2,218) | (3,237) | (5,175) | (8,018) | ||||||||
Other expense (income), net |
| (304) |
| (235) |
| (37) |
| 1,831 | ||||
Provision for income taxes |
| 15,437 |
| 11,454 |
| 41,545 |
| 27,543 | ||||
Adjusted gross margin | $ | 177,956 | $ | 141,406 | $ | 489,791 | $ | 394,017 |
The following table reconciles adjusted gross margin to gross margin, its most directly comparable GAAP measure:
Three Months Ended | Nine Months Ended | |||||||||||
September 30, | September 30, | |||||||||||
(in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | ||||
Total revenues | $ | 292,161 | $ | 253,367 | $ | 831,175 | $ | 730,744 | ||||
Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization |
| (114,205) |
| (111,961) |
| (341,384) |
| (336,727) | ||||
Depreciation and amortization |
| (48,377) |
| (42,155) |
| (135,065) |
| (123,546) | ||||
Gross margin |
| 129,579 |
| 99,251 |
| 354,726 |
| 270,471 | ||||
Depreciation and amortization | 48,377 | 42,155 | 135,065 | 123,546 | ||||||||
Adjusted gross margin | $ | 177,956 | $ | 141,406 | $ | 489,791 | $ | 394,017 |
Summary of Results
Revenue was $292.2 million and $253.4 million during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $831.2 million and $730.7 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The increase in revenue was primarily due to increased revenue from our contract operations business during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024. See “Contract Operations” and “Aftermarket Services” below for further details.
Net income was $37.5 million and $30.9 million during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The increase was primarily driven by higher adjusted gross margin from both our contract operations business and aftermarket services business. These changes were partially offset by increases in transaction-related costs, depreciation and amortization, SG&A, provision for income taxes, debt extinguishment loss and interest expense, and a decrease in gain on sale of assets, net.
Net income was $112.5 million and $72.0 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The increase was primarily driven by higher adjusted gross margin from both our contract operations business and aftermarket services business. These changes were partially offset by increases in provision for income taxes, SG&A, depreciation and amortization, transaction-related costs, debt extinguishment loss, interest expense, long-lived and other asset impairment, and decreases in the gain on sale of assets, net and the unrealized change in the fair value of our investment in an unconsolidated affiliate.
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Contract Operations
| Three Months Ended | ||||||||
September 30, | Increase | ||||||||
(dollars in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| (Decrease) | |||
Revenue | $ | 245,420 | $ | 207,552 | 18 | % | |||
Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization |
| 79,810 |
| 75,273 | 6 | % | |||
Adjusted gross margin | $ | 165,610 | $ | 132,279 | 25 | % | |||
Adjusted gross margin percentage (1) |
| 67 | % |
| 64 | % | 4 | % |
(1) | Defined as adjusted gross margin divided by revenue. |
Revenue in our contract operations business increased primarily due to $20.7 million in higher rates, an increase of $15.6 million due to the compression units acquired in the TOPS Acquisition and increase in average operating horsepower for contract compression.
The increase in cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, was primarily due to a $3.9 million increase in total employee compensation expense and a $1.4 million increase in parts expense. This increase was partially offset by a decrease of $1.9 million in lube oil expenses as a result of lower prices.
Aftermarket Services
| Three Months Ended |
| |||||||
September 30, | Increase | ||||||||
(dollars in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| (Decrease) | |||
Revenue | $ | 46,741 | $ | 45,815 |
| 2 | % | ||
Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization |
| 34,395 |
| 36,688 |
| (6) | % | ||
Adjusted gross margin | $ | 12,346 | $ | 9,127 |
| 35 | % | ||
Adjusted gross margin percentage (1) |
| 26 | % |
| 20 | % | 6 | % |
Revenue in our aftermarket services business increased primarily due to higher levels of service activities driven by an increase in customer demand, and maintenance service contracts, which was partially offset by a decrease in part sales.
Adjusted gross margin increased in our aftermarket services business as a result of increased revenue and decreased cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, due to a difference in the scope, timing and type of services performed, including additional work associated with maintenance service contracts.
Costs and Expenses
| Three Months Ended | |||||
September 30, | ||||||
(in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | ||
Selling, general and administrative | $ | 34,059 | $ | 28,558 | ||
Depreciation and amortization |
| 48,377 |
| 42,155 | ||
Long-lived and other asset impairment |
| 2,509 |
| 2,922 | ||
Restructuring charges | — | 592 | ||||
Debt extinguishment loss | 3,181 | — | ||||
Interest expense |
| 30,179 |
| 28,339 | ||
Transaction-related costs | 9,220 | — | ||||
Gain on sale of assets, net | (2,218) | (3,237) | ||||
Other income, net | (304) | (235) |
Selling, general and administrative. The increase in SG&A primarily included a $3.6 million increase in employee incentive and other compensation expense, a $0.5 million increase in amortization of capitalized implementation costs and a $0.5 million increase in legal and other professional fees.
Depreciation and amortization. The increase in depreciation and amortization was primarily due to fixed assets additions, including $3.7 million depreciation and amortization associated with the compression units and intangible assets acquired in the TOPS Acquisition. These increases were partially offset by a decrease in depreciation associated with assets reaching the end of their depreciable lives, the impact of compression and other asset sales, and long-lived and other asset impairments.
Long-lived and other asset impairment. We periodically review the future deployment of our idle compressors for units that are not of the type, configuration, condition, make or model that are cost efficient to maintain and operate. We also evaluate for impairment our idle units that have been culled from our compression fleet in prior years and are available for sale. During the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, we recognized $2.5 million and $2.9 million, respectively, of impairment charges to write down these compressors to their fair value. See Note 11 (“Long-Lived Asset and Other Impairments”) for further details. The following table presents the results of our compression fleet impairment review, as recorded in our contract operations segment:
| Three Months Ended | |||||
September 30, | ||||||
(dollars in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | ||
Idle compressors retired from the active fleet |
| 15 |
| 30 | ||
Horsepower of idle compressors retired from the active fleet |
| 12,000 |
| 16,000 | ||
Impairment recorded on idle compressors retired from the active fleet | $ | 2,509 | $ | 2,922 |
Restructuring charges. Restructuring charges of $0.6 million during the three months ended September 30, 2023 consisted of severance and consulting costs related to our restructuring activities. See Note 12 (“Restructuring Charges”) for further details
Debt extinguishment loss. We incurred $3.2 million of debt extinguishment loss during the three months ended September 30, 2024 as a result of the 2027 Notes Tender Offer.
Interest expense. The increase in interest expense was primarily related to a higher average outstanding balance of long-term debt due to the 2032 Notes offering, an increase in the outstanding balance on the Credit Facility and higher interest rates, partially offset by the 2027 Notes Tender Offer.
Transaction-related costs. We incurred $9.2 million of financial advisory, legal and other professional fees and retention and other employee compensation costs during the three months ended September 30, 2024 related to the TOPS Acquisition.
Gain on sale of assets, net. The decrease in gain on sale of assets, net was primarily due to gains of $2.6 million on compression asset sales during the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to gains of $3.2 million on compression asset sales during the three months ended September 30, 2023.
Provision for Income Taxes
The increase in provision for income taxes was primarily due to the tax effect of the increase in book income during the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared with the three months ended September 30, 2023.
| Three Months Ended |
| |||||||
September 30, | Increase | ||||||||
(dollars in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| (Decrease) | |||
Provision for income taxes | $ | 15,437 | $ | 11,454 |
| 35 | % | ||
Effective tax rate |
| 29 | % |
| 27 | % | 2 | % |
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Contract Operations
| Nine Months Ended | |||||||||
September 30, | Increase | |||||||||
(dollars in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| (Decrease) | ||||
Revenue | $ | 693,939 | $ | 596,417 | 16 | % | ||||
Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization |
| 236,831 |
| 230,788 | 3 | % | ||||
Adjusted gross margin | $ | 457,108 | $ | 365,629 | 25 | % | ||||
Adjusted gross margin percentage (1) |
| 66 | % |
| 61 | % | 5 | % |
(1) | Defined as adjusted gross margin divided by revenue. |
Revenue in our contract operations business increased primarily due to $70.0 million in higher rates, an increase of $15.6 million due to the compression units acquired in the TOPS Acquisition and an increase in average operating horsepower for contract compression.
The increase in cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, was primarily due to a $9.1 million increase in total employee compensation expense, a $3.2 million increase in parts expense and a $1.6 million increase in local and miscellaneous taxes. This increase was partially offset by a decrease of $6.7 million in startup expenses resulting from average horsepower utilization for the fleet at record levels as well as fewer unit stops and a decrease of $3.0 million in lube oil expenses as a result of lower prices.
Aftermarket Services
| Nine Months Ended |
| |||||||
September 30, | Increase | ||||||||
(dollars in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| (Decrease) | |||
Revenue | $ | 137,236 | $ | 134,327 |
| 2 | % | ||
Cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization |
| 104,553 |
| 105,939 |
| (1) | % | ||
Adjusted gross margin | $ | 32,683 | $ | 28,388 |
| 15 | % | ||
Adjusted gross margin percentage (1) |
| 24 | % |
| 21 | % | 3 | % |
Revenue in our aftermarket services business increased primarily due to higher levels of service activities driven by an increase in customer demand, and maintenance service contracts partially offset by a decrease in part sales.
Adjusted gross margin increased in our aftermarket services business as a result of increased revenue and decreased cost of sales, exclusive of depreciation and amortization, due to differences in the scope, timing and type of services performed, including additional work associated with maintenance service contracts.
Costs and Expenses
| Nine Months Ended | |||||
September 30, | ||||||
(in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | ||
Selling, general and administrative | $ | 96,887 | $ | 83,632 | ||
Depreciation and amortization |
| 135,065 | 123,546 | |||
Long-lived and other asset impairment |
| 9,478 | 8,383 | |||
Restructuring charges | — | 1,554 | ||||
Debt extinguishment loss | 3,181 | — | ||||
Interest expense |
| 85,372 | 83,550 | |||
Transaction-related costs |
| 11,002 | — | |||
Gain on sale of assets, net | (5,175) | (8,018) | ||||
Other expense (income), net | (37) | 1,831 |
Selling, general and administrative. The increase in SG&A primarily included a $10.2 million increase in employee incentive and other compensation expense and a $0.9 million increase in network and computer-related costs, partially offset by a decrease of $0.5 million in professional fees.
Depreciation and amortization. The increase in depreciation and amortization was primarily due to fixed assets additions, including $3.7 million depreciation and amortization associated with the compression units and intangible assets acquired in the TOPS Acquisition, and accelerated depreciation associated with certain assets. The increase was partially offset by a decrease in depreciation associated with assets reaching the end of their depreciable lives, the impact of compression and other asset sales, and long-lived asset impairments.
Long-lived and other asset impairment. We periodically review the future deployment of our idle compressors for units that are not of the type, configuration, condition, make or model that are cost efficient to maintain and operate. We also evaluate for impairment our idle units that have been culled from our compression fleet in prior years and are available for sale. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, we recognized $9.5 million and $8.4 million, respectively, of impairment charges to write down these compressors to their fair value. See Note 11 (“Long-Lived Asset and Other Impairments”) for further details. The following table presents the results of our compression fleet impairment review, as recorded in our contract operations segment:
| Nine Months Ended | |||||
September 30, | ||||||
(dollars in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | ||
Idle compressors retired from the active fleet |
| 80 |
| 75 | ||
Horsepower of idle compressors retired from the active fleet |
| 58,000 |
| 39,000 | ||
Impairment recorded on idle compressors retired from the active fleet | $ | 9,478 | $ | 8,383 |
Restructuring charges. Restructuring charges of $1.6 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 consisted of severance and consulting costs related to our restructuring activities. See Note 12 (“Restructuring Charges”) for further details.
Debt extinguishment loss. We incurred $3.2 million of debt extinguishment loss during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as a result of the 2027 Notes Tender Offer.
Interest expense. The increase in interest expense was primarily related to a higher average outstanding balance of long-term debt due to the 2032 Notes offering, an increase in the outstanding balance on the Credit Facility and higher interest rates. These increases were partially offset by the 2027 Notes Tender Offer and the write-off of $1.0 million of unamortized deferred financing costs as a result of the Amended and Restated Credit Agreement during the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
Transaction-related costs. We incurred $11.0 million of financial advisory, legal and other professional fees and retention and other employee compensation costs during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 related to the TOPS Acquisition.
Gain on sale of assets, net. The decrease in gain on sale of assets, net was primarily due to gains of $5.1 million on compression asset sales during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to gains of $7.3 million on compression asset sales during the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
Other expense (income), net. The change from other expense, net to other income, net was primarily due to a $2.0 million unrealized change in the fair value of our investment in an unconsolidated affiliate recognized during the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
Provision for Income Taxes
The increase in provision for income taxes was primarily due to the tax effect of the increase in book income and the limitation on executive compensation offset by the benefit from equity-settled long-term incentive compensation and reduction in valuation allowance during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared with the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
| Nine Months Ended |
| |||||||
September 30, | Increase | ||||||||
(dollars in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| (Decrease) | |||
Provision for income taxes | $ | 41,545 | $ | 27,543 |
| 51 | % | ||
Effective tax rate |
| 27 | % |
| 28 | % | (1) | % |
Our ability to fund operations, finance capital expenditures and pay dividends depends on the levels of our operating cash flows and access to the capital and credit markets. Our primary sources of liquidity are cash flows generated from our operations and our borrowing availability under our Credit Facility. Our cash flow is affected by numerous factors, including prices and demand for our services, oil and natural gas exploration and production spending, conditions in the financial markets and other factors. We have no near-term maturities and believe that our operating cash flows and borrowings under the Credit Facility will be sufficient to meet our future liquidity needs.
We may from time to time seek to retire or purchase our outstanding debt through cash purchases and/or exchanges for equity or debt securities in open market purchases, privately negotiated transactions or otherwise. Such repurchases or exchanges, if any, may be material, will be upon terms and prices as we may determine and will depend on prevailing market conditions, our liquidity requirements, contractual restrictions and other factors.
Cash Requirements
Our contract operations business is capital intensive, requiring significant investment to maintain and upgrade existing operations. Our capital spending is primarily dependent on the demand for our contract operations services and the availability of the type of compression equipment required for us to provide those contract operations services to our customers. Our capital requirements have consisted primarily of, and we anticipate will continue to consist of, the following:
• | operating expenses, namely employee compensation and benefits, inventory and lube oil purchases; |
• | growth capital expenditures; |
• | maintenance capital expenditures; |
• | interest on our outstanding debt obligations; |
• | dividend payments to our stockholders; and |
• | shares repurchased under the Share Repurchase Program and to cover taxes required to be withheld on the vesting date of long-term incentive grants to employees. |
Capital Expenditures
Growth Capital Expenditures. The majority of our growth capital expenditures are related to the acquisition cost of new compressors when our idle equipment cannot be reconfigured to economically fulfill a project’s requirements and the new compressor is expected to generate economic returns that exceed our cost of capital over the compressor’s expected useful life. In addition to newly-acquired compressors, growth capital expenditures include the upgrading of major components on an existing compression package where the current configuration of the compression package is no longer in demand and the compressor is not likely to return to an operating status without the capital expenditures. These expenditures substantially modify the operating parameters of the compression package such that it can be used in applications for which it previously was not suited.
Maintenance Capital Expenditures. Maintenance capital expenditures are related to major overhauls of significant components of a compression package, such as the engine, electric motor, compressor and cooler, which return the components to a like-new condition, but do not modify the application for which the compression package was designed.
Projected Capital Expenditures. We expect approximately $260 million in growth capital expenditures in 2024, including $190 million for our pre-acquisition business. The $70 million increase is exclusively related to the addition of the TOPS’ backlog and the remaining payments to packagers at delivery. This backlog is substantially committed to customers.
On October 24, 2024, our Board of Directors declared a quarterly dividend of $0.175 per share of common stock to be paid on November 13, 2024 to stockholders of record at the close of business on November 6, 2024. Any future determinations to pay cash dividends to our stockholders will be at the discretion of our Board of Directors and will be dependent upon our financial condition, results of operations and credit and loan agreements in effect at that time and other factors deemed relevant by our Board of Directors.
Sources of Cash
Credit Facility
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, our Credit Facility had an average debt balance of $268.7 million and $294.5 million, respectively. The weighted-average annual interest rate on the outstanding balance under the Credit Facility was 7.2% and 7.7% at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. As of September 30, 2024, there were $4.1 million letters of credit outstanding under the Credit Facility and the applicable margin on borrowings outstanding was 2.1%.
As of September 30, 2024, we were in compliance with all covenants under our Credit Facility. Additionally, all undrawn capacity on our Credit Facility was available for borrowings as of September 30, 2024.
2032 Notes and 2027 Notes Tender Offer
On August 26, 2024, we completed a private offering of $700.0 million aggregate principal amount of 6.625% senior notes due September 2032 and received net proceeds of $690.3 million after deducting issuance costs. In connection with the offering of the 2032 Notes, we completed a concurrent cash tender offer of $202.0 million. See Note 7 (“Long-Term Debt”) for further details.
July 2024 Equity Offering
On July 24, 2024, Archrock sold, pursuant to a public underwriting offering, 12,650,000 shares, including 1,650,000 shares pursuant to an over-allotment option. Archrock received net proceeds of $255.7 million, after deducting underwriting discounts, commissions and offering expenses. See Note 9 (“Stockholders’ Equity”) for further details.
Cash Flows
Our cash flows, as reflected in our unaudited condensed consolidated statements of cash flows, are summarized below:
| Nine Months Ended | |||||
September 30, | ||||||
(in thousands) |
| 2024 |
| 2023 | ||
Net cash provided by (used in): |
| ||
Operating activities | $ | 305,253 | $ | 238,468 | ||
Investing activities |
| (1,104,670) |
| (208,157) | ||
Financing activities | 801,828 |
| (31,395) | |||
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents | $ | 2,411 | $ | (1,084) |
Operating Activities
The increase in net cash provided by operating activities was primarily due to increased cash inflows of $99.0 million from adjusted gross margin, excluding deferred revenue recognized in earnings and amortization of freight and mobilization charges, changes of $5.1 million in inventory as a result of improvement in the lead time for parts and of $2.4 million in accounts receivable due to increased cash receipts from customers. These increases were partially offset by changes of $17.9 million in accounts payable and accrued liabilities due in part to accrued interest paid in connection with the 2027 Notes Tender Offer.
Investing Activities
The increase in net cash used in investing activities was primarily due to $869.1 million of cash paid in the TOPS Acquisition and a $30.5 million decrease in proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment.
Financing Activities
The change from net cash used in financing activities to net cash provided by financing activities was primarily due to $700.0 million of proceeds from the issuance of the 2032 Notes, $255.7 million of proceeds from the July 2024 Equity Offering and a $103.5 million increase in net borrowings of long-term debt, partially offset by $202.0 million for the 2027 Notes Tender Offer.
We are exposed to market risks associated with changes in the variable interest rate of our Credit Facility. A 1% increase in the effective interest rate on our Credit Facility’s outstanding balance at September 30, 2024 would have resulted in an annual increase in our interest expense of $4.5 million.
This Item 4 includes information concerning the controls and controls evaluation referred to in the certifications of our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer required by Rule 13a-14 of the Exchange Act included in this Form 10-Q as Exhibits 31.1 and 31.2.
Management’s Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act) are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in reports filed or submitted under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in SEC rules and forms. Disclosure controls and procedures include, without limitation, controls and procedures designed to ensure that such information is accumulated and communicated to management to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosures.
As of the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, our principal executive officer and principal financial officer evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) of the Exchange Act), which are designed to provide reasonable assurance that we are able to record, process, summarize and report the information required to be disclosed in our reports under the Exchange Act within the time periods specified in the rules and forms of the SEC. Based on the evaluation, as of September 30, 2024, our principal executive officer and principal financial officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective to provide reasonable assurance that the information required to be disclosed in reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to management, and made known to our principal executive officer and principal financial officer, on a timely basis to ensure that it is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting
There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) during the last fiscal quarter that materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.
In the ordinary course of business, we are involved in various pending or threatened legal actions. While we are unable to predict the ultimate outcome of these actions, we believe that any ultimate liability arising from any of these actions will not have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position, results of operations or cash flows, including our ability to pay dividends. However, because of the inherent uncertainty of litigation and arbitration proceedings, we cannot provide assurance that the resolution of any particular claim or proceeding to which we are a party will not have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position, results of operations or cash flows, including our ability to pay dividends.
Other than the following items, there have been no material changes or updates to the risk factors previously disclosed in our 2023 Form 10-K.
Risks Related to the TOPS Acquisition
We may not be able to achieve the expected benefits of the TOPS Acquisition. We may also encounter significant difficulties in integrating TOPS.
We may not be able to achieve the expected benefits of the TOPS Acquisition and there can be no assurance that the TOPS Acquisition will be beneficial to us. We may not be able to integrate the assets acquired in the TOPS Acquisition without increases in costs or other difficulties. The integration of a business is a complex, costly and time-consuming process. As a result, we will be required to devote significant management attention and resources to integrating our business practices and operations with the business practices and operations of TOPS. The integration process may disrupt our business and, if implemented ineffectively, would restrict the full realization of the anticipated benefits from the TOPS Acquisition. The failure to meet the challenges involved in integrating TOPS and to realize the anticipated benefits of the TOPS Acquisition could have an adverse effect on our business, results of operations, financial condition and prospects, as well as the market price of our common stock. The challenges of integrating the operations of acquired businesses include, among others:
● | difficulties with the integration of the business of TOPS and workforce following the TOPS Acquisition; |
● | conditions in the oil and natural gas industry, including the level of production of, demand for or price of oil or natural gas; |
● | our reduced profit margins or the loss of market share resulting from competition or the introduction of competing technologies by other companies; |
● | changes in economic or political conditions, including terrorism and legislative changes; |
● | the inherent risks associated with our operations, such as equipment defects, impairments, malfunctions and natural disasters; |
● | the risk that counterparties will not perform their obligations under our financial instruments; |
● | the financial condition of our customers; |
● | our ability to timely and cost-effectively obtain components necessary to conduct our business; |
● | employment and workforce factors, including our ability to hire, train and retain key employees; |
● | our ability to implement certain business and financial objectives, such as: |
● | winning profitable new business; |
● | growing our asset base and enhancing asset utilization; |
● | integrating acquired businesses; |
● | generating sufficient cash; and |
● | accessing the capital markets at an acceptable cost; |
● | liability related to the use of our services; |
● | changes in governmental safety, health, environmental or other regulations, which could require us to make significant expenditures; |
● | the effectiveness of our control environment, including the identification of control deficiencies; and |
● | our level of indebtedness and ability to fund our business. |
Many of these factors are outside of our control, and any one of them could result in increased costs and liabilities, decreases in the amount of expected revenue and earnings, and diversion of management’s time and energy, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. Further, additional unanticipated costs may be incurred in the integration of the acquired business.
The market price of our common stock may decline as a result of the TOPS Acquisition if, among other things, the integration of the properties to be acquired in the TOPS Acquisition is unsuccessful or transaction costs related to the TOPS Acquisition are greater than expected. The market price of our common stock may decline if we do not achieve the perceived benefits of the TOPS Acquisition as rapidly or to the extent anticipated by us or by securities market participants or if the effect of TOPS Acquisition on our business, results of operations or financial condition or prospects is not consistent with our expectations or those of securities market participants.
Any acquisitions we complete, including the TOPS Acquisition, are subject to substantial risks that could reduce our ability to make distributions to our common stockholders.
Even if we do make acquisitions that we believe will increase the amount of cash available for distribution to our common stockholders, these acquisitions, including the TOPS Acquisition, may nevertheless result in a decrease in the amount of cash available for distribution to our common stockholders. Any acquisition, including the TOPS Acquisition, involves potential risks, including, among other things:
● | the assumption of unknown liabilities, losses or costs for which we are not indemnified or for which any indemnity we receive is inadequate; |
● | our inability to obtain satisfactory title to the assets we acquire; and |
● | the occurrence of other significant changes, such as impairment of long-lived assets, asset devaluation or restructuring charges. |
Sales of Unregistered Securities
Purchase of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers
The following table summarizes our share repurchase activity for the three months ended September 30, 2024:
Approximate Dollar | ||||||||||
Value of Shares | ||||||||||
Total Number of | That May Yet be | |||||||||
Average | Shares Purchased | Purchased Under | ||||||||
Total Number | Price | as Part of Publicly | the Publicly | |||||||
of Shares | Paid per | Announced Plans | Announced Plans | |||||||
(dollars in thousands, except per share amounts) |
| Purchased (1) |
| Share(2) |
| or Programs |
| or Programs | ||
July 1, 2024 — July 31, 2024 | 4,575 | $ | 20.13 | — | $ | 50,000 | ||||
August 1, 2024 — August 31, 2024 |
| 598,930 |
| 18.62 |
| 598,214 |
| 38,859 | |
September 1, 2024 — September 30, 2024 |
| 51,640 |
| 18.70 |
| 51,640 |
| 37,893 | |
Total |
| 655,145 | $ | 18.64 |
| 649,854 |
(1) | Represents shares of common stock purchased from employees to satisfy tax withholding obligations in connection with the vesting of restricted stock awards and shares repurchased under the 2023 Share Repurchase Program during the period. See Note 9 (“Stockholders Equity”) for further details. |
(2) | Average price paid per share includes costs associated with the repurchase, as applicable. |
Not applicable.
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, none of our directors or officers
The exhibits listed below are filed or furnished as part of this report:
2.1# |
| |
3.1 | ||
3.2 | ||
4.1 | ||
4.2 | ||
4.3 | ||
10.1 | ||
10.2 | ||
10.3 | ||
31.1* | ||
31.2* | ||
32.1** | ||
32.2** | ||
101.1* | Interactive data files (formatted in Inline XBRL) pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T | |
104.1* | Cover page interactive data file (formatted in Inline XBRL) pursuant to Rule 406 of Regulation S-T |
* Filed herewith
** Furnished, not filed
# Certain exhibits and schedules to this Exhibit have been omitted in accordance with Regulation S-K Item 601(a)(5)The Company agrees to furnish supplementally a copy of all omitted exhibits and schedules to the SEC upon its request
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
Archrock, Inc. | ||
By: | /s/ Douglas S. Aron | |
Douglas S. Aron | ||
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer | ||
(Principal Financial Officer) | ||
By: | /s/ Donna A. Henderson | |
Donna A. Henderson | ||
Vice President and Chief Accounting Officer | ||
(Principal Accounting Officer) | ||
November 12, 2024 |