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截至2024年11月7日,註冊公司普通股每股面值爲0.001美元的流通股份數量爲 97,368,165.


該截至2024年9月30日的第10-Q季度報告(下稱「本季度報告」)包含根據聯邦證券法的含義屬於前瞻性聲明。在本季度報告中的陳述如果不是歷史事實的重述,則構成前瞻性聲明,據定義,這些聲明涉及可能導致實際結果與此類聲明所陳述或暗示的結果有重大不同的風險和不確定性。這些前瞻性聲明旨在符合1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》建立的免責港灣的條件。在整個本季度報告中,我們嘗試通過使用「預期」,「相信」,「持續」,「可能」,「估計」,「期望」,「預測」,「目標」,「打算」,「可能」,「計劃」,「潛力」,「預測」,「項目」,「尋求」,「應該」,「將會」或其他形式的這些詞語或類似詞語或表達方式,或其否定形式來識別前瞻性聲明,雖然並非所有前瞻性聲明均包含這些條件。前瞻性聲明包括關於我們業務、運營、發展、投資和融資策略,我們與Starboard Value LP的關係,收購和開發活動,我們運營業務的財務結果,其他相關業務活動,資本支出、收益、訴訟,監管事宜,我們服務的市場,流動性和資本資源以及會計事項等的聲明。前瞻性聲明面臨重大風險和不確定性,這可能導致我們未來業務、財務狀況、經營業績與歷史結果或本季度報告中所包含的任何前瞻性聲明表述或暗示的結果有重大不同。我們所有的前瞻性聲明均包含作爲或與此類聲明相關的基礎的假設,並受到許多因素的影響,這些因素帶來相當大的風險和不確定性,包括但不限於:

我們的前瞻性陳述是基於管理層對影響我們業務和行業板塊以及其他未來事件的趨勢的當前預期和預測。儘管我們不會在沒有合理依據的情況下做出前瞻性陳述,但我們無法保證其準確性。 有關可能導致實際結果與本季度報告中所表達或暗示的前瞻性陳述的重大差異的風險和不確定性的其他信息,請參閱我們2023財年於2024年3月14日向證券交易委員會(“SEC”)提交的10-k表格年度報告中的“項目1A. 風險因素”以及“項目7. 管理層的財務狀況和經營業績的討論與分析”(我們的“2023年度報告”),以及我們向SEC的其他公開申報。此外,實際結果可能因我們目前未意識到或認為對我們業務不重要的其他風險和不確定性而實質性不同。

第I部分 - 財務資訊
項目 1. 財務報表
現金及現金等價物$360,050 $340,091 
股票投資14,100 63,068 
沒有明確可確定公平價值的股權證券5,816 5,816 
權益法投資30,934 30,934 
應收帳款,淨額10,733 80,555 
存貨12,218 10,921 
預付費用及其他流動資產23,795 23,127 
流動資產總額457,646 554,512 
不動產、廠房及設備淨值2,366 2,356 
石油和天然氣資產,淨值190,149 25,117 
商譽8,990 8,990 
其他無形資產淨值30,872 33,556 
營業租賃,使用權資產1,366 1,872 
遞延所得稅資產,淨額8,424 2,915 
其他非流動資產7,759 4,227 
總資產$707,572 $633,545 
應付賬款$5,258 $3,261 
應計費用及其他流動負債8,668 8,405 
應付補償4,969 4,207 
目前資產養老義務 1,562  
專利權使用費及待定法律費用應付6,194 10,786 
透過收入1,268 977 
流動負債總額27,919 27,636 
長期租賃負債1,251 1,736 
循環信貸設施70,000 10,525 
其他長期負債1,771 4,039 
總負債129,006 43,936 
優先股,面額 $0.001 每股。 10,000,000 授權的股份; no 已發行或流通中的股份
普通股,面額 $0.001 每股。 300,000,000 授權的股份; 98,838,33799,895,473 自2024年9月30日及2023年12月31日期間,已發行並流通的股份分別如下
99 100 
按成本核算的庫藏股 17,720,82516,183,703 股份截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,分別
資本公積額額外增資907,996 906,153 
阿卡西亞研究公司股東權益總額540,178 568,266 
非控股權益38,388 21,343 
股東權益總額578,566 589,609 
負債總額及股東權益合計$707,572 $633,545 

知識產權運營$486 $1,760 $19,442 $6,330 
工業運營7,007 8,324 22,183 26,461 
能源運營15,817  31,843  
總營業收入23,310 10,084 73,468 32,791 
收入成本 - 知識產權業務5,707 5,470 18,473 15,218 
收入成本 - 工業業務3,523 4,377 10,849 13,530 
生產成本 - 能源業務11,729  23,082  
工程及開發費用 - 工業業務108 172 420 593 
銷售及市場推廣費用 - 工業業務1,391 1,613 4,333 5,385 
一般及行政費用11,124 11,605 33,428 33,071 
總成本和開支33,582 23,237 90,585 67,797 
權益證券公允價值變動(4,074)8,823 (35,519)18,783 
股權證券出售的收益(損失)  28,861 (9,360)
對聯營創業公司的股權投資收益 3,375  3,375 
已實現和未實現的虧損(收益)(4,074)12,198 (6,658)12,798 
一次性遺留法律費用(2,000) (14,857) 
B類warrants及嵌入衍生品的公允價值變動 1,525  8,241 
衍生品收益 - 能源業務8,034  5,546  
外幣兌換損益130 (70)(72)25 
高級擔保票據的利息支出 (130) (1,930)
利息收入和其他,淨額2,022 2,195 9,810 9,943 
其他收入(支出)總計4,112 15,718 (6,231)29,077 
稅前(虧損)收入(6,160)2,565 (23,348)(5,929)
所得稅(費用)收益(5,497)197 2,673 (641)
包含附屬公司的非控股權益在內的凈(損失)利潤(11,657)2,762 (20,675)(6,570)
歸屬於阿卡西亞研究公司的凈(虧損)利潤$(13,996)$1,636 $(22,628)$(7,696)
歸屬於普通股股東的淨虧損 - 普通$(13,996)$(1,741)$(22,628)$(15,703)
基本已發行股份加權平均數99,854,723 94,328,452 99,893,336 67,072,835 
歸屬於普通股股東的凈虧損 - 稀釋$(13,996)$(3,164)$(22,628)$(15,703)
稀釋已發行股份加權平均數99,854,723 99,122,973 99,893,336 67,072,835 

Interests in
截至2024年6月30日的餘額 $ 100,375,459 $100 $(98,258)$907,215 $(248,361)$36,049 $596,745 
— — — — — — (13,996)2,339 (11,657)
— — — — — 781 — — 781 
回購普通股— — (1,537,122)(1)(7,302)— — — (7,303)
2024年9月30日的賬面 $ 98,838,337 $99 $(105,560)$907,996 $(262,357)$38,388 $578,566 
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023
Series A Redeemable Convertible Preferred StockCommon StockTreasury StockAdditional
Paid-in Capital
Accumulated DeficitNoncontrolling
Interests in
Operating Subsidiaries
Stockholders' Equity
Balance at June 30, 2023350,000 $23,154 58,754,795 $58 $(98,258)$738,712 $(316,121)$11,042 $335,433 
Net income including
   noncontrolling interests in
— — — — — — 1,636 1,126 2,762 
Distributions to noncontrolling
   interests in subsidiaries
— — — — — — — (1,126)(1,126)
Conversion of Series A
   Redeemable Convertible
   Preferred Stock to common stock
(350,000)(23,154)9,616,746 10 — 36,024 — — 36,034 
Exercise of Series B warrants— — 31,506,849 31 — 129,462 — — 129,493 
Stock options exercised— — 7,932 — — 29 — — 29 
Compensation expense for
   share-based awards
— — — — — 973 — — 973 
Balance at September 30, 2023 $ 99,886,322 $99 $(98,258)$905,200 $(314,485)$11,042 $503,598 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.

Table of Contents
(In thousands, except share data)
Interests in
截至2023年12月31日的餘額 $ 99,895,473 $100 $(98,258)$906,153 $(239,729)$21,343 $589,609 
— — — — — — (22,628)1,953 (20,675)
— — — — — — — 15,250 15,250 
— — — — — 158 — (158) 
行使期權— — 61,667 — — 223 — — 223 
— — 643,182 — — — — — — 
— — (2,802)— — — — — — 
— — (222,061)— — (1,068)— — (1,068)
— — — — — 2,530 — — 2,530 
回購普通股— — (1,537,122)(1)(7,302)— — — (7,303)
2024年9月30日的賬面 $ 98,838,337 $99 $(105,560)$907,996 $(262,357)$38,388 $578,566 
Interests in
2022年12月31日結餘350,000 $19,924 43,484,867 $43 $(98,258)$663,284 $(306,789)$11,042 $269,322 
— — — — — — (7,696)1,126 (6,570)
— — — — — — — (1,126)(1,126)
— 3,230 — — — (3,230)— — (3,230)
— — — — — (1,400)— — (1,400)
(350,000)(23,154)9,616,746 10 — 36,024 — — 36,034 
行使B系列warrants— — 31,506,849 31 — 129,462 — — 129,493 
行使期權— — 67,500 — — 235 — — 235 
— — 15,068,753 15 — 79,096 — — 79,111 
— — 313,351 — — — — — — 
— — (34,167)— — — — — — 
— — (137,577)— — (595)— — (595)
— — — — — 2,324 — — 2,324 
2023年9月30日的結餘 $ 99,886,322 $99 $(98,258)$905,200 $(314,485)$11,042 $503,598 

(單位: 千元)
折舊、減值及攤銷21,735 10,152 
A系列可贖回可轉換優先股嵌入衍生品的公平價值變化 (3,954)
系列b warrants的公允價值變動 (2,762)
行使系列b warrants的收益 (1,525)
以股份為基礎的獎勵的補償費用2,530 2,324 
外幣交易損失(收益)72 (25)
權益證券公允價值變動35,519 (18,783)
對聯營創業公司的股權投資收益 (3,375)
應收賬款69,710 2,982 
應付帳款及應計費用8,129 (5,623)
透過收入295 (149)
營運活動所提供(使用)的淨現金70,384 (17,962)
出售股權證券57,854 15,198 
來自合資企業的股權投資所獲得的分配 2,249 
償還高級擔保票據 (60,000)
A系列可贖回可轉換優先股的股息 (1,400)
配股收益 79,111 
Series b認股權證行使所得 49,000 
行使股票期權所得223 235 
籌資活動提供的淨現金66,577 66,351 
匯率對現金及現金等價物的影響65 (59)
現金及現金等價物增加19,959 56,947 
現金及現金等價物,期初340,091 287,786 
現金及現金等價物,期末$360,050 $344,733 
支付利息$2,707 $2,380 
所得稅已支付金額460 722 
對子公司非控股權益的分配 1,126 

1. 業務描述
我們特別吸引於複雜情況,認為價值未受完全認可,某些業務的價值被多元化業務組合掩蓋,或是私人所有權尚未投資必要的資本或資源來支持長期價值。通過我們的公開市場業務,我們旨在在公共公司中建立戰略性區塊持股,作為實現整體公司收購或能夠解鎖價值的戰略交易途徑。我們認為這種業務模式與股權投資並不 typ.ically 持有公共證券以前收購公司,對全面收購公司的過程中進行 tical 買賣的對沖基金有所區分,以及如特殊目的收購公司等其他收購車輛,這些車輛通常專注於完成一次定義性收購。
與Starboard Value, LP的關係
我們與Starboard Value、LP(以及與之關聯或由Starboard Value LP管理的某些基金和帳戶,以下簡稱為「Starboard」)建立的戰略關係提供了產業專業知識、營運夥伴和產業專家,用於評估潛在的收購機會,並在完成收購後增強對這些企業的監察和增值。Starboard已提供,我們期望將繼續提供,以方便我們接觸其龐大的產業高層網絡,作為我們關係的一部分,Starboard已協助,我們預計將繼續協助,尋找和評估適當的收購機會。我們還與Starboard簽訂了服務協議(定義如下),其中Starboard同意根據費用返還的基礎提供某些交易執行、研究、盡職調查和其他服務。Starboard有益擁有公司於2024年9月30日股份,根據該日期發行和流通的普通股份計算,佔普通股的約61.8%。另見附註10以獲取更多信息。 61,123,595 截至2024年9月30日,Starboard作為公司控股股東持有普通股,根據當時發行和流通的普通股計算,其持股比例約為61.8%。詳見附註10以獲取更多信息。 98,838,337 作為2024年9月30日現有並流通的普通股,參考附註10以獲取更多信息。
知識產權業務運營 專利許可、執行和技術業務
本公司透過其專利許可、執行和技術業務投資於知識產權和相關絕對回報資產,並從事專利技術的許可和執行。我們透過我們的專利許可、執行和技術業務,在我們全資擁有的子公司Acacia Research Group, LLC(簡稱"ARG")的指導下運作,及其全資擁有的子公司,我們在專利組合的授權和執行中扮演主要角色,我們的運營子公司獲得專利組合的權利或直接購買專利組合。雖然我們不時與發明人和專利擁有者合作,無論是小實體還是大公司,我們承擔所有推進運營支出的責任,同時推進專利許可和執行計畫,並在適用時,在預先安排和談判的基礎上,與我們的專利夥伴分享淨許可收入,隨著該計劃成熟。我們也可能向專利擁有者提供資本預付款,作為未來許可收入的預付款。

截至2024年9月30日及2023年12月31日止,ARG無 獲取任何新專利組合的控制權。
在2023年11月13日,我們投資了$10.0百萬以收購Benchmark Energy II, LLC(以下簡稱“Benchmark”) 50.4%的股權。總部位於德克薩斯州奧斯汀市的Benchmark是一家從事在德克薩斯州和奧克拉荷馬州成熟資源區進行石油和天然氣資產收購、生產和開發的獨立石油和燃料幣公司。Benchmark由一支經驗豐富的管理團隊運作,由首席執行官柯克·葛林(Kirk Goehring)率領,他曾分別擔任Benchmark和Jones Energy, Inc.的首席運營官。交易(如下所定義)之前,Benchmark的資產主要包括位於德克薩斯州羅伯茨縣和亨菲爾德縣的超過13,000英畝,以及對超過125口井的持有權,其中大部分是由其運營。Benchmark旨在收購可預測且衰退緩慢、現金流穩定的石油和天然氣資產,透過謹慎、場站優化的策略增加價值,通過強大的商品套期保值和低槓桿化管控風險。通過對Benchmark的投資,公司將與Benchmark管理團隊一起評估以有吸引力的估值收購未來的石油和天然氣資產和成長。公司的合併基本報表將包括自2023年11月13日至2024年9月30日Benchmark的合併營運。
2024年4月17日,Benchmark完成了根據購買和出售協議(“革命購買協議”),該協議於2024年2月16日與Benchmark、Revolution Resources II, LLC、Revolution II NPI Holding Company, LLC、Jones Energy, LLC、Nosley Assets, LLC、Nosley Acquisition, LLC和Nosley Midstream, LLC(以下統稱為“革命”)訂定,預先宣佈的交易。
根據《革命購買協議》,Benchmark收購了德克薩斯州和奧克拉荷馬州的某些上游資產及相關設施,包括約 140,000 個淨畝和對約 470 口操作生產井的權益(此項購買和銷售,以及《革命購買協議》所概括的其他交易,統稱為“革命交易”),購買價格為$145百萬元現金(“革命購買價格”),以通常的交割後調整為準。公司為Benchmark提供的資金,以支付其部分革命購買價格和相關費用,為$59.9百萬元,該筆資金來源於手頭現金。革命購買價格的餘額則通過在革命循環信貸設施(如下文定義)下的借貸組合以及Benchmark其他投資者的$15.25百萬元現金出資,包括McArron Partners。交割後,公司在Benchmark的持股比例約為 73.5%.革命交易已依照美國會計準則編纂(“ASC”)805-50“業務合併”進行資產收購會計。詳情請參閱第2註解,以獲取有關革命循環信貸設施的更多信息。

2024 年 10 月 18 日,阿卡西亞的全資附屬公司德弗萊克托控股有限公司(「Deflecto 購買者」)根據當日與德弗萊克托控股有限公司和埃弗里霍爾金融有限公司(統稱「Deflecto 股票購買協議」)簽訂的某些股票購買協議(「Deflecto 股票購買協議」)於 2024 年 10 月 18 日收購了德弗萊克托收購股份有限公司(以下簡稱「Deflecto 股票購買協議」)、Deflecto 及其中指明的賣家代表。根據《Deflecto 股票購買協議》,Deflecto 買家根據《Deflecto 股票購買協議》的條款和條件下購買了 Deflecto 的所有已發行及未償還股權(該等買賣,以及 Deflecto 股票購買協議所擬的其他交易,「Deflecto 交易」)購買。Deflecto 總部位於印第安納州印第安納波利斯,是為商業運輸、空調和辦公室市場提供基本產品的領先專業製造商。德弗勒克托交易於二零二四年十月十八日與德弗萊克托股票購買協議同時完成。根據 Deflecto 股票購買協議的條款及細則,在 Deflecto 交易中支付給 Deflecto 賣家的總代價包括 $103.7百萬元,但須受股票購買協議中規定的某些營運資金、債務及其他常規調整(「Deflecto 購買價」)。Deflecto 購買價格是以 $ 的借貸組合而獲得資金48.0百萬有抵押定期貸款(「Deflecto 定期貸款」)和現金。Deflecto 購買價的部分將被保留在託管中,以免 Deflecto 買家賠償某些索賠、損失和責任的賠償。
2. 重要會計政策摘要
合併基本報表及附註是根據美國通用會計準則("U.S. GAAP")以權責發生制編製。
在2020年,與Link Fund Solutions Limited的交易有關(詳情見附註3),公司收購了Malin J1 Limited(“MalinJ1”)的股權證券。由於公司透過其在MalinJ1的股權證券的利益,有能力控制MalinJ1的運營和活動,因此MalinJ1被納入公司的綜合基本報表中。Viamet HoldCo LLC是一家特拉華州的有限責任公司,為Acacia的全資子公司,並且是MalinJ1的主要股東。
本公司持有Benchmark的變量利益,因為公司有義務承擔損失,並且在收購日期後有權從Benchmark獲取利益,因此Benchmark被視為變量利益實體("VIE")。我們確定我們有權指導對Benchmark經濟表現影響最大的活動,我們 (i) 有義務承擔可能對Benchmark造成重大影響的損失,或 (ii) 持有從Benchmark獲取可能對其具有重大意義的利益的權利。
隨附的未經審核的簡明合併基本報表是依據美國公認會計原則(U.S. GAAP)針對中期財務資訊、10-Q表格的指導原則及S-X法規第10-01條編製的。因此,根據SEC的季報要求,某些由美國GAAP要求在年度基本報表中提供的信息和備註披露已被省略或簡化。這些未經審核的簡明合併中期基本報表及其附註應與Acacia在其2023年年報中報告的截至2023年12月31日的合併基本報表及其附註一起閱讀,以及我們在SEC的其他公開檔案中包含的報告。Acacia的簡明合併中期基本報表包括管理層認為對於公允陳述所必需的正常經常性調整。


(單位: 千元)
已付授權營業收入協議$ $1,410 $17,253 $5,385 
循環授權營業收入協議486 350 2,189 945 
總計$486 $1,760 $19,442 $6,330 

佣金與相關銷售當年確認的 營業收入 相關。所有由政府機關徵收的稅款,這些稅款同時針對特定的 營業收入 產生交易並向客戶徵收(例如:銷售稅、使用稅、增值稅以及某些消費稅),均排除在 營業收入 之外。
(單位: 千元)
打印機、耗材和零件$6,149 $7,428 $19,678 $23,714 
服務858 896 2,505 2,747 
總計$7,007 $8,324 $22,183 $26,461 
合併資產負債表中的逕留收入代表ASC 606規定下的合同負債,包括履約前的支付和結算。Printronix在截至2024年9月30日和2023年各三個月的業績中,認定約$的營業收入,該營業收入先前包含在逕留收入的期初餘額中。Printronix在截至2024年9月30日和2023年各九個月的業績中,認定約$的營業收入,該營業收入先前包含在逕留收入的期初餘額中。322,000344,000 合併資產負債表中的逕留收入代表ASC 606規定下的合同負債,包括履約前的支付和結算。Printronix在截至2024年9月30日和2023年各三個月的業績中,認定約$的營業收入,該營業收入先前包含在逕留收入的期初餘額中。Printronix在截至2024年9月30日和2023年各九個月的業績中,認定約$的營業收入,該營業收入先前包含在逕留收入的期初餘額中。1.4 合併資產負債表中的逕留收入代表ASC 606規定下的合同負債,包括履約前的支付和結算。Printronix在截至2024年9月30日和2023年各三個月的業績中,認定約$的營業收入,該營業收入先前包含在逕留收入的期初餘額中。Printronix在截至2024年9月30日和2023年各九個月的業績中,認定約$的營業收入,該營業收入先前包含在逕留收入的期初餘額中。
Printronix剩餘的履約義務,在將產品轉移給客戶後,主要與維修和壓力位服務有關。分配給剩餘履約義務的總交易價格,對於原始期限超過一年的安排,包括在遞延營業收入中的金額為$483,000567,000 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,分別為。Printronix採用了不披露未滿足履約義務的實用豁免,對於原始預期長度為一年或更短的合同。根據預期,2024年9月30日的剩餘履約義務在未來的平均認列期約為 年內。.

客戶在何時獲得產品的管控權、所有權及損失風險。 營業收入根據合約定價條款進行記錄,這些條款反映當前市場價格,並扣除價格差異。石油營業收入在轉移控制權至客戶的月份進行確認,並且基準公司很可能會收取應得的報酬。
Benchmark的天然氣和天然氣液體在租賃地點、 中遊實體的集氣系統入口、天然氣處理廠的尾門或其他合約交付點出售給中遊客戶。中遊實體收集、處理並將所得款項支付給Benchmark,作為出售天然氣和天然氣液體的收益,通常包括合約費用和收益百分比的減少。在Benchmark通過中遊處理設施的出口維持控制的合約中,Benchmark按總額確認營業收入,收集、交通和處理費用在綜合營運報表上列示為支出。相反地,當Benchmark在中遊處理設施的入口放棄控制時,Benchmark根據從中遊處理實體收到的收益淨額確認天然氣和天然氣液體的營業收入,作為客戶。
(單位: 千元)
石油銷售$8,997 $17,740 
天然氣銷售2,829 5,550 
天然氣液體銷售3,837 8,390 
其他服務銷售154 163 
總計$15,817 $31,843 


ARG的專利包括自第三方獲得的專利或專利權的成本,或在業務合併中獲得的專利。ARG的專利成本按照直線法在其估計的使用年限內進行攤銷,範圍從 在權利益分享區間內, 五年請參閱附註7以獲取更多資訊。
Printronix的無形資產包括商標名稱和商標、專利以及客戶和分銷商關係。在收購時,這些有限壽命的無形資產根據公平價值記錄,並以累計攤銷後的淨額表示。Printronix目前以直線法攤銷有限壽命的無形資產,攤銷年限為其估計的使用壽命。 七年請參閱第7註釋以獲取更多信息。

如管理層決定不再將資源分配給專利組合,則會記錄相等於資產剩餘的記錄價值的減值損失。公平價值通常使用「收入方法」進行估計,專注於專利組合在其預估剩餘經濟實用期內的預估未來淨收入產生能力。未來稅後現金流量的估計會通過「折扣」轉換為現值,包括估計回報率,該報酬率同時考慮到貨幣的時間價值和投資風險因素。預估現金流入通常基於適用技術的合理版權利率估算,並應用於估計市場數據。預估現金流出是根據現有的合同義務 (例如適用法律費用和發明家特許權義務) 所適用於估計許可證費收入,以及與特定專利組合的授權和執法計劃相關的其他自付費用估計。該分析還考慮考慮有關專利組合的當前信息,包括訴訟的狀況和階段,訴訟程序的定期結果,專利組合的實力,技術涵蓋範圍以及其他可能影響未來淨現金流的相關信息。 如需其他資訊,請參閱註 7。
資產養老義務("ARO")指的是與油氣井的封閉和棄用相關的未來成本,包括在根據適用的地方、州和聯邦法律的要求下,從租用土地上移除設備和設施及土地恢復。 ARO負債的折現公平價值必須在其發生的期間內確認,相關的資產養老成本則計入油氣資產的帳面成本中。計算ARO時所使用的主要輸入包括必須支出的成本的估算和時間、信用調整的折現率和通脹率。公司已將這些輸入指定為第3級重要不可觀察輸入。每個期間ARO的現值會增加,而資本化的養老成本則通過使用產量法與已確認的油氣資產一起耗減。如果ARO的未來預估成本發生變化,則會對ARO和長期資產進行調整。對於估算的ARO的修訂可以源於成本估算的變化、通脹率估算的修訂以及棄用時間預估的變更。
2022年9月16日,Benchmark簽署了一份信用協議(以下稱為"原始Benchmark信用協議"),涉及一個循環信用額度(以下稱為"原始Benchmark循環貸款")和一個與銀行的定期貸款。原始Benchmark循環貸款的初始借款基數為$25 百萬美元和$75 百萬美元的最大借款容量。原始Benchmark循環貸款的到期日定於2025年9月16日。根據原始Benchmark信用協議的可用性受限於借款基數,每年4月1日和10月1日重新確定一次。17.5 在2023年,借款基數減少至$10.5 百萬美元,並進行了付款,這進一步將借款基數減少至$10.5 百萬美元。截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,原始Benchmark循環貸款的未償還餘額分別為零和$3.5百萬美元。此外,Benchmark最初在相關的定期貸款下借出了$ 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日。
在2024年4月17日(以下簡稱「革命結束日期」),與交易相關的BE Anadarko II, LLC,作為Benchmark的子公司,與Frost Bank簽訂了一份貸款協議(以下簡稱「Benchmark貸款協議」),Frost Bank擔任行政代理人和LC發行者(以下簡稱「Frost Bank」),以及不時成為該協議一方的貸款人(以下簡稱「Benchmark貸款人」),該協議管理著一個新的循環信貸設施(以下簡稱「Benchmark循環信貸設施」),最大總信貸金額為$150百萬的總增量費用,其中約$85在革命結束日期時可用的金額為$ 百萬,Benchmark可以根據Benchmark貸款協議中規定的條款和條件不時抽取。Benchmark循環信貸設施將於2027年4月17日到期,並包括信用證子設施。在結束日期時,$82.7 百萬美元,包括其他費用中的百萬美元和公司簡明綜合損益表中銷售成本中百萬美元的費用備轉。660,000 與信用證相關的金額,已在Benchmark循環信貸設施下提取。Benchmark以其幾乎所有的石油和燃料幣財產及其他資產作為抵押,以確保在Benchmark貸款協議下的未償還金額。在截至2024年9月30日的九個月內,Benchmark在Benchmark循環信貸設施下支付了$12.0 百萬,減少了借款基數。截至2024年9月30日,Benchmark循環信貸設施的未償還餘額為$70.0 百萬元。

基準循環信貸設施的借款按每年利率計算,該利率等於「調整後的有擔保隔夜融資利率(“SOFR”利差率)」(如貸款協議中所定義)加上利差, 3.00的某個百分比至 4.00 %。適用的利差基於每月的使用百分比來確定,並且可用性是通過參考借款基數計算來確定的。截至2024年9月30日,基準循環信貸設施未償餘額的利率為 9 %。基準循環信貸設施下未使用的承諾需支付每季度一次的承諾費 0.5 %。
基準貸款協議包含針對BE Anadarko及其子公司的慣例契約,包括債務、留置權、合併、無資格資本股票的發行、處置、分紅派息的支付、投資和新業務、組織文件及其他重要合同的修訂、對沖合同、售後回租交易及與關聯方的交易等方面的限制。此外,基準貸款協議還包含要求BE Anadarko維持與其合併流動資產及槓桿相關的某些財務比率的契約。基準貸款協議還包括某些違約事件,包括但不限於不付款、陳述和保證不準確、違反契約、對其他債務的交叉違約、破產、重大判決或控制權變更。在違約事件發生時,基準貸款人可以終止基準貸款協議下的承諾並宣告所有貸款到期應付款。
公司回購優先股以成本法列示。在正式或構造性養老庫藏股時,適用的面值會從適當的資本股賬戶中扣除。若庫藏股的成本高於其面值,則超出部分將計入額外股本,並在合併資產負債表中作為庫藏股反映。 有關詳細資料,請參閱附注14。
所有基於時間的股票獎勵的補償成本是在授予日根據獎勵的公平價值進行衡量,並在員工的必要服務期限內(通常是股權獎勵的歸屬期)按直線法確認為費用,目前是 在權利益分享區間內, 四年帶有控制項的獎勵的補償成本應基於該控制項的可能結果。如果控制項可能達成,則應累計補償成本;如果控制項不可能達成,則不應累計補償成本。限制性股票獎勵(“RSAs”)、限制性股票單位(“RSUs”)和基於績效的股票獎勵(“PSUs”)的公允價值是根據授予的股份或單位數量和基礎普通股的授予日市價來確定的。每個選擇權獎勵的公允價值是使用Black-Scholes選擇權定價模型在授予日進行估算的。失效情況會在發生時進行會計處理。 請參閱附註15以獲取更多資訊。

公司的有效稅率為 89資產和(8)%截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月。公司的有效稅率為(11)%和 11%截至2024年和2023年9月30日的九個月。我們2024年各期的有效稅率與美國聯邦法定稅率的差異主要是由於外國預扣稅,我們無法將其認列為外國稅收抵免以及非可扣除項目。我們2023年期間的有效稅率低於美國聯邦法定稅率,主要是由於外國稅收抵免的到期、估值準備金的變更以及非可扣除項目。有效稅率可能會在年度內波動,因為新信息的獲取可能影響估算有效稅率所用的假設,包括預期利用淨營運虧損結轉的因素、公司業務所在司法管轄區內稅法的變更或解釋、公司擴展至新的州或外國,及對遞延稅資產估值準備金的金額。公司截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日已對我們的淨遞延稅資產錄得部分估值準備金。這些資產主要由外國稅收抵免和州淨營運虧損結轉組成。
截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,該公司擁有的總計未確認稅收利益約為$757,000截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,$757,000 的未確認稅收利益已記錄在其他長期負債中。在所報告的期間內,未確認稅收利益未錄入利息和罰款。截至2024年9月30日,若確認,$757,000 的稅收利益將影響公司有效稅率,需視估價準備而定。該公司預期未確認利益的負債在未來12個月內不會有重大變化。Acacia在所得稅費用(利益)中確認與未確認稅收利益相關的利息和罰款。Acacia未識別出任何不確定的稅務狀況,合理地認為未確認稅收利益的總額在12個月內不會有顯著增加或減少。
2023年11月,FASb發佈了ASU 2023-07,“改善可報告節段披露”,要求按節段披露重要費用,並暫時披露先前需在年度中披露的事項

基礎。 ASU 2023-07應以追溯方式適用,對開始於2023年12月15日後的財政年度以及開始於2024年12月15日後的財政年度內的中期時段生效。管理層目前正在評估本更新中的條款可能對公司綜合財務報表產生的影響。
2023年12月,FASB發布了ASU 2023-09,“收入稅披露改善”,主要涉及收入稅率調解和已經支付的所得稅的額外披露。ASU 2023-09要求實體(i)年度披露其稅率調解中的特定類別,以及(ii)為達到定量閾值的調解項目提供額外信息。ASU 2023-09還要求實體按聯邦、州和外國稅收區分披露所支付的所得稅金額,並按個別司法管轄區區分披露已支付的所得稅金額,受五個百分點的定量閾值限制。ASU 2023-09可以採用前瞻性或溯及既往的基礎,並於2024年12月15日後開始的財政年度生效,允許提前採納。管理層目前正在評估此更新中的修訂可能對公司綜合財務報表產生的影響。
3. 股權證券
(單位: 千元)
股權證券-其他普通股$19,971 $5 $(5,876)$14,100 
總計$19,971 $5 $(5,876)$14,100 
股權證券-生命科學投資組合$28,498 $28,600 $(20)$57,078 
股權證券-其他普通股4,925 1,080 (15)5,990 
總計$33,423 $29,680 $(35)$63,068 
在2020年4月3日,公司與LF Equity Income Fund簽訂了一份選擇權協議,其中包括一般條款,透過這些條款公司獲得了購買18家上市和私營生命科學公司的投資組合(以下稱「生命科學投資組合」)的選擇權,總購買價格為£223.9 百萬,約合$277.5 百萬,根據2020年4月3日的匯率。
出於會計目的,生命科學投資組合的總購買價格根據2020年4月3日各個股票證券的公允價值分配,以建立每項獲得的證券的適當成本基礎。公開公司的證券公允價值根據其報價市場價格進行評估。私營公司的證券公允價值則根據近期融資交易和二級市場交易進行估算,並考慮到這些證券流動性不足的折扣。截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,我們的合併資產負債表中包含的剩餘生命科學投資組合的總公允價值為$25.7 百萬美元和$82.8 百萬美元,分別為。
作為公司收購生命科學投資組合中股權證券的一部分,公司收購了Arix Bioscience PLC(「Arix」)的股權,這是一家在倫敦證券交易所上市的公開公司。於2023年11月1日,公司通過一家全資子公司與RTW Biotech Opportunities Ltd.(「RTW Bio」)簽訂了一份協議(「Arix股份購買協議」),將其持有的Arix股份以購買價格$57.1 百萬元的總價(按1.2087美元/英鎊的匯率相當於每股£1.43)。於2024年1月19日,公司完成了該項出售,總金額為$57.1 百萬元。完成股份出售後,公司不再擁有任何Arix的股份。

(單位: 千元)
$ $8,187 $(28,581)$7,677 
淨實現及未實現收益$ $8,187 $ $7,677 
作為公司收購生命科學投資組合中股權證券的一部分,公司於2020年12月3日收購了MalinJ1的股權證券的主要權益(63.9),因為MalinJ1的控制權發生變更,且所收購資產的公允價值幾乎全部集中在一個可識別的單一資產,即對Viamet Pharmaceuticals Holdings, LLC("Viamet")的投資,因此MalinJ1股權證券的成本基礎被用來分配給Viamet投資,即那個可識別的單一資產,並且未確認任何商譽。公司通過其對MalinJ1的合併會計將對Viamet的投資按權益法認列,因為MalinJ1擁有 41.0%的Viamet已發行股份。 截至2024年9月30日及2023年12月31日,該項投資未達到SEC定義的額外綜合損益表披露的重大性閾值。 截至2024年9月30日的九個月2023,我們對股權投資的合併收益 包含在合併經營報表中 百萬。債務的公允價值是使用公司認為可用於類似金融工具的市場利率進行預估,並代表第 3.4 百萬,分別。在截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月內,未收到任何分配。在截至2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月內,MalinJ1向Acacia分配了$2.2 百萬1.1 向非控制權益分配了$百萬。
4. 存貨
(單位: 千元)
原材料$3,785 $3,961 
子組件和在製品1,150 1,882 
成品7,868 5,578 
12,803 11,421 
庫存總額$12,218 $10,921 

5. 財產、機器和設備,淨值
機械設備$3,033 $3,035 
家具及裝置362 395 
計算機硬件和軟件387 312 
租賃權改善1,020 1,018 
5,538 4,760 
物業、工廠及設備淨值$2,366 $2,356 
合併損益表中的總折舊及攤銷費用為$326,000330,000 ,分别为2024年和2023年9月30日结束的三个月,以及$883,0001.1 截至2024年及2023年9月30日的九個月內,金額為百萬。我們的知識產權營運及母公司將折舊及攤銷計入一般及行政開支中。在截至2024年及2023年9月30日的三個月內,我們的工業營運分配的折舊及攤銷總額為$247,000298,000,分別記入所有適用的營運費用類別,包括銷售成本$96,00099,000截至2024年和2023年9月30日的九個月期間,我們的工業運營分配的折舊和攤銷總額為$749,000952,000分別分配到所有適用的營運費用類別,包括$的銷售成本304,000315,000,分別。
6. 石油和天然氣資產,淨值
(單位: 千元)
已證明的石油和燃料幣資產$193,690 $25,276 
石油和天然氣資產,淨值$190,149 $25,117 
綜合營運費用中的折舊和攤銷支出為$4.3 百萬美元和$8.2 分別為截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月,我們的能源業務包括生產成本中的折舊和攤銷。

7. 商譽及其他無形資產淨值
初始餘額$7,541 $1,449 $8,990 
終止餘額$7,541 $1,449 $8,990 
初始餘額$7,541 $ $7,541 
收購業務 1,449 1,449 
終止餘額$7,541 $1,449 $8,990 
(單位: 千元)
知識產權運營6$351,403 $(327,499)$23,904 
工業運營73,400 (1,446)1,954 
專利總數354,803 (328,945)25,858 
客戶關係 - 工業運營75,300 (2,256)3,044 
商標和商標名稱 - 工業運營73,430 (1,460)1,970 
總計$363,533 $(332,661)$30,872 

知識產權營運6$341,403 $(316,114)$25,289 
工業營運73,400 (1,083)2,317 
專利總數344,803 (317,197)27,606 
客戶關係-工業營運75,300 (1,689)3,611 
商業名稱及商標-工業營運73,430 (1,091)2,339 
總計$353,533 $(319,977)$33,556 
綜合損益表中其他無形資產攤銷費用總額為$5.1 百萬美元和$3.0 百萬,而$12.7 百萬美元和$9.1百萬美元於截至2024年和2023年9月30日的九個月內。公司並未 記錄與2024年和2023年9月30日的九個月內其他無形資產減損相關的費用。 no 2024年和2023年截至9月30日的其他無形資產加速攤銷。知識產權業務專利攤銷計入收入成本,工業業務攤銷計入總務及管理費用。
截至2022年12月31日的一年內,ARG簽訂了一項協議,授予ARG獨家選擇權以獲取所有權利以許可和執行一組專利及所有未來專利和專利申請,並產生了$15.0 百萬的某些專利及專利權費用,於2023年全額支付。這些專利費用包含在截至2024年9月30日的綜合資產負債表中的預付費用和其他流動資產內。10.0 在截至2023年12月31日的一年內以及截至2024年9月30日的九個月內,ARG簽訂了協議,以$6.0百萬的價格獲得現有專利組合的優惠未來回報,這些金額中$14.0百萬於2023年第四季度支付,$ 4.0 百萬的某些專利及專利權收購費用分別在2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日被累計,並包含在應計費用和其他流動負債中(請參閱第8號註釋)。

8. 應計費用及其他流動負債
(單位: 千元)
應計顧問及其他專業費用$3,268 $1,595 
應付所得稅1,198 619 
循環信用額度利息應計1,185 106 
產品保固責任,流動42 30 
服務合同成本,流動347 169 
短期租賃負債1,115 1,248 
已計入的專利成本(見附註7) 4,000 
其他應計負債1,513 638 
總計$8,668 $8,405 
9. 資產 養老 退休債務
(單位: 千元)
為了建立公司與Starboard之間的戰略性和持續關係,於2019年11月18日,公司與Starboard簽訂了證券購買協議(“證券購買協議”),根據該協議,Starboard收購了 (i) 350,000 股面值為$的A系列可贖回可轉換優先股,100 (ii) A系列warrants,以購買最多 5,000,000 股公司的普通股(“A系列warrants”)以及 100,000,000 (iii) B系列warrants,以購買最多
因此,在2022年10月30日,經董事會特別委員會一致建議後,公司與Starboard簽訂了一份資本重組協議("資本重組協議"),旨在簡化公司的資本結構,根據該協議,其中包括: (1) 自2022年11月1日起,Starboard全數行使A系列warrants並獲得 5,000,000 公司的普通股,(2) Starboard根據同時進行的私募認購(如下所述定義)購買了 15,000,000 公司的普通股,並且未調整的B系列warrants(如下所述定義)被取消,(3) 在2023年7月13日, (a) Starboard將 350,000 A系列可贖回可轉換優先股轉換為 9,616,746 公司的普通股("優先股轉換"),(b) Starboard行使 31,506,849 B系列的

透過一項“票據取消”和“有限現金行使”(在B系列認股權中所定義),導致Starboard收到 31,506,849 普通股股份,取消了$60.0百萬美元的公司優先擔保票據總本金(“公司優先擔保票據”),並使公司獲得約55.0百萬美元的總毛收益(“B系列認股權行使”)。此類交易被稱為“重組交易”。因此,截至2023年7月13日,Starboard有益地擁有 61,123,595 股普通股,佔普通股的 61.2%,根據當日已發行並流通的普通股 99,886,322 股。因此,並未有A系列可贖回可換股優先股、B系列認股權或任何公司優先擔保票據未清盤。
根據其條款,可兌換的A系可贖回可換股票可換成一定數量的普通股,數量為(i)該等指定價值加上應計及未支付的分紅派息,除以(ii)換股價格為$。3.65 (須受到一定的反稀釋調整限制)A系可贖回轉換優先股持有人可以隨時選擇將A系可贖回可換股票轉換為普通股。
此外,A系列可贖回可轉換優先股以年利率按季度累積分紅派息, 3.0%基於明示價值。在2021年10月完成Printronix收購後, 8.0分紅派息率提高至%基於明示價值。至2024年9月30日及2023年12月31日, no 累積及未支付的分紅派息為
根據資本重組協議,公司與Starboard同意採取某些行動,涉及與資本重組有關的A系列優先股,包括提交股東批准的提案,以取消公司修訂及重述的指定證書中包含的“4.89%阻礙”條款(即“修訂的修訂及重述的指定證書”)。 公司的股東在2023年5月16日舉行的年度股東大會上批准了修訂的修訂及重述的指定證書,該修訂於2023年6月30日生效。隨後,根據經修訂的A系列可贖回可轉換優先股的條款和資本重組協議,Starboard於2023年7月13日轉換了一定數量的 350,000 A系列可贖回可轉換優先股轉換為 9,616,746 普通股,其中包括 27,704 因應累計及未支付的分紅派息而發出的普通股。隨著Starboard轉換其 350,000 A系列可贖回可轉換優先股,公司不再擁有任何未發行的A系列可贖回可轉換優先股,這導致了 .
公司將A系可贖回可轉換優先庫存歸類為中間權益,原因是工具將在多種情況下或者在2027年11月15日後可由持有人選擇贖回。由於A系可贖回可轉換優先庫存有可能變為可贖回,公司使用有效利率法衡量工具至其贖回價值,並在沒有保留盈餘的情況下承認任何變動與額外已實收資本相對應。公司確定在重組協議簽署時,A系可贖回可轉換優先庫存未經修改與贖回相關,因此該行動需經股東於公司下次年度股東大會上批准。因此,A系可贖回可轉換優先庫存繼續歸類為暫時權益,並持續按照最早的贖回日期,即2024年11月15日,對其贖回價值進行逐步應計。2024年9月30日止九個月的應計在2024年和2023年進行 3.2 百萬美元,分別為。
根據與Starboard簽署的證券購買協議條款,在2020年2月25日,公司發行了可購買高達一定數量股票的b系列認股權證。 100,000,000 每股行使價為$的公司普通股,行使期限為從發行日起30個月內(即2022年8月25日),增加特定基於價格的反稀釋調整。5.25 每股行使價為$的公司普通股,行使期限為從發行日起30個月內(即2022年8月25日)支付現金;或者每股行使價為$,透過取消部分償付優先擔保票據來行使。3.65 公司發行b系列認股權證的總購買價格為$百萬。4.6b系列認股權證的到期日為2027年11月15日。
關於2020年6月4日發行的高級擔保票據,某些系列b warrants的條款已被修訂,以允許以較低的行使價格$進行支付,3.65 而不僅僅是通過現金支付。

透過取消截至2027年11月15日到期日之前的優先擔保票據,以實現未偿淨額。 31,506,849 以這次調整為對象的B系列認股權的部分,餘額則繼續根據原始條款進行(未受此調整限制的B系列認股權為“未調整B系列認股權”)。 68,493,151 B系列認股權以其原始條款繼續進行(未受此調整限制的B系列認股權,即“未調整B系列認股權”)。
在2022年第三季度,未調整B系列warrants的現金行使功能的到期日從2022年8月25日延長至2022年10月28日。於2022年10月28日,未調整B系列warrants的現金行使功能到期,這導致相關的公允價值為零, 68,493,151 warrants。於2023年3月,未調整B系列warrants在權利發行(如下所述)完成後立即被取消。在2023年,剩餘的 31,506,849 B系列warrants被行使。
根據資本重整協議的條款以及第b系列認股權證的條款,Starboard於2023年7月13日完成了第b系列認股權證的行使。根據第b系列認股權證的行使,公司有效取消了$60.0百萬的債權總本金,並獲得了約$55.0百萬的總毛收益。在第b系列認股權證行使結束時,公司向Starboard支付了$66.0百萬(“資本重整支付”),代表了對第b系列認股權證已放棄的時間價值以及Series A可贖回可轉換優先股的協商解決(該金額通過降低第b系列認股權證的行使價格支付)。資本重整支付有效修改了第b系列認股權證的行使價格。在第b系列認股權證的行使中,Starboard以優惠價格行使了第b系列認股權證,並且公司向Starboard發行了 31,506,849 公司普通股的總股數,作為現金支付和取消任何未償還的優先擔保票據的對價。
根據ASC 480的規定,Series b認股權被歸類為負債,因為協議中規定在控制權變更時進行淨現金結算,而這是公司無法控制的。在與資本重組協議和相關認股權修改有關的情況下,公司承認2022年12月31日其他費用中Series b認股權公平價值的增量公平價值變動作為其中的一部分。
B級認股權證在每個報告期被確認為公平價值,直至行使,導致公平價值為。 其變動公平價值認列在合併營運報告中的其他收入或(費用)中。截至2024年9月30日,未發行或未結清任何B級認股權證。
根據資本重組協議的要求,並按照系列b warrants的條款,該公司於2023年2月14日開始進行權利發售(「權利發售」)。根據權利發售的條款,該公司向截至2023年2月13日下午5點(東部時間)持有公司普通股的記錄持有人(「合資格證券持有人」)分配不可轉讓的認購權利,該日期為權利發售的記錄日期。權利發售的認購期限於2023年3月1日下午5點(東部時間)結束(「到期時間」)。根據權利發售,合資格証券持有人可憑每擁有四股普通股獲得一個不可轉讓的認購權(「認購權」)。每個認購權使合資格證券持有人有權按其選擇,以每股$的價格購買一股普通股(「認購價格」)。5.25 每股(「認購價格」)。
Starboard獲得了私人認購權,可以購買高達 28,647,259 普通股的股份,價格依據同時進行的私人權利發售(“同時私人權利發售”)而定,這與他們擁有的普通股以及在轉換基礎上,公司系列b的warrants以及公司系列A可贖回可轉換優先股有關。根據同時私人權利發售,提供給Starboard的私人認購權與認購權的條款基本相同,並且在認購權分配的同時幾乎同時分發,並在截止時間到期。關於同時私人權利發售,Starboard購買了 15,000,000 股普通股。
公司決定於2022年10月30日簽署重組協議時,權利發行 同時進行的私募權利發行及相關承諾在公司的基本報表中無需確認。公司在股票銷售發生時,將收到的銷售款項認列為股本。

本公司從權益發行中獲得約 $ 的總毛收益。361,000 從權益發行中獲得約 $ 的總毛收益。78.8從同時進行的私人權益發行中獲得約數百萬 $ 的總毛收益,並發行了總共 15,068,753 股普通股。
根據重整協議,各方同意,在重整協議的日期至2026年5月12日(「適用期限」)期間,公司的董事會將至少包括兩名獨立於Starboard及其關聯方(根據1934年修訂的證券交易法第144條的定義)的董事,現任董事會成員Maureen O’Connell和Isaac t. Kohlberg符合重整協議下的這一初步控制項。此外,公司任命Gavin Molinelli為董事會成員及董事會主席。公司與Starboard還同意,在系列b warrants行使結束至適用期限結束之前,董事會成員人數將不超過10人。
重組協議包括一項「公平價格」條款,要求除了公司章程或特拉華州法律所要求的任何其他股東投票外,還需獲得持有公司已發行投票股份過半數的股東(不包括Starboard及其附屬機構)表決贊成,才能批准此類業務合併,該股東可能直接或間接地提出業務合併;前提是,如果(x) 此業務合併經過董事會獲得至少過半數與Starboard無關的董事的贊成票,或(y) (i) 除Starboard及其附屬機構外的股東所獲得的對價符合某些最低價格條件,並且(ii) 除Starboard及其附屬機構外的股東所獲得的對價必須與Starboard及其附屬機構支付的對價形式及種類相同,則該額外的過半數投票要求不適用。
重組協議還規定,自重組交易的結束及所有高級擔保票據不再流通之日中較晚者生效,(i) 證券購買協議及 (ii) 於2019年11月18日簽定,並於2020年1月7日修訂及重述的特定治理協議(以下稱「治理協議」)將自動終止,並不再具有效力,無需任何當事方進一步採取行動。因此,隨著重組交易的完成,證券購買協議和治理協議已被終止,並不再具有效力。
於2023年12月12日,公司與Starboard簽訂了一份服務協議(「服務協議」),根據該協議,根據公司的要求,Starboard將向公司提供某些交易執行、研究、盡職調查和其他服務。Starboard已同意以費用報銷的方式提供這些服務,並且不會對這些服務收取單獨的費用。截止至2024年9月30日的九個月內,公司向Starboard報銷了$476,000 根據服務協議。

11. 公平價值計量
(i)第1級 - Observable Inputs:  在活躍市場中對相同投資的報價;
(ii)第二階層 - 具有重要可觀察輸入的定價模型:  其他重要的可觀察輸入,包括類似投資的報價、利率期貨、信用風險等;和
(iii)第三級 - 不可觀察之輸入值:未觀察到輸入反映管理在計量日期估計市場參與者在定價資產或負債時將使用的最佳估計。考慮估值技術中存在的風險以及模型輸入中存在的風險。管理估計包括特定定價模型、折現現金流量方法和使用重要未觀察輸入的類似技術,包括在確定衍生工具和某些投資的公平價值時使用的實體自身的假設。
Whenever possible, the Company is required to use observable market inputs (Level 1) when measuring fair value. In such cases, the level at which the fair value measurement falls is determined based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement. The assessment of the significance of a particular input requires judgment and considers factors specific to the asset or liability being measured. In certain cases, inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy.
The Company held the following types of financial instruments at fair value on a recurring basis as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023:
股權證券。 股權證券包括對上市公司普通股的投資,並根據每股在評價日期的報價市場價格以公允價值入賬。這些證券的公允價值屬於評價層級的第一級。未定期市場定價的股權投資,但其公允價值可以根據其他數據值或市場價格確定的,則在評價層級的第二級按公允價值入賬。公司已選擇對一項股權證券投資應用公允價值法, 該投資本可根據權益會計法入賬。在2023年11月1日,該公司透過全資子公司與RTW Bio簽訂了Arix股份購買協議,將其Arix股份以購買價格售予RTW Bio,金額為$57.1 百萬元的總價(按1.2087美元/英鎊的匯率相當於每股£1.43)。於2024年1月19日,公司完成了該項出售,總金額為$57.1百萬。因此截至2024年9月30日,該投資的總攤銷金額為 ,並包含在合併資產負債表中的股權證券內(r詳情請參閱附註3。
商品衍生工具:商品衍生工具以公平價值記錄,使用行業標準模型,使用假設和輸入,這些假設和輸入在工具的整個期間在活躍市場中主要可觀察。這些包括市場價格曲線、活躍市場的報價、信用風險調整、隱含市場波動和折扣因素。這些工具的公平價值在估值階層的第 2 級內。在 2024 年,Benchmark 與對手簽訂衍生工具合約,並與其對手簽訂了國際交換交易商協會主要協議(「ISDA」),該協議條款為 Benchmark 及其對手提供抵銷權利。截至截至三個月及九個月,沒有任何衍生資產被抵銷 二零二四年九月三十日 截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日,開放商品衍生工具的總公平價值為 $6.6百萬,並包括在合併資產負債表中的預付費用和其他流動資產和其他非流動資產中(參閱附註 2 至本公司二零二零三年年報內的綜合財務報表)。
B類認股權證。 B類認股權證以公平價值記錄,使用Black-Scholes期權定價模型(第3級)。截至2022年10月28日,未調整的B類認股權證的現金行使功能到期,導致該等認股權證的公平價值為零(請參閱附註10以獲取更多信息)。截至2023年7月13日,剩餘的B類認股權證的公平價值估計基於以下重要假設:波動率為 120 %,無風險利率為 5.24 %,期限為 0.04 年,股息率為 0 %。截至2023年7月13日,根據資本重組協議的條款,並根據B類認股權證的條款,剩餘的B類認股權證

已行使,這也導致截至2023年12月31日的公允價值為零(請參閱附註10以獲取更多資訊)。截至2024年9月30日,沒有發行或未到期的系列b warrants。請參閱"嵌入衍生負債" 以下討論以獲取有關假設的更多資訊。
嵌入式衍生負債。 從宿主合約中必須進行拆分的嵌入式衍生工具會與宿主工具分開評估和評價。截至2022年12月31日的季度,公司在與再資本化協議有關時,將其方法論從二項式格架轉換為按換股值(Level 3),基於預期如果不早於2023年7月14日的A系列可贖回可轉換優先股換股日期(有關詳細信息請參見附註10)。
通過分析公司的歷史波動性、公開交易的股票期權隱含波動性以及公司當前的資產構成和財務槓桿,來估計公司普通股的波動性。在2022年12月31日前,所選擇的波動性,如本文所述,代表了公司實際實現的歷史波動性的一個折扣。波動性折扣是一個概念,用於描述市場價格中牽涉到期權、權證和可轉換債務的波動性比歷史實際實現波動性更低的常見現象。無風險利率是基於美國國庫券的收益,剩餘期限等於換股和提前贖回期權的預期期限。截至2023年7月13日,嵌入式衍生工具的公平價值是基於以下重要假設估計的:票息率為 8.00 %,換股比率為 27.40,換股日期為2023年7月14日,折現率為 14.80 %。2023年7月13日,根據修訂後的A系可贖回可轉換優先股條款和資本重組協議,Starboard將A系可贖回可轉換優先股轉換為普通股,導致2023年12月31日的公平價值為零(有關更多信息,請參閱附注10)。截至2024年9月30日,公司不再擁有任何未偿還的A系可贖回可轉換優先股。
等級一第二級等級 3總計
股票證券$14,100 $ $ $14,100 
商品衍生工具 6,641  6,641 
總計$14,100 $6,641 $ $20,741 
股票證券$63,068 $ $ $63,068 
商品衍生工具 2,723  2,723 
總計$63,068 $2,723 $ $65,791 

Benchmark公司截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月實現的衍生工具收益為 百萬,分別。 $715,0001.6 Benchmark公司截至三個月和九個月未實現的衍生工具收益為 2024年9月30日 $(未給出數字)。7.3 百萬美元和$3.9 百萬,分別。根據ISDA的條款,沒有金額被淨額計算。
以下表格彙總了公司層面3負債的預估公平價值變動,該等負債按照定期計量法計量公平價值。截至目前並無層面3的負債。 2024年9月30日。截至目前,公司層面3負債的預估公平價值變動如下: 2023年9月30日的公司層面3負債預估公平價值變動如下:
(單位: 千元)
2022年12月31日結餘$16,835 $84,780 $101,615 
認購權證的行使 (82,018)(82,018)
可贖回可轉換優先股的轉換(12,881) (12,881)
12. 關聯方交易
公司總共報銷了$14,000123,000 during the 截至2024年9月30日的九個月和 2023年,分別向前高級管理人員報銷與該等管理人員離開公司後所產生的法律費用有關的金額。
在2023年,公司與一家私人投資組合公司簽訂了一項貸款融資協議("貸款融資協議")。至 2024年9月30日 和2023年12月31日,貸款融資協議的餘額(包括應收利息)為$3.1 百萬美元和$2.2 百萬美元。此外,貸款融資協議的利率為 9.5% 每年。我們在截至的三個月和九個月中記錄了$75,000209,000 的利息收入。 2024年9月30日,以及 $51,000 截至2023年9月30日的三個和九個月內的利息收入。該應收款項包含在合併資產負債表中的其他非流動資產中。
13. 承諾事項與可能負擔之事項
2019年6月7日,Acacia與Jamboree Center 4 LLC簽訂了一份建築租賃協議。根據該租約,我們在加利福尼亞州爾灣租用了 8,293 平方英尺的辦公空間。租約自2019年8月1日開始。

租約為月份,從開始日期起,每年租金上漲,並未提供我們提前終止或延長租約期限的權利。 60 租約於2024年7月31日到期,並未獲得續租或延長。在2024年4月29日,Acacia與加州有限合夥企業Metro Pointe 13580 Lot Two簽訂了一份建築租約協議。根據租約,我們已在加州哥斯達默薩租下了 平方英尺的辦公空間。 1,820 租約始於2024年7月1日,為期月,從開始日期起,每年租金上漲,並未提供我們提前終止或延長租約期限的權利。
On January 7, 2020, Acacia entered into a building lease agreement with Sage Realty Corporation. Pursuant to the lease, as amended, we have leased approximately 8,600 square feet of office space for our corporate headquarters in New York, New York. The lease commenced on February 1, 2020. The term of the initial lease was 24 months from the commencement date, provided for annual rent increases, and did not provide us the right to early terminate or extend our lease terms. During August 2021, we entered into a first amendment of the New York office lease, to commence for a period of three years upon landlord's substantial completion of adequate substitution space. On January 25, 2022, the substitution space was substantially completed and the new expiration date was February 28, 2025. During July 2022, we entered into a second amendment of the New York office lease, to add space to the existing premises and increase the annual fixed rent through the existing expiration date. The new fixed rent commenced upon the landlord's substantial completion of the additional space, which occurred on September 19, 2022. On June 23, 2023, the Company notified the landlord of its election to early terminate the lease effective as of March 31, 2024, pursuant to the terms set forth in the lease. In connection with such early termination election, the Company paid the landlord a termination payment as set forth in the lease. During September 2023, we entered into a fourth amendment of the New York office lease, which provides for (among other things): (a) the surrender a portion of the premises (Unit 602) effective as of March 31, 2024; (b) the rescission of the early termination election as it relates to the remaining portion of the premises (Unit 601); (c) an extension of the lease term with respect to Unit 601 for 40 months commencing on April 1, 2024 and expiring on July 31, 2027; and (d) annual rent increases, with no right to early terminate or extend the lease.
On April 9, 2024, Benchmark entered into a building lease agreement with Luzzatto Oaks, LLC. Pursuant to the lease, Benchmark has leased 2,663 square feet of office space in Austin, Texas. The lease commenced on May 1, 2024. The term of the lease is 39 months from the commencement date, provides for annual rent increases, and does not provide the right to early terminate or extend the lease terms.
Printronix conducts its foreign and domestic operations using leased facilities under non-cancelable operating leases that expire at various dates through February 2028. Printronix has leased 73,649 square feet of facilities space, of which the significant leases are as follows:
On November 10, 2020, Printronix entered into a building lease agreement with PPC Irvine Center Investment, LLC for 8,662 square feet of office space in Irvine, California. The lease commenced on April 1, 2021. The term of the lease is 65 months from the commencement date, provides for annual rent increases and provides the right to early terminate the lease under certain circumstances, as well as extend the lease term.
On September 30, 2019, Printronix entered into a building lease agreement with Dynamics Sing Sdn. Bhd for 52,000 square feet of warehouse/manufacturing space in Johor, Malaysia. The lease commenced on December 29, 2019. The initial term of the lease was 48 months from the commencement date, has no annual rent increases and provides the right to early terminate or extend our lease term. The Malaysia factory lease has two renewal options for an additional four years and one additional renewal option for two years. On July 26, 2023, Printronix entered into a lease agreement to renew the lease for another 24 months commencing on December 29, 2023.
On June 2, 2022, Printronix entered into a building lease agreement with HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Limited for 4,560 square feet of office space in Singapore. The lease commenced on June 13, 2022. The term of the lease is 36 months from the commencement date, has no annual rent increases and does not provide the right to early terminate or extend the lease term.
On November 28, 2019, Printronix entered into a building lease agreement with PF Grand Paris for 3,045 square feet of office space in Paris, France. The lease commenced on March 1, 2019. The term of the lease is 109 months from the commencement date, has no annual rent increases and provides the right to early terminate the lease under certain circumstances, however it does not provide for an extension of the lease term.

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On November 1, 2020, Printronix entered into a building lease agreement with Shanghai SongYun Enterprise Management Center for 2,422 square feet of office space in Shanghai, China. The lease commenced on November 1, 2020. The term of the lease is 48 months from the commencement date, has no annual rent increases and provides the right to early terminate or extend the lease term.
The Company's operating lease costs were $212,000 and $293,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and $801,000 and $881,000 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
The table below presents aggregate future minimum lease payments due under the Company's leases discussed above, reconciled to long-term lease liabilities and short-term lease liabilities (included in accrued expenses and other current liabilities) included in the consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2024 (in thousands):
Years Ending December 31,
Remainder of 2024$302 
Total minimum payments2,366 
Less: short-term lease liabilities(1,115)
Long-term lease liabilities$1,251 
Inventor Royalties and Contingent Legal Expenses
In connection with the investment in certain patents and patent rights, ARG and its subsidiaries executed related agreements which grant to the former owners of the respective patents or patent rights, the right to receive inventor royalties based on future net revenues (as defined in the respective agreements) generated as a result of licensing and otherwise enforcing the respective patents or patent portfolios.
ARG or its subsidiaries may retain the services of law firms that specialize in patent licensing and enforcement and patent law in connection with their licensing and enforcement activities. These law firms may be retained on a contingent fee basis whereby such law firms are paid on a scaled percentage of any negotiated fees, settlements or judgments awarded based on how and when the fees, settlements or judgments are obtained.
Patent Enforcement and Legal Proceedings
The Company is subject to claims, counterclaims and legal actions that arise in the ordinary course of business. Management believes that the ultimate liability with respect to these claims and legal actions, if any, will not have a material effect on the Company’s consolidated financial position, results of operations or cash flows.
Subsidiaries of ARG are often required to engage in litigation to enforce their patents and patent rights. In connection with any such patent enforcement actions, it is possible that a defendant may request and/or a court may rule that a subsidiary has violated statutory authority, regulatory authority, federal rules, local court rules, or governing standards relating to the substantive or procedural aspects of such enforcement actions. In such event, a court may issue monetary sanctions against ARG or its subsidiaries or award attorney’s fees and/or expenses to a defendant(s), which could be material.
On September 6, 2019, Slingshot Technologies, LLC (“Slingshot”), filed a lawsuit in Delaware Chancery Court against the Company and ARG (collectively, the “Acacia Entities”), Monarch Networking Solutions LLC (“Monarch”), former Acacia board member Katharine Wolanyk, and Transpacific IP Group, Ltd. (“Transpacific”). Slingshot alleges that the Acacia Entities and Monarch misappropriated its confidential and proprietary information, purportedly furnished to the Acacia Entities and Monarch by Ms. Wolanyk, in acquiring a patent portfolio from Transpacific after Slingshot’s exclusive option to purchase the same patent portfolio from Transpacific had already expired. Slingshot seeks monetary damages, as well as equitable and injunctive relief related to its alleged right to own the portfolio. On March 15, 2021, the Court issued orders granting Monarch’s motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction and Ms. Wolanyk’s motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. The remaining parties served written discovery requests and responses, exchanged their respective document productions, and completed depositions as of October 27, 2022. On November 18, 2022, the Acacia Entities and Transpacific filed motions for summary judgment on Slingshot’s claims. Slingshot filed its opposition to the

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summary judgment motions on December 23, 2022, and the Acacia Entities and Transpacific filed their replies on January 10, 2023. The Chancery Court removed from the calendar the two-day trial on liability that had been scheduled for April 18–19, 2023, and instead set the hearing on the summary judgment motions for April 19, 2023. On April 19, 2023, the Chancery Court heard oral argument and took the summary judgment motions under advisement. On July 26, 2023, the Court held a telephonic hearing during which it delivered its ruling on the motions for summary judgment. The Court granted Transpacific’s motion and deferred ruling on the Acacia Entities’ motion pending further briefing as to whether the Court has subject matter jurisdiction. On September 14, 2023, the Acacia Entities and Slingshot filed a joint submission with the Chancery Court agreeing to proceed in Delaware Superior Court based on the Chancery Court’s apparent lack of subject matter jurisdiction over the remaining claims, and on September 21, 2023, the Chancery Court issued an order transferring the case to Delaware Superior Court. The case was subsequently assigned to Judge Eric M. Davis in the Complex Commercial Litigation Division of the Superior Court. On January 8, 2024, Judge Davis held an initial status conference, during which he instructed the Acacia Entities and Slingshot to refile their respective summary judgment briefs in Superior Court for the Court's consideration. The oral arguments on the Acacia Entities' motion for summary judgment took place on March 28, 2024. On June 20, 2024, the Court issued its ruling denying the Acacia Entities’ motion for summary judgment. On October 15, 2024, the parties entered into a settlement agreement, after which they filed a stipulation of dismissal, concluding the litigation. The expenses related to the settlement agreement are included in non-recurring legacy legal expense in the consolidated statements of operations.
In February 2017, AIP Operation LLC, or AIP, an indirect subsidiary of the Company, at the direction of prior management and the Board of Directors at that time, adopted a Profits Interests Plan that granted a profit interest in Veritone 10% Warrants held by AIP to certain members of that management team and the Board of Directors of the Company as compensation for services rendered. Those members of management and the Board separated from Acacia in 2018 and 2019 and the Veritone 10% Warrants were subsequently exercised in 2020 and 2021.
We had been engaged in a dispute involving those former executives' profit interests in AIP (the "AIP Matter") and on August 2, 2024 the AIP Matter was settled, which resulted in a $14.5 million payment by Acacia during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Accordingly, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, non-recurring legacy legal expense includes an aggregate additional expense of $12.9 million, which is incremental to amounts expensed in prior periods.
Guarantees and Indemnifications
Acacia and certain of Acacia’s operating subsidiaries have made guarantees and indemnities under which they may be required to make payments to a guaranteed or indemnified party, in relation to certain transactions, including revenue transactions in the ordinary course of business. In connection with certain facility leases, Acacia and certain of its operating subsidiaries have indemnified lessors for certain claims arising from the facilities or the leases. Acacia indemnifies its directors and officers to the maximum extent permitted under the laws of the State of Delaware. However, Acacia has a directors and officers insurance policy that may reduce its exposure in certain circumstances and may enable it to recover a portion of future amounts that may be payable, if any. The duration of the guarantees and indemnities varies and, in many cases is indefinite but subject to statute of limitations. The majority of guarantees and indemnities do not provide any limitations of the maximum potential future payments that Acacia could be obligated to make. To date, Acacia has made no material payments related to these guarantees and indemnities. Acacia estimates the fair value of its indemnification obligations to be immaterial based on this history and therefore, have not recorded any material liability for these guarantees and indemnities in the consolidated balance sheets. Additionally, no events or transactions have occurred that would result in a material liability as of September 30, 2024.
Printronix posted collateral in the form of a surety bond or other similar instruments, which are issued by independent insurance carriers (the “Surety”), to cover the risk of loss related to certain customs and employment activities. If any of the entities that hold such bonds should require payment from the Surety, Printronix would be obligated to indemnify and reimburse the Surety for all costs incurred. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, Printronix had approximately $100,000 of these bonds outstanding.
Environmental Cleanup
Energy Operations
Benchmark is engaged in oil and natural gas exploration and production and may become subject to certain liabilities as they relate to environmental cleanup of well production and also may become subject to certain liabilities as they relate to

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environmental cleanup of well sites or other environmental restoration procedures as they relate to oil and natural gas wells and the operation thereof. In connection with Benchmark's acquisition of existing or previously drilled well bores, Benchmark may not be aware of what environmental safeguards were taken at the time such wells were drilled or during such time the wells were operated. Should it be determined that a liability exists with respect to any environmental cleanup or restoration, Benchmark would be responsible for curing such a violation. No claim has been made, nor is management aware of any liability that exists, as it relates to any environmental cleanup, restoration, or the violation of any rules or regulations relating thereto for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024.
Repurchases of Common Stock
On November 9, 2023, the Board approved a stock repurchase program (the "Repurchase Program") for up to $20.0 million of the Company's common stock, subject to a cap of 5,800,000 shares of common stock. The Repurchase Program has no time limit and does not require the repurchase of a minimum number of shares. The common stock may be repurchased on the open market, in block trades, or in privately negotiated transactions, including under plans complying with the provisions of Rule 10b5-1 and Rule 10b-18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act").
Stock repurchases during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, all of which were purchased pursuant to the Repurchase Program, were as follows:
Total Number
of Shares
paid per
Approximate Dollar
Value of Shares that
May Yet be Purchased
under the Program
(In thousands)
August 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024676,775 $4.68 $16,833 
September 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024860,347 $4.72 $12,769 
Total repurchases in the quarter1,537,122 $4.70 
Between October 1, 2024 and November 7, 2024, we repurchased a total of 1,470,172 shares at an average price per share of $4.63. Under the Repurchase Program as of November 7, 2024, we have repurchased a total of 3,007,294 shares at an average price per share of $4.67, and $6.0 million may yet be purchased under the Repurchase Program, subject to the aggregate cap for the Repurchase Program of 5,800,000 shares of common stock.
In determining whether or not to repurchase any shares of Acacia’s common stock, management considers such factors, among others, as market conditions, legal requirements, stock price, the impact of the repurchase on Acacia’s cash position, as well as Acacia’s capital needs and whether there is a better alternative use of Acacia’s capital. Acacia has no obligation to repurchase any amount of its common stock under its stock repurchase programs. The authorization to repurchase shares provides an opportunity to reduce the outstanding share count and enhance stockholder value.
Tax Benefits Preservation Charter Provision
The Company has a provision in its Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation, as amended (the “Charter Provision”) which generally prohibits transfers of its common stock that could result in an ownership change. The purpose of the Charter Provision is to protect the Company’s ability to utilize potential tax assets, such as net operating loss carryforwards and tax credits to offset potential future taxable income.
Stock-Based Incentive Plans
The 2024 Acacia Research Corporation Stock Incentive Plan ("2024 Plan"), the 2016 Acacia Research Corporation Stock Incentive Plan (“2016 Plan”) and the 2013 Acacia Research Corporation Stock Incentive Plan (“2013 Plan”) (collectively,

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the “Plans”) were approved by the stockholders of Acacia in June 2024, June 2016 and May 2013, respectively. The Plans allow grants of stock options, restricted stock units, and in the case of the 2013 Plan, allowed stock awards with respect to Acacia common stock to eligible individuals, which generally includes directors, officers, employees and consultants. The 2013 Plan expired in May 2023, and as of the effective date of the 2024 Plan, the remaining shares available for issuance under the 2016 Plan were transferred to the 2024 Plan. Therefore, Acacia exclusively grants awards under the 2024 Plan.
Acacia’s compensation committee administers the Plans. The compensation committee determines which eligible individuals are to receive option grants, stock issuances or restricted stock units under the 2024 Plan, the time or times when the grants or issuances are to be made, the number of shares subject to each grant or issuance, the status of any granted option as either an incentive stock option or a non-statutory stock option under the federal tax laws, the vesting schedule to be in effect for the option grant, stock issuance or restricted stock units and the maximum term for which any granted option is to remain outstanding. The 2024 Plans terminates no later than the tenth anniversary of the approval of the plan by Acacia’s stockholders.
The 2024 Plan provides for the following separate programs:
Stock Issuance Program. Under the stock issuance program, eligible individuals may be issued shares of common stock directly, as determined by the 2024 Plan administrator. The terms and conditions of such direct stock awards include the number of shares of common stock granted, and the conditions for vesting that must be satisfied, if any, which typically will be based on continued provision of services but may include performance-based vesting requirements. Until the time at which the applicable restricted direct stock award vests, the holder of a restricted direct stock award will not have the rights of a stockholder provided, however, that any regular cash dividends with respect to unvested awards will be accrued by the Company and will be subject to the same restrictions as the award. The eligible individuals receiving awards under the 2016 Plan stock issuance program had full stockholder rights with respect to any shares of common stock issued to them under once those shares are vested. The eligible individuals receiving awards under the 2013 Plan stock issuance program had full stockholder rights with respect to any shares of common stock issued to them, whether or not their interest in those shares was vested.
Discretionary Option Grant Program. Under the discretionary option grant program, Acacia’s compensation committee may grant (1) non-statutory options to purchase shares of common stock to eligible individuals in the employ or service of Acacia or its subsidiaries (including employees, non-employee board members and consultants) at an exercise price not less than 100% of the fair market value of those shares on the grant date, and (2) incentive stock options to purchase shares of common stock to eligible employees at an exercise price not less than 100% of the fair market value of those shares on the grant date (not less than 110% of fair market value if such employee actually or constructively owns more than 10% of Acacia’s voting stock or the voting stock of any of its subsidiaries (a 10% shareholder)). Fair market value is generally equal to the closing price per share of the Company’s common stock on the principal securities exchange on which the common stock is traded on the date the option is granted (or if there was no closing price on that date, on the last preceding date on which a closing price was reported). Stock options will generally have a term of ten years from the date of grant; provided, that, the term of an incentive stock option granted to a 10% shareholder may not exceed five years from the date of grant.
Discretionary Restricted Stock Unit Grant Program. Under the discretionary restricted stock unit program, Acacia's compensation committee may grant restricted stock units to eligible individuals, which vest upon the attainment of performance milestones or the completion of a specified period of service. During June 2023, Acacia's compensation committee adopted a long-term incentive program to incentivize and reward employees, including members of the Company's executive leadership team, for driving Acacia's performance over the longer-term and to align employees and shareholders. Under the long-term incentive program, Acacia's compensation committee granted RSUs subject to time-based vesting requirements and PSUs subject to performance-based vesting requirements to employees of the parent company, including the Company's Chief Executive Officer, interim Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel. The grants are generally intended to cover two years of annual grants (fiscal years 2023 and 2024).
The number of shares of common stock initially reserved for issuance under the 2013 Plan was 4,750,000 shares. The 2013 Plan has expired, and while awards remain outstanding under the 2013 Plan, no new awards may be granted under the 2013 Plan. The stock issued, or issuable pursuant to still-outstanding awards, under the 2013 Plan shall be shares of authorized but unissued or reacquired common stock, including shares repurchased by the Company on the open market. As of the effective date of the 2016 Plan, 625,390 shares of common stock remained available for issuance under the 2013 Plan.

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The number of shares of common stock initially reserved for issuance under the 2016 Plan was 4,500,000 shares plus 625,390 shares of common stock available for issuance under the 2013 Plan, which were transferred into the 2016 Plan as of the effective date of the 2016 Plan. In May 2022, security holders approved an increase of 5,500,000 shares of common stock authorized to be issued pursuant to the 2016 Plan. As of the effective date of the 2024 Plan, 1,421,848 shares of common stock remained available for issuance under the 2016 Plan.
The number of shares of common stock reserved for issuance under the 2024 Plan was 11,168,000 shares plus the 1,421,848 shares of common stock available for issuance under the 2016 Plan, which were transferred into the 2024 Plan as of the effective date of the 2024 Plan. As of September 30, 2024, after annual RSU grants were made to non-employee directors, there were 12,451,122 shares of common stock remain available for grant under the 2024 Plan.
Upon the exercise of stock options, the granting of RSAs, or the delivery of shares pursuant to vested RSUs, it is Acacia’s policy to issue new shares of common stock. The plan administrator may amend or modify the 2024 Plan at any time, subject to any required stockholder approval. As of September 30, 2024, there are 16,281,634 shares of common stock reserved for issuance under the Plans.
The following table summarizes stock option activity for the Plans:
OptionsWeighted Average Exercise PriceAggregate Intrinsic ValueWeighted
Remaining Contractual Life
(In thousands)
Outstanding at December 31, 20231,108,187 $4.18 $187 7.9 years
Granted $ $— 
Exercised(61,667)$3.59 $115 
Forfeited/Expired(45,000)$5.40 $ 
Outstanding at September 30, 20241,001,520 $4.16 $704 7.6 years
Exercisable at September 30, 2024551,064 $4.39 $347 7.4 years
Vested and expected to vest at September 30, 20241,001,520 $4.16 $704 7.6 years
Unrecognized stock-based compensation expense at September 30, 2024 (in thousands)$405 
Weighted average remaining vesting period at September 30, 20241.3 years
During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, there were no stock options granted. The aggregate fair value of options vested during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $521,000.
The following table summarizes nonvested restricted stock activity for the Plans:
Average Grant
Date Fair Value
Average Grant
Date Fair Value
Average Grant
Date Fair Value
Nonvested at December 31, 2023193,665 $3.87 1,408,491 $4.31 1,981,464 $4.61 
Granted13,865 $5.68 143,978 $5.21  $ 
Vested(123,195)$4.25 (643,182)$4.38  $ 
Forfeited(16,667)$3.60 (61,759)$4.10  $ 
Nonvested at September 30, 202467,668 $3.63 847,528 $4.43 1,981,464 $4.61 
Unrecognized stock-based compensation expense at September 30, 2024 (in thousands)$107 $2,731 $ 
Weighted average remaining vesting period at September 30, 20240.4 years1.4 yearszero years

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RSAs and RSUs granted in 2024 are time-based and will vest in full after one to three years. The aggregate fair value of RSAs vested during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $523,000. The aggregate fair value of RSUs vested during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $2.8 million. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, RSAs and RSUs totaling 766,377 shares were vested and 222,061 shares of common stock were withheld to pay applicable required employee statutory withholding taxes based on the market value of the shares on the vesting date.
PSUs granted in 2023 can be earned based upon the level of achievement of the Company's compound annual growth rate of its adjusted book value per share, measured over a three-year performance period beginning on January 1, 2023 and ending on December 31, 2025. The number of PSUs granted in 2023 that can be earned ranges from 0% to 200% of the target number of PSUs granted (up to a maximum of 750,000 shares of Acacia's common stock per recipient). Such number of PSUs that are ultimately earned and eligible to vest will generally become vested on the third anniversary of the grant date subject to continued employment through such date. The Company has not recorded any expense related to the PSUs based on the probability assessment performed as of September 30, 2024.
Compensation expense for share-based awards recognized in general and administrative expenses was comprised of the following:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(In thousands)
Options$114 $126 $366 $275 
RSAs62 112 304 507 
RSUs605 735 1,860 1,542 
Total compensation expense for share-based awards$781 $973 $2,530 $2,324 
Total unrecognized stock-based compensation expense as of September 30, 2024 was $3.2 million, which will be amortized over a weighted average remaining vesting period of 1.3 years.

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The following table presents the calculation of basic and diluted income/loss per share of common stock:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(In thousands, except share and per share data)
Net (loss) income attributable to Acacia Research Corporation$(13,996)$1,636 $(22,628)$(7,696)
Dividend on Series A redeemable convertible preferred stock   (1,400)
Accretion of Series A redeemable convertible preferred stock   (3,230)
Return on settlement of Series A redeemable convertible
  preferred stock
 (3,377) (3,377)
Net loss attributable to common stockholders - Basic(13,996)(1,741)(22,628)(15,703)
Less: Gain on exercise of Series B warrants— (1,525)— — 
Add: Interest expense associated with Starboard Notes,
   net of tax
Net loss attributable to common stockholders - Diluted$(13,996)$(3,164)$(22,628)$(15,703)
Weighted average shares used in computing net income (loss)
   per share attributable to common stockholders - Basic
99,854,723 94,328,452 99,893,336 67,072,835 
Potentially dilutive common shares:
Series B Warrants 4,794,521   
Weighted average shares used in computing net income (loss)
   per share attributable to common stockholders - Diluted
99,854,723 99,122,973 99,893,336 67,072,835 
Basic net loss per common share$(0.14)$(0.02)$(0.23)$(0.23)
Diluted net loss per common share$(0.14)$(0.03)$(0.23)$(0.23)
Anti-dilutive potential common shares excluded from the
   computation of diluted net income/loss per share:
Equity-based incentive awards3,898,180 3,894,709 3,898,180 4,706,140 
Series B warrants   31,506,849 
Total3,898,180 3,894,709 3,898,180 36,212,989 
As of September 30, 2024, the Company operates and reports its results in three reportable segments: Intellectual Property Operations, Industrial Operations and Energy Operations.
The Company reports segment information based on the management approach and organizes its businesses based on products and services. The management approach designates the internal reporting used by the chief operating decision maker for decision making and performance assessment as the basis for determining the Company’s reportable segments. The performance measure of the Company’s reportable segments is primarily income or (loss) from operations. Income or (loss) from operations for each segment includes all revenues, cost of revenues, gross profit and other operating expenses directly attributable to the segment. Other than the Company's equity securities investments, specific asset information is not included in managements review at this time.
The Company’s Intellectual Property Operations segment invests in IP and related absolute return assets, and engages in the licensing and enforcement of patented technologies. Through our Patent Licensing, Enforcement and Technologies Business we are a principal in the licensing and enforcement of patent portfolios, with our operating subsidiaries obtaining the rights in the patent portfolio or purchasing the patent portfolio outright. While we, from time to time, partner with inventors and patent owners, from small entities to large corporations, we assume all responsibility for advancing operational expenses while pursuing a patent licensing and enforcement program. When applicable, we share net licensing

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revenue with our patent partners as that program matures, on a prearranged and negotiated basis. We may also provide upfront capital to patent owners as an advance against future licensing revenue. Currently, on a consolidated basis, our operating subsidiaries own or control the rights to multiple patent portfolios, which include U.S. patents and certain foreign counterparts, covering technologies used in a variety of industries. We generate revenues and related cash flows from the granting of IP rights for the use of patented technologies that our operating subsidiaries control or own.
The Company’s Industrial Operations segment generates operating income by designing and manufacturing printers and consumable products for various industrial printing applications. Printers consist of hardware and embedded software and may be sold with maintenance service agreements. Consumable products include inked ribbons which are used in Printronix’s printers. Printronix’s products are primarily sold through channel partners, such as dealers and distributors, to end-users.
The Company's Energy Operations segment generates operating income from its wells and engages in the acquisition, exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas resources located in Texas and Oklahoma. Benchmark seeks to acquire predictable and shallow decline, cash flowing oil and gas properties whose value can be enhanced via a disciplined, field optimization strategy, with risk managed through robust commodity hedges and low leverage. The Energy Operations reporting segment did not exist prior to the acquisition of Benchmark in November 2023. As of and for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, the consolidated results represented the results of the Company's two reporting segments: Intellectual Property Operations and Industrial Operations.

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The Company's segment information is as follows:
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Intellectual Property OperationsIndustrial OperationsEnergy OperationsTotalIntellectual Property OperationsIndustrial OperationsEnergy OperationsTotal
(In thousands)
License fees$486 $ $ $486 $19,442 $ $ $19,442 
Printers and parts 2,367  2,367  7,316  7,316 
Consumable products 3,782  3,782  12,362  12,362 
Services 858  858  2,505  2,505 
Oil sales  8,997 8,997   17,740 17,740 
Natural gas sales  2,829 2,829   5,550 5,550 
Natural gas liquids sales  3,837 3,837   8,390 8,390 
Other service sales  154 154   163 163 
Total revenues486 7,007 15,817 23,310 19,442 22,183 31,843 73,468 
Cost of revenues:
Inventor royalties220   220 1,628   1,628 
Contingent legal fees(22)  (22)2,373   2,373 
Litigation and licensing expenses797   797 3,087   3,087 
Amortization of patents4,712   4,712 11,385   11,385 
Cost of sales 3,523  3,523  10,849  10,849 
Cost of production  11,729 11,729   23,082 23,082 
Total cost of revenues5,707 3,523 11,729 20,959 18,473 10,849 23,082 52,404 
Segment gross (loss) profit(5,221)3,484 4,088 2,351 969 11,334 8,761 21,064 
Other operating expenses:
Engineering and development expenses 108  108  420  420 
Sales and marketing expenses 1,391  1,391  4,333  4,333 
Amortization of intangible assets 433  433  1,299  1,299 
General and administrative expenses1,917 1,653 1,024 4,594 7,078 4,405 2,292 13,775 
Total other operating expenses1,917 3,585 1,024 6,526 7,078 10,457 2,292 19,827 
Segment operating (loss) income$(7,138)$(101)$3,064 (4,175)$(6,109)$877 $6,469 1,237 
Parent general and administrative expenses6,097 18,354 
Operating loss(10,272)(17,117)
Total other income (expense)4,112 (6,231)
Loss before income taxes$(6,160)$(23,348)

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Three Months Ended September 30, 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Intellectual Property OperationsIndustrial OperationsTotalIntellectual Property OperationsIndustrial OperationsTotal
(In thousands)
License fees$1,760 $ $1,760 $6,330 $ $6,330 
Printers and parts 2,852 2,852  9,640 9,640 
Consumable products 4,576 4,576  14,074 14,074 
Services 896 896  2,747 2,747 
Total revenues1,760 8,324 10,084 6,330 26,461 32,791 
Cost of revenues:
Inventor royalties497  497 863  863 
Contingent legal fees346  346 890  890 
Litigation and licensing expenses2,026  2,026 5,663  5,663 
Amortization of patents2,601  2,601 7,802  7,802 
Cost of sales 4,377 4,377  13,530 13,530 
Total cost of revenues5,470 4,377 9,847 15,218 13,530 28,748 
Segment gross (loss) profit(3,710)3,947 237 (8,888)12,931 4,043 
Other operating expenses:
Engineering and development expenses 172 172  593 593 
Sales and marketing expenses 1,613 1,613  5,385 5,385 
Amortization of intangible assets 432 432  1,299 1,299 
General and administrative expenses1,818 1,567 3,385 5,317 5,444 10,761 
Total other operating expenses1,818 3,784 5,602 5,317 12,721 18,038 
Segment operating (loss) income$(5,528)$163 (5,365)$(14,205)$210 (13,995)
Parent general and administrative expenses7,788 21,011 
Operating income loss(13,153)(35,006)
Total other income15,718 29,077 
Income (loss) before income taxes$2,565 $(5,929)

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September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
(In thousands)
Equity securities investments:
Equity securities$14,100 $63,068 
Equity securities without readily determinable fair value5,816 5,816 
Equity method investments30,934 30,934 
Total parent equity securities investments50,850 99,818 
Other parent assets176,739 218,909 
Segment total assets:
Intellectual property operations220,914 234,254 
Industrial operations47,816 47,854 
Energy operations211,253 32,710 
Total assets$707,572 $633,545 
The Company's revenues and long-lived tangible assets by geographic area are presented below. Intellectual Property Operations revenues are attributed to licensees domiciled in foreign jurisdictions. Printronix's net sales to external customers are attributed to geographic areas based upon the final destination of products shipped. The Company, primarily through its Printronix subsidiary, has identified three global regions for marketing its products and services: Americas, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and Asia-Pacific. Assets are summarized based on the location of held assets. Benchmark's sales are only attributed to the United States of America.
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
Intellectual Property OperationsIndustrial OperationsEnergy OperationsTotalIntellectual Property OperationsIndustrial OperationsEnergy OperationsTotal
(In thousands)
Revenues by geographic area:
United States$483 $3,074 $15,817 $19,374 $7,878 $9,106 $31,843 $48,827 
Canada and Latin America2 233  235 3 719  722 
Total Americas485 3,307 15,817 19,609 7,881 9,825 31,843 49,549 
Europe, Middle East and Africa 1,689  1,689  5,872  5,872 
China 306  306 4,650 1,056  5,706 
India 633  633  2,068  2,068 
Asia-Pacific, excluding China and India1 1,072  1,073 6,911 3,362  10,273 
Total Asia-Pacific1 2,011  2,012 11,561 6,486  18,047 
Total revenues$486 $7,007 $15,817 $23,310 $19,442 $22,183 $31,843 $73,468 

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Three Months Ended September 30, 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023
Intellectual Property OperationsIndustrial OperationsTotalIntellectual Property OperationsIndustrial OperationsTotal
(In thousands)
Revenues by geographic area:
United States$1,756 $3,476 $5,232 $2,815 $10,987 $13,802 
Canada and Latin America2 238 240 510 791 1,301 
Total Americas1,758 3,714 5,472 3,325 11,778 15,103 
Europe, Middle East and Africa 1,840 1,840  6,767 6,767 
China 793 793 3,000 2,408 5,408 
India 1,024 1,024  2,022 2,022 
Asia-Pacific, excluding China and India2 953 955 5 3,486 3,491 
Total Asia-Pacific2 2,770 2,772 3,005 7,916 10,921 
Total revenues$1,760 $8,324 $10,084 $6,330 $26,461 $32,791 
September 30, 2024
Intellectual Property OperationsIndustrial OperationsEnergy OperationsTotal
(In thousands)
Long-lived tangible assets by geographic area:
United States$141 $252 $190,885 $191,278 
Malaysia 964  964 
Other foreign countries 273  273 
Total$141 $1,489 $190,885 $192,515 
December 31, 2023
Intellectual Property OperationsIndustrial OperationsEnergy OperationsTotal
(In thousands)
Long-lived tangible assets by geographic area:
United States$201 $92 $25,117 $25,410 
Malaysia 1,949  1,949 
Other foreign countries 114  114 
Total$201 $2,155 $25,117 $27,473 
On October 18, 2024, the Company consummated the Deflecto Transaction. Refer to Note 1 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements and “Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” for additional information.

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The following discussion should be read in conjunction with our consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q ("Quarterly Report"). This discussion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Our actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these “forward-looking statements” as a result of various factors including the risks we discuss in "Item 1A. Risk Factors" to our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and elsewhere herein. For additional information, refer to the section above entitled “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements.”
See the consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in the Quarterly Report for the definitions of certain capitalized terms used throughout the remainder of this Quarterly Report.
We are focused on acquiring and operating attractive businesses across the mature technology, energy and industrial/manufacturing sectors where we believe we can leverage our expertise, significant capital base and deep industry relationships to drive value. We focus on identifying, pursuing and acquiring businesses where we are uniquely positioned to deploy our differentiated strategy, people and processes to generate and compound shareholder value. We have a wide range of transactional and operational capabilities to realize the intrinsic value in the businesses that we acquire. Our ideal transactions include the acquisition of public or private companies, the acquisition of divisions of other companies, or structured transactions that can result in the recapitalization or restructuring of the ownership of a business to enhance value.
We are particularly attracted to complex situations where we believe value is not fully recognized, the value of certain operations are masked by a diversified business mix, or where private ownership has not invested the capital and/or resources necessary to support long-term value. Through our public market activities, we aim to initiate strategic block positions in public companies as a path to complete whole company acquisitions or strategic transactions that unlock value. We believe this business model is differentiated from private equity funds, which do not typically own public securities prior to acquiring companies, hedge funds, which do not typically acquire entire businesses, and other acquisition vehicles such as special purpose acquisition companies, which are narrowly focused on completing one singular, defining acquisition.
Our focus is companies with market values in the sub-$2 billion range and particularly on businesses valued at $1billion or less. We are, however, opportunistic, and may pursue acquisitions that are larger under the right circumstance.
We believe the Company has the potential to develop advantaged opportunities due to its:
disciplined focus on identifying opportunities where the Company can be an advantaged buyer, initiate a transaction opportunity spontaneously, avoid a traditional sale process and complete the purchase of a business, division or other asset at an attractive price;
willingness to invest across industries and in off-the-run, often misunderstood assets that suffer from a complexity discount;
relationships and partnership abilities across functions and sectors; and
strong expertise in corporate governance and operational transformation.
Our long-term focus positions our businesses to navigate economic cycles and allows sellers and other counterparties to have confidence that a transaction is not dependent on achieving the types of performance hurdles demanded by private equity sponsors. We consider opportunities based on the attractiveness of the underlying cash flows, without regard to a specific fund life or investment horizon.
People, Process and Performance
Our Company is built on the principles of People, Process and Performance. We have built a management team with demonstrated expertise in Research, Transactions and Execution, and Operations and Management of our targeted

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acquisitions. We believe our priorities and skills underpin a compelling value proposition for operating businesses, partners and future acquisition targets, including:
the flexibility to consummate transactions using financing structures suited to the opportunity and involving third-party transaction structuring as needed;
the ability to deliver ongoing financial and strategic support; and
the financial capacity to maintain a long-term outlook and remain committed to a multi-year business plan.
Relationship with Starboard Value, LP
Our strategic relationship with Starboard provides us access to industry expertise, and operating partners and industry experts to evaluate potential acquisition opportunities and enhance the oversight and value creation of such businesses once acquired. Starboard has provided, and we expect will continue to provide, ready access to its extensive network of industry executives and, as part of our relationship, Starboard has assisted, and we expect will continue to assist, with sourcing and evaluating appropriate acquisition opportunities.
Intellectual Property Operations
The Company through its Patent Licensing, Enforcement and Technologies Business invests in IP and related absolute return assets and engages in the licensing and enforcement of patented technologies. Through our Patent Licensing, Enforcement and Technologies Business, operated under our wholly owned subsidiary, Acacia Research Group, LLC, and its wholly-owned subsidiaries (collectively, ARG), we are a principal in the licensing and enforcement of patent portfolios, with our operating subsidiaries obtaining the rights in the patent portfolio or purchasing the patent portfolio outright. While we, from time to time, partner with inventors and patent owners, from small entities to large corporations, we assume all responsibility for advancing operational expenses while pursuing a patent licensing and enforcement program, and when applicable, share net licensing revenue with our patent partners as that program matures, on a pre-arranged and negotiated basis. We may also provide upfront capital to patent owners as an advance against future licensing revenue.
Currently, on a consolidated basis, our operating subsidiaries own or control the rights to multiple patent portfolios, which include U.S. patents and certain foreign counterparts, covering technologies used in a variety of industries. We generate revenues and related cash flows from the granting of IP rights for the use of patented technologies that our operating subsidiaries control or own.
We have established a proven track record of licensing and enforcement success with over 1,600 license agreements executed as of September 30, 2024, across nearly 200 patent portfolio licensing and enforcement programs. As of September 30, 2024, we have generated gross licensing revenue of approximately $1.9 billion, and have returned $880.9 million to our patent partners. Since January 1, 2020, we have generated gross licensing revenue of approximately $233.9 million and returned approximately $91.1 million to our patent partners.
For more information related to our Intellectual Property Operations, refer to additional detailed patent business discussion below.
Industrial Operations
In October 2021, we consummated our first operating company acquisition of Printronix. Printronix is a leading manufacturer and distributor of industrial impact printers, also known as line matrix printers, and related consumables and services. The Printronix business serves a diverse group of customers that operate across healthcare, food and beverage, manufacturing and logistics, and other sectors. This mature technology is known for its ability to operate in hazardous environments. Printronix has a manufacturing site located in Malaysia and third-party configuration sites located in the United States, Singapore and Holland, along with sales and support locations around the world to support its global network of users, channel partners and strategic alliances. This acquisition was made at what we believe to be an attractive purchase price, and we are now supporting existing management in its initiative to reduce costs and operate more efficiently and in its execution of strategic partnerships to generate growth.

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For more information related to our Industrial Operations, refer to the section entitled Industrial Operations Business below.
Energy Operations
In November 2023, we invested $10.0 million to acquire a 50.4% equity interest in Benchmark. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Benchmark is an independent oil and gas company engaged in the acquisition, production and development of oil and gas assets in mature resource plays in Texas and Oklahoma. Benchmark is run by an experienced management team led by Chief Executive Officer Kirk Goehring, who previously served as Chief Operating Officer of both Benchmark and Jones Energy, Inc. Prior to Benchmark's acquisition of additional assets in April 2024, Benchmark’s assets consisted of over 13,000 net acres primarily located in Roberts and Hemphill Counties in Texas, and an interest in over 125 wells, the majority of which are operated. Acacia made a control investment in Benchmark and intends to utilize its significant capital base to acquire predictable and shallow decline, cash-flowing oil and gas properties whose value can be enhanced via a disciplined, field optimization strategy, with risk managed through robust commodity hedges and low leverage. Through its investment in Benchmark, the Company, along with the Benchmark management team, will evaluate future growth and acquisitions of oil and gas assets at attractive valuations. The Company’s consolidated financial statements include Benchmark’s consolidated operations from November 13, 2023 through September 30, 2024. Refer to Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information.
On April 17, 2024, Benchmark consummated the previously announced Revolution Transaction contemplated in the Purchase Agreement. Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, Benchmark acquired certain upstream assets and related facilities in Texas and Oklahoma, including approximately 140,000 net acres and an interest in approximately 470 operated producing wells for a purchase price of $145 million in cash, subject to customary post-closing adjustments. The Company’s contribution to Benchmark to fund its portion of the Revolution Purchase Price and related fees was $59.9 million, which was funded from cash on hand. The remainder of the Revolution Purchase Price was funded by a combination of borrowings under the Benchmark Revolving Credit Facility and a cash contribution of $15.25 million from other investors in Benchmark, including McArron Partners. Following closing, the Company’s interest in Benchmark is approximately 73.5%. Refer to Note 2 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements for additional information regarding the Revolving Credit Facility.
For more information, refer to the section entitled Energy Operations below.
Recent Business Developments and Trends
Business Strategy
We intend to grow our Company by acquiring additional operating businesses, energy assets and intellectual property assets. However, we may not complete any acquisitions, and any acquisitions that we complete will be costly and could negatively affect our results of operations, and dilute our stockholders' ownership, or cause us to incur significant expense, and we may not realize the expected benefits of acquisitions.
Recent Acquisitions
In November 2023, we invested $10.0 million to acquire a 50.4% equity interest in Benchmark. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Benchmark is an independent oil and gas company engaged in the acquisition, production and development of oil and gas assets in mature resource plays in Texas and Oklahoma.
On April 17, 2024, Benchmark consummated the previously announced Revolution Transaction contemplated in the Purchase Agreement pursuant to which Benchmark acquired certain upstream assets and related facilities in Texas and Oklahoma, including approximately 140,000 net acres and an interest in approximately 470 operated producing wells, for a purchase price of $145 million in cash, subject to customary post-closing adjustments (as described further in Note 1 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements). Following closing, the Company's interest in Benchmark is approximately 73.5%.

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On October 18, 2024, Deflecto Holdco LLC (“Deflcot Purchaser”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Acacia, acquired Deflecto Acquisition, Inc. (“Deflecto”). Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, Deflecto is a leading specialty manufacturer of essential products serving the commercial transportation, HVAC and office markets. Under the terms and conditions of the Deflecto Stock Purchase Agreement, the aggregate consideration paid to the sellers in the Deflecto Transaction consisted of $103.7 million, subject to certain working capital, debt and other customary adjustments set forth in the Deflecto Stock Purchase Agreement (the “Deflecto Purchase Price”). The Deflecto Purchase Price was funded with a combination of borrowings of a $48.0 million secured term loan (the “Deflecto Term Loan”) and cash on hand. A portion of the Deflecto Purchase Price is being held in escrow to indemnify Purchaser against certain claims, losses and liabilities. Refer to Note 1 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements for additional information.
Life Sciences Portfolio
In June 2020 we acquired a portfolio of investments in 18 public and private life sciences companies (the “Life Sciences Portfolio”). That purchase was funded with a combination of available cash and capital from Starboard, for a total of approximately $282.0 million at the time of acquisition. Through the end of September 30, 2024, we have received proceeds of $564.1 million as we monetized the Life Sciences portfolio. We retained an investment in the Life Sciences Portfolio consisting of public and private securities valued at $25.7 million at September 30, 2024. On January 19, 2024, we completed the sale of our 33,023,210 shares of Arix Bioscience PLC (“Arix”) to RTW Biotech Opportunities Operating Ltd, a subsidiary of RTW Biotech Opportunities Ltd, for $57.1 million in aggregate (representing £1.43 per share at an exchange rate of 1.2087 USD/GBP). Following the completion of the share sale, we no longer own any shares of Arix. Additionally, some of the businesses in which we continue to hold an interest generate income through the receipt of royalties and milestone payments. Refer to Note 3 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for more information.
Historically, inflation has not had a significant impact on us or any of our subsidiaries. While insignificant to our consolidated enterprise, during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, inflation for our Printronix subsidiary slowed down with only a small increase in cost of raw materials than in previous years related to its electronic and electrical and metal components. Printronix will continue to adjust its selling price as required in response to higher costs. Printronix have also implemented cost rationalization measures to combat the rising cost that is driven by inflation and currency pressures. Additionally, our Energy Operations Business may experience inflation. The oil and natural gas industry and the broader U.S. economy have experienced higher than expected inflationary pressures in recent years related to increases in oil and natural gas prices, continued supply chain disruptions, labor shortages and geopolitical instability, among other pressures.
Patent Licensing and Enforcement
Patent Litigation Trial Dates and Related Trials
As of the date of this Quarterly Report, our Patent Licensing, Enforcement and Technologies Business has one pending patent infringement case with scheduled trial dates in the next twelve months. Patent infringement trials are components of its overall patent licensing process and are one of many factors that contribute to possible future revenue generating opportunities. Scheduled trial dates, as promulgated by the respective court, merely provide an indication of when, in future periods, the trials may occur according to the court’s scheduling calendar at a specific point in time. A court may change previously scheduled trial dates. In fact, courts often reschedule trial dates for various reasons that are unrelated to the underlying patent assets and typically for reasons that are beyond the control of our Patent Licensing, Enforcement and Technologies Business. While scheduled trial dates provide an indication of the timing of possible future revenue generating opportunities, the trials themselves and the immediately preceding periods represent the possible future revenue generating opportunities.
Litigation and Licensing Expense
We expect patent-related legal expenses to continue to fluctuate from period to period based on the factors summarized herein, in connection with future trial dates, international enforcement, strategic patent portfolio prosecution and our current and future patent portfolio investment, prosecution, licensing and enforcement activities.

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Investments in Patent Portfolios
With respect to our licensing, enforcement and overall business, neither we nor our operating subsidiaries invent new technologies or products; rather, we depend upon the identification and investment in patents, inventions and companies that own IP through our relationships with inventors, universities, research institutions, technology companies and others. If our operating subsidiaries are unable to maintain those relationships and identify and grow new relationships, then we may not be able to identify new technology-based patent opportunities for sustainable revenue and /or revenue growth.
Our current or future relationships may not provide the volume or quality of technologies necessary to sustain our licensing, enforcement and overall business. In some cases, universities and other technology sources compete against us as they seek to develop and commercialize technologies. Universities may receive financing for basic research in exchange for the exclusive right to commercialize resulting inventions. These and other strategies employed by potential partners may reduce the number of technology sources and potential clients to whom we can market our solutions. If we are unable to maintain current relationships and sources of technology or to secure new relationships and sources of technology, such inability may have a material adverse effect on our revenues, operating results, financial condition and ability to maintain our licensing and enforcement business.
Patent Portfolio Intake
One of the significant challenges in the intellectual property industry continues to be quality patent intake due to the challenges and complexity associated with the current patent environment.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as well as 2023 and 2022, we did not acquire any new patent portfolios. During 2021, we acquired one new patent portfolio consisting of Wi-Fi 6 standard essential patents. In 2020, we acquired five new patent portfolios consisting of (i) flash memory technology, (ii) voice activation and control technology, (iii) wireless networks, (iv) internet search, advertising and cloud computing technology and (v) GPS navigation. The patents and patent rights acquired in 2021 and 2020 have estimated economic useful lives of approximately five years.
Industrial Operations Business
Our Printronix subsidiary is a worldwide leader in multi‐technology supply‐chain printing solutions for a variety of industries, including auto manufacturing, transportation and logistics, retail distribution, food and beverage distribution, and pharmaceutical distribution. Printronix’s line matrix printers are used for mission critical applications within these industries, including labeling and inventory management, build sheets, invoicing, manifests and bills of lading, and reporting. In China, India and other developing countries in Asia and Africa, our printers are also prevalent in the banking and government sectors. Printronix has manufacturing, configuration and/or distribution sites located in Malaysia, the United States, Singapore, China and the Netherlands, along with sales and support locations around the world to support its global network of users, channel partners, and strategic alliances. Printronix designs and manufactures printers and related consumable products for various industrial printing applications. Printers consist of hardware and embedded software and may be sold with maintenance service agreements, which are serviced by outside contractors. Consumable products include inked ribbons which are used within Printronix's printers. Printronix’s products are primarily sold through Printronix’s global network of channel partners, such as dealers and distributors, to end‐users.
Energy Operations Business
Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Benchmark is an independent oil and gas company engaged in the acquisition, production and development of oil and gas assets in mature resource plays in Texas and Oklahoma. Benchmark is run by an experienced management team led by Chief Executive Officer Kirk Goehring, who previously served as Chief Operating Officer of both Benchmark and Jones Energy, Inc. After the acquisition of Revolution, Benchmark’s existing assets consist of approximately 153,000 net acres and an interest in approximately 605 wells, the majority of which are operated. Acacia owns approximately 73.5% of Benchmark. Benchmark intends to enhance the value of such assets via a disciplined, field optimization strategy, with risk managed through robust commodity hedges and low leverage. Through its investment in Benchmark, the Company, along with the Benchmark management team, will evaluate future growth and acquisitions of oil and gas assets at attractive valuations.

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Operating Activities
Intellectual Property Operations
Our Intellectual Property Operations revenues historically have fluctuated quarterly, and can vary significantly period to period, based on a number of factors including the following:
the dollar amount of agreements executed each period, which can be driven by the nature and characteristics of the technology or technologies being licensed and the magnitude of infringement associated with a specific licensee;
the specific terms and conditions of agreements executed each period including the nature and characteristics of rights granted, and the periods of infringement or term of use contemplated by the respective payments;
fluctuations in the total number of agreements executed each period;
the number of, timing, results and uncertainties associated with patent licensing negotiations, mediations, patent infringement actions, trial dates and other enforcement proceedings relating to our patent licensing and enforcement programs;
the relative maturity of licensing programs during the applicable periods;
other external factors, including the periodic status or results of ongoing negotiations, the status or results of ongoing litigations and appeals, actual or perceived shifts in the regulatory environment, impact of unrelated patent related judicial proceedings and other macroeconomic factors;
the willingness of prospective licensees to settle significant patent infringement cases and pay reasonable license fees for the use of our patented technology, as such infringement cases approach a court determined trial date; and
fluctuations in overall patent portfolio related enforcement activities which are impacted by the portfolio intake challenges discussed above.
Our management does not attempt to manage for smooth sequential periodic growth in revenues from period to period, and therefore, periodic results can be uneven. Unlike most operating businesses and industries, licensing revenues not generated in a current period are not necessarily foregone but, depending on whether negotiations, litigation or both continue into subsequent periods, and depending on a number of other factors, such potential revenues may be pushed into subsequent annual periods.
Industrial Operations
Refer to "Industrial Operations Business" above for information related to Printronix's operating activities.
Energy Operations
Refer to "Energy Operations Business" above for information related to Benchmark's operating activities.
In addition to the following results of operations discussion, more information related to our Intellectual Property Operations, Industrial Operations and Energy Operations segment revenues may be found in Notes 2 and 17 to the consolidated financial statements. Refer to Note 2 included in our 2023 Annual Report for additional information regarding our Intellectual Property Operations, Industrial Operations and Energy Operations segment cost of revenues and cost of production.

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Results of Operations
Summary of Results of Operations
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
(In thousands, except percentage change values)
Total revenues$23,310 $10,084 $13,226 131 %$73,468 $32,791 $40,677 124 %
Total costs and expenses33,582 23,237 10,345 45 %90,585 67,797 22,788 34 %
Operating loss(10,272)(13,153)2,881 (22 %)(17,117)(35,006)17,889 (51 %)
Total other income (expense)4,112 15,718 (11,606)(74 %)(6,231)29,077 (35,308)(121 %)
(Loss) income before income taxes(6,160)2,565 (8,725)(340 %)(23,348)(5,929)(17,419)294 %
Income tax (expense) benefit(5,497)197 (5,694)(2,890 %)2,673 (641)3,314 (517 %)
Net (loss) income attributable to Acacia Research Corporation(13,996)1,636 (15,632)(956 %)(22,628)(7,696)(14,932)194 %
Results of Operations - three months ended September 30, 2024 compared with the three months ended September 30, 2023
Total revenues increased $13.2 million to $23.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to $10.1 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023, due to revenues contributed from the Energy Operations of $15.8 million partially offset by a decrease in our Intellectual Property Operations revenues and in our Industrial Operations revenues. Intellectual Property Operations revenues decreased $1.3 million due to fewer executed license agreements compared to the comparable prior period. Industrial Operations revenues decreased $1.3 million due to decrease in the number of printer units sold compared to the comparable prior period. Refer to "Industrial Operations – Revenues" below for further discussion.
Loss before income taxes was $6.2 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to income of $2.6 million in the comparable prior period. The net decrease was comprised of the change in total revenues described above and other changes in operating expenses and other income or expense for the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023 as follows:
Inventor royalties decreased $277,000, from $497,000 to $220,000 in 2024, primarily due to license agreement activity and related revenues generated with inventor royalty obligations. Refer to "Intellectual Property Operations – Cost of Revenues" below for further discussion.
Litigation and licensing expenses decreased $1.2 million, from $2.0 million to $797,000 in 2024, primarily due to a net decrease in litigation support and third-party technical consulting expenses associated with ongoing litigation. Refer to "Intellectual Property Operations – Cost of Revenues" below for further discussion.
Printronix cost of sales, engineering and development expenses, and sales and marketing expenses decreased $1.2 million, from $6.2 million to $5.0 million in 2024, primarily due to a decrease in related revenues. Refer to "Industrial Operations – Cost of Revenues" and "Operating Expenses" below for further discussion.
Benchmark's cost of production for the third quarter of 2024 added a total of $11.7 million to our consolidated operating expenses. Refer to "Energy Operations – Cost of Production" below for further discussion.
General and administrative expenses decreased $481,000, from $11.6 million to $11.1 million in 2024, primarily due to lower parent company legal fees partially offset by expenses contributed from our Energy Operations of $1.0 million for the third quarter of 2024. Refer to "General and Administrative Expenses" below for further detail and discussion.
Compensation expense for share-based awards, included in general and administrative expenses above, decreased $192,000, from $973,000 to $781,000 in 2024, primarily due to restricted stock and option grants issued to employees and the Board of Directors in 2024 and 2023.

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Unrealized loss from the change in fair value of our equity securities was $4.1 million in 2024, as compared to an unrealized gain of $8.8 million in the comparable prior period. The unrealized loss and gain were derived from our Life Sciences Portfolio and our trading securities portfolio. Refer to "Equity Securities Investments" below for further discussion.
Earnings on equity investment in joint venture was zero in 2024, as compared to $3.4 million in the comparable prior period primarily due to the earnings on equity investment in joint venture from the payments related to the achievement of one milestone in 2023.
Non-recurring legacy legal expense of $2.0 million in 2024 is related to the accrual recorded in connection with the settlement agreement with Slingshot. Refer to Note 13 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding the settlement agreement with Slingshot.
We recognized a gain on exercise of Series B Warrants of zero in 2024, as compared to $1.5 million in the comparable prior period primarily due to the exercise of the remaining Series B Warrants and conversion of the Series A Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock into the Company's common stock in 2023. In 2024, no shares of Series A Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock and no Series B Warrants remained outstanding. Refer to Notes 10 and 11 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding the Series B Warrants and Series A Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock and fair value measurements.
Gain on derivatives was $8.0 million in 2024, as compared to zero in the comparable prior period due to the commodity derivative activities contributed from our Energy Operations. Refer to Note 11 for additional information regarding Benchmark's gain on its commodity derivatives.
Interest expense on Senior Secured Notes decreased $130,000, from $130,000 to zero in 2024, due to the cancellation of the remaining $60.0 million aggregate principal amount outstanding of the Senior Secured Notes on July 13, 2023 pursuant to the Series B Warrants Exercise. Refer to Note 10 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information.
Results of Operations - nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared with the nine months ended September 30, 2023
Total revenues increased $40.7 million to $73.5 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to $32.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to an increase in our Intellectual Property Operations revenues and revenues contributed from Benchmark of $31.8 million partially offset by a decrease in Industrial Operations revenues. ARG revenues increased due to an increase in the number of license agreements executed that generated higher average license fees, which contributed to Intellectual Property Operations revenues increasing by $13.1 million. Refer to “Investments in Patent Portfolios” above for additional information regarding the impact of portfolio acquisition trends on current and future licensing and enforcement related revenues. The decrease in Industrial Operations revenue of $4.3 million is due to lower units of printers sold. Refer to “Industrial Operations – Revenues” below for further detailed discussion.
Loss before income taxes was $23.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to loss of $5.9 million in the comparable prior period. The increase was comprised of the change in total revenues described above and other changes in operating expenses and other income or expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023 as follows:
Inventor royalties increased $765,000, from $863,000 to $1.6 million in 2024, primarily due to license agreement activity and related revenues generated in 2024. Refer to "Intellectual Property Operations – Cost of Revenues" below for further discussion.
Contingent legal fees increased $1.5 million, from $890,000 to $2.4 million in 2024, primarily due to the change in Intellectual Property Operations revenues described above. Refer to "Intellectual Property Operations – Cost of Revenues" below for further discussion.

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Litigation and licensing expenses decreased $2.6 million, from $5.7 million to $3.1 million in 2024, primarily due to a net decrease in litigation support expenses associated with ongoing litigation. Refer to "Intellectual Property Operations – Cost of Revenues" below for further discussion.
Printronix cost of sales, engineering and development expenses, and sales and marketing expenses decreased approximately $3.9 million, from $19.5 million to $15.6 million in 2024. Refer to "Industrial Operations – Cost of Revenues" and "Operating Expenses" below for further discussion.
Benchmark's cost of production for the first nine months of 2024 added a total of $23.1 million to our consolidated operating expenses. Refer to "Energy Operations – Cost of Production" below for further discussion.
General and administrative expenses increased $357,000, from $33.1 million to $33.4 million in 2024, primarily due to an increase in Intellectual Property Operations general and administrative costs and $2.3 million from our Energy Operations general and administrative costs for 2024, partially offset by a decrease in our Industrial Operations general and administrative costs and other general and administrative costs. Refer to "General and Administrative Expenses" below for further detail and discussion.
Compensation expense for share-based awards, included in general and administrative expenses above, increased $206,000, from $2.3 million to $2.5 million in 2024, primarily due to restricted stock and option grants issued to employees and the Board in 2024 and 2023, which includes a partial offset for forfeitures.
Unrealized loss from the change in fair value of our equity securities was $35.5 million in 2024, as compared to an unrealized gain of $18.8 million in the comparable prior period. The unrealized gain and loss were derived from our Life Sciences Portfolio and trading securities portfolio. The 2024 period unrealized loss primarily relates to the reversal of unrealized gains previously recorded for Arix shares sold in January 2024 for realized gains. Refer to Note 3 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding the sale of Arix shares and refer to "Equity Securities Investments" below for further discussion.
Realized gain from the sale of equity securities was $28.9 million in 2024, as compared to a realized loss of $9.4 million in the comparable prior period. The realized gains and losses were similarly derived from the sales activity from our Life Sciences Portfolio and trading securities portfolio. The 2024 period realized gains primarily relates to the Arix shares sold in January 2024. Refer to Note 3 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding the sale of Arix shares and refer to "Equity Securities Investments" below for further discussion.
Earnings on equity investment in joint venture was zero in 2024, as compared to $3.4 million in the comparable prior period primarily due to the earnings on equity investment in joint venture from one milestone in 2023.
Non-recurring legacy legal expense of $14.9 million in 2024 is related to the additional accruals made in connection with the AIP Matter and expenses related to the settlement agreement with Slingshot. Refer to Note 13 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding the accrual in connection with the AIP Matter and the settlement agreement with Slingshot.
Unrealized gain from the Series B Warrants and the embedded derivative fair value measurements was zero in 2024, as compared to a gain of $8.2 million in the comparable prior period, primarily due to the exercise of the remaining Series B Warrants and conversion of the Series A Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock into the Company's common stock in 2023. In 2024, no shares of Series A Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock and no Series B Warrants remained outstanding. Refer to Notes 10 and 11 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding the Series B Warrants and Series A Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock and fair value measurements.
Gain on derivatives was $5.5 million in 2024, as compared to zero in the comparable prior period due to the commodity derivative activities contributed from our Energy Operations. Refer to Note 11 for additional information regarding Benchmark's gain on its commodity derivatives.

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Interest expense on Senior Secured Notes was zero in 2024, as compared to interest expense of $1.9 million in the comparable prior period, due to the cancellation of the remaining $60.0 million aggregate principal amount outstanding of the Senior Secured Notes on July 13, 2023, pursuant to the Series B Warrants Exercise. Refer to Note 10 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information.
Intellectual Property Operations
ARG's revenue activity for the periods presented included the following:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
(In thousands, except percentage change values and count totals)
Paid-up license revenue agreements$— $1,410 $(1,410)(100 %)$17,253 $5,385 $11,868 220 %
Recurring license revenue agreements486 350 136 39 %2,189 945 1,244 132 %
Total revenues$486 $1,760 $(1,274)(72 %)$19,442 $6,330 $13,112 207 %
New license agreements executed— (5)(100 %)10 (1)(10 %)
Licensing and enforcement programs
   generating revenues
(2)(40 %)— — %

For the periods presented above, the majority of the revenue agreements executed during the relevant period provided for the payment of one-time, paid-up license fees in consideration for the grant of certain IP Rights for patented technology owned by our operating subsidiaries. These rights were primarily granted on a perpetual basis, extending until the expiration of the underlying patents. Paid-up revenue decreased $1.4 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023 as there were no new license agreements executed during the third quarter of 2024. Paid-up revenue increased $11.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023 due to an increase in the number of new license agreements that generated higher license revenue in 2024. Recurring revenue, that provides for quarterly sales-based license fees, increased $136,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and increased $1.2 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, in each case compared to the comparable prior year period, from various on-going license arrangements.
Refer to Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding our revenue arrangements and related concentrations for the periods presented herein.
Refer to “Investments in Patent Portfolios” above for information regarding the impact of portfolio acquisition trends on current and future licensing and enforcement related revenues.
Cost of Revenues
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
(In thousands, except percentage change values)
Inventor royalties$220 $497 $(277)(56 %)$1,628 $863 $765 89 %
Contingent legal fees(22)346 (368)(106 %)2,373 890 1,483 167 %
Litigation and licensing expenses797 2,026 (1,229)(61 %)3,087 5,663 (2,576)(45 %)
Amortization of patents4,712 2,601 2,111 81 %11,385 7,802 3,583 46 %
Total$5,707 $5,470 $237 %$18,473 $15,218 $3,255 21 %
Refer to detailed change explanations above for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 regarding cost of revenues for our Intellectual Property Operations.
The economic terms of patent portfolio related partnering agreements and contingent legal fee arrangements, if any, including royalty obligations, if any, royalty rates, contingent fee rates and other terms and conditions, vary across the patent portfolios owned or controlled by our operating subsidiaries. In certain instances, we have invested in certain patent portfolios without future patent partner royalty obligations. The costs associated with the forementioned obligations fluctuate period to period, based on the amount of revenues recognized each period, the terms and conditions of revenue

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agreements executed each period and the mix of specific patent portfolios, with varying economic terms and conditions, generating revenues each period.
Litigation and licensing expenses include patent-related litigation, enforcement and prosecution costs incurred by law firms and external patent attorneys engaged on either an hourly basis or a contingent fee basis. Litigation and licensing expenses also includes third-party patent research, development, patent prosecution and maintenance fees, re-exam and inter partes reviews, consulting and other costs incurred in connection with the licensing and enforcement of patent portfolios. Refer to “Investments in Patent Portfolios” above for additional information regarding the impact of portfolio acquisition trends on current and future licensing and enforcement related revenues.
Industrial Operations
Printronix's net revenues for the periods presented included the following:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
(In thousands, except percentage change value)
Printers and parts$2,367 $2,852 $(485)(17 %)$7,316 $9,640 $(2,324)(24 %)
Consumable products3,782 4,576 (794)(17 %)12,362 14,074 (1,712)(12 %)
Services858 896 (38)(4 %)2,505 2,747 (242)(9 %)
Total$7,007 $8,324 $(1,317)(16 %)$22,183 $26,461 $(4,278)(16 %)
For the periods presented above, the majority of the contract agreements executed in the relevant period include various combinations of tangible products (which include printers, consumables and parts) and services. Revenue from printers and parts decreased $485,000 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and decreased $2.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, in each case compared to the comparable prior year period, due to a decrease in the number of printer units sold. Refer to Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding Printronix's revenue arrangements and related concentrations. Refer to “Industrial Operations Business” above for additional information related to Printronix's operating activities.
Cost of Revenues
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
(In thousands, except percentage change values)
Cost of revenues - industrial operations$3,523 $4,377 $(854)(20 %)$10,849 $13,530 $(2,681)(20 %)
Refer to detailed change explanations above for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 regarding cost of revenues for our Industrial Operations. The decrease in Printronix's cost of revenues for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 is due to change in revenue described above. Refer to Note 2 included in our 2023 Annual Report for additional information regarding Printronix's cost of sales.

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Energy Operations
The following table provides the components of Benchmark's revenues for the periods indicated, as well as each period's respective average realized prices and production volumes. This table shows production on a barrel of oil ("boe") equivalent basis in which natural gas is converted to oil at the ratio of 6 Mcf of natural gas to one barrel ("Bbl") of oil. This ratio may not be reflective of the current price ratio between two products. "Mcf" means thousand cubic feet and "/d" means per day.
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(In thousands, except per unit data )
Oil (Bbl)121,251 235,867 
Natural gas (Mcf)1,482,555 3,100,391 
Natural gas liquids (Bbl)172,164 357,738 
Total (boe)540,508 1,110,336 
Average daily production:
Oil (Bbl/d)1,318 861 
Natural gas (Mcf/d)16,115 11,315 
Natural gas liquids (Bbl/d)1,871 1,306 
Total (boe/d)5,875 4,052 
Oil sales$8,997 $17,740 
Natural gas sales2,829 5,550 
Natural gas liquids sales3,837 8,390 
Other service sales154 163 
Total$15,817 $31,843 
Average Price:
Oil (per Bbl)$74.20 $75.21 
Natural gas (per Mcf)$1.91 $1.79 
Natural gas liquids (per Bbl)$22.29 $23.45 
Refer to Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding Benchmark's revenue arrangements and related concentrations.
Cost of Production
Benchmark's cost of production for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $11.7 million and $23.1 million, respectively. Refer to Note 2 included in our 2023 Annual Report for additional information regarding Benchmark's cost of production.

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Operating Expenses
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
(In thousands, except percentage change values)
Engineering and development expenses - industrial operations$108 $172 $(64)(37 %)$420 $593 $(173)(29 %)
Sales and marketing expenses - industrial operations1,391 1,613 (222)(14 %)4,333 5,385 (1,052)(20 %)
General and administrative costs - intellectual property operations1,917 1,818 99 %7,078 5,317 1,761 33 %
General and administrative costs - industrial operations2,086 1,999 87 %5,704 6,743 (1,039)(15 %)
General and administrative costs - energy operations1,024 — 1,024 n/a2,292 — 2,292 n/a
Parent general and administrative expenses6,097 7,788 (1,691)(22 %)18,354 21,011 (2,657)(13 %)
Total general and administrative expenses11,124 11,605 (481)(4 %)33,428 33,071 357 %
Total$12,623 $13,390 $(767)(6 %)$38,181 $39,049 $(868)(2 %)
The operating expenses table above includes the Company's general and administrative expenses by operation, Printronix's engineering and development expenses and sales and marketing expenses, and Benchmark's general and administrative costs. Refer to Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding Printronix's operating expenses.
General and Administrative Expenses
A summary of the main drivers of the change in general and administrative expenses is as follows:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
2024 vs. 20232024 vs. 2023
(In thousands)
Personnel costs and board fees$(86)$(155)
Variable performance-based compensation costs192 2,251 
Other general and administrative costs(2,546)(3,976)
General and administrative costs - industrial operations86 (1,039)
General and administrative costs - energy operations1,024 2,292 
Amortization of industrial operations intangible assets— 
Compensation expense for share-based awards(192)206 
Non-recurring employee severance costs1,040 778 
Total change in general and administrative expenses$(481)$357 
General and administrative expenses include employee compensation and related personnel costs, including variable performance based compensation and compensation expense for share-based awards, office and facilities costs, legal and accounting professional fees, public relations, stock administration, business development, fixed asset depreciation, amortization of Industrial Operations intangible assets, state taxes based on gross receipts and other corporate costs.

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The increase in variable performance-based compensation costs was primarily due to fluctuations in performance-based compensation. Compensation expense for share-based awards increased primarily due to restricted stock and option grants issued to employees and the Board of Directors in 2024 and 2023 partially offset by forfeitures. The decrease in other general and administrative costs, which relates to our parent company and Intellectual Property Operations business, were primarily due to lower legal fees. The decrease in general and administrative costs of Industrial Operations is due to Printronix's initiative to reduce costs and operate more efficiently. Non-recurring employee severance costs fluctuate based on the severance arrangements of terminated employees. In addition, our Energy Operations related general and administrative costs contributed $2.3 million of the increased expenses. Refer to additional general and administrative change explanations above.
Other Income/Expense
Equity Securities Investments
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
(In thousands, except percentage change values)
Change in fair value of equity securities$(4,074)$8,823 $(12,897)(146 %)$(35,519)$18,783 $(54,302)(289 %)
Gain (loss) on sale of equity securities— — — n/a28,861 (9,360)38,221 (408 %)
Earnings on equity investment in joint venture— 3,375 (3,375)(100 %)— 3,375 (3,375)(100 %)
Total net realized and unrealized gain$(4,074)$12,198 $(16,272)(133 %)$(6,658)$12,798 $(19,456)(152 %)
Our equity securities investments, including the Life Sciences Portfolio and trading securities portfolio, are recorded at fair value at each balance sheet date. During the first quarter of 2024, Acacia fully exited its position in Arix. Refer to periodic change explanations above. Refer to Notes 2 and 3 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding our investment in the Life Sciences Portfolio and other equity securities.
Our results included an unrealized loss from the change in fair value of our equity securities as compared to an unrealized gain in the comparable prior period, and included realized gain from the sale of our equity securities as compared to a realized loss in the prior year. These changes were derived from our Life Sciences Portfolio and trading securities portfolio. The 2024 period unrealized loss and realized gain primarily relates to the sale of Arix shares.
During the third quarter of 2023, we recorded consolidated earnings on equity investment of $3.4 million for one milestone earned during the period. There were no other milestones earned during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Refer to Note 3 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information.
Non-recurring legacy legal expense
Three Months Ended
March 31,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
(In thousands, except percentage change values)
Non-recurring legacy legal expense$(2,000)$— $(2,000)n/a$(14,857)$— $(14,857)n/a
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recorded an additional accrual of $12.9 million in connection with the AIP Matter in other income (expense) and an accrual of $2.0 million in connection with Slingshot settlement in the consolidated statements of operations. Refer to Note 13 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information.

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Income Taxes
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
(In thousands, except percentage change values)
Income tax (expense) benefit$(5,497)$197 $(5,694)(2,890 %)$2,673 $(641)$3,314 (517 %)
Effective tax rate89 %(8)%n/a97 %(11)%11 %n/a(22)%
Our income tax expense for the three months ended September 30, 2024 is primarily attributable to changes to the forecasted benefit of losses estimated for 2024. Our income tax benefit for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 is primarily attributable to recognizing a benefit for losses incurred year to date offset by foreign withholding taxes. Our income tax benefit for the three months ended September 30, 2023 is primarily attributable to recognizing an income tax benefit on losses incurred in jurisdictions for which a valuation allowance is not needed. Our income tax expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 is primarily attributable to foreign taxes withheld and state income taxes.
Our 2024 effective tax rate in each period differed from the U.S. federal statutory rate primarily due to foreign withholding taxes which we could not recognize as a foreign tax credit and non-deductible items. Our 2023 effective tax rate in each period was lower than the U.S. federal statutory rate primarily due to expiration of foreign tax credits changes in valuation allowance, as well as non-deductible items. The effective tax rate may be subject to fluctuations during the year as new information is obtained which may affect the assumptions used to estimate the effective tax rate, including factors such as expected utilization of net operating loss carryforwards, changes in or the interpretation of tax laws in jurisdictions where the Company conducts business, the Company’s expansion into new states or foreign countries, and the amount of valuation allowances against deferred tax assets.
The Company has recorded a partial valuation allowance against our net deferred tax assets as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 on foreign tax credits and certain state net operating losses. Refer to Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional income tax information.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
Our foreseeable material cash requirements as of September 30, 2024, are recognized as liabilities or generally are otherwise described in Note 13, "Commitments and Contingencies," to the consolidated financial statements included elsewhere herein. Our facilities lease obligations, guarantees and certain contingent obligations are further described in Note 13 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements. Historically, we have not entered into off-balance sheet financing arrangements. In addition, the obligations of Energy Operations Business related to the Benchmark Revolving Credit Facility are further described in Note 2 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements. The obligations of our Energy Operations Business related to the asset retirement obligations are further described in Note 9 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements.
Additional cash requirements are generally derived from our operating and investing activities including expenditures for working capital (discussed below), human capital, business development, investments in equity securities and intellectual property, and business combinations. At September 30, 2024, we had unrecognized tax benefits, as further described in Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements.
Certain of our operating subsidiaries are often required to engage in litigation to enforce their patents and patent rights. In connection with any of our operating subsidiaries’ patent enforcement actions, it is possible that a defendant may request and/or a court may rule that an operating subsidiary has violated statutory authority, regulatory authority, federal rules, local court rules, or governing standards relating to the substantive or procedural aspects of such enforcement actions. In such event, a court may issue monetary sanctions against us or our operating subsidiaries or award attorney’s fees and/or expenses to a defendant(s), which could be material.
At September 30, 2024, our primary sources of liquidity were cash and cash equivalents on hand and cash generated from our operating activities.

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The Company’s contribution to Benchmark to fund its portion of the Revolution Purchase Price and related fees for the Benchmark Transaction was $59.9 million, which was funded from cash on hand. The remainder of the Revolution Purchase Price was funded by a combination of borrowings under the Benchmark Revolving Credit Facility of approximately $82.7 million and a cash contribution of approximately $15.3 million from other investors in Benchmark, including McArron Partners. Refer to Note 2 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements for additional information regarding the Revolving Credit Facility.
On October 18, 2024 the Company acquired Deflecto for a purchase price of $103.7 million, which was funded with a combination of borrowings under the Deflecto Term Loan and from cash on hand. Refer to Note 1 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements for additional information.
Furthermore, we intend to grow our company by acquiring additional operating businesses and intellectual property assets. We expect to finance such acquisitions through cash on hand or by engaging in equity or debt financing.
Our management believes that our cash and cash equivalent balances and cash flows from operations will be sufficient to meet our cash requirements through at least twelve months from the date of this Quarterly Report and for the foreseeable future. We may, however, encounter unforeseen difficulties that may deplete our capital resources more rapidly than anticipated, including those set forth under “Item 1A, Risk Factors” of our 2023 Annual Report. Any efforts to seek additional funding could be made through issuances of equity or debt, or other external financing. However, additional funding may not be available to us on favorable terms, or at all. The capital and credit markets have experienced extreme volatility and disruption in recent years, and the volatility and impact of the disruption may continue. At times during this period, the volatility and disruption has reached unprecedented levels. In several cases, the markets have exerted downward pressure on stock prices and credit capacity for certain issuers, and the commercial paper markets may not be a reliable source of short-term financing for us. If we fail to obtain additional financing when needed, we may not be able to execute our business plans and our business, conducted by our operating subsidiaries, may suffer.
Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments
Our consolidated cash, cash equivalents and equity securities totaled $374.2 million at September 30, 2024, compared to $403.2 million at December 31, 2023.
Cash Flows Summary
The net change in cash and cash equivalents for the periods presented was comprised of the following:
Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In thousands)
Net cash provided (used) by:
Operating activities$70,384 $(17,962)
Investing activities(117,067)8,617 
Financing activities66,577 66,351 
Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents65 (59)
Increase in cash and cash equivalents$19,959 $56,947 

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Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash flows from operating activities were comprised of the following for the periods presented:
Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In thousands)
Net loss including noncontrolling interests in subsidiaries$(20,675)$(6,570)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss including noncontrolling interests in
  subsidiaries to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities:
Depreciation, depletion and amortization21,735 10,152 
Accretion of asset retirement obligation620 — 
Change in fair values Series A redeemable convertible preferred stock embedded derivatives and Series B warrants— (6,716)
Gain on exercise of Series B warrants— (1,525)
Compensation expense for share-based awards2,530 2,324 
Loss (gain) on foreign currency exchange72 (25)
Change in fair value of equity securities35,519 (18,783)
(Gain) loss on sale of equity securities(28,861)9,360 
Unrealized gain on derivatives(3,918)— 
Earnings on equity investment in joint venture— (3,375)
Deferred income taxes(5,509)(1,063)
Changes in assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable69,710 2,982 
Prepaid expenses and other assets(3,373)(1,395)
Accounts payable and accrued expenses8,129 (5,623)
Royalties and contingent legal fees payable(4,593)597 
Deferred revenue295 (149)
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities$70,384 $(17,962)
Cash receipts from ARG's licensees totaled $90.9 million and $6.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Cash receipts from Printronix's customers totaled $23.8 million and $28.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Cash receipts from Benchmark's customers totaled $37.4 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The fluctuations in cash receipts for the periods presented primarily reflects the corresponding fluctuations in revenues recognized during the same periods, as described above, and the related timing of payments received from licensees and customers.
Our reported cash provided by operations for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $70.4 million, compared to cash used in operations of $18.0 million in the comparable prior period. The increase in cash provided by operations was primarily due to net inflows from the total changes in assets and liabilities (refer to Working Capital discussion below), decrease in accounts receivable, increase in inventories, increase in prepaid expense and other assets, increase in accounts payable, decrease in royalties and contingent legal fees payable and by the total change in net income (described above) and related noncash adjustments.
Working Capital
Our working capital related to cash flows from operating activities at September 30, 2024 decreased to $18.8 million, compared to $87.0 million at December 31, 2023, which was comprised of the changes in assets and liabilities presented above. The decrease is primarily due to change in accounts receivable and royalties and contingent legal fees payable, which is related to the timing of the cash receipts related to Intellectual Property Operations Business, partially offset by the increase in accrued expenses and other current liabilities related to our Energy Operations Business.

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Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Cash flows from investing activities were comprised of the following for the periods presented:
Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In thousands)
Patent acquisition$(14,000)$— 
Purchases of equity securities(15,544)(8,678)
Sales of equity securities57,854 15,198 
Distributions received from equity investment in joint venture— 2,249 
Net purchases of property and equipment and additions to oil and gas properties(145,377)(152)
Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities$(117,067)$8,617 
Cash outflows from investing activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $117.1 million, as compared to cash inflow of $8.6 million in the comparable prior period, primarily due to the acquisition of oil and gas properties in the Transaction and net cash inflows from our trading securities portfolio equity securities transactions and sale of Arix shares. Refer to Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding the Transaction. Refer to “Other Income/Expense – Equity Securities Investments” above and Note 3 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information related to Life Sciences Portfolio.
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Cash flows from financing activities included the following for the periods presented:
Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In thousands)
Repurchase of common stock$(7,303)$— 
Paydown of Senior Secured Notes— (60,000)
Contributions from noncontrolling interest15,250 — 
Borrowings on the Revolving credit facility71,475 — 
Paydown of Revolving Credit Facility(12,000)— 
Dividend on Series A Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock— (1,400)
Taxes paid related to net share settlement of share-based awards(1,068)(595)
Proceeds from Rights Offering— 79,111 
Proceeds from exercise of Series B warrants— 49,000 
Proceeds from exercise of stock options223 235 
Net cash provided by financing activities$66,577 $66,351 
Cash flows from financing activities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 increased to $66.6 million, as compared to cash flow of $66.4 million in the comparable prior period, primarily due to contributions from noncontrolling interest related to the Revolution Transaction and net cash inflows from borrowings on the Benchmark Revolving Credit Facility partially offset by the repurchase of common stock. Refer to Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding the Revolution Transaction. Refer to Note 14 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information regarding the repurchase of common stock.
Critical Accounting Estimates
Our consolidated financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In preparing these financial statements, we make assumptions, judgments and estimates that involve a significant level of estimation uncertainty and have had or are reasonably likely to have a material impact on our financial condition or results of operations. We base our assumptions, judgments and estimates on historical experience and

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various other factors that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results could differ materially from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. On a regular basis, we evaluate our assumptions, judgments and estimates and make changes accordingly.
We believe that of the significant accounting policies discussed in Note 2 included in our 2023 Annual Report, the following accounting policies require our most difficult, subjective or complex assumptions, judgments and estimates:
revenue recognition;
estimates of crude oil and natural gas reserves;
valuation of long-lived assets, goodwill and other intangible assets; and
accounting for income taxes.
Our critical accounting estimates have not changed materially from those disclosed in the Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations included in our 2023 Annual Report. For further information on the significant accounting policies related to the revenue recognition, estimates of crude oil and natural gas reserves, valuation of long-lived assets, goodwill and other intangible assets and income taxes, refer to Note 2 to the consolidated financial statements and other related significant account policies included in our 2023 Annual Report.
Recent Accounting Pronouncements
Refer to Note 2 to consolidated financial statements included elsewhere herein.

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The primary objective of our short-term investment activities is to preserve principal while concurrently maximizing the income we receive from our equity securities without significantly increasing risk. Some of the securities that we invest in may be subject to interest rate risk and/or market risk. This means that a change in prevailing interest rates, with respect to interest rate risk, or a change in the value of the United States equity markets, with respect to market risk, may cause the principal amount or market value of the equity securities to fluctuate. For example, if we hold a security that was issued with a fixed interest rate at the then-prevailing rate and the prevailing interest rate later rises, the current value of the principal amount of our investment may decline. To minimize these risks in the future, we intend to maintain our portfolio of cash equivalents and equity securities in a variety of securities. Cash equivalents are comprised of investments in U.S. treasury securities and AAA rated money market funds that invest in first-tier only securities, which primarily include domestic commercial paper and securities issued or guaranteed by the U.S. government or its agencies. In general, money market funds are not subject to market risk because the interest paid on such funds fluctuates with the prevailing interest rate. Accordingly, a 100 basis point increase in interest rates or a 10% decline in the value of the United States equity markets would not be expected to have a material impact on the value of such money market funds. Declines in interest rates over time will, however, reduce our interest income.
Investment Risk
We are exposed to investment risks related to changes in the underlying financial condition of certain of our equity investments in technology companies. The fair value of these investments can be significantly impacted by the risk of adverse changes in securities markets generally, as well as risks related to the performance of the companies whose securities we have invested in, risks associated with specific industries, and other factors. These investments are subject to significant fluctuations in fair value due to the volatility of the securities markets and of the underlying businesses.
As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the carrying value of our equity investments in public and private companies was $50.9 million and $99.8 million, respectively.
We record our equity investments in publicly traded companies at fair value, which are subject to market price volatility. As of September 30, 2024, a hypothetical 10% adverse change in the market price of our investments in publicly traded common stock would have resulted in a decrease of approximately $1.4 million in such equity investments. We evaluate our equity investments in private companies for impairment when events and circumstances indicate that the decline in fair value of such assets below the carrying value is other-than temporary.
Foreign Currency Exchange Risk
Although we historically have not had material foreign operations, we are also exposed to market risks related to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates between the U.S. dollar, and the British Pound and Euro currency exchange rates, primarily related to foreign cash accounts. As of September 30, 2024, we did not have any foreign denominated equity securities.
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Under the supervision and with the participation of our management, including our principal executive officer and principal financial officer, we conducted an evaluation of our disclosure controls and procedures, as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act.
Based on this evaluation, our principal executive officer and principal financial officer concluded that, as of September 30, 2024, our disclosure controls and procedures were effective to ensure that the information required to be disclosed by us in the reports that we file or submit under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our principal executive officer and principal financial officer, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure, and that such information is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods prescribed by the SEC.

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Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the three months ended September 30, 2024 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.
Inherent Limitations on Effectiveness of Controls
Our management, including our principal executive officer and principal financial officer, does not expect that our disclosure controls or our internal control over financial reporting will prevent or detect all error and all fraud. A control system, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the control system’s objectives will be met. The design of a control system must reflect the fact that there are resource constraints, and the benefits of controls must be considered relative to their costs. Further, because of the inherent limitations in all control systems, no evaluation of controls can provide absolute assurance that misstatements due to error or fraud will not occur or that all control issues and instances of fraud, if any, have been detected. The design of any system of controls is based in part on certain assumptions about the likelihood of future events, and there can be no assurance that any design will succeed in achieving its stated goals under all potential future conditions. Projections of any evaluation of the effectiveness of controls to future periods are subject to risks. Over time, controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions or deterioration in the degree of compliance with policies or procedures.

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In the ordinary course of business, we or our various businesses and operations are the subject of, or party to, various pending or threatened legal actions, including various counterclaims in connection with patent enforcement activities. We believe that any liability arising from these actions will not have a material adverse effect on our consolidated financial position, results of operations or cash flows. See Note 13 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information.
Intellectual Property Operations
Our Intellectual Property Operations Business is often required to engage in litigation to enforce its patents and patent rights. Certain of its operating subsidiaries are parties to ongoing patent enforcement related litigation, alleging infringement by third-parties of certain of the patented technologies owned or controlled by its operating subsidiaries.
In connection with any of its patent enforcement actions, it is possible that a defendant may claim and/or a court may rule that our Intellectual Property Operations Business has violated statutory authority, regulatory authority, federal rules, local court rules, or governing standards relating to the substantive or procedural aspects of such enforcement actions. In such event, a court may issue monetary sanctions against it or its operating subsidiaries or award attorney’s fees and/or expenses to a defendant(s), which could be material, and if required to be paid by it or its operating subsidiaries, could materially harm its operating results and its financial position.
Our Intellectual Property Operations Business spends a significant amount of its financial and management resources to pursue its current litigation matters. These litigation matters and others that it may in the future determine to pursue could continue for years and continue to consume significant financial and management resources. The counterparties to its litigation matters are sometimes large, well-financed companies with substantially greater resources. We cannot assure you that any of our Intellectual Property Operations Business current or future litigation matters will result in a favorable outcome for it. In addition, in part due to the appeals process and other legal processes, even if our Intellectual Property Operations Business obtains favorable interim rulings or verdicts in particular litigation matters, they may not be predictive of the ultimate resolution of the dispute. Also, we cannot assure you that our Intellectual Property Operations Business will not be exposed to claims or sanctions against it which may be costly or impossible for it to defend. Unfavorable or adverse outcomes may result in losses, exhaustion of financial resources or other adverse effects which could encumber our Intellectual Property Operations Business’s ability to effectively and efficiently monetize its assets. Refer to Note 13 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information related to legal proceedings.
An investment in our common stock involves risks. Before making an investment decision, you should carefully consider all of the information in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, including in “Item 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations,” as well as our consolidated financial statements and the accompanying notes thereto. In addition, you should carefully consider the risks and uncertainties in “Item 1A. Risk Factors” in our 2023 Annual Report, as well as in our other public filings with the SEC. If any of the identified risks are realized, our business, financial condition, operating results and prospects could be materially and adversely affected. In that case, the trading price of our common stock may decline, and you could lose all or part of your investment. In addition, other risks of which we are currently unaware, or which we do not currently view as material, could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, operating results and prospects. There have been no material changes to the risk factors previously reported in our 2023 Annual Report.

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Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities (1)
Total Number
of Shares
Paid per
Total Number of Shares Purchased as Part of Publicly Announced Plans or Programs Approximate Dollar
Value of Shares that
May Yet be Purchased
under the Program
(In thousands)
July 1, 2024 - July 31, 2024— $— — $— 
August 1, 2024 - August 31, 2024676,775 $4.68 676,775 $16,833 
September 1, 2024 - September 30, 2024860,347 $4.72 860,347 $12,769 
Total1,537,122 $4.70 1,537,122 
(1) On November 9, 2023, the Board approved a stock repurchase program (the “Repurchase Program”) for up to $20.0 million of the Company's common stock, subject to a cap of 5,800,000 shares of common stock. The Repurchase Program has no time limit and does not require the repurchase of a minimum number of shares. The common stock may be repurchased on the open market, in block trades, or in privately negotiated transactions, including under plans complying with the provisions of Rule 10b5-1 and Rule 10b-18 of the Exchange Act. Between October 1, 2024 and November 7, 2024, we repurchased a total of 1,470,172 shares at an average price per share of $4.61. Under the Repurchase Program as of November 7, 2024, we have repurchased a total of 3,007,294 shares at an average price per share of $4.65, and $6.0 million may yet be purchased under the Repurchase Program, subject to the aggregate cap for the Repurchase Program of 5,800,000 shares of common stock. Refer to Note 14 to the consolidated financial statements elsewhere herein for additional information.
Not applicable.
During the three months ended September 30, 2024, no director or officer (as defined in Rule 16a-1(f) of the Exchange Act) of Acacia Research Corporation adopted, modified or terminated a “Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement” or “non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement,” as each term is defined in Item 408(a) of Regulation S-K.

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The following financial statements from the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, formatted in Inline Extensible Business Reporting Language (iXBRL): (i) Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets, (ii) Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations, (iii) Condensed Consolidated Statements of Series A Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock and Stockholders’ Equity, (iv) Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows and (v) Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements, tagged as blocks of text and including detailed tags.
104#Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted in iXBRL and included in Exhibit 101)
#    Filed herewith.
*The referenced exhibit is a management contract, compensatory plan or arrangement.
†    The certifications attached as Exhibits 32.1 and 32.2 that accompany this Quarterly Report pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, shall not be deemed “filed” by the Registrant for purposes of Section 18 of the Exchange Act and are not to be incorporated by reference into any of the Registrant’s filings under the Securities Act or the Exchange Act, irrespective of any general incorporation language contained in any such filing.
^    This filing excludes certain schedules and exhibits pursuant to Item 601(a)(5) of Regulation S-K, which the registrant agrees to furnish supplementally to the Securities and Exchange Commission upon request; provided, however, that the registrant may request confidential treatment for any schedules or exhibits so furnished.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this Quarterly Report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: November 12, 2024
/s/ Martin D. McNulty Jr.
By: Martin D. McNulty Jr.
Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer and Duly Authorized Signatory)
Date: November 12, 2024
/s/ Kirsten Hoover
By: Kirsten Hoover
Interim Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Financial Officer and Accounting Officer)