

表格 10-Q


 rackspace technology,inc。


19122美国281N公路, 128号套房
San Antonio, 德克萨斯州 78258




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2024年11月5日, 227,568,885注册人的普通股股票的面值为0.01美元,发行额为ares。

rackspace technology,inc。
项目 1。基本报表: 
项目 2。
项目 1。
项目 2。
项目 4。





rackspace technology, rackspace technology, 狂热, 狂热体验, rackspace布局, rackspace数据自由, 为VMware Cloud提供的rackspace服务商标"Rackspace," "Rackspace Technology," "Fanatical," "Fanatical Experience," "Rackspace Fabric," "Rackspace Data Freedom," "Rackspace Services for VMware Cloud" 和 "My Rackspace" 是Rackspace US, Inc.在美国和/或其他国家注册或未注册的商标。OpenStack® 是OpenStack, LLC和OpenStack Foundation在美国注册的商标。出于便利起见,本季度报告中提到的商标、商号和服务标识可能出现不带®或™符号的形式,但此类引用并不意味着以任何方式表明我们将不会根据适用法律的规定,主张我们或适用许可方对这些商标、商号和服务标识的权利。出现在本季度报告中的其他商标、商号和服务标识属于各自持有人。我们无意通过使用或展示其他公司的商号、商标或服务标识来暗示与其他公司的关系,或暗示其他公司对我们的认可或赞助。

第一部分 - 财务信息
基本报表 - 项目1
rackspace technology, inc.
现金及现金等价物$196.8 $157.1 
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for credit losses and accrued customer credits of $20.1 和 $23.3, 分别
339.7 311.8 
预付费用87.4 95.4 
其他流动资产114.2 84.4 
总流动资产738.1 648.7 
资产、设备及软件净额608.8 616.3 
商誉净值1,452.4 739.7 
无形资产-净额1,019.0 883.4 
租赁权资产126.3 139.4 
其他非流动资产151.6 118.3 
资产总额$4,096.2 $3,145.8 
应付账款和应计费用$432.7 $407.9 
应计补偿和福利72.2 94.2 
递延收入78.8 68.8 
债务23.0 27.1 
应计利息应收64219995964911457088 7.66%5224150119784922.93% 20.5 8.1 
经营租赁负债66.0 55.8 
融资租赁负债55.8 50.5 
融资义务14.0 16.3 
其他流动负债36.5 40.2 
流动负债合计799.5 768.9 
债务2,839.6 2,782.4 
经营租赁负债74.6 86.3 
融资租赁负债308.0 294.3 
融资义务52.4 39.5 
递延所得税79.2 26.0 
其他非流动负债97.4 98.1 
负债总额4,250.7 4,095.5 
优先股,$0.00010.01 每股面值: 5.0 已授权股份; 没有 股份未发行或未流通
普通股,每股面值为 $0.0001;0.01 每股面值: 1,495.0 已授权股数; 220.5230.7发行股票;217.4227.6分别拥有 和 股已发行股份
2.2 2.3 
额外实收资本2,638.2 2,672.0 
累计其他综合收益60.3 33.4 
即期收购库藏股;截至2022年9月25日,共计157,773股,截至2022年6月26日,共计157,087股。3.1 持有的股份
负债和股东赤字总计$4,096.2 $3,145.8 

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rackspace technology, inc.
营业收入$732.4 $675.8 $2,237.4 $2,051.5 
毛利润152.0 137.5 474.7 401.7 
资产减值损失净额(48.4) (48.4)(20.0)
投资收益净额 0.1 0.2 0.2 
债务修改费用和债务熄灭收益55.4 18.0 163.1 147.2 
所得税利益(费用)16.5 (12.0)26.1 22.6 
外币翻译调整$(5.7)$4.3 $0.5 $(0.2)
衍生合同未实现的收益(损失)9.1 (11.1)22.8 6.5 
其他综合收益(损失)(4.1)(17.8)3.4 (26.9)
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rackspace technology, inc.
折旧和摊销282.5 222.0 
经营使用权资产的摊销57.9 51.4 
基于股份的薪酬支出51.9 47.8 
商誉减值708.8 714.9 
资产减值,净额48.4 20.0 
坏账和应计客户信贷准备金5.1 11.3 
债务发行成本和债务折扣和溢价的摊销6.0 3.5 
与再融资交易相关的第三方费用 (31.7)
其他经营活动0.3 (3.7)
应收账款268.8 16.9 
预付费用和其他流动资产23.1 (2.1)
其他非流动资产和负债20.9 22.4 
由(用于)经营活动提供的净现金302.7 (14.4)
出售总部的收益 16.9 
其他投资活动0.7 5.4 
员工股票计划的收益0.8 0.4 
长期债务安排下的借款收益50.0 275.0 
债务清偿成本 (22.1)
汇率变动对现金、现金等价物和限制性现金的影响0.3 0.7 
现金、现金等价物和限制性现金的增加(减少)49.3 (39.6)
期初的现金、现金等价物和限制性现金231.4 199.7 
期末现金、现金等价物和限制性现金$280.7 $160.1 
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现金支付的利息,扣除资本化金额$166.2 $83.9 
扣除退款后的所得税现金支付$9.9 $9.7 
通过融资租赁购置财产、设备和软件$67.4 $22.0 
应计负债中的财产、设备和软件增加 (减少)4.9 (1.7)
其他非现金活动 (2.1)
以非现金方式购买财产、设备和软件$80.8 $18.2 


现金及现金等价物$277.8 $157.1 
包括在其他非流动资产中的受限现金2.9 3.0 
现金、现金等价物及受限制现金总额$280.7 $160.1 

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rackspace technology, inc.
2023年6月30日的余额218.8 $2.2 $2,607.4 $78.9 $(2,625.6)3.1 $(31.0)$31.9 
行使期权和释放股票奖励,扣除暂扣股份后的净股数0.7 — (1.0)— — — — (1.0)
权益-分类奖励的股权报酬支出— — 17.0 — — — — 17.0 
净亏损— — — — (226.6)— — (226.6)
其他全面损失— — — (4.1)— — — (4.1)
2023年9月30日的余额219.5 $2.2 $2,623.4 $74.8 $(2,852.2)3.1 $(31.0)$(182.8)

2022年12月31日的余额215.7 $2.2 $2,573.3 $71.4 $(1,986.4)3.1 $(31.0)$629.5 
行使期权和释放股票奖励,扣除留存股份净额3.4 — (1.0)— — — — (1.0)
发行员工股票购买计划股票0.4 — 0.8 — — — — 0.8 
权益分类奖励的股份报酬支出— — 50.3 — — — — 50.3 
净亏损— — — — (865.8)— — (865.8)
其他全面收益— — — 3.4 — — — 3.4 
2023年9月30日的余额219.5 $2.2 $2,623.4 $74.8 $(2,852.2)3.1 $(31.0)$(182.8)

2024年6月30日余额228.7 $2.3 $2,661.1 $51.2 $(3,439.8)3.1 $(31.0)$(756.2)
2.0 — (0.9)— — — — (0.9)
权益-分类奖励的股权报酬支出— — 11.8 — — — — 11.8 
— — — — (186.6)— — (186.6)
— — — (17.8)— — — (17.8)
2024年9月30日的余额230.7 $2.3 $2,672.0 $33.4 $(3,626.4)3.1 $(31.0)$(949.7)

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2023年12月31日的余额220.5 $2.2 $2,638.2 $60.3 $(2,824.2)3.1 $(31.0)$(154.5)
行使期权和释放股票奖励,扣除留存股份净额9.9 0.1 (4.4)— — — — (4.3)
发行员工股票购买计划股票0.3 — 0.4 — — — — 0.4 
权益分类奖励的股份报酬支出— — 37.8 — — — — 37.8 
净亏损— — — — (802.2)— — (802.2)
— — — (26.9)— — — (26.9)
2024年9月30日的余额230.7 $2.3 $2,672.0 $33.4 $(3,626.4)3.1 $(31.0)$(949.7)

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rackspace technology, inc.

1. 公司资料、呈现基础和重要会计政策摘要


rackspace technology公司是一家特拉华州控股的公司,由与阿波罗全球管理公司及其子公司有关的投资基金控制。rackspace technology成立于2016年7月21日,但直到2016年11月3日,当时一家名为Rackspace Hosting公司(现更名为rackspace technology全球公司)被Inception Parent公司收购时,才拥有资产、负债或营运结果,Inception Parent公司是rackspace technology间接拥有的全资拥有的公司(“rackspace收购”)。

rackspace technology全球货币于1998年开始运营,作为有限合伙企业,并于2000年3月在特拉华州注册成立。rackspace technology作为rackspace technology全球货币的控股公司,并不从事除与其间接拥有rackspace technology全球货币及其子公司的股份有关的任何实质业务或业务以外的业务或运营,否则通常由控股公司进行。

为了方便参考,本报告中使用的术语“我们”、“我们公司”、“公司”、“我们”或“我们的”指的是rackspace technology及其合并的子公司。

未经审计的简明合并基本报表包括Rackspace Technology,Inc.及其全资子公司的账务。合并中已经消除了公司间交易和余额。




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我们是一家高度杠杆的公司。截至2024年9月30日,我们的债务工具下尚有$2,454.5 百万的总本金金额未偿还,这些债务工具包括第一留置权第一优先保障定期贷款设施(“FLFO定期贷款设施”)、第一留置权第二优先保障定期贷款设施(“FLSO定期贷款设施”)、第一留置权定期贷款设施(“定期贷款设施”), 3.50% FLSO优先保障票据到期于2028年(“3.50% FLSO优先保障票据”), 5.375% 优先票据到期于2028年(“5.375% 优先票据”),以及 3.50%优先保障票据到期于2028年(“3.50%优先保障票据”)。我们主要通过内部产生的现金流和硬件租赁来为我们的运营和资本支出提供融资,如果必要的话,还会借用第一优先保障循环信用设施(“新的循环信用设施”)。截至2024年9月30日,新的循环信用设施提供最多$375.0 百万借款, 截至2024年9月30日,其中已提取并未偿还。我们主要的现金用途是营运资金需求、债务服务需求和资本支出。基于我们当前的运营水平和截至2024年9月30日的现金及现金等价物为$157.1 百万,我们相信我们的来源将在至少未来十二个月内提供足够的流动性。然而,我们不能保证我们的业务将产生足够的经营现金流,或者未来的借款将可在新循环信用设施或其他来源获得足够金额,以使我们能够偿还债务或资助其他流动性需求。我们能否做到这一点取决于我们实现战略目标的能力、经济条件及其他许多超出我们控制范围的因素。




2024年第一季度,我们完成了对“计算机和设备”资产类别中某些资产有用寿命的评估。此次审查的时机基于随着时间累积的多种因素,为公司提供了更新信息,以更好地估计某些财产和设备的经济寿命。这些因素包括我们业务模式的变化和最近技术进步,增加了我们运营和管理客户设备的效率。评估结果导致“计算机和设备”资产类别预估有用寿命区间的增加, 五年自-至-七年这种会计估计变更已于2024年第一季度开始生效。该变更的影响是将折旧费减少了$11.5百万美元和$36.3百万美元,并导致相比之前的估计,截至2024年9月30日止的三个月和九个月的基本每股净损失增加$0.05 和 $0.15

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关于于2024年3月和4月完成的再融资交易,详见附注7“债务”,我们更新了内部预测。我们更新的内部预测考虑了我们截至目前为止的运营业绩,当前客户预订情况,根据当前表现修订的预期,对我们预期增长及其时机的修订,当前客户保留率,战略举措预期效果的时机修订及整体相关风险,包括宏观经济因素,以实现我们的预测。 我们的董事会于2024年2月28日审查并批准了我们2024财年的内部预算。截至2024年2月29日,我们评估了董事会批准的2024年内部预算,以及可能影响确定报告单位公允价值的重要输入的几个事件和情况,包括超额账面价值超过公允价值的金额(如有),我们当前和预测的营运利润率和现金流量的一致性,预算与实际表现,我们战略举措预期效果的时机,整体经济氛围的变化,行业及竞争环境的变化,我们风险调整折现率和收益质量及可持续性的变化。在考虑了我们评估商誉减值指标的所有可用证据后,我们判断有必要于2024年2月29日对我们的报告单位进行中期定量评估。

在2024年第三季度,作为我们年度计划评估的一部分,我们更新了内部预测,考虑了年初至今的运营绩效、当前客户预订情况和根据实际情况修订的预期、当前客户留存率、战略举措预期效果的时间修订以及影响我们预测的宏观经济因素等整体相关风险。 截至2024年9月30日,我们评估了内部预算以及可能影响用于确定报告单位公允价值的重要输入的若干事件和情况,包括超额账面价值与公允价值之间的金额(如果有的话)的重要性、当前和预测运营利润率和现金流量的一致性、预算与实际绩效、战略举措预期效果的时间、整体经济氛围的变化、行业和竞争环境的变化、我方风险调整折现率和收益质量以及可持续性的变化。在考虑了我们在商誉减值指标评估中所有可用证据后,我们确定有必要截至2024年9月30日对我们的报告单位进行临时定量评估。

在2023年1月1日,因我们围绕业务重组, - 业务单元运营模型,我们将报告的细分市场更改为私人云和公共云。由于我们细分报告的变化以及将之前报告单位的商誉分配给公共云和私人云报告单位,我们在上述变更前后完成了定量商誉减值分析。我们使用相对公允价值方法将商誉重新分配给更新的报告单位。根据在重组后进行的2023年1月1日的定量商誉减值分析结果,显示我们的私人云报告单位存在减值,因此我们在2023年第一季度记录了一项非现金减值费用,金额为 $270.8 百万。

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商誉在报告单元层面进行减值测试。报告单元是运营部门或低于运营部门一个级别的部分(称为组件)。我们将商誉分配给预计可以从业务组合中受益的报告单元。如果资产和负债被报告单元使用,并且在报告单元公允价值的确定中被考虑,它们会被指派到我们的每个报告单元上。某些资产和负债被多个报告单元共享,因此,它们会根据报告单元的相对规模进行分配,主要基于营业收入。在2023年10月1日之前,我们有 个报告单元有商誉:公共云和私有云。分配给我们第三个报告单元OpenStack公共云的商誉在2021年第四季度被完全减值。截至2023年10月1日,我们重新评估了报告单元结构,并将OpenStack公共云报告单元合并到私有云报告单元中。我们目前有 两个 报告单元:公共云和私有云。





截至2023年9月30日,我们进行的定量商誉减值分析结果显示,我们的私有云业务部门的商誉受到了损 impairment,并且我们在2023年第三季度的综合损益简明合并财务报表中录得了非现金减值费用$。165.7万,在"商誉减值"部分。



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鉴于上文讨论的相关因素,并在测试我们的商誉是否存在减值之前,我们于2023年9月30日和2024年2月29日对我们的无形资产进行了定量评估。截至这些日期进行的定量评估显示,Rackspace商标的估计公允价值低于其账面价值。因此,我们记录了一笔百万美元的非现金减值损失。 $57.0$20.0分别于2023年9月30日和2024年2月29日,我们在第三季度和第一季度的《综合损益表》的“资产减值损失,净额”中分别记录了一项百万美元的非现金减值损失。


我们报告单位和无限期无形资产的公允价值确定具有主观性,需要使用对变化敏感的重要估计和假设。这些假设包括对商标的版税率的估计、对未来营业收入增长率的估计、预计的毛利润率、预计的运营成本、预计的资本支出,这些都依赖于内部现金流预测、终端增长率的估计以及风险调整折现率的确定。因此,无法保证为量化商誉和无限期无形资产减值测试所做的估计和假设将对未来结果进行准确预测。可能合理预期会对基本关键假设产生负面影响并最终影响我们报告单位的公允价值的事件或情况的例子可能包括: (i) 股票和债务市场的波动或其他宏观经济因素,(ii) 由于利率进一步上升导致加权平均资本成本的增加,(iii) 由于销售低于预期或客户流失高于预期导致未来现金流的减少,或 (iv) 外汇汇率的波动可能对我们报告的运营结果产生负面影响。因此,如果我们当前的现金流假设未能实现,或者我们的股价或市值持续下降,或者资本成本增加,则未来可能会记录额外的减值费用,这可能是重要的。




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2024年11月,FASB发布了ASU No. 2024-03, 利润表 - 报告综合收益 - 费用细分披露(专题220-40) - 收入表费用细分ASU 2024-03要求按年度和中期披露有关常见收入表费用项目中包括的详细信息。具体来说,该指南要求披露每个费用项目在收入表上呈现的(a)库存采购金额;(b)员工薪酬;(c)折旧;(d)无形资产摊销;和(e)作为持续经营活动中的油气生产活动的一部分承认的折旧、减值和摊销金额在每个费用项目标题中。根据当前GAAP已经要求披露的某些金额必须包括在与其他细分要求相同的披露中。该指南还要求定性描述相关费用项目中未经数量分离细分的剩余金额、销售费用总额以及在年度报告期间,实体对销售费用的定义。该指南自2027年Rackspace开始制定的年度披露中的10-k表和2028年第一季度披露中的10-Q表开始生效,允许提前采用。该指南应当被前瞻性地应用于在生效日之后报告期间发行的财务报表,或者按照回顾性地应用于在财务报表中呈现的全部或部分先前期间。一经采纳,该指南将导致有关财务报表附注中某些费用的额外披露。

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2. 客户合同

$339.7 $311.8 
合同资产的当前部分其他流动资产$10.7 $7.1 
合同资产的非流动部分其他非流动资产$8.6 $6.4 
递延营收的当前部分递延收入$78.8 $68.8 
延迟收入的非流动资产部分。其他非流动负债$5.3 $2.5 
(1)    信用损失拨备和应计客户信用为$20.1 百万和$23.3 百万。

截至2023年和2024年9月30日的三个月内确认的营业收入金额,作为每个期间开始时的递延收入总计为$30.0 百万和$39.7百万美元,分别是。至2023年和2024年9月30日的九个月内确认的营业收入金额,作为每个期间开始时的递延收入总计为$68.0 百万和$73.0百万美元。


截至2023年12月31日和2024年9月30日,资本化的合同获取成本余额为$42.0 百万和$34.1 百万,分别为,资本化的合同履行成本余额为$13.4 百万和$13.2 百万,分别为。这些资本化成本包含在"其他非流动资产"中,位于简明合并资产负债表上。

资本化销售佣金的摊销$9.3 $7.1 $29.4 $22.6 
资本化实施成本的摊销$3.1 $2.2 $10.1 $7.3 


截至2024年9月30日,分配给剩余履约义务的交易价格总额为$434.3 22%预计在2024年剩余时间及之后的时间内确认营业收入。这些剩余的履约义务主要与我们的固定期限协议有关。交易价格总额不包括与我们基于使用的安排相关的变量考虑,针对这些安排,我们根据服务履行的开票权确认营业收入。


2022年9月27日,我们与一家同时也是客户和供应商的私营公司签订了可转换票据购买协议。根据购买协议,我们购买了本金总额为美元的无抵押可转换本票(“票据”)15.0百万。该票据的单利率应计为 6每年百分比,2027年9月27日到期,除非根据协议条款提前转换。本金和应计利息在到期日到期并支付。我们选择根据第825号会计准则更新(“ASU”)适用公允价值期权, 金融工具,以说明该附注。截至2023年12月31日和2024年9月30日,该票据的公允价值为美元12.8百万和美元15.0分别为百万,并包含在我们简明合并资产负债表的 “其他非流动资产” 中。票据公允价值的增加包含在简明合并综合亏损报表的 “其他支出净额” 中。

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3. 应收账款的出售

2023年9月29日,Rackspace US,Inc.和Rackspace Receivables II,LLC公司的间接子公司,一家破产远程专用车辆(“SPV”),分别与PNC银行国家协会(“PNC”)和其他相关方签订了应收账款购买协议。2024年2月12日,修改了应收账款购买协议,将公司的某些国际子公司纳入协议,并成立了加拿大Rackspace Receivables Canada Limited公司作为SPV。




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4. 每股净亏损



潜在的普通股等价物包括股票期权行使、受限股解禁或员工股票购买计划(“ESPP”)下的购买股份,以及与我们收购Datapipe Parent, Inc.有关的有待确认的股份。由于在所有报告期内我们处于净亏损状态,基本每股净亏损与摊薄每股净亏损相同,因为包括所有潜在的普通股在内将对减少报表披露产生抵消效应。 我们排除了 41.130.3百万潜在的普通股从2023年和2024年截至9月30日的三个月期间损失每股的计算中,分别为 41.1百万和 30.3百万分别从2023年和2024年截至9月30日的九个月期间损失每股的计算中,因为这种影响将抵消效应。

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5. 净资产、设备和软件
电脑和设备$1,154.9 $1,170.8 
软件452.8 446.2 
家具14.5 12.3 
24,613411.8 418.5 
财产、设备和软件,按成本计量2,034.0 2,047.8 
减:累计折旧 (1,442.1)(1,441.5)
在制品16.9 10.0 
资产、设备及软件净额$608.8 $616.3 

在2022年10月,我们宣布计划出售位于德克萨斯州温德克雷斯特的公司总部,并将公司总部迁至德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥的租赁办公空间。因此,截至2022年12月31日,该物业符合根据公认会计原则(GAAP)分类为待售的标准,并且 该物业的账面价值每个报告期间根据估计的公允价值和卖出成本的变化进行重新计量。2023年7月,我们与该物业的潜在买方签订了购买和销售协议。因此,我们提高了该物业的估计公允价值,减去估计的卖出成本,导致产生$8.6百万的收益,这一收益包含在我们截至2023年9月30日的CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE LOSS中的“资产减值,净额”中。 三个和 截至2023年9月30日的九个月。


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6. 探针卡

下表列出了可报告 segment 的商誉账面价值的变化.

$597.7 $1,563.5 $2,161.2 
597.7 854.7 1,452.4 
外币兑换(0.2)2.4 2.2 
$142.9 $596.8 $739.7 
$597.5 $1,565.9 $2,163.4 
减:累计减值损失 (1)
$142.9 $596.8 $739.7 
(1)     截至2024年9月30日,合并基础上的总商誉和净商誉为$3,045.3百万和$739.7 百万,累计减值损失在合并基础上为$2,305.6万美元,截至2024年9月30日。

请参见注释1, "公司资料、陈述基础及重要会计政策摘要," 以了解在期间内记录的商誉减值费用的讨论。 截至九个月 2023年9月30日 和2024年。

客户关系$1,932.0 $(1,073.9)$858.1 $1,935.0 $(1,192.0)$743.0 
其他27.8 (26.9)0.9 27.4 (27.0)0.4 
明确期限无形资产总额1,959.8 (1,100.8)859.0 1,962.4 (1,219.0)743.4 
商标(无限期使用权)160.0 — 160.0 140.0 — 140.0 
除商誉外的无形资产总额$2,119.8 $(1,100.8)$1,019.0 $2,102.4 $(1,219.0)$883.4 



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7. 债务


Interest Rate(1)
FLSO条款贷款设施2028年5月15日%$ 7.98%$1,631.1 
FLFO条款贷款设施2028年5月15日% 11.48%273.6 
贷款方案2028年2月15日8.23%2,181.2 7.98%61.9 
新存入库款项2028年5月15日—%— —% 
循环授信设施2025年8月7日—%— —% 
3.50% FLSO头寸优先担保票据
2028年5月15日—%— 3.50%318.6 
2028年2月15日3.50%513.7 3.50%43.9 
2028年12月1日5.375%197.6 5.375%125.4 
未偿还本金总额2,892.5 2,454.5 
总债务2,862.6 2,809.5 
债务,不包括流动部分$2,839.6 $2,782.4 
(1) 每个相应资产负债表日期的合同利率。



在2024年3月12日,我们(连同我们的某些子公司)完成了一项私人债务交易(“私人交易”),与(i)持有的 3.50%高级担保票据(“现有担保票据”),由rackspace technology 全球(“现有借款人”)发行,占截至2023年12月31日现有担保票据未偿还本金总额的超过 64%,及(ii)代表超过 72%的第一留置权信贷协议下未偿还定期贷款设施的本金总额(“现有定期贷款”),截至2023年12月31日。

根据私人交易所规定,(i) 已交换或购买了总额为$331.4 百万美元现有担保票据的本金金额和$1,588.8 百万美元现有贷款的本金金额被交换或购买取消(i);新发行的总额为$267.3 百万美元新第一抵押垫层次债务担保票据(“3.50% FLSO优先担保票据”)和总额为$1,312.0 百万美元新第一抵押垫层次债务担保贷款(“FLSO贷款设施”及其贷款,即“FLSO贷款”)由公司的新子公司Rackspace Finance, LLC发行(“新借款人”)。

此外,新借款人发行了$275.0百万总本金额度的新第一担保优先贷款(“FLFO担保贷款设施”及其下的贷款称为“FLFO担保贷款”),我们回购并取消了$69.3百万总本金额度的 5.375%高级票据。

参见“”了解证券交易委员会对此类赔偿条款的立场新债务工具”下文提供了关于新工具的更多讨论 3.50% FLSO高级担保债券,FLSO定期贷款设施,以及FLFO定期贷款设施。



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在2024年3月14日,我们向所有现有借款人剩余的现有担保票据持有人发起了一项要约(“公开票据交易所”)。138.42024年4月16日,我们完成了公开票据交易所,根据该交易所:(i) 价值 百万美元的现有担保票据被交换或购买以进行注销,96.9总额为百万的3.50(ii) 新借款人发行了 % FLSO高级担保票据。





公司对2024年3月再融资交易进行了评估,并确定符合《会计准则 codification 470-60》下作为有问题债务重组计入账务的标准。 债务人的有问题债务重组对于每一系列 交换的现有债务工具, 新债务工具 发行的未贴现现金流与 现有债务工具的账面价值进行比较 以换取的现有债务工具。 新债务工具 适用的交易按如下方式进行会计处理:(i)在未计贴现现金流量低于相关的现有债务工具的带账价值的情况下,相关的新债务工具的带账价值确定为这些未贴现现金流量的总和,其余差额则确认为收益,这个差额是新债务工具的带账价值与相关现有债务工具的带账价值之间的差额(因此,相关的FLSO优先担保票据不会计提利息费用),并且(ii)在未贴现现金流量高于相关现有债务工具的带账价值的情况下,相关新债务工具的带账价值确定为 新债务工具 的承担价值在这两者之间的差值上记录了获得,因此将不再在相关的FLSO优先担保票据上预计计提利息费用) 新债务工具 的带账价值确定为 3.50% FLSO优先担保票据 的承担价值确定为这些未贴现现金流量的总和,其余的部分则确认为盈利,这个价值与相关现有债务工具的带账价值之间的差额(因此,不会针对相关的FLSO优先担保票据录入利息费用) 新债务工具 基于适用的现有债务工具的账面价值,公司确定了在2024年3月再融资交易之前基于适用的现有定期贷款账面价值的新有效利率。

贷款本金金额和FLSO高级担保票据之间的差额被记录为溢价,并包括在公司简明综合资产负债表的长期债务中。 3.50% FLSO高级担保票据 贷款本金金额和负债表上的公司简明综合资产中的账面价值之间的差额被记录为一项溢价,包含在长期债务中。

记录在 FLSO高级担保票据上的溢价为$ 3.50% 百万,这将随着合同利息的支付而减少,39.1那么合同利息的支付将会减少在 3.50% FLSO高级担保票据上。


2024年3月的再融资交易于2024年4月完成,伴随着公开票据交易的结束。23.3在与公开票据交易相关的过程中,我们在2024年第二季度记录了一个 $ 百万的收益,扣除 $ 百万的第三方费用。3.3该收益包含在我们的综合损失简明合并财务报表中的“债务修改成本和债务灭失收益”项目中。



在2024年3月12日,Rackspace Finance Holdings, LLC(“Rackspace Finance Holdings”),新借款人,相关贷款人和发行银行,以及作为管理代理和担保代理的花旗银行(Citibank, N.A.),签署了管理FLSO定期贷款设施、FLFO定期贷款设施和新循环信贷设施的信用协议(统称为“新高级设施”)(“新第一留置权信用协议”)。
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新借款人发行了总本金金额为$的FLSO期限贷款设施。1,687.2美元。FLSO期限贷款设施于2028年5月15日到期。FLSO期限贷款设施下的借款按年利率计算,等于 与FRED纽约联邦储备银行管理的担保隔夜融资利率基础上的前瞻性期利率相等,与该借款相关的利息期间,再加上 0.111个月的利息期限为%, 0.263个月的利息期限为%, 0.436个月的利息期限为%,受到 0.75%的下限限制,加上相应的利差。 2.75%.

截至2024年9月30日,FLSO定期贷款设施的合同利率为 7.98%. 我们需要每季度偿还$4.2 百万的本金,此偿还始于20年3月31日。请参阅第11条“衍生工具”注释,了解我们利用的利率互换协议来管理FLSO的利率风险 贷款设施。

ABRY Partners, LLC 和 ABRY Partners II, LLC(统称为“ABRY”)的附属公司是新第一优先信贷协议下的 FLSO 期限贷款设施的贷款人。截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日,FLSO 期限贷款设施的未偿还本金金额为 $1,631.1 百万,其中400万美元投资于2022年4月,500万美元投资于2022年5月。 结果,非控股权益增加百万美元,可赎回的非控股权益增加百万美元。 2022年7月,同美和少数投资者又投资了$49.7百万,即 3.0%,到期于 ABRY 附属公司。与 ABRY 有关的投资基金也是 rackspace technology 的共同投资者。

截至2024年9月30日,阿波罗全球管理公司也持有$80.7百万,即 4.9,FLSO贷款期限贷款设施未偿本金金额的%




新借款人是借款人,FLSO贷款方案下的所有义务均由Rackspace Finance Holdings提供有限追索,并由新借款人的某些子公司(“子担保人”)以联合及 Several 的方式进行担保。 FLSO贷款方案下的义务由由Rackspace Finance Holdings直接持有的新借款人股票抵押,并且部分由新借款人及子担保人的资产抵押,但需受到一些例外情况的限制。


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新借款人以初始总本金金额$275.0百万。FLFO定期贷款设施的到期日为2028年5月15日。根据FLFO定期贷款设施的借款按年利率为 任期 SOFR 等于前瞻性期限利率,基于纽约联邦储备银行管理的担保隔夜融资利率,适用于相关借款的利息期间,加上 0.11%的信用利差调整,适用于一个月的利息期间, 0.26%的利息期间为三个月, 0.43%的利息期间为六个月,受限于 0.75% 地板,加上适用的利差 6.25% 并发行了 1.00% 原始发行折扣。

截至2024年9月30日,FLFO期贷款设施的合同利率为 11.48%. 我们需要每季度偿还$0.7百万美元,该利率从2024年6月30日起生效。有关我们利用的利率掉期协议信息,请参阅“衍生工具”第11注 FLFO 贷款设施。

截至2025年9月12日,新借款人可以提前偿还FLFO贷款方案中的部分或全部借款,包括应计和未偿付的利息,视适用的“补偿”溢价而定。在2025年9月12日之后但在2027年9月12日之前,新借款人可以提前偿还FLFO贷款方案中的部分或全部借款,包括应计和未偿付的利息,根据以下规定支付一笔提前还款费用,金额为(x)。 3.00FLFO贷款方案的本金提前到2026年9月12日之前偿还的部分(x)为其提前还款费用的百分之,而在2026年9月12日之后但在2027年9月12日之前偿还的部分(y)为其提前还款费用的百分之。 1.002027年9月12日之后,新借款人可以提前偿还FLFO贷款方案中的部分或全部借款,包括应计和未偿付的利息,无需支付提前还款费用或罚款。


新借款人是借款人,FLFO期限贷款设施下的所有义务均由Rackspace Finance Holdings以有限追索基础和子公司担保人的连带责任方式担保。FLFO期限贷款设施下的义务与FLSO期限贷款设施、新循环信贷设施所担保的相同抵押物担保。 3.50% FLSO优先担保票据。



新借款人设立了新循环信贷额度,总本金金额为 $375.0百万美元的承诺。新循环信贷额度将于2028年5月15日到期,年利率为等于期限 SOFR 等于前瞻性期限利率,基于纽约联邦储备银行管理的担保隔夜融资利率,适用于相关借款的利息期间,受 1.00%的下限,以及初始适用的利差 3.00%。在2024年6月30日之后,适用的利差将受到新优先担保信贷协议中规定的基于净首贷杠杆的定价网格的约束。除了支付新循环信贷额度下未偿本金的利息外,新借款人还需要向新循环信贷额度下的贷方支付初始年化利率为 0.50%的承诺费用,关于未使用的承诺。在2024年6月30日之后,承诺费用将受到新优先担保信贷协议中规定的基于净首贷杠杆的定价网格的约束。新借款人可以在没有提前还款手续费或罚款的情况下,提前还款新循环信贷额度下发生的贷款及已产生的未支付利息。

新借款人是借款人,并且所有义务都在 新存入库款项 的基础上由Rackspace Finance Holdings在有限追索权的基础上共同和分别担保,并由子公司担保人担保。该债务的义务在 新循环信用设施 由与FLSO定期贷款设施、FLFO定期贷款设施和 3.50% FLSO高级担保票据提供相同的担保。

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新的循环信贷设施包含一些惯常的积极契约、消极契约和违约事件。此外,新的循环信贷设施包含一项财务契约,限制超优先净高管担保杠杆比率的最大值为 5.00 1.00;然而,该契约仅在新的循环信贷设施下的未偿还借款和发出的信用证的总金额(不包括$25.0百万的未提取信用证和现金担保信用证)在一个财政季度的最后一天大于 35%的新的循环信贷设施承诺在该财政季度的最后一天。

截至 2024年9月30日我们有总承诺为$375.0百万,没有 新循环信用融资设施下的未偿借款为$23.5和$百万的信用证在此下已发行。因此,截至 2024年9月30日,我们在信贷融资设施下的未偿金额为$375.0剩余可用承诺数百万。


3.50% FLSO到期日为2028年的高级担保票据

2024 年 3 月 12 日,新借款人发行了 $267.3百万的初始本金总额 3.50% FLSO 优先担保票据。2024 年 4 月 2 日和 2024 年 4 月 16 日,新借款人又发行了额外的 3.50本金总额为美元的FLSO优先担保票据百分比93.3百万和美元3.6分别为百万。这个 3.50% FLSO 优先担保票据将于2028年5月15日到期,年固定利率为 3.50%。从2024年8月15日开始,每年2月15日和8月15日每半年支付一次利息。这个 3.50% FLSO 优先担保票据不受注册权的约束。

新借款人是借款人以及所有义务下的 3.50% FLSO高级担保票据由Rackspace Finance Holdings在有限追索权基础上以及由子公司担保人共同和分别完全无条件担保。 3.50% FLSO高级担保票据的义务由同样担保FLSO定期贷款设施、FLFO定期贷款设施和新循环信贷设施的担保品提供担保。

新借款人可以在2025年9月12日之前,以其选项赎回部分或所有 3.50% FLSO高级担保票据,赎回价格等于 100%票据被赎回,赎回价格将等于被赎回的%票据的本金金额的%,再加上适用赎回日期的应计未偿还利息。 3.50% FLSO高级担保票据赎回的加上在管理 3.50% FLSO高级担保票据的“3.50% FLSO高级担保票据契约”,加上应计和未支付的利息(如有),到,但不包括赎回日期。自2025年9月12日起,新借款人可以选择赎回 3.50% FLSO高级担保票据,随时可以全部或部分赎回,赎回价格等于 100% 的本金金额 3.50% FLSO 高级担保票据已赎回,连同截至赎回日期的应计及未支付利息(如有),不包括赎回日期。

在截至2024年9月30日为止的九个月内,新借款人回购并放弃取消$45.7百万美元本金的 3.50% FLSO 高级担保票据,价格为$19.3百万美元,包括$0.4百万美元的利息。与这些回购交易有关,我们在截至2024年9月30日为止的九个月内的综合损益表中记录了一笔收益,包括在“债务修改费用和债务清偿收益”中,金额为$33.0百万美元,其中包括$6.3百万美元未摊销的债务发行费用和债务溢价冲销。

3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes Indenture包含合同条款,其中限制了我们的能力,包括承担某些额外债务、承担担保债务的某些留置、支付某些分红派息或进行其他受限制的付款、进行某些投资、进行某些资产出售以及与关联方进行某些交易。这些条款受一系列例外、限制和条件约束,如在 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes Indenture。此外,在发生控制权变更(如在 3.50%FLSO Senior Secured Notes Indenture)时,我们将被要求提出要约回购所有未偿还的 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes,现金价格等于 101.000应缴原始面额的%,再加上截止购买日前的应计及未支付利息。 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes Indenture还包括惯例的违约事件。

截至2024年9月30日,我们遵守所有板块的契约。 3.50% FLSO高级担保票据契约。

The fair value of the 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes as of September 30, 2024 was $86.4 million based on quoted market prices for identical assets that are traded in over-the-counter secondary markets that are not considered active. The fair value of the 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes are classified as Level 2 within the fair value hierarchy.

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Existing Debt Instruments

Senior Facilities

Our senior secured credit facilities include the Term Loan Facility and the prior Revolving Credit Facility (together, the "Senior Facilities").

On February 9, 2021, we amended and restated the credit agreement governing our Senior Facilities (the "First Lien Credit Agreement"), which included a seven-year $2,300.0 million senior secured first lien term loan facility due on February 15, 2028 and our existing $375.0 million Revolving Credit Facility.

On April 26, 2023, we executed an amendment to our First Lien Credit Agreement to establish Term SOFR as the benchmark rate for determining the applicable interest rate, replacing LIBOR.

As a result of the amendment, borrowings under the Senior Facilities bear interest at an annual rate equal to an applicable margin plus, at our option, either (a) Term SOFR equal to the forward-looking term rate, based on the secured overnight financing rate as administered by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, for the interest period relevant to such borrowing, plus a credit spread adjustment of 0.11% for an interest period of one-month's duration, 0.26% for an interest period of three-months' duration, and 0.43% for an interest period of six-months' duration, subject to a 0.75% floor, in the case of the Term Loan Facility, and a 1.00% floor, in the case of the Revolving Credit Facility, or (b) a base rate determined by reference to the highest of (i) the federal funds rate plus 0.50%, (ii) the prime rate of Citibank, N.A. and (iii) adjusted Term SOFR for a one-month tenor plus 1.00%.

The applicable margin for the Term Loan Facility is 2.75% for SOFR loans and 1.75% for base rate loans and the applicable margin for the Revolving Credit Facility is 3.00% for SOFR loans and 2.00% for base rate loans. Interest is due at the end of each interest period elected, not exceeding 90 days, for SOFR loans and at the end of every calendar quarter for base rate loans.

All other material terms and conditions of the First Lien Credit Agreement were unchanged.

As a result of the Private Exchange and the Public Term Loan Exchange, discussed within “March 2024 Refinancing Transactions” above, over 97% of the $2,181.2 million aggregate principal amount of the Term Loan Facility outstanding as of December 31, 2023 was exchanged or purchased for cancellation.

In addition to paying interest on the outstanding principal under the Senior Facilities, the Revolving Credit Facility also includes a commitment fee equal to 0.50% per annum in respect of the unused commitments that is due quarterly. This commitment fee is subject to one step-down based on the net first lien leverage ratio.

As of September 30, 2024, the contractual interest rate on the Term Loan Facility was 7.98%. We are required to make quarterly principal payments of $0.2 million. See Note 11, “Derivatives,” for information on interest rate swap agreements we utilize to manage the interest rate risk on the Term Loan Facility.

In addition to the quarterly amortization payments discussed above, the Senior Facilities require us to make certain mandatory prepayments, including using (i) a portion of annual excess cash flow, as defined in the First Lien Credit Agreement, to prepay the Term Loan Facility, (ii) net cash proceeds of certain non-ordinary assets sales or dispositions of property to prepay the Term Loan Facility and (iii) net cash proceeds of any issuance or incurrence of debt not permitted under the Senior Facilities to prepay the Term Loan Facility. We may make voluntary prepayments at any time without penalty.

The fair value of the Term Loan Facility as of September 30, 2024 was $29.1 million, based on quoted market prices for identical assets that are traded in over-the-counter secondary markets that are not considered active. The fair value of the Term Loan Facility is classified as Level 2 within the fair value hierarchy.

The only financial covenant was with respect to the prior Revolving Credit Facility. As discussed in “March 2024 Refinancing Transactions above, on March 12, 2024, all revolving lenders under the prior Revolving Credit Facility exchanged their revolving loan commitments for commitments in respect of the New Revolving Credit Facility, which replaces in full the prior Revolving Credit Facility. See “New Revolving Credit Facility” above for information regarding this new debt instrument.
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As of September 30, 2024, we were in compliance with all covenants under the Senior Facilities.

3.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2028

On February 9, 2021, Rackspace Technology Global issued $550.0 million aggregate principal amount of the 3.50% Senior Secured Notes. The 3.50% Senior Secured Notes will mature on February 15, 2028 and bear interest at an annual fixed rate of 3.50%. Interest is payable semiannually on each February 15 and August 15, commencing on August 15, 2021. The 3.50% Senior Secured Notes are not subject to registration rights.

Rackspace Technology Global may redeem the 3.50% Senior Secured Notes at its option, in whole at any time or in part from time to time, at the following redemption prices: from February 15, 2024 to February 14, 2025, at a redemption price equal to 101.750% of the principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to but excluding the redemption date; from February 15, 2025 to February 14, 2026, at a redemption price equal to 100.875% of the principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to but excluding the redemption date; and from February 15, 2026 and thereafter, at a redemption price equal to 100.000% of the principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to but excluding the redemption date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Rackspace Technology Global may redeem during each twelve-month period, commencing with February 9, 2021, up to 10.0% of the original aggregate principal amount of the 3.50% Senior Secured Notes at a redemption price of 103.000%, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to, but excluding, the applicable redemption date.

The indenture governing the 3.50% Senior Secured Notes (the “3.50% Notes Indenture”) contains covenants that, among other things, limit our ability to incur certain additional debt, incur certain liens securing debt, pay certain dividends or make other restricted payments, make certain investments, make certain asset sales and enter into certain transactions with affiliates. These covenants are subject to a number of exceptions, limitations, and qualifications as set forth in the 3.50% Notes Indenture. Additionally, upon the occurrence of a change of control (as defined in the 3.50% Notes Indenture), we will be required to make an offer to repurchase all of the outstanding 3.50% Senior Secured Notes at a price in cash equal to 101.000% of the aggregate principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to, but not including the purchase date.

As of September 30, 2024, Rackspace Technology Global was in compliance with all covenants under the 3.50% Notes Indenture.

As a result of the Private Exchange and the Public Note Exchange, discussed above, over 91% of the $513.7 million aggregate principal amount of the 3.50% Senior Secured Notes outstanding as of December 31, 2023 was exchanged or purchased for cancellation.

The fair value of the 3.50% Senior Secured Notes as of September 30, 2024 was $12.1 million, based on quoted market prices for identical assets that are traded in over-the-counter secondary markets that are not considered active. The fair value of the 3.50% Senior Secured Notes are classified as Level 2 within the fair value hierarchy.

5.375% Senior Notes due 2028

On December 1, 2020, Rackspace Technology Global issued $550.0 million aggregate principal amount of the 5.375% Senior Notes. The 5.375% Senior Notes will mature on December 1, 2028 and bear interest at an annual fixed rate of 5.375%. Interest is payable semiannually on each June 1 and December 1, commencing on June 1, 2021. The 5.375% Senior Notes are not subject to registration rights.

Rackspace Technology Global may redeem the 5.375% Senior Notes at its option, in whole at any time or in part from time to time, at the following redemption prices: from December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2024, at a redemption price equal to 102.688% of the principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to but excluding the redemption date; from December 1, 2024 to November 30, 2025, at a redemption price equal to 101.344% of the principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to but excluding the redemption date; and from December 1, 2025 and thereafter, at a redemption price equal to 100.000% of the principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to but excluding the redemption date.

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During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, Rackspace Technology Global repurchased and surrendered for cancellation $85.2 million and $250.0 million principal amount of 5.375% Senior Notes for $29.8 million and $86.6 million, including accrued interest of $0.8 million and $2.1 million, respectively. In connection with these repurchases, we recorded a gain, included in "Debt modification costs and gain on debt extinguishment", of $55.4 million and $163.1 million, respectively, in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, which includes $0.8 million and $2.4 million of unamortized debt issuance costs write-offs, respectively.

As previously described in “March 2024 Refinancing Transactions” above, as part of the Private Exchange, we repurchased and cancelled $69.3 million aggregate principal amount of the 5.375% Senior Notes during the nine months ended September 30, 2024.

In addition, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, Rackspace Technology Global repurchased and surrendered for cancellation $2.9 million principal amount of 5.375% Senior Notes for $0.8 million. In connection with these repurchases, we recorded a gain, included in "Debt modification costs and gain on debt extinguishment", of $2.1 million, in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2024.

The indenture governing the 5.375% Senior Notes (the “5.375% Notes Indenture”) contains covenants that, among other things, limit our ability to incur certain additional debt, incur certain liens securing debt, pay certain dividends or make other restricted payments, make certain investments, make certain asset sales and enter into certain transactions with affiliates. These covenants are subject to a number of exceptions, limitations, and qualifications as set forth in the 5.375% Notes Indenture. Additionally, upon the occurrence of a change of control (as defined in the 5.375% Notes Indenture), we will be required to make an offer to repurchase all of the outstanding 5.375% Senior Notes at a price in cash equal to 101.000% of the aggregate principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to, but not including the purchase date.

As of September 30, 2024, Rackspace Technology Global was in compliance with all covenants under the 5.375% Notes Indenture.

The fair value of the 5.375% Senior Notes as of September 30, 2024 was $34.5 million, based on quoted market prices for identical assets that are traded in over-the-counter secondary markets that are not considered active. The fair value of the 5.375% Senior Notes are classified as Level 2 within the fair value hierarchy.

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8. Commitments and Contingencies

We have contingencies that arise from various litigation, claims and commitments, none of which we consider to be material.

From time to time, we are a party to various claims asserting that certain of our services and technologies infringe the intellectual property rights of others. Adverse results in these lawsuits may include awards of substantial monetary damages, costly royalty or licensing agreements, or orders preventing us from offering certain features, products, or services, and may also cause us to change our business practices and require development of non-infringing products or technologies, which could result in a loss of revenue for us or otherwise harm our business.

We record an accrual for a loss contingency when a loss is considered probable and reasonably estimable. As additional facts concerning a loss contingency become known, we reassess our position and make appropriate adjustments to a recorded accrual. The amount that will ultimately be paid related to a matter may differ from the recorded accrual, and the timing of such payments, if any, may be uncertain.

We are not a party to any litigation, the outcome of which, if determined adversely to us, would individually or in the aggregate be reasonably expected to have a material and adverse effect on our business, financial position or results of operations.

Headquarters Lease

In February 2023, we signed an agreement to lease approximately 93,000 square feet of office space in San Antonio, Texas, which will serve as our new corporate headquarters. The initial lease term is 11 years, with three 5-year renewal options. In addition to monthly base rent, we will also pay a share of common area maintenance and operating expenses. The lease commenced in the second quarter of 2024.

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9. Share-Based Compensation

On April 22, 2024, the Board of Directors approved an amendment to the Rackspace Technology, Inc. 2020 Equity Incentive Plan (the "2020 Incentive Plan") to increase the maximum number of shares of our common stock available for issuance under the 2020 Incentive Plan from 57.9 million shares to 87.9 million shares, subject to stockholder approval. The amendment was subsequently approved by our stockholders as part of the 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders held on June 14, 2024.

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we granted 9.6 million restricted stock units ("RSUs") under the 2020 Incentive Plan with a weighted-average grant date fair value of $1.85. The majority of the RSUs were granted as part of our annual compensation award process and vest ratably over a three-year period, subject to continued service.

In addition, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, 0.6 million performance stock units ("PSUs") were granted under the 2020 Incentive Plan with a weighted-average grant date fair value of $2.78. The PSUs represent the target amount of grants, and the actual number of shares awarded upon vesting may vary depending upon the achievement of the relevant market condition which is based on Rackspace's Total Shareholder Return ("TSR") relative to the TSR of a comparator group of IT and Cloud Services Companies. The awards are eligible to vest in equal annual installments over three years based on the attainment of the market condition and the employee's continued service through the end of the applicable measurement period and were valued using a Monte Carlo simulation.

Lastly, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we granted 31.8 million long-term incentive cash units (“LTIC units”) under the 2020 Incentive Plan. The awards were valued using a Monte Carlo simulation and as of September 30, 2024 the LTIC units had a weighted average fair value of $0.99. The LTIC units represent the target amount of grants, and the actual number of units awarded upon vesting may vary depending upon the achievement of the relevant market condition which is based on the performance of our common stock. The awards are eligible to vest in equal installments over three years based on the attainment of the market condition and the employee’s continued service through the vesting date. As the company intends to settle the LTIC units in cash, they were classified as liabilities within “Other current liabilities” and “Other non-current liabilities” in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets.

Total share-based compensation expense is comprised of the following equity and liability classified award amounts:

Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)2023202420232024
Equity classified awards$17.0 $11.8 $50.3 $37.8 
Liability classified awards0.2 3.7 1.6 10.0 
Total share-based compensation expense$17.2 $15.5 $51.9 $47.8 

Total share-based compensation expense recognized was as follows: 
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)2023202420232024
Cost of revenue$2.0 $2.0 $7.4 $5.9 
Selling, general and administrative expenses15.2 13.5 44.5 41.9 
Pre-tax share-based compensation expense17.2 15.5 51.9 47.8 
Less: Income tax benefit(3.6)(3.2)(10.9)(10.0)
Total share-based compensation expense, net of tax$13.6 $12.3 $41.0 $37.8 

As of September 30, 2024, there was $47.2 million of total unrecognized compensation cost related to stock options, RSUs, PSUs, and the ESPP, which will be recognized using the service period or over our best estimate of the period over which the performance condition will be met, as applicable.

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10. Taxes

We are subject to U.S. federal income tax and various state, local, and international income taxes in numerous jurisdictions. The differences between our effective tax rate and the U.S. federal statutory rate of 21% generally result from various factors, including the geographical distribution of taxable income, tax credits, contingency reserves for uncertain tax positions, and permanent differences between the book and tax treatment of certain items. Additionally, the amount of income taxes paid is subject to our interpretation of applicable tax laws in the jurisdictions in which we file. For the three months ended September 30, 2024, our effective tax rate is lower than the U.S. federal statutory rate of 21% primarily due to the tax impact associated with changes in the valuation allowance related to disallowed interest, the tax impact associated with the goodwill impairment recorded in the third quarter of 2024, and the additional third quarter tax impact of the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions which were completed in April 2024. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, our effective tax rate is lower than the U.S. federal statutory rate of 21% primarily due to the tax impact associated with changes in the valuation allowance related to disallowed interest, the tax impact associated with the goodwill impairment recorded in both the first and third quarters of 2024, the majority of which was nondeductible for income tax purposes, and the tax impact of the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions discussed below. The tax impact of the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions include excluded cancellation of indebtedness income (“CODI”), federal and state attribution reduction and changes in valuation allowance. In December 2021, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (the “OECD”) issued model rules for a new global minimum tax framework (Pillar Two). Governments in many of the countries where we operate have issued, or are in the process of issuing, legislation on this rule. We are currently evaluating, but do not expect this rule to have a material impact on our consolidated financial statements.

As a result of the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions, discussed in Note 7, “Debt”, specifically upon the completion of the Private Exchange and Public Term Loan Exchange in March 2024, and the completion of the Public Note Exchange in April 2024, the company realized CODI for US tax purposes of $531.5 million and $80.5 million, respectively. We realized an additional $13.0 million CODI for US tax purposes from third quarter 2024 debt repurchase activity, for a total $625.0 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) Section 108, an insolvent debtor may exclude CODI from taxable income to the extent of the debtor’s insolvency (liabilities greater than the fair value of its assets) but must reduce its tax attributes, subject to certain limitations and according to prescribed ordering rules, based on the amount of CODI excluded from taxable income. The company currently estimates that the level of its insolvency (as defined for US Tax purposes) exceeds the amount of CODI resulting from the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions, such that all resulting CODI will be excluded from the company’s taxable income.

The process for determining the amount of tax attribute reduction is complex and the actual reduction to attributes does not occur until the first day of the company’s tax year subsequent to the date of the discharge event, or January 1, 2025. Therefore, the estimated impact of the tax attribute reduction from the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions is subject to change until the finalization of the company’s tax returns for the year ending December 31, 2024.

For purposes of determining the interim tax provision for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the company estimates that all its federal (and certain of its state) net operating loss and tax credit carryovers will be eliminated resulting from the tax attribute reduction for excluded CODI. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the company recorded an income tax benefit of $79.5 million related to the total effects of the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions, including excluded CODI, federal and state tax attribute reduction, and resulting changes in valuation allowance. The total income tax benefit recorded in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was a tax benefit of $22.6 million which includes the $79.5 million tax benefit from the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions.
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11. Derivatives

We utilize derivative instruments, including interest rate swap agreements, to manage our exposure to interest rate risk. We only hold such instruments for economic hedging purposes, not for speculative or trading purposes. Our derivative instruments are transacted only with highly-rated institutions, which reduces our exposure to credit risk in the event of nonperformance.

Interest Rate Swaps

We are exposed to interest rate risk associated with fluctuations in interest rates on the floating-rate Term Loan Facility, FLSO Term Loan Facility, and FLFO Term Loan Facility. The objective in using interest rate derivatives is to manage our exposure to interest rate movements. To accomplish this objective, we have entered into interest rate swap agreements as part of our interest rate risk management strategy. Interest rate swaps involve the receipt of variable amounts from a counterparty in exchange for the company making fixed-rate payments over the life of the agreements without exchange of the underlying notional amount.

On January 9, 2020, we designated certain of our swaps as cash flow hedges. On the designation date, the cash flow hedges were in a $39.9 million liability position. The cash flow hedges were expected to be highly effective on the designation date and, on a quarterly basis, we performed retrospective and prospective regression assessments to determine whether the cash flow hedges continue to be highly effective. As long as the cash flow hedges are highly effective, changes in fair value are recorded to "Accumulated other comprehensive income" in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets and reclassified to "Interest expense" in the period when the underlying transaction affects earnings. The income tax effects of cash flow hedges are released from "Accumulated other comprehensive income" in the period when the underlying transaction affects earnings. Any stranded income tax effects are released from "Accumulated other comprehensive income" into "Benefit for income taxes" under the portfolio approach.

During the year ended December 31, 2021, we completed a series of transactions to modify our interest rate swap positions as follows: (i) All the interest rate swaps outstanding as of December 31, 2020, with the exception of the agreement that matured on February 3, 2021, were de-designated as cash flow hedges on January 31, 2021, (ii) on February 12, 2021, we entered into a $900.0 million receive-fixed interest rate swap which was designed to offset the terms of two December 2016 swaps, and (iii) on February 12, 2021, we terminated all December 2018 swaps and entered into a $1.35 billion pay-fixed interest rate swap, effectively blending the liability position of our existing interest rate swap agreements into the new swap and extending the term of our hedged position to February 2026.

The amount remaining in "Accumulated other comprehensive income" for the de-designated December 2016 and December 2018 swaps at the de-designation date was approximately $51.6 million, and is amortized as an increase to "Interest expense" over the effective period of the original swap agreements.

The new receive-fixed interest rate swap qualifies as a hybrid instrument in accordance with ASC No. 815, Derivatives and Hedging, consisting of a loan and an embedded derivative for which the fair value option has been elected. This $900.0 million swap remained undesignated to economically offset the undesignated December 2016 swaps. This new swap and the December 2016 swaps matured on February 3, 2022. Cash settlements related to this receive-fixed interest rate swap offset and are classified as operating activities in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.

The new pay-fixed interest rate swap also qualifies as a hybrid instrument in accordance with ASC No. 815, Derivatives and Hedging, consisting of a loan and an embedded at-market derivative that was designated as a cash flow hedge. The loan is accounted for at amortized cost over the life of the swap while the embedded at-market derivative is accounted for at fair value. The $1.35 billion swap was originally indexed to three-month LIBOR and net settled on a quarterly basis with the counterparty for the difference between the fixed rate of 2.3820% and the variable rate based upon three-month LIBOR (subject to a floor of 0.75%) as applied to the notional amount of the swap. In connection with the transactions discussed above, no cash was exchanged between us and the counterparty. The liability of the terminated interest rate swaps as well as the inception value of the receive-fixed interest rate swap was blended into the new pay-fixed interest rate swap. The cash flows related to the portion treated as debt will be classified as financing activities in the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows while the portion treated as an at-market derivative will be classified as operating activities.

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As discussed in Note 7, "Debt", on April 26, 2023 we executed an amendment to our First Lien Credit Agreement, which governs borrowings under our Term Loan Facility. This amendment established Term SOFR as the benchmark rate for determining the applicable interest rate, replacing LIBOR. To continue to manage our exposure to interest rate risk associated with our Term Loan Facility, effective May 9, 2023, we amended our remaining swap agreement to change the index from three-month LIBOR (subject to a floor of 0.75%) to one-month Term SOFR (subject to a floor of 0.75%). The fixed rate also changed from 2.3820% to 2.34150% as a result of the swap agreement amendment.

On a monthly basis, we net settle with the counterparty for the difference between the fixed rate of 2.34150% and the variable rate based upon the one-month Term SOFR (subject to a floor of 0.75%) as applied to the notional amount of the swap.

In conjunction with the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions, as discussed in Note 7, “Debt”, we issued additional borrowings and used the proceeds to repay previously hedged borrowings under the Term Loan Facility. Given that the specific intent of the new borrowings was a replacement of the previously hedged borrowings and the economic characteristics were the same, we continue to apply hedge accounting on the replacement borrowings.

As of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024, the cash flow hedge was highly effective.

The key terms of interest rate swaps are presented below:

Effective DateFixed Rate Paid (Received)December 31, 2023September 30, 2024
Notional Amount (in millions)StatusNotional Amount (in millions)StatusMaturity Date
Entered into December 2018:
February 3, 20192.7490% 
November 3, 2023
February 3, 20202.7350% 
November 3, 2023
February 3, 20212.7360% 
November 3, 2023
February 3, 20222.7800% 
November 3, 2023
Entered into February 2021:
February 9, 2021
2.34150% (1)
1,350.0 Active1,350.0 ActiveFebruary 9, 2026
Total$1,350.0 $1,350.0 
(1)     Fixed rate paid prior to the May 9, 2023 amendment was 2.3820%.

Our interest rate swap agreements, excluding the portion treated as debt, are recognized at fair value in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets and are valued using pricing models that rely on market observable inputs such as yield curve data, which are classified as Level 2 inputs within the fair value hierarchy.

Fair Values of Derivatives on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

The fair values of our derivatives and their location on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024 were as follows:
December 31, 2023September 30, 2024
(In millions)AssetsLiabilitiesAssetsLiabilities
Derivatives designated as hedging instrumentsLocation
Interest rate swapsOther current assets$47.0 $ $36.3 $ 
Interest rate swapsOther non-current assets36.8  11.6  
Interest rate swaps
Other current liabilities (1)
 17.3  17.4 
Interest rate swaps
Other non-current liabilities (1)
 20.3  7.3 
Total$83.8 $37.6 $47.9 $24.7 
(1)    The entire balance is comprised of the financing component of the pay-fixed interest rate swap.

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For financial statement presentation purposes, we do not offset assets and liabilities under master netting arrangements and all amounts above are presented on a gross basis. The following table, however, is presented on a net asset and net liability basis:

December 31, 2023September 30, 2024
(In millions)Gross Amounts on Balance SheetEffects of Counterparty NettingNet AmountsGross Amounts on Balance SheetEffects of Counterparty NettingNet Amounts
Interest rate swaps$83.8 $(37.6)$46.2 $47.9 $(24.7)$23.2 
Interest rate swaps$37.6 $(37.6)$ $24.7 $(24.7)$ 

Effect of Derivatives on the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss

The effect of our derivatives and their location on the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2024 was as follows:
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)2023202420232024
Derivatives not designated as hedging instrumentsLocation
Interest rate swapsInterest income (expense)$(4.7)$ $(13.8)$ 
Derivatives designated as hedging instrumentsLocation
Interest rate swapsInterest income (expense)$14.7 $14.9 $40.4 $44.7 

Interest expense was $56.5 million and $18.0 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023 and 2024, respectively, and $170.7 million and $80.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2024, respectively. As of September 30, 2024, the amount of cash flow hedge gain included within "Accumulated other comprehensive income" that is expected to be reclassified as a reduction to "Interest expense" over the next 12 months is approximately $37.8 million. See Note 12, "Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)," for information regarding changes in fair value of our derivatives designated as hedging instruments.

Credit-risk-related Contingent Features

We have agreements with interest rate swap counterparties that contain a provision whereby if we default on any of our material indebtedness, then we could also be declared in default of our interest rate swap agreements. As of September 30, 2024, our outstanding interest rate swap agreement was in a net asset position.

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12. Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) consisted of the following:
(In millions)Accumulated Foreign Currency Translation AdjustmentsAccumulated Gain on Derivative ContractsAccumulated Other Comprehensive Income
Balance at June 30, 2023$(3.8)$82.7 $78.9 
Foreign currency translation adjustments, net of tax benefit of $0.7
(5.7) (5.7)
Unrealized gain on derivative contracts, net of tax expense of $3.1
 9.1 9.1 
Amount reclassified from Accumulated comprehensive income (loss) into earnings, net of tax expense of $2.6 (1)
Balance at September 30, 2023$(9.5)$84.3 $74.8 
(1)     Includes a reduction to interest expense recognized of $14.8 million related to the cash flow hedge gain for the three months ended September 30, 2023, partially offset by an increase to interest expense for the amortization of off-market swap value and accumulated loss at hedge de-designation of $4.7 million.

(In millions)Accumulated Foreign Currency Translation AdjustmentsAccumulated Gain on Derivative ContractsAccumulated Other Comprehensive Income
Balance at December 31, 2022$(10.0)$81.4 $71.4 
Foreign currency translation adjustments, net of tax expense of $0.2
0.5  0.5 
Unrealized gain on derivative contracts, net of tax expense of $7.8
 22.8 22.8 
Amount reclassified from Accumulated comprehensive income (loss) into earnings, net of tax expense of $6.8 (1)
Balance at September 30, 2023$(9.5)$84.3 $74.8 
(1)     Includes a reduction to interest expense recognized of $40.5 million related to the cash flow hedge gain for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, partially offset by an increase to interest expense for the amortization of off-market swap value and accumulated loss at hedge de-designation of $13.8 million.

(In millions)Accumulated Foreign Currency Translation AdjustmentsAccumulated Gain on Derivative ContractsAccumulated Other Comprehensive Income
Balance at June 30, 2024$(6.5)$57.7 $51.2 
Foreign currency translation adjustments, net of tax expense of $1.1
4.3  4.3 
Unrealized loss on derivative contracts, net of tax benefit of $3.9
Amount reclassified from Accumulated comprehensive income (loss) into earnings, net of tax expense of $3.8 (1)
Balance at September 30, 2024$(2.2)$35.6 $33.4 
(1)    Includes a reduction to interest expense recognized of $14.9 million related to the cash flow hedge gain for the three months ended September 30, 2024.

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(In millions)Accumulated Foreign Currency Translation AdjustmentsAccumulated Gain on Derivative ContractsAccumulated Other Comprehensive Income
Balance at December 31, 2023$(2.0)$62.3 $60.3 
Foreign currency translation adjustments, net of tax expense of $1.0
(0.2) (0.2)
Unrealized gain on derivative contracts, net of tax expense of $2.2
 6.5 6.5 
Amount reclassified from Accumulated comprehensive income (loss) into earnings, net of tax expense of $11.4 (1)
Balance at September 30, 2024$(2.2)$35.6 $33.4 
(1)    Includes a reduction to interest expense recognized of $44.7 million related to the cash flow hedge gain for the nine months ended September 30, 2024.

13. Segment Reporting

We have organized our operations into two operating segments, which correspond directly to our reportable segments: Public Cloud, a services-centric, capital-light model providing value-added cloud solutions through managed services, Elastic Engineering and professional services offerings for customer environments hosted on the Amazon Web Services (“AWS”), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud public cloud platforms; and Private Cloud, a technology-forward, capital-intensive model providing managed service offerings for customer environments hosted in one of our data centers as well as in those owned by customers or by third parties such as colocation providers. Private Cloud also includes our legacy OpenStack Public Cloud business that we ceased to actively market to customers in 2017.

Our segments are based upon a number of factors, including, the basis for our budgets and forecasts, organizational and management structure and the financial information regularly used by our Chief Operating Decision Maker to make key decisions and to assess performance. We assess financial performance of our segments on the basis of revenue and segment operating profit. Segment operating profit includes expenses directly attributable to running the respective segments' business. This excludes any corporate overhead expenses. We have centralized corporate functions that provide services to the segments in areas such as accounting, information technology, marketing, legal and human resources. Corporate function costs that are not allocated to the segments are included in the row labeled "Corporate functions" in the table below.

During the first quarter of 2024, we identified that an immaterial amount of revenue for a certain Private Cloud product offering was incorrectly reported in the Public Cloud segment in historical periods. Revenue by segment has been corrected in the table below by reducing Public Cloud revenue by $1.3 million and increasing Private Cloud revenue by $1.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023 and reducing Public Cloud revenue by $3.6 million and increasing Private Cloud revenue by $3.6 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
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The table below presents a reconciliation of revenue by reportable segment to consolidated revenue and a reconciliation of consolidated segment operating profit to consolidated loss before income taxes for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2024.
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)2023202420232024
Revenue by segment:
Public Cloud$431.5 $418.3 $1,308.7 $1,265.6 
Private Cloud300.9 257.5 928.7 785.9 
    Total consolidated revenue$732.4 $675.8 $2,237.4 $2,051.5 
Segment operating profit:
Public Cloud$20.3 $16.4 $59.5 $37.5 
Private Cloud86.2 74.5 268.2 215.9 
Total consolidated segment operating profit106.5 90.9 327.7 253.4 
Corporate functions(61.0)(56.6)(192.7)(180.1)
Share-based compensation expense(17.2)(15.5)(51.9)(47.8)
Special bonuses and other compensation expense (1)
Transaction-related adjustments, net (2)
Restructuring and transformation expenses (3)
Hosted Exchange incident expenses, net of proceeds received or expected to be received under our insurance coverage5.3 1.2 0.4 1.1 
Amortization of intangible assets (4)
Impairment of goodwill(165.7)(141.7)(708.8)(714.9)
UK office closure (5)
Impairment of assets, net(48.4) (48.4)(20.0)
Interest expense(56.5)(18.0)(170.7)(80.1)
Gain on investments, net 0.1 0.2 0.2 
Debt modification costs and gain on debt extinguishment55.4 18.0 163.1 147.2 
Other expense, net(2.6)(1.0)(0.3)(11.8)
Total consolidated loss before income taxes$(243.1)$(174.6)$(891.9)$(824.8)
(1)Includes expense related to retention bonuses, mainly relating to restructuring and integration projects, and the related payroll tax, senior executive signing bonuses and relocation costs, and payroll taxes associated with the exercise of stock options and vesting of restricted stock. Beginning in the second quarter of 2023, includes expense related to the one-time grant of long-term incentive bonuses as a component of our annual compensation award process.
(2)Includes legal, professional, accounting and other advisory fees related to acquisitions, certain one-time compliance costs related to being a public company, integration costs of acquired businesses, purchase accounting adjustments, payroll costs for employees that dedicate significant time to supporting these projects and exploratory acquisition and divestiture costs and expenses related to financing activities.
Includes consulting and advisory fees related to business transformation and optimization activities, payroll costs for employees that dedicate significant time to these projects, as well as associated severance, certain facility closure costs, and lease termination expenses. The nine months ended September 30, 2024 also includes a $9.0 million MEIA early termination fee associated with the sale of our corporate headquarters in March 2024.
(4)All of our intangible assets are attributable to acquisitions, including the Rackspace Acquisition in 2016.
(5)Expense recognized related to the closure of a UK office that we exited in the second quarter of 2023 prior to the lease end date.

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The table below presents depreciation expense included in segment operating profit above for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023 and 2024.

Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)2023202420232024
Public Cloud$2.4 $1.8 $7.0 $5.3 
Private Cloud42.2 28.6 131.0 85.6 
Corporate functions5.8 3.9 22.9 15.1 
    Total depreciation expense$50.4 $34.3 $160.9 $106.0 

Management does not use total assets by segment to evaluate segment performance or allocate resources. As such, total assets by segment are not disclosed.

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The following Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations ("MD&A") is intended to help readers understand our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows and should be read in conjunction with the condensed consolidated financial statements and the related notes included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q (this "Quarterly Report") and with the audited consolidated financial statements and the related notes included in our Annual Report. References to "Rackspace Technology," "we," "our company," "the company," "us," or "our" refer to Rackspace Technology, Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries.

The following discussion contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. See "Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" contained elsewhere in this Quarterly Report.


We are a leading end-to-end, hybrid, multicloud, and AI solutions company. We design, build and operate our customers' cloud environments across all major technology platforms, irrespective of technology stack or deployment model. We partner with our customers at every stage of their cloud journey, enabling them to modernize applications, build new products, and adopt innovative technologies.

We operate our business and report our results through two reportable segments: Public Cloud and Private Cloud. Our Public Cloud segment is a services-centric, capital-light model providing value-added cloud solutions through managed services, Elastic Engineering and professional services offerings for customer environments hosted on the AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud public cloud platforms. Our Private Cloud segment is a technology-forward, capital-intensive model providing managed service offerings for customer environments hosted in one of our data centers as well as in those owned by customers or by third parties such as colocation providers. Private Cloud also includes our legacy OpenStack Public Cloud business that we ceased to actively market to customers in 2017. See Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 13, "Segment Reporting," for additional information about our segments.

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Key Factors Affecting Our Performance

We believe our combination of proprietary technology, automation capabilities and technical expertise creates a value proposition for our customers that is hard to replicate for both competitors and in-house IT departments. Our continued success depends to a significant extent on our ability to meet the challenges presented by our highly competitive and dynamic market, including the following key factors:

Differentiating Our Service Offerings in a Competitive Market Environment

Our success depends to a significant extent on our ability to continue to differentiate, expand and upgrade our service offerings in line with developing customer needs, while deepening our relationships with leading public cloud service providers and establishing new relationships, including with sales partners. We are a certified premier consulting and managed services partner to some of the largest cloud computing platforms, including AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle, SAP and VMware by Broadcom. We believe we are unique in our ability to serve customers across major technology stacks and deployment options, all while delivering Fanatical Experience. Our existing and prospective customers are also under increasing pressure to move from on-premise or self-managed IT to the cloud to compete effectively in a digital economy and maximize the value of their cloud investments, which we believe presents an opportunity for professional services projects as well as new recurring business.

Customer Relationships and Retention

Our success greatly depends on our ability to retain and develop opportunities with our existing customers and to attract new customers. We operate in a growing but competitive and evolving market environment, requiring innovation to differentiate us from our competitors. We believe that our integrated cloud service portfolio and our differentiated customer experience and technology are keys to retaining and growing revenue from existing customers as well as acquiring new customers. For example, we believe that Rackspace Fabric provides customers a unified experience across their entire cloud and security footprint, and that our Rackspace Elastic Engineering model helps customers embrace a cloud native approach with on-demand access to a dedicated team of highly skilled cloud architects and engineers. These offerings differentiate us from legacy IT service providers that operate under long-term fixed and project-based fee structures often tethered to their existing technologies with less automation.

Business Mix Shift

The mix of revenue has shifted in recent years, from our Private Cloud offerings to infrastructure resale and services within Public Cloud. Private Cloud offerings are generally hosted on our own infrastructure and deliver higher segment operating margins, but also require a higher level of capital expenditures. Conversely, Public Cloud segment operating margins are lower, driven by high volumes of infrastructure resale revenue which come at significantly lower margins. However, Public Cloud requires significantly less capital expenditures. Going forward, we will continue to take a workload-centric approach and both Public and Private Cloud will be the net recipients of the workloads. The focus in Private Cloud will be to defend and expand our revenue with new solutions. The focus in Public Cloud is on expanding segment operating margins by driving cost efficiencies and growing higher-margin services revenue.

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Key Components of Statement of Operations


A substantial amount of our revenue, particularly within our Private Cloud segment, is generated pursuant to contracts that typically have a fixed term (typically from 12 to 36 months). Our customers generally have the right to cancel their contracts by providing us with written notice prior to the end of the fixed term, though most of our contracts provide for termination fees in the event of cancellation prior to the end of their term, typically amounting to the outstanding value of the contract. These contracts include a monthly recurring fee, which is determined based on the computing resources utilized and provided to the customer, the complexity of the underlying infrastructure and the level of support we provide. Most of our services within our Public Cloud segment and legacy OpenStack business generate usage-based revenue invoiced on a monthly basis and can be canceled at any time without penalty. We also generate revenue from usage-based fees and fees from professional services earned from customers using our hosting and other services. We typically recognize revenue on a daily basis, as services are provided, in an amount that reflects the consideration to which we expect to be entitled in exchange for our services. Our usage-based arrangements generally include a variable consideration component, consisting of monthly utility fees, with a defined price and undefined quantity. Our customer contracts also typically contain service level guarantees, including with respect to network uptime requirements, that provide discounts when we fail to meet specific obligations and, with respect to certain products, we may offer volume discounts based on usage. As these variable consideration components consist of a single distinct daily service provided on a single performance obligation, we account for all of them as services are provided and earned.

Cost of revenue

Cost of revenue consists primarily of usage charges for third-party infrastructure and personnel costs (including salaries, bonuses, benefits and share-based compensation) for engineers, developers and other employees involved in the delivery of services to our customers. Cost of revenue also includes depreciation of servers, software and other systems infrastructure, data center rent and other infrastructure maintenance and support costs, including software license costs and utilities. Cost of revenue is driven mainly by demand for our services, our service mix and the cost of labor in a given geography.

Selling, general and administrative expenses (SG&A)

Selling, general and administrative expenses consist primarily of personnel costs (including salaries, bonuses, commissions, benefits and share-based compensation) for our sales force, executive team and corporate administrative and support employees, including our human resources, finance, accounting and legal functions. SG&A also includes research and development costs, repair and maintenance of corporate infrastructure, facilities rent, third-party advisory fees (including audit, legal and management consulting costs), marketing and advertising costs and insurance, as well as the amortization of related intangible assets and certain depreciation of fixed assets.

SG&A also includes transaction costs related to acquisitions and financings along with costs related to integration and business transformation initiatives which may impact the comparability of SG&A between periods.

Income taxes

Our income tax benefit (provision) and deferred tax assets and liabilities reflect management's best assessment of estimated current and future taxes to be paid. To date, we have recorded consolidated tax benefits, reflecting our net losses, though certain of our non-U.S. subsidiaries have incurred corporate tax expense according to the relevant taxing jurisdictions.We are under certain domestic and foreign tax audits. Due to the complexity involved with certain tax matters, there is the possibility that the various taxing authorities may disagree with certain tax positions filed on our income tax returns. We believe we have made adequate provision for all uncertain tax positions. See Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 10, "Taxes."

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Results of Operations

We discuss our historical results of operations, and the key components of those results, below. Past financial results are not necessarily indicative of future results.

Three Months Ended September 30, 2023 Compared to Three Months Ended September 30, 2024

The following table sets forth our results of operations for the specified periods, as well as changes between periods and as a percentage of revenue for those same periods (totals in table may not foot due to rounding):

Three Months Ended September 30,Year-Over-Year Comparison
(In millions, except %)Amount% RevenueAmount% RevenueAmount% Change
Revenue$732.4 100.0 %$675.8 100.0 %$(56.6)(7.7)%
Cost of revenue(580.4)(79.2)%(538.3)(79.6)%42.1 (7.3)%
Gross profit152.0 20.8 %137.5 20.4 %(14.5)(9.5)%
Selling, general and administrative expenses(177.3)(24.2)%(169.5)(25.1)%7.8 (4.4)%
Impairment of goodwill(165.7)(22.6)%(141.7)(21.0)%24.0 (14.5)%
Impairment of assets, net(48.4)(6.6)%— — %48.4 (100.0)%
Loss from operations
(239.4)(32.7)%(173.7)(25.7)%65.7 (27.4)%
Other income (expense):
Interest expense(56.5)(7.7)%(18.0)(2.7)%38.5 (68.1)%
Gain on investments, net
— — %0.1 0.0 %0.1 100.0 %
Debt modification costs and gain on debt extinguishment
55.4 7.6 %18.0 2.7 %(37.4)(67.5)%
Other expense, net
(2.6)(0.4)%(1.0)(0.2)%1.6 (61.5)%
Total other income (expense)(3.7)(0.5)%(0.9)(0.1)%2.8 (75.7)%
Loss before income taxes(243.1)(33.2)%(174.6)(25.8)%68.5 (28.2)%
Benefit (provision) for income taxes16.5 2.3 %(12.0)(1.8)%(28.5)NM
Net loss$(226.6)(30.9)%$(186.6)(27.6)%$40.0 (17.7)%
NM = not meaningful.


Revenue decreased $57 million, or 7.7%, to $676 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024 from $732 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023. Revenue declined due to decreases in both Private Cloud and Public Cloud revenue, as discussed below.

After removing the impact of foreign currency fluctuations, on a constant currency basis, revenue decreased 7.9% year-over-year. The following table presents revenue growth by segment:
Three Months Ended September 30,% Change
(In millions, except %)20232024Actual
Constant Currency (a)
Public Cloud$431.5 $418.3 (3.1)%(3.1)%
Private Cloud300.9 257.5 (14.4)%(14.7)%
Total$732.4 $675.8 (7.7)%(7.9)%
(a)     Refer to "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" in this section for further explanation and reconciliation.

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Public Cloud revenue in the three months ended September 30, 2024 decreased 3.1% on an actual and constant currency basis, from the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decline was due to continued cyclical headwinds in IT services.

Private Cloud revenue in the three months ended September 30, 2024 decreased 14.4% on an actual basis and 14.7% on a constant currency basis, from the three months ended September 30, 2023, due to customers rolling off old generation private cloud offerings and decline in legacy OpenStack offerings.

Cost of Revenue

Cost of revenue decreased $42 million, or 7%, to $538 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024 from $580 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease in cost of revenue was primarily due to an increase in the useful life of certain customer gear assets, as discussed in Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 1, "Company Overview, Basis of Presentation, and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies", which resulted in a decline in depreciation expense between periods. In addition, we experienced a reduction in usage charges for third-party infrastructure; consistent with the decrease in revenue, and a reduction in license expense due to decreased usage between periods. A decline in personnel costs, driven by a decrease in headcount between periods, and lower severance expense further contributed to the overall reduction in cost of revenue.

As a percentage of revenue, cost of revenue increased 40 basis points in the three months ended September 30, 2024 to 79.6% from 79.2% in the three months ended September 30, 2023 as the decline in revenue growth outpaced the decrease in cost of revenue.

Gross Profit

Our gross profit was $138 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024, a decrease of $15 million from $152 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023. Our gross margin was 20.4% in the three months ended September 30, 2024, a decrease of 40 basis points from 20.8% in the three months ended September 30, 2023.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased $8 million, or 4%, to $170 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024 from $177 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was partially driven by additional insurance recovery proceeds related to the Hosted Exchange incident received in the current period. Other cost fluctuations between periods included a reduction in depreciation and amortization expense and personnel costs.

As a percentage of revenue, selling, general and administrative expenses increased 90 basis points, to 25.1% in the three months ended September 30, 2024 from 24.2% in the three months ended September 30, 2023 as the decline in revenue growth outpaced the decrease in selling, general and administrative expenses.

Loss from Operations, Segment Operating Profit, and Non-GAAP Operating Profit

Our loss from operations was $174 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $239 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023. Our Non-GAAP Operating Profit was $34 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024, a decrease of $11 million from $46 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023. Non-GAAP Operating Profit is a non-GAAP financial measure. See "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" below for more information.
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The table below presents a reconciliation of loss from operations to Non-GAAP Operating Profit.

Three Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)20232024
Loss from operations$(239.4)$(173.7)
Share-based compensation expense17.2 15.5 
Special bonuses and other compensation expense (a)
3.3 2.7 
Transaction-related adjustments, net (b)
1.6 1.8 
Restructuring and transformation expenses (c)
14.3 8.8 
Hosted Exchange incident expenses, net of proceeds received or expected to be received under our insurance coverage(5.3)(1.2)
Impairment of goodwill165.7 141.7 
Impairment of assets, net48.4 — 
Amortization of intangible assets (d)
39.7 38.7 
Non-GAAP Operating Profit$45.5 $34.3 
(a)Includes expense related to retention bonuses, mainly relating to restructuring and integration projects, and the related payroll tax, senior executive signing bonuses and relocation costs, and payroll taxes associated with the exercise of stock options and vesting of restricted stock. Beginning in the second quarter of 2023, includes expense related to the one-time grant of long-term incentive bonuses as a component of our annual compensation award process.
(b)Includes legal, professional, accounting and other advisory fees related to acquisitions, certain one-time compliance costs related to being a public company, integration costs of acquired businesses, purchase accounting adjustments, payroll costs for employees that dedicate significant time to supporting these projects and exploratory acquisition and divestiture costs and expenses related to financing activities.
Includes consulting and advisory fees related to business transformation and optimization activities, payroll costs for employees that dedicate significant time to these projects, as well as associated severance, certain facility closure costs, and lease termination expenses.
(d)All of our intangible assets are attributable to acquisitions, including the Rackspace Acquisition in 2016.

Our segment operating profit and segment operating margin for the periods indicated, and the change between periods is shown in the table below:

Three Months Ended September 30,Year-Over-Year Comparison
(In millions, except %)20232024
Segment operating profit:Amount% of Segment RevenueAmount% of Segment RevenueAmount% Change
Public Cloud$20.3 4.7 %$16.4 3.9 %$(3.9)(19.2)%
Private Cloud86.2 28.6 %74.5 28.9 %(11.7)(13.6)%
Corporate functions(61.0)(56.6)4.4 (7.2)%
Non-GAAP Operating Profit$45.5 $34.3 $(11.2)(24.6)%

Public Cloud operating profit decreased 19% in the three months ended September 30, 2024 from the three months ended September 30, 2023. Segment operating profit as a percentage of segment revenue decreased by 80 basis points, reflecting a 3% decrease in segment revenue, partially offset by a 2% decrease in segment operating expenses.

Private Cloud operating profit decreased 14% in the three months ended September 30, 2024 from the three months ended September 30, 2023. Segment operating profit as a percentage of segment revenue increased by 30 basis points due to a 15% decrease in segment operating expenses, partially offset by a 14% decrease in segment revenue. The decrease in expenses was mainly driven by a reduction in personnel costs.

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Centralized corporate functions that provide services to the segments in areas such as accounting, information technology, marketing, legal and human resources are not allocated to the segments and are included in "corporate functions" in the table above. This expense decreased 7% in the three months ended September 30, 2024 from the three months ended September 30, 2023 due to a reduction in depreciation and amortization expense driven by certain assets reaching the end of their useful life. Additionally, our continued focus on cost management further contributed to the cost reduction.

For more information about our segment operating profit, see Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 13, "Segment Reporting."

Impairment of Goodwill

We performed an interim goodwill impairment analysis as of September 30, 2024 based on our assessment of several events and circumstances that could affect the significant inputs used to determine the fair value of our reporting units, including the significance of the amount, if any, of excess carrying value over fair value, consistency of our current and forecasted operating margins and cash flows, budgeted-to-actual performance, timing of the expected effects of our strategic initiatives, overall change in economic climate, changes in the industry and competitive environment, changes to our risk-adjusted discount rates and earnings quality and sustainability. The results of this goodwill impairment analysis indicated an impairment of goodwill within our Public Cloud and Private Cloud reporting units of $69 million and $73 million, respectively, recorded in the third quarter of 2024.

We performed an interim goodwill impairment analysis as of September 30, 2023 based on our assessment of several events and circumstances that affect the significant inputs used to determine the fair value of our reporting units, including the significance of the amount of excess carrying value over fair value, consistency of operating margins and cash flows, budgeted-to-actual performance, overall change in economic climate, changes in the industry and competitive environment, market capitalization and earnings quality and sustainability. As a result, we determined that the carrying value of our Private Cloud reporting unit exceeded its fair value and recorded a non-cash impairment of goodwill of $166 million in the third quarter of 2023.

Impairment of Assets, Net

We evaluated our indefinite-lived intangible asset for impairment as of September 30, 2023. As a result of this evaluation, we recorded a $57 million impairment of our indefinite-lived intangible asset in the third quarter of 2023.

We also performed a quantitative assessment of our indefinite-lived intangible asset prior to testing our goodwill for impairment as September 30, 2024, which did not indicate any impairment of the Rackspace trade name.

In addition, in the three months ended September 30, 2023, we recorded a $9 million increase in the estimated fair value, less estimated cost to sell, of our corporate headquarters, which was classified as held for sale under GAAP as of December 31, 2022. See Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 5, "Property, Equipment and Software, net" for more information.

Interest Expense

Interest expense decreased $39 million, or 68%, to $18 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024 from $57 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to the accounting for contractual interest payments on debt instruments entered into as part of the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions, portions of which are recorded as a reduction of related premiums and not as interest expense, which reduces interest expense relative to contractual interest cost.

Debt Modification Costs and Gain on Debt Extinguishment

We recorded an $18 million gain on debt extinguishment in the three months ended September 30, 2024 related to repurchases of $24 million principal amount of the FLSO Term Loan Facility.

We recorded a $55 million gain on debt extinguishment in the three months ended September 30, 2023 related to repurchases of $85 million principal amount of 5.375% Senior Notes.

For more information, see Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 7, "Debt."

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Other Expense, Net

We had $1 million and $3 million of other expense in the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The decrease was driven by foreign currency gains and the favorable impact of the non-cash fair value adjustment on our convertible promissory note, as discussed in Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 2, "Customer Contracts." This decrease was partially offset by an increase in costs incurred in the three months ended September 30, 2024 related to the accounts receivable purchase agreement entered into in September 2023.

Benefit (Provision) for Income Taxes

Our income tax expense was $12 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $17 million income tax benefit in the three months ended September 30, 2023. Our effective tax rate decreased to (6.8)% in the three months ended September 30, 2024 from 6.8% in the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease in the effective tax rate year-over-year and the difference between the effective tax rate and the statutory rate for the three months ended September 30, 2024 is primarily due to the tax impact associated with changes in the valuation allowance, the tax impact of the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions, and the tax impact associated with the goodwill impairment recorded in September 2024, the majority of which was nondeductible for income tax purposes.
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Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 Compared to Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024

The following table sets forth our results of operations for the specified periods, as well as changes between periods and as a percentage of revenue for those same periods (totals in table may not foot due to rounding):

Nine Months Ended September 30,Year-Over-Year Comparison
(In millions, except %)Amount% RevenueAmount% RevenueAmount% Change
Revenue$2,237.4 100.0 %$2,051.5 100.0 %$(185.9)(8.3)%
Cost of revenue(1,762.7)(78.8)%(1,649.8)(80.4)%112.9 (6.4)%
Gross profit474.7 21.2 %401.7 19.6 %(73.0)(15.4)%
Selling, general and administrative expenses(601.7)(26.9)%(547.1)(26.7)%54.6 (9.1)%
Impairment of goodwill(708.8)(31.7)%(714.9)(34.8)%(6.1)0.9 %
Impairment of assets, net(48.4)(2.2)%(20.0)(1.0)%28.4 (58.7)%
Loss from operations
(884.2)(39.5)%(880.3)(42.9)%3.9 (0.4)%
Other income (expense):
Interest expense(170.7)(7.6)%(80.1)(3.9)%90.6 (53.1)%
Gain on investments, net
0.2 0.0 %0.2 0.0 %— — %
Debt modification costs and gain on debt extinguishment
163.1 7.3 %147.2 7.2 %(15.9)(9.7)%
Other expense, net
Total other income (expense)(7.7)(0.3)%55.5 2.7 %63.2 NM
Loss before income taxes(891.9)(39.9)%(824.8)(40.2)%67.1 (7.5)%
Benefit for income taxes26.1 1.2 %22.6 1.1 %(3.5)(13.4)%
Net loss
$(865.8)(38.7)%$(802.2)(39.1)%$63.6 (7.3)%
NM = not meaningful.


Revenue decreased $186 million, or 8.3%, to $2,052 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from $2,237 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Revenue declined due to decreases in both Private Cloud and Public Cloud revenue, as discussed below.

After removing the impact from foreign currency fluctuations, on a constant currency basis, revenue decreased 8.5% year-over-year. The following table presents revenue growth by segment:
Nine Months Ended September 30,% Change
(In millions, except %)20232024Actual
Constant Currency (a)
Public Cloud$1,308.7 $1,265.6 (3.3)%(3.4)%
Private Cloud928.7 785.9 (15.4)%(15.8)%
Total$2,237.4 $2,051.5 (8.3)%(8.5)%
(a)     Refer to "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" in this section for further explanation and reconciliation.

Public Cloud revenue in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 decreased 3.3% on an actual basis and 3.4% on a constant currency basis, from the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decline was due to continued cyclical headwinds in IT services.

Private Cloud revenue in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 decreased 15.4% on an actual basis and 15.8% on a constant currency basis, from the nine months ended September 30, 2023, due to customers rolling off old generation private cloud offerings and decline in legacy OpenStack offerings.

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Cost of Revenue

Cost of revenue decreased $113 million, or 6%, to $1,650 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from $1,763 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease in cost of revenue was primarily due to a decline in personnel costs associated with a reduction in headcount between periods and lower severance expense. Also contributing to the reduction in cost of revenue was an increase in the useful life of certain customer gear assets, as discussed in Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 1, "Company Overview, Basis of Presentation, and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies", which resulted in a decline in depreciation expense between periods. A reduction in license expense due to decreased usage further contributed to the decrease in cost of revenue between periods.

As a percentage of revenue, cost of revenue increased 160 basis points in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 to 80.4% from 78.8% in the nine months ended September 30, 2023, as the decline in revenue growth outpaced the decrease in cost of revenue. Usage charges for third-party infrastructure drove a 400 basis point increase. The decrease in personnel costs and depreciation expense, discussed above, partially offset the increase.

Gross Profit

Our gross profit was $402 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, a decrease of $73 million from $475 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Our gross margin was 19.6% in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, a decrease of 160 basis points from 21.2% in the nine months ended September 30, 2023.

Selling, General and Administrative Expenses

Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased $55 million, or 9%, to $547 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from $602 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The nine months ended September 30, 2023 includes $12 million of expense recognized for a UK office that we exited in the second quarter of 2023, prior to the lease end date. Further contributing to the decrease year-over-year was additional insurance recovery proceeds related to the Hosted Exchange incident received in the current period. In addition, personnel costs decreased due to a reduction in salaries driven by lower headcount and decreases in severance and commissions expense, partially offset by an increase in non-equity incentive compensation. Other non-personnel cost fluctuations included lower professional fees, a reduction in depreciation and amortization expense, and business optimization related expenses between periods.

As a percentage of revenue, selling, general and administrative expenses decreased 20 basis points, to 26.7% in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from 26.9% in the nine months ended September 30, 2023.

Loss from Operations, Segment Operating Profit, and Non-GAAP Operating Profit

Our loss from operations was $880 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $884 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Our Non-GAAP Operating Profit was $73 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, a decrease of $62 million from $135 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Non-GAAP Operating Profit is a non-GAAP financial measure. See "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" below for more information.

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The table below presents a reconciliation of loss from operations to Non-GAAP Operating Profit.

Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)20232024
Loss from operations$(884.2)$(880.3)
Share-based compensation expense51.9 47.8 
Special bonuses and other compensation expense (a)
9.7 9.1 
Transaction-related adjustments, net (b)
4.1 4.4 
Restructuring and transformation expenses (c)
63.0 42.5 
Hosted Exchange incident expenses, net of proceeds received or expected to be received under our insurance coverage(0.4)(1.1)
Impairment of goodwill708.8 714.9 
Impairment of assets, net48.4 20.0 
Amortization of intangible assets (d)
121.6 116.0 
UK office closure (e)
12.1 — 
Non-GAAP Operating Profit$135.0 $73.3 

(a)Includes expense related to retention bonuses, mainly relating to restructuring and integration projects, and the related payroll tax, senior executive signing bonuses and relocation costs, and payroll taxes associated with the exercise of stock options and vesting of restricted stock. Beginning in the second quarter of 2023, includes expense related to the one-time grant of long-term incentive bonuses as a component of our annual compensation award process.
(b)Includes legal, professional, accounting and other advisory fees related to acquisitions, certain one-time compliance costs related to being a public company, integration costs of acquired businesses, purchase accounting adjustments, payroll costs for employees that dedicate significant time to supporting these projects and exploratory acquisition and divestiture costs and expenses related to financing activities.
(c)Includes consulting and advisory fees related to business transformation and optimization activities, payroll costs for employees that dedicate significant time to these projects, as well as associated severance, certain facility closure costs, and lease termination expenses. The nine months ended September 30, 2024 also includes a $9.0 million MEIA early termination fee associated with the sale of our corporate headquarters in March 2024.
(d)All of our intangible assets are attributable to acquisitions, including the Rackspace Acquisition in 2016.
(e)Expense recognized related to the closure of a UK office that we exited in the second quarter of 2023 prior to the lease end date.

Our segment operating profit and segment operating margin for the periods indicated, and the change between periods is shown in the table below:

Nine Months Ended September 30,Year-Over-Year Comparison
(In millions, except %)20232024
Segment operating profit:Amount% of Segment RevenueAmount% of Segment RevenueAmount% Change
Public Cloud$59.5 4.5 %$37.5 3.0 %$(22.0)(37.0)%
Private Cloud268.2 28.9 %215.9 27.5 %(52.3)(19.5)%
Corporate functions(192.7)(180.1)12.6 (6.5)%
Non-GAAP Operating Profit$135.0 $73.3 $(61.7)(45.7)%

Public Cloud operating profit decreased 37% in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Segment operating profit as a percentage of segment revenue decreased by 150 basis points, reflecting a 3% decrease in segment revenue, partially offset by a 2% decrease in segment operating expenses.

Private Cloud operating profit decreased 20% in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Segment operating profit as a percentage of segment revenue decreased by 140 basis points, due to a 15% decrease in segment revenue, partially offset by a 14% decrease in segment operating expenses. The decrease in expenses was mainly driven by a reduction in personnel costs.

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Centralized corporate functions that provide services to the segments in areas such as accounting, information technology, marketing, legal and human resources are not allocated to the segments and are included in "corporate functions" in the table above. This expense decreased 7% in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from the nine months ended September 30, 2023 due to a reduction in depreciation and amortization expense driven by certain assets reaching the end of their useful life. Additionally, our continued focus on cost management further contributed to the cost reduction.

For more information about our segment operating profit, see Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 13, "Segment Reporting."

Impairment of Goodwill

We recorded a total of $709 million and $715 million in non-cash goodwill impairment charges in the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and September 30, 2024, respectively.

In connection with the debt refinancing transactions that were completed in March and April 2024, as further described in Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 7, "Debt", we updated our internal forecasts. As of February 29, 2024, we assessed our Board approved 2024 internal budget along with several events and circumstances that could affect the significant inputs used to determine the fair value of our reporting units, including the significance of the amount, if any, of excess carrying value over fair value, consistency of our current and forecasted operating margins and cash flows, budgeted-to-actual performance, timing of the expected effects of our strategic initiatives, overall change in economic climate, changes in the industry and competitive environment, changes to our risk-adjusted discount rates and earnings quality and sustainability. After considering all available evidence in our evaluation of goodwill impairment indicators, we determined it appropriate to perform an interim quantitative assessment of our reporting units as of February 29, 2024. The results of this goodwill impairment analysis indicated an impairment of goodwill within our Public Cloud and Private Cloud reporting units of $385 million and $188 million, respectively, recorded in the first quarter of 2024.

We performed an interim goodwill impairment analysis as of September 30, 2024 based on our assessment of several events and circumstances that could affect the significant inputs used to determine the fair value of our reporting units, including the significance of the amount, if any, of excess carrying value over fair value, consistency of our current and forecasted operating margins and cash flows, budgeted-to-actual performance, timing of the expected effects of our strategic initiatives, overall change in economic climate, changes in the industry and competitive environment, changes to our risk-adjusted discount rates and earnings quality and sustainability. The results of this goodwill impairment analysis indicated an impairment of goodwill within our Public Cloud and Private Cloud reporting units of $69 million and $73 million, respectively, recorded in the third quarter of 2024.

Due to the change in our segment reporting as a result of the business reorganization as of January 1, 2023, we completed a quantitative goodwill impairment analysis both prior and subsequent to the aforementioned change. The results of the quantitative goodwill impairment analysis performed as of January 1, 2023, subsequent to the change, indicated an impairment within our Private Cloud reporting unit, and we recorded a non-cash impairment charge of $271 million in the first quarter of 2023.

During the first quarter of 2023, we experienced a sustained decline in our stock price resulting in our market capitalization being less than the carrying value of our combined reporting units. As of March 31, 2023, we assessed several events and circumstances that could affect the significant inputs used to determine the fair value of our reporting units, including the significance of the amount, if any, of excess carrying value over fair value, consistency of operating margins and cash flows, budgeted-to-actual performance for the first three months of the year, overall change in economic climate, changes in the industry and competitive environment, and earnings quality and sustainability. After considering all available evidence in our evaluation of goodwill impairment indicators, we determined it appropriate to perform an interim quantitative assessment of our reporting units as of March 31, 2023. The results of this quantitative goodwill impairment analysis indicated an impairment within our Private Cloud reporting unit, and we recorded an additional non-cash impairment charge of $272 million in the first quarter of 2023.

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We performed an interim goodwill impairment analysis as of September 30, 2023 based on our assessment of several events and circumstances that affect the significant inputs used to determine the fair value of our reporting units, including the significance of the amount of excess carrying value over fair value, consistency of operating margins and cash flows, budgeted-to-actual performance, overall change in economic climate, changes in the industry and competitive environment, market capitalization and earnings quality and sustainability. As a result, we determined that the carrying value of our Private Cloud reporting unit exceeded its fair value and recorded a non-cash impairment of goodwill of $166 million in the third quarter of 2023.

Impairment of Assets, Net

We evaluated our indefinite-lived intangible asset for impairment as of February 29, 2024. As a result of this evaluation, we recorded a $20 million impairment of our indefinite-lived intangible asset in the first quarter of 2024.

We also performed a quantitative assessment of our indefinite-lived intangible asset prior to testing our goodwill for impairment as September 30, 2024, which did not indicate any impairment of the Rackspace trade name.

Similarly, we evaluated our indefinite-lived intangible asset for impairment as of September 30, 2023. As a result of this evaluation, we recorded a $57 million impairment of our indefinite-lived intangible asset in the third quarter of 2023.

In addition, in the three months ended September 30, 2023, we recorded a $9 million increase in the estimated fair value, less estimated cost to sell, of our corporate headquarters, which was classified as held for sale under GAAP as of December 31, 2022. See Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 5, "Property, Equipment and Software, net" for more information.

Interest Expense

Interest expense decreased $91 million, or 53%, to $80 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from $171 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to the accounting for contractual interest payments on debt instruments entered into as part of the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions, portions of which are recorded as a reduction of related premiums and not as interest expense, which reduces interest expense relative to contractual interest cost.

Debt Modification Costs and Gain on Debt Extinguishment

We recorded $80 million debt modification costs and gain on debt extinguishment in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 related to the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions. In addition, we recorded $67 million total gain on debt extinguishment related to repurchases of an aggregate $92 million principal amount of 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes, FLSO Term Loan Facility, and 5.375% Senior Notes during the period.

We recorded a $163 million gain on debt extinguishment in the nine months ended September 30, 2023 related to repurchases of $250 million principal amount of 5.375% Senior Notes.

For more information, see Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 7, "Debt."

Other Expense, Net

We had $12 million and $0.3 million of other expense in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, primarily due to costs incurred in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 related to the accounts receivable purchase agreement entered into in September 2023.

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Benefit for Income Taxes

Our income tax benefit decreased to $23 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from $26 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Our effective tax rate decreased to 2.8% in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from 2.9% in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease in the effective tax rate year-over-year is primarily due to the tax impact associated with changes in the valuation allowance, geographic distribution of profits, the tax impact associated with goodwill impairments recorded in both the first and third quarters of 2024 and the first quarter of 2023, the majority of which were nondeductible for income tax purposes, and the income tax benefit of $80 million related to the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions discussed above. The difference between the effective tax rate and the statutory rate for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 is primarily due to the tax impact associated with changes in the valuation allowance, the tax impact associated with the goodwill impairments recorded in the first and third quarters of 2024, the majority of which were nondeductible for income tax purposes, and the tax impact of the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions.
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Non-GAAP Financial Measures

We track several non-GAAP financial measures to monitor and manage our underlying financial performance. The following discussion includes the presentation of constant currency revenue, Non-GAAP Gross Profit, Non-GAAP Net Income (Loss), Non-GAAP Operating Profit, Adjusted EBITDA and Non-GAAP Earnings (Loss) Per Share, which are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude the impact of certain costs, losses and gains that are required to be included in our profit and loss measures under GAAP. Although we believe these measures are useful to investors and analysts for the same reasons they are useful to management, as discussed below, these measures are not a substitute for, or superior to, U.S. GAAP financial measures or disclosures. Other companies may calculate similarly-titled non-GAAP measures differently, limiting their usefulness as comparative measures. We have reconciled each of these non-GAAP measures to the applicable most comparable GAAP measure throughout this MD&A.

Constant Currency Revenue

We use constant currency revenue as an additional metric for understanding and assessing our growth excluding the effect of foreign currency rate fluctuations on our international business operations. Constant currency information compares results between periods as if exchange rates had remained constant period over period and is calculated by translating the non-U.S. dollar income statement balances for the most current period to U.S. dollars using the average exchange rate from the comparative period rather than the actual exchange rates in effect during the respective period. We also believe this is an important metric to help investors evaluate our performance in comparison to prior periods.

The following tables present, by segment, actual and constant currency revenue and constant currency revenue growth rates, for and between the periods indicated:

Three Months Ended September 30, 2023Three Months Ended September 30, 2024% Change
(In millions, except %)RevenueRevenue
Foreign Currency Translation (a)
Revenue in Constant CurrencyActualConstant Currency
Public Cloud$431.5 $418.3 $(0.3)$418.0 (3.1)%(3.1)%
Private Cloud300.9 257.5 (0.8)256.7 (14.4)%(14.7)%
Total$732.4 $675.8 $(1.1)$674.7 (7.7)%(7.9)%
(a)The effect of foreign currency is calculated by translating current period results using the average exchange rate from the prior comparative period.
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024% Change
(In millions, except %)RevenueRevenue
Foreign Currency Translation (a)
Revenue in Constant CurrencyActualConstant Currency
Public Cloud$1,308.7 $1,265.6 $(1.0)$1,264.6 (3.3)%(3.4)%
Private Cloud928.7 785.9 (3.4)782.5 (15.4)%(15.8)%
Total$2,237.4 $2,051.5 $(4.4)$2,047.1 (8.3)%(8.5)%
(a)The effect of foreign currency is calculated by translating current period results using the average exchange rate from the prior comparative period.
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Non-GAAP Gross Profit

We present Non-GAAP Gross Profit in this MD&A because we believe the measure is useful in analyzing trends in our underlying, recurring gross margins. We define Non-GAAP Gross Profit as gross profit, adjusted to exclude the impact of share-based compensation expense and other non-recurring or unusual compensation items, purchase accounting-related effects, certain business transformation-related costs, and costs related to the Hosted Exchange incident.

The table below presents a reconciliation of gross profit to Non-GAAP Gross Profit:

Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)2023202420232024
Gross profit$152.0 $137.5 $474.7 $401.7 
Share-based compensation expense2.0 2.0 7.4 5.9 
Special bonuses and other compensation expense (a)
1.2 0.7 3.3 2.6 
Purchase accounting impact on expense (b)
0.6 0.3 1.9 1.5 
Restructuring and transformation expenses (c)
6.2 2.6 16.0 11.8 
Hosted Exchange incident expenses, net of proceeds received or expected to be received under our insurance coverage
— — 0.3 — 
Non-GAAP Gross Profit$162.0 $143.1 $503.6 $423.5 
(a)Adjustments for retention bonuses, mainly in connection with restructuring and transformation projects, and the related payroll tax, and payroll taxes associated with the exercise of stock options and vesting of restricted stock. Beginning in the second quarter of 2023, includes expense related to the one-time grant of long-term incentive bonuses as a component of our annual compensation award process.
Adjustment for the impact of purchase accounting from the Rackspace Acquisition on expenses.
Adjustment for the impact of business transformation and optimization activities, as well as associated severance, certain facility closure costs and lease termination expenses.

Non-GAAP Net Income (Loss), Non-GAAP Operating Profit and Adjusted EBITDA

We present Non-GAAP Net Income (Loss), Non-GAAP Operating Profit and Adjusted EBITDA because they are a basis upon which management assesses our performance and we believe they are useful to evaluating our financial performance. We believe that excluding items from net income that may not be indicative of, or are unrelated to, our core operating results, and that may vary in frequency or magnitude, enhances the comparability of our results and provides a better baseline for analyzing trends in our business.

The Rackspace Acquisition was structured as a leveraged buyout of Rackspace Technology Global, our predecessor, and resulted in several accounting and capital structure impacts. For example, the revaluation of our assets and liabilities resulted in a significant increase in our amortizable intangible assets and goodwill, the incurrence of a significant amount of debt to partially finance the Rackspace Acquisition resulted in interest payments that reflect our high leverage and cost of debt capital, and the conversion of Rackspace Technology Global’s unvested equity compensation into a cash-settled bonus plan and obligation to pay management fees to our equityholders resulted in new cash commitments. In addition, the change in ownership and management resulting from the Rackspace Acquisition led to a strategic realignment in our operations that had a significant impact on our financial results. Following the Rackspace Acquisition, we acquired several businesses, sold businesses and investments that we deemed to be non-core and launched multiple integration and business transformation initiatives intended to improve the efficiency of people and operations and identify recurring cost savings and new revenue growth opportunities. We believe that these transactions and activities resulted in costs, which have historically been substantial, and that may not be indicative of, or are not related to, our core operating results, including interest related to the incurrence of additional debt to finance acquisitions and third party legal, advisory and consulting fees and severance, retention bonus and other internal costs that we believe would not have been incurred in the absence of these transactions and activities and also may not be indicative of, or related to, our core operating results.

We define Non-GAAP Net Income (Loss) as net income (loss) adjusted to exclude the impact of non-cash charges for share-based compensation, special bonuses and other compensation expense, transaction-related costs and adjustments, restructuring and transformation charges, costs related to the Hosted Exchange incident, the amortization of acquired intangible assets, goodwill and asset impairment charges, costs related to the closure of a UK office, the interest expense impact from the debt Refinancing Transactions, and certain other non-operating, non-recurring or non-core gains and losses, as well as the tax effects of these non-GAAP adjustments.
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We define Non-GAAP Operating Profit as income (loss) from operations adjusted to exclude the impact of non-cash charges for share-based compensation, special bonuses and other compensation expense, transaction-related costs and adjustments, restructuring and transformation charges, costs related to the Hosted Exchange incident, the amortization of acquired intangible assets, goodwill and asset impairment charges, costs related to the closure of a UK office, and certain other non-operating, non-recurring or non-core gains and losses.

We define Adjusted EBITDA as net income (loss) adjusted to exclude the impact of non-cash charges for share-based compensation, special bonuses and other compensation expense, transaction-related costs and adjustments, restructuring and transformation charges, costs related to the Hosted Exchange incident, costs related to the closure of a UK office, certain other non-operating, non-recurring or non-core gains and losses, interest expense, expenses for our accounts receivable purchase agreement, income taxes, depreciation and amortization, and goodwill and asset impairment charges.

Non-GAAP Operating Profit and Adjusted EBITDA are management's principal metrics for measuring our underlying financial performance. Non-GAAP Operating Profit and Adjusted EBITDA, along with other quantitative and qualitative information, are also the principal financial measures used by management and our board of directors in determining performance-based compensation for our management and key employees.

These non-GAAP measures are not intended to imply that we would have generated higher income or avoided net losses if the Rackspace Acquisition and the subsequent transactions and initiatives had not occurred. In the future we may incur expenses or charges such as those added back to calculate Non-GAAP Net Income (Loss), Non-GAAP Operating Profit or Adjusted EBITDA. Our presentation of Non-GAAP Net Income (Loss), Non-GAAP Operating Profit and Adjusted EBITDA should not be construed as an inference that our future results will be unaffected by these items. Other companies, including our peer companies, may calculate similarly-titled measures in a different manner from us, and therefore, our non-GAAP measures may not be comparable to similarly-titled measures of other companies. Investors are cautioned against using these measures to the exclusion of our results in accordance with GAAP.

The following tables present a reconciliation of Non-GAAP Net Income (Loss) and Adjusted EBITDA to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures. For a reconciliation of income (loss) from operations to Non-GAAP Operating Profit, see "Loss from Operations, Segment Operating Profit, and Non-GAAP Operating Profit" in the year-over-year comparison under "Results of Operations" above.

Net loss reconciliation to Non-GAAP Net Loss
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)2023202420232024
Net loss$(226.6)$(186.6)$(865.8)$(802.2)
Share-based compensation expense17.2 15.5 51.9 47.8 
Special bonuses and other compensation expense (a)
3.3 2.7 9.7 9.1 
Transaction-related adjustments, net (b)
1.6 1.8 4.1 4.4 
Restructuring and transformation expenses (c)
14.3 8.8 63.0 42.5 
Hosted Exchange incident expenses, net of proceeds received or expected to be received under our insurance coverage(5.3)(1.2)(0.4)(1.1)
Impairment of goodwill165.7 141.7 708.8 714.9 
UK office closure (d)
— — 12.1 — 
Impairment of assets, net48.4 — 48.4 20.0 
Net gain on divestiture and investments (e)
— (0.1)(0.2)(0.2)
Debt modification costs and gain on debt extinguishment(55.4)(18.0)(163.1)(147.2)
Interest expense impact from the Refinancing Transactions (f)
— (25.0)— (50.6)
Other adjustments (g)
2.6 (4.3)0.3 (3.8)
Amortization of intangible assets (h)
39.7 38.7 121.6 116.0 
Tax effect of non-GAAP adjustments (i)
(13.6)15.7 (16.7)(3.6)
Non-GAAP Net Loss$(8.1)$(10.3)$(26.3)$(54.0)

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Net loss reconciliation to Adjusted EBITDA
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)2023202420232024
Net loss$(226.6)$(186.6)$(865.8)$(802.2)
Share-based compensation expense17.2 15.5 51.9 47.8 
Special bonuses and other compensation expense (a)
3.3 2.7 9.7 9.1 
Transaction-related adjustments, net (b)
1.6 1.8 4.1 4.4 
Restructuring and transformation expenses (c)
14.3 8.8 63.0 42.5 
Hosted Exchange incident expenses, net of proceeds received or expected to be received under our insurance coverage(5.3)(1.2)(0.4)(1.1)
Impairment of goodwill165.7 141.7 708.8 714.9 
UK office closure (d)
— — 12.1 — 
Impairment of assets, net48.4 — 48.4 20.0 
Net gain on divestiture and investments (e)
— (0.1)(0.2)(0.2)
Debt modification costs and gain on debt extinguishment(55.4)(18.0)(163.1)(147.2)
Other expense, net (j)
2.6 1.0 0.3 11.8 
Interest expense56.5 18.0 170.7 80.1 
Provision (benefit) for income taxes(16.5)12.0 (26.1)(22.6)
Depreciation and amortization (k)
90.1 72.3 279.2 220.6 
Adjusted EBITDA$95.9 $67.9 $292.6 $177.9 
Includes expense related to retention bonuses, mainly relating to restructuring and integration projects, and the related payroll tax, senior executive signing bonuses and relocation costs, and payroll taxes associated with the exercise of stock options and vesting of restricted stock. Beginning in the second quarter of 2023, includes expense related to the one-time grant of long-term incentive bonuses as a component of our annual compensation award process.
Includes legal, professional, accounting and other advisory fees related to acquisitions, certain one-time compliance costs related to being a public company, integration costs of acquired businesses, purchase accounting adjustments, payroll costs for employees that dedicate significant time to supporting these projects and exploratory acquisition and divestiture costs and expenses related to financing activities.
Includes consulting and advisory fees related to business transformation and optimization activities, payroll costs for employees that dedicate significant time to these projects, as well as associated severance, certain facility closure costs, and lease termination expenses. The nine months ended September 30, 2024 also includes a $9.0 million MEIA early termination fee associated with the sale of our corporate headquarters in March 2024.
(d)Expense recognized related to the closure of a UK office that we exited in the second quarter of 2023 prior to the lease end date.
Includes gains and losses on investment and from dispositions.
Interest expense impact due to the accounting for contractual interest payments on debt instruments entered into as part of the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions, which reduced interest expense relative to contractual interest cost.
Primarily consists of foreign currency gains and losses.
All of our intangible assets are attributable to acquisitions, including the Rackspace Acquisition in 2016.
We utilize an estimated structural long-term non-GAAP tax rate in order to provide consistency across reporting periods, removing the effect of non-recurring tax adjustments, which include but are not limited to tax rate changes, U.S. tax reform, share-based compensation, audit conclusions and changes to valuation allowances. When computing this long-term rate for the 2023 and 2024 interim periods, we based it on an average of the 2022 and estimated 2023 tax rates and 2023 and estimated 2024 tax rates, respectively, recomputed to remove the tax effect of non-GAAP pre-tax adjustments and non-recurring tax adjustments, resulting in a structural non-GAAP tax rate of 26% for all periods. The non-GAAP tax rate could be subject to change for a variety of reasons, including the rapidly evolving global tax environment, significant changes in our geographic earnings mix including due to acquisition activity, or other changes to our strategy or business operations. We will re-evaluate our long-term non-GAAP tax rate as appropriate. We believe that making these adjustments facilitates a better evaluation of our current operating performance and comparisons to prior periods.
Primarily consists of foreign currency gains and losses and expense related to our accounts receivable purchase agreement.
Excludes accelerated depreciation expense related to facility closures.

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Non-GAAP Earnings (Loss) Per Share

We define Non-GAAP Earnings (Loss) Per Share as Non-GAAP Net Income (Loss) divided by our GAAP weighted average number of shares outstanding for the period on a diluted basis and further adjusted for the weighted average number of shares associated with securities which are anti-dilutive to GAAP loss per share but dilutive to Non-GAAP Earnings (Loss) Per Share. Management uses Non-GAAP Earnings (Loss) Per Share to evaluate the performance of our business on a comparable basis from period to period, including by adjusting for the impact of the issuance of shares that would be dilutive to Non-GAAP Earnings (Loss) Per Share. The following table reconciles Non-GAAP Loss Per Share to our GAAP net loss per share on a diluted basis:

Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions, except per share amounts)2023202420232024
Net loss attributable to common stockholders
Non-GAAP Net Loss$(8.1)$(10.3)$(26.3)$(54.0)
Weighted average number of shares - Diluted216.0 226.4 214.8 223.6 
Effect of dilutive securities (a)
6.4 9.4 2.9 9.3 
Non-GAAP weighted average number of shares - Diluted222.4 235.8 217.7 232.9 
Net loss per share - Diluted
Per share impacts of adjustments to net loss (b)
1.01 0.78 3.91 3.35 
Per share impacts of shares dilutive after adjustments to net loss (a)
0.00 (0.00)0.00 0.01 
Non-GAAP Loss Per Share
Reflects impact of awards that would have been anti-dilutive to net loss per share, and therefore not included in the calculation, but would be dilutive to Non-GAAP Loss Per Share and are therefore included in the share count for purposes of this non-GAAP measure. Potential common share equivalents consist of shares issuable upon the exercise of stock options, vesting of restricted stock units (including performance-based restricted stock units) or purchases under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the "ESPP"), as well as contingent shares associated with our acquisition of Datapipe Parent, Inc. Certain of our potential common share equivalents are contingent on Apollo achieving pre-established performance targets based on a multiple of their invested capital ("MOIC"), which are included in the denominator for the entire period if such shares would be issuable as of the end of the reporting period assuming the end of the reporting period was the end of the contingency period.
Reflects the aggregate adjustments made to reconcile Non-GAAP Net Loss to our net loss, as noted in the above table, divided by the GAAP diluted number of shares outstanding for the relevant period.

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Liquidity and Capital Resources


We primarily finance our operations and capital expenditures with internally-generated cash from operations and hardware leases, and if necessary, borrowings under the New Revolving Credit Facility. As of September 30, 2024, the New Revolving Credit Facility provided for up to $375 million of borrowings, none of which was drawn and outstanding as of September 30, 2024. Our primary uses of cash are working capital requirements, debt service requirements and capital expenditures. Based on our current level of operations and available cash, we believe our sources will provide sufficient liquidity over at least the next twelve months. We cannot provide assurance, however, that our business will generate sufficient cash flows from operations or that future borrowings will be available to us under the New Revolving Credit Facility or from other sources in an amount sufficient to enable us to pay our indebtedness or to fund our other liquidity needs. Our ability to do so depends on prevailing economic conditions and other factors, many of which are beyond our control. In addition, upon the occurrence of certain events, such as a change of control, we could be required to repay or refinance our indebtedness. We cannot assure that we will be able to refinance any of our indebtedness on commercially reasonable terms or at all. Any future acquisitions, joint ventures or other similar transactions will likely require additional capital, and there can be no assurance that any such capital will be available to us on acceptable terms or at all.

From time to time, depending upon market and other conditions, as well as upon our cash balances and liquidity, we, our subsidiaries or our affiliates may acquire (and have acquired) our outstanding debt securities or our other indebtedness through open market purchases, privately negotiated transactions, tender offers, redemption or otherwise, upon such terms and at such prices as we, our subsidiaries or our affiliates may determine (or as may be provided for in the indenture governing the 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes (the “3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes Indenture”), the indenture governing the 5.375% Senior Notes (the "5.375% Notes Indenture") or the indenture governing the 3.50% Senior Secured Notes (the "3.50% Notes Indenture" and, together with the 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes Indenture and 5.375% Notes Indenture, the "Indentures"), if applicable), for cash or other consideration.

On September 29, 2023, indirect subsidiaries of the company entered into a revolving agreement where a bankruptcy-remote special purpose vehicle can sell accounts receivable, based upon the face amount of eligible receivables in the collateral pool, up to an aggregate maximum limit of $300 million to a financial institution on a recurring basis in exchange for cash. On February 12, 2024, the revolving agreement was amended to include certain international subsidiaries of the company as parties to the agreement and Rackspace Receivables Canada Limited, a Canadian indirect subsidiary of the company, was established as a special purpose vehicle.

At September 30, 2024, we held $157 million in cash and cash equivalents (not including $3 million in restricted cash, which is included in "Other non-current assets"), of which $125 million was held by foreign entities.

We have entered into installment payment arrangements with certain equipment and software vendors, along with sale-leaseback arrangements for equipment and certain property leases that are considered financing obligations. We had $56 million outstanding with respect to these arrangements as of September 30, 2024. We may choose to utilize these various sources of funding in future periods.

We also lease certain equipment and real estate under operating and finance lease agreements. We had $487 million outstanding with respect to operating and finance lease agreements as of September 30, 2024. We may choose to utilize such leasing arrangements in future periods.

As of September 30, 2024, we had $2,455 million aggregate principal amount outstanding under the FLSO Term Loan Facility, the FLFO Term Loan Facility, the Term Loan Facility, 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes, 5.375% Senior Notes, and 3.50% Senior Secured Notes, with $375 million of borrowing capacity available under the New Revolving Credit Facility. Our liquidity requirements are significant, primarily due to debt service requirements.

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In March 2024, we initiated a series of debt refinancing transactions that substantially impacted our existing debt instruments: the Senior Facilities, the 3.50% Senior Secured Notes, and the 5.375% Senior Notes. We also entered into new debt instruments: the New Senior Facilities, which includes the FLSO Term Loan Facility, the FLFO Term Loan Facility, and the New Revolving Credit Facility, and the 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes.

See Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 7, “Debt,” for more information regarding the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions and the related accounting impacts.

New Debt Instruments

New Senior Facilities

On March 12, 2024, Rackspace Finance Holdings, LLC ( “Rackspace Finance Holdings”), Rackspace Finance, LLC ( “Rackspace Finance”), the lenders and issuing banks party thereto and Citibank, N.A., as the administrative agent and collateral agent, entered into the credit agreement governing the FLSO Term Loan Facility, FLFO Term Loan Facility and New Revolving Credit Facility (together, the “New Senior Facilities”) (the “New First Lien Credit Agreement”).

FLSO Term Loan Facility

Rackspace Finance issued the FLSO Term Loan Facility in an aggregate principal amount of $1,687 million. The FLSO Term Loan Facility matures on May 15, 2028.

As of September 30, 2024, the contractual interest rate on the FLSO Term Loan Facility was 7.98%. We are required to make quarterly principal payments of $4 million, which began on March 31, 2024.

Rackspace Finance is the borrower and all obligations under the FLSO Term Loan Facility are guaranteed on a senior secured basis, jointly and severally, by Rackspace Finance Holdings on a limited-recourse basis and by certain of Rackspace Finance’s subsidiaries (the “Subsidiary Guarantors”). The obligations under the FLSO Term Loan Facility are secured by a pledge of Rackspace Finance’s capital stock directly held by Rackspace Finance Holdings and substantially all of Rackspace Finance’s and the Subsidiary Guarantors’ assets, subject to exceptions.

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, Rackspace Finance repurchased and surrendered for cancellation an aggregate $43 million principal amount of the FLSO Term Loan Facility for $21 million.

As of September 30, 2024, $1,631 million in aggregate principal amount of the FLSO Term Loan Facility remained outstanding.

We have entered into interest rate swap agreements to manage the interest rate risk associated with interest payments on the FLSO Term Loan Facility that result from fluctuations in Term SOFR. See Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 11, “Derivatives,” for more information on the interest rate swap agreements.

FLFO Term Loan Facility

Rackspace Finance issued the FLFO Term Loan Facility in an aggregate principal amount $275 million. The FLFO Term Loan Facility matures on May 15, 2028.

As of September 30, 2024, the contractual interest rate on the FLFO Term Loan Facility was 11.48%. We are required to make quarterly principal payments of $0.7 million, which began on June 30, 2024.

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Rackspace Finance is the borrower and all obligations under the FLFO Term Loan Facility are guaranteed on a senior secured basis, jointly and severally, by Rackspace Finance Holdings on a limited-recourse basis and by the Subsidiary Guarantors. The obligations under the FLFO Term Loan Facility are secured by the same collateral that secures the FLSO Term Loan Facility, the New Revolving Credit Facility and the 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes.

As of September 30, 2024, $274 million aggregate principal amount of the FLFO Term Loan Facility remained outstanding.

We have entered into interest rate swap agreements to manage the interest rate risk associated with interest payments on the FLFO Term Loan Facility that result from fluctuations in Term SOFR. See Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 11, “Derivatives,” for more information on the interest rate swap agreements.

New Revolving Credit Facility

Rackspace Finance established the New Revolving Credit Facility in an aggregate principal amount of $375 million of commitments. All revolving lenders under the prior Revolving Credit Facility exchanged their revolving loan commitments for commitments in respect of the New Revolving Credit Facility, which replaces in full the prior Revolving Credit Facility. The New Revolving Credit Facility matures on May 15, 2028.

The New Revolving Credit Facility includes a commitment fee equal to 0.50% per annum in respect of the unused commitments that is due quarterly. This fee is subject to one step-down based on the net first lien leverage ratio.

Rackspace Finance is the borrower and all obligations under the New Revolving Credit Facility are guaranteed on a senior secured basis, jointly and severally, by Rackspace Finance Holdings on a limited-recourse basis and by the Subsidiary Guarantors. The obligations under the New Revolving Credit Facility are secured by the same collateral that secures the FLSO Term Loan Facility, the FLFO Term Loan Facility and the 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes.

As of September 30, 2024, we had total commitments of $375 million, no outstanding borrowings under the New Revolving Credit Facility, and $24 million of letters of credit issued thereunder. As such, as of September 30, 2024, we had $375 million of available commitments remaining.

3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes due 2028

On March 12, 2024, Rackspace Finance issued $267 million initial aggregate principal amount of 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes. The 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes will mature on May 15, 2028 and bear interest at an annual fixed rate of 3.50%. Interest is payable semiannually on each February 15 and August 15, commencing on August 15, 2024.

On April 16, 2024, we completed the Public Note Exchange, pursuant to which (i) $138 million aggregate principal amount of the existing 3.50% Senior Secured Notes were exchanged or purchased for cancellation and (ii) $97 million aggregate principal amount of 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes were issued by Rackspace Finance.

Rackspace Finance is the borrower and all obligations under the 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes are fully and unconditionally guaranteed, jointly and severally, by Rackspace Finance Holdings on a limited-recourse basis and by the Subsidiary Guarantors. The obligations under the 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes are secured by the same collateral that secures the FLSO Term Loan Facility, the FLFO Term Loan Facility and the New Revolving Credit Facility.

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, Rackspace Finance repurchased and surrendered for cancellation $46 million principal amount of the 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes for $19 million, including accrued interest of $0.4 million.

As of September 30, 2024, $319 million aggregate principal amount of the 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes were outstanding.

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Existing Debt Instruments

Senior Facilities

On February 9, 2021, we amended and restated the credit agreement governing our senior secured credit facilities (the "First Lien Credit Agreement"), which included a new seven-year $2,300 million senior secured first lien term loan facility (the "Term Loan Facility") and the prior Revolving Credit Facility (together, the "Senior Facilities"). The Term Loan Facility will mature on February 15, 2028 and the prior Revolving Credit Facility was set to mature on August 7, 2025.

Interest on the Term Loan Facility is due at the end of each interest period elected, not exceeding 90 days, for SOFR loans and at the end of every calendar quarter for base rate loans. As of September 30, 2024, the contractual interest rate on the Term Loan Facility was 7.98%. We are required to make quarterly amortization payments of $0.2 million. The Revolving Credit Facility included a commitment fee equal to 0.50% per annum in respect of the unused commitments that was due quarterly. This fee was subject to one step-down based on the net first lien leverage ratio. The Senior Facilities require us to make certain mandatory prepayments under certain conditions defined in the First Lien Credit Agreement.

As of September 30, 2024, $62 million aggregate principal amount of the Term Loan Facility remained outstanding and the prior Revolving Credit Facility was replaced in full by the New Revolving Credit Facility. See Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 7, “Debt,” for more information regarding our Senior Facilities.

We have entered into interest rate swap agreements to manage the interest rate risk associated with interest payments on the Term Loan Facility that result from fluctuations in Term SOFR. See Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 11, "Derivatives," for more information on the interest rate swap agreements.

3.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2028

On February 9, 2021, Rackspace Technology Global issued $550 million aggregate principal amount of 3.50% Senior Secured Notes. The 3.50% Senior Secured Notes will mature on February 15, 2028 and bear interest at an annual fixed rate of 3.50%. Interest is payable semiannually on each February 15 and August 15, commencing on August 15, 2021.

As of September 30, 2024, $44 million aggregate principal amount of the 3.50% Senior Secured Notes remained outstanding.

5.375% Senior Notes due 2028

Rackspace Technology Global issued $550 million aggregate principal amount of the 5.375% Senior Notes on December 1, 2020. The 5.375% Senior Notes will mature on December 1, 2028 and bear interest at a fixed rate of 5.375% per year, payable semi-annually on each June 1 and December 1, commencing on June 1, 2021. The 5.375% Senior Notes are guaranteed on a senior unsecured basis by all of Rackspace Technology Global's wholly-owned domestic restricted subsidiaries that guarantee the Senior Facilities.

In addition to the $69 million aggregate principal amount repurchased and cancelled as part of the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions, during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, Rackspace Technology Global repurchased and surrendered for cancellation $3 million principal amount of 5.375% Senior Notes for $1 million.

As of September 30, 2024, $125 million aggregate principal amount of the 5.375% Senior Notes remained outstanding.

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Debt covenants

The FLSO Term Loan Facility, FLFO Term Loan Facility, and Term Loan Facility are not subject to a financial maintenance covenant. The New Revolving Credit Facility includes a financial maintenance covenant that limits the super-priority net senior secured leverage ratio to a maximum of 5.00 to 1.00. The super-priority net senior secured leverage ratio is calculated as the ratio of (x) the total amount of consolidated super-priority senior secured debt for borrowed money, less unrestricted cash and cash equivalents, to (y) consolidated EBITDA (as defined under the New First Lien Credit Agreement governing the New Senior Facilities). However, this financial maintenance covenant will only be applicable and tested if the aggregate amount of outstanding borrowings under the New Revolving Credit Facility and letters of credit issued thereunder (excluding $25 million of undrawn letters of credit and cash collateralized letters of credit) as of the last day of a fiscal quarter is greater than 35% of the New Revolving Credit Facility commitments as of the last day of such fiscal quarter. Additional covenants in the New Senior Facilities and Senior Facilities limit our subsidiaries' ability to, among other things, incur certain additional debt and liens, pay certain dividends or make other restricted payments, make certain investments, make certain asset sales and enter into certain transactions with affiliates.

The Indentures contain covenants that, among other things, limit our subsidiaries' ability to incur certain additional debt, incur certain liens securing debt, pay certain dividends or make other restricted payments, make certain investments, make certain asset sales and enter into certain transactions with affiliates. These covenants are subject to a number of exceptions, limitations, and qualifications as set forth in the Indentures. Additionally, upon the occurrence of a change of control (as defined in the Indentures), we will be required to make an offer to repurchase all of the outstanding 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes, 5.375% Senior Notes and 3.50% Senior Secured Notes, respectively, at a price in cash equal to 101.000% of the aggregate principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to, but not including the purchase date.

Our "consolidated EBITDA," as defined under our debt instruments, is calculated in the same manner as our Adjusted EBITDA, presented elsewhere in this report, except that our debt instruments allow us to adjust for additional items, including certain start-up costs, and to give pro forma effect to acquisitions, including resulting synergies, and internal cost savings initiatives. In addition, under the Indentures, the calculation of consolidated EBITDA does not take into account substantially any changes in GAAP subsequent to the date of issuance, whereas under the New Senior Facilities and Senior Facilities the calculation of consolidated EBITDA takes into account the impact of certain changes in GAAP subsequent to December 1, 2020 other than with respect to capital leases.

As of September 30, 2024, we were in compliance with all covenants under the New Senior Facilities, the Senior Facilities and the Indentures.

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Supplemental Financial Information

In accordance with the 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes Indenture, Rackspace Finance Holdings, Rackspace Finance and certain subsidiaries of Rackspace Finance (together with their restricted subsidiaries, the “New Credit Group”) are obligors under the 3.50% FLSO Senior Secured Notes. The following presents summarized financial information for the New Credit Group after eliminating intercompany transactions and balances among the New Credit Group.

As of September 30, 2024, the New Credit Group had total assets of $3,098 million and total liabilities of $3,841 million, which included total debt of $2,580 million. The financial information for the New Credit Group differs from the financial information for the company and its consolidated subsidiaries primarily because Rackspace Technology Global has (i) debt that is not guaranteed by the New Credit Group, which debt was $229 million as of September 30, 2024, and (ii) Rackspace Technology Global is the party to the interest rate swap which had a net asset value of $23 million as of September 30, 2024.

Capital Expenditures

The following table sets forth a summary of our total capital expenditures for the periods indicated:
 Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)20232024
Customer gear$102.9 $75.1 
Data center build outs2.6 0.6 
Office build outs1.2 0.3 
Capitalized software and other projects37.1 33.4 
Total capital expenditures$143.8 $109.4 

Capital expenditures were $109 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $144 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023, a decrease of $34 million. The decrease in capital expenditures was driven by purchases of customer gear originally intended to support a specific new customer during the first quarter of 2023. This new customer did not materialize as expected; however, the gear is fungible and has been redeployed to support other business requirements. This gear was acquired through a finance lease.

Cash Flows

The following table sets forth a summary of certain cash flow information for the periods indicated: 
 Nine Months Ended September 30,
(In millions)20232024
Cash provided by (used in) operating activities$302.7 $(14.4)
Cash used in investing activities$(62.3)$(68.9)
Cash provided by (used in) financing activities$(191.4)$43.0 

Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities results primarily from cash received from customers, offset by cash payments made for employee and consultant compensation (less amounts capitalized related to internal-use software that are reflected as cash used in investing activities), data center costs, license costs, third-party infrastructure costs, marketing programs, interest, taxes, and other general corporate expenditures.

Net cash used in operating activities was $14 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to cash provided by operating activities of $303 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The reduction in operating cash between periods was primarily driven by $209 million of cash proceeds received during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 related to the sale of our receivables, an increase of $91 million of operating expenses between periods, $32 million in third party fees paid in connection with the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions, and a $9 million early termination fee associated with the sale of our corporate headquarters in the first quarter of 2024.

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Cash Used in Investing Activities

Net cash used in investing activities primarily consists of capital expenditures to meet the demands of our customer base and our strategic initiatives. The largest outlays of cash are for purchases of customer gear, data center and office build outs, and capitalized payroll costs related to internal-use software development.

Net cash used in investing activities increased $7 million, or 11%, in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023 due to a $28 million increase in cash purchases of property, equipment, and software between periods, partially offset by $17 million of net proceeds received in the current year from the March 2024 sale of our corporate headquarters facility. In addition, there was a $5 million increase in cash from other investing activities primarily due to the sale of property and equipment between periods.

Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities

Financing activities generally include cash activity related to debt and other long-term financing arrangements (for example, finance lease obligations and financing obligations), including proceeds from and repayments of borrowings, and cash activity related to the issuance and repurchase of equity.

Net cash provided by financing activities was $43 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $191 million of net cash used in financing activities in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The change was primarily driven by proceeds from the new FLFO Term Loan Facility as part of the March 2024 Refinancing Transactions, partially offset by higher debt repayments which includes the impact of certain contractual cash interest payments that were previously classified within operating cash flow but are now presented as repayments of debt.

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Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates
Our critical accounting policies and estimates have not changed from those described in our Annual Report under "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations - Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates." For a description of recent accounting pronouncements, see Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 1, "Company Overview, Basis of Presentation, and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies."

Goodwill and Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets


Goodwill represents the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of identifiable net assets of businesses acquired. Our indefinite-lived intangible assets consists of our Rackspace trade name, which was recorded at fair value on our balance sheet at the date of the Rackspace Acquisition.

Application of the goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangible asset impairment test requires judgment, including the identification of reporting units, assignment of assets and liabilities to reporting units, assignment of goodwill to reporting units and determination of the fair value of each reporting unit. We test goodwill and our indefinite-lived intangible asset, the Rackspace trade name, for impairment on an annual basis as of October 1st or more frequently if events or circumstances indicate a potential impairment. These events or circumstances could include a significant change in the business climate, regulatory environment, established business plans, operating performance indicators or competition. Potential impairment indicators may also include, but are not limited to, (i) the results of our most recent annual or interim impairment testing, (ii) downward revisions to internal forecasts, and the magnitude thereof, if any, (iii) declines in our market capitalization below our book value, and the magnitude and duration of those declines, if any, (iv) a reorganization resulting in a change to our operating segments, and (v) other macroeconomic factors, such as increases in interest rates that may affect the weighted average cost of capital, volatility in the equity and debt markets, or fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates that may negatively impact our reported results of operations.

Goodwill is tested for impairment at the reporting unit level. A reporting unit is an operating segment or one level below an operating segment (referred to as a component). We allocate goodwill to reporting units based on the reporting unit expected to benefit from the business combination. Assets and liabilities are assigned to each of our reporting units if they are employed by a reporting unit and are considered in the determination of the reporting unit fair value. Certain assets and liabilities are shared by multiple reporting units, and thus, are allocated to each reporting unit based on the relative size of a reporting unit, primarily based on revenue. Prior to October 1, 2023, we had two reporting units with goodwill: Public Cloud and Private Cloud. Goodwill allocated to our third reporting unit, OpenStack Public Cloud, was fully impaired during the fourth quarter of 2021. As of October 1, 2023, we reassessed our reporting unit structure and aggregated the OpenStack Public Cloud reporting unit into our Private Cloud reporting unit. We currently have two reporting units: Public Cloud and Private Cloud.

We estimate the fair values of our reporting units and the Rackspace trade name using the discounted cash flow method and relief-from-royalty method, respectively. These calculations require the use of significant estimates and assumptions, such as: (i) the royalty rate; (ii) the estimation of future revenue growth rates, projected gross profit margins, projected operating costs, and projected capital expenditures, which are dependent on internal cash flow forecasts; (iii) estimation of the terminal growth rates; and (iv) determination of the risk-adjusted discount rates. The discount rates used are based on our weighted average cost of capital and are adjusted for risks and uncertainties inherent in our business and in our estimation of future cash flows. As part of the goodwill impairment test, we also consider our market capitalization in assessing the reasonableness of the combined fair values estimated for our reporting units, including OpenStack Public Cloud. The estimates and assumptions used to calculate the fair value of our reporting units and the Rackspace trade name from year to year are based on operating results, market conditions, and other factors. Changes in these estimates and assumptions could produce materially different results.

For the quantitative goodwill impairment analysis, we utilize the income approach to determine the fair value of our reporting units. The income approach utilizes a discounted cash flow method which is based on the present value of projected cash flows. The discounted cash flow models reflect our assumptions and considerations regarding revenue growth rates, projected gross profit margins, projected operating costs, projected capital expenditures, risk-adjusted discount rates, terminal period growth rates, and economic market trends. The terminal period growth rate is selected based on economic conditions and consideration of growth rates used in the forecast period and historical performance of the reporting unit.

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February 29, 2024 Assessment

In connection with the debt refinancing transactions that were completed in March and April 2024, as further described in Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 7, “Debt”, we updated our internal forecasts. Our updated internal forecasts considered our year-to-date operating performance, current customer bookings and revised expectations based on current performance, revisions to our expected growth and timing of such growth based on current and expected performance, current customer retention rates, revisions to the timing of the expected effects of our strategic initiatives and overall related risks, including macroeconomic factors, to achieving our forecasts. Our Board of Directors reviewed and approved our internal budget for fiscal year 2024 on February 28, 2024. As of February 29, 2024, we assessed our Board approved 2024 internal budget along with several events and circumstances that could affect the significant inputs used to determine the fair value of our reporting units, including the significance of the amount, if any, of excess carrying value over fair value, consistency of our current and forecasted operating margins and cash flows, budgeted-to-actual performance, timing of the expected effects of our strategic initiatives, overall change in economic climate, changes in the industry and competitive environment, changes to our risk-adjusted discount rates and earnings quality and sustainability. After considering all available evidence in our evaluation of goodwill impairment indicators, we determined it appropriate to perform an interim quantitative assessment of our reporting units as of February 29, 2024.

For the quantitative goodwill impairment analysis performed as of February 29, 2024, we utilized a range of our weighted-average cost of capital of 13.0% to 14.0% as our base rate, which was then subsequently risk-adjusted to determine the discount rate used for each reporting unit. After determining the fair value of our reporting units, we reconciled the combined fair value of the reporting units to the company's market capitalization as of February 29, 2024. As a result, we determined that the carrying amount of our Public Cloud and Private Cloud reporting units exceeded their fair value. We recorded a goodwill impairment charge of $385 million and $188 million for Public Cloud and Private Cloud, respectively, during the first quarter of 2024, which is included in "Impairment of goodwill" in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss. The impairment was driven by the company's cash flow projections as revised in the first quarter of 2024 to reflect current market conditions and expected business performance, including strategic business shifts and the timing when the benefits of such shifts will be realized.

We performed sensitivity analyses on the key inputs and assumptions used in determining the estimated fair value of our reporting units by utilizing changes in assumptions that reflect reasonably likely future changes in the discount rate used in the weighted-average cost of capital calculation and the terminal growth rate. Assuming all other assumptions and inputs used in the discounted cash flow analysis are held constant, a 50 basis point increase or decrease in the discount rate assumption would result in decreases or increases in fair value of our Private Cloud and Public Cloud reporting units of approximately $101 million and $14 million, respectively.

September 30, 2024 Assessment

During the third quarter of 2024, as part our routine budget-to-actual assessment, we updated our internal forecasts to consider our year-to-date operating performance, current customer bookings and revised expectations based on actualization, current customer retention rates, revisions to the timing of the expected effects of our strategic initiatives and overall related risks, including macroeconomic factors, to achieving our forecasts. As of September 30, 2024, we assessed our internal budget along with several events and circumstances that could affect the significant inputs used to determine the fair value of our reporting units, including the significance of the amount, if any, of excess carrying value over fair value, consistency of our current and forecasted operating margins and cash flows, budgeted-to-actual performance, timing of the expected effects of our strategic initiatives, overall change in economic climate, changes in the industry and competitive environment, changes to our risk-adjusted discount rates and earnings quality and sustainability. After considering all available evidence in our evaluation of goodwill impairment indicators, we determined it appropriate to perform an interim quantitative assessment of our reporting units as of September 30, 2024.

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For the quantitative goodwill impairment analysis performed as of September 30, 2024, we utilized a range of our weighted-average cost of capital of 12.0% to 13.0% as our base rate, which was then subsequently risk-adjusted to determine the discount rate used for each reporting unit. After determining the fair value of our reporting units, we reconciled the combined fair value of the reporting units to the company's market capitalization as of September 30, 2024. As a result, we determined that the carrying amount of our Public Cloud and Private Cloud reporting units exceeded their fair value. We recorded a goodwill impairment charge of $69 million and $73 million for Public Cloud and Private Cloud, respectively, during the third quarter of 2024, which is included in "Impairment of goodwill" in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss. The impairment was driven by the company's cash flow projections as revised in the third quarter of 2024 to reflect expected realization of business performance, including strategic business shifts and the timing when the benefits of such shifts will be realized.

We performed sensitivity analyses on the key inputs and assumptions used in determining the estimated fair value of our reporting units by utilizing changes in assumptions that reflect reasonably likely future changes in the discount rate used in the weighted-average cost of capital calculation and the terminal growth rate. Assuming all other assumptions and inputs used in the discounted cash flow analysis are held constant, a 50 basis point increase in the discount rate assumption would result in decreases in fair value of our Private Cloud and Public Cloud reporting units of approximately $108 million and $14 million, respectively, whereas a 50 basis point decrease in the discount rate assumption would result in increases in fair value of our Private Cloud and Public Cloud reporting units of approximately $121 million and $15 million, respectively.

January 1, 2023 Assessment

Due to the change in our segment reporting as a result of the business reorganization as of January 1, 2023, we completed a quantitative goodwill impairment analysis both prior and subsequent to the aforementioned change. We reassigned goodwill to the updated reporting units using a relative fair value approach. The results of the quantitative goodwill impairment analysis performed as of January 1, 2023, subsequent to the change, indicated an impairment within our Private Cloud reporting unit, and we recorded a non-cash impairment charge of $271 million in the first quarter of 2023.

For the quantitative goodwill impairment analysis performed as of January 1, 2023, we utilized a range of our weighted-average cost of capital of 10.5% to 12.0% as our discount rate, which was risk-adjusted for each reporting unit. After determining the fair value of our reporting units, we reconciled the combined fair value of the reporting units to the company's market capitalization as of January 1, 2023. As a result, we determined that the carrying amount of our Private Cloud reporting unit exceeded its fair value and recorded a goodwill impairment charge of $271 million during the first quarter of 2023, which is included in "Impairment of goodwill" in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss. The impairment primarily resulted from the reallocation of certain costs between the three reporting units to reflect the going-forward operating model following the business reorganization. The Public Cloud reporting unit was determined to have a fair value that exceeded its carrying value by approximately 20% and therefore no impairment was recognized.

We performed sensitivity analyses on the key inputs and assumptions used in determining the estimated fair value of our reporting units by utilizing changes in assumptions that reflect reasonably likely future changes in the discount rate used in the weighted-average cost of capital calculation and the terminal growth rate. Assuming all other assumptions and inputs used in the discounted cash flow analysis are held constant, a 50 basis point increase in the discount rate assumption would result in decreases in fair value of our Private Cloud and Public Cloud reporting units of approximately $175 million and $67 million, respectively.

March 31, 2023 Assessment

During the first quarter of 2023, we experienced a sustained decline in our stock price resulting in our market capitalization being less than the carrying value of our combined reporting units. As of March 31, 2023, we assessed several events and circumstances that could affect the significant inputs used to determine the fair value of our reporting units, including the significance of the amount, if any, of excess carrying value over fair value, consistency of operating margins and cash flows, budgeted-to-actual performance for the first three months of the year, overall change in economic climate, changes in the industry and competitive environment, and earnings quality and sustainability. After considering all available evidence in our evaluation of goodwill impairment indicators, we determined it appropriate to perform an interim quantitative assessment of our reporting units as of March 31, 2023.

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For the quantitative goodwill impairment analysis performed as of March 31, 2023, we utilized a range of our weighted-average cost of capital of 10.0% to 11.5% as our discount rate, which was risk-adjusted for each reporting unit. After determining the fair value of our reporting units, we reconciled the combined fair value of the reporting units to the company's market capitalization as of March 31, 2023. As a result, we determined that the carrying amount of our Private Cloud reporting unit exceeded its fair value and recorded a goodwill impairment charge of $272 million during the first quarter of 2023, which is included in "Impairment of goodwill" in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss. The impairment was driven by the company's most recent cash flow projections as revised in the first quarter of 2023 which reflected current market conditions and current trends in business performance, including slower than anticipated actualization of bookings. The Public Cloud reporting unit was determined to have a fair value that exceeded its carrying value by approximately 14% and therefore no impairment was recognized.

We performed sensitivity analyses on the key inputs and assumptions used in determining the estimated fair value of our reporting units by utilizing changes in assumptions that reflect reasonably likely future changes in the discount rate used in the weighted-average cost of capital calculation and the terminal growth rate. Assuming all other assumptions and inputs used in the discounted cash flow analysis are held constant, a 50 basis point increase in the discount rate assumption would result in decreases in fair value of our Private Cloud and Public Cloud reporting units of approximately $80 million and $65 million, respectively.

September 30, 2023 Assessment

During the third quarter of 2023, we experienced a sustained decline in our stock price resulting in our market capitalization being less than the carrying value of our combined reporting units. As of September 30, 2023, we assessed several events and circumstances that could affect the significant inputs used to determine the fair value of our reporting units, including the significance of the amount, if any, of excess carrying value over fair value, consistency of operating margins and cash flows, budgeted-to-actual performance for the first nine months of the year, overall change in economic climate, changes in the industry and competitive environment, and earnings quality and sustainability. After considering all available evidence in our evaluation of goodwill impairment indicators, we determined it appropriate to perform an interim quantitative assessment of our reporting units as of September 30, 2023.

For the quantitative goodwill impairment analysis performed as of September 30, 2023, we utilized a range of our weighted-average cost of capital of 11.0% to 12.5% as our discount rate, which was risk-adjusted for each reporting unit. After determining the fair value of our reporting units, we reconciled the combined fair value of the reporting units to the company's market capitalization as of September 30, 2023. As a result, we determined that the carrying amount of our Private Cloud reporting unit exceeded its fair value and recorded a goodwill impairment charge of $166 million during the third quarter of 2023, which is included in "Impairment of goodwill" in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss. The impairment was driven by the company's cash flow projections as revised in the third quarter of 2023 to reflect current market conditions and business mix shifts. The Public Cloud reporting unit was determined to have a fair value that exceeded its carrying value by approximately 17% and therefore no impairment was recognized.

We performed sensitivity analyses on the key inputs and assumptions used in determining the estimated fair value of our reporting units by utilizing changes in assumptions that reflect reasonably likely future changes in the discount rate used in the weighted-average cost of capital calculation and the terminal growth rate. Assuming all other assumptions and inputs used in the discounted cash flow analysis are held constant, a 50 basis point increase in the discount rate assumption would result in decreases in fair value of our Private Cloud and Public Cloud reporting units of approximately $65 million and $52 million, respectively.

Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets

As of January 1, 2023, March 31, 2023, September 30, 2023, February 29, 2024, and September 30, 2024, due to the factors discussed above, we performed a quantitative assessment of our indefinite-lived intangible asset utilizing a relief from royalty method. Significant estimates and assumptions included in the relief from royalty method are expectations of revenue growth rates, and selection of royalty rate and discount rate. We utilized a royalty rate of 0.5% for all periods and a discount rate of 11.0% as of January 1, 2023 and March 31, 2023, 11.9% as of September 30, 2023, 13.7% as of February 29, 2024, and 12.4% as of September 30, 2024. We completed the quantitative assessments of our indefinite-lived intangible asset prior to testing our goodwill for impairment as of January 1, 2023, March 31, 2023, and September 30, 2024, which did not indicate any impairment of the Rackspace trade name.

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The quantitative test as of February 29, 2024 indicated that the estimated fair value of the Rackspace trade name was less than its carrying value. As a result, we recorded a $20 million non-cash impairment charge during the first quarter of 2024 which is included in "Impairment of assets, net" in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss.

The quantitative test as of September 30, 2023 indicated that the estimated fair value of the Rackspace trade name was less than its carrying value. As a result, we recorded a $57 million non-cash impairment charge during the third quarter of 2023 which is included in "Impairment of assets, net" in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss.

The fair value determination of our reporting units and our indefinite-lived intangible asset is judgmental in nature and requires the use of estimates and assumptions that are sensitive to changes. Assumptions include estimation of the royalty rate for the trade name, estimation of future revenue growth rates, projected gross profit margins, projected operating costs, projected capital expenditures, which are dependent on internal cash flow forecasts, estimation of the terminal growth rates, and determination of risk-adjusted discount rates. As a result, there can be no assurance that the estimates and assumptions made for purposes of the quantitative goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible impairment tests will prove to be an accurate prediction of future results. Examples of events or circumstances that could reasonably be expected to negatively affect the underlying key assumptions and ultimately impact the estimated fair value of our reporting units may include such items as: (i) volatility in the equity and debt markets or other macroeconomic factors, (ii) an increase in the weighted-average cost of capital due to further increases in interest rates, (iii) decrease in future cash flows due to lower than expected sales, or (iv) fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates that may negatively impact our reported results of operations. Accordingly, if our current cash flow assumptions are not realized, we experience further sustained declines in our stock price or market capitalization, or increases in costs of capital, it is possible that an additional impairment charge may be recorded in the future, which could be material.

Long-Lived Assets

We also performed recoverability tests of our long-lived assets in conjunction with the goodwill impairment analyses as of January 1, 2023, March 31, 2023, September 30, 2023, February 29, 2024, and September 30, 2024, which did not result in any impairment charges.

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Interest Rates

We are exposed to interest rate risk associated with fluctuations in interest rates on our floating-rate debt under our Senior Facilities and New Senior Facilities, which includes our $375 million New Revolving Credit Facility and $1,967 million outstanding under the Term Loan Facility, FLSO Term Loan Facility, and FLFO Term Loan Facility. As of September 30, 2024, there was no outstanding borrowings under the New Revolving Credit Facility and therefore our only variable-rate debt outstanding was the $1,967 million outstanding under the Term Loan Facility, FLSO Term Loan Facility, and FLFO Term Loan Facility. As of September 30, 2024, assuming the New Revolving Credit Facility was fully drawn, each 0.125% change in assumed blended interest rates would result in a $3 million change in annual interest expense on indebtedness under the Senior Facilities and New Senior Facilities.

Our Term Loan Facility, FLSO Term Loan Facility, and FLFO Term Loan Facility bear interest at an annual rate equal to an applicable margin plus one-month Term SOFR, subject to a 0.75% floor. We have entered into an interest rate swap agreement indexed to one-month Term SOFR (subject to a floor of 0.75%) in order to manage our risk from fluctuations in one-month Term SOFR above the 0.75% floor.

The key terms of the swap outstanding as of September 30, 2024 are presented below:

Transaction DateEffective DateNotional Amount (in millions)Fixed Rate PaidMaturity Date
February 2021February 9, 2021$1,350.0 2.34150%February 9, 2026

See Item 1 of Part I, Financial Statements - Note 11, "Derivatives," for more information on interest rate swaps.

Foreign Currencies

We are subject to foreign currency translation risk due to the translation of the results of our subsidiaries from their respective functional currencies to the U.S. dollar, our functional currency. As a result, we discuss our revenue on a constant currency as well as actual basis, highlighting our sensitivity to changes in foreign exchange rates. See "Constant Currency Revenue." While the majority of our customers are invoiced, and the majority of our expenses are paid, by us or our subsidiaries in their respective functional currencies, we also have exposure to foreign currency transaction gains and losses as the result of certain receivables due from our foreign subsidiaries. As such, the results of operations and cash flows of our foreign subsidiaries are subject to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. In the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we recognized foreign currency transaction gains of $2 million within "Other expense, net" in our Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss. As we grow our international operations, our exposure to foreign currency translation and transaction risk could become more significant.

We have in the past and may in the future enter into foreign currency hedging instruments to limit our exposure to foreign currency risk.

Power Prices

We are a large consumer of power. In the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we expensed approximately $32 million for utility companies to power our data centers, representing approximately 2% of our revenue. Power costs vary by geography, the source of power generation and seasonal fluctuations and are subject to certain proposed legislation that may increase our exposure to increased power costs. We have power contracts for data centers in the Dallas-Fort Worth, San Jose, Somerset, New Jersey and London areas that allow us to procure power either on a fixed price or on a variable price basis.

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Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures

Under the supervision and with the participation of our senior management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, we conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures, as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"), as amended, as of the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report (the "Evaluation Date"). Based on this evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, concluded as of the Evaluation Date that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective such that the information relating to the company, including our consolidated subsidiaries, required to be disclosed in our SEC reports (i) is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in SEC rules and forms, and (ii) is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.

Changes in Internal Control

There were no changes in our internal controls over financial reporting during our most recent fiscal quarter reporting period identified in connection with management's evaluation that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.

Inherent Limitations of Internal Controls

Our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, does not expect that our disclosure controls and procedures or our internal controls will prevent all error and fraud. A control system, no matter how well conceived and operated, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the objectives of the control system are met. Because of the inherent limitations in all control systems, no evaluation of controls can provide absolute assurance that all control issues and instances of fraud, if any, within the company have been detected. These inherent limitations include the realities that judgments in decision-making can be faulty and that breakdowns can occur because of a simple error or mistake. Additionally, controls can be circumvented by the individual acts of some persons, by collusion of two or more people, or by management override of the control. The design of any system of controls is also based in part upon certain assumptions about the likelihood of future events, and there can be no assurance that any design will succeed in achieving its stated goals under all potential future conditions. Over time, controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. Because of the inherent limitations in a cost-effective control system, misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and not be detected.
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We have contingencies resulting from various litigation, claims and commitments. We record accruals for loss contingencies when losses are considered probable and can be reasonably estimated. The amount that will ultimately be paid related to these matters may differ from the recorded accruals, and the timing of such payments is uncertain.

From time to time we may be subject to various legal proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. In addition, from time to time, third parties may bring intellectual property claims against us asserting that certain of our offerings, services and technologies infringe, misappropriate or otherwise violate the intellectual property or proprietary rights of others.

We are not party to any litigation, the outcome of which, if determined adversely to us, would individually or in the aggregate be reasonably expected to have a material and adverse effect on our business, financial position or results of operations.


We have disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in our Annual Report the risk factors which materially affect our business, financial condition or results of operations. There have been no material changes from the risk factors previously disclosed. You should carefully consider the risk factors set forth in our Annual Report and the other information set forth elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. You should be aware that these risk factors and other information may not describe every risk facing our company. Additional risks and uncertainties not currently known to us or that we currently deem to be immaterial also may materially adversely affect our business, financial condition and/or operating results.


Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities

Not Applicable.

Use of Proceeds





Not Applicable.


Rule 10b5-1 Trading Arrangements

During the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2024, none of the company’s directors or officers (as defined in Rule 16a-1(f) of the Exchange Act) adopted, modified or terminated a "Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement" or a "non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement" (as each term is defined in Item 408 of Regulation S-K).

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Table of Contents

Exhibit NumberExhibit Description
Inline XBRL Instance Document (the instance document does not appear in the Interactive Data File because its XBRL tags are embedded within the Inline XBRL document)
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document
Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101)
*    Filed herewith.
**    Furnished herewith.    

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Table of Contents

Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Date:November 12, 2024By:
/s/ Mark Marino
Mark Marino
Chief Financial Officer
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