本银行服务协议(“协议”)自2020年7月13日起生效(“生效日期)由阿肯色州的Evolve Bank & Trust(“银行)和Dave Inc.,一家特拉华州公司(“企业” or “项目经理)根据本协议,银行和公司将分别称为“方当前协议旨在确认各当事方之间关于转让买方在交易完成时所处的某一限制下所持有的特拉斯塔收购一公司(“SPAC”)普通B类股票(每股面值0.0001美元)(“B类股票”)和用于购买SPAC普通A类股票的许多特定证券的7,345,000份认股权证(每份认购权证投资额为0.0001美元)(“认购权证”)的转让条款当事人.”
Evolve Bank & Trust Dave Inc.
6070 Poplar Avenue, Suite 100 1265 S. Cochran Avenue
田纳西州孟菲斯38119 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶90019
注意:法务部 注意:法务
公司应在银行维持一个有息存款账户,该账户持有公司根据本节存入的准备金金额(“项目经理准备金账户”)。 公司应在生效日期之前或当日存入相当于企业费用清单中初始准备金要求的金额,并在生效日期后的前三(3)个完整月内维持该金额在项目经理准备金账户中(“初始准备金要求”)。在生效日期的三个月纪念日,公司应确保 项目经理 准备金账户保持等于[**]的余额(“准备金金额”)。根据初始准备金要求和以下规定的提前通知,准备金账户应每月重新评估并调整,根据前述句子中的(i)和(ii);但是,如果任何具有管辖权的监管机构通知银行准备金金额不足以覆盖与该项目有关的风险,银行应通知项目经理监管机构的发现及将是足够准备金以满足监管机构的准备金金额,新准备金金额应为此。消极结果是指ACH退单、临时信用(净去任何返回给银行的临时信用)和退款(净去任何返回给银行的退款)的金额,在每种情况下,都会导致对FBO账户(如EB&t FBO Dave Inc用户账户所述)或项目经理准备金账户的借记(为澄清起见,任何单独借记仅应计算一次以确定项目经理准备金账户余额,即使该借记在多个账户中明显存在),加上银行合理确定的金额,以抵消项目经理对本协议或借记卡发行协议的任何重大违约相关的风险。根据借记卡发行协议项目经理准备金账户部分的条款,银行可以偏离此准备金计算并要求更高的准备金金额。银行将在每个月结束后的30天内提供准备金金额的书面通知。 如果程序经理储备账户的实际余额低于储备金额,并且在银行通知公司后的两个工作日内未能解决不足之处,则银行有权终止该程序和本协议,而无需对银行承担任何责任。
“安防-半导体漏洞” means (i) any act or omission that materially compromises either the security, confidentiality or integrity of data or the physical, technical, administrative or organizational safeguards put in place by a Party or a third-party service provider that relate to the protection of the security, confidentiality or integrity of data relating to the Program, or (ii) receipt of a complaint in relation to the privacy and data security practices of a Party or a third-party service provider or a breach or alleged breach of this Agreement relating to such privacy and data security practices. Without limiting the foregoing, a material compromise shall include any unauthorized access to, unauthorized disclosure of or unauthorized acquisition of nonpublic personal information.
“Security Program” means a comprehensive, written information security program that contains appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to (i) protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of nonpublic personal information; (ii) ensure against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security and integrity of nonpublic personal information; (iii) protect against unauthorized access to or use of nonpublic personal information that could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to any Customer, potential Customer or any Applicant; and (iv) ensure the proper disposal of nonpublic personal information.
Thereafter, Company shall make available for Bank’s prior review and approval all new forms of Marketing Materials and Marketing Activities proposed by Company. Bank shall review and approve or reject any such forms of Marketing Materials and Marketing Activities within: (i) for direct mail Marketing Materials, three (3) Business Days after Bank’s receipt of such Marketing Materials; and (ii) for all other Marketing Materials or Marketing Activities, five (5) Business Days after Bank’s receipt of such Marketing Materials or Marketing Activities. Notwithstanding any timeframes set forth in this Section 5(b), Bank may require additional time for review and approval if Bank determines, in its sole discretion, that additional regulatory review or approval is required. Bank shall notify Company of the need for such review or approval and shall periodically inform Company of the status of such review or approval. Marketing Materials and Marketing Activities will be approved and authorized by Bank once such approval and authorization are clearly communicated by Bank in writing to Company, provided that Bank does not subsequently revoke its approval pursuant to the terms of Section 6.
After approval of the form of Marketing Materials or Marketing Activities pursuant to Section 5(a) or 5(b), and subject to Section 6, Company may use such forms of Marketing Materials and Marketing Activities, and need not seek further approval for use of such forms unless there is: (i) a Substantive Change in the Marketing Materials or Marketing Activities, or (ii) a new offering to be included in the Marketing Materials (each of the events in clauses (i) and (ii), a “Qualifying Change”). In the event of a Qualifying Change, Company shall submit such forms of Marketing Materials and Marketing Activities to Bank for review and approval in accordance with Section 5(b).
Bank may request up to four (4) periodic reviews of the Marketing Materials and Marketing Activities then being used by Company in each calendar year, provided, however, that Bank may request additional reviews of the Marketing Materials and Marketing Activities if required by a Regulatory Authority or if Bank determines, in its sole discretion, that Company is in, or is likely in, breach of any provision of this Agreement or Applicable Law. Bank and Company shall cooperate to determine the form, format, frequency and timing of such reviews to minimize expense and disruption.
已退回条目的通知银行应在收到来自 ACH 操作员的退回或变更条目的一个(1)工作日内,通过电子邮件或在线通知通知公司该条目的接收。除非是公司根据第 10(a) 节(公司发起的条目传输)的要求重新传送的条目,否则如果银行在原始条目方面遵守了本协议的条款,银行没有义务将退回的条目重新传送给 ACH 操作员。收到具有 RO7(授权被撤回)或 R10(客户表示未授权)退回原因代码的借记条目退回后,公司将停止传输该等交易,直到消费者签署了新的授权(RO7-授权被撤回)或完成了修改或获得了授权(R10-客户表示未授权)。
Notifications of Change. Bank shall notify Company of all Notification of Change (“NOC”) Entries received by Bank relating to Entries transmitted by Company by electronic transmission no later than one (1) Business Day after receipt thereof. It is the responsibility of Company to make the requested changes within six (6) Business Days or prior to the initiation of the next live Entry, whichever is later with the following exceptions: (a) the Originator may choose, at its discretion, to make the changes specified in any NOC or corrected NOC relating to ARC, BOC, POP, RCk, XCk and single Entry TEL or WEb, (b) in the case of CIE and credit WEb Entries, the ODFI or Third-Party Service Provider is responsible for making the changes and (c) for an NOC in response to a Prenotification Entry, the Originator must make the changes prior to originating a subsequent Entry if the ODFI receives the NOC by opening of business on the second Business Day following the settlement date of the Prenotification Entry.
Electronic Debit Entries. Provisions may be made for holding accounts to be maintained for posting of any return Debit Items received, as stated elsewhere within this Agreement and the NACHA Rules. Company will promptly provide immediately available funds to indemnify Bank if any Debit Items are rejected after Bank has permitted
Company to withdraw immediately available funds, should funds not be available in the Program Manager Reserve Account to cover the amount of the rejected or returned Entries.
ACH Audits每年至少一次,公司应根据NACHA规则向银行提供由合格第三方执行的ACH审计。银行应将此审计报告视为本协议下公司的机密信息。ACH审计报告中所记录的任何例外情况将由公司的管理层迅速处理,并制定和实施纠正措施计划。公司应保留足够的数据,以便在银行传送后365天内重新制作条目,并将在银行要求时提供这些数据给银行。
重大违约。除非本协议另有规定,如果任何一方严重违反本协议的重大条款,非违约方可以通过书面通知违约方来终止本协议。此通知将:(1)描述重大违约;并且(2)说明该方终止本协议的意图。如果违约方在收到如本节第16(b)所述的通知后十五(15)个工作日内(或根据适用法律要求的较短期限)未能纠正或未能实质性纠正其重大违约(称为“9. 副本。本修正案可以在副本中执行,在此情况下,副本将被视为一个原件,签名的传真和电子影像副本(包括pdf或符合美国联邦ESIGN法2000年的任何电子签名)或其他传输方法将相当于原本签名。 ”), then the nonbreaching Party may immediately terminate this Agreement by giving notice at any time following the end of such Cure Period; provided, however, that if such breach by Company is not capable of being cured or substantially cured within such fifteen (15) Business Day period, then the time period for curing or substantially curing such breach may be extended by Bank in its sole discretion so long as Company continues to diligently pursue such cure using commercially reasonable efforts. Neither Party will be held in breach for failure to perform under this Agreement if such failure is due to compliance with Applicable Law. In addition to the termination rights set forth herein, Bank may terminate this Agreement without liability if Company materially breaches this Agreement on three (3) or more separate occasions within twelve (12) consecutive months.
违约交叉. This Agreement will terminate upon the termination of the Debit Card Issuing Agreement.
Force Majeure; Change in Applicable Law. Either Party may terminate this Agreement as permitted by Sections 17 or 28, or upon written notice to the other Party if the other Party becomes Insolvent or bankrupt or becomes subject to a receivership proceeding.
Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon fifteen (15) Business Days’ advance written notice to the other Party of such intent to terminate if, at any time during the Term of this Agreement, the other Party is conducting activities that the terminating Party reasonably determines are materially harmful to relationships with its federal or state supervisory or law enforcement agencies; provided that the terminating Party promptly notifies the other Party of such activity, provides evidence of such activity, and the other Party does not cure such activity to the terminating Party’s sole and reasonable satisfaction within fifteen (15) Business Days of notification to the terminating Party.
Either Party may immediately terminate this Agreement in the event of an act of fraud or willful misconduct of the other Party, and Bank may suspend services under this Agreement if Company fails to maintain Program Manager
Company Indemnified Parties and Bank Indemnified Parties are sometimes referred to herein as the “Indemnified Parties”, and Company or Bank, as indemnitor hereunder, is sometimes referred to herein as the “Indemnifying Party”. Any Indemnified Party seeking indemnification hereunder shall promptly notify the Indemnifying Party, in writing, of any notice of the assertion by any third party of any claim or of the commencement by any third party of any legal or regulatory proceeding, arbitration or action, or if the Indemnified Party determines the existence of any such claim or the commencement by any third party of any such legal or regulatory proceeding, arbitration or action, whether or not the same shall have been asserted or initiated, in any case with respect to which the Indemnifying Party is or may be obligated to provide indemnification (an “可赔偿索赔”), specifying in reasonable detail the nature of the Loss, and, if known, the amount, or an estimate of the amount, of the Loss, provided that failure to promptly give such notice shall only limit the liability of the Indemnifying Party to the extent of the actual prejudice, if any, suffered by such Indemnifying Party as a result of such failure. The Indemnified Party shall provide to the Indemnifying Party as promptly as practicable thereafter information and documentation reasonably requested by such Indemnifying Party to defend against the claim asserted.
The Indemnifying Party shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of any notification of an Indemnifiable Claim (a “Claim Notice”) to undertake, conduct and control, through counsel of its own choosing, and at its own expense, the settlement or defense thereof and the Indemnified Party shall cooperate with the Indemnifying Party in connection therewith if such cooperation is so requested and the request is reasonable; provided that the Indemnifying Party shall hold the Indemnified Party harmless from all its out-of-pocket expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred in connection with the Indemnified Party’s cooperation. If the Indemnifying Party assumes responsibility for the settlement or defense of any such claim, (i) the Indemnifying Party shall permit the Indemnified Party to participate in such settlement or defense through counsel chosen by the Indemnified Party (subject to the consent of the Indemnifying Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld); provided that, other than in the event of a conflict of interest requiring the retention of separate counsel, the fees and expenses of such counsel shall not be borne by the Indemnifying Party; and (ii) the Indemnifying Party shall not settle any Indemnifiable Claim without the Indemnified Party’s consent, which involves anything other than the payment of money, including any admission by the Indemnified Party. So long as the Indemnifying Party is vigorously contesting any such Indemnifiable Claim in good faith, the Indemnified Party shall not pay or settle such claim without the Indemnifying Party’s consent.