0001409269 venus concept 公司 false --12-31 Q3 2024 4,133 7,415 0.0001 0.0001 300,000,000 300,000,000 7,255,277 7,255,277 5,529,149 5,529,149 87 4,133 0 10 1.69 3.12 5 2025年12月9日 0 0 0 0 0 0 http://www.venusconcept.com/20240930#LondonInterbankOfferedRateMember 2023年07月24日 http://fasb.org/us-gaap/2024#SecuredOvernightFinancingRateSofrMember December 9, 2025 0 0 7 10 0.7051 54.60 63.90 119.25 186.75 382.50 405.00 438.75 650.25 958.50 0 0 0 0 0 21 21 21 21 1 1 0 0 false false false false Imputed interest represents the difference between undiscounted cash flows and cash flows. Government remittances are receivables from the local tax authorities for refunds of sales taxes and income taxes. Amounts associated with Private Placement and Preferred shares round to $nil. 00014092692024-01-012024-09-30 xbrli:shares 00014092692024-11-07 thunderdome:item iso4217:美元指数 00014092692024-09-30 00014092692023-12-31 iso4217:USDxbrli:shares 0001409269vero : Leases Member2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269vero : Leases Member2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269vero : Leases Member2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269vero : Leases Member2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269vero : Products And Services Member2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:产品和服务会员2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269vero:产品和服务会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:产品和服务会员2023-01-012023-09-30 00014092692024-07-012024-09-30 00014092692023-07-012023-09-30 00014092692023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269vero:2022年定向增发会员美元指数:优先股成员2023-12-31 0001409269vero:2023年多笔定向增发会员us-gaap:优先股会员2023-12-31 0001409269vero:2023年X系列定向增发会员us-gaap:优先股成员2023-12-31 0001409269vero : 2024年Y系列定向增发成员us-gaap:优先股成员2023-12-31 0001409269US-GAAP:普通股会员2023-12-31 0001409269us-gaap: 其他资本溢价成员2023-12-31 0001409269美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员2023-12-31 0001409269美国通用会计准则:非控制权益2023-12-31 0001409269vero : 2022年定向增发成员US-GAAP:优先股成员2024-01-012024-03-31 0001409269vero:2023年多档定向增发成员US-GAAP:优先股成员2024-01-012024-03-31 0001409269vero:2023年X系列定向增发成员US-GAAP:优先股成员2024-01-012024-03-31 0001409269vero:2024年Y系列定向增发成员US-GAAP:优先股成员2024-01-012024-03-31 0001409269US-GAAP:普通股成员2024-01-012024-03-31 0001409269美元指数:附加股本成员2024-01-012024-03-31 0001409269美元指数:留存收益成员2024-01-012024-03-31 0001409269美元指数:非控制权益成员2024-01-012024-03-31 00014092692024-01-012024-03-31 0001409269vero:2022年定向增发成员美元指数:优先股成员2024-03-31 0001409269vero:2023年多级定向增发成员美元指数:优先股成员2024-03-31 0001409269vero:2023年X系列定向增发成员US-GAAP:优先股成员2024-03-31 0001409269vero:2024年Y系列定向增发成员US-GAAP:优先股成员2024-03-31 0001409269US-GAAP:普通股成员2024-03-31 0001409269US-GAAP:资本额外付款成员2024-03-31 0001409269US-GAAP:留存收益成员2024-03-31 0001409269US-GAAP:非控股权益成员2024-03-31 00014092692024-03-31 0001409269vero:2022年定向增发成员美国通用会计准则:优先股会员2024-04-012024-06-30 0001409269vero:多档定向增发2023会员美国通用会计准则:优先股会员2024-04-012024-06-30 0001409269vero:2023年X系列定向增发会员美国通用会计准则:优先股会员2024-04-012024-06-30 0001409269vero:2024年Y系列定向增发会员美国通用会计准则:优先股会员2024-04-012024-06-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:普通股会员2024-04-012024-06-30 0001409269us-gaap:附加资本成员2024-04-012024-06-30 0001409269us-gaap:留存收益成员2024-04-012024-06-30 0001409269us-gaap:非控制权益成员2024-04-012024-06-30 00014092692024-04-012024-06-30 0001409269vero:2022年定向增发成员us-gaap:优先股成员2024-06-30 0001409269vero:2023年多档定向增发成员us-gaap:优先股成员2024-06-30 0001409269vero:2023年X系列定向增发成员美国通用会计准则:优先股成员2024-06-30 0001409269vero:2024年Y系列定向增发成员美国通用会计准则:优先股成员2024-06-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:普通股成员2024-06-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:股本超额支付成员2024-06-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员2024-06-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:非控股权益成员2024-06-30 00014092692024-06-30 0001409269vero:2022年定向增发成员us-gaap:优先股份成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269vero : Multitranche定向增发2023成员us-gaap:优先股份成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269vero : 2023年X系列定向增发成员us-gaap:优先股份成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269vero : 2024年Y系列定向增发成员us-gaap:优先股份成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:普通股份成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:股本公积金成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:非控股权益成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:2022定向增发成员美国通用会计准则:优先股成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:多级定向增发2023成员美国通用会计准则:优先股成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:2023 X系列定向增发成员us-gaap:优先股成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:2024年Y系列定向增发成员us-gaap:优先股成员2024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:普通股成员2024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:股本溢价成员2024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:留存收益成员2024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:非控股权益成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:2022年定向增发成员us-gaap:优先股成员2022-12-31 0001409269vero:多档定向增发2023成员us-gaap:优先股成员2022-12-31 0001409269us-gaap:普通股成员2022-12-31 0001409269us-gaap:股本超越额成员2022-12-31 0001409269us-gaap:留存收益成员2022-12-31 0001409269us-gaap:非控制股权成员2022-12-31 0001409269vero:2022定向增发成员美国通用会计准则:优先股成员2023-01-012023-03-31 0001409269vero:多级定向增发2023会员美国通用会计准则:优先股成员2023-01-012023-03-31 0001409269美国通用会计准则:普通股成员2023-01-012023-03-31 0001409269美国通用会计准则:股本溢价成员2023-01-012023-03-31 0001409269美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员2023-01-012023-03-31 0001409269美国通用会计准则:非控股权益成员2023-01-012023-03-31 0001409269us-gaap:会计准则更新201613成员srt : 采用调整的累积效应期间成员美国通用会计准则:普通股份成员2022-12-31 0001409269美国通用会计准则更新2016年第13号成员srt:累计影响期采用调整成员美国通用会计准则:额外认缴资本成员2022-12-31 0001409269美国通用会计准则更新2016年第13号成员srt:累计影响期采用调整成员美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员2022-12-31 0001409269us-gaap:AccountingStandardsUpdate201613Membersrt : Cumulative Effect Period Of Adoption Adjustment Memberus-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2022-12-31 0001409269vero : The 2022 Private Placement Memberus-gaap:PreferredStockMember2023-03-31 0001409269vero : Multitranche Private Placement 2023 Memberus-gaap:PreferredStockMember2023-03-31 0001409269us-gaap:CommonStockMember2023-03-31 0001409269美元指数:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-03-31 0001409269美元指数:RetainedEarningsMember2023-03-31 0001409269美元指数:NoncontrollingInterestMember2023-03-31 0001409269vero:2022年定向增发会员美元指数:PreferredStockMember2023-04-012023-06-30 0001409269vero:2023年多档次定向增发会员美元指数:PreferredStockMember2023-04-012023-06-30 0001409269美元指数:CommonStockMember2023-04-012023-06-30 0001409269美元指数:股东投入资本增值2023-04-012023-06-30 0001409269美元指数:留存收益2023-04-012023-06-30 0001409269美元指数:非控股权益2023-04-012023-06-30 0001409269vero : 2022年定向增发项目美元指数:优先股2023-06-30 0001409269vero : 多级定向增发2023项目美元指数:优先股2023-06-30 0001409269美元指数:普通股份2023-06-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:股东附加付资2023-06-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:留存收益2023-06-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:非控股权益2023-06-30 0001409269vero:2022年定向增发会员美国通用会计准则:优先股会员2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269vero:2023年多窗口定向增发会员美国通用会计准则:优先股会员2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:普通股会员2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269美元指数:股本溢价2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269美元指数:留存收益2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269美元指数:非控制利益2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269vero:2022定向增发会员美元指数:优先股会员2023-09-30 0001409269vero:2023多档定向增发会员美元指数:优先股会员2023-09-30 0001409269美元指数:普通股会员2023-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:AdditionalPaidInCapitalMember2023-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:RetainedEarningsMember2023-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:NoncontrollingInterestMember2023-09-30 00014092692022-12-31 00014092692023-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:员工股票期权成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:EmployeeStockOptionMember2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269美元指数:绩效股份会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:PerformanceSharesMember2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269vero : Shares Reserved For Convertible Notes Member2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:预留给可转换票据会员的股份2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:认股权证会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:权证会员2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269vero:保证投资证书会员US-GAAP:公允价值输入级别1成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:保证投资证书会员us-gaap:公允价值输入水平2成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:保证投资证书会员美国通用会计准则:公允价值输入Level3成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:保证投资证书会员2024-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:公允价值输入1级会员2024-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:公允价值输入2级会员2024-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:公允价值输入3级会员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:保证投资证书会员美国通用会计准则:公允价值输入1级会员2023-12-31 0001409269vero:保证投资证书会员us-gaap:公允价值输入水平2成员2023-12-31 0001409269真保:有保障的投资证书会员美国通用会计准则:公允价值输入Level3成员2023-12-31 0001409269真保:有保障的投资证书会员2023-12-31 0001409269US-GAAP:公允价值输入级别1成员2023-12-31 0001409269us-gaap:公允价值输入级别2会员2023-12-31 0001409269us-gaap:公允价值输入级别3会员2023-12-31 utr:M 0001409269vero:净融资应收款减免会员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:净融资应收款减免会员2024-09-30 00014092692023-01-012023-12-31 utr:是 0001409269us-gaap: 工具,模具和模具成员srt:最小成员2024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:工具、模具和模具成员srt:最大成员2024-09-30 0001409269美元指数:办公设备成员srt:最小成员2024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:办公设备成员srt:最大成员2024-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:租赁改善成员srt:最大成员2024-09-30 0001409269美元指数:计算机设备成员2024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:车辆成员srt:最小成员2024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:VehiclesMembersrt : Maximum Member2024-09-30 0001409269vero : Demo Units Member2024-09-30 xbrli:纯形 0001409269us-gaap:客户关系成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero : Brand Member2024-09-30 0001409269vero : Technology Member2024-09-30 0001409269vero : Supplier Agreement Member2024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:CustomerRelationshipsMember2023-12-31 0001409269vero : Brand Member2023-12-31 0001409269vero : Technology Member2023-12-31 0001409269vero : Supplier Agreement Member2023-12-31 0001409269vero : Contract Manufacturers Member2024-09-30 0001409269vero : Open Purchase Order Member2024-09-30 0001409269vero : MSLP Note Member2020-12-08 0001409269vero : MSLP Note Member2020-12-082020-12-08 0001409269MSLP Note成员伦敦银行同业拆借利率成员2020-12-082020-12-08 0001409269MSLP Note成员美国通用会计原则: 债务工具赎回期一成员2020-12-082020-12-08 0001409269MSLP Note成员美国通用会计原则: 债务工具赎回期二成员2020-12-082020-12-08 0001409269MSLP Note成员美国通用会计准则:债务工具赎回期间二成员2023-10-042023-10-04 0001409269vero:MSLP注记成员美国会计准则:担保隔夜融资利率Sofr会员2023-10-042023-10-04 0001409269vero:MSLP注记成员转换2024-05-242024-05-24 0001409269vero:债务转换为新注记成员2024-05-242024-05-24 0001409269vero:债务转换为Y系列可转换优先股注记成员2024-05-242024-05-24 0001409269vero:债务转换为Y系列可转换优先股注记成员2024-05-24 0001409269vero:2024年第二交换协议成员2024-09-262024-09-26 0001409269vero:MSLP注记成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero: 马德林信贷协议成员2020-12-092020-12-09 0001409269vero: 马德林债券持有人成员vero: 担保次级可转换票据持有人2020-12-09 0001409269vero: 马德林债券持有人成员vero: 从马德林债券持有人未偿债务转为可转换工具成员vero: X系列可转换优先股成员2023-10-042023-10-04 0001409269vero: 马德林债券持有人成员vero: 从马德林债券持有人未偿债务转为可转换工具成员vero:Seria X可转换优先股成员2023-10-04 0001409269vero:Seria X可转换优先股成员2023-10-04 0001409269vero:Madryn持票人成员vero:担保次级可转换票据成员2023-10-04 0001409269vero:Madryn持票人成员vero:担保次级可转换票据成员2023-10-042023-10-04 0001409269vero:Madryn持票人成员vero:担保次级可转换票据成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:Madryn债券持有人会员vero:担保的次级可转换债券会员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:Madryn债券持有人会员vero:担保的次级可转换债券会员2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269vero:Madryn债券持有人会员vero:担保的次级可转换债券会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:Madryn债券持有人会员vero:担保的次级可转换债券会员2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269vero:担保次级可转换票据会员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:过桥融资会员vero:马德林债券持有人会员2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269vero:过桥融资会员vero:马德林债券持有人会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:过桥融资会员vero:马德林债券持有人会员2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269vero:过桥融资会员vero:Madryn债券持有人成员2024-04-23 0001409269vero:桥梁融资成员vero:Madryn债券持有人成员2024-07-262024-07-26 0001409269vero:桥梁融资成员vero:Madryn债券持有人成员2024-07-29 0001409269vero:桥梁融资成员vero:Madryn债券持有人成员2024-09-112024-09-11 0001409269vero:桥梁融资成员维罗:Madryn债券持有人成员2024-09-30 0001409269维罗:桥梁融资成员维罗:Madryn债券持有人成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269美元指数:循环信用设施成员维罗:佛罗里达市民国家银行成员2020-12-09 0001409269us-gaap:循环信贷设施成员维罗:佛罗里达市民国家银行成员2021-08-26 0001409269us-gaap:循环信贷设施成员vero:美国佛罗里达城市国家银行成员2021-08-262021-08-26 00014092692021-08-262021-08-26 0001409269vero:CNB 注册会员vero:美国佛罗里达城市国家银行成员2021-08-26 0001409269vero:CNB 注册会员vero:美国佛罗里达城市国家银行成员2021-08-262021-08-26 0001409269vero:2024年票据会员vero:EW 投资者会员2024-01-182024-01-18 00014092692024-01-182024-01-18 0001409269vero:2024年票据会员vero:EW Investors会员2024-01-18 0001409269vero:2024年票据会员vero:EW Investors会员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:2024年票据会员vero:EW Investors会员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:2024年票据会员vero:EW Investors会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269美元指数:优先股成员2024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:优先股成员2023-12-31 0001409269vero:无表决权优先股成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:无表决权优先股成员2023-12-31 0001409269vero:林肯公园成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:林肯公园成员2023-12-31 0001409269vero:马德林债券持有人成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:马德林债券持有人成员2023-12-31 0001409269vero:EW投资者成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:定向增发投资者成员2023-12-31 0001409269vero:股票逆向分割成员srt:最少成员2023-05-102023-05-10 0001409269vero:股票逆向分割成员srt:最多成员2023-05-102023-05-10 0001409269vero:股票逆向分割成员2023-05-012023-05-11 0001409269vero:林肯公园成员vero:股权购买协议成员2020-06-16 0001409269vero:林肯公园会员vero:股权购买协议会员2020-06-172022-06-30 0001409269vero:林肯公园会员vero:股权购买协议会员2022-06-30 0001409269vero:林肯公园会员vero:股权购买协议会员2022-01-012022-12-31 0001409269vero:林肯公园会员vero:股权购买协议会员2022-12-31 0001409269vero: 林肯公园会员vero: LPC购买协议2022会员2022-07-12 0001409269vero: 林肯公园会员vero: LPC购买协议2022会员2022-07-122022-07-12 0001409269vero: 林肯公园会员vero: LPC购买协议2022会员2022-08-012023-12-31 0001409269vero: 林肯公园会员vero: LPC购买协议2022会员2023-12-31 0001409269vero:林肯公园会员vero:LPC购买协议2022会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:林肯公园会员vero:LPC购买协议2022会员2024-09-30 0001409269US-GAAP:普通股会员vero:2022年定向增发会员2022-11-012022-11-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:普通股会员vero:2022年定向增发会员2022-11-30 0001409269美国通用会计原则:可转换优先股成员vero:2022年定向增发会员2022-11-012022-11-30 0001409269us-gaap:可转换优先股会员vero:2022年定向增发会员2022-11-30 0001409269vero:2022年定向增发会员2022-11-012022-11-30 0001409269vero:投票优先股会员2022-11-30 0001409269vero:投票优先股会员2022-11-012022-11-30 0001409269vero:2023年多期定向增发会员2023-05-31 0001409269vero:高级优先股成员vero:2023年多梯 Private Placement 成员2023-05-31 0001409269vero:高级优先股成员vero:2023年多梯定向增发成员2023-05-152023-05-15 0001409269vero:高级优先股成员2023-05-15 0001409269vero:高级优先股成员vero:2023年多梯定向增发成员2023-07-122023-07-12 0001409269vero:高级优先股成员vero:2023年多档次定向增发会员2023-09-082023-09-08 0001409269vero:高级优先股会员vero:2023年多档次定向增发会员2023-10-202023-10-20 0001409269vero:X系列可转换优先股会员2023-10-042023-10-04 0001409269vero:Y系列可转换优先股会员2024-05-24 0001409269vero:Y系列可转换优先股会员2024-09-26 0001409269vero:注册直接发行会员2024-02-222024-02-27 0001409269vero:注册直接发行会员2024-02-27 0001409269vero:2024年投资者权证会员2024-02-27 0001409269srt:最大会员vero:注册直接发行会员2024-02-27 0001409269vero:Hc Wainwright Co Llc会员vero:注册直接发行会员2024-02-27 0001409269vero:定向增发代理权证会员vero:Hc Wainwright Co Llc会员2024-02-27 0001409269vero:2010年股票期权计划会员2010-11-012010-11-30 0001409269vero:2010年股票期权计划成员2017-11-012017-11-30 0001409269vero:2010年股票期权计划成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:2010年股票期权计划成员2023-12-31 0001409269vero:2019年计划成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:2019年计划成员2023-12-31 0001409269vero:2019年计划成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:销售成本成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:销售成本成员2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:销售成本成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:销售成本项目2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269美元指数:销售和市场费用会员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:销售和市场营销费用项目2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:销售和市场营销费用项目2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:销售和市场营销费用项目2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269美元指数:一般和管理性费用成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269美国通用会计准则:一般和行政费用项目2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:GeneralAndAdministrativeExpenseMember2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:GeneralAndAdministrativeExpenseMember2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269美元指数:研发费用成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:ResearchAndDevelopmentExpenseMember2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:ResearchAndDevelopmentExpenseMember2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:ResearchAndDevelopmentExpenseMember2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269srt:最小成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269srt:最大成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269vero:单一成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:单一成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:双重成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:双重成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:三重成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:三重成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:四重成员2024-09-30 0001409269vero:四重成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269真实:范围五成员2024-09-30 0001409269真实:范围五成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269国家:美国2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269国家:美国2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269国家:美国2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269国家:美国2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269美元指数:非美国成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:非美国成员2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269美元指数: 非美国成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269美元指数: 非美国成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269国家: 美国2024-09-30 0001409269美元指数: 非美国成员2024-09-30 0001409269国家: 美国2023-12-31 0001409269美元指数: 非美国成员2023-12-31 0001409269vero : 系统成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269vero : 系统成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:系统成员2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269vero:系统成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269美元指数:产品成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:产品成员2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:产品成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:产品成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:服务成员2024-07-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:服务成员2023-07-012023-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:服务成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269us-gaap:服务成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269vero : 高级主管成员vero : Technicalbiomed Co Ltd Tbc 成员2018-01-01 0001409269vero : Technicalbiomed Co Ltd Tbc 成员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269vero : Technicalbiomed Co Ltd Tbc 成员2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269vero : Venus Concept Singapore Pte Ltd Venus Singapore 成员2020-01-012020-12-31 0001409269vero : 高级主管成员维纲:维纳斯概念新加坡有限公司 维纳斯新加坡会员2021-01-01 0001409269维纲:维纳斯概念新加坡有限公司 维纳斯新加坡会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269维纲:维纳斯概念新加坡有限公司 维纳斯新加坡会员2023-01-012023-09-30 0001409269维纲:桥梁融资会员维纲:马德林债券持有人会员美国通用会计准则:后续事项成员2024-11-012024-11-01 0001409269维纲:MSLP注会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269维纲:马德林长期负债和可转换债券会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:担保下级可转换票据会员2024-01-012024-09-30 0001409269vero:2024年票据会员2024-01-012024-09-30





表格 10-Q













Venus Concept公司。







235 Yorkland Blvd.,900号套房

多伦多, 安大略省 M2J 4Y8

(877) 848-8430

(Address including zip code, and telephone number including area code, of registrant的主要行政办公室)



根据法案第12(b)条注册的证券: 根据法案第12(g)条注册的证券:NONE。











这个 纳斯达克资本市场


请勾选表示注册公司(1)在过去的12个月内(或该注册公司所必须提交的较短期间)已提交证券交易法案第13或15(d)节要求提交的所有报告,以及(2)已成为过去90天以来的提交要求 。是的☒  不选  ☐


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如果是新兴成长公司,请在复核者处标明勾选符号,说明注册者是否选择不使用依据证券交易法第13(a)条规定提供的任何新的或修订后的财务会计准则的扩展过渡期。 ☐


请勾选以下内容。申报人是否是外壳公司(根据证券交易法规则12b-2定义)。    是      否  ☒


截至2024年11月7日,注册公司持有 7,255,277 英顺为你发行了股票。英顺 每股面值为$0.0001的普通股,持有量。














项目 1。





















Item 2.












项目 1。



















































 $4,489  $5,396 

应收账款净额为4,133 and $7,415 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,分别

  21,102   29,151 


  18,904   23,072 


  1,002   1,298 


  4,508   5,604 


  1,213   1,925 


  51,218   66,446 




  8,865   11,318 


  1,292   1,032 


  426   573 


  1,038   1,322 


  3,591   4,517 


  5,846   8,446 


  21,058   27,208 


 $72,276  $93,654 






 $7,120   9,038 


  10,674   12,437 




  200   4,155 


  663   366 


  1,027   1,468 


  1,072   1,029 


  915   1,076 


  1,407   1,590 


  27,467   31,159 




  30,025   70,790 


  464   634 




  394   671 


  269   334 


  2,333   3,162 


  696   338 


  34,181   75,944 


  61,648   107,103 

承诺和 contingencies(见注释 9)




普通股,每股面值$0.0001股份在2023年9月30日和2022年12月31日分别授权;300,000,000 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,已授权股票数量为 7,255,2775,529,149 截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,已发行和流通

  30   30 


  311,012   247,854 


  (300,934)  (261,903)


  10,108   (14,019)


  520   570 
   10,628   (13,449)


 $72,276  $93,654 






























  $ 2,684     $ 4,368     $ 10,732     $ 14,440  


    12,323       13,248       38,336       43,782  
      15,007       17,616       49,068       58,222  




    651       1,183       2,538       3,633  


    4,435       4,248       13,113       14,485  
      5,086       5,431       15,651       18,118  


    9,921       12,185       33,417       40,104  




    6,654       6,907       21,076       23,319  


    8,732       10,115       27,640       30,933  


    1,692       1,925       5,214       6,527  


    17,078       18,947       53,930       60,779  


    (7,157 )     (6,762 )     (20,513 )     (20,675 )




    57       909       1,155       379  


    1,665       1,605       5,785       4,666  


          1             77  


    454             11,355        


    (9,333 )     (9,277 )     (38,808 )     (25,797 )


    (31 )     (321 )     147       103  


  $ (9,302 )   $ (8,956 )   $ (38,955 )   $ (25,900 )


  $ (9,286 )   $ (9,068 )   $ (39,031 )   $ (26,134 )


  $ (16 )   $ 112     $ 76     $ 234  




  $ (1.28 )   $ (1.64 )   $ (5.96 )   $ (4.83 )


  $ (1.28 )   $ (1.64 )   $ (5.96 )   $ (4.83 )




    7,255       5,527       6,547       5,413  


    7,255       5,527       6,547       5,413  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.







Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss


(in thousands)



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,










Net loss

  $ (9,302 )   $ (8,956 )   $ (38,955 )   $ (25,900 )

Loss attributable to stockholders of the Company

    (9,286 )     (9,068 )     (39,031 )     (26,134 )

Income (loss) attributable to non-controlling interest

    (16 )     112       76       234  

Comprehensive loss

  $ (9,302 )   $ (8,956 )   $ (38,955 )   $ (25,900 )


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.








Condensed Consolidated Statements of Stockholders Equity (Deficit)


(in thousands, except share data)


            Preferred Shares                    

Common Stock


2022 Private Placement Shares*

    2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement Shares*    

2023 Series X Private Placement Shares*


2024 Series Y Private Placement Shares*





    Additional Paid-in-Capital    

Accumulated Deficit

    Non-controlling Interest    

Total Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)


Balance — January 1, 2024

    3,185,000       1,575,810       256,356             5,529,149     $ 30     $ 247,854     $ (261,903 )   $ 570     $ (13,449 )

Issuance of common stock

                            8,333       0*       10                   10  

2024 Registered Direct Offering shares and warrants, net of costs

                            817,748             977                   977  

2023 Series X Private Placement shares dividends


Net loss — the Company

                                              (9,794 )           (9,794 )

Net income — non-controlling interest

                                                    5       5  

Stock-based compensation

                                        339                   339  

Balance — March 31, 2024

    3,185,000       1,575,810       264,368             6,355,230     $ 30     $ 249,180     $ (271,697 )   $ 575     $ (21,912 )

Exchange of MSLP Loan for Series Y Private Placement shares

                      576,986                   45,901                   45,901  

Conversion of 2022 Private Placement shares

    (1,350,000 )                       900,047       0*                         -  

2023 Series X Private Placement shares dividends

                8,025                                           -  

Net loss — the Company

                                              (19,951 )           (19,951 )

Net loss — non-controlling interest

                                                    87       87  

Stock-based compensation

                                        239                   239  

Balance — June 30, 2024

    1,835,000       1,575,810       272,393       576,986       7,255,277     $ 30     $ 295,320     $ (291,648 )   $ 662     $ 4,364  

Exchange of MSLP Loan for Series Y Private Placement shares

                      203,583                   15,453                   15,453  

2023 Series X Private Placement shares dividends

                8,757                                           -  

Net loss — the Company

                                              (9,286 )           (9,286 )

Net loss -- non-controlling interest

                                                    (16 )     (16 )

Dividends from subsidiaries

                                                    (126 )     (126 )

Stock-based compensation

                                        239                   239  

Balance — September 30, 2024

    1,835,000       1,575,810       281,150       780,569       7,255,277     $ 30     $ 311,012     $ (300,934 )   $ 520     $ 10,628  



Preferred Shares


Common Stock


2022 Private Placement Shares*


2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement Shares*






Additional Paid-in-Capital


Accumulated Deficit


Non-controlling Interest


Total Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)


Balance — January 1, 2023

    3,185,000             5,161,374     $ 29     $ 232,169     $ (224,105 )   $ 645     $ 8,738  

Restricted share units vested

                22,000       0*                          

Issuance of common stock

                224,378       1       744                   745  

Adoption of ASC 326

                                  (548 )           (548 )

Net loss — the Company

                                  (9,657 )           (9,657 )

Net income — non-controlling interest

                                        34       34  

Stock-based compensation

                            481                   481  

Balance — March 31, 2023

    3,185,000             5,407,752     $ 30     $ 233,394     $ (234,310 )   $ 679     $ (207 )

2023 Private Placement shares, net of costs

          280,899                   1,206                   1,206  

Beneficial conversion feature

                            427                   427  

Issuance of common stock

                118,729             71                   71  

Net loss — the Company

                                  (7,409 )           (7,409 )

Net loss — non-controlling interest

                                        88       88  

Dividends from subsidiaries

                                        (87 )     (87 )

Stock-based compensation

                            369                   369  

Balance — June 30, 2023

    3,185,000       280,899       5,526,481     $ 30     $ 235,467     $ (241,719 )   $ 680     $ (5,542 )

Restricted share units vested

                2,668                               -  

2023 Private Placement shares, net of costs

          792,398                   1,524                   1,524  

Beneficial conversion feature

                            1,232                   1,232  

Net loss — the Company

                                  (9,068 )           (9,068 )

Net income — non-controlling interest

                                        112       112  

Stock-based compensation

                            364                   364  

Balance — September 30, 2023

    3,185,000       1,073,297       5,529,149     $ 30     $ 238,587     $ (250,787 )   $ 792     $ (11,378 )


*: Presented as $0 due to rounding.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.







Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


(in thousands)



Nine Months Ended September 30,








Net loss

  $ (38,955 )   $ (25,900 )

Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities:


Depreciation and amortization

    2,924       3,042  

Stock-based compensation

    817       1,214  

Provision for expected credit losses

    869       1,263  

Provision for inventory obsolescence

    950       760  

Finance expenses and accretion

    4,150       1,310  

Deferred tax expense (recovery)

    (275 )     14  

Loss on sale of subsidiary


Loss on extinguishment of debt


Loss (gain) on disposal of property and equipment

    2       (1 )

Changes in operating assets and liabilities:


Accounts receivable short-term and long-term

    9,914       11,146  


    3,218       (246 )

Prepaid expenses

    296       527  

Advances to suppliers

    1,096       128  

Other current assets

    712       1,268  

Operating right-of-use assets, net

    926       1,215  

Other long-term assets

    (281 )     (380 )

Trade payables

    (1,607 )     (913 )

Accrued expenses and other current liabilities

    (1,583 )     (4,483 )

Current operating lease liabilities

    (183 )     (292 )

Severance pay funds

    147       148  

Unearned interest income

    (718 )     (960 )

Long-term operating lease liabilities

    (829 )     (917 )

Other long-term liabilities

    (204 )     (105 )

Net cash used in operating activities

    (7,259 )     (12,085 )



Purchases of property and equipment

    (43 )     (89 )

Net cash used in investing activities

    (43 )     (89 )



Proceeds from issuance of common stock

    10       1,109  

2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement, net of costs of $491


2024 Registered Direct Offering shares and warrants, net of costs of $222


Dividends from subsidiaries paid to non-controlling interest

    (126 )     (87 )

Proceeds from Short-Term Bridge Financing from Madryn, net of costs of $310


2024 Convertible Notes issued to EW, net of costs of $393


Net cash provided by financing activities

    6,395       5,531  


    (907 )     (6,643 )


    5,396       11,569  


  $ 4,489     $ 4,926  



Cash paid for income taxes

  $ 98     $ 90  

Cash paid for interest

  $ 1,633     $ 3,356  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.





Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


(in thousands, unless otherwise noted, except share and per share data)





Venus Concept Inc. is a global medical technology company that develops, commercializes, and sells minimally invasive and non-invasive medical aesthetic and hair restoration technologies and related services. The Company's systems have been designed on cost-effective, proprietary and flexible platforms that enable it to expand beyond the aesthetic industry’s traditional markets of dermatology and plastic surgery, and into non-traditional markets, including family and general practitioners and aesthetic medical spas. The Company was incorporated in the state of Delaware on November 22, 2002. In these notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements, the “Company,” “Venus Concept,” “our,” and “we,” refer to Venus Concept Inc. and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis.


Review of Strategic Alternatives


On January 24, 2024, the Company announced that the Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board”) is evaluating potential strategic alternatives to maximize shareholder value. As part of the process, the Board is considering a full range of strategic alternatives, which may include one or more financings, mergers, reverse mergers, other business combinations, sales of assets, licensings or other transactions.


There can be no assurance that the evaluation of strategic alternatives will result in any transaction, nor can there be any assurance regarding any transaction’s timing or ultimate outcome. The Company has not set a timetable for completion of the process and does not intend to disclose developments related to the process unless and until the Company executes a definitive agreement with respect thereto, or the Board otherwise determines that further disclosure is appropriate or required.


Going Concern


The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which contemplates the realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business for the foreseeable future, and, as such, the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts or amounts and classification of liabilities that might be necessary should the Company be unable to continue in existence.


The Company has had recurring net operating losses and negative cash flows from operations. As of  September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Company had an accumulated deficit of $300,934 and $261,903, respectively, though, the Company was in compliance with all required covenants as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023. The Company’s recurring losses from operations and negative cash flows raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern within 12 months from the date that the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements are issued. The global economy, including the financial and credit markets, has recently experienced extreme volatility and disruptions, including increasing inflation rates, rising interest rates, foreign currency impacts, declines in consumer confidence, and declines in economic growth. All these factors point to uncertainty about economic stability, and the severity and duration of these conditions on our business cannot be predicted, and the Company cannot assure that it will remain in compliance with the financial covenants contained within its credit facilities. 


In order to continue its operations, the Company must achieve profitable operations and/or obtain additional equity or debt financing. Until the Company achieves profitability, management plans to fund its operations and capital expenditures with cash on hand, borrowings, and issuance of capital stock. Until the Company generates revenue at a level to support its cost structure, the Company expects to continue to incur substantial operating losses and net cash outflows from operating activities.


Given the economic uncertainty in U.S. and international markets, the Company cannot anticipate the extent to which the current financial market conditions will continue to adversely impact the Company’s business and the Company may need additional capital to fund its future operations and to access the capital markets sooner than planned. There can be no assurance that the Company will be successful in raising additional capital or that such capital, if available, will be on terms that are acceptable to the Company. If the Company is unable to raise sufficient additional capital, it may be compelled to reduce the scope of its operations and planned capital expenditures or sell certain assets, including intellectual property assets. These unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts or amounts and classification of liabilities that might result from the uncertainty. Such adjustments could be material.


The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which contemplates the realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business for the foreseeable future, and, as such, the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts or amounts and classification of liabilities that might be necessary should the Company be unable to continue in existence.






Basis of Presentation


The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (“U.S. GAAP”) and with the instructions to Form 10-Q and Article 10 of Regulation S-X. Accordingly, they do not include all of the information and footnotes required by U.S. GAAP for complete financial statements. These unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Company’s audited consolidated financial statements included in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on April 1, 2024. In the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting only of normal recurring adjustments) considered necessary for fair presentation have been included. Operating results for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the year ending December 31, 2024. For further information, refer to the consolidated financial statements and footnotes thereto included in Item 8 of the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K.


The preparation of these condensed consolidated financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting periods. Actual results could differ materially from those estimates. The Company assessed certain accounting matters that generally require consideration of forecasted financial information in context with the information reasonably available to the Company as of September 30, 2024 and through the date of this report filing. The accounting matters assessed included, but were not limited to, the allowance for expected credit losses and the carrying value of intangible and long-lived assets.


Amounts reported in thousands within this report are computed based on the amounts in U.S. dollars. As a result, the sum of the components reported in thousands may not equal the total amount reported in thousands due to rounding. Certain columns and rows within tables may not add due to the use of rounded numbers. Percentages presented are calculated from the underlying numbers in dollars.


Accounting Policies


The accounting policies the Company follows are set forth in the Company’s audited consolidated financial statements for fiscal year 2023. For further information, refer to the consolidated financial statements and footnotes thereto included in Item 8 of the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K. There have been no material changes to these accounting policies.


Recently Adopted Accounting Standards 


In  August 2020, the FASB issued ASU No. 2020-06 (“ASU 2020-06”): Debt—Debt with Conversion and Other Options (Subtopic 470-20) and Derivatives and Hedging—Contracts in Entity’s Own Equity (Subtopic 815-40). ASU 2020-06 reduces the number of accounting models for convertible debt instruments by eliminating the cash conversion and beneficial conversion models. The diluted net income per share calculation for convertible instruments will require the Company to use the if-converted method. For contracts in an entity’s own equity, the type of contracts primarily affected by this update are freestanding and embedded features that are accounted for as derivatives under the current guidance due to a failure to meet the settlement conditions of the derivative scope exception. This update simplifies the related settlement assessment by removing the requirements to (i) consider whether the contract would be settled in registered shares, (ii) consider whether collateral is required to be posted, and (iii) assess shareholder rights. ASU 2020-06 is effective for the Company on  January 1, 2024, with early adoption permitted. ASU No. 2020-06 can be adopted on either a fully retrospective or modified retrospective basis. On  January 1, 2024, the adoption of ASU 2020-06 did not have a material impact on the Company’s condensed consolidated financial statements or disclosures.


Recently Issued Accounting Standards Not Yet Adopted


In October 2023, the FASB issued ASU No. 2023-06 ("ASU 2023-06") Disclosure Improvements: Codification Amendments in Response to the SEC’s Disclosure Update and Simplification Initiative. This ASU was issued to clarify or improve disclosure and presentation requirements of a variety of topics, which will allow users to more easily compare entities subject to the SEC's existing disclosures with those entities that were not previously subject to the requirements, and align the requirements in the FASB accounting standard codification with the SEC's regulations. The ASU will become effective prospectively on the earlier of the date on which the SEC removes its disclosure requirements for the related disclosure or June 30, 2027. The Company is currently evaluating the provisions of the amendments and the impact on its future consolidated statements.


In November 2023, the FASB issued ASU No. 2023-07 ("ASU 2023-07") Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures. The new standard requires the disclosure of the Company’s Chief Operating Decision Maker (CODM), expanded incremental line-item disclosures of significant segment expenses used by the CODM for decision-making, and the inclusion of previous annual only segment disclosure requirements on a quarterly basis. This ASU must be applied on a retrospective basis to all prior periods presented in the financial statements. This pronouncement is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2023, and interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024. The Company is currently assessing the impact of applying this guidance.


In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU No. 2023-09 ("ASU 2023-09") Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures. The guidance requires entities to disclose disaggregated information about their effective tax rate reconciliation as well as information on income taxes paid. The disclosure requirements will be applied on a prospective basis, with the option to apply it retrospectively. This pronouncement is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024 and early adoption is permitted. The Company is currently assessing the impact of applying this guidance.






Net Loss Per Share


Basic net loss per share is calculated by dividing net loss by the weighted-average number of shares of common stock outstanding during the period, without consideration for common stock equivalents. Diluted net loss per share is computed by dividing net loss by the weighted-average number of common stock equivalents outstanding for the period determined using the treasury-stock method. For purposes of this calculation, common stock warrants and stock options are considered to be common stock equivalents and are only included in the calculation of diluted net loss per share when their effect is dilutive.


The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted net loss and the weighted average number of shares used in computing basic and diluted net loss per share (in thousands, except per share data):



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,












Net loss

  $ (9,302 )   $ (8,956 )   $ (38,955 )   $ (25,900 )

Net loss allocated to stockholders of the Company

  $ (9,286 )   $ (9,068 )   $ (39,031 )   $ (26,134 )



Weighted-average shares of common stock outstanding used in computing net loss per share, basic

    7,255       5,527       6,547       5,413  

Weighted-average shares of common stock outstanding used in computing net loss per share, diluted

    7,255       5,527       6,547       5,413  

Net loss per share:



  $ (1.28 )   $ (1.64 )   $ (5.96 )   $ (4.83 )


  $ (1.28 )   $ (1.64 )   $ (5.96 )   $ (4.83 )


Due to the net loss, all the outstanding shares of common stock equivalents were excluded from the calculation of diluted net loss per share attributable to common stockholders for the quarters ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 because including them would have been antidilutive: 



September 30, 2024


September 30, 2023


Options to purchase common stock

    993,327       1,000,079  

Preferred stock

    86,294,014       4,985,608  

Shares reserved for convertible notes

    2,853,024       570,088  

Warrants for common stock

    1,936,920       1,061,930  

Total potential dilutive shares

    92,077,285       7,617,705  





Financial assets and financial liabilities are initially recognized at fair value when the Company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the financial instrument. Subsequently, all financial instruments are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.


The financial instruments of the Company consist of cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, accounts receivable, long-term receivables, lines of credit, trade payables, accrued expenses and other current liabilities, note payable, other long-term liabilities and long-term debt. In view of their nature, the fair value of these financial instruments approximates their carrying amounts.


The Company measures the fair value of its financial assets and financial liabilities using the fair value hierarchy. A financial instrument’s classification within the fair value hierarchy is based upon the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement. The accounting guidance establishes a three-tiered hierarchy, which prioritizes the inputs used in the valuation methodologies in measuring fair value:


Level 1 – Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.


Level 2 – Inputs other than Level 1 that are observable, either directly or indirectly, such as quoted prices in markets that are not active, or other inputs that are observable or can be corroborated by observable market data for substantially the full term of the assets or liabilities.


Level 3 – Unobservable inputs that are supported by little or no market activity and that are significant to the fair value of the assets or liabilities.


Guaranteed investment certificates are classified within Level 2 as the Company uses alternative pricing sources and models utilizing market observable inputs for valuation.


The Company's convertible note (see Note 13) contains an embedded derivative feature that was required to be bifurcated and remeasured to fair value at each reporting period based on significant inputs not observable in the market, and is classified as a Level 3 measurement according to the fair value hierarchy described above. The changes in fair value recognized as a component of finance expenses. The fair value of derivative liability was determined using a probability-weighted expected return method (“PWERM”) using the “With and Without” approach (a form of an income approach). Under this approach various scenarios were considered to trigger the change of control, conversion, and redemption scenarios constituting the embedded derivative. The PWERM analysis contains inherent assumptions related to expected stock price volatility, conversion and redemption timing, and risk-free interest rate. Due to the use of significant unobservable inputs, the overall fair value measurement of the derivative liability is classified as Level 3.


The following tables set forth the fair value of the Company’s Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 financial assets and liabilities within the fair value hierarchy, and there were no transfers between Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 for the periods presented:



Fair Value Measurements as of September 30, 2024


Quoted Prices in Active Markets using Identical Assets (Level 1)


Significant Other Observable Inputs (Level 2)


Significant Unobservable Inputs (Level 3)






Guaranteed Investment Certificates

  $     $ 30     $     $ 30  

Total assets

  $     $ 30     $     $ 30  



Derivative Liability

                327       327  

Total liabilities

  $     $     $ 327     $ 327  



Fair Value Measurements as of December 31, 2023


Quoted Prices in Active Markets using Identical Assets (Level 1)


Significant Other Observable Inputs (Level 2)


Significant Unobservable Inputs (Level 3)






Guaranteed Investment Certificates

  $     $ 62     $     $ 62  

Total assets

  $     $ 62     $     $ 62  






The Company’s products may be sold under our Venus Prime program and legacy subscription model, with unencumbered title passing to the customer at the end of the lease term, which is generally 36 months. These arrangements are considered to be sales-type leases, where the present value of all cash flows to be received under the agreement is recognized upon shipment to the customer as lease revenue. Venus Prime, launched in January 2024, is a structured in-house financing program which replaces the legacy subscription program for new customers in North America.


A financing receivable is a contractual right to receive money, on demand or on fixed or determinable dates, that is recognized as an asset on the Company's unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets. The Company's financing receivables, consisting of sales-type leases, totaled $22,223 and $32,393 as of  September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, and are included in accounts receivable and long-term receivables on the unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets. The Company evaluates the credit quality of an obligor at lease inception and monitors credit quality over the term of the underlying transactions.


The Company performed an assessment of the allowance for expected credit losses as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. Based upon such assessment, the Company recorded an allowance for expected credit losses totaling $4,133 and $7,415 as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively.


A summary of the Company’s accounts receivables is presented below:



September 30,


December 31,






Gross accounts receivable

  $ 34,100     $ 47,884  

Unearned income

    (1,421 )     (2,139 )

Allowance for expected credit losses

    (4,133 )     (7,415 )
    $ 28,546     $ 38,330  

Reported as:


Current trade receivables

  $ 21,102     $ 29,151  

Current unearned interest income

    (1,027 )     (1,468 )

Long-term trade receivables

    8,865       11,318  

Long-term unearned interest income

    (394 )     (671 )
    $ 28,546     $ 38,330  


Current Venus Prime and subscription agreements are reported as part of accounts receivable. The following are the contractual commitments, net of allowance for expected credit losses, to be received by the Company over the next 5 years:



September 30,














Current financing receivables, net of allowance of $4,133

 $13,359  $13,359     $  $  $ 

Long-term financing receivables, net of allowance of $0

  8,865      6,075   2,751   39    
  $22,224  $13,359  $6,075  $2,751  $39  $ 


Accounts receivable from our Venus Prime program bear interest commensurate with the customer's credit risk. Accounts receivable from our legacy subscription model do not bear interest and are typically not collateralized. The Company performs credit evaluations on new and existing customers' financial condition and maintains an allowance for expected credit losses. Uncollectible accounts are charged to expense when deemed uncollectible, and accounts receivable are presented net of an allowance for expected credit losses. Accounts receivable are deemed past due in accordance with the contractual terms of the agreement. Actual losses may differ from the Company’s estimates and could be material to its unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets, results of operations and cash flows.


The allowance for expected credit losses consisted of the following activity:


Balance at January 1, 2023

  $ 13,619  


    (7,554 )



Balance at December 31, 2023

  $ 7,415  


    (2,269 )



Balance at March 31, 2024

  $ 5,317  


    (1,429 )



Balance at June 30, 2024

  $ 4,161  


    (453 )



Balance at September 30, 2024

  $ 4,133  









Inventory consists of the following:



September 30,


December 31,






Raw materials

  $ 1,750     $ 1,949  


    1,567       2,048  

Finished goods

    15,587       19,075  

Total inventory

  $ 18,904     $ 23,072  


Additions to inventory are primarily comprised of newly produced units and applicators, refurbishment cost from demonstration units and used equipment which were reacquired during the period from upgraded sales. The Company expensed $4,637 and $13,839 in cost of goods sold in the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively. The Company expensed $5,109 and $17,009 in cost of goods sold in the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively. The balance of cost of goods sold represents the sale of applicators, parts, consumables and warranties.


The Company provides for excess and obsolete inventories when conditions indicate that the inventory cost is not recoverable due to physical deterioration, usage, obsolescence, reductions in estimated future demand and reductions in selling prices. Inventory provisions are measured as the difference between the cost of inventory and net realizable value to establish a lower cost basis for the inventories. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, a provision for obsolescence of $2,775 and $2,733 was taken against inventory, respectively.


Property and Equipment, Net


Property and equipment, net consist of the following:



Useful Lives


September 30,


December 31,


(in years)






Lab equipment tooling and molds

    410     $ 4,356     $ 4,356  

Office furniture and equipment

    610       1,227       1,223  

Leasehold improvements


up to 10

      857       854  

Computers and software

    3       956       919  


    57       51       37  

Demo units

    5       214       214  

Total property and equipment

            7,661       7,603  

Less: Accumulated depreciation

            (6,623 )     (6,281 )

Total property and equipment, net

          $ 1,038     $ 1,322  


Depreciation expense amounted to $98 and $134 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Depreciation expense was $323 and $444 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.


Other Current Assets



September 30,


December 31,






Government remittances (1)

  $ 642     $ 1,336  

Consideration receivable from subsidiaries sale

    55       85  

Sundry assets and miscellaneous

    516       504  

Total other current assets

  $ 1,213     $ 1,925  


(1Government remittances are receivables from the local tax authorities for refunds of sales taxes and income taxes.


Accrued Expenses and Other Current Liabilities



September 30,


December 31,






Payroll and related expense

  $ 1,330     $ 2,260  

Accrued expenses

    4,620       3,924  

Commission accrual

    1,851       2,385  

Sales and consumption taxes

    2,873       3,868  

Total accrued expenses and other current liabilities

  $ 10,674     $ 12,437  


Warranty Accrual


The following table provides the details of the change in the Company’s warranty accrual:



September 30,


December 31,






Balance as of the beginning of the period

  $ 1,363     $ 1,482  

Warranties issued during the period

    299       933  

Warranty costs incurred during the period

    (321 )     (1,052 )

Balance at the end of the period

  $ 1,341     $ 1,363  


    1,072       1,029  


    269       334  


  $ 1,341     $ 1,363  


Finance Expenses


The following table provides the details of the Company’s finance expenses:



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,








Interest expense

  $ 1,487     $ 1,539     $ 5,394     $ 4,469  

Change in fair value of derivative liability

                (618 )      

Accretion on long-term debt and amortization of fees

    178       66       1,009       197  

Total finance expenses

  $ 1,665     $ 1,605     $ 5,785     $ 4,666  






The following presents the various components of lease costs. 



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,










Operating lease cost

  $ 355     $ 491     $ 1,110     $ 1,494  

Total lease cost

  $ 355     $ 491     $ 1,110     $ 1,494  


The following table presents supplemental information relating to the cash flows arising from lease transactions. Cash payments related to short-term leases are not included in the measurement of operating lease liabilities, and as such, are excluded from the amounts below.



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,










Operating cash outflows from operating leases

  $ 355     $ 491     $ 1,110     $ 1,494  


The following table presents the weighted-average lease term and discount rate for operating leases. 



At September 30,






Operating leases


Weighted-average remaining lease term

    1.69 yrs.       3.12 yrs.  

Weighted-average discount rate

    4.00 %     4.00 %


The following table presents a maturity analysis of expected undiscounted cash flows for operating leases on an annual basis for the next five years and thereafter.



Years ending December 31,


Operating leases



  $ 350  











Imputed Interest (1)

    (164 )


  $ 3,740  


(1) Imputed interest represents the difference between undiscounted cash flows and cash flows.






Intangible assets net of accumulated amortization were as follows:



At September 30, 2024


Gross Amount


Accumulated Amortization


Net Amount


Customer relationships

  $ 1,400     $ (592 )   $ 808  


    2,500       (1,526 )     974  


    16,900       (13,845 )     3,055  

Supplier agreement

    3,000       (1,991 )     1,009  

Total intangible assets

  $ 23,800     $ (17,954 )   $ 5,846  



At December 31, 2023


Gross Amount


Accumulated Amortization


Net Amount


Customer relationships

  $ 1,400     $ (522 )   $ 878  


    2,500       (1,330 )     1,170  


    16,900       (11,735 )     5,165  

Supplier agreement

    3,000       (1,767 )     1,233  

Total intangible assets

  $ 23,800     $ (15,354 )   $ 8,446  


For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, amortization expense was $873 and $875, respectively. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, amortization expense was $2,600 and $2,597, respectively.


Estimated remaining amortization expense for the next five fiscal years and all years thereafter are as follows:


Years ending December 31,



  $ 873  












  $ 5,846  







As of September 30, 2024, the Company has non-cancellable purchase orders placed with its contract manufacturers in the amount of $11.7 million. In addition, as of September 30, 2024, the Company had $2.3 of open purchase orders that can be cancelled with 270 days’ notice.


Aggregate future service and purchase commitments with manufacturers as of September 30, 2024 are as follows:


Years ending December 31,


Purchase and Service Commitments



  $ 11,719  

2025 and Thereafter



  $ 11,719  







On December 8, 2020, the Company executed a loan and security agreement (the "MSLP Loan Agreement"), a promissory note (the "MSLP Note"), and related documents for a loan in the aggregate amount of $50,000 for which City National Bank of Florida (“CNB”) will serve as a lender pursuant to the Main Street Priority Loan Facility as established by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act (the “MSLP Loan”). On December 9, 2020, the MSLP Loan had been funded and the transaction was closed. The MSLP Note has a term of five years and bears interest at a rate per annum equal to 30-day LIBOR plus 3%. On December 8, 2023 and December 8, 2024, the Company must make an annual payment of principal plus accrued but unpaid interest in an amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the outstanding principal balance of the MSLP Note (inclusive of accrued but unpaid interest). The entire outstanding principal balance of the MSLP Note at maturity, together with all accrued and unpaid interest is due and payable in full on December 8, 2025. The Company may prepay the MSLP Loan at any time without incurring any prepayment penalties. The MSLP Note provides for customary events of default, including, among others, those relating to a failure to make payment, bankruptcy, breaches of representations and covenants, and the occurrence of certain events. In addition, the MSLP Loan Agreement and MSLP Note contain various covenants that limit the Company’s ability to engage in specified types of transactions. Subject to limited exceptions, these covenants limit the Company’s ability, without CNB’s consent, to, among other things, sell, lease, transfer, exclusively license or dispose of the Company’s assets, incur, create, or permit to exist additional indebtedness, or liens, to make dividends and other restricted payments, and to make certain changes to its ownership structure.


On  October 4, 2023, the Company, Venus Concept USA Inc. (“Venus USA”), Venus Concept Canada Corp. (“Venus Canada”) and Venus Concept Ltd. (“Venus Ltd.” and, together with Venus USA, Venus Canada and the Company, the "Loan Parties") entered into the Loan Modification Agreement with CNB, which modified certain terms of the MSLP Loan Agreement. The primary modifications of the MSLP Loan Modification were (i) the principal payment in the amount of 15% of the outstanding principal balance of the loan originally due December 31, 2023 is deferred until maturity, (ii) the principal payment in the amount of 15% of the outstanding principal balance of the loan originally due December 31, 2024 is reduced to 7.5% with the remainder deferred until maturity, (iii) the interest rate of the loan is reset from one-month LIBOR plus three percent (3%) to one-month term Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) plus three and one-quarter percent (3.25%), and (iv) Venus USA has assigned certain of its subscription sales contracts to CNB.


On January 18, 2024, the Company and the Guarantors entered into a Loan Modification Agreement (the “Loan Modification Agreement”) with CNB and Madryn Health Partners, LP, and certain of its affiliates (collectively, “Madryn”). The Loan Modification Agreement amends the MSLP Loan Agreement to, among other things, satisfy the 2023 Minimum Deposit Requirements (as defined in the Loan Modification Agreement) and defer the testing of the Minimum Deposit Relationship obligations set forth in the MSLP Loan Agreement for the monthly periods ending on January 31, 2024, February 28, 2024 and March 31, 2024 until April 30, 2024.


On April 23, 2024, the MSLP Loan was purchased by Madryn for an undisclosed amount from CNB with the consent of the Company. On May 24, 2024, the MSLP Loan was amended by way of a loan amendment and consent agreement (the “MSLP Loan Amendment”) with Madryn. The MSLP Loan Amendment amended the Loan Agreement to, among other things, (i) modify the May 2024 and June 2024 interest payments to be payable-in-kind, (ii) grant certain relief from the Minimum Deposit Relationship obligations through June 7, 2024.


On May 24, 2024, the Company entered into an Exchange Agreement, by and among the Company, Venus USA, and Madryn (the "2024 Exchange Agreement") whereby the Company exchanged $52,142 in aggregate principal amount outstanding under the MSLP Loan Agreement for $17,142 in aggregate principal of new secured notes (“New Secured Notes”) and 576,986 shares of newly-created convertible preferred stock of the Company, designated as "Series Y Convertible Preferred Stock." The Series Y Convertible Preferred Stock is priced at $60.66 per share, being equal to the product of (i) the average closing price (as reflected on Nasdaq.com) of the Company's common stock for the five trading days immediately preceding date of the 2024 Exchange Agreement, multiplied by (ii) 100. The New Secured Notes follow the same terms as the MSLP Loan Agreement. As part of the extinguishment of principal, the Company recognized a $10.9 million non-cash loss.  


On June 7, 2024, the Loan Parties entered into a consent agreement with Madryn to amend the MSLP Loan Amendment to, among other things, grant certain relief from minimum liquidity requirements under the MSLP Loan Amendment. On June 21, 2024, the Loan Parties entered into an Amendment and Consent Agreement with the Lenders to, among other things, (i) modify the July 2024 interest payment to be payable-in-kind, (ii) grant relief from the Minimum Deposit Relationship obligations through July 8, 2024.


On July 8, 2024, the Loan Parties entered into a loan amendment and consent agreement with the Lenders to, among other things, grant relief under the MSLP Loan Agreement, as amended, such that (i) certain minimum liquidity requirements under the MSLP Loan Agreement are waived through August 2, 2024, and (ii) certain operating covenants for the June 30, 2024 measurement period were deleted.


On  July 29, 2024, the Loan Parties entered into a consent agreement with the Lenders which granted relief under the MSLP Loan Agreement, such that (i) certain minimum liquidity requirements under the MSLP Loan Agreement are waived through August 30, 2024, and (ii) permit Venus USA to apply the August 8, 2024 cash interest payment due to the respective outstanding principal balance of each Note.


On August 30, 2024, the Loan Parties entered into a consent agreement with the Lenders which granted relief under the MSLP Loan Agreement, such that (i) certain minimum liquidity requirements under the MSLP Loan Agreement are waived through September 30, 2024, and (ii) permit Venus USA to apply the September 8, 2024 cash interest payment due to the respective outstanding principal balance of each Note.


On September 26, 2024, the Company entered into an Exchange Agreement, by and among the Company, Venus USA, and Madryn (the "Second 2024 Exchange Agreement") whereby the Company exchanged $17,662 of the balance outstanding under the MSLP Loan Agreement for $2,662 in aggregate principal amount outstanding under the MSLP Loan Agreement and 203,583 shares of Series Y Convertible Preferred Stock. As part of the extinguishment of principal, the Company recognized a $0.5 million non-cash loss. Also, on September 26, 2024 the Loan Parties entered into a Third Loan Amendment which, among other things, (i) modify the October 2024 interest payment to be payable-in-kind, (ii) delete the net loss covenant, and (iii) grant relief from minimum liquidity requirements.


As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Company was in compliance with all required covenants.


The scheduled payments, inclusive of principal and estimated interest, on the outstanding borrowings as of September 30, 2024 are as follows:


      As of September 30, 2024  


  $ 238  




  $ 2,917  





Convertible Notes


On October 11, 2016, Venus Ltd. entered into a credit agreement as a guarantor with Madryn, as amended (the “Madryn Credit Agreement”), pursuant to which Madryn agreed to make certain loans to certain of Venus Concept’s subsidiaries.


On December 9, 2020, contemporaneously with the MSLP Loan Agreement (Note 10), the Company and its subsidiaries, Venus USA, Venus Ltd., Venus Canada, and the Madryn Noteholders (as defined below), entered into a securities exchange agreement (the "Exchange Agreement") dated as of December 8, 2020, pursuant to which the Company on December 9, 2020 (i) repaid $42.5 million aggregate principal amount owed under the Madryn Credit Agreement, and (ii) issued to Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP and Madryn Health Partners, LP (together, the "Madryn Noteholders") secured subordinated convertible notes in the aggregate principal amount of $26.7 million (the "Notes"). The Madryn Credit Agreement was terminated effective December 9, 2020 upon the funding and closing of the MSLP Loan and the issuance of the Notes.


On October 4, 2023, the Company entered into a securities exchange agreement (the "2023 Exchange Agreement") with the Madryn Noteholders. Pursuant to the 2023 Exchange Agreement, the Madryn Noteholders agreed to exchange (the "Exchange") $26.695 million in aggregate principal amount of outstanding secured convertible notes of the Company for (i) secured subordinated convertible notes in aggregate principal amount of $22.792 million (the “New Convertible Notes”) and (ii) 248,755 shares of newly-created convertible preferred stock of the Company, par value $0.0001 per share designated as "Series X Convertible Preferred Stock" (the "Series X Preferred Stock"). The Series X Preferred Stock is priced at $20.10 per share, being equal to the "Minimum Price" as set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d), multiplied by ten. The New Convertible Notes accrue interest at a rate of 3-month adjusted term Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) plus 8.50% per annum. In the case of an event of default under the New Convertible Notes, the then-applicable interest rate will increase by four percent (4.00%) per annum. Interest is payable in kind in arrears on the last business day of each calendar quarter of each year after the original issuance date, beginning on December 31, 2023. The New Convertible Notes mature on December 9, 2025, unless earlier redeemed or converted. As part of the extinguishment of principal, the Company recognized a $2.0 million loss.


On May 24, 2024, as required by the 2024 Exchange Agreement (Note 10), the New Convertible Notes were amended to, among other things, align the covenant protections in favor of the Madryn Noteholders with the MSLP Loan Agreement, as amended by the MSLP Loan Amendment.


As of September 30, 2024, the Company had approximately $26.2 million principal and interest of convertible notes outstanding that were issued pursuant to the 2024 Exchange Agreement.


In connection with the New Convertible Notes and Notes, the Company recognized interest expense of $903 and $557 during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and recognized interest expense of $2,598 and $1,631 during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The conversion feature, providing the Madryn Noteholders with a right to receive the Company’s shares upon conversion of the New Convertible Notes and Notes, was qualified for a scope exception in ASC 815-10-15 and did not require bifurcation. The New Convertible Notes and Notes also contained embedded redemption features that provided multiple redemption alternatives. Certain redemption features provided the Madryn Noteholders with a right to receive cash and a variable number of shares upon change of control and an event of default (as defined in the New Notes and Notes). The Company evaluated redemption upon change of control and an event of default under ASC 815, Derivatives and Hedging, and determined that these two redemption features required bifurcation. These embedded derivatives were accounted for as liabilities at their estimated fair value as of the date of issuance, and then subsequently remeasured to fair value as of each balance sheet date, with the related remeasurement adjustment being recognized as a component of change in fair value of derivative liabilities in the unaudited condensed consolidated statements of operations. The Company determined the likelihood of an event of default and change of control as remote as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, therefore a nominal value was allocated to the underlying embedded derivative liabilities as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023.


The scheduled payments, inclusive of principal and interest, on the outstanding borrowings of the Notes and New Convertible Notes as of September 30, 2024 are as follows:


   As of September 30, 2024 








For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company did not make any principal repayments.


Bridge Financing


On April 23, 2024, the Company entered into a Loan and Security Agreement (the “Loan and Security Agreement”), by and among Venus USA, (the “Bridge Borrower”), Venus Canada, Venus Ltd. (Venus Ltd., together with the Company and Venus Canada, the “2024 Guarantors,” and together with the Bridge Borrower, the “Bridge Financing Loan Parties”) and, each lender party thereto (collectively, the “2024 Lenders”) and Madryn Health Partners, LP, as administrative agent. Pursuant to the Loan and Security Agreement, the 2024 Lenders agreed to provide the Bridge Borrower with bridge financing in the form of a term loan in the original principal amount of $2,238 and one or more delayed draw term loans of up to an additional principal amount of $2,762 (the “Bridge Financing”). The Bridge Financing originally had a maturity date of May 26, 2024. Pursuant to the Loan and Security Agreement, each of the 2024 Guarantors, jointly and severally, guarantee, that the Obligations (as defined in the Loan and Security Agreement) will be performed and paid in full when due and payable.


Borrowings under the Loan and Security Agreement will bear interest at a rate per annum equal to 12%, due at maturity. The Loan and Security Agreement also provides that all present and future indebtedness and the obligations of the Bridge Borrower to Madryn Health Partners, LP shall be secured by a priority security interest in all real and personal property collateral of the Bridge Financing Loan Parties.


The Loan and Security Agreement contains customary representations, warranties and affirmative and negative covenants. In addition, the Loan and Security Agreement contains customary events of default that entitle Madryn Health Partners, LP to cause the Bridge Borrower’s indebtedness under the Loan and Security Agreement to become immediately due and payable, and to exercise remedies against the Bridge Financing Loan Parties and the collateral securing the Bridge Financing. Under the Loan and Security Agreement, an event of default will occur if, among other things, any of the Bridge Financing Loan Parties fails to make payments under the Loan and Security Agreement, any of the Bridge Financing Loan Parties breaches any of the covenants under the Loan and Security Agreement, a Change of Control (as defined in the Loan and Security Agreement) occurs, any of the Bridge Financing Loan Parties, or its assets, become subject to certain legal proceedings, such as bankruptcy proceedings. Upon the occurrence and for the duration of an event of default, a default interest rate equal to 15.0% per annum will apply to all obligations owed under the Loan and Security Agreement.


On May 24, 2024, as required by the 2024 Exchange Agreement (Note 10), the Loan and Security Agreement was amended to extend the maturity date from May 26, 2024 to June 7, 2024. On June 7, 2024, the Loan Parties entered into a Second Bridge Loan Amendment Agreement which further extended the maturity date of the Bridge Financing from June 7, 2024 to June 21, 2024. On June 21, 2024, the Bridge Financing Loan Parties entered into a Third Bridge Loan Amendment Agreement with the 2024 Lenders which further extended the maturity date of the Bridge Financing from June 21, 2024 to July 8, 2024. 


On July 8, 2024, the Bridge Financing Loan Parties entered into a Fourth Bridge Loan Amendment Agreement (the “Fourth Bridge Loan Amendment”). The Fourth Bridge Loan Amendment amended that certain Loan and Security Agreement, dated April 23, 2024, among the Bridge Financing Loan Parties and the 2024 Lenders to extend the maturity date of the bridge loan from July 8, 2024 to August 2, 2024. 


On July 26, 2024, the 2024 Lenders agreed to provide the Bridge Borrower with a subsequent drawdown under the Loan and Security Agreement in the principal amount of $1,000 (the “July Drawdown”). The July Drawdown was fully funded on July 26, 2024. 


On July 29, 2024, the Bridge Financing Loan Parties entered into a Fifth Bridge Loan Amendment Agreement (the “Fifth Bridge Loan Amendment”). The Fifth Bridge Loan Amendment amended the Loan and Security Agreement to, among other things, (i) modify the availability period for subsequent drawdowns under the Bridge Financing from ten days to two days prior to the maturity date, (ii) increase the Delayed Draw Commitment, as defined in the Loan and Security Agreement, from $2,762 to $3,000, and (iii) extend the maturity date of the Bridge Financing from August 2, 2024 to August 30, 2024.


On August 30, 2024 the Bridge Financing Loan Parties entered into a Sixth Bridge Loan Amendment Agreement which extended the maturity date of the Bridge Financing from August 30, 2024 to September 30, 2024.


On September 11, 2024, the 2024 Lenders agreed to provide the Bridge Borrower with a subsequent drawdown under the Loan and Security Agreement in the principal amount of $1,000, which was fully funded on September 11, 2024. 


On September 26, 2024, the Bridge Financing Loan Parties entered into a Seventh Bridge Loan Amendment Agreement which extended the maturity date of the Bridge Financing from September 30, 2024 to October 31, 2024.


The scheduled payments, inclusive of principal and interest of $4.4 million will be paid at maturity.


For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company did not make any principal payments.







On August 29, 2018, Venus Ltd. entered into an Amended and Restated Loan Agreement as a guarantor with CNB, as amended on March 20, 2020, December 9, 2020 and August 26, 2021 (the “CNB Loan Agreement”), pursuant to which CNB agreed to make certain loans and other financial accommodations to certain of Venus Ltd.’s subsidiaries to be used to finance working capital requirements. In connection with the CNB Loan Agreement, Venus Ltd. also entered into a guaranty agreement with CNB dated as of August 29, 2018, as amended on March 20, 2020, December 9, 2020 and August 26, 2021 (the “CNB Guaranty”), pursuant to which Venus Ltd. agreed to guaranty the obligations of its subsidiaries under the CNB Loan Agreement. On March 20, 2020, the Company also entered into a Security Agreement with CNB (the “CNB Security Agreement”), as amended on December 9, 2020 and August 26, 2021, pursuant to which it agreed to grant CNB a security interest in substantially all of our assets to secure the obligations under the CNB Loan Agreement.


On  August 26, 2021, the Company, Venus USA and Venus Canada entered into a Fourth Amended and Restated Loan Agreement (the “Amended CNB Loan Agreement”) with CNB, pursuant to which, among other things, (i) the maximum principal amount the revolving credit facility was reduced from $10,000 to $5,000 at the LIBOR 30-Day rate plus 3.25%, subject to a minimum LIBOR rate floor of 0.50%, and (ii) beginning  December 10, 2021, the cash deposit requirement was reduced from $3,000 to $1,500, to be maintained with CNB at all times during the term of the Amended CNB Loan Agreement. In connection with the Amended CNB Loan Agreement, the Company, Venus USA and Venus Canada issued a promissory note dated August 26, 2021, in favor of CNB (the “CNB Note”) in the amount of $5,000 with a maturity date of  July 24, 2023 and the obligations of the Company pursuant to certain of the Company’s outstanding promissory notes were reaffirmed as subordinated to the indebtedness of the Company owing to CNB pursuant to a Supplement to Subordination of Debt Agreements dated as of August 26, 2021 by and among Madryn Health Partners, LP, Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP, the Company and CNB. The CNB Note and Amended CNB Loan Agreement expired at its maturity date.


As of the expiration of the credit facility, the Company was in compliance with all required covenants. An event of default under this agreement prior to expiration in July 2023 would have caused a default under the MSLP Loan (see Note 10).






On January 18, 2024, the Company, Venus USA, Venus Canada and Venus Ltd (the “Guarantors”) entered into a Note Purchase and Registration Rights Agreement (the “Note Purchase Agreement”) with EW Healthcare Partners, L.P. (“EW”) and EW Healthcare Partners-A, L.P. (“EW-A,” and together with EW, the “EW Investors”). Pursuant to the Note Purchase Agreement, the Company issued and sold to the EW Investors $2.0 million in aggregate principal amount of secured subordinated convertible notes (the “2024 Notes").


The 2024 Notes accrue interest at a rate equal to the 90-day adjusted term Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) plus 8.50% per annum; provided, however, that if there is an Event of Default (as defined below), the then-applicable interest rate will increase by 4.00% per annum. Interest is payable in kind in arrears on the last business day of each calendar quarter of each year after the original issuance date, beginning on March 31, 2024. The 2024 Notes mature on December 9, 2025, unless earlier redeemed or converted, at which time all outstanding principal and interest is payable in cash, except as described below. At any time prior to the maturity date, a holder may convert the 2024 Notes at their option into shares of common stock at the then-applicable conversion rate. The initial conversion rate is 799.3605 shares of common stock per one-thousand principal amount of 2024 Notes, which represents an initial conversion price of approximately $1.251 per share of common stock. The conversion rate is subject to customary anti-dilution adjustments. The 2024 Notes are redeemable, in whole and not in part, at the Company’s option at any time, at a redemption price equal to the principal amount of the 2024 Notes to be redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest, if any, to, the redemption date, plus a redemption premium. The Company’s redemption option is subject to satisfaction of the conditions set forth in the 2024 Notes, including that a registration statement covering the resale of the shares of common stock issuable upon conversion of the 2024 Notes is effective and available for use.


The 2024 Notes have customary provisions relating to the occurrence of “Events of Default,” as defined in the 2024 Notes. If an Event of Default occurs, then the EW Investors may, subject to the terms of the CNB Subordination Agreement (as defined below), (i) declare the outstanding principal amount of the 2024 Notes, all accrued and unpaid interest and all other amounts owing under the 2024 Notes and other transaction documents entered into in connection therewith to be immediately become due and payable, without any further action or notice by any person, and (ii) exercise all rights and remedies available to them under the 2024 Notes, the EW Security Agreement (as defined below) and any other document entered into in connection with the foregoing. The 2024 Notes constitute the Company’s secured, subordinated obligations and are (i) equal in right of payment with the Company’s existing and future senior unsecured indebtedness; (ii) senior in right of payment to the Company’s existing and future indebtedness that is expressly subordinated to the 2024 Notes; and (iii) subordinated to the Company’s existing secured indebtedness in a manner consistent with the Existing Subordination Agreements (as defined below).


On January 18, 2024, the Company and the Guarantors entered into a Guaranty and Security Agreement (the “EW Security Agreement”) with EW, as collateral agent. Pursuant to the EW Security Agreement, the Guarantors jointly and severally guaranteed to the EW Investors the prompt payment of all outstanding amounts under the 2024 Notes when due. The Guarantors also granted to the EW Investors a security interest in substantially all of their assets to secure the obligations under the 2024 Notes.


Pursuant to the EW Security Agreement, during the continuance of an Event of Default under the 2024 Notes, if the Company is unable to repay all outstanding amounts under the 2024 Notes, the EW Investors may, subject to the terms of the CNB Subordination Agreement (as defined below), foreclose on the collateral to collateralize such indebtedness. Any such foreclosure could significantly affect the Company’s ability to operate its business.


The EW Security Agreement contains various covenants that limit the Company’s ability to engage in specified types of transactions. Subject to limited exceptions, these covenants include restrictions on the Company’s ability, to incur, create or permit to exist additional indebtedness, or liens, and to make certain changes to its ownership structure, in each case without the Investor’s consent.


On January 18, 2024, the Company and the Guarantors entered into a Subordination of Debt Agreement (the “CNB Subordination Agreement”) with CNB and the EW Investors. The CNB Subordination Agreement provides that the 2024 Notes are subordinated to the Company’s existing secured indebtedness with CNB, in a manner consistent with the subordination of the Secured Subordinated Convertible Notes, dated October 4, 2023 (the “Madryn Notes”), issued to Madryn pursuant to those certain existing Subordination of Debt Agreements, dated as of December 8, 2020 entered into by the Company and the Guarantors, CNB, and Madryn (the “Existing Subordination Agreements”). The 2024 Notes and the Madryn Notes are secured by the same collateral, except that the 2024 Notes also receive a first priority perfected security interest and lien on the Company’s right to receive certain amounts from the Internal Revenue Service in respect of certain employee retention credits claimed by the Company (defined in the Notes as the “ERC Claim”).


As of September 30, 2024, the Company had approximately $2.2 million principal and interest of the 2024 convertible notes outstanding that were issued pursuant to the Note Purchase Agreement (as defined below).


In connection with the 2024 Notes, the Company recognized interest expense of $74 and $0.2 million during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, respectively. The 2024 Notes contained a conversion option, redemption right upon an event of default, change of control scenario, and interest rate penalty upon an event of default which were evaluated under ASC 815, Derivatives and Hedging, and determined that these features required bifurcation. These embedded derivatives were accounted for as liabilities at their estimated fair value as of the date of issuance, and then subsequently remeasured to fair value as of each balance sheet date, with the related remeasurement adjustment being recognized as a component of change in fair value of derivative liabilities in the unaudited condensed consolidated statements of operations. The fair value of the embedded derivative liability at issuance and as of September 30, 2024 were $0.9 million and $0.3 million, respectively.


As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Company was in compliance with all required covenants.


The scheduled payments, inclusive of principal and interest, on the outstanding borrowings as of September 30, 2024 are as follows:



As of September 30, 2024









For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company did not make any principal repayments.






The Company is required to reserve and keep available out of its authorized but unissued shares of common stock a number of shares sufficient to affect the exercise of all classes of preferred stock, convertible promissory notes, options granted and available for grant under the incentive plans and warrants to purchase common stock.



September 30, 2024


December 31, 2023


Outstanding common stock warrants

    1,936,920       1,061,930  

Outstanding stock options and RSUs

    993,327       981,834  

Preferred shares

    86,294,014       8,889,221  

Shares reserved for conversion of future voting preferred share issuance

    5,596,273       5,844,213  

Shares reserved for future option grants and RSUs

    308,878       99,580  

Shares reserved for Lincoln Park


Shares reserved for Madryn Noteholders

    1,300,000       1,300,000  

Shares reserved for EW Noteholders


Total common stock reserved for issuance

    98,529,412       18,887,958  





Common Stock


The Company’s common stock confers upon its holders the following rights:



The right to participate and vote in the Company’s stockholder meetings, whether annual or special. Each share will entitle its holder, when attending and participating in the voting in person or via proxy, to one vote;



The right to a share in the distribution of dividends, whether in cash or in the form of bonus shares, the distribution of assets or any other distribution pro rata to the par value of the shares held by them; and



The right to a share in the distribution of the Company’s excess assets upon liquidation pro rata to the par value of the shares held by them.


Reverse Stock Split


At the annual and special meeting of the Company’s shareholders held on  May 10, 2023, the Company’s shareholders granted the Company’s Board of Directors discretionary authority to implement the Reverse Stock Split and to fix the specific consolidation ratio within a range of one-for-five (1-for-5) to one-for-fifteen (1-for-15). On  May 11, 2023, the Company filed an amendment to the Company’s Certificate of Incorporation to implement the Reverse Stock Split based on a one-for-fifteen (1-for-15) consolidation ratio. The Company’s common shares began trading on the Nasdaq Capital Market on a reverse split-adjusted basis under the Company’s existing trade symbol “VERO” at the opening of the market on  May 12, 2023.


Equity Purchase Agreement with Lincoln Park


On June 16, 2020, the Company entered into a purchase agreement (the “Equity Purchase Agreement”) with Lincoln Park Capital Fund LLC (“Lincoln Park”), which provides that, upon the terms and subject to the conditions and limitations set forth therein, the Company may sell to Lincoln Park up to $31,000 worth of shares of its common stock, par value $0.0001 per share, pursuant to its shelf registration statement. The purchase price of shares of common stock related to a future sale will be based on the then prevailing market prices of such shares at the time of sales as described in the Equity Purchase Agreement. The aggregate number of shares that the Company can sell to Lincoln Park under the Equity Purchase Agreement may in no case exceed 517,560 shares (subject to adjustment) of common stock (which is equal to approximately 19.99% of the shares of the common stock outstanding immediately prior to the execution of the Equity Purchase Agreement) (the “Exchange Cap”), unless (i) stockholder approval is obtained to issue shares above the Exchange Cap, in which case the Exchange Cap will no longer apply, or (ii) with Equity Purchase Agreement equals or exceeds $59.6325 per share (subject to adjustment) (which represents the minimum price, as defined under Nasdaq Stock Market LLC ("Nasdaq") Listing Rule 5635(d), on the Nasdaq Global Market immediately preceding the signing of the Equity Purchase Agreement, such that the transactions contemplated by the Equity Purchase Agreement are exempt from the Exchange Cap limitation under applicable Nasdaq rules.) Also, at no time may Lincoln Park (together with its affiliates) beneficially own more than 9.99% of the Company’s issued and outstanding common stock. Concurrently with entering into the Equity Purchase Agreement, the Company also entered into a registration rights agreement with Lincoln Park, pursuant to which it agreed to provide Lincoln Park with certain registration rights related to the shares of common stock issued under the Equity Purchase Agreement (the “Registration Rights Agreement”).


From commencement to expiry on July 1, 2022, the Company issued and sold to Lincoln Park 229,139 shares of its common stock at an average price of $40.50 per share, and 13,971 of these shares were issued to Lincoln Park as a commitment fee in connection with entering into the Equity Purchase Agreement (the “Commitment Shares”). The total value of the Commitment Shares of $620 together with the issuance costs of $123 were recorded as deferred issuance costs in the consolidated balance sheet at inception and were amortized into consolidated statements of stockholders’ equity proportionally based on proceeds received during the term of the Equity Purchase Agreement. In 2022, the Company issued 26,666 shares of its common stock and the proceeds from common stock issuances as of December 31, 2022 were $272, with no issuance costs. The proceeds in the amount of $272 were recorded in the condensed consolidated statements of cash flows as net cash proceeds from issuance of common stock. The Equity Purchase Agreement expired on July 1, 2022, and was replaced with the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement discussed below.


2022 LPC Purchase Agreement with Lincoln Park


On July 12, 2022, the Company entered into a purchase agreement (the “2022 LPC Purchase Agreement”) with Lincoln Park, as the Equity Purchase Agreement expired on July 1, 2022. The 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement provides that, upon the terms and subject to the conditions and limitations set forth therein, the Company may sell to Lincoln Park up to $11,000 of shares (the “Purchase Shares”) of its common stock, par value $0.0001 per share. Concurrently with entering into the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement, the Company also entered into a registration rights agreement (the “2022 LPC Registration Rights Agreement”) with Lincoln Park, pursuant to which it agreed to provide Lincoln Park with certain registration rights related to the shares issued under the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement. The aggregate number of shares that the Company can issue to Lincoln Park under the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement may not exceed 858,224 shares of common stock, which is equal to 19.99% of the shares of common stock outstanding immediately prior to the execution of the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement (the “2022 Exchange Cap”), unless (i) stockholder approval is obtained to issue shares of common stock in excess of the 2022 Exchange Cap, in which case the 2022 Exchange Cap will no longer apply, or (ii) the average price of all applicable sales of common stock to Lincoln Park under the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement equals or exceeds the lower of (i) the Nasdaq official closing price immediately preceding the execution of the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement or (ii) the arithmetic average of the five Nasdaq official closing prices for the common stock immediately preceding the execution of the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement, plus an incremental amount to take into account the issuance of the Commitment Shares to Lincoln Park under the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement, such that the transactions contemplated by the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement are exempt from the 2022 Exchange Cap limitation under applicable Nasdaq rules. In all instances, the Company may not sell shares of its common stock to Lincoln Park under the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement if it would result in Lincoln Park beneficially owning more than 9.99% of the outstanding shares of common stock. Upon execution of the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement, the Company issued 45,701 shares of common stock to Lincoln Park as a commitment fee in connection with entering into the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement at the total amount of $330. Through December 31, 2023 the Company issued an additional 776,452 shares of common stock to Lincoln Park at an average price of $3.966 per share for a total value of $3,080. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company issued an additional 8,333 shares of common stock to Lincoln Park at an average price of $1.16 per share, for a total value of $10. The 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement expired on August 1, 2024.




The 2022 Private Placement

In  November 2022, we entered into a securities purchase agreement with certain investors (collectively, the "2022 Investors") pursuant to which the Company issued and sold to the 2022 Investors an aggregate of 116,668 shares of common stock, par value $0.0001 per share, and 3,185,000 shares of voting convertible preferred stock, par value $0.0001 per share (the "Voting Preferred Stock"), which are convertible into 2,123,443 shares of common stock upon receipt of a valid conversion notice from a 2022 Investor or at the option of the Company within 30 days following the occurrence of certain events (the "2022 Private Placement"). The 2022 Private Placement was completed on November 18, 2022. The gross proceeds from the securities sold in the 2022 Private Placement was $6,720. The costs incurred with respect to the 2022 Private Placement totaled $202 and were recorded as a reduction of the 2022 Private Placement proceeds in the consolidated statements of stockholders' equity. 


Voting Preferred Stock issued in November 2022


As noted above, in November 2022, the Company issued and sold to certain 2022 Investors an aggregate of 3,185,000 shares of Voting Preferred Stock. The terms of the Voting Preferred Stock are governed by a Certificate of Designation filed by the Company with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware on November 17, 2022. The following is a summary of the material terms of the Voting Preferred Stock:


  Voting Rights. The Voting Preferred Stock votes with the common stock on an as-converted basis.


  Liquidation. Each share of Voting Preferred Stock carries a liquidation preference, senior to the common stock in an amount equal to the greater of (a) $30.00 (being the issuance price) and (b) the amount that would be distributed in respect of such share of Voting Preferred Stock if it were converted into common stock and participated in such liquidating distribution with the other shares of common stock.


  Conversion. The Voting Preferred Stock will convert into shares of common stock on a one for 0.6667 basis (i) at the option of a 2022 Investor upon delivery of a valid conversion notice to the Company or (ii) at the option of the Company within 30 days following the earlier to occur of (a) the date on which the volume-weighted average price of the common stock has been greater than or equal to $18.75 for 30 consecutive trading days and (b) the date on which the Company has reported two consecutive fiscal quarters of positive cash flow. 


  Dividends. Each share of Voting Preferred Stock is entitled to participate in dividends and other non-liquidating distributions (if, as and when declared by the Board of the Company) on an as-converted basis, pari passu with the common stock.


  Redemption. The Voting Preferred Stock is not redeemable at the election of the Company or at the election of the holder.


  Maturity. The Voting Preferred Stock shall be perpetual unless converted.


The 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement


In May 2023, we entered into a securities purchase agreement (the "2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement Stock Purchase Agreement") with certain investors (collectively, the "2023 Investors") pursuant to which the Company may issue and sell to the 2023 Investors up to $9,000,000 in shares (the "2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement") of newly-created senior convertible preferred stock, par value $0.0001 per share (the “Senior Preferred Stock”), in multiple tranches from time to time until December 31, 2025, subject to a minimum aggregate purchase amount of $0.5 million in each tranche. The initial sale in the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement occurred on May 15, 2023, under which the Company sold the 2023 Investors 280,899 shares of Senior Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $2.0 million (the "Initial Placement"). The Company used the proceeds of the Initial Placement, after the payment of transaction expenses, for general working capital purposes. The following is a summary of the material terms of the Senior Preferred Stock:


  Voting Rights. The Senior Preferred Stock has aggregate number of votes equal to the product of (a) the quotient of (i) the aggregate purchase price paid under the Stock Purchase Agreement for all shares of Senior Preferred Stock issued and outstanding as of such time, divided by (ii) the highest purchase price paid by a holder for a share of Senior Preferred Stock prior to or as of such time, multiplied by (b) two. Such formula ensures that no share of senior preferred stock will ever have more than two votes per share, with such number of votes subject to reduction (but not increase) depending on the pricing of future sales of Senior Preferred Stock in the Private Placement. The Senior Preferred Stock votes with the Company’s common stock on all matters submitted to holders of common stock and does not vote as a separate class.


  Liquidation. Each share of Senior Preferred Stock carries a liquidation preference, senior to the common stock and Voting Preferred Stock, in an amount equal to the product of the Purchase Price for such share, multiplied by 2.50.


  Conversion. The Senior Preferred Stock will convert into shares of common stock on a one for 2.6667 basis at the option of (a) the investors at any time or (b) the Company within 30 days following the date on which the 30-day volume-weighted average price of the common stock exceeds the product of (i) the Purchase Price for the shares of senior preferred stock to be converted, multiplied by (ii) 2.75.


  Dividends. Each share of Senior Preferred Stock is entitled to participate in dividends and other non-liquidating distributions (if, as and when declared by the Board of the Company) on an as-converted basis, pari passu with the common stock and Voting Preferred Stock.


  Redemption. The Senior Preferred Stock is not redeemable at the election of the Company or at the election of the holder.


  Maturity. The Senior Preferred Stock shall be perpetual unless converted.


On July 6, 2023, the Company and the 2023 Investors entered into an amendment to the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement Stock Purchase Agreement (the “Multi-Tranche Amendment”). The Multi-Tranche Amendment (a) clarifies the appropriate date pursuant to which the purchase price for each share of Senior Preferred Stock to be sold in the Private Placement is determined (such that the purchase price shall be equal to the “Minimum Price” as set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d)) and (b) permits the Company to specify a desired closing date (subject to approval by the 2023 Investors) for each sale in the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement. 


On July 12, 2023, the Company and the 2023 Investors consummated the second tranche in the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement, under which the Company sold the 2023 Investors 500,000 shares of Senior Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $2.0 million (the “Second Placement”). The Company used the proceeds of the Second Placement, after the payment of transaction expenses, for general working capital purposes.


On September 8, 2023, the Company and the 2023 Investors consummated the third tranche in the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement, under which the Company sold the 2023 Investors 292,398 shares of Senior Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $1.0 million (the "Third Placement," and together with the First Placement and Second Placement, the "Placements"). The Company used the proceeds of the Third Placement, after the payment of transaction expenses, for general working capital purposes.


On October 20, 2023, the Company and the 2023 Investors consummated the fourth tranche in the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement, under which the Company sold the 2023 Investors 502,513 shares of Senior Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $2.0 million (the “Fourth Placement”). The Company used the proceeds of the Fourth Placement, after the payment of transaction expenses, for general working capital purposes.




Series X Convertible Preferred Stock


On  October 4, 2023, the Company filed a Certificate of Designations with respect to the Series X Preferred Stock with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, thereby creating the Series X Preferred Stock. The Certificate of Designations authorizes the issuance of up to 400,000 shares of Series X Preferred Stock. The Series X Preferred Stock is convertible into shares of common stock on a one-for-ten basis, in whole or in part, at the option of the holder at any time upon delivery of a valid conversion notice of the Company; provided, however, that the Series X Preferred Stock is subject to limitations on convertibility to the extent necessary to comply with the rules and regulations of the Nasdaq. The following is a summary of the material terms of the Series X Preferred Stock:


  Voting Rights. The holders of the Series X Preferred Stock shall be entitled to vote on all matters on which holders of common stock shall be entitled to vote, and shall be entitled to a number of votes equal to the Converted Stock Equivalent, which is 10 common shares per 1 Series X Preferred stock.


  Liquidation. Each share of Series X Preferred Stock carries a liquidation preference, senior to the common stock and Voting Preferred Stock, in an amount equal to the Unpaid Liquidation Preference (as defined in the Certificate of Designations with respect to the Series X Preferred Stock) at that time.


  Conversion. The Series X Preferred Stock will convert into shares of common stock on a 1-for-10 basis at the option of the holders of Series X Preferred Stock at any time.


  Dividends. The Series X Preferred Stock accrues a dividend at a rate of 12.5% per annum, payable on a quarterly basis in cash or additional shares of Series X Preferred Stock, at the Company’s election. In addition, each share of Series X Preferred Stock is entitled to participate in dividends and other non-liquidating distributions, if, as and when declared by the Board, on a pari passu basis with the common stock, Senior Preferred Stock and Junior Preferred Stock.


  Redemption. The Series X Preferred Stock is not redeemable at the election of the Company or at the election of the holder.


  Maturity. The Series X Preferred Stock shall be perpetual unless converted, however dividends will stop accruing on December 31, 2026.


Series Y Convertible Preferred Stock


On  May 24, 2024, the Company filed a Certificate of Designations with respect to the Series Y Preferred Stock with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, thereby creating the Series Y Preferred Stock. The Certificate of Designations authorizes the issuance of up to 600,000 shares of Series Y Preferred Stock. The Series Y Preferred Stock is convertible into shares of common stock on a 1-for-100 basis, at the option of the holder, in whole or in part, at any time upon delivery of a valid conversion notice of the Company; or (ii) automatically upon the Company completing an equity financing for common stock (or convertible preferred stock, provided that under such circumstances such financing will not be deemed completed until such preferred stock has been fully converted into common stock) that raises no less than $30.0 million in gross proceeds, among other requirements as set forth in the Certificate of Designations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Series Y Preferred Stock is subject to limitations on convertibility to the extent necessary to comply with the rules and regulations of Nasdaq. On September 26, 2024 the Company filed a Certificate of Amendment which increased the authorized number of shares of Series Y Preferred Stock from 600,000 shares to 900,000 shares. The following is a summary of the material terms of the Series Y Preferred Stock:


  Voting Rights. The holders of the Series Y Preferred Stock shall not be entitled to vote on any matter on which holders of common stock shall be entitled to vote.


  Liquidation. Each share of Series Y Preferred Stock carries a liquidation preference, senior to the common stock, Series X Preferred Stock, Senior Preferred Stock, and Junior Preferred Stock, in an amount equal to the Unpaid Liquidation Preference (as defined in the Certificate of Designations with respect to the Series Y Preferred Stock) at that time.


  Conversion. The Series Y Preferred Stock will convert into shares of common stock on a 1-for-100 basis at the option of the holders of Series Y Preferred Stock at any time, or automatically subject to certain conditions.


  Dividends. Each share of Series Y Preferred Stock is entitled to participate in dividends and other non-liquidating distributions, if, as and when declared by the Board, on a pari passu basis with the common stock, Senior Preferred Stock and Junior Preferred Stock.


  Redemption. The Series Y Preferred Stock is not redeemable at the election of the Company or at the election of the holder.


  Maturity. The Series Y Preferred Stock shall be perpetual unless converted.


Registered Direct Offering


On February 22, 2024, the Company, entered into a securities purchase agreement (the “SPA”) with certain institutional investors (each, a “2024 Investor”), pursuant to which the Company agreed to issue and sell to the 2024 Investors (i) in a registered direct offering, an aggregate of 817,748 shares of the Company’s common stock, at a price of $1.465 per share and (ii) in a concurrent private placement, warrants to acquire up to an aggregate of 817,748 shares of common stock (the “2024 Investor Warrants”), at an initial exercise price of $1.34 per share (the “Offering”).


The Shares were offered at-the-market under Nasdaq rules and pursuant to the Company’s shelf registration statement on Form S-3 initially filed by the Company with the SEC under the Securities Act, on October 15, 2021 and declared effective on October 25, 2021.


The 2024 Investor Warrants (and the shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of the 2024 Investor Warrants) were not registered under the Securities Act and were offered pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements provided under Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act. The 2024 Investor Warrants are exercisable upon issuance and will expire five years from the issuance date, and in certain circumstances may be exercised on a cashless basis. If the Company fails for any reason to deliver shares of common stock upon the valid exercise of the 2024 Investor Warrants within the prescribed period set forth in the 2024 Investor Warrants, the Company is required to pay the applicable holder liquidated damages in cash as set forth in the 2024 Investor Warrants.


A holder is not entitled to exercise any portion of a 2024 Investor Warrant, if, after giving effect to such exercise, the aggregate number of shares of common stock beneficially owned by the holder (together with its affiliates and any other persons) whose beneficial ownership of common stock would or could be aggregated with the holder’s for purposes of Section 13(d) or Section 16 of the Exchange Act would exceed 4.99%, or at the election of a 2024 Investor 9.99%, of the common stock outstanding after giving effect to the exercise. Such 4.99% limitation may be increased at the holder’s election upon 61 days’ notice to the Company, provided that such percentage may not exceed 9.99%.


On February 27, 2024, the Company closed the Offering, raising gross proceeds of approximately $1.2 million before deducting placement agent fees and other offering expenses payable by the Company. The proceeds received in the Offering were allocated to each instrument on a relative fair value basis.


Under the SPA, no later than March 8, 2024, the Company was required to file a registration statement on Form S-3 (or other appropriate form if the Company is not then S-3 eligible) registering the resale of the shares of common stock issued or issuable upon exercise of the 2024 Investor Warrants. The Company was required to use commercially reasonable efforts to cause such registration to become effective within 45 days of the closing date of the Offering (or within 75 days following the closing of the Offering in case of “full review” of the registration statement by the SEC), and to keep the registration statement effective at all times until no 2024 Investor owns any 2024 Investor Warrants or shares issuable upon exercise thereof.


The SPA contains customary representations, warranties and covenants by the Company, among other customary provisions.


H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC (“HCW”) acted as the Company’s placement agent in connection with Offering. The Company paid HCW consideration consisting of (i) a cash fee equal to 7.0% of the aggregate gross proceeds in the Offering, (ii) a management fee equal to 1.0% of the aggregate gross proceeds in the Offering, (iii) reimbursement of certain expenses and (iv) warrants to acquire up to an aggregate of 57,242 shares of common stock (the “Placement Agent Warrants”). The Placement Agent Warrants are similar to the 2024 Investor Warrants, except that the initial exercise price of the Placement Agent Warrants is $1.8313 per share.


2010 Share Option Plan


In November 2010, the Board adopted a share option plan (the “2010 Share Option Plan”) pursuant to which shares of the Company’s common stock are reserved for issuance upon the exercise of options to be granted to directors, officers, employees and consultants of the Company. The 2010 Share Option Plan is administered by the Board, which designates the options and dates of grant. Options granted vest over a period determined by the Board, originally had a contractual life of seven years, which was extended to ten years in November 2017 and are non-assignable except by the laws of descent. The Board has the authority to prescribe, amend and rescind rules and regulations relating to the 2010 Share Option Plan, provided that any such amendment or rescindment that would adversely affect the rights of an optionee that has received or been granted an option shall not be made without the optionee’s written consent. As of September 30, 2024, the number of shares of the Company’s common stock reserved for issuance and available for grant under the 2010 Share Option Plan was 28,947 (28,168 as of December 31, 2023).


2019 Incentive Award Plan


The 2019 Incentive Award Plan (the “2019 Plan”) was originally established under the name Restoration Robotics, Inc., as the 2017 Incentive Award Plan. It was adopted by the Board on September 12, 2017 and approved by the Company’s stockholders on September 14, 2017. The 2017 Incentive Award Plan was amended, restated, and renamed as set forth above, and was approved by the Company’s stockholders on October 4, 2019.


Under the 2019 Plan, 30,000 shares of common stock were initially reserved for issuance pursuant to a variety of stock-based compensation awards, including stock options, stock appreciation rights, performance stock awards, performance stock unit awards, restricted stock awards, restricted stock unit awards and other stock-based awards, plus the number of shares remaining available for future awards under the 2019 Plan as of the date we completed our business combination with Venus Ltd. and the business of Venus Ltd. became the primary business of the Company (the “Merger”). As of September 30, 2024, there were 279,931 shares of common stock available under the 2019 Plan (71,412 as of December 31, 2023). The 2019 Plan contains an “evergreen” provision, pursuant to which the number of shares of common stock reserved for issuance pursuant to awards under such plan shall be increased on the first day of each year from 2020 and ending in 2029 equal to the lesser of (A) four percent (4.00%) of the shares of stock outstanding on the last day of the immediately preceding fiscal year and (B) such smaller number of shares of stock as determined by the Board.


The Company recognized stock-based compensation for its employees and non-employees in the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated statements of operations as follows:



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,










Cost of sales

  $ 9     $ 11     $ 28     $ 37  

Selling and marketing

    58       81       190       266  

General and administrative

    148       243       524       794  

Research and development

    24       29       75       117  

Total stock-based compensation

  $ 239     $ 364     $ 817     $ 1,214  




Stock Options


The fair value of each option is estimated at the date of grant using the Black-Scholes option pricing formula with the following assumptions:



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,










Expected term (in years)

    -       6.00       6.00       6.00  

Risk-free interest rate

    -       4.33 %     4.23 %     3.37-4.33 %

Expected volatility

    -       42.29 %     43.06 %     42.94 %

Expected dividend rate

    -       0 %     0 %     0 %


Expected Term—The expected term represents management’s best estimate for the options to be exercised by option holders.


Volatility—Since the Company does not have a trading history for its common stock, the expected volatility was derived from the historical stock volatilities of comparable peer public companies within its industry that are considered to be comparable to the Company’s business over a period equivalent to the expected term of the stock-based awards.


Risk-Free Interest Rate—The risk-free interest rate is based on the U.S. Treasury yield curve in effect at the date of grant for zero-coupon U.S. Treasury notes with maturities approximately equal to the stock-based awards’ expected term.


Dividend Rate—The expected dividend is zero as the Company has not paid nor does it anticipate paying any dividends on its common stock in the foreseeable future.


Fair Value of Common Stock— Prior to the Merger, Venus Ltd. used the price per share in its latest sale of securities as an estimate of the fair value of its ordinary shares. After the closing of the Merger, the fair value of the Company’s common stock is used to estimate the fair value of the stock-based awards at grant date.


The following table summarizes stock option activity under the Company’s stock option plan:



Number of Shares


Weighted- Average Exercise Price per Share, $


Weighted- Average Remaining Contractual Term


Aggregate Intrinsic Value


Outstanding – January 1, 2024

    981,834     $ 19.85       7.58     $  

Options granted

    82,000       0.71       -        

Options exercised

    -       -       -        

Options forfeited/cancelled

    (70,507 )     33.79       -        

Outstanding – September 30, 2024

    993,327       17.28       7.34     $  

Exercisable – September 30, 2024

    524,739       27.07       6.56     $  

Expected to vest – after September 30, 2024

    468,588     $ 6.32       8.22     $  




The following tables summarize information about stock options outstanding and exercisable at September 30, 2024:



Options Outstanding


Options Exercisable


Exercise Price Range




Weighted average remaining contractual term (years)


Weighted average Exercise Price


Options exercisable


Weighted average remaining contractual term (years)


Weighted average Exercise Price


$0.7051 - $54.60

 952,221  7.52  $13.24  483,810  6.84  $19.99 

$63.90 - $119.25

 38,947  3.16  97.80  38,770  3.15  97.70 

$186.75 - $382.50

 1,627  3.99  271.15  1,627  3.99  271.15 

$405.00 - $438.75

 263  0.71  405.51  263  0.71  405.51 

$650.25 - $958.50

 269  3.70  727.38  269  3.70  727.38 
  993,327  7.34  $17.28  524,739  6.56  $27.07 


The aggregate intrinsic value of options is calculated as the difference between the exercise price of the stock options and the fair value of the Company’s common stock for those options that had exercise prices lower than the fair value of the Company’s common stock. The total intrinsic value of options exercised were $nil and $nil for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The total intrinsic value of options exercised were $nil and $nil for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.


The weighted-average grant date fair value of options granted was $nil and $1.90 per share for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The weighted-average grant date fair value of options granted was $0.705 and $2.82 per share for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The fair value of options vested during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was $255 and $307, respectively. The fair value of options vested during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was $892 and $1,013, respectively.






The Company generated a loss and recognized $31 of tax benefit for the three months ended September 30, 2024, and $321 of tax benefit for the three months ended September 30, 2023, respectively. The Company generated a loss and recognized $147 of tax expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, and $103 of tax expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, respectively. A reconciliation of income tax (benefit) expense is as follows:



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,










Loss before income taxes

 $(9,333) $(9,277) $(38,808) $(25,797)

Theoretical tax expense at the statutory rate (21% in 2024 and 2023)

  (1,960)  (1,961)  (8,150)  (5,417)

Differences in jurisdictional tax rates

  (437)  (417)  (1,807)  (965)

Valuation allowance

  2,282   2,343   9,604   6,675 

Non-deductible expenses

  84   89   500   186 


     (375)     (376)

Total income tax provision (recovery)

  (31)  (321)  147   103 

Net loss

 $(9,302) $(8,956) $(38,955) $(25,900)


Income tax expense is recognized based on the actual loss incurred during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.





Operating segments are defined as components of an entity for which separate financial information is available and that is regularly reviewed by the Chief Operating Decision Maker (“CODM”) in deciding how to allocate resources to an individual segment and in assessing performance. The Company's CODM is its Chief Executive Officer. The Company has determined it operates in a single operating segment and has one reportable segment, as the CODM reviews financial information presented on a consolidated basis accompanied by disaggregated information about revenues by geography and type for purposes of making operating decisions, allocating resources, and evaluating financial performance. The Company does not assess the performance of individual product lines on measures of profit or loss, or asset-based metrics. Therefore, the information below is presented only for revenues by geography and type.


Revenue by geographic location, which is based on the product shipped to location, is summarized as follows:



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,










United States

 $8,548  $11,167  $27,902  $31,665 


  6,459   6,449   21,166   26,557 

Total revenue

 $15,007  $17,616  $49,068  $58,222 


As of September 30, 2024, long-lived assets in the amount of $6,028 were located in the United States and $856 were located in foreign locations. As of December 31, 2023, long-lived assets in the amount of $8,705 were located in the United States and $1,063 were located in foreign locations.




Revenue by type is a key indicator for providing management with an understanding of the Company’s financial performance, which is organized into four different categories:


1.    Lease revenue – includes all system sales with typical lease terms of 36 months.


2.    System revenue – includes all systems sales with payment terms within 12 months.


3.    Product revenue – includes skincare, hair and other consumables payable upon receipt.


4.    Service revenue – includes extended warranty sales.


The following table presents revenue by type:



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,










Lease revenue

 $2,684  $4,368  $10,732  $14,440 

System revenue

  8,898   9,834   28,020   33,212 

Product revenue

  2,741   2,487   7,945   8,019 

Service revenue

  684   927   2,371   2,551 

Total revenue

 $15,007  $17,616  $49,068  $58,222 





All amounts were recorded at the exchange amount, which is the amount established and agreed to by the related parties. The following are transactions between the Company and parties related through employment.


Distribution agreements


On  January 1, 2018, the Company entered into a Distribution Agreement with Technicalbiomed Co., Ltd. (“TBC”), pursuant to which TBC will distribute the Company’s products in Thailand. A former senior officer of the Company is a 30.0% shareholder of TBC. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, TBC purchased products in the amount of $nil and $322, respectively, under this distribution agreement. These sales are included in products and services revenue. TBC ceased being a related party as of June 2023.


In 2020, the Company made several strategic decisions to divest itself of underperforming direct sales offices and sold its share in several subsidiaries, including its 55.0% shareholding in Venus Concept Singapore Pte. Ltd. ("Venus Singapore"). On  January 1, 2021, the Company entered into a distribution agreement with Aexel Biomed Pte Ltd. (“Aexel Biomed”), formerly Venus Singapore, pursuant to which Aexel Biomed will continue to distribute the Company’s products in Singapore. A former senior officer of the Company is a 45.0% shareholder of Aexel Biomed. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, Aexel Biomed purchased products in the amount of $nil and $122, respectively, under the distribution agreement. These sales are included in products and services revenue. Aexel Biomed ceased being a related party as of June 2023.






Nasdaq Bid-Price Deficiency Extension


On April 11, 2024, the Company received a notice from Listing Qualifications Department of Nasdaq ("Nasdaq") stating that for 32 consecutive business days the Company’s common stock did not maintain a minimum closing bid price of $1.00 per share (“Minimum Bid Price Requirement”) as required for continued listing under Listing Rule 5550(a)(2).


In accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5810(c)(3)(A), the Company has 180 calendar days, or until October 8, 2024 (the “Initial Compliance Date”), to regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement. The Company did not regain compliance with the Bid Price Requirement by the Initial Compliance Date.


On October 17, 2024, Nasdaq notified the Company that it is eligible for an additional 180 calendar day period, or until April 7, 2025, (the “Extended Compliance Date”), to regain compliance with the Bid Price Requirement. If, at any time before the Extended Compliance Date, the bid price for the Company’s common stock closes at $1.00 or more for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days as required under the Compliance Period Rule, the Staff will provide written notification to the Company that it complies with the Bid Price Requirement, unless the Staff exercises its discretion to extend this 10 day period pursuant to Nasdaq Listing Rule 5810(c)(3)(H).


If the Company does not regain compliance with the Bid Price Requirement by the Extended Compliance Date, the Staff will provide written notification to the Company that its common stock will be delisted. At that time, the Company may appeal the Staff’s delisting determination to a Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Panel (“Panel”). The Company expects that its common stock would remain listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market pending the Panel’s decision. There can be no assurance that, if the Company does appeal a delisting determination to the Panel, such appeal would be successful.


Consent Agreement


On October 31, 2024, the Loan Parties entered into a consent agreement with the Lenders (the “Consent Agreement”).


The Consent Agreement granted relief under the MSLP Loan Agreement, such that (i) certain minimum liquidity requirements under the MSLP Loan Agreement are waived through November 30, 2024, and (ii) permit Venus USA to apply the November 8, 2024 cash interest payment due under each Note (as defined in the Consent Agreement) to the respective outstanding principal balance of each Note.


Eighth Bridge Loan Amendment


On October 31, 2024, the Loan Parties entered into an Eighth Bridge Loan Amendment Agreement with the Lenders (the “Eighth Bridge Loan Amendment”). The Eighth Bridge Loan Amendment amended the Loan and Security Agreement to, among other things, extend the maturity date of the Bridge Financing from October 31, 2024 to November 30, 2024.


Bridge Loan Drawdown


As previously disclosed, on April 23, 2024, the Loan Parties entered into the Loan and Security Agreement among the Bridge Financing Loan Parties, the 2024 Lenders, and Madryn, as administrative agent.


On October 30, 2024, the 2024 Lenders agreed to provide the Bridge Borrower with a subsequent drawdown under the Loan and Security Agreement in the principal amount of $1,000,000 (the “November Drawdown”). The November Drawdown was fully funded on November 1, 2024. The Company expects to use the proceeds of the November Drawdown, after payment of transaction expenses, for general working capital purposes.






This report contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that reflect our plans, estimates and beliefs and involve numerous risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those described in in Part I, Item IA “Risk Factors” of our Annual Report on Form 10-K. Any statements contained in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q that are not historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify these statements by words such as such as “anticipates,” “believes,” “plans,” “expects,” “projects,” “future,” “intends,” “may,” “should,” “could,” “estimates,” “predicts,” “potential,” “continue,” “guidance,” and other similar expressions that are predictions of or indicate future events and future trends.


The factors which we currently believe could have a material adverse effect on our business operations and financial performance and condition include, but are not limited to, the following risks and uncertainties:


•    our dependency on our internal lease programs, which exposes us to the credit risk of our customers over the life of each subscription and/or Venus Prime agreement;


•    our customers’ failure to make payments under their subscription or Venus Prime agreements;


•    our customers’ ability to secure third party financing due to tightened credit markets and higher interest rates;


•    our need to obtain, maintain and enforce our intellectual property rights;


•    the extensive governmental regulation and oversight in the countries in which we operate and our ability to comply with the applicable requirements;


•    the possibility that our systems may cause or contribute to adverse medical events that could harm our reputation, business, financial condition and results of operations;


•    a significant portion of our operations are located in Israel and therefore our business, financial condition and results of operations may be adversely affected by political, economic and military conditions there;


•    our ability to come into, and remain in, compliance with the listing requirements of the Nasdaq Capital Market;


•    the volatility of our stock price;


•    our dependency on one major contract manufacturer in Israel exposes us to supply disruptions should that facility be subject to a strike, shutdown, fire flood or other natural disaster;


•    our reliance on the expertise and retention of management;


•    our ability to access the capital markets and/or obtain credit on favorable terms;


•    inflation, currency fluctuations and currency exchange rates;


•    global supply disruptions; and


•    global economic and political conditions and uncertainties, including but not limited to the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Hamas conflicts.


You are urged to consider these factors carefully in evaluating the forward-looking statements and are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these statements. The forward-looking statements are based on information available to us as of the filing date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Unless required by law, we do not intend to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect new information or future events or otherwise. You should, however, review the factors and risks we describe in the reports we will file from time to time with the SEC after the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. 







The following discussion contains managements discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations and should be read together with the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024 (Form 10-Q), with our audited consolidated financial statements and notes thereto in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 (Form 10-K) and other filings we have made with the SEC. 




We are an innovative global medical technology company that develops, commercializes and delivers minimally invasive and non-invasive medical aesthetic and hair restoration technologies and related services. Our systems have been designed on cost-effective, proprietary and flexible platforms that enable us to expand beyond the aesthetic industry’s traditional markets of dermatology and plastic surgery, and into non-traditional markets, including family medicine, and general practitioners and aesthetic medical spas. In the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, a substantial majority of our systems delivered in North America were in non-traditional markets. As we grow our ARTAS hair restoration business and expand robotics offerings through the AI.ME™ platform we expect our penetration into the core practices of dermatology and plastic surgery to increase.


We have had recurring net operating losses and negative cash flows from operations. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had an accumulated deficit of $300.9 million and $261.9 million, respectively. Until we generate revenue at a level to support our cost structure, we expect to continue to incur substantial operating losses and negative cash flows from operations. In order to continue our operations, we must achieve profitability and/or obtain additional equity investment or debt financing. Until we achieve profitability, we plan to fund our operations and capital expenditures with cash on hand, borrowings and issuances of capital stock. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, we had cash and cash equivalents of $4.5 million and $5.4 million, respectively. 


The global economy, including the financial and credit markets, has recently experienced extreme volatility and disruption, including increases to inflation rates, rising interest rates, foreign currency impacts and declines in consumer confidence, and declines in economic growth. All these factors point to uncertainty about economic stability, and the severity and duration of these conditions on our business cannot be predicted.


On January 24, 2024, the Company announced that the Board has authorized the review of the strategic alternatives with a goal of enhancing stockholder value. There is no set timetable for the strategic review process and there can be no assurance that such review will result in any transaction or other alternative or the terms and conditions of any transaction or other alternative.


Venus Viva®, Venus Viva® MD, Venus Legacy®, Venus Concept®, Venus Versa®, Venus Fiore®, Venus Freedom™, Venus Bliss™, Venus Bliss Max™, NeoGraft®, Venus Glow™, ARTAS®, ARTAS iX®, and AI.ME™, are trademarks of the Company and its subsidiaries. Our logo and our other trade names, trademarks and service marks appearing in this document are our property. Other trade names, trademarks and service marks appearing in this document are the property of their respective owners. Solely for convenience, our trademarks and trade names referred to in this document appear without the TM or the ® symbol, but those references are not intended to indicate, in any way, that we will not assert, to the fullest extent under applicable law, our rights, or the rights of the applicable licensor to these trademarks and trade names.


Equity Purchase Agreement with Lincoln Park


On June 16, 2020, we entered into the Equity Purchase Agreement with Lincoln Park which provided that, upon the terms and subject to the conditions and limitations set forth therein, we may sell to Lincoln Park up to $31.0 million of shares of our common stock pursuant to our shelf registration statement. The purchase price of shares of common stock related to a future sale was based on the then prevailing market prices of such shares at the time of sales as described in the Equity Purchase Agreement. Concurrently with entering into the Equity Purchase Agreement, we also entered into the Registration Rights Agreement. During the year ended December 31, 2022, we sold to Lincoln Park 0.03 million shares of our common stock under the Equity Purchase Agreement, at which point this agreement expired. The net cash proceeds from shares issuance as of December 31, 2022 were $0.3 million. The Equity Purchase Agreement expired on July 1, 2022.


On July 12, 2022, we entered into the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement with Lincoln Park, and we issued and sold to Lincoln Park 0.05 million shares of our common stock as a commitment fee in connection with entering into the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement, with the total value of $0.3 million. Subsequent to execution of the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement the Company issued 0.43 million shares of common stock to Lincoln Park at an average price of $4.54 per share, for a total value of $1.97 million through December 31, 2022. During the twelve months ended December 31, 2023, the Company issued an additional 0.34 million shares of common stock to Lincoln Park at an average price of $3.23 per share, for a total value of $1.1 million. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company issued an additional 8,333 shares of common stock to Lincoln Park at an average price of $1.16 per share, for a total value of $10. No shares of our common stock were issued for the three months ended September 30, 2024. For additional information regarding the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement, see Note 15 “Stockholders' Equity” in the notes to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report. The 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement expired on August 1, 2024.


The 2022 Private Placement


On November 18, 2022, we entered into a securities purchase agreement pursuant to which we issued and sold to the 2022 Investors an aggregate of 116,668 shares of our common stock and 3,185,000 shares of our Voting Preferred Stock. The gross proceeds from the securities sold in the 2022 Private Placement totaled $6.7 million before offering expenses. The costs incurred with respect to the 2022 Private Placement totaled $0.2 million and were recorded as a reduction of the 2022 Private Placement proceeds in the consolidated statements of stockholders’ equity (deficit). The accounting effects of the 2022 Private Placement transaction are discussed in Note 15 "Stockholders' Equity" in the notes to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.


The 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement


In May 2023, the Company entered into the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement Stock Purchase Agreement with the 2023 Investors pursuant to which the Company may issue and sell to the 2023 Investors up to $9.0 million in shares of the Senior Preferred Stock in multiple tranches from time to time until December 31, 2025, subject to a minimum aggregate purchase amount of $0.5 million in each tranche. The Initial Placement occurred on May 15, 2023, under which the Company sold the 2023 Investors 280,899 shares of Senior Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $2.0 million.


On July 6, 2023, the Company and the 2023 Investors entered into the Multi-Tranche Amendment. The Multi-Tranche Amendment (a) clarifies the appropriate date pursuant to which the purchase price for each share of Senior Preferred Stock to be sold in the Private Placement is determined (such that the purchase price shall be equal to the “Minimum Price” as set forth in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d)) and (b) permits the Company to specify a desired closing date (subject to approval by the 2023 Investors) for each sale in the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement. 


On July 12, 2023, the Company and the 2023 Investors consummated the Second Placement under the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement, under which the Company sold the 2023 Investors 500,000 shares of Senior Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $2.0 million.


On September 8, 2023, the Company and the 2023 Investors consummated the Third Placement under the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement, under which the Company sold the 2023 Investors 292,398 shares of Senior Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $1.0 million.


On October 20, 2023, the Company and the 2023 Investors consummated the Fourth Placement under the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement, under which the Company sold the 2023 Investors 502,513 shares of Senior Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $2.0 million.


The Company used the proceeds of the Placements, after the payment of transaction expenses, for general working capital purposes. The accounting effects of the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement transaction are discussed in Note 15 "Stockholders' Equity" in the notes to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.


Series X Convertible Preferred Stock


On October 4, 2023, the Company entered into the 2023 Exchange Agreement with the Madryn Noteholders, pursuant to which the Madryn Noteholders agreed to exchange $26.7 million in aggregate principal amount outstanding under the Notes for (i) $22.8 in aggregate principal amount of new secured convertible notes of the Company and (ii) 248,755 shares of newly-created convertible preferred stock of the Company, par value $0.0001 per share designated as "Series X Convertible Preferred Stock." The transaction is discussed in Note 15 "Stockholders' Equity" in the notes to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.


Registered Direct Offering


On February 22, 2024, the Company, entered into the SPA with the 2024 Investors, pursuant to which the Company agreed to issue and sell to the 2024 Investors (i) in a registered direct offering, an aggregate of 817,748 shares of the Company’s common stock, at a price of $1.465 per share and (ii) the "2024 Investor Warrants," at an initial exercise price of $1.34 per share. The transaction is discussed in Note 15 "Stockholders' Equity" in the notes to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.


Madryn Loan and Security Agreement


On April 23, 2024, the Company entered into the Loan and Security Agreement, by and among the Bridge Borrower, the 2024 Guarantors, the 2024 Lenders and Madryn Health Partners, LP, as administrative agent. Pursuant to the Loan and Security Agreement, the 2024 Lenders have agreed to provide the Bridge Borrower with Bridge Financing in the form of a term loan in the original principal amount of $2.2 million and one or more delayed draw term loans of up to an additional principal amount of $2.8 million. On July 26, 2024 and September 11, 2024 additional delayed draws in the amounts of $1 million were made, respectively.


From May 24, 2024 through September 26, 2024 the Loan Parties entered into Bridge Financing Amendments Two through Seven, which among other things, extended the maturity date to October 31, 2024, increased the delayed draw commitment from $2.8 million to $3.0 million, made interest payments payable-in-kind, deleted the net loss covenant, and granted relief from minimum liquidity requirements. These amendments are discussed in Note 11 "Madryn Debt and Convertible Notes" in the notes to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.


2024 Exchange Agreements and Series Y Convertible Preferred Stock Issuance


On May 24, 2024, the Company entered into the 2024 Exchange Agreement with the Madryn Noteholders, pursuant to which the Madryn Noteholders agreed to exchange $52.1 million in aggregate principal amount outstanding under the Main Street Priority Loan, dated December 8, 2020, for (i) $17.1 million in aggregate principal amount of new secured convertible notes of the Company and (ii) 576,986 shares of newly-created convertible preferred stock of the Company, par value $0.0001 per share designated as "Series Y Convertible Preferred Stock." As part of the extinguishment of principal, the Company recognized a $10.9 million non-cash loss. 


Additionally, on September 26, 2024, the Company entered into the Second 2024 Exchange Agreement whereby the Company exchanged $17,662 of the balance outstanding under the MSLP Loan Agreement for $2,662 in aggregate principal amount outstanding under the MSLP Loan Agreement and 203,583 shares of Series Y Convertible Preferred Stock. As part of the extinguishment of principal, the Company recognized a $0.5 million non-cash loss.


The transactions are discussed in Note 15 "Stockholders' Equity" in the notes to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.


Products and Services


We derive revenue from the sale of products and services. Product revenue includes revenue from the following:



the sale, including traditional sales, Venus Prime and legacy subscription-based sales, of systems, inclusive of the main console and applicators/handpieces (referred to as system revenue);



marketing supplies and kits;



consumables and disposables;



service revenue; and



replacement applicators/handpieces.


Service revenue includes revenue derived from our extended warranty service contracts provided to our existing customers.


Systems are sold through traditional sales contracts, through our internal financing programs and through distributors. In the third quarter of 2022 we commenced an initiative to reduce our reliance on system sales sold under subscription agreements in the United States. This strategic shift is designed to improve cash generation and reduce our exposure to defaults and increased bad debt expense given the increasingly challenging economic environment caused by the coexistence of high inflation and high interest rates.




We generate revenue from traditional system sales and from sales under our internal lease programs, which are available to customers in North America and select international markets. Approximately 28% of our aesthetic system revenues were derived from our internal lease programs in the nine months ended September 30, 2024. We currently do not offer the ARTAS iX system under our internal lease programs. For additional details related to our internal lease programs, see Part 1, Item 1. Business as filed in our Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.


In January 2024, the Company launched its new Venus Prime program which is a structured in-house financing program replacing its legacy subscription program for customers in North America. Under our Venus Prime program, select customers can qualify for competitive financing rates and continue to benefit from the payment flexibility afforded by our previous subscription financing program when purchasing our aesthetic medical devices, as well as a seamless technology upgrade program made available to our customers in years 2 and 3 of ownership.


Like our legacy subscription model, Venus Prime includes an up-front fee and a monthly payment schedule, typically over a period of 36 months, with approximately 40% to 45% of total contract payments collected in the first year. To ensure that each monthly payment is made on time and that the customer’s system is serviced in accordance with the terms of the warranty, every product purchased under Venus Prime requires a monthly activation code, which we provide to the customer upon receipt of the monthly payment. These recurring monthly payments provide our customers with enhanced financial transparency and predictability. This structure can provide greater flexibility than traditional equipment leases secured through financing companies. We work closely with our customers to provide business recommendations that improve the quality-of-service outcomes, build patient traffic and improve financial returns for the customer’s business.


We have developed and received regulatory clearance for twelve novel aesthetic technology platforms, including our ARTAS and NeoGraft systems. We believe our ARTAS and NeoGraft systems are complementary and give us a hair restoration product offering that can serve a broad segment of the market. Our medical aesthetic technology platforms have received regulatory clearance for a variety of indications, including treatment of facial wrinkles in certain skin types, temporary reduction of appearance of cellulite, non-invasive fat reduction (lipolysis) in the abdomen and flanks for certain body types and relief of minor muscle aches and pains in jurisdictions around the world. In addition, our technology pipeline is heavily focused on improving and enhancing our current technologies, products, and services and the development of robotically assisted minimally invasive solutions for aesthetic procedures that are primarily treated by surgical intervention, including the AI.ME platform for which we received FDA 510(k) clearance for fractional skin resurfacing in December 2022.


In the United States, we have obtained 510(k) clearance from the FDA for our Venus Viva, Venus Viva MD, Venus Legacy, Venus Versa, Venus Versa Pro, Venus Velocity, Venus Bliss, Venus Bliss Max, Venus Epileve, Venus Fiore, ARTAS, ARTAS iX and AI.ME systems. Outside the United States, we market our technologies in over 60 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. Because each country has its own regulatory scheme and clearance process, not every device is cleared or authorized for the same indications in each market in which a particular system is marketed.


As of September 30, 2024, we operated directly in 12 international markets through our 10 direct offices in the United States, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Spain, Germany, Australia, China, Hong Kong, and Israel.


Our revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2024, and 2023 were $15.0 million and $17.6 million, respectively. Our revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, and 2023 were $49.1 million and $58.2 million, respectively. We had a net loss attributable to the Company of $9.3 million and $9.1 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024, and 2023, respectively. We had a net loss attributable to the Company of $39.0 million and $26.4 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, and 2023, respectively. We had an Adjusted EBITDA loss of $5.9 million and $4.6 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, and 2023, respectively. We had an Adjusted EBITDA loss of $15.1 million and $14.3 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, and 2023, respectively.




Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures


Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP measure defined as net income (loss) before foreign exchange (gain) loss, financial expenses, income tax expense (benefit), depreciation and amortization, stock-based compensation and non-recurring items for a given period. Adjusted EBITDA is not a measure of our financial performance under U.S. GAAP and should not be considered an alternative to net income or any other performance measures derived in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Accordingly, you should consider Adjusted EBITDA along with other financial performance measures, including net income, and our financial results presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Other companies, including companies in our industry, may calculate Adjusted EBITDA differently or not at all, which reduces its usefulness as a comparative measure. We understand that although Adjusted EBITDA is frequently used by securities analysts, lenders and others in their evaluation of companies, Adjusted EBITDA has limitations as an analytical tool, and you should not consider it in isolation, or as a substitute for analysis of our results as reported under U.S. GAAP. Some of these limitations are: Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect our cash expenditures or future requirements for capital expenditures or contractual commitments; Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect changes in, or cash requirements for, our working capital needs; and although depreciation and amortization are non-cash charges, the assets being depreciated will often have to be replaced in the future, and Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect any cash requirements for such replacements.


We believe that Adjusted EBITDA is a useful measure for analyzing the performance of our core business because it facilitates operating performance comparisons from period to period and company to company by backing out potential differences caused by changes in foreign exchange rates that impact financial assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, tax positions (such as the impact on periods or companies of changes in effective tax rates), the age and book depreciation of fixed assets (affecting relative depreciation expense), amortization of intangible assets, stock-based compensation expense (because it is a non-cash expense) and non-recurring items as explained below.


The following is a reconciliation of net loss to Adjusted EBITDA for the periods presented:



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,









Reconciliation of net loss to adjusted EBITDA


(in thousands)


(in thousands)

Net loss

  $ (9,302 )   $ (8,956 )   $ (38,955 )   $ (25,900)

Foreign exchange loss

    57       909       1,155       379

Loss on disposal of subsidiaries

          1             77

Loss on debt extinguishment

    454             11,355      

Finance expenses

    1,665       1,605       5,785       4,666

Income tax (benefit) expense

    (31 )     (321 )     147       103

Depreciation and amortization

    971       1,010       2,924       3,042

Stock-based compensation expense

    239       364       817       1,214

CEWS (1)


Other adjustments (2)

    73       752       1,220       2,082

Adjusted EBITDA

  $ (5,874 )   $ (4,636 )   $ (15,134 )   $ (14,337)


(1) In April 2022, the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) initiated an audit of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Claim (“CEWS”) that the Company filed between 2020-2021. The CRA has currently assessed a denial of CEWS claims made by the Company in 2020 and requesting repayment of $418. The Company disputes the CRA assessment and intends to challenge this matter through the Tax Court or Judicial Review.

(2) For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023 the other adjustments are represented by restructuring activities designed to improve the Company's operations and cost structure.




Key Factors Impacting Our Results of Operations


Our results of operations are impacted by several factors, but we consider the following to be particularly significant to our business:


Number of systems delivered. The majority of our revenue is generated from the delivery of systems, both under traditional sales contracts and internal financing programs. The following table sets forth the number of systems we have delivered in the geographic regions indicated:



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,










United States

    88       104       317       325  


    165       150       472       584  

Total systems delivered

    253       254       789       909  


Mix between traditional sales, distributor sales, and sales made under our internal financing programs. We deliver systems through (1) traditional direct system sales contracts to customers, (2) our internal lease programs, and (3) system sales through distribution agreements. Unit deliveries under direct system sales contracts and internally financed sales have higher per unit revenues and gross margins, while revenues and gross margins on systems sold through distributors are lower. However, distributor sales do not require significant sales and marketing support as these expenses are borne by the distributors. In addition, while traditional system sales and internally financed sales have similar gross margins, cash collections on sales financed under our internal financing programs generally occur over a three-year period, with approximately 40% to 45% collected in the first year and the balance collected evenly over the remaining two years of the agreement. In the third quarter of 2022 we commenced an initiative to reduce our reliance on system sales sold under our internal financing programs in the United States. This strategic shift is designed to improve cash generation and reduce our exposure to defaults and increased bad debt expense given the increasingly challenging economic environment caused by the coexistence of high inflation and high interest rates.


Investment in Sales, Marketing and Operations. In previous years, we made a strategic decision to penetrate the global market by investing in sales and marketing expenses across all geographic segments. This included the opening of direct offices and hiring experienced sales, marketing, and operational staff. While we generated incremental product sales in these new markets, these revenues and the related margins did not fully offset the startup investments made in certain countries. We continue to evaluate our profitability and growth prospects in these countries and have taken and will continue to take steps to exit countries which we do not believe will produce sustainable results. Since June 2020 we have ceased direct sales operations in 14 countries across Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Africa and have increased our investment in, and focus on, the United States market.


In the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, and 2023, respectively, we did not open any direct sales offices.


Bad Debt Expense. We maintain an allowance for expected credit losses for estimated losses that may primarily arise from customers who purchased our products under our internal financing programs who are unable to make the remaining payments required under their agreements. We continue to focus our selling efforts on cash sales and internal financing customers with a stronger credit profile, thereby reducing our exposure to credit losses. We incurred a bad debt expense of $0.4 million and $0.9 million during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024. This compares to $0.3 million and $1.2 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023. As of September 30, 2024, our allowance for expected credit losses was $4.1 million which represents 16.4% of the gross outstanding accounts receivable as of this date. As of September 30, 2023, our allowance for expected credit losses was $12.8 million which represented 27.3% of the gross outstanding accounts receivable as of this date.






The global economy, including the financial and credit markets, has recently experienced extreme volatility and disruption, including increases to inflation rates, rising interest rates, foreign currency impacts, declines in consumer confidence, and a challenging growth environment. All these factors point to uncertainty about economic stability, and the severity and duration of these conditions on our business cannot be predicted. The bulk of the third quarter revenue decline was due to a significant tightening in credit markets in the U.S. and to a lesser extent international markets due to higher interest rates, impacting our customers' ability and/or desire to secure capital equipment financing. In addition, our international results were negatively affected by an acceleration of our international strategy to wind down underperforming countries as we transitioned to third party distributors. We continue to focus on quality of revenue and despite the revenue decline, our cash used in operations was $4.8 million lower, or 40%, than the same period in 2023. On a positive note, the Federal Reserve Board (Fed), the European Central Bank, the Swiss National Bank and the Bank of Canada all recently reduced interest rates in an effort to reduce the degree of restrictiveness in monetary policy, and signaling future rate cuts over the near term. We remain focused on adapting to the challenges presented by the current macro-economic environment, as well as the opportunities presented by an easing of monetary policy.


Israel  Hamas conflict. Following the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas on Israeli citizens and the declaration of war that followed, we have taken steps to mitigate exposure to risks related to our Israeli operations, the risks of which are further described in Item 1A. Risk Factors in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. These efforts include but are not limited to, working with our contract manufacturers to accelerate inventory build, contingency planning with respect to alternative manufacturing sites within their network, and relocating larger amounts of finished goods to warehouses in North America to protect our ability to distribute products. Alongside the Company's continuity plan, we maintain daily contact with our employees in Israel and have instituted a wellness program designed to provide access to healthcare practitioners/consultants for short term counselling for colleagues and family members in order to provide assistance during the conflict.


Supply chain. We did not experience significant supply issues during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 as we continue to actively work with our suppliers and third-party manufacturers to mitigate supply issues and build inventory of key component parts. We continued to experience some supply challenges in the third quarter of 2024 due to ongoing and intensified geopolitical disruption in the middle east impacting shipping lanes, deliveries of materials and component parts, impacting production lead times that may impact our ability to manufacture the number of systems required to meet customer demand. In addition, since the second quarter of 2021 we have experienced significant inflationary pressures throughout our supply chain, which we expect to continue throughout the rest of 2024. We continue to mitigate such pressures, where possible, through price increases and margin management.


Global economic conditions. General global economic downturns and macroeconomic trends, including heightened inflation, capital markets volatility, interest rate and currency rate fluctuations, and economic slowdowns, have resulted and may continue to result in unfavorable conditions that negatively affect demand for our products and exacerbate some of the other risks that affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. Both domestic and international markets experienced significant inflationary pressures in fiscal year 2024. While inflation rates in the U.S., as well as in other countries in which we operate, are showing signs of moderation, the impact of such successive increases on cost structures remains, affecting governments, corporations and small businesses alike. Our customers have also been affected by higher inflation and higher interest rates, impacting their ability to secure third party financing or causing many of them to delay capital purchases due to high interest rates. As noted above, the Federal Reserve in the U.S. and other central banks in various countries have commenced a cycle of interest rate reductions in response to concerns about inflation and stagnant growth.


Sales markets. We are a global business, having established a commercial presence in more than 60 countries during our history. While the continued post-pandemic recovery remains challenging due to the coexistence of high inflation and high interest rates, we continue to evaluate our direct operations, particularly those outside of North America.


Accounts receivable collections. We remain fully focused on our revised credit screening practices and thereby reducing bad debt expenses. As of September 30, 2024, our allowance for expected credit losses stands at $4.2 million, which represents 12.2% of the gross outstanding accounts receivable as of that date. This represents a decrease of $3.2 million or 43% from our December 31, 2023 allowance for expected credit losses balance of $7.4 million.


Foreign Exchange fluctuations. We are primarily exposed to foreign exchange risk with respect to revenues generated outside of the United States denominated in New Israeli Shekels, Euros, Canadian dollars, Australian dollars, Hong Kong dollars, and Mexican pesos. We manage our foreign currency exposures on a consolidated basis, which allows us to net exposures and take advantage of any natural offsets. We do not hedge our entire foreign exchange exposure and are still subject to earnings and stockholders' equity volatility relating to foreign exchange risk. Financial market and currency volatility may limit our ability to cost-effectively hedge these exposures.




Basis of Presentation




We generate revenue from (1) sales of systems through our internal financing programs, traditional system sales to customers and distributors, (2) other product revenues from the sale of ARTAS kits, Viva tips, other consumables, marketing supplies, and (3) service revenue from our extended warranty service contracts provided to existing customers.


System Revenue


For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, approximately 23% and 28%, respectively, of our total system revenues were derived from our internal financing programs (Venus Prime and our legacy subscription model). For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, approximately 31% and 30%, respectively, of our total system revenues were derived from our internal financing programs. Lease program revenues in the first nine months of 2024 have declined compared to the same period in 2023, which is in line with our strategy to prioritize cash deals over internal financing program deals in order to improve cash generation and preserve liquidity. Our internal financing programs are designed to provide a low barrier to ownership of our systems and includes an up-front fee followed by monthly payments, typically over a 36-month period. The up-front fee serves as a down payment. For accounting purposes, our internal financing programs are considered to be sales-type finance leases, where the present value of all cash flows to be received under the agreement is recognized as revenue upon shipment to the customer and achievement of the required revenue recognition criteria.


For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, approximately 61% and 59%, respectively, of our total system revenues were derived from traditional sales. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, approximately 61% and 61%, respectively, of our total system revenues were derived from traditional sales. We continue to focus on traditional sales in line with our strategy to prioritize cash deals over internal lease program deals in order to improve cash generation and preserve liquidity.


Customers generally demand higher discounts in connection with traditional sales. We recognize revenues from products sold to customers based on the following five steps: (1) identification of the contract(s) with the customer; (2) identification of the performance obligations in the contract; (3) determination of the transaction price; (4) allocation of the transaction price to the separate performance obligations in the contract; and (5) recognition of revenue when (or as) the entity satisfies a performance obligation.




We do not grant rights of return or early termination rights to our customers under either our traditional sales or internal lease programs. These traditional sales are generally made through our sales team in the countries in which the team operates.


For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, approximately 16% and 13%, respectively, of our total system revenues were derived from distributor sales. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023, approximately 8% and 9% of our total system revenues were derived from distributor sales. The increase in distributor sales as a percentage of total system revenues is in line with the Company's focus of driving international growth through strong distributor partnerships. Under the traditional distributor relationship, we do not sell directly to the end customer and, accordingly, achieve a lower overall margin on each system sold compared to our direct sales. These sales are non-refundable, non-returnable and without any rights of price protection or stock rotation. Accordingly, we consider distributors as end customers, and are accounted for using the sell-in method.


Procedure Based Revenue


We generate revenue from the harvesting, site making, and implantation procedures performed with our ARTAS system. The harvesting procedure, as the name suggests, is the act of harvesting hair follicles from the patient’s scalp for implantation in the prescribed areas. To perform these procedures, a disposable clinical kit is required. These kits can be large (with an unlimited number of harvests) or small (with a maximum of 1,100 harvests). The customer must place an online order with us for the number and type of kits desired and make a payment. Upon receipt of the order and the related payment, we ship the kit(s), and the customer must scan the barcode on the kit label in order to perform the procedure. Once the kits are exhausted, the customer must purchase additional kits. The site making procedure uses the ARTAS system to create a recipient site (i.e., site making) in the patient’s scalp affected by androgenic alopecia (or male pattern baldness). The site making procedure also requires a disposable site making kit. The site making kits are sold to customers in the same manner as the kits for harvesting procedures. The implantation procedure utilizes the same disposal kit that is used for site making and involves immediately implanting follicles into the created recipient site. The implantation kits are sold to customers in the same manner as the harvesting and site making kits.


Other Product Revenue


We also generate revenue from our customer base by selling Viva tips, Glide (a cooling/conductive gel which is required for use with many of our systems), marketing supplies and kits, various consumables and disposables, replacement applicators and handpieces, and ARTAS system training.


Service Revenue


We generate ancillary revenue from our existing customers by selling additional services including extended warranty service contracts.


Cost of Goods Sold and Gross Profit


Cost of goods sold consists primarily of costs associated with manufacturing our different systems, including direct product costs from third-party manufacturers, warehousing and storage costs and fulfillment and supply chain costs inclusive of personnel-related costs (primarily salaries, benefits, incentive compensation and stock-based compensation). Cost of goods sold also includes the cost of upgrades, technology amortization, royalty fees, parts, supplies, and cost of product warranties.


Operating Expenses


Selling and Marketing 


We currently sell our products and services using direct sales representatives in North America and in select international markets. Our sales costs primarily consist of salaries, commissions, benefits, incentive compensation and stock-based compensation. Costs also include expenses for travel and other promotional and sales-related activities as well as clinical training costs.


Our marketing costs primarily consist of salaries, benefits, incentive compensation and stock-based compensation. They also include expenses for travel, trade shows, and other promotional and marketing activities, including direct and online marketing. As the business environment improves, we expect sales and marketing expenses to continue to increase, but at a rate slightly below our rate of revenue growth.




General and Administrative


Our general and administrative costs primarily consist of expenses associated with our executive, accounting and finance, information technology, legal, regulatory affairs, quality assurance and human resource departments, direct office rent/facilities costs, and intellectual property portfolio management. These expenses consist of personnel-related expenses (primarily salaries, benefits, incentive compensation and stock-based compensation), audit fees, legal fees, consultants, travel, insurance, and expected credit losses. During the normal course of operations, we may incur expected credit losses on accounts receivable balances that are deemed to be uncollectible.


Research and Development


Our research and development costs primarily consist of personnel-related costs (primarily salaries, benefits, incentive compensation, and stock-based compensation), material costs, amortization of intangible assets, clinical costs, and facilities costs in our Yokneam, Israel and San Jose, California research centers. Our ongoing research and development activities are primarily focused on improving and enhancing our current technologies, products, and services, and on expanding our current product offering with the introduction of new products and expanded indications.


We expense all research and development costs in the periods in which they are incurred. We expect our research and development expenses to increase in absolute dollars as we continue to invest in research, clinical studies, and development activities, but to decline as a percentage of revenue as our revenue increases over time.


Finance Expenses


Finance expenses consist of interest income, interest expense and other banking charges. Interest income consists of interest earned on our cash, cash equivalents and short-term bank deposits. We expect interest income to vary depending on our average investment balances and market interest rates during each reporting period. Interest expense consists of interest on long-term debt and other borrowings. The interest rates on our long-term debt were 8.35% for the MSLP Loan (now owned by Madryn), 13.97% for the Madryn Notes, and 13.60% for the 2024 Notes as of September 30, 2024 and 8.71% for the MSLP Loan and 14.03% for the Notes as of December 31, 2023 .

Foreign Exchange Loss


Foreign currency exchange loss changes reflect foreign exchange gains or losses related to the change in value of assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar.


Loss on Debt Extinguishment


Loss on Debt Extinguishment is due to the May 2024 exchange of $52.1 million in aggregate principal amount outstanding under the MSLP Loan Agreement for $17.1 million in aggregate principal of New Secured Notes and 576,986 shares of Series Y Convertible Preferred Stock. As part of the May 2024 extinguishment of principal, the Company recognized a $10.9 million non-cash loss. Additionally, in September 2024 the Company exchanged $15.0 million in aggregate principal of New Secured Notes for 203,583 shares of Series Y Convertible Preferred Stock. As part of the September 2024 extinguishment of principal, the Company recognized a $0.5 million non-cash loss.


Income Tax (Benefit) Expense


We estimate our current and deferred tax liabilities based on current tax laws in the statutory jurisdictions in which we operate. These estimates include judgments about liabilities resulting from temporary differences between assets and liabilities recognized for financial reporting purposes and such amounts recognized for tax purposes. In certain jurisdictions, only the payments invoiced in the current period are subject to tax, but for accounting purposes, the discounted value of the total subscription contract is reported and tax affected. This results in a deferred tax credit which is settled in the future period when the monthly installment payment is issued and settled with the customer. Since our inception, we have not recorded any tax benefits for the net operating losses we have incurred in each year or for the research and development tax credits we generated in the United States. We believe, based upon the weight of available evidence, that it is more likely than not that all of our net operating loss carryforwards and tax credits will not be realized. Income tax (benefit) expense is recognized based on the actual taxable income or loss incurred during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024.


Non-Controlling Interests


We have minority shareholders in one jurisdiction in which we have direct operations. For accounting purposes, these minority partners are referred to as non-controlling interests, and we record the non-controlling interests’ share of earnings in our subsidiaries as a separate balance within stockholders’ equity in the consolidated balance sheets and consolidated statements of stockholders’ equity (deficit).


Results of Operations


The following tables set forth our consolidated results of operations in U.S. dollars and as a percentage of revenues for the periods indicated:



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,










Consolidated Statements of Loss:


(dollars in thousands)


(dollars in thousands)





  $ 2,684     $ 4,368     $ 10,732     $ 14,440  

Products and services

    12,323       13,248       38,336       43,782  

Total revenue

    15,007       17,616       49,068       58,222  

Cost of goods sold:



    651       1,183       2,538       3,633  

Products and services

    4,435       4,248       13,113       14,485  
      5,086       5,431       15,651       18,118  

Gross profit

    9,921       12,185       33,417       40,104  

Operating expenses:


Selling and marketing

    6,654       6,907       21,076       23,319  

General and administrative

    8,732       10,115       27,640       30,933  

Research and development

    1,692       1,925       5,214       6,527  

Total operating expenses

    17,078       18,947       53,930       60,779  

Loss from operations

    (7,157 )     (6,762 )     (20,513 )     (20,675 )

Other expenses:


Foreign exchange loss

    57       909       1,155       379  

Finance expenses

    1,665       1,605       5,785       4,666  

Loss on disposal of subsidiaries

          1             77  

Loss on debt extinguishment

    454             11,355        

Loss before income taxes

    (9,333 )     (9,277 )     (38,808 )     (25,797 )

Income tax (benefit) expense

    (31 )     (321 )     147       103  

Net loss

  $ (9,302 )   $ (8,956 )   $ (38,955 )   $ (25,900 )

Net loss attributable to stockholders of the Company

    (9,286 )     (9,068 )     (39,031 )     (26,134 )

Net (loss) income attributable to non-controlling interest

    (16 )     112       76       234  

As a % of revenue:



    100 %     100 %     100 %     100 %

Cost of goods sold

    33.9       30.8       31.9       31.1  

Gross profit

    66.1       69.2       68.1       68.9  

Operating expenses:


Selling and marketing

    44.3       39.2       43.0       40.1  

General and administrative

    58.2       57.4       56.3       53.1  

Research and development

    11.3       10.9       10.6       11.2  

Total operating expenses

    113.8       107.6       109.9       104.4  

Loss from operations

    (47.7 )     (38.4 )     (41.8 )     (35.5 )

Foreign exchange loss

    0.4       5.2       2.4       0.7  

Finance expenses

    11.1       9.1       11.8       8.0  

Loss on disposal of subsidiaries

          0.0             0.1  

Loss on debt extinguishment

    3.0             23.1        

Loss before income taxes

    (62.2 )     (52.7 )     (79.1 )     (44.3 )




The following tables set forth our revenue by region and by product type for the periods indicated:



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,










(dollars in thousands)


(dollars in thousands)


Revenues by region:


United States

  $ 8,548     $ 11,167     $ 27,902     $ 31,665  


    6,459       6,449       21,166       26,557  

Total revenue

  $ 15,007     $ 17,616     $ 49,068     $ 58,222  



Three Months Ended September 30,


Nine Months Ended September 30,










(dollars in thousands)


(dollars in thousands)


Revenues by product:


Venus Prime / Subscription—Systems

  $ 2,684     $ 4,368     $ 10,732     $ 14,440  


    8,898       9,834       28,020       33,212  

Products—Other (1)

    2,741       2,487       7,945       8,019  


    684       927       2,371       2,551  

Total revenue

  $ 15,007     $ 17,616     $ 49,068     $ 58,222  



Products-Other include ARTAS procedure kits, Viva tips, Glide and other consumables.



Comparison of the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023





Three Months Ended September 30,








(in thousands, except percentages)




% of Total




% of Total








Venus Prime / Subscription—Systems

  $ 2,684     17.9     $ 4,368       24.8     $ (1,684 )     (38.6 )


    8,898     59.3       9,834       55.8       (936 )     (9.5 )


    2,741     18.3       2,487       14.1       254       10.2  


    684     4.5       927       5.3       (243 )     (26.2 )


  $ 15,007    


    $ 17,616       100.0     $ (2,609 )     (14.8 )


Total revenue decreased by $2.6 million, or 14.8%, to $15.0 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024 from $17.6 million for the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease in revenue is primarily attributed to the effects of tighter third-party lending practices which negatively impacted capital equipment sales in the U.S. and an acceleration in exiting unprofitable direct markets, partially offset by an improvement in third party international distributor revenues. Despite the challenging credit environment in the U.S. market our focus on quality of revenue continues to have a positive effect on our cash burn rate. Our cash used in operations in the first nine months of 2024 was 40% less than the same period in 2023.


We sold an aggregate of 253 systems in the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to 254 systems in the three months ended September 30, 2023. Despite comparable system unit sales, revenues for the third quarter of 2024 were below 2023 revenues for the same period due to a strong recovery in international distributor sales during the quarter, which are sold at lower average selling prices. The percentage of systems revenue derived from our internal lease programs was approximately 23% and 31% during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The decrease in systems revenues percentage is in line with our strategy to prioritize cash deals over internal financing program deals in order to improve cash generation and preserve liquidity. Specific to the U.S. market, systems revenue derived from our internal lease programs was approximately 24% and 30% during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The Company remains steadfast in ensuring that its in-house financing program accepts only qualified customers in order to minimize future credit losses, often at the expense of topline revenue.


Other product revenue was $2.7 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024 which remained essentially flat compared to product revenue in the three months ended September 30, 2023


Services revenue was $0.7 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024,compared to $0.9 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease is primarily due to the over all decline in device sales.


Cost of Goods Sold and Gross Profit


Cost of goods sold decreased by $0.3 million, or 6.3%, to $5.1 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $5.4 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023. Gross profit decreased by $2.3 million, or 18.6%, to $9.9 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $12.2 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease in gross profit is primarily due to the effects of tighter third party lending practices which negatively impacted capital equipment sales in the U.S., and a decrease in revenue in our international markets driven by the accelerated exit from unprofitable direct markets, partially offset by an improvement in third party international distributor revenues. Gross margin was 66.1% of revenue in the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to 69.2% of revenue in the three months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease in gross margin is attributable to a decrease in U.S. revenues, partially offset by an improvement in international distributor revenues. Our margins on distributor revenues are slightly less than margins in our direct markets. 


Operating expenses



Three Months Ended September 30,








(in thousands, except percentages)




% of Revenues




% of Revenues






Operating expenses:


Selling and marketing

  $ 6,654       44.3     $ 6,907       39.2     $ (253 )     (3.7 )

General and administrative

    8,732     58.2       10,115       57.4       (1,383 )     (13.7 )

Research and development

    1,692     11.3       1,925       10.9       (233 )     (12.1 )

Total operating expenses

  $ 17,078    


    $ 18,947       107.6     $ (1,869 )     (9.9 )


Selling and Marketing


Selling and marketing expenses decreased by $0.3 million or 3.7% in the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. This decrease is largely due to lower revenues and reduced activities as we exited unprofitable direct markets, and the effects of tighter third party lending practices which negatively impacted capital equipment sales in the U.S. As a percentage of total revenues, our selling and marketing expenses increased by 5.1, from 39.2% in the three months ended September 30, 2023 to 44.3% in the three months ended September 30, 2024. As the business environment improves, we expect sales and marketing expenses to increase in absolute terms, but at a rate slightly below our rate of revenue growth.


General and Administrative


General and administrative expenses decreased by $1.4 million or 13.7% in the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to reduced bad debt expense and savings from exiting certain unprofitable direct markets, lower restructuring costs, partially offset by inflationary pressures associated with salaries and other cost elements. As a percentage of total revenues, our general and administrative expenses increased by 0.8%, from 57.4% in the three months ended September 30, 2023, to 58.2% in the three months ended September 30, 2024, primarily due to the decrease in year over year total revenues.




Research and Development


Research and development expenses decreased by $0.2 million or 12.1% in the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. We experienced cost savings through the consolidation of activities between our Israel and United States sites, partially offset by a reinvestment in research and development efforts directed at scaling our robotic technology across other aesthetic platforms. As a percentage of total revenues, our research and development expenses increased by 0.4%, from 10.9% in the three months ended September 30, 2023, to 11.3% in the three months ended September 30, 2024. 


Foreign Exchange Loss


We had $0.1 million of foreign exchange loss in the three months ended September 30, 2024 and foreign exchange loss of $0.9 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023. It decreased by $0.9 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. Changes in foreign exchange are driven mainly by the effect of foreign exchange on accounts receivable balances denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. We do not currently hedge against foreign currency risk.


Finance Expenses


Finance expenses remained steady at $1.7 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $1.6 million in the three months ended September 30, 2023.


Income Tax (Benefit) Expense


We had an income tax benefit of $0.03 million in the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to a $0.3 million income tax benefit in the three months ended September 30, 2023. The tax provision is driven by profitable sales and the actual effective tax rates where the sale took place or losses were incurred. In 2024, we had changes in timing of deductible expenses and tax accrual reversals in specific judications, which resulted in $.03 million of income tax benefit.


Comparison of the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023





Nine Months Ended September 30,








(in thousands, except percentages)




% of Total




% of Total








Venus Prime / Subscription—Systems

  $ 10,732       21.9     $ 14,440       24.8     $ (3,708 )     (25.7 )


    28,020       57.1       33,212       57.0       (5,192 )     (15.6 )


    7,945       16.2       8,019       13.8       (74 )     (0.9 )


    2,371       4.8       2,551       4.4       (180 )     (7.1 )


  $ 49,068       100.0     $ 58,222       100.0     $ (9,154 )     (15.7 )


Total revenue decreased by $9.2 million, or 15.7%, to $49.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 from $58.2 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease in revenue is primarily attributed to an acceleration in exiting unprofitable direct markets, and an initiative to reduce our reliance on system sales sold under our lease programs, and the effects of tighter third party lending practices which negatively impacted capital equipment sales in both U.S. and international. These initiatives are designed to improve cash generation and reduce our exposure to defaults and increased bad debt expense given the increasingly challenging economic environment caused by the coexistence of high inflation and high interest rates. Despite the reduction in systems sales sold under our lease programs, our cash used in operations decreased by $4.8 million, or 40% versus the nine months ended September 30, 2023.


We sold an aggregate of 790 systems in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to 909 systems in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The percentage of systems revenue derived from our internal lease programs was approximately 28% and 24% during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. The relative increase in lease revenues is attributable to softness in traditional sales primarily due to tighter third party lending practices that had a greater negative impact on our more expensive ARTAS device sales during this period. We remain committed to limiting lease revenues to approximately 30% of total systems revenues, in line with our strategy to prioritize cash deals in order to improve cash generation and preserve liquidity. Specific to the U.S. market, systems revenue derived from our lease programs was approximately 30% and 24% during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.




Other product revenue decreased by $0.1 million, or 0.9%, to $7.9 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $8.0 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. This reduction is in line with the overall revenue decline during the period.


Services revenue decreased by $0.2 million, or 7.1%, to $2.4 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $2.6 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease was in line with the overall revenue decline during the period.


Cost of Goods Sold and Gross Profit


Cost of goods sold decreased by $2.4 million, or 13.3%, to $15.7 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $18.1 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Gross profit decreased by $6.7 million, or 16.7%, to $33.4 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $40.1 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The decrease in gross profit is primarily due to a decrease in revenue in our international markets driven by the accelerated exit from unprofitable direct markets as discussed above and the effects of tighter third party lending practices which negatively impacted capital equipment sales in both the U.S. and international markets, partially offset by an improvement in international distributor revenues during the period. Gross margin was 68.1% of revenue in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to 68.9% of revenue in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The modest decrease is primarily due to an improvement in international distributor revenues during the period, consistent with our strategy to exit certain unprofitable direct markets.


Operating expenses



Nine Months Ended September 30,








(in thousands, except percentages)




% of Revenues




% of Revenues






Operating expenses:


Selling and marketing

  $ 21,076       43.0     $ 23,319       40.1     $ (2,243 )     (9.6 )

General and administrative

    27,640       56.3       30,933       53.1       (3,293 )     (10.6 )

Research and development

    5,214       10.6       6,527       11.2       (1,313 )     (20.1 )

Total operating expenses

  $ 53,930       109.9     $ 60,779       104.4     $ (6,849 )     (11.3 )


Selling and Marketing


Selling and marketing expenses decreased by $2.2 million or 9.6% in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. This decrease is largely due to lower revenues and reduced activities as we exited unprofitable direct markets, and the effects of tighter third party lending practices which negatively impacted capital equipment sales in both the U.S. and international. As a percentage of total revenues, our selling and marketing expenses increased by 2.9%, from 40.1% in the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to 43% in the nine months ended September 30, 2024. As the business environment improves, we expect sales and marketing expenses to increase in absolute terms, but at a rate slightly below our rate of revenue growth.


General and Administrative


General and administrative expenses decreased by $3.3 million or 10.6% in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to reduced bad debt expense, savings from exiting certain unprofitable direct markets, lower restructuring costs, partially offset by inflationary pressures associated with salaries and other cost elements. As a percentage of total revenues, our general and administrative expenses increased by 3.2%, from 53.1% in the nine months ended September 30, 2023, to 56.3% in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, primarily due to the decrease in year over year total revenues.




Research and Development


Research and development expenses decreased by $1.3 million or 20.1% in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. We experienced significant cost savings through the consolidation of activities between our Israel and United States sites, partially offset by a reinvestment in research and development efforts directed at scaling our robotic technology across other aesthetic platforms. As a percentage of total revenues, our research and development expenses decreased by 0.6%, from 11.2% in the nine months ended September 30, 2023, to 10.6% in the nine months ended September 30, 2024. 


Foreign Exchange Loss


We had $1.2 million of foreign exchange loss in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and foreign exchange loss of $0.4 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023 a variance of $0.8 million year over year. Changes in foreign exchange are driven mainly by the effects of foreign exchange on accounts receivable balances denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar. We do not currently hedge against foreign currency risk.


Finance Expenses


Finance expenses increased by $1.1 million or 23.4%, to $5.8 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $4.7 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2023, mostly due to an increase in SOFR rates under Madryn New Secured Notes (formerly “MSLP Loan Agreement”) and expense associated with unamortized issuance costs under the MSLP Loan agreement.


Income Tax (Benefit) Expense


We had an income tax expense of $0.1 million in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to a $0.1 million income tax expense in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The tax provision is driven by profitable sales and the actual effective tax rates where the sale took place or losses were incurred. In 2024, we had changes in timing of deductible expenses and taxable income in specific judications, which resulted in $0.1 million of income tax expense.


Liquidity and Capital Resources


We had $4.5 million and $5.4 million of cash and cash equivalents as of September 30, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively. We have funded our operations with cash generated from operating activities, through the sale of equity securities and through debt financing. We had total debt obligations of approximately $34.6 million as of September 30, 2024, including the MSLP Loan of $2.7 million, convertible notes of $26.2 million, and a note payable (bridge financing) of $4.4 million compared to total debt obligations of approximately $74.9 million as of December 31, 2023. Cash used in operating activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was $7.3 million, representing a 39.9% reduction compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Working capital is primarily impacted by the ratio of our internal lease program sales (Venus Prime sales and legacy subscription-based sales) to traditional cash sales. Our recent shift to prioritize traditional cash sales over internal lease program sales is designed to improve liquidity and reduce working capital requirements over time. Our expanding product portfolio may require higher inventory levels to meet demand and to accommodate the increased number of technology platforms offered. We had a split of lease program revenue to traditional sales revenue at a ratio of approximately 32:68 in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, compared to 33:67 in the nine months ended September 30, 2023. We expect the ratio of lease program sales to traditional sales in 2024 and beyond to approximate a 30:70 split. We expect inventory to remain relatively flat in the short term but increase at a lower rate than the rate of revenue growth over the longer term.


We also require modest funding for capital expenditures. Our capital expenditures relate primarily to our research and development facilities in Yokneam, Israel and San Jose, California. In addition, our capital investments have included improvements and expansion of our subsidiaries’ operations to support our growth, but do not expect to incur such costs over the next twelve months.


Issuance of Secured Subordinated Convertible Notes


Contemporaneously with the MSLP Loan Agreement, on December 9, 2020, we issued $26.7 million aggregate principal amount of the Notes to the Madryn Noteholders pursuant to the terms of the Exchange Agreement. The Notes accrued interest at a rate of 8.0% per annum from the date of original issuance of the Notes to the third anniversary date of the original issuance and thereafter interest accrued at a rate of 6.0% per annum. In connection with the Exchange Agreement, we also entered into (i) the Madryn Loan and Security Agreement, pursuant to which we agreed to grant Madryn a security interest, in substantially all of our assets, to secure the obligations under the Notes and (ii) the CNB Subordination Agreement. The Notes were convertible at any time into shares of our common stock at an initial conversion price of $48.75 per share, subject to adjustment. For additional information regarding the Notes, Exchange Agreement, Madryn Loan and Security Agreement and CNB Subordination Agreement, see Note 11 “Madryn Long-Term Debt and Convertible Notes” to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report. On October 4, 2023, the Company entered into the 2023 Exchange Agreement with the Madryn Noteholders, pursuant to which the Madryn Noteholders agreed to exchange $26.7 million in aggregate principal amount outstanding under the Notes for (i) $22.8 million in the New Notes, and (ii) 248,755 shares of Series X Convertible Preferred Stock. The New Notes accrued interest, payable in kind on a quarterly basis, at an annual rate of 90-day Adjusted SOFR + 8.5% and are convertible at any time into shares of our common stock at an initial conversion price of $24 per share, subject to adjustment.


Main Street Priority Lending Program Term Loan


On December 8, 2020, we executed the MSLP Loan Agreement, MSLP Note, and related documents for a loan in the aggregate amount of $50.0 million for which CNB will serve as a lender pursuant to the Main Street Priority Loan Facility as established by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. On October 4, 2023, the Company, Venus USA, Venus Canada, and Venus Ltd. entered into the MSLP Loan Modification, which modified certain terms of the MSLP Loan Agreement. On April 23, 2024, the MSLP Loan was purchased by Madryn for an undisclosed amount from CNB with the consent of the Company. On May 24, 2024, the Lenders agreed to exchange $52.1 million in aggregate principal amount outstanding for $17.1 million in aggregate principal amount of new secured notes and 576,986 shares of newly-created Series Y Convertible Preferred Stock. On September 26, 2024, the Lenders agreed to another exchange of $17.7 million in aggregate principal amount outstanding for $2.7 million in aggregate principal of remaining secured notes and 203,583 shares of Series Y Convertible Preferred Stock. From June 21, 2024 through September 26, 2024, the Company entered into multiple Amendment and Consent Agreements with Madryn to, among other things, modify interest payments to be payable-in-kind, grant relief from the Minimum Deposit Relationship obligations and minimum liquidity requirements, and delete the net loss covenant. See Note 11 "Madryn Debt and Convertible Notes" to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.


CNB Loan Agreement


We had a revolving credit facility with CNB pursuant to which CNB agreed to provide a revolving credit facility to us and certain of our subsidiaries to be used to finance working capital requirements. This revolving credit facility expired on July 24, 2023 and has not been renewed. See Note 12 "Credit Facility" to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.


EW Convertible Note


On January 18, 2024, the Company, Venus USA, Venus Canada and Venus Ltd. entered into the Note Purchase Agreement with the EW Investors. Pursuant to the Note Purchase Agreement, the Company issued and sold to the EW Investors $2.0 million aggregate principal value of the 2024 Notes. The 2024 Notes accrue interest at a rate equal to the 90-day adjusted term Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) plus 8.50% per annum; provided, however, that if there is an Event of Default (as defined below), the then-applicable interest rate will increase by 4.00% per annum. In connection with the Note Purchase Agreement, the Company entered into the EW Security Agreement pursuant to which, the Company granted to the EW Investors a security interest in substantially all of their assets to secure the obligations under the 2024 Notes. The 2024 Notes were convertible at any time into shares of our common stock at an initial conversion price of $1.251 per share, subject to adjustment.


For additional information regarding the 2024 Notes, Note Purchase Agreement, and EW Security Agreement, see Note 13 “EW Convertible Notes” to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.


Madryn Loan and Security Agreement


On April 23, 2024, the Company entered into the Loan and Security Agreement, by and among the Bridge Borrower, the 2024 Guarantors, the 2024 Lenders and Madryn Health Partners, LP, as administrative agent. Pursuant to the Loan and Security Agreement, the 2024 Lenders have agreed to provide the Bridge Borrower with Bridge Financing in the form of a term loan in the original principal amount of $2.2 million and one or more delayed draw term loans of up to an additional principal amount of $2.8 million. On September 26, 2024, there were two additional drawdowns totaling $2 million under the Seventh Bridge Loan Amendment Agreement, and the Company and Lenders agreed to, among other things, extend the maturity date to October 31, 2024 and increase the delayed draw amount from $2.8 million to $3 million. The transaction is discussed in Note 11 "Madryn Debt and Convertible Notes" in the notes to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.




Equity Purchase Agreement with Lincoln Park


On June 16, 2020, we entered into the Equity Purchase Agreement with Lincoln Park, which provides that, upon the terms and subject to the conditions and limitations set forth therein, we may sell to Lincoln Park up to $31.0 million of shares of our common stock pursuant to our shelf registration statement. The purchase price of shares of common stock related to a future sale will be based on the then prevailing market prices of such shares at the time of sales as described in the Equity Purchase Agreement. The aggregate number of shares that we can sell to Lincoln Park under the Equity Purchase Agreement may in no case exceed the Exchange Cap, unless (i) stockholder approval is obtained to issue shares above the Exchange Cap, in which case the Exchange Cap will no longer apply, or (ii) the average price of all applicable sales of common stock to Lincoln Park under the Equity Purchase Agreement equals or exceeds $59.6325 per share (subject to adjustment) (which represents the minimum price, as defined under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d), on the Nasdaq Global Market immediately preceding the signing of the Equity Purchase Agreement, such that the transactions contemplated by the Equity Purchase Agreement are exempt from the Exchange Cap limitation under applicable Nasdaq Listing Rules). Also, at no time may Lincoln Park (together with its affiliates) beneficially own more than 9.99% of our issued and outstanding common stock. Concurrently with entering into the Equity Purchase Agreement, we also entered into a Registration Rights Agreement with Lincoln Park. The Equity Purchase Agreement expired on July 1, 2022.


On July 12, 2022, we entered into the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement with Lincoln Park, and we issued and sold to Lincoln Park 0.05 million shares of our common stock as a commitment fee in connection with entering into the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement, with the total value of $0.3 million. Through December 31, 2023 we issued an additional 0.78 million shares of common stock to Lincoln Park at an average price of $3.97 per share, for a total proceeds value of $3.1 million since entering into the Purchase Agreement. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company issued an additional 8,333 shares of common stock to Lincoln Park at an average price of $1.16 per share, for a total value of $10. For additional information regarding the 2022 LPC Purchase Agreement, see Note 15 “Stockholders' Equity” to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.


The 2022 Private Placement


On November 18, 2022, we consummated the 2022 Private Placement whereby we entered into a securities purchase agreement pursuant to which we issued and sold to the 2022 Investors an aggregate of 116,668 shares of our common stock and 3,185,000 shares of our Voting Preferred Stock. The gross proceeds from the securities sold in the 2022 Private Placement totaled $6.7 million before offering expenses. The costs incurred with respect to the 2022 Private Placement totaled $0.2 million and were recorded as a reduction of the 2022 Private Placement proceeds in the consolidated statements of stockholders’ equity (deficit). The accounting effects of the 2022 Private Placement transaction are discussed in Note 15 "Stockholders' Equity" in the notes to our consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.


The 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement


In May 2023, we entered into the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement Stock Purchase Agreement, with the 2023 Investors pursuant to which the Company may issue and sell to the 2023 Investors up to $9.0 million in shares of Senior Preferred Stock, in multiple tranches from time to time until December 31, 2025, subject to a minimum aggregate purchase amount of $0.5 million in each tranche. The Initial Placement occurred on May 15, 2023, under which the Company sold the 2023 Investors 280,899 shares of Senior Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $2.0 million. 


On July 12, 2023, the Company and the 2023 Investors consummated the Second Placement under the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement, under which the Company sold the 2023 Investors 500,000 shares of Senior Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $2.0 million. 


On September 8, 2023, the Company and the 2023 Investors consummated the Third Placement under the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement, under which the Company sold the 2023 Investors 292,398 shares of Senior Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $1.0 million.


On October 20, 2023, the Company and the 2023 Investors consummated the Fourth Placement under the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement, under which the Company sold the 2023 Investors 502,513 shares of Senior Preferred Stock for an aggregate purchase price of $2.0 million. The Company expects to use the proceeds of the Placements, after the payment of transaction expenses, for general working capital purposes. The accounting effects of the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement transactions are discussed in Note 15 "Stockholders' Equity" in the notes to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report.


Registered Direct Offering


On February 22, 2024, the Company, entered into the SPA with the 2024 Investors, pursuant to which the Company agreed to issue and sell to the 2024 Investors (i) in a registered direct offering, an aggregate of 817,748 shares of the Company’s common stock, at a price of $1.465 per share and (ii) in a concurrent private placement, warrants to acquire up to an aggregate of 817,748 shares of common stock, at an initial exercise price of $1.34 per share. H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC (“HCW”) acted as the Company’s placement agent in connection with Offering. The Company paid HCW consideration consisting of (i) a cash fee equal to 7.0% of the aggregate gross proceeds in the Offering, (ii) a management fee equal to 1.0% of the aggregate gross proceeds in the Offering, (iii) reimbursement of certain expenses and (iv) warrants to acquire up to an aggregate of 57,242 shares of common stock (the “Placement Agent Warrants”). The Placement Agent Warrants are similar to the 2024 Investor Warrants, except that the initial exercise price of the Placement Agent Warrants is $1.8313 per share. The transaction is discussed in Note 15 "Stockholders' Equity" in the notes to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report. 




Capital Resources


As of September 30, 2024, we had capital resources consisting of cash and cash equivalents of $4.5 million. We have financed our operations principally through the issuance and sale of our common stock and preferred stock, debt financing, and payments from customers.


We believe that the net proceeds from the Madryn Loan and Security Agreement, the Registered Direct Offering, the 2024 Note, the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement, the 2022 Private Placement, the proceeds from issuance of our common stock to Lincoln Park, the proceeds from the MSLP Loan, our strategic cash flow enhancement initiatives, our initiatives to pursue strategic alternatives, together with our existing cash and cash equivalents, will enable us to fund our operating expenses and capital expenditure requirements for at least the next 12 months. We can provide no assurances that we will be successful in raising additional capital or that such capital, if available at all, will be on terms that are acceptable to us. If we are unable to raise sufficient additional capital, we may be compelled to reduce the scope of our operations and planned capital or research and development expenditures or sell certain assets, including intellectual property assets.


Additional funds may not be available when we need them, on terms that are acceptable to us, or at all. If adequate funds are not available to us on a timely basis, we may be required to:



delay or curtail our efforts to develop system product enhancements or new products, including any clinical trials that may be required to market such enhancements;



delay or curtail our plans to increase and expand our sales and marketing efforts; or



delay or curtail our plans to enhance our customer support and marketing activities.


We are restricted by covenants in the MSLP Loan, EW Security Agreement, and the Madryn Loan and Security Agreement. These covenants restrict, among other things, our ability to incur additional indebtedness, which may limit our ability to obtain additional debt financing. In the event that the current macroeconomic headwinds continue to cause or present disruptions for an extended period of time, we cannot assure you that we will remain in compliance with the financial covenants contained in our credit facilities. We also cannot assure you that our lenders would provide relief or that we could secure alternative financing on favorable terms, if at all. Our failure to comply with the covenants contained in our credit facilities, including financial covenants, could result in an event of default, which could materially and adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition.


We have based our projections on the amount of time through which our financial resources will be adequate to support our operations on assumptions that may prove to be incorrect, and we may use all our available capital resources sooner than we expect. Our future funding requirements, including long-term funding requirements, will depend on many factors, including, but not limited to:



the cost of growing our ongoing commercialization and sales and marketing activities;



the costs of manufacturing and maintaining enough inventories of our systems to meet anticipated demand and inventory write-offs related to obsolete products or components;



the costs of enhancing the existing functionality and development of new functionalities for our systems;



the costs of preparing, filing, prosecuting, defending, and enforcing patent claims and other patent related costs, including litigation costs and the results of such litigation;



any product liability or other lawsuits and the costs associated with defending them or the results of such lawsuits;



the costs associated with conducting business and maintaining subsidiaries and other entities in foreign jurisdictions;



customers in jurisdictions where our systems are not approved delaying their purchase, and not purchasing our systems, until they are approved or cleared for use in their market;



the costs to attract and retain personnel with the skills required for effective operations; and



the costs associated with being a public company.


In order to grow our business and increase revenues, we will need to introduce and commercialize new products, grow our sales and marketing force, implement new software systems, as well as identify and penetrate new markets. Such endeavors have in the past increased, and may continue in the future, to increase our expenses, including sales and marketing, and research and development. We will have to continue to increase our revenues while effectively managing our expenses in order to achieve profitability and to sustain it. Our failure to control expenses could make it difficult to achieve profitability or to sustain profitability in the future. Moreover, we cannot be sure that our expenditures will result in the successful development and introduction of new products in a cost-effective and timely manner or that any such new products will achieve market acceptance and generate revenues for our business.




Cash flows


The following table summarizes our cash flows for the periods indicated:



Nine Months Ended September 30,






(in thousands)


Cash used in operating activities

  $ (7,259 )   $ (12,085 )

Cash used in investing activities



)     (89 )

Cash provided by financing activities




Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents

  $ (907 )   $ (6,643 )


Cash Flows from Operating Activities


For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, cash used in operating activities consisted of a net loss of $39.0 million, partially offset by decreases in net operating assets of $10.9 million and non-cash operating expenses of $20.8 million. The use of cash in net operating assets was attributable to a decrease in accrued expenses and other current liabilities of $1.6 million, a decrease in trade payables of $1.6 million, a decrease in unearned interest income of $0.8 million, and a decrease in long-term operating lease liabilities of $0.8 million. These were offset by a decrease in accounts receivable of $9.9 million, a decrease in inventories of $3.2 million, a decrease in advances to suppliers of $1.1 million, a decrease in other current assets of $0.7 million, and a decrease in operating right-of-use assets of $0.9 million. The non-cash operating expenses consisted of provision for expected credit losses of $0.9 million, a loss on extinguishment of debt of 11.4 million, depreciation and amortization of $2.9 million, stock-based compensation expense of $0.8 million, provision for inventory obsolescence of $1.0 million, and finance expenses and accretion of $4.2 million.


For the nine months ended September 30, 2023, cash used in operating activities consisted of a net loss of $25.9 million, partially offset by decreases in net operating assets of $6.1 million and non-cash operating expenses of $7.7 million. The increase of cash from net operating assets was attributable to a decrease in accrued expenses and other current liabilities of $4.5 million, a decrease in unearned interest income of $1.0 million, a decrease in long-term operating lease liabilities of $1.0 million, and a decrease in trade payables of $0.9 million. These were offset by a decrease in accounts receivable of $11.1 million, a decrease in operating right-of-use assets, net of $1.2 million, and a decrease in other current assets of $1.3 million. The non-cash operating expenses consisted of provision for expected credit losses of $1.3 million, depreciation and amortization of $3.0 million, finance expenses and accretion of $1.3 million, stock-based compensation expense of $1.2 million, and provision for inventory obsolescence of $0.8 million.


Cash Flows from Investing Activities


In the nine months ended September 30, 2024, cash used in investing activities consisted of $0.04 million for the purchase of property and equipment.


In the nine months ended September 30, 2023, cash used in investing activities consisted of $0.1 million for the purchase of property and equipment.


Cash Flows from Financing Activities


In the nine months ended September 30, 2024, cash used in financing activities primarily consisted of net proceeds from the 2024 Registered Direct Offering of shares and warrants of $1.0 million, net proceeds from the 2024 Convertible Notes issued to EW of $1.6 million, and proceeds from the short-term bridge financing by Madryn of $3.9 million. 


In the nine months ended September 30, 2023, cash used in financing activities primarily consisted of net proceeds from the issuance of shares of common stock to Lincoln Park of $1.1 million and net proceeds from the 2023 Multi-Tranche Private Placement of $4.5 million.




Contractual Obligations and Other Commitments


Our premises and those of our subsidiaries are leased under various operating lease agreements, which expire on various dates.


As of September 30, 2024, we had non-cancellable purchase orders placed with our contract manufacturers in the amount of $11.7 million. In addition, as of September 30, 2024, we had $2.3 million of open purchase orders that can be cancelled with 270 days’ notice.


The following table summarizes our contractual obligations as of September 30, 2024, which represent material expected or contractually committed future obligations.



Payments Due by Period


Less than 1 Year


2 to 3 Years


4 to 5 Years


More than 5 Years




(in thousands)


Debt obligations, including interest

  $ 5,341     $ 36,077     $     $     $ 41,418  

Operating leases

    1,407       1,788       204       340       3,739  

Purchase commitments

    11,719                         11,719  

Total contractual obligations

  $ 18,467     $ 37,865     $ 204     $ 340     $ 56,876  


For an additional description of our commitments see Note 9, “Commitments and Contingencies” to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.


Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements


We do not currently engage in off-balance sheet financing arrangements. In addition, we do not have any interest in entities referred to as variable interest entities, which includes special purpose entities and other structured finance entities.


Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates


Our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The preparation of these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements requires us to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue, costs and expenses, and related disclosures. These estimates form the basis for judgments we make about the carrying values of our assets and liabilities, which are not readily apparent from other sources. We base our estimates and judgments on historical experience and on various other assumptions that we believe are reasonable under the circumstances. On an ongoing basis, we evaluate our estimates and assumptions. Our actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions.


Our significant accounting policies are more fully described in Note 2 to the audited consolidated financial statements included in our Annual Report filed on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. We believe that the assumptions and estimates associated with revenue recognition, long-term receivables, allowance for expected credit losses, warranty accrual, and stock-based compensation have the most significant impact on our consolidated financial statements, and therefore, we consider these to be our critical accounting policies and estimates.


Revenue Recognition


We generate revenue from (1) sales of systems through our internal lease programs, in accordance with ASC 842, "Leases" ("ASC 842"), traditional system sales to customers and distributors, (2) other product revenues from the sale of ARTAS procedure kits, marketing supplies and kits, consumables and (3) our extended warranty service contracts provided to existing customers.


We recognize revenues on other products and services in accordance with ASC 606, "Revenue from Contracts with Customers" ("ASC 606"). Revenue is recognized based on the following five steps: (1) identification of the contract(s) with the customer; (2) identification of the performance obligations in the contract; (3) determination of the transaction price; (4) allocation of the transaction price to the separate performance obligations in the contract; and (5) recognition of revenue when (or as) the entity satisfies a performance obligation.


We record our revenue net of sales tax and shipping and handling costs.


Long-term receivables


Long-term receivables relate to our internal lease programs revenue or contracts which stipulate payment terms which exceed one year. They are comprised of the unpaid principal balance, net of the allowance for expected credit losses. These receivables have been discounted based on the implicit interest rate in the subscription lease which range between 8% and 10% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 8% and 10% for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Unearned interest revenue represents the interest only portion of the respective lease program payments and will be recognized in income over the respective payment term as it is earned.


Allowance for expected credit losses


The allowance for expected credit losses is based on our assessment of the collectability of customer accounts and the aging of the related invoices and represents our best estimate of probable credit losses in our existing trade accounts receivable. We regularly review the allowance by considering factors such as historical experience, credit quality, the age of the account receivable balances, and current economic conditions that may affect a customer’s ability to pay.


Warranty accrual


We generally offer a one year warranty for all our systems against defects. The warranty period begins upon shipment and we record a liability for accrued warranty costs at the time of sale of a system, which consists of the remaining warranty on systems sold based on historical warranty costs and management’s estimates. We periodically assess the adequacy of our recorded warranty liabilities and adjust the amounts thereof as necessary. We exercise judgment in estimating expected system warranty costs. If actual system failure rates, freight, material, technical support and labor costs differ from our estimates, we will be required to revise our estimated warranty liability. To date, our warranty reserve has been sufficient to satisfy warranty claims paid.


Stock-Based Compensation


We account for stock-based compensation costs in accordance with the accounting standards for stock-based compensation, which require that all stock based payments to employees be recognized in the unaudited condensed consolidated statements of operations based on their fair values.


The fair value of stock options on the grant date is estimated using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model using the single-option approach. The Black-Scholes option pricing model requires the use of highly subjective and complex assumptions, including the option's expected term and the price volatility of the underlying stock, to determine the fair value of the award. We recognize the expense associated with options using a single-award approach over the requisite service period.


Financial statements in U.S. dollars


We believe that the U.S. dollar is the currency in the primary economic environment in which we operate. The U.S. dollar is the most significant currency in which our revenues are generated, and our costs are incurred. In addition, our debt and equity financings are generally based in U.S. dollars. Therefore, our functional currency, and that of our subsidiaries, is the U.S. dollar.


Transactions and balances originally denominated in U.S. dollars are presented at their original amounts. Non-dollar transactions and balances are re-measured into U.S. dollars in accordance with the principles set forth in ASC 830-10 “Foreign Currency Translation." All exchange gains and losses from re-measurement of monetary balance sheet items resulting from transactions in non-U.S. dollar currencies are recorded as foreign exchange loss in the unaudited condensed consolidated statement of operations as they arise.


Recent Accounting Pronouncements


See Note 2 to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for recently adopted accounting pronouncements and recently issued accounting pronouncements not yet adopted as of the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.






As a smaller reporting company, we are not required to provide disclosure for this Item.




Evaluation of disclosure controls and procedures


As of September 30, 2024, our management, under the supervision of our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, performed an evaluation of the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act, to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company in the reports that it files or submits under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in the SEC rules and forms, and that such information is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, as appropriate, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. Based on this evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of September 30, 2024.


We have performed an evaluation of the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting, based on criteria established by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) in its 2013 Internal Control-Integrated Framework. Based on that evaluation, our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, concluded that our internal controls over financial reporting were effective as of September 30, 2024.


Limitations on Effectiveness of Controls and Procedures


In designing and evaluating our disclosure controls and procedures, management recognizes that any controls and procedures, no matter how well designed and operated, can provide only reasonable assurance of achieving the desired control objectives. Further, the design of a control system must reflect the fact that there are resource constraints, and the benefits of controls must be considered relative to their costs. Due to the inherent limitations in all control systems, no evaluation of controls can provide absolute assurance that all control issues and instances of fraud, if any, within the Company have been detected. Because of these limitations, there is a risk that material misstatements may not be prevented or detected on a timely basis by internal control over financial reporting. However, these inherent limitations are known features of the financial reporting process. Therefore, it is possible to design into the process safeguards to reduce, though not eliminate, this risk. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become ineffective because of changes in conditions or that the degree of compliance with established policies or procedures may deteriorate.


Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting


There were no material changes in our internal control over financial reporting during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal controls over financial reporting.


This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q does not include an attestation report of our registered public accounting firm because the Company is not an "accelerated filer" or a "large accelerated filer." 








As of September 30, 2024, the Company was not a party to any material active or pending legal proceedings.


We may from time to time continue to be involved in various legal proceedings of a character normally incident to the ordinary course of our business. 




Our operations and financial results are subject to various risk and uncertainties, including those described below and the risk factors described under Part I, Item 1A. Risk Factors in our latest Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, any of which could adversely affect our business, results of operations, financial condition and prospects. In such an event, the market price of our common stock could decline, and you may lose all or part of your investment. Additional risks and uncertainties not presently known to us or that we currently deem immaterial may also impair our business operations. You should carefully consider the risks described below and the other information in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements, and the related notes thereto, and Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, included herein, and the risk factors previously disclosed in Part I, Item 1A. Risk Factors in our Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed with the SEC and incorporated by reference herein.


Conditions in the Middle East, including the October 2023 attack by Hamas and other terrorist organizations on Israel and Israels war against them, may adversely affect our operations and limit our ability to manage and market our products, which could lead to a decrease in revenues.


Certain of our operations are conducted in Israel and a number of our employees, contract manufacturers and consultants, including employees of our service providers, are located in Israel. As such, our business and operations may be directly affected by economic, political, geopolitical and military conditions affecting Israel.


On October 7, 2023, Hamas militants and members of other terrorist organizations infiltrated Israel’s southern border from the Gaza Strip and conducted a series of terror attacks on civilian and military targets. Thereafter, these terrorists launched extensive rocket attacks on the Israeli population and industrial centers located along the Israeli border with the Gaza Strip. Shortly following the attack, Israel’s security cabinet declared war against Hamas. The intensity, duration and impact of Israel’s current war against Hamas and the corresponding geopolitical instability in the region is difficult to predict, as are the war’s economic implications on the Company’s business and operations.


Additionally, political uprisings, social unrest and violence in various other countries in the Middle East, including Israel’s neighboring countries Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan, are affecting the political stability of those countries. This instability may lead to deterioration of the political relationships that exist between Israel and certain countries and have raised concerns regarding security in the region and the potential for armed conflict. Iran is also believed to have a strong influence over various proxy militias across the Middle East, and among the Syrian government, Hamas and Hezbollah, in addition to its readiness to engage in conflict with Israel directly. These situations may potentially escalate in the future into more violent events which may affect Israel and us. These situations, including conflicts which involved missile strikes against civilian and military targets in various parts of Israel may negatively impact the Company’s operations in Israel.


In recent months, we have seen the level of conflict in the region escalate. Our facilities are within the range of rockets that have been launched from surrounding territories, though none of our operations or those of our manufacturers have been impacted to date. In the event that our facilities in Israel, or the facilities of our vendors in Israel, are damaged as a result of the hostilities or hostilities otherwise disrupt the ongoing operation of our facilities, our ability to deliver products to customers in a timely manner to meet our contractual obligations with customers and vendors could be materially and adversely affected. Any losses or damages incurred by us could have a material adverse effect on our business.


Our insurance does not cover losses that may occur as a result of an event associated with the security situation in the Middle East or for any resulting disruption in our operations. Although the Israeli government has in the past covered the reinstatement value of direct damages that were caused by terrorist attacks or acts of war, we cannot be assured that this government coverage will be maintained or, if maintained, will be sufficient to compensate us fully for damages incurred and the government may cease providing such coverage or the coverage might not suffice to cover potential damages. Any losses or damages incurred by us could have a material adverse effect on our business.


Our operations may be disrupted because of the obligation of Israeli citizens to perform military service.


As a result of the Israeli security cabinet’s decision to declare war against Hamas, Israeli reservists have been drafted to perform immediate military service. Certain of our employees and consultants in Israel, in addition to employees of our service providers located in Israel, have been called for service in the current war with Hamas as of the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, and such persons may be absent for an extended period of time. As a result, our operations may be disrupted by such absences, which may materially and adversely affect our business and results of operations. Additionally, the absence of employees of our Israeli suppliers and contract manufacturers due to their military service in the current war or future wars or other armed conflicts may disrupt their operations, in which event our ability to deliver products to customers may be materially and adversely affected.


We offer credit terms to some qualified customers and distributors. In the event that a customer or distributor defaults on the amounts payable to us, our financial results may be adversely affected.


For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, approximately 28% of our total system revenues were derived from our internal lease programs (Venus Prime and our legacy subscription-based model). Under our internal lease programs, we collect an up-front fee, combined with a monthly payment schedule typically over a period of 36 months, with approximately 40% to 45% of total contract payments collected in the first year. For accounting purposes, these arrangements are considered to be sales-type finance leases, where the present value of all cash flows to be received under the Venus Prime or subscription agreement is recognized as revenue upon shipment of the system to the customer. We cannot provide any assurance that the financial position of customers purchasing products and services under a Venus Prime or subscription agreement will not change adversely before we receive all the monthly installment payments due under the contract. In the event that there is a default by any of the customers to whom we have sold systems under our internal lease programs (Venus Prime or our legacy subscription-based model), we may recognize bad debt expenses in our general and administrative expenses. If the extent of such defaults is material, it could negatively affect our results of operations and operating cash flows. 


In addition to our internal lease programs, we generally offer credit terms of 30 to 90 days to qualified customers and distributors. In the event that there is a default by any of the customers or distributors to whom we have provided credit terms, we may recognize bad debt expenses in our general and administrative expenses. If the extent of such defaults is material, it could negatively affect our future results of operations and cash flows.


We may also be adversely affected by bankruptcies or other business failures of our customers, distributors, and potential customers. A significant delay in the collection of accounts receivable or a reduction of accounts receivables collected may impact our liquidity or result in bad debt expenses.


We may not be able to maintain our listing on The Nasdaq Capital Market and it may become more difficult to sell our stock in the public market.


Minimum Stockholder Equity Requirement


On May 31, 2023, we received a notice (the “Notice”) from Nasdaq stating that our stockholders’ equity as reported in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended March 31, 2023 was below the minimum $2,500,000 required for continued listing under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b)(1) (“Minimum Equity Requirement”).


The Notice had no immediate effect on the listing of our common stock. On July 17, 2023, we submitted to Nasdaq a plan to regain compliance with the Minimum Equity Requirement (the "Plan"). On July 28, 2023, Nasdaq granted us an extension until November 27, 2023 to evidence compliance with the Minimum Equity Requirement, conditioned upon our achievement of certain milestones as set forth in the Plan. On November 28, 2023, the Company received a written notice from the Nasdaq Staff which described its determination that the Company had not regained compliance with the Minimum Equity Requirement within the Plan period. As a result, the Nasdaq Staff advised the Company that its securities will be delisted at the opening of business on December 7, 2023, unless the Company timely requests a hearing before a Nasdaq Hearings Panel (the "Panel”).


On December 5, 2023, the Company timely requested a hearing before the Panel. The hearing was held on March 5, 2024, staying any delisting pending the issuance of the Panel’s decision.


On March 20, 2024, the Company received a decision from the Panel granting its request for continued listing on the Nasdaq Capital Market, subject to the Company demonstrating compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b) on or before May 28, 2024, and certain other conditions.


On June 4, 2024, the Company was formally notified by Nasdaq that the Company had regained compliance with the stockholders’ equity Minimum Equity Requirement.


The Company is subject to a “Mandatory Panel Monitor,” as defined in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5815(d)(4)(B), through June 4, 2025. If the Company is found to be noncompliant with the Minimum Equity Requirement within the monitoring period, the Company would not be allowed to provide the Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Staff with a plan to regain compliance with the Minimum Equity Requirement; rather, the Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Staff would be required to issue a delist determination. In such case, the Company would have the opportunity to request a new hearing before the Panel, which request would stay any further action by the Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Staff until the time of the hearing.


Minimum Bid Price Requirement


On April 11, 2024, the Company received a notice from Nasdaq stating that for 32 consecutive business days the Company’s common stock did not maintain a minimum closing bid price of $1.00 per share as required for continued listing under Listing Rule 5550(a)(2).


In accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5810(c)(3)(A), the Company has 180 calendar days, or until the Initial Compliance Date, to regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement. The Company did not regain compliance with the Bid Price Requirement by the Initial Compliance Date.


On October 17, 2024, Nasdaq notified the Company that it is eligible for an additional 180 calendar day period, or until the Extended Compliance Date, to regain compliance with the Bid Price Requirement. If, at any time before the Extended Compliance Date, the bid price for the Company’s common stock closes at $1.00 or more for a minimum of 10 consecutive business days as required under the Compliance Period Rule, the Staff will provide written notification to the Company that it complies with the Bid Price Requirement, unless the Staff exercises its discretion to extend this 10 day period pursuant to Nasdaq Listing Rule 5810(c)(3)(H).


If the Company does not regain compliance with the Bid Price Requirement by the Extended Compliance Date, the Staff will provide written notification to the Company that its common stock will be delisted. At that time, the Company may appeal the Staff’s delisting determination to the Panel. The Company expects that its common stock would remain listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market pending the Panel’s decision. There can be no assurance that, if the Company does appeal a delisting determination to the Panel, such appeal would be successful


If our common stock ultimately is delisted for failure to comply with either the Minimum Equity Requirement or Minimum Bid Price Requirement, our shareholders could face significant adverse consequences, including:


  Limited availability or market quotations for our common stock;



Reduced liquidity of our common stock;


  Determination that shares of our common stock are “penny stock,” which would require brokers trading in our common stock to adhere to more stringent rules and possibly result in a reduced level of trading activity in the secondary trading market for our common stock;



Limited amount of news analysts’ coverage of us; and


  Decreased ability for us to issue additional equity securities or obtain additional equity or debt financing in the future.








Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities


Except as otherwise disclosed in the Company’s Current Reports on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on September 27, 2024 there were no unregistered securities issued and sold during the three months ended September 30, 2024.


Use of Proceeds




Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities












Not Applicable.






















Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of Restoration Robotics, Inc.






Certificate of Amendment of Certificate of Incorporation of Restoration Robotics, Inc.




3.3 Certificate of Amendment of Certificate of Incorporation of Venus Concept Inc. 8-K 5-11-23


3.4 Certificate of Amendment to Certificate of Designations of Senior Convertible Preferred Stock. 8-K 6-26-23



Certificate of Designations of Series X Convertible Preferred Stock.

8-K 10-5-23 3.1      
3.6 Certificate of Designations of Series Y Convertible Preferred Stock 8-K 5-28-24 3.1      


Second Amended and Restated Bylaws of Venus Concept Inc.




3.8 Amendment to Certificate of Designations of Series Y Convertible Preferred Stock 8-K 9-27-24 3.1      
4.1 Form of Investor Warrant 8-K 2-27-24 4.1      
4.2 Form of Placement Agent Warrant 8-K 2-27-24 4.2      
10.1 Loan Amendment and Consent Agreement, dated July 8, 2024, by and among Venus Concept Inc., Venus Concept Canada Corp., Venus Concept USA Inc., Venus Concept Ltd., Madryn Health Partners, LP and Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP 8-K 7-12-24 10.1      
10.2 Fourth Amendment to Bridge Loan Agreement, dated July 8, 2024, by and among Venus Concept USA, Inc., Venus Concept Inc., Venus Concept Canada Corp., Venus Concept Ltd., Madryn Health Partners, LP and Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP 8-K 7-12-24 10.2      
10.3 Consent Agreement, dated July 29, 2024, by and among Venus Concept Inc., Venus Concept Canada Corp., Venus Concept USA Inc., Venus Concept Ltd., Madryn Health Partners, LP and Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP 8-K 8-1-24 10.1      
10.4 Fifth Amendment to Bridge Loan Agreement, dated July 29, 2024, by and among Venus Concept USA, Inc., Venus Concept Inc., Venus Concept Canada Corp., Venus Concept Ltd., Madryn Health Partners, LP and Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP 8-K 8-1-24 10.2      
10.5 Sixth Amendment to Bridge Loan Agreement, dated August 30, 2024, by and among Venus Concept USA, Inc., Venus Concept Inc., Venus Concept Canada Corp., Venus Concept Ltd., Madryn Health Partners, LP and Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP 8-K 9-5-24 10.2      
10.6 Consent Agreement, dated August 30, 2024, by and among Venus Concept Inc., Venus Concept Canada Corp., Venus Concept USA Inc., Venus Concept Ltd., Madryn Health Partners, LP and Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP 8-K 9-5-24 10.1      
10.7 Seventh Amendment to Bridge Loan Agreement, dated September 26, 2024, by and among Venus Concept USA, Inc., Venus Concept Inc., Venus Concept Canada Corp., Venus Concept Ltd., Madryn Health Partners, LP and Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP 8-K 9-27-24 10.5      
10.8 Exchange Agreement, dated September 26, 2024, by and among Venus Concept Inc., Venus Concept USA Inc., Madryn Health Partners, LP and Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP 8-K 9-27-24 10.1      
10.9 Amended and Restated Registration Rights Agreement, dated September 26, 2024, by and among Venus Concept Inc., Madryn Health Partners, LP and Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP 8-K 9-27-24 10.3      
10.10 Form of Promissory Note, dated September 26, 2024, of Venus Concept USA Inc. 8-K 9-27-24 10.2      
10.11 Third Loan Amendment, First Subordination Agreement Amendment and Consent Agreement, dated September 26, 2024, by and among Venus Concept Inc., Venus Concept USA Inc., Venus Concept Ltd., Madryn Health Partners, LP and Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP 8-K 9-27-24 10.4      
10.12 Form of Extension Letter (Transaction Completion Bonus Award) 8-K 9-30-24 10.1      
10.13 Consent Agreement, dated October 31, 2024, by and among Venus Concept Inc., Venus Concept Canada Corp., Venus Concept USA Inc., Venus Concept Ltd., Madryn Health Partners, LP and Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP 8-K 11-4-24 10.1      
10.14 Eighth Amendment to Bridge Loan Agreement, dated October 31, 2024, by and among Venus Concept USA, Inc., Venus Concept Inc., Venus Concept Canada Corp., Venus Concept Ltd., Madryn Health Partners, LP and Madryn Health Partners (Cayman Master), LP 8-K 11-4-24 10.1      


Certification of Chief Executive Officer Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.





Certification of Chief Financial Officer Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.





Certification of Principal Executive Officer Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350 as Adopted Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.





Certification of Principal Financial Officer Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350 as Adopted Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.





Inline XBRL Instance Document





Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document





Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document





Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document





Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document





Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document





Cover Page Interactive Data File (embedded within the Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101)    






*         The certification attached as Exhibit 32.1 and Exhibit 32.2 that accompanies this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q is not deemed filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and is not to be incorporated by reference into any filing of Venus Concept Inc. under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, whether made before or after the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, irrespective of any general incorporation language contained in such filing.






Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.




Venus Concept Inc.





Date: November 13, 2024



/s/ Rajiv De Silva




Rajiv De Silva




Chief Executive Officer





Date: November 13, 2024



/s/ Domenic Della Penna




Domenic Della Penna




Chief Financial Officer