false Q3 --12-31 0000856984 0000856984 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 2024-11-13 0000856984 2024-09-30 0000856984 2023-12-31 0000856984 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 USAQ:A2优先股成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 USAQ:A2优先股成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 2023-01-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 美元指数:A2优先股股东 2023-12-31 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2024-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 美元指数:A2优先股股东 2024-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2024-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2024-03-31 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2024-03-31 0000856984 2024-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2024-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 美元指数:A Two优先股股东 2024-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2024-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2024-06-30 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2024-06-30 0000856984 2024-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2022-12-31 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 美元指数: A Two Preferred Stock Member 2022-12-31 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2022-12-31 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2022-12-31 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2022-12-31 0000856984 2022-12-31 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2023-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 美元指数: A2优先股成员 2023-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2023-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2023-03-31 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2023-03-31 0000856984 2023-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2023-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 美元指数: A类优先股成员 2023-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2023-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2023-06-30 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2023-06-30 0000856984 2023-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2024-01-01 2024-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 美元指数:A2种优先股会员 2024-01-01 2024-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2024-01-01 2024-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2024-01-01 2024-03-31 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2024-01-01 2024-03-31 0000856984 2024-01-01 2024-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2024-04-01 2024-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 美元指数: A类二等优先股成员 2024-04-01 2024-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2024-04-01 2024-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2024-04-01 2024-06-30 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2024-04-01 2024-06-30 0000856984 2024-04-01 2024-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 USAQ: A Two Series Preferred股东 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2023-01-01 2023-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 USAQ: A Two Series Preferred股东 2023-01-01 2023-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2023-01-01 2023-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2023-01-01 2023-03-31 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2023-01-01 2023-03-31 0000856984 2023-01-01 2023-03-31 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2023-04-01 2023-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 美元指数:A2优先股成员 2023-04-01 2023-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2023-04-01 2023-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2023-04-01 2023-06-30 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2023-04-01 2023-06-30 0000856984 2023-04-01 2023-06-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 美元指数: A轮优先股成员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 美元指数: A Two Preferred Stock股东 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2023-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 优先股成员 USAQ: A2优先股成员 2023-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2023-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:额外实收资本成员 2023-09-30 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:留存收益成员 2023-09-30 0000856984 2023-09-30 0000856984 USAQ: A和A2优先股成员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 USAQ:A轮和A2优先股成员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:专利成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 USAQ:网络域名成员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:商标成员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 USAQ:过敏诊断试剂盒销售成员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 USAQ:过敏诊断试剂盒销售成员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 USAQ:过敏诊断试剂盒销售成员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 USAQ:过敏诊断试剂盒销售成员 2023-01-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:综合服务项目会员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:综合服务项目会员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:综合服务项目会员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:综合服务项目会员 2023-01-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:免疫疗法治疗销售会员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:免疫疗法治疗销售会员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:免疫疗法治疗销售会员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:免疫疗法治疗销售会员 2023-01-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:临床研究收入会员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:临床研究收入会员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:临床研究收入会员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:临床研究收入会员 2023-01-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:订阅收入会员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:订阅收入会员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:订阅收入会员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:订阅收入会员 2023-01-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:运输和处理成员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:运输和处理成员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:运输和处理成员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:运输和处理成员 2023-01-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:培训和其他收入会员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:培训和其他收入会员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:培训和其他收入会员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:培训和其他收入会员 2023-01-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 计算机软件无形资产成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:专利成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 美元指数:网域会员 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:网域会员 2023-12-31 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:商标成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 美国通用会计准则:商标成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 2023-01-01 2023-12-31 0000856984 2021-06-23 2021-06-23 0000856984 美元指数:购买协议会员 2021-06-23 0000856984 美元指数:购买协议会员 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:采购协议成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 2024-08-12 2024-08-12 0000856984 美元指数:应付可转换票据一名成员 美元指数:备注一名股东成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:应付可转换票据一名成员 美元指数:备注一名股东成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 美元指数:应付可转换票据二名成员 美元指数:备注二Mercer票据成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:应付可转换票据二名成员 美元指数:记笔两梅塞尔笔记成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 美元指数:可转换应付票据三名成员 美元指数:记笔三梅塞尔笔记两名成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:可转换应付票据三名成员 美元指数:记笔三梅塞尔笔记两名成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 美元指数:可转换应付票据三名成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:可转换应付票据三名成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 美元指数:可转换应付票据一名成员 美元指数:注意一个股东成员 2021-05-07 0000856984 美元指数:可转换应付票据一个成员 美元指数:注意一个股东成员 2021-05-07 2021-05-07 0000856984 美元指数:可转换应付票据三个成员 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 美元指数:注意两个梅瑟票据成员 2021-08-10 0000856984 美元指数:可转换应付票据三个成员 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 美元指数:注意两个默泰名单成员 2021-08-10 2021-08-10 0000856984 美元指数:注意三个默泰名单两成员 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 美元指数:可转换票据应付四名成员 美元指数:默泰大街全球机会基金有限责任公司成员 2022-08-10 0000856984 美元指数:默泰大街全球机会基金有限责任公司成员 美元指数:八十六千票据成员 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 2021-11-11 2021-11-11 0000856984 美元指数:Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund LLC成员 美元指数:八百六千美元票据成员 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 2021-11-11 0000856984 美元指数:可转换票据应付三成员 美元指数:Mercer Note Two票据成员 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 2021-11-11 0000856984 美元指数:Mercer Note Two二号票据成员 美元指数:Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund LLC成员 美元指数:可转换应付票据四成员 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 2022-07-19 0000856984 美元指数:Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund LLC成员 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 美元指数:Mercer Note Two成员 美元指数:可转换应付票据三成员 2022-07-27 0000856984 美元指数:Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund LLC成员 美元指数:Mercer Note Two成员 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 美元指数:应付可转换票据三名成员 2022-07-26 2022-07-27 0000856984 2023-10-05 2023-10-05 0000856984 2023-10-05 0000856984 2024-03-04 2024-03-04 0000856984 2024-03-04 0000856984 美元指数:Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund LLC成员 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 美元指数:Mercer Note债务二号成员 美元指数:应付可转换票据三名成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 美元指数:Mercer Note债务二号成员 美元指数:应付可转换票据三个成员 美元指数:默瑟街全球机遇基金有限责任公司成员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 美元指数:默瑟二号票据成员 美元指数:应付可转换票据三个成员 美元指数:默瑟街全球机遇基金有限责任公司成员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 美元指数:默瑟二号票据成员 美元指数:应付可转让票据三名成员 美元指数:Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund LLC 成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 美元指数:应付可转让票据四名成员 美元指数:Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund LLC 成员 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 美元指数:票据三梅瑞二名成员 2022-07-19 2022-07-19 0000856984 美元指数:票据三梅瑞二名成员 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 美元指数:应付可转换票据四名成员 美元指数:Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund LLC成员 2023-07-19 0000856984 美元指数:应付可转换票据四名成员 美元指数:Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund LLC成员 美元指数:证券购买协议成员 美元指数:三号Mercer票据 二号注明成员 2024-02-19 0000856984 美元指数:应付可转换票据三名成员 美元指数:三号Mercer票据 二号注明成员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:可转换应付票据三名成员 美元指数:注释三默瑟注释二名成员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:系列A优先股成员 2021-06-21 0000856984 美元指数:A系列2优先股成员 2021-12-29 2021-12-30 0000856984 us-gaap:普通股成员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:员工股票期权成员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:员工股票期权成员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:员工股票期权成员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:员工股票期权成员 2023-01-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 股权成员 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 股权成员 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 股权成员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 股权成员 2023-01-01 2023-09-30 0000856984 美元指数: 选择一会员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数: 选择一会员 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数: 选择二会员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:选择二会员 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:选择三会员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:选择三会员 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:期权成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:权证一会员 2024-01-01 2024-09-30 0000856984 美元指数:权证一会员 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap: 股权成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:关联方成员 2024-09-30 0000856984 us-gaap:关联方成员 2023-12-31 0000856984 美元指数:咨询协议成员 2024-10-18 2024-10-18 iso4217:美元指数 xbrli:股份 iso4217:美元指数 xbrli:股份 xbrli:纯形






Washington, D.C. 20549






For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2024




For the period from ______________ to_______________


Commission file number 000-19041


QHSLab, Inc.

(Exact Name Of Registrant As Specified In Its Charter)


Nevada   30-1104301

(State of



(I.R.S. Employer

Identification No.)


901 Northpoint Parkway, Suite 302, West Palm

Beach, FL

(Address of Principal Executive Offices)   (ZIP Code)


Registrant’s Telephone Number, Including Area Code: (929) 379-6503


Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12(g) of The Act:


Title of Each Class   Trading Symbol(s)   Name of each Exchange on Which Registered
Common Stock, $0.0001 Par Value   USAQ   NA


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes ☒ No ☐


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files). Yes ☒ No ☐


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, a smaller reporting company, or an emerging growth company. See the definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” “smaller reporting company,” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.


Large accelerated filer ☐ Accelerated filer ☐  
Non-accelerated filer Smaller Reporting Company  
  Emerging Growth Company  


If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act. ☐


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes ☐ No


On November 13, 2024, the Registrant had 10,593,452 shares of common stock outstanding.









Item   Description   Page
ITEM 6.   EXHIBITS.   24





Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This report contains forward-looking statements. Certain of the matters discussed herein concerning, among other items, our operations, cash flows, financial position and economic performance including, in particular, future sales, product demand, competition and the effect of economic conditions, include forward-looking statements.


Forward-looking statements are predictive in nature and do not relate strictly to historical or current facts and generally include words such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “estimates” and similar expressions. Although we believe that the forward-looking statements contained in this report are based upon reasonable assumptions, these statements and other projections contained herein expressing opinions about future outcomes and non-historical information, are subject to uncertainties and, therefore, there is no assurance that the outcomes expressed in these statements will be achieved.


Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from the expectations expressed in forward-looking statements contained herein. Given these uncertainties, you should not place any reliance on these forward-looking statements which speak only as of the date hereof. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable securities laws. You are advised, however, to consult any additional disclosures we make in our reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).









Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets – September 30, 2024 (unaudited) and December 31, 2023 5
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations – Three and Nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 (unaudited) 6
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Deficit – Three and Nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 (unaudited) 7
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows – Nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 (unaudited) 8
Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (unaudited) 9





QHSLab, Inc.

Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets


   September 30, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Current Assets:          
Cash and cash equivalents  $95,945   $51,582 
Accounts receivable, net   198,221    71,382 
Inventory   40,033    25,181 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets   15,075    7,987 
Total current assets   349,274    156,132 
Non-current assets:          
Capitalized software development costs, net   37,232    93,079 
Intangible assets, net   1,378,137    1,432,221 
Total assets  $1,764,643   $1,681,432 
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Deficit          
Current Liabilities:          
Accounts payable  $243,143   $78,907 
Other current liabilities   140,539    196,590 
Loans payable, current portion   482,668    546,052 
Convertible notes payable   1,223,500    1,235,500 
Total current liabilities   2,089,850    2,057,049 
Non-current Liabilities:          
Loans payable, non-current portion   10,060    - 
Total non-current liabilities   10,060    - 
Total liabilities   2,099,910    2,057,049 
Commitments and contingencies (Note 13)   -    - 
Stockholders’ Deficit:          
Preferred stock, 10,000,000 shares authorized          
Preferred stock Series A, $0.0001 par value; 1,080,092 shares issued and outstanding   108    108 
Preferred stock Series A-2, $0.0001 par value; 2,644,424 shares issued and outstanding   264    264 
Common stock, 900,000,000 shares authorized, $0.0001 par value;
10,493,452 and 9,735,508 shares issued and outstanding at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively
   1,049    974 
Additional paid-in capital   3,677,455    3,606,295 
Accumulated deficit   (4,014,143)   (3,983,258)
Total stockholders’ deficit   (335,267)   (375,617)
Total liabilities and stockholders’ deficit  $1,764,643   $1,681,432 


See accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.





QHSLab, Inc.

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations


   Three Months Ended September 30, 2024   Three Months Ended September 30, 2023   Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024   Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 
   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited) 
Revenue  $544,285   $336,407   $1,505,945   $1,093,974 
Cost of revenue   179,152    146,897    560,209    490,294 
Gross profit   365,133    189,510    945,736    603,680 
Operating expenses:                    
Sales and marketing   122,816    114,019    378,946    366,055 
General and administrative   55,699    47,277    193,096    205,799 
Research and development   79,500    45,419    186,949    169,489 
Amortization   18,028    18,028    54,084    54,084 
Total Operating expenses   276,043    224,743    813,075    795,427 
Net operating income (loss)   89,090    (35,233)   132,661    (191,747)
Other income and (expense):                    
Interest expense   (39,325)   (48,581)   (104,311)   (192,268)
Other income   -    1,371    -    2,290 
Net income (loss)  $49,765   $(82,443)  $28,350   $(381,725)
Basic net income (loss) per share  $0.00   $(0.01)  $0.00   $(0.04)
Diluted net income (loss) per share  $0.00   $(0.01)  $0.00   $(0.04)
Weighted average shares outstanding:                    
Basic   10,493,452    9,315,508    10,197,730    9,315,508 
Diluted   18,538,336    9,315,508    18,242,614    9,315,508 


See accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.





QHSLab, Inc.

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Deficit



   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Capital   Deficit   (Deficit) 
   Preferred Stock-
Series A
   Preferred Stock -
Series A-2
   Common Stock   Additional Paid-In   Accumulated   Total
Stockholders’ Equity
   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Shares   Amount   Capital   Deficit   (Deficit) 
Balance at January 1, 2024   1,080,092   $108    2,644,424   $264    9,735,508   $974   $3,606,295   $(3,983,258)  $(375,617)
Conversion of notes payable   -    -    -    -    480,000    48    11,952    -    12,000 
Net loss   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (18,525)   (18,525)
Balance at March 31, 2024   1,080,092   $108    2,644,424   $264    10,215,508   $1,022   $3,618,247   $(4,001,783)  $(382,142)
Common stock dividend on A-2 Preferred Shares   -    -    -    -    277,944    27    59,208    (59,235)   - 
Net loss   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (2,890)   (2,890)
Balance at June 30, 2024   1,080,092   $108    2,644,424   $264    10,493,452   $1,049   $3,677,455   $(4,063,908)  $(385,032)
Net income   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    49,765    49,765 
Balance at September 20. 2024   1,080,092   $108    2,644,424   $264    10,493,452   $1,049   $3,677,455   $(4,014,143)  $(335,267)
Balance at January 1, 2023   1,080,092   $108    2,644,424   $264    9,315,508   $932   $3,589,837   $(3,514,896)  $76,245 
Stock-based compensation expense   -    -    -    -    -    -    6,000    -    6,000 
Net loss   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (192,555)   (192,555)
Balance at March 31, 2023   1,080,092   $108    2,644,424   $264    9,315,508   $932   $3,595,837   $(3,707,451)  $(110,310)
Net loss                               (106,727)   (106,727)
Balance at June 30, 2023   1,080,092   $108    2,644,424   $264    9,315,508   $932   $3,595,837   $(3,814,178)  $(217,037)
Net loss   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    (82,443)   (82,443)
Balance at September 20, 2023   1,080,092   $108    2,644,424   $264    9,315,508   $932   $3,595,837   $(3,896,621)  $(299,480)


See accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.





QHSLab, Inc.

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows



   For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024   For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023 
Operating activities          
Net income (loss)  $28,350   $(381,725)
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash from operating activities:          
Allowance for doubtful accounts   4,278    5,992 
Amortization   109,931    109,932 
Amortization of debt and warrant issuance costs   -    84,082 
Stock-based compensation   -    6,000 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:          
Accounts receivable   (131,117)   (41,808)
Inventory   (14,852)   12,886 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets   (7,088)   3,064 
Accounts payable   164,236    134,494 
Other current liabilities   (66,351)   42,621 
Cash flows from operating activities   87,387    (24,462)
Financing activities:          
Proceeds from related-party borrowings   10,300    - 
Proceeds of loan borrowings   146,500    162,000 
Repayments of loan borrowings   (199,824)   (265,992)
Cash flows from financing activities   (43,024)   (103,992)
Change in cash   44,363    (128,454)
Cash and cash equivalents – beginning of year   51,582    178,694 
Cash and cash equivalents - end of period  $95,945   $50,240 
Supplemental disclosures of cash flow activity:          
Cash paid for interest  $149,567   $36,930 
Cash paid for taxes  $-   $- 
Supplemental noncash investing and financing activity:          
Debt and accrued interest converted to shares of common stock  $12,000   $- 
Common stock dividends on A-2 preferred shares  $59,235   $- 


See accompanying notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.





QHSLab, Inc.

Notes to the Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


Note 1. The Company


QHSLab, Inc. (the “Company” or the “Registrant”) was incorporated in Delaware on September 1, 1983. In 2019, the Company became engaged in value-based healthcare, informatics and algorithmic personalized medicine including digital therapeutics, behavior based remote patient monitoring, chronic care and preventive medicine. On September 23, 2021, the Company changed its state of incorporation from Delaware to Nevada. On April 19, 2022, the Company changed its name to QHSLab, Inc.


The Company is a medical device technology and software-as-a-service (“SaaS”) company focused on enabling primary care physicians (“PCP’s”) to increase their revenues by providing them with relevant, value-based tools to evaluate and treat chronic disease as well as provide preventive care through reimbursable procedures.


Note 2. Going Concern


The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared assuming the Company will continue as a going concern. The Company has only recently operated profitably, is highly leveraged and has only recently begun to generate cash from operations. These conditions raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. The continuation of the Company’s business is dependent upon its ability to achieve increased positive cash flows and profitability and, pending such achievement, future issuances of equity or other financings to fund ongoing operations. However, access to such funding may not be available on commercially reasonable terms, if at all. These unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments that might be necessary if the Company is unable to continue as a going concern.


Note 3. Basis of Presentation


The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”). In the opinion of management, the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements include all adjustments, consisting of only normal recurring accruals, necessary for a fair statement of financial position, results of operations, and cash flows. The information included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and the accompanying notes included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.


The accounting policies are described in the “Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements” in the 2023 Annual Report on Form 10-K and updated, as necessary, in this Form 10-Q. The year-end balance sheet data presented for comparative purposes was derived from audited consolidated financial statements but does not include all disclosures required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. The results of operations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 are not necessarily indicative of the operating results for the full year or for any other subsequent interim period.


Accounting Policies


Use of Estimates: The preparation of unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from the estimates.





Principles of Consolidation: The unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts of QHSLab, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiaries USAQ Corporation, Inc., and Medical Practice Income, Inc. All significant inter-company balances and transactions have been eliminated.


Cash and Cash Equivalents: For financial statement presentation purposes, the Company considers those short-term, highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less to be cash or cash equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents are maintained at banks believed to be stable, occasionally at amounts in excess of federally insured limits, which represents a concentration of credit risk. The Company has not experienced any losses on deposits of cash and cash equivalents to date.


Accounts Receivable: The Company extends unsecured credit to its customers on a regular basis. Management monitors the payments on outstanding balances and estimates future expected credit losses over the life of the receivables based on past experience, current information and forward-looking economic considerations and adjusts the reserve for uncollectible balances as necessary based on experience. The Company controls its credit risk related to accounts receivable through credit approvals and monitoring. The Company had no customers that generated 10% or more of its revenue during the nine-month period ended September 30, 2024 and one customer that comprised greater than 10% of the outstanding accounts receivable balance as of September 30, 2024.


Inventories: Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or estimated net realizable value, on a first-in, first-out, or FIFO, basis. The Company uses actual costs to determine its cost basis for inventories. Inventories consist of only finished goods.


Capitalized Software Development Costs: Software development costs for internal-use software are accounted for in accordance with Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 350-40, Internal-Use Software. Development costs that are incurred during the application development stage begin to be capitalized when two criteria are met: (i) the preliminary project stage is completed and (ii) it is probable that the software will be completed and used for its intended function. Capitalization ceases once the software is substantially complete and ready for its intended use. Costs incurred during the preliminary project stage of software development and post-implementation operating stages are expensed as incurred. Amortization is calculated on a straight-line basis over three years which is the estimated economic life of the software and is included in the cost of revenue on the condensed consolidated statements of operations.


The estimated useful lives of software are reviewed at least annually and will be tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances occur that could impact the recoverability of the assets.


Capitalized software development costs for internal-use software net of accumulated amortization totaled $37,232 as of September 30, 2024 and $93,079 as of December 31, 2023. The Company completed testing of its internally-developed software application (“QHSLab platform”) at the end of the first quarter of 2022 and began to amortize the capitalized expenses on a straight-line basis over the useful life of the software.


Intangible Assets: Intangible assets represent the value the Company paid to acquire assets including a trademark, patent and web domain on June 23, 2021. The allocation of the purchase price to each of these assets was determined based on ASC 805-50-30, Business Combination, Related Issues, Initial Measurement. These assets are accounted for in accordance with ASC 350-30, Intangibles, General Intangibles Other Than Goodwill. The cost of the assets is amortized over the remaining useful life of the assets as follows:


U.S. Method Patent 13.4 years
Web Domain Indefinite life
Trademark Indefinite life


The estimated useful lives and carrying value of the assets are reviewed at least annually or whenever events or circumstances occur which may result in an impact to the value of the assets.





Convertible Notes Payable: The Company accounts for convertible notes deemed conventional and conversion options embedded in non-conventional convertible notes which qualify as equity under Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) No. 2020-06, Debt—Debt with Conversion and Other Options (Subtopic 470-20) and Derivatives and Hedging—Contracts in Entity’s Own Equity (Subtopic 815-40): Accounting for Convertible Instruments and Contracts in an Entity’s Own Equity (“ASU 2020-06”), which simplifies the accounting for certain financial instruments with characteristics of liabilities and equity, including certain convertible instruments and contracts on an entity’s own equity. ASU 2020-06 removes the separation models required for convertible debt with cash conversion features and convertible instruments with beneficial conversion features. It also removes certain settlement conditions that were required for equity contracts to qualify for the derivative scope exception and simplifies the diluted earnings per share calculation for convertible instruments. Accordingly, the Company records, as a discount to convertible notes, the intrinsic value of such conversion options based upon the differences between the fair value of the underlying common stock at the commitment date of the note transaction and the effective conversion price embedded in the note. Debt discounts under these arrangements are amortized over the term of the related debt.


Revenue Recognition: Pursuant to ASC Topic 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, or “ASC 606”, the Company recognizes revenue upon transfer of control of goods or completion of performance obligations, in an amount that reflects the consideration that is expected to be received in exchange for those goods and services. The Company does not allow for the return of products and therefore does not establish an allowance for returns.


To determine the revenue to be recognized for transactions that the Company determines are within the scope of ASC 606, the Company follows the established five-step framework as follows:


  (i) identify the contract(s) with a customer;
  (ii) identify the performance obligations in the contract(s);
  (iii) determine the transaction price;
  (iv) allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract(s); and
  (v) recognize revenue when (or as) the Company satisfies a performance obligation.


The Company sells allergy diagnostic-related products, immunotherapy treatments, and digital medicine services to physicians. Revenue is recognized once the Company satisfies its performance obligation which occurs at the point in time when title and possession of products have transitioned to the customer, typically upon delivery of the products or services.


The Company includes shipping and handling fees billed to customers in revenue.


The Company also generates revenue through Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) agreements whereby the Company provides physicians’ practices access to its proprietary internally-developed software that provides clinical decision support and patient monitoring. The agreements provide for either monthly or annual access to the software. The access to the system begins immediately and revenue is recognized over the agreement term.


The Company provides administrative, billing and clinical decision support services utilizing the Company’s internally-developed software. Revenue is recognized each month based on actual services provided during that month.


The Company has entered into an agreement with a third party to provide clinical research services utilizing its proprietary internally-developed software. The agreement details the performance obligations of the Company and revenue is recognized as those obligations are met.


There are several practical expedients and exemptions allowed under ASC 606 that impact timing of revenue recognition and disclosures. The Company elected to treat similar contracts as a portfolio of contracts, as allowed under ASC 606. The contracts that fall within the portfolio have the same terms and management has the expectation that the result will not be materially different from the consideration of each individual contract.


The Company’s revenues consisted of the following:


   2024   2023   2024   2023 

For the Three Months Ended

September 30,


For the Nine Months Ended

September 30,

   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Allergy Diagnostic Kit Sales  $220,115   $148,912   $648,175   $536,738 
Integrated Service Program   161,751    71,600    449,203    184,803 
Immunotherapy Treatment Sales   63,872    88,934    242,679    287,704 
Clinical Study Revenue   74,250    -    74,250    - 
Subscription Revenue   12,829    15,922    45,538    55,334 
Shipping and Handling   8,171    7,814    26,991    26,170 
Training & Other Revenue   3,297    3,225    19,109    3,225 
Total revenue  $544,285   $336,407   $1,505,945   $1,093,974 


Research and Development: Research and development expense is primarily related to developing and improving methods related to the Company’s SaaS platform. Research and development expenses are expensed when incurred. For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, there was $79,500 and $45,419 of research and development expenses incurred, respectively. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, there was $186,949 and $169,489 of research and development expenses incurred, respectively.





Stock-based Compensation: The Company applies the fair value method of ASC 718, Share Based Payment, in accounting for its stock-based compensation. The standard states that compensation cost is measured at the grant date based on the fair value of the award and is recognized over the service period, which is usually the vesting period. The Company values stock-based compensation at the market price for the Company’s common stock and other pertinent factors at the grant date.


Earnings Per Common Share: Basic net earnings or (loss) per share is computed using the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period. Diluted net earnings or (loss) per common share is computed using the weighted average number of common and dilutive equivalent shares outstanding during the period. Dilutive common equivalent shares consist of options and warrants to purchase common stock (only if those options and warrants are exercisable and at prices below the average share price for the period) and shares issuable upon the conversion of issued and outstanding preferred stock. For the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024, 8,044,884 of common equivalent shares related to Preferred Shares A and A-2 were added to the basic weighted average shares outstanding to arrive at the diluted weighted average shares outstanding. Due to the net losses reported for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023, dilutive common equivalent shares were excluded from the computation of diluted loss per share, as inclusion would be anti-dilutive for those periods.


Income Taxes: The Company accounts for income taxes in accordance with ASC 740, Income Taxes, which requires recognition of estimated income taxes payable or refundable on income tax returns for the current year and for the estimated future tax effect attributable to temporary differences and carry-forwards. Measurement of deferred income tax is based on enacted tax laws including tax rates, with the measurement of deferred income tax assets being reduced by available tax benefits not expected to be realized.


The Company has net operating loss carry forwards of $4,014,143 which begin to expire in 2026. Future utilization of currently generated federal and state NOL and tax credit carry forwards may be subject to a substantial annual limitation due to the ownership change limitations. The annual limitation may result in the expiration of NOL and tax credit carry-forwards before full utilization.


Recently Issued Accounting Standards


In November 2023, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued ASU 2023-07, Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures (“ASU 2023-07”), which requires all public entities, including public entities with a single reportable segment, to expand disclosures, on an annual and interim basis, about reportable segments and requires more enhanced information about a reportable segment’s expenses, interim segment profit or loss, and how a public entity’s chief operating decision maker uses reported segment profit or loss information in assessing segment performance and allocating resources. ASU 2023-07 is to be applied retrospectively to all prior periods presented in the financial statements with an effective date for all public entities for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2023, and interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024. Adoption of ASU 2023-07 had no impact on the Company’s unaudited financial statements.


In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures (“ASU 2023-09”), which requires enhanced income tax disclosures, including specific categories and disaggregation of information in the effective tax rate reconciliation, disaggregated information related to income taxes paid, income or loss from continuing operations before income tax expense or benefit, and income tax expense or benefit from continuing operations. ASU 2023-09 is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2024, with early adoption permitted. The Company is currently in the process of evaluating the impact of this pronouncement on it related disclosures.


This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q does not discuss recent pronouncements that are not anticipated to have a current and/or future impact on or are unrelated to the Company’s financial condition, results of operations, cash flows or disclosures.





Note 4. Accounts Receivable


Accounts receivable is recorded in the unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets when customers are invoiced for revenue to be collected and there is an unconditional right to receive payment. Timing of revenue recognition may differ from the timing of invoicing customers resulting in deferred revenue until the Company satisfies its performance obligation.


Accounts receivable is presented net of an allowance for doubtful accounts that represents future expected credit losses over the life of the receivables based on past experience, current information and forward-looking economic considerations. The beginning and ending balances of accounts receivable, net of allowance, are as follows:


   September 30,
   December 31,
Accounts receivable  $220,945   $89,827 
Allowance for doubtful accounts   (22,724)   (18,445)
Accounts receivable, net  $198,221   $71,382 


Note 5. Capitalized Software and Intangible Assets


Non-current assets consist of the following at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023:


Useful Life
(in years)
  September 30,
   December 31,
Capitalized software  3.0  $223,390   $223,390 
Accumulated amortization      (186,158)   (130,311)
Capitalized software, net     $37,232   $93,079 
Intangible Assets:             
U.S. Method Patent  13.4  $967,500   $967,500 
Web Domain  N/A   161,250    161,250 
Trademark  N/A   483,750    483,750 
Total Intangible assets     $1,612,500   $1,612,500 
Accumulated amortization      (234,363)   (180,279)
Intangible assets, net     $1,378,137   $1,432,221 


Capitalized software represents the development costs for the Company’s internal-use QHSLab platform software. The Company completed testing of its QHSLab platform software application at the end of the first quarter of 2022 and began to amortize the capitalized expenses on a straight-line basis over the useful life of the software. Amortization related to the QHSLab platform was $18,616 for the three-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and is recorded within cost of revenue on the Company’s unaudited condensed consolidated statements of operations. Amortization was $55,848 respectively for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. There were no impairments recognized during the nine-month period ended September 30, 2024 and the year ended December 31, 2023.


The intangible assets represent the value the Company paid to acquire the trademark “AllergiEnd”, the web domain “AllergiEnd.com” along with the U.S. Method Patent registration relating to the allergy testing kit and related materials the Company distributes to physician clients. The Company acquired the intangible assets from MedScience Research Group as of June 23, 2021 for total consideration of $1,612,500 which was financed through a combination of restricted stock and a promissory note. The allocation of the purchase price to each of these assets was determined based on ASC 805-50-30, Business Combination, Related Issues, Initial Measurement. The assets are being amortized over their useful lives beginning July 1, 2021. The Trademark and Web Domain are determined to have an indefinite life and will be tested annually for impairment in accordance with ASC 350-30-35, Intangibles, General Intangibles Other Than Goodwill. There was $18,028 of amortization during each of the three-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 and $54,084 of amortization expense during each of the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.


The Company evaluates intangible assets with infinite lives for impairment at least annually and evaluates intangible assets with finite lives when events or circumstances indicate an impairment may exist. No impairments or changes in useful lives were recognized during the nine-month period ended September 30, 2024 and the year ended December 31, 2023.


Note 6. Loans Payable


On June 23, 2021, the Company entered into a purchase agreement to acquire certain assets from MedScience Research Group, Inc (“MedScience”) (See Note 5 for additional information). As part of that purchase agreement, the Company issued a Promissory Note with a principal sum of $750,000. The principal, along with associated interest, are being paid in 36 equal monthly installments that began in July 2021.


The Promissory Note provides for various events of default similar to those provided for in similar transactions, including the failure to timely pay amounts due thereunder. In the event of a default, the interest rate on the outstanding principal would increase to predetermined interest rate defined in the Promissory Note. The Company has deferred certain principal payments and MedScience has indicated that it would forbear taking any action but reserves all of its rights under its agreement. The most recent notice of forbearance was received on February 19, 2024. The combined principal due along with accrued interest as of September 30, 2024 is $423,931 and as of December 31, 2023 was $396,138, without giving effect to additional interest of $25,985 and $11,969, respectively, which MedScience may demand as a result of the failure to make payments on the due date provided in the Promissory Note.


On August 12, 2024, the Company entered into a fixed-fee short-term loan with its merchant bank and received $88,555 in net loan proceeds after repaying the prior fixed-fee short-term loan. The loan is repaid by the merchant bank withholding an agreed-upon percentage of payments they process on behalf of the Company with a minimum of $18,198 paid every 60 days. The loan payable is due in February 2026. As of September 30, 2024, the loan balance was $120,768 and is all recorded between current and non-current liabilities on the unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets. The December 31, 2023 loan balance of $174,092 is all recorded in current liabilities on the condensed consolidated balance sheets.





Note 7. Convertible Notes Payable


Convertible notes payable at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 consist of the following:


   September 30, 2024   December 31, 2023 
Note 1 – Shareholder  $100,000   $100,000 
Note 2 – Mercer Note   683,500    695,500 
Note 3 – Mercer Note #2   440,000    440,000 
Convertible notes payable gross   1,223,500    1,235,500 
Less: current portion   1,223,500    1,235,500 
Non-current portion  $-   $- 


Note 1 – Effective May 7, 2021, the Company issued a Convertible Promissory Note in the principal amount of $100,000 to a shareholder (Note 1), the terms and conditions of which may not be indicative of what a third-party investor may agree to. The Note bears interest at the rate of 10% per annum and matures on September 30, 2022 (the “Maturity Date”) at which date all outstanding principal and accrued and unpaid interest are due and payable. On October 1, 2022, the Maturity Date of Note 1 was extended to December 31, 2023 and further extended to December 31, 2024 during the quarter ended March 31, 2024. The Company may satisfy the Note upon maturity or Default, as defined, by the issuance of common shares at a conversion price equal to the greater of a 25% discount to the 15-day average market price of the Company’s common stock or $0.50. The principal and interest accrued are convertible at any time through the maturity date of December 31, 2024 at the option of the holder using the same conversion calculation. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, this note had $34,028 and $26,521, respectively, of accrued interest, which is included within other current liabilities on the unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets.


Note 2 – Effective August 10, 2021, the Company entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement with an accredited investor pursuant to which it issued to the investor an Original Issue Discount Secured Convertible Promissory Note (the “$806,000 Note”) in the principal amount of $806,000 and warrants to purchase 930,000 shares of the Company’s common stock for aggregate consideration of $750,000. In addition, pursuant to the Purchase Agreement the Company entered into a Registration Rights Agreement with the investor.


The principal amount of the $806,000 Note and all interest accrued thereon is payable on August 10, 2022, and is secured by a lien on substantially all of the Company’s assets. The $806,000 Note provides for interest at the rate of 5% per annum, payable at maturity, and is convertible into common stock at a price of $0.65 per share. In addition to customary anti-dilution adjustments upon the occurrence of certain corporate events, the $806,000 Note provides, subject to certain limited exceptions, that if the Company issues any common stock or common stock equivalents, as defined in the $806,000 Note, at a per share price lower than the conversion price then in effect, the conversion price will be reduced to the per share price at which such stock or common stock equivalents were sold.


The $806,000 Note provides for various events of default similar to those provided for in similar transactions, including the failure to timely pay amounts due thereunder. In the event of a default, the interest rate on the outstanding principal would increase during the continuance of the default to a Default Interest Rate defined in the $806,000 Note. Additionally, all outstanding amounts would be paid at the holder’s discretion at a Mandatory Default Amount also defined in the $806,000 Note.


On November 11, 2021, Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund, LLC (“Mercer Fund”), converted $50,000 of the principal amount of the $806,000 Note, into 76,923 shares of the Company’s common stock at a price of $0.65 per share.


The 930,000 Warrants are initially exercisable for a period of three years at a price of $1.25 per share, subject to customary anti-dilution adjustments upon the occurrence of certain corporate events as set forth in the Warrant. The shares issuable upon conversion of the $806,000 Note and exercise of the Warrants are to be registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, for resale by the investor as provided in the Registration Rights Agreement. The Warrants may be exercised by means of a “cashless exercise” if at any time the shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrant are not covered by an effective registration statement.


As a result of the issuance of a $440,000 Original Issue Discount Secured Convertible Promissory Note effective July 19, 2022, (Note 3) convertible into shares of the Company’s common stock at a price of $0.20 per share, the price at which the $806,000 Note may be converted into shares of the Company’s common stock has been reduced to $0.20 per share. On July 27, 2022, Mercer Fund converted $50,000 of the principal amount of the $806,000 Note into 250,000 shares of the Company’s common stock at a price of $0.20 per share.


On October 5, 2023, at the request of Mercer Fund, the Company agreed to reduce the conversion price with respect to $10,500 of the amounts payable pursuant to the $806,000 Note to two and one-half ($0.025) cents per share. The balance of the amounts payable pursuant to the $806,000 Note remain convertible into shares of common stock of the Company at a price of twenty ($0.20) cents per share.


On March 4, 2024, at the request of Mercer Fund, the Company agreed to reduce the conversion price with respect to $12,000 of the amounts payable pursuant to the $806,000 Note to two and one-half ($0.025) cents per share. The balance of the amounts payable pursuant to the $806,000 Note remain convertible into shares of common stock of the Company at a price of twenty ($0.20) cents per share.


On February 19, 2024, the Company received the most recent notice from the manager of Mercer Fund of its agreement to forbear from the exercise of any rights it might have as a result of any defaults under the $806,000 Note and the related documents between the Company and the Mercer Fund, provided that the Mercer Fund reserved all of its rights under such agreements.


As of September 30, 2024, all original issue discount and debt issuance costs, including the allocated relative fair value of the Warrants, have been recognized. The principal balance of $683,500, along with associated interest, is recorded with current liabilities on the Company’s unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets. After giving effect to payments totaling $80,295 made during the quarter ended September 30, 2024 and $110,295 during the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the $806,000 Note had $2,809 and $87,344 of accrued interest, as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively, without giving effect to additional interest and penalties of $392,998 and $139,603, respectively, which Mercer may demand as a result of the Company’s defaults under the terms of the $806,000 Note.





Note 3 – Effective July 19, 2022, the Company entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement with Mercer Fund pursuant to which it issued an Original Issue Discount Secured Convertible Promissory Note (the “$440,000 Note”) in the principal amount of $440,000 and warrants to purchase 550,000 shares of the Company’s common stock for aggregate consideration of $400,000. In addition, pursuant to the Purchase Agreement the Company entered into a Registration Rights Agreement with Mercer Fund.


The principal amount of the $440,000 Note and all interest accrued thereon is payable on July 19, 2023, and are secured by a lien on substantially all of the Company’s assets. The $440,000 Note provides for interest at the rate of 5% per annum, payable at maturity, and is convertible into common stock at a price of $0.20 per share. In addition to customary anti-dilution adjustments upon the occurrence of certain corporate events, the $440,000 Note provides, subject to certain limited exceptions, that if the Company issues any common stock or common stock equivalents, as defined in the $440,000 Note, at a per share price lower than the conversion price then in effect, the conversion price will be reduced to the per share price at which such stock or common stock equivalents were sold.


The $440,000 Note provides for various events of default similar to those provided for in similar transactions, including the failure to timely pay amounts due thereunder. The $440,000 Note provides further that the Company will be liable to the Mercer Fund for various amounts, including the cost of a buy-in, if the Company shall default in its obligation to register the shares issuable upon conversion of the $440,000 Note for sale by the Mercer Fund under the Securities Act or otherwise fails to facilitate Buyer’s sale of the shares issuable upon conversion of the $440,000 Note as required by the terms of the $440,000 Note. In the event of a default, the interest rate on the outstanding principal would increase during the continuance of the default to a Default Interest Rate defined in the $440,000 Note. Additionally, all outstanding amounts would be paid at the holder’s discretion at a Mandatory Default Amount also defined in the $440,000 Note.


On February 19, 2024 the Company received the most recent notice from the manager of the Mercer Fund, LLC that it agreed to forbear from exercising any rights it might have as a result of any defaults under the $440,000 Note and the related documents between the Company and the Fund, provided that it reserved all of its rights.


The 550,000 Warrants are initially exercisable for a period of three years at a price of $0.50 per share, subject to customary anti-dilution adjustments upon the occurrence of certain corporate events as set forth in the Warrant. The shares issuable upon conversion of the $440,000 Note and exercise of the Warrants are to be registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, for resale by the investor as provided in the Registration Rights Agreement. The Warrants may be exercised by means of a “cashless exercise” if at any time the shares issuable upon exercise of the Warrant are not covered by an effective registration statement.


The Company accounts for the allocation of its issuance costs related to its Warrants in accordance with ASC 470-20, Debt with Conversion and Other Options. Under this guidance, if debt or stock is issued with detachable warrants, the proceeds need to be allocated to the two instruments using either the fair value method, the relative fair value method, or the residual value method. The Company used the relative fair value at the time of issuance to allocate the value received between the convertible note and the warrants.


The Company estimated the fair value of the Warrants utilizing the Black-Scholes pricing model, which is dependent upon several assumptions such as the expected term of the Warrants, expected volatility of the Company’s stock price over the expected term, expected risk-free interest rate over the expected term and expected dividend yield rate over the expected term. The Company believes this valuation methodology is appropriate for estimating the fair value of warrants. The value allocated to the relative fair value of the Warrants was recorded as debt issuance costs and additional paid in capital.





The principal, net of the original issue discount and debt issuance costs, including the allocated relative fair value of the Warrants, which are being recognized over the life of the $440,000 Note, along with associated interest, is recorded with current liabilities on the Company’s unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, without giving effect to additional interest and penalties of $184,485 and $27,988 which Mercer may demand as a result of the Company’s default under the terms of the $440,000 Note, the $440,000 Note had $33,575 and $31,764 respectively of accrued interest. During the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company paid $14,705 of accrued interest on the $440,000 Note.


Note 8. Preferred Stock


Issuance of Series A Preferred Stock


The shares of Series A Preferred Stock have a stated value of $0.25 per share and are initially convertible into shares of common stock at a price of $0.05 per share (subject to adjustment upon the occurrence of certain events). The Series A Preferred Stock does not accrue dividends and ranks prior to the common stock upon a liquidation of the Company. The Series A Preferred Stock votes on all matters brought before the shareholders together with the Common stock as a single class and each share of Series A Preferred Stock has a number of votes, initially 5, equal to the number of shares of preferred stock into which it is convertible as of the record date for any vote.


Issuance of Series A-2 Preferred Stock


The shares of Series A-2 Preferred Stock have a stated value of $0.16 per share and are convertible into shares of common stock at a price of $0.16 per share (subject to adjustment upon the occurrence of certain events). The rights of holders of the Company’s common stock with respect to the payment of dividends and upon liquidation are junior in right of payment to holders of the Series A-2 Convertible Preferred Shares. The rights of the holders of the Company’s Series A-2 Preferred Shares are pari passu to the rights of the holders of the Company’s Series A Preferred Shares currently outstanding.


Holders of the Series A-2 Convertible Preferred Stock will vote on an as converted basis with the holders of the Company’s common stock and Series A Preferred Stock as to all matters to be voted on by the holders of the common stock. Each Series A-2 Preferred Share shall be entitled to a number of votes equal to five times the number of shares of common stock into which it is then convertible on the applicable record date.


As of September 30, 2024, the holders of the series A-2 Preferred Stock had received 277,944 shares of common stock in satisfaction of dividends accrued through December 31, 2023.





Note 9. Income and (Loss) Per Common Share


The Company calculates net income or loss per common share in accordance with ASC 260, Earnings Per Share. Basic and diluted net income (loss) per common share were determined by dividing net income (loss) applicable to common stockholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the period. The Company’s potentially dilutive shares, which include outstanding common stock options, common stock warrants, convertible debt and preferred shares have not been included in the computation of diluted net loss per share for the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 as the result would be anti-dilutive.


The Company had net income for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024. As a result, the computation of the weighted average number of outstanding shares for the diluted earnings per common share for these periods included 8,044,884 shares relating to the potential conversion of Series A and Series A-2 Preferred Stock to common shares. Other potentially dilutive shares were excluded from the calculation based on the exercise price of those shares.


   2024   2023   2024   2023 
   Three Months Ended
September 30,
   Nine Months Ended
September 30,
   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Stock options   1,100,000    1,100,000    1,100,000    1,100,000 
Stock warrants   550,000    1,494,854    550,000    1,494,854 
Total shares excluded from calculation   1,650,000    2,594,854    1,650,000    2,594,854 


Note 10. Stock-based Compensation


During the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, there was $0 and $6,000, respectively, in stock-based compensation associated with stock options included in research and development expense.


There were no options exercised, forfeited or cancelled during the period. During the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 there were no options granted.


As of September 30, 2024, all compensation related to 1,100,000 outstanding options has been recognized. The options were expensed over their respective vesting periods.





Options outstanding at September 30, 2024 consist of:


Date Issued  Number
   Exercise Price   Expiration Date
March 12, 2020   500,000    500,000   $0.40   March 12, 2025
June 27, 2020   150,000    150,000   $0.40   June 27, 2025
January 1, 2021   450,000    450,000   $0.65   December 31, 2025
Total   1,100,000    1,100,000         


Warrants outstanding at September 30, 2024 consist of:


Date Issued  Number
   Exercise Price   Expiration Date
July 19, 2022   550,000    550,000   $0.50   July 18, 2025
Total   550,000    550,000         


During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, 944,854 outstanding warrants expired.


Note 11. Related Party Transactions


Due to Related Parties: Amounts due to related parties consist of cash advances received from our principal shareholder, bear no interest and are due on demand. These terms and conditions may not be indicative of what a third-party investor may agree to. As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 amounts due to related-parties totaled $13,536 and $3,236, respectively, and are included in other current liabilities on the Company’s unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets.


Convertible notes payable, related party: See Note 7.


Note 12. Income Taxes


For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2024 and the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company did not record a tax provision. The Company did not earn any taxable income during the year ended December 31, 2023. Although the Company had taxable income in the period ended September 30, 2024, it anticipates that any income taxes payable will be offset by a reduction in its net operating loss. The Company maintains a full valuation allowance against its net deferred tax assets.


Note 13. Commitments and Contingencies


There are no pending or threatened legal proceedings as of September 30, 2024. The Company has no non-cancellable operating leases.


Note 14. Subsequent Events


On October 18, 2024, the Company entered into a Consulting Agreement with Juan D. Oms, MD, FAPA, pursuant to which Dr. Oms will provide strategic advisory services in psychiatry and behavioral health to the Company. In consideration of his services, Dr. Oms received a one-time payment of 100,000 shares of the Company’s common stock (the “Share Payment”). The term of the Agreement is twenty-four months.







The following discussion provides information which management believes is relevant to an assessment and understanding of our results of operations and financial condition. The discussion should be read along with our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 and notes thereto contained elsewhere in this Report, and our annual report on Form 10-K for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023 including the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto contained in such Report. The following discussion and analysis contain forward-looking statements, which involve risks and uncertainties. Our actual results may differ significantly from the results, expectations and plans discussed in these forward-looking statements. See “Cautionary Note Concerning Forward-Looking Statements.”




We are a medical device technology and software as a service (“SaaS”) company focused on enabling primary care physicians (“PCPs”) to increase their revenues by providing them with relevant, value-based tools to evaluate and treat chronic disease as well as provide preventive care through reimbursable procedures. In some cases, the products we provide our physician clients will enable them to diagnose and treat patients with chronic diseases which they historically have referred to specialists, allowing them to increase their practice revenue. As part of our mission, we are providing PCPs with the software, training and devices necessary to allow them to treat their patients using value-based healthcare, informatics and algorithmic personalized medicine, including digital therapeutics. Our virtual and point of care solutions also support non face to face clinical decision making and remote patient monitoring, to address chronic care and preventive medicine and are reimbursable to the medical practice.


Increasingly, regulators and insurance companies have come to recognize what health care technologists have been saying for nearly 17 years, which is that most chronic conditions are better managed with more frequent and short encounters often without a physician’s direct participation, rather than infrequent visits. More health insurers have realized that AI enabled digital medicine technologies such as those provided through QHSLab can provide the necessary encounters to foster patient compliance in between visits to a physician.


Based on the success of PCPs using our QHSLab allergy diagnostics combined with the products acquired from MedScience, we intend to increase our revenues by charging physicians a monthly subscription fee for the use of QHSLab and soliciting additional PCPs to increase their revenues by using our proven revenue generating QHSLab and AllergiEnd® line of products. We also plan to introduce additional point of care diagnostics and treatments, and digital medicine programs that PCPs can use and prescribe in their practices. In all cases, PCPs will be paid under existing government and private insurance programs, based upon analyses conducted utilizing QHSLab and treatments provided as a result of such analyses.


Our ability to operate profitably is determined by our ability to generate revenues from the licensing of our QHSLab software and the sale of diagnostic related products and treatment protocols and the provision of services through our QHSLab system. Currently, we are generating revenues from the sale of AllergiEnd® diagnostic related products and immunotherapy treatments. Our ability to generate a profit from these sales is determined by our ability to increase the number of physicians using these products. We will continue to upgrade QHSLab in an effort to increase the number of products sold based upon the services it can provide and for which we are able to charge a fee for its use.





Results of Operations during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023




During the fourth quarter of 2020 we began to sell the AllergiEnd® Products, consisting of AllergiEnd® Allergy Diagnostics and Allergen Immunotherapy treatments, to physicians. During the second quarter of 2022, we began to enter SaaS subscription agreements to provide physicians with access to our proprietary internally-developed QHSLab platform software that provides clinical decision support and patient assessments for numerous chronic conditions seen in primary care settings including allergy, asthma, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain for example. During the fourth quarter of 2022, we began entering into Integrated Service Program (“ISP”) agreements to provide physicians’ offices with agreed-upon clinical decision support, digital health assessments, administrative, and billing services utilizing our QHSLab platform software. During the quarter ended September 30, 2024, we entered into a clinical study agreement with a third party to provide clinical research services utilizing our QHSLab platform software.


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, we generated revenues of $544,285 compared to $336,407 of revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2023 which was driven by a 126% increase in our ISP revenues combined with the recognition of the initial milestone related to our clinical study during the period.


For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we generated revenues of $1,505,945 compared to $1,093,974 of revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The increase in revenues in the first nine months of 2024 were attributed to a 143% increase in revenues generated from ISP services to $449,203 compared to $184,803 during the nine months ended September 30, 2023; a 21% increase in sales of Allergy Diagnostic Kits to $648,175 compared to $536,738 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 and the inclusion of revenues as a result of the achievement of the initial performance obligation associated with our clinical study.


Our revenues consisted of the following:



For the Three Months Ended

September 30,


For the Nine Months Ended

September 30,

   2024   2023   2024   2023 
Allergy Diagnostic Kit Sales  $220,115   $148,912   $648,175   $536,738 
Integrated Service Program   161,751    71,600    449,203    184,803 
Immunotherapy Treatment Sales   63,872    88,934    242,679    287,704 
Clinical Study Revenue   74,250    -    74,250    - 
Subscription Revenue   12,829    15,922    45,538    55,334 
Shipping and Handling   8,171    7,814    26,991    26,170 
Training & Other Revenue   3,297    3,225    19,109    3,225 
Total revenue  $544,285   $336,407   $1,505,945   $1,093,974 


Cost of Revenues and Gross Profit


Cost of revenues consists of the cost of AllergiEnd® test kits and allergen immunotherapy pharmacy prepared treatment sets, shipping costs to our customers as well as administrative services and labor expenses directly related to our ISP sales.


For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, cost of revenues was $179,152 and $146,897, respectively.


The Company generated a gross profit of $365,133 during the three months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $189,510 for the three months ended September 30, 2023. Gross margin improved to 67.1% for the quarter compared to 56.3% during the three months ended September 30, 2023.


For the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, cost of revenues was $560,209 and $490,294, respectively.


The Company generated a gross profit of $945,736 during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $603,680 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023. Gross margin increased from 55.2% during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 to 62.8% during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. The increase in gross margin for both the three and nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 was attributable to a combination of changes in the product mix including the growth of ISP revenue and improved cost structure since the acquisition of intangible assets from MedScience and synergies across our core product lines as well as the recognition of revenue as a result of the achievement of the initial research performance obligation associated with the clinical study which utilizes costs already included in cost of goods sold.


As we continue to introduce new products at an early stage in our development cycle, our gross margins may vary significantly between periods, due, among other things, to differences among our customers and products sold, customer negotiating strengths, and product mix.


Sales and Marketing


Sales and marketing expenses consist primarily of costs associated with selling and marketing our products to PCPs, principally ongoing sales efforts to recruit new PCPs and maintain our relationships with PCPs already using our software and products. These expenses include employee compensation and costs of consultants. For the three months ended September 30, 2024, sales and marketing expenses totaled $122,816, an increase of $8,797 compared to $114,019 for the three months ended September 30, 2023.


For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, sales and marketing expenses totaled $378,946, an increase of $12,891 compared to $366,055 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023.


The increases in sales and marketing expenses for the periods ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same periods in 2023 relate primarily to increases in marketing expenses and payroll-related expenses as we are investing in more sales and marketing activities to support our increasing ISP revenue. We expect our sales and marketing expenses to continue to increase as we seek to build our customer base and launch additional products. Nevertheless, if we are successful in onboarding a sufficient number of PCPs and maintaining our relationships with these PCPs once they begin to fully utilize our products, sales and marketing expenses could decrease as a percentage of revenues, though we may increase our marketing efforts as funds become available.





General and Administrative


General and administrative expenses consist primarily of costs associated with operating a business including accounting, legal and management consulting fees.


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, general and administrative expenses totaled $55,699, an increase of $8,422, compared to $47,277 for the three months ended September 30, 2023.


For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, general and administrative expenses totaled $193,096 a decrease of $12,703, compared to $205,799 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023.


The increase general and administrative expenses in the quarter ended September 30, 2024 is primarily due to increases in sales processing, cloud-related hosting and legal fees partially offset by continued decreases in management consulting services. The decrease in general and administrative expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 reflects the larger decreases in management consulting services earlier in the year more than offsetting the increases in the sales processing, cloud-related hosting and legal fees during the period.


Research and Development


Research and development (“R&D”) includes expenses incurred in connection with the research and development of our medical device technology solution, including software development. R&D costs are expensed as they are incurred.


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, R&D expenses totaled $79,500 which is an increase of $34,081 compared to $45,419 for the three months ended September 30, 2023.


For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, R&D expenses totaled $186,949 which is an increase of $17,460 compared to $169,489 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023.


The increase in R&D expenses for both the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to 2023, was driven by increases in software development expenses as we continue to expand the commercialization of our QHSLab platform software and R&D consulting expenses including the appointment of a medical and scientific affairs liaison during the second quarter of 2024. We expect that our R&D expenses will continue to increase as we invest in and expand our operations and further develop new products and services as part of our growth strategy.


Other Income and Expense


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, interest expense decreased by $9,256 to $39,325 from $48,581 for the three months ended September 30, 2023. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, interest expense decreased by $87,957 to $104,311 from $192,268 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023.


The decrease was due to timing of the amortization of debt issuance costs including legal fees and warrants issued in connection with certain of our convertible notes payable. Interest expense during the first nine months of 2024 included only interest on the outstanding debt balance as all debt issuance costs including legal fees and warrants issued in connection with the second Mercer note in July 2022 (“Second OID Note”) and the first Mercer note issued in August 2021 (“First OID Note”) were fully amortized by the end of 2023. The amortization of those costs, which are non-cash expenses, during the three months ended September 30, 2023 totaled $6,701, or 12% of interest expense during the quarter and $61,836, or 32% during the nine months ended September 30, 2023.


There was no other income for both the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 compared to $1,371 for the three months and $2,290 for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 which were related to the redemption of awards on a credit card.





Liquidity and Capital Resources


Liquidity is a measure of a company’s ability to generate funds to support its current and future operations, satisfy its obligations, and otherwise operate on an ongoing basis. On September 30, 2024, we had current assets totaling $349,274, including $95,945 of cash, $198,221 of accounts receivable, $40,033 of inventory, and $15,075 related to prepaid expenses and other current assets. At such date we had total current liabilities of $2,089,850 consisting of $243,143 in accounts payable, $140,539 in other current liabilities and $1,706,168 representing the current portions of outstanding loans and convertible notes. There was $10,060 in long-term liabilities on our balance sheet related to the non-current portion of a loan payable.


On December 31, 2023, we had current assets totaling $156,132, including $51,582 of cash, $71,382 of accounts receivable, $25,181 of inventory, and $7,987 related to prepaid expenses and other current assets. At such date we had total current liabilities of $2,057,049 consisting of $78,907 in accounts payable, $196,590 in other current liabilities and $1,781,552 representing the current portions of outstanding loans and convertible notes. There were no long-term liabilities on our balance sheet as the entirety of our loans payable are included in current liabilities.


We generated cash flows of $87,387 from operations during the nine-month period ending September 30, 2024, we used cash of $24,462 in operations during the same period ending September 30, 2023. The generation rather than use of cash was driven by an increase in revenue and improved gross margins during the nine-month period ended September 30, 2024 compared to the same period ended September 30, 2023.


During the third quarter of 2021, we issued a promissory note of $750,000 (the “Acquisition Note”) in connection with our acquisition of assets related to our AllergiEnd® products and an Original Issue Discount Secured Convertible Promissory Note in the principal amount of $806,000 (the “First OID Note”) along with warrants to purchase 930,000 shares of our common stock (the “Warrants”) for aggregate consideration of $750,000. In July 2022, to supplement our cash on hand, we issued to the holder of the First OID Note an Original Issue Discount Secured Convertible Promissory Note (the “Second OID Note”) in the principal amount of $440,000 and warrants to purchase 550,000 shares of our common stock for aggregate consideration of $400,000.


All amounts outstanding under the First OID Note and Second OID Note were payable on August 10, 2022, and July 19, 2023, respectively, and are secured by a lien on substantially all of our assets.


The remaining principal and interest accrued on the Acquisition Note was $423,931 as of September 30, 2024, and we are in default under this Note. We last received a notice of forbearance from the holder of the Acquisition Note on February 19, 2024, in which it reserved all of its rights. We also are currently in default of our obligations under the First OID Note and the Second OID Note. We last received a notice of forbearance from the manager of Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund, LLC, the holder of the First and Second OID Notes, on February 19, 2024, in which it reserved all rights it might have as a result of our defaults under the First OID Note, the Second OID Note and the related documents between us and the Fund. Amounts accrued as interest under the Acquisition Note, the First and Second OID Notes do not include interest and penalties which would be payable if the holder of such Notes elects to exercise its rights under the default provisions of the Notes. There is no guarantee that the manager of Mercer Street Global Opportunity Fund, LLC and the holder of the Acquisition Note will continue to forbear from exercising such rights as they may have to collect amounts due, including seeking to foreclose upon such liens they may have on our assets.





Plan of Operation and Funding


The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, which contemplates the realization of assets and the satisfaction of liabilities in the normal course of business. We had an accumulated deficit of $4,014,143 at September 30, 2024, generated net income of $28,350 and net losses of $381,725 for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and the year ended December 31, 2023, respectively, and generated cash from operations of $87,387 in the nine months ended September 30, 2024, and used $159,627 of cash in operations in the year ended December 31, 2023. We are currently in default of our obligations under our OID Notes and the Acquisition Note. These factors, among others, raise substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time. Our continuation as a going concern is dependent upon our ability to obtain necessary equity or debt financing and ultimately from generating revenues and positive cash flow to continue operations and, in the interim, to convince the holders of our notes to forbear from exercising any rights they might have as a result of our defaults. The condensed consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments relating to the recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts or the amounts and classification of liabilities that might be necessary should the Company be unable to continue as a going concern.


Our working capital requirements are expected to increase in line with the growth of our business. We will remain highly leveraged as we seek to expand our business. Existing working capital and anticipated cash flows are expected to be adequate to fund our operations over the next twelve months. If necessary, we would seek to supplement such amounts through the issuance of debt or equity.


In addition to using our cash to satisfy our working capital needs, we have begun to make payments on our outstanding indebtedness to avoid continued growth in the amount of accrued interest and penalties, and to retain the support of our lenders. While the holders of our First and Second OID Notes and MedScience have agreed to forbear from exercising their rights as a result of our defaults at this time, there is no guarantee they will continue to do so. If they elect to exercise their rights, the amount of accrued interest and penalties owed under the agreements will substantially increase. Further, should they demand immediate payment of all amounts currently due and, in the case of Mercer, exercise its rights under its Security Agreements, it would have a material adverse effect on our business and jeopardize our ability to continue operations. Any future effort to restructure existing indebtedness through agreements with our current lenders to allow us to increase the amount we can devote to expanding our operations will require the consent of our current lenders and likely would require the issuance of additional debt or equity securities. Should we seek to raise additional capital to satisfy our lenders, there is no assurance sufficient amounts will be available.


While we are focused on our business, we intend to continually explore our options to raise additional capital or, when available, borrow additional funds on terms which we believe are favorable to us. Additional issuances of equity or convertible debt securities will result in dilution to our current shareholders, could require the issuance of equity securities at prices we believe are below our true value and could cause the price of our common stock to decrease. Further, such securities might have rights, preferences or privileges senior to our common stock. Additional borrowings could require that we grant the lenders a security interest or other rights that impede our ability to operate as we deem best for our shareholders. Further, any default under a loan agreement could result in an action which could force us to seek bankruptcy protection. Additional financing may not be available upon acceptable terms, or at all. If adequate funds are not available or are not available on acceptable terms, we may not be able to maintain or expand our existing operations, take advantage of prospective new business endeavors or opportunities, which could significantly and materially restrict our business and adversely impact our financial results.


Our ability to obtain funds through the issuance of debt or equity is dependent upon the state of the financial markets at such time as we may seek to raise funds. The state of the capital markets may be adversely impacted by various risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to future and current impacts of global events such as wars in the Ukraine and Israel, increases in inflation and other risks detailed in the risk factors sections detailed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.




Evaluation of disclosure controls and procedures.


As of September 30, 2024, our chief executive officer, who is also our chief financial officer conducted an evaluation regarding the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) or 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act). Based upon the evaluation of these controls and procedures as provided under the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission in Internal Control-Integrated Framework (2013), our chief executive officer/ chief financial officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were ineffective as of the end of the period covered by this report. Many of these deficiencies stem from a lack of adequate personnel, including individuals with experience in financial reporting. Management has identified corrective actions for the weakness and will periodically reevaluate our ability to add personnel and implement improved review procedures as they can be supported by the growth in our business.


Changes in internal controls.


During the quarterly period covered by this report, no changes occurred in our internal control over financial reporting that materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.







In addition to the other information set forth in this report, you should carefully consider the factors discussed in Part I, “Item 1. Description of Business, subheading Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, which could materially affect our business, financial condition or future results.




(a) The following documents are filed as exhibits to this report on Form 10-Q or incorporated by reference herein. Any document incorporated by reference is identified by a parenthetical reference to the SEC filing that included such document.


Exhibit No.   Description
3.1   Articles of Incorporation (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit B to the Information Statement on Form 14-C filed June 21, 2021)
3.2   By-Laws (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit C to the Information Statement on Form 14-C filed June 21, 2021).
4.1   Certificate of Designation authorizing issuance of Series A Preferred Stock (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit D to the Information Statement on Form 14-C filed June 21, 2021)
4.2   Certificate of Designation authorizing the issuance of the Series A-2 Preferred Stock (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 3.1 to the Report on Form 8-K filed December 30, 2021)
31   Certification of CEO and CFO pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a) or 15d-14(a) of the Exchange Act pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
32   Certification of CEO and CFO pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350 as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.


101.INS   Inline XBRL Instance Document
101.SCH   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document
101.CAL   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document
101.DEF   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document
101.LAB   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document
101.PRE   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document
104   Cover Page Interactive Data File (embedded within the Inline XBRL document)







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the date indicated.


QHSLab, Inc.  
By: /s/ Troy Grogan  
  Troy Grogan  
  Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer  
Date: November 13, 2024