現在,因此, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants herein contained, Trust and Adviser agree as follows:
1. With respect to the Fund, for the period commencing March 1, 2022 through at least March 1, 2023, the Adviser has contractually agreed to waive any fees payable to Adviser 和/或 reimburse 費用爲基金提供足夠的資金以保持總年度運營費用 加拿大的支出(1)(總支出爲14018萬,14023萬(下降5萬,下降0%),總支出爲32056萬,32760萬(下降704萬,下降2%)。 (不包括稅費、佣金費、佣金和其他交易費用 開銷, 利息和非常規 開支(如訴訟和賠償支出))佔基金平均每日淨資產的0.60%每年("最大允許費率").