EX-10.6 4 ex_745373.htm EXHIBIT 10.6 ex_745373.htm





本从属协议(“协议”)于2024年8月19日签订(“生效日期”)由自然人迈克尔·T·卡伦签署(“初级贷款人)以及PANBELA THERAPEUTICS, INC.,一家特拉华州公司(“借款人)为USWm, LLC的利益而设(这家有限责任公司位于特拉华州,及其后继者和受让人,称为“贷方”).




















部分 1.1         附隶关系。 次级贷款人在此将由债务人(如本文件所定义)所产生的全部及每部分债务及义务的支付和履行置于次级地位,无论是现有的还是以后产生的、创建的或证明的,无论是直接或间接、绝对或或有、到期或将到期,不论该等债务或义务将在何时如何延展、续期或证明(所有该等次级票据债务和义务以下称为“次级义务)对贷款人、其继承者及受让人对所有及每部分债务、义务及责任的全额支付和履行享有优先权,这些债务、义务及责任包括,但不限于,现在存在的或以后产生的、无论是单独或与他人共同承担的,直接或间接、绝对或或有、相关或不相关的、到期或将到期的所有义务,贷款人对债务人可能现在或未来有义务的所有利息,不论该利息是在破产法下任何案件或程序开始之前或之后累积(不论该利息的申索在该案件或程序中是否被允许)(所有债务、义务及贷款人应收的责任以下称为“债券型”)及为贷款人提供的任何担保、抵押、保证和其他安防(「贷款人担保”)及任何其他支持义务。在此用语中,「“债务人”在此指借款人和对债务负有首要或次要责任的任何人以及已经转让或将来可能转让任何不动产或个人财产担保权利,以为支付债务作担保的任何人。”指借款人及每个其他欠款、保证或提供担保或其他信贷支持的个人或实体,对任何债务或次级义务负责。


第1.2节         债务的全额支付。 在任何情况下,只有在贷方已经收到全额可用资金的支付后,债务才会被视为已完全清偿,且对借款人的所有借贷承诺均已终止。


第1.3条         对于次级负债不会有任何支付。 在债务完全偿还之前或未获得贷方的书面事先同意(该同意贷方可以因任何理由或无理由拒绝给予),次级贷方在任何情况下均不得直接或间接地 (a) 针对次级负债进行任何付款 (b) 要求、加速、对次级负债的全部或任何部分进行起诉、索赔或抵消,或以其他方式执行其收回或行使有关次级负债的任何救济权利,或 (c) 要求、索求、接受或收取与次级负债有关的任何担保,除非以本协议第1.6条明确允许的方式及范围内。


Section 1.4         支付转让. 如果次级贷方在本协议的禁止条款下获得任何现金或其他财产(包括对财产的权益),次级贷方将为贷方保留该等金额并立即支付及转让该现金或其他财产给贷方,用以抵消其债务,直到该债务完全偿还。




第1.5条         无法对次级票据进行修改或修订。 在每个情况下,未经贷款人事先同意(贷款人可以出于任何原因或无理由拒绝给予该同意),次级贷款人不得直接或间接允许对次级票据的任何条款或条件进行进入、修改、放弃或修订:(a) 增加次级义务的最高本金金额或次级义务的利率或相关费用,(b) 改变次级义务本金或利息到期的日期,(c) 在对贷款人有实质性不利影响或对任何义务人有实质性限制的情况下,变更或新增任何违约事件或与次级义务相关的任何契约,(d) 变更次级票据的赎回或提前还款条款,(e) 变更次级义务的次级条款,包括将次级义务置于任何其他债务之下,(f) 缩短任何次级义务的到期日或以其他方式缩短次级义务的偿还条款,(g) 提供任何担保或安防,或 (h) 变更或修订次级票据的任何其他项目或条款,如果该变更或修订会实质性增加任何义务人的义务或在实质上对任何义务人或贷款人不利的方式上赋予次级贷款人额外的实质性权利。


第1.6条         暂停。 直到债务完全以现金偿还且贷款人对贷款的所有承诺终止,次级贷款人在未经贷款人事先书面同意的情况下,不得对次级义务采取任何强制执行行动(定义见下文),直到对任何义务人发生某一程序(定义见下文); 提供的, 然而,如果贷款人加速债务或行使其作为担保方对担保品的权利,则在上述任何情况下,次级贷款人可以加速并以其他方式追求其对次级义务的救济,但需遵循本协议的条款和条件。如果次级贷款人应该开始或参加对任何义务人进行的任何强制执行行动或程序,以收回或强制执行次级义务或以违反本协议的方式采取或接收任何担保或安防,则贷款人可以,但不必负责,以其认为必要或适当的方式采取该措施并提出该防御,包括未经限制地将本协议作为防御,贷款人可以以其自己名义或作为次级贷款人的事务代理进行。


第1.7节         代位追偿。 在所有债务完全偿还之前,贷款人应对次级贷款人拥有次级贷款人对任何义务人的索赔以及次级贷款人对任何义务人资产及其所得的权利和利益(如有)进行代位。Enforcement Action在此使用的术语“”应指(i) 从任何义务人那里或代表其账户,通过抵消或以其他方式获取任何目前或将来可能由任何义务人欠的与次级责任相关的全部或部分金额;(ii) 提起诉讼要求支付或与其他人一起对任何义务人展开诉讼、行动或程序,以(A) 实施支付或收取全部或部分次级责任,或(B) 根据次级票据或对次级责任的适用法律开始司法执行任何权利和救济;(iii) 加速次级责任;或(iv) 根据任何州或联邦法律的条款,包括但不限于统一商业守则,或根据任何合同或协议,采取任何行动以执行、止赎、占有或出售任何义务人的财产或资产。进行中在此使用的术语“”应指任何自愿或非自愿的破产、清算、接管、保管、解散、重组、为债权人利益的转让、指派保管人、接收人、受托人或其他具类似权力的官员的任命,或针对一个人或其他实体的清算、解散或其他结束程序。




第1.8节         破产,乙太经典。 次级贷款人同意,在任何债务人资产的分配或债务的重新调整情况下,无论是因为清算、和解、破产、安排、接管、为债权人利益的转让或任何其他涉及所有或任何次级债务的重新调整的行动或程序,或在任何债务人资产应用于支付或清算的情况下,贷款人有权在支付所有或任何部分次级债务之前,获得任何和所有债务的全额支付。为了使贷款人在任何此类行动或程序中执行其权利,贷款人特此不可撤回地被授权和赋予权力(a)代表次级贷款人提出对任何债务人的次级债务的索赔证明,名义上可由次级贷款人或贷款人提出,若次级贷款人在需提交此类索赔的时间到期前10天内未能提交索赔证明则由贷款人认为合适或妥当,(b)在需投票的索赔时间到期前10天内投票该等索赔证明,若次级贷款人未投票,及(c)接受和接收以及收取任何和所有的分红或其他支付或付款,不论以任何形式支付或发放,并将其适用于债务账户。尽管前述规定,次级贷款人仍保留在与任何债务人相关的任何此类程序中投票其索赔和以其他方式行动的权利(包括但不限于,接受或拒绝任何部分或完整清算、重组、安排、和解或延展的计划的投票权),但应受本协议的条款约束; 然而次级贷款人不得以任何方式采取行动或投票,以:(i) 争议任何债务的金额、有效性或可执行性,或就贷款人获得的任何债务所赋予的留置权和安防权限,如此类行动或投票会对贷款人就该债务的索赔优先权产生不利影响;(ii) 争议在任何债务的证据文件或与此类留置权和安防权限相关的任何担保文件中明确确立的贷款人的权利和义务;(iii) 争议本协议或任何程度股工作或与任何债务有关的任何协议或文书的有效性或可执行性;(iv) 批准任何计划,该计划:(A) 不提供对在此计划生效日由贷款人确认其应收款项的所有债务的全额支付,或如果贷款人同意在一段时间内支付,则按照计划规定的时间段支付,或(B) 伤害贷款人对该债务或贷款人担保的索赔,除非经贷款人同意;或(v) 争议任何贷款人担保的销售、租赁、许可或其他处置,现金担保的使用,或贷款人同意的借款人持有资金的融资。


第1.9节         进一步保证。         Junior Lender further agrees to execute and deliver to Lender such assignments, indorsements, or other instruments as may be required by it in order to enable it to enforce any and all such claims and to collect any and all dividends or other payments or disbursements which may be made at any time on account of all or any of the Subordinated Obligations. In the event that (i) the total amount of all cash payments actually received by Lender in the aggregate related to the Subordinated Obligations or from any other source exceeds all of the Debt; (ii) Lender has no further agreement or understanding with any Obligor pursuant to which Lender is obligated to extend credit to any Obligor; and (iii) any such cash payment received by Lender may no longer be set aside as preferential or avoided under any Insolvency Law (as defined in Section 2.2), then Lender shall reassign to Junior Lender, without recourse, warranty or representation, the remaining balance due under the Subordinated Obligations or make such other disposition thereof as may be required by applicable law or court order.




第 II条款




第2.1节         Junior Lender hereby also agrees not to assign or transfer at any time while this Agreement remains in effect any rights, claims or interests of any kind in or to the Subordinated Note or the Subordinated Obligations without the prior written consent of Lender. Junior Lender will, upon request from Lender, add a legend to his Subordinated Note and any other such note, guaranty or other evidence of the Subordinated Obligations stating that payment thereof is subject to the provisions of this Agreement. Junior Lender represents and warrants that (a) as of the Effective Date, no other obligations of any Obligor to Junior Lender exist other than as evidenced by the Subordinated Note and (b) Junior Lender has not previously assigned any interest in the Subordinated Obligations, and no person or entity owns an interest in the Subordinated Obligations other than Junior Lender.


第2.2节         This Agreement will continue in full force and effect until all Debt is paid in full. To the extent that any Obligor makes a payment or payments to Lender or Lender receives any payment or proceeds of any Lender Collateral, which payment(s) or proceeds (or any part) are subsequently voided, invalidated, declared to be fraudulent or preferential, set aside or required to be repaid to a trustee, receiver or any other person, association, entity or authority under the Bankruptcy Code, any other bankruptcy act, any state or federal law, common law or equitable cause (“破产法”), then, to the extent of the payment(s) or proceeds received by Lender, the Debt (or part intended to be satisfied) will be revived for all purposes of this Agreement and will continue in full force and effect, as if such payment or proceeds had not been received by Lender.


第2.3节         This is a continuing agreement of subordination and Lender may continue, without notice to Junior Lender, to extend credit or other accommodation or benefit and loan moneys to or for the account of any Obligor on the faith hereof. It is further understood and agreed that Lender may at any time, in its sole discretion, (a) renew or extend the time of payment of all or any part of any existing or future Debt, (b) waive or release any collateral which may be held therefor at any time, (c) make and enter into any agreement or agreements with any Obligor or amend, modify, supplement, restate, consolidate, waive, renew, extend, replace, refinance or otherwise change any of the terms of any loan document (including, without limitation, charging any extension fee(s) on any renewal or extension of all or any part of the Debt and on any renewal or extension), (d) refinance any of the Debt (including without limitation the extension of additional debt to any of the Obligors, which debt shall become part of the Debt), and (e) increase the interest rates applicable to all or any part of the Debt), as Lender, in each case, may deem desirable without notice to or further assent from Junior Lender and without in any manner impairing or affecting this Agreement or any of Lender’s rights hereunder. Junior Lender hereby assents to any extension or postponement of the time of payment of all or any part of the Debt or to any other indulgence with respect thereto, to any substitution, exchange or release of collateral which may at any time secure all or any part of the Debt and/or to the addition or release of any other party or person primarily or secondarily liable therefor.






Credit Agreement的第2.5节初级贷款人明确放弃对贷款人依据此处所述的下层和其他协议、呈示、要求和抗议的依赖。初级贷款人同意:(a) 贷款人未对任何债务的任何贷款文件的正当执行、合法性、有效性、完整性或执行力作出任何保证或声明,(b) 贷款人有权根据其通常的做法管理和监督对每个义务人的贷款,并根据情况适时进行修改,而不考虑初级贷款人现在或将来在任何义务人的任何资产中的任何权利的存在,以及(c) 贷款人对初级贷款人不承担任何责任,初级贷款人特此放弃可能由此产生的对贷款人的任何索赔:(i) 贷款人善意地采取或未采取的任何和所有行动(包括但不限于与生成、完善或持续存在抵押权或担保权利有关的行动、与任何违约事件发生有关的行动、与对贷款人抵押品的拍卖、出售、释放、贬值或未能实现有关的行动,以及与从任何账户债务人或任何其他方收取所有或任何部分债务的索赔有关的行动),(ii) 贷款人在美国法典第11编第11章(11 U.S.C. § 101)下所提起的任何程序中的选择。 等。.) (该「破产法典」根据破产法第 1111(b)(2) 条的应用,(iii) 根据破产法第 363 条由贷款人提供的任何同意,以及/或 (iv) 根据破产法第 364 条的任何借款或担保权的授予。次级贷款人不会质疑贷款人当前或将来存在的担保权及其他留置权、转让、质押和在任何贷款人抵押品中授予的其他权利与权益的可执行性、完美性或优先权,亦不会质疑债务的有效性、可执行性或金额。每位债务持有人,无论是现在存在还是将来产生的,应被视为基于本协议中的条款获得该债务。








第2.8条款         Any notice to Junior Lender or Lender may be given by personal delivery of a written notice or delivery by overnight delivery by a regularly scheduled carrier, or by certified U.S. mail at the address set forth in the Subordinated Note and under Lender’s signature hereto. All such notices shall be deemed to have been received on the date given, except that any such notice given by Junior Lender or Lender by overnight delivery will be deemed to have been received on the next business day after such notice was delivered to such a carrier for delivery, and any such notice given by Junior Lender or Lender by certified U.S. mail will be deemed to have been received three days after such notice was deposited in the U.S. mails, postage prepaid.


第2.9条         Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer any rights or remedies on any person or entity other than to the Junior Lender and Lender and its permitted successors and assigns.


第2.10节         This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements between such parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. To the extent of any conflict between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Subordinated Note, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall govern. Any default by Junior Lender or any Obligor in the performance of its respective obligations under this Agreement or the Acknowledgment attached hereto shall constitute an event of default under all of the loan agreements between Borrower and Lender.


第2.11款         This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, including by means of facsimile and/or portable document format, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall together constitute one and the same document.


第2.12节         This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws (other than conflict laws) of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The parties hereto hereby (i) consent to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in the Commonwealth of Kentucky in connection with any controversy related to this Agreement; (ii) waive any argument that venue in any such forum is not convenient; (iii) agree that any litigation initiated by the Lender or Junior Lender in connection with this Agreement shall be venued in either the state or federal courts located in the City of Louisville, County of Jefferson, Kentucky; and (iv) agree that a final judgment in any such suit, action or proceeding shall be conclusive and may be enforced in other jurisdictions by suit on the judgment or in any other manner provided by law. JUNIOR LENDER AND LENDER WAIVE ANY RIGHt TO TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY ACTION At LAW OR IN EQUITY OR IN ANY OTHER PROCEEDING BASED ON OR PERTAINING TO THIS AGREEMENT.







IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Subordination Agreement has been duly executed by Junior Lender, Borrower and Lender as of the Effective Date.



  /s/ Michael t. Cullen  
  Michael t. Cullen, individually  














/s/ Jennifer k. Simpson














由: /s/ Breck Jones  
  P. Breckinridge Jones,首席执行官  




4441 Springdale Road

路易斯维尔,KY 40324

