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佣金文件號 001-40130
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郵政信箱 1045
傑克遜。, WY
(312) 810-7422
x沒有 o
x沒有 o
請在Exchange Act Rule 12b-2中查看「大型加速股票發行人」「加速股票發行人」「小型報告公司」和「新興公司」定義,如果是新興公司,請打勾表示發行人是否選擇不使用符合根據Exchange Act的第13(a)條或修訂後的金融會計準則的任何新的或修訂後的金融會計準則的延長過渡期。 是o 否x
o沒有 x

截至2024年11月13日, 37,931,764 該發行人的普通股每股面值爲0.0001美元,共有股份以及10,314,952個代表以11.50美元的價格收購一股發行人普通股的公共warrants,均在外流通。


品牌參與網絡(Brand Engagement Network,簡稱BEN)、我們的標誌及本報告中出現的其他商標或服務標誌均屬於品牌參與網絡公司(Brand Engagement Network Inc.)的財產。本報告中出現的其他公司的商號、商標和服務標誌均爲其各自所有者的財產。爲方便起見,本報告中包含的商標、服務標誌和商號未使用®、™或其他適用符號,但這些引用並不意味着我們不將依法全面主張我們或適用許可人的商標、服務標誌和商號的權利。



























項目1. 財務報表
現金及現金等價物$72,878 $1,685,013 
應收賬款淨額30,888 10,000 
預付費用及其他流動資產1,075,103 201,293 
總流動資產1,181,869 1,896,306 
物業和設備,淨值285,305 802,557 
無形資產-淨額17,006,906 17,882,147 
其他資產13,475,000 1,427,729 
資產總計$31,949,080 $22,008,739 
應付賬款$5,376,310 $1,282,974 
應計費用4,185,315 1,637,048 
遞延收入 2,290 
短期債務891,974 223,300 
總流動負債13,046,635 3,145,612 
註記付款 - 關聯方 500,000 
長期債務 668,674 
總負債14,197,503 4,314,286 
優先股票的每股面值 $0.0001 每股, 10,000,000 授權股份, 指定的。有 no 股份已發行或流通截至2024年9月30日或2023年12月31日
每股的普通股面值爲$0.0001 每股, 750,000,000 股份已獲得授權。截至2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,分別。 37,931,76423,270,404 已發行且在外流通的股份
3,794 2,327 
額外實收資本46,806,699 30,993,846 
股東權益總額17,751,577 17,694,453 
負債和股東權益總計$31,949,080 $22,008,739 
* 衍生自經審計信息

營業收入$50,000 $ $99,790 $ 
毛利潤50,000  99,790  
一般管理費用4,203,946 2,282,434 15,969,617 7,678,880 
折舊和攤銷972,375 209,729 1,771,966 449,663 
研究和開發153,191 75,450 759,427 153,828 
總營業費用5,329,512 2,567,613 18,501,010 8,282,371 
利息收入92  3,324  
債務解除收益98,318  1,946,310  
Warrants負債公允價值的變動(632,969) 762,869  
其他9,043 19,789 (5,971)(11,961)
其他收入(費用),淨額(543,571)(14,718)2,644,024 (46,468)
加權平均普通股 - 稀釋和基本35,539,04322,409,79031,623,08219,928,947

截至2023年12月31日的餘額$ 23,270,404$2,327 $30,993,846 $(13,301,720)$17,694,453 
在反向資本重組中向DHC股東發行的股票— 7,885,220789 (10,722,277)— (10,721,488)
認股權證的行使— 40,5144 15,260 — 15,264 
基於股票的補償— — 698,705 — 698,705 
淨損失— — — (6,884,409)(6,884,409)
截至2024年3月31日的餘額 33,592,055 3,360 40,785,294 (20,186,129)20,602,525 
以發行股票結清應付賬款和應付貸款— 93,333 9 321,999 — 322,008
普通股出售— 877,500 198 1,993,552 — 1,993,750
認股權證行使— 13,505 1 4,999 — 5,000
股票基礎的補償,包括已歸屬的受限股票— 381,915 42 768,497 — 768,539
淨損失— — — — (3,049,704)(3,049,704)
根據備用股權購買協議的承諾費用發行普通股— 280,89928 499,972 — 500,000
爲結算應計費用而發行的股票— 151,26115 261,667 — 261,682
普通股出售— 602,500131 1,756,056 — 1,756,187
期權和認股權證的行使— 98,33510 79,750 — 79,760
基於股票的補償,包括已經歸屬的限制性股票— 35,461— 334,913 — 334,913
淨損失— — — (5,823,083)(5,823,083)
截至2024年9月30日的餘額$ 36,126,764$3,794 $46,806,699 $(29,058,916)$17,751,577 


截至2022年12月31日的餘額$ 17,057,085$1,705 $1,528,642 $(1,570,454)$(40,107)
期權行使— 81,0308 29,992 — 30,000 
以應付賬款和應付貸款轉換髮行的股票 — 135,05014 49,986 — 50,000 
基於股票的補償— 2,442,701 — 2,442,701 
淨損失— — (2,637,956)(2,637,956)
截至2023年3月31日的餘額 17,273,1651,727 4,051,321 (4,208,410)(155,362)
爲Dm Lab APA發行的股票— 4,325,043433 16,012,317 — 16,012,750 
期權和認股權證行使— 56,55210 20,928 — 20,938 
以可轉換票據轉換髮行的股票— 378,14038 1,399,962 — 1,400,000 
以應付賬款和應付貸款結算髮行的股票— 103,43910 382,953 — 382,963 
基於股票的補償— — 1,841,767 — 1,841,767 
淨損失— — — (3,108,552)(3,108,552)
截至2023年6月30日的餘額 22,136,3392,218 23,709,248 (7,316,962)16,394,504 
期權和認股權證行使— 64,9933 9,997 — 10,000 
提前行使期權的歸屬— — 1,563 — 1,563 
可轉換債券轉換髮行的股票— 432,16043 1,599,957 — 1,600,000 
普通股的銷售,扣除發行成本— 123,33312 949,988 — 950,000 
基於股票的補償— — 464,075 — 464,075 
淨損失— — — (2,582,331)(2,582,331)
$ 22,756,825$2,276 $26,734,828 $(9,899,293)$16,837,811 

折舊和攤銷費用1,771,966 449,663 
基於股票的補償,包括限制性股票的發行1,581,744 4,727,799 
應付賬款5,393,334 62,373 
其他資產 8,850 
專利購買 (379,864)
資產收購(注D) (257,113)
普通股銷售所得10,274,937 1,000,000 
可轉換票據所得 3,075,000 
關聯方票據的收入 620,000 
通過期權和認股權證行使獲得的收入100,024 22,500 
對關聯方的預付款 (39,065)
收到的關聯方預付款償還款項 138,110 
融資活動提供的淨現金10,269,961 4,709,235 
期初的現金及現金等價物1,685,013 2,010 
期末的現金及現金等價物$72,878 $982,482 



支付的利息$ $ 
支付的所得稅現金$ $ 
資本化的內部使用軟件成本列在應付費用中$ $46,963 
根據轉售商協議發行普通股$13,475,000 $ 
爲備用股權購買協議承諾費發行普通股$500,000 $ 
作爲資本化軟件成本的一部分,資本化股票基礎補償$220,413 $20,745 
以普通股償還負債$583,690 $432,963 
以可轉換票據償還應付賬款$1,900,000 $ 
可轉換票據轉換爲普通股$ $3,000,000 
權證通過應付賬款的結算行使$ $40,000 
應付賬款和應計費用中的融資成本$200,000 $687,609 
與資產收購相關的普通股發行$ $16,012,750 


註釋 A — 經營性質與持續經營

Brand Engagement Network Inc.(前稱Blockchain交易所 Network Inc.)(連同其子公司統稱爲「BEN」或「公司」)於2018年4月17日在懷俄明州傑克遜成立,並以著名的開國元勳和發明家本傑明·富蘭克林的名字命名。2019年,公司成爲Datum Point Labs(「DPL」)的全資子公司,並於2021年5月從DPL分離出來。BEN於2021年12月收購DPL。



2024年3月14日,公司完成了之前宣佈的業務合併(「交割」),根據於2023年9月7日簽署的業務合併協議(經修訂,稱爲「業務合併協議」),該協議由DHC收購公司,一家開曼群島豁免公司(「DHC」),Brand Engagement Network Inc.,一家懷俄明州公司(「Prior BEN」),BEN合併子公司公司,一家特拉華州公司及DHC的直接全資子公司(「合併子」)和DHC贊助商,有限責任公司,一家特拉華州有限責任公司(「贊助商」)共同簽署。業務合併協議中預期的交易,包括國內化和合並(下文均有定義),統稱爲「業務合併」。

在交易完成之前,根據業務合併協議,DHC成爲一家名爲「品牌互動網絡公司」(「Domestication」)的特拉華州公司,且(i) 每一股已發行的A類普通股,面值 $0.0001 每股(「A類股份」)自動按照一對一的比例轉換爲BEN的一股普通股,面值 $0.0001 每股(「普通股」),(ii) 每一股已發行的B類普通股,面值 $0.0001 每股的DHC自動按 一個-對一的比例轉換爲BEN的一股普通股,(iii) 每一份已發行的DHC公共認股權,均代表以 $11.50 的價格購買一股A類股份的權利,自動轉換爲 一個-按比例一次性轉換爲BEN的公共認股權證(「公共認股權證」),該認股權證代表以$獲得一股普通股的權利11.50根據2021年3月4日DHC與大陸股票轉移與信託公司(「認股權證協議」)之間簽署的第4.5節,(iv) 每個已發行並在外流通的定向增發認股權證,每一個代表以$獲得一股A類股票的權利11.50 (「定向增發認股權證」)按比例自動轉換爲BEN的定向增發認股權證,該認股權證代表以$獲得一股普通股的權利11.50根據認股權證協議第4.5節,(v) 每個已發行並在外流通的DHC單位,每個單位代表一股A類股票和三分之一的DHC公共認股權證(「單位」),如果尚未根據持有關請求將其分離爲基礎的一股A類股票和三分之一的DHC公共認股權證,則被分離並自動轉換爲一股普通股和三分之一的公共認股權證。

國內化之後,根據業務合併協議,Merger Sub於2024年3月14日與Prior BEN合併併入Prior BEN(「合併」),Prior BEN作爲BEN的直接全資子公司在合併中倖存下來。與合併有關的是,(i)Prior BEN普通股的所有已發行股份均按交換比率交換爲普通股 0.2701 (「交換比率」)Prior BEN普通股每股普通股的普通股,(ii)Prior BEN當時發行和未償還的每份補償認股權證,均代表收購一股Prior BEN普通股的權利,由BEN承擔,並根據交換比率及其協議條款調整爲BEN的新補償性認股權證,以及(iii)隨後每份已發行和未償還的Prior BEN股票的期權證普通股,每股代表收購一股Prior BEN普通股的權利,是由BEN承擔,並根據匯率和協議條款調整爲購買普通股的期權。

除非另有說明,本文件中提到的「BEN」,「公司」或「合併公司」均指合併後 的品牌參與網絡公司,而提到的「前BEN」指的是私營業務


與Business Combination有關,本公司接手ROCG首次公開招股單位(「公開認股權證」)發行的認股權證,以及ROCG首次公開招股中向ROCG的初始股東發行的認股權證(「私募認股權證」和公開認股權證共同構成「認股權證」)。這些認股權證均可購買每股股票。私募認股權證除了某些登記權和轉讓限制外,與公開認股權證完全相同。本公司已經分析認股權證,認爲其爲自由交易工具,並且不具備ASC 480中區分負債和權益的特徵,因此不應根據ASC 480將其作爲負債分類。 10,314,952其中私人配售認購權證6,470,000份。6,126,010 定向增發 Warrants。


如附註C所述,業務合併被視爲反向資本化,其中合併前公司的歷史基本報表爲Prior BEN。在合併前的未經審計的簡明合併基本報表及其附註中,所有普通股、每股及相關信息均已追溯調整以反映交易所比例。


附帶的未經審計的簡明合併基本報表已經按公司將持續作爲持續經營體的假設編制,該假設考慮了資產的實現和在正常業務流程中債務的滿足。截止到 2024年9月30日,公司累計虧損爲 $29,058,916,淨虧損爲 $15,757,196 ,運營活動中使用的淨現金爲 $11,666,133九個月期間 截至月份 2024年9月30日管理層預計在接下來的至少12個月內將繼續遭受運營虧損和負現金流。公司迄今爲止的運營資金來自於普通股的銷售收益、Warrants的行使、票據和可轉換債務的發行,以及與AFG Companies Inc.(「AFG」)的交易。 在2024年8月26日, 公司與YA II PN, Ltd.(「Yorkville」)簽署了備用股權購買協議(「SEPA」),根據該協議,公司有權但無義務在公司要求的任何時間出售其最多$50,000,000 的普通股股份,期限爲自SEPA簽署後 36 個月,受某些條件的限制。 然而,公司獲取SEPA收益的能力受到市場條件的限制,例如成交量、公司普通股的價格及其他超出公司控制的因素。 公司的當前流動性狀況對公司能否持續經營提出了實質性疑問。

公司認爲,目前的現金及現金等價物以及來自5月的SPA、8月的SPA和SEPA的收益, (註釋J), 和Yorkville本票(註釋N) 將不足以滿足其預計的現金需求,至少在未經審計的簡明合併基本報表發佈之日起的12個月內。 公司將需要籌集額外資金,以持續支持運營和產品研發。公司相信,能夠通過股權融資、額外債務或其他安排獲得額外營運資金,以資助未來的運營,並計劃通過包括SEPA在內的第三方在公司中的股權或債務投資來籌集資金,但公司無法得出這些措施可能被實施的結論,或如果可能被實施,是否足以滿足公司當前到期的合同金額,尤其是在提交日期的下一個12個月內。

注意 b — 重要會計政策摘要
未經審核的合併財務報表已按照美國公認會計原則(「U.S. GAAP」)編制。公司的未經審核的合併財務報表包括公司的賬目和公司全資子公司的賬目。所有重要的內部交易及餘額在合併中已被排除。

這些未經審計的簡明合併基本報表及其附註應與公司截至(併爲公司年終審計基本報表及其附註)一起閱讀。 截至2023年12月31日的提交,作爲附錄99.1,已在2024年3月20日向美國證券交易委員會提交的公司8-K/A當前報告中。 附帶的未經審計的簡明合併基本報表截至 2024年9月30日 以及爲期三個月的 九個月期間 截至月份 2024年9月30日2023 這些報表未經審計,但已根據年度審計基本報表的相同基礎進行編制,幷包括管理層認爲對所披露期間的公正陳述必要的所有正常、週期性調整。中期結果不一定能代表整個年度的結果。資產負債表金額截至 2023年12月31日 已從審計基本報表中得出 作爲附錄99.1提交給公司向SEC於2024年3月20日提交的8-K/A當前報告.


根據美國公認會計原則編制隨附的未經審計的簡明合併財務報表要求管理層對未來事件做出估計和假設。這些估計和基本假設影響報告的資產和負債金額、或有資產和負債的披露以及報告的收入和支出金額。實際結果和結果可能與公司的估計、判斷和假設存在顯著差異。公司合併財務報表中的重要估計包括但不限於用於衡量股票薪酬的假設、從Dm Lab收購的無形資產的估值(見附註D)、無形資產的使用壽命、認股權證負債, 衍生負債和遞延客戶獲取成本。
運營部門被定義爲關於可爲首席運營決策者(「CODM」)或決策小組提供獨立財務信息的實體組成部分,以便在決定如何分配資源和評估績效時進行評估。公司的CODM是首席執行官。公司將其運營視爲並管理其業務, 一個 運營部門。
公司根據財務會計標準委員會(「FASB」)會計標準編纂(「ASC」)第606章確認營業收入, 來自客戶合同的營業收入 (「ASC 606」)適用於所有呈現的期間。ASC 606的核心原則是確認承諾的商品或服務的轉移所產生的營業收入。

應收賬款代表來自客戶的應收款項,並且是在減去壞賬準備後的淨額。壞賬準備是基於管理層對特定客戶帳戶收款能力的評估、應收賬款的賬齡、歷史經驗和其他現有證據。如果一家主要客戶的信用評級惡化或實際違約率高於歷史經驗,管理層對公司應收款項收回能力的估計可能會受到不利影響。 截至公司的應收賬款爲 2024年9月30日2023年12月31日 減去預計信用損失準備金爲 $50,000$20,000,分別爲。

公司將獲取客戶合同的增量成本資本化。公司的增量成本與2023年8月與AFG簽訂的獨家代理協議(「代理協議」)有關(見註釋J)。待攤銷的客戶獲取成本記錄在未經審計的合併資產負債表的其他資產中,金額爲$13,475,000 截至2024年9月30日。公司在2023年12月31日沒有此類成本。待攤銷的客戶獲取成本將在公司按照代理協議的規定向AFG轉讓商品和服務時,作爲交易價格的減少進行會計處理。
公司在發生事件或情況變化表明資產的賬面價值可能無法收回時,會對長期資產進行減值審查。如果資產的賬面價值超過其估計的未折現淨現金流(不包含利息),公司將確認一項減值損失,金額爲其賬面價值和估計公允價值之間的差額。如果確認了減值,資產的減少後的賬面價值將作爲其新的成本進行會計處理。一般來說,公允價值的估計是通過折現現金流、替代成本或市場比較分析來確定的。評估減值的過程需要對未來事件和條件進行估計,這些估計受市場和經濟因素的影響。因此,未來事件判斷所導致的估計變化是合理可能發生的,這將影響資產的記錄金額。 減值損失已記錄在三個或 九個月期間 截至月份 2024年9月30日2023.
根據ASC主題350,在資產收購中獲取的正在進行中的研究和開發(「IPR&D」)的公允價值,已確定具有替代未來用途, 無形資產-商譽和其他 (「ASC 350」)作爲一個無限期無形資產進行資本化,直到相關研究和開發活動完成,或者確定需要減值。如果相關研究和開發完成,該資產將在完成時重新分類爲定期資產,並根據ASC 730-10-25-2(c)和ASC 350在其估計使用壽命內作爲研究和開發費用進行攤銷。在2024年第二季度,公司的IPR&D項目完成並重新分類爲定期資產,並開始根據其估計使用壽命進行攤銷。 5 年。
在第三季度期間, 九個月期間 截至月份 2024年9月30日和2023年,公司沒有 確認與其無限期使用的知識產權及研發相關的減值費用。


公司根據ASC第718主題確認基於股票的薪酬,包括期權、限制性股票單位和限制性股票獎勵。 補償 — 股票補償確定基於股票的獎勵的適當公允價值需要許多假設,其中一些假設非常複雜且主觀。公司在授予日期使用Black-Scholes期權定價模型估算其股票期權和認股權證獎勵的公允價值。每項限制性股票獎勵的公允價值按授予日期公司普通股的每股公允價值來衡量。
普通股票 — 公司的普通股票的公允價值。
預期期限 — 員工期權的預期期限使用「簡化」方法確定,按照美國證券交易委員會的工作人員會計公告第107號的規定,其中預期期限等於因公司缺乏足夠的歷史數據而得出的歸約平均值,即歸約期和期權的原始合同期限。非員工期權的預期期限等於合同期限。
預期波動性 — 公司缺乏自身的歷史股票數據。因此,它主要基於公開交易的同行公司歷史波動性來估計其預期股票波動性。
無風險利率 — 公司依據與每個期權的預期期限相符的美國國債收益率曲線來確定無風險利率。

本公司將所有高流動性的投資視爲現金等價物,這些投資可以迅速轉換爲現金,並且在購買時剩餘到期日爲三個月或更少。 現金及現金等價物以公允價值記賬,並用於滿足短期流動性需求,而不是用於投資目的。本公司保持其現金及現金等價物餘額,形式爲業務支票帳戶和貨幣市場帳戶,這些帳戶的餘額在某些時候可能超過聯邦保險限額。
根據ASC 350-40, 內部使用軟件公司在內部使用軟件項目的初步階段完成後,對開發成本進行資本化,一旦管理層承諾爲項目提供資金,並且項目完成的可能性很大,且該軟件將用於執行預定功能。公司在計算機軟件項目基本完成並準備好用於預定用途時停止資本化。確定軟件項目是否符合資本化的條件,以及對資本化軟件開發成本可回收性的持續評估,需要管理層對某些外部因素進行重大判斷,包括但不限於,預計經濟壽命以及軟件和硬件技術的變化。
公司將在項目獲得批准、資金到位和可行性確認後,將內部使用軟件的成本資本化。這些成本主要包括外部諮詢費用和直接勞動力成本。 當內部使用軟件準備就緒時

根據其預期用途,公司將內部使用的軟件重新分類爲開發軟件無形資產,並在估計的使用壽命內進行攤銷,使用壽命範圍從 3 到5年。 減值損失已記錄。 三和九 截至月份 2024年9月30日.



外幣交易產生的損益是由於匯率變動對用功能貨幣以外的貨幣計價的交易的影響。外幣交易產生的損益及其重計影響的結果在損益表的淨損失中反映。 截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月和九個月期間,外幣交易的損益並不重要。


根據ASC第480主題,公司評估所有財務工具,包括已發行的股票認購Warrants,以判斷這些工具是否爲衍生工具或包含符合嵌入衍生工具特徵的要素, 將負債與權益區分, ASC第505主題, 股權和ASC第815主題, 衍生品與對沖 (「ASC 815」)。公司根據ASC 815中的指導對公共Warrants和定向增發Warrants進行會計處理,按照該指南,Warrants不符合權益處理的標準,必須作爲負債記錄。因此,公司按公允價值將公共Warrants和定向增發Warrants歸類爲負債,並在每個報告期間對公共Warrants和定向增發Warrants進行公允價值調整。該負債在每個資產負債表日期需重新計量,直至行使,任何公允價值的變化會在公司的未經審計的簡明綜合經營報表中確認。

公司根據ASC 820對金融工具進行會計處理, 公允價值測量 (「ASC 820」)。該聲明定義了公允價值,建立了在普遍接受的會計原則中測量公允價值的框架,並擴展了關於公允價值測量的披露。爲了增加公允價值測量的一致性和可比性,ASC 820建立了一個公允價值層次結構,將計算公允價值所用的估值技術的輸入分爲以下三個層次:
第1級 — 在活躍市場上對相同資產或負債的報價(未調整價格);
第2級 — 可觀察的輸入,除了第1級以外,在活躍市場上類似資產或負債的報價,在非活躍市場上相同或類似資產和負債的報價,以及其輸入可觀察或其重要價值驅動因素可觀察的模型導出的價格;並且
第3級 — 資產和負債的重大價值驅動因素不可觀察。

認股權證負債 - 公共認股權證$$722,047 $
擔保負債 - 定向增發擔保$$428,821 $
與業務合併相關的公共Warrants和定向增發Warrants被視爲負債,按照ASC 815進行會計處理,並在附帶的未經審計的簡明合併資產負債表中列示爲Warrants負債。這些Warrants負債最初按公允價值測量,在以下日期進行測量。




在2024年11月,FASB發佈了ASU 2024-03, 收入報表-綜合收益報告-費用分解披露(子主題220-40):收入報表費用的分解該要求對財務報表中表現的費用項目所包含的某些金額以及關於銷售費用的披露進行額外披露。該ASU自2026年12月15日之後開始的年度期間以及自2027年12月15日之後開始的中期報告期間起生效,並允許選擇進行追溯應用。允許在尚未發佈的年度基本報表中提前採用。公司目前正在評估此聲明對其披露的影響。

在2023年12月,FASB發佈了ASU 2023-09, 所得稅(主題740):所得稅披露的改進, 這擴展了對所得稅的披露要求。該ASU適用於2024年12月15日後開始的財年,允許提前採用。該修訂應以前瞻性方式應用,同時允許追溯應用。公司目前正在評估此聲明對其披露的影響。

在2023年11月,FASB發佈了ASU 2023-07, segment reporting (主題 280): 可報告分部披露的改進該標準要求每年和每個中期披露增量段信息。此ASU將在2023年12月15日之後開始的財政年度以及2024年12月15日之後開始的財政年度內的中期時期以追溯方式生效。公司目前正在評估該聲明對其披露的影響。

註釋C — 與DHC合併
在2024年3月14日,Prior BEN完成了與DHC的合併,如註釋A所述。由於DHC的主要資產是現金及現金等價物,因此根據美國通用會計準則,該合併被視爲一次反向資本化。在財務報告中,Prior BEN被確定爲會計收購方,這基於合併的條款和其他因素,包括:(i) Prior BEN股東擁有合併公司約 76%的股份,以及(ii) Prior BEN管理層擔任所有關鍵管理職位。因此,該合併被視爲相當於

在先前BEN發行股票以承擔DHC的淨負債之前。 由於合併,DHC的淨負債在未經審計的簡明合併基本報表中按歷史成本記錄,合併前報告的營業結果是先前BEN的。以下表格總結了作爲反向資本重組所獲得的資產及承擔的負債:
總交易成本爲$4,121,000, 其中 $858,292 直接計入額外實收資本,至收到的現金爲止。超出獲得現金的交易成本爲$3,341,055 在期間內計入一般和管理費用 九個月期間 截至月份 2024年9月30日。
注意 D — 收購
2023年5月3日與公司核心科技的發展有關, 公司與Dm Lab Co., LTD(「Dm Lab」)簽訂了一份資產購買協議,以收購某些資產並承擔某些負債,作爲交換 16,012,750 普通股股票,公允價值爲 $16,012,750$257,112 現金對價,包括 $107,112 與交易相關的費用
公司將與Dm Lab的交易視爲資產收購,因爲所收購的資產通過了篩選測試,因此不符合根據ASC 805被視爲業務的標準, 商業組合包括與交易相關的費用在內的總對價根據其收購日期估計的公允價值分配給可識別的無形資產和有形資產。最大收購的資產是正在進行中的研發無形資產,公司判斷其具有其他未來用途,並按照ASC 350將其資本化爲無限期無形資產,直到相關研發活動完成或判斷需要減值爲止。正在進行中的研發無形資產的估值使用多期超額收益法,需做出多個判斷和假設來確定無形資產的公允價值,包括增長率、EBITDA利潤率和折現率等。這一非重複的公允價值測量是公允價值層級中的第三級測量。 下表總結了轉移的對價的公允價值及其在收購日期公允價值中對獲得的資產和承擔的負債的分配。

注意 E — 預付費用和其他流動資產
按金$122,680 $71,300 
預付增值稅10,090 7,821 
預付專業費用330,429 43,712 
預付其他費用40,480 78,460 
預付款項及其他流動資產$1,075,103 $201,293 
注意 F — 物業及設備,淨值
財產和設備包括設備、傢俱和資本化的軟件。傢俱和設備採用直線法根據估計的使用壽命進行折舊, 三年資本化軟件成本根據估計的使用壽命按直線法攤銷,範圍從 510.
設備$337,856 $426,000 
傢俱348,754 346,591 
資本化軟件181,423 569,923 
總計868,033 1,342,514 
物業和設備,扣除累計折舊和攤銷$285,305 $802,557 
截至 2024年和2023年9月30日結束的三個月 固定資產的折舊和攤銷總額爲 $49,333 和 $185,221截至2024年和2023年9月30日的九個月,固定資產的折舊和攤銷總額爲$187,411 和 $386,691,分別爲
註釋 G — 無形資產
專利組合$1,259,863 $(482,899)$776,964 
17,709,314 (1,479,372)16,229,942 
總計$18,969,177 $(1,962,271)$17,006,906 

專利組合$1,259,863 $(377,716)$882,147 
在研研究與開發17,000,000 — 17,000,000 
總計$18,259,863 $(377,716)$17,882,147 
截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月,公司記錄了$34,586 和 $50,950與開發軟件相關的攤銷費用。包含與開發軟件相關的總攤銷費用爲$923,042 和 $24,508 截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月,總攤銷費用包括與開發軟件相關的攤銷費用爲$1,584,555 和 $62,972 截至2024年和2023年9月30日的九個月,總攤銷費用包括與開發軟件相關的攤銷費用爲$
備註 H — 應計費用
累計專業費用$2,924,974 $245,751 
應計薪酬及相關費用1,163,483 1,146,435 
應付相關方10,000 178,723 
應計其他86,858 66,139 
應付費用$4,185,315 $1,637,048 
注意 I — 債務


2024年4月12日,公司向J.V.b.金融集團有限公司發行了一份可轉換的 promissory note, 由其Cohen & Company 資本市場部門(「CCM」)代表,金額爲$1,900,000 (「Cohen可轉換票據」),以結清與公司進行業務合併相關的投資銀行服務所產生的未結髮票,總計$1,900,000 自2024年10月14日起,未償還的本金將以每年8%的固定利率累積利息,直到Cohen可轉換票據全部還清。利息按月以現金或公司選擇的實物支付。公司可以在任何時間或不時部分或全部提前償還Cohen可轉換票據而不需支付罰金或溢價。公司可能被要求在完成某些資本籌集活動後提前償還全部或部分Cohen可轉換票據,具體如其中所述。Cohen可轉換票據的到期日爲2025年3月14日。

自2024年12月14日(「首次轉換日期」)起,Cohen可轉換債券可以轉換爲公司普通股,數量等於:(i) 高達 40% 的未償本金餘額加上應付的累計利息

Cohen可轉換票據除以(ii)每股價格(「轉換購買價格」)等於 92.75每日成交量加權平均價格(「VWAP」)的算術平均值的百分比 VWAP交易日(如其中所定義)截至適用轉換日期的VWAP交易日;前提是,如果轉換購買價格在轉換日期低於$1.20 每股(「底價」),CCm不得在該轉換日期以低於底價的價格轉換任何部分的Cohen可轉換票據。此外,從2025年1月14日開始的每月第14天(每個這樣的日期稱爲「附加轉換日期」,與第一次轉換日期一起稱爲「轉換日期」),CCm可以將Cohen可轉換票據的一部分轉換爲等於(i)不超過 20Cohen可轉換票據未償還本金餘額加上根據Cohen可轉換票據應計利息除以(ii)轉換購買價格(受底價限制)。最多可以在轉換Cohen可轉換票據時發行 1,583,334 普通股股份。

與收購Dm Lab相關的開空債務

截至 2024年9月30日,公司擁有 四個 在Dm Lab交易中假設的未償貸款,總計 $891,974, decrease of $252,601 由於2023年5月25日轉換爲股權的金額,從收購日期開始。這些貸款的利率各不相同,從 4.667%6.69%. 截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月內,公司產生的利息費用爲$11,627 和 $3,341,分別計入未經審計的合併財務報表中的利息費用。在截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的九個月內,公司產生的利息費用爲$38,647 和 $18,926,分別。 所有貸款的到期日均在資產負債表日後的12個月內,並且沒有可選擇或強制的贖回或轉換條款。這些義務在資產負債表上已被分類爲流動負債,由於其短期性質,貸款的公允價值大致等於賬面金額。此外,還有 與之相關的限制性契約、第三方擔保或抵押品。截至報告日,已出現 未能按時償還這些貸款。2024年2月,公司獲得了延期的豁免,將到期日延長至$668,674 其短期債務至2025年1月。
註釋 J — 股東權益
在2023年8月,公司與AFG簽署了轉售協議,AFG同意作爲獨家渠道合作伙伴和公司的軟件即服務在汽車市場和製造業的轉售商,協議期限爲 五年。公司向AFG發行了 1,750,000 的普通股,其總公允價值爲$13,475,000 ,基於合併日的收盤股票價格,這一金額記錄在未經審計的簡明合併資產負債表的其他資產中。此金額將在公司根據轉售協議的期限向AFG轉讓商品和服務時計入交易價格的減少。此外,公司還發行了一份不可轉讓的認購權證(「轉售權證」),授權AFG購買高達 3,750,000 普通股的份額,行使價格爲$10.00 的權利,單個權證的公允價值爲$2.52

轉售權證被分爲 十一 個區間,每個權證區間在 三年 如果AFG在一個年度期間實際支付的金額達到或超過相應的閾值,將變得可行使。到目前爲止, 2024年9月30日,沒有一個權證區間可以行使,因爲歸屬控件還沒有達到可能性。當歸屬控件變得可能時,權證區間的公允價值將作爲交易價格的減少進行記錄,因爲公司在年度期間向AFG轉讓商品和服務。

2024年3月14日,與結束相關,向DHC股東發行的 7,885,220 普通股股份作爲合併的對價已在未經審計的合併股東權益(虧損)簡明報表中反映。此外,在合併完成後,公司採用了其公司章程和細則,授權發行 750,000,000 普通股股份,面值 $0.0001 每股和 10,000,000 優先股股份,面值爲 $0.0001 每股。

在2024年3月,伴隨着合併,公司賣出了 550,000 普通股的股份給AFG,獲得了總額爲$的收益5,500,000.

2024年5月28日,公司與某些投資者(「5月購買者」)簽訂了證券購買協議(「5月SPA」),根據該協議,公司同意向5月購買者發行和出售總額爲 1,980,000 公司普通股,每股價格爲美元2.50 以及總計 3,960,000 購買認股權證 3,960,000 普通股,分爲 由 (i) 組成的批次 1,980,000 認股權證可立即行使,有效期爲 一年 從(“五月 一年 認股權證”) 和 (ii) 1,980,000 認股權證可立即行使,有效期爲 五年 (“五月 五年 認股權證”,再加上五月 一年

Warrants,即「五月Warrants」,每個的行使價格爲$2.50 每股,受通常調整的限制,總購買價格爲$4,950,000在2024年5月30日,公司向五月購買者發行了總計 200,000 分享和 400,000 Warrants(包括 200,000 一年 權證及 200,000 五年 Warrants) 總計總收入 $500,000在發行這些普通股後,總計 1,260,000 可能 一年 權證及 1,260,000 可能 五年 Warrants 被髮行給五月購買者,並且可以立即行使。剩餘的股份被髮放到一個託管帳戶,並且這些股份與五月Warrants 一起保持在託管狀態,直到五月SPA中的條件得到滿足。五月購買者需要按照五月SPA中確定的金額和日期,每月向公司支付現金分期付款,直至2024年10月29日。每 $2.50 如果向公司支付,公司的託管帳戶將釋放一份普通股和兩份五月Warrants給五月購買者。如果五月購買者未能在各自截止日期之前付款,則五月購買者在五月SPA下的全部承諾將立即到期並應支付。截止到2024年11月13日, 1,594,500 已向五月購買者發行了份普通股,累計總收益爲$3,986,250,導致 797,250 五月 一年 權證及 797,250 五月 五年 Warrants。公司在與某些投資者簽署的五月SPA項下的資金籌集方面經歷了延遲。截至本日期,某些投資者未能進行所需的資金籌集,考慮到所有補救期的延續,總金額爲$963,750,公司不確定這些金額或未來這些投資者需要的資金是否會到位。截至2024年9月30日, 1,240,000 五月 一年期 權證及 1,260,000 五月 五年期 Warrants 仍然有效。

2024年7月1日,公司與威廉姆斯家族信託簽署了一份單獨的證券購買協議(「七月SPA」),用於發行和銷售 120,000 普通股的股份,單價爲$2.50 和總計 240,000 Warrants,包括(i) 120,000 期限爲的Warrants 一年 和(ii) 120,000 期限爲的Warrants 五年 以總購買價 $300,000這些Warrants可以立即以每股 $ 的價格轉換爲普通股2.50 截至2024年9月30日, 240,000 Warrants仍然未被行使。

在2024年8月22日,公司與贊助商簽署了費用轉換協議,根據該協議,公司同意以每股$ 151,261 的價格向贊助商發行2.38 普通股作爲公司轉換部分未償還費用的對價,金額爲$0.4百萬。因此,公司在截至2024年9月30日的三個月和九個月期間確認了$98,318 的債務解除收益。

在2024年8月26日,公司與某些投資者(「八月購買者」)簽署了一份證券購買協議(「八月SPA」),根據該協議,公司將發行並出售總計 1,185,000 股公司的普通股,每股價格爲$5.00,總購買價格爲$5,925,000.

根據2024年8月的SPA,2024年8月26日(「轉讓生效日」),公司與某些贊助商成員及公司某些其他現有股東和關聯方(統稱爲「贊助商成員」,每個稱爲「贊助商成員」)以及8月購買者簽訂了相關股份轉讓和鎖定解除協議(「轉讓協議」),根據該協議,作爲簽訂8月SPA的誘因,8月購買者承擔了所有贊助商成員在轉讓生效日持有的", 1,185,000 普通股(「贊助證券」)的權利、所有權和利益。作爲贊助商成員將贊助證券轉讓給8月購買者的交換,公司同意解除", 1,252,500 股份普通股中某些轉讓限制,這些限制包含在(i)公司前任DHC、贊助商及其他簽署者之間的先前函件協議中,或(ii)與公司之前的業務組合完成相關的某些贊助商成員簽署的鎖定協議中。贊助商成員將總計", 1,185,000 贊助證券轉移到託管帳戶。贊助證券根據在8月SPA中描述的條款和條件進行必要的資金提供時將按比例從託管帳戶中釋放。如果某個8月購買者未能進行8月SPA所考慮的必要資金提供,贊助證券的按比例部分將從託管帳戶釋放給公司,公司將取消該等贊助證券。

On August 26, 2024, in connection with the August SPA and the Assignment Agreement, the Company issued to the August Purchasers an aggregate of 100,000 shares for an aggregate gross proceeds of $500,000. The remaining shares were issued to an escrow account and such shares remain in escrow until the conditions in the August SPA are satisfied. The August Purchasers are required to pay to the Company monthly cash installments in the amounts and on the dates as determined in the August SPA ending on April 5, 2025.

For every $5.00 paid to the Company, the Company will release one share of Common Stock under the August SPA and one share of Common Stock under the Assignment Agreement to the August Purchasers. If an August Purchaser fails to pay its required funding by the respective deadline, the investor’s entire commitment under the August SPA will become immediately due and payable. As of November 13, 2024, a total of 220,000 shares of Common Stock have been issued to

Table of Contents
the August Purchasers for gross proceeds of $550,000. The Company has experienced delays in funding from certain of the investors under the August SPA. As of the date hereof, certain of such investors have failed to make their required fundings, giving effect to the tolling of all cure periods, in an aggregate amount of $1,250,000, and the Company is uncertain whether such amounts or future required fundings by such investors will be made.

2024年8月26日,公司與Yorkville簽署了SEPA協議。根據SEPA協議,公司有權但無義務在2024年8月26日(「SEPA生效日期」)開始的承諾期內,隨時向Yorkville出售最多$的普通股。50,000,000 在承諾期內,公司可以在任意時刻請求向Yorkville出售公司的普通股。每次通過SEPA協議向Yorkville發行和出售的股份(「預付款」)的最大限額等於在預付款通知前五個交易日內,公司的普通股在納斯達克的總成交量的%. 100股票將以每股價格向Yorkville發行和出售,價格爲公司在相關預付款通知中指定的選擇:(i)在Yorkville收到預付款通知至適用預付款通知日期(「選項1定價期」)下午4:00(紐約市時間)之間的市場價格的%(如下面定義),以及(ii)在預付款通知日期開始的三個連續交易日的市場價格的%(「選項2定價期」,選項1定價期和選項2定價期各稱爲「定價期」)。 96「市場價格」被定義爲,任何選項1定價期內,普通股在納斯達克的每日VWAP,以及在任何選項2定價期內,普通股在選項2定價期內的最低VWAP。預付款受到某些限制,包括Yorkville不能購買任何導致其在預付款時有益地擁有超過%的公司的普通股。 97同樣自SEPA生效日期起,根據SEPA協議獲取的普通股不超過%的公司已發行和流通的普通股(「交易所上限」)。在某些情況下,交易所上限不適用,包括公司已獲得股東批准根據納斯達克的規則發行超出交易所上限的股份,或這樣的發行不需要根據納斯達克的「最低價格規則」獲得股東批准。 4.99此外,如果在適用定價期內,納斯達克交易的普通股總數少於成交量閾值(如下面定義),則根據該預付款通知發行和出售的普通股數量將減少至(i)在相關定價期內,Bloomberg L.P.報告的普通股的交易量的30%,或者(ii)Yorkville在該定價期內出售的普通股數量,但在任何情況下不超過預付款通知中請求的數量。 19.99「成交量閾值」被定義爲普通股的預付款通知請求的股份數量與0.30的商。作爲Yorkville根據SEPA協議承諾購買普通股的對價,公司向Yorkville支付了(i)一定金額的結構費$。25,000 及(ii)承諾費用(簡稱「承諾費用」)爲$500,000 向Yorkville發行的總計 280,899 普通股(「承諾股份」)。截至2024年9月30日, 公司向Yorkville發行了總計 280,899 普通股,包括承諾費用。在SEPA執行時,公司將$25,000 重組費用和$500,000 承諾費用在截至2024年9月30日的未經審計的濃縮合並損益表中列爲一般和行政費用。



與Business Combination有關,本公司接手ROCG首次公開招股單位(「公開認股權證」)發行的認股權證,以及ROCG首次公開招股中向ROCG的初始股東發行的認股權證(「私募認股權證」和公開認股權證共同構成「認股權證」)。這些認股權證均可購買每股股票。私募認股權證除了某些登記權和轉讓限制外,與公開認股權證完全相同。本公司已經分析認股權證,認爲其爲自由交易工具,並且不具備ASC 480中區分負債和權益的特徵,因此不應根據ASC 480將其作爲負債分類。 10,314,952其中私人配售認購權證6,470,000份。6,126,010 截至2024年9月30日,所有的定向增發Warrants均已發行。每個完整的公開Warrant和定向增發Warrant的持有者有權以$的行使價格購買公司普通股的一股。11.50 公開Warrants和定向增發Warrants自2024年4月13日開始可行使,並於2029年4月14日到期。

定向增發Warrants與公開Warrants完全相同,除了(x) 定向增發Warrants和在行使定向增發Warrants後可發行的普通股在完成業務合併後的天數內不可轉讓、可分配或出售,受某些有限例外的限制。 30 此外,只要定向增發Warrants由初始購買者或其允許的受讓人持有,定向增發Warrants將以無現金方式行使,並且如上所述不可被贖回。如果定向增發Warrants由其他人持有


關於5月份的SPA,公司還與某些5月購買者(「所需認股權證方」)簽訂了行使認股權證的書面協議(「可能認股權證行使協議」)。根據5月認股權證行使協議,如果公司採取商業上合理的努力額外籌集資金3,250,000 在資本方面(不包括根據5月SPA籌集的金額),但在2024年10月31日之前無法做到這一點,所需的認股權證持有人必須按月按5月認股權證行使協議中確定的金額和日期按現金行使部分5月認股權證。對於以這種方式行使的每份5月認股權證,公司將發行一份新的5月一年期認股權證和一份新的5月五年認股權證(統稱爲 「可能重倉認股權證」),每份認股權證的行使價爲美元2.50 致必需的認股權證方。最大值爲 2,600,000 可以根據五月認股權證行使協議發行可能再充值認股權證。在收到 $ 的總額後3,250,000 在8月份SPA的實際現金收益中,5月認股權證行使協議將自動終止。

在2024年8月26日,關於八月的SPA和轉讓協議,公司與簽署的每一個認股權證持有人(「認股權證持有人」)簽訂了認股權證購買協議(「八月認股權證協議」),根據該協議,公司向認股權證持有人發行了總計的 960,000 認股權證以購買普通股(「八月認股權證」),行使價格爲$5.00 每股的行使價格自發行之日起享有五年的有效期。


2021年5月公司採納了2021年激勵股票期權計劃(「2021年期權計劃」),該計劃提供以下類型的股票獎勵:(i) 激勵股票期權,(ii) 非法定股票期權,(iii) 股票增值權,(iv) 限制性股票獎勵,(v) 限制性股票單位獎勵,以及 (vi) 其他股票獎勵。2021年期權計劃由公司的董事會(「董事會」)管理。在交易完成後,所有未到期的獎勵均根據業務合併協議的條款被BEN假設,董事會宣佈2021年期權計劃下將不再發行任何股票。2021年計劃下的沒收將自動加入2023年計劃下可發行的股票中。

2023 開多期激勵計劃

與本次交易相關的,2023年長期激勵計劃(「2023計劃」)生效。2023計劃規定授予以下類型的股票獎勵: (i) 激勵股票期權, (ii) 非合格股票期權, (iii) 股票增值權, (iv) 限制性股票, (v) 限制性股票單位, (vi) 績效獎勵, (vii) 股息等值權, (viii) 績效獎勵, (ix) 績效目標, (x) 並列獎勵, (xi) 以前計劃獎勵, (xii) 其他獎勵。2023計劃由董事會管理。2023計劃的獎勵適用於員工、管理人員和承包商。根據2023計劃授權的期權授予總額可達 2,942,245 普通股的股份。 截至2024年9月30日, 3,602,569 股份仍可在2023計劃下授予。
Option Awards
2024 Activity
The Company granted options to acquire 108,040 shares of Common Stock of the Company at weighted average exercise price of $8.10 per share during the nine months ended September 30, 2024. Generally, options have a service vesting condition of 25% cliff after 1 year and then monthly thereafter for 36 months (2.067% per month).
The following table provides the estimates included in the inputs to the Black-Scholes pricing model for the options granted:
Nine Months Ended September 30,
Expected term5.0 years5.0 years
Risk-free interest rate4.08 %3.65 %

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Dividend yield0.00 %0.00 %
Volatility54.79 %50.26 %
A summary of option activity for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 is as follows:
Number of
Exercise Price
Average Grant
Date Fair Value
Contractual Term
(in years)
Outstanding as of December 31, 20232,430,900$4.19 $— — 
Granted108,040$8.10 $4.18 — 
Forfeited(1,104,710)$3.75 $— — 
Exercised(47,830)$0.38 $— — 
Outstanding as of September 30, 20241,386,400$4.90 $2.58 8.59
Vested and expected to vest as of September 30, 20241,386,400$4.90 $2.58 8.59
Exercisable as of September 30, 2024884,634$4.38 $2.23 8.51
The aggregate intrinsic value of options outstanding and options exercisable as of September 30, 2024 was $102,132 and $68,707, respectively. At September 30, 2024, future stock-based compensation for options granted and outstanding of $1,334,135 will be recognized over a remaining weighted-average requisite service period of 2.67 years.
The Company recorded stock-based compensation expense related to options of $294,654 and $385,056 in the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, to the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated statements of operations. The Company recorded stock-based compensation expense related to options of $993,244 and $2,854,028 in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, to the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated statements of operations.
Common Stock Warrants

AFG Warrants

There were 3,750,000 warrants granted to AFG during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 at an exercise price of $10.00 and a fair value of $2.52 per warrant (Note J).

Compensatory Warrants

There were 84,525 warrants exercised in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 at a weighted average exercise price of $1.31 per share. As of September 30, 2024, there were 955,359 warrants outstanding at a weighted average exercise price of $3.20 per share, with expiration dates ranging from 2028 to 2033. The Company recorded $58,275 and $1,873,771 stock-based compensation expense related to warrants for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2023. There was no such expense during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024.
The following table provides the estimates included in the inputs to the Black-Scholes pricing model for the AFG and compensatory warrants granted:
Nine Months Ended September 30,
Expected term3 years10 years
Risk-free interest rate4.46 %3.53 %
Dividend yield0.00 %0.00 %
Volatility55.14 %47.44 %

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The Company has recorded stock-based compensation related to its options and warrants in the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated statements of operations as follows:
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
General and administrative$279,395 $420,856 $772,831 $4,705,324 
Research and development15,259 22,475 220,413 22,475 
$294,654 $443,331 $993,244 $4,727,799 
Stock-based compensation capitalized as part of capitalized software costs for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 were $15,259 and $220,413, respectively, which is in addition to amounts included in the table above. Stock-based compensation capitalized as part of capitalized software costs for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 were $20,745.

Restricted share awards

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company issued 417,376 restricted share awards to certain of its directors and officers. Of the restricted share awards granted, 381,915 shares vested immediately upon grant, while 35,461 shares vested in the third quarter of 2024. The fair value of a restricted share award is equal to the fair market value price of the Company's Common Stock on the date of grant. The Company recorded stock-based compensation expense of $25,000 and $588,500, respectively, for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 related to these restricted share awards.

The following table summarizes activity related to restricted share awards:

Number of
Average Grant
Date Fair Value
Nonvested at January 1, 2024 $ 
Granted417,376 $1.41 
Nonvested at September 30, 2024 $ 
AFG Reseller Agreement

On August 19, 2023, the Company entered into Reseller Agreement, providing for, among other things, AFG to act as the Company’s exclusive reseller of certain products on terms and conditions set forth therein and, as partial consideration to AFG for such services, the Company issued 1,750,000 shares of Common Stock with an aggregate fair value of $13,475,000 based on the closing stock price on the date of the Merger. Additionally, the Company issued AFG a warrant to purchase up to 3,750,000 shares of Common Stock, with each warrant exercisable for one share of Common Stock at an exercise price of $10.00 and a fair value of $2.52 per warrant (Note J). During the nine months ended September 30, 2024 there was no revenue recognized pursuant to the Reseller Agreement.

Advances to Officers and Directors

Certain officers and directors advanced funds to or were advanced from the Company on an undocumented, non-interested bearing, due on demand basis. As of September 30, 2024, $10,000 and $54,335 of amounts owed to related parties were included within accrued expenses and accounts payable, respectively, in the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheet. As of December 31, 2023, $178,723 and $48,069 of amounts owed to related parties were included within accrued expenses and accounts payable, respectively, in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet. During the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company recorded professional and other fees and costs related to consulting services from related parties of $35,220 and $170,501, respectively, within general and administrative expenses in the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated statements of operations. During the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company recorded professional and other fees and cost related to consulting services

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from related parties of $160,107 and $327,718, respectively, within general and administrative expenses in the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated statements of operations.
Promissory Note

On June 30, 2023, the Company entered into a promissory note agreement with a related party for $620,000. The note bears interest at 7% per annum and matures on June 25, 2025. In June 2024 the Company issued 93,333 shares of Common Stock to extinguish the outstanding balance of $420,000, resulting in a gain on debt extinguishment of $97,992 during the nine months ended September 30, 2024.

Related Party Advance

The Company received non-interest bearing and payable upon demand related party advances from DHC’s Sponsor in connection with the Merger. As of September 30, 2024, the Company had $693,036 in related party advances in the accompanying unaudited consolidated balance sheets.
The Company is subject to various legal and regulatory proceedings, claims, and assessments, as well as other contingencies, that arise in the ordinary course of business. The Company accrues for these contingencies when it is probable that a loss has been incurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. The Company regularly reviews and updates its accruals for contingencies and makes adjustments as necessary based on changes in circumstances and the emergence of new information.

Liabilities for loss contingencies, arising from claims, assessments, litigation, fines, penalties, and other sources are recorded when it is probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount of the assessment and/or remediation can be reasonably estimated.

Employment contracts

The Company has entered into employment contracts with its officers and certain employees that provide for severance and continuation benefits in the event of termination of employment either by the Company without cause or by the employee for good reason, both as defined in the agreements, along with any unpaid vested options, equity or earned bonuses. In addition, in the event of termination of employment following a change in control, as defined in each agreement the employee shall receive a prorated bonus payment and severance payments (as defined in each agreement).

Korea University

The Company is party to multiple research and development sponsorship agreement with Korea University.

Pursuant to a sponsorship agreement entered into in November 2023, the Company agreed to pay 21.6 million Korean won (approximately $15,552) to Korea University during the period from November 1, 2023 through March 10, 2024. The Company paid the agreed upon funding of $15,552.

The Company entered into another sponsorship agreement in December 2023 for total consideration of up to 528.0 million Korean won (approximately $380,160) from January 2024 through December 2024. The Company can terminate the agreement upon written notice to Korea University for a period of at least one month. As of September 30, 2024, the Company had paid 211.2 million Korean won (approximately $152,064) and owes the remaining 316.8 million Korean won (approximately $228,096) throughout the remainder of 2024.

On October 29, 2024, Company entered into a Share Purchase and Transfer Agreement with Christian Unterseer, in his individual capacity (“Unterseer”), CUTV GmbH, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (“CUTV”), and CUNEO AG, a stock corporation incorporated under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (“Cuneo” and together with Unterseer and CUTV, the “Sellers”) (the “Purchase Agreement”)

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pursuant to which the Sellers have agreed to sell all of the outstanding equity interests of Cataneo GmbH, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (“Cataneo”) to the Company for an aggregate purchase price of $19,500,000, consisting of (i) $9,000,000 in cash and (ii) 4,200,000 shares of Common Stock at an agreed upon value of $2.50 per share (“Equity Consideration”) (the transactions governed by the Purchase Agreement, the “Acquisition”), subject to customary adjustments. Prior to the closing of the Acquisition (the “Closing Date”), the Sellers may elect to convert a portion of the Equity Consideration to cash for up to $3,000,000 at a price per share of $2.50. Additionally, an aggregate of 400,000 shares of Common Stock issued as part of the Equity Consideration shall be subject to an escrow arrangement for a period of one year (the “Escrow Period”) following the Closing Date (the “Escrow Shares”). The Escrow Shares may be utilized to offset certain claims, fines, penalties, outstanding debts or other costs owed by the Sellers following the Closing Date. Thirty days prior to the end of the Escrow Period, certain of the Sellers shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cause the Company to repurchase their portion of the Escrow Shares at a price per share of $2.50.

The Purchase Agreement contains customary representations, warranties and covenants, as well as indemnification provisions subject to specified limitations. Among other things, the Sellers have agreed, subject to certain exceptions, to cause Cataneo to conduct its business in the ordinary course, consistent with past practice, from the date of the Purchase Agreement until the Closing Date and not to take certain actions prior to the Closing Date without the prior written consent of the Company.

On November 11, 2024, the Company issued the Promissory Note in the aggregate original principal amount of approximately $1.7 million to Yorkville. The Promissory Note does not bear interest, subject to a potential increase of the interest rate to 18.0% per annum upon the occurrence of certain events of default as described in the Promissory Note. The Promissory Note matures on March 11, 2025, and was issued at an original issue discount of 10%.

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Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

The following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with our audited financial statements and the notes related thereto which are included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Unless the context otherwise requires, all references in this section to “we,” “us,” “our,” the “Company” or “BEN” refer to Brand Engagement Network Inc., a Delaware corporation. The following discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with our audited consolidated financial statements and related notes thereto included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and with the unaudited consolidated financial statements and related notes thereto presented in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.

Risk Relating to Forward-Looking Statements

This discussion and analysis contains forward-looking statements, which reflect our current views with respect to, among other things, our operations and financial performance. You can identify these forward-looking statements by the fact that they do not strictly relate to historical or current facts. They use words such as “aims,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “contemplates,” “continue,” “could,” “estimates,” “expects,” “forecast,” “guidance,” “intends,” “may,” “plans,” “possible,” “potential,” “predicts,” “preliminary,” “projects,” “seeks,” “should,” “target,” “will” or “would” or the negative of these words, variations of these words or other similar terms or expressions that concern our expectations, strategy, plans, or intentions. Such forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions relating to factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. In particular, these include statements relating to future actions, statements regarding future performance or results and anticipated services or products, sales efforts, expenses, the outcome of contingencies, trends in operations and financial results. Actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. See “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements.”


We are an emerging provider of conversational AI assistants, with the purpose of transforming engagement and analytics for businesses through our security-focused, multimodal communication and human-like AI assistants. Our AI assistants are built on proprietary natural language processing, anomaly detection, multisensory awareness, sentiment and environmental analysis, as well as real-time individuation and personalization capabilities. We believe these powerful tools will empower businesses to elevate customer experiences, optimize cost management and supercharge operational efficiency. Our platform is designed to configure, train and operate AI assistants that engage with professionals and consumers through multiple channels, boosting customer experience and providing instant personalized assistance for consumers in the automotive and healthcare markets.

We still hold significant intellectual property in the form of a patent portfolio that we believe will be a cornerstone of our artificial intelligence solutions for certain industries that we expect to target, including the automotive, healthcare, and financial services industries.
Recent Events

The Cataneo Purchase Agreement

On October 29, 2024, Company entered into a Share Purchase and Transfer Agreement with Christian Unterseer, in his individual capacity (“Unterseer”), CUTV GmbH, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (“CUTV”), and CUNEO AG, a stock corporation incorporated under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (“Cuneo” and together with Unterseer and CUTV, the “Sellers”) (the “Purchase Agreement”) pursuant to which the Sellers have agreed to sell all of the outstanding equity interests of Cataneo GmbH, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (“Cataneo”) to the Company for an aggregate purchase price of $19,500,000, consisting of (i) $9,000,000 in cash and (ii) 4,200,000 shares of the Company’s common stock, par value $0.0001 per share (“Common Stock”) at an agreed upon value of $2.50 per share (“Equity Consideration”) (the transactions governed by the Purchase Agreement, the “Acquisition”), subject to customary adjustments. Prior to the closing of the Acquisition (the “Closing Date”), the Sellers may elect to convert a portion of the Equity Consideration to cash for up to $3,000,000 at a price per share of $2.50 (the “Cash Election”). Additionally, an aggregate of 400,000 shares of Common Stock issued as part of the Equity Consideration shall be subject to an escrow arrangement for a period of one year (the “Escrow Period”) following Closing Date (the “Escrow Shares”). The Escrow Shares may be utilized to offset

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certain claims, fines, penalties, outstanding debts or other costs owed by the Sellers following the Closing Date. Thirty days prior to the end of the Escrow Period, certain of the Sellers shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cause the Company to repurchase their portion of the Escrow Shares at a price per share of $2.50.

The Purchase Agreement contains customary representations, warranties and covenants, as well as indemnification provisions subject to specified limitations. Among other things, the Sellers have agreed, subject to certain exceptions, to cause Cataneo to conduct its business in the ordinary course, consistent with past practice, from the date of the Purchase Agreement until the Closing Date and not to take certain actions prior to the Closing Date without the prior written consent of the Company.

The transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2024 and is subject to conditions, including, (i) the making of the Cash Election, (ii) the initiation of the process to register for resale the Equity Consideration, (iii) written confirmation that the Company has not received any delisting notice or similar notification affecting its listing status with the Nasdaq Stock Market (“Nasdaq”), (iv) the execution by one or several of the Company’s major stockholders of a personal guarantee of the Agreed Share Value (as defined therein) for a period of one year following the Closing Date (the “Personal Guarantee”), (v) the obtaining of joint approval of the terms of the financing of the cash purchase price of the Acquisition by the Company and the Sellers, (vi) the receipt of customary third-party approvals and the release of the Sellers from customary bank guarantees, securities and indemnities, and (vii) the Company’s board of directors’ approval of the Company’s due diligence investigation (collectively, the “Closing Conditions”). The Company intends to finance the transaction through third-party financing, which may take the form of debt or equity.

The Purchase Agreement contains certain customary termination rights for the Company and the Sellers, including the right to terminate the Purchase Agreement if (i) not all of the Closing Conditions have been satisfied by January 29, 2025, (ii) a party has not performed all of its Closing Actions (as defined therein) within ten business days of the Closing Date, or (iii) the registration process of the Equity Consideration has not been initiated prior to the Closing Date to the satisfaction of the Sellers. Notwithstanding any termination right, any party may seek specific performance of the other parties to the Purchase Agreement. In the event the Purchase Agreement is terminated by the Sellers by virtue of the failure of the Company to deliver the Personal Guarantee, the Sellers shall be entitled to a termination fee of $350,000.

August Private Placement

On August 26, 2024, the Company entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement (the “August SPA”) with certain investors (the “August Purchasers”), pursuant to which the Company will issue and sell an aggregate of 1,185,000 shares of the Company’s Common Stock at a price per share of $5.00, for an aggregate purchase price of $5,925,000.

In connection with the August SPA, on August 26, 2024 (the “Assignment Effective Date”), the Company entered into a share assignment and lockup release agreement (the “Assignment Agreement”) with certain members of DHC Sponsor, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the “Sponsor”) and certain other existing stockholders and affiliates of the Company (collectively, the “Sponsor Members” and each a “Sponsor Member”) and the August Purchasers, pursuant to which, as an inducement to enter into the August SPA, the August Purchasers assumed, all of the Sponsor Members’ rights, title and interest in an aggregate of 1,185,000 shares of Common Stock (the “Sponsor Securities”) held by Sponsor on their behalf as of the Assignment Effective Date (the “Assignment”). In exchange for the Assignment by the Sponsor Members of the Sponsor Securities to the August Purchasers, the Company agreed to release 1,252,500 shares of Common Stock from certain restrictions on transfer contained in either a (i) prior letter agreement by and among the Company’s predecessor, DHC Acquisition Corp., a Cayman Islands exempted company (“DHC”), Sponsor and the other signatories thereto or (ii) in certain lock-up agreements executed by certain of the Sponsor Members in connection with the consummation of the Company’s prior business combination. The Sponsor Members transferred an aggregate of 1,185,000 Sponsor Securities into an escrow account. The Sponsor Securities are released from the escrow account on a pro rata basis upon the making of the required fundings on the terms and conditions described in the August SPA. In the event an August Purchaser fails to make a required funding contemplated by the August SPA, a pro rata portion of the Sponsor Securities shall be released from the escrow account to the Company and the Company will cancel such Sponsor Securities.

On August 26, 2024, in connection with the August SPA and the Assignment Agreement, the Company issued to the August Purchasers an aggregate of 100,000 shares for an aggregate gross proceeds of $500,000. The remaining shares were issued to an escrow account and such shares remain in escrow until the conditions in the August SPA are satisfied.

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The August Purchasers are required to pay to the Company monthly cash installments in the amounts and on the dates as determined in the August SPA ending on April 5, 2025.

For every $5.00 paid to the Company, the Company will release one share of Common Stock under the August SPA and one share of Common Stock under the Assignment Agreement to the August Purchasers. If an investor fails to pay its required funding by the respective deadline, the investor’s entire commitment under the August SPA will become immediately due and payable. As of November 13, 2024, a total of 220,000 shares of Common Stock have been issued to the August Purchasers for gross proceeds of $550,000. The Company has experienced delays in funding from certain of the investors under the August SPA. As of the date hereof, certain of such investors have failed to make their required fundings, giving effect to the tolling of all cure periods, in an aggregate amount of $1.25 million, and the Company is uncertain whether such amounts or future required fundings by such investors will be made.

Standby Equity Purchase Agreement

On August 26, 2024, the Company entered into a Standby Equity Purchase Agreement (the “SEPA”) with YA II PN, Ltd. (“Yorkville”). Pursuant to the SEPA, the Company shall have the right, but not the obligation, to sell to Yorkville up to $50,000,000 of the Company’s shares of Common Stock, at the Company’s request any time during the commitment period commencing on August 26, 2024 (the “SEPA Effective Date”) and terminating on the 36-month anniversary of the SEPA Effective Date. For more information regarding the SEPA, see the “Liquidity and Capital Resources” section below.

Yorkville Promissory Note

On November 11, the Company issued a non-convertible unsecured promissory note (the “Promissory Note”) in the aggregate original principal amount of approximately $1.7 million to Yorkville. The Promissory Note does not bear interest, subject to a potential increase of the interest rate to 18.0% per annum upon the occurrence of certain events of default as described in the Promissory Note. The Promissory Note matures on March 11, 2025, and was issued at an original issue discount of 10%. The Company will be required to make monthly cash payments beginning on December 15, 2024, and continuing on the same day of each successive calendar month (each, an “Installment Date”) of principal in the amount of the sum of (i) $0.4 million of Principal (or the outstanding principal amount if less than such amount), plus (ii) a payment premium in an amount equal to 5% of the principal amount being paid, if applicable (the “Payment Premium”), and (iii) any accrued and unpaid interest as of each Installment Date (“Installment Amounts”). The Company shall, at its own option, repay each Installment Amount either (i) in cash on or before each Installment Date, or (ii) by submitting one or more an advance notice(s) under the SEPA (an “Advance Repayment”), on or before the applicable Installment Date, or any combination of (i) or (ii) as determined by the Company. If the Company repays the Installment amount in cash, the cash payment shall include the Payment Premium. If the Company elects an Advance Repayment for all or a portion of an Installment Amount, then no Payment Premium will apply. In addition, for so long as the Promissory Note is outstanding, with respect to any advance notice submitted by the Company under the SEPA, the Company shall select an Option 2 Pricing Period (as defined in the SEPA), unless otherwise agreed by the Yorkville.

Fee Conversion

On August 22, 2024, the Company entered into a Fee Conversion Agreement (the “Fee Conversion Agreement”) with Sponsor, pursuant to which the Company agreed to issue 151,261 shares of Common Stock at a value of $2.38 per share to Sponsor in exchange for the conversion of certain outstanding fees owed by the Company to Sponsor in the amount of $0.4 million.

Chief Executive Officer Transition

On August 22, 2024 (the “Separation Date”), the Company and Michael Zacharski mutually agreed to Mr. Zacharski’s separation from the Company. Mr. Zacharski tendered his resignation as Co-Chief Executive Officer of the Company and as a member of the Company’s board of directors on the Separation Date, which resignation was effective as of August 16, 2024 (the “Separation Effective Date”). Mr. Zacharski’s resignation as a director was not the result of any disagreement with the Company or its management on any matter relating to the Company’s operations, policies, or practices. The Company and Mr. Zacharski entered into a Separation and Release Agreement in which Mr. Zacharski is entitled to certain obligations including a cash separation and bonus payments in aggregate of $0.3 million, unpaid salary, unused vacation, and vested benefits. Further, the Company and Mr. Zacharski entered into an amendment to Mr. Zacharski’s existing option agreement to (i) provide for the forfeiture of 1,012,875 of Mr. Zacharski’s options and (ii) reduce the exercise period of Mr. Zacharski’s 337,625 remaining options.

Effective upon the Separation Effective Date, Paul Chang’s title was changed to Chief Executive Officer.

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July Private Placement

On July 1, 2024, the Company entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement with The Williams Family Trust (the “July SPA”) for the issuance and sale of 120,000 shares of Common Stock and 240,000 warrants, consisting of 120,000 July Warrants with a term of one year (the “July One-Year Warrants”) and 120,000 July Warrants with a term of five years (the “July Five-Year Warrants,” together with the July One-Year Warrants, the “July Warrants”), to The Williams Family Trust for an aggregate purchase price of $0.3 million. The July Warrants are exercisable for Common Stock at a price of $2.50 per share and were immediately issued upon the closing date of July 1, 2024.

Debt Conversion

Effective June 30, 2024, Brand Engagement Network Inc., a Wyoming corporation (“Prior BEN”) and the Company entered into a Debt Conversion Agreement with October 3rd Holdings, LLC, pursuant to which the Company agreed to issue 93,333 shares of Common Stock at a price of $4.50 per share to October 3rd Holdings, LLC in exchange for the conversion of certain outstanding indebtedness owed by Prior BEN to October 3rd Holdings, LLC in the amount of $0.4 million.

May Private Placement

On May 28, 2024, the Company entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement (the “May SPA”) with certain investors (the “May Purchasers”), pursuant to which the Company agreed to issue and sell to the May Purchasers an aggregate of 1,980,000 shares of Common Stock and 3,960,000 warrants, consisting of 1,980,000 May Warrants with a term of one year (the “May One-Year Warrants”) and 1,980,000 May Warrants with a term of five years (the “May Five-Year Warrants,” together with the May One-Year Warrants, the “May Warrants”), for aggregate gross proceeds of approximately $5.0 million. The May Warrants are exercisable for shares of Common Stock at an exercise price of $2.50 per share. On May 30, 2024, the Company issued to the May Purchasers an aggregate of 200,000 shares of Common Stock and 400,000 May Warrants and the May Purchasers paid an aggregate of $0.5 million to the Company in connection with the closing of the private placement. Pursuant to the May SPA, the remaining 1,780,000 shares of Common Stock and May Warrants to purchase 3,560,000 shares of Common Stock are to remain in escrow until each May Purchaser deposited amounts on a monthly basis no later than June 27, 2024, July 29, 2024, August 29, 2024, September 27, 2024 and October 29, 2024. Upon payment of each required funding, a pro rata portion of the shares of Common Stock and May Warrants in escrow are to be issued and released to the May Purchasers. As of November 13, 2024, a total of 1,594,500 shares of Common Stock have been issued to the May Purchasers for an aggregate gross proceeds of $3,986,250, resulting in the issuance of 797,250 May One-Year Warrants and 797,250 May Five-Year Warrants. The Company has experienced delays in funding from certain of the investors under the May SPA. As of the date hereof, certain of such investors have failed to make their required fundings, giving effect to the tolling of all cure periods, in an aggregate amount of $963,750, and the Company is uncertain whether such amounts or future required fundings by such investors will be made.

Cohen Convertible Note

On April 12, 2024, we issued a convertible promissory note to J.V.B. Financial Group, LLC, acting through its Cohen & Company Capital Markets division in the principal amount of $1.9 million (the “Cohen Convertible Note”), to settle outstanding invoices totaling $1.9 million related to investment banking services rendered to the Company in connection with its merger with Prior BEN and DHC (the “Business Combination”). Beginning on October 14, 2024, interest will accrue at the fixed rate of 8% per annum on the outstanding principal amount until the Cohen Convertible Note is paid in full. Interest is payable monthly in cash or in-kind at the election of the Company. The Company may prepay the Cohen Convertible Note in whole or in part at any time or from time to time without penalty or premium. The Company may be required to prepay all or a portion of the Cohen Convertible Note upon the consummation of certain capital raising activities as described therein. The maturity date of the Cohen Convertible Note is March 14, 2025.
Key Factors and Trends Affecting our Business
Productions and Operations
We expect to continue to incur significant operating costs that will impact our future profitability, including research and development expenses as we introduce new products and improves existing offerings; capital expenditures for the expansion of our development and sales capacities and driving brand awareness; additional operating costs and expenses for production ramp-up; general and administrative expenses as we scale our operations; interest expense from debt financing activities; and selling and distribution expenses as we build our brand and market our products. To date, we have

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not yet sold any of our products beyond their pilot stage. As a result, we will require substantial additional capital to develop products and fund operations for the foreseeable future.
We are a development stage company and have not generated any significant revenue to date.
Public Company Costs
We expect to hire additional staff and implement new processes and procedures to address public company requirements, particularly with respect to internal controls compliance and public company reporting obligations. We also expect to incur substantial additional expenses for, among other things, directors’ and officers’ liability insurance, director compensation and fees, listing fees, Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) registration fees, and additional costs for investor relations, accounting, audit, legal and other functions.
If we cease to become an emerging growth company, we will become subject to the provisions and requirements under Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, which will require us to undergo audits of our internal controls over financial reporting as part of our yearly financial statement audits, resulting in a significant increase in consultant and audit costs over previous levels going forward.
Components of Results of Operations
Operating expenses
General and administrative expenses
General and administrative expenses consist of employee-related expenses including salaries, benefits, and stock-based compensation as well as fees paid for legal, accounting and tax services, consulting fees and facilities costs not otherwise included in research and development expense. We have and expect to further incur significant expenses as a result of becoming a public company, including expenses related to compliance with the rules and regulations of the SEC and Nasdaq, additional insurance, investor relations and other administrative expenses and professional services.
Depreciation and amortization
Depreciation expense relates to property and equipment which consists of equipment, furniture and capitalized software. Amortization expense relates to intangible assets.
Research and development cost
Costs incurred in connection with research and development activities are expensed as incurred. These costs include rent for facilities, hardware and software equipment costs, consulting fees for technical expertise, prototyping, and testing.

Interest expense
Interest expense consists of interest on our related party note payable and short-term debt.

Interest income
Interest income consists of interest earned on our excess cash.

Gain on debt extinguishment

Gain on debt extinguishment is related to settlement of accounts payable through issuance of shares of Common Stock and negotiated cash settlement.

Change in fair value of warrant liabilities

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Change in fair value of warrant liabilities reflected the non-cash charge for changes in the fair value of the warrant liability that is subject to re-measurement at each balance sheet date.

Other expenses
Other expenses primarily consists of foreign currency gains or losses as a result of exchange rate fluctuations on transactions denominated in Korean won.
Results of Operations

Comparison of the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023

Three Months Ended
September 30,
Revenues$50,000 $— $50,000 
Operating expenses:
General and administrative4,203,946 2,282,434 1,921,512 
Depreciation and amortization972,375 209,729 762,646 
Research and development153,191 75,450 77,741 
Total operating expenses5,329,512 2,567,613 2,761,899 
Loss from operations(5,279,512)(2,567,613)(2,711,899)
Other income (expenses):
Interest expense(18,055)(34,507)16,452 
Interest income92 — 92 
Gain on debt extinguishment98,318 — 98,318 
Change in fair value of warrant liabilities(632,969)— (632,969)
Other9,043 19,789 (10,746)
Other income (expenses), net(543,571)(14,718)(528,853)
Net loss(5,823,083)(2,582,331)(3,240,752)

During the three months ended September 30, 2024, we earned $0.1 million in revenue through proof of concept and revenue sharing. There were no revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2023.

General and administrative expenses
General and administrative expenses for the three months ended September 30, 2024 were approximately $4.2 million, an increase of approximately $1.9 million, compared to three months ended September 30, 2023. The increase was primarily due to a $1.4 million increase in professional fees, a $0.4 million increase in employee related costs, and a $0.2 million increase in insurance and taxes, all related to the expansion of our operations as a result of the acquisition of DM Lab Co., LTD (“DM Lab”) in May 2023, partially offset by a decrease in stock-based compensation of $0.1 million. We have only recently begun to raise proceeds through the offering of our Common Stock and convertible notes to investors and therefore expect, in the near term at a minimum, to continue to utilize the issuance of equity based instruments as compensation to reduce our cash outlays.
Depreciation and amortization expenses
Depreciation and amortization expenses for the three months ended September 30, 2024 were approximately $1.0 million, an increase of approximately $0.8 million, compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. The increase was primarily due to the amortization expense associated with the developed technology placed into service in the second quarter of 2024.

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Research and development expenses
Research and development expenses for the three months ended September 30, 2024 were approximately $0.2 million, an increase of approximately $0.1 million, compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023. The increase in research and development expenses was primarily due to an increase in our stock-based compensation due to an increase in headcount as a result of the acquisition of DM Lab in May 2023.

Gain on debt extinguishment

Gain on extinguishment of debt for the three months ended September 30, 2024 was approximately $0.1 million, related to settlement of accrued expenses through the issuance of 151,261 shares of Common Stock. We did not have such extinguishment of debt during the three months ended September 30, 2023.

Change in fair value of warrant liabilities
Change in fair value of the warrant liabilities for the three months ended September 30, 2024 was approximately $0.6 million associated with the non-cash charge for changes in the fair value of the warrant liabilities that is subject to re-measurement at each balance sheet date. We did not incur such expenses during the three months ended September 30, 2023.

Comparison of the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Revenues$99,790 $— $99,790 
Operating expenses:
General and administrative15,969,617 7,678,880 8,290,737 
Depreciation and amortization1,771,966 449,663 1,322,303 
Research and development759,427 153,828 605,599 
Total operating expenses18,501,010 8,282,371 10,218,639 
Loss from operations(18,401,220)(8,282,371)(10,118,849)
Other income (expenses):
Interest expense(62,508)(34,507)(28,001)
Interest income3,324 — 3,324 
Gain on debt extinguishment
1,946,310 — 1,946,310 
Change in fair value of warrant liabilities762,869 — 762,869 
Other income (expenses), net2,644,024 (46,468)2,690,492 
Net loss$(15,757,196)$(8,328,839)$(7,428,357)
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, we earned $0.1 million in revenue through proof of concept and revenue sharing. There were no revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
General and administrative expenses
General and administrative expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were approximately $16.0 million, an increase of approximately $8.3 million, compared to nine months ended September 30, 2023. The increase was primarily due to a $4.1 million increase in professional fees, a $3.6 million increase in employee related costs including $1.2 million in one-time bonuses in connection with the Business Combination, transaction costs of $3.3 million incurred in connection with the Business Combination, a $0.4 million increase in insurance and taxes, a $0.2 million increase in office related expenses, and a $0.2 million increase in promotional costs, and all related to the expansion of our operations as a result of the acquisition of DM Lab in May 2023, partially offset by a decrease in stock-based compensation of $3.4 million due to the issuance of Prior BEN warrants and options which vested on the date of grant during the first

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quarter of 2023 and a $0.1 decrease in miscellaneous license and tax fees. We have only recently begun to raise proceeds through the offering of our Common Stock and convertible notes to investors and therefore expect, in the near term at a minimum, to continue to utilize the issuance of equity based instruments as compensation to reduce our cash outlays.
Depreciation and amortization expenses
Depreciation and amortization expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were approximately $1.8 million, an increase of approximately $1.3 million, compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The increase was primarily due to the amortization expense associated with the developed technology placed into service in the second quarter of 2024.
Research and development expenses
Research and development expenses for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 were approximately $0.8 million, an increase of approximately $0.6 million, compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2023. The increase in research and development expenses was primarily due to an increase in our stock-based compensation due to an increase in headcount as a result of the acquisition of DM Lab in May 2023.

Gain on debt extinguishment

Gain on extinguishment of debt for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was approximately $1.9 million, related to settlement of accounts payable and accrued expenses through the issuance of 93,333 and 151,261 shares, respectively, of Common Stock and negotiated cash settlement. We did not have such extinguishment of debt during the nine months ended September 30, 2023.

Change in fair value of warrant liabilities
Change in fair value of the warrant liabilities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was approximately $0.8 million associated with the non-cash charge for changes in the fair value of the warrant liabilities that is subject to re-measurement at each balance sheet date. We did not incur such expenses during the nine months ended September 30, 2023.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
Capital Resources and Available Liquidity
As of September 30, 2024, our principal source of liquidity was cash of approximately $0.1 million. We have financed operations to date with proceeds from the Promissory Note, transactions with AFG, sales of our Common Stock, the SEPA, warrant exercises and debt issuances to related and non-related parties. As described in Note A of our audited consolidated financial statements and unaudited consolidated interim financial statements, we have incurred recurring losses and negative cash flows from operations since inception and had an accumulated deficit of approximately $29.1 million at September 30, 2024. We expect losses and negative cash flows to continue for the foreseeable future, primarily as a result of increased general and administrative expenses, continued product research and development and marketing efforts. Management anticipates that significant additional expenditures will be necessary to develop and expand our business, including through stock and asset acquisitions, before significant positive operating cash flows can be achieved. Our ability to continue as a going concern is dependent upon our ability to raise additional capital and to ultimately achieve sustainable revenues and profitable operations. Current available funds are insufficient to complete our business plan and as a consequence, we will need to seek additional funds, primarily through the issuance of debt or equity securities for cash to operate our business, including through the Business Combination or through business development activities. No assurance can be given that any future financing will be available or, if available, that it will be on terms that are satisfactory to us. Even if we are able to obtain additional financing, it may contain undue restrictions on our operations, in the case of debt financing or cause substantial dilution for our stockholders, in the case of equity financing. Our history of losses, our negative cash flow from operations, our limited cash resources on hand and our dependence on our ability to obtain additional financing to fund our operations after the current cash resources are exhausted raises substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. Our management concluded that our recurring losses from operations, and the fact that we have not generated significant revenue or positive cash flows from operations, raised substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern for the next 12 months after issuance of our financial statements. Our auditors also included an explanatory paragraph in their report on our consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2023 with respect to this uncertainty.

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The Company will need to raise additional capital to continue to fund operations and product research and development. The Company believes that it will be able to obtain additional working capital through equity financings, additional debt, or other arrangements to fund future operations, and it intends to raise capital through equity or debt investments in the Company by third parties, including through the SEPA and the Promissory Note or other public offerings or private placements. However, the Company’s cannot conclude these are probable of being implemented or, if probable of being implemented, being in sufficient enough amounts to satisfy our contractual amounts as they presently exist that are coming due over the next 12 months as of the date of such filing.

In addition, the Company will need to raise additional capital through debt or equity financings to fund the purchase price of the Acquisition. The Company cannot assure you that it will be able to raise funds to pay the purchase price of the Acquisition on terms that are favorable, or at all.

Standby Equity Purchase Agreement

On August 26, 2024, the Company entered into the SEPA with Yorkville. Pursuant to the SEPA, the Company shall have the right, but not the obligation, to sell to Yorkville up to $50.0 million of the Company’s shares of Common Stock, at the Company’s request any time during the commitment period commencing on the SEPA Effective Date and terminating on the 36-month anniversary of the SEPA Effective Date. Each issuance and sale by the Company to Yorkville under the SEPA (an “Advance”) is subject to a maximum limit equal to an amount equal to 100% of the aggregate volume traded of the Company’s Common Stock on Nasdaq for the five trading days immediately preceding an Advance notice. The shares will be issued and sold to Yorkville at a per share price equal to, at the election of the Company as specified in the relevant Advance notice: (i) 96% of the Market Price (as defined below) for any period commencing on the receipt of the Advance notice by Yorkville and ending on 4:00 p.m. New York City time on the applicable Advance notice date (the “Option 1 Pricing Period”), and (ii) 97% of the Market Price for any three consecutive trading days commencing on the Advance notice date (the “Option 2 Pricing Period,” and each of the Option 1 Pricing Period and the Option 2 Pricing Period, a “Pricing Period”). “Market Price” is defined as, for any Option 1 Pricing Period, the daily volume weighted average price (“VWAP”) of the Common Stock on Nasdaq, and for any Option 2 Pricing Period, the lowest VWAP of the Common Stock on Nasdaq during the Option 2 Pricing Period. The Advances are subject to certain limitations, including that Yorkville cannot purchase any shares that would result in it beneficially owning more than 4.99% of the Company’s outstanding Common Stock at the time of an Advance or acquiring since the SEPA Effective Date under the SEPA more than 19.99% of the Company’s issued and outstanding Common Stock, as of the SEPA Effective Date (the “Exchange Cap”). The Exchange Cap will not apply under certain circumstances, including, where the Company has obtained stockholder approval to issue in excess of the Exchange Cap in accordance with the rules of Nasdaq or such issuances do not require stockholder approval under Nasdaq’s “minimum price rule.” Additionally, if the total number of shares of Common Stock traded on Nasdaq during the applicable Pricing Period is less than the Volume Threshold (as defined below), then the number of shares of Common Stock issued and sold pursuant to such Advance notice will be reduced to the greater of (i) 30% of the trading volume of the Common Stock on Nasdaq during the relevant Pricing Period as reported by Bloomberg L.P., or (ii) the number of shares of Common Stock sold by Yorkville during such Pricing Period, but in each case not to exceed the amount requested in the Advance notice. “Volume Threshold” is defined as a number of shares of Common Stock equal to the quotient of (a) the number of shares in the Advance notice requested by the Company divided by (b) 0.30. As consideration for Yorkville’s commitment to purchase the shares of Common Stock pursuant to the SEPA, the Company paid Yorkville, (i) a structuring fee in the amount of $25,000 and (ii) a commitment fee (the “Commitment Fee”) of $0.5 million by the issuance to Yorkville of an aggregate of 280,899 shares of Common Stock. Through September 30, 2024, the Company issued an aggregate of 280,899 shares of Common Stock to Yorkville, including the Commitment Fee.

Yorkville Promissory Note

On November 11, the Company issued the Promissory Note in the aggregate original principal amount of approximately $1.7 million to Yorkville. The Promissory Note does not bear interest, subject to a potential increase of the interest rate to 18.0% per annum upon the occurrence of certain events of default as described in the Promissory Note. The Promissory Note matures on March 11, 2025, and was issued at an original issue discount of 10%.


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August Private Placement

On August 26, 2024, the Company entered into the August SPA with the August Purchasers, pursuant to which the Company will issue and sell an aggregate of 1,185,000 shares of the Company’s Common Stock at a price per share of $5.00, for an aggregate purchase price of $5.9 million.

In connection with the August SPA, the Assignment Effective Date, the Company entered into the Assignment Agreement with the Sponsor Members and the August Purchasers, pursuant to which, as an inducement to enter into the August SPA, the August Purchasers assumed, all of the Sponsor Members’ rights, title and interest in an aggregate of 1,185,000 shares of Common Stock held by Sponsor on their behalf as of the Assignment Effective Date. In exchange for the Assignment by the Sponsor Members of the Sponsor Securities to the August Purchasers, the Company agreed to release 1,252,500 shares of Common Stock from certain restrictions on transfer contained in either a (i) prior letter agreement by and among the Company’s predecessor, DHC, Sponsor and the other signatories thereto or (ii) in certain lock-up agreements executed by certain of the Sponsor Members in connection with the consummation of the Company’s prior business combination. The Sponsor Members transferred an aggregate of 1,185,000 Sponsor Securities into an escrow account. The Sponsor Securities are released from the escrow account on a pro rata basis upon the making of the required fundings on the terms and conditions described in the August SPA. In the event an August Purchaser fails to make a required funding contemplated by the August SPA, a pro rata portion of the Sponsor Securities shall be released from the escrow account to the Company and the Company will cancel such Sponsor Securities.

On August 26, 2024, in connection with the August SPA and the Assignment Agreement, the Company issued to the August Purchasers an aggregate of 100,000 shares for an aggregate gross proceeds of $500,000. The remaining shares were issued to an escrow account and such shares remain in escrow until the conditions in the August SPA are satisfied. The August Purchasers are required to pay to the Company monthly cash installments in the amounts and on the dates as determined in the August SPA ending on April 5, 2025.

For every $5.00 paid to the Company, the Company will release one share of Common Stock under the August SPA and one share of Common Stock under the Assignment Agreement to the August Purchasers. If an August Purchaser fails to pay its required funding by the respective deadline, the investor’s entire commitment under the August SPA will become immediately due and payable. As of November 13, 2024, a total of 220,000 shares of Common Stock have been issued to the August Purchasers for gross proceeds of $0.55 million. The Company has experienced delays in funding from certain of the investors under the August SPA. As of the date hereof, certain of such investors have failed to make their required fundings, giving effect to the tolling of all cure periods, in an aggregate amount of $1.25 million, and the Company is uncertain whether such amounts or future required fundings by such investors will be made.

On August 26, 2024, in connection with the August SPA and the Assignment Agreement, the Company entered into the August Warrant Agreement, pursuant to which the Company issued an aggregate of 960,000 warrants, with an exercise price of $5.00 per share with an expiration period of five years from the date of issuance.

Fee Conversion Agreement

On August 22, 2024, the Company entered into the Fee Conversion Agreement with Sponsor, pursuant to which the Company agreed to issue 151,261 shares of Common Stock at a value of $2.38 per share to Sponsor in exchange for the conversion of certain outstanding fees owed by the Company to Sponsor in the amount of $0.4 million.

July Private Placement

On July 1, 2024, the Company entered into the July SPA for the issuance and sale of 120,000 shares of Common Stock and 240,000 July Warrants, consisting of 120,000 July One-Year Warrants and 120,000 July Five-Year Warrants to The Williams Family Trust for an aggregate purchase price of $0.3 million.

Debt Conversion

Effective June 30, 2024, Prior BEN and the Company entered into a Debt Conversion Agreement with October 3rd Holdings, LLC, pursuant to which the Company agreed to issue 93,333 shares of Common Stock at a price of $4.50 per share to October 3rd Holdings, LLC in exchange for the conversion of certain outstanding indebtedness owed by Prior BEN to October 3rd Holdings, LLC in the amount of $0.4 million.


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May Private Placement

On May 28, 2024, the Company entered into the May SPA for the issuance and sale of 1,980,000 shares of Common Stock and 3,960,000 May Warrants, consisting of 1,980,000 May One-Year Warrants and 1,980,000 May Five-Year Warrants for aggregate gross proceeds of approximately $5.0 million. On May 30, 2024, the Company issued the May Purchasers an aggregate of 200,000 shares of Common Stock and 400,000 May Warrants and the May Purchasers paid an aggregate of $0.5 million to the Company in connection with the closing of the private placement. Pursuant to the May SPA, the remaining 1,780,000 shares of Common Stock and May Warrants to purchase 3,560,000 shares of Common Stock are to remain in escrow until each May Purchaser deposits amounts on a monthly basis no later than June 27, 2024, July 29, 2024, August 29, 2024, September 27, 2024 and October 29, 2024. Upon payment of each required funding, a pro rata portion of the shares of Common Stock and May Warrants in escrow are to be issued and released to the May Purchasers.

In connection with the May SPA, on May 28, 2024, the Company also entered into a Letter Agreement to Exercise Warrants with certain of the May Purchasers (the “Required Warrant Parties”). In the event the Company uses commercially reasonable efforts to raise an additional $3.3 million (not including amounts raised under the May SPA) in additional capital but is unable to do so by October 31, 2024, the Required Warrant Parties shall be required to exercise for cash certain of their Warrants on a monthly basis in the amounts and on the dates set forth below.

Number of Warrants
October 31, 2024
November 30, 2024
December 31, 2024
January 31, 2025
February 28, 2025

In consideration for each May Warrant held by a Required Warrant Party so exercised, the Company shall issue to such Required Warrant Party one new May One-Year Warrant and one new May Five-Year Warrant, each with an exercise price of $2.50.

As of November 13, 2024, a total of 1,594,500 shares of Common Stock have been issued to the May Purchasers for an aggregate gross proceeds of $3,986,250, resulting in the issuance of 797,250 May One-Year Warrants and 797,250 May Five-Year Warrants. The Company has experienced delays in funding from certain of the investors under the May SPA. As of the date hereof, certain of such investors have failed to make their required fundings, giving effect to the tolling of all cure periods, in an aggregate amount of $963,750, and the Company is uncertain whether such amounts or future required fundings by such investors will be made.

Cohen Convertible Note

On April 12, 2024, we issued the Cohen Convertible Note, to settle outstanding invoices totaling $1.9 million related to investment banking services rendered to the Company in connection with the Business Combination. Beginning on October 14, 2024, interest will accrue at the fixed rate of 8% per annum on the outstanding principal amount until the Cohen Convertible Note is paid in full. Interest is payable monthly in cash or in-kind at the election of the Company. The Company may prepay the Cohen Convertible Note in whole or in part at any time or from time to time without penalty or premium. The Company may be required to prepay all or a portion of the Cohen Convertible Note upon the consummation of certain capital raising activities as described therein. The maturity date of the Cohen Convertible Note is March 14, 2025.

Cash Exercise of Warrants

There is no assurance that the holders of the Warrants will elect to exercise for cash any or all of such Warrants, especially when the trading price of our Common Stock is less than the exercise price per share of such Warrants. We believe the likelihood that warrantholders will exercise their respective Warrants, and therefore the amount of cash proceeds that we would receive, is dependent upon the trading price of our Common Stock. If the trading price for our Common Stock is less than the exercise price per share of a Warrant, we expect that a warrantholder would not exercise

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their Warrants. To the extent that any Warrants are exercised on a “cashless basis” under certain conditions, we would not receive any proceeds from the exercise of such Warrants.

As of the date of this filing, we have neither included nor intend to include any potential cash proceeds from the exercise of our Warrants in our short-term or long-term liquidity sources or capital resource planning. We do not expect to rely on the cash exercise of Warrants to fund our operations. Instead, we intend to seek additional funds, primarily through the issuance of debt or equity securities for cash to operate our business, including through the business development activities discussed above to continue to support our operations. Therefore, the availability or unavailability of any proceeds from the exercise of our Warrants is not expected to affect our ability to fund our operations. We will continue to evaluate the probability of Warrant exercise over the life of our Warrants and the merit of including potential cash proceeds from the exercise thereof in our liquidity sources and capital resources planning.

To the extent such Warrants are exercised, additional Common Stock will be issued, which will result in dilution to the holders of our Common Stock and increase the number of shares of Common Stock eligible for resale in the public market. Sales of substantial numbers of such shares in the public market could adversely affect the market price of our Common Stock, which increases the likelihood of periods when our Warrants will not be in the money prior to their expiration.

Material Cash Requirements
Our material cash requirements include the following potential and expected obligations:

Bank Loans
As of September 30, 2024, we had four loans outstanding, all of which were assumed in the acquisition of DM Lab in May 2023, totaling approximately $0.9 million. The loans carry varying interest rates ranging from 4.667% to 6.69% and have varying maturity dates ranging from January to September 2024. The loans do not have optional or mandatory redemption or conversion features. In February 2024, we obtained a waiver to extend the due dates of $0.7 million of our outstanding bank loans to January 2025.

Research and Development Sponsorship

In December 2023, we entered into a research and development sponsorship agreement with Korea University for total consideration of up to 528.0 million Korean won (approximately $0.4 million) from January 2024 through December 2024. We can terminate the agreement upon 30 days written notice to Korea University. As of September 30, 2024, we paid 211.2 million Korean won (approximately $0.2 million) and owe the remaining 316.8 million Korean won (approximately $0.2 million) throughout the remainder of 2024.
We enter into agreements in the normal course of business with various vendors, which are generally cancellable upon notice. Payments due upon cancellation typically consist only of payments for services provided or expenses incurred, including non-cancellable obligations of service providers, up to the date of cancellation.

The Cataneo Purchase Agreement

At closing of the Acquisition, in addition to equity consideration, we have agreed to pay a cash purchase price of $9.0 million. We may also be required to make additional cash payments in exchange for shares of common stock paid as Equity Consideration. See “Recent Events -The Cataneo Purchase Agreement”.
Cash Flows
The following table summarizes our cash flows for the periods presented:
Nine Months Ended September 30,
Cash used in operating activities
Cash used in investing activities

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Cash provided by financing activities
10,269,961 4,709,235 
Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents
Operating activities
Cash used in operating activities was approximately $11.7 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 primarily due to our net loss of approximately $15.8 million. The net loss included non-cash charges of approximately $2.6 million, which consisted of approximately $1.8 million of depreciation and amortization expense, $1.6 million in equity-based compensation expense, including the issuance of restricted shares, $1.4 million of write offs of deferred financing fees, and $0.5 million of financing costs related to the SEPA, partially offset by $1.9 million in gains on debt extinguishment and $0.8 million in changes in fair value of the warrant liabilities. The net cash inflow of approximately $1.5 million from changes in our operating assets and liabilities was primarily due to an increase in accounts payable of $5.4 million, partially offset by a decrease of accrued expenses of $3.0 million, an increase in prepaid expense and other current assets of $0.9 million.
Cash used in operating activities was approximately $2.8 million during the nine months ended September 30, 2023, primarily due to our net loss of approximately $8.3 million. The net loss included non-cash charges of approximately $5.2 million, which primarily consisted of approximately $4.7 million in equity-based compensation expense and $0.5 million of depreciation and amortization expense. The net cash outflow of approximately $0.4 million from changes in our operating assets and liabilities was primarily due to a decrease in accounts payable, partially offset by an increase in accrued expenses.

Investing activities

Cash used in investing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was approximately $0.2 million, which consisted primarily of capitalized internal-use software costs.

Cash used in investing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was approximately $1.0 million, which consisted primarily of deposits on patents, capitalized internal-use software costs and assets acquired from DM Lab.
Financing activities
Cash provided by financing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was approximately $10.3 million, which consisted primarily of proceeds received from the sale of Common Stock, exercise of options and warrants, partially offset by payment of a related party note.
Cash provided by financing activities during the nine months ended September 30, 2023 was approximately $4.7 million, which consisted of proceeds received from the issuance of convertible notes, the sale of Common Stock, related party note, proceeds received from related party advance repayments and exercise of options and warrants, partially offset by advances to related parties.
Critical Accounting Policies
Our consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The preparation of our consolidated financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of expenses during the reported period. We base our estimates on historical experience, known trends and events and various other factors that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. We evaluate our estimates and assumptions on an ongoing basis. Our actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions and conditions.

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, there were no material changes to our critical accounting policies and estimates from those described under the heading “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations of BEN”, which was filed as Exhibit 99.3 to our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on March 20, 2024.

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Recent Accounting Pronouncements
See Note B to our consolidated financial statements, which was filed as Exhibit 99.3 to our Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC on March 20, 2024 for a description of recent accounting pronouncements applicable to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.
Off-Balance Sheet Financing Arrangements
We have no obligations, assets or liabilities that would be considered off-balance sheet arrangements as of September 30, 2024. We do not participate in transactions that create relationships with unconsolidated entities or financial partnerships, often referred to as variable interest entities, which would have been established for the purpose of facilitating off-balance sheet arrangements. We have not entered into any off-balance sheet financing arrangements, established any special purpose entities, guaranteed any debt or commitments of other entities, or purchased any non-financial assets.
Emerging Growth Company Status
We are an “emerging growth company,” as defined in the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”). Under the JOBS Act, emerging growth companies can delay adopting new or revised accounting standards issued subsequent to the enactment of the JOBS Act until such time as those standards apply to private companies.
We expect to elect to use this extended transition period to enable us to comply with new or revised accounting standards that have different effective dates for public and private companies until the earlier of the date that we (i) are no longer an emerging growth company or (ii) affirmatively and irrevocably opts out of the extended transition period provided in the JOBS Act. As a result, our financial statements may not be comparable to companies that comply with new or revised accounting pronouncements as of public company effective dates.

Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

As a “smaller reporting company” as defined by Rule 12b-2 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, (the “Exchange Act”) and pursuant to Item 305 of Regulation S-K, we are not required to disclose information under this section.
Item 4. Controls and Procedures
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures

Under the supervision and with the participation of our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, we conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures as of September 30, 2024, as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act.

Disclosure controls and procedures are controls and other procedures that are designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in our reports filed or submitted under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the SEC’s rules and forms. Disclosure controls and procedures include controls and procedures designed to ensure that information required to be disclosed in our reports filed under the Exchange Act is accumulated and communicated to management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure. Based upon the evaluation, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls were not effective as of September 30, 2024, based on the material weaknesses identified below.

Material Weakness in Internal Control over Financial Reporting

As discussed elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, the Company completed the Merger on March 20, 2024. Prior to the Merger, DHC disclosed in the Risk Factors of its Form S-4/A filed on February 12, 2024, a material weakness in internal controls over financial reporting. Management has concluded this material weakness has not been remediated as an internal control deficiency was identified relating to the lack in investment of resources into accounting and reporting functions to properly account for and prepare U.S. GAAP compliant financial statements on a timely basis

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and to properly document risks affecting financial statements and controls in place to mitigate those risks in accordance with the requirements for a functioning internal control system, the accounting for the merger with DPL, the accounting for the extinguishment of certain liabilities through the issuance of common stock or through the exercise of warrants, the improper classification of the acquired developed technology from DM Lab as in in-process research and development asset, and the delay in obtaining valuation reports as it relates to valuing equity grants. Notwithstanding this material weakness, management has concluded that our unaudited financial statements included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q are fairly stated in all material respects in accordance with U.S. GAAP for each of the periods presented herein.

This material weakness could result in a misstatement of account balances or disclosures that would result in a material misstatement of our annual or interim consolidated financial statements that may not be detected.

Plan for Remediation of the Material Weakness in Internal Control over Financial Reporting

In response, the Company’s management has continued implementation of a plan to remediate this material weakness. These remediation measures are ongoing and include the following; hiring a Chief Financial Officer and adding additional review procedures by qualified personnel over complex accounting matters, which include engaging third-party professionals with whom to consult regarding complex accounting applications.

The material weaknesses will be considered remediated once management completes the design and implementation of the measures described above and the controls operate for a sufficient period of time, and management has concluded, through testing, that these controls are effective. We believe we are making progress toward achieving the effectiveness of our internal controls and disclosure controls; however, we cannot provide any assurance that these remediation efforts will be successful or that our internal control over financial reporting will be effective as a result of these efforts.

Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting

Other than the changes made to the material weakness described above, there were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting identified in connection with the evaluation required by Rules 13a-15(d) and 15d-15(d) of the Exchange Act that occurred during the three months ended September 30, 2024, that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.

Limitations on the Effectiveness of Disclosure Controls and Procedures

Our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, does not expect that our disclosure controls and procedures or internal control over financial reporting will prevent all errors and all fraud. A control system, no matter how well designed and implemented, can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurance that the control system’s objectives will be met. Further, the design of a control system must reflect the fact that there are resource constraints, and the benefits of controls must be considered relative to their costs. Because of the inherent limitations in all control systems, no evaluation of controls can provide absolute assurance that all control issues within a company are detected. The inherent limitations include the realities that judgments in decision-making can be faulty and that breakdowns can occur because of simple errors or mistakes. Controls can also be circumvented by the individual acts of some persons, by collusion of two or more people, or by management override of the controls. Because of the inherent limitations in a cost-effective control system, misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and may not be detected. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.


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Part II. Other Information
Item 1. Legal Proceedings

From time to time, we may be involved in claims and legal actions that arise in the ordinary course of business. To our knowledge, there are no material pending legal proceedings to which we are a party.
Item 1A. Risk Factors

Except as provided below, there were no material changes to the Risk Factors disclosed in “Item 1A. Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. For more information concerning our risk factors, please see “Item 1A. Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.

If our information technology systems or those of third parties upon which we rely, or our data is or was compromised, we could experience adverse consequences resulting from such compromise, including but not limited to regulatory investigations or actions; litigation; fines and penalties; disruptions of our business operations; reputational harm; loss of revenue or profits; and other adverse consequences.

In the ordinary course of our business, we and the third parties upon which we rely, collect, receive, store, process, generate, use, transfer, disclose, make accessible, protect, secure, dispose of, transmit, and share (collectively, “process”) proprietary, confidential, and sensitive data, including personal data (such as health-related data), intellectual property and trade secrets (collectively, “sensitive information”).

Our and our third-party vendors’ and business partners’ information technology systems may be damaged or compromised by malicious events, such as cyberattacks, physical or electronic security breaches, malicious internet-based activity, online and offline fraud, natural disasters, fire, power loss, telecommunications failures, personnel misconduct and human error.

Such threats are prevalent and continue to rise, are increasingly difficult to detect, and come from a variety of sources, including internal bad actors, such as employees or contractors (through theft or misuse), or third parties (including traditional computer hackers, “hacktivists,” persons involved with organized crime, or sophisticated foreign state or foreign state-supported actors).

Cybersecurity threats can employ a wide variety of methods and techniques, which are constantly evolving, and have become increasingly complex and sophisticated; all of which increase the difficulty of detecting and successfully defending against them. We and the third parties upon which we rely are subject to a variety of these evolving threats, including but not limited to social-engineering attacks (including through deep fakes, which may be increasingly more difficult to identify as fake, and phishing attacks), malicious code (such as viruses and worms), malware (including as a result of advanced persistent threat intrusions), denial-of-service attacks (such as credential stuffing), credential harvesting, personnel misconduct or error, ransomware attacks, supply-chain attacks, software bugs, server malfunctions, software or hardware failures, loss of data or other information technology assets, adware, telecommunications failures, earthquakes, fires, floods, and other similar threats. In particular, severe ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly prevalent - particularly for companies like ours that are engaged in critical infrastructure or manufacturing - and can lead to significant interruptions in our operations, loss of sensitive data and income, reputational harm, and diversion of funds. Extortion payments may alleviate the negative impact of a ransomware attack, but we may be unwilling or unable to make such payments due to, for example, applicable laws or regulations prohibiting such payments. Furthermore, because the techniques used to obtain unauthorized access or sabotage systems change frequently and generally are not identified until after they are launched against a target, we and our third-party vendors and business partners may be unable to anticipate these techniques or implement adequate preventative measures.

Remote work has become more common and has increased risks to our information technology systems and data, as more of our employees utilize network connections, computers, and devices outside our premises or network, including working at home, while in transit and in public locations. Additionally, future or past business transactions (such as acquisitions or integrations) could expose us to additional cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities, as our systems could be negatively affected by vulnerabilities present in acquired or integrated entities’ systems and technologies. Furthermore, we may discover security issues that were not found during due diligence of such acquired or integrated entities, and it may be difficult to integrate companies into our information technology environment and security program.

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We rely on third-party service providers and technologies to operate critical business systems to process sensitive information in a variety of contexts, including, without limitation, cloud-based infrastructure, data center facilities, encryption and authentication technology, and other functions. We also rely on third-party service providers to provide other products, services, parts, or otherwise to operate our business. Our ability to monitor these third parties’ information security practices is limited, and these third parties may not have adequate information security measures in place. Certain of the third parties on which we rely have experienced cybersecurity incidents in the past and may again in the future. We could experience adverse consequences resulting from any security incidents or other interruptions experienced by third-party service providers. While we may be entitled to damages if our third-party service providers fail to satisfy their privacy or security-related obligations to us, any award may be insufficient to cover our damages, or we may be unable to recover such award, and our reputation could be harmed. In addition, supply-chain attacks have increased in frequency and severity, and we cannot guarantee that third parties’ infrastructure in our supply chain or our third-party partners’ supply chains have not been compromised.

We, and the third-party business partners and vendors upon which we rely, have experienced, and may in the future experience, cybersecurity threats, including threats or attempts to disrupt our information technology infrastructure and unauthorized attempts to gain access to sensitive or confidential information. In April 2024, our primary commercial partner and exclusive reseller for the automotive industry, AFG, publicly disclosed that it was the victim of a ransomware attack in the Fall of 2023 prior to entering into the Reseller Agreement. To the extent negative publicity AFG receives from the incident has, or the incident otherwise causes, a material adverse effect on AFG’s business or AFG’s ability to resell our products, our results of operations and financial condition could suffer.

Although prior cyberattacks directed at us have not had a material impact on our financial results, and we are continuing to bolster our threat detection and mitigation processes and procedures, we cannot guarantee that future cyberattacks, if successful, will not have a material impact on our business or financial results. While we have security measures in place designed to protect our information and our customers’ information and to prevent data loss and other security incidents, we have not always been able to do so, and there can be no assurance that in the future these measures will be successful. Security incidents could result in unauthorized, unlawful, or accidental acquisition, modification, destruction, loss, alteration, encryption, disclosure of, or access to our sensitive information or our information technology systems, or those of the third parties upon whom we rely. A security incident or other interruption could disrupt our ability (and that of third parties upon whom we rely) to provide our platform and services.

We may expend significant resources or modify our business activities to try to protect against security incidents. Certain data privacy and security obligations may require us to implement and maintain specific security measures or industry-standard or reasonable security measures to protect our information technology systems and sensitive information.

We take steps to detect and remediate vulnerabilities, but we may not be able to detect and remediate all vulnerabilities because the threats and techniques used to exploit the vulnerability change frequently and are often sophisticated in nature. Therefore, such vulnerabilities could be exploited but may not be detected until after a security incident has occurred. These vulnerabilities pose material risks to our business. Further, we may experience delays in developing and deploying remedial measures designed to address any such identified vulnerabilities.

Applicable data privacy and security obligations may require us to provide notice of data security incidents involving certain types of data, including personal data. Such disclosures are costly, and the disclosure or the failure to comply with such requirements could lead to adverse consequences.

Actual or perceived breaches of security measures, unauthorized access to our systems or the systems of the third-party vendors that we rely upon, or any other cybersecurity threats may cause us to experience adverse consequences, such as government enforcement actions (for example, investigations, fines, penalties, audits, and inspections); additional reporting requirements and/or oversight; restrictions on processing sensitive information (including personal data); litigation (including class claims); indemnification obligations; negative publicity; reputational harm; monetary fund diversions; interruptions in our operations (including availability of data); financial loss; and other similar harms. Security incidents and attendant consequences may cause customers to stop using our platform and services, deter new customers from using our platform and services, and negatively impact our ability to grow and operate our business.

In addition, our reliance on third-party service providers and business partners could introduce new cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities, including supply-chain attacks, and other threats to our business operations. We rely on third-party service providers and technologies to operate critical business systems to process sensitive data in a variety of

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contexts, including, without limitation, cloud-based infrastructure, data center facilities, encryption and authentication technology and other functions. Our ability to monitor these third parties’ information security practices is limited, and these third parties may not have adequate information security measures in place. Our contracts may not contain limitations on liability. There can be no assurance that any limitations of liability provisions in our contracts or license arrangements with customers or in our agreements with vendors, partners, or others would be enforceable, applicable, or adequate or would otherwise protect us from any such liabilities or damages with respect to any claim.

In addition to experiencing a security incident, third parties may gather, collect, or infer sensitive information about us from public sources, data brokers, or other means that reveals competitively sensitive details about our organization and such information could be used to undermine our competitive advantage or market position. Additionally, sensitive information of the Company or our customers could be leaked, disclosed, or revealed as a result of or in connection with our employees’, personnels’, or vendors’ use of generative AI technologies.

Any or all of the above issues, or the perception that any of them have occurred, could result in adverse consequences including, but not limited to, business interruptions and diversions of funds, decreased ability to attract new customers, existing customers deciding to terminate or not renew their agreements, reduced ability to obtain and maintain required or desirable cybersecurity certifications, reputational damage, government enforcement actions (for example, investigations, fines, penalties, audits, and inspections), and private litigation (including class claims), any of which could materially adversely affect our results of operations, financial condition, and future prospects. There can be no assurance that any limitations of liability provisions in our license arrangements with customers or in our agreements with vendors, partners, or others would be enforceable, applicable, or adequate or would otherwise protect us from any such liabilities or damages with respect to any claim.

The Company may redeem unexpired Public Warrants prior to their exercise at a time that is disadvantageous to the holder, thereby making the Public Warrants worthless.

We have the ability to redeem the outstanding Public Warrants at any time after they become exercisable and prior to their expiration, at a price of $0.01 per Public Warrant, if, among other things, the reference value equals or exceeds $18.00 per share. If and when the Public Warrants become redeemable by us, we may exercise our redemption right even if we are unable to register or qualify the underlying securities for sale under all applicable state securities laws. As a result, we may redeem the Public Warrants listed on Nasdaq as set forth above even if the holders are otherwise unable to exercise the Public Warrants. Redemption of the outstanding Public Warrants as described above could force holders to (i) exercise the Public Warrants and pay the exercise price therefor at a time when it may be disadvantageous for holders to do so, (ii) sell the Public Warrants at the then-current market price when holders might otherwise wish to hold the Public Warrants or (iii) accept the nominal redemption price which, at the time the outstanding Public Warrants are called for redemption, we expect would be substantially less than the market value of the Public Warrants. None of the 6,000,000 Private Placement Warrants sold at a price of $1.50 per Private Placement Warrant in a private placement to the Sponsor, which were assumed in connection with the closing of the Business Combination, will be redeemable by us so long as they are held by the Sponsor or its permitted transferees.

In addition, we have the ability to redeem the outstanding Public Warrants at any time after they become exercisable and prior to their expiration, at a price of $0.10 per Public Warrant if, among other things, the reference value equals or exceeds $10.00 per share (as adjusted for adjustments to the number of shares issuable upon exercise or the exercise price of a Public Warrant). In such a case, the holders will be able to exercise their Public Warrants prior to redemption for a number of shares of Common Stock determined based on the redemption date and the fair market value of Common Stock. The value received upon exercise of the Public Warrants (i) may be less than the value the holders would have received if they had exercised their Public Warrants at a later time where the underlying share price is higher and (ii) may not compensate the holders for the value of the Public Warrants, including because the number of shares of Common Stock received is capped at 0.361 shares of Common Stock per Public Warrant (subject to adjustment) irrespective of the remaining life of the Public Warrants.

We have the ability to require holders of the Public Warrants to exercise such warrants on a cashless basis, which will cause holders to receive fewer shares of Common Stock upon their exercise of the Public Warrants than they would have received had they been able to exercise their Public Warrants for cash.

If the Company calls the Public Warrants for redemption after the redemption criteria have been satisfied, we have the option to require any holder that wishes to exercise their Public Warrants to do so on a “cashless basis.” If the Company’s management chooses to require holders to exercise their Public Warrants on a cashless basis, the number of

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shares of our Common Stock received by a holder upon exercise will be fewer than it would have been had such holder exercised the Public Warrant for cash. This will have the effect of reducing the potential “upside” of the holder’s investment in the Company.

The exclusive forum clause set forth in the warrant agreement governing the Public Warrants may have the effect of limiting an investor’s rights to bring legal action against us and could limit the investor’s ability to obtain a favorable judicial forum for disputes with us.

Our outstanding Public Warrants provide for investors to consent to exclusive forum to state or federal courts located in New York, New York. This exclusive forum may have the effect of limiting the ability of investors to bring a legal claim against us due to geographic limitations and may limit an investor’s ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum that it finds favorable for disputes with us. Alternatively, if a court were to find this exclusive forum provision inapplicable to, or unenforceable in respect of, one or more of the specified types of actions or proceedings, we may incur additional costs associated with resolving such matters in other jurisdictions, which could adversely affect our business and financial condition. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in the warrant limits or restricts the federal district court in which a holder of a warrant may bring a claim under the federal securities laws.

A substantial number of the Company’s Common Stock are restricted securities and as a result, there may be limited liquidity for our Common Stock.

A substantial portion of our outstanding shares of Common Stock currently constitute restricted securities and “control” securities for purposes of Rule 144 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) or otherwise subject to a contractual lockup. As a result, there may initially be limited liquidity in the trading market for our Common Stock until these shares are sold pursuant to an effective registration statement under the Securities Act or the shares become available for resale without volume limitations or other restrictions under Rule 144 and are otherwise no longer subject to a lockup agreement. Even once these are no longer restricted or a registration statement for such shares has become effective, the liquidity for our Common Stock may remain limited given the substantial holdings of such stockholders, which could make the price of our Common Stock more volatile and may make it more difficult for investors to buy or sell large amounts of our Common Stock.

Future resales of our Common Stock may cause the market price of our Common Stock to drop significantly, even if the Company’s business is doing well.

The Company’s pre-Business Combination equity holders hold the substantial majority of our outstanding Common Stock. The resale, or expected or potential resale, of a substantial number of shares of our Common Stock in the public market could adversely affect the market price for our Common Stock and make it more difficult for you to sell your Common Stock at times and prices that you feel are appropriate. Furthermore, we expect that, because there will be a large number of shares registered pursuant to registration statements, selling holders will continue to offer the securities covered by registration statements for a significant period of time, the precise duration of which cannot be predicted. Accordingly, the adverse market and price pressures resulting from an offering pursuant to a registration statement may continue for an extended period of time.

Further, sales of our Common Stock upon expected expiration of resale restrictions could encourage short sales by market participants. Generally, short selling means selling a security, contract or commodity not owned by the seller. The seller is committed to eventually purchase the financial instrument previously sold. Short sales are used to capitalize on an expected decline in the security’s price. As such, short sales of our Common Stock could have a tendency to depress the price of our Common Stock, which could further increase the potential for short sales.

The Company cannot predict the size of future issuances or sales of our Common Stock or the effect, if any, that future issuances and sales of our Common Stock will have on the market price of our Common Stock. Sales of substantial amounts of our Common Stock, including issuances made in the ordinary course of the Company’s business, or the perception that such sales could occur, may materially and adversely affect prevailing market prices of our Common Stock.

In addition, registration rights we may grant in the future, including in the ordinary course of the Company’s business, may further depress market prices if these registration rights are exercised or shares of our Common Stock are sold under the registration statements. The presence of additional shares trading in the public market may also adversely affect the market price of our Common Stock.


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Furthermore, while certain of the selling holders may experience a positive rate of return based on the current trading price of our Common Stock, public stockholders may not experience a similar rate of return on the securities purchased in the open market due to potential differences in the purchase prices paid by public stockholders for shares of Common Stock bought in the open market and the selling holders in transactions in which they purchased or received their Offered Securities and the current trading price of our Common Stock.

Certain existing securityholders acquired their securities in the Company at prices below the current trading price of such securities, and may experience a positive rate of return based on the current trading price. Future investors in our Company may not experience a similar rate of return.

Certain securityholders in the Company, including certain of the selling holders, acquired Common Stock, as well as shares of Common Stock underlying Warrants, at prices below the current trading price of such securities and may experience a positive rate of return based on the current trading price. On July 25, 2024, the closing price of our Common Stock was $2.66 per share.

Given the relatively lower purchase prices that many of our selling holders paid to acquire offered securities compared to their current trading prices, these selling holders in some instances may earn a significant positive rate of return on their investment depending on the market price of our Common Stock at the time that such selling holders choose to sell their securities. The selling holders purchased, or were given as consideration to, as applicable, the securities offered for resale at effective purchase prices ranging from significantly below to above current trading prices, as set forth in further detail in the section titled “Purchase Price Paid By the Selling Security Holders” in our Registration Statement on Form S-1, filed on June 20, 2024. Investors who purchase our Common Stock and Public Warrants on The Nasdaq Capital Market following the Business Combination may not experience a similar rate of return on the securities they purchased due to differences in the purchase prices and the current trading price.

The issuances of additional shares of Common Stock under the SEPA may result in dilution of holders of Common Stock and have a negative impact on the market price of the Common Stock

Pursuant to the SEPA, we may issue and sell up to $50 million of shares of Common Stock to the Yorkville Investor. The price at which we may issue and sell shares may be at either (i) 96% of the daily VWAP of the Common Stock for any period commencing on the receipt of the advance notice by the Yorkville Investor and ending on 4:00 p.m. on the applicable advance notice date or (ii) 97% of the lowest daily VWAP of the Common Stock during the three trading days following a notice to sell to the Yorkville Investor, provided that we are subject to certain caps on the amount of shares of Common Stock that we may sell on any single day. Assuming that (a) we issue and sell the full $50 million of shares of Common Stock under the SEPA to the Yorkville Investor, (b) no beneficial ownership limitations, and (c) the issue price for such sales is $1.00 or $2.00 per share, such additional issuances would represent in the aggregate approximately 50,000,000 or 25,000,000 additional shares of Common Stock, respectively, or approximately 56.8% or 39.7% of the total number of shares of Common Stock outstanding as of the date hereof, after giving effect to such issuance. The timing, frequency, and the price at which we issue shares of Common Stock are subject to market prices and management’s decision to sell shares of Common Stock, if at all.

Upon effectiveness of this registration statement, the Yorkville Investor may resell all, some or none of their shares of Common Stock beneficially owned by them from time to time in their discretion and at different prices subject to the terms of the SEPA. As a result, investors will likely pay different prices for those shares, and so may experience different levels of dilution (and in some cases substantial dilution) and different outcomes in their investment results. Investors may experience a decline in the value of the shares they purchase as a result of future issuances by the Company, whether to the Yorkville Investor or others at prices lower than the prices such investors paid for their shares. In addition, if we issue a substantial number of shares to such parties, or if investors expect that we will do so, the actual sales of shares or the mere existence of the SEPA may adversely affect the price of our Common Stock or make it more difficult for us to sell equity or equity-related securities in the future at a desirable time and price, or at all.

The issuance, if any, of Common Stock would not affect the rights or privileges of the Company’s existing stockholders, except that the economic and voting interests of existing stockholders would be diluted. Although the number of shares of Common Stock that existing stockholders own would not decrease as a result of these additional issuances, the shares of Common Stock owned by existing stockholders would represent a smaller percentage of the total outstanding shares of Common Stock after any such issuance, potentially significantly smaller.

Our ability to complete the Acquisition is dependent on our ability to obtain financing on favorable terms, or at all

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Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, the Sellers have agreed to sell all of the outstanding equity interests of Cataneo to the Company for an aggregate purchase price of $19,500,000, including at a minimum, $9,000,000 in cash, and an additional amount of up to $3,000,000 subject to the Cash Election. The closing of the Acquisition is dependent, upon other things, on the Company obtaining the financing necessary to pay such cash purchase price on terms that are mutually acceptable to the parties. We will need to raise additional capital through debt or equity financings to fund such cash purchase price. A failure to obtain such financing on favorable terms, or at all, could cause the Company to be unable to complete the Acquisition, which could materially harm our business. There can be no assurance that our business or our financial condition will not be adversely affected, as compared to the condition prior to the announcement of the Acquisition, if the Acquisition is not consummated.

We may be unable to successfully integrate our business with Cataneo or realize the expected benefits of the Acquisition on our expected timeframe or at all. In addition, if we choose to acquire or invest in other new businesses, products or technologies, we may be unable to complete these acquisitions or successfully integrate them in a cost-effective and/or non-disruptive manner.

Our success depends on our ability to enhance and broaden our product offerings in response to changing customer demands, competitive pressures and advances in technologies. Failure to successfully identify, complete, manage and integrate acquisitions could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations and could cause our stock price to decline. We continue to search for viable acquisition candidates or strategic transactions that would expand our market sector and/or global presence, as well as additional products appropriate for current distribution channels. Accordingly, we have previously and may in the future pursue the acquisition of new businesses, products or technologies instead of developing them internally. Our future success will depend, in part, upon our ability to manage the expanded business following these acquisitions, including challenges related to the management and monitoring of new operations and associated increased costs and complexity associated with such acquisitions.

In October 2024, the Company entered into the Purchase Agreement with the Sellers to help us enhance our product offerings, grow our customer bases, improve our path to profitability and strengthen our future financial position. In connection with any acquisitions, we could issue additional equity securities, which would dilute our stockholders, incur substantial debt to fund the acquisitions or assume significant liabilities.

Acquisitions involve many and diverse risks and uncertainties, including risks associated with conduction due diligence, the inability to satisfy closing conditions, problems integrating the purchased operations, assets, technologies or products, unanticipated costs, liabilities, and economic, political, legal and regulatory challenges due to our inexperience operating in new regions or countries, inability to achieve anticipated synergies, overpaying for acquisitions, invalid sales assumptions underlying potential acquisitions, issues maintaining uniform standards, procedures, controls and policies, diversion of management attention, adverse effects on existing business relationships or acquired company business relationships, risks associated with entering new markets, potential loss of key employees of acquired businesses, increased legal, accounting and compliance costs, and failure to successfully integrate acquired companies, such as Cataneo, or retain key personnel from the acquired company.

We compete with other companies for these opportunities, and we may be unable to consummate such acquisitions or other strategic transactions on commercially reasonable terms, or at all. In addition, acquired businesses may have ongoing or potential liabilities, legal claims (including tort and/or personal injury claims) or adverse operating issues that we fail to discover through due diligence prior to the acquisition. Even if we are aware of such liabilities, claims or issues, we may not be able to accurately estimate the magnitude of the related liabilities and damages. In particular, to the extent that prior owners of any acquired businesses or properties failed to comply with or otherwise violated applicable laws or regulations, failed to fulfill their contractual obligations to their customers, or failed to satisfy legal obligations to employees or third parties, we, as the successor, may be financially responsible for these violations and failures and may suffer reputational harm or otherwise be adversely affected.

Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and Use of Proceeds

August Private Placement

On August 26, 2024, the Company entered into the August SPA with certain investors thereto pursuant to which the Company will issue an aggregate of 1,185,000 shares of Common Stock at a price per share of $5.00 for an aggregate purchase price of $5,925,000. As of November 13, 2024, a total of 220,000 shares of Common Stock have been issued to

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the August Purchasers for gross proceeds of $550,000. Further, on August 26, 2024, the Company entered into the August Warrant Agreement with each of the Warrantholders, pursuant to which the Company issued to the Warrantholders an aggregate of 960,000 August Warrants, with an exercise price of $5.00 per share with an expiration period of five years from the date of issuance. The issuances of such shares and August Warrants were not registered under the Securities Act and were issued in reliance upon the exemption provided in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Rule 506(b) promulgated thereunder.

Standby Equity Purchase Agreement

On August 26, 2024, the Company entered into the SEPA with Yorkville. Pursuant to the SEPA, the Company shall have the right, but not the obligation, to sell to Yorkville up to $50,000,000 of the Company’s shares of Common Stock, at the Company’s request any time during the commitment period commencing on August 26, 2024 and terminating on the 36-month anniversary of August 26, 2024. As partial consideration for Yorkville’s commitment to purchase the shares of Common Stock pursuant to the SEPA, the Company issued to Yorkville of an aggregate of 280,899 shares of Common Stock. The issuance of such shares was not registered under the Securities Act and was issued in reliance upon the exemption provided in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Rule 506(b) promulgated thereunder.

Fee Conversion

On August 22, 2024, the Company entered into a Fee Conversion Agreement with Sponsor, pursuant to which the Company agreed to issue 151,261 shares of Common Stock (the “Conversion Shares”) at a value of $2.38 per share to Sponsor in exchange for the conversion of certain outstanding fees owed by the Company to Sponsor in the amount of $360,000. The Conversion Shares were offered and sold in reliance on the exemption from registration under Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Regulation D (Rule 506) thereunder.

July Private Placement

On July 1, 2024, the Company entered into the July SPA with The Williams Family Trust for the issuance and sale of 120,000 shares of Common Stock at a price per share of $2.50 and an aggregate of 240,000 July Warrants, consisting of (i) 120,000 warrants with a term of one year and (ii) 120,000 warrants with a term of five years to The Williams Family Trust for an aggregate purchase price of $0.3 million. The warrants are exercisable for Common Stock at a price of $2.50 per share and were immediately issued to The Williams Family Trust on July 1, 2024. The issuances of such shares and warrants were not registered under the Securities Act and were issued in reliance upon the exemption provided in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act and Rule 506(b) promulgated thereunder.

Issuer Purchases of Common Stock

During the three months ended September 30, 2024, the Company did not repurchase any shares of Common Stock.

Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities


Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures

This item is not applicable.

Item 5. Other Information

Yorkville Promissory Note

On November 11, the Company issued a non-convertible unsecured promissory note (the “Promissory Note”) in the aggregate original principal amount of approximately $1.7 million to Yorkville. The Promissory Note does not bear interest, subject to a potential increase of the interest rate to 18.0% per annum upon the occurrence of certain events of default as described in the Promissory Note. The Promissory Note matures on March 11, 2025, and was issued at an original issue discount of 10%. The Company will be required to make monthly cash payments beginning on December 15, 2024, and continuing on the same day of each successive calendar month (each, an “Installment Date”) of principal in the amount of the sum of (i) $416,667 of Principal (or the outstanding principal amount if less than such amount), plus (ii) a

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payment premium in an amount equal to 5% of the principal amount being paid, if applicable (the “Payment Premium”), and (iii) any accrued and unpaid interest as of each Installment Date (“Installment Amounts”).

The Company shall, at its own option, repay each Installment Amount either (i) in cash on or before each, or (ii) by submitting an advance notice(s) under the SEPA (an “Advance Repayment”), on or before the applicable Installment Date, or any combination of (i) or (ii) as determined by the Company. If the Company repays the Installment amount in cash, the cash payment shall include the Payment Premium. If the Company elects an Advance Repayment for all or a portion of an Installment Amount, then no Payment Premium will apply. In addition, for so long as the Promissory Note is outstanding, with respect to any advance notice submitted by the Company under the SEPA, the Company shall select an Option 2 Pricing Period (as defined in the SEPA), unless otherwise agreed by the Yorkville.

Director and Officer Trading Arrangements

None of our directors or officers adopted or terminated a Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement or a non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement (as such terms are defined in Items 408(a) and 408(c) of Regulation S-K, respectively) during the quarterly period covered by this report.


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Item 6. Exhibits

The exhibits listed below are filed as part of this Report or incorporated herein by reference.


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The following financial information from Brand Engagement Network Inc.’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024 formatted in Inline XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language) includes: (i) the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets, (ii) the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations, (iii) the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity, (iv) the Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, and (v) Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.
101.INSInline XBRL Instance Document.
101.SCHInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document.
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document.
101.DEFInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document.
101.LABInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Labels Linkbase Document.
101.PREInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document.
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101).
*    Filed herewith
**     The certifications as Exhibit 32.1 and Exhibit 32.2 are not deemed “filed” with the Securities and Exchange Commission and are not to be incorporated by the reference into any filing of Brand Engagement Network Inc. under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, whether made before or after the date of this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, irrespective of any general incorporation language contained in such filing.
#     Schedules to this exhibit have been omitted pursuant to Item 601(b)(2) of Registration S-K. The registrant hereby agrees to furnish a copy of any omitted schedules to the Commission upon request.
^ Certain information has been redacted from this exhibit pursuant to Item 601(b)(10)(iv) of Regulation S-K because it is both not material and is the type of information that the registrant customarily and actually treats as private or confidential. The registrant hereby undertakes to furnish supplemental copies of the unredacted exhibit upon request by the SEC.
†    Indicates management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.

Table of Contents
Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Brand Engagement Network Inc.
Date: November 14, 2024
/s/ Paul Chang
Paul Chang
Chief Executive Officer
(Principal Executive Officer)
Date: November 14, 2024
/s/ Bill Williams
Bill Williams
Chief Financial Officer
(Principal Accounting Officer and Principal Financial Officer)