錯誤 --06-30 Q1 2025 0001300734 P1Y 0001300734 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 2024-11-14 0001300734 2024-09-30 0001300734 2024-06-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:關聯方成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:關聯方成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:普通股成員 2023-06-30 0001300734 SISI:應收訂閱款成員 2023-06-30 0001300734 SISI:已認購普通股成員 2023-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:額外實收資本成員 2023-06-30 0001300734 SISI:法定準備金會員 2023-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:保留收益成員 2023-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:累計其他綜合收益成員 2023-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:非控股權益會員 2023-06-30 0001300734 2023-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:普通股會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:應收訂閱會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:普通股認購會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:額外資本分享會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:法定存儲會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:留存收益會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:其他綜合收益累積會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:非控制權益會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:普通股會員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:應收訂閱款會員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:普通股認購會員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:額外實收資本會員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:法定準備金成員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:留存收益成員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:其他綜合收益累積額成員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:非控制利益成員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:普通股成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:應收訂閱成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:普通股認購成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:額外實收資本成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:法定儲備成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:留存收益成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:累積其他綜合收益成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:非控制權益成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:普通股成員 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:應收訂閱成員 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:普通股認購成員 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:額外實收資本成員 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:法定準備金成員 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:留存收益成員 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:累積其他綜合收益成員 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:非控股權益成員 2023-09-30 0001300734 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:普通股成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:應收訂閱款成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:普通股認購成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:額外資本溢價成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:法定儲備會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:留存收益會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:累積其他綜合收益會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:非控制權益會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:天秀科技發展股份有限公司成員 2003-12-15 0001300734 SISI:天津天壺科技發展有限公司成員 SISI:天秀科技發展股份有限公司成員 2003-12-15 0001300734 SISI:天秀科技發展股份有限公司成員 2006-07-14 0001300734 SISI:新疆泰和成員 2017-09-30 0001300734 SISI:潤澤成員 2017-09-30 0001300734 SISI:天津泰傑成員 2016-12-10 0001300734 SISI:天津泰傑成員 2016-12-10 0001300734 SISI:天津泰傑成員 2017-10-26 0001300734 SISI:天津泰傑成員 2019-05-05 0001300734 SISI:天津泰傑成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:天津泰傑成員 2019-03-13 0001300734 SISI:上海嘉盈國際有限公司會員 2020-07-23 0001300734 SISI:上海嘉盈國際有限公司會員 2020-07-23 0001300734 SISI:股東會員 2020-07-23 0001300734 SISI:內蒙古神農草本中和膜生物科技有限公司會員 2021-01-07 0001300734 SISI:內蒙古神農草本中和膜生物科技有限公司會員 2021-01-07 0001300734 SISI:股東會員 2021-01-07 0001300734 SISI:生命科學會員 2021-12-07 0001300734 SISI:生命科學集團香港公司會員 2022-04-13 0001300734 SISI:股份轉讓協議成員 SISI:Shineco Life成員 2022-04-24 0001300734 SISI:福州美達健康管理有限公司成員 2023-05-16 0001300734 SISI:福州美達健康管理有限公司成員 2023-05-16 0001300734 SISI:兩位股東成員 2023-05-16 0001300734 SISI:Shinkang Technology成員 2023-05-16 0001300734 SISI:Shinkang Technology成員 2023-05-16 0001300734 SISI:一位股東成員 2023-05-16 0001300734 SISI: 北京盛科崇實成員 2023-05-23 0001300734 SISI: 天行九佰科技發展有限公司成員 2021-06-08 0001300734 SISI: 常州百遠醫藥有限公司成員 2022-12-30 0001300734 SISI: 常州百遠醫藥有限公司成員 2022-12-29 2022-12-30 0001300734 SISI: 重慶威圖斯集團成員 2023-05-29 0001300734 SISI: 股票購買協議成員 SISI: 重慶威圖斯集團成員 2023-05-29 2023-05-29 0001300734 SISI: 重慶威圖斯集團成員 2023-05-29 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 us-gaap: IPO成員 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:普通股成員 SISI:包銷協議成員 2024-07-11 2024-07-11 0001300734 us-gaap:普通股成員 SISI:包銷協議成員 2024-07-11 0001300734 SISI:承銷協議成員 2024-07-11 2024-07-11 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 2024-08-22 2024-08-22 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 2024-08-22 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 us-gaap: IPO成員 2024-08-22 2024-08-22 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap: 持續經營業務分部成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap: 繼續經營部門成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 2017-12-21 2017-12-21 0001300734 2017-12-22 2017-12-22 0001300734 2017-07-01 2018-06-30 0001300734 2018-07-01 2019-06-30 0001300734 貨幣:CNY 2024-09-30 0001300734 currency:CNY 2024-06-30 0001300734 currency:CNY 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 currency:CNY 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap: 變動權益實體非主要受益會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:VariableInterestEntityNotPrimaryBeneficiaryMember 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:建築成員 srt : 最小成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:建築成員 srt : 最大成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:機器和設備成員 srt:最小成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:機械設備成員 srt:最大成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:車輛成員 srt:最小成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:車輛成員 srt:最大成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:辦公設備成員 srt:最小成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:辦公設備成員 srt:最大成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:租賃改良成員 srt:最小成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:租賃改良成員 最大成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:裝置和傢俱成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:第三方成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:第三方成員 2023-09-20 2023-09-20 0001300734 SISI:兩個第三方成員 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 0001300734 SISI:兩個第三方成員 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 0001300734 SISI:第三方成員 2024-05-28 2024-05-28 0001300734 SISI:第三方成員 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 0001300734 SISI:第三方成員 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 0001300734 SISI:第三方成員 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 0001300734 SISI:兩名第三方成員 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 0001300734 SISI:兩名第三方成員 2024-09-18 2024-09-18 0001300734 SISI:第三方成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:BuildingMember 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:BuildingMember 2024-06-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:機械設備會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:機械設備會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:車輛會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:車輛會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:辦公設備會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:辦公設備會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:固定裝置和傢俱會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:在建工程成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 美元指數:在建中項目成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 美元指數:繼續經營部門成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 美元指數:繼續經營部門成員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:業務部門停止運營成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 美元指數:停止經營部門成員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:郭偉清成員 2023-05-24 0001300734 SISI:郭偉清成員 2023-05-23 2023-05-23 0001300734 SISI:持續經營成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:持續運營成員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:土地成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:辦公空間成員 srt:最低成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:辦公空間成員 srt:最高成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:繼續經營部分成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:繼續經營部分成員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 US-GAAP:停止運營會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 US-GAAP:停止運營會員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:持續經營會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:天津泰傑會員 2021-06-08 0001300734 SISI:廣元林業發展有限公司會員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:常州百偉製藥有限公司會員 2022-10-21 0001300734 SISI:常州百偉製藥有限公司會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:百偉會員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:常州百臻製藥有限公司會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:常州百臻製藥有限公司會員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶溫特斯集團會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:溫特斯會員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶溫特斯集團會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶溫特斯集團會員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:常州百臻製藥有限公司會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶溫特斯集團會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶裕繁貿易有限公司成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶裕繁貿易有限公司成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶夢想貿易有限公司成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶夢想貿易有限公司成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:Wintus中國有限公司成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:Wintus中國有限公司成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:福建興林春健康產業有限公司成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:福建興林春健康產業有限公司成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:關聯方成員 us-gaap:繼續經營部門成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:關聯方成員 us-gaap:繼續經營部門成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶涪陵區仁義之路絲業有限公司成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶涪陵區仁義之路絲業有限公司成員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶溫都斯成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶溫都斯成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:關聯方成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:RelatedPartyMember 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI : Wang Sai Member 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI : Wang Sai Member 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI : Huang Shanchun Member 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI : Huang Shanchun Member 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI : Liu Fengming Member 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI : Liu Fengming Member 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:詹佳蕊成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:詹佳蕊成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:劉昕喬成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:劉昕喬成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:呂佳佳成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:呂佳佳成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:趙鵬飛成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:趙鵬飛成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 思思:王曉輝成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 思思:王曉輝成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 思思:祁強豔成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 思思:祁強豔成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 思思:福州美大山生物科技有限公司成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 思思:福州美大山生物科技有限公司成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 思思:重慶涪陵區人藝之麓絲業有限公司成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 思思:重慶涪陵區人藝之麓絲業有限公司成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI: 重慶華建房地產開發有限公司會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI: 重慶華建房地產開發有限公司會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap: 相關方會員 us-gaap:母公司會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap: 相關方會員 us-gaap: 母公司會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI: 呂佳嘉會員 2023-09-27 0001300734 SISI: 呂佳嘉會員 2023-09-27 2023-09-27 0001300734 SISI:貸款協議成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:貸款協議第二成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap: 持續經營業務分部成員 SISI:貸款協議成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:持續經營部門成員 SISI:貸款協議成員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:江南農村商業銀行成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:江南農村商業銀行成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:江蘇銀行會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:江蘇銀行會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:中國銀行一個會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:中國銀行一個會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:新加坡大華銀行會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:新加坡大華銀行會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:中國工商銀行一個會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:中國工商銀行一個會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:中國銀行成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:中國銀行成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶農村商業銀行成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶農村商業銀行成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:中國工商銀行二公司成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:中國工商銀行二公司成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:江南農村商業銀行成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:江南農村商業銀行成員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:江蘇銀行會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:江蘇銀行會員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:中國銀行一家會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:中國銀行一家會員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:新加坡大華銀行會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:新加坡大華銀行會員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:中國工商銀行一家會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:中國工商銀行一家會員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:中國工商銀行兩名成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:中國工商銀行兩名成員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:中國銀行成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:中國銀行成員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶農村商業銀行成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶農村商業銀行成員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:王曉輝女士和顏志強先生成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:王曉輝女士和顏志強先生成員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶農村商業會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶農村商業會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶銀行會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶銀行會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶農村商業會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶農村商業會員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶銀行會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:重慶銀行會員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI:無擔保可轉讓應付票據成員 2021-06-16 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI:無擔保可轉讓應付票據成員 2021-06-15 2021-06-16 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI:無擔保可轉讓應付票據成員 2022-09-07 0001300734 SISI:第二次六月票據修正成員 2023-06-15 2023-06-15 0001300734 SISI:第二次六月票據修正成員 2023-06-15 0001300734 SISI:第三次六月註釋修正成員 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 0001300734 SISI:第三次六月註釋修正成員 2024-06-11 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI:無擔保可轉換的本票成員 2021-07-15 2021-07-16 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI:無擔保可轉換的本票成員 2021-07-16 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI:第二可轉換本票成員 2021-07-16 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI:第二可轉換應收票據成員 2021-07-15 2021-07-16 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI:第二可轉換應收票據成員 us-gaap:投資者成員 2021-07-16 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI:無抵押可轉換應收票據成員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI : Unsecured Convertible Promissory Note Member 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI : Securities Purchase Agreement Member SISI : Unsecured Convertible Promissory Note Member 2021-08-19 0001300734 SISI : Securities Purchase Agreement Member SISI : Unsecured Convertible Promissory Note Member 2021-08-18 2021-08-19 0001300734 SISI : Securities Purchase Agreement Member SISI : Unsecured Convertible Promissory Note Member us-gaap:InvestorMember 2022-09-07 0001300734 SISI:8月第二次補充說明會員 2023-06-15 2023-06-15 0001300734 SISI:8月第二次補充說明會員 2023-06-15 0001300734 SISI:8月第三次補充說明會員 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 0001300734 SISI:8月第三次補充說明會員 2024-06-11 0001300734 SISI:可轉換票據會員 2021-08-19 2021-08-19 0001300734 us-gaap:投資者會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:投資者會員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:投資者會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:利潤上升會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:利潤超過會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap: IPO成員 2016-09-25 2016-09-28 0001300734 us-gaap:IPOMember 2016-09-28 0001300734 us-gaap:普通股成員 2020-07-10 2020-07-10 0001300734 us-gaap:CommonStockMember 2020-07-10 0001300734 SISI:選擇投資者會員 2021-04-10 2021-04-10 0001300734 SISI:選擇投資者會員 2021-04-10 0001300734 SISI:特選投資者成員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:2023年股權投資計劃成員 SISI:董事會成員 2023-08-29 2023-08-30 0001300734 SISI:2023年股權投資計劃成員 SISI:董事會成員 2023-08-30 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 srt : 最大成員 2023-12-22 2023-12-22 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 2023-12-22 0001300734 美國公共註冊會計準則:普通股成員 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 0001300734 美國公共註冊會計準則:普通股成員 2024-02-01 0001300734 SISI:2024年股權投資計劃成員 SISI:董事會成員 2024-06-17 2024-06-18 0001300734 SISI:2024年股權投資計劃成員 SISI:董事會成員 2024-06-18 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI:非美國投資者成員 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI:非美國投資者成員 2024-06-20 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI:非美國投資者成員 srt:最大成員 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 0001300734 SISI:證券購買協議成員 SISI:非美國投資者成員 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:CommonStockMember SISI:證券購買協議成員 2024-08-22 2024-08-22 0001300734 us-gaap:普通股成員 SISI:證券購買協議成員 2024-08-22 0001300734 us-gaap:普通股成員 SISI:證券購買協議成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:普通股成員 us-gaap:後續事件成員 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 0001300734 us-gaap:普通股成員 us-gaap:SubsequentEventMember 2024-10-21 0001300734 國家:CN 美國通用會計準則:業務部門停止運營成員 2024-09-30 0001300734 country:CN us-gaap:SegmentDiscontinuedOperationsMember 2024-06-30 0001300734 us-gaap:銷售收入淨額成員 us-gaap:客戶集中風險成員 SISI : Two Customer Member 美國通用會計準則:繼續經營成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:應收賬款成員 美國通用會計準則:客戶集中風險成員 SISI:四個客戶成員 美國通用會計準則:繼續經營成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:銷售淨收入成員 美國通用會計準則:客戶集中風險成員 SISI:兩個客戶成員 us-gaap:SegmentContinuingOperationsMember 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:應付賬款成員 US-GAAP:供應商集中風險 us-gaap:SegmentContinuingOperationsMember SISI : One Vendor Member 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:AccountsPayableMember us-gaap:SupplierConcentrationRiskMember us-gaap:SegmentContinuingOperationsMember SISI:一個供應商成員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 2021-11-25 2021-11-26 0001300734 SISI:Lei Zhang和Yan Li成員 2023-07-01 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:快速診斷和其他產品成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:其他農產品成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:健康餐產品成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:羅布麻產品成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:快速診斷和其他產品成員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:其他農產品成員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:健康餐品會員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:羅布麻產品會員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 SISI:其他農產品會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:其他農產品會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:快速診斷和其他產品會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:快速診斷和其他產品會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:健康餐品會員 2024-09-30 0001300734 SISI:健康餐品會員 2024-06-30 0001300734 SISI:股票購買協議成員 SISI:重慶溫都斯集團成員 2023-09-18 2023-09-19 0001300734 SISI:股票購買協議成員 SISI:重慶溫都斯集團成員 2023-09-18 2023-09-19 0001300734 SISI:重慶溫都斯集團成員 2023-09-19 0001300734 美國通用會計準則:業務部門停止運營成員 SISI:產品成本成員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:業務終止運營分部成員 SISI:產品成本會員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:業務終止操作會員 SISI:業務和銷售相關稅收會員 2024-07-01 2024-09-30 0001300734 us-gaap:業務終止操作會員 SISI:業務和銷售相關稅收會員 2023-07-01 2023-09-30 iso4217:美元指數 xbrli:股份 iso4217:美元指數 xbrli:股份 xbrli:純形 iso4217:人民幣 SISI:整數 utr:英畝




















委員會 文件編號:001-37776


尚高生命科學, INC.



特拉華   52-2175898





(主要 執行人員之地址)


房間 現代城SOHO D座1707室,

不。 北京市朝陽區建國路88號

北京,中華人民共和國 中國 100022



(+86) 10-68130220

根據交易所法規(17 CFR 240.14a-12)第14a-12規定的招股材料



(前 主要執行辦公室地址) (郵政編碼)




每類股票的名稱   交易符號   在每個交易所註冊的名稱
普通股,每股面值爲0.001美元   SISI   納斯達克證券市場有限責任公司


請勾選標記以指示註冊者是否(1)在過去12個月內(或註冊者需要提交這些報告的更短時間內)已提交證券交易所法案第13或15(d)節要求提交的所有報告,及 (2)是否已被提交要求過去90天的提交要求所制約。 ☒ 否 ☐


通過勾選圓圈表明註冊者是否在過去12個月內(或註冊者需要提交這些文件的較短期限內)已經遞交規章S-T(本章第232.405條)規定的每個交互式數據文件。 ☒ 否 ☐




大型加速文件提交人 加速文件提交人
非加速文件提交人 小型報告公司


如果是新興成長型企業,請打勾,以表明註冊人已選擇不使用遵守《證券交易法》第13(a)條所規定的任何新的或修訂後的財務會計準則的延長過渡期。 ☐


請勾選適用的圓圈,表示註冊登記者是否是空殼公司(根據交易所法案第12b-2條的定義)。是 ☐ 否


截至2024年11月14日,有 1,734,245每股普通股的面值爲$0.001 每股,流通。








第一部分 財務信息 1
項目 1. 基本報表 1
  壓縮的綜合資產負債表(未經審計) 1
  簡明綜合收益表(損益表)(未經審計) 2
  未經審計的壓縮合並股東權益變動表 3
  壓縮的現金流量表(未經審計) 4
  基本報表註釋(未經審計) 5
項目 2. 分銷計劃 42
項目 3. 有關市場風險的定量和定性披露 58
項目 4. 控制和程序 58
第二部分.其他信息 59
項目 1. 法律訴訟 59
Interest expense, net 風險因素 59
項目 2. 未註冊的股票股權銷售和籌款用途 59
項目 3. 對優先證券的違約 59
項目 4. 礦山安全披露 59
項目5。 其他信息 59
項目 6. 展示資料 60
簽名 61












尚高生命科學, INC.



   九月三十日,   6月30日, 
   2024   2024 
現金及現金等價物  $243,033   $366,140 
受限現金   15,681    28,896 
應收賬款,淨額   808,556    1,215,114 
應收關聯方   348,737    383,745 
淨存貨   2,431,753    1,588,525 
預付供應商款,淨額   16,781,110    10,020,707 
衍生金融資產   6,610    6,380 
其他流動資產淨額   11,052,078    7,294,454 
總流動資產   31,687,558    20,903,961 
物業和設備,淨值   6,320,643    6,279,759 
土地使用權,淨   616,133    615,607 
無形資產-淨額   41,837,606    43,043,733 
商譽   13,190,284    13,190,284 
經營租賃使用權資產   161,693    146,035 
資產總計  $93,813,917   $84,179,379 
短期貸款  $14,251,420   $14,538,525 
長期貸款-流動部分   14,255    632,959 
應付賬款   1,536,368    812,914 
合同責任   6,699,226    246,850 
由於關聯方相關事項   2,315,223    2,875,384 
其他應付款及預提費用   1,880,598    2,528,355 
經營租賃負債 - 流動負債   301,980    272,787 
應付可轉換票據 - 流動   10,562,428    4,194,841 
遞延收入   76,541    72,610 
應付稅款   1,355,110    1,387,630 
流動負債合計   38,993,149    27,562,855 
應付所得稅-非流動負債部分   186,191    186,191 
非流動經營租賃負債   25,182    - 
可轉換債券應付款-非流動   -    8,937,173 
長期貸款-非流動   1,753,416    1,080,159 
遞延所得稅負債   9,526,021    9,835,306 
負債合計   50,483,959    47,601,684 
承諾和 contingencies   -    - 
普通股;每股面值$0.001, 150,000,000 授權股份; 1,481,197 332,215 於2024年9月30日和2024年6月30日發行並流通的股份*   1,481    332 
額外實收資本   89,182,090    69,476,805 
應收訂閱款   (3,855,458)   - 
已認購的普通股   -    6,728,291 
法定公積金   4,350,297    4,350,297 
累積赤字   (56,359,471)   (54,336,629)
累計其他綜合損失   (38,004)   (218,163)
尚高生命科學公司的股東權益總額。   33,280,935    26,000,933 
非控股權益   10,049,023    10,576,762 
總股本   43,329,958    36,577,695 
負債和所有者權益總計  $93,813,917   $84,179,379 








尚高生命科學, INC.

壓縮 合併收入(虧損)及綜合收入(虧損)報表






   2024   2023 
收入  $2,174,285   $1,645,857 
產品成本   1,881,519    1,545,925 
業務和銷售相關的稅收   925    977 
營業成本總額   1,882,444    1,546,902 
毛利潤   291,841    98,955 
一般和行政費用   2,636,575    3,259,465 
銷售費用   32,241    47,833 
研發費用   13,418    23,698 
總營業費用   2,682,234    3,330,996 
營業虧損   (2,390,393)   (3,232,041)
衍生金融資產的投資收益   2,277    2,768 
其他收入(費用),淨額   (51,935)   818 
債務發行及其他成本的攤銷   (188,712)   (166,823)
利息費用,淨額   (222,316)   (369,211)
其他支出總額   (460,686)   (532,448)
繼續經營的稅前利潤減損前利潤   (2,851,079)   (3,764,489)
所得稅的福利   (292,951)   (251,366)
持續經營業務淨虧損   (2,558,128)   (3,513,123)
已停業業務的淨損失   -    (49,455)
停止經營業務處置收益   -    8,904,702 
終止經營活動的淨利潤   -    8,855,247 
淨利潤(損失)   (2,558,128)   5,342,124 
歸屬於少數股東的淨虧損   (535,286)   (24,071)
尚高生命科學股份有限公司所淨利潤(損失)  $(2,022,842)  $5,366,195 
淨利潤(虧損)  $(2,558,128)  $5,342,124 
外幣翻譯損失的其他綜合收益   187,706    97,965 
總的全面收入(虧損)   (2,370,422)   5,440,089 
減: 非控制權益全面虧損   (527,739)   (40,544)
歸屬於尚高生命科學公司的綜合收益(損失)  $(1,842,683)  $5,480,633 
加權平均股本和攤薄後的每股數*   862,839    131,678 
每股普通股基本和稀釋收益(虧損)  $(2.34)  $40.75 
持續經營業務 - 基本和攤薄   (2.34)   (26.50)
終止操作-基本和稀釋   -    67.25 
普通股每股淨收益(虧損)-基本和稀釋   (2.34)   40.75 








尚高生命科學, INC.

未經審計的 簡明合併股東權益變動表




   普通股票   訂閱   普通股  



   法定   累積  






   股份*   金額   應收款   $   資本   儲備   赤字   虧損   利息   資本 
2023年6月30日的餘額   109,972   $110   $(3,782,362)  $-   $68,873,846   $4,198,107   $(31,735,422)  $(4,992,381)  $4,291,148   $36,853,046 
收購Wintus   41,667    42    -    -    2,299,958    -    -    (110,788)   8,197,473    10,386,685 
處置Tenet-Jove   -    -    -         (8,904,702)   -    -    4,880,164    -    (4,024,538)
爲可轉換票據贖回發行普通股   37,656    38    -    -    1,329,962    -    -    -    -    1,330,000 
爲管理層和員工發行普通股   15,854    16    340,010    -    540,295    -    -    -    -    880,321 
本期持續經營的淨虧損   -    -    -    -    -    -    (3,489,847)   -    (23,276)   (3,513,123)
本期已終止控件的淨利潤(虧損)   -    -    -    -    -    -    8,856,042         (795)   8,855,247 
外匯翻譯收益(損失)   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    114,438    (16,473)   97,965 
截至2023年9月30日的餘額   205,149   $206   $(3,442,352)  $-   $64,139,359   $4,198,107   $(26,369,227)  $(108,567)  $12,448,077   $50,865,603 
2024年6月30日餘額   332,215   $332   $-   $6,728,291   $69,476,805   $4,350,297   $(54,336,629)  $(218,163)  $10,576,762   $36,577,695 
股票發行   760,590    761    (3,855,458)   (6,728,291)   17,010,542    -    -    -    -    6,427,554 
發行普通股以贖回可轉換票據   377,375    377    -    -    2,554,622    -    -    -    -    2,554,999 
爲管理層和員工發行的普通股   11,017    11    -    -    140,121    -    -    -    -    140,132 
本年度持續經營的淨虧損   -    -    -    -    -    -    (2,022,842)   -    (535,286)   (2,558,128)
外幣翻譯盈利   -    -    -    -    -    -    -    180,159    7,547    187,706 
截至2024年9月30日的餘額   1,481,197   $1,481   $(3,855,458)  $-   $89,182,090   $4,350,297   $(56,359,471)  $(38,004)  $10,049,023   $43,329,958 








尚高生命科學, INC.







   2024   2023 
淨利潤(虧損)  $(2,558,128)  $5,342,124 
來自停止運營業務的淨收入,淨稅後小計   -    8,855,247 
持續經營的淨虧損   (2,558,128)   (3,513,123)
折舊和攤銷   1,344,146    1,044,646 
處置財產和設備的收益   (769)   - 
信用損失和可疑賬款準備   548,366    29,670 
庫存準備的衝回   (30,893)   (26,232)
遞延所得稅收益   (293,432)   (251,366)
租賃資產攤銷   39,460    17,550 
爲管理層和員工發行普通股   140,132    540,310 
債務發行及其他成本的攤銷   188,712    166,823 
可轉換票據的應計利息費用   196,702    233,281 
第三方應計利息收入   (192,172)   - 
應收賬款   35,218    3,989,078 
預付款項   (6,411,163)   736,974 
存貨   (739,576)   (24,869)
其他流動資產   (119,341)   221,111 
應付賬款   679,982    (5,061,341)
合同責任   6,311,658    87,085 




其他應付款及預提費用   (1,161,835)   383,923 
其他長期應付款   -    (35,238)
營運租賃負債   (6,005)   694 
應付稅款   (57,583)   (16,908)
持續經營活動產生的淨現金流量   (2,085,232)   (1,341,124)
已停用經營活動產生的淨現金流出   -    (162,009)
用於經營活動的淨現金   (2,085,232)   (1,503,133)
物業和設備的收購   (16,064)   (4,106)
處置固定資產所得   869    - 
對第三方貸款的支付   (535,779)   (103,642)
對關聯方貸款的支付   47,826    96,888 
衍生金融資產的支付   (21,873)   (9,121)
衍生金融資產的贖回   21,873    8,844 
子公司的收購,淨現金   -    1,003,678 
業務收購的預付款   (2,630,000)   


處置VIEs - Tenet-Jove,扣除現金後   -    (13,889,752)
642.0   (3,133,148)   (12,897,211)
已停用投資活動產生的淨現金流出   -    - 
投資活動所使用的淨現金   (3,133,148)   (12,897,211)
短期貸款所得款項   4,959,924    4,002,118 
償還短期貸款   (5,229,438)   (3,631,568)
長期貸款的收入   628,369    - 
長期貸款的償還   (635,351)   (13,772)
向第三方償還貸款   (524,464)   - 
可轉換票據償還   (400,000)   - 
普通股發行收入   6,427,554    340,010 
向關聯方償還預付款   (160,113)   (83,233)
來自持續經營的融資活動的淨現金流入金額   5,066,481    613,555 
已停止經營業務的籌資活動提供的淨現金(使用的現金)   -    292,548 
融資活動提供的淨現金   5,066,481    906,103 
匯率變動對現金、現金等價物和限制性現金的影響   15,577    202,508 
現金、現金等價物和受限制資金的淨減少額   (136,322)   (13,291,733)
現金、現金等價物和限制性現金 - 期初   395,036    14,166,759 
現金、現金等價物和限制性現金 - 期末  $258,714   $875,026 
支付的利息現金  $151,016   $118,851 
爲可轉換票據贖回發行普通股  $2,554,999   $1,330,000 
發行普通股以獲取上一年的收益  $6,728,291   $- 
發行普通股以進行業務收購  $-   $2,300,000 
轉讓Tenet Jove的權益以進行Wintus的業務收購  $-   $37,705,951 
交易租賃義務獲取的右 of use 資產  $42,077   $32,666 






註釋1 - 組織和業務性質 Mobiquity Technologies, Inc. 及其運營子公司(統稱爲「Mobiquity」、「我們」、「公司」或「本公司」)是一家下一代位置數據情報公司。本公司提供準確、獨特、大規模的位置數據和洞察,以用於營銷和研究。我們提供了一個最精確和多方位的移動數據收集和分析解決方案,採用多種地理位置技術。本公司正尋求從其數據收集和分析中實施多種新的收入流,包括但不限於廣告、數據許可、步行流量報告、歸因報告、房地產規劃、財務預測和定製研究。此外,我們還是一家廣告和營銷技術開發商,專注於創建、自動化和維護廣告技術操作系統(分爲ATOS)。ATOS平台結合了基於人工智能(或AI)和機器學習(ML)的優化技術,進行自動廣告投放,管理和運營數字廣告活動。




2004年12月30日,公司通過交換獲得了北京天達科技發展有限公司的全部已發行股份(「天達科技」),一家中國公司,以公司普通股的限制性股份,公司的唯一經營業務變爲其子公司天達科技。天達科技成立於2003年12月15日,根據中國法律。因此,天達科技變爲 100尚高生命科學持有的子公司,並於2006年7月14日正式被中國當局批准爲獨資外商投資企業。該交易被視爲資本重組。天達科技持有 90的利益,天津天達華泰科技開發有限公司(「天達華泰」)的股份。






由於 尚高生命科學有效地受到智勝VIEs和安康長壽集團的主要股東控制,尚高生命科學擁有 100% 的 Tenet-Jove。因此,尚高生命科學、Tenet-Jove 及 VIEs,即智勝VIEs和安康長壽集團,實際上由 同一主要股東控制。因此,尚高生命科學、Tenet-Jove 和 Tenet-Jove 的 VIEs 被視爲在共同控制之下。Tenet-Jove 及其 VIEs 的合併 入尚高生命科學是以歷史成本進行會計處理的。


2017年9月30日,天泰高科成立了新疆尚高泰和農業科技有限公司(「新疆泰和」),註冊資本人民幣10.0 百萬(約合美金1.5 萬元)。2017年9月30日,天泰高科成立了新疆天意潤澤生物工程有限公司(「潤澤」),註冊資本人民幣10.0 萬元 (約合美元1.5 萬元)。新疆泰和和潤澤成爲天泰高科的全資子公司。公司於2020年9月和2020年10月停止了新疆泰和和潤澤的業務運營。


在2016年12月10日,Tenet-Jove與天津泰基電子商務有限公司(「天津泰基」)簽署了一份購買協議, 這是一家總部位於中國天津的在線電子商務公司,專注於分銷洛布瑪相關產品及大創100日元店的品牌產品, 根據該協議,Tenet-Jove將收購天津泰基的 51%的股權,以人民幣14,000,000(約合美元2.1 百萬)。2016年12月25日,公司全額支付了作爲存入資金的款項以確保交易的達成。在2017年5月, 公司修改了協議,並要求天津泰基滿足某些與產品引入中國相關的先決條件。在2017年10月26日,公司完成了對天津泰基的收購, 持有 51%的股份。2019年5月5日,天津泰基的兩名少數股東將其 26.4%的股權轉讓給公司。轉讓沒有支付任何對價,轉讓後,公司擁有 77.4%的天津泰基股權。




2019年3月13日,Tenet-Jove成立了北京天傑新麻生物技術有限公司(「TNB」),註冊資本爲人民幣10.0 百萬(約合美國$1.5 百萬)。TNB成爲Tenet-Jove的全資子公司。TNB的運營於2023年5月15日停止。


於2020年7月23日,上海嘉盈國際貿易有限公司("上海嘉盈")註冊資本爲人民幣200 萬元 (約合美元29.9 百亨集團持有上海嘉盈 90的股權%,剩餘10%的股權由一名個人股東持有。嘉盈貿易沒有進行任何業務操作,上海嘉盈的運營於2021年12月21日終止。


2021年1月7日,內蒙古尚高生命科學中亨彼生物技術有限公司(「SZB」)成立,註冊資本爲人民幣50 百萬(約合美國$7.5 百萬)。Tenet-Jove擁有SZb的 55%的股權,剩餘的 45%股權由個別股東擁有。SZb目前沒有參與任何主動的業務操作。


2021年12月7日,公司成立了尚高生命科學研究有限公司(「生命科學」),註冊資本爲美元10.0 百萬美元。


2022年4月13日,公司成立了尚高生命科學集團香港有限公司(「尚高生命」),作爲一家全資擁有的實體,註冊資本爲美元10.0 百萬。2022年4月24日,公司與尚高生命簽署了股份轉讓協議。根據協議,公司將其 100% 的生命科學股權轉讓給尚高生命。轉讓未支付任何對價,轉讓後,生命科學成爲尚高生命的全資子公司。


2023年5月16日,福州美達健康管理有限公司(「福州美達」),前名龐克星球(福州)健康管理有限公司,註冊資本爲人民幣1.0 萬元 (約合美元0.1 百萬元)。生命科學擁有福州美達 51的%股權,其餘%股權歸兩位股東所有。 49


在2023年5月16日,江蘇新康科技有限公司(「新康」)成立,註冊資本爲人民幣10.0 百萬(約合美國美元1.4 百萬)。生命科學持有新康 51%的股權,其餘的 49%股權由一名股東持有。新康目前不從事任何活躍的業務運營。


2023年5月23日,尚高生命科學成立了北京尚高崇實信息諮詢有限公司("崇實"),註冊資本爲人民幣0.1 萬元 (約合美元0.01 百萬)。崇實目前沒有進行任何業務運營。


2021年6月8日,Tenet-Jove與各方簽署了一份重組協議。根據重組協議的條款, (i) 公司將安康長壽的所有權益轉讓給榆社縣廣元林業發展有限公司(「廣元」)的股東,以換取對廣元的控制權, 100而後,公司與安康和廣元的股東積極進行了權益轉讓,於2021年7月5日隨後順利完成了權益轉讓。隨後,完成了其他所有後續工作後,2021年8月16日,公司通過其子公司Tenet-Jove根據2021年6月8日的重組協議完成了先前宣佈的收購。




在 2022年12月30日,尚高生命科學完成了對 51%的常州生物贏藥品有限公司(「生物贏」)已發行股權的收購,該公司根據中國法律成立,按照之前公佈的股票購買協議,於2022年10月21日,涉及北京康華源藥品信息諮詢有限公司(「賣方」)、生物贏、公司及尚高生命科學。作爲收購對價,公司向賣方支付了US$9,000,000 現金,並且公司向生物贏的股東或任何由生物贏指定的人員發行了 13,583 股票,面值爲US$0.001 每股,以 生物贏的股東或任何由生物贏指定的人員爲對象。根據2022年12月30日尚高生命科學、賣方和生物贏之間簽署的補充協議,賣方在2023年1月1日之前擁有 51%的生物贏已發行股權,並將其控制的生產和經營權連同 51%的生物贏已發行股權在2023年1月1日轉讓給尚高生命科學。


在 2023年5月29日,尚高生命科學與夢夥伴有限公司(BVI公司)(「夢夥伴」), 重慶維特斯集團(根據中國大陸法律註冊的公司)(「維特斯」),以及夢夥伴的部分股東(「維特斯賣方」)簽訂股票購買協議,根據該協議,尚高生命科學將收購 71.42% 的維特斯股權(「收購」)。作爲收購的對價,公司(a)向維特斯賣方支付了總計爲美國$2,000,000;(b)向協議中列出的某些股東發行了總計 41,667 股的公司限制性普通股;以及(c)向維特斯賣方轉讓並出售了 100% 的公司在天核-喬維的股權。


公司目前通過其子公司運營三個主要業務領域:1)Biowin專注於開發、生產和分發創新的快速診斷產品和相關的醫療設備,用於治療最常見的疾病(「快速診斷和其他產品」);2)Wintus 專門從事生產、加工和分發諸如絲綢和絲綢面料等農產品以及貿易新鮮水果;以及(3)Fuzhou Meida 經營着一家以健康爲導向的連鎖餐廳,專門爲代謝緩慢和代謝紊亂恢復中的人群開發健康餐。由於上述收購,公司經營的業務部門由Tenet-Jove及其子公司Guangyuan和Zhisheng VIEs經營,其中Tenet-Jove爲主要受益人(「Tenet-Jove處置集團」),被歸類爲公司未經審計的簡明合併財務報表中的停止經營。這些業務部門包括:1)Tenet-Jove 從事製造與銷售藍灰貝母及相關產品,中文名爲「羅布麻」,包括由羅布麻製成的治療性服裝和紡織品;2)青島致和升和廣元從事種植、加工和分發綠色農產品(「農產品」);3)致盛貨運提供國內和國際物流服務(「貨運服務」)。




根據公司未經審計的簡明綜合財務報表披露,截至2024年9月30日,公司持續營運中出現了重複的淨損失,金額爲美元2.6 百萬美元和美元3.5 百萬美元,以及持續現金流出額分別爲美元2.1 百萬和美元1.3 百萬分別來自2024年和2023年截至9月30日的營運活動。截至2024年9月30日和2024年6月30日,公司累積虧損金額爲美元56.4 百萬和美元54.3 百萬,截至2024年9月30日,公司負運營資本爲美元7.3 百萬。公司管理層認爲這些因素嚴重關乎公司未來12個月作爲一個持續運營實體的能力。在評估公司的持續經營能力時,公司管理層監控和分析公司手頭現金以及未來產生足夠收入來源以支持其營業費用和資本支出承諾的能力。公司的流動資金需求是滿足其營運資本需求、營業費用和資本支出義務。直接供股和債務融資已被用來資助公司的運營資本需求。公司未來12個月作爲一個持續經營實體的繼續存在取決於股東繼續提供的財務支持。




儘管 這些負面的財務趨勢,截至2024年9月30日,公司採取了以下措施以增強公司的流動性:


1) 2024年6月20日,公司與某些非美國投資者(以下簡稱「購買方」)簽訂證券購買協議,根據該協議,公司同意出售,購買方同意購買,分別而非共同,總計 58,333 股份公司的普通股(以下簡稱「股票」),每股以US$120.00 的發行價格出售,預計募集資金總額爲US$7.0 百萬美元。截至2024年6月30日,擬收到的款項約爲US$6.4 百萬美元,剩餘款項已於2024年7月全額收到,所有股份將於2024年7月8日發行。
2) 2024年7月11日,公司與EF Hutton LLC(作爲幾家承銷商的代表)簽訂承銷協議,涉及普通股的首次公開發行(以下簡稱「發行」),每股公開發行價格爲US$ 77,882 ,共計募集總額約爲US$25.68 每股,預計募集的總金額約爲US$2.0 百萬美元,扣除包銷折扣和其他發行費用之前。此外,公司授予包銷商購買額外股票的45天期權,最多可購買 11,683 股份,以每股公開發行價格減去包銷折扣,以覆蓋超額配售,如果 有的話。該發行於2024年7月15日結束,45天期權於 2024年8月30日到期。該發行籌集的淨收益約爲 美元1.7 百萬,扣除預估的包銷折扣和佣金以及預估的發行費用。
3) 2024年8月22日,公司與22名購買者(以下簡稱「購買者」)簽訂了一項證券購買協議(「SPA」),每位購買者均爲公司的不相關第三方。根據SPA,購買者同意購買,公司同意發行並賣給購買者,合計 624,375 股公司普通股,每股面值爲美元 0.001 的購買價格爲每股美元。13.20 每股價格爲US$,總購買價格爲8,241,750 ("發行")。SPA協議、因此而擬定的交易以及股份的發行已經獲得公司董事會的批准。根據SPA協議擬定的交易已於2024年9月10日完成。截至2024年9月30日,融資金額約爲US$4.4 百萬美元已收到,剩餘融資將預計在2024年12月31日前完全到賬。
4) 公司從商業銀行和第三方借款。截至2024年9月30日,公司的短期貸款爲US$百萬,長期貸款爲US$14.3 百萬。管理層預計,公司將能夠根據過往經驗及良好的信用歷史,在到期時續簽現有銀行貸款。1.8 百萬美元的長期貸款未償還。管理層預計,公司將能夠根據過往經驗及良好的信用歷史,在到期時續簽現有銀行貸款。


管理層 相信以上措施將共同爲公司在提交日期後的12個月內提供足夠的流動性以滿足其未來的流動需求。


注意 3 - 重要會計政策摘要




附帶的審計未進行的簡明合併基本報表已按照美國公認會計原則(「US GAAP」)爲符合SEC規則的中期財務信息編制,並且一直一致地應用。管理層認爲,所有被認爲必要的調整(包括正常的經常性應計項目)都已包含在內。中期結果不一定能代表全年結果。這些基本報表應與公司截至2024年6月30日的年度報告Form 10-K中包含的經過審計的基本報表及其註釋一起閱讀,該報告於2024年9月30日提交。


未經審計的簡明合併基本報表包括公司及其附屬公司的基本報表,公司是主要受益人,包括公司擁有的香港註冊實體和中國註冊實體。收購或處置的子公司業績記錄在未經審計的簡明合併損益表中,從收購生效日或直至處置生效日爲止,視情況而定。 附屬公司是指(i)公司直接或間接控制超過50%的表決權,或(ii)公司有權任命或解除董事會大多數成員或在董事會會議上投票表決大多數票,或按照股東或股東間協議管理被投資方的財務和經營政策。 然而,如果公司通過控制事實上最重要影響VIE經濟績效的活動的權力,並有義務承擔對VIE可能具有重大影響的損失,或有權獲得對VIE可能具有重大影響的收益,那麼該實體將被合併。公司、其子公司和VIE之間的所有公司間交易和餘額在合併時被消除。
















   2024   2023 



   2024   2023 
營業利潤  $-   $60,426 
淨利潤  $-   $60,426 








公司的運營位於中國,並受特殊考慮和重大風險的影響,這些風險通常不會影響北美和西歐的公司。 其中包括與政治、經濟、法律環境和外匯兌換等相關的風險。 該公司的業績可能受到中國政治、監管和社會條件變化以及政府政策或法規解讀、抗通貨膨脹措施、貨幣兌換、匯款至國外以及稅收稅率和方法等因素的不利影響。 儘管公司尚未因這些因素遭受損失,並相信自己符合現行法律法規,但不能保證公司將來會繼續如此。








營業收入 確認


公司主要通過銷售羅布麻產品、其他農產品、健康餐以及快速診斷和其他產品以及根據ASC 606向外部客戶提供物流服務和其他加工服務來實現營業收入。ASC 606建立了關於報告與向客戶提供商品或服務的實體的合同產生的收入和現金流的性質、金額、時間和不確定性的原則。核心原則要求實體確認收入,以描繪向客戶轉移商品或服務的過程中,符合履行義務的商品或服務獲得滿足時實體預期將獲得的交換而確權的對價金額。


採納ASC 606《與客戶簽訂合同的營業收入》,當滿足以下五個步驟時,營業收入得以確認:(i) 確定與客戶簽訂的合同;(ii) 確定合同中的履約義務;(iii) 判定交易價格;(iv) 將交易價格分配給履約義務;(v) 當(或隨着)每項履約義務得到履行時,確認營業收入。公司通過審核現有客戶合同,以識別應用新要求所產生的差異,包括評估其履約義務、交易價格、客戶支付、控制轉移以及主體與代理方考量。根據ASC 606的規定,公司評估是否適宜記錄產品銷售的總金額及相關成本,還是記錄作爲佣金所賺取的淨金額。當公司是主體時,即公司在其轉移給客戶之前就取得了指定商品或服務的控制權時,應該在期望交換而得的針對指定商品或服務的總價值中確認營業收入。當公司是代理商,其義務是協助第三方實現其指定商品或服務的履約義務時,應該根據公司爲安排其他方提供指定商品或服務所賺取的佣金金額,在淨金額中確認營業收入。根據評估,公司得出結論,在適用於Topic 606範圍內的當前營業收入流的時間和模式方面沒有變化,因此,在採納ASC 606後,公司的財務報表沒有發生實質性變化。




產品銷售 公司在客戶接收產品,商品所有權轉移並且不存在有關客戶接受的不確定性;存在安排的確鑿證據;銷售價格已確定或可確定;並且預計可以收回款項的時候,才確認從產品銷售中獲得的營業收入。


營業收入 來自服務提供:公司僅在這些類型的服務交易中充當代理。來自國內航空和陸地貨運服務的營業收入在服務履行時根據基礎合同的規定確認,或者在商品從客戶倉庫釋放時確認;服務價格是固定或可確定的;並且可收回性被視爲可能。






現金及現金等價物包括手頭現金、存入資金和其他高流動性投資,這些投資在購買時其原始到期日不超過三個月,且可以自由提取或使用。公司主要將現金存放在中國內地的各家金融機構。截至2024年9月30日和2024年6月30日,公司持有的 沒有 現金等價物。






應收賬款按淨現值記錄,包括賬面價值減去必要的信用損失準備金。截至2024年9月30日和2024年6月30日,信用損失準備金分別爲美元。1,820,083 和US$1,356,873收取失敗後,帳戶將根據準備金進行覈銷。


預付款 給供應商,淨額


預付款項 向供應商的預付款是指爲尚未收到的材料向供應商支付的款項。截至2024年9月30日和2024年6月30日, 對供應商不可收回預付款的備抵金額爲美元260,962 和US$111,483,分別。


信用 損失






ASC 話題 326 也適用於未經審計的簡明合併資產負債表中包括在其他流動資產中的對第三方的貸款。管理層根據個別基礎估計不具有相似風險特徵的貸款的信用損失準備。確定上述信用損失準備時考慮的關鍵因素包括估計的貸款收回進度、貼現率以及借款人的資產和財務表現。


預期 信用損失作爲一般和管理費用列在未經審計的簡明合併損益表及綜合損益表上。在所有收款嘗試失敗後,應收款項將從準備金中核銷。如果公司收回之前預留的金額,公司將減少特定的信用損失準備金。




存貨, 淨額


庫存按成本或淨變現價值兩者中的較低值列示,包括與公司產品相關的原材料、在製品和成品。淨變現價值是正常業務過程中估計的銷售價格減去完成和銷售產品所需的任何成本。成本採用加權平均法確定。公司定期評估其庫存情況,併爲某些可能無法銷售或其成本超過淨變現價值的庫存記錄庫存準備。截至2024年9月30日和2024年6月30日,庫存準備金爲 和US$30,443,分別。


業務 收購


業務 收購按照收購法進行會計處理。收購法要求報告實體識別收購方,判斷收購日期,確認和計量所收購的可識別資產、承擔的負債以及對被收購實體的任何非控股權益,並確認和計量從購買中產生的商譽或便宜採購收益。被收購方的業績從收購日期起納入公司的合併基本報表。收購的資產和承擔的負債在收購日期按其公允價值入賬,購買價格超過分配金額的部分作爲商譽入賬,如果被收購的淨資產的公允價值超過購買價格,便宜採購收益則被記錄爲收益。公允價值評估的調整通常在計量期內(不超過12個月)記錄爲商譽。收購法還要求將與收購相關的交易和收購後重組費用作爲已確認的費用進行計入,並要求公司確認和計量某些資產和負債,包括那些由業務合併中的或有事項和或有對價產生的資產和負債。




商譽 表示購買價格超出所收購資產的公允價值的部分。商譽減值測試將報告單位的公允價值與其資產總額(包括商譽)進行比較。如果報告單位的資產總額超過其公允價值,則會被視爲受損。爲了衡量減值損失的金額,將報告單位商譽的隱含公允價值與商譽的總價值進行比較。商譽的隱含公允價值的確定方式與在業務組合中確認的商譽金額相同。如果報告單位的商譽賬面價值超過商譽的隱含公允價值,則將認可減值損失,金額等於該超額。對於這些測試,公司每個報告單位的公允價值都是使用估值技術的組合確定的,包括折現現金流量法。爲了證實每個報告單位執行的折現現金流分析,還利用了市場方法,使用可觀察的市場數據,如類似業務線的可比公司,這些公司是上市的,或者是公開或私人交易的一部分(如果有的話)。




承租人 會計


公司遵循FASB ASC No. 842, 租賃 (「Topic 842」)公司租賃辦公空間、倉庫和農田,根據Topic 842分類爲經營租賃。根據Topic 842,承租人需要在起始日期認可所有租賃的以下內容(除了通常爲12個月或更短的短期租賃):(i) 租賃負債,即承租人根據折現基礎計量的租賃付款義務;和 (ii) 使用權益(「ROU」)資產,即代表承租人在租賃期內使用或控制使用指定資產的權益。




根據未來最低租賃支付的現值在起始日確認營運租賃ROU資產和營運租賃負債。由於大部分公司的租賃合同未規定隱含利率,因此公司根據起始日可獲得的信息使用其增量借貸利率確定未來支付的現值。營運租賃ROU資產還包括已支付的租金,不包括租賃激勵,包括已發生的初始直接成本。公司的租賃條款可能包括延期或終止租賃的期權,當公司有充分理由行使該期權時。 最低租賃支付的租賃費用按租賃期限的直線基礎分攤。所有營運租賃ROU資產每年進行減值審計。截至2024年9月30日和2023年,公司未確認其ROU資產任何減值。


出租方 會計




物業 和設備,淨值




建築物  5-50
機械和設備  3-10
汽車  5-15
辦公設備  3-10
農田租賃權益改善  12-18
固定裝置和傢俱  3






根據中國有關土地使用權的法律法規,城市地區的土地屬於國家所有,而農村和郊區的土地,除非國家另有規定,通常由被國家指定爲農村居民的個體集體擁有。根據土地所有權與使用權分離的法律原則,政府賦予個人和公司在特定時間內使用土地的權利。土地使用權通常是預付的,按成本減去累計攤銷列示。攤銷是根據土地使用權的使用壽命,通過直線法提供的。使用壽命是 50 年,基於土地使用權的條款。




開多 資產








公司選擇性地使用金融工具來管理與原材料價格波動相關的市場風險,以應對絲綢產品的風險。這些金融敞口作爲公司風險管理程序的一個組成部分進行監控和管理。 公司不參與投機或交易目的的衍生工具。公司的衍生金融資產不符合對沖會計的要求。因此,公允價值的變動在未經審計的簡明合併損益表和綜合收益表中被確認爲「衍生金融資產的投資收益」。衍生金融資產的現金流與受經濟對沖關係影響項目的現金流歸類於同一類別。 衍生品的估計公允價值是基於相關市場信息確定的。


衍生財務資產作爲淨額列示,前提是滿足以下所有條件: (a) 雙方各自欠對方可確定金額; (b) 報告方具有償還所欠金額和對方所欠金額的權利; (c) 報告方有意進行抵消; 和 (d) 抵銷權在法律上是可執行的。


截至2024年9月30日和2024年6月30日,未結衍生金融資產爲US$6,610 和US$6,380分別。衍生金融資產的投資收入爲US$2,277 和US$2,768 截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月內,衍生金融資產的公允價值變動無重大影響。




本公司遵循ASC 820「公允價值計量和披露」的規定。ASC 820澄清了公允價值的定義,規定了公允價值的計量方法,並建立了公允價值層次結構,以對用於計量公允價值的輸入進行分類,如下所示:














ASC 740-10-25「所得稅不確定性會計」的規定爲未審計的合併財務報表中所採取的(或預計將在稅務申報中採取的)稅務立場的確認和計量設定了一個更可能的閾值。本標準還提供了關於所得稅資產和負債的確認、當前和遞延所得稅資產和負債的分類、與稅務立場相關的利息和罰款的會計處理以及相關披露的指導。截止2024年9月30日和2024年6月30日,公司沒有任何不確定的稅務立場。截止2024年9月30日,公司沒有對非美國子公司的未分配盈利提供遞延稅款,因爲公司政策是將這些盈利無限期地再投資於非美國業務。與無限期再投資的盈利相關的遞延稅負債的量化是不可行的。




2017年12月22日,"減稅和就業法案"("該法案")出臺。根據該法案的規定,美國企業稅率從 35% 到 21%.由於公司的財政年度截止日期是6月30日,降低的企業所得稅率逐步過渡,導致美國聯邦法定稅率約爲 28%.我們的財政年度截止於2018年6月30日,之後的財政年度約爲 21%.另外,該法案對被視爲再投資歷史收益的外國子公司徵收一次性過渡稅,未來外國收益將受到美國稅收的影響。稅率變化導致公司重新衡量其所得稅負債並記錄2018年截止於6月30日的估計所得稅費用爲美元744,766 。2017年12月22日,發佈了《財務會計公報118號》(SAb 118),以解決在申報人沒有必要的信息、準備好的信息或分析的情況下(包括計算)使用美國通用會計準則完成涉及該法案某些所得稅影響的會計處理。根據SAb 118的規定,需要進一步進行更詳細的分析該法案以及潛在的相關調整。當分析完成時,任何對這些金額的後續調整將記入2019財年的流動所得稅支出。 公司選擇在八年期內支付過渡稅,使用指定百分比(前五年每年八%,第六年15%,第七年20%,第八年25%)。




銷售營業收入代表貨物的開票價值,減去增值稅(VAT) 所有在中國內地銷售的公司產品都需要繳納不同稅率(3%至13%)的中國增值稅,具體稅率取決於銷售產品的類型對於境外銷售,出口商品可以豁免增值稅。公司支付的原材料和其他成本中包含的增值稅可能會抵消這部分增值稅。公司在附帶的未經審計的合併財務基本報表中記錄了應付增值稅或應收增值稅






公司在財務報告中使用美元指數(「美元」,「USD」或「US$」)。公司的子公司和VIE以人民幣 (「RMB」)作爲其功能貨幣保持賬目記錄,中國大陸的貨幣。




截至2024年9月30日和2024年6月30日的資產負債表金額,除權益外,分別按照美元指數翻譯爲 1 人民幣翻譯爲美元 0.1426 美元,以及 1 人民幣翻譯爲美元 0.1376 ,分別應用於截至2024年9月30日和2023年的三個月內的損益表和現金流量表金額的平均翻譯率爲 1 人民幣翻譯爲美元 0.1396 ,以及 1 人民幣翻譯爲美元 0.1382 美元指數,分別。




根據ASC 470的規定 債務轉換和其他選擇權根據ASC 470要求,應當在發行時單獨確認轉換工具中存在的潛在有利轉換要素,通過將相當於該要素內在價值的部分收益分配給額外資本公積。發行成本應按比例分配給債務主體和轉換要素。後續應對推遲支付的融資成本進行貼現和攤銷,可轉換票據後續以攤銷成本計量。




研發成本與新過程的開發以及對現有過程的重大改進和完善有關,依據FASB ASC 730「研發」在發生時計入費用。這些研發成本主要包括員工費用、諮詢費用、材料和測試成本,以及用於研發活動的固定資產折舊和其他雜項費用。截止2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月內,來自持續運營的總研發費用爲美金13,418 和US$23,698,分別爲。在截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月中,來自終止運營的研發費用爲零。








公司根據ASC 260「每股收益」(「ASC 260」)計算每股收益(虧損)。ASC 260要求具有複雜資本結構的公司提供基本和攤薄後的每股收益。基本每股收益是以淨收入(虧損)除以期間內的加權平均普通股份來衡量的。攤薄後每股收益類似於基本每股收益,但在每股股份的稀釋效應上呈現出潛在普通股份(例如,未行使轉換債券、期權和認股證書)按照期間開始時或者發行日期進行換股後的情況。對於增加每股收入或減少每股虧損的反稀釋效應的潛在普通股份被排除在攤薄每股收益的計算之外。截至2024年9月30日和2023年的三個月,沒有反稀釋效應。






   2024   2023 



   2024   2023 
持續經營的淨虧損歸屬於尚高生命科學  $(2,022,842)  $(3,489,847)
已終止經營的淨利潤歸屬於尚高生命科學   -    8,856,042 
歸屬於尚高生命科學的淨利潤(虧損)   (2,022,842)   5,366,195 
加權平均普通股股份 - 基本和稀釋*   862,839    131,678 
基本和攤薄  $(2.34)  $(26.50)
基本和攤薄  $-   $67.25 
基本和攤薄  $(2.34)  $40.75 


* 回顧性地 針對2024年2月16日和2024年11月12日的拆股並股影響進行了重新列示。




在 2023年12月,FASB發佈了ASU第2023-09號,"所得稅(主題740):所得稅披露的改進"。該 ASU要求提供額外的定量和定性所得稅披露,以幫助基本報表用戶更好地評估一個實體的運營及相關的稅務風險、稅收規劃和運營機會如何影響其稅率及未來現金流的前景。該ASU適用於2024年12月15日之後開始的年度報告期,允許提前採用,且可以按前瞻性或追溯性基準應用。公司計劃於2025年7月1日生效採用該指引,目前公司正在評估採用該ASU對其基本報表的影響。


2024年3月,FASB發佈了ASU 2024-01《薪酬-股票薪酬(主題718)範圍應用利潤權益及類似獎勵》。該標準澄清了利潤權益及類似獎勵是否屬於會計準則法規編碼主題718範圍之內。該標準自2024年12月15日之後開始生效。允許提前採納。公司計劃於2025年7月1日起採納此指引,目前正評估該ASU對其基本報表的影響。


在 2024年3月,FASb發佈了ASU第2024-02號,「編纂改進 - 刪除對概念聲明的引用的修訂」。 ASU 2024-02刪除了編纂中對各種FASb概念聲明的引用。ASU第2024-02號中的指導原則適用於2024年12月15日之後開始的財政年度,包括這些財政年度內的中期,並且可以在實體首次應用修訂的日期之後,對所有新交易進行前瞻性應用,或追溯應用於首次應用修訂的最早比較期間的開始。允許提前採用。公司計劃於2025年7月1日生效並採用該指導原則,當前正在評估採納此ASU對其財務報表的影響。






註釋 4 – 帳戶應收款項,淨額




   2024年9月30日   2024年6月30日 
應收賬款  $2,628,639   $2,571,987 
減:信貸損失準備   (1,820,083)   (1,356,873)
應收賬款,淨額  $808,556   $1,215,114 




   2024年9月30日   2024年6月30日 
開始餘額  $1,356,873   $8,153,850 
子公司收購   -    173,101 
計入準備金   405,878    118,499 
減少:處置VIE   -    (7,195,304)
外幣轉化調整   57,332    106,727 
結束餘額  $1,820,083   $1,356,873 


注意 5 – 存貨,淨額




   2024年9月30日   2024年6月30日 
原材料  $298,440   $290,152 
在製品   179,097    338,902 
成品   1,954,216    989,914 
減少:庫存準備金   -    (30,443)
總存貨,淨額  $2,431,753   $1,588,525 




注意 6-隨後事件淨供應商預付款




   2024年9月30日   2024年6月30日 
預付款項  $17,042,072   $10,132,190 
減:壞賬準備   (260,962)   (111,483)
預付供應商賬款淨額  $16,781,110   $10,020,707 








   2024年9月30日   2024年6月30日 
開始餘額  $111,483   $10,167,448 
子公司收購   -    6,385 
計入準備金   142,488    102,514 
減少:處置VIE   -    (10,325,224)
外幣轉化調整   6,991    160,360 
結束餘額  $260,962   $111,483 


注7 - 股東赤字其他流動資產淨額


其他 流動資產,淨額包括以下內容:


   2024年9月30日   2024年6月30日 
對第三方的貸款 (1)  $10,491,713   $9,445,164 
其他應收款 (2)   2,593,910    2,464,188 
業務收購的預付款 (3)   2,630,000    - 
短期存款   45,681    39,966 
預付費用   2,873    1,658 
小計   15,764,177    11,950,976 
減:信用損失準備金   (4,712,099)   (4,656,522)
其他流動資產,淨額  $11,052,078   $7,294,454 


1) 貸款 對第三方的貸款主要用於短期融資,以支持公司的外部業務合作伙伴或公司的員工。這些貸款可以計息或不計息,期限不超過一年。截至2024年9月30日,貸款總額達到美元1,018,722 從2023財年結轉。2023年9月20日,公司向一家第三方發放了金額爲美元的貸款106,916 爲第三方提供了一年期的貸款,到期日爲 9月 19日,2024年。該貸款在到期時延長了一年。2023年12月31日,公司向1,478,001 兩個第三方發放了金額爲美元的貸款,期限爲一年,到期日爲 2024年 12月30日。在2024年5月28日,公司向第三方發放的貸款金額爲美元2,851,082 向第三方借出爲期一年,到期日爲 2025年5月27日。在2024年6月5日,公司借出金額爲4,233,857 向第三方借出爲期一年,到期日爲 2025年6月4日。對於2024年5月28日和2024年6月5日發放的貸款,公司與借款人(「原借款人」)及另一第三方(「新借款人」)於2024年8月20日簽訂了債務轉讓協議,根據該協議,原借款人將其所有債務轉讓給新借款人,而新借款人同意根據原貸款協議的條款履行對公司的還款義務。在2024年7月24日和2024年9月18日, 公司借出金額爲114,043 和美元390,160 向兩個第三方借出爲期一年,到期日爲 七月 2025年23日九月 2025年17日,分別爲。除此之外,公司還向第三方貸款,金額爲美金42,766 在截至2024年9月30日的三個月中,該金額可按要求支付。公司定期 審查對第三方的貸款,評估其賬面價值是否可實現,並根據公司會計政策,依據最佳估計記錄撥備。 截至2024年9月30日和2024年6月30日, 包括本金和利息的總未償餘額達美金10,491,713 和美金9,445,164, 分別爲,撥備的信用損失爲美金2,603,639 和美金2,548,557, 分別。公司的管理層將繼續努力收回對第三方的逾期貸款。
2) 其他 應收款主要是對管理人員和員工的業務預付款,代表商業旅行和雜項費用的預付款,以及對其他第三方服務的預付款。




3) 該金額涉及對江蘇富旺醫療設備有限公司(「富旺醫療」)收購的預付購買對價。公司與富旺醫療的股東簽署了股權收購框架協議,以收購其在富旺醫療的股權,並且公司在截至2024年9月30日的三個月內進行了部分對價支付。




   2024年9月30日   2024年6月30日 
期初餘額  $4,656,522   $3,287,793 
子公司的收購   -    36,393 
計入準備金   -    2,248,574 
減:處置VIE   -    (610,751)
外幣翻譯調整   55,577    (305,487)
期末餘額  $4,712,099   $4,656,522 


注 8 - 物業及設備,淨值




   2024年9月30日   2024年6月30日 
建築物  $6,324,352   $6,167,928 
機械和設備   3,171,944    3,051,688 
機動車   267,456    275,366 
辦公設備   101,461    97,882 
固定裝置和傢具   105,607    101,936 
建設中的工程   238,966    230,661 
小計   10,209,786    9,925,461 
減:累計折舊和攤銷   (3,796,620)   (3,556,394)
減少:對物業和設備的累計減值   (92,523)   (89,308)
總物業及設備,淨值  $6,320,643   $6,279,759 


折舊 和攤銷費用計入持續經營的爲美元132,208 和美元133,257 截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月費用分別爲$


折舊 和攤銷費用計入終止業務爲 和美國美元2,403 截至2024年9月30日和2023年9月30日的三個月中,分別爲。


該 公司還爲客戶提供專用檢測設備,因爲客戶只能使用這些設備來生成來自這些快速診斷產品的結果。這些專用檢測設備的所有權並未轉移給客戶,而是作爲公司的財產保留。當客戶不再需要這些專用檢測設備時,它們將被退還給公司。截止到2024年9月30日和2024年6月30日,淨賬面價值爲US$的資產19,491 和US$24,223 被公司的客戶持有。




開啓 2023年5月29日,公司董事會批准質押不動產作爲抵押品,爲育英的個人貸款提供擔保 張,Tenet-Jove的前董事會主席兼法定代表人。提供這筆抵押品是爲了換取轉賬 張玉英向本公司子公司的不動產所有權。根據該公司與育英之間的備忘錄 張,預計這筆貸款將在2024年5月31日之前償還併發放認捐款。本公司保留 如果財產未在到期日之前歸還,則有權要求全額賠償。2023 年 5 月 24 日,張育英簽訂了貸款協議 與郭偉清交納本金人民幣 15,000,000,截止日期爲 2023 年 5 月 23 日。2023 年 5 月 23 日,張玉英進入 與郭衛清簽訂的補充協議,其中雙方同意將本金的到期日從2023年5月23日起延長 至2024年5月23日,併爲本金的還款提供抵押貸款擔保。2024 年 5 月 23 日,張玉英進入 與郭衛清簽訂了另一份補充協議,其中雙方同意 將本金的到期日從 2024年5月23日至2025年5月23日,房地產的質押期持續到2025年5月23日。 如果張玉英不還款 貸款和財產由法院執行,公司有權根據市場向張玉英尋求賠償 財產的價值。截至2024年9月30日和2024年6月30日,該物業的淨賬面價值爲美元1,039,868 和美元1,012,381, 分別地。




注意 9 - 土地使用權,淨值


土地使用權按成本減去累計攤銷來確認。根據中國關於土地使用權的法律法規,城市區域的土地歸國家所有,而農村和郊區的土地,除非國家另有規定,通常是由被國家指定爲居民農民的個人集體擁有。然而,根據土地所有權與土地使用權分離的法律原則,政府授予用戶「土地使用權」以使用土地。公司擁有使用土地的土地使用權,使用期限爲 50 年,並在使用期間按直線法攤銷該權利。 50 年。


   2024年9月30日   2024年6月30日 
土地使用權  $718,146   $709,840 
減:累計攤銷   (102,013)   (94,233)
土地使用權總額,淨值  $616,133   $615,607 


攤銷 計入持續運營的費用爲美元$4,849 和US$3,314 截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三個月,分別爲。






2025  $










之後   518,673 
總計  $616,133 








The Company leases offices space and warehouse under non-cancelable operating leases, with terms ranging from one to seven and a half years. The lease terms vary from 2 years to 7.5 years. The Company considers those renewal or termination options that are reasonably certain to be exercised in the determination of the lease term and initial measurement of ROU assets and lease liabilities. Lease expenses for lease payment are recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Leases with initial terms of 12 months or less are not recorded on the balance sheet.


When available, the Company uses the rate implicit in the lease to discount lease payments to present value; however, most of the Company’s leases do not provide a readily determinable implicit rate. Therefore, the Company discounts lease payments based on an estimate of its incremental borrowing rate. The Company’s lease agreements do not contain any material residual value guarantees or material restrictive covenants.


The table below presents the operating lease related assets and liabilities recorded on the balance sheets.


   September 30, 2024   June 30, 2024 
ROU lease assets  $161,693   $146,035 
Operating lease liabilities – current   301,980    272,787 
Operating lease liabilities – non-current   25,182    - 
Total operating lease liabilities  $327,162   $272,787 


The weighted average remaining lease terms and discount rates for all of operating leases were as follows as of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024:


   September 30, 2024   June 30, 2024 
Remaining lease term and discount rate:          
Weighted average remaining lease term (years)   1.11    1.00 
Weighted average discount rate   4.33%   4.38%


The components of lease expenses for continuing operations were as follows:


   For the three months ended September 30, 
   2024   2023 
Lease cost          
Amortization of right-of-use assets  $38,174   $15,275 
Interest of operating lease liabilities   1,286    2,275 
Total lease cost  $39,460   $17,550 


Rent expenses totaled US$91,018 and US$40,551 from the continuing operations for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.


Rent expenses totaled nil and US$51,778 from the discontinued operations for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.




The following is a schedule, by years, of maturities of lease liabilities as of September 30, 2024:


Remainder of 2025  $298,650 
2026   25,660 
2027   6,415 
Total lease payments   330,725 
Less: imputed interest   (3,563)
Present value of lease liabilities  $327,162 




On September 21, 2023, the Company entered into a two-year rental agreement with a third party to lease its property for its office space. Rental income of US$15,468 and nil was recorded in other income, net on the unaudited condensed consolidated statements of income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss) for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.




Acquisition of Guangyuan


On June 8, 2021, Tenet-Jove entered into a Restructuring Agreement with various parties. Pursuant to the terms of the Restructuring Agreement, (i) the Company transferred all of its rights and interests in Ankang Longevity to the Shareholders of Yushe County Guangyuan Forest Development Co., Ltd. (“Guangyuan”) in exchange for the control of 100% of equity interests and assets in Guangyuan; (ii) Tenet-Jove entered a Termination Agreement with Ankang Longevity and the Ankang Shareholders; (iii) as a consideration to the Restructuring Agreement and based on a valuation report on the equity interests of Guangyuan issued by an independent third party, Tenet-Jove relinquished all of its rights and interests in Ankang Longevity and transferred those rights and interests to the Guangyuan Shareholders; and (iv) Guangyuan and the Guangyuan Shareholders entered into a series of variable interest entity agreements with Tenet-Jove. After signing the Restructuring Agreement, the Company and the shareholders of Ankang and Guangyuan actively carried out the transferring of rights and interests in Ankang and Guangyuan, and the transferring was completed subsequently on July 5, 2021. Afterwards, with the completion of all other follow-ups works, on August 16, 2021, the Company, through its subsidiary Tenet-Jove, completed the previously announced acquisition pursuant to the Restructuring Agreement dated June 8, 2021.


The management determined that July 5, 2021 was the acquisition date of Guangyuan. The acquisition provides a unique opportunity for the Company to enter the market of planting fast-growing bamboo willows and scenic greening trees.


The transaction was accounted for in accordance with the provisions of ASC 805-10, Business Combinations. The Company retained independent appraisers to advise management in the determination of the fair value of the various assets acquired and liabilities assumed. The values assigned in these financial statements represent management’s best estimate of fair values as of the Acquisition Date.


As required by ASC 805-20, Business Combinations—Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Non-controlling Interest, management conducted a review to reassess whether they identified all the assets acquired and all the liabilities assumed, and followed ASC 805-20’s measurement procedures for recognition of the fair value of net assets acquired.




The following table summarizes the allocation of estimated fair values of net assets acquired and liabilities assumed:


Due from related party  $108,296 
Inventory   18,115,423 
Other current assets   224,522 
Right of use assets   1,127,130 
Long-term investments and other non-current assets   166,107 
Other payables and other current liabilities   (2,503,607)
Operating lease liabilities   (1,013,492)
Total purchase price for acquisition, net of US$112,070 of cash  $16,224,379 


Under ASC 805-10, acquisition-related costs (i.e., advisory, legal, valuation and other professional fees) are not included as a component of consideration transferred, but are expensed in the periods in which the costs are incurred. Acquisition-related costs were nil for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.


The Company has included the operating results of Guangyuan in the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements since the Acquisition Date. nil in net sales and US$12,519 in net loss of Guangyuan were included in discontinued operations in the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the three months ended September 30, 2023.


Acquisition of Biowin


On October 21, 2022, the Company, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Shineco Life, entered into a stock purchase agreement with the Seller and Biowin, pursuant to which Shineco Life would acquire 51% of the issued equity interests of Biowin from Seller. On December 30, 2022, Shineco Life closed the acquisition of 51% of the issued equity interests of Biowin. As the consideration for the acquisition, the Company paid to Seller US$9,000,000 in cash and the Company issued 13,583 shares of the Company’s common stock, par value US$0.001 per share, to the equity holders of Biowin or any persons designated by Biowin, the total consideration of the acquisition was US$12,097,000. According to the Supplementary Agreement, dated as of December 30, 2022, by and among the Shineco Life, the Seller and Biowin, the Seller transferred its controlling rights of production and operation of Biowin to Shineco Life on January 1, 2023. The management determined that January 1, 2023 was the acquisition date of Biowin. The acquisition provides a unique opportunity for the Company to step into the Point-of-Care Testing industry.


The transaction was accounted for in accordance with the provisions of ASC 805-10, Business Combinations. The Company retained independent appraisers to advise management in the determination of the fair value of the various assets acquired and liabilities assumed. The values assigned in these financial statements represent management’s best estimate of fair values as of the Acquisition Date.


As required by ASC 805-20, Business Combinations—Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Non-controlling Interest, management conducted a review to reassess whether they identified all the assets acquired and all the liabilities assumed, and followed ASC 805-20’s measurement procedures for recognition of the fair value of net assets acquired.


The excess of the purchase price over the aggregate fair value of assets acquired was allocated to goodwill which amounted to US$6,574,743. The results of operations of Biowin have been included in the unaudited condensed consolidated statements of operations from the date of acquisition.


The management performed an evaluation on the impairment of goodwill, and due to the lower-than-expected revenue and profit and unfavorable business environment, the management recorded an impairment loss on goodwill of Biowin, which amounted to US$4,555,996 during the year ended June 30, 2024.




The identifiable goodwill acquired and the carrying value consisted of the following:


   September 30, 2024   June 30, 2024 
Goodwill  $6,574,743   $6,574,743 
Less: impairment for goodwill   (4,555,996)   (4,555,996)
Goodwill, net  $2,018,747   $2,018,747 


The following table summarizes the allocation of estimated fair values of net assets acquired and liabilities assumed:


Accounts receivable, net  $807,771 
Inventories, net   784,336 
Other current assets, net   49,979 
Property and equipment, net   138,252 
Intangible assets   12,683,656 
Operating lease right-of-use assets   173,831 
Goodwill   6,574,743 
Deferred tax assets, net   346,523 
Short-term bank loans   (1,594,596)
Accounts payable   (349,989)
Advances from customers   (407,437)
Other current liabilities   (446,729)
Operating lease liabilities - non-current   (45,730)
Deferred tax liabilities   (1,937,804)
Non-controlling interest   (5,301,785)
Total purchase price for acquisition, net of US$621,979 of cash  $11,475,021 


The fair value of identified intangible assets, which are trademarks and patents, and its estimated useful lives as of September 30, 2024 is as follows:


       Useful Life 
       (in Years) 
Intangible assets  $12,683,656    10 
Less: accumulated amortization   (2,219,640)    
Total intangible assets, net  $10,464,016     


The amortization expense of intangible assets was US$317,092 and US$317,091 from the continuing operations for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.


Under ASC 805-10, acquisition-related costs (i.e., advisory, legal, valuation and other professional fees) are not included as a component of consideration transferred, but are expensed in the periods in which the costs are incurred. Acquisition-related costs were nil for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.


The Company has included the operating results of Biowin in continuing operations in its unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements since the Acquisition Date. US$121,865 in net sales and US$343,908 in net loss of Biowin were included in the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the three months ended September 30, 2024. US$135,127 in net sales and US$296,975 in net loss of Biowin were included in the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the three months ended September 30, 2023.




Acquisition of Wintus


On May 29, 2023, Shineco Life entered into a stock purchase agreement with Dream Partner, Wintus and the Wintus Sellers, pursuant to which Shineco Life shall acquire 71.42% equity interest in Wintus. As the consideration for the acquisition, the Company (a) paid the Wintus Sellers an aggregate cash consideration of US$2,000,000; (b) issued certain shareholders, as listed in the agreement, an aggregate of 41,667 shares of the Company’s restricted Common Stock; and (c) transferred and sold to the Sellers 100% of the Company’s equity interest in Tenet-Jove. The management determined that July 31, 2023 was the acquisition date of Wintus.


The transaction was accounted for in accordance with the provisions of ASC 805-10, Business Combinations. The Company retained independent appraisers to advise management in the determination of the fair value of the various assets acquired and liabilities assumed. The values assigned in these financial statements represent management’s best estimate of fair values as of the Acquisition Date.


As required by ASC 805-20, Business Combinations—Identifiable Assets and Liabilities, and Any Non-controlling Interest, management conducted a review to reassess whether they identified all the assets acquired and all the liabilities assumed, and followed ASC 805-20’s measurement procedures for recognition of the fair value of net assets acquired.


The excess of the purchase price over the aggregate fair value of assets acquired was allocated to goodwill, which amounted to US$21,440,360. The results of operations of Wintus have been included in the statements of operations from the date of acquisition.


The management performed an evaluation on the impairment of goodwill, and due to the lower-than-expected revenue and profit and unfavorable business environment, our management recorded an impairment loss on the goodwill of Wintus, which amounted to US$10,268,823 during the year ended June 30, 2024.


The identifiable goodwill acquired and the carrying value consisted of the following:


   September 30, 2024   June 30, 2024 
Goodwill  $21,440,360   $21,440,360 
Less: impairment for goodwill   (10,268,823)   (10,268,823)
Goodwill, net  $11,171,537   $11,171,537 




The following table summarizes the allocation of estimated fair values of net assets acquired and liabilities assumed:


Accounts receivable, net  $12,507,353 
Advances to suppliers, net   3,513,448 
Inventories, net   1,782,180 
Derivative financial assets   6,212 
Other current assets, net   1,426,163 
Property and equipment, net   5,407,301 
Intangible assets   36,117,041 
Operating lease right-of-use assets   1,999 
Goodwill   21,440,360 
Short-term bank loans   (12,021,992)
Accounts payable   (6,686,700)
Advances from customers   (78,677)
Tax payable   (600,742)
Deferred income   (77,007)
Other current liabilities   (2,277,877)
Long-term bank loans   (2,071,093)
Operating lease liabilities - non-current   (1,847)
Deferred tax liabilities   (9,186,376)
Non-controlling interest   (8,197,473)
Total purchase price for acquisition, net of US$1,003,678 of cash  $41,002,273 


The fair value of identified intangible assets, which are trademarks and patents, and its estimated useful lives as of September 30, 2024 is as follows:


       Useful Life
       (in Years)
Intangible assets  $35,487,273   10
Less: accumulated amortization   (4,140,182)   
Total intangible assets, net  $31,347,091    


The amortization expense of intangible assets was US$887,181 and US$591,455 from the continuing operations for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.


Under ASC 805-10, acquisition-related costs (i.e., advisory, legal, valuation and other professional fees) are not included as a component of consideration transferred, but are expensed in the periods in which the costs are incurred. Acquisition-related costs were nil and US$779,606 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.


The Company has included the operating results of Wintus in continuing operations in its unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements since the Acquisition Date. US$2,051,471 in net sales and US$1,388,496 in net loss of Wintus were included in the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the three months ended September 30, 2024. US$1,510,730 in net sales and US$840,708 in net loss of Wintus were included in the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the three months ended September 30, 2023.






Due from Related Parties, Net


The Company has made temporary advances to certain stockholders and senior management of the Company and to other entities that are either owned by family members of those stockholders or to other entities that the Company has investments in.


As of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024, the outstanding amounts due from related parties consisted of the following:


   September 30, 2024   June 30, 2024 
Chongqing Yufan Trading Co., Ltd (“Chongqing Yufan”)  $280,668   $318,041 
Chongqing Dream Trading Co., Ltd   42,766    41,280 
Wintus China Limited   412,379    412,379 
Fujian Xinglinchun Health Industry Co., Ltd   25,303    24,424 
Subtotal   761,116    796,124 
Less: allowance for credit losses   (412,379)   (412,379)
Total due from related parties, net  $348,737   $383,745 


Due to Related Parties


As of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024, the Company had related party payables of US$2,315,223 and US$2,875,384, respectively, in relation to the operations of Biowin and Wintus. These related party obligations are primarily owed to the principal stockholders or certain relatives of the stockholders, and senior management of the Company, who provide funds for the Company’s operations. The payables are unsecured, non-interest bearing, and due on demand.


As of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024, the outstanding amounts due to related parties consisted of the following:


   September 30, 2024   June 30, 2024 
Wang Sai  $-   $58,846 
Huang Shanchun   -    444,595 
Liu Fengming   41,292    19,908 
Zhan Jiarui   19,271    111,528 
Liu Xiqiao   23,123    27,319 
Lyu Jiajia (a)   -    478,547 
Zhao Pengfei   7,128    6,880 
Wang Xiaohui   360,598    342,562 
Chi Keung Yan   630,535    614,427 
Fuzhou Medashan Biotechnology Co., Ltd.   6,539    13,297 
Chongqing Fuling District Renyi Zhilu Silk Industry Co., Ltd   890,703    412,479 
Chongqing Huajian Housing Development Co., Ltd (“Chongqing Huajian”)   336,034    344,996 
Total due to related parties  $2,315,223   $2,875,384 


a. On September 27, 2023, the Company entered into a loan agreement with Lyu Jiajia to borrow US$800,000 as working capital for one year, with a maturity date of September 29, 2024. The loan has a fixed interest rate of 15.0% per annum. The Company repaid totaling $0.4 million during the year ended June 30, 2024. As of June 30, 2024, the total outstanding balance, including principal and the interest, amounted to US$478,547. During the three months ended September 30, 2024, all of the amounts, including principal and interest due to Lyu Jiajia, were offset with the consideration for shares purchased from the Company.




Interest expenses on loans due to related parties were US$14,450 and nil from continued operations for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.


Interest expenses on loans due to related parties were nil and US$1,526 from discontinued operations for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.


Sales to a Related Party


The Company made sales of US$391,808 and US$130,801 to its related party, Chongqing Fuling District Renyi Zhilu Silk Industry Co., Ltd, for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.


Loan guarantee provided by related parties


The Company’s related parties provide a guarantee for the Company’s bank loans (see Note 13).


Loan guarantee provided to a related party


As of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024, Chongqing Wintus (New Star) Enterprises Group (“Chongqing Wintus”) provided a guarantee that amounted to US$712,771 and US$687,999 for a bank loan borrowed by Chongqing Yufan, a related party of the Company until December 28, 2025.


Lease from a related party


The Company entered into a two-year lease agreement for the lease of office space from a related party company, of which the CEO is the Company’s shareholder.


As of September 30, 2024, the operating lease right-of-use assets and corresponding operating lease liabilities of leases from the related party were US$63,062 and US$169,977, respectively.


As of June 30, 2024, the operating lease right-of-use assets and corresponding operating lease liabilities of leases from the related party were US$80,746 and US$163,306, respectively.


During the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, the Company incurred operating lease expenses in leases from the related party of US$20,946 and US$20,728, respectively.




Short-term loans


Short-term loans from third parties


During the year ended June 30, 2024, the Company entered into loan agreements with two third parties. These short-term loans from third parties are mainly used for short-term funding to support the Company’s working capital needs. These loans bear interest or no interest and have terms of no more than three months. As of June 30, 2024, the outstanding balance of short-term loans from third parties amounted to US$1,025,930. One of the loans amounting to US$524,464 was fully repaid by the Company during the three months ended September 30, 2024, and the other loan amounted to US$527,450 was extended for another four months with a new maturity date of December 31, 2024.

The Company recorded interest expenses from continuing operations of US$139,890 and nil for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.


Short-term bank loans


Short-term bank loans consisted of the following:


Lender  September 30, 2024   Maturity Date  Int. Rate/Year 
Jiangnan Rural Commercial Bank(a)  $427,662   2025/5/21   4.65%
Bank of Jiangsu   419,964   2025/1/20   4.00%
Bank of China(b)   420,535   2024/6/26   4.90%
United Overseas Bank(c)   9,533,450   October 2024- March 2025   4.20%
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China   427,662   2025/06/20   3.75%
Bank of China(d)   427,662   2025/2/7   3.45%
Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank(e)   1,354,264   2025/3/18   4.30%
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(f)   712,771   2025/9/20   3.10%
Total short-term bank loans  $13,723,970         


The loans outstanding were guaranteed by the following properties, entities or individuals:


a. Guaranteed by Mr. Liu Fengming, the former CEO of the Company, Beijing Kanghuayuan Technology, one of the shareholders of the Company and pledged by the patent rights of the Company.
b. Guaranteed by Mr. Liu Fengming, the former CEO of the Company, and his wife, Ms. Jie Liang. Upon the maturity of the loan, the bank offered the Company an extension, however, the Company failed to sign the extension agreement due to an administrative issue. As of the date of this report, the Company has not received any notice from the bank for repayment, and it expects to continue using this bank facility.
c. Guaranteed by Ms. Wang Xiaohui and Mr. Chi Keung Yan, two of the shareholders of the Company, and the family member of Ms. Wang Xiaohui, Chongqing Huajian, Chongqing Yufan and Chongqing Yiyao Electromechanical Co., Ltd. In addition, Chongqing Huajian and Chongqing Yufan also pledged their properties as collateral to guarantee the Company’s loans from United Overseas Bank. As of the date of this report, the Company borrowed additional loans of approximately US$2.5 million under this loan agreement.
d. Guaranteed by Ms. Wang Xiaohui and her family member, as well as the other subsidiary of the Company, Chongqing Wintus. In addition, Chongqing Huajian and another third party pledged their properties to guarantee the Company’s loan from Bank of China.


e. Guaranteed by Ms. Wang Xiaohui, one of the shareholders of the Company, her family members, and Chongqing Huajian. The loan is also guaranteed by other subsidiaries of the Company, Wulong Wintus Silk Co., Ltd (“Wulong Wintus”), Chongqing Hongsheng Silk Co., Ltd and Chongqing Liangping Wintus Textile Ltd (“Liangping Wintus”). In addition, Chongqing Huajian pledged its properties to guarantee the Company’s loan from Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank.
f. The loan is guaranteed by Chongqing Wintus, a subsidiary of the Company. In addition, the Company’s properties with net book values of US$623,712 were pledged as collateral to secure this loan.




Lender  June 30, 2024   Maturity Date  Int. Rate/Year 
Jiangnan Rural Commercial Bank(a)  $412,800   2025/5/21   4.65%
Bank of Jiangsu   405,369   2025/1/20   4.00%
Bank of China(b)   405,920   2024/6/26   4.90%
United Overseas Bank(c)   9,536,508   July 2024 - December 2024   4.20%
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China   412,800   2025/06/20   3.75%
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(d)   619,199   2024/9/22   3.45%
Bank of China(e)   412,800   2025/2/7   3.45%
Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank(f)   1,307,199   2025/3/18   4.30%
Total short-term bank loans  $13,512,595         


The loans outstanding were guaranteed by the following properties, entities or individuals:


a. Guaranteed by Mr. Liu Fengming, the former CEO of the Company, Beijing Kanghuayuan Technology, one of the shareholders of the Company and pledged by the patent rights of the Company.
b. Guaranteed by Mr. Liu Fengming, the former CEO of the Company, and his wife, Ms. Jie Liang. Upon the maturity of the loan, the bank offered the Company an extension, however, the Company failed to sign the extension agreement due to an administrative issue. As of the date of this report, the Company has not received any notice from the bank for repayment, and it expects to continue using this bank facility.
c. Guaranteed by Ms. Wang Xiaohui and Mr. Chi Keung Yan, two of the shareholders of the Company, and the family member of Ms. Wang Xiaohui, Chongqing Huajian, Chongqing Yufan and Chongqing Yiyao Electromechanical Co., Ltd. In addition, Chongqing Huajian and Chongqing Yufan also pledged their properties as collateral to guarantee the Company’s loans from United Overseas Bank. As of the date of this report, the Company borrowed additional loans of approximately US$4.2 million under this loan agreement.
d. Guaranteed by the other subsidiary of the Company, Chongqing Wintus. In addition, the Company’s properties with net book values of US$605,195 were pledged as collateral to secure this loan as of June 30, 2024. The loan was fully repaid upon maturity.
e. Guaranteed by Ms. Wang Xiaohui and her family member, as well as the other subsidiary of the Company, Chongqing Wintus. In addition, Chongqing Huajian and another third party pledged their properties to guarantee the Company’s loan from Bank of China.


f. Guaranteed by Ms. Wang Xiaohui, one of the shareholders of the Company, her family members, and Chongqing Huajian. The loan is also guaranteed by other subsidiaries of the Company, Wulong Wintus Silk Co., Ltd (“Wulong Wintus”), Chongqing Hongsheng Silk Co., Ltd and Chongqing Liangping Wintus Textile Ltd (“Liangping Wintus”). In addition, Chongqing Huajian pledged its properties to guarantee the Company’s loan from Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank.




Long-term loans


Long-term bank loans consisted of the following:


Lender  September 30, 2024   Maturity Date  Int. Rate/Year 
Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank(a)  $641,494   2026/9/2   3.35%
Bank of Chongqing(b)   1,126,177   2026/7/3   4.00%
Total long-term bank loans  $1,767,671         
Long-term bank loans-current  $14,255         
Long-term bank loans-non-current  $1,753,416         


The loans outstanding were guaranteed by the following properties, entities or individuals:


a. Guaranteed by Ms. Wang Xiaohui and Mr. Chi Keung Yan, two of the shareholders of the Company. The loan is also guaranteed by other subsidiaries of the Company, Chongqing Wintus and Wulong Wintus. In addition, Liangping Wintus’s properties with net book values of US$557,560 were pledged as collateral to secure this loan.
b. Guaranteed by Ms. Wang Xiaohui and Mr. Chi Keung Yan, two of the shareholders of the Company, and the family members of Ms. Wang Xiaohui. In addition, the Company’s properties with net book values of US$1,483,124 were pledged as collateral to secure this loan.


Lender  June 30, 2024   Maturity Date  Int. Rate/Year 
Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank(a)  $619,199   2024/9/7   4.85%
Bank of Chongqing(b)   1,093,919   2026/7/3   4.00%
Total long-term bank loans  $1,713,118         
Long-term bank loans-current  $632,959         
Long-term bank loans-non-current  $1,080,159         


The loans outstanding were guaranteed by the following properties, entities or individuals:


a. Guaranteed by Ms. Wang Xiaohui and Mr. Chi Keung Yan, two of the shareholders of the Company, and the family member of Ms. Wang Xiaohui. The loan is also guaranteed by other subsidiaries of the Company, Chongqing Wintus and Wulong Wintus. In addition, Liangping Wintus’s properties with net book values of US$545,597 were pledged as collateral to secure this loan as of June 30, 2024. The loan was fully repaid upon maturity.
b. Guaranteed by Ms. Wang Xiaohui and Mr. Chi Keung Yan, two of the shareholders of the Company, and the family members of Ms. Wang Xiaohui. In addition, the Company’s properties with net book values of US$1,451,298 were pledged as collateral to secure this loan as of June 30, 2024.




The future maturities of long-term bank loans as of September 30, 2024 were as follows:


Twelve months ending September 30,    
2025  $14,255 
2026   1,753,416 
Total long-term bank loans  $1,767,671 


The Company recorded interest expenses from continuing operations of US$150,580 and US$114,136 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The annual weighted average interest rates from continuing operations were 3.89% and 4.37% for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. Interest expenses from discontinued operations were both nil for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.




On June 16, 2021, the Company entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement pursuant to which the Company issued an unsecured convertible promissory note with a maturity date of June 17, 2022 (“the Note”) to an institutional accredited investor Streeterville Capital, LLC (“Investor”). The Note has the original principal amount of US$3,170,000 and Investor gave consideration of US$3.0 million, reflecting original issue discount of US$150,000 and Investor’s legal fee of US$20,000. On September 7, 2022, the Company signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date of the Note to June 17, 2023, resulting in an increase of the principal amount to US$3,500,528. On October 21, 2022, the Company signed a standstill agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Investor would not seek repayment of any portion of the Note during the period from October 21, 2022 to January 20, 2023. On January 18, 2023, the Investor re-started the repayment of the Notes. Thereafter, the Company signed a second extension amendment dated as June 15, 2023, with the Investor to extend the maturity date to June 17, 2024, thereby increasing the principal amount to US$3,929,498. On December 21, 2023, the Company entered into a preliminary agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Investor would not seek repayment of any portion of the Note during the period from December 22, 2023 to April 16, 2024. The Company signed a third extension amendment dated as June 11, 2024, with the Investor to extend the maturity date to June 17, 2025, thereby increasing the principal amount to US$4,340,781.


On July 16, 2021, the Company entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement (the “July Agreement”) pursuant to which the Company issued two unsecured convertible promissory notes with a one-year maturity term (the “Notes”) to the same Investor. The first convertible promissory note (“Note #1”) has an original principal amount of US$3,170,000 and the Investor gave consideration of US$3.0 million, reflecting original issue discount of US$150,000 and Investor’s legal fee of US$20,000. The second convertible promissory note (“Note #2”) has an original principal amount of US$4,200,000 and Investor gave consideration of US$4.0 million, reflecting original issue discount of US$200,000. Interest accrues on the outstanding balance of the Notes at 6% per annum. The Company has received the principal in full from the Investor and used the proceeds for general working capital purposes. As of June 30, 2024, the Notes were fully converted, and shares of the Company’s common stock totaling 1,946,766 were issued by the Company to the Investor, equaling principal and interests amounted to US$7,472,638.




On August 19, 2021, the Company entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement (the “Agreement”) pursuant to which the Company issued an unsecured convertible promissory note with a maturity date of August 23, 2022 (the “Note”) to the same Investor. The Note has an original principal amount of US$10,520,000 and Investor gave consideration of US$10.0 million, reflecting original issue discount of US$500,000 and Investor’s legal fee of US$20,000. On September 7, 2022, the Company signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date to August 23, 2023, thereby increasing the principal amount to US$11,053,443.50. On October 21, 2022, the Company signed a standstill agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Investor will not seek repayment of any portion of the Note during the period from October 21, 2022 to January 20, 2023. Thereafter, the Company signed a second extension amendment dated as June 15, 2023, with the Investor to extend the maturity date to August 23, 2024, thereby increasing the principal amount to US$11,878,241. On December 21, 2023, the Company entered into a preliminary agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Investor would not seek repayment of any portion of the Note during the period from December 22, 2023 to April 16, 2024. The Company signed a third extension amendment dated June 11, 2024, with the Investor to extend the maturity date to August 23, 2025, thereby increasing the principal amount to US$10,698,374.


For the above-mentioned convertible promissory notes issued, interest accrues on the outstanding balance of these notes at 6% per annum. The Investor may seek repayment of all or any part of the outstanding balance of the note, at any time after six months from the issue date upon three trading days’ notice, in cash or converting into shares of the Company’s common stock at a price equal to 80% multiplied by the lowest daily volume weighted average price (“VWAP”) during the fifteen trading days immediately preceding the applicable redemption conversion, subject to certain adjustments and ownership limitations specified in the note. Following the receipt of a redemption notice, the Company may either ratify Investor’s proposed allocation in the applicable redemption notice or elect to change the allocation by written notice to Investor within twenty-four (24) hours of its receipt of such redemption notice, so long as the sum of the cash payments and the amount of redemption conversions equal the applicable redemption amount.


For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, a total of US$188,712 and US$166,823 in amortization of the debt issuance and other costs from continuing operations was recorded on the unaudited condensed consolidated statements of income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss), respectively.


As of September 30, 2024, shares of the Company’s common stock totaling 472,875 were issued by the Company to the Investor equaling principal and interests amounted to US$13,843,360, and cash totaling US$1,050,000 was repaid to the Investor. The Notes balance was US$10,562,428, with a carrying value of US$11,023,314, net of deferred financing costs of US$460,886 was recorded in the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets as of September 30, 2024.




(a) Corporate Income Taxes


The Company is subject to income taxes on an entity basis on income arising in or derived from the location in which each entity is domiciled.


Shineco is incorporated in the United States and has no operating activities. Shineco Life is incorporated in Hong Kong and is subject to profit taxes in Hong Kong at a rate of 8.25% on assessable profits up to HK$2,000,000 and 16.5% on any part of assessable profits over HK$2,000,000. Tenet-Jove and the VIEs are governed by the Income Tax Laws of the PRC, and are currently subject to tax at a statutory rate of 25% on taxable income. Two VIEs receive a full income tax exemption from the local tax authority of the PRC as agricultural enterprises as long as the favorable tax policy remains unchanged. Biowin is subject to corporate income tax at a reduced rate of 15% starting from December 2019, when it was approved by local government as a High and New Technology Enterprises (“HNTEs”), to December 2022. In December 2022, the Company successfully renewed its HNTE certification with local government and will continue to enjoy the reduced income tax rate of 15% for another three years through December 2025. The subsidiaries of Wintus in the PRC are governed by the Income Tax Laws of the PRC and are currently subject to tax at a statutory rate of 25% on taxable income, except certain subsidiaries that are recognized as small low-profit enterprises. According to the relevant PRC tax policies, once an enterprise meets certain requirements and is identified as a small-scale minimal profit enterprise, the taxable income not more than RMB3 million is subject to a reduced effective rate of 5% during the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024.




On December 22, 2017, The Act was enacted. The Act imposes a one-time transition tax on deemed repatriation of historical earnings of foreign subsidiaries, and future foreign earnings are subject to U.S. taxation. The change in rate has caused the Company to re-measure its income tax liability and record an estimated income tax expense of US$744,766 for the year ended June 30, 2018. In accordance with SAB 118, additional work is necessary to do a more detailed analysis of The Act as well as potential correlative adjustments. Any subsequent adjustment to these amounts will be recorded to current tax expense in fiscal 2019 when the analysis is complete. The Company elects to pay the transition tax over an eight-year period using specified percentages (eight percent per year for the first five years, 15 percent in year six, 20 percent in year seven, and 25 percent in year eight).


i) The components of the income tax provision (benefit) were as follows:


   For the three months ended September 30, 
   2024   2023 
Current income tax provision  $481   $- 
Deferred income tax benefit   (293,432)   (251,366)
Total income tax benefit   (292,951)   (251,366)
Less: income tax provision, held for discontinued operations   -    - 
Income tax benefit, held for continuing operations  $(292,951)  $(251,366)


ii) The components of the deferred tax liability were as follows:


   September 30, 2024   June 30, 2024 
Deferred tax assets:          
Allowance for credit loss/doubtful accounts  $505,316   $352,077 
Inventory reserve   -    1,522 
Net operating loss carry-forwards   1,517,475    1,187,887 
Total   2,022,791    1,541,486 
Valuation allowance   (1,559,787)   (1,110,668)
Total deferred tax assets   463,004    430,818 
Deferred tax liability:          
Intangible assets   (9,989,025)   (10,266,124)
Total deferred tax liability   (9,989,025)   (10,266,124)
Deferred tax liability, net  $(9,526,021)  $(9,835,306)


Movement of the valuation allowance:


   September 30, 2024   June 30, 2024 
Beginning balance  $1,110,668   $2,471,066 
Acquisition of subsidiaries   -    154,481 
Disposal of Tenet Jove   -    (2,392,580)
Current year addition   409,130    881,746 
Exchange difference   39,989    (4,045)
Valuation allowance  $1,559,787   $1,110,668 




(b) Value-Added Tax


The Company is subject to a VAT for selling goods. All of the Company’s products that were sold in the PRC were subject to a Chinese value-added tax at rates ranging from 3% to 13%, depending on the type of products sold. For overseas sales, VAT is exempted on the exported goods. The amount of VAT liability is determined by applying the applicable tax rate to the invoiced amount of goods sold (output VAT) less VAT paid on purchases made with the relevant supporting invoices (input VAT). Under commercial practice in the PRC, the Company pays VAT based on tax invoices issued. The tax invoices may be issued subsequent to the date on which revenue is recognized, and there may be a considerable delay between the date on which the revenue is recognized and the date on which the tax invoice is issued.


In the event that the PRC tax authorities dispute the date on which revenue is recognized for tax purposes, the PRC tax office has the right to assess a penalty based on the amount of the taxes which are determined to be late or deficient, and the penalty will be expensed in the period if and when a determination is made by the tax authorities. There were no assessed penalties during the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.


(c) Taxes Payable


Taxes payable consisted of the following:


   September 30, 2024   June 30, 2024 
Income tax payable  $1,284,580   $1,268,904 
Value added tax payable   254,432    303,739 
Business tax and other taxes payable   2,289    1,178 
Total tax payable  $1,541,301   $1,573,821 
Income tax payable - current portion  $1,355,110   $1,387,630 
Income tax payable – non-current portion  $186,191   $186,191 




Initial Public Offering


On September 28, 2016, the Company completed its initial public offering of 1,713,190 shares of the Common Stock (before the effect of the reverse stock splits mentioned below) at a price of US$4.50 per share for gross proceeds of US$7.7 million and net proceeds of approximately US$5.4 million. The Company’s common shares began trading on September 28, 2016 on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the symbol “TYHT”.


Statutory Reserve


The Company is required to make appropriations to reserve funds, comprising the statutory surplus reserve and discretionary surplus reserve, based on after-tax net income determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles of the PRC (“PRC GAAP”).


Appropriations to the statutory surplus reserve are required to be at least 10% of the after-tax net income determined in accordance with PRC GAAP until the reserve is equal to 50% of the entities’ registered capital. Appropriations to the discretionary surplus reserve are made at the discretion of the board of directors. As of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024, the balance of the required statutory reserves was US$4,350,297 and US$4,350,297, respectively.




On July 10, 2020, the Company’s stockholders approved a 1-for-9 reverse stock split of the Company’s common stock, par value US$0.001 per share, with a market effective date of August 14, 2020 (the “2020 Reverse Stock Split”). As a result of the 2020 Reverse Stock Split, each nine pre-split shares of common stock outstanding automatically combined and converted to one issued and outstanding share of common stock without any action on the part of stockholders. No fractional shares of common stock were issued to any stockholders in connection with the 2020 Reverse Stock Split. Each stockholder was entitled to receive one share of common stock in lieu of the fractional share that would have resulted from the 2020 Reverse Stock Split. The number of the Company’s authorized common stock remained at 100,000,000 shares, and the par value of the common stock following the 2020 Reverse Stock Split remained at US$0.001 per share. As a result of the 2020 Reverse Stock Split, the Company’s shares and per share data as reflected in the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements were retroactively restated as if the transaction occurred at the beginning of the periods presented.


On April 10, 2021, the Company issued 16,134 shares of common stock to selected investors at a price of US$768.00 per share. The Company received net proceeds of US$7,981,204 and US$3,024,000 was waived by the Company during the year ended June 30, 2024. See Note 18.


On August 30, 2023, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the issuance of shares of common stock pursuant to the Company’s 2023 Equity Incentive Plan (the “2023 Plan”) in the aggregate amount of 15,854 shares (the “Shares”) to its non-officer employees. The fair value of the Shares was US$540,310 based on the fair value of share price US$34.08 at August 30, 2023. The Shares were issued in September 2023.


On May 29, 2023, Shineco Life entered into a stock purchase agreement with Dream Partner, Wintus and the Wintus Sellers, pursuant to which Shineco Life shall acquire 71.42% equity interest in Wintus. As the consideration for the Acquisition, the Company (a) paid the Wintus Sellers an aggregate cash consideration of US$2,000,000; (b) issued certain shareholders, as listed in the agreement, an aggregate of 41,667 shares of the Company’s restricted Common Stock; and (c) transferred and sold to the Sellers 100% of the Company’s equity interest in Tenet-Jove. (Note 11).


On December 22, 2023, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) with certain non-US investors (the “Investors”). Under the Purchase Agreement, the Company agreed to sell to the Investors up to 50,000 shares (the “Shares”) of its common stock at a per share purchase price of US$28.80 for gross proceeds of up to US$1,440,000. The Company has received gross proceeds in full from the Investors, and all of the Shares were issued on December 28, 2023.


On February 1, 2024, the Company’s stockholders approved a 1-for-10 reverse stock split of the shares of the Company’s common stock, with a par value of US$0.001 per share, which became effective on February 16, 2024 (the “First 2024 Reverse Stock Split”). As a result of the First 2024 Reverse Stock Split, each of the ten pre-split shares of common stock outstanding automatically combined and converted to one issued and outstanding share of common stock without any action on the part of the stockholders. No fractional shares of common stock were issued to any shareholders in connection with the First 2024 Reverse Stock Split. Each shareholder received one share of common stock in lieu of the fractional share that would have resulted from the First 2024 Reverse Stock Split. The number of the Company’s authorized common stock also increased to 150,000,000 shares, and the par value of the common stock following the First 2024 Reverse Stock Split remained at US$0.001 per share. As a result of the First 2024 Reverse Stock Split, the Company’s shares and per share data as reflected in the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been retroactively restated as if the transaction occurred at the beginning of the periods presented.


On June 18, 2024, the Board of Directors of the Company approved the issuance of shares of common stock pursuant to the Company’s 2024 Equity Incentive Plan (the “2024 Plan”) in the aggregate amount of 30,650 shares (the “Shares”) to its non-officer employees. The fair value of the Shares was US$2,331,852 based on the fair value of the share price of US$76.08 on June 18, 2024. The Shares were issued on June 18, 2024




On June 20, 2024, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with certain non-U.S. investors (the “Purchasers”), pursuant to which the Company agreed to sell, and the Purchasers agreed to purchase, severally and not jointly, an aggregate of 58,333 shares of common stock of the Company (the “Shares”) at an offering price of US$120.00 per share for gross proceeds of up to US$7.0 million. In reliance on the Purchasers’ representations to the Company, the Shares issued in this offering were not subject to the registration requirements of the Securities Act, pursuant to Regulation S promulgated thereunder. As of June 30, 2024, proceeds of approximately US$6.4 million were received, and the remaining proceeds were fully received in July 2024, and all of the Shares were issued on July 8, 2024.


On July 11, 2024, the Company entered into an Underwriting Agreement with EF Hutton LLC, as the representative for several underwriters, relating to the underwritten public offering (the “Offering”) of 77,882 shares of the Common Stock at a public offering price of US$25.68 per share, for aggregate gross proceeds of approximately US$2.0 million, prior to deducting underwriting discounts and other offering expenses. In addition, the Company granted the underwriters a 45-day option to purchase up to an additional 11,683 shares of the Common Stock at the public offering price per share, less the underwriting discounts to cover over-allotments, if any. The Offering closed on July 15, 2024, and the 45-day option expired on August 30, 2024. The net proceeds from the offering were approximately US$1.7 million, after deducting the estimated underwriting discounts and commissions and estimated offering expenses. The Company intends to use approximately 50% of the net proceeds from the Offering for mergers and acquisitions, approximately 25% for repaying outstanding convertible notes, and 25% for general corporate purposes.


On August 22, 2024, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement (the “SPA”) with 22 purchasers, each an unrelated third party to the Company (collectively, the “Purchasers”). Pursuant to the SPA, the Purchasers agree to purchase, and the Company agreed to issue and sell to the Purchasers, an aggregate of 624,375 shares of the Company’s common stock, par value US$0.001 per share (the “Shares”), at a purchase price of US$13.20 per share, and for an aggregate purchase price of US$8,241,750 (the “Offering”). The SPA, the transaction contemplated thereby, and the issuance of the Shares have been approved by the Company’s board of directors. The closing of the transaction contemplated by the SPA took place on September 10, 2024. As of September 30, 2024, proceeds of approximately US$4.4 million were received, and the remaining proceeds are expected to be fully received by December 31, 2024.


On October 21, 2024, the Company’s stockholders approved a 1-for-24 reverse stock split of the shares of the Company’s common stock, with a par value of US$0.001 per share, which became effective on November 12, 2024 (the “Second 2024 Reverse Stock Split”). As a result of the Second 2024 Reverse Stock Split, each of the twenty-four pre-split shares of common stock outstanding automatically combined and converted to one issued and outstanding share of common stock without any action on the part of the stockholders. No fractional shares of common stock were issued to any shareholders in connection with the Second 2024 Reverse Stock Split. Each shareholder received one share of common stock in lieu of the fractional share that would have resulted from the Second 2024 Reverse Stock Split. As a result of the Second 2024 Reverse Stock Split, the Company’s shares and per share data as reflected in the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been retroactively restated as if the transaction occurred at the beginning of the periods presented.






The Company maintains principally all bank accounts in the PRC. The cash balance held in the PRC bank accounts was US$205,601 and US$336,776 as of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024, respectively.


During the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, almost 100% of the Company’s assets were located in the PRC and 100% of the Company’s revenue was derived from its subsidiaries and VIEs located in the PRC.


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, two customers accounted for approximately 33% of the Company’s total sales from the continuing operations. As of September 30, 2024, one customer accounted for approximately 89% of the Company’s accounts receivable.


For the three months ended September 30, 2023, two customers accounted for approximately 26% of the Company’s total sales from the continuing operations.


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, one vendor accounted for approximately 10.4% of the Company’s total purchases from the continuing operations.


For the three months ended September 30, 2023, one vendor accounted for approximately 18% of the Company’s total purchases from the continuing operations.




Lease commitments


The Group leases offices for operation under operating leases. Future minimum lease payments of US$330,725 under non-cancellable operating leases with initial terms in excess of one year were included in Note 10.


Legal Contingencies


On November 26, 2021, the Company filed a complaint in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County against Lei Zhang and Yan Li, as defendants, and Transhare Corporation (“Transhare”), as a nominal defendant, asserting that defendants had not paid for certain restricted shares of the Company’s common stock pursuant to stock purchase agreements they executed with the Company. In December, defendants filed an answer and counterclaim against the Company, which they amended on January 27, 2022 after the Company moved to dismiss their counterclaims. They brought claims for, among others, breach of contract, breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, and fraud, asserting that the Company made false and materially misleading statements, specifically regarding the sale of such shares to Lei Zhang and Yan Li and the removal of their restrictive legends. Defendants are seeking money damages of at least US$9 million, punitive damages of US$10 million, plus interest, costs, and fees. In April 2022, the Court granted the Company’s motion for a preliminary injunction to restrain the Company’s transfer agent from removing the restrictive legends on the shares, provided that the Company posts a bond, which the Company declined to do. On June 13, 2022, the restriction imposed on the shares were lifted.


Nominal defendant Transhare Corporation moved to dismiss the defendants’ counterclaim against it for wrongful refusal to remove restrictions pursuant to 6 Del. C. § 8-401, and its motion was fully submitted in April 2022. On September 9, 2022, the Court granted Transhare Corporation’s motion to dismiss defendants’ counterclaim for wrongful refusal to remove restrictions. Defendants have appealed the Court’s September 9, 2022 order dismissing defendants’ counterclaim for wrongful refusal to remove restrictions. On October 3, 2022, the parties submitted a stipulation dismissing defendants’ outstanding counterclaim against Transhare Corporation seeking declaratory judgment.




The Company participated in a formal mediation with the defendants Lei Zhang and Yan Li on September 18, 2023. As a result of the mediation, the parties were able to reach a settlement agreement in December 2023. The parties executed a Settlement Agreement on December 21, 2023, and the claims by each side were formally dismissed by the court on December 22, 2023. The subscription receivable amounted to US$3,024,000 was waived by the Company during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, and the Company will not retrieve the shares that were issued to the defendants.




ASC 280, “Segment Reporting,” establishes standards for reporting information about operating segments on a basis consistent with the Group’s internal organizational management structure as well as information about geographical areas, business segments, and major customers in for details on the Group’s business segments.


The Company’s chief operating decision maker has been identified as the Chief Executive Officer who reviews the financial information of separate operating segments when making decisions about allocating resources and assessing performance of the Group. Based on management’s assessment, the Company has determined that it has following operating segments according to its major products and locations as follows:


Developing, manufacturing, and distributing of specialized fabrics, textile products, and other by-products derived from an indigenous Chinese plant called Apocynum Venetum, commonly known as “Bluish Dogbane” or known in Chinese as “Luobuma” (referred to herein as Luobuma), which are reclassified as discontinued operations:
  The operating companies of this segment, namely Tenet-Jove and Tenet Huatai, specialize in Luobuma growing, development and manufacturing of relevant products, as well as purchasing Luobuma raw materials processing.
  This segment’s operations are focused in the north region of Mainland China, mostly carried out in Beijing, Tianjin, and Xinjiang.
Planting, processing, and distributing of green and organic agricultural produce as well as growing and cultivating of Chinese Yew trees (“Other agricultural products”), which are reclassified as discontinued operations:


  The operating company of this segment, Qingdao Zhihesheng, is engaged in the business of growing and distributing green and organic vegetables and fruits. This segment has been focusing its efforts on the growing and cultivating of Chinese yew trees (formally known as “taxus media”), a small evergreen tree whose branches can be used for the production of medications believed to be anti-cancer and the tree itself can be used as an ornamental indoor bonsai tree, which are known to have the effect of purifying air quality. The operations of Zhihesheng are located in the East and North regions of Mainland China, mostly carried out in Shandong Province and in Beijing, where Zhihesheng have newly developed over 100 acres of modern greenhouses for cultivating yew trees and other plants.
  The other operating company of this segment, Guangyuan, is engaged in the business of landscaping, afforestation, road greening, scenic greening, garden engineering, landscaping construction, and green afforestation, especially in planting fast-growing bamboo willows and scenic greening trees. The operations of Guangyuan are located in the North regions of Mainland China, mostly carried out in Shanxi Province, where Guangyuan has developed over 350 acres of farmland for cultivating bamboo willows and other plants.
Providing domestic air and overland freight forwarding services (“Freight services”), which are reclassified as discontinued operations:
  The operating company of this segment, Zhisheng Freight, is engaged in the business of providing domestic air and overland freight forwarding services by outsourcing these services to a third party. The Company merely serves as an agent and its obligation is to facilitate third-party logistic companies in fulfilling its performance obligation for specified freight services.




Developing, producing and distributing innovative rapid diagnostic products and related medical devices for the most common diseases (“Rapid Diagnostic and Other Products”):
  The operating company of this segment, Biowin, specializes in the development, production and distribution of innovative rapid diagnostic products and related medical devices for the most common diseases. The operations of this segment are located in Jiangsu Province. Its products are sold not only in China but also overseas in countries such as Germany, Spain, Italy, Thailand, Japan and others.


Producing, processing and distribution of agricultural products, such as silk and silk fabrics, as well as trading of fresh fruit (“Other agricultural products”):
  The operating company of this segment, Wintus, specializes in producing, processing and distributing agricultural products, such as silk and silk fabrics, as well as fresh fruit. The operations of this segment are located in Chongqing, China. Wintus has established approximately 150,000 acres of mulberry orchards in Fuling District and Wulong District of Chongqing. Wintus operates a silk factory in Liangping District, Chongqing that processes silk products, which are then distributed worldwide through dealers. Its products are sold not only in China but also overseas countries such as the United States, Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Poland), Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia (India, Thailand, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Cambodia), among other countries and regions. In addition to silk products, Wintus also engages in the fruit trading business. It imports fruits from Southeast Asia and other regions, distributing them through dealers to supermarkets and stores nationwide in China.


Developing and selling healthy meals for people with slow metabolic health and those in recovery from metabolic disorders. (“Healthy meals products”):
  The operating company of this segment, Fuzhou Meida, operates a health-oriented chain restaurant that focuses on the concept of “improving metabolism through diet.” Fuzhou Meida specializes in developing healthy meals for people with slow metabolic health and those in recovery from metabolic disorders. Fuzhou Meida recently opened its restaurant in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. The restaurant features an open kitchen and adopts a modern Chinese style, offering a variety of modern Chinese healthy light meals and metabolism-boosting meal sets. The Company plans to gradually establish additional branches in key cities across China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and other southeastern coastal regions.


The following table presents summarized information by segment for the three months ended September 30, 2024:


   For the three months ended September 30, 2024 
   Continuing Operations   Discontinued Operations     
   Rapid diagnostic and other   Other agricultural   Healthy meals   Luobuma     
   products   products   products   products   Total 
Segment revenue  $121,865   $2,051,471   $949   $-   $2,174,285 
Cost of revenue and related business and sales tax   56,917    1,825,278    249    -    1,882,444 
Gross profit   64,948    226,193    700    -    291,841 
Gross profit %   53.3%   11.0%   73.8%   -    13.4%




The following table presents summarized information by segment for the three months ended September 30, 2023:


   For the three months ended September 30, 2023 
   Continuing Operations   Discontinued Operations     
   Rapid diagnostic and other   Other agricultural   Healthy meals   Luobuma     
   products   products   products   products   Total 
Segment revenue  $135,127   $1,510,730   $-   $4,439   $1,650,296 
Cost of revenue and related business and sales tax   43,776    1,503,126    -    4,183    1,551,085 
Gross profit   91,351    7,604    -    256    99,211 
Gross profit %   67.6%   0.5%   -    5.8%   6.0%


Total assets as of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024 were as follows:


   September 30, 2024   June 30, 2024 
Other agricultural products  $80,138,418   $70,339,148 
Rapid diagnostic and other products   13,603,641    13,750,630 
Healthy meals products   71,858    89,601 
Total assets  $93,813,917   $84,179,379 




On May 29, 2023, Shineco Life entered into a stock purchase agreement with Dream Partner, Wintus and certain shareholders of Dream Partner (the “Sellers”), pursuant to which Shineco Life shall acquire 71.42% equity interest in Wintus (the “Acquisition”). On September 19, 2023, the Company closed the Acquisition. As the consideration for the Acquisition, the Company (a) paid the Sellers an aggregate cash consideration of US$2,000,000; (b) issued certain shareholders, as listed in the agreement, an aggregate of 41,667 shares of the Company’s restricted Common Stock; and (c) transferred and sold to the Sellers 100% of the Company’s equity interest in Beijing Tenet-Jove Technological Development Co., Ltd.


In accordance with ASU No. 2014-08, Reporting Discontinued Operations and Disclosures of Disposals of Components of an Entity, a disposal of a component of an entity or a group of components of an entity is required to be reported as discontinued operations if the disposal represents a strategic shift that has (or will have) a major effect on an entity’s operations and financial results when the components of an entity meets the criteria in paragraph 205-20-45-1E to be classified as held for sale. When all of the criteria to be classified as held for sale are met, including management, having the authority to approve the action, commits to a plan to sell the entity, the major current assets, other assets, current liabilities, and non-current liabilities shall be reported as components of total assets and liabilities separate from those balances of the continuing operations. At the same time, the results of all discontinued operations, less applicable income taxes benefit, shall be reported as a component of net loss separate from the net loss of continuing operations in accordance with ASC 205-20-45. The results of operations of Tenet-Jove Disposal Group have been reclassified to “net income from discontinued operations” in the unaudited condensed consolidated statements of income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss) for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.




The summarized operating result of discontinued operations included in the Company’s unaudited condensed consolidated statements of income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss) consist of the following:



For the Three Months Ended

September 30,

   2024   2023 
REVENUE  $-   $4,439 
Cost of products   -    4,178 
Business and sales related tax   -    5 
Total cost of revenue   -    4,183 
GROSS PROFIT   -    256 
General and administrative expenses   -    41,033 
Selling expenses   -    28,947 
Total operating expenses   -    69,980 
LOSS FROM OPERATIONS   -    (69,724)
OTHER INCOME          
Interest income, net   -    20,269 
Total other income   -    20,269 
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interest   -    (795)




On October 21, 2024, the Company’s stockholders approved a 1-for-24 reverse stock split of the shares of the Company’s common stock, with a par value of US$0.001 per share, which became effective on November 12, 2024 (the “Second 2024 Reverse Stock Split”). As a result of the Second 2024 Reverse Stock Split, each of the twenty-four pre-split shares of common stock outstanding automatically combined and converted to one issued and outstanding share of common stock without any action on the part of the stockholders. No fractional shares of common stock were issued to any shareholders in connection with the Second 2024 Reverse Stock Split. Each shareholder received one share of common stock in lieu of the fractional share that would have resulted from the Second 2024 Reverse Stock Split. As a result of the Second 2024 Reverse Stock Split, the Company’s shares and per share data as reflected in the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been retroactively restated as if the transaction occurred at the beginning of the periods presented.


These unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements were approved by management and available for issuance on November 14, 2024, and the Company has evaluated subsequent events through this date. No subsequent events required adjustments to or disclosure in these unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.






Forward-Looking Statements


This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), and is subject to the safe harbor created by those sections. All statements other than statements of historical fact are “forward-looking statements” for purposes of federal and state securities laws. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, such as statements about our plans, objectives, expectations, assumptions or future events. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “plan,” “project,” “continuing,” “ongoing,” “expect,” “believe,” “intend,” “may,” “should,” “will,” “could,” and similar expressions denoting uncertainty or an action that may, will or is expected to occur in the future. These statements involve estimates, assumptions, known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from any future results, performances or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.


Examples of forward-looking statements include:


  the timing of the development of future products;
  projections of revenue, earnings, capital structure, and other financial items;
  local, regional, national, and global price fluctuations of raw materials;
  statements of our plans and objectives, including those that relate to our proposed expansions and the effect such expansions may have on our revenue;
  statements regarding the capabilities of our business operations;
  statements of expected future economic performance;
  the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic;
  statements regarding competition in our market; and
  assumptions underlying statements regarding us or our business.


The ultimate correctness of these forward-looking statements depends upon a number of known and unknown risks and events. Many factors could cause our actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in our forward-looking statements. Consequently, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.


The forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made, and, except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which the statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. In addition, we cannot assess the impact of each factor on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Nonetheless, we reserve the right to make such updates from time to time by press release, periodic report, or other method of public disclosure without the need for specific reference to this Quarterly Report. No such update shall be deemed to indicate that other statements not addressed by such update is incorrect or create an obligation to provide any other updates.


The information included in this Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations should be read in conjunction with our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements and the notes included in this Quarterly Report, and the audited consolidated financial statements and notes and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations contained in our Annual Report. All monetary figures are presented in U.S. dollars, unless otherwise indicated.




General Overview


Shineco, Inc. is a holding company incorporated in Delaware. Prior to the following acquisition and the termination of the VIE structure, as a holding company with no material operations of our own, we conducted a substantial majority of our operations through the operating entities established in the People’s Republic of China, or the PRC, primarily the variable interest entities (the “VIEs”). We did not have any equity ownership of the VIEs, instead we received the economic benefits of the VIEs’ business operations through certain contractual arrangements. Our common stock that currently listed on the Nasdaq Capital Markets are shares of our Delaware holding company. The Chinese regulatory authorities could disallow our structure, which could result in a material change in our operations and the value of our securities could decline or become worthless.


On December 30, 2022, Shineco Life Science Group Hong Kong Co., Limited (“Shineco Life”), a company established under the laws of Hong Kong and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, closed the acquisition of 51% of the issued equity interests of Changzhou Biowin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (“Biowin”), a company established under the laws of China, pursuant to the previously announced stock purchase agreement, dated as of October 21, 2022, among Beijing Kanghuayuan Medicine Information Consulting Co., Ltd., a company established under the laws of China (“Seller”), Biowin, the Company and Shineco Life. As the consideration for the acquisition, the Company paid to Seller US$9,000,000 in cash and the Company issued 13,583 shares of the Company’s common stock, par value US$0.001 per share, to the equity holders of Biowin or any persons designated by Biowin. According to a supplementary agreement, dated as of December 30, 2022, by and among Shineco Life, the Seller and Biowin, the Seller owned 51% of the issued equity interests of Biowin before January 1, 2023, and transferred the 51% of the issued equity interests of Biowin together with its controlling rights of production and operation of Biowin to Shineco Life on January 1, 2023.


On May 29, 2023, Shineco Life entered into a stock purchase agreement with Dream Partner Limited, a BVI corporation (“Dream Partner”), Chongqing Wintus Group, a corporation incorporated under the laws of mainland China (“Wintus”), and certain shareholders of Dream Partner (the “Sellers”), pursuant to which Shineco Life shall acquire 71.42% equity interest in Wintus (the “Acquisition”). On September 19, 2023, the Company closed the Acquisition. As the consideration for the Acquisition, the Company (a) paid the Sellers an aggregate cash consideration of US$2,000,000; (b) issued certain shareholders, as listed in the agreement, an aggregate of 41,667 shares of the Company’s restricted Common Stock; and (c) transferred and sold to the Sellers 100% of the Company’s equity interest in Beijing Tenet-Jove Technological Development Co., Ltd. (“Tenet-Jove Shares”). Following the closing of the Acquisition and the sale of the Tenet-Jove Shares, the Company divested its equity interest in its operating subsidiary Tenet-Jove (“Tenet-Jove Disposal Group”) and thereby terminated its VIE Structure.


We used our subsidiaries’ vertically and horizontally integrated production, distribution, and sales channels to provide health and well-being focused plant-based products. Through our subsidiary, Biowin, which specializes in the development, production and distribution of innovative rapid diagnostic products and related medical devices for the most common diseases, we also stepped into the Point-of-Care Testing industry. Also, following the acquisition of Wintus, we entered into a new business segment of producing, processing and distributing agricultural products, such as silk, silk fabrics and fresh fruit. Meanwhile, our subsidiary, Fuzhou Meida, opened its restaurant, which is a health-oriented chain restaurant that focuses on the concept of “improving metabolism through diet.” As of September 30, 2024, the Company, through its subsidiaries, operates the following main business segments:


Developing, producing and distributing innovative rapid diagnostic products and related medical devices for the most common diseases (“Rapid Diagnostic and Other Products”) - This segment is conducted through Biowin, which specializes in the development, production and distribution of innovative rapid diagnostic products and related medical devices for the most common diseases. The operations of this segment are located in Jiangsu Province. Its products are sold not only in China, but also overseas countries such as Germany, Spain, Italy, Thailand, Japan and other countries.




Producing, processing and distribution of agricultural products, such as silk and silk fabrics as well as fresh fruits (“Other agricultural products”): – This segment is conducted through Wintus, which specializes in producing, processing and distribution of agricultural products, such as silk and silk fabrics as well as trading of fresh fruit. The operations of this segment are located in Chongqing, China. Its products are sold not only in China, but also overseas countries such as United States, Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Poland), Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia (India, Thailand, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Cambodia), among other countries and regions. In addition to silk products, Wintus also engages in fruit trading business. It imports fruits from Southeast Asia and other regions, distributing them through dealers to supermarkets and stores nationwide in China.


Developing and selling healthy meals for people with slow metabolic health and those in recovery from metabolic disorders. (“Healthy meals products”): – This segment is conducted through Fuzhou Meida, which specializes in developing healthy meals for people with slow metabolic health and those in recovery from metabolic disorders. Fuzhou Meida recently opened its restaurant in Fuzhou city, Fujian Province. The restaurant features an open kitchen and adopts a modern Chinese style, offering a variety of modern Chinese healthy light meals and metabolism-boosting meal sets. The Company plans to gradually establish additional branches in key cities across China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and other southeastern coastal regions.


Tenet-Jove Disposal Group conducts three other business segments. First, developing, manufacturing, and distributing specialized fabrics, textiles, and other by-products derived from an indigenous Chinese plant Apocynum Venetum, known in Chinese as “Luobuma” or “Bluish Dogbane,” as well as Luobuma raw materials processing; this segment is conducted through our wholly owned subsidiary, Tenet-Jove. Second, planting, processing and distributing green and organic agricultural produce, growing and cultivation of yew trees, as well as planting fast-growing bamboo willows and scenic greening trees; this segment is conducted through Qingdao Zhihesheng and Guangyuan. Third, providing domestic air and overland freight forwarding services by outsourcing these services to a third party; this segment is conducted through Zhisheng Freight. These three business segments were reclassified as discontinued operations. The results of operations of Tenet-Jove Disposal Group have been reclassified to “net income from discontinued operations” in the unaudited condensed consolidated statements of income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss) for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023.


Financing Activities


On June 16, 2021, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement pursuant to which the Company issued an unsecured convertible promissory note with a one-year maturity term to an institutional accredited investor, Streeterville Capital, LLC (“Investor”). The note had an original principal amount of US$3,170,000 and Investor gave consideration of US$3.0 million, reflecting original issue discount of US$150,000 and Investor’s legal fee of US$20,000. Interest accrues on the outstanding balance of the note at 6% per annum. The Company has received the principal in full from the Investor and used the proceeds for general working capital purposes. On September 7, 2022, the Company signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date to June 17, 2023. On October 21, 2022, the Company signed a standstill agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Investor would not seek to redeem any portion of the note during the period from October 21, 2022 to January 20, 2023. On January 18, 2023, the Investor re-started the redemption of the notes. On June 15, 2023, the Company signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date to June 17, 2024. On December 21, 2023, the Company entered into a preliminary agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Investor would not seek repayment of any portion of the note during the period from December 22, 2023 to April 16, 2024. On June 11, 2024, the Company signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date to June 17, 2025. As of September 30, 2024, no share of the Company’s common stock under this agreement was issued by the Company to the Investor, and the notes balance was US$4,304,949, with a carrying value of US$4,421,085, net of deferred financing costs of US$116,136 was recorded in the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets as of September 30, 2024.




On July 16, 2021, the Company entered into another securities purchase agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Company issued the Investor two unsecured convertible promissory notes each with a one-year maturity term. The first convertible promissory note had an original principal amount of US$3,170,000 and the Investor gave consideration of US$3.0 million, reflecting original issue discount of US$150,000 and Investor’s legal fee of US$20,000. The second convertible promissory note has the original principal amount of US$4,200,000 and Investor gave consideration of US$4.0 million, reflecting original issue discount of US$200,000. Interest accrues on the outstanding balance of the Notes at 6% per annum. The Company has received the principal in full from the Investor and used the proceeds for general working capital purposes. As of September 30, 2024, the Notes was fully converted and shares of the Company’s common stock totaling 8,112 were issued by the Company to the Investor equaling principal and interests amounted to US$7,472,638.


On August 19, 2021, the Company entered into another securities purchase agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Company issued the Investor an unsecured convertible promissory note with a one-year maturity term. The note has an original principal amount of US$10,520,000 and Investor gave consideration of US$10.0 million, reflecting original issue discount of US$500,000 and Investor’s legal fee of US$20,000. Interest accrues on the outstanding balance of the note at 6% per annum. The Company has received the principal in full from the Investor and used the proceeds for general working capital purposes. On September 7, 2022, the Company signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date to August 23, 2023. On October 21, 2022, the Company signed a standstill agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Investor will not seek to redeem any portion of the note during the period from October 21, 2022 to January 20, 2023. On June 15, 2023, the Company signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date to August 23, 2024. On December 21, 2023, the Company entered into a preliminary agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Investor would not seek repayment of any portion of the note during the period from December 22, 2023 to April 16, 2024. On June 11, 2024, the Company signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date to August 23, 2025. As of September 30, 2024, shares of the Company’s common stock totaling 464,763 were issued by the Company to the Investor equaling principal and interests amounted to US$6,370,722 and cash totaling US$1,050,000 was repaid to the Investor. The notes balance was US$6,257,479, with a carrying value of US$6,602,229, net of deferred financing costs of US$344,750 was recorded in the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets as of September 30, 2024.


On June 20, 2024, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with certain non-U.S. investors (the “Purchasers”), pursuant to which the Company agreed to sell, and the Purchasers agreed to purchase, severally and not jointly, an aggregate of 58,333 shares of common stock of the Company (the “Shares”) at an offering price of US$120.00 per share for gross proceeds of up to US$7.0 million. In reliance on the Purchasers’ representations to the Company, the Shares issued in this offering were not subject to the registration requirements of the Securities Act, pursuant to Regulation S promulgated thereunder. As of June 30, 2024, proceeds of approximately US$6.4 million were received, and the remaining proceeds were fully received in July 2024, and all of the Shares were issued on July 8, 2024.


On July 11, 2024, the Company entered into an Underwriting Agreement with EF Hutton LLC, as the representative for several underwriters, relating to the underwritten public offering (the “Offering”) of 77,882 shares of the Common Stock at a public offering price of US$25.68 per share, for aggregate gross proceeds of approximately US$2.0 million, prior to deducting underwriting discounts and other offering expenses. In addition, the Company granted the underwriters a 45-day option to purchase up to an additional 11,683 shares of the Common Stock at the public offering price per share, less the underwriting discounts to cover over-allotments, if any. The Offering closed on July 15, 2024, and the 45-day option expired on August 30, 2024. The Offering closed on July 15, 2024, and the 45-day option expired on August 30, 2024. The net proceeds from the offering were approximately US$1.7 million, after deducting the estimated underwriting discounts and commissions and estimated offering expenses.




On August 22, 2024, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement (the “SPA”) with 22 purchasers, each an unrelated third party to the Company (collectively, the “Purchasers”). Pursuant to the SPA, the Purchasers agree to purchase, and the Company agreed to issue and sell to the Purchasers, an aggregate of 624,375 shares of the Company’s common stock, par value US$0.001 per share (the “Shares”), at a purchase price of US$13.20 per share, and for an aggregate purchase price of US$8,241,750 (the “Offering”). The SPA, the transaction contemplated thereby, and the issuance of the Shares have been approved by the Company’s board of directors. The closing of the transaction contemplated by the SPA took place on September 10, 2024. As of September 30, 2024, proceeds of approximately US$4.4 million were received, and the remaining proceeds are expected to be fully received by December 31, 2024.


Factors Affecting Financial Performance


We believe that the following factors will affect our financial performance:


Increasing demand for our products – We believe that the increasing demand for our products will have a positive impact on our financial position. We plan to develop new products and expand our distribution network as well as to grow our business through possible mergers and acquisitions of similar or synergetic businesses, all aimed at increasing awareness of our brand, developing customer loyalty, meeting customer demands in various markets and providing solid foundations for our growth. As of the date of this Quarterly Report, however, we do not have any agreements, undertakings or understandings to acquire any such entities and there can be no guarantee that we ever will.


Maintaining effective control of our costs and expenses - Successful cost control depends upon our ability to obtain and maintain adequate material supplies as required by our operations at competitive prices. We will focus on improving our long-term cost control strategies including establishing long-term alliances with certain suppliers to ensure adequate supply is maintained. We will carry forward the economies of scale and advantages from our nationwide distribution network and diversified offerings.


Economic and Political Risks


Our operations are conducted primarily in the PRC and subject to special considerations and significant risks not typically associated with companies operating in North America and/or Western Europe. These include risks with, among others, the political, economic and legal environment and foreign currency exchange. Our results may be adversely affected by changes in the political and social conditions in the PRC, and by changes in governmental policies with respect to laws and regulations, anti-inflationary measures, currency conversions, remittances abroad, and rates and methods of taxation, among other things.


Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“U.S. GAAP”) requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements as well as the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Critical accounting policies are those accounting policies that may be material due to the levels of subjectivity and judgment necessary to account for highly uncertain matters or the susceptibility of such matters to change, and that have a material impact on financial condition or operating performance. While we base our estimates and judgments on our experience and on various other factors that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. We believe the following critical accounting policies used in the preparation of our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements require significant judgments and estimates. For additional information relating to these and other accounting policies, see Note 3 to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Report.




Use of Estimates


Significant estimates required to be made by management include, but are not limited to, useful lives of property and equipment, and intangible assets, the recoverability of long-lived assets, assessment of expected credit losses for accounts receivable and other current asset, the valuation allowance of deferred taxes and inventory reserves. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


Credit Losses


On July 1, 2023, we adopted Accounting Standards Update 2016-13 “Financial Instruments – Credit Losses (Topic 326), Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments,” which replaces the incurred loss methodology with an expected loss methodology that is referred to as the current expected credit loss (“CECL”) methodology. The adoption of the credit loss accounting standard has no material impact on our consolidated financial statements as of July 1, 2023.


Our account receivables and other receivables included in other current assets on the unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets are within the scope of ASC Topic 326. We make estimates of expected credit and collectability trends for the allowance for credit losses based upon assessment of various factors, including historical experience, the age of the accounts receivable and other receivables balances, credit-worthiness of the customers and other debtors, current economic conditions, reasonable and supportable forecasts of future economic conditions, and other factors that may affect its ability to collect from the customers and other debtors. We also provide specific provisions for allowance when facts and circumstances indicate that the receivable is unlikely to be collected.


ASC Topic 326 is also applicable to loans to third parties that are included in the other current assets on the unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets. Management estimates the allowance for credit losses on loans that do not share similar risk characteristics on an individual basis. The key factors considered when determining the above allowances for credit losses include estimated loan collection schedule, discount rate, and assets and financial performance of the borrowers.


Expected credit losses are recorded as general and administrative expenses on the unaudited condensed consolidated statements of income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss). After all attempts to collect a receivable have failed, the receivable is written off against the allowance. In the event we recover amounts previously reserved for, we will reduce the specific allowance for credit losses.


Inventories, Net


Inventories, which are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value, consist of raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods related to our products. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the normal course of business less any costs to complete and sell products. Cost is determined using the weighted average method. We periodically evaluate our inventory and records an inventory reserve for certain inventories that may not be saleable or whose cost exceeds net realizable value. As of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024, the inventory reserve was nil and US$30,443, respectively.


Revenue Recognition


We generate our revenue primarily through sales of Luobuma products, other agricultural products, healthy meals and rapid diagnostic and other products, as well as providing logistic services and other processing services to external customers in accordance with ASC 606. ASC 606 establishes principles for reporting information about the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from the entity’s contracts to provide goods or services to customers. The core principle requires an entity to recognize revenue to depict the transfer of goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration that it expects to be entitled to receive in exchange for those goods or services recognized as performance obligations are satisfied.




With the adoption of ASC 606, “Revenue from Contracts with Customers,” revenue is recognized when all of the following five steps are met: (i) identify the contract(s) with the customer; (ii) identify the performance obligations in the contract; (iii) determine the transaction price; (iv) allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations; (v) recognize revenue when (or as) each performance obligation is satisfied. The Company has assessed the impact of the guidance by reviewing its existing customer contracts to identify differences that will result from applying the new requirements, including the evaluation of its performance obligations, transaction price, customer payments, transfer of control, and principal versus agent considerations. In accordance with ASC 606, the Company evaluates whether it is appropriate to record the gross amount of product sales and related costs or the net amount earned as commissions. When the Company is a principal, that the Company obtains control of the specified goods or services before they are transferred to the customers, the revenue should be recognized in the gross amount of consideration to which it expects to be entitled in exchange for the specified goods or services transferred. When the Company is an agent and its obligation is to facilitate third parties in fulfilling their performance obligation for specified goods or services, the revenue should be recognized in the net amount for the amount of commission which the Company earns in exchange for arranging for the specified goods or services to be provided by other parties. Based on the assessment, the Company concluded that there was no change to the timing and pattern of revenue recognition for its current revenue streams in scope of Topic 606 and therefore there was no material changes to the Company’s financial statements upon adoption of ASC 606.


More specifically, revenue related to our products and services is generally recognized as follows:


Sales of products: We recognized revenue from the sale of products at the point in time when the goods were delivered and title to the goods passed to the customer, provided that there were no uncertainties regarding customer acceptance; persuasive evidence of an arrangement existed; the sales price was fixed or determinable; and collectability was deemed probable.


Revenue from provision of services: The Company merely acts as an agent in these types of services transactions. Revenue from domestic air and overland freight forwarding services was recognized at the point in time upon the performance of services as stipulated in the underlying contract or when commodities were being released from the customer’s warehouse; the service price was fixed or determinable; and collectability was deemed probable.


Fair Value of Financial Instruments


We follow the provisions of ASC 820, “Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures.” ASC 820 clarifies the definition of fair value, prescribes methods for measuring fair value, and establishes a fair value hierarchy to classify the inputs used in measuring fair value as follows:


Level 1 applies to assets or liabilities for which there are quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.


Level 2 applies to assets or liabilities for which there are inputs, other than quoted prices in level, that are observable for the asset or liability such as quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets; quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in markets with insufficient volume or infrequent transactions (less active markets); or model-derived valuations in which significant inputs are observable or can be derived principally from, or corroborated by, observable market data.


Level 3 applies to assets or liabilities for which there are unobservable inputs to the valuation methodology that are significant to the measurement of the fair value of the asset or liability.


The carrying value of financial instruments included in current assets and liabilities approximate their fair values because of the short-term nature of these instruments.




Results of Operations for the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024 and 2023




The following table summarizes our results of operations for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:


   Three Months Ended September 30,   Variance 
   2024   2023   Amount   % 
Revenue  $2,174,285   $1,645,857   $528,428    32.11%
Cost of revenue   1,882,444    1,546,902    335,542    21.69%
Gross profit   291,841    98,955    192,886    194.92%
General and administrative expenses   2,636,575    3,259,465    (622,890)   (19.11)%
Selling expenses   32,241    47,833    (15,592)   (32.60)%
Research and development expenses   13,418    23,698    (10,280)   (43.38)%
Loss from operations   (2,390,393)   (3,232,041)   841,648    (26.04)%
Investment income from derivative financial assets   2,277    2,768    (491)   (17.74)%
Other income (expenses), net   (51,935)   818    (52,753)   (6,449.02)%
Amortization of debt issuance and other costs   (188,712)   (166,823)   (21,889)   13.12%
Interest expenses, net   (222,316)   (369,211)   146,895    (39.79)%
Loss before income tax benefit from continuing operations   (2,851,079)   (3,764,489)   913,410    (24.26)%
Benefit for income taxes   (292,951)   (251,366)   (41,585)   16.54%
Net loss from continuing operations   (2,558,128)   (3,513,123)   954,995    (27.18)%
Net income from discontinued operations   -    8,855,247    (8,855,247)   (100.00)%
Net income (loss)  $(2,558,128)  $5,342,124   $(7,900,252)   (147.89)%
Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to Shineco Inc.  $(1,842,683)  $5,480,633   $(7,323,316)   (133.62)%




Currently, we, through our PRC subsidiaries, have three major business segments from continuing operations. First, developing, producing and distributing innovative rapid diagnostic and other products and related medical devices for the most common diseases; this segment is conducted through Biowin. Second, producing, processing and distributing silk products, and providing fruit trading business; this segment is conducted through Wintus. Third, developing and selling healthy meals for people with slow metabolic health and those in recovery from metabolic disorders; this segment is conducted through Fuzhou Meida.


The following table sets forth the breakdown of our revenue for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively:


   Three Months Ended September 30,   Variance 
   2024   %   2023   %   Amount   % 
Rapid diagnostic and other products  $121,865    5.61%  $135,127    8.21%  $(13,262)   (9.81)%
Other agricultural products   2,051,471    94.35%   1,510,730    91.79%   540,741    35.79%
Healthy meal products   949    0.04%   -    -    949    100.00%
Total Amount  $2,174,285    100.00%  $1,645,857    100.00%  $528,428    32.11%


For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, revenue from sales of rapid diagnostic and other products was US$121,865 and US$135,127, respectively, representing a decrease of US$13,262, or 9.81%. The decrease was mainly due to a decline in orders we received from our customers, which resulted from the slow recovery of post pandemic economy in China, as well as a decrease in selling prices as we tried to clear some of our remaining stock during the three months ended September 30, 2024.




For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, revenue from sales of other agricultural products was US$2,051,471 and US$1,510,730, respectively, representing an increase of US$540,741, or 35.79%. The increase was because we had three months of revenue during the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to two months of revenue during the same period last year as we completed the acquisition of Wintus on July 31, 2023.


For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, revenue from sales of healthy meal products was US$949 and nil, respectively, representing an increase of US$949, or 100.00%. The increase was mainly due to revenue generated by our subsidiary, Fuzhou Meida, which only started to generate revenue in October 2023.


Cost of Revenue and Related Tax


The following table sets forth the breakdown of the cost of revenue for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively:


   Three Months Ended September 30,   Variance 
   2024   %   2023   %   Amount   % 
Rapid diagnostic and other products  $56,550    3.01%  $43,186    2.79%  $13,364    30.95%
Other agricultural products   1,824,720    96.93%   1,502,739    97.15%   321,981    21.43%
Healthy meal products   249    0.01%   -    -    249    100.00%
Business and sales related tax   925    0.05%   977    0.06%   (52)   (5.32)%
Total Amount  $1,882,444    100.00%  $1,546,902    100.00%  $335,542    21.69%


For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, cost of revenue from sales of rapid diagnostic and other products was US$56,550 and US$43,186, respectively, representing an increase of US$13,364, or 30.95%. The sales of rapid diagnostic and other products decreased; however, cost of revenue from sales of rapid diagnostic and other products increased during the three months ended September 30, 2024, which was mainly due to the clearance of our remaining stock, as discussed in “—Gross Profit ” below.


For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, cost of revenue from sales of other agricultural products was US$1,824,720 and US$1,502,739, respectively, representing an increase of US$321,981, or 21.43%. The increase was because we had three months of cost during the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to two months of cost during the same period last year as we completed the acquisition of Wintus on July 31, 2023.


For the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, cost of revenue from sales of healthy meal products was US$249 and nil, respectively, representing an increase of US$249, or 100.00%. The increase was mainly due to cost of revenue generated by our subsidiary, Fuzhou Meida, which only started to generate revenue in October 2023.


Gross Profit


The following table sets forth the breakdown of the gross profit for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively:


   Three Months Ended September 30,   Variance 
   2024   %   2023   %   Amount   % 
Rapid diagnostic and other products  $64,948    22.25%  $91,351    92.32%  $(26,403)   (28.90)%
Other agricultural products   226,193    77.51%   7,604    7.68%   218,589    2,874.66%
Healthy meal products   700    0.24%   -    -    700    100.00%
Total Amount  $291,841    100.00%  $98,955    100.00%  $192,886    194.92%




Gross profit from sales of rapid diagnostic and other products decreased by US$26,403, or 28.90%, for the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the same period in 2023. The decrease in gross profit was due to the decrease in sales as well as the decrease in our selling prices as we tried to clear some of our remaining stock during the three months ended September 30, 2024.


Gross profit from sales of other agricultural products increased by US$218,589, or 2,874.66%, for the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the same period in 2023. The increase in gross profit was mainly due to the increase in sales of other agricultural products during the three months ended September 30, 2024.


Gross profit from sales of healthy meal products increased by US$700, or 100.00%, for the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to the same period in 2023. The increase was mainly due to gross profit contributed by our subsidiary, Fuzhou Meida, which only started to generate revenue in October 2023.




The following table sets forth the breakdown of our operating expenses for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively:


   Three Months Ended September 30,   Variance 
   2024   %   2023   %   Amount   % 
General and administrative expenses  $2,636,575    98.30%  $3,259,465    97.85%  $(622,890)   (19.11)%
Selling expenses   32,241    1.20%   47,833    1.44%   (15,592)   (32.60)%
Research and development expenses   13,418    0.50%   23,698    0.71%   (10,280)   (43.38)%
Total Amount  $2,682,234    100.00%  $3,330,996    100.00%  $(648,762)   (19.48)%


General and Administrative Expenses


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, our general and administrative expenses were US$2,636,575, representing a decrease of US$622,890, or 19.11%, as compared to the same period in 2023. The decrease was mainly due to the decreased professional service fee in relation to the acquisition of Wintus of approximately US$780,000, as well as a decrease in staff compensation in relation to the issuance of restricted shares to the management of approximately US$400,000. The decrease was partially offset by the increased allowance for credit losses and doubtful accounts of approximately US$519,000.


Selling Expenses


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, our selling expenses were US$32,241, representing a decrease of US$15,592, or 32.60%, as compared to the same period in 2023. The decrease was mainly due to the implementation of cost control measurements, as we reduced the number of sales personnel and cut down the spending on selling activities during the three months ended September 30, 2024.


Research and Development Expenses


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, our research and development expenses were US$13,418, representing a decrease of US$10,280, or 43.38%, as compared to the same period in 2023. The decrease was mainly due to less research and development activities towards products development during the three months ended September 30, 2024, as we tried to control our costs during the three months ended September 30, 2024.


Amortization of Debt Issuance and Other Costs


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, our amortization of debt issuance and other costs expenses was US$188,712, representing an increase of US$21,889, or 13.12%, as compared to amortization of debt issuance and other costs expenses of US$166,823 for the same period in 2023. The increase was mainly due to the increased amortization of extension fee as the Company signed certain extension amendments with the investor to extend the maturity date of the convertible notes for one more year.




Interest Expenses, Net


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, our net interest expenses were US$222,316, representing a decrease of US$146,895, or 39.79%, as compared to net interest expenses of US$369,211 in the same period in 2023. The decrease in net interest expenses was mainly attributable to the increased interest income generated from loans to third parties, which was partially offset by the increased interest expenses on short-term and long-term loans borrowed by Wintus. We had three months of interest expenses on loans during the three months ended September 30, 2024 as compared to two months of interest expenses on loans during the same period last year as we completed the acquisition of Wintus on July 31, 2023.


Benefit for Income Taxes


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, our benefit for income taxes was US$292,951, representing an increase of US$41,585, or 16.54%, as compared to benefit for income taxes of US$251,366 in the same period in 2023. The increase in benefit for income taxes was mainly due to the reversal of deferred tax liabilities as a result of the amortization of intangible assets, which are trademarks, patents and land use rights that were revalued upon the acquisition of Wintus.


Net Loss from Continuing Operations


Our net loss from continuing operations was US$2,558,128 for the three months ended September 30, 2024, a decrease of US$954,995, or 27.18%, from net loss from continuing operations of US$3,513,123 in the same period in 2023. The decrease in net loss from continuing operations was primarily a result of the increase in gross profit and a decrease in general and administrative expenses and interest expenses.


Net Income (Loss) from Discontinued Operations


As mentioned above, due to the acquisition of Wintus mentioned above, the Company’s Luobuma, Agricultural Products and Freight Services business segments, that are operated by the Tenet-Jove Disposal Group, are reclassified as discontinued operations on the Company’s unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements. We had a total net income from discontinued operations of nil and US$8,855,247 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.


The summarized operating results of our discontinued operations included in our unaudited condensed consolidated statement of income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss) is as follows:


   Three Months Ended September 30, 
   2024   2023 
Revenue  $-   $4,439 
Cost of revenue   -    4,183 
Gross profit   -    256 
Operating expenses   -    69,980 
Other income, net   -    20,269 
Loss before income tax   -    (49,455)
Provision for income tax   -    - 
Net loss from discontinued operations  $-   $(49,455)
Income on disposal of discontinued operations   -    8,904,702 
Total net income from discontinued operations  $-   $8,855,247 




Net Income (Loss)


Our net loss was US$2,558,128 for the three months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to a net income of US$5,342,124 for the same period in 2023. The increase in net loss was primarily a result of the decreased net income from discontinued operation, partially offset by the decreased net loss from continuing operations, as discussed above.


Comprehensive Income (Loss)


The comprehensive loss was US$2,370,422 for the three months ended September 30, 2024, an increase of US$7,810,511 from a comprehensive income of US$5,440,089 for the three months ended September 30, 2023. After the deduction of non-controlling interest, the comprehensive loss attributable to us was US$1,842,683 for the three months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to a comprehensive income attributable to us in the amount of US$5,480,633 for the three months ended September 30, 2023. The increase in comprehensive loss was due to the increased net loss discussed above.


Treasury Policies


We have established treasury policies with the objectives of achieving effective control of treasury operations and of lowering cost of funds. Therefore, funding for all operations and foreign exchange exposure have been centrally reviewed and monitored from the top level. To manage our exposure to fluctuations in exchange rates and interest rates on specific transactions and foreign currency borrowings, currency structured instruments and other appropriate financial instruments will be used to hedge material exposure, if any.


Our policy precludes us from entering into any derivative contracts purely for speculative activities. Through our treasury policies, we aim to:


(a) Minimize interest risk


This is accomplished by loan re-financing and negotiation. We will continue to closely monitor the total loan portfolio and compare the loan margin spread under our existing agreements against the current borrowing interest rates under different currencies and new offers from banks.


(b) Minimize currency risk


In view of the current volatile currency market, we will closely monitor the foreign currency borrowings at the company level. As of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024, except the above-mentioned convertible note, we did not engage in any foreign currency borrowings or loan contracts.


Liquidity and Capital Resources


We currently finance our business operations primarily through advances from our related parties, short-term and long-term loans, convertible notes and the sale of our common stock. Our current cash primarily consists of cash on hand and cash in bank, which is unrestricted as to withdrawal and use and is deposited with banks in China.


As of September 30, 2024, we had approximately US$13.7 million in short-term bank loans and US$1.8 million in long-term bank loans outstanding. We expect that we will be able to renew all of the existing bank loans upon their maturity based on our past experience and outstanding credit history.




On June 16, 2021, we entered into a securities purchase agreement pursuant to which we issued an unsecured convertible promissory note with a one-year maturity term to an institutional accredited investor Streeterville Capital, LLC (“Investor”). The convertible promissory note has the original principal amount of US$3,170,000 and Investor gave consideration of US$3.0 million, reflecting original issue discount of US$150,000 and Investor’s legal fee of US$20,000. We received principal in full from the Investor. On September 7, 2022, we signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date to June 17, 2023. On October 21, 2022, the Company signed a standstill agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Investor would not seek to redeem any portion of the note during the period from October 21, 2022 to January 20, 2023. On January 18, 2023, the Investor re-started the redemption of the notes. On June 15, 2023, the Company signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date to June 17, 2024. On December 21, 2023, the Company entered into a preliminary agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Investor would not seek repayment of any portion of the note during the period from December 22, 2023 to April 16, 2024. On June 11, 2024, the Company signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date to June 17, 2025.


On July 16, 2021, we entered into a securities purchase agreement pursuant to which we issued two unsecured convertible promissory notes with a one-year maturity term to the same investor. The first convertible promissory note has an original principal amount of US$3,170,000 and the Investor gave consideration of US$3.0 million, reflecting original issue discount of US$150,000 and Investor’s legal fee of US$20,000. The second convertible promissory note has an original principal amount of US$4,200,000 and the Investor gave consideration of US$4.0 million, reflecting original issue discount of US$200,000.


On August 19, 2021, we entered into a securities purchase agreement pursuant to which we issued an unsecured convertible promissory note with a one-year maturity term to the same investor. The Note has the original principal amount of US$10,520,000 and Investor gave consideration of US$10.0 million, reflecting original issue discount of US$500,000 and Investor’s legal fee of US$20,000. We received principal in full from the Investor and we anticipate using the proceeds for general working capital purposes. On September 7, 2022, the Company signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date to August 23, 2023. On October 21, 2022, the Company signed a standstill agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Investor will not seek to redeem any portion of the note during the period from October 21, 2022 to January 20, 2023. On June 15, 2023, the Company signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date to August 23, 2024. On December 21, 2023, the Company entered into a preliminary agreement with the Investor, pursuant to which the Investor would not seek repayment of any portion of the note during the period from December 22, 2023 to April 16, 2024. On June 11, 2024, the Company signed an extension amendment with the Investor to extend the maturity date to August 23, 2025.


For the above-mentioned convertible promissory notes issued, as of September 30, 2024, shares of the Company’s common stock totaling 472,875 were issued by the Company to the Investor equaling principal and interests amounted to US$13,843,360, and cash totaling US$1,050,000 was repaid to the Investor. The Notes balance was US$10,562,428, with a carrying value of US$11,023,314, net of deferred financing costs of US$460,886 was recorded in the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated balance sheets as of September 30, 2024.


On June 20, 2024, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement with certain non-U.S. investors (the “Purchasers”), pursuant to which the Company agreed to sell, and the Purchasers agreed to purchase, severally and not jointly, an aggregate of 58,333 shares of common stock of the Company (the “Shares”) at an offering price of US$120.00 per share for gross proceeds of up to US$7.0 million. In reliance on the Purchasers’ representations to the Company, the Shares issued in this offering were not subject to the registration requirements of the Securities Act, pursuant to Regulation S promulgated thereunder. As of June 30, 2024, proceeds of approximately US$6.4 million were received, and the remaining proceeds were fully received in July 2024, and all of the Shares were issued on July 8, 2024.




On July 11, 2024, the Company entered into an Underwriting Agreement with EF Hutton LLC, as the representative for several underwriters, relating to the underwritten public offering (the “Offering”) of 77,882 shares of the Common Stock at a public offering price of US$25.68 per share, for aggregate gross proceeds of approximately US$2.0 million, prior to deducting underwriting discounts and other offering expenses. In addition, the Company granted the underwriters a 45-day option to purchase up to an additional 11,683 shares of the Common Stock at the public offering price per share, less the underwriting discounts to cover over-allotments, if any. The Offering closed on July 15, 2024, and the 45-day option expired on August 30, 2024. The net proceeds from the offering were approximately US$1.7 million, after deducting the estimated underwriting discounts and commissions and estimated offering expenses.


On August 22, 2024, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement (the “SPA”) with 22 purchasers, each an unrelated third party to the Company (collectively, the “Purchasers”). Pursuant to the SPA, the Purchasers agree to purchase, and the Company agreed to issue and sell to the Purchasers, an aggregate of 624,375 shares of the Company’s common stock, par value US$0.001 per share (the “Shares”), at a purchase price of US$13.20 per share, and for an aggregate purchase price of US$8,241,750 (the “Offering”). The SPA, the transaction contemplated thereby, and the issuance of the Shares have been approved by the Company’s board of directors. The closing of the transaction contemplated by the SPA took place on September 10, 2024. As of September 30, 2024, proceeds of approximately US$4.4 million were received, and the remaining proceeds are expected to be fully received by December 31, 2024.


As disclosed in the Company’s unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements, the Company had recurring net losses from continuing operations of US$2.6 million and US$3.5 million, and cash outflow of US$2.1 million and US$1.3 million from operating activities from continuing operations for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. As of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024, the Company had accumulated a deficit of US$56.4 million and US$54.3 million, and as of September 30, 2024, the Company had negative working capital of US$7.3 million. The Company’s management believes these factors raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern for the next twelve months. In assessing the Company’s going concern, the Company’s management monitors and analyzes the Company’s cash on-hand and its ability to generate sufficient revenue sources in the future to support its operating and capital expenditure commitments. The Company’s liquidity needs are to meet its working capital requirements, operating expenses and capital expenditure obligations. Direct offering and debt financing have been utilized to finance the working capital requirements of the Company. The continuation of the Company as a going concern through the next twelve months is dependent on the continued financial support from its stockholders. The Company’s management believes that the Company’s current access to loans, equity financing as well as financial support from its shareholders will be sufficient to meet its working capital needs for at least the next 12 months. The Company intends to continue to carefully execute its growth plans and manage market risk. If the Company fails to satisfy the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC’s (“Nasdaq”) continued listing requirements, such as the corporate governance requirements or the minimum closing bid price requirement, Nasdaq may take steps to delist its common stock. Any continuing failure to remain in compliance with Nasdaq’s continued listing standards and any subsequent failure to timely resume compliance with Nasdaq’s continued listing standards within the applicable cure period could have adverse consequences and, among other things, substantially impair the Company’s ability to raise additional funds and could result in a loss of institutional investor interest and fewer development opportunities for the Company.


Working Capital


The following table provides the information about our working capital as of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024:


   September 30, 2024   June 30, 2024 
Current assets  $31,687,558   $20,903,961 
Current liabilities   38,993,149    27,562,855 
Working capital  $(7,305,591)  $(6,658,894)




The working capital decreased slightly by US$646,697, or 9.7%, as of September 30, 2024 from June 30, 2024, primarily as a result of an increase in contract liabilities and current portion of convertible note, partially offset by an increase in advances to suppliers and other current assets, as well as a decrease in other payables and accrued expenses.


Capital Commitments and Contingencies


Capital commitments refer to the allocation of funds for the possible purchase in the near future for fixed assets or investment. Contingency refers to a condition that arises from past transactions or events, the outcome of which will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of uncertain futures events.


As of September 30, 2024 and June 30, 2024, we had no other material capital commitments or contingent liabilities.


Contractual Obligations


The Company has no long-term fixed contractual obligations or commitments other than leases that are disclosed in Note 10 in the notes to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.


Off-Balance Sheet Commitments and Arrangements


On May 29, 2023, the Board of the Company approved that we pledged our property as collateral to guarantee a personal loan of a related party, Mr. Yuying Zhang, the legal representative of Tenet-Jove. Based on the memorandum entered between us and Mr. Yuying Zhang, Mr. Yuying Zhang was expected to repay his loan and release the pledge before May 31, 2024, and we have the right to claim full compensation if the property fails to be released by the due date. On May 23, 2024, Mr. Yuying Zhang entered into another supplementary agreement with Weiqing Guo, wherein the parties agreed to extend the due date of the principal amount from May 23, 2024 to May 23, 2025, and the real estate property continued to be pledged until May 23, 2025. If Yuying Zhang fails to repay the loan and the property is executed by the Court, the Company has the right to pursue compensation from Zhang Yuying based on the market value of the property. As of September 30, 2024, the net book value of the property was US$1,039,868.


The Company’s subsidiary, Chongqing Wintus (New Star) Enterprises Group, provided a guarantee amounted to US$712,771 for a bank loan borrowed by Chongqing Yufan Trading Co., Ltd, a related party of the Company until December 28, 2025.


Except for the above-mentioned guarantee, we have not entered into any other financial guarantees or other commitments to guarantee the payment obligations of any third parties. In addition, we have not entered into any derivative contracts that are indexed to our own common stock and classified as stockholders’ equity, or that are not reflected in our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.


Cash Flows


The following table provides detailed information about our cash flows for the three months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively:


   Three Months Ended September 30, 
   2024   2023 
Net cash used in operating activities  $(2,085,232)  $(1,503,133)
Net cash used in investing activities   (3,133,148)   (12,897,211)
Net cash provided by financing activities   5,066,481    906,103 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents   15,577    202,508
Net decrease in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash   (136,322)   (13,291,733)
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, beginning of the period   395,036    14,166,759 
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash, end of the period  $258,714   $875,026 




Operating Activities


Net cash used in operating activities during the three months ended September 30, 2024 was approximately US$2.1 million, consisting of net loss from continuing operations of US$2.6 million, depreciation and amortization expenses of US$1.3 million, and net changes in our operating assets and liabilities, which mainly included an increase in advances to suppliers of US$6.4 million, an increase in inventories of US$0.7 million and a decrease in other payables and accrued expenses of US$1.2 million, partially offset by an increase in contract liabilities of US$6.3 million and an increase in accounts payable of US$0.7 million.


Net cash used in operating activities during the three months ended September 30, 2023 was approximately US$1.5 million, consisting of net loss from continuing operations of US$3.5 million, depreciation and amortization expenses of US$1.0 million, common stock issued for management and employees of US$0.5 million, and net changes in our operating assets and liabilities, which mainly included a decrease in accounts receivable of US$4.0 million, a decrease in advances to suppliers of US$0.7 million and an increase in other payables and accrued expenses of US$0.4 million, partially offset by the decrease in accounts payable of US$5.1 million.


Investing Activities


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, net cash used in investing activities was US$3.1 million, primarily due to prepayment for business acquisition of US$2.6 million and payment made for loans to third parties of US$0.5 million.


For the three months ended September 30, 2023, net cash used in investing activities was US$12.9 million, primarily due to disposal of Tenet-Jove of US$13.9 million, partially offset by the proceeds of business acquisition of Wintus of US$1.0 million.


Financing Activities


For the three months ended September 30, 2024, net cash provided by financing activities amounted to approximately US$5.1 million, due to proceeds from issuance of common stock of US$6.4 million, proceeds from short-term loans of US$5.0 million, proceeds from long-term loans of US$0.6 million, partially offset by the repayment of short-term loans of US$5.2 million and the repayment of long-term loans of US$0.6 million, repayment of loan from third party of US$0.5 million and repayment of convertible note of US$0.4 million.


For the three months ended September 30, 2023, net cash provided by financing activities amounted to approximately US$0.9 million, due to proceeds received from investors for subscription of common stock of US$0.3 million, and proceeds from short-term loans of US$4.0 million, partially offset by the repayment of short-term loans of US$3.6 million.






As a small reporting company, we are not required to provide the information required by this item.




(a) Evaluation of Controls and Procedures


We maintain disclosure controls and procedures designed to provide reasonable assurance that material information required to be disclosed by us in the reports filed or submitted under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, is recorded, processed, summarized, and reported within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission rules and forms, and that the information is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.


Based on our review, our management, including our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were not effective at the reasonable assurance level as of the end of the period covered by this Quarterly Report due to following material weaknesses:


a lack of full-time U.S. GAAP personnel in the accounting department to monitor the recording of the transactions; and
a lack of segregation of duties for accounting personnel who prepared and reviewed the journal entries.


In order to address the above material weaknesses, our management has taken the following steps:


recruiting sufficient qualified professionals with appropriate levels of knowledge and experience to assist in reviewing and resolving accounting issues in routine or complex transactions. To mitigate the reporting risks, we engaged an outside professional consulting firm to supplement our efforts to improve our internal control over financial reporting;
improving the communication between management, board of directors, and the Chief Financial Officer; and
obtaining proper approval for other significant and non-routine transactions from the board of directors.


We are committed to monitoring the effectiveness of these measures and making any changes that are necessary and appropriate.


(b) Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting


There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting during the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2024. Because of its inherent limitations, a system of internal control over financial reporting can provide only reasonable assurance and may not prevent or detect misstatements. Further, because of changes in conditions, effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting may vary over time. Our system contains self-monitoring mechanisms, and actions are taken to correct deficiencies as they are identified.








Other than ordinary routine litigation (of which we are not currently involved), we know of no material, existing or pending legal proceedings against us, nor are we involved as a plaintiff in any material proceeding or pending litigation, and there are no proceedings in which any of our directors, officers or affiliates, or any registered or beneficial stockholder, is an adverse party or has a material interest adverse to our company except as set forth below:


On May 16, 2017, Ms. Guiqin Li (the “Plaintiff”) commenced a lawsuit against the Company in the People’s Court of Chongqing Pilot Free Trade Zone of China. Plaintiff alleged that due to the misguidance given by the Company’s securities trading department, the Plaintiff did not manage to complete the sales of the Company’s common stock on the day of the Company’s initial public offering in the United States. As the price of the Company’s common stock continued falling after initial public offering, the Plaintiff incurred losses and hence is seeking monetary damages against the Company. Based on the judgment of the initial trial, the Company was required to pay the Plaintiff a settlement payment, including the monetary compensation, interests and other legal fees.


In January 2023, the Company entered into a Settlement Agreement and Release with the Plaintiff, pursuant to which the Company paid the Plaintiff a total sum of US$700,645 (approximately RMB 4.8 million) as settlement payment, and upon acceptance of the settlement payment from the Company, the Plaintiff waived, released, and forever discharged the Company from all past and future claims. As of June 30, 2023, the Company has made the payments in full to the Plaintiff according to the Settlement Agreement and Release.


On November 26, 2021, the Company filed a complaint in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County against Lei Zhang and Yan Li, as defendants, and Transhare Corporation, as a nominal defendant, asserting that defendants had not paid for certain restricted shares of the Company’s common stock pursuant to stock purchase agreements they executed with the Company. In December, defendants filed an answer and counterclaim against the Company, which they amended on January 27, 2022 after the Company moved to dismiss their counterclaims. They brought claims for, among others, breach of contract, breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, and fraud, asserting that the Company made false and materially misleading statements, specifically regarding the sale of such shares to Lei Zhang and Yan Li and the removal of their restrictive legends. Defendants are seeking money damages of at least $9 million, punitive damages of $10 million, plus interest, costs, and fees. In April 2022, the Court granted the Company’s motion for a preliminary injunction to restrain the Company’s transfer agent from removing the restrictive legends on the shares, provided that the Company posts a bond, which the Company declined to do. On June 13, 2022, the restriction imposed on the shares were lifted.


Nominal defendant Transhare Corporation moved to dismiss the defendants’ counterclaim against it for wrongful refusal to remove restrictions pursuant to 6 Del. C. § 8-401, and its motion was fully submitted in April 2022. On September 9, 2022, the Court granted Transhare Corporation’s motion to dismiss defendants’ counterclaim for wrongful refusal to remove restrictions. Defendants have appealed the Court’s September 9, 2022 order dismissing defendants’ counterclaim for wrongful refusal to remove restrictions. On October 3, 2022, the parties submitted a stipulation dismissing defendants’ outstanding counterclaim against Transhare Corporation seeking declaratory judgment.


The Company participated in a formal mediation with the defendants Lei Zhang and Yan Li on September 18, 2023. As a result of the mediation, the parties were able to reach a settlement agreement in December 2023. The parties executed a Settlement Agreement on December 21, 2023, and the claims by each side were formally dismissed by the court on December 22, 2023. The subscription receivable amounted to US$3,024,000 was waived by the Company, and the Company will not retrieve the shares that were issued to the defendants.




As a “smaller reporting company,” we are not required to provide the information required by this Item.




On June 20, 2024, the Company entered into a securities purchase agreement (the “SPA”) with certain non-U.S. investors (the “Purchasers”), pursuant to which the Company agreed to sell, and the Purchasers agreed to purchase, severally and not jointly, an aggregate of 58,333 shares of common stock of the Company (the “Shares”) at an offering price of US$120.00 per share (the “Offering”). Each Purchaser represented that he or she is not a resident of the United States and is not a “U.S. person” as defined in Rule 902(k) of Regulation S under the Securities Act and is not acquiring the Shares for the account or benefit of any U.S. person. The Company has received gross proceeds of US$7.0 million from the Purchasers, and all of the Shares were issued on July 8, 2024.


The above-mentioned issuance of securities of the Company is deemed to be exempt under the Securities Act by virtue of Section 4(2) thereof as the transaction does not involve any public offering. In addition, the issuance was deemed not to fall within Section 5 under the Securities Act and to be further exempt under Rule 901 and 903 of Regulation S promulgated thereunder by virtue of being the issuance of securities to non-U.S. citizens or residents, conducted outside the United States and not using any element of interstate commerce.








Not applicable.










3.1   Certificate of Incorporation of Shineco, Inc. (incorporated by reference to the Company’s Registration Statement on Form S-1 filed with the SEC on July 1, 2015 (Registration No. 333-202803))
3.2   Amended and Restated Bylaws of Shineco, Inc.(incorporated by reference to the Company’s Registration Statement on Form S-1 filed with the SEC on July 1, 2015 (Registration No. 333-202803))
3.3   Amendment to Certificate of Incorporation of Shineco, Inc. (incorporated by reference to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC November 8, 2024)
4.1   Specimen Common Stock Share Certificate (incorporated by reference to the Company’s Registration Statement on Form S-1 filed with the SEC on January 27, 2016 (Registration No. 333-202803))
4.2   2016 Share Incentive Plan (incorporated by reference to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC September 28, 2016)
4.3   2022 Equity Incentive Plan (incorporated by reference herein to Exhibit 4.1 filed with Form S-8 filed with the SEC on July 29, 2022)
4.4   Amendment to Convertible Promissory Note, dated September 7, 2022 (Incorporated by reference to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC September 28, 2023)
4.5   Amendment to Convertible Promissory Note, dated September 7, 2022 (Incorporated by reference to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC September 28, 2023)
4.6   Amendment to Convertible Promissory Note, dated June 15, 2023 (Incorporated by reference to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC September 28, 2023)
4.7   Amendment to Convertible Promissory Note, dated June 15, 2023 (Incorporated by reference to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC September 28, 2023)
4.8   2023 Equity Incentive Plan (Incorporated by reference to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC September 28, 2023)
4.9   2024 Equity Incentive Plan (Incorporated by reference to the Company’s Form 8-K filed with the SEC on February 5, 2024)
4.10   Amendment to Convertible Promissory Note, dated June 11, 2024 (Incorporated by reference to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC September 30, 2024)
4.11   Amendment to Convertible Promissory Note, dated June 11, 2024 (Incorporated by reference to the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC September 30, 2024)
4.12   2025 Equity Incentive Plan (Incorporated by reference to the Company’s Form 8-K filed with the SEC on October 25, 2024)
10.1   Stock Purchase Agreement (incorporated by reference to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC September 20, 2023)
10.2   Stock Purchase Agreement, dated as of October 21, 2022, by and among Shineco, Inc., Shineco Life Science Research Co., Ltd., Beijing Kanghuayuan Medicine Information Consulting Co., Ltd. and Changzhou Biowin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC January 4, 2023)
10.3   Supplementary Agreement to the Stock Purchase Agreement, dated as of December 30, 2022, by and among Beijing Kanghuayuan Medicine Information Consulting Co., Ltd., Shineco Life Science Research Co., Ltd. and Changzhou Biowin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Company’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC January 4, 2023)
31.1   Certification of Principal Executive Officer pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
31.2   Certification of Principal Financial Officer pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
32.1*   Certification of Principal Executive Officer pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to § 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
32.2*   Certification of Principal Financial Officer pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to § 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
101.INS   Inline XBRL Instance Document.
101.SCH   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document.
101.CAL   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase Document.
101.DEF   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase Document.
101.LAB   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Label Linkbase Document.
101.PRE   Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document.
104   Cover Page Interactive Data File (formatted as Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101).


* This certification is deemed furnished, and not filed, for purposes of section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or otherwise subject to the liability of that section, nor shall it be deemed incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Exchange Act.






Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Dated: November 14, 2024 By: /s/ Jennifer Zhan
    Jennifer Zhan
    Chief Executive Officer
    (Principal Executive Officer)
Dated: November 14, 2024 By: /s/ Sai (Sam) Wang
    Sai (Sam) Wang
    Chief Financial Officer
    (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)