表单 10-Q
委员会文件号 001-39029
48西25街, 三楼
纽约, 纽约 10010
(212) 229-9797
纳斯达克 资本市场
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41,255,484 每股A类普通股,面值为0.01美元
5,413,197 每股B类普通股,面值为0.01美元


第一部分 — 财务信息
September 30,
(以千为单位, 除每股金额外)2024202320242023
净收入$29,859 $6,447 $62,767 $25,862 
营业费用不包括折旧和摊销费用32,672 7,175 73,969 25,458 
企业费用2,319 1,095 9,154 3,981 
折旧与摊销1,741 130 3,305 437 
资产处置损益 11 5 (28)
总营业费用36,732 8,411 86,433 29,848 
认股权份额负债公允价值变动65,439  34,412  
其他收入(支出)总额62,141 (105)27,216 (318)
持续经营收入(亏损)的所得税前收入55,268 (2,069)3,550 (4,304)
所得税准备金342 84 608 234 
净利润(亏损)54,926 (2,153)2,942 (4,538)
净利润来自停止经营的净亏损 (163) (306)
综合净利润(损失)54,926 (2,316)2,942 (4,844)
净利润归属于非控股权益639  1,467  
优先股股息 602 851 1,788 
净利润(损失)归属于普通股股东$54,287 $(2,918)$624 $(6,632)
每股净利润(损失)归属于普通股股东 - 基本:
持续经营$0.73 $(0.11)$0.01 $(0.25)
已中止的业务$ $(0.01)$ $(0.01)
每股净利润(损失)归属于普通股股东 - 基本:$0.73 $(0.12)$0.01 $(0.26)
每股净利润(损失)归属于普通股股东 - 稀释:
持续经营$0.66 $(0.11)$0.01 $(0.25)
已停止的营运$ $(0.01)$ $(0.01)
每股净利润(损失)归属于普通股股东-摊薄:$0.66 $(0.12)$0.01 $(0.26)
基本74,271 24,713 54,939 25,032 
摊薄84,177 24,713 55,546 25,032 

现金及现金等价物$7,673 $3,817 
受限现金 1,337 
应收账款,减去2024年4月30日和2024年1月31日的信用损失准备,分别为 792 和$353,分别
32,248 6,675 
预付费用1,941 891 
其他流动资产629 1,188 
总流动资产45,539 13,908 
固定资产净额19,220 1,380 
其他无形资产,净额190,813 64,593 
资产:租赁资产56,273 13,614 
存款和其他3,096 1,996 
其他资产总计67,820 15,610 
总资产$338,357 $95,491 
应付账款和应计费用$31,106 $2,625 
长期债务的流动部分6,458 6,458 
应计工资和佣金989 539 
递延收入10,791 557 
营运租赁负债6,113 1,444 
应付所得税2,025 29 
其他流动负债1,517 65 
总流动负债59,685 11,717 
经营租赁负债,减去流动负债40,615 14,333 
递延所得税3,354 2,775 
其他非流动负债662 502 
总负债251,350 29,327 
承诺和 contingencies
A系列累积可转换参与优先股,$0.01 每股面值, 10,000,000 股份获授权; 0 一起。 286,031 2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日,发行和流通股份
A类普通股,$0.0005股,截至2024年4月30日和2024年1月31日,授权股票0.0005股;0.01 面值;授权 170,000,000 股;已发行及流通中的 41,226,547 股数和 20,741,865 股份,在2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日分别
413 210 
B类普通股,$0.000030.01 面值;授权 50,000,000 股份;已发行和未流通 5,413,197 2024年9月30日和2023年12月31日的股份;面值;授权
54 54 
C类普通股,每股面值$0.01 面值;授权 30,000,000 股份; 已发行股数
追加实收资本89,968 60,294 
总股本67,911 37,410 
股东权益合计和非控制权益87,007 37,410 
负债和股东权益合计和非控制权益$338,357 $95,491 

 A类普通股B类普通股APIC累积赤字 非控制权益总计
20,741,865 $210 5,413,197 $54 $60,294 $(23,148)$ $37,410 
净亏损— — — — — (3,677)— (3,677)
员工、官员和董事的A类股票发行净额(151,993)(4)— — 291 — — 287 
回购A类普通股(11,304)— — — (7)— — (7)
优先股送转— — — — — (723)— (723)
2024年3月31日的余额20,578,568 $206 5,413,197 $54 $60,578 $(27,548)$ $33,290 
净利润(亏损)— — — — — (49,135)828 (48,307)
员工、官员和董事的A类股票发行净额(34,403)— — — 22 — — 22 
转换优先A系列股份20,733,869 207 — — 29,397 — — 29,604 
Estrella交易导致的非控制权益— — — — — — 17,629 17,629 
优先股送转— — — — — (128)— (128)
2024年6月30日余额41,278,034 $413 5,413,197 $54 $89,997 $(76,811)$18,457 $32,110 
净利润(损失)— — — — — 54,287 639 54,926 
员工、官员和董事的A类股票发行净额(51,487)— — — (29)— (29)
2024年9月30日余额41,226,547 $413 5,413,197 $54 $89,968 $(22,524)$19,096 $87,007 
20,443,138 $207 5,413,197 $54 $59,817 $(13,102)$ $46,976 
净亏损— — — — — (2,107)— (2,107)
员工、官员和董事的A类股票发行净额564,548 6 — — 363 — — 369 
回购A类普通股(395,813)(6)— — (565)— — (571)
优先股送转— — — — — (590)— (590)
2023年3月31日余额20,611,873 $207 5,413,197 $54 $59,615 $(15,799)$ $44,077 
净亏损— — — — — (421)— (421)
员工、官员和董事的A类股票发行净额(150,485)(2)— — 266 — — 264 
回购A类普通股(56,031)(1)— — (67)— — (68)
优先股送转— — — — — (596)— (596)
2023年6月30日的余额20,405,357 $204 5,413,197 $54 $59,814 $(16,816)$ $43,256 
净亏损— — — — — (2,316)— (2,316)
员工、官员和董事的A类股票发行净额752,901 7 — — 367 — — 374 
可转换的可赎回票据转换(132,760)(1)— — (104)— — (105)
优先股送转— — — — — (602)— (602)
2023年9月30日余额21,025,498 $210 5,413,197 $54 $60,077 $(19,734)$ $40,607 

合并净利润(损失)$2,942 $(4,844)
减:终止经营部门损失,扣除所得税 306 
折旧和摊销3,305 437 
非现金租赁费用1,642 1,679 
信贷损失准备114 (23)
递延所得税费用579 224 
非现金报酬627 1,404 
其他非现金项目1,743 510 
预付费用及其他流动资产2,189 (1,160)
递延收入1,025 (179)
其他负债596 452 
终止运营活动提供的净现金流 259 
持续融资活动提供的净现金41,421 (1,139)
中止融资活动的净现金流量 (38)
筹集资金的净现金流量41,421 (1,177)
现金、现金等价物及受限现金的变动3,083 (5,661)
期初7,071 15,301 
期末10,154 9,640 
期末持续运营的现金、现金等价物和受限制现金$10,154 $9,640 
支付的利息现金$2,391 $ 
支付的所得税费用$ $3,021 

2024年4月17日,MediaCo Holding Inc.及其全资子公司MediaCo Operations LLC(以下简称“购买方”)与Delaware有限责任公司Estrella Broadcasting, Inc.(以下简称“Estrella”)和HPS Investment Partners, LLC(以下简称“HPS”)的附属公司SLF LBI Aggregator, LLC(以下简称“汇总公司”)签订了一份资产购买协议(以下简称“资产购买协议”)。根据该协议,购买方购买了Estrella及其子公司几乎所有资产(除了Estrella及其子公司拥有的某些广播资产)(以下简称“Estrella广播资产”)(以下简称“所购资产”),并承担了Estrella及其子公司几乎所有负债(以下简称“承担负债”)(此类交易统称为“Estrella收购”)。MediaCo Operations LLC以Estrella MediaCo的商号运营所购资产。
我们的资产包括 位于纽约市的电台,WQHT(FM)和WBLS(FM)(以下简称“电台”),覆盖纽约市人口市场,主要面向黑人、西班牙裔和多元文化消费者,由于Estrella收购,Estrella的网络、内容、数字和商业运营,包括与Estrella签订的网络附属和节目供应协议,负责其业务与资产的运营。 11 洛杉矶、休斯敦和达拉斯的广播电台,以及洛杉矶、休斯敦、丹佛和迈阿密的电视台。 负责洛杉矶、加利福尼亚、休斯顿、德克萨斯州、丹佛、科罗拉多州和迈阿密、佛罗里达州等地的电视台。加入Mediaco的Estrella品牌中,包括EstrellaTV网络、其有影响力的线性和数字视频内容业务,Estrella的广泛数字频道,包括其四个FASt频道 - EstrellaTV、Estrella News、Cine EstrellaTV - 和Estrella Games,以及EstrellaTV应用程序。详细信息请参见注释3。我们的收入主要来自广播、电视和数字广告销售,但也包括赞助和门票销售、许可、以及辅助销售。
除非上下文另有规定,“我们”、“我们的”等指的是mediaco、其子公司和Estrella VIE(如下定义),统称之。
公司确定控制Estrella资产的Estrella实体(“Estrella VIE”)是公司持有控制金融利益的VIE。根据美国财务会计准则委员会(FASB)会计准则法规(ASC)第810-10-25-38A和第810-100-250-380亿,报告实体(在本例中,公司)被认为对VIE具有控制金融利益,如果具备以下两个特征:
公司确定了Estrella VIE的经济表现的主要因素是公司提供给Estrella VIE的节目的受欢迎程度和公司在该节目中的广告销售,公司是VIE的主要受益人,Estrella VIE的剩余资产和负债应在2024年4月17日的公司合并财务报表中合并。
公司根据ASC 810对非控制权益进行核算,要求持有非控制权益的公司将其作为股权的一部分披露,但与母公司的股权分开。非控制权益的净利润(亏损)部分在简明综合利益表上呈现。
附带的简化合并财务报表是以持续经营为基础编制的,这意味着在业务的正常过程中,资产能够实现并满足债务。根据ASC205-40号标准, 持续经营 公司需要评估在这些基本报表(2024年11月14日)发布之日起的一年内是否存在实质性疑虑,是否有能力继续作为持续经营实体。在进行此分析时,管理层考虑了公司对未来现金流的当前预测、当前财务状况、流动性来源以及2025年11月14日或之前到期的债务偿还义务。

截至2024年9月30日,我们拥有 $6.5 百万 根据第10款规定,截至2024年9月30日,我们欠Emmis的可转换期票据的未偿余额为所有当前分类,债务偿还义务约为$7.3百万美元,于2024年11月14日(基本报表发行日期)至2025年11月14日之间到期。2024年9月,公司与White Hawk Capital Partners, LP签订了第一抵押信贷协议第一修正案,该协议规定除现有拖欠到期贷款外,额外拖欠到期透支贷款承诺金额为$7.5百万美元,并放宽了根据股本发行所获得的任何净收益的强制预付要求,最高限额为$10.0 百万美元。7.3每项延期融资到期日为延期放款之日后的 两年 在这种延期动用贷款签署后。有关详细信息,请参阅附注3。
MediaCo选择从第三方获取的节目版权资产按照初始金额进行记录。这些节目版权按照许可期限在直线基础上分摊,在许可期限开始的期间,节目可供广播时开始分摊,按照ASC 920规定的标准。 娱乐-广播公司。 预计在接下来的12个月内摊销的节目权利被归类为流动资产,而预计在接下来的12个月内到期的节目权利应付被归类为流动负债。所有应付的节目权利都包括在应付账款和应计费用中,除了$5.1百万,该金额被归入非流动节目权利应付。截至2024年9月30日的三个月和九个月的摊销费用分别为$0.9百万美元和$1.7百万,该费用包括在营业费用中,不包括折旧和摊销。这些节目权利主要与一项在2028年2月到期的协议相关。
公允价值是市场参与者在计量日期之间进行有序交易时出售资产或转移负债(退出价格)的交易价格。公司使用市场数据或市场参与者在定价资产或负债时会使用的假设,包括关于风险和估值技术中输入的内在风险的假设。这些输入可能是可以轻易观察到的,通过市场数据进行证实的,或通常是不可观察的。公司利用估值技术最大限度地使用可观察输入,并最小化不可观察输入的使用。(详见附注4以获取更多信息)。公司的认股权证股份(在附注3中定义)被分类为负债,其公允价值按定期使用第2级输入进行测量(详见附注6以获取更多信息)。我们已 没有 使用第3级输入定期计量公允价值的资产或负债。

公司具有一些资产,这些资产按照非定期基础上的公允价值计量,其中包括注释4中描述的无形资产,并且仅当账面价值高于公允价值时才调整到公允价值。 用于定价资产的框架的分类被认为是三级测量,因为用于判断公允价值的不可观测输入的主观性质(请参阅注释4获取额外信息)。
根据管理层对应收账款的收回能力的判断,计提了呆账准备。在评估应收账款的收回能力时,管理层考虑了客户类型(代理机构与非代理机构)、历史损失经验、现有和预期的经济状况以及账龄分类。在所有正常的收款努力都被耗尽之后,会核销金额。 截至2024年和2023年9月30日的三个月和九个月的信用损失准备金活动如下:
期初余额$679 $102 $353 $122 
与Estrella收购相关的补充87  583  
变更条款35 (3)114 (23)
冲销(9) (258) 
期末余额$792 $99 $792 $99 
收益 每股
我们每股基本和摊薄净亏损使用双类方法计算。双类方法是根据享有分红权以及未分配收益或亏损的参与证券的参与权确定每类普通股和参与证券的每股净收益。我们的A系列可转换优先股,面值为$ 的股份。0.01 面值(“A系列优先股”或“A系列优先股份”)包括按转换条件参与普通股东获得的分红权利及分配权利,因此直到2024年4月,所有未偿还的A系列优先股被按照其条款转换为 20.7所有未偿还的A系列优先股按照其条款转换成mediaco的A类普通股,面值$ 每股。0.01 每股(“A类普通股”)。认股权证股份(如第3款中所定义)具备按行使情况参与A类普通股分配的权利,因此被视为参与式证券。然而,在未分配亏损期间,我们对参与式证券不予考虑,因为它们没有合同义务分享亏损。我们选择根据持续经营的收入(亏损)确定收益分配。对于持续经营亏损的期间,所有可能具有稀释性的项目均被视为非稀释性,因此基本和稀释后的加权平均股份相同。 以下是归属于A类和B类普通股股东的基本和摊薄净亏损每股的调整情况:

Table of Contents
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Income (loss) from continuing operations$54,926 $(2,153)$2,942 $(4,538)
Less: Net loss (income) attributable to noncontrolling interests(639) (1,467) 
Less: Preferred stock dividends (602)(851)(1,788)
Income (loss) from continuing operations available to common shareholders54,287 (2,755)624 (6,326)
Loss from discontinued operations, net of income taxes (163) (306)
Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders for basic earnings per share54,287 (2,918)624 (6,632)
Add: Interest expense related to convertible Emmis promissory note (1)
252 — — — 
Add: Net (loss) income attributable to noncontrolling interests$639 $ $ $ 
Net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders for diluted earnings per share$55,178 $(2,918)$624 $(6,632)
Weighted-average shares of common stock outstanding — basic74,271 24,713 54,939 25,032 
Dilutive items:
Convertible Emmis promissory note2,305    
Option agreement shares7,052    
Restricted stock awards549  607  
Weighted-average shares of common stock outstanding — diluted84,177 24,713 55,546 25,032 
Earnings per share of common stock attributable to common shareholders:
Net income (loss) per share attributable to common shareholders - basic:
Continuing operations$0.73 $(0.11)$0.01 $(0.25)
Discontinued operations (0.01) (0.01)
Net income (loss) per share attributable to common shareholders - basic:$0.73 $(0.12)$0.01 $(0.26)
Net income (loss) per share attributable to common shareholders - diluted:
Continuing operations$0.66 $(0.11)$0.01 $(0.25)
Discontinued operations (0.01) (0.01)
Net income (loss) per share attributable to common shareholders - diluted:$0.66 $(0.12)$0.01 $(0.26)
(1)    The dilutive effect of the convertible Emmis promissory note was determined using the if-converted method, in accordance with which the note is assumed to be converted into common stock at the beginning of the reporting period. Interest expense, net of any income tax effects, is added back to the numerator of the calculation.
On August 20, 2021, MediaCo Holding Inc. entered into an At Market Issuance Sales Agreement with B. Riley Securities, Inc. (“B. Riley”), pursuant to which the Company may offer and sell, from time to time through or to B. Riley, as agent or principal, shares of the Company’s Class A common stock, having an aggregate offering price of up to $12.5 million. No shares were sold during the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2024 or 2023.
For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2024, we repurchased under a share repurchase plan 11,304 shares of Class A common stock for an immaterial amount.

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The following convertible equity shares, convertible promissory note shares, option agreement shares and restricted stock awards were excluded from the calculation of diluted net loss per share because their effect would have been anti-dilutive.
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
(in thousands)2024202320242023
Convertible Emmis promissory note 5,432 9,727 4,844 
Option agreement shares  4,272  
Series A convertible preferred stock 24,040 16,350 21,396 
Restricted stock awards 251  336 
Total anti-dilutive shares 29,723 30,349 26,576 
Recent Accounting Pronouncements Not Yet Implemented
In November 2024, the FASB issued ASU 2024-03, Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2024-03, Income Statement-Reporting Comprehensive Income-Expense Disaggregation Disclosures (Subtopic 220-40): Disaggregation of Income Statement Expenses to improve financial reporting by requiring that public business entities disclose additional information about specific expense categories in the notes to financial statements at interim and annual reporting periods. The amendments in this ASU do not change or remove current expense disclosure requirements; however, the amendments affect where such information appears in the notes to financial statements because entities are required to include certain current disclosures in the same tabular format disclosure as the other disaggregation requirements in the amendments. This ASU is effective for annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2026, and interim reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2027. Early adoption is permitted. We are currently assessing the impact this standard will have on our condensed consolidated financial statements.
In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09, Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures, which is intended to enhance the transparency and decision usefulness of income tax disclosures by enhancing information about how an entity’s operations and related tax risks and its tax planning and operation opportunities affect its tax rate and prospects for future cash flows. This guidance is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 31, 2024, with early adoption permitted. Adoption allows for prospective application, with retrospective application permitted. We are currently assessing the impact this standard will have on our condensed consolidated financial statements, including, but not limited to, our income taxes footnote disclosure.
In November 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-07, Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures to update reportable segment disclosure requirements, primarily through enhanced disclosures about significant segment expenses and information used to assess segment performance. This update is effective beginning with our 2024 fiscal year annual reporting period, with early adoption permitted. We are currently assessing the impact this standard will have on our condensed consolidated financial statements.
On December 9, 2022, Fairway Outdoor LLC, FMG Kentucky, LLC and FMG Valdosta, LLC (collectively, “Fairway”), all of which were wholly owned direct and indirect subsidiaries of MediaCo, entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”), with The Lamar Company, L.L.C., a Louisiana limited liability company (the “Purchaser”), pursuant to which we sold our Fairway outdoor advertising business to the Purchaser. The transactions contemplated by the Purchase Agreement closed as of the date of the Purchase Agreement. The purchase price was $78.6 million, subject to certain customary adjustments, paid at closing in cash. The sale resulted in a pre-tax gain of $46.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2022.
In accordance with ASC 205-20-S99-3, Allocation of Interest to Discontinued Operations, the Company elected to allocate interest expense to discontinued operations where the debt is not directly attributed to the Fairway business. Interest expense was allocated based on a ratio of net assets discontinued to the sum of consolidated net assets plus consolidated debt.
In addition, upon closing we entered into a transition service agreement with the Purchaser to support the operations after the divestiture for immaterial fees. This agreement commenced with the close of the transaction and was terminated at the end of the initial term in February 2023.
The financial results of Fairway are presented as income from discontinued operations on our condensed consolidated statements of operations. The following table presents the financial results of Fairway:

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Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Net revenues$ $ $ $ 
Operating expenses excluding depreciation and amortization expense 267  410 
Total operating expenses 267  410 
Income (loss) from operations of discontinued operations (267) (410)
Interest and other, net    
Income (loss) from discontinued operations, before income taxes (267) (410)
Income tax benefit (expense) 104  104 
Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income taxes$ $(163)$ $(306)
The Company accounts for acquisitions in accordance with guidance found in ASC 805, Business Combinations. The guidance requires consideration given, including contingent consideration, assets acquired, and liabilities assumed to be valued at their fair values at the acquisition date. The guidance further provides that: (1) acquisition costs will generally be expensed as incurred, (2) restructuring costs associated with a business combination will generally be expensed subsequent to the acquisition date; and (3) changes in deferred tax asset valuation allowances and income tax uncertainties after the acquisition date generally will affect income tax expense. ASC 805 requires that any excess of purchase price over fair value of assets acquired, including identifiable intangibles and liabilities assumed, be recognized as goodwill.
Estrella Acquisition
On April 17, 2024, MediaCo consummated the Estrella Acquisition, pursuant to which it purchased substantially all of the assets of Estrella, other than the Estrella Broadcast Assets, and assumed substantially all of the liabilities of Estrella and its subsidiaries. MediaCo provided the following consideration for the Estrella Acquisition (the “Transaction Consideration”):
aA warrant (the “Warrant”) to purchase up to 28,206,152 shares of MediaCo’s Class A common stock;
b60,000 shares of a newly designated series of MediaCo’s preferred stock designated as “Series B Preferred Stock” (the “Series B Preferred Stock”),
cA term loan in the principal amount of $30.0 million under the Second Lien Credit Agreement (as defined below) (the “Second Lien Term Loan”); and
dAn aggregate cash payment in the amount of approximately $25.5 million to be used, in part, for the repayment of certain indebtedness of Estrella and payment of certain Estrella transaction expenses, financed through the First Lien Credit Agreement (as defined below).
Option Agreement
On April 17, 2024, in connection with the Estrella Acquisition, MediaCo and Estrella entered into an Option Agreement (the “Option Agreement” and, collectively with the Estrella Acquisition and the transactions contemplated by the Network Affiliation Agreement and the Network Program Supply Agreement described below, the “Estrella Transactions”) with Estrella and certain subsidiaries of Estrella pursuant to which (i) MediaCo was granted the option to purchase 100% of the equity interests of certain subsidiaries of Estrella holding the Estrella Broadcast Assets (the “Option Subsidiaries Equity”) in exchange for 7,051,538 shares of Class A common stock, and (ii) Estrella was granted the right to put the Option Subsidiaries Equity to MediaCo for the same consideration during a period beginning six months after the date of the closing of the Estrella Transactions (the “Closing Date”) and ending after seven years, which will automatically extend for a renewal term of seven years unless both parties mutually agree otherwise.
Voting and Support Agreement
The Asset Purchase Agreement provides that MediaCo will prepare and file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) a proxy statement to be sent to MediaCo stockholders relating to a special meeting of MediaCo stockholders (the “Stockholders Meeting”) to be held to consider approval of the issuance of shares of Class A Common Stock upon exercise of the Warrant and the issuance of shares of Class A Common Stock pursuant to the Option Agreement (the “Proposal”).

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On April 17, 2024, in connection with the Estrella Acquisition, SG Broadcasting LLC (“SG Broadcasting”), the holder of shares of Class A common stock and Class B common stock, par value $0.01 per share (“Class B common stock”) representing a majority of the voting power of the shares of MediaCo, entered into a Voting and Support Agreement with MediaCo and Estrella (the “Voting and Support Agreement”), pursuant to which SG Broadcasting agreed to, among other things, and subject to the terms and conditions set forth therein, at any meeting of MediaCo stockholders (including the Stockholders Meeting), or at any adjournment or postponement thereof, vote in favor of the Proposal and against any action or proposal that would reasonably be expected to prevent or materially delay consummation of the Proposal. The Voting Agreement also includes certain customary restrictions on SG Broadcasting’s ability to transfer its shares of MediaCo stock. The Voting Agreement will automatically terminate upon the date on which the Proposal is approved.
On April 17, 2024, in connection with the Estrella Acquisition, MediaCo issued the Warrant, which provides for the purchase of up to 28,206,152 shares of Class A common stock (the “Warrant Shares”), subject to customary adjustments as set forth in the Warrant, at an exercise price per share of $0.00001. Subject to certain limitations, the Warrant also provides that the Warrant holder has the right to participate in distributions on Class A common stock on an as-exercised basis. The Warrant further provides that in no event shall the aggregate number of Warrant Shares issuable to the Warrant holder upon exercise of the Warrant exceed 19.9% of the aggregate number of shares of common stock of MediaCo outstanding, or the voting power of such outstanding shares of common stock, on the business day immediately preceding the issue date for such Warrant Shares, calculated in accordance with the applicable rules of the Nasdaq Capital Market (“Nasdaq”), unless and until the Proposal has been approved.
The shares of Class A common stock issuable upon the exercise of the Warrant and the shares of Class A common stock issuable upon the exercise of the Option Agreement represent approximately 43% of the outstanding shares of Class A common stock on a fully diluted basis (assuming the full exercise of the Warrant and the Option Agreement).
First Lien Term Loan
In order to finance the Estrella Acquisition, MediaCo entered into a maximum $45.0 million first lien term loan credit facility, dated April 17, 2024 (the “First Lien Credit Agreement”), with White Hawk Capital Partners, LP, as term agent thereunder, and the lenders party thereto. Under the terms of the First Lien Credit Agreement, MediaCo received an initial term loan of $35.0 million on April 17, 2024 (the “Initial Loan”) and was provided with a subsequent delayed draw facility of up to $10.0 million that may be provided for additional working capital purposes under certain conditions (the “Delayed Draw” and the loans thereunder, the “Delayed Draw Term Loans”; the financing contemplated by the First Lien Term Loan, collectively with the Estrella Transaction and the payment of the Transaction Consideration, the “Transactions”). The Initial Loan and Delayed Draw Term Loans are collectively referred to as the “First Lien Term Loans.” The proceeds of the Initial Loan were used to finance the Estrella Acquisition, pay off certain existing Estrella indebtedness in connection therewith and pay related fees and transaction costs. The Initial Loan will mature on April 17, 2029, and each Delayed Draw Term Loan will mature on the date that is two years after the drawing of such Delayed Draw Term Loan. The first of such Delayed Draw Term Loan of $5.0 million was made on May 2, 2024 and the second of such Delayed Draw Term Loans of $5.0 million was made on July 17, 2024. First Lien Term Loans will be subject to monthly interest payments at a rate of SOFR + 6.00%. Beginning May 2027, monthly amortization payments are required equal to 0.8333% of the initial principal amount of the First Lien Term Loans. The First Lien Term Loans are subject to a borrowing base in accordance with the terms of the First Lien Credit Agreement.
In September 2024, the Company entered into the First Amendment of the First Lien Credit Agreement with White Hawk Capital Partners, LP, which provides for $7.5 million of additional Delayed Draw Term Loan Commitments for Delayed Draw Term Loans, and waives the requirement for mandatory prepayment of any net proceeds received as a result of any equity issuances, up to $7.3 million. A fee of $0.3 million was paid in conjunction with entering into this amendment. No amounts have been drawn as of September 30, 2024.
Second Lien Term Loan
In addition, MediaCo and its direct and indirect subsidiaries entered into a $30.0 million second lien term loan credit facility, dated April 17, 2024 (the “Second Lien Credit Agreement”), with HPS as term agent, and the lenders party thereto. Under the terms of the Second Lien Credit Agreement, MediaCo was deemed to receive the Second Lien Term Loan of $30.0 million on April 17, 2024 in connection with the consummation of the Estrella Acquisition. The Second Lien Term Loan will mature on April 17, 2029 and will be subject to monthly interest payments at a rate of SOFR + 6.00%. The Second Lien Term Loan is subject to a borrowing base in accordance with the terms of the Second Lien Credit Agreement.

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Series B Preferred Stock
In addition, MediaCo issued 60,000 shares of Series B Preferred Stock with an aggregate initial liquidation value of $60.0 million, which Series B Preferred Stock rank senior and in priority of payment to all other equity securities of MediaCo, including with respect to any repayment, redemption, distributions, bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation, dissolution or winding-up. Pursuant to the Series B Articles of Amendment, the ability of MediaCo to make distributions with respect to, or make a liquidation payment on, any other class of capital stock in the Company designated to be junior to, or on parity with, the Series B Preferred Stock, will be subject to certain restrictions. Issued and outstanding shares of Series B Preferred Stock will accrue dividends, payable in kind, at an annual rate equal to 6.00% of the liquidation value thereof, subject to increase upon the occurrence of certain trigger events set forth in the Series B Articles of Amendment. The Series B Preferred Stock is mandatorily redeemable after seven years, at the Company’s option, change of control, liquidation event, or upon the occurrence of certain trigger events set forth in the Series B Articles of Amendment, and is not convertible into any other equity securities of the Company. As such, it is classified as a long term liability on the condensed consolidated balance sheet and accrued dividends are classified in Interest expense, net on the condensed consolidated statements of operations.
Network Affiliation and Supply Agreements
On April 17, 2024, in connection with the Estrella Acquisition, MediaCo entered into a Network Program Supply Agreement (the “Network Program Supply Agreement”) with certain subsidiaries of Estrella that operate radio broadcast stations (the “Radio Stations”). Pursuant to the Network Program Supply Agreement, MediaCo has agreed to license certain programs and other material to the Radio Stations for distribution on the Radio Stations’ broadcast channels.
On April 17, 2024, in connection with the Estrella Acquisition, MediaCo entered into a Network Affiliation Agreement (the “Network Affiliation Agreement”) with certain subsidiaries of Estrella that operate television broadcast stations (the “TV Stations”). Pursuant to the Network Affiliation Agreement, MediaCo has agreed to license certain programs and other material to the TV Stations for distribution on the TV Stations’ broadcast channels.
Preliminary Purchase Price Allocation
The valuation of assets acquired and liabilities assumed has not yet been finalized as of September 30, 2024. The purchase price allocation is preliminary and subject to change, including purchase price consideration, property and equipment, intangible assets, income taxes, and goodwill, among other items. The amounts recognized will be finalized as the information necessary to complete the analysis is obtained, but no later than one year after the acquisition date. Finalization of the valuation during the measurement period could result in a change in the amounts recorded for the acquisition date fair value. The preliminary allocation presented below is based upon management’s estimate of the fair values using valuation techniques including income, cost, and market approaches. In estimating the fair value of the acquired assets and assumed liabilities, the fair value estimates are based on, but not limited to, expected future revenue and cash flows, expected future growth rates, and estimated discount rates.
The Estrella Acquisition comprises the new Estrella MediaCo Video & Digital and Estrella MediaCo Audio, Digital & Events segments. The following tables summarize the preliminary fair value of cash and noncash consideration transferred, assets acquired, and liabilities assumed as of the acquisition date:
Preliminary Valuation as of April 17, 2024
Cash Consideration25,499 
Noncash Consideration:
Series B Preferred Stock(2)
Second Lien Term Loan(2)
Total Noncash Consideration129,024 
Total Consideration154,523 
(1)    Represents the fair value of warrants to purchase 28,206,152 shares of Class A common stock issued in the Estrella Transactions valued at the closing price on the day prior to close of $2.50.
(2)    Represents the fair value of the Series B Preferred Stock and Second Lien Term Loan using a required yield of 15.23% and 14.14%, respectively.

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Preliminary Valuation and Allocation as of April 17, 2024
Cash and cash equivalents18,124 
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $583
Prepaid expenses1,838 
Current programming rights3,635 
Other current assets555 
Property and equipment, net17,897 
Intangible assets, net127,838 
Right of use assets47,361 
Noncurrent programming rights6,607 
Deposits and other689 
Assets acquired255,833 
Accounts payable and accrued expenses32,033 
Deferred revenue9,209 
Operating lease liabilities31,109 
Finance lease liabilities3,029 
Other Liabilities8,301 
Liabilities assumed83,681 
Fair value of noncontrolling interests (1)
Net assets acquired154,523 
(1) Fair value of noncontrolling interests based on 7,051,538 warrants issued in Option Agreement valued at the closing price on the day prior to close of $2.50.
Property and equipment is primarily composed of broadcasting equipment and leasehold improvements. The fair value of property and equipment is based on preliminary assumptions that are subject to change as we complete our valuation procedures. Acquired property and equipment will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over the respective estimated remaining useful lives.
The amount allocated to definite-lived intangible assets represents the estimated fair values of customer relationships of $15.6 million and programming rights of $10.2 million and will be amortized over the estimated remaining useful lives of 15 years and four years, respectively.
The amount allocated to indefinite-lived intangible assets represents the estimated fair values of the FCC licenses of $112.2 million and goodwill of $15.0 million. Goodwill, which is derived from the expanded client base and our ability to provide broader advertising solutions through a comprehensive portfolio, is recorded based on the amount by which the purchase price exceeds the fair value of the net assets acquired and we expect it will be deductible for tax purposes. Goodwill of $4.5 million and $10.5 million from this transaction is allocated to our Estrella MediaCo Video & Digital and Estrella MediaCo Audio, Digital & Events segments, respectively.
As part of the acquisition, we incurred costs of $9.0 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, primarily related to transaction bonuses and professional services, which are included in the operating expenses excluding depreciation and amortization and corporate expense line items in the condensed consolidated statement of operations. Additionally, there were $1.8 million of deferred financing costs and $1.1 million of original issue discount related to the issuance of the First Lien Credit Agreement included in the line item long term debt, net of current.
Variable Interest Entity
As discussed in Note 1, the Company determined that the Estrella entities holding the Estrella Broadcast Assets represented a VIE in which the Company holds a controlling financial interest, as MediaCo is the primary beneficiary of the VIE. Estrella VIE’s assets can be used only to settle obligations of the Estrella VIE. The carrying amounts of the VIE’s consolidated assets and liabilities included in the condensed consolidated balance sheet are as follows:

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September 30,
Cash and cash equivalents$4,519 
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts of $396
Prepaid expenses504 
Current programming rights13 
Other current assets28 
Total current assets15,372 
Operating lease right of use assets2,789 
Deposits and other578 
Total other assets3,367 
Total assets$139,454 
Accounts payable and accrued expenses$4,547 
Deferred revenue858 
Operating lease liabilities353 
Income taxes payable2,027 
Total current liabilities7,785 
Total liabilities14,115 
Net assets125,339 
The summarized operating results of the VIE are as follows:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Net revenues$3,447 $ $6,621 $ 
Operating income637  1,464  
Net income639  1,467  
Pro Forma Financial Information
The following table presents the estimated unaudited pro forma combined results of MediaCo and Estrella for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 as if the acquisition had occurred on January 1, 2023:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Net revenues$29,859 $29,886 $84,508 $91,978 
Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes59,858 (4,438)(10,132)(37,090)
The supplemental pro forma financial information has been prepared using the acquisition method of accounting and is based on the historical financial information of MediaCo and Estrella. The supplemental pro forma financial information does not necessarily represent what the combined companies’ revenue or results of operations would have been had the Estrella Acquisition been completed on January 1, 2023, nor is it intended to be a projection of future operating results of the combined company. It also does not reflect any operating efficiencies or potential cost savings that might be achieved from synergies of combining MediaCo and Estrella.

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The unaudited supplemental pro forma financial information reflects primarily pro forma adjustments related to fair value estimates for intangibles, property and equipment, debt, preferred stock, interest expense and amortization of deferred financing costs for the debt and preferred stock issuances to finance the Estrella Acquisition. The unaudited supplemental pro forma financial information includes transaction charges associated with the Estrella Acquisition. There are no material, nonrecurring pro forma adjustments directly attributable to the Estrella Acquisition included in the reported pro forma revenue and loss from continuing operations before income taxes.
As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, intangible assets consisted of the following:
 September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Indefinite-lived intangible assets
FCC licenses$175,476 $63,266 
Definite-lived intangible assets  
Customer relationships14,082  
Software1,224 1,327 
Total definite-lived intangible assets, net$15,337 $1,327 
Total noncurrent other intangible assets, net and goodwill$205,778 $64,593 
Valuation of Indefinite-lived Broadcasting Licenses
In accordance with ASC Topic 350, Intangibles—Goodwill and Other, the Company’s FCC licenses are considered indefinite-lived intangibles; therefore, they are not subject to amortization, but are tested for impairment at least annually as discussed below.
The carrying amounts of the Company’s FCC licenses were $175.5 million and $63.3 million as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively. Pursuant to our accounting policy and the provisions of ASC350-30, which states that separately recorded indefinite-lived intangible assets should be combined into a single unit of accounting for purposes of testing for impairment if they are operated as a single asset, we aggregate FCC licenses for impairment testing if their signals are simulcast and are operating as one revenue producing asset.
The stations perform an annual impairment test of indefinite-lived intangibles as of October 1 of each year. When indicators of impairment are present, we will perform an interim impairment test. There have been no indicators of impairment since we performed our annual impairment assessment as of October 1, 2023 and therefore there has been no need to perform an interim impairment assessment. The FCC licenses consolidated with the Estrella VIE were recorded at fair value as part of the Estrella Acquisition. Future impairment tests may result in additional impairment charges in subsequent periods.
Fair value of our FCC licenses is estimated to be the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. To determine the fair value of our FCC licenses, the Company considers both income and market valuation methods when it performs its impairment tests. Under the income method, the Company projects cash flows that would be generated by its unit of accounting assuming the unit of accounting was commencing operations in its market at the beginning of the valuation period. This cash flow stream is discounted to arrive at a value for the FCC licenses. The Company assumes the competitive situation that exists in its market remains unchanged, with the exception that its unit of accounting commenced operations at the beginning of the valuation period. In doing so, the Company extracts the value of going concern and any other assets acquired, and strictly values the FCC licenses.
Major assumptions involved in this analysis include market revenue, market revenue growth rates, unit of accounting audience share, unit of accounting revenue share and discount rate. Each of these assumptions may change in the future based upon changes in general economic conditions, audience behavior, consummated transactions, and numerous other variables that may be beyond our control. The projections incorporated into our license valuations take into consideration then current economic conditions. Under the market method, the Company uses recent sales of comparable radio or television stations for which the sales value appeared to be concentrated entirely in the value of the license, to arrive at an indication of fair value. When evaluating our radio and television broadcasting licenses for impairment, the testing is performed at the unit of accounting level as determined by ASC Topic 350-30-35. In our case, radio stations in a geographic market cluster are considered a single unit of accounting.

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Valuation of Goodwill
As a result of the Estrella Acquisition, the Company recorded $15.0 million of goodwill, which accounts for all goodwill on the condensed consolidated balance sheet as of September 30, 2024, and of which $4.5 million is allocated to our Estrella MediaCo Video & Digital segment and $10.5 million is allocated to our Estrella MediaCo Audio, Digital & Events segment. ASC Topic 350-20-35 requires the Company to test goodwill for impairment at least annually. Under ASC 350 we have the option to first assess qualitative factors to determine whether it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying value as a basis for determining whether it is necessary to perform an annual quantitative goodwill impairment test. We will perform this assessment annually as of October 1, unless indicators of impairment exist at an interim period. There were no indicators of impairment for the current period.
When performing a quantitative assessment for impairment, the Company intends to use a market approach to determine the fair value of each reporting unit by multiplying the cash flows of the reporting unit by an estimated market multiple. We believe this methodology for valuing our reporting units is a common approach and the multiples we intend to use will be based on our peer comparisons, analyst reports, and market transactions. To corroborate the fair values determined using the market approach, we intend to also use an income approach, which is a discounted cash flow method to determine the fair value of each reporting unit. If the carrying value of a reporting unit’s goodwill exceeds its fair value, the Company will recognize an impairment charge equal to the difference in the statement of operations.
Definite-lived intangibles
The following table presents the weighted-average useful life at September 30, 2024, and the gross carrying amount and accumulated amortization at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, for our definite-lived intangible assets:
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Weighted Average Remaining Useful Life
(in years)
Gross Carrying
Net Carrying
Gross Carrying
Net Carrying
Customer relationships3.7$15,572 $1,490 $14,082 $ $ $ 
Software3.61,733 509 1,224 1,583 256 1,327 
Other0.556 25 31    
Total$17,361 $2,024 $15,337 $1,583 $256 $1,327 
The software was developed internally by our radio operations and represents our updated website and mobile application, which offer increased functionality and opportunities to grow and interact with our audience. This software cost $1.7 million to develop and useful lives of five years and seven years were assigned to the application and website, respectively. The customer relationships, favorable leasehold interests, and a time brokerage agreement were acquired as part of the Estrella Acquisition.
Total amortization expense from definite-lived intangible assets for each of the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 and included in the depreciation and amortization line item in the condensed consolidated statements of operations was as follows:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Amortization expense$836 $58 $1,768 $193 
The Company estimates amortization expense each of the next five years as follows:
Year ending December 31,Amortization Expense
2024 (from October 1)$913 
After 20284,674 

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The Company generates revenue from the sale of services including, but not limited to: (i) on-air commercial broadcast time, (ii) non-traditional revenues including event-related revenues and event sponsorship revenues, and (iii) digital advertising. Payments received from advertisers before the performance obligation is satisfied are recorded as deferred revenue. Certain network sales contracts include a guaranteed rating. If the guarantee is not met the Company is obligated to provide additional spots at no charge until the guaranteed rating is met, referred to as a makegood liability. The liability for each contract is calculated by determining the cost per guarantee per the original contract, multiplied by the number of deficiency units. As of September 30, 2024, the makegood liability assumed in the Estrella Acquisition was $9.0 million and is presented in Deferred revenue on the condensed consolidated balance sheets as is expected to be recognized over four years. We do not disclose the value of unsatisfied performance obligations for contracts with an original expected length of one year or less. Advertising revenues presented in the condensed consolidated financial statements are reflected on a net basis, after the deduction of advertising agency fees, usually at a rate of 15% of gross revenues.
Spot Advertising
On-air spot broadcast revenue is recognized when or as performance obligations under the terms of a contract with a customer are satisfied. This typically occurs over the period of time that advertisements are provided, or as an event occurs. On-air spot broadcast advertising rates are fixed based on each medium’s ability to attract audiences in demographic groups targeted by advertisers and rates can vary based on the time of day and ratings of the programming airing in that day part. Revenues are reported at the amount the Company expects to be entitled to receive under the contract. Payments received from advertisers before the performance obligation is satisfied are recorded as deferred revenue in the condensed consolidated balance sheets.
Digital revenue relates to revenue generated from the sale of digital marketing services (including video, audio and display advertisements and sponsorships) to advertisers on Company-owned websites and applications as well as through third party publishers or OEM partners either through direct distribution relationships with the partner or through digital advertising exchanges. Digital revenues are generally recognized as the digital advertising is delivered.
Syndication revenue relates to revenue generated from the sale of rights to broadcast shows we produce as well as revenues from syndicated shows we broadcast for a fee. Syndication revenues are generally recognized ratably over the term of the contract.
Events and Sponsorships
Events and Sponsorships revenue principally consists of ticket sales and sponsorship of events our stations conduct in their local market. These revenues are recognized when our performance obligations are fulfilled, which generally coincides with the occurrence of the related event.
Other revenue includes trade revenue, network revenue, talent fee revenue and other revenue. The Company provides advertising broadcast time in exchange for certain products and services, including on-air radio and television programming. These trade arrangements generally allow the Company to preempt such bartered broadcast time in favor of advertisers who purchase time for cash consideration. These trade arrangements are valued based upon the Company’s estimate of the fair value of the products and services received. Revenue is recognized on trade arrangements when we broadcast the advertisements. Advertisements delivered under trade arrangements are typically aired during the same period in which the products and services are consumed. The Company also sells certain remnant advertising inventory to third-parties for cash, and we refer to this as network revenue. The third-parties aggregate our remnant inventory with other broadcasters’ remnant inventory for sale to third parties, generally to large national advertisers. This network revenue is recognized as we broadcast the advertisements. Talent fee revenue are fees earned for appearances by our on-air talent, which is recognized when our performance obligations are fulfilled, which generally coincides with the occurrence of the related appearance. Other revenue is comprised of brand integrations, custom on-air shows, or other amounts earned that do not fit in any other category and are recognized when our performance obligations are fulfilled.

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Disaggregation of revenue
Due to the Estrella Acquisition, the Company now reports its results in three reportable segments: Estrella MediaCo Video & Digital (“EM-VD”), Estrella MediaCo Audio, Digital & Events (“EM-ADE”), and NY Audio, Digital & Events (“NY-ADE”). The following table presents the Company’s revenues disaggregated by revenue source and segment.
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
2024% of Total 2023% of Total 2024% of Total 2023% of Total
Revenue by Source:
EM-VD$7,391 24.8 %$  %$13,191 21.0 %$  %
EM-ADE7,781 26.1 %  %14,732 23.5 %  %
NY-ADE4,465 15.0 %4,328 67.1 %13,774 21.9 %14,009 54.2 %
Spot Advertising19,637 65.9 %4,328 67.1 %41,697 66.4 %14,009 54.2 %
EM-VD4,881 16.3 %  %7,377 11.8 %  %
EM-ADE367 1.2 %  %516 0.8 %  %
NY-ADE532 1.8 %608 9.4 %2,158 3.4 %3,053 11.8 %
Digital5,780 19.3 %608 9.4 %10,051 16.0 %3,053 11.8 %
EM-VD166 0.6 %  %166 0.3 %  %
EM-ADE47 0.2 %  %142 0.2 %  %
NY-ADE593 2.0 %602 9.3 %1,784 2.8 %1,812 7.0 %
Syndication806 2.8 %602 9.3 %2,092 3.3 %1,812 7.0 %
EM-VD91 0.3 %  %154 0.2 %  %
EM-ADE669 2.2 %  %1,154 1.8 %  %
NY-ADE129 0.4 %293 4.5 %1,816 2.9 %4,921 19.0 %
Events and Sponsorships889 2.9 %293 4.5 %3,124 4.9 %4,921 19.0 %
EM-VD579 1.9 %  %1,209 1.9 %  %
EM-ADE1,322 4.4 %  %2,114 3.4 %  %
NY-ADE846 2.8 %616 9.6 %2,480 4.1 %2,067 8.0 %
Other2,747 9.1 %616 9.7 %5,803 9.4 %2,067 8.0 %
Total net revenues$29,859 100 %$6,447 100 %$62,767 100 %$25,862 100 %
Long-term debt, Warrant shares, and Series B Preferred Stock was comprised of the following at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. The Emmis Convertible Promissory Note (as defined below) was classified as current at September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 as the note matures within the next 12 months.
 September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Emmis Convertible Promissory Note$6,458 $6,458 
First Lien Term Loans45,000  
Second Lien Term Loan27,432  
Less: Current maturities(6,458)(6,458)
Less: Unamortized original issue discount and deferred financing costs(2,998) 
Total long-term debt, net of current portion$69,434 $ 
Warrant Shares$36,104 $ 
Series B Preferred Stock$34,242 $ 

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Emmis Convertible Promissory Note
The Emmis Convertible Promissory Note carries interest at a base rate equal to the interest on any senior credit facility, including any applicable paid in kind rate, or if no senior credit facility is outstanding, of 6.00%, plus an additional 1.00% on any payment of interest in kind and, without regard to whether the Company pays such interest in kind, an additional increase of 1.00% following the second anniversary of the date of issuance and additional increases of 1.00% following each successive anniversary thereafter. The Company has been accruing interest since inception using the rate applicable if the interest will be paid in kind. The Emmis Convertible Promissory Note is convertible, in whole or in part, into MediaCo Class A common stock at the option of Emmis and at a strike price equal to the thirty-day volume weighted average price of the MediaCo Class A common stock on the date of conversion. The Emmis Convertible Promissory Note matures on November 25, 2024. As of September 30, 2024, the principal balance outstanding under the Emmis Convertible Promissory Note was $6.5 million.
First Lien Term Loans
MediaCo and its direct and indirect subsidiaries entered into a maximum $45.0 million First Lien Credit Agreement with White Hawk Capital Partners, LP, as term agent thereunder, and the lenders party thereto. Under the terms of the First Lien Credit Agreement, MediaCo received an Initial Loan of $35.0 million on April 17, 2024 and was provided with a subsequent delayed draw facility of up to $10.0 million that may be provided for additional working capital purposes under certain conditions. The first of such Delayed Draw Term Loans of $5.0 million was made on May 2, 2024 and the second of such Delayed Draw Term Loans of $5.0 million was made on July 17, 2024. The proceeds of the Initial Loan were used to finance the Estrella Acquisition, pay off certain existing Estrella indebtedness in connection therewith and pay related fees and transaction costs. The Initial Loan will mature on April 17, 2029, and each Delayed Draw Term Loan will mature on the date that is two years after the drawing of such Delayed Draw Term Loan. First Lien Term Loans will be subject to monthly interest payments at a rate of SOFR + 6.00%. Beginning May 2027, monthly amortization payments are required equal to 0.8333% of the initial principal amount of the First Lien Term Loans. The First Lien Term Loans are subject to a borrowing base in accordance with the terms of the First Lien Credit Agreement.
In September 2024, the Company entered into the First Amendment of the First Lien Credit Agreement with White Hawk Capital Partners, LP, which provides for $7.5 million of additional Delayed Draw Term Loan Commitments for Delayed Draw Term Loans, and waives the requirement for mandatory prepayment of any net proceeds received as a result of any equity issuances, up to $7.3 million. A fee of $0.3 million was paid in conjunction with entering into this amendment. No amounts have been drawn as of September 30, 2024.
Second Lien Term Loan
MediaCo and its direct and indirect subsidiaries entered into a $30.0 million second lien term loan credit facility, dated April 17, 2024, with HPS as term agent, and the lenders party thereto. Under the terms of the Second Lien Credit Agreement, MediaCo was deemed to receive the Second Lien Term Loan of $30.0 million on April 17, 2024 in connection with the consummation of the Estrella Acquisition and was recorded at its fair value at that time of $26.5 million. This amount will be accreted up to the principal balance over the term of the loan. The Second Lien Term Loan will mature on April 17, 2029 and will be subject to monthly interest payments at a rate of SOFR + 6.00%, of which the 6.00% may be paid in-kind (“PIK”) at the Company’s election. During the second quarter of 2024, the Company elected to PIK the 6.00% spread monthly. The Second Lien Term Loans are subject to a borrowing base in accordance with the terms of the Second Lien Credit Agreement.
Series B Preferred Stock
On April 17, 2024, MediaCo issued 60,000 shares of Series B Preferred Stock with an aggregate initial liquidation value of $60.0 million, recorded at its fair value at that time of $32.0 million, which will be accreted up to the redemption value balance over the term. The Series B Preferred Stock rank senior and in priority of payment to all other equity securities of MediaCo, including with respect to any repayment, redemption, distributions, bankruptcy, insolvency, liquidation, dissolution or winding-up. Pursuant to the Series B Articles of Amendment, the ability of MediaCo to make distributions with respect to, or make a liquidation payment on, any other class of capital stock in the Company designated to be junior to, or on parity with, the Series B Preferred Stock, will be subject to certain restrictions. Issued and outstanding shares of Series B Preferred Stock will accrue dividends, payable in kind, at an annual rate equal to 6.00% of the liquidation value thereof, subject to increase upon the occurrence of certain trigger events set forth in the Series B Articles of Amendment. The Series B Preferred Stock is not convertible into any other equity securities of the Company. As the Series B Preferred Stock is mandatorily redeemable after seven years and does not contain an equity conversion option, it is classified as a long-term liability.

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Warrant Shares
On April 17, 2024, in connection with the Estrella Acquisition, MediaCo issued the Warrant, which provides for the purchase of up to 28,206,152 shares of Class A common stock, subject to customary adjustments as set forth in the Warrant, at an exercise price per share of $0.00001. Subject to certain limitations, the Warrant also provides that the Warrant holder has the right to participate in distributions on Class A common stock on an as-exercised basis. The Warrant further provides that in no event shall the aggregate number of Warrant Shares issuable to the Warrant holder upon exercise of the Warrant exceed 19.9% of the aggregate number of shares of common stock of MediaCo outstanding (the “Share Cap”), or the voting power of such outstanding shares of common stock, on the business day immediately preceding the issue date for such Warrant Shares, calculated in accordance with the applicable rules of the Nasdaq, unless and until shareholder approval. As such, all Warrant Shares are classified as a liability at their fair value based on the closing price of MediaCo Class A common stock unless and until shareholder approval is obtained. Changes in fair value are recorded in change in fair value of warrant shares liability in the condensed consolidated statements of operations. The Warrant terminates six-months from the date shareholder approval is obtained, at which point, to the extent not fully exercised, the Warrant shall be deemed automatically exercised.
Based on amounts outstanding at September 30, 2024, mandatory principal payments of long-term debt and preferred stock for the next five years and thereafter are summarized below:
Year ended December 31,Emmis NoteFirst Lien Term LoansSecond Lien Term LoanSeries B Preferred StockTotal Payments
Remainder of 2024 (from October 1)$6,458 $ $ $ $6,458 
2026 10,000   10,000 
2027 2,333   2,333 
2028 3,500   3,500 
After 2028 29,167 30,000 60,000 119,167 
Total$6,458 $45,000 $30,000 $60,000 $141,458 
From time to time, our stations are parties to various legal proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. In the opinion of management of the Company, however, there are no legal proceedings pending against the Company that we believe are likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company.
On September 15, 2023, the Company received a notification letter from the Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Department (the “Staff”) notifying the Company that, because the closing bid price for the Company's Class A common stock was below $1.00 for 30 consecutive business days, the Company no longer met the minimum bid price requirement for continued listing on The Nasdaq Capital Market under Nasdaq Marketplace Rule 5550(a)(2), requiring a minimum bid price of $1.00 per share (the “Minimum Bid Price Requirement”).
In accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5810(c)(3)(A)(ii), the Company was given 180 calendar days, or until March 13, 2024, to regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement. The Company did not achieve compliance during that period. On March 14, 2024, the Company received a notification letter from the Staff notifying the Company that that it had been granted an additional 180 days, or until September 9, 2024, to regain compliance with the Minimum Bid Price Requirement, based on meeting the continued listing requirement for market value of publicly held shares and all other applicable requirements for initial listing on The Nasdaq Capital Market with the exception of the bid price requirement, and the Company’s written notice of its intention to cure the deficiency during the second compliance period.
On April 17, 2024, the Company received a notification letter from the Staff indicating that the Company has regained compliance with Nasdaq’s Minimum Bid Price Requirement and the matter was thus closed.
On August 20, 2024, the Company received a notification letter from the Staff of the Nasdaq notifying the Company that it was not in compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5250(c)(1) (the “Listing Rule”) as a result of its failure to timely file its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024 (the “Q2 2024 Form 10-Q”), as described more fully in the Company’s Form 12b-25 Notification of Late Filing (the “Form 12b-25”) filed with the SEC on August 14, 2024. The Listing Rule requires Nasdaq-listed companies to timely file all required periodic reports with the SEC.
The Notice indicated that the Company had until October 21, 2024 to submit a plan to regain compliance with the Listing Rule with respect to the delinquent filing, and that any additional Nasdaq Staff exception to allow the Company to regain compliance with the delinquent filing would be limited to a maximum of 180 calendar days from the due date of the Q2 2024 Form 10-Q (as extended pursuant to Rule 12b-25 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended), or February 17, 2025.

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As described in the Form 12b-25, the filing of the Q2 2024 Form 10-Q was delayed due to delays in finalizing financial statements for the quarter ended June 30, 2024 related to the inclusion in the results for such period of the operations of the business acquired in the Estrella Acquisition, which delay could not be eliminated without unreasonable effort or expense. The Company regained compliance on September 18, 2024 upon filing of the Q2 2024 Form 10-Q.
The effective tax rate for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was 17% and 5%, respectively. Our effective tax rate for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 differs from the statutory tax rate primarily due to the recognition of additional valuation allowance.
ASC paragraph 740-10 clarified the accounting for uncertainty in income taxes by prescribing a recognition threshold and measurement attribute of the financial statement recognition and measurement of a tax position taken or expected to be taken within a tax return. For those benefits to be recognized, a tax position must be more-likely-than-not to be sustained upon examination by taxing authorities. The amount recognized is measured as the largest benefit that reaches greater than 50% likelihood of being realized upon ultimate settlement. In 2023, we recorded approximately $390 thousand of gross tax liability for uncertain tax positions related to federal and state income tax returns filed. Additionally, we recognize accrued interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits as components of our income tax provision. As of September 30, 2024, the amount of interest accrued was approximately $52 thousand, which did not include the federal tax benefit of interest deductions.
We determine if an arrangement is a lease at inception. We have operating leases for office space and tower space expiring at various dates through December 2047 and finance leases for broadcast tower space expiring in March 2029. Some leases have options to extend and some have options to terminate. Operating leases are included in lease right-of-use assets, current operating lease liabilities, and noncurrent operating lease liabilities in our condensed consolidated balance sheets. Finance leases are included in lease right-of-use assets, current finance lease liabilities, and noncurrent finance lease liabilities in our condensed consolidated balance sheets.
Lease assets represent our right to use an underlying asset for the lease term and lease liabilities represent our obligation to make lease payments arising from the lease. Lease assets and liabilities are recognized at the commencement date based on the present value of lease payments over the lease term. As our leases do not provide an implicit rate, we use our incremental borrowing rate based on the information available at commencement date in determining the present value of lease payments. We use the implicit rate if it is readily determinable. Our lease terms may include options to extend or terminate the lease, which we treat as exercised when it is reasonably certain and there is a significant economic incentive to exercise that option.
Operating lease expense for operating lease assets is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Finance lease expense is composed of the depreciation of the lease asset and accretion of the lease liability and presented as part of Depreciation and amortization expense and Interest expense, respectively, in the condensed consolidated statements of operations. Variable lease payments, which represent lease payments that vary due to changes in facts or circumstances occurring after the commencement date other than the passage of time, are expensed in the period in which the obligation for these payments was incurred. None of our leases contain variable lease payments.
We elected not to apply the recognition requirements of ASC 842, Leases, to short-term leases, which are deemed to be leases with a lease term of 12 months or less. Instead, we recognized lease payments in the condensed consolidated statements of operations on a straight-line basis over the lease term and variable payments in the period in which the obligation for these payments was incurred. We elected this policy for all classes of underlying assets. Short-term lease expense recognized in the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023 was not material.
On November 18, 2022, the Company entered into a lease agreement in New York City for our radio operations and corporate offices with a lease commencement date of February 1, 2023 and a noncancellable lease term through October 2039. This resulted in a right of use asset of $10.4 million and an operating lease liability of $10.4 million when recorded at lease commencement.
The impact of operating leases to our condensed consolidated financial statements was as follows:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Operating lease cost$2,416 $915 $4,823 $2,974 
Operating cash flows from operating leases1,660 334 3,203 2,022 
Right-of-use assets obtained in exchange for new operating lease liabilities   10,391 

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September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Weighted average remaining lease term - operating leases (in years)12.914.0
Weighted average discount rate - operating leases11.6 %11.4 %
The impact of finance leases to our condensed consolidated financial statements was as follows:
Three Months Ended
September 30,
Nine Months Ended
September 30,
Finance lease cost$235 $ $434 $ 
Cash flows from finance leases187  311  
September 30, 2024December 31, 2023
Weighted average remaining lease term - finance leases (in years)4.50.0
Weighted average discount rate - finance leases11.3 % %
As of September 30, 2024, the annual minimum lease payments of our operating lease liabilities were as follows:
Year ending December 31,
2024 (from October 1)
After 202867,671 
Total lease payments97,916 
Less imputed interest(51,188)
Total recorded operating lease liabilities$46,728 
As of September 30, 2024, the annual minimum lease payments of our finance lease liabilities were as follows:
Year ending December 31,
2024 (from October 1)$187 
After 2028218 
Total lease payments3,667 
Less imputed interest(798)
Total recorded finance lease liabilities$2,869 
Transaction Agreement with Emmis and SG Broadcasting
On June 28, 2019, MediaCo entered into a Contribution and Distribution Agreement with Emmis Communications Corporation (“Emmis”) and SG Broadcasting, pursuant to which (i) Emmis contributed the assets of its radio stations WQHT-FM and WBLS-FM, in exchange for $91.5 million in cash, a $5.0 million note and 23.72% of the common stock of MediaCo, (ii) Standard General purchased 76.28% of the common stock of MediaCo, and (iii) the common stock of MediaCo received by Emmis was distributed pro rata in a taxable dividend to Emmis’ shareholders on January 17, 2020. The common stock of MediaCo acquired by Standard General is entitled to ten votes per share and the common stock acquired by Emmis and distributed to Emmis’ shareholders is entitled to one vote per share.

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Convertible Promissory Notes
As a result of the transaction described above, on November 25, 2019, we issued a convertible promissory note to Emmis (such note, the “Emmis Convertible Promissory Note”) in the amount of $5.0 million. Through December 31, 2022, there were annual interest amounts paid in kind on the Emmis Convertible Promissory Note such that the principal balances outstanding as of December 31, 2022 was $6.0 million.
For the year ended December 31, 2023, interest of $0.5 million was paid-in-kind and added to the principal balance outstanding. Consequently, the principal amount outstanding as of December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2024 under the Emmis Convertible Promissory Note was $6.5 million.
The Company recognized interest expense of $0.7 million and $0.4 million related to the Emmis Convertible Promissory Note for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.
The terms of the Emmis Convertible Promissory Note are described in Note 6.
Convertible Preferred Stock
On December 13, 2019, in connection with the purchase of our Outdoor Advertising segment, the Company issued to SG Broadcasting 220,000 shares of MediaCo Series A preferred stock. In April 2024, all outstanding shares of Series A preferred stock were converted in accordance with their terms into 20.7 million shares of MediaCo Class A common stock.
Prior to being converted, the MediaCo Series A preferred stock ranked senior in preference to the MediaCo Class A common stock, MediaCo Class B common stock, and the MediaCo Class C common stock. Pursuant to the Articles of Amendment that established the terms of the Series A preferred stock, issued and outstanding shares of MediaCo Series A preferred stock accrued cumulative dividends, payable in kind, at an annual rate equal to the interest rate on any senior debt of the Company (see Note 6), or if no senior debt is outstanding, 6%, plus additional increases of 1% on December 12, 2020 and each anniversary thereof. On December 13, 2022, dividends of $3.4 million were paid in kind. The payment in kind increased the accrued value of the preferred stock and 80,000 additional shares were issued as part of this payment.
Dividends on Series A Convertible Preferred Stock held by SG Broadcasting were $0.9 million and $1.8 million, respectively, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. As of December 31, 2023, unpaid cumulative dividends were $0.2 million and included in the balance of preferred stock in the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheets.
Consulting Agreements & Other Activity
In October 2023, we entered into agreements with five consultants that are currently employed by affiliates of Standard General. One of the agreements had a term that expired on February 1, 2024 and was billed at an hourly rate of $125 per hour. One of the agreements, billed at a rate of $8,400 per month expired on May 31, 2024. Two of the agreements billed at rates of $6,000 and $12,000 per month were extended through September 30, 2024. One agreement may be terminated at any time by either party and is billed at $18,000 per month, plus expenses. For the nine months ended September 30, 2024, $0.4 million of fees were incurred related to these agreements. These agreements were terminated as of September 30, 2024.
In March 2024, we made payments of $15,000 to the National Association of Investment Companies, of which a member of our board of directors is the President & CEO.
On October 29, 2024, the Company and Standard Media Group LLC (“SMG”) entered into an Employee Leasing Agreement, effective as of October 1, 2024 (the “Leasing Agreement”). Under the Leasing Agreement, the Company will obtain the services of several SMG employees to serve various roles for the Company, including with respect to the legal, digital products, broadcast IT, and news operations function. The Leasing Agreement is an at-cost arrangement, with the Company paying only for a percentage of the actual cost of employing each leased employee, with no markup or service fees above the Company’s share of the actual fully-loaded cost of each leased employee.

Due to the Estrella Acquisition, the Company now reports its results in three reportable segments: Estrella MediaCo Video & Digital (“EM-VD”), Estrella MediaCo Audio, Digital & Events (“EM-ADE”), and NY Audio, Digital & Events (“NY-ADE”).
The results of the EstrellaTV network and all of the Estrella MediaCo television operations, including digital, are included in our EM-VD segment. The Estrella MediaCo radio, digital and events operations are included in our EM-ADE segment. The operations of our two New York radio stations are included in our NY-ADE segment.
These business segments are consistent with the Company’s management of these businesses and its financial reporting structure in development after the acquisition.
In addition to the reportable segments above, the Company has a Corporate and Other category that includes expenses not directly attributable to a specific reportable segment. These unallocated expenses primarily consist of broad corporate functions, including executive management, legal, human resources, corporate accounting and finance, and technology.

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Revenue and operating income (loss) by reportable segment, and corporate and other, and the reconciliation to consolidated income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes were as follows for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023:
Three Months Ended September 30, 2024EM-VDEM-ADENY-ADECorporate and otherConsolidated
Net revenues$13,108 $10,186 $6,565 $ $29,859 
Operating expenses excluding depreciation and amortization expense16,581 10,010 6,081  32,672 
Corporate expenses   2,319 2,319 
Depreciation and amortization1,259 348 134  1,741 
Operating (loss) income$(4,732)$(172)$350 $(2,319)$(6,873)
Three Months Ended September 30, 2023EM-VDEM-ADENY-ADECorporate and otherConsolidated
Net revenues$ $ $6,447 $ $6,447 
Operating expenses excluding depreciation and amortization expense  7,175  7,175 
Corporate expenses   1,095 1,095 
Depreciation and amortization  130  130 
Loss (gain) on disposal of assets  11  11 
Operating loss$ $ $(869)$(1,095)$(1,964)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024EM-VDEM-ADENY-ADECorporate and otherConsolidated
Net revenues$22,097 $18,658 $22,012 $ $62,767 
Operating expenses excluding depreciation and amortization expense32,151 19,408 22,410  73,969 
Corporate expenses   9,154 9,154 
Depreciation and amortization2,273 627 405  3,305 
Loss on disposal of assets 5   5 
Operating loss$(12,327)$(1,382)$(803)$(9,154)$(23,666)
Nine Months Ended September 30, 2023EM-VDEM-ADENY-ADECorporate and otherConsolidated
Net revenues$ $ $25,862 $ $25,862 
Operating expenses excluding depreciation and amortization expense  25,458  25,458 
Corporate expenses   3,981 3,981 
Depreciation and amortization  437  437 
Gain on disposal of assets  (28) (28)
Operating loss$ $ $(5)$(3,981)$(3,986)
Assets by reportable segment were as follows:
September 30,
December 31,
EM-VD$79,051 $ 
NY-ADE97,518 95,491 
Total$338,357 $95,491 


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There were no subsequent events other than the employee leasing agreement discussed in Note 10.

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Note: Certain statements included in this report or in the financial statements contained herein that are not statements of historical fact, including but not limited to those identified with the words “expect,” “should,” “will” or “look” are intended to be, and are, by this Note, identified as “forward-looking statements,” as defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future result, performance or achievement expressed or implied by such forward-looking statement. Such factors include, among others:
Potential conflicts of interest with SG Broadcasting and our status as a “controlled company”;
Our ability to operate as a standalone public company and to execute on our business strategy;
Our ability to compete with, and integrate into our operations, new media channels, such as digital video, live video streaming, YouTube, and other real-time media delivery;
Our ability to continue to sell advertising time or exchange advertising time for goods or services;
Our ability to use market research, advertising and promotions to attract and retain audiences;
U.S. regulatory requirements for owning and operating media broadcasting channels and our ability to maintain regulatory licenses granted by the FCC;
Pending U.S. regulatory requirements for paying royalties to performing artists;
Industry and economic trends within the U.S. radio and television industry, generally, and in the markets in which we operate, in particular;
Our ability to successfully attract and retain on-air talent;
Our ability to successfully produce and distribute on-air programming;
Our ability to maintain and expand distribution platforms and station affiliations;
Our ability to finance our operations or to obtain financing on terms that are favorable to MediaCo;
Our ability to successfully complete and integrate acquisitions, including the recent transactions with Estrella Broadcasting, Inc. and any future acquisitions;
The accuracy of management’s estimates and assumptions on which the Company’s financial projections are based; and
Other factors mentioned in documents filed by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
For a more detailed discussion of these and other risk factors, see the Risk Factors section of our Annual Report on Form 10-K, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 1, 2024. MediaCo does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements because of new information, future events or otherwise.
We own and operate two radio stations located in New York City, which serve the New York City demographic market area and primarily target Black, Hispanic, and multi-cultural consumers, and as a result of the Estrella Acquisition, Estrella’s network, content, digital, and commercial operations, including network affiliation and program supply agreements with Estrella for its 11 radio stations serving Los Angeles, CA, Houston, TX, and Dallas, TX and nine television stations serving Los Angeles, CA, Houston, TX, Denver, CO, and Miami, FL. Among the Estrella brands that joined MediaCo are the EstrellaTV network and its influential linear and digital video content business and Estrella’s expansive digital channels, including its four FAST channels - EstrellaTV, Estrella News, Cine EstrellaTV, and Estrella Games - and the EstrellaTV app. See Note 3 — Business Combinations in our condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report for additional information on the Estrella Acquisition.
We derive our revenues primarily from radio, television and digital advertising sales, but we also generate revenues from events, including sponsorships and ticket sales, licensing, and syndication. Our revenues are mostly affected by the advertising rates our entities charge, as advertising sales are the primary component of our consolidated revenues. These rates are in large part based on our stations’ ability to attract audiences in demographic groups targeted by their advertisers. The Nielsen Company generally measures radio station ratings weekly for markets measured by the Portable People Meter™ as well as providing television programming ratings services for the EstrellaTV network and the Estrella VIE local television stations. Because audience ratings in a station’s local market are critical to the station’s financial success, our strategy is to use market research, advertising and promotion to attract and retain audiences in each station’s chosen demographic target group.
Our revenues vary throughout the year. Revenue and operating income are usually lowest in the first calendar quarter, partly because retailers cut back their advertising spending immediately following the holiday shopping season.

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In addition to the sale of advertising time for cash, stations typically exchange advertising time for goods or services, which can be used by the station in its business operations. These barter transactions are recorded at the estimated fair value of the product or service received. We generally confine the use of such trade transactions to promotional items or services for which we would otherwise have paid cash. In addition, it is our general policy not to preempt advertising spots paid for in cash with advertising spots paid for in trade.
The following table summarizes the sources of our revenues from continuing operations for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023. The category “Other” includes, among other items, revenues related to network revenues and barter.
(dollars in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30,
2024% of Total 2023% of Total 2024% of Total 2023% of Total
Net revenues:
Spot Advertising$19,637 65.9 %$4,328 67.1 %$41,697 66.4 %$14,009 54.2 %
Digital5,780 19.3 %608 9.4 %10,051 16.0 %3,053 11.8 %
Syndication806 2.8 %602 9.3 %2,092 3.3 %1,812 7.0 %
Events and Sponsorships889 2.9 %293 4.5 %3,124 4.9 %4,921 19.0 %
Other2,747 9.1 %616 9.7 %5,803 9.4 %2,067 8.0 %
Total net revenues$29,859 $6,447 $62,767 $25,862 
Roughly 20% of our expenses vary in connection with changes in revenue. These variable expenses primarily relate to costs in our sales department, such as salaries, commissions and bad debt. Our costs that do not vary as much in relation to revenue are mostly in our programming and general and administrative departments, such as talent costs, ratings fees, rents, utilities and salaries. Lastly, our costs that are highly discretionary are costs in our marketing and promotions department, which we primarily incur to maintain and/or increase our audience and market share.
The U.S. traditional radio and television broadcasting industries are mature industries and their growth rate has stalled. Management believes this is principally the result of two factors: (i) new media, such as various media distributed via the Internet, telecommunication companies and cable interconnects, as well as social networks, have gained advertising share against radio, television and other traditional media and created a proliferation of advertising inventory and (ii) the fragmentation of the radio and television audiences and time spent listening and viewing caused by satellite radio, audio and video streaming services, and podcasts has led some investors and advertisers to conclude that the effectiveness of broadcast advertising has diminished.
Our network and stations have aggressively worked to harness the power of broadband and mobile media distribution in the development of emerging business opportunities by capitalizing on the rapidly growing Free Ad-Supported Streaming TV marketplace (“FAST”) through several operated channels, creating highly interactive direct-to-consumer (“D2C”) apps and websites with content that engages our audience and harnessing the power of digital video on our D2C platforms, YouTube, and connected TV publishers, vMVPDs and OEMs.
The results of our NY Audio, Digital & Events segment broadcast operations are highly dependent on the results of our stations in the New York market. Some of our competitors that operate larger station clusters in the New York market are able to leverage their market share to extract a greater percentage of available advertising revenue through packaging a variety of advertising inventory at discounted unit rates. Market revenues in New York as measured by Miller Kaplan Arase LLP (“Miller Kaplan”), an independent public accounting firm used by the radio industry to compile revenue information, were up 3.5% for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, as compared to the same period of the prior year. Our gross revenues reported to Miller Kaplan were down 11.3%, as compared to the same period of the prior year. The decreases for our New York Cluster were largely driven by lower spend in the media and financial sectors.
For Estrella MediaCo, as of September 30, 2024, EM-ADE revenue was down 3.3% over the same period in 2023, while MAGNA, a leading global media investment and intelligence company, estimated the market would be up 0.3%. EM-VD revenue was down 7.2%, versus the MAGNA market estimate of up 6.9%.
As part of our business strategy, we continually evaluate potential acquisitions of businesses that we believe hold promise for long-term appreciation in value and leverage our strengths. We also regularly review our portfolio of assets and may opportunistically dispose of or otherwise monetize assets when we believe it is appropriate to do so. As part of the Estrella acquisition integration, in the three months ended September 30, 2024, we developed a plan to close and relocate certain studio and marketing operations. In fulfilling this plan, we incurred involuntary termination costs of $1.4 million in the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024, included in operating expenses excluding depreciation and amortization on our condensed consolidated statements of operations included elsewhere in this report.

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MediaCo has been impacted by the rising interest rate environment in the financial markets, driving the interest accrued and paid on the Emmis Convertible Promissory Note to increase as well as providing uncertainty on our First Lien Term Loan and Second Lien Term Loan, which have variable interest rates. Although the Federal Reserve has left its benchmark rate steady since July 2023 and recently has indicated a bias in favor of eventually cutting its benchmark interest rate, it also has indicated that additional rate increases in the future may be necessary to mitigate inflationary pressures, and there can be no assurance that the Federal Reserve will not make upwards adjustments to the federal funds rate in the future.
We have considered information available to us as of the date of issuance of these financial statements and are not aware of any specific events or circumstances that would require an update to our estimates or judgments, or a revision to the carrying value of our assets or liabilities, except for those fair value estimates related to the Estrella Acquisition (see Note 3 — Business Combinations in our condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report for additional information). Our estimates may change as new events occur and additional information becomes available. Our actual results may differ materially from these estimates.
A complete description of our critical accounting estimates is contained in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 1, 2024. As a result of the Estrella Acquisition, we believe the following are new critical accounting estimates.
Acquisitions and Fair Value
We account for the assets acquired and liabilities assumed in an acquisition based on their respective fair values as of the acquisition date. The excess of the fair value of the consideration transferred over the fair value of the acquired net assets, when applicable, is recorded as goodwill.
The judgments made in determining estimated fair values assigned to assets acquired, liabilities assumed, and consideration transferred in a business combination, as well as estimated asset lives, can materially affect our condensed consolidated financial statements. The fair values of intangible assets are determined using information available at the acquisition date based on expectations and assumptions that are deemed reasonable by management. These fair value estimates require significant judgment with respect to market revenue, market growth rates, unit of accounting audience share, unit of accounting revenue share, the selection of appropriate discount rates, and other assumptions and estimates. Such estimates and assumptions are determined based upon our business plans, general economic conditions, audience behavior, and numerous other variables. Depending on the facts and circumstances, we may deem it necessary to engage an independent valuation expert to assist in valuing significant assets and liabilities.
Impairment of Indefinite-lived and Long-lived Assets
We review the carrying value of long-lived assets (both intangible and tangible) for potential impairment on a periodic basis and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value of an asset (or asset group) may not be recoverable. We identify impairment for indefinite-lived intangible assets by comparing the fair value to its carrying value using both a market approach and income approach. The fair value under the market approach is determined by multiplying the cash flows of the reporting unit by an estimated market multiple. The income approach is performed using a discounted cash flow method to determine the fair value of each reporting unit. If the carrying value of a reporting unit’s goodwill exceeds its fair value, the Company will recognize an impairment charge equal to the difference in the statement of operations.
We identify impairment for long-lived assets by comparing the projected undiscounted cash flows to be generated by the asset (or asset group) to its carrying value. If an impairment is identified, a loss is recorded that is equal to the excess of the asset's carrying value over its fair value generally utilizing a discounted cash flow analysis, and the cost basis is adjusted.
Goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets are reviewed for impairment at least annually and when certain impairment indicators are present. We have historically performed our annual goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible asset impairment assessment as of October 1 each year.
Significant management judgment is required in estimating fair values in our impairment reviews and in the creation of forecasts of future operating results that are used in the discounted cash flow method of valuation. These include, but are not limited to, estimates and assumptions regarding (1) our future cash flows, revenue, and other profitability measures such as EBITDA, (2) the long-term growth rate of our business, and (3) the determination of our weighted-average cost of capital, which is a factor in determining the discount rate. We make these judgments based on our historical experience, relevant market size, and expected industry trends. These assumptions are subject to change in future periods because of, among other things, additional information, financial information based on further historical experience, changes in competition, our investment decisions, and changes in macroeconomic conditions, including rising interest rates and inflation. A change in these assumptions or the use of alternative estimates and assumptions could have a significant impact on the estimated fair value and may expose us to impairment losses.

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Three-Month and Nine-Month Periods Ended September 30, 2024 compared to September 30, 2023
The following discussion refers to the Company’s continuing operations. Following the Estrella Acquisition, our results of operations include three reportable segments: Estrella MediaCo Video & Digital (“EM-VD”), Estrella MediaCo Audio, Digital & Events (“EM-ADE”), and NY Audio, Digital & Events (“NY-ADE”). The results of EstrellaTV and all of the Estrella MediaCo television operations, including digital, are included in our EM-VD segment. The Estrella MediaCo radio, digital and events operations are included in our EM-ADE segment. The operations of our two New York radio stations are included in our NY-ADE segment. See Note 3 — Business Combinations in our condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report for additional information on the Estrella Acquisition.
Net revenues:
Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
(dollars in thousands)20242023$ Change% Change 20242023$ Change% Change
EM-VD$13,108 $— $13,108 n/a$22,097 $— $22,097 n/a
EM-ADE10,186 — 10,186 n/a18,658 — 18,658 n/a
NY-ADE6,565 6,447 118 1.8 %22,012 25,862 (3,850)(14.9)%
Total$29,859 $6,447 $23,412 363.1 %$62,767 $25,862 $36,905 142.7 %
For our EM-VD and EM-ADE segments, net revenues increased for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 due to the Estrella Acquisition.
For our NY-ADE segment, net revenues increased for the three months ended September 30, 2024 driven by stronger telecommunications spend, partially offset by weaker broadcast and print media spend.
For our NY-ADE segment, net revenues decreased for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 driven by weaker sales for our annual Summer Jam concert as well as lower spend in the media, retail and beverages categories partially offset by stronger political and telecommunications spend.
We typically monitor the performance of our NY-ADE stations against the aggregate performance of the market in which we operate based on reports for the period prepared by Miller Kaplan. Miller Kaplan reports are generally prepared on a gross revenues basis and exclude revenues from trade and syndication arrangements. Miller Kaplan reported that gross revenues for the New York radio market increased 3.5% for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2024, as compared to the same period of the prior year. Our gross revenues reported to Miller Kaplan were down 11.3% for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2024, as compared to the same period of the prior year.
Operating expenses excluding depreciation and amortization expense:
(dollars in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
EM-VD$16,581 $— $16,581 n/a$32,151 $— $32,151 n/a
EM-ADE10,010 — 10,010 n/a19,408 — 19,408 n/a
NY-ADE6,081 7,175 (1,094)(15.2)%22,410 25,458 (3,048)(12.0)%
Total$32,672 $7,175 $25,497 355.4 %$73,969 $25,458 $48,511 190.6 %
For our EM-VD and EM-ADE segments, operating expenses excluding depreciation and amortization expense increased for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 due to the Estrella Acquisition.
For our NY-ADE segment, operating expenses excluding depreciation and amortization expense decreased for the three months ended September 30, 2024 driven by lower employee costs and professional service fees as compared to the same period of the prior year.
For our NY-ADE segment, operating expenses excluding depreciation and amortization expense decreased for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 driven by lower production costs for our annual Summer Jam concert, lower lease costs as our new office lease commenced in February 2023 and the prior office lease did not terminate until the third quarter of 2023, lower employee costs and lower professional service fees, partially offset by increased information technology costs.

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Corporate expenses:
(dollars in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
Corporate expenses$2,319 $1,095 $1,224 111.8 %$9,154 $3,981 $5,173 129.9 %
Corporate expenses increased for the three months ended September 30, 2024 due to higher professional service fees driven by work related to the debt amendment, the Estrella Acquisition and other corporate matters, partially offset by lower salary and stock based compensation expenses.
Corporate expenses increased for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 due to higher professional service fees driven by the Estrella Acquisition, partially offset by lower salary and stock based compensation expenses.
Depreciation and amortization:
(dollars in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
EM-VD$1,259 $— $1,259 n/a$2,273 $— $2,273 n/a
EM-ADE348 — 348 n/a627 — 627 n/a
NY-ADE134 130 3.1 %405 437 (32)(7.3)%
Total$1,741 $130 $1,611 1239.2 %$3,305 $437 $2,868 656.3 %
For our EM-VD and EM-ADE segments, depreciation and amortization expense increased for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 due to the Estrella Acquisition.
For our NY-ADE segment, depreciation and amortization expense remained relatively flat for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 due to certain assets becoming fully depreciated in the prior year offset by new assets placed into service.
Loss (gain) on disposal of assets:
(dollars in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
EM-ADE$— $— $— n/a$$— $n/a
NY-ADE— 11 (11)(100.0)%— (28)28 (100.0)%
Total$— $11 $(11)(100.0)%$$(28)$33 (117.9)%
For our NY-ADE segment, the gain on disposal of assets for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 related to the sale of vehicles in the first quarter of 2023, while there were minimal disposals for the same period in the current year.
For our NY-ADE segment, the loss on disposal of assets for the three months ended September 30, 2023 related to the disposal of assets related to our previous office location, while there were no disposals for the quarter in the current year.
Operating loss:
(dollars in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
EM-VD$(4,732)$— $(4,732)n/a$(12,327)$— $(12,327)n/a
EM-ADE(172)— (172)n/a(1,382)— (1,382)n/a
NY-ADE350 (869)1,219 (140.3)%(803)(5)(798)15960.0 %
All other(2,319)(1,095)(1,224)111.8 %(9,154)(3,981)(5,173)129.9 %
Total$(6,873)$(1,964)$(4,909)249.9 %$(23,666)$(3,986)$(19,680)493.7 %
See “Net revenues,” “Operating expenses excluding depreciation and amortization,” "Depreciation and amortization," "Loss (gain) on disposal of assets," and “Corporate expenses” above.

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Interest expense, net:
(dollars in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
Interest expense, net$(3,274)$(87)$(3,187)3,663.2 %$(7,192)$(306)$(6,886)2,250.3 %
Interest expense, net increased for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 due to the additional long-term debt related to the Estrella Acquisition.
Change in fair value of warrant shares liabilities:
(dollars in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
Change in fair value of warrant shares liabilities$65,439 $— $65,439 n/a$34,412 $— $34,412 n/a
Change in fair value of warrant shares liabilities for the three months ended September 30, 2024 was driven by the decrease in MediaCo’s share price from $3.60 at the end of the previous quarter to $1.28 as of September 30, 2024.
Change in fair value of warrant shares liabilities for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 was driven by the decrease in MediaCo’s share price from $2.50 at the initial recognition of the warrant shares liability to $1.28 as of September 30, 2024.
Provision for income taxes:
(dollars in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
Provision for income taxes$342 $84 $258 307.1 %$608 $234 $374 159.8 %
Our provision for income taxes tax was primarily due to changes in deferred tax liabilities.
Consolidated net income (loss):
(dollars in thousands)Three Months Ended September 30,Nine Months Ended September 30, 2024
20242023$ Change% Change20242023$ Change% Change
Consolidated net income (loss)$54,926 $(2,316)$57,242 (2471.6)%$2,942 $(4,844)$7,786 (160.7)%
See “Net revenues,” “Operating expenses excluding depreciation and amortization,” "Depreciation and amortization," "Loss (gain) on disposal of assets," “Corporate expenses,” “Interest expense,” and “Change in fair value of warrant shares liability” above.
The Company’s primary sources of liquidity are cash provided by operations, availability under our First Lien Credit Agreement, and our At Market Issuance Sales Agreement. Primary uses of capital have been, and are expected to continue to be, capital expenditures, debt service obligations, working capital and acquisitions.
At September 30, 2024, the Company had cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash of $10.2 million and negative working capital of $(14.1) million. At December 31, 2023, we had cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash of $7.1 million and net working capital of $2.2 million. The decrease in net working capital was driven by accrued expenses and deferred revenue assumed, partially offset by accounts receivable and the current portion of programming rights acquired in the Estrella Acquisition.
The Company has experienced diminished revenues and profitability, driven in part by weaker Summer Jam sales, and expects these conditions to continue for an undetermined period of time. Management has considered these circumstances in assessing the Company’s liquidity over the next year. Liquidity is a measure of an entity’s ability to meet potential cash requirements, maintain its assets, fund its operations, and meet the other general cash needs of its business. The Company’s liquidity is impacted by general economic, financial, competitive, and other factors beyond its control. The Company’s liquidity requirements consist primarily of funds necessary to pay its expenses, principally debt service and operational expenses, such as labor costs, and other related expenditures. The Company generally satisfies its liquidity needs through cash provided by operations. In addition, the Company has taken steps to enhance its ability to fund its operational expenses by reducing various costs and is prepared to take additional steps as necessary.

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At September 30, 2024, we had $6.5 million outstanding to Emmis under the Emmis Convertible Promissory Note (as defined in Note 10 — Related Party Transactions in our condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this report for additional information), all of which is classified as current and has debt service obligations of approximately $7.3 million due under its Emmis Convertible Promissory Note from November 14, 2024 (the date of issuance of these financial statements) through November 14, 2025. In September 2024, the Company entered into the First Amendment of the First Lien Credit Agreement, with White Hawk Capital Partners, LP, which provides for $7.5 million of additional Delayed Draw Term Loan Commitments for Delayed Draw Term Loans, and waives the requirement for mandatory prepayment of any net proceeds received as a result of any equity issuances, up to $7.3 million.
As a result of this amendment, management anticipates the Company will be able to meet its liquidity needs for the next twelve months with cash and cash equivalents on hand, additional draws on its First Lien Term Loan, and projected cash flows from operations. Therefore, substantial doubt has been alleviated about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern within one year after the date the financial statements are issued.
As part of its business strategy, the Company continually evaluates potential acquisitions of businesses that it believes hold promise for long-term appreciation in value and leverage our strengths.
Operating Activities
Cash flows used in continuing operating activities were $30.7 million compared to $3.7 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. The increase in the use of cash in continuing operating activities was mainly attributable to lower operating income as well as increased working capital requirements driven by the Estrella Acquisition.
Investing Activities
Cash flows used in continuing investing activities were $7.6 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, attributable to cash paid, net of cash received, for the Estrella Acquisition, as well as capital expenditures related to our NY Audio digital platform project and our build out of our new space for radio operations and corporate offices. Cash flows used in continuing investing activities were $1.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, attributable to capital expenditures related to our NY Audio digital platform project and our build out of our new space for radio operations and corporate offices.
Financing Activities
Cash flows provided by continuing financing activities were $41.4 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, attributable to proceeds from the First Lien Term Loan, partially offset by payments of debt issuance costs, finance lease principal payments, and settlement of tax withholding obligations. Cash flows used in continuing financing activities were $1.1 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, attributable to repurchases of our Class A common stock and settlement of tax withholding obligations.
As an emerging growth company, we are not required to provide this information.
Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
As of the end of the period covered by this report, the Company evaluated the effectiveness of the design and operation of its “disclosure controls and procedures” (“Disclosure Controls”). This evaluation (the “Controls Evaluation”) was performed under the supervision and with the participation of management, including our Interim Chief Executive Officer (“Interim CEO”) and Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”).
Based upon the Controls Evaluation, our Interim CEO and CFO concluded that as of September 30, 2024, our Disclosure Controls were effective to ensure that information relating to MediaCo Holding Inc. and Subsidiaries that is required to be disclosed by us in the reports that we file or submit is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and forms, and is accumulated and communicated to our management, including our principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting.
As of September 30, 2024, management is in the process of evaluating and integrating the internal controls of the acquired Estrella Purchased Assets into our existing operations as part of planned integration activities. Other than the controls enhanced or implemented to integrate the Estrella Purchased Assets, there were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 13a-15(f)) that occurred during the quarter ended September 30, 2024 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.

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In the opinion of management of the Company there are no legal proceedings pending against the Company that we believe are likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company.
The following table provides information relating to the shares we purchased during the quarter ended September 30, 2024:
PeriodTotal Number of Shares PurchasedWeighted Average Price Paid per ShareTotal Number of Shares Purchased as Part of Publicly Announced ProgramApproximate Dollar Value of Shares that May Yet Be Purchased Under the Program
July 1, 2024 – July 31, 2024— $— — $1,000,029 
August 1, 2024 – August 31, 2024— $— — $1,000,029 
September 1, 2024 – September 30, 2024— $— — $1,000,029 
Total— $— — 
None of the Company's directors and officers adopted, modified or terminated a Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement or a non-Rule 10b5-1 trading arrangement during the Company's fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2024.

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The following exhibits are filed or incorporated by reference as a part of this report (unless otherwise indicated, the file number with respect to each filed document is 001-39029):
Exhibit DescriptionFiled HerewithIncorporated by Reference
FormPeriod EndingExhibitFiling Date
101.INSInline XBRL Instance DocumentX    
101.SCHInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema DocumentX    
101.CALInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Calculation Linkbase DocumentX    
101.LABInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Labels Linkbase DocumentX    
101.PREInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase DocumentX    
101.DEFInline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Definition Linkbase DocumentX    
104Cover Page Interactive Data File (embedded within the Inline XBRL document)X    
* Annexes, schedules and/or exhibits have been omitted pursuant to Item 601(a)(5) of Regulation S-K. The Company agrees to furnish supplementally a copy of any omitted attachment to the SEC upon request.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
Date: November 14, 2024
By:/s/ Debra DeFelice
Debra DeFelice
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer