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附件 10.15


THIS RESTRICTED STOCk UNIt AGREEMENt (the “協議生效日期為 [授予日期] 以下簡稱為“授予日期”),由Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc.(“公司以及 [name](參與者”).


WHEREAS, the Company has adopted the [name of equity plan], as amended from time to time (the “計劃”), pursuant to which awards of Restricted Stock Units may be granted; and

WHEREAS, the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company (the “委員會”) has determined that it is in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders to grant to the Participant an award of Restricted Stock Units as provided herein and subject to the terms set forth herein.

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the covenants of the parties contained in this Agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, for themselves, their successors and assigns, hereby agree as follows:

1.授予受限股份權公司特此於授與日期向參與者總計提供了 [ ] 限制性股票單位,涉及[ ]股普通股(即“獎勵”),條款和條件如本協議所述,並如計劃中另有規定。此類限制性股票單位將記入公司簿冊上為參與者設立的專用帳戶(即“賬戶”。在任何給定日期,構成獎項的每個限制性股票單位的價值將等於一股普通股的公平市價。該獎項將根據此處第3條的規定而授予和結算。












(a)紅利等值物. If on any date dividends are paid on shares of Common Stock, then the Participant’s Account shall be credited with dividend equivalent payments either in cash or, at the sole discretion of the Committee, in shares of Common Stock having a Fair Market Value equal to the amount of such dividends, which accumulated dividend equivalents shall be payable and forfeited at the same time as the underlying Restricted Stock Units are settled or forfeited, and, if Restricted Stock Units are forfeited, the Participant shall have no right to any dividend equivalent payments relating thereto.

(b)Taxes and Withholding. Upon the settlement of any portion of the Award, the Participant shall be required to pay to the Company, and the Company shall have the right and is hereby authorized to withhold from any cash, RSU Shares, other securities or other property deliverable under the Restricted Stock Units or from any compensation or other amounts owing to the Participant, the amount (in cash, RSU Shares, other securities or other property) of any required withholding taxes in respect of the settlement of Restricted Stock Units, and to take such other action as may be necessary in the sole discretion of the Committee to satisfy all obligations for the payment of such withholding taxes. In addition, the Committee may, in its sole discretion, permit the Participant to satisfy, in whole or in part, the foregoing withholding liability by (A) the delivery of shares of Common Stock (which are not subject to any pledge or other security interest and which would not result in adverse




accounting to the Company) owned by the Participant having a Fair Market Value equal to such withholding liability or (B) having the Company withhold from the number of RSU Shares otherwise issuable or deliverable pursuant to the settlement of the Restricted Stock Units a number of shares with a Fair Market Value equal to such withholding liability (but no more than the maximum statutory withholding liability). The obligations of the Company under this Agreement will be conditional on such payment or arrangements, and the Company has the right to deduct any such withholding taxes from any payment of any kind otherwise due to Participant.


(d)股東的權利。在授予日和之後的兌現日期,參與者將成為根據該日期結算的RSU股份的記錄所有人,除非並直至該等股份被出售或以其他方式處置,並且作為紀錄屋主將享有公司的普通股股東的所有權利,包括但不限於對RSU股份的投票權利(如有)。. 在兌現日期之前,參與者對受限制股票單位下面的一般股票不得為任何目的認定為擁有者。




3001 Deming Way
Middleton, WI 53562 收件人:總法律顧問




另附副本至:3001 Deming Way
Middleton, WI 53562


(g)收回/沒收。 董事會可以酌情取消獎勵的全部或部分,如果參與者在未經公司同意的情況下,在受雇於或為公司或任何聯屬公司提供服務時,或在終止該等雇佣或服務之後,違反了不競爭、不招攬或不揭露的契約或協議,或以其他方式參與或曾參與對公司或任何聯屬公司的利益有衝突或不利的活動,包括詐欺或導致任何財務重編或不規則性的行為,如董事會酌情決定。如果參與者參與或曾參與前述句子中提到的任何活動,參與者將喪失在該獎勵生效或結算時獲得的任何收益,並在董事會事先書面通知後的30天內,按照董事會的要求迅速將此收益歸還給公司。此外,如果參與者因任何原因(包括但不限於由於財務重編、計算錯誤或其他行政錯誤)收到超過應根據獎勵獲得的任何金額,則參與者應在董事會事先書面通知後的30天內,將任何超過金額歸還給公司。此獎勵受法律適用的收回、沒收或類似要求的約束,包括但不限於美國薩班斯•奧克斯利法案第304條和多德•弗蘭克法案第954條以及公司不時修訂的政策。


(i)No Rights to Service. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as giving the Participant any right to be retained in any position, as an employee, consultant or director of the Company or its Affiliates or shall interfere with or restrict in any way the rights of the Company or its Affiliates, which are hereby expressly reserved, to remove, terminate or discharge the Participant at any time for any reason whatsoever. References in this Agreement to “continued service or employment with the Company” or




“employment with the Company” and phrases of similar import shall mean employment or service with the Company or its Affiliates; provided that if any such Affiliate is disposed of (whether through an asset sale, stock sale, merger or otherwise) and such former Affiliate is no longer owned or controlled by the Company, then for all purposes under this Agreement, continued service or employment shall be deemed to end as of the date of the consummation of such disposition and the Participant’s employment shall be deemed to terminate as of the date of such disposition and if such deemed termination is prior to the Vesting Date then the Participant’s Award and all Restricted Stock Units under this Agreement shall be forfeited without consideration on the date of such deemed termination.

(j)Bound by Plan. By accepting this Award, the Participant acknowledges that the Participant has received a copy of the Plan and has had an opportunity to review the Plan and agrees to be bound by all the terms and provisions of the Plan.

(k)受益人. The Participant may file with the Committee a written designation of a beneficiary on such form as may be prescribed by the Committee and may, from time to time, amend or revoke such designation. If no designated beneficiary survives the Participant, the executor or administrator of the Participant’s estate shall be deemed to be the Participant’s beneficiary.










(q)Governing Law根據特拉華州法律解釋和理解本協議,不考慮其法律衝突原則,或可能導致適用其他司法管轄區法律的法律冲突原则; 但應指出,對於居住和工作地點主要在加利福尼亞州的任何參與者,主管法律應為加利福尼亞州。








